It`s Time To Get Chunky - Bishop O`Connell High School


It`s Time To Get Chunky - Bishop O`Connell High School
The Visor
Bishop O’Connell High School
Volume 51 Issue 2
Homecoming: A Knight to Remember
Lulu Moore
Staff Writer
Is everybody ready for
Homecoming ’08? This year is sure to
be a blast! As most students have heard,
the theme for this year is “The Dark
The theme will provide
the inspiration for many of the
activities of Spirit Week, culminating
in the Homecoming Game and the
Homecoming Dance on Saturday.
This year, the Executive Board
is trying something new. Throughout
Spirit Week, students will compete in
contests to earn “spirit points” for their
classes, which can be earned in several
ways. During lunch, there will be
eating competitions as well as costume
Morning announcements will
provide another opportunity for classes
to earn points, with their morning
“trivia” questions, so study up on your
DJO trivia.
days until
days until
days until
Finally, each class will be
assigned a color. This color will
represent the color they will be wearing
during Spirit Day, as well as the color
of the class’s Spirit Stick. The Spirit
Stick will be hidden each day of spirit
Finding the Spirit Stick
quickly will give each class still more
points. At the end of the week, the class
with the most spirit points will win a
special prize!
There will also be a special
pep rally on Thursday evening, so each
class will have another opportunity to
turn out and prove that it has the most
Since each class will be
sporting its individual class color that
“knight,” a simple glance around the
gym will provide further proof of the
class’s spirit.
Finally, on Saturday at 2:30
PM the place to be is the Homecoming
Game. The Knights will be facing their
archrival, Bishop McNamara.
The Mustangs will probably
be bringing their “a-game,” so the
O’Connell faithful needs to be out in
numbers, along with alumni, to pack
the stands and cheer the Knights on to
“Because the Homecoming
theme is The Dark Knight, we want this
game to be a ‘black-out,’” exclaimed
Laura Riley.
Junior kicker and linebacker
Ray Donahue can’t wait to deliver
this particular kick-off. “As long as
everybody is there to cheer us on, it’s
going to be a great game!”
Providing the final touch, the
“pièce de la résistance,” for this very
special week will be the Homecoming
Dance on Saturday night. It will surely
be a “knight” to remember. According
to the SCA Executive Board, the
decorations for the dance will provide
an ambience of Hollywood glamour. For
this one special night, the gymnasium
will be completely unrecognizable.
Between the theme, the inspired
decorations and music selections of PJ
the DJ, students and alumni will forget
they are in the gym, and find themselves
transported to “tinsel town,” as they
“rock the gym” with an enchanting
night of dancing. Tickets for the dance
will be on sale during all lunch periods
throughout spirit week.
Why is the Homecoming
Dance going to be so fun? Student
Council President Ricky Tanis says it
best: “We’re gonna get down.”
It’s Time To Get Chunky
Maggie Goetzman
Staff Writer
Kathleen Bettencourt
Staff Writer
dents and faculty alike lead the students
in prayer, showing the special spirit of
unity that is O’Connell.
Of course all of the hard work
and service done by the students paid
Over the last two weeks, Bishop
off. The homeroom from each grade
O’Connell students once again particithat brought in the most cans of soup
pated in the Chunky Soup Drive, a trareceived a “dress-down day” and breakdition started by Monsignor McMurtrie
fast. Also the class that brought in the
33 years ago, in 1975. The results were
most cans received
a whopping 10,600 cans
a dress down day
of chunky soup to benefit
as well.
the homeless. The drive
“Cans were
culminated in the Living
proudly displayed
Rosary, prayed on the
in each respective
football field on October
homeroom, not
only as a sign of
When asked about
the room’s spirthe goals of this year’s
it, but also as a
drive, treasurer of the
challenge to other
SCA executive board,
Margaret Montavan exIt shows who
citedly said, “We’d like at
is trying to win
least 9 cans to be brought
the incentives,”
in per student in honor
remarked senior
of the class of ’09, baby!
Matt Fitzgerald,
also to raise awareness for
Vice President of
this awesome cause.”
the SCA executive
All of the cans were
brought to Christ House
In spite of all
in Arlington to be given
An enthusiastic group of juniors stacks their homeroom’s cans.
to needy families
on the football field for the first time in
from all over the area. This year
offered, and the excitement of the
two years. The chilly, yet beautithe need for donations has proven to be
class competitions, O’Connell students
ful day brought the entire community
even greater because of Christ House’s
never lost sight of the greater goal of
together as they prayed the rosary as a
new program CHOW (Christ House
service to the poor.
school, in a sense blessing the soup. Stuon Wheels). CHOW delivers meals to
people who are unable to make it to
Christ House. “CHOW is a great new
program that Christ House introduced,
and we feel very honored to help them,”
remarked Mr. Duesterhaus, one of the
Enjoy a fun Halloween spread on pages 6 and 7.
SCA moderators.
Through the years, the Chunky
Soup Drive has always had an exciting
buzz around it. Morning announce- Get some last minute Homecoming advice.
ments, posters, and students walking
around in the Chunky Soup costume
display O’Connell’s great spirit for the Heard about the Chinese milk scandal? Get the details.
drive. Even though the drive is fun, the
greater purpose is to serve the needy in
the O’Connell community.
“The Chunky Soup Drive is a very
tangible way of doing service,” added
Principal Dr. Vorbach. “And praying the
Living Rosary together is really shows
our faith in action.”
The Living Rosary was held outside
What’s Inside:
Visor October 2008
Ignorance Isn’t Cute
When did society decide that
ignorance is cute? Please, if you have the
answer, I’m all ears. Seriously.
I’m guessing it all started right
around the time the movie Valley Girl
came out? Yeah, that was probably it.
One minute, it’s okay to “get” what’s
going on; the next, we’re all like…what?
It’s an election year, so talk about
politics is especially prominent. Not that
it matters. True, there are a lot of wellinformed teens out there, and this does not
apply to them in the slightest; but there
are still a ton of people who could care
less about the next President of the United
States of America (save for what Mommy
and Daddy have to say about it).
It’s scary to think that high
school seniors, many of whom are
eligible to vote this year, don’t know the
difference between a conservative and a
liberal. It’s scary to think that a lot of the
people who are eligible to vote don’t know
the specifics of the current economic
crisis, can’t differentiate between the
economic principles of the Republican
and Democratic parties, don’t know the
governor of their own state.
It’s not just the seniors. Juniors,
Sophomores, and Freshman alike should
all be paying attention to this election.
In four years, we will all have the
opportunity to vote—an opportunity we
should not take for granted—and though
that may seem far away, we only have
four years to educate ourselves about
politics. To make an informed decision
about each party before we subscribe to
Which brings me to my next
point. Outside of just kind of knowing
what’s going on, people need to
understand why everything happens. If
you don’t understand why you believe
what you believe, there’s almost no point
in believing it at all.
For instance, it’s one thing
to say, “I agree that we should lower
taxes because McCain says we should.”
It’s another thing to say, “I agree that
we should lower taxes because, as a
consequence, we will all have more
money to spend, and the economy will
Notice how much better the
second statement sounded? Even if you
don’t agree with the statement, it certainly
possesses…credibility. There is evidence
for the claim. There is a why.
People underestimate the power
of a good why.
Forgive me if I’ve gotten off
topic. I have a very roundabout way of
writing things. Right, so about ignorance
being cute.
Well, it’s not. In the words of
the great comedian Ron White, “You
can’t fix stupid.” Essentially, however
cute you may be, it’s never cute to be an
idiot: Perhaps now, while you’re 15 and
everyone else is an idiot, too. But in the
long run, it pays to be informed. Because
you’re going to get old, and you’re going
to get wrinkles; but your brain is going to
continue to absorb information as long as
you’re alive and breathing. Your brain is
your most powerful weapon.
It’s a shame that knowledge has
become such an under-appreciated virtue.
With the media glorification of celebs
and socialites like Jessica Simpson and
Paris Hilton, stupidity becomes more and
more fashionable each year. And it’s not
necessarily true that Jessica and Paris are
stupid. But they act stupid. And that’s
This is just a guess, but I feel
like people who act dumb, even though
they really are smart, feel some sort of
external pressure to fit in with those less
smart than they are. Yes, that’s a terrible
generalization, but I’m trying to make a
point, so cool down. For some reason,
the ignorant, “stupid” people appear to be
having all the fun, and it becomes uncool
to “get” things, to understand what’s going
on in math class, to know the difference
between a conservative and a liberal.
I’m almost done, I promise.
Look, I don’t know why things
are they way they are, but it needs to stop.
Ignorance isn’t cute. No matter how you
put it. If you aren’t dumb and you’re
just pretending to be, you’re an idiot for
thinking that you need to be dumb to be
cool. That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever
heard. Two people can have an intelligent
conversation about the War in Iraq or
something like that and have it be okay.
Really, stop. I don’t know who is telling
you that ignorance is cute, but it isn’t. So
And if you really don’t know
what’s going on, read a paper, watch the
news, go on the internet. I’m sure you
spend a lot of your time on the internet,
anyways. It seems like a lot of effort,
but it really isn’t. Informing yourself is
a great thing. And the better educated
you are, the more presentable you will be
when you’re interviewing for college or
talking to your parents’ friends or teachers
or whatever it is that you end up doing.
Knowledge is power, my friends.
And ignorance isn’t cute.
Page 2
The Visor
Bishop O’Connell High School
6600 Little Falls Road
Arlington, VA
Published monthly, the student
newspaper of Bishop Denis J. O’Connell
High School is a public forum with
its student editorial board making all
decisions about its content, under the
guidance of its faculty advisor.
Opinions in the paper are
not necessarily those of the staff, nor
should any opinion expressed in
this public forum be construed as
the opinion or the policy of Bishop
O’Connell High School, unless so
Moey Fox
Taylor Brogan
Mark Moran
Taylor Brogan
Minh Vuong
Moey Fox
Campus News
Jeremy Azuran
Katie Grady
Taylor Brogan
Caroline Monek
Moey Fox
Bridget McGinley
Jamitress Bowden
Maddie Arthur
Staff Writers:
Mark Azar, Tyler Bergeron, Kathleen
Bettencourt, Jamitress Bowden, Alejandra
Buitrago, Christy Buranaamorn, David
Castro, Natalie Cocozza, Marley Garner,
Maggie Goetzman, Joanna Harkins, Daniel Herbert, Grace Hollis, Alexis Johnson,
Clair Jones, Matthew Kelley, Maggie
Luning, Sandra Malone, Hayley Milon,
Lulu Moore, Caitlin Patterson, Rachel
Potts, Amy Shepard, Kara Sims, Devon
Faculty Moderator
Dan Culler
Drop Everything: Learn!
I don’t know how many of you
have been watching the debates or the
news recently, but unless you’ve been
living in a hole, you know that the quickly
approaching November 4th election is
going to be one of the most exciting and
country-changing elections in our history.
I know that many of you will
not have the privilege of voting in this
election; however, whether you are voting
or not, you should be concerned with the
Politics set aside, this is your
country; the next four years will directly
determine the course of its future. And
yes, that should concern you.
A lot of high school students are
so preoccupied with their busy lives (and
yes, I do understand, my mind currently
is straying to the four tests and two papers
I have waiting for me—I apologize,
I’m back now) that they fail to see what
is going on outside of the “O’Connell
They think, “Hey, I can’t even
vote, so why should I pay attention
to what’s going on in the world?” In
this time—in this amazing period
of technology, where any piece of
information we desire can be ours in just
the click of a mouse—being uninformed is
Let’s take the election. Say
you’re voting, and you have absolutely no
idea who you would rather have sitting
in front of that red button. Simply go
to Google—type in Obama or McCain.
Tada! Two websites, made by the
respective campaigns, designed solely
for the purpose of helping you make an
informed decision.
Even if you’re not voting, don’t
just stick your head in the sand. Research
the candidates; figure out which one you
truly believe will run this country in the
right direction. Then talk about it.
Tell your family, your friends,
anyone who will listen why, specifically,
you have faith in your candidate. Some
people frown upon the discussion of
politics; I think that discussion is vital to
the political process, especially now.
There’s nothing wrong with
a healthy debate. This election is way
too important to ignore because “not
discussing” politics is the “polite” thing to
So put down the college apps and
the mountains of homework. Turn off the
TV and close Facebook. Stop texting five
people at once and quit whispering about
the juiciest bit of gossip you heard from a
friend of a friend.
Just for a few minutes, set aside
your busy lives and think about something
bigger. A few minutes of your time is
miniscule compared to the huge difference
being informed can make.
No matter our personal beliefs,
no matter if we think Obama or McCain
is the best choice for president, no matter
if we disagree with each other on every
other issue under the sun, I think that we
can all agree that paying attention and
being informed now is vital not only to
our own futures, but to our country’s
During these last few weeks
before the election, take this time to learn
about each candidate. Learn about all of
their stances, on all of the issues. Pick
one based not on your parents’ beliefs or
your friends beliefs; choose based on your
We are the generation coming
into power—even if we can’t vote, our
opinions and beliefs are the ones of the
future. Those opinions are ones that
should be fully formed, regardless of what
they consist of. So go and form them!
Campus News
Visor October 2008
Page 3
Natalie Cocozza
Staff Writer
The special Bishop’s mass is an
eagerly anticipated event every year at
O’Connell. This year, on September 30th,
when Bishop Loverde solemnly processed
into the auditorium, everyone was prepared
to be inspired by his words of wisdom.
The auditorium had been transformed
into a church through Christ’s presence.
In his homily the Bishop
discussed the challenges of living the faith,
and attaining the balance that allows Christ
to participate freely in all decision-making.
He observed that it is sometimes difficult
to balance a good relationship with God
with the demands of family, peers and
daily concerns; but he added that it can
be done, with God’s help through prayer.
In his discussion of vocations,
he observed that many O’Connell
students had entered the priesthood and
vocations, recognizing several of the
visiting priests on stage as O’Connell
alumni, with a special acknowledgement
of O’Connell’s own Father Hudgins.
When asked later about the
lessons of the Bishop’s mass, Hudgins
replied, “The most important thing for
students to take away is the sense that
we are connected- the church goes way
beyond our little community and your
own parishes, the whole diocese…the
world; the bishop is a reminder of that.”
Father Hudgins went on to say that when
the bishop reminded the school that
his famous gift of granting a holiday is
never “guaranteed,” Hudgins offered
his own suggestion for insuring that
holiday be granted every year.
“Everyone has to sing louder! Part of
worshipping God and having respect for Him
is not being embarrassed about the voice
with which He has blessed each individual.”
returns next year, do not forget to
bring your best, loudest voices.
Hayley Milon
Bishop Loverde at the Bishop’s Mass
greeting students and teachers.
Class of 2013: “It’s time to enter the ‘O.’”
Alejandra Buitrago
Staff Writer
welcomes prospective students from
the area in eighth grade programs,
including possible transfers, on Thursday,
November 13, 2008 at 7:00 pm.
The Open House showcases
academic program, as well as its
wide-ranging and highly competitive
sports teams, vibrant extra-curricular
activities, and faith-based student life.
This year, according to Mrs.
Cait Patterson
Staff Writer
McAlevy, the Director of Admissions,
the focus of the night will be the superior
academics that Bishop O’Connell has to
offer. One way that the school will boost
academics are to place posters of “Fast
Facts” highlighting achievements of past
and present students. Also, parents and
soon-to-be students are introduced to the
faculty and staff that create and perpetuate
O’Connell’s rich legacy; O’Connell’s
very own renowned Coach Wooten will
speak regarding the opportunities and
challenges that await O’Connell athletes.
So much effort and intense planning
goes into this one night so that future frosh,
as well as transfers, can get a glimpse of
what Bishop O’Connell has to offer.
Mrs. McAlevy added, “I don’t
know what I would do without Mrs. Adkins
and Coach Wooten. Those hardworking
student volunteers, in addition to the parent
volunteers, have worked so much to make
this upcoming Open House possible.”
The Open House is followed
shortly by the shadowing invasion,
beginning Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and
Thursdays from November 17th to January
2009. Remember to treat them kindly as
they might be your classmates next year.
Students are encouraged to join
the new O’Connell Knight mascot at
each of the home football games, along
with the many cheering fans painted in
blue and banging drums. A “blue-out”
is planned for the game against PVI.
Three years ago Mr. Haas decided
to create the club. It quickly grew into a
large and vocal presence at O’Connell
home football and basketball games.
To be a member of the Spirit
Club, a student must pay a fee of ten
dollars and wear his or her spirit club
shirt to as many games as possible. The
face paint and bandanas aren’t required,
but they are not discouraged either. The
Spirit Club has enjoyed great success
in the past, and looks forward to even
greater numbers and success in the future.
The main purpose of the pregame party was to promote school spirit
and get the students excited for the game
against St. John’s. About 180 Spirit Club
members attended the cookout, and an
estimated 350 shirts have already been sold.
The Spirit Club will be hosting another cookout for their current 350 members before the
homecoming game against McNamara. Be
sure to come out and show your school spirit!
The Spirit Club hosted their
3rd annual tailgate on Saturday, October
4, 2008, in the courtyard between the
religion and history hallways. A special
appearance by the O’Connell knight
made the event an even greater success.
The tail gate was also an
opportunity for students to purchase
their 2008 spirit club t-shirts. The t-shirt
design features a black background, with
an O’Connell pride logo on the front.
Emblazoned across the back of the “T” is
the phrase, “Put ’em to bed…its KnightTime,” over the image of a fierce knight. A
limited number of shirts are still available
for purchase in rooms 122 and 126.
This year the Spirit Club has
six senior representatives, two junior
representatives and two sophomore
by Mr. McGrady and Mr. Haas.
Mr. McGrady said of the spirit club
truly enthusiastic this year, which has
made the club even more energized.”
The club hopes to add a spirit
rock to the campus this year, along with
its pursuit of other goals. To raise money
for the spirit rock, raffle tickets are being
sold during all lunches. The cost for one
ticket is three dollars; three tickets, five
dollars; and ten tickets, ten dollars. The
two grand prizes from the raffle are a
game system of the winner’s choice or
a three-hundred-dollar shopping spree
at Tyson’s Corner Mall. The drawing
will occur at the November 1st cook out.
Hayley Milon’s Summer
Lulu Moore
Staff Writer
students were spending their summer
tanning at the beach or relaxing by the
pool, Junior Hayley Milon was hard
at work at The Connection, a chain of
newspapers in the Washington D.C. area.
Q: What first interested you in journalism?
A: I love sports and I always read the sports
section in the paper. Being a reporter enables
me to actually be involved in the sports world.
Q: What was involved in acquiring
your internship at The Connection?
A: The paper hires interns based on
their resumes and achievement in their
English classes in school. I applied
along with students from a lot of other
schools in the area around last April.
The job began right after school ended.
Q: What was the best part of your internship?
A: Although I was in a little over my
head at times, it was such a valuable
experience working with the paper’s
editors and staff writers. I got the chance
to interview a lot of fascinating people
and cover a lot of interesting stories.
A: When I applied, I anticipated doing
small jobs such as filing papers. When
I started covering stories, I was both
nervous and excited. It was both a
big privilege and a responsibility.
A: The single biggest lesson I learned is
that in the work world there is no room
for excuses and you can’t ever expect
someone else to clean up your mess. You
need to always be on top of your game and
improvise when something goes wrong.
Q: Are you considering a future
A: Absolutely. I want to go into sports
casting which is heavily tied into
journalism. A reporter needs to have
an in-depth knowledge of the subject
matter, and needs to be articulate and
accurate during an interview or report.
Christian Straubs cheering excitedly at one of the football games.
help you in this future endeavor?
A:It taught me the intricacies of interviewing
and reporting. I’m learning what information
is catchy and what people need to know.
Visor October 2008
Page 4
Chinese Milk: Made of Melamine?
Marley Garner
Staff Writer
More than 54,000 babies in China
have fallen gravely ill as a direct result of
drinking powdered milk formulas tainted
with melamine, the industrial chemical
that killed so many cats and dogs last
year. According to Chinese officials who
are investigating the matter, melamine
was probably used to spike the protein
content in order for the milk to fool food
Although many dairy farms in
China don’t export to America, the popular
Swiss milk and chocolate maker , Nestle’s,
has a dairy farm in China that was affected.
“Nestle’s once again expresses confidence
that none of its products in China is made
from milk adulterated with melamine,”
stated an official of the firm. Usually used
in the making of plastic, melamine can
make milk appear to be richer in protein.
But Melamine can also be toxic if
swallowed or exposed to the skin: not
exactly something developing babies
should be ingesting. Most of these infants
are now suffering from acute kidney failure;
and their large intakes of melamine-laced
formulas have lead to the formation of
kidney stones. There have already been
several fatalities.
Infants are not the only ones to be
worried, though. Anyone who consumes
ice cream, yogurt, chocolate or any other
daily product imported from China may
also be at risk.
The series of recalls is extremely
embarrassing as China had been working
overtime to improve its tarnished image
in the world markets. It seems like every
year there is a major recall on products
produced in China.
Amazingly enough, there are
reports that Chinese officials had actually
become aware of the poisoned milk crisis
during the 2008 Summer Olympic games
in Beijing, but had waited an entire month
to publically acknowledge it.
Many of the companies currently
requiring the recall are located in Europe,
but that doesn’t mean consumers in
America are not at risk. A popular AngloDutch company that produces milk-based
tea items for Lipton, a familiar brand name
in US grocery stores, recently recalled
some of its tea powders because they tested
positive for melamine.
Don’t Get a Cold;
Prevent a Cold
Devon Spencer
Staff Writer
Curb That Appetite
Alexis Johnson
Staff Writer
Weight might be a small word,
boasting only six letters, but it has big
significance to most Americans. Our
country likes to indulge.
Our junk-filled pantries, fast
food restaurants and midnight chocolate
cravings aren’t conducive to maintaining a
healthy and appropriate weight.
For the average body, effort must
be made in order to avoid taking on excess
pounds. The science of it all isn’t that
complex. Following a few simple tips can
lead to a maintaining a healthy, appropriate
Eat Fiber. Foods that contain a
lot of fiber not only satisfy the appetite but
also avoid adding a lot of weight.
Fiber suppresses hormones and
gives the sensation of being full, the same
kind of sensation one might experience
when exiting the local McDonalds. But
this type of satisfaction results from many
types of fiber that do not add unwanted
weight. Any type of whole grain, even
popcorn,(as well as various kinds of fruits
and vegetables) is preferable to meat, fat or
dairy products.
Keep the clock in mind. Have
scheduled times for eating, and stick to
them. Consistency keeps your hormone
levels at a normal, steady rate; eating at
regular times helps the body process food
more efficiently, the way it was meant to.
When the time comes for you to
eat, enjoy your food! It’s not running off
anywhere, so eat slowly. You’re not only
being polite, but there is science behind it.
It takes time for the brain to
understand that the stomach is stretching.
By eating at a slower rate you’re giving
your brain time to catch up. It takes fifteen
minutes for your stomach to realize if it’s
full or not. So slow down!
Brush your teeth. Tooth brushing
not only cleans the mouth and keeps the
teeth white, but it also satisfies hunger
Lastly, what many people don’t
realize is that you can occasionally indulge
in the things you love to eat. Portion control
is a must in keeping your healthy, desired
If you eat in moderation, certain
foods don’t have to be off limits. Once an
appropriate weight for a particular body
size has been achieved, there is no reason
that it can’t be maintained with a healthy
respect for the type and quantity of food
that is subsequently ingested. A healthy
diet is also a satisfying diet.
With the weather getting colder
and stress levels rising, catching a cold or
flu is easy for most high school students.
Several simple practices might help
prevent students from succumbing to what
is becoming the almost obligatory fall cold
or flu.
The first and most obvious way
to avoid unwanted germs is to stay clean.
Washing your hands often is important,
because it can rid the skin of common
cold viruses. Most cold germs are spread
from hand to hand contact. A simple hand
shake with someone or the touch of a dirty
doorknob can quickly spread the germs
that cause cold or flu.
Also, avoid touching your eyes,
nose and ears after being around someone
who is sick; that is the easiest way for the
germs to enter the body.
Junior Maggie Goetzman suggests,
“Don’t even hold your significant other’s
hand if you think he might be sick!”
If cold symptoms (such as the
running nose, sore throat or sneezing)
begin to appear in spite of your efforts, it is
a good idea to make small changes in habits
to prevent the situation from worsening. A
sufficient amount of sleep at night is vital
to good health. The more sleep one gets,
the stronger one’s immune system.
Another way to keep the immune
system strong is to have healthy eating
habits. The body needs nutrients such
as protein, calcium, and iron to feed the
immune system and keep it working at
an optimum level. Sometimes a busy day
does not allow time to eat foods containing
the necessary nutrients. Vitamin and
mineral supplements can help supply the
nutrients the body doesn’t get from food.
Some scientists suggest 500 milligram
supplements of Vitamin C twice a day.
Fruit drinks are also a good way to receive
the Vitamin C that the body needs. If the
body does not have the necessary nutrients,
it makes recovering from a cold even more
Ben Franklin may not have been
thinking specifically of colds when he
penned his famous aphorism concerning
the “ounce of prevention” being preferable
to “the pound of cure;” however, the best
way to avoid the unpleasant process of
recovering from a cold or flu is definitely
to stay healthy. This fall, make sure to be
aware of the ways germs travel, and avoid
getting the bug in the beginning.
Visor October 2008
Page 5
Boys’ Soccer Winning on More Than One Level
Sandra Malone
Staff Writer
O’Connell Boys’ Soccer
has two great teams this season. The
varsity team began another season
on August 26th with a dominating
5-0 win against Bishop Ireton.
Both teams were eager
to begin the season, and full of
optimism about their prospects.
The varsity team, led by Coach
Laporte, is seeking another WCAC
“It’s all about working hard
and aiming to win,” said returning
Chuquillangui has played varsity
soccer at O’Connell for two years.
So far, in addition to their
win against Bishop Ireton, the
O’Connell boys have also beaten
McNamara (2-1), St. John’s (3-1),
St Mary’s Ryken (1-0), and scored
a second victory over McNamara
The Varsity Boys also
suffered narrow losses against Good
Council, Georgetown Prep, Carroll,
Paul VI, and St. Albans. With the team’s
dedication and effort, the boys expect
to win the majority of their remaining component in the team’s success.
Because of the loss of so many
“We have great coaches,” senior starters last year, this year’s squad
commented junior Daniel Herbert, who is comparatively young, so the optimism
thinks that their excellent coaching is a key extends beyond the recent season.
The Varsity team has two more
home games: October 21 at 4
P.M. against Dematha, and
October 24 at 4 P.M. against
Paul VI.
The J.V. team has also
boasted a winning season, with
7 wins, 4 losses, and 2 ties.
The J.V. team has
three more home games
remaining this season, a great
opportunity to see the team in
games are against DeMatha
on October 21st at 5:30 P.M.,
Pope John Paul the Great on
October 23rd at 4:30 P.M., and
against Paul VI on October
24th at 5:30 P.M.
tournament, scheduled for
October 28th and 31st at home,
and November 2nd away,
should showcase some of the
most exciting soccer of the
season, so come on out and
support the Knights!
New Coach
New Uniform:
Same Great Team
Clair Jones
Staff Writer
“G.I.B.L.E.T.S.” Spells Success
Kathleen Bettencourt
Staff Writer
Once again the girl’s varsity
soccer team, or “G.I.B.L.E.T.S,” is
on its way to compete for yet another
W.C.A.C. championship title. The girls
won the Urbana/McDonogh invitational
tournament earlier in the season.
On September 3rd the team defeated
Flint Hill 2-1, earning Coach Starace his
500th career win. Coach Starace has won
10 W.C.A.C. tournament championships
and 15 regular season championships
during his long and successful career.
He commented on the season so far,
saying, “We are up and down. We can beat
anyone and also lose to the weaker teams.
When we play together we are very good.”
This year the team is led by
senior captains Casey Philbin and Danielle
Corey. When asked about the team’s
progress this year, Corey said, “It’s going
pretty well. We have more losses than we
should, but we are starting to play better.”
In addition to its exceptional
talent, the team is also youthful; this
year’s squad is composed of mostly
juniors. Senior Katie Gargiulo has been
the team manager for the past four years.
She said, “All the girls on the
team know each other really well and
always encourage and push each other.”
The girls defeated one of
their biggest rivals, PVI, 2-1 at the end
of September. All the girls are very
excited about their prospects for the
tournament and hope to secure another
victory, after taking second place to
St. John’s in last year’s tournament.
determination, team work, and passion I
believe we can accomplish anything, more
importantly a W.C.A.C. title. Whoo!”
runs from October 28th until November
2nd. So come out and cheer on the Lady
Knights in their efforts to clinch another
W.C.A.C. title and winning season!
The Lady Knights’ Tennis
Team has had a very busy month of
October. Recent matches have notched
four victories, including wins against
St. Mary’s Ryken, Good Counsel, and
McNamara. Unfortunately, despite
determined play, the matches against St.
Steven’s/St. Agnes’s School and St. John’s
did not yield the same result.
The team also has a new assistant
coach this year: Coach Brown. He works
closely with the team during drills to
improve their skills and provide them
with a competitive edge for match play.
Junior Grace Hollis has already identified
her favorite quote from the new coach,
who always lifts the team’s spirits by
exhorting, “There are no mistakes- just
In addition to the new coach
the team also sports new uniforms:
white skorts and blue short-sleeved
shirts. Despite the new look, the girls
are determined to continue the winning
spirit and tradition that has always defined
O’Connell tennis.
The girls have been working
extremely hard to prepare themselves for
the WCAC Championship Tournament,
which will take place from October 29th
through the 30th. They are hopeful that
their hard work and dedication will take
them deep into the tournament. So make
sure to get out there and support them!
You will be rewarded with some of the
best tennis the area has to offer.
Visor October 2008
Page 6
Knights Perform Well Against Nationally Ranked Falcons
Haley Milon
Staff Writer
The Knights’ took their 4-2
record up against the undefeated Good
Counsel Falcons last week to mark the
middle of their season. The game, the
Knight’s toughest matchup so far this
season, ended in a Falcon victory, 41-14.
The Falcons scored during the first
quarter with an 11-yard run, and followed
up in the second with a 6-yard rushing
score and an 18-yard touchdown pass.
“We kept a positive attitude,
even though the game started out rough.
We saw that we needed to play our best
to get the offense the ball and score,” said
senior quarterback Patrick Thompson.
At the end of the second quarter,
Patrick Simms was able to run the ball
3 yards for a touchdown, and Trimble
followed with a 2-point conversion.
The Falcons were able to add
3 more scores, leading the Knights
41-8 with 1:34 left in the fourth quarter.
But the Knights refused to fold,
and battled hard throughout the game,
junior Alex Berdahl ending the scoring with
a 2-yard run, making the final score 41-14.
“The defense played hard
Girl’s Cross Country: Still
Running Strong
Coach Wall’s request for hard work has
been respected and this dedication is
reflected in all the girl’s wins this year.
When asked how the season has
To state that Cross Country is been playing out thus far with regard to
difficult is a gross understatement. It goals set at the beginning of the season,
demands work from the body that is both Coach Walls grinned and responded,
mental and physical. People have been “Spectacular. We are right on target”.
known to smugly state, “It’s just running.” The girls have been reaching
When this comment is made to new heights of achievement in the past
the girls on the Bishop O’Connell team, three years, winning the Arlington
they have every right to simply smile to County meet all three years, stepping it
themselves and walk away without saying up this year to claim the large dual meets:
anything. They have the pleasure of Octoberfest and the St. Mary’s Invitational.
knowing that this statement would never
Despite their hope for sunshine the
be made after a couple of days spent on girls have proven that they can achieve
Coach Wall’s vigorous training schedules. greatness in the rain, too. They eagerly
The girls on the team run aniticipate the coming meets of Glory Days
everyday, averaging 3-4 miles a day, with and their defense of their title from last year
a variation in the speeds the miles are run. at the WCAC’s. Some of the girls will even
Tuesdays and Wednesdays are typically be headed to the State meet on November 7th.
the “work out” days, and this means
Arguably one of the team’s best
either a “tempo” run on a nearby trail or traditions is meditation time on Fridays
running around Williamsburg Elementary before meets, after a long week of
School. The girls hit the weight room school and running. The team also has
two days a week and all have a carefully spaghetti dinners at team members’
designed regimen of exercises to complete. houses several Fridays of the season.
Ashley Stumvoll is a sophomore
When asked what she thought
runner who has performed well on the was special about the team, senior Claire
Varsity team. When asked her secret Whitesell replied, “Everyone is really nice
in staying motivated she commented and they all work really hard.” So if you have
on how she likes to listen to the team’s ever counted yourself among those who
theme song, “Check Yes Juliet,” dismiss Cross Country as “merely running,”
in her imagination. perhaps you now have a better idea of all
weather the preparation that leads to the excellence
conditions at every meet this year, of O’Connell’s Cross Country program.
Natalie Cocozza
Staff Writer
to hold them back,” said junior
Junior running back Greg Gadell
ran the ball 107 yards for O’Connell,
Mark Azar
Staff Writer
while senior cornerback Brian Williams
had 3 receptions and ran the ball 48 yards.
“We were up against the toughest
team in the conference. We played hard,
but Good Counsel was ready for us after
beating DeMatha on national TV last week,”
said senior running back Justin Trimble.
The Falcons had gotten their fifth
win of the season the previous week against
DeMatha, the game featured on ESPN.
“The guys have been positive all
season. We went into the Good Counsel
game prepared for a challenge. The
team was competitive and held nothing
back,” said head coach Steve Trimble.
Following the Good Counsel
game, the Knights found themselves
ranked fourth in the WCAC, behind the
Good Counsel Falcons, the DeMatha Stags,
and the Saint John’s Cadets. The team is
already gearing up to take on the Stags
next week and boost their record to 5-2.
NBA Predictions
With the NBA season right around
the corner many teams have improved by
adding new players. Elton Brand joined the
Philadelphia Seventy-Sixers, for instance;
but other teams, like the hometown
Washington Wizards, have decided to stay
put and maintain the main look of the team.
This season promises to be just as exciting
and entertaining as last year’s. Regardless
of how it turns out, it’s never too early to
hazard a few predictions.
Rookie of the Year: Derrick Rose
It will be fun to watch the battle
between Greg Oden of
the Portland Trailblazers,
Derrick Rose of the
Michael Beasley of the
Miami Heat. Essentially,
Oden and Beasley will be
surrounded by too many
superstars and maybe
unable to show off their
capabilities as much as
they would like. Derrick
Rose will be the leader for
this Chicago team that is
in need of help. Hopefully
other rookies such as O.J.
Mayo or Kevin Love will
get in on the discussion
as the season progresses.
Sixth Man of the Year: Manu
It is almost unfair to all other sixth
men in the NBA, with someone as talented
as Manu coming off the bench. Ginobili
is an All-Star in the NBA, and one of the
elite scorers in the NBA. He will be able
to take the Spurs onto his back and help out
Tony Parker and Tim Duncan as he repeats
as Sixth Man of the Year this season.
Defensive Player of the Year:
Ron Artest. Hopefully Artest’s trade to the
Houston Rockets will bring the motivation
he needs in order to return to his old form
as a “lock-down” defender. With Yao
Ming and Tracy McGrady on his team he
should be able to “sinc” into with this new
role and not have to worry about scoring as
much as before.
A new season means a new start
and maybe this will be the year that Artest
matures and finally puts his full focus
toward winning a championship.
Coach of the Year: George Karl
After losing Marcus Camby it
seems like the Denver Nuggets have finally
decided to commit to the defensive end of
the floor, and that is due to Coach Karl’s
emphasis on defense this year throughout
training camp. The Nuggets are projected
by many to be one of the top 15 teams on
defense. If that does happen, expect the
Nuggets to have a great season and George
Karl to be among the leading candidates
for Coach of the Year.
Most Improved Player of the
Year: Andrew Bynum
Last season Bynum was one of
the best centers in the league. He really
put things together
matured into form.
Unfortunately, he
was injured and
this prevented his
further maturation.
In the offseason he
“beefed up,” and is
now stronger.
Also, this
is the year in which
his contract expires
so he will probably
be trying even
will rise to take
place of one of the
top centers in the
league and will show
potential to be a potential All- Star.
Most Valuable Player of the Year:
Dwayne Wade
The best is for last and the MVP
for the 2008-2009 season could very well
be Dwayne Wade of the Miami Heat. It
is easy to forget how good Dwayne Wade
was before he was beset with injuries. All
you have to do is switch on one of his
Olympic games of the summer and you
will remember the Wade of old. It will be
a fight between Chris Paul, Lebron James,
Dwayne Wade, and reigning MVP Kobe
Bryant but ultimately, if everything falls
into the right place, Wade will rise and
lead the HEAT to the playoffs. Wade will
probably average over 25 points, 8 assists,
and 8 rebounds a game.
This season will probably be
one of the best in recent years, especially
following the recent controversy of the
officiating scandals and reports. But
with more competitive teams in both
Conferences, fans of all teams will benefit
by viewing some of the most competitive
and exciting basketball in recent memory.
Visor October 2008
Page 7
Find the Perfect Homecoming Dress!
Keeping in Mind this Year’s Hottest Trends...
Pockets are not just handy for
holding your gadgets, like cellphones and keys, but they are also
the latest trend, appearing with
even the most formal dresses.
Purple is the most popular
color of the season. Not
only will you see the color
on dresses, but many designers are also using the
in color for jewelry, sweaters, and scarves.
High necklines have not always
been popular, but this year this cut
is making a comeback. Dresses
with a higher neck are often very
flattering, perfect for those who
want something different- not just
the typical homecoming dress.
The little black dress never
goes out of style and is still
something every girl should
have. Simple black dresses
are perfect for the season,
especially when combining
them with eloquent and exotic
Upcoming Events:
Changeling - 10/24/08
Jason Mraz - Dar Constitution Hall - Mon, 10/20/08
High School Musical 3: Senior Year - 10/24/08 OneRepublic - Patriot Center - Thu, 10/23/08
Passengers - 10/24/08
Alan Jackson Feat. Trace Adkins - Patriot Center - Sat, 10/25/08
Saw V - 10/24/08
Metro Station – Sonar - Fri, 10/31/08
Pride and Glory - 10/24/08
The Other End of the Line - 10/31/08
Coldplay - Verizon Center - Fri, 10/31/08
Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa - 11/07/08
Usher - Warner Theatre - Tue, 11/04/08
Soul Men - 11/07/08
Hellogoodbye – Sonar - Fri, 11/07/08
Quantum of Solace - 11/14/08
The Cheetah Girls - Verizon Center - Sun, 11/09/08
The Road - 11/14/08
AC/DC - Verizon Center - Sat, 11/15/08
The Who - Verizon Center - Mon, 11/03/08
Visor October 2008
Essential Checklist for an
Amazing Homecoming:
1. GO TO THE GAME! Get ready for the game
by wearing our school colors, putting on face
paint, and showing up with your O’Connell
Page 8
girls this may include making sure your hair/
makeup/nails are done. For guys, all you really
have to remember is to be a gentleman, and of
course, don’t forgot the corsage!
3. EAT BEFORE YOU GO! It will be a long
night, so you’ll want to eat before you arrive at
the dance. Many groups go out to dinner, but
that’s not a necessity. If your group can’t decide
on a restaurant to go to, just have a non-formal
buffet at a volunteer’s house.
4. TAKE PLENTY OF PICTURES! We understand that parents may get a little obsessive with
their cameras, but truthfully- it is something that
you’ll look back on later and thank them.
5. HAVE FUN! No matter what grade you’re in,
this homecoming will be one to remember. This
is your time to relax and have fun with your
friends. After such an awesome and enthusiastic
week at school building up to this dance, you’ll
want to make 2008 homecoming the best ever!
Visor October 2008
Page 9
McMahon Hits the Slump
Alejandra Buitrago
Staff Writer
30 Rock is
Back in
After three years of anxious
waiting, Jack’s Mannequin released their
new album, The Glass Passenger, on
September 30, 2008.
Andrew McMahon, formerly
of Something Corporate fame is now the
singer, song-writer, and piano- playing
member of Jack’s Mannequin, continuing
to astonish music lovers with his amazing
ability to create meaningful and catchy
lyrics, as he did in his debut album,
Everything in Transit in 2005.
In this past album, McMahon
wrote of his battle (and eventual triumph
over) leukemia, perhaps most evident in
the song, “Holiday from Real.”
He also wrote and performed
hits like “Dark Blue,” “The Mixed Tape,”
“Bruised,” and “Into the Airwaves.” These
tracks have also been featured on One Tree
Hill and Kyle XY, and movies like Snakes
on a Plane.
Jack’s Mannequin’s music is
similar to One Republic, The Fray, and
Lifehouse; but they have a punk-ier edge;
Rhapsody has described it as a “combination
of intelligent lyrics, infectious melodies
and killer piano.”
From The Glass Passenger,
McMahon has already released teaser
tracks such as “The Resolution” and
“Swim,” recorded during his performances
in the Vans Warped Tour this summer;
but fans have still eagerly anticipated the
studio versions on the album.
Because of its new producer,
Stephenie Meyer, renowned for her book
series, Twilight, Jack’s Mannequin has
more funding for music videos, promotion,
and possibly bigger tours.
The Glass Passenger has less
of a personal message than Everything in
Transit , but its many hits include “Swim,”
“The Resolution,” “ Crashin,’” and “Annie
Use Your Telescope,” the last of which
evoking shades of Mannequin’s previous
Jack’s Mannequin’s debut was
stellar to say the least, but The Glass
Passenger leaves a much more to be
desired. Everything in Transit was a
thought- provoking, relatable window
into the reasons for which the songs were
written, and if music doesn’t mean anything
to the audience, what is the purpose of it?
Though The Glass Passenger
exceptional in many ways, it is not on the
same level as Everything in Transit.
be attributed to its fantastic cast, including
stage and screen star Baldwin along with
Saturday Night Live’s previous head-writer
and performer Tina Fey.
She plays an exasperated comedy
writer named Liz Lemon. Also from
Saturday Night Live is Tracy Morgan,
playing the out-of-control and needy star
of the imaginary show, Tracy Jordan.
When these three unique and contrasting
comedy forces collide, the result is witty
and seamless dialogue. Other actors
include Jack McBrayer, as the innocent
young NBC page from a rural background,
Kenneth; and Jenna Krakowski, as the
desperate and often manipulated actress,
Jenna Maroney.
Season three of 30 Rock has been
eagerly anticipated, especially because
of a guest star list that includes Jennifer
Aniston, Salma Hayek, and Oprah Winfrey.
Entertainment Weekly has called 30 Rock
“the funniest sitcom on TV.”
Season one of 30 Rock is already on DVD,
and is worth the investment. Guests include
Will Arnett, from Blades of Glory and
Saturday Night Live, playing a compulsive
businessman named Devon Banks, who
continually butts heads with Baldwin’s
character. Season two will be released
on October 7th. Guests on the Season two
DVD include Jerry Seinfeld. Check out for more information on the
Maggie Luning
Staff Writer
NBC’s 30 Rock, the highly praised
comedy series, is about to begin its third
season this fall on Thursday, October 30TH,
at 9:30 PM.
Created by Tina Fey, the show
premiered in October 2006; it won
seven Emmy awards this past year, after
being nominated for ten. Some of the
Emmy awards that the show won include
Outstanding Lead Actor for Alec Baldwin,
Outstanding Lead Actress for Tina Fey,
and Outstanding Comedy Series.
The show takes place in New
York City, at 30 Rockefeller Plaza. The
characters write and produce a variety show,
and have to deal with their shallow network
executive, Jack Donaghy, played by Alec
Baldwin. Much of the show’s success can
Keira Knightly Shines in Duchess
Joanna Harkins
Staff Writer
The Duchess is more than your
typical 18th-century period piece. Yes, it
has the elaborate costumes, love triangles,
and family issues but also much more.
Keira Knightly (Pirates of
the Caribbean, Pride & Prejudice) gives
a wonderfully emotional performance
depicting Lady Georgiana Spencer, Duchess
of Devonshire. What makes this movie
particularly interesting is that it is based on
a true story; Lady Georgina Spencer was in
fact Princess Diana’s ancestor.
The movie begins with The
Duke of Devonshire’s (Ralph Fiennes- The
English Patient, Harry Potter) proposal
to the 16-year-old Georgiana, who is
first portrayed as happy and carefree, yet
Then comes the reality of her
marriage to a much older man who wants
nothing but a male heir. Georgiana distracts
herself by becoming a trendsetter in fashion
(a contemporary of Marie Antoinette’s),
becoming active in promoting the Whig
party, and
l a v i s h
balls. She
becomes a
great public
figure, who
is loved by
all except
husband, it
The Duke
with a male
heir from
and does
wish to speak with her to any great degree.
When Georgiana gives birth to
only girls, the Duke is infuriated. Georgiana
is forced to live with the hypocritical
Duke’s indiscretions. He soon makes
Georgiana’s best friend and confidante
Lady Bess
D r e a m ,
his live-in
is not only
twisted love
triangle in the
By this time
the happiness
and carefree
attitude of her youth is gone.
struggle to find love in a loveless marriage.
She eventually finds her own lover in the
passionate Parliament member, Charles
Grey (Dominic Cooper- The History Boys,
Mama Mia!), who has loved her since they
were teenagers. The Duke finds out about
Georgiana’s lover and threatens her, saying
that she will not be able to ever see her
own children again if she continues her
relationship with Charles. The Duchess
shows how the helpless and victimized
Georgiana struggles to find some semblance
of happiness and normalcy. The movie
beautifully depicts her desperate emotions,
and the cold-hearted brutality of the Duke,
the villain of the film.
Despite her fame throughout
England, Georgiana still has to choose
between her own personal happiness
and her children. The realities of being a
woman in the 18th century shine through.
Most of the time Georgiana simply has no
choice; her life is a sham, but one that she
is required to “play out.”
performances, beautiful costumes, and
emotional insight The Duchess is a
surprising delight. Rated PG-13 and 110
min long The Duchess is now in theatres.
Visor October 2008
Local Concert Venues
Devon Spencer
Staff Writer
With fall finally here and the
new school year racing along, everyone
will need a periodic chance to exhale,
relax and have a little fun. Is there any
better method for ridding oneself of a
little stress than singing and dancing to
the sounds of a favorite musician, live
in concert? In the DC, Maryland, and
Virginia, there are tons of concert venues
accessible to high school students. Some
are designed specifically for small, upclose musical performances, while others
are sports’ arenas; courts turned into
stages surrounded by thousands of seats. It
all depends on the type of music chosen;
but in this area there is something for
everyone. Take your pick: large or small
venues, urban or rural locations, and
cheap or expensive prices.
In DC, the most popular venues
include the Verizon Center and the 9:30
Club. Both are distinctive. The Verizon
Center, located in the heart of Chinatown,
is the home of the Washington Wizards,
NHL Capitals, WNBA Mystics, and
the Men’s Georgetown University
Hoyas. Here, all musical genres can be
experienced: singers such as Beyonce
and Christina Aguilera, or rock legends
such as U2, the Rolling Stones, and Paul
McCartney. Tickets at the Verizon Center
vary, but typically start around $50, going
as high as $200 or $300. A slightly more
affordable option might be the 9:30 Club
It is located in the U Street area of DC
and is super accessible, via the Greenline metro. This is a venue for people
who enjoy more alternative-style artists
and more intimate and personal settings.
Tickets range from $12 to $45.
In Maryland are Merriweather
Post Pavillion and Sonar. Merriweather is
located in Columbia, Maryland and has
also hosted a variety of artists, including
the Eagles. Another annual and well-
known event hosted by Merriweather is
the Vans Warped Tour, which takes place
every summer, with nearly 100 local
and national rock bands. Merriweather
has a unique and natural outdoor setting,
containing seats and a huge lawn, where
people can opt for blankets and picnics.
Tickets at Merriweather can be expensive,
ranging from $30 on the lawn and much
more for closer, theater-style seating.
A smaller venue in Maryland is Sonar,
located in Baltimore: an edgy, “nondescript warehouse” in appearance.
Tickets here range from $15 to $25, with
performances of mostly lesser-known
artists. From Virginia, driving is the best
option, considering there is no close
Of course, for the most
convenient venues, stay here in Virginia.
Two larger venues include the Patriot
Center and Nissan Pavilion. The Patriot
Center is the 10,000 seat arena of George
Mason University. You can get there by
taking the metro to Vienna and then a bus
or a cab to the stadium entrance. Ticket
prices go for about $40 and up, depending
on seat location. The huge outdoor venue
of Nissan Pavilion is located in Bristow
and ticket prices are generally the same
as for the Patriot Center. Every summer
Nissan also hosts the Vans Warped Tour.
For smaller concerts, two great concert
locations are the Birchmere and Jammin’
Java. The Birchmere is in Alexandria and
has no close metro, except for Pentagon
City, where you a cab would probably be
necessary. It is a well-known “intimate
music hall” and the prices range from $25
to around $100. Jammin’ Java is a hip
venue, “voted #1 best music venue in the
DC area.” It is located in Vienna and holds
general admission concerts, with local,
regional, and national artists. This place is
unique because it has a full dinner menu
and a café: ideal for the perfect evening.
Tickets here price in the relatively
inexpensive $10 to $20 range.
Moey’s Infinite Taylor’s Infinite
On Call
Kings of Leon
The Kids
Hide Another Mistake
The 88
On the Radio
Regina Spektor
All I Need
Matt Kearney
That’s Not My Name
The Ting Tings
Dying Is Fine
Ra Ra Riot
You, Me, and the Bourgeoisis
The Submarines
Shine A Light
Wolf Parade
In the Morning
Junior Boys
Guaymas Sonora
Neo Violence
The Tough Alliance
Electric Feel
The Start of Something
Why Do You Let Me Stay Here?
She & Him
L.E.S. Artistes
Barely Legal
The Strokes
Portions for Foxes
Rilo Kiley
I Always Get What I Want
Avril Lavigne
Everybody’s Happy Nowadays
The Buzzcocks
Vampire Weekend
My Name is Jonas
Then She Appeared
Is She Really Going Out With Him?
Joe Jackson
Hey Jealousy
Gin Blossoms
Watching the Detectives
Elvis Costello
Jenny Lewis
Page 10
Nick (Michael Cera) and Norah (Kat Dennings), make their way
through the crowd of a Where’s Fluffy? concert.
Nick and Norah:
(Almost) In Touch
with Reality
Taylor Brogan
Nick and Norah’s Infinite
Playlist was a refreshing twist on a
recycled plot line. Yes, it is pretty
predictable (Boy gets dumped by
the popular girl, boy meets a new
girl, old girl wants him back, he realizes that new girl was the one for
him, and they all live happily ever
after), but the details were what
counted for this one.
The soundtrack, as the title
might suggest, is one of the best out
there right now. Vampire Weekend,
Shout Out Louds, We Are Scientists, Bishop Allen, and The Submarines all grace the movie with
their beautiful music.
The dialogue comes as close
to real life teenager-speak as is possible in Hollywood. Norah (Kat
Dennings) and Nick (Michael Cera)
bring personalities so real and so
complex to the dialogue, that you
forget about the outrageousness of
the situation they are in. After all,
how many straight-edge teenagers
do you know who hang out in New
York City till the break of dawn
looking for a band called “Where’s
The movie itself channels a
sort of John Hughes-y portrayal of
teenage life--presenting all sorts of
teenagers from all sorts of cliques
(be it popular Tris, straight-laced
Norah, party girl Caroline, playboy
Tal, or bassist Nick) and examining the ways that different sorts of
teenagers interact in certain situations.
Norah is hard to keep up
with throughout the movie. She at-
tends a private (presumably Catholic, though Norah is Jewish) school,
called Sacred Heart. She is somewhat of a parental figure for her best
friend Caroline, who has somewhat
of a partying issue. Oh, and her father owns one of the most famous
recording studios ever (think David
Bowie, Led Zeppelin...).
She is in an incredibly complicated relationship with a wannabe rock-star, Tal (he’s really just
using her to get to her dad) that
has been going on throughout high
school and, until Nick, she hasn’t
kissed anyone else but Tal.
Oh yeah, and she’s straightedge, which (considering who her
father is and who her best friend is)
shows incredible strength of character.
Nick is the bassist (and only
straight member) of a band that currently lacks a drummer. Like Norah,
he’s straight edge, and Cera’s dorky
charm shines through a lot in this
role. Nick makes the “best mix CDs
ever” for his (ex) girlfriend Tris
(and Norah has heard every one),
and when he and Norah meet, their
musical taste is what brings them
All in all, this is a cute movie, and a nice addition to the world
of teen movies. While it may not
be the greatest movie ever made (it
may not even be the greatest movie
in theaters today), but the characters
are positive role models, the music
is sublime, the dialogue is witty, the
setting (New York City!) is beautiful, and, gosh darn it, I love Michael

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