DeSilver, Albert_Bylined - Expert Reports


DeSilver, Albert_Bylined - Expert Reports
Diamond Certified Expert Report
Diamond Certified Expert Contribution
© American Ratings Corporation 2014
How To Tell If A Loved One Needs In-Home Assistance
By ALBERT DESILVER, a Diamond Certified Expert Contributor
aintaining independence is important for
most seniors, but the reality is, people often
require extra assistance as they age,
whether in terms of performing household chores or
sustaining a daily routine. If you’re unsure about the
well-being of an older adult in your life, there are a few
things to look for that can tell you if they would benefit
from in-home assistance.
If you’re concerned about the well-being of an older adult in your
life, there are a few telltale signs to look for.
Change in dietary habits. Take a look in the
refrigerator to see if the food is fresh. Check expiration
dates on food products in the refrigerator and pantry.
You can also ask the person what his or her diet has
consisted of lately.
General appearance of the house. Are the
household chores being kept up or do you notice a
gradual accumulation of dust and clutter? It may be that
the demands of home maintenance are becoming too
burdensome for the person to handle.
General hygiene. Is the person attending to his or
her hygiene the way you’re used to seeing, or have they
started to let some of those things go? If you notice such
changes in the manner of an older adult in your life, it
may be time to gently suggest getting some extra support
in the form of in-home assistance.
Albert DeSilver is CEO of Visiting Angels
Senior Homecare & Respite, a Diamond
Certified company. He can be reached at
(707) 687-9774 or at
Changes in diet, as well as lapses in housekeeping and personal
hygiene may indicate a need for assistance.
If you notice an older friend or family member exhibiting these signs,
you may want to gently suggest getting some extra assistance.
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