2011-2012 Annual Report - JFCS of Southern Arizona


2011-2012 Annual Report - JFCS of Southern Arizona
We are here for you
during life’s biggest challenges
Annual Report
Tucson · Green Valley · Oro Valley
Jewish Family & Children’s
Services of Southern Arizona
expands the reach of our expert
counseling and social services
through creative partnerships with
these organizations:
Arizona Connected Care
Catholic Community Services
Congregation Anshei Israel
ELDER Initiative with United Way and
Pima Council on Aging
Greater Tucson Fire Foundation
Intermountain Centers for
Human Development
Jewish Elder Access with Jewish
Federation of Southern Arizona,
Handmaker Jewish Services for the
Aging, and Tucson Jewish
Community Center
New Pueblo Medicine
JFCS President & CEO Shira Ledman
and Board Chair Jill Rosenzweig
Our Family Services
Temple Emanu-El
Tucson Hebrew Academy
Tucson Medical Center Senior
Resource Center
Pantano Behavioral Health
University Medical Center
For more information about
partnering with JFCS,
please contact:
Annual Report Team
Vice President for Philanthropy, JFCS
Michael E. Blimes
Project Management
Deborah Daun Communications, LLC
Graphic Design
David Bornstein Designs, LLC
Athol Cline
On the cover: Volunteers Anya Elkins and Peggy Ingraham
Shoshana Elkins, LCSW
Vice President, Programs & Services
(520) 795-0300 Ext. 2224
Less than a decade ago, government funded 75% of our budget. Today, it’s 25%.
That means charitable gifts from individual donors are very important to our continued success, as is our creative
partnership model of service delivery. Net proceeds from OneStop Affordable Home Medical Equipment and fees
from Select Care Managers also are part of our diversified agency funding mix.
Our counseling and wellness partnerships (see current list to the left) allow us to provide expert and compassionate services on a fee-for-service basis throughout the greater Tucson area, Oro Valley and Green Valley. Providing
service through these partnerships is in addition to the services we offer on a sliding fee basis to people with low
incomes and/or no health insurance.
The number and quality of our partnerships resulted in JFCS staff and representatives from partner organizations
being invited to present best practices at a recent national AJFCA (Association of Jewish Family & Children’s Agencies) meeting. AJFCA is the membership association for approximately 125 Jewish family service agencies across
the U.S. and Canada. We’re proud of that acknowledgement.
We are moving in the right direction and as a result, creating a strong foundation for the future.
Each year, we serve at least 7,500 people with significant challenges in their lives: emotional trauma, financial
problems, aging, and disabilities––to name just a few. It’s critical that we continue to help them. Our thanks to all
of you who help us help our communities’ most vulnerable people.
Shira Ledman President & CEO Annual Report 2011, 2012
Jill Rosenzweig
Chair, Board of Directors
JFCS therapist Sandra Hassel, LAMFT
Our team
includes 25+
with a variety
of skills and
Programs & Services
Our experienced and compassionate professionals provide expert counseling and social
services for children, adults, older adults, couples, families, and people with disabilities.
Our programs emphasize emotional support and therapy for all ages, child welfare, selfsufficiency, support for people as they age, and help for people who live with chronic
illness or disability.
Most of our programs are available to Southern Arizonans of all ages, faiths and
economic backgrounds; some are more focused due to the requirements of individual
funders. Some of our programs are offered through agreements with partner
Annual Report 2011, 2012
Jewish Family & Children’s Services of Southern Arizona
Programs & Services
Counseling for All Ages
Our expert, master’s level therapists are here to help
during times of emotional and psychological stress and
struggle. Through short and long-term individual, group
and family counseling, we strengthen individuals and
their communities of support.
We advocate for clients deemed incapacitated
by the Probate Court. Once the court determines
a person is in need of a guardian, we can assume
the role of legal guardian. We provide planning for
medical, social and financial needs; advocacy and
monitoring to regularly assess plan implementation
and each client’s status; conferences to consult with
caregivers, family members, and service providers;
court reporting to file all required court reports, and
24-hour emergency coverage.
Project Safe Place
Trauma. Many of us can only imagine the pain that
some young people face. This specialized program
for traumatized children and teens is a combination
of individual, family and group therapies. Through
supportive relationships with their therapists and the right
combination of help, these young clients begin to develop
positive coping skills, the ability to trust and to feel safe–
sometimes for the first time in their lives.
Embracing Challenges, Creating Opportunities
Teens often need help overcoming substance abuse.
Our ECCO program offers outpatient, family-centered
individual, group and family therapy. Treatment is
customized based on needs, parental concerns, potential
legal concerns, and issues identified by the therapists.
Cancer, Healing & Inspiration for Jewish Women
Emergency Financial Assistance
With support from the Jewish Federation of Southern
Arizona’s caring donors, we help Jewish individuals
and families in our community who are experiencing
financial struggles and crisis. Short-term emergency
financial assistance helps clients avoid hunger,
eviction, and utility shut off. We also have limited
funding from United Way and the Jewish Community
Foundation to help individuals and families from all
backgrounds with emergency financial assistance.
Jewish Elder Access
CHAI Circle is a support group for Jewish women who are
battling cancer or are cancer survivors. We help clients
be active and informed survivors in healing of mind, body
and spirit; and provide support, education, mentoring,
socialization, spirituality, and support in a Jewish context.
This personalized information and referral service
for people aged 60+ connects clients with Pima
County’s Jewish community, home services,
transportation, professional services and more.
The program is funded by the Jewish Federation of
Southern Arizona, with in-kind support from JFCS.
Let’s End Abusive Households
Holocaust Survivors Program
LEAH is a prevention and intervention program for Jewish
individuals and families affected by domestic abuse,
offering therapy and counseling for families who might
otherwise continue to suffer in silence. We also provide
education, information and referral, and advocacy.
This program is the focal point for Survivors
living in Southern Arizona. We provide multiple
services, social support, and financial assistance,
enabling Survivors to live independently with
comfort and dignity. Supporters include The
Conference on Jewish Material Claims against
Germany, the Jewish Community Foundation of
Southern Arizona, and the Jewish Federation of
Southern Arizona.
Select Care Managers
Expert care managers provide compassionate and
professional guidance to clients and families who come
to us after, for example, acute medical experiences, when
a family member is suddenly overwhelmed with tasks of
daily living, when a move to a new housing situation is
imminent, and when family members can’t agree on what
is best for a loved one. We can help you prioritize needs,
develop care plans, set up needed services and referrals,
manage multiple providers, and ensure that your plan
works for you. Select is a fee-for-service program.
Our team is
and accessible.
OneStop Affordable Home Medical Equipment
Reconditioned and sanitized home medical
equipment is offered at considerable savings
through JFCS’s OneStop resale shop. On-site
repair is available. Inventory is donated and can
be dropped off or picked up.
JFCS therapist Rick Leopold, LAC
Jewish Family & Children’s Services of Southern Arizona
Annual Report 2011, 2012
2011 Financials
2012 Financials
Government Contracts
Program Service Fees
JFSA Annual Campaign
Medical Equipment Sales & Other
In-Kind Donations
Investment Net Income
Government Contracts
Grants, Including JFSA
Program Service Fees
JFSA Annual Campaign
Medical Equipment Sales & Other
In-Kind Donations
Investment Net Income
All Programs
Management & General
All Programs
Management & General
The complete, audited 2011 and 2012 financial statements are available.
Please call Carolyn Carson at (520) 795-0300 x2237 if you would like to receive a copy.
Jewish Family & Children’s Services of Southern Arizona
Annual Report 2011, 2012
We have specialized expertise in older adult services.
JFCS Vice President for Programs & Services Shoshana Elkins, LCSW,
and volunteer Peggy Ingraham
The following donors made gifts in 2011, 2012 or both fiscal years.
Harold & Anita Asquith
Sidney Barnett &
Jane Spitzer
Howard Behr &
Melissa Pearce
Nancy Alexander
Alain & Barrett Avigdor
Sharon Bart
Marlys Beider
Wes Addison &
Susan Philips
Susan Alexander
Martin & Eva Bacal
Charles Barta
Richard & Sherry Belkin
Iris Bernstein &
David Karp
Susan Bacal
Jane Barton
Jeff Bell
Joan Bernstein
Evan Jay & Renee Adelstein
Dr. Mireille Algazi
Dr. Nathaniel &
Suzanne Bloomfield
Elizabeth Alloway
Don & Dawn Baker
Sylvia Bartz
Yahudah Ben Yisra’el
Robert & Lucille Bernstein
Gerald & Rena Blum
Paul & Alice Baker
Ernest & Barbara Baume
Alex & Liliane Blumenberg
Ronald & Linda Bechky
Melinda Bieber
Ira & Dana Adler
Vicki Alpert
Dr. Hillel & Jennifer
Yitzhak & Barbara
Bruce & Donna Beyer
Dr. Dorit Adler
Joel Alpert &
Nancy Lefkowitz
Eli & Dina Benita
Sandee Binyon
Michelle Blumenberg &
Eric Penner, Ph.D.
Dr. David & Heather
Clifford Altfeld
Myles Beck & Iris Posin
Donald & Barbara Cohen
Denise Birger
Phillip & Vicki Alberts
Arthur & Susan Ammann
Dr. Helene Barab & David
Samuel & Yvette Appel
Robert & Beth Barbero
Jim & Rebecca Bednar
Paul Black
Jacklyn Armstrong
Mark & Jan Barmann
Dr. Robert &
Nanci Berens
Anonymous (6)
Jack & Jayne Alexander
Dr. Morton & Ruth Aronoff
Larry Abrams
Laura & Fabian Alexander
Vivian Ackerman
Carole Adler
Mary Alderman
Sariah Bechtel
Gabriel & Beth Beckmann
Jewish Family & Children’s Services of Southern Arizona
Louis & Tamar Bergantino
Annual Report 2011, 2012
Edward & Shelly Berger
Howard & Sandra Bernstein
Howard Bisgeier
Dr. Deborah &
Abraham Blattstein
Renee Blaustein
Selma Bornstein
Herb Boskin &
Carolyn Webb
Dennie & Judith Bowden
Dr. Michael &
Betsy Cina Boxer
Bruce & Nellie Jeanne
Alan Brass
Betsy Bolding
Philip & Daniella Bregman
Charles Bolotin
Wayne & Heidi Brent
Martha Bongarten
Jeffrey & Erin Bridge
Richard & Mitzi Bootzin
Charles & Joanna Broder
Bobi Borenstein
Richard & Susan Broder
Mel & Barbara Brodie
Arthur & Robin Cohen
Linda Bales-Deane
Charles & Andi Elkins
Michael Feltman
Mark & Nadya Garfein
Maralyn Goldstein
Leslie Bromberg
Ernest & Marsha Cohen
Shoshana Elkins
Jonathan & April Fenton
Helen Garfinkle
Rachael Goldwyn
Drs. Judith Bronstein &
Goggy Davidowitz
Frances Sosnow
Drs. John &
Leeaat Dehnert
Esther Goodman
Gerri Demsey
The Hon. Norman &
Marjorie Fenton
Daniel & Janis Wolf Gasch
Jerrold & Shauna Cohen
Mark Elson &
Debbie Swartz
Arthur & Sharon Geiger
Eric & Petra Emerson
Frank Ferrante
Donald & Joan Diamond
Hedy Feuer
Audrey Brooks &
Dick Lauwasser
Drs. Leonard Cohen &
Gail Smith
Dr. Stephen & Ruth
Randy & Bonnie SedlmayrEmerson
Dr. Edward & Deborah
Dr. Harvey & Judith
Dr. Robert & Ava Brook
Dr. Lawrence & Linda
Albert Detwiler
Dr. Morris & Beverly Fine
Barry Gerber
Randall Brookshier
Dr. Mariam Cohen &
Barry Schnur
Robert Dietz &
Dvora Tager
Dr. David & Robyn
Dr. William & Wendy
Dr. Martin & Susan Cohen
Drs. Leonard & Myra
Dr. David & Julie
Mark Brook
Dr. Howard Brown &
Lenore Ballen
Evelyn Browne
Maxim & Jonnie Cohen
Marilyn Brucks
Dr. Merlin & Janie Cohen
Harvey & Ruby Buchsbaum
Norma Cohen
Aaron & Renay Burger
Ronald Cohen
Lester & Sylvia Burgman
Sara Cohen
Michael Burns
Herbert & Susan Cohn
Monique Busby
Leonard Bush
Rabbi Samuel & Rhody
John & Mary Byrnes
Dr. Jack & Joan Cole
Jennifer Cabe
Roger & Carol Collier
Anna Cahan
Shelby & Randie Collier
Stan & Linda Leedberg
Mordecai & Carol Colodner
Joseph & Bonnie
LaVonne Douville &
Chet Hedden
Charles & Elaine Engelstein
Leatrice Ennis
Susie Ensle &
Donald Scott
Dr. Allen & Karen Erenberg
Moshe & Malcah Dror
Lillian Essex
Martin & Marsha Drozdoff
Robert & Ellen Estrin
Kenneth & Marla Drucker
Julian Ettelson
Dr. Pamela Heiman Dubin
& Matthew Dubin
Deanna Evenchik
Susan Dubow
Stephanie Evic
Ralph & Sally Duchin
Mindy Fain &
Rick Mandel
Pauline Comeau
Gerald & Maria Theresa
Erin Callaghan
Peter & Lanie Constable
Dr. Lionel & Karen
Sylvia Dunkelman
Esther Capin
Leonard & Bette Cooper
Floyd & Elsa Dunn
David & Linda Caplan
Mark & Jennifer Cassius
Steve Centuori &
Kim Paskal
Judith Coopersmith
Sylvester & Catherine
Len & Doris Coris
Bert Faulbaum &
The Hon. Margaret
David & Anne Hameroff
Ted & Rebecca Goodman
Lewis & Esther Harris
Cary & Judy Fishman
Helene Gettner
Linda Harris
Eric Flank
Rabbi Miri Fleming
Robert & Selma
Wendy Jo & Rachel
Patricia Hartmann
Corinne Forti
Marty & Robin Giles
Drs. Yetta & Kenneth
James & Eileen Foster
Charles & Harriet Gillman
Dr. Scott & Angie Goorman
Marlyne Freedman
Marilyn Gillman
Joseph & Paulette Gootter
William Freedman
Robert & Laurie Glaser
Dr. Irwin Freundlich
Scott & Irene Feldman
Lawrence Gordon & Leda
Col. Abraham Fried
Lola Grabb
Lorraine Glazar
Ronald & Margaret Gray
Ted Glenn
Bernard & Dorothy Green
Arnold & Poornima Mukerji
Gregory & Cathy Gluck
Jonathan & Rachel Green
Dr. Ira & Leslee Gluck
Arthur & Susan Friedman
Jacquelyn Gluck
Richard & Joan Auerbach
Dr. Barry & Madeline
Joan Gold
Jerry Friedland
Leonid Friedlander &
Yelena Landis
Arthur & Ann Goldberg
Eugene Dyadko
Mark & Tanya Farr
Linda Friedman
Brad & Anita Feder
Lisa Friedman
Norman & Bonnie Golden
Edward & Fern Feder
Joseph Frilot &
Joy Miller-Frilot
Dr. Robert & Lesley
Diane Cracovaner
Mike Ebner
Jerome & Elayne Feder
Albert & Linda Chatinsky
Stanford Cramer
Kenneth Eich
Daniel & Cynthia Feig
Steven Chatinsky
John & Rebecca Crow
Mickey & Ellie Eigen
Harold & Bobbie Feig
Dr. Paul & Shirley Chorney
Seymour Einstein
Carl Feldbaum
Dennis Christensen
George & Marjorie
Dr. Jay & Betty Citrin
David & Nancy Cutillo
Dr. Elka Eisen &
Leonard Rosenblum
Stephen Felder &
Wendy Wallbraunn
Doris Citron
Susan Daniels
Malvin & Anna Eisenberg
Louis & Anna Ciurca
Alan & Helen Dankwerth
Merrill Eisenberg, Ph.D.
Dr. Sheldon Clare
John Dawson
Paul & Judy Clinco
William & Carol-Lynn
Sidney & Marylin Eisenfeld
Peter Eisner &
Barbara Atwood
Richard Feldgus
Max & Sylvia Feldman
Stanley & Norma Feldman
Ronald & Jacquelyn Feller
John Felman
Jewish Family & Children’s Services of Southern Arizona
Norman & Ruth Gosman
Marvin & Jean Glassberg
Drs. Steven & Cindy
Dr. Edna Charles
Phyllis Goodman
Ellen Fallon
Dr. Susan Courtney
Athol & Miriam Cline
Mark Gerber &
Bether Rohrbacker
Jay & Elsa Goldberg
Amy Charles
Trudy Haggard
Marilyn Hall
Jules & Judith Friedman
Theodore Earle &
Gloria Alvillar
Lt. Col. Robert D. & Lalita
Marc & Jennifer Ahearn
Bruce & Minnette Friedman
Drs. Keith Dveirin &
Julie Feldman
Dr. Lawrence & Diana
Bruce & Alayne Greenberg
Dr. Jerry & Lynn Greenberg
James & Mary Hambacher
Phoebe Hart
Harriet Hason
Paula & Ray Hecker
Ronald & Maria Heckman
Hal & Charlotte Hegwer
Dr. Elliott & Sandra Heiman
Maxine Heiman
Myrna Helfenstein
Linda Hellman
Dr. Bruce & Suzanne Baron
Ralph & Maxine Henig
Leonard & Barbara
Maxine Greenberg
Michael & Margaret
Robert Greenberg
Robin Hiller
Robert & Edith Greene
Dr. William & Betty
Dr. Vicki Greiff &
Oded Ben-Mordechai
Leslee Hippert
Eric & Liz Kanter-Groskind
Ella Marie Hirsch
Dr. Tedd & Melissa
William & Dina Gross
Gloria Hirsch
Dr. Craig & Lori Gross
Dr. Robert & Harriet Hirsch
Gerald Goldman
Mark & Suzan Gross
Sidney & Marsha Hirsh
Calvin & Liz Fuller
Harold & Esther Goldman
Stephen & Susan Gross
Joyce Hoffman
Richard & Marjorie Furash
Lawrence & Linda
Jerome Holder
Emanuel Furst
Gerry Goldsholle &
Myra Levenson
Scott & Jami Gan
Antoinette Goldstein
David & Ellen Goldstein
Betty Kay Holpert
Hildreth Garb
Michael Grossman &
Ilene Slavick
Stephen Garber
Esta Goldstein
John & Nancy Grounard
Dante & Sydria Garcia
Dr. Gerald & Arleen
Annette Grubiss-Glickman
Fred Fruchthendler
Barry Fruchtman &
Deborah Sterling
Annual Report 2011, 2012
Carol Hollander
Terry Sue Holpert &
Alan Stein
Rabbi Jason & Jodi Holtz
Barbara Holtzman
Judith Kirkland
Abraham & Norma Lackow
Luise Levy, LCSW
Dr. Joyce Honorof
Robert Kafes &
Shelley Fishman
Shaun & Tara Kirkpatrick
Janice Lahr
Dr. Martin & Barbara Levy
Dr. Steven & Suenette
Marlena Hood
Dr. Richard & Sheila Kanter
Irwin & Harriet Kirschbaum
Barry & Janet Lang
Jeffrey & Linda Lewis
Edmund & Wendy Marquez
Martin & Linda Horowitz
Allan & Cynthia Kaplan
Pearl Kitay
Allen & Marianne Langer
Ken & Marcia Light
Dan Martin
Samuel Horowitz &
Lorna Michelson
Pauline Kaplan
Alvin & Janice Kivel
Gerald & Anne Lapin
Foster & Carol Kivel
Shirley Laughlin
Dr. Lawrence & Anne
Taylor Lincoln
Karen Kivel
Richard Lauwasser
Ann Lindahl
Margaret Kivel
Averill & Steffi Law
Robert Kivel
Barbara LaWall
Adam & Stacy Klein
Sandra Lawes
Dr. Frederick & Sharon
Adam & Emily Lazarus
Jonathan & Jane Klein
Dr. Robert & Janice Leff
Joan Kleinerman
Lefty & Judy Lefton
Allen Klus
Douglas & Judith Knight
Ronald Lehman &
Susan Sobel
Stewart Kobritz
Stanley Lehman
Kevin Koch
Adrienne Lehrer
Dr. Ronald & Ruth Kolker
Matthew Lehrer
Philip & Kay Korn
Seymour & Sheila Lehrer
Drs. Gary Love &
Susan Reese-Love
Robert & Susan Kovitz
Larry & Gail Leiken
Dr. Boris & Elaine
Paul & Tatiana Horwitz
Perry & Barbara Kaplan
Richard & Karyn Howard
Robert & Eileen Fagan
Reba Hughes
Susanne Kaplan
Ellen Hull &
Thomas Viceconte
Ted & Shirley Karnofsky
Barbara Hunter
Drs. John & Maureen
John & Sheri Karobonik
Leonard & Cheryl Karp
Ronald & Norma Karp
Harold & Simone Hyams
Stanley & Sandra
David & Lori Iaconis
Carrie Kart
Steven & Patricia Inouye
John & Doralee Katonah
Madeleine Irell
Vladimir & Marta Kats
Andrew & Nina Isaac
Anita Katz
Dr. Rick Isenberg
Charles Katz
Dr. Ken & Mary Lou Iserson
Howard Katz
Gary & Lisa Israel
Jeffrey & Francine Katz
Gloria Jacobs
Dr. Murray & Salli Katz
Gail Martin
Gunther & Margot Marx
Rodney & Ariella Mollen
Stephen Penner
James & Karin Mather
Marilyn Montagne
Sydney Lipman &
Randall Mandigo
Brandon & Teresa Matheson
Michael & Lori Morgan
Terry & Martha Loveman
Deborah Mathieu
Sidney & Beverly Morgen
Daniel Persky
Dr. Shelley Ann & Maury
Gabriella Maurer
Dr. Harvey & Hadassah
Filler Morris
Daniel Peterson
Joan Morris
Frank & Carol Pilmar
Daniel Morrison
Dr. Jacob Pinnas
Hans & Donna Moser
Donald & Susan Pitt
Minna Moskowitz
Marvin & Louise Podkin
Larry & Susan Moss
David & Terri Polan
Norbert & Edith Muhlrad
Jane Poliakoff
Stuart & Nancy Mellan
Deanna Myerson
Jeffrey & Aimee Poll
David & Janice Andrea
Dr. George & Essie Nadler
Doris Nelson
Robert & Mary Elizabeth
David & Anne Lowe
Tatyana Nemenman
Lillian Lee Port
Darryl & Michelle Leiman
Aubrey & Deanna
William & Leah Lowenstein
Jordan & Jean Nerenberg
Richard & Gwen Powell
Harold Leinwand
Evan Mendelson
Alice Lubkin
Dr. Jerry & Terry Neuman
Jennifer Power Vasquez
Stanley & Nancy Lesnick
Janis Lundwall
Andrew & Claudine
Andrew & Ann Lettes
Dr. Thomas & Caren
Dr. Andrea & Norman
Matthew Meyer
Jay & Ester Leutenberg
Robert & Gloria
Michael & Jeannie Nguyen
Ari & Robin Pozez
Warren & Denise Michaels
Dr. Alan Levenson
James & Elysa Mackie
Son & Lesley Lurie Nguyen
Ruthann Pozez
Alan & Annette Miklofsky
Marvin Levey
Gerald & Susan Maggiora
Morton & Helga Milberg
Robert Nichol &
Robert Polinsky
Shelley Ann Pozez &
Bill Holmes
Carole Levi
Daniel & Barbara Mandell
Arthur & Mildred Miller
Lori Niederhehner
Dr. Stephen Pozez
Bernard & Ronnie Levin
Jeanne Mandell
Cynthia Miller
Vincent Nitido
James Pray
Joel & Linda Levine
Thomas & Lynne Mangold
Craig Nochumson
Michael Levine &
Nancy Petras
Lois Manowitz &
Dr. Terence Alston
Kenneth & Ronnie Berger
Allyn Nock, RN, BSN
Bobby Present &
Deborah Oseran
Laura Miller
Dr. Murray & Annette
Nicole Norris
David & Jill Putt
Robert & Ina Rae Levine
Naomi Miller
Joel & Jeane Novak
Thomas & Karen Quigley
Nathan & Rhoda Miller
Arthur & Betejoy Oleisky
Dr. Richard & Alla Quint
Samuel & Irene Miller
Bernie & Betty Orman
Ahmad & Sharyn Rafieyan
Sidney & Doris Millman
Denice Osbourne
Arlene Rampell
Joseph & Michelle
Howard & Denise Osharow
Lawrence Reba
William & Joy Page
Samuel & Ruth Reiter
Anne Parker
Louis & Helen Rib
Dr. Robert & Shira Ledman
Borah & Judith Jacobskind
Ruth Katz
Shaun Kozolchyk &
David Plotkin
Dr. Michael & Wendy
Shirley Katz
Allen Krauss
Hershall & Louise Kaufman
Leon & Sally Kreida
Dr. Michael & Shoshana
Dr. Michael & Sennuy
Dr. Kevin & Tsipi Goeta
Dr. David & Tracy Jeck
Ralph Kaufman
Jack & Wendy Kriendler
Dr. Donald & Eleanor Jeck
Bonnie Kay
David & Lyubov Krimberg
Christopher & Roberta
Dr. Laurence & Laurie Kaye
Tamar Kugler, Ph.D.
Michael & Sonia Kaye
Edward & Mary Kunkel
Maxwell & Elizabeth Keith
Andrew & Linda Kunsberg
Dean Kelly
Stewart & Mindi Kuper
Morris & Janet Kenigsberg
Louis & Ann Kuperberg
Drs. Steven & Marta
Stan & Marcia Pozez Kurtz
Donna Levy &
Larry Cast Levy
Gail Kushner
Gregory & Kathy King
Douglas & Nanci Levy
Brenna Lacey &
Stephen Rodgveller
Helaine Levy &
Steve Alley
Jerry & Margit Johnson
Hillel & Tamar Levy
Marty & Sarah Johnston
Bruce & Marjorie
Jorden, Jr.
Dr. Steven & Corey Hansen
Howard & Liz Kinslinger
Daniel Jurkowitz
Gary & Tandy Kippur
Dr. Keith & Debora Kaback
Jeanne Kirchner
Gary & Lori Pearlmutter
Patty Peck
Robert & Claire Katz
Richard Johnson
Dr. Frederick & Helene
Alan Pearlman &
Ann Abramson
Dr. Raymond Moldow &
Winona Mullinax
Dr. Myron & Randee Jacobs
Dr. Leonard & Marcelle
Elisa & Edith Mitchell
Marvin Levison
Alfred & Joan Lipsey
James & Shirley Lipsey
Irene Lloyd
Marilyn Lobell
Robert & Meryl Loeb
Dr. Edward & Mary Ellen
Robert & Charlotte Londer
Dr. Frank & Janet Marcus
Peter & Cyd Marcus
Glenn Marks &
Tamara Novak
Selma Paul Marks
Cary & Fern Marmis
Jack & Shirley Levy
Jewish Family & Children’s Services of Southern Arizona
Annual Report 2011, 2012
Lee Max & Diane Seder
John & Nan McCabe
Helen McDonald
Sherry McKean
Michael McKendrick
Dr. Harvey & Loretta
Steve Miner
Michael & Helene Miron
Tony & Linda Penn
Margaret Peterson
James & Jillene Rich
Brad Richards
Dr. David & Carol Rubin
Dr. Robert & Donna
Mark Rubin &
Jane Wilson
Michael & Arlene Rieber
Dr. Norman & Kathryn
McGuire Rubin
Lori Riegel
Bill Risner &
Susan Adler
Neil & Maria Russakoff
Dr. Jennifer & Burton
Creston & Elise Collins
Joseph & Amy Slutzky
Gary & Marsha Tankenoff
Thomas Warne
Alan & Sylvia Winner
The Hon. Paul Smelkinson
Irene Watkins
Ron Schneider &
Julie Tronson
Richard Shoemaker
John & Mary Reding Smith
Chris Tanz, Ph.D. &
Jean-Paul Bierny
Nancy Wauters
Lawrence & Edith
Leonard & Lynn Snyder
Doris Tanz
Mel & Rebecca Weinberg
Dr. Mary & Robert Wolk
Barbara Solin
James Taub
Arthur Weinenger
Winton & Barbara Woods
Laurie Soloff
Alexander & Rand Tavel
Elizabeth Weiner
Sheila Sontag
Joseph Taylor
Tamir Weiner
William & Katharine
Robert & Pamela Sorock
Anita Tendick
Joan Weinman
Bradley & Loretta Sowers
Judith Thomas
Neil & Carol Weinstein
Alan & Marilyn Speert
Tonya Thompson
Claude & Joyce Spingarn
Steven & Sallie Tofel
Dr. Elizabeth & Paul
Tom & Jill Jorden Spitz
Dr. Noah & Abigail Tolby
Leonard & Jane Spitzer
Ann Tolman
Gerald & Deborah
Stuart Spivack
Rebecca Tolman
Ronald & Diane Weintraub
Mikhail & Irina Yamnitskiy
Sara Tomchin
Steven & Leslie Weintraub
Victor Yarne
Irving Silverman
Richard & Kathleen
Pat Treeful
Marice Weis
Arthur Yavelberg
Milton Silverman
Cindy Sproule
Steven Weisman
Irina Yevzerova
Dr. Jay & Lindley Silverman
Aaron & Caryl Starobin
Sheldon Trubatch &
Katharina Phillips
Barry Weiss
Lillian Young
Shelby & Linda Silverman
Ronald Staub
Barry & Patricia Tucker
Dr. Richard & Nancy Weiss
George & Lisa Youngerman
Theodore & Irene
Ann Stein
Gerald & Linda Tumarkin
Elliot & Wendy Weiss
Joslyn Yozwiak
Myron Stein
Fred & Marie Turim
Dr. Ronald Weissman
Joshua & Amy Yulish
Ralph & Rosalyn Stein
Philip & Elaine Tygiel
Eileen Weizenbaum
Sandra & Sandra Stein
Alice Udall
Joan Werner
Ruth Zales &
Kenneth Greenfield
Dr. Howard & Alla
Melissa Petro
Marisa Werner
Stuart & Susan Ulanoff
Joel Steinberg
Lisa Ungar
Josh Wertlieb &
Rebecca Light
Jack & Irene Steindler
David & Kathryn Unger
Kelly Stephenson
Ruth Ungar
Adolph Stern
Corina Valencia
Alvin & Carol Stern
Sherry Van Camp
Rita Stolzenberg
Robert & Evelyn Varady
Martha Vazquez
Daniel & Joan Marks
Jerry Short
Paul Schofield
Robert & Susan Shrager
David & Deborah Siegel
James Robbins
Adam Ryan &
Tobey Erin Stein
Nancy Roberts
Dr. Karl Sachs
Derek Schop &
Lisa Winton
John & Nancy Robertson
Carol Sack
Seymour & Eleanor Schorr
Elissa Robins
Morton & Belia Sadowsky
Elizabeth Weiner-Schulman
Harry & Maxine Robinson
Jonathan Saffer
Alan & Harriet Schultz
Barton & Shirley Rochman
Rabbi Richard & Lois Safran
Michael Rockfeld
Dr. Paul & Laura Sagerman
Dr. Leonard & Sarah
Dr. Edward & Lynda Rogoff
Tracy Salkowitz &
Rick Edwards
Larry & Melanie Rogovein
Dr. Howard Shore &
Virginia Yrun
Vicki Schwager
Robert Schweizer
Jordan Siegerman
Evelyn Sigafus
Philip Silensky
Edlynne Sillman
Dr. Arthur Silver
Cynthia Silverberg
Harriet Silverman
Norman & Phyllis Salmon
Stanley & Betty Scott
Dr. Arthur Sanders &
Debra Huffman
Marcia & Tom Scupin
Fay Roos
Robert & Dr. Irene Kitzman
Jacques & Renee Sebag
Alan Rosen
Jon Sandler
Rhonda & Joseph
Andrew & Pam Seleznov
Carolyn & Carolyn Sanger
Dr. Stephen & Janet Seltzer
Gerald & Sonya Sapin
Jeffrey Silvyn &
Keri Lazarus Silvyn
Jill Sena
Betty Anne Sarver
James Sim
Shirley Trepel Senofsky
Irene Sarver
Francine Shacter
Steven Sim &
Marilyn Einstein
Dr. Eyal & Hava Shahar
Carmen Simbari
Sharla Shane &
Greg Thornton
Frances Simmons
Al Schechter
Esther Scher
Edward Shapiro
Michel Rogulski
Michael Rohrbach
Dr. Arnold & Doris Roland
Irving & Debbie Rosenberg
Myron & Joan Rosenbluth
Norman & Judith Rosenfeld
Dr. Herschel & Jill
Marlene Crocker Rosin
Carol Rosner
Arthur & Gloria Ross
Edwin & Joan Roth
Martha Rothman &
Francis Rothman Stoler
Matthew Rothman &
Dr. Ilona Wolfman
Lowell & Anne Rothschild
Dr. Barnett & Helene
Allan E. & Eileen Rotman
Seymour Rotter & Laurence
de Bure
Gary & Debbie Saunders
Dorothy Sayre
Roslyn Schiffman
Harold & Jeannette Segel
Evelyn Shapiro
Mike Simmons
Sarah Simmons
Troy Simmons &
Christina Patriarca
Ronald Schifman &
Sheila Stolov
Isidore & Goldie Shapiro
Norman & Louise Shapiro
Marc & Debra Simon
Peter & Patti Strauss
Howard & Debra
Stanley & Arlene Shapiro
Paul & Elaine Simon
Richard Struber
Andy & Beth Viner
Stuart & Andy Shatken
Janie Singer
Edina Strum
William & Brenda Viner
Mindy Sheahan
William & Mary Singer
James & Joyce Stuehringer
Dr. Bella Vivante
Steve & Suzanne Shear
Ronald & Marian Sivitz
Craig & Lori Sumberg
Patricia Volkerts
Igor Shegolev
Dr. Richard & Judith Skrill
Charles & Carol Sumner
Daniel & Marissa Wald
Diana Sheldon
Steven Slaff
Dr. Earl & Emily Surwit
Martin Waldbaum
Steve & Holly Shenitzer
Franklin & Celia Slatzer
Barbara Sussman
Christina Wallace
Esther Sherberg
Jerel & Nicole Slaughter
Lloyd Sydney
Les & Susan Wallach
Melvin Sherman
Donald Sloane
Stanley Tager
Joan Wallick
Robert & Marsha Schlanger
Rae Schlesinger
Harry Schloff
Paul & Laura Schloss
Dr. Harry & Patricia
Arthur & Jackie Schneider
Howard Schneider
Alexander & Carol Sears
Jewish Family & Children’s Services of Southern Arizona
Annual Report 2011, 2012
Frank & Jana JoffeWesterbeke
Jeff & Cheryl Wortzel
Dr. Kenneth & Sandra
Kitty Wu
Mary Yaconiello
Barbara Yamada
Itzak Zamir &
Raquel Gibly
Dr. Alan & Becky Zehngut
Werner Zimmt
Dr. Michael & Allison
Of Blessed Memory
James Wezelman
Muriel Katz
Jayne Wezelman
Lura Lovell
Mary Wezelman
Moses Max
Bert Whitehead
Gail Mordka
James Whitehill &
Jane Rodda
Selma Neuhauser
Harry & Audrie
Yolanda Shoemaker
Chris Wilke &
Helen Konecky
Rabbi Joseph Weizenbaum
Kurt Dattner
Steve Schulman
Dr. Klara Swimmer
Alex & Kathy Wilson
Gary & Hyla Windham
Foundations & Funds
Prudential Foundation
Matching Gifts
1st Rate 2nd Hand Thrift
Raytheon Charitable Giving
Forum at Tucson
Allstate Foundation
Schwab Charitable Fund
Indian Ink Leasing, Inc.
Bank of America Charitable
Steven Ohren Foundation
Intellitech Communications
Group, LLC
A Foundation of
Philanthropic Funds
Bank of America Charitable
Gift Funds
The Isaac & Leah M. Potts
Foundation, Inc.
Jim Click Automotive Team
TMC Foundation
Jobs Mechanical
Carefree Foundation
Lovitt & Touche
Columbus Foundation
William & Doris Rubin
Endowment Fund
Mesch, Clark & Rothschild,
P.C. Attorneys
Wings Like Eagles
Miller Curio Co.
Zuckerman Community
Outreach Foundation
Roll Giving & Paramount
Community Giving
Zuckerman Family
Sheftel & Associate
Dermatology, LLP
Community Foundation for
Southern Arizona
Community Partnership of
Southern Arizona
Donald Pitt Family
Feinstein Foundation
Fidelity Charitable Gift
Foundation for Jewish
Alliance Bank of America
AMCEP Metals
JDD Holdings, LLC
Arizona Builders’ Alliance
Jewish Community
Foundation of Southern
Bank of America
JP Morgan Charitable
Giving Fund
Margolis Foundation
Morris A. Hazan Family
National Philanthropic
Trust - JPMorgan
Son & Lesley Nguyen Fund
Nicholas W. Genematas, II,
Barnett Building &
Development Corporation
BAYADA Home Health
Skyline Gallery
Snell & Wilmer, LLP
Tucson Electric Power
Tucson Hebrew Academy
Student Government
Tuller Trophy & Awards
United Way of Tucson and
Southern Arizona
Board of Directors
Rabbi Shafir Lobb
Bill Addison
Harold Bongarten*
Sara Cohen
Bert Falbaum
Soozie Hazan
David Lippman
Edmund Marquez
Nancy Robertson
Henry Ruth*
Gerry Sapin
Holly Shenitzer
Stuart A. Ulanoff
Wendy Weiss
Jill Rosenzweig
Broadway Proper
Catalina In-Home Services
Verizon Wireless
Liz Weiner-Schulman
Cox Communications
Jewish Organizations
Chair Elect
Jill Rosenzweig
Emergency Medicine
Congregation Anshei Israel
Charitable Auto Resources
Evergreen Mortuary,
Cemetery & Crematory
Congregation Chofetz
Congregation M’Kor Hayim
Lehigh Valley Jewish
Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of this donor list, which includes names of donors who contributed between
October 2010 and September 2012. If we inadvertantly ommitted or misspelled your name, please let us know by
calling Michael Blimes at (520) 795-0300 x2263.
Jewish Family & Children’s Services of Southern Arizona
Valley of the Sun United
Congregation Or Chadash
Marriage and family therapist Jill Sena, MA, BHT,
with volunteers Kristopher Muñoz and Faviola Augustin
We specialize in
marriage & family therapy.
Simply Bits, LLC
Businesses & Other
Gordon Foundation
Larie Family Charity Fund
Rainbow Jewelers
Vice Chair
Larry Leiken
Bob Kivel
Gloria Alvillar
Immediate Past Chair
Bruce Beyer
* of blessed memory
Bill Addison
Bruce Beyer
Sara Cohen
Edmund Marquez
Gloria Alvillar
Nancy Robertson
Gerry Sapin
Sharla Shane
Rabbi Shafir Lobb
Immediate Past Chair Holly Shenitzer
Liz Weiner-Schulman Sheldon Trubach
Jake Wycoff
Life Member
Irene Sarver
Honorary Members
Marsha Cohen
Jeffrey Katz
Ruth Kolker
Fern Marmis
(520) 795-0300
(520) 795-8206
4301 E. Fifth Street, Tucson, AZ 85711
Our expertise includes care for
children, teens & families.
JFCS Director of Child & Adolescent Services
Rebecca Tolman, LCSW, PRT-S, with volunteer Elara Elkins

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