Olympus IMT-2 Inverted Research Microscope Instructions
Olympus IMT-2 Inverted Research Microscope Instructions
INSTRUCTIONS IMT-2 INVERTED RESEARCH INVERTED RESEARCH MICROSCOPE MICROSCOPE This instruction manual has been written for use of This instruction manual has be n writen for use of the the Olympus Inverted Research Microscope Model IM Olympus lnvert d Res arch Microscope Model IMT-2. T-2. Before Before putting the into operation, i:it is is recommended puting the microscope microscope into operation, recom ende that you reed this manual carefully in order (o that you read this manual carefuly in order to familiarize familarize yourself with the of so you yourself fufully ly with the use use of this this micwscope microscope so that that you may obtain optimum performance of may obtain optimum performance of this this instrument. instrument. OLYMPUS - AXM27 USE IBEFORE BEFORE USE Lh?for 0r operation OObserve bserve the the fol winfotDNirlg g points (hÍÌtS cacaret refuly 1L . rijtOn andaid rnaintenc.e maintena ce: OpOperation eration As a tis da pprecison tcIs1Ofl instrument, always handle As a microscope microscope instrument, always handle itit wth the care deserves, and avoid abrupt motions with the care it des rves, and avoid abrupt moti ns and shocks, and shocks. @ To ift from the case, To lift the the microscope microscope from the packing packing case, hold oid it it at the 0M mount A) and the fluorescence illuinriator at the OM mount (A) and the fluorescence iluminator mounîin mounti g (B). ththread read (B). (Fig. Fiq. 1) 1) ® Tri the To nove move the microscope microscope Hold the microscope A) and the Hold the microscope by bythe the OM 0M mmount ount (A) and the fluorescence (Bi or fluorescence iluminatoilluminator r mmounting ounti g ththread read (B) or place place your hands under the base ai scope your hands under the microscope microscope base at the the micre microscope side (C) and back 'O). side (C) and back (D). not hard rests, since DDo o not grasp rasp thethe olastic plastic hand rest , since theythey area'e not not strong enough the microscope. strong enough toto support sup ort the microscope. 0(4 Do not use any bulb other tren the by Do not use any bulb other than the one one designated designated by Olympus (12V5OWHAL h&ogen bulb). Olympus (12V50WHAL halogen bulb). (5, Avoid exposure at microscope to sunhiah, Avoid exposure of the the microscope to direct direct sunlight, high temperature dust and vibration, high temperature anand d hhumidity, umidty, dust and vibration. a 0 Fig i (Model IMT2-SFR shown) (Model IMT2SFR shown) Make toto use adjustment ring to the tension of coarse adjustment knobs. (Ori Make itit aa point point use the the tension tension adjustment ring to adiust adjust the tension of the the coarse adjustment knobs. ( :Do rij the adjustment knobs n directions siniultaneouslyj not rotate rotae the coarse coarse adjustment knobs in the the opposite op osite directions simultaneously.) sure the line voltage selector switch 's to with the mains voltage. Make sure ththat at the line voltage sel ctor switch is set set to conform conform with the local local mains voltage. 0 Make (L the cord from the before fuse replacement Discon ect the power power cord from the AC AC outlet outle before fuse replacement. 8 Disconnn c Always ground the microscope. ground the microscope. 0 Always 2. 2. Maintenance Maintena ce @ Lens clean. Fine dust on surfaces should be off of Lens susurlaces rfaces mustmust alwalways ays bebe kept kept clean. Fine dust on lens lens surfaces should be blown blown of by by means means of aa hand hand blower, Carefully wipe Ott oil on with gau2e moistened with aa small amount blower. Carefuly wipe of oil or or fingerprints fingerpints on the the lens lens surfaces surfaces with gauze moisten d with smal amount at xylene, or of xylen , or a cleaning cleani g medirnediurr um ((alcohol alcoh l andand etherether 33:: 7), 7). (i@ Do solutions toto wipe the of plastic comoonents, Do not not use use organic organic solutions wipe the surfaces surfaces of various various plastic compone ts. riot to the Solution. etc IfIf spilt, itit should be off ltIt isis recommended @ J Be Be careful careful not to spill spil the culture cult re solution, etc. spilt, should be wiped wiped of irnmedtately, im ediately. recom ende aa waterproof cover optionally available toto use use waterpo f cover optionaly av ilable. t:@ When objectives are not screwed into the apertures, plugs, will When objectives are not screwed into the nosepiece nosepiec apertues, sseal eal the the aapertures pertues with with dust dust plugs, wwhich hich wil protect the lenses dust, culture Solution. etc. protect the lense locatedlocatedin in the the lowelower r lighlight t ppath ath ftroni rom dust, cult re solutron, etc. ti@ After use should be with the vinyl dust cover provided and stored ¡n free from After use the the microscope microscope should be covered cover d with the vinyl dust cover provide and stored in a a place place fre from humidity, humidty. CONTENTS FICATIONS !2. STANDARD CONFIGURATIONS OMENCLATURE J EM B LV r6. 51 5-l Observation Procedure Observation Procedure 5-2 5-2 Operation of Components .... Operation of Individual Indivdual Compone ts ...... lo 10 11 1 PHOTOMICROGRAPHY 6-1 6-l Photomicrographc System Phot micrographic System ...... 18 18 6-2 6-2 Thking Pictures Taking Pictures ....... 20 20 ROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE 22 I SPECIFICATIONS I hem tern Specifcaiors Specifcations Focus adjustment by of vertical rnovemen Focus adjustment by vertical movement of th the Microscope vlicroscope stard #sand riosep}ece ¡n nosepiec (stage(stayeis s fixfixed ed in positon) osition by by reans means o coarse and fine adjustneni knobs; roller guide stroke of the the iOaXia coaxial coarse and fine adjustment knobs, point on roler guide stroke (from rrn the the focal focal point on surfacc thetile S1aJe stage surface). 8rntri 8m upwuiward ard and and2m 2mmdownward; downwrd;with withreduction reducton gear, gaî,graduated rduted nrn 'ncre tncre- menis ot ments of 2j.L 2g. Nosepec: \Josepiec . Se*upIe. with provision For the Nomarsk slider attachment. cetachable. Sextuple, with provison for mountrng mountrng the Nomarski slrder at chment, detachable. Stage: Gtage: Cro5s-movernnt stage Cros -movement stage JMT2.SVR IMT2SVR xx 200mm. traversing area Sünim xx SOnim; with low posiwith low posi2200mm 0m 20 m, traversing area 50m 50 m ; knobs; pla!esoutsidedanoeter 1)OmíTi. ttioned ioned cocoaxaI axial ccontro' ontrol knobs; 2 2 insinwt ert plates, outside diamet r 1 lOm , inside 20mm and 50mm respeclively. inside diametdiarntrs rs 20 m and 50 m respectively. Cross-m(iernent staue MT2SFR traversn area x x 5Orrim; with low posiwith ow posi2200mm 0m xx 200mm, 2O m , traversing area 50&mn m 50 m ; uoned control knobs diameir i 10mm, tioned coaxcoaxI ial control knobs; 2 insertnsertplates, pIa. outde outside diamet r 1 IOm , flexbIe, ininside side diadiameters met rs 20 20m mmand and50 5Om mnrespectivresjectively, ely, lolow w flexible. SquarepÌainstag Square plain stage IMT2SP l6Omrr ouiside 1)0mm, Substage insert nsert plate. plate, outside diadianetemet r 10 m. Substage 160 m x 220i'nm; 20 m; provided; pravison niechanical stage IMT2MVR, provide ; provison for or at ching 1tachnq he the mechanical stage IMT2-MVR. Mechamcal stage Mechanical stage Traversing right oor left Traversing area araa1 0m 110mmx x72m ; 72mm, attachable at chable atat the the right left side side attachment IMT2.MVR at chment IMT2-MVR on plain stage. on the the plain stage. for accommodation ofof various culture vessels and PProvision rovison for ac om odation various cult re ves els and soecimen specimen holders. holders. source LLight ight source Illumination: Ilumination: holder FiFilter lter holder Halogen centering device light inHalogen bulbbulb 12V5OWHAL, 12V50WHAL, with with bulb bulb centering device aand nd light intensive Vo'tage indication by graph voitmeler. tensive contrcontrol; ol; Voltage indication by bar bar graph voltmet r. Provided filter holders, green interference and Provide with with 4 4 flip-up flip-up filter holders; gre n interf ence fifilter lter and Frosted frosted filfilter. ter. Condenser holder Condenser holder t Observation Observation system: sy tem. Flip-up, swing-out typo; circular mountr corFlip-up, swing-out type; cir ular mounti g dovetail oetail for for slide-in slide-in conden ser: vertical movement on in on, condenser centering denser; vertical movement on rack-and-p rack-and-pinon, condenser centering knobs: tension adjustment height adjustment knob. knobs; tension adjustment ofof the the height adjustment knob. Builtin magnification changer, with centering telescope i1 X-1 .5X.CT. Built-n magnifcation changer, with centering tel scope X-1 .5X-CT. Light path for 3-setting positions, linked with focusin9 retcIes Light path for photor-iicrography. phot micrography, 3-seting positons, linked with focusing retiles; tion tube (Bl). 35mm carrera COM) and multitube mounting port (MIL)) tion tube (BI), 35m camera (OM) and multi-ube mounti g port (MTU). fu for observaobserva- 450; Binocular tube, inclined interpupillary distance constant Binocular tube, inclined 45’; interpu ilary distance aadjustment djustment fromf rom53 53mm m to to 775mm: 5m ; constant tube length adjustment. tube length adjustment. Eyepeces WIIK1OX, WHK lOX-H Ctield number 20) Eyepiec s WHKlOX, WHKIOX-H (field number 20) 0M light path OM light path: 2.5)< photo eyepiece 0M bayonet mount. 2.5X FFK K phot ey prec bubuiltin; ilt-n; OM system sy tem bayonet mount. Multi-tube light path: provision for mounting the PM-lO photomic'ograhic equipment directly Multi-ube light path; provison for mounti g the PM-10 phot micrographic equipment directly as well as the multitube attachment. as wel as the multi-ube at chment. Condenser: Condenser. Lcry working distance turret condenser: N.A. 0.55, W.D, 21 4X. lOX, Long working distance turet condenser; N.A 0.5 , W.D 21 mmm, , liglight ht aannuli n uli fofur r 4X, 10X, ?OX and 40X objectives and empty aperture: aperture ids diaphragm. 20X and 40X objectives and empty apertue; apertue irs diaphragm. Ultra long working disianç condenser: NA, 0,30, W,D. Light annuli for lOX, Ultra long working distance condenser, N.A 0.30, W D. 55mm. 5m , Light an ul1 for 4X. 4X, 10X, 20X, and 40X objectives plus empty aperture; aperture iris 20X, and 40X objectives plus empty apertue; apertue Iris diaphragm. diaphragm. OObjectives: bjectives. Phase PC 4XPL Phase contrascontrast t objobjectives ectives PC S S Plan Plan 4XPL PCS Plan PC S Plan 1Oii)XPL XPL N.A. 0.13. W.D. 15.5mm N.A 0.13, W.D 15. m N.A, 0.3O,W,D. 7.5mm N.A 0.30,*W.D 7.5m LOCD Plan 2OXPL N.A. 0.40, WO, 3.0 LWD-CD Plan 20XPL N.A 0.40, W.D 3.0 mm m with correction collar with corection colar LWO-CD 0,50, W.lJ. LWD-CD Plan Plan4OXPL 4OXPL N.N.A. A 0.60, W.D 1.9 rem 1.9 m with correction collar wrth corection colar u Dmerisions Dimensions: 320mm 1W) mm (D) (0) xx 600mm (H) 320 m (W) x x 395 395m 60 m (H) WilVeiqht: eight: 20.5 kg - (Outfitted with standard 20.5 kg (outfi ed with standard equipmentQuiPrrtent ) Eyepoint 405 mm Eyepoint 405 m Stage 275mm Stage heheight ight 275 m 2 STANDARD CONFIGURATIONS Component Compone t - Model Model - IMT-2-11 I MT-2l 1 I MT-2-12 MT-2l 2 IMT-2-21 vlT-2 1 I MT-231 IMT-2-31 H Microscope stand, Microscope stand, built-in magnfcation changer wiwith th built-n magnifcation changer (1X-L5X.CT), 1X-l .5X-CT), 25X bbuiliin uilt-n 2.5X ohoto eyepiece, phot ey piec , 50W 50' halogen halogen ilumilluriiiIMT2F I MT2-F O 0 O 0 O O Power cord Power cord UYCP UYCP O 0 O 0 O O inclined BBinocular inocular tube,tube, 45° 45’ inclined BH2-B145 BH2-B145 O 0 O 0 O O -1 Intermediate Intermediate tutube be IMT2-ATU I MT2-ATU O 0 O 0 O O Sextuple revolving riosepiece ;extuple revolving nosepiec IMT2-RE IMT2-RE C 0 o > O 0 O O 50W halogen lamp housing jOW halogen lamp housing IMT2-LSH IMT2-LSH O 0 O 0 O 0 I I O 0 JC12V50''HAL JC12V50WHAL O 0 O 0 O O I O nator, condenser homer, hand rests nator, condenser holder, hand rest (paired),paired), dust dust cover, filter 43lF550-W45 and screw driver cover, filter 431F5 0-W45 and screw driver 50W halogen bulbs. 22 pcs jOW halogen bulbs, PCS. Cross-rnoverrtent Iros -movement mechmechanical anical stagestagewith with righi-hand right- and ow drive controls ow drive controls Cross-movement :ros -movement mechamechanical nical stage stagewith with rigright-hand ht- and T IMT2SVR I MT2-SVR low flexíble ow flexible IMT2-SFR IMT2-SFR Square plain stage ;quare plain stage IMT2-SP2 IMT2-SP2 O 0 Q 0 Methan caí stastage controls nechanical ge at chmentattachmentwith with lowcw drive drive controls IMT2-MVP I MT2-MVR O 0 O 0 Long working dìstance turret condenser -ong working distance turet condenser IMT2-LWCD IMT2-LWCD Ultra (ong working dsiance turret condenser Jltra long working distance turet condenser IMT2-ULWCD IMT2-U LWCD z o C) o z 0 -n Ö C -1 o z (J) O 0 O 0 O 0 II O 0 O 0 O 0 I O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 0 O O 0 O 0 O O O O PCSPL1OXPL PCSPLlOXPL O 0 O 0 LWDCIJPL2OXPL LWDCDPL2OXPL O 0 O O LWDCDPL4OXPL LWDCDPL40XPL EyepIeces Eyepiec s CI) 0 PCSPL4XPL PCSPL4XPL Objectives Objectives - WHKIO>( I: :-, WHKIOXH O O / O : 1 O i l- Note: O0 indìcates the compatible corrponents for IMT-2-11/IMT-2-t2/IMT-2.2111MT-2-31. Note: indicates the compatible compone ts for Model Model IMT-21 l/ IMT-212/lMT-2 1/IMT-231. n 3 NOMENCLATURE Field Field irs ii laver lev r diaphragm iapraq Long distance Long workvrking ing distance Lamp housing housing clamøing knob condensir condenser Lamp Condenser darnoing knob w D I- Stage insert pL3te Stage insert plate -J L) Nomarski slider omarski slider insertion slot insertion slot o Exciter filter Exciter filter \Eyepiec z w loî irser1tofl insertion slot z Eyepiece Diopter adjustment Diopter adjustment ring rirj Observaton ti,be Observation tube %\ Objective MuRIube cnou.tinq Multi-ube mounti g -I~ ~. adapter a pTer Mir svith Main switch ((lMT2 IMT-212 12 shown) shown) Mounting thod Fr optional fluorescence lamp OuSifl9 Fuse hDlder Primary cord receptacle \ B Line vottga sele-ctor Line voltage sel ctor switch switch Ln-p Lamp houshöjflg ing / Filter holder Butb socket clamping/ Bulb socket clamping/ vertical centeìng knob Field iris diaphragrrî ler Lcr working distance distance working ong Bulb horizontal centering Bulb horizontal centering \ condensar k nob condenser Condenser centering knobs Light arinulus centering knobs Condenser height Condenser height -. adjusinient knob Condenser holder Condenser holder Observation lube clamping screw rarTtpng knob clamoina knob ntermediate tube clamping knob i Stage crossmnovemen: Stage cros -movement knobs knobs 35 mm camera back -___._ Magnification changer ring - Light path selector knob path sel ctor knot Light for binocular tube e BI : for binocular tub{ =: fbfor 0M 3 OM oa;5mrn 35mm camera camen back MTtJ: f nr mu!t=fliba attachment Light excluding shutter knob Light excluding shuter . kno Tenion.adjustmert knob adjustment knob Tension / ‘/ C3arse adjusiment knob Coarse adjustment knob I /Frne Fjnp adarl;strnenj knob justment knob Hand rest clamping knob I \ rest 1 Haria Hand resr\ Minimum fine voltage Min mum line voltage \ selecîo knob se’ ctor knob Light intensity Light intensity control lever control lev r (IMT-2-12 shown I ( IMT-212 shown) D 4 ASSEMBLY Remove the Remove the he adhesive adhesive tape raDethat ihî locks locks the sesequential quential procedure proceue of path it path light I sel ctor knob transit. The diagram diagram below ilustraes the Ic.tor knob inin transit. The below illustrates th$ as embly. ssernhl. The numbers iinriicate ndicate the as embly ordorder er of various various compone ts. The numbers the assembly of components, dust caps before mounting components. I*t Remove Remove dust caps before mounti g compone ts. CD Eyepiec Eyepnce O working (i) Long Long working O long working 0’ Ultra Ultra long working distance ccnd*mse' distance condenser distance condenser distance condenser and 0 O Socket Socket and assembly corcord d as embly O bulb 0 Halogen Halogen bulb O @ Filter Filter o 0 4 Observation i ube O Lamp Lamp housing b&i 4 O Intermediate VJbO Stuge cclip Stage @ k Østage insert plate O 0 Crossmove Cros -move- + 1 mflt sta ment stage i! Objective !3 LI I O insert plate 0’ Stage Stage insert plate , 0O ’ Plain stage Plain stage + 0 I R n. I. Stage clip 4 o’y, U1 ~ 35mm camera @35m camera back back t_l A -1 @Adapter Adapter for for phot micrographic çhotomicroqraph C atachment at chment O @“Extension Extension plaie plate L lr Allen® vrench Alen@ wrench Cm sti 0O ” Mechanical Mechanical stage attachment at chment D Hand m Power Pnr mr r. \rA G cord rest ) the 0O Mounttng Mounti g the Stage Stage clamping screw ) Loosen Lo sen ththe e clamping screw 0. cij. (Fig, (Fig. 2) 2) ) Al Aligni g gong the the stocJ stage positoni g gro ve totO the the positposiiioning oni g ppin in 0, place positioning groove (k. place the cir ular mounti g dovetail of the the sstage tage onon the the sstage tage hholder older 0. the circular mounting dovetail of (F9. 2) (Fig. 2) ) As As tthe he stage clampinclamping g screw screwis istighten d, tiitened, both both ends of the the stage wwill il stage ends of stage be fastened rricroscope stand, be fasten d tightlytightly to to the the microscope stand. Fig 22 Fig. f0 Mounting tite Mounti g the Objectives Objectives 1) Looser the condenser the Lo sen the condenser holhoLdor der clamping clampingknob knob0, Q),and andflip flip up up the condenser holder 3) condenser holder 0. , IFig, (Fig. 3) tension ofof the holder motion can be the condenser condenser holder tiltilting ng motian can be ad ad** The The tension justed by clamping screw can be justed by means means ofof the the clamping screw @(f) which which can be rotated rotaed with aa coin. with coin. L-1 q Fg, 33 Fig. 2) Screw each (i) the Screw each oobjective bjective @() info into Lhø the nosepiece nosepiec @ through through the stage stage insert mounting hole ® lower power soto higher power. insert mounti g hole @ inin the the stage, stage, lower power higher power, in direciton. (Fig. 4) in aa clockwise clockwise direction. (Fig. 4) 3) Click the condenser back original positon, and clamp Click the condenser hholder older back toto the the orignal positon, and clamp with clamping knob, with clamping knob. ** Please note that the lens ofof the inin the Please note that the front front lens the objective objective the inverted invert d microscope faces and is more microscope faces upupward, ward, and is exposed exposed toto contamination contamination more than the of microscope. Therefore, ¡fif there than the objective objective of ari an upnght upright microscope. Ther fore, ther are empty openings in use plugs ® are empty openi gs in the the nosepiece, nosepiec , use the the ddust ust plugs 0 proprovided to dust into the etc. vide to prevent prev nt dust oor r debris debris fromfrom falling faling into the prisms. prisms, etc. Fig, 44 Fig. 00 Mounting the Stage Mounti g the Cross-movement Cros -movement Stage U insert plate 1) Stage Stage insert plate Place a stage ¡osen plate cjL iThe insert plates are Place a stage insert plate @ on on the the stage. stage. (The insert plates are provided with inner diameters 20mm arid 50mm. Ir provide with in er diamet rs 20 m and 50 m . It is is recomrecommended to aa stage plate with an diameter slightly mende to select sel ct stage ininsert sert plate with an inner in er diamet r slightly smaller thtn that of a culture vessel in order to prevent the smaler than that of a cult re ves el in order to prev nt the vessel ves el from toppling down) IF19. 5) from top ling down.) (Fig. 5) ** The insert plate is designed to thin so The insert plate is designed to be be very very thin so as as to to avoid avoid hhitting it ng against objectives at magnification change. ag inst ththe e objectives at objective objective magnifcation change. the plate roughly since this may deform, I*r Do Do not not handle handle the nsert insert plate roughly since this may deform. 2) CilP 2) Stage Stage clip Attach aa pair of Atach pair of stage stage cclips lips prprovided ovide with w]th clampiclamping ng screws screws @ 'ion on the the ste stage. 9e. Fg. 55 Fig. > E a P i O th Plain Staje 0 Attachiqg Ataching the Plain Stage p1te 1i) ) Insert Insert plate )IMT2-5P21 (I MT2SP2) guide pin AAigruinq ligni g tthe he guide pin @ of the the insert plate with the notch notch @ of rsert platO with the sr.açe,. 66) tthe he stage, mount mountthe theinsert insertplate. plate, (F(Fig ig. in n Fig, 66 Fig. 2) Mechanical Mechanical stagstage e at chmenattachment t (I(IMT2.MVR) MT2-MVR) the nmechanical chancl stage attachrrierit toto AAttach tach the stage at chment the right side of the lower lower rght side of plain stage, the clamping tthe he plain stage, tigtightening hteni g the clamping screw @ îi with with coin. (Fig. screw aa con.(Fig, 77) uu epuiprnent, such ** If If nono photographic phot graphic equipment, such as thethe PPM-lOAD M-1OAD equipment, as equipment, etc. ìs light exit etc. is attached at ched to to thethe “MT'MTIJ' U” light exit port port ofof the the microscope microscope can be bbase, ase, the the stage stage atattachment chment can be attached at ched on the the left left side side of the the ori of plain stage. plain stage. it / / Fig. 77 Fig. 3) Stage plate Stage exextension tension plate Align the guide pins of extension the positioning Align the guide pins of the the extension plate plate0 ® into into the positoni g holes in elairi stage, and attach securely. (Fig. 61 holes in the the plain stage, and at ch securely. (Fig. 8) Fig. 88 Fig. O the 0 Attachsng Ataching the Condenser Condenser triserl the circular dovetail ofof the into the holder. Insert the cir ular dovetail thg condenser condenser into the condenser condenser holder, and 9) and clampclampwith withknob knob @ '. IFig. (Fig. 9) Fig. 99 Fig. u O the Housing IIMT2.LSH) @ Attaching Ataching the Lamp Lamp Housing (lMT2-LSH) Loosen housng and connect the lamp Lo sen clampclamping ing knobknob 0dj ol of the the lamp lamp housing and con ect the lamp housing to collector tens sleeve clamp, (Fig, 101 housing to the the colector lens sle ve 0, ', and and clamp. (Fig. 10) ** The focusing position of lamp housing varies depending The precise precise focusing positon of the the lamp housing varies dep nding upon the coidensers iSee pages 14 15. 16) upon the condensers. (Se pages 14, 15, 16) O the Bulb 0 Mounting Mounti g the Halogen Halogen Bulb i1) Press sprtrrg Leiers (@ Pres ththe e spring lev rs of the the bulb socket @ inin the the direction of bulb socket OEt direclion of the arrow, and insert the bulb pins () into the socket of the arow, and insert the bulb pins @I into the socket holes holes 0. '. (Fg. 11 (Fig. 1) ** Use or the bulb. Use gloves gloves or gauze gauze toto hold hold the bulb. 2) in 2) Release Rel ase the the lelevers v rs and and the the bulbbulb is is held held in position, positon. the with IfIf fingerprints ** Do Do not not touch touch the bulb bulb portion portion with bare bare hands. hands. fingerpints or are left wipe them oft; the or dust dust are left ori on the the bulb, bulb, wipe them of; otherwise otherwise the bulb bulb life reduced. life will wil be be considerably considerably reduced. ** Lise bulb asas designated by (12V5OWHALI, Use a a standard standard bulb designated by Olympus Olympus (12V50WHAL). h' 100W halogen or high power bulb isis used, If aa 12v 12V IO W halogen bbulb ulb or other other high power bulb used, the power circuit may be the power cir uit may be damaged. damaged. Bulb to Bulb to use: use: Standafd Standard 12V5OWHAL: 12V50WHAL: Compatibk Compatible 12V5OWHAL-L: 12V50WHAL- : Fig. 11 Fig. 1 lite High intensity type; ef ctive life High intensity type; effective at condtions about 50 at rated rated conditons about 50 hrs, hrs. Long life type, Long life type; fated cndltDnc about 2.000 hrs, rated conditons about 2,0 hrs. effectivo life ai ef ctive life at O the Sockel and Assembly 0 Connecting Con ecting the Bulb Bulb Socket and Cord Cord As embly Insert the socket lamp housing Insert the socket into rito the the lamp housing and andclamp clamp with withknob knob 0. ', fFig. 12} (Fig. 12) Connect plug (@ to receptacle back micro. Con ect thethe cord cord plug to the the rec ptacle at at ththe e back ofot the the microscope stand. scope stand. Fig. 12 O the 0 Mounting Mounti g the Filters Filters il1) Press th lever ai way down and insert a into the Pres the lev r @ al the the way down and insert a fifilter lter @ into the jilter hølder filter holder 0. i. ** Hold the io to avoid leaving fingerprints Hold the filler filter at its at circumference its cir umfer nce avoid leaving fingerpints or smudges filter surface. (Fig. 131 or other other smudges onon ththe e filter surface. (Fig. 13) 21 into the innermost filter holder, with the 2) MouMount nt thethe frIrosted osted filtefilter r into the in ermost filter holder, with the frosted surface frosted surface facingfacing the the operaoperator. tor. MoMount unt thethe green gre n filter filter into into adj&ert holder The 2 2 filter holders are to the adjacent holder. The other other filter holders are provided provide to accom ac ommodate additional filters. optiortallv available, modate ad itonal filters, optionaly av ilable, e.g .g 43ND6W45, 43ND6-W45, 4545.LBD-2N. LBD-2N. Fig 13 Fig. 13 u Connecting Con ecting the the InIntermediate termediate TubeTube (IMT2-ATU) (lMT2-ATU) Place tube on base, and clamp thethe intermediate intermediate tube on the the microscope microscope base, and clamp screw Place screw Ç Alen wrench Provided, (Fig. 14) @ wth with Alen wrench provide . (Fig. 14) P Mounting the Tube Mounti g the Observation Observation Tube Loosen insert the circular dovetail of Lo sen the the clamclamping ping knobknob @ .t f fuluUV, y, insert the cir ular dovetail of the the iintermediate ntermediate ttube, ube, aand nd cclamp. lamp. (lFig Fig. 14) 14) observaton into th observation tubtube e into the Fig. 14 Fig. 14 Inserting the Inserting the Eyepieces Eyepiec s @ Insert eyepiece (focusable helicoid) into the right Insert ththe e ey piec WHKlOW-tK1OXH X-H (focusable witwith h helicoid) into the right eyepïece ey piec sle ve sleeveof ofthe the binocbinocular ular tube, tube. aligniaÌignin9 g the the locatinlocating g pin pin @ ® locating groove totu the the locating gro ve@. T (Fig. Fig, 15) 15) Insert the eyeoiece the left sleee. Insert the ey piec WHWHK1OX KlOX (without(without hehelicoid) licoid) ininto to the left sle ve. tb the Cord to at Base @ Connecting Con ecting the Primary Primary Cord to the the Receptacle Rec ptacle at the the Microscope Microscope Base Make switch is off: then corirrect the primary Make susure re the the ppower ower switch is turned turned of; then con ect the primary cord to AC outlet cord to the the AC outle. ** Ground the to grounded device except aa Ground the microscope microscope to aa properly properly grounde device (except 15 FFig. ig. 15 gas pipe). ltIf necessary, use an cord. gas pi e). nec s ary, use an extension extension cord. 4V Attaching the 35 Back Ataching the 35m mm Camera Camera Back Attaching the Adapter toto the'MTULight Ataching the Photom'crographic Phot micrographic Adapter the “MTU” Light Exit Pprt Exit Port U Minimum line adjustment Minmum line voltage voltage adjustment 1) The min irnumvoltage voRe required for the light The min mum required for the light source can be coriconsource can be trolled by ofof the adjustment dial troled by means means the line line voltage voltage adjustment dial @ provide provided on microscope right-hand side). (Fig. 16) on rh the microscope babase se (at at th the right- and side). (Fig. 16) AccIaio that the control (i Ascertain that the slidin slidng control levover r @ is positioned positoned close t is closest to Ilow voltage), and then activate the main switch. to you you (low voltage), and then activate the main switch. 1 2) Fg. 16 Fig. 16 3) Rotare voltage the isis dimly Rotae the the line line voltage adjusadustmenr tment dial dial @ .) until until the lamp lamp dimly lit lit. voltage adjustment does not affect the ** The The minimum minmum voltage adjustment does not afect the maximum maximum intensity of intensity of the the bulb, bulb. the Rests a1!) Attaching Ataching the Hand Hand Rest Attach the rests on the right Atach the hand hand rest ,z on the right anand d left left sides sides0 I oof the the micromicroscope aa coin (Fig. 17) scope basebase, , clamp carnp knobsknobs 3 3 wIth with coin. (Fig. 17) ** Do the rests to the Do not not grasp grasp the hand hand rest to carry cary the microscope. microscope. ** When the temperature regulator PM-lo system isis atWhen the color col r temperature regulator oof f the the PM-10 sy tem atI I Fig 17 Fig. 17 tached to base, or attachments are tached to the the microscope microscope base, or other other at chments are juxtaposed juxtaposed closely to the rests can inin case closely to the the microscope, microscope, the hand hand rest can bebe detached detached case they interfere with the ofof these atiachments they interfer with the operation operation thes at chments. 5 OPERATION 5-1 Observation Procedure Normal procedure Normal procedure Adjustrent necessary Adjustment nec s ary fobr r operation operation Relevant part Rel vant part (page) bage) Filter holders Filter holders Coarse knob Coarse adjuadjustment stment knob 114) (14) Main switch Main switch (11) (1 ) Light path selector knob Light path sel ctor knob (4 (4) Specirnenhokber Specimen holder (12) (12) (Prepa ration) Swing filters. Swing outout tthe he_ filters. . Lower the nosepiec . Lower the nosepiece. Switch on the light Source. . . Rotate the light path selector knob to ¿ Bl t Place a specimen on stage. . (B (8) lOX 1 Swing Swing inin tthe he 1 OX objective. objective. Rotate condenser Rotae tthe he condenser turet turret toto “ Q 0 @ . Stop down the iris pposition. ositon. Stop down the aperture apertue irs dia diaphragm for specimens, phragm for low low contrast contrast specimens. . . . . . . . iris in Apertue irs diaphragei diaphragm in . Aperture condenser condenser (14) F lnterpupdlary dstance lnterpu ilary distance aadjust djust- I Lment ment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ._. o . . Eyepiece sliding dovetails Eyepiec slidng dovetails (12) 1 Diopter adjustment Diopter adjustment I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Diopter adjustment ring Diopter adjustment ring (14) 14) Focuc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Coarse Coarse andarid finefine adjustment adjustment knobs knobs (14) (14) * 1 Focus Focus field iris FOCUS onon the the field irs diaphragm diaphragm Condenser heght adjusimont Condenser magnification Condenser centraticentration on ((with with magnifcation changer at CT position); bulb centratiori changer at CT positon); bulb centration 'ç Conderier height adjustment Condenser height adjustment knob knob knob . Condenser Condenser ccentering entering knob Bulb centering knob Bulb centering knob CT ring CT focusing focusing ring . 114) (14) (14) (14) (14) (14) (14) (14) Engage the desired objective. Enga e the desired objective. 1 + + Match the condenser Match the condenser turturret. et. [ . . Light annulus centrat ion Light an ul s centration . Condenser Condenser tuturret ret . Light annulus centering knob an ul s centering knob . Light CT CT . 1 \Finefr Fine focus Aduc1 the collar of Adjust the correction corection colar of objectives objectrves 20X and 40X according to the 20X and 40X ac ording to the thickness thicknes of the vessel bottom. fAdjust light intensity. Adjust light intensity. I V (Observation) Coarse andand finefine adjustment adjustment . Coarse knobs knobs . , ofthev ,~ ~ t~ ~:. . ~,:. ~., . . . . . . . . . . Adjust the iris in Adjust the aperture apertue irs diaphragm diaphragm in brightf4eld, brightfield. . . (14) (14) (15 (15) (IB) (15) (14) (14) Correction collar Corection colar 116 (16) Sliding voltage control lever Slidng voltage control lev r ill) (1 ) Aperlure iris Apertue irs diaphragm diaphragm (14 (14) zp 5-2 Operation of Individual Components on Source 0O Switching Switching on the the Light Light Source 1) that the selector switch 1) Ascortain AscertaIn that the line line voltage voltage sel ctor switch @ located the back back Iocatd atat the of microscope with the locI mains of the the microscope stastand nd is i$ set set to to conform conform with the local mains voltage. tEig. 181 adjust correctly by voltage. (Fig. 18) If f not, not, adjust corectly by means means oof f aa small smal screwscrew dr driver. ver. Fg. 18 21 sure the sliding voltage contol lever 1.:' 2) Make Make sure tthat hat the slidng voltage contol lev r @ is is set set at at the the close t closest position to operator how voltage), then turn on positon to the the operator (low voltage), then turn on the the power power switch .... IFigs. 18 switch3. (Figs. 18 && 19) 19) Voltage and light intensity Voltage aadjustment djustment and light intensity e As the lever forward. (he LED at indictçir "PV, l As iou you push push the control control lev r forward, the LED at the the indicator “P” lights up on the left side ci voltmeter t@ to the bulb lights up on the left side of the the voltmet r to indicate indicate the bulb voltage between 00 - 3V, Then, five LED on side indicate voltage betwe n 3V. Then, five LED on the the right right side indicate z C I- 4V12V inin increments of (Fig. 191 4V12V increments of 2V. 2V. (Fig. 19) cr w For overvoltage beyond 12V (at mains 115V(. the extremely For overvoltage beyond 12V (at local local mains 1 5V). the extremely right-tiand LED blinks for right- and LED blinks for warning. warni g. l o t* The tifo 1fif ir it is is used atat aa The effective ef ctive life ofof a abulb bulb will wil bebe prolonged prol nged used voltage lower than raied. voltage lower than rated. ** For type color film, use filter with For use use ofof daylight daylight type col r film, use the the LBD-2N LBD-2N filter with I Fi Fig. voltage 8V. voltage atat about about 8V. 119 9 O aa Specimen on @ Place Place Specimen on the the Stage, Stage. L A. fl. IIMT2SFR) MT2-SFR I A. Cross-movement Cros -movement stagstage e (IMTIMT2-SV 2-SVR, 1) The traversing area cross-movement The traversing area ofof the the cros -movement sstage tage is is 50 50m romx * 50 50mm m. Select plate with an diameter of or Sel ct thethe irisan insert plate with an inner in er diamet r of 20 20 mm m or 50 50 mm m 2) Fig. 20 Fig. 20 according to vessel, and observation area. ac ording to the the specimen, specimen, ves el, and observation area. Place on stage, Place aa specimen specimen on the the stage. ** If Ifyouyou rotate or or move thethe cross-movement stage rotae thethe nOsepiece nosepiec move cros -movement stage after focusing on iOin a a vessel, the surface of after focusing on the the specimen specimen ves el, the lower lower surface of which isis positioned more than 11 mmm above the surface, which positoned more than above the stage stage surface, the front lens ofof the may hit the the front lens the objective objective may sometimes sometimes hit against ag inst the from underneath. (Fig. 201 it it isis necessary insertnsert plate plate from underneath. (Fig. 20) Therefore, Ther fore, nec s ary before rotating the nosepiece. sis tto o ascertain ascertain itits s safety safety before rotaing the nosepiec . Iflt there ther possibility to it Isis safe to and then rotate the aany ny pos iblity to impinge,, impinge-it safe to lower lower and then rotae the riosepiece. nosepiec . B. stage (IMT2-SP2) and mechanical stage B. Plain Plain stage (IMT2-SP2) and mechanical stage aattachment t chment (lMT2-MVR) (IMT2-MVRI of vessels or slides 11)) Placement Placement of various various ves els or glass glas slides Coincido the vessel with the Coincide the ves el ccenter enter with the center of the the scale (5 m center of XX scale (55mm positon) by the position ofof the positon) by adjusting adjusting the positon the specimen specimen holder 0, holder (D, í, clamp inin position with knobs®, 0, then then clamp positon with knobs 0. ((Fig. Fig. 2211 1) (See (Se b. Fig. 21 Fig. 21 I . 13 setup of attachments 13 for for setup of stage stage at chments in in dderaili etail.) 2? plato 2) ClClck-swp ick-stop plate This mechanical This mechanical stagstage e at chmenattachment t permits permitsthe theuse useof ofthe the cli k-sclickstop top platos micro titre plaies arid the micro titre plate plates forfor 96well 96wel micro tire plates and the 24-well 24.wel micro tire plate of chambers click positon for well, asas desired. of other other chambers inin any any cli k positon for each each wel, desired. Install 22) Instal ththe e cliclick-stop k-stop plate plate0. D. (Fig. (Fig. 2) Attach the click íj, the click spring tube® Atach the cli k 0, and and screw screw the cli k spring tube 0 inin a a manner man er itit clicks the cli ks the stage. stage. Moving itit clicks at Moving ththe e sstage. tage, adjust adjustthe thecli k click positonpostton sso o ththat at cli ks at the the conter of well. center of each each wel. 22 FFLg. ig. 2 Specimen holder Specimen holder 3) Opening Openi g thethe spring.(oaded spring-loade finger fingerof of thethe specimen specimen holdholder er withwith one one hand, place hand. hand, place aa sspecimen pecimen slide sUdeinside insidethe theholder holder with wiTh the the othother er hand. IFig. 23) (Fig. 23) the comes in with the ofof the ** When When the slide slide comes in contact contact with the bock back the specimen specimen holder, slowly return the f finginger holder, slowly return the spring-loaded spring-loade er. ** If Ifthethe springloaded finger isis returned too it it may cause spring-loade finger returned to quickly, quickly, may cause damage solution, damage to to the the spspecimen ecimen slide, slide,or orspil spill the the cuculture lt re solution. the ** lt If the ofof the the bottom bot m the essel ves el is s rorounded unde ofoff or or shaped shaped ssimilarly, imlary, the the sspring-loaded pring-loade finger finger maymay sosometimes metimes not not ccatch atch the vessel ves el bot mbottoni, . Fig. 23 Fig. 23 Stage plate Stage extextension ension plate 4) The plain siege toto match the meThe plain stage isis reduced reduced in in its its width width match the compact compact mecbancal stage attachment. To aa arge culture vessel, connect chanical stage at chment. To observe observe large cult re ves el, con ect the extension side of plain stage. Wig. 24) the extension pplate late toto the the side of the the plain stage. (Fig. 24) Fig. 24 Fig. 24 Tube 0O Observation Observation Tube 1) 2) Looking through the binocular tube, slide the knurled dovetail Lo king through the binocular tube, slide the knurled dovetail mounts ® arid left with both hands, until mounts @ of of the the right right and left eyepieces ey piec s with both hands, until aa perfect binocular (Ftg. 25) perf ct binocular visovision n is s obtained, obtained. (Fig. 25) IfIf your interpupillary distance setting your interpu ilary distance seting isis alreadyalreadyknown, known,set set it iton on the the between the sscale cale @ () located located betwe n the eyepieces. ey piec s. Fig. 25 Fig. 25 3) Diopter adjustment Diopter adjustment the light path selector pos1ion. aa . Rotate Rotae the light path sel ctor knobknob to to the the “OM"0M" ” positon. b. through the focusable eye, b. Looking Lo king through the focusable eyeyepiece piec with with thethe right right ey , 4 Fig. 26 Fig. 26 rotate the heliCoid eyepiece, frarre reticle rotae the helicoid rinring g @® on on (he the ey piec , untiluntil the the frame reticle can (Fig. 25) can bbe e shsharpty arply focufocused. sed. (Fig. 25) Then, looking left eyepiece left eye, rotate Then, lo king ththrough rough ththe e left ey piec withwith the the left ey , rotae the diopter ring (@ until the lirses the diopter ring until the cross cros lines cacan n bebe sharpsharply ly rerecogniied cognized as 26) as twotwo separate separ te lines.lines, (Fig. (Fig. 26) C z ? 3 Setup in Setup oof f the the rnecharncal mechanical stastage ge at chmattachment ent IMIMT2-MVR T2-MVR in detail detail ®® c 0:T:i AtachAttaching ing the the cli kclick-stop -stop plaplate te to to tthe he mechanical stage IMT2-MVR mechanical stage IMT2-MVR -ST: 11) ) Loosen Lo sen the thecli k-stopclick-stopknob knob0. D. (Diag. 1) (IJiag, 1) the click-stop notches c@ with 22J ) AligAlign n the cli k-stop notches with the cli k-stop knob. the click-stop knob. Pitch; 625mm frfor 6Owll Terasaki plate Pitch : 6.35m 60.wel Teras ki plate 9mm 9m tOT for 96-wel 96-wellmicrotiermicrotter pate plate plaie should be with ** The The click-stop cli k-stop plate should be oriented oriented with the longer longer marginal the marginal portion (betwe n the plate plate end and and groove gro ve) at the the ooperators perator’s portion t@ (between the end I at righihand side (in oror closeSt right-hand side (in the the XX direction) direction) close t tto o the the operator operator (In Y (in the the Y direction}. direction). (Diag. 1) (Diag. 1) I-l Diag. i-y tighten 33) ) Slight Slightly tighten the cli k-stop plate clamping knobknob @ 4) with with care the click-stop plaie clamping care 1 that the click-stop plate can be slightly until the that the cli k-stop plate can be moved moved slightly until the cli k-stop clickstop into the notch, kknob nob @ 'i) fits fits into the notch. (Diag. 1t) ) IDiag. Mounting the mechanical stage plain Mounti g the mechanical stage on on the the plain stage IMT2-SP stage IMT2-SP @ 1) 2) Rotaie Y-axis control knob clockwise all Rotae tthe he Y-axis ddrive rive control knob clockwise al the the way. way Place stage plain stage in Place the the mechanical mechanical stage onon the the plain stage in aa manner man er that the that the back -@ of mechanical stage iis flush back of the the mechanical stage flush witwith h that @ of of the the plain plain that ® stage. IDiag, 1) stage. (Diag. 1) 3) 96 weIl microtiter olate Tighten two clamping knobs at &of the Tighten two clamping knobs at the the underside underside the mechanical mechanical stage right side of stage with aa coin. in stage to to thethe lower lower right side of the the plain plain stage with ® specimen vessels 0 Use Use ofof various various specimen ves els Diag. 2 ves vesiel el onon th the 11) ) Place Place a a sspecimen pecimen stage as as shownsiown in in Diag. Diag. through stage 22 through 6. 6. ** For microtiter plate oror SO-well Terasaki For use use ofof a a96-well 96-wel microtier plate 60-wel Teras ki plate, plate, align the right and sliders align the rightand left-hand left-hand sliders @( && t @ with with the index index the marks marks 0 on on the the XX axis axis graduations graduations as shown shown in Diag. Diag. 2, and and as in 2. : each knob 4?. cclamp lamp each slidslider er cclamping lamping knob 0. @ cfltratOn Centration ofof the the clickstop cli k-stop plate plate (96-well (96-wel microtiter microtier plate plate and and 6060well Terasaki plate) wel Teras ki plate) 1) Terasaki plate tYag, 3 2) Lo king through the microscope microscope ey piec s, rotrotate ae the low drive Looking 1hícuh tne eyepieces, the low drive control knobs until the ofof the ioto bebe observed cotncdes control knobs until the center center the weil wel observed coincides with the center field of with the center oot f the the field of view. view. Tiy!iten the clamping knob Tighten the clamping knob @ of the the cli k-stop plate. (Diag. 1) of click-nop plate. (Diag. 1) fJ 3Omm-35mn dia Petri dkh 30m -35m dia. Petri dish Dg. 44 Diag. 6Omm-93 mm ddia. Petri dish 60m -90m ia. Petri dish Diag. 55 Diag. Sude gla Slide glas Diag, 66 Diag. and Fine Adjustment Knobs 0O Coarse Coarse and Fine Adjustment Knobs 1) Bring the objective as as Bring the objective as dose close as possible pos ible to the the specimen without to specin-en without thing and focus on roughly by of ttou ouching and focus on the the specimen specimen roughly by means means of the the coarse coarse adjustment tine focus with the fine adjustment knobs knobs0, D, then then fine focus with the fine adjustment adjustment cI (Fig.27) krohsi3 knobs 0. (Fig. 27) Tension adjustment of adjustment knobs Tension adjustment of coarse coarse adjustment knobs Wnle the coarse adustment motion isis normally stiff While the coarse adjustment moti n normaly stif and heavy, and heavy, itit is adjustabfe either heavy or movement dependìng is freely fre ly adjustable fotor r either heavy or lghi light movement dep nding the observer's preference, adjust the tension, rotate the oon n the observer’s pref rence. TTo o adjust the tension, rotae the tendirection of arrow to the ssien ion adadjustment justment ring ring 8 ®' in In the the direction of the the arow to tighten tighten the tn F Fig. 27 27 coarse (Fig. 2?) coarse adjuadjustment stment kknpbs nobs. (Fig. 27) ** The motion isis not The fine fine adjustment adjustment moti n not adjustable. adjustable. ** Be careful not to forcbly rotate the coarse adjustrnerit Be careful not to forcibly rotae the coarse or or fne fine adjustment knobs knobs ag against inst the theup er upperor orlower lowerlimt limt of of the the focusing focusing range. range. t* DoDo not the and not rotate rotae the coarse coarse and fine fine adjustment adjustment knobs simultaneknobs simultane ously to any to adlustments. ously to avoid avoid any damage damage to focusing focusing adjustments. O 0 Condenser Condenser Centration entration The certerinq ope-rations of working distance condenser The centering operations of the the long long working distance condenser and and the ultra long working distance condenser are the the ultra long working distance condenser are the ssame ame asas folfollows. ws. turret (Fig. 281 1) Set Set ththe e turet @ D to to tne the ” 0 @I ” position positon. (Fig. 28) 2) Bring Bring ththe e sspecimen pecimen into into focusfocus by by mmeans eans of of the the 10XlOX obeclive. objective. the aperture iris * It lis recommended recom ende to to sstop top ddown own the apertue irs diaphragm diaphragm 0 fF focusing on specimen, (Fig. 281 ffor or easier easier focusing on an an unstained unstained specimen. (Fig. 28) O? C * lt iris diaphragrr by means iris dia 331 ) StopStop dowdown n thethe ffield ield irs diaphragm by means of of tthe he fifield eld irs diaand adjust the condenser height until the phragm hraym lever lev r @ and adjust the condenser height until the image image cf diaphragm cari sharply. of the the field field diaphragm can bebe observed observed sharply. (Figs. 28, 29) (Figs. 28. 29) ** Holding the condenser knob with the hand, rotate Holding the right right condenser knob with the right right hand, rotae Fig. 26 Fig. 28 left knob until the ofof the height tthe he left condenser condenser knob until the tension tension the condenser condenser height adjustment knobs is to preference. adjustment knobs is adjusted adjusted to your your pref rence. 4) the mage ofof the diaphragm into the Of field 4) Briny Bring the image the field field diaphragm into the oenter center of the the field means condenser centering knobs bby y means oof f the the condenser centering knobs 0. 'a'. (Figs. (Ftgs. 28, 28. 29) 2) Reooen the diarthraçm the small pinhole image dia. Re-open the diaphragm uuntil ntil the smal pinhole image oof f the the diaphragni becomes phragm becomes aa larger larger polpolygonal ygonal aarea rea aroundaround the the perperiphery phery oot f the the field, For use open the to field. For practical practi al use, slightly slightly open the diaphragm diaphragm to circumscribe cir umscribe the field 01 the field of view. view. Fig. 29 Fig. 29 O 0 Bulb Centration Bulb Centration A'ter the optical setue. ce-nIer the halogen bulb. After the complete complet optical setup, center the halogen bulb. the 1) Rotate Rotae the mmagnification agnifcation changer changerdial dial@to Ø)topositon pOsition “‘CT”. "CT. (Fig.30) (Fig. 30) 2) Rotate the focus ring to on the exit pupil of lOX Rotae the focus ring @ to focus focus on the exit pu il of the the 10X objective (located at plane asas the annutus objective (located at the the same same plane the phase phase an ul s of f The the phase the light arinulus ofof the contrast condenser phase oobjective, bjective, the light an ul s the phase phase contrast condenser or aperture iris or The the apertue irs diaphragm). diaphragm). (Fig. Fiq. 30) 30) Fig. 30 Fig. 30 : i 3) up frost ftlter so the image FFlip lip up me the frosted filter so that that the image of of thethe bulbbulbJiamenî .filament @ 31) ccan an bbe e obobserved, served. (Fi(Fig g. 31) 4) Locsening housing clamptng knob, Lo seni g thethe amp lamp housing clamping knob, move the lamp housing move the lamp housmg in axial direction until ihe image isis brought into in the the axial direction until the filament filament image brought into focus. focus ® ** Repeat this whenever the working an long Rep at this adjustment adjustment when ver the tong long working and i ultra ultra long working distance condensers are interchanged. working distance condensers are interchanged. with the * if it it isis necessary nec s ary to to increase increase the the light light iintensity ntensity with the phase phase 40X, move the housing so the image oobjective bjective 40X, move the lamp lamp housing so that that the filament filament image fills the of anrsulus. IfIf you the ccompletely omplet ly fil s the image image of the the light light an ul s. you change change the objective 40X to 4X, at this stage, you will note that the light objective 40X to 4X, at this stage, you wil note that the light intensity will reduced periphery field. intensity wil be be somevviiat somewhat reduced at at ththe e periphery oof f the the field. * If 5) 6) Center the filament image by of bulb centering Center the filament image by means means of the the bulb centering knobs. knobs. Re..engage Re- nga e the thefrosted frosted filter.filler. Fg. 31 Fig. 31 O Annulus @ Light Light An ul s Centration entration centeriny adjustment pertains long working and TThis his centering adjustment eequally qualy pertains toto the the long working and ultra long working distance condensers ultra long working distance condensers. ** The microscope adopted the centration system of The 1MT-2 IMT-2 microscope adopted the individua) indivdual centration sy tem of each light annulus each pphase hase an ul annulus, s, so sothat that strict strict cencentration tration of of the the light an ul s can be each objective. Therefore, inatch the light can be achieved achiev d wiwith th each objective. Ther fore, match the light annulus io the phase objective magnification whenever objectives an ul s to the phase objective magnifcation when ver objectives are changed, recentration isis not necessary are changed, anand d re-centration not nec s ary onceonce the the initiai intial centration has accomplished. centration has been be n ac omplished. ** Recentration. however, 'sis required when the bottom of Rec ntraion, howev r, required when the bot m of aa culture cult re vessel fiat. ves el is is nonoi t flat. Fig. 32 Fig. 32 ** This is is applied toto objectives from This centralien centration ap lied objectives from low to magnifilow to high high magnifcations. cations. in desired objective and focus on Swing in the the desired objective and focus on the the specimen. specimen. 1) ) Swing 2) the magnification CT position. (Fly. 32) Rotae the magnifcation chandanger ger tto o the the CT positon. (Fig. 32) 2) Rotate 'n 3) Focus ìníiuJus '.@ Focus ocn n rc the priascphase an ul s uf by ;y nans means of the the focustixcs ring ring0. j (Figs. Fiçj, 32. 32,3 ) 331 Rotate condenser the magnification of Rotae tIhe he condenser turetturret until until the magnifcation of the the objective objective engaged enga ed ap ears apoearsin inthe thefront. front 4) 33 FFig ig. 3 5) Press Pres the the lightlight annulus an ul s centecentering ring knobs knobs@ ® aand nd rorotaie tae tthere hem uuritI ntil both annuli are and slowly disengage both an uli are concentric concentric and supecimposed.then superimposed, then slowly disenga e the centering knobs C4). CFig. 34 the centering knobs @ (Fig. 34) ¶ C 7 r C Fig. 34 Fig. 34 6) the magnification changer 6) Rotate Rotae the magnifcation changer @ to "iX" position, and to the the “IX” positon, and observe the phase effect. 32, observe thethe specimen specimen to to check check the phase ccontrast ontrast ef ct. (FigsFigs. . 32, 35) 35) Fig. 35 Phase contrast O of Coflar ofof the LWD-Ct) Plan 20X and @ Use Use of the the Correction Corection Colar the Objectves Objectives LWD-CD Plan 20X and 40X, 40x. After coarse and tine adjustments, rotate the collar, keeping After coarse and fine adjustments, rotae the correCtion corection colar, ke ping the specimen resolution isis obtained. Proper the specimen in in fine finp focfocus us untiluntil optirruni optimum resolution obtained. Proper use collar isis specially effective toto prevenT the deterioration of use oof f this this colar specialy ef ctive prev nt the det rioation of objective resolution caused uneven ththe e objective resolution caused by by ththe e unev n thickthickness nes of cf variovaous us petri dishes, culture bottles, etc, petri dishes, cult re botles, etc. (Fig. (Fig. 3611 36) ** The collar isis effective with a a vessel bottom from O0 up The correction corection colar ef ctive with ves el bot m from up to inin thickness, to 2mm 2m thicknes . thickness of bottom isis known i1) ltIf the the thicknes of the the vessel ves el bot m known: Match the correciion collar toto the ofof the bottom by Match the corec;tion colar the thickness thicknes the vessel ves el bot m by the collar scale provided. the colar scale provide , Fg. 36 Fig. 36 2) lIthe thickness of the vessel is If the thicknes of the ves el bot bottom m is unknown unk own: Tie optimum position for the correction collar The optimum positon for the corection colar can be obtained obtained can be tram the imago resolutkn, After focusing adjustment, from the image resolution. After focusing adjustment, if a satis- 2) i a satis- factory sharp image obtained, rotate the factory sharp image is s not not obtained, rotae the corection colar correction collar to the right and left so thai you can compare the to the right and left so that you can compare the images images aat t both both sides. Reset the collar to the better image then starting sides. Res t the colar to the bet r image; then staring ffrom rom this this position, further rotate The cedar to right Positon, further rotae the colar to the the right anand d left left until utìl both both images can bbe obtained for images can e obtained for comparison withwith each each other. AS you YOU comparison other, As repeal Ihis procedure several limes, rep at this procedure sev ral times, you have to fine fine focus each you have to focus each time the corrtiÖr1 coller isis ro1ered, time the corection colar rotaed. 4::: Q Use of Iris Diaphra9ms 0 Use 1) 2) Fig. 37 r Fig. 37 (As seen Through eyepiece tube. (As withse n eyepiece through ey piec tube, removed,) . J 'I with ey piec of Iris Diaphragms Field iris diaphragm Field irs diaphragm The field iris diaphragm controls the diameter of ray bundle The field irs diaphragm controls the diamet r of the the ray bundle impinging on the specimen surface and thus increases image definiimpinging on the specimen surface and thus increase image defintion arid reduces glare tion and reduces glare. Aperture iris diaphragm Apertue irs diaphragm In order oto achieve optimum obGctive performance In order achiev optimum objective perfomance inin bri9htfield. brightfield, the opening of the aperture iris diaphragm should be the openi g of the apertue irs diaphragm should be matched matched to to the NA, of the objective in ltIt isis often preferable, however, to the N.A of the objective in use. use. often pref rable, howev r, to down the diaphragm by about 70% sstop top down the aperture apertue diaphragm by about 70% to to 80% 80% oof f the the objective N.A (Fig. 37) objective N.A (Fig. 37) removed.) Q Filters CD Filters Optimum use of proper filters enhances the effective observation and Optimum use of proper filters enhances the ef ctive observation and photni icrography. phot micrography. Fi1J No. Dittuion Drfusron 2 Interference Interf ence Dsjgation / 45WF 45WF clirunates uneven ilumination, Elimnates unev n ilumination. 43-1F550-W4b 43-l F5 0-W45 Enhances phase Enhances phase cocontrast. ntrast. 43ND25-W45 43N D25-W45 43ND62A45 43N D6-W45 Reduces intensity Reduces lighlight t intensity wwithout ithout changing color ternperatue changing col r temperature. (gre n) jIgreen) Neutral Neutral density (grey) 4 density (grey) Light balancing 45-LBD-2N 45-LBD-2N Light 6 *Heat bal ncing Heat absorbing45-HA 4HA absorbing For color ohotomicrographv For col r phot mrcography with daylight film, with daylight film. #bsos heat waves Absorbs heat waves 760 rim 760nm and higher to the and higher to protect protect the speci. specimen, men. *This This filter is built in the 1M12-LSH lt is recommended to add a heat filter is built in the IMT2-LSH. It is recom ende to ad a heat filter for prolonged observation oror time-lapse photography of filter for prol nged observation time-lapse phot graphy of tissue tis ue cultures, crc, cult res, II etc. 6 PHOTOMICROGRAPHY 6-1 Photomicrographie System Th The IMIMT.2 T-2 microsco micrse e features provsior features provisons s&cted accordino to oreference. sel cted ac ording to pref rence. ,'1,tiri mounti g for ;:.l of oh tomicrographic at cit hments cnrncnis at t 44 peces, which can bbe places, which can A, light path ffor 35mm camera back) A. 0M OM light path (for 35m camera back) A 35mm camei'a back can be rnourued in same way aa camera 1) A 35 m camera back can be mounted in the the same way camera lens on (Fia, 38) tens is is babayonet-rnojnîed yonet-mounted on aa camera, camera. (Fig. 38) to pictures of specimens in ** It lt is is not not recommended recom ende to take take pictures of floating floating specimens in liquid or with objectives 40X or to liquid or on on aa micropipette. micro-pi et , with objectives 40X or higher, higher, to avoid shutter vibration as as avoid shuter vibration as much much as possible, pos ible. magnification magnif. xx 2.5 ** Image Image magnifcation = Objective Objective magnif. 2.5 xx Intermediate Intermediate magnif (iX or magnif. (IX or i1.5X) .5X Ex. 40x2.5x == 150(X) 40 x 2.5 x L5X 1.5X 150 (X) Ex. Fig, 38 Focus specimen, through the binocular tube, Focus onon ththe e specimen, lo klooking ing through the binocular tube. 2) B. light path 8. MMTU TU light path direct moUnting of attachment PM-lOAD) (Ifor for direct mounti g of the the photomicrographic phot micrographic at chment PM-IOAD) Yöu can take pictures shutlet' vibration, since the attachment You can take pictures wwithout ithout shuter vibration, since the at chment IS is desigdesigned ned vibrationvibration'proof. -pro f. 1) The photo eyepieces available NF SX and 6.7X. The phot ey piec s av ilable incinclude lude NFK2.5X, K2.5X, 3.3X, 3. X, 5X and6.7X. ** Insert the eyepiece the port on left of Insert the photo phot ey piec iinto nto the port on the the left side side of the the base, base. CEi9. 391 (Fig. 39) ** When you the eyepiece into the tube, you When you insert insert the photo phot ey piec into the photo phot tube, you may feel resistance midway because make sure to may fe l resi tance midway because of of a a spring; spring; make sure to completely insert the eyepiece until it stops. complet ly insert the ey piec until it stops. 2) FHg. 39 3) Mount the photornicrographic attachment 40 Mount the phot micrographic at chment aas s indindicated icated inin Fig. Fig. 40. lithe unit is tilted, the Image will be also tilted against the focusing If the unit is tiled, the image wil be also tiled ag inst the focusing reticle in microscope. To avoid make itit aa point to reticle in the the microscope. To avoid tiltilting, ng, make point tovisualy visually parallelize the horizontal cOntour of the attachment to horipar leize the horizontal contour of the at chment to the the horizontal line of the microscope. zontal line of the microscope. Imane magnification Image magnifcation Ohjcctive magri f. x x Intermediate xx NFK = Objective magnif. Intermediate magrnagnif, nif. (1X (iX oc or 1.5X) 1.5X) NFK pnotc eyepiece magnif. x Camera magnif, (iX for 35mm or phot ey piec magnif. x Camera magnif. (1X for 35 m or 3X for format) 3X for large large format) Ex. 40x1.5x5xlX=300(X) Ex. 40x 1.5x 1X=30 (X) 4) Focusing Focusing Focus rotating the helicoid mount of Focus thethe fraframe me reticlreticle e first, first, bby y rotaing the helicoid mount of the the left hand eyepiece wbe. fl'en focus the left hand ey piec sle ve slve of of the the binocular binocular tube, then focus the specimen by fine focus knoo. specimen by means means of of the the fine focus knob. Fig 40 Fig. 40 E C C. MTU light exit C. MMounting ounti g the the mumulti-photo lti-phot tubtube e to to the the MTU light exit Mount multiphoto tube to MTU hgh exit port; then clamp Mount ththe e multi-phot tube to the the MTU light exit port; then clamp photomicrogniphic 411 ththe e phot micrographic at cattachment hment on on it. it. (Fia (Fig. 41) PM-iOAD system isis used in way, the following opt IfIf the the PM-1OAD sy tem used in this this way, the fol wing options [ons are are aavailable. v ilable: exposure measurement PM-lOADS) SSpot pot exposure measurement (wit(with h PM-lOADS) l viewer PM-VSB Bright rghl trame frame viewer PM-VSB 16mm cino-photomicrography (PM.l6mm Cinel, which enables 16 m tine-phot micrography (PM-16 m Cine), which enables easy easy film loading and prevents shutter vibration. film loading and prev nts shuter vibration. l . 41 FFig. ig. 41 the photo adapter mounted MILI port and replace itit 1li) Unscrew Unscrew the phot ad pter mounted oon n ththe e MTU port and replace the adapter CD wwith ith the MTU MTU ad pter 0. 2) 2) Insert Insert tthe he MMTU TU rrelay elay tubelute @ (Fig. 41 (Fig. 41) into the MTU adapter ff1 damp. into the MTU ad pter @ and and clamp. 41) ((Fig. Fig. 41) '3) the bese clamping screw and place the on 3) Loosen Lo sen the base clamping screw 08), , and place the baso base on the the desk. desk. 41) ((Fig Fig. 41) 4) Rotate the 44 leveling screws there in with the Rotae the lev ling screws @ ® to to keep ke p them in contact contact with the desk surface. IFig, 41) desk surface. (Fig. 41) I Fig 42 42 Fig. J I 5) Clamp 41f Clamp the the base baseclamping clamping knob@. lcriob'. (Fig. (Fig. 41) 6) Az'ach tube Atach thethe tritrinoojiar nocular tube 0. 7) Insert the photo eyepiece photo tube. Insert the phot ey piec intointo the the phot tube. 8) Corn-ïeci AD aattathment 421 Con ect the the PM-1PM-lo OAD t chment @. t IFig. (Fig. 42) using the Unit is is used, out Ir* When When using the multitube multi-ube unit IMT-2MTU IMT-2MTU used, out ofof focusfocusing or may cause, since the ophcal path length isis long. ing or framing framing may cause, since the optical path length long. ** Please be toto use magnifier Ii0 built-in the Please be sure sure use the the focusing focusing magnifer built-n the photographic attachment for or phot graphic at chment for focusing focusing or framing. framing. (Fig. 42) (Fig. 42) J rJ D. the trinocular tube on frame D. Mounting Mounti g the trinocular tube on the the microscope microscope frame Fig. 43 43 Fig. In of In place place of standard standard binocubinocular lar tube, tube,a atrinocular trinocilar tubtube e BHBH2.TR 2-TR @®can can be and used with the DAD system be attached at ched and used forfor photomicrography phot micrography with the PM-i PM-IOAD sy tem 43) 0. , (Fig, (Fig. 43) ** inIn case photomicrography, the frame viewer case ofof fluorescence fluorescence phot micrography, the bright bright frame viewer PM-VSR (Fig. PM-VSB @'Ci"may maybe beused usedto tofaciltaefacilitate ffocusing. ocusing. (Fig. 43) 43) the path selector knob to BI ** Rotate Rotae the light light path sel ctor knob to the the BI position, positon. tIr In In order to focus on the specimen looking through the order to focus on the specimen lo king through the binocular binocular tube, itit isis necessary to finder eyepiece tube, nec s ary to use use aa suitable suitable finder ey piec 0. (Fig. 43) (Fig. 43) 6-2 Taking Pâctures rogcaphft eqprnent forfor detailed ptocedure, This RRefer ef r to to the the instructions stwctions provded provide with eaeach ch phot micrographihotorn c equrpment detailed procedure. This paraqranh par graph is given to oxp1in the photomicrographic is grven to explain the phot micrographic prproblems oblems pertaDertaining in g to tothe the IMT-2.lMT2. . 0O Illumination Ilumination Accurate illumination is important for than Ac urate ilumination is more more important for phot micrograhotomic'ography phy than observ on since flawle pictures ffor or observation since flawles pictures can ot cannotbe betaken taken without whou it. it. In to uneven especially In order order to avoid avoid unev n ilillumination. umination, especialy withw'th hhigheontrast igh contrast film,film, the iluminaticn. foflowng thethe observation procedure accuracy, aadjust djust the ilumination, fol wing observation procedure ac uracy. Heat from the Lght Source @O Radiant Radiant Heat from the Light Source Even optimum intensity ofof illumination light consderabln Even optimum intensity ilumination light generates gen rates considerable radtant neat for oror photomcrography, especially inin case radiant heat for observation observation phot micrography, especialy case of interference contrast Living specimens are subject to of Nomarski Nomarski interf ence contrast. Livng specimens are subject to damage heat, Therefore; damage due due to to radiant radiant heat. Ther fore; l l l Peduce light intensity as as Reduce light intensity as much much as possibte. pos ible. Use heat filters, Use adadditional itonal heat filters. For time-lapse photography, For time-lapse phot graphy, sysynchronize nchronize the the lightlight source source to w e, exposure Isynch. mode). posure (synch. mode). O and lamp Voltage 0 Filters Filters and Lamp Voltage Select and bulb film: Sel ct thethe filtefilter r and bulb voltage ltao according ac ording to'o the the film Film Jit type color film type col r film Tungsten type color film Tungsten type col r film 45-LBD-2N 45.LBD-2N 45 45-LBT LBT B&Vi B & W film film 43.lF55O.W45 43-l F5 0-W45 Da', Daylrght Voltage F il ter 8v 8V 8V 8V 6V uc 6V and and up ** ToTo match your inin color rendition, it it is is rer.ommended to match your preference pref rence col r renditon, recom ende to make exposure determination of bulb voltage. make tetest st exposure forfor the the det rmination of optimum optimum bulb voltage. S, x + - rig 44 Fig. 4 O 0 Focu5ing Focusing 1) \/ /\ 2) Looking through the hnder eyepiece, adjust diopter ring so Lo king through the finder ey piec , adjust tthe he diopter ring so that the cross lines can be observed as distinctly that the double double cros lines can be cleerly clearly observed as twtwo o distnctly (Fig. 44) separate lines. separ te lines. (Fig. 4) Bring the specmen into focus, rotating the and fine adjust. Bring the specimen into focus, rotaing the coarse coarse and fine adjustment knobs ment knobs. ** Since the reticle and are align Since the focusing focusing reticle and she the film film plane plane are inin precise precise alignment, the focused through the magnifier and the ment, the image image focused through the focusing focusing magnifer and the image in are aiat the time. Therefore, image in the the film film plane plane are inin focus focus the same same time. Ther fore, unless adjustment just blurred pictures unles tthe he adjustment just described described iss perfect, perfect, blured pictures will result. wil result. ** When using the unii is iused, out When using the multìtube multi-ube unit IMT2-MTU IMT-2MTU s used, out ofof focusfocusing or may cause, since the path length isis long. ing or framing framing may cause, since the optical optical path length long. ** Pleate be toto use magnifier the Please be sure sure use the the focusing focusing magnifer @ builtin built-n the photographic attachment for focusing or framing, phot graphic at chment for focusing or framing. : 20 O FramFrjn ing @ patti ODM M lighIiht t path A. Frame trarne reticie, Frame thethe sspecrnen pecimen imaimage ge into into the the 3535mm m frame reticle. (Fig. Fig. 45) 45) Fig. 45 Fig. 45 B. MT1J path MTU lightight t path Frame e'epieces 2.5X, 33X and Frame rereticles tiles are are matcimatched ed to to NFKNFK photo phot ey piec s 2.5X. 3. X and in order from outer to The outside ret trame 5SX X in this this order from outer to inner. in er. The outside reticle ide atat each each frame indicates and indicates 35m 35mm film film format format and thethe ininside side reticle reticleindicates ind,caes4”~ 4'x 3” 3' foformat, rmat. Picture the trame Picture aarea rea on on the the film film plane plane wwithin ithn the frame Format Format 4” x 3” Pictueaea Picture area frame 35 35 mm m 21.5mm xx 32,5mm 21.5 m 32.5 m 44” xx 3" 3” 65 65m x85m miii x j mm Fig, 46 Fig. 46 O Shutter @ Eyepiece Eyepiec Shuter I When remove your tace from the tube while the When yo'ou u remove your face from the binocular binocular tube while the camera camera sshutter huter isis oopen pen for fr a a long time, room light may enter the long time, ro m light may enter the eyepeces, ey piec s, forming an image coincident n th specimen image forming an image coincident on the specimen image toto be be phOto phot - graphed. To this light, pull sht.iF ter graphed. To exclude exclude this extraneous extraneous light, pul out out thethe eyepiece ey piec shuter time of {Fig. 47) aat t the the time of exposure. exposure. (Fig. 47) L t: D ) ) ) Fig. 47 Fig. 47 7 TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE are uriabe to opIfIf ynu you are unable to obta.n obtain optimum shooting. trtrouble ouble sho ting. -i.m perforrnwce from your microscope, please the table below fer perfomance from your microscope, please concnsuIt sult the table below for Trouble Cause IRemedy system 1.1. Optical Optical sy tem a) 31SwitchingSwitchingon on lightIght source. source, fieldfi&d is oof f view view is si stil ill dnrk, dark. cord is connected Bulb ulh socket socket cord is not not con ected. Connect cord to Ori Con ect ththe e cord to receptacc rec ptacle on the microscope stand. the microscope stand. Bulb is out. Bulb is burned burned out. Replace. Replace. Sliding voltage control ever isis set Slidng voltage control lev r set at at low aa position, ttoo o0 low positon. Set itit at voltage Set at higher higher voltage pposition. ositon. Bulb ¡s centered. Bulb is nnot ot center d. Center it. Center it. Condenser Condenser holderholder is is notnot claclanped mped in n Clamp it, Clamp it. place. place. Condenser Condenser is is not not inin corcorrect ect pposition. ositon. Adjust condenser height until field Adjust condenser height until field diaphragm image is inin specidiaphragm image is formed formed specimen piane. men plane. Condenser is centered, Condenser is not not center d. Nosepiece in Nosepiec is is notnot clicked cli ked in place. place. Center itit until field diaphragm Center until field diaphragm image comes in center. image comes in the the center. Rotate itit clicks inin Rotae it¡t slightly slightly ununtil til cli ks placo. place. Light path selector knob is Light path sel ctor knob is at at the the 0M or MTU position. OM or MTU positon. Set knob BI or Set knob toto the the BI position positon or ir in- Too nr are To many any fìl-ters filters are engaged enga ed. Reduce Reduce nunumber mber ofof filters. filters. Stage path. Stage insert insert plate plate blocks blcks light light path. Remove stage and reset specimen. Remove stage and res t specimen. Fuse Fuse is is burneburned d outout. . Check and after re Check eelectric l ctric cicircuit r uit and after re- crease bulb voltage crease bulb voltage. moval of replace moval of cause, cause, replace fulute, se. Line voltage selector switch is Line voltage sel ctor switch is not not Adjust switch correctly. Adjust switch corectly. set to with local mains set to conform conform with local mains voltage. voltage. bh) Field is off at Field oof f view view is cut cut of at the the periphery or periphery or ililuminatedlurninated unevenunev nly. IY. path selector knob isis stopped LLight ight path sel ctor knob stop ed midway. midway. Click knob into piece eccordirig in Click knob into place ac ording to Nosepiece magnification Nosepiec anand d magnifcation changer correctchanger aae re riot not positioned positoned corect- Click there into oLc.e, Click them into place. purpose. purpose. ly. ly. Condenser turret is correctly Condenser turet is not not corectly positioned, positoned. is is not not centered correctly. center d corectly. Condenser Condenser positioned cr positoned or Click turret into place. Click turet into place. Click condenser turret into place or Click condenser turet Into place or center correctly center corectly. L C C c) or isis visible in 01 c) Dust Dust or dirt dirt visble in field field of vieview. w. Light source is centered. Light source is not not center d. Center light source. Center light source. I- Filter isis stopped midway. Filter stop ed midway. Pull or itit completely, Pul or pusJ push complet ly. C, Dirty specimen. Dirty specimen. Clean side or vessel, Clean slide or culture cult re ves el. C Dust on Dust on eyepiece, ey piec . Clean eyepiece. Clean ey piec . Condenser is correctly POSiCondenser is not not corectly posiiior-eJ and the frosted filter isis iOin tioned and the frosted filter fOcus. focus. Adjust condenser height unfit 1iet Adjust condenser height until field diaphragm on sdiaphragm image mage iis s foformed rmed on specimen plane. cimen plane. rr C C' C C- C- r jroub4e.-. d) 1) EEx:siveim xces ive image Cause Remedy Condenser Condenser is isstop ed stnprio in in high i ir posi- I::L,I contrast. ontrast. L.,'rr:::iinser Lower condenser. tion tion. Aperture Apertue dcflaphragrn iaphragm down excessively. down exces ively. e) problems: ?) Resolution Resolution problems: l ImImage age is is not flot sharp. sharp. 0 contrast, InInsufficient suficent contrast. l Objective Objective is is is is slopped stop ed not correctly posi not corectly posi- Open diaphragm. Open diaphragm. Clkk nosepiece into place. Click nosepiec into place. tioned in path. tioned in light light path. Image details definition, Image details llack ack defintion. Aperture Apertue diaphragm diaphragm is is stopped stop ed down excessively too down exces ively or or opened open d to Adjust aperluro iris opening Adjust apertue irs openi g pro- rp. perly. perly. mu much. ch. Correction collar is adjusted Corection colar is not not adjusted correctly. corectly. Looking at image, rotate Lo king at specimen specimen image, rotae correction collar until optii'riurt corection colar until optimum focusing position can be focusing positon can be found. found. Dust on objective, eyeDust on condenser, condenser, objective, ey - Clean. Clean. piece, vessel. piec , cculture ult re ves el, eetc. tc. f)‘) No phase contrast No effective ef ctive phase contrast is s obtaned. obtained. Thickness Thicknes of of vvessel es el bot m botwrn is is more more than than 22mm. m. Use aa vessel of thickness Use ves el of bottom bot m thicknes obective isis used. BrBright ight fieficld ld objective used. Use phase Use phase obobjective, jective. Light w'nulus is matched with Light an ul s is not not matched with Match light annulus to Match light an ul s to objective. objective. less les thanthan 22mm. m. objective. objective. 9) out g) Specimen Specimen imimage age is is parpartially tialy out of of focus, focus. Light annulus and anhiUlUS Light an ul s and phase phase an ul s are not centered. are not center d. Center them correctly. Center them corectly. Objective correctly in Objective is s not not corectly in light light path. path. Slighily rotate nosepiece until Slightly rotae nosepiec until itit place. cli ks likt into into place. Specrnien correctly place on Specimen is is nonot t corectly place on Place Place spspec'merr ecimen corectcorrectly. ly. stage. stage. hI h) Image Image iisblurred. s blured. Vessel Ves el bot m bottom isis not not flaflat. t. Use bottomed vessel. Use anan eevenly-flat v nly-flat bot med ves el. Condenser centered Condenser is is not not cocorrectly rectly center d. Center condenser, Center condenser. Light source correctly cenLight source is s not not corectly centetered r d. Center light source Center light source ccorrecily. orectly, Condenser Condenser holderholder isis tiled tilted up, up. Lower itit to position, Lower to stop stop positon. Minimum line voltage adjusirnern Min mum line voltage adjustment Adjust the knob until bulb isis dirnl Adjust the knob until bulb dimly lit with er lever sliding control lit with slidng control lev r at 2. adjustment 2. Electrica' Electrical adjustment J a) source is even at a) Light Light source is totoo bright bright ev n at lowest bulb voltage. lowest bulb voltage. knot) adjusted. knob isis notflot correctl', corectly adjusted. lowest position lnearest to lowest positon (nearest to yo'.jI you). D D 3 b) flickers and intensity isis un b) Lght Light flickers and intensity unstable stable. Line voltage is Line voltage is unstable. unstable. Bulb to out bulb. Bulb filafilament ment isis likellikely y to burri burn out. , Replace Replace bulb. Loose Lo se el celectrical trical coconnection. n ection. ) D rJ) c) burns Out often. c) Fuse Fuse burns out ttoo o often. Fjse ¡sis not one. Fuse not aa standard standard one. Bulb isis not a standard one, nt stn rinri RI Ilh r I connections. i Tighten Tighten con ections. standard fuse. 1 Use Use standard fuse. 8 rlain ot rl hzln on hi,lh i Use I ICD a halogen bulb as designarec 112V EOW HAL). -J D Use Use vvoltage oltage sstabilizer. tabilzer. c) lamp lights up but halogen d) Pilot Pilot bulb does not when por switch bulb is on. is tuturned r Halogen bulb is burned oui. Replace bulb, No bulb is in socket. Insert bulb. Loose electric connections. Tighten connections. Trouble CaUse - Remedy focus adjustments 33. . Coarse Coarse anand d fintine e focus adjustments aal ) Coarse Coarse adjusadjustment tment is is to too tight. tight. b} drops and specimen goes b) Stage Stage drops and specimen goes out of out of focus focus. Tenson adjustment ring istLghened Tension adjustment ring is tighten d totco murh much. Tension Tension loose. lo se. adj adjustment ustmern ring ring is is too to Loosen Lo sen tension tension adustment riny adjustment ring properly. properly. Tighten ring properly. Tighten ring properly. 4, 4. Observation Observation tutube be di binocular vision. a) lnornplte Incomplet binocular vison. lnterpupillary distance is corlnterpu ilary distance is not not cor- Correct interpupillary distance. Corect interpu ilary distance. rectly adjusted. rectly adjusted. Diopter adjustment Is Diopter adjustment is incomIete. incomplet . Complete adjustment Complet diodioper pter adjustment. Usor is User is unaccustomed unac ustomed tto o binocular binocular Pr1or details, Prio to io lo klooking ing at ei specpecirren imen details, vison. iry to aiat the entire field oof try to rook lo k the entire field view, or atat aa far obfec view, or look lo k far away away object beorc resuming observation. before resuming observation. 55. . Stage Stage a) i Imege Image easieasily ly gogoes es out oui ot of focus focus Stage Stage is is not not clampclmped, ed. Clarìp stage securely. Clamp stage securely. Specimen is pOStionOrI Specimen is nonot t ccorrectly orectly positoned on on stage. stage. Adjust specimen pO5itiofled. Adjust specimen positoned. Objective is so Objective is protruding protuding so as as to to hit hit anst stage insert plate, ag inst stage insert plate. Lower nosepiece rotate, Lower nosepiec anand d ththen en rotae. when you touch stage when you touch stage. bh) ) Specimen Specimen stostops ps midmidway way onon the the west tratraverse, eeast ast-west verse. OLYMPUS OLYMPUS OPTICAL CO. LTD. OLYMPUS OPTICAL CO., LTD. BuIIdng, Nshì Shinuku 1-thome, Shinjuku-4iu, 'Tokyo, SSan-Ei an-Ei Buildng, 2 22.2. -2, Nishi Shinjuk 1-chome, Shinjuk u, Tokyo, JapJapan n CO. (EUROPA) GMBH. OOLYMPUS LYMRUS OOPTICAL PTlCAL CO., (EUROPA) GMBH. Posfl¶ C4O8, Werrns1rasse 14-16, Postfach 104908, Wendenstras e 14-16, 20 2000Hamburg Hanirg i 1, Germany Germany OOLYMPUS LYMPUS COCORPORATION RPORATION 44 Nevada Lake N.Y. r1 042-l 1C42-fl79, U.5A. Nevad DriDive, ve, Lake SucSuccas, es , N.Y 179, U.SA. OLYMPUS OPTICAL CO. (U.K.) LTD. OLYMPUS OPTICAL CO. (U.K) LTD. Siroel, Lonøon 228 -8 Honduras Honduras Stre t, London EClYOEC1.YOIX, TX, United Uned KinKinoorn gdom The predut t IS uflOe' conterit refiw ond The desigdeiçn n of o the the product under constant review and J htst ev ry 'ìery efort Uort sis ro upup o to dare, the itIS rPsertet$ made to keep ke p thisthis mamuaI nual date, the rigPU rtght res rved to to chacharqe nge speciflca- soecfalions 8fld w1lou1 orior rp.tCC tions and equipeQt)ment ment at t any r.y limB time wthout prio notice whilst Printed in J~DX 901 M 04