Potomac Current - Potomac Station


Potomac Current - Potomac Station
Volume 13, Issue 9
September 2013
Potomac Station
Potomac Current
Inside this issue:
Manager’s Desk
Fall Inspections
End of Pool Season
Doggie Swim
Sailfish Season
Neighborhood Watch
Yard Waste Collection
Recycling Rally
Snow Plow Maps
, 7:0
, 4:3
From the Manager’s Desk
Hello Potomac Station Family and Friends!
By the time you receive the next edition of the Current, we may all be wearing
our winter jackets! The Almanac says we are due for a very cold winter so prepare your selves!
At this time, not much of the snow clearing information has changed since last
year, so below please find the information for who to contact for snow clearing
related information. If this is your first winter here, you will want to keep this
information handy once the snow season sets in.
Those of you who have lived here a few years know Potomac Station has a diversified number of entities responsible for clearing snow from drive lanes and
it can be quite challenging to understand who you would call in the event of a
snow system.
Let’s start with the easy sections:
All townhome sections are plowed by an Association-contracted snow
plowing company.
All single family homes on the TOWN SIDE of Potomac Station (west of
Rivercreek) are plowed by the Town of Leesburg.
Now for the diversified areas - - the single family homes/streets on the
COUNTY SIDE of Potomac Station (east of Rivercreek) have services provided
for by the following entities:
Potomac Station Community Association
102 Valemount Terrace | Leesburg, VA
twitter @#PotomacStaCom
Events Calendar:
Located on the website under the Activities Menu
Internal Contact Information (Management, Board, and Committee Chairs): Located on the website under the Home Menu
Additional announcements will be posted on the website and
emailed to residents as they become available
Volume 13, Issue 9
Manager’s Desk, cont’d
for Plowing
MI Homes
Van Metre Homes
Loudoun County
The Association has no “say” and has no authority or
leverage over the entities named above who hire contractors, nor does the Association have authority or
leverage over the contractors themselves. Therefore,
if you have a question or problem with snow clearing,
you will need to contact the parties noted above.
Please see the maps provided in this newsletter regarding snow clearing. They delineate which party is
responsible for which section starting with the northernmost area of Section 1A (Parkers Ridge) and work
to the southern-most areas of Section 6. Notice also
there are some streets which are divided such that
more than one entity is responsible.
As the remaining bonds get released and streets in
that particular section are accepted into Virginia’s
roadway system they will forevermore maintained by
the municipality. Please also follow us on facebook
and twitter for any snow related emergencies.
Liz – General Manager
Potomac Station
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Notice Potomac Station Community Association is not listed as a snow clearing provider
for any single family street/section. That is
because the Association does not have ownership or jurisdiction or authority to clear any
single family street.
Volume 13, Issue 9
Fall Inspections
Fall is upon us and here in Potomac Station that means that along with leafraking and pumpkin-carving the management office will be conducting the
Annual Fall Inspections of all 1401 homes in the community. These inspections are intended to provide friendly reminders of some of the property upkeep that needs to be completed on homes in order to provide us all with a
beautiful community.
The main reason we conduct an inspection in the fall is to give residents the
opportunity to complete any needed work before the cold days of winter set
in. Who wants to do yard work in the cold?! Take a look at the outside of
your home and see if there are any features that need fixing/updating. If you see something, give our office
a call and let us know you are planning to get the work done. Knowing ahead of time you are going to fix
your property maintenance issues will prevent us from needing to send you a letter about them!
Some of the most common issues are:
Grass that needs to be mowed
Trash cans in public view on non-trash days (and not
at the side of the house! Those are still in public
Wood trim that is either rotting or needs to be
On townhomes, box bay wood that is rotting or
needs to be painted
Coach lights that are either broken or need to be
Here is an example of a two different storage doors
which would be cited
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Here is an example of
a mailbox and post
which would be cited
Here is an example of a
beautifully maintained
storage door.
Here is an example
of a mailbox which is
being maintained
Volume 13, Issue 9
Fall Inspections, cont’d
Another common maintenance
notation is concrete stairs
which are in need of cleaning.
Here is a picture of concrete
stairs which would be cited for
needing to be cleaned
On the other hand,
above is a concrete
staircase which is
being maintained
Concrete that is spalling and needs to be
End of Pool Season
Once again our community was able to enjoy a terrific
pool season. So much of that is because you, our residents, are mindful and respectful of the facility and the
pool rules set up to make sure everyone is safe while
having fun splashing in the water. We are lucky as a
community to continually have amazing pool management through Continental Pools. Some of you probably
got to know our managers this year, Elena and Hristina.
And did you recognize our manager from last year, Zak?
Although he was promoted to district manager, he
spent extra time at Potomac Station to make sure we
had a clean, well-operated pool for the season. We are
so grateful to them for all of their hard work, and all of
the hard work from all of the guards! We had a great
bunch this year.
Alyse with Elena and
Zak who stopped by to say
goodbye before leaving for New York
Zak and Elena are headed to New
York City for a week before returning home to their families in Bulgaria. They are both accomplished hip-hop and break-dancing dancers
and are excited to get back into competitions. You should see the videos they showed us—wow are they talented! Zak and Elena may return next year, fingers crossed!
Hristina is off to Chicago for two weeks and then Miami to visit friends
before also heading home to Bulgaria. She was such a delight to work
with as a manager with her sunny disposition!
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Volume 13, Issue 9
Doggie Swim
This year’s Labor Day party at the community pool followed by the Doggie
Swim was once again a success! Many
of you stopped by to soak up the last
day of the pool with ice cream, swimming, and the cool sounds of the DJ
blasting music. At the end of the night it
was time for the dogs to have some fun
as they enjoyed free range of the pool
for all of the swimming and ballretrieving they could ask for! Some pups
were more hesitant than others, but
most dove right in and relished the opportunity to go for a little swim. Dog
owners and non-dog owners alike stuck
around to see the friendly pups enjoy
some play time. I know my dog (Alyse’s
dog Lincoln) took some coaxing, but by
the end of the evening he was swimming
like a champ! You’d think being part lab
he wouldn’t have been hesitant to enjoy
the water! What a great way to include
our pets in the community fun. Do you
have ideas on other events our community could hold that include our pets?
Let us know! Email Alyse at
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Volume 13, Issue 9
Sailfish Season 2013
It was another fantastic season for the Potomac Station Sailfish! With over 200 swimmers, the Sailfish swimmers broke league
records, obtained personal best times and
won several meets! Our team welcomed
new Head Coach Alla and new Junior Coach
Brennan and Dante. We welcomed back Assistant Coach Christina and Jack. This was a
very spirited season as we held our first pep
rally, hosted several “grill nights”, dressed
up for our competition and learned some
new cheers! All of our swimmers gave their
very best efforts including many of our senior swimmers who graciously volunteered
the time to “mentor” our younger swimmers. The “Little Sailfish” did an awesome
job perfecting their swimming skills and
many participated in the regular meets by
the end of the season! The sailfish hosted
the Divisionals Swim Meet and sent over 20
swimmers to the All-Star meet at Belmont
Country Club.
The Sailfish Board would like to thank the
community and its local sponsors for an
amazing swim season! See you next summer!!
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Neighborhood Watch
Once again, the Neighborhood Watch Committee is very
delighted to welcome its newest volunteer, Mr. Joe
Joe and his wife Dawn and daughter, Madison has resided
in Potomac Station for 9 years. They also have a Boston
Terrier named Jax. One of their passions is that they have
restored an old Mustang and enjoy displaying it at car
shows. Joe also enjoys hunting and fishing.
The Neighborhood Watch Committee is growing and we are
so grateful to all volunteers. Our upcoming meeting will be
held on September 21, 2013 at 11am to 1pm in the Clubhouse.
If you are interested in starting a walking group and would
like to join the Neighborhood Watch Committee or if you
may have any suggestions, please email to: potomacsta-
Volume 13, Issue 9
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Volume 13, Issue 9
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Volume 13, Issue 9
Recycling vs Trash Bins
Con-Serv Industries (CSI) provides single-stream recycling. Single-stream recycling is the mixing of all recyclable materials into a single container for collection and processing.
Paper and Cardboard Boxes
Paper: office paper, magazines, phone books,
newspapers, various colored papers, packing paper, folders without binding, and other mixed
papers Boxes do not have to be broken down,
but they must be free of trash.
Cans, Bottles, and Plastic Containers
Cans: aluminum and bi-metal (tin) Bottles: clear,
brown, and green food and beverage containers
Please be sure you are putting your
recyclables and trash items in the
properly marked containers. The
trash haulers will not spend time trying to figure out if something is trash
or recyclables, so make sure the
Recyclable Plastics
 PET: Plastic bottles for soft drinks, water, juice,
mouthwash, salad dressing. Food jars. and microwaveable food containers.
HDPE: Bottles for milk, water, juice, cosmetics,
shampoo, household cleaners.
PVC: Rigid packaging including blister packs and
clamshells. Flexible packaging includes bags for
bedding, shrink wrap
LDPE: Bags for dry cleaning, newspapers, bread,
fresh produce. Shrink wrap and squeezable bottles.
PP: Containers for yogurt, margarine, and takeout meals. Medicine bottles.
PS: Plastic food service items such as plates,
cups, cutlery, meat and poultry trays. Protective
foam packaging for furniture and electronics.
Packaging peanuts.
Other: Three- and five-gallon reusable water bottles, some citrus juice containers and catsup bottles.
 Paper towels, napkins, tissues
 Bound books or reports
 Beverage glasses or tempered glass (i.e. window
 Cellophane, shrik wrap, or packing materials (i.e.
styrofoam, peanuts,and bubble wrap)
 Any containers that held hazardous materials
(i.e. motor oil, paints, thinners, or household
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Volume 13, Issue 9
Yard Waste Collection—Town of Leesburg
The additional yard waste collection day on your trash days have begun.
Residents in the SE/SW will have an additional yard waste pickup day on
their regular trash day (Monday). Residents in the NE/NW will have an
additional pickup on their regular trash day (Tuesday). Please note that all
normal yard waste requirements will apply (paper bags or cans only - no
plastic bags, no dirt, sod, rock, etc.) and must be at the curb by 6AM the
day of collection.
Please utilize the yard waste collection service for smaller amounts of
tree limbs and branches. Bagged tree limbs, branches and other yard
waste are collected on your trash and recycling days. The brush collection
is intended for larger amounts and sizes of brush that require use of the
chipper truck. During times of heavier than normal volume, brush collection crews may take longer to reach areas than usual, but continue to circulate through the Town on a weekly basis. Please note - brush pickup
does not collect tree limbs and branches generated by work performed
by contractors.
There is no need to call for pickups.
Place at curb for pickup on recycling
days. (may also be placed for collection on trash days from May through September only). Yard waste may
be put out after 4PM the day before collection, but must be at the curb
by 6AM the day of collection. Yard waste set out late will be picked up
on the following regularly scheduled pickup day - crews cannot return
to pick up yard waste that was set out late.
Also, please note that CSI uses different trucks for different materials on collection days - yard waste is taken to a
compost facility for recycling, trash is taken to the landfill
and recycling is taken to a sorting facility in Sterling. Materials may be collected at different times during the day
(i.e., yard waste early AM, recycling late AM or early PM,
etc.) - schedules may also vary from week to week depending on crews, truck availability, weather and other
factors. To ensure your material is collected, please be
sure it is at the curb prior to 6AM on the collection day.
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Schedule for Yard Waste:
From May through the end of September, residents
receive collection of yard waste on the following
 Residents in the SE/SW quadrants have yard
waste picked up on Monday & Thursday
 Residents in the NE/NW quadrants have yard
waste picked up on Tuesday & Friday
Volume 13, Issue 9
Yard Waste Collection, cont’d
Include grass clippings
No sod or weeds with large amounts of dirt will be collected! Grass
containing large amounts of dirt must be taken to the landfill; fees
may apply. Please visit the Loudoun County Office of Solid Waste
Management’s Website for more information and fees.
Include weeds and leaves*
No dirt or rocks or other hardscape materials.
Include small branches, tree limbs, twigs and
shrub clippings - bundle items together in
stacks less than 3' with twine and these may
be collected by CSI on your yard waste
pickup day
No tree prunings or branches taller than the yard waste bag or can** in order to be collected by CSI branches/tree limbs MUST be tied or
bundled so they can be picked up by crews. Do not include mulch with
yard waste - most mulch is chemically treated and cannot be collected
with yard waste.
Place in biodegradable “Kraft” brown paper
yard bags (available at some grocery and
home improvement stores)
You may also use other biodegradable/
compostable bags - they must state they are
biodegradable or compostable on the packaging.
No yard waste can be collected in plastic yard/contractor trash bags or
in used mulch or soil bags, and clear bags are not necessarily biodegradable or compostable!
Be sure to check to verify that bags are biodegradable or compostable
before purchasing.
Use trash cans with “Yard Waste” Sticker. To
request a sticker, please e-mail
trash@leesburgva.gov or phone 703-7712790
Do not place in cans without a “Yard Waste” sticker. If the crews do
not see the sticker on a can, they may pass by it during collection.
Crews cannot return to pick up yard waste in un-marked cans!
Small tree prunings or branches** - for collection on recycling day, these must be
bagged in brown paper bags or securely bundled. Loose tree limbs and branches are only
collected by the Street Division.
No root balls from trees or shrubs, logs or firewood; in addition, these
cannot be collected as brush, yard waste or bulk pickups. They must
be taken to the landfill or arrange for private disposal!
* For seasonal bulk leaf collection information please view the Fall Leaf Collection
Schedule under the Street Maintenance Division page.
** Branches and tree limbs larger than a trash can but smaller than 8’ in length and 6”
in diameter may be collected weekly on Tuesdays or Wednesdays by the Street Maintenance Division. No call is required. Place branches by curb Monday night for pickup. Do
not tie or bind brush or tree limbs for Street Division brush collection; stack loose at
curb. No contractor landscape trimmings will be collected. See “Brush Collection” for
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Volume 13, Issue 9
Recycling Rally
Verizon to Hold Fourth Annual Recycling Rally Sept. 26 in Ashburn, Va.;
Urges Area Residents, Businesses to Go Green
All Are Welcome to Drop Off Unwanted Electronics, Other Materials – Including TVs,
Computer Terminals – at Verizon’s Ashburn Campus From 7:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.
ASHBURN, Va. – Verizon employees will gather in the parking lot of the company’s Ashburn campus on
Sept. 26 to collect unwanted electronics and other material for recycling. This fourth annual Recycling
Rally, which is free and open to the public, is part of Verizon’s commitment to protect and preserve the environment by enabling the public to be green at work and at home. The supplier disposing of the discarded
items will adhere to Verizon’s zero-landfill objective, meaning the materials will be reused or recycled so
that they do not end up in a landfill. Over the past three years, Verizon employees and the public have
turned in nearly 80,000 pounds of waste.
Recycled items can include glass, plastics and aluminum cans; laptop and desktop computers; CRT (cathode
ray tube) and LCD (liquid crystal display) monitors and televisions; computer cables, mice and keyboards;
gaming consoles; telephones and answering machines; stereo and audio equipment; paper shredders;
alarm clocks; printers; cameras; conferencing equipment; remote controls; earphones; small electronic appliances (such as coffee makers, toasters, toaster ovens and can openers); microwave ovens; vacuum cleaners; and electronic toys without batteries. Hard drives will not be wiped, and all batteries should be removed prior to turning in any items.
Items that will not be accepted include hazardous waste (such as batteries, inks/toners, mercury bulbs);
units containing fluid (such as motors and pumps containing fluid); refrigerators and freezers; medical
waste, and radioactive material such as X-ray equipment.
Participants will be randomly selected to receive giveaways, including water bottles and tote bags.
Thursday, Sept. 26, 7:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Verizon’s Ashburn Campus, 22001 Loudoun County Pkwy.
(Visitor parking lot on right at Loudoun County Parkway entrance)
Volume 13, Issue 9
Events Committee Update
Laura Wright Events Committee Chair
The Events Committee has some exciting events coming up and we hope you will join the fun!
As I write this, we have just made the final plans for the annual Labor Day Pool Party/Doggie Swim. We
are hoping for great weather to say goodbye to summer and send our wonderful neighborhood children
back to school. Also, we are thrilled to welcome Cheryl Thai to the Events Committee. Thank you,
Cheryl, for volunteering your time to the Potomac Station Community!
IT'S TIME TO CLEAN OUT unwanted items from your house....Our Fall Community Yard Sale will be held on Saturday, September 28th, from 7:0011:00am and will be advertised in the local paper. Remember, one person's
trash could very well be another person's treasure!
Our next big event will be the 3rd Annual Fall Festival on Friday, October 4th
from 4:30-7:00pm at the Potomac Station tennis courts and pavilion on Potomac Station Drive. This is one of our most well attended community gatherings and we certainly hope
that will be the case again this year. Please RSVP to psevents@gmail.com and let us know how many in
your family will be attending. This year we have some old favorites and a few new activities, including:
Sound Systems DJ
Face painting
Tattoos (rub on...don't worry!)
Shimmer stencils (similar to face painting, but a slightly different
Petting Zoo (5:00-6:30)
A child friendly craft sponsored by Winwood Children's Center
Various games with prizes
A balloon "artist"
Last, but not least, a cookout consisting of hamburgers, hot dogs, chips, sodas, water, and cookies.
Please remember to respond as we need to have enough food purchased in advance...thank you!!
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Volume 13, Issue 9
Events Committee Update, cont’d
Laura Wright Events Committee Chair
Mark your calendars for the FALL CLEAN - UP DAY on Saturday, October 5th from
8am-10am. Arrive at the tennis courts/pavilion on Potomac Station Drive and
enter a drawing for gift cards to Best Buy, Luv n Berry and Target! Help keep our
community beautiful and have some fun with your neighbors. It's always more
fun with a group of friends and those that need to fulfill community service hours
can request a letter to confirm participation. Please respond to psevents@gmail.com (not required, but helpful in planning). Thank you!
Lastly, the Evening with Santa will take place on December 14th from 4:006:00pm. Look in the October newsletter for more information.
Upcoming Events and Meetings Calendar
The events calendar is maintained on the
Potomac Station website under the Activities
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Volume 13, Issue 9
Snow Plow Maps
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Volume 13, Issue 9
Snow Plow Maps, cont’d
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Snow Plow Maps, cont’d
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Volume 13, Issue 9
Snow Plow Maps, cont’d
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Snow Plow Maps, cont’d
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Volume 13, Issue 9
Snow Plow Maps, cont’d
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