10/02/2009 • reg: #5224641 • palomino • gelding
10/02/2009 • reg: #5224641 • palomino • gelding
Pieper Red Angus Fall Run Performance Leader Production Sale OCTOBER 24, 2015 ~ 1:00 P. M . MST ~ AT THE RANCH East and South of Hay Springs (easy access sign on Hwy 20) Sale Day Telephone Numbers: (308) 638-4631 - (308) 638-4632 (308) 638-4633 The Red Pages DEB PIEPER - H: (308) 638-4557 OR MARK PIEPER C: (308) 430-0989 TATE PIEPER - C: (308) 430-1777 Auctioneer Ringmen & Buyer Representatives TY THOMPSON - C: (406) 698-4783 JIM GIES - H: (970) 454-3836 C: (970) 590-0500 DAVE GEFFERT - H: (608) 524-4991 C: (608) 393-6991 ALAN SEARS - C: (970) 396-7521 JOHN GOGGINS - C: (406) 698-4159 DAN PIROUTEK - C: (605) 544-3316 Buyer Representatives DAN OTTE - W: (308) 327-2406 C: (308) 360-0236 JEFF ERQUIAGA - H: (308) 327-2946 C: (308) 360-0734 JUSTIN TRACY - C: (308) 962-4255 Head Sell 77 - Registered 18 Month Old Bulls 1 - Proven Herd Bull 6 - Registered Show Heifer Prospects 270 - Commercial Bred Heifers 13 - Registered Cows 18 - Registered Bred Heifers 6 - Ranch Broke Geldings 20 - AQHA Weanling Colts 3 - Kids Ponies C ATALOG AVAILABLE IN C OLOR @ WWW.PIEPERREDANGUS.COM ULTRASOUND INFORMATION WILL BE AVAILABLE ON SALE DAY AND ONE WEEK BEFORE THE SALE. Discounts $50 off each bull if taken home sale day 3% off for 5 or more bulls *Females are not included All lots sell in catalog order 3779 550TH RD HAY SPRINGS NE 69347 PHONE: (308) 638 - 4557 OR (308) 430-0989 EMAIL: PIEPERRA@GPCOM.NET Pieper Red Angus ACCOMMODATIONS: Nebraska Land Motel * Rushville, NE 308/327-2487 Antlers Motel * Rushville, NE 308/327-2444 Best Western West Hills Inn * Chadron, NE 308/432-3305 Jefco Inn * Gordon, NE 308/282-2935 Super 8 * Chadron, NE 308/432-4471 Holiday Inn Express * Alliance, NE 308/762-7600 r Annual Welcome to ou tion Sale, Fall Run Produc good hat keeps every portunities is w op of is e es ur ag ct nt pi va g bi Taking ad Looking at the s er in business. eper Red Angu Pi 15 20 , livestock produc 24 er ob ct one O n n O ai . m e do to unities. Th sometimes hard ry some opport ur st yo du t in ge u ck yo to n es tics. Whe will offer the liv rty years of gene fo er en ov be in ve e ha ar will be to sh th old bulls, that of eighteen mon realize that you eyes on this set mind, you will in u yo xt ith w d pe ther them up ne carefully develo them home, ga ke er ta ov , r em fo g th in n untry look can afford to ow ve to run the co ha t . no ill ill w w lls u yo bu spring and do the job these lings that won’t developed year n! make a ranch ru s we will offer a Pregnant cows twenty-five year st pa e th r mouth fo ne do will make your As we have bred heifers that s gu r An d he ot Re of An lare group can make one. . e as good as we do some culling water. They ar ed genetics and ov pr im e m so d ad opportunity to program too! plans to join k out our horse ec ch to re su ities and make Be un rt po op e es e of th Take advantag tion Sale! Fall Run Produc al nu An r us for ou we appreciate Thank you and your business! The Piepers Hwy 20 Hay Springs Douglas, WY Alliance Scottsbluff Rushville Pieper Red Angus TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Cattle sell under the standard terms and conditions as recommended by the Red Angus Associations of America. FOOD: Breakfast, lunch, & dinner will be available sale day. VETERNARIANS: Jeff Erquiaga, DVM, Rushville NE HEALTH: All bulls are on a complete health program and will be accompanied by health papers for shipment anywhere in the United States. All bulls have been vaccinated with IBR, BVD type I & II, PI3, BRSV, Pasturella, 7-way, Haemophilus and poured. All animals in the sale are on a complete vaccination program. All females are brucellosis vaccinated. Dr. Don Beck, Baker MT, ultrasounded the bred females in the sale. The commercial heifers will be re-examined by Dr. Jeff Erquaiga within one week of the sale. The bred females sell as pregnant on sale day and carry no further guarantee. FERTILITY TESTING: All bulls will be fertility tested prior to the sale and guaranteed to be breeders. GUARANTEE: All bulls are guaranteed by insurance only. Pieper Red Angus will pay 30% of the insurance premium on each bull purchased in the sale if the buyer chooses for the first year after purchase date. Jim Gies will be at the sale from the American Live Stock Insurance Company. FEEDING: We have fed our bulls on the ranch for the last 37 years and this year was no exception. They are fed a high roughage ratio. The feedback from our customers has been that the bulls are holding up very well under most any conditions. Pine Ridge ,SD Chadron TRANSPORTATION: Commercial airlines serve Rapid City SD, Scottsbluff NE, Alliance and Chadron, NE. Rushville has a run way for small planes. Valentine 7 mi. East of Hay Springs on Hwy 20 3 1/2 mi South or 4 mi. West of Rushville on Hwy 20 3 1/2 mi. South Pre Sale Calendar October 23, 2015 SPECIAL EVENT: Austin Speak, herdsman for the Dale Kunkel Farm in Neosho, MO is a sixth generation cattle man and deluxe dog trainer. He will demonstrate his Hanging Tree dogs working cattle Friday evening before supper and again mid Saturday morning. 6:30 PM MST - DINNER IN SALE FACILITY THIS INCLUDES SOCIAL HOUR ACCIDENTS: Every precaution will be exercised to protect the safety and comfort of those attending the sale. Neither the owners, auctioneer, or any sale staff assume any responsibility in this matter and disclaim any liability, legal or otherwise, in the event of accident or loss of property. LIABILITY: All persons attending this sale do so at their own risk and sellers assume no liability, legal or otherwise, for any accidents occurring in, on, or about the premises. We are not responsible for any typographical errors. FREE DELIVERY: Free delivery within a 300-mile radius on bulls. All trucking on females are the buyers responsibility, but we will be glad to assist with trucking plans. SALE BOOK: JC RANCH DESIGNS - Contact Jessamyn @ (308) 282-0312 jcranchdesigns@gmail.com - Gordon, NE. SALE LOCATION: Sale will be held at the Pieper Ranch 7 miles east of Hay Springs on Hwy. 20. Turn south at the PRA Bull Ranch sign and go 3 1/2 miles south. Or 4 miles west of Rushville on Hwy 20, then south 3 1/2 miles. EPDs: All EPD’s are current as of September 25, 2015. 2 • Pieper Red Angus Fall Performance Leader Production Sale • October 24, 2015 Reference Sires LSF Saga 1040Y 01/03/2011 • REG: #1445368 • LJRA 1040Y BECKTON EPIC D404 BECKTON BELGA D483 KR BECKTON EPIC K F075 BECKTON EPIC R397 K BECKTON KIT F468 JL BECKTON JULIAN GG B571 BECKTON KIT A517 NP BIEBER MAKE MIMI 7249 FEDDES LAKINA 310 FEDDES BIG SKY R9 LSF MINOLA T7172 W9041 LSF MINOLA K1279 T7172 EPD’s HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK MARB REA FAT • BW WW YW 148 51 • LSF Saga 1040Y • LCB JEWEL MAKER N155 LCC MINOLA K1279 3 -2.0 74 120 23 0.36 0.46 0.02 76 751 1238 LSF Prospect 2035Z 02/05/2012 • REG: 1547645 • LJRA 2035Z MESSMER JOSHUA 019P MESSMER MILLIE 124P MESSMER PACKER S008 LSF NIGHT CALVER 9921W LSF DELLA P4078 U8051 FEDDES BIG SKY R9 LSF DELLA G1372 P4078 BUF CRK ROMEO L081 BIEBER MELLSSIE 8337 BIEBER ROMERO 9136 LSF BLACKBIRD N3080 X0406 LSF BLACKBIRD 4055 N3080 EPD’s • LSF Prospect 2035Z • LCHMN RED SPREAD 1271F TC BLACKBIRD 4055 HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK MARB REA FAT • BW WW YW 136 52 10 -4.8 62 100 29 0.56 0.48 0.03 72 713 1250 PIE Code Red 9058 02/27/2009 • REG: #1348362 • PIE 9058 GLACIER MARIAS 548 LCC LICORICE K1280 LCC IMF B045M VGW GAME PLAN 508 VGW PT-DORY 0361 5L PRIME TIME 2559 VGW 819 DORY 0020 LCB HOSS A44N PIE STORMY 541 PIE STORMY BEEFMAKER 327 EPD’s • PIE Code Red 9058 • BLUE RIDGE PONDEROSA RSLND REBELLA 120-502 GEFB BEEFMAKER 2101 PIE STORMY 1050 HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK MARB REA FAT • BW WW YW 120 50 1 -1.3 67 96 23 0.65 -0.33 -0.05 81 704 1392 LSF Sand Hills 9008W 01/02/2009 • REG: #1305689 • PARK 9008W BECKTON JULIAN GG B57 MESSMER PANDORA M186 MESSMER JOSHUA 019P MESSMER PACKER S008 MESSMER PANDORA M186 VGW TOP PICK 130 MESSMER MILLIE 9416 BIEBER MAKE MIMI 7249 FEDDES LAKINA 310 FEDDES BIG SKY R9 LSF DELLA K1406 T7000 LSF DELLA G1372 K1406 EPD’s • LSF Sand Hills 9008W • LCHMN NONE HEAVIER1127D PARK ROBIN HOOD G1372 HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK MARB REA FAT • BW WW YW 164 51 9 -2.9 77 120 18 0.36 0.50 0.01 69 756 1250 October 24, 2015 • Pieper Red Angus Fall Performance Leader Production Sale • 3 Reference Sires Pie One of a Kind 352 02/10/2013 • REG: #1651711 • PIE 352 BECKTON LANCER F442 T BUF CRK JULIET N036 BUF CRK LANCER R017 BUF CRK THE RIGHT KIND U199 BUF CRK SHOSHONE R353 BUF CRK JULIAN L080 BUF CRK SHOSHONI 6410 MESSMER PACKER S008 LSF DELLA K1406 T7000 LSF SAND HILLS 9008W PIE FAYETTE 1160 PIE FAYETTE 782 EPD’s • PIE One of a Kind 352 • VGW GAME PLAN 508 PIE FAYETTE 5046 HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK MARB REA FAT • BW WW YW 160 51 10 -2.6 75 121 22 0.51 0.15 0.09 66 893 1503 PIE Gridmaster 589 02/06/2005 • REG: #1062835 • PIE 589 LCHMN NO EQUAL 1174D BLUE RIDGE KIMA 794 BLUE RIDGE PONDEROSA LCB HOSS A444N RSLND REBELLA 120-502 BASIN HOBO 79E KRN REBA'S ROBIN BUF CRK CHF 824-165 MRM 1431 8611 9109 BFCK CHEROKEE CNYN 4912 PIE KRUGGER KANYON 353 PIE LO KRUGGER 1159 EPD’s C - Bar Colt 121Y HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK MARB REA FAT • BW WW YW 108 50 • PIE Gridmaster 589 • PIE RED KRUGERRAND 9814 PIE LOGANESS 7166 1 -0.4 72 100 7 0.57 Loosli Right Kind 166 • REG: #1474516 0.53 -0.01 74 848 1409 • REG: #1432529 HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK MARB REA FAT • BW WW YW HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK MARB REA FAT • BW WW YW 149 52 128 50 1 -2.2 69 118 14 0.45 RED Lazy Mc Redman 20X 0.04 0.01 78 666 1211 3 -3.1 53 88 16 0.09 Tpie Wagonmaster 753 70 116 21 0.48 -0.13 0.33 85 662 1282 • REG: #1407188 HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK MARB REA FAT • BW WW YW 58 0.37 0.01 0.1 Haycow Cutting Edge 055 • REG: #1583602 HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK MARB REA FAT • BW WW YW 7 50 5 • REG: #1214047 0.5 60 87 27 Pie Packin Iron 0.85 -0.18 -0.04 82 882 1407 • REG: #1542267 HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK MARB REA FAT • BW WW YW HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK MARB REA FAT • BW WW YW 120 159 49 6 -1.4 58 87 18 0.32 LSF Optimism 1107Y 0.63 -0.02 76 737 1248 • REG: #1445627 HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK MARB REA FAT • BW WW YW 163 51 -2 -.01 83 126 14 51 0.56 Catalog Key: 0.40 0.02 86 639 1217 CALVING EASE *** Heifers ** Large Framed Heifers & Cows * Cows 5 0.6 85 135 18 Pie Game On 9109 0.56 0.40 0.06 74 905 1410 • REG: #1348599 HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK MARB REA FAT • BW WW YW 82 48 -5 3.1 64 108 7 0.21 -0.12 -0.05 85 757 1442 60% of the bulls in this offering are recommended for use on heifers! 4 • Pieper Red Angus Fall Performance Leader Production Sale • October 24, 2015 18 Month Old Red Angus Bulls Pie Long Range 4380 Calving Ease: 100% • BD: 04/02/2014 • REG: #1724393 • PIE 4380 *** CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB REA FAT 4 -2 73 111 18 13 0.81 0.17 0.07 • BW WW WRat YW 78 686 108 1276 YRat ADG 106 4.28 MESSMER JOSHUA 019P MESSMER MILLIE 124P MESSMER PACKER S008 LSF SAND HILLS 9008W LSF DELLA K1406 T7000 FEDDES BIG SKY R9 LSF DELLA G1372 K1406 LCC IMF B054M VGW PT- DORY 0361 VGW GAME PLAN 508 TPIE SCARLET 9061 TPIE SCARLET 5063 PIE PACIFIC 3173 RCRA SCARLET HerdBuilder: 126 Gridmaster: 51 Outstanding individual to lead off our Fall Run Sale. Long Range 4380 is an exciting herd sire prospect! Phenotypically its hard to make one better. He is deep ribbed and easy fleshing. He also has good feet, a great disposition, balanced numbers and a big marbling score. He is a complete package! Imf: 4.68 Rat: 152 Pie Colt 4463 Retaining 1/2 semen interest Calving Ease: • BD: 05/03/2014 • REG: #1724403 • PIE 4463 *** CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB REA FAT -1 -1.2 76 122 17 13 0.73 -0.06 0.09 TR COLT 45 UT806 100% • BW WW WRat YW YRat ADG 70 773 117 1325 109 4.18 BECKTON CODY V E023 BECKTON COCA L388 CK C-BAR COLT 121Y C-BAR STONY W928 VGW GAME PLAN 508 RED FINE LINE MULBERRY 26P BROWN-CBAR MS STONY ML P7500 LCC IMF B054M VGW PT- DORY 0361 PBCC FOXY HEART 9361 PBCC FOXY HEART 5158 PIE ATLANTIC 2204 RCRA FOXY HEART HerdBuilder: 133 Gridmaster: 52 Solid calving ease herd bull prospect that has a powerful performance record. A big spread from birth to yearling and out of a top cow with a 106.4 MPPA. PIE Colt 4463 is thick and moderate with a high IMF score. Retaining 1/2 semen interest Imf: 4.38 Rat: 129 Dams Mppa: 106.4 October 24, 2015 • Pieper Red Angus Fall Performance Leader Production Sale • 5 18 Month Old Red Angus Bulls Pie Code Red 4119 Calving Ease: 100% • BD: 03/02/2014 • REG: #1724256 • PIE 4119 ** CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB REA FAT -1 1.2 65 99 20 12 0.36 -0.19 -0.06 • BW WW WRat 86 644 101 YW 1225 YRat ADG 101 4.21 LCC IMF B054M VGW PT- DORY 0361 VGW GAME PLAN 508 PIE CODE RED 9058 PIE STORMY 541 LCB HOSS A444N PIE STORMY BEEFMAKER 327 HCF RED ROCK 212 RED NORTHLINE TRUEBLOOD 341T RED NORTHLINE GEM 341N GEF TRUE QUEEN 102X GEFB MISS SNOWBIRD 505 PIE AVALANCHE 381 GEF DAYLIGHT DIANA 2114 HerdBuilder: 127 Gridmaster: 49 Lots of muscle and look on this son of the proven sire PIE Code Red 9058. This bull has that range bull look that will add pounds to a calf crop. This set of bulls have never left the ranch and have been developed and tested to work for our buyers. Dams Mppa: 96.7 Pie Packin Beef 4180 Calving Ease: • BD: 03/06/2014 • REG: #1724218 • PIE 4180 *** CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB REA FAT 8 -2.3 67 112 23 16 0.53 0.35 0.05 HXC BIG IRON 0024X 100% • BW WW WRat YW YRat ADG 78 667 101 1216 110 4.0 BECKTON NEBULA P P707 HXC 825U PIE PACKIN IRON BDEE SYRINGA 898 HXC MAGNUM 4464P MESSMER PACKER S008 LCOC SYRINGA PA085 BECKTON JULIAN GG B571 HXC 701G PIE SUE ELLEN 021 PIE SUE ELLEN 8426 LCB HOSS A444N PIE SUE ELLEN 4007 HerdBuilder: 163 Gridmaster: 51 WOW! What a meat wagon! PIE Packin Beef 4180 is a calving ease bull that has a huge ribeye. This group of bulls averaged just under 15 inches on the REA at 365 days. Packin Beef will genetically enhance carcass traits. Retaining 1/2 semen interest Rea: 17.76 Rat: 119 6 • Pieper Red Angus Fall Performance Leader Production Sale • October 24, 2015 Dams Mppa: 102.6 18 Month Old Red Angus Bulls Pie Saga 4319 Calving Ease: 100% • BD: 03/24/2014 • REG: #1724298 • PIE 4319 *** CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB REA FAT 3 -0.4 72 109 16 12 0.40 0.43 0.02 • BW WW WRat YW YRat ADG 75 655 103 1231 102 4.17 BECKTON EPIC K F075 BECKTON KIT F468 JL BECKTON EPIC R397 K LSF SAGA 1040Y LSF MINOLA T7172 W9041 FEDDES BIG SKY R9 LSF MINOLA K1279 T7172 RED GEIS HI HO 180'04 RED DWAJO DUCHESS 75M RED SVR GANGSTER 14S PIE POLLY 177 PIE POLLY 6330 PERKS ADVANCE 121R PIE POLLY BJ E 2098 HerdBuilder: 145 Gridmaster: 50 There are several great LSF Saga 1040Y sons in this sale but this may be one of the best. Balanced in every trait in the Red Angus breed. He is a bull that will produce fantastic females and high carcass sons. Retaining 1/2 semen interest Imf: 3.17 Rat: 103 Rea: 15.15 Rat: 106 Pie Redman 4208 Calving Ease: 100% • BD: 03/09/2014 • REG: #1724375 • PIE 4208 *** CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB REA FAT 2 -1.7 56 86 14 10 0.41 0.29 -0.01 RED RMJ REDMAN 1T Dams Mppa: 100.6 • BW WW WRat YW YRat ADG 79 633 99 1230 102 4.33 5L NORSEMAN KING 2291 CROWFOOT KURUBA 4033P RED LAZY MC REDMAN 20X RED FLOTRE GOLD 47R PIE GRIDMASTER 589 LAZY MC WORLDWIDE 5K RED LAZY MC GOLD EDGE 47J LCB HOSS A444N PIE KRUGGER KANYON 353 TPIE JULY DALLES 816 PIE JULY DALLES DEKAP RED DALLES 345 SANDHILL PLAYMATE HerdBuilder: 115 Gridmaster: 48 Long bodied Red Lazy MC Redman 20X son with lots of milk and perfect testicles. His dam is a deep ribbed, broody cow with a nice udder. Imf: 3.20 Rat: 104 Rea: 14.70 Rat: 102 Dams Mppa: 102.6 October 24, 2015 • Pieper Red Angus Fall Performance Leader Production Sale • 7 18 Month Old Red Angus Bulls Pie Lumberjack 4250 Calving Ease: 100% • BD: 03/14/2014 • REG: #1724288 • PIE 4250 *** CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB REA FAT 1 0.7 67 94 12 12 0.19 0.26 -0.02 • BW WW WRat YW YRat ADG 64 649 100 1191 100 3.93 RED TOWAW INDEED 104H SIX MILE TIMBERLAKE 180T RED SHODEREE ECHETA 193N LSF TBJ LUMBERJACK 2801Z SRR LAKOTA 0123-027 PAR ULTIMATE DIRECTION GMRA LAKOTA 027 TPIE WAGONMASTER 753 PIE GRIDMASTER 589 BASIN ENCHANTRESS 1902 PIE REBA 1293 PIE SAMS REBA 7095 PERKS ADVANCE 121R PIE SAMS REBA 3167 HerdBuilder: 127 Gridmaster: 47 Here is a calving ease son out of our Jr. Herdsire, LSF TBJ Lumberjack 2801z. This bull has lots of body, a great disposition and a good big foot. These are all typical traits of the Lumberjack’s progeny. Look at his ribeye! Rea: 16.30 Dams Mppa: 95.2 Pie Networth 4325 Calving Ease: *** 100% • BD: 03/25/2014 • REG: #1724299 • PIE 4325 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB REA FAT 1 -1 74 105 19 14 0.28 0.75 0.03 • BW WW WRat YW YRat ADG 74 697 109 1320 109 4.51 PFFR SHAQ 607 BADLANDS NET WORTH 23U BADLANDS MEDORA 406 HOOT RIDGE NET WORTH NT34 HOOT T34 LSF SAND HILLS 9008W TPIE ADVANCE 401 HOOT N343 MESSMER PACKER S008 LSF DELLA K1406 T7000 PIE MADONNA 1382 PIE MADONNA 775 BASIN HOBO 79E PIE MADONNA 526 HerdBuilder: 141 Gridmaster: 49 PIE Networth 4325 has the largest ribeye in the sale offering. Not only does he excel in carcass traits, he will also add pounds to your calf crop with his high test gain. Rea: 18.02 Rat: 126 8 • Pieper Red Angus Fall Performance Leader Production Sale • October 24, 2015 Dams Mppa: 100.6 18 Month Old Red Angus Bulls Pie Code Red 4143 Calving Ease: 100% • BD: 03/04/2014 • REG: #1724190 • PIE 4143 ** CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB REA FAT 2 0 61 98 21 15 0.50 -0.12 -0.03 • BW WW 82 627 WRat 91 YW YRat ADG 1284 104 4.76 LCC IMF B054M VGW PT- DORY 0361 VGW GAME PLAN 508 PIE CODE RED 9058 PIE STORMY 541 LCB HOSS A444N PIE STORMY BEEFMAKER 327 MRM B571 978 L52 HXC GOLDILOCKS MA632 HXC HEADLINER 6601S PIE MISS GOODNIGHT 2271 PIE MISS GOODNIGHT 6261 LCB HOSS A444N PIE MISS GOODNIGHT 088 HerdBuilder: 148 Gridmaster: 49 Forty-two years of breeding is producing bulls that look like this! Your not just buying an animal your investing in a program. PIE Code Red 4143 put up a high test gain and a high ribeye score. Rea: 15.22 Rat: 106 Pie Colt 4403 Calving Ease: • BD: 04/06/2014 • REG: #1724408 • PIE 4403 *** CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB REA FAT 2 -2.5 64 95 16 13 0.36 -0.09 0.04 TR COLT 45 UT806 100% • BW WW WRat YW YRat ADG 64 627 98 1185 98 4.04 BECKTON CODY V E023 BECKTON COCA L388 CK C-BAR COLT 121Y C-BAR STONY W928 PIE GRIDMASTER 589 RED FINE LINE MULBERRY 26P BROWN-CBAR MS STONY ML P7500 LCB HOSS A444N PIE KRUGGER KANYON 353 PIE BOTEET 955 PIE BOTEET 745 HerdBuilder: 135 MABES RAMBO TUO PIE BOTEET 899 Gridmaster: 50 PIE Colt 4403 is thick, deep, moderate and easy fleshing. Don’t miss this calving ease bull! Imf: 3.13 Rat: 102 Dams Mppa: 99.4 October 24, 2015 • Pieper Red Angus Fall Performance Leader Production Sale • 9 18 Month Old Red Angus Bulls Pie Sandhills 4445 04/10/2014 • REG: #1724309 • PIE 4445 03/05/2014 • REG: #1724374 • PIE 4151 Calving Ease: HerdBuilder: 112 Calving Ease: HerdBuilder: 141 Dam’s MPPA: 95.6 Gridmaster: 49 *** 100% Pie Epic 4151 MESSMER JOSHUA 019P MESSMER MILLIE 124P MESSMER PACKER S008 100% LSF SAND HILLS 9008W FEDDES BIG SKY R9 LSF DELLA G1372 K1406 RBJR ADVANCE A709 PERKS MISS RAMBO 8105 PERKS ADVANCE 121R BECKTON KIT F468 JL PIE AVALANCHE 381 PIE FAYE 4039 BECKTON JULIAN GG B571 BECKTON KIT A517 NP PERKS ADVANCE 121R PIE MS GRAND C 036 TPIE LAKOTA 819 PIE SAMMY 9093 PIE DIVISION 7104 PIE DUCHESS SAMI 680 TPIE LAKOTA LOGAN 725 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB REA FAT • BW WW WRat YW YRat ADG 96 BECKTON EPIC D404 BECKTON BELGA D483 KR BECKTON EPIC R397 K LSF DELLA K1406 T7000 6 -2.2 59 BECKTON EPIC K F075 Dam’s MPPA: 101.5 Gridmaster: 50 ** 13 12 IMF: 3.78 RAT: 123 0.41 0.26 0.02 72 618 97 1196 99 4.18 REA: 15.20 RAT: 106 GLACIER LOGAN 210 TPIE MS LAKOTA SAUL 594 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB REA FAT • BW WW WRat YW YRat ADG -2 0.6 64 112 22 15 0.49 0.30 0.03 86 604 91 1219 100 4.18 IMF: 3.95 Great carcass on this sharp bull! Lots of maternal Pie Allright 4037 02/21/2014 • REG: #1724262 • PIE 4037 Calving Ease: HerdBuilder: 126 *** 100% Dam’s MPPA: 98.4 Gridmaster: 50 BUF CRK LANCER R017 BUF CRK THE RIGHT KIND U199 BUF CRK SHOSHONE R353 LOOSLI RIGHT KIND 166 LOOSLI CHATO 210 GLACIER CHATEAU 744 MISS LL NONE 848 MESSMER PACKER S008 LSF DELLA K1406 T7000 LSF SAND HILLS 9008W PIE VAL 1146 PIE MS D C CRICKET 7184 PIE PACIFIC 3173 PIE MS D C CRICKET 1079 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB REA FAT • BW WW WRat YW YRat ADG 6 -1.2 62 98 20 IMF: 3.46 11 0.43 0.02 0.01 61 573 100 4.89 REA: 14.07 Good carcass, big body and one of the top gainers! • LOT 12 - PIE EPIC 4151 • Pie Sandhills 4402 04/06/2014 • REG: #1724334 • PIE 4402 Calving Ease: HerdBuilder: 119 *** 100% MESSMER PACKER S008 Dam’s MPPA: 92.8 Gridmaster: 50 MESSMER JOSHUA 019P MESSMER MILLIE 124P LSF SAND HILLS 9008W LSF DELLA K1406 T7000 PERKS ADVANCE 121R FEDDES BIG SKY R9 LSF DELLA G1372 K1406 RBJR ADVANCE A709 PERKS MISS RAMBO 8105 PIE MS RAMBO TUO 6200 PIE MS RAMBO TUO 3219 RED COLE MISTER E 9J PIE MS RAMBO TUO 0347 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB REA FAT • BW WW WRat YW YRat ADG 6 -1 70 118 10 13 0.25 0.47 0.04 75 590 93 1283 106 5.02 REA: 15.59 RAT: 109 Calving ease bull with meat and muscle. His test gain will add pounds to anyone’s herd. • LOT 14 - PIE SANDHILLS 4402 • 10 • Pieper Red Angus Fall Performance Leader Production Sale • October 24, 2015 18 Month Old Red Angus Bulls Pie Allright 4299 03/23/2014 • REG: #1724318 • PIE 4299 Calving Ease: HerdBuilder: 99 100% Dam’s MPPA: 88.9 Gridmaster: 48 * BUF CRK LANCER R017 BUF CRK THE RIGHT KIND U199 BUF CRK SHOSHONE R353 LOOSLI RIGHT KIND 166 LOOSLI CHATO 210 GLACIER CHATEAU 744 MISS LL NONE 848 RED COLE MISTER E 9J PIE BOTEET 899 PIE ATLANTIC 2204 PIE POLLY 5139 PIE POLLY JR 9219 PIE JR 657 PIE POLLY DUCHY 447 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB REA FAT • BW WW WRat YW YRat ADG 0 2.6 70 110 10 10 0.30 0.06 -0.04 89 621 97 1184 98 4.08 REA: 14.63 RAT: 102 • LOT 15 - PIE ALLRIGHT 4299 • Power bull that will add pounds at weaning. Tkp Redman 4278 03/18/2014 • REG: #1725118 • TKP 4278 Calving Ease: HerdBuilder: 87 100% RED RMJ REDMAN 1T ** Dam’s MPPA: 95.9 Gridmaster: 48 5L NORSEMAN KING 2291 CROWFOOT KURUBA 4033P RED LAZY MC REDMAN 20X RED FLOTRE GOLD 47R COLEY'S ADVANCE 5106 LAZY MC WORLDWIDE 5K RED LAZY MC GOLD EDGE 47J RBJR ADVANCE A709 PERKS MISS RAMBO 8105 TKP BO DRIVE 7371 TKP BO DRIVE 1037 TKP BODACIOUS 693 PIE DRIVE 191 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB REA FAT • BW WW WRat YW YRat ADG -1 0.1 54 93 10 9 -0.02 0.19 0.01 84 612 96 1183 98 4.14 REA: 14.26 RAT: 99 • LOT 16 - TKP REDMAN 4278 • Long spined bull with a big Ribeye. Pie Way Out West 4091 Tkp Sandhills 4462 03/01/2014 • REG: #1724354 • PIE 4091 Calving Ease: HerdBuilder: 107 100% PIE GET WESTERN 4061 * PIE ATLANTIC 2204 PIE M.S. CADSAM 8192 PIE WAY OUT WEST 1061 LCB HOSS A444N PIE STORMY BEEFMAKER 327 RED COLE MISTER E 9J PIE BOTEET 899 PIE MS D C CRICKET 7184 PIE DEEP CANYON 908 PIE CRICKET DUCHY 597 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB REA FAT • BW WW WRat YW YRat ADG 15 11 *** 100% Dam’s MPPA: 104.0 Gridmaster: 50 MESSMER JOSHUA 019P MESSMER MILLIE 124P MESSMER PACKER S008 LSF DELLA K1406 T7000 FEDDES BIG SKY R9 LSF DELLA G1372 K1406 RED GEIS HI HO 180'04 RED DWAJO DUCHESS 75M RED SVR GANGSTER 14S TKP BODI 182 PIE MS D C CRICKET 1079 1.6 72 112 Calving Ease: HerdBuilder: 109 LSF SAND HILLS 9008W PIE STORMY 541 PIE PACIFIC 3173 0 05/03/2014 • REG: #1725123 • TKP 4462 Dam’s MPPA: 99.3 Gridmaster: 48 0.28 -0.01 -0.03 90 700 110 1334 110 4.60 LOG PUREWATER BODI 28L TKP BODACIOUS 693 LOG MS IMP 428 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB REA FAT • BW WW WRat YW YRat ADG 3 -0.5 78 119 16 12 0.49 0.37 0 .00 REA: 14.51 RAT: 101 IMF: 3.73 RAT: 110 Big performance numbers on this rancher’s bull. Big birth to yearling spread. Balanced carcass, calving ease bull. 70 715 110 1329 109 4.44 REA: 15.45 RAT: 106 October 24, 2015 • Pieper Red Angus Fall Performance Leader Production Sale • 11 18 Month Old Red Angus Bulls Pie Sandhills 4327 03/25/2014 • REG: #1724407 • PIE 4327 Calving Ease: HerdBuilder: 108 *** 100% Dam’s MPPA: 99.8 Gridmaster: 49 MESSMER JOSHUA 019P MESSMER MILLIE 124P MESSMER PACKER S008 LSF SAND HILLS 9008W LSF DELLA K1406 T7000 FEDDES BIG SKY R9 LSF DELLA G1372 K1406 SAMS PROSPECTOR 133Z PIE BOTEET 899 PIE GOLDLINE 506 PIE ROBIN 9272 PIE ROBIN TUO 0120 MABES RAMBO TUO PIE 1071 ROBIN 7061 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB REA FAT • BW WW WRat YW YRat ADG 3 -1.8 59 87 19 12 0.42 0.00 -0.03 77 640 100 1183 98 3.93 IMF: 3.26 RAT: 106 • LOT 19 - PIE SANDHILLS 4327 • This bull’s sire is eight years old and in great shape, very sound and breeds lots of cows in big pastures. Daughters are good producing cows! Pie Epic 4192 03/08/2014 • REG: #1724332 • PIE 4192 Calving Ease: HerdBuilder: 144 *** 100% Dam’s MPPA: 105.2 Gridmaster: 48 BECKTON EPIC D404 BECKTON BELGA D483 KR BECKTON EPIC K F075 BECKTON EPIC R397 K BECKTON KIT F468 JL BECKTON JULIAN GG B571 BECKTON KIT A517 NP BLUE RIDGE PONDEROSA RSLND REBELLA 120-502 LCB HOSS A444N TPIE CENTENNIAL FORTUNE 6005 TPIE CENTENNIAL FORTUNE 4071PERKS ADVANCE 121R TPIE CENTENNIAL FORTUNE CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB REA FAT • BW WW WRat YW YRat ADG -1 -1.1 51 79 26 15 0.70 0.20 0.08 77 572 90 1115 92 3.93 IMF: 4.72 RAT: 154 • LOT 20 - PIE EPIC 4192 • Epic R397K sons are consistently high marbling. Pie Saga 4209 03/09/2014 • REG: #1724285 • PIE 4209 02/21/2014 • REG: #1724261 • PIE 4306 Calving Ease: HerdBuilder: 131 Calving Ease: HerdBuilder: 126 *** 100% BECKTON EPIC R397 K Dam’s MPPA: 96.0 Gridmaster: 50 BECKTON EPIC K F075 BECKTON KIT F468 JL LSF SAGA 1040Y Dam’s MPPA: 98.4 Gridmaster: 50 *** 100% BUF CRK LANCER R017 BUF CRK THE RIGHT KIND U199 BUF CRK SHOSHONE R353 LOOSLI RIGHT KIND 166 LSF MINOLA T7172 W9041 4L MAKE A VISION 49T FEDDES BIG SKY R9 LSF MINOLA K1279 T7172 4L SUPER VISION R2292 4L MS MAKE MY DAY R904 PIE SAMMETTE 1356 GLACIER CHATEAU 744 MISS LL NONE 848 LSF SAND HILLS 9008W PERKS ADVANCE 121R PIE MISS SAMETTE 9112 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB REA FAT • BW WW WRat YW YRat ADG 18 LOOSLI CHATO 210 MESSMER PACKER S008 LSF DELLA K1406 T7000 PIE VAL 1146 PIE SAMMETTE 6120 3 -1.6 60 96 Pie Allright 4036 11 0.35 0.12 0.01 74 578 91 1140 94 4.07 PIE MS D C CRICKET 7184 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB REA FAT • BW WW WRat YW YRat ADG 6 -1.2 62 98 20 IMF: 3.8 LSF Saga 1040Y sons were very popular in last spring’s sale, they were the high selling sire group! PIE PACIFIC 3173 PIE MS D C CRICKET 1079 Calving ease bull 12 • Pieper Red Angus Fall Performance Leader Production Sale • October 24, 2015 11 0.43 0.02 0.01 55 573 100 4.69 18 Month Old Red Angus Bulls Pie Allright 4246 100% Pie Lumberjack 4308 03/14/2014 • REG: #1724287 • PIE 4246 03/22/2014 • REG: #1724222 • PIE 4308 Calving Ease: HerdBuilder: 123 Calving Ease: HerdBuilder: 107 * Dam’s MPPA: 99.7 Gridmaster: 48 BUF CRK LANCER R017 BUF CRK THE RIGHT KIND U199 BUF CRK SHOSHONE R353 LOOSLI RIGHT KIND 166 Dam’s MPPA: 96.9 Gridmaster: 47 *** 100% RED TOWAW INDEED 104H RED SHODEREE ECHETA 193N SIX MILE TIMBERLAKE 180T LSF TBJ LUMBERJACK 2801Z LOOSLI CHATO 210 GLACIER CHATEAU 744 MISS LL NONE 848 HCF RED ROCK 212 RED NORTHLINE TRUEBLOOD 341T RED NORTHLINE GEM 341N PIE FAYE 1278 SRR LAKOTA 0123-027 PAR ULTIMATE DIRECTION 1018R GMRA LAKOTA 027 RED SVR GANGSTER 14S RED NORTHLINE FAT TONY 605U RED NORTHLINE RUBY 0305N PIE FAYETTE 0149 PIE FAYE 4039 PERKS ADVANCE 121R PIE SAMMY 9093 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB REA FAT • BW WW WRat YW YRat ADG 2 2.3 68 117 17 11 0.39 -0.04 0.01 89 636 100 1317 109 4.93 PIE BO'S FAYETTE 182 TKP BODACIOUS 693 PIE MISS FAYETTE 605 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB REA FAT • BW WW WRat YW YRat ADG -2 -0.4 61 87 16 12 IMF: 3.16 RAT: 103 REA: 14.62 RAT: 102 Big yearling weight power bull. Big ribeye 0.12 0.18 -0.05 76 604 95 1188 98 4.23 Pie Sandhill 421 01/29/2014 • REG: #Commercial • PIE 421 Calving Ease: HerdBuilder: 100% *** Dam’s MPPA: Gridmaster: LCC IMF B054M VGW PT- DORY 0361 VGW GAME PLAN 508 PIE CODE RED 9058 PIE STORMY 541 LCB HOSS A444N PIE STORMY BEEFMAKER 327 MESSMER PACKER S008 LSF DELLA K1406 T7000 LSF SAND HILLS 9008W PIE 2295 PIE 840 VGW GAME PLAN 508 PIE MISS E 166 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB REA FAT • BW WW WRat YW YRat ADG 64 584 100 1192 100 3.38 • LOT 25 - PIE SANDHILL 421 • Moderate and easy fleshing! Pie Networth 4217 03/10/2014 • REG: #1724265 • PIE 4217 03/28/2014 • REG: #1724385 • PIE 4361 Calving Ease: HerdBuilder: 106 Calving Ease: HerdBuilder: 105 *** 100% BADLANDS NET WORTH 23U Dam’s MPPA: 96.9 Gridmaster: 48 PFFR SHAQ 607 BADLANDS MEDORA 406 HOOT RIDGE NET WORTH NT34 HOOT T34 *** 100% FLYING W ROBO BULL 117W Dam’s MPPA: 94.7 Gridmaster: 48 PIE ROBO 7004 RCRA FIREBERRY 1N PIE ROBO 1396 TPIE ADVANCE 401 HOOT N343 RED SVR GANGSTER 14S RED NORTHLINE FAT TONY 605U RED NORTHLINE RUBY 0305N PIE TAM 1086 PIE VERNICE 3035 GLACIER CHATEAU 744 PIE VERNICE 796 BLUE RIDGE PONDEROSA RSLND REBELLA 120-502 LCB HOSS A444N PIE MADONNA 8297 PIE REDFORK TAMARA 4035 GEFB BEEFMAKER 2101 PIE MISS DIVISION 0110 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB REA FAT • BW WW WRat YW YRat ADG 1 -0.5 55 Pie Robo 4361 83 Dark cherry red! 17 11 0.34 0.20 0.00 73 591 93 1185 98 4.30 PIE MADONNA 526 BFCK CHEROKEE CNYN 4912 TKP LASA MADONNA CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB REA FAT • BW WW WRat YW YRat ADG 1 -0.1 51 84 19 12 0.36 0.21 0.00 81 604 95 1200 99 4.32 Long made October 24, 2015 • Pieper Red Angus Fall Performance Leader Production Sale • 13 18 Month Old Red Angus Bulls Pie Fat Tony 4314 03/23/2014 • REG: #1724174 • PIE 4314 Calving Ease: HerdBuilder: 107 100% ** Dam’s MPPA: 103.6 Gridmaster: 49 RED SVR GANGSTER 14S RED NORTHLINE FAT TONY 605U RED NORTHLINE RUBY 0305N TKP FAT TONY 211 TKP MARIGOLD 0147 VGW GAME PLAN 508 TKP MARIGOLD 6186 HAYCOW CUTTING EDGE 055 LAFLINS CUTTING EDGE 2075 HAYCOW 370 PRINCESS 5002 PIE SUE ELLEN 2081 PIE SUE ELLEN 9081 PIE GRIDMASTER 589 PIE SUE ELLEN 4007 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB REA FAT • BW WW WRat YW YRat ADG 3 0 65 93 21 6 0.47 -0.03 0.00 79 760 110 1269 103 3.68 • LOT 28 - PIE FAT TONY 4314 • Moderate, easy fleshing, cherry red bull out of a top young cow! Pie Allright 4251 03/14/2014 • REG: #1724220 • PIE 4251 Calving Ease: HerdBuilder: 123 100% ** Dam’s MPPA: 99.3 Gridmaster: 49 BUF CRK LANCER R017 BUF CRK THE RIGHT KIND U199 BUF CRK SHOSHONE R353 LOOSLI RIGHT KIND 166 LOOSLI CHATO 210 GLACIER CHATEAU 744 MISS LL NONE 848 LCB HOSS A444N PIE KRUGGER KANYON 353 PIE GRIDMASTER 589 PIE EXPO BD PIE EXPO BD 8208 PIE MR BD 6025 PIE EXPO CRICKET 5518 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB REA FAT • BW WW WRat YW YRat ADG 4 1.1 69 102 18 11 0.43 0.05 0.04 84 673 106 1222 101 3.98 IMF: 3.30 RAT: 107 • LOT 29 - PIE ALLRIGHT 4251 • Lots of Volume Pie Saga 4306 Tkp Code Red 4016 03/23/2014 • REG: #1724279 • PIE 4306 Calving Ease: HerdBuilder: 121 100% BECKTON EPIC R397 K ** BECKTON EPIC K F075 BECKTON KIT F468 JL LSF SAGA 1040Y Calving Ease: HerdBuilder: 96 100% VGW GAME PLAN 508 ** Dam’s MPPA: 94.7 Gridmaster: 47 LCC IMF B054M VGW PT- DORY 0361 PIE CODE RED 9058 LSF MINOLA T7172 W9041 PIE GET WESTERN 4061 FEDDES BIG SKY R9 LSF MINOLA K1279 T7172 PIE ATLANTIC 2204 PIE M.S. CADSAM 8192 PIE YOCIA 1243 PIE STORMY 541 LCB HOSS A444N PIE STORMY BEEFMAKER 327 PERKS ADVANCE 121R PIE RAMBO'S PRIDE 0289 PIE BILLINGS 487 TKP V MAX 7033 PIE YOCIA 6359 PIE ADVANCE 4221 PIE YOCIA 0104 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB REA FAT • BW WW WRat YW YRat ADG 0 -1.3 66 102 17 02/19/2014 • REG: #1725101 • TKP 4016 Dam’s MPPA: 96.8 Gridmaster: 50 11 0.18 0.30 0.03 73 601 94 1160 96 4.04 TKP V MAX CANYON 2087 BUF CRK CHF 824-1658 TKP V MAX PRIDE N678 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB REA FAT • BW WW WRat YW YRat ADG 2 -0.5 46 63 17 9 0.49 -0.45 -0.02 83 517 81 1025 85 3.69 REA: 15.45 RAT: 108 IMF: 3.21 RAT: 105 Big ribeye on this Saga son. PIE Code Red 9058 sons have good feet and can travel! 14 • Pieper Red Angus Fall Performance Leader Production Sale • October 24, 2015 18 Month Old Red Angus Bulls Pie Net Worth 4425 • REG: # • PIE 4425 Calving Ease: HerdBuilder: 120 100% Dam’s MPPA: 99.4 Gridmaster: 47 ** PFFR SHAQ 607 BADLANDS MEDORA 406 BADLANDS NET WORTH 23U HOOT RIDGE NET WORTH NT34 HOOT T34 TPIE ADVANCE 401 HOOT N343 HCF RED ROCK 212 RED NORTHLINE TRUEBLOOD 341T RED NORTHLINE GEM 341N PIE JULY DALLES 1012 TPIE JULY DALLES 816 PIE GRIDMASTER 589 PIE JULY DALLES CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB REA FAT • BW WW WRat YW YRat ADG -2 1.1 59 75 17 13 0.39 0.43 -0.03 IMF: 3.32 RAT: 108 83 632 99 1112 92 3.48 REA: 15.60 RAT: 109 • LOT 32 - PIE NET WORTH 4425 • Carcass bull Pie Redman 4329 03/25/2014 • REG: #1724304 • PIE 4329 03/28/2014 • REG: #1724341 • PIE 4359 Calving Ease: HerdBuilder: 100 Calving Ease: HerdBuilder: 164 *** 100% Dam’s MPPA: 93.3 Gridmaster: 48 5L NORSEMAN KING 2291 CROWFOOT KURUBA 4033P RED RMJ REDMAN 1T RED LAZY MC REDMAN 20X LAZY MC WORLDWIDE 5K RED LAZY MC GOLD EDGE 47J RBJR ADVANCE A709 PERKS MISS RAMBO 8105 PERKS ADVANCE 121R PIE MS ADVANCE 3103 Dam’s MPPA: 105.1 Gridmaster: 49 LCB HOSS A444N PIE KRUGGER KANYON 353 BASIN ENCHANTRESS 1902 BASIN EXT H695 BASIN ENCHANTRESS J312 BUF CRK HOBO 2595 DOUBLE FORK 079Z BASIN HOBO 79E PIE RASPBERRY 7008 PIE MS RAMBO TUO 067 MABES RAMBO TUO PIE PROSPECTORESS 7013 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB REA FAT • BW WW WRat YW YRat ADG 14 100% PIE GRIDMASTER 589 ** TPIE WAGONMASTER 753 RED FLOTRE GOLD 47R 3 -2.2 40 69 Pie Wagonmaster 4359 19 0.29 -0.04 -0.04 76 505 79 1074 89 4.11 PIE RASPBERRY 5030 PIE AVALANCHE 381 PIE LOGANBERRY 572 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB REA FAT • BW WW WRat YW YRat ADG 4 -0.8 58 87 22 14 0.47 0.36 0.00 86 564 100 1048 100 3.51 IMF: 4.01 Moderate calving ease bull Good cow line Pie Prospect 4152 03/05/2014 • REG: #1724339 • PIE 4152 Calving Ease: HerdBuilder: 116 *** 100% LSF NIGHT CALVER 9921W Dam’s MPPA: 96.3 Gridmaster: 49 MESSMER PACKER S008 LSF DELLA P4078 U8051 LSF PROSPECT 2035Z LSF BLACKBIRD N3080 X0406 LCB HOSS A444N BIEBER ROMERO 9136 LSF BLACKBIRD 4055 N3080 BLUE RIDGE PONDEROSA RSLND REBELLA 120-502 PIE BOTEET 700 PIE BOTEET 899 TKP BODACIOUS 693 RCRA POTEET 9317 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB REA FAT • BW WW WRat YW YRat ADG 3 -1.5 57 91 27 11 0.17 0.33 -0.01 REA: 15.55 RAT: 108 Big ribeye with lots of milk 82 583 91 1208 100 4.53 • LOT 34 - PIE WAGONMASTER 4359 • October 24, 2015 • Pieper Red Angus Fall Performance Leader Production Sale • 15 18 Month Old Red Angus Bulls Pie Wagonmaster 4399 04/06/2014 • REG: #1728695 • PIE 4399 02/23/2014 • REG: #1724352 • PIE 4049 Calving Ease: HerdBuilder: 116 Calving Ease: HerdBuilder: 122 Dam’s MPPA: 97.8 Gridmaster: 49 *** 100% Pie Code Red 4049 LCB HOSS A444N PIE KRUGGER KANYON 353 PIE GRIDMASTER 589 TPIE WAGONMASTER 753 *** 100% BASIN EXT H695 BASIN ENCHANTRESS J312 SAMS PROSPECTOR 133Z PIE BOTEET 899 PIE RED VAL 8334 PIE STORMY 541 LCB HOSS A444N PIE STORMY BEEFMAKER 327 PIE DEEP CANYON 908 PIE CRICKET DUCHY 597 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB REA FAT • BW WW WRat YW YRat ADG 4 -2.1 48 70 16 IMF: 4.36 10 0.41 0.22 -0.03 57 693 100 1162 100 3.96 REA: 15.05 PIE QUEEN GAZELLA 702 DEKAP RED DALLES 345 RCRA GAZELLA 306 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB REA FAT • BW WW WRat YW YRat ADG 1 -2.3 52 78 15 12 0.61 -0.45 0.03 63 570 89 1084 90 3.73 IMF: 3.08 RAT: 100 Great carcass traits Good IMF Pie Game On 4324 Pie Redman 4179 03/25/2014 • REG: #1724223 • PIE 4324 03/06/2014 • REG: #1724284 • PIE 4179 Calving Ease: HerdBuilder: 87 Calving Ease: HerdBuilder: 113 Dam’s MPPA: 95.7 Gridmaster: 48 ** LCC IMF B054M VGW PT- DORY 0361 VGW GAME PLAN 508 PIE GAME ON 9109 *** 100% Dam’s MPPA: 98.0 Gridmaster: 49 5L NORSEMAN KING 2291 CROWFOOT KURUBA 4033P RED RMJ REDMAN 1T RED LAZY MC REDMAN 20X TPIE CASCADE 561 PIE PACIFIC 3173 RCRA CASCADE 4M LCC IMF B054M VGW PT- DORY 0361 VGW GAME PLAN 508 PIE FOXY 0176 RED FLOTRE GOLD 47R LAZY MC WORLDWIDE 5K RED LAZY MC GOLD EDGE 47J RED SVR GANGSTER 14S RED NORTHLINE FAT TONY 605U RED NORTHLINE RUBY 0305N PIE POTEET 129 TPIE FOXY 6070 PERKS ADVANCE 121R RCRA FOXY 19L CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB REA FAT • BW WW WRat YW YRat ADG 12 11 0.44 -0.16 -0.03 82 604 85 1132 94 3.82 PIE POTEET 9264 VGW GAME PLAN 508 PIE BOTEET 5535 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB REA FAT • BW WW WRat YW YRat ADG 3 -3.9 47 71 20 10 0.09 0.25 0.03 IMF: 3.57 RAT: 116 REA: 14.57 RAT: 102 Thick made Big ribeye with lots of maternal. Pie Redman 4174 99 1118 93 3.53 Pie Fat Tony 4363 03/05/2014 • REG: #1724275 • PIE 4174 03/28/2014 • REG: #1724175 • PIE 4363 Calving Ease: HerdBuilder: 98 RED RMJ REDMAN 1T Dam’s MPPA: 99.6 Gridmaster: 49 5L NORSEMAN KING 2291 CROWFOOT KURUBA 4033P RED LAZY MC REDMAN 20X RED FLOTRE GOLD 47R 100% *** Dam’s MPPA: 103.2 Gridmaster: 49 RED SVR GANGSTER 14S RED NORTHLINE FAT TONY 605U RED NORTHLINE RUBY 0305N TKP FAT TONY 211 LAZY MC WORLDWIDE 5K RED LAZY MC GOLD EDGE 47J RED SVR GANGSTER 14S RED NORTHLINE FAT TONY 605U RED NORTHLINE RUBY 0305N PIE RED DOLLY 1170 TKP MARIGOLD 0147 VGW GAME PLAN 508 TKP MARIGOLD 6186 HAYCOW CUTTING EDGE 055 LAFLINS CUTTING EDGE 2075 HAYCOW 370 PRINCESS 5002 PIE JUDY 2030 PIE RED DOLLY 6195 PIE ATLANTIC 4173 PIE MS DAISY 1001 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB REA FAT • BW WW WRat YW YRat ADG 2 -0.6 57 95 18 66 629 Calving Ease: HerdBuilder: 106 *** 93.8% GEFB NORTHERN CANYON 2328 GEFB CANYON QUEEN 2088 GEF GREAT NORTHERN 2562 PIE QUEEN GAZELLA 7345 PIE MS D C CRICKET 1079 -4 1.2 55 87 LCC IMF B054M VGW PT- DORY 0361 VGW GAME PLAN 508 PIE CODE RED 9058 BASIN ENCHANTRESS 1902 PIE GOLDLINE 506 100% Dam’s MPPA: 93.2 Gridmaster: 49 10 0.23 0.36 0.03 63 588 100 1136 100 3.98 PIE SAMS MR E 7061 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB REA FAT • BW WW WRat YW YRat ADG 3 -0.3 59 86 19 REA: 14.61 Redman sons consistently have big ribeyes. PIE BILLINGS 487 PIE SAMS MR E 1041 Good cow line 16 • Pieper Red Angus Fall Performance Leader Production Sale • October 24, 2015 9 .51 0.00 0.00 78 758 109 1273 103 3.72 18 Month Old Red Angus Bulls Pie Wagonmaster 4370 03/29/2014 • REG: #1724343 • PIE 4370 03/24/2014 • REG: #1724369 • PIE 4320 Calving Ease: HerdBuilder: 105 Calving Ease: HerdBuilder: 133 *** 100% Dam’s MPPA: 98.3 Gridmaster: 48 LCB HOSS A444N PIE KRUGGER KANYON 353 PIE GRIDMASTER 589 TPIE WAGONMASTER 753 BASIN EXT H695 BASIN ENCHANTRESS J312 PIE ATLANTIC 2204 PIE M.S. CADSAM 8192 PIE GET WESTERN 4061 PIE MISS DIVISION 7031 LSF DELLA K1406 T7000 GMRA LARAMIE 5110 PIE DIVISION 7104 RF TAM 4108-935-6094 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB REA FAT • BW WW WRat YW YRat ADG 10 100% MESSMER PACKER S008 MESSMER JOSHUA 019P MESSMER MILLIE 124P FEDDES BIG SKY R9 LSF DELLA G1372 K1406 LCC CHEYENNE B221L GMRA LAKOTA 341 PIE VERNICE 8130 PIE MISS DIVISION 0110 17 Dam’s MPPA: 95.3 Gridmaster: 50 *** LSF SAND HILLS 9008W BASIN ENCHANTRESS 1902 4 -1.9 52 72 Pie Sandhills 4320 0.44 0.18 0.02 71 598 94 1086 90 3.54 PIE PRIMETIME VERNICE 2029 PIE PRIME TIME 884 PIE VERNICE 9252 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB REA FAT • BW WW WRat YW YRat ADG 3 -1.5 61 99 17 14 IMF: 3.54 RAT: 115 REA: 14.32 RAT: 100 Easy calving moderate bull Balanced bull 0.25 0.17 -0.01 81 586 92 1225 101 4.63 Pie Lumberjack 4300 03/23/2014 • REG: #1724290 • PIE 4300 Calving Ease: HerdBuilder: 103 *** 100% SIX MILE TIMBERLAKE 180T Dam’s MPPA: 103.4 Gridmaster: 48 RED TOWAW INDEED 104H RED SHODEREE ECHETA 193N LSF TBJ LUMBERJACK 2801Z SRR LAKOTA 0123-027 VGW GAME PLAN 508 PAR ULTIMATE DIRECTION 1018R GMRA LAKOTA 027 LCC IMF B054M VGW PT- DORY 0361 PIE BOTEET 1258 PIE BOTEET 745 MABES RAMBO TUO PIE BOTEET 899 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB REA FAT • BW WW WRat YW YRat ADG -1 -0.8 76 105 20 11 0.24 0.19 -0.04 75 758 119 1335 110 4.18 REA: 16.19 RAT: 113 • LOT 43 - PIE SANDHILLS 4320 • Fancy looking bull Pie Sandhills 4412 04/07/2014 • REG: #1724307 • PIE 4412 Calving Ease: HerdBuilder: 106 100% MESSMER PACKER S008 * Dam’s MPPA: 101.6 Gridmaster: 49 MESSMER JOSHUA 019P MESSMER MILLIE 124P LSF SAND HILLS 9008W LSF DELLA K1406 T7000 FEDDES BIG SKY R9 LSF DELLA G1372 K1406 GLACIER LOGAN 210 PIE BOTEET 508 PIE LOGO 1149 PIE LASA LOGO 4246 PIE MS LASA 1271 PIE PRIME TIME 884 PIE LASA LEE 139 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB REA FAT • BW WW WRat YW YRat ADG 2 0.5 72 110 14 • LOT 44 - PIE LUMBERJACK 4300 • 12 0.21 0.03 -0.03 92 733 115 1293 107 4.04 Big performance bull October 24, 2015 • Pieper Red Angus Fall Performance Leader Production Sale • 17 18 Month Old Red Angus Bulls Pie Sandhills 4331 Tkp Epic 4114 03/25/2014 • REG: #1724305 • PIE 4331 Calving Ease: HerdBuilder: 132 100% ** Dam’s MPPA: 108.6 Gridmaster: 49 MESSMER JOSHUA 019P MESSMER MILLIE 124P MESSMER PACKER S008 LSF SAND HILLS 9008W Calving Ease: HerdBuilder: 131 *** 100% FEDDES BIG SKY R9 LSF DELLA G1372 K1406 SSS BLACK TREND 13B MEADOW CK MS SEAMAN 31A RED BRYLOR NEW TREND 22 PIE NEW GUSTY TREND 3036 15 BECKTON KIT F468 JL BECKTON JULIAN GG B571 BECKTON KIT A517 NP LCB HOSS A444N PIE KRUGGER KANYON 353B PIE GRIDMASTER 589 RED GEIS PRIME RIB 411 PIE DUCHESS 177 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB REA FAT • BW WW WRat YW YRat ADG 0.19 0.43 -0.04 84 689 108 1303 108 4.43 LOG PUREWATER BODI 28L TKP BODACIOUS 693 LOG MS IMP 428 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB REA FAT • BW WW WRat YW YRat ADG -6 1.1 68 106 18 14 0.55 0.35 0.04 REA: 15.51 RAT: 108 IMF: 3.75 Big ribeye Thick made, high carcass bull Pie Saga 4193 70 637 100 1191 100 4.02 Pie Saga 4391 03/08/2014 • REG: #1724258 • PIE 4193 04/04/2014 • REG: #1724370 • PIE 4391 Calving Ease: HerdBuilder: 156 Calving Ease: HerdBuilder: 146 *** BECKTON EPIC R397 K Dam’s MPPA: 101.4 Gridmaster: 50 BECKTON EPIC K F075 BECKTON KIT F468 JL LSF SAGA 1040Y *** 100% BECKTON EPIC R397 K Dam’s MPPA: 96.9 Gridmaster: 50 BECKTON EPIC K F075 BECKTON KIT F468 JL LSF SAGA 1040Y LSF MINOLA T7172 W9041 FEDDES BIG SKY R9 LSF MINOLA K1279 T7172 VGW GAME PLAN 508 PIE STORMY 541 PIE CODE RED 9058 PIE SAMS REBA 1080 LSF MINOLA T7172 W9041 FEDDES BIG SKY R9 LSF MINOLA K1279 T7172 PIE ATLANTIC 2204 PIE PRIME CANYON 927 PIE HOLIDAY 4027 PIE CINDER DUKE 8050 PIE SAMS REBA 6183 PIE BO'S ADVANCE 3040 PIE SAMS REBA 3167 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB REA FAT • BW WW WRat YW YRat ADG 2 -1.2 71 111 20 BECKTON EPIC D404 BECKTON BELGA D483 KR BECKTON EPIC K F075 TKP MISS FIRE 7022 PIE GUSTY 850 100% Dam’s MPPA: 99.7 Gridmaster: 49 BECKTON EPIC R397 K LSF DELLA K1406 T7000 4 -0.3 68 101 23 03/02/2014 • REG: #1725109 • TKP 4114 14 0.16 0.23 -0.03 76 678 106 1295 107 4.47 PIE PRIME FARGO 013 TKP FARGO 7064 PIE PRIME HOBO 826 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB REA FAT • BW WW WRat YW YRat ADG 1 -1.7 61 101 21 13 0.65 0.26 0.08 77 650 102 1246 103 4.32 REA: 14.46 RAT: 101 IMF: 4.07 RAT: 133 Big spread carcass bull Complete bull! Could have been in the front of the sale. REA: 14.99 RAT: 104 Pie All Right 4269 03/16/2014 • REG: #1724230 • PIE 4269 Calving Ease: HerdBuilder: 136 100% * Dam’s MPPA: 106.0 Gridmaster: 49 BUF CRK LANCER R017 BUF CRK THE RIGHT KIND U199 BUF CRK SHOSHONE R353 LOOSLI RIGHT KIND 166 LOOSLI CHATO 210 GLACIER CHATEAU 744 MISS LL NONE 848 HXC HEADLINER 6601S MRM B571 978 L52 HXC GOLDILOCKS MA632 PIE POLLY 0292 PIE POLLY 7052 PIE REDMOND 3170 PIE POLLY JR 9219 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB REA FAT • BW WW WRat YW YRat ADG 4 1.8 71 101 17 Big weaning weight 12 0.25 -0.19 -0.02 92 755 118 1154 95 2.89 • LOT 48 - PIE SAGA 4193 • 18 • Pieper Red Angus Fall Performance Leader Production Sale • October 24, 2015 18 Month Old Red Angus Bulls Pie Lumberjack 4110 03/02/2014 • REG: #1724282 • PIE 4110 Calving Ease: HerdBuilder: N/A ** 100% Dam’s MPPA: 99.6 Gridmaster: N/A RED TOWAW INDEED 104H RED SHODEREE ECHETA 193N SIX MILE TIMBERLAKE 180T LSF TBJ LUMBERJACK 2801Z SRR LAKOTA 0123-027 PAR ULTIMATE DIRECTION 1018R GMRA LAKOTA 027 RED GEIS HI HO RED DWAJO DUCHESS 75M RED SVR GANGSTER 14S PIE MINERVA 1264 WEBER MS ROB 2108 WEBER MR KING ROB 91 WEBER MISS DAKOTA 017 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB REA FAT • BW WW WRat YW YRat ADG 3 -1.8 59 77 18 47 11 0.47 0.05 -0.01 65 662 100 1194 100 REA: 15.70 • LOT 51 - PIE LUMBERJACK 4110 • Smooth made, dark cherry red bull Pie Saga 4389 Tkp Sandhill 4258 04/04/2014 • REG: #1724224 • PIE 4389 Calving Ease: HerdBuilder: 136 *** 100% BECKTON EPIC K F075 BECKTON KIT F468 JL BECKTON EPIC R397 K 03/15/2014 • REG: #1725116 • TKP 4258 Dam’s MPPA: 100.0 Gridmaster: 50 LSF SAGA 1040Y Calving Ease: HerdBuilder: 111 *** 100% FEDDES BIG SKY R9 LSF MINOLA K1279 T7172 LCB HOSS A444N PIE KRUGGER KANYON 353 PIE BOTEET 002 PERKS MONA 810U PIE GET WESTERN 4061 HHA CUB MONA 5010 RED RMJ REDMAN 1T RED FLOTRE GOLD 47R RED LAZY MC REDMAN 20X TKP VMAX 224 PIE BOTEET 899 TKP BODACIOUS 693 RCRA POTEET 9317 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB REA FAT • BW WW WRat YW YRat ADG 0 -0.8 7 3 114 19 12 0.55 0.43 -0.03 IMF: 4.14 RAT: 135 77 652 102 1305 108 4.73 REA: 15.57 RAT: 109 Good in every trait! TKP V MAX 090 PIE GRIDMASTER 589 TKP V MAX 8357 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB REA FAT • BW WW WRat YW YRat ADG 3 -2 61 94 18 7 0.10 0.32 -0.02 79 681 98 1230 100 3.97 REA: 15.73 RAT: 109 Large ribeye Pie Sandhills 4365 Tkp Epic 4113 03/28/2014 • REG: #1724392 • PIE 4365 Calving Ease: HerdBuilder: 139 *** MESSMER PACKER S008 03/02/2014 • REG: #1725108 • TKP 4113 Dam’s MPPA: 95.8 Gridmaster: 51 MESSMER JOSHUA 019P MESSMER MILLIE 124P LSF SAND HILLS 9008W Calving Ease: HerdBuilder: 131 *** 100% BECKTON EPIC K F075 Dam’s MPPA: 99.7 Gridmaster: 49 BECKTON EPIC D404 BECKTON BELGA D483 KR BECKTON EPIC R397 K LSF DELLA K1406 T7000 HXC MAGNUM 4464P FEDDES BIG SKY R9 LSF DELLA G1372 K1406 BECKTON JULIAN GG B571 HXC 701G PIE RASPBERRY 891 BECKTON KIT F468 JL PIE GRIDMASTER 589 BECKTON JULIAN GG B571 BECKTON KIT A517 NP LCB HOSS A444N PIE KRUGGER KANYON 353 TKP MISS FIRE 7022 PIE RASPBERRY 6421 PERKS ADVANCE 121R PIE BO DUCHES 212 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB REA FAT • BW WW WRat YW YRat ADG 7 -2.6 68 110 15 MESSMER PACKER S008 LSF DELLA K1406 T7000 LSF SAND HILLS 9008W PIE SANDHILL 2240 LSF MINOLA T7172 W9041 PIE GRIDMASTER 589 100% Dam’s MPPA: 99.2 Gridmaster: 49 13 REA: 15.47 RAT: 108 0.19 0.44 0.00 74 653 102 1267 105 4.46 LOG PUREWATER BODI 28L TKP BODACIOUS 693 LOG MS IMP 428 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB REA FAT • BW WW WRat YW YRat ADG -6 1.1 68 106 18 14 0.55 0.35 0.04 68 575 100 1109 100 3.88 IMF: 4.50 Lots of marbling October 24, 2015 • Pieper Red Angus Fall Performance Leader Production Sale • 19 18 Month Old Red Angus Bulls Pie Sandhills 4350 100% Pie Robo 4435 03/28/2014 • REG: #1724360 • PIE 4350 04/09/2014 • REG: #1724387 • PIE 4435 Calving Ease: HerdBuilder: 97 Calving Ease: HerdBuilder: 112 Dam’s MPPA: 95.7 Gridmaster: 49 *** MESSMER JOSHUA 019P MESSMER MILLIE 124P MESSMER PACKER S008 100% LSF SAND HILLS 9008W FLYING W ROBO BULL 117W FEDDES BIG SKY R9 LSF DELLA G1372 K1406 PIE ATLANTIC 2204 PIE PRIME CANYON 927 PIE EXPRESS 5148 PIE VERNICE 3035 PIE ROBO 7004 RCRA FIREBERRY 1N GLACIER CHATEAU 744 PIE VERNICE 796 BLUE RIDGE PONDEROSA RSLND REBELLA 120-502 LCB HOSS A444N PIE M.S. CADSAM 7277 PIE FAYE 8451 PIE M.S. CADSAM 8192 SAMS PROSPECTOR 133Z PIE MS CADILLAC PIE FAYE 480 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB REA FAT • BW WW WRat YW YRat ADG 11 0.46 0.16 0.03 79 603 95 1177 97 4.17 PERKS ADVANCE 121R PIE MS BO 0105 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB REA FAT • BW WW WRat YW YRat ADG 1 -0.1 49 76 18 12 IMF: 3.27 RAT: REA: 14.30 RAT: 100 IMF: 3.69 RAT: 119 Here’s an opportunity to put together several paternal brothers. Lots of carcass Pie Jackpot 4204 100% Dam’s MPPA: 95.5 Gridmaster: 47 PIE ROBO 1396 LSF DELLA K1406 T7000 4 -0.7 65 101 14 *** 0.31 0.27 -0.03 80 586 92 1130 94 3.94 REA: 15.80 RAT: 110 Pie Allright 4224 03/09/2014 • REG: #1724357 • PIE 4204 03/10/2014 • REG: #1724286 • PIE 4224 Calving Ease: HerdBuilder: 103 Calving Ease: HerdBuilder: 145 Dam’s MPPA: 101.9 Gridmaster: 48 * W C NORTHERN EDGE 0C04 LAFLINS QUEEN JULIET 713 LAFLINS CUTTING EDGE 2075 PIE CUTTING EDGE 2046 100% * Dam’s MPPA: 99.1 Gridmaster: 49 BUF CRK LANCER R017 BUF CRK THE RIGHT KIND U199 BUF CRK SHOSHONE R353 LOOSLI RIGHT KIND 166 PIE RASPBERRY TUO 7188 PIE EXPRESS 5148 PIE RASPBERRY TUO 4045 BLUE RIDGE PONDEROSA RSLND REBELLA 120-502 LCB HOSS A444N PIE RUBY RED 7387 LOOSLI CHATO 210 GLACIER CHATEAU 744 MISS LL NONE 848 RED SVR GANGSTER 14S RED NORTHLINE FAT TONY 605U RED NORTHLINE RUBY 0305N PIE REBELLA 134 PIE RUBY RED 4267 PERKS ADVANCE 121R PIE BO'S GIRL 1017 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB REA FAT • BW WW WRat YW YRat ADG 1 1.5 66 103 19 10 0.07 0.09 -0.01 88 620 97 1376 102 4.48 PIE REBELLA 923 BASIN HOBO 79E PIE REBELLA 7242 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB REA FAT • BW WW WRat YW YRat ADG 4 1.3 71 113 20 13 0.64 -0.12 -0.01 92 680 107 1317 109 4.61 IMF: 3.94 RAT: 128 Big stout bull Power bull Pie Impressive 405 01/22/2014 • REG: #1724210 • PIE 405 Calving Ease: HerdBuilder: 110 *** 100% BUF CRK LANCER R017 Dam’s MPPA: 103.1 Gridmaster: 47 BECKTON LANCER F442 T BUF CRK JULIET N036 MUSHRUSH IMPRESSIVE CN U216 MUSHRUSH CANDICE LT R238 TR JULIAN LT142 MUSHRUSH CANDICE M011 FORSTER CHIEF 7182ET RED CRESCENT CREEK FRCHIEF 7 RED CRESCENT CREEK DUCHESS 1 RED SOO LINE REBECCA 261P RED EAGLE ACRES REBECCA 78C RED EAGLE ACRES REFEREE 22Y RED EAGLE ACRES REBECCA 76X CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB REA FAT • BW WW WRat YW YRat ADG 4 0.3 62 93 20 Moderate and thick! 10 0.09 -0.10 0.00 72 496 100 1055 100 4.05 • LOT 60 - PIE IMPRESSIVE 405 • 20 • Pieper Red Angus Fall Performance Leader Production Sale • October 24, 2015 18 Month Old Red Angus Bulls Pie Networth 4188 100% 03/07/2014 • REG: #1724404 • PIE 4188 04/09/2014 • REG: #1724308 • PIE 4437 Calving Ease: HerdBuilder: 115 Calving Ease: HerdBuilder: 78 Dam’s MPPA: 102.4 Gridmaster: 48 ** PFFR SHAQ 607 BADLANDS MEDORA 406 BADLANDS NET WORTH 23U HOOT RIDGE NET WORTH NT34 100% ** Dam’s MPPA: 98.0 Gridmaster: 47 PIE ROBO 7004 RCRA FIREBERRY 1N FLYING W ROBO BULL 117W PIE ROBO 1396 HOOT T34 TPIE ADVANCE 401 HOOT N343 LCB HOSS A444N PIE GUSTY 5006 PIE HOSS 8146 PIE VERNICE 3035 GLACIER CHATEAU 744 PIE VERNICE 796 RBJR ADVANCE A709 PERKS MISS RAMBO 8105 PERKS ADVANCE 121R PIE BETH 096 TPIE CENTENNIAL FORTUNE 4071 PIE BETH 8158 PIE ATLANTIC 2204 PIE BO'S BETH 3119 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB REA FAT • BW WW WRat YW YRat ADG -1 0.3 66 Pie Robo 4437 96 20 12 0.28 0.21 0.00 80 681 107 1261 104 4.20 TPIE CENTENNIAL FORTUNE BJR CENTENNIAL 800 TPIE DUKES FORTUNE 5535 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB REA FAT • BW WW WRat YW YRat ADG 1 0.8 44 72 19 10 0.17 -0.03 -0.03 80 559 88 1110 92 3.98 Pie Colt 4459 05/01/2014 • REG: #1724402 • PIE 44459 Calving Ease: HerdBuilder: 129 Dam’s MPPA: 101.8 Gridmaster: 50 *** 100% BECKTON CODY V E023 BECKTON COCA L388 CK TR COLT 45 UT806 C-BAR COLT 121Y C-BAR STONY W928 RED FINE LINE MULBERRY 26P BROWN-CBAR MS STONY ML P7500 PIE GET R DONE 684 PIE CHICAWA 366 PIE RED RUBY 4094 PIE RUBY 9087 PIE CADSAM 6082 PAR DUDE A384N PIE M.S. CADSAM 8192 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB REA FAT • BW WW WRat YW YRat ADG 2 -0.3 72 111 13 12 0.24 0.09 -0.04 78 688 106 1207 99 3.77 REA: 14.81 RAT: 102 • PIEPER RED ANGUS SIRED FAT STEERS • Pie Fat Tony 4457 Pie Colot 4367 05/01/2014 • REG: #1724301 • PIE 44457 Calving Ease: HerdBuilder: 112 100% * RED SVR GANGSTER 14S RED NORTHLINE FAT TONY 605U RED NORTHLINE RUBY 0305N PIE FAT TONY 1242 PERKS ADVANCE 121R J PIE LASA CAN 122 PIE CODE RED 9058 VGW GAME PLAN 508 PIE STORMY 541 RAR LADY 1775 *** 100% Dam’s MPPA: 101.8 Gridmaster: 51 BECKTON CODY V E023 BECKTON COCA L388 CK TR COLT 45 UT806 C-BAR STONY W928 RED FINE LINE MULBERRY 26P BROWN-CBAR MS STONY ML P7500 VGW GAME PLAN 508 LCC IMF B054M VGW PT- DORY 0361 PIE FIREBERRY 0238 RAR LADY 9620 PIE MISTER GRID 7249 RAR LADY 6583 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB REA FAT • BW WW WRat YW YRat ADG 82 17 Calving Ease: HerdBuilder: 139 C-BAR COLT 121Y PIE LASA 5102 1 2.1 60 03/28/2014 • REG: #1724566 • PIE 4367 Dam’s MPPA: 100 Gridmaster: 46 12 0.05 0.00 -0.05 85 631 97 1126 92 3.58 TPIE FIREBERRY 6213 PERKS ADVANCE 121R RCRA FIREBERRY 1N CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB REA FAT • BW WW WRat YW YRat ADG 1 -1.8 67 106 17 13 0.46 -0.12 0.03 75 666 105 1206 100 3.92 IMF: 3.15 RAT: 103 October 24, 2015 • Pieper Red Angus Fall Performance Leader Production Sale • 21 18 Month Old Red Angus Bulls Pie Atlantic 4340 100% Pie Sandhills 4369 03/27/2014 • REG: #1724377 • PIE 4340 03/29/2014 • REG: #1724342 • PIE 4369 Calving Ease: HerdBuilder: 78 Calving Ease: HerdBuilder: 143 ** Dam’s MPPA: 100.5 Gridmaster: 49 RED RYL ELWAY 58D COLE FIRST LADY 9E RED COLE MISTER E 9J PIE ATLANTIC 2204 *** 93.8% Dam’s MPPA: 101.6 Gridmaster: 50 MESSMER JOSHUA 019P MESSMER MILLIE 124P MESSMER PACKER S008 LSF SAND HILLS 9008W PIE BOTEET 899 TKP BODACIOUS 693 RCRA POTEET 9317 MRM B571 978 L52 HXC GOLDILOCKS MA632 HXC HEADLINER 6601S PIE BONNE BEL 8167 LSF DELLA K1406 T7000 FEDDES BIG SKY R9 LSF DELLA G1372 K1406 LCB HOSS A444N PIE KRUGGER KANYON 353 PIE GRIDMASTER 589 PIE MS DAISY 7001 PIE BONNE BEL 5530 PIE DEEP CANYON 908 PIE DRIVE 191 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB REA FAT • BW WW WRat YW YRat ADG -2 0.9 69 104 15 11 0.40 0.02 -0.01 83 695 109 1222 101 3.82 IMF: 3.18 RAT: 104 PIE MS DAISY 5041 PIE AVALANCHE 381 PIE MS DAISY 1001 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB REA FAT • BW WW WRat YW YRat ADG 7 -2.6 65 101 18 15 0.98 0.29 0.13 71 617 97 1210 100 4.30 IMF: 6.14 RAT: 200 Highest IMF in the sale! Tkp Epic 4089 03/01/2014 • REG: #1725106 • TKP 4089 Calving Ease: HerdBuilder: 116 *** 100% BECKTON EPIC K F075 Dam’s MPPA: 98.9 Gridmaster: 49 BECKTON EPIC D404 BECKTON BELGA D483 KR BECKTON EPIC R397 K BECKTON KIT F468 JL PIE BO'S ADVANCE 3040 BECKTON JULIAN GG B571 BECKTON KIT A517 NP PERKS ADVANCE 121R PIE BO'S PRINCESS TKP MARIGOLD 6186 TKP GOLD CANYON 2048 PIE DEEP CANYON 908 JTK MARIGOLD 605 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB REA FAT • BW WW WRat YW YRat ADG -1 -0.6 56 92 19 11 0.41 0.24 0.06 79 620 97 1141 94 3.78 IMF: 3.09 RAT: 101 • LOT 67 - PIE SANDHILLS 4369 • Pie Wagonmaster 4408 100% 04/07/22014 • REG: #Pending • PIE 4408 04/02/2014 • REG: #1724280 • PIE 4382 Calving Ease: HerdBuilder: Calving Ease: HerdBuilder: 148 PIE GRIDMASTER 589 ** Dam’s MPPA: 98.8 Gridmaster: LCB HOSS A444N PIE KRUGGER KANYON 353 TPIE WAGONMASTER 753 BASIN EXT H695 BASIN ENCHANTRESS J312 HCF RED ROCK 212 RED NORTHLINE TRUEBLOOD 341T RED NORTHLINE GEM 341N PERKS ADVANCE 121R PIE SINA E 1103 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB REA FAT • BW WW WRat YW YRat ADG 93 16 100% BECKTON EPIC R397 K Dam’s MPPA: 101.1 Gridmaster: 50 BECKTON EPIC K F075 BECKTON KIT F468 JL LSF MINOLA T7172 W9041 FEDDES BIG SKY R9 LSF MINOLA K1279 T7172 VGW GAME PLAN 508 PIE STORMY 541 PIE CODE RED 9058 LAKEVIEW LIZABETH TAYLOR 117 PIE SINA E 6240 0.4 60 *** LSF SAGA 1040Y BASIN ENCHANTRESS 1902 PIE SINA E 1097 3 Pie Saga 4382 11 0.16 0.50 -0.02 81 518 100 1208 100 3.83 LAKEVIEW TOP PASS 734 SHOCO SIR ROBIN SHOCO TOP PASS 094 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB REA FAT • BW WW WRat YW YRat ADG 2 -1.3 71 108 20 IMF: 3.99 RAT: 130 22 • Pieper Red Angus Fall Performance Leader Production Sale • October 24, 2015 13 0.57 0.09 -0.02 80 689 108 1260 104 4.13 18 Month Old Red Angus Bulls Pie Redman 4466 Pie Saga 4307 05/05/2014 • REG: #1724260 • PIE 4466 Calving Ease: HerdBuilder: 112 Dam’s MPPA: 97.7 Gridmaster: 49 *** 100% 5L NORSEMAN KING 2291 CROWFOOT KURUBA 4033P RED RMJ REDMAN 1T RED LAZY MC REDMAN 20X LAZY MC WORLDWIDE 5K RED LAZY MC GOLD EDGE 47J VGW GAME PLAN 508 PIE STORMY 541 PIE BARONESS 1054 16 11 0.27 0.30 0.01 IMF: 3.77 RAT: 111 LSF MINOLA T7172 W9041 75 593 91 1233 101 4.63 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB REA FAT • BW WW WRat YW YRat ADG 6 -1.6 70 113 22 PFFR SHAQ 607 BADLANDS MEDORA 406 TPIE ADVANCE 401 HOOT N343 PIE POTEET 9328 *** 100% 12 0.23 0.28 -0.03 70 531 82 1088 89 4.03 RED SVR GANGSTER 14S RED NORTHLINE FAT TONY 605U RED NORTHLINE RUBY 0305N TKP MARIGOLD 0147 TPIE EXPO E 7173 3 -2.7 59 89 23 13 0.72 0.18 0.06 HOOT RIDGE NET WORTH NT34 HOOT T34 REA: 15.41 RAT: 107 02/07/2014 • REG: #1724204 • PIE 464 Calving Ease: HerdBuilder: 152 *** 100% LSF NIGHT CALVER 9921W Dam’s MPPA: 93.2 Gridmaster: 51 MESSMER PACKER S008 LSF DELLA P4078 U8051 LSF PROSPECT 2035Z TPIE ADVANCE 401 HOOT N343 HCF RED ROCK 212 RED NORTHLINE TRUEBLOOD 341TRED NORTHLINE GEM 341N PIE PRIMETTE 1060 LSF BLACKBIRD N3080 X0406 HXC CONQUEST 4405P BIEBER ROMERO 9136 LSF BLACKBIRD 4055 N3080 BECKTON JULIAN GG B571 HXC ELLIE MAY MA638 PIE PLAYMATE 245 PIE PRIMETTE 884 HXC MAGNUM 4464P PIE PRIMETTE 6194 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB REA FAT • BW WW WRat YW YRat ADG 20 73 743 107 1272 103 3.82 Pie Prospect 464 Dam’s MPPA: 97.4 Gridmaster: 48 PFFR SHAQ 607 BADLANDS MEDORA 406 LCB HOSS A444N TPIE EXPO E 3174 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB REA FAT • BW WW WRat YW YRat ADG 03/05/2014 • REG: #1724257 • PIE 4156 BADLANDS NET WORTH 23U LCC IMF B054M VGW PT- DORY 0361 PIE FAYE 2275 Pie Networth 4156 ** VGW GAME PLAN 508 TKP MARIGOLD 6186 VGW GAME PLAN 508 IMF: 4.03 RAT: 138 Calving Ease: HerdBuilder: 127 Dam’s MPPA: 102.4 Gridmaster: 50 TKP FAT TONY 211 TPIE WAGONMASTER 753 PIE POTEET 7355 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB REA FAT • BW WW WRat YW YRat ADG -1 0.7 56 81 82 683 100 1215 100 3.52 Pie Fat Tony 4362 Dam’s MPPA: 97.7 Gridmaster: 48 PIE POTEET 157 100% 0.21 0.02 Calving Ease: HerdBuilder: 119 RED SVR GANGSTER 14S RED NORTHLINE FAT TONY 605U RED NORTHLINE RUBY 0305N 19 0.46 03/28/2014 • REG: #1724191 • PIE 4362 HOOT T34 84 13 Calving Ease: HerdBuilder: 137 BADLANDS NET WORTH 23U 57 GLACIER LOGAN 210 SHY FANTASY 04/09/2014 • REG: #1724300 • PIE 4443 HOOT RIDGE NET WORTH NT34 0 PIE DEEP CANYON 908 PIE FAYETTE JR 961 REA: 15.58 RAT: 107 *** 1 FEDDES BIG SKY R9 LSF MINOLA K1279 T7172 SHY LANNA Pie Networth 4443 100% Dam’s MPPA: 102.3 Gridmaster: BECKTON EPIC K F075 BECKTON KIT F468 JL BECKTON EPIC R397 K PIE DEEP CREEK 120 PERKS ADVANCE 121R PIE BARONESS 2039 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB REA FAT • BW WW WRat YW YRat ADG 59 98 100% ** PIE FANTASY 043 PIE BARONESS 5128 -1 Calving Ease: HerdBuilder: LSF SAGA 1040Y RED FLOTRE GOLD 47R PIE CODE RED 9058 1 04/01/2014 • Commercial • PIE 4307 13 0.08 0.46 0.03 81 602 94 1138 94 3.88 PIE CHEROKEE PLAYMATE 0298 RED NORTHLINE TRUEBLOOD 341T PIE CHEROKEE PLAYMATE 348 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB REA FAT • BW WW WRat YW YRat ADG 11 -5.5 44 71 29 13 0.56 0.29 0.00 60 583 84 1037 84 3.28 REA: 16.15 RAT: 113 Big ribeye October 24, 2015 • Pieper Red Angus Fall Performance Leader Production Sale • 23 Proven Herd Sire Lsf Saga 1040Y Calving Ease: *** • BD: 01/03/2011 • REG: #1445368 • LJRA 1040Y CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB REA FAT 3 -2.0 74 120 23 15 0.36 0.46 0.02 BECKTON EPIC K F075 • FEDDES BIG SKY R9 BECKTON JULIAN GG B571 BECKTON KIT A517 NP BIEBER MAKE MIMI 7249 FEDDES LAKINA 310 LSF MINOLA T7172 W9041 LSF MINOLA K1279 T7172 WW 76 751 WRat YW YRat 11 1238 111 BECKTON EPIC D404 BECKTON BELGA D483 KR BECKTON EPIC R397 K BECKTON KIT F468 JL BW HerdBuilder: 148 Gridmaster: 51 Dams Mppa: 102 LCB JEWEL MAKER N155 LCC MINOLA K1279 Here is a great opportunity to own one of the breeds hottest sires in his prime. We have used LSF Saga 1040Y extensively and decided we could let him go to work for another breeder! We are selling full possession and in herd semen rights only! May tenth we put him with eighty-three second calf heifers of which none were AI bred and after sixty days pulled him. We ultrasounded this group and seventy-nine head were safe with calf. What a breeding bull! His sons topped our sale last spring and were the high selling sire group. The females we have calved are easy fleshing, sound, beautiful uddered and have wonderful dispositions. Don’t pass up this golden opportunity! 24 • Pieper Red Angus Fall Performance Leader Production Sale • October 24, 2015 & ) # ((! ($ &' & (# # )' • We encourage everyone that buys registered bulls from Pieper Red Angus to purchase the Red Angus feeder calf tags. They are very reasonable at ninety-nine cents and easy to purchase. Just call the association and they will verify the number of bulls you have and the number of tags you are eligible for. They allow the cattle to be aged & source verified and also enrolls them in the Red Angus Grid at Tyson and Greater Omaha. Several of the feeders that I buy Red Angus sired calves for, request that each calf has this tag to give them more options when they finish them. Also the heifer calves with these tags make them more valuable for replacement females. • October 24, 2015 • Pieper Red Angus Fall Performance Leader Production Sale • 25 Show Heifer Prospects Pie Ann 526 Dam’s MPPA: 104.2 • BD: 01/27/2015 • REG: #3466514 • PIE 526 CED BW WW YW 8 -1.0 58 95 ANDRAS IN FOCUS B175 MILK 23 TM MARB REA FAT 13 0.64 0.10 0.00 • BW WW WRat 72 MYTTY IN FOCUS DI ESTONIA 316 ANDRAS FUSION R236 ANDRAS BELLE B167 ANDRAS THUNDER B105 ANDRAS BELLE 416 TPIE WAGONMASTER 753 PIE GRIDMASTER 589 BASIN ENCHANTRESS 1902 PIE ANN 3322 TPIE DUKE MISS 8121 HXC HEADLINER 6601S TPIE DUKE MISS 410 PIE Ann 526 will be one of the most complete heifers to sell all year. As good of foot as you can put on one and she is the right size loaded with meat. She is sired by one of the hottest outcross bulls available. Pie Rosie 5130 HerdBuilder: 129 Gridmaster: 51 Dam’s MPPA: 103.1 • BD: 03/01/2015 • REG: #3466519 • PIE 5130 CED BW WW YW 7 -1.9 75 119 MILK 21 TM MARB REA FAT 11 0.52 0.12 0.05 • BW WW WRat 54 752 100 BUF CRK LANCER R017 BUF CRK THE RIGHT KIND U199 BUF CRK SHOSHONE R353 PIE ONE OF A KIND 352 PIE FAYETTE 1160 LSF OPTIMISM 1107Y LSF SAND HILLS 9008W PIE FAYETTE 782 BECKTON EPIC R397 K LSF COUNTESS 925R U8133 PIE ROSIE 3095 PIE ROSIE 079 HXC CONQUEST 4405P PIE ROSIE 8191 PIE Rosie 5130 is a tremendous individual out of PIE One of a Kind 352, who is one of the hottest new bulls in the breed. She is backed by a super cow line with high MPPAs . You will wear your tires out trying to find a female with this much phenotype and genotype in one package. HerdBuilder: 122 26 • Pieper Red Angus Fall Performance Leader Production Sale • October 24, 2015 Gridmaster: 51 Show Heifer Prospects Pie Agatha 566 Dam’s MPPA: 101.8 • BD: 02/03/2015 • REG: #3466515 • PIE 566 CED BW WW YW 7 -2.8 58 92 BECKTON NEBULA P P707 MILK TM MARB REA FAT 14 0.83 -0.36 0.00 19 • BW WW WRat 71 680 100 BECKTON NEBULA M045 BECKTON LANA M809 EP BROWN PARAMOUNT X7879 BROWN MS DESTINATION T7664 HAYCOW CUTTING EDGE 055 5L DESTINATION 893-6215 BROWN MS JULIA M7788 LAFLINS CUTTING EDGE 2075 HAYCOW 370 PRINCESS 5002 PIE AGATHA 3242 PIE AGATHA 6249 LCB HOSS A444N PIE AGATHA 0193 PIE Agatha 566 is eye catching, cool fronted show heifer out of a top Cutting Edge daughter. This might be Justin Tracy’s pick. By the way, we would like to thank Justin and Kaylee Tracy for the great job they do on our show heifers. Take advantage of this opportunity to buy out of the top of our calf crop! Pie Red Top 502 HerdBuilder: 158 Gridmaster: 51 Dam’s MPPA: N/A • BD: 01/20/2015 • REG: #3466517 • PIE 502 CED BW WW YW MILK TM MARB REA FAT 3 -0.5 74 121 21 10 0.55 0.18 0.03 ANDRAS IN FOCUS B152 • BW WW WRat 66 680 100 MYTTY IN FOCUS ANDRAS PINETA B91 ANDRAS NEW DIRECTION R240 ANDRAS KURUBA B111 RED SSS OLY 554T MORGANS DIRECTION 111 9901 ANDRAS KURUBA B71 RED CROWFOOT OLE'S OSCAR RED SSS GOLD EDGE 77R PIE RED TOP 3149 TPIE MISS CHEROKEE 828 4L 323 CONTINUANCE R59N RD TOP MISS CHREOKEE77E Wow! Take a look at this dark cherry red Andras New Direction R240 daughter. If you are looking for a top show heifer prospect that will make a wonderful brood cow that will produce you a high dollar bull stop here! PIE Red Top 502 has some of the most up front genetics you can buy. HerdBuilder: 105 Gridmaster: 51 October 24, 2015 • Pieper Red Angus Fall Performance Leader Production Sale • 27 Show Heifer Prospects Pie Gusty 5264 Dam’s MPPA: 106.4 CED BW WW YW MILK 3 1.1 68 102 21 • BD: 03/09/2015 • REG: #3466516 • PIE 5264 TM 12 MARB REA FAT 0.46 0.22 -0.01 • BW WW WRat 72 703 100 BUF CRK LANCER R017 BUF CRK THE RIGHT KIND U199 BUF CRK SHOSHONE R353 PIE THE COWBOY KIND 343 PIE CASCADE 561 PIE CODE RED 9058 TPIE CASCADE 561 PIE CHICAWA 366 PIE RED RUBY 4094 PIE GET R DONE 684 PIE GUSTY 9003 PIE NEW GUSTY TREND 3036 RED BRYLOR NEW TREND 22 PIE GUSTY 850 PIE Gusty 5264 is a deep ribbed, dark red, great disposition heifer out of the popular young herd bull, PIE The Cowboy Kind 343. She should make a great junior project. This may be the best set of show heifer prospects we have ever offered. Pie Strawberry 533 HerdBuilder: 120 Gridmaster: 49 Dam’s MPPA: 102.9 • BD: 01/28/2015 • REG: #3466518 • PIE 533 CED BW WW YW MILK TM MARB REA FAT 6 -1.1 72 117 26 10 0.49 0.34 0.03 ANDRAS IN FOCUS B152 • BW WW WRat 62 656 100 MYTTY IN FOCUS ANDRAS PINETA B91 ANDRAS NEW DIRECTION R240 ANDRAS KURUBA B111 LSF SAND HILLS 9008W MORGANS DIRECTION 111 9901 ANDRAS KURUBA B71 MESSMER PACKER S008 LSF DELLA K1406 T7000 PIE STRAWBERRY PIE STRAWBERRY 902 PIE GET R DONE 684 PIE PRIMEETTE 0319 PIE Strawberry 533 is a deep, powerful made Andras New Direction R240 daughter. She has a very good disposition. She is a twin and may be baron, but will be vet checked and we will know the results by our sale. If she is a free martin she will make a great market heifer! HerdBuilder: 118 28 • Pieper Red Angus Fall Performance Leader Production Sale • October 24, 2015 Gridmaster: 51 270 Commercial Heifers • is is the twenty-fih consecutive year we have developed, bred, and sold commercial heifers purchased from our bull customers. ey have been carefully selected for size, disposition, confirmation, longevity and will be weighing 1100lbs plus on sale day. For the last twelve years we have used Dr. Don Beck from Baker MT to ultrasound these heifers for calving date and sex with great accuracy. All heifers will be re-preg checked one week before the sale by Dr. Jeff Erquiaga. e heifers were synchronized and AI’ed April 24, 2015 to PIE One of a Kind 352 and cleaned up with sons of TPIE Wagonmaster 753, LSF Prospect 2035Z and Loosli Right Kind 166. ese bulls were carefully selected for calving ease with actual birth weights of under 78 pounds and under breed average birth EPD. • • • 163 Head are AI’ed to PIE One of a Kind 352 and will calve February 1, 2016 70 Head are bull bred and will calve February 20 to March 10, 2016 37 Head are bull bred and will calve March 11 to April 15, 2016 Many of these heifers are only carrying one small brand )( low on the right hip. ey will be sorted in groups with the buyer having the option of taking five head or more within the sorted group. is will be a unique opportunity to buy some of the fanciest bred heifers selling this fall in calving periods that suit your needs. A video of these heifers can be viewed on YouTube at PieperRA. • EPD’s • PIE ONE OF A KIND 352 • HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK MARB REA FAT • BW WW YW 160 51 10 -2.6 75 121 22 0.51 0.15 0.09 66 893 1503 October 24, 2015 • Pieper Red Angus Fall Performance Leader Production Sale • 29 Registered Red Angus Cows • Each year in our Fall Run Production Sale we offer bred females out of our herd. Many have produced bulls that we have marketed and females that we have retained in our herd. ese cows and heifers have been ultrasounded for calving date and sex by Dr. Don Beck, MT. ey have all been on a complete vaccination program and will be wormed and poured before the sale. ey are range cattle that have not been pampered and earn their living in big pasture most of the year. is year we are offering an outstanding set of eighteen registered bred heifers. ey are bred to some of the breed’s new and popular calving ease bulls. • Pie Agatha 4460 Dam’s MPPA: 101.8 • BD: 05/02/2014 • REG: #1728650 • PIE 5130 CED BW WW YW MILK 6 -2.5 63 97 22 MESSMER PACKER S008 TM 15 MARB REA FAT 0.37 0.14 0.02 • BW WW WRat YW YRat 68 799 119 1124 116 MESSMER JOSHUA 019P MESSMER MILLIE 124P LSF SAND HILLS 9008W LSF DELLA K1406 T7000 LCB HOSS A444N FEDDES BIG SKY R9 LSF DELLA G1372 K1406 BLUE RIDGE PONDEROSA RSLND REBELLA 120-502 PIE AGATHA 6249 PIE AGATHA 0193 BIEBER FUSION B546 - #1689758 GLACIER LOGAN 210 PIE BJ AGATHA 4019 EXPOSED 5/23 - 8/7 PIE Agatha 4460 is an angular, sound, great dispositioned bred heifer. She will make a beautiful uddered brood cow. HerdBuilder: 147 30 • Pieper Red Angus Fall Performance Leader Production Sale • October 24, 2015 Gridmaster: 50 Pieper Red Angus Registered Bred Heifers Pie July Patriot 4165 03/05/2014 • REG: #1728680 • PIE 4165 Dam’s MPPA: 94.0 Gridmaster: 49 HerdBuilder: 137 100% BECKTON EPIC K F075 BECKTON KIT F468 JL BECKTON EPIC R397 K LSF SAGA 1040Y LSF MINOLA T7172 W9041 FEDDES BIG SKY R9 LSF MINOLA K1279 T7172 RED COLE MISTER E 9J PIE BOTEET 899 PIE ATLANTIC 2204 PIE JULY PATRIOT 8128 PIE JULY PATRIOT 801 RED GEIS PRIME RIB 411 SANDHILL PLAYMATE CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB REA FAT • BW WW WRat YW YRat -1 0.3 69 105 16 13 0.31 RMS PREMIUM 3747 - #1657630 0.35 -0.01 EXPOSED 78 520 100 872 100 5/23 - 8/7 • LOT 85 - PIE JULY PATRIOT 4165 • Solid LSF Saga 1040Y daughter. Pie Yocia 4172 Pie Judy 4318 03/05/2014 • REG: #1724315 • PIE 4172 HerdBuilder: 100% RED CROWFOOT OLE'S OSCAR MLK CRK CUB 722 RED CROWFOOT OMEGA 9179J RED SSS OLY 554T 5L NORSEMAN KING 2291 RED SSS GOLD EDBE 714F T3 CHIEF 2887 ROY ADVANCE A209 100% BUF CRK LANCER R017 BUF CRK THE RIGHT KIND U199 BUF CRK SHOSHONE R353 LOOSLI CHATO 210 GLACIER CHATEAU 744 MISS LL NONE 848 LCB HOSS A444N PIE KRUGGER KANYON 353 PIE GRIDMASTER 589 PIE YOCIA 5015 PIE JUDY 039 PIE YOCIA 0104 TKP BODACIOUS 693 PIE YOCIA EXPO 557 PIE JUDY 8284 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB REA FAT • BW WW WRat YW YRat 75 122 Dam’s MPPA: 100.6 Gridmaster: HerdBuilder: LOOSLI RIGHT KIND 166 RED SSS GOLD EDGE 77R RBJR ADVANCE A709 -5 -1.7 • REG: #Pending • PIE 4318 Dam’s MPPA: 102.5 Gridmaster: 13 8 0.38 0.09 -0.01 RMS PREMIUM 3747 - #1657630 EXPOSED CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB REA FAT • BW WW WRat YW YRat 4 5/23 - 8/7 PIE ADVANCE 6403 PIE BARONESS 3081 -0.2 66 104 18 11 PIE PROSPECT 493 - #1724179 0.45 0.01 -0.1 EXPOSED 5/23 - 8/7 She will be a producer. Pie Perk E 4014 02/19/2014 • REG: #1728647 • PIE 4014 Dam’s MPPA: 94.2 Gridmaster: 49 HerdBuilder: 147 100% BECKTON EPIC K F075 BECKTON KIT F468 JL BECKTON EPIC R397 K LSF OPTIMISM 1107Y LSF COUNTESS 925R U8133 MESSMER PACKER S008 925R JRSF GLACIER CHATEAU 744 PERKS MISS RAMBO 8105 PERKS CHATEAU 309R PIE PERK 'E' 6198 PIE MISS E 1026 RED COLE MISTER E 9J PIE MISSY CRICKET 6020 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB REA FAT • BW WW WRat YW YRat -1 -1.8 62 92 12 15 0.35 BIEBER FUSION B546 - #1689758 0.33 0.01 EXPOSED 70 515 5/23 - 8/7 85 797 87 • LOT 88 - PIE PERK E 4014 • Square hipped and chisel fronted. October 24, 2015 • Pieper Red Angus Fall Performance Leader Production Sale • 31 Pieper Red Angus Registered Bred Heifers Pie Ms Rambo Tuo 4455 Erks Lasa Berry 409 04/16/2014 • REG: #1728615 • PIE 4455 02/06/2014 • REG: #1686531 • JMBE 409 Dam’s MPPA: 104.9 Gridmaster: 51 HerdBuilder: 132 100% BUF CRK LANCER R017 BUF CRK THE RIGHT KIND U199 BUF CRK SHOSHONE R353 LOOSLI RIGHT KIND 166 GLACIER CHATEAU 744 MISS LL NONE 848 HCF RED ROCK 212 RED NORTHLINE TRUEBLOOD 341TRED NORTHLINE GEM 341N 22 11 0.33 RMS PREMIUM 3747 - #1657630 PIE LASAM 708 0.11 0.02 EXPOSED 74 682 113 1083 118 5/23 - 8/7 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB REA FAT • BW WW WRat YW YRat -4 0.8 73 118 18 LCC IMF B054M VGW PT- DORY 0361 VGW GAME PLAN 508 AI 82 653 97 886 98 5/15 Dam’s MPPA: 112.6 Gridmaster: 48 HerdBuilder: 162 100% PIE GAME ON 9109 BECKTON EPIC K F075 BECKTON KIT F468 JL BECKTON EPIC R397 K LSF OPTIMISM 1107Y TPIE CASCADE 561 PIE PACIFIC 3173 RCRA CASCADE 4M PIE CHICAWA 366 PIE RED RUBY 4094 PIE GET R DONE 684 MESSMER PACKER S008 925R JRSF BLUE RIDGE PONDEROSA RSLND REBELLA 120-502 PIE ICE WHEEL 7236 PIE RAZZY RAND 7261 PIE REDMOND 3170 PIE RAZZY RAND 1076 PIE ICE WHEEL 4506 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB REA FAT • BW WW WRat YW YRat 67 102 12 LSF COUNTESS 925R U8133 LCB HOSS A444N PIE RAZZY RAND 0174 AI 0.31 0.04 02/19/2014 • REG: #1728664 • PIE 4019 Dam’s MPPA: 101.8 Gridmaster: 48 HerdBuilder: 92 PURSUIT 0.44 Pie Ice Wheel 4019 03/15/2014 • REG: #1728581 • PIE 4261 1.8 19 High performance Epic daughter. Pie Razzy Rand 4261 -2 RED COMPASS MULBERRY 449M RED DUS FAYETTE 8G PERKS ADVANCE 121R PIE LASAM 491 ERKS CONQUEST 4918 - #1682944 Deep and broody 100% BECKTON JULIAN GG B571 BECKTON KIT A517 NP RED FINE LINE MULBERRY 26P PIE GET R DONE 684 PIE MS RAMBO TUO 6253 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB REA FAT • BW WW WRat YW YRat 74 129 BECKTON KIT F468 JL ERKS LASAM 903 PIE MS RAMBO TUO 860 1.1 100% BECKTON EPIC D404 BECKTON BELGA D483 KR BECKTON EPIC K F075 BECKTON EPIC R397 K LOOSLI CHATO 210 PIE MS RAMBO TUO 1140 4 Dam’s MPPA: 100 Gridmaster: 50 HerdBuilder: 167 9 0.27 0.11 -0.03 78 654 108 963 105 4/25 TKP BODACIOUS 693 PIE ICEWHEEL 119 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB REA FAT • BW WW WRat YW YRat -1 1.8 72 102 19 16 RMS PREMIUM 3747 - #1657630 0.31 0.13 0.00 EXPOSED 85 691 115 978 107 5/23 - 8/7 Lots of power Erks Kuruba 405 Pie Vernice 4274 02/02/2014 • REG: #1686538 • JMBE 405 100% HerdBuilder: 106 Dam’s MPPA: 100 Gridmaster: 50 RED CROWFOOT OLE'S OSCAR MLK CRK CUB 722 RED CROWFOOT OMEGA 9179J RED SSS OLY 554T 5L NORSEMAN KING 2291 RED SSS GOLD EDBE 714F RED NORTHLINE ROB ROY 122K RED NORTHLINE GEM 341N ERKS KURUBA 211 100% BASIN HOBO 79E PIE AGATHA 6249 PIE BASIN HOBO 869 PIE EXPO BD PIE GRIDMASTER 589 PIE EXPO BD 8208 HAYCOW CUTTING EDGE 055 LAFLINS CUTTING EDGE 2075 HAYCOW 370 PRINCESS 5002 PIE VERNICE 2312 ERKS WESTERN KURUBA 909 PIE GET WESTERN 4061 ERKS KURUBA 407 PIE VERNICE 9073 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB REA FAT • BW WW WRat YW YRat 65 106 Dam’s MPPA: 94.4 Gridmaster: 48 HerdBuilder: 135 PIE BASIN HOBO 2268 RED SSS GOLD EDGE 77R RED NORTHLINE REV 341R -2 -0.8 03/17/2014 • REG: #1728566 • PIE 4274 15 11 0.48 0.07 0.01 ANDRAS NEW DIRECTION R240 - #1506922 77 616 100 HEIFER AI 832 100 4/25 VGW GAME PLAN 508 PIE VERNICE 6060 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB REA FAT • BW WW WRat YW YRat 5 -1.8 40 61 24 14 PIE PROSPECT 493 - #1724179 AI’ed to New Direction. 32 • Pieper Red Angus Fall Performance Leader Production Sale • October 24, 2015 0.52 -0.08 -0.01 EXPOSED 70 511 5/23 - 8/7 86 808 91 Pieper Red Angus Registered Bred Heifers Pie Tamara 4438 Erks Kuruba 408 04/09/2014 • REG: #1728638 • PIE 44438 02/03/2014 • REG: #1686530 • JMBE 408 Dam’s MPPA: 88.3 Gridmaster: 48 HerdBuilder: 111 100% LCB HOSS A444N PIE KRUGGER KANYON 353 PIE GRIDMASTER 589 100% TPIE WAGONMASTER 753 BASIN EXT H695 BASIN ENCHANTRESS J312 BADLANDS MR BEEF 805 GEF SWEET BABY 9814 PIE DIVISION 7104 RF TAM 4108-935-6094 9 0.42 PIE PROSPECT 493 - #1724179 0.19 -0.01 EXPOSED 78 527 87 844 92 5/23 - 8/7 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB REA FAT • BW WW WRat YW YRat -3 0.3 75 119 17 673 100 BULL 892 98 AI 4/25 Dam’s MPPA: 86 Gridmaster: 50 HerdBuilder: 107 100% MESSMER PACKER S008 LSF DELLA P4078 U8051 LSF NIGHT CALVER 9921W LSF PROSPECT 2035Z LSF DELLA K1406 T7000 FEDDES BIG SKY R9 LSF DELLA G1372 K1406 TLA NORTHERN SAMURAI KBJ ROUND LASSIE 18T SAMS PROSPECTOR 133Z LSF BLACKBIRD N3080 X0406 BIEBER ROMERO 9136 LSF BLACKBIRD 4055 N3080 GLACIER CHATEAU 744 PIE RED BARONESS 592 PIE CHATEAU 2104 PIE BOTEET 310 PIE POTEET 4212 PIE BOTEET 899 TKP BODACIOUS 693 RCRA POTEET 9317 PIE MS SAMBO 203 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB REA FAT • BW WW WRat YW YRat 97 77 02/16/2014 • REG: #1728632 • PIE 498 Dam’s MPPA: 98.1 Gridmaster: 49 LSF SAND HILLS 9008W 4 -1.5 64 0.41 0.19 0.05 Pie Poteet 498 MESSMER JOSHUA 019P MESSMER MILLIE 124P MESSMER PACKER S008 15 High performance Epic daughter with a AI’ed February New Direction calf. 04/07/2014 • REG: #1728631 • PIE 4414 HerdBuilder: 109 GEFB BEEFMAKER 2101 FISCHERS KURUBA 944 ANDRAS NEW DIRECTION R240 - #1506922 Pie Boteet 4414 100% PIE ATLANTIC 2204 PIE M.S. CADSAM 8192 ERKS KURUBA 407 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB REA FAT • BW WW WRat YW YRat 10 BECKTON JULIAN GG B571 BECKTON KIT A517 NP ERKS KURUBA 2909 PIE MISS DIVISION 0110 84 BECKTON KIT F468 JL PIE GET WESTERN 4061 PIE REDFORK TAMARA 4035 0.1 56 BECKTON EPIC D404 BECKTON BELGA D483 KR BECKTON EPIC K F075 BECKTON EPIC R397 K BASIN ENCHANTRESS 1902 GEFB BEEFMAKER 2101 5 Dam’s MPPA: 100.7 Gridmaster: 50 HerdBuilder: 130 16 12 0.38 BIEBER FUSION B546 - #1689758 0.07 -0.01 EXPOSED 70 609 101 921 100 5/23 - 8/7 SAMS PROSPECTOR 133Z PIE BOTEET 899 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB REA FAT • BW WW WRat YW YRat 5 -1.4 61 99 17 10 0.50 RMS PREMIUM 3747 - #1657630 0.18 0.02 EXPOSED 72 534 89 87 5/23 - 8/7 Daughter of a top Donor Cow! Erks Sunflower 426 03/07/2014 • REG: #1686535 • JMBE 426 Dam’s MPPA: 92.7 Gridmaster: 48 HerdBuilder: 103 100% RED NORTHLINE REV 341R RED NORTHLINE ROB ROY 122K RED NORTHLINE GEM 341N ERKS REVE N UP 2918 TPIE BOTEET 899 RED YY RED KNIGHT 640F PIE BOTEET 899 RCN CHALLENGER 652 OKL CHALLENGER L607 RCN SUNFLOWER-C 956 ERKS LASA SUNFLOWER 005 ERKS LASADV 705 PERKS ADVANCE 121R PIE LASAM 491 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB REA FAT • BW WW WRat YW YRat -0 0.5 53 79 17 11 0.41 -0.08 -0.03 ANDRAS NEW DIRECTION R240 - #1506922 Very nice made AI’ed heifer. 78 584 HEIFER 86 AI 835 92 4/25 • SUMMER HELP GRANDSONS JARRET & TAYLEN PIEPER • October 24, 2015 • Pieper Red Angus Fall Performance Leader Production Sale • 33 96 Pieper Red Angus Registered Bred Heifers & Cows Pie Fayette 4056 Pie Floress 4469 02/23/2014 • REG: #1728732 • PIE 4056 Dam’s MPPA: 100.8 Gridmaster: 49 HerdBuilder: 119 100% MESSMER PACKER S008 LSF DELLA K1406 T7000 LSF SAND HILLS 9008W PIE SANDHILL 2240 PIE GET WESTERN 4061 HHA CUB MONA 5010 MRM B571 978 L52 HXC GOLDILOCKS MA632 PIE FAYETTE 2099 100% PIE BILLINGS 487 NBAR KELLY 913 NBAR HAMLEY S913 RED SOO LINE COUNTESS 6409 RED DWAJO GLADIATOR 32L RED JCC COUNTESS 14G HF KODIAK 5R 2HR JUNE 4R HF KODIAK 161X WCR MISS FLORESS KO 138Z PIE RED FAYETTE 7245 LCB HOSS A444N PIE RED FAYETTE 107 RED SOO LINE FLORESS 4510 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB REA FAT • BW WW WRat YW YRat -0.4 Dam’s MPPA: 99.1 Gridmaster: HerdBuilder: WCR CAM 1Y PERKS MONA 810U HXC HEADLINER 6601S 4 • REG: #Pending • PIE 4469 65 101 20 12 0.38 0.02 0.03 PIE PROSPECT 493 - #1724179 EXPOSED 75 610 102 943 106 5/23 - 8/7 RED DWAJO GLADIATOR 32L RED LPC FLORESS JULIA 45K CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB REA FAT • BW WW WRat YW YRat 7 -2.9 43 63 22 8 0.51 0.05 -0.03 BIEBER FUSION B546 - #1689758 EXPOSED 4/24 - 6/25 Black heifer Pie Fantasy 043 02/03/2010 • REG: #1409979 • PIE 043 MPPA: 102.3 Gridmaster: 50 HerdBuilder: 111 100% BKT JULIAN 7526 G BKT MARTA 9A13 JL BECKTON JULIAN GG B571 HXC CONQUEST 4405P HXC ELLIE MAY MA638 BFCK CHEROKEE CNYN 4912 HXC 529E PIE DEEP CANYON 908 PIE FAYETTE JR 961 PIE DEEP CREEK 120 PIE FANTASY 8064 SHY LANNA GLACIER LOGAN 210 SHY FANTASY CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB REA FAT • BW WW WRat YW YRat 8 -1.1 65 105 22 12 0.57 -0.05 0.02 LSF SAND HILLS 9008W - #1305689 69 617 EXPOSED 111 889 112 6/01 - 8/18 Deep thick made Conquest daughter who will make a great one crossed with LSF Sand Hills 9008W! • LOT 102 - PIE FANTASY 043 • Pie Miss Daisy 2273 03/22/2012 • REG: #1575281 • PIE 2273 MPPA: 98.4 Gridmaster: 49 HerdBuilder: 161 96.9% RED FLYING K AMBUSH 121U RED SVR AMBUSH 59P RED FLYING K BEAUTY 40R RED SSS TRAPPER 683X RED SSS KURUBA 344S 5L TRAVELING GRAND 5113 RED SSS KURUBA 815G LCC ABOVE &BEYOND 1300J LCHMAN.ABOVEHEAVEN1018F HXC 701G PIE MS DAISY 930 PIE MS DAISY 7001 PIE GRIDMASTER 589 PIE MS DAISY 5041 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB REA FAT • BW WW WRat 4 0.7 66 100 14 16 LSF SAGA 1040Y - #1445368 0.37 0.22 -0.02 EXPOSED 76 578 6/15 - 8/15 96 • LOT 103 - PIE MISS DAISY 2273 • Long angular RED SSS Trapper 683x daughter! 34 • Pieper Red Angus Fall Performance Leader Production Sale • October 24, 2015 Pieper Red Angus Registered Cows Pie Poteet 049 02/04/2010 • REG: #1409929 • PIE 049 MPPA: 100.7 Gridmaster: 50 HerdBuilder: 136 100% BKT JULIAN 7526 G BKT MARTA 9A13 JL BECKTON JULIAN GG B571 HXC CONQUEST 4405P HXC ELLIE MAY MA638 BFCK CHEROKEE CNYN 4912 HXC 529E BLUE RIDGE PONDEROSA RSLND REBELLA 120-502 LCB HOSS A444N PIE POTEET 8223 PIE POTEET 4212 PIE CHATEAU 2104 PIE MS SAMBO 203 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB REA FAT • BW WW WRat YW YRat 9 -3.0 64 102 22 15 0.38 -0.13 0.02 LSF SAND HILLS 9008W - #1305689 60 EXPOSED 612 110 876 110 6/18 - 8/18 • LOT 104 - PIE POTEET 049 • Beautiful cow! She’s as perfect as you could draw one. Pie Playmate 6129 Pie Cheri 4098 02/20/2006 • REG: #1137559 • PIE 6129 HerdBuilder: 77 100% RED RYL ELWAY 58D COLE FIRST LADY 9E RED COLE MISTER E 9J 100% cat 2 TKP BODACIOUS 693 RCRA POTEET 9317 FORSTER COPPRQUEEN 7168 BUF CRK CHIEF092-824 BFLO CRK CARIE VC473 PIE MS JR 7029 PIE LO PLAYMATE 883 GLACIER LOGAN 210 PIE JULY DALLES PIE SHANNON 561 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB REA FAT • BW WW WRat YW YRat 86 FCC RAMBO 502 MISS FORSTER CPRTOP 591 LMB JOHNY REB 091 BJR TIDY BEE 677-6186 BJR JR 107 PIE PLAYMATE 033 62 BJR HI HO 916 JRA JAMES 904 UBAR SEQUOIA 202 PIE BOTEET 899 BUF CRK CHF 824-1658 0.9 MPPA: 109.1 Gridmaster: 45 HerdBuilder: 76 BJR HIGH CAPACITY 008 PIE ATLANTIC 2204 -2 02/24/2004 • REG: #998909 • PIE 4098 MPPA: 107.8 Gridmaster: 48 25 10 0.53 0.18 0.02 LSF SAND HILLS 9008W - #1305689 76 EXPOSED 564 99 774 91 6/01 - 8/18 ROCK CREEK TREK PIE CHERI 811 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB REA FAT • BW WW WRat YW YRat 1 1.4 50 58 26 11 0.30 0.11 -0.02 MUSHRUSH IMPRESSIVE CN U216 - #1295153 75 694 112 866 96 EXPOSED 5/10 - 6/30 Her MPPA is 107.8 - she’s a producer! Pie Perk E 6198 Erks Prime Up 002 02/26/2006 • REG: #1137731 • PIE 6198 HerdBuilder: 94 100% GLACIER CHATEAU 744 LMAN KING ROB 8621 GLACIER REBALA 53 77 10 12 0.14 0.25 -0.01 LSF SAND HILLS 9008W - #1305689 EXPOSED 70 560 98 6/18 - 8/18 SAMS PROSPECTOR 133Z THREE D KURUBA 36'86 PIE DEEP CANYON 908 BLCA DUKE MISS 3517 ERKS ANNE UP 807 PIE BIG CRICKET 326 BTH MS LINCOLN 8302 ERKS GW ANNE 604 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB REA FAT • BW WW WRat YW YRat 0 -1.0 RED GEIS KURUBA 5'92 PIE DEEP DOWN 2005 PIE MISS E 1026 PIE MISSY CRICKET 6020 SAYRE PATRIOT CAMILLA BELLE 54D PREMIER PATRIOT 16 RED GEIS PRIME RIB 411 4L RAMBO R621 PJMC MS GOLDEN BOY 305 RED RYL ELWAY 58D COLE FIRST LADY 9E RED COLE MISTER E 9J MPPA: 101.3 Gridmaster: 48 HerdBuilder: 113 100% PERKS CHATEAU 309R PERKS MISS RAMBO 8105 01/26/2010 • REG: #1369356 • JMBE 002 MPPA: 94.2 Gridmaster: 47 880 103 PIE GET WESTERN 4061 PVRA LOGAN ANNA 005 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB REA FAT • BW WW WRat YW YRat 2 0.3 56 87 19 12 0.36 -0.03 -0.01 78 650 100 883 101 ERKS SMOKEN REV 4912 - #1682934 AI 4/30 & EXPOSED DUE 03/01/2016 Extremely long productive cow out of the great Prime Rib. Safe in calf was AI’ed 4/30 and pastured exposed to Erks Smoken Rev 4912. October 24, 2015 • Pieper Red Angus Fall Performance Leader Production Sale • 35 Pieper Red Angus Registered Cows Pie Samette 6120 Rrss Rambo Girl 3514 02/19/2006 • REG: #1137554 • PIE 6120 MPPA: 103.7 Gridmaster: 48 HerdBuilder: 75 100% T3 CHIEF 2887 ROY ADVANCE A209 RBJR ADVANCE A709 4L RAMBO R621 PJMC MS GOLDEN BOY 305 TLA NORTHERN SAMURAI KBJ ROUND LASSIE 18T PIE BOTEET 955 PIE GRIDMASTER 589 PIE BOTEET 745 FCC RAMBO 502 BHC BRIDGET TENN RAMBO 703 PIE MISS SAMETTE 9112 TENN RAMBO GIRL PIE MISS 1071 6078 BJR DUKE 5176-5116 PIE DUCHESS AMY 105 TENN COPPER QUEEN CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB REA FAT • BW WW WRat YW YRat 64 103 VGW GAME PLAN 508 PIE STORMY 541 PIE CODE RED 9058 PIE CODE RED 127 PERKS MISS RAMBO 8105 SAMS PROSPECTOR 133Z 2.3 MPPA: 96.0 Gridmaster: 47 HerdBuilder: 93 100% PERKS ADVANCE 121R 2 04/29/2013 • REG: #1689940 • RRSS 3514 11 8 0.05 LSF SAND HILLS 9008W - #1305689 0.11 -0.05 78 EXPOSED 626 110 910 107 6/18 - 8/18 BFCK CHEROKEE CNYN 4912 FORSTER COPPRQUEEN 7172 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB REA FAT • BW WW WRat 1 -0.4 56 76 18 12 0.26 -0.04 -0.04 ERKS SMOKEN REV 4912 - #1682934 AI 77 604 100 5/01 Early February calf from the performance packed Smoken Rev. Pie Satin 7298 Pie Poteet 4212 03/08/2007 • REG: #1206078 • PIE 7298 HerdBuilder: 96 100% BFCK CHEROKEE CNYN 4912 GEFB NORTHERN CANYON 2328 GEF DAYLIGHT DIANA 2114 GEF GREAT NORTHERN 2562 LCHMN GRANDCANYON 1244G BUF CRK BERRY 4225 SAMS PROSPECTOR 133Z PIE CENTSATIONAL 4010 100% GLACIER CHATEAU 744 PIE RED BARONESS 592 TKP BODACIOUS 693 NBAR SATIN PIE BOTEET 899 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB REA FAT • BW WW WRat YW YRat 85 -1 11 0.59 -0.22 -0.03 LSF TBJ LUMBERJACK 2801Z - #1561969 70 660 100 EXPOSED 821 100 6/04 - 8/20 TKP BODACIOUS 693 RCRA POTEET 9317 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB REA FAT • BW WW WRat YW YRat -1 0.7 48 76 5 9 JRA BREWMEISTER 750 OLE DELIGHT 8523 0112 RED FLYING K PAT 43C BJB RED BUD 053 RED PAT 742 T3 CHIEF 2887 ROY ADVANCE A209 RBJR ADVANCE A709 PERKS MISS RAMBO 8105 4L RAMBO R621 PJMC MS GOLDEN BOY 305 BUF CRK CHF 824-1658 PIE BOTEET LOGAN 739 PIE DEEP CANYON 908 HLG MISS PAT 137 PIE LASA CAN 122 LTD 1080 SHO-9451 OSIE SODAK OSIE 9451 LTD 840 BAND-382 SHO PIE LASA 9173 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB REA FAT • BW WW WRat YW YRat 54 90 MPPA: 95.9 Gridmaster: 46 PERKS ADVANCE 121R RED BELLE 6400 23 8 0.22 LSF SAND HILLS 9008W - #1305689 0.14 -0.01 EXPOSED 77 614 105 6/18 - 8/18 896 106 940 106 5/10 - 7/10 HerdBuilder: 79 100% RED FLAME 0601 654 112 02/25/2005 • REG: #1062906 • PIE 5102 MPPA: 105.5 Gridmaster: 49 VGW FIRE KING 128 MUE BARLEE 047 RED BLAZE 6331 EXPOSED 72 Pie Lasa 5102 03/15/2005 • REG: #1069797 • JJG 5121 HerdBuilder: 75 0.44 -0.12 0.01 LSF SAGA 1040Y - #1445368 Hlg Miss Flame 5121 4 -0.4 TLA NORTHERN SAMURAI KBJ ROUND LASSIE 18T PIE MS SAMBO 203 PIE BO'S SATIN 901 100% LCC IMF B054M VGW PT- DORY 0361 NA RED BARON 019 RED POLLY100-021 SAMS PROSPECTOR 133Z PIE SATIN 1053 60 MPPA: 86.0 Gridmaster: 47 HerdBuilder: 81 PIE CHATEAU 2104 GEFB CANYON QUEEN 2088 PIE SAMURAI 8173 -1 1.4 03/10/2004 • REG: #998834 • PIE 4212 MPPA: 90.0 Gridmaster: 48 SAMS PROSPECTOR 133Z PIE LASA LYNN CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB REA FAT • BW WW WRat 4 3.0 67 100 5 PIE EPIC 354 - #1651695 36 • Pieper Red Angus Fall Performance Leader Production Sale • October 24, 2015 8 0.10 0.10 0.00 EXPOSED 77 5/23 - 8/21 701 116 • is marks the tenth year we will offer Registered Quarter Horses in conjuction with our Pieper Red Angus Fall Run Production Sale. e horses will sell at approximately 3:30 pm MST. Our horse genetics are being spread across the country with lots of good feedback. ree years ago we met the qualification and were selected by the AQHA Ranching Council to be a member of the AQHQ Ranching Heritage Breeders. Being a member makes all of the horses that are produced by our program eligible for exclusive competitions and sales! Ranching Heritage Challenges are being held across the country and there are several classes offered to different level of riders and age of horses. It is truly a great program and we are honored to be a member. For more information go to AQHA.com. Building a solid horse program takes years and we have been adding some great own daughters to our mare band. e colts in this sale reflect the genetic pools we have combined. Lots of color and great minds on these colts. ey have been weaned for a month and had their shots, have been wormed and are broke to lead. We would like to thank our good neighbor and friend Sammy Vickers Meeks and her boys, Colter and Cooper, for all their hard work on the horse program. We would also like to thank Blain and Ahron Winters. e broke geldings in this sale have been used on the ranch daily and are solid. e registration papers will be handed out on sale day when the horses are paid for! Come and enjoy the day with us just horsin’ around. • October 24, 2015 • Pieper Red Angus Fall Performance Leader Production Sale • 37 Reference Stallions Shiner Smart Cat 2007 • SORREL RABICANO • STALLION HIGH BROW CAT HIGH BROW HICKORY SMART LITTLE KITTY WR THIS CATS SMART THE SMART LOOK SHINING SPARK SMART LITTLE LENA DOX ROYAL SMOKE GENUINE DOC DIAMONDS SPARKLE MISS SHINER DEAR KATIE STARLIGHT GRAYS STARLIGHT COLONEL GUNSMOKE Shiner is a supreme reined cowhorse that has won many reined cowhorse events across the country. Now retired from showing, we use him in the everyday work at the ranch. He may be the best branding pen horse that has been on the ranch, he’s well mannered and a true asset to our program. He is a unique color they call a sorrel rabicano and he throws lots of color on his colts. They are very trainable and athletic! Shiner’s sire WR This Cats Smart has a LTE of $236,514 and his offspring having a LTE of over $1,700,000. Shiner’s dam Miss Shiner Dear has her own performance record as well as AQHA points. She is the palamino mare in many of Western Artist, Tim Cox’s paintings. 38 • Pieper Red Angus Fall Performance Leader Production Sale • October 24, 2015 Reference Stallions Playguns Little Lena 2004 • GRAY • STALLION FRECKLES PLAYBOY JEWELS LEO BARS GAY JAY PLAYGUN MISS SILVER PISTOL SMART LITTLE LENA DOCS HICKORY PISTOL LADY 2 BE DOC OLENA SMART PEPPY HALO ANGEL LENA ANGELYNX DOCS LYNX BRINGANDALEAH Playguns Little Lena is an NCHA money earner. Retired from the cutting pen he is great to ride on the ranch. We have stood the beautiful gray stallion since he was two years old and have sold over one hundred and fifty colts by him. He is a son of Dick Pieper’s amous Playgun with a LTE of $185,00 and progeny earners of $9,000,000. Playguns Little Lena’s dam, Halo Angel Lena is out of Angelynx with more than $212,435 LTE and by Smart Little Lena one of the top cutting horses in the industry with offspring that have won over $9,600,000. Playguns Little Lena colts have surpassed our expectations and have been able to go in many different directions. Sixes Hickory 2011 • PALOMINO • STALLION TANQUERY GIN DOC OLENA GIN ECHOLS SIXES PICK NATURAL PICK SHINING SPARK TENINO BADGER NATURAL GENUINE DOC DIAMONDS SPARKLE SHINEY MISS HICKORY MISS HICKORY TARI TARIS CATLYST SHESA HICKORY Sixes Hickory is our junior sire. We are impressed with his colts. They are powerful built, have been very easy to handle and we are eager to start riding them next year. Sixes Hickory is sired by the 6666 super stallion Sixes Pick who is a world champion AQHA Versatility Ranch Horse, as well as a AQHA Versatility Superior Ranch Horse. His dam Shiney Miss Hickory is from the winning cross of Shining Spark, siring over two million in progeny earners, and Miss Hickory Tari an NRHA leading producer totaling over $105,000 in money earners. He is headed to WY with rope horse trainer Justin Johnson to earn AQHA points. October 24, 2015 • Pieper Red Angus Fall Performance Leader Production Sale • 39 Ranch Broke Geldings Bams Poco Begger 005 05/27/2005 • REG: #4742493 • PALOMINO • GELDING DISCOUNTS IMAGE POCO DISCOUNT BILLIE JO CODY BAMS POCO SHEZA RED PEPPY DOC BEGGAR BLANTON MR HOLLIDAY PEP SHEZA TARDY DOC SHORT GO LUCK DRIFTWOOD MINIHAHA BAMS BEGGAR LEO 2000 BAMS SHADY LADY LEO 3 SHADLEY CREEK A great gelding to start our sale with. Patron is a solid sound ten year old ranch gelding that’s been there done that. A golden palomino thats 15 hands and stout made. He saddles up the same everytime and everyone on the ranch rides him. He gets the work done from dragging the calves to the fire, to sorting pairs or putting in a fall day of gathering! An opportunity to buy a sure shot ranch gelding. Pr Smart Sailor 05/20/2009 • REG: #5529424 • BAY • GELDING SHINING SPARK GENUINE DOC DIAMONDS SPARKLE SMART SHINER SMART HICKORY TOPSAIL CODY DOC’S HICKORY SMART PEPPY JOE CODY DOC BAR LINDA TOPSAILS SADIE VBL FRECKLES COLA FRECKLES LOVERBOY GOLD FINGER GAL A home raised seven year old gelding thats been gentle from the day he was born. His sire was one of Carol Roses favorite sons of Shining Spark but had a short life. Charlie, as we call him, is a solid bay with no chrome that has good feet and a great mind. He is smooth riding and handles tight situations with no problems. Charlie is not a big horse but is easy to get on and would make a great youth horse. His dam was a grand old mare and rare own daughter of Topsail Cody. 40 • Pieper Red Angus Fall Performance Leader Production Sale • October 24, 2015 Ranch Broke Geldings Pr Smart Cat 05/21/2012 • REG: #5494129 • CHESTNUT • GELDING WR THIS CATS SMART HIGH BROW CAT THE SMART LOOK SHINER SMART CAT MISS SHINER DEAR SHINING SPARK KATIES STARLIGHT POCO BUENO TOM HASTINGS BUENO HOBO BROWN HOBO JANE BUENOS FOLLY BONETTA STAR FOLLY ELIJAH MCGEE BROETTA STAR Super nice young gelding by Shiner Smart Cat. This colt has been with Blain Winter and boy does he have him riding awesome. He has had over sixty rides and can handle just about anything! Like his name indicates, PR Smart Cat rides smooth, is gentle and ready for anyone to go on with. His dam is a twenty year old mare and we have rode several of her colts, including the good palomino that Tom Bradbury’s grand daughters ride. Remember he’s eligible for the Hertiage Breeders Challenges. Willies Mr Tiger 10/02/2009 • REG: #5224641 • PALOMINO • GELDING BILLS RYON HIGH BROW CAT THE SMART LOOK GRACIES FIRST WILL LS CABBYS GRACIE JOE UNO SONITA SHINING SPARK KATIES STARLIGHT SONITA’S LAST PRICES CINDY LEO TIGERS MISS CHRISSIE LITTLE CHRISSIE UNO SONITA MISS CHRISTY ADAIR Here is a gentle seven year old ranch gelding that has been around here for a couple of years and can handle any ranch chore. Willies Mr Tiger stays broke and rides out smooth. October 24, 2015 • Pieper Red Angus Fall Performance Leader Production Sale • 41 Ranch Broke Geldings Stormin Smart Cat 05/18/2012 • REG: #5536303 • RED ROAN • GELDING WR THIS CATS SMART HIGH BROW CAT THE SMART LOOK SHINER SMART CAT MISS SHINER DEAR STORMIN POWER CHIP SHINING SPARK KATIES STARLIGHT DRIFTS CHIP STORMIN POWER STORMIN BLUE MOON HI HO VALENTINE BUCKAROO VALENTINE HI HO HANCOCK Sharp looking three year old son of Shiner Smart Cat, that is good minded and rides right! Has lots of color confirmation and ability. Ready to go on and make an outstanding gelding. Stormin Smart Cat is well educated for just being a three year old. Texas Shine 05/21/2013 • REG: #PENDING • GRAY • GELDING WR THIS CATS SMART HIGH BROW CAT THE SMART LOOK SHINER SMART CAT MISS SHINER DEAR ZB PINE SHINING SPARK KATIES STARLIGHT ZANZE BEE ZIP PERFORMER ZB TEXAS PINE TEXAS SANFORD GIRL TEX WADE SANFORD GIRL 2 Fancy two year old gelding by Shiner Smart Cat and out of a foundation bred mare. Texas Shine has been saddled and started, what a great project! 42 • Pieper Red Angus Fall Performance Leader Production Sale • October 24, 2015 Weanling Colts Reference Dams • DAM OF LOT 7 - PR DYNAMITE PICK • • DAM OF LOT 16 - PR HEZADYNAMITE STREAK • • DAM OF LOT 22 - PR ONE COWING CAT • • DAM OF LOT 10 - PR SHINES BEST CAT • • DAM OF LOT 18 - PR SIXES MYSTERY • • DAM OF LOT 25 - PR SIXES CIELO CHIC • October 24, 2015 • Pieper Red Angus Fall Performance Leader Production Sale • 43 Weanling Quarter Horse Colts Pr Dynamite Pick 06/01/2015 • REG: #5670839 TANQUERY GIN NATURAL PICK SIXES PICK SIXES HICKORY SHINEY MISS HICKORY DOC O DYNAMITE SHINING SPARK MISS HICKORY TARI DOC O’LENA GAR BAR DIXIE DYNAMITE SKEETN LENA Sorrel Stallion MS HI BROW • HIGH BROW HICKORY SKEETS LASS If you are looking for a powerful package in a colt this one has it all. He is an eye catcher and a very quick mover. His dam is an own daughter of Doc O Dynamite a favorite in many avenues in the horse industry with progeny earners winning well over $1,000,000. Crossed with Sixes Hickory an own son of the great Sixes Pick , an AQHA Versatility Champion for the Four Sixes ranch. All of the Pieper ranch colts are eligible for the Heritage Rancher shows and competitions. • PR DYNAMITE PICK • Pr Smart n Handy Cat 05/05/2015 • REG: #5670842 WR THIS CATS SMART HIGH BROW CAT THE SMART LOOK SHINER SMART CAT MISS SHINER DEAR SHINING SPARK KATIES STARLIGHT HAND T CHESHIRE POCO BLUE T MISS Buckskin Stallion POCO BLUE HOBO • TIGER HANDY FOLLYS GI GI HASTINGS BUENO HOBO MISS BLUE GRASS This colt is sure to get you noticed whether you are riding in the arena or on the ranch. With his genetics you should have a solid, sound ranch horse you can take to town and win on. His sire Shiner Smart Cat is a Supreme reined cow horse. Feedback on his foal crops has been fantastic with ease of trainability and cow sense. • PR SMART N HANDY CAT • Pr Peps Hickory 05/04/2015 • REG: #5670846 SIXES PICK TANQUERY GIN NATURAL PICK SIXES HICKORY SHINEY MISS HICKORY PLAYGUN OLENA SHINING SPARK MISS HICKORY TARI PLAYGUN DOUGH OLENA PR PEPPY OLENA Gray Filly CC CINNEN PEPPY • PASSOVER BILLY CC TWO CINNEN EYES The dam to this filly is an own daughter of Playgun Olena an open reining money earner. Crossed with a Sixes Pick X Shining Spark stallion she is just begging to go to the arena. This filly has a huge hip and a sweet personality. She is very friendly and an in your pocket type of colt. 44 • Pieper Red Angus Fall Performance Leader Production Sale • October 24, 2015 • PR PEPS HICKORY • Weanling Quarter Horse Colts Pr Shines Best Cat 04/24/2015 • REG: #5670843 WR THIS CATS SMART HIGH BROW CAT THE SMART LOOK SHINER SMART CAT MISS SHINER DEAR MR SUN O LENA RAISE THE BEST Red Dun Stallion RAISE THE PAY • SHINING SPARK KATIES STARLIGHT DOC O’LENA SUNFLOWER SANA PREFERRED PAY DOCS MONKEY The dam of this colt is a maternal sister to the Sampson Ranch’s Irish Pay. Their dam Preferred Pay was a top producer for the Four Sixes Ranch. NRCHA World Champion Nick Downers is riding and winning on a ¾ brother to this colt. It is out of our Raise the Best and WR This Cats Smart, Shiner Smart Cats sire. This colt could have every bit of opportunity to go play with the “big guns” as his siblings. • PR SHINES BEST CAT • Pr Playguns Lena Lou 04/23/2015 • REG: #567956 FRECKLES PLAYBOY MISS SILVER PISTOL PLAYGUN PLAYGUNS LITTLE LENA HALO ANGEL LENA ZANS RAWHIDE BEAVER TIPS HONEY ZANS BUCKY ZANS MARGIE LOU Palomino SMART LITTLE LENA ANGEL LYNX Filly KROGS MARGIE LOU • REDMOUNT BLUE KROG’S MALADY This filly has size and good bone. She looks like she will be able to handle whatever size of cattle you want to rope. Playgun and Margie a beautiful Poco Bueno mare have shown after 6 foal crops to be a solid and proven cross. Playgun was a money earner in the NCHA before being used as a major asset on the ranch and then in the breeding program. • PR PLAYGUNS LENA LOU • Pr Buckfevers Pick 04/20/2014 • REG: #5679017 TANQUERY GIN NATURAL PICK SIXES PICK SIXES HICKORY SHINEY MISS HICKORY PLAYBOYS BUCK FEVER FEVER HE Buckskin Stallion HIRED BUNNY • SHINING SPARK MISS HICKORY TARI FRECKLES PLAYBOY TSARINA CHEXANIC PAVO DE PEPPY DUNNY BUNNY 1987 Big, stout, and wrapped in a pretty buckskin color this colt is out of an own daughter of Playboys Buck Fever. Winner of over $62,000 by age 7 and has sired progeny winners of over $200,000. The sire of this colt Sixes Hickory is headed to rope training with Justin Johnson. This colt should be able to go and win in many different avenues. • PR BUCKFEVERS PICK • October 24, 2015 • Pieper Red Angus Fall Performance Leader Production Sale • 45 Weanling Quarter Horse Colts Pr Shines Blueboy • REG: #Pending WR THIS CATS SMART HIGH BROW CAT THE SMART LOOK SHINER SMART CAT MISS SHINER DEAR HASTINGS BUENO HOBO SHINING SPARK KATIES STARLIGHT POCO BUENO TOM BROWN HOBO JANE BLUE BUENO GIRL Bay Stallion MISS BLUE GRASS • TROOPER LEO BERT’S BLUE GIRL Blueboy is a full brother to last year’s high seller. This is a very stout colt out of a proven cross. Bluegirl has raised one exceptional colt after another but we truly believe her best crosses yet have been with Shiner Smart Cat. She has the great old Poco Bueno bloodlines with old running blood on her bottom side. This colt should be able to cut, rope, and run down anything you put in front of him. • PR SHINES BLUEBOY • Pr Ole Fancy Cat 04/26/2015 • REG: #5670845 WR THIS CATS SMART HIGH BROW CAT THE SMART LOOK SHINER SMART CAT MISS SHINER DEAR TWISTER DIAL PEPPY CC OLE SAN DE Sorrel Filly CC OLE BLUE LADY • SHINING SPARK KATIES STARLIGHT PEPPY MOON SAN DIAL CUTTER BEE CC GRAND OLE MAN CC DANDY BLUE LADY Wow! Look at all the chrome here. Not only does she have chrome but lots of shape to go with it. Last years full sister went to a show home. You will definitely notice this filly sale day. • PR OLE FANCY CAT • Pr Playguns Rawhide 04/12/2015 • REG: #5678955 PLAYGUN FRECKLES PLAYBOY MISS SILVER PISTOL PLAYGUNS LITTLE LENA HALO ANGEL LENA HASTINGS BUENO HOBO SMART LITTLE LENA ANGEL LYNX POCO BUENO TOM BROWN HOBO JANE ZANETTE POCO OTOE Dun Stallion OTOE ZANETTE • ZANS RAWHIDE OTOE POCO SUE The dam of this stud colt has been a consistent producer for us. She has foaled many level headed easy to train colts. We feel that this is her best colt yet. Rawhide is extremely balanced and a very pretty mover. Playgun’s colts are really getting noticed by how beautiful they are as maturing 4 and 5 year olds. • PR PLAYGUNS RAWHIDE • 46 • Pieper Red Angus Fall Performance Leader Production Sale • October 24, 2015 Weanling Quarter Horse Colts Pr Hezadynamite Streak 2015 • REG: #Pending HEZA FAST MAN THE SIGNATURE FAST COPY HEZA FAST STREAK ELOQUENT ACTION PLAYBOYS BUCK FEVER PR DYNAMITE FEVER Palomino FRECKLES PLAYBOY TSARINA CHEXANIC Stallion DYNAMITE SKEETN LENA • STREAKIN SIX ELOQUENT EFFORT DOC O DYNAMITE MIS HI BROW If you want a family rodeo horse you can use on the ranch Streak is for you. His is the first colt out of one of our favorite home raised mares, packed with powerful performance bloodlines that have excelled in about every avenue you can imagine. We crossed this mare with Heza Fast Streak from the UX ranch. His colts have won over $40,000 in the arena and are eligible for the 5 state, VGBRA, as well as several barrel racing futurities. • PR HEZADYNAMITE STREAK • Pr Ima Sixgun Lady 05/17/2015 • REG: #5678958 FRECKLES PLAYBOY MISS SILVER PISTOL PLAYGUN PLAYGUNS LITTLE LENA HALO ANGEL LENA SMART LITTLE LENA ANGEL LYNX TANQUERY GIN NATURAL PICK SIXES PICK SIXES TIVIO LADY Sorrel Filly SILVER TIVIO LADY • STRAIT SILVER MISS PEPPY TIVIO The Playgun X Sixes Pick cross has become one of our ranch favorites. We are riding a ¾ brother to this filly and absolutely love him. Joe Wright a good friend and frequent buyer of our top colts has a full sister to this filly. We expect her to have the athleticism and brains her siblings have had. • PR IMA SIXGUN LADY • Pr Sixes Mystery 05/17/2015 • REG: #5678948 TANQUERY GIN NATURAL PICK SIXES PICK SIXES HICKORY SHINEY MISS HICKORY MR SUN O LENA SUNS MYSTERY Palomino Filly SPOOKY LITTLE PEPPY • SHINING SPARK MISS HICKORY TARI DOC O’LENA SUNFLOWER SANA MR KING PEPPY SPOOKY LITTLE LENA This golden palomino filly is the first we have raised out of this own daughter of Mr. Sun O Lena. Respected horse breeder Frank Perkins said that Mr. Sun O Lena crossed with King Peppy are some of the best using ranch horses there is. We think the cross with Sixes Hickory will just improve on what is already great. • PR SIXES MYSTERY • October 24, 2015 • Pieper Red Angus Fall Performance Leader Production Sale • 47 Weanling Quarter Horse Colts Pr Heza Shiney Streak 2015 • REG: #Pending THE SIGNATURE FAST COPY HEZA FAST MAN HEZA FAST STREAK ELOQUENT ACTION STREAKIN SIX ELOQUENT EFFORT SHINERS GLO AT NIGHT SHINING SPARK LEO NIGHT GLO SHINERS FLO GLO Gray Stallion FRECKLES FLOOZIE • FRECKLES HUSTLER MAVIS RACK Turbo is out of one of our kindest mares. Flo is an own daughter of Shiners Glo at Night who Bobby Lewis rode to 313 AQHA performance points. He was also a champion in heading, heeling, and calf roping. We crossed Flo with the UX ranch stallion Heza Fast Streak. This colt is eligible for the 5 state, VGBRA, and several other barrel racing futurities. • PR HEZA SHINEY STREAK • Pr Special Smart Cat 04/29/2015 • REG: #5670840 WR THIS CATS SMART HIGH BROW CAT THE SMART LOOK SHINER SMART CAT MISS SHINER DEAR SHINING SPARK KATIES STARLIGHT PEPPY SAN BADGER ZERO BADGER GIRL PEPPY SAN ZERO MISS ESPECIAL PEPPY Chestnut Filly PLUM CUTE SPECIALITY • ESPECIAL JOSE MISS PLUMBER BILL The full brother to this filly was the high seller in 2013, sold to David Stavely of CO. He purchased the colt as a stallion prospect and is riding him now and very impressed with how he is coming along. This striking chestnut filly should be just as big a stand out in her own right. • PR SPECIAL SMART CAT • Pr Six of Gin 05/04/2015 • REG: #5679019 SIXES PICK TANQUERY GIN NATURAL PICK SIXES HICKORY SHINEY MISS HICKORY PADDYS IRISH WHISKEY SHINING SPARK MISS HICKORY TARI PEPPY SAN BADGER DOC’S STARLIGHT PADDYS PREFERRED GIN Sorrel Filly MS BECACO GINFOUR • PREFERRED GIN BECACO BLUE FONI A beautiful filly out of an own daughter of Paddys Irish Whiskey who has sired winners of over $1,300,000. Crossed with Sixes Hickory this filly could go to the arena, ranch, or be an asset in anyone’s broodmare band. She has a power packed pedigree full of winners on both sides. Her full sister sold in last year’s sale just won a halter class in CO. Showing that they can win at all avenues in the arena. 48 • Pieper Red Angus Fall Performance Leader Production Sale • October 24, 2015 • PR SIX OF GIN • Weanling Quarter Horse Colts Pr One Cowing Cat 04/24/2015 • REG: #5670844 WR THIS CATS SMART HIGH BROW CAT THE SMART LOOK SHINER SMART CAT MISS SHINER DEAR SHINING SPARK KATIES STARLIGHT MR SUN O LENA SONS BABE SUNS COWBOY SEVEN S COW PATTY Sorrel Stallion BAR KITTY LYNX • SR LYNX POCO REDBARS KIT This is an extremely friendly and curious colt. He is out of a super broke Mr. Sun O Lena granddaughter and Shiner Smart Cat. This colt is made to go cut a cow in or out of the arena. His full sister went to Iowa two years ago with repeat buyer Joe Wright. • PR ONE COWING CAT • Pr Sixes Playin Cowgirl 05/02/2015 • REG: #5670847 WR THIS CATS SMART HIGH BROW CAT THE SMART LOOK SHINER SMART CAT MISS SHINER DEAR SHINING SPARK KATIES STARLIGHT PLAYGUNS SAN BADGER PLAYGUN DOCS SUGAR BADGER COWBOYS PLAY N 626 Sorrel Filly COWBOYS WET NELLY • BUDS DOC OLENA BUNKHOUSE NELLY Cowgirl and Sixes Hickory have proved to be a good cross. This filly is stout, has straight legs, a short back, and a powerful hind quarter. She is also the great Sixes Pick X Playgun cross we have come to love. • PR SIXES PLAYIN COWGIRL • Pr Playing Easy 05/03/2015 • REG: #5678957 PLAYGUN FRECKLES PLAYBOY MISS SILVER PISTOL PLAYGUNS LITTLE LENA HALO ANGEL LENA HAND T CHESIRE SMART LITTLE LENA ANGEL LYNX TIGER HANDY FOLLYS GI GI HAND T EASY BUENO Gray Stallion HASTINGS EASY BUENO • HASTINGS BUENO HOBO EASY RUNNING CHRIS What a cross this has proved to be, every person who has bought a colt from this cross has raved about them. Roy Bolden’s son has been winning on a maternal brother to this colt at the High School rodeos. • PR PLAYING EASY • October 24, 2015 • Pieper Red Angus Fall Performance Leader Production Sale • 49 Weanling Quarter Horse Colts Pr Sixes Cielo Chic 04/27/2015 • REG: #5679018 TANQUERY GIN NATURAL PICK SIXES PICK SIXES HICKORY SHINEY MISS HICKORY PLAYBOYS BUCK FEVER CC ANNA FRANCIS Cremello CC ALEXA • Filly SHINING SPARK MISS HICKORY TARI FRECKLES PLAYBOY TSARINA CHEXANIC CHIC PLEASE AINT NO DENYING LENA Cielo is out of an own daughter of Playboys Buck Fever. She has an extremely powerful maternal line and is full of winners on her sire Sixes Hickory’s side as well. This filly can be ridden and then placed into the broodmare band to have a guaranteed colored colt. • PR SIXES CIELO CHIC • Pr Playguns Barbie 06/06/2015 • REG: #5670841 PLAYGUN FRECKLES PLAYBOY MISS SILVER PISTOL PLAYGUNS LITTLE LENA HALO ANGEL LENA HASTINGS BUENO HOBO BARBIE BUENO Sorrel Filly KROGS BARBIE BLUE • SMART LITTLE LENA ANGEL LYNX POCO BUENO TOM BROWN HOBO JANE REDMONT BLUE KROGS LEOTA We have kept a Playgun X Barbie cross back in our broodmare band. This filly has the same look to her. She was a bit later colt but is just as shapey and keen headed as a person could want. She is already showing signs of turning gray like her siblings. • PR PLAYGUNS BARBIE • • THANKS TO ED, KAREN AND MCKENZIE MILLER FOR WATCHING OVER OUR BRED HEIFERS ALL SUMMER • 50 • Pieper Red Angus Fall Performance Leader Production Sale • October 24, 2015 Hickup Kids Ponies 6 YEAR OLD • BUCKSKIN • GELDING Hickup is a sure shot little kid pony. He does not have a mean hair on his body. He’s a handsomelittle buckskin and really rides. He will travel away from other horses and has a good stop and handle! Grandpa, the grandkids will love you forever!!!! Oreo 7 YEAR OLD • BLACK • GELDING Oreo would work for kids from five to twelve. He’s gentle, kind, easy to catch, not spooky and will ride out. He will cover country, but is easy to control. Has a lot of years left in him. Daisy 10 YEAR OLD • BLACK & WHITE • MARE Daisy is well broke and rides like a big horse. She has been to the branding pen, drags calves and basically does everything on the ranch like a big horse. Broke in the bridle and very gentle. October 24, 2015 • Pieper Red Angus Fall Performance Leader Production Sale • 51 • THANKS TO RORY KERCHAL FOR ALL HIS HELP OVER THE LAST YEAR • • LONG TIME PIEPER CUSTOMER JERRY SHARP, LONG VALLEY SD • MAKE PLANS TO JOIN US FOR THE • • TY GIAKOWSKI RIDING ON HIS PLAYGUNS LITTLE LENA SON • 26th Annual Performance Leader Production Sale • • April 1, 2016 • • BAXTER BOLDEN CALF ROPING ON “SPENDY” A PIEPER BRED HORSE • 52 • Pieper Red Angus Fall Performance Leader Production Sale • October 24, 2015 Pieper Red Angus 3779 550th Rd Hay Springs NE 69347 Address Service Requested
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