May - Brimfield Exchange
May - Brimfield Exchange
Dealer Directory & Map SPRING 2006 EDITION 2006 Brimfield Show Dates May 9 - 14 · July 11 - 16 · Sept 5 - 10 Everything you could possibly need for Brimfield - Page 2. Contents SHOW SCHEDULE (Page 2) SCORING BIG IN BRIMFIELD (Page 4) HOW TO USE THIS GUIDE (Page 5) SEARCH by CATEGORY (Page 6) BRIMFIELD MAP (Pages 12 & 13) HOTELS/MOTELS-Directions (Page 14) BRIMFIELD DEALERS’ REGISTRATION (Pages 19) ANTIQUE SHOP DIRECTORY (CT & MA) (Pages 20 & 21) DEALERS’ ANTIQUE GALLERY (Pages 22) Show Schedules • Spring 2006 Brimfield Acres North Brimfield Antiques Center Brimfield Barn Brimfield Exchange Central Park Collins Apple Barn Crystal Brook Dealer’s Choice Francesco’s Green Acres Heart-O-The-Mart J & J Promotions Jeanne Hertan Shows Mahogany Ridge May’s Antique Market Midway Antique Shows New England Motel Postcard Extravaganza Postcard Marathon Quaker Acres Sheltons Stephen’s Place Sturtevant’s North Sturtevant’s South The Meadows OPENING Tues Tues 1pm/Sat 8am Sunrise 7am 8am Tues 6am Tues Sunrise Tues Sunrise Tues 11am 9am 6am Wed 9am Fri 6am Wed 12noon Tues Sunrise Thurs 9am Tues 6am Wed 6am Sunrise All Week Tues Sunrise Tues Sunrise Tues 6am Tues Sunrise Tues Sunrise Tues 6am n Open n Wed Thur Fri Sat Sun n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n The Brimfield Pocket Guide is published by BrimfieldExchange. 70,000 copies are distributed free of charge before and during the Brimfield Shows to Antique Shops, Information Centers, Hotels and Motels and Antique Shows. For more information or to reserve advertising space in future issues, contact BrimfieldExchange, 10 Palmer Road, Box 459, Brimfield, MA 01010, voice 413-245-0961 or email to The publisher assumes no responsibility for the contents of any advertising, and all representations or warranties made in the advertising included in this publication are those of the advertiser and not the publisher. The publisher is not liable to any advertiser for any misprints in advertising which were not caused by the publisher or his agents, and in the event of any such responsibility, the limit of the publisher’s liability shall be the amount of the publisher’s charge for such advertising. The publisher is not responsible for typographical errors, omissions or cancellations. All contents of this publication are under copyright to BrimfieldExchange and reproduction or use in whole or in part without written permission are prohibited. Copyright 20002006 by BrimfieldExchange. 2 Spring 2006 • Brimfield Pocket Guide Visit us also at L D G L. Drew Gerard Delivery Service 561-212-7159 Vermont Maine New Hampshire New York Pennsylvania Northern Ohio Northern Indiana CELL Southern Michigan Connecticut Rhode Island Massachusetts New Jersey Delaware Maryland Virginia Washington DC Chicago Area North Carolina South Carolina Alabama Georgia Florida West Coast Deliveries (California) for May show only. Specializing in moving Antiques & Art. For Long Distance Most Deliveries $250-$375 (First Piece). $60 Each Additional Piece Inquire for Short Distance Delivery RELIABLE • INSURED • REFERENCES 29 Years of Moving Antique Furniture Located on Route 20 at MAYS Parking Lot May, July, September 2006 Postcard Marathon & PAPER COLLECTIBLES SHOW Indoors at The Postcard & Ephemera Center Brimfield Acres North Field Look for the Large Red Building fronting on Rt. 20 We open Friday May 5 - 9AM to 6PM and are open Every Day through Saturday May 13th TH For dealer Info contact: Phone/Fax: (203) 272-1143 EMAIL IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MAY 9 & 13 I I Tues 1PM - 5PM • Sat 8AM - 12PM I I JULY 11 & 15 I I Tues 1PM - 5PM • Sat 8AM - 12PM I I I I SEPT 5 & 9 I I Tues 1PM - 5PM • Sat 8AM - 12PM I I I I $ Tues. Admission: 5.00 • Sat. FREE I I Saturday - FREE Parking I I I I I POSTCARD & EPHEMERA CENTER I I I May 5-13 • July 7-15 • Sept 1-9 I I I 9am - 6pm except Regular Show Days I I I I I I I May 7, 8, 9 & 13 • July 9, 10, 11 & 15 I I Sept 3, 4, 5 & 9 I I I Monday 9am - 5pm. Tues. and Sat. Show Hours I I I I Margery Bailet, R.C. Bowen, Pat Reese/John Rice, Barbara Ladd, I Millicent Mali, Bob Moffatt, Robert Richards, I I Sally & Kris Van Den Bossche, Joy Wemyss I I I I Catch us during set-up - Sunday 10am - 5pm I MasterCard and VISA Available During Show I I I I I Catering by CJ’s Restaurant of Palmer I Open Tues. thru Sat. - 7am I I I For Info Call: Colleen James I I Email: I I Call: (508) 754-4185 • (413) 245-9471 I I I I Dealers in Antiques & Collectibles Only! I I I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Brimfield, MA 2006 One Day Shows ANTIQUES IN THE BARN or call 413-245-0961 Spring 2006 • Brimfield Pocket Guide 3 Scoring Big in Brimfield If there already is not enough for sale at Brimfield, the May 2006 show is featuring what could be the ultimate collector’s treasure. Signed copies of Brimfield Rush: The Thrill of Collecting and the Hunt for the Big Score (Commonwealth Editions, May 2006) and author Bob Wyss will be available from Tuesday through Sunday at the Brimfield Exchange Information building across from May’s Antique Market on Route 20 in Brimfield. The book is discounted during the week of the May show. Wyss has written a fascinating, nonfiction, behind-the-scenes account of a young couple’s odyssey. Through one year of Brimfield markets they deal in American paintings and search for the one canvas that, when sold at auction, will turn their fortunes. Along the way Wyss describes the 40year history of Brimfield, meets memorable characters and collectors of antiques, ephemera and junk, and explores our modern-day fascination with collecting, from Brimfield to eBay. Some readers may remember, or want to forget, one of the few great epic parties held more than 20 years ago when Gordon “Punchy” Reid Jr. was about to leave Brimfield and take the legendary market to Duanesburg, New York. The bonfire, the music, the revelry and the crowd was so huge that police did not know how to break it up. When the firewood ran out, some partygoers began tossing in antiques as (cont. pg 18) “This dazzling account of today’s collectors and the antiques trade is riveting.” —Wendell Garrett, Editor-at-Large, The Magazine ANTIQUES Bob Wyss’s fascinating, true account of one couple’s hunt for their big score at Brimfield is must reading in 2006. If you’re a Brimfield regular, you probably know most of the characters in this book. If you’re new to Brimfield, you’re in for a great read. Hardcover $21.95 • 304 pages $1off 4 Spring 2006 • Brimfield Pocket Guide your purchase of Brimfield Rush at Brimfield Exchange information building, opposite May’s Antique Market. Valid May 9–14, 2006 Visit us also at HOW TO USE THIS GUIDE! PLEASE CLIP AND SAVE You have just arrived in Brimfield and face a sea of dealers and merchandise. You are searching for Furniture and Sterling Silver. Begin your search by: 1. CATEGORIES: Begin your search by browsing the general category list on page 19. Choose a category and look for the heading listed alphabetically in this guide. 2. DEALERS: are listed alphabetically under each category heading. Each dealer listing contains three columns of information. You will find the dealer’s name, the name of the show (abbreviated) where they display, and their booth number. Your tie to quality since 1970 4 Whippoorwill Lane, Armonk, NY 10504 Phone: 914-273-4667 MAY 29 (Mon.) KATONAH, NY 21st Lasdon Memorial Day Antiques Fair Lasdon Park & Arboretum on Route 35. Up to 70 booths, entertainment, plant sale. 10 AM - 5 PM. Admission $6. From Route 684 take exit 6, or from Taconic Pkwy take exit Yorktown/Rte. 202 East, follow signs. Sample: DEALER SHOW BOOTH Furniture Tim’s Antiques Mays 800 Quaker 1000 Sterling & Silver Plate Slim’s Silver JULY 4 (Tues.) S. SALEM/VISTA, NY 14th Antiques in the Church Yard Stevens Church, Route 123 off Route 35. 120 dealers, Country Breakfast ($5). 9 AM-5 PM. Show admission $7 (tax deductible). Merritt Pkwy exit 38, North 8 miles; Route 684 exit 6, East 9.5 miles, follow signs. JULY 8, 9 (Sat., Sun.) TARRYTOWN, NY 3. FINDING A DEALER: After finding a deal- er in your chosen category, refer to the color show map on pages 12 & 13 for show’s location. The show schedule on page 2 is helpful as different shows open on different days and times. 4. OTHER HELPFUL TIPS: When you arrive at a particular show and still cannot find the dealer or merchandise you are looking for, try asking the show promoter or a fellow dealer. They can be very helpful. Remember that you can do a more detailed category search on from the comfort of your home. General Information: During Brimfield week BrimfieldExchange operates an information building located across from May’s Antique Market on Route 20, and provides internet access, maps and complimentary trade publications. 2006 2006 Rivertowns’ Antiques Show at Lyndhurst A National Trust Historic Site. Up to 70 booths. Tented on Lyndhurst estate 10 AM - 5 PM. Show admission $7. Tour of Mansion $4 with show admission. Special Decorative Arts Tour of Mansion with Lyndhurst Curator Sat./Sun. 1 PM for $10. Call for reservations, space is limited. Expert verbal appraising (incl. jewelry) by Wm. Jenack Appraisers & Auctioneers. Sat. 11 AM- 3 PM, $5 per item. On Route 9 in Westchester County, one-half mile South of Tappan Zee Bridge (I-87 exit 9), follow signs. JULY 28, 29 (Fri., Sat.) NEW MILFORD, CT 39th New Milford Village Fair Days Village Green, Friday 10 AM - 10 PM; Saturday 9 AM - 9 PM 140 “juried” crafters, 35 antiques dealers Free Admission. Entertainment, marathon, food court I-84 exit 7, Route 202 East off Route 7, follow signs. SEPT. 4 (Mon.) KATONAH, NY 22nd Lasdon Labor Day Antiques Fair Lasdon Park & Arboretum on Route 35. Up to 70 booths, entertainment, plant sale. 10 AM - 5 PM . Admission $6. From Route 684 exit 6 or from Taconic Pkwy exit Yorktown/Rte. 202 East, follow signs. OCT. 21, 22 (Sat., Sun) DANBURY, CT DAWN TO DUSK RAIN OR SHINE Our 36th Year STORMVILLE AIRPORT Antique Show & Flea Market 2nd Antique Ceramic Arts Expo Danbury PAL Building, 25 Hayestown Rd. Up to 60 International dealers selling antique to unique fine pottery, porcelain, & ceramics and related merchandise (i.e. reference books). 11 AM - 5 PM. FREE LECTURE by Paul Katrich. Sunday 1 PM. Regular admission $6. Early admission $15 with booth tour and continental breakfast Saturday, 10 - 11 AM I-84 East exit 5; West exit 6, follow signs. DEC. 10 (Sun.) OLD GREENWICH, CT 2006 SHOWS Over 600 Exhibitors No Pets FREE Admission and Parking May 27 & 28 July 1 & 2 September 2 & 3 October 7 & 8 21st Antique Stocking Stuffers Show/Sale of antique & estate jewelry & silver plus general antiques/collectibles no more than 6” x 6” for that holiday stocking. Civic Center, 90 Harding Rd. 70 booths, over 1000 feet of treasures. Admission $6. PSMA I-95 exit 5, follow signs. P ro f e s s i o n a l S h o w M a n a g e r ' s Association, Inc. RTE . 216 · STORMVILLE , NY · (845) 221-6561 or call 413-245-0961 Spring 2006 • Brimfield Pocket Guide 5 Brimfield Dealer Directory Brimfield Directory SHOW DEALER BOOTH Packaging & Delivery Service / Tents Brimfield Post Office LDG Antique Delivery Service Packaging Store See ad page 13 Mays Midway Road Road Advertising & Displays Awsum Advertising Barnstable Stove Shop, Inc. Bill & Joan Lennon Carl Fila & Rob McElroy Country Lady Antiques Country Lady Antiques Dudley Hill Antiques Edward/Patricia Seidel Fred Glogower Frederic Hartl Gerald Newman Gerald Newman Hometown Antiques Impact Collectibles L & M Antiques Larkins Antiques Mainely Paper Antiques Mercantile Antiques Old Federal Shop ThingsGoneBy.Com ToyRoadAntiques Turner Antiques Turner Antiques Vincent DAngelo Waynes Neon Clocks NE Motel PA 16 Meadow 14 JJ F 24-25 MAYS 154 Green 309 JJ F23 MAYS 75 JJ Brook 16-17 Quaker L 10 Hertans 116 Dealers B-120 HOTM K-1 NE Motel 23 HOTM B6 JJ G 22 Quaker 116 JJ G1 MAYS 628 MAYS 525 Dealers Pavillion JJ M2 BAN Tent J 18 HOTM Dealers C 157 Hertans 139, 140 African Art Saho African Arts Crystal Front American Art Pottery C & L Antiques C & L Antiques Crones Collectibles PotteryGlassChina Primarily Pottery The Heritage Shop Antiques BrimBarn Sturt N BrimBarn Hertans Quaker Collins BACK ROW 88 L3 Front Row Americana ® “The Packing and Shipping Experts” sm “I love it, but how would I get it home” sm Located at Brimfield Antique Center • Toll Free 888-593-6683 Alley Antiques and Collectibles Alpha & Omega Antiques Alpha & Omega Antiques Antiquities Christopher Swift Antiques Country Squire Antiques Country Treasures Antiques D & N Sandys D & N Sandys Darwin D. Bearley Antiques Ferguson & Darruda Grotheer Hedgeworth Antiques Henry Stek/Setkiewicz Antiques History Gallery Iron Gate Antiques Jan & John Maggs Antiques Jan & John Maggs Antiques John H. Marshall Keeping Room Antiques KENO - BUTLER ANTIQUES Lincoln & Jean Sander M & L Antiques M. Gosch Antiques Mary and Joshua Steenburgh Mercantile Antiques Michael & Claire Higgins Antiques Michael & Claire Higgins Antiques New York Antique Company 6 Spring 2006 • Brimfield Pocket Guide JJ JJ Dealers Quaker MAYS NE Motel HOTM JJ Dealers Shelton MAYS Dealers MAYS NE Motel JJ JJ MAYS Dealers MAYS NE Motel Hertans Hertans MAYS Quaker MAYS MAYS Dealers HOTM MAYS M 03,33 M 49 A 37 L4-5 413 47 A66-69 C 32 Pavillion F6 507 C 170 519 94 E-03 M 40 165 P9 657 65 203 141 534 35-36 69 628 245 A 11 510 DEALER SHOW BOOTH Old Cape Antiques Ough Antiques Park Antiques R & R Collectibles Red Rooster Robert Perry Antiques Rorkes Drift Rorkes Drift Steve Smoot Antiques Steve Smoot Antiques The Chenille Cottage The East West Trading Company MAYS HOTM MAYS Central MAYS Crystal JJ BAN MAYS Dealers Central Midway 441 J 17 331 43 329 2 P6 363364 454 178 80 50, 63 Architectural & Garden Aardvark Antiques Andrews Antiques Architectural Emporium Architectural Emporium Architiques Bob Withington Antiques Capitol Salvage Christopher Swift Antiques Copper Art Sprinklers Corey Daniels D. Williams Doris Dixon Antiques Ferguson & Darruda Great Stuff by Paul Antiques Henry Stek/Setkiewicz Antiques J & B Antiques J. Pasternak & Son Antiques Jack Adamson Jeffrey Greene Antiques Kate Alex and Co. Kate Alex and Co. Les Dumond Antiques Lincoln & Jean Sander LooLoo Design M. Gosch Antiques Marvin Gardens Nothing Definite Inc. Olde Good Things Olde Good Things Olde Good Things Olde Good Things Olde Good Things Red Rooster Robb Carty Collectibles Robert/Kathy/Michaela Baranowsky Rose Garden Antiques Sandy Klempner Antiques/Interiors Smith-Zukas Antiques STU-ARTz Sydelle & Jay Livingston Sydelle & Jay Livingston The Grange Vintage TableTop Design Vintage TableTop Design MAYS Quaker Collins Meadow Quaker HOTM NE Motel MAYS Meadow HOTM Quaker Shelton MAYS Hertans NE Motel MAYS Meadow Hertans Quaker Dealers Hertans JJ Hertans JJ Quaker Quaker Quaker Sturt N Dealers MAYS HOTM JJ MAYS Central JJ Dealers Dealers Hertans Quaker HOTM Dealers Quaker Hertans Quaker 9192 55-56 Street 57-60 E-tent 2 413 134 E Tent B-26 B 33, 42 507 196, 197 94 115 31, 32 39 137 C 183 189 C5 141 35-36 B 14 - B 20 80 C 146-47 638 A-40 B 22, 42 329 74 B-2, B-11 D 223 D 264 8, 9 100 G 26 D 251 B12-13 102 43 Art & Paintings Antique Prints Shelton’s Field - Daily • Florals • Animals • Birds • Sea Life Dan & Nancy’s Antiques P.O. Box 88, Feeding Hills, MA 01030 Tiffany · Oil Paintings · Doulton English Cameo · Sterling & Coin Silver Phone & Fax - (413) 789-3464 Antique Prints Art and Antiques Artfull Eye Shelton MAYS Shelton F-21 504 F 05 Visit us also at Brimfield Dealer Directory DEALER SHOW Artique Auntie Pauls's Antiques Bob Korhn Bridges Over Time Carl L. Bosk Chelsea Hill Antiques Crones Collectibles Dan & Nancy's Antiques Elegant Artifacts Griffin's Gallery Janis Petrovich Jennings & Rohn Antiques Joe Torre Michael Smith Munro Studios Northumbria Old Threads Antique Textiles Old Threads Antique Textiles Ooh Aah Antiques Peace Antiques Peter Wilkinson Jacobs Peter Wilkinson Jacobs Point Pleasant Galleries Point Pleasant Galleries Somebodys Antiques Susan Walter Antiques MAYS Hertans MAYS Dealers BAN MAYS BrimBarn BrimBarn MAYS HOTM Collins HOTM NE Motel MAYS Quaker Dealers MAYS Crystal MAYS NE Motel MAYS BrimBarn MAYS Hertans NE Motel HOTM BOOTH 94 57 D 255 548 425 In. L.Rear 516 I5 Front road E- Tent Front 85 7 B 98 219 Front 508 223 55 608 96 218 G-41 Art Glass Sturt N Midway Beauty and the Beast Antiques Black Swan 5 Black Americana Dianes Antiques Stonegate Antiques MAYS JJ 56 G 33 Books & Manuscripts C & R Antiques Childrens Book Nook ELL-ELL Books History Gallery House of Hubbard Murphy's Old Books Priceguides and More Rorkes Drift Rorkes Drift The Gryphon's Nest Central Quaker Midway JJ Quaker MAYS Central JJ BAN Shelton 99 68/69 75 E-03 30 178 138 P6 363364 F-1 Bottles Bill-Lil Antiques Bitters Bottles Cobalt Turtle Antiques Robert Lanagan The Re-Run Shop NE Motel JJ JJ Green Quaker 1-2 E 28-29 E 12 & 13 104 70 Meadow NE Motel Hertans JJ MAYS MAYS NE Motel Dealers JJ Hertans 134 46 147 A29 84 24 68 A & B A 67 A6 X Brass/Copper/Bronze Copper Art Sprinklers Country Brass Hedgerow Antiques Hedgerow Antiques Kay Bakers Antiques Malcolm Reiss NE Brass Refinishing/Campello Antiq Rubleys Antiques Sir Richards Antiques Treasures of Old Breweriana - Americana - Advertising - Folk Art Where the Show Begins… 23 Sturbridge Rd. - Across St. Chris. Church 413-245-9836. Extended Hours. Adelle Hammond Boston Antiques Coop. No. 1 John T. Pierce Antiques Mary Fazzino Orange Trading Company or call 413-245-0961 Central HOTM Dealers Quaker Green 65 & 66 D-12 A5 28 Left Rear DEALER SHOW BOOTH Central JJ Central Central JJ Central Dealers Central Central Quaker 86 F1 99 98 A 63 & 64 45 P 15 116 111 115 Buttons & Smalls Almeida Enterprises Bunny's Place C & R Antiques Dusty's Vintage Linens & Textiles Emily's Vintage Cottage Kristine Tibbetts MFM Nifty Thrifty Dry Goods Odyssey Gallery Antiques Patricia Kosmoski Cameras Eighty One Main Antiques Stephen Cast Iron Antiques and Accents Antiques and Accents Baileys Anitques Bear Creek Trading Company Doris Dixon Antiques Impact Collectibles Impulsive Antiques Lilac House Antiques & Galleries Stephen Moss Stephen Moss Weather or Knot Antiques Yellow River Country Antiques MAYS HOTM Quaker Quaker Shelton HOTM Quaker BrimBarn MAYS HOTM Midway Quaker 63 E8 40 B 5-6 B 33, 42 B6 117 On road 63 E8 46, 59 B 20,21 NE Motel MAYS MAYS Quaker Central Dealers HOTM JJ 35 & 36 393 97 45 3A 245 A 11 C-8 Quaker JJ Quaker Midway Central Central BAN HOTM 68/69 Brook 23 90 72 121 68 Tent J 18 Hertans Central MAYS Central JJ MAYS JJ JJ Meadow 172 84 394 126 M 40 253 E 21 F 12 151 HOTM JJ NE Motel MAYS Crystal JJ MAYS Mahogany Crystal Crystal JJ Central JJ Hertans Dealers JJ F 110 P 40 PA 16 362 5 A 12 126 36 Ceramics Antique Articles Dennis & Dad Antiques Jeanne DeLarm-Neri Kramars Kollectible Korner Lauras Dollhouses & Collectibles Michael & Claire Higgins Antiques Michael & Claire Higgins Antiques The Chair Man & The Tea Lady Childrens Items Childrens Book Nook Joyce Charbonneau Mary L. Marconi Mori Books Shelley and Tory Beth The Closetful Turner Antiques Turner Antiques Civil War Antiques & Artifacts Bear Trap Trading Company David Charron Elmwood Antiques Iron Gate Antiques Jerry Greenstein Rob & Ruth Lyon Sunset Antiques Trimbles Tavern Antiques Clocks & Watches Artifacts Artifacts Awsum Advertising Ed Finney Antiques Goldsmith Jewelers Greenhouse Antiques Hermitage Antiques Jim Brady Antiques Karys Gold & Silver Miami Watch & Clock Old Winterport Commercial House R & R Collectibles Robert DeLuca Antiques Waynes Neon Clocks Window of Time Antiques Window of Time Antiques B 33 43 M-40 139, 140 B 94 BR 32 Coin Op & Mechanical Antiques & Tyme John Apple M & L Antiques MAYS Hertans MAYS Spring 2006 • Brimfield Pocket Guide 174 24 534 7 Brimfield Dealer Directory DEALER SHOW BOOTH Orange Trading Company The Victrola Man Green Meadow Left Rear 77 Midway MAYS Shelton Quaker 58 163 f33 15, 16 Sturt S 11, 12 Coins Blair Collectibles M.A. Storck Company Pete Peters Show Car Tags Costume Jewelry Anderson Jewelers Anderson Jewelers Antique Center Of Keyport Back From The Past Antiques Bench Jeweler Blackbird Antiques Brantiques Christinas Antiques & Jewelry Grannys This & That Green Lady Gfits JoAnntiques Judith Clarke Kendall Antiques Laurel Antiques of Maine Leda Roberts Memories on Main St. Memories on Main St. Mid Century Chic Old Costume Jewelry Sandra McNeil Antiques Sandra McNeil Antiques Sarsaparilla Antiques Somebodys Antiques Sue's Jewels Terezi Vintage Jewelry The Green Mannequin Wendy Holden Design Wow! My Mom Had That! MAYS 535 BAN 117 Midway 58 NE Motel 46 MAYS 492 HOTM G 01 Quaker 70 & 76 Midway 45 Collins 3 Hertans 32B, 120 JJ A 64 Collins Crystal 5 BrimBarn 3 MAYS 503 Under trees MAYS Meadow 152, 161 Meadow 172-173 59 Central MAYS 512 Sturt N Shelton #F-Drive.Pool NE Motel 218 Collins Dealers Pavilion 27 Quaker 53 Quaker 95-96 Midway 47 Country Alley Antiques and Collectibles Anderson/Kelley Antiques Anne Negrin Antiques Antiques & Tyme Antiques on the Common Apple Country Antiques Bakers Antiques Bay State Antiques Bayberry Art & Antiques Broad Street Antiques Market Brownstead Antiques Capitol Salvage Class Menagerie Classic Junque Country Lady Antiques Country Lady Antiques Davidian-Americana Diana M Higgins Antiques Frederic Hartl Jack Adamson James Rickard Antiques Jim Worcester Atiques Keeping Room Antiques Lone Ranger Antiques Mason Dixon Memories Meissners Auction Service Meissners Auction Service Michael Mccue Antiques Now & Then Now & Then Oak Barrel Antiques Picture Window Antiques Ray & Joan Peterson Antiques Richard Fuller Antiques Shoe Rack Lady Smiths Antiques Spindle CIty Antiques The Cooperage The Scottish Trader 8 SHOW Wiggletown Wyben Hills Antiques NE Motel Central BOOTH 197 3 Deco & Decorative Arts Comic Yesterdays Paper DEALER JJ M 03,33 Dealers A 14 JJ R 36,37,38 MAYS 174 Quaker 48 JJ C 06 HOTM A 24 Hertans 66 JJ A-21 Quaker 13 Hertans 115 NE Motel 2 Hertans 40 MAYS 54 Green 309 F23 JJ MAYS 271 16 Hertans 116 Hertans Hertans 39 MAYS 10 Quaker 84,86-124,125 NE Motel 65 Quaker 104-105 13-14 Quaker Hertans 91, 92 BAN 86 271 MAYS BAN JJ P 31 Midway 8 Quaker B 18 N 32 JJ 475 MAYS MAYS 397 Quaker 37 60 Hertans Quaker 69 Quaker 112-122 Spring 2006 • Brimfield Pocket Guide Andi Charkow Antique & Decorating Wherehouse Antiques and Accents Antiques and Accents B & B Antiques Black Swan Bob Korhn Grey Goose Antiques Rowfant Antiques Sarsaparilla Antiques Sydelle & Jay Livingston Sydelle & Jay Livingston The Vintage Closet Vintage TableTop Design Vintage TableTop Design Walkers Collectibles Walkers Collectibles West St. Station JJ C 30 NE Motel P 8-12 MAYS 63 HOTM E8 Midway Inside Midway 5 MAYS 57 Central 2 NE Motel PB 6 Shelton #F-Drive.Pool HOTM G 26 Dealers D 251 Quaker 61 Hertans 102 Quaker 43 Dealers P18 JJ M 44 Quaker 22 Decoys Malchione Antiques & Sporting HOTM A 28 Dolls & Accessories Andersons' Antiques Bay State Antiques Brass Lantern Antiques Hasbeens Jeanne DeLarm-Neri Keepers Toys and Barbie Dolls Shelley and Tory Beth Through The Looking Glass Through The Looking Glass What-A-Doll! Mahogany Hertans Dealers MAYS MAYS Crystal Central BAN HOTM Quaker 26 66 C 172 539 97 121 Pavillon H 14 L-6 Quaker Quaker Quaker Shelton Shelton 98/111 8 B-26 M50 B 14 Eclectic A.T. Roche's Antique Handles D. Williams Halls Antiques Sold By Sue Wearsch Ephemera Mainely PaperAntiques Buying & Selling Ephemera & Country Store Advertising J&J Booth G-2 207-594-2390 · email: Beauty and the Beast Antiques Bill & Joan Lennon Carl Fila & Rob McElroy Cartophilian Collectibles Charles & Nellie Huttunen Donald Schimke Antiques Film Richards Glens Cards Gray Collectibles James Barilaro Jim & Kayce Dimond Jim & Kayce Dimond Mainely Paper Antiques Melissas Antiques Stan & Jane Davidson Postcards The First Class Cabin The Orchard The Post Card Repository The Re-Run Shop The Toy Boy The Zussman Collection Thomas S. Mills Tom & Carol Halsdorf Walkers Collectibles Walkers Collectibles Wex Rex Wiggletown Sturt N JJ MAYS Post Mara Post Mara Post Mara Quaker Central Post Mara Post Mara JJ Green JJ MAYS Post Mara Post Mara Central Post Mara Quaker Midway NE Motel Post Mara Sturt N Dealers JJ Meadow NE Motel F 24-25 154 Inside Inside Inside 19 92 Inside Inside P 15, 16 Main Aisle G1 127 Inside 82 Inside 70 19 M9 Inside Last Row P18 M 44 Road 33 197 Visit us also at Brimfield Dealer Directory DEALER SHOW BOOTH Central Quaker JJ JJ JJ JJ Quaker Central Hertans MAYS NE Motel Quaker JJ 65 & 66 70 & 76 H 28 A 27 R 41 K 13 L3 104 88 395 39 B3&4 N 47 Fiesta & Depression Adelle Hammond Brantiques Furniture Farm Antiques Herman Antiques & Collectibles Hoosier Kubboard Glass Jim & Alberta Keller & Ross Mr. Antique PotteryGlassChina Robinson Sales TLC Antiques Tomkat Collectibles Yesterdays Memories John & Veronica Booth #A28 HOTM Duck Decoys • Fish Decoys • Swans • Rods • Reels • Creels • Lures • Flies • Tools • Baseball • Nautical Folk • Art · 610 444-3509 · Kennett Square, PA Hunting & Fishing Ephemera Calendars - Postcards - Gun Catalogs L&MLewis ANTIQUES Parker Booth G22 Antiquities Bear Trap Trading Company Classic Junque L & M Antiques Les Dumond Antiques Malchione Antiques & Sporting Misery Island Sporting Collectibles Terry Walker Antiques Traditional Marine Outfitters Quaker Central MAYS JJ JJ HOTM Stephen Midway Meadow 11, 25 Flow Blue & Majolica Mars-Most Antiques The Peddlers Chest MAYS JJ 418 Brook 4 Folk Art 1840 House 1840 House A.T. Roche's Andrew Hasselberg Antiquebug Apple Country Antiques Blackbird Antiques Bob Smith Antiques D & N Sandys D & N Sandys Diana M Higgins Antiques James Rickard Antiques Jim Worcester Atiques John H. Marshall Kate Alex and Co. Kate Alex and Co. Mary and Joshua Steenburgh Mount Vernon Antiques Mount Vernon Antiques Munro Studios Peace Antiques Peppercricket Farm Robert Perry Antiques Rose Garden Antiques Sandy Klempner Antiques & Interiors Stuff and Things Antiques The Workshop Victorian Manor Antiques William E. Lohrman or call 413-245-0961 SHOW BOOTH Quaker 137 Forged Iron Fishing & Sports Related J&J DEALER MAYS 540 HOTM F Tent Quaker 98/111 Crystal Street Midway JJ C 06 G 01 HOTM Hertans 229 JJ C 32 Dealers Pavillion Hertans 16 10 MAYS Quaker 84,86-124,125 MAYS 657 Dealers C 183 189 Hertans MAYS 69 HOTM C 31 Dealers D 272 Quaker 7 223 NE Motel Brook 10 JJ Crystal 2 Dealers D 223 D 264 Dealers JJ Brook 33 JJ Brook 5 JJ D7 MAYS 520 Jeffrey Greene Antiques Furniture ® “Brimfields Licensed and Insured mover” License # MC 274579 Located at Brimfield Antique Center • Toll Free 888-593-6683 1840 House 1840 House Affordable Antiques Allagheny Heritage Antiques Amazing Antiques Amethyst Antigues Anderson/Kelley Antiques Antique & Decorating Wherehouse Antiques on the Common Artistic Design Originals Bell Tower Antiques & Hardware Benefit Street Antiques Bill N Lous Antiques Brass Lantern Antiques Brass Lantern Antiques Bridges Over Time Buckboard Antiques Cabinetworks of Butternut Hollow Carriage House Antiques Cellar Shop Central Market Antiques Chatsworth Auction Rooms Cherry Acres D & M Antiques Door Knocker Antiques Down The Road Antiques Dudley Hill Antiques Easter Hill Antiques Elegant Artifacts Fromme Antiques Ginas Antiques & Auctioneers Great Stuff by Paul Antiques Grey Goose Antiques HARTCO - Hartford Trunk Images Past Impulsive Antiques J. Pasternak & Son Antiques James Jackson Jennings & Rohn Antiques Jim Stubblefield Antiques John's Iron Garden John/Sharron Yaccarino Johns Antiques Joseph McGaughey Lightning Colors Lori Spencer Manor House Antiques Mary Fazzino Meissners Auction Service Meissners Auction Service Monkton Mill Antiques Nancy Koly Antiques New England Antiques of Punta Gorda Old Acres Farm Antiques Old Winterport Commercial House Olivias Attic Ltd One Stop Antiques Inc. Quaboag Valley Antiques Center Randall Davis Antiques Red City Antiques Robert/Kathy/Michaela Baranowsky Rock-n-Glass Antiques Something Simple Stone Block Antiques STU-ARTz Stuff and Things Antiques Sunset Antiques T. Jordan Elliot Antique Dealer MAYS 540 HOTM F Tent JJ B 32 Collins Rear Quaker 118 Central 67 Dealers A 14 NE Motel P 8-12 Quaker 48 NE Motel 188 Central 1 MAYS 133 MAYS 489 MAYS 376 Dealers C 172 Dealers D 255 NE Motel Front Tent Meadow 11 NE Motel P 11 Quaker 26 Midway 216294255 MAYS 661 Quaker 108 Mahogany Mahogany JJ Brook 29, 30 MAYS 75 MAYS 477 MAYS 516 Hertans 230 NE Motel 198-199 Hertans 196, 197 Central 2 Hertans 79 & Upfront NE Motel 91-93 Quaker 117 Meadow 31, 32 MAYS 88 HOTM E- Tent Hertans 201, 202 Collins Front Road Quaker L 2,8 120 MAYS MAYS 402 B8 Quaker NE Motel 214 NE Motel 228, 29, 30 Quaker 28 Hertans 91, 92 86 BAN 51 MAYS NE Motel 97 Green VT Tent Meadow 195 JJ B 33 Mahogany 30 Meadow 179-182 JJ Brook 1,2,3 Mahogany Ben/Jerry 21 Central JJ B-2, B-11 Crystal 46-47 Quaker Green Vt.Tent Quaker 100 JJ Brook 33 JJ F 12 Green tent Meadow Spring 2006 • Brimfield Pocket Guide 9 Brimfield Dealer Directory DEALER SHOW The Antique Poole The Chair Man & The Tea Lady The Cooperage The Door Knocker Antiques The Orchard The Seawife Theresa Jackson Antiques Tian Ling Treasure Hunt Antiques Tricias Treasures Turnpike Antiques Whatevers Antiques William D. Johnson Antiques Wyben Hills Antiques Central JJ Quaker Mahogany Central Meadow MAYS Midway Quaker NE Motel Hertans JJ JJ Central BOOTH 108 C-8 69 Front 82 158 83 10/24/37 L 2, L 8 28-50 117 A 52 Brook 34 3 Furniture Country Fully licensed and insured Professional Service. ® Packing, Crating and Delivery Services Located at Brimfield Antique Center • Toll Free 888-593-6683 Alpha & Omega Antiques Alpha & Omega Antiques Antiques & Artifacts Bakers Antiques Country Squire Antiques Country Treasures Antiques EuroPorts Home & Garden Forgotten Furnishings Grey Barn Antiques Grotheer Hartmann House Antiques Hermitage Antiques Hiawatha Country Woodshop Jan & John Maggs Antiques Jan & John Maggs Antiques Joyce Antiques Juniper Hill Antiques Keno - Butler Antiques New York Antique Company Pastime Antiques Peppercricket Farm Randall Davis Antiques Spinning Wheel Antiques The Dusty Shelf The Fred O Smith Line The Hoosierman The Peddlers Chest Turnpike Antiques JJ M 49 Dealers A 37 Hertans 172 HOTM A 24 NE Motel 47 HOTM A66-69 NE Motel 302 MAYS 27 JJ B7 Dealers C 170 JJ Brook 6 MAYS 126 Quaker 9293 MAYS 165 Dealers P9 NE Motel 202 Stephen Fr.Tent Rd Hertans 203 MAYS 510 Hertans 42-43-49-50 JJ Brook 10 Mahogany Ben/Jerry Stephen Tent-Road MAYS 74 NE Motel 208 MAYS 401 JJ Brook 4 Hertans 117 Furniture English/Euro American Eagle Antiques Bob Withington Antiques House of Windsor Manor House Antiques Martell & Suffin Antiques Martell & Suffin Antiques McInnis Antiques Central HOTM Hertans NE Motel Dealers HOTM Hertans 36 E-tent 45 228,29-30 C 181 F 50 206 Furniture Oak ™FLAV™ “Fragile, Large, Awkward or Valuable”™ Located at Brimfield Antique Center • Toll Free 888-593-6683 10 SHOW Johns Antiques Kirsch Antiques Spinning Wheel Antiques Stoneware John Swierad's Antiques Wilbraham Mountain Antiques Wynns Antiques MAYS NE Motel Stephen Midway Central Quaker NE Motel BOOTH 120 196 & 210 Tent-Road 5 8 49 69-70-71 Furniture Painted Bettina Krainin Bob Smith Antiques Eileen Love EuroPorts Home & Garden Juniper Hill Antiques Pastime Antiques Sherman Alden Antiques Stormy Crandall Antiques Vintage Pastelle Hertans 146 Hertans 229 NE Motel 225, 225A NE Motel 302 Stephen Fr Tent Rd Hertans 42-43-49-50 MAYS 380 Quaker L 11, 13 NE Motel 303 A Furniture Period Andrews Antiques Cabinetworks of Butternut Hollow Chelsea Hill Antiques Corey Daniels Fromme Antiques Martell & Suffin Antiques Martell & Suffin Antiques Old Cape Antiques Plum Blossom Antiques Robert DeLuca Antiques Sherman Alden Antiques The East West Trading Company Tim Walker Antiques Tim Walker Antiques Toma Golden Antiques Wynns Antiques Quaker Meadow MAYS HOTM Hertans Dealers HOTM MAYS NE Motel JJ MAYS Midway Quaker MAYS NE Motel NE Motel 55-56 11 425 E Tent 230 C 181 F 50 441 PB M-40 380 50, 63 B-3&4 334 PA 3 69/70/71 Furniture Victorian Galligan's Antiques L & M Furniture Point Pleasant Galleries Point Pleasant Galleries Rock-n-Glass Antiques Rubleys Antiques Toma Golden Antiques Webber Antiques Webber Antiques Wolfs Den Antiques Sturt S Crystal 6 MAYS 608 Hertans 96 Crystal Dealers A 67 NE Motel PA 3 Central 56 BAN 351-53 & 356 Hertans 138, 139 Games, Toys & Trains 20th Century Objex 20th Century Objex Bill-Lil Antiques Elmwood Antiques James Jackson Keepers Toys and Barbie Dolls Ken Farrar Ken Farrar L & M Furniture Mike's & Gayle's Toys N' Joys The Sultan of Swap The Toy Boy Tim Walker Antiques Tim Walker Antiques BAN MAYS NE Motel Central MAYS Crystal MAYS MAYS Crystal Central Sturt N Midway Quaker MAYS Tent 414 1-2 126 88 506 506 6 106 19 B-3&4 334 General Line FREE Pickup of larger items ® American Eagle Antiques Andrew Hasselberg Carl Haraska Fragile Beauty Antiques Grey Barn Antiques House of Hubbard House of Windsor J & B Antiques DEALER Central Crystal JJ NE Motel JJ Quaker Hertans MAYS Spring 2006 • Brimfield Pocket Guide 36 72 219 B7 30 45 115 Andi Charkow Artfull Eye Central Market Antiques Dantiques/Hook'n Pennies Dantiques/Hook'n Pennies Dianes Antiques Gary Avadanian Jim Stubblefield Antiques John Wirkkala Mike Wilson Antiques Millers Antiques Nan Gurley Antique Shows Past Times Antiques Stephen Moss Stephen Moss The Fred O Smith Line Vincent DAngelo JJ C 30 F 05 Shelton Midway 216/294/255 Hertans 205 D227 Dealers MAYS 56 Stephen Hertans 201, 202 Hertans 41 VT Tent Green 452 MAYS Antique Shows NE Motel 24 63 MAYS HOTM E8 NE Motel 208 Dealers C 157 Visit us also at Brimfield Dealer Directory DEALER SHOW Webber Antiques Webber Antiques Central 56 BAN 351-53 & 356 BOOTH Brimfield’s Experts at packing fragile Items. Located at Brimfield Antique Center • Toll Free 888-593-6683 or call 413-245-0961 Quaker JJ NE Motel Collins MAYS Hertans MAYS NE Motel Central Stephen MAYS JJ Central HOTM MAYS Crystal Quaker Mahogany NE Motel Collins MAYS Mahogany Central Quaker NE Motel Sturt S Hertans Collins JJ JJ JJ Central Collins JJ Quaker BrimBarn MAYS Quaker Central MAYS JJ Quaker MAYS Central NE Motel Green MAYS Crystal NE Motel Central MAYS NE Motel Meadow MAYS Hertans Meadow Collins Sturt N MAYS NE Motel Quaker Quaker Hertans NE Motel Quaker Quaker NE Motel JJ Quaker BOOTH MAYS Shelton MAYS JJ 394 M 21 253 A6 Midway MAYS MAYS BAN BAN MAYS HOTM JJ MAYS MAYS Crystal BrimBarn Sturt N Midway Shelton MAYS MAYS MAYS Crystal NE Motel Central MAYS Collins Crystal NE Motel MAYS NE Motel MAYS NE Motel Dealers Crystal Dealers Central Central MAYS Shelton MAYS BrimBarn NE Motel Central Shelton Hertans MAYS Sturt N MAYS BAN Dealers Central Central Dealers Quaker 20 511 535 117 35 451 F 110 P 40 499 492 Jewelry & Gemstones “Custom molded Foam-In-Place packing available” 2 Hats Antiques Affordable Antiques All That Glitters Allagheny Heritage Antiques Annas Antiques Annas Antiques Artique Artistic Design Originals Bell Tower Antiques/Hardware Beverly & Kevin Boyce Bill N Lous Antiques Bitters Bottles Black Run Antiques Boston Antiques Coop. No. 1 Brass Lantern Antiques Burns Silver Shoppe Cross Century Antiques D & M Antiques Dayles Antiques Days Gone Antiques Design Antiques Door Knocker Antiques Dunbar Antiques Echoes of Time Fragile Beauty Antiques Galligan's Antiques Goose Creek Antiques Grannys This & That Harvest Antiques Herman Antiques & Collectibles Hoosier Kubboard Glass J & S Horn Antiques Janis Petrovich Jim & Alberta John/Sharron Yaccarino JSD Antiques Judith Ann DeTrask Kramars Kollectible Korner Louise Kobryner Malcolm Reiss MarBo Antiques Marges Bazaar Mars-Most Antiques Mike's & Gayle's Toys N' Joys Nancy Koly Antiques New England Antiques of Punta Gorda Old Threads Antique Textiles Old Threads Antique Textiles Pamela Herbert Reminisce With Ruth Robinson Sales Rowfant Antiques Ruth Nail Seagull Antiques Shane's Services T. Jordan Elliot Antique Dealer The Heritage Shop Antiques The Sultan of Swap Theresa Jackson Antiques TLC Antiques Tomkat Collectibles Treasure Hunt Antiques Treasures of Old Tricias Treasures West St. Station Wilbraham Mountain Antiques Wiswall House Antiques Yesterdays Memories Yesteryears' Accents SHOW Guns, Armour & Arms David Charron Irwin Hunsher Jerry Greenstein Sir Richards Antiques Glass, China & Crystal ® DEALER 9 B 32 Pavilion 7 Rear 249 36 94 188 1 Tent 489 E 28-29 129 D-12 376 8 M8 2 322 118 44 219 22-23 3 P 10 A 27 R 41 83 Front road K 13 L 2,8 Inside 111 45 112 24 Brook 24 64 418 106 97 VT Tent 219 Front 112 83 395 PB 6 445 96, 97 Green tent Front Row 83 39 B 3/4 L 2, L 8 X 28-50 22 49 20/21 N 47 43 Alberta Brown Alicia Zourdos Anderson Jewelers Anderson Jewelers Any Antique Will Do Any Antique Will Do Artifacts Artifacts BeJewelled Bench Jeweler Burns Silver Shoppe C & L Antiques C & L Antiques Christinas Antiques & Jewelry Diana Smires Jewelry Dot Lawrence Antiques Ed & Helen Tobin Antiques Gabrielle Casella/Kathie Kustadick Goldsmith Jewelers J & J of Tucson J & S Horn Antiques Judith Ann DeTrask Judith Clarke Karys Gold & Silver Larry Stowell Antiques Leda Roberts Lori Spencer M.A. Storck Company Magi MFM Miami Watch & Clock Northumbria Odyssey Gallery Antiques Old Costume Jewelry Ooh Aah Antiques Pete Peters Peter Wilkinson Jacobs Peter Wilkinson Jacobs Plum Blossom Antiques Robb Carty Collectibles Robert Lloyd Inc. Roger Pheulpin Antiques Sandra McNeil Antiques Sandra McNeil Antiques Sher's Bounty Antiques,LLC Sher's Bounty Antiques,LLC Terezi Vintage Jewelry The Antique Poole The Potting Shed ThingsGoneBy.Com Wendy Holden Design BACK ROW 45 M 48 658 502 3132 5 212 B 83 111 PB-9 503 214 163 PA 17-20 P 15 B 98 111 59 508 f33 55 PB 74 F 30/31/32 146 512 518 423 Pavilion 27 108 120 Pavillion 95-96 Kitchen Related Ann Marie ONeill Avatar Antiques Black Run Antiques Brownstead Antiques Claire Schlesser/ObjetsObjects Colleen Vagnini Antiques Edward/Patricia Seidel Ericksons Antique Stoves Furniture Farm Antiques Hometown Antiques Keller & Ross Lauras Dollhouses/Collectibles MarBo Antiques Mason Dixon Memories Mixing Bowl Antiques Now & Then Now & Then Ray & Joan Peterson Antiques Swierad's Antiques The Hoosierman Whatevers Antiques Wow! My Mom Had That! D3 HOTM Quaker 37-39 Central 129 Hertans 115 JJ M4 Midway 46, 59 Brook 16-17 JJ MAYS 377 JJ H 28 23 NE Motel Quaker L3 Central 3A JJ Brook 24 Quaker 13-14 M7 NE Motel BAN JJ P 31 JJ N 32 8 Central MAYS 401 JJ A 52 Midway 47 Spring 2006 • Brimfield Pocket Guide 11 2006 SHOW DATES May 12,13 · July 14,15 Sept. 8,9 On-site parking $5 • Oversized vehicles $10 No pets, please • Rain or Shine P.O. Box 385, Route 20, Brimfield, MA 01010 (413) 245-3436 • (978) 597-8155 EMAIL: Located @ Brimfield Antiques Center We Provide: 6am - 4pm Friday/$5 admission 9am - 4pm Saturday/$3 admission WEBSITE: How Can I Get It Home Safely & Economically? à Van Line Service à Foam-in-place Packaging à Custom Packaging & Shipping à Domestic & International Shipping Store Locations à Insurance (888) 593-6683 à Custom Crating Cell (860) 729-0089 à Packaging Materials Fax (860) 649-5077 à Field Pick Up Campello Antiques & NE Brass Refinishing Specializing in Brass & Copper Refinishing 508-583-9415 Hours: Mon-Fri 9-4, Sat 10-2 1085 Main Street, Brockton, MA 02301 H ERTAN ' S A NTIQUE SHOWS Free Admission - No Pre-selling Over 150 Outstanding Dealers Open Wednesday Noon to Sunset Also open Thursday to Sunday from Sunrise to Sunset 7 GREAT FLORIDA SHO PUCHSTEIN PROMOTIO David Lamberto, Owner/Operator 860-763-3760 or 413-626-0927 DeLand, Stuart, Vero Beach, Crystal BSPA Member Brimfield Show Promoters’ Association www.floridaant Quaker Acres Booth 104 & 105 Swedish Antiques E u r o p o rt s Home & Garden NE Motel Booth #302 12 Spring 2006 • Brimfield Pocket Guide Visit us also at Antique Prints Shelton’s Field - Daily • • • • • • • Florals Birds Animals Sea Life Arch Maps Americana Brimfield Post Office Open All day Packaging Supplies Money Orders • Shipping 413-245-3451 Extended Window Hours 9:00 - 5:00 Located at the Intersection of Rt. 20 & Rt. 19 19 THE UNLIMITED OPTICAL SOURCE Buying and Selling Optical Quality Eyeware and Sunware Impressive Selection dating from 1770’s-1980’s ESTHER M. HARRIS 917.721.6546 Central Park · Booth 37 19 OWS TO ONS, INC. CHOOSE FROM 813-545-9199 River, Inverness, Bradenton, Venice Looking for more to see and do in the Quaboag Hills Region? Visit us online at ANTIQUE TEXTILES VINTAGE FASHIONS SHOW & SALE 2006 MONDAYS MAY 6 JULY 10 SEPT. 4 EARLY ADMISSION 9:30 AM $ 20 GENERAL ADMISSION 11:00 AM $ 5 PSMA 125 BOOTHS • FABRICS QUILTS TRIMMIMGS BUTTONS LINENS OLD JEWELRY LACES ANTIQUE CLOTHING & ACCESSORIES HOST HOTEL - STURBRIDGE Route 20, Sturbridge, MA (jct. Mass Pike & I 84) LINDA ZUKAS 207-439-2334 ONE DAY • INDOORS • BRIMFIELD WEEK STURBRIDGE, MA ANTIQUE SHOW At the Sturbridge Host Hotel Thursday During Brimfield Week MAY 11 • JULY 13 • SEPT 7 EARLY BUYERS: NOON - 1PM $10.00 GENERAL ADMISSION: 2PM - 6PM $5.00 NAN GURLEY (207) 625-3577 or call 413-245-0961 Spring 2006 • Brimfield Pocket Guide 13 Hotels and Motels Worcester Exit 9 Exit 5 Exit 6 Exit 7 Exit 8 Exit 4 Exit 10 Palmer Logan Airport BRIMFIELD Charlton Sturbridge Exit 8 Exit 1 Springfield MASSACHUSET TS CONNECTICUT Stafford Springs Bradley International Airport Exit 40 RHODE ISLAN D Exit 70 T.F. Green Airport Exit 66 Hartford Exit 65 Exit 64 Exit 63 AUBURN, MA Holiday Inn Express Hotel & Suites Exit 10, I-90, Route 12 North, 1 mile on left to 10-12 Johnson Street, 508-832-2500, CHICOPEE, MA Hampton Inn Exit 5, I-90, Rte.33(Memorial Drive) North 2 traffic lights, U-turn hotel 2nd right, 600 Memorial Drive, 413-593-1500 Quality Inns Exit 5, I-90, Rte. 33 S. (Memorial Dr), 1⁄4 mi. on right, to jug handle, L on 33 N, 1/8 mi. on right, 463 Memorial Drive., 413-592-6171, 800-4Choice LUDLOW, MA Comfort Inn & Suites Exit 7, I-90, Left at light on Center Street, 1/4 mile on Right. 413-589-9300 SPRINGFIELD Howard Johnson Express Exit 7, I-90, Rt. 21 S, to Rt. 20 W, 1356 Boston Rd., 413-783-2111 STURBRIDGE, MA Hampton Inn Exit 9, I-90 Left at first set of lights onto Rt. 131. Hotel .25 miles on left, 328 Main Street, 508-347-6466 Scottish Inns (Route 131), From Mass Pike I-90, Exit 9 onto I-84 West: Take Exit 3B to Route 20 West; Turn left on Rt. 131 East; Inn is 1.5 mi on left,140 Main Street(Route 131), 508-347-9514 Super 8 Hotel I-90 to Exit 9 or I-84 to Exit 3B to Route 20 West 1/2 mile on right 358 Main Street, 508-347-9000, VERNON, CT Holiday Inn Express Exit 64, I-84, 346 Kelly Rd., 860-648-2000 Email: www.HIEXPRESS.COM/vernonct Quality Inn Exit 63, I-84 East, Left 1 mile on left, Exit 63, I-84 West, Right, 1 Mile on left, 51 Hartford Tpke., 800-235-4667 or 860-646-5700 WEST SPRINGFIELD, MA Super 8 Motel Exit 4, I-90, Route 5 S, 1/2 m on right. I-91Exit 13A, Route 5 N, 1/2 m on left 1500 Riverdale Street, 413-736-8080 This list of Hotels & Motels are paid by advertisers who would appreciate your business. Pricing arrangements are not determined or influenced by BrimfieldExchange 14 Spring 2006 • Brimfield Pocket Guide Visit us also at Brimfield Dealer Directory SHOW DEALER BOOTH Lamps & Lighting Antique Center Of Keyport Architectural Emporium Architectural Emporium Avatar Antiques Back From The Past Antiques Bear Creek Trading Company Butler & Butler Antiques Carl Haraska Country Brass Dayles Antiques Down The Road Antiques Easter Hill Antiques Ed Finney Antiques Goose Creek Antiques Greenhouse Antiques Halls Antiques Images Past Jim Brady Antiques Lightning Colors Michael Levinson Monkton Mill Antiques NE Brass Refinish/Campello Antiq Old Acres Farm Antiques Olde Good Things Olde Good Things Olde Good Things Olde Good Things Olde Good Things One Stop Antiques Inc. Rudy & Irene Schultz Smith-Zukas Antiques Stissing Mountain Antiques The Closetful The Dusty Shelf Vintage Poster Bank Midway 58 Collins Street Meadow Quaker 37-39 NE Motel 46 Quaker B 5-6 Sturt N Near Pool JJ 72 NE Motel 46 NE Motel M8 JJ Brook 29, 30 MAYS 477 MAYS 362 Hertans 22-23 JJ A 12 Shelton M50 NE Motel 91-93 Mahogany 36 Quaker B8 MAYS 58 MAYS 51 NE Motel 68 A/B Meadow 195 Sturt N Dealers C 146-47 MAYS 638 HOTM A-40 JJ B 22, 42 Meadow 179-182 Hertans 59 A 8, 9 Hertans JJ R 44 Central 68 MAYS 74 Meadow 172 Lithograph & Engravings BOOTH Quaker Hertans NE Motel Central Meadow 19 29 P 126 138 Road 33 Medical Stonegate Antiques JJ G 33 Metalware Antiques Handles Quaker 8 Military Alex Milman Amazing Antiques Cillo Enterprises LTD Civil Warrior Collectables Civil Warrior Collectables Class Menagerie Cyrus Doomasia Irwin Hunsher Joe Torre Joseph McGaughey Misery Island Sporting Collectibles Old Federal Shop TransAmerican Antiques, Inc. Quaker Quaker Midway BAN JJ Hertans Sturt N Shelton NE Motel MAYS Stephen MAYS NE Motel 27 118 3 P14 40 Rt. 20 M 21 Front 402 525 17 Miscellaneous & Other Alberta Brown Amethyst Antigues Cellar Shop Cranberry Estate Sales Fletchs Antiques Holiday Happenings Kirsch Antiques Lillian Goodspeed Townpeddlers Nippers Choice Phonographs Midway Central Quaker NE Motel NE Motel MAYS NE Motel Hertans Shelton 20 67 26 9, 10 239 89 196 & 210 29 F8 JJ J 14 & 34 Native American Shelton’s Field - Daily Civil Warrior Collectables Civil Warrior Collectables Ed & Helen Tobin Antiques J & J of Tucson • Florals • Animals • Birds • Sea Life BAN JJ MAYS NE Motel P14 502 212 B Optical Shelton Midway Meadow F-21 72 Maps Kay Bakers Antiques SHOW Film Richards Lillian Goodspeed Nostalgia Unlimited Priceguides and More Wex Rex Musical Antique Prints Antique Prints Mori Books Ruth Nail DEALER MAYS 84 Vintage Eyeware - New York City Central 37 Oriental/Orientalia JSD Antiques Mr. Antique Yellow River Country Antiques BrimBarn Central Quaker Inside 104 B 20,21 Quaker Quaker MAYS Post Mara Post Mara Postcard Sturt S L 10 110 178 Inside Inside 3 11, 12 Paper Marbles Blair Collectibles Larkins Antiques Mike Wilson Antiques Ough Antiques Midway Quaker Green HOTM 58 116 VT Tent J 17 Marine & Nautical Bayberry Art & Antiques Oak Barrel Antiques Paul J. DeCoste Philip Anderson Antiques Terry Walker Antiques The Grange Traditional Marine Outfitters TransAmerican Antiques, Inc. JJ A-21 8 Midway R 42,43 JJ MAYS 150 Midway 11, 25 B12-13 Quaker Meadow 42044045046 NE Motel 17 Memorabilia collectibles online Fred Glogower Gail Watson Murphy's Old Books Recollections Thomas S. Mills Weathered Wheel Antiques Yesterdays Paper Pewter Alicia Zourdos MAYS 511 Photographica Design Antiques Gail Watson Gerald Newman Gerald Newman Jake Gillison Park Antiques Sims Antique Image The Rite Image MAYS Quaker Dealers HOTM Postcard MAYS Post Mara MAYS 322 110 B-120 K-1 3 331 Inside 415 Post Mara Post Mara Midway Post Mara Inside Inside 46, 59 Inside Postcards Cartophilian Collectibles Charles & Nellie Huttunen Colleen Vagnini Antiques Donald Schimke Antiques or call 413-245-0961 Spring 2006 • Brimfield Pocket Guide 15 Brimfield Dealer Directory DEALER SHOW Eighty One Main Antiques ELL-ELL Books Glens Cards Gray Collectibles Jake Gillison James Barilaro Jim & Kayce Dimond Jim & Kayce Dimond Marges Bazaar Mary L. Martin LTD Mary L. Martin LTD Nightingales Antiques Recollections Sims Antique Image Stan & Jane Davidson Postcards The First Class Cabin The Post Card Repository The Rite Image The Zussman Collection Tom & Carol Halsdorf Weather or Knot Antiques Weathered Wheel Antiques/Postcards William D. Johnson Antiques Stephen Midway Central Post Mara Postcard Post Mara JJ Green Quaker Postcard JJ Central Post Mara Post Mara Post Mara Post Mara Post Mara MAYS NE Motel Sturt N Midway Postcard JJ BOOTH 75 92 Inside 3 Inside P 15, 16 Main Aisle 64 Inside H 21 44 Inside Inside Inside Inside 415 M9 Last Row 46, 59 3 Brook 34 Pottery & Porcelain 20th Century Objex 20th Century Objex Alex Moreno All That Glitters Ann Marie ONeill Annas Antiques Annas Antiques Antique Articles Art and Antiques B & B Antiques BeJewelled Beverly & Kevin Boyce Chatsworth Auction Rooms Cobalt Turtle Antiques Days Gone Antiques Hartmann House Antiques Harvest Antiques Kendall Antiques Laurel Antiques of Maine M & M Antiques II Mary L. Marconi Michael Levinson Noble Peddlar Antiques Nostalgia Unlimited P-B Antiques Pamela Herbert Primarily Pottery Roger Pheulpin Antiques Rudy & Irene Schultz Shane's Services Stormy Crandall Antiques Trillium Antiques White Water Antiques BAN MAYS Hertans NE Motel HOTM MAYS Hertans NE Motel MAYS Midway MAYS Stephen MAYS JJ Collins JJ JJ Crystal BrimBarn NE Motel Quaker MAYS MAYS NE Motel JJ NE Motel Quaker Hertans Hertans Hertans Quaker JJ MAYS Tent 414 83 Pavilion 7 D3 249 36 35 & 36 504 Inside 499 Tent 661 E 12/13 2 Brook 6 P 10 5 3 16 90 58 8 P 126 C 22 112 L3 146 59 A 96, 97 L 11, 13 C 26 381 Primitives Alex Moreno Andersons' Antiques Baileys Anitques Cottage Antiques Hiawatha Country Woodshop Jamtiques Joyce Antiques Lone Ranger Antiques McInnis Antiques Millers Antiques Past Times Antiques Quaboag Valley Antiques Center Richard Fuller Antiques Shoe Rack Lady Smiths Antiques Spindle CIty Antiques The Scottish Trader The Seawife The Workshop 16 83 Hertans 26 Mahogany Quaker 40 MAYS 394 Quaker 9293 HOTM A 21 NE Motel 202 104-105 Quaker Hertans 206 MAYS 452 24 NE Motel JJ Brook 1,2,3 MAYS 475 MAYS 397 Quaker 37 60 Hertans 112-122 Quaker Meadow 158 JJ Brook 5 Spring 2006 • Brimfield Pocket Guide DEALER SHOW BOOTH Prints & Posters Antique Prints Shelton’s Field - Daily • Florals • Animals • Birds • Sea Life Anne Negrin Antiques Architiques Gary Avadanian Griffin's Gallery HARTCO -Hartford Antique Joyce Charbonneau Picture Window Antiques Red City Antiques Vintage Poster Bank Yesteryears' Accents JJ R 36,37,38 Quaker 57-60 Stephen HOTM I5 Hertans 79 & Upfront JJ Brook 23 Quaker B 18 Central 21 Meadow 172 Quaker 43 Quilts Adamsons Antiques Martha Perkins Martha Perkins Steve Smoot Antiques Steve Smoot Antiques Yudin & Associates Hertans Dealers MAYS MAYS Dealers Shelton 38 212 156 454 178 M 15 Dealers JJ Meadow A5 J 14 &34 77 Radios & Phonographs John T. Pierce Antiques Nippers Choice Phonographs The Victrola Man Rugs-Oriental & Indian Darwin D. Bearley Antiques Lori Frandino Michael Smith Shelton JJ MAYS F6 N 34 85 Sturt N JJ JJ BAN Rt. 20 R 42,43 Q 23 394 Quaker MAYS MAYS Central MAYS JJ 9 393 519 112 8 C 26 Scientific Instruments Cyrus Doomasia Paul J. DeCoste Richard J. Riley Antiques Richard J. Riley Antiques Staffordshire 2 Hats Antiques Dennis & Dad Antiques Hedgeworth Antiques Louise Kobryner Noble Peddlar Antiques Trillium Antiques Steiff & Teddy Bears Lilac House Antiques & Galleries Susan Walter Antiques Through The Looking Glass Through The Looking Glass BrimBarn HOTM BAN HOTM On road G-41 Pavillon H 14 Quaker BAN MAYS MAYS Sturt N BAN NE Motel BrimBarn Shelton MAYS HOTM MAYS Central Shelton MAYS MAYS BAN JJ Green Shelton HOTM MAYS 8 35 451 133 Near Pool 548 P 11 In L.Rear M 48 27 A 21 150 83 F 30/31/32 445 518 423 R 44 Vt.Tent F-1 F 46 456 Sterling & Silver Plate Antique Handles Any Antique Will Do Any Antique Will Do Benefit Street Antiques Butler & Butler Antiques Carl L. Bosk Carriage House Antiques Dan & Nancy's Antiques Diana Smires Jewelry Forgotten Furnishings Jamtiques Philip Anderson Antiques Reminisce With Ruth Robert Lloyd Inc. Seagull Antiques Sher's Bounty Antiques,LLC Sher's Bounty Antiques,LLC Stissing Mountain Antiques Stone Block Antiques The Gryphon's Nest The Silver Butler The Silver Butler Visit us also at Brimfield Dealer Directory DEALER SHOW BOOTH White Water Antiques Window of Time Antiques Window of Time Antiques Yudin & Associates MAYS Dealers JJ Shelton 381 B 94 BR 32 M 15 Hertans MAYS MAYS Midway Central JJ 38 394 127 5 120 D7 Stoneware & Yelloware Adamsons Antiques Cottage Antiques Melissas Antiques Stoneware John The Potting Shed Victorian Manor Antiques Tools & Hardware Auntie Pauls's Antiques Fletchs Antiques Nightingales Antiques Richard J. Riley Antiques Richard J. Riley Antiques Robert Lanagan 239 44 Q 23 394 104 NE Motel Front Tent Quaker JJ Quaker NE Motel MAYS 8 F1 8 PB-9 520 Victorian Antiques Handles Bunny's Place Cross Century Antiques Larry Stowell Antiques William E. Lohrman Vintage Clothing Antique Threads Eileen Love Gabrielle Casella/Kathie Kustadick Green Lady Gfits Hasbeens Judychenille or call 413-245-0961 SHOW Magi Maplehurst Park Antiques Mid Century Chic Penny Russell Antiques Phipps & LeQuier Antiques Sue's Jewels Tatters The Green Mannequin Townpeddlers Vintage Eyeware - New York City Vintage Pastelle Woodland Farms Antiques NE Motel MAYS Meadow HOTM Dealers Collins Sturt S Quaker Shelton Central NE Motel HOTM BOOTH PA 17-20 101 172-173 F Tent 6 P-69 53 F8 37 303 A B 22 Vintage Textiles & Linens Hertans NE Motel Central JJ BAN Green Transportation Buckboard Antiques DEALER Mahogany NE Motel 225, 225A MAYS 3132 Hertans 32B, 120 MAYS 539 Central 100 Almeida Enterprises Antique Threads Broad Street Antiques Market Dantiques/Hook'n Pennies Dantiques/Hook'n Pennies Davidian-Americana Dot Lawrence Antiques Dunbar Antiques Dusty's Vintage Linens & Textiles Emily's Vintage Cottage Granny's Fancies Great Fabrications Judychenille Kristine Tibbetts LooLoo Design Lynda Kolski M & M Antiques II Maplehurst Park Antiques Martha Perkins Martha Perkins Meadowbrook Farm Antiques Memories on Main St. Memories on Main St. Michael Mccue Antiques Central 86 Mahogany Quaker 13 Hertans 205 Dealers D227 MAYS 271 MAYS 658 Central 118 Central 98 JJ A 63/64 Central 32 HOTM Central 100 Central 45 JJ Quaker 90 NE Motel 16 101 MAYS Dealers 212 MAYS 156 NE Motel 88-89 MAYS Under trees Meadow 152, 161 MAYS 271 Spring 2006 • Brimfield Pocket Guide 17 Brimfield Dealer Directory DEALER SHOW BOOTH DEALER Mixing Bowl Antiques Mount Vernon Antiques Mount Vernon Antiques Nifty Thrifty Dry Goods Patricia Kosmoski Penny Russell Antiques Phipps & LeQuier Antiques Sheila Gittleman Sold By Sue Wearsch Tatters The Chenille Cottage The Vintage Closet Vintage Fabrics & Etc. Wiswall House Antiques Woodland Farms Antiques NE Motel HOTM Dealers Central Quaker HOTM Dealers Hertans Shelton Sturt S Central Quaker MAYS NE Motel HOTM M7 C 31 D 272 116 115 F Tent 6 P-69 121 B 14 Wicker JJ Meadow C 22 151 80 61 52 20/21 B 22 JoAnntiques Joni Lima Wolfs Den Antiques SHOW BOOTH JJ Hertans Hertans A 64 184 138/139 JJ Hertans JJ Collins Quaker Quaker JJ Quaker Central M4 147 A29 Front Rd B14-B20 80 E 21 L 12 24 Wrought Iron Claire Schlesser/ObjetsObjects Hedgerow Antiques Hedgerow Antiques John's Iron Garden Marvin Gardens Nothing Definite Inc. Rob & Ruth Lyon Sandstone Gardens Twisted & Bent N.E. Wallace Nutting P-B Antiques Trimbles Tavern Antiques Scoring Big in Brimfield fuel. “It was one big rip-snorting take-the-dragon party,” recalled one celebrant. Other readers will recognize descriptions of the “rush” or stampede that happens as each field opens. One story tells of the television cameraman who wanted to capture the magic of the rush at Mays. He secured a very tall stepladder inside the gate. Somebody suggested this might not be very wise. Sure enough, when 9 a.m. came, the crowd bowled right over the ladder, sending camera and cameraman down. No one was seriously injured. All readers will identify with the challenge faced by the young art dealers, Rachel McKay and Joe Laskowski of Collegeville, Pennsylvania, who live on a financial tightrope as they try and build their career as art dealers. At one point Rachel has a toothache and her choices are simple – sell a painting to raise the $2,000 for a root canal or have it yanked for $200. The book is also a love story. It begins with the couple still getting to know each other and the epilogue describes their wedding ceremony. Rachel and Joe Laskowski are now expecting their first child. The author, Bob Wyss, is a 18 Spring 2006 • Brimfield Pocket Guide (cont, from pg. 4) journalism professor at the University of Connecticut. He was a writer and editor at the Providence Journal for 28 years, covering the environment, energy and business issues. He has written for such publications as the New York Times, Christian Science Monitor, Boston Globe, Yankee and Rhode Island Monthly. Brimfield Rush has already earned praise from those in the antiques business. Sam Pennington, publisher of Maine Antique Digest, said: “What a score! If you can’t make it to Brimfield, this is the next best thing.” Wendell Garrett, editor-atlarge of the magazine ANTIQUES, said: “This penetrating and dazzling account of today’s collectors and the antiques trade is riveting.” Bob will be on site all week during May 2006 signing books at the BrimfieldExchange information building. Wyss will also be signing books on wednesday at noon at the New England Motel, Barnes and Noble in Millbury, MA friday 7pm and Wonderland Books in Putnam, CT saturday at 3pm. Other events are scheduled throughout the Northeast this summer. Log on to for more information about the book. Visit us also at 10 Best Reasons To Use and the Brimfield Pocket Guide 4 q 4 q 4 q 4 q ç 4 q FREE Brimfield Dealer Registration 22 BRIMFIELD SHOWS - Schedules/Maps/Directions 86 SEARCHABLE Categories of Antiques & Collectibles HUNDREDS OF DEALER LISTINGS 1000’s OF CUSTOMERS Directed to Our Listings via Print and our Website REGISTER or RENEW your Listing Online or by Mail SEARCH Dealer Listings by Name, Show or Category BUNDLED ADVERTISING Available in the Handy Brimfield Pocket Guide and on ONLINE BIZZ CARDS and web links Available Year Round on INTERNET ACCESS Available during Brimfield Week REGISTER TODAY! ç 4 q 4 q 4 q 4 q 4 q CAT E G O R I E S I AM A DEALER IN BRIMFIELD DURING: q MAY q JULY q SEPT. 2004 q New Dealer q Update/Renewal q Send me Pocket Guide Info (*)Indicates Required Field Name* _____________________________________________________or Business Name* ______________________________________________________ Address* ________________________________ ______________ City* ___________________________State* _______ Zip*_______ Phone* ( _____ ) _______ _____________ EMAIL if available __________________________________________ ç Website ________________________________________________ Name of Brimfield Show ___________________ Booth# _________ Category Specialty (Choose up to Three(3) Categories)* From list on the right 1. ____________________________________________________ 2. ____________________________________________________ 3. ____________________________________________________ MAIL IN THIS REGISTRATION FORM TO: BrimfieldExchange, 10 Palmer Road, P.O. 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In addition, BrimfieldExchange reserves the right to edit and/or limit the number of category listings that it prints in the Brimfield Pocket Guide or call 413-245-0961 • Advertising & Displays • African Art • American Art Pottery • Americana • Architectural & Garden • Art & Paintings • Art Glass • Baskets & Woodenware • Black Americana • Books & Manuscripts • Bottles • Brass-Copper-Bronze • Breweriana • Buttons & Smalls • Cameras • Cast Iron • Ceramics • Children’s Items • Civil War • Clocks & Watches • Coin Op & Mechanical • Coins • Comic • Costume Jewelry • Country • Deco & Decorative Arts • Decoys • Dolls & Accessories • Eclectic • Ephemera • Fiesta & Depression • Fishing & Sports Related • Flow Blue & Majolica • Folk Art • Forged Iron • Furniture • Furniture Country • Furniture English/Euro • Furniture Oak • Furniture Painted • Furniture Period • Furniture Victorian • Games, Toys and Trains • General Line • Glass, China & Crystal • Guns, Armour & Arms • Hats & Hat Pins • Jewelry & Gemstones • Kitchen Related • Lamps & Lighting • Lithographs & Engravings • Maps • Marbles • Marine & Nautical • Maxfield Parrish • Medical • Memorabilia • Metalware • Military • Miscellaneous/Other • Musical • Native American • Optical • Oriental / Orientalia • Paper • Pewter • Photographica • Postcards • Pottery & Porcelain • Primitives • Prints & Posters • Quilts • Radios & Phonographs • Rugs-Oriental & Indian • Scientific Instruments • Staffordshire • Steiff & Teddy Bears • Sterling & Silver Plate • Stoneware & Yelloware • Tools & Hardware • Transportation • Victorian • Vintage Clothing • Vintage Textiles & Linens • Wallace Nutting • Western Memorabilia • Wicker • Wrought Iron Spring 2006 • Brimfield Pocket Guide 19 Massachusetts Antique Shops 495 Haverhill Lawrence 91 1 95 West Townsend Andover 202 7 5 Littleton 495 190 Cambridge 20 Northampton Boston Worcester 95 20 Great Barrington Waltham Clinton Amherst Malden Arlington 20 93 90 Palmer 24 90 7 20 Springfield Brimfield 202 84 Charlton Sturbridge 395 3 95 Franklin Abington 1 Douglas Brockton Mansfield N. Attleboro 6 Raynham 44 Taunton 495 Seekonk Sandwich Swansea New Bedford 6 195 Westport Dennisport West Dennis West Harwich Hyannis N Route 20, Sturbridge, MA 01566 Ph. 508-347-2744 12,000 Sq. Ft of Antiques and Collectibles Only 8 Miles East of Brimfield on Rt. 20 E W Reg. Hours: Mon - Fri 9 - 5, Sat & Sun 10 - 5 S Brimfield Hours: Sun - Sat Brimfield Week 9 AM - 8 PM Campello Antiques & NE Brass Refinishing QUABOAG VALLEY Specializing in Brass & Copper Refinishing 1085 Main Street, Brockton, MA 02301 • 508-583-9415 Hours: Mon-Fri 9-4, Sat 10-2 A NTIQUE C ENTER R Vinny’s Antiques Center 380 Fall River Ave., Route 114A Seekonk, MA 02790 • Ph. 508-336-0800 Hours: Mon – Sat 10-5 • Sun and Holidays 12–5 300 Dealers Appraisals ~ Estates Bought Over 10,000 Square Feet of Antiques Hours: 9-5 Tues - Sat; 12-5 Sun 10 KNOX STREET · PALMER, MA · 01069 (413) 283-3091 Taunton Antiques Center 19 Main Street, Route 44, Taunton, MA 02780 Ph. 508-821-3333, Email: Hours: Mon – Sun 10 – 5 Sun. 12 - 5 35,000 sq. ft. of Quality Antiques and Collectibles. Imported European Furniture & Smalls CHARLTON Flea Market & Antiques Trolley Crossing Junction of Routes 20 & 31 So., Charlton, MA OPEN YEAR ROUND • RAIN OR SHINE INSIDE OR OUTSIDE ION SS FREE ADMI Massachusetts Antiques Cooperative 2 Great Shops - 1 Location - Over 175 Dealers 100 Felton Street, Waltham • 781-893-8893 Open 6 days 10-5, Thurs ‘til 8, Closed Tues. - and last 2 weeks of July 1 mi. from 128(95) & I 90. Take 128(95) Ex 26, N/S, Ex. 26 = RT. 20E = Main St., R. to Moody St. (Sovereign Bank), 1st light (Chart Bank) R to Felton 20 Spring 2006 • Brimfield Pocket Guide SATURDAY: CO-OP & Outside Selling 8AM - 3PM SUNDAY: FLEA MARKET CO-OP & Outside Selling 7AM - 4PM Call 508-248-5690 or visit our website Visit us also at Connecticut Antique Shops Somers 91 10 7 44 South Woodstock 44 Canton Putnam Manchester Avon Collinsville Coventry 6 Hartford Unionville Litchfield 169 84 395 West Hartford 91 8 2 Woodbury East Hampton 691 202 84 395 9 Wallingford Centerbrook Seymour Uncasville 95 Essex Clinton 7 Stratford West Haven New London Westbrook Old Saybrook 15 95 Silk City Antiques and Décor 845 Main Street, Manchester, CT 28 Dealers Offering 3,000 Sq. Ft. of Merchandise Scranton's Shops 860-533-1263 Hours: Tues-Fri 10-5, Thurs 10-6, Sat 10:30-4:30 I-384 to Exit #3 to Downtown, Main St. 7 ROOMS 2 FLOORS OF ANTIQUES · ART · CRAFTS 300 Rt 169 • So. Woodstock, CT 06267 Open Daily 11am - 5pm • (860) 928-3738 ANTIQUES UNLIMITED, INC. McClellan Elms Antiques - Scenic Rt. 169/171 Specializing in Room Settings of Americana, Primitives and Country Antiques & Accessories. Art & Paintings 18th, 19th &20th Century Furniture Art and Netta Russo 91 Main Street · Putnam, CT 06260 860.963.2599 · Fax 860.963.2617 Put Your Antique Shop On The Map. Receive year long visibility on the Brimfield Exchange website and in the Brimfield Pocket Guide. Pocket Guides available in 6 New England States and online. Call 413-245-0961 Today ! or call 413-245-0961 We are actively looking to buy furniture and accessories from the 18th & 19th Century. 860-928-0885 8 Stone Bridge Road, South Woodstock, CT 06267 Memories Too Antiques Center 2208 Boston Tpke., Rt. 44, Coventry, CT 06238 Ann Marie and Bob Rizza • 860-742-2865 Hours: Wed-Sun 10-5 Memory Lane Countryside Antiques 2224 Boston Tpke., Rt. 44, Coventry, CT 06238 Gail & Gene Dickenson • 860-742-0346 Hours: Wed-Sun 10-5 Spring 2006 • Brimfield Pocket Guide 21 Dealers’ Antique Gallery MCCLELLAN ELMS ANTIQUES ANTIQUES UNLIMITED QUABOAG VALLEY ANTIQUES 3 Drawer Blanket Chest, 18thCent - $1,495 Carved Walnut Victorian Chair - $350 Victorian Checkerboard - $550 Woodstock, CT 860-928-0085 (pg 21) Putnam, CT 860-963-2599 (pg 21) Palmer, MA 413-283-3091 (pg20) SILK CITY ANTIQUES QUABOAG VALLEY ANTIQUES MCCLELLAN ELMS ANTIQUES Duncan Phyfe Sofa - $695 Oak Hoosier Kitchen Cabinet - $1,500 Hudson Valley Cupboard Manchester, CT 860-533-1263 (pg 21) ANTIQUES UNLIMITED Cut Glass Vase - $250 Putnam, CT 860-963-2599 (pg 21) Palmer, MA 413-283-3091 (pg20) Woodstock, CT 860-928-0085 (pg 21) STURBRIDGE ANTIQUE SHOPS STURBRIDGE ANTIQUE SHOPS Oak Side by Side - $975 Double Sided Oriental Screen - $200 Sturbridge, MA 508-347-2744 (pg20) Sturbridge, MA 508-347-2744 (pg20) QUABOAG VALLEY ANTIQUES ANTIQUES UNLIMITED STURBRIDGE ANTIQUE SHOPS 1840 Birds Eye Chest of Drawers - $2,000 Cut Glass Vase - $250 27" Queen Anne Tilt Top Table - $875 Palmer, MA 413-283-3091 (pg20) Putnam, CT 860-963-2599 (pg 21) Sturbridge, MA 508-347-2744 (pg20) ANTIQUES UNLIMITED CAMPELLO ANTIQUES BRIMFIELD POCKET GUIDE Find out how to get on this page. Call Paul Revere Vases lg - $425, med. $345 · sm. $115 Police Call Box - $4,500 Putnam, CT 860-963-2599 (pg 21) Brockton, MA 508-583-9415 (pg 20) 22 Spring 2006 • Brimfield Pocket Guide BrimfieldExchange 413-245-0961 Visit us also at or call 413-245-0961 Spring 2006 • Brimfield Pocket Guide 23 MAY’S ANTIQUE MARKET, INC. N BRIMFIELD CENTER MAY’S Church Lights W E Rt.20 J&J Parking Rt.19 At May’s… Everyone’s an Early Buyer. S Opening Thursday 9AM · Rain or Shine · Admission $500 2006 Show Dates May 11-13 · July 13-15 · Sept 7-9 Email: 413-245-9271 600 Dealers in Antiques and Collectibles Only
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