File - Aviation Boatswain`s Mates association
File - Aviation Boatswain`s Mates association
Aviation Boatswain’s Mates Association I am convinced, Our Father, that your fondest feelings are reserved for the least pretentious and most genuine of us. I am sure that Aviation Boatswain’s Mates are some of your favorites. Certainly Aviation Boatswain’s Mates have yet to find the virtues of humility, or soft-spokenness or gentleness… They do lead with their jaws…. And they always seem to be more ready to fight than to switch. They can be singled out by their red eyes, and by a grubbiness, which is a mark of their trade. But their wills match their strong backs... And their love of each other is a wondrous thing to behold. They are the salt of the deck… And the saltiness is honest and open… And they are uniquely Your sons. We are grateful for them… As you love them specially, we mark them particularly tonight. Bless them every one… And forever keep them from harm and hurt… In Christ’s name, Amen. R. W. Bedingfield, Chaplain (USN) 24 Prepared by Eagle Systems, Inc. 22560 Epic Drive California, MD 20619 (301) 863-2453 WELCOME ABOARD FROM THE AB’S OF THE GREAT NORTHWEST Welcome to the Great Northwest, we are honored to once again host shipmates and fellow AB's, their families and all persons associated with the business of flight deck operations to this 37th Annual Professional Working Group Conference and Symposium. From those that laid the foundation and provided a setting for all AB's, Airman to Captain, to voice their problems, receive solutions and suggestions face to face as a group. Engineers, Type Commanders, NAVAIR and the list goes on, Thank you!!! I think past and present, the best way to make change and come up with bright new ideas is to listen to the people that are in the pump rooms, that are working the flight deck and are in the catapult and arresting gear spaces, with new equipment and aircraft we have new problems, who better to tell us about those problems and provide inputs than the people that are working them. I hear from the past and present AB'S that we provide the problems and solutions and all we hear is "NO FUNDING", all I can say to that is, the squeaky wheel gets the oil, keep bringing it up or you will be stuck with the way it is. If only one idea or change this symposium improves the reliability of the equipment or makes life easier in the fleet, I will be happy. I guess when you get old it does not take much to be pleased. The Northwest home to the mighty warships, Stennis and Lincoln and shore facilities Bremerton Hospital and NAS Whidbey Island and the regions finest AB Families afloat and ashore unite to provide you with a touch of God's country without the rain, we hope. Everyone involved has worked hard to provide you with a programmed agenda and event that we hope you will enjoy and long remember. The ABMA wishes to thank the Industrial Community, Naval Agencies and individuals whose contributions have made us the pride of the fleet and this symposium possible. The management and staff of the Silverdale Beach Hotel has bent over backward in support and are eager to serve the US Navy and our organization. We owe them our gratitude and respect by showing them the same courtesy. Sincerely Harold Wiese ABMA 2007 Chairman 2 As long as we have gone to sea With names like Wasp and Kennedy Upon our decks have stood a breed A band of brothers with “can “can--do” creed They toil and run upon our roofs They talk with wands and mouse to shoot They dress in different colors bold But yet their story’s seldom told They own our mighty catapults Tractors, gear, and fuel to suit They run the engines in our skin To launch our toys when wars begin They eat from boxes during chow That’s if our flight schedules allow They sleep in stuffy lockers full On huffers, deuces, catwalks too Their names have seldom made the press For fighting fires in battle dress Their efforts saved our Forrestal For that and more we owe them all And now we hear the winds of change Of smaller ships as budgets strain Some heard the words magnetic cats We wonder where our future’s at But as long as ships are sent to sea To launch their planes for liberty We know that you shall never see A Sailor called the last AB 23 2006/2007 ABMA SECURED FLIGHT QUARTERS “We, who remain to carry on, should not think of our shipmates as departed from us, but rather as having been transferred to a celestial ship or station, where we hope all of us may be shipmates again.” ABMA MEMBER & ABCS RETIRED MAURICE E. LANGLEY ABEC VIVA J. RIVERS ABMA LIFE MEMBER & AB2 HOWARD C. HOXSIE ABMA MEMBER & ABH1 WARREN R. SHANNON ABMA LIFE MEMBER & ABFC RETIRED JAMES H. BERRY ABHC JAMES R. BAIN ABMA MEMBER & ABHCS RETIRED PAUL CARTER We unite to form the AVIATION BOATSWAIN’S MATES ASSOCIATION DEDICATED: ! To stimulate and perpetuate love of country our Flag, and our Navy; ! To defend the honor, integrity, and supremacy of our national government and the Constitution of the United States; ! To support, develop, encourage, foster, and stimulate Naval Aviation Safety in the “Aircraft-on-Deck” mode (touchdown to takeoff); ! To aid past and present Aviation Boatswain’s Mates of the United States Navy from which our members are drawn, and their dependents and survivors in every proper and legitimate matter; ! To present the best interests and rights of Aviation Boatswain’s Mates to proper authority when appropriate. ABMA MEMBER, PLANKOWNER & CWO4 RETIRED WESLEY HAMILTON ABMA LIFE MEMBER & CWO3 RETIRED JAMES E. WALSH, JR. ABMA LIFE MEMBER & ABCM RETIRED ROBERT J. FLANAGAN ABMA LIFE MEMBER & ABHC RETIRED ROBERT W. HOOD, JR. ABMA LIFE MEMBER TOMMIE JOHNSON ABMA LIFE MEMBER & ABCS RETIRED DAVID R. OLSEN ABMA PLANKOWNER & LIFE MEMBER ABEC RETIRED NORMAN D. PIERSON ABHC GEORGE W. ROYAL MARGO ROMACK, BELOVED WIFE OF ABMA LIFE ASSOCIATE MEMBER & PLANKOWNER, MARVIN ROMACK ABH1 DONALD L. NORTON ABH1 HERBERT L. DOBBINS ABE1 WILLIAM R. MATHERS ABFC RAYMOND H. OVEL ABE1 ERVIN ROELKE The U.S. Navy "Blue Angels" fly over the Battle of Midway commemoration ceremony at the Center for Information Dominance (CID) Corry Station. Nine veterans of the Battle of Midway joined hundreds of CID Sailors, Soldiers, Airmen, Marines, Coast Guardsmen and guests in the commemoration, held annually to celebrate the decisive victory at Midway. ABH1 ALBERT UDELL 22 3 37th Annual Aviation Boatswain’s Mates Association Symposium/ Professional Working Group Hosted by: AB’s of the Northwest Held at the Silverdale Hotel Silverdale, WA PLAN OF THE WEEK Uniform of the Day Active Duty: Summer Whites Retirees/Civilians: Appropriate Civilian Attire Uniform of the Day required: Opening and Closing Ceremonies Guest Speakers Flight Quarters Workshops: Proper civilian attire encouraged for all hands “The statements and views made by all guest speakers and attendees are the responsibility of the individual and are not to be construed as those of the ABMA nor endorsed by any of its officers.” Sat/Sun, 28/29 July Vendor Staging, Silverdale Hotel Monday, 30 July Travel Day/Open 0700 0800-2200 1200-1700 1730-2300 AB’s of the Northwest Meeting Vendor Set-up Admiral Ballroom Registration/Membership No-Host Cocktails in Hotel Bar Tuesday, 31 July 4 0700 0730 0730 AB’s of the Northwest Meeting Registration/Membership/Event Sales Board of Directors Meeting Notes ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ 21 2007 ABMA Planning Staff Chair Person: LCDR (Ret) Jurgen Weise Co/Chair Persons: LT (Ret) Mike Yaskin LCDR (Ret) David Deese Hospitality Room: "Bubba" Post ABCM (Ret) Tom Huffman/ABHC Picnic: ABCS (Ret) Odie Kennedy Golf Tournament: LCDR (Ret) David Deese Transportation: Thornton (CVN74) LCDR (Ret) Harold Wiese/LCDR Color Guard: Naval Base Kitsap (Tentative) Side Boys: (CVN74) Ladies Entertainment: Pat Wiese Cathy Yaskin Program: Eagle Systems Inc Industrial Vendor Displays: LCDR (Ret) David Deese National Vendor Coordinator: ABHC (Ret) Keith Burt Retired Workshops: ABCS (Ret) Odie Kennedy Merchandise Sales: LT (Ret) Mike Yaskin Banquet: Cathy Yaskin Special Projects: TBD AB Workshop Coordinator: Ernie Jones (CAFSU Ret) Tuesday, 31 July Continued 0800 1030-1200 1200 1200-1215 1200 1215-1230 1230-1300 1300-1430 1445-1500 1500-1600 1600 1630-1800 1800-2200 Wednesday, 01 August 0700 0730 0800 0815-0830 0815 0830-0930 0930-0945 0945-1030 1000 1000 1015 20 FLIGHT QUARTERS, All hands to muster - Welcome aboard, LCDR (Ret) "Harold Wiese" - Introductions, Symposium Staff members - Introductions, Hotel Staff - Introduction of ABMA President, CDR R. D. Jones - Introduction of Board of Directors - Introduction of CNAF East/West AB's of the Year - Oldest and Youngest AB's present - Nominations and Election Procedures, Open for Nominations - Vendor Recognition and Plaque Presentation Lunch/Tour Vendor Exhibits FLIGHT QUARTERS - All hands Admin/Opening remarks/Nominations Muster Side Boys and Honor Guard with Duty AB Presidents Call to Order, Parade the Colors, Invocation (ABMA Chaplain) Vice Commander Naval Air Warfare Center AD CAPT M. Scassero General Atomics PMA-251 Introductions/Workshop Procedures: CDR (Sel) S. Whalen/LT T. Edgeworth Board of Directors Meeting Secure From Flight Quarters Vendor/BOD Social in Hospitality Room Hospitality Room Open - Last Call 2145 (Times should be per SOP) AB’s of the Northwest meeting Registration, Membership, Event Sales FLIGHT QUARTERS - All hands Presidents Call to Order/Announcements/ Nominations Side Boys and Honor Guard (muster with Duty AB) Guest Speaker: Capt S. Rorke (NAVAIR PMA 251) Tour Announcements/Break CCD Speaker (CMDCM Penton) Retirees muster in main lobby for workshop Ladies muster in main lobby for Seattle Tour/ Shopping Transportation departs for ladies 5 Wednesday, 01 August Continued 1015 1030-1100 1100-1230 1230-1600 1230-1400 1400-1600 1600 1800-2230 1800-2300 1800-2200 Transportation departs for retirees Nominations Open Lunch/Tour Vendor Exhibits Convene Workshops SABOAG Meeting Board of Directors (BOD) meeting Secure from Flight Quarters Muster/Depart for Blake Island Salmon Trip Muster/Bus Departs for Casino Night (Clear Water) Hospitality Room Open - Last Call 2145 Thursday, 02 August 0700 0700 0730 0800 0815-0845 0845-0915 0915-0945 0945-1000 1000-1100 1100-1115 1100 1115 1115-1245 1245-1600 1245-1600 1245-1600 1600 1800-2200 1830-2130 Golf Tournament musters in main lobby AB’s of the Northwest meeting Membership, Event Sales FLIGHT QUARTERS, All hands to muster Presidents call to order/Announcements/ Nominations AB Enlisted Detailer Briefs Guest Speaker: Lockheed Martin (JSF) Mr. Tom Burbage Break Guest Speaker: NAVAIR ADMACS Mr. Mike Jones Announcements/Nominations Open Ladies muster in main lobby for luncheon Transportation departs for ladies Lunch/Tour Vendor Exhibits Convene Workshops AB Detailer Private Scheduled Sessions (TBD) Board of Directors Meeting Secure from Flight Quarters Hospitality Room Open - Last Call 2145 Muster/Depart for Harbor Cruise Friday, 03 August 0700 0730 0800 0800-0900 0900-0930 0930-1130 6 ABs of the Northwest meeting Membership, Event Sales FLIGHT QUARTERS, All hands to muster Presidents Call to Order/Announcements Workshop Summaries: Workshop Coordinators Nominations Closed/Elections of 2007-2008 Officers Recognition Awards Air Dept Battle "E" ABMA Recruiters of the year RICHARD D. JONES, SR. COMMANDER UNITED STATES NAVY Commander Richard D Jones was born in Philadelphia, Pa. and joined the Navy in 1976 as an undesignated airman. Following recruit and airman fundamentals training, he joined the “Red Checker Tails” of VF-24 as a plane captain. While deployed on USS CONSTELLATION (CV 64), Commander Jones “seen the light” and completed requirements for assignment to V-2 Division and launched his career as an Aviation Boatswains Mate. Shortly after completion of his first deployment, he cross-decked to USS JOHN F. KENNEDY (CV 67) in 1978, followed by shore duty at Naval Support Activity Philadelphia, PA. He returned to sea April 1982 and completed successive tours on USS NIMITZ (CVN 68) and USS THEODORE ROOSEVELT (CVN 71). It was during this tour that he would earn the distinction of being named the Atlantic Fleet Aviation Boatswains Mate of the Year for 1987, promote to Chief Petty Officer and earn a commission in 1989 as an Aviation Deck Limited Duty Officer. Duty assignments include ALRE Maintenance Officer on USS MIDWAY (CV 41), Officer In Charge of Naval Auxiliary Landing Field FENTRESS/NAS Oceana, Catapult Test Team Officer/ALRE Maintenance Officer on USS JOHN C. STENNIS (CVN 74), Officer-In-Charge of Naval Air Technical Training Center Detachment Lakehurst, NJ, Aircraft Handling Officer on USS HARRY S TRUMAN (CVN 75), Assistant CVN Projects Officer at SUPSHIP Newport News VA and Executive Officer for the Center for Naval Aviation Technical Training Unit Norfolk, VA. Commander Jones has participated in numerous operations and campaigns including Desert Shield, Desert Storm and Operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom. His personal decorations are numerous and include the Meritorious Service Medal (2 awards), Navy Commendation Medal (6 awards), Navy Achievement Medal and various unit, campaign and service awards. He is a life member of the Aviation Boatswains Mates Association and is the sitting National President. He is married to the former Debra L. Haydel of Philadelphia, PA. They have three children; Aja, R.D. Jr., and Brandon, and currently reside in Chesapeake VA. 19 GERALD L. HOEWING VICE ADMIRAL (RET) PRESIDENT AND CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER, NAVALL AVIATION MUSEUM FOUNDATIONS, INC Vice Admiral Gerald L. Hoewing is the 53rd Chief of Naval Personnel. A native of Keokuk, Iowa, Vice Adm. Hoewing graduated from Iowa State University with a bachelor of science degree. He received his commission in May 1971 through the NROTC Scholarship Program and was designated a Naval Aviator in August 1972. Vice Adm. Hoewing received initial Fleet Replacement Pilot training in the A-7E Corsair II light attack aircraft at NAS Lemoore, Calif., and served with Attack Squadrons One FortySeven, One Twenty-Two and Ninety-Four, completing several western Pacific deployments in USS Constellation (CV 64) and USS Kitty Hawk (CV 63). In December 1980, he reported to Air Test and Evaluation Squadron Five at Naval Weapons Center, China Lake, Calif., where he served as Operational Test Director for the F/A-18 Hornet Operational Evaluation. Following A-7E and F-14 refresher training, Vice Adm. Hoewing was assigned as Carrier Air Wing SIX Operations Officer, where he completed three Mediterranean/Indian Ocean deployments onboard USS Independence (CV 62) and USS Forrestal (CV 59). After graduating from the National War College in 1987, he reported as Executive Officer of Strike Fighter Squadron Eighty-One and assumed command of the "Sunliners" in May 1989, where he deployed aboard USS Saratoga (CV 60) during Operation Desert Shield. Friday, 03 August Continued 0930-1130 1115 1130 1230-1600 1230-1430 Awards Banquet 1700-1800 1830 1900-1945 1945 2045 Following his squadron command tour, Vice Adm. Hoewing served at the Bureau of Naval Personnel as Aviation LCDR/Junior Officer Assignment Branch Head. In January 1993 he assumed command of the fast combat logistics support ship USS Seattle (AOE 3), where he deployed to the Mediterranean in support of the USS Theodore Roosevelt Battle Group. In January 1995 he became the 20th Commanding Officer of USS John F. Kennedy (CV 67). He then served as the Senior Military Assistant to the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness in Washington, D.C. Vice Adm. Hoewing's first Flag Officer assignment was as the Assistant Commander for Distribution (PERS-4), Navy Personnel Command, where he was responsible for the assignment of more than 370,000 Navy men and women. He assumed command of Carrier Group SEVEN embarked in USS John C. Stennis (CVN 74) in October 1999 and completed a highly successful deployment to the western Pacific and Arabian Gulf. He commanded the Navy Personnel Command from September 2000 through September 2002. On 1 October 2002, Vice Adm. Hoewing assumed the duties of Chief of Naval Personnel/Deputy Chief of Naval Operations (Manpower & Personnel)), and on 1 July 2005, he assumed additional responsibilities for Navy Training and Education. In this position, Vice Adm. Hoewing is responsible for the planning and programming of all manpower, personnel, training and education resources, budgeting for Navy personnel, developing systems to manage total force manpower and personnel resources, and the assignment of Navy personnel. Vice Adm. Hoewing plans and directs the procurement, distribution, administration, and career motivation of personnel in the active and reserve Navy, coordinates and controls professional standards criteria, directs manpower and personnel research and development to improve individual and organizational performance, and leads the development and implementation of service-wide programs for improved human relations and Quality of Life. He is authorized to wear the Distinguished Service Medal, Defense Superior Service Medal, Legion of Merit with three Gold Stars, Meritorious Service Medal with two Gold Stars, Navy Commendation Medal, Navy Achievement Medal, and various campaign and service awards. 18 New Presidents Acceptance Speech 2007 ABMA Symposium Out brief (NAVAIR PMA251F) 2007 ABMA Treasurer Report Honor Guard Muster with duty AB Closing Ceremonies, Retire the Colors, Benediction Secure from Flight Quarters AB Detailer Private Scheduled Sessions (TBD) Final Board of Directors Meeting 2100-2400 No Host Cocktails, Cruise Book Photographs Presidents Call to Order, Introductions Head table, Guest Speaker/2007 Officers Invocation - Chaplain Guest Speaker: VADM (Ret) Gerry Hoewing Dinner Introduction of Symposium Hosts AB's of the NW CVN72/CVN74 NS Bremerton Silverdale Hotel Past AB's of the year 2007 AB of the year (Pacific/Atlantic) Scholarship Award Recipient (Lanny Vines) Youngest/Oldest ABMA member present ABMA Living Legends 2007 Living Legend Past Presidents 2006/2007 Past President Reflections New President Remarks Eternal Flight Quarters and Final Flight Quarters (Stoney Burke) Entertainment/Dancing SATURDAY, 04 August 0900 1100-1700 ABs of the Northwest meeting ABMA Picnic, Camp McKean, Bremerton MWR Area, Kitsap Lake BBQ, Swimming, water boating, Horse shoes, Games Family and Friends Welcome 7 2007 Symposium Vendors List MICHAEL JONES NORTHROP GRUMMAN NEWPORT NEWS AMERICAN SAFETY SHIELD TECHNOLOGIES CORP GAMMON TECH. PRODS HELLAN STRAINER CO DESCO MFG. CO. INC AMSEC, LLC AMETEK, INC RAYCO SUPPLY INC BLACKMER EYE SAFETY SYSTEMS, INC ELSCO INTL EATON AREOSPACE, CONVEYANCE SYSTEMS DIVISION, CARTERGROUND FUELING GENERAL ATOMICS TOTAL FIRE GROUP FISHER SAFETY (DIV. OF THERMO FISHER SCIENTIFIC) POWER HAWK TECHNOLOGIES, INC CLA-VAL POTOMAC FIELD GEAR A special thanks goes out to all of you who help support our symposium each year. -The AB’s Supporting Commands/Organizations Naval Air Systems Command Commander Naval Air Forces Commander Naval Surface Forces Naval Base Kitsap Fleet Reserve Association (Bremerton) American Legion (Bremerton) Honorable Mention USS John C. Stennis (CVN74) USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN72) Silverdale Beach Hotel 8 17 2007 AVIATION BOATSWAIN'S MATES OF THE YEAR C.T. BURBAGE LOCKHEED MARTIN AERONAUTICS COMPANY EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT AND GENERAL MANAGER F-35 JSF PROGRAM INTEGRATION ATLANTIC FLEET ABF1 (AW) Jacob Muehls Saavedra PACIFIC FLEET ABF1 (AW/SW) Roberto PREVIOUS AVIATION BOATSWAIN'S MATES OF THE YEAR Tom Burbage is the Executive Vice President and General Manager, Joint Strike Fighter Program Integration. He is responsible for developing and implementing the multinational F-35 Production and Global Sustainment elements of the JSF Program. He was the Executive Vice President and General Manager, Joint Strike Fighter from August of 2000 until assuming his current assignment in November 0f 2004. 1976 Mr. Burbage joined Lockheed Martin in 1980 in the business development branch and later became manager of business development for U.S. government programs at the Lockheed California Company operations in Burbank, California. In December 1987, he was appointed vice president for Washington operations and coordinated the company’s relationships with the Department of Defense and the U.S. Congress, as well as the embassies of foreign governments. He restructured and streamlined the Washington Operations group and recorded the highest annual performance in the Congressional budget cycle in the history of LM Aeronautics. He then moved to Marietta, Georgia, in 1990 as vice president for Business Development and Product Support at Aeronautical Systems. During his tenure, LM Aero launched several new initiatives including C-130J, C-27J, C-5AMP and RERP. 1984 Mr. Burbage was named vice president and AFX program manager in 1992 and vice president and general manager for Navy Programs in 1994. In 1995 he assumed the duties of Vice President and General Manager, F-22 and led the F-22 Program through first flight and initial flight test. In 1999 he was named President, LM Aeronautical Systems Company, Marietta, Georgia and led the restructuring of that company including a 20% force downsizing prior to the LM Aero consolidation. 1996 From 1969 to 1980, Mr. Burbage served on active duty in the United States Navy, achieving the rank of lieutenant commander. After completing the U.S. Navy Test Pilot School in 1975, he accumulated more than 3,000 hours in 38 different types of military aircraft. On Oct. 31, 1994, he retired from the Navy Reserves as a captain. 1978 1980 1982 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 ABE1 Robert Whelan ABH1 R. A. Buscher ABCS Lew Simpson ABF1 Charles Bennett ABE1 Nelson Tabinga ABEC A.L. Crutchfield ABH1 Brian Stump ABF1 Richard Borrego ABE1 Jeffrey Wisler ABE1 Paul E. Erickson ABH1 Willie Lewis ABH1 Norris l. Danzey ABH1 Michael B Reid ABE1 (AW) James D. Surgeon ABH1 Mark C. Persutti ABH1 (AW) Shawn T. Whalen ABH1 (AW/SW) Derek Diggs ABE1 (AW/SW) R. Donaldson ABF1 (AW) Bradley H. Fudge ABH1 (AW) William J. Claye ABE1 (AW) Wilbert M. Wafford ABE1 (AW) Tagipo Migao ABE1 (AW) Anthony Hughes ABH1 (AW) Sean Black ABH1 (AW) Gregory A. Curl ABE1 (AW) Dennis M. Prazeau ABE1 (AW/SW) Jon C. Clark ABH1 (AW/SW) Glen R. Harrison ABF1 (AW/SW) Alvaro D. Williams ABH1 (AW/SW) Ronnie A. Padilla ABH1 (AW/SW) Maguel L. Brooks ABF1 (AW/SW) Jamison R. Hunter 1977 1979 1981 1983 1985 1987 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 ABFC Alfred Reynolds ABH1 Alan Lundeen ABE1 Bert Blyth ABE1 Jake Kollarik ABE1 Michael Hoben ABE1 A.A. Annunziata ABH1 M. L. Herman ABE1 Elwood G. Eppard ABE1 T.A. Chorlton ABH2 Kevin J. Phillips ABH2 Scott J. Bailey ABE1 Richard D. Jones ABH1 Paul Foster ABE1 (SW) Ronnie G Pinkston ABH1 Daniel Dray ABE1 Buddy Ward ABF1 (AW/SW) Dennis Joyce ABE1 (AW) W.D. Cunningham ABH1 (AW) Joseph Howard ABH1 (AW) Larry Spradlin ABH1 James A. Wiggins ABE1 (AW) Steven D. Keizer ABH1 (AW/SW) Thomas Lamb ABF1 (AW) Lawrence Warford ABE1 (AW/SW) Jaime I. Roma ABF1 (AW/SW) Reynaldo A. Stanley ABF1 (AW/SW) Karl C. Thomsen ABH1 (AW/SW) Jitindra W. Sirjoo ABF1 (AW/SW) Eric L. Alexander ABH1(AW/SW) Christopher L. Smith Mr. Burbage was born on Sept. 9, 1947, in San Diego, California. In 1969, he received a bachelor’s degree in aerospace engineering from the U.S. Naval Academy. He also has master’s degrees in aeronautical systems from the University of West Florida and business administration from UCLA. Mr. Burbage has received numerous industry awards, including the Society of Automotive Engineers 2007 Leadership in Aerospace Award, the Donald C. Burnham Award from the Society of Manufacturing Engineers, the Silver Knight Award from the National Management Association, three Aviation Week Laurels Awards, and the Aerospace Industry Personality of the Year for 2002, presented at the Singapore Air Show. He is a member of the Society of Experimental Test Pilots. Tom and his wife Ellen reside in Alpharetta, Georgia; have three daughters and five grandsons. 16 9 AVIATION BOATSWAIN'S MATE ASSOCIATION Reunion Chairmen Prior To Incorporation 1971 ABCM Mike Hickman 1972 ABCM Willie Gann 1973 ABCS V. R. Christofoletti 1974 LT Cliff Forbes Presidents 1974-1976 CDR Robert Gillen 1976-1977 CWO Robert Archibald 1977-1978 LCDR Dave Deese 1978-1979 LCDR Thomas Gregory 1979-1980 ABCM Bert Gorczyca 1980-1982 LCDR Joseph Breslin 1982-1983 ABCM James E. Tuck 1983-1984 LCDR Preston L. Jones 1984-1985 ABCM Lee Snodgrass 1985-1986 CDR Cliff Forbes 1986-1988 CDR Robert E. Parsons 1988-1989 CWO Robert M. Henderson 1989-1990 CWO C. L. Moorehead 1990-1992 ABCM Charles J. Ramsey 1992-1993 ABCM Raymond Tick 1993-1995 CDR Tony Mcfarlane 1995-1996 LT Brian Gale 1996-1997 LCDR Steve Ross 1997-1998 LT T.A. "Cracker" Chorlton 1998-1999 ABECS Wally Hamaker 1999-2000 ABCM Lanny Vines 2000-2001 CDR Mike Weeks 2001-2002 LCDR Jimmy McLaughlin 2002-2004 LCDR Roy Harrison 2004-2005 LT Doug Thornton 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 Living Legends ABCM Willie Gann 1991 CDR Jack Carleton LCDR Dave Deese 1993 LCDR Harry Claar CDR Bob Gillen 1995 CWO4 Ed Hayes ABCS Odie Kennedy 1997 CWO4 Tyrone Roebuck CWO4 Robert J Archibald III 1999 CWO3 Arlie T. Sinks LCDR A.B. “Skip” Lopez 2001 CWO4 Victor “Vic” Pinion CDR Preston L. Jones 2003 LCDR Mark Short LT C. J. Heard 2005 CWO4 Robert M. Henderson Posthumous Legends 1995 CDR Cliff Forbes 1996 ABCM Frederick P. Terrazzano 1997 CDR Lawrence “Larry” Wiltzius 1998 CWO4 James D. Maloney 1999 CWO4 Robert V. Langmaid 2004 ABHC (Ret/Dec) Donald A. “Tiny” Alexander ABMA Recruiters of the Year LCDR Doug Thornton ABH1 Harold Rodriguez LT Charlie Ardinger CWO2 Jim Kay 10 STEPHEN C. RORKE CAPTAIN, UNITED STATES NAVY CAPT Steve “Chewy” Rorke is a graduate of Cordova High in Rancho Cordova, California and was commissioned in 1981 through the Navy ROTC scholarship program in Electrical Engineering at Oregon State University. He was designated a Naval Flight Officer in 1982 and detailed to fly EA-6B Prowlers. CAPT Rorke has served in a variety of sea and shore assignments and flown over 28 types of aircraft during his distinguished career. At sea, his first assignment was with the VAQ-133 Wizards aboard the USS Enterprise (CVN-65) making both the last EA-6B “EXCAP” version Prowler deployment followed by the first Western Pacific deployment of the “ICAP-II” Prowler. While assigned to the VAQ-132 Scorpions, he served as Electronic Warfare, Operations and then Maintenance department head during deployments to the Mediterranean and Adriatic Seas aboard USS Saratoga (CV-60) and to the Caribbean Sea aboard USS Constellation (CV-64). Chewy joined the Garudas of VAQ-134 as Executive Officer in May 1996 during the Navy’s first expeditionary Prowler deployment to MCAS Iwakuni, Japan. He assumed command of the Garudas in October 1997 and led the squadron through another trend-setting six month expeditionary deployment to Incirlik Air Base, Turkey, in support of Operation Northern Watch (ONW). During their ground breaking Expeditionary Prowler deployments, the Garudas won the COMNAVAIRPAC Battle “E”, a Joint Meritorious Unit Commendation as a member of the Combined Task Force, ONW and were twice awarded the CNO Safety “S”. In January 1999 he reported as Operations Officer of the USS John C. Stennis (CVN-74) in time for workups and the millennium deployment to the Western Pacific and the Arabian Gulf in January 2000. His Ops Department earned the Ops Green “E” and lead the ship to its first Pacific Fleet Battle “E”. CAPT Rorke’s shore assignments have primarily been acquisition related beginning with selection to the US Navy Test Pilot School at Patuxent River, MD, graduating from TPS Class 92, in December 1987. He then worked as the EA-6B Project Officer for ICAP-II Block-86 and production EA-6B HARM integration test projects at the Systems Engineering Test Directorate (SETD) of the Naval Air Test Center. He later assumed the duties as Test Program Manager at SETD and was responsible for cost, schedule and performance of all EA-6B weapons and flight test projects including ADVCAP, Block-86 upgrades and Block-82 software releases. In addition, he participated in numerous other developmental projects in A-6E, F-14B, F/A-18D and TA-7C aircraft. He later assumed the duties as the Electronic Attack Wing, U.S. Pacific Fleet, EA-6B “ADVCAP” Fleet Introduction Team Officer in Charge until the cancellation of the “ADVCAP” program. He then became the Wing’s Technology Manager, the liaison officer to NAVAIR and tracked all Prowler upgrade and technology issues, in addition to participating in the first feasibility study of an Electronic Attack F/A-18 variant. He reported as the Chief Test Pilot of the Navy’s Strike Aircraft Test Squadron, VX-23, at Patuxent River in June 2001 and assumed command in January 2003. During this tour he participated in various flight test projects and provided oversight for all strike aircraft developmental test programs, encompassing over 200 active projects on EA-6B ICAP-III, F/A-18C/D/E/F, T-45, X-31 and both X-32 and X-35 JSF aircraft. VX-23 was awarded a Meritorious Unit Commendation in August 2003 and the CNO Safety “S” for 2003. CAPT Rorke served as the E-2C foreign military sales IPT lead in PMA-231 from June 2004 until reporting as Program Manager for Aircraft Launch and Recovery Equipment (PMA-251) in March 2006. Capt Rorke has logged over 3,950 flight hours including 3,230 EA-6B hours, 779 carrier landings and 165 combat hours during 34 ONW missions. His personal decorations include four Meritorious Service Medals, Air Medal (Strike/Flight), two Navy Commendation Medals and a Navy Achievement Medal, in addition to other unit and service awards. He is a graduate of the Armed Forces Staff College and has masters degrees from the University of Tennessee (1990) and the Naval War College (1995). CAPT Steve Rorke is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard S. Rorke of Rancho Cordova, California. He now resides with his wife Julie and daughter Grace Marie, in Hollywood, Md. 15 MATTHEW THOMAS SCASSERO CAPTAIN, UNITED STATES NAVY Captain Scassero grew up in Lisburn, Pennsylvania. He graduated with a B.S. in Physics (Oceanography), and received his commission from the United States Naval Academy in 1982. He proceeded on to flight training in Pensacola, Florida, earning his Naval Flight Officer wings in July 1983. Reporting to the EA-6B Prowler community, Captain Scassero has been stationed at NAS Whidbey Island, Washington and NAF Atsugi, Japan serving tours with VAQ’s-129, -134, and -136 in USS CARL VINSON, USS MIDWAY and USS INDEPENDENCE. Other assignments include the Weapon System Program Manager at the A-6/EA-6B Program Office (PMA-234) in Crystal City, Virginia and NATO Training and Exercises Officer on the staff of Second Fleet/Commander, Striking Fleet Atlantic in USS MOUNT WHITNEY (LCC 20), homeported in Norfolk, Virginia. Following selection for command, in 1999 Captain Scassero reported first as Executive Officer, and then fleeted up to Commanding Officer of the Electronic Attack Weapons School at NAS Whidbey Island. He then embarked on a highly successful and rewarding tour as Air Boss in VINSON, making an extended deployment to the Western Pacific in 2003. He has flown combat missions in Iraq and Kosovo. Captain Scassero reported in April 2004 to Naval Air Systems Command at NAS Patuxent River, Maryland as the Naval Capabilities Development Process program manager, and assumed his current duties in July 2006 as Vice Commander for Naval Air Warfare Center, Aircraft Division. Captain Scassero’s personal awards include the Meritorious Service Medal, Air Medal (3), Joint Service Commendation Medal (2), Navy/Marine Corps Commendation Medal (2, 1 with Combat “V”), Navy/Marine Corps Achievement Medal and Expert Pistol Medal, and numerous unit and campaign awards. He lives with his family in Leonardtown, Maryland. President CDR R. D. Jones 2006-2007 Officers Vice-President CDR (Sel) S. Whelan Treasurer ABEC (Ret) Stoney Burke Secretary Donna Dodson Board of Directors Life Member CDR (Ret) Bob Gillen CAPT (Ret) Tony McFarlane One Year CDR (Ret) Preston Jones LT Guy Jordan Two Year CDR Roy Harrison CDR Mike Singleton Three Year ABCM Kely Charles ABHC Chris Smith ABMA Chaplain LTJG Erick Stroud AB's Believe... Carrier Safety + Highway Safety "Please Stay Drug Free & Sober" 14 11 ABF1 (AW) Jacob Muehls ABOY Atlantic Fleet ABF1 Jacob D. Muehls is a native of Waukesha, Wisconsin and a graduate of Waukesha High School. Shortly following graduation he entered Basic Training at Recruit Training Command, Great Lakes in January 1995. After graduating from Aviation Boatswain’s Mate Fuels “A” School at Naval Air Technical Training Center, Millington he reported to the fuel division onboard USS INDEPENDENCE (CV 62) in July 1998 where he completed two Mediterranean & Arabian Gulf deployments in 1998 & 2000. After a successful tour on KITTY HAWK, Petty Officer Muehls graduated the top of his class from Aviation Boatswain’s Mate Fuels “C” School at Naval Air Technical Training Center, Pensacola as an Aviation Fuels Technician. After graduation he reported to Assault Craft Unit FOUR, as the Leading Petty Officer where he was responsible for 15 personnel in the safe and efficient fueling of all landing and assault crafts. In September 2003 he reported to USS HARRY S. TRUMAN (CVN 75) as the Flight Deck Leading Petty Officer. He Superb leadership was noted during HST’s Planned Incremental Availability period where he was in charge of the comprehensive PIA work package accounting for more than 3,000 man hours and the unprecedented fuel system certification. After a successful yard period Petty Officer Muehls led his flight deck team on a combat mission deployment to the Mediterranean Sea and Arabian Gulf in support of Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom. Petty Officer Muehls volunteered to fill a demanding Individual Augmentation billet in Afghanistan where he’s in charge of all fueling evolutions, as well as supervising the offload of 152,000 gallons of JP-5 and 26,000 gallons of diesel. Petty Officer Muehls served as V-4 Division Leading Petty Officer on two ships through three deployments and has logged over 52 million gallons of JP-5 issued and received incident free. For his inspiring leadership Petty Officer Muehls was awarded the Harry S. Truman Buck Stops Here Leadership Award for his can do attitude. His personal awards include the Navy & Marine Corps Commendation Medal, Navy & Marine Corps Achievement Medal (Four Awards), Navy Unit Commendation, Meritorious Unit Commendation, Battle “E” Ribbon (Three Awards), Good Conduct Medal (Three Awards), National Defense Service Medal, Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal (Two Awards), Armed Forces Service Medal, Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal, Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, Humanitarian Service Medal, Sea Service Deployment Ribbon (Three Awards), and the Navy/Marine Corps Overseas Service Ribbon (Two Awards) 12 ABF1 (AW/SW) Roberto Saavedra ABOY Pacific Fleet Born June 28, 1978, in Juarez Mexico, Petty Officer Roberto J. Saavedra enlisted in the U.S Navy in June 1998. After attending Boot camp in Great Lakes and completing ABF “A” school in NATTC Pensacola, Florida he reported to the USS Inchon (MCS-12) in October 1998 where he eventually became the Below Decks Leading Petty Officer. After a successful tour onboard USS Inchon, Petty Officer Saavedra reported to NATTC Pensacola, Florida in September 2001 for instructor duty where he received his Master Training Specialist Certification. He instructed over 500 airman apprenticeship classes and command indoctrination classes. Petty Officer Saavedra left NATTC Pensacola, Florida in October 2004 and reported to USS KITTY HAWK (CV-63) in November and was assigned as the Below Decks Leading Petty Officer. In 2005, Petty Officer Saavedra was selected as the USS KITTY HAWK’s Senior Sailor of the Year (SOY) for his conspicuous and superior performance. Petty Officer Saavedra now serves as the V-4 Maintenance Leading Petty Officer and assistant to the Fuels Maintenance Officer. He recently earned an Associates in Science Degree. His personal decorations include the Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal, 4 awards; the Navy Good Conduct award 3 awards, and various unit awards. He is married to the former Claudia Mijarez. They have one son, Robert Saavedra. They reside in Ikego, Japan. 13