Meeting Registration - Missouri Section AWWA
Meeting Registration - Missouri Section AWWA
Joint Annual Meeting Meeting Registration March 20 – March 23, 2016 Tan-Tar-A Osage Beach, MO & Registration Available On-Line Professional Engineer PDH Information Attendees desiring PDH credit shall obtain a form from registration to track their presentation attendance. Each attendee will be responsible for documenting their attendance. At the end of each day’s sessions, completed forms shall be turned in to the Registration Area. MWEA and participant shall each keep a copy of the form for record purposes. Note conference presentation lengths have been adjusted to increase overall PDH this year. MDNR OPERATOR CERTIFICATION Attendees MUST attend classes to sign the rosters daily in order to obtain MDNR renewal training credits for each day attending. Workshop Course Number 1605105 DW DS WW CAFO Wastewater Laboratory 1.5 1.5 4.0 1.55 Sunday 03-20-16 MDNR has approved the Wastewater Laboratory Workshop to use Wastewater Training Vouchers (Green) only for payment of the workshop registration fee. Drinking Water vouchers will not be accepted for the Sunday Workshop. MDNR rosters will be available to attendees in the classroom after the Sunday workshop. MWEA Voluntary Laboratory Wastewater Operator Certification Renewal =4.0 Date Course DW DS WW CAFO Number Monday 03-21-16 1605106 4.0 4.0 4.0 0.0 Tuesday 03-22-16 1605107 6.5 6.5 6.5 0.0 Wednesday 03-23-16 1605108 2.5 2.5 2.5 0.0 MDNR has approved the Annual Meeting weekdays of Monday through Wednesday or Full Conference to use Drinking Water Training Vouchers (Blue) only for payment. MDNR will allow voucher reimbursement at a maximum of $110 per day and not to exceed $330 per person for the meeting. Wastewater Training Vouchers will not be accepted for the Monday through Wednesday or Full Registration. MDNR Rosters will be available for signing at the end of each day’s sessions in the Registration Area on Monday & Tuesday. MDNR Rosters will be available Wednesday at the end of the Session at the room presented. MWEA Voluntary Collections /Industrial/Laboratory Wastewater Operator Certification Renewal = Monday 4.0 hrs; Tuesday = 6.0 hrs; Wednesday = 2.5 hrs DW-Drinking Water, DS –Distribution, WW-Wastewater, CAFO –Confined Animal Feed Operation Fellow Water & Wastewater Professionals: The enclosed registration packet contains information for the 2016 Joint Conference of the Missouri Water Environment Association (MWEA) and the Missouri Section of the American Water Works Association (MO-AWWA). This year’s meeting represents the 11th consecutive Joint Conference held between our organizations. Due to the outpouring of positive feedback we have received across our respective membership bases, MWEA and MO-AWWA will continue our success by holding Joint Conferences through 2017 at Tan-Tar-A Resort. As in the past, the combined meeting allows for an expanded technical program and a combination of agenda items that concern both organizations. John Brummer (MO-AWWA) and Rebecca Losli (MWEA) have served as Program Committee Co-Chairs for this year’s meeting, and have prepared an outstanding technical program. The local arrangements have been finalized via the hard work of Andrew Hess (MO-AWWA) and Mickey Bernard (MWEA). There are many combined social activities to choose from including a golf tournament, a Texas Hold’em night, and a variety of other activities for both our members and their significant others. Proceeds from these events will benefit the scholarship funds of each organization and Water For People. We have a full house of Exhibitors this year. The Exhibit Hall will be open from Sunday afternoon until Tuesday afternoon, and there are many events scheduled in the Exhibit Hall. These items include the Water For People/Scholarship Fund Silent Auction, social hours on Sunday and Monday evenings, and numerous meal functions. We encourage all attendees to spend time in the Exhibit Hall and take advantage of having so many industry service providers together in a single location. Please note THE EXHIBIT HALL WILL BE CHANGING ITS LAYOUT THIS YEAR. DUE TO OVERWHELMING DEMAND, AND IN AN EFFORT TO SATISFY OUR VENDORS, BOOTH SIZE WILL BE ADJUSTED TO 8’ X 8’ IN LIEU OF 10’ X 10’ TO ALLOW FOR MORE VENDORS IN THE EXHIBIT HALL. This increases the number of spaces available from 112 to 141. The decision to go this route was based on a Survey the Local Arrangements Committee sent to all the vendors and potential vendors. Based on their responses smaller booths was the best solution. The Opening Session will be on Monday morning, and the Keynote speaker will be Rex Hudler, Kansas City Royals FOX Sports Announcer / Former Major League Baseball Player. Other special guests will include Jackie Jarrell, 2015-20156 WEF Trustee and Brian Steglitz, 2015-2016 Vice-President of AWWA. We will hold the Joint Banquet on Tuesday evening that includes a casino night with chances to win prizes. Individual MWEA and MO-AWWA functions and meals are dispersed throughout the three and a half days, so please refer to the program and registration information for these items. The Joint Conference will conclude after the MWEA Business Lunch and the MO-AWWA Awards Luncheon on Wednesday. Many dedicated volunteers have spent tremendous amounts of time and energy putting together the 2016 Joint Conference. We are confident that it will be an exciting and informative event that all will enjoy. We look forward to seeing you at the Conference! Sincerely, Jim Urfer Chair, MO-AWWA Jim McCleish President, MWEA MISSOURI WATER ENVIRONMENT ASSOCIATION & MISSOURI SECTION - AMERICAN WATER WORKS ASSOCIATION JOINT ANNUAL MEETING March 19 to March 23, 2016 PROGRAM SUMMARY SATURDAY, MARCH 19, 2016 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. MWEA EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING SUNDAY, MARCH 20, 2016 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. REGISTRATION (Convention Registration Desk) 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. GOLF OUTING – JOINT (The Oaks) Four Person Scramble format Shotgun Start at 10:00 a.m. Sharp – Check in & Range Practice at 8:30 Note: Limited space, participants should pre-register. Proceeds to “Water for People” & MO-AWWA and MWEA Scholarship Programs 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. LABORATORY ANALYST CERTIFICATION EXAM 11:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. TRAPSHOOT (Missouri Trapshooters Association Home Grounds) MO-AWWA Sponsored Proceeds to “Water for People” 12:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. LABORATORY WORKSHOP Moderator – Jim Burks Bacteria - The Key to Activated Sludge Plants Treatment Success Tom Neely, Chemist II Independence, MO Sampling, Collection, Bottles And Holding Times Chad Cooper - PDC Laboratories Springfield, MO Read Your Permit! Jimmy Coles - Environment Services Supervisor, St. Joseph, MO Using “Non-Approved” Methods for Wastewater Analysis, Troy LaLond, Water Specialist / MDNR, Macon, MO Good Laboratory Practices, Clara Haenchen and Emily Wilbers, Jefferson City, MO Wastewater Lab Round Table Discussion with all Speakers 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. VOLUNTARY CERTIFICATION TESTING – MWEA Collection System 4:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. EXHIBIT AREA OPEN; ICEBREAKER RECEPTION Hors d’oeuvres & Cash bar (Grand Ballroom) 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m YOUNG PROFESSIONALS AND PLANT OPERATORS SOCIAL MONDAY, MARCH 21, 2016 6:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. REGISTRATION (Convention Registration Desk) 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. BREAKFAST OPENING SESSION – JOINT Welcome – Jim McCleish (President MWEA) and Jim Urfer (Chairman MO-AWWA) Keynote Speaker – Rex Hudler, Kansas City Royals FOX Sports Announcer / Former Major League Baseball Player 9:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. EXHIBIT Area Open 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Silent Auction (Exhibit Area) Proceeds to “Water for People” & MO-AWWA and MWEA Scholarship Programs 10:00 a.m. to 11:45a.m. CONCURRENT TECHNICAL SESSIONS Noon to 2:00 p.m. MWEA AWARDS LUNCHEON Noon to 2:00 p.m. MO-AWWA BUSINESS LUNCHEON 2:00 p.m. to 5:05 p.m. CONCURRENT TECHNICAL SESSIONS 5:05 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. RECEPTION (Exhibit Area) 9:30 p.m. to Midnight TEXAS HOLD’Em POKER TOURNAMENT Proceeds to “Water for People” & MO-AWWA and MWEA Scholarship Programs TUESDAY, MARCH 22, 2016 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. REGISTRATION (Convention Registration Desk) 7:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. EXHIBIT Area Open 7:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Silent Auction (Exhibit Area) Proceeds to “Water for People” & MO-AWWA and MWEA Scholarship Programs 7:00 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. EXHIBITORS CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST– JOINT (Exhibit Area) 8:00 a.m. to 11:55a.m. CONCURRENT TECHNICAL SESSIONS Noon to 1:00 p.m. EXHIBITOR’S LUNCH – JOINT (Exhibit Area) Noon to 1:30 p.m. RETIREE’S LUNCH 1:15 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. CONCURRENT TECHNICAL SESSIONS 5:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. JOINT BANQUET 5:30-6:00 Happy Hour, Dinner 6:00, Casino Night 8:00 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 23, 2016 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. REGISTRATION (Convention Registration Desk) 7:00 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. MWEA COMMITTEE CHAIR BREAKFAST 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. MO-AWWA BOARD MEETING 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. MWEA SSSSS MEMBER BREAKFAST 9:15 a.m. to Noon CONCURRENT TECHNICAL SESSIONS Noon to 1:30 p.m. MO-AWWA AWARDS LUNCHEON Noon to 1:30 p.m. MWEA BUSINESS LUNCHEON JOINT PROGRAM MONDAY MORNING, MARCH 21, 2016 Disinfection 62/63 Biosolids 60/61 10:00 to 10:50 a.m. 10:55 to 11:45 a.m. 10:00 to 10:50 a.m. 10:55 to 11:45 a.m. Green Infrastructure I Redbud Industrial 74/75 Chlorine, Alternative Disinfectants & CT Bill Brown, Crawford, Murphy & Tilly ThermAer – Something You Should Consider for Your Biosolids Digestion Robert Wooldridge, Thermal Process Systems St. Louis MSD CSO Volume Reduction Green Infrastructure Program Gary Moore and Jared Barr, MSD An Innovative and Sustainable Solution for Industrial Water Treatment of Cooling Tower Water Make-up and Other Process Uses – A Case Study Robert Russina & Russell Dahmer, Jacobs Evaluation of Iodo-, Bromo-, and Chloro-acetic Acids Formation by Peracetic Acid Disinfection Using a Newly Developed Rapid HPIC-MS/MS Method Runmiao Xue Missouri University of Science and Technology Membrane Thickening Aerobic Digestion Processes Bryen Woo, Ovivo USA Relating CSO Volume Reduction to Green Infrastructure Based on Runoff Volume Reduction Jared Barr and Gary Moore, MSD Industrial Waste: Divide and Conquer Jeffrey Gorman, Garney Construction Joint Issues I 64 Surface Water 76/77 Water Treatment & Distribution Parasol II The Emerging Threat Environment to the Utility Industry Craig Koenig, Robert (RJ) Hope, Burns & McDonnell Line Creek E. Coli Source Identification Process Eric Dove, HDR Source Water Quality Monitoring and Protection Practices at City Utilities of Springfield Todd F. Brewer, Chuck Aderhold Kari Wolken, City Utilities of Springfield Building Information Modeling (BIM) for Design, Collaboration, and Beyond for the Water Sector Rebecca Elwood, HDR Receiving Water Modeling for Assessing Likelihood of Achieving in-stream Water Quality Standards through the implementation of plant level BMPs and diffusers Rishab Mahajan, Geosyntec Maximizing Efficiencies Of Pumping Systems Vincent Hart, Carollo Engineers, Inc JOINT PROGRAM MONDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH 21, 2016 Stormwater I Parasol II 2:00 to 2:50 p.m. Nationwide Applications and Benefits of Natural Flood Attenuation Jessie Veach, CH2M HILL Lagoons and Small Flows 60/61 Big Benefits of Routine Maintenance at Small Wastewater Systems Jessica Adams-Weber, HDR 2:50 to 3:20 p.m. Wastewater Treatment I 62/63 Water Treatment 74/75 High Rate Treatment (HRT) vs. Chemically Enhanced Primary Treatment (CEPT): A CEPT Pilot Test to Help Make Decisions – Kansas City, MO Westside Wastewater Treatment Plant David Hauser, Burns & McDonnell Evaluating Treatment Techniques for the Control of Taste and Odor Compounds, Algal Toxins, and Endocrine Disruptors Nick Burns, Black and Veatch Break 3:20 to 4:10 p.m. City of Ladue’s Storm Water Management Program Pete Merten, HR Green Cost-Effective Lagoon Ammonia Removal: Two Case Studies Patrick Hill, Triplepoint Environmental Cape Girardeau’s New WRF – 1st Year of Operation Steve Cook & Todd Fulton, City of Girardeu, MO Gerry Siekerka, Jacobs Harmful Algal Bloom and Cyanotoxin Occurrence and Control in Missouri Drinking Water Systems Dr. Honglan Shi, Missouri University of Science and Technology 4:15 to 5:05 p.m. Modern Urban Stormwater Solutions, Navigating the Green-Gray Spectrum Mark Joersz, Advanced Drainage Systems Advanced Water Resource reclamation Lagoons: Developments, Technologies, and Field Experiences Tim Canter, Environmental Dynamics International Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion to Meet Current Needs While Also Looking Into the Future Alan Christanell, Black & Veatch Detection of Nanoparticles in Environmental Water Systems by Single Particle ICP-MS Ariel Donovan, Missouri University of Science and Technology Water 2:00 to 2:50 p.m. Joint Issues II Inflow & Infiltration 76/77 Redbud Managing Different Generations Kerrie Greenfelder, Burns & McDonnell Rock Creek Public Sewer District, Private Lateral Inspection Program Don Daniels, Rock Creek PSD 2:50 to 3:20 p.m. 3:20 to 4:10 p.m. 4:15 to 5:05 p.m. Global and Regional Water Supply 64 Southwest Missouri Federal Reservoir Reallocation for Future Water Supply Michael T. Beezhold, CDM Smith Break Design-Build Project Delivery: Perspectives from Owner, Contractor, and Engineer for the NEID Bar Screen Replacement Project Michael Odrowski, Tetra Tech Planning, Teamwork, & Communication Tony Boone, Boone Consulting Regional Approach to Private I/I Matt Ridpath, TREKK and Errin Kemper, City of Springfield, MO Planning and Collaboration of the Cameron Pipeline Project Suzie Carpenter, CDM Smith Detecting & Removing High Metals Through Infiltration and Inflow Abatement Brandon Freeman, TREKK and J. Eric DeGruson, Allgeier, Martin & Associates Top 10 Water System Evaluations that Return Big Results Jeff Klein, Burns & McDonnell JOINT PROGRAM TUESDAY MORNING, MARCH 22, 2016 Wet Weather Storage Water Distribution Source Water & Emerging Contaminants Parasol II 62/63 Redbud 60/61 Navigating the Green Tide: Utility Response to EPA Heath Advisories for Algal Toxins Nathan Dunahee, Burns & McDonnell Capital Improvement: 52 MGD High Service Pump Station for St. Louis County Jennifer Meyer, Missouri American Water Company 8:00 to 8:50 a.m. Tanked with No Fish?: Design and O&M Considerations for Wet Weather Storage Facilities John L. Weiland, Wade Trim 8:55 to 9:45 a.m. How Solutions Changed During the Project Development for the Maline Creek CSO David Ahlemeyer, Jacobs Patricia Pride, MSD The Value of Condition Assessment, When Nothing is Broken Bryon Livingston, Black and Veatch Kaw WTP Water Transmission Main: Serving North Lawrence & Beyond Mike O’Connell, Burns & McDonnell 9:45 to 10:15 a.m. Source Water Early Warning Monitoring Systems & WaterSuite Software for Source Water Protection Tom Simmons – Missouri American Water Pumping Stations Practicing Sustainability through EnvisionTM Shoal Creek Water Pump Station Amy Kliewer, CDM Smith Break 10:15 to 11:05 a.m. Mitigating Risk for the Jefferson Barracks Storage and Conveyance Tunnel Patricia Pride, MSD William Haag, Jacobs Replacement of Corroded Water Transmission Main and an Unexpected Twist Edward LaBelle, CMT 11:10 to Noon Gravois Creek Watershed – Adaptive Management for SSO Planning Gary Moore and Steve Roberts, MSD Curt Kimmel, Burns & McDonnell April Giesmann, Kuhlmann Design Grp. Partnership for Safe Water – Distribution Optimization at City Utilities Todd F. Brewer, PhD, PE Manager – Water Quality Labs City Utilities of Springfield, MO Detection Of Priority Drinking Water Contaminants In Missouri Drinking Water System – Pharmaceuticals, Pesticides & Hormones Haiting Zhang, MS&T It’s a Long Way Down – Design Challenges of a Deep Pump Station Tony Young and Ken Roseman, Gresham Smith Jeffrey Smith, MSD Blue-Green Algae (BGA) Formation and Control in Raw Water Reservoirs Harrison J. Neat, Medora Corporation Kansas City’s 50-Year Old Buckeye Cr. Pump Station and Force Mains: Making the Decision to Rehab or Replace Molly Pesce, Black & Veatch JOINT PROGRAM TUESDAY MORNING, MARCH 22, 2016 (Continued) 8:00 to 8:50 a.m. 8:55 to 9:45 a.m. Stormwater II 64 Utility and Asset Management 74/75 Application of Genetic Algorithm Optimization Techniques for Design Optimization of MS4 Infrastructure Craig Clarkson, Geosyntec Managing Stormwater Quality in an Urban Park Setting: CityArchRiver 2015 Project – St. Louis, MO Jeremy Linley, Civil Design, Inc. Mark Joersz, Advanced Drainage Systems In Search of a Function Process Management Control Plan Jeff Keller, Burns & McDonnell David Nelson, Kansas City Water Services Johnson County Wastewater Gravity Sewer Asset Management Program – A Road Map to Continuous Improvement Ryan Eisele, HDR 9:45 to 10:15 a.m. Wastewater Treatment II 76/77 Converting Oxidation ditch to a BNR Plant for the City of St. Charles, MO Freddy Kade, Evoqua Water Technologies Why SBR Technology was the Right Choice for the Box Canyon WWTP Rehabilitation Scott Knight, CMT Break 10:15 to 11:05 a.m. Creating a Framework to Establish Watershed-Specific Stormwater Management Goals for Development Regulation and Permitting James Cole, James Walton, and Stephen R. Noe Kansas City Water Services Tracking Pump Station Ownership Costs: 12-Year Asset Management Case Study Alex Tabb, Smith & Loveless The Belt Filter Press and Gravity Belt Thickener. Process, Design, and Operation. Paul Bland, Alfa Laval Ashbrook Simon-Hartley 11:10 to Noon Hydraulic Design of Permeable Interlocking Concrete Pavers Monica Stochl, CH2M HILL Demonstrating Resiliency for Water and Wastewater Systems Tom O'Connor H2O'C Engineering How to Maximize Polymer Value for Improved Sludge Treatment Yong Kim, UGSI Chemical Feed JOINT PROGRAM TUESDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH 22, 2016 Utility and Asset Management Parasol I 1:15 to 2:05 p.m. 2:10 to 3:00 p.m. Paradigm Shifts for CMOM Programs Jonathon Sprague, MSD Cost Effective CMOM Technologies – Amazon to the Rescue! Chris Pfeuffer and Chris Patrick, MSD 3:00 to 3:15 p.m. Water Distribution 74/75 Lee’s Summit Road Transmission and Distribution Main Relocations John Blancett, HNTB Reza Zannooz and Heidi Lane, KCMO Water Services Valve and Hydrant Assessment: One of the Pieces in the Asset Management Puzzle Lisa Douglas, Pure Technologies Stormwater III 60/61 Wastewater Treatment III 76/77 A Sensible Approach to Flood Mitigation, Stream Restoration and Water Quality Kevin Corwin, St. Charles, MO Marc Eschelman, M3 Taking a New Wet Weather Treatment Technology from Concept to 100-mgd Reality Jim Fitzpatrick, Black & Veatch Recreating a Lost Urban Stream: Trout Brook Nature Sanctuary Dan Mielke, HR Green Successful UV Disinfection with Low UVT Water Rick McIntyre, ENAQUA Break 3:15 to 4:05 p.m. Planning and Implementing Rate Changes with Public Engagement Ted Kelly, Burns & McDonnell Infrared – Energy Pattern Analysis: The Swiss Army Knife of Technologies Taimen Taylor, Entech Engineering Habitat Restoration in the Missouri River Floodplain Matthew Scott, CDM Smith 4:10 to 5:00 p.m. Users’ Guide for Integrated Planning for Wastewater and Stormwater Adrienne Nemura, Geosyntec Magnetic Bracketing: Achieving MDNR and Federal Code for Water Towers Eric Stechman, Estech MWRD of Greater Chicago Phase II Pilot Study – Addressing City of Chicago Urban Flooding Matt Bardol, Geosyntec Sustainable Algae Based Solution For Decentralized Community & Commercial On-site Wastewater Treatment Daniel Johnson, One Water Unique Challenge Yields a Unique Solution: A New Twist on Open Channel UV James McCleish, Horner & Shifrin Kent Peetz, City of Jackson, MO JOINT PROGRAM TUESDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH 22, 2016 (Continued) 1:15 to 2:05 p.m. 2:10 to 3:00 p.m. Nutrients Groundwater Conveyance Systems Green Infrastructure II Redbud 64 62/63 Parasol II Planning for Nutrient Removal, Six at a Time Jeff Keller & Paul Ward, Burns & McDonnell Blake Anderson, KC Water Services It’s Not Always the Well That Runs Dry: Delivering Water During Peak Water Usage Luca DeAngelis, Burns & McDonnell The Influence of Record Rain on Sanitary Sewer Collection Systems Elizabeth Aguin and Margaret Fryer, RJN Group Neighborhood Drainage Infrastructure Improvements Using Green Initiatives in the Village of Hinsdale, IL Logan Gilbertsen, HR Green Ozark Plateaus Aquifer System Groundwater Availability Update Brian Clark, US Geological Survey SSES Investigations in Highly Sensitive Areas David Hamberlin, TREKK An Innovative Approach to Financing Green Infrastructure: Iowa’s Sponsored Projects Teresa Stadelmann, HR Green How Are You Going to Meet 10 TN/1.0 TN Nutrient Limits with Activated Sludge? Strategies for Optimizing Nutrient Removal Using Online Process Robert Smith, YSI/Xylem 3:00 to 3:15 p.m. Break 3:15 to 4:05 p.m. Optimization of Biological Nutrient Removal in the Sequencing Batch Reactor Process Brad Linsey, Parkson Corporation Tools for Managing Groundwater Resources in Karst Environments Frank Getchell, Leggette, Brashears & Graham, Inc. Taking it to the Next Level: Predictive Models Based on Over 500 Miles of Force Main Condition Assessment Lisa Douglas, Pure Technologies Green Infrastructure Monitoring for Better Green Infrastructure Designs and Lower Maintenance Andy Sauer, Burns & McDonnell 4:10 to 5:00 p.m. Advances in Nutrient Trading in Missouri and the US David Carani, Geosyntec Consultants Origin and Mitigation of Radionuclides in Public-Supply Wells – Recent Successes John Schumacher, USGS Flow Monitoring: Streamlining the Process Through Telemetry and WebBased Tools Jeff King and Thomas Inman, RJN Target Green West Marlborough: Utilizing Green Infrastructure to Meet CSO Requirements Jason Gardner, CDM Smith JOINT PROGRAM WEDNESDAY MORNING, March 23, 2016 Drinking Water and Wastewater Regulatory Update Salon B MDNR Public Drinking Water Branch Update Steve Sturgess Branch Chief - Public Drinking Water Branch Missouri Department of Natural Resources 9:15 to 10:30 a.m. 10:30 to 10:45 a.m. MDNR Wastewater Regulatory Update John Madras Missouri Department of Natural Resources Water Protection Program Director Break USEPA Public Drinking Water Regulatory Update Neftali Hernandez US Environmental Protection Agency - Water, Wetlands, & Pesticides Division - Drinking Water Management Branch 10:45 to 12:00 USEPA Wastewater Regulatory Update Karen Flournoy US Environmental Protection Agency - Water, Wetlands, & Pesticides Division - Water Quality Management Branch Keynote Speaker – Rex Hudler Television Color Analyst Rex Hudler completed his third season as color commentator on FOX Sports Kansas City. A veteran of 36 years in professional baseball, 21 as a player, Hudler, was nicknamed "Wonder Dog" during his playing career. During his professional career (1978-1998), Hudler played for 18 different teams, including a 1993 stint in Japan. In 774 career major league games, Hudler registered a .261 average with 56 home runs and 169 RBI. His minor league career consisted of 1,083 games. Hudler is an award winning broadcaster who began his broadcasting career as a special correspondent for “Good Morning America” during the 1997 playoffs, World Series and 1998 Super Bowl. He was honored as the 2003, 2005 and 2007 Television Color analyst by the Southern California Sports Broadcasters for his work on Angels broadcasts for KCAL and Fox Sports Net. He won an Emmy in 2004 for “Angels in the Infield”. Hudler is also featured as the color commentator alongside Jon Miller on ESPN’s 2004 MLB video game, Sega’s MLB 2K3 video game, and the 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, and 2010 MLB “The Show” video game. Hudler is active in baseball clinics, makes motivational speaking engagements, and hosts fundraising and auction events throughout the year. Hudler and his wife Jennifer founded “Team Up for Down Syndrome” to help support the Down Syndrome community nationwide. In February 2002, the Goodwill Industries of Orange County honored Hudler with the Walter Knott Service Award. The Hudlers were also awarded the 2007 Humanitarian Award by Stillpoint Resources. In 2008 they were given the “Changing The World” award by Chapman University. In 2009, Hudler was selected by the Southern California Sports Broadcaster’s Association as Best Analyst in both radio and television for his work. Hudler can be reached through his website, and his book, “Splinters”, is available for purchase there. The couple has four children, Alyssa, Cade, William and David and reside in Overland Park, Kansas. WEF & AWWA Visiting Officers Jackie Jarrell WEF Trustee 2015 – 2016 Jackie Jarrell, PE is a member of the 2015-2016 Board of Trustees for the Water Environment Federation (WEF), an international organization of water quality professionals headquartered in Alexandria, Va. Jackie has been with Charlotte Water for more than 25 years. For the past 15 years, she has been responsible for the overall management of the operation and maintenance of five wastewater treatment facilities consisting of a total capacity of 123 Million Gallons per Day (MGD) with the largest plant permitted at 64MGD. She is also responsible for the related Residuals Program producing over 90,000 wet tons/ year, and the Industrial Pretreatment Program with over 60 Significant Industrial Users. Recently, her role was expanded to Operations Chief responsible for wastewater and water operations, which includes oversight of regulatory functions, process control, and continuous improvement programs within the operations areas. As a WEF member, Jackie has held multiple leadership and committee roles within WEF including serving as the chair of the Utility Management Program Symposia and the first vice chair of the Utility Management Committee. Also an active member of the North Carolina Water Environment Association (NCWEA), she helped develop NCWEA’s strategic plan in 2013 and continues and is the current chair of the nominating committee. She has also chaired the Public Education committee, the Annual Conference Committee, and the Program Committee. In 2013, Jackie served as the MA chair and worked on related subcommittees such as Water for People (including a trip to Bolivia in 2011), the Wastewater Schools Committee, the Endowment Committee, and the Plant Operations Committee. She has also been actively involved with the NC Water Quality Association, a regulatory advocacy organization of utilities in North Carolina, as a past chair and is a current board member. Jackie is a registered professional engineer in the state of North Carolina and holds a Biological Wastewater Grade II OIT, she received a B.S. in Engineering from the University of North Carolina-Charlotte. Jackie is the recipient of the Arthur Sidney Bedell Award in 2014. AWWA Visiting Officer Brian Steglitz AWWA Vice President 2015 – 2016 Brian Steglitz has spent his career in the water and wastewater industries. Brian began his career as a consultant working for CH2M Hill in Herndon, VA before taking the leap into the municipal sector. Since 1997 Brian has served Sr. Utilities Engineer and Water Treatment Services Manager for the City of Ann Arbor, MI at its Water Treatment Plant. Brian graduated from Yale University in 1990 with a B.A. in Economics and from Stanford University in 1994 with a Civil Engineering. Brian joined AWWA in 1997 and serves on AWWA’s Strategic Development Advisory Committee and the Capital Project Delivery Committee. He is also highly engaged in the Michigan Section, having served in various committee and Board positions including Chair from 2010-2011. Brian was honored with the Michigan Section’s Raymond J. Faust Award for Outstanding Personal Service in the Water Supply Field in 2013. MWEA & MO-AWWA Water For People and Scholarship Funds Sponsorship & Participation Opportunities at 2016 Joint Annual Meeting The Water For People Committees of MWEA and MO-AWWA will continue their fundraising efforts at the 2016 Joint Annual Meeting at Tan-Tar-A. Total funds raised from the Golf Tournament, Silent and Oral Auctions and the Texas Hold’em Tournament will be split between Water For People and the scholarship programs of MOAWWA and MWEA. Proceeds from the Trap Shoot and various raffles will be donated to Water For People. Water For People is an international humanitarian organization that supports the development of locally sustainable drinking water resources, sanitation facilities, and health and hygiene education programs in underdeveloped and economically-challenged countries. Water For People uses water-related programs as catalysts for change in communities that lack access to drinking water and adequate sanitation. By working as a partner, benefited communities directly improve their own lives so that they can contribute to, and make a difference in, the world. More information on their work can be found at Consulting engineering firms, equipment manufacturers, manufacturer’s representatives, construction contractors, individuals and others who have so generously supported the activities of both MWEA and MO-AWWA in the past can help once again by sponsoring one or more of the fund-raising activities listed below, which will be conducted during the Joint Annual Meeting: Description of Event Sponsorship Opportunity Sunday – Golf Tournament Hole Sponsor $200 Hole Sponsorship Monday & Tuesday– Silent Auction (Exhibit Area) Donate $50 to $250 Auction Items Monday Night – Hold’em Poker Tournament Beverage/snack Sponsor (2 available @ $300 ea.) Tuesday – Oral Auction (Banquet) High-value Auction Item Hole sponsors and Beverage/Snack sponsors will have their logo displayed on a banner that will be at the Water For People booth. Auction Item donors will be given a placard to display at their booth. The opportunities listed above to sponsor or contribute towards individual, dedicated events are available (on a first-come, first-served basis) by contacting the Water For People / Scholarship fund-raising activity coordinator, Ken Gambaro at (314) 646-2421 or For golf tournament sponsorship opportunities, contact Jeff Gratzer as indicated on the golf registration form. Even if you can’t sponsor one of the above-described activities, you are encouraged to participate. Single-page flyers providing the details of all conference activities (i.e., golf tournament, trap shoot, and auctions) are enclosed in this Annual Meeting registration booklet; including the information on how to register for and participate in each event. The Water For People Committees of MO-AWWA and MWEA invite everyone attending this year’s Joint Annual Meeting to contribute to these VERY worthy causes – not to mention participate in the great fun to be had at these activities! See you at Tan-Tar-A. MWEA & MO-AWWA Water For People and Scholarship Funds Silent Auctions at 2016 Joint Annual Meeting MWEA and MO-AWWA’s Water For People Committees conduct several fundraising events at the Annual Meeting. These are very successful in generating contributions for Water For People and each organization’s scholarship programs. Throughout all of the fund-raising efforts and events, the consultants, equipment manufacturers, and equipment representative organizations (many of which also pay to exhibit at these meetings) ALL have been very generous in assisting by providing unique, interesting, and (most importantly) desirable items that could be offered for auction, as well as monetary contributions to other fundraising activities. If you are planning to exhibit at this year’s Joint MWEA / MO-AWWA Annual Meeting in March at Tan-Tar-A, we would greatly appreciate the donation of an item for the silent auctions. Please call or e-mail a description of your donated auction item(s) to Ken Gambaro (contact information below) prior to March 11, 2016, so that Bid Sheets can be prepared. Just bring your item to the Water For People booth on Sunday evening at the opening reception. As always, thank you all for your support of MWEA & MO-AWWA Scholarships and Water For People! Water For People assists people in developing countries to improve quality of life by supporting the development of locally sustainable drinking water resources, sanitation facilities and hygiene education programs. Around the world, 884 million people do not have access to safe drinking water and 2.5 billion are without adequate sanitation facilities. Every day, nearly 6,000 people who share our planet die from water-related illnesses, and the vast majority are children. Water for People’s vision is a world where all people have access to safe drinking water and sanitation, a world where no one suffers or dies from a water- or sanitation-related disease. More information on their work can be found at If anyone has any questions about Water For People, would like to learn more about how they can help in this cause, or has any other creative fund-raising ideas, please contact Ken Gambaro (314)646-2421 or Hope to see you at Tan-Tar-A. MO-AWWA invites you to the 12th Annual Water for People fundraiser trapshoot!! Are you a trapshooter? Or, just want to try it? Come join us for a friendly few rounds of trap – have fun and raise money for WFP. PRIZES AWARDED!!! When? Sunday, March 20th, 2015 11:30 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. Where? Missouri Trapshooters Assoc. Home Grounds 51 Trapshooters Rd. Linn Creek, MO 65052-1801 (573) 346-2449 Cost? $50.00 per Shooter THE ENTRY FEE COVERS THE COST OF (4) ROUNDS OF TARGETS. EACH SHOOTER WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR OWN AMMUNITION. THE TRAP CLUB WILL HAVE AMMUNITION AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE OR YOU CAN BRING YOUR OWN. NAME: __________________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS: _______________________________________________________________________________ TELEPHONE: _____________________________________________________________________________ E-MAIL: _________________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE FILL OUT THE ABOVE AND SEND ALONG WITH $50.00 Make checks payable to MO-AWWA and submit to: Tom Stechmann, C/O Utility Service Co., Inc. 501 Kings Ridge, Liberty, MO 64068 (314) 420-4912 LUNCH PROVIDED BY UTILITY SERVICE CO., INC. Tom Stechmann The Trapshoot sponsored by MO-AWWA Missouri Water Environment Association Missouri Section AWWA & 2016 Four Player Scramble Golf Tournament Benefitting “Water for People” and MWEA & MO-AWWA Scholarship Funds Sunday, March 20th, 2016 8:30 am Check-In 10:00 am Shotgun Start The Oaks at Tan-Tar-A 494 Tan Tar A Drive Osage Beach, MO 65065 Event Details Online registration available this year. Go to MWEA web site - Please note that we accept Master Card, Visa, and American Express during pre-registration. On-site registration requires a check (payable to MWEA/MO AWWA). Please do NOT send your golf forms in pdf format in an email to the registration staff. We have concerns of not being able to provide adequate security for credit card information sent through electronic mail. Those who are registering for golf using a credit card should mail their golf form with credit card information to the address on the form. If you are paying by check, please make check payable to MWEA/MO AWWA and mail along with the completed registration form to Jeffrey Gratzer at the address on the form. Golf entries need to be sent in by March 9, 2016. Entry Fee is $90/person: includes greens fees, cart, range balls, and hole competitions. Lunch will be provided and additional beverages will be available for purchase on the course. Withdrawal from the tournament or failure to appear will result in forfeiture of the entry fee. In the event that the tournament must be canceled due to inclement weather (at the discretion of the golf course and golf committee) the entry fee WILL NOT be refunded to all paid entrants. For questions, contact Jeff Gratzer (314) 425-8329 or Dan Hufker (618) 979-0884 2016 JOINT MWEA/AWWA ANNUAL CONFERENCE - FOUR-PLAYER SCRAMBLE GOLF TOURNAMENT Benefiting “Water For People” and Each Organization’s Scholarship Funds SUNDAY MARCH 20, 2016 8:30 AM Check-In and Range Practice, 10:00 am Shotgun Start “The Oaks” at Tan-Tar-A Osage Beach, MO GOLFER’S ENTRY FORM Name _____________________________________________ Date _____________________ Golfer's Address ___________________________________________________________________________________ Phone ___________ Fax ______________ E-Mail _____________________________________ Team Name with Preferred Playing Partners (if any): ____________________________________________________ 1.__________________________________________________________________________________ 2._________________________________________________________________________________ 3.________________________________________________________________________________ 4.__________________________________________________________________________________ Please note that we accept Master Card, Visa, and American Express during pre-registration. If you are paying with a credit card, please do NOT send your golf forms in pdf format in an email to the registration staff. We have concerns in not being able to provide adequate security for credit card information sent through electronic mail. Those who are registering for golf using a credit card should mail their golf form with credit card information to the address below; or register on-line by going to the MWEA site at - If you are paying with a check, please fax or email this form and mail checks (checks made payable to "MWEA / MO AWWA") to: Jeff Gratzer HDR Engineering 401 South 18th Street, Suite 300 St. Louis, MO 63103 Name on Credit Card: _______________________Credit Card: MasterCard Visa AmEx (please circle) Signature: ___________________________________ Total Amount to be billed: _________________ Credit Card Number: _____________________________________ Expiration Date: ___________ 2016 JOINT MWEA/AWWA ANNUAL CONFERENCE - FOUR-PLAYER SCRAMBLE GOLF TOURNAMENT Benefiting “Water For People” and Each Organization’s Scholarship Funds SUNDAY MARCH 20, 2016 8:30 AM Check-In and Range Practice, 10:00 am Shotgun Start “The Oaks” at Tan-Tar-A Osage Beach, MO SPONSORSHIP FORM I (we) are interested in being a Hole Sponsor for a contribution of $200 for this tournament. Name of Sponsoring Firm or Individual _______________________________________________________________ Address ____________________________________________________________________________________ Contact Person Name _______________________________________________________________________________ Phone _____________ Fax ______________ Email: __________________________________ All sponsors will be recognized with signs at their designated area of sponsorship throughout the golf course during tournament play, on a sign in the Exhibit Hall during the conference, on a banner at the Water for People booth, at the award ceremony being held during the Meet & Greet, awarding the prize for the sponsored event and acknowledgement in each organizations post-conference newsletter. Deadline for recognition on Exhibit Hall signage is March 7, 2016. Your donations are tax deductible as allowed by law and all sponsors will be provided receipts to that effect after the tournament. ALL PROCEEDS COLLECTED FROM HOLE SPONSORSHIPS WILL BENEFIT “WATER FOR PEOPLE” AND EACH ORGANIZATIONS SCHOLARSHIP FUNDS. Please note that we accept Master Card, Visa, and American Express during pre-registration. If you are paying with a credit card, please do NOT send your sponsorship forms in pdf format in an email to the registration staff. We have concerns of not being able to provide adequate security for credit card information sent through electronic mail. Those who are registering for sponsorships using a credit card should mail their form with credit card information to the address below. If you are paying with a check, please fax or email this form and mail checks (checks made payable to "MWEA / MO AWWA") to: Jeff Gratzer HDR Engineering 401 South 18th Street, Suite 300 St. Louis, MO 63103 Name on Credit Card: ______________________Credit Card: MasterCard Visa AmEx (please circle) Signature: _____________________________________ Total Amount to be billed: ______________ Credit Card Number: ________________________________ Expiration Date: _________________ Water For People – MO-AWWA & MWEA - Scholarship Fundraiser Annual Texas Hold ‘Em Poker Tournament 2016 Joint Annual Meeting Monday Evening (March 21, 2016) Tan-Tar-A Resort 9:30 PM to Midnight The Annual Texas Hold ‘Em Poker Tournament will be held Monday evening at Tan-Tar-A. We plan to start dealing the cards promptly at 9:30 p.m. (to allow people a couple of hours to have dinner) and wrap-up by no later than midnight (to prevent people from not showing up for breakfast on Tuesday morning). Each player will pay a $20 buy-in fee (their generous donation to Water For People and MO-AWWA and MWEA Scholarships), and we’ll have some “nominal” prizes for the top finishers (we don’t want anyone getting too serious about this – bragging rights will be worth more than the prizes). Each player will be allowed to buy in one time if all chips are lost within the first hour. We are seeking an organization or two to be a primary sponsor of this Poker Tournament. This sponsorship money ($500 each) is used to pay for the space for the tournament, beverages and snacks. Any organization interested in sponsoring should contact Joseph Beffa at If you want to participate in the Texas Hold ‘Em Poker Tournament, please fill out a copy of the attached form and bring it with you (along with your $20 contribution) to the designated rooms at TanTar-A on March 21, 2016. In case you forget or can’t find your form, we will have plenty of extras on hand simply show up about 9:00 and we will register. Water For People is an international, non-profit, charitable organization which provides funding for the construction of both potable water supply and wastewater disposal systems for under-developed, economically-challenged communities throughout the world. A remarkable degree of improvement in living conditions can be achieved in such communities, benefiting large numbers of people, through the investment of a relatively small sum of money. Through a focus on education and training, many of these communities are beginning to understand that their health depends greatly on the proper collection and disposal of their sanitary wastewater. MWEA and MO-AWWA Scholarships: Each year, both organizations provide academic scholarships for students pursuing education in the fields relating to wastewater and water, science and engineering. TEXAS HOLD ‘EM POKER TOURNAMENT Annual MO-AWWA & MWEA Water For People and Scholarships Monday, March 21, 2016 Plan to come out this year for the Annual Texas Hold ’Em Poker Tournament! We’re sure that the players and hecklers will share in a lot of fun, camaraderie, and best of all, they’ll be raising money for a worthy cause! The details are outlined below: PLACE: Tan-Tar-A Resort, Meeting Rooms TBA TIME: 9:00 p.m. until 9:30 p.m. – Registration 9:30 p.m. until Midnight – Tournament Play REGISTRATION: Pre-registration is not required! COST: Contribution (Tournament Buy-in) Payment is due at time of registration. $20.00 To enter this tournament, please complete the bottom of this form and bring it with you to the designated rooms at 9:00 p.m. on Monday March 21, 2016. ============================================================================= Participant’s Name: Organization: Phone Number: ============================================================================= Any questions, please contact Joe Beffa or Ken Gambaro at the Water For People booth in the Exhibit Area. YOUNG PROFESSIONALS (YP) AND PLANT OPERATORS ARE HOSTING A SUNDAY NIGHT SOCIAL THERE WILL BE GAMES THERE WILL BE GREAT CONVERSATIONS MARCH 20TH FUN AND GAMES! Sunday, in Parasol I/II, starting at 7 pm Come join the Young Professionals and Plant Operators as we get to know each other better while playing fun yard games! We can’t wait to see you there! THERE WILL BE NETWORKING OPPORTUNITIES AND DON’T FORGET, THERE WILL BE PRIZES! QUESTIONS? Answers are available by contacting one of these people: Samantha Weidenbenner Todd Fulton All the fun of gambling with none of the risk… Tuesday, March 22nd, 2016 The fun will begin right after the Banquet ♣ Blackjack Tables ♣ Craps ♣ Poker ♣ And More! Any proceeds go to Water For People Professional and friendly dealers will help you with all aspects of the game "RAT-TUCKY DERBY” Name Your Mouse. Make plans to attend now. You will have the time of your life! MWEA Laboratory Practices Committee ORDER FORM MANUAL OF LABORATORY PRACTICES FOR WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANTS Section 1 Working in the Laboratory, Hazards, QA/QC, Sampling & Preservation, BOD, TSS, % % Solids, Temperature, Turbidity, pH, Settables, DO, SOUR Test Section 2 Documentation, Laboratory Safety, Solutions, Reagents, Alkalinity, Ammonia, Chlorine Residual, COD, Volatile Acids, Fecal Coliform, Microscopic Examination Section 3 Personal Protection & Safety, Spectrophotometry, Chloride, Cyanide, Nitrates, TKN, Oil and Grease, Phenols, Phosphorus, Sulfate Section 4 Flame Atomic Absorption, Graphite Furnace AA, ICP Basic and Gas Chromatography, Cold Vapor Atomic Absorption, Ion Chromatography Mercury by Cold Vapor Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy, WET Test, Laboratory Operations Management. _______________________________________________________ Please mark items with quantity ordered. Price includes shipping. ____ ea Section 1 with binder - $20.00 ____ea Section 3, loose - $15.00 ____ea Section 2, loose - $15.00 ____ea Section 4, loose - $15.00 ____ea Sections 1,2,3,4 with binder - $50.00 ________________________________________________________________________ Make checks payable to “MWEA.” The LPC is unable to accept purchase orders or cards. Send order form and check to: Phil Adlich City of Warrensburg Water Pollution Control 102 S. Holden Warrensburg, MO 64093 NAME: ________________________________________________________________ COMPANY: ____________________________________________________________ ADDRESS: _____________________________________________________________ CITY: ___________________ STATE: ____ ZIP: _____________________________ AMOUNT ENCLOSED: ________________ PHONE NUMBER: ________________ MWEA – LABORATORY PRACTICES COMMITTEE VOLUNTARY WASTEWATER ANALYST CERTIFICATION APPLICATION FOR EXAMINATION (Please print clearly.) Applicant: ___________________________________________________________ Exam date and location: _______________________________________________ Company: ___________________________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________ City/Town: _________________________ State: _____ Zip: ________________ Telephone: (_____) - ____________ FAX: (_____) - _______________________ Supervisor: _____________________________ Telephone: (____) - ___________ Certification sought: (Circle one.) D C B Education: (Circle highest completed) High school: 9 10 11 12 College: 1 2 3 4 Degree or Certificate Awarded: _________________________________________ School or Institution Attended: _________________________________________ Experience: Employer: _________________________ City/State: _______________________ Position: _________________________________________ Years: ____________ Duties: ______________________________________________________________ Employer: _________________________ City/State: _______________________ Position: _________________________________________ Years: ___________ Duties: ______________________________________________________________ By signing this form, I verify that all information herein is true and indicate my agreement to abide by testing procedures and rules or decisions of the MLPC and MWEA regarding certification under this program; and hereby waive any claim I may have against the MLPC or MWEA for alleged negligence or misconduct in its operation/administration of this program. Accommodations may be provided for disabled or handicapped persons. Requests must be submitted in writing with this application. This form must be postmarked 30 days prior to the examination date, March 20, 2016, accompanied by a non-refundable $25.00 application fee. (____) Check here if you object to your name being released as a Certificate holder. Signature: ________________________________ Date: _____________________ Make checks payable to MWEA and mail with application fee to: c/o Natalie L. La Fata / Plant Manager; Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. 4848 Park 370 Blvd., Suite F · Hazelwood, MO 63042 VOLUNTARY COLLECTION SYSTEMS OPERATOR CERTIFICATION EXAM DATE The Collection Systems Committee of the Missouri Water Environment Association is proud to announce the following date and location: M.W.E.A. Annual Meeting Tan Tar A Resort State Road KK Osage Beach, MO Sunday March 20th, 2016 1:30 p.m. ‘til 4:30 p.m. Applications for examination and/or questions can be secured by contacting: Mike Fitzhenry Amec Foster Wheeler 15933 Clayton Rd. Ste. 215 St. Louis, Mo. 63011 636-200-5146 Submit Applications for examination by March 10th, 2016. Missouri Water Environment Association Collection Systems Committee Voluntary Collection Systems Operator Certification APPLICATION FOR EXAMINATION v. Dec2016 Exam Date and Location ________________________________________________ Time__________________ Applicant Name_______________________________________________________________________________ (Please print clearly the name you would want on your certificate) Address _____________________________________________________________________________________ State ______ City/Town _________________________________ Telephone (______) ________________ Zip Code ________________________ Applicant email address _____________________ Employer ____________________________________________________________________________________ Supervisor’s Name: _____________________________ Supervisor’s Telephone (______) ________________ Certification Level Sought Experience: (circle one) A (min. 6 yrs.) B (min. 4 yrs.) C (min. 2 yrs.) D (min. 6 mos.) (describe Collection System experience; additional experience may be provided on attached sheet, if necessary) EMPLOYER CITY STATE POSITION YEARS DUTIES EMPLOYER CITY STATE POSITION YEARS DUTIES By signing this form, I verify that all information enclosed herein is true and indicate my agreement to abide by testing procedures and rules or decisions of the MWEA Collection Systems Committee regarding certification under this program, and hereby waive any claim that I may have against the Committee or MWEA for alleged negligence or misconduct in its operation/administration of this Program. I further agree to allow MWEA to release information regarding the status of any participant in this voluntary program. Accommodations may be provided for persons with disabilities or physical handicaps. Requests for such must be submitted in writing with this application. This form is to be completed and accompanied by a $25.00 non-refundable application fee. Signature: _________________________________________ Date: ______________________ Make checks payable to “MWEA” and mail with application to: MWEA Collection Systems Committee c/o Mike Fitzhenry AMEC Foster Wheeler 15933 Clayton Rd. Ste. 215 Ballwin, MO 63011 Telephone: 636-200-5146 E-Mail: Tan-Tar-A Resort Golf Club & Spa Room Reservations To receive MWEA/MO-AWWA discounted room rates, reservations must be made by February 20, 2016. Per night room rates*: $ 97.00 resort/estate room $144.00 1 bedroom suite $206.00 2 bedroom suite *Includes in-room, wireless, high speed internet service To make reservations: Call Tan-Tar-A at 1-800-826-8272 and mention MWEA OR Go online at Group # WATR A password is no longer required Directions: St. Louis Interstate 70 West to Kingdom City, Highway 54 west through Osage Beach to State Road KK, north (right) 3 miles to Tan-Tar-A entrance. 2 1/2 hours driving time. or Interstate 44 West to Waynesville, Highway 17 north to Iberia, Highway 42 west to Highway 54 west (left) through Osage Beach to State Road KK, north (right) 3 miles to TanTar-A entrance. Kansas City From Kansas City, take Interstate 70 east to Boonville exit on Highway 5 to Versailles, southeast to Eldon on Highway 52, west on Highway 54 through Osage Beach to State Road KK, north (right) 3 miles to Tan-Tar-A entrance. 3-3 1/2 hours driving time. or Highway 50 to Tipton, south on Highway 5 to Highway 52, east to Eldon, west on Highway 54 through Osage Beach to State Road KK, north (right) 3 miles to Tan-Tar-A entrance. or Interstate 70 to Route 5 south to Camdenton, east (left) on Highway 54 ten miles to State Road KK, north (left) 3 miles to Tan-Tar-A entrance. Springfield Interstate 44 east to Lebanon, north (left) on Highway 5 to Camdenton, east (right) on Highway 54 ten miles to State Road KK, north (left) 3 miles to Tan-Tar-A entrance. 1 1/2 hours driving time. Columbia Highway 63 south to Jefferson City, right on Highway 54 south through Osage Beach to State Road KK, north (right) 3 miles to Tan-Tar-A entrance. 1 1/2 hours driving time. 2016 Registration Information Please note the following for registration and how to participate in events. Registration Available On-Line for Conference NEW THIS YEAR: Attendees: FAXED REGISTRATIONS NO LONGER ACCEPTED; PLEASE REVIEW DEADLINES ON REGISTRATION INSTRUCTIONS Exhibitors: EXHIBIT BOOTH SIZE WILL BE 8' X 8' THIS YEAR You cannot register at the on-line registration site for MWEA voluntary exams or order the MWEA Lab Manual. Be sure to mail in the forms as instructed for the following: Laboratory Voluntary Certification, Collections Voluntary and Industrial Waste Voluntary Exams No Spouses Program this year REGISTRATION INSTRUCTIONS 2016 Review the enclosed conference packet to determine the functions you wish to register for. Admission to all technical sessions and exhibits is by name badge only. Admission to each meal function is by ticket only. Clearly indicate meal tickets desired. Please print legibly or type clearly the information on the registration form. This information is used to prepare name badges. 1. Please note that we accept Master Card, Visa, Discover, and American Express either during preregistration or on-site. Please do not send your registrations in pdf format in an email to the registration staff. We have concerns in not being able to provide adequate security for credit card information sent through electronic mail. NEW: WE NO LONGER ACCEPT FAXED REGISTRATIONS 2. Online registration is available at: 3. If you are paying by check, please make check payable to MWEA/MO AWWA and mail along with the completed registration form. Address since 2012: Missouri Section AWWA 2717 SW Monarch Drive Lee’s Summit, MO 64082-2326 CHECK ADDRESS WITH YOUR ACCOUNTING OFFICE IF NEEDED! PLEASE DO NOT SEND TO: 44TH TERR., KCMO – THEY WILL NOT BE RECEIVED. To receive early registration rates, payment with registration form must be postmarked No later than February 25, 2016. Pre-Registration will close March 11, 2016. On-site registration will resume Sunday March 20, 2016 @ 11:00 AM at TAN-TAR-A. 4. Cancellations must be received in writing, and sent to: Missouri Section AWWA, 2717 SW Monarch Drive, Lee’s Summit, MO 64082-2326. A full refund will be made if the cancellation is emailed or postmarked prior to March 2, 2016. Phone cancellations will not be accepted. 5. Registration packets including name badges and event tickets will be located at the registration desk. 6. Contact the hotel directly for room reservations, by telephone or on-line at using the Group Access Code “WATR”. 7. Exhibitors must complete a booth registration form, either downloaded from or from Jeff Clarke at, 314-647-6104. Exhibitors are allotted complimentary registration badges for two (2) people with each booth registration. A maximum of two (2) additional badges per booth can be purchased for $75 each. Exhibitors DO NOT need to purchase the buffet breakfast and deli lunch that takes place inside the exhibit area. All other meals must be purchased separately. Admission to exhibit area is by name badge only. EXHIBIT BOOTH SIZE WILL BE 8' X 8' THIS YEAR 8. Those interested in the MWEA Voluntary Certification Exams, Golf, and Poker Tournament should complete the appropriate registration forms enclosed and return to the specified address with fee as instructed on each form or signup via online registration. 9. Speakers will receive a free one-day registration on the day they are speaking. If meals are desired, they must be purchased separately at the registration desk or via online registration. 10. Students who are members of an approved Student Chapter receive a free full registration. Please contact Rhoda Hall, Student Activities, at:, 314-336-6327, for a Student Registration form. Registration Questions: MO-AWWA - Gailla Rogers at 816-668-8561; MWEA – Jennifer Welsch at 314-335-2059; 2016 MWEA/MO-AWWA JOINT MEETING REGISTRATION FORM (Please Print Legibly) NAME: ________________________________________________________________________ COMPANY: ________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS: ________________________________________________________________________ EMAIL ADDRESS: ____________________________________ PHONE #: _________________________ Last First Street Middle City State Zip Code On Site Emergency Contact Information: ______________________________________________________________ Name Phone # WEF Member #______________________________ AWWA Member #____________________________________ EARLY-REGISTRATION – Postmarked no later than 2/25/2016 after 2/25/2016 TOTAL Full Conference Member _____$250 _____$275 $_______ Full Conference Non-Member _____$330 _____$355 $_______ Full Conference Retired Past-President/MO-AWWA Retiree _____$0 Full Registration includes these meals and Sunday Workshop; however, please indicate those you will be attending: _____ Sunday Lab workshop _____ Sunday Meet & Greet _____ Monday Opening Breakfast _____Monday MWEA Awards Lunch OR _____Monday MO-AWWA Lunch _____ Tuesday Breakfast _____ Tuesday Deli Lunch _____ Tuesday Evening Banquet _____Wednesday MWEA Lunch OR _____Wednesday MO-AWWA Awards The following registrations DO NOT include the above meals Speaker: __M__T__W Meals must be purchased below MWEA Life Members Meals must be purchased below Awardees: __ M or __W Meals must be purchased below Sunday Lab Workshop 1-Day Registration __M__T__W Meals must be purchased below MWEA/MO-AWWA Retiree & Spouses Luncheon: Attendee Name: ________________ Extra Meal Tickets (If you marked your meal selection above for full registration, do not repeat here) Monday Opening Breakfast Monday MWEA Awards Lunch Monday AWWA Lunch Tuesday Breakfast Tuesday Deli Lunch Tuesday Evening Banquet Wednesday MWEA Lunch Wednesday AWWA Awards Lunch Wednesday MWEA 5S Member Breakfast Voluntary contribution to Water for People and Scholarship $10 On-line registration: $20 Conf Fee $0 $0 $0 $30 $110 $0 Meal Tickets $20 $25 $25 $20 $20 $45 $25 $25 $20 $50 Total $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ TOTAL $_______ FAXED REGISTRATIONS ARE NO LONGER RECEIVED; PLEASE NOTE DEADLINES Registrations may be mailed to: Missouri Section AWWA, 2717 SW Monarch Drive, Lee’s Summit, MO 64082-2326 For registration questions, AWWA, Gailla Rogers at; 816-668-8561; MWEA, Jennifer Welsch at 314-335-2059; Pre-Registration will close 3/11/2016. On-site registration will resume Sunday 3/20 - 11:00 AM at TAN-TAR-A. Payment Type: ____Check - Payable to MWEA/MO-AWWA ____Visa ____MasterCard ____AMEX ___Discover Name on Card: (Print Clearly) _______________________________________________________________________ Signature: ___________________________________________________________ Date_____________________ This section will be removed and destroyed during the registration process. Credit Card Number___________________________________________________ Exp Date_________________ Registration Checklist Contact or send items to: Missouri Section of AWWA 2717 SW Monarch Drive Lee’s Summit, MO 64082-2326 Activity Annual Meeting Registration for members of both Associations Gailla Rogers (816)668-8561 Jennifer Welsch (314)335-2059 Tan-Tar-A 1-800-826-8272 or Jeff Clarke (314)647-6104 or Ken Gambaro (314)646-2431 or Jeff Gratzer (314)425-8329 or Mike Fitzhenry 15933 Clayton Rd. Ste. 215 Ballwin, MO 63011 Phil Adlich City of Warrensburg Water Pollution Control 102 S. Holden Warrensburg, MO 61093 Natalie La Fata Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. 4848 Park 370v., Suite F Hazelwood, MO 63042 Bill McAllister Burns & McDonnell 9400 Ward Parkway Kansas City, MO 64114 Tom Stechmann C/O Utility Service Co., Inc. 501 Kings Ridge Liberty, MO 64068 (314)420-4912 Questions regarding MO-AWWA Questions regarding MWEA To reserve hotel room Exhibit Area information To make donations for the Water For People auction & Student Scholarship Programs Register for Golf Outing & Hole Sponsorship MWEA – Collection System Voluntary Certification Test MWEA – Manual of Laboratory Practices for Wastewater Treatment Plants MWEA – Laboratory Analyst Voluntary Certification Test MWEA – Industrial Waste Committee information Questions regarding the trapshoot Forms are also available on our websites. Please visit: or Missouri Water Environment Association Amanda Johnson U.S. 8400 Ward Parkway Kansas City, MO 64114 NON-PROFIT ORG US POSTAGE PAID ST. LOUIS, MO PERMIT # 5452 Don’t forget to Register for Fundraisers Start Planning for the 2017 Joint Annual Meeting! Contact the Awards Committee for nominating State and National Awards