Real Estate Market Study 2014 Trends in 2015
Real Estate Market Study 2014 Trends in 2015
Studiu de Piata Imobiliara 2014 Tendinte 2015 Real Estate Market Study 2014 Trends in 2015 Content / Cuprins NAI Romania Studiu de Piata Imobiliara 2014 Tendinte 2015 Real Estate Market Study 2014 Trends in 2015 1 Economic overview Mediul economic 2 Office market Piata spatiilor de birouri 3 Residential market 4 Retail market 5 P iata spatiilor rezidentiale P iata spatiilor comerciale Agricultural land market Piata terenurilor agricole Romania 2014 Economic overview During 2014, the economic growth continued the positive evolution recorded in 2013, even if the growth rate was lower than last year and compared to the forecasted level. The expected growth rate fluctuates between the estimation of the International Monetary Fund of 2.4% and the anticipation of the Romanian Gouvernment of 2.8%. Compared to 2013, the economic growth had stronger fundaments being also supported by internal demand (private consumption). The sources of growth were more diversified. The positive evolution of GDP is generated by the industrial activity that was sustained by external demand, as well as by slight improvment in the internal demand. Economic growth was negatively affected by the decrease of private and public investments. Lack of investment in infrastructure and weak capacity to attract European Funds negatively affect the growth rate of the Romanian economy. Contribution of different categories of resources to the growth of GDP GDP Evolution 50,0% 40,0% 8,0% 7,9% 7,0% 7,3% 6,0% 30,0% 6,3% 5,0% 4,0% 20,0% 4,2% 3,0% 3,4% 2,6% 2,0% 1,0% 1,1% 0,0% 10,0% 0,6% -0,8% 0,0% -1,0% -2,0% -10,0% -3,0% -4,0% -20,0% -5,0% -6,0% -7,1% -30,0% -7,0% -8,0% 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 T1 05 2014e T3 05 T1 06 T3 06 T1 07 T3 07 T1 08 T3 08 T1 09 T3 09 T1 10 T3 10 T1 11 T3 11 T1 12 T3 12 T1 13 T3 13 T1 14 T1 14 -40,0% GDP Growth (%) Source: National Bank of Romania, National Commision for Prognosis Constructions Real estate transactions Source: National Bank of Romania, National Commision for Prognosis The fundamentals of the real estate market are reflected also by the contribution of the constructions sector to the growth of GDP. This sector has a negative influence of 0.1%-0.3% during Q1 – Q3 2014. On the other side, real estate transactions had a contribution of 0.1%-0.3%. The aggregated data at the national level reveal also the adjustment of the construction activity to the absorption capacity of the real estate market. The outlook for 2015 remains positive, the forecasted economic growth is 2.5%. The improvement of the economic environment is an evidence that the real estate market will benefit of favourable conditions for consolidation and improvment of specific market indicators. The analysis of the most recent macroeconomic data reveals the diminishing evolution of the annual inflation rate; thus, in December 2014, the annual inflation rate reached a historical low of 0.83%. This evolution is generated by the influence of the prices of imported goods. These prices reflect the low level of inflation in Euro-zone, decreasing trend in the fuel prices, doubled by a descendent trend of aggregated demand. Romania 2014 Mediul economic In 2014, cresterea economica a continuat evolutia pozitiva din 2013, chiar daca rata de crestere a fost sub nivelul asteptat si cel inregistrat anul trecut. Nivelul estimate al cresterii economice variaza intre estimarea Fondului Monetar International de 2.4% si cea a Guvernului Romaniei de 2.8%. Comparativ cu 2013, cresterea economica a avut fundamente mai solide, aceasta fiind sustinuta de cererea interna (consumul privat), sursele fiind mai diversificate. Dinamica pozitiva a PIB este sustinuta de activitatea de productie stimulata de cererea externa, dar si de revenirea usoara a cererii interne. Cresterea economica a fost afectata negativ de scaderea investitiilor private si a celor publice. Lipsa investitiilor in infrastructura si capacitatea limitata de a atrage fonduri europene afecteaza negativ ritmul de crestere economica a Romaniei. Contributia diferitelor categoriilor de resurse la cresterea PIB Evolutia produsului intern brut 50,0% 8,0% 40,0% 7,9% 7,0% 7,3% 6,0% 30,0% 6,3% 5,0% 4,0% 20,0% 4,2% 3,0% 3,4% 2,6% 2,0% 1,0% 1,1% 0,0% 10,0% 0,6% -0,8% 0,0% -1,0% -2,0% -10,0% -3,0% -4,0% -20,0% -5,0% -6,0% -7,1% -30,0% -7,0% -8,0% 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 T1 05 2014e T3 05 T1 06 T3 06 T1 07 T3 07 T1 08 T3 08 T1 09 T3 09 T1 10 T3 10 T1 11 T3 11 T1 12 T3 12 T1 13 T3 13 T1 14 T1 14 -40,0% evolutia PIB (%) Sursa: Banca Nationala a Romaniei, Comisia Nationala de Prognoza Constructii Tranzactii imobiliare Sursa: Banca Nationala a Romaniei, Comisia Nationala de Prognoza Fundamentele pietei imobiliare sunt reflectate si de contributia sectorului de constructii la cresterea PIB. Acest sector a avut o contributie negativa de 0.1%-0.3% in perioada trimestrul 1-trimestrul 3 2014. In schimb, tranzactiile imobiliare au contribuit cu 0.1%-0.3%. Datele agregate la nivel national releva de asemenea ajustarea ritmului de constructie la capacitatea de absorptie a pietei imobiliare. Perspectivele pentru 2015 raman pozitive, cresterea economica prognozata este de 2.5%. Imbunatatirea mediului economic este un semnal ca piata imobiliara va beneficia de premise favorabile pentru consolidarea si imbunatatirea indicatorilor specifici de piata. Analiza celor mai recente date macroeconomice evidentiaza continuarea scaderii ratei anuale a inflatiei, astfel ca, in decembrie 2014, aceasta a atins un minim istoric de 0.83%. Aceasta evolutie este determinata de influenta preturilor produselor din import care reflecta nivelurile joase ale inflatiei din zona euro, scaderea preturilor carburantilor, dublate de o cerere agregata descendenta. Economic overview The evolution of the unemployment rate in 2014 is similar to 2013, Annual inflation rate recording a decreasing trend. During 2014, the unemployment rate Annual inflation rate 12,00% 11,0% recorded seasonal fluctuations with obvious decrease below 5% during 10,00% 10,0% summer months due to seasonal employment. Unemployment rate 8,00% 8,0% decreased from 5.90% in January 2014 to 5.18% in November 2014. 6,00% 6,0% Although this aggregated economic indicator is lower compared to other 4,00% 4,0% 2,00% 2,0% EU members, it does not reveal the significant discrepancies between 0,00% 0,0% 1.1.05 1/1/05 1.1.06 1/1/06 1.1.07 1/1/07 1.1.08 1/1/08 1.1.09 1/1/09 1.1.10 1/1/10 1.1.11 1/1/11 1.1.12 1/1/12 1.1.13 1/1/13 different areas in Romania, such as Vaslui County (10.95%), the area 1.1.14 1/1/14 Source: National Institute of Statistics with the highest unemployment rate, and Ilfov County (1.53%) with the lowest unemployment rate. Unemployment rate - % Unemployment rate - % 9,00% 9,0% Under the circumstances of a significant reduction of the inflation rate, 8,00% 8,0% 7,00% 7,0% NBR has succesively decreased the monetary policy interest rate during 6,00% 6,0% 2014, from 3.75% in January to 2.50% in December. The decision of 5,00% 5,0% 4,00% 4,0% NBR should theoretically result in the decrease of the interest rates for 3,00% 3,0% 2,00% 2,0% loans granted in national currency, including mortgage loans for real 1,00% 1,0% 0,00% 0,0% 1.1.05 1/1/05 1.1.06 1/1/06 1.1.07 1/1/07 1.1.08 1/1/08 1.1.09 1/1/09 1.1.10 1/1/10 1.1.11 1/1/11 1.1.12 1/1/12 1.1.13 1/1/13 1.1.14 1/1/14 Source: National Institute of Statistics estate acquisition. The decisions of NBR in 2014 continue the policy of progressive reduction of the monetary policy started in 2013. Evolution of the monetary policy interest rate The effect of this decision is reflected in the reduction of the interest Evolution of the monetary policy interest rate rates for new mortgage loans granted in the national currency from 25,00% 25,0% 8.35% in December 2012 to 4.97% in November 2014. As a result of 20,00% 20,0% this consecutive decrease, the effective annual interest rate granted in 15,00% 15,0% national currency is almost similar with the rate quoted for loans granted 10,00% 10,0% in Euro. 5,00% 5,0% 0,00% 0,0% 08.01.2003 08.01.2003 08.01.2005 08.01.2005 08.01.2007 08.01.2007 08.01.2009 08.01.2009 08.01.2011 08.01.2011 08.01.2013 08.01.2013 08.01.2015 08.01.2015 Source: National Bank of Romania This decision aimed to increase the number of loans granted in national currency in order to protect population against the negative effects of devaluation. Indirectly, these decisions have resulted in the increase of Interest rates for loans granted for real estate purchase the number of mortgage loans by 16% during November 2012-November 2014, according to the data provided by the NBR. Interest rates for loans granted for real estate purchase 14,00% 14,0% 12,00% 12,0% Exchange rate had small variations during 2014, the average monthly 10,00% 10,0% rate fluctuated between 4.4-4.5 RON for 1 Euro. The stability of the 8,00% 8,0% 6,00% 6,0% exchange rate, as well the prudent policy of NBR aiming to descourage 4,00% 4,0% loans granted in foreign currencies protect the residential segment 2,00% 2,0% 0,00% 0,0% 2007 2007 2008 2008 2009 2009 2010 2010 RON RON EURO Source: National Bank of Romania 2011 2011 Euro 2012 2012 2013 2013 2014 2014 against potential financial shocks generated by the devaluation of the national currency. Solvability of demand on the residential segment is revealed by the purchasing power of population. Average monthly income per household are currently at 2.495 RON (937 RON per person) during the third quarter of 2014. The structure of the household expenditures reflects the relatively limited potential of the residential segment to recover, considering the available monetary resources alocated to the acquisition of a residential unit. Thus, expenditures alocated to investments for the acquisition or construction of a residential unit, acquisition of plots have a small weight in the total amount of the households’ expenditures, specifically 1.1%. Under these circumstances, the banking sector has an important role for the residential segment, as the aquisition of the residential units is dependent on the conditions imposed by the financial institutions. Mediul economic Evolutia somajului in 2014 este similara celei din 2013, inregistrand o Rata anuala a inflatiei tendinta de scadere. In timpul anului, rata somajului a cunoscut fluctuatii Annual inflation rate 12,00% 11,0% cu scaderi evidente sub nivelul de 5% in timpul lunilor de vara datorita 10,00% 10,0% muncii sezoniere. Rata somajului a scazut de la 5.90% in ianurie 2014 8,00% 8,0% la 5.18% in noiembrie 2014. Desi acest indicator economic agregat este 6,00% 6,0% mai mic decat in alte tari membre UE, nu releva discrepantele regionale 4,00% 4,0% 2,00% 2,0% 0,00% 0,0% 1.1.05 1/1/05 imense din Romania intre zonele cu rata somajului de 10.95% (judetul 1.1.06 1/1/06 1.1.07 1/1/07 1.1.08 1/1/08 1.1.09 1/1/09 1.1.10 1/1/10 1.1.11 1/1/11 1.1.12 1/1/12 1.1.13 1/1/13 1.1.14 1/1/14 Vaslui) si cele cu nivel foarte redus de 1.53% (judetul Ilfov). Sursa: Institutul National de Statistica Pe fondul reducerii semnificative a ratei inflatiei, BNR a redus succesiv Rata somajului - % rata dobanzii de politica monetara in 2014, nivelul acesteia fiind redus Unemployment rate - % 9,00% 9,0% de la 3.75% in ianuarie, la 2.50% in decembrie. Decizia BNR ar trebui 8,00% 8,0% 7,00% 7,0% sa rezulte teoretic in scaderea ratelor dobanzilor pentru creditele in lei, 6,00% 6,0% 5,00% 5,0% inclusiv pentru cele destinate achizitiei de imobile. Deciziile din 2014 ale 4,00% 4,0% 3,00% 3,0% BNR continua politica de reducere treptata a ratei dobanzii de politica 2,00% 2,0% 1,00% 1,0% 0,00% 0,0% monetara din 2013. 1.1.05 1/1/05 1.1.06 1/1/06 1.1.07 1/1/07 1.1.08 1/1/08 1.1.09 1/1/09 1.1.10 1/1/10 1.1.11 1/1/11 1.1.12 1/1/12 1.1.13 1/1/13 1.1.14 1/1/14 Sursa: Institutul National de Statistica Efectul acestor decizii se reflecta in reducerea ratelor dobanzii pentru creditele imobiliare acordate in lei de la 8.35% in decembrie 2012 la Evolutia ratei dobanzii de politica monetara 4.97% in noiembrie 2014. Prin aceasta reducere semnificativa, dobanda Evolution of the monetary policy interest rate 25,00% 25,0% efectiva anuala pentru creditele in lei este similara dobanzii pentru 20,00% 20,0% creditele acordate in Euro. 15,00% 15,0% Aceasta decizie a urmarit sa stimuleze creditarea in moneda nationala, 10,00% 10,0% pentru a proteja populatia de efectele devalorizarii monedei nationale. 5,00% 5,0% Indirect, aceste decizii au stimulat cresterea volumului creditelor 0,00% 0,0% 08.01.2003 08.01.2003 08.01.2005 08.01.2005 08.01.2007 08.01.2007 08.01.2009 08.01.2009 08.01.2011 08.01.2011 08.01.2013 08.01.2013 08.01.2015 08.01.2015 Sursa: Banca Nationala a Romaniei ipotecare cu 16% in perioada noiembrie 2012-noiembrie 2014, potrivit informatiilor publicate de BNR. Rata dobanzilor pentru creditele imobiliare Cursul valutar a avut o evolutie cu amplitudini mici pe intreg anul 2014, cursul mediu lunar fluctuand in intervalul 4.4-4.5 RON pentru 1 Interest rates for loans granted for real estate purchase 14,00% 14,0% Euro. Stabilitatea cursului valutar, precum si politica prudenta a BNR 12,00% 12,0% de descurajare a creditelor in monede straine protejeaza segmental 10,00% 10,0% residential de eventuale socuri financiare generate de devalorizarea 8,00% 8,0% 6,00% 6,0% monedei nationale. 4,00% 4,0% 2,00% 2,0% 0,00% 0,0% 2007 2007 2008 2008 2009 2009 2010 2010 RON RON 2011 2011 2012 2012 2013 2013 2014 2014 Euro EURO Sursa: Banca Nationala a Romaniei Solvability of demand on the residential segment is revealed by the purchasing power of population. Average monthly income per household are currently at 2.495 RON (937 RON per person) during the third quarter of 2014. The structure of the household expenditures reflects the relatively limited potential of the residential segment to recover, considering the available monetary resources alocated to the acquisition of a residential unit. Thus, expenditures alocated to investments for the acquisition or construction of a residential unit, acquisition of plots have a small weight in the total amount of the households’ expenditures, specifically 1.1%. Under these circumstances, the banking sector has an important role for the residential segment, as the aquisition of the residential units is dependent on the conditions imposed by the financial institutions. Office market Office market The general condition of the office market significantly improved compared to 2013, being obvious the increases recorded in development and leasing activities, the decreasing tendency of the vacancy rates and yields. The increase in the ratio of pre-leases in the total take-up represents a positive sign for developers and investors, reflecting the confidence of different market players in the local economy and prospects of the local real estate market. The construction works undertaken by developers are the proof of the optimistic expectations regarding the future evolution of the market indicators. Office development activity had a similar evolution compared to the evolution recorded in 2013, being completed a total area of approximately 100.000 sq m. Among the project completed in 2014, there are AFI BP 2 and 3 (24.300 sq m), Green Court Bucharest (19.500 sq m), Ethos House (7.750 sq m), Hermes Business Campus (18.000 sq m) and Green Gate (31.000 sq m). Generally, projects completed in 2014 are suitable for tenants that are willing to occupy large areas, as demonstrated by the concluded transactions, including pre-leases. Relocations are still dominating the local market, tenants are trying to improve the occupancy conditions, in terms of quality and costs. However, the structure of the lease transactions is not almost exclusively dominated by relocations, the ratio of other types of transactions (new leases, extensions) is increasing compared to previous years. Maintaining the economic growth at the forecasted levels creates the conditions for increasing the number of new comer companies, as some companies expressed their interest in this respect. In 2014, the majority of clients prefers to maintain or extend the occupied spaces strongly contrasting with previous year when the occupied areas recorded obvious decreases. The persistence of pre-leases creates the conditions for a further development of this market segment during the next years, especially as their share increased compared to 2013. Additionally, the decrease in the number of renegociations and renewals might be interpreted in a similar way in 2014. However, this type of transactions are still considered a viable solution for large tenants. The geographic pattern of transactions shows a clearly concentration of transactions in the northern areas, followed by the western and central areas. Although the initial preference of tenants remained the central areas, excepting large tenants, these should reconsider the office enquiries and change their interest towards other areas due to lack of properties suitable for their requirements. Piata spatiilor de birouri Piata spatiilor de birouri Situatia generala a segmentului de spatii de birouri s-a imbunatatit semnificativ comparativ cu 2013, fiind evidente cresterile inregistrate de activitatea de dezvoltare si inchiriere, tendinta de scadere a ratei de neocupare si a ratelor de capitalizare. Cresterea ponderii pre-inchirierilor reprezinta un semnal pozitiv pentru dezvoltatori si investitori, aratand increderea pe care diferiti jucatori o au fata de economia locala si perspectivele pietei imobiliare locale. Continuarea proiectelor de dezvoltare imobiliara este dovada asteptarilor optimiste in ceea ce priveste evolutia viitoare a indicatorilor de piata. Dezvoltarea imobiliara pe segmentul spatiilor de birouri a cunoscut o evolutie comparativa cu cea inregistrata in 2013, fiind finalizata o suprafata de birouri de aproximativ 100.000 mp. Dintre proiectele finalizate in 2014, amintim AFI BP 2 si 3 (24.300 mp), Green Court Bucharest (19.500 mp), Ethos House (7.750 mp), Hermes Business Campus (18.000 mp), Green Gate (31.000 mp). In general, dezvoltarile finalizate in 2014s sunt adecvate pentru chiriasi care doresc sa ocupe spatii mari, dovada fiind tranzactiile, inclusiv de preinchiriere, incheiate in aceste cladiri. Tranzactiile de relocare sunt dominante in piata, chiriasii incercand sa isi imbunatateasca situatia locativa atat din punct de vedere al calitatii si costurilor de ocupare. Totusi, structura tranzactiilor de inchiriere nu mai este aproape in exclusivitate dominata de relocari, ponderea celorlalte tipuri de inchirieri (cereri noi, extinderi de spatii) devenind mai mare comparativ cu anii anteriori. Continuarea cresterii economice la nivelul prognozat creeaza premisele cresterii numarului de companii nou intrate pe piata, existand interes din partea unor companii in acest sens. In 2014, majoritatea chiriasilor a optat pentru mentinerea sau extinderea suprafetelor ocupate, contrastand puternic cu anul anterior in care suprafetele ocupate de chiriasi au inregistrat diminuari evidente. Persistenta pre-inchirierilor ofera premise pentru dezvoltarea ulterioara a acestui segment in anii urmatori, mai ales ca ponderea acestora a crescut comparativ cu 2013. In acelasi sens, poate fi interpretata si scaderea numarului de renegocieri si reinnoiri de contracte in 2014. Totusi, acest tip de tranzactii raman in continuare o solutie viabila pentru chiriasii mari. Raspandirea geografica a tranzactiilor indica o concentrare clara a acestora in zona nordica, urmata de cea vestica si zona centrala. Desi prima optiune a clientilor ramane zona centrala, exceptie facand chiriasii mari, acestia trebuie sa isi reconsidere solicitarile de inchiriere catre alte zone din cauza lipsei proprietatilor care sa raspunda criteriilor impuse. Office market In 2014, the main demand drivers are companies Q Building Tenant Area Transaction (sq m) 1 Bucharest One Vodafone 16.000 Pre-lease considering also pre-lease transactions, such 1 Iride Business Park Procter&Gamble 6.000 Extension as transactions concluded by Orange Romania 1 AFI BP 3 Endava 4.500 Pre-lease 2 Green Court Bucharest Orange Romania 13.700 Pre-lease 2 West Gate Ericsson Romania 4.000 Extension 2 Floreasca Park Allianz 3.500 New lease 3 AFI BP 3 Telus 6.000 New lease 3.500 New lease from telecomunications, IT, services and industry. These companies have leased large areas, (13.700 sq m), Vodafone (16.000 sq m) and Telekom Romania (25.000 sq m). In these particular cases, transactions were concluded in the northern part of Bucharest, as within this area large office 3 Hermes Business Campus Romanian International Bank developments have been initiated. 3 Floreasca Park Kellogg's 2.500 New lease 4 Globalworth Campus Telekom Romania 25.000 Pre-lease 4 North Gate Renault Technologie Roumanie 20.000 Extension 4 West Gate Ericsson Romania 5.000 Extension Limited development activity during 2010-2013 and the leasing activity recorded during 2012-2013 have diminished the number of options that tenants have when consider the occupation of large areas. This situation created the conditions for conclusion of pre-leases for large areas and contractual periods. Relocations have been considered also for the consolidation of the occupied space. Vacant spaces generated by the relocations that efectively occur in 2015 will create opportunities for other tenants to consolidate and extend the occupied spaces. Vacancy rate fluctuated around 14%, but the decreasing tendency is obvious, if the reference level is that recorded at the end of 2013; the vacancy rate stabilized slightly under 14%. Areas of Bucharest recorded different vacancy rates, with low rates in the central areas (under 10%) and rates over 20% in the northern boundaries of Pipera area. Evolution of rents - Euro/sq m/month Evolution of rents- Euro/sq m/month Class A Class B Average rents remained stable throughout 2014, fluctuating between 25 25 16-18 Euro/sq m/month for class A properties centrally located, while 20 20 the rental level for offices located in secondary and peripheral areas 15 15 prefered by the tenants varied between 12-15 Euro/sq m/month. As 10 10 concern the peripheral areas with high vacancy rates, rental levels are lower, generally fluctuating between 9-12 Euro/sq m/month. 5 0 0 2007 2007 2008 2008 2009 2009 2010 2010 Class A 2011 2011 2012 2012 2013 2013 2014 2014 Obviously the fundaments of the office market improved and consolidated Class B Source: NAI Romania during 2013-2014. Considering also that the outlooks are more optimistic, yields have a decreasing tendency fluctuating between Office yield evolution Office yield evolution Class A Class B 7.75-8.00% for class A offices and between 8.50-8.75% for class B 12 12 properties. The attractivity of investment products should be analyzed 99 in the larger context of the European markets. The prices of properties 66 related to their capacity to generate incomes are lower compared to 33 00 other European markets, while the volatility of the market indicators have 2007 2007 2008 2008 2009 2009 2010 2010 Class A 2011 2011 2012 2012 2013 2013 2014 2014 significantly diminished. Class B Source: NAI Romania Piata spatiilor de birouri Principalii sustinatori ai cererii in 2014 au fost companiile din telecomunicatii, IT, servicii si Trim. Cladire Chirias Suprafata Tip (mp) tranzactie industrie. Aceste companii au inchiriat suprafete 1 Bucharest One Vodafone 16.000 Pre-inchiriere mari, considerand inclusiv incheierea de contracte 1 Iride Business Park Procter&Gamble 6.000 Extindere de pre-inchiriere, asa cum sunt tranzactiile 1 AFI BP 3 Endava 4.500 Pre-inchiriere 2 Green Court Bucharest Orange Romania 13.700 Pre-inchiriere 2 West Gate Ericsson Romania 4.000 Extindere 2 Floreasca Park Allianz 3.500 Contract nou Telus 6.000 Contract nou 3.500 Contract nou incheiate de Orange Romania (13.700 mp), Vodafone (16.000 mp) si Telekom Romania (25.000 mp). In cazul acestor chiriasi, tranzactiile 3 AFI BP 3 s-au incheiat in zona de nord a Bucurestiului, 3 Hermes Business Campus Romanian International Bank deoarece in aceasta zona s-au demarat lucrarile 3 Floreasca Park Kellogg's 2.500 Contract nou de constructie pentru cladiri mari 4 Globalworth Campus Telekom Romania 25.000 Pre-inchiriere 4 North Gate Renault Technologie Roumanie 20.000 Extindere 4 West Gate Ericsson Romania 5.000 Extindere Activitatea limitata de dezvoltare imobiliara din perioada 2010-2013 si activitatea de inchiriere din perioada 20122013 a diminuat din numarul de optiuni pe care le au chiriasii care doresc ocuparea unor suprafete mari. Aceasta situatie a creat premisele pentru semnarea unor contracte de pre-inchiriere pentru suprafetele mari si perioade de inchiriere mai indelungate. Relocarile chiriasilor au fost realizate si pentru a consolida spatiul ocupat. Spatiile libere generate de relocarile care vor fi deveni efective in 2015, vor crea oportunitati pentru ceilalti chiriasi pentru a consolida spatiile ocupate sau pentru a extinde spatiile ocupate. Rata de neocupare a fluctuat in jurul nivelului de 14%, insa tendinta este de scadere, daca se raporteaza la nivelul ratei de neocupare inregistrata la sfarsitul anului 2013, stabilizandu-se putin sub nivelul de 14%. Zonele din Bucuresti inregistreaza rate de neocupare neuniforme, cu niveluri scazute in zonele centrale (sub 10%) si cu zone care depasesc 20% in extremitatea nordica a zonei Pipera. Evolutia chiriei medii - Euro/mp/luna Evolution of rents- Euro/sq m/month Class A Class B Chiriile medii au ramas stabile pe parcursul anului 2014, fluctuand in 25 25 intervalul 16-18 Euro/mp/luna pentru proprietatile clasa A din zona 20 20 centrala, in timp ce proprietatile din zonele secundare sau periferice 15 15 care sunt cautate de chiriasi au chirii care variaza intre 12-15 Euro/mp/ 10 10 luna. In cazul zonelor periferice cu disponibilitate mai mare a spatiilor de birouri, chiriile sunt mai reduse, fluctuand in general intre 9-12 Euro/ 5 0 0 2007 2007 2008 2008 2009 2009 2010 2010 Clasa A 2011 2011 2012 2012 2013 2013 2014 2014 Sursa: NAI Romania In mod evident, fundamentele pietei de birouri s-au imbunatatit si consolidat in perioada 2013-2014. Avand in vedere faptul ca si Office yield evolution Evolutia ratelor de capitalizare Class A Class B perspectivele sunt mai optimiste, ratele de capitalizare au o tendinta 12 12 de micsorare fluctuand la sfarsitul anului 2014 intre 7.75-8.00% pentru 99 proprietatile clasa A si intre 8.50-8.75% pentru proprietatile de clasa 66 B. Atractivitatea produselor imobiliare de investitii trebuie analizata si in 33 00 mp/luna. Clasa B contextul regional al pietelor europene. Preturile raportate la potentialul 2007 2007 2008 2008 2009 2009 2010 2010 Clasa A 2011 2011 Clasa B 2012 2012 2013 2013 2014 2014 de generare venituri sunt mai mici comparativ cu alte piete europene, in timp ce volatilitatea indicatorilor de piata s-a diminuat semnificativ. Sursa: NAI Romania Office market During 2014, Skanska sold Green Court Bucharest office building (19.500 sq m leasable area) to the investment fund Globalworth Real Estate Investments. The same investor acquired Nusco Tower office building (23.000 sq m leasable area) for a total price of Euro 46 Million. Considering the office enquiries recorded during 2013-2014, developers initiated the construction works for class A office buildings that benefit of adequate location, including the proximity of important transportation routes, and high quality standards. These developments are located in the northern and western areas of Bucharest, mainly in Pipera area. Pre-lease transactions will be concluded also in 2015, as the development that offer large areas are still under construction, while tenants are looking for solutions that meet the technical requirements and generate low construction costs. Developers have been encouraged by the succes of the initial phases of developments and decided to continue the projects that are already pre-leased. During 2015-2016, the completion of 100.000-120.000 sq m of modern offices is expected, including projects such as AFI BP 4 and 5, Green Court 2. The completion of new buildings and vacant space resulted after the leave of the tenants due to relocations of their activity will generate an increasing tendency of the vacancy rate. The stability or decrease of the vacancy rate would be probable if the number of new comer companies will obviously incease while tenants that have not relocated during previous years decided to extend their occupied space. Piata spatiilor de birouri In 2014, Skanska a vandut cladirea de birouri Green Court Bucharest (19.500 mp suprafata inchiriabila) catre compania de investitii imobiliare Globalworth Real Estate Investments. Acelasi investitor a achizitionat cladirea de birouri Nusco Tower (23.000 mp suprafata inchiriabila) pentru pretul de 46 milioane de Euro. Avand in vedere solicitarile chiriasilor din perioada 2013-2014, dezvoltatorii au initiat lucrari de constructie pentru cladiri de birouri clasa A, care sa beneficieze de localizare adecvata, inclusiv proximitatea retelelor importante de transport in comun, si caracteristici la standarde internationale. Aceste proiecte sunt localizate cu precadere in zonele de nord si vest ale Bucurestiului, cu precadere in zona Pipera. Tranzactiile de perinchiriere vor fi prezente si in 2015, avand in vedere ca proiecte cu suprafete generoase sunt in stadiul de constructie, iar chiriasii cauta solutii care sa indeplineasca solicitarile tehnice si sa genereze costuri de ocupare mai mici. Dezvoltatorii au fost incurajati de succesul fazelor incipiente si continua dezvoltarea proiectelor care inregistreaza tranzactii de preinchiriere. In perioada 2015-2016, se asteapta finalizarea unei suprafete de 100.000-120.000 mp, incluzand proiecte precum AFI BP 4 si 5, Green Court 2. Finalizarea unor noi cladiri si eliberarea cladirilor ocupate de chiriasi care si-au relocat activitatea vor genera o tendinta de crestere a ratei de neocupare. Mentinerea sau scadere ratei de neocupare ar fi probabila doar daca numarul companii nou venite pe piata locala va creste vizibil, dublat fiind de o tendinta de extindere a chiriasilor, care nu s-au relocat in anii anteriori. Residential market Residential market Residential market recorded evident improvements during 2014, especially on new apartment segment, being sustained by lower financing costs and a better adaptation of the offer to the requirements of demand in terms of prices and characteristics of residential units. The number of transactions increased, the marketing period to dispose a residential unit diminished compared to 2013, while the prospection activity of the potential clients has increased. During 2014, the offer containing new residential units, especially apartments, was well adapted to the requirements of middle income customers. Real estate development activity resulted in the completion of small scale developments that were located in peripheral and secondary areas, in the proximity of important public transportation routes, such as Berceni, Militari and Ghencea. A similar evolution was recorded in neighbouring localities that limit the above mentioned areas. The aim of the architectural concept is to provide residential units that can be acquired through “First time buyer” program. These residential projects are developed by local developers that finance their investment by own financial resources, reinvesting the financial resources generated by previous sale of apartments. Developers that finance their investments by own resources have a greater flexibility of the sale policy, proposing alternative prices depending on the payment period and methods. The increasing tendency of transactions was sustained also by this flexibility in negotiation. Demand for apartments with prices below 50.000 Euro represents the largest ratio within the total demand. The purchasing power is the element that generate this structure of demand. The characteristics of the mortgage loans financed by “First Time Buyer” program are specific for the entire residential market, as the dynamic of this segment is generated by the guvernamental program. The structure of residential transactions reveal that 2 room apartments remained the most sought after properties in 2014 (51%), similar with the period 2009-2013. Approximately 30% of the transactions involved 3 room apartments. During 2014, the demand for studios recorded a decreasing tendency while the demand for 3 room apartments slightly increased. Structure of mortgage loans by value This typology of demand generated a significant increase in the number of 2 room apartments completed in 2013 and 2014; the number of this >50.000 <30.000 Euro 24% 19% 40.000-50.000 Euro type of residential units doubled compared to 2012 in the Bucharest- Euro 32 % Ilfov region. The structure of completed residential units during 20122013 reveals a significant increase in the number of studios and 2 room apartments, while the number of residential units with a larger number 25% 30.000-40.000 Euro Source: FNGCIMM of rooms stagnated. Piata rezidentiala Piata rezidentiala Piata rezidentiala a inregistrat progrese evidente in 2014, in special pe segmentul apartamentelor noi, fiind sustinuta de costurile de finantare mai reduse si de adaptarea ofertei la solicitarile cererii, atat din punctul de vedere al pretului, cat si al caracteristicilor locuintelor. Numarul tranzactiilor a crescut, perioada necesara pentru vanzarea locuintelor s-a diminuat comparativ 2013, in timp ce activitatea de prospectare a pietei din partea potentialilor clienti s-a intensificat. In 2014, oferta de unitati locative noi, in special apartamente, s-a adaptat bine nevoilor clientilor cu venituri medii. Activitatea de dezvoltare imobiliara pe acest segment a avut ca rezultat finalizarea unor dezvoltari de mici dimensiuni, care s-au localizat in zonele periferice si secundare din vecinatatea arterelor principale de transport public, precum Berceni, Militari, Ghencea. Aceeasi evolutia s-a inregistrat si in comunele limitrofe Bucurestiului, care se invecineaza cu zonele mai sus amintite. Conceptul arhitectural al locuintelor a fost stabilit in special pentru a oferi locuinte, care sa faciliteze achizitia acestora prin programul Prima Casa. Aceste proiecte rezidentiale sunt dezvoltate de dezvoltatori autohtoni, care finanteaza din surse proprii lucrarile de constructie, reinvestind resursele financiare generate de vanzarile anterioare de apartamente. Dezvoltatorii care reusesc sa isi finanteze constructiile din surse proprii au o mare flexibilitate in politica de vanzari, propunand clientilor variante de pret in functie de modalitatea si perioada de plata. Evolutia ascendenta a tranzactiilor a fost sustinuta si de aceasta flexibilitate in negociere. Cererea pentru apartamente cu preturi sub 50.000 Euro reprezinta cea mai mare pondere in cererea totala. Puterea de cumparare este elementul care determina aceasta structura a cererii. Caracteristicile creditelor imobiliare “Prima Casa” sunt definitorii pentru intreaga piata rezidentiala, deoarece dinamica acestui segment este generata de programul de stimulare a cererii de locuinte. Structura tranzactiilor cu locuinte indica faptul ca apartamentele cu 2 camere au ramas preferatele cumparatorilor si in 2014 (51%), asa cum s-a mentinut in perioada 2009-2013. Cumparatorii au preferat apartamentele cu 3 camere in proportie de 30%. In 2014 se observa o tendinta de diminuare a cererii pentru garsoniere si o crestere a cererii pentru apartamente de 3 camere. Structure of mortgage loans by value Aceasta tipologie a cererii a generat o crestere semnificativa a numarului de apartamente cu 2 camere in 2013, numarul anual al acestora >50.000 <30.000 Euro 24% 19% 40.000-50.000 Euro dublandu-se comparativ cu 2012 in regiunea de dezvoltare Bucuresti- Euro 32 % Ilfov. Structura locuintelor finalizate in perioada 2012-2013 indica o crestere evidenta a numarului garsonierelor si apartamentelor cu 2 camere, in timp ce numarul locuintelor cu un numar mai mare de camere 25% 30.000-40.000 Euro Source: FNGCIMM a stagnat. Residential market According to the data provided by the FNGCIMM, in 2014 a number of 25.000 of guarantees were granted by the Evolution of completed residential units by number of rooms Evolution of completed residential units by number of rooms 1400 institution to the financial institutions, the average value 1200 1200 of a guarantee being 36.000 Euro. The average value 1000 1000 per transaction confirm the fact that the residential units 800 800 with prices below 50.000 Euro are the most sought after 600 600 by the medium income clients. The main decision criteria 400 400 for this client segment are the price (the most important criterion), quality of the residential unit, flexibility of the sale 200 200 00 conditions, accessibility to public transaportation, location. 2005 2005 2006 2006 2007 2007 Studio 2009 2009 2008 2008 Studio 2 rooms 2 rooms 3 rooms 3 rooms 2010 2010 4 rooms 2011 2011 2012 2012 2013 2013 5 rooms and larger 4 rooms 5 rooms and larger Source: National Institute of Statistics Overall, the prices for newly completed apartments were stable in 2014. The average sale price of the apartments addressed to medium income clients located in the peripheral areas of Bucharest varied between 750-850 Euro/sq m in Berceni, between 800-900 Euro/sq m in Popesti-Leordeni area (perimeter located in the proximity of the metro), between 725-800 Euro/sq m in the southern extremity of Rahova area and between 750-850 Euro/sq m in Militari area. These prices fluctuate based on the distance between main public transportation routes, number of available residential units within the project and quality of finishing. On the old apartment segment, generally the asking prices are slightly higher compared to the asking prices on the periferal area. Proximity of the main transportation routes and service facilities is the factor that increase the prices of these apartments: Asking prices for old apartments in different areas of Bucharest District 1 Area District 2 Euro/sq m Area District 3 Euro/sq m Area Euro/sq m 975 - 1.075 Aviatiei 1.200 - 1.300 Doamna Ghica-Colentina 925 - 975 Dristor Banu Manta-Titulescu 1.100 - 1.200 Floreasca 1.100 - 1.200 1 Decembrie–Th.Pallady 825 - 925 Dorobanti 1.250 - 1.400 Iancului 925 - 1.025 Titan 900 - 1.000 Grivita 850 - 950 Mihai Bravu 1.000 - 1.125 Vitanul Nou 1.000 - 1.125 Mihalache 1.100 - 1.200 Mosilor 1.000 - 1.125 Vitanul Vechi 850 - 950 Pajura-Bucurestii Noi 850 - 925 Pantelimon 850 - 925 Unirii 1.200 - 1.450 Stefan cel Mare 975 - 1.125 Tei 850 - 950 District 4 District 5 District 6 Area Euro/sq m Area Euro/sq m Area Euro/sq m Berceni 850 - 950 Alexandriei 650 - 750 Bd.Timisoara 850 - 975 Piata Sudului-Brancoveanu 975 - 1.075 Ferentari 625 - 725 Crangasi 925 - 1.025 Progresului-Giurgiului 725 - 850 Panduri-13 Septembrie 1100 - 1200 Drumul Taberei 850 - 975 Oltenitei 850 - 925 Rahova 750 - 850 Ghencea 850 - 925 Tineretului 1.000 - 1.125 Giulesti 750 - 825 Militari – Lujerului 875 - 1.000 Militari – Gorjului - Pacii 825 - 900 Piata rezidentiala Conform datelor furnizate de Fondul National de Garantare a Creditelor pentru Intreprinderile Mici si Mijlocii, au fost Evolutia apartamentelor finalizate in Bucuresti in functie de numarul de camere Evolution of completed residential units by number of rooms 1400 acordate aproximativ 25.000 de garantii in 2014, cu o 1200 1200 valoare medie de 36.000 Euro. Valoarea medie a unei 1000 1000 tranzactii confirma faptul ca locuintele cu un pret sub 800 800 50.000 Euro sunt cele mai cautate. Principalele criterii 600 600 decizionale ale cumparatorilor sunt pretul (cel mai important 400 400 criteriu), calitatea locuintelor, flexibilitatea conditiilor de vanzare, accesul la transportul in comun, localizarea. 200 200 00 2005 2005 2006 2006 2007 2007 Cu o camera 2009 2009 2008 2008 Studio 2 rooms 3 rooms Cu 2 camere 4 rooms 2010 2010 5 rooms and larger Cu 3 camere 2011 2011 Cu 4 camere 2012 2012 2013 2013 Cu 5 camere si peste Source: National Institute of Statistics In ansamblu, preturile apartamentelor noi in Bucuresti au fost stabile in 2014. Pretul mediu al apartamentelor noi destinate clientilor cu venituri medii in zonele periferice variaza intre 750-850 in Berceni, intre 800 si 900 Euro/ mp in zona Popesti-Leordeni (zona situata in proximitatea metroului), intre 725 si 800/mp in extremitatea sudica a zonei Rahova si intre 750 si 850 euro/mp in zona Militari. Aceste preturi medii variaza in functie de distanta fata de principalele mijloace de transport in comun, numarul de locuinte disponibile in ansamblul rezidential si calitatea finisajelor. Pe segmentul apartamentelor vechi se constata un interval de preturi solicitate putin mai ridicat fata de apartamentele noi din zonele periferice. Proximitatea mijloacelor de transport in comun si a facilitatilor este elementul care sporeste pretul acestor apartamente: Preturi solicitate in functie de zonele din Bucuresti Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Zona Euro/mp Zona Euro/mp Zona Euro/mp Aviatiei 1.200 - 1.300 Doamna Ghica-Colentina 925 - 975 Dristor 975 - 1.075 825 - 925 Banu Manta-Titulescu 1.100 - 1.200 Floreasca 1.100 - 1.200 1 Decembrie–Th.Pallady Dorobanti 1.250 - 1.400 Iancului 925 - 1.025 Titan 900 - 1.000 Grivita 850 - 950 Mihai Bravu 1.000 - 1.125 Vitanul Nou 1.000 - 1.125 Mihalache 1.100 - 1.200 Mosilor 1.000 - 1.125 Vitanul Vechi 850 - 950 Pajura-Bucurestii Noi 850 - 925 Pantelimon 850 - 925 Unirii 1.200 - 1.450 Stefan cel Mare 975 - 1.125 Tei 850 - 950 Sector 4 Sector 5 Sector 6 Zona Euro/mp Zona Euro/mp Zona Euro/mp Berceni 850 - 950 Alexandriei 650 - 750 Bd.Timisoara 850 - 975 Piata Sudului-Brancoveanu 975 - 1.075 Ferentari 625 - 725 Crangasi 925 - 1.025 Progresului-Giurgiului 725 - 850 Panduri-13 Septembrie 1100 - 1200 Drumul Taberei 850 - 975 Oltenitei 850 - 925 Rahova 750 - 850 Ghencea 850 - 925 Tineretului 1.000 - 1.125 Giulesti 750 - 825 Militari – Lujerului 875 - 1.000 Militari – Gorjului - Pacii 825 - 900 Residential market New apartments located in the central area (Dacia, Polona, Domenii and Cotroceni) and secondary areas (Iancului, Obor and Dristor) are targeted by medium-high income customers that intend to acquire residential units for personal use. On this segment, demand is mainly sustained by final users. The number of potential clients that intend to acquire residential units for renting purposes is extremely low. The general concept of the units located in the above mentioned areas is is different compared to apartments located in the peripheral areas. These apartments benefit of large usable areas, underground parking, quality finishing. Sale prices reflect these advantages, generally fluctuating between 1.150 Euro and 1.300 Euro/sq m (excluding VAT), depending on location and quality of finishing and particular location of the apartments within the building. The activity on the high income client segment was concentrated in the northern Bucharest, especially in NorduluiHerastrau and Primaverii areas. Demand on the premium property segment mainly targeted properties with prices between 200.000 and 300.000 Euro and usable areas larger than 100 sq m. The demand is mainly sustained by final users, aquisitions for investment purposes were not attractive for the customers. This segment recorded sporadic developments due to limited availability of plots adequate for this type of residential projects. Generally, the residential segment will not recorded significant changes compared to 2014, but some changes are expected. Unless the economic environment negatively influence the general evolution of the real estate market, demand will continue the positive evolution recorded between 2013 and 2014. At the same time, demand is expected to diversify and the preferences of the clients will include also larger apartments, located in secondary areas of Bucharest and well-established residential areas, such as the northern part of Bucharest. This diversification of demand is expected as part of the potential clients will consider the extension and/or improvement of the residential units. Thus, the demand will not be exclusively sustained by “First Time Buyer” program. Building permits 7000 7000 Small scale residential developments located in peripheral 6000 6000 locations and secondary areas will dominate the local market. 5000 5000 On medium income segment, potential and effective demand Building permits 4000 4000 encourage developers to initiate projects special designed for 3000 3000 this category of clients. Development costs, including those 2000 2000 generated by the acquisition of the land, allow developers to quote attractive sale prices for the potential clients on this 1000 1000 0 0 2005 2005 2006 2006 2007 2007 2008 2008 Ilfov Ilfov 2009 2009 2010 2010 Municipiul Bucuresti 2011 2011 2012 2012 2013 2013 market segment. Municipiul Bucuresti Source: National Institute of Statistics Under the circumstances of a stable demand and very sensitive to the fluctuations of the prices, developers/owners are expected to maintain stable the sale prices for apartments addressed to medium income clients. In addition, the supply will increase and diversify, considering the increase in the number of construction permits issued in 2013 compared to 2012, many of these proposed developments were completed in 2014 and are marketed during 2015. Among the residential developments proposed for completion in 2015, the following project are mentioned Cortina Residence, City Point, Metropolitan Aviatiei and Militari Residence. In addition, there are other residential projects situated in the peripheral areas of Bucharest and neighbouring localities in the proximity of Berceni, Ghencea and Militari areas. In 2015, the offer will be supplied with properties curretly owned by investment funds and companies that administrate debts and loans in default. Financial institutions have disposed large portfolios of debts and/or loans in default, the companies that acquired these portfolios intend to dispose them and obtain liquidity. However, the availability of these properties will not generate changes in prices or significant changes in the typology of the properties available for sale. Piata rezidentiala Apartamentele noi din zona centrala (Dacia, Polona, Domenii, Cotroceni) si cea secundara (Iancului, Obor, Dristor), se bucura de interesul clientilor cu venituri mari, care doresc achizitia de locuinte pentru utilizare personala. Pe acest segment, cererea este in special sustinuta de utilizatorii finali. Numarul clientilor potentiali care doresc sa achizitioneze locuinte in scopul inchirierii este foarte limitat. Conceptul general al locuintelor oferite la vanzare in aceste zone este diferit fata de cel din zonele periferice, beneficiind de suprafete utile mai mari, parcaje subterane, finisaje de calitate. Preturile de vanzare reflecta aceste avantaje, fluctand in general intre 1.150 Euro si 1.300 Euro/mp (exclusiv TVA), in functie de localizare, calitatea finisajelor si dispunerea apartamentului in interiorul ansamblului rezidential. Activitatea pe segmentul proprietatilor pentru clienti cu venituri mari s-a concentrat in nordul Bucurestiului, in special in zona Nordului-Herastrau, Primaverii. Cererea pe segmentul premium a vizat in principal proprietati cu preturi cuprinse intre 200.000-300.000 Euro si suprafete mai mari de 100 mp. Principalii purtatori ai cererii au fost utilizatorii finali, achizitiile in scop investitional nu mai sunt atractive pentru cumparatori. Acest segment inregistreaza dezvoltari sporadice, din cauza lipsei loturilor de teren adecvate pentru acest tip de dezvoltari. In termeni generali, segmentul rezidential nu va cunoaste modificari semnificative comparativ cu 2014, insa unele schimbari sunt asteptate. In conditiile in care mediul economic nu va perturba evolutia generala a pietei imobiliare, cererea isi va continua evolutia pozitiva din perioada 2013-2014. Tototdata, este asteptata o diversificare a cererii, care va include si apartamentele mai mari, localizate in zone secundare, precum si in zone consacrate, precum zona de nord a Bucurestiului. Aceasta diversificare a cererii este probabila avand in vedere ca o parte a clientilor potentiali va considera sa extinda spatiul de locuit sau/si imbunatateasca situatia locativa. Astfel, cererea nu se va mai baza aproape in exclusivitate pe programul “Prima Casa”. Numarul de locuinte autorizate 7000 7000 Dezvoltarile imobiliare de mici dimensiuni din zonele 6000 6000 periferice si secundare vor domina piata. Pe segmentul 5000 5000 clientilor cu venituri medii, cererea potentiala precum si cea Building permits 4000 4000 efectiva incurajeaza dezvoltatorii sa initieze proiecte special 3000 3000 concepute pentru aceasta categorie de clienti. Costurile de 2000 2000 dezvoltare, incluzand si cele generate de achizitia terenurilor, permit promovarea unor preturi de vanzare atractive pentru 1000 1000 0 0 2005 2005 2006 2006 2007 2007 2008 2008 Ilfov Ilfov 2009 2009 2010 2010 2011 2011 2012 2012 2013 2013 Municipiul Bucuresti cumparatorii existenti pe acest segment. Municipiul Bucuresti Sursa: Institutul National de Statistica Pe fundalul unei cereri constante si inca foarte sensibila la pret, se asteapta ca dezvoltatorii/proprietarii sa mentina preturile de vanzare pentru apartamentele destinate clientilor cu venituri medii. In plus, oferta de locuinte va creste si se va diversifica, avand in vedere cresterea numarului de autorizatii de construire emise in 2013, comparativ cu 2012, multe din aceste locuinte avand ca termen de finalizare 2014 si disponibilitate de vanzare 2015. Dintre proiectele mari cu termen de finalizare 2015, amintim Cortina Residence, City Point, Metropolitan Aviatiei, Militari Residence. Acestora li se adauga proiectele rezidentiale situate in zonele periferice ale Bucurestiului si in localitatile invecinate care delimiteaza zonele Berceni, Ghencea, Militari. In 2015 oferta de locuinte va fi completata cu proprietatile detinute de diferite fonduri de investitii sau companii care gestioneaza creante si credite neperformante. Bancile din Romania au vandut portofolii mari de creante si/ sau proprietati neperformante, detinatorii acestora incercand sa obtina lichiditate in acest an. Insa disponibilitatea acestora pe piata nu va genera modificari ale preturilor sau schimbari semnificative in tipologia locuintelor aflate la vanzare. Retail market Retail market Generally, the retail segment had a positive evolution, being characterized by the completion of the construction works for the shopping centers initiated during previous years, extension of specialized retail networks, supermarket and hypermarkets, a relative stability of the rental levels and by the intention of the investors to acquire retail properties as investment product. The on-street retail market recorded also a slight improvement, proved by the higher interest of tenants for this segment. The marketing period for these retail units diminished even if the rental level remained relatively constant compared to 2013. The most sought after properties are those located in the Historical Center, as well as those situated in the proximity of high concentration of pedestrian traffic. By asking sustainable rental levels related to the capacity of the retail unit to generate a certain level of sales reduced the rotation of tenants in a specific property. On the shopping center segment, in 2014, the construction works were completed for the retail park Vulcan Value Centre (25.000 sq m of leasable area), locate in the south-western area of Bucharest. The project developed by NEPI is anchored by Carrefour, footwear and clothing retailers. In the south-south-western area of Bucharest, Immochan completed the Ghencea Shopping Centre (30.000 sq m). As a number of DIY retailers (Obi) ceased the operations while the transactions concluded during 2013-2014 reflected the acquisition of Bricostore by Kingfisher and bauMax by Leroy Merlin, this specialized market segment recorded a concentration of operations. This tendency is obvious under the circumstances of a rapid extension of the local retail Dedeman. DIY segment is dependent on the evolution of the construction industry, especially on the residential segment. The expected positive evolution of the residential market improves the outlook for this specific market sector. Average rental levels for prime shopping centers located in Bucharest fluctuate around 50 Euro/sq m/month, excepting for anchor tenants. For less attractive shopping centers, the rental levels are obviously lower. Rents for on street units did not recorded notable changes compared to 2013. These fluctuate depending on the location of the property, as well on the particularity of the micro-area. Thus, the average rents fluctuate between 10-15 Euro/sq m/ month in Pantelimon, between 20-30 Euro/sq m/month in Colentina-Obor, Stefan cel Mare, between 15-25 Euro/ sq m/month in Militari, between 30-40 Euro/sq m/month in Titulescu-Victoriei Square and between 40-55 Euro/sq m/month in central area, excepting for units with great commercial visibility and reduced exposure/pedestrian traffic. The yield levels for shopping centers had a descending evolution during 2014, these fluctuating around 8% at the end of the year. This level is among the highest compared to other countries located in the CEE region. Commercial properties are attractive investment products for investors. As a proof, Immochan acquired Auchan Pitesti Gavana (77.800 sq m) for a price of Euro 19 Million while Revetas acquired Vitantis shopping park from Equest. Piata spatiilor comerciale Piata spatiilor comerciale In general, segmentul spatiilor comerciale a avut o evolutie pozitiva, fiind caracterizat de finalizarea lucrarilor de constructie pentru centrele comerciale initiate in anii anteriori, extinderea retelelor comerciale specializate si a celor tip supermarket si hypermarket, o relativa stabilitate a chiriilor si intentia investitorilor de a cumpara acest tip de produs investitional. Segmentul spatiilor comerciale stradale a cunoscut o usoara imbunatatire, dovada fiind interesul mai mare al chiriasilor pentru acestea. Perioada necesara pentru inchirierea acestora s-a diminuat chiar daca nivelul chiriilor a ramas relativ constant comparativ cu 2013. Cele mai cautate spatii sunt cele din Centrul Istoric, precum si cele situate in proximitatea marilor concentrari de trafic pietonal. Practicarea unor chirii sustenabile raportate la capacitatea spatiului comercial de a genera un anumit nivel al vanzarilor a redus semnificativ rotatia chiriasilor intr-un anumit spatiu. Pe segmentul centrelor comerciale, in 2014, au fost finalizate lucrarile de constructie pentru parcul comercial Vulcan Value Centre (25.000 mp inchiriabili), localizat in zona de sud-vest a Bucurestiului. Proiectul dezvoltat de NEPI este ancorat de Carrefour si lanturi comerciale de haine si incaltaminte. Tot in zona de sud-vest a Bucurestiului, a fost finalizat proiectul Ghencea Shopping Centre (30.000 mp) dezvoltat de catre Immochan. Ca efect al incetarii activitatii unor comercianti din sectorul de bricolaj (Obi) sau al tranzactiilor incheiate in perioada 2013-2014, prin care operatiunile Bricostore au fost cumparate de Kingfisher, iar cele ale bauMax de catre Leroy Merlin, acest segment de piata a cunoscut o concentrare a activitatii. Aceasta tendinta se inregistreaza in contextul extinderii rapide a operatorului local Dedeman. Segmentul de bricolaj este legat direct de evolutia sectorului de constructii, in special a celui rezidential. Anticipata evolutie pozitiva a pietei rezidentiale imbunatateste perspectivele acestui segment de piata. Chiriile pentru spatiile din centrele comerciale prime din Bucuresti variaza in jurul nivelului de 50 Euro/mp/ luna, exceptie facand chiriasii tip ancora. Pentru centrele comerciale mai putin atractive, chiria este sensibil mai mica. Chiria pentru spatiile comerciale stradale nu au cunoscut modificari notabile comparativ cu 2013. Acestea variaza in functie de localizarea in cadrul Bucurestiului, precum si de specificitatea micro-zonei in care se afla. Astfel, chiriile medii variaza intre 10-15 Euro/mp/luna in zona Pantelimon, Colentina-Obor, Stefan cel Mare intre 20-30 Euro/mp/ luna, Militari intre 15-25 Euro/mp/luna, Titulescu-Piata Victoriei intre 30-40 Euro/mp/luna, zona centrala intre 40-55 Euro/mp/luna, exceptie zonele cu expunere mare sau cu vizibilitate/trafic pietonal redus. Nivelul ratelor de capitalizare pentru centrele comerciale a avut o evolutie descendenta in 2014, acestea fluctuand in jurul nivelului de 8%. Acest nivel este printre cele mai ridicate comparativ cu celelalte piete din zona central-est europeana. Proprietatile comerciale sunt produse investitionale atractive pentru investitori. Dovada sunt tranzactiile incheiate de Immochan, prin care a fost cumparat centru comercial Auchan Pitesti Gavana (77.800 mp) pentru suma de 19 milioane Euro si cea incheiata de Revetas prin care a cumparat Vitantis de la Equest. Retail maerket The future positive evolution of this market segment is reflected by the expectations of investors that acquired shopping centers in 2014. The most significant transaction was the acquisition of Promenada Mall (40.300 sq m of leasable area) by the investment fund NEPI from Raiffeisen Evolution for a price of Euro 148 Million. During 2015 it is expected the completion of the construction works for Mega Mall, Pantelimon area that will add approximately 70.000 sq m to the existing modern stock of retail properties. This shopping center will be anchored by Carrefour, World Class, C&A H&M. In the same time, the construction works for ParkLake Plaza (79.000 sq m) will continue. This project is developed in Titan area by Caelum Development and Sonae Sierra. Among the retail developments expected to be initiated in 2015, there are Victorya City, in Bucurestii Noi area, and Dedeman, in Pantelimon area. During the next period, it is expected that some shopping centers will be subject of refurbishments, repositioning and potential extensions, under the conditions of the fierce competition between them, as happened with Iris Titan Bucuresti and Bucuresti Mall. Under the conditions of the improvement in the purchasing power, supermarkets, hypermarkets and discounters will extend their networks in Bucharest as well in regional cities. Naturally, the opening of new large shopping centers generates the extension of retail networks, both local and international. Piata spatiilor comerciale Evolutia pozitiva viitoare a acestui segment de piata se reflecta si in asteptarile investitorilor care au achizitionat centre comerciale in 2014. Cea mai importanta tranzactie incheiata este achizitia Promenada Mall (40.300 mp suprafata inchiriabila) de catre fondul de investitii NEPI de la Raiffeisen Evolution pentru suma de 148 milioane de Euro. In 2015, este prevazuta finalizarea lucrarilor de constructie la centrul comercial Mega Mall, zona Pantelimon, care va contribui cu aproximativ 70.000 mp la stocul modern de spatii comerciale existent. Centrul comercial va fi ancorat de Carrefour, WorldClass, C&A, H&M. In acest an vor continua lucrarile de constructie pentru centrul comercial ParkLake Plaza (79.000 mp), dezvoltat de Caelum Development si Sonae Sierra in cartierul Titan. Printre dezvoltarile comerciale anuntate a fi initiate sunt Victorya City, in zona Bucurestii Noi, si Dedeman, in zona Pantelimon. In perioada urmatoare se asteapta ca piata centrelor comerciale sa inregistreze renovari, repozitionari, posibile extinderi, pe fondul cresterii competitiei dintre acestea, asa cum s-a intamplat cu Iris Titan Bucuresti si Bucuresti Mall. In contextul imbunatatirii puterii de cumparare, comerciantii de tip supermarket, hypermarket si discounter isi vor extinde magazinele atat in Bucuresti, cat si in orasele regionale. In mod natural, deschiderea de noi centre comerciale mari atrage extinderea retelelor comerciale, atat a celor locale, cat si a celor internationale. Agricultural land market Agricultural land market Agricultural land market in Romania recorded a particular interest in 2014 coming from different categories of clients that are confident of the potential of this market, generated by the significant differences between the prices in Romania and those recorded in the Western Europe. The presence of important foreign investment funds as well the sustained prospecting activity are the elements that anticipate a positive evolution in the next period. During 2014, the offer was diversified in terms of areas and consolidation. Thus, the offer of agricultural land is diversified comprising areas of 130 – 2.000 ha with low level of consolidation (40-50%), generally leased by local farmers, as well plots with areas between 100-600 ha benefiting of a higher level of consolidation (70-80%), leased by a local farmer or farmed by the owner. The offer also comprises land with very large areas (over 3.000 ha), but some component plots do not have a clear juridical and cadastral status. This segment of the real estate market records also acquisition and consolidation projects concerning small areas of between 0.5 ha and 3-5 ha. Compared to 2013, the average sale prices had an increasing evolution; the medium prices of agricultural land in 2014, excluding the added value of fixed asstes, fluctuated between 1.800-2.000 Euro per hectar and 5.000-6.000 Euro per ha. The average sale prices are illustrated on the attached map based on the geographical area. The fluctuation of prices is generated by natural and anthropical amenities that land benefit of, as well as by level of consolidation. Important natural elements that influence the price of the land are quality of soil, pluviometric regime of the area, proximity of surface water resources that can be used for irrigation. Technical possibilities for irrigation, presence of storage capacities, proximity and accesibility of sale facilities for the harvest might significantly increase the prices. The consolidation of farm land is an important factor as there is an optimum ratio between total area and level of consolidation so that the farm equipments and machineries are efficiently used. Thus, large vegetable crops (wheat, corn, sun flower, soya etc) are economicaly viable on larger areas over 500 ha. Smaller plots are economicaly adequate for horticulture and specialized harvest. A 100% consolidation is ideal, but also plots with total areas of 15-20 ha located at a maximum distance of 1 km are attractive for farmers. The main active clients are foreign investment funds that have the financial capacity to acquire vast areas of agricultural land and benefit of adequate market information. The prospecting market activities are mainly undertaken by foreign companies from the United States, Great Britain, Germany, China and Middle East. Local clients are represented by specialized companies from meat production and processing industry that invest in grain harvest for consumption in owned farms. During the latest period, a new category of client appears on the market, namely, small entrepreneurs in diverse business sectors that intends to acquire plots with small areas for speculative purposes or to set micro farms and submit requests for European funds for crops, especially horticultural. Piata terenurilor agricole Piata terenurilor agricole Piata terenurilor agricole din Romania a cunoscut un interes deosebit in 2014 din partea diferitelor categorii de clienti, convinsi fiind de potentialul acestui segment de piata, generat de diferenta semnificativa de pret intre terenurile din Romania si cele din Europa vestica. Prezenta fondurilor de investitii straine importante si activitatea sustinuta de prospectare a pietei sunt elemente care prefigureaza o evolutie pozitiva in perioada urmatoare. In 2014, oferta de terenuri agricole este diversificata din punctul de vedere al suprafetelor si gradului de comasare. Astfel, ofertele includ terenuri cu suprafete de 130-2.000 ha cu grad de comasare redus (40%-50%), in general arendate de catre fermierii locali, precum si loturi cu suprafete de 100-600 ha, cu grad de comasare mai ridicat (70%-80%), lucrate de proprietar sau arendate unui fermier. Oferta cuprinde si terenuri cu suprafete foarte mari de peste 3.000 ha, insa unele loturi componente nu au situatia cadastrala si juridica certa. Acest segment al pietei imobiliare inregistreaza si oferta de tip proiecte de achizitie si comasare terenuri cu suprafete mici, de la 0.5 ha la 3 – 5 ha. Comparativ cu 2013, preturile medii de vanzare au avut o evolutie ascendenta, astfel ca preturile medii ale terenurilor agricole in 2014, fara aportul mijloacelor fixe, a variat intre 1.800-2.000 Euro per ha si 5.000-6.000 Euro per ha. Preturile medii de vanzare sunt prezentate pentru fiecare zona geografica in harta atasata. Variatia preturilor este generata de elementele naturale, antropice de care beneficiaza terenul, precum si de gradul de comasare. Elementele naturale importante care influenteaza pretul sunt calitatea solului, regimul pluviometric al zonei, proximitatea resurselor de apa de suprafata care pot fi utilizate pentru irigatii. Posibilitatile tehnice de irigare, prezenta capacitatilor de stocare, proximitatea si accesibilitatea punctelor de vanzare pentru productia obtinuta pot creste preturile semnificativ. Comasarea terenurilor este foarte importanta deoarece exista un optim intre suprafata si comasare, astfel incat utilizarea utilajelor agricole sa fie eficienta din punct de vedere economic. Astfel, culturile vegetale mari (grau, porumb, floarea-soarelui, soia etc) sunt rentabile pe suprafete mai mari de 500 ha. Terenurile mai mici sunt rentabile pentru horticultura si culturi specializate. O comasare de 100% este ideala, insa si loturile de 15-20 ha aflate la distanta de maximum 1 km sunt atractive pentru fermieri. Principalii sustinatori ai cererii sunt fondurile straine de investitii, care au capacitatea financiara sa achizitioneze suprafete foarte intinse de terenuri, precum si informatiile de piata necesare. Cei mai activi clienti straini care prospecteaza piata sunt companiile din Statele Unite, Marea Britanie, Germania, China si Orientul Mijlociu. Clientii locali sunt in general companiile specializate in productia si prelucrarea carnii, care investesc in culturi agricole de cereale pentru consum propriu la fermele detinute. In ultima perioada, pe piata a aparut o noua categorie de clienti locali, mai precis, mici antreprenori in diverse afaceri, care achizitioneaza mici suprafete de teren in scop speculativ sau in eventualitatea de a crea microferme si accesa fonduri europene pentru culturi, in special horticole. Agricultural land market Average sale price depending on geographical areas 2500 - 4000 EUR/ha Botosani Satu Mare Bihor Maramures Salaj BistritaNasaud 4500 - 6000 EUR/ha 2500-3000 EUR/ha 1800 - 3000 EUR/ha Iasi 3500 - 5000 EUR/ha Cluj Mures Arad 2800 - 5000 EUR/ha Suceava Neamt 2800-5000 EUR/ha 2500 - 3000 EUR/ha Alba Harghita 2000 - 2800 EUR/ha Vaslui Bacau 2800-5000 EUR/ha 4500-6000 EUR/ha Timis Sibiu Brasov Hunedoara Covasna Galati Vrancea Buzau Caras-Severin 1800-3000 EUR/ha Vilcea Gorj Prahova Arges Dambovita Ilfov Bucharest Mehedinti 2000-2800 EUR/ha Doli Olt Giurgiu 2500-4000 EUR/ha Braila Tulcea Ialomita 3500-5000 EUR/ha Calarasi Constanta Teleorman The acquisition of farm land is financed by financial resources coming from investment funds (deposits on medium term of 10 years or longer term of 15-30 years) or individual private resources (family office) where the depositors invest on very log term (50-100 years). Banking finance is used mainly by local purchasers. The main reasons behind the acquisition of farm land vary based on the profile of the purchaser. Foreign investment funds, that invest significant financial resources, aim to preserve the value of their investments, to obtain revenues from leases or from the subvention granted by central authorities, and eventually, the speculativ profit when they decide to dispose the property (exit). Holding companies (family office) specialized in agricultural investment mainly aim to obtain quality soils, a high level of consolidation, but also the natural amenities of the neighborhoods. The expected profit is moderate, the acquisitions concluded by these investors are financed with the financial excess generated by the profit of other businesses. Small private investors are aware of the great opportunity to invest in Romania, as the main reason for acquiring land in Romania is the subvention, high profitability of the harvest and the speculative purpose when the dispose of the plot is considered. For 2015, an increasing evolution of prices is expected, considering the natural tendency towards the prices quoted in other countries members of the European Union. However this evolution is not dependent exclusively on the expectations of the owners, but also on the correlation between the profitability of the harvest and the level of investments in land. An essential element for the future evolution of the agricultural land prices would be the prices for cereals that might moderate the ascending evolution of prices. Piata terenurilor agricole Preturi medii de vanzare in functie de zonele geografice 2500 - 4000 EUR/ha Botosani Satu Mare Bihor Maramures Salaj BistritaNasaud 4500 - 6000 EUR/ha 2500-3000 EUR/ha 1800 - 3000 EUR/ha Iasi 3500 - 5000 EUR/ha Cluj Mures Arad 2800 - 5000 EUR/ha Suceava Neamt 2800-5000 EUR/ha 2500 - 3000 EUR/ha Alba Harghita 2000 - 2800 EUR/ha Vaslui Bacau 2800-5000 EUR/ha 4500-6000 EUR/ha Sibiu Timis Brasov Hunedoara Covasna Galati Vrancea Buzau Caras-Severin 1800-3000 EUR/ha Vilcea Gorj Prahova Arges Dambovita Ilfov Bucharest Mehedinti 2000-2800 EUR/ha Doli Olt 2500-4000 EUR/ha Braila Tulcea Ialomita 3500-5000 EUR/ha Calarasi Giurgiu Constanta Teleorman Achizitia de terenuri agricole se face prin resurse financiare care provin din fonduri de investitii (depuneri pe termen mediu, 10 ani sau lung 15-30 ani) sau resurse private individuale (family office) care investesc pe termen foarte lung, ex 50-100 ani . Finantarile bancare sunt folosite mai mult de cumparatorii locali. Motivatiile principale pentru achizitia de teren agricol variaza in functie de profilul cumparatorului. Fondurile de investitii straine, care investesc resurse importante financiare, urmaresc pastrarea valorii banilor in timp, arenda sau subventia primita si apoi profitul speculativ, atunci cand hotarasc vanzarea proprietatii (exit). Societatile de tip holding (family office) specializate in investitii agricole urmaresc in principal calitatea terenurilor, un grad mai mare de comasare, dar si frumusetea naturala a locatiilor. Profitul asteptat este moderat, achizitiile facute de acesti investitori fiind finantate cu excesul de resurse financiare provenite din profitul altor afaceri. Investitorii privati, de mai mici dimensiuni, inteleg oportunitatea de a investi in Romania, principala motivatie pentru cumpararea de teren fiind subventia agricola, profitabilitatea ridicata a culturilor si specularea ulterioara a pretului de teren. Pentru 2015, se asteapta o crestere a preturilor de vanzare, avand in vedere tendinta naturala de convergenta a preturilor catre nivelurile inregistrate in tarile din Uniunea Europeana, insa marja de crestere nu vadepinde doar de asteptarile proprietarilor, ci si de corelarea profitabilitatii productiei agricole si investitiile in teren.Un element esential pentru evolutia viitoare a preturilor terenurilor agricole va fi si pretul cerealelor, care poate tempera din ritmul ascendent al preturilor. Rentabilitatea Investitiilor Investment Yields Rentabilitatea Investitiilor pe piata Imobiliara din Romania / Investment Yields Cluj, Brasov, Iasi, Timisoara Sibiu, Craiova, Targu Mures Ploiesti, Pitesti, Arad, Oradea Galati, Constanta Eur 10 - 14 Eur 8 - 12 14% 10 - 15 % 12 - 20 % Produs premium: 7,5 - 8,5 % Produs Premium: 8.5 - 9.5 % 9-10.5 % Produs Secundar: 9 - 10 % Produs Secundar: 10 - 11 % Produs Secundar: 10 - 12 % Comercial (centre comerciale) Produs premium: E 40 - 60 Produs premium: E 25 - 40 Produs premium: E 15 - 25 pentru suprafete medii de 100-250 mp Produs secundar: E 20 - 40 Produs secundar: E 15 - 25 Produs secundar: E 10 - 15 Rata de Capitalizare Produs premium: 7,75 - 8,00 % Produs Premium: 8,5 - 9,5 % Produs Premium: 9,5 - 10,5 % Industrial Produs premium: E 3,25 - 4,25 Produs premium: E 3 - 4 Produs premium: E 3 - 3.5 pentru suprafete medii (1000-2500 mp) Produs secundar: E 2,75 - 3, 5 Produs secundar: E 2- 3 Produs secundar: E 2 - 3 Produs premium: 9,5 - 10 % Produs Premium: 9,5 - 10,5 % Produs Premium: 10 - 11 % Segment de Piata Bucuresti Central: E 16,5 - 18,5 Birouri Semicentral: E 13 - 16 Periferic: E 8 - 13 Rata medie de neocupare Rata de Capitalizare Rata de Capitalizare Aurel Vlaicu Office Building, 4 Pipera Avenue, 8th floor, Bucharest, District 1, 014255
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