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MASTER VARIABLE LISTING • Demographic Data • Estimates and Projections • Business Data • Consumer Expenditure Data • Retail Potential Data • Risk Indexes (Crime and Climate) • Mosaic Segmentation • Consumer Behavior • Demographic Dimensions • Quality of Life For more information or a quotation please contact: TTG, Incorporated 209 Burlington Rd. Suite 211 Bedford, MA 01730 339-970-2002 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. 2012A 1970 Census.................................................. 3 Population .................................................... 3 Households................................................... 3 Income ......................................................... 3 1980 Census.................................................. 3 Population .................................................... 3 Households................................................... 3 Housing Tenure ............................................ 3 Income ......................................................... 3 1990 Census.................................................. 4 Population .................................................... 4 Households................................................... 9 Ownership Costs ........................................ 11 Income ....................................................... 14 Income by Age of Householder By Race ... 14 Labor Force ................................................ 18 2000 Census................................................ 19 Population .................................................. 19 Households................................................. 25 Income ....................................................... 26 Labor Force ................................................ 30 Dwellings ................................................... 33 2010 Census................................................ 36 Population .................................................. 36 Households................................................. 40 Dwellings ................................................... 41 American Community Survey 2006-2010 .. 41 Population .................................................. 41 Households................................................. 43 Labor Force ................................................ 43 Income ....................................................... 44 Dwellings ................................................... 45 2012A Estimates ......................................... 46 Dwellings ................................................... 46 Population .................................................. 46 Labor Force ................................................ 47 Households................................................. 48 Income ....................................................... 48 Household Income by Age ......................... 49 Household Assets, Debts & Net Worth...... 50 2017A Projections ...................................... 51 Dwellings ................................................... 51 Population .................................................. 51 Labor Force ................................................ 52 Household .................................................. 53 Income ....................................................... 53 Household Income by Age ......................... 54 2022A Projections ...................................... 55 Population .................................................. 55 Household .................................................. 55 2012A Housing............................................ 55 Foreclosure Data ........................................ 55 Housing Sales and Property Tax ................ 55 2012A Consumer Expenditures .................. 55 Total Expenditures ..................................... 56 Apparel....................................................... 56 Contributions ............................................. 56 Education ................................................... 56 Entertainment ............................................. 56 Food And Beverages .................................. 57 Gifts ........................................................... 58 Health Care ................................................ 58 Household Furnishings And Equipment .... 58 Master Variable List Page 1 Shelter ........................................................ 59 Household Operations ................................ 59 Miscellaneous Expenses ............................ 59 Personal Care ............................................. 59 Reading ...................................................... 59 Tobacco...................................................... 59 Transportation ............................................ 59 Utilities ...................................................... 60 2017A Consumer Expenditures .................. 60 Total Expenditures ..................................... 60 Apparel....................................................... 60 Contributions ............................................. 61 Education ................................................... 61 Entertainment ............................................. 61 Food And Beverages .................................. 61 Gifts ........................................................... 62 Health Care ................................................ 62 Household Furnishings And Equipment .... 63 Shelter ........................................................ 63 Household Operations ................................ 63 Miscellaneous Expenses ............................ 64 Personal Care ............................................. 64 Reading ...................................................... 64 Tobacco...................................................... 64 Transportation ............................................ 64 Utilities ...................................................... 64 2012A Retail Potential (Merchandise Lines)64 Average Household Potential Expenditure 64 Total Potential Expenditure ....................... 65 Consumer Expenditure (Per Hhld) ............. 65 Total Consumer Expenditure ..................... 66 Risk Indexes ............................................... 66 Hurricane ................................................... 66 Tornado ...................................................... 66 Hail ............................................................ 66 Wind .......................................................... 66 CrimeRisk.................................................... 66 Climate ........................................................ 66 Temperature ............................................... 66 Precipitation ............................................... 66 Degree Days ............................................... 66 Air Pollution .............................................. 66 Mosaic Segmentation (71 segment model)66 Household .................................................. 66 Population .................................................. 67 Adult Population (Age 18+) ....................... 68 Adult Males (Age 18+) .............................. 69 Adult Females (Age 18+)........................... 69 Consumer Behavior .................................... 70 Mediamark (MRI) Profiles......................... 70 Apparel and Accessories ............................ 70 Appliances ................................................. 72 Automotive ................................................ 72 Beverages ................................................... 74 Candy ......................................................... 74 Electronics ................................................. 75 Family Restaurants/ Steak Houses ............. 79 Fast Food Drive-In Restaurants ................. 79 Financial..................................................... 79 Health and Beauty ...................................... 81 Home.......................................................... 84 Household Products ................................... 86 Insurance .................................................... 89 Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. 2012A Leisure ....................................................... 90 Media Cable ............................................... 93 Media Internet ............................................ 94 Media Magazines ....................................... 96 Media Newspapers ..................................... 98 Media Radio ............................................... 98 Media Television ..................................... 100 Media Yellow Pages ................................ 101 Personal Care ........................................... 101 Psychographics ........................................ 101 Alternative Advertising ............................ 101 Automotive Attitudes ............................... 102 Buying Styles ........................................... 103 Categories Influentials Segments ............. 105 Cellular/Mobile Opinions ........................ 107 Consumer Confidence .............................. 108 Fashion and Style ..................................... 108 Finance ..................................................... 109 Food ......................................................... 109 General Attitudes ..................................... 110 GfK Roper Values Activities ................... 111 GfK Roper Source Questions ................... 112 Health ....................................................... 113 Interest in Advertising.............................. 113 Interest in Sports ...................................... 115 Media Attitudes ........................................ 116 Political Outlook ...................................... 116 Public Activities ....................................... 116 Technology Attitudes ............................... 117 Vacation Travel ........................................ 117 Intentions Next Year ................................ 118 Shopping .................................................. 119 Travel ....................................................... 122 Simmons Profiles ..................................... 125 Alcoholic Beverages ................................ 125 Apparel..................................................... 125 Attitudes – Fashion / Apparel .................. 126 Attitudes – Automobiles .......................... 126 Attitudes – Food....................................... 127 Attitudes – Finance .................................. 127 Attitudes – General .................................. 127 Attitudes – Health / Diet .......................... 128 Attitudes – Internet .................................. 128 Attitudes – Media..................................... 128 Attitudes – Pharmaceuticals ..................... 128 Attitudes – Product Placement ................. 129 Attitudes – Travel .................................... 129 Attitudes – Technology ............................ 129 Automotive .............................................. 130 Beverages ................................................. 130 Cable Television ...................................... 131 Collectibles .............................................. 132 Computers ................................................ 132 Contributions ........................................... 132 Demographics of Simmons Sample ......... 133 Family Restaurants................................... 133 Fast Food Restaurants .............................. 133 Financial................................................... 133 Fitness and Sports .................................... 134 Food ......................................................... 134 Gambling ................................................. 136 Games and Toys ....................................... 136 Grocery Shopping .................................... 136 Master Variable List Page 2 Home Improvement ................................. 136 Health and Medical .................................. 137 Home Furnishings / Equipment ............... 137 Health Products ........................................ 138 Lawn and Garden ..................................... 139 Leisure ..................................................... 139 Medical .................................................... 139 Media Quintiles ........................................ 140 Movies ..................................................... 140 Music ....................................................... 140 Parks ........................................................ 140 Pets ........................................................... 140 Radio Dayparts ........................................ 141 Reading .................................................... 141 Sports ....................................................... 141 Telephone................................................. 142 Theater ..................................................... 142 Travel ....................................................... 142 Television Dayparts ................................. 143 2012A BusinessCounts ............................. 144 Summary Counts (current year) ............... 144 Establishments (current year) ................... 144 Employees (current year) ......................... 149 Retail (current year) ................................. 153 Demographic Dimensions ........................ 154 Quality of Life ........................................... 154 Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A Page 3 Housing Tenure 1970 Census Population POP70 Population Households HHD70 Households Income INC70AVEHH Average Household Income INC70MEDHH Median Household Income 1980 Census Population Population Population by Household Type POP80GRP POP80NFM POP80FAM Population in group quarters Population in non-family households Population in families Population by Race RAC80WHITE RAC80BLACK RAC80AMIND RAC80ASIAN RAC80OTHER Race: White Race: Black Race: American Indian Eskimo or Aleut Race: Asian or Pacific Islander Race: Other Population by Hispanic Origin HIS80HISP Persons of Hispanic Origin Population by Age POP80LT5 POP800513 POP801417 POP801820 POP802124 POP802534 POP803544 POP804554 POP805564 POP80GT65 AGE80FED Age: 0 - 4 Years old Age: 5 - 13 Years old Age: 14- 17 Years old Age: 18 - 20 Years old Age: 21 - 24 Years old Age: 25 - 34 Years old Age: 35 - 44 Years old Age: 45 - 54 Years old Age: 55 - 64 Years old Age: 65 Years and over Median Age Population by Sex SEX80MAL SEX80FEM Males Females Households HHD80 Owner-occupied units Renter-occupied units Income Aggregate Income INC80AGG INC80AGGFA INC80AGGNF INC80AGGGP Aggregate Income Aggregate Family Income Aggregate Non Family Income Aggregate Group Quarters Income Household Income Average and Median Income POP80 DWL80OWN DWL80RENT Households HIN80LT5 HIN800510 HIN801015 HIN801520 HIN802030 HIN803035 HIN803540 HIN804050 HIN805060 HIN806075 HIN8075100 HIN80GT100 Household Income <$5000 Household Income $5000 - $9999 Household Income $10000 - $14999 Household Income $15000 - $19999 Household Income $20000 - $29999 Household Income $30000 - $34999 Household Income $35000 - $39999 Household Income $40000 - $49999 Household Income $50000 - $59999 Household Income $60000 - $74999 Household Income $75000 - $99999 Household Income $100000 or more Family Household Income FIN80LT5 FIN800510 FIN801015 FIN801520 FIN802030 FIN803035 FIN803540 FIN804050 FIN805060 FIN806075 FIN8075100 FIN80GT100 Family Income <$5000 Family Income $5000 - $9999 Family Income $10000 - $14999 Family Income $15000 - $19999 Family Income $20000 - $29999 Family Income $30000 - $34999 Family Income $35000 - $39999 Family Income $40000 - $49999 Family Income $50000 - $59999 Family Income $60000 - $74999 Family Income $75000 - $99999 Family Income $100000 or more Non-Family Household Income NIN80LT5 NIN800510 NIN801015 NIN801520 NIN802030 NIN803035 NIN803540 NIN804050 NIN805060 NIN806075 NIN8075100 NIN80GT100 Non-Family Income < $5000 Non-Family Income $5000-$9999 Non-Family Income $10000-$14999 Non-Family Income $15000-$19999 Non-Family Income $20000-$24999 Non-Family Income $25000-$29999 Non-Family Income $30000-$34999 Non-Family Income $35000-$39999 Non-Family Income $40000-$49999 Non-Family Income $50000-$74999 Non-Family Income $75000-$99999 Non-Family Income > $100000 Average and Median Income INC80AVEHH INC80AVEFA INC80FEDHH INC80FEDFA INC80PCAP Average Household Income Average Family Income Median Household Income Median Family Income Per Capita Income Households By Size HHD80S1 HHD80S2 HHD80S3 HHD80S5 HHD80AVESZ FAM80AVESZ 1 Person households 2 Person households 3 - 4 Person households 5+ Person households Average Household Size Average Family Size Households by Type HHD80FAM HHD80NFM Families Non-Family Households Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A Page 4 White Female Population by Age 1990 Census Population POP90 Population Population by Household Type POP90FAM POP90GRP POP90HHD POP90NFM Persons in Families Persons In Group Quarters Persons in Households Persons in Non-Family Households Group Quarters Population by Type GRP90CORR GRP90NURS GRP90PSY GRP90JUVIN GRP90OTHIN GRP90COLL GRP90MILIT GRP90SHELT GRP90STRT GRP90OTHN Institutionalized, Correctional Institutions Institutionalized, Nursing Homes Institutionalized, Mental (Psychiatric) Hospitals Institutionalized, Juvenile Institutions Institutionalized, Other Institutions Other Persons, College Dormitories Other Persons, Military Quarters Other Persons, Emergency Shelters for Homeless Other Persons, Visible in Street Locations Other Persons, Noninstitutional Group Quarters Detailed Hispanic Origin DHS90MEXI DHS90PRICA DHS90CUBA DHS90DOMIN DHS90GUAT DHS90HOND DHS90NICAR DHS90PANAM DHS90SALVA DHS90OCNTA DHS90COLOM DHS90ECUAD DHS90PERU DHS90OSAM DHS90OTHER Mexican Puerto Rican Cuban Dominican Guatemalan Honduran Nicaraguan Panamanian Salvadoran Other Central American Colombian Ecuadorian Peruvian Other South American Other Hispanic White Male Population By Age AWM90LT01 AWM900102 AWM900304 AWM9005 AWM9006 AWM900709 AWM901011 AWM901213 AWM9014 AWM9015 AWM9016 AWM9017 AWM9018 AWM9019 AWM9020 AWM9021 AWM902224 AWM902529 AWM903034 AWM903539 AWM904044 AWM904549 AWM905054 AWM905559 AWM906061 AWM906264 AWM906569 AWM907074 AWM907579 AWM908084 AWM90GT85 AWM90MEDAG White Population: Male, Age < 1 White Population: Male, Age 1-2 White Population: Male, Age 3-4 White Population: Male, Age 5 White Population: Male, Age 6 White Population: Male, Age 7-9 White Population: Male, Age 10-11 White Population: Male, Age 12-13 White Population: Male, Age 14 White Population: Male, Age 15 White Population: Male, Age 16 White Population: Male, Age 17 White Population: Male, Age 18 White Population: Male, Age 19 White Population: Male, Age 20 White Population: Male, Age 21 White Population: Male, Age 22-24 White Population: Male, Age 25-29 White Population: Male, Age 30-34 White Population: Male, Age 35-39 White Population: Male, Age 40-44 White Population: Male, Age 45-49 White Population: Male, Age 50-54 White Population: Male, Age 55-59 White Population: Male, Age 60-61 White Population: Male, Age 62-64 White Population: Male, Age 65-69 White Population: Male, Age 70-74 White Population: Male, Age 75-79 White Population: Male, Age 80-84 White Population: Male, Age 85+ Median Age White Males AWF90LT01 AWF900102 AWF900304 AWF9005 AWF9006 AWF900709 AWF901011 AWF901213 AWF9014 AWF9015 AWF9016 AWF9017 AWF9018 AWF9019 AWF9020 AWF9021 AWF902224 AWF902529 AWF903034 AWF903539 AWF904044 AWF904549 AWF905054 AWF905559 AWF906061 AWF906264 AWF906569 AWF907074 AWF907579 AWF908084 AWF90GT85 AWF90MEDAG White Population: Female, Age < 1 White Population: Female, Age 1-2 White Population: Female, Age 3-4 White Population: Female, Age 5 White Population: Female, Age 6 White Population: Female, Age 7-9 White Population: Female, Age 10-11 White Population: Female, Age 12-13 White Population: Female, Age 14 White Population: Female, Age 15 White Population: Female, Age 16 White Population: Female, Age 17 White Population: Female, Age 18 White Population: Female, Age 19 White Population: Female, Age 20 White Population: Female, Age 21 White Population: Female, Age 22-24 White Population: Female, Age 25-29 White Population: Female, Age 30-34 White Population: Female, Age 35-39 White Population: Female, Age 40-44 White Population: Female, Age 45-49 White Population: Female, Age 50-54 White Population: Female, Age 55-59 White Population: Female, Age 60-61 White Population: Female, Age 62-64 White Population: Female, Age 65-69 White Population: Female, Age 70-74 White Population: Female, Age 75-79 White Population: Female, Age 80-84 White Population: Female, Age 85+ Median Age White Females Black Male Population by Age ABM90LT01 ABM900102 ABM900304 ABM9005 ABM9006 ABM900709 ABM901011 ABM901213 ABM9014 ABM9015 ABM9016 ABM9017 ABM9018 ABM9019 ABM9020 ABM9021 ABM902224 ABM902529 ABM903034 ABM903539 ABM904044 ABM904549 ABM905054 ABM905559 ABM906061 ABM906264 ABM906569 ABM907074 ABM907579 ABM908084 ABM90GT85 ABM90MEDAG Black Population: Male, Age < 1 Black Population: Male, Age 1-2 Black Population: Male, Age 3-4 Black Population: Male, Age 5 Black Population: Male, Age 6 Black Population: Male, Age 7-9 Black Population: Male, Age 10-11 Black Population: Male, Age 12-13 Black Population: Male, Age 14 Black Population: Male, Age 15 Black Population: Male, Age 16 Black Population: Male, Age 17 Black Population: Male, Age 18 Black Population: Male, Age 19 Black Population: Male, Age 20 Black Population: Male, Age 21 Black Population: Male, Age 22-24 Black Population: Male, Age 25-29 Black Population: Male, Age 30-34 Black Population: Male, Age 35-39 Black Population: Male, Age 40-44 Black Population: Male, Age 45-49 Black Population: Male, Age 50-54 Black Population: Male, Age 55-59 Black Population: Male, Age 60-61 Black Population: Male, Age 62-64 Black Population: Male, Age 65-69 Black Population: Male, Age 70-74 Black Population: Male, Age 75-79 Black Population: Male, Age 80-84 Black Population: Male, Age 85+ Median Age Black Males Black Female Population by Age ABF90LT01 ABF900102 ABF900304 ABF9005 ABF9006 ABF900709 ABF901011 ABF901213 ABF9014 Black Population: Female, Age < 1 Black Population: Female, Age 1-2 Black Population: Female, Age 3-4 Black Population: Female, Age 5 Black Population: Female, Age 6 Black Population: Female, Age 7-9 Black Population: Female, Age 10-11 Black Population: Female, Age 12-13 Black Population: Female, Age 14 Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A ABF9015 ABF9016 ABF9017 ABF9018 ABF9019 ABF9020 ABF9021 ABF902224 ABF902529 ABF903034 ABF903539 ABF904044 ABF904549 ABF905054 ABF905559 ABF906061 ABF906264 ABF906569 ABF907074 ABF907579 ABF908084 ABF90GT85 ABF90MEDAG Black Population: Female, Age 15 Black Population: Female, Age 16 Black Population: Female, Age 17 Black Population: Female, Age 18 Black Population: Female, Age 19 Black Population: Female, Age 20 Black Population: Female, Age 21 Black Population: Female, Age 22-24 Black Population: Female, Age 25-29 Black Population: Female, Age 30-34 Black Population: Female, Age 35-39 Black Population: Female, Age 40-44 Black Population: Female, Age 45-49 Black Population: Female, Age 50-54 Black Population: Female, Age 55-59 Black Population: Female, Age 60-61 Black Population: Female, Age 62-64 Black Population: Female, Age 65-69 Black Population: Female, Age 70-74 Black Population: Female, Age 75-79 Black Population: Female, Age 80-84 Black Population: Female, Age 85+ Median Age Black Females American Indian Male Population by Age ANM90LT01 ANM900102 ANM900304 ANM9005 ANM9006 ANM900709 ANM901011 ANM901213 ANM9014 ANM9015 ANM9016 ANM9017 ANM9018 ANM9019 ANM9020 ANM9021 ANM902224 ANM902529 ANM903034 ANM903539 ANM904044 ANM904549 ANM905054 ANM905559 ANM906061 ANM906264 ANM906569 ANM907074 ANM907579 ANM908084 ANM90GT85 ANM90MEDAG American Indian Population: Male, Age < 1 American Indian Population: Male, Age 1-2 American Indian Population: Male, Age 3-4 American Indian Population: Male, Age 5 American Indian Population: Male, Age 6 American Indian Population: Male, Age 7-9 American Indian Population: Male, Age 10-11 American Indian Population: Male, Age 12-13 American Indian Population: Male, Age 14 American Indian Population: Male, Age 15 American Indian Population: Male, Age 16 American Indian Population: Male, Age 17 American Indian Population: Male, Age 18 American Indian Population: Male, Age 19 American Indian Population: Male, Age 20 American Indian Population: Male, Age 21 American Indian Population: Male, Age 22-24 American Indian Population: Male, Age 25-29 American Indian Population: Male, Age 30-34 American Indian Population: Male, Age 35-39 American Indian Population: Male, Age 40-44 American Indian Population: Male, Age 45-49 American Indian Population: Male, Age 50-54 American Indian Population: Male, Age 55-59 American Indian Population: Male, Age 60-61 American Indian Population: Male, Age 62-64 American Indian Population: Male, Age 65-69 American Indian Population: Male, Age 70-74 American Indian Population: Male, Age 75-79 American Indian Population: Male, Age 80-84 American Indian Population: Male, Age 85+ Median Age American Indian Males American Indian Female Population by Age ANF90LT01 ANF900102 ANF900304 ANF9005 ANF9006 ANF900709 ANF901011 ANF901213 ANF9014 ANF9015 ANF9016 ANF9017 ANF9018 ANF9019 ANF9020 ANF9021 ANF902224 ANF902529 ANF903034 American Indian Population: Female, Age < 1 American Indian Population: Female, Age 1-2 American Indian Population: Female, Age 3-4 American Indian Population: Female, Age 5 American Indian Population: Female, Age 6 American Indian Population: Female, Age 7-9 American Indian Population: Female, Age 10-11 American Indian Population: Female, Age 12-13 American Indian Population: Female, Age 14 American Indian Population: Female, Age 15 American Indian Population: Female, Age 16 American Indian Population: Female, Age 17 American Indian Population: Female, Age 18 American Indian Population: Female, Age 19 American Indian Population: Female, Age 20 American Indian Population: Female, Age 21 American Indian Population: Female, Age 22-24 American Indian Population: Female, Age 25-29 American Indian Population: Female, Age 30-34 Page 5 ANF903539 ANF904044 ANF904549 ANF905054 ANF905559 ANF906061 ANF906264 ANF906569 ANF907074 ANF907579 ANF908084 ANF90GT85 ANF90MEDAG American Indian Population: Female, Age 35-39 American Indian Population: Female, Age 40-44 American Indian Population: Female, Age 45-49 American Indian Population: Female, Age 50-54 American Indian Population: Female, Age 55-59 American Indian Population: Female, Age 60-61 American Indian Population: Female, Age 62-64 American Indian Population: Female, Age 65-69 American Indian Population: Female, Age 70-74 American Indian Population: Female, Age 75-79 American Indian Population: Female, Age 80-84 American Indian Population: Female, Age 85+ Median Age American Indian Females Asian Male Population by Age AAM90LT01 AAM900102 AAM900304 AAM9005 AAM9006 AAM900709 AAM901011 AAM901213 AAM9014 AAM9015 AAM9016 AAM9017 AAM9018 AAM9019 AAM9020 AAM9021 AAM902224 AAM902529 AAM903034 AAM903539 AAM904044 AAM904549 AAM905054 AAM905559 AAM906061 AAM906264 AAM906569 AAM907074 AAM907579 AAM908084 AAM90GT85 AAM90MEDAG Asian/PI Population: Male, Age < 1 Asian/PI Population: Male, Age 1-2 Asian/PI Population: Male, Age 3-4 Asian/PI Population: Male, Age 5 Asian/PI Population: Male, Age 6 Asian/PI Population: Male, Age 7-9 Asian/PI Population: Male, Age 10-11 Asian/PI Population: Male, Age 12-13 Asian/PI Population: Male, Age 14 Asian/PI Population: Male, Age 15 Asian/PI Population: Male, Age 16 Asian/PI Population: Male, Age 17 Asian/PI Population: Male, Age 18 Asian/PI Population: Male, Age 19 Asian/PI Population: Male, Age 20 Asian/PI Population: Male, Age 21 Asian/PI Population: Male, Age 22-24 Asian/PI Population: Male, Age 25-29 Asian/PI Population: Male, Age 30-34 Asian/PI Population: Male, Age 35-39 Asian/PI Population: Male, Age 40-44 Asian/PI Population: Male, Age 45-49 Asian/PI Population: Male, Age 50-54 Asian/PI Population: Male, Age 55-59 Asian/PI Population: Male, Age 60-61 Asian/PI Population: Male, Age 62-64 Asian/PI Population: Male, Age 65-69 Asian/PI Population: Male, Age 70-74 Asian/PI Population: Male, Age 75-79 Asian/PI Population: Male, Age 80-84 Asian/PI Population: Male, Age 85+ Median Age Asian/Pacific Islander Males Asian Female Population by Age AAF90LT01 AAF900102 AAF900304 AAF9005 AAF9006 AAF900709 AAF901011 AAF901213 AAF9014 AAF9015 AAF9016 AAF9017 AAF9018 AAF9019 AAF9020 AAF9021 AAF902224 AAF902529 AAF903034 AAF903539 AAF904044 AAF904549 AAF905054 AAF905559 AAF906061 AAF906264 AAF906569 AAF907074 AAF907579 Asian/PI Population: Female, Age < 1 Asian/PI Population: Female, Age 1-2 Asian/PI Population: Female, Age 3-4 Asian/PI Population: Female, Age 5 Asian/PI Population: Female, Age 6 Asian/PI Population: Female, Age 7-9 Asian/PI Population: Female, Age 10-11 Asian/PI Population: Female, Age 12-13 Asian/PI Population: Female, Age 14 Asian/PI Population: Female, Age 15 Asian/PI Population: Female, Age 16 Asian/PI Population: Female, Age 17 Asian/PI Population: Female, Age 18 Asian/PI Population: Female, Age 19 Asian/PI Population: Female, Age 20 Asian/PI Population: Female, Age 21 Asian/PI Population: Female, Age 22-24 Asian/PI Population: Female, Age 25-29 Asian/PI Population: Female, Age 30-34 Asian/PI Population: Female, Age 35-39 Asian/PI Population: Female, Age 40-44 Asian/PI Population: Female, Age 45-49 Asian/PI Population: Female, Age 50-54 Asian/PI Population: Female, Age 55-59 Asian/PI Population: Female, Age 60-61 Asian/PI Population: Female, Age 62-64 Asian/PI Population: Female, Age 65-69 Asian/PI Population: Female, Age 70-74 Asian/PI Population: Female, Age 75-79 Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A AAF908084 Asian/PI Population: Female, Age 80-84 AAF90GT85 Asian/PI Population: Female, Age 85+ AAF90MEDAG Median Age Asian/Pacific Islander Females Other Race Male Population by Age AOM90LT01 AOM900102 AOM900304 AOM9005 AOM9006 AOM900709 AOM901011 AOM901213 AOM9014 AOM9015 AOM9016 AOM9017 AOM9018 AOM9019 AOM9020 AOM9021 AOM902224 AOM902529 AOM903034 AOM903539 AOM904044 AOM904549 AOM905054 AOM905559 AOM906061 AOM906264 AOM906569 AOM907074 AOM907579 AOM908084 AOM90GT85 AOM90MEDAG Other Race Population: Male, Age < 1 Other Race Population: Male, Age 1-2 Other Race Population: Male, Age 3-4 Other Race Population: Male, Age 5 Other Race Population: Male, Age 6 Other Race Population: Male, Age 7-9 Other Race Population: Male, Age 10-11 Other Race Population: Male, Age 12-13 Other Race Population: Male, Age 14 Other Race Population: Male, Age 15 Other Race Population: Male, Age 16 Other Race Population: Male, Age 17 Other Race Population: Male, Age 18 Other Race Population: Male, Age 19 Other Race Population: Male, Age 20 Other Race Population: Male, Age 21 Other Race Population: Male, Age 22-24 Other Race Population: Male, Age 25-29 Other Race Population: Male, Age 30-34 Other Race Population: Male, Age 35-39 Other Race Population: Male, Age 40-44 Other Race Population: Male, Age 45-49 Other Race Population: Male, Age 50-54 Other Race Population: Male, Age 55-59 Other Race Population: Male, Age 60-61 Other Race Population: Male, Age 62-64 Other Race Population: Male, Age 65-69 Other Race Population: Male, Age 70-74 Other Race Population: Male, Age 75-79 Other Race Population: Male, Age 80-84 Other Race Population: Male, Age 85+ Median Age Other Race Males Other Race Female Population by Age AOF90LT01 AOF900102 AOF900304 AOF9005 AOF9006 AOF900709 AOF901011 AOF901213 AOF9014 AOF9015 AOF9016 AOF9017 AOF9018 AOF9019 AOF9020 AOF9021 AOF902224 AOF902529 AOF903034 AOF903539 AOF904044 AOF904549 AOF905054 AOF905559 AOF906061 AOF906264 AOF906569 AOF907074 AOF907579 AOF908084 AOF90GT85 AOF90MEDAG Other Race Population: Female, Age < 1 Other Race Population: Female, Age 1-2 Other Race Population: Female, Age 3-4 Other Race Population: Female, Age 5 Other Race Population: Female, Age 6 Other Race Population: Female, Age 7-9 Other Race Population: Female, Age 10-11 Other Race Population: Female, Age 12-13 Other Race Population: Female, Age 14 Other Race Population: Female, Age 15 Other Race Population: Female, Age 16 Other Race Population: Female, Age 17 Other Race Population: Female, Age 18 Other Race Population: Female, Age 19 Other Race Population: Female, Age 20 Other Race Population: Female, Age 21 Other Race Population: Female, Age 22-24 Other Race Population: Female, Age 25-29 Other Race Population: Female, Age 30-34 Other Race Population: Female, Age 35-39 Other Race Population: Female, Age 40-44 Other Race Population: Female, Age 45-49 Other Race Population: Female, Age 50-54 Other Race Population: Female, Age 55-59 Other Race Population: Female, Age 60-61 Other Race Population: Female, Age 62-64 Other Race Population: Female, Age 65-69 Other Race Population: Female, Age 70-74 Other Race Population: Female, Age 75-79 Other Race Population: Female, Age 80-84 Other Race Population: Female, Age 85+ Median Age Other Race Females Age By Hispanic Origin Hispanic Male Population by Age AHM90LT01 AHM900102 AHM900304 Hispanic Population: Male, Age < 1 Hispanic Population: Male, Age 1-2 Hispanic Population: Male, Age 3-4 Page 6 AHM9005 AHM9006 AHM900709 AHM901011 AHM901213 AHM9014 AHM9015 AHM9016 AHM9017 AHM9018 AHM9019 AHM9020 AHM9021 AHM902224 AHM902529 AHM903034 AHM903539 AHM904044 AHM904549 AHM905054 AHM905559 AHM906061 AHM906264 AHM906569 AHM907074 AHM907579 AHM908084 AHM90GT85 AHM90MEDAG Hispanic Population: Male, Age 5 Hispanic Population: Male, Age 6 Hispanic Population: Male, Age 7-9 Hispanic Population: Male, Age 10-11 Hispanic Population: Male, Age 12-13 Hispanic Population: Male, Age 14 Hispanic Population: Male, Age 15 Hispanic Population: Male, Age 16 Hispanic Population: Male, Age 17 Hispanic Population: Male, Age 18 Hispanic Population: Male, Age 19 Hispanic Population: Male, Age 20 Hispanic Population: Male, Age 21 Hispanic Population: Male, Age 22-24 Hispanic Population: Male, Age 25-29 Hispanic Population: Male, Age 30-34 Hispanic Population: Male, Age 35-39 Hispanic Population: Male, Age 40-44 Hispanic Population: Male, Age 45-49 Hispanic Population: Male, Age 50-54 Hispanic Population: Male, Age 55-59 Hispanic Population: Male, Age 60-61 Hispanic Population: Male, Age 62-64 Hispanic Population: Male, Age 65-69 Hispanic Population: Male, Age 70-74 Hispanic Population: Male, Age 75-79 Hispanic Population: Male, Age 80-84 Hispanic Population: Male, Age 85+ Median Age Hispanic Males Hispanic Female Population by Age AHF90LT01 AHF900102 AHF900304 AHF9005 AHF9006 AHF900709 AHF901011 AHF901213 AHF9014 AHF9015 AHF9016 AHF9017 AHF9018 AHF9019 AHF9020 AHF9021 AHF902224 AHF902529 AHF903034 AHF903539 AHF904044 AHF904549 AHF905054 AHF905559 AHF906061 AHF906264 AHF906569 AHF907074 AHF907579 AHF908084 AHF90GT85 AHF90MEDAG Hispanic Population: Female, Age < 1 Hispanic Population: Female, Age 1-2 Hispanic Population: Female, Age 3-4 Hispanic Population: Female, Age 5 Hispanic Population: Female, Age 6 Hispanic Population: Female, Age 7-9 Hispanic Population: Female, Age 10-11 Hispanic Population: Female, Age 12-13 Hispanic Population: Female, Age 14 Hispanic Population: Female, Age 15 Hispanic Population: Female, Age 16 Hispanic Population: Female, Age 17 Hispanic Population: Female, Age 18 Hispanic Population: Female, Age 19 Hispanic Population: Female, Age 20 Hispanic Population: Female, Age 21 Hispanic Population: Female, Age 22-24 Hispanic Population: Female, Age 25-29 Hispanic Population: Female, Age 30-34 Hispanic Population: Female, Age 35-39 Hispanic Population: Female, Age 40-44 Hispanic Population: Female, Age 45-49 Hispanic Population: Female, Age 50-54 Hispanic Population: Female, Age 55-59 Hispanic Population: Female, Age 60-61 Hispanic Population: Female, Age 62-64 Hispanic Population: Female, Age 65-69 Hispanic Population: Female, Age 70-74 Hispanic Population: Female, Age 75-79 Hispanic Population: Female, Age 80-84 Hispanic Population: Female, Age 85+ Median Age Hispanic Females School Enrolment: White SCH90WPRE SCH90WELHS SCH90WCOLL SCH90WNIS Enrolled in Preprimary School Enrolled in Elementary or High School Enrolled in College Not Enrolled in School School Enrolment: Black SCH90BPRE SCH90BELHS SCH90BCOLL SCH90BNIS Enrolled in Preprimary School Enrolled in Elementary or High School Enrolled in College Not Enrolled in School School Enrolment: American Indian/Eskimo/Aleut SCH90IPRE Enrolled in Preprimary School Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A SCH90IELHS SCH90ICOLL SCH90INIS Enrolled in Elementary or High School Enrolled in College Not Enrolled in School School Enrolment: Asian/Pacific Islander SCH90APRE SCH90AELHS SCH90ACOLL SCH90ANIS Enrolled in Preprimary School Enrolled in Elementary or High School Enrolled in College Not Enrolled in School School Enrolment: Other Race SCH90OPRE SCH90OELHS SCH90OCOLL SCH90ONIS Enrolled in Preprimary School Enrolled in Elementary or High School Enrolled in College Not Enrolled in School School Enrolment: Hispanic SCH90HPRE SCH90HELHS SCH90HCOLL SCH90HNIS Enrolled in Preprimary Enrolled in Elementary or High School Enrolled in College Not Enrolled in School Educational Attainment: White EDU90WLT9 EDU90WSHS EDU90WHS EDU90WSCOL EDU90WASS EDU90WBACH EDU90WGRAD White: < 9th Grade White: 9th to 12th Grade, No Diploma White: High School Graduate White: Some College, No Degree White: Associate Degree White: Bachelor's Degree White: Graduate or Professional Degree Educational Attainment: Black EDU90BLT9 EDU90BSHS EDU90BHS EDU90BSCOL EDU90BASS EDU90BBACH EDU90BGRAD Black: < 9th Grade Black: 9th to 12th Grade, No Diploma Black: High School Graduate Black: Some College, No Degree Black: Associate Degree Black: Bachelor's Degree Black: Graduate or Professional Degree Educational Attainment: American Indian/Eskimo/Aleut EDU90ILT9 EDU90ISHS EDU90IHS EDU90ISCOL EDU90IASS EDU90IBACH EDU90IGRAD Amer. Indian/Eskimo/Aleut: < 9th Grade Amer. Indian/Eskimo/Aleut: 9th-12th Grade, No Diploma Amer. Indian/Eskimo/Aleut: High School Graduate Amer. Indian/Eskimo/Aleut: Some College, No Degree Amer. Indian/Eskimo/Aleut: Associate Degree Amer. Indian/Eskimo/Aleut: Bachelor's Degree Amer. Indian/Eskimo/Aleut: Graduate/Professional Degree Educational Attainment: Asian/Pacific Islander EDU90ALT9 EDU90ASHS EDU90AHS EDU90ASCOL EDU90AASS EDU90ABACH EDU90AGRAD Asian/Pacific Islander: < 9th Grade Asian/Pacific Islander: 9th to 12th Grade, No Diploma Asian/Pacific Islander: High School Graduate Asian/Pacific Islander: Some College, No Degree Asian/Pacific Islander: Associate Degree Asian/Pacific Islander: Bachelor's Degree Asian/Pacific Islander: Graduate or Professional Degree Educational Attainment: Other Race EDU90OLT9 EDU90OSHS EDU90OHS EDU90OSCOL EDU90OASS EDU90OBACH EDU90OGRAD Other Race: < 9th Grade Other Race: 9th to 12th Grade, No Diploma Other Race: High School Graduate Other Race: Some College, No Degree Other Race: Associate Degree Other Race: Bachelor's Degree Other Race: Graduate or Professional Degree Educational Attainment: Hispanic EDU90HLT9 EDU90HSHS EDU90HHS EDU90HSCOL EDU90HASS EDU90HBACH EDU90HGRAD Hispanic: < 9th Grade Hispanic: 9th to 12th Grade, No Diploma Hispanic: High School Graduate Hispanic: Some College, No Degree Hispanic: Associate Degree Hispanic: Bachelor's Degree Hispanic: Graduate or Professional Degree Period of Military Service MIL90PMS1 Sept. 80 or later: with <2 yrs of service Page 7 MIL90PMS2 MIL90PMS3 MIL90PMS4 MIL90PMS5 MIL90PMS6 MIL90PMS7 MIL90PMS8 MIL90PMS9 MIL90PMS10 MIL90PMS11 MIL90PMS12 MIL90PMS13 Sept. 80 or later: with >2 yrs of service May 1975 to August 1980 only Both, May 1975 to August 1980 & Sept 1980 or later Vietnam era, no Korean conflict or WWII Vietnam era & Korean conflict, no WWII Vietnam era, Korean conflict, & WWII February 1955 to July 19164 only Korean conflict, no Vietnam era nor WWII Korean conflict & WWII, no Vietnam era WWII, no Korean conflict or Vietnam era WWI Other Service Population By Sex SEX90MAL SEX90FEM Population, Male Population, Female Population By Race RAC90WHITE RAC90BLACK RAC90OTHER RAC90AMIND RAC90ASIAN Race, White Race, Black Race, Other Race Race: American Indian, Eskimo, or Aleut Race: Asian or Pacific Islander Population By Hispanic Origin HIS90HISP HIS90NHISP Hispanic Origin Not of Hispanic Origin HIS90MEXI HIS90PRICA HIS90CUBA HIS90OTHHS Hispanic: Mexican Hispanic: Puerto Rican Hispanic: Cuban Hispanic: Other Hispanic HIS90WHITE HIS90BLACK HIS90AMIND HIS90ASIAN HIS90OTHRC Hispanic, Race: White Hispanic, Race: Black Hispanic, Race: American Indian, Eskimo or Aleut Hispanic, Race: Asian or Pacific Islander Hispanic, Race: Other Race Population by Age AGE90MED AGE900004 AGE900509 AGE901013 AGE901417 AGE901820 AGE902124 AGE902529 AGE903034 AGE903539 AGE904044 AGE904549 AGE905054 AGE905559 AGE906064 AGE906569 AGE907074 AGE907579 AGE908084 AGE90GT85 Median Age Population age 0-4 Population age 5-9 Population age 10-13 Population age 14-17 Population age 18-20 Population age 21-24 Population age 25-29 Population age 30-34 Population age 35-39 Population age 40-44 Population age 45-49 Population age 50-54 Population age 55-59 Population age 60-64 Population age 65-69 Population age 70-74 Population age 75-79 Population age 80-84 Population age 85+ Detailed Population by Age AGX90LT01 AGX900102 AGX900304 AGX9005 AGX9006 AGX900709 AGX901011 AGX901213 AGX9014 AGX9015 AGX9016 AGX9017 AGX9018 AGX9019 AGX9020 AGX9021 Population, Age < 1 Population, Age 1-2 Population, Age 3-4 Population, Age 5 Population, Age 6 Population, Age 7-9 Population, Age 10-11 Population, Age 12-13 Population, Age 14 Population, Age 15 Population, Age 16 Population, Age 17 Population, Age 18 Population, Age 19 Population, Age 20 Population, Age 21 Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A AGX902224 AGX902529 AGX903034 AGX903539 AGX904044 AGX904549 AGX905054 AGX905559 AGX906061 AGX906264 AGX906569 AGX907074 AGX907579 AGX908084 AGX90GT85 Male MAL90LT01 MAL900102 MAL900304 MAL9005 MAL9006 MAL900709 MAL901011 MAL901213 MAL9014 MAL9015 MAL9016 MAL9017 MAL9018 MAL9019 MAL9020 MAL9021 MAL902224 MAL902529 MAL903034 MAL903539 MAL904044 MAL904549 MAL905054 MAL905559 MAL906061 MAL906264 MAL906569 MAL907074 MAL907579 MAL908084 MAL90GT85 AGE90MEDM Female FEM90LT01 FEM900102 FEM900304 FEM9005 FEM9006 FEM900709 FEM901011 FEM901213 FEM9014 FEM9015 FEM9016 FEM9017 FEM9018 FEM9019 FEM9020 FEM9021 FEM902224 FEM902529 FEM903034 FEM903539 FEM904044 FEM904549 FEM905054 FEM905559 FEM906061 FEM906264 FEM906569 Population, Age 22-24 Population, Age 25-29 Population, Age 30-34 Population, Age 35-39 Population, Age 40-44 Population, Age 45-49 Population, Age 50-54 Population, Age 55-59 Population, Age 60-61 Population, Age 62-64 Population, Age 65-69 Population, Age 70-74 Population, Age 75-79 Population, Age 80-84 Population, Age 85+ Population: Male, Age < 1 Population: Male, Age 1-2 Population: Male, Age 3-4 Population: Male, Age 5 Population: Male, Age 6 Population: Male, Age 7-9 Population: Male, Age 10-11 Population: Male, Age 12-13 Population: Male, Age 14 Population: Male, Age 15 Population: Male, Age 16 Population: Male, Age 17 Population: Male, Age 18 Population: Male, Age 19 Population: Male, Age 20 Population: Male, Age 21 Population: Male, Age 22-24 Population: Male, Age 25-29 Population: Male, Age 30-34 Population: Male, Age 35-39 Population: Male, Age 40-44 Population: Male, Age 45-49 Population: Male, Age 50-54 Population: Male, Age 55-59 Population: Male, Age 60-61 Population: Male, Age 62-64 Population: Male, Age 65-69 Population: Male, Age 70-74 Population: Male, Age 75-79 Population: Male, Age 80-84 Population: Male, Age 85+ Median Age: Males Population: Female, Age < 1 Population: Female, Age 1-2 Population: Female, Age 3-4 Population: Female, Age 5 Population: Female, Age 6 Population: Female, Age 7-9 Population: Female, Age 10-11 Population: Female, Age 12-13 Population: Female, Age 14 Population: Female, Age 15 Population: Female, Age 16 Population: Female, Age 17 Population: Female, Age 18 Population: Female, Age 19 Population: Female, Age 20 Population: Female, Age 21 Population: Female, Age 22-24 Population: Female, Age 25-29 Population: Female, Age 30-34 Population: Female, Age 35-39 Population: Female, Age 40-44 Population: Female, Age 45-49 Population: Female, Age 50-54 Population: Female, Age 55-59 Population: Female, Age 60-61 Population: Female, Age 62-64 Population: Female, Age 65-69 Page 8 FEM907074 FEM907579 FEM908084 FEM90GT85 AGE90MEDF Population: Female, Age 70-74 Population: Female, Age 75-79 Population: Female, Age 80-84 Population: Female, Age 85+ Median Age: Females Marital Status AGE90GT15 AGE90MGT15 AGE90FGT15 MAR90NEVER MAR90MARR MAR90SEP MAR90WIDOW MAR90DIVOR Ancestry ANC90SNGL ANC90MULT ANC90UNCL ANC90UNREP ANC90ARAB ANC90AUST ANC90BELG ANC90CDN ANC90CZECH ANC90DANE ANC90DUTCH ANC90ENG ANC90FINN ANC90FRNCH ANC90FRCDN ANC90GERM ANC90GREEK ANC90HUNG ANC90IRISH ANC90ITAL ANC90LITH ANC90NORW ANC90POL ANC90PORT ANC90ROM ANC90RUSS ANC90SCOIR ANC90SCOT ANC90SLOV ANC90SUBAF ANC90SWED ANC90SWISS ANC90UKR ANC90USA ANC90WELSH ANC90WIND ANC90YUGO ANC90HISP ANC90OTHR ANC90UNRP Population, 15+ Yrs Population Male, 15+ Yrs Population Female, 15+ Yrs Never Married Now Married Separated Widowed Divorced Single Multiple Unclassified Unreported Arab Austrian Belgian Canadian Czech Danish Dutch English Finnish French (except Basque) French Canadian German Greek Hungarian Irish Italian Lithuanian Norwegian Polish Portuguese Romanian Russian Scotch-Irish Scottish Slovak Subsaharan African Swedish Swiss Ukrainian United States or American Welsh West Indian (excluding Hispanic origin groups) Yugoslavian Race or Hispanic origin groups Other groups Unclassified or not reported Foreign Born by Year of Entry FBE908790 FBE908586 FBE908284 FBE908082 FBE907579 FBE907074 FBE906569 FBE906064 FBE905059 FBE90BF50 Year of Entry, 1987 to 1990 Year of Entry, 1985 to 1986 Year of Entry, 1982 to 1984 Year of Entry, 1980 to 1981 Year of Entry, 1975 to 1979 Year of Entry, 1970 to 1974 Year of Entry, 1965 to 1969 Year of Entry, 1960 to 1964 Year of Entry, 1950 to 1959 Year of Entry, < 1950 Age of Group Quarters Population INS90CHILD INS90ADULT INS90ELDER NIN90CHILD NIN90ADULT NIN90ELDER Institutionalized: Under 18 Years Institutionalized: 18-64 yrs Institutionalized: 65+ yrs Other persons: Under 18 yrs Other persons: 18-64 yrs Other persons: 65+ yrs Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A School Enrolment Public/Private (3+ Yrs) AGE90GT3 SCH90PUBPP SCH90PRIPP SCH90PUBEL SCH90PRIEL SCH90PUBCO SCH90PRICO SCH90NOTEN Population Age 3+ Years Public Preprimary Private Preprimary Public Elementary or High School Private Elementary or High School Public College Private College Not enrolled in school Educational Attainment AGE90GT25 EDU90LTGR9 EDU90GR912 EDU90HSCH EDU90SCOLL EDU90ASSOC EDU90BACH EDU90GRAD EDU90MEDYR Population Age 25+ Years Less than 9th grade 9th to 12th grade, no diploma High school graduate (includes equivalency) Some College, no degree Associate degree Bachelor's degree Graduate or profession degree Median School Years Households HHD90 Households Page 9 HDR90ONFNA Non-Family Householder Not Living Alone Household Structure: Hispanic Householder HDR90HMCC HDR90HMCNC HDR90HLMC HDR90HLMNC HDR90HLFC HDR90HLFNC HDR90HNFA HDR90HNFNA Married Couple Family With Related Children Married Couple Family No Related Children Lone Male Householder With Related Children Lone Male Householder No Related Children Lone Female Householder With Related Children Lone Female Householder No Related Children Non-Family Householder Living Alone Non-Family Householder Not Living Alone Population by Household Structure FAM90HHLDR FAM90SPOUS FAM90CHILD FAM90SCHIL FAM90GCHIL FAM90OTHRL FAM90NONRL NFM90ALONE NFM90NOTAL NFM90NONRL GRP90INST GRP90OTHER Family Households, Householder Family Households, Spouse Family Households, Child, Natural Born or Adopted Family Households, Child, Step Family Households, Grandchild Family Households, Other Relatives Family Households, Non-Relatives Non-Family Households, Householder Living Alone Non-Family Households, Householder Not Living Alone Non-Family Households, Non-Relatives Group Quarters, Institutionalized Persons Group Quarters, Other Persons in Group Quarters Households By Type HHD90FAM HHD90NFM Families Non-Family Households Household Structure: White Householder HDR90WMCC HDR90WMCNC HDR90WLMC HDR90WLMNC HDR90WLFC HDR90WLFNC HDR90WNFA HDR90WNFNA Married Couple Family With Related Children Married Couple Family No Related Children Lone Male Householder With Related Children Lone Male Householder No Related Children Lone Female Householder With Related Children Lone Female Householder No Related Children Non-Family Householder Living Alone Non-Family Householder Not Living Alone Household Structure NFM90MALS1 NFM90FEMS1 F1890MCPL F1890MCPLN F1890MLPF F1890MLPFN F1890FLPF F1890FLPFN NFM90MALS2 NFM90FEMS2 1 Person, Male Householder 1 Person, Female Householder 2+ Persons, Married Couple With Related Children 2+ Persons, Married Couple No Related Children 2+ Persons, Lone Male With Related Children 2+ Persons, Lone Male No Related Children 2+ Persons, Lone Female With Related Children 2+ Persons, Lone Female No Related Children 2+ Persons, Non-Family Male Householder 2+ Persons, Non-Family Female Householder Households By Children Household Structure: Black Householder HDR90BMCC HDR90BMCNC HDR90BLMC HDR90BLMNC HDR90BLFC HDR90BLFNC HDR90BNFA HDR90BNFNA Married Couple Family With Related Children Married Couple Family No Related Children Lone Male Householder With Related Children Lone Male Householder No Related Children Lone Female Householder With Related Children Lone Female Householder No Related Children Non-Family Householder Living Alone Non-Family Householder Not Living Alone Household Structure: American Indian/Eskimo/Aleut Householder HDR90IMCC HDR90IMCNC HDR90ILMC HDR90ILMNC HDR90ILFC HDR90ILFNC HDR90INFA HDR90INFNA Married Couple Family With Related Children Married Couple Family No Related Children Lone Male Householder With Related Children Lone Male Householder No Related Children Lone Female Householder With Related Children Lone Female Householder No Related Children Non-Family Householder Living Alone Non-Family Householder Not Living Alone Household Structure: Asian/Pacific Islander Householder HDR90AMCC HDR90AMCNC HDR90ALMC HDR90ALMNC HDR90ALFC HDR90ALFNC HDR90ANFA HDR90ANFNA Married Couple Family With Related Children Married Couple Family No Related Children Lone Male Householder With Related Children Lone Male Householder No Related Children Lone Female Householder With Related Children Lone Female Householder No Related Children Non-Family Householder Living Alone Non-Family Householder Not Living Alone Household Structure: Other Race Householder HDR90OMCC HDR90OMCNC HDR90OLMC HDR90OLMNC HDR90OLFC HDR90OLFNC HDR90ONFA Married Couple Family With Related Children Married Couple Family No Related Children Lone Male Householder With Related Children Lone Male Householder No Related Children Lone Female Householder With Related Children Lone Female Householder No Related Children Non-Family Householder Living Alone HHC90MCF HHC90LPFM HHC90LPFF HHC90MHH HHC90FHH HHC90MCFN With Children: Married Couple Family With Children: Lone Male Householder Family With Children: Lone Female Householder Family With Children: Non-Family Male Householder With Children: Non-Family Female Householder Without Children: Married Couple Family HHC90LPFMN HHC90LPFFN HHC90MHHN HHC90FHHN Without Children: Lone Male Householder Family Without Children: Lone Female Householder Family Without Children: Non-Family Male Householder Without Children: Non-Family Female Householder P1890HHLD P1890MCPL P1890MLPF P1890FLPF P1890OTHRL P1890NREL P1890GQIN P1890GQOTH Population <18 In Hhds: Householder/Spouse Population <18 In Hhds: Own Child In Married Couple Family Population <18 In Hhds: Own Child In Male Householder Family Population <18 In Hhds: Own Child In Female Householder Family Population <18 In Hhds: Other Relatives Population <18 in Hhds: Non-Relatives Population <18 in Group Quarters: Institutionalized Persons Population <18 in Group Quarters: Other Persons HDS90MCCH HDS90MCNCH HDS90LPMC HDS90LPMNC HDS90LPFC HDS90LPFNC HCH90MC5 HCH90MC17 HCH90LMC5 HCH90LMC17 HCH90LFC5 HCH90LFC17 Married Couple Families with Related Children Married Couple Families with no Related Children Lone Parent Male Families with Related Children Lone Parent Male Families with no Related Children Lone Parent Female Families with Related Children Lone Parent Female Families with no Related Children Married Couple Families w/Children < 5 Married Couple Families w/Children 6-17 Lone Parent Male Families w/Children < 5 Lone Parent Male Families w/Children 6-17 Lone Parent Female Families w/Children < 5 Lone Parent Female Families w/Children 6-17 Population 65+ By Household Type F6590HHLD F6590SPSE F6590OTHRL F6590NREL 65+ In Family Households: Householder 65+ In Family Households: Spouse 65+ In Family Households: Other Relatives 65+ In Family Households: Non-Relatives Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A N6590MHHA N6590MHHNA N6590FHHA N6590FHHNA N6590NONRL N6590GQIN N6590GQOTH 65+ In Non-Family Households: Male Living Alone 65+ In Non-Family Households: Male Not Living Alone 65+ In Non-Family Households: Female Living Alone 65+ In Non-Family Households: Female Not Living Alone 65+ In Non-Family Households: Non-Relatives 65+ In Group Quarters: Institutionalized 65+ In Group Quarters: Other Persons Households With Elderly Persons NFM90A65S1 FAM90AGE65 NFM90A65S2 NFM90A65S0 FAM90AG65N NFM90AG65N With Persons 65+, 1 Person With Persons 65+, 2+ Person, Family With Persons 65+, 2+ Person, Non-Family With No Persons 65+, 1 Person With No Persons 65+, 2+ Persons, Family With No Persons 65+, 2+ Persons, Non-Family Page 10 OOH90S4 OOH90S5 OOH90S6 OOH90S7 ROH90S1 ROH90S2 ROH90S3 ROH90S4 ROH90S5 ROH90S6 ROH90S7 Owner-Occupied: 4 Persons Owner-Occupied: 5 Persons Owner-Occupied: 6 Persons Owner-Occupied: 7 or More Persons Renter-Occupied: 1 Person Renter-Occupied: 2 Persons Renter-Occupied: 3 Persons Renter-Occupied: 4 Persons Renter-Occupied: 5 Persons Renter-Occupied: 6 Persons Renter-Occupied: 7 or More Persons Aggregate Persons In Households by Tenure POP90OCCHU Aggregate Persons in Occupied Housing Units POP90OOHU Aggregate Persons in Owner-Occupied Housing Units POP90ROHU Aggregate Persons In Renter-Occupied Housing Units Family Households By Size FAM90S2 FAM90S3 FAM90S4 FAM90S5 FAM90S6 FAM90S7 2 Persons 3 Persons 4 Persons 5 Persons 6 Persons 7+ Persons Family Households By Age of Householder FHD90H1524 FHD90H2534 FHD90H3544 FHD90H4554 FHD90H5564 FHD90H6574 FHD90HGT75 Family Household: 15-24 yrs Family Household: 25-34 yrs Family Household: 35-44 yrs Family Household: 45-54 yrs Family Household: 55-64 yrs Family Household: 65-74 yrs Family Household: 75+ yrs Workers in Family WPF90P0 WPF90P1 WPF90P2 WPF90P3 No workers 1 worker 2 workers 3 + workers Non-Family Households By Age of Householder NHD90H1524 NHD90H2534 NHD90H3544 NHD90H4554 NHD90H5564 NHD90H6574 NHD90HGT75 Non-Family Household: 15-24 yrs Non-Family Household: 25-34 yrs Non-Family Household: 35-44 yrs Non-Family Household: 45-54 yrs Non-Family Household: 55-64 yrs Non-Family Household: 65-74 yrs Non-Family Household: 75+ yrs Non-Family Households By Size NFH90S1 NFH90S2 NFH90S3 NFH90S4 NFH90S5 NFH90S6 NFH90S7 1 Persons 2 Persons 3 Persons 4 Persons 5 Persons 6 Persons 7+ Persons Households By Age of Householder and Tenure OOH90H1524 OOH90H2534 OOH90H3544 OOH90H4554 OOH905564 OOH906574 OOH90GT75 ROH901524 ROH902534 ROH903544 ROH904554 ROH905564 ROH906574 ROH90GT75 Owner-Occupied, 15-24 Yrs Owner-Occupied, 25-34 Yrs Owner-Occupied, 35-44 Yrs Owner-Occupied, 45-54 Yrs Owner-Occupied, 55-64 Yrs Owner-Occupied, 65-74 Yrs Owner-Occupied, 75+ Yrs Renter-Occupied, 15-24 Yrs Renter-Occupied, 25-34 Yrs Renter-Occupied, 35-44 Yrs Renter-Occupied, 45-54 Yrs Renter-Occupied, 55-64 Yrs Renter-Occupied, 65-74 Yrs Renter-Occupied, 75+ Yrs Households By Size and Tenure OOH90S1 OOH90S2 OOH90S3 Owner-Occupied: 1 Person Owner-Occupied: 2 Persons Owner-Occupied: 3 Persons Households By Size HHD90AVESZ HHD90S1 HHD90S2 HHD90S3 HHD90S4 HHD90S5 HHD90S6 HHD90S7 Average Household Size 1 Person Households 2 Person Households 3 Person Households 4 Person Households 5 Person Households 6 Person Households 7+ Person Households Households By Linguistic Isolation LNI90ENGL LNI90SPNIS LNI90SPNN LNI90ASNIS LNI90ASNN LIN90OTHIN LIN90OTHN Language: English Language: Spanish, Linguistically Isolated Language: Spanish, Not Linguistically Isolated Language: Asian/Pacific Island, Linguistically Isolated Language: Asian/Pacific Island, Not linguistically isolated Language: Other language, Linguistically isolated Language: Other language, Not linguistically isolated Vehicles Available By Tenure HVA90O0 HVA90O1 HVA90O2 HVA90O3 HVA90O4 HVA90O5 HVA90R0 HVA90R1 HVA90R2 HVA90R3 HVA90R4 HVA90R5 HVA90OAGG HVA90RAGG Owner-Occupied: None Owner-Occupied: 1 Owner-Occupied: 2 Owner-Occupied: 3 Owner-Occupied: 4 Owner-Occupied: 5+ Renter-Occupied: None Renter-Occupied: 1 Renter-Occupied: 2 Renter-Occupied: 3 Renter-Occupied: 4 Renter-Occupied: 5+ Aggregate Vehicles Available, Owner-Occupied Aggregate Vehicles Available, Renter-Occupied Dwellings HOU90TOTAL Housing Units Occupancy Status HOU90OCCUP HOU90VACNT HOU90OWNED HOU90RENT VHU90RENT VHU90SALE VHU90NYOCC VHU90SEAS VHU90MIGR VHU90OTHER HOU90BRDUP HOU90NTBRD Units, Occupied Units, Vacant Units, Owner-Occupied Units, Renter-Occupied Units: Vacant, For Rent Units: Vacant, For Sale Only Units: Vacant, Rented or Sold, Not Occupied Units: Vacant, For Seasonal, Recreational, or Occasional Use Units: Vacant, For Migrant Workers Units: Vacant, Other Vacant Units: Boarded Up Units: Not Boarded Up Occupancy Status by Race and Hispanic Origin OOH90WHITE OOH90BLACK OOH90AMIND OOH90ASIAN OOH90OTHER ROH90WHITE ROH90BLACK ROH90AMIND Owner-Occ Units, Race: White Owner-Occ Units, Race: Black Owner-Occ Units, Race: American Indian, Eskimo, or Aleut Owner-Occ Units, Race: Asian or Pacific Islander Owner-Occ Units, Race: Other Race Renter-Occ Units, Race: White Renter-Occ Units, Race: Black Renter-Occ Units, Race: American Indian, Eskimo, or Aleut Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A ROH90ASIAN ROH90OTHER OOH90HISP ROH90HISP OWN90HWHT OWN90HBLK OWN90HIND OWN90HASN OWN90HOTH RNT90HWHT RNT90HBLK RNT90HIND RNT90HASN RNT90HOTH Renter-Occ Units, Race: Asian or Pacific Islander Renter-Occ Units, Race: Other Race Owner-Occ Units: Hispanic Renter-Occ Units: Hispanic Owner-Occ Units: Hispanic, Race: White Owner-Occ Units: Hispanic, Race: Black Owner-Occ Units: Hispanic, Race: Amer Ind Owner-Occ Units: Hispanic, Race: Asian or Pacific Islander Owner-Occ Units: Hispanic, Race: Other Renter-Occ Units: Hispanic, Race: White Renter-Occ Units: Hispanic, Race: Black Renter-Occ Units: Hispanic, Race: Amer Indian Renter-Occ Units: Hispanic, Race: Asian or Pacific Islander Renter-Occ Units: Hispanic, Race: Other Dwellings by Heating Fuel DWL90HGAS DWL90HLPG DWL90HELEC DWL90HFOIL DWL90FCOAL DWL90FWOOD DWL90FSOLR DWL90FOTHR DWL90FNONE Utility Gas Bottled, Tank, or LP gas Electricity Fuel Oil, Kerosene, etc. Coal or Coke Wood Solar Energy Other Fuel No Fuel Used Gross Rent By Race RNT90WL200 RNT90W300 RNT90W500 RNT90W750 RNT90W999 RNT90W1000 RNT90WNONE RNT90BL200 RNT90B300 RNT90B500 RNT90B750 RNT90B999 RNT90B1000 RNT90BNONE RNT90IL200 RNT90I300 RNT90I500 RNT90I750 RNT90I999 RNT90I1000 RNT90INONE RNT90AL200 RNT90A300 RNT90A500 RNT90A750 RNT90A999 RNT90A1000 RNT90ANONE RNT90OL200 RNT90O300 RNT90O500 RNT90O750 RNT90O999 RNT90O1000 RNT90ONONE White, < $200 White, $200-299 White, $300-499 White, $500-749 White, $750-999 White, $1000+ White, No Cash Rent Black, < $200 Black, $200-299 Black, $300-499 Black, $500-749 Black, $750-999 Black, $1000+ Black, No Cash Rent American Indian, Eskimo, Or Aleut, < $200 American Indian, Eskimo, Or Aleut, $200-299 American Indian, Eskimo, Or Aleut, $300-499 American Indian, Eskimo, Or Aleut, $500-749 American Indian, Eskimo, Or Aleut, $750-999 American Indian, Eskimo, Or Aleut, $1000+ American Indian, Eskimo, Or Aleut, No Cash Rent Asian or Pacific Islander, < $200 Asian or Pacific Islander, $200-299 Asian or Pacific Islander, $300-499 Asian or Pacific Islander, $500-749 Asian or Pacific Islander, $750-999 Asian or Pacific Islander, $1000+ Asian or Pacific Islander, No Cash Rent Other Race, < $200 Other Race, $200-299 Other Race, $300-499 Other Race, $500-749 Other Race, $750-999 Other Race, $1000+ Other Race, No Cash Rent Gross Rent By Hispanic Origin RNT90NL200 RNT90N300 RNT90N500 RNT90N750 RNT90N999 RNT90N1000 RNT90NNONE RNT90HL200 RNT90H300 RNT90H500 RNT90H750 RNT90H999 RNT90H1000 RNT90HNONE Not Of Hispanic Origin, < $200 Not Of Hispanic Origin, $200-299 Not Of Hispanic Origin, $300-499 Not Of Hispanic Origin, $500-749 Not Of Hispanic Origin, $750-999 Not Of Hispanic Origin, $1000+ Not Of Hispanic Origin, No Cash Rent Hispanic Origin, < $200 Hispanic Origin, $200-299 Hispanic Origin, $300-499 Hispanic Origin, $500-749 Hispanic Origin, $750-999 Hispanic Origin, $1000+ Hispanic Origin, No Cash Rent Page 11 Owner Occupied Housing By Race SOO90WHITE SOO90BLACK SOO90AMIND SOO90ASIAN SOO90OTHER Owner-Occupied Housing, White Owner-Occupied Housing, Black Owner-Occupied Housing, American Indian, Eskimo, or Aleut Owner-Occupied Housing, Asian or Pacific Islander Owner-Occupied Housing, Other Race Owner Occupied Housing By Hispanic Origin SOO90NHISP SOO90HISP Owner-Occupied Housing, Not of Hispanic Origin Owner-Occupied Housing, Hispanic Origin Gross Rent as a % of Income By Income 1989 MOC90031 MOC90032 MOC90033 MOC90034 MOC90035 MOC90036 MOC90037 MOC90038 MOC90039 MOC90040 MOC90041 MOC90042 MOC90043 MOC90044 MOC90045 MOC90046 MOC90047 MOC90048 MOC90049 MOC90050 MOC90051 MOC90052 MOC90053 MOC90054 MOC90055 MOC90056 MOC90057 MOC90058 MOC90059 MOC90060 Income < $10,000: Gross Rent As %: < 20% Income < $10,000: Gross Rent As %: 20-24% Income < $10,000: Gross Rent As %: 25-29% Income < $10,000: Gross Rent As %: 30-34% Income < $10,000: Gross Rent As %: 35%+ Income < $10,000: Gross Rent As %: Not computed Income $10,000-$19,999: Gross Rent As %: < 20% Income $10,000-$19,999: Gross Rent As %: 20-24% Income $10,000-$19,999: Gross Rent As %: 25-29% Income $10,000-$19,999: Gross Rent As %: 30-34% Income $10,000-$19,999: Gross Rent As %: 35%+ Income $10,000-$19,999: Gross Rent As %: Not computed Income $20,000-$34,999: Gross Rent As %: < 20% Income $20,000-$34,999: Gross Rent As %: 20-24% Income $20,000-$34,999: Gross Rent As %: 25-29% Income $20,000-$34,999: Gross Rent As %: 30-34% Income $20,000-$34,999: Gross Rent As %: 35%+ Income $20,000-$34,999: Gross Rent As %: Not computed Income $35,000-$49,999: Gross Rent As %: < 20% Income $35,000-$49,999: Gross Rent As %: 20-24% Income $35,000-$49,999: Gross Rent As %: 25-29% Income $35,000-$49,999: Gross Rent As %: 30-34% Income $35,000-$49,999: Gross Rent As %: 35%+ Income $35,000-$49,999: Gross Rent As %: Not computed Income $50,000+: Gross Rent As %: < 20% Income $50,000+: Gross Rent As %: 20-24% Income $50,000+: Gross Rent As %: 25-29% Income $50,000+: Gross Rent As %: 30-34% Income $50,000+: Gross Rent As %: 35%+ Income $50,000+: Gross Rent As %: Not computed Ownership Costs Selected Monthly Occupancy Costs SMC90M01 SMC90M02 SMC90M03 SMC90M04 SMC90M05 SMC90M06 SMC90M07 SMC90M08 SMC90M09 SMC90M10 SMC90M11 SMC90M12 SMC90M13 SMC90NM01 SMC90NM02 SMC90NM03 SMC90NM04 SMC90NM05 SMC90NM06 SMC90NM07 SMC90NM08 With A Mortgage: < $200 With A Mortgage: $200 to $299 With A Mortgage: $300 to $399 With A Mortgage: $400 to $499 With A Mortgage: $500 to $599 With A Mortgage: $600 to $699 With A Mortgage: $700 to $799 With A Mortgage: $800 to $899 With A Mortgage: $900 to $999 With A Mortgage: $1000 to $1249 With A Mortgage: $1250 to $1499 With A Mortgage: $1500 to $1999 With A Mortgage: $2000+ Not mortgaged: < $100 Not mortgaged: $100 to $149 Not mortgaged: $150 to $199 Not mortgaged: $200 to $249 Not mortgaged: $250 to $299 Not mortgaged: $300 to $349 Not mortgaged: $350 to $399 Not mortgaged: $400+ Monthly Owner Costs: White MOC90WM01 MOC90WM02 MOC90WM03 MOC90WM04 MOC90WM05 MOC90WM06 MOC90WNM01 MOC90WNM02 White, With A Mortgage: Less than $300 White, With A Mortgage: $300-499 White, With A Mortgage: $500-699 White, With A Mortgage: $700-999 White, With A Mortgage: $1000-1499 White, With A Mortgage: $1500+ White, Not Mortgaged: Less than $100 White, Not Mortgaged: $100-199 Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A MOC90WNM03 White, Not Mortgaged: $200-299 MOC90WNM04 White, Not Mortgaged: $300-399 MOC90WNM05 White, Not Mortgaged: $400+ Monthly Owner Costs: Black MOC90BM01 MOC90BM02 MOC90BM03 MOC90BM04 MOC90BM05 MOC90BM06 MOC90BNM01 MOC90BNM02 MOC90BNM03 MOC90BNM04 MOC90BNM05 Black, With A Mortgage: Less than $300 Black, With A Mortgage: $300-499 Black, With A Mortgage: $500-699 Black, With A Mortgage: $700-999 Black, With A Mortgage: $1000-1499 Black, With A Mortgage: $1500+ Black, Not Mortgaged: Less than $100 Black, Not Mortgaged: $100-199 Black, Not Mortgaged: $200-299 Black, Not Mortgaged: $300-399 Black, Not Mortgaged: $400+ Monthly Owner Costs: American Indian MOC90IM01 MOC90IM02 MOC90IM03 MOC90IM04 MOC90IM05 MOC90IM06 MOC90INM01 MOC90INM02 MOC90INM03 MOC90INM04 MOC90INM05 Amer Indian With A Mortgage: < $300 Amer Indian With A Mortgage: $300-499 Amer Indian With A Mortgage: $500-699 Amer With A Mortgage: $700-999 Amer Indian With A Mortgage $1000-1499 Amer Indian With A Mortgage: $1500+ Amer Indian, Not Mortgaged: < $100 Amer Indian Not Mortgaged: $100-199 Amer Indian Not Mortgaged: $200-299 Amer Indian/ Not Mortgaged: $300-399 Amer Indian/ Not Mortgaged: $400+ Monthly Owner Costs: Asian MOC90AM01 MOC90AM02 MOC90AM03 MOC90AM04 MOC90AM05 MOC90AM06 MOC90ANM01 MOC90ANM02 MOC90ANM03 MOC90ANM04 MOC90ANM05 Asian/PI, With A Mortgage: < $300 Asian/PI, With A Mortgage: $300-499 Asian/PI, With A Mortgage: $500-699 Asian/PI, With A Mortgage: $700-999 Asian/PI, With A Mortgage: $1000-1499 Asian/PI, With A Mortgage: $1500+ Asian/PI, Not Mortgaged: < $100 Asian/PI, Not Mortgaged: $100-199 Asian/PI, Not Mortgaged: $200-299 Asian/PI, Not Mortgaged: $300-399 Asian/PI, Not Mortgaged: $400+ Monthly Owner Costs: Other Race MOC90OM01 MOC90OM02 MOC90OM03 MOC90OM04 MOC90OM05 MOC90OM06 MOC90ONM01 MOC90ONM02 MOC90ONM03 MOC90ONM04 MOC90ONM05 Other Race, With A Mortgage: Less than $300 Other Race, With A Mortgage: $300-499 Other Race, With A Mortgage: $500-699 Other Race, With A Mortgage: $700-999 Other Race, With A Mortgage: $1000-1499 Other Race, With A Mortgage: $1500+ Other Race, Not Mortgaged: Less than $100 Other Race, Not Mortgaged: $100-199 Other Race, Not Mortgaged: $200-299 Other Race, Not Mortgaged: $300-399 Other Race, Not Mortgaged: $400+ Monthly Owner Costs: Hispanic MOC90HM01 MOC90HM02 MOC90HM03 MOC90HM04 MOC90HM05 MOC90HM06 MOC90HNM01 MOC90HNM02 MOC90HNM03 MOC90HNM04 MOC90HNM05 Hispanic, With A Mortgage: Less than $300 Hispanic, With A Mortgage: $300-499 Hispanic, With A Mortgage: $500-699 Hispanic, With A Mortgage: $700-999 Hispanic, With A Mortgage: $1000-1499 Hispanic, With A Mortgage: $1500+ Hispanic, Not Mortgaged: Less than $100 Hispanic, Not Mortgaged: $100-199 Hispanic, Not Mortgaged: $200-299 Hispanic, Not Mortgaged: $300-399 Hispanic, Not Mortgaged: $400+ Owner Costs as a % of Income 1989 MOC90001 MOC90002 MOC90003 MOC90004 MOC90005 MOC90006 MOC90007 MOC90008 < $10,000: Owner Costs As % : < 20% < $10,000: Owner Costs As % : 20-24% < $10,000: Owner Costs As % : 25-29% < $10,000: Owner Costs As % : 30-34% < $10,000: Owner Costs As % : 35%+ < $10,000: Owner Costs As % : Not computed $10,000-$19,999: Owner Costs As % : < 20% $10,000-$19,999: Owner Costs As % : 20-24% Page 12 MOC90009 MOC90010 MOC90011 MOC90012 MOC90013 MOC90014 MOC90015 MOC90016 MOC90017 MOC90018 MOC90019 MOC90020 MOC90021 MOC90022 MOC90023 MOC90024 MOC90025 MOC90026 MOC90027 MOC90028 MOC90029 MOC90030 $10,000-$19,999: Owner Costs As % : 25-29% $10,000-$19,999: Owner Costs As % : 30-34% $10,000-$19,999: Owner Costs As % : 35%+ $10,000-$19,999: Owner Costs % : Not computed $20,000-$34,999: Owner Costs As % : < 20% $20,000-$34,999: Owner Costs As % : 20-24% $20,000-$34,999: Owner Costs As % : 25-29% $20,000-$34,999: Owner Costs As % : 30-34% $20,000-$34,999: Owner Costs As % : 35%+ $20,000-$34,999: Owner Costs % : Not computed $35,000-$49,999: Owner Costs As % : < 20% $35,000-$49,999: Owner Costs % : 20-24% $35,000-$49,999: Owner Costs As % : 25-29% $35,000-$49,999: Owner Costs As % : 30-34% $35,000-$49,999: Owner Costs As % : 35%+ $35,000-$49,999: Owner Costs%: Not computed $50,000+: Owner Costs As % : < 20% $50,000+: Owner Costs As % : 20-24% $50,000+: Owner Costs As % : 25-29% $50,000+: Owner Costs As % : 30-34% $50,000+: Owner Costs As % : 35%+ $50,000+: Owner Costs As % : Not computed Aggregate Dwelling Value HOU90AGGVA Aggregate Dwelling Value AHV90PRICE Aggregate Price Asked Vacant Owner-Occupied Dwellings Aggregate Value By Race AHV90OOWHT AHV90OOBLK AHV90OOIND AHV90OOASN AHV90OOOTH White Black American Indian/Eskimo/Aleut Asian/Pacific Islander Other Race Aggregate Value by Hispanic Origin AHV90ONHIS AHV90OHIS Not of Hispanic Origin Hispanic Origin Aggregate Value by Units in Structure ADV901DET ADV901ATT ADV902 ADV90GT3 ADV90MOB ADV90OTH Units in Structure: 1; Detached Units in Structure: 1; Attached Units in Structure: 2 Units in Structure: 3 or More Units in Structure: Mobile Home or Trailer Units in Structure: Other Aggregate Rent RNT90AGG Aggregate Contract Rent RNT90AGGVC Aggregate Rent Asked For Vacant Rental Units Aggregate Rent By Race ARN90ROWHT ARN90ROBLK ARN90ROIND ARN90ROASN ARN90ROOTH Race: White Race: Black Race: American Indian/Eskimo/Aleut Race: Asian or Pacific Islander Race: Other Race Aggregate Rent By Hispanic Origin ARN90NHISP ARN90HISP Not of Hispanic Origin Hispanic Origin Aggregate Monthly Owner Costs AMC90MORT AMC90NMORT AMC90MOBM AMC90MOBNM AMC90CONM AMC90CONNM AMC90SPEM AMC90SPENM AHI90OWNM AHI90OWNNM With A Mortgage Not Mortgaged Mobile Homes, With a Mortgage Mobile Homes, Not Mortgaged Condominiums, With a Mortgage Condominiums, Not Mortgaged Spec. Owner-Occ Units, With a Mortgage Spec. Owner-Occ Units, Not Mortgaged Owner Occupied With A Mortgage Owner Occupied Not Mortgaged Aggregate Income: Renter Occupied AHI90RENT Aggregate Household Income: Renter Occupied Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A Aggregate Rooms in Dwellings HOU90AGGRM Aggregate Rooms In Dwellings HOU90OROOM Owner-Occupied HOU90RROOM Renter-Occupied Dwelling Value HOU90VLT15 HOU90V15 HOU90V20 HOU90V25 HOU90V30 HOU90V35 HOU90V40 HOU90V45 HOU90V50 HOU90V60 HOU90V75 HOU90V100 HOU90V125 HOU90V150 HOU90V175 HOU90V200 HOU90V250 HOU90V300 HOU90V400 HOU90V500 HOU90MEDVA < $15,000 $15,000-$19,999 $20,000-$24,999 $25,000-$29,999 $30,000-$34,999 $35,000-$39,999 $40,000-$44,999 $45,000-$49,999 $50,000-$59,999 $60,000-$74,999 $75,000-$99,999 $100,000-$124,999 $125,000-$149,999 $150,000-$174,999 $175,000-$199,999 $200,000-$249,999 $250,000-$299,999 $300,000-$399,999 $400,000-$499,999 $500,000+ Median Value: Owner Occupied Units Vacant Dwellings VAC90FRENT VAC90SALE VAC90OTHER CND90VCRNT CND90VCSAL CND90VCSSN CND90VCOTH NCN90VCRNT NCN90VCSAL NCN90VCSSN NCN90VCOTH Specified Vacant for Rent Specified Vacant for Sale Only All Other Vacant Condominium: For Rent Condominium: For Sale Only Condominium: For seasonal, recreational, or occasional use Condominium: All other vacants Non-Condominium: For Rent Non-Condominium: For Sale Only Non-Condominium: For Seasonal, Recreational, or Occasional Use Non-Condominium: All Other Vacants Rental Costs RNT90LT100 RNT90100 RNT90150 RNT90200 RNT90250 RNT90300 RNT90350 RNT90400 RNT90450 RNT90500 RNT90550 RNT90600 RNT90650 RNT90700 RNT90750 RNT901000 RNT90NONE RNT90MED Contract Rent < $100 Contract Rent $100-$149 Contract Rent $150-$199 Contract Rent $200-$249 Contract Rent $250-$299 Contract Rent $300-$349 Contract Rent $350-$399 Contract Rent $400-$449 Contract Rent $450-$499 Contract Rent $500-$549 Contract Rent $550-$599 Contract Rent $600-$649 Contract Rent $650-$699 Contract Rent $700-$749 Contract Rent $750-$999 Contract Rent $1,000+ Contract Rent: No Cash Rent Median Rent: Renter Occupied Units Renter Occupied Housing by Race/Hispanic Origin SRO90WHITE SRO90BLACK SRO90AMIND SRO90ASIAN SRO90OTHER SRO90NHISP SRO90HISP Race: White Race: Black Race: American Indian, Eskimo or Aleut Race: Asian or Pacific Islander Race: Other Race Not of Hispanic Origin Hispanic Origin Units in Structure HUS901DET HUS901ATT HUS9002 HUS90304 HUS900509 HUS901019 HUS902049 Units In Structure: 1, Detached Units In Structure: 1, Attached Units In Structure: 2 Units In Structure: 3-4 Units In Structure: 5-9 Units In Structure: 10-19 Units In Structure: 20-49 Page 13 HUS90GT50 HUS90MOB HUS90OTH VHU901DET VHU901ATT VHU902 VHU900304 VHU900509 VHU901019 VHU902049 VHU90GT50 VHU90MOB VHU90OTH OUS901DET OUS901ATT OUS902 OUS900304 OUS900509 OUS901019 OUS902049 OUS90GT50 OUS90MOB OUS90OTH RUS901DET RUS901ATT RUS9002 RUS900304 RUS900509 RUS901019 RUS902049 RUS90GT50 RUS90MOB RUS90OTH Units In Structure: 50 or more Units In Structure: Mobile Home or Trailer Units In Structure: Other Units in Structure, Vacant, 1 Detached Units in Structure, Vacant, 1 Attached Units in Structure, Vacant, 2 Units in Structure, Vacant 3-4 Units in Structure, Vacant 5-9 Units in Structure, Vacant 10-19 Units in Structure, Vacant 20-49 Units in Structure, Vacant 50+ Units in Structure: Vacant Mobile Home Units in Structure: Vacant Other Owner Occupied Structure: 1, Detached Owner Occupied Structure: 1, Attached Owner Occupied Structure: 2 Owner Occupied Structure: 3-4 Owner Occupied Structure: 5-9 Owner Occupied Structure: 10-19 Owner Occupied Structure: 20-49 Owner Occupied Structure: 50 or more Owner Occupied Structure: Mobile Home or Trailer Owner Occupied Structure: Other Renter Occupied Structure: 1, Detached Renter Occupied Structure: 1, Attached Renter Occupied Structure: 2 Renter Occupied Structure: 3-4 Renter Occupied Structure: 5-9 Renter Occupied Structure: 10-19 Renter Occupied Structure: 20-49 Renter Occupied Structure: 50 or more Renter Occupied Structure: Mobile Home or Trailer Renter Occupied Structure: Other Residence in 1985, Persons Age 5+ Years RES90SH85 RES90DHSC RES90DHSS RES90DSNE RES90DSMW RES90DSS RES90DSW RES90PRICO RES90USOUT RES90FORGN Same house in 1985 Different House, Same County Different County, Same State Different State, Northeast Different State, Midwest Different State, South Different State, West Abroad, Puerto Rico Abroad, U.S. outlying area Abroad, Foreign country Condominiums by Tenure CND90OMTG Owner-Occupied, with a mortgage CND90ONMTG Owner-Occupied, Not mortgaged CND90RNT Condominium: Renter Non-Condominiums By Tenure NCN90OMTG Owner-Occupied, With A mortgage NCN90ONMTG Owner-Occupied, Not Mortgaged NCN90RNT Renter Year Structure Built YBT908990 YBT908588 YBT908084 YBT907079 YBT906069 YBT905059 YBT904049 YBT90GT39 1989 to March 1990 1985 to 1988 1980 to 1984 1970 to 1979 1960 to 1969 1950 to 1959 1940 to 1949 < 1939 Year Moved In YMI908990 YMI908588 YMI908084 YMI907079 YMI906069 YMI90BF59 Year Moved Into Unit: 1989 to March 1990 Year Moved Into Unit: 1985 to 1988 Year Moved Into Unit: 1980 to 1984 Year Moved Into Unit: 1970 to 1979 Year Moved Into Unit: 1960 to 1969 Year Moved Into Unit: < 1959 Neighborhood Stability STABILITY TURNOVER Stability (5 Year) Percentage Turnover (1 Year) Percentage Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A Income INC90AGGGP INC90AGGFA INC90AGGNF INC90AGG Aggregate Income Group Quarters Aggregate Income Families Aggregate Income Non-Family Hhlds Aggregate Income Aggregate Income by Family Household Type AFI90MCFCH AFI90MCFNC AFI90LPMCH AFI90LPMNC AFI90LPFCH AFI90LPFNC Married Couple, Children < 18 Yrs Old Married Couple, No Children < 18 Yrs Old Male Householder, Children < 18 Yrs Old Male Householder, No Children < 18 Yrs Old Female Householder, Children < 18 Yrs Old Female Householder, No Children < 18 Yrs Old Non-Family Aggregate Income NIN90AGG1 NIN90AGG2 Non-Family Income, Income < $150,000 Non-Family Income, Income > $150,000 Income By Age of Householder HIN90T2401 HIN90T2402 HIN90T2403 HIN90T2404 HIN90T2405 HIN90T2406 HIN90T2407 HIN90T2408 HIN90T2409 HIN90T2501 HIN90T2502 HIN90T2503 HIN90T2504 HIN90T2505 HIN90T2506 HIN90T2507 HIN90T2508 HIN90T2509 HIN90T3501 HIN90T3502 HIN90T3503 HIN90T3504 HIN90T3505 HIN90T3506 HIN90T3507 HIN90T3508 HIN90T3509 HIN90T4501 HIN90T4502 HIN90T4503 HIN90T4504 HIN90T4505 HIN90T4506 HIN90T4507 HIN90T4508 HIN90T4509 HIN90T5501 HIN90T5502 HIN90T5503 HIN90T5504 HIN90T5505 HIN90T5506 HIN90T5507 HIN90T5508 HIN90T5509 HIN90T6501 HIN90T6502 HIN90T6503 HIN90T6504 HIN90T6505 HIN90T6506 HIN90T6507 HIN90T6508 HIN90T6509 HIN90T7501 HIN90T7502 HIN90T7503 HIN90T7504 Income, Under 25 Yrs: < $5,000 Income, Under 25 Yrs: $5,000-9,999 Income, Under 25 Yrs: $10,000-14,999 Income, Under 25 Yrs: $15,000-24,999 Income, Under 25 Yrs: $25,000-34,999 Income, Under 25 Yrs: $35,000-49,999 Income, Under 25 Yrs: $50,000-74,999 Income, Under 25 Yrs: $75,000-99,999 Income, Under 25 Yrs: $100,000+ Income, 25-34 Yrs: < $5,000 Income, 25-34 Yrs: $5,000-9,999 Income, 25-34 Yrs: $10,000-14,999 Income, 25-34 Yrs: $15,000-24,999 Income, 25-34 Yrs: $25,000-34,999 Income, 25-34 Yrs: $35,000-49,999 Income, 25-34 Yrs: $50,000-74,999 Income, 25-34 Yrs: $75,000-99,999 Income, 25-34 Yrs: $100,000+ Income, 35-44 Yrs: < $5,000 Income, 35-44 Yrs: $5,000-9,999 Income, 35-44 Yrs: $10,000-14,999 Income, 35-44 Yrs: $15,000-24,999 Income, 35-44 Yrs: $25,000-34,999 Income, 35-44 Yrs: $35,000-49,999 Income, 35-44 Yrs: $50,000-74,999 Income, 35-44 Yrs: $75,000-99,999 Income, 35-44 Yrs: $100,000+ Income, 45-54 Yrs: < $5,000 Income, 45-54 Yrs: $5,000-9,999 Income, 45-54 Yrs: $10,000-14,999 Income, 45-54 Yrs: $15,000-24,999 Income, 45-54 Yrs: $25,000-34,999 Income, 45-54 Yrs: $35,000-49,999 Income, 45-54 Yrs: $50,000-74,999 Income, 45-54 Yrs: $75,000-99,999 Income, 45-54 Yrs: $100,000+ Income, 55-64 Yrs: < $5,000 Income, 55-64 Yrs: $5,000-9,999 Income, 55-64 Yrs: $10,000-14,999 Income, 55-64 Yrs: $15,000-24,999 Income, 55-64 Yrs: $25,000-34,999 Income, 55-64 Yrs: $35,000-49,999 Income, 55-64 Yrs: $50,000-74,999 Income, 55-64 Yrs: $75,000-99,999 Income, 55-64 Yrs: $100,000+ Income, 65-74 Yrs: < $5,000 Income, 65-74 Yrs: $5,000-9,999 Income, 65-74 Yrs: $10,000-14,999 Income, 65-74 Yrs: $15,000-24,999 Income, 65-74 Yrs: $25,000-34,999 Income, 65-74 Yrs: $35,000-49,999 Income, 65-74 Yrs: $50,000-74,999 Income, 65-74 Yrs: $75,000-99,999 Income, 65-74 Yrs: $100,000+ Income, 75+ Yrs: < $5,000 Income, 75+ Yrs: $5,000-9,999 Income, 75+ Yrs: $10,000-14,999 Income, 75+ Yrs: $15,000-24,999 Page 14 HIN90T7505 HIN90T7506 HIN90T7507 HIN90T7508 HIN90T7509 Income, 75+ Yrs: $25,000-34,999 Income, 75+ Yrs: $35,000-49,999 Income, 75+ Yrs: $50,000-74,999 Income, 75+ Yrs: $75,000-99,999 Income, 75+ Yrs: $100,000+ Income by Age of Householder By Race Income by Age of Householder White HIN90W2401 HIN90W2402 HIN90W2403 HIN90W2404 HIN90W2405 HIN90W2406 HIN90W2407 HIN90W2408 HIN90W2409 HIN90W2501 HIN90W2502 HIN90W2503 HIN90W2504 HIN90W2505 HIN90W2506 HIN90W2507 HIN90W2508 HIN90W2509 HIN90W3501 HIN90W3502 HIN90W3503 HIN90W3504 HIN90W3505 HIN90W3506 HIN90W3507 HIN90W3508 HIN90W3509 HIN90W4501 HIN90W4502 HIN90W4503 HIN90W4504 HIN90W4505 HIN90W4506 HIN90W4507 HIN90W4508 HIN90W4509 HIN90W5501 HIN90W5502 HIN90W5503 HIN90W5504 HIN90W5505 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35-44 Yrs: $35,000-49,999 White, 35-44 Yrs: $50,000-74,999 White, 35-44 Yrs: $75,000-99,999 White, 35-44 Yrs: $100,000+ White, 45-54 Yrs: < $5,000 White, 45-54 Yrs: $5,000-9,999 White, 45-54 Yrs: $10,000-14,999 White, 45-54 Yrs: $15,000-24,999 White, 45-54 Yrs: $25,000-34,999 White, 45-54 Yrs: $35,000-49,999 White, 45-54 Yrs: $50,000-74,999 White, 45-54 Yrs: $75,000-99,999 White, 45-54 Yrs: $100,000+ White, 55-64 Yrs: < $5,000 White, 55-64 Yrs: $5,000-9,999 White, 55-64 Yrs: $10,000-14,999 White, 55-64 Yrs: $15,000-24,999 White, 55-64 Yrs: $25,000-34,999 White, 55-64 Yrs: $35,000-49,999 White, 55-64 Yrs: $50,000-74,999 White, 55-64 Yrs: $75,000-99,999 White, 55-64 Yrs: $100,000+ White, 65-74 Yrs: < $5,000 White, 65-74 Yrs: $5,000-9,999 White, 65-74 Yrs: $10,000-14,999 White, 65-74 Yrs: $15,000-24,999 White, 65-74 Yrs: $25,000-34,999 White, 65-74 Yrs: $35,000-49,999 White, 65-74 Yrs: $50,000-74,999 White, 65-74 Yrs: $75,000-99,999 White, 65-74 Yrs: $100,000+ White, 75+ Yrs: < $5,000 White, 75+ Yrs: $5,000-9,999 White, 75+ Yrs: $10,000-14,999 White, 75+ Yrs: $15,000-24,999 White, 75+ Yrs: $25,000-34,999 White, 75+ Yrs: $35,000-49,999 White, 75+ Yrs: $50,000-74,999 White, 75+ Yrs: $75,000-99,999 White, 75+ Yrs: $100,000+ Income by Age of Householder Black HIN90B2401 HIN90B2402 HIN90B2403 HIN90B2404 Black, Under 25 Yrs: < $5,000 Black, Under 25 Yrs: $5,000-9,999 Black, Under 25 Yrs: $10,000-14,999 Black, Under 25 Yrs: $15,000-24,999 Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A HIN90B2405 HIN90B2406 HIN90B2407 HIN90B2408 HIN90B2409 HIN90B2501 HIN90B2502 HIN90B2503 HIN90B2504 HIN90B2505 HIN90B2506 HIN90B2507 HIN90B2508 HIN90B2509 HIN90B3501 HIN90B3502 HIN90B3503 HIN90B3504 HIN90B3505 HIN90B3506 HIN90B3507 HIN90B3508 HIN90B3509 HIN90B4501 HIN90B4502 HIN90B4503 HIN90B4504 HIN90B4505 HIN90B4506 HIN90B4507 HIN90B4508 HIN90B4509 HIN90B5501 HIN90B5502 HIN90B5503 HIN90B5504 HIN90B5505 HIN90B5506 HIN90B5507 HIN90B5508 HIN90B5509 HIN90B6501 HIN90B6502 HIN90B6503 HIN90B6504 HIN90B6505 HIN90B6506 HIN90B6507 HIN90B6508 HIN90B6509 HIN90B7501 HIN90B7502 HIN90B7503 HIN90B7504 HIN90B7505 HIN90B7506 HIN90B7507 HIN90B7508 HIN90B7509 Black, Under 25 Yrs: $25,000-34,999 Black, Under 25 Yrs: $35,000-49,999 Black, Under 25 Yrs: $50,000-74,999 Black, Under 25 Yrs: $75,000-99,999 Black, Under 25 Yrs: $100,000+ Black, 25-34 Yrs: < $5,000 Black, 25-34 Yrs: $5,000-9,999 Black, 25-34 Yrs: $10,000-14,999 Black, 25-34 Yrs: $15,000-24,999 Black, 25-34 Yrs: $25,000-34,999 Black, 25-34 Yrs: $35,000-49,999 Black, 25-34 Yrs: $50,000-74,999 Black, 25-34 Yrs: $75,000-99,999 Black, 25-34 Yrs: $100,000+ Black, 35-44 Yrs: < $5,000 Black, 35-44 Yrs: $5,000-9,999 Black, 35-44 Yrs: $10,000-14,999 Black, 35-44 Yrs: $15,000-24,999 Black, 35-44 Yrs: $25,000-34,999 Black, 35-44 Yrs: $35,000-49,999 Black, 35-44 Yrs: $50,000-74,999 Black, 35-44 Yrs: $75,000-99,999 Black, 35-44 Yrs: $100,000+ Black, 45-54 Yrs: < $5,000 Black, 45-54 Yrs: $5,000-9,999 Black, 45-54 Yrs: $10,000-14,999 Black, 45-54 Yrs: $15,000-24,999 Black, 45-54 Yrs: $25,000-34,999 Black, 45-54 Yrs: $35,000-49,999 Black, 45-54 Yrs: $50,000-74,999 Black, 45-54 Yrs: $75,000-99,999 Black, 45-54 Yrs: $100,000+ Black, 55-64 Yrs: < $5,000 Black, 55-64 Yrs: $5,000-9,999 Black, 55-64 Yrs: $10,000-14,999 Black, 55-64 Yrs: $15,000-24,999 Black, 55-64 Yrs: $25,000-34,999 Black, 55-64 Yrs: $35,000-49,999 Black, 55-64 Yrs: $50,000-74,999 Black, 55-64 Yrs: $75,000-99,999 Black, 55-64 Yrs: $100,000+ Black, 65-74 Yrs: < $5,000 Black, 65-74 Yrs: $5,000-9,999 Black, 65-74 Yrs: $10,000-14,999 Black, 65-74 Yrs: $15,000-24,999 Black, 65-74 Yrs: $25,000-34,999 Black, 65-74 Yrs: $35,000-49,999 Black, 65-74 Yrs: $50,000-74,999 Black, 65-74 Yrs: $75,000-99,999 Black, 65-74 Yrs: $100,000+ Black, 75+ Yrs: < $5,000 Black, 75+ Yrs: $5,000-9,999 Black, 75+ Yrs: $10,000-14,999 Black, 75+ Yrs: $15,000-24,999 Black, 75+ Yrs: $25,000-34,999 Black, 75+ Yrs: $35,000-49,999 Black, 75+ Yrs: $50,000-74,999 Black, 75+ Yrs: $75,000-99,999 Black, 75+ Yrs: $100,000+ Income by Age of Householder American Indian HIN90I2401 HIN90I2402 HIN90I2403 HIN90I2404 HIN90I2405 HIN90I2406 HIN90I2407 HIN90I2408 HIN90I2409 HIN90I2501 HIN90I2502 HIN90I2503 HIN90I2504 HIN90I2505 HIN90I2506 HIN90I2507 HIN90I2508 Amer. Ind., Under 25 Yrs: < $5,000 Amer. Ind., Under 25 Yrs: $5,000-9,999 Amer. Ind., Under 25 Yrs: $10,000-14,999 Amer. Ind., Under 25 Yrs: $15,000-24,999 Amer. Ind., Under 25 Yrs: $25,000-34,999 Amer. Ind., Under 25 Yrs: $35,000-49,999 Amer. Ind., Under 25 Yrs: $50,000-74,999 Amer. Ind., Under 25 Yrs: $75,000-99,999 Amer. Ind., Under 25 Yrs: $100,000+ Amer. Ind., 25-34 Yrs: < $5,000 Amer. Ind., 25-34 Yrs: $5,000-9,999 Amer. Ind., 25-34 Yrs: $10,000-14,999 Amer. Ind., 25-34 Yrs: $15,000-24,999 Amer. Ind., 25-34 Yrs: $25,000-34,999 Amer. Ind., 25-34 Yrs: $35,000-49,999 Amer. Ind., 25-34 Yrs: $50,000-74,999 Amer. Ind., 25-34 Yrs: $75,000-99,999 Page 15 HIN90I2509 HIN90I3501 HIN90I3502 HIN90I3503 HIN90I3504 HIN90I3505 HIN90I3506 HIN90I3507 HIN90I3508 HIN90I3509 HIN90I4501 HIN90I4502 HIN90I4503 HIN90I4504 HIN90I4505 HIN90I4506 HIN90I4507 HIN90I4508 HIN90I4509 HIN90I5501 HIN90I5502 HIN90I5503 HIN90I5504 HIN90I5505 HIN90I5506 HIN90I5507 HIN90I5508 HIN90I5509 HIN90I6501 HIN90I6502 HIN90I6503 HIN90I6504 HIN90I6505 HIN90I6506 HIN90I6507 HIN90I6508 HIN90I6509 HIN90I7501 HIN90I7502 HIN90I7503 HIN90I7504 HIN90I7505 HIN90I7506 HIN90I7507 HIN90I7508 HIN90I7509 Amer. Ind., 25-34 Yrs: $100,000+ Amer. Ind., 35-44 Yrs: < $5,000 Amer. Ind., 35-44 Yrs: $5,000-9,999 Amer. Ind., 35-44 Yrs: $10,000-14,999 Amer. Ind., 35-44 Yrs: $15,000-24,999 Amer. Ind., 35-44 Yrs: $25,000-34,999 Amer. Ind., 35-44 Yrs: $35,000-49,999 Amer. Ind., 35-44 Yrs: $50,000-74,999 Amer. Ind., 35-44 Yrs: $75,000-99,999 Amer. Ind., 35-44 Yrs: $100,000+ Amer. Ind., 45-54 Yrs: < $5,000 Amer. Ind., 45-54 Yrs: $5,000-9,999 Amer. Ind., 45-54 Yrs: $10,000-14,999 Amer. Ind., 45-54 Yrs: $15,000-24,999 Amer. Ind., 45-54 Yrs: $25,000-34,999 Amer. Ind., 45-54 Yrs: $35,000-49,999 Amer. Ind., 45-54 Yrs: $50,000-74,999 Amer. Ind., 45-54 Yrs: $75,000-99,999 Amer. Ind., 45-54 Yrs: $100,000+ Amer. Ind., 55-64 Yrs: < $5,000 Amer. Ind., 55-64 Yrs: $5,000-9,999 Amer. Ind., 55-64 Yrs: $10,000-14,999 Amer. Ind., 55-64 Yrs: $15,000-24,999 Amer. Ind., 55-64 Yrs: $25,000-34,999 Amer. Ind., 55-64 Yrs: $35,000-49,999 Amer. Ind., 55-64 Yrs: $50,000-74,999 Amer. Ind., 55-64 Yrs: $75,000-99,999 Amer. Ind., 55-64 Yrs: $100,000+ Amer. Ind., 65-74 Yrs: < $5,000 Amer. Ind., 65-74 Yrs: $5,000-9,999 Amer. Ind., 65-74 Yrs: $10,000-14,999 Amer. Ind., 65-74 Yrs: $15,000-24,999 Amer. Ind., 65-74 Yrs: $25,000-34,999 Amer. Ind., 65-74 Yrs: $35,000-49,999 Amer. Ind., 65-74 Yrs: $50,000-74,999 Amer. Ind., 65-74 Yrs: $75,000-99,999 Amer. Ind., 65-74 Yrs: $100,000+ Amer. Ind., 75+ Yrs: < $5,000 Amer. Ind., 75+ Yrs: $5,000-9,999 Amer. Ind., 75+ Yrs: $10,000-14,999 Amer. Ind., 75+ Yrs: $15,000-24,999 Amer. Ind., 75+ Yrs: $25,000-34,999 Amer. Ind., 75+ Yrs: $35,000-49,999 Amer. Ind., 75+ Yrs: $50,000-74,999 Amer. Ind., 75+ Yrs: $75,000-99,999 Amer. Ind., 75+ Yrs: $100,000+ Income by Age of Householder Asian/Pacific Islander HIN90A2401 HIN90A2402 HIN90A2403 HIN90A2404 HIN90A2405 HIN90A2406 HIN90A2407 HIN90A2408 HIN90A2409 HIN90A2501 HIN90A2502 HIN90A2503 HIN90A2504 HIN90A2505 HIN90A2506 HIN90A2507 HIN90A2508 HIN90A2509 HIN90A3501 HIN90A3502 HIN90A3503 HIN90A3504 HIN90A3505 HIN90A3506 HIN90A3507 HIN90A3508 HIN90A3509 HIN90A4501 HIN90A4502 HIN90A4503 Asian or Pacific Islander, < 25 Yrs: < $5,000 Asian or Pacific Islander, < 25 Yrs: $5,000-9,999 Asian or Pacific Islander, < 25 Yrs: $10,000-14,999 Asian or Pacific Islander, < 25 Yrs: $15,000-24,999 Asian or Pacific Islander, < 25 Yrs: $25,000-34,999 Asian or Pacific Islander, < 25 Yrs: $35,000-49,999 Asian or Pacific Islander, < 25 Yrs: $50,000-74,999 Asian or Pacific Islander, < 25 Yrs: $75,000-99,999 Asian or Pacific Islander, Under 25 Yrs: $100,000+ Asian or Pacific Islander, 25-34 Yrs: < $5,000 Asian or Pacific Islander, 25-34 Yrs: $5,000-9,999 Asian or Pacific Islander, 25-34 Yrs: $10,000-14,999 Asian or Pacific Islander, 25-34 Yrs: $15,000-24,999 Asian or Pacific Islander, 25-34 Yrs: $25,000-34,999 Asian or Pacific Islander, 25-34 Yrs: $35,000-49,999 Asian or Pacific Islander, 25-34 Yrs: $50,000-74,999 Asian or Pacific Islander, 25-34 Yrs: $75,000-99,999 Asian or Pacific Islander, 25-34 Yrs: $100,000+ Asian or Pacific Islander, 35-44 Yrs: < $5,000 Asian or Pacific Islander, 35-44 Yrs: $5,000-9,999 Asian or Pacific Islander, 35-44 Yrs: $10,000-14,999 Asian or Pacific Islander, 35-44 Yrs: $15,000-24,999 Asian or Pacific Islander, 35-44 Yrs: $25,000-34,999 Asian or Pacific Islander, 35-44 Yrs: $35,000-49,999 Asian or Pacific Islander, 35-44 Yrs: $50,000-74,999 Asian or Pacific Islander, 35-44 Yrs: $75,000-99,999 Asian or Pacific Islander, 35-44 Yrs: $100,000+ Asian or Pacific Islander, 45-54 Yrs: < $5,000 Asian or Pacific Islander, 45-54 Yrs: $5,000-9,999 Asian or Pacific Islander, 45-54 Yrs: $10,000-14,999 Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A HIN90A4504 HIN90A4505 HIN90A4506 HIN90A4507 HIN90A4508 HIN90A4509 HIN90A5501 HIN90A5502 HIN90A5503 HIN90A5504 HIN90A5505 HIN90A5506 HIN90A5507 HIN90A5508 HIN90A5509 HIN90A6501 HIN90A6502 HIN90A6503 HIN90A6504 HIN90A6505 HIN90A6506 HIN90A6507 HIN90A6508 HIN90A6509 HIN90A7501 HIN90A7502 HIN90A7503 HIN90A7504 HIN90A7505 HIN90A7506 HIN90A7507 HIN90A7508 HIN90A7509 Asian or Pacific Islander, 45-54 Yrs: $15,000-24,999 Asian or Pacific Islander, 45-54 Yrs: $25,000-34,999 Asian or Pacific Islander, 45-54 Yrs: $35,000-49,999 Asian or Pacific Islander, 45-54 Yrs: $50,000-74,999 Asian or Pacific Islander, 45-54 Yrs: $75,000-99,999 Asian or Pacific Islander, 45-54 Yrs: $100,000+ Asian or Pacific Islander, 55-64 Yrs: < $5,000 Asian or Pacific Islander, 55-64 Yrs: $5,000-9,999 Asian or Pacific Islander, 55-64 Yrs: $10,000-14,999 Asian or Pacific Islander, 55-64 Yrs: $15,000-24,999 Asian or Pacific Islander, 55-64 Yrs: $25,000-34,999 Asian or Pacific Islander, 55-64 Yrs: $35,000-49,999 Asian or Pacific Islander, 55-64 Yrs: $50,000-74,999 Asian or Pacific Islander, 55-64 Yrs: $75,000-99,999 Asian or Pacific Islander, 55-64 Yrs: $100,000+ Asian or Pacific Islander, 65-74 Yrs: < $5,000 Asian or Pacific Islander, 65-74 Yrs: $5,000-9,999 Asian or Pacific Islander, 65-74 Yrs: $10,000-14,999 Asian or Pacific Islander, 65-74 Yrs: $15,000-24,999 Asian or Pacific Islander, 65-74 Yrs: $25,000-34,999 Asian or Pacific Islander, 65-74 Yrs: $35,000-49,999 Asian or Pacific Islander, 65-74 Yrs: $50,000-74,999 Asian or Pacific Islander, 65-74 Yrs: $75,000-99,999 Asian or Pacific Islander, 65-74 Yrs: $100,000+ Asian or Pacific Islander, 75+ Yrs: < $5,000 Asian or Pacific Islander, 75+ Yrs: $5,000-9,999 Asian or Pacific Islander, 75+ Yrs: $10,000-14,999 Asian or Pacific Islander, 75+ Yrs: $15,000-24,999 Asian or Pacific Islander, 75+ Yrs: $25,000-34,999 Asian or Pacific Islander, 75+ Yrs: $35,000-49,999 Asian or Pacific Islander, 75+ Yrs: $50,000-74,999 Asian or Pacific Islander, 75+ Yrs: $75,000-99,999 Asian or Pacific Islander, 75+ Yrs: $100,000+ Income by Age of Householder Other Race HIN90O2401 HIN90O2402 HIN90O2403 HIN90O2404 HIN90O2405 HIN90O2406 HIN90O2407 HIN90O2408 HIN90O2409 HIN90O2501 HIN90O2502 HIN90O2503 HIN90O2504 HIN90O2505 HIN90O2506 HIN90O2507 HIN90O2508 HIN90O2509 HIN90O3501 HIN90O3502 HIN90O3503 HIN90O3504 HIN90O3505 HIN90O3506 HIN90O3507 HIN90O3508 HIN90O3509 HIN90O4501 HIN90O4502 HIN90O4503 HIN90O4504 HIN90O4505 HIN90O4506 HIN90O4507 HIN90O4508 HIN90O4509 HIN90O5501 HIN90O5502 HIN90O5503 HIN90O5504 HIN90O5505 HIN90O5506 HIN90O5507 Other Race, Under 25 Yrs: < $5,000 Other Race, Under 25 Yrs: $5,000-9,999 Other Race, Under 25 Yrs: $10,000-14,999 Other Race, Under 25 Yrs: $15,000-24,999 Other Race, Under 25 Yrs: $25,000-34,999 Other Race, Under 25 Yrs: $35,000-49,999 Other Race, Under 25 Yrs: $50,000-74,999 Other Race, Under 25 Yrs: $75,000-99,999 Other Race, Under 25 Yrs: $100,000+ Other Race, 25-34 Yrs: < $5,000 Other Race, 25-34 Yrs: $5,000-9,999 Other Race, 25-34 Yrs: $10,000-14,999 Other Race, 25-34 Yrs: $15,000-24,999 Other Race, 25-34 Yrs: $25,000-34,999 Other Race, 25-34 Yrs: $35,000-49,999 Other Race, 25-34 Yrs: $50,000-74,999 Other Race, 25-34 Yrs: $75,000-99,999 Other Race, 25-34 Yrs: $100,000+ Other Race, 35-44 Yrs: < $5,000 Other Race, 35-44 Yrs: $5,000-9,999 Other Race, 35-44 Yrs: $10,000-14,999 Other Race, 35-44 Yrs: $15,000-24,999 Other Race, 35-44 Yrs: $25,000-34,999 Other Race, 35-44 Yrs: $35,000-49,999 Other Race, 35-44 Yrs: $50,000-74,999 Other Race, 35-44 Yrs: $75,000-99,999 Other Race, 35-44 Yrs: $100,000+ Other Race, 45-54 Yrs: < $5,000 Other Race, 45-54 Yrs: $5,000-9,999 Other Race, 45-54 Yrs: $10,000-14,999 Other Race, 45-54 Yrs: $15,000-24,999 Other Race, 45-54 Yrs: $25,000-34,999 Other Race, 45-54 Yrs: $35,000-49,999 Other Race, 45-54 Yrs: $50,000-74,999 Other Race, 45-54 Yrs: $75,000-99,999 Other Race, 45-54 Yrs: $100,000+ Other Race, 55-64 Yrs: < $5,000 Other Race, 55-64 Yrs: $5,000-9,999 Other Race, 55-64 Yrs: $10,000-14,999 Other Race, 55-64 Yrs: $15,000-24,999 Other Race, 55-64 Yrs: $25,000-34,999 Other Race, 55-64 Yrs: $35,000-49,999 Other Race, 55-64 Yrs: $50,000-74,999 Page 16 HIN90O5508 HIN90O5509 HIN90O6501 HIN90O6502 HIN90O6503 HIN90O6504 HIN90O6505 HIN90O6506 HIN90O6507 HIN90O6508 HIN90O6509 HIN90O7501 HIN90O7502 HIN90O7503 HIN90O7504 HIN90O7505 HIN90O7506 HIN90O7507 HIN90O7508 HIN90O7509 Other Race, 55-64 Yrs: $75,000-99,999 Other Race, 55-64 Yrs: $100,000+ Other Race, 65-74 Yrs: < $5,000 Other Race, 65-74 Yrs: $5,000-9,999 Other Race, 65-74 Yrs: $10,000-14,999 Other Race, 65-74 Yrs: $15,000-24,999 Other Race, 65-74 Yrs: $25,000-34,999 Other Race, 65-74 Yrs: $35,000-49,999 Other Race, 65-74 Yrs: $50,000-74,999 Other Race, 65-74 Yrs: $75,000-99,999 Other Race, 65-74 Yrs: $100,000+ Other Race, 75+ Yrs: < $5,000 Other Race, 75+ Yrs: $5,000-9,999 Other Race, 75+ Yrs: $10,000-14,999 Other Race, 75+ Yrs: $15,000-24,999 Other Race, 75+ Yrs: $25,000-34,999 Other Race, 75+ Yrs: $35,000-49,999 Other Race, 75+ Yrs: $50,000-74,999 Other Race, 75+ Yrs: $75,000-99,999 Other Race, 75+ Yrs: $100,000+ Income by Age of Householder Hispanic HIN90H2401 HIN90H2402 HIN90H2403 HIN90H2404 HIN90H2405 HIN90H2406 HIN90H2407 HIN90H2408 HIN90H2409 HIN90H2501 HIN90H2502 HIN90H2503 HIN90H2504 HIN90H2505 HIN90H2506 HIN90H2507 HIN90H2508 HIN90H2509 HIN90H3501 HIN90H3502 HIN90H3503 HIN90H3504 HIN90H3505 HIN90H3506 HIN90H3507 HIN90H3508 HIN90H3509 HIN90H4501 HIN90H4502 HIN90H4503 HIN90H4504 HIN90H4505 HIN90H4506 HIN90H4507 HIN90H4508 HIN90H4509 HIN90H5501 HIN90H5502 HIN90H5503 HIN90H5504 HIN90H5505 HIN90H5506 HIN90H5507 HIN90H5508 HIN90H5509 HIN90H6501 HIN90H6502 HIN90H6503 HIN90H6504 HIN90H6505 HIN90H6506 HIN90H6507 HIN90H6508 HIN90H6509 HIN90H7501 HIN90H7502 Hispanic, Under 25 Yrs: < $5,000 Hispanic, Under 25 Yrs: $5,000-9,999 Hispanic, Under 25 Yrs: $10,000-14,999 Hispanic, Under 25 Yrs: $15,000-24,999 Hispanic, Under 25 Yrs: $25,000-34,999 Hispanic, Under 25 Yrs: $35,000-49,999 Hispanic, Under 25 Yrs: $50,000-74,999 Hispanic, Under 25 Yrs: $75,000-99,999 Hispanic, Under 25 Yrs: $100,000+ Hispanic, 25-34 Yrs: < $5,000 Hispanic, 25-34 Yrs: $5,000-9,999 Hispanic, 25-34 Yrs: $10,000-14,999 Hispanic, 25-34 Yrs: $15,000-24,999 Hispanic, 25-34 Yrs: $25,000-34,999 Hispanic, 25-34 Yrs: $35,000-49,999 Hispanic, 25-34 Yrs: $50,000-74,999 Hispanic, 25-34 Yrs: $75,000-99,999 Hispanic, 25-34 Yrs: $100,000+ Hispanic, 35-44 Yrs: < $5,000 Hispanic, 35-44 Yrs: $5,000-9,999 Hispanic, 35-44 Yrs: $10,000-14,999 Hispanic, 35-44 Yrs: $15,000-24,999 Hispanic, 35-44 Yrs: $25,000-34,999 Hispanic, 35-44 Yrs: $35,000-49,999 Hispanic, 35-44 Yrs: $50,000-74,999 Hispanic, 35-44 Yrs: $75,000-99,999 Hispanic, 35-44 Yrs: $100,000+ Hispanic, 45-54 Yrs: < $5,000 Hispanic, 45-54 Yrs: $5,000-9,999 Hispanic, 45-54 Yrs: $10,000-14,999 Hispanic, 45-54 Yrs: $15,000-24,999 Hispanic, 45-54 Yrs: $25,000-34,999 Hispanic, 45-54 Yrs: $35,000-49,999 Hispanic, 45-54 Yrs: $50,000-74,999 Hispanic, 45-54 Yrs: $75,000-99,999 Hispanic, 45-54 Yrs: $100,000+ Hispanic, 55-64 Yrs: < $5,000 Hispanic, 55-64 Yrs: $5,000-9,999 Hispanic, 55-64 Yrs: $10,000-14,999 Hispanic, 55-64 Yrs: $15,000-24,999 Hispanic, 55-64 Yrs: $25,000-34,999 Hispanic, 55-64 Yrs: $35,000-49,999 Hispanic, 55-64 Yrs: $50,000-74,999 Hispanic, 55-64 Yrs: $75,000-99,999 Hispanic, 55-64 Yrs: $100,000+ Hispanic, 65-74 Yrs: < $5,000 Hispanic, 65-74 Yrs: $5,000-9,999 Hispanic, 65-74 Yrs: $10,000-14,999 Hispanic, 65-74 Yrs: $15,000-24,999 Hispanic, 65-74 Yrs: $25,000-34,999 Hispanic, 65-74 Yrs: $35,000-49,999 Hispanic, 65-74 Yrs: $50,000-74,999 Hispanic, 65-74 Yrs: $75,000-99,999 Hispanic, 65-74 Yrs: $100,000+ Hispanic, 75+ Yrs: < $5,000 Hispanic, 75+ Yrs: $5,000-9,999 Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A HIN90H7503 HIN90H7504 HIN90H7505 HIN90H7506 HIN90H7507 HIN90H7508 HIN90H7509 Hispanic, 75+ Yrs: $10,000-14,999 Hispanic, 75+ Yrs: $15,000-24,999 Hispanic, 75+ Yrs: $25,000-34,999 Hispanic, 75+ Yrs: $35,000-49,999 Hispanic, 75+ Yrs: $50,000-74,999 Hispanic, 75+ Yrs: $75,000-99,999 Hispanic, 75+ Yrs: $100,000+ Aggregate Income, Households HIN90AGG1 HIN90AGG2 Households With Income < $150,000 Households With Income > $150,000 Aggregate Income By Race HIN90AGGWH HIN90AGGBL HIN90AGGAM HIN90AGGAS HIN90AGGOT Race: White Race: Black Race: American Indian, Eskimo, Aleut Race: Asian or Pacific Islander Race: Other Aggregate Income Hispanic HIN90AGGHI Hispanic Origin Aggregate Income by Type of Income INC90AGSAL INC90AGSLF INC90AGFRM INC90AGINT INC90AGSS INC90AGPUB INC90AGRET INC90AGOTH Wage or Salary Income Nonfarm Self-Employment Income Farm self-employment Income Interest, Dividend, Or Net Rental Income Social Security Income Public Assistance Income Retirement Income Other Type of Income Aggregate Family Income FIN90AGG1 FIN90AGG2 Families with Income < $150,000 Families with Income > $150,000 Aggregate Family Income by Workers in Family AFI90NOWRK AFI901WRK AFI902WRK AFI903WRK No Workers In Family 1 Worker 2 Workers 3+ Workers Aggregate Income By Group Quarters GIN90HHLDS GIN90INST GIN90OTHR In Households Institutionalized Other Aggregate Income, Pop 15+ By Race I1590WHITE I1590BLACK I1590AMIND I1590ASIAN I1590OTHER I1590HISP Race: White Race: Black Race: American Indian, Eskimo, or Aleut Race: Asian or Pacific Islander Race: Other Hispanic Origin Household Income HIN90LT5 HIN900510 HIN901015 HIN901520 HIN902025 HIN902530 HIN903035 HIN903540 HIN904050 HIN905060 HIN906075 HIN9075100 HIN9010025 HIN9012550 HIN90GT150 Household Income <5 K Household Income 5-10K Household Income 10-15K Household Income 15-20K Household Income 20-25K Household Income 25-30K Household Income 30-35K Household Income 35-40K Household Income 40-50K Household Income 50-60K Household Income 60-75K Household Income 75-100K Household Income 100-125K Household Income 125-150K Household Income > 150K Household Income (1989) Detailed HIX90LT5 HIX900509 HIX901012 HIX901215 Household Income : < $5,000 Household Income : $5,000-9,999 Household Income : $10,000-12,499 Household Income : $12,500-14,999 Page 17 HIX901517 HIX901720 HIX902022 HIX902225 HIX902527 HIX902730 HIX903032 HIX903235 HIX903537 HIX903740 HIX904042 HIX904245 HIX904547 HIX904750 HIX905055 HIX905560 HIX906075 HIX9075100 HIX9010025 HIX9012550 HIX90GT150 Household Income : $15,000-17,499 Household Income : $17,500-19,999 Household Income : $20,000-22,499 Household Income : $22,500-24,999 Household Income : $25,000-27,499 Household Income : $27,500-29,999 Household Income : $30,000-32,499 Household Income : $32,500-34,999 Household Income : $35,000-37,499 Household Income : $37,500-39,999 Household Income : $40,000-42,499 Household Income : $42,500-44,999 Household Income : $45,000-47,499 Household Income : $47,500-49,999 Household Income : $50,000-54,999 Household Income : $55,000-59,999 Household Income : $60,000-74,999 Household Income : $75,000-99,999 Household Income : $100,000-124,999 Household Income : $125,000-149,999 Household Income : $150,000+ Family Income (1989) FIN90LT5 FIN900509 FIN901012 FIN901215 FIN901517 FIN901720 FIN902022 FIN902225 FIN902527 FIN902730 FIN903032 FIN903235 FIN903537 FIN903740 FIN904042 FIN904245 FIN904547 FIN904750 FIN905055 FIN905560 FIN906075 FIN9075100 FIN9010025 FIN9012550 FIN90GT150 Family Income : < $5,000 Family Income : $5,000-9,999 Family Income : $10,000-12,499 Family Income : $12,500-14,999 Family Income : $15,000-17,499 Family Income : $17,500-19,999 Family Income : $20,000-22,499 Family Income : $22,500-24,999 Family Income : $25,000-27,499 Family Income : $27,500-29,999 Family Income : $30,000-32,499 Family Income : $32,500-34,999 Family Income : $35,000-37,499 Family Income : $37,500-39,999 Family Income : $40,000-42,499 Family Income : $42,500-44,999 Family Income : $45,000-47,499 Family Income : $47,500-49,999 Family Income : $50,000-54,999 Family Income : $55,000-59,999 Family Income : $60,000-74,999 Family Income : $75,000-99,999 Family Income : $100,000-124,999 Family Income : $125,000-149,999 Family Income : $150,000+ Non-Family Household Income (1989) NIN90LT05 NIN900509 NIN901012 NIN901315 NIN901517 NIN901820 NIN902022 NIN902325 NIN902527 NIN902830 NIN903032 NIN903335 NIN903537 NIN903740 NIN904042 NIN904345 NIN904547 NIN904849 NIN905055 NIN905560 NIN906075 NIN9075100 NIN9010025 NIN9012550 NIN90GT150 Non-Family Income: < $5,000 Non-Family Income: $5,000-9,999 Non-Family Income: $10,000-12,499 Non-Family Income: $12,500-14,999 Non-Family Income: $15,000-17,499 Non-Family Income: $17,500-19,999 Non-Family Income: $20,000-22,499 Non-Family Income: $22,500-24,999 Non-Family Income: $25,000-27,499 Non-Family Income: $27,500-29,999 Non-Family Income: $30,000-32,499 Non-Family Income: $32,500-34,999 Non-Family Income: $35,000-37,499 Non-Family Income: $37,500-39,999 Non-Family Income: $40,000-42,499 Non-Family Income: $42,500-44,999 Non-Family Income: $45,000-47,499 Non-Family Income: $47,500-49,999 Non-Family Income: $50,000-54,999 Non-Family Income: $55,000-59,999 Non-Family Income: $60,000-74,999 Non-Family Income: $75,000-99,999 Non-Family Income: $100,000-124,999 Non-Family Income: $125,000-149,999 Non-Family Income: $150,000+ Earnings By Type, Persons (1989) INC90HEARN Any Earnings, 1989 Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A INC90HWAGE INC90HSELF INC90HFARM INC90HINT INC90HSSEC INC90HPUB INC90HRET INC90HOTH Wage or Salary Income, 1989 Non-farm self-employment income, 1989 Farm self-employment income, 1989 Interest, dividend, or net rental income, 1989 Social Security income, 1989 Public assistance income, 1989 Retirement income, 1989 Other Type of Income, 1989 Average and Median Incomes INC90MEDHH INC90MEDFA INC90AVEHH INC90AVEFA INC90PCI Median Household Income Median Family Income Average Household Income Average Family Income Per Capita Income Labor Force AGE90GT16 EMP90GT16 Age 16+ Yrs Employed Persons 16+ Yrs Employment by Disability Status and Sex EWD90M16EM EWD90M16UN EWD90M16PW EWD90M16NW EWD90M16NE EWD90M16NU EWD90M16NF EWD90M65EM EWD90M65UN EWD90M65PW EWD90M65NW EWD90M65NE EWD90M65NU EWD90M65NF EWD90F16EM EWD90F16UN EWD90F16PW EWD90F16NW EWD90F16NE EWD90F16NU EWD90F16NF EWD90F65EM EWD90F65UN EWD90F65PW EWD90F65NW EWD90F65NE EWD90F65NU EWD90F65NF Male, 16-64, Work Disability, In Labor Force: Employed Male, 16-64, Work Disability, In Labor Force: Unemployed Male, 16-64, Work Disability, Not In LF: Unable To Work Male, 16-64, Work Disability, Not In Labor Force: Able to Work Male, 16-64, No Work Disability, Employed Male, 16-64, No Work Disability, Unemployed Male, 16-64, No Work Disability, Not In Labor Force Male, 65+, Work Disability, In Labor Force: Employed Male, 65+, Work Disability, In Labor Force: Unemployed Male, 65+, Work Disability, Not In LF: Unable To Work Male, 65+, Work Disability, Not In Labor Force: Able to Work Male, 65+, No Work Disability, Employed Male, 65+, No Work Disability, Unemployed Male, 65+, No Work Disability, Not In Labor Force Female, 16-64, Work Disability, In Labor Force: Employed Female, 16-64, Work Disability, In Labor Force: Unemployed Female, 16-64, Work Disability, Not In LF: Unable To Work Female, 16-64, Work Disability, Not In LF: Able to Work Female, 16-64, No Work Disability, Employed Female, 16-64, No Work Disability, Unemployed Female, 16-64, No Work Disability, Not In Labor Force Female, 65+, Work Disability, In Labor Force: Employed Female, 65+, Work Disability, In Labor Force: Unemployed Female, 65+, Work Disability, Not In LF: Unable To Work Female, 65+, Work Disability, Not In LF: Able to Work Female, 65+, No Work Disability, Employed Female, 65+, No Work Disability, Unemployed Female, 65+, No Work Disability, Not In Labor Force Employment: White LBF90WMARM LBF90WMEMP LBF90WMUNE LBF90WMNLF LBF90WFARM LBF90WFEMP LBF90WFUNE LBF90WFNLF Male: White, In Armed Forces Male: White, Employed Male: White, Unemployed Male: White, Not In Labor Force Female: White, In Armed Forces Female: White, Employed Female: White, Unemployed Female: White, Not In Labor Force Employment: Black LBF90BMARM LBF90BMEMP LBF90BMUNE LBF90BMNLF LBF90BFARM LBF90BFEMP LBF90BFUNE LBF90BFNLF Male: Black, In Armed Forces Male: Black, Employed Male: Black, Unemployed Male: Black, Not In Labor Force Female: Black, In Armed Forces Female: Black, Employed Female: Black, Unemployed Female: Black, Not In Labor Force Employment: American Indian LBF90IMARM LBF90IMEMP LBF90IMUNE LBF90IMNLF LBF90IFARM LBF90IFEMP Male: American Indian/Eskimo/Aleut, In Armed Forces Male: American Indian/Eskimo/Aleut, Employed Male: American Indian/Eskimo/Aleut, Unemployed Male: American Indian/Eskimo/Aleut, Not In LF Female, American Indian/Eskimo/Aleut, In Armed Forces Female: American Indian/Eskimo/Aleut, Employed Page 18 LBF90IFUNE LBF90IFNLF Female: American Indian/Eskimo/Aleut, Unemployed Female, American Indian/Eskimo/Aleut, Not In Labor Force Employment: Asian LBF90AMARM LBF90AMEMP LBF90AMUNE LBF90AMNLF LBF90AFARM LBF90AFEMP LBF90AFUNE LBF90AFNLF Male: Asian or Pacific Islander, In Armed Forces Male: Asian or Pacific Islander, Employed Male: Asian or Pacific Islander, Unemployed Male: Asian or Pacific Islander, Not In Labor Force Female: Asian or Pacific Islander, In Armed Forces Female: Asian or Pacific Islander, Employed Female: Asian or Pacific Islander, Unemployed Female: Asian or Pacific Islander, Not In Labor Force Employment: Other Race LBF90OMARM LBF90OMEMP LBF90OMUNE LBF90OMNLF LBF90OFARM LBF90OFEMP LBF90OFUNE LBF90OFNLF Male: Other Race, In Armed Forces Male: Other Race, Employed Male: Other Race, Unemployed Male: Other Race, Not In Labor Force Female: Other Race, In Armed Forces Female: Other Race, Employed Female: Other Race, Unemployed Female: Other Race, Not In Labor Force Employment: Hispanic LBF90HMARM LBF90HMEMP LBF90HMUNE LBF90HMNLF LBF90HFARM LBF90HFEMP LBF90HFUNE LBF90HFNLF Male: Hispanic, In Armed Forces Male: Hispanic, Employed Male: Hispanic, Unemployed Male: Hispanic, Not In Labor Force Female: Hispanic, In Armed Forces Female: Hispanic, Employed Female: Hispanic, Unemployed Female: Hispanic, Not In Labor Force Employment Status: Females by Presence of Children FLF90U6EMP FLF90U6UNE FLF90U6NLF FLF9017EMP FLF9017UNE FLF9017NLF FLF90CHEMP FLF90CHUNE FLF90CHNLF FLF90NCEMP FLF90NCUNE FLF90NCNLF With Children < 6 Only, Employed/Armed Forces With Children Under 6 Only, Unemployed With Children Under 6 Only, Not In Labor Force With Children 6-17 Only, Employed/Armed Forces With Children 6-17 Only, Unemployed With Children 6-17 Only, Not In Labor Force With Children, Employed/Armed Forces With Children, Unemployed With Children, Not In Labor Force No Children, Employed/Armed Forces No Children, Unemployed No Children, Not In Labor Force Employment: Class of Worker CLW90PWG CLW90NPWG CLW90LGW CLW90SGW CLW90FGW CLW90SELF CLW90UFAM Private for profit wage & salary workers Private not-for-profit wage & salary workers Local government workers State government workers Federal government workers Self-employed workers Unpaid family workers Employment: Location LBF90WRK1 LBF90WRK2 LBF90WRK3 Employed In Same County Employed In Same State/Different County Employed In Different State Travel Time to Work (Workers 16+ Years) TRA90AGG TVW90LT5 TVW900509 TVW901014 TVW901519 TVW902024 TVW902529 TVW903034 TVW903539 TVW904044 TVW904559 TVW906089 TVW90GT90 TVW90HOME Aggregate Travel Time To Work (in minutes) < 5 minutes 5-9 minutes 10-14 minutes 15-19 minutes 20-24 minutes 25-29 minutes 30-34 minutes 35-39 minutes 40-44 minutes 45-59 minutes 60-89 minutes 90+ minutes Worked at home Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A Means of Transportation to Work TRW90DRV1 TRW90CPOOL TRW90BUS TRW90STCAR TRW90SUB TRW90RAIL TRW90FERRY TRW90TAXI TRW90MOTOR TRW90BICYC TRW90WALK TRW90OTHR TRW90HOME Car, Truck or Van, Drove alone Car, Truck or Van, Carpooled Public Trans, Bus or trolley bus Public Trans, Streetcar/Trolley car Public Trans, Subway or elevated Public Transportation, Railroad Public Transportation, Ferryboat Public Transportation, Taxicab Motorcycle Bicycle Walked Other means Worked at home Time Leaving For Work TLW90T01 TLW90T02 TLW90T03 TLW90T04 TLW90T05 TLW90T06 TLW90T07 TLW90T08 TLW90T09 TLW90T10 TLW90T11 TLW90T12 TLW90T13 TLW90T14 TLW90T15 12:00 a.m. to 4:49 a.m. 5:00 a.m. to 5:29 a.m. 5:30 a.m. to 5:59 a.m. 6:00 a.m. to 6:29 a.m. 6:30 a.m. to 6:59 a.m. 7:00 a.m. to 7:29 a.m. 7:30 a.m. to 7:59 a.m. 8:00 a.m. to 8:29 a.m. 8:30 a.m. to 8:59 a.m. 9:00 a.m. to 9:59 a.m. 10:00 a.m. to 10:59 a.m. 11:00 a.m. to 11:59 a.m. 12:00 p.m. to 3:59 p.m. 4:00 p.m. to 11:59 p.m. Worked at home Labor Force Status LBF90MAARM LBF90MAEMP LBF90MAUNE LBF90MANLF LBF90FEARM LBF90FEEMP LBF90FEUNE LBF90FENLF Industry IND90PRIM IND90MINE IND90CONST IND90MFGND IND90MFGD IND90TRANS IND90COMM IND90WTRAD IND90RTRAD IND90FIRE IND90BRSRV IND90PRSSV IND90ENTSV IND90HLTSV IND90EDUSV IND90OTHSV IND90PUBAD Male: In Armed Forces Male: Civilian Employed Male: Civilian Unemployed Male: Not in labor force Female: In Armed Forces Female: Civilian Employed Female: Civilian Unemployed Female: Not in labor force 2000 Census Population POP00 Agriculture, forestry & fisheries Mining Construction Manufacturing, nondurable goods Manufacturing, durable goods Transportation Communications & other public utilities Wholesale trade Retail trade Finance, insurance, & real estate Business & repair services Personal services Entertainment & recreation services Health services Educational services Other professional & related services Public administration Executive, Administrative, and Managerial Professional specialty occupations Technicians & related support occupations Sales occupations Administrative support occupations, including clerical Private household occupations Protective service occupations Service occupations, except protective & household Farming, forestry & fishing occupations Precision production, craft & repair occupations Machine operators, assemblers & inspectors Transportation & material moving occupations Handlers, equipment cleaners, helpers & laborers Total White Collar Employment Total Blue Collar Employment Population Urban/Rural status POP00URBAR POP00URBCN POP00RURFM POP00RURNF Urban Population Inside urbanized areas Urban Population Inside urban clusters Rural Farm Population Rural Non-farm Population SF3 Sample Counts POP00SF3RW Population SF3 Unweighted Count POP00SF3 Population: SF3 100 Percent Count Household Type POP00HHD Population in Households Population by Age AGE000004 AGE000509 AGE001013 AGE001417 AGE001820 AGE002124 AGE002529 AGE003034 AGE003539 AGE004044 AGE004549 AGE005054 AGE005559 AGE006064 AGE006569 AGE007074 AGE007579 AGE008084 AGE00GT85 Median Age Occupation OCC90EXEC OCC90PROF OCC90TECH OCC90SALE OCC90CLER OCC90PRVHH OCC90PROT OCC90OTHSV OCC90PRIM OCC90CRFT OCC90OPER OCC90TRANS OCC90LABOR OCC90WHITE OCC90BLUE Page 19 AGE00MED AGE00MEDM AGE00MEDF AGE00MEDA AGE00MEDAM AGE00MEDAF Population Age 0-4 Population Age 5-9 Population Age 10-13 Population Age 14-17 Population Age 18-20 Population Age 21-24 Population Age 25-29 Population Age 30-34 Population Age 35-39 Population Age 40-44 Population Age 45-49 Population Age 50-54 Population Age 55-59 Population Age 60-64 Population Age 65-69 Population Age 70-74 Population Age 75-79 Population Age 80-84 Population Age 85+ Median Age Median Age: Male Median Age: Female Median Age: Adults 18+ Median Age: Adult Male 18+ Median Age: Adult Female 18+ Median Age by Race by Sex AGE00MAWHM AGE00MAWHF AGE00MABLM AGE00MABLF AGE00MANAM AGE00MANAF AGE00MAASM AGE00MAASF AGE00MAHAM AGE00MAHAF AGE00MAOTM AGE00MAOTF AGE00MAMRM AGE00MAMRF AGE00MAHIM AGE00MAHIF AGE00MAWNM AGE00MAWNF Median Age: White Male Median Age: White Female Median Age: Black Male Median Age: Black Female Median Age: Native American Male Median Age: Native American Female Median Age: Asian Male Median Age: Asian Female Median Age: Hawaiian Male Median Age: Hawaiian Female Median Age: Other Race Male Median Age: Other Race Female Median Age: Multiple Race Male Median Age: Multiple Race Female Median Age: Hispanic Male Median Age: Hispanic Female Median Age: White Non-Hispanic Male Median Age: White Non-Hispanic Female Detailed Population by Age AGX00LT01 AGX0001 AGX0002 AGX0003 AGX0004 AGX0005 AGX0006 Population Age < 1 Population Age 1 Population Age 2 Population Age 3 Population Age 4 Population Age 5 Population Age 6 Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A AGX0007 AGX0008 AGX0009 AGX0010 AGX0011 AGX0012 AGX0013 AGX0014 AGX0015 AGX0016 AGX0017 AGX0018 AGX0019 AGX0020 AGX0021 AGX002224 AGX002529 AGX003034 AGX003539 AGX004044 AGX004549 AGX005054 AGX005559 AGX006061 AGX006264 AGX006566 AGX006769 AGX007074 AGX007579 AGX008084 AGX00GT85 Males AGE00MLT01 AGE00M01 AGE00M02 AGE00M03 AGE00M04 AGE00M05 AGE00M06 AGE00M07 AGE00M08 AGE00M09 AGE00M10 AGE00M11 AGE00M12 AGE00M13 AGE00M14 AGE00M15 AGE00M16 AGE00M17 AGE00M18 AGE00M19 AGE00M20 AGE00M21 AGE00M2224 AGE00M2529 AGE00M3034 AGE00M3539 AGE00M4044 AGE00M4549 AGE00M5054 AGE00M5559 AGE00M6061 AGE00M6264 AGE00M6566 AGE00M6769 AGE00M7074 AGE00M7579 AGE00M8084 AGE00MGT85 Population Age 7 Population Age 8 Population Age 9 Population Age 10 Population Age 11 Population Age 12 Population Age 13 Population Age 14 Population Age 15 Population Age 16 Population Age 17 Population Age 18 Population Age 19 Population Age 20 Population Age 21 Population Age 22-24 Population Age 25-29 Population Age 30-34 Population Age 35-39 Population Age 40-44 Population Age 45-49 Population Age 50-54 Population Age 55-59 Population Age 60-61 Population Age 62-64 Population Age 65-66 Population Age 67-69 Population Age 70-74 Population Age 75-79 Population Age 80-84 Population Age 85+ Males Age < 1 Males Age 1 Males Age 2 Males Age 3 Males Age 4 Males Age 5 Males Age 6 Males Age 7 Males Age 8 Males Age 9 Males Age 10 Males Age 11 Males Age 12 Males Age 13 Males Age 14 Males Age 15 Males Age 16 Males Age 17 Males Age 18 Males Age 19 Male Age 20 Male Age 21 Male Age 22-24 Male Age 25-29 Male Age 30-34 Male Age 35-39 Male Age 40-44 Male Age 45-49 Male Age 50-54 Male Age 55-59 Male Age 60-61 Male Age 62-64 Male Age 65-66 Male Age 67-69 Male Age 70-74 Male Age 75-79 Male Age 80-84 Male Age 85+ Females AGE00FLT01 AGE00F01 AGE00F02 AGE00F03 AGE00F04 Females Age < 1 Females Age 1 Females Age 2 Females Age 3 Females Age 4 Page 20 AGE00F05 AGE00F06 AGE00F07 AGE00F08 AGE00F09 AGE00F10 AGE00F11 AGE00F12 AGE00F13 AGE00F14 AGE00F15 AGE00F16 AGE00F17 AGE00F18 AGE00F19 AGE00F20 AGE00F21 AGE00F2224 AGE00F2529 AGE00F3034 AGE00F3539 AGE00F4044 AGE00F4549 AGE00F5054 AGE00F5559 AGE00F6061 AGE00F6264 AGE00F6566 AGE00F6769 AGE00F7074 AGE00F7579 AGE00F8084 AGE00FGT85 Females Age 5 Females Age 6 Females Age 7 Females Age 8 Females Age 9 Females Age 10 Females Age 11 Females Age 12 Females Age 13 Females Age 14 Females Age 15 Females Age 16 Females Age 17 Females Age 18 Females Age 19 Female Age 20 Female Age 21 Female Age 22-24 Female Age 25-29 Female Age 30-34 Female Age 35-39 Female Age 40-44 Female Age 45-49 Female Age 50-54 Female Age 55-59 Female Age 60-61 Female Age 62-64 Female Age 65-66 Female Age 67-69 Female Age 70-74 Female Age 75-79 Female Age 80-84 Female Age 85+ Population Age by Race by Sex Population Age by Race by Sex: White AWM00LT5 AWM000509 AWM001014 AWM001517 AWM001819 AWM0020 AWM0021 AWM002224 AWM002529 AWM003034 AWM003539 AWM004044 AWM004549 AWM005054 AWM005559 AWM006061 AWM006264 AWM006566 AWM006769 AWM007074 AWM007579 AWM008084 AWM00GT85 AWF00LT5 AWF000509 AWF001014 AWF001517 AWF001819 AWF0020 AWF0021 AWF002224 AWF002529 AWF003034 AWF003539 AWF004044 AWF004549 AWF005054 AWF005559 AWF006061 AWF006264 AWF006566 Age by Sex: White Male under 5 years Age by Sex: White Male 5 to 9 years Age by Sex: White Male 10 to 14 years Age by Sex: White Male 15 to 17 years Age by Sex: White Male 18 and 19 years Age by Sex: White Male 20 years Age by Sex: White Male 21 years Age by Sex: White Male 22 to 24 years Age by Sex: White Male 25 to 29 years Age by Sex: White Male 30 to 34 years Age by Sex: White Male 35 to 39 years Age by Sex: White Male 40 to 44 years Age by Sex: White Male 45 to 49 years Age by Sex: White Male 50 to 54 years Age by Sex: White Male 55 to 59 years Age by Sex: White Male 60 and 61 years Age by Sex: White Male 62 to 64 years Age by Sex: White Male 65 and 66 years Age by Sex: White Male 67 to 69 years Age by Sex: White Male 70 to 74 years Age by Sex: White Male 75 to 79 years Age by Sex: White Male 80 to 84 years Age by Sex: White Male 85 years and over Age by Sex: White Female under 5 years Age by Sex: White Female 5 to 9 years Age by Sex: White Female 10 to 14 years Age by Sex: White Female 15 to 17 years Age by Sex: White Female 18 and 19 years Age by Sex: White Female 20 years Age by Sex: White Female 21 years Age by Sex: White Female 22 to 24 years Age by Sex: White Female 25 to 29 years Age by Sex: White Female 30 to 34 years Age by Sex: White Female 35 to 39 years Age by Sex: White Female 40 to 44 years Age by Sex: White Female 45 to 49 years Age by Sex: White Female 50 to 54 years Age by Sex: White Female 55 to 59 years Age by Sex: White Female 60 and 61 years Age by Sex: White Female 62 to 64 years Age by Sex: White Female 65 and 66 years Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A AWF006769 AWF007074 AWF007579 AWF008084 AWF00GT85 Age by Sex: White Female 67 to 69 years Age by Sex: White Female 70 to 74 years Age by Sex: White Female 75 to 79 years Age by Sex: White Female 80 to 84 years Age by Sex: White Female 85 years and over Population Age by Race by Sex: Black ABM00LT5 ABM000509 ABM001014 ABM001517 ABM001819 ABM0020 ABM0021 ABM002224 ABM002529 ABM003034 ABM003539 ABM004044 ABM004549 ABM005054 ABM005559 ABM006061 ABM006264 ABM006566 ABM006769 ABM007074 ABM007579 ABM008084 ABM00GT85 ABF00LT5 ABF000509 ABF001014 ABF001517 ABF001819 ABF0020 ABF0021 ABF002224 ABF002529 ABF003034 ABF003539 ABF004044 ABF004549 ABF005054 ABF005559 ABF006061 ABF006264 ABF006566 ABF006769 ABF007074 ABF007579 ABF008084 ABF00GT85 Age by Sex: Black Male under 5 years Age by Sex: Black Male 5 to 9 years Age by Sex: Black Male 10 to 14 years Age by Sex: Black Male 15 to 17 years Age by Sex: Black Male 18 and 19 years Age by Sex: Black Male 20 years Age by Sex: Black Male 21 years Age by Sex: Black Male 22 to 24 years Age by Sex: Black Male 25 to 29 years Age by Sex: Black Male 30 to 34 years Age by Sex: Black Male 35 to 39 years Age by Sex: Black Male 40 to 44 years Age by Sex: Black Male 45 to 49 years Age by Sex: Black Male 50 to 54 years Age by Sex: Black Male 55 to 59 years Age by Sex: Black Male 60 and 61 years Age by Sex: Black Male 62 to 64 years Age by Sex: Black Male 65 and 66 years Age by Sex: Black Male 67 to 69 years Age by Sex: Black Male 70 to 74 years Age by Sex: Black Male 75 to 79 years Age by Sex: Black Male 80 to 84 years Age by Sex: Black Male 85 years and over Age by Sex: Black Female under 5 years Age by Sex: Black Female 5 to 9 years Age by Sex: Black Female 10 to 14 years Age by Sex: Black Female 15 to 17 years Age by Sex: Black Female 18 and 19 years Age by Sex: Black Female 20 years Age by Sex: Black Female 21 years Age by Sex: Black Female 22 to 24 years Age by Sex: Black Female 25 to 29 years Age by Sex: Black Female 30 to 34 years Age by Sex: Black Female 35 to 39 years Age by Sex: Black Female 40 to 44 years Age by Sex: Black Female 45 to 49 years Age by Sex: Black Female 50 to 54 years Age by Sex: Black Female 55 to 59 years Age by Sex: Black Female 60 and 61 years Age by Sex: Black Female 62 to 64 years Age by Sex: Black Female 65 and 66 years Age by Sex: Black Female 67 to 69 years Age by Sex: Black Female 70 to 74 years Age by Sex: Black Female 75 to 79 years Age by Sex: Black Female 80 to 84 years Age by Sex: Black Female 85 years and over Population Age by Race by Sex: Native American AIM00LT5 AIM000509 AIM001014 AIM001517 AIM001819 AIM0020 AIM0021 AIM002224 AIM002529 AIM003034 AIM003539 AIM004044 AIM004549 AIM005054 AIM005559 AIM006061 AIM006264 AIM006566 AIM006769 AIM007074 AIM007579 AIM008084 AIM00GT85 Age by Sex: Native American Male under 5 years Age by Sex: Native American Male 5 to 9 years Age by Sex: Native American Male 10 to 14 years Age by Sex: Native American Male 15 to 17 years Age by Sex: Native American Male 18 and 19 years Age by Sex: Native American Male 20 years Age by Sex: Native American Male 21 years Age by Sex: Native American Male 22 to 24 years Age by Sex: Native American Male 25 to 29 years Age by Sex: Native American Male 30 to 34 years Age by Sex: Native American Male 35 to 39 years Age by Sex: Native American Male 40 to 44 years Age by Sex: Native American Male 45 to 49 years Age by Sex: Native American Male 50 to 54 years Age by Sex: Native American Male 55 to 59 years Age by Sex: Native American Male 60 and 61 years Age by Sex: Native American Male 62 to 64 years Age by Sex: Native American Male 65 and 66 years Age by Sex: Native American Male 67 to 69 years Age by Sex: Native American Male 70 to 74 years Age by Sex: Native American Male 75 to 79 years Age by Sex: Native American Male 80 to 84 years Age by Sex: Native American Male 85 years and over Page 21 AIF00LT5 AIF000509 AIF001014 AIF001517 AIF001819 AIF0020 AIF0021 AIF002224 AIF002529 AIF003034 AIF003539 AIF004044 AIF004549 AIF005054 AIF005559 AIF006061 AIF006264 AIF006566 AIF006769 AIF007074 AIF007579 AIF008084 AIF00GT85 Age by Sex: Native American Female under 5 years Age by Sex: Native American Female 5 to 9 years Age by Sex: Native American Female 10 to 14 years Age by Sex: Native American Female 15 to 17 years Age by Sex: Native American Female 18 and 19 years Age by Sex: Native American Female 20 years Age by Sex: Native American Female 21 years Age by Sex: Native American Female 22 to 24 years Age by Sex: Native American Female 25 to 29 years Age by Sex: Native American Female 30 to 34 years Age by Sex: Native American Female 35 to 39 years Age by Sex: Native American Female 40 to 44 years Age by Sex: Native American Female 45 to 49 years Age by Sex: Native American Female 50 to 54 years Age by Sex: Native American Female 55 to 59 years Age by Sex: Native American Female 60 and 61 years Age by Sex: Native American Female 62 to 64 years Age by Sex: Native American Female 65 and 66 years Age by Sex: Native American Female 67 to 69 years Age by Sex: Native American Female 70 to 74 years Age by Sex: Native American Female 75 to 79 years Age by Sex: Native American Female 80 to 84 years Age by Sex: Native American Female 85 years and over Population Age by Race by Sex: Asian AAM00LT5 AAM000509 AAM001014 AAM001517 AAM001819 AAM0020 AAM0021 AAM002224 AAM002529 AAM003034 AAM003539 AAM004044 AAM004549 AAM005054 AAM005559 AAM006061 AAM006264 AAM006566 AAM006769 AAM007074 AAM007579 AAM008084 AAM00GT85 AAF00LT5 AAF000509 AAF001014 AAF001517 AAF001819 AAF0020 AAF0021 AAF002224 AAF002529 AAF003034 AAF003539 AAF004044 AAF004549 AAF005054 AAF005559 AAF006061 AAF006264 AAF006566 AAF006769 AAF007074 AAF007579 AAF008084 AAF00GT85 Age by Sex: Asian Male under 5 years Age by Sex: Asian Male 5 to 9 years Age by Sex: Asian Male 10 to 14 years Age by Sex: Asian Male 15 to 17 years Age by Sex: Asian Male 18 and 19 years Age by Sex: Asian Male 20 years Age by Sex: Asian Male 21 years Age by Sex: Asian Male 22 to 24 years Age by Sex: Asian Male 25 to 29 years Age by Sex: Asian Male 30 to 34 years Age by Sex: Asian Male 35 to 39 years Age by Sex: Asian Male 40 to 44 years Age by Sex: Asian Male 45 to 49 years Age by Sex: Asian Male 50 to 54 years Age by Sex: Asian Male 55 to 59 years Age by Sex: Asian Male 60 and 61 years Age by Sex: Asian Male 62 to 64 years Age by Sex: Asian Male 65 and 66 years Age by Sex: Asian Male 67 to 69 years Age by Sex: Asian Male 70 to 74 years Age by Sex: Asian Male 75 to 79 years Age by Sex: Asian Male 80 to 84 years Age by Sex: Asian Male 85 years and over Age by Sex: Asian Female under 5 years Age by Sex: Asian Female 5 to 9 years Age by Sex: Asian Female 10 to 14 years Age by Sex: Asian Female 15 to 17 years Age by Sex: Asian Female 18 and 19 years Age by Sex: Asian Female 20 years Age by Sex: Asian Female 21 years Age by Sex: Asian Female 22 to 24 years Age by Sex: Asian Female 25 to 29 years Age by Sex: Asian Female 30 to 34 years Age by Sex: Asian Female 35 to 39 years Age by Sex: Asian Female 40 to 44 years Age by Sex: Asian Female 45 to 49 years Age by Sex: Asian Female 50 to 54 years Age by Sex: Asian Female 55 to 59 years Age by Sex: Asian Female 60 and 61 years Age by Sex: Asian Female 62 to 64 years Age by Sex: Asian Female 65 and 66 years Age by Sex: Asian Female 67 to 69 years Age by Sex: Asian Female 70 to 74 years Age by Sex: Asian Female 75 to 79 years Age by Sex: Asian Female 80 to 84 years Age by Sex: Asian Female 85 years and over Population Age by Race by Sex: Hawaiian/Pacific Islander AHM00LT5 AHM000509 AHM001014 AHM001517 AHM001819 Age by Sex: Hawaiian Male under 5 years Age by Sex: Hawaiian Male 5 to 9 years Age by Sex: Hawaiian Male 10 to 14 years Age by Sex: Hawaiian Male 15 to 17 years Age by Sex: Hawaiian Male 18 and 19 years Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A AHM0020 AHM0021 AHM002224 AHM002529 AHM003034 AHM003539 AHM004044 AHM004549 AHM005054 AHM005559 AHM006061 AHM006264 AHM006566 AHM006769 AHM007074 AHM007579 AHM008084 AHM00GT85 AHF00LT5 AHF000509 AHF001014 AHF001517 AHF001819 AHF0020 AHF0021 AHF002224 AHF002529 AHF003034 AHF003539 AHF004044 AHF004549 AHF005054 AHF005559 AHF006061 AHF006264 AHF006566 AHF006769 AHF007074 AHF007579 AHF008084 AHF00GT85 Age by Sex: Hawaiian Male 20 years Age by Sex: Hawaiian Male 21 years Age by Sex: Hawaiian Male 22 to 24 years Age by Sex: Hawaiian Male 25 to 29 years Age by Sex: Hawaiian Male 30 to 34 years Age by Sex: Hawaiian Male 35 to 39 years Age by Sex: Hawaiian Male 40 to 44 years Age by Sex: Hawaiian Male 45 to 49 years Age by Sex: Hawaiian Male 50 to 54 years Age by Sex: Hawaiian Male 55 to 59 years Age by Sex: Hawaiian Male 60 and 61 years Age by Sex: Hawaiian Male 62 to 64 years Age by Sex: Hawaiian Male 65 and 66 years Age by Sex: Hawaiian Male 67 to 69 years Age by Sex: Hawaiian Male 70 to 74 years Age by Sex: Hawaiian Male 75 to 79 years Age by Sex: Hawaiian Male 80 to 84 years Age by Sex: Hawaiian Male 85 years and over Age by Sex: Hawaiian Female under 5 years Age by Sex: Hawaiian Female 5 to 9 years Age by Sex: Hawaiian Female 10 to 14 years Age by Sex: Hawaiian Female 15 to 17 years Age by Sex: Hawaiian Female 18 and 19 years Age by Sex: Hawaiian Female 20 years Age by Sex: Hawaiian Female 21 years Age by Sex: Hawaiian Female 22 to 24 years Age by Sex: Hawaiian Female 25 to 29 years Age by Sex: Hawaiian Female 30 to 34 years Age by Sex: Hawaiian Female 35 to 39 years Age by Sex: Hawaiian Female 40 to 44 years Age by Sex: Hawaiian Female 45 to 49 years Age by Sex: Hawaiian Female 50 to 54 years Age by Sex: Hawaiian Female 55 to 59 years Age by Sex: Hawaiian Female 60 and 61 years Age by Sex: Hawaiian Female 62 to 64 years Age by Sex: Hawaiian Female 65 and 66 years Age by Sex: Hawaiian Female 67 to 69 years Age by Sex: Hawaiian Female 70 to 74 years Age by Sex: Hawaiian Female 75 to 79 years Age by Sex: Hawaiian Female 80 to 84 years Age by Sex: Hawaiian Female 85 years and over Population Age by Race by Sex: Other Race AOM00LT5 AOM000509 AOM001014 AOM001517 AOM001819 AOM0020 AOM0021 AOM002224 AOM002529 AOM003034 AOM003539 AOM004044 AOM004549 AOM005054 AOM005559 AOM006061 AOM006264 AOM006566 AOM006769 AOM007074 AOM007579 AOM008084 AOM00GT85 AOF00LT5 AOF000509 AOF001014 AOF001517 AOF001819 AOF0020 AOF0021 AOF002224 AOF002529 AOF003034 AOF003539 AOF004044 Age by Sex: Other Race Male under 5 years Age by Sex: Other Race Male 5 to 9 years Age by Sex: Other Race Male 10 to 14 years Age by Sex: Other Race Male 15 to 17 years Age by Sex: Other Race Male 18 and 19 years Age by Sex: Other Race Male 20 years Age by Sex: Other Race Male 21 years Age by Sex: Other Race Male 22 to 24 years Age by Sex: Other Race Male 25 to 29 years Age by Sex: Other Race Male 30 to 34 years Age by Sex: Other Race Male 35 to 39 years Age by Sex: Other Race Male 40 to 44 years Age by Sex: Other Race Male 45 to 49 years Age by Sex: Other Race Male 50 to 54 years Age by Sex: Other Race Male 55 to 59 years Age by Sex: Other Race Male 60 and 61 years Age by Sex: Other Race Male 62 to 64 years Age by Sex: Other Race Male 65 and 66 years Age by Sex: Other Race Male 67 to 69 years Age by Sex: Other Race Male 70 to 74 years Age by Sex: Other Race Male 75 to 79 years Age by Sex: Other Race Male 80 to 84 years Age by Sex: Other Race Male 85 years and over Age by Sex: Other Race Female under 5 years Age by Sex: Other Race Female 5 to 9 years Age by Sex: Other Race Female 10 to 14 years Age by Sex: Other Race Female 15 to 17 years Age by Sex: Other Race Female 18 and 19 years Age by Sex: Other Race Female 20 years Age by Sex: Other Race Female 21 years Age by Sex: Other Race Female 22 to 24 years Age by Sex: Other Race Female 25 to 29 years Age by Sex: Other Race Female 30 to 34 years Age by Sex: Other Race Female 35 to 39 years Age by Sex: Other Race Female 40 to 44 years Page 22 AOF004549 AOF005054 AOF005559 AOF006061 AOF006264 AOF006566 AOF006769 AOF007074 AOF007579 AOF008084 AOF00GT85 Age by Sex: Other Race Female 45 to 49 years Age by Sex: Other Race Female 50 to 54 years Age by Sex: Other Race Female 55 to 59 years Age by Sex: Other Race Female 60 and 61 years Age by Sex: Other Race Female 62 to 64 years Age by Sex: Other Race Female 65 and 66 years Age by Sex: Other Race Female 67 to 69 years Age by Sex: Other Race Female 70 to 74 years Age by Sex: Other Race Female 75 to 79 years Age by Sex: Other Race Female 80 to 84 years Age by Sex: Other Race Female 85 years and over Population Age by Race by Sex: Multiple Race AMM00LT5 AMM000509 AMM001014 AMM001517 AMM001819 AMM0020 AMM0021 AMM002224 AMM002529 AMM003034 AMM003539 AMM004044 AMM004549 AMM005054 AMM005559 AMM006061 AMM006264 AMM006566 AMM006769 AMM007074 AMM007579 AMM008084 AMM00GT85 AMF00LT5 AMF000509 AMF001014 AMF001517 AMF001819 AMF0020 AMF0021 AMF002224 AMF002529 AMF003034 AMF003539 AMF004044 AMF004549 AMF005054 AMF005559 AMF006061 AMF006264 AMF006566 AMF006769 AMF007074 AMF007579 AMF008084 AMF00GT85 Age by Sex: Multiple Race Male under 5 years Age by Sex: Multiple Race Male 5 to 9 years Age by Sex: Multiple Race Male 10 to 14 years Age by Sex: Multiple Race Male 15 to 17 years Age by Sex: Multiple Race Male 18 and 19 years Age by Sex: Multiple Race Male 20 years Age by Sex: Multiple Race Male 21 years Age by Sex: Multiple Race Male 22 to 24 years Age by Sex: Multiple Race Male 25 to 29 years Age by Sex: Multiple Race Male 30 to 34 years Age by Sex: Multiple Race Male 35 to 39 years Age by Sex: Multiple Race Male 40 to 44 years Age by Sex: Multiple Race Male 45 to 49 years Age by Sex: Multiple Race Male 50 to 54 years Age by Sex: Multiple Race Male 55 to 59 years Age by Sex: Multiple Race Male 60 and 61 years Age by Sex: Multiple Race Male 62 to 64 years Age by Sex: Multiple Race Male 65 and 66 years Age by Sex: Multiple Race Male 67 to 69 years Age by Sex: Multiple Race Male 70 to 74 years Age by Sex: Multiple Race Male 75 to 79 years Age by Sex: Multiple Race Male 80 to 84 years Age by Sex: Multiple Race Male 85 years and over Age by Sex: Multiple Race Female under 5 years Age by Sex: Multiple Race Female 5 to 9 years Age by Sex: Multiple Race Female 10 to 14 years Age by Sex: Multiple Race Female 15 to 17 years Age by Sex: Multiple Race Female 18 and 19 years Age by Sex: Multiple Race Female 20 years Age by Sex: Multiple Race Female 21 years Age by Sex: Multiple Race Female 22 to 24 years Age by Sex: Multiple Race Female 25 to 29 years Age by Sex: Multiple Race Female 30 to 34 years Age by Sex: Multiple Race Female 35 to 39 years Age by Sex: Multiple Race Female 40 to 44 years Age by Sex: Multiple Race Female 45 to 49 years Age by Sex: Multiple Race Female 50 to 54 years Age by Sex: Multiple Race Female 55 to 59 years Age by Sex: Multiple Race Female 60 and 61 years Age by Sex: Multiple Race Female 62 to 64 years Age by Sex: Multiple Race Female 65 and 66 years Age by Sex: Multiple Race Female 67 to 69 years Age by Sex: Multiple Race Female 70 to 74 years Age by Sex: Multiple Race Female 75 to 79 years Age by Sex: Multiple Race Female 80 to 84 years Age by Sex: Multiple Race Female 85 years and over Population Age by Race by Sex: Hispanic ALM00LT5 ALM000509 ALM001014 ALM001517 ALM001819 ALM0020 ALM0021 ALM002224 ALM002529 ALM003034 ALM003539 ALM004044 ALM004549 ALM005054 ALM005559 ALM006061 ALM006264 Age by Sex: Hispanic Male under 5 years Age by Sex: Hispanic Male 5 to 9 years Age by Sex: Hispanic Male 10 to 14 years Age by Sex: Hispanic Male 15 to 17 years Age by Sex: Hispanic Male 18 and 19 years Age by Sex: Hispanic Male 20 years Age by Sex: Hispanic Male 21 years Age by Sex: Hispanic Male 22 to 24 years Age by Sex: Hispanic Male 25 to 29 years Age by Sex: Hispanic Male 30 to 34 years Age by Sex: Hispanic Male 35 to 39 years Age by Sex: Hispanic Male 40 to 44 years Age by Sex: Hispanic Male 45 to 49 years Age by Sex: Hispanic Male 50 to 54 years Age by Sex: Hispanic Male 55 to 59 years Age by Sex: Hispanic Male 60 and 61 years Age by Sex: Hispanic Male 62 to 64 years Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A ALM006566 ALM006769 ALM007074 ALM007579 ALM008084 ALM00GT85 ALF00LT5 ALF000509 ALF001014 ALF001517 ALF001819 ALF0020 ALF0021 ALF002224 ALF002529 ALF003034 ALF003539 ALF004044 ALF004549 ALF005054 ALF005559 ALF006061 ALF006264 ALF006566 ALF006769 ALF007074 ALF007579 ALF008084 ALF00GT85 Age by Sex: Hispanic Male 65 and 66 years Age by Sex: Hispanic Male 67 to 69 years Age by Sex: Hispanic Male 70 to 74 years Age by Sex: Hispanic Male 75 to 79 years Age by Sex: Hispanic Male 80 to 84 years Age by Sex: Hispanic Male 85 years and over Age by Sex: Hispanic Female under 5 years Age by Sex: Hispanic Female 5 to 9 years Age by Sex: Hispanic Female 10 to 14 years Age by Sex: Hispanic Female 15 to 17 years Age by Sex: Hispanic Female 18 and 19 years Age by Sex: Hispanic Female 20 years Age by Sex: Hispanic Female 21 years Age by Sex: Hispanic Female 22 to 24 years Age by Sex: Hispanic Female 25 to 29 years Age by Sex: Hispanic Female 30 to 34 years Age by Sex: Hispanic Female 35 to 39 years Age by Sex: Hispanic Female 40 to 44 years Age by Sex: Hispanic Female 45 to 49 years Age by Sex: Hispanic Female 50 to 54 years Age by Sex: Hispanic Female 55 to 59 years Age by Sex: Hispanic Female 60 and 61 years Age by Sex: Hispanic Female 62 to 64 years Age by Sex: Hispanic Female 65 and 66 years Age by Sex: Hispanic Female 67 to 69 years Age by Sex: Hispanic Female 70 to 74 years Age by Sex: Hispanic Female 75 to 79 years Age by Sex: Hispanic Female 80 to 84 years Age by Sex: Hispanic Female 85 years and over Population Age by Race by Sex: White Non-Hispanic AXM00LT5 AXM000509 AXM001014 AXM001517 AXM001819 AXM0020 AXM0021 AXM002224 AXM002529 AXM003034 AXM003539 AXM004044 AXM004549 AXM005054 AXM005559 AXM006061 AXM006264 AXM006566 AXM006769 AXM007074 AXM007579 AXM008084 AXM00GT85 AXF00LT5 AXF000509 AXF001014 AXF001517 AXF001819 AXF0020 AXF0021 AXF002224 AXF002529 AXF003034 AXF003539 AXF004044 AXF004549 AXF005054 AXF005559 AXF006061 AXF006264 AXF006566 AXF006769 AXF007074 AXF007579 AXF008084 AXF00GT85 Age by Sex: White Non-Hispanic Male under 5 years Age by Sex: White Non-Hispanic Male 5 to 9 years Age by Sex: White Non-Hispanic Male 10 to 14 years Age by Sex: White Non-Hispanic Male 15 to 17 years Age by Sex: White Non-Hispanic Male 18 and 19 years Age by Sex: White Non-Hispanic Male 20 years Age by Sex: White Non-Hispanic Male 21 years Age by Sex: White Non-Hispanic Male 22 to 24 years Age by Sex: White Non-Hispanic Male 25 to 29 years Age by Sex: White Non-Hispanic Male 30 to 34 years Age by Sex: White Non-Hispanic Male 35 to 39 years Age by Sex: White Non-Hispanic Male 40 to 44 years Age by Sex: White Non-Hispanic Male 45 to 49 years Age by Sex: White Non-Hispanic Male 50 to 54 years Age by Sex: White Non-Hispanic Male 55 to 59 years Age by Sex: White Non-Hispanic Male 60 and 61 years Age by Sex: White Non-Hispanic Male 62 to 64 years Age by Sex: White Non-Hispanic Male 65 and 66 years Age by Sex: White Non-Hispanic Male 67 to 69 years Age by Sex: White Non-Hispanic Male 70 to 74 years Age by Sex: White Non-Hispanic Male 75 to 79 years Age by Sex: White Non-Hispanic Male 80 to 84 years Age by Sex: White Non-Hispanic Male 85 years and over Age by Sex: White Non-Hispanic Female under 5 years Age by Sex: White Non-Hispanic Female 5 to 9 years Age by Sex: White Non-Hispanic Female 10 to 14 years Age by Sex: White Non-Hispanic Female 15 to 17 years Age by Sex: White Non-Hispanic Female 18 and 19 years Age by Sex: White Non-Hispanic Female 20 years Age by Sex: White Non-Hispanic Female 21 years Age by Sex: White Non-Hispanic Female 22 to 24 years Age by Sex: White Non-Hispanic Female 25 to 29 years Age by Sex: White Non-Hispanic Female 30 to 34 years Age by Sex: White Non-Hispanic Female 35 to 39 years Age by Sex: White Non-Hispanic Female 40 to 44 years Age by Sex: White Non-Hispanic Female 45 to 49 years Age by Sex: White Non-Hispanic Female 50 to 54 years Age by Sex: White Non-Hispanic Female 55 to 59 years Age by Sex: White Non-Hispanic Female 60 and 61 years Age by Sex: White Non-Hispanic Female 62 to 64 years Age by Sex: White Non-Hispanic Female 65 and 66 years Age by Sex: White Non-Hispanic Female 67 to 69 years Age by Sex: White Non-Hispanic Female 70 to 74 years Age by Sex: White Non-Hispanic Female 75 to 79 years Age by Sex: White Non-Hispanic Female 80 to 84 years Age by Sex: White Non-Hispanic Female 85 years and over Page 23 Population by Sex SEX00MAL SEX00FEM Male Female Population by Race RAC00WHITE RAC00BLACK RAC00AMIND RAC00ASIAN RAC00HAWAI RAC00OTHER RAC00MULT Race White Alone Race Black Alone Race American Indian and Alaska Native Alone Race Asian Alone Race Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander Alone Race Some Other Race Alone Two or More Races Population by Hispanic Origin HIS00HISP HIS00NHISP Population, Hispanic or Latino Population, Not Hispanic or Latino Race by Hispanic Origin RCH00WHNHS RCH00BLNHS RCH00AMNHS RCH00ASNHS RCH00HANHS RCH00OTNHS RCH00MUNHS RCH00WHHIS RCH00BLHIS RCH00AMHIS RCH00ASHIS RCH00HAHIS RCH00OTHIS RCH00MUHIS Non Hispanic White Alone Non Hispanic Black Alone Non Hispanic American Indian/Alaska Native Alone Non Hispanic Asian Alone Non Hispanic Native Hawaiian/Alaska Native Alone Non Hispanic Some Other Race Non Hispanic Two or More races Hispanic White Alone Hispanic Black Alone Hispanic American Indian/Alaska Native Alone Hispanic Asian Alone Hispanic Native Hawaiian/Alaska Native Alone Hispanic Some Other Race Hispanic Two or More races Population by Relationship in Household POP00FAM POP00HF POP00HFM POP00HFF POP00HFSP POP00HFCH POP00HFNC POP00HFSC POP00HFGC POP00HFSIB POP00HFPAR POP00HFOTH POP00HFNRL POP00NF POP00NFM POP00NFLM POP00NFM2 POP00NFF POP00NFLF POP00NFF2 POP00NFNRL Population in Family Households Householders in Family Households Male Householders in Family Households Female Householders in Family Households Spouse in Family Households Children in Family Households Natural Born or Adopted Children in Family Households Step Children in Family Households Grandchildren in Family Households Brother or Sister in Family Households Parent in Family Households Other Relatives in Family Households Non-Relatives in Family Households Population in Non-Family Households Male Householders in Non-Family Households Male Householders Living Alone Male Householders Not Living Alone in Non-Family Households Female Householders in Non-Family Households Female Householders Living Alone Female Householders Not Living Alone in Non-Family Households Non Relatives in Non Family Households Population by Group Quarters POP00GRP GRP00INST GRP00CORR GRP00NURS GRP00OTHI GRP00NINS GRP00COLL GRP00MIL GRP00OTHN Population in Group Quarters Institutionalized Group Quarters Population: in Correctional Institutions Group Quarters Population: in Nursing Homes Group Quarters Population: in Other Institutions Group Quarters Population: Non-Institutionalized Group Quarters Population: In College Dormitories and College Qu Group Quarters Population: Military Quarters Group Quarters Population: Other Non-Institutional Marital Status MAR00NEVER MAR00MARR MAR00SEPAR MAR00WIDOW MAR00DIVOR Marital Status Age 15+: Never married Marital Status Age 15+: Married spouse present Marital Status Age 15+: Married spouse absent Marital Status Age 15+: Widowed Marital Status Age 15+: Divorced Marital Status by Sex MAR00MNEVR Marital Status: Males Age 15+: Never married MAR00MMARR Marital Status: Males Age 15+: Married spouse present Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A MAR00MSEP MAR00MWID MAR00MDIV Marital Status: Males Age 15+: Married spouse absent Marital Status: Males Age 15+: Widowed Marital Status: Males Age 15+: Divorced MAR00FNEVR MAR00FMARR MAR00FSEP MAR00FWID MAR00FDIV Marital Status: Females Age 15+: Never married Marital Status: Females Age 15+: Married spouse present Marital Status: Females Age 15+: Married spouse absent Marital Status: Females Age 15+: Widowed Marital Status: Females Age 15+: Divorced Educational Attainment EDU00LTGR9 Educational Attainment (25+ Yrs): Less than 9th grade EDU00GR911 Educational Attainment (25+ Yrs): 9th to 11th grade no diploma EDU00HSCH Educational Attainment (25+ Yrs): High school graduate (includes equivalency) EDU00SCOLL Educational Attainment (25+ Yrs): Some college no degree EDU00ASSOC Educational Attainment (25+ Yrs): Associate degree EDU00BACH Educational Attainment (25+ Yrs): Bachelor's degree EDU00GRAD Educational Attainment (25+ Yrs): Graduate or profession degree Educational Attainment by Sex EDU00MNONE EDU00MLT4 EDU00M0506 EDU00M0708 EDU00M09 EDU00M10 EDU00M11 EDU00M11ND EDU00MHS EDU00MSC1 EDU00MSC2 EDU00MASD EDU00MBACH EDU00MMAST EDU00MPROF EDU00MDOCT EDU00FNONE EDU00FLT4 EDU00F0506 EDU00F0708 EDU00F09 EDU00F10 EDU00F11 EDU00F11ND EDU00FHS EDU00FSC1 EDU00FSC2 EDU00FASD EDU00FBACH EDU00FMAST EDU00FPROF EDU00FDOCT Educational Attainment Age 25+ male: No schooling completed Educational Attainment Age 25+ male: Nursery-4th grade Educational Attainment Age 25+ male: 5th-6th grade Educational Attainment Age 25+ male: 7th-8th grade Educational Attainment Age 25+ male: 9th grade Educational Attainment Age 25+ male: 10th grade Educational Attainment Age 25+ male: 11th grade Educational Attainment Age 25+; male: 11th grade no diploma Educational Attainment Age 25+; male: High school graduate (includes equivalency) Educational Attainment Age 25+; male: Some college < 1 yr Educational Attainment Age 25+; male: Some college 1+ years no degree Educational Attainment Age 25+; male: Associate degree Educational Attainment Age 25+; male: Bachelor's degree Educational Attainment Age 25+; male: Master's degree Educational Attainment Age 25+; male: Professional school degree Educational Attainment Age 25+; male: Doctorate degree Educational Attainment Age 25+; Female: No schooling completed Educational Attainment Age 25+; Female: Nursery to 4th grade Educational Attainment Age 25+; Female: 5th and 6th grade Educational Attainment Age 25+; Female: 7th and 8th grade Educational Attainment Age 25+; Female: 9th grade Educational Attainment Age 25+; Female: 10th grade Educational Attainment Age 25+; Female: 11th grade Educational Attainment Age 25+; Female: 11th grade no diploma Educational Attainment Age 25+; Female: High school graduate (includes equivalency) Educational Attainment Age 25+; Female: Some college less than 1 year Educational Attainment Age 25+; Female: Some college 1 + years no degree Educational Attainment Age 25+; Female: Associate degree Educational Attainment Age 25+; Female: Bachelor's degree Educational Attainment Age 25+; Female: Master's degree Educational Attainment Age 25+; Female: Professional school degree Educational Attainment Age 25+; Female: Doctorate degree Educational Enrollment SCH00PP SCH00PUBPP SCH00PRIPP SCH00KI SCH00PUBKI SCH00PRIKI SCH00EL SCH00PUBEL SCH00PRIEL SCH00HS SCH00PUBHS SCH00PRIHS SCH00UN SCH00PUBUN SCH00PRIUN SCH00GR SCH00PUBGR SCH00PRIGR SCH00NONE SCH00PUB School Enrollment: Preschool School Enrollment: Public Preschool School Enrollment: Private Preschool School Enrollment: Kindergarten School Enrollment: Public Kindergarten School Enrollment: Private Kindergarten School Enrollment: Elementary (Grade 1-8) School Enrollment: Public Elementary (Grade 1-8) School Enrollment: Private Elementary (Grade 1-8) School Enrollment: High School School Enrollment: Public High School School Enrollment: Private High School School Enrollment: University/College School Enrollment: Public University/College School Enrollment: Private University/College School Enrollment: Graduate/Professional School Enrollment: Public Graduate/Professional School Enrollment: Private Graduate/Professional School Enrollment: Not In School Total Enrollment: Public Page 24 SCH00PRI Total Enrollment: Private Educational Enrollment by Sex and Public/Private SCH00MP3 SCH00FP3 SCH00MVPS SCH00MVK SCH00MV1 SCH00MV5 SCH00MV9 SCH00MVCOL SCH00MVGRA SCH00MPPS SCH00MPK SCH00MP1 SCH00MP5 SCH00MP9 SCH00MPCOL SCH00MPGRA SCH00MNISC SCH00FVPS SCH00FVK SCH00FV1 SCH00FV5 SCH00FV9 SCH00FVCOL SCH00FVGRA SCH00FPPS SCH00FPK SCH00FP1 SCH00FP5 SCH00FP9 SCH00FPCOL SCH00FPGRA SCH00FNISC Population 3+, male Population 3+, female Males in (private) nursery school, preschool Males in (private) kindergarten Males in (private) grades 1-4 Males in (private) grades 5-8 Males in (private) grades 9-12 Males in (private) college (undergraduate) Males in (private) graduate/professional school Males in (public) nursery school, preschool Males in (public) kindergarten Males in (public) grades 1-4 Males in (public) grades 5-8 Males in (public) grades 9-12 Males in (public) college (undergraduate) Males in (public) graduate/ professional school Males 3+, not in school Females in (private) nursery school, preschool Females in (private) kindergarten Females in (private) grades 1-4 Females in (private) grades 5-8 Females in (private) grades 9-12 Females in (private) college (undergraduate) Females in (private) graduate/ professional school Females in (public) nursery school, preschool Females in (public) kindergarten Females in (public) grades 1-4 Females in (public) grades 5-8 Females in (public) grades 9-12 Females in (public) college (undergraduate) Females in (public) graduate/ professional school Females 3+, not in school Origin and Citizenship Place of Birth PLB00NATIV PLB00PRICO PLB00USOUT PLB00USABR PLB00FRNAT PLB00FRNCT Place of Birth: Native Born Citizen Place of Birth: Citizen Born in Puerto Rico Place of Birth: Citizen Born in US Island Areas Place of Birth: Citizen Born Abroad of American Parents Place of Birth: Foreign Born Naturalized Citizen Place of Birth: Foreign Born Non-Citizen Year of Entry of Foreign Born Population FBE00TOTAL FBE009500 FBE009094 FBE008589 FBE008084 FBE007579 FBE007074 FBE006569 FBE00BF65 Total Foreign Born Population Year of Entry of Foreign-Born Population: 1995 to March 2000 Year of Entry of Foreign-Born Population: 1990 to 1994 Year of Entry of Foreign-Born Population: 1985 to 1989 Year of Entry of Foreign-Born Population: 1980 to 1984 Year of Entry of Foreign-Born Population: 1975 to 1979 Year of Entry of Foreign-Born Population: 1970 to 1974 Year of Entry of Foreign-Born Population: 1965 to 1969 Year of Entry of Foreign-Born Population: Before 1965 Population by Tenure POP00OWNHU Population: Owner occupied housing units POP00RNTHU Population: Renter occupied housing units Population by Tenure by Units in Structure PTU00O1DET PTU00O1ATT PTU00O2 PTU00O0304 PTU00O0509 PTU00O1019 PTU00O2049 PTU00OGT50 PTU00OMOB PTU00OOTH PTU00R1DET PTU00R1ATT PTU00R2 PTU00R0304 PTU00R0509 Pop in owned units, in 1 detached Pop in owned units, in 1 attached Pop in owned units, in 2 unit structure Pop in owned units, in 3-4 unit structure Pop in owned units, in 5-9 unit structure Pop in owned units, in 10-19 unit structure Pop in owned units, in 20-49 unit structure Pop in owned units, in 50+ unit structure Pop in owned units, in mobile home Pop in owned units, in boat, RV, van Pop in rented units, in 1 detached Pop in rented units, in 1 attached Pop in rented units, in 2 unit structure Pop in rented units, in 3-4 unit structure Pop in rented units, in 5-9 unit structure Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A PTU00R1019 PTU00R2049 PTU00RGT50 PTU00RMOB PTU00ROTH Pop in rented units, in 10-19 unit structure Pop in rented units, in 20-49 unit structure Pop in rented units, in 50+ unit structure Pop in rented units, in mobile home Pop in rented units, in boat, RV, van Households HHD00 Households SF3 Sample Counts HHD00SF3 HHD00FAM3 HHD00NFM3 Households Family households Non-family households Households by Detailed Type HHD00FAM HHD00MCF HHD00MCFC HHD00MCFNC HHD00PNFM HHD00LMAL HHD00LMCH HHD00LMNC HHD00LFEM HHD00LFCH HHD00LFNC HHD00NFM HHD00LMH HHD00LFH Family Households Married Couple Family Married Couple Family with Children under 18 Married Couple Family with no own Children under 18 Other Family Type Male Householder, no wife present Male Householder, no wife present with own Children < 18 Male Householder, no wife present with no own Children < 18 Female Householder, no husband present Female Householder, no husband present with own Children < 18 Female Householder, no husband present with no own Children < 18 Non-family Households Male Householder Female Householder Households by Size HHD00S1 HHD00S2 HHD00S3 HHD00S4 HHD00S5 HHD00S6 HHD00S7 Households: 1 Person Households: 2 Persons Households: 3 Persons Households: 4 Persons Households: 5 Persons Households: 6 Persons Households: 7+ Persons Family Households by Size FAM00S2 FAM00S3 FAM00S4 FAM00S5 FAM00S6 FAM00S7 Family Households: 2 Persons Family Households: 3 Persons Family Households: 4 Persons Family Households: 5 Persons Family Households: 6 Persons Family Households: 7+ Persons Non-Family Households by Size NFM00S1 NFM00S2 NFM00S3 NFM00S4 NFM00S5 NFM00S6 NFM00S7 Non-Family Households: 1 Person Non-Family Households: 2 Persons Non-Family Households: 3 Persons Non-Family Households: 4 Persons Non-Family Households: 5 Persons Non-Family Households: 6 Persons Non-Family Households: 7+ Persons Single/Multiple Members by Size HHD00P1 HHD00P1M HHD00P1F HHD00P2 1 Person Households 1 Person Male Householder 1 Person Female Householder 2 or more person households SF3 Size of Household HHZ001 HHZ002 HHZ003 HHZ004 HHZ005 HHZ006 HHZ007 Size of Household: 1-person household Size of Household: 2-person household Size of Household: 3-person household Size of Household: 4-person household Size of Household: 5-person household Size of Household: 6-person household Size of Household: 7-or-more-person household Size of Owner Occupied Households HHZ00OWN1 HHZ00OWN2 HHZ00OWN3 HHZ00OWN4 Size of Household: 1-person household; Owner Occupied Size of Household: 2-person household; Owner Occupied Size of Household: 3-person household; Owner Occupied Size of Household: 4-person household; Owner Occupied Page 25 HHZ00OWN5 HHZ00OWN6 HHZ00OWN7 Size of Household: 5-person household; Owner Occupied Size of Household: 6-person household; Owner Occupied Size of Household: 7-or-more-person household; Owner Occupied Size of Renter Occupied Households HHZ00RNT1 HHZ00RNT2 HHZ00RNT3 HHZ00RNT4 HHZ00RNT5 HHZ00RNT6 HHZ00RNT7 Size of Household: 1-person household; Renter Occupied Size of Household: 2-person household; Renter Occupied Size of Household: 3-person household; Renter Occupied Size of Household: 4-person household; Renter Occupied Size of Household: 5-person household; Renter Occupied Size of Household: 6-person household; Renter Occupied Size of Household: 7-or-more-person household; Renter Occupied Households by Race/Hispanic Origin HHR00NHISP HHR00NHWHT HHR00NHBLK HHR00NHAMI HHR00NHASI HHR00NHHAW HHR00NHOTH HHR00NHMUL HHR00HISP HHR00HWHT HHR00HBLK HHR00HAMI HHR00HASI HHR00HHAW HHR00HOTH HHR00HMUL Non-Hispanic Householder Non-Hispanic White Householder Non-Hispanic Black Householder Non-Hispanic American Indian/Alaskan Householder Non-Hispanic Asian Householder Non-Hispanic Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander Householder Non-Hispanic Other Race Householder Non-Hispanic Multiple Race Householder Hispanic Householder Hispanic White Householder Hispanic Black Householder Hispanic American Indian/Alaskan Householder Hispanic Asian Householder Hispanic Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander Householder Hispanic Other Race Householder Hispanic Multiple Race Householder Family Households FAM00WHITE FAM00BLACK FAM00AMIND FAM00ASIAN FAM00HAWAI FAM00OTHER FAM00MULT FAM00HISP FAM00WNHSP Family Households: White Householder Family Households: Black Householder Family Households: American Indian/Alaskan Householder Family Households: Asian Householder Family Households: Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Householder Family Households: Other Race Householder Family Households: Multiple Race Householder Family Households: Hispanic Householder Family Households: White Non-Hispanic Householder Households by Race by Tenure HHR00OWHIT Owner Occupied: Householder who is White alone HHR00OBLCK Owner Occupied: Householder who is Black or African American alone HHR00ONATV Owner Occupied: Householder who is American Indian and Alaska Native alone HHR00OASIA Owner Occupied: Householder who is Asian alone HHR00OHAWA Owner Occupied: Householder who is Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone HHR00OOTHR Owner Occupied: Householder who is Some other race alone HHR00OMULT Owner Occupied: Householder who is Two or more races HHR00RWHIT Renter Occupied: Householder who is White alone HHR00RBLCK Renter Occupied: Householder who is Black or African American alone HHR00RNATV Renter Occupied: Householder who is American Indian and Alaska Native alone HHR00RASIA Renter Occupied: Householder who is Asian alone HHR00RHAWA Renter Occupied: Householder who is Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone HHR00ROTHR Renter Occupied: Householder who is Some other race alone HHR00RMULT Renter Occupied: Householder who is Two or more races HHR00OHISP Owner occupied: Householder who is Hispanic HHR00RHISP Renter occupied: Householder who is Hispanic HHR00OWNHS Owner occupied: Householder who is White Non-Hispanic HHR00RWNHS Renter occupied: Householder who is White Non-Hispanic Households by Presence of Children and Type HCH00 HCH00FAM HCH00MCF HCH00OTH HCH00LML HCH00LFM HCH00NFM HCH00NFMM HCH00NFMF HNC00 HNC00FAM Households with Children Households with Children: Family Households Households with Children: Married Couple Family Households with Children: Other Family Households with Children: Male Householder No Wife Present Households with Children: Female Householder No Husband Present Households with Children: Non Family Households Households with Children: Non-Family Male Householder Households with Children: Non Family Female Householder Households without Children Households without Children: Family Households Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A HNC00MCF HNC00OTH HNC00MAL HNC00FEM HNC00NFM HNC00NFMM HNC00NFMF Households without Children: Married Couple Family Households without Children: Other Family Households without Children: Male Householder No Wife Present Households without Children: Female Householder No Husband Present Households without Children: Non Family Households Households without Children: Non-Family Male Householder Households without Children: Non Family Female Householder Age of Head of Household AGE00MEDFA AGE00MEDNF HAG001524 HAG002534 HAG003544 HAG004554 HAG005564 HAG006574 HAG007584 HAG00GT85 Median Householder Age: Family Households Median Householder Age: Non-Family Households Householder Age 15 to 24 Householder Age 25 to 34 Householder Age 35 to 44 Householder Age 45 to 54 Householder Age 55 to 64 Householder Age 65 to 74 Householder Age 75 to 84 Householder Age 85+ Family Households by Age of Householder FAM00A1524 FAM00A2534 FAM00A3544 FAM00A4554 FAM00A5564 FAM00A6574 FAM00A7584 FAM00AGT85 Family Households, Age 15-24 Family Households, Age 25-34 Family Households, Age 35-44 Family Households, Age 45-54 Family Households, Age 55-64 Family Households Age 65-74 Family Households Age 75-84 Family Households Age 85+ Non-Family Households by Age of Householder NFM00A1524 NFM00A2534 NFM00A3544 NFM00A4554 NFM00A5564 NFM00A6574 NFM00A7584 NFM00AGT85 Non-Family Households, Age 15-24 Non-Family Households, Age 25-34 Non-Family Households, Age 35-44 Non-Family Households, Age 45-54 Non-Family Households, Age 55-64 Non-Family Households Age 65-74 Non-Family Households Age 75-84 Non-Family Households Age 85+ Page 26 RES00USOUT Residence in 1995: U.S. Island Areas RES00FORGN Residence in 1995: Foreign country or at sea Household Vehicles Available HVA00AGG HVA00NONE HVA001 HVA002 HVA003 HVA00AVE Aggregate number of vehicles available Vehicles Available: None Vehicles Available: 1 Vehicles Available: 2 Vehicles Available: 3+ Average Vehicles Available Household Vehicles Available by Tenure HVA00O0 HVA00O1 HVA00O2 HVA00O3 HVA00O4 HVA00O5 HVA00R0 HVA00R1 HVA00R2 HVA00R3 HVA00R4 HVA00R5 HVA00OAGG HVA00RAGG Vehicles Available by Tenure: Owner Occupied No vehicle available Vehicles Available by Tenure: Owner Occupied 1 vehicle available Vehicles Available by Tenure: Owner Occupied 2 vehicles available Vehicles Available by Tenure: Owner Occupied 3 vehicles available Vehicles Available by Tenure: Owner Occupied 4 vehicles available Vehicles Available by Tenure: Owner Occupied 5 or more vehicles available Vehicles Available by Tenure: Renter Occupied No vehicle available Vehicles Available by Tenure: Renter Occupied 1 vehicle available Vehicles Available by Tenure: Renter Occupied 2 vehicles available Vehicles Available by Tenure: Renter Occupied 3 vehicles available Vehicles Available by Tenure: Renter Occupied 4 vehicles available Vehicles Available by Tenure: Renter Occupied 5 or more vehicles available Aggregate number of vehicles available: Owner occupied Aggregate number of vehicles available: Renter occupied Income Average and Median Income INC00PCIX HIN00MED FIN00MED NIN00MED INC00PCI HIN00AVE FIN00AVE NIN00AVE Per capita income in 1999 Median Household Income Median Family Household Income Median Non-Family Household Income Per Capita Income Average Household Income Average Family Household Income Average Non-Family Household Income Households by Age of Householder and Tenure HAG00O1524 HAG00O2534 HAG00O3544 HAG00O4554 HAG00O5564 HAG00O6574 HAG00O7584 HAG00OGT85 HAG00R1524 HAG00R2534 HAG00R3544 HAG00R4554 HAG00R5564 HAG00R6574 HAG00R7584 HAG00RGT85 Owner Occupied: Householder Age 15 to 24 Owner Occupied: Householder Age 25 to 34 Owner Occupied: Householder Age 35 to 44 Owner Occupied: Householder Age 45 to 54 Owner Occupied: Householder Age 55 to 64 Owner Occupied: Householder Age 65 to 74 Owner Occupied: Householder Age 75 to 84 Owner Occupied: Householder Age 85+ Renter Occupied: Householder Age 15 to 24 Renter Occupied: Householder Age 25 to 34 Renter Occupied: Householder Age 35 to 44 Renter Occupied: Householder Age 45 to 54 Renter Occupied: Householder Age 55 to 64 Renter Occupied: Householder Age 65 to 74 Renter Occupied: Householder Age 75 to 84 Renter Occupied: Householder Age 85+ Household Income HIN00LT10 HIN001015 HIN001520 HIN002025 HIN002530 HIN003035 HIN003540 HIN004045 HIN004550 HIN005060 HIN006075 HIN0075100 HIN0010025 HIN0012550 HIN0015020 HIN00GT200 Household Income Less than $10000 Household Income $10000 to $14999 Household Income $15000 to $19999 Household Income $20000 to $24999 Household Income $25000 to $29999 Household Income $30000 to $34999 Household Income $35000 to $39999 Household Income $40000 to $44999 Household Income $45000 to $49999 Household Income $50000 to $59999 Household Income $60000 to $74999 Household Income $75000 to $99999 Household Income $100000 to $124999 Household Income $125000 to $149999 Household Income $150000 to $199999 Household Income $200000 or more Household Language and Linguistic Isolation LNI00ENGL LNI00SPNIS LNI00SPNN LNI00IEUIS LNI00IEUN LNI00ASNIS LNI00ASNN LIN00OTHIN LIN00OTHN Household Language: English Household Language: Spanish linguistically isolated Household Language: Spanish Not linguistically isolated Household Language: Other Indo-European: Linguistically isolated Household Language: Other Indo-European: Not linguistically isolated Household Language: Asian/Pacific Islander: Linguistically isolated Household Language: Asian/Pacific Islander: Not linguistically isolated Household Language: Other: Linguistically isolated Household Language: Other: Not linguistically isolated Residence in 1995 RES00SH95 RES00DHSC RES00DHSS RES00DSNE RES00DSMW RES00DSS RES00DSW RES00PRICO Residence in 1995: Same house in 1995 Residence in 1995: Same county Residence in 1995: Same state Residence in 1995: Northeast Residence in 1995: Midwest Residence in 1995: South Residence in 1995: West Residence in 1995: In Puerto Rico in 1995: Family Household Income FIN00LT10 FIN001015 FIN001520 FIN002025 FIN002530 FIN003035 FIN003540 FIN004045 FIN004550 FIN005060 FIN006075 FIN0075100 FIN0010025 FIN0012550 FIN0015020 FIN00GT200 Family Income: Less than $10000 Family Income: $10000 to $14999 Family Income: $15000 to $19999 Family Income: $20000 to $24999 Family Income: $25000 to $29999 Family Income: $30000 to $34999 Family Income: $35000 to $39999 Family Income: $40000 to $44999 Family Income: $45000 to $49999 Family Income: $50000 to $59999 Family Income: $60000 to $74999 Family Income: $75000 to $99999 Family Income: $100000 to $124999 Family Income: $125000 to $149999 Family Income: $150000 to $199999 Family Income: $200000 or more Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A Non-Family Household Income NIN00LT10 NIN001015 NIN001520 NIN002025 NIN002530 NIN003035 NIN003540 NIN004045 NIN004550 NIN005060 NIN006075 NIN0075100 NIN0010025 NIN0012550 NIN0015020 NIN00GT200 Non Family Household Income: Less than $10000 Non Family Household Income: $10000 to $14999 Non Family Household Income: $15000 to $19999 Non Family Household Income: $20000 to $24999 Non Family Household Income: $25000 to $29999 Non Family Household Income: $30000 to $34999 Non Family Household Income: $35000 to $39999 Non Family Household Income: $40000 to $44999 Non Family Household Income: $45000 to $49999 Non Family Household Income: $50000 to $59999 Non Family Household Income: $60000 to $74999 Non Family Household Income: $75000 to $99999 Non Family Household Income: $100000 to $124999 Non Family Household Income: $125000 to $149999 Non Family Household Income: $150000 to $199999 Non Family Household Income: $200000 or more Aggregate Income HIN00AGG HIN00AGG1 HIN00AGG2 FIN00AGG FIN00AGG1 FIN00AGG2 NIN00AGG NIN00AGG1 NIN00AGG2 INC00AGI15 INC00AGM INC00AGF HIN00AGGX Aggregate Household Income in 1999 Aggregate Household Income < $200000 Aggregate Household Income > $200000 Aggregate Family income in 1999 Aggregate Family Income of Families with Income Less than $200000 Aggregate Family Income of Families with Income $200000 or more Aggregate Non-Family household income in 1999 Aggregate Non-Family Less than $200000 Aggregate Non-Family $200000 or more Aggregate Income in 1999 of Population 15+ Years Aggregate Earnings in 1999: male Aggregate Earnings in 1999: Female Aggregate Household Income Aggregate Income by Householder Age HIN00AGG24 HIN00AGG25 HIN00AGG35 HIN00AGG45 HIN00AGG55 HIN00AGG65 HIN00AGG75 Aggregate Income Householder under 25 years Aggregate Income Householder 25 to 34 years Aggregate Income Householder 35 to 44 years Aggregate Income Householder 45 to 54 years Aggregate Income Householder 55 to 64 years Aggregate Income Householder 65 to 74 years Aggregate Income Householder 75 years and over Aggregate Income by Type of Income (1999) AGI00TOTAL AGI00WAGE AGI00SELF AGI00INT AGI00SOCSE AGI00SUPSE AGI00PUB AGI00RET AGI00OTH Aggregate Household Earnings in 1999 Aggregate wage or salary income in 1999 Aggregate self-employment income in 1999 Aggregate interest dividends or net rental income in 1999 Aggregate Social Security income in 1999 Aggregate Supplemental Security Income in 1999 Aggregate public assistance income in 1999 Aggregate retirement income in 1999 Aggregate other types of income in 1999 Households with Income by Type INC00HEAR INC00HNEAR INC00HWAG INC00HNWAG INC00HSLF INC00HNSLF INC00HINT INC00HNINT INC00HSSI INC00HNSSI INC00HPSI INC00HNPSI INC00HPUB INC00HNPUB INC00HRET INC00HNRET INC00HOTH INC00HNOTH Households With Earnings Households No Earnings Households With wage or salary income Households No wage or salary income Households With self-employment income Households No self-employment income Households With interest dividends or net rental income Households No interest dividends or net rental income Households With Social Security income Households No Social Security income Households With Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Households No Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Households With public assistance income Households No public assistance income Households With retirement income Households No retirement income Households With Other Types of Income Households With No Other Types of Income Earnings by Sex ERN00MLT01 ERN00MLT02 ERN00MLT03 ERN00MLT04 Males Age 16+ With Earnings $1 to $2499 or loss Males Age 16+ With Earnings $2500 to $4999 Males Age 16+ With Earnings $5000 to $7499 Males Age 16+ With Earnings $7500 to $9999 Page 27 ERN00MLT05 ERN00MLT06 ERN00MLT07 ERN00MLT08 ERN00MLT09 ERN00MLT10 ERN00MLT11 ERN00MLT12 ERN00MLT13 ERN00MLT14 ERN00MLT15 ERN00MLT16 ERN00MLT17 ERN00MLT18 ERN00MLT19 ERN00MLT20 ERN00FLT01 ERN00FLT02 ERN00FLT03 ERN00FLT04 ERN00FLT05 ERN00FLT06 ERN00FLT07 ERN00FLT08 ERN00FLT09 ERN00FLT10 ERN00FLT11 ERN00FLT12 ERN00FLT13 ERN00FLT14 ERN00FLT15 ERN00FLT16 ERN00FLT17 ERN00FLT18 ERN00FLT19 ERN00FLT20 Males Age 16+ With Earnings $10000 to $12499 Males Age 16+ With Earnings $12500 to $14999 Males Age 16+ With Earnings $15000 to $17499 Males Age 16+ With Earnings $17500 to $19999 Males Age 16+ With Earnings $20000 to $22499 Males Age 16+ With Earnings $22500 to $24999 Males Age 16+ With Earnings $25000 to $29999 Males Age 16+ With Earnings $30000 to $34999 Males Age 16+ With Earnings $35000 to $39999 Males Age 16+ With Earnings $40000 to $44999 Males Age 16+ With Earnings $45000 to $49999 Males Age 16+ With Earnings $50000 to $54999 Males Age 16+ With Earnings $55000 to $64999 Males Age 16+ With Earnings $65000 to $74999 Males Age 16+ With Earnings $75000 to $99999 Males Age 16+ With Earnings $100000 or more Females Age 16+ With Earnings $1 to $2499 or loss Females Age 16+ With Earnings $2500 to $4999 Females Age 16+ With Earnings $5000 to $7499 Females Age 16+ With Earnings $7500 to $9999 Females Age 16+ With Earnings $10000 to $12499 Females Age 16+ With Earnings $12500 to $14999 Females Age 16+ With Earnings $15000 to $17499 Females Age 16+ With Earnings $17500 to $19999 Females Age 16+ With Earnings $20000 to $22499 Females Age 16+ With Earnings $22500 to $24999 Females Age 16+ With Earnings $25000 to $29999 Females Age 16+ With Earnings $30000 to $34999 Females Age 16+ With Earnings $35000 to $39999 Females Age 16+ With Earnings $40000 to $44999 Females Age 16+ With Earnings $45000 to $49999 Females Age 16+ With Earnings $50000 to $54999 Females Age 16+ With Earnings $55000 to $64999 Females Age 16+ With Earnings $65000 to $74999 Females Age 16+ With Earnings $75000 to $99999 Females Age 16+ With Earnings $100000 or more Income by Age HIN00MED24 HIN00MED25 HIN00MED35 HIN00MED45 HIN00MED55 HIN00MED65 HIN00MED75 Median Income; Hhld Age <25 Median Income; Hhld Age 25-34 Median Income; Hhld Age 35-44 Median Income; Hhld Age 45-54 Median Income; Hhld Age 55-64 Median Income; Hhld Age 65-74 Median Income; Hhld Age 75+ Income by Age of Householder HIN00T2401 HIN00T2402 HIN00T2403 HIN00T2404 HIN00T2405 HIN00T2406 HIN00T2407 HIN00T2408 HIN00T2409 HIN00T2410 HIN00T2411 HIN00T2412 HIN00T2413 HIN00T2414 HIN00T2415 HIN00T2416 HIN00T2501 HIN00T2502 HIN00T2503 HIN00T2504 HIN00T2505 HIN00T2506 HIN00T2507 HIN00T2508 HIN00T2509 HIN00T2510 HIN00T2511 HIN00T2512 HIN00T2513 HIN00T2514 HIN00T2515 Householder Age <25 with Income Less than $10000 Householder Age <25 with Income $10000 to $14999 Householder Age <25 with Income $15000 to $19999 Householder Age <25 with Income $20000 to $24999 Householder Age <25 with Income $25000 to $29999 Householder Age <25 with Income $30000 to $34999 Householder Age <25 with Income $35000 to $39999 Householder Age <25 with Income $40000 to $44999 Householder Age <25 with Income $45000 to $49999 Householder Age <25 with Income $50000 to $59999 Householder Age <25 with Income $60000 to $74999 Householder Age <25 with Income $75000 to $99999 Householder Age <25 with Income $100000 to $124999 Householder Age <25 with Income $125000 to $149999 Householder Age <25 with Income $150000 to $199999 Householder Age <25 with Income $200000 or more Householder Age 25-34 with Income Less than $10000 Householder Age 25-34 with Income $10000 to $14999 Householder Age 25-34 with Income $15000 to $19999 Householder Age 25-34 with Income $20000 to $24999 Householder Age 25-34 with Income $25000 to $29999 Householder Age 25-34 with Income $30000 to $34999 Householder Age 25-34 with Income $35000 to $39999 Householder Age 25-34 with Income $40000 to $44999 Householder Age 25-34 with Income $45000 to $49999 Householder Age 25-34 with Income $50000 to $59999 Householder Age 25-34 with Income $60000 to $74999 Householder Age 25-34 with Income $75000 to $99999 Householder Age 25-34 with Income $100000 to $124999 Householder Age 25-34 with Income $125000 to $149999 Householder Age 25-34 with Income $150000 to $199999 Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A HIN00T2516 HIN00T3501 HIN00T3502 HIN00T3503 HIN00T3504 HIN00T3505 HIN00T3506 HIN00T3507 HIN00T3508 HIN00T3509 HIN00T3510 HIN00T3511 HIN00T3512 HIN00T3513 HIN00T3514 HIN00T3515 HIN00T3516 HIN00T4501 HIN00T4502 HIN00T4503 HIN00T4504 HIN00T4505 HIN00T4506 HIN00T4507 HIN00T4508 HIN00T4509 HIN00T4510 HIN00T4511 HIN00T4512 HIN00T4513 HIN00T4514 HIN00T4515 HIN00T4516 HIN00T5501 HIN00T5502 HIN00T5503 HIN00T5504 HIN00T5505 HIN00T5506 HIN00T5507 HIN00T5508 HIN00T5509 HIN00T5510 HIN00T5511 HIN00T5512 HIN00T5513 HIN00T5514 HIN00T5515 HIN00T5516 HIN00T6501 HIN00T6502 HIN00T6503 HIN00T6504 HIN00T6505 HIN00T6506 HIN00T6507 HIN00T6508 HIN00T6509 HIN00T6510 HIN00T6511 HIN00T6512 HIN00T6513 HIN00T6514 HIN00T6515 HIN00T6516 HIN00T7501 HIN00T7502 HIN00T7503 HIN00T7504 HIN00T7505 HIN00T7506 HIN00T7507 HIN00T7508 HIN00T7509 HIN00T7510 HIN00T7511 HIN00T7512 HIN00T7513 HIN00T7514 Householder Age 25-34 with Income $200000 or more Householder Age 35-44 with Income Less than $10000 Householder Age 35-44 with Income $10000 to $14999 Householder Age 35-44 with Income $15000 to $19999 Householder Age 35-44 with Income $20000 to $24999 Householder Age 35-44 with Income $25000 to $29999 Householder Age 35-44 with Income $30000 to $34999 Householder Age 35-44 with Income $35000 to $39999 Householder Age 35-44 with Income $40000 to $44999 Householder Age 35-44 with Income $45000 to $49999 Householder Age 35-44 with Income $50000 to $59999 Householder Age 35-44 with Income $60000 to $74999 Householder Age 35-44 with Income $75000 to $99999 Householder Age 35-44 with Income $100000 to $124999 Householder Age 35-44 with Income $125000 to $149999 Householder Age 35-44 with Income $150000 to $199999 Householder Age 35-44 with Income $200000 or more Householder Age 45-54 with Income Less than $10000 Householder Age 45-54 with Income $10000 to $14999 Householder Age 45-54 with Income $15000 to $19999 Householder Age 45-54 with Income $20000 to $24999 Householder Age 45-54 with Income $25000 to $29999 Householder Age 45-54 with Income $30000 to $34999 Householder Age 45-54 with Income $35000 to $39999 Householder Age 45-54 with Income $40000 to $44999 Householder Age 45-54 with Income $45000 to $49999 Householder Age 45-54 with Income $50000 to $59999 Householder Age 45-54 with Income $60000 to $74999 Householder Age 45-54 with Income $75000 to $99999 Householder Age 45-54 with Income $100000 to $124999 Householder Age 45-54 with Income $125000 to $149999 Householder Age 45-54 with Income $150000 to $199999 Householder Age 45-54 with Income $200000 or more Householder Age 55-64 with Income Less than $10000 Householder Age 55-64 with Income $10000 to $14999 Householder Age 55-64 with Income $15000 to $19999 Householder Age 55-64 with Income $20000 to $24999 Householder Age 55-64 with Income $25000 to $29999 Householder Age 55-64 with Income $30000 to $34999 Householder Age 55-64 with Income $35000 to $39999 Householder Age 55-64 with Income $40000 to $44999 Householder Age 55-64 with Income $45000 to $49999 Householder Age 55-64 with Income $50000 to $59999 Householder Age 55-64 with Income $60000 to $74999 Householder Age 55-64 with Income $75000 to $99999 Householder Age 55-64 with Income $100000 to $124999 Householder Age 55-64 with Income $125000 to $149999 Householder Age 55-64 with Income $150000 to $199999 Householder Age 55-64 with Income $200000 or more Householder Age 65-74 with Income Less than $10000 Householder Age 65-74 with Income $10000 to $14999 Householder Age 65-74 with Income $15000 to $19999 Householder Age 65-74 with Income $20000 to $24999 Householder Age 65-74 with Income $25000 to $29999 Householder Age 65-74 with Income $30000 to $34999 Householder Age 65-74 with Income $35000 to $39999 Householder Age 65-74 with Income $40000 to $44999 Householder Age 65-74 with Income $45000 to $49999 Householder Age 65-74 with Income $50000 to $59999 Householder Age 65-74 with Income $60000 to $74999 Householder Age 65-74 with Income $75000 to $99999 Householder Age 65-74 with Income $100000 to $124999 Householder Age 65-74 with Income $125000 to $149999 Householder Age 65-74 with Income $150000 to $199999 Householder Age 65-74 with Income $200000 or more Householder Age 75+ with Income Less than $10000 Householder Age 75+ with Income $10000 to $14999 Householder Age 75+ with Income $15000 to $19999 Householder Age 75+ with Income $20000 to $24999 Householder Age 75+ with Income $25000 to $29999 Householder Age 75+ with Income $30000 to $34999 Householder Age 75+ with Income $35000 to $39999 Householder Age 75+ with Income $40000 to $44999 Householder Age 75+ with Income $45000 to $49999 Householder Age 75+ with Income $50000 to $59999 Householder Age 75+ with Income $60000 to $74999 Householder Age 75+ with Income $75000 to $99999 Householder Age 75+ with Income $100000 to $124999 Householder Age 75+ with Income $125000 to $149999 Page 28 HIN00T7515 HIN00T7516 Householder Age 75+ with Income $150000 to $199999 Householder Age 75+ with Income $200000 or more Income by Race HIR00WHMED HIR00BLMED HIR00NAMED HIR00ASMED HIR00HIMED HIR00ORMED HIR00MRMED HIR00HSMED HIR00WNMED Median Income: White Households Median Income: Black Households Median Income: Native American Households Median Income: Asian Households Median Income: Native Hawaiian Households Median Income: Other Race Households Median Income: Multiple Race Households Median Income: Hispanic Households Median Income: White Non-Hispanic Households Aggregate Income by Race (1999) HIN00AGGWH HIN00AGGBL HIN00AGGNA HIN00AGGAS HIN00AGGHI HIN00AGGOR HIN00AGGMR HIN00AGGHS HIN00AGGWN I1500WHIT I1500BLACK I1500NATAM I1500ASIAN I1500HAWAI I1500OTHRC I1500MULRC I1500HISP I1500WNHIS Aggregate household income in 1999; White Householder Aggregate household income in 1999; Black Householder Aggregate household income in 1999; Native American Householder Aggregate household income in 1999; Asian Householder Aggregate household income in 1999; Hawaiian Householder Aggregate household income in 1999; Other Race Householder Aggregate household income in 1999; Multiple Race Householder Aggregate household income in 1999; Hispanic Householder Aggregate household income in 1999; White Non-Hispanic Householder Aggregate income in 1999; White Population Age 15+ Aggregate income in 1999; Black Population Age 15+ Aggregate income in 1999; Native American Age 15+ Aggregate income in 1999; Asian Population 15+ Aggregate income in 1999; Hawaiian Population Age 15+ Aggregate income in 1999; Other Race Population 15+ Aggregate income in 1999; Multiple Race Age 15+ Aggregate income in 1999; Hispanic Population Age 15+ Aggregate income in 1999; White Non-Hispanic Population 15+ Per Capita Income by Race (1999) PCI00WHIT PCI00BLACK PCI00NATAM PCI00ASIAN PCI00HAWAI PCI00OTHRC PCI00MULRC PCI00HISP PCI00WNHSP Per capita income in 1999; White Population Per capita income in 1999; Black Population Per capita income in 1999; Native American Population Per capita income in 1999; Asian Population Per capita income in 1999; Hawaiian Population Per capita income in 1999; Other Race Population Per capita income in 1999; Multiple Race Population Per capita income in 1999; Hispanic Population Per capita income in 1999; White Non-Hispanic Population Income White Households HHR00WHIT HIR00WH1 HIR00WH2 HIR00WH3 HIR00WH4 HIR00WH5 HIR00WH6 HIR00WH7 HIR00WH8 HIR00WH9 HIR00WH10 HIR00WH11 HIR00WH12 HIR00WH13 HIR00WH14 HIR00WH15 HIR00WH16 Householder By Race: White Household Income: White Householder Less than $10,000 Household Income: White Householder $10,000 to $14,999 Household Income: White Householder $15,000 to $19,999 Household Income: White Householder $20,000 to $24,999 Household Income: White Householder $25,000 to $29,999 Household Income: White Householder $30,000 to $34,999 Household Income: White Householder $35,000 to $39,999 Household Income: White Householder $40,000 to $44,999 Household Income: White Householder $45,000 to $49,999 Household Income: White Householder $50,000 to $59,999 Household Income: White Householder $60,000 to $74,999 Household Income: White Householder $75,000 to $99,999 Household Income: White Householder $100,000 to $124,999 Household Income: White Householder $125,000 to $149,999 Household Income: White Householder $150,000 to $199,999 Household Income: White Householder $200,000 or more Income Black Households HHR00BLK HIR00BL1 HIR00BL2 HIR00BL3 HIR00BL4 HIR00BL5 HIR00BL6 HIR00BL7 HIR00BL8 HIR00BL9 HIR00BL10 HIR00BL11 HIR00BL12 Householder By Race: Black Household Income: Black Householder Less than $10,000 Household Income: Black Householder $10,000 to $14,999 Household Income: Black Householder $15,000 to $19,999 Household Income: Black Householder $20,000 to $24,999 Household Income: Black Householder $25,000 to $29,999 Household Income: Black Householder $30,000 to $34,999 Household Income: Black Householder $35,000 to $39,999 Household Income: Black Householder $40,000 to $44,999 Household Income: Black Householder $45,000 to $49,999 Household Income: Black Householder $50,000 to $59,999 Household Income: Black Householder $60,000 to $74,999 Household Income: Black Householder $75,000 to $99,999 Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A HIR00BL13 HIR00BL14 HIR00BL15 HIR00BL16 Household Income: Black Householder $100,000 to $124,999 Household Income: Black Householder $125,000 to $149,999 Household Income: Black Householder $150,000 to $199,999 Household Income: Black Householder $200,000 or more Income Native American Households HHR00NATV HIR00NA1 HIR00NA2 HIR00NA3 HIR00NA4 HIR00NA5 HIR00NA6 HIR00NA7 HIR00NA8 HIR00NA9 HIR00NA10 HIR00NA11 HIR00NA12 HIR00NA13 HIR00NA14 HIR00NA15 HIR00NA16 Householder By Race: Native American Household Income: Native American Householder Less than $10,000 Household Income: Native American Householder $10,000 to $14,999 Household Income: Native American Householder $15,000 to $19,999 Household Income: Native American Householder $20,000 to $24,999 Household Income: Native American Householder $25,000 to $29,999 Household Income: Native American Householder $30,000 to $34,999 Household Income: Native American Householder $35,000 to $39,999 Household Income: Native American Householder $40,000 to $44,999 Household Income: Native American Householder $45,000 to $49,999 Household Income: Native American Householder $50,000 to $59,999 Household Income: Native American Householder $60,000 to $74,999 Household Income: Native American Householder $75,000 to $99,999 Household Income: Native American Householder $100,000 to $124,999 Household Income: Native American Householder $125,000 to $149,999 Household Income: Native American Householder $150,000 to $199,999 Household Income: Native American Householder $200,000 or more Income Asian Households HHR00ASIAN HIR00AS1 HIR00AS2 HIR00AS3 HIR00AS4 HIR00AS5 HIR00AS6 HIR00AS7 HIR00AS8 HIR00AS9 HIR00AS10 HIR00AS11 HIR00AS12 HIR00AS13 HIR00AS14 HIR00AS15 HIR00AS16 Householder By Race: Asian Household Income: Asian Householder Less than $10,000 Household Income: Asian Householder $10,000 to $14,999 Household Income: Asian Householder $15,000 to $19,999 Household Income: Asian Householder $20,000 to $24,999 Household Income: Asian Householder $25,000 to $29,999 Household Income: Asian Householder $30,000 to $34,999 Household Income: Asian Householder $35,000 to $39,999 Household Income: Asian Householder $40,000 to $44,999 Household Income: Asian Householder $45,000 to $49,999 Household Income: Asian Householder $50,000 to $59,999 Household Income: Asian Householder $60,000 to $74,999 Household Income: Asian Householder $75,000 to $99,999 Household Income: Asian Householder $100,000 to $124,999 Household Income: Asian Householder $125,000 to $149,999 Household Income: Asian Householder $150,000 to $199,999 Household Income: Asian Householder $200,000 or more Income Hawaiian Households HHR00HAWAI HIR00HI1 HIR00HI2 HIR00HI3 HIR00HI4 HIR00HI5 HIR00HI6 HIR00HI7 HIR00HI8 HIR00HI9 HIR00HI10 HIR00HI11 HIR00HI12 HIR00HI13 HIR00HI14 HIR00HI15 HIR00HI16 Householder by Race: Hawaiian Household Income: Hawaiian Householder Less than $10,000 Household Income: Hawaiian Householder $10,000 to $14,999 Household Income: Hawaiian Householder $15,000 to $19,999 Household Income: Hawaiian Householder $20,000 to $24,999 Household Income: Hawaiian Householder $25,000 to $29,999 Household Income: Hawaiian Householder $30,000 to $34,999 Household Income: Hawaiian Householder $35,000 to $39,999 Household Income: Hawaiian Householder $40,000 to $44,999 Household Income: Hawaiian Householder $45,000 to $49,999 Household Income: Hawaiian Householder $50,000 to $59,999 Household Income: Hawaiian Householder $60,000 to $74,999 Household Income: Hawaiian Householder $75,000 to $99,999 Household Income: Hawaiian Householder $100,000 to $124,999 Household Income: Hawaiian Householder $125,000 to $149,999 Household Income: Hawaiian Householder $150,000 to $199,999 Household Income: Hawaiian Householder $200,000 or more Page 29 HIR00OR15 HIR00OR16 Household Income: Other Race Householder $150,000 to $199,999 Household Income: Other Race Householder $200,000 or more Income Multiple Race Households HHR00MULRC HIR00MR1 HIR00MR2 HIR00MR3 HIR00MR4 HIR00MR5 HIR00MR6 HIR00MR7 HIR00MR8 HIR00MR9 HIR00MR10 HIR00MR11 HIR00MR12 HIR00MR13 HIR00MR14 HIR00MR15 HIR00MR16 Householder by Race: Multiple Race Household Income: Multiple Race Householder Less than $10,000 Household Income: Multiple Race Householder $10,000 to $14,999 Household Income: Multiple Race Householder $15,000 to $19,999 Household Income: Multiple Race Householder $20,000 to $24,999 Household Income: Multiple Race Householder $25,000 to $29,999 Household Income: Multiple Race Householder $30,000 to $34,999 Household Income: Multiple Race Householder $35,000 to $39,999 Household Income: Multiple Race Householder $40,000 to $44,999 Household Income: Multiple Race Householder $45,000 to $49,999 Household Income: Multiple Race Householder $50,000 to $59,999 Household Income: Multiple Race Householder $60,000 to $74,999 Household Income: Multiple Race Householder $75,000 to $99,999 Household Income: Multiple Race Householder $100,000 to $124,999 Household Income: Multiple Race Householder $125,000 to $149,999 Household Income: Multiple Race Householder $150,000 to $199,999 Household Income: Multiple Race Householder $200,000 or more Income Hispanic Households HHR00HISPN HIR00HS1 HIR00HS2 HIR00HS3 HIR00HS4 HIR00HS5 HIR00HS6 HIR00HS7 HIR00HS8 HIR00HS9 HIR00HS10 HIR00HS11 HIR00HS12 HIR00HS13 HIR00HS14 HIR00HS15 HIR00HS16 Householder By Race: Hispanic Household Income: Hispanic Householder Less than $10,000 Household Income: Hispanic Householder $10,000 to $14,999 Household Income: Hispanic Householder $15,000 to $19,999 Household Income: Hispanic Householder $20,000 to $24,999 Household Income: Hispanic Householder $25,000 to $29,999 Household Income: Hispanic Householder $30,000 to $34,999 Household Income: Hispanic Householder $35,000 to $39,999 Household Income: Hispanic Householder $40,000 to $44,999 Household Income: Hispanic Householder $45,000 to $49,999 Household Income: Hispanic Householder $50,000 to $59,999 Household Income: Hispanic Householder $60,000 to $74,999 Household Income: Hispanic Householder $75,000 to $99,999 Household Income: Hispanic Householder $100,000 to $124,999 Household Income: Hispanic Householder $125,000 to $149,999 Household Income: Hispanic Householder $150,000 to $199,999 Household Income: Hispanic Householder $200,000 or more Income White Non-Hispanic Households HHR00WHIS HIR00WN1 HIR00WN2 HIR00WN3 HIR00WN4 HIR00WN5 HIR00WN6 HIR00WN7 HIR00WN8 HIR00WN9 HIR00WN10 HIR00WN11 HIR00WN12 HIR00WN13 HIR00WN14 HIR00WN15 HIR00WN16 Householder by Race: White Non-Hispanic Household Income: White Non-Hispanic Householder Less than $10,000 Household Income: White Non-Hispanic Householder $10,000 to $14,999 Household Income: White Non-Hispanic Householder $15,000 to $19,999 Household Income: White Non-Hispanic Householder $20,000 to $24,999 Household Income: White Non-Hispanic Householder $25,000 to $29,999 Household Income: White Non-Hispanic Householder $30,000 to $34,999 Household Income: White Non-Hispanic Householder $35,000 to $39,999 Household Income: White Non-Hispanic Householder $40,000 to $44,999 Household Income: White Non-Hispanic Householder $45,000 to $49,999 Household Income: White Non-Hispanic Householder $50,000 to $59,999 Household Income: White Non-Hispanic Householder $60,000 to $74,999 Household Income: White Non-Hispanic Householder $75,000 to $99,999 Household Income: White Non-Hispanic Householder $100,000 to $124,999 Household Income: White Non-Hispanic Householder $125,000 to $149,999 Household Income: White Non-Hispanic Householder $150,000 to $199,999 Household Income: White Non-Hispanic Householder $200,000 or more Income Other Race Households HHR00OTHRC HIR00OR1 HIR00OR2 HIR00OR3 HIR00OR4 HIR00OR5 HIR00OR6 HIR00OR7 HIR00OR8 HIR00OR9 HIR00OR10 HIR00OR11 HIR00OR12 HIR00OR13 HIR00OR14 Householder By Race: Other Race Household Income: Other Race Householder Less than $10,000 Household Income: Other Race Householder $10,000 to $14,999 Household Income: Other Race Householder $15,000 to $19,999 Household Income: Other Race Householder $20,000 to $24,999 Household Income: Other Race Householder $25,000 to $29,999 Household Income: Other Race Householder $30,000 to $34,999 Household Income: Other Race Householder $35,000 to $39,999 Household Income: Other Race Householder $40,000 to $44,999 Household Income: Other Race Householder $45,000 to $49,999 Household Income: Other Race Householder $50,000 to $59,999 Household Income: Other Race Householder $60,000 to $74,999 Household Income: Other Race Householder $75,000 to $99,999 Household Income: Other Race Householder $100,000 to $124,999 Household Income: Other Race Householder $125,000 to $149,999 Household Income by Tenure HIN00RLT10 HIN00R1020 HIN00R2035 HIN00R3550 HIN00R5075 HIN00R7500 HIN00RG100 HIN00OLT10 HIN00O1020 HIN00O2035 HIN00O3550 HIN00O5075 HIN00O7500 HIN00O100 Renter households, income <$10T Renter households, income $10T-19.9T Renter households, income $20T-34.9T Renter households, income $35T-49.9T Renter households, income $50T-74.9T Renter households, income $75T-99.9T Renter households, income $100T+ Owner households, income <$10T Owner households, income $10T-19.9T Owner households, income $20T-34.9T Owner households, income $35T-49.9T Owner households, income $50T-74.9T Owner households, income $75T-99.9T Owner households, income $100T-149.9T Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A HIN00OG150 Owner households, income $150T+ Rent as a % of Income RPI00LT10 RPI001014 RPI001519 RPI002024 RPI002529 RPI003034 RPI003539 RPI004049 RPI00GT50 RPI00NA Rented units, rent <10% of income Rented units, rent 10-14% of income Rented units, rent 15-19% of income Rented units, rent 20-24% of income Rented units, rent 25-29% of income Rented units, rent 30-34% of income Rented units, rent 35-39% of income Rented units, rent 40-49% of income Rented units, rent 50%+ of income Rented units, rent pct of income not computed Poverty Status by Race POV00WHTBL POV00WHTAB POV00BLKBL POV00BLKAB POV00NATBL POV00NATAB POV00ASIBL POV00ASIAB POV00HAWBL POV00HAWAB POV00OTRBL POV00OTRAB POV00MULBL POV00MULAB POV00HISBL POV00HISAB POV00WNHBL POV00WNHAB White Population: Below Poverty Level White Population: Above Poverty Level Black Population: Below Poverty Level Black Population: Above Poverty Level Native American Population: Below Poverty Level Native American Population: Above Poverty Level Asian Population: Below Poverty Level Asian Population: Above Poverty Level Hawaiian Population: Below Poverty Level Hawaiian Population: Above Poverty Level Other Race Population: Below Poverty Level Other Race Population: Above Poverty Level Multiple Race Population: Below Poverty Level Multiple Race Population: Above Poverty Level Hispanic Population: Below Poverty Level Hispanic Population: Above Poverty Level White Non-Hispanic Population: Below Poverty Level White Non-Hispanic Population: Above Poverty Level Poverty Status by Age POV00ULT5 POV00U5 POV00U0611 POV00U1117 POV00U1864 POV00U6574 POV00UGT75 POV00ALT5 POV00A5 POV00A0611 POV00A1117 POV00A1864 POV00A6574 POV00AGT75 Population Below 1999 Poverty Level: Age Under 5 years Population Below 1999 Poverty Level: Age 5 years Population Below 1999 Poverty Level: Age 6 to 11 years Population Below 1999 Poverty Level: Age 12 to 17 years Population Below 1999 Poverty Level: Age 18 to 64 years Population Below 1999 Poverty Level: Age 65 to 74 years Population Below 1999 Poverty Level: Age 75 years and over Population Above 1999 Poverty Level: Age Under 5 years Population Above 1999 Poverty Level: Age 5 years Population Above 1999 Poverty Level: Age 6 to 11 years Population Above 1999 Poverty Level: Age 12 to 17 years Population Above 1999 Poverty Level: Age 18 to 64 years Population Above 1999 Poverty Level: Age 65 to 74 years Population Above 1999 Poverty Level: Age 75 years and over Income/Poverty Ratio INP00A INP00B INP00C INP00D INP00E INP00F INP00G INP00H INP00I Population With Income/Poverty Ratio: Under .50 Population With Income/Poverty Ratio: 50 to .74 Population With Income/Poverty Ratio: 75 to .99 Population With Income/Poverty Ratio: 1.00 to 1.14 Population With Income/Poverty Ratio: 1.15 to 1.49 Population With Income/Poverty Ratio: 1.50 to 1.74 Population With Income/Poverty Ratio: 1.75 to 1.84 Population With Income/Poverty Ratio: 1.85 to 1.99 Population With Income/Poverty Ratio: 2.00 and over Labor Force Employment Status LBF00LAB LBF00ARM LBF00EMP LBF00UNE LBF00NTLF LBF00FPART Employment Status: Total Labor Force Employment Status: In Armed Forces Employment Status: Employed Employment Status: Unemployed Employment Status: Not in Labor Force Female Labor Force Participation Rate Employment Status by Sex LBF00MALF LBF00MAARM LBF00MAEMP LBF00MAUNE LBF00MANLF LBF00FALF Employment Status: Male in Labor Force Employment Status: Male in Armed Forces Employment Status: Male Employed Employment Status: Male Unemployed Employment Status: Male Not in Labor Force Employment Status: Female in Labor Force Page 30 LBF00FAARM LBF00FAEMP LBF00FAUNE LBF00FANLF Employment Status: Female in Armed Forces Employment Status: Female Employed Employment Status: Female Unemployed Employment Status: Female Not in Labor Force Industry IND00AGRI IND00MINE IND00CONS IND00MFG IND00WTRA IND00RTRA IND00TRAN IND00UTIL IND00INFO IND00FIN IND00REAL IND00PSRV IND00MGMT IND00ADS IND00EDUC IND00HLTH IND00ARTS IND00FOOD IND00OTHR IND00PUBA Industry Agriculture forestry fishing and hunting Industry Mining Industry Construction Industry Manufacturing Industry Wholesale trade Industry Retail trade Industry Transportation and warehousing Industry Utilities Industry Information Industry Finance and insurance Industry Real estate and rental and leasing Industry Professional scientific and technical services Industry Management of companies and enterprises Industry Administrative and support and waste management services Industry Educational services Industry Health care and social assistance Industry Arts entertainment and recreation Industry Accommodation and food services Industry Other services (except public administration) Industry Public administration Industry by Sex IND00MAGRI IND00MMINE IND00MCONS IND00MMFG IND00MWTRA IND00MRTRA IND00MTRAN IND00MUTIL IND00MINFO IND00MFIN IND00MREAL IND00MPSRV IND00MMGMT IND00MADS IND00MEDUC IND00MHLTH IND00MARTS IND00MFOOD IND00MOTHR IND00MPUBA IND00FAGRI IND00FMINE IND00FCONS IND00FMFG IND00FWTRA IND00FRTRA IND00FTRAN IND00FUTIL IND00FINFO IND00FFIN IND00FREAL IND00FPSRV IND00FMGMT IND00FADS IND00FEDUC IND00FHLTH IND00FARTS IND00FFOOD IND00FOTHR IND00FPUBA Occupation OCC00MGMT OCC00FRM OCC00BUSO OCC00FIN OCC00COMP OCC00ARCH Industry by Sex Male: Agriculture forestry fishing and hunting Industry by Sex Male: Mining Industry by Sex Male: Construction Industry by Sex Male: Manufacturing Industry by Sex Male: Wholesale trade Industry by Sex Male: Retail trade Industry by Sex Male: Transportation and warehousing Industry by Sex Male: Utilities Industry by Sex Male: Information Industry by Sex Male: Finance and insurance Industry by Sex Male: Real estate and rental and leasing Industry by Sex Male: Professional scientific and technical services Industry by Sex Male: Management of companies and enterprises Industry by Sex Male: Administrative and support and waste management services Industry by Sex Male: Educational services Industry by Sex Male: Health care and social assistance Industry by Sex Male: Arts entertainment and recreation Industry by Sex Male: Accommodation and food services Industry by Sex Male: Other services (except public administration) Industry by Sex Male: Public administration Industry by Sex Female: Agriculture forestry fishing and hunting Industry by Sex Female: Mining Industry by Sex Female: Construction Industry by Sex Female: Manufacturing Industry by Sex Female: Wholesale trade Industry by Sex Female: Retail trade Industry by Sex Female: Transportation and warehousing Industry by Sex Female: Utilities Industry by Sex Female: Information Industry by Sex Female: Finance and insurance Industry by Sex Female: Real estate and rental and leasing Industry by Sex Female: Professional scientific and technical services Industry by Sex Female: Management of companies and enterprises Industry by Sex Female: Administrative and support and waste management services Industry by Sex Female: Educational services Industry by Sex Female: Health care and social assistance Industry by Sex Female: Arts entertainment and recreation Industry by Sex Female: Accommodation and food services Industry by Sex Female: Other services (except public administration) Industry by Sex Female: Public administration Occupation Management occupations except farmers and farm managers Occupation Farmers and farm managers Occupation Business operations specialists Occupation Financial specialists Occupation Computer and mathematical occupations Occupation Architects surveyors cartographers and engineers Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A OCC00ENG OCC00SCI OCC00COMM OCC00LEG OCC00EDUC OCC00ARTS OCC00HLT1 OCC00HLT2 OCC00HLT3 OCC00FIRE OCC00PROT OCC00FPRP OCC00CLNG OCC00PCAR OCC00SALE OCC00OFF OCC00FARM OCC00SCO OCC00CONS OCC00EXTR OCC00INST OCC00PROD OCC00TMAT OCC00AIR OCC00MVEH OCC00RAIL OCC00MATM Occupation Drafters engineering and mapping technicians Occupation Life physical and social science occupations Occupation Community and social services occupations Occupation Legal occupations Occupation Education training and library occupations Occupation Arts design entertainment sports and media occupations Occupation Health diagnosing and treating practitioners and technical occupations Occupation Health technologists and technicians Occupation Healthcare support occupations Occupation Fire fighting prevention and law enforcement workers including supervisors Occupation Other protective service workers including supervisors Occupation Food preparation and serving related occupations Occupation Building and grounds cleaning and maintenance occupations Occupation Personal care and service occupations Occupation Sales and related occupations Occupation Office and administrative support occupations Occupation Farming fishing and forestry occupations Occupation Supervisors construction and extraction workers Occupation Construction trades workers Occupation Extraction workers Occupation Installation maintenance and repair occupations Occupation Production occupations Occupation Supervisors transportation and material moving workers Occupation Aircraft and traffic control occupations Occupation Motor vehicle operators Occupation Rail water and other transportation occupations Occupation Material moving workers Occupation by Sex OCC00MMGMT Occupation By Sex Male Management occupations except farmers and farm managers OCC00MFRM Occupation By Sex Male Farmers and farm managers OCC00MBUSO Occupation By Sex Male Business operations specialists OCC00MFIN Occupation By Sex Male Financial specialists OCC00MCOMP Occupation By Sex Male Computer and mathematical occupations OCC00MARCH Occupation By Sex Male Architects surveyors cartographers and engineers OCC00MENG Occupation By Sex Male Drafters engineering and mapping technicians OCC00MSCI Occupation By Sex Male Life physical and social science occupations OCC00MCOMM Occupation By Sex Male Community and social services occupations OCC00MLEG Occupation By Sex Male Legal occupations OCC00MEDUC Occupation By Sex Male Education training and library occupations OCC00MARTS Occupation By Sex Male Arts design entertainment sports and media occupations OCC00MHLT1 Occupation By Sex Male Health diagnosing and treating practitioners and technical occupations OCC00MHLT2 Occupation By Sex Male Health technologists and technicians OCC00MHLT3 Occupation By Sex Male Healthcare support occupations OCC00MFIRE Occupation By Sex Male Fire fighting prevention and law enforcement workers including supervisors OCC00MPROT Occupation By Sex Male Other protective service workers including supervisors OCC00MFPRP Occupation By Sex Male Food preparation and serving related occupations OCC00MCLNG Occupation By Sex Male Building and grounds cleaning and maintenance occupations OCC00MPCAR Occupation By Sex Male Personal care and service occupations OCC00MSALE Occupation By Sex Male Sales and related occupations OCC00MOFF Occupation By Sex Male Office and administrative support occupations OCC00MFARM Occupation By Sex Male Farming fishing and forestry occupations OCC00MSCO Occupation By Sex Male Supervisors construction and extraction workers OCC00MCONS Occupation By Sex Male Construction trades workers OCC00MEXTR Occupation By Sex Male Extraction workers OCC00MINST Occupation By Sex Male Installation maintenance and repair occupations OCC00MPROD Occupation By Sex Male Production occupations OCC00MTMAT Occupation By Sex Male Supervisors transportation and material moving workers OCC00MAIR Occupation By Sex Male Aircraft and traffic control occupations OCC00MMVEH Occupation By Sex Male Motor vehicle operators OCC00MRAIL Occupation By Sex Male Rail water and other transportation occupations OCC00MMATM Occupation By Sex Male Material moving workers OCC00FMGMT Occupation By Sex Female Management occupations except farmers and farm managers OCC00FFRM Occupation By Sex Female Farmers and farm managers OCC00FBUSO Occupation By Sex Female Business operations specialists OCC00FFIN Occupation By Sex Female Financial specialists Page 31 OCC00FCOMP Occupation By Sex Female Computer and mathematical occupations OCC00FARCH Occupation By Sex Female Architects surveyors cartographers and engineers OCC00FENG Occupation By Sex Female Drafters engineering and mapping technicians OCC00FSCI Occupation By Sex Female Life physical and social science occupations OCC00FCOMM Occupation By Sex Female Community and social services occupations OCC00FLEG Occupation By Sex Female Legal occupations OCC00FEDUC Occupation By Sex Female Education training and library occupations OCC00FARTS Occupation By Sex Female Arts design entertainment sports and media occupations OCC00FHLT1 Occupation By Sex Female Health diagnosing and treating practitioners and technical occupations OCC00FHLT2 Occupation By Sex Female Health technologists and technicians OCC00FHLT3 Occupation By Sex Female Healthcare support occupations OCC00FFIRE Occupation By Sex Female Fire fighting prevention and law enforcement workers including supervisors OCC00FPROT Occupation By Sex Female Other protective service workers including supervisors OCC00FFPRP Occupation By Sex Female Food preparation and serving related occupations OCC00FCLNG Occupation By Sex Female Building and grounds cleaning and maintenance occupations OCC00FPCAR Occupation By Sex Female Personal care and service occupations OCC00FSALE Occupation By Sex Female Sales and related occupations OCC00FOFF Occupation By Sex Female Office and administrative support occupations OCC00FFARM Occupation By Sex Female Farming fishing and forestry occupations OCC00FSCO Occupation By Sex Female Supervisors construction and extraction workers OCC00FCONS Occupation By Sex Female Construction trades workers OCC00FEXTR Occupation By Sex Female Extraction workers OCC00FINST Occupation By Sex Female Installation maintenance and repair occupations OCC00FPROD Occupation By Sex Female Production occupations OCC00FTMAT Occupation By Sex Female Supervisors transportation and material moving workers OCC00FAIR Occupation By Sex Female Aircraft and traffic control occupations OCC00FMVEH Occupation By Sex Female Motor vehicle operators OCC00FRAIL Occupation By Sex Female Rail water and other transportation occupations OCC00FMATM Occupation By Sex Female Material moving workers Class of Worker CLW00EMAL CLW00EFEM CLW00MPRV CLW00MSLF CLW00MNPF CLW00MLGV CLW00MSGV CLW00MFGV CLW00MSLFX CLW00MUNP CLW00FPRV CLW00FSLF CLW00FNPF CLW00FLGV CLW00FSGV CLW00FFGV CLW00FSLFX CLW00FUNP Employed males (class of worker base) Employed females (class of worker base) Empl males, private comp employees Empl males, self-employed in own corp Empl males, private nonproft wage/salary wrkrs Empl males, local government wrkrs Empl males, state government wrkrs Empl males, federal government wrkrs Empl males, self-employed,not incorp Empl males, unpaid family wrkrs Empl females, private comp employees Empl females, self-employed in own corp Empl females, private nonproft wage/salary wrkrs Empl females, local government wrkrs Empl females, state government wrkrs Empl females, federal government wrkrs Empl females, self-employed,not incorp Empl females, unpaid family wrkrs Class of Worker by Industry CLW00M1EMP Class of Worker: Male; Non-Primary Industry: Employee of private company CLW00M1SLF Class of Worker: Male; Non-Primary Industry: Self-employed in own incorporated business CLW00M1NFP Class of Worker: Male; Non-Primary Industry: Private not-for-profit wage and salary workers CLW00M1LGV Class of Worker: Male; Non-Primary Industry: Local government workers CLW00M1SGV Class of Worker: Male; Non-Primary Industry: State government workers CLW00M1FGV Class of Worker: Male; Non-Primary Industry: Federal government workers CLW00M1SL1 Class of Worker: Male; Non-Primary Industry: Self-employed workers in own not incorporated business CLW00M1UNP Class of Worker: Male; Non-Primary Industry: Unpaid family workers CLW00M2EMP Class of Worker: Male; Agric/Fishing/Forestry: Employee of private company Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A CLW00M2SLF Class of Worker: Male; Agric/Fishing/Forestry: Self-employed in own incorporated business CLW00M2NFP Class of Worker: Male; Agric/Fishing/Forestry: Private not-for-profit wage and salary workers CLW00M2LGV Class of Worker: Male; Agric/Fishing/Forestry: Local government workers CLW00M2SGV Class of Worker: Male; Agric/Fishing/Forestry: State government workers CLW00M2FGV Class of Worker: Male; Agric/Fishing/Forestry: Federal government workers CLW00M2SL1 Class of Worker: Male; Agric/Fishing/Forestry: Self-employed workers in own not incorporated business CLW00M2UNP Class of Worker: Male; Agric/Fishing/Forestry: Unpaid family workers CLW00M3EMP Class of Worker: Male; Mining: Employee of private company CLW00M3SLF Class of Worker: Male; Mining: Self-employed in own incorporated business CLW00M3NFP Class of Worker: Male; Mining: Private not-for-profit wage and salary workers CLW00M3LGV Class of Worker: Male; Mining: Local government workers CLW00M3SGV Class of Worker: Male; Mining: State government workers CLW00M3FGV Class of Worker: Male; Mining: Federal government workers CLW00M3SL1 Class of Worker: Male; Mining: Self-employed workers in own not incorporated business CLW00M3UNP Class of Worker: Male; Mining: Unpaid family workers CLW00F1EMP Class of Worker: Female; Non-Primary Industry: Employee of private company CLW00F1SLF Class of Worker: Female; Non-Primary Industry: Self-employed in own incorporated business CLW00F1NFP Class of Worker: Female; Non-Primary Industry: Private not-for-profit wage and salary workers CLW00F1LGV Class of Worker: Female; Non-Primary Industry: Local government workers CLW00F1SGV Class of Worker: Female; Non-Primary Industry: State government workers CLW00F1FGV Class of Worker: Female; Non-Primary Industry: Federal government workers CLW00F1SL1 Class of Worker: Female; Non-Primary Industry: Self-employed workers in own not incorporated business CLW00F1UNP Class of Worker: Female; Non-Primary Industry: Unpaid family workers CLW00F2EMP Class of Worker: Female; Agric/Fishing/Forestry: Employee of private company CLW00F2SLF Class of Worker: Female; Agric/Fishing/Forestry: Self-employed in own incorporated business CLW00F2NFP Class of Worker: Female; Agric/Fishing/Forestry: Private not-for-profit wage and salary workers CLW00F2LGV Class of Worker: Female; Agric/Fishing/Forestry: Local government workers CLW00F2SGV Class of Worker: Female; Agric/Fishing/Forestry: State government workers CLW00F2FGV Class of Worker: Female; Agric/Fishing/Forestry: Federal government workers CLW00F2SL1 Class of Worker: Female; Agric/Fishing/Forestry: Self-employed workers in own not incorporated business CLW00F2UNP Class of Worker: Female; Agric/Fishing/Forestry: Unpaid family workers CLW00F3EMP Class of Worker: Female; Mining: Employee of private company CLW00F3SLF Class of Worker: Female; Mining: Self-employed in own incorporated business CLW00F3NFP Class of Worker: Female; Mining: Private not-for-profit wage and salary workers CLW00F3LGV Class of Worker: Female; Mining: Local government workers CLW00F3SGV Class of Worker: Female; Mining: State government workers CLW00F3FGV Class of Worker: Female; Mining: Federal government workers CLW00F3SL1 Class of Worker: Female; Mining: Self-employed workers in own not incorporated business CLW00F3UNP Class of Worker: Female; Mining: Unpaid family workers Veteran Status by Age AFS00M1MIL AFS00M1VET AFS00M1NVT AFS00M2MIL AFS00M2VET AFS00M2NVT AFS00F1MIL AFS00F1VET AFS00F1NVT AFS00F2MIL AFS00F2VET AFS00F2NVT Armed Forces Status: male 18-64 Years: In Armed Forces Armed Forces Status: male 18-64 Years: Veteran Armed Forces Status: male 18-64 Years: Not a Veteran Armed Forces Status: male 65+ Years: In Armed Forces Armed Forces Status: male 65+ Years: Veteran Armed Forces Status: male 65+ Years: Not a Veteran Armed Forces Status: Female 18-64 Years: In Armed Forces Armed Forces Status: Female 18-64 Years: Veteran Armed Forces Status: Female 18-64 Years: Not a Veteran Armed Forces Status: Female 65+ Years: In Armed Forces Armed Forces Status: Female 65+ Years: Veteran Armed Forces Status: Female 65+ Years: Not a Veteran Page 32 Period of Military Service VET00TOTAL VET00PS1 VET00PS2 VET00PS3 VET00PS4 VET00PS5 VET00PS6 VET00PS7 VET00PS8 VET00PS9 VET00PS10 VET00PS11 VET00PS12 VET00PS13 VET00PS14 VET00PS15 VET00PS16 VET00PS17 VET00PS18 VET00PS19 VET00PS20 Civilian Veterans Age 18+ Civilian Veterans Age 18+; Period of Service: August 1990 or later (including Persian Gulf War): Civilian Veterans Age 18+; Period of Service: Served in Vietnam era Civilian Veterans Age 18+; Period of Service: No Vietnam era service: Civilian Veterans Age 18+; Period of Service: Served September 1980 or later only: Civilian Veterans Age 18+; Period of Service: Served under 2 years Civilian Veterans Age 18+; Period of Service: Served 2 or more years Civilian Veterans Age 18+; Period of Service: Served prior to September 1980 Civilian Veterans Age 18+; Period of Service: May 1975 to July 1990 only: Civilian Veterans Age 18+; Period of Service: September 1980 to July 1990 only: Civilian Veterans Age 18+; Period of Service: Served under 2 years Civilian Veterans Age 18+; Period of Service: Served 2 or more years Civilian Veterans Age 18+; Period of Service: Other May 1975 to July 1990 service Civilian Veterans Age 18+; Period of Service: Vietnam era no Korean War no World War II no August 1990 or later Civilian Veterans Age 18+; Period of Service: Vietnam era and Korean War no World War II no August 1990 or later Civilian Veterans Age 18+; Period of Service: Vietnam era Korean War and World War II no August 1990 or later Civilian Veterans Age 18+; Period of Service: February 1955 to July 1964 only Civilian Veterans Age 18+; Period of Service: Korean War no Vietnam era no World War II Civilian Veterans Age 18+; Period of Service: Korean War and World War II no Vietnam era Civilian Veterans Age 18+; Period of Service: World War II no Korean War no Vietnam era Civilian Veterans Age 18+; Period of Service: Other service only Disability Status DIS00TTOT DIS00T1TOT DIS00T1SEN DIS00T1PHY DIS00T1MNT DIS00T1SLF DIS00T2TOT DIS00T2SEN DIS00T2PHY DIS00T2MNT DIS00T2SLF DIS00T2HOM DIS00T2EMP DIS00T3TOT DIS00T3SEN DIS00T3PHY DIS00T3MNT DIS00T3SLF DIS00T3HOM Disability: Total Tallied Disability; Total Tallied Age 5-15: Total Disability; Total Tallied Age 5-15: Sensory disability Disability; Total Tallied Age 5-15: Physical disability Disability; Total Tallied Age 5-15: Mental disability Disability; Total Tallied Age 5-15: Self-care disability Disability; Total Tallied Age 16-64: Total Disability; Total Tallied Age 16-64: Sensory disability Disability; Total Tallied Age 16-64: Physical disability Disability; Total Tallied Age 16-64: Mental disability Disability; Total Tallied Age 16-64: Self-care disability Disability; Total Tallied Age 16-64: Go-outside-home disability Disability; Total Tallied Age 16-64: Employment disability Disability; Total Tallied Age 65+: Total disabilities tallied for people 65 years and over: Disability; Total Tallied Age 65+: Sensory disability Disability; Total Tallied Age 65+: Physical disability Disability; Total Tallied Age 65+: Mental disability Disability; Total Tallied Age 65+: Self-care disability Disability; Total Tallied Age 65+: Go-outside-home disability Disability Status by Sex and Age DIS00M1NO DIS00M1WTH DIS00M2NO DIS00M2WTH DIS00M3NO DIS00M3WTH DIS00M4NO DIS00M4WTH DIS00M5NO DIS00M5WTH DIS00F1NO DIS00F1WTH DIS00F2NO DIS00F2WTH DIS00F3NO DIS00F3WTH DIS00F4NO DIS00F4WTH DIS00F5NO DIS00F5WTH Disability Status: Male 5-15 Years: No disability Disability Status: Male 5-15 Years: With a disability Disability Status: Male 16-20 Years: No disability Disability Status: Male 16-20 Years: With a disability Disability Status: Male 21-64 Years: No disability Disability Status: Male 21-64 Years: With a disability Disability Status: Male 65-74 Years: No disability Disability Status: Male 65-74 Years: With a disability Disability Status: Male 75+ Years: No disability Disability Status: Male 75+ Years: With a disability Disability Status: Female 5-15 Years: No disability Disability Status: Female 5-15 Years: With a disability Disability Status: Female 16-20 Years: No disability Disability Status: Female 16-20 Years: With a disability Disability Status: Female 21-64 Years: No disability Disability Status: Female 21-64 Years: With a disability Disability Status: Female 65-74 Years: No disability Disability Status: Female 65-74 Years: With a disability Disability Status: Female 75+ Years: No disability Disability Status: Female 75+ Years: With a disability Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A Disability Status by Employment Status and Sex and Age EMD00M1DE EMD00M1DN EMD00M1NE EMD00M1NN EMD00M2DE EMD00M2DN EMD00M2NE EMD00M2NN EMD00F1DE EMD00F1DN EMD00F1NE EMD00F1NN EMD00F2DE EMD00F2DN EMD00F2NE EMD00F2NN Males 16-20, disabled, employed Males 16-20, disabled, not employed Males 16-20, not disabled, employed Males 16-20, not disabled, not employed Males 20-64, disabled, employed Males 20-64, disabled, not employed Males 20-64, not disabled, employed Males 20-64, not disabled, not employed Females 16-20, disabled, employed Females 16-20, disabled, not employed Females 16-20, not disabled, employed Females 16-20, not disabled, not employed Female 20-64, disabled, employed Female 20-64, disabled, not employed Female 20-64, not disabled, employed Female 20-64, not disabled, not employed Page 33 TLW00T05 TLW00T06 TLW00T07 TLW00T08 TLW00T09 TLW00T10 TLW00T11 TLW00T12 TLW00T13 TLW00T14 TLW00T15 Time Leaving For Work: 6:30 a.m. to 6:59 a.m. Time Leaving For Work: 7:00 a.m. to 7:29 a.m. Time Leaving For Work: 7:30 a.m. to 7:59 a.m. Time Leaving For Work: 8:00 a.m. to 8:29 a.m. Time Leaving For Work: 8:30 a.m. to 8:59 a.m. Time Leaving For Work: 9:00 a.m. to 9:59 a.m. Time Leaving For Work: 10:00 a.m. to 10:59 a.m. Time Leaving For Work: 11:00 a.m. to 11:59 a.m. Time Leaving For Work: 12:00 p.m. to 3:59 p.m. Time Leaving For Work: 4:00 p.m. to 11:59 p.m. Time Leaving For Work: Worked at home Size of Carpool CRP00NONE CRP00CP2 CRP00CP3 CRP00CP4 CRP00CP5 CRP00CP7 Workers, drove to work alone Workers, drove to work in 2 pers carpool Workers, drove to work in 3 pers carpool Workers, drove to work in 4 pers carpool Workers, drove to work in 5-6 pers carpool Workers, drove to work in 7+ pers carpool Means of Transportation to Work TRW00WRKRS TRW00DRV1 TRW00CPOOL TRW00BUS TRW00STCAR Means of Transportation to Work: Workers Age 16+ Means of Transportation to Work; Drove alone Means of Transportation to Work; Carpooled Means of Transportation to Work; Bus or trolley bus Means of Transportation to Work; Streetcar or trolley car (público in Puerto Rico) TRW00SUB Means of Transportation to Work; Subway or elevated TRW00RAIL Means of Transportation to Work; Railroad TRW00FERRY Means of Transportation to Work; Ferryboat TRW00TAXI Means of Transportation to Work; Taxicab TRW00MOTOR Means of Transportation to Work; Motorcycle TRW00BICYC Means of Transportation to Work; Bicycle TRW00WALK Means of Transportation to Work; Walked TRW00OTHR Means of Transportation to Work; Other means TRW00HOME Means of Transportation to Work; Worked at home Travel Time to Work TVW00LT5 TVW000509 TVW001014 TVW001519 TVW002024 TVW002529 TVW003034 TVW003539 TVW004044 TVW004559 TVW006089 TVW00GT90 TVW00HOME TVW00MED TVW00AVE Travel Time To Work: Less than 5 minutes Travel Time To Work: 5 to 9 minutes Travel Time To Work: 10 to 14 minutes Travel Time To Work: 15 to 19 minutes Travel Time To Work: 20 to 24 minutes Travel Time To Work: 25 to 29 minutes Travel Time To Work: 30 to 34 minutes Travel Time To Work: 35 to 39 minutes Travel Time To Work: 40 to 44 minutes Travel Time To Work: 45 to 59 minutes Travel Time To Work: 60 to 89 minutes Travel Time To Work: 90 or more minutes Travel Time To Work: Worked at home Median Travel Time To Work Average Commute Time Workers in Family WIF00MCF0 WIF00MCF1 WIF00MCF2 WIF00MCF3 WIF00LPM0 WIF00LPM1 WIF00LPM2 WIF00LPM3 WIF00LPF0 WIF00LPF1 WIF00LPF2 WIF00LPF3 WIF00NONE WIF001 WIF002 WIF003 Workers in family: Married couple with No workers Workers in family: Married couple with 1 worker Workers in family: Married couple with 2 workers Workers in family: Married couple with 3 or more workers Workers in family: Lone Male hhld with No workers Workers in family: Lone Male hhld with 1 worker Workers in family: Lone Male hhld with 2 workers Workers in family: Lone Male hhld with 3 or more workers Workers in family: Lone Female hhld with No workers Workers in family: Lone Female hhld with 1 worker Workers in family: Lone Female hhld with 2 workers Workers in family: Lone Female hhld with 3 or more workers Workers in Family: None Workers in Family: 1 Workers in Family: 2 Workers in Family: 3 Dwellings DWL00 HOU00SF1 HOU00SF3 HOU00STAB HOU00TURN Housing Units Total Housing Units (SF1) Total Housing Units (SF3) Housing Stability (5 Year) Housing Turnover (1 Year) Occupancy Status DWL00VACNT DWL00OCCUP DWL00OWNED DWL00RENT Vacant Housing Units Occupied Housing Units Owner Occupied Housing Units Renter Occupied Housing Units Vacant Dwellings by Reason Travel Time to Work by Public/Private TVP00PUB29 TVP00PUB30 TVP00PUB45 TVP00PUB60 TVP00PRI29 TVP00PRI30 TVP00PRI45 TVP00PRI60 Workers traveling by pub transp <30 min Workers traveling by pub transp 30-44 min Workers traveling by pub transp 45-59 min Workers traveling by pub transp 60+ min Workers traveling by other transp <30 min Workers traveling by other transp 30-44 min Workers traveling by other transp 45-59 min Workers traveling by other transp 60+ min Aggregate Travel Time to Work ATT00PB1 ATT00PR1 ATT00PB2 ATT00PR2 ATT00PB3 ATT00PR3 ATT00PB4 ATT00PR4 Aggregate Travel Time; <30 Minutes; Public Transport Aggregate Travel Time; <30 Minutes; Private Transport Aggregate Travel Time; 30-44 Minutes; Public Transport Aggregate Travel Time; 30-44 Minutes; Private Transport Aggregate Travel Time; 45-59 Minutes; Public Transport Aggregate Travel Time; 45-59 Minutes; Private Transport Aggregate Travel Time; 60+ Minutes; Public Transport Aggregate Travel Time; 60+ Minutes; Private Transport Time Leaving for Work TLW00T01 TLW00T02 TLW00T03 TLW00T04 Time Leaving For Work: 12:00 a.m. to 4:59 a.m. Time Leaving For Work: 5:00 a.m. to 5:29 a.m. Time Leaving For Work: 5:30 a.m. to 5:59 a.m. Time Leaving For Work: 6:00 a.m. to 6:29 a.m. VAC00RENT VAC00SALE VAC00SOLD VAC00SEAS VAC00MIGR VAC00OTHR Vacant Housing Units: For Rent Vacant Housing Units: For Sale Only Vacant Housing Units: Rented or Sold, Not Occupied Vacant Housing Units: For Seasonal, Recreational, or Occasional Vacant Housing Units: For Migrant Workers Vacant Housing Units: Other Vacant Housing Value (Specified Units) HOU00VTOT HOU00V1 HOU00V2 HOU00V3 HOU00V4 HOU00V5 HOU00V6 HOU00V7 HOU00V8 HOU00V9 HOU00V10 HOU00V11 HOU00V12 HOU00V13 HOU00V14 HOU00V15 HOU00V16 Total Specified Owner-Occupied Housing Units Housing Value (Specified Owner Occupied Units): Less than $10000 Housing Value (Specified Owner Occupied Units): $10000 to $14999 Housing Value (Specified Owner Occupied Units): $15000 to $19999 Housing Value (Specified Owner Occupied Units): $20000 to $24999 Housing Value (Specified Owner Occupied Units): $25000 to $29999 Housing Value (Specified Owner Occupied Units): $30000 to $34999 Housing Value (Specified Owner Occupied Units): $35000 to $39999 Housing Value (Specified Owner Occupied Units): $40000 to $49999 Housing Value (Specified Owner Occupied Units): $50000 to $59999 Housing Value (Specified Owner Occupied Units): $60000 to $69999 Housing Value (Specified Owner Occupied Units): $70000 to $79999 Housing Value (Specified Owner Occupied Units): $80000 to $89999 Housing Value (Specified Owner Occupied Units): $90000 to $99999 Housing Value (Specified Owner Occupied Units): $100000 to $124999 Housing Value (Specified Owner Occupied Units): $125000 to $149999 Housing Value (Specified Owner Occupied Units): $150000 to $174999 Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A HOU00V17 HOU00V18 HOU00V19 HOU00V20 HOU00V21 HOU00V22 HOU00V23 HOU00V24 HOU00VMED Housing Value (Specified Owner Occupied Units): $175000 to $199999 Housing Value (Specified Owner Occupied Units): $200000 to $249999 Housing Value (Specified Owner Occupied Units): $250000 to $299999 Housing Value (Specified Owner Occupied Units): $300000 to $399999 Housing Value (Specified Owner Occupied Units): $400000 to $499999 Housing Value (Specified Owner Occupied Units): $500000 to $749999 Housing Value (Specified Owner Occupied Units): $750000 to $999999 Housing Value (Specified Owner Occupied Units): $1000000 or more Median Housing Value (Specified Owner Occupied Units) Housing Value HOO00V1 HOO00V2 HOO00V3 HOO00V4 HOO00V5 HOO00V6 HOO00V7 HOO00V8 HOO00V9 HOO00V10 HOO00V11 HOO00V12 HOO00V13 HOO00V14 HOO00V15 HOO00V16 HOO00V17 HOO00V18 HOO00V19 HOO00V20 HOO00V21 HOO00V22 HOO00V23 HOO00V24 HOO00MED Value of Owner-Occupied Housing Units: Less than $10000 Value of Owner-Occupied Housing Units: $10000 to $14999 Value of Owner-Occupied Housing Units: $15000 to $19999 Value of Owner-Occupied Housing Units: $20000 to $24999 Value of Owner-Occupied Housing Units: $25000 to $29999 Value of Owner-Occupied Housing Units: $30000 to $34999 Value of Owner-Occupied Housing Units: $35000 to $39999 Value of Owner-Occupied Housing Units: $40000 to $49999 Value of Owner-Occupied Housing Units: $50000 to $59999 Value of Owner-Occupied Housing Units: $60000 to $69999 Value of Owner-Occupied Housing Units: $70000 to $79999 Value of Owner-Occupied Housing Units: $80000 to $89999 Value of Owner-Occupied Housing Units: $90000 to $99999 Value of Owner-Occupied Housing Units: $100000 to $124999 Value of Owner-Occupied Housing Units: $125000 to $149999 Value of Owner-Occupied Housing Units: $150000 to $174999 Value of Owner-Occupied Housing Units: $175000 to $199999 Value of Owner-Occupied Housing Units: $200000 to $249999 Value of Owner-Occupied Housing Units: $250000 to $299999 Value of Owner-Occupied Housing Units: $300000 to $399999 Value of Owner-Occupied Housing Units: $400000 to $499999 Value of Owner-Occupied Housing Units: $500000 to $749999 Value of Owner-Occupied Housing Units: $750000 to $999999 Value of Owner-Occupied Housing Units: $1000000 or more Median Housing Value Aggregate and Average Value of Dwellings HOU00AGGV ADV00HAG1 Aggregate Value of Specified Owner-Occupied Housing Units Aggregate Value of Specified Owner-Occupied Housing Units: Householder 15 to 24 years ADV00HAG2 Aggregate Value of Specified Owner-Occupied Housing Units: Householder 25 to 34 years ADV00HAG3 Aggregate Value of Specified Owner-Occupied Housing Units: Householder 35 to 44 years ADV00HAG4 Aggregate Value of Specified Owner-Occupied Housing Units: Householder 45 to 54 years ADV00HAG5 Aggregate Value of Specified Owner-Occupied Housing Units: Householder 55 to 64 years ADV00HAG6 Aggregate Value of Specified Owner-Occupied Housing Units: Householder 65 to 74 years ADV00HAG7 Aggregate Value of Specified Owner-Occupied Housing Units: Householder 75 years and over ADV00U1DET Aggregate Value of Specified Owner-Occupied Housing Units: 1 detached ADV00U1ATT Aggregate Value of Specified Owner-Occupied Housing Units: 1 attached ADV00U2 Aggregate Value of Specified Owner-Occupied Housing Units: 2 ADV00U0304 Aggregate Value of Specified Owner-Occupied Housing Units: 3 or 4 ADV00U5 Aggregate Value of Specified Owner-Occupied Housing Units: 5 or more ADV00UMOB Aggregate Value of Specified Owner-Occupied Housing Units: Mobile home ADV00UOTH Aggregate Value of Specified Owner-Occupied Housing Units: Boat/ RV/van/ etc. ADV00MORT Aggregate Value of Specified Owner-Occupied Housing Units With A Mortgage ADV00NMORT Aggregate Value of Specified Owner-Occupied Housing Units Without A Mortgage ADV00MOBM Aggregate Value of Mobile Homes: With A Mortgage ADV00MOBNM Aggregate Value of Mobile Homes: Without a Mortgage ADV00TOTAL Aggregate Value: All Owner-Occupied Housing Units AVV00U1DET Average Value of Specified Owner-Occupied Housing Units: 1 detached AVV00U1ATT Average Value of Specified Owner-Occupied Housing Units: 1 attached AVV00U2 Average Value of Specified Owner-Occupied Housing Units: 2 AVV00U0304 Average Value of Specified Owner-Occupied Housing Units: 3 or 4 AVV00U5 Average Value of Specified Owner-Occupied Housing Units: 5 or more AVV00UMOB Average Value of Specified Owner-Occupied Housing Units: Mobile home AVV00UOTH Average Value of Specified Owner-Occupied Housing Units: Boat/ RV/van/ etc. Page 34 Mortgage Status HOU00M1 HOU00M2 HOU00M3 HOU00M4 HOU00M5 Housing Units with a Mortgage and Second Mortgage Housing Units with a Mortgage and Home Equity Loan Housing Units with a Mortgage/Second Mortgage and Home Equity Loan Housing Units with Only a First Mortgage Housing Units without a Mortgage Rented Dwellings RNT00MED Median Rent Cash Rent RNT00UNIV RNT001 RNT002 RNT003 RNT004 RNT005 RNT006 RNT007 RNT008 RNT009 RNT0010 RNT0011 RNT0012 RNT0013 RNT0014 RNT0015 RNT0016 RNT0017 RNT0018 RNT0019 RNT0020 RNT0021 RNT0022 RNT00AGG Cash Rent: Total Rental Housing Units Cash Rent: Less than $100 Cash Rent: $100 to $149 Cash Rent: $150 to $199 Cash Rent: $200 to $249 Cash Rent: $250 to $299 Cash Rent: $300 to $349 Cash Rent: $350 to $399 Cash Rent: $400 to $449 Cash Rent: $450 to $499 Cash Rent: $500 to $549 Cash Rent: $550 to $599 Cash Rent: $600 to $649 Cash Rent: $650 to $699 Cash Rent: $700 to $749 Cash Rent: $750 to $799 Cash Rent: $800 to $899 Cash Rent: $900 to $999 Cash Rent: $1000 to $1249 Cash Rent: $1250 to $1499 Cash Rent: $1500 to $1999 Cash Rent: $2000 or more Cash Rent: No cash rent Aggregate contract rent Rent Asked Vacant Units RNT00VUNIV RNT00V1 RNT00V2 RNT00V3 RNT00V4 RNT00V5 RNT00V6 RNT00V7 RNT00V8 RNT00V9 RNT00V10 RNT00V11 RNT00V12 RNT00V13 RNT00V14 RNT00V15 RNT00V16 RNT00V17 RNT00V18 RNT00V19 RNT00V20 RNT00V21 RNT00VAGG Rent Asked Vacant Units: Number Rent Asked Vacant Units: Less than $100 Rent Asked Vacant Units: $100 to $149 Rent Asked Vacant Units: $150 to $199 Rent Asked Vacant Units: $200 to $249 Rent Asked Vacant Units: $250 to $299 Rent Asked Vacant Units: $300 to $349 Rent Asked Vacant Units: $350 to $399 Rent Asked Vacant Units: $400 to $449 Rent Asked Vacant Units: $450 to $499 Rent Asked Vacant Units: $500 to $549 Rent Asked Vacant Units: $550 to $599 Rent Asked Vacant Units: $600 to $649 Rent Asked Vacant Units: $650 to $699 Rent Asked Vacant Units: $700 to $749 Rent Asked Vacant Units: $750 to $799 Rent Asked Vacant Units: $800 to $899 Rent Asked Vacant Units: $900 to $999 Rent Asked Vacant Units: $1000 to $1249 Rent Asked Vacant Units: $1250 to $1499 Rent Asked Vacant Units: $1500 to $1999 Rent Asked Vacant Units: $2000 or more Aggregate rent asked Gross Rent RNT00GRTOT RNT00GR1 RNT00GR2 RNT00GR3 RNT00GR4 RNT00GR5 RNT00GR6 RNT00GR7 RNT00GR8 RNT00GR9 RNT00GR10 RNT00GR11 RNT00GR12 RNT00GR13 RNT00GR14 RNT00GR15 Gross Rent: With cash rent Gross Rent: Less than $100 Gross Rent: $100 to $149 Gross Rent: $150 to $199 Gross Rent: $200 to $249 Gross Rent: $250 to $299 Gross Rent: $300 to $349 Gross Rent: $350 to $399 Gross Rent: $400 to $449 Gross Rent: $450 to $499 Gross Rent: $500 to $549 Gross Rent: $550 to $599 Gross Rent: $600 to $649 Gross Rent: $650 to $699 Gross Rent: $700 to $749 Gross Rent: $750 to $799 Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A RNT00GR16 RNT00GR17 RNT00GR18 RNT00GR19 RNT00GR20 RNT00GR21 RNT00GR22 RNT00GRAGG RNT00GRML RNT00GRNML Gross Rent: $800 to $899 Gross Rent: $900 to $999 Gross Rent: $1000 to $1249 Gross Rent: $1250 to $1499 Gross Rent: $1500 to $1999 Gross Rent: $2000 or more Gross Rent: No cash rent Aggregate gross rent Aggregate Gross Rent: Meals included in rent Aggregate Gross Rent: No meals included in rent Price Asked for Vacant Housing Unit HOU00STOT HOU00VH1 HOU00VH2 HOU00VH3 HOU00VH4 HOU00VH5 HOU00VH6 HOU00VH7 HOU00VH8 HOU00VH9 HOU00VH10 HOU00VH11 HOU00VH12 HOU00VH13 HOU00VH14 HOU00VH15 HOU00VH16 HOU00VH17 HOU00VH18 HOU00VH19 HOU00VH20 HOU00VH21 HOU00VH22 HOU00VH23 HOU00VH24 HOU00VHAGG Specified Vacant-For-Sale-Only Housing Units: Universe Price Asked For Vacant Housing Units: Less than $10000 Price Asked For Vacant Housing Units: $10000 to $14999 Price Asked For Vacant Housing Units: $15000 to $19999 Price Asked For Vacant Housing Units: $20000 to $24999 Price Asked For Vacant Housing Units: $25000 to $29999 Price Asked For Vacant Housing Units: $30000 to $34999 Price Asked For Vacant Housing Units: $35000 to $39999 Price Asked For Vacant Housing Units: $40000 to $49999 Price Asked For Vacant Housing Units: $50000 to $59999 Price Asked For Vacant Housing Units: $60000 to $69999 Price Asked For Vacant Housing Units: $70000 to $79999 Price Asked For Vacant Housing Units: $80000 to $89999 Price Asked For Vacant Housing Units: $90000 to $99999 Price Asked For Vacant Housing Units: $100000 to $124999 Price Asked For Vacant Housing Units: $125000 to $149999 Price Asked For Vacant Housing Units: $150000 to $174999 Price Asked For Vacant Housing Units: $175000 to $199999 Price Asked For Vacant Housing Units: $200000 to $249999 Price Asked For Vacant Housing Units: $250000 to $299999 Price Asked For Vacant Housing Units: $300000 to $399999 Price Asked For Vacant Housing Units: $400000 to $499999 Price Asked For Vacant Housing Units: $500000 to $749999 Price Asked For Vacant Housing Units: $750000 to $999999 Price Asked For Vacant Housing Units: $1000000 or more Aggregate price asked For Specified Vacant-For-Sale-Only Housing Units Units in Structure HUS00DET1 HUS00ATT1 HUS0002 HUS000304 HUS000509 HUS001019 HUS002049 HUS00GT50 HUS00MOB HUS00OTHR Units in Structure: 1; detached Units in Structure: 1; attached Units in Structure: 2 Units in Structure: 3 or 4 Units in Structure: 5 to 9 Units in Structure: 10 to 19 Units in Structure: 20 to 49 Units in Structure: 50 or more Units in Structure: Mobile home Units in Structure: Boat; RV; van; etc. Units in Structure Owner Occupied HUS00O1DET HUS00O1ATT HUS00O2 HUS00O0304 HUS00O0509 HUS00O1019 HUS00O2049 HUS00OGT50 HUS00OMOB HUS00OBOAT Units in Structure: 1; detached; Owner occupied Units in Structure: 1; attached; Owner occupied Units in Structure: 2; Owner occupied Units in Structure: 3 or 4; Owner occupied Units in Structure: 5 to 9; Owner occupied Units in Structure: 10 to 19; Owner occupied Units in Structure: 20 to 49; Owner occupied Units in Structure: 50 or more; Owner occupied Units in Structure: Mobile home; Owner occupied Units in Structure: Boat; RV; van; etc.; Owner occupied Units in Structure Renter Occupied HUS00R1DET HUS00R1ATT HUS00R2 HUS00R0304 HUS00R0509 HUS00R1019 HUS00R2049 HUS00RGT50 HUS00RMOB HUS00RBOAT Units in Structure: 1; detached; Renter occupied Units in Structure: 1; attached; Renter occupied Units in Structure: 2; Renter occupied Units in Structure: 3 or 4; Renter occupied Units in Structure: 5 to 9; Renter occupied Units in Structure: 10 to 19; Renter occupied Units in Structure: 20 to 49; Renter occupied Units in Structure: 50 or more; Renter occupied Units in Structure: Mobile home; Renter occupied Units in Structure: Boat; RV; van; etc.; Renter occupied Vacant Units VUS001DET VUS001ATT Vacant Units: 1 Detached Vacant Units: 1 Attached Page 35 VUS002 VUS000304 VUS000509 VUS001019 VUS002049 VUS00GT50 VUS00MOB VUS00OTH Vacant Units: 2 Unit Structure Vacant Units: 3-4 Unit Structure Vacant Units: 5-9 Unit Structure Vacant Units: 10-19 Unit Structure Vacant Units: 20-49 Unit Structure Vacant Units: 50+ Unit Structure Vacant Units: Mobile Homes Vacant Units: Other Incl Boats/RV/Van Year Structure Built YSB009900 YSB009598 YSB009094 YSB008089 YSB007079 YSB006069 YSB005059 YSB004049 YSB00BF39 HOU00MEDAG Year Structure Built: Built 1999 to March 2000 Year Structure Built: Built 1995 to 1998 Year Structure Built: Built 1990 to 1994 Year Structure Built: Built 1980 to 1989 Year Structure Built: Built 1970 to 1979 Year Structure Built: Built 1960 to 1969 Year Structure Built: Built 1950 to 1959 Year Structure Built: Built 1940 to 1949 Year Structure Built: Built 1939 or earlier Median Dwelling Age Year Structure Built Owner Occupied YBT00O9900 YBT00O9598 YBT00O9094 YBT00O8089 YBT00O7079 YBT00O6069 YBT00O5059 YBT00O4049 YBT00OBF39 Year Structure Built: Built 1999 to March 2000; Owner-Occupied Year Structure Built: Built 1995 to 1998; Owner-Occupied Year Structure Built: Built 1990 to 1994; Owner-Occupied Year Structure Built: Built 1980 to 1989; Owner-Occupied Year Structure Built: Built 1970 to 1979; Owner-Occupied Year Structure Built: Built 1960 to 1969; Owner-Occupied Year Structure Built: Built 1950 to 1959; Owner-Occupied Year Structure Built: Built 1940 to 1949; Owner-Occupied Year Structure Built: Built 1939 or earlier; Owner-Occupied Year Structure Built Renter Occupied YBT00R9900 YBT00R9598 YBT00R9094 YBT00R8089 YBT00R7079 YBT00R6069 YBT00R5059 YBT00R4049 YBT00RBF39 Year Structure Built: Built 1999 to March 2000; Renter Occupied Year Structure Built: Built 1995 to 1998; Renter Occupied Year Structure Built: Built 1990 to 1994; Renter Occupied Year Structure Built: Built 1980 to 1989; Renter Occupied Year Structure Built: Built 1970 to 1979; Renter Occupied Year Structure Built: Built 1960 to 1969; Renter Occupied Year Structure Built: Built 1950 to 1959; Renter Occupied Year Structure Built: Built 1940 to 1949; Renter Occupied Year Structure Built: Built 1939 or earlier; Renter Occupied Year Moved In YMI009900 YMI009598 YMI009094 YMI008089 YMI007079 YMI00BF69 YMI00MED Year Moved in 1999 to March 2000 Year Moved in 1995 to 1998 Year Moved in 1990 to 1994 Year Moved in 1980 to 1989 Year Moved in 1970 to 1979 Year Moved in 1969 or earlier Median Length of Residence Year Moved In by Tenure YMI00O9900 YMI00O9598 YMI00O9094 YMI00O8089 YMI00O7079 YMI00OBF69 YMI00R9900 YMI00R9598 YMI00R9094 YMI00R8089 YMI00R7079 YMI00RBF69 Owner Occupied: Moved in 1999 to March 2000 Owner Occupied: Moved in 1995 to 1998 Owner Occupied: Moved in 1990 to 1994 Owner Occupied: Moved in 1980 to 1989 Owner Occupied: Moved in 1970 to 1979 Owner Occupied: Moved in 1969 or earlier Renter Occupied: Moved in 1999 to March 2000 Renter Occupied: Moved in 1995 to 1998 Renter Occupied: Moved in 1990 to 1994 Renter Occupied: Moved in 1980 to 1989 Renter Occupied: Moved in 1970 to 1979 Renter Occupied: Moved in 1969 or earlier Dwelling Facilities: Telephone TEL00OWNW TEL00OWNWO TEL00RNTW TEL00RNTWO Telephone Service: Owner Occupied With Telephone Service: Owner Occupied Without Telephone Service: Renter Occupied With Telephone Service: Renter Occupied Without Dwelling Facilities: Rooms in Housing Unit RHU001 RHU002 RHU003 RHU004 RHU005 Rooms in Housing Unit: 1 room Rooms in Housing Unit: 2 rooms Rooms in Housing Unit: 3 rooms Rooms in Housing Unit: 4 rooms Rooms in Housing Unit: 5 rooms Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A RHU006 RHU007 RHU008 RHU009 RHU00AGG Rooms in Housing Unit: 6 rooms Rooms in Housing Unit: 7 rooms Rooms in Housing Unit: 8 rooms Rooms in Housing Unit: 9 or more rooms Aggregate number of rooms in housing units Dwelling Facilities: Rooms in Housing Unit by Tenure RHU00O1 RHU00O2 RHU00O3 RHU00O4 RHU00O5 RHU00O6 RHU00O7 RHU00O8 RHU00O9 RHU00R1 RHU00R2 RHU00R3 RHU00R4 RHU00R5 RHU00R6 RHU00R7 RHU00R8 RHU00R9 RHU00OAGG RHU00RAGG Rooms in Owner-Occupied Housing Units: 1 room Rooms in Owner-Occupied Housing Units: 2 rooms Rooms in Owner-Occupied Housing Units: 3 rooms Rooms in Owner-Occupied Housing Units: 4 rooms Rooms in Owner-Occupied Housing Units: 5 rooms Rooms in Owner-Occupied Housing Units: 6 rooms Rooms in Owner-Occupied Housing Units: 7 rooms Rooms in Owner-Occupied Housing Units: 8 rooms Rooms in Owner-Occupied Housing Units: 9 or more rooms Rooms in Renter-Occupied Housing Units: 1 room Rooms in Renter-Occupied Housing Units: 2 rooms Rooms in Renter-Occupied Housing Units: 3 rooms Rooms in Renter-Occupied Housing Units: 4 rooms Rooms in Renter-Occupied Housing Units: 5 rooms Rooms in Renter-Occupied Housing Units: 6 rooms Rooms in Renter-Occupied Housing Units: 7 rooms Rooms in Renter-Occupied Housing Units: 8 rooms Rooms in Renter-Occupied Housing Units: 9 or more rooms Aggregate number of rooms in Owner occupied housing units Aggregate number of rooms in Renter occupied housing units Dwelling Facilities: Bedrooms NBD00NONE NBD001 NBD002 NBD003 NBD004 NBD005 Number of Bedrooms: No bedroom Number of Bedrooms: 1 bedroom Number of Bedrooms: 2 bedrooms Number of Bedrooms: 3 bedrooms Number of Bedrooms: 4 bedrooms Number of Bedrooms: 5 or more bedrooms Dwelling Facilities: Bedrooms by Tenure BED00OWN0 BED00OWN1 BED00OWN2 BED00OWN3 BED00OWN4 BED00OWN5 BED00RNT0 BED00RNT1 BED00RNT2 BED00RNT3 BED00RNT4 BED00RNT5 Owned units, no bedrooms Owned units, 1 bedroom Owned units, 2 bedrooms Owned units, 3 bedrooms Owned units, 4 bedrooms Owned units, 5+ bedrooms Rented units, no bedrooms Rented units, 1 bedroom Rented units, 2 bedrooms Rented units, 3 bedrooms Rented units, 4 bedrooms Rented units, 5+ bedrooms Page 36 MTG00400 MTG00500 MTG00600 MTG00700 MTG00800 MTG00900 MTG001000 MTG001250 MTG001500 MTG002000 MTG002500 MTG003000 MTG00NMTG Owner households, mortgage paymt $400-499 Owner households, mortgage paymt $500-599 Owner households, mortgage paymt $600-699 Owner households, mortgage paymt $700-799 Owner households, mortgage paymt $800-899 Owner households, mortgage paymt $900-999 Owner households, mortgage paymt $1,000-1,249 Owner households, mortgage paymt $1,250-1,499 Owner households, mortgage paymt $1,500-1,999 Owner households, mortgage paymt $2,000-2,499 Owner households, mortgage paymt $2,500-2,999 Owner households, mortgage paymt $3,000+ Owner households, without mortgage Monthly Cost Owner Owned Housing No Mortgage HNM00LT100 HNM00100 HNM00150 HNM00200 HNM00250 HNM00300 HNM00350 HNM00400 HNM00500 HNM00600 HNM00700 HNM00800 HNM00900 HNM00G1000 Hhs w/o mortgage, monthly costs <$100 Hhs w/o mortgage, monthly costs $100-149 Hhs w/o mortgage, monthly costs $150-199 Hhs w/o mortgage, monthly costs $200-249 Hhs w/o mortgage, monthly costs $250-299 Hhs w/o mortgage, monthly costs $300-349 Hhs w/o mortgage, monthly costs $350-399 Hhs w/o mortgage, monthly costs $400-499 Hhs w/o mortgage, monthly costs $500-599 Hhs w/o mortgage, monthly costs $600-699 Hhs w/o mortgage, monthly costs $700-799 Hhs w/o mortgage, monthly costs $800-899 Hhs w/o mortgage, monthly costs $900-999 Hhs w/o mortgage, monthly costs $1,000+ 2010 Census Population POP10 Population Population by Race RAC10WHITE RAC10BLACK RAC10AMIND RAC10ASIAN RAC10HAWAI RAC10OTHER RAC10MULT Population White Alone Population Black/African American Alone Population American Indian and Alaska Native Alone Population Asian Alone Population Hawaiian and Pacific Islander Alone Population Some Other Race Alone Population Two or More Races Population by Hispanic Origin HIS10NHISP HIS10HISP Population Hispanic or Latino Population Non-Hispanic Dwelling Facilities: Kitchen KIT00COMP KIT00INCMP Kitchen Facilities: Complete kitchen facilities Kitchen Facilities: Lacking complete kitchen facilities Dwelling Facilities: Home Heating Fuel DWL00HGAS DWL00HLPG DWL00HELEC DWL00HFOIL DWL00FCOAL DWL00FWOOD DWL00FSOLR DWL00FOTHR DWL00FNONE Home Heating Fuel: Utility gas Home Heating Fuel: Bottled tank or LP gas Home Heating Fuel: Electricity Home Heating Fuel: Fuel oil kerosene etc. Home Heating Fuel: Coal or coke Home Heating Fuel: Wood Home Heating Fuel: Solar energy Home Heating Fuel: Other fuel Home Heating Fuel: No fuel used Dwelling Facilities: Plumbing Facilities PLB00OCMP PLB00OINC PLB00RCMP PLB00RINC PLB00COMP PLB00INCMP Plumbing Facilities: Owner Occupied w Complete Plumbing Facilities: Owner Occupied w Incomplete Plumbing Facilities: Renter Occupied w Complete Plumbing Facilities: Renter Occupied w Incomplete Plumbing Facilities: Complete Plumbing Facilities: Lacking complete plumbing facilities Owner Households by Mortgage Payment MTG00OWN MTG00L200 MTG00200 MTG00300 Owner households with mortgage Owner households, mortgage paymt <$200 Owner households, mortgage paymt $200-299 Owner households, mortgage paymt $300-399 Race by Hispanic Origin RCH10WHNHS RCH10BLNHS RCH10AMNHS RCH10ASNHS RCH10HANHS RCH10OTNHS RCH10MUNHS RCH10WHHIS RCH10BLHIS RCH10AMHIS RCH10ASHIS RCH10HAHIS RCH10OTHIS RCH10MUHIS Non Hispanic White Alone Non Hispanic BlackAlone Non Hispanic American Indian and Alaska Native Alone Non Hispanic Asian Alone Non Hispanic Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Alone Non Hispanic Some Other Race Non Hispanic Two or More Races Hispanic White Alone Hispanic Black Alone Hispanic American Indian/Alaskan Alone Hispanic Asian Alone Hispanic Hawiian/Pacific Islander Alone Hispanic Some Other Race Hispanic Two or More Races Population by Sex SEX10MAL SEX10FEM Population Male Population Female Population by Age AGE100004 AGE100509 AGE101013 AGE101417 AGE101820 AGE102124 Population Age 0-4 Population Age 5-9 Population Age 10-13 Population Age 14-17 Population Age 18-20 Population Age 21-24 Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A AGE102529 AGE103034 AGE103539 AGE104044 AGE104549 AGE105054 AGE105559 AGE106064 AGE106569 AGE107074 AGE107579 AGE108084 AGE10GT85 Median Age AGE10MED AGE10MEDM AGE10MEDF AGE10MEDA AGE10MEDAM AGE10MEDAF Population Age 25-29 Population Age 30-34 Population Age 35-39 Population Age 40-44 Population Age 45-49 Population Age 50-54 Population Age 55-59 Population Age 60-64 Population Age 65-69 Population Age 70-74 Population Age 75-79 Population Age 80-84 Population Age 85+ Median Age Median Age: Male Median Age: Female Median Age: Adults 18+ Median Age: Adult Male 18+ Median Age: Adult Female 18+ Page 37 ABM101517 ABM101819 ABM1020 ABM1021 ABM102224 ABM102529 ABM103034 ABM103539 ABM104044 ABM104549 ABM105054 ABM105559 ABM106061 ABM106264 ABM106566 ABM106769 ABM107074 ABM107579 ABM108084 ABM10GT85 Age by Sex: Black male 15 to 17 years Age by Sex: Black male 18 and 19 years Age by Sex: Black male 20 years Age by Sex: Black male 21 years Age by Sex: Black male 22 to 24 years Age by Sex: Black male 25 to 29 years Age by Sex: Black male 30 to 34 years Age by Sex: Black male 35 to 39 years Age by Sex: Black male 40 to 44 years Age by Sex: Black male 45 to 49 years Age by Sex: Black male 50 to 54 years Age by Sex: Black male 55 to 59 years Age by Sex: Black male 60 and 61 years Age by Sex: Black male 62 to 64 years Age by Sex: Black male 65 and 66 years Age by Sex: Black male 67 to 69 years Age by Sex: Black male 70 to 74 years Age by Sex: Black male 75 to 79 years Age by Sex: Black male 80 to 84 years Age by Sex: Black male 85 years and over Black Female Population by Race and Origin White Male AWM10LT5 AWM100509 AWM101014 AWM101517 AWM101819 AWM1020 AWM1021 AWM102224 AWM102529 AWM103034 AWM103539 AWM104044 AWM104549 AWM105054 AWM105559 AWM106061 AWM106264 AWM106566 AWM106769 AWM107074 AWM107579 AWM108084 AWM10GT85 Age by Sex: White male Under 5 years Age by Sex: White male 5 to 9 years Age by Sex: White male 10 to 14 years Age by Sex: White male 15 to 17 years Age by Sex: White male 18 and 19 years Age by Sex: White male 20 years Age by Sex: White male 21 years Age by Sex: White male 22 to 24 years Age by Sex: White male 25 to 29 years Age by Sex: White male 30 to 34 years Age by Sex: White male 35 to 39 years Age by Sex: White male 40 to 44 years Age by Sex: White male 45 to 49 years Age by Sex: White male 50 to 54 years Age by Sex: White male 55 to 59 years Age by Sex: White male 60 and 61 years Age by Sex: White male 62 to 64 years Age by Sex: White male 65 and 66 years Age by Sex: White male 67 to 69 years Age by Sex: White male 70 to 74 years Age by Sex: White male 75 to 79 years Age by Sex: White male 80 to 84 years Age by Sex: White male 85 years and over White Female AWF10LT5 AWF100509 AWF101014 AWF101517 AWF101819 AWF1020 AWF1021 AWF102224 AWF102529 AWF103034 AWF103539 AWF104044 AWF104549 AWF105054 AWF105559 AWF106061 AWF106264 AWF106566 AWF106769 AWF107074 AWF107579 AWF108084 AWF10GT85 Black Male ABM10LT5 ABM100509 ABM101014 Age by Sex: White Female Under 5 years Age by Sex: White Female 5 to 9 years Age by Sex: White Female 10 to 14 years Age by Sex: White Female 15 to 17 years Age by Sex: White Female 18 and 19 years Age by Sex: White Female 20 years Age by Sex: White Female 21 years Age by Sex: White Female 22 to 24 years Age by Sex: White Female 25 to 29 years Age by Sex: White Female 30 to 34 years Age by Sex: White Female 35 to 39 years Age by Sex: White Female 40 to 44 years Age by Sex: White Female 45 to 49 years Age by Sex: White Female 50 to 54 years Age by Sex: White Female 55 to 59 years Age by Sex: White Female 60 and 61 years Age by Sex: White Female 62 to 64 years Age by Sex: White Female 65 and 66 years Age by Sex: White Female 67 to 69 years Age by Sex: White Female 70 to 74 years Age by Sex: White Female 75 to 79 years Age by Sex: White Female 80 to 84 years Age by Sex: White Female 85 years and over Age by Sex: Black male Under 5 years Age by Sex: Black male 5 to 9 years Age by Sex: Black male 10 to 14 years ABF10LT5 ABF100509 ABF101014 ABF101517 ABF101819 ABF1020 ABF1021 ABF102224 ABF102529 ABF103034 ABF103539 ABF104044 ABF104549 ABF105054 ABF105559 ABF106061 ABF106264 ABF106566 ABF106769 ABF107074 ABF107579 ABF108084 ABF10GT85 Age by Sex: Black female Under 5 years Age by Sex: Black female 5 to 9 years Age by Sex: Black female 10 to 14 years Age by Sex: Black female 15 to 17 years Age by Sex: Black female 18 and 19 years Age by Sex: Black female 20 years Age by Sex: Black female 21 years Age by Sex: Black female 22 to 24 years Age by Sex: Black female 25 to 29 years Age by Sex: Black female 30 to 34 years Age by Sex: Black female 35 to 39 years Age by Sex: Black female 40 to 44 years Age by Sex: Black female 45 to 49 years Age by Sex: Black female 50 to 54 years Age by Sex: Black female 55 to 59 years Age by Sex: Black female 60 and 61 years Age by Sex: Black female 62 to 64 years Age by Sex: Black female 65 and 66 years Age by Sex: Black female 67 to 69 years Age by Sex: Black female 70 to 74 years Age by Sex: Black female 75 to 79 years Age by Sex: Black female 80 to 84 years Age by Sex: Black female 85 years and over Native American Male AIM10LT5 AIM100509 AIM101014 AIM101517 AIM101819 AIM1020 AIM1021 AIM102224 AIM102529 AIM103034 AIM103539 AIM104044 AIM104549 AIM105054 AIM105559 AIM106061 AIM106264 AIM106566 AIM106769 AIM107074 AIM107579 AIM108084 AIM10GT85 Age by Sex: Native American Male Under 5 years Age by Sex: Native American Male 5 to 9 years Age by Sex: Native American Male 10 to 14 years Age by Sex: Native American Male 15 to 17 years Age by Sex: Native American Male 18 and 19 years Age by Sex: Native American Male 20 years Age by Sex: Native American Male 21 years Age by Sex: Native American Male 22 to 24 years Age by Sex: Native American Male 25 to 29 years Age by Sex: Native American Male 30 to 34 years Age by Sex: Native American Male 35 to 39 years Age by Sex: Native American Male 40 to 44 years Age by Sex: Native American Male 45 to 49 years Age by Sex: Native American Male 50 to 54 years Age by Sex: Native American Male 55 to 59 years Age by Sex: Native American Male 60 and 61 years Age by Sex: Native American Male 62 to 64 years Age by Sex: Native American Male 65 and 66 years Age by Sex: Native American Male 67 to 69 years Age by Sex: Native American Male 70 to 74 years Age by Sex: Native American Male 75 to 79 years Age by Sex: Native American Male 80 to 84 years Age by Sex: Native American Male 85 years and over Native American Female AIF10LT5 AIF100509 AIF101014 AIF101517 AIF101819 AIF1020 Age by Sex: Native American Female Under 5 years Age by Sex: Native American Female 5 to 9 years Age by Sex: Native American Female 10 to 14 years Age by Sex: Native American Female 15 to 17 years Age by Sex: Native American Female 18 and 19 years Age by Sex: Native American Female 20 years Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A AIF1021 AIF102224 AIF102529 AIF103034 AIF103539 AIF104044 AIF104549 AIF105054 AIF105559 AIF106061 AIF106264 AIF106566 AIF106769 AIF107074 AIF107579 AIF108084 AIF10GT85 Age by Sex: Native American Female 21 years Age by Sex: Native American Female 22 to 24 years Age by Sex: Native American Female 25 to 29 years Age by Sex: Native American Female 30 to 34 years Age by Sex: Native American Female 35 to 39 years Age by Sex: Native American Female 40 to 44 years Age by Sex: Native American Female 45 to 49 years Age by Sex: Native American Female 50 to 54 years Age by Sex: Native American Female 55 to 59 years Age by Sex: Native American Female 60 and 61 years Age by Sex: Native American Female 62 to 64 years Age by Sex: Native American Female 65 and 66 years Age by Sex: Native American Female 67 to 69 years Age by Sex: Native American Female 70 to 74 years Age by Sex: Native American Female 75 to 79 years Age by Sex: Native American Female 80 to 84 years Age by Sex: Native American Female 85 years and over Hawaiian Male AHM10LT5 AHM100509 AHM101014 AHM101517 AHM101819 AHM1020 AHM1021 AHM102224 AHM102529 AHM103034 AHM103539 AHM104044 AHM104549 AHM105054 AHM105559 AHM106061 AHM106264 AHM106566 AHM106769 AHM107074 AHM107579 AHM108084 AHM10GT85 Age by Sex: Hawaiian Male Under 5 years Age by Sex: Hawaiian Male 5 to 9 years Age by Sex: Hawaiian Male 10 to 14 years Age by Sex: Hawaiian Male 15 to 17 years Age by Sex: Hawaiian Male 18 and 19 years Age by Sex: Hawaiian Male 20 years Age by Sex: Hawaiian Male 21 years Age by Sex: Hawaiian Male 22 to 24 years Age by Sex: Hawaiian Male 25 to 29 years Age by Sex: Hawaiian Male 30 to 34 years Age by Sex: Hawaiian Male 35 to 39 years Age by Sex: Hawaiian Male 40 to 44 years Age by Sex: Hawaiian Male 45 to 49 years Age by Sex: Hawaiian Male 50 to 54 years Age by Sex: Hawaiian Male 55 to 59 years Age by Sex: Hawaiian Male 60 and 61 years Age by Sex: Hawaiian Male 62 to 64 years Age by Sex: Hawaiian Male 65 and 66 years Age by Sex: Hawaiian Male 67 to 69 years Age by Sex: Hawaiian Male 70 to 74 years Age by Sex: Hawaiian Male 75 to 79 years Age by Sex: Hawaiian Male 80 to 84 years Age by Sex: Hawaiian Male 85 years and over Hawaiian Female AHF10LT5 AHF100509 AHF101014 AHF101517 AHF101819 AHF1020 AHF1021 AHF102224 AHF102529 AHF103034 AHF103539 AHF104044 AHF104549 AHF105054 AHF105559 AHF106061 AHF106264 AHF106566 AHF106769 AHF107074 AHF107579 AHF108084 AHF10GT85 Age by Sex: Hawaiian Female Under 5 years Age by Sex: Hawaiian Female 5 to 9 years Age by Sex: Hawaiian Female 10 to 14 years Age by Sex: Hawaiian Female 15 to 17 years Age by Sex: Hawaiian Female 18 and 19 years Age by Sex: Hawaiian Female 20 years Age by Sex: Hawaiian Female 21 years Age by Sex: Hawaiian Female 22 to 24 years Age by Sex: Hawaiian Female 25 to 29 years Age by Sex: Hawaiian Female 30 to 34 years Age by Sex: Hawaiian Female 35 to 39 years Age by Sex: Hawaiian Female 40 to 44 years Age by Sex: Hawaiian Female 45 to 49 years Age by Sex: Hawaiian Female 50 to 54 years Age by Sex: Hawaiian Female 55 to 59 years Age by Sex: Hawaiian Female 60 and 61 years Age by Sex: Hawaiian Female 62 to 64 years Age by Sex: Hawaiian Female 65 and 66 years Age by Sex: Hawaiian Female 67 to 69 years Age by Sex: Hawaiian Female 70 to 74 years Age by Sex: Hawaiian Female 75 to 79 years Age by Sex: Hawaiian Female 80 to 84 years Age by Sex: Hawaiian Female 85 years and over Asian Male AAM10LT5 AAM100509 AAM101014 AAM101517 AAM101819 AAM1020 AAM1021 AAM102224 AAM102529 Age by Sex: Asian Male Under 5 years Age by Sex: Asian Male 5 to 9 years Age by Sex: Asian Male 10 to 14 years Age by Sex: Asian Male 15 to 17 years Age by Sex: Asian Male 18 and 19 years Age by Sex: Asian Male 20 years Age by Sex: Asian Male 21 years Age by Sex: Asian Male 22 to 24 years Age by Sex: Asian Male 25 to 29 years Page 38 AAM103034 AAM103539 AAM104044 AAM104549 AAM105054 AAM105559 AAM106061 AAM106264 AAM106566 AAM106769 AAM107074 AAM107579 AAM108084 AAM10GT85 Age by Sex: Asian Male 30 to 34 years Age by Sex: Asian Male 35 to 39 years Age by Sex: Asian Male 40 to 44 years Age by Sex: Asian Male 45 to 49 years Age by Sex: Asian Male 50 to 54 years Age by Sex: Asian Male 55 to 59 years Age by Sex: Asian Male 60 and 61 years Age by Sex: Asian Male 62 to 64 years Age by Sex: Asian Male 65 and 66 years Age by Sex: Asian Male 67 to 69 years Age by Sex: Asian Male 70 to 74 years Age by Sex: Asian Male 75 to 79 years Age by Sex: Asian Male 80 to 84 years Age by Sex: Asian Male 85 years and over Asian Female AAF10LT5 AAF100509 AAF101014 AAF101517 AAF101819 AAF1020 AAF1021 AAF102224 AAF102529 AAF103034 AAF103539 AAF104044 AAF104549 AAF105054 AAF105559 AAF106061 AAF106264 AAF106566 AAF106769 AAF107074 AAF107579 AAF108084 AAF10GT85 Age by Sex: Asian Female Under 5 years Age by Sex: Asian Female 5 to 9 years Age by Sex: Asian Female 10 to 14 years Age by Sex: Asian Female 15 to 17 years Age by Sex: Asian Female 18 and 19 years Age by Sex: Asian Female 20 years Age by Sex: Asian Female 21 years Age by Sex: Asian Female 22 to 24 years Age by Sex: Asian Female 25 to 29 years Age by Sex: Asian Female 30 to 34 years Age by Sex: Asian Female 35 to 39 years Age by Sex: Asian Female 40 to 44 years Age by Sex: Asian Female 45 to 49 years Age by Sex: Asian Female 50 to 54 years Age by Sex: Asian Female 55 to 59 years Age by Sex: Asian Female 60 and 61 years Age by Sex: Asian Female 62 to 64 years Age by Sex: Asian Female 65 and 66 years Age by Sex: Asian Female 67 to 69 years Age by Sex: Asian Female 70 to 74 years Age by Sex: Asian Female 75 to 79 years Age by Sex: Asian Female 80 to 84 years Age by Sex: Asian Female 85 years and over Other Race Male AOM10LT5 AOM100509 AOM101014 AOM101517 AOM101819 AOM1020 AOM1021 AOM102224 AOM102529 AOM103034 AOM103539 AOM104044 AOM104549 AOM105054 AOM105559 AOM106061 AOM106264 AOM106566 AOM106769 AOM107074 AOM107579 AOM108084 AOM10GT85 Age by Sex: Other Race Male Under 5 years Age by Sex: Other Race Male 5 to 9 years Age by Sex: Other Race Male 10 to 14 years Age by Sex: Other Race Male 15 to 17 years Age by Sex: Other Race Male 18 and 19 years Age by Sex: Other Race Male 20 years Age by Sex: Other Race Male 21 years Age by Sex: Other Race Male 22 to 24 years Age by Sex: Other Race Male 25 to 29 years Age by Sex: Other Race Male 30 to 34 years Age by Sex: Other Race Male 35 to 39 years Age by Sex: Other Race Male 40 to 44 years Age by Sex: Other Race Male 45 to 49 years Age by Sex: Other Race Male 50 to 54 years Age by Sex: Other Race Male 55 to 59 years Age by Sex: Other Race Male 60 and 61 years Age by Sex: Other Race Male 62 to 64 years Age by Sex: Other Race Male 65 and 66 years Age by Sex: Other Race Male 67 to 69 years Age by Sex: Other Race Male 70 to 74 years Age by Sex: Other Race Male 75 to 79 years Age by Sex: Other Race Male 80 to 84 years Age by Sex: Other Race Male 85 years and over Other Race Female AOF10LT5 AOF100509 AOF101014 AOF101517 AOF101819 AOF1020 AOF1021 AOF102224 AOF102529 AOF103034 AOF103539 AOF104044 Age by Sex: Other Race Female Under 5 years Age by Sex: Other Race Female 5 to 9 years Age by Sex: Other Race Female 10 to 14 years Age by Sex: Other Race Female 15 to 17 years Age by Sex: Other Race Female 18 and 19 years Age by Sex: Other Race Female 20 years Age by Sex: Other Race Female 21 years Age by Sex: Other Race Female 22 to 24 years Age by Sex: Other Race Female 25 to 29 years Age by Sex: Other Race Female 30 to 34 years Age by Sex: Other Race Female 35 to 39 years Age by Sex: Other Race Female 40 to 44 years Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A AOF104549 AOF105054 AOF105559 AOF106061 AOF106264 AOF106566 AOF106769 AOF107074 AOF107579 AOF108084 AOF10GT85 Age by Sex: Other Race Female 45 to 49 years Age by Sex: Other Race Female 50 to 54 years Age by Sex: Other Race Female 55 to 59 years Age by Sex: Other Race Female 60 and 61 years Age by Sex: Other Race Female 62 to 64 years Age by Sex: Other Race Female 65 and 66 years Age by Sex: Other Race Female 67 to 69 years Age by Sex: Other Race Female 70 to 74 years Age by Sex: Other Race Female 75 to 79 years Age by Sex: Other Race Female 80 to 84 years Age by Sex: Other Race Female 85 years and over Multiple Race Male AMM10LT5 AMM100509 AMM101014 AMM101517 AMM101819 AMM1020 AMM1021 AMM102224 AMM102529 AMM103034 AMM103539 AMM104044 AMM104549 AMM105054 AMM105559 AMM106061 AMM106264 AMM106566 AMM106769 AMM107074 AMM107579 AMM108084 AMM10GT85 Age by Sex: Multiple Race Male Under 5 years Age by Sex: Multiple Race Male 5 to 9 years Age by Sex: Multiple Race Male 10 to 14 years Age by Sex: Multiple Race Male 15 to 17 years Age by Sex: Multiple Race Male 18 and 19 years Age by Sex: Multiple Race Male 20 years Age by Sex: Multiple Race Male 21 years Age by Sex: Multiple Race Male 22 to 24 years Age by Sex: Multiple Race Male 25 to 29 years Age by Sex: Multiple Race Male 30 to 34 years Age by Sex: Multiple Race Male 35 to 39 years Age by Sex: Multiple Race Male 40 to 44 years Age by Sex: Multiple Race Male 45 to 49 years Age by Sex: Multiple Race Male 50 to 54 years Age by Sex: Multiple Race Male 55 to 59 years Age by Sex: Multiple Race Male 60 and 61 years Age by Sex: Multiple Race Male 62 to 64 years Age by Sex: Multiple Race Male 65 and 66 years Age by Sex: Multiple Race Male 67 to 69 years Age by Sex: Multiple Race Male 70 to 74 years Age by Sex: Multiple Race Male 75 to 79 years Age by Sex: Multiple Race Male 80 to 84 years Age by Sex: Multiple Race Male 85 years and over Multiple Race Female AMF10LT5 AMF100509 AMF101014 AMF101517 AMF101819 AMF1020 AMF1021 AMF102224 AMF102529 AMF103034 AMF103539 AMF104044 AMF104549 AMF105054 AMF105559 AMF106061 AMF106264 AMF106566 AMF106769 AMF107074 AMF107579 AMF108084 AMF10GT85 Age by Sex: Multiple Race Female Under 5 years Age by Sex: Multiple Race Female 5 to 9 years Age by Sex: Multiple Race Female 10 to 14 years Age by Sex: Multiple Race Female 15 to 17 years Age by Sex: Multiple Race Female 18 and 19 years Age by Sex: Multiple Race Female 20 years Age by Sex: Multiple Race Female 21 years Age by Sex: Multiple Race Female 22 to 24 years Age by Sex: Multiple Race Female 25 to 29 years Age by Sex: Multiple Race Female 30 to 34 years Age by Sex: Multiple Race Female 35 to 39 years Age by Sex: Multiple Race Female 40 to 44 years Age by Sex: Multiple Race Female 45 to 49 years Age by Sex: Multiple Race Female 50 to 54 years Age by Sex: Multiple Race Female 55 to 59 years Age by Sex: Multiple Race Female 60 and 61 years Age by Sex: Multiple Race Female 62 to 64 years Age by Sex: Multiple Race Female 65 and 66 years Age by Sex: Multiple Race Female 67 to 69 years Age by Sex: Multiple Race Female 70 to 74 years Age by Sex: Multiple Race Female 75 to 79 years Age by Sex: Multiple Race Female 80 to 84 years Age by Sex: Multiple Race Female 85 years and over Hispanic Male ALM10LT5 ALM100509 ALM101014 ALM101517 ALM101819 ALM1020 ALM1021 ALM102224 ALM102529 ALM103034 ALM103539 ALM104044 ALM104549 ALM105054 ALM105559 Age by Sex: Hispanic Male Under 5 years Age by Sex: Hispanic Male 5 to 9 years Age by Sex: Hispanic Male 10 to 14 years Age by Sex: Hispanic Male 15 to 17 years Age by Sex: Hispanic Male 18 and 19 years Age by Sex: Hispanic Male 20 years Age by Sex: Hispanic Male 21 years Age by Sex: Hispanic Male 22 to 24 years Age by Sex: Hispanic Male 25 to 29 years Age by Sex: Hispanic Male 30 to 34 years Age by Sex: Hispanic Male 35 to 39 years Age by Sex: Hispanic Male 40 to 44 years Age by Sex: Hispanic Male 45 to 49 years Age by Sex: Hispanic Male 50 to 54 years Age by Sex: Hispanic Male 55 to 59 years Page 39 ALM106061 ALM106264 ALM106566 ALM106769 ALM107074 ALM107579 ALM108084 ALM10GT85 Age by Sex: Hispanic Male 60 and 61 years Age by Sex: Hispanic Male 62 to 64 years Age by Sex: Hispanic Male 65 and 66 years Age by Sex: Hispanic Male 67 to 69 years Age by Sex: Hispanic Male 70 to 74 years Age by Sex: Hispanic Male 75 to 79 years Age by Sex: Hispanic Male 80 to 84 years Age by Sex: Hispanic Male 85 years and over Hispanic Female ALF10LT5 ALF100509 ALF101014 ALF101517 ALF101819 ALF1020 ALF1021 ALF102224 ALF102529 ALF103034 ALF103539 ALF104044 ALF104549 ALF105054 ALF105559 ALF106061 ALF106264 ALF106566 ALF106769 ALF107074 ALF107579 ALF108084 ALF10GT85 Age by Sex: Hispanic Female Under 5 years Age by Sex: Hispanic Female 5 to 9 years Age by Sex: Hispanic Female 10 to 14 years Age by Sex: Hispanic Female 15 to 17 years Age by Sex: Hispanic Female 18 and 19 years Age by Sex: Hispanic Female 20 years Age by Sex: Hispanic Female 21 years Age by Sex: Hispanic Female 22 to 24 years Age by Sex: Hispanic Female 25 to 29 years Age by Sex: Hispanic Female 30 to 34 years Age by Sex: Hispanic Female 35 to 39 years Age by Sex: Hispanic Female 40 to 44 years Age by Sex: Hispanic Female 45 to 49 years Age by Sex: Hispanic Female 50 to 54 years Age by Sex: Hispanic Female 55 to 59 years Age by Sex: Hispanic Female 60 and 61 years Age by Sex: Hispanic Female 62 to 64 years Age by Sex: Hispanic Female 65 and 66 years Age by Sex: Hispanic Female 67 to 69 years Age by Sex: Hispanic Female 70 to 74 years Age by Sex: Hispanic Female 75 to 79 years Age by Sex: Hispanic Female 80 to 84 years Age by Sex: Hispanic Female 85 years and over White Non-Hispanic Male AXM10LT5 AXM100509 AXM101014 AXM101517 AXM101819 AXM1020 AXM1021 AXM102224 AXM102529 AXM103034 AXM103539 AXM104044 AXM104549 AXM105054 AXM105559 AXM106061 AXM106264 AXM106566 AXM106769 AXM107074 AXM107579 AXM108084 AXM10GT85 Age by Sex: White Non-Hispanic Male Under 5 years Age by Sex: White Non-Hispanic Male 5 to 9 years Age by Sex: White Non-Hispanic Male 10 to 14 years Age by Sex: White Non-Hispanic Male 15 to 17 years Age by Sex: White Non-Hispanic Male 18 and 19 years Age by Sex: White Non-Hispanic Male 20 years Age by Sex: White Non-Hispanic Male 21 years Age by Sex: White Non-Hispanic Male 22 to 24 years Age by Sex: White Non-Hispanic Male 25 to 29 years Age by Sex: White Non-Hispanic Male 30 to 34 years Age by Sex: White Non-Hispanic Male 35 to 39 years Age by Sex: White Non-Hispanic Male 40 to 44 years Age by Sex: White Non-Hispanic Male 45 to 49 years Age by Sex: White Non-Hispanic Male 50 to 54 years Age by Sex: White Non-Hispanic Male 55 to 59 years Age by Sex: White Non-Hispanic Male 60 and 61 years Age by Sex: White Non-Hispanic Male 62 to 64 years Age by Sex: White Non-Hispanic Male 65 and 66 years Age by Sex: White Non-Hispanic Male 67 to 69 years Age by Sex: White Non-Hispanic Male 70 to 74 years Age by Sex: White Non-Hispanic Male 75 to 79 years Age by Sex: White Non-Hispanic Male 80 to 84 years Age by Sex: White Non-Hispanic Male 85 years and over White Non-Hispanic Female AXF10LT5 AXF100509 AXF101014 AXF101517 AXF101819 AXF1020 AXF1021 AXF102224 AXF102529 AXF103034 AXF103539 AXF104044 AXF104549 AXF105054 AXF105559 AXF106061 AXF106264 AXF106566 Age by Sex: White Non-Hispanic Female Under 5 years Age by Sex: White Non-Hispanic Female 5 to 9 years Age by Sex: White Non-Hispanic Female 10 to 14 years Age by Sex: White Non-Hispanic Female 15 to 17 years Age by Sex: White Non-Hispanic Female 18 and 19 years Age by Sex: White Non-Hispanic Female 20 years Age by Sex: White Non-Hispanic Female 21 years Age by Sex: White Non-Hispanic Female 22 to 24 years Age by Sex: White Non-Hispanic Female 25 to 29 years Age by Sex: White Non-Hispanic Female 30 to 34 years Age by Sex: White Non-Hispanic Female 35 to 39 years Age by Sex: White Non-Hispanic Female 40 to 44 years Age by Sex: White Non-Hispanic Female 45 to 49 years Age by Sex: White Non-Hispanic Female 50 to 54 years Age by Sex: White Non-Hispanic Female 55 to 59 years Age by Sex: White Non-Hispanic Female 60 and 61 years Age by Sex: White Non-Hispanic Female 62 to 64 years Age by Sex: White Non-Hispanic Female 65 and 66 years Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A AXF106769 AXF107074 AXF107579 AXF108084 AXF10GT85 Age by Sex: White Non-Hispanic Female 67 to 69 years Age by Sex: White Non-Hispanic Female 70 to 74 years Age by Sex: White Non-Hispanic Female 75 to 79 years Age by Sex: White Non-Hispanic Female 80 to 84 years Age by Sex: White Non-Hispanic Female 85 years and over Population by Detailed Age AGX10LT01 AGX1001 AGX1002 AGX1003 AGX1004 AGX1005 AGX1006 AGX1007 AGX1008 AGX1009 AGX1010 AGX1011 AGX1012 AGX1013 AGX1014 AGX1015 AGX1016 AGX1017 AGX1018 AGX1019 AGX1020 AGX1021 AGX102224 AGX102529 AGX103034 AGX103539 AGX104044 AGX104549 AGX105054 AGX105559 AGX106061 AGX106264 AGX106566 AGX106769 AGX107074 AGX107579 AGX108084 AGX10GT85 Male AGE10MLT01 AGE10M01 AGE10M02 AGE10M03 AGE10M04 AGE10M05 AGE10M06 AGE10M07 AGE10M08 AGE10M09 AGE10M10 AGE10M11 AGE10M12 AGE10M13 AGE10M14 AGE10M15 AGE10M16 AGE10M17 AGE10M18 AGE10M19 AGE10M20 AGE10M21 AGE10M2224 AGE10M2529 AGE10M3034 AGE10M3539 AGE10M4044 AGE10M4549 AGE10M5054 AGE10M5559 AGE10M6061 Population Age < 1 Population Age 1 Population Age 2 Population Age 3 Population Age 4 Population Age 5 Population Age 6 Population Age 7 Population Age 8 Population Age 9 Population Age 10 Population Age 11 Population Age 12 Population Age 13 Population Age 14 Population Age 15 Population Age 16 Population Age 17 Population Age 18 Population Age 19 Population Age 20 Population Age 21 Population Age 22-24 Population Age 25-29 Population Age 30-34 Population Age 35-39 Population Age 40-44 Population Age 45-49 Population Age 50-54 Population Age 55-59 Population Age 60-61 Population Age 62-64 Population Age 65-66 Population Age 67-69 Population Age 70-74 Population Age 75-79 Population Age 80-84 Population Age 85+ Males Age < 1 Males Age 1 Males Age 2 Males Age 3 Males Age 4 Males Age 5 Males Age 6 Males Age 7 Males Age 8 Males Age 9 Males Age 10 Males Age 11 Males Age 12 Males Age 13 Males Age 14 Males Age 15 Males Age 16 Males Age 17 Males Age 18 Males Age 19 Male Age 20 Male Age 21 Male Age 22-24 Male Age 25-29 Male Age 30-34 Male Age 35-39 Male Age 40-44 Male Age 45-49 Male Age 50-54 Male Age 55-59 Male Age 60-61 Page 40 AGE10M6264 AGE10M6566 AGE10M6769 AGE10M7074 AGE10M7579 AGE10M8084 AGE10MGT85 Female AGE10FLT01 AGE10F01 AGE10F02 AGE10F03 AGE10F04 AGE10F05 AGE10F06 AGE10F07 AGE10F08 AGE10F09 AGE10F10 AGE10F11 AGE10F12 AGE10F13 AGE10F14 AGE10F15 AGE10F16 AGE10F17 AGE10F18 AGE10F19 AGE10F20 AGE10F21 AGE10F2224 AGE10F2529 AGE10F3034 AGE10F3539 AGE10F4044 AGE10F4549 AGE10F5054 AGE10F5559 AGE10F6061 AGE10F6264 AGE10F6566 AGE10F6769 AGE10F7074 AGE10F7579 AGE10F8084 AGE10FGT85 Male Age 62-64 Male Age 65-66 Male Age 67-69 Male Age 70-74 Male Age 75-79 Male Age 80-84 Male Age 85+ Females Age < 1 Females Age 1 Females Age 2 Females Age 3 Females Age 4 Females Age 5 Females Age 6 Females Age 7 Females Age 8 Females Age 9 Females Age 10 Females Age 11 Females Age 12 Females Age 13 Females Age 14 Females Age 15 Females Age 16 Females Age 17 Females Age 18 Females Age 19 Female Age 20 Female Age 21 Female Age 22-24 Female Age 25-29 Female Age 30-34 Female Age 35-39 Female Age 40-44 Female Age 45-49 Female Age 50-54 Female Age 55-59 Female Age 60-61 Female Age 62-64 Female Age 65-66 Female Age 67-69 Female Age 70-74 Female Age 75-79 Female Age 80-84 Female Age 85+ Population by Group Quarters POP10GRP Population in Group Quarters Population by Group Quarters by Type GRP10INST GRP10CORR GRP10JUVE GRP10NURS GRP10OTHI GRP10NINS GRP10COLL GRP10MIL GRP10OTHN Group Quarters Pop: Institutionalized Population in Correctional Institutions Population in Juvenile Institutions Population in Nursing Homes Population in Other Institutions Group Quarters Pop: Non Institutional Population in College Dormitories Population in Military Quarters Population Other Non-Institutional Group Quarters Households HHD10 Households Households by Race HHR10WHITE HHR10BLACK HHR10AMIND HHR10ASIAN HHR10HAWAI HHR10OTHER HHR10MULT White Householder Black Householder American Indian/Alaskan Householder Asian Householder Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander Householder Other Race Householder Multiple Race Householder Households by Hispanic Origin HHR10NHISP HHR10HISP Non-Hispanic Householder Hispanic Householder Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A Households by Race and Hispanic Origin HHR10NHWHT HHR10NHBLK HHR10NHAMI HHR10NHASI HHR10NHHAW HHR10NHOTH HHR10NHMUL HHR10HWHT HHR10HBLK HHR10HAMI HHR10HASI HHR10HHAW HHR10HOTH HHR10HMUL Non-Hispanic White Householder Non-Hispanic Black Householder Non-Hispanic American Indian/Alaskan Householder Non-Hispanic Asian Householder Non-Hispanic Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander Householder Non-Hispanic Other Race Householder Non-Hispanic Multiple Race Householder Hispanic White Householder Hispanic Black Householder Hispanic American Indian/Alaskan Householder Hispanic Asian Householder Hispanic Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander Householder Hispanic Other Race Householder Hispanic Multiple Race Householder Page 41 FAM10A6064 FAM10A6574 FAM10A7584 FAM10AGT85 Family Households, Age 60-64 Family Households Age 65-74 Family Households Age 75-84 Family Households Age 85+ Non-Family Households by Age NFM10A1524 NFM10A2534 NFM10A3544 NFM10A4554 NFM10A5559 NFM10A6064 NFM10A6574 NFM10A7584 NFM10AGT85 Non-Family Households, Age 15-24 Non-Family Households, Age 25-34 Non-Family Households, Age 35-44 Non-Family Households, Age 45-54 Non-Family Households, Age 55-59 Non-Family Households, Age 60-64 Non-Family Households Age 65-74 Non-Family Households Age 75-84 Non-Family Households Age 85+ Households with Non-Relatives Households by Size HHD10S1 HHD10S2 HHD10S3 HHD10S4 HHD10S5 HHD10S6 HHD10S7 HHD10AVESZ Households: 1 Person Households: 2 Persons Households: 3 Persons Households: 4 Persons Households: 5 Persons Households: 6 Persons Households: 7+ Persons Average Household Size Family Households by Size FAM10S2 FAM10S3 FAM10S4 FAM10S5 FAM10S6 FAM10S7 Family Households: 2 Persons Family Households: 3 Persons Family Households: 4 Persons Family Households: 5 Persons Family Households: 6 Persons Family Households: 7+ Persons Non-Family Households by Size NFM10S1 NFM10S2 NFM10S3 NFM10S4 NFM10S5 NFM10S6 NFM10S7 Non-Family Households: 1 Person Non-Family Households: 2 Persons Non-Family Households: 3 Persons Non-Family Households: 4 Persons Non-Family Households: 5 Persons Non-Family Households: 6 Persons Non-Family Households: 7+ Persons HHD10NREL HHD10REL Households with one or more nonrelatives Households with no nonrelatives Population by Household Structure POP10FAM POP10HF POP10HFM POP10HFF POP10HFSP POP10HFBC POP10HFAC POP10HFSC POP10HFGC POP10HFSIB POP10HFPAR POP10HFPLW POP10HFCLW POP10HFOTH POP10HFNRL POP10NF POP10NFM POP10NFLM POP10NFM2 POP10NFF POP10NFLF POP10NFF2 POP10NFNRL Population In Family Hhlds Householders in Family Hhlds Male Householders in Family Hhlds Female Householders in Family Hhlds Spouse in Family Hhlds Biological Child in Family Hhlds Adopted Children in Family Hhlds Step Children in Family Hhlds Grandchildren in Family Hhlds Brother or Sister in Family Hhlds Parent in Family Hhlds Parent-In-Law in Family Hhlds Son/Daughter-In-Law in Family Hhlds Other Relatives in Family Hhlds Non-Relatives in Family Hhlds Population In Non-Family Hhlds Male Householders in Non-Family Hhlds Male Householders Living Alone Male Householders Not Living Alone in Non-Family Hhlds Female Householders in Non-Family Hhlds Female Householders Living Alone Female Householders Not Living Alone in Non-Family Hhlds Non Relatives in Non Family Hhlds Households by Type HHD10NFM HHD10P1 HHD10P1M HHD10P1F HHD10P2 HHD10FAM HHD10MCF HHD10MCFC HHD10LMAL HHD10LMCH HHD10LMNC HHD10LFEM HHD10LFCH HHD10LMH HHD10LFH Non-Family Households 1 Person Households 1 Person Male Householder 1 Person Female Householder 2 or more person households Family Households Married Couple Family Married Couple Family with Children under 18 Male Hhldr, no wife present Male Hhldr, no wife present w own children < 18 Male Hhldr, no wife present w no own children < 18 Female Hhldr, no husband present Female Hhldr, no husband present w own children < 18 Male Householder Female Householder Households by Age HAG10A1524 HAG10A2534 HAG10A3544 HAG10A4554 HAG10A5559 HAG10A6064 HAG10A6574 HAG10A7584 HAG10AGT85 Households Age 15-24 Households Age 25-34 Households Age 35-44 Households Age 45-54 Households Age 55-59 Households Age 60-64 Households Age 65-74 Households Age 75-84 Households Age 85+ Family Households by Age FAM10A1524 FAM10A2534 FAM10A3544 FAM10A4554 FAM10A5559 Family Households, Age 15-24 Family Households, Age 25-34 Family Households, Age 35-44 Family Households, Age 45-54 Family Households, Age 55-59 Dwellings HOU10TOTAL Housing Units Dwellings by Status DWL10OCCUP Occupied Housing Units DWL10VACNT Vacant Housing Units DWL10OWNMG Owned With A Mortgage DWL10OWNFC Owned Free and Clear DWL10RENT Renter Occupied Housing Units DWL10OWN Owner Occupied Housing Units Vacant Housing Units VAC10RENT VAC10RNTD VAC10SALE VAC10SOLD VAC10SEAS VAC10MIGR VAC10OTHR Vacant Housing Units: For Rent Vacant Housing Units: Rented Not Occupied Vacant Housing Units: For Sale Only Vacant Housing Units: Sold Not Occupied Vacant Housing Units: For Seasonal, Recreational, or Occasional Vacant Housing Units: For Migrant Workers Vacant Housing Units: Other Vacant American Community Survey 2006-2010 Population Marital Status MAR10NEVR MAR10MARR MAR10SEP MAR10AOTH MAR10WID Population Age 15+: Never Married Population Age 15+: Married; Spouse Present Population Age 15+: Married; Spouse Absent; Separated Population Age 15+: Married; Spouse Absent; Other Population Age 15+: Widowed Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A MAR10DIV Population Age 15+: Divorced Marital Status by Sex MAR10MNEVR MAR10MMARR MAR10MSEP MAR10MAOTH MAR10MWID MAR10MDIV MAR10FNEVR MAR10FMARR MAR10FSEP MAR10FAOTH MAR10FWID MAR10FDIV Males Age 15+: Never Married Males Age 15+: Married, spouse present Males Age 15+: Married, spouse absent: Separated Males Age 15+: Married, spouse absent: Other Males Age 15+: Widowed Males Age 15+: Divorced Females Age 15+: Never Married Females Age 15+: Married, spouse present Females Age 15+: Married, spouse absent: Separated Females Age 15+: Married, spouse absent: Other Females Age 15+: Widowed Females Age 15+: Divorced Educational Attainment EDU10NONE EDU10LT4 EDU100506 EDU100708 EDU1009 EDU1010 EDU1011 EDU10ND EDU10HS EDU10SC1 EDU10SC2 EDU10ASD EDU10BACH EDU10MAST EDU10PROF EDU10DOCT EDU10MEDY Educational Attainment Age 25+ : No schooling completed Educational Attainment Age 25+ : Nursery-4th grade Educational Attainment Age 25+ : 5th-6th grade Educational Attainment Age 25+ : 7th-8th grade Educational Attainment Age 25+ : 9th grade Educational Attainment Age 25+ : 10th grade Educational Attainment Age 25+ : 11th grade Educational Attainment Age 25+ : 12th grade no diploma Educational Attainment Age 25+ : High school graduate, GED, or alternative Educational Attainment Age 25+ : Some college, < 1 year Educational Attainment Age 25+ : Some college, 1+ years, no degree Educational Attainment Age 25+ : Associate's degree Educational Attainment Age 25+ : Bachelor's degree Educational Attainment Age 25+ : Master's degree Educational Attainment Age 25+ : Professional school degree Educational Attainment Age 25+ : Doctorate degree Median Number of School Years (Pop Age 25+) Educational Attainment by Sex EDU10MNONE EDU10MLT4 EDU10M0506 EDU10M0708 EDU10M09 EDU10M10 EDU10M11 EDU10MND EDU10MHS EDU10MSC1 EDU10MSC2 EDU10MASD EDU10MBACH EDU10MMAST EDU10MPROF EDU10MDOCT EDU10FNONE EDU10FLT4 EDU10F0506 EDU10F0708 EDU10F09 EDU10F10 EDU10F11 EDU10FND EDU10FHS EDU10FSC1 EDU10FSC2 EDU10FASD EDU10FBACH EDU10FMAST EDU10FPROF EDU10FDOCT EDU10MMEDY EDU10FMEDY Educational Attainment Age 25+ Male: No schooling completed Educational Attainment Age 25+ Male: Nursery-4th grade Educational Attainment Age 25+ Male: 5th-6th grade Educational Attainment Age 25+ Male: 7th-8th grade Educational Attainment Age 25+ Male: 9th grade Educational Attainment Age 25+ Male: 10th grade Educational Attainment Age 25+ Male: 11th grade Educational Attainment Age 25+ Male: 12th grade no diploma Educational Attainment Age 25+ Male: High school graduate, GED, or alternative Educational Attainment Age 25+ Male: Some college, < 1 year Educational Attainment Age 25+ Male: Some college, 1+ years, no degree Educational Attainment Age 25+ Male: Associate's degree Educational Attainment Age 25+ Male: Bachelor's degree Educational Attainment Age 25+ Male: Master's degree Educational Attainment Age 25+ Male: Professional school degree Educational Attainment Age 25+ Male: Doctorate degree Educational Attainment Age 25+ Female: No schooling completed Educational Attainment Age 25+ Female: Nursery-4th grade Educational Attainment Age 25+ Female: 5th-6th grade Educational Attainment Age 25+ Female: 7th-8th grade Educational Attainment Age 25+ Female: 9th grade Educational Attainment Age 25+ Female: 10th grade Educational Attainment Age 25+ Female: 11th grade Educational Attainment Age 25+ Female: 12th grade no diploma Educational Attainment Age 25+ Female: High school graduate, GED, or alternative Educational Attainment Age 25+ Female: Some college, < 1 year Educational Attainment Age 25+ Female: Some college, 1+ years, no degree Educational Attainment Age 25+ Female: Associate's degree Educational Attainment Age 25+ Female: Bachelor's degree Educational Attainment Age 25+ Female: Master's degree Educational Attainment Age 25+ Female: Professional school degree Educational Attainment Age 25+ Female: Doctorate degree Median Number of School Years (Pop Age 25+): Male Median Number of School Years (Pop Age 25+): Female School Enrollment SCH10MPPS Males in (public) nursery school, preschool Page 42 SCH10MVPS SCH10MPK SCH10MVK SCH10MP1 SCH10MV1 SCH10MP5 SCH10MV5 SCH10MP9 SCH10MV9 SCH10MPCOL SCH10MVCOL SCH10MPGRA SCH10MVGRA SCH10MNISC SCH10FPPS SCH10FVPS SCH10FPK SCH10FVK SCH10FP1 SCH10FV1 SCH10FP5 SCH10FV5 SCH10FP9 SCH10FV9 SCH10FPCOL SCH10FVCOL SCH10FPGRA SCH10FVGRA SCH10FNISC Males in (private) nursery school, preschool Males in (public) kindergarten Males in (private) kindergarten Males in (public) grades 1-4 Males in (private) grades 1-4 Males in (public) grades 5-8 Males in (private) grades 5-8 Males in (public) grades 9-12 Males in (private) grades 9-12 Males in (public) college undergraduate years Males in (private) college undergraduate years Males in (public) grad or professional school Males in (private) grad or professional school Males 3+ not in school Females in (public) nursery school, preschool Females in (private) nursery school, preschool Females in (public) kindergarten Females in (private) kindergarten Females in (public) grades 1-4 Females in (private) grades 1-4 Females in (public) grades 5-8 Females in (private) grades 5-8 Females in (public) grades 9-12 Females in (private) grades 9-12 Females in (public) college (undergraduate) Females in (private) college (undergraduate) years Females in (public) graduate/professnl school Females in (private) graduate/professnl school Females 3+ not in school Veteran Status VS10M1VET VS10M1NVT VS10M2VET VS10M2NVT VS10M3VET VS10M3NVT VS10M4VET VS10M4NVT VS10M5VET VS10M5NVT VS10F1VET VS10F1NVT VS10F2VET VS10F2NVT VS10F3VET VS10F3NVT VS10F4VET VS10F4NVT VS10F5VET VS10F5NVT Veteran Status: Male: 18-34 years: Veteran Veteran Status: Male: 18-34 years: Nonveteran Veteran Status: Male: 35-54 years: Veteran Veteran Status: Male: 35-54 years: Nonveteran Veteran Status: Male: 55-64 years: Veteran Veteran Status: Male: 55-64 years: Nonveteran Veteran Status: Male: 65-74 years: Veteran Veteran Status: Male: 65-74 years: Nonveteran Veteran Status: Male: 75+ years: Veteran Veteran Status: Male: 75+ years: Nonveteran Veteran Status: Female: 18-34 years: Veteran Veteran Status: Female: 18-34 years: Nonveteran Veteran Status: Female: 35-54 years: Veteran Veteran Status: Female: 35-54 years: Nonveteran Veteran Status: Female: 55-64 years: Veteran Veteran Status: Female: 55-64 years: Nonveteran Veteran Status: Female: 65-74 years: Veteran Veteran Status: Female: 65-74 years: Nonveteran Veteran Status: Female: 75+ years: Veteran Veteran Status: Female: 75+ years: Nonveteran Period of Military Service VET10PS1 VET10PS2 VET10PS3 VET10PS4 VET10PS5 VET10PS6 VET10PS7 VET10PS8 VET10PS9 VET10PS10 VET10PS11 VET10PS12 VET10PS13 Period of Service Civ Vets 18+: Gulf War (9/2001 or later), no Gulf War (8/1990 to 8/2001) Period of Service Civ Vets 18+: Gulf War (9/2001 or later) and Gulf War (8/1990 to 8/2001) Period of Service Civ Vets 18+: Gulf War (9/2001 or later), and Gulf War (8/1990 to 8/2001) Period of Service Civ Vets 18+: Gulf War (8/1990 to 8/2001), no Vietnam Era Period of Service Civ Vets 18+: Gulf War (8/1990 to 8/2001) and Vietnam Era Period of Service Civ Vets 18+: Vietnam Era, no Korean War, no World War II Period of Service Civ Vets 18+: Vietnam Era and Korean War, no World War II Period of Service Civ Vets 18+: Vietnam Era and Korean War and World War II Period of Service Civ Vets 18+: Korean War, no Vietnam Era, no World War II Period of Service Civ Vets 18+: Korean War and World War II, no Vietnam Era Period of Service Civ Vets 18+: World War II, no Korean War, no Vietnam Era Period of Service Civ Vets 18+: Between Gulf War and Vietnam Era only Period of Service Civ Vets 18+: Between Vietnam Era and Korean War only Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A VET10PS14 VET10PS15 Period of Service Civ Vets 18+: Between Korean War and World War II only Period of Service Civ Vets 18+: Pre-World War II only Households Household Language/Linguistic Isolation LNI10ENGL LNI10SPNIS LNI10SPNN LNI10IEUIS LNI10IUEN LNI10ASNIS LNI10ASNN LNI10OTHIN LNI10OTHN Household Language: English Household Language: Spanish Linguistically isolated Household Language: Spanish Not Linguistically isolated Household Language: Other Indo-EuropeanLinguistically isolated Household Language: Other Indo-European Not Linguistically isolated Household Language: Asian and Pacific IslandLinguistically isolated Household Language: Asian and Pacific Island Not Linguistically isolated Household Language: OtherLinguistically isolated Household Language: Other Not Linguistically isolated Vehicles Available by Tenure HVA10O0 HVA10O1 HVA10O2 HVA10O3 HVA10O4 HVA10O5 HVA10R0 HVA10R1 HVA10R2 HVA10R3 HVA10R4 HVA10R5 Vehicles Available: Owner occupied housing units: No vehicle Vehicles Available: Owner occupied housing units: 1 vehicle Vehicles Available: Owner occupied housing units: 2 vehicles Vehicles Available: Owner occupied housing units: 3 vehicles Vehicles Available: Owner occupied housing units: 4 vehicles Vehicles Available: Owner occupied housing units: 5+ vehicles Vehicles Available: Renter occupied housing units: No vehicle Vehicles Available: Renter occupied housing units: 1 vehicle Vehicles Available: Renter occupied housing units: 2 vehicles Vehicles Available: Renter occupied housing units: 3 vehicles Vehicles Available: Renter occupied housing units: 4 vehicles Vehicles Available: Renter occupied housing units: 5+ vehicles Page 43 OCC10MFIRE OCC10MCOPS OCC10MFPRP OCC10MCLNG OCC10MPCAR OCC10MSALE OCC10MOFF OCC10MFARM OCC10MCNEX OCC10MINST OCC10MPROD OCC10MTRAN OCC10MMATM OCC10FMGMT OCC10FBUSF OCC10FCOMP OCC10FARCH OCC10FSCI OCC10FCOMM OCC10FLEG OCC10FEDUC OCC10FARTS OCC10FHLT1 OCC10FHLT2 OCC10FHLT3 OCC10FFIRE Employment by Occupation OCC10FCOPS OCC10FFPRP OCC10FCLNG OCC10MGMT OCC10BUSF OCC10COMP OCC10ARCH OCC10SCI OCC10COMM OCC10LEG OCC10EDUC OCC10ARTS OCC10HLT1 OCC10FPCAR OCC10FSALE OCC10FOFF OCC10FFARM OCC10FCNEX OCC10FINST OCC10FPROD OCC10FTRAN OCC10FMATM Labor Force OCC10HLT2 OCC10HLT3 OCC10FIRE OCC10COPS OCC10FPRP OCC10CLNG OCC10PCAR OCC10SALE OCC10OFF OCC10FARM OCC10CNEX OCC10INST OCC10PROD OCC10TRAN OCC10MATM Occupation: Management occupations Occupation: Business and financial operations occupations Occupation: Computer and mathematical occupations Occupation: Architecture and engineering occupations Occupation: Life, physical, and social science occupations Occupation: Community and social service occupations Occupation: Legal occupations Occupation: Education, training, and library occupations Occupation: Arts, design, entertainment, sports, and media occupations Occupation: Health diagnosing and treating practitioners and other technical occupations Occupation: Health technologists and technicians Occupation: Healthcare support occupations Occupation: Fire fighting and prevention, and other protective service workers including supervisors Occupation: Law enforcement workers including supervisors Occupation: Food preparation and serving related occupations Occupation: Building and grounds cleaning and maintenance occupations Occupation: Personal care and service occupations Occupation: Sales and related occupations Occupation: Office and administrative support occupations Occupation: Farming, fishing, and forestry occupations Occupation: Construction and extraction occupations Occupation: Installation, maintenance, and repair occupations Occupation: Production occupations Occupation: Transportation occupations Occupation: Material moving occupations Employment by Occupation by Sex OCC10MMGMT Occ By Sex Male: Management occupations OCC10MBUSF Occ By Sex Male: Business and financial operations occupations OCC10MCOMP Occ By Sex Male: Computer and mathematical occupations OCC10MARCH Occ By Sex Male: Architecture and engineering occupations OCC10MSCI Occ By Sex Male: Life, physical, and social science occupations OCC10MCOMM Occ By Sex Male: Community and social service occupations OCC10MLEG Occ By Sex Male: Legal occupations OCC10MEDUC Occ By Sex Male: Education, training, and library occupations OCC10MARTS Occ By Sex Male: Arts, design, entertainment, sports, and media occupations OCC10MHLT1 Occ By Sex Male: Health diagnosing and treating practitioners and other technical occupations OCC10MHLT2 Occ By Sex Male: Health technologists and technicians OCC10MHLT3 Occ By Sex Male: Healthcare support occupations Occ By Sex Male: Fire fighting and prevention, and other protective service workers including supervisors Occ By Sex Male: Law enforcement workers including supervisors Occ By Sex Male: Food preparation and serving related occupations Occ By Sex Male: Building and grounds cleaning and maintenance occupations Occ By Sex Male: Personal care and service occupations Occ By Sex Male: Sales and related occupations Occ By Sex Male: Office and administrative support occupations Occ By Sex Male: Farming, fishing, and forestry occupations Occ By Sex Male: Construction and extraction occupations Occ By Sex Male: Installation, maintenance, and repair occupations Occ By Sex Male: Production occupations Occ By Sex Male: Transportation occupations Occ By Sex Male: Material moving occupations Occ By Sex Female: Management occupations Occ By Sex Female: Business and financial operations occupations Occ By Sex Female: Computer and mathematical occupations Occ By Sex Female: Architecture and engineering occupations Occ By Sex Female: Life, physical, and social science occupations Occ By Sex Female: Community and social service occupations Occ By Sex Female: Legal occupations Occ By Sex Female: Education, training, and library occupations Occ By Sex Female: Arts, design, entertainment, sports, and media occupations Occ By Sex Female: Health diagnosing and treating practitioners and other technical occupations Occ By Sex Female: Health technologists and technicians Occ By Sex Female: Healthcare support occupations Occ By Sex Female: Fire fighting and prevention, and other protective service workers including supervisors Occ By Sex Female: Law enforcement workers including supervisors Occ By Sex Female: Food preparation and serving related occupations Occ By Sex Female: Building and grounds cleaning and maintenance occupations Occ By Sex Female: Personal care and service occupations Occ By Sex Female: Sales and related occupations Occ By Sex Female: Office and administrative support occupations Occ By Sex Female: Farming, fishing, and forestry occupations Occ By Sex Female: Construction and extraction occupations Occ By Sex Female: Installation, maintenance, and repair occupations Occ By Sex Female: Production occupations Occ By Sex Female: Transportation occupations Occ By Sex Female: Material moving occupations Employment by Industry IND10AGRI IND10MINE IND10CONS IND10MMFG IND10WTRA IND10RTRA IND10TRAN IND10UTIL IND10INFO IND10FIN IND10REAL IND10PSRV IND10MGMT IND10ADS IND10EDUC IND10HLTH IND10ARTS IND10FOOD IND10OTHR IND10PUBA Industry: Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting Industry: Mining, quarrying, and oil and gas extraction Industry: Construction Industry: Manufacturing Industry: Wholesale trade Industry: Retail trade Industry: Transportation and warehousing Industry: Utilities Industry: Information Industry: Finance and insurance Industry: Real estate and rental and leasing Industry: Professional, scientific, and technical services Industry: Management of companies and enterprises Industry: Administrative and support and waste management services Industry: Educational services Industry: Health care and social assistance Industry: Arts, entertainment, and recreation Industry: Accommodation and food services Industry: Other services, except public administration Industry: Public administration Employment by Industry by Sex IND10MAGRI IND10MMINE IND10MCONS IND10MMMFG IND10MWTRA IND10MRTRA IND10MTRAN IND10MUTIL IND10MINFO IND10MFIN Ind By Sex Male: Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting Ind By Sex Male: Mining, quarrying, and oil and gas extraction Ind By Sex Male: Construction Ind By Sex Male: Manufacturing Ind By Sex Male: Wholesale trade Ind By Sex Male: Retail trade Ind By Sex Male: Transportation and warehousing Ind By Sex Male: Utilities Ind By Sex Male: Information Ind By Sex Male: Finance and insurance Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A IND10MREAL IND10MPSRV IND10MMGMT IND10MADS IND10MEDUC IND10MHLTH IND10MARTS IND10MFOOD IND10MOTHR IND10MPUBA IND10FAGRI IND10FMINE IND10FCONS IND10FMMFG IND10FWTRA IND10FRTRA IND10FTRAN IND10FUTIL IND10FINFO IND10FFIN IND10FREAL IND10FPSRV IND10FMGMT IND10FADS IND10FEDUC IND10FHLTH IND10FARTS IND10FFOOD IND10FOTHR IND10FPUBA Ind By Sex Male: Real estate and rental and leasing Ind By Sex Male: Professional, scientific, and technical services Ind By Sex Male: Management of companies and enterprises Ind By Sex Male: Administrative and support and waste management services Ind By Sex Male: Educational services Ind By Sex Male: Health care and social assistance Ind By Sex Male: Arts, entertainment, and recreation Ind By Sex Male: Accommodation and food services Ind By Sex Male: Other services, except public administration Ind By Sex Male: Public administration Ind By Sex Female: Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting Ind By Sex Female: Mining, quarrying, and oil and gas extraction Ind By Sex Female: Construction Ind By Sex Female: Manufacturing Ind By Sex Female: Wholesale trade Ind By Sex Female: Retail trade Ind By Sex Female: Transportation and warehousing Ind By Sex Female: Utilities Ind By Sex Female: Information Ind By Sex Female: Finance and insurance Ind By Sex Female: Real estate and rental and leasing Ind By Sex Female: Professional, scientific, and technical services Ind By Sex Female: Management of companies and enterprises Ind By Sex Female: Administrative and support and waste management services Ind By Sex Female: Educational services Ind By Sex Female: Health care and social assistance Ind By Sex Female: Arts, entertainment, and recreation Ind By Sex Female: Accommodation and food services Ind By Sex Female: Other services, except public administration Ind By Sex Female: Public administration Class of Worker CLW10PRV CLW10SLF CLW10NPF CLW10LGV CLW10SGV CLW10FGV CLW10SLFX CLW10UNP Class of Worker: Class of Worker: Class of Worker: Class of Worker: Class of Worker: Class of Worker: Class of Worker: Class of Worker: Employee of private company wrkrs Self-Empl in own incorporated business wrkrs Private not-for-profit wage and salary wrkrs Local government wrkrs State government wrkrs Federal government wrkrs Self-Empl in own not incorporated business wrkrs Unpaid family wrkrs Class of Worker by Sex CLW10MPRV CLW10MSLF CLW10MNPF CLW10MLGV CLW10MSGV CLW10MFGV CLW10MSLFX CLW10MUNP CLW10FPRV CLW10FSLF CLW10FNPF CLW10FLGV CLW10FSGV CLW10FFGV CLW10FSLFX CLW10FUNP Empl Males, Employee of private company wrkrs Empl Males, Self-Empl in own incorporated business wrkrs Empl Males, Private not-for-profit wage and salary wrkrs Empl Males, Local government wrkrs Empl Males, State government wrkrs Empl Males, Federal government wrkrs Empl Males, Self-Empl in own not incorporated business wrkrs Empl Males, Unpaid family wrkrs Empl Females, Employee of private company wrkrs Empl Females, Self-Empl in own incorporated business wrkrs Empl Females, Private not-for-profit wage and salary wrkrs Empl Females, Local government wrkrs Empl Females, State government wrkrs Empl Females, Federal government wrkrs Empl Females, Self-Empl in own not incorporated business wrkrs Empl Females, Unpaid family wrkrs Travel Time to Work TVW10LT5 TVW100509 TVW101014 TVW101519 TVW102024 TVW102529 TVW103034 TVW103539 TVW104044 TVW104559 TVW106089 TVW10GT90 TVW10MED Travel Time to Work: Less than 5 minutes Travel Time to Work: 5 to 9 minutes Travel Time to Work: 10 to 14 minutes Travel Time to Work: 15 to 19 minutes Travel Time to Work: 20 to 24 minutes Travel Time to Work: 25 to 29 minutes Travel Time to Work: 30 to 34 minutes Travel Time to Work: 35 to 39 minutes Travel Time to Work: 40 to 44 minutes Travel Time to Work: 45 to 59 minutes Travel Time to Work: 60 to 89 minutes Travel Time to Work: 90 or more minutes Median Travel Time to Work Time Leaving for Work TLW10T01 Time Leaving for Work: 12:00 a.m. to 4:59 a.m. Page 44 TLW10T02 TLW10T03 TLW10T04 TLW10T05 TLW10T06 TLW10T07 TLW10T08 TLW10T09 TLW10T10 TLW10T11 TLW10T12 TLW10T13 TLW10T14 Time Leaving for Work: 5:00 a.m. to 5:29 a.m. Time Leaving for Work: 5:30 a.m. to 5:59 a.m. Time Leaving for Work: 6:00 a.m. to 6:29 a.m. Time Leaving for Work: 6:30 a.m. to 6:59 a.m. Time Leaving for Work: 7:00 a.m. to 7:29 a.m. Time Leaving for Work: 7:30 a.m. to 7:59 a.m. Time Leaving for Work: 8:00 a.m. to 8:29 a.m. Time Leaving for Work: 8:30 a.m. to 8:59 a.m. Time Leaving for Work: 9:00 a.m. to 9:59 a.m. Time Leaving for Work: 10:00 a.m. to 10:59 a.m. Time Leaving for Work: 11:00 a.m. to 11:59 a.m. Time Leaving for Work: 12:00 p.m. to 3:59 p.m. Time Leaving for Work: 4:00 p.m. to 11:59 p.m. Means of Transportation to Work TRW10DRV1 Means of Transportation to Work: Drove alone TRW10CPOL2 Means of Transportation to Work: In 2-person carpool TRW10CPOL3 Means of Transportation to Work: In 3-person carpool TRW10CPOL4 Means of Transportation to Work: In 4-person carpool TRW10CPOL56 Means of Transportation to Work: In 5-or-6-person carpool TRW10CPOL7P Means of Transportation to Work: In 7-or-more-person carpool TRW10BUS Means of Transportation to Work: Bus or trolley bus TRW10STCAR Means of Transportation to Work: Streetcar or trolley car TRW10SUB Means of Transportation to Work: Subway or elevated TRW10RAIL Means of Transportation to Work: Railroad TRW10FERRY Means of Transportation to Work: Ferryboat TRW10TAXI Means of Transportation to Work: Taxicab TRW10MOTOR Means of Transportation to Work: Motorcycle TRW10BICYC Means of Transportation to Work: Bicycle TRW10WALK Means of Transportation to Work: Walked TRW10OTHR Means of Transportation to Work: Other means TRW10HOME Means of Transportation to Work: Worked at home Income Aggregate Household Income HIN10AGG FIN10AGG NIN10AGG AGG10WAGE AGG10SELF AGG10INT AGG10SOCSE AGG10SUPSE AGG10PUB AGG10RET AGG10OTH Aggregate household income in the past 12 months Aggregate family income in the past 12 months Aggregate non-family income in the past 12 months Aggregate wage or salary income in the past 12 months Aggregate self-employment income in the past 12 months Aggregate interest, dividends, or net rental income in the past 12 months Aggregate Social Security income in the past 12 months Aggregate Supplemental Security Income (SSI) in the past 12 months Aggregate public assistance income in the past 12 months Aggregate retirement income in the past 12 months Aggregate other types of income in the past 12 months Average and Median Income HIN10MED FIN10MED NIN10MED HIN10AVE FIN10AVE NIN10AVE Median Household Income Median Family Household Income Median Non-Family Household Income Average Household Income Average Family Household Income Average Non-Family Household Income Household Income HIN10LT10 HIN101015 HIN101520 HIN102025 HIN102530 HIN103035 HIN103540 HIN104045 HIN104550 HIN105060 HIN106075 HIN1075100 HIN1010025 HIN1012550 HIN1015020 HIN10GT200 Household Income Less than $10,000 Household Income $10,000 to $14,999 Household Income $15,000 to $19,999 Household Income $20,000 to $24,999 Household Income $25,000 to $29,999 Household Income $30,000 to $34,999 Household Income $35,000 to $39,999 Household Income $40,000 to $44,999 Household Income $45,000 to $49,999 Household Income $50,000 to $59,999 Household Income $60,000 to $74,999 Household Income $75,000 to $99,999 Household Income $100,000 to $124,999 Household Income $125,000 to $149,999 Household Income $150,000 to $199,999 Household Income $200,000 or more Family Household Income FIN10LT10 FIN101015 FIN101520 Family Household Income: Less than $10,000 Family Household Income: $10,000 to $14,999 Family Household Income: $15,000 to $19,999 Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A FIN102025 FIN102530 FIN103035 FIN103540 FIN104045 FIN104550 FIN105060 FIN106075 FIN1075100 FIN1010025 FIN1012550 FIN1015020 FIN10GT200 Family Household Income: $20,000 to $24,999 Family Household Income: $25,000 to $29,999 Family Household Income: $30,000 to $34,999 Family Household Income: $35,000 to $39,999 Family Household Income: $40,000 to $44,999 Family Household Income: $45,000 to $49,999 Family Household Income: $50,000 to $59,999 Family Household Income: $60,000 to $74,999 Family Household Income: $75,000 to $99,999 Family Household Income: $100,000 to $124,999 Family Household Income: $125,000 to $149,999 Family Household Income: $150,000 to $199,999 Family Household Income: $200,000 or more Non-Family Household Income NIN10LT10 NIN101015 NIN101520 NIN102025 NIN102530 NIN103035 NIN103540 NIN104045 NIN104550 NIN105060 NIN106075 NIN1075100 NIN1010025 NIN1012550 NIN1015020 NIN10GT200 Non Family Household Income: Less than $10,000 Non Family Household Income: $10,000 to $14,999 Non Family Household Income: $15,000 to $19,999 Non Family Household Income: $20,000 to $24,999 Non Family Household Income: $25,000 to $29,999 Non Family Household Income: $30,000 to $34,999 Non Family Household Income: $35,000 to $39,999 Non Family Household Income: $40,000 to $44,999 Non Family Household Income: $45,000 to $49,999 Non Family Household Income: $50,000 to $59,999 Non Family Household Income: $60,000 to $74,999 Non Family Household Income: $75,000 to $99,999 Non Family Household Income: $100,000 to $124,999 Non Family Household Income: $125,000 to $149,999 Non Family Household Income: $150,000 to $199,999 Non Family Household Income: $200,000 or more Household Income by Age of Householder HIN10T2401 HIN10T2402 HIN10T2403 HIN10T2404 HIN10T2405 HIN10T2406 HIN10T2407 HIN10T2408 HIN10T2409 HIN10T2410 HIN10T2411 HIN10T2412 HIN10T2413 HIN10T2414 HIN10T2415 HIN10T2416 HIN10T2501 HIN10T2502 HIN10T2503 HIN10T2504 HIN10T2505 HIN10T2506 HIN10T2507 HIN10T2508 HIN10T2509 HIN10T2510 HIN10T2511 HIN10T2512 HIN10T2513 HIN10T2514 HIN10T2515 HIN10T2516 HIN10T4501 HIN10T4502 HIN10T4503 HIN10T4504 HIN10T4505 HIN10T4506 HIN10T4507 HIN10T4508 HIN10T4509 HIN10T4510 HIN10T4511 HIN10T4512 HIN10T4513 Householder Age <25 with Income Less than $10,000 Householder Age <25 with Income $10,000 to $14,999 Householder Age <25 with Income $15,000 to $19,999 Householder Age <25 with Income $20,000 to $24,999 Householder Age <25 with Income $25,000 to $29,999 Householder Age <25 with Income $30,000 to $34,999 Householder Age <25 with Income $35,000 to $39,999 Householder Age <25 with Income $40,000 to $44,999 Householder Age <25 with Income $45,000 to $49,999 Householder Age <25 with Income $50,000 to $59,999 Householder Age <25 with Income $60,000 to $74,999 Householder Age <25 with Income $75,000 to $99,999 Householder Age <25 with Income $100,000 to $124,999 Householder Age <25 with Income $125,000 to $149,999 Householder Age <25 with Income $150,000 to $199,999 Householder Age <25 with Income $200,000 or more Householder Age 25-44 with Income Less than $10,000 Householder Age 25-44 with Income $10,000 to $14,999 Householder Age 25-44 with Income $15,000 to $19,999 Householder Age 25-44 with Income $20,000 to $24,999 Householder Age 25-44 with Income $25,000 to $29,999 Householder Age 25-44 with Income $30,000 to $34,999 Householder Age 25-44 with Income $35,000 to $39,999 Householder Age 25-44 with Income $40,000 to $44,999 Householder Age 25-44 with Income $45,000 to $49,999 Householder Age 25-44 with Income $50,000 to $59,999 Householder Age 25-44 with Income $60,000 to $74,999 Householder Age 25-44 with Income $75,000 to $99,999 Householder Age 25-44 with Income $100,000 to $124,999 Householder Age 25-44 with Income $125,000 to $149,999 Householder Age 25-44 with Income $150,000 to $199,999 Householder Age 25-44 with Income $200,000 or more Householder Age 45-64 with Income Less than $10,000 Householder Age 45-64 with Income $10,000 to $14,999 Householder Age 45-64 with Income $15,000 to $19,999 Householder Age 45-64 with Income $20,000 to $24,999 Householder Age 45-64 with Income $25,000 to $29,999 Householder Age 45-64 with Income $30,000 to $34,999 Householder Age 45-64 with Income $35,000 to $39,999 Householder Age 45-64 with Income $40,000 to $44,999 Householder Age 45-64 with Income $45,000 to $49,999 Householder Age 45-64 with Income $50,000 to $59,999 Householder Age 45-64 with Income $60,000 to $74,999 Householder Age 45-64 with Income $75,000 to $99,999 Householder Age 45-64 with Income $100,000 to $124,999 Page 45 HIN10T4514 HIN10T4515 HIN10T4516 HIN10T6501 HIN10T6502 HIN10T6503 HIN10T6504 HIN10T6505 HIN10T6506 HIN10T6507 HIN10T6508 HIN10T6509 HIN10T6510 HIN10T6511 HIN10T6512 HIN10T6513 HIN10T6514 HIN10T6515 HIN10T6516 HIN10MT24 HIN10MT25 HIN10MT45 HIN10MT65 Householder Age 45-64 with Income $125,000 to $149,999 Householder Age 45-64 with Income $150,000 to $199,999 Householder Age 45-64 with Income $200,000 or more Householder Age 65+ with Income Less than $10,000 Householder Age 65+ with Income $10,000 to $14,999 Householder Age 65+ with Income $15,000 to $19,999 Householder Age 65+ with Income $20,000 to $24,999 Householder Age 65+ with Income $25,000 to $29,999 Householder Age 65+ with Income $30,000 to $34,999 Householder Age 65+ with Income $35,000 to $39,999 Householder Age 65+ with Income $40,000 to $44,999 Householder Age 65+ with Income $45,000 to $49,999 Householder Age 65+ with Income $50,000 to $59,999 Householder Age 65+ with Income $60,000 to $74,999 Householder Age 65+ with Income $75,000 to $99,999 Householder Age 65+ with Income $100,000 to $124,999 Householder Age 65+ with Income $125,000 to $149,999 Householder Age 65+ with Income $150,000 to $199,999 Householder Age 65+ with Income $200,000 or more Median Household Income: Age < 25 Median Household Income: Age 25-44 Median Household Income: Age 45-64 Median Household Income: Age 65+ Dwellings Value of Owner Occupied Housing HOO10V01 HOO10V02 HOO10V03 HOO10V04 HOO10V05 HOO10V06 HOO10V07 HOO10V08 HOO10V09 HOO10V10 HOO10V11 HOO10V12 HOO10V13 HOO10V14 HOO10V15 HOO10V16 HOO10V17 HOO10V18 HOO10V19 HOO10V20 HOO10V21 HOO10V22 HOO10V23 HOO10V24 HOO10MED Cash Rent RNT1001 RNT1002 RNT1003 RNT1004 RNT1005 RNT1006 RNT1007 RNT1008 RNT1009 RNT1010 RNT1011 RNT1012 RNT1013 RNT1014 RNT1015 RNT1016 RNT1017 RNT1018 RNT1019 RNT1020 RNT1021 RNT1022 RNT10MED Value of Owner Occupied Housing Units: Less than $10,000 Value of Owner Occupied Housing Units: $10,000 to $14,999 Value of Owner Occupied Housing Units: $15,000 to $19,999 Value of Owner Occupied Housing Units: $20,000 to $24,999 Value of Owner Occupied Housing Units: $25,000 to $29,999 Value of Owner Occupied Housing Units: $30,000 to $34,999 Value of Owner Occupied Housing Units: $35,000 to $39,999 Value of Owner Occupied Housing Units: $40,000 to $49,999 Value of Owner Occupied Housing Units: $50,000 to $59,999 Value of Owner Occupied Housing Units: $60,000 to $69,999 Value of Owner Occupied Housing Units: $70,000 to $79,999 Value of Owner Occupied Housing Units: $80,000 to $89,999 Value of Owner Occupied Housing Units: $90,000 to $99,999 Value of Owner Occupied Housing Units: $100,000 to $124,999 Value of Owner Occupied Housing Units: $125,000 to $149,999 Value of Owner Occupied Housing Units: $150,000 to $174,999 Value of Owner Occupied Housing Units: $175,000 to $199,999 Value of Owner Occupied Housing Units: $200,000 to $249,999 Value of Owner Occupied Housing Units: $250,000 to $299,999 Value of Owner Occupied Housing Units: $300,000 to $399,999 Value of Owner Occupied Housing Units: $400,000 to $499,999 Value of Owner Occupied Housing Units: $500,000 to $749,999 Value of Owner Occupied Housing Units: $750,000 to $999,999 Value of Owner Occupied Housing Units: $1,000,000 or more Median Value of Owner Occupied Housing Units Cash Rent: Less than $100 Cash Rent: $100 to $149 Cash Rent: $150 to $199 Cash Rent: $200 to $249 Cash Rent: $250 to $299 Cash Rent: $300 to $349 Cash Rent: $350 to $399 Cash Rent: $400 to $449 Cash Rent: $450 to $499 Cash Rent: $500 to $549 Cash Rent: $550 to $599 Cash Rent: $600 to $649 Cash Rent: $650 to $699 Cash Rent: $700 to $749 Cash Rent: $750 to $799 Cash Rent: $800 to $899 Cash Rent: $900 to $999 Cash Rent: $1,000 to $1,249 Cash Rent: $1,250 to $1,499 Cash Rent: $1,500 to $1,999 Cash Rent: $2,000 or more Cash Rent: No cash rent Median Cash Rent Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A Units in Structure HUS10O1DET HUS10O1ATT HUS10O2 HUS10O0304 HUS10O0509 HUS10O1019 HUS10O2049 HUS10OGT50 HUS10OMOB HUS10OBOAT HUS10R1DET HUS10R1ATT HUS10R2 HUS10R0304 HUS10R0509 HUS10R1019 HUS10R2049 HUS10RGT50 HUS10RMOB HUS10RBOAT Units in Structure: Owner occupied: 1, detached Units in Structure: Owner occupied: 1, attached Units in Structure: Owner occupied: 2 Units in Structure: Owner occupied: 3 or 4 Units in Structure: Owner occupied: 5 to 9 Units in Structure: Owner occupied: 10 to 19 Units in Structure: Owner occupied: 20 to 49 Units in Structure: Owner occupied: 50 or more Units in Structure: Owner occupied: Mobile home Units in Structure: Owner occupied: Boat, RV, van, etc. Units in Structure: Renter occupied: 1, detached Units in Structure: Renter occupied: 1, attached Units in Structure: Renter occupied: 2 Units in Structure: Renter occupied: 3 or 4 Units in Structure: Renter occupied: 5 to 9 Units in Structure: Renter occupied: 10 to 19 Units in Structure: Renter occupied: 20 to 49 Units in Structure: Renter occupied: 50 or more Units in Structure: Renter occupied: Mobile home Units in Structure: Renter occupied: Boat, RV, van, etc. Year Structure Built YBT1005UP YBT100004 YBT109099 YBT108089 YBT107079 YBT106069 YBT105059 YBT104049 YBT1039PR Year Structure Built: Year Structure Built: Year Structure Built: Year Structure Built: Year Structure Built: Year Structure Built: Year Structure Built: Year Structure Built: Year Structure Built: Built 2005 or later Built 2000 to 2004 Built 1990 to 1999 Built 1980 to 1989 Built 1970 to 1979 Built 1960 to 1969 Built 1950 to 1959 Built 1940 to 1949 Built 1939 or earlier Year Structure Built by Tenure YBT10O05UP YBT10O0004 YBT10O9099 YBT10O8089 YBT10O7079 YBT10O6069 YBT10O5059 YBT10O4049 YBT10O39PR YBT10R05UP YBT10R0004 YBT10R9099 YBT10R8089 YBT10R7079 YBT10R6069 YBT10R5059 YBT10R4049 YBT10R39PR Year Structure Built: Owner occupied: Built 2005 or later Year Structure Built: Owner occupied: Built 2000 to 2004 Year Structure Built: Owner occupied: Built 1990 to 1999 Year Structure Built: Owner occupied: Built 1980 to 1989 Year Structure Built: Owner occupied: Built 1970 to 1979 Year Structure Built: Owner occupied: Built 1960 to 1969 Year Structure Built: Owner occupied: Built 1950 to 1959 Year Structure Built: Owner occupied: Built 1940 to 1949 Year Structure Built: Owner occupied: Built 1939 or earlier Year Structure Built: Renter occupied: Built 2005 or later Year Structure Built: Renter occupied: Built 2000 to 2004 Year Structure Built: Renter occupied: Built 1990 to 1999 Year Structure Built: Renter occupied: Built 1980 to 1989 Year Structure Built: Renter occupied: Built 1970 to 1979 Year Structure Built: Renter occupied: Built 1960 to 1969 Year Structure Built: Renter occupied: Built 1950 to 1959 Year Structure Built: Renter occupied: Built 1940 to 1949 Year Structure Built: Renter occupied: Built 1939 or earlier 2012A Estimates Dwellings DWLCY Housing units DWLCYOCCUP Housing units occupied DWLCYVACNT Housing units vacant DWLCYOWNED Occupied units owner DWLCYRENT Occupied units renter Population POPCY Population Population by Household Type POPCYFAM POPCYNFM POPCYGRP Population Family Population Non-Family Population Group Quarters Population by Age AGECY0004 AGECY0509 AGECY1014 Population age 0-4 Population age 5-9 Population age 10-14 Page 46 AGECY1519 AGECY2024 AGECY2529 AGECY3034 AGECY3539 AGECY4044 AGECY4549 AGECY5054 AGECY5559 AGECY6064 AGECY6569 AGECY7074 AGECY7579 AGECY8084 AGECYGT85 AGECYMED Population age 15-19 Population age 20-24 Population age 25-29 Population age 30-34 Population age 35-39 Population age 40-44 Population age 45-49 Population age 50-54 Population age 55-59 Population age 60-64 Population age 65-69 Population age 70-74 Population age 75-79 Population age 80-84 Population age 85+ Median Age Male Population by Age AGECYM0004 AGECYM0509 AGECYM1014 AGECYM1519 AGECYM2024 AGECYM2529 AGECYM3034 AGECYM3539 AGECYM4044 AGECYM4549 AGECYM5054 AGECYM5559 AGECYM6064 AGECYM6569 AGECYM7074 AGECYM7579 AGECYM8084 AGECYMGT85 AGECYMEDM Population Males Age <5 Population Males Age 5-9 Population Males Age 10-14 Population Males Age 15-19 Population Males Age 20-24 Population Males Age 25-29 Population Males Age 30-34 Population Males Age 35-39 Population Males Age 40-44 Population Males Age 45-49 Population Males Age 50-54 Population Males Age 55-59 Population Males Age 60-64 Population Males Age 65-69 Population Males Age 70-74 Population Males Age 75-79 Population Males Age 80-84 Population Males Age 85+ Median Age Males Female Population by Age AGECYF0004 AGECYF0509 AGECYF1014 AGECYF1519 AGECYF2024 AGECYF2529 AGECYF3034 AGECYF3539 AGECYF4044 AGECYF4549 AGECYF5054 AGECYF5559 AGECYF6064 AGECYF6569 AGECYF7074 AGECYF7579 AGECYF8084 AGECYFGT85 AGECYMEDF Population Females Age <5 Population Females Age 5-9 Population Females Age 10-14 Population Females Age 15-19 Population Females Age 20-24 Population Females Age 25-29 Population Females Age 30-34 Population Females Age 35-39 Population Females Age 40-44 Population Females Age 45-49 Population Females Age 50-54 Population Females Age 55-59 Population Females Age 60-64 Population Females Age 65-69 Population Females Age 70-74 Population Females Age 75-79 Population Females Age 80-84 Population Females Age 85+ Median Age Females Detailed Population by Age AGDCYLT1 AGDCY1 AGDCY2 AGDCY3 AGDCY4 AGDCY5 AGDCY6 AGDCY7 AGDCY8 AGDCY9 AGDCY10 AGDCY11 AGDCY12 AGDCY13 AGDCY14 AGDCY15 AGDCY16 AGDCY17 Population Age < 1 Year Population Age 1 Population Age 2 Population Age 3 Population Age 4 Population Age 5 Population Age 6 Population Age 7 Population Age 8 Population Age 9 Population Age 10 Population Age 11 Population Age 12 Population Age 13 Population Age 14 Population Age 15 Population Age 16 Population Age 17 Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A AGDCY18 AGDCY19 AGDCY2024 AGDCY2529 AGDCY3034 AGDCY3539 AGDCY4044 AGDCY4549 AGDCY5054 AGDCY5559 AGDCY6064 AGDCY6569 AGDCY7074 AGDCY7579 AGDCY8084 AGDCYGT85 Population Age 18 Population Age 19 Population Age 20-24 Population Age 25-29 Population Age 30-34 Population Age 35-39 Population Age 40-44 Population Age 45-49 Population Age 50-54 Population Age 55-59 Population Age 60-64 Population Age 65-69 Population Age 70-74 Population Age 75-79 Population Age 80-84 Population Age >85 Detailed Male Population by Age AGDCYMLT1 AGDCYM1 AGDCYM2 AGDCYM3 AGDCYM4 AGDCYM5 AGDCYM6 AGDCYM7 AGDCYM8 AGDCYM9 AGDCYM10 AGDCYM11 AGDCYM12 AGDCYM13 AGDCYM14 AGDCYM15 AGDCYM16 AGDCYM17 AGDCYM18 AGDCYM19 AGDCYM2024 AGDCYM2529 AGDCYM3034 AGDCYM3539 AGDCYM4044 AGDCYM4549 AGDCYM5054 AGDCYM5559 AGDCYM6064 AGDCYM6569 AGDCYM7074 AGDCYM7579 AGDCYM8084 AGDCYMGT85 Male Population Age < 1 Year Male Population Age 1 Male Population Age 2 Male Population Age 3 Male Population Age 4 Male Population Age 5 Male Population Age 6 Male Population Age 7 Male Population Age 8 Male Population Age 9 Male Population Age 10 Male Population Age 11 Male Population Age 12 Male Population Age 13 Male Population Age 14 Male Population Age 15 Male Population Age 16 Male Population Age 17 Male Population Age 18 Male Population Age 19 Male Population Age 20-24 Male Population Age 25-29 Male Population Age 30-34 Male Population Age 35-39 Male Population Age 40-44 Male Population Age 45-49 Male Population Age 50-54 Male Population Age 55-59 Male Population Age 60-64 Male Population Age 65-69 Male Population Age 70-74 Male Population Age 75-79 Male Population Age 80-84 Male Population Age >85 Detailed Female Population by Age AGDCYFLT1 AGDCYF1 AGDCYF2 AGDCYF3 AGDCYF4 AGDCYF5 AGDCYF6 AGDCYF7 AGDCYF8 AGDCYF9 AGDCYF10 AGDCYF11 AGDCYF12 AGDCYF13 AGDCYF14 AGDCYF15 AGDCYF16 AGDCYF17 AGDCYF18 AGDCYF19 AGDCYF2024 AGDCYF2529 AGDCYF3034 AGDCYF3539 Female Population Age < 1 Year Female Population Age 1 Female Population Age 2 Female Population Age 3 Female Population Age 4 Female Population Age 5 Female Population Age 6 Female Population Age 7 Female Population Age 8 Female Population Age 9 Female Population Age 10 Female Population Age 11 Female Population Age 12 Female Population Age 13 Female Population Age 14 Female Population Age 15 Female Population Age 16 Female Population Age 17 Female Population Age 18 Female Population Age 19 Female Population Age 20-24 Female Population Age 25-29 Female Population Age 30-34 Female Population Age 35-39 Page 47 AGDCYF4044 AGDCYF4549 AGDCYF5054 AGDCYF5559 AGDCYF6064 AGDCYF6569 AGDCYF7074 AGDCYF7579 AGDCYF8084 AGDCYFGT85 Female Population Age 40-44 Female Population Age 45-49 Female Population Age 50-54 Female Population Age 55-59 Female Population Age 60-64 Female Population Age 65-69 Female Population Age 70-74 Female Population Age 75-79 Female Population Age 80-84 Female Population Age >85 Population by Sex SEXCYMAL SEXCYFEM Population Male Population Female Population by Race RACCYWHITE RACCYBLACK RACCYAMIND RACCYASIAN RACCYHAWAI RACCYOTHER RACCYMULT Race: White Race: Black Race: American Indian, Eskimo, Aleut Race: Asian Race: Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Race: Other Race: Multiple Race Population by Hispanic Origin HISCYHISP HISCYNONH Population: Hispanic Population: Not Hispanic Population by Race and Hispanic Origin RCHCYWHNHS Non Hispanic White RCHCYBLNHS Non Hispanic Black RCHCYAMNHS Non Hispanic American Indian RCHCYASNHS Non Hispanic Asian RCHCYHANHS Non Hispanic Hawaiian/Pacific Islander RCHCYOTNHS Non Hispanic Other Race RCHCYMUNHS Non Hispanic Multiple Race RCHCYWHHIS Hispanic White RCHCYBLHIS Hispanic Black RCHCYAMHIS Hispanic American Indian RCHCYASHIS Hispanic Asian RCHCYHAHIS Hispanic Hawaiian/Pacific Islander RCHCYOTHIS Hispanic Other Race RCHCYMUHIS Hispanic Multiple Race Marital Status MARCYNEVER MARCYMARR MARCYSEP MARCYDIVOR MARCYWIDOW AGECYGT15 Education AGECYGT25 EDUCYLTGR9 EDUCYSHSCH EDUCYHSCH EDUCYSCOLL EDUCYASSOC EDUCYBACH EDUCYGRAD Never Married Now Married Separated Divorced Widowed Population Age 15+ Population Age 25+ Education: < Gr 9 Education: Gr 9-12 no diploma Education: High School graduate Education: Some College no diploma Education: Assoc Degree Education: Bach Degree Education: Grad Degree or Prof school degree Labor Force Employment Status LBFCYPOP16 LBFCYARM LBFCYEMPL LBFCYUNEM LBFCYNLF UNECYRATE LBFCYLBF Population Age 16+ Population 16+ in Armed Forces Population 16+ civilian employed Population 16+ civilian unemployed Population 16+ not in labor force Unemployment rate Population in Labor Force Employment Status by Sex LBFCYMARM Male 16+ in Armed Forces LBFCYMEMPL Male 16+ civilian employed LBFCYMNLF Male 16+ not in labor force Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A LBFCYMUNEM LBFCYFARM LBFCYFEMPL LBFCYFNLF LBFCYFUNEM Male 16+ civilian unemployed Female 16+ in Armed Forces Female 16+ civilian employed Female 16+ not in labor force Female 16+ civilian unemployed Households HHDCY Households Type of Household HHDCYFAM HHDCYNFM Households: Family Households: Non-Family Household Structure by Presence of Children HHSCYMCFCH HHSCYLPMCH HHSCYLPFCH HHSCYMCFNC HHSCYLPMNC HHSCYLPFNC HHSCYMALHH HHSCYFEMHH HHSCYNFMCH HHSCYNFFCH HHSCYNFMNC HHSCYNFFNC Families married couple with children Families male no wife with children Families female no husband with children Families married couple no children Families male no wife no children Families female no husband no children Nonfamilies 1 person male Nonfamilies 1 person female Nonfamilies 2+ person male head with children Nonfamilies 2+ person female head with children Nonfamilies 2+ person male head no children Nonfamilies 2+ person female head no children Size of Household HHDCYS1 HHDCYS2 HHDCYS3 HHDCYS4 HHDCYS5 HHDCYS6 HHDCYS7 HHDCYAVESZ FAMCYAVESZ 1 Person Household 2 Person Households 3 Person Households 4 Person Households 5 Person Households 6+ Person Households 7+ Person Households Average Household Size Average Family Size Age of Householder HAGCY1524 HAGCY2534 HAGCY3544 HAGCY4554 HAGCY5564 HAGCY6574 HAGCY7584 HAGCYGT85 HHDCYMEDAG Householder Age 15 to 24 Householder Age 25 to 34 Householder Age 35 to 44 Householder Age 45 to 54 Householder Age 55 to 64 Householder Age 65 to 74 Householder Age 75 to 84 Householder Age 85+ Median Age of Householder Race of Householder HHRCYWHITE HHRCYBLACK HHRCYAMIND HHRCYASIAN HHRCYHAWAI HHRCYOTHER HHRCYMULT Householder white Householder black Householder Am In/AK Nat Householder Asian Householder Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Householder other race Householder Multiple race Householders by Hispanic Origin HHRCYHISP Householder Hispanic HHRCYNHISP Householder Non-Hispanic Vehicles Available VPHCYNONE VPHCY1 VPHCYGT1 Household: No Vehicle Available Household: 1 Vehicle Available Household: 2+ Vehicles Available Vehicles Available by Tenure VPHCYO0 VPHCYO1 VPHCYO2 VPHCYO3 VPHCYO4 VPHCYO5 VAVCYOTOT VPHCYR0 Owner household no vehicle available Owner household 1 vehicle available Owner household 2 vehicles available Owner household 3 vehicles available Owner household 4 vehicles available Owner household 5+ vehicles available Aggregate vehicles available owner households Renter household no vehicle available Page 48 VPHCYR1 VPHCYR2 VPHCYR3 VPHCYR4 VPHCYR5 VAVCYRTOT Renter household 1 vehicle available Renter household 2 vehicles available Renter household 3 vehicles available Renter household 4 vehicles available Renter household 5+ vehicles available Aggregate vehicles available renter households Length of Residence LORCYLT1 LORCY0102 LORCY0305 LORCY0610 LORCYGT10 LORCYSTAB LORCYTURN LORCYMED In current residence < 1 year In current residence 1-2 years In current residence 3-5 years In current residence 6-10 years In current residence > 10 years Stability (% In Current Residence 5+ Years) Turnover (% Annual Residential Turnover) Median Years in Residence Income Aggregate Income INCCYAGG INCCYAGGFA INCCYAGGNF INCCYAGGGP INCCYAGGDI Aggregate Income Aggregate Income: Family Aggregate Income: Non-Family Aggregate Income: Group Quarters Aggregate Disposable Income Averages and Medians INCCYPCAP INCCYMEDHH INCCYMEDFA INCCYAVEHH INCCYAVEFA INCCYAVEDD INCCYMEDDH Per capita income Median household income Median family income Average household Income Average family income Average Disposable Income Median Disposable Income Disposable Income DINCYLT10 DINCY1015 DINCY1520 DINCY2025 DINCY2530 DINCY3035 DINCY3540 DINCY4045 DINCY4550 DINCY5060 DINCY6075 DINCY75100 DINCY10025 DINCY12550 DINCY15020 DINCYGT200 Household Disposable Income <10 K Household Disposable Income 10-15K Household Disposable Income 15-20K Household Disposable Income 20-25K Household Disposable Income 25-30K Household Disposable Income 30-35K Household Disposable Income 35-40K Household Disposable Income 40-45K Household Disposable Income 45-50K Household Disposable Income 50-60K Household Disposable Income 60-75K Household Disposable Income 75-100K Household Disposable Income 100-125K Household Disposable Income 125-150K Household Disposable Income 150-200K Household Disposable Income > 200K Disposable Income (Extended) DIXCYLT05 DIXCY0510 DIXCY1015 DIXCY1520 DIXCY2025 DIXCY2530 DIXCY3035 DIXCY3540 DIXCY4045 DIXCY4550 DIXCY5055 DIXCY5560 DIXCY6065 DIXCY6570 DIXCY7075 DIXCY7580 DIXCY8085 DIXCY8590 DIXCY9095 DIXCY95100 DIXCY10025 DIXCY12550 DIXCY15020 DIXCY20050 Household Disposable income <5 K Household Disposable income 5-10K Household Disposable income 10-15K Household Disposable income 15-20K Household Disposable income 20-25K Household Disposable income 25-30K Household Disposable income 30-35K Household Disposable income 35-40K Household Disposable income 40-45K Household Disposable income 45-50K Household Disposable income 50-55K Household Disposable income 55-60K Household Disposable income 60-65K Household Disposable income 65-70K Household Disposable income 70-75K Household Disposable income 75-80K Household Disposable income 80-85K Household Disposable income 85-90K Household Disposable income 90-95K Household Disposable income 95-100K Household Disposable income 100-125K Household Disposable income 125-150K Household Disposable income 150-200K Household Disposable income 200-250K Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A DIXCY25050 DIXCYGT500 Household Disposable income 250-500K Household Disposable income 500K+ Family Income FINCYLT10 FINCY1015 FINCY1520 FINCY2025 FINCY2530 FINCY3035 FINCY3540 FINCY4045 FINCY4550 FINCY5060 FINCY6075 FINCY75100 FINCY10025 FINCY12550 FINCY15020 FINCYGT200 Family Income <10 K Family Income 10-15K Family Income 15-20K Family Income 20-25K Family Income 25-30K Family Income 30-35K Family Income 35-40K Family Income 40-45K Family Income 45-50K Family Income 50-60K Family Income 60-75K Family Income 75-100K Family Income 100-125K Family Income 125-150K Family Income 150-200K Family Income 200K+ Family Income (Extended) FIXCYLT05 FIXCY0510 FIXCY1015 FIXCY1520 FIXCY2025 FIXCY2530 FIXCY3035 FIXCY3540 FIXCY4045 FIXCY4550 FIXCY5055 FIXCY5560 FIXCY6065 FIXCY6570 FIXCY7075 FIXCY7580 FIXCY8085 FIXCY8590 FIXCY9095 FIXCY95100 FIXCY10025 FIXCY12550 FIXCY15020 FIXCY20050 FIXCY25050 FIXCYGT500 Family income <5 K Family income 5-10K Family income 10-15K Family income 15-20K Family income 20-25K Family income 25-30K Family income 30-35K Family income 35-40K Family income 40-45K Family income 45-50K Family income 50-55K Family income 55-60K Family income 60-65K Family income 65-70K Family income 70-75K Family income 75-80K Family income 80-85K Family income 85-90K Family income 90-95K Family income 95-100K Family income 100-125K Family income 125-150K Family income 150-200K Family income 200-250K Family income 250-500K Family income 500K+ Non-Family Income NINCYLT10 NINCY1015 NINCY1520 NINCY2025 NINCY2530 NINCY3035 NINCY3540 NINCY4045 NINCY4550 NINCY5060 NINCY6075 NINCY75100 NINCY10025 NINCY12550 NINCY15020 NINCYGT200 Non-Family Income <10 K Non-Family Income 10-15K Non-Family Income 15-20K Non-Family Income 20-25K Non-Family Income 25-30K Non-Family Income 30-35K Non-Family Income 35-40K Non-Family Income 40-45K Non-Family Income 45-50K Non-Family Income 50-60K Non-Family Income 60-75K Non-Family Income 75-100K Non-Family Income 100-125K Non-Family Income 125-150K Non-Family Income 150-200K Non-Family Income 200K+ Non-Family Income (Extended) NIXCYLT05 NIXCY0510 NIXCY1015 NIXCY1520 NIXCY2025 NIXCY2530 NIXCY3035 NIXCY3540 NIXCY4045 NIXCY4550 Non-Family income <5 K Non-Family income 5-10K Non-Family income 10-15K Non-Family income 15-20K Non-Family income 20-25K Non-Family income 25-30K Non-Family income 30-35K Non-Family income 35-40K Non-Family income 40-45K Non-Family income 45-50K Page 49 NIXCY5055 NIXCY5560 NIXCY6065 NIXCY6570 NIXCY7075 NIXCY7580 NIXCY8085 NIXCY8590 NIXCY9095 NIXCY95100 NIXCY10025 NIXCY12550 NIXCY15020 NIXCY20050 NIXCY25050 NIXCYGT500 Non-Family income 50-55K Non-Family income 55-60K Non-Family income 60-65K Non-Family income 65-70K Non-Family income 70-75K Non-Family income 75-80K Non-Family income 80-85K Non-Family income 85-90K Non-Family income 90-95K Non-Family income 95-100K Non-Family income 100-125K Non-Family income 125-150K Non-Family income 150-200K Non-Family income 200-250K Non-Family income 250-500K Non-Family income 500K+ Household Income HINCYLT10 HINCY1015 HINCY1520 HINCY2025 HINCY2530 HINCY3035 HINCY3540 HINCY4045 HINCY4550 HINCY5060 HINCY6075 HINCY75100 HINCY10025 HINCY12550 HINCY15020 HINCYGT200 Household Income <10 K Household Income 10-15K Household Income 15-20K Household Income 20-25K Household Income 25-30K Household Income 30-35K Household Income 35-40K Household Income 40-45K Household Income 45-50K Household Income 50-60K Household Income 60-75K Household Income 75-100K Household Income 100-125K Household Income 125-150K Household Income 150-200K Household Income 200K+ Household Income (Extended) HIXCYLT05 HIXCY0510 HIXCY1015 HIXCY1520 HIXCY2025 HIXCY2530 HIXCY3035 HIXCY3540 HIXCY4045 HIXCY4550 HIXCY5055 HIXCY5560 HIXCY6065 HIXCY6570 HIXCY7075 HIXCY7580 HIXCY8085 HIXCY8590 HIXCY9095 HIXCY95100 HIXCY10025 HIXCY12550 HIXCY15020 HIXCY20050 HIXCY25050 HIXCYGT500 Household income <5 K Household income 5-10K Household income 10-15K Household income 15-20K Household income 20-25K Household income 25-30K Household income 30-35K Household income 35-40K Household income 40-45K Household income 45-50K Household income 50-55K Household income 55-60K Household income 60-65K Household income 65-70K Household income 70-75K Household income 75-80K Household income 80-85K Household income 85-90K Household income 90-95K Household income 95-100K Household income 100-125K Household income 125-150K Household income 150-200K Household income 200-250K Household income 250-500K Household income 500K+ Household Income by Age Households HINCYAH24 HINCYAH25 HINCYAH45 HINCYAH65 Households Age <25 Households Age 25-44 Households Age 45-64 Households Age 65+ Medians and Averages by Age HINCYAGG1 HINCYAGG2 HINCYAGG3 HINCYAGG4 HINCYMED24 HINCYMED25 Aggregate Income Households Age <25 (2012A) Aggregate Income Households Age 25-44 (2012A) Aggregate Income Households Age 45-64 (2012A) Aggregate Income Households Age 65+ (2012A) Median Income; Hhld Age <25 (2012A) Median Income; Hhld Age 25-44 (2012A) Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A HINCYMED45 HINCYMED65 HINCYAVE24 HINCYAVE25 HINCYAVE45 HINCYAVE65 Median Income; Hhld Age 45-64 (2012A) Median Income; Hhld Age 65+ (2012A) Average Income; Hhld Age <25 (2012A) Average Income;Hhld Age 25-44 (2012A) Average Income; Hhld Age 45-64 (2012A) Average Income; Hhld Age 65+ (2012A) Income by Householder Age <25 HINCYA2401 HINCYA2402 HINCYA2403 HINCYA2404 HINCYA2405 HINCYA2406 HINCYA2407 HINCYA2408 HINCYA2409 HINCYA2410 HINCYA2411 HINCYA2412 HINCYA2413 HINCYA2414 HINCYA2415 Householder Age <25 with Income Less than $10000 (2012A) Householder Age <25 with Income $10000 to $14999 (2012A) Householder Age <25 with Income $15000 to $19999 (2012A) Householder Age <25 with Income $20000 to $24999 (2012A) Householder Age <25 with Income $25000 to $29999 (2012A) Householder Age <25 with Income $30000 to $34999 (2012A) Householder Age <25 with Income $35000 to $39999 (2012A) Householder Age <25 with Income $40000 to $49999 (2012A) Householder Age <25 with Income $50000 to $59999 (2012A) Householder Age <25 with Income $60000 to $74999 (2012A) Householder Age <25 with Income $75000 to $99999 (2012A) Householder Age <25 with Income $100000 to $124999 (2012A) Householder Age <25 with Income $125000 to $149999 (2012A) Householder Age <25 with Income $150000 to $199999 (2012A) Householder Age <25 with Income $200000 or more (2012A) Income by Householder Age 25-44 HINCYA2501 HINCYA2502 HINCYA2503 HINCYA2504 HINCYA2505 HINCYA2506 HINCYA2507 HINCYA2508 HINCYA2509 HINCYA2510 HINCYA2511 HINCYA2512 HINCYA2513 HINCYA2514 HINCYA2515 Householder Age 25-44 with Income Less than $10000 (2012A) Householder Age 25-44 with Income $10000 to $14999 (2012A) Householder Age 25-44 with Income $15000 to $19999 (2012A) Householder Age 25-44 with Income $20000 to $24999 (2012A) Householder Age 25-44 with Income $25000 to $29999 (2012A) Householder Age 25-44 with Income $30000 to $34999 (2012A) Householder Age 25-44 with Income $35000 to $39999 (2012A) Householder Age 25-44 with Income $40000 to $49999 (2012A) Householder Age 25-44 with Income $50000 to $59999 (2012A) Householder Age 25-44 with Income $60000 to $74999 (2012A) Householder Age 25-44 with Income $75000 to $99999 (2012A) Householder Age 25-44 with Income $100000 to $124999 (2012A) Householder Age 25-44 with Income $125000 to $149999 (2012A) Householder Age 25-44 with Income $150000 to $199999 (2012A) Householder Age 25-44 with Income $200000 or more (2012A) Income by Householder Age 45-64 HINCYA4501 HINCYA4502 HINCYA4503 HINCYA4504 HINCYA4505 HINCYA4506 HINCYA4507 HINCYA4508 HINCYA4509 HINCYA4510 HINCYA4511 HINCYA4512 HINCYA4513 HINCYA4514 HINCYA4515 Householder Age 45-64 with Income Less than $10000 (2012A) Householder Age 45-64 with Income $10000 to $14999 (2012A) Householder Age 45-64 with Income $15000 to $19999 (2012A) Householder Age 45-64 with Income $20000 to $24999 (2012A) Householder Age 45-64 with Income $25000 to $29999 (2012A) Householder Age 45-64 with Income $30000 to $34999 (2012A) Householder Age 45-64 with Income $35000 to $39999 (2012A) Householder Age 45-64 with Income $40000 to $49999 (2012A) Householder Age 45-64 with Income $50000 to $59999 (2012A) Householder Age 45-64 with Income $60000 to $74999 (2012A) Householder Age 45-64 with Income $75000 to $99999 (2012A) Householder Age 45-64 with Income $100000 to $124999 (2012A) Householder Age 45-64 with Income $125000 to $149999 (2012A) Householder Age 45-64 with Income $150000 to $199999 (2012A) Householder Age 45-64 with Income $200000 or more (2012A) Income by Householder Age 65+ HINCYA6501 HINCYA6502 HINCYA6503 HINCYA6504 HINCYA6505 HINCYA6506 HINCYA6507 HINCYA6508 HINCYA6509 HINCYA6510 HINCYA6511 HINCYA6512 HINCYA6513 HINCYA6514 HINCYA6515 Householder Age >65 with Income Less than $10000 (2012A) Householder Age >65 with Income $10000 to $14999 (2012A) Householder Age >65 with Income $15000 to $19999 (2012A) Householder Age >65 with Income $20000 to $24999 (2012A) Householder Age >65 with Income $25000 to $29999 (2012A) Householder Age >65 with Income $30000 to $34999 (2012A) Householder Age >65 with Income $35000 to $39999 (2012A) Householder Age >65 with Income $40000 to $49999 (2012A) Householder Age >65 with Income $50000 to $59999 (2012A) Householder Age >65 with Income $60000 to $74999 (2012A) Householder Age >65 with Income $75000 to $99999 (2012A) Householder Age >65 with Income $100000 to $124999 (2012A) Householder Age >65 with Income $125000 to $149999 (2012A) Householder Age >65 with Income $150000 to $199999 (2012A) Householder Age >65 with Income $200000 or more (2012A) Page 50 Household Assets, Debts & Net Worth Assets and Debts Household Owning Assets HAOCYTRAN HAOCYCD HAOCYSAVB HAOCYBOND HAOCYSTCK HAOCYMUTF HAOCYRETR HAOCYLIFE HAOCYOTMG HAOCYOTFI HAOCYANYF HAOCYVEH HAOCYDWL HAOCYSRE HAOCYIRE HAOCYBUS HAOCYOTNF HAOCYANYNF Hhlds Owning Transaction Accounts Hhlds Owning Certificates of Deposit Hhlds Owning Savings Bonds Hhlds Owning Bonds Hhlds Owning Stocks Hhlds Owning Mutual Funds Hhlds Owning Retirement Accounts Hhlds Owning Life Insurance with Cash Value Hhlds Owning Other Managed Assets Hhlds Owning Other Financial Assets Hhlds Owning Any Financial Assets Hhlds Owning Vehicle Assets Hhlds Owning a Primary Residence Hhlds Owning a Secondary Residence Hhlds Owning Investment Real Estate Hhlds Owning Business Assets Hhlds Owning Other Non-Financial Assets Hhlds Owning Any Non-Financial Assets Household by Type of Debt HDBCYMORT HDBCYINSTL HDBCYLNCRE HDBCYCRED HDBCYIRE HDBCYOTHR HDBCYANY HDDBT40 HDPMTDUE60 Hhlds Having a Mortgage Debt Hhlds With Installment Payment Debt Hhlds With Other Lines of Credit Debt Hhlds With Credit Card Debt Hhlds With Investment Real Estate Debt Hhlds With Other Debt Hhlds with Any Debt Hhlds With Debt Service >40% Income Hhlds With Payments Overdue 60+ Days Percent of Household with Assets by Type PHACYTRAN PHACYCD PHACYSAVB PHACYBOND PHACYSTCK PHACYMUTF PHACYRETR PHACYLIFE PHACYOTMG PHACYOTFI PHACYANY PHACYVEH PHACYDWL PHACYSRE PHACYIRE PHACYBUS PHACYOTNF PHACYANYNF % of Hhlds Owning Transaction Accounts % of Hhlds Owning Certificates of Deposit % of Hhlds Owning Savings Bonds % of Hhlds Owning Bonds % of Hhlds Owning Stocks % of Hhlds Owning Mutual Funds % of Hhlds Owning Retirement Accounts % of Hhlds Owning Life Insurance with Cash Value % of Hhlds Owning Other Managed Assets % of Hhlds Owning Other Financial Assets % of Hhlds Owning Any Financial Assets % of Hhlds Owning Vehicle Assets % of Hhlds Owning a Primary Residence % of Hhlds Owning a Secondary Residence % of Hhlds Owning Investment Real Estate % of Hhlds Owning Business Assets % of Hhlds Owning Other Non-Financial Assets % of Hhlds Owning Any Non-Financial Assets Percent of Household with Debt by Type PHACYMORT PHACYINSTL PHACYLNCRE PHACYCREDC PHACYDIRE PHACYDOTHR PHACYDANY % of Hhlds Having A Mortgage Debt % of Hhlds With Installment Payment Debt % of Hhlds With Other Lines of Credit Debt % of Hhlds With Credit Card Debt % of Hhlds With Investment Real Estate Debt % of Hhlds With Other Debt % of Hhlds With Any Debt Aggregate Value of Assets by Type ASTCYTRAN ASTCYCD ASTCYSAVB ASTCYBOND ASTCYSTCK ASTCYMUTF ASTCYRETR ASTCYLIFE ASTCYOTMG ASTCYOTFI ASTCYANY ASTCYVEH ASTCYDWL Aggregate Value of Transaction Accounts Aggregate Value of Certificates of Deposit Aggregate Value of Savings Bonds Aggregate Value of Bonds (Not US Savings) Aggregate Value of Stocks Aggregate Value of Mutual Funds Aggregate Value of Retirement Accounts Aggregate Value of Cash Value Life Ins Aggregate Value of Other Managed Accounts Aggregate Value of Other Financial Assets Aggregate Value of Any Financial Assets Aggregate Value of Vehicles Owned Aggregate Value of Home Equity Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A ASTCYSRE ASTCYIRE ASTCYBUS ASTCYOTNF ASTCYANYNF Aggregate Value of Secondary Home Equity Aggregate Value of Investment Property Equity Aggregate Value of Business Equity Aggregate Value of Other Non-Financial Assets Aggregate Value of Any Non-Financial Assets Aggregate Value of Debt by Type ADBCYMORT ADBCYINSTL ADBCYLNCRE ADBCYCRED ADBCYIRE ADBCYOTHR ADBCYANY Aggregate Mortgage Debt Aggregate Installment Loan Debt Aggregate Lines of Credit Debt Aggregate Credit Card Debt Aggregate Investment Real Estate Debt Aggregate Other Debt Aggregate Total Debts Average Household Value of Assets by Type HMVCYTRAN HMVCYCD HMVCYSAVB HMVCYBOND HMVCYSTCK HMVCYMUTF HMVCYRETR HMVCYLIFE HMVCYOTMG HMVCYOTFI HMVCYANY HMVCYVEH HMVCYDWL HMVCYIRE HMVCYBUS HMVCYOTNF HMVCYANYNF Average Value of Transaction Accounts Average Value of Certificates of Deposit Average Value of Savings Bonds Average Value of Bonds (Not US Savings) Average Value of Stocks Average Value of Mutual Funds Average Value of Retirement Accounts Average Value of Cash Value Life Ins Average Value of Other Managed Accounts Average Value of Other Financial Assets Average Value of Any Financial Assets Average Value of Vehicles Owned Average Value of Home Equity Average Value of Investment Property Equity Average Value of Business Equity Average Value of Other Non-Financial Assets Average Value of Any Non-Financial Assets Average Debts by Type HMVCYMORT HMVCYINSTL HMVCYLNCRE HMVCYCREDC HMVCYDIRE Net Worth WRHCYASS WRHCYDBT WRHCYAGG WRHCYAVEHH Average Mortgage Debt Average Installment Loan Debt Average Lines of Credit Debt Average Credit Card Debt Average Investment Real Estate Debt Aggregate Assets Aggregate Debts Aggregate Net Worth Average Household Net Worth 2017A Projections Dwellings DWLPY Housing units DWLPYOCCUP Housing units occupied DWLPYVACNT Housing units vacant DWLPYOWNED Occupied units owner DWLPYRENT Occupied units renter Population POPPY Population Population by Household Type POPPYFAM POPPYNFM POPPYGRP Population Family Population Non-Family Population Group Quarters Population by Age AGEPY0004 AGEPY0509 AGEPY1014 AGEPY1519 AGEPY2024 AGEPY2529 AGEPY3034 AGEPY3539 AGEPY4044 AGEPY4549 Population age 0-4 Population age 5-9 Population age 10-14 Population age 15-19 Population age 20-24 Population age 25-29 Population age 30-34 Population age 35-39 Population age 40-44 Population age 45-49 Page 51 AGEPY5054 AGEPY5559 AGEPY6064 AGEPY6569 AGEPY7074 AGEPY7579 AGEPY8084 AGEPYGT85 AGEPYMED Population age 50-54 Population age 55-59 Population age 60-64 Population age 65-69 Population age 70-74 Population age 75-79 Population age 80-84 Population age 85+ Median Age Male Population by Age AGEPYM0004 AGEPYM0509 AGEPYM1014 AGEPYM1519 AGEPYM2024 AGEPYM2529 AGEPYM3034 AGEPYM3539 AGEPYM4044 AGEPYM4549 AGEPYM5054 AGEPYM5559 AGEPYM6064 AGEPYM6569 AGEPYM7074 AGEPYM7579 AGEPYM8084 AGEPYMGT85 AGEPYMEDM Population Males Age 0-5 Population Males Age 5-9 Population Males Age 10-14 Population Males Age 15-19 Population Males Age 20-24 Population Males Age 25-29 Population Males Age 30-34 Population Males Age 35-39 Population Males Age 40-44 Population Males Age 45-49 Population Males Age 50-54 Population Males Age 55-59 Population Males Age 60-64 Population Males Age 65-69 Population Males Age 70-74 Population Males Age 75-79 Population Males Age 80-84 Population Males Age 85+ Median Age Males Female Population by Age AGEPYF0004 AGEPYF0509 AGEPYF1014 AGEPYF1519 AGEPYF2024 AGEPYF2529 AGEPYF3034 AGEPYF3539 AGEPYF4044 AGEPYF4549 AGEPYF5054 AGEPYF5559 AGEPYF6064 AGEPYF6569 AGEPYF7074 AGEPYF7579 AGEPYF8084 AGEPYFGT85 AGEPYMEDF Population Females Age 0-5 Population Females Age 5-9 Population Females Age 10-14 Population Females Age 15-19 Population Females Age 20-24 Population Females Age 25-29 Population Females Age 30-34 Population Females Age 35-39 Population Females Age 40-44 Population Females Age 45-49 Population Females Age 50-54 Population Females Age 55-59 Population Females Age 60-64 Population Females Age 65-69 Population Females Age 70-74 Population Females Age 75-79 Population Females Age 80-84 Population Females Age 85+ Median Age Females Detailed Population by Age AGDPYLT1 AGDPY1 AGDPY2 AGDPY3 AGDPY4 AGDPY5 AGDPY6 AGDPY7 AGDPY8 AGDPY9 AGDPY10 AGDPY11 AGDPY12 AGDPY13 AGDPY14 AGDPY15 AGDPY16 AGDPY17 AGDPY18 AGDPY19 AGDPY2024 AGDPY2529 AGDPY3034 AGDPY3539 AGDPY4044 Population Age < 1 Year Population Age 1 Population Age 2 Population Age 3 Population Age 4 Population Age 5 Population Age 6 Population Age 7 Population Age 8 Population Age 9 Population Age 10 Population Age 11 Population Age 12 Population Age 13 Population Age 14 Population Age 15 Population Age 16 Population Age 17 Population Age 18 Population Age 19 Population Age 20-24 Population Age 25-29 Population Age 30-34 Population Age 35-39 Population Age 40-44 Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A AGDPY4549 AGDPY5054 AGDPY5559 AGDPY6064 AGDPY6569 AGDPY7074 AGDPY7579 AGDPY8084 AGDPYGT85 Population Age 45-49 Population Age 50-54 Population Age 55-59 Population Age 60-64 Population Age 65-69 Population Age 70-74 Population Age 75-79 Population Age 80-84 Population Age >85 Detailed Male Population by Age AGDPYMLT1 AGDPYM1 AGDPYM2 AGDPYM3 AGDPYM4 AGDPYM5 AGDPYM6 AGDPYM7 AGDPYM8 AGDPYM9 AGDPYM10 AGDPYM11 AGDPYM12 AGDPYM13 AGDPYM14 AGDPYM15 AGDPYM16 AGDPYM17 AGDPYM18 AGDPYM19 AGDPYM2024 AGDPYM2529 AGDPYM3034 AGDPYM3539 AGDPYM4044 AGDPYM4549 AGDPYM5054 AGDPYM5559 AGDPYM6064 AGDPYM6569 AGDPYM7074 AGDPYM7579 AGDPYM8084 AGDPYMGT85 Male Population Age < 1 Year Male Population Age 1 Male Population Age 2 Male Population Age 3 Male Population Age 4 Male Population Age 5 Male Population Age 6 Male Population Age 7 Male Population Age 8 Male Population Age 9 Male Population Age 10 Male Population Age 11 Male Population Age 12 Male Population Age 13 Male Population Age 14 Male Population Age 15 Male Population Age 16 Male Population Age 17 Male Population Age 18 Male Population Age 19 Male Population Age 20-24 Male Population Age 25-29 Male Population Age 30-34 Male Population Age 35-39 Male Population Age 40-44 Male Population Age 45-49 Male Population Age 50-54 Male Population Age 55-59 Male Population Age 60-64 Male Population Age 65-69 Male Population Age 70-74 Male Population Age 75-79 Male Population Age 80-84 Male Population Age >85 Detailed Female Population by Age AGDPYFLT1 AGDPYF1 AGDPYF2 AGDPYF3 AGDPYF4 AGDPYF5 AGDPYF6 AGDPYF7 AGDPYF8 AGDPYF9 AGDPYF10 AGDPYF11 AGDPYF12 AGDPYF13 AGDPYF14 AGDPYF15 AGDPYF16 AGDPYF17 AGDPYF18 AGDPYF19 AGDPYF2024 AGDPYF2529 AGDPYF3034 AGDPYF3539 AGDPYF4044 AGDPYF4549 AGDPYF5054 AGDPYF5559 AGDPYF6064 AGDPYF6569 AGDPYF7074 Female Population Age < 1 Year Female Population Age 1 Female Population Age 2 Female Population Age 3 Female Population Age 4 Female Population Age 5 Female Population Age 6 Female Population Age 7 Female Population Age 8 Female Population Age 9 Female Population Age 10 Female Population Age 11 Female Population Age 12 Female Population Age 13 Female Population Age 14 Female Population Age 15 Female Population Age 16 Female Population Age 17 Female Population Age 18 Female Population Age 19 Female Population Age 20-24 Female Population Age 25-29 Female Population Age 30-34 Female Population Age 35-39 Female Population Age 40-44 Female Population Age 45-49 Female Population Age 50-54 Female Population Age 55-59 Female Population Age 60-64 Female Population Age 65-69 Female Population Age 70-74 Page 52 AGDPYF7579 Female Population Age 75-79 AGDPYF8084 Female Population Age 80-84 AGDPYFGT85 Female Population Age >85 Population by Sex SEXPYMAL SEXPYFEM Population Male Population Female Population by Race RACPYWHITE RACPYBLACK RACPYAMIND RACPYASIAN RACPYHAWAI RACPYOTHER RACPYMULT Race: White Race: Black Race: American Indian, Eskimo, Aleut Race: Asian Race: Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Race: Other Race: Multiple Race Population by Hispanic Origin HISPYHISP HISPYNONH Population: Hispanic Population: Not Hispanic Population by Race and Hispanic Origin RCHPYWHNHS RCHPYBLNHS RCHPYAMNHS RCHPYASNHS RCHPYHANHS RCHPYOTNHS RCHPYMUNHS RCHPYWHHIS RCHPYBLHIS RCHPYAMHIS RCHPYASHIS RCHPYHAHIS RCHPYOTHIS RCHPYMUHIS Non Hispanic White Non Hispanic Black Non Hispanic American Indian Non Hispanic Asian Non Hispanic Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Non Hispanic Other Race Non Hispanic Multiple Race Hispanic White Hispanic Black Hispanic American Indian Hispanic Asian Hispanic Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Hispanic Other Race Hispanic Multiple Race Marital Status MARPYNEVER MARPYMARR MARPYSEP MARPYDIVOR MARPYWIDOW AGEPYGT15 Education AGEPYGT25 EDUPYLTGR9 EDUPYSHSCH EDUPYHSCH EDUPYSCOLL EDUPYASSOC EDUPYBACH EDUPYGRAD Never Married Now Married Separated Divorced Widowed Population Age 15+ Population Age 25+ Education: < Gr 9 Education: Gr 9-12 no diploma Education: High School graduate Education: Some College no diploma Education: Assoc Degree Education: Bach Degree Education: Grad Degree or Prof school degree Labor Force Employment Status LBFPYPOP16 LBFPYARM LBFPYEMPL LBFPYUNEM LBFPYNLF UNEPYRATE LBFPYLBF Population Age 16+ Population 16+ in Armed Forces Population 16+ civilian employed Population 16+ civilian unemployed Population 16+ not in labor force Unemployment rate Population in Labor Force Employment Status by Sex LBFPYMARM LBFPYMEMPL LBFPYMNLF LBFPYMUNEM LBFPYFARM LBFPYFEMPL LBFPYFNLF LBFPYFUNEM Male 16+ in Armed Forces Male 16+ civilian employed Male 16+ not in labor force Male 16+ civilian unemployed Female 16+ in Armed Forces Female 16+ civilian employed Female 16+ not in labor force Female 16+ civilian unemployed Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A Household HHDPY Income Household Type of Household HHDPYFAM HHDPYNFM Page 53 Household: Family Household: Non-Family Aggregate Income INCPYAGG INCPYAGGFA INCPYAGGNF INCPYAGGGP INCPYAGGDI Aggregate Income Aggregate Income: Family Aggregate Income: Non-Family Aggregate Income: Group Quarters Aggregate Income Household Structure by Presence of Children HHSPYMCFCH HHSPYLPMCH HHSPYLPFCH HHSPYMCFNC HHSPYLPMNC HHSPYLPFNC HHSPYMALHH HHSPYFEMHH HHSPYNFMCH HHSPYNFFCH HHSPYNFMNC HHSPYNFFNC Families married couple with children Families male no wife with children Families female no husband with children Families married couple no children Families male no wife no children Families female no husband no children Nonfamilies 1 person male Nonfamilies 1 person female Nonfamilies 2+ person male head with children Nonfamilies 2+ person female head with children Nonfamilies 2+ person male head no children Nonfamilies 2+ person female head no children Size of Household HHDPYS1 HHDPYS2 HHDPYS3 HHDPYS4 HHDPYS5 HHDPYS6 HHDPYS7 HHDPYAVESZ FAMPYAVESZ 1 Person Household 2 Person Household 3 Person Household 4 Person Household 5 Person Household 6+ Person Household 7+ Person Households Average Household Size Average Family Size Age of Householder HAGPY1524 HAGPY2534 HAGPY3544 HAGPY4554 HAGPY5564 HAGPY6574 HAGPY7584 HAGPYGT85 HHDPYMEDAG Householder Age 15 to 24 Householder Age 25 to 34 Householder Age 35 to 44 Householder Age 45 to 54 Householder Age 55 to 64 Householder Age 65 to 74 Householder Age 75 to 84 Householder Age 85+ Median Age of Householder Race of Householder HHRPYWHITE HHRPYBLACK HHRPYAMIND HHRPYASIAN HHRPYHAWAI HHRPYOTHER HHRPYMULT Householder white Householder black Householder Am In/AK Nat Householder Asian Householder Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Householder other race Householder Multiple race Householders by Hispanic Origin HHRPYHISP Householder Hispanic HHRPYNHISP Householder Non-Hispanic Vehicles Available VPHPYNONE VPHPY1 VPHPYGT1 Household: No Vehicle Available Household: 1 Vehicle Available Household: 2+ Vehicles Available Vehicles Available by Tenure VPHPYO0 VPHPYO1 VPHPYO2 VPHPYO3 VPHPYO4 VPHPYO5 VAVPYOTOT VPHPYR0 VPHPYR1 VPHPYR2 VPHPYR3 VPHPYR4 VPHPYR5 VAVPYRTOT Owner household no vehicle available Owner household 1 vehicle available Owner household 2 vehicles available Owner household 3 vehicles available Owner household 4 vehicles available Owner household 5+ vehicles available Aggregate vehicles available owner households Renter household no vehicle available Renter household 1 vehicle available Renter household 2 vehicles available Renter household 3 vehicles available Renter household 4 vehicles available Renter household 5+ vehicles available Aggregate vehicles available renter households Averages and Medians INCPYPCAP INCPYMEDHH INCPYMEDFA INCPYAVEHH INCPYAVEFA INCPYAVEDD INCPYMEDDH Per capita income Median household income Median family income Average household Income Average family income Average Income Median Income Disposable Income DINPYLT10 DINPY1015 DINPY1520 DINPY2025 DINPY2530 DINPY3035 DINPY3540 DINPY4045 DINPY4550 DINPY5060 DINPY6075 DINPY75100 DINPY10025 DINPY12550 DINPY15020 DINPYGT200 Household Disposable Income <10 K Household Disposable Income 10-15K Household Disposable Income 15-20K Household Disposable Income 20-25K Household Disposable Income 25-30K Household Disposable Income 30-35K Household Disposable Income 35-40K Household Disposable Income 40-45K Household Disposable Income 45-50K Household Disposable Income 50-60K Household Disposable Income 60-75K Household Disposable Income 75-100K Household Disposable Income 100-125K Household Disposable Income 125-150K Household Disposable Income 150-200K Household Disposable Income > 200K Disposable Income (Extended) DIXPYLT05 DIXPY0510 DIXPY1015 DIXPY1520 DIXPY2025 DIXPY2530 DIXPY3035 DIXPY3540 DIXPY4045 DIXPY4550 DIXPY5055 DIXPY5560 DIXPY6065 DIXPY6570 DIXPY7075 DIXPY7580 DIXPY8085 DIXPY8590 DIXPY9095 DIXPY95100 DIXPY10025 DIXPY12550 DIXPY15020 DIXPY20050 DIXPY25050 DIXPYGT500 Household Disposable income <5 K Household Disposable income 5-10K Household Disposable income 10-15K Household Disposable income 15-20K Household Disposable income 20-25K Household Disposable income 25-30K Household Disposable income 30-35K Household Disposable income 35-40K Household Disposable income 40-45K Household Disposable income 45-50K Household Disposable income 50-55K Household Disposable income 55-60K Household Disposable income 60-65K Household Disposable income 65-70K Household Disposable income 70-75K Household Disposable income 75-80K Household Disposable income 80-85K Household Disposable income 85-90K Household Disposable income 90-95K Household Disposable income 95-100K Household Disposable income 100-125K Household Disposable income 125-150K Household Disposable income 150-200K Household Disposable income 200-250K Household Disposable income 250-500K Household Disposable income 500K+ Family Income FINPYLT10 FINPY1015 FINPY1520 FINPY2025 FINPY2530 FINPY3035 FINPY3540 FINPY4045 FINPY4550 FINPY5060 FINPY6075 FINPY75100 FINPY10025 Family Income <10 K Family Income 10-15K Family Income 15-20K Family Income 20-25K Family Income 25-30K Family Income 30-35K Family Income 35-40K Family Income 40-45K Family Income 45-50K Family Income 50-60K Family Income 60-75K Family Income 75-100K Family Income 100-125K Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A FINPY12550 FINPY15020 FINPYGT200 Family Income 125-150K Family Income 150-200K Family Income 200K+ Family Income (Extended) FIXPYLT05 FIXPY0510 FIXPY1015 FIXPY1520 FIXPY2025 FIXPY2530 FIXPY3035 FIXPY3540 FIXPY4045 FIXPY4550 FIXPY5055 FIXPY5560 FIXPY6065 FIXPY6570 FIXPY7075 FIXPY7580 FIXPY8085 FIXPY8590 FIXPY9095 FIXPY95100 FIXPY10025 FIXPY12550 FIXPY15020 FIXPY20050 FIXPY25050 FIXPYGT500 Family income <5 K Family income 5-10K Family income 10-15K Family income 15-20K Family income 20-25K Family income 25-30K Family income 30-35K Family income 35-40K Family income 40-45K Family income 45-50K Family income 50-55K Family income 55-60K Family income 60-65K Family income 65-70K Family income 70-75K Family income 75-80K Family income 80-85K Family income 85-90K Family income 90-95K Family income 95-100K Family income 100-125K Family income 125-150K Family income 150-200K Family income 200-250K Family income 250-500K Family income 500K+ Non-Family Income NINPYLT10 NINPY1015 NINPY1520 NINPY2025 NINPY2530 NINPY3035 NINPY3540 NINPY4045 NINPY4550 NINPY5060 NINPY6075 NINPY75100 NINPY10025 NINPY12550 NINPY15020 NINPYGT200 Non-Family Income <10 K Non-Family Income 10-15K Non-Family Income 15-20K Non-Family Income 20-25K Non-Family Income 25-30K Non-Family Income 30-35K Non-Family Income 35-40K Non-Family Income 40-45K Non-Family Income 45-50K Non-Family Income 50-60K Non-Family Income 60-75K Non-Family Income 75-100K Non-Family Income 100-125K Non-Family Income 125-150K Non-Family Income 150-200K Non-Family Income 200K+ Non-Family Income (Extended) NIXPYLT05 NIXPY0510 NIXPY1015 NIXPY1520 NIXPY2025 NIXPY2530 NIXPY3035 NIXPY3540 NIXPY4045 NIXPY4550 NIXPY5055 NIXPY5560 NIXPY6065 NIXPY6570 NIXPY7075 NIXPY7580 NIXPY8085 NIXPY8590 NIXPY9095 NIXPY95100 NIXPY10025 NIXPY12550 NIXPY15020 NIXPY20050 NIXPY25050 NIXPYGT500 Non-Family income <5 K Non-Family income 5-10K Non-Family income 10-15K Non-Family income 15-20K Non-Family income 20-25K Non-Family income 25-30K Non-Family income 30-35K Non-Family income 35-40K Non-Family income 40-45K Non-Family income 45-50K Non-Family income 50-55K Non-Family income 55-60K Non-Family income 60-65K Non-Family income 65-70K Non-Family income 70-75K Non-Family income 75-80K Non-Family income 80-85K Non-Family income 85-90K Non-Family income 90-95K Non-Family income 95-100K Non-Family income 100-125K Non-Family income 125-150K Non-Family income 150-200K Non-Family income 200-250K Non-Family income 250-500K Non-Family income 500K+ Page 54 Household Income HINPYLT10 HINPY1015 HINPY1520 HINPY2025 HINPY2530 HINPY3035 HINPY3540 HINPY4045 HINPY4550 HINPY5060 HINPY6075 HINPY75100 HINPY10025 HINPY12550 HINPY15020 HINPYGT200 Household Income <10 K Household Income 10-15K Household Income 15-20K Household Income 20-25K Household Income 25-30K Household Income 30-35K Household Income 35-40K Household Income 40-45K Household Income 45-50K Household Income 50-60K Household Income 60-75K Household Income 75-100K Household Income 100-125K Household Income 125-150K Household Income 150-200K Household Income 200K+ Household Income (Extended) HIXPYLT05 HIXPY0510 HIXPY1015 HIXPY1520 HIXPY2025 HIXPY2530 HIXPY3035 HIXPY3540 HIXPY4045 HIXPY4550 HIXPY5055 HIXPY5560 HIXPY6065 HIXPY6570 HIXPY7075 HIXPY7580 HIXPY8085 HIXPY8590 HIXPY9095 HIXPY95100 HIXPY10025 HIXPY12550 HIXPY15020 HIXPY20050 HIXPY25050 HIXPYGT500 Household income <5 K Household income 5-10K Household income 10-15K Household income 15-20K Household income 20-25K Household income 25-30K Household income 30-35K Household income 35-40K Household income 40-45K Household income 45-50K Household income 50-55K Household income 55-60K Household income 60-65K Household income 65-70K Household income 70-75K Household income 75-80K Household income 80-85K Household income 85-90K Household income 90-95K Household income 95-100K Household income 100-125K Household income 125-150K Household income 150-200K Household income 200-250K Household income 250-500K Household income 500K+ Household Income by Age Households HINPYAH24 HINPYAH25 HINPYAH45 HINPYAH65 Households Age <25 Households Age 25-44 Households Age 45-64 Households Age 65+ Medians and Averages by Age HINPYAGG1 HINPYAGG2 HINPYAGG3 HINPYAGG4 HINPYMED24 HINPYMED25 HINPYMED45 HINPYMED65 HINPYAVE24 HINPYAVE25 HINPYAVE45 HINPYAVE65 Aggregate Household Income Age <25 (2017A) Aggregate Household Income Age 25-44 (2017A) Aggregate Household Income Age 45-64 (2017A) Aggregate Household Income Age 65+ (2017A) Median Income; Hhld Age <25 (2017A) Median Income; Hhld Age 25-44 (2017A) Median Income; Hhld Age 45-64 (2017A) Median Income; Hhld Age 65+ (2017A) Average Income; Hhld Age <25 (2017A) Average Income;Hhld Age 25-44 (2017A) Average Income; Hhld Age 45-64 (2017A) Average Income; Hhld Age 65+ (2017A) Income by Householder Age <25 HINPYA2401 HINPYA2402 HINPYA2403 HINPYA2404 HINPYA2405 HINPYA2406 HINPYA2407 HINPYA2408 HINPYA2409 Householder Age <25 with Income Less than $10000 (2017A) Householder Age <25 with Income $10000 to $14999 (2017A) Householder Age <25 with Income $15000 to $19999 (2017A) Householder Age <25 with Income $20000 to $24999 (2017A) Householder Age <25 with Income $25000 to $29999 (2017A) Householder Age <25 with Income $30000 to $34999 (2017A) Householder Age <25 with Income $35000 to $39999 (2017A) Householder Age <25 with Income $40000 to $49999 (2017A) Householder Age <25 with Income $50000 to $59999 (2017A) Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A HINPYA2410 HINPYA2411 HINPYA2412 HINPYA2413 HINPYA2414 HINPYA2415 Householder Age <25 with Income $60000 to $74999 (2017A) Householder Age <25 with Income $75000 to $99999 (2017A) Householder Age <25 with Income $100000 to $124999 (2017A) Householder Age <25 with Income $125000 to $149999 (2017A) Householder Age <25 with Income $150000 to $199999 (2017A) Householder Age <25 with Income $200000 or more (2017A) Page 55 FORCYTOTRS FORCYVAC90 FORCYTHMDA FORCYHHMDA FORCYPCTFO FORCYPCTVC FORCYPCTHC Total Residential Addresses Total Residential Addresses Vacant 90+ Days Total 2004-2006 HMDA Loans Total High Cost 2004-2006 HMDA Loans Foreclosure Percentage Vacant Units 90+ Days Percentage High Cost HMDA Loan Percentage Income by Householder Age 25-44 HINPYA2501 HINPYA2502 HINPYA2503 HINPYA2504 HINPYA2505 HINPYA2506 HINPYA2507 HINPYA2508 HINPYA2509 HINPYA2510 HINPYA2511 HINPYA2512 HINPYA2513 HINPYA2514 HINPYA2515 Householder Age 25-44 with Income Less than $10000 (2017A) Householder Age 25-44 with Income $10000 to $14999 (2017A) Householder Age 25-44 with Income $15000 to $19999 (2017A) Householder Age 25-44 with Income $20000 to $24999 (2017A) Householder Age 25-44 with Income $25000 to $29999 (2017A) Householder Age 25-44 with Income $30000 to $34999 (2017A) Householder Age 25-44 with Income $35000 to $39999 (2017A) Householder Age 25-44 with Income $40000 to $49999 (2017A) Householder Age 25-44 with Income $50000 to $59999 (2017A) Householder Age 25-44 with Income $60000 to $74999 (2017A) Householder Age 25-44 with Income $75000 to $99999 (2017A) Householder Age 25-44 with Income $100000 to $124999 (2017A) Householder Age 25-44 with Income $125000 to $149999 (2017A) Householder Age 25-44 with Income $150000 to $199999 (2017A) Householder Age 25-44 with Income $200000 or more (2017A) Income by Householder Age 45-64 HINPYA4501 HINPYA4502 HINPYA4503 HINPYA4504 HINPYA4505 HINPYA4506 HINPYA4507 HINPYA4508 HINPYA4509 HINPYA4510 HINPYA4511 HINPYA4512 HINPYA4513 HINPYA4514 HINPYA4515 Householder Age 45-64 with Income Less than $10000 (2017A) Householder Age 45-64 with Income $10000 to $14999 (2017A) Householder Age 45-64 with Income $15000 to $19999 (2017A) Householder Age 45-64 with Income $20000 to $24999 (2017A) Householder Age 45-64 with Income $25000 to $29999 (2017A) Householder Age 45-64 with Income $30000 to $34999 (2017A) Householder Age 45-64 with Income $35000 to $39999 (2017A) Householder Age 45-64 with Income $40000 to $49999 (2017A) Householder Age 45-64 with Income $50000 to $59999 (2017A) Householder Age 45-64 with Income $60000 to $74999 (2017A) Householder Age 45-64 with Income $75000 to $99999 (2017A) Householder Age 45-64 with Income $100000 to $124999 (2017A) Householder Age 45-64 with Income $125000 to $149999 (2017A) Householder Age 45-64 with Income $150000 to $199999 (2017A) Householder Age 45-64 with Income $200000 or more (2017A) Income by Householder Age 65+ HINPYA6501 HINPYA6502 HINPYA6503 HINPYA6504 HINPYA6505 HINPYA6506 HINPYA6507 HINPYA6508 HINPYA6509 HINPYA6510 HINPYA6511 HINPYA6512 HINPYA6513 HINPYA6514 HINPYA6515 Householder Age >65 with Income Less than $10000 (2017A) Householder Age >65 with Income $10000 to $14999 (2017A) Householder Age >65 with Income $15000 to $19999 (2017A) Householder Age >65 with Income $20000 to $24999 (2017A) Householder Age >65 with Income $25000 to $29999 (2017A) Householder Age >65 with Income $30000 to $34999 (2017A) Householder Age >65 with Income $35000 to $39999 (2017A) Householder Age >65 with Income $40000 to $49999 (2017A) Householder Age >65 with Income $50000 to $59999 (2017A) Householder Age >65 with Income $60000 to $74999 (2017A) Householder Age >65 with Income $75000 to $99999 (2017A) Householder Age >65 with Income $100000 to $124999 (2017A) Householder Age >65 with Income $125000 to $149999 (2017A) Householder Age >65 with Income $150000 to $199999 (2017A) Householder Age >65 with Income $200000 or more (2017A) Housing Sales and Property Tax Property Type and Number HOUCYNPAR HOUCYNPAO PTPCYSF PTPCYCOND PTPCYMF PTPCYOTHR Total number of parcels Parcels with absentee owner Property type: single family Property type: condominium/townhouse Property type: multifamily 2-4 units Property type: other Property Taxes PVLCYTOTAL PVLCYLAND PVLCYIMPR PVLCYNTOT PVLCYNLND PVLCYNIMP TAXCYTOTAL TAXCYNTOT PVLCYAVET PVLCYAVEL PVLCYAVEI TAXCYAVE Total property value Total land value Total improvement value Parcels with total value Parcels with land values Parcels with improvement values Total property tax amount Parcels with property tax amount Average property value Average land value Average improvement value Average property tax Property and building size PSZCYFRONT PSZCYNFRNT PSZCYACRES PSZCYNACR PSZCYBSIZE PSZCYNSIZE PSZCY1 PSZCY2 PSZCY3 PSZCY4 PSZCY5 PSZCYAFRNT PSZCYAACR PSZCYABSZ Total front footage Parcels with front footage Total acreage Parcels with total acreage Total building square footage Parcels with building square footage Building size < 1000 square feet Building size 1000-2000 square feet Building size 2000-3000 square feet Building size 3000-5000 square feet Building size >5000 square feet Average property front footage Average property size (acres) Average building size (square feet) Year of construction YBTCYGT05 YBTCY2000 YBTCY1990 YBTCYBF90 YBTCYUNKN Year built: after 2005 Year built: 2000-2005 Year built: 1990-2000 Year built: Before 1990 Year built: unknown Property sales (last 2 years) HSLCYTOTAL Total value of sales (2008-2009) HSLCYNUMB Number of sales (2008-2009) HSLCYAVER Average sales amount (last two years) 2022A Projections 2012A Consumer Expenditures Population POPFY Population Household HHDFY Household 2012A Housing Foreclosure Data FORCYNMORT Estimated Number of Mortgages FORCYFOREC Estimated Number of Foreclosures Note: For purposes of brevity, this document includes only the “X” series, which are average household expenditures. The “T” series (e.g. T00AP201) is the total expenditure (Household times the average household expenditure). All Consumer Expenditure variables are available on either an average household expenditure or total geographic area expenditure basis. XCYAP XCYCC XCYED XCYEN XCYFB XCYHC XCYHF XCYHH Apparel Contributions Education Entertainment Food and Beverages Health Care Household Furnishings and Equipment Shelter Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A XCYHO XCYMI XCYPI XCYPC XCYRD XCYTB XCYTR XCYUT XCYGI Household Operations Miscellaneous Expenses Personal Insurance Personal Care Reading Tobacco Transportation Utilities Gifts XCYNONRTL XCYRTL Total Non-Retail Expenditures Total Retail Expenditures Total Expenditures XCYTOTAL Total Expenditure Apparel XCYAP1 XCYAP2 XCYAP3 XCYAP4 XCYAP5 XCYAP6 XCYAP7 Men's Apparel Boys Apparel Women's Apparel Girls Apparel Infants Apparel Footwear Apparel Services And Accessories Men’s Apparel XCYAP101 XCYAP10101 XCYAP10102 XCYAP102 XCYAP103 XCYAP10301 XCYAP10302 XCYAP10303 XCYAP104 XCYAP105 XCYAP106 XCYAP107 XCYAP108 XCYAP10801 XCYAP10802 XCYAP109 XCYAP10901 XCYAP10902 Men's Suits And Sportcoats Men’s Suits Men’s Sportcoats Men's Coats And Jackets Men's Underwear And Socks Men’s Underwear Men’s Hosiery Men’s Nightwear/Loungewear Men's Accessories Men's Sweaters And Vests Men's Active Sportswear Men's Shirts Men's Pants And Shorts Men’s Pants Men’s Nightwear/Loungewear Men's Uniforms And Costumes Men’s Costumes Men’s Uniforms Boys Apparel XCYAP201 XCYAP202 XCYAP203 XCYAP204 XCYAP20401 XCYAP20402 XCYAP205 XCYAP20501 XCYAP20502 XCYAP206 XCYAP207 XCYAP208 XCYAP20801 XCYAP20802 XCYAP209 XCYAP20901 XCYAP20902 Boys Coats And Jackets Boys Sweaters Boys Shirts Boys Underwear And Nightwear Boys’ Underwear Boy’s Nightwear Boys Hosiery & Accessories Boys’ Hosiery Boys’ Accessories Boys Suits Sportscoats And Vests Boys Pants Boys Shorts And Sportswear Boys’ Shorts Boys’ Sportswear Boys Costumes Boys’ Costumes Boys’ Uniforms Women’s Apparel XCYAP301 XCYAP302 XCYAP30201 XCYAP30202 XCYAP303 XCYAP304 XCYAP305 XCYAP306 XCYAP307 XCYAP30701 XCYAP30702 Women's Coats And Jackets Women's Dresses/Sportcoats Women’s Dresses Women’s Sportcoats/Jackets Women's Vests And Sweaters Women's Shirts Tops and blouses Women's Skirts Women's Pants Women's Shorts And Sportswear Women’s Shorts Women’s Sportswear Page 56 XCYAP308 XCYAP30801 XCYAP30802 XCYAP30803 XCYAP309 XCYAP310 XCYAP311 XCYAP312 Women's Sleepwear/Undergarments Women’s Sleepwear Women’s Undergarments Women’s Hosiery Women's Suits Women's Accessories Women's Uniforms Women's Costumes Girls Apparel XCYAP401 XCYAP402 XCYAP403 XCYAP404 XCYAP405 XCYAP40501 XCYAP40502 XCYAP406 XCYAP407 XCYAP40701 XCYAP40702 XCYAP408 XCYAP40801 XCYAP40802 Girls Coats And Jackets Girls Dresses Suits Girls Shirts/Blouses/Sweaters Girls Skirts And Pants Girls Shorts And Sportswear Girls’ Shorts Girls’ Sportswear Girls Underwear And Sleepwear Girls Hosiery/Accessories Girls’ Hosiery Girls’ Accessories Girls Uniforms/Costumes Girls’ Uniforms Girls’ Costumes Infants Apparel XCYAP501 XCYAP502 XCYAP503 XCYAP504 XCYAP505 Infants Coats And Jackets Infants Dresses And Outerwear Infants Underwear Infants Nightwear/Lougewear Infants Accessories Footwear XCYAP601 XCYAP602 XCYAP603 XCYAP604 Men's Footwear Boys Footwear Women's Footwear Girls Footwear Apparel Services And Accessories XCYAP701 XCYAP702 XCYAP70301 XCYAP70302 XCYAP704 XCYAP705 XCYAP706 XCYAP707 Material For Making Clothes Sewing Notions And Patterns Watches Repair of Watches and jewelry Jewelry Repair And Alterations Dry Cleaning Coin-Operated Laundry Contributions XCYCC Contributions Education XCYED1 XCYED2 Books And Supplies Tuition Books And Supplies XCYED101 XCYED102 XCYED103 Tuition XCYED201 XCYED202 XCYED203 College Books And Supplies Elementary/Hs Books And Supplies Other School Expenses Incl. Rental College Tuition Elementary/Hs Tuition Day Care/Nursery School/Preschool Entertainment XCYEN1 XCYEN2 XCYEN3 Fees And Admissions Video And Audio Equipment Recreational Equipment And Supplies Fees And Admissions XCYEN101 XCYEN102 XCYEN103 XCYEN104 Social And Recreational Club Membership Participant Sports Fees Performing Arts And Movies Sporting Events Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A XCYEN105 XCYEN106 Recreational Lessons Recreation Expenses Away From Home Video And Audio Equipment XCYEN201 XCYEN202 XCYEN203 XCYEN204 XCYEN205 XCYEN206 XCYEN207 XCYEN208 XCYEN209 XCYEN210 Cable Television Televisions VCRs And Related Equipment Video Game Hardware And Software Audio Equipment Records / Tapes / CD Purchases Rental And Repair Of Equipment Musical Instruments Video Cassette Rentals Satellite Dishes Recreational Equipment And Supplies XCYEN301 XCYEN302 XCYEN303 XCYEN304 XCYEN305 XCYEN306 Boats And Campers Exercise Equipment Other Sporting Equipment Toys And Playground Equipment Photographic Equipment And Supplies Pet Supplies And Services Other Sporting Equipment XCYEN30301 XCYEN30302 XCYEN30303 Bicycles Camping Equipment Winter And Water Sport Equipment Toys and Playground Equipment XCYEN30401 XCYEN30402 Toys / Games / Hobbies / Tricycles Playground Equipment Photographic Equipment and Supplies XCYEN30501 XCYEN30502 XCYEN30503 Film Photographic Equipment Film Processing Pet Supplies and Services XCYEN30601 XCYEN30602 XCYEN30603 Pet Purchases And Supplies Pet Services Veterinarian Services Page 57 Bakery Products XCYFB10201 XCYFB10202 XCYFB10203 XCYFB10204 XCYFB10205 XCYFB10206 XCYFB10207 XCYFB10208 XCYFB10209 XCYFB10210 Meat XCYFB10301 XCYFB10302 XCYFB10303 XCYFB10304 XCYFB10305 White Bread Bread Other Than White Fresh Biscuits, Rolls, Muffins Cakes And Cupcakes Cookies Crackers Bread And Cracker Products Doughnuts, Sweetrolls, Coffecake Frozen & Refrig. Bakery Prod. Fresh Pies, Tarts, Turnovers Beef Pork Lunchmeat And Frankfurters Lamb And Other Meats Poultry Dairy XCYFB10601 XCYFB10602 XCYFB10603 XCYFB10604 XCYFB10605 XCYFB10606 Fresh Fruits XCYFB10701 XCYFB10702 XCYFB10703 XCYFB10704 XCYFB10705 Fresh Milk Cream Butter Cheese Ice Cream And Related Products Other Dairy Products Apples Bananas Oranges Other Fresh Fruits Citrus Fruits Excl Oranges Fresh Vegetables XCYFB10801 XCYFB10802 XCYFB10803 XCYFB10804 Potatoes Lettuce Tomatoes Other Fresh Vegetables Processed Fruits and Vegetables Food And Beverages XCYFB1 XCYFB2 XCYFB3 Food At Home Food Away From Home Alcoholic Beverages XCYFB10901 XCYFB10902 XCYFB10903 XCYFB10904 XCYFB10905 XCYFB10906 Frozen Orange Juice Frozen Fruits Canned And Dried Fruits Frozen Vegetables Canned Beans And Corn Other Processed Vegetables Food At Home XCYFB101 XCYFB102 XCYFB103 XCYFB104 XCYFB105 XCYFB106 XCYFB107 XCYFB108 XCYFB109 XCYFB110 XCYFB111 XCYFB112 XCYFB113 XCYFB114 XCYFB115 XCYFB116 XCYFB117 XCYFB118 XCYFB119 XCYFB120 XCYFB121 Cereal And Cereal Products Bakery Products Meat Fish And Seafood Eggs Dairy Fresh Fruits Fresh Vegetables Processed Fruits And Vegetables Sugar And Other Sweets Fats And Oils Non Alcoholic Beverages Soup Frozen Meals Snack Foods Seasonings And Condiments Prepared Salads Prepared Desserts Baby Foods Miscellaneous Prepared Foods Vitamin Supplements Cereal and Cereal Products XCYFB10101 XCYFB10102 XCYFB10103 XCYFB10104 XCYFB10105 Flour Prepared Flour Mixes Cereal Rice Pasta Cornmeal Oth Cereal Prods Sugar and Other Sweets XCYFB11001 XCYFB11002 XCYFB11003 Candy And Chewing Gum Sugar And Sweeteners Other Sweets Fats and Oils XCYFB11101 XCYFB11102 XCYFB11103 XCYFB11104 Margarine Fats And Oils Salad Dressings Peanut Butter Non-Alcoholic Beverages XCYFB11201 XCYFB11202 XCYFB11203 XCYFB11204 XCYFB11205 XCYFB11206 Cola Drinks Other Carbonated Drinks Coffee Non Carbonated Fruit Flavor Beverages Tea Other Non Carbonated Beverages Snack Foods XCYFB11501 XCYFB11502 Potato Chips And Other Snacks Nuts Seasonings and Condiments XCYFB11601 XCYFB11602 XCYFB11603 XCYFB11604 Salt And Other Seasonings / Spices Olives Pickles And Relishes Sauces And Gravies Other Condiments Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A Food Away From Home XCYFB201 XCYFB202 XCYFB203 XCYFB204 XCYFB205 XCYFB206 XCYFB207 Lunch Dinner Snacks And Non-Alcoholic Beverages Breakfast And Brunch Board (Including At School) Catered Affairs Food on Out-of-Town Trips Alcoholic Beverages XCYFB301 XCYFB30101 XCYFB30102 XCYFB302 XCYFB30201 XCYFB30202 XCYFB303 XCYFB304 XCYFB305 XCYFB306 XCYFB307 Beer And Ale At Home Beer & Ale (Alcoholic) Beer & Ale (Non-Alcoholic) Liquor At Home Whiskey At Home Other Liquor At Home Wine At Home Beer And Ale Not At Home Wine Away From Home Whiskey Away From Home Alcohol on Out-Of-Town Trips Gifts XCYGI1 XCYGI2 XCYGI3 XCYGI4 XCYGI5 XCYGI6 XCYGI7 XCYGI8 XCYGI9 Gifts Of Apparel Gifts Of Apparel Accessories Gifts Of Education (Tuition And Books) Gifts Of Recreation Gifts Of Food And Beverages Gifts Of Household Furnishings And Equipment Gifts Of Household Operations Gifts Of Transportation Gifts Elsewhere Unspecified Gifts Of Apparel XCYGI101 XCYGI102 XCYGI103 XCYGI104 XCYGI105 XCYGI106 XCYGI107 Gifts Of Men's Apparel Gifts Of Boys Apparel Gifts Of Women's Apparel Gifts Of Girls Apparel Gifts Of Infants Apparel Gifts Of Footwear Gifts Of Apparel Materials And Notions Gifts Of Apparel Accessories XCYGI201 XCYGI202 Gifts Of Watches Gifts Of Jewelry Gifts Of Recreation XCYGI401 XCYGI402 XCYGI403 XCYGI404 Gifts Of Fee For Service Recreation Gifts Of Audio And Visual Equipment Gifts Of Other Recreational Equipment Gifts of Computer Hardware/Software Gifts Of Household Furnishings And Equipment XCYGI601 XCYGI602 XCYGI603 XCYGI604 XCYGI605 XCYGI606 XCYGI607 XCYGI608 XCYGI609 Gifts Of Household Textiles Gifts Of Household Furnishings Gifts Of Major Appliances Gifts Of Housewares Gifts Of Small Appliances Gifts Of Other Household Items Gifts Of Plants And Fresh Flowers Gifts Of Household Repairs And Services Gifts Of Utilities Gifts Elsewhere Unspecified XCYGI901 XCYGI902 XCYGI903 XCYGI90301 XCYGI90302 XCYGI90303 XCYGI904 XCYGI905 Gifts Of Health Related Items Gifts Of Miscellaneous Items Gifts Of Personal Care Items And Services Gifts of Personal Care Services Gifts of Cosmetics/Perfumes Gifts of Personal Care Products Gifts Of Reading Materials Gifts Of Cash Health Care XCYHC1 Health Care Insurance Page 58 XCYHC2 XCYHC3 Health Care Services Health Care Supplies And Equipment Health Care Insurance XCYHC101 XCYHC102 XCYHC103 XCYHC104 XCYHC105 Fee For Service Health Plan Preferred Provider Health Plan Health Maintenance Plans Medicare Payments Medicare Supplements Health Care Services XCYHC20101 XCYHC20102 XCYHC202 XCYHC203 XCYHC204 XCYHC205 Hospital Services Hospital Services Other Than Room Physician Services Dental Services Eyecare Services Other Medical Services Other Services XCYHC20501 XCYHC20502 XCYHC20503 XCYHC20504 Lab Tests/Xrays Services by Non-Physician Professionals Convalescent/Nursing Home Care Other Medical Services & Rentals Health Care Supplies And Equipment XCYHC301 XCYHC302 XCYHC303 XCYHC304 Prescription Drugs Eyeglasses And Contact Lenses Medical Equipment Non-Prescription Drugs Household Furnishings And Equipment XCYHF1 XCYHF2 XCYHF3 XCYHF4 XCYHF5 Household Textiles Furniture Floor Coverings Major Appliances Housewares And Small Appliances Household Textiles XCYHF101 XCYHF102 XCYHF103 XCYHF104 XCYHF105 XCYHF106 XCYHF107 Furniture XCYHF201 XCYHF202 XCYHF203 XCYHF204 XCYHF205 XCYHF206 XCYHF207 XCYHF208 XCYHF20901 XCYHF20902 XCYHF20903 Bathroom Linens Bedroom Linens Kitchen And Dining Room Linens Curtains And Drapes Slipcovers And Decorative Pillows Sewing Materials Other Linens Mattress And Springs Other Bedroom Furniture Sofas Living Room Chairs Living Room Tables Kitchen / Dining Room Furniture Infants Furniture Outdoor Furniture Wall Units And Cabinets Office Furniture for Home Use Closet and Storage Items Major Appliances XCYHF401 XCYHF402 XCYHF403 XCYHF404 XCYHF405 XCYHF406 XCYHF407 XCYHF408 XCYHF409 XCYHF410 Dishwashers And Disposal Refrigerator / Freezer Clothes Washer Clothes Dryer Stoves And Ovens Microwave Ovens Portable Dishwasher Window Air Conditioning Electric Floor Cleaning Equipment Sewing Machines Housewares And Small Appliances XCYHF50101 XCYHF50102 XCYHF502 XCYHF503 China And other dinnerware Glassware Flatware And Serving Pieces Small Electric Kitchen Appliances Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A XCYHF504 XCYHF505 XCYHF506 XCYHF507 XCYHF508 XCYHF509 XCYHF510 XCYHF511 XCYHF512 XCYHF513 XCYHF514 XCYHF515 XCYHF516 Clocks Lamps And Fixtures Telephones And Accessories Lawn And Garden Equipment Power Tools Hand Tools Luggage Computer Hardware Computer Software Smoke Alarms Indoor Plants And Fresh Flowers Other Miscellaneous Housewares Computer Information Services Mortgage Interest Mortgage Interest, Primary Dwelling Mortgage Interest, Vacation Dwelling Property Taxes Property Taxes, Primary Dwelling Property Taxes, Vacation Dwelling Miscellaneous Owned Dwelling Costs Rental Costs Other Lodging Other Owned Dwelling Costs XCYHH301 XCYHH302 XCYHH303 XCYHH304 XCYHH305 XCYHH306 Ground Rent Fire Insurance Homeowners Insurance Parking Repairs and Maintenance Property Management Fees under Repairs and Maintenance XCYHH30501 XCYHH30502 XCYHH30503 XCYHH30504 XCYHH30505 XCYHH30506 XCYHH30507 Paint And Wallpaper Plumbing And Heating Roofing And Siding Hard Surface Flooring Other Repairs And Maintenance Uncoded Capital Improvements Landscaping Materials Rent XCYHH401 XCYHH402 XCYHH403 Rent Maintenance And Repair By Tenant Tenants Insurance Other Lodging XCYHH501 XCYHH502 XCYHH503 Lodging Away From Home Housing For Someone At School Costs For Vacation Property Household Operations XCYHO1 XCYHO2 XCYHO3 XCYHO4 Babysitting And Elderly Care Household Services Alimony & Child Support Household Supplies Babysitting And Elderly Care XCYHO101 XCYHO102 XCYHO103 Household Supplies XCYHO401 XCYHO402 XCYHO403 Laundry and Cleaning Supplies Household Paper Goods Postage and Stationary Miscellaneous Expenses XCYMI1 XCYMI2 XCYMI3 XCYMI4 Legal And Accounting Funeral And Cemetery Finance Charges Excluding Mortgage And Vehicle Other Miscellaneous Expenses Personal Care Shelter XCYHH1 XCYHH101 XCYHH102 XCYHH2 XCYHH201 XCYHH202 XCYHH3 XCYHH4 XCYHH5 Page 59 Babysitting Care Of Invalids And Elderly Day Care And Preschool Expenses XCYPC1 XCYPC2 XCYPC3 XCYPC4 Hair Care Products/Articles Electric Personal Care Appliances Personal Care Services Personal Care Products Hair Care Products XCYPC101 XCYPC102 XCYPC103 Hair Care Products Non-Electric Hair Care Articles Wigs & Hairpieces Personal Care Services XCYPC301 XCYPC302 Personal Care Services For Females Personal Care Services For Males Personal Care Products XCYPC401 XCYPC402 XCYPC403 XCYPC404 Oral Hygiene Products Shaving Needs Cosmetics and Perfume Deodorants/Other Personal Care Reading XCYRD1 XCYRD2 XCYRD3 Newspapers Magazines Books Tobacco XCYTB1 XCYTB2 Cigarettes Other Tobacco Products Transportation XCYTR1 XCYTR2 XCYTR3 XCYTR4 XCYTR5 XCYTR6 XCYTR7 XCYTR8 XCYTR9 New Vehicle Purchase Used Vehicle Purchase Motorcycles (New And Used) Vehicle Finance Charges Gasoline And Oil Vehicle Repair And Maintenance Vehicle Insurance Public Transportation Other Transportation Costs New Vehicle Purchase XCYTR101 XCYTR102 New Car Purchased New Truck Purchased Used Vehicle Purchase XCYTR201 XCYTR202 Used Car Purchase Used Truck Purchase Household Services XCYHO201 XCYHO202 XCYHO203 XCYHO204 XCYHO205 XCYHO206 XCYHO207 Domestic Service Gardening And Lawn Care Water Softening Service Moving And Storage Laundry And Dry Cleaning Repair And Rental Miscellaneous Home Services Vehicle Finance Charges XCYTR401 XCYTR402 Automobile Finance Charges Truck Finance Charges Gasoline And Oil XCYTR501 XCYTR502 XCYTR503 Gasoline Diesel Fuel Motor Oil Alimony & Child Support XCYHO301 XCYHO302 Alimony Child Support Vehicle Repair And Maintenance XCYTR601 Coolant And Other Fluids Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A XCYTR602 Vehicle Repair Vehicle Repair XCYTR60201 XCYTR60202 XCYTR60203 XCYTR60204 XCYTR60205 XCYTR60206 XCYTR60207 XCYTR60208 XCYTR60209 XCYTR60210 XCYTR60211 XCYTR60212 XCYTR60213 XCYTR60214 XCYTR60215 XCYTR60216 XCYTR60217 XCYTR60218 Tires Parts Equipment And Accessories Body Work And Painting Transmission / Clutch / Drive Shaft Brakes (Incl. Adjustment) Steering Or Front End Engine Cooling System Motor Tune Up Oil Change And Lube Front End Alignment And Balancing Shock Absorber Air Conditioning Exhaust System Electrical System Motor Repair / Replacement Accessories Auto Repair Service Policy Vehicle Audio Equipment Public Transportation XCYTR801 XCYTR802 XCYTR803 XCYTR804 XCYTR805 Airline Fares Intercity Bus Fares Mass Transit Taxi Other Public Transportation Other Transportation Costs XCYTR901 XCYTR902 XCYTR903 XCYTR904 XCYTR905 Leasing Costs Registration And License Rental Parking / Tolls / Towing Automobile Service Clubs Utilities XCYUT1 XCYUT2 XCYUT3 XCYUT4 XCYUT5 Natural Gas Electricity Fuel Oil And Other Fuels Telephone Service Other Utilities Telephone Service XCYUT401 XCYUT402 XCYUT403 XCYUT404 Telephone Service Excl Cell Phones Cellular Phone Service Pager Services Phone Cards Other Utilities XCYUT501 XCYUT502 XCYUT503 Water And Sewage Trash And Garbage Collection Septic Tank Cleaning 2017A Consumer Expenditures Note: For purposes of brevity, this document includes only the “X” series, which are average household expenditures. The “T” series (e.g. T00AP201) is the total expenditure (Household times the average household expenditure). All Consumer Expenditure variables are available on either an average household expenditure or total geographic area expenditure basis. XPYAP XPYCC XPYED XPYEN XPYFB XPYHC XPYHF XPYHH XPYHO XPYMI XPYPI XPYPC XPYRD Apparel Contributions Education Entertainment Food And Beverages Health Care Household Furnishings And Equipment Shelter Household Operations Miscellaneous Expenses Personal Insurance Personal Care Reading Page 60 XPYTB XPYTR XPYUT XPYGI Tobacco Transportation Utilities Gifts XPYNONRTL XPYRTL Total Non-Retail Expenditures Total Retail Expenditures Total Expenditures XPYTOTAL Total Expenditure Apparel XPYAP1 XPYAP2 XPYAP3 XPYAP4 XPYAP5 XPYAP6 XPYAP7 Men's Apparel Boys Apparel Women's Apparel Girls Apparel Infants Apparel Footwear Apparel Services And Accessories Mens Apparel XPYAP101 XPYAP10101 XPYAP10102 XPYAP102 XPYAP103 XPYAP10301 XPYAP10302 XPYAP10303 XPYAP104 XPYAP105 XPYAP106 XPYAP107 XPYAP108 XPYAP10801 XPYAP10802 XPYAP109 XPYAP10901 XPYAP10902 Men's Suits And Sportcoats Men’s Suits Men’s Sportcoats Men's Coats And Jackets Men's Underwear And Socks Men’s Underwear Men’s Hosiery Men’s Nightwear/Loungewear Men's Accessories Men's Sweaters And Vests Men's Active Sportswear Men's Shirts Men's Pants And Shorts Men’s Pants Men’s Nightwear/Loungewear Men's Uniforms And Costumes Men’s Costumes Men’s Uniforms Boys Apparel XPYAP201 XPYAP202 XPYAP203 XPYAP204 XPYAP20401 XPYAP20402 XPYAP205 XPYAP20501 XPYAP20502 XPYAP206 XPYAP207 XPYAP208 XPYAP20801 XPYAP20802 XPYAP209 XPYAP20901 XPYAP20902 Boys Coats And Jackets Boys Sweaters Boys Shirts Boys Underwear And Nightwear Boys’ Underwear Boy’s Nightwear Boys Hosiery & Accessories Boys’ Hosiery Boys’ Accessories Boys Suits Sportscoats And Vests Boys Pants Boys Shorts And Sportswear Boys’ Shorts Boys’ Sportswear Boys Costumes Boys’ Costumes Boys’ Uniforms Womens Apparel XPYAP301 XPYAP302 XPYAP30201 XPYAP30202 XPYAP303 XPYAP304 XPYAP305 XPYAP306 XPYAP307 XPYAP30701 XPYAP30702 XPYAP308 XPYAP30801 XPYAP30802 XPYAP30803 XPYAP309 Women's Coats And Jackets Women's Dresses/Sportcoats Women’s Dresses Women’s Sportcoats/Jackets Women's Vests And Sweaters Women's Shirts Tops and blouses Women's Skirts Women's Pants Women's Shorts And Sportswear Women’s Shorts Women’s Sportswear Women's Sleepwear/Undergarments Women’s Sleepwear Women’s Undergarments Women’s Hosiery Women's Suits Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A XPYAP310 XPYAP311 XPYAP312 Women's Accessories Women's Uniforms Women's Costumes Girls Apparel XPYAP401 XPYAP402 XPYAP403 XPYAP404 XPYAP405 XPYAP40501 XPYAP40502 XPYAP406 XPYAP407 XPYAP40701 XPYAP40702 XPYAP408 XPYAP40801 XPYAP40802 Girls Coats And Jackets Girls Dresses Suits Girls Shirts/Blouses/Sweaters Girls Skirts And Pants Girls Shorts And Sportswear Girls’ Shorts Girls’ Sportswear Girls Underwear And Sleepwear Girls Hosiery/Accessories Girls’ Hosiery Girls’ Accessories Girls Uniforms/Costumes Girls’ Uniforms Girls’ Costumes Infants Apparel XPYAP501 XPYAP502 XPYAP503 XPYAP504 XPYAP505 Footwear XPYAP601 XPYAP602 XPYAP603 XPYAP604 Infants Coats And Jackets Infants Dresses And Outerwear Infants Underwear Infants Nightwear/Lougewear Infants Accessories Men's Footwear Boys Footwear Women's Footwear Girls Footwear Apparel Services And Accessories XPYAP701 XPYAP702 XPYAP70301 XPYAP70302 XPYAP704 XPYAP705 XPYAP706 XPYAP707 Material For Making Clothes Sewing Notions And Patterns Watches Repair of Watches and jewelry Jewelry Repair And Alterations Dry Cleaning Coin-Operated Laundry Page 61 Video And Audio Equipment XPYEN201 XPYEN202 XPYEN203 XPYEN204 XPYEN205 XPYEN206 XPYEN207 XPYEN208 XPYEN209 XPYEN210 Cable Television Televisions VCRs And Related Equipment Video Game Hardware And Software Audio Equipment Records / Tapes / CD Purchases Rental And Repair Of Equipment Musical Instruments Video Cassette Rentals Satellite Dishes Recreational Equipment And Supplies XPYEN301 XPYEN302 XPYEN303 XPYEN304 XPYEN305 XPYEN306 Boats And Campers Exercise Equipment Other Sporting Equipment Toys And Playground Equipment Photographic Equipment And Supplies Pet Supplies And Services Other Sporting Equipment XPYEN30301 XPYEN30302 XPYEN30303 Bicycles Camping Equipment Winter And Water Sport Equipment Toys and Playground Equipment XPYEN30401 XPYEN30402 Toys / Games / Hobbies / Tricycles Playground Equipment Photographic Equipment and Supplies XPYEN30501 XPYEN30502 XPYEN30503 Film Photographic Equipment Film Processing Pet Supplies and Services XPYEN30601 XPYEN30602 XPYEN30603 Pet Purchases And Supplies Pet Services Veterinarian Services Food And Beverages Contributions XPYFB1 XPYFB2 XPYFB3 XPYCC Food At Home Contributions Education XPYED1 XPYED2 Books And Supplies Tuition Books And Supplies XPYED101 XPYED102 XPYED103 College Books And Supplies Elementary/Hs Books And Supplies Other School Expenses Incl. Rental Tuition XPYED201 XPYED202 XPYED203 College Tuition Elementary/Hs Tuition Day Care/Nursery School/Preschool Entertainment XPYEN1 XPYEN2 XPYEN3 Fees And Admissions Video And Audio Equipment Recreational Equipment And Supplies Fees And Admissions XPYEN101 XPYEN102 XPYEN103 XPYEN104 XPYEN105 XPYEN106 Social And Recreational Club Membership Participant Sports Fees Performing Arts And Movies Sporting Events Recreational Lessons Recreation Expenses Away From Home XPYFB101 XPYFB102 XPYFB103 XPYFB104 XPYFB105 XPYFB106 XPYFB107 XPYFB108 XPYFB109 XPYFB110 XPYFB111 XPYFB112 XPYFB113 XPYFB114 XPYFB115 XPYFB116 XPYFB117 XPYFB118 XPYFB119 XPYFB120 XPYFB121 Food At Home Food Away From Home Alcoholic Beverages Cereal And Cereal Products Bakery Products Meat Fish And Seafood Eggs Dairy Fresh Fruits Fresh Vegetables Processed Fruits And Vegetables Sugar And Other Sweets Fats And Oils Non Alcoholic Beverages Soup Frozen Meals Snack Foods Seasonings And Condiments Prepared Salads Prepared Desserts Baby Foods Miscellaneous Prepared Foods Vitamin Supplements Cereal and Cereal Products XPYFB10101 XPYFB10102 XPYFB10103 XPYFB10104 XPYFB10105 Flour Prepared Flour Mixes Cereal Rice Pasta Cornmeal Oth Cereal Prods Bakery Products XPYFB10201 White Bread Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A XPYFB10202 XPYFB10203 XPYFB10204 XPYFB10205 XPYFB10206 XPYFB10207 XPYFB10208 XPYFB10209 XPYFB10210 Meat XPYFB10301 XPYFB10302 XPYFB10303 XPYFB10304 XPYFB10305 Bread Other Than White Fresh Biscuits, Rolls, Muffins Cakes And Cupcakes Cookies Crackers Bread And Cracker Products Doughnuts, Sweetrolls, Coffecake Frozen & Refrig. Bakery Prod. Fresh Pies, Tarts, Turnovers Beef Pork Lunchmeat And Frankfurters Lamb And Other Meats Poultry Dairy XPYFB10601 XPYFB10602 XPYFB10603 XPYFB10604 XPYFB10605 XPYFB10606 Fresh Fruits XPYFB10701 XPYFB10702 XPYFB10703 XPYFB10704 XPYFB10705 Fresh Milk Cream Butter Cheese Ice Cream And Related Products Other Dairy Products Apples Bananas Oranges Other Fresh Fruits Citrus Fruits Excl Oranges Fresh Vegetables XPYFB10801 XPYFB10802 XPYFB10803 XPYFB10804 Potatoes Lettuce Tomatoes Other Fresh Vegetables Processed Fruits and Vegetables XPYFB10901 XPYFB10902 XPYFB10903 XPYFB10904 XPYFB10905 XPYFB10906 Frozen Orange Juice Frozen Fruits Canned And Dried Fruits Frozen Vegetables Canned Beans And Corn Other Processed Vegetables Page 62 XPYFB202 XPYFB203 XPYFB204 XPYFB205 XPYFB206 XPYFB207 Dinner Snacks And Non-Alcoholic Beverages Breakfast And Brunch Board (Including At School) Catered Affairs Food on Out-of-Town Trips Alcoholic Beverages XPYFB301 XPYFB30101 XPYFB30102 XPYFB302 XPYFB30201 XPYFB30202 XPYFB303 XPYFB304 XPYFB305 XPYFB306 XPYFB307 Beer And Ale At Home Beer & Ale (Alcoholic) Beer & Ale (Non-Alcoholic) Liquor At Home Whiskey At Home Other Liquor At Home Wine At Home Beer And Ale Not At Home Wine Away From Home Whiskey Away From Home Alcohol on Out-Of-Town Trips Gifts XPYGI1 XPYGI2 XPYGI3 XPYGI4 XPYGI5 XPYGI6 XPYGI7 XPYGI8 XPYGI9 Gifts Of Apparel Gifts Of Apparel Accessories Gifts Of Education (Tuition And Books) Gifts Of Recreation Gifts Of Food And Beverages Gifts Of Household Furnishings And Equipment Gifts Of Household Operations Gifts Of Transportation Gifts Elsewhere Unspecified Gifts Of Apparel XPYGI101 XPYGI102 XPYGI103 XPYGI104 XPYGI105 XPYGI106 XPYGI107 Gifts Of Men's Apparel Gifts Of Boys Apparel Gifts Of Women's Apparel Gifts Of Girls Apparel Gifts Of Infants Apparel Gifts Of Footwear Gifts Of Apparel Materials And Notions Gifts Of Apparel Accessories XPYGI201 XPYGI202 Gifts Of Watches Gifts Of Jewelry Gifts Of Recreation Sugar and Other Sweets XPYGI401 XPYGI402 XPYGI403 XPYGI404 Fats and Oils Gifts Of Household Furnishings And Equipment XPYFB11001 XPYFB11002 XPYFB11003 XPYFB11101 XPYFB11102 XPYFB11103 XPYFB11104 Candy And Chewing Gum Sugar And Sweeteners Other Sweets Margarine Fats And Oils Salad Dressings Peanut Butter Non-Alcoholic Beverages XPYFB11201 XPYFB11202 XPYFB11203 XPYFB11204 XPYFB11205 XPYFB11206 Cola Drinks Other Carbonated Drinks Coffee Non Carbonated Fruit Flavor Beverages Tea Other Non Carbonated Beverages Snack Foods XPYFB11501 XPYFB11502 Potato Chips And Other Snacks Nuts Seasonings and Condiments XPYFB11601 XPYFB11602 XPYFB11603 XPYFB11604 Salt And Other Seasonings / Spices Olives Pickles And Relishes Sauces And Gravies Other Condiments Food Away From Home XPYFB201 Lunch XPYGI601 XPYGI602 XPYGI603 XPYGI604 XPYGI605 XPYGI606 XPYGI607 XPYGI608 XPYGI609 Gifts Of Fee For Service Recreation Gifts Of Audio And Visual Equipment Gifts Of Other Recreational Equipment Gifts of Computer Hardware/Software Gifts Of Household Textiles Gifts Of Household Furnishings Gifts Of Major Appliances Gifts Of Housewares Gifts Of Small Appliances Gifts Of Other Household Items Gifts Of Plants And Fresh Flowers Gifts Of Household Repairs And Services Gifts Of Utilities Gifts Elsewhere Unspecified XPYGI901 XPYGI902 XPYGI903 XPYGI90301 XPYGI90302 XPYGI90303 XPYGI904 XPYGI905 Gifts Of Health Related Items Gifts Of Miscellaneous Items Gifts Of Personal Care Items And Services Gifts of Personal Care Services Gifts of Cosmetics/Perfumes Gifts of Personal Care Products Gifts Of Reading Materials Gifts Of Cash Health Care XPYHC1 XPYHC2 XPYHC3 Health Care Insurance Health Care Services Health Care Supplies And Equipment Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A Health Care Insurance XPYHC101 XPYHC102 XPYHC103 XPYHC104 XPYHC105 Fee For Service Health Plan Preferred Provider Health Plan Health Maintenance Plans Medicare Payments Medicare Supplements Health Care Services XPYHC20101 XPYHC20102 XPYHC202 XPYHC203 XPYHC204 XPYHC205 Hospital Services Hospital Services Other Than Room Physician Services Dental Services Eyecare Services Other Medical Services Other Medical Services XPYHC20501 XPYHC20502 XPYHC20503 XPYHC20504 Lab Tests/Xrays Services by Non-Physician Professionals Convalescent/Nursing Home Care Other Medical Services & Rentals Health Care Supplies And Equipment XPYHC301 XPYHC302 XPYHC303 XPYHC304 Prescription Drugs Eyeglasses And Contact Lenses Medical Equipment Non-Prescription Drugs Household Furnishings And Equipment XPYHF1 XPYHF2 XPYHF3 XPYHF4 XPYHF5 Household Textiles Furniture Floor Coverings Major Appliances Housewares And Small Appliances Household Textiles XPYHF101 XPYHF102 XPYHF103 XPYHF104 XPYHF105 XPYHF106 XPYHF107 Bathroom Linens Bedroom Linens Kitchen And Dining Room Linens Curtains And Drapes Slipcovers And Decorative Pillows Sewing Materials Other Linens Furniture XPYHF201 XPYHF202 XPYHF203 XPYHF204 XPYHF205 XPYHF206 XPYHF207 XPYHF208 XPYHF20901 XPYHF20902 XPYHF20903 Mattress And Springs Other Bedroom Furniture Sofas Living Room Chairs Living Room Tables Kitchen / Dining Room Furniture Infants Furniture Outdoor Furniture Wall Units And Cabinets Office Furniture for Home Use Closet and Storage Items Major Appliances XPYHF401 XPYHF402 XPYHF403 XPYHF404 XPYHF405 XPYHF406 XPYHF407 XPYHF408 XPYHF409 XPYHF410 Dishwashers And Disposal Refrigerator / Freezer Clothes Washer Clothes Dryer Stoves And Ovens Microwave Ovens Portable Dishwasher Window Air Conditioning Electric Floor Cleaning Equipment Sewing Machines Housewares And Small Appliances XPYHF50101 XPYHF50102 XPYHF502 XPYHF503 XPYHF504 XPYHF505 XPYHF506 China And other dinnerware Glassware Flatware And Serving Pieces Small Electric Kitchen Appliances Clocks Lamps And Fixtures Telephones And Accessories Page 63 XPYHF507 XPYHF508 XPYHF509 XPYHF510 XPYHF511 XPYHF512 XPYHF513 XPYHF514 XPYHF515 XPYHF516 Lawn And Garden Equipment Power Tools Hand Tools Luggage Computer Hardware Computer Software Smoke Alarms Indoor Plants And Fresh Flowers Other Miscellaneous Housewares Computer Information Services Shelter XPYHH1 XPYHH101 XPYHH102 XPYHH2 XPYHH201 XPYHH202 XPYHH3 XPYHH4 XPYHH5 Mortgage Interest Mortgage Interest, Primary Dwelling Mortgage Interest, Vacation Dwelling Property Taxes Property Taxes, Primary Dwelling Property Taxes, Vacation Dwelling Miscellaneous Owned Dwelling Costs Rental Costs Other Lodging Other Owned Dwelling Costs XPYHH301 XPYHH302 XPYHH303 XPYHH304 XPYHH305 XPYHH306 Ground Rent Fire Insurance Homeowners Insurance Parking Repairs and Maintenance Property Management Fees under Repairs and Maintenance XPYHH30501 XPYHH30502 XPYHH30503 XPYHH30504 XPYHH30505 XPYHH30506 XPYHH30507 Rent XPYHH401 XPYHH402 XPYHH403 Paint And Wallpaper Plumbing And Heating Roofing And Siding Hard Surface Flooring Other Repairs And Maintenance Uncoded Capital Improvements Landscaping Materials Rent Maintenance And Repair By Tenant Tenants Insurance Other Lodging XPYHH501 XPYHH502 XPYHH503 Lodging Away From Home Housing For Someone At School Costs For Vacation Property Household Operations XPYHO1 XPYHO2 XPYHO3 XPYHO4 Babysitting And Elderly Care Household Services Alimony & Child Support Household Supplies Babysitting And Elderly Care XPYHO101 XPYHO102 XPYHO103 Babysitting Care Of Invalids And Elderly Day Care And Preschool Expenses Household Services XPYHO201 XPYHO202 XPYHO203 XPYHO204 XPYHO205 XPYHO206 XPYHO207 Domestic Service Gardening And Lawn Care Water Softening Service Moving And Storage Laundry And Dry Cleaning Repair And Rental Miscellaneous Home Services Alimony & Child Support XPYHO301 XPYHO302 Alimony Child Support Household Supplies XPYHO401 Laundry and Cleaning Supplies Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A XPYHO402 XPYHO403 Household Paper Goods Postage and Stationary Miscellaneous Expenses XPYMI1 XPYMI2 XPYMI3 XPYMI4 Legal And Accounting Funeral And Cemetery Finance Charges Excluding Mortgage And Vehicle Other Miscellaneous Expenses Personal Care XPYPC1 XPYPC2 XPYPC3 XPYPC4 Hair Care Products/Articles Electric Personal Care Appliances Personal Care Services Personal Care Products Hair Care Products XPYPC101 XPYPC102 XPYPC103 Hair Care Products Non-Electric Hair Care Articles Wigs & Hairpieces Personal Care Services XPYPC301 XPYPC302 Personal Care Services For Females Personal Care Services For Males Personal Care Products XPYPC401 XPYPC402 XPYPC403 XPYPC404 XPYTR60201 XPYTR60202 XPYTR60203 XPYTR60204 XPYTR60205 XPYTR60206 XPYTR60207 XPYTR60208 XPYTR60209 XPYTR60210 XPYTR60211 XPYTR60212 XPYTR60213 XPYTR60214 XPYTR60215 XPYTR60216 XPYTR60217 XPYTR60218 Tires Parts Equipment And Accessories Body Work And Painting Transmission / Clutch / Drive Shaft Brakes (Incl. Adjustment) Steering Or Front End Engine Cooling System Motor Tune Up Oil Change And Lube Front End Alignment And Balancing Shock Absorber Air Conditioning Exhaust System Electrical System Motor Repair / Replacement Accessories Auto Repair Service Policy Vehicle Audio Equipment Public Transportation XPYTR801 XPYTR802 XPYTR803 XPYTR804 XPYTR805 Airline Fares Intercity Bus Fares Mass Transit Taxi Other Public Transportation Other Transportation Costs Newspapers Magazines Books Utilities Tobacco XPYTB1 XPYTB2 Vehicle Repair Oral Hygiene Products Shaving Needs Cosmetics and Perfume Deodorants/Other Personal Care Reading XPYRD1 XPYRD2 XPYRD3 Page 64 Cigarettes Other Tobacco Products XPYTR901 XPYTR902 XPYTR903 XPYTR904 XPYTR905 XPYUT1 XPYUT2 XPYUT3 XPYUT4 XPYUT5 Leasing Costs Registration And License Rental Parking / Tolls / Towing Automobile Service Clubs Natural Gas Electricity Fuel Oil And Other Fuels Telephone Service Other Utilities Telephone Service Transportation XPYTR1 XPYTR2 XPYTR3 XPYTR4 XPYTR5 XPYTR6 XPYTR7 XPYTR8 XPYTR9 New Vehicle Purchase Used Vehicle Purchase Motorcycles (New And Used) Vehicle Finance Charges Gasoline And Oil Vehicle Repair And Maintenance Vehicle Insurance Public Transportation Other Transportation Costs XPYUT401 XPYUT402 XPYUT403 XPYUT404 Telephone Service Excl Cell Phones Cellular Phone Service Pager Services Phone Cards Other Utilities XPYUT501 XPYUT502 XPYUT503 Water And Sewage Trash And Garbage Collection Septic Tank Cleaning New Vehicle Purchase 2012A Retail Potential (Merchandise Lines) Used Vehicle Purchase Average Household Potential Expenditure XPYTR101 XPYTR102 XPYTR201 XPYTR202 New Car Purchased New Truck Purchased Used Car Purchase Used Truck Purchase Vehicle Finance Charges XPYTR401 XPYTR402 Automobile Finance Charges Truck Finance Charges Gasoline And Oil XPYTR501 XPYTR502 XPYTR503 Gasoline Diesel Fuel Motor Oil Vehicle Repair And Maintenance XPYTR601 XPYTR602 Coolant And Other Fluids Vehicle Repair MLPCY44111 MLPCY44112 MLPCY44121 MLPCY44122 MLPCY44131 MLPCY44132 MLPCY44211 MLPCY44221 MLPCY44229 MLPCY44311 MLPCY44312 MLPCY44313 MLPCY44411 MLPCY44412 MLPCY44413 MLPCY44419 MLPCY44421 New Car Dealers (Ave Hhld Exp) User Car Dealers (Ave Hhld Exp) Recreational Vehicle Dealers (Ave Hhld Exp) Motorcycle and Boat Dealers (Ave Hhld Exp) Auto Parts and Accessories (Ave Hhld Exp) Tire Dealers (Ave Hhld Exp) Furniture Stores (Ave Hhld Exp) Floor Covering Stores (Ave Hhld Exp) Other Home Furnishing Stores (Ave Hhld Exp) Appliances and Electronics Stores (Ave Hhld Exp) Computer Stores (Ave Hhld Exp) Camera and Photography Stores (Ave Hhld Exp) Home Centers (Ave Hhld Exp) Paint and Wallpaper Stores (Ave Hhld Exp) Hardware Stores (Ave Hhld Exp) Other Building Materials Stores (Ave Hhld Exp) Outdoor Power Equipment Stores (Ave Hhld Exp) Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A MLPCY44422 MLPCY44511 MLPCY44512 MLPCY44521 MLPCY44522 MLPCY44523 MLPCY44529 MLPCY44531 MLPCY44611 MLPCY44612 MLPCY44613 MLPCY44619 MLPCY44711 MLPCY44719 MLPCY44811 MLPCY44812 MLPCY44813 MLPCY44814 MLPCY44815 MLPCY44819 MLPCY44821 MLPCY44831 MLPCY44832 MLPCY45111 MLPCY45112 MLPCY45113 MLPCY45114 MLPCY45121 MLPCY45122 MLPCY45211 MLPCY45291 MLPCY45299 MLPCY45311 MLPCY45321 MLPCY45322 MLPCY45331 MLPCY45391 MLPCY45392 MLPCY45393 MLPCY45399 MLPCY45411 MLPCY45421 MLPCY45431 MLPCY45439 MLPCY7211 MLPCY7212 MLPCY7213 MLPCY7221 MLPCY7222 MLPCY7223 MLPCY7224 Nursery and Garden Stores (Ave Hhld Exp) Grocery Stores (Ave Hhld Exp) Convenience Stores (Ave Hhld Exp) Meat Markets (Ave Hhld Exp) Fish and Seafood Markets (Ave Hhld Exp) Fruit and Vegetable Markets (Ave Hhld Exp) Other Specialty Food Markets (Ave Hhld Exp) Liquor Stores (Ave Hhld Exp) Pharmacy and Drug Stores (Ave Hhld Exp) Cosmetics and Beauty Stores (Ave Hhld Exp) Optical Goods Stores (Ave Hhld Exp) Other Health and Personal Care Stores (Ave Hhld Exp) Gasoline Stations with Convenience Stores (Ave Hhld Exp) Gasoline Stations without Convenience Stores (Ave Hhld Exp) Men's Clothing Stores (Ave Hhld Exp) Women's Clothing Stores (Ave Hhld Exp) Childrens' and Infant's Clothing Stores (Ave Hhld Exp) Family Clothing Stores (Ave Hhld Exp) Clothing Accessory Stores (Ave Hhld Exp) Other Apparel Stores (Ave Hhld Exp) Shoe Stores (Ave Hhld Exp) Jewelry Stores (Ave Hhld Exp) Luggage Stores (Ave Hhld Exp) Sporting Goods Stores (Ave Hhld Exp) Hobby, Toy, and Game Stores (Ave Hhld Exp) Sewing and Needlecraft Stores (Ave Hhld Exp) Musical Instrument Stores (Ave Hhld Exp) Book Stores (Ave Hhld Exp) Record, Tape, and CD Stores (Ave Hhld Exp) Department Stores (Ave Hhld Exp) Warehouse Superstores (Ave Hhld Exp) Other General Merchandise Stores (Ave Hhld Exp) Florists (Ave Hhld Exp) Office and Stationary Stores (Ave Hhld Exp) Gift and Souvenir Stores (Ave Hhld Exp) Used Merchandise Stores (Ave Hhld Exp) Pet and Pet Supply Stores (Ave Hhld Exp) Art Dealers (Ave Hhld Exp) Mobile Home Dealers (Ave Hhld Exp) Other Miscellaneous Retail Stores (Ave Hhld Exp) Mail Order and Catalog Stores (Ave Hhld Exp) Vending Machines (Ave Hhld Exp) Fuel Dealers (Ave Hhld Exp) Other Direct Selling Establishments (Ave Hhld Exp) Hotels and Other Travel Accommodations (Ave Hhld Exp) RV Parks (Ave Hhld Exp) Rooming and Boarding Houses (Ave Hhld Exp) Full Service Restaurants (Ave Hhld Exp) Limited Service Restaurants (Ave Hhld Exp) Special Food Services and Catering (Ave Hhld Exp) Drinking Places (Ave Hhld Exp) Total Potential Expenditure MLTCY44111 MLTCY44112 MLTCY44121 MLTCY44122 MLTCY44131 MLTCY44132 MLTCY44211 MLTCY44221 MLTCY44229 MLTCY44311 MLTCY44312 MLTCY44313 MLTCY44411 MLTCY44412 MLTCY44413 MLTCY44419 MLTCY44421 MLTCY44422 MLTCY44511 MLTCY44512 MLTCY44521 MLTCY44522 MLTCY44523 MLTCY44529 New Car Dealers (Total Exp) User Car Dealers (Total Exp) Recreational Vehicle Dealers (Total Exp) Motorcycle and Boat Dealers (Total Exp) Auto Parts and Accessories (Total Exp) Tire Dealers (Total Exp) Furniture Stores (Total Exp) Floor Covering Stores (Total Exp) Other Home Furnishing Stores (Total Exp) Appliances and Electronics Stores (Total Exp) Computer Stores (Total Exp) Camera and Photography Stores (Total Exp) Home Centers (Total Exp) Paint and Wallpaper Stores (Total Exp) Hardware Stores (Total Exp) Other Building Materials Stores (Total Exp) Outdoor Power Equipment Stores (Total Exp) Nursery and Garden Stores (Total Exp) Grocery Stores (Total Exp) Convenience Stores (Total Exp) Meat Markets (Total Exp) Fish and Seafood Markets (Total Exp) Fruit and Vegetable Markets (Total Exp) Other Specialty Food Markets (Total Exp) Page 65 MLTCY44531 MLTCY44611 MLTCY44612 MLTCY44613 MLTCY44619 MLTCY44711 MLTCY44719 MLTCY44811 MLTCY44812 MLTCY44813 MLTCY44814 MLTCY44815 MLTCY44819 MLTCY44821 MLTCY44831 MLTCY44832 MLTCY45111 MLTCY45112 MLTCY45113 MLTCY45114 MLTCY45121 MLTCY45122 MLTCY45211 MLTCY45291 MLTCY45299 MLTCY45311 MLTCY45321 MLTCY45322 MLTCY45331 MLTCY45391 MLTCY45392 MLTCY45393 MLTCY45399 MLTCY45411 MLTCY45421 MLTCY45431 MLTCY45439 MLTCY7211 MLTCY7212 MLTCY7213 MLTCY7221 MLTCY7222 MLTCY7223 MLTCY7224 Liquor Stores (Total Exp) Pharmacy and Drug Stores (Total Exp) Cosmetics and Beauty Stores (Total Exp) Optical Goods Stores (Total Exp) Other Health and Personal Care Stores (Total Exp) Gasoline Stations with Convenience Stores (Total Exp) Gasoline Stations without Convenience Stores (Total Exp) Men's Clothing Stores (Total Exp) Women's Clothing Stores (Total Exp) Childrens' and Infant's Clothing Stores (Total Exp) Family Clothing Stores (Total Exp) Clothing Accessory Stores (Total Exp) Other Apparel Stores (Total Exp) Shoe Stores (Total Exp) Jewelry Stores (Total Exp) Luggage Stores (Total Exp) Sporting Goods Stores (Total Exp) Hobby, Toy, and Game Stores (Total Exp) Sewing and Needlecraft Stores (Total Exp) Musical Instrument Stores (Total Exp) Book Stores (Total Exp) Record, Tape, and CD Stores (Total Exp) Department Stores (Total Exp) Warehouse Superstores (Total Exp) Other General Merchandise Stores (Total Exp) Florists (Total Exp) Office and Stationary Stores (Total Exp) Gift and Souvenir Stores (Total Exp) Used Merchandise Stores (Total Exp) Pet and Pet Supply Stores (Total Exp) Art Dealers (Total Exp) Mobile Home Dealers (Total Exp) Other Miscellaneous Retail Stores (Total Exp) Mail Order and Catalog Stores (Total Exp) Vending Machines (Total Exp) Fuel Dealers (Total Exp) Other Direct Selling Establishments (Total Exp) Hotels and Other Travel Accommodations (Total Exp) RV Parks (Total Exp) Rooming and Boarding Houses (Total Exp) Full Service Restaurants (Total Exp) Limited Service Restaurants (Total Exp) Special Food Services and Catering (Total Exp) Drinking Places (Total Exp) Consumer Expenditure (Per Hhld) CXMCY100 CXMCY120 CXMCY130 CXMCY140 CXMCY150 CXMCY160 CXMCY180 CXMCY190 CXMCY200 CXMCY220 CXMCY240 CXMCY260 CXMCY270 CXMCY280 CXMCY300 CXMCY310 CXMCY320 CXMCY330 CXMCY340 CXMCY360 CXMCY370 CXMCY380 CXMCY400 CXMCY420 CXMCY440 CXMCY460 CXMCY490 CXMCY500 CXMCY600 CXMCY620 CXMCY640 Groceries (Per Hhld) Meals (Per Hhld) Alcoholic Beverages (Per Hhld) Package Liquor (Per Hhld) Tobacco (Per Hhld) Health/Cosmetics (Per Hhld) Laundry/Cleaning (Per Hhld) Paper Goods (Per Hhld) Men's Apparel (Per Hhld) Women's Apparel (Per Hhld) Children's Apparel (Per Hhld) Footwear (Per Hhld) Sewing Materials/Notions (Per Hhld) Household Textiles (Per Hhld) Major Appliances (Per Hhld) Small Appliances (Per Hhld) Televisions/Video Equipment (Per Hhld) Audio Equipment (Per Hhld) Furniture/Sleep (Per Hhld) Flooring/Carpeting (Per Hhld) Computer Hardware/Software (Per Hhld) Misc Housewares (Per Hhld) Jewelry (Per Hhld) Books (Per Hhld) Photography (Per Hhld) Toys/Games/Hobbies (Per Hhld) Optical (Per Hhld) Sporting Goods (Per Hhld) Tools (Per Hhld) Garden & Nursery (Per Hhld) Building Materials (Per Hhld) Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A CXMCY691 CXMCY700 CXMCY720 CXMCY730 CXMCY740 CXMCY780 CXMCY800 CXMCY850 Paint and Wallpaper (Per Hhld) Vehicle Purchases (Per Hhld) Automotive Fuels (Per Hhld) Automotive Lubricants (Per Hhld) Automotive Aftermarket (Per Hhld) Home Fuels (Per Hhld) Pets and Pet Supplies (Per Hhld) Miscellaneous Goods (Per Hhld) Total Consumer Expenditure CXTCY100 CXTCY120 CXTCY130 CXTCY140 CXTCY150 CXTCY160 CXTCY180 CXTCY190 CXTCY200 CXTCY220 CXTCY240 CXTCY260 CXTCY270 CXTCY280 CXTCY300 CXTCY310 CXTCY320 CXTCY330 CXTCY340 CXTCY360 CXTCY370 CXTCY380 CXTCY400 CXTCY420 CXTCY440 CXTCY460 CXTCY490 CXTCY500 CXTCY600 CXTCY620 CXTCY640 CXTCY691 CXTCY700 CXTCY720 CXTCY730 CXTCY740 CXTCY780 CXTCY800 CXTCY850 Groceries (Total) Meals (Total) Alcoholic Beverages (Total) Package Liquor (Total) Tobacco (Total) Health/Cosmetics (Total) Laundry/Cleaning (Total) Paper Goods (Total) Men's Apparel (Total) Women's Apparel (Total) Children's Apparel (Total) Footwear (Total) Sewing Materials/Notions (Total) Household Textiles (Total) Major Appliances (Total) Small Appliances (Total) Televisions/Video Equipment (Total) Audio Equipment (Total) Furniture/Sleep (Total) Flooring/Carpeting (Total) Computer Hardware/Software (Total) Misc Housewares (Total) Jewelry (Total) Books (Total) Photography (Total) Toys/Games/Hobbies (Total) Optical (Total) Sporting Goods (Total) Tools (Total) Garden & Nursery (Total) Building Materials (Total) Paint and Wallpaper (Total) Vehicle Purchases (Total) Automotive Fuels (Total) Automotive Lubricants (Total) Automotive Aftermarket (Total) Home Fuels (Total) Pets and Pet Supplies (Total) Miscellaneous Goods (Total) Risk Indexes RSKCYQUAK RSKCYRISK Quake Risk Weather Risk Hurricane RSKCYHUFQ RSKCYHUAS RSKCYHUMS RSKCYHUNX Hurricane Frequency Hurricane Average Severity Hurricane Maximum Severity Hurricane Index Page 66 RSKCYHANX Hail Index Wind RSKCYWIFQ RSKCYWIAS RSKCYWIMS RSKCYWINX Wind Frequency Wind Average Severity Wind Maximum Severity Wind Index CrimeRisk CRMCYTOTC Total Crime CRMCYPERC CRMCYMURD CRMCYRAPE CRMCYROBB CRMCYASST Personal Crime Murder Rape Robbery Assault CRMCYPROC CRMCYBURG CRMCYLARC CRMCYMVEH Property Crime Burglary Larceny Motor Vehicle Theft Climate Temperature TMPAVEANN TMPMAXANN TMPMINANN TMPAVEJAN TMPMAXJAN TMPMINJAN TMPAVEJUL TMPMAXJUL TMPMINJUL Average Annual Temperature Average Annual High Temperature Average Annual Low Temperature Average January Temperature Average January High Temperature Average January Low Temperature Average July Temperature Average July High Temperature Average July Low Temperature Precipitation PREANNRAIN Annual Rainfall PREANNSNOW Annual Snowfall Degree Days DEGDAYCOOL Cooling Degree Days DEGDAYHEAT Heating Degree Days Air Pollution OZONE CARBMONO LEAD NO2 PM10 Ozone Level Carbon Monoxide Level Lead Level NO2 Level Particulate Matter Level Mosaic Segmentation (71 segment model) Tornado RSKCYTOFQ RSKCYTOAI RSKCYTOFT RSKCYTODM RSKCYTONX Tornado Frequency Tornado Average Intensity Tornado Fatalities Tornado Damage Tornado Index Hail RSKCYHAFQ RSKCYHAAS RSKCYHAMS Hail Frequency Hail Average Severity Hail Maximum Severity Household Mosaic Segments M71CYHDA01 M71CYHDA02 M71CYHDA03 M71CYHDA04 M71CYHDA05 M71CYHDA06 M71CYHDB07 M71CYHDB08 Households A01 American Royalty Households A02 Platinum Prosperity Households A03 Kids and Cabernet Households A04 Picture Perfect Families Households A05 Couples with Clout Households A06 Jet Set Urbanites Households B07 Generational Soup Households B08 Babies and Bliss Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A M71CYHDB09 M71CYHDB10 M71CYHDC11 M71CYHDC12 M71CYHDC13 M71CYHDC14 M71CYHDD15 M71CYHDD16 M71CYHDD17 M71CYHDD18 M71CYHDE19 M71CYHDE20 M71CYHDE21 M71CYHDF22 M71CYHDF23 M71CYHDG24 M71CYHDG25 M71CYHDH26 M71CYHDH27 M71CYHDH28 M71CYHDH29 M71CYHDI30 M71CYHDI31 M71CYHDI32 M71CYHDI33 M71CYHDJ34 M71CYHDJ35 M71CYHDJ36 M71CYHDK37 M71CYHDK38 M71CYHDK39 M71CYHDK40 M71CYHDL41 M71CYHDL42 M71CYHDL43 M71CYHDM44 M71CYHDM45 M71CYHDN46 M71CYHDN47 M71CYHDN48 M71CYHDN49 M71CYHDO50 M71CYHDO51 M71CYHDO52 M71CYHDO53 M71CYHDO54 M71CYHDO55 M71CYHDP56 M71CYHDP57 M71CYHDP58 M71CYHDP59 M71CYHDP60 M71CYHDP61 M71CYHDQ62 M71CYHDQ63 M71CYHDQ64 M71CYHDQ65 M71CYHDR66 M71CYHDR67 M71CYHDS68 M71CYHDS69 M71CYHDS70 M71CYHDS71 Households B09 Family Fun-tastic Households B10 Asian Achievers Households C11 Aging of Aquarius Households C12 Golf Carts and Gourmets Households C13 Silver Sophisticates Households C14 Boomers and Boomerangs Households D15 Sports Utility Families Households D16 Settled in Suburbia Households D17 Cul de Sac Diversity Households D18 Soulful Spenders Households E19 Full Pockets - Empty Nests Households E20 No Place Like Home Households E21 Unspoiled Splendor Households F22 Fast Track Couples Households F23 Families Matter Households G24 Status Seeking Singles Households G25 Urban Edge Households H26 Progressive Potpourri Households H27 Birkenstocks and Beemers Households H28 Everyday Moderates Households H29 Destination Recreation Households I30 Stockcars and State Parks Households I31 Blue Collar Comfort Households I32 Latin Flair Households I33 Hispanic Harmony Households J34 Aging in Place Households J35 Rural Escape Households J36 Settled and Sensible Households K37 Wired for Success Households K38 Gotham Blend Households K39 Metro Fusion Households K40 Bohemian Grove Households L41 Booming and Consuming Households L42 Rooted Flower Power Households L43 Homemade Happiness Households M44 Red White and Bluegrass Households M45 Diapers and Debit Cards Households N46 True Grit Americans Households N47 Countrified Pragmatics Households N48 Gospel and Grits Households N49 Work Hard Pray Hard Households O50 Full Steam Ahead Households O51 Digital Dependents Households O52 Urban Ambition Households O53 Colleges and Cafes Households O54 Striving Single Scene Households O55 Family Troopers Households P56 Rolling the Dice Households P57 Meager Metro Means Households P58 Fragile Families Households P59 Nuevo Horizons Households P60 Cuidad Strivers Households P61 Humble Beginnings Households Q62 Reaping Rewards Households Q63 Footloose and Family Free Households Q64 Town Elders Households Q65 Senior Discounts Households R66 Dare to Dream Households R67 Hope for Tomorrow Households S68 Small Town Shallow Pockets Households S69 Soul Survivors Households S70 Enduring Hardships Households S71 Hard Times Mosaic Groups M71CYHDGRA M71CYHDGRB M71CYHDGRC M71CYHDGRD M71CYHDGRE M71CYHDGRF M71CYHDGRG M71CYHDGRH M71CYHDGRI M71CYHDGRJ M71CYHDGRK M71CYHDGRL M71CYHDGRM Households Group A Power Elite Households Group B Flourishing Families Households Group C Booming with Confidence Households Group D Suburban Style Households Group E Thriving Boomers Households Group F Promising Families Households Group G Young City Solos Households Group H Middle-class Melting Pot Households Group I Family Union Households Group J Autumn Years Households Group K Significant Singles Households Group L Blue Sky Boomers Households Group M Families in Motion Page 67 M71CYHDGRN M71CYHDGRO M71CYHDGRP M71CYHDGRQ M71CYHDGRR M71CYHDGRS Households Group N Pastoral Pride Households Group O Singles and Starters Households Group P Cultural Connections Households Group Q Golden Year Guardians Households Group R Aspirational Fusion Households Group S Struggling Societies Global Mosaic M71CYHDGLA M71CYHDGLB M71CYHDGLC M71CYHDGLD M71CYHDGLE M71CYHDGLF M71CYHDGLG M71CYHDGLH M71CYHDGLI M71CYHDGLJ Households Global Group A Sophisticated Singles Households Global Group B Bourgeois Prosperity Households Global Group C Career and Family Households Global Group D Comfortable Retirement Households Global Group E Routine Service Workers Households Global Group F Hard Working Blue Collar Households Global Group G Metropolitan Strugglers Households Global Group H Low Income Elders Households Global Group I Post Industrial Survivors Households Global Group J Rural Inheritance Population Mosaic Segments M71CYPPA01 M71CYPPA02 M71CYPPA03 M71CYPPA04 M71CYPPA05 M71CYPPA06 M71CYPPB07 M71CYPPB08 M71CYPPB09 M71CYPPB10 M71CYPPC11 M71CYPPC12 M71CYPPC13 M71CYPPC14 M71CYPPD15 M71CYPPD16 M71CYPPD17 M71CYPPD18 M71CYPPE19 M71CYPPE20 M71CYPPE21 M71CYPPF22 M71CYPPF23 M71CYPPG24 M71CYPPG25 M71CYPPH26 M71CYPPH27 M71CYPPH28 M71CYPPH29 M71CYPPI30 M71CYPPI31 M71CYPPI32 M71CYPPI33 M71CYPPJ34 M71CYPPJ35 M71CYPPJ36 M71CYPPK37 M71CYPPK38 M71CYPPK39 M71CYPPK40 M71CYPPL41 M71CYPPL42 M71CYPPL43 M71CYPPM44 M71CYPPM45 M71CYPPN46 M71CYPPN47 M71CYPPN48 M71CYPPN49 M71CYPPO50 M71CYPPO51 M71CYPPO52 M71CYPPO53 M71CYPPO54 M71CYPPO55 M71CYPPP56 Population A01 American Royalty Population A02 Platinum Prosperity Population A03 Kids and Cabernet Population A04 Picture Perfect Families Population A05 Couples with Clout Population A06 Jet Set Urbanites Population B07 Generational Soup Population B08 Babies and Bliss Population B09 Family Fun-tastic Population B10 Asian Achievers Population C11 Aging of Aquarius Population C12 Golf Carts and Gourmets Population C13 Silver Sophisticates Population C14 Boomers and Boomerangs Population D15 Sports Utility Families Population D16 Settled in Suburbia Population D17 Cul de Sac Diversity Population D18 Soulful Spenders Population E19 Full Pockets - Empty Nests Population E20 No Place Like Home Population E21 Unspoiled Splendor Population F22 Fast Track Couples Population F23 Families Matter Population G24 Status Seeking Singles Population G25 Urban Edge Population H26 Progressive Potpourri Population H27 Birkenstocks and Beemers Population H28 Everyday Moderates Population H29 Destination Recreation Population I30 Stockcars and State Parks Population I31 Blue Collar Comfort Population I32 Latin Flair Population I33 Hispanic Harmony Population J34 Aging in Place Population J35 Rural Escape Population J36 Settled and Sensible Population K37 Wired for Success Population K38 Gotham Blend Population K39 Metro Fusion Population K40 Bohemian Grove Population L41 Booming and Consuming Population L42 Rooted Flower Power Population L43 Homemade Happiness Population M44 Red White and Bluegrass Population M45 Diapers and Debit Cards Population N46 True Grit Americans Population N47 Countrified Pragmatics Population N48 Gospel and Grits Population N49 Work Hard Pray Hard Population O50 Full Steam Ahead Population O51 Digital Dependents Population O52 Urban Ambition Population O53 Colleges and Cafes Population O54 Striving Single Scene Population O55 Family Troopers Population P56 Rolling the Dice Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A M71CYPPP57 M71CYPPP58 M71CYPPP59 M71CYPPP60 M71CYPPP61 M71CYPPQ62 M71CYPPQ63 M71CYPPQ64 M71CYPPQ65 M71CYPPR66 M71CYPPR67 M71CYPPS68 M71CYPPS69 M71CYPPS70 M71CYPPS71 Population P57 Meager Metro Means Population P58 Fragile Families Population P59 Nuevo Horizons Population P60 Cuidad Strivers Population P61 Humble Beginnings Population Q62 Reaping Rewards Population Q63 Footloose and Family Free Population Q64 Town Elders Population Q65 Senior Discounts Population R66 Dare to Dream Population R67 Hope for Tomorrow Population S68 Small Town Shallow Pockets Population S69 Soul Survivors Population S70 Enduring Hardships Population S71 Hard Times Mosaic Groups M71CYPPGRA M71CYPPGRB M71CYPPGRC M71CYPPGRD M71CYPPGRE M71CYPPGRF M71CYPPGRG M71CYPPGRH M71CYPPGRI M71CYPPGRJ M71CYPPGRK M71CYPPGRL M71CYPPGRM M71CYPPGRN M71CYPPGRO M71CYPPGRP M71CYPPGRQ M71CYPPGRR M71CYPPGRS Population Group A Power Elite Population Group B Flourishing Families Population Group C Booming with Confidence Population Group D Suburban Style Population Group E Thriving Boomers Population Group F Promising Families Population Group G Young City Solos Population Group H Middle-class Melting Pot Population Group I Family Union Population Group J Autumn Years Population Group K Significant Singles Population Group L Blue Sky Boomers Population Group M Families in Motion Population Group N Pastoral Pride Population Group O Singles and Starters Population Group P Cultural Connections Population Group Q Golden Year Guardians Population Group R Aspirational Fusion Population Group S Struggling Societies Global Mosaic M71CYPPGLA M71CYPPGLB M71CYPPGLC M71CYPPGLD M71CYPPGLE M71CYPPGLF M71CYPPGLG M71CYPPGLH M71CYPPGLI M71CYPPGLJ Population Global Group A Sophisticated Singles Population Global Group B Bourgeois Prosperity Population Global Group C Career and Family Population Global Group D Comfortable Retirement Population Global Group E Routine Service Workers Population Global Group F Hard Working Blue Collar Population Global Group G Metropolitan Strugglers Population Global Group H Low Income Elders Population Global Group I Post Industrial Survivors Population Global Group J Rural Inheritance Adult Population (Age 18+) Mosaic Segments M71CYAPA01 M71CYAPA02 M71CYAPA03 M71CYAPA04 M71CYAPA05 M71CYAPA06 M71CYAPB07 M71CYAPB08 M71CYAPB09 M71CYAPB10 M71CYAPC11 M71CYAPC12 M71CYAPC13 M71CYAPC14 M71CYAPD15 M71CYAPD16 M71CYAPD17 M71CYAPD18 M71CYAPE19 M71CYAPE20 M71CYAPE21 M71CYAPF22 M71CYAPF23 M71CYAPG24 M71CYAPG25 M71CYAPH26 M71CYAPH27 Adult Population A01 American Royalty Adult Population A02 Platinum Prosperity Adult Population A03 Kids and Cabernet Adult Population A04 Picture Perfect Families Adult Population A05 Couples with Clout Adult Population A06 Jet Set Urbanites Adult Population B07 Generational Soup Adult Population B08 Babies and Bliss Adult Population B09 Family Fun-tastic Adult Population B10 Asian Achievers Adult Population C11 Aging of Aquarius Adult Population C12 Golf Carts and Gourmets Adult Population C13 Silver Sophisticates Adult Population C14 Boomers and Boomerangs Adult Population D15 Sports Utility Families Adult Population D16 Settled in Suburbia Adult Population D17 Cul de Sac Diversity Adult Population D18 Soulful Spenders Adult Population E19 Full Pockets - Empty Nests Adult Population E20 No Place Like Home Adult Population E21 Unspoiled Splendor Adult Population F22 Fast Track Couples Adult Population F23 Families Matter Adult Population G24 Status Seeking Singles Adult Population G25 Urban Edge Adult Population H26 Progressive Potpourri Adult Population H27 Birkenstocks and Beemers Page 68 M71CYAPH28 M71CYAPH29 M71CYAPI30 M71CYAPI31 M71CYAPI32 M71CYAPI33 M71CYAPJ34 M71CYAPJ35 M71CYAPJ36 M71CYAPK37 M71CYAPK38 M71CYAPK39 M71CYAPK40 M71CYAPL41 M71CYAPL42 M71CYAPL43 M71CYAPM44 M71CYAPM45 M71CYAPN46 M71CYAPN47 M71CYAPN48 M71CYAPN49 M71CYAPO50 M71CYAPO51 M71CYAPO52 M71CYAPO53 M71CYAPO54 M71CYAPO55 M71CYAPP56 M71CYAPP57 M71CYAPP58 M71CYAPP59 M71CYAPP60 M71CYAPP61 M71CYAPQ62 M71CYAPQ63 M71CYAPQ64 M71CYAPQ65 M71CYAPR66 M71CYAPR67 M71CYAPS68 M71CYAPS69 M71CYAPS70 M71CYAPS71 Adult Population H28 Everyday Moderates Adult Population H29 Destination Recreation Adult Population I30 Stockcars and State Parks Adult Population I31 Blue Collar Comfort Adult Population I32 Latin Flair Adult Population I33 Hispanic Harmony Adult Population J34 Aging in Place Adult Population J35 Rural Escape Adult Population J36 Settled and Sensible Adult Population K37 Wired for Success Adult Population K38 Gotham Blend Adult Population K39 Metro Fusion Adult Population K40 Bohemian Grove Adult Population L41 Booming and Consuming Adult Population L42 Rooted Flower Power Adult Population L43 Homemade Happiness Adult Population M44 Red White and Bluegrass Adult Population M45 Diapers and Debit Cards Adult Population N46 True Grit Americans Adult Population N47 Countrified Pragmatics Adult Population N48 Gospel and Grits Adult Population N49 Work Hard Pray Hard Adult Population O50 Full Steam Ahead Adult Population O51 Digital Dependents Adult Population O52 Urban Ambition Adult Population O53 Colleges and Cafes Adult Population O54 Striving Single Scene Adult Population O55 Family Troopers Adult Population P56 Rolling the Dice Adult Population P57 Meager Metro Means Adult Population P58 Fragile Families Adult Population P59 Nuevo Horizons Adult Population P60 Cuidad Strivers Adult Population P61 Humble Beginnings Adult Population Q62 Reaping Rewards Adult Population Q63 Footloose and Family Free Adult Population Q64 Town Elders Adult Population Q65 Senior Discounts Adult Population R66 Dare to Dream Adult Population R67 Hope for Tomorrow Adult Population S68 Small Town Shallow Pockets Adult Population S69 Soul Survivors Adult Population S70 Enduring Hardships Adult Population S71 Hard Times Mosaic Groups M71CYAPGRA M71CYAPGRB M71CYAPGRC M71CYAPGRD M71CYAPGRE M71CYAPGRF M71CYAPGRG M71CYAPGRH M71CYAPGRI M71CYAPGRJ M71CYAPGRK M71CYAPGRL M71CYAPGRM M71CYAPGRN M71CYAPGRO M71CYAPGRP M71CYAPGRQ M71CYAPGRR M71CYAPGRS Adult Population Group A Power Elite Adult Population Group B Flourishing Families Adult Population Group C Booming with Confidence Adult Population Group D Suburban Style Adult Population Group E Thriving Boomers Adult Population Group F Promising Families Adult Population Group G Young City Solos Adult Population Group H Middle-class Melting Pot Adult Population Group I Family Union Adult Population Group J Autumn Years Adult Population Group K Significant Singles Adult Population Group L Blue Sky Boomers Adult Population Group M Families in Motion Adult Population Group N Pastoral Pride Adult Population Group O Singles and Starters Adult Population Group P Cultural Connections Adult Population Group Q Golden Year Guardians Adult Population Group R Aspirational Fusion Adult Population Group S Struggling Societies Global Mosaic M71CYAPGLA M71CYAPGLB M71CYAPGLC M71CYAPGLD M71CYAPGLE M71CYAPGLF M71CYAPGLG M71CYAPGLH M71CYAPGLI M71CYAPGLJ Adult Population Global Group A Sophisticated Singles Adult Population Global Group B Bourgeois Prosperity Adult Population Global Group C Career and Family Adult Population Global Group D Comfortable Retirement Adult Population Global Group E Routine Service Workers Adult Population Global Group F Hard Working Blue Collar Adult Population Global Group G Metropolitan Strugglers Adult Population Global Group H Low Income Elders Adult Population Global Group I Post Industrial Survivors Adult Population Global Group J Rural Inheritance Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A Adult Males (Age 18+) Mosaic Segments M71CYAMA01 M71CYAMA02 M71CYAMA03 M71CYAMA04 M71CYAMA05 M71CYAMA06 M71CYAMB07 M71CYAMB08 M71CYAMB09 M71CYAMB10 M71CYAMC11 M71CYAMC12 M71CYAMC13 M71CYAMC14 M71CYAMD15 M71CYAMD16 M71CYAMD17 M71CYAMD18 M71CYAME19 M71CYAME20 M71CYAME21 M71CYAMF22 M71CYAMF23 M71CYAMG24 M71CYAMG25 M71CYAMH26 M71CYAMH27 M71CYAMH28 M71CYAMH29 M71CYAMI30 M71CYAMI31 M71CYAMI32 M71CYAMI33 M71CYAMJ34 M71CYAMJ35 M71CYAMJ36 M71CYAMK37 M71CYAMK38 M71CYAMK39 M71CYAMK40 M71CYAML41 M71CYAML42 M71CYAML43 M71CYAMM44 M71CYAMM45 M71CYAMN46 M71CYAMN47 M71CYAMN48 M71CYAMN49 M71CYAMO50 M71CYAMO51 M71CYAMO52 M71CYAMO53 M71CYAMO54 M71CYAMO55 M71CYAMP56 M71CYAMP57 M71CYAMP58 M71CYAMP59 M71CYAMP60 M71CYAMP61 M71CYAMQ62 M71CYAMQ63 M71CYAMQ64 M71CYAMQ65 M71CYAMR66 M71CYAMR67 M71CYAMS68 M71CYAMS69 M71CYAMS70 M71CYAMS71 Adult Male A01 American Royalty Adult Male A02 Platinum Prosperity Adult Male A03 Kids and Cabernet Adult Male A04 Picture Perfect Families Adult Male A05 Couples with Clout Adult Male A06 Jet Set Urbanites Adult Male B07 Generational Soup Adult Male B08 Babies and Bliss Adult Male B09 Family Fun-tastic Adult Male B10 Asian Achievers Adult Male C11 Aging of Aquarius Adult Male C12 Golf Carts and Gourmets Adult Male C13 Silver Sophisticates Adult Male C14 Boomers and Boomerangs Adult Male D15 Sports Utility Families Adult Male D16 Settled in Suburbia Adult Male D17 Cul de Sac Diversity Adult Male D18 Soulful Spenders Adult Male E19 Full Pockets - Empty Nests Adult Male E20 No Place Like Home Adult Male E21 Unspoiled Splendor Adult Male F22 Fast Track Couples Adult Male F23 Families Matter Adult Male G24 Status Seeking Singles Adult Male G25 Urban Edge Adult Male H26 Progressive Potpourri Adult Male H27 Birkenstocks and Beemers Adult Male H28 Everyday Moderates Adult Male H29 Destination Recreation Adult Male I30 Stockcars and State Parks Adult Male I31 Blue Collar Comfort Adult Male I32 Latin Flair Adult Male I33 Hispanic Harmony Adult Male J34 Aging in Place Adult Male J35 Rural Escape Adult Male J36 Settled and Sensible Adult Male K37 Wired for Success Adult Male K38 Gotham Blend Adult Male K39 Metro Fusion Adult Male K40 Bohemian Grove Adult Male L41 Booming and Consuming Adult Male L42 Rooted Flower Power Adult Male L43 Homemade Happiness Adult Male M44 Red White and Bluegrass Adult Male M45 Diapers and Debit Cards Adult Male N46 True Grit Americans Adult Male N47 Countrified Pragmatics Adult Male N48 Gospel and Grits Adult Male N49 Work Hard Pray Hard Adult Male O50 Full Steam Ahead Adult Male O51 Digital Dependents Adult Male O52 Urban Ambition Adult Male O53 Colleges and Cafes Adult Male O54 Striving Single Scene Adult Male O55 Family Troopers Adult Male P56 Rolling the Dice Adult Male P57 Meager Metro Means Adult Male P58 Fragile Families Adult Male P59 Nuevo Horizons Adult Male P60 Cuidad Strivers Adult Male P61 Humble Beginnings Adult Male Q62 Reaping Rewards Adult Male Q63 Footloose and Family Free Adult Male Q64 Town Elders Adult Male Q65 Senior Discounts Adult Male R66 Dare to Dream Adult Male R67 Hope for Tomorrow Adult Male S68 Small Town Shallow Pockets Adult Male S69 Soul Survivors Adult Male S70 Enduring Hardships Adult Male S71 Hard Times Mosaic Groups M71CYAMGRA Adult Male Group A Power Elite M71CYAMGRB Adult Male Group B Flourishing Families M71CYAMGRC Adult Male Group C Booming with Confidence Page 69 M71CYAMGRD M71CYAMGRE M71CYAMGRF M71CYAMGRG M71CYAMGRH M71CYAMGRI M71CYAMGRJ M71CYAMGRK M71CYAMGRL M71CYAMGRM M71CYAMGRN M71CYAMGRO M71CYAMGRP M71CYAMGRQ M71CYAMGRR M71CYAMGRS Adult Male Group D Suburban Style Adult Male Group E Thriving Boomers Adult Male Group F Promising Families Adult Male Group G Young City Solos Adult Male Group H Middle-class Melting Pot Adult Male Group I Family Union Adult Male Group J Autumn Years Adult Male Group K Significant Singles Adult Male Group L Blue Sky Boomers Adult Male Group M Families in Motion Adult Male Group N Pastoral Pride Adult Male Group O Singles and Starters Adult Male Group P Cultural Connections Adult Male Group Q Golden Year Guardians Adult Male Group R Aspirational Fusion Adult Male Group S Struggling Societies Global Mosaic M71CYAMGLA M71CYAMGLB M71CYAMGLC M71CYAMGLD M71CYAMGLE M71CYAMGLF M71CYAMGLG M71CYAMGLH M71CYAMGLI M71CYAMGLJ Adult Male Global Group A Sophisticated Singles Adult Male Global Group B Bourgeois Prosperity Adult Male Global Group C Career and Family Adult Male Global Group D Comfortable Retirement Adult Male Global Group E Routine Service Workers Adult Male Global Group F Hard Working Blue Collar Adult Male Global Group G Metropolitan Strugglers Adult Male Global Group H Low Income Elders Adult Male Global Group I Post Industrial Survivors Adult Male Global Group J Rural Inheritance Adult Females (Age 18+) Mosaic Segments M71CYAFA01 M71CYAFA02 M71CYAFA03 M71CYAFA04 M71CYAFA05 M71CYAFA06 M71CYAFB07 M71CYAFB08 M71CYAFB09 M71CYAFB10 M71CYAFC11 M71CYAFC12 M71CYAFC13 M71CYAFC14 M71CYAFD15 M71CYAFD16 M71CYAFD17 M71CYAFD18 M71CYAFE19 M71CYAFE20 M71CYAFE21 M71CYAFF22 M71CYAFF23 M71CYAFG24 M71CYAFG25 M71CYAFH26 M71CYAFH27 M71CYAFH28 M71CYAFH29 M71CYAFI30 M71CYAFI31 M71CYAFI32 M71CYAFI33 M71CYAFJ34 M71CYAFJ35 M71CYAFJ36 M71CYAFK37 M71CYAFK38 M71CYAFK39 M71CYAFK40 M71CYAFL41 M71CYAFL42 M71CYAFL43 M71CYAFM44 M71CYAFM45 M71CYAFN46 Adult Female A01 American Royalty Adult Female A02 Platinum Prosperity Adult Female A03 Kids and Cabernet Adult Female A04 Picture Perfect Families Adult Female A05 Couples with Clout Adult Female A06 Jet Set Urbanites Adult Female B07 Generational Soup Adult Female B08 Babies and Bliss Adult Female B09 Family Fun-tastic Adult Female B10 Asian Achievers Adult Female C11 Aging of Aquarius Adult Female C12 Golf Carts and Gourmets Adult Female C13 Silver Sophisticates Adult Female C14 Boomers and Boomerangs Adult Female D15 Sports Utility Families Adult Female D16 Settled in Suburbia Adult Female D17 Cul de Sac Diversity Adult Female D18 Soulful Spenders Adult Female E19 Full Pockets - Empty Nests Adult Female E20 No Place Like Home Adult Female E21 Unspoiled Splendor Adult Female F22 Fast Track Couples Adult Female F23 Families Matter Adult Female G24 Status Seeking Singles Adult Female G25 Urban Edge Adult Female H26 Progressive Potpourri Adult Female H27 Birkenstocks and Beemers Adult Female H28 Everyday Moderates Adult Female H29 Destination Recreation Adult Female I30 Stockcars and State Parks Adult Female I31 Blue Collar Comfort Adult Female I32 Latin Flair Adult Female I33 Hispanic Harmony Adult Female J34 Aging in Place Adult Female J35 Rural Escape Adult Female J36 Settled and Sensible Adult Female K37 Wired for Success Adult Female K38 Gotham Blend Adult Female K39 Metro Fusion Adult Female K40 Bohemian Grove Adult Female L41 Booming and Consuming Adult Female L42 Rooted Flower Power Adult Female L43 Homemade Happiness Adult Female M44 Red White and Bluegrass Adult Female M45 Diapers and Debit Cards Adult Female N46 True Grit Americans Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A M71CYAFN47 M71CYAFN48 M71CYAFN49 M71CYAFO50 M71CYAFO51 M71CYAFO52 M71CYAFO53 M71CYAFO54 M71CYAFO55 M71CYAFP56 M71CYAFP57 M71CYAFP58 M71CYAFP59 M71CYAFP60 M71CYAFP61 M71CYAFQ62 M71CYAFQ63 M71CYAFQ64 M71CYAFQ65 M71CYAFR66 M71CYAFR67 M71CYAFS68 M71CYAFS69 M71CYAFS70 M71CYAFS71 Adult Female N47 Countrified Pragmatics Adult Female N48 Gospel and Grits Adult Female N49 Work Hard Pray Hard Adult Female O50 Full Steam Ahead Adult Female O51 Digital Dependents Adult Female O52 Urban Ambition Adult Female O53 Colleges and Cafes Adult Female O54 Striving Single Scene Adult Female O55 Family Troopers Adult Female P56 Rolling the Dice Adult Female P57 Meager Metro Means Adult Female P58 Fragile Families Adult Female P59 Nuevo Horizons Adult Female P60 Cuidad Strivers Adult Female P61 Humble Beginnings Adult Female Q62 Reaping Rewards Adult Female Q63 Footloose and Family Free Adult Female Q64 Town Elders Adult Female Q65 Senior Discounts Adult Female R66 Dare to Dream Adult Female R67 Hope for Tomorrow Adult Female S68 Small Town Shallow Pockets Adult Female S69 Soul Survivors Adult Female S70 Enduring Hardships Adult Female S71 Hard Times Mosaic Groups M71CYAFGRA M71CYAFGRB M71CYAFGRC M71CYAFGRD M71CYAFGRE M71CYAFGRF M71CYAFGRG M71CYAFGRH M71CYAFGRI M71CYAFGRJ M71CYAFGRK M71CYAFGRL M71CYAFGRM M71CYAFGRN M71CYAFGRO M71CYAFGRP M71CYAFGRQ M71CYAFGRR M71CYAFGRS Adult Female Group A Power Elite Adult Female Group B Flourishing Families Adult Female Group C Booming with Confidence Adult Female Group D Suburban Style Adult Female Group E Thriving Boomers Adult Female Group F Promising Families Adult Female Group G Young City Solos Adult Female Group H Middle-class Melting Pot Adult Female Group I Family Union Adult Female Group J Autumn Years Adult Female Group K Significant Singles Adult Female Group L Blue Sky Boomers Adult Female Group M Families in Motion Adult Female Group N Pastoral Pride Adult Female Group O Singles and Starters Adult Female Group P Cultural Connections Adult Female Group Q Golden Year Guardians Adult Female Group R Aspirational Fusion Adult Female Group S Struggling Societies Global Mosaic M71CYAFGLA M71CYAFGLB M71CYAFGLC M71CYAFGLD M71CYAFGLE M71CYAFGLF M71CYAFGLG M71CYAFGLH M71CYAFGLI M71CYAFGLJ Adult Female Global Group A Sophisticated Singles Adult Female Global Group B Bourgeois Prosperity Adult Female Global Group C Career and Family Adult Female Global Group D Comfortable Retirement Adult Female Global Group E Routine Service Workers Adult Female Global Group F Hard Working Blue Collar Adult Female Global Group G Metropolitan Strugglers Adult Female Global Group H Low Income Elders Adult Female Global Group I Post Industrial Survivors Adult Female Global Group J Rural Inheritance Consumer Behavior Mediamark (MRI) Profiles Apparel and Accessories MRAAAS001A MRAAAS002A MRAAAS003A MRAAAS004A MRAAAS005A MRAAAS006A MRAAAS007A MRAAAS008A MRAAAS009A MRAAAS010A Athletic Shoes: Spent < $50 Athletic Shoes: Spent $50-$75 Athletic Shoes: Spent $75-$150 Athletic Shoes: Spent > $150 Athletic Shoes: Spent > $75 Athletic Shoes:Adidas Athletic Shoes:Airwalk Athletic Shoes:Asics Athletic Shoes:Avia Athletic Shoes:Brooks Page 70 MRAAAS011A MRAAAS012A MRAAAS013A MRAAAS014A MRAAAS015A MRAAAS016A MRAAAS017A MRAAAS018A MRAAAS019A MRAAAS020A MRAAAS021A MRAAAS022A MRAAAS023A MRAAAS024A MRAAAS025A MRAAAS026A MRAAAS027A MRAAAS028A MRAAAS029A MRAAAS030A MRAAAS031A MRAAAS032A MRAAAS033A MRAAAS034A MRAAAS035A MRAAAS036A MRAAAS037A MRAAAS038A MRAAAS039A MRAAAS040A MRAAAS041A MRAAAS042A MRAAAS043A MRAAAS044A MRAAAS045A MRAACE001A MRAACE002A MRAACE003A MRAACE004A MRAACE005A MRAACE006A MRAACE007A MRAACE008A MRAACJ001A MRAACJ002A MRAACJ003A MRAACJ004A MRAACJ005A MRAACJ006A MRAACJ007A MRAACJ008A MRAACJ009A MRAACJ010A MRAACJ011A MRAAFJ001A MRAAFJ002A MRAAFJ003A MRAAFJ004A MRAAFJ005A MRAAFJ006A MRAAFJ007A MRAAFJ008A MRAAFJ009A MRAAFJ010A MRAAFJ011A MRAAFJ012A MRAAFJ013A MRAAFJ014A MRAAFJ015A MRAAFJ016A MRAAFJ017A MRAAFJ018A MRAAFJ019A MRAAFJ020A MRAAFJ021A MRAAFJ022A MRAAFJ023A MRAAFJ024A MRAAMC001A Athletic Shoes:Converse Athletic Shoes:Easy Spirit Athletic Shoes:Fila Athletic Shoes:Jordan Athletic Shoes:Keds Athletic Shoes:K-Swiss Athletic Shoes:LA Gear Athletic Shoes:Merrell Athletic Shoes:New Balance Athletic Shoes:Nike Athletic Shoes:Puma Athletic Shoes:Reebok Athletic Shoes:Rockport Athletic Shoes:Saucony Athletic Shoes:Skechers Athletic Shoes:Timberland Athletic Shoes:Vans Athletic Shoes:Wolverine Athletic Shoes:Other Athletic Shoes: Aerobic/Fitness shoes Athletic Shoes: Baseball/Softball shoes Athletic Shoes: Basketball shoes Athletic Shoes: Boat/Deck shoes Athletic Shoes: Bowling shoes Athletic Shoes: Cross Training shoes Athletic Shoes: Golf shoes Athletic Shoes: Hiking/Backpacking boots Athletic Shoes: Rock Climbing shoes Athletic Shoes: Running/Jogging shoes Athletic Shoes: Soccer shoes Athletic Shoes: Sports Sandals Athletic Shoes: Tennis shoes Athletic Shoes: Walking shoes Athletic Shoes: Weight Lifting/Training shoes Athletic Shoes: Any Clothing Expenditures: Total Under $100 Clothing Expenditures: Total $100 - $299 Clothing Expenditures: Total $300 - $499 Clothing Expenditures: Total $500 - $999 Clothing Expenditures: Total $1,000 - $1,999 Clothing Expenditures: Total $2,000 - $2,999 Clothing Expenditures: Total $3,000+ Clothing Expenditures: Total $2,000+ Costume Jewelry: Bracelet Costume Jewelry: Pin Costume Jewelry: Earrings Costume Jewelry: Necklace Costume Jewelry: Ring Costume Jewelry: Total Less than $25 Costume Jewelry: Total $25 - $49 Costume Jewelry: Total $50 - $99 Costume Jewelry: Total $100 - $199 Costume Jewelry: Total $200+ Costume Jewelry: Bought any Fine Jewelry: Total Under $100 Fine Jewelry: Total $100 - $399 Fine Jewelry: Total $400 - $749 Fine Jewelry: Total $750 - $999 Fine Jewelry: Total $1,000 - $1,499 Fine Jewelry: Total $1,500+ Fine Jewelry: Bracelet Fine Jewelry: Brooch/Pin Fine Jewelry: Earrings Fine Jewelry: Necklace Fine Jewelry: Engagement Ring Fine Jewelry: Other Ring Fine Jewelry - Summary: Bought Fine Jewelry - Types: Diamond Fine Jewelry - Types: Gold Fine Jewelry - Types: Platinum Fine Jewelry - Types: Sterling Fine Jewelry - Types: Other Fine Jewelry: Purchased at Independent Jeweler Fine Jewelry: Purchased at Department Store Fine Jewelry: Purchased at Jared Fine Jewelry: Purchased at Kay Jewelers Fine Jewelry: Purchased at Zales Fine Jewelry: Purchased at Other Retail Chain Men's Clothing: Armani Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A MRAAMC002A MRAAMC003A MRAAMC004A MRAAMC005A MRAAMC006A MRAAMC007A MRAAMC008A MRAAMC009A MRAAMC010A MRAAMC011A MRAAMC012A MRAAMC013A MRAAMC014A MRAAMC015A MRAAMC016A MRAAMC017A MRAAMC018A MRAAMC019A MRAAMC020A MRAAMC021A MRAAMC022A MRAAMC023A MRAAMC024A MRAAMC025A MRAAMC026A MRAAMC027A MRAAMC028A MRAAMC029A MRAAMC030A MRAAMC031A MRAAMC032A MRAAMC033A MRAAMC034A MRAAMC035A MRAAMC036A MRAAMC037A MRAAMC038A MRAAMC039A MRAAMC040A MRAAMC041A MRAAMC042A MRAAMC043A MRAAMC044A MRAAMC045A MRAAMC046A MRAAMC047A MRAAMC048A MRAASH001A MRAASH002A MRAASH003A MRAASH004A MRAASH005A MRAASH006A MRAASH007A MRAASH008A MRAASH009A MRAASH010A MRAASH011A MRAASH012A MRAASH013A MRAASH014A MRAASH015A MRAASH016A MRAASH017A MRAASH018A MRAASH019A MRAASH020A MRAASH021A MRAASH022A MRAASH023A MRAASH024A MRAASH025A MRAASH026A MRAASH027A MRAASH028A MRAASH029A MRAASH030A MRAASH031A MRAASH032A Men's Clothing: Banana Republic Men's Clothing: Brooks Brothers Men's Clothing: Calvin Klein Men's Clothing: Claiborne Men's Clothing: DKNY Men's Clothing: Dockers Men's Clothing: Eddie Bauer Men's Clothing: Express Men's Clothing: The Gap Men's Clothing: H&M Men's Clothing: Haggar Men's Clothing: Jones New York Men's Clothing: Kenneth Cole Men's Clothing: LandsÆ End Men's Clothing: Lee Men's Clothing: Levi's Men's Clothing: Nautica Men's Clothing: Old Navy Men's Clothing: Polo Men's Clothing: Ralph Lauren Men's Clothing: Tommy Hilfiger Men's Clothing: Wrangler Men's Clothing: Other Brands Men's Clothing: Bought any Men's Clothing: Bought one item Men's Clothing: Bought two items Men's Clothing: Bought three or more items Men's Clothing: Big Ticket: Bought any Men's Clothing: Big Ticket: Bought one item Men's Clothing: Big Ticket: Bought two items Men's Clothing: Big Ticket: Bought three or more items Men's Clothing: Low Ticket: Bought any Men's Clothing: Low Ticket: Bought one item Men's Clothing: Low Ticket: Bought two items Men's Clothing: Low Ticket: Bought three or more items Men's Clothing: Big Ticket: Total Less than $100 Men's Clothing: Big Ticket: Total $100 - $199 Men's Clothing: Big Ticket: Total $200 - $299 Men's Clothing: Big Ticket: Total $300 - $499 Men's Clothing: Big Ticket: Total $500+ Men's Clothing: Low Ticket: Total Less than $50 Men's Clothing: Low Ticket: Total $50 - $99 Men's Clothing: Low Ticket: Total $100 - $199 Men's Clothing: Low Ticket: Total $200 - $299 Men's Clothing: Low Ticket: Total $300 - $499 Men's Clothing: Low Ticket: Total $500 - $999 Men's Clothing: Low Ticket: Total $1,000+ Shoes: Total Any Under $50 Shoes: Total Any $50 - $99 Shoes: Total Any $100 - $249 Shoes: Total Any $250+ Shoes: Total Any $100+ Shoes: Aerosoles Shoes: Allen-Edmonds Shoes: B°rn Shoes: Coach Shoes: Cole Haan Shoes: Crocs Shoes: Keen Shoes: Kenneth Cole Shoes: Naturalizer Shoes: Nina Shoes: Nine West Shoes: Rockport Shoes: Skechers Shoes: Sperry Shoes: Steve Madden Shoes: UGG Shoes: Other Brands Shoes: Bought Canvas Shoes: Bought Casual/leisure Shoes: Bought Dress boots Shoes: Bought Dress shoes Shoes: Bought Sandals Shoes: Bought Slippers Shoes: Bought Western boots Shoes: Bought Work boots Shoes: Bought Other work shoes Shoes: Bought Other Page 71 MRAASH033A MRAASP001A MRAASP002A MRAASP003A MRAASP004A MRAASP005A MRAASP006A MRAASP007A MRAASP008A MRAASP009A MRAASP010A MRAASP011A MRAASP012A MRAASP013A MRAASP014A MRAASP015A MRAASP016A MRAASP017A MRAASP018A MRAASP019A MRAASP020A MRAASP021A MRAAWT001A MRAAWT002A MRAAWT003A MRAAWT004A MRAAWT005A MRAAWT006A MRAAWT007A MRAAWT008A MRAAWT009A MRAAWT010A MRAAWT011A MRAAWT012A MRAAWT013A MRAAWT014A MRAAWT015A MRAAWT016A MRAAWT017A MRAAWT018A MRAAWT019A MRAAWT020A MRAAWT021A MRAAWT022A MRAAWT023A MRAAWT024A MRAAWT025A MRAAWT026A MRAAWT027A MRAAWT028A MRAAWC001A MRAAWC002A MRAAWC003A MRAAWC004A MRAAWC005A MRAAWC006A MRAAWC007A MRAAWC008A MRAAWC009A MRAAWC010A MRAAWC011A MRAAWC012A MRAAWC013A MRAAWC014A MRAAWC015A MRAAWC016A MRAAWC017A MRAAWC018A MRAAWC019A MRAAWC020A MRAAWC021A MRAAWC022A MRAAWC023A MRAAWC024A MRAAWC025A MRAAWC026A MRAAWC027A MRAAWC028A MRAAWC029A Shoes: Bought Any Stockings & Pantyhose: (Last 6 Months) Knee-highs Stockings & Pantyhose: (Last 6 Months) Leggings Stockings & Pantyhose: (Last 6 Months) Pantyhose Stockings & Pantyhose: (Last 6 Months) Panty Pantyhose Combination Stockings & Pantyhose: (Last 6 Months) Stockings Stockings & Pantyhose: (Last 6 Months) Tights/Opaques Stockings & Pantyhose: (Last 6 Months) Queen/Proportional Stockings & Pantyhose: (Last 6 Months) Regular Size Stockings & Pantyhose: (Last 6 Months) Calvin Klein/CK Stockings & Pantyhose: (Last 6 Months) Donna Karan/DKNY Stockings & Pantyhose: (Last 6 Months) Hanes Silk Reflections Stockings & Pantyhose: (Last 6 Months) Hanes Too Stockings & Pantyhose: (Last 6 Months) Other Hanes Stockings & Pantyhose: (Last 6 Months) Hue Stockings & Pantyhose: (Last 6 Months) Just My Size Stockings & Pantyhose: (Last 6 Months) L'eggs Sheer Energy Stockings & Pantyhose: (Last 6 Months) L'eggs Silken Mist Stockings & Pantyhose: (Last 6 Months) Other L'eggs Stockings & Pantyhose: (Last 6 Months) No Nonsense Stockings & Pantyhose: (Last 6 Months) Victoria's Secret Stockings & Pantyhose: (Last 6 Months) Other Watches: Total < $50 Watches: Total $50-$100 Watches: Total $100-$300 Watches: Total $300-500 Watches: Total > $500 Watches: Casio (Last year) Watches: Citizen (Last year) Watches: Fossil (Last year) Watches: Gucci (Last year) Watches: Guess (Last year) Watches: Movado (Last year) Watches: Nike (Last year) Watches: Omega (Last year) Watches: Rolex (Last year) Watches: Seiko (Last year) Watches: Swatch (Last year) Watches: Tag Heuer (Last year) Watches: Tiffany (Last year) Watches: Timex (Last year) Watches: Tommy Hilfiger (Last year) Watches: Victorinox Swiss Army (Last year) Watches: Other (Last year) Watches: Any watch (Last year) Watches: Sport (Last Year) Watches: Dress (Last Year) Watches: Casual (Last Year) Watches: Other Kind (Last Year) Watches: Purchased as Gift Women's Clothing: Alfred Dunner Women's Clothing: Ann Taylor Women's Clothing: Armani Women's Clothing: Banana Republic Women's Clothing: Calvin Klein Women's Clothing: DKNY Women's Clothing: Dockers Women's Clothing: Eddie Bauer Women's Clothing: Express Women's Clothing: The Gap Women's Clothing: H&M Women's Clothing: Inc Women's Clothing: Jones New York Women's Clothing: Juicy Couture Women's Clothing: Kenneth Cole Women's Clothing: Lee Women's Clothing: Levi's Women's Clothing: Liz Claiborne Women's Clothing: Lucky Brand Women's Clothing: New York & Company Women's Clothing: Old Navy Women's Clothing: Polo Women's Clothing: Ralph Lauren Women's Clothing: Riders Women's Clothing: Sag Harbor Women's Clothing: Talbots Women's Clothing: Tommy Hilfiger Women's Clothing: Wrangler Women's Clothing: Other Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A MRAAWC030A MRAAWC031A MRAAWC032A MRAAWC033A MRAAWC034A MRAAWC035A MRAAWC036A MRAAWC037A MRAAWC038A MRAAWC039A MRAAWC040A MRAAWC041A MRAAWC042A MRAAWC043A MRAAWC044A MRAAWC045A MRAAWC046A MRAAWC047A MRAAWC048A MRAAWC049A MRAAWC050A MRAAWC051A MRAAWC052A MRAAWC053A Women's Clothing Bought any Women's Clothing Bought one item Women's Clothing Bought two items Women's Clothing Bought three or more items Women's Clothing: Big Ticket: Bought any Women's Clothing: Big Ticket: Bought one item Women's Clothing: Big Ticket: Bought two items Women's Clothing: Big Ticket: Bought three or more items Women's Clothing: Low Ticket: Bought any Women's Clothing: Low Ticket: Bought one item Women's Clothing: Low Ticket: Bought two items Women's Clothing: Low Ticket: Bought three or more items Women's Clothing: Big Ticket Total: Less than $100 Women's Clothing: Big Ticket Total: $100 - $199 Women's Clothing: Big Ticket Total: $200 - $299 Women's Clothing: Big Ticket Total: $300 - $499 Women's Clothing: Big Ticket Total: $500+ Women's Clothing: Low Ticket Total: Less than $50 Women's Clothing: Low Ticket Total: $50 - $99 Women's Clothing: Low Ticket Total: $100 - $199 Women's Clothing: Low Ticket Total: $200 - $299 Women's Clothing: Low Ticket Total: $300 - $499 Women's Clothing: Low Ticket Total: $500 - $999 Women's Clothing: Low Ticket Total: $1,000+ Appliances MRAPCC001H MRAPCC002H MRAPCC003H MRAPCC004H MRAPCC005H MRAPCC006H MRAPCC007H MRAPCC008H MRAPCC009H MRAPCC010H MRAPCC011H MRAPCC012H MRAPCC013H MRAPCC014H MRAPCC015H MRAPCC016H MRAPCS001H MRAPCS002H MRAPCS003H MRAPCS004H MRAPCS005H MRAPCS006H MRAPCS007H MRAPCS008H MRAPCS009H MRAPCS010H MRAPCS011H MRAPCS012H MRAPCS013H MRAPCS014H MRAPCS015H MRAPDU001H MRAPDU002H MRAPDU003H MRAPDU004H MRAPDU005H MRAPDU006H MRAPDU007H MRAPDU008H MRAPDU009H MRAPDU010H MRAPDU011H MRAPDU012H MRAPDU013H MRAPDU014H MRAPDU015H MRAPDU016H MRAPDU017H MRAPDU018H MRAPDU019H Climate Control: Hhd Owns Air cleaner - electric Climate Control: Hhd Owns Central air conditioner Climate Control: Hhd Owns Air conditioner - separate room Climate Control: Hhd Owns Attic/whole house fan Climate Control: Hhd Owns Ceiling fan (not bathroom vent) Climate Control: Hhd Owns Coal/wood stove Climate Control: Hhd Owns Central heating - gas Climate Control: Hhd Owns Central heating - oil Climate Control: Hhd Owns Electric heating (central) Climate Control: Hhd Owns Space heater (electric) Climate Control: Hhd Owns Automatic setback thermostat Climate Control: Hhd Owns Dehumidifier Climate Control: Hhd Owns Humidifier Climate Control: Hhd Owns Fireplace Climate Control: Hhd Owns Heat Pump Climate Control: Hhd Owns Kerosene heater Cooking/Serving: Aluminum cookware (Bought Last Yr) Cooking/Serving: Other metal cookware (Bought Last Yr) Cooking/Serving: Barbecue equipment (Bought Last Yr) Cooking/Serving: Canning jars & lids (Bought Last Yr) Cooking/Serving: Ceramic coated cookware (Bought Last Yr) Cooking/Serving: Cutlery (kitchen knives) (Bought Last Yr) Cooking/Serving: Insulated coffee carafe/server (Bought Last Yr) Cooking/Serving: Wok (non-electric) (Bought Last Yr) Cooking/Serving: Glass storage containers (Bought Last Yr) Cooking/Serving: Non-stick metal bakeware/ovenware (Bought Last Yr) Cooking/Serving: Glass rangetop cookware (Bought Last Yr) Cooking/Serving: Microwave cookware glass/ceramic (Bought Last Yr) Cooking/Serving: Microwave cookware plastic (Bought Last Yr) Cooking/Serving: Microwave cookware paper/disposable (Bought Last Yr) Cooking/Serving: Any (Bought Last Yr) Hhld Appl/Durables: Air purifier (Bought Last Yr) Hhld Appl/Durables: Broom (Bought Last Yr) Hhld Appl/Durables: Burglar alarm (Bought Last Yr) Hhld Appl/Durables: Carpet steam cleaner (Bought Last Yr) Hhld Appl/Durables: Clothes dryer - electric (Bought Last Yr) Hhld Appl/Durables: Clothes dryer - gas (Bought Last Yr) Hhld Appl/Durables: Garage door opener (Bought Last Yr) Hhld Appl/Durables: Home fire extinguisher (Bought Last Yr) Hhld Appl/Durables: Hot tub/Whirlpool spa (Bought Last Yr) Hhld Appl/Durables: Hot water heater (Bought Last Yr) Hhld Appl/Durables: Locks or lock sets (Bought Last Yr) Hhld Appl/Durables: Mop (Bought Last Yr) Hhld Appl/Durables: Rechargeable flashlight (Bought Last Yr) Hhld Appl/Durables: Other battery flashlight (Bought Last Yr) Hhld Appl/Durables: Sewing machine (Bought Last Yr) Hhld Appl/Durables: Smoke/fire detector (Bought Last Yr) Hhld Appl/Durables: Vacuum cleaner - canister (Bought Last Yr) Hhld Appl/Durables: Vacuum cleaner - hand held (Bought Last Yr) Hhld Appl/Durables: Vacuum cleaner - upright (Bought Last Yr) Page 72 MRAPDU020H MRAPDU021H MRAPDU022H MRAPDU023H MRAPDU024H MRAPHO001H MRAPHO002H MRAPHO003H MRAPHO004H MRAPHO005H MRAPHO006H MRAPHO007H MRAPHO008H MRAPHO009H MRAPHO010H MRAPHO011H MRAPHO012H MRAPHO013H MRAPHO014H MRAPHO015H MRAPHO016H MRAPHO017H MRAPHO018H MRAPHO019H MRAPHO020H MRAPPA001A MRAPPA002A MRAPPA003A MRAPPA004A MRAPPA005A MRAPPA006A MRAPPA007A MRAPPA008A MRAPPA009A MRAPPA010A MRAPPA011A MRAPPA012A MRAPPA013A MRAPSK001H MRAPSK002H MRAPSK003H MRAPSK004H MRAPSK005H MRAPSK006H MRAPSK007H MRAPSK008H MRAPSK009H MRAPSK010H MRAPSK011H MRAPSK012H MRAPSK013H MRAPSK014H MRAPSK015H MRAPSK016H MRAPSK017H MRAPSK018H Hhld Appl/Durables: Washing machine - high efficiency (Bought Last Yr) Hhld Appl/Durables: Washing machine - standard (Bought Last Yr) Hhld Appl/Durables: Washer/dryer - stacked (Bought Last Yr) Hhld Appl/Durables: Water softener (Bought Last Yr) Hhld Appl/Durables: Any (Bought Last Yr) Hhd Owns Dishwasher - built-in Hhd Owns Dishwasher - portable Hhd Owns Built-in range oven - electric Hhd Owns Built-in range oven - gas Hhd Owns Electric stove/range Hhd Owns Gas stove/range Hhd Owns Continuous cleaning oven Hhd Owns Convection oven Hhd Owns Cook top Hhd Owns Microwave oven Hhd Owns Combination range/microwave Hhd Owns Rangehood Hhd Owns Refrigerator Hhd Owns Separate freezer Hhd Owns Charcoal grill Hhd Owns Electric grill - outdoor Hhd Owns Gas grill Hhd Owns Trash compactor Hhd Owns Garbage disposer Hhd Owns Any Personal Appliances: Blood glucose monitor (Bought Last Yr) Personal Appliances: Clock - battery (Bought Last Yr) Personal Appliances: Clock radio - electric (Bought Last Yr) Personal Appliances: Electronic ear thermometer (Bought Last Yr) Personal Appliances: Hand-held massagers (Bought Last Yr) Personal Appliances: Hearing aids (Bought Last Yr) Personal Appliances: Home blood pressure monitor (Bought Last Yr) Personal Appliances: Lighted make-up mirror (Bought Last Yr) Personal Appliances: Massaging shower head (Bought Last Yr) Personal Appliances: Oral irrigation device (Bought Last Yr) Personal Appliances: Scale (bathroom) (Bought Last Yr) Personal Appliances: Own any Personal Appliances: Bought in last year Small Kitchen Appliances: Electric blender (Bought Last Yr) Small Kitchen Appliances: Electric can opener (Bought Last Yr) Small Kitchen Appliances: Electric coffee grinder (Bought Last Yr) Small Kitchen Appliances: Electric food processor (Bought Last Yr) Small Kitchen Appliances: Electric fry pan (Bought Last Yr) Small Kitchen Appliances: Electric grill - Indoor (Bought Last Yr) Small Kitchen Appliances: Electric juicer (Bought Last Yr) Small Kitchen Appliances: Electric knife (Bought Last Yr) Small Kitchen Appliances: Electric mixer - hand held (Bought Last Yr) Small Kitchen Appliances: Electric mixer - stationary (Bought Last Yr) Small Kitchen Appliances: Electric popcorn maker (Bought Last Yr) Small Kitchen Appliances: Electric slow cooker (Bought Last Yr) Small Kitchen Appliances: Electric steam cooker (Bought Last Yr) Small Kitchen Appliances: Electric wok (Bought Last Yr) Small Kitchen Appliances: Pasta machine (Bought Last Yr) Small Kitchen Appliances: Pressure cooker (Bought Last Yr) Small Kitchen Appliances: Vacuum sealer (Bought Last Yr) Small Kitchen Appliances: Any (Bought Last Yr) Automotive MRAUAC001A MRAUAC002A MRAUAC003A MRAUAC004A MRAUAC005A MRAUAC006A MRAUAC007A MRAUAC008A MRAUAC009A MRAUAC010A MRAUBR001A MRAUBR002A MRAUBR003A MRAUBR004A MRAUBR005A MRAUBR006A MRAUBR007A MRAUBR008A MRAUBR009A Auto Clubs: Belong to any Auto Clubs: AAA Auto Clubs: AARP Roadside Assistance Auto Clubs: Allstate Auto Clubs: BP Motor Club Auto Clubs: Car Dealer/Mfg/Dealer Warranty Auto Clubs: Other insurance company Auto Clubs: Other Car Rental: For business use last year Car Rental: For personal use last year Currently owned/leased: Buick Currently owned/leased: Cadillac Currently owned/leased: Chevrolet Currently owned/leased: Chrysler Currently owned/leased: Dodge Currently owned/leased: Eagle Currently owned/leased: Ford Currently owned/leased: Geo Currently owned/leased: GMC Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A MRAUBR010A MRAUBR011A MRAUBR012A MRAUBR013A MRAUBR014A MRAUBR015A MRAUBR016A MRAUBR017A MRAUBR018A MRAUBR019A MRAUBR020A MRAUBR021A MRAUBR022A MRAUBR023A MRAUBR024A MRAUBR025A MRAUBR026A MRAUBR027A MRAUBR028A MRAUBR029A MRAUBR030A MRAUBR031A MRAUBR032A MRAUBR033A MRAUBR034A MRAUBR035A MRAUBR036A MRAUBR037A MRAUBR038A MRAUBR039A MRAUBR040A MRAUBR041A MRAUBR042A MRAUBR043A MRAUBR044A MRAUBR045A MRAUBR046A MRAUBR047A MRAUBR048A MRAUBR049A MRAUBR050A MRAUBR051A MRAUDR001A MRAUDR002A MRAUDR003A MRAUDR004A MRAUDR005A MRAUDR006A MRAUDR007A MRAUDR008A MRAUDR009A MRAUDR010A MRAUDR011A MRAUDR012A MRAUDR013A MRAUDR014A MRAUDR015A MRAUDR016A MRAUDR017A MRAUDR018A MRAUDR019A MRAUDR020A MRAUDR021A MRAUDR022A MRAUDR023A MRAUDR024A MRAUDR025A MRAUDR026A MRAUDR027A MRAUDR028A MRAUDR029A MRAUDR030A MRAUDR031A MRAUDR032A MRAUDR033A MRAUDR034A MRAUDR035A MRAUDR036A MRAUDR037A Currently owned/leased: Hummer Currently owned/leased: Jeep Currently owned/leased: Lincoln Currently owned/leased: Mercury Currently owned/leased: Oldsmobile Currently owned/leased: Plymouth Currently owned/leased: Pontiac Currently owned/leased: Saturn Currently owned/leased: Acura Currently owned/leased: Alfa Romeo Currently owned/leased: Audi Currently owned/leased: BMW Currently owned/leased: Daewoo Currently owned/leased: Ferrari Currently owned/leased: Fiat Currently owned/leased: Honda Currently owned/leased: Hyundai Currently owned/leased: Infiniti Currently owned/leased: Isuzu Currently owned/leased: Jaguar Currently owned/leased: Kia Currently owned/leased: Lamborghini Currently owned/leased: Land Rover Currently owned/leased: Lexus Currently owned/leased: Lotus Currently owned/leased: Mazda Currently owned/leased: Mercedes Currently owned/leased: MG Currently owned/leased: Mitsubishi Currently owned/leased: Nissan Currently owned/leased: Peugeot Currently owned/leased: Porsche Currently owned/leased: Renault Currently owned/leased: Rolls Royce Currently owned/leased: SAAB Currently owned/leased: Scion Currently owned/leased: Subaru Currently owned/leased: Suzuki Currently owned/leased: Toyota Currently owned/leased: Triumph Currently owned/leased: Volkswagen Currently owned/leased: Volvo Driving: Have valid drivers license Driving: Currently Drive a Automobile Driving: Currently Drive a Motorcycle Driving: Currently Drive a Van Driving: Currently Drive a Minivan Driving: Currently Drive a Compact pick-up Driving: Currently Drive a Regular pick-up Driving: Currently Drive a Heavy duty truck Driving: Currently Drive a Recreation vehicle Driving: Currently Drive a Sport/utility vehicle Driving: Currently Drive a Other truck Driving: Currently Drive a Other vehicle Driving - Annual Miles Personally Driven: None Driving - Annual Miles Personally Driven: 1 - 999 Driving - Annual Miles Personally Driven: 1000 - 2999 Driving - Annual Miles Personally Driven: 3000 - 4999 Driving - Annual Miles Personally Driven: 5000 - 7999 Driving - Annual Miles Personally Driven: 8000 - 9999 Driving - Annual Miles Personally Driven: 10000 - 14999 Driving - Annual Miles Personally Driven: 15000 - 19999 Driving - Annual Miles Personally Driven: 20000 - 29999 Driving - Annual Miles Personally Driven: 30000 - 39999 Driving - Annual Miles Personally Driven: 40000 - 49999 Driving - Annual Miles Personally Driven: 50000+ Primary Reasons For Driving: Commute to work Primary Reasons for Driving: Other driving for work Primary Reasons for Driving: Leisure Primary Reasons for Driving: Errands Primary Reasons for Driving: Transport Others Primary Reasons for Driving: Other Used A Professional Moving Van Traffic Reports: Regularly Traffic Reports: Occasionally Your Transportation: Walking Average Weekday Your Transportation: Walking Average Weekend Your Transportation: Bicycle Average Weekday Your Transportation: Bicycle Average Weekend Page 73 MRAUDR038A MRAUDR039A MRAUDR040A MRAUDR041A MRAUDR042A MRAUDR043A MRAUDR044A MRAUDR045A MRAUDR046A MRAUDR047A MRAUDR048A MRAUDR049A MRAUDR050A MRAUDR051A MRAUDR052A MRAUDR053A MRAUDR054A MRAUDR055A MRAUVE001A MRAUVE002A MRAUVE003A MRAUVE004A MRAUVE005A MRAUVE006A MRAUVE007A MRAUVE008A MRAUVE009A MRAUVE010A MRAUVE011A MRAUVE012A MRAUVE013A MRAUVE014A MRAUVE015A MRAUVE016A MRAUVE017A MRAUVE018A MRAUVE019A MRAUVE020A MRAUVE021A MRAUVE022A MRAUVE023A MRAUVE024A MRAUVE025A MRAUVE026A MRAUVE027A MRAUVE028A MRAUVE029A MRAUVE030A MRAUVE031A MRAUVE032A MRAUVE033A MRAUVE034A MRAUVE035A MRAUVE036A MRAUVE037A MRAUVE038A MRAUVE039A MRAUVE040A MRAUVE041A MRAUVE042A MRAUVE043A MRAUVE044A MRAUVE045A MRAUVE046A MRAUVE047A MRAUVE048A MRAUVE049A MRAUVE050A MRAUVE051A MRAUVE052A MRAUVE053A MRAUVE054A MRAUVE055A MRAUVE056A MRAUVE057A MRAUVE058A MRAUVT001A MRAUVT002A Your Transportation: Driving (not in a carpool) Average Weekday Your Transportation: Driving (not in a carpool) Average Weekend Your Transportation: Driving in a carpool Average Weekday Your Transportation: Driving in a carpool Average Weekend Your Transportation: Motorcycle Average Weekday Your Transportation: Motorcycle Average Weekend Your Transportation: Taxi Average Weekday Your Transportation: Taxi Average Weekend Your Transportation: Bus Average Weekday Your Transportation: Bus Average Weekend Your Transportation: Subway/Metro Average Weekday Your Transportation: Subway/Metro Average Weekend Your Transportation: Train Average Weekday Your Transportation: Train Average Weekend Your Transportation: Ferry Average Weekday Your Transportation: Ferry Average Weekend Your Transportation: Other Average Weekday Your Transportation: Other Average Weekend Vehicle (Own/Lease) Has: Air bags - driver side Vehicle (Own/Lease) Has: Air bags - passenger side Vehicle (Own/Lease) Has: Air bags - side impact Vehicle (Own/Lease) Has: Anti-Lock braking system (ABS) Vehicle (Own/Lease) Has: Bluetooth/Hands-free phone capability Vehicle (Own/Lease) Has: Custom (aluminum) wheels Vehicle (Own/Lease) Has: Electronic fuel injection Vehicle (Own/Lease) Has: Four wheel drive/All wheel drive Vehicle (Own/Lease) Has: Front, Dual Automatic Climate Control Vehicle (Own/Lease) Has: Front wheel drive Vehicle (Own/Lease) Has: Built in GPS/Navigation Vehicle (Own/Lease) Has: Heated/Cooled Seats Vehicle (Own/Lease) Has: OnStar/Tele Aid/other Vehicle Monitoring System Vehicle (Own/Lease) Has: Radar Detector Vehicle (Own/Lease) Has: Security/Burglar alarm Vehicle (Own/Lease) Has: Sunroof/moonroof Vehicle (Own/Lease) Has: Turbo charger Total Amount Spent: >$50000 Total Amount Spent: $40000-$49999 Total Amount Spent: $30000-$39999 Total Amount Spent: $20000-$29999 Total Amount Spent: $15000-$19999 Total Amount Spent: $10000-$14999 Total Amount Spent: <$10000 AM/FM Radio CD Player (Single) CD Player (Multiple Disc) Custom Speakers DVD Player MP3 Connection Satellite Radio Currently Own A Vehicle Currently Lease a Vehicle Bought/Leased A Vehicle To Replace Another Leased from a bank Leased from an auto manufacturer Leased from other Decision maker: Yourself Decision maker: Yourself and someone else Decision maker: Someone else Vehicle Purchased with cash Vehicle purchased with trade-in Vehicle purchased with dealer financing Vehicle purchased with bank loan Vehicle Purchased with credit union loan Vehicle purchased with manufacturer financing Lease length: <24 months Lease length: 36 months Lease length: 48 months Lease length: 60+ Months Maintenance Last Year: Alignment Maintenance Last Year: Brake Lining/Pad Maintenance Last Year: Major engine repair Maintenance Last Year: Minor engine repair Maintenance Last Year: Paint Job Maintenance Last Year: Tune-up Maintenance primarily responsible By: Yourself Maintenance primarily responsible By: Someone else Own/Lease: Subcompact Car Own/Lease: Compact Car Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A MRAUVT003A MRAUVT004A MRAUVT005A MRAUVT006A MRAUVT007A MRAUVT008A MRAUVT009A MRAUVT010A MRAUVT011A MRAUVT012A MRAUVT013A MRAUVT014A MRAUVT015A MRAUVT016A MRAUVT017A MRAUVT018A MRAUVT019A MRAUVT020A MRAUVT021A MRAUVT022A MRAUVT023A MRAUVT024A MRAUVT025A MRAUVT026A MRAUVT027A MRAUVT028A MRAUVT029A MRAUVT030A MRAUVT031A MRAUVT032A MRAUVT033A MRAUVT034A MRAUVT035A MRAUVT036A MRAUVT037A MRAUVT038A MRAUVT039A MRAUVT040A MRAUVT041A MRAUVT042A MRAUVT043A MRAUVT044A MRAUVT045A MRAUVT046A MRAUVT047A MRAUVT048A MRAUVT049A MRAUVT050A MRAUVY001A MRAUVY002A MRAUVY003A MRAUVY004A MRAUVY005A MRAUVY006A MRAUVY007A MRAUVY008A MRAUVY009A MRAUVY010A MRAUVY011A MRAUVY012A MRAUVY013A MRAUVY014A MRAUVY015A MRAUVY016A MRAUVY017A MRAUVY018A MRAUVY019A MRAUVY020A MRAUVY021A MRAUVY022A MRAUVY023A MRAUVY024A MRAUVY025A MRAUVY026A MRAUVY027A MRAUVY028A MRAUVY029A MRAUVY030A Own/Lease: Intermediate Car Own/Lease: Standard Car Own/Lease: Luxury Car Own/Lease: Mid Size Sport Utility Own/Lease: Compact Pickup Own/Lease: Full Size Pickup Own/Lease: Minivan Own/Lease: Van Own/Lease: Compact Sport Utility Own/Lease: Large Sport Utility Own/Lease: Any domestic Own/Lease: Any imported Own/Lease: New Domestic Own/Lease: New Imported Own/Lease: New in last 12 months Own/Lease: Used in last 12 months Own/Lease: Was Primary decision maker Own/Lease: New Domestic in last 12 months Own/Lease: Used Domestic in last 12 months Own/Lease: New Imported in last 12 months Own/Lease: Used Imported in last 12 months Automatic transmission Manual transmission Convertible Coupe Four Door Sedan Two Door Sedan Station Wagon 3 Door Hatchback Van/Minivan Sport Utility Vehicle (SUV) Truck (2 or 4 Door) Truck (2 Door) Truck (4 Door) Engine: 4 Cylinder Engine: 5 Cylinder Engine: 6 Cylinder Engine: V-6 Engine: V-8 Engine: Other Fuel: Gasoline Fuel: Diesel Fuel: Hybrid Fuel: Other When Bought/Leased: This Year When Bought/Leased: 1-2 Years ago When Bought/Leased: 3-4 Years ago When Bought/Leased: 5+ Years ago Model Year: Currently owned/leased: 2009 Model Year: Currently owned/leased: 2008 Model Year: Currently owned/leased: 2007 Model Year: Currently owned/leased: 2006 Model Year: Currently owned/leased: 2005 Model Year: Currently owned/leased: 2004 Model Year: Currently owned/leased: 2003 Model Year: Currently owned/leased: 2002 Model Year: Currently owned/leased: 2001 Model Year: Currently owned/leased: 2000 or earlier Currently Owned/Leased: Obtained New Currently Owned/Leased: Obtained Used Number owned or leased: 1 Number owned or leased: 2 Number owned or leased: 3 Number owned or leased: 4 Number owned or leased: 5+ Number owned or leased: Any Principal Driver: Yourself Principal Driver: Someone else Truck used for personal hauling Truck used for business hauling Truck used for local transportation Truck used for recreation Service Vehicle: Car Dealer Service Vehicle: Gas station/garage Service Vehicle: Auto repair chain store Service Vehicle: Discount Dept Store Service Vehicle: Yourself Service Vehicle: Yourself/Someone else Page 74 Beverages MRBEV001A MRBEV002A MRBEV003A MRBEV004A MRBEV005A MRBEV006A MRBEV007A MRBEV008A MRBEV009A MRBEV010A MRBEV011A MRBEV012A MRBEV013A MRBEV014A MRBEV015A MRBEV016A MRBEV017A MRBEV018A MRBEV019A MRBEV020A MRBEV021A MRBEV022A MRBEV023A MRBEV024A MRBEV025A MRBEV026A MRBEV027A MRBEV028A MRBEV029A MRBEV030A MRBEV031A MRBEV032A MRBEV033A MRBEV034A MRBEV035A MRBEV036A MRBEV037A MRBEV038A MRBEV039A MRBEV040A MRBEV041A MRBEV042A MRBEV043A MRBEV044A MRBEV045A MRBEV046A MRBEV047A MRBEV048A MRBEV049A MRBEV050A MRBEV051A MRBEV052A MRBEV053A MRBEV054A MRBEV055A MRBEV056A MRBEV057A MRBEV058A MRBEV059A MRBEV060A MRBEV061A MRBEV062A MRBEV063A MRBEV064A MRBEV065A MRBEV066A MRBEV067A MRBEV068A MRBEV069A MRBEV070A MRBEV071A Any Alcoholic Beverages Any Wine Any Whisky Any Brandy/Cognac/Liqueurs Any Other Alcoholic Beverages Any Beer/Ale Any Dinner/Table Wine Any Distilled Liquor Any White Goods Any Brown Goods Bought Beer At Convenience Store Bought Beer at Supermarket Bought Beer at Liquor Store Bought Beer at Drug Store Bought Beer at Wholesale Membership Club Bought Beer Online Bought Beer Other Bought Wine At Convenience Store Bought Wine at Supermarket Bought Wine at Liquor Store Bought Wine at Drug Store Bought Wine at Wholesale Membership Club Bought Wine Online Bought Wine Other Bought Liquor At Convenience Store Bought Liquor at Supermarket Bought Liquor at Liquor Store Bought Liquor at Drug Store Bought Liquor at Wholesale Membership Club Bought Liquor Online Bought Liquor Other Artificial Sweeteners: Used in last 6 months Bottled Water & Seltzer (Drank in last 6 months) Bourbon (Drank in last 6 months) Brandy (Drank in last 6 months) Canadian Whisky (Drank in last 6 months) Champagne & Sparkling Wines (Drank in last 6 months) Cognac (Drank in last 6 months) Cordials & Liqueurs (Drank in last 6 months) Diet Cola Drinks (Drank in last 6 months) Domestic Dinner/Table Wines (Drank in last 6 months) Energy Drinks (Drank in last 6 months) Flavored Alcoholic Beverages/Coolers (Drank in last 6 months) Gin (Drank in last 6 months) Imported Beer/Ale (Drank in last 6 months) Imported Dinner/Table Wines (Drank in last 6 months) Irish Whiskey (Drank in last 6 months) Low Calorie Domestic Beer (Drank in last 6 months) Low/No Alcohol Beer (Drank in last 6 months) Malt Liquor (Drank in last 6 months) Other Diet Soft Drinks, Not Colas (Drank in last 6 months) Other Regular Carbonated Soft Drinks (Drank in last 6 months) Popular Domestic Beer/Ale (Drank in last 6 months) Port, Sherry & Dessert Wines (Drank in last 6 months) Premium Domestic Beer/Ale (Drank in last 6 months) Prepared Mixed Drinks With Liquor (Drank in last 6 months) Prepared Mixed Drinks Without Liquor (Drank in last 6 months) Ready To Drink Iced Cappuccino/Espresso: Households: Used in last 6 months: Total Category Ready To Drink Iced Tea (Drank in last 6 months) Regular Cola Drinks, Not Diet (Drank in last 6 months) Regular Domestic Beer/Ale (Drank in last 6 months) Rum (Drank in last 6 months) Rye Or Blended Whiskey (Drank in last 6 months) Scotch Whisky (Drank in last 6 months) Sports Drinks/Thirst Quenchers (Drank in last 6 months) Super Premium Domestic Beer/Ale (Drank in last 6 months) Tequila (Drank in last 6 months) Total Beer/Ale (Drank in last 6 months) Types Of Drinks (Drank in last 6 months) Vermouth (Drank in last 6 months) Vodka (Drank in last 6 months) Candy MRCAND001A Boxed Chocolates (Bought Last 6 months) MRCAND002A Breath Fresheners (Used Last 6 months) Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A MRCAND003A MRCAND004A MRCAND005A MRCAND006A MRCAND007A MRCAND008A MRCAND009A Total Category MRCAND010A MRCAND011A Candy (Bought/Used Last 6 months) Chewing Gum (Used Last 6 Months) Hard Roll Candy (Bought Last 6 Months) Mints (Bought Last 6 Months) Nutrition/Energy Bars (Bought Last 6 Months) Nuts (Bought Last 6 Months) Packages Of Miniature/Loose Candy: Total Users: Bought/Last 6 Months: Snack Mixes: Total Users: Bought/Last 6 Months: Total Category Total Candy: Total Users: Bought in Last 6 Months: Total Category Electronics MRELCA001A MRELCA002A MRELCA003A MRELCA004A MRELCA005A MRELCA006A MRELCA007A MRELCA008A MRELCA009A MRELCA010A MRELCA011A MRELCA012A MRELCA013A MRELCA014A MRELCA015A MRELCA016A MRELCA017A MRELCA018A MRELCA019A MRELCA020A MRELCA021A MRELCA022A MRELCA023A MRELCA024A MRELCA025A MRELCA026A MRELCA027A MRELCA028A MRELCA029A MRELCA030A MRELCA031A MRELCA032A MRELCA033A MRELCA034A MRELCA035A MRELCA036A MRELCA037A MRELCA038A MRELCA039A MRELCA040A MRELCA041A MRELCA042A MRELCC001H MRELCC002H MRELCC003H MRELCC004H MRELCC005H MRELCC006H MRELCC007H MRELCC008H MRELCC009H MRELCC010H MRELCC011H MRELCC012H MRELCC013H MRELCC014H MRELCC015H MRELCC016H MRELCC017H MRELCC018H MRELCC001A MRELCC002A MRELCC003A MRELCC004A MRELCC005A Camera & Developing Accessories: Albums (Own) Camera & Developing Accessories: Batteries (Own) Camera & Developing Accessories: Camera Case (Own) Camera & Developing Accessories: Flash Unit (Own) Camera & Developing Accessories: Gadget Bags (Own) Camera & Developing Accessories: Lens Filter(s) (Own) Camera & Developing Accessories: Memory cards (Own) Camera & Developing Accessories: Photo paper (Own) Camera & Developing Accessories: Photo printer (Own) Camera & Developing Accessories: Picture Frames (Own) Camera & Developing Accessories: Telephoto/Zoom Lens (Own) Camera & Developing Accessories: Tripod (Own) Camera & Developing Accessories: Wideangle Lens (Own) Camera & Developing Accessories: Other Accessory Lens(es) (Own) Camera & Developing Accessories: Any Accessory (Own) Camera & Developing Accessories - Spent Less than $20 Camera & Developing Accessories - Spent $20 - $99 Camera & Developing Accessories - Spent $100+ Cameras: Digital Point & Shoot (Own) Cameras: Digital SLR (Single Lens Reflex) (Own) Cameras: Instant Developing Camera (Own) Cameras: 35mm Point & Shoot (Own) Cameras: 35mm SLR (Single Lens Reflex) (Own) Cameras: Other (Own) Cameras: Spent $1 - $99 Cameras: Spent $100 - $199 Cameras: Spent $200+ Cameras - Any Type: Own Cameras - Any Type: Bought Cameras - Brands: Canon (Own) Cameras - Brands: Casio (Own) Cameras - Brands: Fujifilm (Own) Cameras - Brands: Kodak (Own) Cameras - Brands: Nikon (Own) Cameras - Brands: Olympus (Own) Cameras - Brands: Panasonic (Own) Cameras - Brands: Pentax (Own) Cameras - Brands: Polaroid (Own) Cameras - Brands: Samsung (Own) Cameras - Brands: Sony (Own) Cameras - Brands: Vivitar (Own) Cameras - Brands: Other (Own) Camcorder Digital DVD (Hhd Owns) Camcorder Other (Hhd Owns) Camcorder: Digital Hard Drive (Hhd Owns) Camcorder: MiniDV (Hhd Owns) Camcorder: VHS-C (Hhd Owns) Camcorder: HI-8 (Hhd Owns) Camcorder: Spent < $350 Camcorder: Spent $350-$750 Camcorder: Spent > $750 Camcorder: Canon Camcorder: Flip Video Camcorder: Hitachi Camcorder: JVC Camcorder: Panasonic Camcorder: Samsung Camcorder: Sony Camcorder: Other Brand Camcorder: Hhld Owns Any Pre-Paid Calling Cards: Bought or refilled any Telephone Calling Cards - Business Calls Made: Less than 10 Telephone Calling Cards - Business Calls Made: 10 or more Telephone Calling Cards - Personal Calls Made: 1+ Telephone Calling Cards - Personal Calls Made: 4+ Page 75 MRELCC006A MRELCD001H MRELCD002H MRELCD003H MRELCD004H MRELCD005H MRELCD006H MRELCD007H MRELCD008H MRELCD009H MRELCD010H MRELCD011H MRELCD012H MRELCD013H MRELCD014H MRELCD015H MRELCD016H MRELCP001A MRELCP002A MRELCP003A MRELCP004A MRELCP005A MRELCP006A MRELCP007A MRELCP008A MRELCP009A MRELCP010A MRELCP011A MRELCP012A MRELCP013A MRELCP014A MRELCP015A MRELCP016A MRELCP017A MRELCP018A MRELCP019A MRELCP020A MRELCP021A MRELCP022A MRELCP023A MRELCP024A MRELCP025A MRELCP026A MRELCP027A MRELCP028A MRELCP029A MRELCP030A MRELCP031A MRELCP032A MRELCP033A MRELCP034A MRELCP035A MRELCP036A MRELCP037A MRELCP038A MRELCP039A MRELCP040A MRELCP041A MRELCP042A MRELCP043A MRELCP044A MRELCP045A MRELCP046A MRELCP047A MRELCP048A Telephone Calling Cards/Pre-Paid Cards: Any Last 12 Months Compact Disc (Cd) - Number Acquired: Any Compact Disc Players: Any CD Player Household owns Compact Disc Players - Amount Spent In Total: Less than $200 Compact Disc Players - Amount Spent In Total: $200+ Compact Disc Players: Bose Household owns Compact Disc Players: JVC Household owns Compact Disc Players: Magnavox Household owns Compact Disc Players: Panasonic Household owns Compact Disc Players: Philips Household owns Compact Disc Players: Pioneer Household owns Compact Disc Players: Sanyo Household owns Compact Disc Players: Sharp Household owns Compact Disc Players: Sony Household owns Compact Disc Players: Other Household owns Compact Disc Players - Types: Portable Household owns Compact Disc Players - Types: Standard/Tabletop Household owns Cell/Mobile Phones/Smartphones: Have a working Cell/Mobile phone Cell/Mobile Phones/Smartphones: Bought in last 12 months Cell/Mobile Phones/Smartphones Visited a search engine Cell/Mobile Phones/Smartphones Visited a website for News Cell/Mobile Phones/Smartphones Visited a website for Sports Cell/Mobile Phones/Smartphones Visited a website for Weather Cell/Mobile Phones/Smartphones Visited a website for Entertainment Information Cell/Mobile Phones/Smartphones Visited a website for Financial Information Cell/Mobile Phones/Smartphones Visited a website for Maps/Directions Cell/Mobile Phones/Smartphones Visited a website for other Local Information Cell/Mobile Phones/Smartphones Visited any other website Cell/Mobile Phones/Smartphones Used Text Mess with friends/family Cell/Mobile Phones/Smartphones Used Text Mess for contest vote/choice/opinion Cell/Mobile Phones/Smartphones Looked at an advertisement sent with Text Message Cell/Mobile Phones/Smartphones Used Text Mess to resp to an adv or make purchase Cell/Mobile Phones/Smartphones Signed up for a Text Message alert Cell/Mobile Phones/Smartphones Received a Text Message alert Cell/Mobile Phones/Smartphones Redeemed a mobile coupon Cell/Mobile Phones/Smartphones Watched a video clip Cell/Mobile Phones/Smartphones Watched a downloaded or streamed TV program Cell/Mobile Phones/Smartphones Watched live television Cell/Mobile Phones/Smartphones Watched a full length movie Cell/Mobile Phones/Smartphones Watched other video Cell/Mobile Phones/Smartphones Listened to a podcast Cell/Mobile Phones/Smartphones Listened to music Cell/Mobile Phones/Smartphones Downloaded a song Cell/Mobile Phones/Smartphones Downloaded a ringtone Cell/Mobile Phones/Smartphones Downloaded wallpaper Cell/Mobile Phones/Smartphones Downloaded a game Cell/Mobile Phones/Smartphones Downloaded an application or App"" Cell/Mobile Phones/Smartphones Called directory assistance Cell/Mobile Phones/Smartphones - Agreement Types: Monthly Plan with Contract Cell/Mobile Phones/Smartphones - Agreement Types: Monthly Plan with No Contract Cell/Mobile Phones/Smartphones - Agreement Types: Prepaid Cell/Mobile Phones/Smartphones - Amount spent on phone purchase: $1 - $50 Cell/Mobile Phones/Smartphones - Amount spent on phone purchase: $51 - $100 Cell/Mobile Phones/Smartphones - Amount spent on phone purchase: $101 - $200 Cell/Mobile Phones/Smartphones - Amount spent on phone purchase: $201+ Cell/Mobile Phones/Smartphones - Amount spent on phone purchase: Any Cell/Mobile Phones/Smartphones - Ave Monthly Bill: $1 - $24 Cell/Mobile Phones/Smartphones - Ave Monthly Bill: $25 - $49 Cell/Mobile Phones/Smartphones - Ave Monthly Bill: $50 - $74 Cell/Mobile Phones/Smartphones - Ave Monthly Bill: $75 - $99 Cell/Mobile Phones/Smartphones - Ave Monthly Bill: $100 - $199 Cell/Mobile Phones/Smartphones - Ave Monthly Bill: $200+ Cell/Mobile Phones/Smartphones - Ave Monthly Bill: $100+ Cell/Mob Phones/Smartphones - Features: Phone Cell/Mob Phones/Smartphones - Features: Voicemail Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A MRELCP049A MRELCP050A MRELCP051A MRELCP052A MRELCP053A MRELCP054A MRELCP055A MRELCP056A MRELCP057A MRELCP058A MRELCP059A MRELCP060A MRELCP061A MRELCP062A MRELCP063A MRELCP064A MRELCP065A MRELCP066A MRELCP067A MRELCP068A MRELCP069A MRELCP070A MRELCP071A MRELCP072A MRELCP073A MRELCP074A MRELCP075A MRELCP076A MRELCP077A MRELCP078A MRELCP079A MRELCP080A MRELCP081A MRELCP082A MRELCP083A MRELCP084A MRELCP085A MRELCP086A MRELCP087A MRELCP088A MRELCP089A MRELCP090A MRELCP091A MRELCP092A MRELCP093A MRELCP094A MRELCP095A MRELDV001H MRELDV002H MRELDV003H MRELDV004H MRELDV005H MRELDV006H MRELDV007H MRELDV008H MRELDV009H MRELDV010H MRELDV011H MRELDV012H MRELDV013H MRELDV014H MRELDV015H MRELDV016H MRELDV017H MRELDV018H MRELDV019H MRELDV020H MRELDV021H MRELDV022A MRELDV023A MRELDV024A MRELDV025A MRELDV026A MRELDV027A MRELDV028A MRELDV029A Cell/Mob Phones/Smartphones - Features: Email Cell/Mob Phones/Smartphones - Features: Instant Messenger (IM) Cell/Mob Phones/Smartphones - Features: Text Messaging Cell/Mob Phones/Smartphones - Features: Picture Messaging Cell/Mob Phones/Smartphones - Features: Camera Cell/Mob Phones/Smartphones - Features: FM Radio Cell/Mob Phones/Smartphones - Features: Games Cell/Mob Phones/Smartphones - Features: MP3 Player Cell/Mob Phones/Smartphones - Features: Video Player Cell/Mob Phones/Smartphones - Features: Video Recorder Cell/Mob Phones/Smartphones - Features: Web/Internet Access Cell/Mob Phones/Smartphones - Features: Address Book Cell/Mob Phones/Smartphones - Features: Bluetooth Cell/Mob Phones/Smartphones - Features: Calendar/Organizer Cell/Mob Phones/Smartphones - Features: GPS/Navigation Cell/Mob Phones/Smartphones - Features: Keypad (Full Alphabet/QWERTY) Cell/Mob Phones/Smartphones - Features: View Spreadsheets/Text Documents Cell/Mob Phones/Smartphones - Features: Create/Edit Spreadsheets/Text Documents Cell/Mob Phones/Smartphones - Features: Speakerphone Cell/Mob Phones/Smartphones - Features: Voice Activated Dialing Cell/Mob Phones/Smartphones - Features: WiFi Cell/Mob Phones/Smartphones: Brands: Apple iPhone Cell/Mob Phones/Smartphones: Brands: BlackBerry Cell/Mob Phones/Smartphones: Brands: Kyocera Cell/Mob Phones/Smartphones: Brands: LG Cell/Mob Phones/Smartphones: Brands: Motorola Cell/Mob Phones/Smartphones: Brands: Nokia Cell/Mob Phones/Smartphones: Brands: Palm Cell/Mob Phones/Smartphones: Brands: Samsung Cell/Mob Phones/Smartphones: Brands: Sanyo Cell/Mob Phones/Smartphones: Brands: Sony Ericsson Cell/Mob Phones/Smartphones: Brands: T-Mobile Cell/Mob Phones/Smartphones: Brands: Other Cell Phone: Any Usage Cell Plan Type: Individual Cell Plan Type: Family/Shared Cell Plan Type: Corporate Cell Phone: Purchased Online/Internet Cell Phone: Purchased Electronics Store Cell Phone: Purchased Dept Store Cell Phone: Purchased Discount Store Cell Phone: Purchased Wholesale/Club Store Cell Phone: Purchased At Carrier Owned Store Cell Phone: Purchased Elsewhere Made Any Collect Call Made Any Local Collect Call Made Any Long Distance Collect Call DVD & Blu-Ray Players: Any DVD or Blu-ray Player Household owns DVD & Blu-Ray Players - Amount Spent In Total: Less than $200 DVD & Blu-Ray Players - Amount Spent In Total: $200+ DVD & Blu-Ray Players: Apex Household owns DVD & Blu-Ray Players: JVC Household owns DVD & Blu-Ray Players: LG Household owns DVD & Blu-Ray Players: Magnavox Household owns DVD & Blu-Ray Players: Panasonic Household owns DVD & Blu-Ray Players: Philips Household owns DVD & Blu-Ray Players: RCA Household owns DVD & Blu-Ray Players: Samsung Household owns DVD & Blu-Ray Players: Sony Household owns DVD & Blu-Ray Players: Toshiba Household owns DVD & Blu-Ray Players: Other Household owns DVD & Blu-Ray Players - Formats: DVD Household owns DVD & Blu-Ray Players - Formats: Blu-ray Household owns DVD & Blu-Ray Players - Kinds: Recordable Household owns DVD & Blu-Ray Players - Kinds: Non-recordable Household owns DVD & Blu-Ray Players - Types: Portable Household owns DVD & Blu-Ray Players - Types: Standard Household owns DVD & Blu-Ray Players - Types: VCR combination Household owns DVD's/Blu-Ray Discs - Number Bought: 1 DVD's/Blu-Ray Discs - Number Bought: 2 DVD's/Blu-Ray Discs - Number Bought: 3-4 DVD's/Blu-Ray Discs - Number Bought: 5+ DVD's/Blu-Ray Discs - Number Rented: 1 DVD's/Blu-Ray Discs - Number Rented: 2 DVD's/Blu-Ray Discs - Number Rented: 3 DVD's/Blu-Ray Discs - Number Rented: 4 Page 76 MRELDV030A MRELDV031A MRELDV032A MRELDV033A MRELER001A MRELFP001A MRELFP002A MRELFP003A MRELFP004A MRELFP005A MRELGP001H MRELGP002H MRELGP003H MRELGP004H MRELHO001H MRELHO002H MRELHO003H MRELHO004H MRELHO005H MRELHO006H MRELHO007H MRELHO008H MRELHO009H MRELHO010H MRELHO011H MRELHO012H MRELHO013H MRELHO014H MRELHO015H MRELHO016H MRELHO017H MRELMP001A MRELMP002A MRELMP003A MRELMP004A MRELMP005A MRELMP006A MRELMP007A MRELMP008A MRELMP009A MRELMP010A MRELMP011A MRELMP012A MRELMP013A MRELMP014A MRELMP015A MRELMP016A MRELMP017A MRELMP018A MRELMP019A MRELMP020A MRELMP021A MRELMP022A MRELMU001A MRELMU002A MRELMU003A MRELMU004A MRELMU005A MRELMU006A MRELMU007A MRELMU008A MRELMU009A MRELMU010A MRELMU011A MRELMU012A MRELMU013A MRELMU014A MRELMU015A MRELMU016A MRELMU017A MRELMU018A MRELMU019A MRELMU020A MRELMU021A MRELMU022A MRELMU023A MRELMU024A MRELMU025A MRELMU026A DVD's/Blu-Ray Discs - Number Rented: 5 DVD's/Blu-Ray Discs - Number Rented: 6 DVD's/Blu-Ray Discs - Number Rented: 7-9 DVD's/Blu-Ray Discs - Number Rented: 10+ E-readers/Tablets - Personally own: Own any e-reader Film and Photo Processing: Last Year: Total Film and Photo Processing: Last Year: Fujifilm Film and Photo Processing: Last Year: Kodak Film and Photo Processing: Last Year: Store's Own Brand Film and Photo Processing: Last Year: Other Own Portable GPS/Nav Device Use Portable GPS For Vehicle Navigation Use Portable GPS For Walking/Hiking Use Portable GPS For Other Headphones (ear buds): Hhld Owns Noise Reduction Headphones: Hhd Owns Other Headphones: Hhld Owns Home Theatre/Entertainment System: Hhd Owns MP3 Player Docking Station: Hhd Owns Multi-Component System: Hhd Owns Receiver/Amplifier: Hhd Owns Surround Sound Speakers: Hhd Owns Outdoor Speakers: Hhd Owns Other Speakers; Hhd Owns Turntable: Hhd Owns Any Audio Equipment & Accessories: Hhd Owns Spent < $100 on Audio Equipment/Accessories Spent >$100 on Audio Equipment/Accessories Batteries (Last 6 Months) Blank Recordable CD/DVD/Blue Ray Discs (Last 6 Months) Blank Video/Audio Tapes (Last 6 Months) Mp3 Players - Amount Spent In Total: Less than $199 Mp3 Players - Amount Spent In Total: $200+ Mp3 Players (Portable): Any MP3 Player Mp3 Players (Portable) - Brands: Apple iPod classic Mp3 Players (Portable) - Brands: Apple iPod nano Mp3 Players (Portable) - Brands: Apple iPod Shuffle Mp3 Players (Portable) - Brands: Apple iPod touch Mp3 Players (Portable) - Brands: Coby Mp3 Players (Portable) - Brands: Creative Mp3 Players (Portable) - Brands: iRiver Mp3 Players (Portable) - Brands: Philips Mp3 Players (Portable) - Brands: RCA Mp3 Players (Portable) - Brands: Samsung Mp3 Players (Portable) - Brands: Sansa/SanDisk Mp3 Players (Portable) - Brands: Sony Mp3 Players (Portable) - Brands: Zune Mp3 Players (Portable) - Brands: Other Mp3 Players (Portable) - Used for: Listening to music Mp3 Players (Portable) - Used for: Listening to podcasts Mp3 Players (Portable) - Used for: Watch video/movie Mp3 Players (Portable) - Used for: Play video game Mp3 Players (Portable) - Used for: Other Music & Other Audio Listen/Purchase: Alternative Music & Other Audio Listen/Purchase: Audiobooks Music & Other Audio Listen/Purchase: Blues Music & Other Audio Listen/Purchase: Classic Rock Music & Other Audio Listen/Purchase: Classical Music & Other Audio Listen/Purchase: Contemporary Christian Music & Other Audio Listen/Purchase: Country Music & Other Audio Listen/Purchase: Dance Music Music & Other Audio Listen/Purchase: Easy Listening Music & Other Audio Listen/Purchase: 80's Pop Music & Other Audio Listen/Purchase: Faith & Inspiration Music & Other Audio Listen/Purchase: Folk Music & Other Audio Listen/Purchase: Foreign Language Instructional Music & Other Audio Listen/Purchase: Gospel Music & Other Audio Listen/Purchase: Hard Rock Music & Other Audio Listen/Purchase: Hip Hop Music & Other Audio Listen/Purchase: Jazz Music & Other Audio Listen/Purchase: Light Classical Music & Other Audio Listen/Purchase: New Age Music & Other Audio Listen/Purchase: Oldies (50's & 60's) Music & Other Audio Listen/Purchase: Pop/Top 40 Music & Other Audio Listen/Purchase: R&B Music & Other Audio Listen/Purchase: Rap Music & Other Audio Listen/Purchase: Reggae Music & Other Audio Listen/Purchase: Self-improvement Music & Other Audio Listen/Purchase: Soft Rock Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A MRELMU027A MRELMU028A MRELMU029A MRELMU030A MRELMU031A MRELMU032A MRELMU033A MRELMU034A MRELMU035A MRELMU036A MRELMU037A MRELMU038A MRELPC001A MRELPC002A MRELPC003A MRELPC004A MRELPC005A MRELPC006A MRELPC007A MRELPC008A MRELPC009A MRELPC010A MRELPC011A MRELPC012A MRELPC013A MRELPC014A MRELPC015A MRELPC016A MRELPC017A MRELPC018A MRELPC019A MRELPC020A MRELPC021A MRELPC022A MRELPC023A MRELPC024A MRELPC025A MRELPC026A MRELPC027A MRELPC028A MRELPC029A MRELPC030A MRELPC031A MRELPC032A MRELPC033A MRELPC034A MRELPC035A MRELPC036A MRELPC037A MRELPC038A MRELPC039A MRELPC040A MRELPC041A MRELPC042A MRELPC043A MRELPC044A MRELPC045A MRELPC046A MRELPC047A MRELPC048A MRELPC049A MRELPC050A MRELPC051A MRELPC052A MRELPC053A MRELPC054A MRELPC055A MRELPC056A MRELPC057A MRELPC058A MRELPC059A MRELPC060A MRELPC061A MRELPC062A Music & Other Audio Listen/Purchase: Soundtracks Music & Other Audio Listen/Purchase: Spanish/Latin Music & Other Audio Listen/Purchase: Other Music & Other Audio Listen/Purchase - Where purchased: Electronics Store Music & Other Audio Listen/Purchase - Where purchased: Discount Dept. Store Music & Other Audio Listen/Purchase - Where purchased: Music Store Music & Other Audio Listen/Purchase - Where purchased: Mail Order Music & Other Audio Listen/Purchase - Where purchased: Music & Other Audio Listen/Purchase - Where purchased: Other Internet/Online Site Music & Other Audio Listen/Purchase - Where purchased: Other Other (E.G. Vinyl, Cassette, Etc.) Other Audio Downloaded Have PDA/Handheld (no phone service) Personal Computers: Desktop Own Personal Computers: Laptop/Notebook/Tablet Own Personal Computers: Acer Own Personal Computers: Alienware Own Personal Computers: Asus Own Personal Computers: Compaq Own Personal Computers: Dell Own Personal Computers: e Machines Own Personal Computers: Fujitsu Own Personal Computers: Gateway Own Personal Computers: HP (Hewlett-Packard) Own Personal Computers: Lenovo/IBM Own Personal Computers: Panasonic Own Personal Computers: Sony Own Personal Computers: Toshiba Own Personal Computers: Other Own Personal Computers - Apple/Mac: iMac Own Personal Computers - Apple/Mac: MacBook Own Personal Computers - Apple/Mac: MacBook Pro Own Personal Computers - Apple/Mac: Other Apple/Mac Own Own a Personal Computer At Home Use A Personal Computer At Work Computer Operating Systems: Apple/Mac OS 9.x Own Computer Operating Systems: Apple/Mac OS X (10.x) Own Computer Operating Systems: Linux Own Computer Operating Systems: MS Windows NT Own Computer Operating Systems: MS Windows '95 Own Computer Operating Systems: MS Windows '98 Own Computer Operating Systems: MS Windows 2000 Own Computer Operating Systems: MS Windows XP Own Computer Operating Systems: MS Windows Vista Own Computer Operating Systems: Unix Own Computer Operating Systems: Other Own Personal Computers - Own/Use Any Personal Computers - Own/Use PC/Non Apple Brand Personal Computers - Own/Use Apple Brand Personal Computers - Own Any Peripherals Personal Computers - Own Any Software Personal Computers At Home: In-store Personal Computers At Home: Mail Order Personal Computers At Home: Online/Internet Personal Computers At Home: Phone Personal Computers At Home - Amount Spent In Total: Under $500 Personal Computers At Home - Amount Spent In Total: $500 - $999 Personal Computers At Home - Amount Spent In Total: $1,000 - $1,499 Personal Computers At Home - Amount Spent In Total: $1,500 - $1,999 Personal Computers At Home - Amount Spent In Total: $2,000+ Personal Computers At Home - Amount Spent On Software: Under $100 Personal Computers At Home - Amount Spent On Software: $100 - $199 Personal Computers At Home - Amount Spent On Software: $200+ Personal Computers At Home - Computer Books: Bought Home Computers: Decision maker system purchase: Yourself alone or with someone else Home Computers: Decision maker system purchase: Someone else Home Computers: Had home computer professionally serviced or upgraded Home Computers: Purchased from: Computer Superstore Home Computers: Purchased from: Department/Discount Store Home Computers: Purchased from: Direct from Manufacturer Home Computers: Purchased from: Electronics Store Home Computers: Purchased from: Warehouse/Club Store Home Computers: Purchased from: Online-only retailer Home Computers: Purchased from: Other Page 77 MRELPC063A MRELPC064A MRELPC065A MRELPC066A MRELPC067A MRELPC068A MRELPC069A MRELPF001H MRELPF002H MRELPF003H MRELPF004H MRELPF005H MRELPF006H MRELPF007H MRELPF008H MRELPF009H MRELPF010H MRELPF011H MRELPF012H MRELPF013H MRELPF014H MRELPF015H MRELPF016H MRELPF017H MRELPF018H MRELPP001A MRELPP002A MRELPP003A MRELPP004A MRELPP005A MRELPP006A MRELPP007A MRELPP008A MRELPP009A MRELPP010A MRELPP011A MRELPP012A MRELPP013A MRELPP014A MRELPP015A MRELPP016A MRELPP017A MRELPP018A MRELSW001A MRELSW002A MRELSW003A MRELSW004A MRELSW005A MRELSW006A MRELSW007A MRELSW008A MRELSW009A MRELSW010A MRELSW011A MRELSW012A MRELSW013A MRELSW014A MRELSW015A MRELSW016A MRELSW017A MRELSW018A MRELTA001H MRELTA002H MRELTA003H MRELTA004H MRELTA005H MRELTA006H MRELTA007H MRELTA008H MRELTA009H MRELTA010H MRELTA011H MRELTA012H MRELTA013H MRELTA014H MRELTA015H MRELTA016H MRELTA017H Home Computers: When bought: Within the last 12 months Home Computers: When bought: 1-2 years ago Home Computers: When bought: 3-4 years ago Home Computers: When bought: 5+ years ago Home Computers: Who uses: Yourself Home Computers: Who uses: Other adult Home Computers: Who uses: Child (under 18) Printer/Fax: All-in-one Printer (Printer, Copier, Scanner) Household owns Printer/Fax: All-in-one Printer with Fax (Printer, Copier, Scanne Household owns Printer/Fax: Computer Printer Only Household owns Printer/Fax: Fax Machine only Household owns Printer/Fax: Other Household owns Printer/Fax: Brother Household owns Printer/Fax: Canon Household owns Printer/Fax: Epson Household owns Printer/Fax: HP Household owns Printer/Fax: Kodak Household owns Printer/Fax: Lexmark Household owns Printer/Fax: Other Household owns Printer/Fax: Any Computer Printer Household owns Printer/Fax: Kinds: Color Household owns Printer/Fax: Kinds: Black and White Household owns Printer/Fax: Types: Laser Household owns Printer/Fax: Types: Ink Jet Household owns Printer/Fax: Types: Other Household owns Computer Peripherals: CD ROM Drive Own Computer Peripherals: CD-RW Drive (CD Burner) Own Computer Peripherals: DVD Drive Own Computer Peripherals: DVD-RW Drive (DVD Burner) Own Computer Peripherals: External Hard Drive Own Computer Peripherals: Flash Drive Own Computer Peripherals: Modem/Fax Modem Own Computer Peripherals: LAN/Network Interface Cards Own Computer Peripherals: Microphone Own Computer Peripherals: Monitor - LCD/Flat Panel Own Computer Peripherals: Monitor - Standard/Tube Own Computer Peripherals: Scanner Own Computer Peripherals: Speakers Own Computer Peripherals: Surge Protector Own Computer Peripherals: Tape/Cartridge Drive Own Computer Peripherals: Webcam Own Computer Peripherals: Wireless Router Own Computer Peripherals: Other Own Computer Software: Accounting Own Computer Software: CAD/CAM Own Computer Software: Communications/Fax Own Computer Software: Database/filing Own Computer Software: Desktop Publishing Own Computer Software: Education/training Own Computer Software: Entertainment/Games Own Computer Software: Personal finance/Tax prep Own Computer Software: Presentation graphics Own Computer Software: Multimedia Own Computer Software: Networking Own Computer Software: Online Meeting/Conference Own Computer Software: Security/Anti-virus Own Computer Software: Spreadsheet Own Computer Software: Utility Own Computer Software: Web Authoring Own Computer Software: Word Processing Own Computer Software: Other Own Hhd Telep/Acc: In-Home Telephone Household Owns Hhd Telep/Acc - Amount spent: $1 - $99 Hhd Telep/Acc - Amount spent: $100+ Hhd Telep/Acc - Brands: AT&T Household Owns Hhd Telep/Acc - Brands: General Electric Household Owns Hhd Telep/Acc - Brands: Motorola Household Owns Hhd Telep/Acc - Brands: Panasonic Household Owns Hhd Telep/Acc - Brands: Radio Shack Household Owns Hhd Telep/Acc - Brands: Uniden Household Owns Hhd Telep/Acc - Brands: Vtech Household Owns Hhd Telep/Acc - Brands: Other Household Owns Hhd Telep/Acc - Services Used: Call forwarding Hhd Telep/Acc - Services Used: Call return Hhd Telep/Acc - Services Used: Call waiting Hhd Telep/Acc - Services Used: Caller ID Hhd Telep/Acc - Services Used: Repeat dialing Hhd Telep/Acc - Services Used: Three-way calling Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A MRELTA018H MRELTA019H MRELTA020H MRELTA021H MRELTA022H MRELTA023H MRELTA024H MRELTA025H MRELTC001A MRELTC002A MRELTC003A MRELTC004A MRELTC005A MRELTC006A MRELTE001H MRELTE002H MRELTE003H MRELTE004H MRELTE005H MRELTE006H MRELTE007H MRELTE008H MRELTE009H MRELTE010H MRELTE011H MRELTE012H MRELTE013H MRELTE014H MRELTE015H MRELTE016H MRELTE017H MRELTE018H MRELTE019H MRELTE020H MRELTE021H MRELTE022H MRELTE023H MRELTE024H MRELTE025H MRELTE026H MRELTE027H MRELTE028H MRELTE029H MRELTE030H MRELTE031H MRELTE032H MRELTE033H MRELTE034H MRELTE035H MRELTE036H MRELTE037H MRELTV001H MRELTV002H MRELTV003H MRELTV004H MRELTV005H MRELTV006H MRELTV007H MRELTV008H MRELTV009H MRELTV010H MRELTV011H MRELTV012H MRELTV013H MRELTV014H MRELTV015H MRELTV016H MRELTV017H MRELTV018H MRELTV019H MRELTV020H MRELTV021H MRELTV022H MRELTV023H MRELTV024H MRELTV025H MRELTV026H MRELTV027H Hhd Telep/Acc - Services Used: Voice messaging/voice mail Hhd Telep/Acc - Types: Cordless Household Owns Hhd Telep/Acc - Types: Corded (Rotary/Touchtone) Household Owns Hhd Telep/Acc - Where Bought: Department Store Hhd Telep/Acc - Where Bought: Discount Store Hhd Telep/Acc - Where Bought: Electronics Store Hhd Telep/Acc - Where Bought: Internet/Online Hhd Telep/Acc - Where Bought: Other 800/Toll Free Telephone Calls: Personally called 800/Toll Free Telephone Calls - Number Of Calls Made: 1 - 2 800/Toll Free Telephone Calls - Number Of Calls Made: 3 - 4 800/Toll Free Telephone Calls - Number Of Calls Made: 5 - 6 800/Toll Free Telephone Calls - Number Of Calls Made: 7 - 10 800/Toll Free Telephone Calls - Number Of Calls Made: 11+ Local Calls - Average monthly local bill: $1 - $15 Local Calls - Average monthly local bill: $16 - $25 Local Calls - Average monthly local bill: $26 - $59 Local Calls - Average monthly local bill: $60 - $99 Local Calls - Average monthly local bill: $100+ Local Calls - Local Services Used: AT&T Local Calls - Local Services Used: Comcast Local Calls - Local Services Used: Cox Local Calls - Local Services Used: Qwest Local Calls - Local Services Used: Time Warner Local Calls - Local Services Used: Verizon Local Calls - Local Services Used: Vonage Local Calls - Local Services Used: Other Local Calls - Number Of Calls: 1 - 10 Local Calls - Number Of Calls: 11 - 20 Local Calls - Number Of Calls: 21 - 30 Local Calls - Number Of Calls: 31 - 50 Local Calls - Number Of Calls: 51 - 99 Local Calls - Number Of Calls: 100+ Long Distance Telephone Calls - Average monthly bill: $15 or Less Long Distance Telephone Calls - Average monthly bill: $16 - $25 Long Distance Telephone Calls - Average monthly bill: $26 - $59 Long Distance Telephone Calls - Average monthly bill: $60+ Long Distance Telephone Calls - United States (Last Month) Long Distance Telephone Calls - Foreign (Last Month) Long Distance Telephone Calls - Services Used: 10-10-220 Long Distance Telephone Calls - Services Used: AT&T Long Distance Telephone Calls - Services Used: Comcast Long Distance Telephone Calls - Services Used: Cox Long Distance Telephone Calls - Services Used: IDT Long Distance Long Distance Telephone Calls - Services Used: MCI Long Distance Telephone Calls - Services Used: Qwest Long Distance Telephone Calls - Services Used: Sprint Long Distance Telephone Calls - Services Used: Time Warner Long Distance Telephone Calls - Services Used: Verizon Long Distance Telephone Calls - Services Used: Vonage Long Distance Telephone Calls - Services Used: Other Television Sets - Bought in last 12 months Television Sets - Brand Decision maker: Yourself alone/with someone else Television Sets - Brand decision maker: Someone else Television: Emerson Television: Hitachi Television: Other Television: JVC Television: LG Television: Magnavox Television: Mitsubishi Television: Panasonic Television: Philips Television: RCA Television: Samsung Television: Sanyo Television: Sharp Television: Sony Television: Sylvania Television: Toshiba Television: Vizio Television: Zenith Television: All Others Television Sets - Cost: Less than $100 Television Sets - Cost: $100 - $299 Television Sets - Cost: $300 - $699 Television Sets - Cost: $700 - $999 Television Sets - Cost: $1,000 - $2,999 Page 78 MRELTV028H MRELTV029H MRELTV030H MRELTV031H MRELTV032H MRELTV033H MRELTV034H MRELTV035H MRELTV036H MRELTV037H MRELTV038H MRELTV039H MRELTV040H MRELTV041H MRELTV042H MRELTV043H MRELTV044H MRELTV045H MRELTV046H MRELTV047H MRELTV048H MRELTV049H MRELTV050H MRELTV051H MRELTV052H MRELTV053H MRELTV054H MRELTV055A MRELVG001H MRELVG002H MRELVG003H MRELVG004H MRELVG005H MRELVG006H MRELVG007H MRELVG008H MRELVG009H MRELVG010H MRELVG011H MRELVG012H MRELVG013A MRELVG014A MRELVG015A MRELVG016A MRELVG017H MRELVG018H MRELVG019H MRELVG020H MRELVG021H MRELVG022H MRELVG023H MRELVG024H MRELVG025H MRELVG026H MRELVG027H MRELVG028H MRELVG029H MRELVG030H MRELVG031H MRELVG032H MRELVG033H MRELVG034H MRELVG035H MRELVG036H MRELVG037H MRELVG038H MRELVG039H MRELVG040H MRELVG041H MRELVG042H MRELVG043A MRELVG044A MRELVG045A Television Sets - Cost: $3,000+ Television Sets - Decision Maker: 1 Television Sets - Decision Maker: 2 Television Sets - Decision Maker: 3 Television Sets - Features: HDTV Television Sets - Features: HDTV Ready Television Sets - Features: Monitor input/output jacks Television Sets - Features: Stereo broadcast capability Television Sets - Features: Picture in Picture Television Sets - Features: Combination TV/DVD Television Sets - Features: Closed captioning Television Sets - Features: Other Television Sets - Kinds: Regular Television Sets - Kinds: LCD Television Sets - Kinds: Plasma Television Sets - Kinds: Projection Television Sets - Kinds: DLP Television Sets - Number Own: None Television Sets - Number Own: 1 Television Sets - Number Own: 2 Television Sets - Number Own: 3 Television Sets - Number Own: 4+ Television Sets - Screen Size: Miniature (under 13)" Television Sets - Screen Size: Regular (13-26")" Television Sets - Screen Size: Large (27-35")" Television Sets - Screen Size: Big Screen (36-42")" Television Sets - Screen Size: Giant Screen (over 42)" Acquired Any Music/Other Audio Video Games (Hhd Owns) - Total spent on hardware: Less than $100 Video Games (Hhd Owns) - Total spent on hardware: $100 - $199 Video Games (Hhd Owns) - Total spent on hardware: $200 - $299 Video Games (Hhd Owns) - Total spent on hardware: $300+ Video Games (Hhd Owns) - Total spent on video games: Less than $49 Video Games (Hhd Owns) - Total spent on video games: $50 - $75 Video Games (Hhd Owns) - Total spent on video games: $76 - $100 Video Games (Hhd Owns) - Total spent on video games: $101 - $150 Video Games (Hhd Owns) - Total spent on video games: $151 - $200 Video Games (Hhd Owns) - Total spent on video games: $201+ Video Games (Hhd Owns) - Any Video Game Systems: Hhd owns Video Games (Hhd Owns) - Any Video Game Systems: Bought last year Video Games (Hhd Owns) - Principal User: Yourself Video Games (Hhd Owns) - Principal User: Other adult Video Games (Hhd Owns) - Principal User: Teen (12-17) Video Games (Hhd Owns) - Principal User: Child (under 12) Video Games (Hhd Owns) - Systems: Game Boy Video Games (Hhd Owns) - Systems: Game Boy Advance/Advance SP Video Games (Hhd Owns) - Systems: Game Boy micro Video Games (Hhd Owns) - Systems: Nintendo DS Video Games (Hhd Owns) - Systems: Nintendo GameCube Video Games (Hhd Owns) - Systems: Nintendo Wii Video Games (Hhd Owns) - Systems: Sony PlayStation/PS One Video Games (Hhd Owns) - Systems: PlayStation 2 (PS2) Video Games (Hhd Owns) - Systems: PlayStation 3 (PS3) Video Games (Hhd Owns) - Systems: Sony PSP Video Games (Hhd Owns) - Systems: Xbox Video Games (Hhd Owns) - Systems: Xbox 360 Video Games (Hhd Owns) - Systems: Other Video Game Systems Video Games (Hhd Owns) - Type Of System Owned: Handheld Video Games (Hhd Owns) - Type Of System Owned: Attached to TV/Computer Video Games (Hhd Owns) - Video Games Bought: 1 Video Games (Hhd Owns) - Video Games Bought: 2 Video Games (Hhd Owns) - Video Games Bought: 3 Video Games (Hhd Owns) - Video Games Bought: 4+ Video Games (Hhd Owns) - Video Games Rented: 1+ Video Games (Hhd Owns) - Where Purchased: Video Store Video Games Video Games (Hhd Owns) - Where Purchased: Electronics Store Video Games Video Games (Hhd Owns) - Where Purchased: Gaming Store Video Games Video Games (Hhd Owns) - Where Purchased: Discount Dept. Store Video Games Video Games (Hhd Owns) - Where Purchased: Toy Store Video Games Video Games (Hhd Owns) - Where Purchased: Internet/Online Video Games Video Store - Number Of Trips: 1 Video Store - Number Of Trips: 2 Video Store - Number Of Trips: 3+ Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A Family Restaurants/ Steak Houses MRFAMR001A MRFAMR002A MRFAMR003A MRFAMR004A MRFAMR005A MRFAMR006A MRFAMR007A MRFAMR008A MRFAMR009A MRFAMR010A MRFAMR011A MRFAMR012A MRFAMR013A MRFAMR014A MRFAMR015A MRFAMR016A MRFAMR017A MRFAMR018A MRFAMR019A MRFAMR020A MRFAMR021A MRFAMR022A MRFAMR023A MRFAMR024A MRFAMR025A MRFAMR026A MRFAMR027A MRFAMR028A MRFAMR029A MRFAMR030A MRFAMR031A MRFAMR032A MRFAMR033A MRFAMR034A MRFAMR035A MRFAMR036A MRFAMR037A MRFAMR038A MRFAMR039A MRFAMR040A MRFAMR041A MRFAMR042A MRFAMR043A MRFAMR044A MRFAMR045A MRFAMR046A MRFAMR047A MRFAMR048A MRFAMR049A MRFAMR050A MRFAMR051A MRFAMR052A MRFAMR053A MRFAMR054A MRFAMR055A MRFAMR056A MRFAMR057A MRFAMR058A MRFAMR059A MRFAMR060A MRFAMR061A MRFAMR062A Family Rest/Steak Houses (Last 6 Mo): Any Family Rest/Steak Houses (Last 6 Mo): Applebee's Family Rest/Steak Houses (Last 6 Mo): Baker's Square Family Rest/Steak Houses (Last 6 Mo): Benihana Family Rest/Steak Houses (Last 6 Mo): Bennigans Family Rest/Steak Houses (Last 6 Mo): Bertucci's Family Rest/Steak Houses (Last 6 Mo): Big Boy Family Rest/Steak Houses (Last 6 Mo): Black Angus Steakhouse Family Rest/Steak Houses (Last 6 Mo): Bob Evans Farms Family Rest/Steak Houses (Last 6 Mo): Buffalo Wild Wings Family Rest/Steak Houses (Last 6 Mo): California Pizza Kitchen Family Rest/Steak Houses (Last 6 Mo): Carino's Italian Grill Family Rest/Steak Houses (Last 6 Mo): Carrabba's Italian Grill Family Rest/Steak Houses (Last 6 Mo): The Cheesecake Factory Family Rest/Steak Houses (Last 6 Mo): Chevy's Family Rest/Steak Houses (Last 6 Mo): Chili's Grill/Bar Family Rest/Steak Houses (Last 6 Mo): CiCi's Pizza Family Rest/Steak Houses (Last 6 Mo): Cracker Barrel Family Rest/Steak Houses (Last 6 Mo): Damon's Family Rest/Steak Houses (Last 6 Mo): Dave/Buster's Family Rest/Steak Houses (Last 6 Mo): Denny's Family Rest/Steak Houses (Last 6 Mo): Don Pablo's Family Rest/Steak Houses (Last 6 Mo): El Torito Family Rest/Steak Houses (Last 6 Mo): Friendly's Family Rest/Steak Houses (Last 6 Mo): Golden Corral Family Rest/Steak Houses (Last 6 Mo): HomeTown Buffet Family Rest/Steak Houses (Last 6 Mo): Hooters Family Rest/Steak Houses (Last 6 Mo): Houlihan's Family Rest/Steak Houses (Last 6 Mo): IHOP Family Rest/Steak Houses (Last 6 Mo): Joe's Crab Shack Family Rest/Steak Houses (Last 6 Mo): Logan's Roadhouse Family Rest/Steak Houses (Last 6 Mo): Lone Star Steakhouse Family Rest/Steak Houses (Last 6 Mo): LongHorn Steakhouse Family Rest/Steak Houses (Last 6 Mo): Marie Callenders Family Rest/Steak Houses (Last 6 Mo): O'Charley's Family Rest/Steak Houses (Last 6 Mo): Old Country Buffet Family Rest/Steak Houses (Last 6 Mo): Olive Garden Family Rest/Steak Houses (Last 6 Mo): On The Border Family Rest/Steak Houses (Last 6 Mo): Outback Steakhouse Family Rest/Steak Houses (Last 6 Mo): Perkins Family Rest/Steak Houses (Last 6 Mo): Ponderosa Family Rest/Steak Houses (Last 6 Mo): Red Lobster Family Rest/Steak Houses (Last 6 Mo): Red Robin Family Rest/Steak Houses (Last 6 Mo): Romano's Macaroni Grill Family Rest/Steak Houses (Last 6 Mo): Ruby Tuesday Family Rest/Steak Houses (Last 6 Mo): Ruth's Chris Steak House Family Rest/Steak Houses (Last 6 Mo): Ryan's Family Rest/Steak Houses (Last 6 Mo): Shoney's Family Rest/Steak Houses (Last 6 Mo): Sizzler Family Rest/Steak Houses (Last 6 Mo): Smokey Bones Family Rest/Steak Houses (Last 6 Mo): Texas Roadhouse Family Rest/Steak Houses (Last 6 Mo): T.G.I. Friday's Family Rest/Steak Houses (Last 6 Mo): Tony Roma's Family Rest/Steak Houses (Last 6 Mo): Uno Chicago Grill Family Rest/Steak Houses (Last 6 Mo): Village Inn Restaurant Family Rest/Steak Houses (Last 6 Mo): Waffle House Family Rest/Steak Houses (Last 6 Mo): Breakfast Family Rest/Steak Houses (Last 6 Mo): Lunch Family Rest/Steak Houses (Last 6 Mo): Snacks Family Rest/Steak Houses (Last 6 Mo): Supper/dinner Family Rest/Steak Houses (Last 6 Mo): Weekdays Family Rest/Steak Houses (Last 6 Mo): Weekends Fast Food Drive-In Restaurants MRFASTF001A MRFASTF002A MRFASTF003A MRFASTF004A MRFASTF005A MRFASTF006A MRFASTF007A MRFASTF008A Fast Food/Drive-in Rest (Last 6 Mo): Total Fast Food/Drive-in Rest (Last 6 Mo): A/W Fast Food/Drive-in Rest (Last 6 Mo): Arby's Fast Food/Drive-in Rest (Last 6 Mo): Au Bon Pain Fast Food/Drive-in Rest (Last 6 Mo): Baja Fresh Mexican Grill Fast Food/Drive-in Rest (Last 6 Mo): Baskin-Robbins Fast Food/Drive-in Rest (Last 6 Mo): Ben/Jerry's Fast Food/Drive-in Rest (Last 6 Mo): Blimpie Subs/Salads Page 79 MRFASTF009A MRFASTF010A MRFASTF011A MRFASTF012A MRFASTF013A MRFASTF014A MRFASTF015A MRFASTF016A MRFASTF017A MRFASTF018A MRFASTF019A MRFASTF020A MRFASTF021A MRFASTF022A MRFASTF023A MRFASTF024A MRFASTF025A MRFASTF026A MRFASTF027A MRFASTF028A MRFASTF029A MRFASTF030A MRFASTF031A MRFASTF032A MRFASTF033A MRFASTF034A MRFASTF035A MRFASTF036A MRFASTF037A MRFASTF038A MRFASTF039A MRFASTF040A MRFASTF041A MRFASTF042A MRFASTF043A MRFASTF044A MRFASTF045A MRFASTF046A MRFASTF047A MRFASTF048A MRFASTF049A MRFASTF050A MRFASTF051A MRFASTF052A MRFASTF053A MRFASTF054A MRFASTF055A MRFASTF056A MRFASTF057A MRFASTF058A MRFASTF059A MRFASTF060A MRFASTF061A MRFASTF062A MRFASTF063A MRFASTF064A MRFASTF065A MRFASTF066A MRFASTF067A MRFASTF068A MRFASTF069A MRFASTF070A MRFASTF071A MRFASTF072A MRFASTF073A MRFASTF074A MRFASTF075A MRFASTF076A MRFASTF077A MRFASTF078A MRFASTF079A Fast Food/Drive-in Rest (Last 6 Mo): Bojangles Fast Food/Drive-in Rest (Last 6 Mo): Boston Market Fast Food/Drive-in Rest (Last 6 Mo): Burger King Fast Food/Drive-in Rest (Last 6 Mo): Captain D's Fast Food/Drive-in Rest (Last 6 Mo): Carl's Jr. Fast Food/Drive-in Rest (Last 6 Mo): Checkers Fast Food/Drive-in Rest (Last 6 Mo): Chick-Fil-a Fast Food/Drive-in Rest (Last 6 Mo): Chipotle Mexican Grill Fast Food/Drive-in Rest (Last 6 Mo): Chuck E Cheese Fast Food/Drive-in Rest (Last 6 Mo): Church's Fried Chicken Fast Food/Drive-in Rest (Last 6 Mo): Cold Stone Creamery Fast Food/Drive-in Rest (Last 6 Mo): Dairy Queen Fast Food/Drive-in Rest (Last 6 Mo): Del Taco Fast Food/Drive-in Rest (Last 6 Mo): Domino's Pizza Fast Food/Drive-in Rest (Last 6 Mo): Dunkin' Donuts Fast Food/Drive-in Rest (Last 6 Mo): Einstein Bros. Bagel Shop Fast Food/Drive-in Rest (Last 6 Mo): El Pollo Loco Fast Food/Drive-in Rest (Last 6 Mo): Fazoli's Fast Food/Drive-in Rest (Last 6 Mo): Fuddruckers Fast Food/Drive-in Rest (Last 6 Mo): Godfather's Pizza Fast Food/Drive-in Rest (Last 6 Mo): Hardee's Fast Food/Drive-in Rest (Last 6 Mo): Jack in the Box Fast Food/Drive-in Rest (Last 6 Mo): KFC Fast Food/Drive-in Rest (Last 6 Mo): Krispy Kreme Doughnuts Fast Food/Drive-in Rest (Last 6 Mo): Krystal Fast Food/Drive-in Rest (Last 6 Mo): Little Caesars Fast Food/Drive-in Rest (Last 6 Mo): Long John Silver's Fast Food/Drive-in Rest (Last 6 Mo): McDonald's Fast Food/Drive-in Rest (Last 6 Mo): Orange Julius Fast Food/Drive-in Rest (Last 6 Mo): Panera Bread Fast Food/Drive-in Rest (Last 6 Mo): Papa John's Fast Food/Drive-in Rest (Last 6 Mo): Papa Murphy's Fast Food/Drive-in Rest (Last 6 Mo): Pizza Hut Fast Food/Drive-in Rest (Last 6 Mo): Pizza Inn Fast Food/Drive-in Rest (Last 6 Mo): Popeyes Chicken Fast Food/Drive-in Rest (Last 6 Mo): Quiznos Fast Food/Drive-in Rest (Last 6 Mo): Rally's Fast Food/Drive-in Rest (Last 6 Mo): Round Table Pizza Fast Food/Drive-in Rest (Last 6 Mo): Sbarro Fast Food/Drive-in Rest (Last 6 Mo): Schlotzsky's Deli Fast Food/Drive-in Rest (Last 6 Mo): Sonic Drive-in Fast Food/Drive-in Rest (Last 6 Mo): Starbucks Fast Food/Drive-in Rest (Last 6 Mo): Steak 'n Shake Fast Food/Drive-in Rest (Last 6 Mo): Subway Fast Food/Drive-in Rest (Last 6 Mo): Taco Bell Fast Food/Drive-in Rest (Last 6 Mo): Taco John's Fast Food/Drive-in Rest (Last 6 Mo): Taco Time Fast Food/Drive-in Rest (Last 6 Mo): TCBY Fast Food/Drive-in Rest (Last 6 Mo): Wendy's Fast Food/Drive-in Rest (Last 6 Mo): Whataburger Fast Food/Drive-in Rest (Last 6 Mo): White Castle Fast Food/Drive-in Rest (Last 6 Mo): Wienerschnitzel Fast Food/Drive-in Rest (Last 6 Mo): Wing-Stop Fast Food/Drive-in Rest (Last 6 Mo): Zaxby's Fast Food/Drive-in Rest (Last 6 Mo): Breakfast Fast Food/Drive-in Rest (Last 6 Mo): Lunch Fast Food/Drive-in Rest (Last 6 Mo): Snacks Fast Food/Drive-in Rest (Last 6 Mo): Supper/dinner Fast Food/Drive-in Rest (Last 6 Mo): Weekdays Fast Food/Drive-in Rest (Last 6 Mo): Weekends Fast Food/Drive-in Rest (Last 6 Mo): Eat-in Fast Food/Drive-in Rest (Last 6 Mo): Home delivery Fast Food/Drive-in Rest (Last 6 Mo): Take-out - Drive-thru Fast Food/Drive-in Rest (Last 6 Mo): Take-out - Walk-in Fast Food/Drive-in Rest (Last 6 Mo): Burgers/Hot Dogs Fast Food/Drive-in Rest (Last 6 Mo): Chicken Fast Food/Drive-in Rest (Last 6 Mo): Mexican Fast Food/Drive-in Rest (Last 6 Mo): Pizza/Pasta Fast Food/Drive-in Rest (Last 6 Mo): Sandwich Fast Food/Drive-in Rest (Last 6 Mo): Seafood Fast Food/Drive-in Rest (Last 6 Mo): Snack Financial MRFIBK001A MRFIBK002A MRFIBK003A MRFIBK004A Banking & Financial Services: Any Banking & Financial Services: Bank of America Banking & Financial Services: Capital One Banking & Financial Services: Chase/Washington Mutual (WaMu) Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A MRFIBK005A MRFIBK006A MRFIBK007A MRFIBK008A MRFIBK009A MRFIBK010A MRFIBK011A MRFIBK012A MRFIBK013A MRFIBK014A MRFIBK015A MRFIBK016A MRFIBK017A MRFIBK018A MRFIBK019A MRFIBK020A MRFIBK021A MRFIBK022A MRFIBK023A MRFIBK024A MRFIBK025A MRFICO001A MRFICO002A MRFICO003A MRFICO004A MRFICO005A MRFICO006A MRFICO007A MRFICO008A MRFICC001A MRFICC002A MRFICC003A MRFICC004A MRFICC005A MRFICC006A MRFICC007A MRFICC008A MRFICC009A MRFICC010A MRFICC011A MRFICC012A MRFICC013A MRFICC014A MRFICC015A MRFICC016A MRFICC017A MRFICC018A MRFICC019A MRFICC020A MRFICC021A MRFICC022A MRFICC023A MRFICC024A MRFICC025A MRFICC026A MRFICC027A MRFICC028A MRFICC029A MRFICC030A MRFICC031A MRFICC032A MRFICC033A MRFICC034A MRFICC035A MRFICC036A MRFICC037A MRFICC038A MRFICC039A MRFICC040A MRFICC041A MRFICC042A MRFICC043A MRFICC044A MRFICC045A MRFICC046A MRFICC047A MRFICC048A MRFICC049A Banking & Financial Services: Citibank Banking & Financial Services: Citizens Banking & Financial Services: Fifth Third Bank Banking & Financial Services: HSBC Banking & Financial Services: ING Direct Banking & Financial Services: PNC/National City Banking & Financial Services: SunTrust Banking & Financial Services: TD Bank Banking & Financial Services: U.S. Bank Banking & Financial Services: Wells Fargo/Wachovia Banking & Financial Services: Credit Union Banking & Financial Services: Mutual Funds Co. Banking & Financial Services: Internet Bank Banking & Financial Services: Bank in person Banking & Financial Services: ATM/Cash machine Banking & Financial Services: Bank by Mail Banking & Financial Services: Direct Deposit (payroll check) Banking & Financial Services: Bank by Phone Banking & Financial Services: Banking Online/Internet Banking & Financial Services: Other Banking & Financial Services - Wired money Contributions: Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) Contributions: National Public Radio (NPR) Contributions: Religious Contributions: Other Non-Religious Organization Contributions: Less than $50 Contributions: $50 - $99 Contributions: $100 - $249 Contributions: $250+ Credit Cards - Ave Mnth Exp: $35 or less Credit Cards - Ave Mnth Exp: $36 - $55 Credit Cards - Ave Mnth Exp: $56 - $90 Credit Cards - Ave Mnth Exp: $91 - $110 Credit Cards - Ave Mnth Exp: $111 - $180 Credit Cards - Ave Mnth Exp: $181 - $225 Credit Cards - Ave Mnth Exp: $226 - $450 Credit Cards - Ave Mnth Exp: $451 - $700 Credit Cards - Ave Mnth Exp: $701 - $1,000 Credit Cards - Ave Mnth Exp: $1,001 - $1,500 Credit Cards - Ave Mnth Exp: $1,501 - $2,000 Credit Cards - Ave Mnth Exp: $2,001+ Credit Cards - How often use for business purchases: 1-5 Credit Cards - How often use for business purchases: 6-10 Credit Cards - How often use for business purchases: 11+ Credit Cards - How often use for business purchases: less than one Credit Cards - How often use for personal purchases: 1-5 Credit Cards - How often use for personal purchases: 6-10 Credit Cards - How often use for personal purchases: 11-20 times Credit Cards - How often use for personal purchases: More than 20 Credit Cards - How often use for personal purchases: less than one Credit Cards - How Used: Used for business purposes Credit Cards - How Used: Used for personal purposes Credit Cards - Number Owned: 1 Credit Cards - Number Owned: 2 Credit Cards - Number Owned: 3 Credit Cards - Number Owned: 4 Credit Cards - Number Owned: 5 Credit Cards - Number Owned: 6+ Credit Cards - Pre-approved Credit Offer: Accepted Credit Cards - Whether Balance Typically Carried: Never or rarely Credit Cards - Whether Balance Typically Carried: Sometimes Credit Cards - Whether Balance Typically Carried: Usually or always Credit/Debit Cards: Amex Green Own/Use last Yr Credit/Debit Cards: Amex Gold Own/Use last Yr Credit/Debit Cards: Amex Platinum Own/Use last Yr Credit/Debit Cards: Amex Blue Own/Use last Yr Credit/Debit Cards: Amex One Card Own/Use last Yr Credit/Debit Cards: Amex OPEN: Small Business Own/Use last Yr Credit/Debit Cards: Other Amex Own/Use last Yr Credit/Debit Cards: Diners Club Own/Use last Yr Credit/Debit Cards: Discover Own/Use last Yr Credit/Debit Cards: MasterCard Standard Own/Use last Yr Credit/Debit Cards: MasterCard Gold Own/Use last Yr Credit/Debit Cards: MasterCard Platinum Own/Use last Yr Credit/Debit Cards: MasterCard World/World Elite Own/Use last Yr Credit/Debit Cards: MasterCard Debit Card Own/Use last Yr Credit/Debit Cards: MasterCard BusinessCard (Small Business) Own/Use last Yr Credit/Debit Cards: Visa Regular/Classic Own/Use last Yr Page 80 MRFICC050A MRFICC051A MRFICC052A MRFICC053A MRFICC054A MRFICC055A MRFICC056A MRFICC057A MRFICC058A MRFICC059A MRFICC060A MRFICC061A MRFICC062A MRFICC063A MRFICC064A MRFICC065A MRFICC066A MRFICC067A MRFICC068A MRFICC069A MRFICC070A MRFICC071A MRFICC072A MRFICC073A MRFICC074A MRFICC075A MRFICC076A MRFICC077A MRFICC078A MRFICC079A MRFICC080A MRFICC081A MRFICC082A MRFICC083A MRFICC084A MRFICC085A MRFICC086A MRFICC087A MRFIDC001A MRFIDC002A MRFIDC003A MRFIDC004A MRFIDC005A MRFIDC006A MRFIDC007A MRFIDC008A MRFIDC009A MRFIDC010A MRFIDC011A MRFIDC012A MRFIDC013A MRFIDC014A MRFIDC015A MRFIDC016A MRFIDC017A MRFIDC018A MRFIDC019A MRFIIV001A MRFIIV002A MRFIIV003A MRFIIV004A MRFIIV005A MRFIIV006A MRFIIV007A MRFIIV008A MRFIIV009A MRFIIV010A MRFIIV011A MRFIIV012A MRFIIV013A MRFIIV014A MRFIIV015A MRFIIV016A Credit/Debit Cards: Visa Gold Own/Use last Yr Credit/Debit Cards: Visa Platinum Own/Use last Yr Credit/Debit Cards: Visa Signature Own/Use last Yr Credit/Debit Cards: Visa Check Card (Debit) Own/Use last Yr Credit/Debit Cards: Visa Business (Small Business) Own/Use last Yr Credit/Debit Cards: Other Own/Use last Yr Credit/Debit Cards- Issuing Bank: Bank of America Own/Use last Yr Credit/Debit Cards- Issuing Bank: Capital One Own/Use last Yr Credit/Debit Cards- Issuing Bank: Chase/Washington Mutual (WaMu) Own/Use last Yr Credit/Debit Cards- Issuing Bank: Citibank Own/Use last Yr Credit/Debit Cards- Issuing Bank: Citizens Bank Own/Use last Yr Credit/Debit Cards- Issuing Bank: HSBC Own/Use last Yr Credit/Debit Cards- Issuing Bank: ING Direct Own/Use last Yr Credit/Debit Cards- Issuing Bank: Other Own/Use last Yr Credit/Debit Cards- Issuing Bank: TD Bank Own/Use last Yr Credit/Debit Cards- Issuing Bank: USAA Own/Use last Yr Credit/Debit Cards- Issuing Bank: U.S.Bank Own/Use last Yr Credit/Debit Cards- Issuing Bank: Wells Fargo/Wachovia Own/Use last Yr Credit/Debit Cards- Issuing Bank: Other Own/Use last Yr Credit/Debit Cards - Rewards Cash back (Own/Use) Credit/Debit Cards - Rewards Airline miles (Own/Use) Credit/Debit Cards - Rewards Hotel or Car Rental awards (Own/Use) Credit/Debit Cards - Rewards Gifts (Own/Use) Credit/Debit Cards - Rewards Charitable contribution (Own/Use) Credit/Debit Cards - Rewards Gasoline discounts (Own/Use) Credit/Debit Cards - Rewards Other (Own/Use) Credit/Debit Cards - Store : Dillard's (Own/Use) Credit/Debit Cards - Store : JCPenney (Own/Use) Credit/Debit Cards - Store : Lord & Taylor (Own/Use) Credit/Debit Cards - Store : Macy's (Own/Use) Credit/Debit Cards - Store : Nordstrom (Own/Use) Credit/Debit Cards - Store : Sears (Own/Use) Credit/Debit Cards - Store : Target (Own/Use) Credit/Debit Cards - Store : Walmart (Own/Use) Credit/Debit Cards - Store : Other (Own/Use) Credit/Debit Cards - Summary Codes: Any Major Credit/Debit Card (Own/Use) Credit/Debit Cards - Summary Codes: Any Store Credit Card (Own/Use) Credit/Debit Cards - Summary Codes: Any Credit/Debit Card (Own/Use) Debit Cards - Average Monthly Expenditure: $90 Debit Cards - Average Monthly Expenditure: $91 - $110 Debit Cards - Average Monthly Expenditure: $111 - $180 Debit Cards - Average Monthly Expenditure: $181 - $225 Debit Cards - Average Monthly Expenditure: $226 - $450 Debit Cards - Average Monthly Expenditure: $451 - $700 Debit Cards - Average Monthly Expenditure: $701 - $1,000 Debit Cards - Average Monthly Expenditure: $1,001+ Debit Cards - How often use for business purchases: 1-5 Debit Cards - How often use for business purchases: 6+ Debit Cards - How often use for business purchases: less than one Debit Cards - How often use for personal purchases: 1-5 Debit Cards - How often use for personal purchases: 6-10 Debit Cards - How often use for personal purchases: 11-20 times Debit Cards - How often use for personal purchases: More than 20 Debit Cards - How often use for personal purchases: less than one Debit Cards - Number Owned: 1 Debit Cards - Number Owned: 2 Debit Cards - Number Owned: 3+ Investment Activity: Stock rating service Investment Activity: Financial Planner/Certified Financial Planner (CFP) Investment Activity: Personal Money Manager Investment Activity - Broker Contacts: Advice/Price quotes Discount broker Investment Activity - Broker Contacts: Advice/Price quotes Full service broker Investment Activity - Broker Contacts: Advice/Price quotes Online broker Investment Activity - Broker Contacts: Traded bonds Discount broker Investment Activity - Broker Contacts: Traded bonds Full service broker Investment Activity - Broker Contacts: Traded bonds Online broker Investment Activity - Broker Contacts: Traded stocks Discount broker Investment Activity - Broker Contacts: Traded stocks Full service broker Investment Activity - Broker Contacts: Traded stocks Online broker Investment Activity - Broker Contacts: Traded mutual funds Discount broker Investment Activity - Broker Contacts: Traded mutual funds Full service broker Investment Activity - Broker Contacts: Traded mutual funds Online broker Investment Activity - Brokerage Firms Used: Charles Schwab Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A MRFIIV017A MRFIIV018A MRFIIV019A MRFIIV020A MRFIIV021A MRFIIV022A MRFIIV023A MRFIIV024A MRFIIV025A MRFIIV026A MRFIIV027A MRFIIV028A MRFIIV029A MRFIIV030A MRFIIV031A MRFIIV032A MRFIIV033A MRFIIV034A MRFIIV035A MRFIIV036A MRFIIV037A MRFIIV038A MRFIIV039A MRFILO001H MRFILO002H MRFILO003H MRFILO004H MRFILO005H MRFILO006H MRFILO007H MRFILO008H MRFILO009H MRFILO010H MRFIMF001A MRFIMF002A MRFIMF003A MRFIMF004A MRFIMF005A MRFIMF006A MRFIMF007A MRFIMF008A MRFIMF009A MRFIMF010A MRFIMF011A MRFIMF012A MRFIMF013A MRFIMF014A MRFIMF015A MRFIMF016A MRFIMF017A MRFIMF018A MRFIMF019A MRFIMF020A MRFIMF021A MRFIMF022A MRFIRE001H MRFIRE002H MRFIRE003H MRFIRE004H MRFIRE005H MRFIRE006H MRFIRE007H MRFIRE008H MRFIRE009H MRFIRE010H MRFIRE011H MRFIRE012H MRFIRE013H MRFIRE014H MRFIRE015H MRFIRE016H MRFIRE017H MRFIRE018H MRFIRE019H MRFIRE020H Investment Activity - Brokerage Firms Used: Edward Jones Investment Activity - Brokerage Firms Used: E*Trade Investment Activity - Brokerage Firms Used: Fidelity Investment Activity - Brokerage Firms Used: Merrill Lynch Investment Activity - Brokerage Firms Used: Morgan Stanley Smith Barney Investment Activity - Brokerage Firms Used: Raymond James Investment Activity - Brokerage Firms Used: Scottrade Investment Activity - Brokerage Firms Used: TD Ameritrade Investment Activity - Brokerage Firms Used: T.Rowe Price Investment Activity - Brokerage Firms Used: UBS Investment Activity - Brokerage Firms Used: USAA Investment Activity - Brokerage Firms Used: Van Kampen Investment Activity - Brokerage Firms Used: Vanguard Investment Activity - Brokerage Firms Used: Wells Fargo Advisors/Wachovia Securities Investment Activity - Brokerage Firms Used: Other full service firm Investment Activity - Brokerage Firms Used: Other discount brokerage firm Investment Activity - Brokerage Firms Used: Other online brokerage firm Investment Activity - Brokerage Firms Used: Other Bank Investment Activity - Brokerage Firms Used: Other Investment Activity - Number Of Investment Transactions: None Investment Activity - Number Of Investment Transactions: 1-2 Investment Activity - Number Of Investment Transactions: 3-9 Investment Activity - Number Of Investment Transactions: 10+ Loans And Mortgages: Home Mortgage (1st) (Have) Loans And Mortgages: 2nd Mortgage (Home Equity Loan) (Have) Loans And Mortgages: Mortgage Refinance/Consolidation Loan (Have) Loans And Mortgages: Auto Loan (Have) Loans And Mortgages: Personal Loan for Education (Student Loan) (Have) Loans And Mortgages: Personal Loan not for Education (Have) Loans And Mortgages: Personal Line of Credit (Have) Loans And Mortgages: Home Equity Line of Credit (Have) Loans And Mortgages: Other (Have) Loans And Mortgages - Use Cash-Advance Company: Yes Mutual Funds: American Century Mutual Funds: Charles Schwab/Schwab Mutual Funds: Dreyfus Mutual Funds: DWS Investments Mutual Funds: Fidelity Investments Mutual Funds: Franklin Templeton Mutual Funds: The Hartford Mutual Funds: Invesco Aim/AIM Mutual Funds: Janus Mutual Funds: Lord Abbett Mutual Funds: Merrill Lynch Mutual Funds: Morgan Stanley Smith Barney Mutual Funds: Oppenheimer Mutual Funds: Prudential JennisonDryden Mutual Funds: Putnam Mutual Funds: SSgA (State Street Global Advisors) Mutual Funds: T.Rowe Price Mutual Funds: UBS Mutual Funds: USAA Mutual Funds: Vanguard Group Mutual Funds: Other Mutual Funds: Any Real Estate: Vacation/Weekend home Household (Owns) Real Estate: Farm Household (Owns) Real Estate: Retirement real estate Household (Owns) Real Estate: Investment real estate Household (Owns) Real Estate: Any of the above real estate Household (Owns) Real Estate - How/When Home Built: Custom built Real Estate - How/When Home Built: Already built when Bought Real Estate - How/When Home Built: Constructed Real Estate - Number Owned: Vacation/Weekend Home 1+ Real Estate - Number Owned: Farm 1+ Real Estate - Number Owned: Retirement real estate 1+ Real Estate - Number Owned: Investment real estate 1+ Real Estate - Time Share: Own a time share residence Real Estate - Used Real Estate Agent: Sell a property Real Estate - Used Real Estate Agent: Buy a property Real Estate - Used Real Estate Agent: Other Real Estate - Used Real Estate Agent: Any Real Estate - Which Agent Used: Century 21 Real Estate - Which Agent Used: Coldwell Banker Real Estate - Which Agent Used: Keller Williams Page 81 MRFIRE021H MRFIRE022H MRFIRE023H MRFICS001A MRFICS002A MRFICS003A MRFICS004A MRFICS005A MRFISE001A MRFISE002A MRFISE003A MRFISE004A MRFISE005A MRFISE006A MRFISE007A MRFISE008A MRFISE009A MRFISE010A MRFISE011A MRFISE012A MRFISE013A MRFISE014A MRFISE015A MRFISE016A MRFISE017A MRFISE018A MRFISE019A MRFISE020A MRFISE021A MRFISE022A MRFISE023A MRFISE024A MRFISE025A MRFITX001A MRFITX002A MRFITX003A MRFITX004A MRFITX005A MRFITX006A MRFITX007A MRFITX008A MRFITX009A MRFITX010A MRFITX011A MRFITX012A MRFITX013A MRFITX014A MRFITX015A MRFITQ001A MRFITQ002A MRFITQ003A MRFITQ004A MRFITQ005A MRFITQ006A MRFITQ007A MRFITQ008A Real Estate - Which Agent Used: Re/Max Real Estate - Which Agent Used: Other Real Estate (Flipped) A Property For Investment: Yes Retirement/College Savings Plans: IRA Retirement/College Savings Plans: Keogh Retirement/College Savings Plans: 401(k) Retirement/College Savings Plans: 529 Plan (College Savings Plan) Retirement/College Savings Plans: Total - Above Securities Securities - Personally Own: U.S. Savings Bonds Securities - Personally Own: U.S. Treasury Notes Securities - Personally Own: Other U.S. Government Bonds Securities - Personally Own: Common or Preferred Stock in company you work for Securities - Personally Own: Common Stock in other company Securities - Personally Own: Preferred Stock in other company Securities - Personally Own: Privately held shares of companies or partnerships Securities - Personally Own: City/Municipal or state bonds Securities - Personally Own: Corporate bonds or debentures Securities - Personally Own: Money market funds Securities - Personally Own: Mutual Funds (Bonds) Securities - Personally Own: Mutual Funds (Stocks) Securities - Personally Own: Tax Exempt funds Securities - Personally Own: Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) Securities - Personally Own: Annuities Securities - Personally Own: Savings Certificates Securities - Personally Own: Insured Money Market Accounts (bank) Securities - Personally Own: CD (Certificate(s) of Deposit) - 6 months or less Securities - Personally Own: CD (Certificate(s) of Deposit) - more than 6 months Securities - Personally Own: Investments in gold, precious metals or gems Securities - Personally Own: Investment collections of antiques, books, stamps etc. Securities - Personally Own: Other investments (commodities/puts/calls/etc.) Securities: Any stock Securities: Any other market instrument Securities: Any Investments Tax Preparation: You, personally, manually Tax Preparation - Tax Preparation Prepared Other Way: Friend or family member Tax Preparation - Tax Preparation Prepared Other Way: Other Tax Preparation - Used software: H&R Block TaxCut Tax Preparation - Used software: TaxACT Tax Preparation - Used software: TurboTax Tax Preparation - Used software: Other software Tax Preparation - Used Internet/online tax prep: H&R Block TaxCut Tax Preparation - Used Internet/online tax prep: TaxACT Tax Preparation - Used Internet/online tax prep: TurboTax Tax Preparation - Used Internet/online tax prep: Other online program/service Tax Preparation - Used H&R Block (on-site) Tax Preparation - Used Jackson Hewitt (on-site) Tax Preparation - Used Other tax preparation service, on-site Tax Preparation - Used CPA or other tax professional Travelers Cheques - Amount Bought In Total: Less than $250 Travelers Cheques - Amount Bought In Total: $250+ Travelers Cheques - Companies: American Express Travelers Cheques - Companies: Other Travelers Cheques - Personally Bought: Bought any Travelers Cheques - Where Bought: AAA Travelers Cheques - Where Bought: Bank Travelers Cheques - Where Bought: Other Health and Beauty MRHLBT001A MRHLBT002A MRHLBT003A MRHLBT004F MRHLBT005A MRHLBT006F MRHLBT007A MRHLBT008A MRHLBT009A MRHLBT010A Adhesive Bandages (Last 6 Mo) Aftershave Lotion/Cologne for Men (Last 6 Mo) Athlete's Foot/Medicated Foot Care Products (Last 6 Mo) Bath/Shower Additives (Women) (Last 6 Mo) Bleach And Depilatories (Last 6 Mo) Blusher (Women) (Last 6 Mo) Body Powder (Last 6 Mo) Body Wash/Shower Gel (Last 6 Mo) Cold Sores/Fever Blisters (Last 6 Mo) Cold, Sinus And Allergy Remedies (Nonprescr.) (Last 6 Mo) Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A MRHLBT011A MRHLBT012A MRHLBT013A MRHLBT014A MRHLBT015A MRHLBT016A MRHLBT017A MRHLBT018A MRHLBT019A MRHLBT020A MRHLBT021A MRHLBT022A MRHLBT023A MRHLBT024A MRHLBT025A MRHLBT026A MRHLBT027A MRHLBT028A MRHLBT029A MRHLBT030A MRHLBT031A MRHLBT032A MRHLBT033A MRHLBT034F MRHLBT035F MRHLBT036F MRHLBT037F MRHLBT038F MRHLBT039F MRHLBT040F MRHLBT041F MRHLBT042F MRHLBT043F MRHLBT044F MRHLBT045A MRHLBT046A MRHLBT047A MRHLBT048A MRHLBT049A MRHLBT050A MRHLBT051A MRHLBT052A MRHLBT053F MRHLBT054F MRHLBT055A MRHLBT056A MRHLBT057A MRHLBT058A MRHLBT059A MRHLBT060A MRHLBT061A MRHLBT062A MRHLBT063A MRHLBT064A MRHLBT065A MRHLBT066A MRHLBT067A MRHLBT068A MRHLBT069A MRHLBT070A MRHLBT071A MRHLBT072A MRHLBT073A MRHLBT074A MRHLBT075A MRHLBT076A MRHLBT077A MRHLBT078A MRHLBT079F MRHLBT080F MRHLBT081F MRHLBT082A MRHLBT083F MRHLBT084F MRHLBT085F MRHLBT086F MRHLBT087F MRHLBT088F Cologne For Men - Spent for gift: $1 - $49 Cologne For Men - Spent for gift: $50 - $99 Cologne For Men - Spent for gift: $100 - $249 Cologne For Men - Spent for gift: $250+ Cologne For Men - Spent for self: $1 - $49 Cologne For Men - Spent for self: $50 - $99 Cologne For Men - Spent for self: $100 - $249 Cologne For Men - Spent for self: $250+ Complexion Care Products: Used in last 6 months Contact Lens Brands: Acuvue Contact Lens Brands: Bausch & Lomb Contact Lens Brands: Optix (CIBA) Contract Lens Brands: Other CIBA Contact Lens Brands: Other Contact Lens Cleaning/Wetting Solutions (Last 6 Mo) Contact Lenses - Spent: Under $50 Contact Lenses - Spent: $50 - $74 Contact Lenses - Spent: $75 - $99 Contact Lenses - Spent: $100 - $124 Contact Lenses - Spent: $125 - $149 Contact Lenses - Spent: $150 - $199 Contact Lenses - Spent: $200 - $299 Contact Lenses - Spent: $300+ Contraception (Women): Depo-Provera Contraception (Women): Loestrin Contraception (Women): NuvaRing Contraception (Women): Ortho Evra Contraception (Women): Ortho Tri-cyclen Contraception (Women): Ortho Tri-cyclen Lo Contraception (Women): Yasmin Contraception (Women): Yaz Contraception (Women): IUD Contraception (Women): Diaphragm or Cervical Cap Contraception (Women): Other Cough Syrup/Suppressant (Nonprescription): (Used last 6 mo) Dental Floss: (Used last 6 mo) Dental Rinse: (Used last 6 mo) Denture Adhesives & Fixatives: (Used last 6 mo) Denture Cleaners: (Used last 6 mo) Deodorants And Antiperspirants: (Used last 6 mo) Disposable Razors: Used last 6 mo Electric Shavers: Used last 6 mo Eye Liner (Women): Used last 6 mo Eye Shadow (Women): Used last 6 mo Eye Wash And Drops: Used last 6 mo Eyeglasses - Spent: Under $50 Eyeglasses - Spent: $50 - $74 Eyeglasses - Spent: $75 - $99 Eyeglasses - Spent: $100 - $124 Eyeglasses - Spent: $125 - $149 Eyeglasses - Spent: $150 - $174 Eyeglasses - Spent: $175 - $199 Eyeglasses - Spent: $200 - $249 Eyeglasses - Spent: $250+ Glasses/Contact Lenses - Prescription Eyeglasses (sun, tinted, regular) Glasses/Contact Lenses - Bi-focals Glasses/Contact Lenses - Contact Lenses (RGP/hard) Glasses/Contact Lenses - Contact Lenses (soft) Glasses/Contact Lenses - Contact Lenses (tinted/colored) Glasses/Contact Lenses - Disposable Contact Lenses Glasses/Contact Lenses - Sunglasses (Nonprescription) Glasses/Contact Lenses - Transition Lenses Glasses/Contact Lenses - Where bought: Discount Store Optical Center Glasses/Contact Lenses - Where bought: Private Ophthalmologist, Optician or Optometrist Glasses/Contact Lenses - Where bought: Retail Optical Chain Glasses/Contact Lenses - Where bought: Internet/online Glasses/Contact Lenses - Where bought: Other Facial Moisturizers: Used last 6 mo Feminine Hygiene Deodorant/Cleansing Products: Used last 6 mo Feminine Hygiene Douches (Women): Used last 6 mo Feminine Medicated Products (Women): Used last 6 mo Foundation Make-Up (Women): Used last 6 mo Hair Care Products (Women) - Used: Any Hair Care Products (Women) - Used: Blow Dryer Hair Care Products (Women) - Used: Bobbie Pins Hair Care Products (Women) - Used: Brushes Hair Care Products (Women) - Used: Diffuser Hair Care Products (Women) - Used: Electric Curlers Page 82 MRHLBT089F MRHLBT090F MRHLBT091F MRHLBT092F MRHLBT093A MRHLBT094A MRHLBT095A MRHLBT096A MRHLBT097A MRHLBT098A MRHLBT099M MRHLBT100A MRHLBT101A MRHLBT102A MRHLBT103A MRHLBT104A MRHLBT105A MRHLBT106A MRHLBT107A MRHLBT108A MRHLBT109A MRHLBT110A MRHLBT111A MRHLBT112A MRHLBT113A MRHLBT114A MRHLBT115A MRHLBT116A MRHLBT117A MRHLBT118A MRHLBT119A MRHLBT120A MRHLBT121F MRHLBT122F MRHLBT123F MRHLBT124A MRHLBT125A MRHLBT126A MRHLBT127F MRHLBT128F MRHLBT129A MRHLBT130A MRHLBT131F MRHLBT132A MRHLBT133A MRHLBT134A MRHLBT135A MRHLBT136A MRHLBT137A MRHLBT138A MRHLBT139A MRHLBT140A MRHLBT141A MRHLBT142A MRHLBT143F MRHLBT144F MRHLBT145A MRHLBT146F MRHLBT147A MRHLBT148A MRHLBT149A MRHLBT150A MRHLBT151A MRHLBT152A MRHLBT153A MRHLBT154A MRHLBT155A MRHLBT156A MRHLBT157F MRHLBT158A MRHLBT159A MRHLBT160A MRHLBT161A MRHLBT162A MRHLBT163A MRHLAI001A MRHLAI002A MRHLAI003A MRHLAI004A Hair Care Products (Women) - Used: Electric Curling Iron/Brush Hair Care Products (Women) - Used: Hair Pins Hair Care Products (Women) - Used: Hair Rollers Hair Care Products (Women) - Used: Styling Comb Hair Coloring Products (For Use At Home): Used last 6 mo Hair Conditioners (For Use At Home): Used last 6 mo Hair Conditioning Treatment (For Use At Home): Used last 6 mo Hair Growth Products: Used last 6 mo Hair Sprays (For Use At Home): Used last 6 mo Hair Styling Gels, Lotions & Mousse: Used last 6 mo Hair Tonic Or Dressing (Men): Used last 6 mo Hand & Body Cream, Lotion Or Oil: Used last 6 mo Headache Remedies And Pain Relievers (Nonprescr.): Used last 6 mo Health & Beauty Aids Expenditures: Less than $100 For Men Health & Beauty Aids Expenditures: Less than $100 For Women Health & Beauty Aids Expenditures: $100 - $299 For Men Health & Beauty Aids Expenditures: $100 - $299 For Women Health & Beauty Aids Expenditures: $300 - $499 For Men Health & Beauty Aids Expenditures: $300 - $499 For Women Health & Beauty Aids Expenditures: $500+ For Men Health & Beauty Aids Expenditures: $500+ For Women Heartburn, Indigestion, Gas & Diarrhea Remedies: Used last 6 mo Hemorrhoid Remedies: Used last 6 mo Home Permanents And Relaxers (Women): Used last 6 mo Incontinence Products: Any Used or Bought Incontinence Products: Depend Used or Bought Incontinence Products: Poise Used or Bought Incontinence Products: Tena Serenity Used or Bought Incontinence Products: Other Used or Bought In-Home Pregnancy Test/Ovulation Test (Women): Last year Laxatives/Fiber Supplements: Used last 6 mo Lip Care: Used last 6 mo Lipstick & Lip Gloss (Women): Used last 6 mo Loose Face Powder (Women): Used last 6 mo Mascara (Women): Used last 6 mo Meal/Dietary/Weight Loss Supplements: Used last 6 mo Medicated Skin Ointments, Creams, Lotions & Sprays: Used last 6 mo Mouthwash: Used last 6 mo Nail Care Products & Polish (Women): Used last 6 mo Nail Polish Remover (Women): Used last 6 mo Nasal Sprays: Used last 6 mo Pain Relieving Rubs, Liquids & Patches (Nonprescription): Used last 6 mo Pantiliners (Women): Used last 6 mo Perfume And Cologne For Women: Used last 6 mo Perfume/Cologne For Women - Spent for gift: $1 - $49 Perfume/Cologne For Women - Spent for gift: $50 - $99 Perfume/Cologne For Women - Spent for gift: $100 - $249 Perfume/Cologne For Women - Spent for gift: $250+ Perfume/Cologne For Women - Spent for self: $1 - $49 Perfume/Cologne For Women - Spent for self: $50 - $99 Perfume/Cologne For Women - Spent for self: $100 - $249 Perfume/Cologne For Women - Spent for self: $250+ Personal Care Soaps - Bar: Used last 6 mo Personal Foot Care Products: Used last 6 mo Pre-Menstrual Or Period Pain Remedies (Women): Used last 6 mo Pressed Powder (Women): Used Last 6 Months Razor Blades: Used Last 6 Months Sanitary Napkins (Women): Used Last 6 Months Shampoo (For Use At Home): Used Last 6 Months Shaving Creams Or Gels: Used Last 6 Months Sleeping Aids & Snore Relief: Used Last 6 Months Sore Throat Remedies & Cough Drops: Used Last 6 Months Sunglasses - Spent: Under $10 Sunglasses - Spent: $10 Sunglasses - Spent: $11 - $19 Sunglasses - Spent: $20 - $29 Sunglasses - Spent: $30 - $99 Sunglasses - Spent: $100+ Tampons (Women): (Last 6 mo) Tooth Whiteners (Not Toothpaste): (Last 6 mo) Toothache, Gum & Canker Sore Remedies: (Last 6 mo) Toothbrushes: Total Users: Bought in Last 6 Months: Total Category Toothpaste: (Last 6 mo) Vitamin And Dietary Supplements: (Last 6 mo) Wart Removers: (Last 6 mo) Ailments/Remedies: Acne Ailments/Remedies: ADD/ADHD Ailments/Remedies: Allergy/Hay Fever Ailments/Remedies: Anxiety/Panic Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A MRHLAI005A MRHLAI006A MRHLAI007A MRHLAI008A MRHLAI009A MRHLAI010A MRHLAI011A MRHLAI012A MRHLAI013A MRHLAI014A MRHLAI015A MRHLAI016A MRHLAI017A MRHLAI018A MRHLAI019A MRHLAI020A MRHLAI021A MRHLAI022M MRHLAI023A MRHLAI024A MRHLAI025A MRHLAI026A MRHLAI027A MRHLAI028A MRHLAI029A MRHLAI030A MRHLAI031A MRHLAI032A MRHLAI033A MRHLAI034F MRHLAI035A MRHLAI036A MRHLAI037A MRHLAI038A MRHLAI039A MRHLAI040A MRHLAI041A MRHLAI042M MRHLAI043A MRHLAI044A MRHLAI045A MRHLAI046A MRHLAI047A MRHLAI048A MRHLAI049A MRHLAI050A MRHLAI051F MRHLAI052A MRHLAI053A MRHLAI054A MRHLAI055A MRHLAI056A MRHLAI057A MRHLAI058A MRHLAI059A MRHLAI060A MRHLAI061A MRHLAI062A MRHLAI063A MRHLAI064A MRHLAI065A MRHLAI066A MRHLAI067A MRHLAI068A MRHLAI069A MRHLAI070A MRHLAI071A MRHLAI072A MRHLAI073A MRHLAI074A MRHLAI075A MRHLAI076A MRHLAI077A MRHLAI078A MRHLAI079A MRHLAI080A MRHLAI081A Ailments/Remedies: Arthritis/Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) Ailments/Remedies: Arthritis/Osteoarthritis Ailments/Remedies: Asthma Ailments/Remedies: Athlete's Foot Ailments/Remedies: Backache/Back Pain Ailments/Remedies: Bipolar Disorder Ailments/Remedies: Cancer Ailments/Remedies: Other Ailments/Remedies: Cold Sores Ailments/Remedies: Constipation Ailments/Remedies: Dandruff/Dry Scalp Ailments/Remedies: Depression Ailments/Remedies: Diabetes (Insulin Dependent) Ailments/Remedies: Diabetes (Non-Insulin Dependent) Ailments/Remedies: Dry Eyes Ailments/Remedies: Eczema/Skin Itch/Rash Ailments/Remedies: Epilepsy/Seizures Ailments/Remedies: Erectile Dysfunction (ED) (men only) Ailments/Remedies: Other Ailments/Remedies: Hair Loss Ailments/Remedies: Other Ailments/Remedies: Heart Attack/Heart Disease Ailments/Remedies: Heartburn/Acid Reflux Ailments/Remedies: High Cholesterol Ailments/Remedies: Hypertension/High Blood Pressure Ailments/Remedies: Insomnia Ailments/Remedies: Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Ailments/Remedies: Kidney Ailments Ailments/Remedies: Macular Degeneration Ailments/Remedies: Menopause/Hormone Replacement (women only) Ailments/Remedies: Migraine Headaches Ailments/Remedies: Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Ailments/Remedies: Muscle Strain/Sprain Ailments/Remedies: Nail Fungus Ailments/Remedies: Obesity/Overweight Ailments/Remedies: Osteoporosis Ailments/Remedies: Overactive Bladder Ailments/Remedies: Prostate (men only) Ailments/Remedies: Restless Legs Syndrome Ailments/Remedies: Rosacea or Skin Disease Ailments/Remedies: Sinus Congestion/Headache Ailments/Remedies: Sleep Apnea Ailments/Remedies: Snoring Ailments/Remedies: Ulcer Ailments/Remedies: Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) Ailments/Remedies: Wrinkles Ailments/Remedies: Yeast Infection (women only) Ailments/Remedies - Information about via: Television Advertisement Ailments/Remedies - Information about via: Magazine Advertisement Ailments/Remedies - Information about via: Other Advertisement Ailments/Remedies - Information about via: Doctor or Health care professional Ailments/Remedies - Information about via: Friends/Family Ailments/Remedies - Information about via: Pamphlets/Brochures Ailments/Remedies - Information about via: Patient support group Ailments/Remedies - Information about via: Pharmacist Ailments/Remedies - Information about via: Pharmaceutical company Ailments/Remedies - Information about via: Medical journals Ailments/Remedies - Information about via: Online/Internet site Ailments/Remedies - Information about via: Other Healthcare Ad Actions Taken: Bought a non-prescription product Healthcare Ad Actions Taken: Refilled a prescription Healthcare Ad Actions Taken: Made an appointment to see a doctor Healthcare Ad Actions Taken: Discussed an ad with your doctor Healthcare Ad Actions Taken: Discussed an ad with a friend or relative Healthcare Ad Actions Taken: Asked your doctor to prescribe a specific drug Healthcare Ad Actions Taken: Consulted a pharmacist Healthcare Ad Actions Taken: Visited a product or drug website Healthcare Ad Actions Taken: Visited another website Healthcare Ad Actions Taken: Requested a free sample Healthcare Ad Actions Taken: Called a toll-free number for information Healthcare Ad Actions Taken: Other Prescription Brands: Abilify Prescription Brands: AcipHex Prescription Brands: Actonel Prescription Brands: Actos Prescription Brands: Adderall Prescription Brands: Advair Page 83 MRHLAI082A MRHLAI083A MRHLAI084A MRHLAI085A MRHLAI086A MRHLAI087A MRHLAI088M MRHLAI089A MRHLAI090A MRHLAI091A MRHLAI092A MRHLAI093M MRHLAI094A MRHLAI095A MRHLAI096A MRHLAI097A MRHLAI098A MRHLAI099A MRHLAI100A MRHLAI101A MRHLAI102A MRHLAI103A MRHLAI104A MRHLAI105F MRHLAI106M MRHLAI107A MRHLAI108A MRHLAI109F MRHLAI110A MRHLAI111A MRHLAI112A MRHLAI113A MRHLAI114M MRHLAI115A MRHLAI116A MRHLAI117A MRHLAI118A MRHLAI119A MRHLAI120A MRHLAI121A MRHLAI122A MRHLAI123A MRHLAI124F MRHLAI125A MRHLAI126A MRHLAI127A MRHLAI128A MRHLAI129A MRHLAI130A MRHLAI131A MRHLAI132A MRHLAI133A MRHLAI134A MRHLAI135A MRHLAI136A MRHLAI137A MRHLAI138A MRHLAI139A MRHLAI140A MRHLAI141A MRHLAI142A MRHLAI143A MRHLAI144M MRHLAI145A MRHLAI146A MRHLAI147A MRHLAI148A MRHLAI149A MRHLAI150A MRHLAI151A MRHLAI152A MRHLAI153A MRHLAI154A MRHLAI155A MRHLAI156A MRHLAI157A MRHLAI158A MRHLAI159A MRHLAI160A Prescription Brands: Allegra/Allegra D Prescription Brands: Altace Prescription Brands: Ambien/Ambien CR Prescription Brands: Asmanex Prescription Brands: Astelin Prescription Brands: Avandia Prescription Brands: Avodart (men only) Prescription Brands: Boniva Prescription Brands: Botox Prescription Brands: Caduet Prescription Brands: Celebrex Prescription Brands: Cialis (men only) Prescription Brands: Clarinex Prescription Brands: Coreg Prescription Brands: Crestor Prescription Brands: Cymbalta Prescription Brands: Detrol/Detrol LA Prescription Brands: Diflucan Prescription Brands: Diovan/Diovan HCT Prescription Brands: Ditropan XL Prescription Brands: Effexor/Effexor XR Prescription Brands: Elidel Prescription Brands: Enablex Prescription Brands: Evista (women only) Prescription Brands: Flomax (men only) Prescription Brands: Flonase Prescription Brands: Flovent Prescription Brands: Fosamax (women only) Prescription Brands: Glucophage/Glucophage XR Prescription Brands: Glucovance Prescription Brands: Imitrex Prescription Brands: Lamisil Prescription Brands: Levitra (men only) Prescription Brands: Lexapro Prescription Brands: Lipitor Prescription Brands: Lunesta Prescription Brands: Lyrica Prescription Brands: Mirapex Prescription Brands: Nasacort AQ Prescription Brands: Nasonex Prescription Brands: Nexium Prescription Brands: Norvasc Prescription Brands: Ortho Tri-cyclen (women only) Prescription Brands: Paxil/Paxil CR Prescription Brands: Plavix Prescription Brands: Pravachol Prescription Brands: Prevacid Prescription Brands: Protonix Prescription Brands: Prozac Prescription Brands: Pulmicort Prescription Brands: Requip Prescription Brands: Restasis Prescription Brands: Other Prescription Brands: Rhinocort Prescription Brands: Rozerem Prescription Brands: Seroquel Prescription Brands: Singulair Prescription Brands: Spiriva Prescription Brands: Topamax Prescription Brands: Valtrex Prescription Brands: Other Prescription Brands: Vesicare Prescription Brands: Viagra (men only) Prescription Brands: Vytorin Prescription Brands: Wellbutrin Prescription Brands: Zetia Prescription Brands: Zocor Prescription Brands: Zoloft Prescription Drugs - Amount Spent Out Of Pocket: Less than $10 Prescription Drugs - Amount Spent Out Of Pocket: $10 - $19 Prescription Drugs - Amount Spent Out Of Pocket: $20 - $29 Prescription Drugs - Amount Spent Out Of Pocket: $30 - $49 Prescription Drugs - Amount Spent Out Of Pocket: $50 - $99 Prescription Drugs - Amount Spent Out Of Pocket: $100 - $149 Prescription Drugs - Amount Spent Out Of Pocket: $150+ Prescription Drugs - Number Of Prescriptions Filled: 1 Prescription Drugs - Number Of Prescriptions Filled: 2 Prescription Drugs - Number Of Prescriptions Filled: 3 Prescription Drugs - Number Of Prescriptions Filled: 4 Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A MRHLAI161A MRHLAI162A MRHLAI163A MRHLAI164A MRHLAI165A MRHLAI166A MRHLAI167A MRHLAI168A MRHLAI169A MRHLDT001A MRHLDT002A MRHLDT003A MRHLDT004A MRHLDT005A MRHLDT006A MRHLDT007A MRHLDT008A MRHLDT009A MRHLDT010A MRHLDT011A MRHLDT012A MRHLDT013A MRHLDT014A MRHLDT015A MRHLDT016A MRHLDT017A MRHLDT018A MRHLDT019A MRHLDT020A MRHLDT021A MRHLDT022A MRHLDT023A MRHLDT024A MRHLDT025A MRHLDT026A MRHLDT027A MRHLDT028A MRHLDT029A MRHLDT030A MRHLDT031A MRHLDT032A MRHLDT033A MRHLDT034A MRHLDT035A MRHLDT036A MRHLDT037A MRHLDT038A Prescription Drugs - Number Of Prescriptions Filled: 5 Prescription Drugs - Number Of Prescriptions Filled: 6 Prescription Drugs - Number Of Prescriptions Filled: 7+ Prescription Drugs - Where did you fill: Drug Store/Pharmacy Prescription Drugs - Where did you fill: Supermarket Prescription Drugs - Where did you fill: Discount/Department Store Prescription Drugs - Where did you fill: Mail order Prescription Drugs - Where did you fill: Internet/Online Prescription Drugs - Where did you fill: Other Diet Control/Eating Habits: Presently I control my diet Diet Control/Eating Habits - Buy food labeled as: Fat-free Diet Control/Eating Habits - Buy food labeled as: Gluten-free Diet Control/Eating Habits - Buy food labeled as: High fiber Diet Control/Eating Habits - Buy food labeled as: High protein Diet Control/Eating Habits - Buy food labeled as: Lactose-free Diet Control/Eating Habits - Buy food labeled as: Low-calorie Diet Control/Eating Habits - Buy food labeled as: Low-carb Diet Control/Eating Habits - Buy food labeled as: Low-cholesterol Diet Control/Eating Habits - Buy food labeled as: Low-fat Diet Control/Eating Habits - Buy food labeled as: Low-sodium Diet Control/Eating Habits - Buy food labeled as: Natural or Organic Diet Control/Eating Habits - Buy food labeled as: Other Diet Control/Eating Habits - Buy food labeled as: Sugar-free Diet Control/Eating Habits - Am Semi-vegetarian Diet Control/Eating Habits - Am Vegetarian Diet Control/Eating Habits - Am Vegan Diet Control/Eating Habits - Used Alli Diet Control/Eating Habits - Used Jenny Craig Diet Control/Eating Habits - Used LA Weight Loss Center Diet Control/Eating Habits - Used Nutrisystem Diet Control/Eating Habits - Used South Beach Diet Diet Control/Eating Habits - Used Weight Watchers Diet Control/Eating Habits - Used Other diet organization or club Diet Control/Eating Habits - Used Atkins diet Diet Control/Eating Habits - Used Doctor's care/diet Diet Control/Eating Habits - Used Diet control book Diet Control/Eating Habits - Used Exercise program Diet Control/Eating Habits - Used Other Diet Control/Eating Habits - Reasons for: Blood sugar level Diet Control/Eating Habits - Reasons for: Cholesterol level Diet Control/Eating Habits - Reasons for: Lactose intolerance Diet Control/Eating Habits - Reasons for: Maintain weight Diet Control/Eating Habits - Reasons for: Physical fitness Diet Control/Eating Habits - Reasons for: Regularity Diet Control/Eating Habits - Reasons for: Salt restriction Diet Control/Eating Habits - Reasons for: Weight loss Diet Control/Eating Habits - Reasons for: Other Home MRHOCC001H MRHOCC002H MRHOCC003H MRHOCC004H MRHOCC005H MRHOCC006H MRHOCC007H MRHOCC008H MRHOCC009H MRHOCC010H MRHOCC011H MRHOCC012H MRHOCC013H MRHOCC014H MRHOCC015H MRHOCC016H MRHOCC017H MRHOCC018H MRHOCC019H MRHOCC020H MRHOCC021H MRHOBB001H MRHOBB002H MRHOBB003H MRHOBB004H MRHOBB005H MRHOBB006H Climate Control Appl: Air cleaner - electric Hhd Owns Climate Control Appl: Central air conditioner Hhd Owns Climate Control Appl: Air conditioner - separate room Hhd Owns Climate Control Appl: Attic/whole house fan Hhd Owns Climate Control Appl: Ceiling fan (not bathroom vent) Hhd Owns Climate Control Appl: Coal/wood stove Hhd Owns Climate Control Appl: Central heating - gas Hhd Owns Climate Control Appl: Central heating - oil Hhd Owns Climate Control Appl: Electric heating (central) Hhd Owns Climate Control Appl: Space heater (electric) Hhd Owns Climate Control Appl: Automatic setback thermostat Hhd Owns Climate Control Appl: Dehumidifier Hhd Owns Climate Control Appl: Humidifier Hhd Owns Climate Control Appl: Fireplace Hhd Owns Climate Control Appl: Heat Pump Hhd Owns Climate Control Appl: Kerosene heater Hhd Owns Climate Control Appl - Decision Maker: Yourself (alone or with someone else) Climate Control Appl - Decision Maker: Someone else Climate Control Appl - Summary: Any air conditioner Hhd Owns Climate Control Appl - Summary: Any fan Hhd Owns Climate Control Appl: Any Hhd Owns Bedding And Bath Goods - Spent: Less than $50 Bedding And Bath Goods - Spent: $50 - $149 Bedding And Bath Goods - Spent: $150+ Bedding And Bath Goods - Bought: Bathmat (in tub) Bedding And Bath Goods - Bought: Shower curtain Bedding And Bath Goods - Bought: Towels Page 84 MRHOBB007H MRHOBB008H MRHOBB009H MRHOBB010H MRHOBB011H MRHOBB012H MRHOBB013H MRHOBB014H MRHOBB015H MRHOBB016H MRHOBB017H MRHOGD018A MRHOGD019A MRHOGD020A MRHOGD021A MRHOGD022A MRHOGD023A MRHOGD024A MRHOGD025A MRHOGD026A MRHOGD027A MRHOGD028A MRHOGD029A MRHOGD030A MRHOGD031A MRHOGD032A MRHOGD033A MRHOGD034A MRHOGD035A MRHOGD036A MRHOGD037A MRHOGD038A MRHOGD039A MRHOHI001H MRHOHI002H MRHOHI003H MRHOHI004H MRHOHI005H MRHOHI006H MRHOHI007H MRHOHI008H MRHOHI009H MRHOHI010H MRHOHI011H MRHOHI012H MRHOHI013H MRHOHI014H MRHOHI015H MRHOHI016H MRHOHI017H MRHOHI018H MRHOHI019H MRHOHI020H MRHOHI021H MRHOHI022H MRHOHI023H MRHOHI024H MRHOHI025H MRHOHI026H MRHOHI027H MRHOHI028H MRHOHI029H MRHOHI030H MRHOHI031H MRHOHI032H MRHOHI033H MRHOHI034H MRHOHI035H MRHOHI036H MRHOHI037H MRHOHI038H MRHOHI039H MRHOHI040H MRHOHI041H MRHOHI042H Bedding And Bath Goods - Bought: Pillowcases Bedding And Bath Goods - Bought: Sheets Bedding And Bath Goods - Bought: Electric blankets Bedding And Bath Goods - Bought: Other blankets Bedding And Bath Goods - Bought: Bedspreads Bedding And Bath Goods - Bought: Pillows Bedding And Bath Goods - Bought: Pillow shams Bedding And Bath Goods - Bought: Comforters/quilts Bedding And Bath Goods - Bought: Dust ruffles Bedding And Bath Goods - Decision Maker: Yourself (alone or with someone else) Bedding And Bath Goods - Decision Maker: Someone else Garden: Have a garden Garden: Participated in outdoor gardening in last 12 months Garden - Activities Engaged: Flowers/Ornamentals Garden - Activities Engaged: Vegetable Growing Garden - Activities Engaged: Herb Growing Garden - Activities Engaged: Fruit (Not Trees) Garden - Activities Engaged: Lawn Care Garden - Activities Engaged: Berries & Brambles Garden - # Days Personally Gardened: 1 - 9 Garden - # Days Personally Gardened: 10 - 19 Garden - # Days Personally Gardened: 20 - 29 Garden - # Days Personally Gardened: 30 - 39 Garden - # Days Personally Gardened: 40 - 59 Garden - # Days Personally Gardened: 60 - 79 Garden - # Days Personally Gardened: 80 - 99 Garden - # Days Personally Gardened: 100 - 124 Garden - # Days Personally Gardened: 125 - 150 Garden - # Days Personally Gardened: 151+ Garden - Size: Under 250 square feet Garden - Size: 250-499 square feet Garden - Size: 500-1999 square feet Garden - Size: 2000+ square feet Home Improvements: Bathroom or kitchen faucets (Last Yr) Home Improvements: Other bathroom or kitchen plumbing fixtures (Last Yr) Home Improvements: Insulation for ceiling, floor, and/or walls (Last Yr) Home Improvements: Exterior light fixtures (Last Yr) Home Improvements: Interior light fixtures (Last Yr) Home Improvements: Clean-air filter (Last Yr) Home Improvements: Down spouts/gutters (Last Yr) Home Improvements: Yard fence (Last Yr) Home Improvements: Wallpaper/covering (Last Yr) Home Improvements: Exterior painting (Last Yr) Home Improvements: Interior painting (Last Yr) Home Improvements - Spent: Under $150 Home Improvements - Spent: $150 - $499 Home Improvements - Spent: $500 - $999 Home Improvements - Spent: $1,000 - $1,999 Home Improvements - Spent: $2,000+ Home Improvements - Used a home decorating service (Last Yr) Home Improvements - # of Improvements Done Personally: 1 Home Improvements - # of Improvements Done Personally: 2 Home Improvements - # of Improvements Done Personally: 3 Home Improvements - # of Improvements Done Personally: 4+ Home Improvements - Any home improvements Home Improvements - Who did work: Yourself or other household member Home Improvements - Who did work: Outside contractor Home Remodeling: Convert garage/attic/basement into living space (Last Yr) Home Remodeling: Remodel bathroom (Last Yr) Home Remodeling: Remodel kitchen (Last Yr) Home Remodeling: Remodel bedroom (Last Yr) Home Remodeling: Convert room to home office (Last Yr) Home Remodeling: Convert room to home theater (Last Yr) Home Remodeling: Remodel other rooms (Last Yr) Home Remodeling: Add bathroom (Last Yr) Home Remodeling: Add/extend garage (Last Yr) Home Remodeling: Add other rooms - exterior addition (Last Yr) Home Remodeling: Add deck/porch/patio (Last Yr) Home Remodeling: Roofing (Last Yr) Home Remodeling: Siding - vinyl/metal (Last Yr) Home Remodeling: Aluminum windows (Last Yr) Home Remodeling: Clad-wood/Wood windows (Last Yr) Home Remodeling: Vinyl windows (Last Yr) Home Remodeling: Ceramic tile floors (Last Yr) Home Remodeling: Hardwood floors (Last Yr) Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A MRHOHI043H MRHOHI044H MRHOHI045H MRHOHI046H MRHOHI047H MRHOHI048H MRHOHI049H MRHOHI050H MRHOHI051H MRHOHI052H MRHOHI053H MRHOHI054H MRHOHI055H MRHOHI056H MRHOHI057H MRHOHI058H MRHOHI059H MRHOHI060H MRHOHI061H MRHOHI062H MRHOHI063H MRHOHI064H MRHOHI065H MRHOHI066H MRHOHI067H MRHOHI068H MRHOHI069H MRHOHI070H MRHOHI071H MRHOFU001H MRHOFU002H MRHOFU003H MRHOFU004H MRHOFU005H MRHOFU006H MRHOFU007H MRHOFU008H MRHOFU009H MRHOFU010H MRHOFU011H MRHOFU012H MRHOFU013H MRHOFU014H MRHOFU015H MRHOFU016H MRHOFU017H MRHOFU018H MRHOFU019H MRHOFU020H MRHOFU021H MRHOFU022H MRHOFU023H MRHOFU024H MRHOFU025H MRHOFU026H MRHOFU027H MRHOFU028H MRHOFU029H MRHOFU030H MRHOFU031H MRHOFU032H MRHOFU033H MRHOFU034H MRHOFU035H MRHOFU036H MRHOFU037H MRHOFU038H MRHOFU039H MRHOFU040H MRHOFU041H MRHOFU042H MRHOFU043H MRHOFU044H MRHOFU045H Home Remodeling: Laminate flooring (Last Yr) Home Remodeling: Vinyl flooring (Last Yr) Home Remodeling: Carpeting (Last Yr) Home Remodeling: Kitchen cabinets (Last Yr) Home Remodeling: Kitchen counter tops (Last Yr) Home Remodeling: Skylights (Last Yr) Home Remodeling: Exterior doors (Last Yr) Home Remodeling: Interior doors (Last Yr) Home Remodeling: Garage doors (Last Yr) Home Remodeling: Concrete or masonry work (Last Yr) Home Remodeling: Swimming pool - in ground (Last Yr) Home Remodeling: Wall paneling (Last Yr) Home Remodeling: Ceramic wall tile (Last Yr) Home Remodeling - Spent: Under $500 Home Remodeling - Spent: $500 - $2,499 Home Remodeling - Spent: $2,500 - $4,999 Home Remodeling - Spent: $5,000 - $7,499 Home Remodeling - Spent: $7,500+ Home Remodeling - # of Remodeling Jobs Done Personally: 1 Home Remodeling - # of Remodeling Jobs Done Personally: 2 Home Remodeling - # of Remodeling Jobs Done Personally: 3 Home Remodeling - # of Remodeling Jobs Done Personally: 4 Home Remodeling - # of Remodeling Jobs Done Personally: 5 Home Remodeling - # of Remodeling Jobs Done Personally: 6 Home Remodeling - # of Remodeling Jobs Done Personally: 7-9 Home Remodeling - # of Remodeling Jobs Done Personally: 10+ Home Remodeling - Summary: Any Home Remodeling - Who did work: Yourself or other household member Home Remodeling - Who did work: Outside contractor Household Appliances & Durables: Any Household Appliances & Durables - Decision Maker: Yourself (alone or with someone else) Household Appliances & Durables - Decision Maker: Someone else Household Furnishings - Decision Maker: Yourself (alone or with someone else) Household Furnishings - Decision Maker: Someone else Hhd Furnishings: Big Ticket Items: Wall unit/wall system (Owns) Hhd Furnishings: Big Ticket Items: Sofa/sectional (Owns) Hhd Furnishings: Big Ticket Items: Recliner (Owns) Hhd Furnishings: Big Ticket Items: Sofa-bed convertible (Owns) Hhd Furnishings: Big Ticket Items: Other living room furniture (Owns) Hhd Furnishings: Big Ticket Items: Bed frame/headboard (Owns) Hhd Furnishings: Big Ticket Items: Box Spring (Owns) Hhd Furnishings: Big Ticket Items: Mattress (Owns) Hhd Furnishings: Big Ticket Items: Cedar chests (Owns) Hhd Furnishings: Big Ticket Items: Other bedroom furniture (Owns) Hhd Furnishings: Big Ticket Items: Kitchen furniture (Owns) Hhd Furnishings: Big Ticket Items: Dining room furniture (Owns) Hhd Furnishings: Big Ticket Items: Family room furniture (Owns) Hhd Furnishings: Big Ticket Items: Home office furniture (Owns) Hhd Furnishings: Big Ticket Items: Piano (Owns) Hhd Furnishings: Big Ticket Items: Picture frames - custom made (Owns) Hhd Furnishings: Big Ticket Items: Window coverings - custom made (Owns) Hhd Furnishings: Big Ticket Items: Wall-to-wall carpet (Owns) Hhd Furnishings: Big Ticket Items: Horizontal blinds - custom made (Owns) Hhd Furnishings: Big Ticket Items: Vertical blinds - custom made (Owns) Hhd Furnishings: Big Ticket Items - Spent: Under $500 Hhd Furnishings: Big Ticket Items - Spent: $500 - $999 Hhd Furnishings: Big Ticket Items - Spent: $1,000 - $1,499 Hhd Furnishings: Big Ticket Items - Spent: $1,500 - $2,499 Hhd Furnishings: Big Ticket Items - Spent: $2,500+ Hhd Furnishings: Big Ticket Items - Summary: Owns Hhd Furnishings: Big Ticket Items - Summary: Bought in last 12 months Hhd Furnishings: Low Ticket Items: Awning (Owns) Hhd Furnishings: Low Ticket Items: Draperies (Owns) Hhd Furnishings: Low Ticket Items: Curtains (Owns) Hhd Furnishings: Low Ticket Items: Horizontal blinds - ready made (Owns) Hhd Furnishings: Low Ticket Items: Vertical blinds - ready made (Owns) Hhd Furnishings: Low Ticket Items: Pleated shades (Owns) Hhd Furnishings: Low Ticket Items: Lawn/porch furniture (Owns) Hhd Furnishings: Low Ticket Items: Patio/deck cover (Owns) Hhd Furnishings: Low Ticket Items: Air mattress (Inflatable) (Owns) Hhd Furnishings: Low Ticket Items: Upholstery fabric (Owns) Hhd Furnishings: Low Ticket Items: Area rug (Owns) Hhd Furnishings: Low Ticket Items: Room size rug (Owns) Hhd Furnishings: Low Ticket Items: Indoor/outdoor carpet (Owns) Page 85 MRHOFU046H MRHOFU047H MRHOFU048H MRHOFU049H MRHOFU050H MRHOFU051H MRHOFU052H MRHOFU053H MRHOHS001H MRHOHS002H MRHOHS003H MRHOHS004H MRHOHS005H MRHOHS006H MRHOHS007H MRHOHS008H MRHOHS009H MRHOHS010H MRHOHS011H MRHOHS012H MRHOHS013H MRHOHS014H MRHOHS015H MRHOKI001H MRHOKI002H MRHOKI003H MRHOKI004H MRHOKI005H MRHOKI006H MRHOKI007H MRHOPT001H MRHOPT002H MRHOPT003H MRHOPT004H MRHOPT005H MRHOPT006H MRHOPT007H MRHOPT008H MRHOPT009H MRHOPT010H MRHOPT011H MRHOPT012H MRHOPT013H MRHOPT014H MRHOPT015H MRHOPT016H MRHOPT017H MRHOPT018H MRHOPT019H MRHOPT020H MRHOPT021H MRHOPA001A MRHOPA002A MRHOPA003A MRHOPA004A MRHOPA005A MRHOPA006A MRHOPA007A MRHOPA008A MRHOPA009A MRHOPA010A MRHOPA011A MRHOPA012A MRHOPA013A MRHOPX001H MRHOPX002H MRHOPX003H MRHOPX004H MRHOPM001H MRHOPM002H Hhd Furnishings: Low Ticket Items: Table/floor lamps (Owns) Household Furnishings: Low Ticket Items - Spent: Under $100 Household Furnishings: Low Ticket Items - Spent: $100 - $199 Household Furnishings: Low Ticket Items - Spent: $200 - $349 Household Furnishings: Low Ticket Items - Spent: $350 - $499 Household Furnishings: Low Ticket Items - Spent: $500+ Household Furnishings: Low Ticket Items - Summary: Owns Household Furnishings: Low Ticket Items - Summary: Bought in last 12 months Housekeeping Services - Maid/Housekeeper: More than once a week Housekeeping Services - Maid/Housekeeper: Once a week Housekeeping Services - Maid/Housekeeper: 2 - 3 times a month Housekeeping Services - Maid/Housekeeper: Once a month Housekeeping Services - Maid/Housekeeper: Less than once a month Housekeeping Services - Maid/Housekeeper: Used in last 12 months Housekeeping Services - Professional Cleaning Service: More than once a week Housekeeping Services - Professional Cleaning Service: Once a week Housekeeping Services - Professional Cleaning Service: 2 - 3 times a month Housekeeping Services - Professional Cleaning Service: Once a month Housekeeping Services - Professional Cleaning Service: Less than once a month Housekeeping Services - Professional Cleaning Service: Used in last 12 months Housekeeping Services - Used: Professional carpet cleaning service Housekeeping Services - Used: Professional furniture cleaning service Housekeeping Services - Used: Any housekeeping/professional cleaning service Kitchen Cooking/Serving Products: Any Household owns/ Bought in last 12 months Kitchen Cooking/Serving Products - Bought As Gift: Any Kitchen Cooking/Serving Products - Decision Maker: Yourself (alone/with someone else) Kitchen Cooking/Serving Products - Decision Maker: Someone else Large Kitchen & Cooking Appliances: Any Large Kitchen & Cooking Appl - Decision maker: Yourself (alone or with someone else) Large Kitchen & Cooking Appliances - Decision maker: Someone else Paint/Stain: Last Year: Total Category Paint/Stain: Last Year: Ace Paint/Stain: Last Year: Behr Paint/Stain: Last Year: Benjamin Moore Paint/Stain: Last Year: Cabot Paint/Stain: Last Year: Dutch Boy Paint/Stain: Last Year: Glidden Paint/Stain: Last Year: Krylon Paint/Stain: Last Year: Martha Stewart Paint/Stain: Last Year: Minwax Paint/Stain: Last Year: Olympic Paint/Stain: Last Year: Pittsburgh Paint/Stain: Last Year: Pratt & Lambert Paint/Stain: Last Year: Ralph Lauren Paint/Stain: Last Year: Rust-Oleum Paint/Stain: Last Year: Sherwin Williams Paint/Stain: Last Year: Thompson's WaterSeal Paint/Stain: Last Year: True Value Paint/Stain: Last Year: Valspar Paint/Stain: Last Year: Walmart (Color Place) Paint/Stain: Last Year: Other Personal Appliances: Blood glucose monitor own Personal Appliances: Clock - battery own Personal Appliances: Clock radio - electric own Personal Appliances: Electronic ear thermometer own Personal Appliances: Hand-held massagers own Personal Appliances: Hearing aids own Personal Appliances: Home blood pressure monitor own Personal Appliances: Lighted make-up mirror own Personal Appliances: Massaging shower head own Personal Appliances: Oral irrigation device own Personal Appliances: Scale (bathroom) own Personal Appliances - Any: Own Personal Appliances - Any: Bought in last 12 months Professional Exterminators: Had treatment last yr: Total Category Professional Exterminators: Had treatment last yr: Orkin Professional Exterminators: Had treatment last yr: Terminix Professional Exterminators: Had treatment last yr: Other Property/garden Maintenance - Spent: Less than $50 Property/garden Maintenance - Spent: $50 - $99 Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A MRHOPM003H MRHOPM004H MRHOPM005H MRHOPM006H MRHOPM007H MRHOPM008H MRHOPM009H MRHOPM010H MRHOPM011H MRHOPM012H MRHOPM013H MRHOPM014H MRHOPM015H MRHOPM016H MRHOPM017H MRHOPM018H MRHOPM019H MRHOPM020H MRHOPM021H MRHOPM022H MRHOPM023H MRHOPM024H MRHOPM025H MRHOPM026H MRHOPM027H MRHOPM028H MRHOSK001H MRHOSK002H MRHOSK003H MRHOSK004H MRHOSK005H MRHOSK006H MRHOSK007H MRHOSK008H MRHOSK009H MRHOSK010H MRHOSK011H MRHOSK012H MRHOSK013H MRHOTO001H MRHOTO002A MRHOTO003A Property/garden Maintenance - Spent: $100 - $149 Property/garden Maintenance - Spent: $150 - $299 Property/garden Maintenance - Spent: $300 - $499 Property/garden Maintenance - Spent: $500 - $799 Property/garden Maintenance - Spent: $800+ Property/garden Maintenance - bought: Bulbs Property/garden Maintenance - bought: Flower seeds Property/garden Maintenance - bought: Garden fertilizer Property/garden Maintenance - bought: Garden insecticides Property/garden Maintenance - bought: Garden soil Property/garden Maintenance - bought: Lawn fertilizer with weed control Property/garden Maintenance - bought: Lawn fertilizer without weed control Property/garden Maintenance - bought: Lawn insecticides Property/garden Maintenance - bought: Lawn maintenance service Property/garden Maintenance - bought: Lawn seed Property/garden Maintenance - bought: Organic soil additives Property/garden Maintenance - bought: Plant food (outdoor) Property/garden Maintenance - bought: Pool chemicals Property/garden Maintenance - bought: Potting soil Property/garden Maintenance - bought: Shrubs & plants (outdoor) Property/garden Maintenance - bought: Top soil Property/garden Maintenance - bought: Trees Property/garden Maintenance - bought: Vegetable plants Property/garden Maintenance - bought: Vegetable seeds Property/garden Maintenance - bought: Weed killer Property/garden Maintenance - Used service: For property/garden maintenance Small Kitchen Appliances: Any Small Kitchen Appliances - Decision Maker: Yourself (alone or with someone else) Small Kitchen Appliances - Decision Maker: Someone else Table Settings: Any table setting Personally own Table Settings: Any table setting Personally bought in last 12 months Table Settings: Any table setting Personally bought as gift in last 12 months Table Settings - Spent: Less than $15 Table Settings - Spent: $15 - $25 Table Settings - Spent: $26 - $50 Table Settings - Spent: $51 - $100 Table Settings - Spent: $101 - $175 Table Settings - Spent: $176 - $300 Table Settings - Spent: More than $300 Tools - Bought: Any tools Household owns or Acquired in Last 12 Months Tools - Decision Maker: Yourself (alone or with someone else) Tools - Decision Maker: Someone else Household Products MRBABY001H MRBABY002H MRBABY003H MRBABY004H MRBABY005H MRBABY006H MRBABY007H MRBABY008H MRBABY009H MRBABY010H MRBABY011H MRBABY012H MRBABY013H MRBABY014H MRBABY015H MRBABY016H MRBABY017H MRBABY018H MRBABY019H MRBABY020H MRBABY021H MRBABY022H MRBABY023H MRBABY024H MRBABY025H MRBABY026H MRBABY027H MRBABY028H MRBABY029H Baby Bath, Wash And Soap: Used last 6 mo Baby Foods: Used last 6 mo Baby Furniture & Equipment - Amount Spent In Total: Less than $100 Baby Furniture & Equipment - Amount Spent In Total: $100+ Baby Furniture & Equipment : Activity Mat Owns Baby Furniture & Equipment : Baby carrier (front or back) Owns Baby Furniture & Equipment : Baby car bed Owns Baby Furniture & Equipment : Baby car seat Owns Baby Furniture & Equipment : Bathing/dressing table Owns Baby Furniture & Equipment : Baby bath tub Owns Baby Furniture & Equipment : Baby mobiles Owns Baby Furniture & Equipment : Baby monitor Owns Baby Furniture & Equipment : Baby rattles Owns Baby Furniture & Equipment : Bouncer seat Owns Baby Furniture & Equipment : Breast pump Owns Baby Furniture & Equipment : Crib mattress Owns Baby Furniture & Equipment : High chair Owns Baby Furniture & Equipment : Infant crib Owns Baby Furniture & Equipment : Infant swing Owns Baby Furniture & Equipment : Jump seat Owns Baby Furniture & Equipment : Juvenile bed Owns Baby Furniture & Equipment : Nursing pillow Owns Baby Furniture & Equipment : Playpen Owns Baby Furniture & Equipment : Stroller Owns Baby Furniture & Equipment : Stuffed toys Owns Baby Furniture & Equipment : Toilet chair Owns Baby Furniture & Equipment : Walker Owns Baby Furniture & Equipment : Other Owns Baby Furniture & Equipment : Any Baby Furniture & Equipment Owns Page 86 MRBABY030H MRBABY031H MRBABY032H MRBABY033H MRBABY034H MRBABY035H MRCCLO001H MRCCLO002H MRCCLO003H MRCCLO004H MRCCLO005H MRCCLO006H MRCCLO007H MRCCLO008H MRCCLO009H MRCCLO010H MRCCLO011H MRCCLO012H MRCCLO013H MRCCLO014H MRCCLO015H MRCCLO016H MRCCLO017H MRCCLO018H MRCCLO019H MRCCLO020H MRCCLO021H MRCCLO022H MRCCLO023H MRCCLO024H MRCCLO025H MRCCLO026H MRCCLO027H MRCCLO028H MRCCLO029H MRCCLO030H MRCCLO031H MRCCLO032H MRCCLO033H MRCCLO034H MRCCLO035H MRCCLO036H MRCCLO037H MRCCLO038H MRCCLO039H MRCCLO040H MRCCLO041H MRCCLO042H MRCCLO043H MRCCLO044H MRCPRO001H MRCPRO002H MRCPRO003H MRCPRO004H MRCPRO005H MRCPRO006H MRCPRO007H MRCPRO008H MRCPRO009H MRCPRO010H MRCTOY001H MRCTOY002H MRCTOY003H MRCTOY004H MRCTOY005H MRCTOY006H MRCTOY007H MRCTOY008H MRCTOY009H MRCTOY010H MRCTOY011H MRCTOY012H MRCTOY013H MRCTOY014H MRCTOY015H MRCTOY016H MRCTOY017H MRCTOY018H MRCTOY019H Baby Lotion: Used last 6 mo Baby Nursers/Bottles: Used last 6 mo Baby Oil: Used last 6 mo Baby Ointments And Creams: Used last 6 mo Baby Powder: Used last 6 mo Baby Shampoo: Used last 6 mo Children's Clothing - Spent: $50 or less Children's Clothing - Spent: $51 - $99 Children's Clothing - Spent: $100 - $199 Children's Clothing - Spent: $200 - $399 Children's Clothing - Spent: $400+ Children's Clothing - baby (<1 yr): Outerwear Children's Clothing - baby (<1 yr): Sleepwear Children's Clothing - baby (<1 yr): Stretchies Children's Clothing - baby (<1 yr): Underwear (not diapers) Children's Clothing - baby (<1 yr): Waterproof Pants Children's Clothing - children 1-2 years: Jeans or Slacks Children's Clothing - children 1-2 years: Outerwear Children's Clothing - children 1-2 years: Shorts Children's Clothing - children 1-2 years: Sleepwear Children's Clothing - children 1-2 years: Suits or Dresses Children's Clothing - children 1-2 years: Sweatshirts/Sweatpants Children's Clothing - children 1-2 years: Tops/Shirts Children's Clothing - children 1-2 years: Underwear (not diapers) Children's Clothing - children 1-2 years: Waterproof Pants Children's Clothing - children 3-5 years: Jeans or Slacks Children's Clothing - children 3-5 years: Outerwear Children's Clothing - children 3-5 years: Shorts Children's Clothing - children 3-5 years: Sleepwear Children's Clothing - children 3-5 years: Suits or Dresses Children's Clothing - children 3-5 years: Sweatshirts/Sweatpants Children's Clothing - children 3-5 years: Tops/Shirts Children's Clothing - children 3-5 years: Underwear (not diapers) Children's Clothing - children 3-5 years: Waterproof Pants Children's Clothing - children 6-12 years: Jeans Children's Clothing - children 6-12 years: Outerwear Children's Clothing - children 6-12 years: Shorts Children's Clothing - children 6-12 years: Slacks Children's Clothing - children 6-12 years: Sleepwear Children's Clothing - children 6-12 years: Suits or Dresses Children's Clothing - children 6-12 years: Sweatshirts/Sweatpants Children's Clothing - children 6-12 years: Sweaters Children's Clothing - children 6-12 years: Tops/Shirts Children's Clothing - children 6-12 years: Underwear Children's Clothing - purchased item(s) For Baby (<1 yr) Children's Clothing - purchased item(s) For Child 1-2 Years Children's Clothing - purchased item(s) For Child 3-5 Years Children's Clothing - purchased item(s) For Child 6-12 Years Children's Clothing - purchased item(s) For Child 12 Years or Under Children's Shoes: Any in last 6 mo Children's Cold Tablets and Liquids: last 6 mo Children's Cough Syrup: last 6 mo Cotton Swabs (Last 6 Months) Disposable Diapers/Underpants (Last 6 Months) Infant Cereal (Last 6 Months) Pain Relievers and Fever Reducers For Children (Last 6 Months) Pre-Moistened Baby/Children's Wipes (Last 6 Months) Prepared Infant Formula (Last 6 Months) Teething Remedies (Last 6 Months) Vitamins/Nutritional Supplements For Children (Last 6 Months) Children's Toys & Games - Spent For children <1 year Under $20 Children's Toys & Games - Spent For children <1 year $20 - $39 Children's Toys & Games - Spent For children <1 year $40 - $99 Children's Toys & Games - Spent For children <1 year $100 - $199 Children's Toys & Games - Spent For children <1 year $200 - $499 Children's Toys & Games - Spent For children <1 year $500+ Children's Toys & Games - Spent For children 1-2 years Under $20 Children's Toys & Games - Spent For children 1-2 years $20 - $39 Children's Toys & Games - Spent For children 1-2 years $40 - $99 Children's Toys & Games - Spent For children 1-2 years $100 - $199 Children's Toys & Games - Spent For children 1-2 years $200 - $499 Children's Toys & Games - Spent For children 1-2 years $500+ Children's Toys & Games - Spent For children 3-5 years Under $20 Children's Toys & Games - Spent For children 3-5 years $20 - $39 Children's Toys & Games - Spent For children 3-5 years $40 - $99 Children's Toys & Games - Spent For children 3-5 years $100 - $199 Children's Toys & Games - Spent For children 3-5 years $200 - $499 Children's Toys & Games - Spent For children 3-5 years $500+ Children's Toys & Games - Spent For children 6-11 years Under $20 Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. 2012A MRCTOY020H MRCTOY021H MRCTOY022H MRCTOY023H MRCTOY024H MRCTOY025H MRCTOY026H MRCTOY027H MRCTOY028H MRCTOY029H MRCTOY030H MRCTOY031H MRCTOY032H MRCTOY033H MRCTOY034H MRCTOY035H MRCTOY036H MRCTOY037H MRCTOY038H MRCTOY039H MRCTOY040H MRCTOY041H MRCTOY042H MRCTOY043H MRCTOY044H MRCTOY045H MRCTOY046H MRCTOY047H MRCTOY048H MRCTOY049H MRCTOY050H MRCTOY051H MRCTOY052H MRCTOY053H MRCTOY054H MRCTOY055H MRCTOY056H MRCTOY057H MRCTOY058H MRCTOY059H MRCTOY060H MRCTOY061H MRCTOY062H MRCTOY063H MRCTOY064H MRCTOY065H MRGROC001H MRGROC002H MRGROC003H MRGROC004H MRGROC005H MRGROC006H MRGROC007H MRGROC008H MRGROC009H MRGROC010H MRGROC011H MRGROC012H MRGROC013H MRGROC014H MRGROC015H MRGROC016H MRGROC017H MRGROC018H MRGROC019H MRGROC020H MRGROC021H MRGROC022H MRGROC023H MRGROC024H MRGROC025H MRGROC026H MRGROC027H MRGROC028H MRGROC029H MRGROC030H MRGROC031H MRGROC032H MRGROC033H Children's Toys & Games - Spent For children 6-11 years $20 - $39 Children's Toys & Games - Spent For children 6-11 years $40 - $99 Children's Toys & Games - Spent For children 6-11 years $100 - $199 Children's Toys & Games - Spent For children 6-11 years $200 - $499 Children's Toys & Games - Spent For children 6-11 years $500+ Children's Toys & Games - Spent For children 12-17 years Under $20 Children's Toys & Games - Spent For children 12-17 years $20 - $39 Children's Toys & Games - Spent For children 12-17 years $40 - $99 Children's Toys & Games - Spent For children 12-17 years $100 - $199 Children's Toys & Games - Spent For children 12-17 years $200 - $499 Children's Toys & Games - Spent For children 12-17 years $500+ Children's Toys & Games - Spent: Under $50 Children's Toys & Games - Spent: $50 - $99 Children's Toys & Games - Spent: $100 - $199 Children's Toys & Games - Spent: $200 - $499 Children's Toys & Games - Spent: $500 - $999 Children's Toys & Games - Spent: $1,000+ Children's Toys & Games - Spent: Any spending Children's Toys & Games - Bought: Large/baby dolls Children's Toys & Games - Bought: Boy action figures Children's Toys & Games - Bought: Girl action figures Children's Toys & Games - Bought: Fashion dolls Children's Toys & Games - Bought: Plush dolls/animals Children's Toys & Games - Bought: Electronic dolls/animals Children's Toys & Games - Bought: Doll clothing Children's Toys & Games - Bought: Doll accessories Children's Toys & Games - Bought: Construction toys Children's Toys & Games - Bought: Educational toys Children's Toys & Games - Bought: Mechanical toys Children's Toys & Games - Bought: Model kits/Model sets Children's Toys & Games - Bought: Action games Children's Toys & Games - Bought: Board games Children's Toys & Games - Bought: Sound games Children's Toys & Games - Bought: Word games Children's Toys & Games - Bought: Electronic games Children's Toys & Games - Bought: Infant toys Children's Toys & Games - Bought: Pre-school toys Children's Toys & Games - Bought: Builder sets Children's Toys & Games - Bought: Cars Children's Toys & Games - Bought: Electric trains Children's Toys & Games - Bought: Swing sets Children's Toys & Games - Bought: Bicycles Children's Toys & Games - Bought: Tricycles Children's Toys & Games - Bought: Water toys Children's Toys & Games - Bought: Other toys Children's Toys & Games - Bought: toys American Pasteurized Processed Cheese: Households (Last 6 Months) Bacon And Breakfast Strips: Households (Last 6 Months) Bagels: Households (Last 6 Months) Baking Chips: Households (Last 6 Months) Baking Coconut: Households (Last 6 Months) Baking Mixes (Excluding Cake Mixes): Households (Last 6 Months) Baking Powder And Soda: Households (Last 6 Months) Bar Baking Chocolate: Households (Last 6 Months) Beef Fresh/Frozen: Households (Last 6 Months) Bottled Barbecue & Seasoning Sauces: Households (Last 6 Months) Bread: Households (Last 6 Months) Bread Crumbs & Coating Mixes: Households (Last 6 Months) Breakfast Cereals (Cold): Households (Last 6 Months) Breakfast Cereals (Hot): Households (Last 6 Months) Breakfast/Cereal/Granola Bars: Households (Last 6 Months) Brownie & Cookie Mixes: Households (Last 6 Months) Butter: Households (Last 6 Months) Butter Alternatives: Households (Last 6 Months) Canned Beans With Sauce: Households (Last 6 Months) Canned Chicken: Households (Last 6 Months) Canned Meats: Households (Last 6 Months) Canned Or Jarred Fruit: Households (Last 6 Months) Canned Or Jarred Soup/Broth: Households (Last 6 Months) Canned Or Jarred Spaghetti & Macaroni: Households (Last 6 Months) Canned Or Jarred Vegetables: Households (Last 6 Months) Canned Stews: Households (Last 6 Months) Canned Tomatoes: Households (Last 6 Months) Canned Tuna: Households (Last 6 Months) Chicken & Turkey Fresh Or Frozen: Households (Last 6 Months) Chili: Households (Last 6 Months) Cocoa Powder (For Baking): Households (Last 6 Months) Cold Cuts: Households (Last 6 Months) Cooked Hams: Households (Last 6 Months) Master Variable List Page 87 MRGROC034H Cookies (Ready To Eat): Households (Last 6 Months) MRGROC035H Corn, Tortilla & Other Chips & Cheese Snacks: Households (Last 6 Months) MRGROC036H Cottage Cheese: Households (Last 6 Months) MRGROC037H Crackers: Households (Last 6 Months) MRGROC038H Cream Cheese: Households (Last 6 Months) MRGROC039H Dessert Toppings: Households: Used in Last 12 Months: Total MRGROC040H Dinner Mixes And Kits: Households (Last 6 Months) MRGROC041H Dried Fruit: Households (Last 6 Months) MRGROC042H Drink Additives & Hot Cocoa (Add Milk Or Water): Households (Last 6 Months) MRGROC043H Dry Cake Mixes: Households (Last 6 Months) MRGROC044H Dry Soup & Bouillon: Households (Last 6 Months) MRGROC045H Egg Alternatives: Households (Last 6 Months) MRGROC046H Eggs: Households (Last 6 Months) MRGROC047H English Muffins: Households (Last 6 Months) MRGROC048H Evaporated/Condensed Milk: Households (Last 6 Months) MRGROC049H Extracts: Households (Last 6 Months) MRGROC050H Fish & Seafood Fresh Or Frozen: Households (Last 6 Months) MRGROC051H Flavored & Seasoned Rice: Households (Last 6 Months) MRGROC052H Flavored Instant Coffee: Households (Last 6 Months) MRGROC053H Flour/Cornmeal: Households (Last 6 Months) MRGROC054H Food Prepared From Scratch: Households: Made in Last 6 Months: Total MRGROC055H Frankfurters & Hot Dogs: Households (Last 6 Months) MRGROC056H Fresh Fruit & Vegetables: Households (Last 6 Months) MRGROC057H Fresh Milk: Households (Last 6 Months) MRGROC058H Frostings: Households (Last 6 Months) MRGROC059H Frozen Breaded Chicken: Households (Last 6 Months) MRGROC060H Frozen Breakfasts: Households (Last 6 Months) MRGROC061H Frozen Complete Dinners: Households (Last 6 Months) MRGROC062H Frozen Desserts: Households (Last 6 Months) MRGROC063H Frozen Hot Snacks: Households (Last 6 Months) MRGROC064H Frozen Main Courses (Entrees Or Casseroles): Households (Last 6 Months) MRGROC065H Frozen Orange Juice: Households (Last 6 Months) MRGROC066H Frozen Pancakes/French Toast: Households (Last 6 Months) MRGROC067H Frozen Pizza: Households (Last 6 Months) MRGROC068H Frozen Snacks (Not Frozen Yogurt Or Ice Cream): Households (Last 6 Months) MRGROC069H Frozen Vegetables: Households (Last 6 Months) MRGROC070H Frozen Waffles: Households (Last 6 Months) MRGROC071H Frozen Yogurt: Households (Last 6 Months) MRGROC072H Frozen/Refrigerated Potato Products: Households (Last 6 Months) MRGROC073H Fruit Snacks: Households (Last 6 Months) MRGROC074H Gelatin And Gelatin Desserts: Households (Last 6 Months) MRGROC075H Grapefruit Juice: Households (Last 6 Months) MRGROC076H Grated Cheese: Households (Last 6 Months) MRGROC077H Gravy/Sauce Mixes And Cooking Sauces: Households (Last 6 Months) MRGROC078H Ground Coffee: Households (Last 6 Months) MRGROC079H Honey: Households (Last 6 Months) MRGROC080H Ice Cream Bars, Sandwiches & Bon Bons: Households (Last 6 Months) MRGROC081H Ice Cream, Ice Milk & Sherbet: Households (Last 6 Months) MRGROC082H Instant Breakfast: Households (Last 6 Months) MRGROC083H Instant Iced Tea Mix: Households: Used in Last 12 Months: Total MRGROC084H Instant Or Freeze-Dried Coffee: Households (Last 6 Months) MRGROC085H Jams & Jellies: Households (Last 6 Months) MRGROC086H Ketchup/Catsup: Households (Last 6 Months) MRGROC087H Lunch Combinations/Kits: Households (Last 6 Months) MRGROC088H Margarine: Households (Last 6 Months) MRGROC089H Mayonnaise And Mayonnaise Type Salad Dressing: Households (Last 6 Months) MRGROC090H Meat Snacks: Households (Last 6 Months) MRGROC091H Mexican Foods: Households (Last 6 Months) MRGROC092H Mustard: Households (Last 6 Months) MRGROC093H Natural Or Imported Cheese: Households (Last 6 Months) MRGROC094H Nectars: Households (Last 6 Months) MRGROC095H Non-Dairy Cream Substitutes: Households (Last 6 Months) MRGROC096H Nuts For Cooking: Households (Last 6 Months) MRGROC097H Orange Juice Not Frozen: Households (Last 6 Months) MRGROC098H Organic Foods - Used in last 6 months: Any Food MRGROC099H Organic Foods - Used in last 6 months: Baby Food MRGROC100H Organic Foods - Used in last 6 months: Bread MRGROC101H Organic Foods - Used in last 6 months: Breakfast Cereals MRGROC102H Organic Foods - Used in last 6 months: Cheese MRGROC103H Organic Foods - Used in last 6 months: Chocolate MRGROC104H Organic Foods - Used in last 6 months: Coffee MRGROC105H Organic Foods - Used in last 6 months: Fish/Seafood MRGROC106H Organic Foods - Used in last 6 months: Frozen Foods MRGROC107H Organic Foods - Used in last 6 months: Granola Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A MRGROC108H MRGROC109H MRGROC110H MRGROC111H MRGROC112H MRGROC113H MRGROC114H MRGROC115H MRGROC116H MRGROC117H MRGROC118H MRGROC119H MRGROC120H MRGROC121H MRGROC122H MRGROC123H MRGROC124H MRGROC125H MRGROC126H MRGROC127H MRGROC128H MRGROC129H MRGROC130H MRGROC131H MRGROC132H MRGROC133H MRGROC134H MRGROC135H MRGROC136H MRGROC137H MRGROC138H MRGROC139H MRGROC140H MRGROC141H MRGROC142H MRGROC143H MRGROC144H MRGROC145H MRGROC146H MRGROC147H MRGROC148H MRGROC149H MRGROC150H MRGROC151H MRGROC152H MRGROC153H MRGROC154H MRGROC155H MRGROC156H MRGROC157H MRGROC158H MRGROC159H MRGROC160H MRGROC161H MRGROC162H MRGROC163H MRGROC164H MRGROC165H MRGROC166H MRGROC167H MRGROC168H MRGROC169H MROPRO001H MROPRO002H MROPRO003H MROPRO004H MROPRO005H MROPRO006H MROPRO007H MROPRO008H MROPRO009H MROPRO010H MROPRO011H MROPRO012H MROPRO013H MROPRO014H MROPRO015H Organic Foods - Used in last 6 months: Ice Cream Organic Foods - Used in last 6 months: Meat Organic Foods - Used in last 6 months: Pasta Organic Foods - Used in last 6 months: Peanut Butter Organic Foods - Used in last 6 months: Poultry Organic Foods - Used in last 6 months: Soup Organic Foods - Used in last 6 months: Spaghetti/Pasta Sauce Organic Foods - Used in last 6 months: Tea Organic Foods - Used in last 6 months: Other Other Bread Products: Households (Last 6 Months) Other Fruit Juices & Drinks: Households (Last 6 Months) Other Meat Fresh/Frozen: Households (Last 6 Months) Packaged Dinners & Side Dishes (Mixes Or Prepared): Households (Last 6 Months) Packaged Instant Potatoes: Households (Last 6 Months) Packaged Pie Crust: Households (Last 6 Months) Packaged, Frozen, Refrigerated Pasta: Households (Last 6 Months) Peanut Butter & Other Nut Spreads: Households (Last 6 Months) Pickle Relish: Households (Last 6 Months) Pickles: Households (Last 6 Months) Pizza Mixes And Sauces: Households (Last 6 Months) Pizza Shells/Crusts: Households (Last 6 Months) Popping Corn & Popcorn Snacks: Households (Last 6 Months) Potato Chips: Households (Last 6 Months) Powdered Fruit & Soft Drinks: Households (Last 6 Months) Pretzels: Households (Last 6 Months) Puddings & Pie Fillings: Households (Last 6 Months) Ready To Eat Doughnuts: Households (Last 6 Months) Ready To Eat Muffins: Households (Last 6 Months) Ready To Eat Sweet Rolls & Pastries: Households (Last 6 Months) Ready To Serve Dips: Households (Last 6 Months) Refrigerated/Frozen Bread And Dough Products: Households (Last 6 Months) Regular Tea: Households (Last 6 Months) Rice: Households (Last 6 Months) Rice Cakes: Households (Last 6 Months) Salad Dressing: Households (Last 6 Months) Salad Or Cooking Oil: Households (Last 6 Months) Salad Toppings: Households (Last 6 Months) Salsa Or Picante Sauce: Households (Last 6 Months) Salt: Households (Last 6 Months) Salt Alternatives: Households (Last 6 Months) Sausage: Households (Last 6 Months) Seasonings & Spices: Households (Last 6 Months) Shortening: Households (Last 6 Months) Snack Cakes: Households (Last 6 Months) Sour Cream: Households (Last 6 Months) Soy Milk: Households (Last 6 Months) Soy Sauce: Households (Last 6 Months) Spaghetti/Pasta Sauce: Households (Last 6 Months) Spray Non-Stick Cooking Products: Households (Last 6 Months) Spread Cheese/Cheese Sauce: Households (Last 6 Months) Stuffing Mixes And Stuffing Products: Households (Last 6 Months) Sugar: Households (Last 6 Months) Table Syrup & Molasses: Households (Last 6 Months) Toaster Products: Households (Last 6 Months) Tomato And Vegetable Juices: Households (Last 6 Months) Vegetarian Frozen Burgers: Households (Last 6 Months) Vinegar: Households (Last 6 Months) Waffle Or Pancake Mix: Households (Last 6 Months) Whipped Topping: Households: Used in Last 12 Months: Total Whole Coffee Beans: Households (Last 6 Months) Yeast: Households (Last 6 Months) Yogurt: Households (Last 6 Months) Air Fresheners, Carpet & Room Deodorizers: Households (Last 6 Months) Aluminum Foil: Households (Last 6 Months) Automatic Dishwasher Detergent: Households (Last 6 Months) Bleach: Households (Last 6 Months) Carpet And Rug Cleaners: Households (Last 6 Months) Cellophane & Transparent Tape: Households (Last 6 Months) Cents Off Coupons: Households: Used in Last 12 Months: Total Charcoal: Households: Used in Last 12 Months: Total Charcoal Lighter Fluid: Households: Used in Last 12 Months: Total Dishwashing Liquid: Households (Last 6 Months) Disposable Cups: Households (Last 6 Months) Disposable Plates: Households: Used in Last 12 Months: Total Drain/Septic Tank Cleaners: Households (Last 6 Months) Dry Disposable Wipes & Dusters: Households (Last 6 Months) Fabric Softeners: Hhd used last 6 mo Page 88 MROPRO016H MROPRO017H MROPRO018H MROPRO019H MROPRO020H MROPRO021H MROPRO022H MROPRO023H MROPRO024H MROPRO025H MROPRO026H MROPRO027H MROPRO028H MROPRO029H MROPRO030H MROPRO031H MROPRO032H MROPRO033H MROPRO034H MROPRO035H MROPRO036H MROPRO037H MROPRO038H MROPRO039H MROPRO040H MROPRO041H MROPRO042H MROPRO043H MROPRO044H MROPRO045H MROPRO046H MROPRO047H MROPRO048H MROPRO049H MROPRO050H MROPRO051H MROPRO052H MROPRO053H MROPRO054H MROPRO055H MROPRO056H MROPRO057H MROPRO058H MROPRO059H MROPRO060H MROPRO061H MROPRO062H MROPRO063H MROPRO064H MROPRO065H MROPRO066H MROPRO067H MROPRO068H MROPRO069H MROPRO070H MROPRO071H MROPRO072H MROPRO073H MROPRO074H MROPRO075H MROPRO076H MROPRO077H MROPRO078H MROPRO079H MRPETS001H MRPETS002H MRPETS003H MRPETS004H MRPETS005H MRPETS006H MRPETS007H MRPETS008H MRPETS009H MRPETS010H MRPETS011H MRPETS012H MRPETS013H MRPETS014H MRPETS015H Facial Tissues: Hhd used last 6 mo Firelogs: Hhd used Last Year Floor Cleaner, Wax & Polish: Hhd used last 6 mo Furniture Polish: Hhd used last 6 mo Glass And Surface Cleaners: Hhd used last 6 mo Glue: Hhd used last 6 mo Heavy Duty Hand Cleaners: Hhd used last 6 mo Household Cleaners: Hhd used last 6 mo In-Bowl Toilet Bowl Cleaners: Hhd used last 6 mo Indoor Insecticides: Hhd used last 6 mo Indoor Plant Food: Hhd used last 6 mo Insect Repellents: Hhd used Last Year In-Tank Toilet Bowl Cleaners: Hhd used last 6 mo Laundry Pre-Treatments & Stain Removers: Hhd used last 6 mo Light Bulbs: Hhd used last 6 mo Liquid Soaps/Hand Sanitizers: Total Users: last 6 mo Microwave Usage: Hhd used last 6 mo Outdoor Insecticides: Hhd used last 6 mo Oven Cleaners: Hhd used last 6 mo Paper Napkins: Hhd used last 6 mo Paper Towels: Hhd used last 6 mo Plastic Disposable Containers (Not Bags): Hhd used last 6 mo Plastic Garbage Bags & Trash Can Liners: Hhd used last 6 mo Plastic Products - Used For: Household uses plastic products Plastic Products - Used For: Food Storage Plastic Products - Used For: Home Organizing/Storage Plastic Products - Used For: Bath Plastic Products - Used For: Sinkware Plastic Products - Used For: Tabletop Plastic Products - Used For: Kitchen Gadgets Plastic Products - Used For: Recycling/Refuse Bins Plastic Products - Used For: Cosmetics Plastic Products - Used For: Other Plastic Sandwich/Food Storage/Freezer Bags: Hhd used last 6 mo Plastic-Type Kitchen Wrap: Hhd used last 6 mo Pre-Moistened Household Wipes: Hhd used last 6 mo Removable Self-Stick Notes - Packages Used: 2 Removable Self-Stick Notes - Packages Used: 3 Removable Self-Stick Notes - Packages Used: 4 Removable Self-Stick Notes - Packages Used: 5 Removable Self-Stick Notes - Packages Used: 6 Removable Self-Stick Notes - Packages Used: 7 Removable Self-Stick Notes - Packages Used: 8 Removable Self-Stick Notes - Packages Used: 9+ Removable Self-Stick Notes - Packages Used: Any Rubber Gloves: Hhd used last 6 mo Scouring Cleansers: Hhd used last 6 mo Scouring Pads: Hhd used last 6 mo Soap & Detergents For Fine Fabrics: Hhd used last 6 mo Soap & Detergents For Regular Laundry: Hhd used last 6 mo Spray Starch: Hhd used last 6 mo Toilet Paper: Hhd used last 6 mo Water Filters: Household owns Water Filters - Brands used: Brita Water Filters - Brands used: Kinetico Water Filters - Brands used: Pur Water Filters - Brands used: Other Water Filters - Types used: In-Faucet Water Filters - Types used: In-line (in pipe) Water Filters - Types used: End of Faucet Water Filters - Types used: Pour-Through Container/Pitcher Water Filters - Types used: Refrigerator Filter Water Filters - Types used: Other Waxed Paper: Hhd used last 6 mo Canned/Wet Cat Food: Hhd used last 6 mo Canned/Wet Dog Food: Hhd used last 6 mo Cat Litter: Hhd used last 6 mo Cat Treats: Hhd used last 6 mo Dog Biscuits Or Treats: Hhd used last 6 mo Flea, Tick & Parasite Products For Dogs & Cats: Hhd used Last Year Cat Feeding: 2 or more times a day Canned/Wet Food Cat Feeding: 2 or more times a day Dry Food Cat Feeding: 2 or more times a day Treats Cat Feeding: Once a day Canned/Wet Food Cat Feeding: Once a day Dry Food Cat Feeding: Once a day Treats Cat Feeding: Occasionally Canned/Wet Food Cat Feeding: Occasionally Dry Food Cat Feeding: Occasionally Treats Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A MRPETS016H MRPETS017H MRPETS018H MRPETS019H MRPETS020H MRPETS021H MRPETS022H MRPETS023H MRPETS024H MRPETS025H MRPETS026H MRPETS027H MRPETS028H MRPETS029H MRPETS030H MRPETS031H MRPETS032H MRPETS033H MRPETS034H MRPETS035H MRPETS036H MRPETS037H MRPETS038H MRPETS039H MRPETS040H MRPETS041H MRPETS042H MRPETS043H MRPETS044H MRPETS045H MRPETS046H MRPETS047H MRPETS048H MRPETS049H MRPETS050H MRPETS051H MRPETS052H MRPETS053H MRPETS054H MRPETS055H MRPETS056H MRPETS057H MRPETS058H MRPETS059H MRPETS060H MRPETS061H MRPETS062H MRPETS063H MRPETS064H Cat Feeding: Never Canned/Wet Food Cat Feeding: Never Dry Food Cat Feeding: Never Treats Dog Feeding: 2 or more times a day Canned/Wet Food Dog Feeding: 2 or more times a day Dry Food Dog Feeding: 2 or more times a day Biscuits/Treats Dog Feeding: Once a day Canned/Wet Food Dog Feeding: Once a day Dry Food Dog Feeding: Once a day Biscuits/Treats Dog Feeding: Occasionally Canned/Wet Food Dog Feeding: Occasionally Dry Food Dog Feeding: Occasionally Biscuits/Treats Dog Feeding: Never Canned/Wet Food Dog Feeding: Never Dry Food Dog Feeding: Never Biscuits/Treats Packaged Dry Cat Food: Hhd used last 6 mo Packaged Dry Dog Food: Hhd used last 6 mo Pet Ownership - Number In Household: Dogs - All Any Pet Ownership - Number In Household: Dogs Under 1 Year Old Any Pet Ownership - Number In Household: Dogs 1 Year or Older, but Under 2 Years Old Any Pet Ownership - Number In Household: Dogs 2-6 Years Old Any Pet Ownership - Number In Household: Dogs 7+ Years Old Any Pet Ownership - Number In Household: Dogs 21-60 lbs. Any Pet Ownership - Number In Household: Dogs 61 or more lbs. Any Pet Ownership - Number In Household: Cats - All Any Pet Ownership - Number In Household: Cats Under 1 Year Old Any Pet Ownership - Number In Household: Cats 1 Year or Older, but Under 2 Years Old Any Pet Ownership - Number In Household: Cats 2-6 Years Old Any Pet Ownership - Number In Household: Cats 7+ Years Old Any Pet Ownership - Number In Household: Birds Any Pet Ownership - Number In Household: Horses Any Pet Ownership - Number In Household: Other Pets Any Pet Ownership - Number In Household: Any Pet Any Pet Ownership - Number In Household: Dogs less than 20 lbs. Any Where Bought Pet Food/Flea Control Products: Discount Store Where Bought Pet Food/Flea Control Products: Wholesale Membership Club Where Bought Pet Food/Flea Control Products: PETCO Where Bought Pet Food/Flea Control Products: PetSmart Where Bought Pet Food/Flea Control Products: Other Pet Specialty Store Where Bought Pet Food/Flea Control Products: Veterinarian Where Bought Pet Food/Flea Control Products: Catalog/Mail Order Where Bought Pet Food/Flea Control Products: Internet/Online Where Bought Pet Food/Flea Control Products: Other Veterinarian Visits - Number Of Trips: 1 Veterinarian Visits - Number Of Trips: 2 Veterinarian Visits - Number Of Trips: 3 Veterinarian Visits - Number Of Trips: 4 Veterinarian Visits - Number Of Trips: 5-6 Veterinarian Visits - Number Of Trips: 7+ Insurance MRINAU065A MRINAU066A MRINAU067A MRINAU068A MRINAU069A MRINAU070A MRINAU071A MRINAU072A MRINAU073A MRINAU074A MRINAU075A MRINAU076A MRINAU077A MRINAU078A MRINAU079A MRINAU080A MRINAU081A MRINAU082A MRINAU083A MRINAU084A MRINAU085A MRINAU086A Autos/Other Vehicle Insurance - Acquired New Or Different Policy Autos/Other Vehicle Insurance - Company: AAA Autos/Other Vehicle Insurance - Company: Other Autos/Other Vehicle Insurance - Company: Allstate Autos/Other Vehicle Insurance - Company: American Family Autos/Other Vehicle Insurance - Company: Amica Autos/Other Vehicle Insurance - Company: Encompass Autos/Other Vehicle Insurance - Company: Esurance Autos/Other Vehicle Insurance - Company: Farm Bureau Autos/Other Vehicle Insurance - Company: Farmers Insurance Group Autos/Other Vehicle Insurance - Company: GEICO Autos/Other Vehicle Insurance - Company: The Hartford Autos/Other Vehicle Insurance - Company: Infinity Autos/Other Vehicle Insurance - Company: Liberty Mutual Autos/Other Vehicle Insurance - Company: Mercury Autos/Other Vehicle Insurance - Company: MetLife Autos/Other Vehicle Insurance - Company: Nationwide Autos/Other Vehicle Insurance - Company: Progressive Autos/Other Vehicle Insurance - Company: SafeAuto Autos/Other Vehicle Insurance - Company: State Farm Autos/Other Vehicle Insurance - Company: Travelers Autos/Other Vehicle Insurance - Company: 21st Century Page 89 MRINAU087A MRINAU088A MRINAU089A MRINAU090A MRINAU091A MRINAU092A MRINAU093A MRINAU094A MRINAU095A MRINAU096A MRINAU097A MRINAU098A MRINAU099A MRINAU100A MRINAU101A MRINAU102A MRINAU103A MRINAU104A MRINAU105A MRINAU106A MRINAU107A MRINAU108A MRINAU109A MRINAU110A MRINAU111A MRINAU112A MRINAU113A MRINHP001A MRINHP002A MRINHP003A MRINHP004A MRINHP005A MRINHP006A MRINHP007A MRINHP008A MRINHP009A MRINHP010A MRINHP011A MRINHP012A MRINHP013A MRINHP014A MRINHP015A MRINHP016A MRINHP017A MRINHP018A MRINHP019A MRINHP020A MRINHP021A MRINHP022A MRINHP023A MRINHP024A MRINHP025A MRINHP026A MRINHP027A MRINHP028A MRINHP029A MRINHP030A MRINHP031A MRINHP032A MRINHP033A MRINHP034A MRINHP035A MRINHP036A MRINHP037A MRINHP038A MRINHP039A MRINLI001A Autos/Other Vehicle Insurance - Company: USAA Autos/Other Vehicle Insurance - Company: Other Autos/Other Vehicle ins. - How Acquired: From an agent Autos/Other Vehicle ins. - How Acquired: Direct from ins. company via phone Autos/Other Vehicle ins. - How Acquired: Direct from ins. company via website Autos/Other Vehicle ins. - How Acquired: At place of work or union Autos/Other Vehicle ins. - How Acquired: At dealership where car/vehicle was purchased Autos/Other Vehicle ins. - How Acquired: Other Autos/Other Vehicle ins. - Heard About: ins. agent Autos/Other Vehicle ins. - Heard About: Newspaper or magazine ad Autos/Other Vehicle ins. - Heard About: Television or radio ad Autos/Other Vehicle ins. - Heard About: Internet ad Autos/Other Vehicle ins. - Heard About: Other Autos/Other Vehicle ins. - Heard About: Direct mail at home Autos/Other Vehicle ins. - Heard About: Internet quote comparison service Autos/Other Vehicle ins. - Heard About: Family or Friends Autos/Other Vehicle ins. - Heard About: Other Autos/Other Vehicle Insurance - # Vehicles In Household Covered: Other Autos/Other Vehicle Insurance - # Vehicles In Household Covered: 1 Autos/Other Vehicle Insurance - # Vehicles In Household Covered: 2 Autos/Other Vehicle Insurance - # Vehicles In Household Covered: 3+ Autos/Other Vehicle Insurance - Type Carried: Collision Autos/Other Vehicle Insurance - Type Carried: Liability Autos/Other Vehicle Insurance - Type Carried: Medical Payments Autos/Other Vehicle Insurance - Type Carried: Uninsured Motorist Autos/Other Vehicle Insurance - Type Carried: Comprehensive Autos/Other Vehicle Insurance - Type Carried: Towing Home/Personal Prop Ins.: Any Currently Carries Home/Personal Prop Ins. - Carry a floater /addtl coverage jewelryfurs Home/Personal Prop Ins. - Carry a floater /addtl coverage collections (antiques, coins) Home/Personal Prop Ins. - Carry a floater /addtl coverage other personal items Home/Personal Prop Ins. - Carry a floater /addtl coverage: Any Floater Home/Personal Prop Ins. - Combined home/auto policy: Have Home/Personal Prop Ins. - Company: AAA Home/Personal Prop Ins. - Company: AIG Home/Personal Prop Ins. - Company: Allstate Home/Personal Prop Ins. - Company: American Family Home/Personal Prop Ins. - Company: Chubb Home/Personal Prop Ins. - Company: CNA Home/Personal Prop Ins. - Company: Country Home/Personal Prop Ins. - Company: Farmers Ins. Group Home/Personal Prop Ins. - Company: Foremost Home/Personal Prop Ins. - Company: The Hartford Home/Personal Prop Ins. - Company: Liberty Mutual Home/Personal Prop Ins. - Company: MetLife Home/Personal Prop Ins. - Company: Nationwide Home/Personal Prop Ins. - Company: New York Life Home/Personal Prop Ins. - Company: Safeco Home/Personal Prop Ins. - Company: State Farm Home/Personal Prop Ins. - Company: Travelers Home/Personal Prop Ins. - Company: USAA Home/Personal Prop Ins. - Company: Other Home/Personal Prop Ins. - Decision Maker: Yourself (alonewith someone else) Home/Personal Prop Ins. - Decision Maker: Someone else Home/Personal Prop Ins. - How Acquired: From an agent Home/Personal Prop Ins. - How Acquired: In response to direct mail advertising Home/Personal Prop Ins. - How Acquired: Direct from Ins. company via phone Home/Personal Prop Ins. - How Acquired: Direct from Ins. company via website Home/Personal Prop Ins. - Total Value Of Coverage: Less than $10,000 Home/Personal Prop Ins. - Total Value Of Coverage: $10,000 - $24,999 Home/Personal Prop Ins. - Total Value Of Coverage: $25,000 - $49,999 Home/Personal Prop Ins. - Total Value Of Coverage: $50,000 - $74,999 Home/Personal Prop Ins. - Total Value Of Coverage: $75,000 - $99,999 Home/Personal Prop Ins. - Total Value Of Coverage: $300,000 $499,999 Home/Personal Prop Ins. - Total Value Of Coverage: $500,000+ Home/Personal Prop Ins. - Total Value Of Coverage: $100,000 $299,999 Life Insurance: Currently carry Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A MRINLI002A MRINLI003A MRINLI004A MRINLI005A MRINLI006A MRINLI007A MRINLI008A MRINLI009A MRINLI010A MRINLI011A MRINLI012A MRINLI013A MRINLI014A MRINLI015A MRINLI016A MRINLI017A MRINLI018A MRINLI019A MRINLI020A MRINLI021A MRINLI022A MRINLI023A MRINLI024A MRINLI025A MRINLI026A MRINLI027A MRINLI028A MRINLI029A MRINLI030A MRINLI031A MRINLI032A MRINLI033A MRINLI034A MRINLI035A MRINLI036A MRINLI037A MRINLI038A MRINLI039A MRINLI040A MRINLI041A MRINLI042A MRINLI043A MRINLI044A MRINLI045A MRINLI046A MRINLI047A MRINLI048A MRINLI049A MRINLI050A MRINLI051A MRINLI052A MRINLI053A MRINLI054A MRINLI055A MRINLI056A MRINLI057A MRINLI058A MRINLI059A MRINLI060A MRINLI061A MRINLI062A MRINLI063A MRINLI064A MRINLI065A MRINLI066A MRINME001A MRINME002A MRINME003A MRINME004A MRINME005A MRINME006A MRINME007A MRINME008A MRINME009A MRINME010A MRINME011A MRINME012A Life Insurance - Companies: Aetna Life Insurance - Companies: AFLAC Life Insurance - Companies: AIG American General Life Insurance - Companies: Allstate Life Insurance - Companies: American Family Life Insurance - Companies: Aviva Life Insurance - Companies: AXA Equitable Life Insurance - Companies: Bankers Life & Casualty Life Insurance - Companies: Cigna Life Insurance - Companies: Colonial Penn Life Insurance - Companies: Farm Bureau Life Insurance - Companies: Farmers Insurance Group Life Insurance - Companies: Genworth Life Insurance - Companies: Gerber Life Life Insurance - Companies: Guardian Life Insurance - Companies: The Hartford Life Insurance - Companies: ING Life Insurance - Companies: John Hancock Life Insurance - Companies: Lincoln Financial Group Life Insurance - Companies: MassMutual Life Insurance - Companies: MetLife Life Insurance - Companies: Mutual of Omaha Life Insurance - Companies: Nationwide Life Insurance - Companies: New York Life Life Insurance - Companies: Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance - Companies: Pacific Life Life Insurance - Companies: Prudential Life Insurance - Companies: SBLI Life Insurance - Companies: State Farm Life Insurance - Companies: TIAA-CREF Life Insurance - Companies: USAA Life Insurance - Companies: Veterans Group Life (VGLI) Life Insurance - Companies: Western & Southern Life Insurance - Companies: Zurich Life Insurance - Companies: Other Life Insurance - Companies: Any Company Life Insurance - Companies: Any Company or Source Life Insurance - Number Of Policies Carried: 1 Life Insurance - Number Of Policies Carried: 2 Life Insurance - Number Of Policies Carried: 3 Life Insurance - Number Of Policies Carried: 4+ Life Insurance - Policies Carried: Separate term policy Life Insurance - Policies Carried: Separate whole life policy Life Insurance - Policies Carried: Combination term/whole life policy Life Insurance - Policies Carried: Universal Life Life Insurance - Policies Carried: Variable life Life Insurance - Policies Carried: Credit life Life Insurance - Source: From a union Life Insurance - Source: From a place of work Life Insurance - Source: From a fraternal or other membership group Life Insurance - Source: Veterans life insurance Life Insurance - Source: From a bank Life Insurance - Source: With loan, mortgage or installment payments Life Insurance - Source: Through an agent representing one company Life Insurance - Source: Through an agent (broker) for many companies Life Insurance - Source: In response to mail advertising (no agent) Life Insurance - Source: Direct from insurance company via phone (no agent) Life Insurance - Source: Direct from insurance company via website (no agent) Life Insurance - Total Value: Less than $20,000 Life Insurance - Total Value: $20,000 - $49,999 Life Insurance - Total Value: $50,000 - $99,999 Life Insurance - Total Value: $100,000 - $149,999 Life Insurance - Total Value: $150,000 - $249,999 Life Insurance - Total Value: $250,000 - $499,999 Life Insurance - Total Value: $500,000+ Medical Insurance: Personally carry medical/hospital/accident insurance Medical Insurance: You and other household members Medical Insurance: You Alone Medical Insurance - Companies: Aetna Medical Insurance - Companies: AFLAC Medical Insurance - Companies: Bankers Life & Casualty Medical Insurance - Companies: BlueCross BlueShield Medical Insurance - Companies: Cigna Medical Insurance - Companies: Delta Dental Medical Insurance - Companies: Group Health Cooperative Medical Insurance - Companies: Health Net Medical Insurance - Companies: Humana Page 90 MRINME013A MRINME014A MRINME015A MRINME016A MRINME017A MRINME018A MRINME019A MRINME020A MRINME021A MRINME022A MRINME023A MRINME024A MRINME025A MRINME026A MRINME027A MRINME028A MRINME029A MRINME030A MRINME031A MRINME032A MRINOT001A MRINOT002A MRINOT003A MRINOT004A MRINOT005A MRINOT006A MRINOT007A MRINOT008A MRINOT009A MRINOT010A MRINOT011A MRINOT012A Medical Insurance - Companies: Kaiser Permanente Medical Insurance - Companies: Mutual of Omaha Medical Insurance - Companies: Oxford Medical Insurance - Companies: PacifiCare Medical Insurance - Companies: State Farm Medical Insurance - Companies: Unicare Medical Insurance - Companies: United Healthcare Medical Insurance - Companies: Other Medical Insurance - How Obtained: From a union Medical Insurance - How Obtained: From a place of work Medical Insurance - How Obtained: From a fraternal or other membership group Medical Insurance - How Obtained: Medicaid Medical Insurance - How Obtained: Medicare Medical Insurance - How Obtained: Other government source Medical Insurance - How Obtained: Through an agent representing one company Medical Insurance - How Obtained: Agent (broker) representing more than one company Medical Insurance - How Obtained: Mail advertising or Phone contact (no agent) Medical Insurance - How Obtained: Through the Internet Medical Insurance - Kind of Policy: HMO (Health Maintenance Organization) Medical Insurance - Kind of Policy: Other Other Insurance - Types: Dental Other Insurance - Types: Disability/Loss of income through medical causes Other Insurance - Types: Prescription Drugs Other Insurance - Types: Vision care Other Insurance - Types: Accidental death and dismemberment Other Insurance - Types: Boat owners Other Insurance - Types: Identity theft Other Insurance - Types: Long term care Other Insurance - Types: Mortgage Other Insurance - Types: Personal liability (not Automotive or Homeowners) Other Insurance - Types: Small business Other Insurance - Types: Travel Leisure MRLCAM001A MRLCAM002A MRLCAM003A MRLCAM004A MRLCAM005A MRLCAM006A MRLCAM007H MRLCAM008H MRLCAM009H MRLCAM010H MRLCAM011H MRLCAM012H MRLCAM013H MRLCAM014H MRLCAM015H MRLCAM016H MRLCAM017H MRLCAM018H MRLCAM019H MRLCAM020H MRLCAM021H MRLCAM022H MRLCAM023H MRLCAM024H MRLCAM025H MRLCAM026H MRLCAM027H MRLGAM001A MRLGAM002A MRLGAM003A MRLGAM004A MRLGAM005A MRLGAM006A MRLGAM007A MRLGAM008A MRLACT001A Camping - Any Camping - Where Camped: National Parks/Forests Camping - Where Camped: State Parks/Forests Camping - Where Camped: Other Publicly Owned Campgrounds Camping - Where Camped: KOA Campgrounds Camping - Where Camped: Independently Owned Campgrounds Camping Equipment: Air Mattress (Inflatable) Camping Equipment: Backpack Camping Equipment: Beverage Containers Camping Equipment: Compass Camping Equipment: Daypack Camping Equipment: Sleeping Bag Camping Equipment: Hunting Knife Camping Equipment: Tent Camping Equipment: Cooler or Ice Chest (under 24 quarts) Camping Equipment: Cooler or Ice Chest (24 quarts & over) Camping Equipment: Camp Cookware Camping Equipment: Lantern (gas) Camping Equipment: Lantern (electric) Camping Equipment: Camp Stove Camping Equipment: Insulated Picnic Jug Camping Equipment: Waterproof/Breathable Apparel Camping Equipment: Any Camping Equipment Camping Equipment - Amount Spent In Total: $1 - $49 Camping Equipment - Amount Spent In Total: $50 - $99 Camping Equipment - Amount Spent In Total: $100 - $199 Camping Equipment - Amount Spent In Total: $200+ Casino Gambling: Atlantic City Casino Gambling: Caribbean Casino Gambling: Connecticut Casino Gambling: Las Vegas Casino Gambling: Mississippi Gulf Coast Casino Gambling: Reno Casino Gambling: Other Casino Gambling: Any Leisure Activities: Attend auto shows Last Yr Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A MRLACT002A MRLACT003A MRLACT004A MRLACT005A MRLACT006A MRLACT007A MRLACT008A MRLACT009A MRLACT010A MRLACT011A MRLACT012A MRLACT013A MRLACT014A MRLACT015A MRLACT016A MRLACT017A MRLACT018A MRLACT019A MRLACT020A MRLACT021A MRLACT022A MRLACT023A MRLACT024A MRLACT025A MRLACT026A MRLACT027A MRLACT028A MRLACT029A MRLACT030A MRLACT031A MRLACT032A MRLACT033A MRLACT034A MRLACT035A MRLACT036A MRLACT037A MRLACT038A MRLACT039A MRLACT040A MRLACT041A MRLACT042A MRLACT043A MRLACT044A MRLACT045A MRLACT046A MRLACT047A MRLACT048A MRLACT049A MRLACT050A MRLACT051A MRLACT052A MRLACT053A MRLACT054A MRLACT055A MRLACT056A MRLACT057A MRLACT058A MRLACT059A MRLACT060A MRLACT061A MRLACT062A MRLACT063A MRSRAD001A MRSRAD002A MRSRAD003A MRSRAD004A MRSRAD005A MRSRAD006A MRSRAD007A MRSRAD008A MRSRAD009A MRSRAD010A MRSRAD011A MRSRAD012A MRSRAD013A MRLLOT014A MRLLOT015A Leisure Activities: Adult education courses Last Yr Leisure Activities: Attend art galleries or shows Last Yr Leisure Activities: Attend horse races Last Yr Leisure Activities: Attend country music performances Last Yr Leisure Activities: Attend rock music performances Last Yr Leisure Activities: Attend classical music/opera performances Last Yr Leisure Activities: Attend other music performances Last Yr Leisure Activities: Attend dance performances Last Yr Leisure Activities: Backgammon Last Yr Leisure Activities: Baking Last Yr Leisure Activities: Barbecuing Last Yr Leisure Activities: Go to bars/night clubs Last Yr Leisure Activities: Go to beach Last Yr Leisure Activities: Billiards/pool Last Yr Leisure Activities: Birdwatching Last Yr Leisure Activities: Board games Last Yr Leisure Activities: Book clubs Last Yr Leisure Activities: Chess Last Yr Leisure Activities: Cooking for fun Last Yr Leisure Activities: Concerts on radio Last Yr Leisure Activities: Crossword puzzles Last Yr Leisure Activities: Dance/go dancing Last Yr Leisure Activities: Dining out Last Yr Leisure Activities: Entertain friends or relatives at home Last Yr Leisure Activities: Fantasy sports league Last Yr Leisure Activities: Furniture refinishing Last Yr Leisure Activities: Home decoration and furnishing Last Yr Leisure Activities: Karaoke Last Yr Leisure Activities: Go to live theater Last Yr Leisure Activities: Go to museums Last Yr Leisure Activities: Painting, drawing Last Yr Leisure Activities: Photography Last Yr Leisure Activities: Photo Album/Scrapbooking Last Yr Leisure Activities: Picnic Last Yr Leisure Activities: Play bingo Last Yr Leisure Activities: Play cards Last Yr Leisure Activities: Play musical instrument Last Yr Leisure Activities: Reading books Last Yr Leisure Activities: Reading comic books Last Yr Leisure Activities: Sudoku Puzzles Last Yr Leisure Activities: Word games Last Yr Leisure Activities: Trivia games Last Yr Leisure Activities: PC/computer games (play online with software) Last Yr Leisure Activities: PC/computer games (play online without software) Last Yr Leisure Activities: PC/computer games (play offline with software) Last Yr Leisure Activities: Video/electronic games (console) Last Yr Leisure Activities: Video/electronic games (portable) Last Yr Leisure Activities: Woodworking Last Yr Leisure Activities: Zoo attendance Last Yr Leisure Activities: Collecting - antiques Leisure Activities: Collecting - art Leisure Activities: Collecting - coins Leisure Activities: Collecting - comic books Leisure Activities: Collecting - figurines Leisure Activities: Collecting - stamps Leisure Activities: Collecting - sports trading cards Leisure Activities: Electric trains Leisure Activities: Indoor gardening & plants Leisure Activities: Listen to music Leisure Activities: Raising pets Leisure Activities: Tropical fish Leisure Activities: Any leisure activity Listen To Sports (Radio): Auto racing - NASCAR Regularly Listen To Sports (Radio): Auto racing - Other Regularly Listen To Sports (Radio): Baseball Regularly Listen To Sports (Radio): Basketball - College Regularly Listen To Sports (Radio): Basketball - professional games Regularly Listen To Sports (Radio): Other Regularly Listen To Sports (Radio): Football - College Regularly Listen To Sports (Radio): Football - NFL Monday or Thursday Night Games Regularly Listen To Sports (Radio): Football - NFL Weekend Games Regularly Listen To Sports (Radio): Football - NFL Playoffs/Super Bowl Regularly Listen To Sports (Radio): Golf Regularly Listen To Sports (Radio): Ice Hockey Regularly Listen To Sports (Radio): Olympics Regularly Lottery: Bought in last 12 months: Total Lottery: Bought in last 12 months: Instant Game Page 91 MRLLOT016A MRLLOT017A MRLLOT018A MRLMOV019A MRLMOV020A MRLMOV021A MRLMOV022A MRLMOV023A MRLMOV024A MRLMOV025A MRLMOV026A MRLMOV027A MRLMOV028A MRLMOV029A MRLMOV030A MRLMOV031A MRLMOV032A MRLMOV033A MRLMOV034A MRLMOV035A MRLMOV036A MRLMOV037A MRLMOV038A MRLMOV039A MRLMOV040A MRLMOV041A MRLMOV042A MRLMOV043A MRLMOV044A MRLMOV045A MRLMOV046A MRLMOV047A MRLMOV048A MRLMOV049A MRLMOV050A MRLMOV051A MRLMOV052A MRLMOV053A MRLMOV054A MRLMOV055A MRLMOV056A MRLSEW001A MRLSEW002A MRLSEW003A MRLSEW004A MRLSEW005A MRLSEW006A MRLSEW007A MRLCLB001A MRLCLB002A MRLCLB003A MRLCLB004A MRLCLB005A MRLCLB006A MRLCLB007A MRLCLB008A MRLCLB009A MRLCLB010A MRLCLB011A MRLCLB012A MRLCLB013A MRLCLB014A MRLFIT001A MRLFIT002A MRLFIT003A MRLITM001H MRLITM002H MRLITM003H MRLITM004H MRLITM005H MRLITM006H MRLITM007H MRLITM008H MRLITM009H MRLITM010H MRLITM011H MRLITM012H Lottery: Bought in last 12 months: Daily Drawing Lottery: Bought in last 12 months: Lotto Drawing Lottery: Bought in last 12 months: Other Movie Attendance: Attended a movie in the last 6 months Movie Attendance - Once a week or more Movie Attendance - 2-3 times a month Movie Attendance - Once a month Movie Attendance - Less than once a month Movie Attendance - See new movies: Opening weekend Movie Attendance - See new movies: After opening weekend, but within the first 2 weeks Movie Attendance - See new movies: After the second week Movie Viewing Heavy viewers: Action Movie Viewing Heavy viewers: Adventure Movie Viewing Heavy viewers: Comedy Movie Viewing Heavy viewers: Drama Movie Viewing Heavy viewers: Fantasy Movie Viewing Heavy viewers: Romance Movie Viewing Heavy viewers: Crime Movie Viewing Heavy viewers: Science Fiction Movie Viewing Heavy viewers: Family Movie Viewing Heavy viewers: Thriller Movie Viewing Heavy viewers: Horror Movie Viewing Any viewers: Action Movie Viewing Any viewers: Adventure Movie Viewing Any viewers: Comedy Movie Viewing Any viewers: Drama Movie Viewing Any viewers: Fantasy Movie Viewing Any viewers: Romance Movie Viewing Any viewers: Crime Movie Viewing Any viewers: Science Fiction Movie Viewing Any viewers: Family Movie Viewing Any viewers: Thriller Movie Viewing Any viewers: Horror Movie Viewing - Ratings: Heavy viewing cumes: G Movie Viewing - Ratings: Heavy viewing cumes: PG Movie Viewing - Ratings: Heavy viewing cumes: PG-13 Movie Viewing - Ratings: Heavy viewing cumes: R Movie Viewing - Ratings: Any viewers: G Movie Viewing - Ratings: Any viewers: PG Movie Viewing - Ratings: Any viewers: PG-13 Movie Viewing - Ratings: Any viewers: R Needlecraft And Sewing: Sewing - general mending Any Needlecraft And Sewing: Sewing - garments from patterns Any Needlecraft And Sewing: Knitting Any Needlecraft And Sewing: Crocheting Any Needlecraft And Sewing: Cross-stitch Any Needlecraft And Sewing: Needlepoint Any Needlecraft And Sewing: Quilting Any Organizations/Clubs - Member Of: AARP Organizations/Clubs - Member Of: Fraternal orders Organizations/Clubs - Member Of: Religious clubs Organizations/Clubs - Member Of: Civic clubs Organizations/Clubs - Member Of: Veterans clubs Organizations/Clubs - Member Of: A body of local government Organizations/Clubs - Member Of: Country clubs Organizations/Clubs - Member Of: Business Club Organizations/Clubs - Member Of: Collector's Clubs Organizations/Clubs - Member Of: Union Organizations/Clubs - Member Of: School or College Board Organizations/Clubs - Member Of: Church Board Organizations/Clubs - Member Of: Charitable Organizations Organizations/Clubs - Member Of: None of the above Physical Fitness - Regular Exercise Pgm. (2+ Times/Wk.): At home Physical Fitness - Regular Exercise Pgm. (2+ Times/Wk.): At club Physical Fitness - Regular Exercise Pgm. (2+ Times/Wk.): At other facility Recreation Items/Vehicles: Outboard motor (under 25 Hp) Owns Recreation Items/Vehicles: Outboard motor (25-75 Hp) Owns Recreation Items/Vehicles: Outboard motor (over 75 Hp) Owns Recreation Items/Vehicles: Inboard/outboard power boat (sterndrive) Owns Recreation Items/Vehicles: Power boat (under 16 ft.) Owns Recreation Items/Vehicles: Power boat (16 ft. +) Owns Recreation Items/Vehicles: Bass/Fishing boat (under 16 ft.) Owns Recreation Items/Vehicles: Bass/Fishing boat (16 ft. +) Owns Recreation Items/Vehicles: Sailboat (under 16 ft.) Owns Recreation Items/Vehicles: Sailboat (16 ft. +) Owns Recreation Items/Vehicles: Inflatable boat Owns Recreation Items/Vehicles: Personal watercraft Owns Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A MRLITM013H MRLITM014H MRLITM015H MRLITM016H MRLITM017H MRLITM018H MRLITM019H MRLITM020H MRLEQP001A MRLEQP002A MRLEQP003A MRLEQP004A MRLEQP005A MRLEQP006A MRLEQP007A MRLEQP008A MRLEQP009A MRLEQP010A MRLEQP011A MRLEQP012A MRLEQP013A MRLEQP014A MRLEQP015A MRLEQP016A MRLEQP017A MRLEQP018A MRLEQP019A MRLEQP020A MRLEQP021A MRLEQP022A MRLEQP023A MRLEQP024A MRLEQP025A MRLEQP026A MRLEQP027A MRLEQP028A MRLEQP029A MRLEQP030A MRLEQP031A MRLEQP032A MRLEQP033A MRLEQP034A MRLEQP035A MRLEQP036A MRLEQP037A MRLEQP038A MRLEQP039A MRLEQP040A MRLEQP041A MRLEQP042A MRLEQP043A MRLEQP044A MRLEQP045A MRLSDO001A MRLSDO002A MRLSDO003A MRLSDO004A MRLSDO005A MRLSDO006A MRLSDO007A MRLSDO008A MRLSDO009A MRLSDO010A MRLSDO011A MRLSDO012A MRLSDO013A MRLSDO014A MRLSDO015A MRLSDO016A MRLSDO017A MRLSDO018A MRLSDO019A MRLSDO020A MRLSDO021A MRLSDO022A MRLSDO023A MRLSDO024A MRLSDO025A Recreation Items/Vehicles: Rowboat Owns Recreation Items/Vehicles: Canoe Owns Recreation Items/Vehicles: Boat trailer Owns Recreation Items/Vehicles: Motorhome Owns Recreation Items/Vehicles: Towable trailer camper Owns Recreation Items/Vehicles: Towable folding tent camper (pop-up) Owns Recreation Items/Vehicles: Other camper/trailer Owns Recreation Items/Vehicles: Snowmobile Owns Sport/Recreation Equip - High Ticket Items: Binoculars Sport/Recreation Equip - High Ticket Items: Mountain bicycle Sport/Recreation Equip - High Ticket Items: Road bicycle Sport/Recreation Equip - High Ticket Items: Stationary bicycle Sport/Recreation Equip - High Ticket Items: Downhill ski boots Sport/Recreation Equip - High Ticket Items: Downhill skis Sport/Recreation Equip - High Ticket Items: Roller blades/In-line skates Sport/Recreation Equip - High Ticket Items: Elliptical Sport/Recreation Equip - High Ticket Items: Treadmill Sport/Recreation Equip - High Ticket Items: Other exercise Equip Sport/Recreation Equip - High Ticket Items: Golf clubs Sport/Recreation Equip - High Ticket Items: Hand gun Sport/Recreation Equip - High Ticket Items: Rifle Sport/Recreation Equip - High Ticket Items: Shotgun Sport/Recreation Equip - High Ticket Items: Hockey Equip Sport/Recreation Equip - High Ticket Items: Weight lifting Equip Sport/Recreation Equip - High Ticket Items: Other Sport/Recreation Equip - High Ticket Items: Any high ticket Sport/Recreation Equip - High Ticket Items - Spent: $1 - $99 Sport/Recreation Equip - High Ticket Items - Spent: $100 - $249 Sport/Recreation Equip - High Ticket Items - Spent: $250+ Sport/Recreation Equip - Low Ticket: Baseball gloves Sport/Recreation Equip - Low Ticket: Basketball Sport/Recreation Equip - Low Ticket: Bicycle helmet Sport/Recreation Equip - Low Ticket: Bow Sport/Recreation Equip - Low Ticket: Bowling balls Sport/Recreation Equip - Low Ticket: Cross country ski boots Sport/Recreation Equip - Low Ticket: Cross country skis Sport/Recreation Equip - Low Ticket: Elbow/knee pads (In-line skating protective gear) Sport/Recreation Equip - Low Ticket: Factory loaded ammunition Sport/Recreation Equip - Low Ticket: Fishing reel Sport/Recreation Equip - Low Ticket: Fishing rod Sport/Recreation Equip - Low Ticket: Fishing lures or hooks Sport/Recreation Equip - Low Ticket: Other fishing Equip Sport/Recreation Equip - Low Ticket: Football Sport/Recreation Equip - Low Ticket: Golf balls Sport/Recreation Equip - Low Ticket: Outdoor or pocket knife Sport/Recreation Equip - Low Ticket: Racquetball balls Sport/Recreation Equip - Low Ticket: Racquetball racquet Sport/Recreation Equip - Low Ticket: Soccer ball Sport/Recreation Equip - Low Ticket: Softball/baseball bats Sport/Recreation Equip - Low Ticket: Sportswatch/chronograph Sport/Recreation Equip - Low Ticket: Tennis balls Sport/Recreation Equip - Low Ticket: Tennis racquet Sport/Recreation Equip - Low Ticket: Any low ticket Sports: Participated in Aerobics (last yr) Sports: Participated in Archery (last yr) Sports: Participated in Auto racing (last yr) Sports: Participated in Backpacking (last yr) Sports: Participated in Baseball (last yr) Sports: Participated in Basketball (last yr) Sports: Participated in Bicycling - Mountain (last yr) Sports: Participated in Bicycling - Road (last yr) Sports: Participated in Boating (power) (last yr) Sports: Participated in Bowling (last yr) Sports: Participated in Canoeing/kayaking (last yr) Sports: Participated in Fishing - fresh water (last yr) Sports: Participated in Fishing - salt water (last yr) Sports: Participated in Football (last yr) Sports: Participated in Frisbee (last yr) Sports: Participated in Golf (last yr) Sports: Participated in Hiking (last yr) Sports: Participated in Hockey (last yr) Sports: Participated in Horseback riding (last yr) Sports: Participated in Hunting with bow & arrow (last yr) Sports: Participated in Hunting with handgun (last yr) Sports: Participated in Hunting with rifle (last yr) Sports: Participated in Hunting with shotgun (last yr) Sports: Participated in Ice skating (last yr) Sports: Participated in Jet skiing (last yr) Page 92 MRLSDO026A MRLSDO027A MRLSDO028A MRLSDO029A MRLSDO030A MRLSDO031A MRLSDO032A MRLSDO033A MRLSDO034A MRLSDO035A MRLSDO036A MRLSDO037A MRLSDO038A MRLSDO039A MRLSDO040A MRLSDO041A MRLSDO042A MRLSDO043A MRLSDO044A MRLSDO045A MRLSDO046A MRLSDO047A MRLSDO048A MRLSDO049A MRLSDO050A MRLSDO051A MRLSDO052A MRLSDO053A MRLSDO054A MRLSDO055A MRLSDO056A MRLSDO057A MRLSDO058A MRLSDO059A MRLSDO060A MRLSDO061A MRLSDO062A MRLSCL001A MRLSCL002A MRLSCL003A MRLSCL004A MRLSEV001A MRLSEV002A MRLSEV003A MRLSEV004A MRLSEV005A MRLSEV006A MRLSEV007A MRLSEV008A MRLSEV009A MRLSEV010A MRLSEV011A MRLSEV012A MRLSEV013A MRLSEV014A MRLSEV015A MRLSEV016A MRLSEV017A MRLSEV018A MRLSEV019A MRLSEV020A MRLSEV021A MRLSEV022A MRLSEV023A MRLSEV024A MRLSEV025A MRLSEV026A MRLSEV027A MRLSEV028A MRLSEV029A MRLSEV030A MRLSEV031A MRLSEV032A MRLSEV033A MRLSEV034A MRLSEV035A MRLSEV036A Sports: Participated in Jogging/running (last yr) Sports: Participated in Karate (last yr) Sports: Participated in Kick boxing (last yr) Sports: Participated in Lacrosse (last yr) Sports: Participated in Marathon/Triathlon (training/events) (last yr) Sports: Participated in Martial Arts (last yr) Sports: Participated in Motocross (last yr) Sports: Participated in Motorcycling (last yr) Sports: Participated in Paddle Tennis (last yr) Sports: Participated in Pilates (last yr) Sports: Participated in Other (last yr) Sports: Participated in Racquetball (last yr) Sports: Participated in Rock climbing (last yr) Sports: Participated in Roller blading/in-line skating (last yr) Sports: Participated in Roller skating (last yr) Sports: Participated in Rowing: stationary/outdoor (last yr) Sports: Participated in Sailing (last yr) Sports: Participated in Scuba diving (last yr) Sports: Participated in Skateboarding (last yr) Sports: Participated in Skiing - Cross country (last yr) Sports: Participated in Skiing - Downhill (last yr) Sports: Participated in Snorkeling/skin diving (last yr) Sports: Participated in Snowboarding (last yr) Sports: Participated in Snowmobiling (last yr) Sports: Participated in Soccer (last yr) Sports: Participated in Softball (last yr) Sports: Participated in Surfing/windsurfing (last yr) Sports: Participated in Swimming (last yr) Sports: Participated in Target shooting (last yr) Sports: Participated in Tennis (last yr) Sports: Participated in Volleyball (last yr) Sports: Participated in Walking for exercise (last yr) Sports: Participated in Water skiing (last yr) Sports: Participated in Weight lifting (last yr) Sports: Participated in Whitewater rafting (last yr) Sports: Participated in Yoga (last yr) Sports: Participated in Other (last yr) Sports Clothing - Amount Spent In Total: Any Under $100 Sports Clothing - Amount Spent In Total: Any $100 - $149 Sports Clothing - Amount Spent In Total: Any $150+ Sports Clothing - Amount Spent In Total: Any $100+ Sports Events - Attend: Alpine skiing & ski jumping Sports Events - Attend: Auto racing - NASCAR Sports Events - Attend: Auto racing - Other Sports Events - Attend: Baseball - College Sports Events - Attend: Baseball - MLB Regular Season Sports Events - Attend: Baseball - MLB Playoffs/World Series Sports Events - Attend: Basketball - College Sports Events - Attend: Basketball - NBA Regular Season Sports Events - Attend: Basketball - NBA Playoffs/Finals Sports Events - Attend: Basketball - NCAA Basketball Tournament Sports Events - Attend: Basketball - WNBA Sports Events - Attend: Bicycle racing Sports Events - Attend: Bowling Sports Events - Attend: Boxing Sports Events - Attend: Equestrian events Sports Events - Attend: Extreme Sports - Summer Sports Events - Attend: Extreme Sports - Winter Sports Events - Attend: Figure skating Sports Events - Attend: Fishing Sports Events - Attend: Football - College Sports Events - Attend: Football - NFL Monday or Thursday Night Games Sports Events - Attend: Football - NFL Weekend Games Sports Events - Attend: Football - NFL Playoffs/Super Bowl Sports Events - Attend: Golf - PGA Sports Events - Attend: Golf - LPGA Sports Events - Attend: Other Golf Sports Events - Attend: Gymnastics Sports Events - Attend: High School Sports Sports Events - Attend: Horse racing (Flats, Runners) Sports Events - Attend: Horse racing (Trotters/Harness) Sports Events - Attend: Ice Hockey - NHL Regular Season Sports Events - Attend: Ice Hockey - NHL Playoffs and Stanley Cup Finals Sports Events - Attend: Lacrosse - MLL Sports Events - Attend: Marathon/Road Running, Triathlon & Other Endurance Events Sports Events - Attend: Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) Sports Events - Attend: Motorcycle racing Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A MRLSEV037A MRLSEV038A MRLSEV039A MRLSEV040A MRLSEV041A MRLSEV042A MRLSEV043A MRLSEV044A MRLSEV045A MRLSEV046A MRLSEV047A MRLSEV048A MRLSEV049A MRLSEV050A MRLSTV001A MRLSTV002A MRLSTV003A MRLSTV004A MRLSTV005A MRLSTV006A MRLSTV007A MRLSTV008A MRLSTV009A MRLSTV010A MRLSTV011A MRLSTV012A MRLSTV013A MRLSTV014A MRLSTV015A MRLSTV016A MRLSTV017A MRLSTV018A MRLSTV019A MRLSTV020A MRLSTV021A MRLSTV022A MRLSTV023A MRLSTV024A MRLSTV025A MRLSTV026A MRLSTV027A MRLSTV028A MRLSTV029A MRLSTV030A MRLSTV031A MRLSTV032A MRLSTV033A MRLSTV034A MRLSTV035A MRLSTV036A MRLSTV037A MRLSTV038A MRLSTV039A MRLSTV040A MRLSTV041A MRLSTV042A MRLSTV043A MRLSTV044A MRLSTV045A MRLSTV046A MRLSTV047A MRLSTV048A MRLSTV049A MRLSTV050A MRLSUM001A MRLSUM002A MRLSUM003A MRLSUM004A Sports Events - Attend: Olympics - Summer Sports Events - Attend: Olympics - Winter Sports Events - Attend: Poker Sports Events - Attend: Pro Bull Riding Sports Events - Attend: Rodeo Sports Events - Attend: Soccer - MLS Sports Events - Attend: Soccer - World Cup Sports Events - Attend: Tennis - Mens Sports Events - Attend: Tennis - Womens Sports Events - Attend: Track & field Sports Events - Attend: Truck and tractor pull/Mud racing Sports Events - Attend: Volleyball - Pro Beach Sports Events - Attend: Weightlifting Sports Events - Attend: Wrestling - Professional Watch TV Sports: Alpine skiing & ski jumping Watch TV Sports: Auto racing - NASCAR Watch TV Sports: Auto racing - Other Watch TV Sports: Baseball - College Watch TV Sports: Baseball - MLB Regular Season Watch TV Sports: Baseball - MLB Playoffs/World Series Watch TV Sports: Basketball - College Watch TV Sports: Basketball - NBA Regular Season Watch TV Sports: Basketball - NBA Playoffs/Finals Watch TV Sports: Basketball - NCAA Basketball Tournament Watch TV Sports: Basketball - WNBA Watch TV Sports: Bicycle racing Watch TV Sports: Bowling Watch TV Sports: Boxing Watch TV Sports: Equestrian events Watch TV Sports: Extreme Sports - Summer Watch TV Sports: Extreme Sports - Winter Watch TV Sports: Figure skating Watch TV Sports: Fishing Watch TV Sports: Football - College Watch TV Sports: Football - NFL Monday or Thursday Night Games Watch TV Sports: Football - NFL Weekend Games Watch TV Sports: Football - NFL Playoffs/Super Bowl Watch TV Sports: Golf - PGA Watch TV Sports: Golf - LPGA Watch TV Sports: Other Golf Watch TV Sports: Gymnastics Watch TV Sports: High School Sports Watch TV Sports: Horse racing (Flats, Runners) Watch TV Sports: Horse racing (Trotters/Harness) Watch TV Sports: Ice Hockey - NHL Regular Season Watch TV Sports: Ice Hockey - NHL Playoffs and Stanley Cup Finals Watch TV Sports: Lacrosse - MLL Watch TV Sports: Marathon/Road Running, Triathlon & Other Endurance Events Watch TV Sports: Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) Watch TV Sports: Motorcycle racing Watch TV Sports: Olympics - Summer Watch TV Sports: Olympics - Winter Watch TV Sports: Poker Watch TV Sports: Pro Bull Riding Watch TV Sports: Rodeo Watch TV Sports: Soccer - MLS Watch TV Sports: Soccer - World Cup Watch TV Sports: Tennis - MenÆs Watch TV Sports: Tennis - WomenÆs Watch TV Sports: Track & field Watch TV Sports: Truck and tractor pull/Mud racing Watch TV Sports: Volleyball - Pro Beach Watch TV Sports: Weightlifting Watch TV Sports: Wrestling - Professional Sports Summary: Participated in any in last 12 months Sports Summary: Watch any sports event on TV Sports Summary: Attend any sports event Sports Summary: Listen to any sports event on radio Media Cable MRMCCP001A Cable & Pay TV - Any cable (including pay) viewing last week MRMCCP002A Cable & Pay TV - Heavy cable (including pay) viewing last week MRMCCP003A Cable/Sat Networks: Watched ABC Family: The Secret Life of the American Teenager MRMCCP004A Cable/Sat Networks: Watched Adult Swim: Aqua Teen Hunger Force MRMCCP005A Cable/Sat Networks: Watched Adult Swim: Family Guy Page 93 MRMCCP006A MRMCCP007A MRMCCP008A MRMCCP009A MRMCCP010A MRMCCP011A MRMCCP012A MRMCCP013A MRMCCP014A MRMCCP015A MRMCCP016A MRMCCP017A MRMCCP018A MRMCCP019A MRMCCP020A MRMCCP021A MRMCCP022A MRMCCP023A MRMCCP024A MRMCCP025A MRMCCP026A MRMCCP027A MRMCCP028A MRMCCP029A MRMCCP030A MRMCCP031A MRMCCP032A MRMCCP033A MRMCCP034A MRMCCP035A MRMCCP036A MRMCCP037A MRMCCP038A MRMCCP039A MRMCCP040A MRMCCP041A MRMCCP042A MRMCCP043A MRMCCP044A MRMCCP045A MRMCCP046A MRMCCP047A MRMCCP048A MRMCCP049A MRMCCP050A MRMCCP051A MRMCCP052A MRMCCP053A MRMCCP054A MRMCCP055A MRMCCP056A MRMCCP057A MRMCCP058A MRMCCP059A MRMCCP060A MRMCCP061A MRMCCP062A MRMCCP063A MRMCCP064A MRMCCP065A MRMCCP066A MRMCCP067A MRMCCP068A MRMCCP069A MRMCCP070A MRMCCP071A MRMCCP072A MRMCCS001A MRMCCS002A MRMCCS003A MRMCCS004A MRMCCS005A Cable/Sat Networks: Watched Adult Swim: Metalocalypse Cable/Sat Networks: Watched Adult Swim: Robot Chicken Cable/Sat Networks: Watched A&E Television Network: The First 48 Cable/Sat Networks: Watched A&E Television Network: Interventon Cable/Sat Networks: Watched AMC (American Movie Classics): Breaking Bad Cable/Sat Networks: Watched AMC (American Movie Classics): Mad Men Cable/Sat Networks: Watched Animal Planet: Whale Wars Cable/Sat Networks: Watched CNBC: Closing Bell Cable/Sat Networks: Watched CNBC: Mad Money Cable/Sat Networks: Watched CNBC: Squawk Box Cable/Sat Networks: Watched CNBC: Suze Orman Cable/Sat Networks: Watched CNN : Anderson Cooper 360? Cable/Sat Networks: Watched CNN : Larry King Live Cable/Sat Networks: Watched CNN : Situation Room Cable/Sat Networks: Watched Comedy Central: The Colbert Report Cable/Sat Networks: Watched Comedy Central: The Daily Show with Jon Stewart Cable/Sat Networks: Watched Comedy Central: South Park Cable/Sat Networks: Watched Discovery Channel: Dirty Jobs Cable/Sat Networks: Watched Discovery Channel: MythBusters Cable/Sat Networks: Watched E! : Chelsea Lately Cable/Sat Networks: Watched E! : E! News Cable/Sat Networks: Watched E! : The E! True Hollywood Story Cable/Sat Networks: Watched E! : Keeping up with the Kardashians Cable/Sat Networks: Watched E! : The Soup Cable/Sat Networks: Watched ESPN: Around The Horn Cable/Sat Networks: Watched ESPN: PTI (Pardon The Interruption) Cable/Sat Networks: Watched ESPN: SportsCenter Cable/Sat Networks: Watched ESPN2: First Take Cable/Sat Networks: Watched ESPN2: Mike & Mike in the Morning Cable/Sat Networks: Watched Food Network: Ace of Cakes Cable/Sat Networks: Watched Food Network: Diners, Drive-ins and Dives Cable/Sat Networks: Watched Food Network: Good Eats Cable/Sat Networks: Watched Food Network: Iron Chef America Cable/Sat Networks: Watched Fox News Channel: Fox and Friends Cable/Sat Networks: Watched Fox News Channel: Fox Report with Shepard Smith Cable/Sat Networks: Watched Fox News Channel: Hannity Cable/Sat Networks: Watched Fox News Channel: On The Record wth Greta Van Susteren Cable/Sat Networks: Watched Fox News Channel: The O'Reilly Factor Cable/Sat Networks: Watched FX: DVD on TV Cable/Sat Networks: Watched FX: FX Prime Movie Cable/Sat Networks: Watched History Channel: Ax Men Cable/Sat Networks: Watched History Channel: Ice Road Truckers Cable/Sat Networks: Watched History Channel: Modern Marvels Cable/Sat Networks: Watched HLN: Morning Express w/Robin Meade Cable/Sat Networks: Watched HLN: Nancy Grace Cable/Sat Networks: Watched HLN: Showbiz Tonight Cable/Sat Networks: Watched HGTV (Home & Garden Television): House Hunters Cable/Sat Networks: Watched HGTV (Home & Garden Television): Property Virgins Cable/Sat Networks: Watched Lifetime: Army Wives Cable/Sat Networks: Watched MTV: Made Cable/Sat Networks: Watched MTV: Real World Cable/Sat Networks: Watched MTV: True Life Cable/Sat Networks: Watched Nickelodeon: Dora the Explorer Cable/Sat Networks: Watched Nickelodeon: Go, Diego, Go! Cable/Sat Networks: Watched Nickelodeon: iCarly Cable/Sat Networks: Watched Nickelodeon: SpongeBob SquarePants Cable/Sat Networks: Watched Spike TV: TNA Wrestling Cable/Sat Networks: Watched Spike TV: The Ultimate Fighter Cable/Sat Networks: Watched TBS: Family Guy Cable/Sat Networks: Watched TBS: The Office Cable/Sat Networks: Watched TNT: The Closer Cable/Sat Networks: Watched TNT: NBA Cable/Sat Networks: Watched truTV: Forensic Files Cable/Sat Networks: Watched USA Network: Burn Notice Cable/Sat Networks: Watched USA Network: Psych Cable/Sat Networks: Watched The Weather Channel: Weekend View Cable/Sat Networks: Watched The Weather Channel: Your Weather Today Cable Services: ABC Family Channel Cable Services: Adult Swim Cable Services: A&E Television Network Cable Services: AMC (American Movie Classics) Cable Services: Animal Planet Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A MRMCCS006A MRMCCS007A MRMCCS008A MRMCCS009A MRMCCS010A MRMCCS011A MRMCCS012A MRMCCS013A MRMCCS014A MRMCCS015A MRMCCS016A MRMCCS017A MRMCCS018A MRMCCS019A MRMCCS020A MRMCCS021A MRMCCS022A MRMCCS023A MRMCCS024A MRMCCS025A MRMCCS026A MRMCCS027A MRMCCS028A MRMCCS029A MRMCCS030A MRMCCS031A MRMCCS032A MRMCCS033A MRMCCS034A MRMCCS035A MRMCCS036A MRMCCS037A MRMCCS038A MRMCCS039A MRMCCS040A MRMCCS041A MRMCCS042A MRMCCS043A MRMCCS044A MRMCCS045A MRMCCS046A MRMCCS047A MRMCCS048A MRMCCS049A MRMCCS050A MRMCCS051A MRMCCS052A MRMCCS053A MRMCCS054A MRMCCS055A MRMCCS056A MRMCCS057A MRMCCS058A MRMCCS059A MRMCCS060A MRMCCS061A MRMCCS062A MRMCCS063A MRMCCS064A MRMCCS065A MRMCCS066A MRMCCS067A MRMCCS068A MRMCCS069A MRMCCS070A MRMCCS071A MRMCCS072A MRMCCS073A MRMCCS074A MRMCCS075A MRMCCS076A MRMCCS077A MRMCCS078A MRMCCS079A MRMCCS080A MRMCCS081A MRMCCS082A MRMCCS083A MRMCCS084A Cable Services: BBC America Cable Services: BET (Black Entertainment TV) Cable Services: Biography Channel Cable Services: Bloomberg Television Cable Services: Bravo Cable Services: Cartoon Network Cable Services: CBS Sports Network Cable Services: Centric Cable Services: CMT (Country Music Television) Cable Services: CNBC Cable Services: CNN (Cable News Network) Cable Services: Comedy Central Cable Services: Cooking Channel Cable Services: Current TV Cable Services: The Discovery Channel Cable Services: The Disney Channel Cable Services: Disney XD Cable Services: DIY (Do It Yourself Network) Cable Services: E! (Entertainment Television) Cable Services: ESPN Cable Services: ESPN2 Cable Services: ESPN Classic Cable Services: ESPNews Cable Services: FamilyNet Cable Services: Flix Cable Services: Food Network Cable Services: Fox News Channel Cable Services: FSC (Fox Soccer Channel) Cable Services: FSN Cable Services: FUEL TV Cable Services: Fuse Cable Services: FX Cable Services: G4 Cable Services: Galavision Cable Services: GSN (Game Show Network) Cable Services: Golf Channel Cable Services: GMC Cable Services: (GAC) Great American Country Cable Services: Hallmark Channel Cable Services: History Channel Cable Services: History International Cable Services: HLN Cable Services: HGTV (Home & Garden Television) Cable Services: HSN (Home Shopping Network) Cable Services: IFC (Independent Film Channel) Cable Services: INSP (Inspiration Network) Cable Services: Investigation Discovery Cable Services: Lifetime Cable Services: Lifetime Movie Network (LMN) Cable Services: Logo Cable Services: Military Channel Cable Services: MSNBC News Cable Services: MTV Cable Services: MTV2 Cable Services: Music Choice Cable Services: National Geographic Channel Cable Services: NFL Network Cable Services: Nick at Nite Cable Services: Nickelodeon Cable Services: Outdoor Channel Cable Services: Ovation Cable Services: OWN Cable Services: Oxygen Cable Services: PBS Kids Sprout Cable Services: Planet Green Cable Services: QVC Cable Services: Reelz Channel Cable Services: The Science Channel Cable Services: SLEUTH Cable Services: SOAPnet Cable Services: Speed Channel Cable Services: Spike TV Cable Services: Style Cable Services: Sundance Channel Cable Services: Syfy Cable Services: TBS Cable Services: TeenNick Cable Services: TLC (The Learning Channel) Cable Services: Travel Channel Page 94 MRMCCS085A MRMCCS086A MRMCCS087A MRMCCS088A MRMCCS089A MRMCCS090A MRMCCS091A MRMCCS092A MRMCCS093A MRMCCS094A MRMCCS095A MRMCCS096A MRMCCS097A MRMCAV001H MRMCAV002H MRMCAV003H MRMCPR001A MRMCPR002A MRMCPR003A MRMCPR004A MRMCPR005A MRMCPR022A MRMPPV001A MRMPPV002A MRMPPV003A MRMPCV001A MRMPCV002H MRMPCV003H MRMPCV004H MRMPCV005H MRMPCV006H MRMPCV007H MRMPCV008A MRMPCV009A MRMPCV010A MRMPCV011A MRMPCV012A MRMPCV013A MRMCSD001A MRMCSD002A MRMCSD003A MRMCSD004A Cable Services: truTV Cable Services: TNT (Turner Network Television) Cable Services: TCM (Turner Classic Movies) Cable Services: TV Guide Network Cable Services: TV Land Cable Services: TV One Cable Services: USA Network Cable Services: VERSUS Cable Services: Vh1 Cable Services: Vh1 Classic Cable Services: The Weather Channel Cable Services: WE tv Cable Services: WGN America Cable TV Available in neighborhood Household Subscribes to Cable Household Subscribes to Digital Cable Digital Video Recorder (DVR) - Brand: TiVo Digital Video Recorder (DVR) - Household have: Yes Digital Video Recorder (DVR): Provided by cable company through a digital cable box Digital Video Recorder (DVR): Provided by satellite company Digital Video Recorder (DVR): Provided another way Video-on-Demand - Watched any programs: Past 12 months Pay-Per-View Television: Any Pay-Per-View watching Pay-Per-View TV - Movies (Last Yr) Pay-Per-View TV - Sports events (Last Yr) Premium Channel Viewing (Last month) Premium Channels: Cinemax Premium Channels: Encore Premium Channels: Home Box Office (HBO) Premium Channels: The Movie Channel Premium Channels: Showtime Premium Channels: Starz Premium Services: Cinemax Any watching (last wk) Premium Services: Encore Any watching (last wk) Premium Services: HBO Any watching (last wk) Premium Services: The Movie Channel Any watching (last wk) Premium Services: Showtime Any watching (last wk) Premium Services: Starz! Any watching (last wk) Satellite Dish - Companies access programming: DirecTV Satellite Dish - Companies access programming: Dish Network Satellite Dish - Companies access programming: Other Satellite Dish - HH have: Household have a satellite dish Media Internet MRMICN001H MRMICN002H MRMICN003H MRMICN004H MRMICN005H MRMICN006H MRMICN007H MRMICN008H MRMIIM001A MRMIIM002A MRMIIM003A MRMIIM004A MRMIIM005A MRMIUS001A MRMIUS002A MRMIUS003A MRMIUS004A MRMIUS005A MRMIUS006A MRMIUS007A MRMIUS008A MRMIUS009A MRMIUS010A MRMIUS011A MRMIUS012A MRMIUS013A MRMIUS014A MRMIUS015A MRMIUS016A Home Internet Connection: Dial-up modem Home Internet Connection: Cable Modem Home Internet Connection: DSL Connection Home Internet Connection: Fiber Optic service (Verizon FiOS or AT&T Uverse) Home Internet Connection: Wireless Connection from computer laptop (Wi-Fi) Home Internet Connection: Broadband/High speed (NET Cable, DSL, Wireless or Fiber Optic) Home Internet Connection: Other Home Internet Connection: Not sure/Don't know Instant Messenger (IM): AIM/AOL Instant Messenger Instant Messenger (IM): Google Talk/Gmail Chat Instant Messenger (IM): Windows Live Messenger Instant Messenger (IM): Yahoo! Messenger Instant Messenger (IM): Other Internet: Visited a chat room Internet: Used e-mail Internet: Used instant messenger/IM Internet: Participated in on-line dating Internet: Made a purchase for personal use Internet: Made a purchase for business use Internet: Made personal or business travel plans Internet: Played games online Internet: Downloaded a video game Internet: Used on-line gambling site Internet: Obtained financial information Internet: Tracked investments/Traded stocks, bonds or mutual funds Internet: Paid bills on-line Internet: Obtained the latest news/current events Internet: Obtained sports news/information Internet: Obtained information for new or used car purchase Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A MRMIUS017A MRMIUS018A MRMIUS019A MRMIUS020A MRMIUS021A MRMIUS022A MRMIUS023A MRMIUS024A MRMIUS025A MRMIUS026A MRMIUS027A MRMIUS028A MRMIUS029A MRMIUS030A MRMIUS031A MRMIUS032A MRMIUS033A MRMIUS034A MRMIUS035A MRMIUS036A MRMIUS037A MRMIUS038A MRMIUS039A MRMIUS040A MRMIUS041A MRMIUS042A MRMIUS043A MRMIUS044A MRMIUS045A MRMIUS046A MRMIUS047A MRMIUS048A MRMIUS049A MRMIUS050A MRMIUS051A MRMIUS052A MRMIUS053A MRMIUS054A MRMIUS055A MRMIUS056A MRMIUS057A MRMIUS058A MRMIUS059A MRMIUS060A MRMIUS061A MRMIUS062A MRMIUS063A MRMIUS064A MRMIUS065A MRMIUS066A MRMIUS067A MRMISP001H MRMISP002H MRMISP003H MRMISP004H MRMISP005H MRMISP006H MRMISP007H MRMISP008H MRMISP009H MRMISP010H MRMISP011H MRMISP012H MRMISP013H MRMISP014H MRMISP015A MRMIWB001A MRMIWB002A MRMIWB003A MRMIWB004A MRMIWB005A MRMIWB006A MRMIWB007A MRMIWB008A MRMIWB009A MRMIWB010A Internet: Obtained information about real estate Internet: Obtained medical information Internet: Obtained childcare or parenting information Internet: Looked for employment Internet: Looked for recipes Internet: Visited a TV network or TV show's website Internet: Looked at TV listings on-line Internet: Looked up movie listings or showtimes Internet: Listened to Radio on the Internet Internet: Visited a radio station, radio program or radio personality's website Internet: Downloaded Music Internet: Downloaded podcasts/podcasting Internet: Downloaded a TV program Internet: Watched online video (NET of TV programs, movies and other video) Internet: Watched a TV program online Internet: Downloaded a movie Internet: Watched a movie online Internet: Watched other online video Internet: Visited online blogs Internet: Wrote an online blog Internet: Posted a comment or review on a blog, online forum, message or bulletin board Internet: Made a phone call Internet: Uploaded or added video to website Internet: Shared photos through Internet website Internet: Sent an electronic greeting card Internet: Any Usage Internet: Used computer Internet: Used Cellphone/Smartphone Internet: Have access at home Internet - Time spent Last Saturday: 10 or more hours Internet - Time spent Last Saturday: 5 hrs. - less than 10 hours Internet - Time spent Last Saturday: 2 hrs. - less than 5 hours Internet - Time spent Last Saturday: 1 hr. - less than 2 hours Internet - Time spent Last Saturday: 1/2 to 1 hour Internet - Time spent Last Saturday: Less than 1/2 hour Internet - Time spent Last Sunday: 10 or more hours Internet - Time spent Last Sunday: 5 hrs. - less than 10 hours Internet - Time spent Last Sunday: 2 hrs. - less than 5 hours Internet - Time spent Last Sunday: 1 hr. - less than 2 hours Internet - Time spent Last Sunday: 1/2 hr. - 1 hour Internet - Time spent Last Sunday: Less than 1/2 hour Internet - Time spent Yesterday: 10 or more hours Internet - Time spent Yesterday: 5 hrs. - less than 10 hours Internet - Time spent Yesterday: 2 hrs. - less than 5 hours Internet - Time spent Yesterday: 1 hr. - less than 2 hours Internet - Time spent Yesterday: 1/2 hr. - less than 1 hour Internet - Time spent Yesterday: Less than 1/2 hour Internet: At Home Internet: At Work Internet: At school/library Internet: Another Place Internet Service Providers: America On-line (AOL) Internet Service Providers: AT&T Internet Service Providers: Cablevision Internet Service Providers: Charter Internet Service Providers: Comcast/Xfinity Internet Service Providers: Cox Internet Service Providers: Earthlink Internet Service Providers: MSN (Microsoft Network) Internet Service Providers: NetZero/Juno Internet Service Providers: Qwest Internet Service Providers: Road Runner (Time Warner Cable) Internet Service Providers: Verizon Online Internet Service Providers: Other Internet Service Providers: Any service Used Wi-Fi or wireless connection outside of home: Yes Web Sites visited last month: AOL Mail Web Sites visited last month: Web Sites visited last month: Windows Live Hotmail Web Sites visited last month: Yahoo! Mail Web Sites visited last month: Web Sites visited last month: Web Sites visited last month: Web Sites visited last month: Web Sites visited last month: Web Sites visited last month: Page 95 MRMIWB011A MRMIWB012A MRMIWB013A MRMIWB014A MRMIWB015A MRMIWB016A MRMIWB017A MRMIWB018A MRMIWB019A MRMIWB020A MRMIWB021A MRMIWB022A MRMIWB023A MRMIWB024A MRMIWB025A MRMIWB026A MRMIWB027A MRMIWB028A MRMIWB029A MRMIWB030A MRMIWB031A MRMIWB032A MRMIWB033A MRMIWB034A MRMIWB035A MRMIWB036A MRMIWB037A MRMIWB038A MRMIWB039A MRMIWB040A MRMIWB041A MRMIWB042A MRMIWB043A MRMIWB044A MRMIWB045A MRMIWB046A MRMIWB047A MRMIWB048A MRMIWB049A MRMIWB050A MRMIWB051A MRMIWB052A MRMIWB053A MRMIWB054A MRMIWB055A MRMIWB056A MRMIWB057A MRMIWB058A MRMIWB059A MRMIWB060A MRMIWB061A MRMIWB062A MRMIWB063A MRMIWB064A MRMIWB065A MRMIWB066A MRMIWB067A MRMIWB068A MRMIWB069A MRMIWB070A MRMIWB071A MRMIWB072A MRMIWB073A MRMIWB074A MRMIWB075A MRMIWB076A MRMIWB077A MRMIWY001A MRMIWY002A MRMIWY003A MRMIWY004A MRMIWY005A MRMIWY006A MRMIWY007A MRMIWY008A MRMIWY009A MRMIWY010A MRMIWY011A MRMIWY012A Web Sites visited last month: Web Sites visited last month: Web Sites visited last month: MSN Movies Web Sites visited last month: Web Sites visited last month: Web Sites visited last month: Web Sites visited last month: Web Sites visited last month: Yahoo! Movies Web Sites visited last month: Web Sites visited last month: Web Sites visited last month: Web Sites visited last month: Web Sites visited last month: Web Sites visited last month: Web Sites visited last month: Web Sites visited last month: Web Sites visited last month: Web Sites visited last month: Web Sites visited last month: AOL News Web Sites visited last month: Web Sites visited last month: Web Sites visited last month: Web Sites visited last month: Web Sites visited last month: Web Sites visited last month: USA Web Sites visited last month: Web Sites visited last month: Yahoo! News Web Sites visited last month: Web Sites visited last month: Web Sites visited last month: Web Sites visited last month: Web Sites visited last month: Web Sites visited last month: Web Sites visited last month: Web Sites visited last month: Web Sites visited last month: Web Sites visited last month: Web Sites visited last month: Web Sites visited last month: Web Sites visited last month: Web Sites visited last month: Yahoo! (Spanish) Web Sites visited last month: Any Spanish Language Website Web Sites visited last month: Web Sites visited last month: Web Sites visited last month: AOL FanHouse Web Sites visited last month: Web Sites visited last month: Web Sites visited last month: Web Sites visited last month: Web Sites visited last month: Web Sites visited last month: Yahoo! Sports Web Sites visited last month: Web Sites visited last month: Bing Maps Web Sites visited last month: Web Sites visited last month: Web Sites visited last month: Web Sites visited last month: Web Sites visited last month: Web Sites visited last month: (Google Maps) Web Sites visited last month: Web Sites visited last month: Web Sites visited last month: Web Sites visited last month: Web Sites visited last month: Yahoo! Maps Web Sites visited last month: Web Sites visited last month: Web Sites visited last month: Web Sites visited yesterday: AOL Mail Web Sites visited yesterday: Web Sites visited yesterday: Windows Live Hotmail Web Sites visited yesterday: Yahoo! Mail Web Sites visited yesterday: Web Sites visited yesterday: Web Sites visited yesterday: Web Sites visited yesterday: Web Sites visited yesterday: Web Sites visited yesterday: Web Sites visited yesterday: Web Sites visited yesterday: MSN Movies Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A MRMIWY013A MRMIWY014A MRMIWY015A MRMIWY016A MRMIWY017A MRMIWY018A MRMIWY019A MRMIWY020A MRMIWY021A MRMIWY022A MRMIWY023A MRMIWY024A MRMIWY025A MRMIWY026A MRMIWY027A MRMIWY028A MRMIWY029A MRMIWY030A MRMIWY031A MRMIWY032A MRMIWY033A MRMIWY034A MRMIWY035A MRMIWY036A MRMIWY037A MRMIWY038A MRMIWY039A MRMIWY040A MRMIWY041A MRMIWY042A MRMIWY043A MRMIWY044A MRMIWY045A MRMIWY046A MRMIWY047A MRMIWY048A MRMIWY049A MRMIWY050A MRMIWY051A MRMIWY052A MRMIWY053A MRMIWY054A MRMIWY055A MRMIWY056A MRMIWY057A MRMIWY058A MRMIWY059A MRMIWY060A MRMIWY061A MRMIWY062A MRMIWY063A MRMIWY064A MRMIWY065A MRMIWY066A MRMIWY067A MRMIWY068A MRMIWY069A MRMIWY070A MRMIWY071A MRMIWY072A MRMIWY073A MRMIWY074A MRMIWY075A MRMISE001A MRMISE002A MRMISE003A MRMISE004A MRMISE005A MRMISE006A MRMISE007A MRMISE008A MRMISE009A MRMISE010A MRMISE011A MRMISE012A MRMISE013A MRMISE014A MRMISE015A Web Sites visited yesterday: Web Sites visited yesterday: Web Sites visited yesterday: Web Sites visited yesterday: Web Sites visited yesterday: Yahoo! Movies Web Sites visited yesterday: Web Sites visited yesterday: Web Sites visited yesterday: Web Sites visited yesterday: Web Sites visited yesterday: Web Sites visited yesterday: Web Sites visited yesterday: Web Sites visited yesterday: Web Sites visited yesterday: Web Sites visited yesterday: Web Sites visited yesterday: AOL News Web Sites visited yesterday: Web Sites visited yesterday: Web Sites visited yesterday: Web Sites visited yesterday: Web Sites visited yesterday: Web Sites visited yesterday: USA Web Sites visited yesterday: Web Sites visited yesterday: Yahoo! News Web Sites visited yesterday: Web Sites visited yesterday: Web Sites visited yesterday: Web Sites visited yesterday: Web Sites visited yesterday: Web Sites visited yesterday: Web Sites visited yesterday: Web Sites visited yesterday: Web Sites visited yesterday: Web Sites visited yesterday: Web Sites visited yesterday: Web Sites visited yesterday: Web Sites visited yesterday: Yahoo! (Spanish) Web Sites visited yesterday: Any Spanish Language Website Web Sites visited yesterday: Web Sites visited yesterday: Web Sites visited yesterday: AOL FanHouse Web Sites visited yesterday: Web Sites visited yesterday: Web Sites visited yesterday: Web Sites visited yesterday: Web Sites visited yesterday: Web Sites visited yesterday: Yahoo! Sports Web Sites visited yesterday: Web Sites visited yesterday: Bing Maps Web Sites visited yesterday: Web Sites visited yesterday: Web Sites visited yesterday: Web Sites visited yesterday: Web Sites visited yesterday: Web Sites visited yesterday: (Google Maps) Web Sites visited yesterday: Web Sites visited yesterday: Web Sites visited yesterday: Web Sites visited yesterday: Web Sites visited yesterday: Yahoo! Maps Web Sites visited yesterday: Web Sites visited yesterday: Web Sites visited yesterday: Websites/Search Engines (Last month): AOL/ Websites/Search Engines (Last month): Websites/Search Engines (Last month): Websites/Search Engines (Last month): Websites/Search Engines (Last month): Websites/Search Engines (Last month): Websites/Search Engines (Last month): Websites/Search Engines (Last month): Websites/Search Engines - Visited Yesterday: AOL/ Websites/Search Engines - Visited Yesterday: Websites/Search Engines - Visited Yesterday: Websites/Search Engines - Visited Yesterday: Websites/Search Engines - Visited Yesterday: Websites/Search Engines - Visited Yesterday: Websites/Search Engines - Visited Yesterday: Page 96 Media Magazines MRMGGP001A MRMGGP002A MRMGGP003A MRMGGP004A MRMGGP005A MRMGGP006A MRMGGP007A MRMGGP008A MRMGGP009A MRMGGP010A MRMGGP011A MRMGGP012A MRMGGP013A MRMTYP014A MRMTYP015A MRMTYP016A MRMTYP017A MRMTYP018A MRMTYP019A MRMTYP020A MRMTYP021A MRMTYP022A MRMTYP023A MRMTYP024A MRMTYP025A MRMTYP026A MRMTYP027A MRMTYP028A MRMTYP029A MRMTYP030A MRMTYP031A MRMTYP032A MRMTYP033A MRMTYP034A MRMTYP035A MRMTYP036A MRMTYP037A MRMTYP038A MRMTYP039A MRMTYP040A MRMMAG001A MRMMAG002A MRMMAG003A MRMMAG004A MRMMAG005A MRMMAG006A MRMMAG007A MRMMAG008A MRMMAG009A MRMMAG010A MRMMAG011A MRMMAG012A MRMMAG013A MRMMAG014A MRMMAG015A MRMMAG016A MRMMAG017A MRMMAG018A MRMMAG019A MRMMAG020A MRMMAG021A MRMMAG022A MRMMAG023A MRMMAG024A MRMMAG025A MRMMAG026A MRMMAG027A MRMMAG028A MRMMAG029A MRMMAG030A MRMMAG031A MRMMAG032A MRMMAG033A MRMMAG034A Magazine Groups - Net Audience: Bonnier Magazine Network Magazine Groups - Net Audience: Bonnier Marine Group Magazine Groups - Net Audience: The Bonnier Outdoor Group Magazine Groups - Net Audience: Bonnier Parenting Group Magazine Groups - Net Audience: Bonnier Technology Group Magazine Groups - Net Audience: Conde Nast Package Magazine Groups - Net Audience: Future Games group Magazine Groups - Net Audience: Hearst Magazine Group Magazine Groups - Net Audience: The InterMedia Outdoors Trophy Group Magazine Groups - Net Audience: Meredith Magazine Group Magazine Groups - Net Audience: North American Fisherman/North American Hunter Magazine Groups - Net Audience: Rodale Magazine Network Magazine Groups - Net Audience: Rodale Sports Group Magazine Types: Airline Magazine Types: Automotive Magazine Types: Babies Magazine Types: Boating Magazine Types: Bridal Magazine Types: Business/Finance Magazine Types: Computers Magazine Types: Epicurean Magazine Types: Fishing/Hunting Magazine Types: Fraternal Magazine Types: General Editorial Magazine Types: Health Magazine Types: Home Service Magazine Types: Men Magazine Types: Motorcycle Magazine Types: Music Magazine Types: News and Entertainment Weeklies Magazine Types: Newspaper Distributed Magazine Types: Outdoor Recreation Magazine Types: Parenthood Magazine Types: Photography Magazine Types: Science/Technology Magazine Types: Sports Magazine Types: Travel Magazine Types: Video Games/PC & Console Magazine Types: Women Magazine Types: Women Fashion Magazines: (Avg Audience) AARP The Magazine Magazines: (Avg Audience) Allure Magazines: (Avg Audience) American Baby Magazines: (Avg Audience) American Hunter Magazines: (Avg Audience) American Legion Magazines: (Avg Audience) American Photo Magazines: (Avg Audience) American Rifleman Magazines: (Avg Audience) American Way Magazines: (Avg Audience) American Woodworker Magazines: (Avg Audience) Architectural Digest Magazines: (Avg Audience) Arthritis Today Magazines: (Avg Audience) Arthur Frommer's Budget Travel Magazines: (Avg Audience) The Atlantic Magazines: (Avg Audience) Audubon Magazines: (Avg Audience) Automobile Magazines: (Avg Audience) Baby Talk Magazines: (Avg Audience) Backpacker Magazines: (Avg Audience) Barron's Magazines: (Avg Audience) Bassmaster Magazines: (Avg Audience) Better Homes & Gardens Magazines: (Avg Audience) Bicycling Magazines: (Avg Audience) Black Enterprise Magazines: (Avg Audience) Boating Magazines: (Avg Audience) Bon Appetit Magazines: (Avg Audience) Bridal Guide Magazines: (Avg Audience) Brides [measured as a bimonthly in Waves 61 and 62 Magazines: (Avg Audience) Car And Driver Magazines: (Avg Audience) Car Craft Magazines: (Avg Audience) Catholic Digest Magazines: (Avg Audience) Chicago Tribune (Sunday) Magazines: (Avg Audience) Cigar Aficionado Magazines: (Avg Audience) Coastal Living Magazines: (Avg Audience) Conde Nast Traveler Magazines: (Avg Audience) Consumer Reports Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A MRMMAG035A MRMMAG036A MRMMAG037A MRMMAG038A MRMMAG039A MRMMAG040A MRMMAG041A MRMMAG042A MRMMAG043A MRMMAG044A MRMMAG045A MRMMAG046A MRMMAG047A MRMMAG048A MRMMAG049A MRMMAG050A MRMMAG051A MRMMAG052A MRMMAG053A MRMMAG054A MRMMAG055A MRMMAG056A MRMMAG057A MRMMAG058A MRMMAG059A MRMMAG060A MRMMAG061A MRMMAG062A MRMMAG063A MRMMAG064A MRMMAG065A MRMMAG066A MRMMAG067A MRMMAG068A MRMMAG069A MRMMAG070A MRMMAG071A MRMMAG072A MRMMAG073A MRMMAG074A MRMMAG075A MRMMAG076A MRMMAG077A MRMMAG078A MRMMAG079A MRMMAG080A MRMMAG081A MRMMAG082A MRMMAG083A MRMMAG084A MRMMAG085A MRMMAG086A MRMMAG087A MRMMAG088A MRMMAG089A MRMMAG090A MRMMAG091A MRMMAG092A MRMMAG093A MRMMAG094A MRMMAG095A MRMMAG096A MRMMAG097A MRMMAG098A MRMMAG099A MRMMAG100A MRMMAG101A MRMMAG102A MRMMAG103A MRMMAG104A MRMMAG105A MRMMAG106A MRMMAG107A MRMMAG108A MRMMAG109A MRMMAG110A MRMMAG111A MRMMAG112A MRMMAG113A Magazines: (Avg Audience) Cooking Light Magazines: (Avg Audience) Cooking with Paula Deen Magazines: (Avg Audience) Cosmopolitan Magazines: (Avg Audience) Country Living Magazines: (Avg Audience) Country Sampler Magazines: (Avg Audience) Cycle World Magazines: (Avg Audience) Details Magazines: (Avg Audience) Diabetes Forecast Magazines: (Avg Audience) Dirt Rider Magazines: (Avg Audience) Discover Magazines: (Avg Audience) Ducks Unlimited Magazines: (Avg Audience) Dwell Magazine Magazines: (Avg Audience) Ebony Magazines: (Avg Audience) The Economist Magazines: (Avg Audience) Elle Magazines: (Avg Audience) Elle Decor Magazines: (Avg Audience) Entertainment Weekly Magazines: (Avg Audience) Entrepreneur Magazines: (Avg Audience) ESPN The Magazine Magazines: (Avg Audience) Esquire Magazines: (Avg Audience) Essence Magazines: (Avg Audience) Every Day with Rachael Ray Magazines: (Avg Audience) Everyday Food Magazines: (Avg Audience) Family Circle Magazines: (Avg Audience) Family Handyman Magazines: (Avg Audience) FamilyFun Magazines: (Avg Audience) Field & Stream Magazines: (Avg Audience) First For Women Magazines: (Avg Audience) Fit Pregnancy Magazines: (Avg Audience) Fitness Magazines: (Avg Audience) Flying Magazines: (Avg Audience) Food & Wine Magazines: (Avg Audience) Forbes Magazines: (Avg Audience) Fortune Magazines: (Avg Audience) 4 Wheel & Off Road Magazines: (Avg Audience) Four Wheeler Magazines: (Avg Audience) Game & Fish/Sportsman Magazines: (Avg Audience) Game Informer Magazines: (Avg Audience) Garden Design Magazines: (Avg Audience) Gardening How-To Magazines: (Avg Audience) Glamour Magazines: (Avg Audience) Globe Magazines: (Avg Audience) Golf Digest Magazines: (Avg Audience) Golf Magazine Magazines: (Avg Audience) Golf World Magazines: (Avg Audience) Golfweek Magazines: (Avg Audience) Good Housekeeping Magazines: (Avg Audience) GQ (Gentlemen's Quarterly) Magazines: (Avg Audience) Guideposts Magazines: (Avg Audience) Guns & Ammo Magazines: (Avg Audience) Handy Magazines: (Avg Audience) Harper's Bazaar Magazines: (Avg Audience) Health Magazines: (Avg Audience) Hot Rod Magazines: (Avg Audience) House Beautiful Magazines: (Avg Audience) Hunting Magazines: (Avg Audience) In-Fisherman Magazines: (Avg Audience) In Style Magazines: (Avg Audience) In Touch Weekly Magazines: (Avg Audience) Inc. Magazines: (Avg Audience) Jet Magazines: (Avg Audience) Kiplinger's Personal Finance Magazines: (Avg Audience) Ladies' Home Journal Magazines: (Avg Audience) Latina Magazines: (Avg Audience) Life & Style Weekly Magazines: (Avg Audience) Los Angeles Times (Sunday) Magazines: (Avg Audience) Lucky Magazines: (Avg Audience) Macworld Magazines: (Avg Audience) Marie Claire Magazines: (Avg Audience) Martha Stewart Living Magazines: (Avg Audience) Maxim Magazines: (Avg Audience) Maximum PC Magazines: (Avg Audience) Men's Fitness Magazines: (Avg Audience) Men's Health Magazines: (Avg Audience) Men's Journal Magazines: (Avg Audience) Metro-Puck Carrier Newspapers Magazines: (Avg Audience) Midwest Living Magazines: (Avg Audience) Money Magazines: (Avg Audience) More Page 97 MRMMAG114A MRMMAG115A MRMMAG116A MRMMAG117A MRMMAG118A MRMMAG119A MRMMAG120A MRMMAG121A MRMMAG122A MRMMAG123A MRMMAG124A MRMMAG125A MRMMAG126A MRMMAG127A MRMMAG128A MRMMAG129A MRMMAG130A MRMMAG131A MRMMAG132A MRMMAG133A MRMMAG134A MRMMAG135A MRMMAG136A MRMMAG137A MRMMAG138A MRMMAG139A MRMMAG140A MRMMAG141A MRMMAG142A MRMMAG143A MRMMAG144A MRMMAG145A MRMMAG146A MRMMAG147A MRMMAG148A MRMMAG149A MRMMAG150A MRMMAG151A MRMMAG152A MRMMAG153A MRMMAG154A MRMMAG155A MRMMAG156A MRMMAG157A MRMMAG158A MRMMAG159A MRMMAG160A MRMMAG161A MRMMAG162A MRMMAG163A MRMMAG164A MRMMAG165A MRMMAG166A MRMMAG167A MRMMAG168A MRMMAG169A MRMMAG170A MRMMAG171A MRMMAG172A MRMMAG173A MRMMAG174A MRMMAG175A MRMMAG176A MRMMAG177A MRMMAG178A MRMMAG179A MRMMAG180A MRMMAG181A MRMMAG182A MRMMAG183A MRMMAG184A MRMMAG185A MRMMAG186A MRMMAG187A MRMMAG188A MRMMAG189A MRMMAG190A MRMMAG191A MRMMAG192A Magazines: (Avg Audience) Mother Earth News Magazines: (Avg Audience) Motor Trend Magazines: (Avg Audience) Motorcyclist Magazines: (Avg Audience) Muscle & Fitness Magazines: (Avg Audience) National Enquirer Magazines: (Avg Audience) National Geographic Magazines: (Avg Audience) National Geographic Kids Magazines: (Avg Audience) National Geographic Traveler Magazines: (Avg Audience) National Wildlife Magazines: (Avg Audience) New York Magazine Magazines: (Avg Audience) New York Times (Daily) Magazines: (Avg Audience) New York Times (Sunday) Magazines: (Avg Audience) The New Yorker Magazines: (Avg Audience) Newsweek Magazines: (Avg Audience) NNN Top 10 (Daily) Magazines: (Avg Audience) NNN Top 100 (Daily) Magazines: (Avg Audience) NNN Top 100 (Sunday) Magazines: (Avg Audience) NNN Top 25 (Daily) Magazines: (Avg Audience) NNN Top 25 (Sunday) Magazines: (Avg Audience) North American Fisherman Magazines: (Avg Audience) North American Hunter Magazines: (Avg Audience) O, The Oprah Magazine Magazines: (Avg Audience) Official Xbox Magazine Magazines: (Avg Audience) OK! Magazines: (Avg Audience) Outdoor Life Magazines: (Avg Audience) Outside Magazines: (Avg Audience) Parade Carrier Newspapers Magazines: (Avg Audience) Parenting Magazines: (Avg Audience) Parents Magazines: (Avg Audience) PC Gamer Magazines: (Avg Audience) PC World Magazines: (Avg Audience) Penthouse Magazines: (Avg Audience) People Magazines: (Avg Audience) People (Spanish) Magazines: (Avg Audience) Playboy Magazines: (Avg Audience) Popular Mechanics Magazines: (Avg Audience) Popular Science Magazines: (Avg Audience) Prevention Magazines: (Avg Audience) Psychology Today Magazines: (Avg Audience) Reader's Digest Magazines: (Avg Audience) Real Simple Magazines: (Avg Audience) Redbook Magazines: (Avg Audience) Road & Track Magazines: (Avg Audience) Rolling Stone Magazines: (Avg Audience) Runner's World Magazines: (Avg Audience) Saltwater Sportsman Magazines: (Avg Audience) Saturday Evening Post Magazines: (Avg Audience) Scholastic Parent & Child Magazines: (Avg Audience) Scientific American Magazines: (Avg Audience) Self Magazines: (Avg Audience) Ser Padres Magazines: (Avg Audience) Seventeen Magazines: (Avg Audience) Shape Magazines: (Avg Audience) Sierra Magazines: (Avg Audience) Ski Magazines: (Avg Audience) Smart Money Magazines: (Avg Audience) Smithsonian Magazines: (Avg Audience) Soap Opera Digest Magazines: (Avg Audience) Soap Opera Weekly Magazines: (Avg Audience) Southern Living Magazines: (Avg Audience) Southwest Spirit Magazines: (Avg Audience) Spin Magazines: (Avg Audience) Sporting News Magazines: (Avg Audience) Sports Illustrated Magazines: (Avg Audience) Star Magazines: (Avg Audience) Street Rodder Magazines: (Avg Audience) Sunday Mag/Net Carrier Newspapers Magazines: (Avg Audience) Sunset Magazines: (Avg Audience) Super Chevy Magazines: (Avg Audience) Teen Vogue Magazines: (Avg Audience) Tennis Magazines: (Avg Audience) Texas Monthly Magazines: (Avg Audience) This Old House Magazines: (Avg Audience) Time Magazines: (Avg Audience) Town & Country Magazines: (Avg Audience) Traditional Home Magazines: (Avg Audience) Travel + Leisure Magazines: (Avg Audience) Tribune (8) Daily Magazines: (Avg Audience) Tribune (8) Sunday Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A MRMMAG193A MRMMAG194A MRMMAG195A MRMMAG196A MRMMAG197A MRMMAG198A MRMMAG199A MRMMAG200A MRMMAG201A MRMMAG202A MRMMAG203A MRMMAG204A MRMMAG205A MRMMAG206A MRMMAG207A MRMMAG208A MRMMAG209A MRMMAG210A MRMMAG211A MRMMAG212A MRMMAG213A MRMMAG214A MRMMAG215A MRMMAG216A Magazines: (Avg Audience) TV Guide Magazines: (Avg Audience) US Airways Magazine Magazines: (Avg Audience) Us Weekly Magazines: (Avg Audience) USA Today Magazines: (Avg Audience) USA Weekend Carrier Newspapers Magazines: (Avg Audience) Vanity Fair Magazines: (Avg Audience) Veranda Magazines: (Avg Audience) VFW Magazine Magazines: (Avg Audience) Vogue Magazines: (Avg Audience) W Magazines: (Avg Audience) Wall Street Journal Magazines: (Avg Audience) Washington Post (Sunday) Magazines: (Avg Audience) WebMD the Magazine Magazines: (Avg Audience) Weight Watchers Magazines: (Avg Audience) Wine Spectator Magazines: (Avg Audience) Wired Magazines: (Avg Audience) Woman's Day Magazines: (Avg Audience) Woman's World Magazines: (Avg Audience) Women's Health Magazines: (Avg Audience) Working Mother Magazines: (Avg Audience) WWE Magazine Magazines: (Avg Audience) Yachting Magazines: (Avg Audience) Yankee Magazines: (Avg Audience) Yoga Journal Media Newspapers MRNEWS001A MRNEWS002A MRNEWS003A MRNEWS004A MRNEWS005A MRNEWS006A MRNEWS007A MRNEWS008A MRNEWS009A MRNEWS010A MRNEWS011A MRNEWS012A MRNEWS013A MRNEWS014A MRNEWS015A MRNEWS016A MRNEWS017A MRNEWS018A MRNEWS019A MRNEWS020A MRNEWS021A MRNEWS022A MRNEWS023A MRNEWS024A MRNEWS025A MRNEWS026A MRNEWS027A MRNEWS028A MRNEWS029A MRNEWS030A MRNEWS031A MRNEWS032A MRNEWS033A MRNEWS034A MRNEWS035A MRNEWS036A MRNEWS037A MRNEWS038A MRNEWS039A MRNEWS040A MRNEWS041A MRNEWS042A MRNEWS043A MRNEWS044A MRNEWS045A MRNEWS046A MRNEWS047A MRNEWS048A MRNEWS049A MRNEWS050A Newspapers: Chicago Tribune (Sunday) Average Audience Newspapers: Los Angeles Times (Sunday) Average Audience Newspapers: Metro-Puck Carrier Newspapers Average Audience Newspapers: New York Times (Daily) Average Audience Newspapers: New York Times (Sunday) Average Audience Newspapers: NNN Top 10 (Daily) Average Audience Newspapers: NNN Top 100 (Daily) Average Audience Newspapers: NNN Top 100 (Sunday) Average Audience Newspapers: NNN Top 25 (Daily) Average Audience Newspapers: NNN Top 25 (Sunday) Average Audience Newspapers: Parade Carrier Newspapers Average Audience Newspapers: Sunday Mag/Net Carrier Newspapers Average Audience Newspapers: Tribune (8) Daily Average Audience Newspapers: Tribune (8) Sunday Average Audience Newspapers: USA Today Average Audience Newspapers: USA Weekend Carrier Newspapers Average Audience Newspapers: Wall Street Journal Average Audience Newspapers: Washington Post (Sunday) Average Audience Newspaper Reading: Main News/Front Page Newspaper Reading: International/National News Newspaper Reading: Local News Newspaper Reading: Business/Finance Newspaper Reading: Classified Advertising Newspaper Reading: Comics Newspaper Reading: Editorial Page Newspaper Reading: Entertainment/Lifestyle Newspaper Reading: Fashion Newspaper Reading: Food/Cooking Newspaper Reading: Health Newspaper Reading: Home/Home Design/Furnishings/Gardening Newspaper Reading: Movie Listings & Reviews Newspaper Reading: Science & Technology Newspaper Reading: Sports Newspaper Reading: Travel Newspaper Reading: TV Listings Newspaper Reading: Other Newspaper Reading: Advertisements Newspaper Reading: Circulars/Inserts/Fliers Newsaper Action From Adv: Shopped at an advertised store Newsaper Action From Adv: Purchased an advertised product Newsaper Action From Adv: Requested add'l information on advertised product Newsaper Action From Adv: Cut out an ad for later reference Newspaper Adv - Sunday/Weekend: Very useful Newspaper Adv - Sunday/Weekend: Somewhat useful Newspaper Adv - Sunday/Weekend: Not at all useful Newspaper Adv - Sunday/Weekend: Any Section Newspaper Adv - Weekday Newspaper: Very useful Newspaper Adv - Weekday Newspaper: Somewhat useful Newspaper Adv - Weekday Newspaper: Not at all useful Newspapers: Read any daily newspaper Page 98 MRNEWS051A MRNEWS052A MRNEWS053A MRNEWS054A MRNEWS055A Newspapers: Read any one daily newspaper Newspapers: Read any two or more daily newspapers Newspapers: Read any Sunday newspaper Newspapers: Read any one Sunday newspaper Newspapers: Read any two or more Sunday newspapers Media Radio MRRAD1001A MRRAD1002A MRRAD1003A MRRAD1004A MRRAD1005A MRRAD1006A MRRAD1007A MRRAD1008A MRRAD1009A MRRAD1010A MRRAD1011A MRRAD1012A MRRAD1013A MRRAD1014A MRRAD1015A MRRAD1016A MRRAD1017A MRRAD1018A MRRAD1019A MRRAD1020A MRRAD1021A MRRAD1022A MRRAD1023A MRRAD1024A MRRAD1025A MRRAD1026A MRRAD1027A MRRAD1028A MRRAD1029A MRRAD1030A MRRAD1031A MRRAD1032A MRRAD1033A MRRAD1034A MRRAD1035A MRRAD1036A MRRAD1037A MRRAD1038A MRRAD1039A MRRAD1040A MRRAD1041A MRRAD1042A MRRAD1043A MRRAD1044A MRRAD1045A MRRAD1046A MRRAD1047A MRRAD1048A MRRAD1049A MRRAD1050A MRRAD1051A MRRAD1052A MRRAD1053A MRRAD1054A MRRAD1055A MRRAD1056A MRRAD1057A MRRAD1058A MRRAD1059A MRRAD1060A MRRAD1061A MRRAD1062A MRRAD1063A MRRAD1064A MRRAD1065A MRRAD1066A MRRAD1067A MRRAD1068A MRRAD1069A MRRAD1070A Radio Daypart Cumes: Weekday 6:00 am - 10:00 am Radio Daypart Cumes: Weekday 10:00 am - 3:00 pm Radio Daypart Cumes: Weekday 3:00 pm - 7:00 pm Radio Daypart Cumes: Weekday 7:00 pm - Midnight Radio Daypart Cumes: Weekday Midnight - 6:00 am Radio Daypart Cumes: Weekend 6:00 am - 10:00 am Radio Daypart Cumes: Weekend 10:00 am - 3:00 pm Radio Daypart Cumes: Weekend 3:00 pm - 7:00 pm Radio Daypart Cumes: Weekend 7:00 pm - Midnight Radio Daypart Cumes: Weekend Midnight - 6:00 am Radio Dayparts: 6:00 am 10:00 am: Weekday Dayparts: Did not listen Radio Dayparts: 10:00 am 3:00 pm: Weekday Dayparts: Did not listen Radio Dayparts: 3:00 pm 7:00 pm: Weekday Dayparts: Did not listen Radio Dayparts: 7:00 pm Midnight: Weekday Dayparts: Did not listen Radio Dayparts: Midnight 6:00 am: Weekday Dayparts: Did not listen Radio Dayparts: 6:00 am 10:00 am: Weekday Dayparts: 1/2 hour Radio Dayparts: 10:00 am 3:00 pm: Weekday Dayparts: 1/2 hour Radio Dayparts: 3:00 pm 7:00 pm: Weekday Dayparts: 1/2 hour Radio Dayparts: 7:00 pm Midnight: Weekday Dayparts: 1/2 hour Radio Dayparts: Midnight 6:00 am: Weekday Dayparts: 1/2 hour Radio Dayparts: 6:00 am 10:00 am: Weekday Dayparts: 1 hour Radio Dayparts: 10:00 am 3:00 pm: Weekday Dayparts: 1 hour Radio Dayparts: 3:00 pm 7:00 pm: Weekday Dayparts: 1 hour Radio Dayparts: 7:00 pm Midnight: Weekday Dayparts: 1 hour Radio Dayparts: Midnight 6:00 am: Weekday Dayparts: 1 hour Radio Dayparts: 6:00 am 10:00 am: Weekday Dayparts: 1 1/2 hour Radio Dayparts: 10:00 am 3:00 pm: Weekday Dayparts: 1 1/2 hour Radio Dayparts: 3:00 pm 7:00 pm: Weekday Dayparts: 1 1/2 hour Radio Dayparts: 7:00 pm Midnight: Weekday Dayparts: 1 1/2 hour Radio Dayparts: Midnight 6:00 am: Weekday Dayparts: 1 1/2 hour Radio Dayparts: 6:00 am 10:00 am: Weekday Dayparts: 2 hours Radio Dayparts: 10:00 am 3:00 pm: Weekday Dayparts: 2 hours Radio Dayparts: 3:00 pm 7:00 pm: Weekday Dayparts: 2 hours Radio Dayparts: 7:00 pm Midnight: Weekday Dayparts: 2 hours Radio Dayparts: Midnight 6:00 am: Weekday Dayparts: 2 hours Radio Dayparts: 6:00 am 10:00 am: Weekday Dayparts: 2 1/2 hours Radio Dayparts: 10:00 am 3:00 pm: Weekday Dayparts: 2 1/2 hours Radio Dayparts: 3:00 pm 7:00 pm: Weekday Dayparts: 2 1/2 hours Radio Dayparts: 7:00 pm Midnight: Weekday Dayparts: 2 1/2 hours Radio Dayparts: Midnight 6:00 am: Weekday Dayparts: 2 1/2 hours Radio Dayparts: 6:00 am 10:00 am: Weekday Dayparts: 3 hours Radio Dayparts: 10:00 am 3:00 pm: Weekday Dayparts: 3 hours Radio Dayparts: 3:00 pm 7:00 pm: Weekday Dayparts: 3 hours Radio Dayparts: 7:00 pm Midnight: Weekday Dayparts: 3 hours Radio Dayparts: Midnight 6:00 am: Weekday Dayparts: 3 hours Radio Dayparts: 6:00 am 10:00 am: Weekday Dayparts: 3 1/2 hours Radio Dayparts: 10:00 am 3:00 pm: Weekday Dayparts: 3 1/2 hours Radio Dayparts: 3:00 pm 7:00 pm: Weekday Dayparts: 3 1/2 hours Radio Dayparts: 7:00 pm Midnight: Weekday Dayparts: 3 1/2 hours Radio Dayparts: Midnight 6:00 am: Weekday Dayparts: 3 1/2 hours Radio Dayparts: 6:00 am 10:00 am: Weekday Dayparts: 4 hours Radio Dayparts: 10:00 am 3:00 pm: Weekday Dayparts: 4 hours Radio Dayparts: 3:00 pm 7:00 pm: Weekday Dayparts: 4 hours Radio Dayparts: 7:00 pm Midnight: Weekday Dayparts: 4 hours Radio Dayparts: Midnight 6:00 am: Weekday Dayparts: 4 hours Radio Dayparts: 6:00 am 10:00 am: Weekday Dayparts: 4 1/2 hours Radio Dayparts: 10:00 am 3:00 pm: Weekday Dayparts: 4 1/2 hours Radio Dayparts: 3:00 pm 7:00 pm: Weekday Dayparts: 4 1/2 hours Radio Dayparts: 7:00 pm Midnight: Weekday Dayparts: 4 1/2 hours Radio Dayparts: Midnight 6:00 am: Weekday Dayparts: 4 1/2 hours Radio Dayparts: 6:00 am 10:00 am: Weekday Dayparts: 5+ hours Radio Dayparts: 10:00 am 3:00 pm: Weekday Dayparts: 5+ hours Radio Dayparts: 3:00 pm 7:00 pm: Weekday Dayparts: 5+ hours Radio Dayparts: 7:00 pm Midnight: Weekday Dayparts: 5+ hours Radio Dayparts: Midnight 6:00 am: Weekday Dayparts: 5+ hours Radio Dayparts: 6:00 am 10:00 am: Weekend Dayparts: Did not listen Radio Dayparts: 10:00 am 3:00 pm: Weekend Dayparts: Did not listen Radio Dayparts: 3:00 pm 7:00 pm: Weekend Dayparts: Did not listen Radio Dayparts: 7:00 pm Midnight: Weekend Dayparts: Did not listen Radio Dayparts: Midnight 6:00 am: Weekend Dayparts: Did not listen Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A MRRAD1071A MRRAD1072A MRRAD1073A MRRAD1074A MRRAD1075A MRRAD1076A MRRAD1077A MRRAD1078A MRRAD1079A MRRAD1080A MRRAD1081A MRRAD1082A MRRAD1083A MRRAD1084A MRRAD1085A MRRAD1086A MRRAD1087A MRRAD1088A MRRAD1089A MRRAD1090A MRRAD1091A MRRAD1092A MRRAD1093A MRRAD1094A MRRAD1095A MRRAD1096A MRRAD1097A MRRAD1098A MRRAD1099A MRRAD1100A MRRAD1101A MRRAD1102A MRRAD1103A MRRAD1104A MRRAD1105A MRRAD1106A MRRAD1107A MRRAD1108A MRRAD1109A MRRAD1110A MRRAD1111A MRRAD1112A MRRAD1113A MRRAD1114A MRRAD1115A MRRAD1116A MRRAD1117A MRRAD1118A MRRAD1119A MRRAD1120A MRRAD2001A MRRAD2002A MRRAD2003A MRRAD2004A MRRAD2005A MRRAD2006A MRRAD2007A MRRAD2008A MRRAD2009A MRRAD2010A MRRAD2011A MRRAD2012A MRRAD2013A MRRAD2014A MRRAD2015A MRRAD2016A MRRAD2017A MRRAD2018A MRRAD2019A MRRAD2020A MRRAD2021A MRRAD2022A MRRAD2023A MRRAD2024A MRRAD2025A MRRAD2026A MRRAD2027A MRRAD2028A MRRAD2029A Radio Dayparts: 6:00 am 10:00 am: Weekend Dayparts: 1/2 hour Radio Dayparts: 10:00 am 3:00 pm: Weekend Dayparts: 1/2 hour Radio Dayparts: 3:00 pm 7:00 pm: Weekend Dayparts: 1/2 hour Radio Dayparts: 7:00 pm Midnight: Weekend Dayparts: 1/2 hour Radio Dayparts: Midnight 6:00 am: Weekend Dayparts: 1/2 hour Radio Dayparts: 6:00 am 10:00 am: Weekend Dayparts: 1 hour Radio Dayparts: 10:00 am 3:00 pm: Weekend Dayparts: 1 hour Radio Dayparts: 3:00 pm 7:00 pm: Weekend Dayparts: 1 hour Radio Dayparts: 7:00 pm Midnight: Weekend Dayparts: 1 hour Radio Dayparts: Midnight 6:00 am: Weekend Dayparts: 1 hour Radio Dayparts: 6:00 am 10:00 am: Weekend Dayparts: 1 1/2 hour Radio Dayparts: 10:00 am 3:00 pm: Weekend Dayparts: 1 1/2 hour Radio Dayparts: 3:00 pm 7:00 pm: Weekend Dayparts: 1 1/2 hour Radio Dayparts: 7:00 pm Midnight: Weekend Dayparts: 1 1/2 hour Radio Dayparts: Midnight 6:00 am: Weekend Dayparts: 1 1/2 hour Radio Dayparts: 6:00 am 10:00 am: Weekend Dayparts: 2 hours Radio Dayparts: 10:00 am 3:00 pm: Weekend Dayparts: 2 hours Radio Dayparts: 3:00 pm 7:00 pm: Weekend Dayparts: 2 hours Radio Dayparts: 7:00 pm Midnight: Weekend Dayparts: 2 hours Radio Dayparts: Midnight 6:00 am: Weekend Dayparts: 2 hours Radio Dayparts: 6:00 am 10:00 am: Weekend Dayparts: 2 1/2 hours Radio Dayparts: 10:00 am 3:00 pm: Weekend Dayparts: 2 1/2 hours Radio Dayparts: 3:00 pm 7:00 pm: Weekend Dayparts: 2 1/2 hours Radio Dayparts: 7:00 pm Midnight: Weekend Dayparts: 2 1/2 hours Radio Dayparts: Midnight 6:00 am: Weekend Dayparts: 2 1/2 hours Radio Dayparts: 6:00 am 10:00 am: Weekend Dayparts: 3 hours Radio Dayparts: 10:00 am 3:00 pm: Weekend Dayparts: 3 hours Radio Dayparts: 3:00 pm 7:00 pm: Weekend Dayparts: 3 hours Radio Dayparts: 7:00 pm Midnight: Weekend Dayparts: 3 hours Radio Dayparts: Midnight 6:00 am: Weekend Dayparts: 3 hours Radio Dayparts: 6:00 am 10:00 am: Weekend Dayparts: 3 1/2 hours Radio Dayparts: 10:00 am 3:00 pm: Weekend Dayparts: 3 1/2 hours Radio Dayparts: 3:00 pm 7:00 pm: Weekend Dayparts: 3 1/2 hours Radio Dayparts: 7:00 pm Midnight: Weekend Dayparts: 3 1/2 hours Radio Dayparts: Midnight 6:00 am: Weekend Dayparts: 3 1/2 hours Radio Dayparts: 6:00 am 10:00 am: Weekend Dayparts: 4 hours Radio Dayparts: 10:00 am 3:00 pm: Weekend Dayparts: 4 hours Radio Dayparts: 3:00 pm 7:00 pm: Weekend Dayparts: 4 hours Radio Dayparts: 7:00 pm Midnight: Weekend Dayparts: 4 hours Radio Dayparts: Midnight 6:00 am: Weekend Dayparts: 4 hours Radio Dayparts: 6:00 am 10:00 am: Weekend Dayparts: 4 1/2 hours Radio Dayparts: 10:00 am 3:00 pm: Weekend Dayparts: 4 1/2 hours Radio Dayparts: 3:00 pm 7:00 pm: Weekend Dayparts: 4 1/2 hours Radio Dayparts: 7:00 pm Midnight: Weekend Dayparts: 4 1/2 hours Radio Dayparts: Midnight 6:00 am: Weekend Dayparts: 4 1/2 hours Radio Dayparts: 6:00 am 10:00 am: Weekend Dayparts: 5+ hours Radio Dayparts: 10:00 am 3:00 pm: Weekend Dayparts: 5+ hours Radio Dayparts: 3:00 pm 7:00 pm: Weekend Dayparts: 5+ hours Radio Dayparts: 7:00 pm Midnight: Weekend Dayparts: 5+ hours Radio Dayparts: Midnight 6:00 am: Weekend Dayparts: 5+ hours Radio Formats: Adult Contemporary Radio Formats: Adult Standards Radio Formats: All News Radio Formats: All Talk Radio Formats: Alternative Radio Formats: CHR Radio Formats: Classic Hits Radio Formats: Classic Rock Radio Formats: Classical Radio Formats: Country Radio Formats: Easy Listening Radio Formats: Ethnic Radio Formats: Gospel Radio Formats: Hispanic Radio Formats: Jack Radio Formats: Jazz Radio Formats: Mexican/Tejano/Ranchera (subset of Hispanic) Radio Formats: News/Talk Radio Formats: Oldies Radio Formats: Public Radio Formats: Religious Radio Formats: Rhythmic Radio Formats: Rock Radio Formats: Soft Adult Contemporary Radio Formats: Spanish AC (subset of Hispanic) Radio Formats: Sports Radio Formats: Tropical (subset of Hispanic) Radio Formats: Urban Radio Formats: Variety/Other Page 99 MRRAD3001A MRRAD3002A MRRAD3003A MRRAD3004A MRRAD3005A MRRAD3006A MRRAD3007A MRRAD3008A MRRAD3009A MRRAD3010A MRRAD3011A MRRAD3012A MRRAD3013A MRRAD3014A MRRAD3015A MRRAD3016A MRRAD4001A MRRAD4002A MRRAD4003A MRRAD4004A MRRAD4005A MRRAD4006A MRRAD4007A MRRAD4008A MRRAD4009A MRRAD4010A MRRAD4011A MRRAD4012A MRRAD4013A MRRAD4014A MRRAD4015A MRRAD4016A MRRAD4017A MRRAD4018A MRRAD4019A MRRAD4020A MRRAD4021A MRRAD4022A MRRAD4023A MRRAD4024A MRRAD4025A MRRAD4026A MRRAD4027A MRRAD4028A MRRAD4029A MRRAD4030A MRRAD4031A MRRAD4032A MRRAD4033A MRRAD4034A MRRAD4035A MRRAD4036A MRRAD4037A MRRAD4038A MRRAD4039A MRRAD4040A MRRAD4041A MRRAD5001A MRRAD5002A MRRAD5003A MRRAD5004A MRRAD5005A MRRAD5006A MRRAD5007A MRRAD5008A MRRAD5009A MRRAD5010A MRRAD5011A MRRAD5012A MRRAD5013A MRRAD5014A Radio Listening - Any AM - Dayparts: Weekday 6:00 am - 10:00 am Radio Listening - Any AM - Dayparts: Weekday 10:00 am - 3:00 pm Radio Listening - Any AM - Dayparts: Weekday 3:00 pm - 7:00 pm Radio Listening - Any AM - Dayparts: Weekday 7:00 pm - midnight Radio Listening - Any AM - Dayparts: Weekend 6:00 am - 10:00 am Radio Listening - Any AM - Dayparts: Weekend 10:00 am - 3:00 pm Radio Listening - Any AM - Dayparts: Weekend 3:00 pm - 7:00 pm Radio Listening - Any AM - Dayparts: Weekend 7:00 pm - midnight Radio Listening - Any FM - Dayparts: Weekday 6:00 am - 10:00 am Radio Listening - Any FM - Dayparts: Weekday 10:00 am - 3:00 pm Radio Listening - Any FM - Dayparts: Weekday 3:00 pm - 7:00 pm Radio Listening - Any FM - Dayparts: Weekday 7:00 pm - midnight Radio Listening - Any FM - Dayparts: Weekend 6:00 am - 10:00 am Radio Listening - Any FM - Dayparts: Weekend 10:00 am - 3:00 pm Radio Listening - Any FM - Dayparts: Weekend 3:00 pm - 7:00 pm Radio Listening - Any FM - Dayparts: Weekend 7:00 pm - midnight Radio Listening - Any Satellite - Dayparts: Weekday 6:00 am - 10:00 am Radio Listening - Any Satellite - Dayparts: Weekday 10:00 am - 3:00 pm Radio Listening - Any Satellite - Dayparts: Weekday 3:00 pm - 7:00 pm Radio Listening - Any Satellite - Dayparts: Weekday 7:00 pm - midnight Radio Listening - Any Satellite - Dayparts: Weekend 6:00 am - 10:00 am Radio Listening - Any Satellite - Dayparts: Weekend 10:00 am - 3:00 pm Radio Listening - Any Satellite - Dayparts: Weekend 3:00 pm - 7:00 pm Radio Listening - Any Satellite - Dayparts: Weekend 7:00 pm - midnight Radio Listening - Internet/Satellite - Dayparts: Weekday 6:00 am- 10:00 am Radio Listening - Internet/Satellite - Dayparts: Weekday 10:00 am - 3:00 pm Radio Listening - Internet/Satellite - Dayparts: Weekday 3:00 pm - 7:00 pm Radio Listening - Internet/Satellite - Dayparts: Weekday 7:00 pm midnight Radio Listening - Internet/Satellite - Dayparts: Weekend 6:00 am - 10:00 am Radio Listening - Internet/Satellite - Dayparts: Weekend 10:00 am - 3:00 pm Radio Listening - Internet/Satellite - Dayparts: Weekend 3:00 pm - 7:00 pm Radio Listening - Internet/Satellite - Dayparts: Weekend 7:00 pm midnight Radio Listening - Sirius - Dayparts: Weekday 6:00 am - 10:00 am Radio Listening - Sirius - Dayparts: Weekday 10:00 am - 3:00 pm Radio Listening - Sirius - Dayparts: Weekday 3:00 pm - 7:00 pm Radio Listening - Sirius - Dayparts: Weekday 7:00 pm - midnight Radio Listening - Sirius - Dayparts: Weekend 6:00 am - 10:00 am Radio Listening - Sirius - Dayparts: Weekend 10:00 am - 3:00 pm Radio Listening - Sirius - Dayparts: Weekend 3:00 pm - 7:00 pm Radio Listening - Sirius - Dayparts: Weekend 7:00 pm - midnight Radio Listening - Any Method: Any AM listening Radio Listening - Any Method: Any FM listening Radio Listening - Any Method: Any Internet/Satellite listening Radio Listening - Any Method: Any Internet Radio Listening - Any Method: Any Satellite Radio Listening - Any Method: Sirius Radio Listening - Any Method: XM Radio Listening - XM - Dayparts: Weekday 6:00 am - 10:00 am Radio Listening - XM - Dayparts: Weekday 10:00 am - 3:00 pm Radio Listening - XM - Dayparts: Weekday 3:00 pm - 7:00 pm Radio Listening - XM - Dayparts: Weekday 7:00 pm - midnight Radio Listening - XM - Dayparts: Weekend 6:00 am - 10:00 am Radio Listening - XM - Dayparts: Weekend 10:00 am - 3:00 pm Radio Listening - XM - Dayparts: Weekend 3:00 pm - 7:00 pm Radio Listening - XM - Dayparts: Weekend 7:00 pm - midnight Satellite Radio - Household Subscribes: Sirius Satellite Radio - Household Subscribes: XM Radio Networks: AURN (American Urban Radio Network) Radio Networks: Citadel Media ESPN Radio Networks: Citadel Media Female Connection Radio Networks: Citadel Media FM Connection Radio Networks: Citadel Media Information Network Radio Networks: Citadel Media Music Radio Networks: Citadel Media Prime Access Radio Networks: Citadel Media Prime Reach Radio Networks: Citadel Media Urban Advantage Radio Networks: Dial Global Adult Power Radio Networks: Dial Global Complete FM Network Radio Networks: Dial Global Contemporary Network Radio Networks: Dial Global Digital 24/7 Music Radio Networks: Dial Global Female Perspective Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A MRRAD5015A MRRAD5016A MRRAD5017A MRRAD5018A MRRAD5019A MRRAD5020A MRRAD5021A MRRAD5022A MRRAD5023A MRRAD5024A MRRAD5025A MRRAD5026A MRRAD5027A MRRAD5028A MRRAD5029A MRRAD5030A MRRAD5031A MRRAD5032A MRRAD5033A MRRAD5034A MRRAD5035A MRRAD5036A MRRAD5037A MRRAD5038A MRRAD5039A MRRAD5040A MRRAD5041A MRRAD5042A MRRAD5043A MRRAD5044A MRRAD5045A MRRAD6001A MRRAD6002A MRRAD6003A MRRAD6004A MRRAD6005A MRRAD6006A MRRAD6007A MRRAD6008A MRRAD6009A MRRAD6010A MRRAD6011A MRRAD6012A MRRAD6013A MRRAD6014A MRRAD6015A MRRAD6016A Radio Networks: Dial Global Hispanic Network Radio Networks: Dial Global Music & Entertainment Radio Networks: Dow Jones Money Report Radio Networks: Dow Jones/Wall Street Journal Reports Radio Networks: NPR (National Public Radio) Radio Networks: Premiere Everyday Women Radio Networks: Premiere Female Focus Radio Networks: Premiere Fox News Radio Networks: Premiere Informed Radio Networks: Premiere Modern Women Radio Networks: Premiere Money & Smarts Radio Networks: Premiere Prime Time Radio Networks: Premiere Super Mom Radio Networks: Premiere Today's Men Radio Networks: Premiere Top Market Radio Networks: Premiere Urban Radio Networks: Premiere Young Influencers Radio Networks: Wall Street Journal Report Radio Networks: WSJ This Morning Radio Networks: Westwood One News Day Radio Networks: Westwood One News Week Day Radio Networks: Westwood One News Weekend Radio Networks: Westwood FM Day Radio Networks: Westwood FM Weekday Radio Networks: Westwood FM Weekend Radio Networks: Westwood WFM Day Radio Networks: Westwood WFM Weekday Radio Networks: Westwood WFM Weekend Radio Networks: Westwood: WW1 Adults Radio Networks: Westwood: WW1 Women Radio Networks: Westwood: WW1 Weekend Radio Where Listen: Typical Weekday Home Radio Where Listen: Typical Weekday Car Radio Where Listen: Typical Weekday Work Radio Where Listen: Typical Weekday Other Place Radio Where Listen: Typical Weekend Home Radio Where Listen: Typical Weekend Car Radio Where Listen: Typical Weekend Work Radio Where Listen: Typical Weekend Other Place Radio Where Listened Most Often: Typical Weekday Home Radio Where Listened Most Often: Typical Weekday Car Radio Where Listened Most Often: Typical Weekday Work place Radio Where Listened Most Often: Typical Weekday Other place Radio Where Listened Most Often: Typical Weekend Home Radio Where Listened Most Often: Typical Weekend Car Radio Where Listened Most Often: Typical Weekend Work place Radio Where Listened Most Often: Typical Weekend Other place Media Television MRTV1001A MRTV1002A MRTV1003A MRTV1004A MRTV1005A MRTV1006A MRTV1007A MRTV1008A MRTV1009A MRTV1010A MRTV1011A MRTV1012A MRTV1013A MRTV1014A MRTV1015A MRTV1016A Primetime Cume: Primetime Cume TV Dayparts: Wkdy: 6:00 am-7:00 am (all zones) TV Dayparts: Wkdy: 7:00 am-9:00 am (all zones) TV Dayparts: Wkdy: 9:00 am-12 noon (all zones) TV Dayparts: Wkdy: 12noon-4:00 pm (EST/PST) 12noon-3:00 pm (CST/MST) TV Dayparts: Wkdy: 4:00 pm-6:00 pm (EST/PST), 3:00 pm-5:00 pm (Central/Mountain) TV Dayparts: Wkdy: 6:00 pm-7:00 pm (EST/PST), 5:00 pm-6:00 pm (Central/Mountain) TV Dayparts: Wkdy: 7:00 pm-7:30 pm (EST/PST), 6:00 pm-6:30 pm (Central/Mountain) TV Dayparts: Wkdy: 7:30 pm-8:00 pm (EST/PST), 6:30 pm-7:00 pm (Central/Mountain) TV Dayparts: Wkdy: 8:00 pm-11:00 pm (EST/PST), 7:00 pm-10:00 pm (Central/Mountain) TV Dayparts: Wkdy: 11:00 pm-11:30 pm (EST/PST), 10:00 pm-10:30 pm (Central/Mountain) TV Dayparts: Wkdy: 11:30 pm-1:00 am (EST/PST), 10:30 pm-midnight (Central/Mountain) TV Dayparts: Wkdy: 1:00 am-6:00 am (EST/PST), 12:00 am-6:00 am (Central/Mountain) TV Dayparts: Sat: 7:00 am-10:00 am (all zones) TV Dayparts: Sat: 10:00 am-1:00 pm (EST/PST), 10:00 am-12 noon (Central/Mountain) TV Dayparts: Sat: 1:00 pm-4:30 pm (EST/PST), 12 noon-3:30 pm (Central/Mountain) Page 100 MRTV1017A MRTV1018A MRTV1019A MRTV1020A MRTV1021A MRTV1022A MRTV1023A MRTV1024A MRTV1025A MRTV1026A MRTV1027A MRTV1028A MRTV1029A MRTV1030A MRTV1031A MRTV1032A MRTV1033A MRTV1034A MRTV1035A MRTV1036A MRTV1037A MRTV1038A MRTV1039A MRTV1040A MRTV1041A MRTV1042A MRTV2001A MRTV2002A MRTV2003A MRTV2004A MRTV2005A MRTV2006A MRTV2007A MRTV2008A MRTV2009A MRTV2010A MRTV2011A MRTV2012A MRTV2013A MRTV2014A MRTV2015A MRTV2016A MRTV2017A MRTV2018A MRTV2019A MRTV2020A MRTV2021A MRTV2022A MRTV2023A MRTV2024A MRTV2025A MRTV2026A MRTV2027A MRTV2028A MRTV2029A MRTV2030A MRTV2031A MRTV2032A TV Dayparts: Sat: 4:30 pm-6:00 pm (EST/PST), 3:30 pm-5:00 pm (Central/Mountain) TV Dayparts: Sat: 6:00 pm-7:30 pm (EST/PST), 5:00 pm-6:30 pm (Central/Mountain) TV Dayparts: Sat: 7:30 pm-8:00 pm (EST/PST), 6:30 pm-7:00 pm (Central/Mountain) TV Dayparts: Sat: 8:00 pm-10:00 pm (EST/PST), 7:00 pm-9:00 pm (Central/Mountain) TV Dayparts: Sat: 10:00 pm-11:00 pm (EST/PST), 9:00 pm-10:00 pm (Central/Mountain) TV Dayparts: Sat: 11:00 pm-11:30 pm (EST/PST), 10:00 pm-10:30 pm (Central/Mountain) TV Dayparts: Sat: 11:30 pm-1:00 am (EST/PST), 10:30 pm-Midnight (Central/Mountain) TV Dayparts: Sun: 7:00 am-10:00 am (all zones) TV Dayparts: Sun: 10:00 am-1:00 pm (EST/PST), 10:00 am-12 noon (Central/Mountain) TV Dayparts: Sun: 1:00 pm-4:30 pm (EST/PST), 12 noon-3:30 pm (Central/Mountain) TV Dayparts: Sun: 4:30 pm-6:00 pm (EST/PST), 3:30 pm-5:00 pm (Central/Mountain) TV Dayparts: Sun: 6:00 pm-7:00 pm (EST/PST), 5:00 pm-6:00 pm (Central/Mountain) TV Dayparts: Sun: 7:00 pm-10:00 pm (EST/PST), 6:00 pm-9:00 pm (Central/Mountain) TV Dayparts: Sun: 10:00 pm-11:00 pm (EST/PST), 9:00 pm-10:00 pm (Central/Mountain) TV Dayparts: Sun: 11:00 pm-11:30 pm (EST/PST), 10:00 pm-10:30 pm (Central/Mountain) TV Dayparts: Sun: 11:30 pm-1:00 am (EST/PST), 10:30 pm-Midnight (Central/Mountain) TV Dayparts: Prime Time Wkdy: 8:00-11:00 pm (EST/PST), 7:00-10:00 pm (Central/Mountain) TV Dayparts: Prime Time Sat: 8:00-11:00 pm (EST/PST), 7:00-10:00 pm (Central/Mountain) TV Dayparts: Prime Time Sun: 7:00-11:00 pm (EST/PST), 6:00-10:00 pm (Central/Mountain TV Dayparts: Wkdy 9:00 am-12 noon (all zones) TV Dayparts: Wkdy: 9:00 am-4:00 pm (EST/PST) 9:00 am - 3:00 pm (Central/Mountain) TV Dayparts: Wkdy: 4:00 pm-7:30 pm (EST/PST) 3:00 pm-6:30 pm (Central/Mountian) TV Dayparts: Wkdy: 11:30 pm-1:00 am (EST/PST) 10:30 pm-Midnight (Central/Mountain) TV Dayparts: Total Prime time Mon-Sun TV Dayparts: Weekend children's shows: Sat-Sun morning TV Dayparts: Weekend Sports: Sat-Sun afternoon TV Show Types: Auto Racing - Specials TV Show Types: Awards-Specials TV Show Types: Baseball Specials TV Show Types: Basketball - Weekend - College TV Show Types: Basketball Specials-College TV Show Types: Basketball Specials-Professional TV Show Types: Comedy/Variety TV Show Types: Daytime Dramas TV Show Types: Daytime Talk/Variety TV Show Types: Documentary Informational- Primetime TV Show Types: Early Evening Network News - Mon-Fri TV Show Types: Early Evening Network News - Weekend TV Show Types: Early Morning News TV Show Types: Early Morning Talk/Informational/News TV Show Types: Entertainment Specials TV Show Types: Feature Film-Primetime TV Show Types: Football-College Weekend TV Show Types: Football-Pro Weekend TV Show Types: Football Bowl Games-Specials TV Show Types: Football Pro Pregame Shows TV Show Types: Football Specials-Professional TV Show Types: Game Shows-Primetime TV Show Types: General Drama-Primetime TV Show Types: Golf TV Show Types: Gymnastics TV Show Types: Hockey TV Show Types: Horse Racing TV Show Types: Late Night Network News/Info - Mon-Fri TV Show Types: Late Night Talk/Variety TV Show Types: News- Specials TV Show Types: Pageants - Specials TV Show Types: Reality-based Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A MRTV2033A MRTV2034A MRTV2035A MRTV2036A MRTV2037A MRTV2038A MRTV2039A MRTV2040A MRTVSP001A MRTVSP002A MRTVSP003A MRTVSP004A MRTVSP005A MRTVSP006A MRTVSP007A MRTVSP008A MRTVSP009A MRTVSP010A MRTVSP011A MRTVSP012A MRTVSP013A MRTVSP014A MRTVSP015A MRTVSP016A MRTVSP017A MRTVSP018A MRTVSP019A MRTVSP020A MRTVSP021A MRTVSP022A MRTVSP023A MRTVSP024A MRTVSP025A MRTVSP026A MRTVSP027A MRTVSP028A MRTVSP029A MRTVSP030A MRTVSP031A MRTVSP032A MRTVSP033A MRTVSP034A MRTVSP035A MRTVSP036A MRTVSP037A MRTVSP038A MRTVSP039A MRTVSP040A MRTVSP041A MRTVSP042A TV Show Types: Situation Comedies - Primetime TV Show Types: Skating - Specials TV Show Types: Soccer TV Show Types: Sports Anthologies - Weekend TV Show Types: Sunday News/Interview TV Show Types: Syndicated Adult General TV Show Types: Tennis TV Show Types: Track & Field Games Spanish TV: Telemundo Spanish TV: Telefutura Spanish TV: Univision Spanish TV: Any Spanish TV: Mon - Fri News Programs: Telemundo Spanish TV: Mon - Fri News Programs: Telefutura Spanish TV: Mon - Fri News Programs: Univision Spanish TV: Early Morning Programs: Telemundo Spanish TV: Early Morning Programs: Telefutura Spanish TV: Early Morning Programs: Univision Spanish TV: Daytime Programs: Telemundo Spanish TV: Daytime Programs: Telefutura Spanish TV: Daytime Programs: Univision Spanish TV: Monday through Friday Programs: Telemundo Spanish TV: Monday through Friday Programs: Telefutura Spanish TV: Monday through Friday Programs: Univision Spanish TV: Mon - Fri Late Night Shows: Telemundo Spanish TV: Mon - Fri Late Night Shows: Telefutura Spanish TV: Mon - Fri Late Night Shows: Univision Spanish TV: Once A Week Programs: Telemundo Spanish TV: Once A Week Programs: Telefutura Spanish TV: Once A Week Programs: Univision Spanish TV: Sports Programs: Telemundo Spanish TV: Sports Programs: Telefutura Spanish TV: Sports Programs: Univision Spanish TV: Seasonal Sports: Telemundo Spanish TV: Seasonal Sports: Telefutura Spanish TV: Seasonal Sports: Univision Spanish TV: Annual Events/Specials: Telemundo Spanish TV: Annual Events/Specials: Telefutura Spanish TV: Annual Events/Specials: Univision Spanish Television: Types - Any viewed: Mon - Fri News Programs Spanish Television: Types - Any viewed: Early Morning Programs Spanish Television: Types - Any viewed: Daytime Programs Spanish Television: Types - Any viewed: Monday through Friday Programs Spanish Television: Types - Any viewed: Mon - Fri Late Night Shows Spanish Television: Types - Any viewed: Once A Week Programs Spanish Television: Types - Any viewed: Sports Programs Spanish Television: Types - Any viewed: Seasonal Sports Spanish Television: Types - Any viewed: Soap Operas/Novelas-Daytime Spanish Television: Types - Any viewed: Soap operas/Novelas-Primetime Spanish Television: Types - Any viewed: Annual Events/Specials Media Yellow Pages MRYPAG001A MRYPAG002A MRYPAG003A MRYPAG004A MRYPAG005A MRYPAG006A MRYPAG007A MRYPAG008A MRYPAG009A MRYPAG010A MRYPAG011A MRYPAG012A MRYPAG013A MRYPAG014A MRYPAG015A MRYPAG016A MRYPAG017A MRYPAG018A MRYPAG019A MRYPAG020A MRYPAG021A MRYPAG022A Used Yellow Pages/Int YP to Find Attorney (Last Year) Used Yellow Pages/Int YP to Find Auto Dealer/Sales (Last Year) Used Yellow Pages/Int YP to Find Auto Parts/Supplies (Last Year) Used Yellow Pages/Int YP to Find Auto Repair/Services (Last Year) Used Yellow Pages/Int YP to Find Auto (Other) Last Year Used Yellow Pages/Int YP to Find Banking/Fin/Ins (Last Year) Used Yellow Pages/Int YP to Find Beauty Salon (Last Year) Used Yellow Pages/Int YP to Find Other Personal Care (Last Year) Used Yellow Pages/Int YP to Find Carpet Cleaning (Last Year) Used Yellow Pages/Int YP to Find Dept Stores (Last Year) Used Yellow Pages/Int YP to Find Doctors/Dentists/Other Med (Last Year) Used Yellow Pages/Int YP to Find Education/Schools (Last Year) Used Yellow Pages/Int YP to Find Electronics (Last Year) Used Yellow Pages/Int YP to Find Florist (Last Year) Used Yellow Pages/Int YP to Find Home Appliance Repairs (Last Year) Used Yellow Pages/Int YP to Find Home Improvement/Repairs (Last Year) Used Yellow Pages/Int YP to Find Household Furnishings (Last Year) Used Yellow Pages/Int YP to Find Jewelers (Last Year) Used Yellow Pages/Int YP to Find Pizza (Last Year) Used Yellow Pages/Int YP to Find Pharmacies (Last Year) Used Yellow Pages/Int YP to Find Plumber/Electrician (Last Year) Used Yellow Pages/Int YP to Find Real Estate (Last Year) Page 101 MRYPAG023A MRYPAG024A MRYPAG025A MRYPAG026A MRYPAG027A MRYPAG028A MRYPAG029A MRYPAG030A Used Yellow Pages/Int YP to Find Restaurants (Last Year) Used Yellow Pages/Int YP to Find Sports/Leisure Activities (Last Year) Used Yellow Pages/Int YP to Find Supermarket/Grocers (Last Year) Used Yellow Pages/Int YP to Find Theatres (Last Year) Used Yellow Pages/Int YP to Find Airlines/Tickets (Last Year) Used Yellow Pages/Int YP to Find Hotels/Motels (Last Year) Used Yellow Pages/Int YP to Find Other Travel Services (Last Year) Used Yellow Pages/Int YP to Find Other (Last Year) Personal Care MRPERC001A MRPERC002A MRPERC003A MRPERC004A MRPERC005A MRPERC006A MRPERC007A MRPERC008A MRPERC009A MRPERC010A MRPERC011A MRPERC012A MRPERC013A MRPERC014A MRPERC015A MRPERC016A MRPERC017A MRPERC018A MRPERC019A MRPERC020A MRPERC021A MRPERC022A MRPERC023A MRPERC024A MRPERC025A MRPERC026A MRPERC027A MRPERC028A MRPERC029A MRPERC030A MRPERC031A MRPERC032A MRPERC033A MRPERC034A MRPERC035A MRPERC036A MRPERC037A MRPERC038A MRPERC039A MRPERC040A MRPERC041A MRPERC042A MRPERC043A MRPERC044A Caregiver/Caretaker: Primary caregiver/caretaker Caregiver/Caretaker - Age of patient(s): Less than 18 years old Caregiver/Caretaker - Age of patient(s): 18-64 years old Caregiver/Caretaker - Age of patient(s): 65 years or older Caregiver/Caretaker - Patient's relationship to you: Relative Caregiver/Caretaker - Patient's relationship to you: Friend Caregiver/Caretaker - Patient's relationship to you: Other Caregiver/Caretaker - Services/Support Provide: Assist with chores Caregiver/Caretaker - Services/Support Provide: Assist with personal care Caregiver/Caretaker - Services/Support Provide: Give medication Caregiver/Caretaker - Services/Support Provide: Make doctor's appointments Caregiver/Caretaker - Services/Support Provide: Provide transportation Caregiver/Caretaker - Services/Support Provide: Research medical information Caregiver/Caretaker - Services/Support Provide: Other Condoms - Bought: Any Condoms - Bought: Latex Condoms - Bought: Natural Skin Condoms - Bought: Durex Condoms - Bought: LifeStyles Condoms - Bought: Naturalamb Condoms - Bought: Trojan Condoms - Bought: Trojan-ENZ Condoms - Bought: Trojan Her Pleasure Condoms - Bought: Trojan Magnum Condoms - Bought: Other Visited A Doctor in the Past Year Used Lactose Intolerance Products (Last 6 Months) Personal Care Services: Hair cut Personal Care Services: Hair color/highlights Personal Care Services: Perm/body wave Personal Care Services: Facial Personal Care Services: Massage Personal Care Services: Body treatments Personal Care Services: Manicure Personal Care Services: Pedicure Personal Care Services: Waxing Personal Care Services: Other hair removal Personal Care Services: Tanning Personal Care Services: Make-up application/makeover Personal Care Services: Other services Personal Care Services: Visited a dayspa Personal Care Services: Purchased products at a salon or dayspa Used Sunburn Remedies (Last Year) Used Suntan and Sunscreen Products (Last Year) Psychographics Alternative Advertising MRPYAA001A MRPYAA002A MRPYAA003A MRPYAA004A MRPYAA005A MRPYAA006A MRPYAA007A MRPYAA008A MRPYAA009A MRPYAA010A MRPYAA011A MRPYAA012A MRPYAA013A MRPYAA014A MRPYAA015A Alternative Adv: Billboards Considerable Interest Alternative Adv: Billboards Some Interest Alternative Adv: Billboards Not Much Interest Alternative Adv: Ads on buses/trains Considerable Interest Alternative Adv: Ads on buses/trains Some Interest Alternative Adv: Ads on buses/trains Not Much Interest Alternative Adv: Ads at bus stops or train stations Considerable Interest Alternative Adv: Ads at bus stops or train stations Some Interest Alternative Adv: Ads at bus stops or train stations Not Much Interest Alternative Adv: Ads inside taxis Considerable Interest Alternative Adv: Ads inside taxis Some Interest Alternative Adv: Ads inside taxis Not Much Interest Alternative Adv: Ads on top of taxis Considerable Interest Alternative Adv: Ads on top of taxis Some Interest Alternative Adv: Ads on top of taxis Not Much Interest Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. 2012A MRPYAA016A Alternative Adv: Ads at sports or entertainment events Considerable Interest MRPYAA017A Alternative Adv: Ads at sports or entertainment events Some Interest MRPYAA018A Alternative Adv: Ads at sports or entertainment events Not Much Interest MRPYAA019A Alternative Adv: Ads on elevators Considerable Interest MRPYAA020A Alternative Adv: Ads on elevators Some Interest MRPYAA021A Alternative Adv: Ads on elevators Not Much Interest MRPYAA022A Alternative Adv: Ads on postcards Considerable Interest MRPYAA023A Alternative Adv: Ads on postcards Some Interest MRPYAA024A Alternative Adv: Ads on postcards Not Much Interest MRPYAA025A Alternative Adv: Ads sent to a cellphone or other mobile device Considerable Interest MRPYAA026A Alternative Adv: Ads sent to a cellphone or other mobile device Some Interest MRPYAA027A Alternative Adv: Ads sent to a cellphone or other mobile device Not Much Interest MRPYAA028A Alternative Adv: Ads at the movies Considerable Interest MRPYAA029A Alternative Adv: Ads at the movies Some Interest MRPYAA030A Alternative Adv: Ads at the movies Not Much Interest MRPYAA031A Alternative Adv: Ads in store (not video ads) Considerable Interest MRPYAA032A Alternative Adv: Ads in store (not video ads) Some Interest MRPYAA033A Alternative Adv: Ads in store (not video ads) Not Much Interest MRPYAA034A Alternative Adv: Video Ads in stores Considerable Interest MRPYAA035A Alternative Adv: Video Ads in stores Some Interest MRPYAA036A Alternative Adv: Video Ads in stores Not Much Interest MRPYAA037A Alternative Adv: Infomercials Considerable Interest MRPYAA038A Alternative Adv: Infomercials Some Interest MRPYAA039A Alternative Adv: Infomercials Not Much Interest MRPYAA040A Alternative Adv: Offers or Ads sent to your home by mail Considerable Interest MRPYAA041A Alternative Adv: Offers or Ads sent to your home by mail Some Interest MRPYAA042A Alternative Adv: Offers or Ads sent to your home by mail Not Much Interest MRPYAA043A Alternative Adv: Product placement in video games Considerable Interest MRPYAA044A Alternative Adv: Product placement in video games Some Interest MRPYAA045A Alternative Adv: Product placement in video games Not Much Interest MRPYAA046A Alternative Adv: Product placement in TV shows Considerable Interest MRPYAA047A Alternative Adv: Product placement in TV shows Some Interest MRPYAA048A Alternative Adv: Product placement in TV shows Not Much Interest MRPYAA049A Alternative Adv: Product placement in movies Considerable Interest MRPYAA050A Alternative Adv: Product placement in movies Some Interest MRPYAA051A Alternative Adv: Product placement in movies Not Much Interest Automotive Attitudes MRPYAU001A MRPYAU002A MRPYAU003A MRPYAU004A MRPYAU005A MRPYAU006A MRPYAU007A MRPYAU008A MRPYAU009A MRPYAU010A MRPYAU011A MRPYAU012A MRPYAU013A MRPYAU014A MRPYAU015A MRPYAU016A MRPYAU017A MRPYAU018A MRPYAU019A MRPYAU020A MRPYAU021A MRPYAU022A I want a vehicle that has both car comforts and truck capabilities. (DC) I want a vehicle that has both car comforts and truck capabilities. (DS) I want a vehicle that has both car comforts and truck capabilities. (AS) I want a vehicle that has both car comforts and truck capabilities. (AC) I plan to buy the vehicle that best meets my needs (make/origin not important). (DC) I plan to buy the vehicle that best meets my needs (make/origin not important). (DS) I plan to buy the vehicle that best meets my needs (make/origin not important). (AS) I plan to buy the vehicle that best meets my needs (make/origin not important). (AC) The vehicle a person owns says a lot about him or her. (DC) The vehicle a person owns says a lot about him or her. (DS) The vehicle a person owns says a lot about him or her. (AS) The vehicle a person owns says a lot about him or her. (AC) I often take the opportunity to discuss my knowledge of automobiles with others. (DC) I often take the opportunity to discuss my knowledge of automobiles with others. (DS) I often take the opportunity to discuss my knowledge of automobiles with others. (AS) I often take the opportunity to discuss my knowledge of automobiles with others. (AC) I consider myself to be an automotive enthusiast. (DC) I consider myself to be an automotive enthusiast. (DS) I consider myself to be an automotive enthusiast. (AS) I consider myself to be an automotive enthusiast. (AC) I buy vehicles that reflect my commitment to support the environment. (DC) I buy vehicles that reflect my commitment to support the environment. (DS) Master Variable List Page 102 MRPYAU023A I buy vehicles that reflect my commitment to support the environment. (AS) MRPYAU024A I buy vehicles that reflect my commitment to support the environment. (AC) MRPYAU025A I seek out vehicles with bold, innovative designs that stand apart from others. (DC) MRPYAU026A I seek out vehicles with bold, innovative designs that stand apart from others. (DS) MRPYAU027A I seek out vehicles with bold, innovative designs that stand apart from others. (AS) MRPYAU028A I seek out vehicles with bold, innovative designs that stand apart from others. (AC) MRPYAU029A I think of vehicles as basic transportation. (DC) MRPYAU030A I think of vehicles as basic transportation. (DS) MRPYAU031A I think of vehicles as basic transportation. (AS) MRPYAU032A I think of vehicles as basic transportation. (AC) MRPYAU033A I look forward to technology advances in new vehicles. (DC) MRPYAU034A I look forward to technology advances in new vehicles. (DS) MRPYAU035A I look forward to technology advances in new vehicles. (AS) MRPYAU036A I look forward to technology advances in new vehicles. (AC) MRPYAU037A The quality of workmanship/construction of a vehicle is most important. (DC) MRPYAU038A The quality of workmanship/construction of a vehicle is most important. (DS) MRPYAU039A The quality of workmanship/construction of a vehicle is most important. (AS) MRPYAU040A The quality of workmanship/construction of a vehicle is most important. (AC) MRPYAU041A I enjoy learning about automobiles from others. (DC) MRPYAU042A I enjoy learning about automobiles from others. (DS) MRPYAU043A I enjoy learning about automobiles from others. (AS) MRPYAU044A I enjoy learning about automobiles from others. (AC) MRPYAU045A I research/compare as many vehicles as possible before making my purchase decision. (DC) MRPYAU046A I research/compare as many vehicles as possible before making my purchase decision. (DS) MRPYAU047A I research/compare as many vehicles as possible before making my purchase decision. (AS) MRPYAU048A I research/compare as many vehicles as possible before making my purchase decision. (AC) MRPYAU049A When I find a vehicle that I like, I typically recommend it to people I know. (DC) MRPYAU050A When I find a vehicle that I like, I typically recommend it to people I know. (DS) MRPYAU051A When I find a vehicle that I like, I typically recommend it to people I know. (AS) MRPYAU052A When I find a vehicle that I like, I typically recommend it to people I know. (AC) MRPYAU053A My first consideration in choosing a vehicle is its exterior styling. (DC) MRPYAU054A My first consideration in choosing a vehicle is its exterior styling. (DS) MRPYAU055A My first consideration in choosing a vehicle is its exterior styling. (AS) MRPYAU056A My first consideration in choosing a vehicle is its exterior styling. (AC) MRPYAU057A I look for vehicles that offer spirited performance and powerful acceleration (DC) MRPYAU058A I look for vehicles that offer spirited performance and powerful acceleration (DS) MRPYAU059A I look for vehicles that offer spirited performance and powerful acceleration (AS) MRPYAU060A I look for vehicles that offer spirited performance and powerful acceleration (AC) MRPYAU061A Having a vehicle that is fun to drive is a top consideration in purchasing decision. (DC) MRPYAU062A Having a vehicle that is fun to drive is a top consideration in purchasing decision. (DS) MRPYAU063A Having a vehicle that is fun to drive is a top consideration in purchasing decision. (AS) MRPYAU064A Having a vehicle that is fun to drive is a top consideration in purchasing decision. (AC) MRPYAU065A I enjoy personalizing my vehicle to reflect my individual tastes. (DC) MRPYAU066A I enjoy personalizing my vehicle to reflect my individual tastes. (DS) MRPYAU067A I enjoy personalizing my vehicle to reflect my individual tastes. (AS) MRPYAU068A I enjoy personalizing my vehicle to reflect my individual tastes. (AC) MRPYAU069A I often ask the advice of others when it comes to automobiles. (DC) MRPYAU070A I often ask the advice of others when it comes to automobiles. (DS) MRPYAU071A I often ask the advice of others when it comes to automobiles. (AS) MRPYAU072A I often ask the advice of others when it comes to automobiles. (AC) MRPYAU073A I prefer buying models of vehicles that I or people I know have owned and like. (DC) Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A MRPYAU074A I prefer buying models of vehicles that I or people I know have owned and like. (DS) MRPYAU075A I prefer buying models of vehicles that I or people I know have owned and like. (AS) MRPYAU076A I prefer buying models of vehicles that I or people I know have owned and like. (AC) MRPYAU077A I want the cheapest and easiest to maintain vehicle I can find. (DC) MRPYAU078A I want the cheapest and easiest to maintain vehicle I can find. (DS) MRPYAU079A I want the cheapest and easiest to maintain vehicle I can find. (AS) MRPYAU080A I want the cheapest and easiest to maintain vehicle I can find. (AC) MRPYAU081A I generally purchase the most expensive model w all the luxury appointments/options. (DC) MRPYAU082A I generally purchase the most expensive model w all the luxury appointments/options. (DS) MRPYAU083A I generally purchase the most expensive model w all the luxury appointments/options. (AS) MRPYAU084A I generally purchase the most expensive model w all the luxury appointments/options. (AC) MRPYAU085A People often ask my advice when it comes to automobiles. (DC) MRPYAU086A People often ask my advice when it comes to automobiles. (DS) MRPYAU087A People often ask my advice when it comes to automobiles. (AS) MRPYAU088A People often ask my advice when it comes to automobiles. (AC) MRPYAU089A Having a versatile vehicle to accommodate my busy lifestyle is important to me. (DC) MRPYAU090A Having a versatile vehicle to accommodate my busy lifestyle is important to me. (DS) MRPYAU091A Having a versatile vehicle to accommodate my busy lifestyle is important to me. (AS) MRPYAU092A Having a versatile vehicle to accommodate my busy lifestyle is important to me. (AC) MRPYAU093A Rebates and incentives strongly influence my new vehicle purchase decisions. (DC) MRPYAU094A Rebates and incentives strongly influence my new vehicle purchase decisions. (DS) MRPYAU095A Rebates and incentives strongly influence my new vehicle purchase decisions. (AS) MRPYAU096A Rebates and incentives strongly influence my new vehicle purchase decisions. (AC) MRPYAU097A I consider safety first when shopping for a new vehicle. (DC) MRPYAU098A I consider safety first when shopping for a new vehicle. (DS) MRPYAU099A I consider safety first when shopping for a new vehicle. (AS) MRPYAU100A I consider safety first when shopping for a new vehicle. (AC) MRPYAU101A I always follow the advice of my mechanic. (DC) MRPYAU102A I always follow the advice of my mechanic. (DS) MRPYAU103A I always follow the advice of my mechanic. (AS) MRPYAU104A I always follow the advice of my mechanic. (AC) MRPYAU105A I always maintain my vehicle as recommended by the manufacturer's manual. (DC) MRPYAU106A I always maintain my vehicle as recommended by the manufacturer's manual. (DS) MRPYAU107A I always maintain my vehicle as recommended by the manufacturer's manual. (AS) MRPYAU108A I always maintain my vehicle as recommended by the manufacturer's manual. (AC) Page 103 MRPYBY017A MRPYBY018A MRPYBY019A MRPYBY020A MRPYBY021A MRPYBY022A MRPYBY023A MRPYBY024A MRPYBY025A MRPYBY026A MRPYBY027A MRPYBY028A MRPYBY029A MRPYBY030A MRPYBY031A MRPYBY032A MRPYBY033A MRPYBY034A MRPYBY035A MRPYBY036A MRPYBY037A MRPYBY038A MRPYBY039A MRPYBY040A MRPYBY041A MRPYBY042A MRPYBY043A MRPYBY044A MRPYBY045A MRPYBY046A MRPYBY047A MRPYBY048A MRPYBY049A MRPYBY050A MRPYBY051A MRPYBY052A MRPYBY053A MRPYBY054A MRPYBY055A MRPYBY056A MRPYBY057A MRPYBY058A Buying Styles MRPYBY059A MRPYBY001A MRPYBY002A MRPYBY003A MRPYBY004A MRPYBY005A MRPYBY060A MRPYBY006A MRPYBY007A MRPYBY008A MRPYBY009A MRPYBY010A MRPYBY011A MRPYBY012A MRPYBY013A MRPYBY014A MRPYBY015A MRPYBY016A Buying American products is important to me. (DM) Buying American products is important to me. (DS) Buying American products is important to me. (AS) Buying American products is important to me. (AM) I know the price I pay for most of the foods and packaged goods I buy. (DM) I know the price I pay for most of the foods and packaged goods I buy. (DS) I know the price I pay for most of the foods and packaged goods I buy. (AS) I know the price I pay for most of the foods and packaged goods I buy. (AM) I think shopping is a great way to relax. (DM) I think shopping is a great way to relax. (DS) I think shopping is a great way to relax. (AS) I think shopping is a great way to relax. (AM) I enjoy wandering the store looking for new, interesting products. (DM) I enjoy wandering the store looking for new, interesting products. (DS) I enjoy wandering the store looking for new, interesting products. (AS) I enjoy wandering the store looking for new, interesting products. (AM) MRPYBY061A MRPYBY062A MRPYBY063A MRPYBY064A MRPYBY065A MRPYBY066A MRPYBY067A MRPYBY068A MRPYBY069A MRPYBY070A MRPYBY071A MRPYBY072A MRPYBY073A MRPYBY074A MRPYBY075A MRPYBY076A MRPYBY077A MRPYBY078A MRPYBY079A I don't make purchase decisions based on advertising. (DM) I don't make purchase decisions based on advertising. (DS) I don't make purchase decisions based on advertising. (AS) I don't make purchase decisions based on advertising. (AM) I like to shop around before making a purchase. (DM) I like to shop around before making a purchase. (DS) I like to shop around before making a purchase. (AS) I like to shop around before making a purchase. (AM) If I really want something I will buy it on credit rather than wait. (DM) If I really want something I will buy it on credit rather than wait. (DS) If I really want something I will buy it on credit rather than wait. (AS) If I really want something I will buy it on credit rather than wait. (AM) I buy based on quality, not price. (DM) I buy based on quality, not price. (DS) I buy based on quality, not price. (AS) I buy based on quality, not price. (AM) I buy natural products because I am concerned about the environment. (DM) I buy natural products because I am concerned about the environment. (DS) I buy natural products because I am concerned about the environment. (AS) I buy natural products because I am concerned about the environment. (AM) Price is more important to me than brand names. (DM) Price is more important to me than brand names. (DS) Price is more important to me than brand names. (AS) Price is more important to me than brand names. (AM) It's important to me that salespeople be knowledgeable about their products. (DM) It's important to me that salespeople be knowledgeable about their products. (DS) It's important to me that salespeople be knowledgeable about their products. (AS) It's important to me that salespeople be knowledgeable about their products. (AM) I am influenced by what's hot and what's not. (DM) I am influenced by what's hot and what's not. (DS) I am influenced by what's hot and what's not. (AS) I am influenced by what's hot and what's not. (AM) How a personal care or household product smells is very important to me. (DM) How a personal care or household product smells is very important to me. (DS) How a personal care or household product smells is very important to me. (AS) How a personal care or household product smells is very important to me. (AM) My favorite grocery store offers low prices on all products every day. (DM) My favorite grocery store offers low prices on all products every day. (DS) My favorite grocery store offers low prices on all products every day. (AS) My favorite grocery store offers low prices on all products every day. (AM) A celebrity endorsement may influence me to consider or buy a product. (DM) A celebrity endorsement may influence me to consider or buy a product. (DS) A celebrity endorsement may influence me to consider or buy a product. (AS) A celebrity endorsement may influence me to consider or buy a product. (AM) I only use coupons for those brands I usually buy. (DM) I only use coupons for those brands I usually buy. (DS) I only use coupons for those brands I usually buy. (AS) I only use coupons for those brands I usually buy. (AM) I am annoyed by all of the signs in the stores. (DM) I am annoyed by all of the signs in the stores. (DS) I am annoyed by all of the signs in the stores. (AS) I am annoyed by all of the signs in the stores. (AM) I expect the brands I buy to support social causes. (DM) I expect the brands I buy to support social causes. (DS) I expect the brands I buy to support social causes. (AS) I expect the brands I buy to support social causes. (AM) I often seek the advice of others before making a purchase. (DM) I often seek the advice of others before making a purchase. (DS) I often seek the advice of others before making a purchase. (AS) I often seek the advice of others before making a purchase. (AM) I am willing to trade product convenience for environmental safety. (DM) I am willing to trade product convenience for environmental safety. (DS) I am willing to trade product convenience for environmental safety. (AS) Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. 2012A MRPYBY080A MRPYBY081A MRPYBY082A MRPYBY083A MRPYBY084A MRPYBY085A MRPYBY086A MRPYBY087A MRPYBY088A MRPYBY089A MRPYBY090A MRPYBY091A MRPYBY092A MRPYBY093A MRPYBY094A MRPYBY095A MRPYBY096A MRPYBY097A MRPYBY098A MRPYBY099A MRPYBY100A MRPYBY101A MRPYBY102A MRPYBY103A MRPYBY104A MRPYBY105A MRPYBY106A MRPYBY107A MRPYBY108A MRPYBY109A MRPYBY110A MRPYBY111A MRPYBY112A MRPYBY113A MRPYBY114A MRPYBY115A MRPYBY116A MRPYBY117A MRPYBY118A MRPYBY119A MRPYBY120A MRPYBY121A MRPYBY122A MRPYBY123A MRPYBY124A MRPYBY125A MRPYBY126A MRPYBY127A MRPYBY128A MRPYBY129A MRPYBY130A MRPYBY131A MRPYBY132A MRPYBY133A MRPYBY134A MRPYBY135A MRPYBY136A MRPYBY137A MRPYBY138A MRPYBY139A I am willing to trade product convenience for environmental safety. (AM) Shopping used to be more enjoyable. (DM) Shopping used to be more enjoyable. (DS) Shopping used to be more enjoyable. (AS) Shopping used to be more enjoyable. (AM) I buy brands that reflect my style. (DM) I buy brands that reflect my style. (DS) I buy brands that reflect my style. (AS) I buy brands that reflect my style. (AM) People often come to me for advice before making a purchase. (DM) People often come to me for advice before making a purchase. (DS) People often come to me for advice before making a purchase. (AS) People often come to me for advice before making a purchase. (AM) I tend to make impulse purchases. (DM) I tend to make impulse purchases. (DS) I tend to make impulse purchases. (AS) I tend to make impulse purchases. (AM) I buy the brands I grew up with, the ones my parents used. (DM) I buy the brands I grew up with, the ones my parents used. (DS) I buy the brands I grew up with, the ones my parents used. (AS) I buy the brands I grew up with, the ones my parents used. (AM) I prefer products that offer the latest in new technology. (DM) I prefer products that offer the latest in new technology. (DS) I prefer products that offer the latest in new technology. (AS) I prefer products that offer the latest in new technology. (AM) My number one goal when shopping is to save as much money as possible. (DM) My number one goal when shopping is to save as much money as possible. (DS) My number one goal when shopping is to save as much money as possible. (AS) My number one goal when shopping is to save as much money as possible. (AM) I always check the ingr/nutritional content of food products before I buy them. (DM) I always check the ingr/nutritional content of food products before I buy them. (DS) I always check the ingr/nutritional content of food products before I buy them. (AS) I always check the ingr/nutritional content of food products before I buy them. (AM) I don't have time to bother clipping or saving coupons. (DM) I don't have time to bother clipping or saving coupons. (DS) I don't have time to bother clipping or saving coupons. (AS) I don't have time to bother clipping or saving coupons. (AM) My children have a significant impact on the brands I choose. (DM) My children have a significant impact on the brands I choose. (DS) My children have a significant impact on the brands I choose. (AS) My children have a significant impact on the brands I choose. (AM) I smell personal care and household products in the store before I buy them. (DM) I smell personal care and household products in the store before I buy them. (DS) I smell personal care and household products in the store before I buy them. (AS) I smell personal care and household products in the store before I buy them. (AM) I would pay extra for a product that is consistent with the image I want to convey. (DM) I would pay extra for a product that is consistent with the image I want to convey. (DS) I would pay extra for a product that is consistent with the image I want to convey. (AS) I would pay extra for a product that is consistent with the image I want to convey. (AM) My spouse has a significant impact on the brands I choose. (DM) My spouse has a significant impact on the brands I choose. (DS) My spouse has a significant impact on the brands I choose. (AS) My spouse has a significant impact on the brands I choose. (AM) When I find a brand I like, I stick to it. (DM) When I find a brand I like, I stick to it. (DS) When I find a brand I like, I stick to it. (AS) When I find a brand I like, I stick to it. (AM) If a product is made by a company I trust, I'll buy it even if slightly higher cost. (DM) If a product is made by a company I trust, I'll buy it even if slightly higher cost. (DS) If a product is made by a company I trust, I'll buy it even if slightly higher cost. (AS) Master Variable List Page 104 MRPYBY140A If a product is made by a company I trust, I'll buy it even if slightly higher cost. (AM) MRPYBY141A I like to change brands often for the sake of variety and novelty. (DM) MRPYBY142A I like to change brands often for the sake of variety and novelty. (DS) MRPYBY143A I like to change brands often for the sake of variety and novelty. (AS) MRPYBY144A I like to change brands often for the sake of variety and novelty. (AM) MRPYBY145A I buy natural products because I am concerned about my and my family's health. (DM) MRPYBY146A I buy natural products because I am concerned about my and my family's health. (DS) MRPYBY147A I buy natural products because I am concerned about my and my family's health. (AS) MRPYBY148A I buy natural products because I am concerned about my and my family's health. (AM) MRPYBY149A I think if a manufacturer offers a coupon, I am probably overcharged to begin with. (DM) MRPYBY150A I think if a manufacturer offers a coupon, I am probably overcharged to begin with. (DS) MRPYBY151A I think if a manufacturer offers a coupon, I am probably overcharged to begin with. (AS) MRPYBY152A I think if a manufacturer offers a coupon, I am probably overcharged to begin with. (AM) MRPYBY153A The service at a store is an important part of my decision to shop there. (DM) MRPYBY154A The service at a store is an important part of my decision to shop there. (DS) MRPYBY155A The service at a store is an important part of my decision to shop there. (AS) MRPYBY156A The service at a store is an important part of my decision to shop there. (AM) MRPYBY157A I will gladly switch brands to use a coupon. (DM) MRPYBY158A I will gladly switch brands to use a coupon. (DS) MRPYBY159A I will gladly switch brands to use a coupon. (AS) MRPYBY160A I will gladly switch brands to use a coupon. (AM) MRPYBY161A I am more likely to purchase brands that support a cause I care about. (DM) MRPYBY162A I am more likely to purchase brands that support a cause I care about. (DS) MRPYBY163A I am more likely to purchase brands that support a cause I care about. (AS) MRPYBY164A I am more likely to purchase brands that support a cause I care about. (AM) MRPYBY165A I'm always one of the first of my friends to try new products or services (DM) MRPYBY166A I'm always one of the first of my friends to try new products or services (DS) MRPYBY167A I'm always one of the first of my friends to try new products or services (AS) MRPYBY168A I'm always one of the first of my friends to try new products or services (AM) MRPYBY169A I prefer a store that has a large selection of familiar brands. (DM) MRPYBY170A I prefer a store that has a large selection of familiar brands. (DS) MRPYBY171A I prefer a store that has a large selection of familiar brands. (AS) MRPYBY172A I prefer a store that has a large selection of familiar brands. (AM) MRPYBY173A I usually like to wait until other people have tried things before I try them myself. (DM) MRPYBY174A I usually like to wait until other people have tried things before I try them myself. (DS) MRPYBY175A I usually like to wait until other people have tried things before I try them myself. (AS) MRPYBY176A I usually like to wait until other people have tried things before I try them myself. (AM) MRPYBY177A Generic or store brand products are as effective as brand-name products (DM) MRPYBY178A Generic or store brand products are as effective as brand-name products (DS) MRPYBY179A Generic or store brand products are as effective as brand-name products (AS) MRPYBY180A Generic or store brand products are as effective as brand-name products (AM) MRPYBY181A I'd rather receive a sample of a product than a coupon. (DM) MRPYBY182A I'd rather receive a sample of a product than a coupon. (DS) MRPYBY183A I'd rather receive a sample of a product than a coupon. (AS) MRPYBY184A I'd rather receive a sample of a product than a coupon. (AM) MRPYBY185A I am willing to pay more for a product that is environmentally safe. (DM) MRPYBY186A I am willing to pay more for a product that is environmentally safe. (DS) MRPYBY187A I am willing to pay more for a product that is environmentally safe. (AS) MRPYBY188A I am willing to pay more for a product that is environmentally safe. (AM) Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A MRPYBY189A I prefer to shop at stores that specialize in a specific type or style of product. (DM) MRPYBY190A I prefer to shop at stores that specialize in a specific type or style of product. (DS) MRPYBY191A I prefer to shop at stores that specialize in a specific type or style of product. (AS) MRPYBY192A I prefer to shop at stores that specialize in a specific type or style of product. (AM) MRPYBY193A Brand name is the best indication of quality. (DM) MRPYBY194A Brand name is the best indication of quality. (DS) MRPYBY195A Brand name is the best indication of quality. (AS) MRPYBY196A Brand name is the best indication of quality. (AM) MRPYBY197A I prefer to buy things my friends or neighbors would approve of. (DM) MRPYBY198A I prefer to buy things my friends or neighbors would approve of. (DS) MRPYBY199A I prefer to buy things my friends or neighbors would approve of. (AS) MRPYBY200A I prefer to buy things my friends or neighbors would approve of. (AM) Categories Influentials Segments MRPYIN001A MRPYIN002A MRPYIN003A MRPYIN004A MRPYIN005A MRPYIN006A MRPYIN007A MRPYIN008A MRPYIN009A MRPYIN010A MRPYIN011A MRPYIN012A MRPYIN013A MRPYIN014A MRPYIN015A MRPYIN016A MRPYIN017A MRPYIN018A MRPYIN019A MRPYIN020A MRPYIN021A MRPYIN022A MRPYIN023A MRPYIN024A MRPYIN025A MRPYIN026A MRPYIN027A MRPYIN028A MRPYIN029A MRPYIN030A MRPYIN031A MRPYIN032A MRPYIN033A MRPYIN034A MRPYIN035A MRPYIN036A MRPYIN037A MRPYIN038A MRPYIN039A MRPYIN040A MRPYIN041A MRPYIN042A MRPYIN043A MRPYIN044A MRPYIN045A MRPYIN046A MRPYIN047A MRPYIN048A MRPYIN049A MRPYIN050A MRPYIN051A MRPYIN052A MRPYIN053A MRPYIN054A Influentials*: Healthcare I have a great deal of know/exper in this Influentials*: Healthcare My family/friends often ask/trust my advice Influentials*: Healthcare Super Influential Consumers Influentials*: Healthcare Category Influential Consumers Influentials*: Physical Fitness I have a great deal of know/exper in this Influentials*: Physical Fitness My family/friends often ask/trust my advice Influentials*: Physical Fitness Super Influential Consumers Influentials*: Physical Fitness Category Influential Consumers Influentials*: Healthy Lifestyle I have a great deal of know/exper in this Influentials*: Healthy Lifestyle My family/friends often ask/trust my advice Influentials*: Healthy Lifestyle Super Influential Consumers Influentials*: Healthy Lifestyle Category Influential Consumers Influentials*: Environmentally-Friendlyprods I have a great deal of know/exper in this Influentials*: Environmentally-Friendlyprods My family/friends often ask/trust my advice Influentials*: Environmentally-Friendlyprods Super Influential Consumers Influentials*: Environmentally-Friendlyprods Category Influential Consumers Influentials*: Prescription Drugs I have a great deal of know/exper in this Influentials*: Prescription Drugs My family/friends often ask/trust my advice Influentials*: Prescription Drugs Super Influential Consumers Influentials*: Prescription Drugs Category Influential Consumers Influentials*: Dieting I have a great deal of know/exper in this Influentials*: Dieting My family/friends often ask/trust my advice Influentials*: Dieting Super Influential Consumers Influentials*: Dieting Category Influential Consumers Influentials*: Cooking I have a great deal of know/exper in this Influentials*: Cooking My family/friends often ask/trust my advice Influentials*: Cooking Super Influential Consumers Influentials*: Cooking Category Influential Consumers Influentials*: Snack I have a great deal of know/exper in this Influentials*: Snack My family/friends often ask/trust my advice Influentials*: Snack Super Influential Consumers Influentials*: Snack Category Influential Consumers Influentials*: New Food items I have a great deal of know/exper in this Influentials*: New Food items My family/friends often ask/trust my advice Influentials*: New Food items Super Influential Consumers Influentials*: New Food items Category Influential Consumers Influentials*: Grocery Shopping I have a great deal of know/exper in this Influentials*: Grocery Shopping My family/friends often ask/trust my advice Influentials*: Grocery Shopping Super Influential Consumers Influentials*: Grocery Shopping Category Influential Consumers Influentials*: Cleaningprods I have a great deal of know/exper in this Influentials*: Cleaningprods My family/friends often ask/trust my advice Influentials*: Cleaningprods Super Influential Consumers Influentials*: Cleaningprods Category Influential Consumers Influentials*: Beauty I have a great deal of know/exper in this Influentials*: Beauty My family/friends often ask/trust my advice Influentials*: Beauty Super Influential Consumers Influentials*: Beauty Category Influential Consumers Influentials*: Fashion - Clothes I have a great deal of know/exper in this Influentials*: Fashion - Clothes My family/friends often ask/trust my advice Influentials*: Fashion - Clothes Super Influential Consumers Influentials*: Fashion - Clothes Category Influential Consumers Influentials*: Fashion - Shoes I have a great deal of know/exper in this Influentials*: Fashion - Shoes My family/friends often ask/trust my advice Page 105 MRPYIN055A MRPYIN056A MRPYIN057A MRPYIN058A MRPYIN059A MRPYIN060A MRPYIN061A MRPYIN062A MRPYIN063A MRPYIN064A MRPYIN065A MRPYIN066A MRPYIN067A MRPYIN068A MRPYIN069A MRPYIN070A MRPYIN071A MRPYIN072A MRPYIN073A MRPYIN074A MRPYIN075A MRPYIN076A MRPYIN077A MRPYIN078A MRPYIN079A MRPYIN080A MRPYIN081A MRPYIN082A MRPYIN083A MRPYIN084A MRPYIN085A MRPYIN086A MRPYIN087A MRPYIN088A MRPYIN089A MRPYIN090A MRPYIN091A MRPYIN092A MRPYIN093A MRPYIN094A MRPYIN095A MRPYIN096A MRPYIN097A MRPYIN098A MRPYIN099A MRPYIN100A MRPYIN101A MRPYIN102A MRPYIN103A MRPYIN104A MRPYIN105A MRPYIN106A MRPYIN107A MRPYIN108A MRPYIN109A MRPYIN110A MRPYIN111A MRPYIN112A MRPYIN113A MRPYIN114A MRPYIN115A MRPYIN116A MRPYIN117A MRPYIN118A MRPYIN119A MRPYIN120A MRPYIN121A MRPYIN122A MRPYIN123A MRPYIN124A MRPYIN125A MRPYIN126A MRPYIN127A MRPYIN128A Influentials*: Fashion - Shoes Super Influential Consumers Influentials*: Fashion - Shoes Category Influential Consumers Influentials*: Other Fashion I have a great deal of know/exper in this Influentials*: Other Fashion My family/friends often ask/trust my advice Influentials*: Other Fashion Super Influential Consumers Influentials*: Other Fashion Category Influential Consumers Influentials*: Shopping I have a great deal of know/exper in this Influentials*: Shopping My family/friends often ask/trust my advice Influentials*: Shopping Super Influential Consumers Influentials*: Shopping Category Influential Consumers Influentials*: Wine I have a great deal of know/exper in this Influentials*: Wine My family/friends often ask/trust my advice Influentials*: Wine Super Influential Consumers Influentials*: Wine Category Influential Consumers Influentials*: Beer I have a great deal of know/exper in this Influentials*: Beer My family/friends often ask/trust my advice Influentials*: Beer Super Influential Consumers Influentials*: Beer Category Influential Consumers Influentials*: Other Alcoholic Beverages I have a great deal of know/exper in this Influentials*: Other Alcoholic Beverages My family/friends often ask/trust my advice Influentials*: Other Alcoholic Beverages Super Influential Consumers Influentials*: Other Alcoholic Beverages Category Influential Consumers Influentials*: Coffee I have a great deal of know/exper in this Influentials*: Coffee My family/friends often ask/trust my advice Influentials*: Coffee Super Influential Consumers Influentials*: Coffee Category Influential Consumers Influentials*: Soft Drinks I have a great deal of know/exper in this Influentials*: Soft Drinks My family/friends often ask/trust my advice Influentials*: Soft Drinks Super Influential Consumers Influentials*: Soft Drinks Category Influential Consumers Influentials*: Automobiles I have a great deal of know/exper in this Influentials*: Automobiles My family/friends often ask/trust my advice Influentials*: Automobiles Super Influential Consumers Influentials*: Automobiles Category Influential Consumers Influentials*: Other Vehicles I have a great deal of know/exper in this Influentials*: Other Vehicles My family/friends often ask/trust my advice Influentials*: Other Vehicles Super Influential Consumers Influentials*: Other Vehicles Category Influential Consumers Influentials*: Automotiveprods I have a great deal of know/exper in this Influentials*: Automotiveprods My family/friends often ask/trust my advice Influentials*: Automotiveprods Super Influential Consumers Influentials*: Automotiveprods Category Influential Consumers Influentials*: Business Travel I have a great deal of know/exper in this Influentials*: Business Travel My family/friends often ask/trust my advice Influentials*: Business Travel Super Influential Consumers Influentials*: Business Travel Category Influential Consumers Influentials*: Vacation Travel I have a great deal of know/exper in this Influentials*: Vacation Travel My family/friends often ask/trust my advice Influentials*: Vacation Travel Super Influential Consumers Influentials*: Vacation Travel Category Influential Consumers Influentials*: Restaurants I have a great deal of know/exper in this Influentials*: Restaurants My family/friends often ask/trust my advice Influentials*: Restaurants Super Influential Consumers Influentials*: Restaurants Category Influential Consumers Influentials*: Finance/Investment I have a great deal of know/exper in this Influentials*: Finance/Investment My family/friends often ask/trust my advice Influentials*: Finance/Investment Super Influential Consumers Influentials*: Finance/Investment Category Influential Consumers Influentials*: Real Estate I have a great deal of know/exper in this Influentials*: Real Estate My family/friends often ask/trust my advice Influentials*: Real Estate Super Influential Consumers Influentials*: Real Estate Category Influential Consumers Influentials*: Insurance I have a great deal of know/exper in this Influentials*: Insurance My family/friends often ask/trust my advice Influentials*: Insurance Super Influential Consumers Influentials*: Insurance Category Influential Consumers Influentials*: Business I have a great deal of know/exper in this Influentials*: Business My family/friends often ask/trust my advice Influentials*: Business Super Influential Consumers Influentials*: Business Category Influential Consumers Influentials*: Home Remodeling I have a great deal of know/exper in this Influentials*: Home Remodeling My family/friends often ask/trust my advice Influentials*: Home Remodeling Super Influential Consumers Influentials*: Home Remodeling Category Influential Consumers Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A MRPYIN129A MRPYIN130A MRPYIN131A MRPYIN132A MRPYIN133A MRPYIN134A MRPYIN135A MRPYIN136A MRPYIN137A MRPYIN138A MRPYIN139A MRPYIN140A MRPYIN141A MRPYIN142A MRPYIN143A MRPYIN144A MRPYIN145A MRPYIN146A MRPYIN147A MRPYIN148A MRPYIN149A MRPYIN150A MRPYIN151A MRPYIN152A MRPYIN153A MRPYIN154A MRPYIN155A MRPYIN156A MRPYIN157A MRPYIN158A MRPYIN159A MRPYIN160A MRPYIN161A MRPYIN162A MRPYIN163A MRPYIN164A MRPYIN165A MRPYIN166A MRPYIN167A MRPYIN168A MRPYIN169A MRPYIN170A MRPYIN171A MRPYIN172A MRPYIN173A MRPYIN174A MRPYIN175A MRPYIN176A MRPYIN177A MRPYIN178A MRPYIN179A MRPYIN180A MRPYIN181A MRPYIN182A MRPYIN183A MRPYIN184A MRPYIN185A MRPYIN186A MRPYIN187A MRPYIN188A MRPYIN189A MRPYIN190A MRPYIN191A MRPYIN192A MRPYIN193A MRPYIN194A MRPYIN195A MRPYIN196A MRPYIN197A MRPYIN198A MRPYIN199A MRPYIN200A MRPYIN201A MRPYIN202A Influentials*: Household Furnishings I have a great deal of know/exper in this Influentials*: Household Furnishings My family/friends often ask/trust my advice Influentials*: Household Furnishings Super Influential Consumers Influentials*: Household Furnishings Category Influential Consumers Influentials*: Interior Decorating I have a great deal of know/exper in this Influentials*: Interior Decorating My family/friends often ask/trust my advice Influentials*: Interior Decorating Super Influential Consumers Influentials*: Interior Decorating Category Influential Consumers Influentials*: Gardening I have a great deal of know/exper in this Influentials*: Gardening My family/friends often ask/trust my advice Influentials*: Gardening Super Influential Consumers Influentials*: Gardening Category Influential Consumers Influentials*: Computers I have a great deal of know/exper in this Influentials*: Computers My family/friends often ask/trust my advice Influentials*: Computers Super Influential Consumers Influentials*: Computers Category Influential Consumers Influentials*: Home Electronics I have a great deal of know/exper in this Influentials*: Home Electronics My family/friends often ask/trust my advice Influentials*: Home Electronics Super Influential Consumers Influentials*: Home Electronics Category Influential Consumers Influentials*: New Technology I have a great deal of know/exper in this Influentials*: New Technology My family/friends often ask/trust my advice Influentials*: New Technology Super Influential Consumers Influentials*: New Technology Category Influential Consumers Influentials*: Mobile/Cell phones I have a great deal of know/exper in this Influentials*: Mobile/Cell phones My family/friends often ask/trust my advice Influentials*: Mobile/Cell phones Super Influential Consumers Influentials*: Mobile/Cell phones Category Influential Consumers Influentials*: Photography I have a great deal of know/exper in this Influentials*: Photography My family/friends often ask/trust my advice Influentials*: Photography Super Influential Consumers Influentials*: Photography Category Influential Consumers Influentials*: Video Games I have a great deal of know/exper in this Influentials*: Video Games My family/friends often ask/trust my advice Influentials*: Video Games Super Influential Consumers Influentials*: Video Games Category Influential Consumers Influentials*: Books I have a great deal of know/exper in this Influentials*: Books My family/friends often ask/trust my advice Influentials*: Books Super Influential Consumers Influentials*: Books Category Influential Consumers Influentials*: Movies I have a great deal of know/exper in this Influentials*: Movies My family/friends often ask/trust my advice Influentials*: Movies Super Influential Consumers Influentials*: Movies Category Influential Consumers Influentials*: TV Shows I have a great deal of know/exper in this Influentials*: TV Shows My family/friends often ask/trust my advice Influentials*: TV Shows Super Influential Consumers Influentials*: TV Shows Category Influential Consumers Influentials*: Radio I have a great deal of know/exper in this Influentials*: Radio My family/friends often ask/trust my advice Influentials*: Radio Super Influential Consumers Influentials*: Radio Category Influential Consumers Influentials*: Newspapers I have a great deal of know/exper in this Influentials*: Newspapers My family/friends often ask/trust my advice Influentials*: Newspapers Super Influential Consumers Influentials*: Newspapers Category Influential Consumers Influentials*: Magazines I have a great deal of know/exper in this Influentials*: Magazines My family/friends often ask/trust my advice Influentials*: Magazines Super Influential Consumers Influentials*: Magazines Category Influential Consumers Influentials*: Internet I have a great deal of know/exper in this Influentials*: Internet My family/friends often ask/trust my advice Influentials*: Internet Super Influential Consumers Influentials*: Internet Category Influential Consumers Influentials*: Music I have a great deal of know/exper in this Influentials*: Music My family/friends often ask/trust my advice Influentials*: Music Super Influential Consumers Influentials*: Music Category Influential Consumers Influentials*: Other Entertainment I have a great deal of know/exper in this Influentials*: Other Entertainment My family/friends often ask/trust my advice Influentials*: Other Entertainment Super Influential Consumers Influentials*: Other Entertainment Category Influential Consumers Influentials*: News I have a great deal of know/exper in this Influentials*: News My family/friends often ask/trust my advice Page 106 MRPYIN203A MRPYIN204A MRPYIN205A MRPYIN206A MRPYIN207A MRPYIN208A MRPYIN209A MRPYIN210A MRPYIN211A MRPYIN212A MRPYIN213A MRPYIN214A MRPYIN215A MRPYIN216A MRPYIN217A MRPYIN218A MRPYIN219A MRPYIN220A MRPYIN221A MRPYIN222A MRPYIN223A MRPYIN224A MRPYIN225A MRPYIN226A MRPYIN227A MRPYIN228A MRPYIN229A MRPYIN230A MRPYIN231A MRPYIN232A MRPYIN233A MRPYIN234A MRPYIN235A MRPYIN236A MRPYIN237A MRPYIN238A MRPYIN239A MRPYIN240A MRPYIN241A MRPYIN242A MRPYIN243A MRPYIN244A MRPYIN245A MRPYIN246A MRPYIN247A MRPYIN248A MRPYIN249A MRPYIN250A MRPYIN251A MRPYIN252A MRPYIN253A MRPYIN254A MRPYIN255A MRPYIN256A MRPYIN257A MRPYIN258A MRPYIN259A MRPYIN260A MRPYIN261A MRPYIN262A MRPYIN263A MRPYIN264A MRPYIN265A MRPYIN266A MRPYIN267A MRPYIN268A MRPYIN269A Influentials*: News Super Influential Consumers Influentials*: News Category Influential Consumers Influentials*: Politics I have a great deal of know/exper in this Influentials*: Politics My family/friends often ask/trust my advice Influentials*: Politics Super Influential Consumers Influentials*: Politics Category Influential Consumers Influentials*: Sports I have a great deal of know/exper in this Influentials*: Sports My family/friends often ask/trust my advice Influentials*: Sports Super Influential Consumers Influentials*: Sports Category Influential Consumers Influentials*: Sporting Equipment I have a great deal of know/exper in this Influentials*: Sporting Equipment My family/friends often ask/trust my advice Influentials*: Sporting Equipment Super Influential Consumers Influentials*: Sporting Equipment Category Influential Consumers Influentials*: Fishing I have a great deal of know/exper in this Influentials*: Fishing My family/friends often ask/trust my advice Influentials*: Fishing Super Influential Consumers Influentials*: Fishing Category Influential Consumers Influentials*: Hunting I have a great deal of know/exper in this Influentials*: Hunting My family/friends often ask/trust my advice Influentials*: Hunting Super Influential Consumers Influentials*: Hunting Category Influential Consumers Influentials*: Parenting I have a great deal of know/exper in this Influentials*: Parenting My family/friends often ask/trust my advice Influentials*: Parenting Super Influential Consumers Influentials*: Parenting Category Influential Consumers Influentials*: Education I have a great deal of know/exper in this Influentials*: Education My family/friends often ask/trust my advice Influentials*: Education Super Influential Consumers Influentials*: Education Category Influential Consumers Influentials*:prods for Babies or Children I have a great deal of know/exper in this Influentials*:prods for Babies or Children My family/friends often ask/trust my advice Influentials*:prods for Babies or Children Super Influential Consumers Influentials*:prods for Babies or Children Category Influential Consumers Influentials*: Pets I have a great deal of know/exper in this Influentials*: Pets My family/friends often ask/trust my advice Influentials*: Pets Super Influential Consumers Influentials*: Pets Category Influential Consumers Influentials*: Automotive Family/Friends Influentials*: Automotive Neighbors/Colleagues Influentials*: Automotive People you Don't Necessarily Know (in stores, online, etc.) Influentials*: Finance Family/Friends Influentials*: Finance Neighbors/Colleagues Influentials*: Finance People you Don't Necessarily Know (in stores, online, etc.) Influentials*: Technology Family/Friends Influentials*: Technology Neighbors/Colleagues Influentials*: Technology People you Don't Necessarily Know (in stores, online, etc.) Influentials*: Food Family/Friends Influentials*: Food Neighbors/Colleagues Influentials*: Food People you Don't Necessarily Know (in stores, online, etc.) Influentials*: Vacation Travel Family/Friends Influentials*: Vacation Travel Neighbors/Colleagues Influentials*: Vacation Travel People you Don't Necessarily Know (in stores, online, etc.) Influentials*: Healthcare Family/Friends Influentials*: Healthcare Neighbors/Colleagues Influentials*: Healthcare People you Don't Necessarily Know (in stores, online, etc.) Influentials*: Family Members Influentials*: Friends Influentials*: Colleagues or people you know through work Influentials*: Neighbors Influentials*: People who share a hobby or interest of yours Influentials*: People you know through a community group or other activity Influentials*: People you know through your kids' activities Influentials*: People you don't necessarily know, but ran into at a store or point of sale Influentials*: People you don't necessarily know, but have made a recommendation to online Influentials*: 5+ People that Recommended Any Product/Service Influentials*: 3+ People that Recommended Any Product/Service Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A Page 107 Cellular/Mobile Opinions MRPYCP061A MRPYCP001A MRPYCP002A MRPYCP003A MRPYCP004A MRPYCP005A MRPYCP062A MRPYCP006A MRPYCP007A MRPYCP008A MRPYCP009A MRPYCP010A MRPYCP011A MRPYCP012A MRPYCP013A MRPYCP014A MRPYCP015A MRPYCP016A MRPYCP017A MRPYCP018A MRPYCP019A MRPYCP020A MRPYCP021A MRPYCP022A MRPYCP023A MRPYCP024A MRPYCP025A MRPYCP026A MRPYCP027A MRPYCP028A MRPYCP029A MRPYCP030A MRPYCP031A MRPYCP032A MRPYCP033A MRPYCP034A MRPYCP035A MRPYCP036A MRPYCP037A MRPYCP038A MRPYCP039A MRPYCP040A MRPYCP041A MRPYCP042A MRPYCP043A MRPYCP044A MRPYCP045A MRPYCP046A MRPYCP047A MRPYCP048A MRPYCP049A MRPYCP050A MRPYCP051A MRPYCP052A MRPYCP053A MRPYCP054A MRPYCP055A MRPYCP056A MRPYCP057A MRPYCP058A MRPYCP059A MRPYCP060A I carry my cell phone everywhere I go. (DC) I carry my cell phone everywhere I go. (DS) I carry my cell phone everywhere I go. (AS) I carry my cell phone everywhere I go. (AC) I will always keep a landline telephone, cell service quality doesn't matter. (DC) I will always keep a landline telephone, cell service quality doesn't matter. (DS) I will always keep a landline telephone, cell service quality doesn't matter. (AS) I will always keep a landline telephone, cell service quality doesn't matter. (AC) I am frequently annoyed at people talking too loudly on their cell phones in public. (DC) I am frequently annoyed at people talking too loudly on their cell phones in public. (DS) I am frequently annoyed at people talking too loudly on their cell phones in public. (AS) I am frequently annoyed at people talking too loudly on their cell phones in public. (AC) I only answer my cell phone when I know who is calling. (DC) I only answer my cell phone when I know who is calling. (DS) I only answer my cell phone when I know who is calling. (AS) I only answer my cell phone when I know who is calling. (AC) I often use my cell phone to make phone calls from my home. (DC) I often use my cell phone to make phone calls from my home. (DS) I often use my cell phone to make phone calls from my home. (AS) I often use my cell phone to make phone calls from my home. (AC) The primary reason I have my cell phone is for safety. (DC) The primary reason I have my cell phone is for safety. (DS) The primary reason I have my cell phone is for safety. (AS) The primary reason I have my cell phone is for safety. (AC) Sometimes my cell phone makes me feel like I'm too available. (DC) Sometimes my cell phone makes me feel like I'm too available. (DS) Sometimes my cell phone makes me feel like I'm too available. (AS) Sometimes my cell phone makes me feel like I'm too available. (AC) Cell phones are too complicated these days. (DC) Cell phones are too complicated these days. (DS) Cell phones are too complicated these days. (AS) Cell phones are too complicated these days. (AC) I understand how to use most of the features on my cell phone. (DC) I understand how to use most of the features on my cell phone. (DS) I understand how to use most of the features on my cell phone. (AS) I understand how to use most of the features on my cell phone. (AC) Having one mobile device that can do everything is very convenient. (DC) Having one mobile device that can do everything is very convenient. (DS) Having one mobile device that can do everything is very convenient. (AS) Having one mobile device that can do everything is very convenient. (AC) There are some features on my cell phone I'd like to use, but I don't know how. (DC) There are some features on my cell phone I'd like to use, but I don't know how. (DS) There are some features on my cell phone I'd like to use, but I don't know how. (AS) There are some features on my cell phone I'd like to use, but I don't know how. (AC) I just want to use my cell phone for calls and don't care about any other features (DC) I just want to use my cell phone for calls and don't care about any other features (DS) I just want to use my cell phone for calls and don't care about any other features (AS) I just want to use my cell phone for calls and don't care about any other features (AC) I think of my mobile phone as a source of entertainment. (DC) I think of my mobile phone as a source of entertainment. (DS) I think of my mobile phone as a source of entertainment. (AS) I think of my mobile phone as a source of entertainment. (AC) My cell phone is an extension of my personality. (DC) My cell phone is an extension of my personality. (DS) My cell phone is an extension of my personality. (AS) My cell phone is an extension of my personality. (AC) I enjoy customizing the look and sound of my cell phone. (DC) I enjoy customizing the look and sound of my cell phone. (DS) I enjoy customizing the look and sound of my cell phone. (AS) I enjoy customizing the look and sound of my cell phone. (AC) MRPYCP063A MRPYCP064A MRPYCP065A MRPYCP066A MRPYCP067A MRPYCP068A MRPYCP069A MRPYCP070A MRPYCP071A MRPYCP072A MRPYCP073A MRPYCP074A MRPYCP075A MRPYCP076A MRPYCP077A MRPYCP078A MRPYCP079A MRPYCP080A MRPYCP081A MRPYCP082A MRPYCP083A MRPYCP084A MRPYCP085A MRPYCP086A MRPYCP087A MRPYCP088A MRPYCP089A MRPYCP090A MRPYCP091A MRPYCP092A MRPYCP093A MRPYCP094A MRPYCP095A MRPYCP096A MRPYCP097A MRPYCP098A MRPYCP099A MRPYCP100A MRPYCP101A MRPYCP102A MRPYCP103A MRPYCP104A MRPYCP105A MRPYCP106A MRPYCP107A MRPYCP108A MRPYCP109A MRPYCP110A MRPYCP111A MRPYCP112A MRPYCP113A MRPYCP114A MRPYCP115A MRPYCP116A MRPYCP117A MRPYCP118A MRPYCP119A I would be willing to receive ads on cell to get services (eg. live TV/Texting). (DC) I would be willing to receive ads on cell to get services (eg. live TV/Texting). (DS) I would be willing to receive ads on cell to get services (eg. live TV/Texting). (AS) I would be willing to receive ads on cell to get services (eg. live TV/Texting). (AC) I would be willing to pay a monthly subscription fee to receive live TV on cell. (DC) I would be willing to pay a monthly subscription fee to receive live TV on cell. (DS) I would be willing to pay a monthly subscription fee to receive live TV on cell. (AS) I would be willing to pay a monthly subscription fee to receive live TV on cell. (AC) I would be willing to receive ads on cell to get lower monthly costs. (DC) I would be willing to receive ads on cell to get lower monthly costs. (DS) I would be willing to receive ads on cell to get lower monthly costs. (AS) I would be willing to receive ads on cell to get lower monthly costs. (AC) I expect the quality of video on my cell phone to be as good as that on my TV. (DC) I expect the quality of video on my cell phone to be as good as that on my TV. (DS) I expect the quality of video on my cell phone to be as good as that on my TV. (AS) I expect the quality of video on my cell phone to be as good as that on my TV. (AC) Advertisements on cell phones are annoying. (DC) Advertisements on cell phones are annoying. (DS) Advertisements on cell phones are annoying. (AS) Advertisements on cell phones are annoying. (AC) I am interested in watching video clips on my cell phone. (DC) I am interested in watching video clips on my cell phone. (DS) I am interested in watching video clips on my cell phone. (AS) I am interested in watching video clips on my cell phone. (AC) I am interested in watching live TV on my cell phone. (DC) I am interested in watching live TV on my cell phone. (DS) I am interested in watching live TV on my cell phone. (AS) I am interested in watching live TV on my cell phone. (AC) Text messaging is an important part of my daily life. (DC) Text messaging is an important part of my daily life. (DS) Text messaging is an important part of my daily life. (AS) Text messaging is an important part of my daily life. (AC) I would use Text Messaging if I knew how to do it. (DC) I would use Text Messaging if I knew how to do it. (DS) I would use Text Messaging if I knew how to do it. (AS) I would use Text Messaging if I knew how to do it. (AC) I would use Text Messaging more often, if it were easier to type the messages. (DC) I would use Text Messaging more often, if it were easier to type the messages. (DS) I would use Text Messaging more often, if it were easier to type the messages. (AS) I would use Text Messaging more often, if it were easier to type the messages. (AC) I would use Text Messaging more often, if it were less expensive. (DC) I would use Text Messaging more often, if it were less expensive. (DS) I would use Text Messaging more often, if it were less expensive. (AS) I would use Text Messaging more often, if it were less expensive. (AC) I would use the Internet on cell more often, if it were less expensive. (DC) I would use the Internet on cell more often, if it were less expensive. (DS) I would use the Internet on cell more often, if it were less expensive. (AS) I would use the Internet on cell more often, if it were less expensive. (AC) I would use the Internet on cell more often, if sites loaded more easily. (DC) I would use the Internet on cell more often, if sites loaded more easily. (DS) I would use the Internet on cell more often, if sites loaded more easily. (AS) I would use the Internet on cell more often, if sites loaded more easily. (AC) I would use the Internet on cell more often, if screen easier to read. (DC) I would use the Internet on cell more often, if screen easier to read. (DS) I would use the Internet on cell more often, if screen easier to read. (AS) I would use the Internet on cell more often, if screen easier to read. (AC) Cell Features Important: Customer Service Not important Cell Features Important: Customer Service Somewhat important Cell Features Important: Customer Service Very important Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A MRPYCP120A MRPYCP121A MRPYCP122A MRPYCP123A MRPYCP124A MRPYCP125A MRPYCP126A MRPYCP127A MRPYCP128A Cell Features Important: Phone Models Available Not important Cell Features Important: Phone Models Available Somewhat important Cell Features Important: Phone Models Available Very important Cell Features Important: Service Coverage Area Not important Cell Features Important: Service Coverage Area Somewhat important Cell Features Important: Service Coverage Area Very important Cell Features Important: Service Plans Available Not important Cell Features Important: Service Plans Available Somewhat important Cell Features Important: Service Plans Available Very important Consumer Confidence MRPYCC001A Consumer Confidence - Economy/Business in country how is it than last year: Better now MRPYCC002A Consumer Confidence - Economy/Business in country how is it than last year: About the same MRPYCC003A Consumer Confidence - Economy/Business in country how is it than last year: Worse now MRPYCC004A Consumer Confidence - Economy/Business in country how will it be next year: Better MRPYCC005A Consumer Confidence - Economy/Business in country how will it be next year: About the same MRPYCC006A Consumer Confidence - Economy/Business in country how will it be next year: Worse MRPYCC007A Consumer Confidence - FinancialIy how are you/household than last year: Better now MRPYCC008A Consumer Confidence - FinancialIy how are you/household than last year: About the same MRPYCC009A Consumer Confidence - FinancialIy how are you/household than last year: Worse now MRPYCC010A Consumer Confidence - FinancialIy how will you/household be next year: Better MRPYCC011A Consumer Confidence - FinancialIy how will you/household be next year: About the same MRPYCC012A Consumer Confidence - FinancialIy how will you/household be next year: Worse Fashion and Style MRPYFS001A MRPYFS002A MRPYFS003A MRPYFS004A MRPYFS005A MRPYFS006A MRPYFS007A MRPYFS008A MRPYFS009A MRPYFS010A MRPYFS011A MRPYFS012A MRPYFS013A MRPYFS014A MRPYFS015A MRPYFS016A MRPYFS017A MRPYFS018A MRPYFS019A MRPYFS020A MRPYFS021A MRPYFS022A MRPYFS023A MRPYFS024A MRPYFS025A MRPYFS026A MRPYFS027A Being able to customize an item makes me more willing to purchase it. (DC) Being able to customize an item makes me more willing to purchase it. (DS) Being able to customize an item makes me more willing to purchase it. (AS) Being able to customize an item makes me more willing to purchase it. (AC) Comfort is one of the most important factors when selecting fashion products . (DC) Comfort is one of the most important factors when selecting fashion products . (DS) Comfort is one of the most important factors when selecting fashion products . (AS) Comfort is one of the most important factors when selecting fashion products . (AC) I prefer fashion that is classic and timeless as opposed to trendy. (DC) I prefer fashion that is classic and timeless as opposed to trendy. (DS) I prefer fashion that is classic and timeless as opposed to trendy. (AS) I prefer fashion that is classic and timeless as opposed to trendy. (AC) I rely on magazines to keep me up to date on fashion. (DC) I rely on magazines to keep me up to date on fashion. (DS) I rely on magazines to keep me up to date on fashion. (AS) I rely on magazines to keep me up to date on fashion. (AC) I am loyal to only a few fashion brands and stick with them (DC) I am loyal to only a few fashion brands and stick with them (DS) I am loyal to only a few fashion brands and stick with them (AS) I am loyal to only a few fashion brands and stick with them (AC) I only buy shoes and clothing when I have to replace something. (DC) I only buy shoes and clothing when I have to replace something. (DS) I only buy shoes and clothing when I have to replace something. (AS) I only buy shoes and clothing when I have to replace something. (AC) I often spend more money than I expected to on my fashion purchases. (DC) I often spend more money than I expected to on my fashion purchases. (DS) I often spend more money than I expected to on my fashion purchases. (AS) Page 108 MRPYFS028A MRPYFS029A MRPYFS030A MRPYFS031A MRPYFS032A MRPYFS033A MRPYFS034A MRPYFS035A MRPYFS036A MRPYFS037A MRPYFS038A MRPYFS039A MRPYFS040A MRPYFS041A MRPYFS042A MRPYFS043A MRPYFS044A MRPYFS045A MRPYFS046A MRPYFS047A MRPYFS048A MRPYFS049A MRPYFS050A MRPYFS051A MRPYFS052A MRPYFS053A MRPYFS054A MRPYFS055A MRPYFS056A MRPYFS057A MRPYFS058A MRPYFS059A MRPYFS060A MRPYFS061A MRPYFS062A MRPYFS063A MRPYFS064A MRPYFS065A MRPYFS066A MRPYFS067A MRPYFS068A MRPYFS069A MRPYFS070A MRPYFS071A MRPYFS072A MRPYFS073A MRPYFS074A MRPYFS075A MRPYFS076A MRPYFS077A MRPYFS078A MRPYFS079A MRPYFS080A MRPYFS081A MRPYFS082A MRPYFS083A MRPYFS084A MRPYFS085A MRPYFS086A MRPYFS087A MRPYFS088A MRPYFS089A MRPYFS090A MRPYFS091A MRPYFS092A MRPYFS093A I often spend more money than I expected to on my fashion purchases. (AC) When buying fashion products, the overall look is more important than the brand. (DC) When buying fashion products, the overall look is more important than the brand. (DS) When buying fashion products, the overall look is more important than the brand. (AS) When buying fashion products, the overall look is more important than the brand. (AC) When I find a haircut that suits me, I stick with it. (DC) When I find a haircut that suits me, I stick with it. (DS) When I find a haircut that suits me, I stick with it. (AS) When I find a haircut that suits me, I stick with it. (AC) I follow a strict skin-care routine. (DC) I follow a strict skin-care routine. (DS) I follow a strict skin-care routine. (AS) I follow a strict skin-care routine. (AC) I am content with my appearance. (DC) I am content with my appearance. (DS) I am content with my appearance. (AS) I am content with my appearance. (AC) I must admit I wear designer brands partially to impress other people. (DC) I must admit I wear designer brands partially to impress other people. (DS) I must admit I wear designer brands partially to impress other people. (AS) I must admit I wear designer brands partially to impress other people. (AC) When a celebrity designs a product, I am more likely to buy it. (DC) When a celebrity designs a product, I am more likely to buy it. (DS) When a celebrity designs a product, I am more likely to buy it. (AS) When a celebrity designs a product, I am more likely to buy it. (AC) I consider my fashion style to be trendy. (DC) I consider my fashion style to be trendy. (DS) I consider my fashion style to be trendy. (AS) I consider my fashion style to be trendy. (AC) I buy new clothes at the beginning of each season. (DC) I buy new clothes at the beginning of each season. (DS) I buy new clothes at the beginning of each season. (AS) I buy new clothes at the beginning of each season. (AC) I only spend what I budget on fashion items. (DC) I only spend what I budget on fashion items. (DS) I only spend what I budget on fashion items. (AS) I only spend what I budget on fashion items. (AC) I often try different ways to style my hair. (DC) I often try different ways to style my hair. (DS) I often try different ways to style my hair. (AS) I often try different ways to style my hair. (AC) I love to mix and match high and low end designers when putting together an outfit. (DC) I love to mix and match high and low end designers when putting together an outfit. (DS) I love to mix and match high and low end designers when putting together an outfit. (AS) I love to mix and match high and low end designers when putting together an outfit. (AC) I'll buy trendy clothes even if they're not the highest quality. (DC) I'll buy trendy clothes even if they're not the highest quality. (DS) I'll buy trendy clothes even if they're not the highest quality. (AS) I'll buy trendy clothes even if they're not the highest quality. (AC) I am more likely to buy a brand that I know supports a charity. (DC) I am more likely to buy a brand that I know supports a charity. (DS) I am more likely to buy a brand that I know supports a charity. (AS) I am more likely to buy a brand that I know supports a charity. (AC) You can tell a lot about a person by the clothes they wear. (DC) You can tell a lot about a person by the clothes they wear. (DS) You can tell a lot about a person by the clothes they wear. (AS) You can tell a lot about a person by the clothes they wear. (AC) Clothes made by fashion designers are more appealing. (DC) Clothes made by fashion designers are more appealing. (DS) Clothes made by fashion designers are more appealing. (AS) Clothes made by fashion designers are more appealing. (AC) I'm willing to use the Internet to shop for fashion products. (DC) I'm willing to use the Internet to shop for fashion products. (DS) I'm willing to use the Internet to shop for fashion products. (AS) I'm willing to use the Internet to shop for fashion products. (AC) I generally wear sunscreen. (DC) Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A MRPYFS094A MRPYFS095A MRPYFS096A MRPYFS097A MRPYFS098A MRPYFS099A MRPYFS100A MRPYFS101A MRPYFS102A MRPYFS103A MRPYFS104A I generally wear sunscreen. (DS) I generally wear sunscreen. (AS) I generally wear sunscreen. (AC) I prefer to shop for fashion products on my own, rather than with friends. (DC) I prefer to shop for fashion products on my own, rather than with friends. (DS) I prefer to shop for fashion products on my own, rather than with friends. (AS) I prefer to shop for fashion products on my own, rather than with friends. (AC) I dress more to please myself than others. (DC) I dress more to please myself than others. (DS) I dress more to please myself than others. (AS) I dress more to please myself than others. (AC) Finance MRPYFI001A MRPYFI002A MRPYFI003A MRPYFI004A MRPYFI005A MRPYFI006A MRPYFI007A MRPYFI008A MRPYFI009A MRPYFI010A MRPYFI011A MRPYFI012A MRPYFI013A MRPYFI014A MRPYFI015A MRPYFI016A MRPYFI017A MRPYFI018A MRPYFI019A MRPYFI020A MRPYFI021A MRPYFI022A MRPYFI023A MRPYFI024A MRPYFI025A MRPYFI026A MRPYFI027A MRPYFI028A MRPYFI029A MRPYFI030A MRPYFI031A MRPYFI032A MRPYFI033A MRPYFI034A MRPYFI035A MRPYFI036A MRPYFI037A MRPYFI038A I regularly read financial news or financial publications. (DC) I regularly read financial news or financial publications. (DS) I regularly read financial news or financial publications. (AS) I regularly read financial news or financial publications. (AC) I hate to borrow money (DC) I hate to borrow money (DS) I hate to borrow money (AS) I hate to borrow money (AC) My parents tend/tended to be savers. (DC) My parents tend/tended to be savers. (DS) My parents tend/tended to be savers. (AS) My parents tend/tended to be savers. (AC) I would be happy to use the Internet to carry out day to day banking transactions. (DC) I would be happy to use the Internet to carry out day to day banking transactions. (DS) I would be happy to use the Internet to carry out day to day banking transactions. (AS) I would be happy to use the Internet to carry out day to day banking transactions. (AC) I often discuss my knowledge of financial products or services with others. (DC) I often discuss my knowledge of financial products or services with others. (DS) I often discuss my knowledge of financial products or services with others. (AS) I often discuss my knowledge of financial products or services with others. (AC) I always know broadly how much is in my bank account at any one time. (DC) I always know broadly how much is in my bank account at any one time. (DS) I always know broadly how much is in my bank account at any one time. (AS) I always know broadly how much is in my bank account at any one time. (AC) There are one or two financial institutions that I always turn to first. (DC) There are one or two financial institutions that I always turn to first. (DS) There are one or two financial institutions that I always turn to first. (AS) There are one or two financial institutions that I always turn to first. (AC) It is better toput my money in a low-risk investment, even if returns are lower. (DC) It is better toput my money in a low-risk investment, even if returns are lower. (DS) It is better toput my money in a low-risk investment, even if returns are lower. (AS) It is better toput my money in a low-risk investment, even if returns are lower. (AC) The way I deal with my finances reflects how my parents dealt with theirs. (DC) The way I deal with my finances reflects how my parents dealt with theirs. (DS) The way I deal with my finances reflects how my parents dealt with theirs. (AS) The way I deal with my finances reflects how my parents dealt with theirs. (AC) When I find a financial prod/svc that I like, I typically recommend it to others. (DC) When I find a financial prod/svc that I like, I typically recommend it to others. (DS) Page 109 MRPYFI039A MRPYFI040A MRPYFI041A MRPYFI042A MRPYFI043A MRPYFI044A MRPYFI045A MRPYFI046A MRPYFI047A MRPYFI048A MRPYFI049A MRPYFI050A MRPYFI051A MRPYFI052A MRPYFI053A MRPYFI054A MRPYFI055A MRPYFI056A MRPYFI057A MRPYFI058A MRPYFI059A MRPYFI060A MRPYFI061A MRPYFI062A MRPYFI063A MRPYFI064A MRPYFI065A MRPYFI066A MRPYFI067A MRPYFI068A MRPYFI069A MRPYFI070A MRPYFI071A MRPYFI072A MRPYFI073A MRPYFI074A MRPYFI075A MRPYFI076A MRPYFI077A MRPYFI078A MRPYFI079A MRPYFI080A MRPYFI081A MRPYFI082A MRPYFI083A MRPYFI084A When I find a financial prod/svc that I like, I typically recommend it to others. (AS) When I find a financial prod/svc that I like, I typically recommend it to others. (AC) You are better off having what you want now as you never know what tomorrow brings. (DC) You are better off having what you want now as you never know what tomorrow brings. (DS) You are better off having what you want now as you never know what tomorrow brings. (AS) You are better off having what you want now as you never know what tomorrow brings. (AC) I like to take risks when investing for the chance of a high return. (DC) I like to take risks when investing for the chance of a high return. (DS) I like to take risks when investing for the chance of a high return. (AS) I like to take risks when investing for the chance of a high return. (AC) I enjoy learning about financial products or services from others. (DC) I enjoy learning about financial products or services from others. (DS) I enjoy learning about financial products or services from others. (AS) I enjoy learning about financial products or services from others. (AC) I only save for a specific purpose. (DC) I only save for a specific purpose. (DS) I only save for a specific purpose. (AS) I only save for a specific purpose. (AC) Borrowing money makes me feel uncomfortable. (DC) Borrowing money makes me feel uncomfortable. (DS) Borrowing money makes me feel uncomfortable. (AS) Borrowing money makes me feel uncomfortable. (AC) People often ask my advice when it comes to financial matters. (DC) People often ask my advice when it comes to financial matters. (DS) People often ask my advice when it comes to financial matters. (AS) People often ask my advice when it comes to financial matters. (AC) I hate having to go to the branch of my bank or savings institution. (DC) I hate having to go to the branch of my bank or savings institution. (DS) I hate having to go to the branch of my bank or savings institution. (AS) I hate having to go to the branch of my bank or savings institution. (AC) I find the ups and downs of the financial markets exciting. (DC) I find the ups and downs of the financial markets exciting. (DS) I find the ups and downs of the financial markets exciting. (AS) I find the ups and downs of the financial markets exciting. (AC) I often ask the advice of others when it comes to financial products or services. (DC) I often ask the advice of others when it comes to financial products or services. (DS) I often ask the advice of others when it comes to financial products or services. (AS) I often ask the advice of others when it comes to financial products or services. (AC) I'm happy to use the phone to carry out day to day banking transactions. (DC) I'm happy to use the phone to carry out day to day banking transactions. (DS) I'm happy to use the phone to carry out day to day banking transactions. (AS) I'm happy to use the phone to carry out day to day banking transactions. (AC) Investing in the stock market is too risky for me. (DC) Investing in the stock market is too risky for me. (DS) Investing in the stock market is too risky for me. (AS) Investing in the stock market is too risky for me. (AC) Food MRPYFO001A MRPYFO002A MRPYFO003A MRPYFO004A MRPYFO005A MRPYFO006A MRPYFO007A MRPYFO008A MRPYFO009A MRPYFO010A MRPYFO011A MRPYFO012A MRPYFO013A MRPYFO014A MRPYFO015A I try to eat healthy these days and pay attention to my nutrition. (DC) I try to eat healthy these days and pay attention to my nutrition. (DS) I try to eat healthy these days and pay attention to my nutrition. (AS) I try to eat healthy these days and pay attention to my nutrition. (AC) I rarely eat frozen dinners. (DC) I rarely eat frozen dinners. (DS) I rarely eat frozen dinners. (AS) I rarely eat frozen dinners. (AC) During a given week, I cook meals frequently. (DC) During a given week, I cook meals frequently. (DS) During a given week, I cook meals frequently. (AS) During a given week, I cook meals frequently. (AC) If a food item is on sale, I buy multiple units to stock up. (DC) If a food item is on sale, I buy multiple units to stock up. (DS) If a food item is on sale, I buy multiple units to stock up. (AS) Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A MRPYFO016A MRPYFO017A MRPYFO018A MRPYFO019A MRPYFO020A MRPYFO021A MRPYFO022A MRPYFO023A MRPYFO024A MRPYFO025A MRPYFO026A MRPYFO027A MRPYFO028A MRPYFO029A MRPYFO030A MRPYFO031A MRPYFO032A MRPYFO033A MRPYFO034A MRPYFO035A MRPYFO036A MRPYFO037A MRPYFO038A MRPYFO039A MRPYFO040A MRPYFO041A MRPYFO042A MRPYFO043A MRPYFO044A MRPYFO045A MRPYFO046A MRPYFO047A MRPYFO048A MRPYFO049A MRPYFO050A MRPYFO051A MRPYFO052A MRPYFO053A MRPYFO054A MRPYFO055A MRPYFO056A MRPYFO057A MRPYFO058A MRPYFO059A MRPYFO060A MRPYFO061A MRPYFO062A MRPYFO063A MRPYFO064A MRPYFO065A MRPYFO066A MRPYFO067A MRPYFO068A MRPYFO069A MRPYFO070A MRPYFO071A MRPYFO072A MRPYFO073A MRPYFO074A MRPYFO075A MRPYFO076A MRPYFO077A MRPYFO078A MRPYFO079A MRPYFO080A MRPYFO081A MRPYFO082A MRPYFO083A MRPYFO084A If a food item is on sale, I buy multiple units to stock up. (AC) Often, I eat my meals on the run. (DC) Often, I eat my meals on the run. (DS) Often, I eat my meals on the run. (AS) Often, I eat my meals on the run. (AC) I try to eat a healthy breakfast every day. (DC) I try to eat a healthy breakfast every day. (DS) I try to eat a healthy breakfast every day. (AS) I try to eat a healthy breakfast every day. (AC) I only buy food items that are name-brand, not generic brands. (DC) I only buy food items that are name-brand, not generic brands. (DS) I only buy food items that are name-brand, not generic brands. (AS) I only buy food items that are name-brand, not generic brands. (AC) When I find a food product I like, I typically recommend it to people I know. (DC) When I find a food product I like, I typically recommend it to people I know. (DS) When I find a food product I like, I typically recommend it to people I know. (AS) When I find a food product I like, I typically recommend it to people I know. (AC) I don't allow junk food in my home. (DC) I don't allow junk food in my home. (DS) I don't allow junk food in my home. (AS) I don't allow junk food in my home. (AC) Frozen dinners are a convenient alternative for a meal. (DC) Frozen dinners are a convenient alternative for a meal. (DS) Frozen dinners are a convenient alternative for a meal. (AS) Frozen dinners are a convenient alternative for a meal. (AC) If generic brands are on sale, I will purchase them over my normal namebrand. (DC) If generic brands are on sale, I will purchase them over my normal namebrand. (DS) If generic brands are on sale, I will purchase them over my normal namebrand. (AS) If generic brands are on sale, I will purchase them over my normal namebrand. (AC) I don't have very much interest in cooking. (DC) I don't have very much interest in cooking. (DS) I don't have very much interest in cooking. (AS) I don't have very much interest in cooking. (AC) I enjoy trying different types of food. (DC) I enjoy trying different types of food. (DS) I enjoy trying different types of food. (AS) I enjoy trying different types of food. (AC) I indulge my cravings for sweets. (DC) I indulge my cravings for sweets. (DS) I indulge my cravings for sweets. (AS) I indulge my cravings for sweets. (AC) People often ask my advice when it comes to food. (DC) People often ask my advice when it comes to food. (DS) People often ask my advice when it comes to food. (AS) People often ask my advice when it comes to food. (AC) I prefer picking up quick meals to cooking meals. (DC) I prefer picking up quick meals to cooking meals. (DS) I prefer picking up quick meals to cooking meals. (AS) I prefer picking up quick meals to cooking meals. (AC) I don't pay much attention to my intake of fat. (DC) I don't pay much attention to my intake of fat. (DS) I don't pay much attention to my intake of fat. (AS) I don't pay much attention to my intake of fat. (AC) Dinners in my home are usually planned ahead of time. (DC) Dinners in my home are usually planned ahead of time. (DS) Dinners in my home are usually planned ahead of time. (AS) Dinners in my home are usually planned ahead of time. (AC) I prefer cooking with fresh food rather than canned or frozen. (DC) I prefer cooking with fresh food rather than canned or frozen. (DS) I prefer cooking with fresh food rather than canned or frozen. (AS) I prefer cooking with fresh food rather than canned or frozen. (AC) I'm a creature of habit, and stick to the food I know I like. (DC) I'm a creature of habit, and stick to the food I know I like. (DS) I'm a creature of habit, and stick to the food I know I like. (AS) I'm a creature of habit, and stick to the food I know I like. (AC) I regularly eat organic foods. (DC) I regularly eat organic foods. (DS) I regularly eat organic foods. (AS) I regularly eat organic foods. (AC) Page 110 General Attitudes MRPYGA001A MRPYGA002A MRPYGA003A MRPYGA004A MRPYGA005A MRPYGA006A MRPYGA007A MRPYGA008A MRPYGA009A MRPYGA010A MRPYGA011A MRPYGA012A MRPYGA013A MRPYGA014A MRPYGA015A MRPYGA016A MRPYGA017A MRPYGA018A MRPYGA019A MRPYGA020A MRPYGA021A MRPYGA022A MRPYGA023A MRPYGA024A MRPYGA025A MRPYGA026A MRPYGA027A MRPYGA028A MRPYGA029A MRPYGA030A MRPYGA031A MRPYGA032A MRPYGA033A MRPYGA034A MRPYGA035A MRPYGA036A MRPYGA037A MRPYGA038A MRPYGA039A MRPYGA040A MRPYGA041A MRPYGA042A MRPYGA043A MRPYGA044A MRPYGA045A MRPYGA046A MRPYGA047A MRPYGA048A MRPYGA049A MRPYGA050A MRPYGA051A MRPYGA052A MRPYGA053A MRPYGA054A MRPYGA055A MRPYGA056A MRPYGA057A MRPYGA058A MRPYGA059A MRPYGA060A MRPYGA061A MRPYGA062A MRPYGA063A MRPYGA064A MRPYGA065A MRPYGA066A MRPYGA067A MRPYGA068A MRPYGA069A MRPYGA070A MRPYGA071A MRPYGA072A MRPYGA073A MRPYGA074A MRPYGA075A MRPYGA076A MRPYGA077A I try to eat dinner with my family almost every night (DC) I try to eat dinner with my family almost every night (DS) I try to eat dinner with my family almost every night (AS) I try to eat dinner with my family almost every night (AC) I am so busy, I often can't finish everything I need to in a day (DC) I am so busy, I often can't finish everything I need to in a day (DS) I am so busy, I often can't finish everything I need to in a day (AS) I am so busy, I often can't finish everything I need to in a day (AC) I strive to achieve a high social status (DC) I strive to achieve a high social status (DS) I strive to achieve a high social status (AS) I strive to achieve a high social status (AC) The government should pay more attention to environmental issues (DC) The government should pay more attention to environmental issues (DS) The government should pay more attention to environmental issues (AS) The government should pay more attention to environmental issues (AC) I like to shower my loved ones with gifts (DC) I like to shower my loved ones with gifts (DS) I like to shower my loved ones with gifts (AS) I like to shower my loved ones with gifts (AC) I like to give the impression that my life is under control (DC) I like to give the impression that my life is under control (DS) I like to give the impression that my life is under control (AS) I like to give the impression that my life is under control (AC) Given the choice, I would be my own boss (DC) Given the choice, I would be my own boss (DS) Given the choice, I would be my own boss (AS) Given the choice, I would be my own boss (AC) Prayer is a part of my daily life (DC) Prayer is a part of my daily life (DS) Prayer is a part of my daily life (AS) Prayer is a part of my daily life (AC) Marriage should only be legal between a man and a woman (DC) Marriage should only be legal between a man and a woman (DS) Marriage should only be legal between a man and a woman (AS) Marriage should only be legal between a man and a woman (AC) I am interested in finding out how I can help the environment (DC) I am interested in finding out how I can help the environment (DS) I am interested in finding out how I can help the environment (AS) I am interested in finding out how I can help the environment (AC) I don't mind giving up my personal time for work (DC) I don't mind giving up my personal time for work (DS) I don't mind giving up my personal time for work (AS) I don't mind giving up my personal time for work (AC) Risk-taking is exciting to me (DC) Risk-taking is exciting to me (DS) Risk-taking is exciting to me (AS) Risk-taking is exciting to me (AC) I am very interested in the fine arts (DC) I am very interested in the fine arts (DS) I am very interested in the fine arts (AS) I am very interested in the fine arts (AC) I purchase products to help organize my life (DC) I purchase products to help organize my life (DS) I purchase products to help organize my life (AS) I purchase products to help organize my life (AC) Religion should be the pillar of our society (DC) Religion should be the pillar of our society (DS) Religion should be the pillar of our society (AS) Religion should be the pillar of our society (AC) I often find myself in a leadership position (DC) I often find myself in a leadership position (DS) I often find myself in a leadership position (AS) I often find myself in a leadership position (AC) I like to live a lifestyle that impresses others (DC) I like to live a lifestyle that impresses others (DS) I like to live a lifestyle that impresses others (AS) I like to live a lifestyle that impresses others (AC) Spending time with my family is my top priority (DC) Spending time with my family is my top priority (DS) Spending time with my family is my top priority (AS) Spending time with my family is my top priority (AC) I work primarily for the salary (DC) I work primarily for the salary (DS) I work primarily for the salary (AS) I work primarily for the salary (AC) I prefer a set routine in my daily life (DC) Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A MRPYGA078A MRPYGA079A MRPYGA080A MRPYGA081A MRPYGA082A MRPYGA083A MRPYGA084A MRPYGA085A MRPYGA086A MRPYGA087A MRPYGA088A MRPYGA089A MRPYGA090A MRPYGA091A MRPYGA092A MRPYGA093A MRPYGA094A MRPYGA095A MRPYGA096A MRPYGA097A MRPYGA098A MRPYGA099A MRPYGA100A MRPYGA101A MRPYGA102A MRPYGA103A MRPYGA104A MRPYGA105A MRPYGA106A MRPYGA107A MRPYGA108A MRPYGA109A MRPYGA110A MRPYGA111A MRPYGA112A MRPYGA113A MRPYGA114A MRPYGA115A MRPYGA116A MRPYGA117A MRPYGA118A MRPYGA119A MRPYGA120A MRPYGA121A MRPYGA122A MRPYGA123A MRPYGA124A MRPYGA125A MRPYGA126A MRPYGA127A MRPYGA128A MRPYGA129A MRPYGA130A MRPYGA131A MRPYGA132A MRPYGA133A MRPYGA134A MRPYGA135A MRPYGA136A MRPYGA137A MRPYGA138A MRPYGA139A MRPYGA140A MRPYGA141A MRPYGA142A MRPYGA143A MRPYGA144A MRPYGA145A MRPYGA146A MRPYGA147A MRPYGA148A MRPYGA149A MRPYGA150A MRPYGA151A MRPYGA152A I prefer a set routine in my daily life (DS) I prefer a set routine in my daily life (AS) I prefer a set routine in my daily life (AC) Global warming is a serious threat (DC) Global warming is a serious threat (DS) Global warming is a serious threat (AS) Global warming is a serious threat (AC) I enjoy showing off my home to guests (DC) I enjoy showing off my home to guests (DS) I enjoy showing off my home to guests (AS) I enjoy showing off my home to guests (AC) I like to learn about foreign cultures (DC) I like to learn about foreign cultures (DS) I like to learn about foreign cultures (AS) I like to learn about foreign cultures (AC) Keeping a neat, organized home is a top priority for me (DC) Keeping a neat, organized home is a top priority for me (DS) Keeping a neat, organized home is a top priority for me (AS) Keeping a neat, organized home is a top priority for me (AC) I feel I am more environmentally conscious than most. (DC) I feel I am more environmentally conscious than most. (DS) I feel I am more environmentally conscious than most. (AS) I feel I am more environmentally conscious than most. (AC) Even if things look messy, I know where everything is (DC) Even if things look messy, I know where everything is (DS) Even if things look messy, I know where everything is (AS) Even if things look messy, I know where everything is (AC) I consider myself sophisticated (DC) I consider myself sophisticated (DS) I consider myself sophisticated (AS) I consider myself sophisticated (AC) I must admit, I work most weekends (DC) I must admit, I work most weekends (DS) I must admit, I work most weekends (AS) I must admit, I work most weekends (AC) Children have a right to be spoiled (DC) Children have a right to be spoiled (DS) Children have a right to be spoiled (AS) Children have a right to be spoiled (AC) I attend religious services regularly (DC) I attend religious services regularly (DS) I attend religious services regularly (AS) I attend religious services regularly (AC) My philosophy is Life should be as much fun as possible: (DC) My philosophy is Life should be as much fun as possible: (DS) My philosophy is Life should be as much fun as possible: (AS) My philosophy is Life should be as much fun as possible: (AC) I am typically willing to pay more for high-quality items (DC) I am typically willing to pay more for high-quality items (DS) I am typically willing to pay more for high-quality items (AS) I am typically willing to pay more for high-quality items (AC) I'd rather prepare a meal than eat in a restaurant (DC) I'd rather prepare a meal than eat in a restaurant (DS) I'd rather prepare a meal than eat in a restaurant (AS) I'd rather prepare a meal than eat in a restaurant (AC) A company's environmental record is important to me in my purchasing decisions (DC) A company's environmental record is important to me in my purchasing decisions (DS) A company's environmental record is important to me in my purchasing decisions (AS) A company's environmental record is important to me in my purchasing decisions (AC) I consider myself a spiritual person (DC) I consider myself a spiritual person (DS) I consider myself a spiritual person (AS) I consider myself a spiritual person (AC) My friends are the most important thing in my life (DC) My friends are the most important thing in my life (DS) My friends are the most important thing in my life (AS) My friends are the most important thing in my life (AC) I often feel like my life is slipping out of control (DC) I often feel like my life is slipping out of control (DS) I often feel like my life is slipping out of control (AS) I often feel like my life is slipping out of control (AC) I enjoy being the center of attention (DC) I enjoy being the center of attention (DS) I enjoy being the center of attention (AS) I enjoy being the center of attention (AC) Page 111 MRPYGA153A MRPYGA154A MRPYGA155A MRPYGA156A MRPYGA157A MRPYGA158A MRPYGA159A MRPYGA160A MRPYGA161A MRPYGA162A MRPYGA163A MRPYGA164A MRPYGA165A MRPYGA166A MRPYGA167A MRPYGA168A My goal is to make it to the top of my profession (DC) My goal is to make it to the top of my profession (DS) My goal is to make it to the top of my profession (AS) My goal is to make it to the top of my profession (AC) I seek out variety in my everyday life (DC) I seek out variety in my everyday life (DS) I seek out variety in my everyday life (AS) I seek out variety in my everyday life (AC) Family is important to me, but I have other interests that are equally important. (DC) Family is important to me, but I have other interests that are equally important. (DS) Family is important to me, but I have other interests that are equally important. (AS) Family is important to me, but I have other interests that are equally important. (AC) I consider myself to be very sociable. (DC) I consider myself to be very sociable. (DS) I consider myself to be very sociable. (AS) I consider myself to be very sociable. (AC) GfK Roper Values Activities MRPYGR001A GfK Roper: With kids or grandkids at home or outside the home (#hours spent): (H) MRPYGR002A GfK Roper: With kids or grandkids at home or outside the home (#hours spent): (M) MRPYGR003A GfK Roper: With kids or grandkids at home or outside the home (#hours spent): (L) MRPYGR004A GfK Roper: With kids or grandkids at home or outside the home No activity indicated MRPYGR005A GfK Roper: With your spouse or significant other (#hours spent): (H) MRPYGR006A GfK Roper: With your spouse or significant other (#hours spent): (M) MRPYGR007A GfK Roper: With your spouse or significant other (#hours spent): (L) MRPYGR008A GfK Roper: With your spouse or significant other No activity indicated MRPYGR009A GfK Roper: Watching television or movies at home (#hours spent): (H) MRPYGR010A GfK Roper: Watching television or movies at home (#hours spent): (M) MRPYGR011A GfK Roper: Watching television or movies at home (#hours spent): (L) MRPYGR012A GfK Roper: Watching television or movies at home No activity indicated MRPYGR013A GfK Roper: At your personal computer, including the Internet (#hours spent): (H) MRPYGR014A GfK Roper: At your personal computer, including the Internet (#hours spent): (M) MRPYGR015A GfK Roper: At your personal computer, including the Internet (#hours spent): (L) MRPYGR016A GfK Roper: At your personal computer, including the Internet No activity indicated MRPYGR017A GfK Roper: Reading (#hours spent): (H) MRPYGR018A GfK Roper: Reading (#hours spent): (M) MRPYGR019A GfK Roper: Reading (#hours spent): (L) MRPYGR020A GfK Roper: Reading No activity indicated MRPYGR021A GfK Roper: Doing fun and exciting things (#hours spent): (H) MRPYGR022A GfK Roper: Doing fun and exciting things (#hours spent): (M) MRPYGR023A GfK Roper: Doing fun and exciting things (#hours spent): (L) MRPYGR024A GfK Roper: Doing fun and exciting things No activity indicated MRPYGR025A GfK Roper: Learning new things or expanding your knowledge (#hours spent): (H) MRPYGR026A GfK Roper: Learning new things or expanding your knowledge (#hours spent): (M) MRPYGR027A GfK Roper: Learning new things or expanding your knowledge (#hours spent): (L) MRPYGR028A GfK Roper: Learning new things or expanding your knowledge No activity indicated MRPYGR029A GfK Roper: Gardening or yard work (#hours spent): (H) MRPYGR030A GfK Roper: Gardening or yard work (#hours spent): (M) MRPYGR031A GfK Roper: Gardening or yard work (#hours spent): (L) MRPYGR032A GfK Roper: Gardening or yard work No activity indicated MRPYGR033A GfK Roper: Housework (#hours spent): (H) MRPYGR034A GfK Roper: Housework (#hours spent): (M) MRPYGR035A GfK Roper: Housework (#hours spent): (L) MRPYGR036A GfK Roper: Housework No activity indicated MRPYGR037A GfK Roper: Cooking (#hours spent): (H) MRPYGR038A GfK Roper: Cooking (#hours spent): (M) MRPYGR039A GfK Roper: Cooking (#hours spent): (L) MRPYGR040A GfK Roper: Cooking No activity indicated MRPYGR041A GfK Roper: Working on your automobile (#hours spent): (H) MRPYGR042A GfK Roper: Working on your automobile (#hours spent): (M) MRPYGR043A GfK Roper: Working on your automobile (#hours spent): (L) Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. 2012A MRPYGR044A MRPYGR045A MRPYGR046A MRPYGR047A MRPYGR048A MRPYGR049A MRPYGR050A MRPYGR051A MRPYGR052A MRPYGR053A MRPYGR054A MRPYGR055A MRPYGR056A MRPYGR057A MRPYGR058A MRPYGR059A MRPYGR060A MRPYGR061A MRPYGR062A MRPYGR063A MRPYGR064A MRPYGR065A MRPYGR066A MRPYGR067A MRPYGR068A MRPYGR069A MRPYGR070A MRPYGR071A MRPYGR072A MRPYGR073A MRPYGR074A MRPYGR075A MRPYGR076A GfK Roper: Working on your automobile No activity indicated GfK Roper: Alone (#hours spent): (H) GfK Roper: Alone (#hours spent): (M) GfK Roper: Alone (#hours spent): (L) GfK Roper: Alone No activity indicated GfK Roper: Commuting to and and from work (#hours spent): (H) GfK Roper: Commuting to and and from work (#hours spent): (M) GfK Roper: Commuting to and and from work (#hours spent): (L) GfK Roper: Commuting to and and from work No activity indicated GfK Roper: At schools or any organizations other than church (#hours spent): (H) GfK Roper: At schools or any organizations other than church (#hours spent): (M) GfK Roper: At schools or any organizations other than church (#hours spent): (L) GfK Roper: At schools or any organizations other than church No activity indicated GfK Roper: Socializing/doing things with friends around town (#hours spent): (H) GfK Roper: Socializing/doing things with friends around town (#hours spent): (M) GfK Roper: Socializing/doing things with friends around town (#hours spent): (L) GfK Roper: Socializing/doing things with friends around town No activity indicated GfK Roper: Working at a paid job outside of home (#hours spent): (H) GfK Roper: Working at a paid job outside of home (#hours spent): (M) GfK Roper: Working at a paid job outside of home (#hours spent): (L) GfK Roper: Working at a paid job outside of home No activity indicated GfK Roper: Working at a paid job at home (#hours spent): (H) GfK Roper: Working at a paid job at home (#hours spent): (M) GfK Roper: Working at a paid job at home (#hours spent): (L) GfK Roper: Working at a paid job at home No activity indicated GfK Roper: Exercising (#hours spent): (H) GfK Roper: Exercising (#hours spent): (M) GfK Roper: Exercising (#hours spent): (L) GfK Roper: Exercising No activity indicated GfK Roper: Number of hours sleep each night (#hours spent): (H) GfK Roper: Number of hours sleep each night (#hours spent): (M) GfK Roper: Number of hours sleep each night (#hours spent): (L) GfK Roper: Number of hours sleep each night No activity indicated GfK Roper Source Questions MRPYGV001A GfK Roper Values: Wealth: Having material possessions, a lot of money (VI) MRPYGV002A GfK Roper Values: Wealth: Having material possessions, a lot of money (NI) MRPYGV003A GfK Roper Values: Wealth: Having material possessions, a lot of money (AI) MRPYGV004A GfK Roper Values: Status: Achieving a higher social status (VI) MRPYGV005A GfK Roper Values: Status: Achieving a higher social status (NI) MRPYGV006A GfK Roper Values: Status: Achieving a higher social status (AI) MRPYGV007A GfK Roper Values: Ambition: Aspiring to get ahead (VI) MRPYGV008A GfK Roper Values: Ambition: Aspiring to get ahead (NI) MRPYGV009A GfK Roper Values: Ambition: Aspiring to get ahead (AI) MRPYGV010A GfK Roper Values: Honesty: Being sincere, having integrity (VI) MRPYGV011A GfK Roper Values: Honesty: Being sincere, having integrity (NI) MRPYGV012A GfK Roper Values: Honesty: Being sincere, having integrity (AI) MRPYGV013A GfK Roper Values: Being in tune with nature: Fitting into nature (VI) MRPYGV014A GfK Roper Values: Being in tune with nature: Fitting into nature (NI) MRPYGV015A GfK Roper Values: Being in tune with nature: Fitting into nature (AI) MRPYGV016A GfK Roper Values: Preserving the environment: Helping to preserve nature (VI) MRPYGV017A GfK Roper Values: Preserving the environment: Helping to preserve nature (NI) MRPYGV018A GfK Roper Values: Preserving the environment: Helping to preserve nature (AI) MRPYGV019A GfK Roper Values: Creativity: Being creative, imaginative (VI) MRPYGV020A GfK Roper Values: Creativity: Being creative, imaginative (NI) MRPYGV021A GfK Roper Values: Creativity: Being creative, imaginative (AI) MRPYGV022A GfK Roper Values: Freedom: Having freedom of action and thought (VI) MRPYGV023A GfK Roper Values: Freedom: Having freedom of action and thought (NI) MRPYGV024A GfK Roper Values: Freedom: Having freedom of action and thought (AI) MRPYGV025A GfK Roper Values: Curiosity: Wanting to explore and learn about new things (VI) MRPYGV026A GfK Roper Values: Curiosity: Wanting to explore and learn about new things (NI) Master Variable List Page 112 MRPYGV027A GfK Roper Values: Curiosity: Wanting to explore and learn about new things (AI) MRPYGV028A GfK Roper Values: Public image: Protecting my reputation, saving face (VI) MRPYGV029A GfK Roper Values: Public image: Protecting my reputation, saving face (NI) MRPYGV030A GfK Roper Values: Public image: Protecting my reputation, saving face (AI) MRPYGV031A GfK Roper Values: Protecting the family: Having safety for loved ones (VI) MRPYGV032A GfK Roper Values: Protecting the family: Having safety for loved ones (NI) MRPYGV033A GfK Roper Values: Protecting the family: Having safety for loved ones (AI) MRPYGV034A GfK Roper Values: Social responsibility: Working for the welfare of society (VI) MRPYGV035A GfK Roper Values: Social responsibility: Working for the welfare of society (NI) MRPYGV036A GfK Roper Values: Social responsibility: Working for the welfare of society (AI) MRPYGV037A GfK Roper Values: Equality: Desiring equal opportunity for all (VI) MRPYGV038A GfK Roper Values: Equality: Desiring equal opportunity for all (NI) MRPYGV039A GfK Roper Values: Equality: Desiring equal opportunity for all (AI) MRPYGV040A GfK Roper Values: Stable relations: Maint a long-term commitment to friends/love ones (VI) MRPYGV041A GfK Roper Values: Stable relations: Maint a long-term commitment to friends/love ones (NI) MRPYGV042A GfK Roper Values: Stable relations: Maint a long-term commitment to friends/love ones (AI) MRPYGV043A GfK Roper Values: Romance: Having romance in my life (VI) MRPYGV044A GfK Roper Values: Romance: Having romance in my life (NI) MRPYGV045A GfK Roper Values: Romance: Having romance in my life (AI) MRPYGV046A GfK Roper Values: Enjoying life: Doing things because I like them (VI) MRPYGV047A GfK Roper Values: Enjoying life: Doing things because I like them (NI) MRPYGV048A GfK Roper Values: Enjoying life: Doing things because I like them (AI) MRPYGV049A GfK Roper Values: Having fun: Having a good time (VI) MRPYGV050A GfK Roper Values: Having fun: Having a good time (NI) MRPYGV051A GfK Roper Values: Having fun: Having a good time (AI) MRPYGV052A GfK Roper Values: Adventure: Seeking adventure and risk (VI) MRPYGV053A GfK Roper Values: Adventure: Seeking adventure and risk (NI) MRPYGV054A GfK Roper Values: Adventure: Seeking adventure and risk (AI) MRPYGV055A GfK Roper Values: Sex: Achieving a fulfilling sexual life (VI) MRPYGV056A GfK Roper Values: Sex: Achieving a fulfilling sexual life (NI) MRPYGV057A GfK Roper Values: Sex: Achieving a fulfilling sexual life (AI) MRPYGV058A GfK Roper Values: Looking good: Seeking the utmost attractive appearance (VI) MRPYGV059A GfK Roper Values: Looking good: Seeking the utmost attractive appearance (NI) MRPYGV060A GfK Roper Values: Looking good: Seeking the utmost attractive appearance (AI) MRPYGV061A GfK Roper Values: Duty: Fulfilling obligations to family, community and country (VI) MRPYGV062A GfK Roper Values: Duty: Fulfilling obligations to family, community and country (NI) MRPYGV063A GfK Roper Values: Duty: Fulfilling obligations to family, community and country (AI) MRPYGV064A GfK Roper Values: Respecting ancestors: Showing respect to those who came before us (VI) MRPYGV065A GfK Roper Values: Respecting ancestors: Showing respect to those who came before us (NI) MRPYGV066A GfK Roper Values: Respecting ancestors: Showing respect to those who came before us (AI) MRPYGV067A GfK Roper Values: Traditional gender roles: Follow traditional roles for m/w (VI) MRPYGV068A GfK Roper Values: Traditional gender roles: Follow traditional roles for m/w (NI) MRPYGV069A GfK Roper Values: Traditional gender roles: Follow traditional roles for m/w (AI) MRPYGV070A GfK Roper Values: Faith: Holding to religious faith and belief (VI) MRPYGV071A GfK Roper Values: Faith: Holding to religious faith and belief (NI) MRPYGV072A GfK Roper Values: Faith: Holding to religious faith and belief (AI) MRPYGV073A GfK Roper Values: Learning: Continuing to learn throughout my life (VI) MRPYGV074A GfK Roper Values: Learning: Continuing to learn throughout my life (NI) MRPYGV075A GfK Roper Values: Learning: Continuing to learn throughout my life (AI) MRPYGV076A GfK Roper Values: Knowledge: Being well educated (VI) MRPYGV077A GfK Roper Values: Knowledge: Being well educated (NI) MRPYGV078A GfK Roper Values: Knowledge: Being well educated (AI) MRPYGV079A GfK Roper Values: Simplicity: Keeping your life and mind as uncluttered as possible (VI) MRPYGV080A GfK Roper Values: Simplicity: Keeping your life and mind as uncluttered as possible (NI) Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A MRPYGV081A GfK Roper Values: Simplicity: Keeping your life and mind as uncluttered as possible (AI) MRPYGV082A GfK Roper Values: Cultural purity: Keeping my culture free from outside influences (VI) MRPYGV083A GfK Roper Values: Cultural purity: Keeping my culture free from outside influences (NI) MRPYGV084A GfK Roper Values: Cultural purity: Keeping my culture free from outside influences (AI) MRPYGV085A GfK Roper Values: Working hard: Always giving my best effort (VI) MRPYGV086A GfK Roper Values: Working hard: Always giving my best effort (NI) MRPYGV087A GfK Roper Values: Working hard: Always giving my best effort (AI) MRPYGV088A GfK Roper Values: Modesty: Being modest, self-effacing (VI) MRPYGV089A GfK Roper Values: Modesty: Being modest, self-effacing (NI) MRPYGV090A GfK Roper Values: Modesty: Being modest, self-effacing (AI) MRPYGV091A GfK Roper Values: Thrift: Being economical or careful with money/avoiding excesses (VI) MRPYGV092A GfK Roper Values: Thrift: Being economical or careful with money/avoiding excesses (NI) MRPYGV093A GfK Roper Values: Thrift: Being economical or careful with money/avoiding excesses (AI) Health MRPYHA001A MRPYHA002A MRPYHA003A MRPYHA004A MRPYHA005A MRPYHA006A MRPYHA007A MRPYHA008A MRPYHA009A MRPYHA010A MRPYHA011A MRPYHA012A MRPYHA013A MRPYHA014A MRPYHA015A MRPYHA016A MRPYHA017A MRPYHA018A MRPYHA019A MRPYHA020A MRPYHA021A MRPYHA022A MRPYHA023A MRPYHA024A MRPYHA025A MRPYHA026A MRPYHA027A MRPYHA028A MRPYHA029A MRPYHA030A MRPYHA031A MRPYHA032A MRPYHA033A MRPYHA034A MRPYHA035A MRPYHA036A MRPYHA037A MRPYHA038A MRPYHA039A MRPYHA040A MRPYHA041A MRPYHA042A MRPYHA043A MRPYHA044A MRPYHA045A MRPYHA046A MRPYHA047A I go to the doctor regularly for check-ups. (AS) I go to the doctor regularly for check-ups. (SA) I go to the doctor regularly for check-ups. (SD) I go to the doctor regularly for check-ups. (DS) I prefer alternative medicine to traditional medical practices. (AS) I prefer alternative medicine to traditional medical practices. (SA) I prefer alternative medicine to traditional medical practices. (SD) I prefer alternative medicine to traditional medical practices. (DS) Generic medications are as effective as brand-name prescription drugs. (AS) Generic medications are as effective as brand-name prescription drugs. (SA) Generic medications are as effective as brand-name prescription drugs. (SD) Generic medications are as effective as brand-name prescription drugs. (DS) In general, I feel I eat right. (AS) In general, I feel I eat right. (SA) In general, I feel I eat right. (SD) In general, I feel I eat right. (DS) In general, I think herbal supplements are effective (AS) In general, I think herbal supplements are effective (SA) In general, I think herbal supplements are effective (SD) In general, I think herbal supplements are effective (DS) I take my prescription medicines exactly as prescribed (AS) I take my prescription medicines exactly as prescribed (SA) I take my prescription medicines exactly as prescribed (SD) I take my prescription medicines exactly as prescribed (DS) I'm often first to try the most advanced medicines. (AS) I'm often first to try the most advanced medicines. (SA) I'm often first to try the most advanced medicines. (SD) I'm often first to try the most advanced medicines. (DS) I prefer popular brand-name drugs, even if they cost more (AS) I prefer popular brand-name drugs, even if they cost more (SA) I prefer popular brand-name drugs, even if they cost more (SD) I prefer popular brand-name drugs, even if they cost more (DS) I rely on my physician to recommend drug brands. (AS) I rely on my physician to recommend drug brands. (SA) I rely on my physician to recommend drug brands. (SD) I rely on my physician to recommend drug brands. (DS) In general, newer drug brands work better than older brands. (AS) In general, newer drug brands work better than older brands. (SA) In general, newer drug brands work better than older brands. (SD) In general, newer drug brands work better than older brands. (DS) If a drug brand works, I stick with it (AS) If a drug brand works, I stick with it (SA) If a drug brand works, I stick with it (SD) If a drug brand works, I stick with it (DS) To save money, I would buy prescription drugs from foreign countries (AS) To save money, I would buy prescription drugs from foreign countries (SA) To save money, I would buy prescription drugs from foreign countries (SD) Page 113 MRPYHA048A To save money, I would buy prescription drugs from foreign countries (DS) MRPYHA049A Before I begin taking any drug, I look for as much information about it as possible (AS) MRPYHA050A Before I begin taking any drug, I look for as much information about it as possible (SA) MRPYHA051A Before I begin taking any drug, I look for as much information about it as possible (SD) MRPYHA052A Before I begin taking any drug, I look for as much information about it as possible (DS) MRPYHA053A I am willing to take presc drugs even if my insurance company doesn't cover them (AS) MRPYHA054A I am willing to take presc drugs even if my insurance company doesn't cover them (SA) MRPYHA055A I am willing to take presc drugs even if my insurance company doesn't cover them (SD) MRPYHA056A I am willing to take presc drugs even if my insurance company doesn't cover them (DS) MRPYHA057A Over the counter medications are safer than prescription drugs (AS) MRPYHA058A Over the counter medications are safer than prescription drugs (SA) MRPYHA059A Over the counter medications are safer than prescription drugs (SD) MRPYHA060A Over the counter medications are safer than prescription drugs (DS) MRPYHA061A I only go to the doctor when I'm very ill (AS) MRPYHA062A I only go to the doctor when I'm very ill (SA) MRPYHA063A I only go to the doctor when I'm very ill (SD) MRPYHA064A I only go to the doctor when I'm very ill (DS) MRPYHA065A Sometimes I skip a dose of my presc drugs because I worry about the side effects (AS) MRPYHA066A Sometimes I skip a dose of my presc drugs because I worry about the side effects (SA) MRPYHA067A Sometimes I skip a dose of my presc drugs because I worry about the side effects (SD) MRPYHA068A Sometimes I skip a dose of my presc drugs because I worry about the side effects (DS) MRPYHA069A I take medicine as soon as I don't feel well (AS) MRPYHA070A I take medicine as soon as I don't feel well (SA) MRPYHA071A I take medicine as soon as I don't feel well (SD) MRPYHA072A I take medicine as soon as I don't feel well (DS) MRPYHA073A Medication has improved the quality of my life (AS) MRPYHA074A Medication has improved the quality of my life (SA) MRPYHA075A Medication has improved the quality of my life (SD) MRPYHA076A Medication has improved the quality of my life (DS) MRPYHA077A I follow a regular exercise routine (AS) MRPYHA078A I follow a regular exercise routine (SA) MRPYHA079A I follow a regular exercise routine (SD) MRPYHA080A I follow a regular exercise routine (DS) MRPYHA081A My medical conditions limit my lifestyle somewhat (AS) MRPYHA082A My medical conditions limit my lifestyle somewhat (SA) MRPYHA083A My medical conditions limit my lifestyle somewhat (SD) MRPYHA084A My medical conditions limit my lifestyle somewhat (DS) MRPYHA085A I am always looking for new ways to live a healthier life (AS) MRPYHA086A I am always looking for new ways to live a healthier life (SA) MRPYHA087A I am always looking for new ways to live a healthier life (SD) MRPYHA088A I am always looking for new ways to live a healthier life (DS) MRPYHA089A I am happy with my weight. (AS) MRPYHA090A I am happy with my weight. (SA) MRPYHA091A I am happy with my weight. (SD) MRPYHA092A I am happy with my weight. (DS) Interest in Advertising MRPYIA001A MRPYIA002A MRPYIA003A MRPYIA004A MRPYIA005A MRPYIA006A MRPYIA007A MRPYIA008A MRPYIA009A MRPYIA010A MRPYIA011A TV Adv provides me with useful info about bargains. (AS) TV Adv provides me with useful info about bargains. (AS) TV Adv provides me with useful info about bargains. (N) TV Adv provides me with useful info about bargains. (DS) TV Adv provides me with useful info about bargains. (DS) TV Adv provides me with meaningful info about oth consumers use of prod (AS) TV Adv provides me with meaningful info about oth consumers use of prod (AS) TV Adv provides me with meaningful info about oth consumers use of prod (N) TV Adv provides me with meaningful info about oth consumers use of prod (DS) TV Adv provides me with meaningful info about oth consumers use of prod (DS) TV Adv provides me with useful info about new products and services. (AS) Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A MRPYIA012A MRPYIA013A MRPYIA014A MRPYIA015A MRPYIA016A MRPYIA017A MRPYIA018A MRPYIA019A MRPYIA020A MRPYIA021A MRPYIA022A MRPYIA023A MRPYIA024A MRPYIA025A MRPYIA026A MRPYIA027A MRPYIA028A MRPYIA029A MRPYIA030A MRPYIA031A MRPYIA032A MRPYIA033A MRPYIA034A MRPYIA035A MRPYIA036A MRPYIA037A MRPYIA038A MRPYIA039A MRPYIA040A MRPYIA041A MRPYIA042A MRPYIA043A MRPYIA044A MRPYIA045A MRPYIA046A MRPYIA047A MRPYIA048A MRPYIA049A MRPYIA050A MRPYIA051A MRPYIA052A MRPYIA053A MRPYIA054A MRPYIA055A MRPYIA056A MRPYIA057A MRPYIA058A MRPYIA059A MRPYIA060A MRPYIA061A MRPYIA062A MRPYIA063A MRPYIA064A MRPYIA065A MRPYIA066A MRPYIA067A MRPYIA068A MRPYIA069A MRPYIA070A MRPYIA071A MRPYIA072A MRPYIA073A MRPYIA074A MRPYIA075A MRPYIA076A MRPYIA077A TV Adv provides me with useful info about new products and services. (AS) TV Adv provides me with useful info about new products and services. (N) TV Adv provides me with useful info about new products and services. (DS) TV Adv provides me with useful info about new products and services. (DS) For me, TV Adv is amusing. (AS) For me, TV Adv is amusing. (AS) For me, TV Adv is amusing. (N) For me, TV Adv is amusing. (DS) For me, TV Adv is amusing. (DS) For me, TV Adv appears at inconvenient moments. (AS) For me, TV Adv appears at inconvenient moments. (AS) For me, TV Adv appears at inconvenient moments. (N) For me, TV Adv appears at inconvenient moments. (DS) For me, TV Adv appears at inconvenient moments. (DS) For me, TV Adv has no credibility. (AS) For me, TV Adv has no credibility. (AS) For me, TV Adv has no credibility. (N) For me, TV Adv has no credibility. (DS) For me, TV Adv has no credibility. (DS) For me, TV Adv is repeated too often. (AS) For me, TV Adv is repeated too often. (AS) For me, TV Adv is repeated too often. (N) For me, TV Adv is repeated too often. (DS) For me, TV Adv is repeated too often. (DS) For me, all ads on TV are alike. (AS) For me, all ads on TV are alike. (AS) For me, all ads on TV are alike. (N) For me, all ads on TV are alike. (DS) For me, all ads on TV are alike. (DS) Radio Adv provides me w useful information about bargains. (AS) Radio Adv provides me w useful information about bargains. (AS) Radio Adv provides me w useful information about bargains. (N) Radio Adv provides me w useful information about bargains. (DS) Radio Adv provides me w useful information about bargains. (DS) Radio Adv provides me w meaningful information about oth consumers use of prod (AS) Radio Adv provides me w meaningful information about oth consumers use of prod (AS) Radio Adv provides me w meaningful information about oth consumers use of prod (N) Radio Adv provides me w meaningful information about oth consumers use of prod (DS) Radio Adv provides me w meaningful information about oth consumers use of prod (DS) Radio Adv provides me w useful information about new products and services. (AS) Radio Adv provides me w useful information about new products and services. (AS) Radio Adv provides me w useful information about new products and services. (N) Radio Adv provides me w useful information about new products and services. (DS) Radio Adv provides me w useful information about new products and services. (DS) For me, Radio Adv is amusing. (AS) For me, Radio Adv is amusing. (AS) For me, Radio Adv is amusing. (N) For me, Radio Adv is amusing. (DS) For me, Radio Adv is amusing. (DS) For me, Radio Adv appears at inconvenient moments. (AS) For me, Radio Adv appears at inconvenient moments. (AS) For me, Radio Adv appears at inconvenient moments. (N) For me, Radio Adv appears at inconvenient moments. (DS) For me, Radio Adv appears at inconvenient moments. (DS) For me, Radio Adv has no credibility. (AS) For me, Radio Adv has no credibility. (AS) For me, Radio Adv has no credibility. (N) For me, Radio Adv has no credibility. (DS) For me, Radio Adv has no credibility. (DS) For me, Radio Adv is repeated too often. (AS) For me, Radio Adv is repeated too often. (AS) For me, Radio Adv is repeated too often. (N) For me, Radio Adv is repeated too often. (DS) For me, Radio Adv is repeated too often. (DS) For me, all ads on radio are alike. (AS) For me, all ads on radio are alike. (AS) Page 114 MRPYIA078A MRPYIA079A MRPYIA080A MRPYIA081A MRPYIA082A MRPYIA083A MRPYIA084A MRPYIA085A MRPYIA086A MRPYIA087A MRPYIA088A MRPYIA089A MRPYIA090A MRPYIA091A MRPYIA092A MRPYIA093A MRPYIA094A MRPYIA095A MRPYIA096A MRPYIA097A MRPYIA098A MRPYIA099A MRPYIA100A MRPYIA101A MRPYIA102A MRPYIA103A MRPYIA104A MRPYIA105A MRPYIA106A MRPYIA107A MRPYIA108A MRPYIA109A MRPYIA110A MRPYIA111A MRPYIA112A MRPYIA113A MRPYIA114A MRPYIA115A MRPYIA116A MRPYIA117A MRPYIA118A MRPYIA119A MRPYIA120A MRPYIA121A MRPYIA122A MRPYIA123A MRPYIA124A MRPYIA125A MRPYIA126A MRPYIA127A MRPYIA128A MRPYIA129A MRPYIA130A MRPYIA131A MRPYIA132A MRPYIA133A MRPYIA134A MRPYIA135A MRPYIA136A For me, all ads on radio are alike. (N) For me, all ads on radio are alike. (DS) For me, all ads on radio are alike. (DS) Newsp adv provides me with useful information about bargains. (AS) Newsp adv provides me with useful information about bargains. (AS) Newsp adv provides me with useful information about bargains. (N) Newsp adv provides me with useful information about bargains. (DS) Newsp adv provides me with useful information about bargains. (DS) Newsp adv provides me with meaningful information about oth consumers use of prod (AS) Newsp adv provides me with meaningful information about oth consumers use of prod (AS) Newsp adv provides me with meaningful information about oth consumers use of prod (N) Newsp adv provides me with meaningful information about oth consumers use of prod (DS) Newsp adv provides me with meaningful information about oth consumers use of prod (DS) Newsp adv provides me with useful information about new products and services. (AS) Newsp adv provides me with useful information about new products and services. (AS) Newsp adv provides me with useful information about new products and services. (N) Newsp adv provides me with useful information about new products and services. (DS) Newsp adv provides me with useful information about new products and services. (DS) For me, Newsp adv is amusing. (AS) For me, Newsp adv is amusing. (AS) For me, Newsp adv is amusing. (N) For me, Newsp adv is amusing. (DS) For me, Newsp adv is amusing. (DS) For me, Newsp adv appears at inconvenient moments. (AS) For me, Newsp adv appears at inconvenient moments. (AS) For me, Newsp adv appears at inconvenient moments. (N) For me, Newsp adv appears at inconvenient moments. (DS) For me, Newsp adv appears at inconvenient moments. (DS) For me, Newsp adv has no credibility. (AS) For me, Newsp adv has no credibility. (AS) For me, Newsp adv has no credibility. (N) For me, Newsp adv has no credibility. (DS) For me, Newsp adv has no credibility. (DS) For me, Newsp adv is repeated too often. (AS) For me, Newsp adv is repeated too often. (AS) For me, Newsp adv is repeated too often. (N) For me, Newsp adv is repeated too often. (DS) For me, Newsp adv is repeated too often. (DS) For me, all ads in newspapers are alike. (AS) For me, all ads in newspapers are alike. (AS) For me, all ads in newspapers are alike. (N) For me, all ads in newspapers are alike. (DS) For me, all ads in newspapers are alike. (DS) Magz adv provides me with useful information about bargains. (AS) Magz adv provides me with useful information about bargains. (AS) Magz adv provides me with useful information about bargains. (N) Magz adv provides me with useful information about bargains. (DS) Magz adv provides me with useful information about bargains. (DS) Magz adv provides me with meaningful information about oth consumers use of prod (AS) Magz adv provides me with meaningful information about oth consumers use of prod (AS) Magz adv provides me with meaningful information about oth consumers use of prod (N) Magz adv provides me with meaningful information about oth consumers use of prod (DS) Magz adv provides me with meaningful information about oth consumers use of prod (DS) Magz adv provides me with useful information about new products and services. (AS) Magz adv provides me with useful information about new products and services. (AS) Magz adv provides me with useful information about new products and services. (N) Magz adv provides me with useful information about new products and services. (DS) Magz adv provides me with useful information about new products and services. (DS) For me, Magz adv is amusing. (AS) Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A MRPYIA137A MRPYIA138A MRPYIA139A MRPYIA140A MRPYIA141A MRPYIA142A MRPYIA143A MRPYIA144A MRPYIA145A MRPYIA146A MRPYIA147A MRPYIA148A MRPYIA149A MRPYIA150A MRPYIA151A MRPYIA152A MRPYIA153A MRPYIA154A MRPYIA155A MRPYIA156A MRPYIA157A MRPYIA158A MRPYIA159A MRPYIA160A MRPYIA161A MRPYIA162A MRPYIA163A MRPYIA164A MRPYIA165A MRPYIA166A MRPYIA167A MRPYIA168A MRPYIA169A MRPYIA170A MRPYIA171A MRPYIA172A MRPYIA173A MRPYIA174A MRPYIA175A MRPYIA176A MRPYIA177A MRPYIA178A MRPYIA179A MRPYIA180A MRPYIA181A MRPYIA182A MRPYIA183A MRPYIA184A MRPYIA185A MRPYIA186A MRPYIA187A MRPYIA188A MRPYIA189A MRPYIA190A MRPYIA191A MRPYIA192A MRPYIA193A MRPYIA194A MRPYIA195A MRPYIA196A MRPYIA197A MRPYIA198A MRPYIA199A MRPYIA200A For me, Magz adv is amusing. (AS) For me, Magz adv is amusing. (N) For me, Magz adv is amusing. (DS) For me, Magz adv is amusing. (DS) For me, Magz adv appears at inconvenient moments. (AS) For me, Magz adv appears at inconvenient moments. (AS) For me, Magz adv appears at inconvenient moments. (N) For me, Magz adv appears at inconvenient moments. (DS) For me, Magz adv appears at inconvenient moments. (DS) For me, Magz adv has no credibility. (AS) For me, Magz adv has no credibility. (AS) For me, Magz adv has no credibility. (N) For me, Magz adv has no credibility. (DS) For me, Magz adv has no credibility. (DS) For me, Magz adv is repeated too often. (AS) For me, Magz adv is repeated too often. (AS) For me, Magz adv is repeated too often. (N) For me, Magz adv is repeated too often. (DS) For me, Magz adv is repeated too often. (DS) For me, all ads in magazines are alike. (AS) For me, all ads in magazines are alike. (AS) For me, all ads in magazines are alike. (N) For me, all ads in magazines are alike. (DS) For me, all ads in magazines are alike. (DS) Internet Adv provides me with useful information about bargains. (AS) Internet Adv provides me with useful information about bargains. (AS) Internet Adv provides me with useful information about bargains. (N) Internet Adv provides me with useful information about bargains. (DS) Internet Adv provides me with useful information about bargains. (DS) Internet Adv provides me with meaningful information about oth consumers use of prod (AS) Internet Adv provides me with meaningful information about oth consumers use of prod (AS) Internet Adv provides me with meaningful information about oth consumers use of prod (N) Internet Adv provides me with meaningful information about oth consumers use of prod (DS) Internet Adv provides me with meaningful information about oth consumers use of prod (DS) Internet Adv provides me with useful information about new products and services. (AS) Internet Adv provides me with useful information about new products and services. (AS) Internet Adv provides me with useful information about new products and services. (N) Internet Adv provides me with useful information about new products and services. (DS) Internet Adv provides me with useful information about new products and services. (DS) For me, Internet Adv is amusing. (AS) For me, Internet Adv is amusing. (AS) For me, Internet Adv is amusing. (N) For me, Internet Adv is amusing. (DS) For me, Internet Adv is amusing. (DS) For me, Internet Adv appears at inconvenient moments. (AS) For me, Internet Adv appears at inconvenient moments. (AS) For me, Internet Adv appears at inconvenient moments. (N) For me, Internet Adv appears at inconvenient moments. (DS) For me, Internet Adv appears at inconvenient moments. (DS) For me, Internet Adv has no credibility. (AS) For me, Internet Adv has no credibility. (AS) For me, Internet Adv has no credibility. (N) For me, Internet Adv has no credibility. (DS) For me, Internet Adv has no credibility. (DS) For me, Internet Adv is repeated too often. (AS) For me, Internet Adv is repeated too often. (AS) For me, Internet Adv is repeated too often. (N) For me, Internet Adv is repeated too often. (DS) For me, Internet Adv is repeated too often. (DS) For me, all ads on the Internet are alike. (AS) For me, all ads on the Internet are alike. (AS) For me, all ads on the Internet are alike. (N) For me, all ads on the Internet are alike. (DS) For me, all ads on the Internet are alike. (DS) Interest in Sports MRPYIS001A Interest In Sports: College Basketball Non-Fan Page 115 MRPYIS002A MRPYIS003A MRPYIS004A MRPYIS005A MRPYIS006A MRPYIS007A MRPYIS008A MRPYIS009A MRPYIS010A MRPYIS011A MRPYIS012A MRPYIS013A MRPYIS014A MRPYIS015A MRPYIS016A MRPYIS017A MRPYIS018A MRPYIS019A MRPYIS020A MRPYIS021A MRPYIS022A MRPYIS023A MRPYIS024A MRPYIS025A MRPYIS026A MRPYIS027A MRPYIS028A MRPYIS029A MRPYIS030A MRPYIS031A MRPYIS032A MRPYIS033A MRPYIS034A MRPYIS035A MRPYIS036A MRPYIS037A MRPYIS038A MRPYIS039A MRPYIS040A MRPYIS041A MRPYIS042A MRPYIS043A MRPYIS044A MRPYIS045A MRPYIS046A MRPYIS047A MRPYIS048A MRPYIS049A MRPYIS050A MRPYIS051A MRPYIS052A MRPYIS053A MRPYIS054A MRPYIS055A MRPYIS056A MRPYIS057A MRPYIS058A MRPYIS059A MRPYIS060A MRPYIS061A MRPYIS062A MRPYIS063A MRPYIS064A MRPYIS065A MRPYIS066A MRPYIS067A MRPYIS068A MRPYIS069A MRPYIS070A MRPYIS071A MRPYIS072A MRPYIS073A MRPYIS074A MRPYIS075A MRPYIS076A MRPYIS077A MRPYIS078A MRPYIS079A MRPYIS080A Interest In Sports: College Basketball Interest Level: 1 (Weak Fan) Interest In Sports: College Basketball Interest Level: 2 Interest In Sports: College Basketball Interest Level: 3 Interest In Sports: College Basketball Interest Level: 4 Interest In Sports: College Basketball Interest Level: 5 Interest In Sports: College Basketball Interest Level: 6 Interest In Sports: College Basketball Interest Level: 7 Interest In Sports: College Basketball Interest Level: 8 Interest In Sports: College Basketball Interest Level: 9 Interest In Sports: College Basketball Interest Level: 10 (Super Fan) Interest In Sports: College Football Non-Fan Interest In Sports: College Football Interest Level: 1 (Weak Fan) Interest In Sports: College Football Interest Level: 2 Interest In Sports: College Football Interest Level: 3 Interest In Sports: College Football Interest Level: 4 Interest In Sports: College Football Interest Level: 5 Interest In Sports: College Football Interest Level: 6 Interest In Sports: College Football Interest Level: 7 Interest In Sports: College Football Interest Level: 8 Interest In Sports: College Football Interest Level: 9 Interest In Sports: College Football Interest Level: 10 (Super Fan) Interest In Sports: Other College Sports Non-Fan Interest In Sports: Other College Sports Interest Level: 1 (Weak Fan) Interest In Sports: Other College Sports Interest Level: 2 Interest In Sports: Other College Sports Interest Level: 3 Interest In Sports: Other College Sports Interest Level: 4 Interest In Sports: Other College Sports Interest Level: 5 Interest In Sports: Other College Sports Interest Level: 6 Interest In Sports: Other College Sports Interest Level: 7 Interest In Sports: Other College Sports Interest Level: 8 Interest In Sports: Other College Sports Interest Level: 9 Interest In Sports: Other College Sports Interest Level: 10 (Super Fan) Interest In Sports: Golf Non-Fan Interest In Sports: Golf Interest Level: 1 (Weak Fan) Interest In Sports: Golf Interest Level: 2 Interest In Sports: Golf Interest Level: 3 Interest In Sports: Golf Interest Level: 4 Interest In Sports: Golf Interest Level: 5 Interest In Sports: Golf Interest Level: 6 Interest In Sports: Golf Interest Level: 7 Interest In Sports: Golf Interest Level: 8 Interest In Sports: Golf Interest Level: 9 Interest In Sports: Golf Interest Level: 10 (Super Fan) Interest In Sports: High School Sports Non-Fan Interest In Sports: High School Sports Interest Level: 1 (Weak Fan) Interest In Sports: High School Sports Interest Level: 2 Interest In Sports: High School Sports Interest Level: 3 Interest In Sports: High School Sports Interest Level: 4 Interest In Sports: High School Sports Interest Level: 5 Interest In Sports: High School Sports Interest Level: 6 Interest In Sports: High School Sports Interest Level: 7 Interest In Sports: High School Sports Interest Level: 8 Interest In Sports: High School Sports Interest Level: 9 Interest In Sports: High School Sports Interest Level: 10 (Super Fan) Interest In Sports: Major League Baseball Non-Fan Interest In Sports: Major League Baseball Interest Level: 1 (Weak Fan) Interest In Sports: Major League Baseball Interest Level: 2 Interest In Sports: Major League Baseball Interest Level: 3 Interest In Sports: Major League Baseball Interest Level: 4 Interest In Sports: Major League Baseball Interest Level: 5 Interest In Sports: Major League Baseball Interest Level: 6 Interest In Sports: Major League Baseball Interest Level: 7 Interest In Sports: Major League Baseball Interest Level: 8 Interest In Sports: Major League Baseball Interest Level: 9 Interest In Sports: Major League Baseball Interest Level: 10 (Super Fan) Interest In Sports: NASCAR Non-Fan Interest In Sports: NASCAR Interest Level: 1 (Weak Fan) Interest In Sports: NASCAR Interest Level: 2 Interest In Sports: NASCAR Interest Level: 3 Interest In Sports: NASCAR Interest Level: 4 Interest In Sports: NASCAR Interest Level: 5 Interest In Sports: NASCAR Interest Level: 6 Interest In Sports: NASCAR Interest Level: 7 Interest In Sports: NASCAR Interest Level: 8 Interest In Sports: NASCAR Interest Level: 9 Interest In Sports: NASCAR Interest Level: 10 (Super Fan) Interest In Sports: NBA Non-Fan Interest In Sports: NBA Interest Level: 1 (Weak Fan) Interest In Sports: NBA Interest Level: 2 Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A MRPYIS081A MRPYIS082A MRPYIS083A MRPYIS084A MRPYIS085A MRPYIS086A MRPYIS087A MRPYIS088A MRPYIS089A MRPYIS090A MRPYIS091A MRPYIS092A MRPYIS093A MRPYIS094A MRPYIS095A MRPYIS096A MRPYIS097A MRPYIS098A MRPYIS099A MRPYIS100A MRPYIS101A MRPYIS102A MRPYIS103A MRPYIS104A MRPYIS105A MRPYIS106A MRPYIS107A MRPYIS108A MRPYIS109A MRPYIS110A MRPYIS111A MRPYIS112A MRPYIS113A MRPYIS114A MRPYIS115A MRPYIS116A MRPYIS117A MRPYIS118A MRPYIS119A MRPYIS120A MRPYIS121A MRPYIS122A MRPYIS123A MRPYIS124A MRPYIS125A MRPYIS126A MRPYIS127A MRPYIS128A MRPYIS129A MRPYIS130A MRPYIS131A MRPYIS132A MRPYIS133A MRPYIS134A MRPYIS135A MRPYIS136A MRPYIS137A MRPYIS138A MRPYIS139A MRPYIS140A MRPYIS141A MRPYIS142A MRPYIS143A MRPYIS144A MRPYIS145A MRPYIS146A MRPYIS147A MRPYIS148A MRPYIS149A MRPYIS150A MRPYIS151A MRPYIS152A MRPYIS153A MRPYIS154A MRPYIS155A MRPYIS156A MRPYIS157A MRPYIS158A MRPYIS159A Interest In Sports: NBA Interest Level: 3 Interest In Sports: NBA Interest Level: 4 Interest In Sports: NBA Interest Level: 5 Interest In Sports: NBA Interest Level: 6 Interest In Sports: NBA Interest Level: 7 Interest In Sports: NBA Interest Level: 8 Interest In Sports: NBA Interest Level: 9 Interest In Sports: NBA Interest Level: 10 (Super Fan) Interest In Sports: NFL Non-Fan Interest In Sports: NFL Interest Level: 1 (Weak Fan) Interest In Sports: NFL Interest Level: 2 Interest In Sports: NFL Interest Level: 3 Interest In Sports: NFL Interest Level: 4 Interest In Sports: NFL Interest Level: 5 Interest In Sports: NFL Interest Level: 6 Interest In Sports: NFL Interest Level: 7 Interest In Sports: NFL Interest Level: 8 Interest In Sports: NFL Interest Level: 9 Interest In Sports: NFL Interest Level: 10 (Super Fan) Interest In Sports: NHL Non-Fan Interest In Sports: NHL Interest Level: 1 (Weak Fan) Interest In Sports: NHL Interest Level: 2 Interest In Sports: NHL Interest Level: 3 Interest In Sports: NHL Interest Level: 4 Interest In Sports: NHL Interest Level: 5 Interest In Sports: NHL Interest Level: 6 Interest In Sports: NHL Interest Level: 7 Interest In Sports: NHL Interest Level: 8 Interest In Sports: NHL Interest Level: 9 Interest In Sports: NHL Interest Level: 10 (Super Fan) Interest In Sports: Olympics Non-Fan Interest In Sports: Olympics Interest Level: 1 (Weak Fan) Interest In Sports: Olympics Interest Level: 2 Interest In Sports: Olympics Interest Level: 3 Interest In Sports: Olympics Interest Level: 4 Interest In Sports: Olympics Interest Level: 5 Interest In Sports: Olympics Interest Level: 6 Interest In Sports: Olympics Interest Level: 7 Interest In Sports: Olympics Interest Level: 8 Interest In Sports: Olympics Interest Level: 9 Interest In Sports: Olympics Interest Level: 10 (Super Fan) Interest In Sports: Tennis Non-Fan Interest In Sports: Tennis Interest Level: 1 (Weak Fan) Interest In Sports: Tennis Interest Level: 2 Interest In Sports: Tennis Interest Level: 3 Interest In Sports: Tennis Interest Level: 4 Interest In Sports: Tennis Interest Level: 5 Interest In Sports: Tennis Interest Level: 6 Interest In Sports: Tennis Interest Level: 7 Interest In Sports: Tennis Interest Level: 8 Interest In Sports: Tennis Interest Level: 9 Interest In Sports: Tennis Interest Level: 10 (Super Fan) Interest in Sports - Summary: College Basketball - Weak Fan Interest in Sports - Summary: College Basketball - Average Fan Interest in Sports - Summary: College Basketball - Super Fan Interest in Sports - Summary: College Football - Weak Fan Interest in Sports - Summary: College Football - Average Fan Interest in Sports - Summary: College Football - Super Fan Interest in Sports - Summary: Other College Sports - Weak Fan Interest in Sports - Summary: Other College Sports - Average Fan Interest in Sports - Summary: Other College Sports - Super Fan Interest in Sports - Summary: Golf - Weak Fan Interest in Sports - Summary: Golf - Average Fan Interest in Sports - Summary: Golf - Super Fan Interest in Sports - Summary: High School Sports - Weak Fan Interest in Sports - Summary: High School Sports - Average Fan Interest in Sports - Summary: High School Sports - Super Fan Interest in Sports - Summary: Major League Baseball - Weak Fan Interest in Sports - Summary: Major League Baseball - Average Fan Interest in Sports - Summary: Major League Baseball - Super Fan Interest in Sports - Summary: Nascar - Weak Fan Interest in Sports - Summary: Nascar - Average Fan Interest in Sports - Summary: Nascar - Super Fan Interest in Sports - Summary: NBA - Weak Fan Interest in Sports - Summary: NBA - Average Fan Interest in Sports - Summary: NBA - Super Fan Interest in Sports - Summary: NFL - Weak Fan Interest in Sports - Summary: NFL - Average Fan Interest in Sports - Summary: NFL - Super Fan Page 116 MRPYIS160A MRPYIS161A MRPYIS162A MRPYIS163A MRPYIS164A MRPYIS165A MRPYIS166A MRPYIS167A MRPYIS168A Interest in Sports - Summary: NHL - Weak Fan Interest in Sports - Summary: NHL - Average Fan Interest in Sports - Summary: NHL - Super Fan Interest in Sports - Summary: Olympics - Weak Fan Interest in Sports - Summary: Olympics - Average Fan Interest in Sports - Summary: Olympics - Super Fan Interest in Sports - Summary: Tennis - Weak Fan Interest in Sports - Summary: Tennis - Average Fan Interest in Sports - Summary: Tennis - Super Fan Media Attitudes MRPYMA001A MRPYMA002A MRPYMA003A MRPYMA004A MRPYMA005A MRPYMA006A MRPYMA007A MRPYMA008A MRPYMA009A MRPYMA010A MRPYMA011A MRPYMA012A MRPYMA013A MRPYMA014A MRPYMA015A MRPYMA016A MRPYMA017A MRPYMA018A MRPYMA019A MRPYMA020A MRPYMA021A MRPYMA022A MRPYMA023A MRPYMA024A MRPYMA025A MRPYMA026A MRPYMA027A MRPYMA028A MRPYMA029A MRPYMA030A MRPYMA031A MRPYMA032A MRPYMA033A MRPYMA034A MRPYMA035A MRPYMA036A MRPYMA037A MRPYMA038A MRPYMA039A MRPYMA040A MRPYMA041A MRPYMA042A MRPYMA043A MRPYMA044A MRPYMA045A MRPYMA046A MRPYMA047A MRPYMA048A MRPYMA049A MRPYMA050A Media Attitudes: A good source of learning TV Media Attitudes: A good source of learning Radio Media Attitudes: A good source of learning Internet Media Attitudes: A good source of learning Magazines Media Attitudes: A good source of learning Newspapers Media Attitudes: Pure entertainment TV Media Attitudes: Pure entertainment Radio Media Attitudes: Pure entertainment Internet Media Attitudes: Pure entertainment Magazines Media Attitudes: Pure entertainment Newspapers Media Attitudes: Makes me think TV Media Attitudes: Makes me think Radio Media Attitudes: Makes me think Internet Media Attitudes: Makes me think Magazines Media Attitudes: Makes me think Newspapers Media Attitudes: Keeps me informed/up to date TV Media Attitudes: Keeps me informed/up to date Radio Media Attitudes: Keeps me informed/up to date Internet Media Attitudes: Keeps me informed/up to date Magazines Media Attitudes: Keeps me informed/up to date Newspapers Media Attitudes: A good escape TV Media Attitudes: A good escape Radio Media Attitudes: A good escape Internet Media Attitudes: A good escape Magazines Media Attitudes: A good escape Newspapers Media Attitudes: Relaxes me TV Media Attitudes: Relaxes me Radio Media Attitudes: Relaxes me Internet Media Attitudes: Relaxes me Magazines Media Attitudes: Relaxes me Newspapers Media Attitudes: Puts me in a good mood TV Media Attitudes: Puts me in a good mood Radio Media Attitudes: Puts me in a good mood Internet Media Attitudes: Puts me in a good mood Magazines Media Attitudes: Puts me in a good mood Newspapers Media Attitudes: Gives me good ideas TV Media Attitudes: Gives me good ideas Radio Media Attitudes: Gives me good ideas Internet Media Attitudes: Gives me good ideas Magazines Media Attitudes: Gives me good ideas Newspapers Media Attitudes: Keeps me up-to-date with the latest styles and trends TV Media Attitudes: Keeps me up-to-date with the latest styles and trends Radio Media Attitudes: Keeps me up-to-date with the latest styles and trends Internet Media Attitudes: Keeps me up-to-date with the latest styles and trends Magazines Media Attitudes: Keeps me up-to-date with the latest styles and trends Newspapers Media trusted the most: TV Media trusted the most: Radio Media trusted the most: Internet Media trusted the most: Magazines Media trusted the most: Newspapers Political Outlook MRPYPO001A MRPYPO002A MRPYPO003A MRPYPO004A MRPYPO005A Political Outlook - Usually think of yourself as: Very Conservative Political Outlook - Usually think of yourself as: Somewhat Conservative Political Outlook - Usually think of yourself as: Middle of the Road Political Outlook - Usually think of yourself as: Somewhat Liberal Political Outlook - Usually think of yourself as: Very Liberal Public Activities MRPYPA001A Public Activities: Voted in Federal/State/Local Election Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A MRPYPA002A Public Activities: Written/called any politician at the state/local/national level MRPYPA003A Public Activities: Written a letter to editor of newsp/mag or called live radio/TV show MRPYPA004A Public Activities: Written something that has been published MRPYPA005A Public Activities: Written an article for a magazine or newspaper MRPYPA006A Public Activities: Attended a political rally, speech, or organized protest of any kind MRPYPA007A Public Activities: Attended a public meeting on town or school affairs MRPYPA008A Public Activities: Held or run for political office MRPYPA009A Public Activities: Served on a committee for some local organization MRPYPA010A Public Activities: Served as an officer for some club or organization MRPYPA011A Public Activities: Signed a petition MRPYPA012A Public Activities: Worked for a political party MRPYPA013A Public Activities: Made a speech MRPYPA014A Public Activities: Been an active memb any group tries to influence public policy/govt MRPYPA015A Public Activities: Participated in environmental groups/causes MRPYPA016A Public Activities: Engaged in fund raising MRPYPA017A Public Activities: Recycled products MRPYPA018A Public Activities: Any activity MRPYPA019A Public Activities: InfluentialsSM(net) Technology Attitudes MRPYTC001A MRPYTC002A MRPYTC003A MRPYTC004A MRPYTC005A MRPYTC006A MRPYTC007A MRPYTC008A MRPYTC009A MRPYTC010A MRPYTC011A MRPYTC012A MRPYTC013A MRPYTC014A MRPYTC015A MRPYTC016A MRPYTC017A MRPYTC018A MRPYTC019A MRPYTC020A MRPYTC021A MRPYTC022A MRPYTC023A MRPYTC024A MRPYTC025A MRPYTC026A MRPYTC027A MRPYTC028A MRPYTC029A MRPYTC030A MRPYTC031A MRPYTC032A MRPYTC033A MRPYTC034A MRPYTC035A MRPYTC036A MRPYTC037A MRPYTC038A MRPYTC039A MRPYTC040A MRPYTC041A MRPYTC042A MRPYTC043A MRPYTC044A MRPYTC045A MRPYTC046A I enjoy reading about new technology products. (DC) I enjoy reading about new technology products. (DS) I enjoy reading about new technology products. (AS) I enjoy reading about new technology products. (AC) I'm willing to pay more for top quality electronics. (DC) I'm willing to pay more for top quality electronics. (DS) I'm willing to pay more for top quality electronics. (AS) I'm willing to pay more for top quality electronics. (AC) I often take the opportunity to discuss my knowledge of tech/elect prods with others. (DC) I often take the opportunity to discuss my knowledge of tech/elect prods with others. (DS) I often take the opportunity to discuss my knowledge of tech/elect prods with others. (AS) I often take the opportunity to discuss my knowledge of tech/elect prods with others. (AC) Computers are too confusing to be of much use to me. (DC) Computers are too confusing to be of much use to me. (DS) Computers are too confusing to be of much use to me. (AS) Computers are too confusing to be of much use to me. (AC) I give others advice when they are looking to buy tech/elect prods. (DC) I give others advice when they are looking to buy tech/elect prods. (DS) I give others advice when they are looking to buy tech/elect prods. (AS) I give others advice when they are looking to buy tech/elect prods. (AC) Computers can be a good source of entertainment. (DC) Computers can be a good source of entertainment. (DS) Computers can be a good source of entertainment. (AS) Computers can be a good source of entertainment. (AC) I'm fascinated by new technology. (DC) I'm fascinated by new technology. (DS) I'm fascinated by new technology. (AS) I'm fascinated by new technology. (AC) I enjoy learning about tech/elect prods from others. (DC) I enjoy learning about tech/elect prods from others. (DS) I enjoy learning about tech/elect prods from others. (AS) I enjoy learning about tech/elect prods from others. (AC) Technology helps make my life more organized. (DC) Technology helps make my life more organized. (DS) Technology helps make my life more organized. (AS) Technology helps make my life more organized. (AC) Before buying electronics, I do as much research as possible. (DC) Before buying electronics, I do as much research as possible. (DS) Before buying electronics, I do as much research as possible. (AS) Before buying electronics, I do as much research as possible. (AC) Technology has little impact on my daily life. (DC) Technology has little impact on my daily life. (DS) Technology has little impact on my daily life. (AS) Technology has little impact on my daily life. (AC) When I find a tech/elect prods I like, I typically recommend it to people I know. (DC) When I find a tech/elect prods I like, I typically recommend it to people I know. (DS) Page 117 MRPYTC047A When I find a tech/elect prods I like, I typically recommend it to people I know. (AS) MRPYTC048A When I find a tech/elect prods I like, I typically recommend it to people I know. (AC) MRPYTC049A I am among the first of my friends and colleagues to try new technology products. (DC) MRPYTC050A I am among the first of my friends and colleagues to try new technology products. (DS) MRPYTC051A I am among the first of my friends and colleagues to try new technology products. (AS) MRPYTC052A I am among the first of my friends and colleagues to try new technology products. (AC) MRPYTC053A At first, I was nervous about using computers, but now I'm much more comfortable. (DC) MRPYTC054A At first, I was nervous about using computers, but now I'm much more comfortable. (DS) MRPYTC055A At first, I was nervous about using computers, but now I'm much more comfortable. (AS) MRPYTC056A At first, I was nervous about using computers, but now I'm much more comfortable. (AC) MRPYTC057A I often ask the advice of others when it comes to technology or electronic products. (DC) MRPYTC058A I often ask the advice of others when it comes to technology or electronic products. (DS) MRPYTC059A I often ask the advice of others when it comes to technology or electronic products. (AS) MRPYTC060A I often ask the advice of others when it comes to technology or electronic products. (AC) MRPYTC061A I like to read reviews before buying technology or electronics. (DC) MRPYTC062A I like to read reviews before buying technology or electronics. (DS) MRPYTC063A I like to read reviews before buying technology or electronics. (AS) MRPYTC064A I like to read reviews before buying technology or electronics. (AC) Vacation Travel MRPYVA001A MRPYVA002A MRPYVA003A MRPYVA004A MRPYVA005A MRPYVA006A MRPYVA007A MRPYVA008A MRPYVA009A MRPYVA010A MRPYVA011A MRPYVA012A MRPYVA013A MRPYVA014A MRPYVA015A MRPYVA016A MRPYVA017A MRPYVA018A MRPYVA019A MRPYVA020A MRPYVA021A MRPYVA022A MRPYVA023A MRPYVA024A MRPYVA025A MRPYVA026A MRPYVA027A MRPYVA028A MRPYVA029A On my vacations, I prefer traveling to places I've never been. (DC) On my vacations, I prefer traveling to places I've never been. (DS) On my vacations, I prefer traveling to places I've never been. (AS) On my vacations, I prefer traveling to places I've never been. (AC) Concerns about security issues have made me less likely to travel. (DC) Concerns about security issues have made me less likely to travel. (DS) Concerns about security issues have made me less likely to travel. (AS) Concerns about security issues have made me less likely to travel. (AC) Travel & hotel discounts have a strong influence on where I choose to travel/stay. (DC) Travel & hotel discounts have a strong influence on where I choose to travel/stay. (DS) Travel & hotel discounts have a strong influence on where I choose to travel/stay. (AS) Travel & hotel discounts have a strong influence on where I choose to travel/stay. (AC) I often take the opportunity to discuss my knowledge of vacation options with others. (DC) I often take the opportunity to discuss my knowledge of vacation options with others. (DS) I often take the opportunity to discuss my knowledge of vacation options with others. (AS) I often take the opportunity to discuss my knowledge of vacation options with others. (AC) I'd rather book a trip over the Internet than meet with a travel agent. (DC) I'd rather book a trip over the Internet than meet with a travel agent. (DS) I'd rather book a trip over the Internet than meet with a travel agent. (AS) I'd rather book a trip over the Internet than meet with a travel agent. (AC) Packaged deals are great, because I don't have to plan out the details too much. (DC) Packaged deals are great, because I don't have to plan out the details too much. (DS) Packaged deals are great, because I don't have to plan out the details too much. (AS) Packaged deals are great, because I don't have to plan out the details too much. (AC) I love doing research on a location before I go on vacation. (DC) I love doing research on a location before I go on vacation. (DS) I love doing research on a location before I go on vacation. (AS) I love doing research on a location before I go on vacation. (AC) When I learn about a great vacation, I typically recommend it to people I know. (DC) Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A MRPYVA030A When I learn about a great vacation, I typically recommend it to people I know. (DS) MRPYVA031A When I learn about a great vacation, I typically recommend it to people I know. (AS) MRPYVA032A When I learn about a great vacation, I typically recommend it to people I know. (AC) MRPYVA033A I'd rather travel myself or with just a small group of people. (DC) MRPYVA034A I'd rather travel myself or with just a small group of people. (DS) MRPYVA035A I'd rather travel myself or with just a small group of people. (AS) MRPYVA036A I'd rather travel myself or with just a small group of people. (AC) MRPYVA037A I frequently choose active vacations with lots to do. (DC) MRPYVA038A I frequently choose active vacations with lots to do. (DS) MRPYVA039A I frequently choose active vacations with lots to do. (AS) MRPYVA040A I frequently choose active vacations with lots to do. (AC) MRPYVA041A It's worth it to me to pay more for high quality hotel accomodations (DC) MRPYVA042A It's worth it to me to pay more for high quality hotel accomodations (DS) MRPYVA043A It's worth it to me to pay more for high quality hotel accomodations (AS) MRPYVA044A It's worth it to me to pay more for high quality hotel accomodations (AC) MRPYVA045A I'm happy to do very little, if any, sightseeing on my vacations. (DC) MRPYVA046A I'm happy to do very little, if any, sightseeing on my vacations. (DS) MRPYVA047A I'm happy to do very little, if any, sightseeing on my vacations. (AS) MRPYVA048A I'm happy to do very little, if any, sightseeing on my vacations. (AC) MRPYVA049A I enjoy learning about vacation options from others. (DC) MRPYVA050A I enjoy learning about vacation options from others. (DS) MRPYVA051A I enjoy learning about vacation options from others. (AS) MRPYVA052A I enjoy learning about vacation options from others. (AC) MRPYVA053A When I find a vacation spot I like, I go back whenever I can. (DC) MRPYVA054A When I find a vacation spot I like, I go back whenever I can. (DS) MRPYVA055A When I find a vacation spot I like, I go back whenever I can. (AS) MRPYVA056A When I find a vacation spot I like, I go back whenever I can. (AC) MRPYVA057A I am willing to pay more for a flight in order to travel on my favorite airline. (DC) MRPYVA058A I am willing to pay more for a flight in order to travel on my favorite airline. (DS) MRPYVA059A I am willing to pay more for a flight in order to travel on my favorite airline. (AS) MRPYVA060A I am willing to pay more for a flight in order to travel on my favorite airline. (AC) MRPYVA061A The best vacation is restful without too much physical exercise. (DC) MRPYVA062A The best vacation is restful without too much physical exercise. (DS) MRPYVA063A The best vacation is restful without too much physical exercise. (AS) MRPYVA064A The best vacation is restful without too much physical exercise. (AC) MRPYVA065A Group tours are fun & a good way to meet people. (DC) MRPYVA066A Group tours are fun & a good way to meet people. (DS) MRPYVA067A Group tours are fun & a good way to meet people. (AS) MRPYVA068A Group tours are fun & a good way to meet people. (AC) MRPYVA069A People often ask my advice when it comes to vacation travel. (DC) MRPYVA070A People often ask my advice when it comes to vacation travel. (DS) MRPYVA071A People often ask my advice when it comes to vacation travel. (AS) MRPYVA072A People often ask my advice when it comes to vacation travel. (AC) MRPYVA073A I'd rather travel in the U.S. than to a foreign location. (DC) MRPYVA074A I'd rather travel in the U.S. than to a foreign location. (DS) MRPYVA075A I'd rather travel in the U.S. than to a foreign location. (AS) MRPYVA076A I'd rather travel in the U.S. than to a foreign location. (AC) MRPYVA077A The Internet is not a secure way to make travel plans. (DC) MRPYVA078A The Internet is not a secure way to make travel plans. (DS) MRPYVA079A The Internet is not a secure way to make travel plans. (AS) MRPYVA080A The Internet is not a secure way to make travel plans. (AC) MRPYVA081A I often ask the advice of others when it comes to vacation travel. (DC) MRPYVA082A I often ask the advice of others when it comes to vacation travel. (DS) MRPYVA083A I often ask the advice of others when it comes to vacation travel. (AS) MRPYVA084A I often ask the advice of others when it comes to vacation travel. (AC) MRPYVA085A Traveling to foreign places is a great way for me to learn about other cultures. (DC) MRPYVA086A Traveling to foreign places is a great way for me to learn about other cultures. (DS) MRPYVA087A Traveling to foreign places is a great way for me to learn about other cultures. (AS) MRPYVA088A Traveling to foreign places is a great way for me to learn about other cultures. (AC) MRPYVA089A I'd rather take a few weekend vacations than one long vacation. (DC) MRPYVA090A I'd rather take a few weekend vacations than one long vacation. (DS) MRPYVA091A I'd rather take a few weekend vacations than one long vacation. (AS) MRPYVA092A I'd rather take a few weekend vacations than one long vacation. (AC) MRPYVA093A I prefer guided tours to traveling independently. (DC) MRPYVA094A I prefer guided tours to traveling independently. (DS) MRPYVA095A I prefer guided tours to traveling independently. (AS) MRPYVA096A I prefer guided tours to traveling independently. (AC) Page 118 Intentions Next Year MRPYNX001A MRPYNX002A MRPYNX003A MRPYNX004A MRPYNX005A MRPYNX006A MRPYNX007A MRPYNX008A MRPYNX009A MRPYNX010A MRPYNX011A MRPYNX012A MRPYNX013A MRPYNX014A MRPYNX015A MRPYNX016A MRPYNX017A MRPYNX018A MRPYNX019A MRPYNX020A MRPYNX021A MRPYNX022A MRPYNX023A MRPYNX024A MRPYNX025A MRPYNX026A MRPYNX027A MRPYNX028A MRPYNX029A MRPYNX030A MRPYNX031A MRPYNX032A MRPYNX033A MRPYNX034A MRPYNX035A MRPYNX036A MRPYNX037A MRPYNX038A MRPYNX039A MRPYNX040A MRPYNX041A MRPYNX042A MRPYNX043A MRPYNX044A MRPYNX045A MRPYNX046A MRPYNX047A MRPYNX048A MRPYNX049A MRPYNX050A MRPYNX051A MRPYNX052A MRPYNX053A MRPYNX054A MRPYNX055A MRPYNX056A MRPYNX057A MRPYNX058A MRPYNX059A MRPYNX060A MRPYNX061A MRPYNX062A MRPYNX063A MRPYNX064A MRPYNX065A MRPYNX066A MRPYNX067A MRPYNX068A MRPYNX069A MRPYNX070A MRPYNX071A MRPYNX072A MRPYNX073A MRPYNX074A MRPYNX075A MRPYNX076A MRPYNX077A Intentions Next Year: Buy your first house (VL) Intentions Next Year: Buy your first house (SL) Intentions Next Year: Buy your first house (NVL) Intentions Next Year: Buy your first house (NAAL) Intentions Next Year: Buy a second/vacation house (VL) Intentions Next Year: Buy a second/vacation house (SL) Intentions Next Year: Buy a second/vacation house (NVL) Intentions Next Year: Buy a second/vacation house (NAAL) Intentions Next Year: Sell your house (VL) Intentions Next Year: Sell your house (SL) Intentions Next Year: Sell your house (NVL) Intentions Next Year: Sell your house (NAAL) Intentions Next Year: Take out a 2nd Mortgage/Equity loan (VL) Intentions Next Year: Take out a 2nd Mortgage/Equity loan (SL) Intentions Next Year: Take out a 2nd Mortgage/Equity loan (NVL) Intentions Next Year: Take out a 2nd Mortgage/Equity loan (NAAL) Intentions Next Year: Remodel kitchen (VL) Intentions Next Year: Remodel kitchen (SL) Intentions Next Year: Remodel kitchen (NVL) Intentions Next Year: Remodel kitchen (NAAL) Intentions Next Year: Remodel Bathroom (VL) Intentions Next Year: Remodel Bathroom (SL) Intentions Next Year: Remodel Bathroom (NVL) Intentions Next Year: Remodel Bathroom (NAAL) Intentions Next Year: Convert room to home office (VL) Intentions Next Year: Convert room to home office (SL) Intentions Next Year: Convert room to home office (NVL) Intentions Next Year: Convert room to home office (NAAL) Intentions Next Year: Add rooms/exterior additions (VL) Intentions Next Year: Add rooms/exterior additions (SL) Intentions Next Year: Add rooms/exterior additions (NVL) Intentions Next Year: Add rooms/exterior additions (NAAL) Intentions Next Year: Other remodel your home (VL) Intentions Next Year: Other remodel your home (SL) Intentions Next Year: Other remodel your home (NVL) Intentions Next Year: Other remodel your home (NAAL) Intentions Next Year: Homeowner or personal property (VL) Intentions Next Year: Homeowner or personal property (SL) Intentions Next Year: Homeowner or personal property (NVL) Intentions Next Year: Homeowner or personal property (NAAL) Intentions Next Year: Life insurance (VL) Intentions Next Year: Life insurance (SL) Intentions Next Year: Life insurance (NVL) Intentions Next Year: Life insurance (NAAL) Intentions Next Year: Invest in stocks, bonds, or mutual funds (VL) Intentions Next Year: Invest in stocks, bonds, or mutual funds (SL) Intentions Next Year: Invest in stocks, bonds, or mutual funds (NVL) Intentions Next Year: Invest in stocks, bonds, or mutual funds (NAAL) Intentions Next Year: Visit Hawaii (VL) Intentions Next Year: Visit Hawaii (SL) Intentions Next Year: Visit Hawaii (NVL) Intentions Next Year: Visit Hawaii (NAAL) Intentions Next Year: Visit Florida (VL) Intentions Next Year: Visit Florida (SL) Intentions Next Year: Visit Florida (NVL) Intentions Next Year: Visit Florida (NAAL) Intentions Next Year: Visit Theme Park (VL) Intentions Next Year: Visit Theme Park (SL) Intentions Next Year: Visit Theme Park (NVL) Intentions Next Year: Visit Theme Park (NAAL) Intentions Next Year: Other travel vacation within the U.S (VL) Intentions Next Year: Other travel vacation within the U.S (SL) Intentions Next Year: Other travel vacation within the U.S (NVL) Intentions Next Year: Other travel vacation within the U.S (NAAL) Intentions Next Year: Cruise: (for more than 1 day) (VL) Intentions Next Year: Cruise: (for more than 1 day) (SL) Intentions Next Year: Cruise: (for more than 1 day) (NVL) Intentions Next Year: Cruise: (for more than 1 day) (NAAL) Intentions Next Year: Travel to Europe (VL) Intentions Next Year: Travel to Europe (SL) Intentions Next Year: Travel to Europe (NVL) Intentions Next Year: Travel to Europe (NAAL) Intentions Next Year: Travel to Caribbean (VL) Intentions Next Year: Travel to Caribbean (SL) Intentions Next Year: Travel to Caribbean (NVL) Intentions Next Year: Travel to Caribbean (NAAL) Intentions Next Year: Travel to Mexico (VL) Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A MRPYNX078A MRPYNX079A MRPYNX080A MRPYNX081A MRPYNX082A MRPYNX083A MRPYNX084A MRPYNX085A MRPYNX086A MRPYNX087A MRPYNX088A MRPYNX089A MRPYNX090A MRPYNX091A MRPYNX092A MRPYNX093A MRPYNX094A MRPYNX095A MRPYNX096A MRPYNX097A MRPYNX098A MRPYNX099A MRPYNX100A MRPYNX101A MRPYNX102A MRPYNX103A MRPYNX104A MRPYNX105A MRPYNX106A MRPYNX107A MRPYNX108A MRPYNX109A MRPYNX110A MRPYNX111A MRPYNX112A MRPYNX113A MRPYNX114A MRPYNX115A MRPYNX116A MRPYNX117A MRPYNX118A MRPYNX119A MRPYNX120A MRPYNX121A MRPYNX122A MRPYNX123A MRPYNX124A MRPYNX125A MRPYNX126A MRPYNX127A MRPYNX128A MRPYNX129A MRPYNX130A MRPYNX131A MRPYNX132A MRPYNX133A MRPYNX134A MRPYNX135A MRPYNX136A MRPYNX137A MRPYNX138A MRPYNX139A MRPYNX140A MRPYNX141A MRPYNX142A MRPYNX143A MRPYNX144A MRPYNX145A MRPYNX146A MRPYNX147A MRPYNX148A MRPYNX149A MRPYNX150A MRPYNX151A MRPYNX152A MRPYNX153A MRPYNX154A MRPYNX155A MRPYNX156A Intentions Next Year: Travel to Mexico (SL) Intentions Next Year: Travel to Mexico (NVL) Intentions Next Year: Travel to Mexico (NAAL) Intentions Next Year: Travel to South America (VL) Intentions Next Year: Travel to South America (SL) Intentions Next Year: Travel to South America (NVL) Intentions Next Year: Travel to South America (NAAL) Intentions Next Year: Other travel vacation abroad (VL) Intentions Next Year: Other travel vacation abroad (SL) Intentions Next Year: Other travel vacation abroad (NVL) Intentions Next Year: Other travel vacation abroad (NAAL) Intentions Next Year: Buy a new vehicle (VL) Intentions Next Year: Buy a new vehicle (SL) Intentions Next Year: Buy a new vehicle (NVL) Intentions Next Year: Buy a new vehicle (NAAL) Intentions Next Year: Buy a used or pre-owned vehicle (VL) Intentions Next Year: Buy a used or pre-owned vehicle (SL) Intentions Next Year: Buy a used or pre-owned vehicle (NVL) Intentions Next Year: Buy a used or pre-owned vehicle (NAAL) Intentions Next Year: Lease a vehicle (VL) Intentions Next Year: Lease a vehicle (SL) Intentions Next Year: Lease a vehicle (NVL) Intentions Next Year: Lease a vehicle (NAAL) Intentions Next Year: Acquire 2-door car (VL) Intentions Next Year: Acquire 2-door car (SL) Intentions Next Year: Acquire 2-door car (NVL) Intentions Next Year: Acquire 2-door car (NAAL) Intentions Next Year: Acquire 4-door car (VL) Intentions Next Year: Acquire 4-door car (SL) Intentions Next Year: Acquire 4-door car (NVL) Intentions Next Year: Acquire 4-door car (NAAL) Intentions Next Year: Acquire Van/Mini-van (VL) Intentions Next Year: Acquire Van/Mini-van (SL) Intentions Next Year: Acquire Van/Mini-van (NVL) Intentions Next Year: Acquire Van/Mini-van (NAAL) Intentions Next Year: Acquire Motorcycle (VL) Intentions Next Year: Acquire Motorcycle (SL) Intentions Next Year: Acquire Motorcycle (NVL) Intentions Next Year: Acquire Motorcycle (NAAL) Intentions Next Year: Acquire Sport Utility Vehicle (VL) Intentions Next Year: Acquire Sport Utility Vehicle (SL) Intentions Next Year: Acquire Sport Utility Vehicle (NVL) Intentions Next Year: Acquire Sport Utility Vehicle (NAAL) Intentions Next Year: Acquire Truck (VL) Intentions Next Year: Acquire Truck (SL) Intentions Next Year: Acquire Truck (NVL) Intentions Next Year: Acquire Truck (NAAL) Intentions Next Year: Acquire Hybrid/Alternative Fuel Vehicle (VL) Intentions Next Year: Acquire Hybrid/Alternative Fuel Vehicle (SL) Intentions Next Year: Acquire Hybrid/Alternative Fuel Vehicle (NVL) Intentions Next Year: Acquire Hybrid/Alternative Fuel Vehicle (NAAL) Intentions Next Year: Acquire Home theater system (VL) Intentions Next Year: Acquire Home theater system (SL) Intentions Next Year: Acquire Home theater system (NVL) Intentions Next Year: Acquire Home theater system (NAAL) Intentions Next Year: Acquire Large flat screen/HDTV (27 Intentions Next Year: Acquire Large flat screen/HDTV (27 Intentions Next Year: Acquire Large flat screen/HDTV (27 Intentions Next Year: Acquire Large flat screen/HDTV (27 Intentions Next Year: Acquire Giant flat screen/HDTV (43 Intentions Next Year: Acquire Giant flat screen/HDTV (43 Intentions Next Year: Acquire Giant flat screen/HDTV (43 Intentions Next Year: Acquire Giant flat screen/HDTV (43 Intentions Next Year: Acquire Portable dvd player (VL) Intentions Next Year: Acquire Portable dvd player (SL) Intentions Next Year: Acquire Portable dvd player (NVL) Intentions Next Year: Acquire Portable dvd player (NAAL) Intentions Next Year: Acquire Blu-ray player (VL) Intentions Next Year: Acquire Blu-ray player (SL) Intentions Next Year: Acquire Blu-ray player (NVL) Intentions Next Year: Acquire Blu-ray player (NAAL) Intentions Next Year: Acquire Digital video camera/Digital camera (VL) Intentions Next Year: Acquire Digital video camera/Digital camera (SL) Intentions Next Year: Acquire Digital video camera/Digital camera (NVL) Intentions Next Year: Acquire Digital video camera/Digital camera (NAAL) Intentions Next Year: Acquire Desktop computer (VL) Intentions Next Year: Acquire Desktop computer (SL) Intentions Next Year: Acquire Desktop computer (NVL) Intentions Next Year: Acquire Desktop computer (NAAL) Page 119 MRPYNX157A MRPYNX158A MRPYNX159A MRPYNX160A MRPYNX161A MRPYNX162A MRPYNX163A MRPYNX164A MRPYNX165A MRPYNX166A MRPYNX167A MRPYNX168A MRPYNX169A MRPYNX170A MRPYNX171A MRPYNX172A MRPYNX173A MRPYNX174A MRPYNX175A MRPYNX176A MRPYNX177A MRPYNX178A MRPYNX179A MRPYNX180A MRPYNX181A MRPYNX182A MRPYNX183A MRPYNX184A MRPYNX185A MRPYNX186A MRPYNX187A MRPYNX188A MRPYNX189A MRPYNX190A MRPYNX191A MRPYNX192A MRPYNX193A MRPYNX194A MRPYNX195A MRPYNX196A MRPYNX197A MRPYNX198A MRPYNX199A MRPYNX200A Intentions Next Year: Acquire Laptop computer (VL) Intentions Next Year: Acquire Laptop computer (SL) Intentions Next Year: Acquire Laptop computer (NVL) Intentions Next Year: Acquire Laptop computer (NAAL) Intentions Next Year: Acquire Satellite Radio (VL) Intentions Next Year: Acquire Satellite Radio (SL) Intentions Next Year: Acquire Satellite Radio (NVL) Intentions Next Year: Acquire Satellite Radio (NAAL) Intentions Next Year: Become a parent (VL) Intentions Next Year: Become a parent (SL) Intentions Next Year: Become a parent (NVL) Intentions Next Year: Become a parent (NAAL) Intentions Next Year: Become a grandparent (VL) Intentions Next Year: Become a grandparent (SL) Intentions Next Year: Become a grandparent (NVL) Intentions Next Year: Become a grandparent (NAAL) Intentions Next Year: Have a child go away to college (VL) Intentions Next Year: Have a child go away to college (SL) Intentions Next Year: Have a child go away to college (NVL) Intentions Next Year: Have a child go away to college (NAAL) Intentions Next Year: Have a child graduate from college (VL) Intentions Next Year: Have a child graduate from college (SL) Intentions Next Year: Have a child graduate from college (NVL) Intentions Next Year: Have a child graduate from college (NAAL) Intentions Next Year: Have a child get married (VL) Intentions Next Year: Have a child get married (SL) Intentions Next Year: Have a child get married (NVL) Intentions Next Year: Have a child get married (NAAL) Intentions Next Year: Retire from full-time work (VL) Intentions Next Year: Retire from full-time work (SL) Intentions Next Year: Retire from full-time work (NVL) Intentions Next Year: Retire from full-time work (NAAL) Intentions Next Year: Collect lump-sum from pension/IRA/401k (VL) Intentions Next Year: Collect lump-sum from pension/IRA/401k (SL) Intentions Next Year: Collect lump-sum from pension/IRA/401k (NVL) Intentions Next Year: Collect lump-sum from pension/IRA/401k (NAAL) Intentions Next Year: Start or buy a new business (VL) Intentions Next Year: Start or buy a new business (SL) Intentions Next Year: Start or buy a new business (NVL) Intentions Next Year: Start or buy a new business (NAAL) Intentions Next Year: Change jobs (VL) Intentions Next Year: Change jobs (SL) Intentions Next Year: Change jobs (NVL) Intentions Next Year: Change jobs (NAAL) Shopping MRSHAP001A MRSHAP002A MRSHAP003A MRSHAP004A MRSHAP005A MRSHAP006A MRSHAP007A MRSHAP008A MRSHAP009A MRSHAP010A MRSHAP011A MRSHCI001A MRSHCI002A MRSHCI003A MRSHCI004A MRSHCI005A MRSHCI006A MRSHCI007A MRSHCI008A MRSHCI009A MRSHCI010A MRSHCI011A MRSHCI012A MRSHCI013A MRSHCI014A MRSHCI015A MRSHCI016A MRSHCI017A MRSHCI018A MRSHCI019A MRSHCI020A Appliance/Hardware/Electronics: Ace Hardware Appliance/Hardware/Electronics: Home Depot Appliance/Hardware/Electronics: Lowe's Appliance/Hardware/Electronics: Sears Hardware Appliance/Hardware/Electronics: Sherwin Williams Appliance/Hardware/Electronics: Tractor Supply Company Appliance/Hardware/Electronics: True Value Appliance/Hardware/Electronics: Other Appliance/Hardware/Electronics: Best Buy Appliance/Hardware/Electronics: RadioShack Appliance/Hardware/Electronics: RAC Rent-A-Center Cat/Internet, Phone & Mail Shopping - Spent Less than $50 Cat/Internet, Phone & Mail Shopping - Spent $50 - $99 Cat/Internet, Phone & Mail Shopping - Spent $100 - $199 Cat/Internet, Phone & Mail Shopping - Spent $200 - $499 Cat/Internet, Phone & Mail Shopping - Spent $500 - $799 Cat/Internet, Phone & Mail Shopping - Spent $800+ Cat/Internet, Phone & Mail Shopping - Spent: Less than $50 Cat/Internet, Phone & Mail Shopping - Spent: $50 - $99 Cat/Internet, Phone & Mail Shopping - Spent: $100 - $199 Cat/Internet, Phone & Mail Shopping - Spent: $200 - $499 Cat/Internet, Phone & Mail Shopping - Spent: $500 - $799 Cat/Internet, Phone & Mail Shopping - Spent: $800+ Mail/Phone/Internet: Purchased airline tickets Mail/Phone/Internet: Automotive Products Mail/Phone/Internet: Baby Accessories Mail/Phone/Internet: Banking Services Mail/Phone/Internet: Bedding/Linens Mail/Phone/Internet: Books Mail/Phone/Internet: Cameras/Equipment Mail/Phone/Internet: Vehicle Rental Reservations Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A MRSHCI021A MRSHCI022A MRSHCI023A MRSHCI024A MRSHCI025A MRSHCI026A MRSHCI027A MRSHCI028A MRSHCI029A MRSHCI030A MRSHCI031A MRSHCI032A MRSHCI033A MRSHCI034A MRSHCI035A MRSHCI036A MRSHCI037A MRSHCI038A MRSHCI039A MRSHCI040A MRSHCI041A MRSHCI042A MRSHCI043A MRSHCI044A MRSHCI045A MRSHCI046A MRSHCI047A MRSHCI048A MRSHCI049A MRSHCI050A MRSHCI051A MRSHCI052A MRSHCI053A MRSHCI054A MRSHCI055A MRSHCI056A MRSHCI057A MRSHCI058A MRSHCI059A MRSHCI060A MRSHCI061A MRSHCI062A MRSHCI063A MRSHCI064A MRSHCI065A MRSHCI066A MRSHCI067A MRSHCI068A MRSHCI069A MRSHCI070A MRSHCI071A MRSHCI072A MRSHCI073A MRSHCI074A MRSHCI075A MRSHCI076A MRSHCI077A MRSHCI078A MRSHCI079A MRSHCI080A MRSHCI081A MRSHCI082A MRSHCI083A MRSHCI084A MRSHCI085A MRSHCI086A MRSHCI087A MRSHCI088A MRSHCI089A MRSHCI090A MRSHCI091A MRSHCI092A MRSHCI093A MRSHCI094A MRSHCI095A MRSHCI096A MRSHCI097A MRSHCI098A MRSHCI099A Mail/Phone/Internet: CDs Mail/Phone/Internet: Cell Phones or accessories Mail/Phone/Internet: Clothing/Apparel Mail/Phone/Internet: Coffee/Tea Mail/Phone/Internet: Collector's Items (coins,stamps,etc) Mail/Phone/Internet: Computers Mail/Phone/Internet: Computer Software/Accessories Mail/Phone/Internet: Cooking/Kitchen Accessories Mail/Phone/Internet: Cosmetics/Toiletries Mail/Phone/Internet: Credit Cards Mail/Phone/Internet: DVDs/Blu-ray Discs Mail/Phone/Internet: Educational programs Mail/Phone/Internet: Fitness Apparel/Equipment Mail/Phone/Internet: Flowers Mail/Phone/Internet: Food/Groceries Mail/Phone/Internet: Garden Supplies Mail/Phone/Internet: Gift Baskets Mail/Phone/Internet: Handbags/Other accessories Mail/Phone/Internet: Hobby/Craft supplies Mail/Phone/Internet: Home furnishings Mail/Phone/Internet: Home improvement items Mail/Phone/Internet: Hotel Reservations Mail/Phone/Internet: Household/Small Appliances Mail/Phone/Internet: Housewares Mail/Phone/Internet: Hunting/Fishing/Camping Equipment Mail/Phone/Internet: Jewelry/Watches Mail/Phone/Internet: MP3 Players Mail/Phone/Internet: Office Supplies Mail/Phone/Internet: Pet Products/Supplies Mail/Phone/Internet: Prescription Drugs Mail/Phone/Internet: Religious Products Mail/Phone/Internet: Shoes/Footwear Mail/Phone/Internet: Sports apparel/memorabilia Mail/Phone/Internet: Sports equipment Mail/Phone/Internet: Tickets for Movies Mail/Phone/Internet: Toys/Games Mail/Phone/Internet: TVs Mail/Phone/Internet: Video Games/Systems Mail/Phone/Internet: Vitamins Mail/Phone/Internet: Wedding/Occasion Gifts Mail/Phone/Internet: Wines/Champagnes Mail/Phone/Internet: Other electronics Mail/Phone/Internet: Other financial/insurance products Mail/Phone/Internet: Other health/medical supplies Mail/Phone/Internet: Other travel services Mail/Phone/Internet: Other Mail/Phone/Internet: Any product Mail/Phone/Internet: Other Tickets (concerts,shows,sports) Ordered By Mail/Phone: 1800PetMeds Ordered By Mail/Phone: Avon Ordered By Mail/Phone: BMG Music Ordered By Mail/Phone: Book of the Month Club Ordered By Mail/Phone: Brookstone Collection Ordered By Mail/Phone: Coldwater Creek Ordered By Mail/Phone: Columbia House Ordered By Mail/Phone: Crate & Barrel Ordered By Mail/Phone: Eddie Bauer Ordered By Mail/Phone: Fingerhut Ordered By Mail/Phone: Gevalia Ordered By Mail/Phone: Hammacher Schlemmer Ordered By Mail/Phone: Home Shopping Network Ordered By Mail/Phone: J.Crew Ordered By Mail/Phone: JCPenney Ordered By Mail/Phone: L.L.Bean Ordered By Mail/Phone: LandsÆ End Ordered By Mail/Phone: Lillian Vernon Ordered By Mail/Phone: MacyÆs Ordered By Mail/Phone: Neiman Marcus Ordered By Mail/Phone: Nordstrom Ordered By Mail/Phone: Office Depot Ordered By Mail/Phone: Pottery Barn Ordered By Mail/Phone: ProFlowers Ordered By Mail/Phone: Publishers Clearing House Ordered By Mail/Phone: QVC Ordered By Mail/Phone: ReaderÆs Digest Store Ordered By Mail/Phone: Red Envelope Ordered By Mail/Phone: Other Ordered By Mail/Phone: Staples Ordered By Mail/Phone: Teleflora Page 120 MRSHCI100A MRSHCI101A MRSHCI102A MRSHCI103A MRSHCI104A MRSHCI105A MRSHCI106A MRSHCI107A MRSHCI108A MRSHCI109A MRSHCI110A MRSHCI111A MRSHCI112A MRSHCI113A MRSHCI114A MRSHCI115A MRSHCI116A MRSHCI117A MRSHCI118A MRSHCI119A MRSHCI120A MRSHCI121A MRSHCI122A MRSHCI123A MRSHCI124A MRSHCI125A MRSHCI126A MRSHCI127A MRSHCI128A MRSHCI129A MRSHCI130A MRSHCI131A MRSHCI132A MRSHCI133A MRSHCI134A MRSHCI135A MRSHCI136A MRSHCI137A MRSHCI138A MRSHCI139A MRSHCI140A MRSHCI141A MRSHCI142A MRSHCI143A MRSHCI144A MRSHCI145A MRSHCI146A MRSHCI147A MRSHCI148A MRSHCI149A MRSHCI150A MRSHCI151A MRSHCI152A MRSHCI153A MRSHCI154A MRSHCI155A MRSHCI156A MRSHCI157A MRSHCI158A MRSHCI159A MRSHCI160A MRSHCI161A MRSHCI162A MRSHCI163A MRSHCI164A MRSHCI165A MRSHCI166A MRSHCI167A MRSHCI168A MRSHCI169A MRSHCI170A MRSHCI171A MRSHCI172A MRSHCI173A MRSHCI174A MRSHCI175A MRSHCC001A MRSHCC002A MRSHCC003A Ordered By Mail/Phone: Victoria's Secret Ordered By Mail/Phone: Other Department/Specialty Store Ordered By Mail/Phone: Other Catalog or Mail Order Service Websites ordered from: Websites ordered from: Websites ordered from: Barnes& Websites ordered from: Websites ordered from: Websites ordered from: Websites ordered from: Websites ordered from: Websites ordered from: Websites ordered from: Websites ordered from: Websites ordered from: Websites ordered from: Websites ordered from: Websites ordered from: Websites ordered from: Websites ordered from: Websites ordered from: Websites ordered from: Websites ordered from: Websites ordered from: Websites ordered from: (Apple Store) Websites ordered from: Websites ordered from: Websites ordered from: Websites ordered from: Websites ordered from: Websites ordered from: Websites ordered from: Websites ordered from: Websites ordered from: Websites ordered from: Websites ordered from: Websites ordered from: Websites ordered from: Websites ordered from: Websites ordered from: Websites ordered from: Websites ordered from: Websites ordered from: Other Internet site You Personally Ordered by Website: 1800PetMeds You Personally Ordered by Website: Avon You Personally Ordered by Website: BMG Music You Personally Ordered by Website: Book of the Month Club You Personally Ordered by Website: Brookstone Collection You Personally Ordered by Website: Coldwater Creek You Personally Ordered by Website: Columbia House You Personally Ordered by Website: Crate & Barrel You Personally Ordered by Website: Eddie Bauer You Personally Ordered by Website: Fingerhut You Personally Ordered by Website: Gevalia You Personally Ordered by Website: Hammacher Schlemmer You Personally Ordered by Website: Home Shopping Network You Personally Ordered by Website: J.Crew You Personally Ordered by Website: JCPenney You Personally Ordered by Website: L.L.Bean You Personally Ordered by Website: Lands End You Personally Ordered by Website: Lillian Vernon You Personally Ordered by Website: Macys You Personally Ordered by Website: Neiman Marcus You Personally Ordered by Website: Nordstrom You Personally Ordered by Website: Office Depot You Personally Ordered by Website: Pottery Barn You Personally Ordered by Website: ProFlowers You Personally Ordered by Website: Publishers Clearing House You Personally Ordered by Website: QVC You Personally Ordered by Website: Readers Digest Store You Personally Ordered by Website: Red Envelope You Personally Ordered by Website: Staples You Personally Ordered by Website: Teleflora You Personally Ordered by Website: Victoria's Secret You Personally Ordered by Website: Other Department/Specialty Store You Personally Ordered by Website: Other Catalog/Mail Order Service Convenience Stores - Amount Spent In Total: Under $11 Convenience Stores - Amount Spent In Total: $11 - $19 Convenience Stores - Amount Spent In Total: $20 - $39 Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A MRSHCC004A MRSHCC005A MRSHCC006A MRSHCC007A MRSHCC008A MRSHCC009A MRSHCC010A MRSHCC011A MRSHCC012A MRSHCC013A MRSHCC014A MRSHCC015A MRSHCC016A MRSHCC017A MRSHCC018A MRSHCC019A MRSHCC020A MRSHCC021A MRSHCC022A MRSHCC023A MRSHCC024A MRSHCC025A MRSHCC026A MRSHCC027A MRSHCC028A MRSHCC029A MRSHCC030A MRSHCC031A MRSHCC032A MRSHCC033A MRSHCC034A MRSHCC035A MRSHCC036A MRSHCC037A MRSHCC038A MRSHCC039A MRSHCC040A MRSHCC041A MRSHCC042A MRSHCC043A MRSHCC044A MRSHDP001A MRSHDP002A MRSHDP003A MRSHDP004A MRSHDP005A MRSHDP006A MRSHDP007A MRSHDP008A MRSHDP009A MRSHDP010A MRSHDP011A MRSHDP012A MRSHDP013A MRSHDP014A MRSHDP015A MRSHDP016A MRSHDP017A MRSHDP018A MRSHDP019A MRSHDP020A MRSHDP021A MRSHDP022A MRSHDP023A MRSHDP024A MRSHDP025A MRSHDP026A MRSHDP027A MRSHDP028A MRSHDP029A MRSHDP030A MRSHDP031A Convenience Stores - Amount Spent In Total: $40 - $50 Convenience Stores - Amount Spent In Total: $51 - $99 Convenience Stores - Amount Spent In Total: $100+ Convenience Stores - Items Bought: Breakfast sandwich Convenience Stores - Items Bought: Lunch sandwich Convenience Stores - Items Bought: Hot dogs Convenience Stores - Items Bought: Other grill food Convenience Stores - Items Bought: Ice cream Convenience Stores - Items Bought: Candy Convenience Stores - Items Bought: Snack foods Convenience Stores - Items Bought: Dairy products Convenience Stores - Items Bought: Bread Convenience Stores - Items Bought: Other bakery items Convenience Stores - Items Bought: Coffee - brewed Convenience Stores - Items Bought: Milk Convenience Stores - Items Bought: Soft drinks - bottle/can Convenience Stores - Items Bought: Soft drinks - fountain Convenience Stores - Items Bought: Juice drinks Convenience Stores - Items Bought: Beer Convenience Stores - Items Bought: Frozen beverage Convenience Stores - Items Bought: Cigarettes Convenience Stores - Items Bought: Lottery tickets Convenience Stores - Items Bought: Non-prescription drug/OTC Convenience Stores - Items Bought: ATM/Financial services Convenience Stores - Items Bought: Gas Convenience Stores - Items Bought: Other (non-food) Convenience Stores - Time Of Day Usually Shop: Morning (5am-10am) Convenience Stores - Time Of Day Usually Shop: Mid Day (10am-2pm) Convenience Stores - Time Of Day Usually Shop: Afternoon (2pm-7pm) Convenience Stores - Time Of Day Usually Shop: Evening (7pmmidnight) Convenience Stores: AM/PM In last 6 months Convenience Stores: BP/Amoco Food Mart In last 6 months Convenience Stores: Circle K In last 6 months Convenience Stores: Citgo Quik Mart In last 6 months Convenience Stores: Cumberland Farms In last 6 months Convenience Stores: Exxon/Mobil On the Run In last 6 months Convenience Stores: 7-Eleven In last 6 months Convenience Stores: Stop-N-Go In last 6 months Convenience Stores: SuperAmerica/Speedway In last 6 months Convenience Stores: Wawa In last 6 months Convenience Stores: Other In last 6 months Dept/Clothing/Shoes/Specialty Stores: Abercrombie & Fitch (last 3 months) Dept/Clothing/Shoes/Specialty Stores: American Eagle Outfitters (last 3 months) Dept/Clothing/Shoes/Specialty Stores: Ann Taylor (last 3 months) Dept/Clothing/Shoes/Specialty Stores: Bakers (last 3 months) Dept/Clothing/Shoes/Specialty Stores: Banana Republic (last 3 months) Dept/Clothing/Shoes/Specialty Stores: Bath & Body Works (last 3 months) Dept/Clothing/Shoes/Specialty Stores: Bealls (last 3 months) Dept/Clothing/Shoes/Specialty Stores: Bed Bath & Beyond (last 3 months) Dept/Clothing/Shoes/Specialty Stores: Belk (last 3 months) Dept/Clothing/Shoes/Specialty Stores: Big Lots (last 3 months) Dept/Clothing/Shoes/Specialty Stores: Bloomingdale's (last 3 months) Dept/Clothing/Shoes/Specialty Stores: Body Shop (last 3 months) Dept/Clothing/Shoes/Specialty Stores: Burlington Coat Factory (last 3 months) Dept/Clothing/Shoes/Specialty Stores: Champs Sports (last 3 months) Dept/Clothing/Shoes/Specialty Stores: Chico's (last 3 months) Dept/Clothing/Shoes/Specialty Stores: Crate & Barrel (last 3 months) Dept/Clothing/Shoes/Specialty Stores: David's Bridal (last 3 months) Dept/Clothing/Shoes/Specialty Stores: Dick's Sporting Goods (last 3 months) Dept/Clothing/Shoes/Specialty Stores: Dillard's (last 3 months) Dept/Clothing/Shoes/Specialty Stores: The Disney Store (last 3 months) Dept/Clothing/Shoes/Specialty Stores: Dollar General (last 3 months) Dept/Clothing/Shoes/Specialty Stores: Dollar Tree (last 3 months) Dept/Clothing/Shoes/Specialty Stores: Dress Barn (last 3 months) Dept/Clothing/Shoes/Specialty Stores: DSW (last 3 months) Dept/Clothing/Shoes/Specialty Stores: Eddie Bauer (last 3 months) Dept/Clothing/Shoes/Specialty Stores: Express (last 3 months) Dept/Clothing/Shoes/Specialty Stores: Family Dollar (last 3 months) Dept/Clothing/Shoes/Specialty Stores: Famous Footwear (last 3 months) Dept/Clothing/Shoes/Specialty Stores: Fashion Bug (last 3 months) Dept/Clothing/Shoes/Specialty Stores: Finish Line (last 3 months) Dept/Clothing/Shoes/Specialty Stores: Foot Action (last 3 months) Page 121 MRSHDP032A MRSHDP033A MRSHDP034A MRSHDP035A MRSHDP036A MRSHDP037A MRSHDP038A MRSHDP039A MRSHDP040A MRSHDP041A MRSHDP042A MRSHDP043A MRSHDP044A MRSHDP045A MRSHDP046A MRSHDP047A MRSHDP048A MRSHDP049A MRSHDP050A MRSHDP051A MRSHDP052A MRSHDP053A MRSHDP054A MRSHDP055A MRSHDP056A MRSHDP057A MRSHDP058A MRSHDP059A MRSHDP060A MRSHDP061A MRSHDP062A MRSHDP063A MRSHDP064A MRSHDP065A MRSHDP066A MRSHDP067A MRSHDP068A MRSHDP069A MRSHDU001A MRSHDU002A MRSHDU003A MRSHDU004A MRSHDU005A MRSHOT001A MRSHOT002A MRSHOT003A MRSHOT004A MRSHOT005A MRSHOT006A MRSHOT007A MRSHOT008A MRSHFD001A MRSHFD002A MRSHFD003A MRSHFD004A MRSHFD005A MRSHFD006A MRSHFD007A MRSHFD008A MRSHFU001A MRSHFU002A MRSHFU003A MRSHFU004A MRSHFU005A MRSHFU006A MRSHFU007A MRSHFU008A MRSHFU009A MRSHFU010A MRSHFU011A MRSHFU012A MRSHGC001A MRSHGC002A MRSHGC003A MRSHGC004A MRSHGC005A MRSHGC006A MRSHGC007A Dept/Clothing/Shoes/Specialty Stores: Foot Locker (last 3 months) Dept/Clothing/Shoes/Specialty Stores: Fred's (last 3 months) Dept/Clothing/Shoes/Specialty Stores: The Gap (last 3 months) Dept/Clothing/Shoes/Specialty Stores: H&M (last 3 months) Dept/Clothing/Shoes/Specialty Stores: Hollister (last 3 months) Dept/Clothing/Shoes/Specialty Stores: J.Crew (last 3 months) Dept/Clothing/Shoes/Specialty Stores: JCPenney (last 3 months) Dept/Clothing/Shoes/Specialty Stores: Kmart (last 3 months) Dept/Clothing/Shoes/Specialty Stores: Kohl's (last 3 months) Dept/Clothing/Shoes/Specialty Stores: Lady Foot Locker (last 3 months) Dept/Clothing/Shoes/Specialty Stores: Lane Bryant (last 3 months) Dept/Clothing/Shoes/Specialty Stores: The Limited (last 3 months) Dept/Clothing/Shoes/Specialty Stores: Lord & Taylor (last 3 months) Dept/Clothing/Shoes/Specialty Stores: Macy's (last 3 months) Dept/Clothing/Shoes/Specialty Stores: Marshalls (last 3 months) Dept/Clothing/Shoes/Specialty Stores: Men's Wearhouse (last 3 months) Dept/Clothing/Shoes/Specialty Stores: Michaels (last 3 months) Dept/Clothing/Shoes/Specialty Stores: Military Exchange (last 3 months) Dept/Clothing/Shoes/Specialty Stores: Naturalizer (last 3 months) Dept/Clothing/Shoes/Specialty Stores: Neiman Marcus (last 3 months) Dept/Clothing/Shoes/Specialty Stores: New York & Company (last 3 months) Dept/Clothing/Shoes/Specialty Stores: Nordstrom (last 3 months) Dept/Clothing/Shoes/Specialty Stores: Old Navy (last 3 months) Dept/Clothing/Shoes/Specialty Stores: Payless (last 3 months) Dept/Clothing/Shoes/Specialty Stores: Pier 1 Imports (last 3 months) Dept/Clothing/Shoes/Specialty Stores: Pottery Barn (last 3 months) Dept/Clothing/Shoes/Specialty Stores: Ross Stores (last 3 months) Dept/Clothing/Shoes/Specialty Stores: Saks Fifth Avenue (last 3 months) Dept/Clothing/Shoes/Specialty Stores: Sears (last 3 months) Dept/Clothing/Shoes/Specialty Stores: Sephora (last 3 months) Dept/Clothing/Shoes/Specialty Stores: Shoe Carnival (last 3 months) Dept/Clothing/Shoes/Specialty Stores: Sports Authority (last 3 months) Dept/Clothing/Shoes/Specialty Stores: Talbots (last 3 months) Dept/Clothing/Shoes/Specialty Stores: Target (last 3 months) Dept/Clothing/Shoes/Specialty Stores: T.J. Maxx (last 3 months) Dept/Clothing/Shoes/Specialty Stores: Victoria's Secret (last 3 months) Dept/Clothing/Shoes/Specialty Stores: Walmart (last 3 months) Dept/Clothing/Shoes/Specialty Stores: Williams-Sonoma (last 3 months) Drug Stores: CVS Pharmacy/Longs Drugs In last 6 months Drug Stores: Rite Aid In last 6 months Drug Stores: Target Pharmacy In last 6 months Drug Stores: Walmart Pharmacy In last 6 months Drug Stores: Walgreen's In last 6 months Expenditues at Barber Shop Expenditues at Beauty Parlor Expenditues at Dry Cleaning Expenditues at Flowers by Phone/Internet Expenditues at Flower Shop Expenditues at Laundry/Laundromats Expenditues at Quick Service Copy/Printing Expenditues at Any Food Stores Spent Weekly: <$20 Food Stores Spent Weekly: $20-$39 Food Stores Spent Weekly: $40-59 Food Stores Spent Weekly: $60-79 Food Stores Spent Weekly: $80-$99 Food Stores Spent Weekly: $100-$119 Food Stores Spent Weekly: $120-$149 Food Stores Spent Weekly: >$150 Furniture Stores: Art Van Furniture In last 12 months Furniture Stores: Cost Plus World Market In last 12 months Furniture Stores: Ethan Allen In last 12 months Furniture Stores: Havertys In last 12 months Furniture Stores: IKEA In last 12 months Furniture Stores: Jennifer Leather/Convertibles In last 12 months Furniture Stores: Jordan's Furniture In last 12 months Furniture Stores: La-Z-Boy Furniture Galleries In last 12 months Furniture Stores: RAC Rent-A-Center In last 12 months Furniture Stores: Rooms To Go In last 12 months Furniture Stores: Thomasville In last 12 months Furniture Stores: Walter E. Smithe In last 12 months Gift Cards & Prepaid Cards spent: Less than $25 Gift Cards & Prepaid Cards spent: $25 - $49 Gift Cards & Prepaid Cards spent: $50 - $75 Gift Cards & Prepaid Cards spent: $76 - $100 Gift Cards & Prepaid Cards spent: $101 - $200 Gift Cards & Prepaid Cards spent: More than $200 Gift Cards & Prepaid Cards - Received any: Received any Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A MRSHGC008A MRSHGC009A MRSHGC010A MRSHGC011A MRSHGC012A MRSHGC013A MRSHGR001A MRSHGR002A MRSHGR003A MRSHGR004A MRSHGR005A MRSHGR006A MRSHGR007A MRSHGR008A MRSHGR009A MRSHGR010A MRSHGR011A MRSHGR012A MRSHGR013A MRSHGR014A MRSHGR015A MRSHGR016A MRSHGR017A MRSHGR018A MRSHGR019A MRSHGR020A MRSHGR021A MRSHGR022A MRSHGR023A MRSHGR024A MRSHGR025A MRSHGR026A MRSHGR027A MRSHGR028A MRSHGR029A MRSHGR030A MRSHIH001A MRSHIH002A MRSHIH003A MRSHIH004A MRSHIH005A MRSHIH006A MRSHIH007A MRSHIH008A MRSHIH009A MRSHIH010A MRSHIH011A MRSHIH012A MRSHIH013A MRSHIH014A MRSHOC001A MRSHOC002A MRSHOC003A MRSHOC004A MRSHOD001A MRSHOD002A MRSHOD003A MRSHOD004A MRSHOD005A MRSHOD006A MRSHPS001A MRSHPS002A MRSHPS003A MRSHPS004A MRSHPS005A MRSHPS006A MRSHWH001A MRSHWH002A Gift Cards and Prepaid Cards: Bought Last 6 Months: Total Gift Cards and Prepaid Cards: Bought Last 6 Months: MasterCard Gift Cards and Prepaid Cards: Bought Last 6 Months: Visa Gift Cards & Prepaid Cards: Bought Last 6 Months: Coffee Shop/Restaurant Gift Cards & Prepaid Cards: Bought Last 6 Months: Department Store/Mall Gift Cards & Prepaid Cards: Bought Last 6 Months: Other Grocery Shopping - Days shopped: Sunday Grocery Shopping - Days shopped: Monday Grocery Shopping - Days shopped: Tuesday Grocery Shopping - Days shopped: Wednesday Grocery Shopping - Days shopped: Thursday Grocery Shopping - Days shopped: Friday Grocery Shopping - Days shopped: Saturday Grocery Shopping - Distance from home to most frequently shopped store: Less than 1 mile Grocery Shopping - Distance from home to most frequently shopped store: 1 - 2 miles Grocery Shopping - Distance from home to most frequently shopped store: 3 - 5 miles Grocery Shopping - Distance from home to most frequently shopped store: 6 - 10 miles Grocery Shopping - Distance from home to most frequently shopped store: 11+ miles Grocery Shopping - How frequently prepare a grocery shopping list: Always Grocery Shopping - How frequently prepare a grocery shopping list: Sometimes Grocery Shopping - How frequently prepare a grocery shopping list: Never Grocery Shopping - Number Of Trips: None Grocery Shopping - Number Of Trips: 1 Grocery Shopping - Number Of Trips: 2 Grocery Shopping - Number Of Trips: 3 Grocery Shopping - Number Of Trips: 4 Grocery Shopping - Number Of Trips: 5 Grocery Shopping - Number Of Trips: 6 Grocery Shopping - Number Of Trips: 7 Grocery Shopping - Number Of Trips: 8 Grocery Shopping - Number Of Trips: 9+ Grocery Shopping - Purchased groceries over the Internet/online: Yes Grocery Shopping - Time Of Day Shop: Morning Grocery Shopping - Time Of Day Shop: Afternoon Grocery Shopping - Time Of Day Shop: Evening Grocery Shopping - Time Of Day Shop: Various Times In Home Shopping: Bought from in home sales rep In Home Shopping - Amount spent in total: Under $50 In Home Shopping - Amount spent in total: $50 - $74 In Home Shopping - Amount spent in total: $75+ In Home Shopping - Companies: Avon In Home Shopping - Companies: Mary Kay Cosmetics In Home Shopping - Companies: Tupperware In Home Shopping - Companies: Other In Home Shopping - Items Bought: Cosmetics In Home Shopping - Items Bought: Housewares In Home Shopping - Items Bought: Clothing In Home Shopping - Items Bought: Jewelry In Home Shopping - Items Bought: Vitamins In Home Shopping - Items Bought: Other Office/Computer Supply Stores: FedEx Office In last 12 months Office/Computer Supply Stores: Office Depot In last 12 months Office/Computer Supply Stores: OfficeMax In last 12 months Office/Computer Supply Stores: Staples In last 12 months Overnight Packages/Letter Delivery Services: Used in last 12 months Overnight Packages/Letter Delivery Services : DHL (bus/pers) Overnight Packages/Letter Delivery Services : Federal Express (bus/pers) Overnight Packages/Letter Delivery Services : U.P.S. (bus/pers) Overnight Packages/Letter Delivery Services : U.S. Postal Service (bus/pers) Overnight Packages/Letter Delivery Services : Other (bus/pers) Product Samples - Bought a product after using sample: Yes Product Samples - How obtained: Delivered in the mail Product Samples - How obtained: Included with the newspaper Product Samples - How obtained: Obtained in-store Product Samples - How obtained: Other Product Samples - Used: Yes Shopping - Where Bought: Department Store [Cosmetics] Shopping - Where Bought: Discount Store [Cosmetics] Page 122 MRSHWH003A MRSHWH004A MRSHWH005A MRSHWH006A MRSHWH007A MRSHWH008A MRSHWH009A MRSHWH010A MRSHWH011A MRSHWH012A MRSHWH013A MRSHWH014A MRSHWH015A MRSHWH016A MRSHWH017A MRSHWH018A MRSHWH019A MRSHWH020A Shopping - Where Bought: Drug Store [Cosmetics] Shopping - Where Bought: Grocery Store [Cosmetics] Shopping - Where Bought: Online [Cosmetics] Shopping - Where Bought: Department Store [Toiletries] Shopping - Where Bought: Discount Store [Toiletries] Shopping - Where Bought: Drug Store [Toiletries] Shopping - Where Bought: Grocery Store [Toiletries] Shopping - Where Bought: Online [Toiletries] Shopping - Where Bought: Department Store [Clothing] Shopping - Where Bought: Discount Store [Clothing] Shopping - Where Bought: Drug Store [Clothing] Shopping - Where Bought: Grocery Store [Clothing] Shopping - Where Bought: Online [Clothing] Shopping - Where Bought: Department Store [Shoes] Shopping - Where Bought: Discount Store [Shoes] Shopping - Where Bought: Drug Store [Shoes] Shopping - Where Bought: Grocery Store [Shoes] Shopping - Where Bought: Online [Shoes] Travel MRTVCS001A MRTVCS002A MRTVCS003A MRTVCS004A MRTVCS005A MRTVCS006A MRTVCS007A MRTVCS008A MRTVCS009A MRTVCS010A MRTVCS011A MRTVCS012A MRTVCS013A MRTVUS001A MRTVUS002A MRTVUS003A MRTVUS004A MRTVUS005A MRTVUS006A MRTVUS007A MRTVUS008A MRTVUS009A MRTVUS010A MRTVUS011A MRTVUS012A MRTVUS013A MRTVUS014A MRTVUS015A MRTVUS016A MRTVUS017A MRTVUS018A MRTVUS019A MRTVUS020A MRTVUS021A MRTVUS022A MRTVUS023A MRTVUS024A MRTVUS025A MRTVUS026A MRTVUS027A MRTVUS028A MRTVUS029A MRTVUS030A MRTVUS031A MRTVUS032A MRTVUS033A MRTVUS034A MRTVUS035A MRTVUS036A MRTVUS037A MRTVUS038A MRTVUS039A MRTVUS040A MRTVUS041A Cruise Ships: Taken a cruise of more than one day Cruise Ships - Cruise lines used: Carnival Cruise Ships - Cruise lines used: Celebrity Cruise Ships - Cruise lines used: Cunard Cruise Ships - Cruise lines used: Disney Cruise Line Cruise Ships - Cruise lines used: Holland America Line Cruise Ships - Cruise lines used: Norwegian Cruise Ships - Cruise lines used: Princess Cruise Ships - Cruise lines used: Royal Caribbean Cruise Ships - Cruise lines used: Other Cruise Ships - Number Of Cruises Taken: 1 Cruise Ships - Number Of Cruises Taken: 2 Cruise Ships - Number Of Cruises Taken: 3+ Domestic Travel within the continental US Domestic Travel - Activities on vacation trips: Go to beach Domestic Travel - Activities on vacation trips: General sightseeing Domestic Travel - Activities on vacation trips: Attend a specific event Domestic Travel - Activities on vacation trips: Shopping Domestic Travel - Activities on vacation trips: Fine dining Domestic Travel - Activities on vacation trips: Play tennis Domestic Travel - Activities on vacation trips: Visit National Park Domestic Travel - Activities on vacation trips: Play golf Domestic Travel - Activities on vacation trips: Backpacking/Hiking Domestic Travel - Activities on vacation trips: Bicycle riding Domestic Travel - Activities on vacation trips: Fishing Domestic Travel - Activities on vacation trips: Hunting Domestic Travel - Activities on vacation trips: Running/Jogging Domestic Travel - Activities on vacation trips: Skiing (cross country/downhill) Domestic Travel - Activities on vacation trips: Other outdoor sports or recreation Domestic Travel - Activities on vacation trips: Visit relatives or friends Domestic Travel - Activities on vacation trips: Visit a health spa/retreat Domestic Travel - Airline(s) used: AirTran Airways Domestic Travel - Airline(s) used: Alaska Airlines Domestic Travel - Airline(s) used: American/American Eagle Domestic Travel - Airline(s) used: Continental Domestic Travel - Airline(s) used: Delta Domestic Travel - Airline(s) used: Frontier Domestic Travel - Airline(s) used: JetBlue Domestic Travel - Airline(s) used: Midwest Airlines Domestic Travel - Airline(s) used: Northwest Domestic Travel - Airline(s) used: Southwest Domestic Travel - Airline(s) used: United Domestic Travel - Airline(s) used: US Airways Domestic Travel - Airline(s) used: Other Domestic Travel - In-flight entertainment: Listened to radio Domestic Travel - In-flight entertainment: Watched movie/Used in-flight video equipment Domestic Travel - In-flight entertainment: Read in-flight publication Domestic Travel - In-flight entertainment: Other Domestic Travel - Means of Travel: Plane (charter/private) Domestic Travel - Means of Travel: Plane (scheduled) Domestic Travel - Means of Travel: Rental Vehicle Domestic Travel - Means of Travel: Personal Vehicle Domestic Travel - Means of Travel: Bus (charter or tour) Domestic Travel - Means of Travel: Bus (scheduled) Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A MRTVUS042A MRTVUS043A MRTVUS044A MRTVUS045A MRTVUS046A MRTVUS047A MRTVUS048A MRTVUS049A MRTVUS050A MRTVUS051A MRTVUS052A MRTVUS053A MRTVUS054A MRTVUS055A MRTVUS056A MRTVUS057A MRTVUS058A MRTVUS059A MRTVUS060A MRTVUS061A MRTVUS062A MRTVUS063A MRTVUS064A MRTVUS065A MRTVUS066A MRTVUS067A MRTVUS068A MRTVUS069A MRTVUS070A MRTVUS071A MRTVUS072A MRTVUS073A MRTVUS074A MRTVUS075A MRTVUS076A MRTVUS077A MRTVUS078A MRTVUS079A MRTVUS080A MRTVUS081A MRTVUS082A MRTVUS083A MRTVUS084A MRTVUS085A MRTVUS086A MRTVUS087A MRTVUS088A MRTVUS089A MRTVUS090A MRTVUS091A MRTVUS092A MRTVUS093A MRTVUS094A MRTVUS095A MRTVUS096A MRTVUS097A MRTVUS098A MRTVUS099A MRTVUS100A MRTVUS101A MRTVUS102A MRTVUS103A MRTVUS104A MRTVUS105A MRTVUS106A MRTVUS107A MRTVUS108A MRTVUS109A MRTVUS110A MRTVUS111A Domestic Travel - Means of Travel: Railroad/Train Domestic Travel - Means of Travel: Motor Home/RV Domestic Travel - Number of household members on trip: 1 Domestic Travel - Number of household members on trip: 2 Domestic Travel - Number of household members on trip: 3 Domestic Travel - Number of household members on trip: 4 Domestic Travel - Number of household members on trip: 5+ Domestic Travel - #miles travelled from home (round trip): Under 500 Domestic Travel - #miles travelled from home (round trip): 500 - 999 Domestic Travel - #miles travelled from home (round trip): 1000+ Domestic Travel - Number of nights away: 1 Domestic Travel - Number of nights away: 2 Domestic Travel - Number of nights away: 3 - 4 Domestic Travel - Number of nights away: 5 - 6 Domestic Travel - Number of nights away: 7 - 8 Domestic Travel - Number of nights away: 9 - 14 Domestic Travel - Number of nights away: 15+ Domestic Travel - Number Of Round Trips: 1 Domestic Travel - Number Of Round Trips: 2 Domestic Travel - Number Of Round Trips: 3 Domestic Travel - Number Of Round Trips: 4 Domestic Travel - Number Of Round Trips: 5 Domestic Travel - Number Of Round Trips: 6 Domestic Travel - Number Of Round Trips: 7 Domestic Travel - Number Of Round Trips: 8 Domestic Travel - Number Of Round Trips: 9+ Domestic Travel - Number Of Trips By Type: Business only 1 Domestic Travel - Number Of Trips By Type: Business only 2 Domestic Travel - Number Of Trips By Type: Business only 3+ Domestic Travel - Number Of Trips By Type: Vacation only 1 Domestic Travel - Number Of Trips By Type: Vacation only 2 Domestic Travel - Number Of Trips By Type: Vacation only 3+ Domestic Travel - Number Of Trips By Type: Personal only 1 Domestic Travel - Number Of Trips By Type: Personal only 2 Domestic Travel - Number Of Trips By Type: Personal only 3+ Domestic Travel - Number Of Trips By Type: Any vacation (personal/honeymoon) 1 Domestic Travel - Number Of Trips By Type: Any vacation (personal/honeymoon) 2 Domestic Travel - Number Of Trips By Type: Any vacation (personal/honeymoon) 3+ Domestic Travel - Number Of Trips By Type: Any business 1 Domestic Travel - Number Of Trips By Type: Any business 2 Domestic Travel - Number Of Trips By Type: Any business 3+ Domestic Travel - Number Of Trips By Type: Part business/Part vacation 1 Domestic Travel - Number Of Trips By Type: Part business/Part vacation 2+ Domestic Travel - Number Of Trips By Type: Vac/Personal (Excluding Bus. & Part) 1 Domestic Travel - Number Of Trips By Type: Vac/Personal (Excluding Bus. & Part) 2 Domestic Travel - Number Of Trips By Type: Vac/Personal (Excluding Bus. & Part) 3+ Domestic Travel - Reason for trip: Business (paid for by company) Domestic Travel - Reason for trip: Business (paid for by self) Domestic Travel - Reason for trip: Honeymoon Domestic Travel - Reason for trip: Vacation Domestic Travel - Reason for trip: Personal (not vacation) Domestic Travel - Reason for trip: Part business/Part vacation Domestic Travel - States visited: Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont Domestic Travel - States visited: Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island Domestic Travel - States visited: New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey Domestic Travel - States visited: Delaware, Maryland, District of Columbia Domestic Travel - States visited: Michigan, Wisconsin Domestic Travel - States visited: Ohio, Indiana, Illinois Domestic Travel - States visited: Nebraska, Kansas Domestic Travel - States visited: North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota Domestic Travel - States visited: Iowa, Missouri Domestic Travel - States visited: North Carolina, South Carolina Domestic Travel - States visited: Alabama, Georgia Domestic Travel - States visited: Florida Domestic Travel - States visited: Kentucky, Tennessee Domestic Travel - States visited: Mississippi, Louisiana Domestic Travel - States visited: Texas Domestic Travel - States visited: Arkansas, Oklahoma Domestic Travel - States visited: Virginia, West Virginia Domestic Travel - States visited: Montana, Idaho, Wyoming Page 123 MRTVUS112A MRTVUS113A MRTVUS114A MRTVUS115A MRTVUS116A MRTVUS117A MRTVUS118A MRTVUS119A MRTVUS120A MRTVUS121A MRTVUS122A MRTVUS123A MRTVUS124A MRTVUS125A MRTVUS126A MRTVUS127A MRTVUS128A MRTVUS129A MRTVUS130A MRTVUS131A MRTVUS132A MRTVUS133A MRTVUS134A MRTVUS135A MRTVUS136A MRTVUS137A MRTVUS138A MRTVUS139A MRTVFR001A MRTVFR002A MRTVFR003A MRTVFR004A MRTVFR005A MRTVFR006A MRTVFR007A MRTVFR008A MRTVFR009A MRTVFR010A MRTVFR011A MRTVFR012A MRTVFR013A MRTVFR014A MRTVFR015A MRTVFR016A MRTVFR017A MRTVFR018A MRTVFR019A MRTVFR020A MRTVFR021A MRTVFR022A MRTVFR023A MRTVFR024A MRTVFR025A MRTVFR026A MRTVFR027A MRTVFR028A MRTVFR029A MRTVFR030A MRTVFR031A MRTVFR032A MRTVFR033A MRTVFR034A MRTVFR035A MRTVFR036A MRTVFR037A MRTVFR038A MRTVFR039A Domestic Travel - States visited: Washington, Oregon Domestic Travel - States visited: California Domestic Travel - States visited: Utah, Colorado Domestic Travel - States visited: Arizona, New Mexico Domestic Travel - States visited: Nevada Domestic Travel - States visited by region: North East Domestic Travel - States visited by region: South Domestic Travel - States visited by region: North Central Domestic Travel - States visited by region: West Domestic Travel - Travel Agent/Internet Travel Site: Used Travel Agent Domestic Travel - Travel Agent/Internet Travel Site: Used Airline-Specific Internet Site Domestic Travel - Travel Agent/Internet Travel Site: Used General Internet Travel Site Domestic Travel - Travel Agent/Internet Travel Site: Used for: Flight reservations Domestic Travel - Travel Agent/Internet Travel Site: Used for: Hotel reservations Domestic Travel - Travel Agent/Internet Travel Site: Used for: Entire trip Domestic Travel - When trip was taken: January - March Domestic Travel - When trip was taken: April - June Domestic Travel - When trip was taken: July - September Domestic Travel - When trip was taken: October - December Domestic Travel - Who decided destination: Yourself (alone or with someone else) Domestic Travel - Who decided destination: Travel agent Domestic Travel - Who decided destination: Spouse or mate Domestic Vacations - Amount Spent In Total: Less than $1,000 Domestic Vacations - Amount Spent In Total: $1,000 - $1,499 Domestic Vacations - Amount Spent In Total: $1,500 - $1,999 Domestic Vacations - Amount Spent In Total: $2,000 - $2,999 Domestic Vacations - Amount Spent In Total: $3,000 - $4,999 Domestic Vacations - Amount Spent In Total: $5,000+ Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Activities on vacation trips: Attend a specific event Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Activities on vacation trips: Fine dining Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Activities on vacation trips: General sightseeing Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Activities on vacation trips: Go to beach Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Activities on vacation trips: Play golf Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Activities on vacation trips: Running/Jogging Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Activities on vacation trips: Sailing Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Activities on vacation trips: Scuba diving Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Activities on vacation trips: Shopping Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Activities on vacation trips: Skiing (cross country/downhill) Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Activities on vacation trips: Other outdoor sports/rec Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Activities on vacation trips: Visit relatives or friends Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Airline(s) used: Aer Lingus Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Airline(s) used: AeroMexico Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Airline(s) used: Air Canada Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Airline(s) used: Air France Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Airline(s) used: Air Jamaica Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Airline(s) used: Alaska Airlines Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Airline(s) used: Alitalia Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Airline(s) used: American/American Eagle Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Airline(s) used: British Airways Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Airline(s) used: Continental Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Airline(s) used: Delta Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Airline(s) used: KLM Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Airline(s) used: Lufthansa Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Airline(s) used: Mexicana Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Airline(s) used: Northwest Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Airline(s) used: Singapore Airlines Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Airline(s) used: United Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Airline(s) used: US Airways Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Airline(s) used: Virgin Atlantic Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Airline(s) used: Other Asia/Pacific based airline Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Airline(s) used: Other European based airline Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Airline(s) used: Other Latin America based airline Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Airline(s) used: Other Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Class of service flown: First Class Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Class of service flown: Business Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Class of service flown: Coach Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. 2012A MRTVFR040A MRTVFR041A MRTVFR042A MRTVFR043A MRTVFR044A MRTVFR045A MRTVFR046A MRTVFR047A MRTVFR048A MRTVFR049A MRTVFR050A MRTVFR051A MRTVFR052A MRTVFR053A MRTVFR054A MRTVFR055A MRTVFR056A MRTVFR057A MRTVFR058A MRTVFR059A MRTVFR060A MRTVFR061A MRTVFR062A MRTVFR063A MRTVFR064A MRTVFR065A MRTVFR066A MRTVFR067A MRTVFR068A MRTVFR069A MRTVFR070A MRTVFR071A MRTVFR072A MRTVFR073A MRTVFR074A MRTVFR075A MRTVFR076A MRTVFR077A MRTVFR078A MRTVFR079A MRTVFR080A MRTVFR081A MRTVFR082A MRTVFR083A MRTVFR084A MRTVFR085A MRTVFR086A MRTVFR087A MRTVFR088A MRTVFR089A MRTVFR090A MRTVFR091A MRTVFR092A MRTVFR093A MRTVFR094A MRTVFR095A MRTVFR096A MRTVFR097A MRTVFR098A MRTVFR099A MRTVFR100A MRTVFR101A MRTVFR102A MRTVFR103A MRTVFR104A MRTVFR105A MRTVFR106A MRTVFR107A MRTVFR108A MRTVFR109A MRTVFR110A MRTVFR111A MRTVFR112A Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Where: Barbados Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Where: Bermuda Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Where: Bahamas Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Where: Cayman Islands Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Where: Jamaica Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Where: Puerto Rico Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Where: Virgin Islands Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Where: Other Caribbean Islands Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Where: Alaska Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Where: Hawaii Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Where: Canada Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Where: Mexico Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Where: Central America Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Where: South America Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Where: England Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Where: Ireland Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Where: Scotland Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Where: France Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Where: Belgium Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Where: Germany Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Where: Austria Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Where: Switzerland Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Where: Netherlands (Holland) Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Where: Scandinavia Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Where: Italy Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Where: Spain/Portugal Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Where: Greece Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Where: Other Western European countries Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Where: Russia Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Where: Eastern Europe Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Where: Turkey Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Where: Israel Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Where: Middle East Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Where: Japan Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Where: China Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Where: Hong Kong Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Where: India Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Where: South-East Asia Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Where: Other Asian countries Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Where: Australia/New Zealand/South Pacific Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Where: Africa Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - In-flight ent: Listened to radio Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - In-flight ent: Watched movie/Used in-flight video equip Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - In-flight ent: Read in-flight publication Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - In-flight entertainment: Other Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Means of travel: Bus Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Means of travel: Personal Vehicle Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Means of travel: Cruise Ship Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Means of travel: Plane (charter/private) Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Means of travel: Plane (scheduled flight) Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Means of travel: Railroad/Train Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Means of travel: Rental Vehicle Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Number of nights away: 1 - 2 Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Number of nights away: 3 - 4 Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Number of nights away: 5 - 7 Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Number of nights away: 8 - 10 Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Number of nights away: 11 - 14 Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Number of nights away: 15 - 29 Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Number of nights away: 30+ Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Number Of Trips: 1 Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Number Of Trips: 2 Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Number Of Trips: 3 Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Number Of Trips By Type: Business Only 1 Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Number Of Trips By Type: Vacation Only 1 Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Number Of Trips By Type: Business Only 2+ Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Number Of Trips By Type: Vacation Only 2 Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Number Of Trips By Type: Vacation Only 3+ Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Number Of Trips: 4+ Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - # Trips By Type: Personal (Excluding vacation) 1 Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - # Trips By Type: Any Vacation (Including Personal ) 1 Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - # Trips By Type: Personal (Excluding vacation) 2+ Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - # Trips By Type: Any Vacation (Including Personal ) 2 Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - # Trips By Type: Any Vacation (Including Personal ) 3+ Master Variable List Page 124 MRTVFR113A Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - # Trips By Type: Business By Plane 1 MRTVFR114A Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - # Trips By Type: Vacation By Plane (Including personal) 1 MRTVFR115A Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - # Trips By Type: Business By Plane 2+ MRTVFR116A Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - # Trips By Type: Vacation By Plane (Including personal) 2 MRTVFR117A Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - # Trips By Type: Vacation By Plane (Including personal) 3+ MRTVFR118A Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - # Trips By Type: W. Eur Trips By Plane 1 MRTVFR119A Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - # Trips By Type: W. Eur Trips By Plane 2+ MRTVFR120A Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - # Trips By Type: W. Eur Business Trips By Plane 1 MRTVFR121A Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - # Trips By Type: W. Eur Vacation Trips By Plane 1 MRTVFR122A Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - # Trips By Type: W. Eur Business Trips By Plane 2+ MRTVFR123A Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - # Trips By Type: W. Eur Vacation Trips By Plane 2+ MRTVFR124A Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - # Trips By Type: Any Business Trip 1 MRTVFR125A Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - # Trips By Type: Any Business Trip 2+ MRTVFR126A Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - # Trips By Type: Any Plane Trip 1 MRTVFR127A Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - # Trips By Type: Any Plane Trip 2 MRTVFR128A Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - # Trips By Type: Any Plane Trip 3+ MRTVFR129A Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - # Trips By Type: Any Business/vacation combined 1+ MRTVFR130A Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - # Trips By Type: vacation/Personal (Excluding Bus. & Part) 1 MRTVFR131A Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - # Trips By Type: vacation/Personal (Excluding Bus. & Part) 2 MRTVFR132A Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - # Trips By Type: vacation/Personal (Excluding Bus. & Part) 3+ MRTVFR133A Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Reason for trip: Business (paid by firm) MRTVFR134A Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Reason for trip: Honeymoon MRTVFR135A Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Reason for trip: Vacation MRTVFR136A Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Reason for trip: Personal (not vacation) MRTVFR137A Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Reason for trip: Business/Vacation combined MRTVFR138A Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Agent/Internet SIte: Used Travel Agent MRTVFR139A Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Agent/Internet SIte: Used Airline-Specific Internet Site MRTVFR140A Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Agent/Internet SIte: Used General Internet Travel Site MRTVFR141A Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Agent/Internet SIte: Used for: Flight Reservations MRTVFR142A Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Agent/Internet SIte: Used for: Hotel Reservations MRTVFR143A Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Agent/Internet SIte: Used for: Local Sightseeing MRTVFR144A Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Agent/Internet SIte: Used for: Entire Trip MRTVFR145A Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Travel package: Trip taken on an all inclusive travel package MRTVFR146A Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - When trip was taken: January - March MRTVFR147A Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - When trip was taken: April - June MRTVFR148A Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - When trip was taken: July - September MRTVFR149A Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - When trip was taken: October - December MRTVFR150A Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Year trip was taken: Other MRTVFR151A Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Year trip was taken: 2009 MRTVFR152A Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Year trip was taken: 2008 MRTVFR153A Foreign Travel (Inc AK/HI) - Year trip was taken: 2007 MRTVFR154A Foreign Vacations - Amount Spent In Total: Less than $1,000 MRTVFR155A Foreign Vacations - Amount Spent In Total: $1,000 - $2,999 MRTVFR156A Foreign Vacations - Amount Spent In Total: $3,000 - $5,999 MRTVFR157A Foreign Vacations - Amount Spent In Total: $6,000+ MRTVFT158A Passport: Own a valid passport MRTVFF001A Frequent Flyer - Member Of: Yes, I belong to the Frequent flyer club MRTVFF002A Frequent Flyer - Programs Member Of: American AAdvantage Any MRTVFF003A Frequent Flyer - Programs Member Of: Continental OnePass Any MRTVFF004A Frequent Flyer - Programs Member Of: Delta SkyMiles Any MRTVFF005A Frequent Flyer - Programs Member Of: Southwest Rapid Rewards Any MRTVFF006A Frequent Flyer - Programs Member Of: United Mileage Plus Any MRTVFF007A Frequent Flyer - Programs Member Of: US Airways Dividend Miles Any MRTVFF008A Frequent Flyer - Programs Member Of: Other Any MRTVHM001A Hotel Rewards Programs - Currently enrolled in any: Yes MRTVHM002A Hotels & Motels - Number of nights spent: last year: 1 MRTVHM003A Hotels & Motels - Number of nights spent: last year: 2 MRTVHM004A Hotels & Motels - Number of nights spent: last year: 3 - 4 MRTVHM005A Hotels & Motels - Number of nights spent: last year: 5 - 7 MRTVHM006A Hotels & Motels - Number of nights spent: last year: 15+ MRTVHM007A Hotels & Motels - Number of nights spent: last year: 8 - 14 MRTVHM008A Hotels & Motels - Where stayed: last year: Baymont Inns & Suites Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A MRTVHM009A MRTVHM010A MRTVHM011A MRTVHM012A MRTVHM013A MRTVHM014A MRTVHM015A MRTVHM016A MRTVHM017A MRTVHM018A MRTVHM019A MRTVHM020A MRTVHM021A MRTVHM022A MRTVHM023A MRTVHM024A MRTVHM025A MRTVHM026A MRTVHM027A MRTVHM028A MRTVHM029A MRTVHM030A MRTVHM031A MRTVHM032A MRTVHM033A MRTVHM034A MRTVHM035A MRTVHM036A MRTVHM037A MRTVHM038A MRTVHM039A MRTVHM040A MRTVHM041A MRTVHM042A MRTVHM043A MRTVHM044A MRTVHM045A MRTVHM046A MRTVHM047A MRTVHM048A MRTVHM049A MRTVHM050A MRTVHM051A MRTVHM052A MRTVHM053A MRTVHM054A MRTVHM055A MRTVTH001A MRTVTH002A MRTVTH003A MRTVTH004A MRTVTH005A MRTVTH006A MRTVTH007A MRTVTH008A MRTVTH009A MRTVTH010A MRTVTH011A MRTVTH012A MRTVTH013A MRTVTH014A MRTVTH015A MRTVTH016A MRTVTH017A MRTVTH018A MRTVTH019A MRTVTH020A MRTVTH021A MRTVTH022A MRTVTH023A MRTVTH024A MRTVTH025A MRTVTH026A MRTVTH027A MRTVTH028A MRTVTH029A MRTVTH030A Hotels & Motels - Where stayed: last year: Best Western Hotels & Motels - Where stayed: last year: Comfort Inns Hotels & Motels - Where stayed: last year: Country Inns & Suites Hotels & Motels - Where stayed: last year: Courtyard (by Marriott) Hotels & Motels - Where stayed: last year: Crowne Plaza Hotels & Motels - Where stayed: last year: Days Inn Hotels & Motels - Where stayed: last year: Doubletree Hotels & Motels - Where stayed: last year: Econo Lodge Hotels & Motels - Where stayed: last year: Embassy Suites Hotels & Motels - Where stayed: last year: Extended StayAmerica Hotels & Motels - Where stayed: last year: Fairfield Inn (by Marriott) Hotels & Motels - Where stayed: last year: Fairmont Hotels Hotels & Motels - Where stayed: last year: Four Seasons Hotels & Motels - Where stayed: last year: Hampton Inn Hotels & Motels - Where stayed: last year: Hilton Hotels & Motels - Where stayed: last year: Hilton Garden Inn Hotels & Motels - Where stayed: last year: Holiday Inn Hotels & Motels - Where stayed: last year: Holiday Inn Express Hotels & Motels - Where stayed: last year: Homewood Suites (by Hilton) Hotels & Motels - Where stayed: last year: Howard Johnson Hotels & Motels - Where stayed: last year: Hyatt Hotels & Motels - Where stayed: last year: InterContinental Hotels Hotels & Motels - Where stayed: last year: La Quinta Inns Hotels & Motels - Where stayed: last year: Marriott Hotels, Resorts and Suites Hotels & Motels - Where stayed: last year: Microtel Hotels & Motels - Where stayed: last year: Motel 6 Hotels & Motels - Where stayed: last year: Quality Inns Hotels & Motels - Where stayed: last year: Radisson Hotels & Motels - Where stayed: last year: Ramada Inn Hotels & Motels - Where stayed: last year: Red Roof Inn Hotels & Motels - Where stayed: last year: Renaissance Hotels & Motels - Where stayed: last year: Residence Inn (by Marriott) Hotels & Motels - Where stayed: last year: Ritz Carlton Hotels & Motels - Where stayed: last year: Sheraton Hotels & Motels - Where stayed: last year: SpringHill Suites (by Marriott) Hotels & Motels - Where stayed: last year: Super 8 Hotels & Motels - Where stayed: last year: Travelodge Hotels & Motels - Where stayed: last year: W Hotel Hotels & Motels - Where stayed: last year: Westin Hotels & Motels - Where stayed: last year: Wingate Hotels & Motels - Where stayed: last year: Wyndham Hotels & Motels - Where stayed: last year: Other Hotels & Motels - Who makes reservation: Self Hotels & Motels - Who makes reservation: Other family member Hotels & Motels - Who makes reservation: Secretary/Administrative Assistant Hotels & Motels - Who makes reservation: Travel Agent Hotels & Motels - Who makes reservation: Other Indoor Water Park - Visited In Last 12 Months: Yes Theme Parks - Number Of Different Days Visited: 1 Theme Parks - Number Of Different Days Visited: 2 Theme Parks - Number Of Different Days Visited: 3 Theme Parks - Number Of Different Days Visited: 4 Theme Parks - Number Of Different Days Visited: 5+ Theme Parks - Visited: Visited A Theme Park Theme Parks - Visited: Dorney Park & Wild Water Kingdom (Penn.) Theme Parks - Visited: Elitch Gardens (Colorado) Theme Parks - Visited: Frontier City (Oklahoma) Theme Parks - Visited: Great America (California) Theme Parks - Visited: Hershey Park (Pennsylvania) Theme Parks - Visited: Kings Dominion (Virginia) Theme Parks - Visited: King's Island (Ohio) Theme Parks - Visited: Knott's Berry Farm (California) Theme Parks - Visited: Legoland (California) Theme Parks - Visited: Sea World California Theme Parks - Visited: Sea World Florida Theme Parks - Visited: Sea World Texas Theme Parks - Visited: Sesame Place (Pennsylvania) Theme Parks - Visited: Silver Dollar City (Missouri) Theme Parks - Visited: Six Flags America (Maryland) Theme Parks - Visited: Six Flags Discovery Kingdom (California) Theme Parks - Visited: Six Flags Fiesta (Texas) Theme Parks - Visited: Six Flags Great Adventure (New Jersey) Theme Parks - Visited: Six Flags Great America (Illinois) Theme Parks - Visited: Six Flags Magic Mountain (California) Theme Parks - Visited: Six Flags New England (Massachusetts) Theme Parks - Visited: Six Flags Over Georgia Theme Parks - Visited: Six Flags Over Texas Page 125 MRTVTH031A MRTVTH032A MRTVTH033A MRTVTH034A MRTVTH035A MRTVTH036A MRTVTH037A MRTVTH038A MRTVTH039A MRTVTH040A MRTVTH041A MRTVTH042A MRTVTH043A MRTVTH044A MRTVTH045A MRTVTH046A MRTVTH047A MRTVTH048A MRTVRT001A MRTVRT002A MRTVRT003A MRTVRT004A MRTVRT005A Theme Parks - Visited: Six Flags St. Louis Theme Parks - Visited: Other Theme Parks - Visited: Universal Studios (California) Theme Parks - Visited: Universal Studios (Florida) Theme Parks - Visited: Universal Studios Islands of Adventure (Florida) Theme Parks - Visited: Valleyfair (Minnesota) Theme Parks - Visited: Walt Disney World (Florida): Blizzard Beach Theme Parks - Visited: Walt Disney World (Florida): Disney's Animal Kingdom Theme Parks - Visited: Walt Disney World (Florida): Disney's Hollywood Stud Theme Parks - Visited: Walt Disney World (Florida): Epcot Center Theme Parks - Visited: Walt Disney World (Florida): Magic Kingdom Theme Parks - Visited: Walt Disney World (Florida): Typhoon Lagoon Theme Parks - Visited: Wet 'n Wild (Florida) Theme Parks - Visited: Wisconsin Dells Theme Parks - Visited: Other Theme Parks - Who made decision to visit: Yourself (Alone or with someone else) Theme Parks - Who made decision to visit: Child Theme Parks - Who made decision to visit: Someone Else Round Trips By Plane - Within Continental U.S. total: 1 Round Trips By Plane - Within Continental U.S. total: 2 Round Trips By Plane - Within Continental U.S. total: 3 Round Trips By Plane - Within Continental U.S. total: 4 Round Trips By Plane - Within Continental U.S. total: 5+ Simmons Profiles Alcoholic Beverages SMALCO001P SMALCO002P SMALCO003P SMALCO004P SMALCO005P SMALCO006P SMALCO007P SMALCO008P SMALCO009P SMALCO010P SMALCO011P SMALCO012P SMALCO013P SMALCO014P SMALCO015P SMALCO016P SMALCO017P SMALCO018P SMALCO019P SMALCO020P SMALCO021P SMALCO022P SMALCO023P SMALCO024P SMALCO025P SMALCO026P SMALCO027P SMALCO028P Drink Ice Beer Drink Imported Beer Drink Light/Low Calorie Beer Drink Malt Liquor Drink Micro Brewed Beer Drink No/Low Alcohol Beer Drink Regular Domestic Beer Drink Whiskey/Rye Drink Bourbon Drink Brandy/Armagnac Drink Canadian Whiskey Drink Champagne/Sparkling Wine Drink Cognac Drink Coolers Drink Cordials/Liqueurs Drink Domestic Wine Drink Flavored Alcoholic Beverages Drink Gin Drink Hard Cider Drink Imported Wine Drink Irish Whiskey Drink Port/Sherry/Dessert Wines Drink Prepared Cocktail Mixes with Liquor Drink Prepared Cocktail Mixes without Liquor Drink Rum Drink Scotch Whiskey Drink Tequila Drink Vodka Apparel SMAPPR001P SMAPPR002P SMAPPR003P SMAPPR004P SMAPPR005P SMAPPR006P SMAPPR007P SMAPPR008P SMAPPR009P SMAPPR010P SMAPPR011P SMAPPR012P SMAPPR013P SMAPPR014P SMAPPR015P SMAPPR016P Bought Men's Apparel Last Yr Bought Men's Overcoat/Topcoat Last Yr Bought Men's Leather Jacket Last Yr Bought Men's Raincoat/All Weather Coat Last Yr Bought Men's Suit Last Yr Bought Men's Sport Coat/Blazer Last Yr Bought Men's Slacks/Pants (Excluding Jeans) Last Yr Bought Men's Sweater Last Yr Bought Men's Regular/Dress Shirt Last Yr Bought Men's Necktie Last Yr Bought Men's Belt Last Yr Bought Men's Gloves Last Yr Bought Men's Non-Prescription Sunglasses Last Yr Bought Men's Scarf Last Yr Bought Men's Wallet Last Yr Bought Men's Shoes Last Yr- Athletic Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A SMAPPR017P SMAPPR018P SMAPPR019P SMAPPR020P SMAPPR021P SMAPPR022P SMAPPR023P SMAPPR024P SMAPPR025P SMAPPR026P SMAPPR027P SMAPPR028P SMAPPR029P SMAPPR030P SMAPPR031P SMAPPR032P SMAPPR033P SMAPPR034P SMAPPR035P SMAPPR036P SMAPPR037P SMAPPR038P SMAPPR039P SMAPPR040P SMAPPR041P SMAPPR042P SMAPPR043P SMAPPR044P SMAPPR045P SMAPPR046P SMAPPR047P SMAPPR048P SMAPPR049P SMAPPR050P SMAPPR051P SMAPPR052P SMAPPR053P SMAPPR054P SMAPPR055P SMAPPR056P SMAPPR057P SMAPPR058P SMAPPR059P SMAPPR060P SMAPPR061P SMAPPR062P SMAPPR063P SMAPPR064P SMAPPR065P SMAPPR066P SMAPPR067P SMAPPR068P SMAPPR069P SMAPPR070P SMAPPR071P SMAPPR072P SMAPPR073P SMAPPR074P SMAPPR075P SMAPPR076P SMAPPR077P SMAPPR078P SMAPPR079P SMAPPR080P SMAPPR081P SMAPPR082P SMAPPR083P SMAPPR084P SMAPPR085P SMAPPR086P SMAPPR087P SMAPPR088P SMAPPR089P SMAPPR090P SMAPPR091P SMAPPR092P SMAPPR093H SMAPPR094H SMAPPR095H Bought Men's Shoes Last Yr- Other Bought Men's Shoes Last Yr- Boots (Excluding Work Boots) Bought Men's Socks Last Yr Bought Men's Shoes Last Yr- Slippers Bought Men's Sweats Last Yr Bought Men's Sport Shirt Last Yr- All Types Bought Men's T-shirt (Outerwear) Last Yr Bought Men's Jeans Last Yr Bought Men's Gym/Jogging/Workout Clothes Last Yr- Other Bought Men's Ski Clothes (Excluding Boots) Last Yr Bought Men's Swim Suit Last Yr Bought Men's Utility/Work Clothes/Work Boots Last Yr Bought Men's Underwear Last Yr Bought Men's Nightwear/Pajamas Last Yr Bought Women's Apparel Last Yr Bought Women's Overcoat/Jacket Last Yr Bought Women's Fur Jacket/Coat Last Yr- Synthetic/Fake Bought Women's Fur Jacket/Coat Last Yr- Real Bought Women's Blazer/Jacket (Suit Type) Last Yr Bought Women's Raincoat/All Weather Coat Last Yr Bought Women's Leather Jacket Last Yr Bought Women's Suit Last Yr Bought Women's Heavyweight/Ski Jacket Last Yr Bought Women's Ski Clothes (Excluding Boots) Last Yr Bought Women's Shoes Last Yr- Athletic Bought Women's Shoes Last Yr- Other Bought Women's Shoes Last Yr- Boots (Excluding Work Boots) Bought Women's Skirt Last Yr Bought Women's Dress Last Yr Bought Women's Slacks/Pants (Excluding Jeans) Last Yr Bought Women's Sweater Last Yr Bought Women's Belt Last Yr Bought Women's Gloves Last Yr Bought Women's Non-Prescription Sunglasses Last Yr Bought Women's Purse/Handbag Last Yr Bought Women's Wallet Last Yr Bought Women's Scarf Last Yr Bought Women's Swim Suit Last Yr Bought Women's T-shirt Last Yr Bought Women's Jeans Last Yr Bought Women's Utility/Work Clothes/Work Boots Last Yr Bought Women's Blouse/Shirt Last Yr Bought Women's Sweats Last Yr Bought Women's Gym/Jogging/Workout Clothes Last Yr- Other Bought Women's Nightgown/Pajamas Last Yr Bought Women's Lingerie Last Yr- Other Bought Women's Shoes Last Yr- Slippers Bought Women's Lingerie Last Yr- Bras Bought Women's Lingerie Last Yr- Panties Bought Women's Lingerie Last Yr- Regular Pantyhose Bought Women's Lingerie Last Yr- Control Top Pantyhose Bought Women's Lingerie Last Yr- Support Pantyhose Bought Women's Lingerie Last Yr- Tights Bought Women's Lingerie Last Yr- Kneehigh Hose (Excluding Socks) Bought Women's Lingerie Last Yr- Socks Bought Jeans Last Yr Bought Licensed Sports Clothing Last Yr Bought Licensed Sports Fleece Bottoms (Sweatpants) Last Yr Bought Licensed Sports Fleece Tops (Sweatshirts) Last Yr Bought Licensed Sports Hats/Caps Last Yr Bought Licensed Sports Jackets Last Yr Bought Licensed Sports Knits/Shirts Last Yr Bought Licensed Sports Shorts Last Yr Bought Licensed Sports Team Uniform (Top/Bottoms) Last Yr Bought Licensed Sports T-shirts Last Yr Bought Sneakers/Athletic Shoes/Sports Shoes Last Yr Bought Sneakers/Athletic Shoes/Sports Shoes Last Yr- Aerobic Bought Sneakers/Athletic Shoes/Sports Shoes Last Yr- Basketball Bought Sneakers/Athletic Shoes/Sports Shoes Last Yr- Casual Sneakers Bought Sneakers/Athletic Shoes/Sports Shoes Last Yr- Cross Training Bought Sneakers/Athletic Shoes/Sports Shoes Last Yr- Exercise Walking Bought Sneakers/Athletic Shoes/Sports Shoes Last Yr- Hiking Bought Sneakers/Athletic Shoes/Sports Shoes Last Yr- Jogging/Running Bought Sneakers/Athletic Shoes/Sports Shoes Last Yr- Tennis Bought Watch For Self Last Yr Bought Watch for Someone Else Last Yr Bought Children's Clothing Last Yr Bought Children's Clothing Last Yr- Kids <1 Year Bought Children's Clothing Last Yr- Kids 1-5 Years Page 126 SMAPPR096H SMAPPR097H SMAPPR098H SMAPPR099H SMAPPR100H SMAPPR101H SMAPPR102H SMAPPR103H SMAPPR104H SMAPPR105H SMAPPR106H SMAPPR107H SMAPPR108H SMAPPR109H SMAPPR110H SMAPPR111H SMAPPR112H SMAPPR113H SMAPPR114H SMAPPR115H SMAPPR116H SMAPPR117H SMAPPR118H Bought Children's Clothing Last Yr- Kids 6-11 Years Bought Children's Clothing Last Yr- Kids <1 Year- Spent $150 Or More Bought Children's Clothing Last Yr- Kids <1 Year- Spent $100-$149 Bought Children's Clothing Last Yr- Kids <1 Year- Spent $50-$99 Bought Children's Clothing Last Yr- Kids <1 Year- Spent Under $50 Bought Children's Clothing Last Yr- Kids 1-5 Years- Spent $150 Or More Bought Children's Clothing Last Yr- Kids 1-5 Years- Spent $100-$149 Bought Children's Clothing Last Yr- Kids 1-5 Years- Spent $50-$99 Bought Children's Clothing Last Yr- Kids 1-5 Years- Spent Under $50 Bought Children's Clothing Last Yr- Kids 6-11 Years- Spent $150 Or More Bought Children's Clothing Last Yr- Kids 6-11 Years- Spent $100-$149 Bought Children's Clothing Last Yr- Kids 6-11 Years- Spent $50 -$99 Bought Children's Clothing Last Yr- Kids 6-11 Years- Spent Under $50 Bought Children's Clothing Last Yr- All Children- Spent $400 Or More Bought Children's Clothing Last Yr- All Children- Spent $250-$399 Bought Children's Clothing Last Yr- All Children- Spent $200-$249 Bought Children's Clothing Last Yr- All Children- Spent $150-$199 Bought Children's Clothing Last Yr- All Children- Spent $100-$149 Bought Children's Clothing Last Yr- All Children- Spent $50-$99 Bought Children's Clothing Last Yr- All Children- Spent Under $50 Used Disposable Diapers/Training Pants Last 6 Months Used Disposable Diapers/Training Pants Last 6 Months- Huggies Used Disposable Diapers/Training Pants Last 6 Months- Pampers Attitudes – Fashion / Apparel SMATTA001P SMATTA002P SMATTA003P SMATTA004P SMATTA005P SMATTA006P SMATTA007P SMATTA008P SMATTA009P SMATTA010P SMATTA011P SMATTA012P SMATTA013P SMATTA014P SMATTA015P SMATTA016P SMATTA017P SMATTA018P SMATTA019P SMATTA020P SMATTA021P SMATTA022P SMATTA023P SMATTA024P SMATTA025P SMATTA026P SMATTA027P Attitudes- Apparel- Stick With Styles Have Stood Test of Time Attitudes- Apparel- Comfort Most Important in Clothes I Buy Attitudes- Apparel- Make My Clothes Last a Long Time Attitudes- Apparel- Important toi Look Attractive to Others Attitudes- Apparel- Uncomfortable in Clothes Different >From Others Attitudes- Apparel- Fashion Magazines Help Determine Clothes I Buy Attitudes- Apparel- Have Favorite Clothing Brands I Stick With Attitudes- Apparel- Like to Keep Up With the Latest Fashions Attitudes- Apparel- Often Buy Clothes Don't Really Need Attitudes- Apparel- Many Similar Priced Brands Look Alike Attitudes- Apparel- Everything I Wear is the Highest Quality Attitudes- Apparel- Like to Make a Unique Fashion Statement Attitudes- Apparel- Clothes At Discount Just as Good as Department Stores Attitudes- Apparel- No Longer Wear Clothes Wore a Year Ago Attitudes- Apparel- Top Designers Make Quality Clothes Attitudes- Apparel- First Among My Friends to Try New Styles Attitudes- Apparel- Spend More Than Can Afford For Clothes Attitudes- Apparel- Always Look For Favorite Brands First Attitudes- Apparel- Have a Conservative Dress Style Attitudes- Apparel- Surprised Myself Buy Brands Normally Don't Buy Attitudes- Apparel- Function Most Important in Clothes I Buy Attitudes- Apparel- Designer Label Improves Person's Image Attitudes- Apparel- Dress To Please Myself Attitudes- Apparel- Like to Experiment With New Styles Attitudes- Apparel- Budget Allows Me to Buy Designer Clothes Attitudes- Apparel- Every Season Buy the Latest Fashions Attitudes- Apparel- Really Enjoy Clothes Shopping Attitudes – Automobiles SMATTC001P SMATTC002P SMATTC003P SMATTC004P SMATTC005P SMATTC006P SMATTC007P SMATTC008P SMATTC009P SMATTC010P SMATTC011P SMATTC012P SMATTC013P SMATTC014P SMATTC015P SMATTC016P SMATTC017P SMATTC018P SMATTC019P SMATTC020P SMATTC021P Attitudes- Automobiles- Interested in What is Under the Hood Attitudes- Automobiles- My Car Should Catch People's Attention Attitudes- Automobiles- Like a New Car Every 2 or 3 Years Attitudes- Automobiles- Use My Personal Vehicle in My Work Attitudes- Automobiles- My Car Should Have Many Safety Features Attitudes- Automobiles- I Like Driving Attitudes- Automobiles- Foreign Cars More Prestigious Than American Attitudes- Automobiles- People Always Ask My Advice on Car Buy Attitudes- Automobiles- A Used Car is Just As Good As a New Car Attitudes- Automobiles- Options On a Car Impress Me Attitudes- Automobiles- Like to Drive Faster Than Normal Attitudes- Automobiles- Before Buy Car Find Safety Rating Attitudes- Automobiles- Car's Purpose Go Point A to Point B Attitudes- Automobiles- Car That Works For Whole Family Important Attitudes- Automobiles- Can Tell About Someone By Car Driven Attitudes- Automobiles- Foreign Higher Quality Than American Attitudes- Automobiles- My Car Should Express My Personality Attitudes- Automobiles- Comfort Most Important in Car Attitudes- Automobiles- Often In Car With More Than 1 Person Attitudes- Automobiles- U.S. Makes Better Cars Than 10 Years Ago Attitudes- Automobiles- Prefer Driving Luxury Vehicle Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A SMATTC022P SMATTC023P SMATTC024P SMATTC025P SMATTC026P SMATTC027P SMATTC028P SMATTC029P SMATTC030P SMATTC031P SMATTC032P SMATTC033P SMATTC034P SMATTC035P Attitudes- Automobiles- Normally Drive Without Any Passengers Attitudes- Automobiles- Choose A Car Mainly On Looks Attitudes- Automobiles- Normally Buy Cars Brand New Attitudes- Automobiles- Pay Extra For Engine With More Horsepower Attitudes- Automobiles- Often Go On Long Car Trips For Vacation Attitudes- Automobiles- Keep Up On Latest Advances in Auto Technology Attitudes- Automobiles- Vehicle Handle Rough Terrain Important Attitudes- Automobiles- Possessive About My Car Attitudes- Automobiles- Regularly Wear Seatbelt for Safety Attitudes- Automobiles- Often Drive By Self For Sense of Freedom Attitudes- Automobiles- True Value is How Long Car Lasts Attitudes- Automobiles- SUV Matches My Active Lifestyle Attitudes- Automobiles- Get Many Options When Buy A Car Attitudes- Automobiles- American Car Companies Set Standard Attitudes – Food SMATTF001P SMATTF002P SMATTF003P SMATTF004P SMATTF005P SMATTF006P SMATTF007P SMATTF008P SMATTF009P SMATTF010P SMATTF011P SMATTF012P SMATTF013P SMATTF014P SMATTF015P SMATTF016P SMATTF017P SMATTF018P SMATTF019P SMATTF020P SMATTF021P SMATTF022P SMATTF023P SMATTF024P SMATTF025P SMATTF026P SMATTF027P SMATTF028P SMATTF029P SMATTF030P SMATTF031P SMATTF032P SMATTF033P SMATTF034P SMATTF035P SMATTF036P SMATTF037P SMATTF038P SMATTF039P SMATTF040P SMATTF041P SMATTF042P SMATTF043P Attitudes- Food- Try to Include Plenty Fiber in Diet Attitudes- Food- Often Snack Between Meals Attitudes- Food- Frozen Dinners Have Little Nutritional Value Attitudes- Food- Feel Guilty When Eat Sweets Attitudes- Food- Lunch Is More Important Than Breakfast/Dinner Attitudes- Food- Normally Count Calories The Foods I Eat Attitudes- Food- Enjoy Eating Foreign Foods Attitudes- Food- Prefer Food Presented As Art Form Attitudes- Food- Nutritional Value Most Important In Food Eat Attitudes- Food- Most Time Trying Lose Weight By Dieting Attitudes- Food- Prefer Foods Cooked Lots of Spices Attitudes- Food- Usually Refer To Recipes When Cooking Attitudes- Food- Frequently Eat Sweets Attitudes- Food- Try to Eat Gourmet Food Whenever I Can Attitudes- Food- Most Snack Foods Are Not Healthy Attitudes- Food- Like to Try New Food Products Attitudes- Food- Really Enjoy Cooking Attitudes- Food- Often Feel I Over-Eat Attitudes- Food- Point of Drinking is to Get Drunk Attitudes- Food- Salted Snacks are Favorite Snack Attitudes- Food- Easy to Prepare Foods are Favorite Attitudes- Food- Breakfast Is More Important Than Lunch/Dinner Attitudes- Food- Often Swayed By Coupons To Try New Food Attitudes- Food- Eat Foods I Like Regardless Of Calories Attitudes- Food- Like to Try New Recipes Attitudes- Food- Like to Try New Drinks Attitudes- Food- Often Eat Frozen Dinners Attitudes- Food- Fattening Foods Make Me Feel Guilty Attitudes- Food- Usually Quick to Try New Nutritional Product Attitudes- Food- Kitchen Most Important Room in Home Attitudes- Food- Usually First to Try New Food Products Attitudes- Food- Look For Freshest Ingredients When I Cook Attitudes- Food- Eat Several Small Meals During the Day Attitudes- Food- Often Eat Store-made/Pre-Cooked Meals Attitudes- Food- Usually Only Snack On Healthy Foods Attitudes- Food- Dinner is More Important Than Breakfast/Lunch Attitudes- Food- Nothing Wrong Indulging Fattening Foods Attitudes- Food- Currently Dieting Attitudes- Food- Prefer Food Without a Lot of Spices Attitudes- Food- Fast Food Fits My Busy Lifestyle Attitudes- Food- Like Trend Towards Healthier Fast Food Attitudes- Food- Prefer Fast Food to Home Cooking Attitudes- Food- Eating Fast Food Helps Stay In Budget Attitudes – Finance SMATTZ001P SMATTZ002P SMATTZ003P SMATTZ004P SMATTZ005P SMATTZ006P SMATTZ007P SMATTZ008P SMATTZ009P SMATTZ010P SMATTZ011P SMATTZ012P SMATTZ013P Attitudes- Finance- Important Well-Insured Life Insurance Attitudes- Finance- Important Well-Insured Home Insurance Attitudes- Finance- Find Ads for Financial Services Interesting Attitudes- Finance- Read Financial Pages of Newspaper Attitudes- Finance- Often Prefer to Pay Cash for Things Buy Attitudes- Finance- Financial/Retirement Security is an Individual Responsibility Attitudes- Finance- Pay Any Price For Good Financial Advice Attitudes- Finance- Know As Much As Possible Before Commitment to Services Attitudes- Finance- Shop for Best Deal for Financial Service Attitudes- Finance- Friends Ask Advice for Financial Service Attitudes- Finance- Feel Secure Financially Attitudes- Finance- Leave Financial Arrangements to Someone Else Attitudes- Finance- Know Nothing About Finances/Investments Page 127 SMATTZ014P SMATTZ015P SMATTZ016P SMATTZ017P SMATTZ018P SMATTZ019P SMATTZ020P SMATTZ021P Attitudes- Finance- Investing in Stocks Too Risky Attitudes- Finance- Like Other People Think I'm Financial Success Attitudes- Finance- Careful With My Money Attitudes- Finance- No Good At Saving Money Attitudes- Finance- Teach Kids to be Careful With Money Attitudes- Finance- Tend to Spend Without Thinking Attitudes- Finance- Don't Like Idea of Being In Debt Attitudes- Finance- Very Good At Managing Money Attitudes – General SMATTG001P SMATTG002P SMATTG003P SMATTG004P SMATTG005P SMATTG006P SMATTG007P SMATTG008P SMATTG009P SMATTG010P SMATTG011P SMATTG012P SMATTG013P SMATTG014P SMATTG015P SMATTG016P SMATTG017P SMATTG018P SMATTG019P SMATTG020P SMATTG021P SMATTG022P SMATTG023P SMATTG024P SMATTG025P SMATTG026P SMATTG027P SMATTG028P SMATTG029P SMATTG030P SMATTG031P SMATTG032P SMATTG033P SMATTG034P SMATTG035P SMATTG036P SMATTG037P SMATTG038P SMATTG039P SMATTG040P SMATTG041P SMATTG042P SMATTG043P SMATTG044P SMATTG045P SMATTG046P SMATTG047P SMATTG048P SMATTG049P SMATTG050P SMATTG051P SMATTG052P SMATTG053P SMATTG054P SMATTG055P SMATTG056P SMATTG057P SMATTG058P SMATTG059P SMATTG060P SMATTG061P SMATTG062P SMATTG063P SMATTG064P SMATTG065P SMATTG066P SMATTG067P Attitudes- General- Enjoy Taking Risks Attitudes- General- Very Happy With My Life As It Is Attitudes- General- Enjoy Spending Time With My Family Attitudes- General- Enjoy Life/ Don't Worry Future Attitudes- General- Money Is Best Measure Of Success Attitudes- General- Only Work Current Job For The Money Attitudes- General- Prefer Spent Quiet Evening At Home Attitudes- General- How Spend Time More Important Than Money Attitudes- General- More Important Do Duty Than Enjoy Life Attitudes- General- Willing To Give Up Time With Family To Advance Attitudes- General- Feel Very Alone In The World Attitudes- General- Worry A Lot About Myself Attitudes- General- Like To Do Unconventional Things Attitudes- General- Little I Can Do To Change My Life Attitudes- General- Rarely Sit Down to a Meal Together At Home Attitudes- General- If Won Lottery Would Never Work Again Attitudes- General- Pornographic Movies/Shops Should Close Attitudes- General- Hate Doing Any Form of Housework Attitudes- General- Good At Fixing Mechanical Things Attitudes- General- Do Some Sport/Exercise Once A Week Attitudes- General- Happy With My Standard Of Living Attitudes- General- I Am A Workaholic Attitudes- General- Important To Be Attractive/Opposite Sex Attitudes- General- Want To Get To very Top In My Career Attitudes- General- Consider Myself Interested In The Arts Attitudes- General- Would Like To Set Up Own Business Attitudes- General- Am Interested In International Events Attitudes- General- Woman's Place Is In The Home Attitudes- General- Important Family Thinks I Am Doing Well Attitudes- General- Don't Want Responsibility Rather Be Told Attitudes- General- Look At Work I Do As Career Not Just Job Attitudes- General- Like Spending Most Time Home With Family Attitudes- General- In Job Security More Important Than Money Attitudes- General- Important to Attend Religious Services Attitudes- General- Rather Have Boring Job Than No Job Attitudes- General- Give Flowers Can't Think Of Another Present Attitudes- General- Conservative Evangelical Christian Attitudes- General- Worth Paying Extra For Quality Goods Attitudes- General- Consider Myself More Pro-Life Attitudes- General- I Am A Perfectionist Attitudes- General- My Faith Is Really Important To Me Attitudes- General- Interested In Other Cultures Attitudes- General- Enjoy Owning Good Quality Things Attitudes- General- Like to Stand Out In A Crowd Attitudes- General- Children Should Be Allowed To Express Themselves Attitudes- General- Too Much Sponsorship In Arts/Sports Attitudes- General- Looking For New Ideas To Improve Home Attitudes- General- Good At Fixing Things Attitudes- General- Prefer To Have Few Possessions As Possible Attitudes- General- Provide My Kids With The Little Extras Attitudes- General- Indulge My Kids With The Little Extras Attitudes- General- Decide What I Want Before I Go Shopping Attitudes- General- Make Conscious Effort To Recycle Attitudes- General- Enjoy Watching Religious TV Programs Attitudes- General- On Whole People Get What They Deserve Attitudes- General- Home Is An Important Part Of Who I Am Attitudes- General- Packaging For Products Should Be Recycled Attitudes- General- In Toiletries Brand I Buy Is Important Attitudes- General- Marijuana Should Be Legalized Attitudes- General- Never Buy Cosmetics Tested On Animals Attitudes- General- I Am An Optimist Attitudes- General- Can't Bear Untidiness Attitudes- General- Enjoy Entertaining People In My Home Attitudes- General- Speak My Mind Even If It Upsets People Attitudes- General- Try To Be Nice To People As Much As I Can Attitudes- General- Find That I Am Easily Swayed By Others Attitudes- General- Do Things On Spur Of The Moment Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A SMATTG068P SMATTG069P SMATTG070P SMATTG071P SMATTG072P SMATTG073P SMATTG074P SMATTG075P SMATTG076P SMATTG077P SMATTG078P SMATTG079P SMATTG080P SMATTG081P SMATTG082P SMATTG083P SMATTG084P SMATTG085P SMATTG086P SMATTG087P SMATTG088P SMATTG089P SMATTG090P SMATTG091P SMATTG092P SMATTG093P SMATTG094P SMATTG095P SMATTG096P SMATTG097P SMATTG098P SMATTG099P SMATTG100P SMATTG101P Attitudes- General- Like To Just Enjoy Life Attitudes- General- Try Not To Worry About The Future Attitudes- General- Friends More Important Than My Family Attitudes- General- Important To Keep Young Looking Attitudes- General- People Have Responsibility To Use Recycled Products Attitudes- General- Home Decor Particular Interest To Me Attitudes- General- People Have Duty To Recycle Attitudes- General- Music Important Part of My Life Attitudes- General- People Have To Take Me As They Find Me Attitudes- General- Real Men Don't Cry Attitudes- General- Important A Company Acts Ethically Attitudes- General- You Should Seize Opportunities In Life Attitudes- General- Important To Juggle Various Tasks Attitudes- General- Prefer Work Part Of Team Than Alone Attitudes- General- Important Feel Respected By My Peers Attitudes- General- Important Continue Learning New Things Attitudes- General- Don't Judge People/Way They Live Life Attitudes- General- Consider Myself A Spiritual Person Attitudes- General- Like To Understand About Nature Attitudes- General- If At First Do Not Succeed Keep Trying Attitudes- General- Consider Myself Creative Person Attitudes- General- Important To Be Well Informed Attitudes- General- Like To Have Circle Of Close Friends Attitudes- General- Like Control Over People And Resources Attitudes- General- Willing To Volunteer My Time/Good Cause Attitudes- General- We Should Strive For Equality For All Attitudes- General- Important To Have Lasting Relationship Attitudes- General- Worry About Violence And Crime Attitudes- General- Have Keen Sense Of Adventure Attitudes- General- Like To Pursue Challenge/Novelty/Change Attitudes- General- Important To Respect Customs And Beliefs Attitudes- General- Find It Difficult To Say No To My Kids Attitudes- General- Have Practical Outlook On Life Attitudes- General- Worried About Pollution Caused By Cars Attitudes – Health / Diet SMATTH001P SMATTH002P SMATTH003P SMATTH004P SMATTH005P SMATTH006P SMATTH007P SMATTH008P SMATTH009P SMATTH010P SMATTH011P SMATTH012P SMATTH013P SMATTH014P SMATTH015P SMATTH016P SMATTH017P SMATTH018P Attitudes- Diet/Health- Pay Anything When It Concerns My Health Attitudes- Diet/Health- Spend What I Have To To Look Younger Attitudes- Diet/Health- Agree With Increasing Ban On Cigarette Smoking Attitudes- Diet/Health- Consider My Diet To Be Very Healthy Attitudes- Diet/Health- Think Fast Food Is All Junk Attitudes- Diet/Health- Should Exercise More Than I Do Attitudes- Diet/Health- Think Of The Calories In What I Eat Attitudes- Diet/Health- Make Sure Exercise Regularly Attitudes- Diet/Health- Friends Ask Advice About Health/Nutrition Attitudes- Diet/Health- Don't Have Time To Prepare/Eat Healthy Meal Attitudes- Diet/Health- Like To Know Ingredients Before Buy Food Attitudes- Diet/Health- Will Try Any New Diet Attitudes- Diet/Health- Work At Eating Well Balanced Diet Attitudes- Diet/Health- Try To Eat Healthier Foods These Days Attitudes- Diet/Health- Usually First To Try New Health Food Attitudes- Diet/Health- Too Busy To Take Care Of Myself As I Should Attitudes- Diet/Health- I Am A Vegetarian Attitudes- Diet/Health- Treat Myself To Foods Not Good For Me Attitudes – Internet SMATTI001P SMATTI002P SMATTI003P SMATTI004P SMATTI005P SMATTI006P SMATTI007P SMATTI008P SMATTI009P SMATTI010P SMATTI011P SMATTI012P SMATTI013P SMATTI014P SMATTI015P SMATTI016P SMATTI017P SMATTI018P Attitudes- Internet- Like Websites That Protect My Privacy Attitudes- Internet-Like Websites That Show Me Local Info Attitudes- Internet- Go To Websites Never Been To Before Attitudes- Internet- Get More Of My News From Internet Attitudes- Internet- Like To Look For New/Interesting Websites Attitudes- Internet- Doing More Shopping/Internet Than Before Attitudes- Internet- Return To Sites- Makes It Easy To Find/Need Attitudes- Internet- Trust Info On Websites/Have Heard About Attitudes- Internet- Like To Hear About Products/Services By E-mail Internet Lifestyle- Internet Changed Way I Spend Free Time Internet Lifestyle- Internet Changed Way I Get Info For Products Internet Lifestyle- Spend Less Time Sleeping Because Of Internet Internet Lifestyle- Spend Less Time Watching TV Because Of Internet Internet Lifestyle- Internet New Way I Socialize/Meet Others Internet Lifestyle- Internet Change How I Shop For Products Internet Lifestyle- Spend Less Time Reading Magazines Because Of Internet Internet Lifestyle- Internet Primary Source My Entertainment Internet Lifestyle- Internet Primary Source Family Entertainment Page 128 SMATTI019P SMATTI020P SMATTI021P SMATTI022P SMATTI023P SMATTI024P Internet Lifestyle- Internet Changed Way I Work Internet Lifestyle- Internet Increased Desire To Learn/Search Internet Lifestyle- Listen Less To Non-Internet Radio Because Of Internet Internet Lifestyle- Internet Has Had No Impact On My Life Internet Lifestyle- Read Print News Less Because Of Internet Internet Lifestyle- For Info First Place I Look Is Internet Attitudes – Media SMATTM001P SMATTM002P SMATTM003P SMATTM004P SMATTM005P SMATTM006P SMATTM007P SMATTM008P SMATTM009P SMATTM010P SMATTM011P SMATTM012P SMATTM013P SMATTM014P SMATTM015P SMATTM016P SMATTM017P SMATTM018P SMATTM019P SMATTM020P SMATTM021P SMATTM022P SMATTM023P SMATTM024P SMATTM025P SMATTM026P SMATTM027P SMATTM028P SMATTM029P SMATTM030P SMATTM031P SMATTM032P SMATTM033P SMATTM034P SMATTM035P SMATTM036P SMATTM037P SMATTM038P SMATTM039P SMATTM040P SMATTM041P SMATTM042P SMATTM043P SMATTM044P SMATTM045P SMATTM046P SMATTM047P SMATTM048P SMATTM049P SMATTM050P SMATTM051P SMATTM052P SMATTM053P Attitudes- Media- Notice Ads In Lobbies Of Movie Theaters Attitudes- Media- Pay Attention Commercials In Movie Theatre Attitudes- Media- Find TV Advertising Interesting Attitudes- Media- Magazines Main Source of Entertainment Attitudes- Media- Rely on Radio to Keep Me Informed Attitudes- Media- Think A Lot Of Ads Patronize Women Attitudes- Media- Find Some TV Ads OK/A Lot Are Devious Attitudes- Media- No Cable I Wouldn't Watch TV Attitudes- Media- Rely On TV To Keep Me Informed Attitudes- Media- Most Magazines Are Worth The Money Attitudes- Media- TV Main Source Of Entertainment Attitudes- Media- I Arrange Schedule Around TV Programs Attitudes- Media- Listen To Radio For Quick News Update Attitudes- Media- All TV Advertising Annoys Me Attitudes- Media- Radio Is My Main Source Of Entertainment Attitudes- Media-Rely On Newspaper To Keep Me Informed Attitudes- Media- Read Magazine Ads Out Of Curiousity Attitudes- Media- Don't Make Purchase Decision Based On Ads Attitudes- Media- When Watching TV I Do Other Things Attitudes- Media- Typically Avoid Watching TV Commercials Attitudes- Media- Remember Advertised Products When Shopping Attitudes- Media- Advertising To Kids Is Wrong Attitudes- Media- Don't Like Advertising In General Attitudes- Media- When Commercials Come On I Mute TV Attitudes- Media- When Commercial Change The Channel Attitudes- Media- Like TV Commercials Make Me Laugh Attitudes- Media- Ads Help Me Learn About Products Available Attitudes- Media- Advertising Is A Waste Of My Time Attitudes- Media- Enjoy Watching Kids Shows With My Kids Attitudes- Media- Ads Help Me Pick Products For My Kids Attitudes- Media- Value Local Newspaper Covers Local News Attitudes- Media- Expect Advertising To Be Entertaining Attitudes- Media- Rely On Magazines To Keep Me Informed Attitudes- Media- Cable Too Many Channels Can't Pick One Attitudes- Media- Enjoy Reading Ads In Magazines Attitudes- Media- When In Car Always Listen To Radio Attitudes- Media- More Inclined To Buy From Sponsor Than Not Attitudes- Media- Supplement Section In Newspapers Make Them Interesting Attitudes- Media-Trust Info Read In Newspapers Attitudes- Media- Often Notice Ads At Bus Stops Attitudes- Media- Often Notice Ads On Trains Attitudes- Media- Often Notice Ads On Buses Attitudes- Media- Often Notice Ads On Taxis Attitudes- Media- Often Notice Ads On Billboards Attitudes- Media- Growth In Number Cable Networks Diluting Quality TV Attitudes- Media- Well Designed Outdoor Ads Improve Urband Landscape Attitudes- Media-Like Idea Of Large Selection TV Channels Attitudes- Media- Can't Resist Buying Magazines Attitudes- Media- I Am A TV Addict Attitudes- Media- Listen To Radio Every Day Attitudes- Media- Regular Movie Theater Goer Attitudes- Media- Read Newspaper Most Days Attitudes- Media- Choose My Name Not On Mailing Lists Attitudes – Pharmaceuticals SMATTP001P SMATTP002P SMATTP003P SMATTP004P SMATTP005P SMATTP006P SMATTP007P SMATTP008P SMATTP009P SMATTP010P SMATTP011P Pharmaceuticals- OTC Store Brands Work Like Advertised Brands Pharmaceuticals- First Sign Of Pain Take Medicine Pharmaceuticals- Have Regular Medical Check-Ups Pharmaceuticals- Often Examine Ingredients On OTC Medicine Pharmaceuticals- Try Eat Healthy Food/Balanced Diet Pharmaceuticals- I Rarely Get Sick Pharmaceuticals- Important To Go To Doctor When Ill Pharmaceuticals- Frequently Take Preventive Medicine Pharmaceuticals- Only Use Drug Brand Recommended By Doctor Pharmaceuticals- Prefer Alternative Medicine To Standard Medical Pharmaceuticals- Actively Seek Info About Nutrition/Diet Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A SMATTP012P SMATTP013P SMATTP014P SMATTP015P SMATTP016P SMATTP017P SMATTP018P SMATTP019P SMATTP020P SMATTP021P SMATTP022P SMATTP023P SMATTP024P SMATTP025P SMATTP026P SMATTP027P SMATTP028P SMATTP029P SMATTP030P SMATTP031P SMATTP032P SMATTP033P SMATTP034P SMATTP035P SMATTP036P SMATTP037P SMATTP038P SMATTP039P SMATTP040P SMATTP041P SMATTP042P SMATTP043P SMATTP044P Pharmaceuticals- Look Info To Choose Healthcare Treatment Pharmaceuticals- Don't See Doctor/Nurse Unless Very Ill Pharmaceuticals- Always Read Small Print In Magazine/Newspaper Ads Pharmaceuticals- OTC Meds Safer Than Prescription Meds Pharmaceuticals- Research Treatments On Own Then Ask Doctor Pharmaceuticals- Get Counsel On Health Issue From Friends Pharmaceuticals- Always Do What Doctor Tells Me To Do Pharmaceuticals- Worth Paying More For Brand Prescriptions Pharmaceuticals- HMO/Insurance Have Too Much Power Pharmaceuticals- Willing Pay Extra For Non-Covered Meds Pharmaceuticals- Most Expensive Meds Usually The Best Pharmaceuticals- Prescription More Effective Than OTC Remedies Pharmaceuticals- Expect Doctor's Treatment To Work All The Time Pharmaceuticals- Willing To Ask Doctor For Advertised Meds Pharmaceuticals- Side Effects Of Meds Scare Me Off Brands Pharmaceuticals- No Point Take Non-Prescription/Don't Work Pharmaceuticals- When Sick Still Drag Self To Work Pharmaceuticals- Take Non-Prescription Meds As Soon As Sick Pharmaceuticals- People Need More Vitamins When Older Pharmaceuticals- Believe Vitamins/Nutrients Make Difference Pharmaceuticals- Vitamins/Minerals Take For Long Term Benefits Pharmaceuticals- Comfortable Register On Health Website Pharmaceuticals- Health Info By Drug Companies Is Useful Pharmaceuticals- Always Look For Most Advanced Meds Available Pharmaceuticals- Trust Homeopathic Medicine Pharmaceuticals- Rarely Tell Doctor About OTC Meds I Take Pharmaceuticals- Medication Has Made My Life Better Pharmaceuticals- If Advertised Drug Not Doctor Recommended No Integrity Pharmaceuticals- Gather Health Information From Doctor Pharmaceuticals- Gather Health Information From Website Pharmaceuticals- Gather Health Information From Newsletters Pharmaceuticals- Rely On Doctor To Guide Me On Medical/Health Matters Pharmaceuticals- Gather Health Information From Library Attitudes – Product Placement SMATTS001P SMATTS002P SMATTS003P SMATTS004P SMATTS005P SMATTS006P SMATTS007P SMATTS008P SMATTS009P SMATTS010P SMATTS011P SMATTS012P SMATTS013P SMATTS014P SMATTS015P SMATTS016P SMATTS017P SMATTS018P SMATTS019P SMATTS020P SMATTS021P SMATTS022P SMATTS023P SMATTS024P SMATTS025P SMATTS026P SMATTS027P SMATTS028P SMATTS029P SMATTS030P TV Product Placement: When Watch TV I Notice Brand Name Products Used TV Product Placement: Remember Brand Name Products Used In Favorite TV Show TV Product Placement: TV Show Use Brand Names That I Use/More Real TV Product Placement: Don't Mind Brand Name Products In TV Shows TV Product Placement: Hate Brand Names In TV Shows For Commercial Purpose TV Product Placement: Character Uses Brand Name/Likely To Use TV Product Placement: See Brand Name Used In TV Show/Product Good TV Product Placement: See Brand Name Used In TV Show/Buy At Grocery Store Movie Product Placement: When Watching Movies Notice Brand Name Products Used Movie Product Placement: Remember Brand Names Characters Used In Movies Movie Product Placement: Movie Use Brand Names That I Use/More Real Movie Product Placement: Don't Mind Brand Name Products In Movies Movie Product Placement: Hate Brand Names In Movies For Commercial Purpose Movie Product Placement: Character Uses Brand Name/Likely To Use Movie Product Placement: See Brand Name I Use In Movie/Product Good Movie Product Placement: See Brand Name Movie/Buy At Grocery Store Shopping: When Shop Visit Variety Of Stores Shopping: Only Shop Favorite Stores- Have Brands I Like Shopping: Rarely Go Shopping Shopping: Coupons Draw Me To Stores I Don't Shop Shopping: Friends Opinion Of Store Influences Shop There Shopping: Even When Don't Purchase/Enjoy Shopping Shopping: For Expensive Items Shop Different Store Best Price Shopping: Stores Environment Makes Difference Whether Shop Shopping: Normally Only Shop Stores Located Nearby Shopping: Only Go Shopping To Buy Something Really Need Shopping: Will Buy From Non-Specialty Stores Because Of Price Shopping: Prefer Shopping Local Stores To Shopping National Chains Shopping: Usually Willing To Shop New Stores Shopping: Only Shop Favorite Stores Because Know Kind Service Receive Page 129 SMATTS031P SMATTS032P SMATTS033P SMATTS034P SMATTS035P SMATTS036P SMATTS037P SMATTS038P SMATTS039P SMATTS040P SMATTS041P SMATTS042P SMATTS043P SMATTS044P SMATTS045P SMATTS046P SMATTS047P SMATTS048P SMATTS049P SMATTS050P SMATTS051P SMATTS052P SMATTS053P SMATTS054P SMATTS055P SMATTS056P SMATTS057P SMATTS058P SMATTS059P SMATTS060P SMATTS061P SMATTS062P SMATTS063P SMATTS064P SMATTS065P SMATTS066P SMATTS067P SMATTS068P SMATTS069P SMATTS070P SMATTS071P SMATTS072P SMATTS073P SMATTS074P SMATTS075P SMATTS076P SMATTS077P SMATTS078P SMATTS079P SMATTS080P SMATTS081P Shopping: Prefer Buy Product From Specialty Store Than Not Shopping: I Go Shopping Frequently Shopping: Especially Enjoy Shopping With Opposite Sex Shopping: Usually First Among Friends Shop New Store Shopping: Plan Far Ahead Buy Expensive Items Shopping: Prefer Shopping Specialty Store Because Employee's Knowledge Shopping: Shop Favorite Stores Because Conveniently Located Shopping: Drawn To Stores Don't Shop By Sales Shopping: Prefer To Go Shopping Alone Shopping: Use Internet To Help Plan Shopping Trips Shopping: Tend To Spend Long Periods Time In Store Browsing Shopping: Will Travel Up To An Hour Or More Shop Favorite Store Shopping: Prefer Shopping Specialty Store Because Tend Carry Best Brands Shopping: Prefer To Shop With My Friends Shopping: Head Right To Clearance Rack When Enter A Store Shopping: Tend To Buy Things Spur Of The Moment Shopping: Will Travel Hour Or More Factory Outlet Stores Shopping: When Shopping With Others Prefer Splitting Up Shopping: Only Shop Favorite Stores Because Like Price Shopping: When Shopping I Get What I Need And Leave Shopping: Often Go Out Of My Way To Find New Stores Shopping: Price Not Most Important Factor/Get What I Want Shopping: Prefer Shopping Specialty Stores Because Carry More Brands Shopping: Prefer To Shop With My Family Shopping: Hold Out On Buying Things Until Sale Shopping: Really Enjoy Any Kind Of Shopping Shopping: Buy Goods Produced By Own Country When Can Shopping: Spend A Lot Of Money On Toiletries/Cosmetics Shopping Behavior- Buy Products That Use Recycled Paper Shopping Behavior- Shop For Specials/Bargains Shopping Behavior- Don't Buy Unknown Brands To Save Money Shopping Behavior- Often Buy On Spur Of The Moment Shopping Behavior- Change Brands Often For Variety/Novelty Shopping Behavior- Always Look For Brand Name Shopping Behavior- Usually Read Info On Label Shopping Behavior- Prefer To Buy What Neighbors Approve Of Shopping Behavior- Advertising Gives True Picture Of Products Shopping Behavior- Keep Up With Changes- Styles/Fashions Shopping Behavior- Plan Ahead For Expensive Purchases Shopping Behavior- Ask Advice Before Buying New Things Shopping Behavior- People Come To Me/Advice Before Buying Shopping Behavior- Shopping For Groceries Is A Bore Shopping Behavior- Ban Products That Pollute Shopping Behavior- I Buy Recycled Paper Products Shopping Behavior- Would Pay More/Environmental Friendly Products Shopping Behavior- Enjoy Shopping With My Children Shopping Behavior- My Kids Have Significant Impact On Brands Shopping Behavior- Don't Like When Kids Ask For Non-Essentials Shopping Behavior- Hard To Resist Kids Requests For Non-Essentials Shopping Behavior- Always Look Out For Special Offers Shopping Behavior- Often Postpone Purchase For Kids Special Occasion Attitudes – Travel SMATTT001P SMATTT002P SMATTT003P SMATTT004P SMATTT005P SMATTT006P Travel: Prefer Travel US As Opposed To Foreign Travel: While On Vacation Only Want To Relax Travel: Vacation Somewhere Different Every Time Travel: Love The Idea Of Travel Abroad Travel: Willing Make Travel Plan With Unknown Company Travel: Like Vacation Where Activity Organized For Me Attitudes – Technology SMATTX001P SMATTX002P SMATTX003P SMATTX004P SMATTX005P SMATTX006P SMATTX007P SMATTX008P SMATTX009P SMATTX010P SMATTX011P Technology- I'm First Of Friends Have New Electronic Equipment Technology- Pay Anything For Electronic Product I Want Technology- Like Info About Electronic Item Before Buy Technology- Shop For Best Deal In Electronic Equipment Technology- Friends Ask My Advice Buy Electronic Equipment Technology- Computers Confuse Me/Never Get Used To Them Technology- Ask Friends' Advice Before Buy Electronics Technology- Like To Learn About Computer Tech/Web Technology- Like Idea Of Digital TV Technology- Try To Keep Up With Developments in Technology Technology- Love To Buy New Gadgets/Appliances Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A Automotive SMAUTO001H SMAUTO002H SMAUTO003H SMAUTO004H SMAUTO005H SMAUTO006H SMAUTO007H SMAUTO008H SMAUTO009H SMAUTO010H SMAUTO011H SMAUTO012H SMAUTO013H SMAUTO014H SMAUTO015H SMAUTO016H SMAUTO017H SMAUTO018H SMAUTO019H SMAUTO020H SMAUTO021H SMAUTO022H SMAUTO023H SMAUTO024H SMAUTO025H SMAUTO026H SMAUTO027H SMAUTO028H SMAUTO029H SMAUTO030H SMAUTO031H SMAUTO032H SMAUTO033H SMAUTO034H SMAUTO035H SMAUTO036H SMAUTO037H SMAUTO038H SMAUTO039H SMAUTO040H SMAUTO041H SMAUTO042H SMAUTO043H SMAUTO044H SMAUTO045H SMAUTO046H SMAUTO047H SMAUTO048H SMAUTO049H SMAUTO050H SMAUTO051H SMAUTO052H SMAUTO053H SMAUTO054H SMAUTO055H SMAUTO056H SMAUTO057H SMAUTO058H SMAUTO059H SMAUTO060H SMAUTO061H SMAUTO062H SMAUTO063H SMAUTO064H SMAUTO065H SMAUTO066H SMAUTO067H SMAUTO068H SMAUTO069H SMAUTO070H SMAUTO071H SMAUTO072H SMAUTO073H SMAUTO074H SMAUTO075H SMAUTO076H Own/Lease Any Car/Pick-up/SUV Own/Lease Pick-up Truck Own/Lease Car Own/Lease SUV Own/Lease Van Own/Lease Domestic Vehicle- Premium Compact Own/Lease Domestic Vehicle- Entry Midsize Own/Lease Domestic Vehicle- Premium Midsize Own/Lease Domestic Vehicle- Premium Sporty Own/Lease Domestic Vehicle- Full Size Car Own/Lease Domestic Vehicle- Entry Luxury Own/Lease Domestic Vehicle- Compact Pick-up Own/Lease Domestic Vehicle- Full Size Pick-up Own/Lease Domestic Vehicle- Full Size Sport Utility Own/Lease Domestic Vehicle- Entry Sport Utility Own/Lease Domestic Vehicle- Full Size Van Own/Lease Domestic Vehicle- Compact Van Own/Lease Domestic Vehicle- Mid Luxury Own/Lease Domestic Vehicle- Sporty Car Own/Lease Domestic Vehicle- Midsize SUV Own/Lease Domestic Vehicle- Model Type Unknown Own/Lease Foreign Vehicle- Entry Compact Own/Lease Foreign Vehicle- Premium Compact Own/Lease Foreign Vehicle- Entry Midsize Own/Lease Foreign Vehicle- Premium Midsize Own/Lease Foreign Vehicle- Entry Luxury Own/Lease Foreign Vehicle- Compact Pick-up Own/Lease Foreign Vehicle- Entry Sport Utility Own/Lease Foreign Vehicle- Compact Van Own/Lease Foreign Vehicle- Mid Luxury Own/Lease Foreign Vehicle- Sporty Car Own/Lease Foreign Vehicle- Midsize SUV Own/Lease Foreign Vehicle- Model Type Unknown Own/Lease Domestic Vehicle Own/Lease Foreign Vehicle Own/Lease Domestic Vehicle- Most Recently Acquired- Buick Own/Lease Domestic Vehicle- Most Recently Acquired- Cadillac Own/Lease Domestic Vehicle- Most Recently Acquired- Chevrolet/Geo Own/Lease Domestic Vehicle- Most Recently Acquired- Chrysler Own/Lease Domestic Vehicle- Most Recently Acquired- Dodge Own/Lease Domestic Vehicle- Most Recently Acquired- Ford Own/Lease Domestic Vehicle- Most Recently Acquired- GMC Own/Lease Domestic Vehicle- Most Recently Acquired- Jeep/Eagle Own/Lease Domestic Vehicle- Most Recently Acquired- Lincoln Own/Lease Domestic Vehicle- Most Recently Acquired- Mercury Own/Lease Domestic Vehicle- Most Recently Acquired- Oldsmobile Own/Lease Domestic Vehicle- Most Recently Acquired- Plymouth Own/Lease Domestic Vehicle- Most Recently Acquired- Pontiac Own/Lease Domestic Vehicle- Most Recently Acquired- Saturn Own/Lease Foreign Vehicle- Most Recently Acquired- Acura Own/Lease Foreign Vehicle Most Recently Acquired- BMW Own/Lease Foreign Vehicle- Most Recently Acquired- Honda Own/Lease Foreign Vehicle- Most Recently Acquired- Hyundai Own/Lease Foreign Vehicle- Most Recently Acquired- Kia Own/Lease Foreign Vehicle- Most Recently Acquired- Lexus Own/Lease Foreign Vehicle- Most Recently Acquired- Mazda Own/Lease Foreign Vehicle- Most Recently Acquired- Mercedes Benz Own/Lease Foreign Vehicle- Most Recently Acquired- Mitsubishi Own/Lease Foreign Vehicle- Most Recently Acquired- Nissan Own/Lease Foreign Vehicle- Most Recently Acquired- Subaru Own/Lease Foreign Vehicle- Most Recently Acquired- Toyota Own/Lease Foreign Vehicle- Most Recently Acquired- Volkswagen Own/Lease Foreign Vehicle- Most Recently Acquired- Volvo Most Recently Acquired Vehicle Features- ABS (Anti-Lock Brakes) Most Recently Acquired Vehicle Features- Air Bag(s) Most Recently Acquired Vehicle Features- Air Conditioning Most Recently Acquired Vehicle Features- Automatic Climate Control Most Recently Acquired Vehicle Features- Burglar Alarm/Security System Most Recently Acquired Vehicle Features- Diesel Engine/Uses Diesel Fuel Most Recently Acquired Vehicle Features- DVD Player Most Recently Acquired Vehicle Features- Extended Service Contract Most Recently Acquired Vehicle Features- 4 Wheel Drive (Part/Full) Most Recently Acquired Vehicle Features- Fuel Injected Engine Most Recently Acquired Vehicle Features- GPS/Navigation System Most Recently Acquired Vehicle Features- Radar Detector Most Recently Acquired Vehicle Features- Rust Proofing Page 130 SMAUTO077H SMAUTO078H SMAUTO079H SMAUTO080H SMAUTO081H SMAUTO082H SMAUTO083H SMAUTO084H SMAUTO085H SMAUTO086H SMAUTO087H SMAUTO088H SMAUTO089H SMAUTO090H SMAUTO091H SMAUTO092H SMAUTO093H SMAUTO094H SMAUTO095H SMAUTO096H SMAUTO097H SMAUTO098H SMAUTO099H SMAUTO100H SMAUTO101H SMAUTO102H SMAUTO103H SMAUTO104H SMAUTO105H SMAUTO106H SMAUTO107H SMAUTO108H SMAUTO109H SMAUTO110H SMAUTO111H SMAUTO112H SMAUTO113H SMAUTO114H SMAUTO115H SMAUTO116H SMAUTO117H SMAUTO118H SMAUTO119H SMAUTO120H SMAUTO121H SMAUTO122H SMAUTO123H SMAUTO124H SMAUTO125H SMAUTO126H SMAUTO127H SMAUTO128H SMAUTO129H SMAUTO130H SMAUTO131H SMAUTO132H SMAUTO133H SMAUTO134H SMAUTO135H SMAUTO136H SMAUTO137H SMAUTO138H SMAUTO139H SMAUTO140H SMAUTO141H SMAUTO142H SMAUTO143H Most Recently Acquired Vehicle Features- Satellite Radio Most Recently Acquired Vehicle Features- Sun Roof/Moon Roof/T-top Automotive Club- Belong Automotive Club- Belong To American Auto Association (AAA) Automotive Club- Belong To AARP Motoring Plan Automotive Club- Belong To AllState Auto Maintenance/Repair- Performed Last Yr Auto Maintenance/Repair- Service At Gas Station Auto Maintenance/Repair- Service At Repair Shop/Garage Auto Maintenance/Repair- Service At Car Dealership Auto Maintenance/Repair- Service At Chain Store With Auto Repair Facility Auto Maintenance/Repair- Service At Tire Store/Dealer Auto Maintenance/Repair- Service At Quick Lube Center Automotive Retail Store- Shop Last Yr- AAMCO Automotive Retail Store- Shop Last Yr- Advance Auto Parts Automotive Retail Store- Shop Last Yr- Auto Zone Automotive Retail Store- Shop Last Yr- Discount Tire Automotive Retail Store- Shop Last Yr- Firestone Automotive Retail Store- Shop Last Yr- Goodyear Automotive Retail Store- Shop Last Yr- Jiffy Lube Automotive Retail Store- Shop Last Yr- Kmart Automotive Retail Store- Shop Last Yr- Meineke Automotive Retail Store- Shop Last Yr- Midas Muffler Automotive Retail Store- Shop Last Yr- Napa Auto Parts Automotive Retail Store- Shop Last Yr- NTB (National Tire and Battery) Automotive Retail Store- Shop Last Yr- The Pep Boys Automotive Retail Store- Shop Last Yr- Sears Automotive Retail Store- Shop Last Yr- Wal-Mart Automotive Retail Store- Shop Last Yr- Other Automotive Retail Store- Shop Last Yr- None Automotive Services- Purchase Last Yr- Body Work/Paint Job Automotive Services- Purchase Last Yr- Brake Service Automotive Services- Purchase Last Yr- Realignment Automotive Services- Purchase Last Yr- Tire Rotation/Balancing Automotive Services- Purchase Last Yr- Transmission Services Automotive Services- Purchase Last Yr- Tune-Up Automotive Services- Purchase Last Yr- Other Automotive Services- Purchase Last Yr- None Currently Have Motorcycle Driver's License Gas/Diesel Fuel- Most Often Use Super Premium Unleaded (92 Octane +) Gas/Diesel Fuel- Most Often Use Premium/Mid-Grade Unleaded (89/91 Octane) Gas/Diesel Fuel- Most Often Use Regular Unleaded (87/88 Octane) Gas/Diesel Fuel- Most Often Use Diesel Use Full Service Station Most Often Motor Oil- Bought/Changed Last Yr in HH Motor Oil- Added/Changed by Yourself Or Other Member of HH Motor Oil- Added/Changed by Relative/Friend Motor Oil- Added/Changed by Gas Station Motor Oil- Added/Changed by Repair Shop/Garage Motor Oil- Added/Changed by Car Dealership Motor Oil- Added/Changed by Oil Change Center Motorcycles- Anyone In HH Owns Motorcycles- Any Bought New Motorcycles- Any Bought Used Mufflers- Bought/Installed Last Yr Next Vehicle Purchase- New Next Vehicle Purchase- Used Next Vehicle Purchase- Domestic Next Vehicle Purchase- Japanese/Asian Next Vehicle Purchase- European Next Vehicle Purchase- Foreign/Domestic Undecided/Not Sure Vehicle Purchase Method- Most Recently Acquired- Dealer Finance Vehicle Purchase Method- Most Recently Acquired- With Cash Vehicle Purchase Method- Most Recently Acquired- With Commercial Bank Auto Loan Most Recently Acuired Vehicle- Bank/Credit Union Auto Loan Tires- Passenger Car- Bought Last Yr Tires- Pickups/SUVs/Van- Bought Last Yr Beverages SMBEVE001P SMBEVE002P SMBEVE003P SMBEVE004P Drink Diet/Sugar Free Colas Drink Diet/Sugar Free Colas- Diet Coke Drink Diet/Sugar Free Colas- Diet Pepsi Drink Energy Drinks Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. 2012A SMBEVE005P SMBEVE006P SMBEVE007P SMBEVE008P SMBEVE009P SMBEVE010P SMBEVE011P SMBEVE012P SMBEVE013P SMBEVE014P SMBEVE015P SMBEVE016P SMBEVE017P SMBEVE018P SMBEVE019P SMBEVE020P SMBEVE021P SMBEVE022P SMBEVE023P SMBEVE024P SMBEVE025P SMBEVE026P SMBEVE027P SMBEVE028P SMBEVE029P SMBEVE030P SMBEVE031P Drink Iced Tea (Ready To Drink) Drink Non-Carbonated Bottled Spring Water Drink Other Carbonated (Non-Cola) Diet Drinks Drink Other Carbonated (Non-Cola) Diet Drinks- Diet Mountain Dew Drink Other Carbonated (Non-Cola) Diet Drinks- Diet 7-Up Drink Other Regular Carbonated (Non-Cola) Drinks Drink Other Regular Carbonated (Non-Cola) Drinks- 7-Up Drink Other Regular Carbonated (Non-Cola) Drinks- A and W Drink Other Regular Carbonated (Non-Cola) Drinks- Canada Dry Drink Other Regular Carbonated (Non-Cola) Drinks- Dr Pepper Drink Other Regular Carbonated (Non-Cola) Drinks- Mountain Dew Drink Other Regular Carbonated (Non-Cola) Drinks- Schweppes Drink Other Regular Carbonated (Non-Cola) Drinks- Seagram's Drink Other Regular Carbonated (Non-Cola) Drinks- Sprite Drink Regular Cola (Not Diet) Drink Drink Regular Cola (Not Diet) Drink- Coca-Cola Drink Regular Cola (Not Diet) Drink- Pepsi Drink Regular Cola (Not Diet) Drink- RC Drink Sparkling Water/Seltzer/Natural Soda Drink Sparkling Water/Seltzer/Natural Soda- Flavored Drink Sparkling Water/Seltzer/Natural Soda- Lightly Flavored Drink Sparkling Water/Seltzer/Natural Soda- Unflavored (Plain) Drink Thirst Quencher/Activity Drinks Drink Thirst Quencher/Activity Drinks- Capri Sun Drink Thirst Quencher/Activity Drinks- Gatorade Drink Thirst Quencher/Activity Drinks- Powerade Drink Thirst Quencher/Activity Drinks- Snapple Elements Cable Television SMCATV001P SMCATV002P SMCATV003P SMCATV004P SMCATV005P SMCATV006P SMCATV007P SMCATV008P SMCATV009P SMCATV010P SMCATV011P SMCATV012P SMCATV013P SMCATV014P SMCATV015P SMCATV016P SMCATV017P SMCATV018P SMCATV019P SMCATV020P SMCATV021P SMCATV022P SMCATV023P SMCATV024P SMCATV025P SMCATV026P SMCATV027P SMCATV028P SMCATV029P SMCATV030P SMCATV031P SMCATV032P SMCATV033P SMCATV034P SMCATV035P SMCATV036P SMCATV037P SMCATV038P SMCATV039P SMCATV040P SMCATV041P SMCATV042P Cable TV/Premium Channels Last Week- A&E Cable TV/Premium Channels Last Week- ABC Family Cable TV/Premium Channels Last Week- Adult Swim Cable TV/Premium Channels Last Week- AMC (American Movie Classics) Cable TV/Premium Channels Last Week- Animal Planet Cable TV/Premium Channels Last Week- BBC America Cable TV/Premium Channels Last Week- BET (Black Entertainment TV) Cable TV/Premium Channels Last Week- Bloomberg Television Cable TV/Premium Channels Last Week- Bravo Cable TV/Premium Channels Last Week- Cartoon Network Cable TV/Premium Channels Last Week- Cinemax Cable TV/Premium Channels Last Week- CMT (Country Music Television) Cable TV/Premium Channels Last Week- CNBC Cable TV/Premium Channels Last Week- CNN (Cable News Network) Cable TV/Premium Channels Last Week- CNN Headline News Cable TV/Premium Channels Last Week- Comedy Central Cable TV/Premium Channels Last Week- Court TV (Courtroom Television) Cable TV/Premium Channels Last Week- Discovery Channel Cable TV/Premium Channels Last Week- Discovery Health Channel Cable TV/Premium Channels Last Week- Discovery Home Cable TV/Premium Channels Last Week- Discovery Times Cable TV/Premium Channels Last Week- Disney Channel Cable TV/Premium Channels Last Week- DIY (Do-It-Yourself) Cable TV/Premium Channels Last Week- E (Entertainment TV) Cable TV/Premium Channels Last Week- Encore Cable TV/Premium Channels Last Week- ESPN Cable TV/Premium Channels Last Week- ESPN2 Cable TV/Premium Channels Last Week- ESPN Classic Cable TV/Premium Channels Last Week- ESPN News Cable TV/Premium Channels Last Week- FamilyNet Cable TV/Premium Channels Last Week- Fine Living Cable TV/Premium Channels Last Week- Food Network Cable TV/Premium Channels Last Week- Fox News Channel Cable TV/Premium Channels Last Week- FSN (Formerly Fox Sports Network) Cable TV/Premium Channels Last Week- Fuse Cable TV/Premium Channels Last Week- FX Cable TV/Premium Channels Last Week- G4 (Formerly G4TechTV) Cable TV/Premium Channels Last Week- GAC (Great American Country) Cable TV/Premium Channels Last Week- The Golf Channel Cable TV/Premium Channels Last Week- GSN (Formerly Game Show Network) Cable TV/Premium Channels Last Week- Hallmark Channel Cable TV/Premium Channels Last Week- HBO (Home Box Office) Master Variable List Page 131 SMCATV043P Cable TV/Premium Channels Last Week- HGTV (Home and Garden Television) SMCATV044P Cable TV/Premium Channels Last Week- The History Channel) SMCATV045P Cable TV/Premium Channels Last Week- IFC (Independent Film Channel) SMCATV046P Cable TV/Premium Channels Last Week- In Demand SMCATV047P Cable TV/Premium Channels Last Week- INSP (Inspirational Network) SMCATV048P Cable TV/Premium Channels Last Week- Lifetime SMCATV049P Cable TV/Premium Channels Last Week- Lifetime Movie Network SMCATV050P Cable TV/Premium Channels Last Week- The Movie Channel (TMC) SMCATV051P Cable TV/Premium Channels Last Week- MSNBC SMCATV052P Cable TV/Premium Channels Last Week- MTV (Music Television) SMCATV053P Cable TV/Premium Channels Last Week- MTV2 SMCATV054P Cable TV/Premium Channels Last Week- National Geographic Channel SMCATV055P Cable TV/Premium Channels Last Week- Nick At Nite SMCATV056P Cable TV/Premium Channels Last Week- Nickelodeon SMCATV057P Cable TV/Premium Channels Last Week- The Outdoor Channel SMCATV058P Cable TV/Premium Channels Last Week- OLN (Outdoor Life Network) SMCATV059P Cable TV/Premium Channels Last Week- Oxygen SMCATV060P Cable TV/Premium Channels Last Week- The Science Channel SMCATV061P Cable TV/Premium Channels Last Week- Sci-Fi Channel SMCATV062P Cable TV/Premium Channels Last Week- Showtime SMCATV063P Cable TV/Premium Channels Last Week- Soapnet SMCATV064P Cable TV/Premium Channels Last Week- Speed Channel SMCATV065P Cable TV/Premium Channels Last Week- Spike TV SMCATV066P Cable TV/Premium Channels Last Week- Starz SMCATV067P Cable TV/Premium Channels Last Week- Style SMCATV068P Cable TV/Premium Channels Last Week- Sundance Channel SMCATV069P Cable TV/Premium Channels Last Week- Superstation/WGN SMCATV070P Cable TV/Premium Channels Last Week- TBS Superstation SMCATV071P Cable TV/Premium Channels Last Week- TLC (The Learning Channel) SMCATV072P Cable TV/Premium Channels Last Week- Toon Disney SMCATV073P Cable TV/Premium Channels Last Week- Travel Channel SMCATV074P Cable TV/Premium Channels Last Week- TCM (Turner Classic Movies) SMCATV075P Cable TV/Premium Channels Last Week- TNT (Turner Network Television) SMCATV076P Cable TV/Premium Channels Last Week- TV Guide Channel SMCATV077P Cable TV/Premium Channels Last Week- TV Land SMCATV078P Cable TV/Premium Channels Last Week- USA Network SMCATV079P Cable TV/Premium Channels Last Week- VH1 (Video Hits One) SMCATV080P Cable TV/Premium Channels Last Week- WE (Women's Entertainment) SMCATV081P Cable TV/Premium Channels Last Week- The Weather Channel SMCATV082P Cable TV/Premium Channels Last Week- None SMCATV083P Cable TV/Premium Channels Last Week- Other Cable Networks SMCATV084P Get TV Program Info Most Often From Interactive Program Guide SMCATV085P Get TV Program Info Most Often From Internet SMCATV086P Get TV Program Info Most Often From Local Cable Listings Channel SMCATV087P Get TV Program Info Most Often From Monthly Cable Guide SMCATV088P Get TV Program Info Most Often From Newspapers SMCATV089P Get TV Program Info Most Often From Radio SMCATV090P Get TV Program Info Most Often From Sunday TV Magazine SMCATV091P Get TV Program Info Most Often From TV Guide Magazine SMCATV092P Get TV Program Info Most Often From Word Of Mouth SMCATV093P Get TV Program Info Most Often From Other SMCATV094P Watch Television Home Shopping SMCATV095P Watch Television Home Shopping Last 3 Mos- Home Shopping Network (HSN) SMCATV096P Watch Television Home Shopping Last 3 Mos- Quality Value Convenience (QVC) SMCATV097P Watch Television Home Shopping Last 3 Mos- Shop At Home SMCATV098P Watch Television Home Shopping Last 3 Mos- ShopNBC SMCATV099P Watch Television Home Shopping Last 3 Mos- Other SMCATV100P Local TV News- Viewed Early/Late Last 7 Days SMCATV101H Cable TV/Satellite Premium Channels- Subscribe Cable TV SMCATV102H Cable TV/Satellite Premium Channels- Subscribe Digital Cable SMCATV103H Cable TV/Satellite Premium Channels- Satellite Dish SMCATV104H Cable TV/Satellite Premium Channels- Satellite Dish- DirecTV SMCATV105H Cable TV/Satellite Premium Channels- Satellite Dish- Dish Network (Echostar) SMCATV106H Cable TV/Satellite Premium Channels- Satellite Dish- Other SMCATV107H Cable TV/Satellite Premium Channels- Currently Receive Cinemax SMCATV108H Cable TV/Satellite Premium Channels- Currently Receive Encore SMCATV109H Cable TV/Satellite Premium Channels- Currently Receive HBO (Home Box Office) SMCATV110H Cable TV/Satellite Premium Channels- Currently Receive The Movie Channel SMCATV111H Cable TV/Satellite Premium Channels- Currently Receive Showtime SMCATV112H Cable TV/Satellite Premium Channels- Currently Receive Starz Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A SMCATV113H Cable TV/Satellite Premium Channels- Currently Receive Other Pay Channels SMCATV114H Cable TV/Satellite Premium Channels- Currently Receive None SMCATV115H Cable TV/Satellite Premium Channels- Pay Per View TV- HH Has Access SMCATV116H Viewed Pay-Per-View Show 5 or More Times Last Month SMCATV117H Watched Pay-Per-View Sports SMCATV118H Cable TV/Satellite Premium Channels- Viewed Pay Per View Movies SMCATV119H Cable TV/Satellite Premium Channels- Viewed Adult Pay Per View TV SMCATV120H Cable TV/Satellite Premium Channels- HH Has Video-On-Demand SMCATV121H Cable TV/Satellite Premium Channels- Watched Video-On-Demand Movies Last Yr SMCATV122H Cable TV/Satellite Premium Channels- Watched Premium Chan VideoOn-Demand Last Yr SMCATV123H Cable TV/Satellite Premium Channels- Watched Other Video-On-Demand Last Yr Collectibles SMCOLL001P Collecting/Collectibles Purch Last Yr- Animation Art (Collectible Animation Cels) SMCOLL002P Collecting/Collectibles Purch Last Yr- Antique Toys SMCOLL003P Collecting/Collectibles Purch Last Yr- Coins (Numismatic) SMCOLL004P Collecting/Collectibles Purch Last Yr- Cottages/Houses (Porcelain) SMCOLL005P Collecting/Collectibles Purch Last Yr- Crystal Figures/Objects SMCOLL006P Collecting/Collectibles Purch Last Yr- Decor/Comm/Limited Edition Plates SMCOLL007P Collecting/Collectibles Purch Last Yr- Die-Cast Miniature Cars SMCOLL008P Collecting/Collectibles Purch Last Yr- Other Miniatures SMCOLL009P Collecting/Collectibles Purch Last Yr- Disney (Character/Theme Park) SMCOLL010P Collecting/Collectibles Purch Last Yr- Dolls (Collectible Type) SMCOLL011P Collecting/Collectibles Purch Last Yr- Ornaments SMCOLL012P Collecting/Collectibles Purch Last Yr- Paper Collectibles (Comic Books/Post Cards) SMCOLL013P Collecting/Collectibles Purch Last Yr- Porcelain Figurines SMCOLL014P Collecting/Collectibles Purch Last Yr- Sports Memorabilia/Trading Cards SMCOLL015P Collecting/Collectibles Purch Last Yr- Stamps SMCOLL016P Collecting/Collectibles Purch Last Yr- Warner Bros/Hanna Barbera/Other SMCOLL017P Collecting/Collectibles Purch Last Yr- Wood/Metal Sculptures SMCOLL018P Collecting/Collectibles Purch Last Yr- Other SMCOLL019P Collecting/Collectibles Purch Last Yr- None Of These SMCOLL020P Collecting/Collectibles Purch Last Yr- Any Computers SMCOMP001H SMCOMP002H SMCOMP003H SMCOMP004H SMCOMP005H SMCOMP006H SMCOMP007H SMCOMP008H SMCOMP009H SMCOMP010H SMCOMP011H SMCOMP012H SMCOMP013H SMCOMP014H SMCOMP015H SMCOMP016H SMCOMP017H SMCOMP018H SMCOMP019H SMCOMP020H SMCOMP021H SMCOMP022H SMCOMP023H SMCOMP024H SMCOMP025H SMCOMP026H SMCOMP027H SMCOMP028H SMCOMP029H SMCOMP030H SMCOMP031H SMCOMP032H SMCOMP033H SMCOMP034H SMCOMP035H Computer Peripherals/Accessories- HH Owns CD Burner Computer Peripherals/Accessories- HH Owns CD-Rom Drive Computer Peripherals/Accessories- HH Owns DVD Burner Computer Peripherals/Accessories- HH Owns DVD Player Computer Peripherals/Accessories- HH Owns Ink Jet Printer Computer Peripherals/Accessories- HH Owns Joystick/Paddles Computer Peripherals/Accessories- HH Owns Laser Printer Computer Peripherals/Accessories- HH Owns Microphone Computer Peripherals/Accessories- HH Owns Modem/Phone Attachment Computer Peripherals/Accessories- HH Owns Optical Scanner Computer Peripherals/Accessories- HH Owns Speakers Computer Peripherals/Accessories- HH Owns USB Flash Drive (Portable) Computer Peripherals/Accessories- HH Owns Video/Webcam Computer Peripherals/Accessories- HH Owns Zip Drive Computer Peripherals/Accessories- HH Owns Other Computer Peripherals/Accessories- HH Owns Own Any HH Have Internet Phone (Voice Over IP) Home Personal Computer- HH Own Home Personal Computer- # HH Owns- 4 or More Home Personal Computer- # HH Owns- 3 Home Personal Computer- # HH Owns- 2 Home Personal Computer- # HH Owns- 1 Home Personal Computer- Home Network- HH Has One Home Personal Computer- Wired and Wireless Home Network Home Personal Computer- Wired/Cable Home Network Home Personal Computer- Wireless Home Network Home Personal Computer- Most Recent Purchase- 5 Years Ago Or More Home Personal Computer- Most Recent Purchase- 4-5 Years Ago Home Personal Computer- Most Recent Purchase- 3-4 Years Ago Home Personal Computer- Most Recent Purchase- 2-3 Years Ago Home Personal Computer- Most Recent Purchase- 1-2 Years Ago Home Personal Computer- Most Recent Purchase- <1 Year Ago Home Personal Computer- HH Uses For Accounting Home Personal Computer- HH Uses For Business Analysis/Forecasting Home Personal Computer- HH Uses For Computer Games Page 132 SMCOMP036H SMCOMP037H SMCOMP038H SMCOMP039H SMCOMP040H SMCOMP041H SMCOMP042H SMCOMP043H SMCOMP044H SMCOMP045H SMCOMP046H SMCOMP047H SMCOMP048H SMCOMP049H SMCOMP050H SMCOMP051H SMCOMP052H SMCOMP053H SMCOMP054H SMCOMP055H SMCOMP056H SMCOMP057H SMCOMP058H SMCOMP059H SMCOMP060H SMCOMP061H SMCOMP062H SMCOMP063H SMCOMP064H SMCOMP065H SMCOMP066H SMCOMP067H SMCOMP068H SMCOMP069H SMCOMP070H SMCOMP071H SMCOMP072H SMCOMP073H SMCOMP074H SMCOMP075H SMCOMP076H SMCOMP077H SMCOMP078H SMCOMP079H SMCOMP080H SMCOMP081H SMCOMP082H SMCOMP083H Home Personal Computer- HH Uses For Desktop Publishing Home Personal Computer- HH Uses For Digital Camera Photo Editing Home Personal Computer- HH Uses For Education Home Personal Computer- HH Uses For Filing/Database Management Home Personal Computer- HH Uses For Graphics/Presentation Home Personal Computer- HH Uses For Home Banking Home Personal Computer- HH Uses For Home Shopping Home Personal Computer- HH Uses For Internet/E-mail Home Personal Computer- HH Uses For Networking (Sharing 2 Devices) Home Personal Computer- HH Uses For Personal Financial Management Home Personal Computer- HH Uses For Programming Home Personal Computer- HH Uses For News/Information/Data Service Home Personal Computer- HH Uses For Taxes Home Personal Computer- HH Uses For Telecommuting Home Personal Computer- HH Uses For Time Management Home Personal Computer- HH Uses For Travel Planning Home Personal Computer- HH Uses For Word Processing Home Personal Computer- HH Uses For Other Personal Computers At Home- Most Recent Purchase- $4000 Or More Personal Computers At Home- Most Recent Purchase- $3000-$3999 Personal Computers At Home- Most Recent Purchase- $2000-$2999 Personal Computers At Home- Most Recent Purchase- $1000-$1999 Personal Computers At Home- Most Recent Purchase- $500-$599 Personal Computers At Home- Most Recent Purchase- Less Than $500 Personal Computers At Home- #CDs HH Bought Last Yr- 21 Or More Personal Computers At Home- #CDs HH Bought Last Yr- 10-20 Personal Computers At Home- #CDs HH Bought Last Yr- Less Than 10 Personal Computers At Home- #CDs HH Bought Last Yr- None Planned Computer Purchase- Intend To Purchase In Next 18 Months Software- Types Owned- Anti-Virus Software Software- Types Owned- Business Software (Accounting/Payroll/Etc) Software- Types Owned- Communications/E-Mail Software- Types Owned- Desktop Publishing Software- Types Owned- Educational Software Software- Types Owned- Filing/Database Software- Types Owned- Games/Recreation Software- Types Owned- Graphics/Presentation Software Software- Types Owned- Internet Firewall Security Software- Types Owned- Personal Finance Software Software- Types Owned- Personal Information Management Software- Types Owned- Programming Language/Aids Software- Types Owned- Remote Access Software- Types Owned- Time Management Software- Types Owned- Spreadsheets Software- Types Owned- Utilities Software- Types Owned- Word Processing Software- Types Owned- Other Types Software- Amount Spent Last Yr- $500 Or More Contributions SMCONT001H SMCONT002H SMCONT003H SMCONT004H SMCONT005H SMCONT006H SMCONT007H SMCONT008H SMCONT009H SMCONT010H SMCONT011H SMCONT012H SMCONT013H SMCONT014H SMCONT015H SMCONT016H SMCONT017H SMCONT018H SMCONT019H SMCONT020H SMCONT021H SMCONT022H Charitable Contributions Last Yr Charitable Contributions Last Yr- Arts/Culture/Humanities Charitable Contributions Last Yr- Education Charitable Contributions Last Yr- Environmental Charitable Contributions Last Yr- Health Charitable Contributions Last Yr- Political Organization Charitable Contributions Last Yr- Public Radio Charitable Contributions Last Yr- Public Television Charitable Contributions Last Yr- Private Foundations Charitable Contributions Last Yr- Religious Charitable Contributions Last Yr- Social Services/Welfare Charitable Contributions Last Yr- Other Charitable Contributions Last Yr- Any Charitable Contributions Last Yr- Amount Arts/Culture/Humanities- $200 Or More Charitable Contributions Last Yr- Amount Education- $200 Or More Charitable Contributions Last Yr- Amount Environmental- $200 Or More Charitable Contributions Last Yr- Amount Health- $200 Or More Charitable Contributions Last Yr- Amount Political Organization- $200 Or More Charitable Contributions Last Yr- Amount Public Radio- $200 Or More Charitable Contributions Last Yr- Amount Public Television- $200 Or More Charitable Contributions Last Yr- Amount Private Foundation- $200 Or More Charitable Contributions Last Yr- Amount Religious- $200 Or More Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A SMCONT023H Charitable Contributions Last Yr- Amount Social Services/Welfare- $200 Or More SMCONT024H Charitable Contributions Last Yr- Amount Other- $200 Or More Demographics of Simmons Sample SMDEMO001H SMDEMO002H SMDEMO003H SMDEMO004H SMDEMO005H SMDEMO006H SMDEMO007H SMDEMO008H SMDEMO009H SMDEMO010H SMDEMO011H SMDEMO012H SMDEMO013H SMDEMO014H SMDEMO015H SMDEMO016H SMDEMO017H SMDEMO018H SMDEMO019H SMDEMO020H SMDEMO021H SMDEMO022H SMDEMO023H SMDEMO024H SMDEMO025H SMDEMO026H SMDEMO027H SMDEMO028H SMDEMO029H SMDEMO030H Head Of Household Demographics- Sex- Male Head Of Household Demographics- Sex- Female Children In Household- None Children In Household- One-Three Children In Household- One Or More Children In Household- Presence Of Children By Age- 2-5 Years Children In Household- Presence Of Children By Age- 2-11 Years Children In Household- Presence Of Children By Age- 6-11 Years Children In Household- Presence Of Children By Age- 6-17 Years Children In Household- Presence Of Children By Age- 12-17 Years Children In Household- Presence Of Children By Age- Under 2 Years Expecting A Baby Child Care- Children Age <=6- At Child's Home By Parent Child Care- Children Age <=6- At Child's Home By Other Relative Child Care- Children Age <=6- At Another Home By Relative Child Care- Children Age <=6- At Another Home By Non-Relative Child Care- Children Age <=6- Group Care Center- Community Daycare Child Care- Children Age <=6- Group Care Center- Private Daycare Retirement Homes/Assisted Living Facility/Nursing Homes- Any in HH Used Last Yr Recycling: HH: Very Often Glass/Beverage Containers Recycling: HH: Very Often Other Glass Recycling: HH: Very Often Newspapers Recycling: HH: Very Often Paper Boxes/Other Paper Recycling: HH: Very Often Plastic Bags Recycling: HH: Very Often Plastic Beverage Containers Recycling: HH: Very Often Other Plastic Containers Recycling: HH: Very Often Used Motor Oil Recycling: HH: Very Often Used Batteries Recycling: HH: Very Often Metal Beverage Containers Recycling: HH: Very Often Other Metal Cans Family Restaurants SMFAMR001P SMFAMR002P SMFAMR003P SMFAMR004P SMFAMR005P SMFAMR006P SMFAMR007P SMFAMR008P SMFAMR009P SMFAMR010P SMFAMR011P SMFAMR012P SMFAMR013P SMFAMR014P SMFAMR015P SMFAMR016P SMFAMR017P SMFAMR018P SMFAMR019P SMFAMR020P SMFAMR021P SMFAMR022P SMFAMR023P SMFAMR024P SMFAMR025P SMFAMR026P SMFAMR027P SMFAMR028P SMFAMR029P SMFAMR030P SMFAMR031P SMFAMR032P SMFAMR033P SMFAMR034P SMFAMR035P SMFAMR036P Family Restaurants/Steak Houses- Visit Any Family Restaurants/Steak Houses- Visit - Applebee's Family Restaurants/Steak Houses- Visit - Bennigan's Family Restaurants/Steak Houses- Visit - Bertucci's Family Restaurants/Steak Houses- Visit - Big Boy Family Restaurants/Steak Houses- Visit - Black Angus Restaurant Family Restaurants/Steak Houses- Visit - Bob Evans Family Restaurants/Steak Houses- Visit - Chevy's Family Restaurants/Steak Houses- Visit - Chili's Grill and Bar Family Restaurants/Steak Houses- Visit - Chuck E Cheese Family Restaurants/Steak Houses- Visit - Cracker Barrel Family Restaurants/Steak Houses- Visit - Denny's Family Restaurants/Steak Houses- Visit - Don Pablo's Family Restaurants/Steak Houses- Visit - Friendly's Family Restaurants/Steak Houses- Visit - Fuddrucker's Family Restaurants/Steak Houses- Visit - Golden Corral Family Restaurants/Steak Houses- Visit - Hometown Buffet Family Restaurants/Steak Houses- Visit - IHOP (International House Of Pancakes) Family Restaurants/Steak Houses- Visit - Joe's Crab Shack Family Restaurants/Steak Houses- Visit - Lone Star Steakhouse and Saloon Family Restaurants/Steak Houses- Visit - Longhorn Steakhouse Family Restaurants/Steak Houses- Visit - Luby's Family Restaurants/Steak Houses- Visit - Marie Callender's Family Restaurants/Steak Houses- Visit - O'Charley's Family Restaurants/Steak Houses- Visit - Old Country Buffet Family Restaurants/Steak Houses- Visit - Olive Garden Family Restaurants/Steak Houses- Visit - Outback Steakhouse Family Restaurants/Steak Houses- Visit - Papa Murphy's Family Restaurants/Steak Houses- Visit - Perkins Family Restaurants/Steak Houses- Visit - Piccadilly Cafeteria Family Restaurants/Steak Houses- Visit - Ponderosa Steakhouse Family Restaurants/Steak Houses- Visit - Red Lobster Family Restaurants/Steak Houses- Visit - Romano's Macaroni Grill Family Restaurants/Steak Houses- Visit - Ruby Tuesday Family Restaurants/Steak Houses- Visit - Shoney's Family Restaurants/Steak Houses- Visit - Sizzler Page 133 SMFAMR037P Family Restaurants/Steak Houses- Visit - TGI Friday's SMFAMR038P Family Restaurants/Steak Houses- Visit - Other Family Restaurants Fast Food Restaurants SMFFOD001P SMFFOD002P SMFFOD003P SMFFOD004P SMFFOD005P SMFFOD006P SMFFOD007P SMFFOD008P SMFFOD009P SMFFOD010P SMFFOD011P SMFFOD012P SMFFOD013P SMFFOD014P SMFFOD015P SMFFOD016P SMFFOD017P SMFFOD018P SMFFOD019P SMFFOD020P SMFFOD021P SMFFOD022P SMFFOD023P SMFFOD024P SMFFOD025P SMFFOD026P SMFFOD027P SMFFOD028P SMFFOD029P SMFFOD030P SMFFOD031P SMFFOD032P SMFFOD033P SMFFOD034P SMFFOD035P SMFFOD036P SMFFOD037P SMFFOD038P SMFFOD039P SMFFOD040P SMFFOD041P SMFFOD042P SMFFOD043P SMFFOD044P SMFFOD045P SMFFOD046P SMFFOD047P SMFFOD048P SMFFOD049P SMFFOD050P SMFFOD051P SMFFOD052P SMFFOD053P SMFFOD054P SMFFOD055P SMFFOD056P SMFFOD057P SMFFOD058P Fast Food/Drive-In Restaurant- Visit Any Fast Food/Drive-In Restaurant- Visit - A and W Fast Food/Drive-In Restaurant- Visit - Arby's Fast Food/Drive-In Restaurant- Visit - Arthur Treacher's Fish and Chips Fast Food/Drive-In Restaurant- Visit - Blimpie Fast Food/Drive-In Restaurant- Visit - Bojangles Fast Food/Drive-In Restaurant- Visit - Boston Market Fast Food/Drive-In Restaurant- Visit - Burger King Fast Food/Drive-In Restaurant- Visit - Captain D's Fast Food/Drive-In Restaurant- Visit - Carl's Jr Fast Food/Drive-In Restaurant- Visit - Checker's Fast Food/Drive-In Restaurant- Visit - Chick-Fil-A Fast Food/Drive-In Restaurant- Visit - Church's Fried Chicken Fast Food/Drive-In Restaurant- Visit - Cici's Pizza Fast Food/Drive-In Restaurant- Visit - Dairy Queen Fast Food/Drive-In Restaurant- Visit - Del Taco Fast Food/Drive-In Restaurant- Visit - Domino's Pizza Fast Food/Drive-In Restaurant- Visit - Donato's Pizza Fast Food/Drive-In Restaurant- Visit - Dunkin' Donuts Fast Food/Drive-In Restaurant- Visit - El Pollo Loco Fast Food/Drive-In Restaurant- Visit - Fazoli's Italian Fast Food/Drive-In Restaurant- Visit - Godfather's Pizza Fast Food/Drive-In Restaurant- Visit - Hardee's Fast Food/Drive-In Restaurant- Visit - Hot 'N Now Fast Food/Drive-In Restaurant- Visit - Jack-In-The-Box Fast Food/Drive-In Restaurant- Visit - Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) Fast Food/Drive-In Restaurant- Visit - Krispy Kreme Fast Food/Drive-In Restaurant- Visit - Krystal Fast Food/Drive-In Restaurant- Visit - Lee's Famous Recipe Chicken Fast Food/Drive-In Restaurant- Visit - Little Caesar's Fast Food/Drive-In Restaurant- Visit - Long John Silver's Fast Food/Drive-In Restaurant- Visit - Mazzio's Fast Food/Drive-In Restaurant- Visit - McDonald's Fast Food/Drive-In Restaurant- Visit - Miami Subs Fast Food/Drive-In Restaurant- Visit - Panera Bread Fast Food/Drive-In Restaurant- Visit - Papa Gino's Fast Food/Drive-In Restaurant- Visit - Papa John's Fast Food/Drive-In Restaurant- Visit - Pizza Hut Fast Food/Drive-In Restaurant- Visit - Pizza Inn Fast Food/Drive-In Restaurant- Visit - Popeyes Fast Food/Drive-In Restaurant- Visit - Quiznos Sub Fast Food/Drive-In Restaurant- Visit - Rallys Fast Food/Drive-In Restaurant- Visit - Round Table Pizza Fast Food/Drive-In Restaurant- Visit - Rubio's Fast Food/Drive-In Restaurant- Visit - Sbarro Fast Food/Drive-In Restaurant- Visit - Schlotzsky's Deli Fast Food/Drive-In Restaurant- Visit - Shakey's Fast Food/Drive-In Restaurant- Visit - Sonic Fast Food/Drive-In Restaurant- Visit - Starbucks Fast Food/Drive-In Restaurant- Visit - Steak'N Shake Fast Food/Drive-In Restaurant- Visit - Subway Fast Food/Drive-In Restaurant- Visit - Taco Bell Fast Food/Drive-In Restaurant- Visit - Taco Time Fast Food/Drive-In Restaurant- Visit - Wendy's Fast Food/Drive-In Restaurant- Visit - Whataburger Fast Food/Drive-In Restaurant- Visit - White Castle Fast Food/Drive-In Restaurant- Visit - Wienerschnitzel Fast Food/Drive-In Restaurant- Visit - Other Fast Food Restaurants Financial SMFINC001H SMFINC002H SMFINC003H SMFINC004H SMFINC005H SMFINC006H SMFINC007H SMFINC008H SMFINC009H SMFINC010H SMFINC011H SMFINC012H Have ATM (Automatic Teller Machine) Card Have ATM (Automatic Teller Machine) Card- Used 4+ Times Last Month Have ATM (Automatic Teller Machine) Card- Did Not Use Last Month Banking/Investments- Have Non-Interest Bearing Checking Account Banking/Investments- Have Interest Bearing Checking Account Banking/Investments- Have Savings Account Banking/Investments- Have Savings Certificate CD/Long Term Banking/Investments- Have Savings Certificate CD/Short Term Banking/Investments- Have Cash Management Account Banking/Investments- Have Check Guarantee Card Banking/Investments- Have Debit Card/Electronic Funds Transfer Banking/Investments- Have Senior Citizens Club Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A SMFINC013H SMFINC014H SMFINC015H SMFINC016H SMFINC017H SMFINC018H SMFINC019H SMFINC020H SMFINC021H SMFINC022H SMFINC023H SMFINC024H SMFINC025H SMFINC026H SMFINC027H SMFINC028H SMFINC029H SMFINC030H SMFINC031H SMFINC032H SMFINC033H SMFINC034H SMFINC035H SMFINC036H SMFINC037H SMFINC038H SMFINC039H SMFINC040H SMFINC041H SMFINC042H SMFINC043H SMFINC044H SMFINC045H SMFINC046H SMFINC047H SMFINC048H SMFINC049H SMFINC050H SMFINC051H SMFINC052H SMFINC053H SMFINC054H SMFINC055H SMFINC056H SMFINC057H SMFINC058H SMFINC059H SMFINC060H SMFINC061H SMFINC062H SMFINC063H SMFINC064H SMFINC065H SMFINC066H SMFINC067H SMFINC068H SMFINC069H SMFINC070H SMFINC071H SMFINC072H SMFINC073H SMFINC074H SMFINC075H SMFINC076H SMFINC077H SMFINC078H SMFINC079H SMFINC080H SMFINC081H SMFINC082H SMFINC083H SMFINC084H SMFINC085H SMFINC086H SMFINC087H SMFINC088H SMFINC089H SMFINC090H Banking/Investments- Do Not Have Any Of These Banks Used Last Yr- Primary- Bank of America/Fleet Banks Used Last Yr- Primary- Bank One Banks Used Last Yr- Primary- US Bank Banks Used Last Yr- Primary- Wachovia Banks Used Last Yr- Primary- Washington Mutual Banks Used Last Yr- Primary- Wells Fargo Banks Used Last Yr- Primary- Credit Unions Banks Used Last Yr- Primary- Savings and Loans Have Or Use Credit Cards Have American Express Card Have Discover Card Have Mastercard Have Visa Card Have Debit Card Debit Card- Mastercard Debit Card- Visa Life/Health Insurance- Currently Have Life/Health Insurance- Own Medical/Health/Hospital Insurance Life/Health Insurance- Own Life Insurance Life/Health Insurance- Group Life Life/Health Insurance- Individual Annuity Life/Health Insurance- Term Life Life/Health Insurance- Whole/Universal/Variable (Cash Value) Life Life/Health Insurance- Life Insurance Value $500000 Or More Life/Health Insurance- Life Insurance Value $200000-$499999 Life/Health Insurance- Life Insurance Value $100000-$199999 Life/Health Insurance- Life Insurance Value $50000-$99999 Life/Health Insurance- Life Insurance Value $20000-$49999 Life/Health Insurance- Life Insurance Value Less Than $20000 Loans- Have Auto Loan For New Car Loans- Have Car Title Loan Loans- Have Personal Loan For Education Only Loans- Have Persoal Loan Not For Education Loans- Have Home Improvement Loan Loans- Have Home Mortgage (First) Loans- Have Home Equity Loan Loans- Have Secured Line Of Credit Account Loans- Have Unsecured Line Of Credit Account Sent Money Within USA Last Year Sent Money Outside USA Last Year Did Not Send Money Last Year Have Mutual Fund/Brokerage Account Other Insurance (Excluding Auto And All Others)- Have Other Insurance (Other)- Boat Owners/Inland Marine Other Insurance (Other)- Convalescent (Long Term) Care Other Insurance (Other)- Dental Other Insurance (Other)- Loss Of Income (Through Med/Disability) Other Insurance (Other)- Personal Liability (Not Auto/Homeowner) Other Insurance (Other)- Professional Malpractice Other Insurance (Other)- Small Business Other Insurance (Other)- Umbrella Coverage Liability Other Insurance (Other)- Vision Care Payday Loan- Applied Last Yr Property/Vehicle Insurance- Own Either Property/Vehicle Insurance- Automotive Property/Vehicle Insurance- Homeowners Property/Vehicle Insurance- Tenants Property/Vehicle Insurance- Homeowners Value $300000 Or More Property/Vehicle Insurance- Automotive Value $300000 Or More Tax Preparation- Used Service Last Yr Tax Preparation- H and R Block Tax Preparation- Private Accountant Type of Investment Own- US Savings Bond Type of Investment Own- Other US Government Bonds Type of Investment Own- City/Municipal/State Bonds Type of Investment Own- Money Market Type of Investment Own- Mutual Funds Type of Investment Own- Corporate Bonds Type of Investment Own- Common/Preferred Stock In Company Work For Type of Investment Own- Common Stock In Any Other Company Type of Investment Own- Other Securities (Commodities/Warrnts/Puts) Type of Investment Own- US Treasury Bills/Notes Type of Investment Own- Investment Collectibles (Art/Antique/Cars/Etc) Type of Investment Own- International Investments Type of Investment Own- Keogh/SEP-IRA/Pension Type of Investment Own- Trust Agreement Type of Investment Own- 401k Page 134 SMFINC091H SMFINC092H SMFINC093H SMFINC094H SMFINC095H SMFINC096H SMFINC097H SMFINC098H SMFINC099H SMFINC100H SMFINC101H SMFINC102H SMFINC103H SMFINC104H Type of Investment Own- 529 College Savings Type of Investment Own- Other College Savings Type of Investment Own- IRA Type of Investment Own- Tax Shelters Type of Investment Own- Tax Shelters Annuities Type of Investment Own- Online Trading Type of Investment Own- Own Any Investments Type of Investment Own- Do Not Own Any Investments Type of Investment- Total Value Securities Owned- $100000 or More Type of Investment- Total Value Securities Owned- $50000 - $99999 Type of Investment- Total Value Securities Owned- $25000 - $49999 Type of Investment- Total Value Securities Owned- $10000 - $24999 Type of Investment- Total Value Securities Owned- $5000 - $9999 Type of Investment- Total Value Securities Owned- Under $5000 Fitness and Sports SMFITN001P SMFITN002P SMFITN003P SMFITN004P SMFITN005P SMFITN006P SMFITN007P SMFITN008P SMFITN009P SMFITN010P SMFITN011P SMFITN012P SMFITN013P SMFITN014P SMFITN015P SMFITN016P SMFITN017P SMFITN018P SMFITN019P SMFITN020P SMFITN021P SMFITN022P SMFITN023P SMFITN024P SMFITN025P SMFITN026P SMFITN027P SMFITN028P SMFITN029P SMFITN030P SMFITN031P SMFITN032P SMFITN033P SMFITN034P SMFITN035P SMFITN036P SMFITN037P SMFITN038P SMFITN039P SMFITN040P SMFITN041P SMFITN042P SMFITN043P SMFITN044P SMFITN045P SMFITN046P SMFITN047P SMFITN048P SMFITN049P SMFITN050P SMFITN051P SMFITN052P SMFITN053P SMFITN054P SMFITN055P SMFITN056P SMFITN057P Physical Fitness Programs- Exercise Regularly Last Yr Physical Fitness Programs- Exercise At Home Physical Fitness Programs- Exercise At Private Club Physical Fitness Programs- Exercise At YMCA/YWCA Physical Fitness Programs- Exercise At Other Facility Physical Fitness Programs- Exercise 5 or More Times A Week Sports/Fitness Last Yr- Aerobics Sports/Fitness Last Yr- Archery Sports/Fitness Last Yr- Auto Racing/Rallying Sports/Fitness Last Yr- Backpacking/Hiking Sports/Fitness Last Yr- Baseball Sports/Fitness Last Yr- Basketball Sports/Fitness Last Yr- Bicycling- Mountain/Road Sports/Fitness Last Yr- Bicycling- Stationary Sports/Fitness Last Yr- Billiards/Pool Sports/Fitness Last Yr- Bowling Sports/Fitness Last Yr- Camping Trips (Overnight) Sports/Fitness Last Yr- Canoeing/Kayaking Sports/Fitness Last Yr- Downhill/Cross Country Snow Skiing Sports/Fitness Last Yr- Fitness Walking/Exercise Walking Sports/Fitness Last Yr- Fly Fishing Sports/Fitness Last Yr- Football Sports/Fitness Last Yr- Freshwater Fishing Sports/Fitness Last Yr- Golf Sports/Fitness Last Yr- Hockey Sports/Fitness Last Yr- Horseback Riding Sports/Fitness Last Yr- Hunting Sports/Fitness Last Yr- Ice Skating Sports/Fitness Last Yr- In-line Skating/Roller Skating Sports/Fitness Last Yr- Jet Skiing/Wave Running/Water Biking Sports/Fitness Last Yr- Jogging/Running Sports/Fitness Last Yr- Karate/Martial Arts/Kickboxing Sports/Fitness Last Yr- Motorcycling Sports/Fitness Last Yr- Mountain/Rock Climbing Sports/Fitness Last Yr- Power Boating Sports/Fitness Last Yr- Racquetball Sports/Fitness Last Yr- Rowing- Stationary/Outdoor Sports/Fitness Last Yr- Sailing Sports/Fitness Last Yr- Saltwater Fishing Sports/Fitness Last Yr- Skateboarding Sports/Fitness Last Yr- Sking Diving/Snorkeling Sports/Fitness Last Yr- Snowboarding Sports/Fitness Last Yr- Snowmobiling Sports/Fitness Last Yr- Soccer Sports/Fitness Last Yr- Softball Sports/Fitness Last Yr- Surfing/Windsurfing Sports/Fitness Last Yr- Swimming Sports/Fitness Last Yr- Target Shooting Sports/Fitness Last Yr- Tennis Sports/Fitness Last Yr- Using Cardio Machine Sports/Fitness Last Yr- Volleyball Sports/Fitness Last Yr- Water Skiing Sports/Fitness Last Yr- Weight Training Sports/Fitness Last Yr- Yoga Sports/Fitness Last Yr- Other Sports Sports/Fitness Last Yr- None Of These Sports/Fitness Last Yr- Don't Know/No Answer Food SMFOOD001H Espresso/Cappuccino- HH Use Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A SMFOOD002H SMFOOD003H SMFOOD004H SMFOOD005H SMFOOD006H SMFOOD007H SMFOOD008H SMFOOD009H SMFOOD010H SMFOOD011H SMFOOD012H SMFOOD013H SMFOOD014H SMFOOD015H SMFOOD016H SMFOOD017H SMFOOD018H SMFOOD019H SMFOOD020H SMFOOD021H SMFOOD022H SMFOOD023H SMFOOD024H SMFOOD025H SMFOOD026H SMFOOD027H SMFOOD028H SMFOOD029H SMFOOD030H SMFOOD031H SMFOOD032H SMFOOD033H SMFOOD034H SMFOOD035H SMFOOD036H SMFOOD037H SMFOOD038H SMFOOD039H SMFOOD040H SMFOOD041H SMFOOD042H SMFOOD043H SMFOOD044H SMFOOD045H SMFOOD046H SMFOOD047H SMFOOD048H SMFOOD049H SMFOOD050H SMFOOD051H SMFOOD052H SMFOOD053H SMFOOD054H SMFOOD055H SMFOOD056H SMFOOD057H SMFOOD058H SMFOOD059H SMFOOD060H SMFOOD061H SMFOOD062H SMFOOD063H SMFOOD064H SMFOOD065H SMFOOD066H SMFOOD067H SMFOOD068H SMFOOD069H SMFOOD070H SMFOOD071H SMFOOD072H SMFOOD073H SMFOOD074H SMFOOD075H SMFOOD076H SMFOOD077H SMFOOD078H SMFOOD079H SMFOOD080H Frozen Orange Juice- HH Use Ground/Whole Bean Coffee- HH Use Ground/Whole Bean Coffee- Caffeinated (Regular) Ground/Whole Bean Coffee- Decaffeinated Ground/Whole Bean Coffee- Form Used Most Often- Ground Ground/Whole Bean Coffee- Form Used Most Often- Whole Bean Instant/Freeze-Dried Coffee- HH Use Instant/Freeze-Dried Coffee- Type Most Often- Decaffeinated Instant/Freeze-Dried Coffee- Type Most Often- Regular Instant Hot Cocoa Mix- HH Use Instant Iced Tea Mix- HH Use International Flavored Instant Coffee- HH Use Milk (Liquid In Bottles/Cartons)- HH Use Milk Flavorings- HH Use Milk Flavorings- Types Used By HH Most Often- Powder Milk Flavorings- Types Used By HH Most Often- Syrup Orange Juice Bottles/Cans/Cartons- HH Use Other Fruit Juices/Drinks- HH Drinks Powdered Soft Drinks (Add Water)- HH Use Regular Tea (In Bags/Packages)- HH Use Regular Tea (In Bags/Packages)- Use Mostly For Hot Tea Regular Tea (In Bags/Packages)- Use Mostly For Iced Tea Tomato/Vegetable Juices- HH Drinks Baking Chips/Pieces- HH Use Dry Brownie Mixes- HH Use Dry Cake Mixes (Not Cake Flour)- HH Use Flour- HH Use Frosting (Store Bought)- HH Use Other Baking Mixes Including Bread Mixes- HH Use Packaged Pie Crusts (Store Bought)- HH Use Barbecue Marinades/Seasoning/Sauces- HH Use Catsup/Ketchup- HH Use Dry Mix Salad Dressing- HH Use Gravy/Sauce Mixes- HH Use Jams/Jellies/Preserves- HH Eats Margarine/Margarine Spread- HH Eats Mayonnaise/Mayo Type Salad Dressing- HH Use Mustard- HH Use Pancake/Table Syrup- HH Use Pizza Sauce- HH Use Prepared Salad Dressing- HH Use Salad/Cooking Oil- HH Use Seasonings/Spices- HH Use Spaghetti/Pasta Sauce (Jars/Cans)- HH Use Sugar Substitute/Artificial Sweetner- HH Use Whipped Topping (Cream Type) - HH Eats White Granulated Sugar- HH Use American Pasteurized Processed Cheese- HH Eats Butter- HH Use Cottage Cheese- HH Use Cream Cheese- HH Use Grated Cheese (In Shaker Can/Jar)- HH Eats Natural/Imported Cheese (Non-Processed)- HH Eats Non-Dairy Cream Substitutes- HH Use Sour Cream- HH Use Spread Cheese- HH Use Yogurt (Not Bought Frozen)- Eat Frozen Breakfast Entrees/Sandwiches- HH Use Frozen Complete Dinners (TV Dinners)- HH Eats Frozen Dessert Cakes/Pastries/Pies- HH Use Frozen Fried Chicken- HH Eats Frozen Hot Snacks- HH Uses Frozen Main Courses (Casseroles/Entrees)- HH Eats Frozen Novelty Treats- HH Use Frozen Pizzas (Bought Frozen)- HH Eats Frozen Potato Products- HH Use Frozen Prepared Seafood- HH Use Frozen Vegetables (Excluding Potatoes)- HH Eats Frozen Waffles/Pancakes/French Toast- HH Use Frozen Yogurt- Bought Frozen- HH Eats Baby Foods/Baby Cereals/Juices- HH Use Bagels- HH Eats Bread- HH Use Breadcrumb Coating/Stuffing Mixes- HH Use Breakfast Cereals Cold- HH Eats Breakfast Cereals Hot- HH Eats Breakfast Pastries- HH Use Canned/Jarred Fruit- HH Use Canned Milk- HH Use Page 135 SMFOOD081H SMFOOD082H SMFOOD083H SMFOOD084H SMFOOD085H SMFOOD086H SMFOOD087H SMFOOD088H SMFOOD089H SMFOOD090H SMFOOD091H SMFOOD092H SMFOOD093H SMFOOD094H SMFOOD095H SMFOOD096H SMFOOD097H SMFOOD098H SMFOOD099H SMFOOD100H SMFOOD101H SMFOOD102H SMFOOD103H SMFOOD104H SMFOOD105H SMFOOD106H SMFOOD107H SMFOOD108H SMFOOD109H SMFOOD110H SMFOOD111H SMFOOD112H SMFOOD113H SMFOOD114H SMFOOD115H SMFOOD116H SMFOOD117H SMFOOD118H SMFOOD119H SMFOOD120H SMFOOD121H SMFOOD122H SMFOOD123H SMFOOD124H SMFOOD125H SMFOOD126H SMFOOD127H SMFOOD128H SMFOOD129H SMFOOD130H SMFOOD131H SMFOOD132H SMFOOD133H SMFOOD134H SMFOOD135H SMFOOD136H SMFOOD137H SMFOOD138H SMFOOD139H SMFOOD140H SMFOOD141H SMFOOD142H SMFOOD143H SMFOOD144H SMFOOD145H SMFOOD146H SMFOOD147H SMFOOD148H SMFOOD149H SMFOOD150H SMFOOD151H SMFOOD152H SMFOOD153H SMFOOD154H SMFOOD155H SMFOOD156H SMFOOD157H Canned/Jarred Soup/Broth- HH Use Canned/Jarred Spaghetti/Macaroni- HH Use Canned Tomatoes/Tomato Sauce/Paste- HH Use Canned/Jarred Vegetables- HH Eats Complete Packaged Prepared Dishes/Dinners- HH Eats Croissants- HH Eats Dry Packaged Pasta- HH Use Dry Pancake/Waffle Mix (Store Bought)- HH Use Dry Soup/Lunch Mix/Dry Bouillon- HH Use Eggs- HH Use English Muffins- HH Use Fresh Refrigerated Potato Products- HH Use Liquid/Powdered Baby Formula- HH Used Last Yr Liquid/Powdered Nutritional Supplement/Liquid Breakfast- HH Use Low Fat/Fat Free Products- HH Use Mexican Food/Ingredients- HH Use Non-Stick Cooking Spray- HH Use Nuts For Cooking and Snacks- HH Use Packaged Instant Potatoes- HH Use Packaged Muffins (Ready-To-Eat)- HH Use Peanut Butter- HH Eats Pickles- HH Use Pizza Crust (Packaged Ready Made)- HH Use Pork and Beans/Baked Beans- HH Use Prepared Lunch Kits- HH Use Refrigerated/Frozen Dough Products- HH Use Rice/Rice Dishes- HH Eats Shelf-to-Microwave Dinner/Entrees/Soup- HH Use Shortening- HH Use Bacon- HH Use Cold Cuts (Packaged/Fresh Cut- HH Eats Frankfurters/'Hot Dogs- HH Eats Fresh Bratwurst- HH Eats Meat Alternatives- HH Use Meat/Fish Extenders- HH Use Meat/Fish/Poultry (Fresh/Frozen)- Beef Meat/Fish/Poultry (Fresh/Frozen)- Cornish Game Hen (Fresh/Frozen) Meat/Fish/Poultry (Fresh/Frozen)- Fresh Fish/Seafood Meat/Fish/Poultry (Fresh/Frozen)- Frozen Fish/Seafood Meat/Fish/Poultry (Fresh/Frozen)- Fresh Chicken Breast Meat/Fish/Poultry (Fresh/Frozen)- Fresh Chicken Parts Boneless- Not Breasts Meat/Fish/Poultry (Fresh/Frozen)- Fresh Chicken Parts With Bones- Not Breasts Meat/Fish/Poultry (Fresh/Frozen)- Fresh Whole Chicken Meat/Fish/Poultry (Fresh/Frozen)- Frozen Boneless Chicken Meat/Fish/Poultry (Fresh/Frozen)- Frozen Chicken With Bones Meat/Fish/Poultry (Fresh/Frozen)- Fresh Whole Turkey Meat/Fish/Poultry (Fresh/Frozen)- Fresh Breast Of Turkey Meat/Fish/Poultry (Fresh/Frozen)- Fresh Turkey Parts Meat/Fish/Poultry (Fresh/Frozen)- Frozen Breast Of Turkey Meat/Fish/Poultry (Fresh/Frozen)- Frozen Turkey (Not Stuffed) Meat/Fish/Poultry (Fresh/Frozen)- Lamb Meat/Fish/Poultry (Fresh/Frozen)- Pork Chops Meat/Fish/Poultry (Fresh/Frozen)- Pork Roast Meat/Fish/Poultry (Fresh/Frozen)- Other Pork Meat/Fish/Poultry (Fresh/Frozen)- Veal Meat Snacks/Beef Jerky- HH Eats Sausages- HH Use Sloppy Joe Preparations- HH Use Tuna (Can or Pouch)- HH Eats Breath Mints/Strips- Use Chewing Gum/Bubble Gum- Chew Chocolate/Hard Roll Candy- Eat Cookies (Ready-to-Eat)- HH Eats Corn/Tortilla Chips/Cheese Snacks- HH Eats Dips For Snacks/Vegetables- HH Use Donuts/Doughnuts- HH Eats Energy/Diet Snacks/Bars- Eat Flavored Gelatin Desserts- HH Use Ice Cream/Sherbet- HH Eats Nutritional Snacks-Granola/Fruit/Etc- Eat Popcorn Products- HH Eats Potato Chips- HH Use Pretzels- HH Use Pudding- HH Eats Snack Cakes (Ready-to-Eat)- HH Eats Snack Crackers/Saltines/Graham Crackers- HH Eats Toaster Pastries- HH Use Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A SMFOOD158H SMFOOD159H SMFOOD160H SMFOOD161H SMFOOD162H Other Snacks- Types Eaten- Onion Rings Other Snacks- Types Eaten- Party Mix (Mixture of Variety of Snacks) Other Snacks- Types Eaten- Pork Rinds Other Snacks- Types Eaten- Soy Chips Other Snacks- Types Eaten- Trail Mix (Mixture of Nuts/Dried Fruits) Gambling SMGAMB001P SMGAMB002P SMGAMB003P SMGAMB004P SMGAMB005P SMGAMB006P SMGAMB007P SMGAMB008P SMGAMB009P SMGAMB010P SMGAMB011P SMGAMB012P SMGAMB013P SMGAMB014P SMGAMB015P SMGAMB016P SMGAMB017P SMGAMB018P SMGAMB019P SMGAMB020P SMGAMB021P Casino Gambling- Visited In Last Yr Casino Gambling- Where Last Yr- Atlantic City Casino Gambling- Where Last Yr- The Caribbean Islands Casino Gambling- Where Last Yr- Cruise Ships Casino Gambling- Where Last Yr- Indian Reservation Casino Gambling- Where Last Yr- Las Vegas Casino Gambling- Where Last Yr- Laughlin Casino Gambling- Where Last Yr- Mississippi's Gulf Coast (Gulfport/Biloxi) Casino Gambling- Where Last Yr- Reno/Lake Tahoe Casino Gambling- Where Last Yr- Riverboat Casino Gambling- Where Last Yr- Tunica (MS) Casino Gambling- Where Last Yr- Other Casino Gambling- More than 10 Visits In Last Yr State Lottery- Bought Tickets Last Yr State Lottery- Types Played Last Yr- Daily Drawing State Lottery- Types Played Last Yr- Instant Game State Lottery- Types Played Last Yr- Weekly Drawing State Lottery- Types Played Last 30 Days- Daily Drawing State Lottery- Types Played Last 30 Days- Instant Game State Lottery- Types Played Last 30 Days- Weekly Drawing State Lottery- Bought Tickets More Than Once a Week Last Yr Games and Toys SMGAME001P SMGAME002P SMGAME003P SMGAME004P SMGAME005P SMGAME006P SMGAME007P SMGAME008P SMGAME009P SMGAME010P SMGAME011P SMGAME012P SMGAME013P SMGAME014P SMGAME015P SMGAME016P SMGAME017P SMGAME018P SMGAME019P SMGAME020P SMGAME021P SMGAME022P SMGAME023P Bought Games and Toys Last Yr Bought Games and Toys Last Yr- Action Figures/Robots/Accessories Bought Games and Toys Last Yr- Board Games Bought Games and Toys Last Yr- Cars/Trucks Bought Games and Toys Last Yr- Children's Books Bought Games and Toys Last Yr- Construction Toys Bought Games and Toys Last Yr- Electronic Dolls/Animals Bought Games and Toys Last Yr- Electronic Educational Toys Bought Games and Toys Last Yr- Fashion Dolls Bought Games and Toys Last Yr- Infant Toys Bought Games and Toys Last Yr- Large/Baby Dolls Bought Games and Toys Last Yr- Other Educational Toys/Games Bought Games and Toys Last Yr- Play Sports Equipment Bought Games and Toys Last Yr- Plush Dolls/Animals Bought Games and Toys Last Yr- Pre-school Toys Bought Games and Toys Last Yr- Video Games Bought Games and Toys Last Yr- Word Games Bought Games and Toys Last Yr- Other Games and Toys- Total Expenditures- $200 Or More Games and Toys- Total Expenditures- $100- $199 Games and Toys- Total Expenditures- $50- $99 Games and Toys- Total Expenditures- $25-$49 Games and Toys- Total Expenditures- Under $25 Grocery Shopping SMGROC001H SMGROC002H SMGROC003H SMGROC004H SMGROC005H SMGROC006H SMGROC007H SMGROC008H SMGROC009H SMGROC010H SMGROC011H SMGROC012H SMGROC013H SMGROC014H SMGROC015H SMGROC016H SMGROC017H SMGROC018H SMGROC019H Grocery Shopping Expenditures- Weekly Average $150 Or More Grocery Shopping Expenditures- Weekly Average $125-$149 Grocery Shopping Expenditures- Weekly Average $101-$124 Grocery Shopping Expenditures- Weekly Average $81-$100 Grocery Shopping Expenditures- Weekly Average $71-$80 Grocery Shopping Expenditures- Weekly Average $61- $70 Grocery Shopping Expenditures- Weekly Average $51-$60 Grocery Shopping Expenditures- Weekly Average $41-$50 Grocery Shopping Expenditures- Weekly Average $31- $40 Grocery Shopping Expenditures- Weekly Average $30 Or Less Manufacturer Incentive Offers- HH Responds Manufacturer Incentive Offers- Proof of Purchase Redemption Manufacturer Incentive Offers- Rebate On Product Purchase Manufacturer Incentive Offers- Sweepstakes/Contest Cents-Off Coupons- Used By HH Cents-Off Coupons- Beauty/Grooming Products Cents-Off Coupons- Beverages Cents-Off Coupons- Drug Products Cents-Off Coupons- Fast Food/Restaurant Page 136 SMGROC020H SMGROC021H SMGROC022H SMGROC023H SMGROC024H SMGROC025H Cents-Off Coupons- Food/Grocery Products Cents-Off Coupons- Household Cleaning Products Cents-Off Coupons- Paper Goods Cents-Off Coupons- Pet Foods Cents-Off Coupons- Tobacco Products Cents-Off Coupons- Other Home Improvement SMHIMP001H SMHIMP002H SMHIMP003H SMHIMP004H SMHIMP005H SMHIMP006H SMHIMP007H SMHIMP008H SMHIMP009H SMHIMP010H SMHIMP011H SMHIMP012H SMHIMP013H SMHIMP014H SMHIMP015H SMHIMP016H SMHIMP017H SMHIMP018H SMHIMP019H SMHIMP020H SMHIMP021H SMHIMP022H SMHIMP023H SMHIMP024H SMHIMP025H SMHIMP026H SMHIMP027H SMHIMP028H SMHIMP029H SMHIMP030H SMHIMP031H SMHIMP032H SMHIMP033H SMHIMP034H SMHIMP035H SMHIMP036H SMHIMP037H SMHIMP038H SMHIMP039H SMHIMP040H SMHIMP041H SMHIMP042H SMHIMP043H SMHIMP044H SMHIMP045H SMHIMP046H SMHIMP047H SMHIMP048H SMHIMP049H SMHIMP050H SMHIMP051H SMHIMP052H SMHIMP053H SMHIMP054H SMHIMP055H SMHIMP056H SMHIMP057H SMHIMP058H SMHIMP059H SMHIMP060H SMHIMP061H SMHIMP062H SMHIMP063H SMHIMP064H SMHIMP065H SMHIMP066H SMHIMP067H SMHIMP068H SMHIMP069H Exterior Painting- House Painted Last Yr Exterior Painting- Yourself Or Other HH Member Did Work Exterior Painting- Professional Painter Or Other Person Did Work Home Improvements Done Last Yr- Wallpaper/Wall Coverings Home Improvements Done Last Yr- Wall Paneling Home Improvements Done Last Yr- Wall-to-Wall Carpeting Home Improvements Done Last Yr- Room Size/Area Rugs Home Improvements Done Last Yr- Vinyl Flooring- Tile Home Improvements Done Last Yr- Vinyl Flooring- Sheet Home Improvements Done Last Yr- Wood Flooring Home Improvements Done Last Yr- Ceramic Tiles- Floor/Wall Home Improvements Done Last Yr- Ceiling Tiles/Ceiling Panels Home Improvements Done Last Yr- Kitchen Cabinets Home Improvements Done Last Yr- Kitchen Counter Tops Home Improvements Done Last Yr- Kitchen Sinks Home Improvements Done Last Yr- Kitchen Faucets Home Improvements Done Last Yr- Bathroom Faucets Home Improvements Done Last Yr- Bathroom Sink/Vanity/Cabinet Home Improvements Done Last Yr- Other Bathroom Plumbing Home Improvements Done Last Yr- Hot Water Heater Home Improvements Done Last Yr- Indoor Lighting Fixtures Home Improvements Done Last Yr- Outdoor Lighting Fixtures Home Improvements Done Last Yr- Attic Fans/Vents Home Improvements Done Last Yr- Central Air Conditioning Home Improvements Done Last Yr- Central Air Cleaning System Home Improvements Done Last Yr- Central Heating- Gas/Oil Home Improvements Done Last Yr- Thermal Windows Home Improvements Done Last Yr- Vinyl Windows Home Improvements Done Last Yr- Wood-Framed Windows Home Improvements Done Last Yr- Skylights Home Improvements Done Last Yr- Doors Home Improvements Done Last Yr- Door Knobs/Locks Home Improvements Done Last Yr- Weatherstripping Home Improvements Done Last Yr- Insulation For Ceiling/Floor/Wall Home Improvements Done Last Yr- Outdoor/Exterior Siding Home Improvements Done Last Yr- Outdoor Deck/Porch/Patio Home Improvements Done Last Yr- Storage Shed Home Improvements Done Last Yr- Roofing Home Improvements Done Last Yr- Garage Door Home Improvements Done Last Yr- Automatic Garage Door Opener Home Improbements- Total Expenditures $5000 Or More Home Improbements- Total Expenditures $2000-$4999 Home Improbements- Total Expenditures $1000-$1999 Home Improbements- Total Expenditures $251-$999 Home Improbements- Total Expenditures Under $250 Interior/Exterior Home Remodeling Last Yr- Basement/Attic/Garage Interior/Exterior Home Remodeling Last Yr- Bathroom Interior/Exterior Home Remodeling Last Yr- Family Room/Den Interior/Exterior Home Remodeling Last Yr- Kitchen Interior/Exterior Home Remodeling Last Yr- Add A Bathroom Interior/Exterior Home Remodeling Last Yr- Add Other Room Interior/Exterior Home Remodeling Last Yr- Add A Garage Interior/Exterior Home Remodeling Last Yr- Other Remodeling Interior/Exterior Home Remodeling Last Yr- None Interior/Exterior Home Remodeling- Did In Last Yr Interior/Exterior Home Remodeling- Plan To Do Next Year Interior Painting- House Painted Last Yr Interior Painting- Youself/Other HH Member Did Work Interior Painting- Professional Painter/Other Person Did Work Interior/Exterior Staining- Last Yr Professional Exterminator/Pest Control- Use Workshop Equipment- Own Workshop Equipment- Rented Last Yr Workshop Equipment- Have Air Compressor Workshop Equipment- Have Band Saw Workshop Equipment- Have Bench/Table Circular Saw Workshop Equipment- Have Chain Saw Workshop Equipment- Have Electric Circular Saw Workshop Equipment- Have Electric Drill/Screwdriver Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A SMHIMP070H SMHIMP071H SMHIMP072H SMHIMP073H SMHIMP074H SMHIMP075H SMHIMP076H SMHIMP077H SMHIMP078H SMHIMP079H SMHIMP080H SMHIMP081H SMHIMP082H SMHIMP083H SMHIMP084H Workshop Equipment- Have Electric Glue Gun Workshop Equipment- Have Electric Planer Workshop Equipment- Have Electric Rachet Wrench Workshop Equipment- Have Electric Router Workshop Equipment- Have Electric Sander Workshop Equipment- Have Other Electric Power Tools Workshop Equipment- Have Hand Tools (Non-Electric) Workshop Equipment- Have Jig/Saber Saw Workshop Equipment- Have Portable Generator Workshop Equipment- Have Portable Workbench Workshop Equipment- Have Radial/Arm Saw Workshop Equipment- Have Shop Dry/Wet Vacuum Workshop Equipment- Have Other Stationary Power Tools Workshop Equipment- Have Wallpaper Steamer/Stripper Workshop Equipment- Have Other Health and Medical SMHLTH001P SMHLTH002P SMHLTH003P SMHLTH004P SMHLTH005P SMHLTH006P SMHLTH007P SMHLTH008P SMHLTH009P SMHLTH010P SMHLTH011P SMHLTH012P SMHLTH013P SMHLTH014P SMHLTH015P SMHLTH016P SMHLTH017P SMHLTH018P SMHLTH019P SMHLTH020P SMHLTH021P SMHLTH022P SMHLTH023P SMHLTH024P SMHLTH025P SMHLTH026P SMHLTH027P SMHLTH028P SMHLTH029P SMHLTH030P SMHLTH031P SMHLTH032P SMHLTH033P SMHLTH034P SMHLTH035P SMHLTH036P SMHLTH037P SMHLTH038P SMHLTH039P SMHLTH040H SMHLTH041H SMHLTH042H SMHLTH043H SMHLTH044H SMHLTH045H SMHLTH046H SMHLTH047H SMHLTH048H SMHLTH049H SMHLTH050H SMHLTH051H SMHLTH052H SMHLTH053H Cold/Allergy/Sinus Remedies (Non-Prescription) Use Cough Syrup (Non-Prescription) Use First Aid BandAid/Topical Antibiotic Remedies (Non-Prescription) Use Non-Presc Headache/Pain Relievers- Use Non-Presc Headache/Pain Relievers- Use Extra/Maximum Strength Most Often Non-Presc Headache/Pain Relievers- Use Migraine Most Often Non-Presc Headache/Pain Relievers- Use Nighttime Most Often Non-Presc Headache/Pain Relievers- Use Regular Strength Most Often Non-Presc Headache/Pain Relievers- For Arthritis/Rheumatism Non-Presc Headache/Pain Relievers- For Backaches Non-Presc Headache/Pain Relievers- For Other Muscle/Body Aches Non-Presc Headache/Pain Relievers- For Colds/Flu/Fever Non-Presc Headache/Pain Relievers- For Heart Attack Prevention Non-Presc Headache/Pain Relievers- For Menstrual/Period Pain Non-Presc Headache/Pain Relievers- For Migraine Headaches Non-Presc Headache/Pain Relievers- For Regular Headaches Non-Presc Headache/Pain Relievers- For Sinus/Allergies Non-Presc Headache/Pain Relievers- For Sleeplessness Non-Presc Headache/Pain Relievers- For Sore Throat Non-Presc Headache/Pain Relievers- For Stroke Prevention Heartburn/Indigestion Aids/Anti-Nausea- Use Laxatives (Non-Prescription)- Use Pain Relieveing Rubs/Liquids/Wraps (Non-Prescription)- Use Prescription Drugs- Taken Last Yr Prescription Lenses- Wear Any Prescription Lenses- Wear Bifocals Prescription Lenses- Wear Regular Eyeglasses Prescription Lenses- Wear Changeable Tint Glasses Prescription Lenses- Wear Any Eyeglasses Prescription Lenses- Wear Colored/Tinted Contact Lenses Prescription Lenses- Wear Disposable Contact Lenses Prescription Lenses- Wear Extended Wear Contact Lenses Prescription Lenses- Wear Gas Permeable Contact Lenses Prescription Lenses- Wear Hard Contact Lenses Prescription Lenses- Wear Soft Contact Lenses Prescription Lenses- Wear Any Contact Lenses Sore Throat Products (Non-Prescription)- Use Vitamin/Mineral Tabs/Caps/Liquid (Non-Prescription)- Use Yeast Infection Products- Use Baby Oil/Baby Lotion- HH Uses Baby Oil/Baby Lotions- Baby Oil Used by Adults (18 Years+) Baby Oil/Baby Lotions- Baby Oil Used by Children (2-17 Years) Baby Oil/Baby Lotions- Baby Oil Used by Babies (Less Than 2 Years) Baby Oil/Baby Lotions- Baby Lotion Used by Adults (18 Years+) Baby Oil/Baby Lotions- Baby Lotion Used by Children (2-17 Years) Baby Oil/Baby Lotions- Baby Lotion Used by Babies (Less Than 2 Years) Baby/Children's Shampoo- HH Use Baby Wash/Bath Products- HH Use Bar Soap- HH Use Body/Baby Powder- HH Use Body Wash- HH Use Liquid Hand Soap- HH Use Pre-Moistened Cleansing Wipes/Cloths- HH Use Home Furnishings / Equipment SMHOME001H Bedding Bath/Linens- Bought Last Yr- Bed Pillows SMHOME002H Bedding Bath/Linens- Bought Last Yr- Comforters/Quilts SMHOME003H Bedding Bath/Linens- Bought Last Yr- Electric Blankets Page 137 SMHOME004H SMHOME005H SMHOME006H SMHOME007H SMHOME008H SMHOME009H SMHOME010H SMHOME011H SMHOME012H SMHOME013H SMHOME014H SMHOME015H SMHOME016H SMHOME017H SMHOME018H SMHOME019H SMHOME020H SMHOME021H SMHOME022H SMHOME023H SMHOME024H SMHOME025H SMHOME026H SMHOME027H SMHOME028H SMHOME029H SMHOME030H SMHOME031H SMHOME032H SMHOME033H SMHOME034H SMHOME035H SMHOME036H SMHOME037H SMHOME038H SMHOME039H SMHOME040H SMHOME041H SMHOME042H SMHOME043H SMHOME044H SMHOME045H SMHOME046H SMHOME047H SMHOME048H SMHOME049H SMHOME050H SMHOME051H SMHOME052H SMHOME053H SMHOME054H SMHOME055H SMHOME056H SMHOME057H SMHOME058H SMHOME059H SMHOME060H SMHOME061H SMHOME062H SMHOME063H SMHOME064H SMHOME065H SMHOME066H SMHOME067H SMHOME068H SMHOME069H SMHOME070H SMHOME071H SMHOME072H SMHOME073H SMHOME074H SMHOME075H SMHOME076H SMHOME077H SMHOME078H SMHOME079H SMHOME080H SMHOME081H Bedding Bath/Linens- Bought Last Yr- Sheets/Pillowcases Bedding Bath/Linens- Bought Last Yr- Tablecloths/Napkins Bedding Bath/Linens- Bought Last Yr- Towels Bedding Bath/Linens- Bought Last Yr- Other Blankets Bedding Bath/Linens- Bought Last Yr- Other (Bedding Bath Linens) Bedding Bath/Linens- Bought Last Yr- Any (Bedding Bath Linens) Bedding Bath/Linens- Total Expenditure Last Yr- $475 Or More Bedding Bath/Linens- Total Expenditure Last Yr- $151-$474 Bedding Bath/Linens- Total Expenditure Last Yr- $101-$150 Bedding Bath/Linens- Total Expenditure Last Yr- $51-$100 Bedding Bath/Linens- Total Expenditure Last Yr- $50 Or Less HH Appliances/Durables- Own Automatic Washing Machine HH Appliances/Durables- Own Separate Clothes Dryer HH Appliances/Durables- Own Stacked Washer/Dryer HH Appliances/Durables- Own Iron HH Appliances/Durables- Own Vacuum Cleaner HH Appliances/Durables- Own Carpet Cleaner/Shampooer HH Appliances/Durables- Own Electric Broom HH Appliances/Durables- Own Hand-Held Vacuum HH Appliances/Durables- Own Portable Room Heater HH Appliances/Durables- Own Separate Room Heating System HH Appliances/Durables- Own Wood-Burning Stove/Heater HH Appliances/Durables- Own Wood-Burning Fireplace Insert HH Appliances/Durables- Own Room Air Conditioner HH Appliances/Durables- Own Ceiling Fan HH Appliances/Durables- Own Portable Electric Fan HH Appliances/Durables- Own Room Humidifier HH Appliances/Durables- Own Room Dehumidifier HH Appliances/Durables- Own Room Air Cleaner HH Appliances/Durables- Own Water Purifier/Conditioner/Filter HH Appliances/Durables- Own Shower Massager HH Appliances/Durables- Own Smoke/Fire Detector HH Appliances/Durables- Own Fire Extinguisher HH Appliances/Durables- Own Outdoor Charcoal Grill HH Appliances/Durables- Own Outdoor Gas Grill HH Appliances/Durables- Own Burglar Alarm/Security System HH Appliances/Durables- Own Padlocks HH Appliances/Durables- Own Flashlight/Lantern HH Appliances/Durables- Own Sewing Machine HH Appliances/Durables- Own Piano/Organ HH Appliances/Durables- Bought Last Yr- Automatic Washing Machine HH Appliances/Durables- Bought Last Yr- Separate Clothes Dryer HH Appliances/Durables- Bought Last Yr- Stacked Washer/Dryer HH Appliances/Durables- Bought Last Yr- Iron HH Appliances/Durables- Bought Last Yr- Vacuum Cleaner HH Appliances/Durables- Bought Last Yr- Carpet Cleaner/Shampooer HH Appliances/Durables- Bought Last Yr- Electric Broom HH Appliances/Durables- Bought Last Yr- Hand-Held Vacuum HH Appliances/Durables- Bought Last Yr- Portable Room Heater HH Appliances/Durables- Bought Last Yr- Separate Room Heating System HH Appliances/Durables- Bought Last Yr- Room Air Conditioner HH Appliances/Durables- Bought Last Yr- Ceiling Fan HH Appliances/Durables- Bought Last Yr- Portable Electric Fan HH Appliances/Durables- Bought Last Yr- Room Humidifier HH Appliances/Durables- Bought Last Yr- Room Dehumidifier HH Appliances/Durables- Bought Last Yr- Room Air Cleaner HH Appliances/Durables- Bought Last Yr- Water Purifier/Conditioner/Filter HH Appliances/Durables- Bought Last Yr- Shower Massager HH Appliances/Durables- Bought Last Yr- Smoke/Fire Detector HH Appliances/Durables- Bought Last Yr- Fire Extinguisher HH Appliances/Durables- Bought Last Yr- Outdoor Charcoal Grill HH Appliances/Durables- Bought Last Yr- Outdoor Gas Grill HH Appliances/Durables- Bought Last Yr- Burglar Alarm/Security System HH Appliances/Durables- Bought Last Yr- Padlocks HH Appliances/Durables- Bought Last Yr- Flashlight/Lantern HH Appliances/Durables- Bought Last Yr- Sewing Machine HH Appliances/Durables- Bought Last Yr- Piano/Organ HH Furnishings- Bought Last Yr- Mattress/Box Spring HH Furnishings- Bought Last Yr- Bed Frame and Headboard HH Furnishings- Bought Last Yr- Other Bedroom Furniture HH Furnishings- Bought Last Yr- Recliner Chair HH Furnishings- Bought Last Yr- Sofabed/Convertible (Fold-Out) HH Furnishings- Bought Last Yr- Couch/Sofa/Loveseat HH Furnishings- Bought Last Yr- Other Living Room Furniture HH Furnishings- Bought Last Yr- Dining Room Furniture HH Furnishings- Bought Last Yr- Children's Furniture HH Furnishings- Bought Last Yr- Infant Furniture HH Furnishings- Bought Last Yr- Table Lamps Edited June 18, 2012 Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. Master Variable List 2012A SMHOME082H SMHOME083H SMHOME084H SMHOME085H SMHOME086H SMHOME087H SMHOME088H SMHOME089H SMHOME090H SMHOME091H SMHOME092H SMHOME093H SMHOME094H SMHOME095H SMHOME096H SMHOME097H SMHOME098H SMHOME099H SMHOME100H SMHOME101H SMHOME102H SMHOME103H SMHOME104H SMHOME105H SMHOME106H SMHOME107H SMHOME108H SMHOME109H SMHOME110H SMHOME111H SMHOME112H SMHOME113H SMHOME114H SMHOME115H SMHOME116H SMHOME117H SMHOME118H SMHOME119H SMHOME120H SMHOME121H SMHOME122H SMHOME123H SMHOME124H SMHOME125H SMHOME126H SMHOME127H SMHOME128H SMHOME129H SMHOME130H SMHOME131H SMHOME132H SMHOME133H SMHOME134H SMHOME135H SMHOME136H SMHOME137H SMHOME138H SMHOME139H SMHOME140H SMHOME141H SMHOME142H SMHOME143H SMHOME144H SMHOME145H SMHOME146H SMHOME147H SMHOME148H SMHOME149H SMHOME150H SMHOME151H SMHOME152H SMHOME153H SMHOME154H HH Furnishings- Bought Last Yr- Floor Lamps HH Furnishings- Bought Last Yr- Wall Units/Systems HH Furnishings- Bought Last Yr- Lawn/Porch Furniture HH Furnishings- Bought Last Yr- Draperies/Curtains HH Furnishings- Bought Last Yr- Window Shades/Blinds HH Furnishings- Bought Last Yr- Other HH Furnishings- Bought Last Yr- Any HH Furnishings HH Furnishings (Not Linen/Bed)- Total Expenditures $1000 Or More HH Furnishings (Not Linen/Bed)- Total Expenditures $475-$999 HH Furnishings (Not Linen/Bed)- Total Expenditures $151-$474 HH Furnishings (Not Linen/Bed)- Total Expenditures $101-$150 HH Furnishings (Not Linen/Bed)- Total Expenditures $51-$100 HH Furnishings (Not Linen/Bed)- Total Expenditures $50 Or Less HH Furnishings/Bedding/Bath/Linen- Bought Any Last Yr HH Furnishings/Bedding/Bath/Linen- Total Expenditures- $1000 OR More HH Furnishings/Bedding/Bath/Linen- Total Expenditures- $475- $999 HH Furnishings/Bedding/Bath/Linen- Total Expenditures- $151- $474 HH Furnishings/Bedding/Bath/Linen- Total Expenditures- $101- $150 HH Furnishings/Bedding/Bath/Linen- Total Expenditures- $51- $100 HH Furnishings/Bedding/Bath/Linen- Total Expenditures- $50 Or Less Major Kitchen Appliances- Own Refrigerator Major Kitchen Appliances- Own Separate Home Freezer Major Kitchen Appliances- Own Automatic Dishwasher Major Kitchen Appliances- Own Garbage Disposal Major Kitchen Appliances- Own Electric Stove/Range Major Kitchen Appliances- Own Gas Stove/Range Major Kitchen Appliances- Own Convection Oven Major Kitchen Appliances- Own Microwave Oven Major Kitchen Appliances- Own Any Major Appliances Small Kitchen Appliances- Own Electric Can Opener Small Kitchen Appliances- Own Electric Juicer Small Kitchen Appliances- Own Electric Knife Sharpener Small Kitchen Appliances- Own Electric Mixer Small Kitchen Appliances- Own Electric Blender Small Kitchen Appliances- Own Electric Food Processor Small Kitchen Appliances- Own Electric Slicer/Shredder Small Kitchen Appliances- Own Steamer/Rice Cooker Small Kitchen Appliances- Own Food Dehydrator Small Kitchen Appliances- Own Jet-Stream Oven Small Kitchen Appliances- Own Thermal Carafe/Server Small Kitchen Appliances- Own Bread Machine Small Kitchen Appliances- Own Electric Fry Pan Small Kitchen Appliances- Own Electric Deep Fryer Small Kitchen Appliances- Own Electric Slow Cooker Small Kitchen Appliances- Own Electric Corn Popper Small Kitchen Appliances- Own Electric Toaster Small Kitchen Appliances- Own Electric Toaster- Oven Small Kitchen Appliances- Own Electric Coffee Grinder/Mill Small Kitchen Appliances- Own Automatic Drip Coffee Maker Small Kitchen Appliances- Own Other Electric Coffee Maker Small Kitchen Appliances- Own Electric Espresso/Cappuccino Maker Small Kitchen Appliances- Own Pressure Cooker Small Kitchen Appliances- Own Electric Iced Tea Maker/Pot Small Kitchen Appliances- Own Wok Small Kitchen Appliances- Own Any Small/Countertop Appliance Kitchen Appliances (Major Appliances)- Bought Last Yr- Refrigerator Kitchen Appliances (Major Appliances)- Bought Last Yr- Separate Home Freezer Kitchen Appliances (Major Appliances)- Bought Last Yr- Automatic Dishwasher Kitchen Appliances (Major Appliances)- Bought Last Yr- Garbage Disposal Kitchen Appliances (Major Appliances)- Bought Last Yr- Electric Stove/Range Kitchen Appliances (Major Appliances)- Bought Last Yr- Gas Stove/Range Kitchen Appliances (Major Appliances)- Bought Last Yr- Convection Oven Kitchen Appliances (Major Appliances)- Bought Last Yr- Microwave Oven Kitchen Appliances (Major Appliances)- Bought Last Yr- Any Major Appliances Small Kitchen Appliances- Bought Last Yr- Electric Can Opener Small Kitchen Appliances- Bought Last Yr- Electric Juicer Small Kitchen Appliances- Bought Last Yr- Electric Knife Sharpener Small Kitchen Appliances- Bought Last Yr- Electric Mixer Small Kitchen Appliances- Bought Last Yr- Electric Blender Small Kitchen Appliances- Bought Last Yr- Electric Food Processor Small Kitchen Appliances- Bought Last Yr- Electric Slicer/Shredder Small Kitchen Appliances- Bought Last Yr- Electric Steamer/Rice Cooker Small Kitchen Appliances- Bought Last Yr- Food Dehydrator Page 138 SMHOME155H SMHOME156H SMHOME157H SMHOME158H SMHOME159H SMHOME160H SMHOME161H SMHOME162H SMHOME163H SMHOME164H SMHOME165H SMHOME166H SMHOME167H SMHOME168H SMHOME169H SMHOME170H SMHOME171H Small Kitchen Appliances- Bought Last Yr- Jet-stream Oven Small Kitchen Appliances- Bought Last Yr- Thermal Carafe/Server Small Kitchen Appliances- Bought Last Yr- Bread Machine Small Kitchen Appliances- Bought Last Yr- Electric Fry Pan Small Kitchen Appliances- Bought Last Yr- Electric Deep Fryer Small Kitchen Appliances- Bought Last Yr- Electric Slow Cooker Small Kitchen Appliances- Bought Last Yr- Electric Corn Popper Small Kitchen Appliances- Bought Last Yr- Electric Toaster Small Kitchen Appliances- Bought Last Yr- Electric Toaster- Oven Small Kitchen Appliances- Bought Last Yr- Electric Coffee Grinder/Mill Small Kitchen Appliances- Bought Last Yr- Automatic Drip Coffee Maker Small Kitchen Appliances- Bought Last Yr- Other Electric Coffee Maker Small Kitchen Appliances- Bought Last Yr- Electric Espresso/Cappuccino Maker Small Kitchen Appliances- Bought Last Yr- Pressure Cooker Small Kitchen Appliances- Bought Last Yr- Electric Iced Tea Maker/Pot Small Kitchen Appliances- Bought Last Yr- Wok Small Kitchen Appliances- Bought Last Yr- Any Small/Countertop Appliances Health Products SMHPRD001P SMHPRD002P SMHPRD003P SMHPRD004P SMHPRD005P SMHPRD006P SMHPRD007P SMHPRD008P SMHPRD009P SMHPRD010P SMHPRD011P SMHPRD012P SM