

Out ·rde the l ocy Tower ...2
Yangtze Dam _.......... 3
PCP, .....
Junkster . . . . . . . . . . •. 8
Theater of the 9ppressed ..9
Announcemer ts •........ 12
Volume VII, Issue 7
Keep Joy,·out of the reach of children
'I November, 1997
Separation of Celebrat·on of New College commun·ty
Art and State by ItJessica
was a bri k but sunny afternoon when the
ew College community wa lured to the grassy
area behind Sudakoff by the powerful scent of barby Paul "Che ch" Ch etien
becue. Dining alfresco last Wednesday, the
Last month, Congr s funded
student began celebrating the first official ew
the ational Endowment for the
College Day.
Art [NEA] $98-million for fisAt the beginning of this year, a committee made
cal year 1998. The agency,
up of three alumni and two students started planwhich wa. fonned by Congre s
ning a day where the tudent body, faculty and
in 1965, has come under attack
alumni could come together and enjoy the commuin recent year. by congrcs ional
nity. "The idea behind this day is that for years
member who feel that the NEA
people have enjoyed the atmosphere of the small
ha · failed in it mission or that it college," aid committee member and alumnus
is a throwback to a time when
Aron Edidin. "But even though we . eem to have a
the federal government was extight sense of community, it's really quite fragmented. So, we began to talk about the sorts of
panding into areas which it
never belonged.
community-building activities we could incorpoOppo ition to the NEA came
rate into one day." This idea became New College
in two waves: the first, which
be an in 1989. was an a ack on
"In its initial discussion stage , part of the day
of 'ob' c"'=-~~..c...w. as oin to be set
learning environment an
set us
tionablc' or 'indecent' art, and
the second. which began in
other colleges," said Edidin. "Though it eems like
1994. put federal art ubsidie
this year. ew College Day i mostly about bringing people together and getting an opportunity to
directly in the path of federal
play together and sec group who have been doing
In 1989, Sen. Je se Helms
different things."
first brought pressure upon the
The committee then brain tormed to find a way Several New College students find community spirit by lathering up.
EA when he voiced hi outrage
over the agency's support of an
exhibition of Robert Mapplethorpe' photography which
contained homoerotic image·. In
the months that followed,
Congre. debated budget allocaby Rachael Herrup-Morse
Mexico into Texas or, alternaning the gamut from high anxitions for the NEA amidst a great
Rohypnol (roofies) has been a tively, via overnight mail into
ety levels to cardiovascular
deal of political pre sure from
cause for concern for both law
special-interest groups which
enforcement officials and women
Known as the street as
Popular in dance clubs, colwent as far as to call for the
ince its appearance on the
"roofies," ''roopie ," "Mexican
lege campu es, and the rave
elimination of the NEA.
American drug scene five years
Valium,'' "R-2," "roofenol,''
scene, Rohypnol has increasingly
Congress reacted to this conago.
"Roche," "roachie ," "rocha,"
become a problem for law entrover y by adding an
The drug, known generically
"rope," and "rib," Rohypnol i
forcement official due to its
amendment to the to the annual
a, Flunitrazepam, is a benzodiused as a 'parachute' drug, to
association with date rape. As
EA appropriation act based
azepine manufactured by the
soften the crash of cocaine or
now manufactured, Rohypnol
upon the Miller v. California depharmaceutical company
crack u e. The drug i al o used
(the date rape drug) is colorle ,
cision which stated: none of the
Hoffman-LaRoche. Rohypnol is
to 'slide' into heroin or to inodorless, tasteless and dissolves
funds ... may be used to prowidely prescribed a-; a sleeping
crea e the intoxicating effects of
instantly in liquid. ecently,
mote, disseminate, or produce
pill in Europe, A ia, and S'Outh
there have been instance where
materials which ... may be con- A me rica, and is ten times more
Rohypnol i taken orally and
women have unknowingly been
sidered obscene, including, but
potent than its clo est American
begins to affect its u er within
drugged with Rohypnol and, unnot limited to, depictions of
equivalent, Valium.
twenty to thirty minutes and does able to resist, been raped. Often
sadomasochism, homoeroticism,
The use of Rohypnol is illegal not wear off for up to eight
time the victim will have little
sexual exploitation of children,
in the United States, and a boom- hour . Effect include dizziness,
to no memory of the event, makor individuals engaged in sex
ing trafficking industry has
sleepiness, confu ion, and meming it extremely difficult to arrest
acts and which, when taken as a
developed, given it high deory los . If taken frequently,
and prosecute the aggressor.
whole, do not have serious litermand. Most commonly, the drug Rohypnol can become addictive,
is brought in overland through
with withdrawal symptoms runBE "NEA" ON PAGE 5
''Date Rape Drug'' Gets a Makeover
The Catalyst
Teachers strike in Ontario
North America's largest teachers' strike has
left 2.1 million Ontario students without schooling. The teachers called the strike to oppose a bill
that would give the provincial government, rather
than local school boards, the power over such
matters as class size and workmg hours. The
teachers also are opposing proposed budget cuts.
The Ontario provincial government is seeking a
court injunction to order the 126,000 teachers
back to their classrooms.
Iraq defies U.N.
On Sunday, three Americans, part of a U.N.
weapons inspection team, were rejected outside
of Baghdad, Iraq. Inspectors from other countries, however, were admitted. U.S.congressional
leaders have said that they would support military action to force Iraqi compliance with U.N.
arms inspectors. Officials from the U.N. Security
Council nations are working to reach a consensus
on forcing Iraq to comply and resolve the conflict diplomatically.
Vatican: Anti-Semitism Offends God
The Vatican declared that anti-semitism is an
offense against God and the church. Wrapping up
a symposium on anti-Jewish strains in
Christianity, Pope John Paul IT blamed longstanding anti-Jewish prejudice for the passivity
of many Christians when faced with the Nazi
persecution of Jews. But he stopped short of
blaming th~
Catbo~ Church itself, and
Protesters bum flags
Federal Bank melts Nazi gold
Human rights campaigners burned two
Chinese flags on Sunday as Chinese President
Jiang Zemin told over a -thousand dinner guests
and the Beverly Hills Hilton that "differences in
culture and ideology between our two countries
should be treated with mutual respect and should
be put aside for the greater good." Protesters
chanted "China Out of Tibet" and "We Want
Justice" as the flags were incinerated.
Newly released memos show that the Federal
Reserve Bank of New York melted down $23 •
million of Nazi gold in the 1950s and reissued it
with a U.S. seal. There is no evidence stating that
officials knew that this gold was taken from
Holocaust victims, but they were aware that it
had been looted from the treasuries of the
Netherlands and Belgium by the Nazis.
UN Recoups $30M From Waste,Fraud
The United Nations has identified $30 million
that was lost through waste or fraud, part of a
campaign against waste and corruption in the
global organization. An annual report released
last week also identified millions of dollars in
avings after measures were instituted to crack
down on fraud and unnecessary spending. But
U.N. inspector-general Karl Paschke, a German
career diplomat brought in three years ago at the
inststence of the United States and other Western
countries, said reforms must go much further.
critics say could have done more to protect Jews.
World War II bomb found
An unexploded World War IT bomb was found
near Germany's parliament building in Bonn by
construction workers Tuesday, authorities said.
Hundreds of members of parliament and office
workers were evacuated from a 29-story government building next to the Bundestag after the
bomb was found buried next to a nearby building
site. Police were also evacuating residents of the
neighborhood so that the bomb, weighing about
1,100 pounds, could be defused by explosive experts.Scores of unexploded World War bombs
dropped by Allied aircraft are found in Germany
every year.
General Editor
Managing Editor
Heather Oliver
Charles Choi
Features Editor
Aaron Gustafson
Staff Writers
Hugh Brown, Paul Chretien, Rocky Swift,
Rachael Herrup-Morse, Jessica Katzenstein
Online Developer
Cyndy Elde
Nicole Ganzekaufer
Business Manager
Rachael Morris
Theatre of the Oppressed tutorial, Anne Tazewell
November 4, 1997
British nanny found guilty
On Thursday, a Cambridge, Mass. jury found
British nanny Louise Woodward guilty of second
degree murder of baby Matthew Eappen. She
was sentenced to life in prison. The jury didn't
think that she intended to kill the baby, but they
felt they had to convict on the basis of medical
evidence, that the death was not accidental.
Woodward's lawyers will appeal the case and
Judge Hiller Zobel said that he would hold a
hearing to consider four options: declaring
Woodward not guilty, ordering a new trail, reducing the charges, or allowing the sentence to
stand. The verdict has sparked outrage in Britain
and criticism of the American legal system.
Amtrak, Workers Reach Settlement
Amtrak and its workers have reached a settlement that averts a possible national passenger
railroad strike, a spokesman for Transportation
Secretary Rodhey Slater said today. An agreement was reached during an eight-day extension
in negotiations urged by Slater last week. For the
agreement to h9ld, congressional approval is required for an Amtrak rescue package already
under consideration on Capitol Hill. That package has been stalled in Congress over provisions
that would relax some labor protections.
Psychiatric staff members indicted
Five former staff members of a Houston psychiatric hospital were indicted on charges that
they brainwashed patients into believing they had
been in a satanic cult so they could bilk them of
millions of dollars, federal prosecutors said.
The 60-count indictment charged the five with
conspiracy and mail fraud, each count of which
carries a maximum jail sentence of five years.
The defendants told a number of patients from
1?91 to 1993 that they_ had ~~ltip!e p~rsonality
cult, according to prosecutors. They told the patients they did not remember being in the cult
because they had mentally blocked it out, then
''brainwashed" them into recalling false memories of their alleged cult activities.
Tornado destroys homes
At least 26 people were injured early Sunday
morning when a tornado touched down in New
Smyrna Beach in Florida. A 64 unit condominium complex was destroyed, leaving as many
as 200 people homeless, as it skipped across four
sections of this Atlantic coast community.
The Catalyst is available on the World Wide Web at
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developed in the New College Publications
Office using Adobe Photoshop and Quark
Xpress for PowerMacintosh and printed at the
Bradenton Herald with money provided by the
New College Student Alliance.
Direct submissions and inquiries to:
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All submissions must be received by 5:00
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The catalyst
" .
~rh l5 b~ ond
Y:tgtze Rtver tn the world.
-Damning of the Yangtze
November 4, 1997
mines worth millions of dollars will be inundated as will thousands of kilometers
worth of highways and railways.
The dam is expected to take between 15
-Vat Qtng, February 1989. and 20 ye~s ~o complete, with costs ranging
from $12 bllhon to $70 billion, including inby Charles Choi
terest charges and inflation. The Chinese
When I came back from China this summer I government is providing much of the fundbrought back as a gift for my father a case for '
ing for the project and has already begun to
ink that I had bought at the mouth of the Three
levy a 2% tax on electricity.
Gorges of the Yangtze River. It was a round box
Around 400 million people live along the
about half an inch thick and about four inches in
banks of the Yangtze River, where floods
diameter, made from black stone that had in it
are frequent and deadly. Peak water level is
white fossilized chrysanthemum flowers 12,000as much as 40 feet above the surrounding
land, and as the Yangtze deposits more sedi- The Three Gorges of the Yangtze Ri
The deposit from which that stone was excament, embankments have to be built higher.
they appeared this summer
ver as
vated will be slowly flooded with over 500 feet
T.he flood management that the dam will pro·
of water over it in the next twenty years, as wiiJ
v1de would therefore save many lives annually.
ch~ice b~t to be relocated as part of the project,
all else along the banks of the Yangtze, when the
Th~ Thre~ Gorges region is also among the poor- whrch_ wti_I make it the largest resettlement prodam at Sandouping in Hubei Province is comest. m Chma, and the dam project is bringing a lot gram ID history by far. Families are going to
of m vestment and new buildings to an area that
abandon ancestral graveyards and move from
The Yangtze is 3,940 miles long, making it
is often neglected by the central government.
land homesteaded 400 years ago.
the longest river in China and the third longest in
However, there has been strong opposition to
According to a report prepared by the Yangtze
the world, behind the Nile and the Amazon. It
the dam both within and outside China which
Planning Office, people relocated due to
flows through a quarter of the Chinese farmland
mainly. comes from the academic com~unity and dam proj~cts (e.g. Danjiangkou Dam in Hubei
providing 70% of the inland water transportatio~
the Chrnese People's Political Consultative
Province, which relocated 382,000 in the 1960s)
and supporting the kiving of a third of the popula- Congress (Zheng Xie). Protesters such as Dai
have been treated like refugees. They got litt1e
tion of China.
Qing, an expatriate Chinese journalist who edited compensation for their submerged homes and
The concrete gravity dam that is being built
the first popular book critical of the dam, warned land, and were resettled in houses which are like
will be 2.15 kilometers wide and 185 meters
that the cities along the river would flush tremen- "refugee camps" or "military camps".
high, making it the largest in the world. It will amounts of waste into the reservoir,"tuming
Officials are not ruling out the possibility that
feature several firsts, among them a five-stage
1t mto a cesspool that will threaten the health of
may move to remote, underpopulated are<>.s,
s · ock d
0- t - n
i e evator. It · s th sc r s o
in the
expected to generate 18 gigawatts of power. repbasm.
resenting nearly 9% of China's current total
A dam break may also occur chle to natural
capacity, and thus end the problem of electric
earthquakes, big floods, engineering faults, or
begun, and officials say that they will make up
shortage in Central and Eastern China.
military strike, endangering tlie lives of millions.
for the loss of land.
The dam will create a reservoir approximately In 1975, heavy rains in Southern Henan Province
The humid lowlands of the Yangtze basin
caused the break of a chain of dams, drowning
375 miles long and 575 feet deep, with an averhave been the rice bowl of China for centuries as
over 200,000 and leaving hundreds of thousands . the silt has been a constant source of fertilizer for
. age width of 3,600 feet, which is twice the width
of more homeless.
of the natural river. This reservoir will allow
downstream agriculture and fishing. When they
10,000-ton ocean-faring cargo ships and cruise
The fish resources of the Yangtze are quite
get inundated, productivity is expected to drop·
abundant, witb 196 species in the upper reach.
by 20%, as 75% of the sediment will be trapped
liners to navigate 1,500 miles inland, from the
Pacific Ocean to the port city of Chongqing.
by the reservoir. More chemical fertilizers may
Migration of fish will be blocked by the dam,
Chongqing, with its 15 million people, will beand the change in the water flow speed will dehave to be used to achieve the same level of prostroy the spawning grounds for many. However,
duction in the basin, and this may place extra
come the largest seaport in the world.
the amount of native fishes is expected to ineconomic burden on farmers that are already
That reservoir will also submerge approxi•
quite poor and increase the chance of aquifer polmately 150,000 acres in 19 counties, including at crease in the reservoir.
There are a total of 112 known species of
lution. Intensified land use may also result in
least 2 major cities, 160 towns, 1500 factories,
aquatic creatures specific to the river. An experi14,500 hectares of agricultural land, 16 archeoserious soil erosion which may trigger large landmental station will be set up to study how
logical sites and 108 historical sites, some of
slides in an area already infamous for them.
feasible it would be to relocate or perhaps estabWhat is bringing many tourists to the Yangtze
which date back to 10,000 B.C. Coal and iron
lish reserves for rare species.
is the knowledge that its Three Gorges will soon
be drowned. They have been immortalized in poChinese scientists are presently studying the
Yangtze River (a.k.a. baiji) dolphin. Its popuetry for millennia due to their natural beauty, and
lation size is less than 100, making it the most they were home to home to the earliest great poet
of Chinese literature, Qu Yuan. Here is one
endangered cetacean in the world. The total
captive population of the Yangtze River dolpoem:
phin is one. His name is QiQi, and he was
On and on the Great River rolls, racing east.
Of proud and gallant heroes its white-tops
caught 18 years ago when he was only a year
old. There was once also a captive female,
leave no trace,
As right and wrong, pride and fall tum all at
but she died of pneumonia before she was old
enough to reproduce.
once unreal.
There are very few funds to research the
Yet ever the green hills stay
To blnze in the west-waning day.
other threatened species. One of these is the
Chinese paddlefish. Only 300 are left, and
In China, the Yangtze River is represented by
their habitat of 1,600 kilometers will be rethe phoenix whereas the Yellow River is repreA brief glimpse of things to come. This smaller duced by 200 km, which may speed up their sented by the dragon. May the Yangtze be reborn
like the phoenix as the tide of history rises and
"-clam was built in the Yangtze to help provide extinction.
falls around its banks.
About 1.2 to 2 million people have no
funds for the bigger dam.
th~ ave , r~ ~ onh soldmany thou1lhtless
mg.s to It at we s o~ now~ the ver.r,
least try our best to ~vojd repeating them.
The Catalyst
Campus News
Chinese President visits the United States
by Rachael Morris
and jeopardized state ecurity. Therefore, the
Last week Chinese president Jiang Zemin
Chinese government had to take necessary
visited the United States (the first Chinese
measure according to law to quickly resolve
leader to do so in over 12 years) for a sumthe matter to ensure that our country enjoys
mit to discuss issues ranging from human
stability and that our reform and opening up
rights to restrictions in the sale of nuclear
proceeds smoothly. I'm also of the view that
on such issues as the human rights issue, distechnology to "rogue states." Wednesday's
televised press conference, however, seemed
cussions can be held on the basis of
to show that China was eager to bolster its
noninterference in the internal affair of the
position as a political power internationally
but remained closed on the idea of modifying
President Clinton acknowledged the prointernal policy to better suit the moral confound ideological differences between China
sciousness of Western countries.
and the United States, saying, "I think it
During the press conference, Jiang quoted shou1d be obvious to everyone that we have
the Chinese proverb, "Seeing it once is better a very different view of the meaning o:
than hearing about it I 00 times." Apparently, events at Tianamen Square." But Clinton
al o added, "I believe what happened and the
he neither saw nor heard the 1000 people
gathered in front of the White House, led by
aftermath and the continuing reluctance to
such political1y influential people as Richard tolerate political dissent ha. kept Chma from
Gere, to protest China's human rights abuses. politically developing the level of support in
the suppression of Tibet and religious intoler- the rest of the world that otherwise would
ance, among other matter . Jiang commented have been developed."
at times throughout the press conference that
"The United States recognizes that on so
he could hear ''noise." but nothing distinmany issues, China is on the right side of
history, and we welcome it. But on this issue
In response to some the pres 's questions
[human rights], we believe the policy of the
about his action in the Tianamen Square
government i on the wrong side of history,"
·protests in Beijing in 1989, Jiang said. "The
Clinton said.
political disrurbance that occurred at that
On the right side of history or not, as the
time ... seriously disrupted social tability
econd largest economy in the world, China
November 4, 1997
will reap the benefits of American trade.
After "explicit and dear" assurances that
China will halt its dealing in nuclear technology to volatile states such as Iran and
Pakistan, the American government has lifted
its 1985 prohibition of sale of nuclear technology to China. According to some
estimates, this could result in $60 billion in
sales to China by companies who specialize
in the production of nuclear reactors. Boeing,
one of the world's largest producers of aircraft both commercial and strategically, will
also sign a $3 billion trade deal with China.
Not surprisingly, the 232-guest state dinner
held to welcome the Chinese delegation had
more CEOs in attendance than diplomats and
During his week-long visit. Jiang will
visit the birthplace of American democracy,
Philadelphia, and many sites in the
Washington, D.C. glorifying the 'moral righteousness' of the American system. Next year,
Presiaent Clinton will travel to China for a
continuation of the new policy of "friendline s" between the two countries, cementing
what seems to be a trade partnership between
the current econollllc superpower and the one
that threatens to upsJage it in the coming
New College day offers events for community spirit
enjoy all of rhem. If we'd been able.'"'r;;.,co~h~a'-"'v"-'e-_.t~h--=
to allow everyone to take part in many different
morning, too, it would add more time slots. So,
next year it hould be all day."
activitie but still have the feeling of being a part
of a large group.
Another minor problem that cropped up was
that the initial community event ran a little longer
"We thought the best way to begin the day wa
to have everyone be together for an initial presenthan the organizers had expected, which caused the
a low turn-out for the smaller activities scheduled
tation and then break off into small groups and
enjoy more individualized activities,'' said Jessica
for the first spot. ''I just felt really bad for the peotO
Falcone, who also served on the planning commit- ple running the first activities," aid Falcone. "It
tee. This serup allowed for a large variety of
really caused the groups to be smaller since everyone was still at the stage, but they looked like they
activities to take place in a short time-span.
There were plenty of thing to take part in both
were having a blast, so I suppose it all worked
as a spectator and active participant. For those who out."
play sports, there were basketball, volleyball and
For the most part, New College Day was a sue((
soccer tournaments.
cess. The students enjoyed themselves and tried
It was so festlve. It was Those who enjoy the
new activities. The minor problems didn't seem to
affect the overall outcome. "It was so festive," said
really nice to see every, arts could h~ve .
one runn[ng around ~atched an 1mprov1sa- Jason Grimste. "It was really nice to see everybody
running around and being a happy community.
t10nal dance
and bemg a appy presentation, listened
There was just a total air of happiness. I reaUy felt
at home."
communEty. There was to the Slavic Vocal
Some people did seem to feel that New College
),ust a total air of happi, Ensemble,
about the theater of the already has a strong sense of community, and the
ness. I really felt at absurd, or helped paint day was a bit unnecessary. These voices seemed to COUld.
be in the minority, however, and the planning comhome. a mural in the mail
mittee's efforts seemed to be successful. The actual
, Jason G-rimes room. And for those
date of New College Day, October 29, is not set in
iiiji;;iiiji;;iiijO;;iiiji;;iiiji;;iiijO;;;;o;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iiiji;;~ who just wanted to
have some out-of-the-ordinary fun, there was slip
stone, according to the committee, and next year,
will most likely not be so near the Halloween PCP
'n' sliding on the hill.
In fact, this large variety caused some distress
so that the campus activities will be spread out.
The original committee is meeting this week to
for students who wanted time to participate in
more of the events. "I thought it went over really
discuss the pros and cons of the day so as to improve it for next year. They hope to make it an
well," said Sara Seidel. "The only problem was
important tradition.
that we didn't have enough time. There were so
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The Catalyst
In June 1996, the St. Pete Times ran the a~count of the rape of a 23-yearold Umvers1ty of South Florida student:
"Within ten minutes, things started to
fade," she said. "I don' t remember what car I
was in, although I do remember who I was
riding with."
"When I came to, I was lying in a bed "
she said. "I had someone on top of me .. ~
When I turned around, there were two other
people looking at me. As he started having
sex, I said, 'No, I don't want this.' I remem~~~~~~~= ber trying to push him
((S.tay away from off, and nothing hapzt. I wouldn't
walk away from
"All I do is
it, I'd TUf!. "
blame myself because
-J.D. Wtthrow I didn't know what
happened. I didn't
know ifl consented, I didn't know ifi fought
them off, I didn't know if there was anyone
there to help or watch. Not having the
knowledge made the guilt all the worse."
Hoffman-LaRoche has reformulated the
drug because of the outcry surrounding
Rohypnol and its use in date rape. The comPCl?Y ~as ad.d ed a substance that will turn any
dnnk m whtch the drug is dissolved the color
blue. In addition, Rohypnol will no longer
dissolve quickly in liquid. With the new formula, the drug will take 15-20 minutes to
fully break apart. During that 15-20 minutes,
the ~rug w~ll remain in clumps, making detectiOn easter.
USF Police Captain J. D. Withrow warns
students that the changes have not yet taken
place. The ne~ formula needs to first be app~oved by v~nous government agencies.
Ltke the Umted States, overseas drug administrations also need to carry out tests before
~uthorizing any changes in drug compositions.
Withrow recommends that for now, students should heed the maxim, "If you didn't
pour it, don't drink it." Going on the comment about Rohypnol specifically, Withrow
said, "Stay away from it. I wouldn't walk
ohypnol tablets are white, single- or
"-cross-scored, with "ROCHE" on one
side and "1" or "2" circled on the other.
away from it, I'd run."
The captain is currently working in conjunction with the Counseling and Wellness
Center and Mark Johnson to raise awareness
of the problems associated with sedatives
and date rape. Recently, a new pamphlet was
published, "Substance Abuse and Sexual
Assault." Copies are available in the cop
shop and at Parkview.
NEA funding controversy continues
ary, artistic, political, or scientific value. In
addition, recipients were required to certify
that their grants would not be used "to promote, disseminate, or produce [obscene]
materials." This provision was struck down
a':ld ~led as unco!lstitutionally vague, and a
Lewiston, ME, decided to fire one final shot
at the congressional opponents of the NEA.
In an interview with the Maine Telegram , he
stated that he had two projects in mind for
his $20,000 grant. One: to rig a 6-foot-long
white cardboard penis and walk through the
c~ty stree~s v.:earing it. The other: to chain
hand out money to passers-by.
In April of this past year, the congressional battle began over the NEA resumed at
reauthorization hearings in front of the
consideration general standards of decency
Committee on Labor and Human
and respect for the diverse beliefs and values
This time, the hearings lacked
of the American public. " This action was
of the emotional outbursts and
also struck down as unconstitutional in a
of of earlier hearings. NEA
lawsuit brought about by four performance
Alexander illustrated several
artists in Finley v. National Endowment for
of the agency's successes. Coi11IlUttee memthe Arts.
bers in turn inquired about other areas such
The 1994 elections brought a new
as: Administrative costs of the NEA, records
Republican majority to both the House and
grant recipients, and geographical distribSenate, and the promise of sweeping reforms
of funds.
under Newt Gingrich's Contract With
placed administrative costs at
America. In the wake of these changes, the
out that a few states do reNEA was scheduled to be phased out by
ceive the majority of NEA funds since these
areas such as New York [which receives apCongressional hearings were held in
20%] have larger art communities than
February 1995 to determine the future of the
A report from the Office of the
NEA. In one of the more intense moments,
General showed that a majority of
actor Christopher Reeves, months before his
did not follow federal guidetragic accident, testified before a Senate
expenditures and failed to
committee that the government has a responemploy
sibility to provide funding for the arts, but
NEA funding for fiscal year 1998 was a
the responsibility of decisions. concerning art
of the Interior Appropriations Bill
should be left to the artists. At this point,
Ironically, funding for the NEA
Sen. Slade Gorton, who had been questionconstituted
Jess than one percent of HR 2107
ing Reeves, was aggravated to the point
yet it was one of the hardwhere left the hearing.
the bill.
In the end, the NEA lost nearly 40 percent
of Representatives apIn
of its funding for fiscal 1996, and was proproved
2107 which
hibited from issuing grants to individual
the NEA. The
artists with a few minor exceptions.
to take action
One of the last recipients of the an NEA
individual fellowship William Pope.L [sic], a on the bill.
In mid September, four amendments were
lecturer of fine arts at Bates College in
In the 1990 appropriations year, Congress
once agai n attempted to legislate boundaries
for the NEA by requiring that they take "into
proposed to HR 2107 concerning the NEA.
An amendment eliminating arts funding
outright was presented by Sen. Ashcroft and
Sen. Helms, and was defeated 23-77 .
An amendment eliminating the agency
and sending the funds directly to the states m
block grants. ~ith each state receiving a
An amendment phasing out funding for
the agency over a th ree year period and privatizing it was presented by Sen. Spencer
Abraham, and was defeated 26-73.
An amendment retaining the agency , but
sending 75% of the funds directly to the
states, reserving 5% for administration and
using the remainder to support major ballet,
opera and other groups was presented by
Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchinson, and was defeated 39-61.
In the end, both houses voted to fund the
NEA for fiscal' 1998, but with a number of
changes. Funding was reduced from $100million to $98-million. The amount of
money that the agency sends directly to
states is increased from 35% to 40%. A state
cannot receive more than 15% of the
agency's money, though this would not apply
to groups with a national focus. In addition,
appropriators agreed to provisions which
would ensure that education remain a focus
of the NEA and a provision which would
allow the agency to raise money privately.
The NEA is funded through 1998, but
after that nothing is certain. In the past three
years alone, the agency has undergone drastic changes which have left it with less
money and increased regulation. Congress
appears to be largely interested in maintaining funding for the arts, but many members
seem interested in passing the political responsibilities to the states.
The Catalyst
November 4, 1997
This is not an Indigo Girl.
~ ~.....,.......~
Big shiny dollar signs and other
symbols of ca_pitalism decorated
Palm Court (until the storm hit).
Halloween night, 2nd Court Lounge was
filled with nay. Criminal mischief, yes,
but the microwave was a nice touch.
Qoh, scary jack o' lanterns.
The Catalyst
November 4, 1997
Costumed students frolicked in Palm Court during
dry spells. The entire PCP moved indoors when
the downpour hit. Students kept dancing, though.
deal of thought went into many of
A great
the students' costumes.
of the costumes were ... indescribSome
able. Creativity at its best.
post-PCP activities centered around sleeping.
Students live it up at the corporate-sponsored bash.
The Catalyst
November 4, 1997
Being signed is not enough
by Aaron Gustafson
Many people believe that being signed to
a major label means that everything is taken
care of. This is simply not true; bands have
to continually work and put up with the hardships of studio work and touring, and
sometimes end up compromising both their
ideals and their art. The truth is that bands
must keep on struggling, even after they are
signed to a major label. Junkster, a femalefronted electro-rock band from Dublin, know
this fact very well.
Junkster began their first tour under the
arm of RCA records in Holland. They toured
Europe· for a little over two months before
traveling to America. Junkster began their
first tour of the United States not too long
ago with fellow electronic band Sneaker
Pimps. Three weeks into the tour, Sneaker
Pimps jumped ship and headed back to
England. It was at this point that Junkster,
the supporting act, decided to slug it out and
finish up the tour, even adding 15 dates of
their own across Canada and the eastern U.S.
Even with the Sneaker Pimps, the tour has
had its slow nights, drawing just over 100
people. Now that Junkster is on their own,
shows can range from packed to around 30
people, as was the case Thursday night when
they played The Rubb in Ybor City.
"You play one place and you're the
Beatles," said frontwoman Deirdre 0' Neill
in her thick Irish brogue. "At other places,
there's no one there."
O'Neill is referring to Junkster's large followings in places like Birmingham,
Alabama. This is usually due to a good deal
of radio airplay for their singles. So far, the
band has released "Slide" and "Mr. Blue" to
much club play. According to BMG College
Representative for Southwest Florida Hal
Issacson, also a New College student,
Tampa's radio stations have yet to give any
airtime to the band, lending to the particularly bad turnout at the show. Junkster makes
the best of it though.
"It's funny, but I find packed concerts a
bit boring to play," said O'NeilL She likes
the challenge of playing to a small audience.
"It makes you work harder."
Junkster have played their share of small
shows according to O'Neill, the weirdest of
which was a show that they played in
Leferging, Belgium. The stage was about the
size of a small couch that did not allow
enough room for the drum kit or even a bass.
To add insult to injury, the stage faced a
brick wall and the audience sat off to the
unkster doesn't mind playing small shows. According to Deirdre
O'Neill (rmddle),oig shows can be "boring."
right. The band made the most of it, however, and set up a snare drum, programmed
the bass, and dealt with the lack of monitors.
"It was really funny," recalled O'Neill.
"The owner of the bar even got us each a
glass of beer and climbed 'up on stage during
one of the songs while we were playing. She
tried to give the guitarist a beer while he was
playing. She thought she was being nice."
Despite the lack of attendance at the
show, Junkster played their best and won the
crowd over with their catchy melodies and
intriguing hooks. Some people were even
dancing in the sparsely packed room.
"There's one sale," said Issacson, motioning to the lone dancer.
Junkster's album was produced by AI
Stone, who has worked with Bjork and
Stereo MCs in the past.
"We spent about 7 months looking for a
producer for our album," said O'Neill.
"When it comes down to it, you really only
get one dinner with your producer to sit
down and discuss what you want the songs
to sound like before you give him your babies to do what he wants with them. In the
end, it is all up to him. He can fire a drummer or bassist in the middle of recording if
he wants to. I am a control freak, so I already
had problems with this. We looked at John
Lackey, who produced the Radiohead
records, but we didn't feel like he could
tried some other producers, but they were too
into electronics to allow our rock side in. All
of our songs are written on acoustic guitar
first. We want them to be songs, not electronics. AI Stone fell in love with the demos and
explained to us that he only wanted to 'make
the demos a little better'."
Junkster recorded the album with Stone in
Woodstock, NY. They were very pleased
with the outcome. RCA was too, and the
record was released following the dispersal
of "Slide" to clubs. Despite the lack of immediate success, both RCA and Junkster are
content that their time will come.
"We're really lucky, because they've had
band that don't get big until the third single," said O'Neill, making reference to bands
like The Verve. ''In the '80s, there was this
big fear of doing stuff wrong and being
dropped. There isn't that feeling anymore
and the record company is really passionate
about us."
Though they are still working on gaining
more radio exposure, Junkster already have
the support of many of their peers, including
GusGu.s, who have asked them to open on an
upcommg tour; the Sneaker Pimps, who
asked them to join this tour; The Eels, who
asked them to open for them earlier this year;
~nd Texas, who have also expressed interest
m the band. As for establishing a fan base
outside the industry, Junkster are determined
to continue plugging away, spending the next
year ~orking _on ga~ning more exposure on
~m~ncan radto statwns, hoping to turn every
ctty mto another Birmingham.
Cam us Li e
The Catal st
. .
Members m Attendance: Kelly
Singer, Jessica Falcone, Rocky
Swift, Jake Reimer, Judd Wilson,
Dave Daniels, Vijay. All votes are
unanimous unless otherwise indicated.
Thompson and Erin Hannon)
requested $249 for food and deco.
Allocated $200. Vijay abstained.
Gala Event (Karen Lewis) requested $140.Allocated $140 with provision that it is not on the same weekend as the B-Dorm Cocktail Party.
Approval of minutes.
Wipe old Poop account.
Coffeehouse (Mollie Lee) requested
$3,748.20. Tabled.
Fall Party (Jen Rehm) requested
$50. Allocated $50.
Tiramisu Club (Giga Shane)
requested $50. Allocated $50.
Rocky abstains.
Down publication (Amy Murphy)
requested $80 for I 6 pages x 25¢ x
200 copies. Allocated $80.
B-Dorm Cocktail Party (Lex
Post-PCP Breakfast (Mala Ghoshal)
requested $20. Allocated $20.
PCP (Jake Reimer) requested $300.
Allocated $250 for equipment
rental, decorations. refreshments,
and Moonwalk. Jake abstained.
Kevin Unrath mquired about funding for paper making tutorial next
semester. SAC encouraged him to
find alternative
Equipment Room (Jake Reimer)
requested $75. Allocated $60 for
extension cords, power strips, etc.
Jake abstains.
New College Experimental
Community Radio Schedule
Jess Falcone requested $1 00 for
removable stage extensions for
Sainer on behalf of the Dance
Performance group. Tabled.
Concerns about liability need to be
Sex Week (Jen Rehm) requested
$225. Allocated $185 for food and
movies, materials for AIDS quilt,
and educational aids. Judd and Jake
Pre-PCP BBQ (Marc Beverly)
requested $200. Allocated $100.
Jake abstained.
Corey Knoettgen requested $1500
for speaker Akua Njeri, of the
UHURU organization, to cover
travel expenses and honorarium.
Tabled. SAC recommended that
Corey Get a straw poll at the next
town meeting.
Karen Lewis requested $30 for
Women's Spin-the-Bottle Party.
New Age Inquisition (Shane
Carpenter) requested $195.
Allocated $105.
Cheese Club (Kate Chandler)
requested $50. Allocated $50 on the
condition that there be vegan
cheese too.
Empty spaces may be available-drop a note in
box 506 or talk to anyone on the radio committee.
19:00 Mili£
""oul, hardcore, King wakes
pre-punk hour you with MID
10:00 Stev~Yacco
Eric P may or Bill White
Best of four
Right Wing
rnaynotbcablc !various w/ a Caldwell
liecades'n' folk News 'n' Sport tobroadcaslhef( bit o' Country celtic stuff
Ruth Orlowic
12:00 Erin Harris
12:00 RKD
KC McCarthy
Jennifer Lem D~lan James ~
nopumpemicke Martin
the unkown
happy music folk, etc.
I :00 Y. Lee
does a show
2:00 Naomi Shvorir Aaron Del- !Susan s SHow Christian B. Stephanie and IPooia&Mariann lKellie Fortner
open format gado metal. ~usan gets the readings from Leslie. Blues IPt,ml<- T ·"='"wiJ' Relaxin' tunes
wide selection industrial, talk ime requested I pornos, Jewel & BlueGrass land Rare Pu!U: and friends
4:00 NC Ragio
4:00 Jeremy Jettin Randv 4:00 Cataly~t Adam H.&
Brian Cecili. Di!v~D.and
tw/ Erin&Andi 5:00 Mollie 'n' Regina's Hour MikeandKen Nicole Q.
Theatre varied McMinis
Sarah's lounge of Power.
•olavs readings 5 :OOLiz Frien tfime-Waro
wittvcomentaf' Techno.Ambien
6:00 6:00 Cookin' IasQn Qrim~te ~:00 Merhaba Sara Foley's Helen Mattew Shannon Cool Julian Frazier
hour of sludge activism 'n'
can have the
!music you can Techno and
with Kate
(goth, random indie rock
monday show ~m...QQ
not understanc Dance
7:00 Kristin
Lorene&Irene 8:00Marc
Hal Issacson Fritz Musical Robert
*Sean W. &
8:00 Benson
Jon WattHip8:00La HQr1! you've never Showcase new LecUSi!Y cubaJJ Old School, ~ :()()Chris
had such fun P1usic review music show Rap Funk Sou Music'n'Guest hopandDance~
~""'tnl. !Your In Fli~ht In The Pool w
10:00 Rafa~l RitlerQ Brian HalmarL hristvBrown& lesse 'n' Sarah
IF.ntertai nment Todd and
Jazz show... no circus music, ~ason Rosenb. love love beer Everything
experimental punk,ska,etc. love love love Under the Sun from Trina S. DanQY.,Jazz
Kenny G.
12:00 Josh Harrold Doug Christ~ 12:00 Mark B 12:00 M11,rk B Jerry Dufrain isaTolbe_rt Puma&DJ
~hunks o' funk l:OOJ, DeWitt Professional jbass and
Drinking tips Wage
and war storie
Alicia+ Anna
2:00 Josh's Fri~nd Kat eclectic ~w/Carlos Bruce's late MichaeJShannor
Goth, Judaica,
~has a
and Lisa
1queen call in
and Wicca
show now
. 0
.. .
Tuesday, November 4
Wednesday,November 5
An information session, ISP"'s:
"Where do I go from here?''
will be held in the music room
of College Hall.
Thursday, November 6
The Orientation Planning
Committee will meet at 4 p.m.
in the fishbowl.
A resume and cover letter
workshop will be held in PME
219 at 4:30 p.m.
Friday, November 7
GALA affair
Saturday, November 8
B-Dorm Cocktail Party
Theater of the Oppressed introductory workshop will be held
from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. A performance will also be held at 8
p.m. Both will be held in the
music room of College Hall.
NCLA bookfair will be held in
Sunday, November 9
Sarasota Religious Society of
Friends invite all students to
join them in silent worship at
9:30 a.m. in Cook Hail.
Speakers from East Timor will
~eat Cook Hall at 8 p.m.
Monday, November 10
have a damn nice day
Jon Watt
The Catalyst
November 4, 1997
Campus Cooking
li - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,
Here's a little recipie to add a little pice to cooking in your donn.
stuff so efficiently, though.)
The first gala of the year has
Oddly enough, at the end of
Linguini with Artichoke Hearts
come and gone and left, after its
fierce embrace, a hell of an after- the PCP, there seemed to have
l clove garlic
been some problems getting rid
1/4 cup olive oil
math. First of all, we'd like to
I 1/4
2 tablespoons Parmesan cheese
of all the excess beer. They
thank those who put in all the
cup butter
1 teaspoon capers, drained
couldn't give the stuff away.
outstanding hard work that went
I J teaspoon flour
1 pound linguini
(Well, it was American beer.)
into the Corporate Palm Court
I cup vegetable broth
2 tablespoons olive oil
Party. You know you've built
A lot of work was also carried I 2 teaspoons lemon juice
1 tablespoon Parmesan cheese
1 teaspoon minced parsley
out after the festivitie were
something to last if a sprinkling
1 tablespoon softened butter
of precipitation only adds ambiI
1/4 teaspoon salt
picked up the debris afterSalt and pepper
ence to your affair.
ward deserve their kudos
The fact that it went late
I In a large skillet, heat 114 cup olive oil over moderately low heat. I
into the afternoon is a
That's the kind of
Add 114 cup butter, melt it and add flour. Cook the mixture, stirring for I
good thing. All the other
I 3 minutes.
...........,, sense of community
big events of the year ••• ,...........
that should be proStir in the broth (which has been heated), increase the heat to mod- I
will have a hard time
erately high and cook for l minute.
moted here at New
trying to compare to this
College, and New College
I Add one crushed garlic clove, lemon juice, minced parsley, salt and I
Day is an example of that as
pepper to taste, and cook over moderately low heat, stirring occasion- I
It was good to see everywell. The activities of the latter I ally for 5 minutes Add the artichoke hearts, 2 tablespoons Parmesan
one decked out or, in some
can be coordinated with that of
cases, not wearing much at all.
1 cheese and capers and cook the sauce covered, basting the artichoke I
the former in the future.
(You know who you are. Some
hearts with the sauce several times for 8 minutes or until leaves sepaI
Maybe a three-day-weekend can l rate.
of you seemed to have confused
be made out of a Friday New
In a kettle, cook the Jinguini, al dente, and drain. In the kettle, com- I
the Halloween PCP with the
I bine 2 tablespoons olive oil, 1 tablespoon each of Parmesan and
Fetish Ball. You'll have your
College Day and a PCP as well.
I softened butter and 114 teaspoon salt.
Return the drained linguini to kettle and toss it with the cheese rnix- I
There was a lot of migration
1 ture. Divide linguini in heated bowls, top it with sauce.
as the night wore on due to the
Makes 4 servings.
rain. Maybe organized patterns
I Per serving: 789 calories; 38.4 g fat; (13.4 g saturated fat; 44 per- I
of travel will become the norm,
like herds of sheep. Baa!
1 cent calories from fat); 47 mg cholesterol; 657 mg sodium.
l Ot>nltralts on
10/14 8:35p.m. Student reported a theft of a 26-
10/30 8:55a.m. Student was arrested for trespass
inch Free Spirit bike from the Viking dorm.
Value $30. Unsecured, no decal or serial number.
after warning for residing in a tent in a wooded
area on the Bayfront north of College Hall.
Referred to Student Affairs.
10/19 11:05 a.m. Medical assist for a female
non-student who fell and hurt herself at the
brunch at College Hail. She refused medical aid.
10/31 8:45a.m. Injured raccoon was reported
near the ditch by Parking Lot 3. Animal control
10/20 3:15a.m. A stolen bicycle was recovered.
Value $350. Black male juvenile had it in his
possession. He was not arrested. The bike was
recovered and returned to owner. He asked for
officer assistance to get a ride to Manatee.
11/1 6:25 a.m. Burnt poster and pool fence post
were found in Palm Court.
3:30a.m. Dean's office reported theft of an
1111 6:45 a.m. Halloween incident. Two bales of
hay were found spread all over Second Court
lounge. Mark Johnson notified.
acrylic speaker's podium. Value in excess of
$300, at around $575, making its theft a felony
charge. Taken from the tent where a brunch had
been the day before.
11/2 12:40 a.m. Received an off-campus noise
complaint about noise at the Viking Dorm, second floor. Officer responded. Unfounded.
10/23 6:15 p.m. Medical assist. Heart-related
problem of USF student. Taken home. EMT responded and treated.
1~/23 6:33 p.m. New College student who had
cut his band was assisted by an EMT unit.
10/25 4:48 p.m. New CoJlege student's father inquired about his daughter who had injured
herself in Palm Court on 3:00a.m. that same day.
Investigation showed that she injured her teeth,
or something of that nature.
1112 (case report time uncertain) Non-student
was arrested for alcohol. Under 21 years of age.
Given a notice to appear in Countr Court. A second subject is being investigated for possession
of alcohol, whose actual age is not yet confinned.
1112 4:50 p.m. Student reported theft of her bike
from Third Court bike rack. Value $220.
Patrick "Patty" O'Boyle, a
University Police officer who
retired in 1989, died at the age
of 73 on November I, 1997. He
passed away on a cruise ship.
His wake will probably be held
on Tuesday or Wednesday. He
was well liked by students and
The Catalyst
November 4, 1997
Theater of the Oppressed day
Contributed by the Theater of the Oppressed
Fifty of you already experienced a taste of it.
Now it's time for the main course. The workshop
done by the Theater of the Oppressed tutorial at
New College Day was just the beginning. Saturday
November 8th will be Theater of the Oppressed
From 1 p.m. to 6 p.m., there will be a major
workshop presented by Doug Paterson, the fore-
most practitioner of the Theater of the Oppressed
in North America in the College Hall Music Room.
One-hundred-ninety-three of you signed petitions
to bring him here; the SAC put up $1,600. Now is
your chance to use him. FREE FOOD is part of the .
From 8 p.m. to 10 p.m., there will be an interacNCSA President
tive performance of forum theater, also in the
College Hall Music Room! Forum Theater is an
Student Court
innovative and revolutionary response to the forced
separation between actors and spectators. The
SAC (1, 2, 3, 4th year)
audience doesn't just clap; it participates actively in the theatrical process. If you've ever
attended a performance in which the actor onTo be officially nominated,
a. stage does something dumb, now's your chance
submit a petition with 25
i to do
signatures (50 for president)
;. something about it.
to Jessica Falcone at Box 172
The Theater of the Oppressed is all about uniby October 31.
~ versal participation in theater. It's all about
using the tools of theater to try to solve social,
Take a pro-active role in our
r political, personal and community problems.
It's all about empowering people to not only
tll think about change, but to take action. Theater
Be a part of the unique
of the Oppressed is a rehearsal for reality.
machine we call the
). How do you normally spend your Saturdays?
New College Student
~ Want to do something fun, constructive and get
l fed all at the same time? Want to run around,
f play games and get loud? Want to empower
Study the political
yourself? Don't know where the music room
interactions of a closed~!" is?
system community.
A ugusto Boal (above) is a member of the Parliament No excuse-we'll give you a ride. No theater
"-of Rio de Janeiro and President of the Center of
~~-~ ~fv,J!~il..W.I.ll:U!~~il....l.lW), a
Thea reo
them to boal@virtu or box 654.
(He is not hitchhiking.)
Run towards the outstretched
arms of the NCSA. It loves
you. you love it. What a
beautiful symbiotic
relationship! Consummate!
NCSA elections
are November 4.
Announcements received before 5 p.m.
Friday will appear in the following week's
issue. Drop those bad boys in the
Catalyst cox (75) or e-mail us at
catalyst@ virtu. sar. us f. edu.
·o Th~ Editpr: A reader's res~e to
art~les, ~et::tor ~i
orials~or an o~·ni<m that ls iJJ~e ed to be ~are ..wath
. Le ers to
1:d1tor shQUJu e no more anon 50
, nd are t a orum for ree adVertasang.
Contribution: A fqc:tual article written~'J'eone not on .staff.
Contr~·bions shquld be informQtive a . . 1nent to the •flterests of
e~-~tudents as a whole. Contr1
1ons may range •n length
from 2 =tlOU words.
Guest. Colutnn: A solicited opi~o?lrf?iece. ~~st
colu~s d9 .not~0
~~~ ~vilqTe; ~~Y!·
colurms may range an rengm
trotn 200-
·All submissions should be re~eiyed by 5:00 p.m. Friday in order to
appear an the follow•ng weeks essue.
Step up to an exciting
Make your resume look great.
Create an agenda. It's the fust
step toward taking over the
world, and it's more
interactive than RISK.
Embezzle lots of money.
SAC (1, 2, 3, 4th year)
Student Court
NCSA President
NCSA elections
are November 4.
·-- --- -------~----~.........-....-.--~~-----~----~-~
The Catalyst
The Fitness Center would like
to thank Shawn Yuskatis, Rocky
Swift, Sam Daves, Margaret
Lane, Andre Henderson, Chris
Limburg, Micheal Olson, Ryan
Martin, Mark Stokes, Jennifer
Schomp, Anna Montana Hilmer,
Kavi Sadhwani and Spock Mutt
for participating in the 1997
Fitness Center Biathlon.
Congratulations to Shawn
Yuskaitis for finishing the run in
first place and to Mark Stokes
for finishing the swim and overall biathlon in first.
Important: the Victim Advocate
has a new pager number. It's
252-5156. The Victim Advocate
is available to provide support,
crisis intervention and referrals
to all students, faculty and staff
who are victims of actual or
threatened violence, including
but not limited to battery, assault,
stalking, sexual battery (date
rape, acquaintance rape, stranger
rape), and attempted sexual assault. To reach the advocate,
simply dial her pager. Leave a
voice mail message and your
phone number and she will call
you back. She is available anytime some is in need.
Also, the Counseling Center
can help with relationships, anxiety, adjustment problems, drug
and alcohol use, crisis situations,
and academic, personal, or interpersonal concerns. Office
services are free and confidential. Call 359-4254 for more
Medical services are available
to all currently enrolled students
Monday thought Friday during
the Fall and Spring terms at
Parkview House. Routine office
visits are free of charge and students receive a discount on lab
and other services. Call for appointment at 359-4254.
Planned Parenthood is at the
Parkview House every
Wednesday from 9 a.m. to 12
noon. They are available for all
students and can answer any
questions regarding male and female exams, STD testing, and
reproductive health care for active and nonactive students. Call
for more information and appointments at 359-4254.
November 3 is the deadline for
off campus declaration deadlines.
There will be a Spirituality
Exploration Table in the cafeteria on Wednesday, November 5,
at 5:00p.m.
November 4, 1997
Group ISP opportunity:
Advanced Acting Workshop,
taught by Professor Brant Pope,
Director of the FSU/Asolo
Conservatory. The Workshop
will meet Mondays and
Wednesdays 7-10 p.m. throughout ISP period, and will focus on
scene study. If interested, send a
note to John McDiarmid,
Humanities, indicating your contract number, past theatre
experience, and whether you
have ever been excluded from an
Asolo acting course. The note
MUST reach Professor
McDiarmid by Monday,
November 24. Enrollment will
be limited; enrollment decisions
will be announced soon after
November 24.
From Officer Walker of the
University Police: On the weekend of November 8 and 9, the
New College Library Association
will be holding its annual book
fair in the Hamilton Center patio
area. Tents will be erected across
the roadway leading to the
Hamilton Center circJe, and there
will be a lot of activity in the immediate area on both days.
Therefore, it is recommended
that all residential students ateastern/southern-most portion of
parking lot three (the rear of
Hamilton Center) or in the
Fitness Center/athletic fields
parking lot, preferably before the
morning of Saturday, November
8. Hopefully, this will minimize
the inconvenience experienced
by students during the event.
Numerous reports from community members and local residents
indicate that students on bikes
are riding across Bayshore Road
at the West Side Student Center
and Dort Drive crosswalk areas
without stopping for traffic on
Bayshore. This is very dangerous
to all concerned and could result
in serious injury or worse.
Bicyclists are required to stop at
intersections the same as vehicle
operators. Traffic is required to
yield to persons within a crosswalk; however, walkers or
bicyclists cannot just dart out in
front of traffic that is so close to
the crosswalk that they must
make an emergency stop. Protect
yourself and yield to fast moving
vehicles if necessary. The vehicles, trees, shrubbery, and heavy
traffic make the crosswalk area
very dangerous. Slow down and
"Arrive Alive!"
. .
Thurs. Nov. 6th 4:30p.m. Resume & Cover Letter Workshop, PME-219
Syracuse University: Newhouse School of Public Communications is
now accepting applications for masters level fellowship and an internship program in newspaper journalism for members of under-represented
groups who have not majored in journalism on the undergraduate level.
Full tuition cholarships and $1 ,100 per month stipend. After earning a
masters degree you work full time for one year as a professional reporting apprentice at one of the Syracuse new papers or elsewhere in the
country at another of the Newhouse Newspapers. Deadline: Feb. 10,
Levy Institute Forecasting Center - Fellowship: The purpose of thi
Fellowship is to give a dedicated, gifted student who is interested in economics a varied exposure to the realities and problems of applying
economic analysis to current and developing economic trends. The fellow will spend two years at the Levy Institute Forecastmg Center. There
is a stipend of $35,000. Deadline: Jan. 15, 1998.
Graphics Studio - USF College of Fine Arts, Tampa: Graphics Studio
is a laboratory in contemporary art and collaborative art making techmques.
Depending on projects being accomplished at the time, students may
work/research on printmaking, sculpture fabrication or curation.
Internships are available in art history, education and arts
administration. The structure and duration of internships is flexible.
Foreign Service Exam - Deadline: Jan. 30, 1998: Applications now
available. The Foreign Service is dedicated to r:epresenting Amer~a's
interests and responding to the needs of American citizens in other
countries. No specific educational level or proficiency in a foreign
tangw~ge-are""-'~...AAO -f<
· ·b· i r uirements: must be
a U.S. citizen and be between the ages of 20- 59 on date of exam.
For further information stop in the Career Resource Center, PME-
November 3-7 is Sexuality
Awareness Week. Stay tuned for
workshops and events on
Planned Parenthood, women's
erotica, STD/HN info, etc.
There will be a New College
Library Association Book Fair
in the Hamilton Center area on
Saturday and Sunday, November
An Orientation Committee
Meeting will be held in the
Fishbowl on Thursday,
November 6, at 4:00 p.m.
Speakers from East Timor and
Indonesia are going to give presentations in Sudakoff on
Sunday, November 9, at 8:00
The Queer Film Festival is
coming up soon: November 1014.
November 15 is Games Galore!
Sign up today with your R.A. for
the giant Twister Tournament.
The Queer Formal is being
rescheduled and wilJ not be on
November 8. However, the
GALA affair will be on
November 7. See Karen Fiona
Lewis for details.
The B-dorm cocktail party is
scheduled for November 8. See
Erin Hannon and Lex Thompson
for details.
If you are interested in helping
with the Fetish Ball then you
should come to the first organizational meeting. I have a lot of
idea , but I need a lot of help. If
you want to help in any way,
participating, setting up, organizing, or what not then come to the
meeting. It will be at 8 p.m.,
November 5th at the Ham Center
couches in front of the fishbowl.
If you can't make the meeting,
but would like to help, get in
touch with me at
mshannon@ virtu or box 577.