Perth City Farm – the organic centre of town!
Perth City Farm – the organic centre of town! Perth City Farm is a branch of Men Of The Trees Perth City Farm – the organic centre of town! An urban transformation miracle in the centre of the city—Perth City Farm is now a vibrant hub of Permaculture, Education, Art, Community and Enterprise. Take a short walk from Perth’s CBD district and you might find yourself in our inner-city leafy oasis of art and organic gardens. The Perth City Farm started in 1994 as an environmental resource centre and has grown into a spectacular demonstration site for green city living. We are located next to the Claisebrook railway station, only a quick walk from Northbridge – the city entertainment precinct. Perth City Farm, a branch of Men of The Trees Inc. (MOTT), was established on a heavily degraded polluted industrial site in 1994. Hundreds of people contributing many thousands of hours of loving work have created a vibrant productive certified organic garden. The derelict warehouses and soil you can see in the image on the top right, have been remediated to become an education centre, market space, workshop areas, animal areas and gardens. The vision of Perth City Farm is to achieve P.E.A.C.E. (Permaculture, Education, Arts, Community and Enterprise). The venue hosts an incredible variety of programs which reflect each of these themes. The philosophy of the Perth City Farm is simple: ―We plant trees to help people grow‖. The project is built on the foundation of its core values – respect, non-judgment and compassion - welcoming and including all. 1 [ Issue 1] May 2010 City Farm Features The Perth City Farm has several key features: Organic Growers Market every Saturday – 8 am to 12 Noon. Artisan’s Market every 4th Saturday of the Month 9am to 1 pm Learning and volunteering opportunities Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. A nursery/organic garden centre to purchase your vegetable seedlings, herbs, fruit trees and all other garden needs. Productive gardens that are educational and inspiring - full of wildlife and productive plants. Mosaic Art activities in partnership with Nulsen. Activate Tree Planting Festivals in winter. City Farm Café opening soon! Organic Markets The Organic Market is held each Saturday of the month from 8.00am until 12 noon. The following stall holders sell certified organic produce in the market building. Merri Bee Organics: (first Saturday of month) Located in Nannup. Bee and Stuart sell organic pork, beef, chicken, eggs, dairy produce, herbs, a wide range of fruit and veggies, as well as cakes, baked savouries and bread. Marg Brock: bio-dynamic eggs, veggies and fruit. Sona and Harry Toutikian: veggies, herbs, fruit dips and sauces. Harry Testoni: Bio-dynamic vegetables, especially carrots and garlic. Sue Hale: Sue specializes in asparagus in season Baramba biodynamic beef: Edith and Sid from Baramba sell beef on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of the month. Wambyn Olives: Penny of Wambyn sells a range of olive products. Miessence: Nina represents Miessence and sells a wide range of certified organic skin care products produced in Queensland. Beeswax Creations: Rewa sells beautiful handcrafted candles from 100% bees wax. There is a candle for all occasions Environment House: Supply a wide range of items including cleaning products, methods of pest control, wormfarms, bokashi buckets, power meters, bottles & bags, and magazines and books about saving energy . Extreme Superfoods: Damian & Karri sell fruit smoothies, raw food ingredients & raw chocolate balls as 2 well as other health products. The Organic Debate Diverse Range An Interview with Bee Winfield Merribee organic farm, in Nannup Other, non-certified producers of organic products, sell their products outside the market building. Bee sells at the Markets 1st Saturday Of the Month. Cliff Brockway — Cliff Brockway of Llanelly Orchard in Roleystone, is a regular stall holder who brings a wide range of non-certified organic produce to the Saturday markets. Cliff says that May is a good month to buy Pink Lady, Sundowner, Granny Smith, and Kings Cross apples. Fuyu sweet persimmons are also available; All are $5.00 per kg. Cliff’s Feijoa Pineapple guavas have been selling very well and will be available for the next few weeks. Valencia oranges, which are excellent for juicing, are in good supply. Astringent (not sweet) Persimmons will be coming in to season these fruit are delicious to eat when they are very soft. Organic farming makes use of open pollinated seeds that have been collected over several generations. Seeds from open-pollinated plants produce crops that are similar to the parent plant in qualities of taste, colour, fertility and yield potential. Whilst it is possible through careful selection of the best seeds to improve the strain of a particular crop, the resulting plants are true to the original plants, and are not hybrids. Hybrid plants do not produce young plants that are exactly true to the parent plant, the seeds are sterile and the farmer has the cost of purchasing seeds every year. Cliff also sells a range of fresh fruit juice, eggs and honey. The Marri honey is now coming to an end, and the bee hives will soon be moved to an organic strawberry farm. Organic seeds are difficult to obtain, especially in Western Australia due to the quarantine laws. Many seed suppliers in the Eastern states do not sell to W.A. farmers. There were some seed savers in Busselton, but unfortunately the business has closed due to the retirement of the lady who ran it. This has left W.A. organic farmers with no corn seeds except a few small operators such as Troy Dowling in Ballingup. Organic farmers face another serious threat – the lifting of the ban on genetically modified crops. This is a problem, as the possibility exists that pure organic plants might be cross-pollinated with GM crops, either by wind or through bee activity. Turnips, mustard, Chinese cabbage and a couple of other plants, will readily crosspollinate with GM crops. Five out of eight councils in Agriculture minister, Terry Redman’s own electorate, have declared that they wish to remain GM free. Terry Redman is promoting GM in WA. Honey, Fuyu Persimmons and Feijoa (Pineapple guavas) Cafe Opening Soon ! COMPETITION Enter our “Name the City Farm Café” competition to win a lunch for 4 people. Email your suggestion and name to: ― Organic farmers of W.A. need our support in their fight against the possible threats that GM crops present.‖ Says Bee . W A NT E D Café Manager Exciting opportunity to run a new cafe that will integrate organics, training and culture. Min 3 yrs business experience, including providing healthy foods. [Closes 31 May 2010] Email : for more details 3 May 2010 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri esday, ys are Tu a d r e e t aturday Volun ay and S d s r u h T ednesday 4 5 Community Lunch New Opportunities for Women . & Mosaic Art New Opportunities for Women Men's’ Shed 10 11 Menes’ Shed 12 Volunteer Lunch New Opportunities for Women New Opportunities for Women & Mosaic Art Men's’ Shed Men's’ Shed 17 18 19 Ross Mars permaculture certificate Volunteer Lunch 24 6 7 Men's’ Shed 13 Waste Wise Mens’ Shed 20 14 8 9 15 16 Organic Market The Great Re-skilling 22 23 VET in Schools 21 New Opportunities for Women & Mosaic Art Artisan’s Market & Organic Market Men's’ Shed Men's’ Shed 25 26 27 Men's’ Shed 2 VET in Schools School program Dept of Environment and conservation with Josh Burns Men's’ Shed New Opportunities for Women 1 Organic Market New Opportunities for Women Volunteer Lunch Sun Organic Market W 3 Sat VET in Schools 28 New Opportunities for Women & Mosaic Art Men's’ Shed 29 30 Organic Market Men's’ Shed 31 VET in Schools Men Of The Trees City Farm Event Volunteer Hosted Event Not organized by City Farm) Joint Event (Organized by City Farm in partnership with other entities) Lunch 12 noon—1 pm 4 Western Australia The Society founded for the Planting and Protection of Trees Non-Profit - Voluntary - Founded in Perth 1979