october 2013 The Africa Connection 02 Africa personal accessible reliable 02 03Executive Letter by Jan Willem de Braal 05 The NileDutch Story 1,000 sailings strong in Europe 07Regional News First call at Xiamen, China Expansion of European out ports 09Feet on the Street Introducing our Branch Office NileDutch Antwerp 11Introducing our e-Services On board and on our way to a new online presence 13Our New Build Vessels The art of shipbuilding. Constructing four new NileDutch vessels one step at a time 14 WEWA 1000th event Celebrating in style 17Customer Story Golden Harvest - South Africa 19Project Cargo Out of Gauge shipments 20Regional News NileDutch France Cycling in Antwerp E-mail system changes New NileDutch agent in Turkey 23Person in the Picture Chasing your dreams with Joao Nascimento 25 Guest Story The future of Africa 27Looking to the future The NileDutch Agency Meeting 2013 29Contact Details 31Sneak Peek at Issue 3 Cover picture taken in the Port of Lobito, Angola; Francisco Ingles. Picture on page 2 and 3 taken in the countryside outside Durban, South Africa. 31Contributors 03 jan willem de braal ! Dear Friends, Welcome to issue two of The Africa Connection. Or would you prefer Bienvenue dans le numéro 2, Bem-vindo à ediçao 2 or 欢迎来到第2期? That’s right: The Africa Connection is now available in English, French, Portuguese and Chinese, connecting even more people around the world with Africa. Issue two is full of milestones. We have just had our 1,000th sailing from Europe to West Africa, so it’s a perfect time to look back on how NileDutch has evolved since our first sailing in 1984. And, as you would expect from us, we celebrated this with a great party. Our two-yearly Agency Meeting, held in Rotterdam in May, was another milestone. Covering our strategy for the next few years as well as brainstorming about potential service improvements and expansions, the Agency Meeting plays an important role in shaping our future. If that’s not enough, this issue also includes: the launch of the new NileDutch website, an update about the four new NileDutch vessels and an important upgrade of our email systems. Plus, an interview with Joao Nascimento, Branch Manager NileDutch Portugal, a glimpse into the activities of NileDutch Antwerp and a customer story from South Africa that highlights the importance of flexible planning. I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has contributed to the magazine, including Pieter Kotze, Import and Export Trader, Golden Harvest and Gail Rushin, Director, African Logistics and Shipping International, Bart Henau and my fellow NileDutchers: Johan de Graaf, Mark Kraaijenbrink, Manuella Maes, Joao Nascimento and Larissa N’gbo. Lastly, I cannot believe the number of positive comments and messages that we’ve received about the first issue. Thank you all for your words of support and encouragement! We love to hear from you, so don’t hesitate to get in touch ( Please enjoy reading The Africa Connection and doing business with NileDutch! 04 1,000 sailings strong in Europe Where were you in 1984, 1991 and 2003? These may sound like random points in time, but not for NileDutch. We were busy celebrating milestones: the 1st, the 100th and the 500th sailings between Europe and West Africa. As the 1,000th sailing has just unloaded its cargo, let’s look back at how shipping with NileDutch has evolved over the years. The NileDutch Story 05 Larissa N’gbo ! Sailing 1,000 Date: March 2013 - Vessel: Natalie Schulte 11000A and 11000Z Spring this year saw NileDutch pass a real milestone: our 1,000th sailing between Europe and West Africa left Antwerp for its southbound journey. Loaded with containers and out of gauge cargo (OOG – see page 18), the vessel took 22 days to arrive in Angola. While at first glance, shipping containers don’t seem as challenging as the types of cargos that we handled at the previous milestones. But it’s not as straightforward as the outward appearance of a standard TEU suggests. Getting the best balance of weight, commodities, origins and destinations isn’t always easy, especially when it is being combined with OOG cargo. And, thanks to our weekly sailing schedule, volumes are a lot higher now. Technology has transformed the office-based side of shipping: from requesting price estimates and sailing schedules before placing a booking to filing B/Ls and tracking containers as they are transported around the world. Essential daily tools include email, telephones, the ERP system and EDI, all of which are now fully used by most West African ports. And some things have remained unchanged from our first sailing. We remain connected to our customers, to Africa and to each other. We continue to take pride in our work and are motivated to find a solution to any issue that might crop up. We happily work together as one huge family. MV “NDS Atlantic” - 100/91 - Hamburg - 9th October 1991 Sailing 500 Date: May 2003 - Vessel: NDS Prodigy We had got stacking normal and unusual cargos down to an art form on our RoRo vessels, and our Operations team seemed to have developed a sixth sense about the best way to load over 2,000 pieces of cargo onto a vessel so that it was physically impossible to squeeze anything else on board (apart from an escaping NileDutcher – see box on page 06). Communication had come on leaps and bounds between our 100th and 500th voyage. Email was making communication easier, and electronic documentation had reduced the amount of paper couriered around the world. We also continue to strive to improve the service we offer our customers, as can be seen in the increases in origins and destinations (including inland destinations) served, the larger volumes handled, the newly implemented and strengthened structures and the improvements in our reliability figures. larissa n’gbo Between 2003, our 500th sailing, and our 1,000th sailing earlier this year, we changed our fleet to consist of container vessels only. During the same period, our business underwent a huge expansion with the start of routes from South Africa, South East Asia, South America and China. It was definitely an exciting time for us. With a long background in shipping, Larissa N’gbo joined NileDutch in 1999. She spent many years focusing on the processes and procedures within the company before joining the Communications department as a dedicated team member five years ago. 06 We were still NDS in those days and our global agency network had just been established, managed centrally from Rotterdam, even though the Dutch port of call was Amsterdam! Little did we know that West Africa was just entering a period of rapid growth. Sailing 100 Date: October 1991 - Vessel: NDS Atlantic Back in 1991, NileDutch vessels left port every three to four weeks piled high with containers, vehicles, break bulk and, occasionally, even a tug boat or luxury yacht. The NileDutch offices – the Head Office and an agency in Rotterdam and another office in Antwerp – managed everything. Paperwork and documentation was very different too. Even with a computer on every desk, the documentation was done by hand before multiple copies were made (several for customs, one for the port of origin, one for the shipper, one for NileDutch, …). Communication was by phone, by telex, by letter or in person, but it was not as frequent as it is now: for example, we had NileDutch Angola on the phone just a couple of times per week. While some large customers shipped with NileDutch, there were also a lot of private individuals shipping vehicles to West Africa, which led to frequent queries about the location of “a red car”, which could have been any of the 400 red cars on board and sometimes turned out to be yellow or blue or green. Ciska Kamta - Celebration of Voyage 100 The Hague, The Netherlands Sailing 1 Date: September 1984 - Vessel: Le Mans A sunny morning in September 1984 saw Wim van Aalst and Jan Jongschaap at the port of Rotterdam finalising everything before the departure of the first sailing to West Africa. The Le Mans, a chartered vessel, was full of cars bound for West Africa before it returned with sawn timber, coffee and cocoa. Over 30 years later these export cargos remain important for NileDutch, but the volume of cars and other vehicles has reduced with the expansion of our container cargo. Most of our customers had heard of NileDutch (or NDS as it was in those days) by word of mouth, showing how important our personal approach has always been to our company. Looking back over the last 1,000 sailings, we are proud to say that the hands-on personal contact and flexibility that were so important during our past continue to form the foundation of our business today. Marinus van den Berg: The Dutch 007? “In 2003, the WEWA route included San-Pédro, Ivory Coast and that’s where I was at the time of the 500th WEWA. There had been some reports of incidents between the government and the rebels, but my trip and my customer visits continued as planned and, as usual, I kept my passport in my back pocket at all times. After one customer visit, I was informed of a worsening of the situation, with foreigners being the main targets. It was considered too dangerous to return to the hotel. So instead, I left everything behind and went straight to the port. Thanks to a well-timed telex, I managed to escape the violence on the NileDutch vessel that was waiting for me in port. I think it’s probably a bit late for me to apologise for any delivery delays caused by the vessel waiting for me. <laughs> In total I spent five days on board. I could have stayed until the vessel reached the Netherlands, but I thought it best to take the quickest way home, so left the vessel in Portugal and took a flight home. Speed-wise, there’s no comparison between a plane and a NileDutch vessel, but I know which one I’ll be escaping on the next time there’s trouble.” 07 Regional NEWS First call at Xiamen, China William Li and Jean-Francois Laubel ! On April 20th, the NileDutch Guangzhou (30167A) was the first NileDutch vessel to call at the port of Xiamen. Xiamen will now be a regular port of call for vessels travelling between Tianjin and West Africa. The port of Xiamen is divided into two main container terminals: Haitian and Hairun, both of which are run by the Xiamen Haitian Container Terminal Ltd. NileDutch will use the Haitian terminal with its 7 berths (total 1,510 m long and >12.2 m depth). In addition to being a major Chinese port, the port of Xiamen also receives frequent feeder shipments from Fuzhou, a port approximately 250 km away. The addition of Xiamen to the Asian route means that NileDutch now offers full coverage of the Chinese coast. NileDutch remains the only carrier to offer direct transportation from China to West Africa, calling at Durban (25 days), Pointe Noire (37 days), Luanda (39 days) and Namibe (49 days). Expansion of European out ports Manuella Maes ! The Europe to West Africa trade continues to grow with an almost weekly service on large vessels (minimum 2,500 TEUs) that calls at four main ports in Europe (Antwerp, Le Harve, Leixoes and Lisbon) before heading to West Africa. To help our service grow further, we have started to focus more on out ports across Europe: • UK and Ireland – Ireland is currently our largest out port origin, with the UK experiencing a large growth over the last six months. • Spain and Italy – our out ports systems here are in the process of being fine-tuned. • Scandinavia, Germany, Poland and Czech Republic – our out ports in these countries are being optimised with several interesting deals being discussed. • Turkey – we have high expectations for Turkey (see regional news on page 21). So far our out ports efforts have been a huge success, growing from ad hoc requests to over 10% of our cargo in just 12 months. Thank you to everyone who has helped to make this a success. regional news continues on page 20 & 21 08 Introducing our Branch Office: NileDutch Antwerp Becoming a Branch Office is a big step for any office, especially when located so close to the Head Office. With the creation of a Branch Office in Antwerp, the focus in Europe moved 100 km from Rotterdam to Antwerp. › Antwerp, Belgium Feet on the street 09 “Becoming a NileDutch own office was a fantastic step for us in Antwerp. Even though we have always been part of the NileDutch family, this felt as if Head Office was confirming our worthiness to use the NileDutch name,” says Manuella Maes, Director Europe of NileDutch, in Antwerp. “And then they announced that we would become the European Regional Office, which was really great news. It’s been three years now and the whole Antwerp team, and what a team it is, still feels so enthusiastic about delivering results that lives up to our new status.” “I can’t speak highly enough of the team that we have in Antwerp. Their drive, spirit and motivation are evident in everything they do,” explains Manuella. “We have always been a tightly knit group and I’m proud to say that it hasn’t changed even though the team has grown dramatically in such a short time. New staff members have integrated easily, each becoming an important link in the chain that provides our customers with accurate, correct and timely services.” … the team that we have in Antwerp. Their drive, spirit and motivation are evident in everything they do. Since the creation of NileDutch in Antwerp, the Head Office has increasingly transferred front and back office tasks to Antwerp, such as trade management, container logistics and finance controls. This is in addition to their responsibilities as an own office (booking cargo, visiting and listening to customers, preparing accurate documentation, customer relations, etc.) for the Benelux and Germany, including the busy Port of Antwerp, a major European transshipment hub. “As a NileDutch office, we always had a close working relationship with the office in Rotterdam. Now, as a Branch Office, I feel that our relationship is more balanced, more open,” reflects Manuella. Manuella Maes “It gives us the opportunity to react quicker and better to our customers’ requests as we have a deeper involvement in the shipping line itself, while still maintaining excellent, personal relationships with our customers. You could say it’s the best of both worlds.” Three years ago NileDutch Antwerp moved to their current location in Antwerp’s ‘t Eilandje neighbourhood with just 11 team members. Since then, the team has more than doubled to 23. “And with the recent extension to our office we’re ready for the team to grow to 43 people,” laughs Manuella (see issue one for details of the office expansion). “While the change to Branch Office is a huge milestone for the team in Antwerp, I believe customers have only noticed positive changes. We have always taken pride in the knowledge and expertise of our commercial team as well as in the quality of our customer service, and that hasn’t changed,” concludes Manuella. “Our customers know us to be a dedicated, enthusiastic team, firmly focused on Africa. We have worked hard to get here, but we are still ambitious for the future.” 10 On board and on our way to a new online presence Planning business trips, choosing a restaurant, checking train times, keeping up to date with the latest (industry or celebrity) news, ordering our weekly shopping, catching up with old friends on social media … we all do so many things online now. That’s why NileDutch has updated and expanded its online presence by launching a new website with e-Services. › Dorothy Chen, Documentation Clark, Guangzhou, China Introducing our e-Services The old NileDutch website offered customers a lot of information, but no interactivity and no personal touch. We wanted – and needed – a better platform that reflected our values while providing our customers and stakeholders with a higher level of service. Our starting point was to figure out what our customers and stakeholders required. Which services do they want to have the chance to access online? What information about our offices do they want to have at their fingertips? And, are there any other materials that they might find interesting? e-Services The e-Services, one of the three main parts of the new website, will be uploading interactive tools in two main phases. The first phase includes: • Container tracking – a detailed status of your shipment; • Port-to-port schedule – enter the origin and destination to see possible routes and dates between two ports; • Sailing schedules – the full schedule for a route or vessel. While the old website contained a sailing schedule and a Container tracking feature, the new e-Services have been completely re-worked to offer customers additional reliability 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Our offices The second important aspect of the new website is the focus on information from our offices. In addition to contact information, our offices can keep you up to date with news, the FAQs, local charges and customer stories. Stories, pictures and more Last, but in no way least, is the brand new media library. The media library is being filled with stories from customers and stakeholders, image and video material from around the world, as well as downloadable materials and information about NileDutch. Keep checking the website to see if you recognise your local NileDutch contact person, office or destination port in the selection of images. 11 Rudi vander Eyken ! For more information, visit The construction of our website Building a complex website that remains user-friendly, is not always an easy task. The construction of our website has utilised the skills, knowledge and experience of NileDutchers in the ICT, Communications and Operations departments, as well as talents of an external online agency and specialist web designer who worked hard to ensure the design was in line with the overall brand design. The end result is something that we, and the entire website team, are proud of. It incorporates the look and feel of our new corporate brand identity and reflects our brand essentials and values, while being functional and providing users with a reliable source of information. Coming soon It’s a fact of life that the internet is constantly changing, and NileDutch plans to keep changing too. Keep checking the website to see the second wave of e-Services tools, plus new information and news from your local offices and extra input in the media library will be regularly uploaded, including the NileDutch corporate movie and video testimonials from customers and stakeholders. Rudi Vander Eyken After 23 years in shipping, including 15 years in ICT, Rudi Vander Eyken joined NileDutch three years ago as Manager Global Systems. Rudi’s role is to implement important ICT projects and high value systems to provide valuable information to customers and enable NileDutch to handle future growth. 12 The art of shipbuilding Constructing four new NileDutch vessels, one step at a time There is an art to shipbuilding. For a successful vessel – or a masterpiece – a combination of creativity, knowledge and experience, with a little good fortune, is needed at every step of the process. Johan de Graaf After studying to be a Maritime Mechanical Engineer, Johan joined the Dutch Navy for three years. Since then, he has worked on new buildings, ship maintenance and operational management in the fishing industry. Johan joined NileDutch in August 2012 and is in charge of the project management of the new NileDutch vessels. Our New Build VESSELS From vision to reality Our shipbuilding process started with a vision of the end result: what does NileDutch need or want? Is realising our vision feasible within the available budget or can the budget be increased (alternatively, can the vision be scaled back)? Is a new vessel the most realistic and practical solution? My involvement with shipbuilding projects usually starts at this point: turning the vision into reality. It usually takes two years to turn the concept into approved plans, ready for construction, and then just over a year for the construction and finishing. We start by defining the requirements of our new vessels. Where and how will they be used? Which features would make them easier and more efficient to use in our markets? Are there any limitations or restrictions? What is their purpose in our network? The last question is easy to answer: their purpose is to transport containers to and from West Africa. This purpose has shaped their entire design, including their dimensions and equipment to ensure a perfect fit for African conditions without sacrificing operational efficiency. Planning and designing is followed by testing and building. Facts and figures It’s difficult to imagine the scale and complexity of the construction phase without actually seeing it for yourself. These facts and figures give an impression of what is happening in the shipyard: • 11,500 tonnes: the quantity of steel required for each vessel. Each 10 x 2 m piece of cut steel plate has a thickness and quality determined by its purpose in the vessel. • 3 weeks: the time required to cut all the steel for one vessel. • 165: the number of blocks required for each of our new vessels. Each block can take anything from 2 weeks to 3 months to construct, but as several blocks are built in parallel, this part of the process only takes 5 to 6 months. • 12,000: the number of people working at the shipyard. This is the total for the 13 new vessels under construction at the Shanghai Shipyard. 13 Johan de Graaf ! • 75 km: the distance the 165 steel blocks travel by barge from the shipyard to the dry dock where they are welded together, a process which takes 3.5 months of double shifts. • 4.5 months: time required to finish each vessel after it is launched from the dry dock. This includes installing the engines, pumps, equipment and lifeboats. • 2-3 days: length of the sea trial. After successful trials, the vessels will be delivered to us, ready for their maiden voyages. • 20,000 kW: the power of the engine that will drive each of our new vessels. Each vessel will be able to carry 3,500 m3 heavy fuel oil, 250 m3 marine diesel oil and 300 m3 fresh water. This is in addition to the 18,000 m3 capacity of the water ballast tanks. • 3,510 TEU: the total capacity of each new vessel with 1,530 TEU divided between the six holds and 1,980 TEU on the hatch covers. • 12,5 m draft: the draft (from waterline to keel) is smaller than usual for a container vessel and the length has been limited to 224 m making it more suitable for the African ports it will visit. The beam (width) has been increased to 34.8 m to ensure sufficient capacity. • 21: the number of crew members who will live aboard, each with their own cabin and bathroom. Current status At the moment, the keel laying and further assembly of the first NileDutch vessel has just started in the dry dock, the blocks are being constructed for the second and the steel is being cut for the third. Delivery of our four new vessels will be spread between February and September 2014. 14 Date: May 16th, 2013 Location: Van Nelle Fabriek, Rotterdam, the Netherlands Celebrating in style 1000 sailings Europe to West Africa Guest list: NileDutchers Flying the WEWA 1000 flag Welcome drinks from the Golden Ladies 1,000 sailings? • 1,000s of cargo moves Jan Willem de Braal addresses the crowd • 1,000s of customers • 1,000s of containers • 1,000s of km travelled • 1,000s of B/Ls • 1,000s and 1,000s of phone calls and emails Everyone together: NileDutch. The Africa Connection After all that hard work, it’s time to celebrate! And what better time than after the 2013 Agency Meeting (see page 26-28). Proud to be a NileDutcher A great night out WEWA 1000 15 th event Smiles all over Smile for the paparazzi Mixing cultures, connecting colleagues Bubbles for everyone Delicious fruity desserts Sharing fun moments Delicious delights Your recipe for the perfect 1000 WEWA party: Hands in the air! Getting in the NileDutch spirit • Over 100 NileDutchers from around the world; • Great company; • Delicious food from the Netherlands, Asia, South America and Africa; • Good music to dance to; • And a glass (or two) of champagne. Singing the night away Recording NileDutch Party 16 Golden Harvest South Africa What plans do you make? Most people make a lot of plans: from project, career and professional plans at work to family, weekend and private plans at home. How often do your plans change? › Pieter Kotze, Import and Export Trader, Golden Harvest Customer Story 17 Most people find their plans change and evolve with the circumstances around them. But, while this doesn’t stop us from planning for the future, it does mean that we need to remember to stay flexible enough to deal with unexpected requests, changes and problems while still being reliable. “We have had shipments on every NileDutch vessel from South Africa to Angola for the last ten or twelve years,” says Gail Rushin, Director, African Logistics and Shipping International. “Why do we continue to ship with NileDutch? Well they’re very knowledgeable, very helpful and very professional.” In shipping there are so many variables to take into account and to plan around. Different types of cargo have different shipping requirements, some of which are stricter than others. For example, foodstuffs from South Africa fall under the Perishable Products Export Control Board (PPECB) regulations that require products to be shipped at specific temperatures in reefer containers. Waiting for temperatures to reach PPECB parameters can mean the reefer is one of the last to be loaded. “Flexibility is essential in an industry like ours,” continues Gail. “And NileDutch perfectly combines flexibility with reliability for an overall service that we rely on, day after day. To give one of many examples, just last week there was an issue about a booking. A customer had booked two containers and then a day or two later cancelled them. Then, at the very last moment, he decided that he actually did need the containers. As it was so last minute, there was very little equipment available, but Kevin and his team went out of their way to make a plan to get us the necessary equipment so we could load those containers. The end result was two loaded containers and a very satisfied customer.” “On practically every sailing there is at least one client with a problem that we need to fix,” says Kevin Moodley, Branch Manager, NileDutch South Africa. “It’s usually something simple, but no matter what it is, we do our best to ensure our customer is satisfied with the outcome.” Golden Harvest, a South African company specialising in supplying premium quality fresh fruit and vegetable products, is a satisfied NileDutch customer. “We currently handle 80,000 tonnes of fresh fruit and vegetables per year, of which approximately 30% is exported to other African countries,” says Pieter Kotze, Import and Export Trader, Golden Harvest. “Our produce is transported through the African Logistics clearing and forwarding agency and NileDutch.” Pieter Kotze, Import and Export Trader, Golden Harvest “Unfortunately this type of situation happens from time to time due to the sensitive nature of perishable cargo and the strict PPECB regulations,” explains Kevin. “It means that while we need to be as reliable as possible to ensure that foodstuffs are transported at the best possible time, we also need to remain flexible enough to deal with any unforeseen situation. It’s a challenge, but we enjoy it.” “Reliable partners like NileDutch are essential when shipping to Africa,” concludes Pieter. “To realise the continent’s full potential, you need partners that you can work with, people you can trust, because Africa is not an easy place to conduct business. NileDutch definitely fulfils the role of our reliable partner.” Gail Rushin, Director, African Logistics and Shipping International 18 › Loading the cuve in Antwerp, Belgium 19 Project cargo Manuella Maes ! Out of Gauge shipments Crane lifting ± 5,5 T (Antwerp, Belgium) NileDutch is proud to be a full container line, however that doesn’t mean we limit ourselves to simply transporting containers: we also take project cargo. Successfully transporting project cargo, especially Out of Gauge (OOG) shipments, requires a flexible approach as well as a good understanding of loading techniques and cargo specifications. That’s why for every OOG request we receive, we ask for an image or technical drawing of the item to be transported to ensure that we fully visualise the shipping requirements. Then our Operations department checks that it is feasible to load, carry Discharging the cuve in Luanda, Angola and discharge the item using our on-board cranes. When they give the green light, we calculate a competitive price based on weight, dimensions and lost container slots. Some of our recent OOG shipments included transporting a 22 m long and 6 m wide brewery tank from Antwerp to Luanda for CUCA, an Angolan brewery and one of our major customers (see images). A further two tanks were transported to Libreville a few weeks later. With the interesting OOG requests that are popping up across the world, we look forward to continuing to welcome OOG shipments on-board. MANUELLA MAES As Director Europe, Manuella Maes is responsible for the Europe-West Africa trade. She is based at the office in Antwerp where she also manages the Antwerp team. Manuella has worked for NileDutch for 13 years and has almost 28 years of experience in shipping as a Commercial and Line Manager. NEW NEW 20 of ance officeDutch Fr Nile Havre in Le of ance officeDutch Fr Nile Havre in Le NileDutch France Luc Geerts ! On July 1st, 2013, NileDutch Le Havre, The new contact details of the office are: France became a wholly-owned NileDutch France S.A.S. NileDutch own office. Espace Caillard 3, rue Louis Eudier F-76600 Le Havre, France P +33 (0)2 77 67ROTTERDAM 50 01 F +33 (0)2 77 67 50 11 E ANTWERPEN The eight employees of the former agency will continue to work for NileDutch in the new office. Customers will continue to have the same contact people, the same personal service and the same reliability that they know and trust. However, it will all take place from a new office closer to the port. ROTTERDAM LE HAVRE ANTWERPEN LE HAVRE Cycling in Antwerp Danny De Schepper ! After the Tour de France the next big date in the cycling calendar is Antwerp’s Derny na-tour criterium, which took place on July 31st this year. Attracting top cyclists from all over Europe, the annual event sees about thirty professional cyclists competing in three rounds to win the coveted title. Well, maybe Antwerp’s race isn’t quite in the same league as the Tour de France, but the annual event is a fantastic experience for all the family. And, with the course passing by the NileDutch Antwerp office, it seemed like a match made in heaven: an exhilarating and fun event right on our doorstep. Manuella Maes and Danny De Schepper with Gianni Meersman (centre), the Belgian hope for the Firenze cycling world championship During the 2013 event, NileDutch entertained customers in the NileDutch VIP village, complete with refreshments and great views of the all the cyclistst. A logo-covered car led the car before the second series, distributing NileDutch giveaways to the crowds and Manuella Maes, Director Europe of NileDutch, had the pleasure of firing the starting gun for the third series. The winners of the 2013 ‘Derny na-tour criterium’ are: 1. Andre Greipel 2. Stijn Devolder 3. Johnny Hoogerland For more information on the event, visit: (in Dutch only) Simpler NileDutch email addresses 21 Mark Kraaijenbrink ! NileDutch is setting up a global NileDutch domain and standardising our ICT infrastructure to improve efficiency. One of the latest major changes is to our email system. All NileDutchers will be moved to a uniform global email platform with a consistent email address structure. The new email address structure is: <First initial of first name><Full last name> For example, my email address is now: For the time being, anything sent to an old format email address will be forwarded to the person’s new inbox. Currently we have already set-up the email platform for Europe and Asia and soon we will be setting up the email backbone for Africa. I truly believe that by applying a uniform email address format across the company, it will be easier for customers and others to contact us. New NileDutch agent in Turkey NEW rkey of officeDutch Tu e Nil tanbul in Is Manuella Maes ! In June this year, Catoni Group was appointed as the latest agency in the NileDutch network. With offices at the ports of Istanbul, Izmir and Mersin in Turkey, Catoni are already hard at work, helping customers throughout Turkey and the Black Sea region transport their goods to and from West Africa with NileDutch. Catoni is known throughout the East Mediterranean region as a professional, dedicated and knowledgeable agent. Together with NileDutch’s experience in West Africa, customers will find the new partnership fulfils all their requirements, enabling them to make the most of opportunities offered by the route. The recently signed agreement means NileDutch will transport the containers from Istanbul, Izmir and Mersin to all NileDutch destinations in West Africa. The current ad hoc transport agreement will be replaced by a slot agreement with another shipping line. This will ensure that there is a sailing with a short transit time every nine days from the three Turkish ports to Lisbon, our hub port, where the containers will join our weekly service to West Africa. The market itself is becoming increasingly competitive as the world becomes more aware of the quality of Turkish products, which are being promoted by the Turkish government as part of the “Turkey 2023” programme. This programme aims to propel the country into one of the top ten exporters in the world by 2023, the 100th anniversary of the Turkish republic. The contact details of the office are: Catoni Maritime Rihtim Cd. Denizciler sk. No. 13/4 Bayraktar Han Tophane 34425 Istanbul, Turkey P +90 212 251 50 60 E 22 Chasing your dreams with Joao Nascimento NileDutch in Portugal has grown in both size and importance over the last 15 years. Joao Nascimento, Branch Manager of NileDutch Portugal, along with his team have been responsible for shaping and moulding NileDutch Portugal into an efficient and essential stop on the WEWA route. Here’s a look at the man behind the team. 23 Person in the picture The local horse club “Looking back at the last 15 years, I only have good memories of my time at NileDutch. The job requires a lot of imagination, hard work and common sense, but I wouldn’t change any part of it. Every day brings new challenges and a key part of my job is finding solutions, the right solutions at the right time. I’ve found the best way to do this is to face each challenge head-on and keep a positive attitude. Of course, I can’t do all this alone. My teams in both Lisbon and Leixoes play an essential role in the success that NileDutch Portugal has achieved. Together we are dedicated to NileDutch, our customers, our stakeholders and our colleagues around the world. Together we are dedicated to NileDutch, our customers, our stakeholders and our colleagues around the world. also involved in running the local horse club and managing the horse jumping team which my daughter rides for. When I think about the people around me, I know that I am in a fortunate position. I have always been able to offer my family stability, a good life. I can be counted on to help others if they require it. I find it important to live as part of a community, and not in isolation, as life is easier and more enjoyable with the support of others. There are two people who I admire. One is a Spanish gentleman and I apologise for not disclosing his name. The second is Ayrton Senna. If there were ever a God of Speed, he would be the one. He knew how to drive. He knew how to aim high and reach those heights. He was a kind of a rebel and I respect that. A man not afraid to chase his dreams, especially when they took him to the stars. I believe we can all learn something from him.” Even when I was studying at university, my professional life received priority. That’s probably why I haven’t finished my degree yet, but I will as soon as I have some time. It’s probably also why I’m so proud of my daughter who is now in her fourth year of veterinary studies at university. My daughter and I share a love of horse jumping. Apart from my family (and work, of course), there’s nothing that brings me greater pleasure than the time I spend with my horses. But time with my horses doesn’t mean always being in the saddle, I’m NileDutch team in Lisbon, Portugal 24 The future of Africa I am happy to see Africa finally start- Africa’s future. As an Ivorian work- ing to shake off its negative reputa- ing as an expat in an African branch tion as the ‘dark continent’. of an international financial organi- The last decade or so have seen so sation, I feel that I can speak about many changes, mostly for the better, the current situation as an insider. that are forming the foundations for › Luanda, Angola 25 Guest Story While just a decade or two ago, I would be considered a rarity - an African expat working in an international company - it is a clear sign of the times, and especially the advances made in general educational levels in Africa, that this is no longer the case. Even though I’m from Ivory Coast, I have studied in both Morocco and Paris (France), and worked for many years in an international financial organisation, first in Paris and now in Guinea. My areas of expertise are brokerage services and retail banking in West Africa. This gives me a good insight into Africa. Africa is just beginning to start a long-term process that should benefit the entire continent in the long run. Africa is just beginning to start a long-term process that should benefit the entire continent in the long run. If you’re not sure whether to believe this or not, here are some good indicators from the last few years: • the increased interest in infrastructure projects including roads, dams and power stations; • the improved economy of the region with better integration between countries; • the growth in resources allocated to agriculture so that Africa, which has a lot of unfarmed arable land, finally has the ability to feed all her children. But as I said, this long-term process should benefit the entire continent. It’s still not clear that this will actually be the case. This positive future outcome rests on two pillars that need to be nurtured for the good of all. The two pillars are: • a robust education system within everyone’s reach regardless of where they live, their gender or their racial background; • good governance, which enables an open fight against corruption, defines the best public policies and even attracts African talent from abroad. Even when these pillars receive the nurturing they require, there are still three other factors that need to be considered: Jean Louis Menann-Kouamé ! the demographics of the population; technology advances (internet and mobile phones); and Africa’s natural resources. Let’s look at each of these in turn. Firstly, Africa’s demographic breakdown shows a relatively young population. It is undeniable that this human resource will sustain working life for several decades to come and will be a major boom for economic development. However, that is only if the population is well educated and its expectations are met. In the same way, this relatively large young demography encourages consumption, which is also good for the economy. Secondly, technology improvements, especially the development of the internet and mobile telephony will continue to significantly improve living conditions of people all over the world, including in Africa. How? Improvements will happen in several domains including: health (remote medical diagnosis); finance (mobile banking and payments); education (e-learning); agriculture (sharing of best practices around the world); and democracy (reporting on freedoms). Finally, if African countries are able to successfully negotiate better conditions for the development of their natural resources, in particular oil, gas and mining, as well as successfully manage the revenue generated, the entire continent will make a significant move towards development. This is not a task for just one person, organisation or country. Rather this is something that we need to work on together. With everyone’s help (starting with Africa’s sons and daughters), Africa will have a brighter future. Jean Louis Menann-Kouamé Jean Louis is a West African banking expert. He has been working for an international financial institutional, first in Paris and now in Guinea, since graduating from a leading Paris business school. As an Ivorian, he feels that it is important for Africans to be in a position to help other Africans to overcome the challenges that the continent is currently faced with. 26 NileDutch Agency Meeting 2013 As important as it is everyone in a company to know understand what the company stands for - its background and culture - it is absolutely essential for a company to have a clear strategic plan for their future. With this in mind, every two years NileDutchers from around the world come together for an Agency Meeting discuss our plans for the future. Looking to the future The latest Agency Meeting was held in Rotterdam, from May 15 to 16, 2013, and saw over 100 NileDutchers flying in from offices around the world. NileDutchers from established offices welcomed colleagues from recently opened offices, happy to finally meet the people they’ve been in contact with in numerous phone calls and emails. The workshops The workshops formed the main element of the Agency Meeting. Brainstorming ideas. Discussing results. Investigating potential opportunities. Sharing suggestions. Nothing was off limits when looking at each of NileDutch’s trade routes, main countries and infrastructure. And how did NileDutchers experience the workshops? “I’ve really enjoyed the workshops, especially the ‘Meet the country’ sessions.” (Yolanda de Groot, NileDutch Belgium) “It was useful to have the chance to brainstorm ways of expanding the Europe to Africa Service.” (Manuel Costa, NileDutch Portugal) “The NileDutch ICT plans are really going to make it easier to work together smoothly.” (Jenny Lin, NileDutch China) “Hosting the ‘Meet Angola’ workshop was an interesting experience. I was proud to share the successes of Welcome by Jan Willem de Braal 27 bart henau ! NileDutch Angola with my fellow NileDutchers and happy to hear how we could help our colleagues around the world more.” (Marc Smulders, NileDutch Angola) “The plans for the Asia - South Africa - West Africa services are extremely realistic and forward-thinking. It’s going to be a lot fun working on this service.” (Marinus van den Berg, NileDutch Office Rotterdam) I’ve really enjoyed the workshops, especially the ‘Meet the country’ sessions “I welcomed the opportunity to contribute to discussions about the South America - West Africa service. The planned changes will make the service better than ever.” (Agustina Garcia, Abbey Sea, NileDutch partner in Argentina) Cultural issues Culture plays a major role in any global organization, including NileDutch. Manners that are friendly and professional in one region, can be considered too informal somewhere else. With this in mind, Chris Smit, an expert on cultural stereotypes, gave a half-day workshop focusing on the differences between different countries and cultures. Reactions to an interesting speech Guest Xxxxxxx speaker Chris Smit 28 Nele Voorspoels taking the stand Marc Smulders hosts the Angola workshop Everybody is all ears Taking the nicest NileDutch postcards NileDutchers are all smiles Van Nelle Factory When is business not business? Why do native English speakers from different countries mean completely different things when they use the same words? How do different nationalities typically react under stress? New questions, new responses. And a fascinating way to look at NileDutchers (and our customers) around the world. Looking to the future After such a productive Agency Meeting, I know that the next few years will be busy. NileDutchers around the world are ready for the challenges ahead. The location Rotterdam’s historical Van Nelle Factory (in Dutch: Van Nellefabriek) on the Schie river hosted the 2013 Agency Meeting. Built in 1925, this beautiful building is considered to be one of the most important historic industrial buildings in the world and is included on the UNESCO World Heritage list. It was designed around the concepts of light, air and space in the ‘Nieuwe Bouwen’ style. Originally a factory processing coffee, tea and tobacco, and later chewing gum, cigarettes, instant pudding and rice, in 2000 the site was renovated, maintaining its monumental exterior and innovative and modern interior. It is now a top location for design and media companies and used for conferences, meetings and events. The Agency Meeting by the numbers: bart henau Bart Henau is an Independent Brand Consultant. After 25 years in the business, he started BLIND agency in 2010 to help companies to focus on improving their branding. Bart specialises in assisting selected international B2B brands. • • • • • 105 participants from 32 countries 1,027 cups of tea and coffee drunk 19 workshops 241 new ideas generated 2,579 business cards exchanged NileDutch Angola - Luanda Rua Alda Lara nº 25 Vila Alice, Rangel Luanda P + 244 227 326 980 E NileDutch Angola - Lobito Rua 25 de Abril n° 212, 1 Esq° Zona Comercial do Lobito (28) Lobito P +244 272 221 016 / 017 / 018 E NileDutch Angola - Cabinda Rua Irmao Evaristo S/N Cabinda P +244 231 224 095 E NileDutch Angola - Soyo Kwanda Base Soyo P +244 923 581 003 E NileDutch Brazil - Sao Francisco Do Sul Rua Babitonga, 71, Centro CEP 89240-000 SC Sao Francisco Do Sul P +55 47 3459 0182 E NileDutch Brazil - Rio de Janeiro Av. Rio Branco, 31, 21st Floor, Centro CEP 20090-003 RJ Rio de Janeiro P +55 21 2203 0031 E NileDutch Brazil - Itajai Av. Marcos Kondor, 1.177-88.301-303 CEP 11.256.147/0006-78 Itajai P +55 47 3046 3330 E CAMEROON NileDutch Cameroun Rue direction Base Navale Carrefour Essengue, à Coté du Magasin 3T Douala P +237 334 23880 E NileDutch Angola - Namibe Avenida Joaquim Morais Centro Comercial e Negócios Sagrada Esperança Namibe P +244 264 265 500 / 501 E Seanautic Marine Inc 20, Rue Saint-Paul Ouest Montreal QC H2Y 1Y7 P +1 514 287 1812 E ARGENTINA CHINA Abbey Sea Av. Alicia Moreau de Justo 1720 2nd Floor, Suite “I” C1107AFJ Buenos Aires P +54 11 43120021 E NileDutch China - Guangzhou Room 1807, Guangzhou International Electronics Tower No. 403 Huan Shi Road East Yuexiu District, Guangzhou P +86 20 8713 9396 E BELGIUM NileDutch China - Ningbo Room 2803, Portman Plaza No. 48 North Cai Hong Road Ningbo P +86 574 8907 2002 E DENMARK Hecksher Linieagenturer A/S Sundkaj 9 Pakhus 48 DK-2150 Nordhavn P +45 3916 8100 E Democratic republic CONGO GHANA Comexas Afrique s.p.r.l.-DRC West 15-17, Avenue Colonel, Ebeya Building Bracongo, 4 Etage Kinshasa P +243 99 99 08 920 E Supermaritime Ghana Ltd Industrial Area, Community 1 New Town, Tema P +233 303 202874 / 202036 E HONG KONG Comexas Afrique s.p.r.l.-DRC West 6, Avenue Luthelo Matadi P + 243 89 89 96 900 E CANADA Comexas Afrique s.p.r.l.-DRC West 8, Quai du Commerce Boma P +243 99 81 84 081 E EQUATORIAL GUINEA NileDutch Belgium Godefriduskaai 26 2000 Antwerp P + 32 3 206 22 99 E BENIN Supermaritime Benin SA Lot 137 Zone Résidentielle Cotonou P +229 21 30 92 03 / 04 E BRAzIL NileDutch Brazil - Santos Rua do Comércio, 55 Cj 11, Centro CEP 11010-141 SP Santos P +55 13 3328 9500 E NileDutch Brazil - Curitiba Rua Comendador Araújo 143 15º Floor, Cj 153, Centro CEP 80420-900 PR Curitiba P +55 41 2111 5606 E NileDutch Brazil - Sao Paulo Av. Ibirapuera, 2033, Moema CEP 04029-100 SP Sao Paulo P +55 11 3383 4450 E NileDutch China - Qingdao Room 2604 Shangri - La Centre No. 9 Xiang Gang Zhong Road 266071 Qingdao P +86 532 8090 9136 E NileDutch China - Shanghai Room 01-02-03B-05B, 27th Floor Hong Jia, Tower No. 388, Fushan Road Pudong, 200122 Shanghai P +86 21 3865 7800 / 7888 E 29 Hecksher Linieagenturer A/S Bredskiftevej 36-38 DK-8210 V Aarhus P +45 8933 6200 E Loguitrans Agencia Maritima Appart Hotel Plaza, 1st Floor Bata P +240 222 133 355 E Deltamar SA Carretera Aeropuerto Km 4 (Bioko - Norte) Malabo P +240 333 090 897 E FINLAND Oy Scanway Shipping AB Itämerenkatu 1 FI-00180 Helsinki P +358 9 415 05 422 E FRANCE NileDutch France SAS Espace Caillard, 3, rue Louis Eudier 76600 Le Havre P +33 277 675 001 E gabon NileDutch Hong Kong 2nd Floor, Eton Tower 8 Hysan Avenue Causeway Bay P +852 2910 7954 E INDIA Transmarine Agencies India Pvt Ltd New No. 210, 2nd & 3rd Floor Thambu Chetty Street 600 001 Chennai P +91 44 4901 8888 E Transmarine Agencies India Pvt Ltd 510, 5th Floor, Ascot Centre Off. Sahar Road, Andheri (East) 400 099 Mumbai P +91 22 6686 8888 E Transmarine Agencies India Pvt Ltd 924, DLF Tower B, 11 Jasola District Centre 110 025 New Delhi P +91 11 4276 8888 E INDONESIA PT Serasi Shipping Indonesia Graha Kirana, 3rd & 12th Floor Jl. Yos Sudarso No. 88 Jakarta 14350 P +62 21 653 11293 E PT Serasi Shipping Indonesia Jl. Haji Misbah Kompleks Multatuli Indah, Blok B 31 Medan (Belawan) P +62 61 451 6916 / 17 E NileDutch China - Tianjin Room 1408 Tianjin International Building, No. 75 Nanjing Road Heping District, Tianjin P +86 22 2339 6270 E SAGA Gabon Zone Portuaire d’Owendo Libreville P +241 01 700091 E CONGO GERMANY PT Serasi Shipping Indonesia Jl. Puri Anjasmoro Block F 1 No. 3A Semarang 50144 P +62 24 761 9401 E NileDutch Congo Intersection des rues Cotê Matève et Tchionga, En face de la CFAO Centre-Ville, B.P. 5131 Pointe Noire P +242 056 436 140 E M&S Mehrtens & Schwickerath GmbH Tiefer 4 28195 Bremen P +49 421 363 080 E PT Serasi Shipping Indonesia Kompleks Pengampon Square Jl. Semut Baru Block D No. 10 Surabaya 60172 P +62 31 355 1555 E Contact Details ANGOLA 30 IRELAND International Maritime Ag Ltd Brendan House 151 Baldoyle Industrial Estate Dublin 13 P +353 1 8320709 E Cross Marine Services Nigeria Ltd 28 Burma Road, P.O. Box 2614 Lagos Apapa P +234 1 791 2762 E Catoni Maritime Istanbul Head Office Rihtim Cd. Denizciler sk. No.13/4 Bayraktar Han Tophane 34425 Istanbul P +90 212 251 50 60 E SPAIN UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Marmedsa Noatum Shipping Agency C/del Atlàntic, 112-120 Edificio Zona d’Activitats Logistiques ZAL Edificio Norai 08040 Barcelona P +34 93 298 77 77 E The Kanoo Group Shipping Agencies Division P.O. Box 290 Khalid IBN Al Walid Street Dubai P +971 4 393 1900 E Jugro Transport International Phils Corp 3818 Mascardo St. Corner Pasong Tomo Makati City P +63 2 896 1309 E Marmedsa Noatum Shipping Agency Ed. Las Artes 11, P.I. Bandas de Musica dela C.V. No. 11, Piso 1 Puerta 6 46013 Valencia P +34 96 324 12 60 E UNITED KINGDOM PORTUGAL SRI LANKA NileDutch Portugal & Marmedsa Agencia Maritima Lda Avenida D. Joao II, Lote 1.18.03 Edificio Arts, Bloco B, 2 Andar, Sala C 1990-084 Lisbon P +351 21 898 2200 E Aitken Spence Shipping Ltd 315, Vauxhall Street 2 Colombo P +94 11 2308100 E NileDutch Portugal & Marmedsa Agencia Maritima Lda Rua Eng. Ferreira Dias, No. 728, Sala 3.02 4100-246 Porto P +351 22 090 0500 E Joship AB Lilla Bommen 2 SE-404 27 Gothenburg P +46 31 337 8119 E M/S Global Maritime Pvt Ltd Eastern House, 9 Timber Pond, M.A. Jinnah Road, P.O. Box 4851, Keamari 75620 Karachi P +92 21 32851945 E PHILIPPINES Pegasus International Co Ltd 13-40, Konan 2-Chome, Minato-Ku 108-0075 Tokyo P +81 36 718 0735 E MALAYSIA Contact Details Aquamaritime Logistics Sdn Bhd Level 15-02A, Plaza Masalam Section 9, 40100 Shah Alam Selangor (Port Klang) P +60 3 5880 4093 E Aquamaritime Logistics Sdn Bhd Unit 23A-07A, Level 23A, Menara Landmark No. 12 Jalan Ngee Heng, 80000 Johor Bahru Johor (Pasir Gudang / Tanjung Pelepas Port) P +60 7221 0798 E MOROCCO Naxco Shipping & Logistics Maroc 44, Rue Mohamed Smiha 20000 Casablanca P +212 522 544 770 E NETHERLANDS NileDutch Africa Line B.V. Westblaak 95 3012 KG Rotterdam P +31 10 281 82 83 E NileDutch Belgium Godefriduskaai 26 2000 Antwerp P + 31 10 206 64 00 E TURKEY Kukbo Express Co Ltd 11th Floor, Ace Tower, 92 Tongil-ro, Jung-gu Seoul P +82 2 771 5514 E Scanway Shipping AS Vollsveien 13H N-1326 Lysaker, Oslo P +47 67 102360 E ITALY JAPAN SDV Togo Zone Portuaire, B.P. 34 Lome P +228 22 27 5878 / 8476 E SOUTH KOREA PAKISTAN Thos. Carr & Son Srl Via Roma, 2 Int.12 16121 Genova P +39 010 8578 909 E NileDutch South Africa - Durban Royal Hotel Ulundi Place Opposite Royal Parking Durban P +27 31 306 4500 E NORWAY IVORY COAST Simat – Société Ivoirienne de Manutention et de Transit Rue des Pétrolliers BP 648, Abidjan 15 P +225 21 75 41 01 E TOGO NIGERIA SWEDEN SWITZERLAND SINGAPORE NileDutch Singapore Pte Ltd 6 Shenton Way Tower 2, #28-08 Singapore 068809 P +65 65010760 E Furness Shipping Ltd Hohlstrasse 610 8048 Zurich P +41 44 436 9111 E TAIWAN SOUTH AFRICA NileDutch South Africa Johannesburg Hyde Park Lane Marlborough Gate Ground Floor Cnr of William Nicol and Jan Smuts Drive, Hyde Park, Johannesburg P +27 11 325 0557 E NileDutch South Africa Cape Town Metropolitan Life Centre 7 Coen Stytler Street Cape Town P +27 21 425 3600 E Jardine Shipping Services (Jardine, Matheson & Co Ltd) 13th Floor 50 Hsin Sheng South Road Sec 1 Taipei 10059 P +886 223931177 E THAILAND United Thai Shipping Corporation Ltd 25 Alma Link Building, 11th Floor Soi Chilom, Phloenchit Road, Lumphini Pathumwan 10330 Bangkok P +66 2254 8400 E JSA Global Ltd 5 Summit Business Park Langer Road Suffolk IP11 2 JB Felixstowe P +44 1394 678678 E VIETNAM Jardine Shipping Services Ltd 3rd Floor, Tasaco Building 104+200km Nguyen Binh Khiem Street Dong Hai Ward, Hai An District HaiPhong City P +84 31 374 1456 E Jardine Shipping Services Ltd 3rd Floor Gemadept Tower 2bis-4-6 Le Thanh Ton Street Ben Nghe Ward, District 1 Ho Chi Minh City P +84 83 8279 350 E Contributors EDITORIAL Executive Editor: Jan Willem de Braal Editorial co-ordinators: Bart Henau Christine Mes Larissa N’gbo Johan Pastoor Larisa Thuije Coming up in issue 3, 1st quarter 2014: Contributors: Johan de Graaf Danny De Schepper Luc Geerts Francisco Ingles Pieter Kotze Mark Kraaijenbrink Jean-Francois Laubel Wiliam Li Manuella Maes Jean Louis Menann-Kouamé Gail Rushin Rudi Vander Eyken • The NileDutch Academy DESIGN & PRODUCTION Kathleen Reinehr Larisa Thuije Sneak Peek at issue 3 • Customer point of view from China • Focusing on our person in the picture • Feet on the street with NileDutch around the world • Shanghai shipyard and the NileDutch new builds • Creating the NileDutch testimonials • NileDutch news and events in your region COPYWRITING Christine Mes main photography Peter Goes Larisa Thuije PUBLISHED BY Nile Dutch Africa Line B.V. Communications Westblaak 95 3012 KG Rotterdam The Netherlands Website E-mail More information and/or editorial contributions should be sent to the above email address. All rights reserved. Reproduction of this magazine in whole or in part is prohibited without the prior written permission of Nile Dutch Africa Line B.V. © 2013 Nile Dutch Africa Line B.V. Personal Our clients appreciate the passion and expertise shown by NileDutchers around the world. It’s the reason why we’ve built up personal relationships with so many of our clients, and it’s really shaped NileDutch. Inge Benjamin, NileDutch Johannesburg, South Africa Africa personal accessible reliable