ROLLING STOCK SPARE PARTS We keep trains rolling since 1988 ul. Rynkowska 2 85-503 Bydgoszcz/Poland tel. +48 52 322 05 63 fax +48 52 327 20 35 CONTENTS 1. Hasler speedometer and transmitter parts ....................... 1 2. Locks, latches and spare parts for doors and windows .......... 7 3. Electric and electronic components .................................. 17 4. Elements of interior ....................................................... 22 5. Miscellaneous parts and accessories ................................. 26 6. Specialty bolts, pins, springs .......................................... 29 7. Telescopic lighting mast ................................................. 30 Copyright by DARPOL Dariusz Jasinski All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the written permission from DARPOL. ROLLING STOCK COMPONENTS ul. Rynkowska 2 85-503 Bydgoszcz/Poland Item number Description tel. +48 52 322 05 63 fax +48 52 327 20 35 Picture Vehicle HASLER SPEEDOMETER AND TRANSMITTER PARTS Locomotive Speedometer Hasler (RT9 and A16) EMU (Hasler) Locomotive EMU Transmitter (8311 and 8312) (Hasler) Speedometer transmitter DL-O 25 003-00 collector Locomotive Type A – with shaft Type B – without shaft EMU (Hasler) Hasler catalogue no.: 5.8311.160/… A B Locomotive DL-O 32 001-00 Carbon brushes EMU Hasler catalogue no.: 5.8311.109 (Hasler) Locomotive DL-O 32 015-00 Coil wound EMU Hasler catalogue no.: 5.1554.214/… For 24V, 48V, 72V (Hasler) 1 All texts, drawings and photographs in this catalog are the property of DARPOL. Copying, processing and use without DARPOL's written permission is prohibited. ROLLING STOCK COMPONENTS ul. Rynkowska 2 85-503 Bydgoszcz/Poland Item number Description tel. +48 52 322 05 63 fax +48 52 327 20 35 Picture Vehicle HASLER SPEEDOMETER AND TRANSMITTER PARTS Locomotive DL-O 32 018-00 Diagram reroller assembly EMU (Hasler) Hasler catalogue no.: 5.1555.157 Locomotive Protection cap DL-O 25 004-00 EMU Hasler catalogue no.: 5.1555.196 DL-O 25 005-00 DL-O 25 005-01 DL-O 25 005-02 (Hasler) Bulb cover and base Locomotive EMU Bulb cover No. 5.1554.271 (Hasler) Bulb holder base No. 5.1551.163 Main spring Locomotive DL-O 32 007-00 EMU Hasler catalogue no.: 5.1503.238 DL-O 32 008-00 (Hasler) Locomotive Speedometer cable EMU no.: 5.8172.000 (Hasler) 2 All texts, drawings and photographs in this catalog are the property of DARPOL. Copying, processing and use without DARPOL's written permission is prohibited. ROLLING STOCK COMPONENTS ul. Rynkowska 2 85-503 Bydgoszcz/Poland Item number Description tel. +48 52 322 05 63 fax +48 52 327 20 35 Picture Vehicle HASLER SPEEDOMETER AND TRANSMITTER PARTS DL-O 32 012-00 Speedometer cable DL-O 32 012-01 DL-O 32 012-02 DL-O 32 012-03 4-cond. - 5.1551.221 8-cond. - 5.1551.222 12-cond. - 5.1551.223 DL-O 32 013-00 Speedometer cable Locomotive EMU (Hasler) Locomotive EMU DL-O 32 013-01 DL-O 32 013-02 DL-O 32 013-03 4-cond. - 5.1554.243 8-cond. - 5.1554.244 12-cond. - 5.1554.246 (Hasler) Speedometer transmiter DL-O 32 014-00 Locomotive cable (no.: 5.8300.114) EMU DL-O 32 014-01 DL-O 32 014-02 DL-O 32 014-03 L = 1,25 m L = 1,50 m L= 1,80 m (Hasler) Locomotive Casing DL-O 32 010-00 Hasler catalogue no.: 5.8311.513 EMU (Hasler) 3 All texts, drawings and photographs in this catalog are the property of DARPOL. Copying, processing and use without DARPOL's written permission is prohibited. ROLLING STOCK COMPONENTS ul. Rynkowska 2 85-503 Bydgoszcz/Poland Item number Description tel. +48 52 322 05 63 fax +48 52 327 20 35 Picture Vehicle HASLER SPEEDOMETER AND TRANSMITTER PARTS DL-O 32 011-00 Brush holder Locomotive DL-O 32 011-01 A – contact support no.: 5.8311.110 EMU DL-O 32 011-02 B – carbon holder no.: 5.8311.108 (Hasler) Speedometer DL-O 32 016-00 transmiter’s gaskets Locomotive DL-O 32 016-01 Casing gasket ring (5.8311.552) EMU DL-O 32 016-02 (Hasler) Cable gland gasket ring (5.8311.526) Locomotive DL-O 32 019-00 DL-O 32 019-01 DL-O 32 019-02 Speedometer transmitter covers / cable heads EMU (Hasler) 5.8312.507-with flang 5.8311.112– with thread Locomotive DL-O 32 020-00 Speedometer transmitter’s aluminum plate EMU (Hasler) Hasler catalogue no.: 5.8311.651 DL-O 32 021-00 Locomotive Speedometer transmitter’s nuts EMU (Hasler) DL-O 32 021-01 DL-O 32 021-02 Type A – 5.8311.514 Type B – 5.8311.503 4 All texts, drawings and photographs in this catalog are the property of DARPOL. Copying, processing and use without DARPOL's written permission is prohibited. ROLLING STOCK COMPONENTS ul. Rynkowska 2 85-503 Bydgoszcz/Poland Item number Description tel. +48 52 322 05 63 fax +48 52 327 20 35 Picture Vehicle HASLER SPEEDOMETER AND TRANSMITTER PARTS Locomotive DL-O 33 001-00 Escapement EMU Hasler catalogue no: 5.1503.242 (Hasler) Recording unit assembly Locomotive DL-O 33 002-01 Type A - 5.1554.384 EMU DL-O 33 002-02 Type B - 5.1554.371 DL-O 33 002-00 (Hasler) Resistor feh. (0,6 and 1,2 A) DL-O 36 001-00 Locomotive Hasler catalogue no: EMU 5.8300.113/04 -1,2A and 5.8300.112/04 -0,6A (Hasler) Light bulb of speedometer dial Locomotive DL-O 36 002-00 EMU Nr kat. Hasler: 5.1534.167 (Hasler) Pawl comb. Locomotive DL-O 33 003-00 EMU Hasler catalogue no: 5.1501.153 (Hasler) 5 All texts, drawings and photographs in this catalog are the property of DARPOL. Copying, processing and use without DARPOL's written permission is prohibited. ROLLING STOCK COMPONENTS ul. Rynkowska 2 85-503 Bydgoszcz/Poland Item number Description tel. +48 52 322 05 63 fax +48 52 327 20 35 Picture Vehicle HASLER SPEEDOMETER AND TRANSMITTER PARTS Pressure roller Locomotive DL-O 33 004-00 EMU Hasler catalogue no: 5.1554.116 (Hasler) Rocker assy. Locomotive DL-O 33 005-00 EMU Hasler catalogue no: 5.1502.101 (Hasler) Plugs DL-O 33 007-00 (5.8321.112, 5.8312.113, 5.8321.133/01, 5.8321.133/02, Locomotive 5.8321.133/03) EMU Sockets (Hasler) (5.8321.111, DL-O 33 008-00 5.8321.135/04, 5.8321.135/05, 5.8321.135/06) TAS90 TAS100 TAS120 Locomotive Diagram rolls (90 km/h, 100 km/h, 120 km/h, EMU 150 km/h) TAS150 (Hasler) Locomotive DL-O 36 000-00 Electronic current EMU stabilizer 1,2A (Hasler) AND MANY MORE HASLER SPARE PARTS If you don’t see what you need, please send us an inquiry. 6 All texts, drawings and photographs in this catalog are the property of DARPOL. Copying, processing and use without DARPOL's written permission is prohibited. ROLLING STOCK COMPONENTS ul. Rynkowska 2 85-503 Bydgoszcz/Poland Item number Description tel. +48 52 322 05 63 fax +48 52 327 20 35 Picture Vehicle LOCKS, LATCHES AND SPARE PARTS FOR DOOR AND WINDOWS Door lockset and handles DL-O 17 038-00 Locomotive assembly for driver’s cab Upper door latch and handles set for DL-O 17 058-00 Locomotive JT42CWR/CLASS 66 locomotive Compartment door latch DL-O 17 059-00 and handles set for Locomotive JT42CWR/CLASS 66 locomotive Lower door lockset and handle assembly Locomotive (no. 10636053) DL-O 17 060-00 for JT42CWR/CLASS 66 locomotive 7 All texts, drawings and photographs in this catalog are the property of DARPOL. Copying, processing and use without DARPOL's written permission is prohibited. ROLLING STOCK COMPONENTS ul. Rynkowska 2 85-503 Bydgoszcz/Poland Item number Description tel. +48 52 322 05 63 fax +48 52 327 20 35 Picture Vehicle LOCKS, LATCHES AND SPARE PARTS FOR DOOR AND WINDOWS Door lockset and handles DL-O 17 062-00 assembly for EU07 and Locomotive ET22 locomotives Door latch and handles DL-O 17 064-00 set Locomotive (no. 4E1602-1-0) for ET22, EU09 and SP45 locomotives DL-O 17 065-00 DL-O 17 065-01 Right hand lock 201E170202-1-00 Locomotive Left hand lock 201E170302-1-00 EMU DL-O 16 051-00 Lockset and handles assembly for inter-car gangway connection door WM-15 motor car 8 All texts, drawings and photographs in this catalog are the property of DARPOL. Copying, processing and use without DARPOL's written permission is prohibited. ROLLING STOCK COMPONENTS ul. Rynkowska 2 85-503 Bydgoszcz/Poland Item number Description tel. +48 52 322 05 63 fax +48 52 327 20 35 Picture Vehicle LOCKS, LATCHES AND SPARE PARTS FOR DOOR AND WINDOWS Passenger car Door lockset and handles DL-O 13 008-00 DL-O 16 055-00 assembly for toilet cabin (WC) door EMU Glass door lock Rail bus Electromagnetic locking DL-O 17 015-00 Passenger car system lockset and handles (full set) Right hand door handle DL-O 17 044-00 for electromagnetic Passenger car locking system DL-O 17 012-00 Inside door handle for electromagnetic locking system DL-O 17 012-01 DL-O 17 012-02 Left hand model Right hand model Passenger car 9 All texts, drawings and photographs in this catalog are the property of DARPOL. Copying, processing and use without DARPOL's written permission is prohibited. ROLLING STOCK COMPONENTS ul. Rynkowska 2 85-503 Bydgoszcz/Poland Item number Description tel. +48 52 322 05 63 fax +48 52 327 20 35 Picture Vehicle LOCKS, LATCHES AND SPARE PARTS FOR DOOR AND WINDOWS DL-O 17 019-00 Center lock assembly for electromagnetic locking system Passenger car DL-O 17 019-01 DL-O 17 019-02 Left hand model Right hand model Outside door handle for door with DL-O 17 016-00 Passenger car electromagnetic lock A - Handle B - Washer Outside door DL-O 17 017-04 lock and handle cover Passenger car for door with electromagnetic lock Electromagnetic locking DL-O 17 047-00 Passenger car system emergency shut-off 10 All texts, drawings and photographs in this catalog are the property of DARPOL. Copying, processing and use without DARPOL's written permission is prohibited. ROLLING STOCK COMPONENTS ul. Rynkowska 2 85-503 Bydgoszcz/Poland Item number Description tel. +48 52 322 05 63 fax +48 52 327 20 35 Picture Vehicle LOCKS, LATCHES AND SPARE PARTS FOR DOOR AND WINDOWS DL-O 17 017-01 Upper pull rod for electromagnetic Passenger car locking system DL-O 17 020-00 DL-O 17 020-01 DL-O 17 020-02 DL-O 17 020-03 DL-O 17 018-00 DL-O 17 018-01 DL-O 17 018-02 DL-O 17 039-00 Lower lock bolt assembly for electromagnetic locking system Passenger car Left hand bolt Right hand bolt Bolt spring Upper lock bolt assembly for electromagnetic locking system Passenger car Left hand model Right hand model Service cabin door handles EMU DL-O 17 039-01 DL-O 17 039-02 S-shaped handle Straight-shape handle EMU Passenger cabin door DL-O 17 055-00 handles DL-O 17 055-01 DL-O 17 055-02 Left-hand model Right-hand model Double deck cars 11 All texts, drawings and photographs in this catalog are the property of DARPOL. Copying, processing and use without DARPOL's written permission is prohibited. ROLLING STOCK COMPONENTS ul. Rynkowska 2 85-503 Bydgoszcz/Poland Item number Description tel. +48 52 322 05 63 fax +48 52 327 20 35 Picture Vehicle LOCKS, LATCHES AND SPARE PARTS FOR DOOR AND WINDOWS Inter-car DL-O 17 053-00 Passenger car gangway connection door handles DL-O 04 010-00 Compression latch Passenger car DL-O 04 010-01 DL-O 04 010-02 DL-O 04 010-03 Model A Model B Model C Railway bus EMU Ceiling inspection panel lock DL-O 04 009-05 DL-O 04 009-06 Passenger car Triangle lock Square lock Retractable cover step DL-O 17 004-21 DL-O 17 004-22 Passenger car right left (no. U124403124) Cover step guide DL-O 17 004-00 (for the retractable cover Passenger car step) 12 All texts, drawings and photographs in this catalog are the property of DARPOL. Copying, processing and use without DARPOL's written permission is prohibited. ROLLING STOCK COMPONENTS ul. Rynkowska 2 85-503 Bydgoszcz/Poland Item number Description tel. +48 52 322 05 63 fax +48 52 327 20 35 Picture Vehicle LOCKS, LATCHES AND SPARE PARTS FOR DOOR AND WINDOWS DL-O 16 009-00 Passenger car Swing door hinge Hinge DL-O 16 011-00 Passenger car for folding exit door Side door hinge DL-O 16 010-00 Left hand hinge DL-O 16 010-01 Passenger car (official no: 909A 170 601.1.00) Right hand hinge DL-O 16 010-02 (official no: 909A 170 801.1.00) DL-O 16 016-00 DL-O 17 001-00 EMU Door opening pushbutton Rail bus Passanger cabin door Passenger cars latch and stiker assembly EMU Model A Locomotive 13 All texts, drawings and photographs in this catalog are the property of DARPOL. Copying, processing and use without DARPOL's written permission is prohibited. ROLLING STOCK COMPONENTS ul. Rynkowska 2 85-503 Bydgoszcz/Poland Item number Description tel. +48 52 322 05 63 fax +48 52 327 20 35 Picture Vehicle LOCKS, LATCHES AND SPARE PARTS FOR DOOR AND WINDOWS Compartment door spring Passenger car type DL-O 17 035-00 latch and striker EMU assembly DL-O 17 035-03 Mounting bracket DL-O 16 022-00 Automatic door actuator Rail bus EMU Automatic door locking DL-O 16 025-00 EMU assembly Door guide roller with an DL-O 16 048-00 extension piece Rail buses Door guide roller DL-O 16 048-01 (without an extension piece) Passanger cabin door DL-O 17 021-00 EMU guide roller 14 All texts, drawings and photographs in this catalog are the property of DARPOL. Copying, processing and use without DARPOL's written permission is prohibited. ROLLING STOCK COMPONENTS ul. Rynkowska 2 85-503 Bydgoszcz/Poland Item number Description tel. +48 52 322 05 63 fax +48 52 327 20 35 Picture Vehicle LOCKS, LATCHES AND SPARE PARTS FOR DOOR AND WINDOWS DL-O 16 021-00 Emergency door opening bowden (cable) L=1900 DL-O 16 021-01 Emergency door opening bowden (cable) L=5000 DL-O 16 021-02 Emergency door opening bowden (cable) L=5500 DL-O 15 002-00 Window operator (catch and handle assembly) DL-O 15 001-20 Window catch assembly (with a bent arm) DL-O 15 000-01 DL-O 15 000-02 Rail bus EMU Passenger car Left hand window operator (lockable) Passenger car Right hand window operator (lockable) Railway symbol: 4FWT 4FWT Passenger car Window cable (stopper) DL-O 15 004-00 DL-O 15 004-01 DL-O 15 004-02 EMU Model A – loop+pin Model B – pin+pin Model C – loop+loop Locomotive 15 All texts, drawings and photographs in this catalog are the property of DARPOL. Copying, processing and use without DARPOL's written permission is prohibited. ROLLING STOCK COMPONENTS ul. Rynkowska 2 85-503 Bydgoszcz/Poland Item number Description tel. +48 52 322 05 63 fax +48 52 327 20 35 Picture Vehicle LOCKS, LATCHES AND SPARE PARTS FOR DOOR AND WINDOWS Roller shades Passenger car DL-O 15 008-00 Single shade DL-O 15 008-10 Double shade (with solar mesh shade) DL-O 15 006-00 Window actuator DL-O 15 003-00 Window crank handle for Bhp car Rail Bus Passenger cars Passenger car Railway keys DL-O 17 032-00 EMU (various types) Locomotive Rail bus 16 All texts, drawings and photographs in this catalog are the property of DARPOL. Copying, processing and use without DARPOL's written permission is prohibited. ROLLING STOCK COMPONENTS ul. Rynkowska 2 85-503 Bydgoszcz/Poland Item number Description tel. +48 52 322 05 63 fax +48 52 327 20 35 Picture Vehicle ELECTRIC AND ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS Flexible electrical connections for contactor, pantograph DL-O 04 022-00 EMU Locomotives etc. (various types) Material - copper Electrical connection for PK contactor EMU DL-O 04 023-00 DL-O 04 023-01 Left-hand Locomotive Right-hand Flexible electrical DL-O 30 012-00 Passenger cars connection Electrical DL-O 11 001-00 EMU coupling head for Scharfenberg coupler Contact for Scharfenberg DL-O 12 001-00 EMU coupler electrical head 17 All texts, drawings and photographs in this catalog are the property of DARPOL. Copying, processing and use without DARPOL's written permission is prohibited. ROLLING STOCK COMPONENTS ul. Rynkowska 2 85-503 Bydgoszcz/Poland Item number Description tel. +48 52 322 05 63 fax +48 52 327 20 35 Picture Vehicle ELECTRIC AND ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS DL-O 30 009-00 PK 316 Contact EMU PZ contact for the control DL-O 30 007-00 module EMU for timing resistors Constant contact KE3D DL-O 10 001-00 EMU Moving contact KE3D EMU DL-O 10 002-00 Moving contact for SPG EMU contactors DL-O 10 004-00 SPG 400, SPG 630, SPG Locomotive 1600 Moving contact assembly EMU with crescent-shaped DL-O 10 020-00 Locomotive levers 18 All texts, drawings and photographs in this catalog are the property of DARPOL. Copying, processing and use without DARPOL's written permission is prohibited. ROLLING STOCK COMPONENTS ul. Rynkowska 2 85-503 Bydgoszcz/Poland Item number Description tel. +48 52 322 05 63 fax +48 52 327 20 35 Picture Vehicle ELECTRIC AND ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS EMU Control module DAR-330 DL-O 10 030-00 DL-O 10 030-52 for timing resistors Locomotive Control module base EMU plate Locomotive for timing resistors Electropneumatic valve DL-O 30 024-20 Double-deck coach for Bdhpumn car door (substitute for PMVG/63) Passenger cars DL-O 30 024-00 Electropneumatic valve Locomotive EMU DL-O 30 003-00 DL-O DL-O DL-O DL-O 30 30 30 30 003-01 003-02 003-03 003-04 Valve coil Passenger car coil 24V coil 48V coil 110V coil 75V EMU 19 All texts, drawings and photographs in this catalog are the property of DARPOL. Copying, processing and use without DARPOL's written permission is prohibited. ROLLING STOCK COMPONENTS ul. Rynkowska 2 85-503 Bydgoszcz/Poland Item number Description tel. +48 52 322 05 63 fax +48 52 327 20 35 Picture Vehicle ELECTRIC AND ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS Contactor coil DL-O 30 032-00 Model: SO1 -DL DL-O 30 032-01 Model: SO10 -DL DL-O 30 032-02 Model: SO11 -DL Passenger car Passenger car Coil for electromagnetic DL-O 30 006-00 DL-O 30 002-00 locking system EMU Disconnect coil for overvoltage relay Locomotive DL-O 25 000-00 Windshield wiper motor EMU CZP-2 DL-O 30 005-00 Passenger cars speed sensor 20 All texts, drawings and photographs in this catalog are the property of DARPOL. Copying, processing and use without DARPOL's written permission is prohibited. ROLLING STOCK COMPONENTS ul. Rynkowska 2 85-503 Bydgoszcz/Poland Item number Description tel. +48 52 322 05 63 fax +48 52 327 20 35 Picture Vehicle ELECTRIC AND ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS Frequency relay for DL-O 30 017-00 electromagnetic locking system DL-O 04 025-00 Switches DL-O 04 025-01 DL-O 04 025-02 Type ZP1 Type Z DL-O 04 026-00 Switches DL-O 04 026-01 DL-O 04 026-02 Type ZP1 cm2 Type Z cm2 Passenger cars EMU EMU Valve control DL-O 04 019-00 EMU connection block Voltage DL-O 30 016-00 EMU control box IRN Locomotive Carbon brushes and brush holders EMU (various types) Rail bus 21 All texts, drawings and photographs in this catalog are the property of DARPOL. Copying, processing and use without DARPOL's written permission is prohibited. ROLLING STOCK COMPONENTS ul. Rynkowska 2 85-503 Bydgoszcz/Poland Item number Description tel. +48 52 322 05 63 fax +48 52 327 20 35 Picture Vehicle ELEMENTS OF INTERIOR DL-O 25 001-00 Map frame for driver’s console Locomotive EMU Locomotive DL-O 25 002-00 Visor EMU Armrest table DL-O 13 017-10 Passenger car with a drink cup holder Folding back seat DL-O 13 017-11 Passenger car tray table with a drink cup holder Overhead luggage rack DL-O 13 020-00 Passenger car reading light 22 All texts, drawings and photographs in this catalog are the property of DARPOL. Copying, processing and use without DARPOL's written permission is prohibited. ROLLING STOCK COMPONENTS ul. Rynkowska 2 85-503 Bydgoszcz/Poland Item number Description tel. +48 52 322 05 63 fax +48 52 327 20 35 Picture Vehicle ELEMENTS OF INTERIOR Passenger car DL-O 13 009-00 Litter bin EMU (16L volume) Rail bus Under-seat swinging litter bin DL-O 13 011-00 Rail bus (vertically hung, top and side mounted) DL-O 13 009-03 Litter bin Rail bus with two-way opening DL-O 19 004-00 DL-O 19 004-01 DL-O 19 004-02 Passenger car Heat insulators EMU Model A Model B A DL-O 19 005-00 B Passenger car Seat heater EMU Passenger car Temperature DL-O 19 003-00 control box EMU 23 All texts, drawings and photographs in this catalog are the property of DARPOL. Copying, processing and use without DARPOL's written permission is prohibited. ROLLING STOCK COMPONENTS ul. Rynkowska 2 85-503 Bydgoszcz/Poland Item number Description tel. +48 52 322 05 63 fax +48 52 327 20 35 Picture Vehicle ELEMENTS OF INTERIOR EMU DL-O 12 004-00 Handrails (various types) DL-O 17 010-00 Handles (various types) Passenger cars EMU Passenger cars Passenger cars DL-O 14 011-00 Handrail for handicapped EMU Rail bus DL-O 14 017-00 DL-O 30 011-00 110V Passenger car Electrical socket with microswitch (for shaver) EMU Passenger car Water time relay DL-O 30 011-01 24V EMU 24 All texts, drawings and photographs in this catalog are the property of DARPOL. Copying, processing and use without DARPOL's written permission is prohibited. ROLLING STOCK COMPONENTS ul. Rynkowska 2 85-503 Bydgoszcz/Poland Item number Description tel. +48 52 322 05 63 fax +48 52 327 20 35 Picture Vehicle ELEMENTS OF INTERIOR DL-O 14 005-00 Passenger car Water release assembly EMU Rubber drain funnel for DL-O 14 015-00 Passenger car toilet (for toilet cabin) EMU DL-O 13 007-00 DL-O DL-O DL-O DL-O 13 13 13 13 007-01 007-02 007-03 007-04 Passenger car Emergency hammers Model Model Model Model A B C D EMU Rail bus Armrest ashtray DL-O 13 003-00 Model A Passenger car Armrest ashtray DL-O 13 005-00 Passenger car Model C Wall-mounted DL-O 13 06-00 Passenger car compartment ashtray 25 All texts, drawings and photographs in this catalog are the property of DARPOL. Copying, processing and use without DARPOL's written permission is prohibited. ROLLING STOCK COMPONENTS ul. Rynkowska 2 85-503 Bydgoszcz/Poland Item number Description tel. +48 52 322 05 63 fax +48 52 327 20 35 Picture Vehicle MISCELLANEOUS PARTS AND ACCESSORIES Emergency brake gear DL-O 04 015-00 EMU wheel Locomotive DL-O 12 003-00 Headlight frame EMU Front end DL-O 12 005-00 coupler cover EMU for Scharfenberg coupler mechanical head A “End of train” sign (white B and red board) Locomotive DL-O 12 009-00 Model A DL-O 12 009-02 Model B Locomotive DL-O 12 009-05 “End of train” lamp sign EMU Rail Bus 26 All texts, drawings and photographs in this catalog are the property of DARPOL. Copying, processing and use without DARPOL's written permission is prohibited. ROLLING STOCK COMPONENTS ul. Rynkowska 2 85-503 Bydgoszcz/Poland Item number Description tel. +48 52 322 05 63 fax +48 52 327 20 35 Picture Vehicle MISCELLANEOUS PARTS AND ACCESSORIES Certificate DL-O 12 010-00 of inspection frame DL-O 30 027-00 Low-tone siren SKN Locomotive Locomotive EMU DL-O 30 027-01 DL-O 30 028-00 High-tone siren SKW Rail bus Diaphragm disc for Locomotive SKN/SKW siren EMU (set of two) DL-O 38 001-00 Ratchet wrench 25AN 07100502-00 Metal and rubber shock absorber Rail bus Freight car Bogie type 25AN (SUW2000) Bogie type 25AN PBACM 254-140 Brake cylinder (SUW2000) 27 All texts, drawings and photographs in this catalog are the property of DARPOL. Copying, processing and use without DARPOL's written permission is prohibited. ROLLING STOCK COMPONENTS ul. Rynkowska 2 85-503 Bydgoszcz/Poland Item number Description tel. +48 52 322 05 63 fax +48 52 327 20 35 Picture Vehicle MISCELLANEOUS PARTS AND ACCESSORIES PBAC 254-140 Bogie type 25AN Brake cylinder (SUW2000) IBDL 22CT3014 (IB22CT3014) Bogie type 25AN Sensor SEK SUW (SUW2000) EMU Locomotive Oil, fuel and air filters (various types) Rail bus EMU Brake shoe holders Passenger car (bent or welded for iron-made or composite- Locomotive made brake shoes) Rail bus 28 All texts, drawings and photographs in this catalog are the property of DARPOL. Copying, processing and use without DARPOL's written permission is prohibited. ROLLING STOCK COMPONENTS ul. Rynkowska 2 85-503 Bydgoszcz/Poland Item number Description tel. +48 52 322 05 63 fax +48 52 327 20 35 Picture Vehicle SPECIALTY BOLTS, PINS, SPRINGS ETC. EMU Passenger car Specialty screws, bolts and nuts (various types) Locomotive Rail bus EMU Passenger car Sleeves (various types) Locomotive Rail bus EMU Passenger car Manganese brake caps and disks (various types) Locomotive Rail bus DL-O 17 022-00 DL-O DL-O DL-O DL-O 17 17 17 17 022-04 022-03 022-01 022-02 Springs for electromagnetic locking system Spring Spring Spring Spring Passenger car A B C D DL-O 17 037-00 Springs for toilet cabin (WC) door lock Passenger car DL-O 17 037-03 DL-O 17 037-02 DL-O 17 037-01 Spring A Spring B Spring C EMU B1001-1-1 Band spring (cone-shaped, for buffers) EMU There is more … For items not listed in this Catalog inquire at 29 All texts, drawings and photographs in this catalog are the property of DARPOL. Copying, processing and use without DARPOL's written permission is prohibited. jj 30 Rolling stock spare parts developed and manufactured by DARPOL for electric and diesel locomotives, coaches, EMU and rail buses are the work of experienced engineers and skilled technicians going back three generations. DARPOL has been a leader in the field since 1988 delivering an exceptional level of service. DARPOL supplies parts for Hasler speed measuring system, electric and electronic parts, door and window locks and handles, coach and driver's cab interior essentials and accessories, and many others. Hasler / Secheron speedometer and transmitter spare parts lead DARPOL's sales both in Poland and abroad. They are major export items delivered to many railway operators and rolling stock companies worldwide. Collectors, speedometer and transmitter cables, diagram re-rollers, recording units, escapements, light bulbs, coils, springs, carbon brushes and many others, are made to last and known for their high quality. Carbon brushes and brush holders supplied by DARPOL are widely sought for through industry for motor and generator repair applications. They are manufactured in wide range as standard spare parts or custom made to meet the client's specification. All the parts supplied by DARPOL, come with the full warranty and give you the peace of mind with company's accreditation to ISO. High lighting masts have a wide range of mobile applications where good lighting of the area is necessary like work at night or at dusk. Portable and lightweight DARPOL telescopic masts install in seconds on site and can be stored in a small space when folded. The masts are made of high quality steel elements and engineered to work in difficult terrain and bad weather. Adjustable spot lights are designed to give maximum output directional lighting. Sport equipment is a unique field of expertise. Volleyball equipment made by DARPOL has serviced major championships and prestigious world sport events in Poland and other countries. DARPOL wireless volleyball buzzers, thoughtfully designed and engineered with the safety of players and game appeal in mind, were used at the Olympic Games London 2012. Laser metal cutting division enables DARPOL to deliver highly advanced metal work. European Union investment project carried out to increase company's potential in 2009 resulted in acquisition of new modern facilities and promoted company’s expansion. DARPOL designs and develops most of its inventory and with its modern technology base and over 25 years of experience can fine tune the final product to meet every client needs. DARPOL's mission is to become the preferred supplier and to provide high quality products supported by a team of competent staff genuinely interested in helping clients to achieve maximum added value from their purchase.
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