CAtAloguE lEgEND - Disc Brakes Australia
CAtAloguE lEgEND - Disc Brakes Australia
How to read this catalogue Available in street series Gold Available in 4000XS (slotted or cross-drilled) Available in 4000S T3 slotted Available in 5000S (T3 slotted) Available in 4000 standard Ferodo DS Performance brake pads available for this vehicle Available in Street X-GOLD (slotted or cross-drilled) Available in Stree T2 slotted Dimensions explanation (legend) Available in Street standard Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = DBA RANGED ITEM ○Ê= SPECIAL ORDER ITEM Vehicle make A = DIAMETER B = ORIGINAL HEIGHT C = ORIGINAL THICKNESS HOLDEN Model Vehicle model Vehicle model series Vehicle model manufacture date range Vehicle fitment position: F = Front & R = Rear Years DBA No. F/R STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X CAPTIVA ALL MODELS 2006 - ON F 2040 l ○ COMMODORE INCL. UTE VC, VH 4 CYL 1980 - 83 F 013 l ○ 1978 - 86 1986 - 88 1988 - 92 F 015 l l COMPLETE WITH STUDS AND CUPS 1986 - 88 1986 - 88 1988 - 9/91 1988 - 92 F 017 l l COMPLETE WITH STUDS AND CUPS 1992 F ENDS 10/92 025 l 1992 - 93 F 027 F R 035 016 l l SUITABLE FOR ABS NO SENSOR RING SUPPLIED l l l l l l l l 1990 - 93 1992 - 7/93 R 026 7/93 - 97 7/93 - 97 R 036 R 036B 2/95 - 97 2/95 - 00 9/97 - 05 2001 - 07 R 037 l F 040 l l l ○ l l l l R F 041 2020 l l l l l l ○ ○ 2021 2020 041 2026 l l l l l l l l COMPLETE WITH STUDS AND CUPS VB, VC, VH, VK, 6, 8 CYL VL 6 CYL VN, VG, V6 INCL. UTE VP V6 (UP TO & INCL. CHASSIS NO.L569902) VL 6 CYL TURBO VL V8, CALAIS VN V6 WITH FE2 SUSPENSION VN, VG V8 INCL. UTE VP V8 (UP TO & INCL. CHASSIS NO. L570556) VQ STATESMAN WITHOUT ABS VP 6 CYL INCL. UTE (CHASSIS NO. 569903 ON) (LIMITED RUN) NON ABS VP V8 INCL. UTE (CHASSIS NO. 570557 ON) VP V6 SERIES II VQ STATESMAN VR, VS INCL. ABS INCL. UTE VB, VC, VH, VK, VL VN, VP, VR, VS INCL. UTE EXCEPT IRS 6, 8 CYL DBA part number Vented or solid rotor ventilation V = vented S = solid 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented VQ STATESMAN WITHOUT IRS VP, IRS VQ STATESMAN IRS VR, VS IRS VR, VS IRS 10 HOLE STUD PATTERN VS 10 HOLE STUD PATTERN VS UTE VT, VX, VY, VZ, V6 & V8 + VT, VX, VU, VZ UTE WH, WK, WL STATESMAN A B V 296 D = MIN. THICKNESS E = CENTRE HOLE DIA. F = NO. OF BOLT HOLES Dimensions (mm) C D E F 52 29 27.4 70.7 5 S 256 78 15.6 14.3 HUB 5 V 270 82 22 20* HUB 5 ○ V 290 82 22 20* HUB 5 V 272 82 23 20* HUB 5 V 290 82 23 20* HUB 5 V S 289 279 83 83 23 10.5 20* 8.5 70 70 5 5 3/90 - 10/92 11/92 - 93 7/93 - ON 1978 - 97 ○ ○ ○ S 279 67 10.5 8.5* 70 5 S S 279 279 86 86 10.7 10.7 8.5* 8.5* 70 70 5 10 S 279 83 10.7 8.5* 70 10 V 296 83 28 25 71.5 5 l l l l l l S V 286 320 78.6 83 16 32 14 30 70 71.6 5 5 ○ ○ ○ ○ l l l l V V S V 286 320 286 298 80 83 78.6 52.2 18 32 16 30 16 30 14 28 70 71.6 70 67.5 5 5 5 5 l l ○ ○○ l l l ○ VZ SSZ COMMODORE INCL. UTE 2005 - 06 VZ SSZ 1 TONNER 2005 - 06 VE / VEII V6 OMEGA, 08/06 - ON R F R F 08/06 - ON R F 2027 2028 l l l l l l ○ ○ l l l l l l V V 302 321 56 52.2 22 30 20 28 67.4 67.5 5 5 R F R 2029 2604 2029 l l l l l l l l l ○ ○ ○ l l l l l l l l l l V V V 324 355 324 56.1 50 56.1 22 32 22 20 30 20 67.4 67.4 67.4 5 5 5 l l l l BERLINA SV6, CALAIS, CALAIS V WM STATESMAN VE / VEII V8 BERLINA, SS INC. V CALAIS INC. V, WM STATESMAN VE SS-V REDLINE EDITION INCLUDING UTE 2010 - ON l l l l l l THE KANGAROO PAW DESIGN IS NOT AVAILABLE ON ALL PART NUMBERS, ASK YOUR SUPPLIER FOR DETAILS. 75 Page number Catalogue Legend Symbol / Abbreviation - Explanation F Front Disc Brake Rotor A Diameter (mm) R Rear Disc Brake Rotor B Original Height (mm) C Original Thickness (mm) D Min. Thickness, i.e. Replacement (mm) E Centre Hole (mm) F No. of Bolt Holes DBA No. DBA Part Number AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 20 5/06/2013 2:21:30 PM The DBA part numbering system AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 21 5/06/2013 2:21:30 PM Fitting a hat-type disc rotor The following steps are recommended to ensure the best possible results after fitting a hat type disc rotor: 1. Remove wheel. 2. Remove brake pads and push caliper piston back. Start by first loosening the bleeder so as not to push contaminated fluid into the system. Check caliper condition e.g. slides are not stiff or worn. Dirty hub face 3. Remove caliper from its supports without disconnecting brake line, making sure to secure it without letting it hang. 4. Remove old brake rotor. 5. Check hub bearings for wear, replace as necessary (refer to the vehicles manual for exact specifications). 6. Remove any scale or grit off hub face to ensure positive contact with the inside of the new rotor. Clean hub face 7. Fit new disc rotor to hub making sure it is indexed to a point with minimum run-out (using a radial dial indicator). 8. Refit brake caliper. 9. Clean any grease or foreign material off the rotor with Brake Cleaner. 10. Select correct brake pads to suit the style and driving conditions of the driver and vehicle. 11. Check brake fluid condition and replace as necessary. Do not flush dirty fluid through the system, remove dirty fluid from reservoir first. 12. Refit wheel, tightening wheel nuts in correct sequence and to recommended torque settings. 13. Carry out road test and bedding-in procedure. Refer to brake pad manufacturer’s bedding in procedure. 14. Ensure vehicle owner understands that the rotors will take approximately 300km to bed-in. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 22 5/06/2013 2:21:32 PM DISC BRAKE ROTORS & DRUM BRAKES catalogue - 2013 version 2 CONTENTS Vehicle Make Page # ACURA24 ALFA ROMEO 25 BMW30 CADILLAC40 CHEVROLET41 CHRYSLER47 CITROEN49 DAEWOO52 DAIHATSU53 daimler54 DODGE55 EUNOS57 FORD58 FORD - SUV, VANS, TRUCKS 67 gmc70 GREAT WALL 73 HOLDEN 74 holden - HSV 77 HONDA86 HUMMER89 HYUNDAI90 ISUZU92 JAGUAR93 JEEP94 KIA96 LAndrover / RANGE ROVER 98 LEYLAND99 lexus100 lotus102 MAZDA103 MERCEDES BENZ 106 MG112 Vehicle Make Page # MINI - cooper 113 MITSUBISHI114 MORRIS - AUSTIN 119 NISSAN120 OPEL125 PEUGEOT126 pontiac127 PORSCHE128 PROTON129 RENAULT130 ROlls royce 131 ROVER131 SAAB131 SCION132 SEAT132 SMART132 Ssanyong132 SKODA133 SUBARU134 SUBARU WRX UPGRADE 138 SUZUKI139 TOYOTA140 TOYOTA - 4WD / SUV / VAN 144 TRIUMPH147 VOLKSWAGEN148 VOLVO153 DRUM BRAKES FERODO PADS FLAT DISC TYPE ROTORS cONTACT DETAILS MOTORSPORT INFORMATION 156 174 176 228 230 GENERAL DISCLAIMER Important Disclaimer: Certain information in this Catalogue has been compiled from data published by original equipment manufacturers. Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd is unable to warrant the accuracy of third party data, and does not accept responsibility for loss or damage of any kind caused as a result of such data being inaccurate. We also encourage you to contact DBA if you have any concerns about the information provided. We will make every effort to correct any errors once they are brought to our attention. Trademarks DBA, 4000 series, 5000 series Kangaroo Paw, TSP, Thermal Stability Profiling, DBA XS, ALUMALITE logos are either registered or trademarks of Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. All rights reserved. © Copyright 2013 Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. Trademarks: All DBA Part References listed in this catalogue are Trademarks of Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. Trademarks include Part Number identification issued by DISC BRAKES AUSTRALIA PTY LTD. COPYRIGHT © DISC BRAKES AUSTRALIA This work is copyright. You may display this material in unaltered form only (retaining this notice) for your use within your organisation. All other rights are reserved. Requests and inquiries concerning reproduction and rights should be addressed to DBA - PO Box 6666, Silverwater DC, NSW, 1811, Australia; or by e-mail The Kangaroo Paw design is not available on all part numbers, ask your supplier for details. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 23 5/06/2013 2:21:32 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness ACURA Model Years F/R DBA No. STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented A D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes Dimensions (mm) B C CL 2.3 1998-1999f480 l V260 47 23 3.2 Coupe - V6 2001-2003 F 2510 l l l l V 300 48 28 CX Type “S” 2007 F 2500 l l l l V 300 47.5 25 INTEGRA ALL - excl Type “R” 1990-2001 F 474 l l V 262 45 21 R 475 l S239 48 9 Type “R” - 5 lug 1997-2001 F 478 l l V 282 47 23 Type “R” - DC5 - JDM 2001-on F 2508 l l V 300 57.8 25 LEGEND Coupe 1991-1992F478 l l V 282 47 23 Sedan - exc. GS 1991-1995 F 478 l l V 282 47 23 NSX ALL 6-Speed Transmission 4/1997-2005 F 478 l l V 282 47 23 RL ALL 1996-1998F478 l l V 282 47 23 ALL 1999-2004F476 l V30047.528 RSX Type S 2002-2006 F 2500 l l l l V 300 47.5 25 TL ALL 1995-2005 F 2510 l l l l V 300 48 28 3.2 1996-1998F478 l l V 282 47 23 ALL 1999-2003 F 2510 l l l l V 300 48 28 ALL - w/ Std. front calipers 2004-2008F2510 l l l l V 300 48 28 TSX ALL 2004-2008F2510 l l l l V 300 48 28 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ 21 644 26 645 ○ ○ 23 645 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ 644 614 705 645 ○ ○ 21 705 21 705 ○ ○ ○ 21 705 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ 24 19 8 21 23 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ 2002-2006 E F ○ ○ ○ ○ MDX ALL D ○ ○ F 2510 l l l l V 300 48 28 21 705 26 705 23 645 26 21 26 26 645 705 645 645 26 645 26 645 All rights reserved. © Copyright 2013 Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. Trademarks: All DBA Part References listed in this catalogue are Trademarks of Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 24 5/06/2013 2:21:32 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness ALFA ROMEO Model Years 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes Dimensions (mm) F/R DBA No. F 356 l ○V284 44 22 20.2595 Turbodiesel 2.4 JTD R 359 l ○S25150.510 GTV V6 2 Door Coupe 3.0 Litre 6/98 - on ( Brembo Calipers ) F R 769 779 l l ○ V305 45 28 26 595 ○S240 40 11 9.2 595 ALFA 156 2.0i 16V Twin Spark 2.5i V6 24V 1997 - on STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X A B C D E F 9 595 ALFA 2000 Berlina, GTV Coupe 1972 - 76 F 358 l S272 6812.610.7 82 4 Spider RoadsterV239 46 22 20.2584 ○ ALFA 147 GTA V6 DOHC 2D Hatchback 7/2003 - on F 769 l ○V305 45 28 26 595 ALFA 155 2.0i Turbo 16V Q4 1992 - 97 2.5 V6 2.5 Turbodiesel 665 l ○V284 44 22 20.2 594 R 666 l ○S25150.510 montreal 2.6L V8 DOHC F 2360 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○V272 58 22 1970 - 77 F The Kangaroo Paw design is not available on all part numbers, ask your supplier for details. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 25 9 594 20 82.14 25 5/06/2013 2:21:33 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness AUDI Model AUDI 80 including FOX 1.5, 1.6 Litre Fox AUDI 100 All Models 2.0 4CYL (74KW) 2.4 DIESEL 2.0E 4CYL (85KW) 2.3E 5CYL 2.0E 16V 2.6E V6 2.8E V6 All Models inc. Avant & Quattro rear 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes Dimensions (mm) Years F/R DBA No. 9/76 - 79 F 240 l ○S23935.212 10 654 1974 - 77 12/90 - 94 F F 440 805 l l ○S25740.513 ○ S28846.215 11 684 13 685 STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X A B C D E F 1992 - 94 05/92 - 94 F 807 l V28846.225 23 68 5 12/90 - 94 1990 - 94 R 810 l S24563.910 8 685 ○ ○ A1 - 1zj vin code models 1.2L tfsi SPORTBACK (1ZC) 1.4L tfsi SPORTBACK (1ZC) 1.6L tdi SPORTBACK (1ZC) 1.2L tfsi attraction (1ZC) 1.4L tfsi + sport (1ZC) 1.6L tdi (1ZC) 06/12 - on 06/12 - on 06/12 - on 07/12 - on 12/10 - on 11/11 - on F 802 l ○ V288 34 25 23 655 A1 - 1zG vin code models 1.2L tfsi SPORTBACK (1ZC) 1.4L tfsi SPORTBACK (1ZC) 1.6L tdi SPORTBACK (1ZC) 1.2L tfsi attraction (1ZC) 1.4L tfsi + sport (1ZC) 1.6L tdi (1ZC) 06/12 - on 06/12 - on 06/12 - on 07/12 - on 12/10 - on 11/11 - on F 800 l ○ V25636.722 19 655 800 801 802 803 2810 l l l l l ○ V25636.722 ○V28036.722 ○ V288 34 25 ○ S23239.5 9 ○V28849.725 19 19 23 7 22 655 655 655 655 655 2812 2811 2813 2810 l l l l ○V280 49 22 ○ S25351.510 ○ S25648.512 ○V28849.725 19 8 10 22 655 655 655 655 2812 2811 2813 2810 l l l l ○V280 49 22 ○ S25351.510 ○ S25648.512 ○V28849.725 19 8 10 22 655 655 655 655 2812 l 2811 l 2813 l ○V280 49 22 ○ S25351.510 ○ S25648.512 19 655 8 655 10 655 A3 1.6 (AEH Engine) 1997 - 4/03 F 1.8 (AGN Engine) 1997 - 4/03 F 1.8 Turbo (AGU Engine) 1997 - 4/03 F all models A3 Rear 1997 - 4/03 R 1.6 attraction (8p) 07/09 - 09/10 F 2DR convertable > Check front oe diam. F > Check rear oe diam. R R 1.6 attraction (8p) 07/04 - on F 2DR hatchback > Check front oe diam. F > Check rear oe diam. R R 1.8 tfsi (8p) 10/08 - on F 2DR convertable > Check front oe diam. F > Check rear oe diam. R R 26 All rights reserved. © Copyright 2013 Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. Trademarks: All DBA Part References listed in this catalogue are Trademarks of Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 26 5/06/2013 2:21:33 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness AUDI Model Years F/R A3 - continued 1.8 tfsi ambition (8p) 10/08 - 01/10 F 2DR hatchback > Check front oe diam. F > Check rear oe diam. R R 2.0 fsi ambition (8p) 07/04 - 05/07 F 2DR hatchback > Check front oe diam. F > Check rear oe diam. R R 2.0 fsi attraction (8p) 07/04 - 09/05 F 2DR hatchback > Check front oe diam. F > Check rear oe diam. R R 2.0 tdi ambition (8p) 07/04 - 09/05 F 2DR hatchback > Check front oe diam. F > Check rear oe diam. R R 1.6 fsi sportback (8p) 03/11 - on F 4DR hatchback > Check front oe diam. F > Check rear oe diam. R R 1.9 tdi sportback (8p) 03/08 - 01/10 F 4DR hatchback > Check front oe diam. F > Check rear oe diam. R R 2.0 fsi sportback (8p) 02/05 - 09/05 F 4DR hatchback > Check front oe diam. F > Check rear oe diam. R R 2.0 tdi sportback (8p) 02/05 - 01/09 F 4DR hatchback > Check front oe diam. F > Check rear oe diam. R R 1.4 tfsi sportback (8p) 12/08 - on F 2DR hatchback > Check front oe diam. F > Check rear oe diam. R R 1.4 tfsi sportback (8p) 12/08 - on F 2DR hatchback > Check front oe diam. F > Check rear oe diam. R R 3.2 QUATTRO (8P) 08/04 - 09/05 F 2 dr hatchback R 3.2 sportback QUATTRO 02/05 - 01/09 F 4 dr hatchback R DBA No. STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented Dimensions (mm) B C D E F 2810 l ○V28849.725 22 655 2812 2811 2813 2810 l l l l ○V280 49 22 ○ S25351.510 ○ S25648.512 ○V28849.725 19 8 10 22 655 655 655 655 2812 2811 2813 2810 l l l l ○V280 49 22 ○ S25351.510 ○ S25648.512 ○V28849.725 19 8 10 22 655 655 655 655 2812 2811 2813 2810 l l l l ○V280 49 22 ○ S25351.510 ○ S25648.512 ○V28849.725 19 8 10 22 655 655 655 655 2812 2811 2813 2810 l l l l 19 8 10 V28849.725 22 655 655 655 655 19 8 10 22 655 655 655 655 19 8 10 22 655 655 655 655 19 8 10 22 655 655 655 655 19 8 10 22 655 655 655 655 19 8 10 22 655 655 655 655 19 8 10 27 20 27 20 655 655 655 655 655 655 655 2812 2811 2813 2810 2812 2811 2813 2810 2812 2811 2813 2810 2812 2811 2813 2810 2812 2811 2813 2810 2812 2811 2813 2808 2809 2808 2809 ○V280 49 22 ○ S25351.510 ○ S25648.512 ○ l ○V280 49 22 l ○ S25351.510 l ○ S25648.512 l ○V28849.725 l ○V280 49 22 l ○ S25351.510 l ○ S25648.512 l ○V28849.725 l ○V280 49 22 l ○ S25351.510 l ○ S25648.512 l ○V28849.725 l ○V280 49 22 l ○ S25351.510 l ○ S25648.512 l ○V28849.725 l ○V280 49 22 l ○ S25351.510 l ○ S25648.512 l ○V28849.725 l ○V280 49 22 l ○ S25351.510 l ○ S25648.512 l ○ ○l ○ V 345 49.8 30 l ○V31048.522 l ○ ○l ○ V 345 49.8 30 l ○V31048.522 The Kangaroo Paw design is not available on all part numbers, ask your supplier for details. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 27 A D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes 27 5/06/2013 2:21:33 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness AUDI Model Years F/R DBA No. A4 & A4 QUATTRO 1.6 11/94 - 9/97 F 804 1.8 20 Valve (ADR engine) 11/94 - 9/97 F 805 up to Ch: 8DV-054-061 1.8 20 Valve (ADR engine) 9/97 - 11/04 F 806 from Ch: 8DV-054-062 1.6 with 280, 1.9 TDI 9/97 - 10/04 1.8 Turbo (AEB engine) 11/94 - 7/02 F 807 1.6 (288) 12/00 - 10/04 1.9 TDI 1995 - 10/04 1.9 Tdi 11/94 - 9/97 F 804 V6 2.6 & 2.8 (ABC engine) 11/94 -10/04F807 V6 2.4 30V Quattro 1997 - 11/00 A4 Rear QUATTRO Hub 11/94 - 11/00R808 1.8i 20V Turbo 8/02 - 10/04 F 2800 R 2801 Please check REAr Rotor Dimensions 8/02 - on R 2802 1.8 tfsi 1.8L (b8) 04/08 - 06/12F2822 Check front diam. oe F 2824 R 2823 2.0 tDI, TFSI (b8) 09/08 - 06/12F2822 Check front diam. oe F 2824 R 2823 3.0 FSI QUATTRO (b8) 07/12 - ONF 2822 3.0 TDI (B8) 3.0 TDI AVANT (B8) 3.0 TDI QUATTRO (b8) 10/08 - 06/12 R 2823 STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented A D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes Dimensions (mm) B C ○ S28046.213 ○ S28846.215 l ○ V28046.222 l l l ○ V28846.225 ○ S28046.213 ○ V28846.225 l ○ S24583.610 l ○ ○V31246.225 l ○S24539.810 l ○ S255 40 12 l ○ lV 320 52 30 l ○lV 314 52 30 l ○S300 36 12 l ○ lV 320 52 30 l ○lV 314 52 30 l ○S300 36 12 l ○ lV 320 52 30 l l l a5 & A5 QUATTRO 3.0 TDI QUATTRO (8T) 08/09 - ONF 2822 l 3.0 TFSI QUATTRO (8T) 03/12 - ON 3.0 TDI SPORTBACK (8T) 01/10 - 02/12 3.0 TFSI SPORTBACK (8T) 03/12 - ON R 2823 l D E F 11 685 13 685 20 685 23 685 11 685 23 685 8 HUB5 23 685 8 685 10 28 28 10 28 28 10 28 685 685 685 685 685 685 685 685 ○S300 36 12 10 685 ○ lV 320 28 685 52 30 ○S300 36 12 10 685 A6 & A6 QUATTRO 1.8 20 Valve (ABK Engine) 10/95 - 3/97 F 805 l S28846.215 13 68 5 2.0 16 Valve (ABK Engine) 2.0 E (ABK Engine) Turbodiesel 1.9 TDI 1995 - 3/97 Turbodiesel 2.5 TDI (85 kW) 6/94 - 3/97 V6 2.6 & 2.8 (ABC Engine) 6/94 - 3/97 F 807 l V28846.225 23 685 Turbodiesel 2.5 TDI (103 kW) 1995 - 3/97 All A6 15” Wheels inc. Quattro 3/97 - 4/04 1.8i 20V inc. Turbo, 2.4i V6 30V 3/97 - 4/04 F 2800 l V31246.225 23 68 5 2.8i V6 30V, 1.9 Tdi, 2.5 V6 Tdi 2.0i 20V 01 - 4/04 All with 16” Wheels inc. Quattro ○ ○ ○○ 28 All rights reserved. © Copyright 2013 Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. Trademarks: All DBA Part References listed in this catalogue are Trademarks of Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 28 5/06/2013 2:21:33 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness AUDI Model Years F/R DBA No. STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented A D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes Dimensions (mm) B C D A6 & A6 QUATTRO 2.7i V6 30V Turbo 1999 - 4/04 F 4575 l l V 320 46.2 30 28 3.0i V6 30V 2001 - 4/04 4.2i V8 40V Quattro 1999 - 4/04 All above A6 / Avant 6/94 - 4/04 R 810 l S24563.910 8 All above A6 Quattro 6/94 - 3/97 All A6 Quattro 3/97 - 4/04 R 2803 l S24553.810 8 with 15” Wheels All A6 Quattro 03/97 - 04/04 R 2805 l S25547.810 8 with 16” Wheels ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ A8 4.2L DOHC V8 quattro 2002 - on F 4242 l l ○ V 321 59.4 30 E F 685 68 5 68 5 68 5 28 685 ALLROAD 2.7i V6 30V Turbo 2000 - on F 4575 l l V 320 46.2 30 28 685 4.2i V8 40V 2002 - on Turbodiesel 1.9 TDI 2000 - on S rear disc models 2000 - on R 2805 l S25547.810 8 685 ○ ○ ○ RS4 2.7i V6 Biturbo 2001 - 2006 F 52804l V 360 46.7 32 30.4 6810 S3 & TT 1.8i 1998 - 2002 TT Coupe + Roadster 1999 - on Front Wheel Drive 2000 - 02 Quattro 1KF V rear disc 2000 - 02 2.0 (8P) 05/07 - 03/11 2 dr hatchback 2.0 (8P) 08/08 - on 4 dr hatchback F 838 R R F R F R 803 800 2808 2809 2808 2809 S4 2.7 Twin Turbo 1999 - 04 ( DBA 4000 series ) V8 4.2L Quattro 2004 - on F R F R 4575 4569 2575 l 2576 l S6 4.2L V8 2002 - on ( DBA 4000 series ) F 4240 R 4241 ○ ○V31234.225 l ○S23239.5 9 l ○V25636.522 l ○ ○l ○ V 345 49.8 30 l ○V31048.522 l ○ ○l ○ V 345 49.8 30 l ○V31048.522 l ○○ ○ Q5 2.0 TDI QUATTRO (8R) 03/09 - on F 2822 l 2.0 tfsi quattro (8r) 03/09 - on 3.0 tdi quattro (8r) 03/09 - on R 2823 l Check oe rear diam. R 2821 l Q7 4.2 TDI, FSI Quattro 03/06 - on 3.0 TDI, TFSI Quattro all models rear ○ ○ l l V 320 45.5 30 l l V 256 48 22 l V 344.5 46.7 30 V30036.522 ○ ○ ○ 7 20 27 20 27 20 655 655 655 655 655 655 28 20 28 20 685 685 685 685 l l V 321 52 30 28 685 l l V 269 54 22 20 685 ○ lV 320 52 30 ○S300 36 12 ○ ○V330 36 22 ○ l ○V350 69 34 l ○ l ○V330 74 28 28 685 10 685 20 685 F 2246 l 32 855 R 2245 26 855 The Kangaroo Paw design is not available on all part numbers, ask your supplier for details. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 29 23 655 29 5/06/2013 2:21:33 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness BMW Model Years F/R DBA No. STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented A D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes Dimensions (mm) B C D E F 116d E81 11/08-onF 2882 l V284 73 22 20.4795 R 2881 l S280 65 10 8.4 755 116i E87 3/03 - 10/08 F 2882 l V284 73 22 20.4795 E81 1.6L & 2.0L 11/08-on **Check Rear Disc Dimensions** R 2881 l S280 65 10 8.4 755 R 2857 l V300 66 20 18.4755 118d E87 3/03-onF 2882 l V284 73 22 20.4795 **Check Rear Disc Dimensions** R 2881 l S280 65 10 8.4 755 R 2857 l V300 66 20 18.4755 E81 9/06-onF 2866 l V292 73 22 20.4795 R 2857 l V300 66 20 18.4755 E82 6/09-onF 2866 l V292 73 22 20.4795 118i E87 7/04-onF 2882 l V284 73 22 20.4795 **Check Rear Disc Dimensions** R 2881 l S280 65 10 8.4 755 R 2857 l V300 66 20 18.4755 E81 9/06-onF 2866 l V292 73 22 20.4795 **Check Rear Disc Dimensions** R 2879 l S296 6510.58.9 755 R 2857 l V300 66 20 18.4755 120d E87 3/03-onF 2866 l V292 73 22 20.4795 **Check Front Disc Dimensions** F2862 l V30073.724 22.4795 R 2857 l V300 66 20 18.4755 E81 2/06-onF 2862 l V30073.724 22.4795 R 2857 l V300 66 20 18.4755 E82 1/07-onF 2862 l V30073.724 22.4795 E88 5/07-onF 2862 l V30073.724 22.4795 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ 120i E87 3/03-onF 2866 l V292 73 22 20.4795 **Check Disc Dimensions** F 2862 l V30073.724 22.4795 F 2860 l V33073.224 22.4795 R 2879 l S296 6510.58.9 755 R 2857 l V300 66 20 18.4755 r 2861 l v300 66 20 18.4755 E81 2/06-onF 2862 l V30073.724 22.4795 **Check Rear Disc Dimensions** R 2879 l S296 6510.58.9 755 R 2857 l V300 66 20 18.4755 E82 1/07-onF 2862 l V30073.724 22.4795 E88 5/07-onF 2862 l V30073.724 22.4795 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ 123d E87 3/05-onF 2860 l V33073.224 22.4795 E81 9/06-onF 2860 l V33073.224 22.4795 E82 3/05-onF 2860 l V33073.224 22.4795 E88 9/06-onF 2860 l V33073.224 22.4795 ○ ○ ○ ○ 30 All rights reserved. © Copyright 2013 Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. Trademarks: All DBA Part References listed in this catalogue are Trademarks of Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 30 5/06/2013 2:21:34 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness BMW Model Years F/R DBA No. STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented A D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes Dimensions (mm) B C D E F 125i E82 1/07-on F 2862 l V30073.724 22.4795 E88 5/07-on F 2862 l V30073.724 22.4795 ○ ○ 130i E87 2005 - on F 2860 l V33073.224 22.4795 R 2861 l V300 66 20 18.4755 E87 3/05-on F 2860 l V33073.224 22.4795 E81 9/06-on F 2860 l V33073.224 22.4795 316i E90, E92 04-on F 2866 l V292 73 22 20.4795 **Check Rear Disc Dimensions** R 2879 l S296 6510.58.9 755 R 2857 l V300 66 20 18.4755 318i, 318d E90 04-on F 2866 l V292 73 22 20.4795 R 2879 l S296 6510.58.9 755 E90 with option code: S100A04-on F 2862 l V30073.724 22.4795 R 2857 l V300 66 20 18.4755 320d E90 04-on F 2862 l V30073.724 22.4795 R 2857 l V300 66 20 18.4755 E92 04-on F 2862 l V30073.724 22.4795 R 2857 l V300 66 20 18.4755 E93 04-on FTBAV312 74 24 22.4795 R 2857 l V300 66 20 18.4755 320i : iS E90 04-on F 2866 l V292 73 22 20.4795 **Check Rear Disc Dimensions** R 2879 l S296 6510.58.9 755 R 2857 l V300 66 20 18.4755 E90 with option code: S100A 04-onF 2862 l V30073.724 22.4795 R 2857 l V300 66 20 18.4755 E92 04-onF 2862 l V30073.724 22.4795 R 2857 l V300 66 20 18.4755 E93 04-onR 2857 l V300 66 20 18.4755 323i E90, E92 04-on F 2862 l V30073.724 22.4795 R 2857 l V300 66 20 18.4755 325i E90 04-onF 2862 l V30073.724 22.4795 E92 with option code: S100A05-on R 2857 l V300 66 20 18.4755 E92 05-onF 2860 l V33073.224 22.4795 R 2857 l V300 66 20 18.4755 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ 328i E90 06-onF 2862 l V30073.724 22.4795 E92 04-onR 2857 l V300 66 20 18.4755 ○ ○ The Kangaroo Paw design is not available on all part numbers, ask your supplier for details. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 31 31 5/06/2013 2:21:34 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness BMW 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented Dimensions (mm) Years F/R DBA No. 1502 All 1975 - 77 F 370 l ○ 1600 Touring 1971 - 73 F 370 l ○S240 58.5 10 1600-2 All 1966 - 71F 370 l ○S24058.510 8.4 634 1602 Touring 1971 - 73F 370 l ○S24058.510 8.4 634 1800 Touring 1971 - 73F 370 l ○S24058.510 8.4 634 1802 Saloon/Touring 1971 - 75F 370 l ○S24058.510 8.4 634 2000 Touring 1969 - 75F 370 l ○S24058.510 8.4 634 2002 (- Ti/Rii/Turbo) 1968 - 75F 370 l ○S24058.510 8.4 634 2500 CS/Automatic 1969 - 77F 371 R 374 l l ○S27259.812.711.4 745 ○S27261.59.5 7.9 755 2800 Automatic 1969 - 77F 373 R 374 CS/Automatic 1970 - 72F 371 l l l ○S27259.812.711.4 745 ○S27261.59.5 7.9 755 ○S27259.812.711.4 745 3000 Bavaria/Automatic 1971 - 77F 371 R 374 l l ○S27259.812.711.4 745 ○S27261.59.5 7.9 755 315 (E21) 1981 - 83 F 376 l ○S25575.112.511.1 634 316 (E21) 1975 - 82 F 376 l ○S25575.112.511.1 634 316i (E30) 1982 - 87F 678 (E30) including ABS 1982 - 93 F 679 Touring R 671 (E36) including ABS 1990 - 2000 F 978 R 983 l l l l l ○S26035.112.711.1 664 ○V26035.122 20.4664 ○S25860.110 8.4 624 ○S28651.712 10.4795 ○S28060.110 8.4 755 32 Model D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X A B C D E F S240 58.5 10 8.4 634 8.4 634 All rights reserved. © Copyright 2013 Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. Trademarks: All DBA Part References listed in this catalogue are Trademarks of Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 32 5/06/2013 2:21:34 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness BMW Model Years F/R DBA No. 318i, 318d (E21) 1975 - 82F 376 (E30) 1982 - 91F 678 (E30) including ABS 1982 - 93F 679 Touring / Cabriolet R 671 (E36) including ABS 12/90 - 98 F 978 R 983 (E46) Saloon 4/98 - on F 979 R 983 E90 With option code: 2004 - on F 2862 S100A E91 2005 - on F 2862 R 2861 STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented A D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes Dimensions (mm) B C D E F ○S25575.112.511.1 634 ○S26035.112.711.1 664 ○V26035.122 20.4664 ○S25860.110 8.4 624 ○S28651.712 10.4795 ○S28060.110 8.4 755 ○V28651.622 20.4795 ○S28060.110 8.4 755 ○V30073.724 22.4795 l ○V30073.724 22.4795 l ○V300 66 20 18.4755 l l l l l l l l l 318iS (E30) 1989 - 91 (E36) Saloon/Coupe 1992 - 98 F R F R 679 671 979 983 l l l l ○V26035.122.520.4664 ○S25860.110 8.4 624 ○V28651.622 20.4795 ○S28060.110 8.4 755 318tds (E36) Saloon/Compact 1994 - on (E36) Touring 1994 - on F 978 F 978 R 983 l l l ○S28651.712 10.4795 ○S28651.712 10.4795 ○S28060.110 8.4 755 318ti (E36) Compact F 978 l ○S28651.712 10.4795 F R F F R F R 979 980 2862 2862 2861 2860 2859 l l l l l l l ○V28651.622 20.4795 ○V276 60 19 17.4 755 ○V30073.724 22.4795 ○V30073.724 22.4795 ○V300 66 20 18.4755 ○V33073.224 22.4795 ○ ○V33667.222 20.4755 F F R F R F R F 376 679 671 979 983 979 980 2862 l l l l l l l l 1995 - 4/98 320d (E46) Saloon 4/98 - on E90 2004 - on E91 2004 - on E90, E91 2004 - on With option code: S102A 320i : iS (E21) USA 9/77 - 83 (E30) 1982 - 91 incl. Touring / Cabriolet (E36) 12/90 - 98 (E46) Saloon 4/98 - on E90 With option code: 2004 - on \S100A E91 2004 - on F 2862 R 2861 ○S25575.112.511.1 634 ○V26035.122 20.4664 ○S25860.110 8.4 624 ○V28651.622 20.4795 ○S28060.110 8.4 755 ○V28651.622 20.4795 ○V278 60 19 17.4 755 ○V30073.724 22.4 79 5 l ○V30073.724 22.4795 l ○V300 66 20 18.4755 The Kangaroo Paw design is not available on all part numbers, ask your supplier for details. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 33 33 5/06/2013 2:21:34 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness BMW Model Years F/R DBA No. STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented A D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes Dimensions (mm) B C D E F 320si E90 2005 - on F 2862 l V30073.724 22.4795 R 2861 l V300 66 20 18.4755 ○ ○ 323i E90, E92 2004 - on F 2862 l V30073.724 22.4795 E91 2005 - on F 2862 l V30073.724 22.4795 R 2861 l V300 66 20 18.4755 ○ ○ ○ 323id (E30) 1981 - 86F 679 R 671 (E36) 1995 - 99 F 979 R 980 (E46) Saloon 4/98 - on F 979 (E46) Coupe 1999- on R 980 324d : td (E30) 1987 - 91 (E36) Touring 1988 - 93 F R F R 679 671 679 671 ○V26035.122 20.4664 ○S25860.110 8.4 624 ○V28651.622 20.4795 ○V27660.119 17.4 755 ○V28651.622 20.4795 l ○V276 60 19 17.4 755 l l l l l l l l l ○V26035.122 20.4664 ○S25860.110 8.4 624 ○V26035.122 20.4664 ○S25860.110 8.4 624 325i : 325ix : 325ci (E30) 1989 - 91 F 679 l V26035.122 20.4664 R 671 l S25860.110 8.4 624 (E36) 12/90 - 99 F 979 l V28651.622 20.4795 R 983 l S28060.110 8.4 755 (E46) Saloon/Touring 2000 - on F 966 l V300 52 22 20 795 R 967 l V29459.519 17.4 755 E90 2004 - on F 2862 l V30073.724 22.4795 E92 With option code: 2005 - on S212A E91 2004 - on F 2862 l V30073.724 22.4795 R 2861 l V300 66 20 18.4755 E90, E91 2004 - on F 2860 l V33073.224 22.4795 With option code: S100A R 2859 l V33667.222 20.4755 E92 2005 - on F 2860 l V33073.224 22.4795 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○○ ○ 325d E90, E91 2006 - on F 2860 l V33073.224 22.4795 R 2859 l V33667.222 20.4755 325xi E90 2006 - on F 2862 l V30073.724 22.4795 R 2861 l V300 66 20 18.4755 E90 With S100A option 2006 - on F 2860 l V33073.224 22.4795 R 2859 l V33667.222 20.4755 E91 U.S. Model 2006 - on F 2862 l V30073.724 22.4795 R 2861 l V300 66 20 18.4755 E91 Euro Model 2005 - on F 2860 l V33073.224 22.4795 R 2859 l V33667.222 20.4755 E92 Euro Model 2005 - on F 2860 l V33073.224 22.4795 R 2861 l V300 66 20 18.4755 ○ ○○ ○ ○ ○ ○○ ○ ○ ○ ○○ ○ ○ 34 All rights reserved. © Copyright 2013 Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. Trademarks: All DBA Part References listed in this catalogue are Trademarks of Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 34 5/06/2013 2:21:34 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness BMW Model Years F/R DBA No. 325td : tds (E36), (E36) Touring 9/91 - 1999F979 R 983 STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X l l 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented A D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes Dimensions (mm) B C D E F ○V28651.622 20.4795 ○S28060.110 8.4 755 328i : 328ci (E36) Coupe 11/94 - 99 F 979 l V28651.622 20.4795 R 980 l V27660.119 17.4 755 (E36) Saloon/Cabriolet 11/94 - 99 F 979 l V28651.622 20.4795 R 983 l S28060.110 8.4 755 (E36) Saloon Cabriolet 11/94 - on R 980 l V27660.119 17.4 755 (German Application) (E36) Touring 11/94 - 99 F 979 l V28651.622 20.4795 R 980 l V27660.119 17.4 755 (E46) 4/98 - on F 966 l V300 52 22 20 795 R 967 l V29459.519 17.4 755 E90 2006 - ON F 2862 l V30073.724 22.4795 E92 2005 - ON E91 U.S. Model 2004 - ON F 2862 l V30073.724 22.4795 R 2861 l V300 66 20 18.4755 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ 328xi E90, E91, E92 2005 - ON F 2862 l V30073.724 22.4795 All U.S. Models R 2861 l V300 66 20 18.4755 ○ ○ 330 (E46) 7/00 - 05F 2855 l R 2856 l ○ ○ V324 52 25 23.4 795 V320 60.8 22 20.4755 330d : 330i : 330xd : 330xi With option code; 12/06 - onF 2858 l S100A /S102AR 2859 l E90 Saloon E91 Touring E92 Coupe ○ ○ ○V34873.230 28.4 795 ○ ○V336 67.2 22 20.4755 330cd : 330ci : 330i : 330d : 330xd : 330xi (E46) 7/00 - 05F 2855 l R 2856 l ○ V324 52 25 23.4 795 ○ ○V320 60.8 22 20.4755 335d : 335i E90 Saloon 2006 - on F 2858 l E91 TouringR 2859 l E92 Coupe ○ ○ ○V34873.230 28.4 795 ○ ○V336 67.2 22 20.4755 518 (E12) (E12) 1974 - 2/76 3/76 - 81 518i (E30) Touring 1981 - 88 (E34) All Models (Rear) 373 377 l l ○S27259.812.711.4 745 ○ S28078.112.711.1 745 F 675 R 670 R 976 l l l ○ V28476.122 20.4795 ○ S28461.110 8.4 755 ○S30061.110 8.4 755 F F The Kangaroo Paw design is not available on all part numbers, ask your supplier for details. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 35 35 5/06/2013 2:21:34 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness BMW Model Years F/R DBA No. STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented A D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes Dimensions (mm) B C D E F 520D (E60) 2.0 4dr sedan 12/07 - 06/10 F 2868 l R 2869 l ○V32477.530 28.4 795 ○V320 63 20 18.4755 520i (E12) (E12) 1972 - 2/76 3/76 - 79 520i (E28) + ABS 1980 - 87 (E34) Wagons + Touring 24V1989 - 95 (E34) All Models (Rear) (E39) 1996 - 03 F F 373 377 l l ○S27259.812.711.4 745 ○S28078.112.711.1 745 F R F R F R 675 670 974 976 986 987 l l l l l l ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ V28476.122 20.4795 S28461.110 8.4 755 V30276.122 20.4795 S30061.110 8.4 755 V296 76 22 20.4795 S298 61 10 8.4 755 986 987 l l ○ ○ V296 76 22 20.4795 S298 61 10 8.4 755 F 675 R 670 l l ○V28476.122 20.4795 ○S28461.110 8.4 755 523i (E39) 1995 - 2000 F Saloon S rear disc R 524d (E28) 1986 - 87 524td (E28) + ABS 10/82 -1987 F 675 l V28476.122 20.4795 R 670 l S284 61.1 10 8.4 755 525 (E12) S front disc 1973 - 2/76 F 373 l S27259.812.711.4 745 (E12) S front disc 2/76 - 81 F 377 l S28078.112.711.1 745 rear suits 1973 - 81 R 374 l S28061.19.5 7.9 755 all models above ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ 525e/i (E28) 1981 - 87 F 675 R 670 l l ○ ○ 525i (E34) 1987 - 90 (E60) 2.5 4dr sedan 2003 - 2007 F R F R 974 976 2868 2869 l l l l ○V30276.122 20.4795 ○ S30061.110 8.4 755 ○V32477.530 28.4 795 ○V320 63 20 18.4755 525i 24V (E34) 8/90 - 96 incl. Touring F R 974 976 l l ○ ○ 525td : tds (E34) Touring 7/91 - 96 (E39) 1996 - 2000 F R F R 974 976 986 987 l l l l ○V30276.122 20.4795 ○S30061.110 8.4 755 ○V296 76 22 20.4795 ○ S298 61 10 8.4 755 36 V28476.122 20.4795 S28461.110 8.4 755 V30276.422 20.4795 S30061.110 8.4 755 All rights reserved. © Copyright 2013 Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. Trademarks: All DBA Part References listed in this catalogue are Trademarks of Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 36 5/06/2013 2:21:35 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness BMW Model Years F/R DBA No. STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented A D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes Dimensions (mm) B C D E F 528 (E12) (E12) (E12) ( Rear ) 1975 - 1/76 2/76 - 7/76 1975 - 77 F F R 373 377 374 l l l ○S27259.812.711.4 745 ○S28078.112.711.1 745 ○S27261.59.5 7.9 755 528i (E28) (E28) 1981 - 5/84 6/84 - 87 1981 - 87 F F R 675 970 670 l l l ○ ○ ○ V28476.122 20.4795 V28276.125 23 795 S28461.110 8.4 755 528i 24V (E39) 2.8 1996 - 2000 F 986 l ○ V296 76 22 20.4795 F R F F R 974 976 2854 2868 2869 l l l l l ○V30276.122 20.4795 ○ S30061.110 8.4 755 ○V32473.530 28.4 795 ○V32477.530 28.4 795 ○V320 63 20 18.4755 F R F R F F F 970 670 974 976 986 988 2854 l l l l l l l ○V28276.125 23 785 ○S28461.110 8.4 755 ○V30276.122 20.4795 ○S30061.110 8.4 755 ○V296 76 22 20.4795 ○ V32477.130 28.4 795 ○V32473.530 28.4 795 F 971 l F 988 l F 2854 l ○V30276.128 26.4795 ○ V32477.130 28.4 795 ○V32473.530 28.4 795 628 (E24) CSi 5/82 - 87 F 970 R 670 l l ○ ○ 635 (E24) CSi 5/82 - 89 F 970 R 670 l l ○V28276.125 23 795 ○ S28461.110 8.4 755 F R F R 677 674 990 991 l l l l ○V28078.125 23.4 745 ○S28468.110 8.4 755 ○V316 77 28 26 795 ○S324 61 12 10 755 F R 974 991 l l ○ V302 76.1 22 20.4795 ○S324 61 12 10 755 530i (E34) 1988 - 96 (E39) 1999 - 03 (E60) 3.0L 4DR sedan rwd 2003 - 2005 535i (E28) 1985 - 87 (E34) 1988 - 95 (E39) 1995 - 9/97 (E39) 9/97 - 3/00 (E39) V8 3/2000 - on 540 / 540i (E34) Saloon, Touring 10/92 - 95 (E39) 4.4 V8 1995 - 3/00 (E39) V8 3/2000 - 03 728i : 728ia (E23) 9/82 - 86 (E38) 1995 - 10/01 730 : 730i : 730iL (E32) 6 cyl & V8 11/87 - 6/94 (E38) 1994 - 2000 V28276.125 23 795 S28461.110 8.4 755 The Kangaroo Paw design is not available on all part numbers, ask your supplier for details. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 37 37 5/06/2013 2:21:35 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness BMW Model Years F/R DBA No. STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented A D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes Dimensions (mm) B C D E F 735i : iL (E23) 9/81 - 86 (E32) 1986 - 1992 (E38) 1994 - 2000 F R F R 677 674 971 991 l l l l ○V28078.125 23.4 745 ○S28468.110 8.4 755 ○V30276.128 26.4795 ○S324 61 12 10 755 740i : iL (E32) 1992 - 6/94 (E38) 1995 - 01 F R F R 971 2852 988 991 l l l l ○V30276.128 26.4795 ○V30068.520 18.4755 ○ V324 77.1 30 28.4 795 ○S324 61 12 10 755 745i (E23) (E23) F R 677 674 l l ○V28078.125 23.4 745 ○S28468.110 8.4 755 1980 - 86 9/81 - 86 750i : iL (E32) 87 - 89 F 971 l V30276.128 26.4795 (E32) + floating caliper 90 - 6/94 (E32) 87 - 6/94 R 2852 l V30068.520 18.4755 (E38) 750i V12 5.4L 240kW 6/94 - 10/01 F 2670 l V334 77 32 30 795 R 2671 l V328 61 20 18.4755 840i, 840 Ci E31 12/92 - 5/99 F 988 l V32477.130 28.4795 R 991 l S324 61 12 10 755 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ 850 Ci E31 (M70) 7/89 - 10/94 F 988 l V32477.130 28.4795 R 991 l S324 61 12 10 755 ○ ○ m3 (E36) 3.0i 24V 1992 - 1995 F 984 l V31552.528 26.4795 (E36) 3.2i 24V 1995 - 2001 Left Hand R 985A l V312 6119.918.4795 right handR 985B l V312 6119.918.4795 (E46) 2001 - on F 42850 lV32552.528 26.4795 F52880 l V325 52.5 28 26.4795 R 42851 lV327 61 20 18.4755 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ 38 All rights reserved. © Copyright 2013 Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. Trademarks: All DBA Part References listed in this catalogue are Trademarks of Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 38 5/06/2013 2:21:35 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness BMW Model Years m535i (E28) 1985 - 87 F/R DBA No. F 970 R 670 STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X l l X1 (e84) 2.0i sdrive 20i 09/12 - on F 2860 l (E84) 2.0D, xdrive 20D 04/10 - 08/12 (E84) 2.0d xdrive 23d 04/10 - 08/12 R 2861 l X3 (E83) 2.0d 4DR wagon 2005 - 2007 F 2876 l (e83) 2.0d xdrive 12/07 - 02/11 (e83) 2.5i 4dr wagon 07/04 - 11/06 (e83) 2.5si xdrive 12/06 - 02/11 (e83) 3.0d 4dr wagon 11/05 - 11/06 (E83) 3.0i 4dr wagon 07/04 - 11/06 (E83) 2.0si, xdrive 12/06 - 02/11 R 2875 l X5 (E53) 3.0Litre & 4.4i 2001 - on F 813 R 814 (E53) 4.6iS 4 Door Wagon 2001 - 03 F 823 4.8iS 2003 - 06R 824 3.0si, xdrive 30i 03/07 - 05/10 F 2874 (e70) 4dr wagon > check front oe diam. F 2864 > check rear oe diam. R 2865 R 2867 ○ ○ 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented A D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes Dimensions (mm) B C D E F V28276.125 23 795 S28461.110 8.4 755 ○V33073.224 22.4795 ○V300 66 20 18.4755 ○ V325 62 25 23.4 755 ○ V320 68 22 20.4755 ○ V332 62 30 28.4 755 ○ S324 80 12 10.4755 ○ V356 62 36 34.4 755 ○ V324 80 20 18.4755 ○V332 62 30 28.4 755 l ○V320 62 30 28.4755 l ○V320 78 20 18.4755 l ○v345 78 24 22.4755 l l l l l z3 1.8i Roadster 1996 - 03 1.9i 16V Roadster 1996 - 99 2.0i 24V Roadster 1999 - 00 2.0i, 2.2i, 2.8 Coupe/Roadster 1999 - 03 3.0i - Except M-Series 1999 - on M-Series 1997 - 03 F 978 l ○S28651.712 10.4795 F F F R R 979 966 984 985A 985B l l l l l ○ ○V28651.622 20.4795 ○ ○V300 52 22 20 795 ○ ○V31552.528 26.4795 ○ V312 6119.918.4795 ○ V312 6119.918.4795 Z4 2.5i 24V 3.0i 24V F F 979 966 l l ○ ○V28651.622 20.4795 ○ ○V300 52 22 20 795 2003 - on 2003 - on The Kangaroo Paw design is not available on all part numbers, ask your supplier for details. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 39 39 5/06/2013 2:21:35 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness CADILLAC Model Years F/R DBA No. STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented A D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes Dimensions (mm) B C D E F DEVILLE HD Brakes RPO J55 2000-2005f 2048 l l l V 325 89.5 38 36.5 118.28 ○○ ○ ESCALADE ESV/EXT 2002-2005F 2000 l l l V 305 61 29 R 2001 l l l V 330 97 30 ESV/EXT 2006F 2000 l l l V 305 61 29 R 2001 l l l V 330 97 30 all models 2007-2009 F 2010 l l l V 330 55.7 30 R 2011 l l l V 345 85.3 20 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○○ ○ ○○ ○ 40 27.2796 28.5766 27.2796 28.5766 28 78.66 18.578.66 All rights reserved. © Copyright 2013 Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. Trademarks: All DBA Part References listed in this catalogue are Trademarks of Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 40 5/06/2013 2:21:35 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness CHEVROLET Model astro van 2WD & 4WD Years DBA No. STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X 2003 - 2005 F 2000 l avalanche 1500 w/o Ltd. Slip Axel 2002 18.5mm min. thick. rear w/ Ltd. Slip Axel 2002 - 2006 28.5mm min. thick rear disc w/18.5mm min. 2000 - 2002 thick rear disc AVALANCHE 2500 exc. factory 2” body lift 2002 exc. factory 2” body lift 2003 - 2006 BlaZER ALL F/R ○ ○ ○ ○ l ○ ○ l ○ ○ l ○ ○ Dimensions (mm) B C D E F l l V 305 61 29 27.2796 l l V 305 61 29 27.2796 F 2000 l l V305 61 29 27.2 796 R 2001 F 2000 F 2048 l R 2049 l F 2048 l ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ l 2996 2997 2602 2603 2604 2605 l l l l l l l l l l F R F R F R COBALT SS 2.0L Coupe F 2052 l l l V 330 97 30 28.5766 l l V305 61 30 27.2766 l l V 325 89.5 38 36.5 118.28 l l V 330 85.6 29 26.5 118.28 l l V 325 89.5 38 36.5118.28 ○ V32589.538 36.5118.28 773 camaro All models 1998 - 2002 V6 2010 - on V8 2010 - on ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ l l V 303 52.5 32 30.7 715 l l V 305622624.7715 l l V 321 51.3 30 27 67.45 l l V 3154823 21 67.45 ll l V 355 50 32 30 67.45 ll V 36547.728 26 67.45 ○ ○ ○ ○○V296 43 26 The Kangaroo Paw design is not available on all part numbers, ask your supplier for details. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 41 A F 2000 l 1992 - 1994 F 2005 - on 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes 23 665 41 5/06/2013 2:21:35 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness CHEVROLET Model Years F/R DBA No. STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented A D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes Dimensions (mm) B C D E F CORVETTE C4 - 12 inch 1988 - 96 F 999 l R 997 l C4 - 13 inch 1988 - 96 F 996 l R 997 l C5 1997 - 03 F 2994 l replaces previous part DBA067 R 2995 l C6 2005 - on F 2994 l R 2995 l C6 Z-51 2005 - on F 2990 l (performance package) R 2991 l C6 Z06 2005 - on F 2992 l R 2993 l ○ V304.85620.5 19 715 ○V304.850.420.5 19 715 ○ ○V330 56 28 26.5715 ○V304.850.420.5 19 715 ○ ○ ○V325 46 32 30.3 715 ○ ○V305 49 26 24 70.55 ○ ○ ○ l ○ V 325 45 32 30 70.55 ○ ○l ○ V 305 49 26 24 70.55 ○ ○ ○ l l l V 340 45 32 30 70.55 ○ ○ ○ l l V 330 49 26 24 70.55 ○ ○ ○ l l l V 355 45.5 32 30 70.75 ○ ○ ○ l l V340 49.7 26 24 70.75 EXPRESS 1500 VAN 1/2 Ton 2003 - 2006 F 2000 l ○ ○V305 61 29 27.2796 EXPRESS 2500 VAN 3/4 Ton - 7300lb GVW 2003 - 2006 2 dr. - 2002 6 lug 3/4 Ton - 8500-8600 GVW 2003 - 2006 pass./panel (8 lug) l l l l ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ l l l l R 2049 l ○ ○ ○ l l V 330 85.6 29 26.5118.2 IMPALA All Models 2005 - 08 F 2606 l R 2607 l ○ ○V303 52 30 ○ ○S278 51 11 42 F F R F 2000 2000 2001 2048 l V 330 l V 305 l V 330 l V 325 85.6 61 97 89.5 29 29 30 38 26.5118.28 27.2 796 28.5766 36.5 118.2 8 28 70.75 9 70.75 All rights reserved. © Copyright 2013 Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. Trademarks: All DBA Part References listed in this catalogue are Trademarks of Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 42 5/06/2013 2:21:36 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness CHEVROLET Model Years 1500 1/2 TON 2WD 1/2 Ton - ex. 1988 - 1991 std. cab & std. 1/2 Ton 1992 - 1999 3/4 Ton - 7200 lb. GVW, 1988 - 1998 6 lug w/ rear disc, exc. HD 1999 - 2000 4 dr. HD - 4.63” rear disc 2000 - 2001 hub hole 2 dr 2001 - 2002 2 dr. - 2002 4 dr HD - crew cab 2001 (8 lug front) 2 dr. - 2002 ext. cab- Quadrasteer 4 dr. HD - crew cab 2002 2 dr. - reg. & ext. cab- 2003 2 wh. steer 2 dr. - 2003 ext. cab - Quadrasteer w/ 18.5mm min, thick rear discs 2 dr. ext. 2003 cab quadrasteer w/ 28.5mm min, thick rear discs 2 dr. reg. & ext. cab 2004 2 wh. steer 2 dr. - ext. cab 2004 hybrid and quadrasteer models 2 dr. HD - ext. cab 2004 w/ 4.63” read disc hub hole 2 dr. HD - ext. cab 2004 w/ 4.84” rear disc hub hole 4 dr. HD - crew cab 2005 w/ rear disc, 2 wh. steer & quadrasteer 4 dr. HD - crew cab 2006 w/ rear disc & 2 wh. Steer (8 lug front) F/R DBA No. F 773 F F 773 773 STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented Dimensions (mm) B C D E F ○V29563.532.530.8796 l ○V29563.532.530.8796 l ○V29563.532.530.8796 l ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ l l ○ V 305 61 29 ○ V 325 89.5 38 27.2796 36.5 118.28 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ l l l l ○ V 330 85.6 29 ○ V 305 61 29 ○ V 305 61 29 ○ V 325 89.5 38 26.5118.28 27.2796 27.2796 36.5 118.28 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ l l ○ V 330 85.6 29 ○ V 305 61 29 26.5118.28 27.2 796 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ l l l l ○ V 330 97 30 ○ V 325 89.5 38 ○ V 330 85.6 29 ○ V 305 61 29 28.5766 36.5 118.28 26.5118.28 27.2796 F 2000 l ○ ○ ○ l ○ V 305 61 29 27.2796 F 2000 l ○ ○ ○ l ○ V 305 61 29 27.2796 F 2000 l ○ ○ ○ l ○ V 305 61 2927.2796 F 2000 l ○ ○ ○ l ○ V 305 61 29 27.2 796 R 2001 l F 2048 l ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ l l ○ V 330 97 30 ○ V 325 89.5 38 28.5766 36.5118.28 F 2048 l ○ ○ ○ l ○ V 325 89.5 38 36.5 118.28 F 2048 l ○ ○ ○ l ○ V 325 89.5 38 36.5118.28 F 2048 l ○ ○ ○ l ○ V 325 89.5 3836.5118.28 F 2000 l F 2048 l R F F F 2049 2000 2000 2048 l l l l R 2049 l F 2000 l R F R F 2001 2048 2049 2000 l l l l The Kangaroo Paw design is not available on all part numbers, ask your supplier for details. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 43 A D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes 43 5/06/2013 2:21:36 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness CHEVROLET Model Years SILVERADO 1500 1/2 TON 4WD w/ rear disc 1999 - 2000 2 dr. - reg. cab 2001 2 dr. - ext. cab 2001 4 dr. HD 2001 2 dr., 2002 2 dr. ext. cab quadrasteer2002 4 dr. HD crew cab 2002 2 dr. ext. cab - SS 2003 4 dr. HD - crew cab 2003 4 dr. Hd - crew cab 2003 Quadrasteer 2 dr. - reg. & ext. cab 2004 2 wh. steer 2 dr. - reg. & ext. cab 2004 Quadrasteer 2 dr. - ext. cab - SS 2004 2 Dr. HD - ext. cab 2004 w/ 4.63” rear disc hub hole 2 dr. HD - ext. cab 2004 w/ 4.84” rear disc hub hole 4 dr. - crew cab - 2004 std. duty 2 dr. - ext. cab - SS 2005 4 dr. HD - crew cab 2005 w/ rear disc & 2 wh. steer 4 dr. HD - crew cab, 2005 w/ rear disc & quadrasteer 4 dr. HD - crew cab 2006 w/ rear disc & 2 wh. steer (8 lug front) 44 F/R DBA No. STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X ○ ○ l ○ ○ l ○ ○ l ○ ○ l ○ ○ l ○ ○ l ○ ○ l ○ ○ l ○ ○ l ○ ○ l ○ ○ 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented A D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes Dimensions (mm) B C D E F F 2000 l ○ l ○ V 305 F 2000 R 2001 F 2048 R 2049 F 2000 F2000 R 2001 F 2048 R 2049 F 2000 R 2001 F 2048 R 2049 F 2048 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ l l l l l l l l l l l l l l ○ V 305 61 29 ○ V 330 97 30 ○ V 325 89.5 38 ○ V 330 85.6 29 ○ V 305 61 29 ○ V 305 61 29 ○ V 330 97 30 ○ V 325 89.5 38 ○ V 330 85.6 29 ○ V 305 61 29 ○ V 330 97 30 ○ V 325 89.5 38 ○ V 330 85.6 29 ○ V 325 89.5 38 F 2000 l ○ ○ ○ l ○ V 305 61 29 27.2796 F 2000 l ○ ○ ○ l ○ V 305 61 29 27.2796 F 2000 l R 2001 l F 2048 l ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ l l l ○ V 305 61 29 ○ V 330 97 30 ○ V 325 89.5 38 27.2 796 28.5766 36.5 118.28 R 2049 l F 2048 l ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ l l ○ V 330 85.6 29 ○ V 325 89.5 38 26.5118.28 36.5118.28 F 2000 l ○ ○ ○ l ○ V 305 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ l l l l ○ V 330 97 30 ○ V 305 61 29 ○ V 330 97 30 ○ V 325 89.5 38 28.5 766 27.2 796 28.5766 36.5118.28 F 2048 l ○ ○ ○ l ○ V 325 89.5 38 36.5118.28 F 2048 l ○ ○ ○ l ○ V 325 89.5 38 36.5118.28 R F R F 2001 2000 2001 2048 l l l l l l l l ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ 61 29 27.2796 27.2 796 28.5766 36.5 118.28 26.5118.28 27.2796 27.2 796 28.5766 36.5 118.28 26.5118.28 27.2 796 28.5766 36.5 118.28 26.5118.28 36.5118.28 61 29 27.2 796 All rights reserved. © Copyright 2013 Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. Trademarks: All DBA Part References listed in this catalogue are Trademarks of Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 44 5/06/2013 2:21:36 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness CHEVROLET Model Years SILVERADO 2500 3/4 TON 2WD exc. 6.0L, w/ 5-speed 1999 - 2000 4.63” rear disc hub hole 6.0L w/ 5-speed 1999 - 2000 4.84 rear disc hub hole exc. HD - w/ A/T 2001 - 2003 4.63” rear disc hub hole exc. HD - w/ M/T 2001 - 2003 4.84” rear disc hub hole exc. HD - w/ A/T 2004 4.63” rear disc hub hole exc. HD - w/ M/T 2004 4.84” rear disc hub hole HD - 2 wh. steer 2004 exc. HD 2005 exc. HD 2006 F/R DBA No. STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented Dimensions (mm) B C D E F F 2048 l ○ ○ ○ l ○ V 325 89.5 38 36.5 118.28 R 2049 l F 2048 l ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ l l ○ V 330 85.6 29 ○ V 325 89.5 38 26.5118.28 36.5 118.28 R 2051 l F 2048 l ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ l l ○ V 330 91.5 29 ○ V 325 89.5 38 27 1228 36.5 118.28 R 2049 l F 2048 l ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ l l ○ V 330 85.6 29 ○ V 325 89.5 38 26.5118.28 36.5 118.28 R 2051 l F 2048 l ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ l l ○ V 330 91.5 29 ○ V 325 89.5 38 27 1228 36.5 118.28 R 2049 l F 2048 l ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ l l ○ V 330 85.6 29 ○ V 325 89.5 38 26.5118.28 36.5 118.28 l l l l ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ l l l l ○ V 330 91.5 29 ○ V 325 89.5 38 ○ V 325 89.5 38 ○ V 325 89.5 38 27 1228 36.5118.28 36.5118.28 36.5118.28 l ○ ○ ○ l ○ V 325 89.5 38 36.5 118.28 l l ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ l l ○ V 330 85.6 29 ○ V 325 89.5 38 26.5118.28 36.5 118.28 l l ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ l l ○ V 330 91.5 29 ○ V 325 89.5 38 27 1228 36.5 118.28 l l ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ l l ○ V 330 85.6 29 ○ V 325 89.5 38 26.5118.28 36.5 118.28 l l ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ l l ○ V 330 91.5 29 ○ V 325 89.5 38 27122 36.5118.28 ○ ○ ○ l ○ V 305 61 29 27.2796 ○ ○ ○ l ○ V 330 97 30 28.5766 R F F F 2051 2048 2048 2048 SILVERADO 2500 3/4 TON 4WD exc. 6.0L, w/ 5 speed 1999 - 2000 F 2048 4.63” rear disc hub hole R 2049 6.0L w/ 5-speed 1999 - 2000 F 2048 4.84” rear disc hub hole R 2051 exc. HD w/ A/T 2001 - 2003 F 2048 4.63” rear disc hub hole exc. HD w/ A/T 2004 4.63” rear disc hub hole R 2049 exc. HD w/ M/T 2001 - 2003 F 2048 4.84” rear disc hub hole exc. HD w/ M/T 2004 4.84” rear disc hub hole R 2051 HD - 2 wh. steer 2004 F 2048 exc. HD 2005 exc. HD 2006 Suburban 1500 1/2 Ton 2wd w/28.5mm min. 2000 - 2002 F 2000 l thick rear disc all models 2003 - on R 2001 l The Kangaroo Paw design is not available on all part numbers, ask your supplier for details. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 45 A D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes 45 5/06/2013 2:21:36 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness CHEVROLET Model Years Suburban 1500 1/2 ton 4wd 6 lug 1992 - 1999 w/28.5mm min. 2000 - 2002 thick rear disc all models 2003 - on w/18.5mm min. 2000 - 2002 thick rear disc F/R DBA No. STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X 46 A Dimensions (mm) B C D E F F 773 l F 2000 l ○ V29563.532.530.8796 ○ ○ ○ l ○ V305 61 29 27.2 796 R 2001 l F 2000 l ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ l l ○ V 330 ○ V305 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ l l l ○ V 325 89.5 38 ○ V 330 85.6 29 ○ V 325 89.5 38 36.5 118.28 26.5118.28 36.5118.28 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ l l l l ○ V 305 61 29 ○ V 330 97 30 ○ V 330 55.7 30 ○ V 345 85.3 20 27.2 796 28.5766 28 78.66 18.578.66 Suburban 2500 3/4 Ton 2wd & 4WD 2 wh. steer - 4.63” 2000 - 2005 F 2048 l R 2049 l 2 wh. steer - 4.84” 2000 - 2005 F 2048 l Quadrasteer 2000 - 2005 all models 2006 - on TAHOE all models 2000 - 2006 all models 2008 - on 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes F R F R 2000 2001 2010 2011 l l l l ○ ○ ○ ○ 97 30 28.5766 61 30 27.2766 All rights reserved. © Copyright 2013 Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. Trademarks: All DBA Part References listed in this catalogue are Trademarks of Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 46 5/06/2013 2:21:36 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness CHRYSLER Model Years 300C + DODGE charger 3.5L V6 2WD & 4WD 2005 - on 5.7L Hemi V8 2WD & 4WD 6.1L V8 SRT8 2WD & 4WD 2005 - on F/R F R F R DBA No. 2438 2439 2444 2445 STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X l l l l 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented A D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes Dimensions (mm) B C D E F ○ ○V34555.128 26.572.65 ○ ○V32067.322 20.572.65 ○ ○V36058.532 ○ ○V35068.528 30 72.55 26 72.65 IMPORTANT INFORMATION The wheel stud P.C.D. of ALL the above Chrysler 300C + Dodge Charger discs are definitely 115 mm. Correct P.C.D. wheels must be fitted. DO NOT install any replacement wheels which have a wheel stud PCD of 114.3 mm = 4.5 inch, because this will cause distortion of the BEARING HUB mounting face when the wheel nuts are tightened. A ne HUB will need to be installed to rectify the problem, if a wrong wheel is fitted. Please advise your customers, failure to follow the above information will void any warranty. CENTURA KB 4 Cyl GF16 1975 - 77 F 206 l ○S24935.612.911.5 694 crossfire all models - exc. SRT-6 2004 - 2006 F 288 l ○V300 47 28 25.4675 DURANGO 2WD & 4WD 1998 - 02 All Models 2005 - on F 2440 l F 2442 l R 2443 l ○ ○V287 64 24 22.673.56 ○V33667.628 26.478.65 ○ ○V35472.122 20.478.65 GRAND VOYAGER RT 2.8TD & 3.8L 12/07-on F 2420 l V30238.228 26.472.55 R 2421 l S305 33 12 10.472.55 neon Neon All Models 1996 - 99 F 175 l V257 38 20 18.4615 SE, LX Sedan R 166 l S270 53 9 7.25585 Neon All Models 2000 - on F 165 l V257 38 22 20.4615 R 166 l S270 53 9 7.25575 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ PT CRUISER 2.4L DOHC 2000 - on 2.4 DOHC TURBO 2003 GT 2.4L DOHC TURBO 2004 - on LIMITED 2004 - on 2.4L DOHC TURBO F 167 l R 166 l F 2446 l R 2447 l F 2446 l R 166 l ○ ○V280 39.5 23 21.4 615 ○ ○S270 53 9 7.25615 ○V28039.928 26.4615 ○S27053.211.97.2557.55 ○V28039.928 26.4615 ○ ○S270 53 9 7.25615 SEBRING 2.0L, 2.0TD, 2.4L & 2.7L 2007-on F 2422 l V29445.526 24.4695 **Check Rear Disc Diameter** R2423 l S26260.310 8.4 805 R 2425 l S30260.310 8.4 805 ○ ○ ○ The Kangaroo Paw design is not available on all part numbers, ask your supplier for details. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 47 47 5/06/2013 2:21:37 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness CHRYSLER Model VALIANT VG, VH, CH, VJ, VK, CJ, CK, CL (Girlock Calipers) P.C.D. 114mm Years F/R DBA No. 1970 - 73 F 202 VIPER All models 1992 - 2002 Front disc in 5000 series only VIPER SRT10 2003 - 2005 Voyager GS (SE, LE & LTD) 1997 - 2000 RG (SE, LX & LTD) 2001 - 09/07 Front & All wheel drive Voyager III series 02/00 - on 2.4, 3.3, 3.3 AWD, 3.8 2.5 CRD 08/05 - on 2.8 CRD 06/04 - on 48 STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X l 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented A D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes Dimensions (mm) B C D ○ ○V283 63 24 22.3 E F 78 5 ○ ○V330 62.7 32 30.1 73.56 l ○ ○V 330 43.722.6 20.473.56 ○ ○ l ○V355 59.6 32 30 73.56 ○l ○V355 52.2 32 30 73.56 F 52430 l R 2431 F 42448 R42449 F F R F 177 776 777 776 l l l l ○V282 38 24 22.473.45 ○ V302 39 28 26.573.45 ○ S290 5612.511.2572 5 ○V302 39 28 26.573.45 All rights reserved. © Copyright 2013 Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. Trademarks: All DBA Part References listed in this catalogue are Trademarks of Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 48 5/06/2013 2:21:37 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness CITROEN Model Years F/R DBA No. STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented A D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes Dimensions (mm) B C D E F AX GTI 1991 - 96 F 273 l V247 3520.5 18.6 664 ○ BERLINGO 1.4i 10/02 - on F 2274 l V26634.222 20 664 1.4i (V disc) 1996 - 9/02 F 274 l V26627.520.5 18.6 664 1.6i 16V 10/02 - on F 2274 l V26634.222 20 664 1.6i 16V 2001 - 9/02 F 274 l V26627.520.5 18.6 664 1.8i 1997 - 01 F 274 l V26627.520.5 18.6 664 1.9L Diesel 10/02 - on F 2274 l V26634.222 20 664 1.9L Diesel 1996 - 9/02 F 274 l V26627.520.5 18.6 664 2.0 HDi Turbodiesel 10/02 - on F 2274 l V26634.222 20 664 2.0 HDi Turbodiesel 2000 - 9/02 F 274 l V26627.520.5 18.6 664 BERLINGO ENTREPRISE 1.4i 10/02 - on F 2274 l V26634.222 20 664 1.4i (V disc) 1996 - 9/02 F 274 l V26627.520.5 18.6 664 1.9 Diesel 10/02 - on F 2274 l V26634.222 20 664 1.9 Diesel 1996 - 9/02 F 274 l V26627.520.5 18.6 664 2.0 HDi Turbodiesel 10/02 - on F 2274 l V26634.222 20 664 2.0 HDi Turbodiesel 2000 - 9/02 F 274 l V26627.520.5 18.6 664 BX 19 16V 1987 - 94 F 274 l V26627.520.5 18.6 664 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ C2 1.6i 16V 2003 - on F 2274 l V26634.222 20 1.6i 16V VTS (90kW) 2004 - on F 2275 l V28334.226 24 C3 1.4 16V HDi Turbodiesel 2002 - on F 2274 l V26634.222 20 1.6i 16V 2002 - on F 2274 l V26634.222 20 ○ ○ 664 664 ○ ○ 664 664 C4 1.4i 16V (Non ESP) 10/04 - on F 2274 l V26634.222 20 1.4i 16V (with ESP) 10/04 - on F 2275 l V28334.226 24 1.6 16V HDi Turbodiesel 10/04 - on F 2274 l V26634.222 20 (Non ESP) (66kW) 1.6 16V HDi Turbodiesel 10/04 - on F 2275 l V28334.226 24 (with ESP) (66kW) 1.6 16V 10/04 - on F 2275 l V28334.226 24 HDi Turbodiesel (80kW) 1.6i 16V (Non ESP) 10/04 - on F 2274 l V26634.222 20 1.6i 16V (with ESP) 10/04 - on F 2275 l V28334.226 24 ○ ○ ○ 664 664 66 4 ○ 664 ○ 664 ○ ○ 664 664 C5 1.6 16V HDi Turbodiesel 2004 - on F 2275 l V28334.226 24 1.8i 16V 2001 - on F 2274 l V26634.222 20 2.0 HDi Turbodiesel (80kW)2001 - 4/09 F 2275 l V28334.226 24 2.0 HPi 16V 2001 - on F 2275 l V28334.226 24 2.0i 16V 2001 - on F 2275 l V28334.226 24 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ The Kangaroo Paw design is not available on all part numbers, ask your supplier for details. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 49 664 664 664 664 664 49 5/06/2013 2:21:37 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness CITROEN Model Years F/R DBA No. STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented A D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes Dimensions (mm) B C D E F C5 Break 1.6 16V HDi Turbodiesel 2004 - on F 2275 l V28334.226 24 664 1.8i 16V 2001 - on F 2275 l V28334.226 24 664 2.0 HDi Turbodiesel (80kW) 2001 - 4/09 F 2275 l V28334.226 24 664 2.0 HPi 16V, 2.0i 16V 2001 - on F 2275 l V28334.226 24 664 SAXO 1.6i 1996 - 04 F 273 lV247 3520.5 18.6 664 1.6i 16V VTS 1996 - 04 F 273 lV247 3520.5 18.6 664 R 276 lS 246.525 8 6 714 ○ ○ ○ ○ XANTIA 1.6i 1993 - 97 F 274 lV26627.520.5 18.6 664 1.8i, 1.8i 16V 1993 - 02 F 274 lV26627.520.5 18.6 664 1.9 Diesel 1993 - 96 F 274 lV26627.520.5 18.6 664 1.9 Turbo Diesel 1993 - 02 F 274 lV26627.520.5 18.6 664 (55/66kW) Automatic 2.0 HDi Turbo Diesel 1993 - 02 F 274 lV26627.520.5 18.6 6644 2.0i 1993 - 02 F 274 lV26627.520.5 18.6 664 2.0i 16v 1993 - 02 F 275 lV28327.522 20 664 2.0i Automatic 1998 - 02 F 275 lV28327.522 20 664 XANTIA BREAK 1.8i 1995 - 02 F 275 l V28327.522 20 1.9 Turbodiesel 1993 - 02 F 275 l V28327.522 20 2.0 HDi Turbo Diesel (66kW) 1993 - 02 F 275 l V28327.522 20 2.0i 16v 1995 - 02 F 275 l V28327.522 20 ○ ○ ○ ○ 664 664 664 664 XSARA 1.4 HDi Turbodiesel 1999 - 8/00 F 2274 l V26634.222 20 664 1.4i 9/00 - 2004 F 2274 l V26634.222 20 664 1.4i (with ABS) 1997 - 8/00 F 273 l V247 3520.5 18.6 664 1.5 Diesel (with ABS), 1.6i 1997 - 8/00 F 273 l V247 3520.5 18.6 664 1.6i 16V 9/00 - on F 2274 l V26634.222 20 664 1.8i 1997 - 8/00 F 273 l V247 3520.5 18.6 664 1.8i 16V 1997 - 8/00 F 274 l V26627.520.5 18.6 664 1.9 Diesel 9/00 - on F 2274 l V26634.222 20 664 1.9 Diesel, Turbodiesel 1997 - 8/00 F 273 l V247 3520.5 18.6 664 2.0 HDi Turbodiesel 1999 - 8/00 F 274 l V26627.520.5 18.6 664 2.0 HDi Turbodiesel 9/00 - on F 2274 l V26634.222 20 664 (66kW) 2.0 HDi Turbodiesel 01 - on F 275 l V28327.522 20 664 (80kW) (upto Ch. 09064) 2.0 HDi Turbodiesel 01 - on F 2275 l V28334.226 24 664 (80kW) (from Ch. 09065) 2.0i 16V 1997 - 8/00 F 274 l V26627.520.5 18.6 664 2.0i 16V (upto Ch. 09064) 9/00 - on F 275 l V28327.522 20 664 2.0i 16V (from Ch. 09065) 9/00 - on F 2275 l V28334.226 24 664 All Models 1997 - 04 R 276 l S 246.525 8 6 714 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ 50 All rights reserved. © Copyright 2013 Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. Trademarks: All DBA Part References listed in this catalogue are Trademarks of Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 50 5/06/2013 2:21:37 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness CITROEN Model Years F/R DBA No. STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented A D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes Dimensions (mm) B C D E F XSARA BREAK 1.4i, 1.4 HDi Turbodiesel 2003 - on F 2274 l V26634.222 20 664 1.4i, 1.5 Diesel (Non ABS) 1998 - 8/00 F 273 l V247 3520.5 18.6 664 1.4i, 1.5D (with ABS) 1998 - 8/00 F 274 l V26627.520.5 18.6 664 1.6i (Non ABS) 1998 - 8/00 F 273 l V247 3520.5 18.6 664 1.6i (with ABS) 1998 - 8/00 F 274 l V26627.520.5 18.6 664 1.6i 16V 9/00 - on F 2274 l V26634.222 20 664 1.8i 8/16V 1998 - 8/00 F 274 l V26627.520.5 18.6 664 1.9 Diesel 9/00 - on F 2274 l V26634.222 20 664 1.9 Diesel (Non ABS) 1998 - 8/00 F 273 l V247 3520.5 18.6 664 1.9 Diesel (with ABS) 1998 - 8/00 F 274 l V26627.520.5 18.6 664 1.9 TD, 2.0 HDi TD 1998 - 8/00 F 274 l V26627.520.5 18.6 664 2.0 HDi Turbodiesel (66kW) 9/00 - on F 2274 l V26634.222 20 664 2.0 HDi Turbodiesel (80kW) 01 - on F 275 l V28327.522 20 664 (upto Ch. 09064) 2.0 HDi Turbodiesel (80kW) 01 - on F 2275 l V28334.226 24 664 (from Ch. 09065) 2.0i 16V 1998 - 8/00 F 274 l V26627.520.5 18.6 664 2.0i 16V (upto Ch. 09064) 9/00 - on F 275 l V28327.522 20 664 2.0i 16V (from Ch. 09065) 9/00 - on F 2275 l V28334.226 24 664 All Models 1998 - on R 276 l S 246.525 8 6 714 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ XSARA COUPE 1.4i (with ABS) 1998 - 8/00 F 273 l V247 3520.5 18.6 664 1.4i 9/00 - 04 F 2274 l V26634.222 20 664 1.4 HDi Turbodiesel 2003 - 04 F 2274 l V26634.222 20 664 1.6i 1998 - 8/00 F 273 l V247 3520.5 18.6 664 1.6i 16V 9/00 - 04 F 2274 l V26634.222 20 664 1.8i 16V VTS 1998 - 8/00 F 274 l V26627.520.5 18.6 664 1.9 Turbodiesel 1998 - 8/00 F 273 l V247 3520.5 18.6 664 2.0 HDi Turbodiesel 1999 - 8/00 F 274 l V26627.520.5 18.6 664 2.0 HDi Turbodiesel (66kW) 9/00 - 04 F 2274 l V26634.222 20 664 2.0 HDi Turbodiesel (80kW) 9/00 - on F 275 l V28327.522 20 664 (upto Ch. 09064) 2.0 HDi Turbodiesel (80kW) 9/00 - on F 2275 l V28334.226 24 664 (from Ch. 09065) 2.0i 16V VTS (120kW) 9/00 - on F 275 l V28327.522 20 664 (upto Ch. 09064) 2.0i 16V VTS (120kW) 9/00 - on F 2275 l V28334.226 24 664 (from Ch. 09065) 2.0i 16V VTS (98kW) 1998 - 8/00 F 274 l V26627.520.5 18.6 664 All Models 1998 - 04 R 276 l S 246.525 8 6 714 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ XSARA PICASSO 1.6i, 1.8i 16V (Bosch System) 2000 - on F 2274 l V26634.222 20 664 2.0 HDi TD (Bosch System) 1.6i, 1.8i 16V, 2.0 HDi TD 2000 - on F 274 l V26627.520.5 18.6 664 (Lucas System) ○ ○ ZX 1.6, 1.8, 1.9, 2.0 1991 - 98 F 273 l V247 3520.5 18.6 664 1.9 Break Diesel 1994 - 98 F 273 l V247 3520.5 18.6 664 1.9 Turbodiesel 1992 - 98 F 273 l V247 3520.5 18.6 664 R 276 l S 246.525 8 6 714 2.0i 16V 1992 - 98 F 274 l V26627.520.5 18.6 664 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ The Kangaroo Paw design is not available on all part numbers, ask your supplier for details. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 51 51 5/06/2013 2:21:37 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness DAEWOO Model DAEWOO 1.5 i 3D & 5D Hatchback 1.5 i 4D Sedan (Racer) cielo / espero / lanos Cielo Cielo (All 13” Wheels) Espero CD 4D Sedan Lanos SOHC SE 1.4L , 1.5L Cielo (All 14” Wheels) Espero CD 4D Sedan Lanos DOHC SX 1.5L, 1.6L KALOS TK Sedan & Hatch T200 1.5L 1.6L DOHC Years 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes Dimensions (mm) F/R DBA No. 9/94 - on F 890 l ○ S236 41 12 9.7 604 2/95 - on 2/95 - on F F 890 896 l l ○ S236 41 12 9.7 604 ○ V236 41 20 17 604 6/97 - on 2/95 - on F 891 l ○V256 41 24 STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X A B C D E F 22 604 6/97 - on 2003 - 2005 F 2032 l 2003 - 2005 ○V236 41 20 18 594 lacetti J200 Series 1.8l 2003 - 04 4d sedan F 2042 l R 2043 l ○V25647.524 ○S258 57 10 22 604 8 604 lEganza Leganza SX (15” Wheels) 8/97 - on F 892 l ○V256 47 24 22 605 matiz Matiz 1999 - on F 897 l ○S236 3512.79.7 864 nubira Nubira 6/97 - on SX, SE, CDX F R 894 895 l l ○V256 47 24 ○S25864.510 22 604 8 574 l ○V256 47 24 22 604 l l ○V278 40 24 22 886 ○ S300 6710.58.5 1056 tacuma Tacuma U100 2.2L T/Cam 8/2000 - on F 726 MUSSO 4X4 (Also listed under Ssanyong) 2.9L & 3.2L 1996 - on F 554 R 555 52 All rights reserved. © Copyright 2013 Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. Trademarks: All DBA Part References listed in this catalogue are Trademarks of Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 52 5/06/2013 2:21:37 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness DAIHATSU Model APPLAUSE A101 A101 5 Door 1.6 Litre Years 6/89 - on 6/89 - 94 1998 - on F/R F R F DBA No. 295 494 295 STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X l l l ALTIS SXV20 7/97 - 2002 F 733 l MCV20 7/97 - 2002 F 735 l Rear disc fits all R 736 l sedans and wagons 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented A 5/2002 - on F 2498 l DELTA V57, V67, V107 4/87 - on F 299 FEROZA 4WD F300, F310 4WD F300, F310 10/88 - on 10/88 - on F F HANDYVAN L55, L60 with booster 6/83 - 85 MOVE L601 5/97 - on Dimensions (mm) B C D E F ○ V234 47 18 ○S236 40 10 ○V234 47 18 17 564 9 564 17 564 ○V255 49 28 ○V27649.528 ○ S269 65 10 26 625 26 625 9 625 CHARADE G11 1983 - 12/86F 294 l S208 G100, G102 1987 - 1/89 F 295 l V234 G100, G102 1987 - 1/89 F 291 l 234 6mm Flange G100, G102 CX, 1989 - 1/93 F 296 l 234 TS Van 1989 - 1/93 G202 1993 - on 7mm Flange G100, G200, G203 SG 1989 - 94 F 295 l V234 COPEN 4cyl Turbo D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes ○ ○ ○ ○ 47 11 10 564 ○ 47 18 17 564 29 11 10 474 47 18 17 564 47 11 10 564 ○V246 42 17 16 554 l ○V285 61 24 23 946 292 491 l l ○S277 3012.511.5 965 ○V277 33 18 17 965 F 493 l ○S179 33 10 9 704 F 495 l ○V234 41 16 15 554 ROCKY 4WD Non Turbo, F20, F50, F60 F70, F75, F80, F85 F7#, F8# Turbo F73, F78 10/81 - 3/84 F 1984 - 4/93 4/84 - 4/93 F 5/93 - on 292 l 491 ○S277 3012.511.5 965 l ○V277 33 18 17 96 5 SIrion M100 , NM101, 1.3Lt 6/98 - on F 495 l ○V234 41 16 15 554 TERIOS J100, J102 (DX, SX, AERO) 3/97 - on F 496 l ○S27337.516 15 66.55 YRV YRV (M200) 4 Door Wagon 7/2001 - on F 498 l ○V246 41 16 15 554 The Kangaroo Paw design is not available on all part numbers, ask your supplier for details. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 53 53 5/06/2013 2:21:37 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness daimler Model Years F/R DBA No. 2.5 Litre Saloon V8 Limousine 1959 - 67 1969 - 79 F R 072 075 l l Sovereign Series 2, 3 Sovereign Series 1, 2, 3 1974 - 82 1968 - 82 F R 076 075 l l Double Six Series 2, 3 1973 - 82 F 076 l Double Six Series 1, 2, 3 1972 - 82 R 075 l Double Six 1982 - 86 F 076 l R 075 l 54 STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X ○ 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented A D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes Dimensions (mm) B C D E F S28051.59.758.5 82.55 ○S26225.512.511.4 704 ○V285 60.5 24 22.9825 ○S26222.512.511.4 704 ○V285 60.5 24 22.9825 ○S 262 25.512.5 11.4 704 ○V285 60.5 24 22.9825 ○S 262 25.512.5 11.4 704 All rights reserved. © Copyright 2013 Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. Trademarks: All DBA Part References listed in this catalogue are Trademarks of Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 54 5/06/2013 2:21:38 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness DODGE Model Years AVENGER AWD & FWD 2007-on **Check Rear Disc Diameter** F/R DBA No. STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X F 2422 l R2423 l R 2425 l 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented A D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes Dimensions (mm) B C D E F ○V29445.526 24.4695 ○S26260.310 8.4 805 ○S30260.310 8.4 805 CALIBER 1.8L, 2.0L & 2.0TD w/ Rear Disc10/06-on F2422 l V29445.526 24.4695 **Check Rear Disc Diameter** R2423 l S26260.310 8.4 805 R 2425 l S30260.310 8.4 805 1.8L, 2.0TD w/ Rear Drum 10/06-on F 2201 l lV27645.526 24.4695 CHARGER Brembo Package, 2006-2009 F 2444 l V36058.532 30 72.55 INC SRT8 R 2445 l V35068.528 26 72.65 Daytona R/T 2006-2009 F 2438 l l V 345 55.1 28 26.572.65 Rear Vented Rotor R 2439 l l V 320 67.3 22 20.572.65 R/T-5.7L V8 2006-2011 F 2438 l l V 345 55.1 28 26.572.65 Rear Vented Rotor R 2439 l l V 320 67.3 22 20.572.65 SXT-AWD 3.5 V6 2006-2009 F 2438 l l V 345 55.1 28 26.572.65 Rear Vented Rotor R 2439 l l V 320 67.3 22 20.572.65 CHALLENGER SE-G and R/T Package 2008-09 F 2438 l l V 345 55.1 28 26.572.65 R 2439 l l V320 67.3 22 20.572.65 SE and R/T Package 2008-09 F 2438 l l V 345 55.1 28 26.572.65 R 2439 l l V 320 67.3 22 20.572.65 Brembo Package, SRT-8 2008-09 F 2444 l V36058.532 30 72.55 R 2445 l V35068.528 26 72.65 COLT - exc. VISTA & WAGON ALL - exc. Solid front disc 1993-1994 F 413 l V235 45 18 16.4 644 ALL - w/ rear disc 1993-1994 F 413 l V235 45 18 16.4 644 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ DURANGO ALL 2005-2010FF2422 l V29445.526 24.4695 ○ JOURNEY 2.0TD, 2.4, 2.7 2008-on F 2420 l R 2421 l ○V30238.228 26.472.55 ○S305 33 12 10.472.55 The Kangaroo Paw design is not available on all part numbers, ask your supplier for details. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 55 55 5/06/2013 2:21:38 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness DODGE Model Years F/R DBA No. STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented A D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes Dimensions (mm) B C D E F MAGNUM R/T-5.7L V8 2005 F 2438 l l V 345 55.1 28 26.572.65 Rear Vented Rotor R 2439 l l V 320 67.3 22 20.572.65 SE 2.7L and 3.6L V6 F 2438 l l V 345 55.1 28 26.572.65 Rear Vented Rotor R 2439 l l V 320 67.3 22 20.572.65 SXT-AWD 3.5 V6 2006-2008 F 2438 l l V 345 55.1 28 26.572.65 Rear Vented Rotor R 2439 l l V 320 67.3 22 20.572.65 R/T-5.7L V8 2006-2008 F 2438 l l V 345 55.1 28 26.572.65 Rear Vented Rotor R 2439 l l V 320 67.3 22 20.572.65 2WD &AWD 2006-2008 F 2438 l l V 345 55.1 28 26.572.65 Rear Vented Rotor R 2439 l l V 320 67.3 22 20.572.65 Brembo Package, SRT-8 2008-2009 F 2444 l V36058.532 30 72.55 R 2445 l V35068.528 26 72.65 NEON SRT-4 2003-2005F2446 l V28039.928 26.4615 ○○ ○ ○○ ○ ○○ ○ ○ ○○ ○○ ○ ○ ○○ ○○ ○ ○ ○○ ○○ ○ ○ ○○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ NITRO 3.7L, 4.0L & 2.8TD 2006-9/08 F 2424 l R 2427 l ○V302 64 28 26.4725 ○S31676.512 10.4725 RAM 1500 Pick Up 2WD & 4WD 2002-2010 F 2422 l V29445.526 24.4695 Regular and Quad Cab 1500 Pick Up 2WD & 4WD 2006-201 F 2422 l V29445.526 24.4695 STEALTH 2WD 1991-1994F425 l l V276 45 24 22.4695 2WD 1995-1996F425 l l V276 45 24 22.4695 R/T-4 - 4WD 1994-1996 F 216 l STRATUS Coupe - 4 cyl. 2001-2004 F 421 l V25645.224 22.4695 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ VIPER All models 1992 - 2002 Front disc in 5000 series only VIPER SRT10 2003 - 2005 56 F 52430 ○ l V330 62.7 32 30.1 73.56 R 2431 l F 42448 R42449 ○ ○V 330 43.722.6 20.473.56 ○ ○ l ○V355 59.6 32 30 73.56 ○l ○V355 52.2 32 30 73.56 All rights reserved. © Copyright 2013 Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. Trademarks: All DBA Part References listed in this catalogue are Trademarks of Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 56 5/06/2013 2:21:38 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness EUNOS Model Years EUNOS 30X 1992 - 01/98 500 1992 - on 800 - 2.5 litre Up to 5/96 6/96 - on F/R F R F R F R F DBA No. 533 534 950 951 868 867 868 STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ A D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes Dimensions (mm) B C l V25745.522 l l S 250.534.5 9 l V258 49 24 l S261 40 9.5 l V27450.828 l S286 57 9.5 l V27450.828 D E F 20 8 22 8 26 7.5 26 554 554 725 725 725 725 725 Fiat BRAVO 2.0i 20V HGT 1995 - on F 665 l V284 44 22 20.4594 ○ ○ COUPE 2.0i 16V Turbo 1994 - on F 665 l V284 44 22 20.4594 ○ ○ CROMA 2.0i Turbo, 2.5i V6 1993 - 96 F 665 l V284 44 22 20.4594 ○ ○ MAREA 2.0i 20V (155/150) 1996 - 03 F 665 l V284 44 22 20.4594 2.4 Turbodiesel (125) 1996 - 99 F 665 l V284 44 22 20.4594 2.4 JTD Turbodiesel (130) 1999 - 00 F 665 l V284 44 22 20.4594 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ MAREA WEEKEND 2.0i 20V (155/150) 1996 - 03 F 665 l V284 44 22 20.4594 2.4 Turbodiesel (125) 1996 - 99 F 665 l V284 44 22 20.4594 2.4 JTD Turbodiesel (130) 1999 - 00 F 665 l V284 44 22 20.4594 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ The Kangaroo Paw design is not available on all part numbers, ask your supplier for details. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 57 57 5/06/2013 2:21:38 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness FORD Model Years F/R DBA No. STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented A D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes Dimensions (mm) B C D capri SA, SC, SE Convertible 1989 - 94 F 930 l V238 31 18 16 (Non Turbo) SA, SC, SE Convertible 1989 - 94 F 101 l V260 32 18 16 (Turbo) SA, SC, SE Convertible 1989 - 94 R 931 l S222 35 10 8 Hub Seal Dia. = 54mm E F ○ 75 4 ○ 75 4 ○ Hub 4 78 4 CORTINA TE, TF 6/77 - 8/82 DB1024 Pads CORSAIR UA 1989 - 92 116 l ○V23763.522.4 20 F 617 R 614 l l ○V257 49 22 ○S257 45 10 20 684 8 684 COUGAR COUGAR 3 Door Hatch 1999 - on 2.5 Litre V6 F R 508 509 l l ○V27847.524 22.2644 ○V25343.520 18 644 crown victoria All models (incl Police) 1998 - 2001 F 2148 l All models (incl Police) 2003 - 2009 F 2146 l R 2149 l ○ ○V316 66 2827.7571.75 ○ ○V305.545 2826.3571.85 ○ ○V29558.519 18 70.75 F ESCORT DOHC - 1.8L 1991 - 1996 F 533 l V257 45.5 22 20 554 w/ front caliper casting #22-14 R 534 l l S250.5 34.5 9 8 554 SOHC - 1.9L 1991 - 1996 F 532 l V235 45.5 22 20 554 w/ front caliper casting #22-13 all models - Front 1997 - 2003 F 533 l V257 45.5 22 20 554 w/rear disc brakes R 534 l l S250 34.5 9 8 554 falcon / FALCON UTE XR, XT 8 Cyl. 1966 - 6/69 F 105 l S280 50 16 14.679.55 XW, XY, XA, XB 7/69 - 10/75 F 106 l lV28758.524 22.2835 XW, XY, XA, XB With Studs 7/69 - 10/75 F 106H l l V287 115 24 22.2 Hub 5 Special Note * XB, XC (Rear) (9” DIFF) 11/73 - 79 R 103 l lV28758.524 22.2835 XB, XC, XD, XE, XF Incl. Ute 10/75 - 88 F 107 l l V287 115 24 22.2 Hub 5 XF Ute, XG Longreach 1988 - 95 Complete with Studs & Cups XD (Rear) Flange 1979 - 81 R 108 l V287 7024.6 22.270.55 Thickness 0.350 inch XE, XF (Rear) Flange 1982 - 88 R 109 l V287 71 24 22.270.55 Thickness 0.250 inch EA, EB, ED (Not ABS) 1988 - 94 F 110B l V287 70 24 22.2 Hub 5 XR6, XR8 Supplied with Grease Cap EA, EA Series II (Rear) 1988 -12/89 R 111A l S287 62 15 14 70.55 EA Series II, EB, ED 1990 - 94 R 111B l l l S287 61 13 12 70.55 XR6, XR8 (Rear) XG Longreach, XH 1992 - on ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○○ ○ ○ ○ ○ 58 All rights reserved. © Copyright 2013 Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. Trademarks: All DBA Part References listed in this catalogue are Trademarks of Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 58 5/06/2013 2:21:38 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness FORD Model Years F/R DBA No. STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented A D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes Dimensions (mm) B C D E F falcon / FALCON UTE - continued EB, ED with ABS 7/91 - 94 F 130 l lV287 115 24 22.2 Hub 5 XR6, XR8 Includes Sensor Ring EF, EL with ABS Until F 132 l l l V287 115 25 21* Hub 5 XR6, XR8 Includes 1/11/96 only Sensor Ring XH incl. Panel Van 4/96 - 11/96 with ABS EF, EL (Not ABS) Until 1/11/96 F 131 l lV287 115 25 21* Hub5 XH incl. Panel Van 4/96 - 11/96 non ABS EL (not ABS) 1/11/96 F 131 l l V287 115 24 21 Hub5 XH incl. Panel Van 11/96 - on non ABS EF, EL XR6, XR8 (Rear) 1994 - on R 133 l l lS29956.510.58.5 70.55 ○ *The minimum thickness of the DBA 131 & 132 has been revised to Fords current specifications and now covers all year models of the EF, EL, XH Falcons. As a result the DBA135 will be discontinued once stock is exhausted. The manufactured thickness of the DBA 131 & 132 has remained at 25mm as the caliper has not been revised over any of these models. falcon / FALCON ute (continued) AU + UTE 1998 - 3/00 F 500 l l R 501 l l AU II, AU III + UTE 3/2000 - on F 502 l l (non Brembo upgrade) R 503 l l BA incl RTV, BF Mark I & II 2002 - 2005 F 504 l l XR6 4.0L DOHC BA XR6T 4.0L Turbo 2002 - 2005 R 505 l l BA XR8 5.4L V8 4V 2003 - 2005 BF Mark I XR6T 4.0L Turbo 2005 - 2006 F 2107 l l XR8 5.4L V8R 2108 l l FG SERIES 2008 - on F 504 l l XT, XR6, G6, G6E R 505 l l BF Mark II, FG SERIES 2006 - on F 2107 l l XR6-Turbo, XR8, G6E-Turbo R 505 l l FG SERIES II 2012 - on F 504 l l including ecoboost R 505 l l ○V287 70 24 21 71.85 ○S28751.510.58.5 70.55 ○l ○ V 287 65 28 25.671.85 ○S287 51 16 14.570.55 ll llV 298 65 28 26 71.55 ll ll S303 51 16 14.570.55 ○l ○ l V322 ○ l ○ lV 328 68 28 26 715 59 26 24 715 ll llV 298 65 28 26 70.55 ll llS 303 51 16 14.570.55 l lV 322 68 28 26 715 ○ ○ ll llS 303 51 16 14.570.55 ll llV 298 65 28 26 70.55 ll llS 303 51 16 14.570.55 FORD PREMIUM UPGRADE - BA SERIES BA XR6, XR6T, XR8 2002 - 2005 F 42104 l l l V325 45.3 32 30 71.55 (Black Ford 2 Piston R 505 l l ll llS 303 51 16 14.570.55 front caliper) ○ ○ ○ The Kangaroo Paw design is not available on all part numbers, ask your supplier for details. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 59 59 5/06/2013 2:21:38 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness FORD Model Years F/R DBA No. STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented A D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes Dimensions (mm) B C FPV - F6 UTE FG - Performance Brakes 2008 - on F 42102 l l lV 355 50.5 32 Brembo 4 Piston Calipers R42108 l lV 328 59 26 FG - Premium Brakes 2008 - on F 42102 l l lV 355 50.5 32 Brembo 6 Piston Calipers R42108 l lV 328 59 26 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ D E F 30 71.85 24 715 30 71.85 24 715 FPV - F6X FG - Premium Brakes 2008 - on F 42102 l l lV 355 50.5 32 30 71.85 Brembo 6 Piston Calipers R42108 l lV 328 59 26 24 715 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ FPV - F6 TORNADO BF - Performance Brakes 2005 - 07 F 42102 l l lV 355 50.5 32 Brembo 4 Piston Calipers R42108 l lV 328 59 26 BF - Premium Brakes 2005 - 07 F 42102 l l lV 355 50.5 32 Brembo 6 Piston Calipers R42108 l lV 328 59 26 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ 30 71.85 24 715 30 71.85 24 715 FPV - F6 TYPHOON BA - Performance Brakes 2003 - 05 F 42104 l l lV 325 45.3 32 30 71.55 Blue FPV 2 Piston Calipers R 505 l l ll llV 303 51 16 14.570.55 BF - Performance Brakes 2005 - 07 F 42102 l l lV 355 50.5 32 30 71.85 Brembo 4 Piston Calipers R42108 l lV 328 59 26 24 715 BF - Premium Brakes 2005 - 07 F 42102 l l lV 355 50.5 32 30 71.85 Brembo 6 Piston Calipers R 507 l l V 330 51 28 26 70.55 FPV - GS SEDAN & UTE FG 5.4L, 5.0L S/C 2009 - on 2 Piston Front Calipers suits brembo 4 piston calipers as well 60 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ F 2107 l l R 505 ○ l ○ lV 322 68 28 26 715 l l ll lls 303 51 16 14.570.55 All rights reserved. © Copyright 2013 Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. Trademarks: All DBA Part References listed in this catalogue are Trademarks of Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 60 5/06/2013 2:21:39 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness FORD Model Years F/R DBA No. STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented A D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes Dimensions (mm) B C D E F FPV - GT BA - Performance Brakes 2003 - 05 F 42104 l l lV 325 45.3 32 30 71.55 Blue FPV 2 Piston Calipers R 505 l l ll llV 303 51 16 14.570.55 BA - Premium Brakes 2003 - 05 F 42102 l l lV 355 50.5 32 30 71.85 Brembo 4 Piston Calipers R 507 l l V 330 51 28 26 70.55 BF - Performance Brakes 2005 - 07 F 42102 l l lV 355 50.5 32 30 71.85 Brembo 4 Piston Calipers R42108 l lV 328 59 26 24 715 BF - Premium Brakes 2005 - 07 F 42102 l l lV 355 50.5 32 30 71.85 Brembo 6 Piston Calipers R 507 l l V 330 51 28 26 70.55 FG - Performance Brakes 2008 - on F 42102 l l lV 355 50.5 32 30 71.85 Brembo 4 Piston Calipers R42108 l lV 328 59 26 24 715 FG - Premium Brakes 2008 - on F 42102 l l lV 355 50.5 32 30 71.85 Brembo 6 Piston Calipers R 507 l l V 330 51 28 26 70.55 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ FPV - GT-P BA - Premium Brakes 2003 - 05 F 42102 l l lV 355 50.5 32 Brembo 4 Piston Calipers R 507 l l V 330 51 28 BF - Premium Brakes 2005 - 07 F 42102 l l lV 355 50.5 32 Brembo 6 Piston Calipers R 507 l l V 330 51 28 FG - Premium Brakes 2008 - on F 42102 l l lV 355 50.5 32 Brembo 6 Piston Calipers R 507 l l V 330 51 28 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ FPV - GT E FG - Premium Brakes 2008 - on ○ ○ l ○ l lV 355 50.5 32 ○ ○l ○ V 330 51 28 26 70.55 30 71.85 26 70.55 30 71.85 26 70.55 30 71.8 5 R 507 26 70.5 5 l The Kangaroo Paw design is not available on all part numbers, ask your supplier for details. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 61 30 71.85 F 42102 Brembo 6 Piston Calipers ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ 61 5/06/2013 2:21:39 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness FORD Model Years F/R DBA No. STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented A D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes Dimensions (mm) B C D E F FPV - PURSUIT UTE AU III Series 2000 - 03 F506 l l l V 329 48.3 28 25 71.85 Performance Brakes Grey 2 Piston Front Calipers R 503 l l l V 355 50.5 32 30 71.85 Premium Brakes F 42102 l l lV 355 50.5 32 30 71.8 5 4 Piston Front Calipers R 503 l l S287 51 16 14.570.55 BA 2003 - 05 F 42104 l l lV 325 45.3 32 30 71.55 Performance Brakes Blue FPV 2 Piston Calipers R 505 l l ll llS 303 51 16 14.570.55 BA - Premium Brakes 2003 - 05 F 42102 l l lV 355 50.5 32 30 71.85 4 Piston Front Calipers R42108 l lV 328 59 26 24 715 BF - Performance Brakes 2005 - 07 F 42102 l l V 355 50.5 32 30 71.85 Brembo 4 Piston Calipers R42108 l lV 328 59 26 24 715 BF - Premium Brakes 2005 - 07 F 42102 l l lV 355 50.5 32 30 71.85 Brembo 6 Piston Calipers R42108 l lV 328 59 26 24 715 FG - Performance Brakes 2008 - on F 42102 l l lV 355 50.5 32 30 71.85 Brembo 4 Piston Calipers R42108 l lV 328 59 26 24 715 FG - Premium Brakes 2008 - on F 42102 l l V 355 50.5 32 30 71.85 Brembo 6 Piston Calipers R42108 l lV 328 59 26 24 715 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ FPV - PURSUIT 250 AU III Series 2000 - 03 Performance Brakes Grey 2 Piston Front Caliper AU III Series 2000 - 03 Premium Brakes 4 Piston Front Calipers R 503 FPV - SUPER PURSUIT UTE BF - Premium Brakes 2005 - 07 Brembo 6 Piston Calipers FG - Premium Brakes 2008 - on Brembo 6 Piston Calipers ○ ○ l ○ l lV 355 50.5 32 R42108 ○l ○ lV 328 59 26 F 42102 ○ ○ l ○ l l V355 50.5 32 R42108 ○l ○ lV 328 59 26 62 F 506 l ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ l ○ l V 329 48.3 28 25 71.85 R 503 l l S287 51 16 14.570.55 F 42102 l l lV 355 50.5 32 30 71.85 l l ○ ○S287 51 16 14.570.55 F 42102 30 71.85 24 715 30 71.85 24 715 All rights reserved. © Copyright 2013 Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. Trademarks: All DBA Part References listed in this catalogue are Trademarks of Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 62 5/06/2013 2:21:39 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness FORD Model Years TICKFORD - TE50 AU III Series 2000 - 03 Performance Brakes Grey 2 Piston Front Caliper AU III Series 2000 - 03 Premium Brakes 4 Piston Front Calipers TICKFORD - TS50 AU III Series 2000 - 03 Performance Brakes Grey 2 Piston Front Caliper AU III Series 2000 - 03 Premium Brakes 4 Piston Front Calipers F/R F DBA No. 506 STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X l 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented ○ ○ ○ l ○ ○ ○ A D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes Dimensions (mm) B C ○ l V 329 48.3 28 D E F 25 71.85 R 503 l l S287 51 16 14.570.55 F 42102 l l lV 355 50.5 32 30 71.85 ○ R 507 l ○ ○l ○ V 330 506 l ○ ○ ○ F ○ ○ ○ l 51 28 26 70.55 ○ l V 329 48.3 28 25 71.85 R 503 l l S287 51 16 14.570.55 F 42102 l l lV 355 50.5 32 30 71.85 R 507 l ○ ○ ○l ○ V 330 51 28 26 70.55 FAIRLANE / FAIRMONT ZA, ZB 8 Cyl. 1966 - 6/69 F 105 l S279 50 16 14.6 79.55 ZC, ZD, ZF, ZG 7/69 - 10/75 F 106H l l V287 75 24 22.2 Hub 5 Complete with Studs ZG, ZH (Rear) 11/73 - 79 R 103 l l V28758.524 22.2835 ZG, ZH, ZJ, ZK, ZL 10/75 - 88 F 107 l l V287 75 24 22.2 Hub 5 Complete with Studs & Cups ZJ (Rear) 1979 - 81 R 108 l V28671.524 22.2 70.5 5 Flange Thickness 0.350 inch ZK, ZL (Rear) 1981 - 88 R 109 l V28671.524 22.2 70.5 5 Flange Thickness 0.250 inch NA, NA Series Il, NC 1988 - 6/91 F 110B l V287 70 24 22.2 Hub 5 (Not ABS) with Grease Cap NA, NA Series II (Rear) 1988 - 1/90 R 111A l S287 62 15 14 70.55 NA Series II, NC (Rear) 1990 on R 111B l l lS287 61 13 12 70.55 NC with ABS 7/91 on F 130 l l V287 115 24 22.2 Hub 5 Includes Sensor Ring NF, NL with ABS Until 1/11/96F 132 l l l V287 115 25 22 Hub 5 Incl Sensor Ring only NF, NL (Rear) 2/95 - on R 133 l l lS29956.510.58.5 715 AU 1998 - on F 500 l l V287 70 24 21 71.85 R 501 l l S28751.510.58.5 70.55 AU II, AU III - all models 2000 - on F 502 l l l V 287 65 28 25.671.85 (non Brembo upgrade) R 503 l l S287 51 16 14.570.55 BA, BF 4.0L DOHC 2002 - on F 504 l l ll llV 298 65 28 26 71.55 BA, BF 5.4L SOHC V8 R 505 l l ll llS 303 51 16 14.570.55 BF 5.4L SOHC V8 2005 - on F 2107 l l l l V322 68 28 26 715 (optional brake upgrade) R 2108 l l l lV 328 59 26 24 715 ○ ○ ○ ○○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ The Kangaroo Paw design is not available on all part numbers, ask your supplier for details. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 63 63 5/06/2013 2:21:39 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness FORD Model Years F/R DBA No. STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented A D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes Dimensions (mm) B C D E F FAIRLANE LTD 54J (Rear) 6/73 - 79 R 103 l lV28758.524 22.2835 FC, FD, FE 1979 - 88 F 107 l l V287 75 24 22.2 Hub 5 with Studs & Cups FC (Rear) 1979 - 81 R 108 l V28771.524 22.2 70.5 5 Flange Thick 0.350 inch FD, FE (Rear) 1982 - 88 R 109 l V28771.524 22.2 70.5 5 Flange Thick 0.250 inch DA, DA Series II, DC 1988 - 7/91 F 110B l V287 70 24 22.2 Hub 5 (Not ABS) with Grease Cap DA, DA Series II (Rear) 1988 - 1/90 R 111A l S287 62 15 14 70.55 DA Series II, DC (Rear) 1990 - 2/95 R 111B l l lS287 61 13 12 70.55 DC with ABS 7/91 - 2/95 F 130 l l V287 115 24 22.2 Hub 5 Includes Sensor Ring DF, DL with ABS Until 1/11/96F 132 l l lV287 115 25 22 Hub 5 Includes Sensor Ring only DF, DL (Rear) 2/95 - on R 133 l l l S29956.510.58.5 715 AU 1998 - 3/00 F 500 l l V287 70 24 21 71.85 R 501 l l S28751.510.58.5 70.55 AU II, AU III - all models 3/2000 - on F 502 l l l V 287 65 28 25.671.85 (non Brembo upgrade) R 503 l l S287 51 16 14.570.55 BA, BF 4.0L DOHC 2002 - on F 504 l l ll llV 298 65 28 26 71.55 BA, BF 5.4L SOHC V8 R 505 l l ll llS 303 51 16 14.570.55 BF 5.4L SOHC V8 2005 - on F 2107 l l l l V322 68 28 26 715 (optional brake upgrade) R 2108 l l l lV 328 59 26 24 715 ○ ○ ○○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ FESTIVA WA WB Manual WF 3 & 5 Door WB Automatic WF 5 Door 10/91 - 94 F 1994 - 97 F 11/97 - 2000 1994 - 97 F 11/97 - 2000 FIESTA Fiesta 1.6L 16V LX, Zetec, Ghia ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ 635 530 l l ○S219 37 13 ○V23545.518 11 754 16 554 532 l ○ ○V23545.522 20 554 1996 - on F 854 l 11/03 - 09/08 F 2100 l ○V239.543 20 ○ ○ V25843.522 18 63.54 20 63.54 FOCUS 1.8L, 2.0 all models 2002 - 2005 F 2100 l V25843.522 R 2109 l S253 33 10 2.0L 127kW ST170 2003 - 2006 F 2101 l V30043.524 R 2103 l S280 25 10 2.0L DOHC 2005 - on F 2118 l V278 48.5 25 R 2119 l S265 41 11 XR5 Turbo 2.5L 5cyl Turbo 04/06 - on F 2120 l l V320 48.6 25 R 2121 l l S 280 41 11 Cabriolet (uk make) 2005 - on F 2380 l V30048.525 RS 2.5L turbo 09/10 - 06/12 F 42134l V 336 52.3 28 R 2129 l l S 302 51 11 20 63.54 8.9 63.54 22 63.54 8.9 63.54 23 645 9 645 23 645 9 645 23 645 26 63.55 9 62.55 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ 64 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ All rights reserved. © Copyright 2013 Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. Trademarks: All DBA Part References listed in this catalogue are Trademarks of Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 64 5/06/2013 2:21:39 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness FORD Model Years FORMULA FORD (Special application) Formula Ford Disc PCD=148.5 Flat design Formula Ford Disc PCD=95 Hat- design Formula Ford Disc PCD=148.5 Flat- slotted - AP calipers F/R DBA No. F/R 4993 F/R 4994 F/R 42999 STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X ○○ ○○ ○○ FORMULA 3 Formula 3 disc PCD=176mmF/R 5003.1 Flat- - slotted disc only 1999 - on 2000 - on ○ l ○ l ○ F F 529 168 l l A Dimensions (mm) B C D E F l S 248 7 7 126 6 S 248 41 7 76 S 254 ○l DBA 4994 DBA 4993 KA TB KA 1.3L Hatchback KA 1.3L Series II 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes 4 9.65 9.65 126 6 V 277.8 16.5 15.9 156 8 DBA 42999 ○ S240 43 12 ○ V240 43 20 10 63.54 18 63.54 LASER / METEOR KA, KB 1981-85 F 100 l S228 31 11 10 75 4 GA, GB 1982-85 KC, KE (Non-Turbo) 1985-90 F 930 l V238 31 18 16 75 4 GC 1985-87 KE Turbo 2WD, 4WD 1987-90 F 101 l V260 32 18 16 754 KC, KE Except 4WD 1985-90 R 931 l S222 35 10 8 Hub 4 Hub Seal Dia. = 54mm KF, KH - 1600 EFi manual 4/90-94 F 530 l V235 45.5 18 16 554 KF, KH 1600 Automatic 4/90 - 94 F 532 l V23545.522 20 55 4 KH 1800 SOHC, DOHC 10/91-94 KF, KH, TX3 1.8 DOHC 11/89-94 F 533 l V25745.522 20 55 4 KJ, KL 1.6, 1.8 1994 - 2000 KF, KH, 1.8L SOHC 4/90 - 94 R 531 l S231 35 9 8 554 KF, KH, KL TX3 2WD 10/91 - 2000 R 534 l l S 250.534.5 9 8 554 KF, KH, KL TX3 4WD Turbo 4/90 - 2000 F 533 l V25745.522 20 554 KF, KH, KJ, KL, 1.8L DOHC 4/90 - 2000 R 534 l l S 250.534.5 9 8 554 KN, KQ 1.6L (LXi) 1999 - 2002 F 532 l V23545.522 20 554 KN, KQ 1.8L 1999 - 2002 F 576 l V258 47 24 22 554 (GLXi, SR) R 539 l S261 40 10 8 554 KQ 2.0L 2000 - 2002 F 950 l V25848.524 22 725 SR2 R 951 l S261 40 9.5 8 725 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ The Kangaroo Paw design is not available on all part numbers, ask your supplier for details. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 65 65 5/06/2013 2:21:41 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness FORD Model Years F/R MONDEO HA , HC, HD & HE 7/95 - on F 2.0L D.O.H.C R MA 2.0L 4DR Sedan 10/07 - 08 F MA 2.0L Diesel wagon MA 2.3L ZETEC 10/07 - 06/09 MB, MC 2.3L Wagon 10/07 - on MA, MB. MC 2.3L LX, ZETEC TITANIUM 10/07 - on mb, mc tdci 2.0L 05/10 - on MB titanium 2.0L hatch 07/09 - 04/10 R DBA No. STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented A D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes Dimensions (mm) B C D E F 850 lV260 47 24 22.263.54 851 lV253 44 20 18 63.54 2128 l v300 52 28 26 63.55 ○ 2129 l ○S302 51 11 9 62.55 MUSTANG All 1968 - 73 F 106H l l V287 115 24 22.2 Hub 5 Complete with Studs ALL - exc. Cobra, 1994 - 04 F 855 l l V 276 46.6 26 24.8 715 Bullitt & MACH 1 without upgraded discs R 856 l l S 267 50 14 12.8 715 Cobra Bullitt & MACH 1 1994 - 04 F 069 l l l l V 330 43.5 28 26.4715 suits vehicles fitted R 102 l V296 51 18 16.8 715 with upgraded rotors V6 2005 - 10 F N/A R 2114 l l V 300 35 19 17.4 715 V6 2011 - on F 2113 l l l V 316 48.5 30 28.4 71 5 R 2114 l l V 300 35 19 17.4 715 GT (V8) 2005 - 10 F 2113 l l l V 316 48.5 30 28.4 71 5 R 2114 l l V 300 35 19 17.4 715 GT (V8) 2011 - on F 2126 l V 336.548 30 28.4 71 5 R 2114 l l V 300 35 19 17.4 715 GT (V8) Shelby Edition 2005 - 13 F 2124 l l l V 355 47 32 30 715 GT500 and BOSS 302 with Brembo Pkg R 2114 l l V 300 35 19 17.4 715 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○○ ○ PROBE w/ rear disc 1993 - 97 w/ rear drum 1993 - 97 F 950 R 951 F 950 l l l ○V258 49 24 22 ○ S261 40 9.5 8 ○V258 49 24 22 TAURUS Ghia 4 dr sedan 2/96 - 99 F 852 R 853 l l ○ V27646.526 24.75 715 ○ S25739.514 12.75 64.55 TELSTAR AR 5/83-9/85 AS 9/85-9/87 AT 10/87-89 AX, AY 1992 - on F F F F R 119 334 633 950 951 l l l l l ○S250 35 14 12.5 754 ○V250 36 20 18.5 754 ○ V264 47 24 22 645 ○V258 49 24 22 725 ○ S261 40 9.5 8 725 SPECIAL NOTE: 66 725 725 725 * DBA 106H is a direct replacement for a DBA 106 + Hub Please check bearings as they differ on the various models (Bearings not supplied) All rights reserved. © Copyright 2013 Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. Trademarks: All DBA Part References listed in this catalogue are Trademarks of Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 66 5/06/2013 2:21:41 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness FORD - SUV, VANS, TRUCKS Model Years F/R DBA No. STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented A D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes Dimensions (mm) B C D E F ECONOVAN / SPECTRON ( UTES & VANS ) 1400/1600/2200 5/81 - 3/84 F 939 l V275 33 20 19 854 1400, 1800, 2000, 2200 4/84 - 96 F 632A l V231.5 58.5 18 16 Hub 4 SWB models only Spectron SGMD 1800 632B l 1800/2000/2200 3/84 - 92 F 631 l V256 20 20 18 86 6 Spectron 2000 (STD & LWB) 2000 Pickup, Crew Cab Ute 4/84 - 88 F 934 l V268 20 20 18 866 2000 Pickup, Crew Cab Ute 7/87 - 7/88 F 631 l V256 21 20 18 866 Spectron SGMB 1600 2/83 - 4/84 F 939 l V275 33 20 19 854 Maxi 4.4m Van 12/94 - 1/97 F 857 l V256 25 24 22 866 2.0, 2.2 Litre Maxi 4.7m Van 2.0, 2.2 12/94 - 1/97 F 934 l V268 20 20 18 866 Cabchassis Glass Van 1.8 Litre JG 4.0m Van S.W.B. 2/97 - on F 859A l V256 72 18 16 HUB4 F 859B l V2567218 16 HUB4 JG 4.4m Van 2.0 Litre 6/97 - on F 958 l V256 24 24 22 866 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ COUR IER / RAIDER 1.8, 2.0, 2.2, 2.6 2WD PD 2.6L 2WD 2.6L 4WD incl. Raider 2.6L 4WD incl. South Africa Courier 4WD 1985 - 95 4/96 - on 5/87 - 98 11/98 - 11 1996 - 1998 ESCAPE XLS 2.0L, XLS, XLT 3.0L 2000 - 05 2.3L 4 cyl, 3.0L V6 2006 - on F F F F F 631 958 965 964 959 l l l l l ○V256 20 20 ○V255.524 24 ○V272 25 22 ○V275 24 24 ○V274 28 28 866 866 936 936 936 F 957 lV278 47 24 22 725 F 2560 l V 302.747.226 24 725 R 2561 l S30256.112 11 725 ○○ ○○ The Kangaroo Paw design is not available on all part numbers, ask your supplier for details. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 67 18 22 20 22 26 67 5/06/2013 2:21:42 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness FORD - SUV, VANS, TRUCKS Model Years F/R DBA No. STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented A D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes Dimensions (mm) B C D F100 / BRONCO F100, 2WD 1973 - 5/87 F 120 l V297 82 30 28.5 Complete with Studs & Cups F100 4WD 1979 - 5/87 F 121 l V298 69 30 28.5 Bronco 1981 - 87 E F ○ Hub 5 ○ 98.5 5 F150 F150 5/87 - 90 F 120 l V297 82 30 28.5Hub5 F150 4WD 5 Litre EFi V8 5/87 - 90 F 121 l V297 70 30 28.598.55 F150 4WD 5 Litre V8 5/87 - 92 F 937 l V29875.530 28.5 Hub 5 Including EFi F150 5.4L 1999 - 05 F 2150 l V308 104 26 24.5HUB5 5 Lug exc. Lightning F150 SVT 5.4L 1999 - 05 F 2151 l V308 103 30 27.7HUB5 5 Lug Lightning & Nascar 5.4L Supercharged V8 F250 2WD, 4WD XL, XLT 07/01 - 04 F 795 l V330 144 38 36 HUB8 5.4L, 7.3L Turbo Diesel 2WD, 4WD XL, XLT 07/01 - 04 F 798 l l V 331 99.5 38 36 128.78 4 Wheel ABS models 2WD/4WD XL, XLT 07/01 - 04 F 797 l V330 143 38 36 HUB8 4.2L Turbo Diesel all models ( Rear ) 07/01 - 04 R 796 l l V 326 98.5 30 28 126.58 2WD 2005 - on F 2797 l V347 116 38 36.4HUB8 4WD 2005 - on F 2798 l V347 100 38 36.4 1298 Single Rear Wheel - 2005 - on R 2799 l V340 126 34 32.4 1278 all models ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ F350 All models single 07/01 - 04 F 795 l V330 144 38 36 HUB8 rear wheel 5.4L, 7.3L Turbo Diesel Single Rear Wheel - R 796 l l V 326 98.5 30 28 126.58 all models Super Cab 4 Wheel ABS 07/01 - 04 F 798 l V33199.538 36 128.78 Dual Rear Wheel R 799 l V326 113 30 28 119.58 2WD 2005 - on F 2797 l V347 116 38 36.4HUB8 4WD 2005 - on F 2798 l V347 100 38 36.4 1298 Single Rear Wheel - 2005 - on R 2799 l V340 126 34 32.4 1278 all models ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Explorer / EXPEDITION UN, UP, US, 11/96 - 4/01 XLT 4.0 Litre Expedition XLT 4.6 Litre V8 5/01 - 05 SOHC 2WD 68 F R F R 860 861 862 863 l l l l ○V286 66 26 24.5725 ○S28558.512 11 715 ○V308 103 30 27.7 HUB5 ○S334 57 14 12 875 All rights reserved. © Copyright 2013 Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. Trademarks: All DBA Part References listed in this catalogue are Trademarks of Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 68 5/06/2013 2:21:42 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness FORD - SUV, VANS, TRUCKS Model Years F/R MAVERICK GY, KY 1988 - 93 Optional* Disc Rear End F R Ranger 2.5L, 2.6L 3.2l supercab xl 2 dr 3.2L supercab xl hirider supercab xl, xlt 2.2L xl diesel 4wd, rwd 2.5l xl rwd 3.2L XL 4wd DBA No. 329 622 STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented C F 2107 l ll R 2108 l l l F 42102 l ○ ○ V288.5 70.5 28 V301.5 60.7 32 ○lV 322 68 28 ○ ○lV 328 59 26 ○ ○ ○ l lV 355 50.5 32 R42108 ○l ○lV 328 59 26 F 42105 ○○l ○lV 340 45.4 32 R 2108 l l ○l ○ V 328 59 26 827 828 829 871 2138 2138 2135 2142 2133 D E F ○ ○ ○ TRANSIT VE High Roof 2.5 L Diesel 1991 - 2000 F VE 15” Wheel 1/94 - 2000 F VG 2.5Lt 14” Wheel 1/96 - 2000 F VH , VJ 2001 - 06 F VM FWD 2.2L 3/06 - 9/06 F vm fwd 2.2l 9/06 - 09 F R vm rwd 2.3, 2.4td 3/06 - 09f r l l l l l l l l l 26 986 30 986 26 715 24 715 30 71.85 24 715 30 725 24 715 ○S254 3214.7 12.9785 ○V270 43 2422.15785 ○V254 43 2422.15785 ○V294 43 2422.15825 ○V28054.428 25 935 ○V28054.428 25 935 ○S28068.816 13 965 ○V30054.428 25 935 ○s28016.316 13 107.510 The Kangaroo Paw design is not available on all part numbers, ask your supplier for details. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 69 Dimensions (mm) B l l V294 30 20 18 1046 l l V315 80 18 16 1116 2003 - 11 F 2952 l ll 09/11 - onf 2132 l l TERRITORY TX, TS, GHIA - RWD + AWD 6/2004 - on except TURBO front disc f6X models 2008 - on fitted with Brembo turbo (petrol) 6/2004 - on A D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes 69 5/06/2013 2:21:42 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness gmc Model Years F/R SIERRA 1500 1/2 TON FULL SIZE PICKUP 2WD w/ rear disc, exc. HD 1999 - 2000 F 2 dr 2001 - 2002 F 4 dr HD - crew cab 2001 F (8 lug front) R 2 dr. - ext. 2002 F cab- Quadrasteer R 4 dr. HD - crew cab 2002 F R 2 dr. - reg. & ext. cab- 2003 F 2 wh. steer 2 dr. - ext. 2003 F cab - Quadrasteer w/ 18.5mm min, thick rear discs 2 dr. ext. cab 2003 F quadrasteer w/ 28.5mm min, thick rear discs 2 dr. reg. & ext. cab 2004 F 2 wh. steer 2 dr. - ext. cab 2004 F hybrid and quadrasteer models R 2 dr. HD - ext. cab 2004 F w/ 4.63” read disc hub hole 2 dr. HD - ext. cab 2004 F w/ 4.84” rear disc hub hole 4 dr. HD - crew cab 2005 F w/ rear disc, 2 wh. steer & quadrasteer 4 dr. HD - crew cab 2006 F w/ rear disc & 2 wh. Steer (8 lug front) SIERRA 1500 1/2 TON FULL SIZE PICKUP 4WD w/ rear disc 1999 - 2000 F 2 dr. - reg. cab 2001 F 2 dr. - ext. cab 2001 F R 2 dr. 2002 F 2 dr. ext. cab 2002 F quadrasteer R 4 dr. HD crew cab 2002 F R 2 dr. ext. cab 2003 F R 4 dr. HD - crew cab 2003 F - 2 wh. steer R 4 dr. Hd - crew cab 2003 F Quadrasteer 70 DBA No. STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ l ○ ○ l ○ ○ l ○ ○ l ○ ○ l ○ ○ l ○ ○ l ○ ○ 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented A D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes Dimensions (mm) B C D E F 2000 l 2000 l 2048 l ○ ○ ○ l l V 305 61 29 27.2 796 l l V 305 61 29 27.2 796 l l V 325 89.5 38 36.5 118.28 2049 2000 ○ ○ l l V 330 85.6 29 26.5118.28 l l V 305 61 29 27.2 796 ○ ○ ○ ○ l l l l ○ l l V 305 61 29 27.2 796 ○ ○ ○ l l V 305 61 29 27.2 796 2001 2048 2049 2000 2000 2000 l ○ ○ ○ l ○ ○ ○ l V 330 l V 325 l V 330 l V 305 97 89.5 85.6 61 30 38 29 29 28.5 766 36.5 118.28 26.5118.28 27.2 796 2000 l l l V 305 61 29 27.2 796 2000 l l V 305 61 29 27.2 796 ○ ○ ○ ○ l ○ ○ l ○ ○ 2001 l 2048 l ○ ○ l l V 330 97 30 28.5 766 l l V 325 89.5 38 36.5 118.28 2048 ○ l l V 325 89.5 38 36.5 118.28 ○ l l V 325 89.5 38 36.5 118.28 ○ ○ ○ l l V 325 89.5 38 36.5 118.28 2048 2048 l 2000 2000 2000 2001 2000 2000 2001 2048 2049 2000 2001 2048 2049 2048 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ l ○ ○ l ○ ○ l ○ ○ l ○ ○ l ○ ○ l ○ ○ l ○ ○ l ○ ○ l l l l l l ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ l l l l l l l V 305 l V 305 l V 305 l V 330 l V 305 l V 305 61 61 61 97 61 61 29 29 29 30 29 29 27.2 796 27.2 796 27.2 796 28.5 766 27.2 796 27.2 796 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ l l l l l l l V 330 l V 325 l V 330 l V 305 l V 330 l V 325 97 89.5 85.6 61 97 89.5 30 38 29 29 30 38 28.5 766 36.5 118.28 26.5118.28 27.2 796 28.5 766 36.5 118.28 ○ ○ l l V 330 85.6 29 26.5118.28 l l V 325 89.5 38 36.5 118.28 All rights reserved. © Copyright 2013 Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. Trademarks: All DBA Part References listed in this catalogue are Trademarks of Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 70 5/06/2013 2:21:42 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness gmc Model Years F/R DBA No. SIERRA 1500 1/2 TON FULL SIZE PICKUP 4WD - con’t 2 dr. - reg. & ext. cab 2004 F 2000 2 wh. steer 2 dr. - reg. & ext. cab 2004 F 2000 Quadrasteer 2 dr. - ext. cab 2004 F 2000 R 2001 2 Dr. HD - ext. cab 2004 F 2048 w/ 4.63” rear disc hub hole R 2049 2 dr. HD - ext. cab 2004 F 2048 w/ 4.84” rear disc hub hole 4 dr. - crew cab - std. duty2004 F 2000 R 2001 4 dr. HD - crew cab 2005 F 2048 w/ rear disc & 2 wh. steer 4 dr. HD - crew cab, 2005 F 2048 w/ rear disc & quadrateer 4 dr. HD - crew cab 2006 F 2048 w/ rear disc & 2 wh. steer (8 lug front) SIERRA 2500 3/4 TON FULL SIZE PICKUP 2WD exc. 6.0L, w/ 5-speed 1999 - 2000 F 4.63” rear disc hub hole R 6.0L w/ 5-speed 1999 - 2000 F 4.84” rear disc hub hole R exc. HD - w/ A/T 2001 - 2003 F 4.63” rear disc hub hole R exc. HD - w/ M/T 2001 - 2003 F 4.84” rear disc hub hole R exc. HD - w/ A/T 2004 F 4.63” rear disc hub hole R exc. HD - w/ M/T 2004 F 4.84” rear disc hub hole HD - 2 wh. steer 2004 F exc. HD 2005 F exc. HD 2006 F Sierra 2500 3/4 ton full size pickup 4wd exc. 6.0L, w/ 5 speed 1999 - 2000 F 4.63” rear disc hub hole R 6.0L w/ 5-speed 1999 - 2000 F 4.84” rear disc hub hole R exc. HD w/ A/T 2001 - 2003 F 4.63” rear disc hub hole R STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented Dimensions (mm) B C D E F ○ ○ l ○ ○ l ○ ○ l ○ ○ l ○ ○ l ○ ○ l ○ ○ l ○ ○ l ○ ○ l ○ ○ l ○ ○ l ○ ○ ○ l l V 305 61 29 27.2 796 ○ l l V 305 61 29 27.2 796 ○ ○ ○ l l V 305 61 29 27.2 796 l l V 330 97 30 28.5 766 l l V 325 89.5 38 36.5 118.28 ○ ○ l l V 330 85.6 29 26.5118.28 l l V 325 89.5 38 36.5 118.28 ○ ○ ○ l l V 305 61 29 27.2 796 l l V 330 97 30 28.5 766 l l V 325 89.5 38 36.5 118.28 ○ l l V 325 89.5 38 36.5 118.28 ○ l l V 325 89.5 38 36.5 118.28 2048 l ○ l l V 325 89.5 38 36.5 118.28 2049 2048 ○ ○ l ○ ○ l ○ ○ l ○ ○ l ○ ○ l ○ ○ l ○ ○ l ○ ○ l ○ ○ l ○ ○ l ○ ○ l ○ ○ l ○ ○ l ○ ○ ○ ○ l l V 330 85.6 29 26.5118.28 l l V 325 89.5 38 36.5 118.28 ○ ○ l l V 330 91.5 29 27 1228 l l V 325 89.5 38 36.5 118.28 ○ ○ l l V 330 85.6 29 26.5118.28 l l V 325 89.5 38 36.5 118.28 ○ ○ l l V 330 91.5 29 27 1228 l l V 325 89.5 38 36.5 118.28 ○ ○ l l V 330 85.6 29 26.5 118.2 8 l l V 325 89.5 38 36.5 118.28 ○ ○ ○ l l V 325 89.5 38 36.5 118.28 l l V 325 89.5 38 36.5 118.28 l l V 325 89.5 38 36.5 118.28 2048 l ○ l l V 325 89.5 38 36.5 118.28 2049 2048 ○ ○ l ○ ○ l ○ ○ l ○ ○ l ○ ○ l ○ ○ ○ ○ l l V 330 85.6 29 26.5118.28 l l V 325 89.5 38 36.5 118.28 ○ ○ l l V 330 91.5 29 27 1228 l l V 325 89.5 38 36.5 118.28 ○ l l V 330 85.6 29 26.5118.28 2051 2048 2049 2048 2051 2048 2049 2048 2048 2048 2048 2051 2048 2049 l The Kangaroo Paw design is not available on all part numbers, ask your supplier for details. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 71 A D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes 71 5/06/2013 2:21:42 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness gmc Model Years Sierra 2500 3/4 ton full size pickup 4w exc. HD w/ M/T 2001 - 2003 4.84” rear disc hub hole exc. HD w/ A/T 2004 4.63” rear disc hub hole exc. HD w/ M/T 2004 4.84” rear disc hub hole HD - 2 wh. steer 2004 exc. HD 2005 - 2006 Suburban 1500 1/2 ton 4wD 6 lug 1992 - 1999 w/28.5mm min. 2000 - 2002 thick rear disc all models 2003 - on w/28.5mm min. 2000 - 2002 thick rear disc all models 2003 - on w/18.5mm min. 2000 - 2002 thick rear disc F/R DBA No. STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X ○ ○ l ○ ○ l ○ ○ l ○ ○ l ○ ○ l ○ ○ l ○ ○ l ○ ○ A Dimensions (mm) B C D E F F 2048 l ○ l l V 325 89.5 38 36.5 118.28 R 2051 F 2048 ○ ○ l l V 330 91.5 29 27 1228 l l V 325 89.5 38 36.5 118.28 ○ ○ l l V 330 85.6 29 26.5118.28 l l V 325 89.5 38 36.5 118.28 ○ ○ ○ l l V 330 91.5 29 27 1228 l l V 325 89.5 38 36.5 118.28 l l V 325 89.5 38 36.5 118.28 R 2049 F 2048 R 2051 F 2048 F 2048 F 773 l F 2000 l R 2001 F 2000 ○ V29563.532.530.8796 ○ ○ ○ l ○ ○ ○ l ○ ○ ○ R 2001 l F 2000 l Suburban 2500 3/4 Ton 2wd 2 wh. steer - 4.63” 2000 - 2005 F 2048 l R 2049 l 2 wh. steer - 4.84” 2000 - 2005 F 2048 l Quadrasteer 2000 - 2005 all models 2006 - on Suburban 2500 3/4 Ton 4wd 2 wh. steer - 4.63” 2000 - 2005 F 2048 l R 2049 l 2 wh. steer - 4.84” 2000 - 2005 F 2048 l Quadrasteer 2000 - 2005 all models 2006 - on 72 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes l l V 305 61 29 27.2 796 l l V 330 97 30 28.5 766 l l V305 61 29 27.2 796 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ l l V 330 97 30 28.5 766 l l V305 61 30 27.2 766 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ l l V 325 89.5 38 36.5 118.28 l l V 330 85.6 29 26.5118.28 l l V 325 89.5 38 36.5 118.28 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ l l V 325 89.5 38 36.5 118.28 l l V 330 85.6 29 26.5118.28 l l V 325 89.5 38 36.5 118.28 All rights reserved. © Copyright 2013 Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. Trademarks: All DBA Part References listed in this catalogue are Trademarks of Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 72 5/06/2013 2:21:43 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness gmc Model Years YUKON 2WD EXCEPT YUKON XL ALL 1992 - 1994 w/ rear disc 2000 - 2005 ALL 2006 F/R F F R F DBA No. 773 2000 2001 2000 STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X l l l l 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented A D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes Dimensions (mm) B C D E F ○ V29563.532.530.8796 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ l l V305 61 30 27.2 766 l l V 330 97 30 28.5 766 l l V305 61 30 27.2 766 YUKON 4WD EXCEPT YUKON XL w/ rear drum 1995 - 1999 F 773 l w/ rear disc 2000 - 2005 F 2000 l ALL 2006 F 2000 l ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ l l V305 61 30 27.2 766 l l V305 61 30 27.2 766 YUKON XL 1/2 TON 2WD & 4WD ALL 2000 - 2005 F 2000 l R 2001 l ALL 2006 F 2000 l ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ l l V 305 61 29 27.2 796 l l V 330 97 30 28.5 766 l l V 305 61 29 27.2 796 YUKON XL 3/4 TON 2WD & 4WD w/ 4.63” rear disc 2000 - 2005 F 2048 l hub hole 2 wh. steer R 2049 l w/ 4.84” rear disc hub hole F 2048 l 2 wh. steer ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ V29563.532.530.8796 l l V 325 89.5 38 36.5 118.28 l l V 330 85.6 29 26.5118.28 l l V 325 89.5 38 36.5 118.28 GREAT WALL V200, V240, X200, X240 K2 Series RWD / 4WD 4 door wellside 2 Door cab chassis V200, X200, X240 06/09 - on F 2290 l ○ V280 36 26 2011 - on R 2291 l ○ S313 80.2 18 16 1016 The Kangaroo Paw design is not available on all part numbers, ask your supplier for details. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 73 24 886 73 5/06/2013 2:21:43 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness HOLDEN Model Years F/R DBA No. STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented ADVENTRA all models - AWD / 4WD 2004 - on F 2050 l l l (rear suits all models 2WD+4WD)R 041 l l l l ○ APOLLO JK, JL SL, SLX, SLE Exec JM 4 Cyl JM V6 JM Sedan JM Wagon 1989 - 92 3/93 - 97 3/93 - 97 3/93 - 97 3/93 - 97 ASTRA LD DB1117 Pads 7/87 - 89 TR City 1.6 Litre 8/96 - 98 TR 1.8 & 2.0 8/96 - 98 TS (City) 5 stud wheels 9/1998 - 05 TS Series II TS (City) 4 stud wheels 9/1998 - 05 TS Series II TS SRI Turbo 2002 - 04 AH - CD, CDX, CDXi 2005 - 06 Coupe, Hatch, Wagon AH07 - SRi, Twin Top, CDTi 2007 - on 2.2L Petrol, 1.9L Diesel AH07 - SRi Turbo 2007 - on 2.0L Turbo BARINA MB, ML 2/85 - 88 MF, MH 1989 - 94 SB City 1.2L & 1.4L 1994 - 2000 SB Joy, Swing 1.4L 1994 - 2000 SB GSi 1.6L 1994 - 2000 XC 2D+4D Hatchback 4/2001 - 06 TK Sedan & Hatch 1.6L 2006 - 10/11 TM - 1.6L 11/11 - on MJ - SPARK CD, CDX 1.2L 10/10 - 10/12 CALIBRA YE 9/91 - on YE V6 2 Door Coupe 7/95 - on Some models have DBA 038 on Front C20 ELT Turbo, C25 XE, V6 1992 - 97 From Chassis : T9000001 From Chassis : T1000001 4 Wheel Drive CAMIRA JB 1600cc 1982 - 84 JD 1800cc, JE 2000cc 1984 - 8/89 74 ○ A D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes Dimensions (mm) B ○lV 302 45 ○lS 286 78.6 C D E F 28 16 25 71.55 14 705 F F F R R 730 733 735 736 734 l l l l l ○ V25547.522 ○ V255 49 28 ○ V27549.528 ○ S269 65 10 ○ S288 65 10 F F F R F R F R F R F R F R F R 602 021 023 819 815 816 817 818 2815 816 815 816 2815 816 2815 2035 l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l ○ V24045.518 16 604 ○ V23541.2520 17 604 ○ ○ V25641.124 21 604 ○S260 69 10 8 574 ○V280 42 25 22 705 ○S264 42 10 8 655 ○V256 41 24 21 604 ○S240 42 10 8 574 ○ ○V30842.325.1 22 705 ○S264 42 10 8 655 ○V280 42 25 22 705 ○S264 42 10 8 655 ○ ○V30842.325.1 22 705 ○S264 42 10 8 655 ○ ○V30842.325.1 22 705 ○ ○S27842.210 8 655 F F F F F F R F 012 022 820 821 822 847 849 2032 l l l l l l l l ○S21533.510 8 864 ○V231 50 17 15 644 ○ S236 41 12 9.7 604 ○ V236 41 20 17 604 ○ V256 41 20 17 604 ○ V26041.224 21 604 ○S240 41 10 8 574 ○V236 41 20 18 594 F 023 l ○ ○V25641.124 21 604 R 024 l ○S270 77 10 8 574 F 825 l ○V288 42 25 22 705 F F 011 021* l l ○ S23641.2512.710.7*604 ○ V23641.2520 17 604 21 26 26 9 9 545 625 625 625 625 All rights reserved. © Copyright 2013 Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. Trademarks: All DBA Part References listed in this catalogue are Trademarks of Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 74 5/06/2013 2:21:43 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness HOLDEN Model CAPTIVA All Models Years 2006 - on F/R DBA No. STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X F 2040 l 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented A D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes Dimensions (mm) B C D E F ○V296 52 29 27.470.75 COMMODORE incl. UTE VC, VH 4 Cyl 1980 - 83 F 013 l S256 7815.614.3 Hub 5 Complete with Studs and Cups VB, VC, VH, VK, 6, 8 Cyl 1978 - 86 F 015 l l V270 82 22 20* Hub 5 VL 6 Cyl 1986 - 88Complete with VN, VG, V6 incl. UTE 1988 - 92Studs and Cups VP V6 (Up to & Incl. Chassis No.L569902) VL 6 Cyl Turbo 1986 - 88 F 017 l l V290 82 22 20* Hub 5 VL V8, Calais 1986 - 88Complete with VN V6 with FE2 Suspension 1988 - 9/91Studs and Cups VN, VG V8 incl. UTE 1988 - 92 VP V8 (Up to & Incl. Chassis No. L570556) VQ Statesman 3/90 - 10/92 without ABS VP 6 Cyl incl. UTE 1992 F 025 l V272 82 23 20* Hub 5 (Chassis No. 569903 on) Ends 10/92 (Limited Run) Non ABS VP V8 incl. UTE 1992 - 93 F 027 l l V290 82 23 20* Hub 5 (Chassis No. 570557 on) Suitable for ABS VP V6 Series II 11/92 - 93No Sensor Ring VQ StatesmanSupplied VR, VS incl. ABS incl. UTE 7/93 - on F 035 l l ll V 289 83 23 20* 705 VB, VC, VH, VK, VL 1978 - 97 R 016 l l ll S 279 83 10.5 8.5 70 5 VN, VP, VR, VS incl. UTE Except IRS 6, 8 Cyl VQ Statesman without IRS 1990 - 93 VP, IRS 1992 - 7/93 R 026 l l S279 6710.58.5* 70 5 VQ Statesman IRS VR, VS IRS 7/93 - 97 R 036 l l S279 8610.78.5* 705 VR, VS IRS 7/93 - 97 R 036B l S279 8610.78.5* 7010 10 Hole Stud Pattern VS 10 Hole Stud Pattern 2/95 - 97 R 037 l S279 8310.78.5* 7010 VS UTE 2/95 - 00 VT, VX, VY, VZ, V6 & V8 9/97 - 05 F 040 l l l ll l lV 296 83 28 25 71.55 + VT, VX, VU, VZ UTE 2001 - 07 WH, WK, WL Statesman R 041 l l l lllS 286 78.6 16 14 705 VZ SSZ Commodore 2005 - 06 F 2020 l l l ll l V 320 83 32 30 71.65 incl. Ute R 2021 l l l ll V 286 80 18 16 705 VZ SSZ 1 Tonner 2005 - 06 F 2020 l l l ll l V 320 83 32 30 71.65 R 041 l l l ll S 286 78.6 16 14 705 VE / VEII V6 Omega, 08/06 - on F 2026 l l l lllV 298 52.2 30 28 67.55 Berlina SV6, Calais, Calais V WM Statesman R 2027 l l l lllV 302 56 22 20 67.45 VE / VEII V8 Berlina, 08/06 - on F 2028 l l l lll V321 52.2 30 28 67.55 SS inc. V Calais inc. V, WM Statesman R2029 l l l lllV 324 56.1 22 20 67.45 VE SS-V Redline Edition 2010 - on F 2604 l l l ll l lV 355 50 32 30 67.45 including ute R 2029 l l l lll V324 56.1 22 20 67.45 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ The Kangaroo Paw design is not available on all part numbers, ask your supplier for details. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 75 75 5/06/2013 2:21:43 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness HOLDEN Model Years COMMODORE Upgrade Options VR, VS 7/93 - 97 VT - VZ 9/97 - 05 CREWMAN (UTE) VY, VZ - Crewman, S, SS - 2WD 2002 - on Cross 6 / 8 - AWD / 4WD 2004 - on VZ SSZ 2005 - on (Rear all models 2004 - on 2WD+4WD) VE SS-V Redline Edition 2010 - on F/R DBA No. STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented A D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes Dimensions (mm) B C D E F ○ ○ ○ ○ F 040B l l V296 83 28 25 705 F 046B l V328 83 28 25 71.55 ○ F 040 l l l ll l lV 296 83 F 2050 l l lV 302 45 F 2020 l l l ll l V320 83 R 041 l l l lllS 286 78.6 ○ ○ ○ F 2604 l l l R 2029 l l l CRUZE CD, CDX (JG series) 2009 - 2011f 4D sedan 15 inch wheels r CRUZE (JH series) 2011 - 2014f 4D sedan / HATCHBACK 15 inch wheels r CD, CDX (JG series) 2009 - 2011f 4D sedan 16 inch wheels r CRUZE (JH series) 2011 - 2014f 4D sedan / HATCHBACK 16/17 inch wheels r ○ ○ 28 28 32 16 25 71.55 25 71.55 30 71.65 14 705 ll l lV 355 50 32 30 67.45 lll V324 56.1 22 20 67.45 2012 l ○v 27645.726 23 605 2013 l 2012 l ○ ○s 26845.312 ○v 27645.726 10 605 23 605 2013 l 2014 l ○ ○s 26845.312 ○f30045.726 10 605 23 715 2015 l 2014 l ○s 29245.312 ○f30045.726 10 715 23 715 2015 l ○s 29245.312 10 715 EPICA All Models 2006 - on F 2038 l R 2039 l ○ V278 47 24 ○S27658.512 22 604 10 604 GEMINI TC, TD, TE, TX, TF, TG RB FWD F F 1975 - 5/85 5/85 - 87 006 007 l l ○ S240 47 10 8.6 684 ○ S227 42 11 9.6 574 HOLDEN HD, HR 1965 - 67 F 001 l S253 50 9.7 9 725 HK, HT 1968 - 70 F 002 l S270 5512.711.7 725 HT - V8 1969 - 71 F 003 l S27056.515.914.7725 HG Check Spacer in Caliper HQ - HJ 1971 - 76 F014 l l ll V 276 72 25.4 24.5 Hub 5 HX - HZ 1976 - 80 WB Utility, Panel Van 1980 - 85 HQ - HJ 1971 - 76 R 018 l l S 292 90 15.9 14.7 72 5 HX - HZ 1976 - 80 WB Utility, Panel Van 1980 - 85 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ HSV ASTRA VXR 2L Turbo 2005 - on 76 F 2034 l R 2035 l ○○ ○ ○○V321 44 28 ○ ○○S27842.210 26 705 8 655 All rights reserved. © Copyright 2013 Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. Trademarks: All DBA Part References listed in this catalogue are Trademarks of Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 76 5/06/2013 2:21:43 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness holden - HSV Model HSV AWD Coupe 4 Avalanche Wagon Avalanche XUV Dual Cab Ute All VY series II on Years F/R DBA No. STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented ○ ○ 4049○ ○ A D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes Dimensions (mm) B C D E F 05/04 - on F 42022 lllV 336 45.2 32 05/04 - on R lll V315 71 18 16 705 30 71.55 HSV - CLUBSPORT VR (Sedan & Wagon) 1993 - 95 F 046 l l V328 82 28 25 705 R 047 l V 280 86 20 19 705 VS 1995 - 97 F 046 l l V328 82 28 25 705 R 047 l V 280 86 20 19 705 VN 1988 - 91 F 019 l l V 327 82 28 25 HUB 5 R 020 l V27883.620 19 705 VP inc. Clubsport 5000i 1991 - 93 F 019 l l V 327 82 28 25 HUB 5 R 045 l V280 67 20 19 705 VT 9/97 - 10/02 F 040 l l l ll l lV 296 83 28 25 71.55 Standard Brakes R 041 l l l lllS 286 78.6 16 14 705 VT 9/97 - 10/02 F 4048 ll l lV 330 83 32 29 71.55 Performance Brakes - R 4049 lllV 315 71 18 16 705 PBR 2 Piston Calipers VX 9/97 - 10/02 F 040 l l l ll l lV 296 83 28 25 71.55 Standard Brakes R 041 l l l lllS 286 78.6 16 14 705 VX 9/97 - 10/02 F 4048 ll l lV 330 83 32 29 71.55 Performance Brakes - R 4049 lllV 315 71 18 16 705 PBR 2 Piston Calipers VY 10/02 - 8/04 F 4048 ll l lV 330 83 32 29 71.55 Performance Brakes - R 4049 lllV 315 71 18 16 705 PBR 2 Piston Calipers VX, VY Premium Brakes 9/97 - 8/04 F 4055l l l lV 343 83 32 29 71.55 Harrop 4 Piston Calipers R 4049 lllV 315 71 18 16 705 VY II 10/02 - 8/04 F 4048 ll l lV 330 83 32 29 71.55 Performance Brakes - R 4049 lllV 315 71 18 16 705 PBR 2 Piston Calipers VY II Premium Brakes 10/02 - 8/04 F 4055l l l lV 343 82.5 32 30 71.55 Harrop 4 Piston Calipers R 4049 lllV 315 71 18 16 705 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ HSV - CLUBSPORT VZ 8/04 - 1/05 Performance Brakes - PBR 2 Piston Calipers VZ (Not Suitable for use 8/04 - 1/05 with OE hat/bell) AP 6 Piston Calipers VZ II 1/05 - 8/06 Performance Brakes - AP 4 Piston Calipers VZ II (Not Suitable for 1/05 - 8/06 use with OE hat/bell) AP 6 Piston Calipers ○ ○ ○ ○ ll l lV 330 83 32 ○ ○ lllV 315 71 18 F 52024○l lV 362 83 32 R 42025 ○ ○ lllV 343 76.3 26 F 52018○l V 350 83 32 R 42019 ○ ○ ll V 332 75.2 24 F 52024○l lV 362 83 32 R 42025 ○ ○ lllV 343 76.3 26 F 4048 R 4049 The Kangaroo Paw design is not available on all part numbers, ask your supplier for details. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 77 29 71.55 16 705 30 71.55 24 70.15 30 71.65 22 70.15 30 71.55 24 70.15 77 5/06/2013 2:21:44 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness holden - HSV Model Years F/R DBA No. STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented A D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes Dimensions (mm) B C D E F HSV - CLUBSPORT R8 inc. tourer VX, VY 9/97 -2003 F 4048 ll l lV 330 83 32 29 71.55 Performance Brakes - R 4049 lllV 315 71 18 16 705 PBR 2 Piston Calipers VX Premium Brakes 9/97 - 10/02 F 4055l ll l lV 343 83 32 29 71.55 Harrop 4 Piston Calipers R 4049 lllV 315 71 18 16 705 VY Premium Brakes 10/02 - 8/04 F 4055l l l lV 343 83 32 29 71.55 Harrop 4 Piston Calipers R 4049 lllV 315 71 18 16 705 VY II Premium Brakes 10/02 - 8/04 F 4055 ll l lV 343 82.5 32 30 71.55 Harrop 4 Piston Calipers R 4049 lllV 315 71 18 16 705 VZ Premium Brakes 8/04 - 1/05 F 4055l ll l lV 343 82.5 32 30 71.55 Harrop 4 Piston Calipers R 4049 lllV 315 71 18 16 705 VZ (Not Suitable for use 8/04 - 1/05 F 52024 l lV 362 83 32 30 71.55 with OE hat/bell) AP 6 Piston Calipers R 42025 lllV 343 76.3 26 24 70.15 VZ II 1/05 - 8/06 F 52018 V350 83 32 30 71.65 Performance Brakes - R 42019 ll V 332 75.2 24 22 70.15 AP 4 Piston Calipers VZ II (Not Suitable for 1/05 - 8/06 F 52024 l lV 362 83 32 30 71.55 use with OE hat/bell) AP 6 Piston Calipers R 42025 lllV 343 76.3 26 24 70.15 VE (LS2 V8), VE (LS3 V8) 2006 - 09 F 42030 ll l lV 365 54 32 30 67.45 inc. Clubsport R8 Tourer R 42031 lllV 350 61.5 26 24 67.45 VE2 (LS3 V8) 9/09 - on F 42030 ll l lV 365 54 32 30 67.45 inc. Clubsport R8 Tourer R 42031 lllV 350 61.5 26 24 67.45 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ HSV - HRT & HSVDT CLUBSPORT VZ Special Edition 1/05 - 8/06 F 52018 l V 350 83 32 30 71.65 Performance Brakes - R 42019 ll V 332 75.2 24 22 70.15 AP 4 Piston Calipers VZ Special Edition 1/05 - 8/06 F 52024 l lV 362 83 32 30 71.55 AP 6 Piston Calipers R 42025 lllV 343 76.3 26 24 70.15 (Not Suitable for use with OE hat/bell) ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Holden VE HSV - Special Edition Curve Slot Design. Utlising an OE like, directional slot design, the DBA VE HSV 4000 and 5000 Series rotors ensure optimal braking perfomance whilst retaining the factory look. Suits: Holden VE HSV’s excluding GXP and W427 Vauxhaul VXR8 and Maloo Front - 5000 Series DBA52030BLKSL & DBA52030BLKSR 78 Front - 4000 Series DBA42030SL & DBA42030SR Rear - 4000 Series DBA42031SL & DBA42031SR All rights reserved. © Copyright 2013 Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. Trademarks: All DBA Part References listed in this catalogue are Trademarks of Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 78 5/06/2013 2:21:44 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness holden - HSV Model Years F/R DBA No. STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented A D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes Dimensions (mm) B C D E F HSV - COUPE LE VY II 10/02 - 8/04 F 4048 ll l lV 330 83 32 29 71.55 Performance Brakes - R 4049 lllV 315 71 18 16 705 PBR 2 Piston Calipers VY II Premium Brakes 10/02 - 8/04 F 4055l l l lV 343 82.5 32 30 71.55 Harrop 4 Piston Calipers R 4049 lllV 315 71 18 16 705 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ HSV - FORMULA VP 1991 - 93 F 019 l l V 327 82 28 25 HUB 5 R 020 l V27883.620 19 705 ○○ ○ ○ ○ HSV - GRANGE VS 1995 - 97 F 046 l ll l V 328 82 28 25 705 R 047 l ll V 280 86 20 19 705 WH 6/99 - 03 F 040 l l l ll l lV 296 83 28 25 71.55 Standard Brakes R 041 l l l lllS 286 78.6 16 14 705 WH Performance 6/99 - 03 F 4048 ll l lV 330 83 32 29 71.55 Brakes PBR 2 Piston Calipers R 4049 lllV 315 71 18 16 705 WH Premium Brakes 6/99 - 03 F 4055l l l lV 343 82.5 32 30 71.55 Harrop 4 Piston R 4049 lllV 315 71 18 16 705 Calipers WK Performance 2004 F 4048 ll l lV 330 83 32 29 71.55 Brakes PBR 2 Piston Calipers R 4049 lllV 315 71 18 16 705 WK Premium Brakes 2004 F 4055l l l lV 343 83 32 29 71.55 Harrop 4 Piston R 4049 lllV 315 71 18 16 705 Calipers WL 2005 - 06 F 4048 ll l lV 330 83 32 29 71.55 Performance Brakes - R 4049 lllV 315 71 18 16 705 PBR 2 Piston Calipers WL Premium Brakes 2005 - 06 F 4055l l l lV 343 83 32 29 71.55 Harrop 4 Piston Calipers R 4049 lllV 315 71 18 16 705 VE (LS2 V8), VE (LS3 V8) 2006 - 09 F 42030 ll l lV 365 54 32 30 67.45 R42031 lllV 350 61.5 26 24 67.45 VE2 (LS3 V8) 9/09 - on F 42030 ll l lV 365 54 32 30 67.45 R42031 lllV 350 61.5 26 24 67.45 ○○ ○ ○○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ HSV - GTO COUPE (V2) - 2 Door Coupe 10/02 - 8/04 F 4048 ll l lV 330 83 32 29 71.55 Performance Brakes - R 4049 lllV 315 71 18 16 705 PBR 2 Piston Calipers (V2) - 2 Door Coupe 10/02 - 8/04 F 4055l l l lV 343 83 32 29 71.55 Premium Brakes Harrop 4 Piston Calipers R 4049 lllV 315 71 18 16 705 VY 10/02 - 8/04 F 4048 ll l lV 330 83 32 29 71.55 Performance Brakes - R 4049 lllV 315 71 18 16 705 PBR 2 Piston Calipers VY, VZ Premium Brakes 10/02 - 06 F 4055l l l lV 343 83 32 29 71.55 Harrop 4 Piston Calipers R 4049 lllV 315 71 18 16 705 VZ 8/04 - 1/05 F 4048 ll l lV 330 83 32 29 71.55 Performance Brakes - R 4049 lllV 315 71 18 16 705 PBR 2 Piston Calipers VZ (Not Suitable for 8/04 - 1/05 F 52024 l lV 362 83 32 30 71.55 use with OE hat/bell) AP 6 Piston Calipers R 42025 l lV 343 76.3 26 24 70.15 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ The Kangaroo Paw design is not available on all part numbers, ask your supplier for details. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 79 79 5/06/2013 2:21:45 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness holden - HSV Model Years F/R DBA No. STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented A D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes Dimensions (mm) B C D E F HSV - GTO LE VZ Special Edition 8/04 - 8/06 F 52018 l V 350 83 32 30 71.65 Performance Brakes - R 42019 ll V 332 75.2 24 22 70.15 AP 4 Piston Calipers VZ Special Edition 1/05 - 8/06 F 52024 l lV 362 83 32 30 71.55 AP 6 Piston Calipers R 42025 lllV 343 76.3 26 24 70.15 (Not Suitable for use with OE hat/bell) ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ HSV - GTS VR, VS 1993 - 97 F 046 l ll l V 328 82 28 25 705 R 047 l ll V 280 86 20 19 705 VP 1991 - 93 F 019 l l V 327 82 28 25 HUB 5 R 045 l V280 67 20 19 705 VT 9/97 - 10/02 F 4048 ll l lV 330 83 32 29 71.55 Performance Brakes - R 4049 lllV 315 71 18 16 705 PBR 2 Piston Calipers VT Premium Brakes 9/97 - 10/02 F 4055l l l lV 343 83 32 29 71.55 Harrop 4 Piston Calipers R 4049 lllV 315 71 18 16 705 VX Premium Brakes 9/97 - 10/02 F 4055l l l lV 343 83 32 29 71.55 Harrop 4 Piston Calipers R 4049 lllV 315 71 18 16 705 VY (Not Suitable for 10/02 - 8/04 F 52024 l V 362 83 32 30 71.55 use with OE hat/bell) AP 6 Piston Calipers R 42025 ll V 343 76.3 26 24 70.15 VY II (Not Suitable for 10/02 - 8/04 F 52024 l lV 362 83 32 30 71.55 use with OE hat/bell) AP 6 Piston Calipers R 42025 lllV 343 76.3 26 24 70.15 VE (LS2 V8), VE (LS3 V8) 2006 - 09 F 42030 ll l lV 365 54 32 30 67.45 R42031 lllV 350 61.5 26 24 67.45 VE2 (LS3 V8) 9/09 - on F 42030 ll l lV 365 54 32 30 67.45 4 Piston Caliper **(Front not suitable for R 42031 lllV 350 61.5 26 24 67.45 SV Enhanced 6 piston caliper) ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ HSV - GTS COUPE (V2) - 2 Door Coupe 10/02 - 8/04 F 4048 ll l lV 330 83 32 29 71.55 Performance Brakes - R 4049 lllV 315 71 18 16 705 PBR 2 Piston Calipers (V2) - 2 Door Coupe 10/02 - 8/04 F 4055l l l lV 343 83 32 29 71.55 Premium Brakes R 4049 lllV 315 71 18 16 705 Harrop 4 Piston Calipers VY (Not Suitable for use 10/02 - 8/04 F 52024 l lV 362 83 32 30 71.55 with OE hat/bell) AP 6 Piston Calipers R 42025 lllV 343 76.3 26 24 70.15 VZ (Not Suitable for use 8/04 - on F 52024 l lV 362 83 32 30 71.55 with OE hat/bell) AP 6 Piston Calipers R 42025 lllV 343 76.3 26 24 70.15 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ 80 ○ All rights reserved. © Copyright 2013 Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. Trademarks: All DBA Part References listed in this catalogue are Trademarks of Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 80 5/06/2013 2:21:45 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness holden - HSV Model Years F/R DBA No. STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented A D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes Dimensions (mm) B C D E F HSV - MALOO VN 1988 - 91 F 019 l l V 327 82 28 25 HUB 5 R 020 l V27883.620 19 705 VP 1991 - 93 F 019 l l V 327 82 28 25 HUB 5 R 020 l V27883.620 19 705 VR 1993 - 95 F 046 l ll l V 328 82 28 25 705 VS 1995 - 97 R 016 l l ll S 279 83 10.5 8.5 705 VU 9/97 - 10/02 F 040 l l l ll l lV 296 83 28 25 71.55 Standard Brakes R 041 l l l lllS 286 78.6 16 14 705 VU, VY 9/97 - 8/04 F 4048 ll l lS 330 83 32 29 71.55 Performance Brakes - R 4049 lllV 315 71 18 16 705 PBR 2 Piston Calipers VU, VY Premium Brakes 9/97 - 8/04 F 4055l l l lV 343 83 32 29 71.55 Harrop 4 Piston Calipers R 4049 lllV 315 71 18 16 705 VY II 10/02 - 8/04 F 4048 ll l lV 330 83 32 29 71.55 Performance Brakes - R 4049 lllV 315 71 18 16 705 PBR 2 Piston Calipers VY II Premium Brakes 10/02 - 8/04 F 4055l l l lV 343 83 32 29 71.55 Harrop 4 Piston Calipers R 4049 lllV 315 71 18 16 705 VZ 8/04 - 1/05 F 4048 ll l lV 330 83 32 29 71.55 Performance Brakes - R 4049 lllV 315 71 18 16 705 PBR 2 Piston Calipers VZ Premium Brakes 8/04 - 1/05 F 4055l l l lV 343 83 32 29 71.55 Harrop 4 Piston Calipers R 4049 lllV 315 71 18 16 705 VZ II 1/05 - 8/06 F 4048 ll l lV 330 83 32 29 71.55 Performance Brakes - R 4049 lllV 315 71 18 16 705 PBR 2 Piston Calipers ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ HSV - MALOO R8 VU 9/97 - 10/02 F 4048 ll l lV 330 83 32 29 71.55 Performance Brakes - R 4049 lllV 315 71 18 16 705 PBR 2 Piston Calipers VU Premium Brakes 9/97 - 10/02 F 4055l l l lV 343 83 32 29 71.55 Harrop 4 Piston Calipers R 4049 lllV 315 71 18 16 705 VY + VY II Premium Brakes 10/02 - 8/04 F 4055l l l lV 343 83 32 29 71.55 Harrop 4 Piston Calipers R 4049 lllV 315 71 18 16 705 VZ 8/04 - 1/05 F 4048 ll l lV 330 83 32 29 71.55 Performance Brakes - R 4049 lllV 315 71 18 16 705 PBR 2 Piston Calipers VZ Premium Brakes 8/04 - 1/05 F 4055l l l lV 343 83 32 29 71.55 Harrop 4 Piston Calipers R 4049 lllV 315 71 18 16 705 VZ (Not Suitable for 8/04 - 1/05 F 52024 l lV 362 83 32 30 71.55 use with OE hat/bell) AP 6 Piston Calipers R 42025 lllV 343 76.3 26 24 70.15 VZ II 1/05 - 8/06 F 52018 l V 350 83 32 30 71.65 Performance Brakes - R 42019 ll V 332 75.2 24 22 70.15 AP 4 Piston Calipers VZ II (Not Suitable for 1/05 - 8/06 F 52024 l lV 362 83 32 30 71.55 use with OE hat/bell) AP 6 Piston Calipers R 42025 lllV 343 76.3 26 24 70.15 VE (LS2 V8), VE (LS3 V8) 2006 - 09 F 42030 ll l lV 365 54 32 30 67.45 VE2 (LS3 V8) 9/09 - on R 42031 lllV 350 61.5 26 24 67.45 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ The Kangaroo Paw design is not available on all part numbers, ask your supplier for details. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 81 81 5/06/2013 2:21:45 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness holden - HSV Model Years F/R DBA No. STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented A D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes Dimensions (mm) B C D E F HSV - MANTA VS (Sedan & Wagon) 1995 - 97 F 046 l ll l V 328 82 28 25 705 R 047 l ll V 280 86 20 19 705 VT 9/97 - 10/02 F 040 l l l ll l lV 296 83 28 25 71.55 Standard Brakes R 041 l l l lllS 286 78.6 16 14 705 VT 9/97 - 10/02 F 4048 ll l lV 330 83 32 29 71.55 Performance Brakes - R 4049 lllV 315 71 18 16 705 PBR 2 Piston Calipers ○○ ○ ○○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ HSV - NITRON VP 1991 - 93 F 019 l l V 327 82 28 25 HUB 5 R 020 l V 278 83.6 20 19 705 ○○ ○ ○ ○ ○○ HSV - PLUS6 VP 1991 - 93 F 019 l l V 327 82 28 25 HUB 5 R 045 l V 280 67 20 19 705 ○○ ○ ○ ○ ○○ HSV - PLUS8 VN 1988 - 91 F 019 l l V 327 82 28 25 HUB 5 R 045 l V 280 67 20 19 705 ○○ ○ ○ ○ ○○ HSV - SENATOR VP inc. Senator 5000i 1991 - 93 F 019 l l V 327 82 28 25 HUB 5 R 045 l V280 67 20 19 705 VR 1993 - 95 F 046 l ll l V 328 82 28 25 705 R 047 l ll V 280 86 20 19 705 VS (Sedan & Wagon) 1995 - 97 F 046 l ll l V 328 82 28 25 705 R 047 l ll V 280 86 20 19 705 VT, 9/97 - 10/02 F 040 l l l ll l lV 296 83 28 25 71.55 Standard Brakes R 041 l l l lllS 286 78.6 16 14 705 VT, vx Performance Brakes 9/97 - 10/02 F 4048 ll l lV 330 83 32 29 71.55 PBR 2 Piston Calipers R 4049 lllV 315 71 18 16 705 VT Premium Brakes 9/97 - 10/02 F 4055l l l l lV 343 82.5 32 30 71.55 Harrop 4 Piston Calipers R 4049 lllV 315 71 18 16 705 VX Standard Brakes 9/97 - 10/02 F 040 l l l ll l lV 296 83 28 25 71.55 R 041 l l l lllS 286 78.6 16 14 705 VX Premium Brakes 9/97 - 10/02 F 4055l l l lV 343 82.5 32 30 71.55 Harrop 4 Piston Calipers R 4049 lllV 315 71 18 16 705 VY Performance Brakes 10/02 - 8/04 F 4048 ll l lV 330 83 32 29 71.55 PBR 2 Piston Calipers R 4049 lllV 315 71 18 16 705 VY II Premium Brakes 10/02 - 8/04 F 4055l l l lV 343 82.5 32 30 71.55 Harrop 4 Piston Calipers R 4049 lllV 315 71 18 16 705 VZ Performance Brakes 8/04 - on F 4048 ll l lV 330 83 32 29 71.55 PBR 2 Piston Calipers R 4049 lllV 315 71 18 16 705 VZ AP 6 Piston Calipers 8/04 - on F 52024 l lV 362 83 32 30 71.55 (Not Suitable for use R 42025 lllV 343 76.3 26 24 70.15 with OE hat/bell) VE (LS2 V8), VE (LS3 V8) 2006 - 09 F 42030 ll l lV 365 54 32 30 67.45 VE2 (LS3 V8) 9/09 - on R 42031 lllV 350 61.5 26 24 67.45 HSV - SIGNATURE COUPE VZ Special Edition 8/04 - on F 52024 l lV 362 83 32 30 71.55 AP 6 Piston Calipers R 42025 lllV 343 76.3 26 24 70.15 (Not Suitable for use with OE hat/bell) ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ 82 All rights reserved. © Copyright 2013 Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. Trademarks: All DBA Part References listed in this catalogue are Trademarks of Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 82 5/06/2013 2:21:45 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness holden - HSV Model Years F/R DBA No. STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented A D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes Dimensions (mm) B C D E F HSV - SKAIFE SENATOR VZ Special Edition 1/05 - on F 52018 l V 350 83 32 30 71.65 Performance Brakes - R 42019 ll V 332 75.2 24 22 70.15 AP 4 Piston Calipers ○ ○ ○ HSV - SPORTS WAGON VP 1991 - 93 F 019 l l V 327 82 28 25 HUB 5 R 020 l V 278 83.6 20 19 705 ○○ ○ ○ ○ ○○ HSV - SS GROUP A VN 1988 - 91 F 019 l l V 327 82 28 25 HUB 5 R 020 l V 278 83.6 20 19 705 ○○ ○ ○ ○ ○○ HSV - STATESMAN SV93 VP 1991 - 93 F 019 l l V 327 82 28 25 HUB 5 R 020 l V 278 83.6 20 19 705 HSV - SV LE VN (Sedan & Wagon) 1988 - 91 F 019 l l V 327 82 28 25 HUB 5 R 020 l V 278 83.6 20 19 705 ○○ ○ ○ ○ ○○ ○○ ○ ○ ○ ○○ HSV - SV300 VX Premium Brakes 10/02 - 8/04 F 4055l l l lV 343 82.5 32 30 71.55 Harrop 4 Piston Calipers R 4049 lllV 315 71 18 16 705 ○ ○ ○ HSV - SV3800, sv5000 VN 1988 - 91 F 019 l l V 327 82 28 25 HUB 5 R 020 l V 278 83.6 20 19 705 ○○ ○ ○ ○ ○○ HSV - SV6000 VZ Special Edition 8/04 -on F 52024 l lV 362 83 32 30 71.55 AP 6 Piston Calipers R 42025 lllV 343 76.3 26 24 70.15 (Not Suitable for use with OE hat/bell) ○ ○ ○ HSV - SV89 VN 1988 - 91 F 019 l l V 327 82 28 25 HUB 5 R 020 l V 278 83.6 20 19 705 ○○ ○ ○ ○ ○○ HSV - SV91 VN 1988 - 91 F 019 l l V 327 82 28 25 HUB 5 R 045 l V 280 67 20 19 705 VP 1991 - 93 F 019 l l V 327 82 28 25 HUB 5 R 045 l V 280 67 20 19 705 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○○ ○ ○○ ○ ○ ○ HSV - XU6 VX 9/97 - 10/02 F 040 l l l ll l lV 296 83 28 25 71.55 Standard Brakes R 041 l l l lllS 286 78.6 16 14 705 ○ ○ HSV - XU8 VT 9/97 - 10/02 F 040 l l l ll l lV 296 83 28 25 71.55 Standard Brakes R 041 l l l lllS 286 78.6 16 14 705 ○ ○ The Kangaroo Paw design is not available on all part numbers, ask your supplier for details. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 83 83 5/06/2013 2:21:46 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness HOLDEN Model Years F/R DBA No. STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented A D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes Dimensions (mm) B C D E F MONARO CV6 & CV8 12/2001 - 04F 040 (V2) - 2 Door Coupe R 041 VZ CV8 GEN III V8 260kW 2005 - 06 F 2020 except V5B - model 37 coupe R 2021 l l l l l l l l NOVA LE, LF 1989 - 10/94 1989 - 9/92 LE Opt., LF GS ( Rear ) 1989 - 10/94 LG, GS, SLX 10/94 - 4/96 F F R F R 701 704 703 709 710 l l l l l ○S243 4813.512.5 544 ○V238 48 18 17 544 ○S242 37 9 8 544 ○V25548.522 20 554 ○S266 37 9 8 554 Piazza Piazza (Impulse) F 811 l ○V250 32 18 16.6684 TIGRA 1.3L CDTi, 1.4L, 1.8L 4/2001 - 06 Convertible F 847 R 849 l l ○ V26041.224 ○S240 41 10 TORANA / SUNBIRD HB, TA, LC, LJ, 4 Cyl LC, LJ 6 Cyl LJ XU-1 LH, LX, UC A9X F F F F F 1983 - 89 1969 - 72 1969 - 72 1972 - 73 1974 - 79 1977 - 78 VECTRA JR, JS, JSII - 2.0L, 2.2L, 2.5L 6/97 - 2/03 (CD & GL Sedans) ZC 2.2L 2/03 - 05 ZC V6 up to 2003 - 05 VIN No. 38047796 ZC V6 after 2003 - 05 VIN No. 38047796 ZC V6 2003 - 05 rear suits all models VIVA JF Series 2005 - 09 hatch, sedan, wagon 009 008 004 010 014 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ll l lV 296 lllS 286 ll l V 320 ll V 286 83 78.6 83 80 28 25 71.55 16 14 705 32 30 71.65 18 16 705 21 604 8 574 l S21528.510 9 614 l S256 6012.7 12 725 l S256 6015.714.7725 l S256 77 16 14.3Hub5 l l ll V 276 72 25.4 24.5Hub5 ○ F 825 l R 826 l F 2820 l F 2817 l ○V288 42 25 ○S286 69 10 ○V285 43 25 ○V302 46 28 22 705 8 65.55 22 705 25 705 F 2819 l ○ ○V314 46 28 25 705 R 2818 l ○V292 42 20 18 665 F 2042 l R 2043 l ○V25647.524 ○S258 57 10 22 604 8 604 l l ○V280 42 25 ○S264 42 10 22 705 8 655 ○ V236 41 20 ○ V26041.224 ○ V28042.325 17 604 21 604 23 604 ZAFIRA TT 2.2 Litre DOHC 6/2001 - on F 4D Wagon R 815 816 COMBO SB Van XC VAN 2/96 - 2000 4/01 - 05 2005 - on F 821 l F 847 l F 2036 l DROVER QB 4WD 3/85 - 87 F 84 l l l l 510 l ○S29046.510 8.5 1075 All rights reserved. © Copyright 2013 Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. Trademarks: All DBA Part References listed in this catalogue are Trademarks of Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 84 5/06/2013 2:21:46 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness HOLDEN Model Years F/R DBA No. STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented A D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes Dimensions (mm) B C D E F FRontera 4 X 4 2.0i with & without ABS 3/95 - 8/01 Sport 4 X 4 UT 10/95 - 6/99 S & SE - V6 & 4Cyl 2/99 - 8/01 3.2L 9/01 - on 840 l ○ R 841 R 841 l l ○V313 81 18 16.61016 ○V313 81 18 16.61016 JACKAROO / TROOPER - ISUZU (GM) Monterey U8 3.5 Litre ABS 2/98 on UBS 16, UBS 521, 522 8/85 - 88 UBS 17, UBS 55 1988 - 91 UBS 16, 17, 52, 55 1987 - 91 UBS 25 1992 - on US / U8 : S & SE, Monterey 2/98 - on F R F F R F R 840 841 032 033 034 840 841 l l l l l l l ○V280 36 26 24.687.56 ○ V313 81 18 16.61016 ○ V250 35 18 16.7806 ○V257 36 22 20.6886 ○S265 47 12 10.6976 ○V280 36 26 24.687.56 ○V313 81 18 16.61016 1980 - 82 F Late 84 - 88 F 030 032 l l ○S250 35 18 17 806 ○ V250 35 18 16.7 80 6 1988 - 94 1996 - 02 1996 - 02 1996 - 02 F 033 l ○V257 36 22 20.6886 F 2033 l ○V252 36 22 20.6886 1997 - 02 F RODEO / COLORADO KB, KBD, 2, 4 Series KB 28, 29, 43, 49, KBD 27, 28, 43, 47 TFR, TFS17, 54, G3, G6 R7 4x2 2.6, 2.8 Litre R9 4x2, 4x4 2.6, 2.8 Litre Rodeo - Sth Africa (special) R7 & R9 - V6 3.2 Litre 4x2 & 4x4 versions RA V6 PFI 4X2 + all 4X4 Hi-ride Suspension. RA 2.4L 4cyl, 3.0L Turbo Diesel Non Hi-ride Suspension (Coil Front) RC V6 PFI 4X2 + all 4X4 Hi-ride Suspension (Torsion Bar Front) RC 2.4L 4cyl, 3.0L Turbo Diesel Non Hi-ride Suspension (Coil Front) RG DX MODELS F 840 l ○ V280 36 26 24.687.56 V280 36 26 24.687.56 12/2002 - 08 F 2840 l l V28040.527 25.6886 ○V25640.126 24.6886 11/02 - 08 F 2839 l 2008 - on F 2840 l l V28040.527 25.6886 2008 - on F 2839 l ○V25640.126 24.6886 06/12 - on F 2060 l ○ ○l ○ V 300 40.3 27 25 886 SCURRY NB 7/85 - 87 F 012 l ○S21533.510 8 864 SHUTTLE WFR 1982 - 90 F 032 l ○V250 35 18 16.7806 SUBURBAN 1500 (K8) LS & LT 5.7L 2500 (K8) LS & LT 6.5L 2/98 - 00 2/98 - 00 F F 773 774 l l ○ V29563.532.530.878.76 ○ V317.570 33 30.8137.28 The Kangaroo Paw design is not available on all part numbers, ask your supplier for details. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 85 85 5/06/2013 2:21:46 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness HONDA Model Years ACCORD SY, SZ 1602 1981 - 83 AC, AD, 1600, 1800 1984 - 86 CA4 SOHC, CA5 CA4 2000 AD, CA4 CXi 1986 - 89 CB 2WS, CC Sedan/Wagon 11/89 - 94 CB 4WS 11/89 - 94 2.2i (CB75/76, CC7, CE9) 1990 - 98 Acura Vigor 1992 - 94 Acura TL 2.5L Sedan 1995 - on 1.8i (CE7-auto, 2.0i (CE8-auto) 1996 - 9/98 CB, CC Wagon, Aerodeck 1992 - 94 CCB, CC Sedan Only 11/89 - 94 CD 1994 - 97 Note: Check dimensions CE Wagon 6/94 - on CG V6-L 2.3L + 3.0L 1998 - 04 CG2 V6 J30A1 (UK Model) 7/98 - 2002 R 2.2i (VTEC) 2000 - on V 4DR (USA + Europe) 2000 - 2003 2.4L + 3.0L V6 VTEC 2004 - on EURO.2.4L i-VTEC 2004 - on Rear disc fits both 2004 models ( rear hat diameter is 154 mm ) EURO V6 2005 - on F/R DBA No. 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented A Dimensions (mm) B C D E F F F 190 l 196 l ○S231 50 12 ○V242 50 19 10 614 17 614 F R R F 184 471 481 179 l l l l ○V262 51 21 ○ S260 49 10 ○S260 43 10 ○ V282 34 25 19 8 8 23 F F 472 470 l l ○ V282 34 25 ○ V260 34 23 23 924 21 924 R 471 F 472 R 471 F 488 R 489 F 405 F 476 F 2506 F 488 F 2510 R 2511 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ l S260 49 10 8 l V282 34 25 23 l S260 49 10 8 l V 2824723 21 l S 26048 9 8 l V282 47 28 26 l V30047.528 26 l V282 48 25 23 l V 2824723 21 l l l l l V 300 48 28 26 l S260 49 9 8 ○ F 2514 l CIVIC SL, SS, SR, ST, VC - Hatch 1979 - 83 F 193 WC 1300 Wagon 1980 - 81 SR, ST Wagon 1982 - 83 1.3, 1.5L (AH-AK), CRX 1984 - 87 F 178 1.5 Hatch + Wagon 2WD/4WD (USA) 1984 - 87 1.4 (EC9-ED2), HF (USA) 1988 - 91 1.3 16V (EG33) 1991 - 94 AA 1984 - 87 F 191 ED 4WD Wagon 3/88 - 5/89 F 187 ED 4-Door 1988 - 91 EG GL, GLi, VEi, Sedan, 11/91 - 94 F 473 DX/HX Coupe/Sedan (USA) 1993 - on Del Sol, Wagovan (USA) EE9, EF, EG 1.6i VTEC VTi 11/91 - 95 F 474 EH1 4WD, EJ1 Coupe 1.6i Coupe /Sedan EX/LX (USA) 1990 - 95 MA8 1.4i, MA9, MB1/4 12/94 - on MB2, MB3, MB7/8/9, MC1 1997 - on MC3 2.0TDi, EJ6/8, EK R 475 EX - with ABS 1993 - 95 F 474 R 475 DX & HX, 1996 - 2000 F 473 EX 1996 - 2000 F 474 Si 1999 - 2000 F 474 R 475 86 STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ 644 644 644 924 644 924 644 645 645 645 705 645 645 645 645 V282 47 28 26 644 l ○S 215 50 11 l ○ l l ○S231 44 12 ○V24244.519 10 614 17 614 l ○ V240 45 21 19 614 l ○ ○l ○ V 262 19 644 l l l l l l l ○ ○S239 48 9 ○ ○l ○ V 262 45 21 ○ ○S239 48 9 ○ V240 45 21 ○ ○l ○ V 262 45 21 ○ ○l ○ V 262 45 21 ○ ○S239 48 9 9 614 V23143.817 15 614 45 21 8 19 8 19 19 19 8 614 644 614 614 644 644 614 All rights reserved. © Copyright 2013 Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. Trademarks: All DBA Part References listed in this catalogue are Trademarks of Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 86 5/06/2013 2:21:46 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness HONDA Model Years F/R DBA No. STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented A D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes Dimensions (mm) B C D E F CIVIC all models 2001 - 2005 F Civic 1.7L SOHC 4/5dr 2001 - on R 1.8 SOHC Vti & Vti-L 2006 - ON F 2.0L DOHC SPORT R 2.0i SPORT VI Hatchback 01/04 - 12/05 R 2.0L -R EP3 (UK) 2001 - 06 F VI Hatchback (EU_, EP_) R FD2 -R 2007 - on F R FN2 Type-R 2007 - on F 474 2502 488 2517 2515 2500 2515 2518 2519 2500 l l V 262 45 21 19 644 l S260 48 9 8 614 l V 28247 232164 5 l S260 42.2 9.1 8 645 l S259.5 49 10 8 645 l l ll l V 300 47.5 25 23 645 l S259.5 49 10 8 645 l V320 62 25 23 645 l S282 49 9 8 645 l l ll l V 300 47.5 25 23 645 concerto EXI, Reprise, EXI-Reprise 5/91 - on 187 l ○V24244.519 17 614 478 l ○ ○l ○ V 282 21 705 F CR-V CR-V 4 Door Wagon 10/97 - 01 F 2.0i 16V (RD1) CR-V 4 Door Wagon 2002 - 04 F rd7 2.4L 4wd 2006 - 01/07 F R Eu 1.7L 2000 - 2005 F R RE4 2007 - on F r HR-V 1.6i 16V (GH1/2) 1999 - on F CRX ED 1.6 litre 2-Door DX-Si 1987 - 91 1500/1600 Si 1990 - 91 EE8 VTEC 1.6L 1989 - 92 EG21 VTi, EH61 ESi 1.6L 1992 - 97 EG VTec 6/92 - on INTEGRA Quint 1.6 (AV) 1984 - 86 DA3, DA4, 1.6L 1986 - 88 1.8L DOHC 16V 1989 - 94 1.8L GSi, VTi - R 1993 - 98 Acura Integra, 2.0L GSi 1990 - on TYPE-R 2000 - 01 Integra Type-R DC5 2001 - on Japanese domestic Brembo Caliper Models TYPE-S 2002 - on TYPE-R - Australian Model ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ 488 l V 28247 232164 5 2500 l l ll l V 300 47.5 25 23 645 2503 l S282 61 9 7.5 645 2500 l l ll l V 300 47.5 25 23 645 2503 l ll S 282 61 9 7.5 645 2610 l V296 47 28 26 64 5 2611s30460.8 9 7.8 645 478 l ○ ○l ○ V 282 187 187 475 474 l l l l ○ V24244.519 ○ V24244.519 ○ ○S239 48 9 ○ ○l ○ V 262 45 21 17 17 8 19 R 475 l ○ ○S239 48 8 614 F F F 178 187 474 l l l ○ V23143.817 ○V24244.519 ○ ○l ○ V 262 45 21 15 614 17 614 19 64 4 R F R F 475 478 477 2508 l l l l ○ ○S239 48 9 ○ ○l ○ V 282 47 23 ○ S260 48 9 ○ ○ ○ ll l V 300 57.8 25 8 21 8 23 F F R F F 2500 l l ○ ○ 47 23 9 ll l V 300 47.5 25 The Kangaroo Paw design is not available on all part numbers, ask your supplier for details. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 87 47 23 21 705 614 614 614 644 614 705 645 645 23 645 87 5/06/2013 2:21:46 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness HONDA Model JAZZ GLi 1.3L SOHC Years F/R DBA No. STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X 10/2002 - on F 2504 l 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented A D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes Dimensions (mm) B C D E F ○V240 39 21 19 614 LEGEND KA2 4-Door Sedan 1986 - 87 KA3 4D Sedan, KA4 2D Coupe 11/87 - 91 KA7, KA8, KA9 3/91 - 95 3.5L V6 15” wheels 1996 - on 3.5L V6 16” wheels 1996 - on 186 185 478 l l l ○ V26251.521 ○V282 51 21 ○ ○l ○ V 282 47 23 19 644 19 644 21 705 F 476 R 499 l l ○ ○V30047.528 ○ S282 61 12 26 705 10 645 MDX 3.5L (yd) 4DR wagon 4wd F 2510 l l 2002-2006 NSX NSX 4 Auto 1991 - 98 NSX-T 5 Manual 6 Speed Manual 4/97 - on NSX, NSX-T F F F ○ ○ F R F R 484 485 486 487 l l l l l l lv 300 47.2 28 26 645 ○ ○V282 36 28 ○ V28232.521 ○ ○ V 29836.528 ○ ○V 30332.523 26 19 26 21 705 695 705 645 ODYSSEY Odyssey - 4 Door Wagon 6/95 - 2000 F 478 l Odyssey 2.3L + V6 2000 - 05 F 476 l R 2503 l PASSPORT all models 1996 - 01 F 842 l R 841 l ○ ○l ○ V 282 47 23 21 705 ○ ○V30047.528 26 705 ○S282 61 9 7.5 645 ○V280 36 26 24.6886 ○ V 313 80.618.1 16.61016 PILOT all models F 476 l ○ ○V30047.528 26 705 PRELUDE SU, SN 1979 - 82 BA3 1986 - 87 BA4, Si, SE 1988 - 91 V-TEC 1992 - 96 5-lug 1997 - 2001 BB incl. 4WS 12/91 - 94 VTi-S & Si 2/94 - on Stepped hat Straight hat VTi-R 2/94 - 97 2.2L DOHC VTi-R 1997 - 2001 F F F F R F R F R F R R F R F R 190 196 184 200 481 478 438 480 481 480 481 2513 200 481 478 438 l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l ○S231 50 12 ○V241 50 19 ○ V262 51 21 ○ ○V282 47 23 ○ S260 43 10 ○ ○l ○ V 282 47 23 ○ S260 42 9 ○ V260 47 23 ○ S260 43 10 ○V260 47 23 ○ S260 43 10 ○S260 42 9 ○ ○V282 47 23 ○ S260 43 10 ○ ○l ○ V 282 47 23 ○ S260 42 9 10 17 19 21 8 21 8 21 8 21 8 8 21 8 21 8 614 614 644 644 644 705 645 644 644 644 644 644 644 644 705 645 S 2000 S 2000 1999 - 03 all models 2003 - 05 F R F R 482 483 488 2503 l l l V 300 40 25 23 l S282 40 12 10 l V 2824723 21 l S282 61 9 7.5 705 645 645 645 88 2003 - 05 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ All rights reserved. © Copyright 2013 Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. Trademarks: All DBA Part References listed in this catalogue are Trademarks of Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 88 5/06/2013 2:21:47 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness HUMMER Model Years F/R HUMMER H2 - 6.0L All wheen drive 09/02 - 09/04 F H2 - 6.0L SUT pickup 09/04 - on R H3 - 3.5L 04/05 - on F H3 - 3.7L AWD 09/06 - on H3 - 5.3L V8 10/08 - on R DBA No. STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented Dimensions (mm) B C D E F 2048 l 2049 l 2054 l ○ ○l ○ V 325 89.5 38 ○ ○l ○ V 330 85.6 29 ○ ○l ○ V 315 70.4 28 36.5 118.28 26.5 118.2 8 26.5100.76 2055 l ○ ○l ○ S 312 67.9 12 10.5 The Kangaroo Paw design is not available on all part numbers, ask your supplier for details. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 89 A D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes 101 6 89 5/06/2013 2:21:47 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness HYUNDAI Model Years F/R DBA No. STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented A D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes Dimensions (mm) B C D E F ACCENT 1.3i 12V, 1.5i 12V, 1.5i 16V 1994 - 99 GL, GLS, Sprint, Lifesyle 1999 - 11/05 1.6L (mc) 2dr/4dr hatch 05/06 - 01/10 check front oe diam. F 451 l F 450 l F 2893 l F 450 l ○ V24240.519 17.7 864 ○V241 52 19 17.7 634 ○V256 47 22 20 624 ○V241 52 19 17.7 634 COUPE FX, SX, SFX, Tiburon 8/96 - 98 Coupe, Turbulence 8/98 - on Scoupe 1.5i, incl. USA 1989 - 4/95 F R F F 453 457 456 451 l l l l ○V257 34 22 20 864 ○S25740.510 8 764 ○ ○V257 45 24 21.6694 ○ V24240.519 17.7 864 l l l l l ○ V257 34 22 20 864 ○ S257 40 10 8 904 ○ ○V257 45 24 21.6694 ○S257 40 10 8 764 ○ ○V257 45 24 21.6694 l ○S257 40 10 l l ○ S228 40 13 11.5 864 ○ V24240.519 17.7 864 ELANTRA / LANTRA / LAVITA J1 & J2, incl. 1.9L Diesel, 5/91 - 5/98 F 453 5/91 - 8/95 R 459 J2 5/98 - on F 456 9/95 - on R 457 Elantra XD GL 1.8L, GLS 2.0L 5/2000 - onF 456 Lavita, (Hatchback & Sedan) R 457 EXCEL X1 X1, X3, XZ, XL Van, S Coupe Pony/Excel 1.3-1.5i (MU) 11/85 - 1/88 1/88 - 00 1989 - 94 GETZ (TB) All - Non ABS (TB) All - With ABS 7/2002 - on F 2450 l 7/2002 - on F 2451 l GRANDUER XG - 4D Sedan V6 DOHC 7/99 - on i20 1.4L active (pb) 2dr hatchback 1.4L active, elite (pb) 4dr hatchback 1.6L elite, premium (pb) 4dr hatchback F F 215 451 F 460 R 461 l l ○V241 48 19 ○V256 48 19 8 764 17 624 17 694 ○ V27646.526 24 695 ○S262 61 10 8.4 765 07/10 - on F 2893 l ○V256 47 22 20 624 07/10 - on F 2893 l ○V256 47 22 20 624 07/10 - on F 2893 l ○V256 47 22 20 624 i30 All Models 2007 - on F 2464 l V28047.526 24 695 2.0L Petrol, 1.6 CRDi R 2459 l S262 61 10 8.4 765 ○○ ○ ix35 2.0l elite, highlander 02/10 - 06/12 F 2456 l V30047.528 26 (LM) diesel 4dr wagon R 465 l S284 61 10 8.4 2.4l elite, highlander 02/10 - 06/12 F 2456 l V30047.528 26 (LM) 4dr wagon awd R 465 l S284 61 10 8.4 2.0L active, elite 02/10 - on F 2464 l V28047.526 24 (LM) fwd 4dr wagon R 2459 l S262 61 10 8.4 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○○ ○ 90 695 765 695 765 695 765 All rights reserved. © Copyright 2013 Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. Trademarks: All DBA Part References listed in this catalogue are Trademarks of Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 90 5/06/2013 2:21:47 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness HYUNDAI Model Years F/R DBA No. STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented A D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes Dimensions (mm) B C D E F i40 All Models 2011 - on F 2456 l V28047.526 24 695 2.0L Petrol, 1.6 CRDi R 2459 l S262 61 10 8.4 765 ○ ○ i45 All Models 2011 - on F 2456 l V28047.526 24 695 2.0L Petrol, 1.6 CRDi R 2459 l S262 61 10 8.4 765 ○ ○ i-LOAD / i-MAX 2.4L, 2.5L CRDI 2007 - on F 2460 l R 2457 l ○ ○V30052.530 28.4 96.26 ○S28454.610 8 765 SONATA Y1, Y2 Sonica all models 1/89 - 4/98 Y1 ( Rear ) 1/89 - 94 Y2 ( Rear ) 7/93 - 4/98 Y3 all models 4/98 - 4/01 EF-B (GL) - 2.3L, 2.7L V6 4/01 - on Y3 all models 4/98 - 4/01 2.4L GL + 2.7L V6 2004 - 06 NF 3.3L V6 06/05 - on F R R F R F F R F F R 452 454 455 456 458 463 456 458 2458 2456 2457 l l l l l l l l l l l ○V25745.522 20 694 ○S263 46 12 10 904 ○S26059.512 10.5 904 ○ ○V257 45 24 21.6694 ○S262 61 10 8 764 ○V25747.525 22.4694 ○ ○V257 45 24 21.6694 ○S262 61 10 8 764 ○V257 4724.522.4644 ○ ○V30047.528 26 695 ○S28454.610 8 765 F 2464 l ○ ○ ○V280 48 26 22.4695 R 469 ○ ○S258 45 10 TIBURON 2.7L V6 + 2.0L : GT 9/01 - on Coupe 1.6S, 2.0SE, 2.7L l 8 75.55 TRAJET GL, GLS V6 2.7L Wagon 3/00 - on F 464 l V276 47 26 24 695 R 465 l S284 61 10 8.4 765 ○ ○ SANTA FE GL 2.4, GL/GLS 2.7L V6 11/00 - 8/06F2452 ( Rear for GLS V6 only ) R 465 All models 9/06 - on F 2462 R 2463 l l l l ○ ○V294 46 26 24 695 ○S284 61 10 8.4 765 ○ V29849.528 26.4695 ○S302 72 11 9.4 695 TUCSON All Models 8/04 - 2009 F 2464 l V280 48 26 22.4695 F 2456 l V30047.528 26 695 AWD Only (check dims) R 465 l S284 61 10 8.4 765 R 2459 l S262 61 10 8.4 765 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ TERRACAN 4WD 3.5 V6 + 2.9L TCi Diesel 2001 - 03 3.5 V6 + 2.9L TCi Diesel 12/03 - on rear suits all models F 466 l F 2454 l R 467 l ○V280 43 27 25.4876 ○V303 43 28 26.4876 ○V31586.520 18.41086 The Kangaroo Paw design is not available on all part numbers, ask your supplier for details. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 91 91 5/06/2013 2:21:47 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness ISUZU Model Years JACKAROO / TROOPER Monterey U8 3.5L ABS 2/98 on UBS 16, UBS 521, 522 8/85 - 88 UBS 17, UBS 55 1988 - 91 UBS 16, 17, 52, 55 1987 - 91 UBS 25 without ABS 1992 - on US / U8 : S & SE, Monterey 2/98 - on RODEO KB, KBD, 2, 4 Series KB 28, 29, 43, 49, KBD 27, 28, 43, 47 TFR, TFS17, 54, G3, G6 R7 4x2 2.6, 2.8 Litre R9 4x2, 4x4 2.6, 2.8 Litre R7 & R9 - V6 3.2 Litre 4x2 & 4x4 versions RA V6 PFI 4X2 + all 4X4 F/R DBA No. STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X Dimensions (mm) B C D E F l l l l l l l ○V280 36 26 24.687.56 ○ V313 81 18 16.61016 ○ V250 35 18 16.7806 ○V257 36 22 20.6886 ○S265 47 12 10.6976 ○V280 36 26 24.687.56 ○V313 81 18 16.61016 1980 - 82 F Late 84 - 88 F 030 032 l l ○S250 35 18 17 ○ V250 35 18 16.7 1988 - 94 1996 - 02 1996 - 02 1997 - 02 F 033 l ○V257 36 22 20.6886 F 840 l ○ 806 80 6 V280 36 26 24.687.56 12/2002 - on F 2840 l l V28040.527 25.6886 RA 2.4L 4cyl, 3.0L 11/02 - on Turbo Diesel Non Hi-ride Suspension (Coil Front) F 2839 l ○V25640.126 24.6886 5/02 - on F 2840 l l V28040.527 25.6 88 6 5/02 - on F 2839 l ○V25640.126 24.6 88 6 1/07 - on F 2840 l lV28040.527 25.6 88 6 1/07 - on F 2839 l ○V25640.126 24.6886 F 2060 l ○ ○ Non Hi-ride Suspension (Coil Front) TF series 2012 - on 92 A 840 841 032 033 034 840 841 F R F F R F R Hi-ride Suspension. (Torsion Bar) D-Max 2.4L, 2.5D, 3.0DiTD, 3.5L V6 Hi-ride Suspension. (Torsion Bar) 2.4L, 2.5D, 3.0DiTD, 3.5L V6 Non Hi-ride Suspension (Coil Front) 2.5DiTD, 3.0D Hi-ride Suspension. (Torsion Bar) 2.5DiTD, 3.0D 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes l lV30040.327 25 886 All rights reserved. © Copyright 2013 Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. Trademarks: All DBA Part References listed in this catalogue are Trademarks of Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 92 5/06/2013 2:21:47 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness JAGUAR Model Years F/R DBA No. STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented A D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes Dimensions (mm) B C D E F MK series Mk 2 - all Models 1959 - 67 F 072 l Mk 10 1961 - 66 240, 340 1967 - 69 XJ series XJ6 Series 2, 3 1974 - 10/86F 076 l XJS, XJ12 1973 - 1990 R 075 l XJ6, XJ12, XJS 11/86 - 90 R 075B l with Dana Diff. E-SERIES E- 3.8, 4.2 1961 - 68 F 072 l E- V12 4.2 1968 - 74 F 076 l R 075 l S-SERIES S- 3.4, 3.8 1963 - 68 F 072 l R 075 l S- (X200) 3.0i V6 / 4.0i 1999 - on F 2044 l Rear suits all S- (X200) R 2045 l ○S28051.59.758.5 82.55 ○V28560.524 22.9 82.75 ○S26425.512.711.4 704 ○S26225.512.511.4 704 ○S28051.59.758.5 82.55 ○V28560.524 22.9 82.75 ○S26525.512.711.4 704 ○S28051.59.758.5 82.55 ○S26425.512.711.4 704 ○V300 43 30 28 715 ○V28832.520 18.5 64.55 XKR XKR 4.0L V8 Turbo with Brembo Calipers 1998 - on F 2046 l V30549.528 26 73.85 R 2047 l V30567.820 18.5 73.85 2003 - on F 52070 l V 356 50.5 32 30 73.85 XK8 4.0L V8 1996 - on F 2046 l V30549.528 26 73.85 R 2047 l V30567.820 18.5 73.85 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ The Kangaroo Paw design is not available on all part numbers, ask your supplier for details. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 93 93 5/06/2013 2:21:47 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness JEEP Model CHEROKEE CJ Universal all J, MJ & SJ models J10 4WD F/R DBA No. 1977 - 78 1974 - 83 1983 - 85 1988 - 92 F F F F 095 180 l l ○V298 56 30 28.5 965 ○V300 5932.5 31 101.56 096 l ○ ○V280 81 24 22.7 725 l ○ ○V280 81 24 22.7 725 l ○V280 7824.5 STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X CHEROKEE / WAGONEER / BRAIRWOOD - KJ series 2.4, 2.5 CRD 09/01 - on F 889 l 2.8 CRD 11/02 - on 3.7 V6 08/03 - on 2.8 CRD 11/04 - on KK 2008-on F 2424 l R 2427 l 1990 - 92 F 096 l F 2422 l R 2423 l GRAND CHEROKEE all models 1993 - 98 all models 1999 - 04 all except SRT-8 2005 - on SRT8 2006 - on F R F R F R F R D E F 22.7 725 26 725 ○V328 53 30 28.5 725 ○ ○S320 67 14 12.5 725 096 097 540 541 2530 2531 2532 2533 ○V29445.526 24.4695 ○S26260.310 8.4 805 ○○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○○ ○○ ○○ l V280 81 24 22.7 725 l S28559.511 9.5 725 l V305 64 26 24.5725 l S30575.510 8.5 725 l l V328 53 30 28.5 725 l S320 67 14 12.5 725 l V36053.532 31.8 725 l S35068.52827.85725 2002 - 2006 F 889 l 2003 - 2006 R 2535 l 2007-onF 2422 l R2423 l R 2425 l 94 C ○ ○V280 81 24 22.7 725 COMPASS 2.0L & 2.4L 2007-on **Check Rear Disc Diameter** B ○V302 64 28 26.4725 ○S31676.512 10.4725 F 2530 l l R 2531 l PATRIOT 2.4L A ○V288 65 28 COMMANDER all models 2006 LIBERTY all models With Rear Disc Brakes Dimensions (mm) Years CHEROKEE / WAGONEER / BRAIRWOOD - XJ series 4WD 1990 - 1/92 F 096 all models 2/92 - 98 w/ OE composite disc 1990 - 99 w/ OE full cast disc 1999 - 01 F 888 COMANCHE 4WD 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes ○V288 65 28 ○ ○S28559.612 26 725 11 725 ○V29445.526 24.4695 ○S26260.310 8.4 805 ○S30260.310 8.4 805 All rights reserved. © Copyright 2013 Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. Trademarks: All DBA Part References listed in this catalogue are Trademarks of Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 94 5/06/2013 2:21:47 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness JEEP Model Years WRANGLER w/ OE composite disc 1990 - 99 w/ OE full cast disc 1999 - 00 all models - 2001 - 06 excl. Rubicon Drum rear brakes all models incl Rubicon 2003 - 06 Disc rear brakes SRT-8 2005 - 06 JK 3.8L V6 + Rubicon 2007 - on JK/J8 2012 F/R DBA No. STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented Dimensions (mm) B C D E F F F 096 888 l l ○ ○V280 81 24 22.7 725 ○V280 7824.5 22.7 725 F R F R F R F 888 2535 2532 2533 2536 2537 2630 l l l l l l l ○V280 7824.5 22.7 725 ○ ○S28559.612 11 725 ○ ○V36053.532 31.8 725 ○ ○V350 68.5 28 27.85725 ○ ○l ○ V 302 55.4 28 26.4725 ○ ○S31676.712 10.4725 ○ ○l ○ V 332 55.5 28 26.4725 The Kangaroo Paw design is not available on all part numbers, ask your supplier for details. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 95 A D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes 95 5/06/2013 2:21:48 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness KIA Model carnival Carnival (Suits single piston caliper) Carnival (Suits twin piston caliper) Carnival (Suits twin piston caliper) Grand Carnival 3.8Ltr V6 DOHC 24V Years 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes Dimensions (mm) F/R DBA No. F 877 l ○V274 48 24 22 725 5/00 - 11/03 F 878 l ○ ○V274 48 26 24 725 12/03 - 05 F 2870 l ○ ○V27450.528 26 2006 - on F 2871 l ○ ○V30054.128 26 96.36 1999 - on Cerato 2.0Ltr DOHC 2004 - 09 2.0l koup (td) 09/09 - 01/11 2dr coupe fwd 2.0l koup, si, koup sls 01/11 - on 2dr coupe fwd 2.0l s, si 09/09 - on 4dr sedan fwd 2.0l si 10/10 - on 4dr hatchback fwd 2.0l sli, sir 09/09 - on 4dr hatchback fwd F R F R F R F R F R F R Credos Credos 2.0 Litre 5/98 on F 873 R 874 2872 2873 2464 2459 2464 2459 2464 2459 2464 2459 2464 2459 STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X B C D E F 72 5 l l l l l l l l l l l l ○V27547.526 24 694 ○S25841.510 8 764 ○ ○V28047.526 24 695 ○S262 61 10 8.4 765 ○ ○V28047.526 24 695 ○S262 61 10 8.4 765 ○ ○V28047.526 24 695 ○S262 61 10 8.4 765 ○ ○V28047.526 24 695 ○S262 61 10 8.4 765 ○ ○V28047.526 24 695 ○S262 61 10 8.4 765 l l ○V25848.524 ○ S260 40 10 MAGENTIS 2.4l ex, ex-l, lx 08/06 - 03/10 F 2464 l 4dr sedan fwd (mg) R 461 l Mentor Mentor 1.5 L & 1.8 L 11/96 - on F 875 Shuma /Spectra 1997 - 2000 R 879 A 22 724 8 724 ○ ○V28047.526 24 695 ○S262 61 10 8.4 765 l ○ l ○S260 40 10 V240 44 20 18 574 8 574 optima Optima 2.5L V6 GL/GLS 6/2001 - on F 2894 l R 2895 l ○V25747.525 22.4694 ○S26161.59.8 8.4 764 pregio Pregio 2.7L Diesel 2002 - on F 2897 l ○V258 57 26 24 876 rio Rio 1.5L Rio 1.6L DOHC CVVT 2002 - on 2005 - on F 2896 l F 2893 l ○V235 50 22 ○V256 47 22 20 554 20 624 04/08 - 11/09 F 2464 l ○ ○V28047.526 24 695 rondo 2.0l ex, lx 4dr wagon fwd (un) 96 All rights reserved. © Copyright 2013 Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. Trademarks: All DBA Part References listed in this catalogue are Trademarks of Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 96 5/06/2013 2:21:48 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness KIA Model Years F/R DBA No. STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented A D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes Dimensions (mm) B C D E F sedona 3.8Ltr V6 DOHC 24V 2006 - on F 2871 l ○ ○V30054.128 26 96.36 SPECTRA all - 4 & 5 door 2001 - 03 F 2898 l ○ ○V302 54 28 26 96.25 Sorento DIESEL MODELS 2005 - 09 Sorento NON-DIESEL 2003 - 06 2.2l si, sli, platinum 10/09 - on diesel crd turbo 2.4l si 4dr wagon (xm) 11/09 - 10/10 2.4l si 4dr wagon (xm) 11/09 - 10/10 F F R F 2898 2898 2899 2462 l l l l ○ ○V302 54 28 26 96.25 ○ ○V302 54 28 26 96.25 ○V31587.520 18.496.25 ○V29849.528 26.4695 R F R F R 2463 2462 2463 2462 2463 l l l l l ○S302 72 11 9.4 695 ○ V29849.528 26.4695 ○S302 72 11 9.4 695 ○ V29849.528 26.4695 ○S302 72 11 9.4 695 soul 1.6L (AM) 4dr hatch fwd F 2464 l 04/09 - on sportage Sportage/Sportswagon 11/96 - 03 All 4WD (USA) 2001 - 03 Sportage 2.7L V6 4WD 2004 - on 2.0 CRDi 2WD 2005 2.0 16V 4WD, 2.7 V6 4WD 2005 2.0 CRDi 4WD 2.0 ex (km) 4dr wagon 08/09 - on 4dr wagon fwd 2.0 si (sl) 4dr wagon 08/09 - on 4dr wagon fwd ○ ○V258 57 26 F 876 l ○V284 51 24 22.4965 F F R F R F 2464 2464 458 2464 465 2456 l l l l l l ○ ○V280 47 26 22.4695 ○ ○V280 47 26 22.4695 ○S262 61 10 8 765 ○ ○V280 47 26 22.4695 ○S284 61 10 8.4 765 ○ ○V30047.528 26 695 R 2459 l F 2456 l ○S262 61 10 8.4 765 ○ ○V30047.528 26 695 R 2459 l ○S262 61 10 8.4 765 The Kangaroo Paw design is not available on all part numbers, ask your supplier for details. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 97 24 876 97 5/06/2013 2:21:48 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness LAndrover / RANGE ROVER Model Years 110 & DEFENDER 110, 130 TD4 up to 1994 200, 300 TDi 90 1984 - on 110, 130 TD4 + TD5 1994 - on 200, 300 TDi + LF Crew Cab 1994 - 98 110 series 1999 - on 90, 110 series 2008 - on (check if V or S) 90 series 2008 - on 110 series 2008 - on 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes Dimensions (mm) F/R DBA No. F 087 l ○ ○S298 70 14 F 086 l ○ R R F F R R 088 549 087 086 088 549 l l l l l l ○S290 6112.711.7 101.65 ○S298 59 14 13 101.65 ○ ○ S298 70 14 13 101.65 ○V298 70 24 22 101.65 ○S290 6112.711.7 101.65 ○S298 59 14 13 101.65 F STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X A B C D E F 13 101.65 V298 70 24 22 101.65 dISCOVERY I (LJ) V8 Petrol 1989 - 98 2.5 TDi Diesel (check if V or S) 087 l ○ ○S298 70 14 F 086 R 088 l l ○V298 70 24 22 101.65 ○S290 6112.711.7 1015 DISCOVERY II (LT) V8 Petrol, TD5 Diesel 1999 - on S, SE & HSE F R 528 093 l l ○ V29791.525 22 705 ○S30462.712.611.7 705 DISCOVERY III (LM) 4.0L V6, 2.7L TDV6 2004 - on 4.4L V8 Petrol 2004 - on F R F R 2090 2091 2094 2095 l l l l ○ ○V31762.230 ○ ○V32559.620 ○ ○V337.562.230 ○ ○V35059.620 27 17 27 17 795 795 795 795 DISCOVERY iV 3.0L sdV6 4wd diesel 09/09 - on > check front oe diam. 3.0L tdV6 diesel t/turbo 12/12 - on F F R F R 2090 2096 2095 2096 2095 l l l l l ○ ○V31762.230 ○ ○V36062.230 ○ ○V35059.620 ○ ○V36062.230 ○ ○V35059.620 27 27 17 27 17 795 795 795 795 795 11 665 18 665 13 101.65 freelander 1.8L Petrol + 2.0L Diesel V6 Petrol + TD4 Diesel up to 12/00F 526 2001 - on F 527 l l ○S262 51 14 ○V27751.521 RANGE ROVER CLASSIC Classic Classic (V Disc) Classic ( Rear ) 1972 - 1986 F 1990 - on F 1972 - on R 087 086 088 l l l ○ ○S298 70 14 13 1015 ○V298 70 24 22 101.65 ○S290 6112.711.7 1015 092 l ○V29764.625 R 093 l ○S30462.712.611.7 705 RANGE ROVER II 4.0 & 4.6L V8 P38 1995 - 01 Turbodiesel 2.5L 6cyl. 98 F 22 705 All rights reserved. © Copyright 2013 Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. Trademarks: All DBA Part References listed in this catalogue are Trademarks of Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 98 5/06/2013 2:21:48 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness LAndrover / RANGE ROVER Model Years F/R RANGE ROVER III 3.0L TD6 3/02 - 4/05 F 4.4L V8 Petrol (210kw) 72mm pad face depth R 4.2L V8 Supercharged 2005 - on F R 3.0L TD6 5/05 - on F 4.4L V8 Petrol (225kw) 57mm pad face depth R 4.2L VOGUE 04/05 - 08/09 F V8 Supercharged F check rotor diam. R R RANGE ROVER III SPORT 2.7L TDV6 2005 - on F R 4.4L V8 Petrol 2005 - on F R 4.2L V8 Supercharged 08/05 - 09/09 F V8 Supercharged F check rotor diam. R R 3.6 tdv8 diesel turbo 02/07 - on F R DBA No. STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented A D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes Dimensions (mm) B C D E F 2092 l ○ ○V34476.230 28.4 795 2093 2098 2097 2099 l l l l ○ ○S354 75 12 10.4 795 ○V36081.330 27 795 ○V35475.120 17 795 ○V34476.230 27 795 2097 2098 2096 2097 2095 l l l l l ○V35475.120 ○V36081.330 ○ ○V36062.230 ○V35475.120 ○ ○V35059.620 17 27 27 17 17 795 795 795 795 795 2090 2091 2094 2095 2098 2096 2097 2095 2096 2095 l l l l l l l l l l ○ ○V31762.230 ○ ○V32559.620 ○ ○V337.562.230 ○ ○V35059.620 ○V36081.330 ○ ○V36062.230 ○V35475.120 ○ ○V35059.620 ○ ○V36062.230 ○ ○V35059.620 27 17 27 17 27 27 17 17 27 17 795 795 795 795 795 795 795 795 795 795 068 l ○ ○ V273 6225.4 LEYLAND P76 1973 - 74 F The Kangaroo Paw design is not available on all part numbers, ask your supplier for details. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 99 22.74HUB 5 99 5/06/2013 2:21:48 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness lexus Model Years F/R DBA No. STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented A D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes Dimensions (mm) B C D E F ES 240 3.5L V6 (ACV40) 05/06 - on F 2709 l l ll V 296 49.3 28 25 625 R 2707 l S286 65 10 8.5 625 ES 300 ES 300 1992 - 99 ES 300 8/99 - 01 ES 300 7/01 - ON 3.0L Vf6 (MCV30) F R F F R ES 350 3.5L V6 (GSV40) 05/06 - on F 2709 l l ll V 296 49.3 28 25 625 R 2707 l S286 65 10 8.5 625 GS 450H all models 2007 - on F 2720 l R 2721 l ○ ○○ 735 734 735 2705 2711 l l l l l ○ ○V27549.528 26 625 ○S288 65 10 9 625 ○ ○V27549.528 26 625 ○ ○V296 49.3 28 26 625 ○S269 65 12 10.5 625 ○ ○○ GS series all models 1993 - 05 F R GS300 (GRS190R) 3.0L RWD 03/05 - 03/12 F GS450H (gws191R) 2.5L 05/06 - 03.12 R ○V334 51 30 27 625 ○ V31067.518 16.5 625 ○ ○ 4748 l V 296 51 32 30 625 749 l S307 63 12 10.5 625 2720 l V334 51 30 27 625 ○ ○ ○ 2721 l ○V31067.518 16.5 625 GX series All models 9/02 - 09 F 2700 l l l l l V 338 68 28 26 1086 R 793 l lV312 68 18 16 1066 IS 200 IS 200 99 - 2/02 F 4748 l V 296 51 32 30 625 R 749 l S307 63 12 10.5 625 IS 250 All models 2006 - on F 2726 l lV29649.528 26 625 R 2727 l S29161.510 8.5 625 IS 300 all models 2000 - 05 F 4748 l V 296 51 32 30 625 R 749 l S307 63 12 10.5 625 IS 350 all models 2007 - on F 2720 l R 2721 l ls 400 LS 400 4/90 - 92 LS 400 1993 - 94 4.0L (ucf20R) 4dr sedan 11/94 - 11/00 4.0L (ucf21R) 4dr sedan 1994 - 1998 CHECK OE DISC DIAM. F R F F R F F R 100 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○V334 51 30 27 625 ○V31067.518 16.5 625 ○ ○ 737 l V276 51 28 738 l V29167.516 4748 l V296 51 32 745 l V31553.528 746 l V307 67 16 4748 l V296 51 32 745 l V31553.528 746 l V307 67 16 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ 26 15 30 26 15 30 26 15 605 605 625 625 625 625 625 625 All rights reserved. © Copyright 2013 Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. Trademarks: All DBA Part References listed in this catalogue are Trademarks of Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 100 5/06/2013 2:21:48 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness lexus Model Years F/R DBA No. LS 430 V8 4.2 litre 5/01 - 11/02 F 845 R 846 STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X l l 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented A D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes Dimensions (mm) B C D E F ○V31550.2530 28 625 ○V31067.516 14.5625 LS 460 All models 2007 - on F 2728 l R 2729 l ○V357.160.534 ○V334.966 22 31 625 20 625 LX 470 V8 DOHC 4.7L 4WD 4/1998 - 07 F 788 R 789 ○ ○ ○ ○ 30 1155 16 1105 LX 570 5.7L V8 (URJ201) 11/07 - on F 2722 l l l R 2723 l l l l l ll ll ○ ○ ○ V 312 ○ V 330 71 32 103 18 lllV 340 83.6 32 30 1125 lllV 34576.518 16 1125 RX 300 MCU10, ACU10 1998 - 11/01 F 2712 l R 734 l ○V29649.528 ○S288 65 10 RX 330 + RX 350 3.3L V6 4WD + FWD 3.5L ○ ○ 3/03 - on 2006 - on F 2702 l R 2703 l 26 625 9 625 l V320 49.3 28 26 l S288 69.5 10 8.5 625 625 RX 350 GGL15R 3.5L 204kw 4wd 02/09 - onf 2734 l R 2735 l check rear disc specs R 2703 l ○lv32849.528 25 625 ○lS30969.710 8.5 625 ○ ○ S288 69.5 10 8.5 625 RX 450 gyl15 3.5l 183kw 4wd 06/09 - onf 2734 l R 2735 l ○lv32849.528 25 625 ○lS30969.710 8.5 625 SC series SC 300 SC 400 SC 430 ○ l ○ V 296 51 32 30 625 ○ ○S307 63 12 10.5 625 1999 - 00 F 4748 1992 - 00R 749 l 2002 - 05 SOARER JZZ30 Eng: 1JZGTE 2.5L TURBO 1991 - on UZZ32 Eng: 1UZFE 4.0L V8 JZZ31 Eng: 2JZGE 3.0L 1994 - on UZZ30 Eng: 1UZFE 4.0L V8 1991 - on UZZ31 Eng: 1UZFE 4.0L V8 F 4748 R 746 F 568 l l R 586 l ○l ○ V 296 51 32 ○ ○V307 67 16 ○V27549.528 15 625 26 62 5 ○V29167.516 15 605 The Kangaroo Paw design is not available on all part numbers, ask your supplier for details. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 101 30 625 101 5/06/2013 2:21:49 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness lotus Model Years ELISE S1 All except SPORT 3/2000 - on Sport 135, 190, 111S 3/2000 - on (models with Lotus OEM cross-drilled rotors) F/R DBA No. STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented Dimensions (mm) B C D E F ○ ○ F/R 5355 l V 280 26 26 24.556.64 52356 l V280 29.4 26 24.556.64 F/R ELISE S2 / EXIGE Elise S2 2001 - on F/R 42355 LOTUS UPGRADE OPTION Elise S2 2001 - on F/R 52358 l 102 A D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes ○ ○ ○ l ○ l V288 44.5 26 24.560.14 V296 44.5 26 24.560.14 All rights reserved. © Copyright 2013 Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. Trademarks: All DBA Part References listed in this catalogue are Trademarks of Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 102 5/06/2013 2:21:49 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness MAZDA Model Years F/R DBA No. STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented A D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes Dimensions (mm) B C D E F EARLY SERIES 1500 SUE 1500 SS, 1800 SUA 11/66 - 68 1967 - 68 F 330 l ○S250 31 10 9 80 121, 121L SERIES 121 DA (Shades) 121 DB 1.5 Litre 121 DB 1.3 Litre 121 DW Metro 86 - 11/90 11/90 on 11/90 on 8/96 on F F F F 635 530 525 530 l l l l ○ S219 37 13 ○V23545.518 ○S235 45 12 ○V23545.518 11 16 10 16 754 554 554 554 323 SERIES FA4 RWD 11/76 - 8/80 F 339 l S206 54 13 BD10 FWD 1981 - 85 F 100 l S228 31 11 BF 11/85 - 89 F 930 l V238 31 18 BF Wagon 6/86 - 88 Check Disc Diamater BF10 All with rear disc 4/87 - 89 F 101 l V260 32 18 except wagon, Turbo only BF10 Turbo, 2WD 4/87 - 89 R 931 l S 222 35 10 All except 4WD Hub Seal Dia. 54mm BG Astina 1.6L, 1.8L SOHC 1990 - 94 F 532 l V23545.522 BG 1.8L SOHC 1990 - 94 R 531 l S231 35 9 BG Astina 1.8L DOHC 1990 - 94 F 533 l V25745.522 BA Protege 1.6L, 1.8 DOHC 94 - 4/98 R 534 l l S 250.534.5 9 BA Astina 2.0L & V6 5/94 - 4/98 F 535 l V274 45 22 R 536 l S25134.5 9 BJ Astina, Protege 1.6L 1998 - on F 532 l V23545.522 BJ Astina Protege 1.8L, 1998 - on F 537 l V258 47 24 R 539 l S261 40 10 BJ Astina Protege 1998 - on F 950 l V25848.524 2.0L SP20 R 951 l S261 40 9.5 ○ ○ ○ 12 Hub4 10 754 16 75 4 ○ 16 75 4 ○ 8 Hub 4 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ 20 554 8 554 20 554 ○ 626 SERIES GC FWD 2/83 - 2/84 GC FWD & Turbo 1984 - 87 GD FWD 1987 - 91 GE, EE 2.0 Litre, V6 1992 - 3/97 GF 2.0 Litre 4/97 - on incl. GF Series II GV 626 Wagon 2WD/4WD 1988- 9/97 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ 8 20 8 20 22 8 22 ○ 8 725 554 725 725 554 554 554 725 F F F F 119 334 633 950 l l l l ○S250 35 14 12.5 754 ○ V250 35 20 18.5 754 ○V264 47 24 22 645 ○ V258 49 24 22 725 R F 951 633 l l ○ S261 40 9.5 8 ○V264 47 24 22 630 l ○V250 56 18 17 Hub4 940 l ○ V246 56 20 18 Hub4 638 659 l l ○ V255 57 22 ○ V25572.422 20 Hub5 20 Hub5 929 / 929L SERIES 929L LA4, LA5 RWD 1978 - 2/82 F P.C.D. 120mm HBES Coupe, Sedan 1984 - 87 F (Hardtop) HC10 V6 non-ABS Series I 1987 - 91 F HC10 V6 Series II 11/89 - on F The Kangaroo Paw design is not available on all part numbers, ask your supplier for details. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 103 4 725 645 103 5/06/2013 2:21:49 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness MAZDA Model B SERIES B2000 - B2200 - B2600 2 W.D. B2000 - B2200 - B2600 4 W.D. B2500 - B2600 2 W.D. B2500 - B2600 4 W.D. B2500 - B2600 4 W.D. B2600 4WD BT50 3.2l gt, xt, xtr 4dr 2.2L xt rwd 3.2L xtr freestyle 4wd Years F/R DBA No. 1985 - 96 F 631 l 1985 - 96 F 965 l STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented Dimensions (mm) D E F ○ V256 20 20 18 86 ○V272 25 22 20 936 ○ ○ A D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes B C 1996 - 02 F 958 l V 255.524 24 22 1996 - 02 F 959 l V274 28 28 26 2002 - on F 2952 l l V 288.570.528 26 1998 - on F 964 l V275 24 24 22 2006 - 11 F 2952 l l V 288.570.528 26 11/11 - onf 2132 l v 301.560.732 ○ ○ CX-7 All Models 2007 - on F 2562 l R 2563 l E SERIES E1400 - E1800 Van 1984 - 97 F 632A Wagon & Short Body Traveller / Esky 632B ID Groove E2000 - E2200 Van 1984 - 5/92 F 631 STD & LWB E2000 - 2200 Pickup 1984 - 97 F 934 E2000 - 2200 Van 5/92 - on F 958 ○ ○ ○ ○V29648.528 ○ ○V302 57 18 6 866 936 986 936 986 986 26 725 16 725 l l l ○RH V231.5 58.5 ○ ○ LH V231.5 58.5 l ○ V256 20 20 18 866 l l ○V268 20 20 ○V255.524 24 18 866 22 866 l l ○V276 64 28 ○V274 51 28 26 725 26 725 TRIBUTE all models 2000 - 05 2.3L 4 cyl, 3.0L V6 2006 - on F 957 l F 2560 l R 2561 l ○ ○V278 47 24 ○ ○V302.747.226 ○ ○S30256.112 22 725 24 725 11 725 XEDOS 6 1.6L / 1.8L / 2.0L. 1992 - 00 F 950 l ○V258 49 24 22 725 MAZDA 2 1.5L Hatch 2003 - on F 2958 l ○ V25843.522 20 554 2954 2955 2956 2957 2962 2957 ○ V278 49 25 ○ S264 41 11 ○ ○l ○ V 300 49 25 ○ ○l ○ S279.5 41.5 11 ○ ○l ○ V 320 49 25 ○ ○l ○ S279.5 41.5 11 23 9 23 9 23 9 MPV LV10E1 LVW (D) 2.5L V6, 3.0L 1993 - on F 9/1999 - on F MAZDA 3 + MPS - AUSTRALIA 2.0L Sedan, Hatch 2003 - on NEO, MAXX, MAXX sport 2.3L SP23 2003 - 08 2.5L SP25 2009 - on MPS 2.3L 4 Cyl Turbo 2006 - on 104 F R F R F R 960 962 l l l l l l 18 16 Hub 4 18 16 Hub 4 725 725 725 725 725 725 All rights reserved. © Copyright 2013 Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. Trademarks: All DBA Part References listed in this catalogue are Trademarks of Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 104 5/06/2013 2:21:49 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness MAZDA Model Years F/R DBA No. MAZDA 6 2.3L DOHC MZR 2002 - 07 Sedan, Hatch, Wagon MPS 2.3L 4cyl TURBO 2005 - 07 GH series 12/08 - on F R F R F R MX-3 with rear drum 1992 - 95 with rear disc 1992 - 95 F 533 F 533 R 534 MX-5 - MIATA na 1.6 & 1.8 10/89 - 9/93 F R nA & nb 1.8 9/93 - 2000f incl. Titanium & 2000 - on SP Turbo Auto. Rear suits all models 1998 - on R incl. Titanium & SP Turbo Auto. NB 1.8L Titannium & SP Turbo 8/03 - 5/05 F * Manual models only * NB 1.8L Roadster 2005 model 2005 R NC 2.0L 5/05 - on F R 2950 2951 2960 2961 2963 2951 STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X l l l l l l 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented A D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes Dimensions (mm) B C ○ V27447.524 ○ S280 40 10 ○ ○l ○ V 320 46.5 25 ○ ○S314 41 11 ○V300 49 25 ○S280 40 10 D E F 22 8 23 9 23 8 725 725 725 725 725 725 ○ ○V25745.522 ○ ○V25745.522 l l l l 20 554 20 554 S25034.5 9 8 554 ○ ○V23545.518 ○S231 35 9 ○ ○l ○ V 255 45 20 530 531 538 l l l 534 l l 8 554 545 l ○S25034.5 9 ○ ○V270 46 22 20 554 ○ ○S276 35 10 ○ ○l ○ V 290 45.1 22 ○ ○S280 40 10 8 554 20 725 8 725 546 l 2959 l 2951 l 16 554 8 554 18 554 MAZDA 5 (Europe) All models with 2005 - on F 2956 l l V 300 49 25 23 725 16” wheels ○ ○ ○ MX 6 GC & Turbo 1986 - 87 GD Turbo 1987 - 91 GE 11/91 on F F F R 334 633 950 951 l l l l ○V250 35 20 18.5 754 ○ V264 47 24 22 645 ○V258 49 24 22 725 ○ S261 40 9.5 8 725 PREMACY 1.8L (rear drum brakes) 2.0L F R 950 951 l l ○V258 49 24 22 ○ S261 40 9.5 8 F F R F 336 636 637 947 l l l l ○V228 59 18 ○V276 65 22 ○V273 53 20 ○ ○V294 67 22 17 Hub4 20 775 18 665 20 725 F 2552 l ○ ○V302.545 24 22 725 R 2551 F 2550 l l ○ ○V302 43 18 ○ ○ ○ l ○ l V 323 46 24 16 725 22 725 R 2551 l ○ ○V302 43 18 16 725 1999 - 01 2001 - on RX-7 RX7 Series 1, 2 SA22 1979 - 83 RX7 Series 4 FC1 2/86 - 4/92 RX7 Series 4 (Turbo) FC1 2/86 - 4/92 RX7 FD 103 4/92 - on rx-8 RX8 - Standard 2003 - on Suspension Models RX8 - Sports 2003 - on Suspension Models ( AUSTRALIA ) The Kangaroo Paw design is not available on all part numbers, ask your supplier for details. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 105 725 725 105 5/06/2013 2:21:49 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness MERCEDES BENZ Model Years F/R DBA No. STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented A D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes Dimensions (mm) B C D E F C111 - COUPE 250, 280 SE/C 1965 - 68 F 250 R 251 lS27363.312.710.6705 lS279 72 10 8.3 675 C140 - COUPE 500 SEC, S500 Coupe 1993 - 95 F 284 l V320 82 30 27.4 675 R107 - SPORTS 280, 350, 450 SL, SLC 560 SL All R107 1973 - 80 1986 - 89 1972 - 89 F F R 255 264 251 lV278 67 22 20 805 l V284 43 22 19.4675 lS279 72 10 8.3 675 R129 - SPORTS R129, 500 SL 1985 - 90 F 264 l ○V284 43 22 19.4675 l ○S27363.312.710.6705 l ○S25367.312.711.1 l ○S279 72 10 8.3 675 W108 / W109 250, 280 S, SE 1965 - 68 F 250 W110 / W111 190C, 190D, 200, 230 Up to 1965 F 253 220B, S, SB, SEB, 230S Up to 1965 R 251 W113 - SPORTS 230 SL 250, 280 SL 230, 250, 280 SL W114 / W115 200, 220, 230 230/6, 250, 250 C, CE 230/6, 250 C, CE 280 E, C, CE All W114, W115 W116 280 S, SE, SEL 350, 450 SE, SEL All W116 W123 230, 240 D, 250 280 E, CE, TE 230 E, 300 D, 300 TD All W123 W126 300, 420, 560 SE, SEL 560 SEC All W126 Rears 106 ○ 69.5 5 1965 - 68 1968 - 72 1965 - 72 F F R 253 250 251 l l l ○S25367.312.711.1 69.55 ○S27363.312.710.6705 ○S279 72 10 8.3 675 1968 - 71 F 250 l ○S27363.312.710.6 70 5 1973 - 76 F 254 l ○S27863.312.710.6 80 5 1968 - 76 R 251 l ○S279 72 10 8.3 675 1972 - 80 F 255 l ○V278 67 22 1972 - 80 R 251 l ○S279 72 10 8.3 675 20 80 5 ○ 1976 - 78 F 254 l S27863.312.710.6 80 5 1976 - 84 1976 - 84 1976 - 84 R 251 l S279 72 10 8.3 675 ○ 1986 - 91 1986 - 91 1981 - 91 F F R 262 262 251 l l l ○V30068.527.525.4805 ○V30068.527.525.4805 ○S279 72 10 8.3 675 All rights reserved. © Copyright 2013 Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. Trademarks: All DBA Part References listed in this catalogue are Trademarks of Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 106 5/06/2013 2:21:49 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness MERCEDES BENZ Model Years F/R DBA No. STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented A D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes Dimensions (mm) B C D W124 260, 230 TE , 300 E, TE 1986 - 91 F 264 l V284 43 22 19.4 300 CE 1986 - 89 230, 260, 300 E, 300 D 1986 - 91 R 261 l S258 55 9 7.3 300 CE 1986 - 89 220 E, E220, 230 E 1991 - 95 F 264 l V284 43 22 19.4 280 E, E280, 300 E 220 E, E220, 230 E 1990 - 95 R 261 l S258 55 9 7.3 260 E, 280 E, E280 300 E, 300 D, E300 D E220 Coupe 1995 - on ○ ○ ○ ○ W140 300 SE 3.2 (Chassis No. A050548 on) S280, S320, 400 SE, S420 400, 500 SEL, S500 S600, 600 SEL V12 1992 - 98 1992 - 98 1992 - 98 W201 190 E, 190 D 2.5 190 E, 190 E 1.8 190 E 2.3 16 Valve 190 E 2.3, 2.6 190 E 1.8, 190 D 2.5, 190 E 1985 - 88 1988 - 91 1985 - 88 1986 - 93 1985 - 91 1993 - 95 F l ○V320 82 30 27.4 5 67 5 67 5 67 5 67 5 67 5 260 l ○S262 43 11 F F R 264 279 261 l l l ○V284 43 22 19.4675 ○V26244.522 19.4675 ○S258 55 9 7.3 675 556 l ○S26040.512 10 675 557 l ○V26040.522 19 675 557 559 l l ○V26040.522 ○S25855.2 8 19 675 7 675 03/93 - 05/00 F 265 l ○S28443.512 10 675 10/95 - 05/00 F 286 l ○V288 47 25 22.4675 05/93 - 05/00 10/95 - 05/00 9/95 - 8/97 05/93 - 05/00 F 09/97 - 05/00 01/94 - 05/00 03/93 - 05/00 F 264 l ○V284 43 22 19.4675 The Kangaroo Paw design is not available on all part numbers, ask your supplier for details. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 107 67 F W168 A140 07/97 - 08/04 F A160 CDI 07/98 - 08/04 A140 07/97 - 08/04 F A170 CDI 07/98 - 02/01 A170 CDI 02/01 - 08/04 A160 07/97 - 08/04 F R W202 C180 C200 D, C220 D, C250 D C200 KOMPRESSOR C230 KOMPRESSOR, C240 C280 C250 TD C36 AMG C280, C200 CDI C220 CDI C200 C220, C230 284 E F 9 107 5/06/2013 2:21:49 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness MERCEDES BENZ Model Years F/R DBA No. STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented A D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes Dimensions (mm) B C D E F S202 C180 T 06/96 - 09/00 F 264 l V284 43 22 19.4675 C200 T C230 T 06/96 - 06/98 C200 T CDI, C200 T D 06/96 - 03/01 C220 T CDI, C220 T D C200T KOMPRESSOR 06/96 - 03/01 F 286 l V288 47 25 22.4675 C230T KOMPRESSOR 06/97 - 09/00 C240 T 06/96 - 09/00 C240 T 09/00 - 03/01 C280 T 06/97 - 03/01 C250 T TURBO-D 06/96 - 03/01 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ W203 C180 KOMPRESSOR 05/02 - ON F 286 l V288 47 25 22.4675 C22 CGI KOMPRESSOR C200 KOMPRESSOR 05/00 - ON C230 KOMPRESSOR 05/02 - ON C180 05/00 - 05/02 C230 01/05 - ON C200 CDI 05/00 - ON C220 CDI 05/00 - ON C240, C320 05/00 - ON F 288 l V300 47 28 25.4675 C240 4-MATIC, C320 4-MATIC 07/02 - ON C280, C280 4-MATIC 01/05 - ON C270 CDI 12/00 - ON ○ ○ 203 C180 03/01 - 05/02 F 286 l V288 47 25 22.4675 C180 KOMPRESSOR 05/02 - ON C200 CGI KOMPRESSOR 05/02 - ON C200 KOMPRESSOR 05/02 - ON R 287 l S278 55 9 7.3 675 C230 KOMPRESSOR 05/02 - ON F 286 l V288 47 25 22.4675 C230 01/05 - ON C200, C220 CDI 03/01 - ON C240, C240 4-MATIC 03/01 - ON F 288 l V300 47 28 25.4675 C280, C280 4-MATIC 01/05 - ON C320, C320 4-MATIC 03/01 - ON C270 CDI 03/01 - ON ○ ○ ○ ○ CL203 C160, C180 KOMPRESSOR 05/02 - ON F R C200 KOMPRESSOR 05/02 - ON F R C200 CGI KOMPRESSOR 05/02 - ON F R C180, C200/230 03/01 - 05/02 F KOMPRESSOR R C230 01/05 - ON F C230 KOMPRESSOR 03/01 - 05/02 C320 09/02 - ON C200, C220 CDI 03/01 - ON F R 108 286 287 286 287 286 287 286 287 288 l l l l l l l l l ○V288 47 25 22.4675 ○S278 55 9 7.3 675 ○V288 47 25 22.4675 ○S278 55 9 7.3 675 ○V288 47 25 22.4675 ○S278 55 9 7.3 675 ○V288 47 25 22.4675 ○S278 55 9 7.3 675 ○V300 47 28 25.4675 286 287 l l ○V288 47 25 22.4675 ○S278 55 9 7.3 675 All rights reserved. © Copyright 2013 Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. Trademarks: All DBA Part References listed in this catalogue are Trademarks of Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 108 5/06/2013 2:21:50 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness MERCEDES BENZ Model Years F/R DBA No. STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented A D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes Dimensions (mm) B C D E F C203 CLK200 06/97 - 06/02 F 286 l V288 47 25 22.4675 CLK200, CLK230 KOMPRESSOR CLK320 R 287 l S278 55 9 7.3 675 ○ ○ w204 C200 1.8l RWD SEDAN 03/10 - ON F 2262 l V29564.528 25.4675 C200 1.8l KOMPRESSOR 07/07 - 02/10 C220 CDI 2.2L DIESEL 07/07 - 05/11 C250 1.8l TURBO PETROL 01/10 - ON C280 3.0L PETROL 2007 - 08 R 2263 l S30055.510 8.3 675 ○ ○ A208 CLK200 03/98 - 03/02 F 286 l V288 47 25 22.4675 R 287 l S278 55 9 7.3 675 CLK200 KOMPRESSOR 03/98 - 03/02 F 288 l V300 47 28 25.4675 CLK230 KOMPRESSOR 03/98 - 03/02 F 288 l V300 47 28 25.4675 CLK320 03/98 - 03/02 ○ ○ ○ ○ C208 / 209 CLK200 CGI 09/02 - on F 286 l V288 47 25 22.4675 CLK200 KOMPRESSOR R 287 l S278 55 9 7.3 675 CLK240, CLK320 06/02 - on F 288 l V300 47 28 25.4675 CLK270 CDI 10/02 - on ○ ○ ○ A209 CLK200 CGI 02/03 - on F 288 l V300 47 28 25.4675 CLK200 KOMPRESSOR CLK240, CLK320 W210 E200, E200 D 6/95 - 3/02 F 286 l V288 47 25 22.4675 E200 CDI 1998 - 3/02 ○ ○ E200 KOMPRESSOR (120Kw) 2000 - 3/02 E200 KOMPRESSOR 1997 - 3/02 E220 D 6/95 - 3/02 E220 CDI 1998 - 3/02 E230 6/95 - 97 E240 V6 1997 - 3/02 E240 V6 w/ ESP 1997 - 3/02 E250 D, E250 TD 6/95 - 3/02 E270 CDI 1999 - 3/02 E280 1996 - 3/02 E280 4-MATIC 1997 - 3/03 E290 TD 1996 - 3/02 E300 D 6/95 - 3/02 E300 TD 1996 - 99 E320 6/95 - 3/02 E320 CDI 1999 - 3/02 E320 4-Matic 1997 - 3/02 R 287 F 288 F 286 l l l ○S278 55 9 7.3 675 ○V300 47 28 25.4675 ○V288 47 25 22.4 67 5 R F F R F 287 288 286 287 288 l l l l l ○S278 55 9 7.3 675 ○V300 47 28 25.4675 ○V288 47 25 22.4675 ○S278 55 9 7.3 675 ○V300 47 28 25.4675 F 286 l ○V288 47 25 22.4675 R 287 F 288 l l ○S278 55 9 7.3 675 ○V300 47 28 25.4675 The Kangaroo Paw design is not available on all part numbers, ask your supplier for details. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 109 109 5/06/2013 2:21:50 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness MERCEDES BENZ Model Years F/R DBA No. W211 **Check Dimensions** E200 4/02-08F 2258 w/o AMG sports upgrade R 2259 E220 4/02-08F 2258 w/o AMG sports upgrade R 2259 E230 4/02-08F 2258 w/o AMG sports upgrade R 2259 E240 4/02-08F 2258 w/o AMG sports upgrade R 2259 E200K 4/02-08F 2258 w/o AMG sports upgrade R 2259 E270 4/02-08F 2258 w/o AMG sports upgrade R 2259 E280 4/02-08F 2258 w/o AMG sports upgrade R 2259 E320 4/02-08F 2258 w/o AMG sports upgrade R 2259 s210 E200 5/96 - 00 E200 KOMPRESSOR (120Kw) 2000 - 3/03 E200 KOMPRESSOR (137Kw) 1997 - 3/03 E220 CDI 1998 - 3/03 (Short Wheelbase) E220 CDI (Long Wheelbase) 1998 - 3/03 E240 V6 1997 - 3/03 E240 V6 w/ ESP 1997 - 3/03 E250 D (Short Wheelbase) 5/96 - 99 E250 D (Long Wheelbase) 5/96 - 99 E270 CDI 1999 - 3/03 E280, E280 4-MATIC 1997 - 3/03 E290 TD 1996 - 99 (Short Wheelbase) E290 TD (Long Wheelbase) 1996 - 99 E300 TD 1996 - 99 E320, E320 4-Matic 1997 - 3/03 E320 CDI 1999 - 3/03 STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented A D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes Dimensions (mm) B C D E F l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l ○V296 55 28 25.4675 ○V30068.522 19.4675 ○V296 55 28 25.4675 ○V30068.522 19.4675 ○V296 55 28 25.4675 ○V30068.522 19.4675 ○V296 55 28 25.4675 ○V30068.522 19.4675 ○V296 55 28 25.4675 ○V30068.522 19.4675 ○V296 55 28 25.4675 ○V30068.522 19.4675 ○V296 55 28 25.4675 ○V30068.522 19.4675 ○V296 55 28 25.4675 ○V30068.522 19.4675 F R F F F 286 287 288 288 286 l l l l l ○V288 47 25 22.4675 ○S278 55 9 7.3 675 ○V300 47 28 25.4675 ○V300 47 28 25.4675 ○V288 47 25 22.4675 F F F F 286 286 288 286 l l l l ○V288 47 25 22.4675 ○V288 47 25 22.4675 ○V300 47 28 25.4675 ○V288 47 25 22.4675 F 288 l ○V300 47 28 25.4675 F 286 l ○V288 47 25 22.4675 F F 286 288 l l ○V288 47 25 22.4675 ○V300 47 28 25.4675 r170 SLK 200 1996 - 00 F 286 l V288 47 25 22.4675 R 287 l S278 55 9 7.3 675 SLK 200 KOMPRESSOR 1996 - 2/04 F 286 l V288 47 25 22.4675 R 287 l S278 55 9 7.3 675 SLK 230 KOMPRESSOR 1996 - 2/04 F 286 l V288 47 25 22.4675 R 287 l S278 55 9 7.3 675 SLK 320 2000 - 2/04 F 288 l V300 47 28 25.4675 R 287 l S278 55 9 7.3 675 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ r171 SLK 200 KOMPRESSOR 3/04 - on F 286 l V288 47 25 22.4675 R 287 l S278 55 9 7.3 675 SLK 280 2005 - on F 288 l V300 47 28 25.4675 R 287 l S278 55 9 7.3 675 ○ ○ ○ ○ 110 All rights reserved. © Copyright 2013 Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. Trademarks: All DBA Part References listed in this catalogue are Trademarks of Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 110 5/06/2013 2:21:50 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness MERCEDES BENZ Model Years F/R DBA No. STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented A D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes Dimensions (mm) B C D E F g - class - 4wd G500 4Dr 5.0L V8 SOHC 2002 - 03 F 2250 l V315 83 30 27.4 855 GL320 3.0l CDI TURBO 11/06 - 01/10 F 2254 l V350 55 32 29.4 675 R 2255 l V330 63 22 19.4675 ○ ○ ○ ○ M - CLASS (W163 & W164) ML 230 1998 - 00 F 550 l V303 51 26 23 675 ML 270 Turbo Diesel 1999 - 01 R 551 l S285 53 15 13 675 (ch.>A289558) ML 320 V6 (ch.>A289558) 1998 - 01 ML 270 Turbo Diesel 2002 - 03/05 F 552 l V345 51 32 30 675 (ch.A289559>) R 553 l S33155.514 12 675 ML 320 V6 (ch.A289559>) 2002 - 03/05 ML 400 Turbo Diesel 2001 - 03/05 F 552 l V345 51 32 30 675 ML 430 V8 1998 - 01 ML 500 4WD Luxury V8 2001 - 03/05 R 553 l S33155.514 12 675 ML 55 AMG 4WD V8 1999 - 03/05 ML 280, 320, 350 (W164) 4/05 - on F 2252 l V330 55 32 29.4 675 R 2253 l S330 63 14 11.4 675 ML 420, 500 (W164) 4/05 - on F 2254 l V350 55 32 29.4 675 ML 63 AMG (W164) 1/06 - on R 2255 l V330 63 22 19.4675 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ MB100 / MB140 MB100, MB100D - Van MB100D 2.9 Van MB140, MB140D - Van 11/99 - 03 12/01 - 03 11/99 - 03 R - CLASS R 280, R 320, R 350 R 500, R 63 AMG S Rear 14mm Thick V Rear 22mm Thick 1/06 - on F 2252 1/06 - on F 2254 1/06 - onR 2253 1/06 - on R 2255 Sprinter All models 1995 - 5/06 Rear 12mm Thick Rear 16mm Thick Rear 22mm Thick 3T, 3.5T 6/06 - on 5T 6/06 - on F 2266 l F R R R F R F 566 2267 567 2268 2270 2269 2270 l l l l ○V29468.524 22 855 ○V330 55 32 29.4 675 ○V350 55 32 29.4 675 ○S330 63 14 11.4 675 ○V330 63 22 19.4675 l V276 77 22 19.5 855 l S25896.512 10 855 l S272 97 16 14 855 l V285 93 22 19 1206 l V 299.568.528 25 856 l S29871.516 14 856 l V 299.568.528 25 856 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ VITO 108D, 110D, 113D 1999 - 9/03 F 564 l V276 60 22 19.5 675 112 R 565 l S280 63 10 8.5 675 VITO all models 9/03-08 F 2256 l V30058.628 25 675 R 2257 l S29657.810 8 675 VIANO VIANO all models 6/03-07 F 2256 l V30058.628 25 675 R 2257 l S29657.810 8 675 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ The Kangaroo Paw design is not available on all part numbers, ask your supplier for details. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 111 111 5/06/2013 2:21:50 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness MG Model MG MG Midget Mk I-II MG Midget Mk III (Disc Wheels) MG B, GT MG B Mk II, GT Mk II 112 Years F/R DBA No. STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented A D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes Dimensions (mm) B C D ○ 63 4 ○S273.444.58.7 7.6 73 4 1963 - 67 F 061 l S 209.860 7.7 7 1967 - 72 1962 - 66 1967 - 72 F 062 l E F All rights reserved. © Copyright 2013 Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. Trademarks: All DBA Part References listed in this catalogue are Trademarks of Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 112 5/06/2013 2:21:50 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness MINI - cooper Model Mini Cooper S Mini Clubman, GT Years F/R DBA No. STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented ○ A D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes Dimensions (mm) B C D 1964 - 67 F 081 l S19077.59.5 8.5 1970 - 73 E F 73.5 4 MINI COOPER - R50 COUPE W10 Eng. 9/00 - on F 542 l V276 44 22 19 644 COUPE ONE 1.4d W17 Eng. 6/02 - on COUPE ONE 1.4i W10 Eng. 2/02 - on COUPE ONE 1.6i W10 Eng. 9/00 - on R 543 l S259 44 10 8.4 644 ○ ○ ○ ○ MINI COOPER - R52 CONVERTIBLE COOPER S W11 Eng. 11/02 - on F 542 l V276 44 22 19 644 COOPER W10 Eng. 11/02 - on CONVERTIBLE ONE 1.4i 2/02 - on R 543 l S259 44 10 8.4 644 ○ ○ ○ ○ MINI COOPER - R53 COUPE COOPER S W11 Eng. 9/00 - on MINI COOPER - R56 COUPE & CLUBMAN 10/05 - on N12 Eng. exc. JCW COOPER S inc. CLUBMAN 10/05 - on N14 Eng. exc. JCW JOHN COOPER WORKS 2007 - on Coupe & Clubman MINI COOPER - 2 PIECE UPGRADE COOPER, COOPER S 2003 F 542 R 543 l l ○ ○V276 44 22 19 644 ○ ○S259 44 10 8.4 644 2526 543 2524 543 2528 2529 l l l l l l ○ ○V280 44 22 20.4644 ○ ○S259 44 10 8.4 644 ○ ○l ○ V 294 44 22 20.4644 ○ ○S259 44 10 8.4 644 ○ ○V316 45 22 20.4644 ○ ○S280 44 10 8.4 644 F R F R F R ○ F 52525 l V 320 48.5 28 27 644 Replacement for Brembo Gran Turismo Big Brake System 5000 series 2-piece assembled The Kangaroo Paw design is not available on all part numbers, ask your supplier for details. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 113 113 5/06/2013 2:21:50 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness MITSUBISHI Model Years F/R DBA No. STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented A D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes Dimensions (mm) B C D E F 3000 GT JF 10/92 - 5/94 3000 GT 5/94 - on F R F R 213 214 216 217 l l l l 3000 GT. GT-SL, GT-VR4 (USA) GT & GT-SL 4/90 - 95 GT-VR4 1990 - 5/93 GT-VR4 6/93 - 99 F R F R F R 425 423 213 214 216 217 l l V276 45 24 22.4695 l V26665.518 16.4 905 l V29645.230 28.4 695 l V28452.820 18.4905 l V31445.530 28.4 695 l V29750.520 18.4905 380 ES, SX, VRX, LX, GT 2005 - on F 2206 l R 2207 l ○ ○V294 46 28 26.4695 ○ ○V30259.218 16.4 695 F 2422 l ○V29445.526 24.4695 F 215 l F 2226 l ○S228 40 13 11.4 864 ○V25645.524 21.5694 F 2228 l R 2227 l ○V28046.526 23.5694 ○S25038.510 8 694 ASX 2.0L fwd 4DR wagon (xA) 1.8L diesel turbo (xa) 2.0L aspire 4wd 07/10 - on COLT RA, RB, RC, RD, RE 1980 - 6/90 1.5L, Z2, SPORTS & 1.5L D 2004-on **Check Centre Hole Dia.** 1.5L Turbo & Ralliart 2004-on CORDIA AC Non Turbo AA, AB Turbo AC Turbo 12/85 - 7/89 5/84 - 11/85 12/85 - 7/89 ○ ○V29645.230 28.4 695 ○ ○V28452.820 18.4905 ○ ○V31445.530 28.4 695 ○ ○V29750.520 18.4905 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ F 219 l ○ V24234.518 16.4 F 409 l ○ V266 34 24 22.4864 86 4 FTO / ECLIPSE 1.8Litre: 2.0Litre 1.8GS + 2.0L 14 inch wheels 9/94 - 9/97 2.0L Mivec V6 15 inch wheels 9/94 - 9/97 1.8GS + 2.0L 14 inch wheels 10/97 - 8/00 Eclipse Turbo 2WD 1/1994 - 98 F 411B l V256 45 24 22.4695 F 425 l l V276 45 24 22.4695 F 421 l V25645.224 22.4695 R 2203 l S262 60 10 8.4 905 GALANT HG 5/89 - 8/90 HH - Except VR4 Turbo 9/90 - 93 HH5 VR4 Turbo 9/90 - 93 HG, HH 5/89 - 93 HJ 1994 - on F F F R F R 114 ○ ○ ○ 221 411 402 403 411 404 l l l l l l ○ ○ V26545.524 22.4694 ○V256 45 24 22.4694 ○ ○V276 45 24 22.4694 ○ S265 49 10 8.4 904 ○V256 45 24 22.4694 ○S262 60 10 8.4 904 All rights reserved. © Copyright 2013 Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. Trademarks: All DBA Part References listed in this catalogue are Trademarks of Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 114 5/06/2013 2:21:50 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness MITSUBISHI Model Years F/R LANCER CA 1988 - 8/90 F CB 1, 2, 3, 4 1.5 Litre 9/90 - 93 F CC GSR Turbo Sedan 10/92 - on F R CC (Hatch 1.5 Litre) 10/92 - 02 F CE 1.5 & 1.8 Litre 10/92 - 02 F CC 1.8L CS & CH 15” Wheels 7/2003 - 08 F **4 Stud** R CJ Ralliart 2007-3/09 F 4/09-on F r CJ Aspire 2.4L 2009-on F R Coupe CC 1.5 Litre 10/92 - 02 F CG 2.0L 14-inch wheels 2/2002 - 03 F CH 2.0L 14-inch wheels 7/2003 - 05 CH VR-X 2.0L 15-inch wheels 7/2003 - 05 F CH 2.4L all models 2006 - 08 R CJ Saloon + Sportback 03/2008 - on F (non-turbo) excl. R VRX/Ralliart CJ Ralliart 2008 - 3/09 F EVOLUTION (LANCER) EVO I, II, III 1993 - 95 * Check Dimensions * EVO IV, V, VI - RS models 1996 - on DBA No. STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented A D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes Dimensions (mm) B C D E F 219 412 411 406 412 413 l l l l l l ○V24234.518 16.4 864 ○ V236 34 18 16.4 864 ○V256 45 24 22.4694 ○S260 41 10 8.4 904 ○ V236 34 18 16.4 864 ○V235 45 18 16.4 64 4 2214 404 417 2422 2213 2422 2425 l l l l l l l ○V27645.526 24.4694 ○s262 60 10 8.4 904 ○ ○l ○ V 294 46 24 22.4695 ○V29445.526 24.4695 ○S302 58.5 10 8.4 805 ○V29445.526 24.4695 ○S30260.310 8.4 805 408 l 2200 l ○ S235 45 13 11.4 644 ○V256 45 24 22.4644 2201 2203 2201 2209 l lV27645.526 24.4695 l S262 60 10 8.4 905 l lV27645.526 24.4695 l S262 60 10 8.4 805 417 l ○ ○ ○ ○l ○ V 294 46 24 22.4695 ○ ○ ○ F 402 l V276 45 24 22.4694 R 406 l S 26041108.4 904 F 4428 l V 276 45.5 24 22.4695 ○ ○ ○ ○V28460.220 18.4905 EVO IV GSR 1996 F 417 l ○ ○l ○ V 294 46 24 22.4695 Eng:4G63 16 inch wheels R 419 l ○ ○l ○lV 300 58 22 20 905 EVO V, VI, VII, VIII, IX GSR & RS-2 1996 - 08 F 4418 ○ l ○l V320 43.5 32 29.8 695 Eng:4G63 17 inch wheels F 52218 ○l lV 320 43.5 32 29.8 695 R 419 l ○ ○l ○lV 300 57 22 20 905 EVO X incl MR models 2008 - 2010 F 42224 ○ ○ l ○ l lV 350 44 32 30 695 R 42225 ○l ○lV 330 59 22 20 805 Eng:4G63 15 inch wheels suits 2-pot calipers R 429 l EVOX BremBo replacement RING - MR models GSR with perf. pack F52226.1l V 350 32 32 The Kangaroo Paw design is not available on all part numbers, ask your supplier for details. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 115 30 115 5/06/2013 2:21:51 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness MITSUBISHI Model Years F/R DBA No. STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented A D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes Dimensions (mm) B C D E F MAGNA TM, TN, TP 1985 - 91 F 221 l V26645.524 22.4694 R 222 l S251 49 10 8.4 Hub4 TN, TP Wagon Only 7/87 - 92 R 223 l S276 84 10 8.4 Hub 4 TR, TS - 4 Cyl models only 4/91 - on F 421 l V25645.224 22.4695 Except TR 4cyl with an ‘X’ in the ○ ○ ○ ○ chassis no. - Manf. up to 8/92 TR 4 cyl up to 8/92 F 425 ○ l ○V276 45 24 22.4695 l ○V276 45 24 22.4695 l l V276 45 24 22.4695 with an ‘X’ in the chassis no. TR, TSV6 Non ABS models 1993 - on TR, TS V6 ABS models only 1993 - on TR, TS 4 Cyl + V6 Non ABS 4/91 - on TS V6 Sedan ABS 3/94 - on TE 4 Cyl, V6 4/96 - on ABS & non ABS TF, TH, TJ, VR-X, Sports V6 6/97 - on TL (ES, LS, VR, VR-X) V6 TJ (II) AWD V6 1/2003 - on TL AWD V6 8/2003 - on TJ Ralliart 2002 - 03 Mirage / SPACE STAR CE 1. 5 Litre 7 /9 6 - on F 425 l F 425 l R 422 l S258 6610.4 8.4 905 R 423 l V26665.518 16.4 905 F 425 l l V276 45 24 22.4695 R 426 l S25856.510.58.4 905 F 425 l l V276 45 24 22.4695 R 426 l S25856.510.58.4 905 F 417 l l V 294 46 24 22.4695 R 429 l V28460.220 18.4905 R 42429 l V 284 57 20 18.4905 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ F NIMBUS / SPACEWAGON / CHARIOT GRANDIS UA, UB, UC 1984 - 91 F UF 2.4 Litre 1/92 - 98 F UG 7/98 - 2001 F R SIGMA GH, GJ, GK, GN 1980 - 87 VERADA / DIAMANTE KR, KS V6 ABS & non-ABS KR, KS V6 non-ABS KR, KS V6 Sedan with ABS KE KF, KJ 2.4, 3.0, 3.5 Litre KL (Ei, GTVi, Xi) V6 KJ (II) AWD V6 KL AWD V6 8/91 - on 8/91 - on 3/94 - on 10/96 - 6/97 6/97 - on 1/2003 - on 1/2003 - on 8/2003 - on CANTER CANTER 4.0DT FE659 1996 - on CHALLENGER Challenger (PA) 3.0L V6 12/97 - on XS, LS - Door Wagon 2.5L d/turbo 4wd (pb) 12/09 - on 2.5L d/turbo rwd 10/11 - on 116 ○ ○ ○V235 45 18 16.4 644 413 l 219 411 425 429 l V24234.518 16.4 864 l V25645.324 22.4694 l lV27645.524 22.4695 l V28460.220 18 905 F 205 R 207 ○ ○ ○ ○ l l ○S25632.513 11.5 804 ○S280 7310.58.8 684 ○ F R R F 425 422 423 425 l l V276 45 24 22.4695 l S258 6610.4 8.4 905 l V26665.518 16.4 905 l l V276 45 24 22.4695 R F R 426 417 429 l l l ○ ○ F 2220 l R 2221 l ○ ○ S25856.510.58.4 905 ○ ○l ○ V 294 46 24 22.4695 ○ ○V28460.220 18.4905 ○ ○ V310 55 40 1146 V310 70 40 139 12 ○ ○l ○ V 276 45.3 24 ○ ○l ○ S 315 84 18 ○l ○ V 295 46.5 28 F 663 l R 233 l F 2208 l l 22.4876 16.4 1086 26.4946 All rights reserved. © Copyright 2013 Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. Trademarks: All DBA Part References listed in this catalogue are Trademarks of Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 116 5/06/2013 2:21:51 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness MITSUBISHI Model Express SJ 2.4 Litre SJ 2.0/2.5 Years F/R DBA No. STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented A D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes Dimensions (mm) B C D E F F F 229 230 l l ○V27645.522 20.4876 ○V25833.522 20.4845 L200 - Later models, see TRITON MA, MB, MC, MD - 2WD 1981 - 86 MA, MC, MD - 4WD 1981 - 86 F F 220 228 l l ○S255 34 20 18.4846 ○V255 45 20 18.4876 L300 SA SB, SC, SD, SE SF, SG, SH, SJ 2WD SC, SD, SE 4WD SF, SG, SH, SJ 4WD WA LWB 2.4L F F F F F F 225 226 230 228 229 208 l l l l l l ○V23229.520 18.4845 ○V255 34 20 18.4845 ○V25833.522 20.4845 ○V255 45 20 18.4876 ○V27645.522 20.4876 ○V254 39 24 22.4875 12/94 - on 12/94 - on 1980 - 82 1982 - 9/86 10/86 - on 1983 - 9/86 10/86 - on 9/94 - on OUTLANDER / AIRTREK ZE 2S45 AWD 2002 - 2006 F All models 2006 - on *Check Dimensions of F front for correct fitment* R ZE & ZF AWD 2002-06 F R ZG 2.4L 2007-on F R ZG 3.0L 2007-on F r 2201 l lV27645.526 24.4695 417 2209 2201 2203 2422 2425 2422 2213 ○ ○ ○ l l V 294 46 24 22.4 69 5 l V 262 60.3 10 8.4 80 5 l lV27645.526 24.4695 l S262 60 10 8.4 905 l V29445.526 24.4695 l S30260.310 8.4 805 l V29445.526 24.4695 l S302 58.5 10 8.4 805 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ The Kangaroo Paw design is not available on all part numbers, ask your supplier for details. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 117 117 5/06/2013 2:21:51 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness MITSUBISHI Model PAJERO / SHOGUN NA, NB, NC, ND SWB NA, NB, NC, ND LWB NE, NF, NG, NH SWB NE, NF, NG, NH LWB NF, NG, NH V6 LWB NH, NJ V6 SOHC NJ V6 DOHC Check Bolt Holes - use DBA-234T Years 1983 - 9/87 1983 - 9/87 10/87 - 92 F/R DBA No. F F F 228 224 232 STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X l l l NJ 3.5L NF, NG, NH, NJ NK 2.8L & 3.0L 15” Wheels NK 3.5L All NK Rears NL 2.8L 15” Wheels Dimensions (mm) B C D E F ○V255 45 20 18.4876 ○V275 45 20 18.4876 ○V258 45 22 20.4876 ○ ○ 12/93 - on 5/91 - 94 11/96 - 9/97 F R F 236 233 234 l l l ○V27645.327 25.4876 ○S315 84 18 16.4 1086 ○V276 45 24 22.4876 6/96 - on 6/96 - on 6/96 - on F R F 236 233 234 l l l ○V27645.327 25.4876 ○S315 84 18 16.4 1086 ○V276 45 24 22.4876 Check Bolt Holes - use DBA-234T if holes are tapped/threaded Check Bolt Holes - use DBA-234T if holes are tapped/threaded NL GLX 3.5L 15” Wheels 6/96 - on NL GLS 3.5L & NK 3.5L 6/96 - on 16”,18” Wheels All NL Rears 6/96 - on iO Series (QA) 1999 - on NM 3.2L T/Diesel, 3.5L V6 5/2000 - 02 NP 3.2L T/Diesel, 3.5L V6 11/02 - 06 Shogun 2.8DT 3.2DT, 3.5i NS, NT 3.8L V6 Petrol 2006 - on Ns 3.9L petrol 10/06 - on early models check front disc diam. nt, nw 3.2L diesel 01/09 - on nt, nw 3.2L diesel turbo ns glx vrx exceed 3.2L 10/06 - 12/08 diesel turbo nt r, vr, vrx 3.9L 10/06 - on 118 A 9/88 - 92 F 229 l V27645.522 20.4876 1992 - on F 234 l V276 45 24 22.4876 1992 - on if holes are tapped/threaded 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes ○V27645.327 25.4876 ○V31445.524 22.4876 F F 236 237 l l R F F 233 239 660 l S315 84 18 16.4 1086 l V286 39 22 20 695 l l l l V 290 46 26 24.4946 R R F F R F 661 2219 660 2216 2219 2216 ○ ○ l l l l l l l l l ll ll l ll l ll l ll l V 300 l V 332 l V 290 l V 332 l V 332 l V 332 72 74.6 46 56.7 74.6 56.7 22 18 26 28 18 28 20.4946 16 946 24.4946 26 946 16 946 26 946 R 2219 l l ll l V 332 74.6 18 16 946 All rights reserved. © Copyright 2013 Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. Trademarks: All DBA Part References listed in this catalogue are Trademarks of Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 118 5/06/2013 2:21:51 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness MITSUBISHI Model ROSA BUS NS 3.8L V6 Petrol Years 2006 - on F/R DBA No. F 2222 l STARWAGON / Delica Space Gear / LZ6460 Future WA 9/94 - on F 208 SF, SG, SH 2WD 10/86 - 8/94 F 230 SF, SG, SH 4WD 10/86 - 8/94 F 229 SJ Satellite 9/95 - on F 230 TRITON ME, MF, MG, MH, MJ 2WD ME, MF, MG, MH, MJ 4WD MJ 4X2 MJ 4X4 MK 4X2 14inch all except 3.0L V6 MK 4X2 15inch MK 4X4 3.0L V6 GLX MK 4X4 16inch GLS ML 4x2, 4x4 all models MN 4x2, 4x4 all models MM 4x2, 4x4 all models STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented A D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes Dimensions (mm) B C D E F ○V293 54 40 37.71105 l l l l ○V254 39 24 22.4875 ○V25833.522 20.4845 ○V27745.522 20.4876 ○V25833.522 20.4845 1986 - on F 231 1986 - on F 229 12/94 -10/96F231 12/94 -10/96F229 10/96 - on F 662 l l l l l ○V25833.522 20.4846 ○V27645.522 20.4876 ○V25833.522 20.4846 ○V27645.522 20.4876 ○V254 39 24 22.4876 663 l ○V27645.324 22.4876 10/96 - on F ○ 6/01 - on F 237 l V31445.524 22.4876 2007 - 2009 F 2208 l l l V 295 46.5 28 26.4946 2009 - on 2010 - on ○ ○ MORRIS - AUSTIN AUSTIN HEALEY Sprite Mk II-III (1100) Sprite Mk IV (1275) Sprite Mk II-III (1100) Sprite Mk IV (1275) 3000 Mk II-III 3 LITRE 1962 - 71 F 060 l 209.839.57.5 ○S 1962 - 71 F 061 l 209.860 7.7 7.3 634 ○S 1960 - 68 F 094B l 63.5 4 ○S 281 3812.711.4 82.65 The Kangaroo Paw design is not available on all part numbers, ask your supplier for details. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 119 7 119 5/06/2013 2:21:51 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness NISSAN Model Years 180SX RS13 (180SX) 1.8L Turbo 1989 - 1/91 RS13 (180SX) 2.0L Turbo 1/91 - on F/R DBA No. STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented A D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes Dimensions (mm) B C F R F R 918 904 919 904 l l l l ○ V250 49 18 ○ S25846.5 9 ○ V280 49 22 ○ S25846.5 9 D E F 16 8 20 8 684 684 684 684 200B 810 Local 10/77 - 7/79 810 Import 1980 - 81 200SX S14 8/94 - on S15 2000 - on F 315 l ○S253 4812.710.5 F R F R 909 906 909 906 l l l l l l l l 240C 230 all models 1971 - 73 F 320 l ○S271 5212.510.5 815 240K C110 4D 12/75 - 78 F 315 l ○S253 4812.710.5 734 260C 230 all models 2/73 - 10/75 F 320 l ○S271 5212.510.5 815 F 907 l ○ V280 54 26 F R 909 908 l l l lV 280 54 30 l l l llV 297 63 18 300ZX 300ZX All Z31 Models 2/87 - on 300ZR (Jap Import) 3/88 - on 300ZX Z32 VG30DTT 1989 - 99 ○ l ○l ○l ○l ○ ○ 350Z 350Z 3.5L V6 (Touring model) 2003 - 05 F 954 l R 574 l 350Z 3.5L V6 (17” Wheels) 10/05 - on F 2308 l R 2309 l l 350Z 3.5L V6 (Track model) 2003 - on F 4600 Brembo 4-pot front brake caliper Brembo 2-pot rear brake caliperR 4601 ○lV 280 ○lS 258 ○lV 280 ○lS 258 54 30 47 9 54 30 47 9 ○ ○ ○l ○ V 296 49.2 24 ○ ○V292 62 16 ○ ○l ○lV 320 49.7 28 ○l ○lV 308 62.5 16 ○ ○ l ○ l V 324 49 30 ○l ○ V 322 62.5 22 28 8 28 8 73 4 685 685 685 685 24 685 28 685 16 685 22 14 26 14 28 685 685 685 685 685 20.2 685 370Z 3.7L V6 (Brembo calipers) 2008 - on F 2314 l R 2315 l ○ ○ ○ l ○ l V354.6 49.5 ○ ○l ○ V 350 62 BLUEBIRD 910 All Models 1981 - 86 F 609 R 611 l l ○ S250 43 12 10.5 Hub4 ○ S280 7710.59.5 684 FAIRLADY Fairlady 311, 2000 Sport 1966 - 71 F 610 l ○ S28444.510.4 120 32 20 30 685 18 685 9.4 764 All rights reserved. © Copyright 2013 Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. Trademarks: All DBA Part References listed in this catalogue are Trademarks of Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 120 5/06/2013 2:21:51 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness NISSAN Model 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes Dimensions (mm) Years F/R Outlander / GAZELLE S12 All Models 1984 - 88 F 612 l ○ V250 22 18 16 734 EXA - TWIN CAM - KN13 KN13 EXA 1.6L KN13 EXA 1.8L All Rears 2/87 - 91 1988 - 91 5/87 - 91 F F R 603 628 606 l l l ○ V24045.518 ○ V250 45 18 ○ S234 481 10 16 614 16 614 9hub4 l l l l l l l l ○V28049.322 ○S258 45 10 ○S25844.5 9 ○V280 50 26 ○S278 45 9 ○V280 50 26 ○S278 45 9 ○l ○ V 296 49.2 24 20 9 8 24 8 24 8 22 l l l ○S23445.512 ○S240 41 7 ○V238 45 22 10 594 6 614 20 614 DBA No. MAXIMA / CEFIRO J30 All Models 1990 -11/94 F 910 2/90 -10/92 R 912 10/92 -11/94R 925 A32 All Models 11/94 -10/99 F 914 R 915 A33 6 cyl 3.0L 10/99 - 10/03 F 914 R 915 J31 10/03 - on F 954 MICRA / MARCH K11 K11E All Models 5/95 - on F 920 R 921 K12 1.4l 72kw 09/04 - 10 F 2326 K13 1.2l 56kw 10/10 - on K13 1.4l 75kw 10/10 - on STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X A B C D E F 685 685 685 685 685 685 685 685 NX COUPE B13 2 Litre DOHC 10/91 - 94 F 901 l l V257 45 26 24 61 4 ( ABS & non-ABS ) Check disc diameter dimensions R917 l S 234 40 7 6 684 ○ ○○ PINTARA (BLUEBIRD) R31 All Models 1986 - 90 U12 All Models 1989 - 92 615 616 617 614 l l l l ○ V250 48 22 20 Hub4 ○ S260 6010.4 9.4 684 ○V258 49 22 20 684 ○S258 45 10 8 684 PULSAR N12 & EXA - SINGLE CAM Local & ET 1983 - 5/87R304 l ○S23536.510 F R F R 9hub4 PULSAR N13 1.6 & 1.8 Litre 1987 - 91 F 603 l V24045.518 16 614 Vector Sedan Model R 606 l S235 42 10 9hub 4 & Hatch ○ ○ PULSAR N14 - IMPORT & LOCAL 1.6L 8/91 - 8/95 2.0L 10/91 - 8/95 GTi-R 2.0 Litre Turbo 10/90 - 1994 F R F R F 628 917 900 917 901 ○ ○ ○ ○ l V250 l S 234 l V252 l S 234 l l V257 ○ The Kangaroo Paw design is not available on all part numbers, ask your supplier for details. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 121 45 40 45 40 45 18 7 20 7 26 16 6 18 6 24 614 684 614 684 614 121 5/06/2013 2:21:52 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness NISSAN Model Years PULSAR N15 / almera (uk) 1.6L 8/95 - 00 Almera 2.0D (UK) 1992 - 00 2.0L 8/95 - 00 PULSAR N16 / almera (uk) N16 Sedan 1.6L, 1.8L 6/00 - on N16E Hatchback 1.8L 4/01 - on Almera Tino (UK) 2002 - on 1.8L, 2.2L (112 &136) SILVIA S13 Eng: CA 18 DE 5/88 - on S13 Eng: CA 18 DT (Turbo) S13 Eng: SR 20 DE, DT,1.8L 1991 - on 2.0L 2 x wheel steering only S13 Eng: SR 20 DE, DT 1992 - on 4 X wheel steering only S15 2.0L TURBO 1999 - on S15 ( Rear ) all models 1/99 - on SKYLINE R30 1982 - 85 R31 Except GTS 1986 - 90 R32 GTST 2.0L Eng:RB20DET 5/89 - 7/93 R32 GT-R Eng:RB26DET 6/89 - 8/93 2.6L DOHC Twin-Turbo R32 GT-R Eng:RB26DETT 8/93 - 12/94 R33+R34 GT-R Eng:RB26DETT 1/95 - on Twin Turbo 2.6L V-SPEC (fitted with Brembo Calipers) option rear R33 GTST Eng:RB25DET 8/93 - 7/98 R34 GT Eng:RB25DE 8/98 - on R34 GTT Eng:RB25DET 8/98 - on 2.5L Turbo GT-R (R35 - MY10) 3.8L Twin-Turbo 2009 - 11 Replacement ring for 2009 - 11 oe rotor assembly (hat not included) F/R DBA No. STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented A ○ ○ D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes Dimensions (mm) B C D E F 18 7 26 9 16 6 24 8 614 684 614 684 F R F R 899 917 901 902 l V247 45 l S 234 40 l lV257 45 l S 258 45 F F R R 2300 919 2303 2301 l l l l ○ V257 49 22 ○V280 49 22 ○S 257 45 10 ○ ○S278 45 10 20 20 9 9 684 684 684 68 4 F 918 R 904 F 919 R 904 R 904 l l l l l ○ V250 49 18 ○ S25846.5 9 ○ V280 49 22 ○ S25846.5 9 ○S25846.5 9 16 8 20 8 8 684 684 684 684 684 ○ ○l ○lV 280 ○ l ○lS 258 F R 909 906 l l l l F F R F R F R F 317 615 616 909 908 4926 908 4928 l V250 43 18 16 HUB4 l V250 48 22 20 HUB4 l S260 6010.49.4 684 l l l lV 280 54 30 28 685 l l l llV 297 63 18 16 685 l lV 296 54 32 30 685 l l l llV 297 63 18 16 685 l l lV 324 53.75 30 28 685 R R F R F R ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ 929 l ○ ○l 4601 ○l 4963 ○l 908 l l ○l 42304 ○l 908 l l ○l F 52320 R 52321 F 52322.1 R 52323.1 54 30 47 9 28 685 8 685 ○ ○ ○ ○lV 300 63 22 ○ V 322 62.5 22 ○lV 296 53.75 30 20 685 20.2 685 28 685 llV 297 63 18 16 685 lV 310 53.75 30 28 685 llV 297 63 18 16 685 ○ ○l V 380 49.3 34 ○l V 380 62 30 ○l V 380 34 ○l V 380 30 32 685 28 685 32 28 STANZA A10 Localup to - 6/79 F 315 l SUNNY B310 A12 2.0 Litre GTi 310 901 l S21932.59.6 8.6 704 l l V257 45 26 24 614 122 1979 - 81 10/90 - 94 F F ○S253 4812.710.5 734 ○ ○ All rights reserved. © Copyright 2013 Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. Trademarks: All DBA Part References listed in this catalogue are Trademarks of Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 122 5/06/2013 2:21:52 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness NISSAN Model tiida c11 4dr hatch / sedan Years 2006 - on ARMADA All models 2004 - 10 All models 2011 - on DUALIS ST & Ti 2WD Hatch + AWD 02/07 - on (J10, JJ10) 1.5, 2.0 DCi FRONTIER 6 cyl. - 2WD 4WD all models - V6 NAVARA D21 & D22 4X4 D21 4X4 D21 4X4 D22 4X4 - all models D22 3.0L V6 SOHC 4X4 D22 3.0L 4cyl T/Dies 4X4 D22 3.3L V6 SOHC 4X4 DBA No. STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X F 2328 l F R F R 2306 2307 2348 2307 l l l l 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented Dimensions (mm) B C ○v260 44 22 D E F 20 684 ○ ○V31943.526 24.5826 ○ ○S319.558.514 12 826 ○ ○l ○ V 350 43.2 30 28 906 ○ ○l ○ S319.5 58.5 14 12 826 F 2316 l ○ R 2331 l ○ ○S292 V296 44 26 24 685 62 9 8 685 624 l ○V277 39 26 24 1006 F 626 l ○V283 38 28 26 1006 F 2308 l R 2313 l ○ ○l V320 49.7 28 ○ ○V308 62.8 16 26 685 14 685 9/85 - on F 2/97 - 10/01 3/92 - on F 2/97 - 10/01 12/2001 - on 620 l ○V25037.522 20 816 618 l ○V26037.526 24 816 9/85 - 3/92 3/92 - on 1/97 - 4/01 10/01 - on 621 618 624 629 l V26639.522 l V26037.526 l V277 39 26 l lV300 38 28 F F F F ○ ○ ○ 20 1006 24 816 24 1006 26 1006 2/2003 - on NAVARA d40 4x2, 4x4 4X2, 4X4 16” wheels 4X2, 4X4 17” wheels ‘550’ badged model 05/05 - on F 2310 l l 05/05 - on F 2312 l l 2005 - onf 2332 l l NOMAD GC 22 Van 1986 - 93 F 627 l ○ ○ ○ l l l l l l ○ V295.6 38.3 28 ○ V 320 38.5 28 ○v295.6 53 28 ○V250 30 22 The Kangaroo Paw design is not available on all part numbers, ask your supplier for details. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 123 A F 4/99 - 02 1998 - 02 2003 - 04 Murano ST, TI 3.5L V6 07/05 - on NAVARA D21 & D22 4X2 D21 4X2 all except KA24E D22 4X2 TD27 D21 4X2 KA24E D22 4X2 Except TD27 D22 4X2 2.4L 4cyl DOHC D22 4X2 3.0L V6 SOHC F/R D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes 26 686 26 686 26 686 20 734 123 5/06/2013 2:21:52 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness NISSAN Model Years PATHFINDER / Terrano WD21 4 Cyl. 8/86 - 7/92 WD21 V6 8/92 - on R50 All Models * 9/95 - 11/98 R50 All Models * 11/98 - 04 R50 Series III 3.3L V6 R51 2.5L TD 16” wheels 2005 - on R51 4.0L V6 Petrol 17” wheels R51 2.5L TD 17” wheels 2005 - on R51 4.0L V6 Petrol 17” wheels PICK-UP / KINGCAB 620 2WD 720 2WD 720 4WD 1979 80 - 12/82 4/83 - 85 F/R DBA No. F F F F 621 624 626 629 F 2310 R 2311 F 2312 R 2311 STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented A D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes Dimensions (mm) B C ○ ○ ○ D E F l V26639.522 l V277 39 26 l V283 38 28 l lV300 38 28 20 24 26 26 1006 1006 1006 1006 ○V295.638.328 ○V30862.818 ○V32038.528 ○V30862.818 26 16 26 16 686 686 686 686 l l l l l l l l F 327 l ○S271 4412.510.5 F 312 l ○V267 40 22 81 6 20 1006 PATROL / SAFARI MQ 160, Classic 160 1/81 - 12/87 F 329 l lV295 30 20 18 104 6 GQ Y60 non EFi 1988 - on Safari X60 GQ Y60 EFI TB42E 2/92 - on F 623 l V 30635.526 24 1046 GQ Y60 ALL 1988 - on R 622 l lV 315 80 18 16 1116 GU (II) Y61 (DX, ST - Wagon) 10/97 - on F 625 l ll l V 306 47 32 30 1096 except 4.8L R 622 l ll l V 315 80 18 16 1116 GU (II) Y61 (Ti - Wagon) 9/01 - on F 698 l l ll l V 316 47 34 32 1096 only 4.8L R 699 l l ll l V 330 89 18 16 1116 Y62 2012 - on F 2340 l l ll l R 2341 l l ll l V 330 43.5 22 20.473.46 ○ TERANO R20 11/96-10/99 F 624 l ○V277 39 26 24 1006 URVAN E23 Diesel, Petrol E24 11/80 - 86 3/87 - 93 F F 318 618 l l ○V25227.520 ○V26037.526 18 816 24 816 6/81 - 11/86 F 619 l ○V232 22 18 16 1983 - 92 F 627 l ○ X-TRAIL T30 (ST & Ti) 2.5L 10/2001 - 07 T31 2.0L FWD 03/07 - 2010 F R F R 573 574 2316 574 l l l l ○ V280 49 28 ○V292 62 16 ○ V296 44 26 ○V292 62 16 26 14 24 14 XTERRA all models F 626 l ○V283 38 28 26 1006 VANETTE C20, C120 Check disc diameter C120, GC22 Check disc diameter 124 2000 - 04 73 4 V250 30 22 20 734 685 685 685 685 All rights reserved. © Copyright 2013 Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. Trademarks: All DBA Part References listed in this catalogue are Trademarks of Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 124 5/06/2013 2:21:52 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness OPEL Model Years F/R DBA No. STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented A D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes Dimensions (mm) B C D Astra TR 1.8 & 2.0 8/96 - on TS (City) with ABS 9/1998 - on TS Series II TS (City) without ABS 9/1998 - on TS Series II TS SRI Turbo 2002 - 04 AH - CD, CDX, CDXi 2005 - on Coupe, Hatch, Wagon AH07 - SRi, Twin Top, CDTi 2007 - on 2.2L Petrol, 1.9L Diesel AH07 - SRi Turbo 2007 - on 2.0L Turbo F R F R F R F F R F R F R 023 819 815 816 817 818 2815 815 816 2815 816 2815 2035 l l l l l l l l l l l l l ○ ○ V25641.124 21 ○S260 69 10 8 ○V280 42 25 22 ○S264 42 10 8 ○V256 41 24 21 ○S240 42 10 8 ○V30842.325.1 22 ○V280 42 25 22 ○S264 42 10 8 ○ ○V30842.325.1 22 ○S264 42 10 8 ○ ○V30842.325.1 22 ○S27842.210 8 VECTRA JR, JS, JSII - 2.0L, 2.2L, 2.5L F 825 l ○ 6/97 - 2/03 604 574 705 655 604 574 705 705 655 705 655 705 655 V288 44 25 22 705 The Kangaroo Paw design is not available on all part numbers, ask your supplier for details. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 125 E F 125 5/06/2013 2:21:52 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness PEUGEOT Model 205 GTi 1.9 Litre, 1.8 TDi Years 1987 - on F/R DBA No. F 273 STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X l 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented A D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes Dimensions (mm) B C ○V247 3520.5 D E F 18.6 664 206 1.6i 16V 2000 - 01 F 274 l V26627.520.5 18.6 664 2.0 HDI Turbo Diesel 1999 - 01 CC 1.6i, 2.0i 1.6i 16V 2002 - on F 2274 l V26634.222 20 664 2.0i 16V GT/GTi/S16 2002 - 2005 2.0 HDI Turbo-Diesel 2002 - on All from Chassis No. 09079 “S.W. 1.6i 16V, 2.0i 16V 2.0 HDI” 2002 - on All models above 1999 - on R 276 l S 246.525 8 6 714 2.0i 16V GT/GTi/S16 2005 - on F 2275 l V28334.226 24 664 ○ ○ ○ ○ 207 - “ check diameter of rotors “ CC GT turbo 1.6l 2dr convert. 07/07 - 06/10 F 2274 l CC TURbo 1.6l 07/10 - on GTi 1.6 2dr hatch 08/07 - 04/12 le mans limited edition 09/08 - 08/09 touring outdoor 12/09 - 06/10 xt hdi, sportium hdi 07/10 - on xt touring hdi 11/07 - 11/09 F 2275 l F 2276 l ○V26634.222 20 664 ○V28334.226 ○V30234.226 24 664 24 664 305 GT 1.6L + GTX 1.9L 10/85 - 89 306 N3 1.8 Litre, 2 Litre 1993 - 1997 2.0i, 2.0i 16V 1993 - 03 Break + ABS, 1.8i 16V 1997 - 02 Break 1.9L Turbodiesel 1997 - 1999 Break 2.0 HDi Turbodiesel1999 - 03 Cabrio 2.0i 16V 1994 - 03 Cabrio 1.8i 16V 1997 - 03 N5 Series I GTi-6 1997 - 1999 F 274 l ○V26627.520.5 18.6 664 F F 273 274 l l ○V247 3520.5 ○V26627.520.5 18.6 664 18.6 664 F 275 R 276 l l ○V28327.522 ○S246.525 8 20 664 6 714 307 1.4i 16V inc S.W., 1.6 16V HDI (-ESP) 1.6i 16V (-ESP) 1.4i 16V, 1.6 16V HDI inc S.W. (+ESP) 1.6i 16V (+ESP) 2.0i 16V, 2.0 HDI CC 2.0i 16V S.W. 1.6i 16V, 2.0i 16V, 2.0HDI XSE Hdi 2.0 Touring 4DR wagon XS Hdi 2.0 Touring 4dr XS hdi 1.6 4dr wagon 2004 - on F 2274 l V26634.222 20 664 2001 - on 2004 - on F 2275 l V28334.226 24 664 2001 - on 2001 - on 2003 - on 2002 - on 05/05 - 06/08 F 2276 l V30234.226 24 664 10/03 - 09/05 2004 - 06/08 308 All Models 07 - on 126 ○ ○ ○ F 2275 l ○V28334.226 24 664 All rights reserved. © Copyright 2013 Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. Trademarks: All DBA Part References listed in this catalogue are Trademarks of Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 126 5/06/2013 2:21:52 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness PEUGEOT Model 405 1.6/i 1.8i 1.9/i 1.9i GRI / SRI 1.8L Turbodiesel, 1.9 Diesel, 2.0i MI 16 1.9i 16V MI 16 2.0i 16V Years F/R DBA No. STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented A D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes Dimensions (mm) B C 274 l ○V26627.520.5 F 277 R 278 R 278 l l l ○V28328.226 ○S290 60 10 ○S290 60 10 274 l ○V26627.520.5 1991 - 1996 F 1992 - 1996 1990 - 1992 1987 - 1992 8/92 - 1996 D E F 18.6 664 1987 - 1992 8/92 - 1996 406 all models - Exc. Coupe 1997 - on Coupe with 1997 - on PARTNER / RANCH / LIGHT COMMERCIAL Partner 1.4i, 1.8i, 1.9 diesel1996 - on Ranch, Light Commercial 1996 - on 306 Light Commercial 1993 - on Van + ABS Partner Light Commercial 1996 - on F 24 664 8 714 8 714 18.6 664 pontiac G8 GXP 6.2L V8 LS3 2009 F 2604 l l l ll l lV 355 50 R 2029 l l l lllV 324 56.1 GT 6.0L (321mm Front disc) 2009 F 2028 l l l lll V321 52.2 R 2029 l l l lllV 324 56.1 32 22 30 22 GTO ALL 2004F 040 l l l ll l lV 296 83 R 041 l l l lllS 286 78.6 ALL 2005F 2020 l l l ll l V 320 83 R 2021 l l l ll V 286 80 28 25 71.55 16 14 705 32 30 71.65 18 16 705 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ 30 20 28 20 67.45 67.45 67.55 67.45 VIBE 2WD/4WD - w/ rear drum 2003-2006 F 562 l V27549.525 23 555 2WD GT - w/ rear disc 2003-2006 F 562 l V27549.525 23 555 ○ ○ ○ ○ The Kangaroo Paw design is not available on all part numbers, ask your supplier for details. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 127 127 5/06/2013 2:21:53 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness PORSCHE Model Years F/R DBA No. STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented A D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes Dimensions (mm) B C D E F 911 / 912 356C 911, 911T 912 1.6 L 911 Carrera 2, 4 3.6 L 1963 - 65 F 396 l S282 3512.5 11 107 5 1965 - 69 1965 - 69 10/89 - on F 590 l V298 80 28 26 1035 911 (993) 911 3.6 Turbo 4, GT2, 03/95 - 9/97 F 52390 l V322 72.2 32 30 1035 ○ ○ ○ 911 (996) 911 3.4 Carrera, 06/97 - 9/01 Carrera 4 911 3.6 Carrera 4 10/01 - on 911 Turbo, C4S 1999 - 2004 911 Turbo 911 GT2, GT3, GT3RS 2003 - 2005 F 2394 l ○ ○ l ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ V 318 67 28 F 52386 l V330 69.5 34 F 52388 l V350 69.534 R 42397 l V 330 75.5 28 F 52396 l V350 67.5 34 R 42397 l V 330 75.5 28 ○ ○ 911 (997) 911 3.6 Carrera, 4 07/04 - on F 2394 l l V 318 67 911 C2S C4S 2004 - 2010 F 52386 l V330 69.5 R 42397 l V 330 75.5 911 GT3, GT3RS 2005 - 2008 F 52396 l V350 67.5 911 GT3 incl. PCCB cars 2006 - on F 52399.1 l V380 32 GT2, GT3 CATEGORY f 52385.1l v380 35 RSR ENDURANCE - 72 VANS ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ CAYMAN Cayman S 3.4L 11/05 - on 928 928 4.5 L 928 - All Models 11/81-12/82 F 398 l 1992 - 95 F 2392 l 944 944 2.5 L Turbo 9/86 - 7/89 F 2394 l F 949 l ○ ○ l 67 28 26 32 26 32 30 33 985 985 985 985 26 985 ○V298 74 28 26 1035 ○ V 298 ○ V 318 67 24 67 28 22 985 26 985 ○ ○l ○ V 350 ○ ○l ○ V 329 69 34 74 28 32 855 26 855 ○ 128 ○ V 318 985 985 985 985 985 18 905 30 1035 ○ ○ F 2246 l R 2245 l ○ 28 34 28 34 32 35 32 32 26 32 26 ○V282 60 20 ○l ○ V 322 77.5 32 BOXTER 2.5, 2.7 9/96 - on F 42398 l BoxsterS 3.2L, (986) 2000 - 2010 F 2394 l l BoxsterS 3.4L (987) + CaymanS CAYENNE (SUV) V6 Turbo + Cayenne S 2004 - on ○ 26 985 All rights reserved. © Copyright 2013 Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. Trademarks: All DBA Part References listed in this catalogue are Trademarks of Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 128 5/06/2013 2:21:53 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness PROTON Model Years M21 1.8 L 10/97 - on Persona 1.5L 11/96 - on PERSONA 1.6L fwd sedan 03/08 - on check front oe diam. Satria GLI Persona 1.6L 11/96 - on Satria XLI & GTi 1.8L Wira 1.5L 5/95 - on Wira 1.6L 5/95 - on Wira 1.5L, 1.6L ( Rear ) 5/95 - on Waja 1.6L Sedan 2001 - on Gen.2 S4PH 1.6L DOHC 2004 - on Jumbuck 5/2002 - on Satria GTi - Race Spec 11/96 - on (4 x 100 PCD) F/R DBA No. STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented A D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes Dimensions (mm) B C D E F l l l ○ V256 45 24 22.4644 ○ S260 41 10 8.4 644 ○ V235 45 18 16.4 644 F 42140 F 413 l R 2141 l ○l ○ V 266 44 22 20.4694 ○ V235 45 18 16.4 644 ○ S280 41 12 10.4904 F 414 l R 410 l F 413 l F 414 l R 410 l F 415 l R 416 l F 42140 R 2141 l F 2200 l F 402B l ○ V256 45 24 22.4644 ○ S260 41 10 8.4 644 ○ V235 45 18 16.4 644 ○ V256 45 24 22.4644 ○ S260 41 10 8.4 644 ○ V256 45 24 22.4694 ○ S260 41 10 8.4 904 ○l ○ V 266 44 22 20.4694 ○S280 41 12 10.4904 ○V256 45 24 22.4644 ○ ○V276 45 24 22.4694 F 414 R 410 F 413 RANGEROVER Please refer to Land Rover section The Kangaroo Paw design is not available on all part numbers, ask your supplier for details. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 129 129 5/06/2013 2:21:53 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness RENAULT Model 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes Dimensions (mm) Years F/R DBA No. 12, 15 R12 Gordini R15 TS 1971 - 75 1973 - 76 F 343 l ○V22845.520 19 836 16 R16 (R1150) R16 1865 - 68 1968 - 77 F F 347 344 l l ○S250 45 9 ○S254 40 12 8 843 11 843 18 R18 GTS (R1342, R1343) R18 GTS (R1352, R1353) 1980 - 83 1980 - 83 F 346A l 19 R19 GTX / TXE 7/88 - 12/95 F 20 R20 TS (R1270) R20 TS, (R1276, R1277) 1980 - 83 CLIO 1.4i 16V +ABS,1.6i +ABS, 1.6i 16V 1998 - on 2.0i 16V SPORT + ABS 2000 - on rear only fits non ABS models Sport 2.0L 16V Turbo 2006 - on Inc. RS200 20th Ann. LE, RS 200 Cup, R27 F1, RS197, Gordini Edition FUEGO GTX (R1362, R1363) TX, GTX (R1362, R1363) 1982 - 87 1982 - 87 Scenic 1.4i 16V 1.6i 16V, 2.0i 16V (JA1B) Turbodiesel 1.9 dCi all models GRAND SCENIC 2.0L 2.0L (optional front rotor) check rotor dimensions 130 l A B C D ○V238.546.520 17.7 ○ E F 60 4 V 238 4120.117.7 614 F 346A l ○V238.546.520 17.7 F 2352 l F 2353 l R 2354 l ○V259 4120.6 17.7 614 ○V280 44 24 21.8 614 ○S23874.6 8 7 HUB4 F 2350 l ○V312 63 28 F 346A l F 346B l ○V238.546.520 17.7 604 ○V238.546.520 17.7 614 kangoo 1.6L integral 2dr van x76 02/06 - 11/10 F Megane 1.6i 16V (BAO4), 2.0i 16V (BAOH) 1.8i 16V, Turbodiesel 1.9 dCi Turbodiesel 1.5 dCi Sport 2.0L 16V Turbo Inc. R26 F1, RS225, RS225 F1, RS225 Cup 2.0i 16V (BAOH) 2.0i 16V Cabriolet 2.0i 16V (DAOH/DAO3) Coupe All models excl Sport 351 STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X 2353 l 3/99 - on F 2353 l 2001 - on 11/02 - on 2005 - 2010 F 2350 l 60 4 26 615 ○V280 44 24 21.8 614 ○V280 44 24 21.8 614 ○V312 63 28 26 615 ○ 1996 - 10/02 R 2354 l S238 74.6 8 7 HUB4 1997 - 06/03 11/95 - 06/03 2005 - on F 2362 l V300 44 24 21.8 614 ○ 2353 l ○V280 44 24 21.8 614 06/03 - on 02/07 - 10/10 2004 - on F 2362 l ○V300 44 24 21.8 614 09/99 - 05/03 F All rights reserved. © Copyright 2013 Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. Trademarks: All DBA Part References listed in this catalogue are Trademarks of Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 130 5/06/2013 2:21:53 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness ROlls royce Model Years Shadow & Bentley ‘T’ 1966 - 71 (NOT AVAILABLE) Shadow II F/R DBA No. F RRF R RRR F 2948 STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented A D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes Dimensions (mm) B C D E F ○ ○S280 35 16 14 9010 ○ ○S275 40 13 12 9010 ○ ○V281 4431.529.5 8910 ROVER ○ Quintet SU 1983 - 86 F 190 l S231 50 12 10 61 4 12.5mm Dia. Holes 416i BA1 5/86 - 90 F 187 l V24244.519 17 614 ○ SAAB 95 V4 Station Wagon 96 V4 Sports Sonnet V4 Coupe Sonnet 97 III 99 L, EMS, Coupe ○ F/R 386 l S267 51 9.7 8 87.5 5 9/66 - 70 9/66 - 70 1967 - 70 1970 - 71 1975 - 79 F 385 l S28047.512.711.7 864 ○ 9.3 / 9.5 SERIES 9.3, 9.5 1997 - on F 825 l V288 42 25 22 705 Sedan / Coupe / Convert R 826 l S286 69 10 8 65.55 2.0L, 2.3L, 2.0L Turbo 9.3 Series F 2819 l V314 46 28 25 705 2.0L TTI (YS3F) 09/02 - on 2.0L T Convertible (YS3F) 08/03 - on 2.0L T ESTATE 03/05 - on 9.5 Series F 2815 l V30842.325.1 22 705 2.3L Turbo Estate (YS3E) 7/03 - on 3.0 TiD Estate (YS3E) 7/01 - on 3.0 V6t Estate (YS3E) 10/98 - on ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ 900 SERIES 900 Coupe, GL, GLE, GLT 1979 - 80 900 1981 - 88 900 Turbo 16 1986 - 88 900 i 1986 - 88 900 Turbo 16 1988 - 9/93 900 i Turbo 16 900i , 900i Turbo 1994 - 97 900S 1996 - on Model 93 9000 SERIES 9000 2.3 16V 9000 Turbo 16V 9000 Turbo 2.3 16V 9000 All Models 1990 - 93 1987 - 97 1990 - 97 1985 - on F F F F R 385 388 389 388 432 l l l l l ○S28047.512.711.7 864 ○S28065.612.811.7 864 ○V280 70 20 18.9 864 ○S28065.612.811.7 864 ○S258 43 9 7.5 68 4 F F R 433 825 826 l l l ○V284 41 24 ○V288 42 25 ○S286 69 10 21 705 22 705 8 65.55 F F 431 431 l l ○V28044.525 ○V28044.525 23 684 23 68 4 R 432 l ○S258 43 The Kangaroo Paw design is not available on all part numbers, ask your supplier for details. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 131 9 7.5 684 131 5/06/2013 2:21:53 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness SCION Model Years FR-S 2.0l Coupe 06/12 - on F/R DBA No. STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented A D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes Dimensions (mm) B C ○V294 57 24 ○l ○ V 295 57.5 25 D E F F F F R 650 l 4650 5010 2663 l F 240 l ○S23935.212 10 654 F 446 l ○V25638.720 18 654 R 832 F 446 l l ○S22671.210 ○V25638.720 8 39.84 18 654 22 23 l V 295 57.5 25 23 l V 290 64 18 16 ○ ○ ○ 585 58 5 585 585 SEAT Cordoba, Ibiza, 1994 - on Toledo1.6, 1.8L Cordoba, Ibiza, 1994 - on Toledo 2.0L Cordoba, Ibiza, Toledo 1995 - on SMART FORFOUR All models exc. Turbo 2005-on F 2226 l V25645.524 21.5694 R 2227 l S25038.510 8 694 Turbo 2005-onF 2228 l V28046.526 23.5694 R 2227 l S25038.510 8 694 ○ ○ ○ ○ Ssanyong MUSSO 1996 - on F 554 sports 2.9L 4wd 4dr 05/04 - 09/07 R 555 korando 2.3L 2DR hardtop 4wd 02/98 - 07/98 F 554 2.9L 2dr hardtop 4wd 05/04 - 06/07 3.2L 2DR softtop 4wd 1998 - 2005 2.9L 2dr softtop diesel 05/04 - 06/07 R 555 132 l ○V278 41 24 l ○S300 6710.58.5 1056 l ○V278 40 24 l ○ S300 6710.58.5 1056 22 886 22 886 All rights reserved. © Copyright 2013 Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. Trademarks: All DBA Part References listed in this catalogue are Trademarks of Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 132 5/06/2013 2:21:53 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness SKODA Model Years F/R octavia Octavia 2.0 RS (1Z3) 01/06 - on F Octavia 2.0 RS Combi (1Z5) 01/06 - on R 1.6 75 mpi (1z) 03/09 - 08/10 F 4DR liftback 1.6 75 mpi (1z) 03/09 - 08/10 F 4DR wagon 1.8 tsi, 119 tsi (1z) 03/09 - on F 4DR liftback 1.8 tsi, 119 tsi (1z) 03/09 - on F 4DR wagon YETI 2.0 103 tdi (5l) 2010 - on 4DR wagon check front oe diam. 1.8 112 tsi (5l) 03/12 - on 4DR wagon check front oe diam. 1.2 77 tsi (5l) 03/12 - on 4DR wagon check front oe diam. DBA No. STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented Dimensions (mm) B C D E F 2806 l ○ ○l ○ V312 49.8 25 22 655 2807 l 2810 l ○ ○l ○ S285.6 48.4 11.7 ○V28849.725 10 655 22 655 2810 l ○V28849.725 22 655 2810 l ○V28849.725 22 655 2810 l ○V28849.725 22 655 F 2810 l ○V28849.725 22 655 F 2806 l F 2810 l ○ ○l ○ V312 49.8 25 ○V28849.725 22 655 22 655 F 2806 l R 2807 l F 2810 l ○ ○l ○ V312 49.8 25 ○ ○l ○ S285.6 48.4 11.7 ○V28849.725 22 655 10 655 22 655 F 2806 l R 2807 l ○ ○l ○ V312 49.8 25 ○ ○l ○ S285.6 48.4 11.7 22 655 10 655 The Kangaroo Paw design is not available on all part numbers, ask your supplier for details. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 133 A D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes 133 5/06/2013 2:21:54 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness SUBARU Model Years F/R DBA No. STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented Dimensions (mm) A B 1400, A22, A32 All 1974 - 79 F 342 l S229 1600, A26, A27, A67 All 1974 - 81 1600 4WD, 1800, 1980 - 84 F 340 l S229 Leone DL, DLA 1600, 1800, Leone 1984 - 85 F 640 l V230 Leone DL, GL, All models 1985 - 94 F 641 l V242 brumby Brumby A69 Brumby AU 1978 - 89 1985 - 93 BRZ 2.0L 06/12 - on Active/limited models LIMTED (USA) 2.0l Coupe premium 06/12 - on sport models PREMIUM (USA) D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes C D E F ○ 46 10 8.5 704 ○ 5212.5 10 704 ○ ○ 52 18 15.5 704 44 18 16 704 ○S229 46 10 8.5 704 ○V230 52 18 15.5 704 F F 342 640 l l F 648 l l ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ l ○lV 277 ○ R 2659 l l l ls 286 F 650 l l lV 294 F 4650 l llV 295 F 5010* l lV 295 R 2663 l l l l V 290 ○ ○ ○ 57 24 63.5 57 57.5 57.5 64 10 24 25 25 18 22 585 8.5 22 23 23 16 585 585 58 5 585 585 forester Forester Wagon SF5 8/97 - 2002 F 648 l l l lV 277 57 24 22 585 R 644 l l l l llS 266 67.5 10 8.5 585 Forester X, XS, XT 2.5L 2002 - on F 650 l l llV 294 57 24 22 585 Suits 2-pot/piston caliper F 4650 l llV 295 57.5 25 23 585 F 5010* l lV 295 57.5 25 23 585 rear Vented R 653 l l l lV 290 67.5 18 16 585 rear Solid R 644 l l l lS 266 67.5 10 8.5 SH9 2.5L 4DR Wagon 03/08 - 01/11 F 650 l l llV 294 57 24 22 585 SHH 2.0L Diesel 06/10 - 12/11 F 4650 l llV 295 57.5 25 23 58 5 SHN 2.0L DIESEL 12/11 - on F 5010* l lV 295 57.5 25 23 585 SHM X, XS 2.5L 02/11 - on SH9 XT 2.5L 03/08 - on R 2659 l l l ls 286 63.5 10 8.5 585 * Note: Not suitable for pre 2002 models with external ABS tone ring. Impreza IMpreza 2WD 1993 - 99 F 645 l l F242 53 18 16 585 Impreza 4wd 1993 - 99 F 642 l l V260 57 24 22 585 R 644 l l l lS 266 67.5 10 8.5 585 Impreza 4wd 1999 - 02 F 648 l l l lV 277 57 24 22 585 (check rear dimensions) F 642 l l V260 57 24 22 585 R 644 l l l lS 266 67.5 10 8.5 585 Impreza 4wd 2002 - on F 648 l l l lV 277 57 24 22 585 all modelsR 644 l l l lS 266 67.5 10 8.5 585 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ 134 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ All rights reserved. © Copyright 2013 Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. Trademarks: All DBA Part References listed in this catalogue are Trademarks of Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 134 5/06/2013 2:21:54 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness SUBARU Model Years Impreza WRX WRX 2.0L AWD Turbo 1994 - 98 WRX MY99 - MY00 1999 - 2000 WRX MY01 2001 WRX MY02 - MY05 2002 - 2005 With 2-piston front caliper USA Spec WRX MY02 - MY05 2002 - 2005 2.0L Turbo With 4-piston front caliper JAP Spec WRX MY06 - MY07 2006 - 2007 2.5L Turbo With 2-piston front caliper USA Spec WRX MY06 - MY07 2006 - 2007 2.5L Turbo With 4-piston front caliper JAP Spec GH SGT MY08 2.0L Turbo 06/07 - ON Japanese spec 08 WRX 2.5L With 2-piston 2008 - ON front caliper F/R DBA No. STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ A Dimensions (mm) B F 648 l l l lV 277 57 R 644 l l l lS 266 67.5 F 650 l l llV 294 57 F 4650 l llV 295 57.5 F 5000 l lV 295 57.5 R 649 l l l lV 266 67.5 F 650 l l llV 294 57 F 4650 l llV 295 57.5 F 5000 l lV 295 57.5 R 653 l l l lV 290 67.5 F 650 l l llV 294 57 F 4650 ll l V295 57.5 F 5010* l lV 295 57.5 R 644 l l l lS 266 67.5 F 650 l l llV 294 57 F 4650 l llV 295 57.5 F 5000 l lV 295 57.5 R 653 l l l lV 290 67.5 F 650 l l llV 294 57 F 4650 l llV 295 57.5 F 5010* l lV 295 57.5 R 644 l l l lS 266 67.5 F 650 l l llV 294 57 F 4650 l llV 295 57.5 F 5000 l lV 295 57.5 R 653 l l l lV 290 67.5 F 650 l l llV 294 57 F 4650 l llV 295 57.5 F 5010* l lV 295 57.5 R 2659 l l l lS 286 63.5 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes C D E F 24 10 24 25 25 18 24 25 25 18 24 25 25 10 24 25 25 18 24 25 25 10 24 25 25 18 24 25 25 10 22 8.5 22 23 23 16 22 23 23 16 22 23 23 8.5 22 23 23 16 22 23 23 8.5 22 23 23 16 22 23 23 8.5 585 585 585 585 585 585 585 585 585 585 58 5 585 585 585 585 585 585 585 585 585 585 585 585 585 585 585 585 585 585 585 IMPREZA WRX STI WRX STI MY99 - MY00 1999 - 2000 F 650 l l llV 294 57 24 22 58 5 F 4650 l llV 295 57.5 25 23 585 F 5000 l lV 295 57.5 25 23 585 R 649 l l l lV 266 67.5 18 16 585 WRX STI MY01 2001 F 650 l l llV 294 57 24 22 585 F 4650 l llV 295 57.5 25 23 585 F 5000 l lV 295 57.5 25 23 585 R180 (190 mm Hand Brake) R 656 l l l lV 290 67.5 18 16 585 WRX STI MY02 - MY04 2002 - 2004 F 654-10 l l l l l l lV 326 53 30 28 5810 2.0L Turbo With Brembo calipers R 655-10 l l l lV 316 67.5 20 18 5810 WRX STI MY05 2.0L Turbo 2005 F 654-10 l l l l l l lV 326 53 30 28 5810 WRX STI MY06 - MY07 2006 - 2007 R 655-10 l l l lV 316 67.5 20 18 5810 2.5L Turbo With Brembo calipers 114.3 (4.5”) Stud PCD WRX STI MY08 2.5L Turbo 2008 - ON F 654-10 l l l l l l lV 326 53 30 28 5810 GRB model R 2656 l l l lV 316 63.5 20 18 585 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ * Note: Not suitable for pre 2002 models with external ABS tone ring. The Kangaroo Paw design is not available on all part numbers, ask your supplier for details. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 135 135 5/06/2013 2:21:54 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness SUBARU Model Years F/R DBA No. STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X liberty BC6 14” Wheels 10/89 - 94 F 642 l GX incl. 4WD 6/94 - 9/98 R 644 l GX SKI-FX LE 7/96 -10/96 Heritage 6/94 -11/96 incl. 4WD 2.0 Litre LX & 4WD 6/94 - on Rallye 11/94 -11/96 Ski FX Enduro 5/97 - 8/97 Touring 3/96 - 11/96 Rear for all above models RS Turbo EJ20 2.0L Turbo 1990 - 93 F 648 l R 644 l RX AWD, LE + S port 11/96 - on F 648 l Heritage 4WD 2.45 Litre R 649 l All sedan/wagon models 10/98 - 02 R 657 l Liberty B4 (2003 model) 2002 - 2003 F 650 l Suits 2-pot/piston caliper F 4650 F 5010* R 653 l Liberty B4 6/2003 - on F 2650 l Blitzen 2.0R BL5 Liberty 3.0R Spec B 2006 R 653 l GT/L 2000 - 01F 648 l R 657 l GT-LTD 2001 F 650 l F 4650 F 5010* R 657 l 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented l l l D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes Dimensions (mm) A B C D E F V260 57 24 22 585 l l S 266 67.5 10 8.5 585 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ l l lV 277 l l l S 266 l l l llV 277 l l lV 266 l l S 290 l llV 294 l llV 295 l lV 295 l l lV 290 l l l l l V 316 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ l l lV 290 l l lV 277 l l S 290 l llV 294 l llV 295 l lV 295 l l S 290 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ 22 8.5 22 16 8.5 22 23 23 16 28 57 67.5 57 67.5 67.5 57 57.5 57.5 67.5 56.7 24 10 24 18 10 24 25 25 18 30 585 585 585 585 585 585 585 585 585 585 67.5 57 67.5 57 57.5 57.5 67.5 18 16 585 24 22 585 10 8.5 585 24 22 58 5 25 23 58 5 25 23 585 10 8.5 585 * Note: Not suitable for pre 2002 models with external ABS tone ring. PART SUPERCESSION for SUBARU WRX STi DBA is now introducing a 10 stud hole pattern disc brake rotor to suit the Subaru WRX STi range of models combining two sets of PCD’s together on the one disc: 2002-2004 – disc rotor stud hole PCD (pitch circle diameter) = 100 mm 2005-2009 – disc rotor stud hole PCD (pitch circle diameter) = 114.3 mm DBA 4654S-10 Part # Slotted 10 stud hole pattern The benefits: 1. Universal fitting 2. Eliminates variations in part numbers 3. Reduced stock levels Figure 1. (right side of the page) illustrates the combined PCD patterns, including the two smaller extraction holes. One part fits all. All other rotor dimensions remain the same. 136 Figure 1. All rights reserved. © Copyright 2013 Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. Trademarks: All DBA Part References listed in this catalogue are Trademarks of Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 136 5/06/2013 2:21:55 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness SUBARU Model Years F/R DBA No. STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented A Dimensions (mm) B LIBERTY (continued) L/L-S 2002 - 04F 648 l l l lV 277 57 R 657 l l l S 290 67.5 GT/GT-LTD (2 pot front) 2002 - 04 F 650 l l llV 294 57 F 4650 l l lV 295 57.5 F 5010 l lV 295 57.5 R 657 l l l S 290 67.5 GT/GT-LTD (4 pot front) 2002 - 04 F 650 l l llV 294 57 F 4650 l llV 295 57.5 F 5010 l lV 295 57.5 R 657 l l l S 290 67.5 2.5i - except. GT 2005F 648 l l l l llV 277 57 R 2661 l l l S 274 67.5 GT 2005 - 06 F 2650 l l l l l l V 316 56.7 R 653 l l l lV 290 67.5 GT by STi 2007 - 08 F 654-10 l l l l l l l V326 53 Brembo Calipers R 655-10 l l l l ll V316 67.5 Check Dimensions GT 2010F 2650 l l l l l l V 316 56.7 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ouTback LE Wagon 9/96 - 6/98F 648 l R 644 l All models 10/98 - 02 F 648 l R 657 l Outback H6 (2003 model) 2002 - on F 650 l Suits 2-pot/piston caliper F 4650 F 5010* R 2661 l SVX SVX 3/92 - 8/97 XV 2.0i, 2.0i-L, 2.0i-S 01/12 - on 4DR wagon AWD F 652 ○ ○ ○ ○ l l l l l l l ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ l lV 277 57 l l S 266 67.5 l lV 277 57 l S 290 67.5 l V294 57 l llV 295 57.5 l lV 295 57.5 l S 274 67.5 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes C D E F 24 10 24 25 25 10 24 25 25 10 24 10 30 18 30 20 22 8.5 22 23 23 8.5 22 23 23 8.5 22 8.5 28 16 28 18 585 585 58 5 58 5 585 585 58 5 58 5 585 585 585 585 585 585 5810 5810 30 28 585 24 10 24 10 24 25 25 10 22 8.5 22 8.5 22 23 23 8.5 585 585 585 585 585 58 5 585 585 l l lV 301.157 28 26 585 F 650 l l llV 294 57 24 F 4650 l llV 295 57.5 25 F 5010* l lV 295 57.5 25 ○ ○ ○ 22 585 23 585 23 585 * Note: Not suitable for pre 2002 models with external ABS tone ring. The Kangaroo Paw design is not available on all part numbers, ask your supplier for details. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 137 137 5/06/2013 2:21:55 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness SUBARU WRX UPGRADE Model Years F/R DBA No. STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented A D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes Dimensions (mm) B C D E F SUBARU REAR UPGRADE 316mm Sti rear 3/92 - 8/97 R 2657 l l l l l l V 316 67.5 20 18 585 rotor to suit Subaru’s with 170mm handbrake 316mm Sti rear rotor 1998 - on R 2657 l l l l l l V 316 67.5 20 18 585 to suit Subaru’s with 170 mm handbrake Gravel Spec Rear Rotor 2002-2007 R 656 l l l l l l V290 67.5 18 16 58 10 290mm disc w/ 190mm handbrake MY02-MY07 WRX STi ○ Up to 2000 WRX : requires caliper adapter bracket (BSM) and Sti rear Brembo calipers. Up to 2002 Forester : requires caliper adapter bracket (BSM) and Sti rear Brembo calipers. Up to 2002 Liberty : requires caliper adapter bracket (BSM) and Sti rear Brembo calipers. From 2000 WRX : requires backing plate to be modified and Sti rear Brembo calipers. From 2002 Forester : requires backing plate to be modified and Sti rear Brembo calipers. From 2002 Liberty : requires backing plate to be modified and Sti rear Brembo calipers. dba2657 138 All rights reserved. © Copyright 2013 Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. Trademarks: All DBA Part References listed in this catalogue are Trademarks of Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 138 5/06/2013 2:21:55 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness SUZUKI Model 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes Dimensions (mm) Years F/R Hatch SS80 V Mighty Boy SS40 T Super Carry SK410 1981 - 85 1984 - 88 1985 - 88 F F F 511 511 012 l l l ○S21333.511 ○S21333.511 ○S21533.510 10 864 10 864 8 864 baleno 1.6 Litre, GA, GL, GLX, GS GTX 1.8 Litre 4/95 - on 3/96 - on F F 519 520 l l ○V235 50 20 ○V246 50 20 18 604 18 604 CINO / IGNIS Cino SF413 1.3L 3/5Dr 1994 - on F Ignis 1.3 Litre 3/5Dr, RG413 10/2000 - on F 022 523 l l ○ V231 50 17 ○V257 49 17 15 644 15 604 Liana “1.3, 1.5, 1.6, 1.8L sedan & Hatch” 520 l ○V246 50 20 18 604 11/2001 - on F DBA No. STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X A B C SAMURAI 1.3 (SJ70) 1998 - on F 513 l S29046.510 Sierra / JIMNY 1.0 4WD SJ40, SJ410, SJ413 1983 - 86 F 510 l S29046.510 1.3 4WD SJ50, SJ70, SJ80 10/84 - 1/96 Flange Thickness 7mm Stockman MG 410 Ute 1990 -1999 413 SJ80 4/96 -10/98 F 513 l S29046.510 Jimny SWB 1.3 SN413, 513 1998 - on F 513 l S29046.510 Flange Thickness 6mm Wagon R 1.0 SR410 1997 - 98 F 515 l V231 49 17 Swift SA310. SA413 GT i SA413, AA33S SF310, 413 SF416, SF413, GTi, Sedan 1.6L 3D & 5D rs415 1.5l 74kw hatch FZ series 1.3L 70kw 2/85 - 88 F 012 l 10/86 - 88 F 512 l 1989 - 94 F 022 l 1989 - 98 F 516 l 2004 - onf 2584 l 11/04 - 01/11f 2584 l 02/11 - on D E F ○ 8 1075 ○ 9 ○ ○ 8 1075 8 1075 ○ 15 604 107 5 ○S21533.510 8 864 ○V231 52 17 15 644 ○ V231 50 17 15 644 ○V250 4718.516.5 644 ○ ○v252 40 20 ○ ○v252 40 20 18 604 18 604 Vitara JX, JLX SWB SE 416 1988 - 98 F 513 l S29046.510 8 107 5 X90 SZ 416 2 Door 1.6L 1996 - 97 Flange Thickness 6mm 4 Door “Estate” LWB 1991 - 98 F 514 l V287 46 17 15 1075 ○ ○ GRAND VITARA Grand 2.0L SQ420W LWB + 2.5L SQ625W + XL-7 Grand Vitara - all models 4/98 - 06 F l ○V310 29 22 20 1085 2006 - on F 2580 l ○ ○V29549.525 23 625 579 The Kangaroo Paw design is not available on all part numbers, ask your supplier for details. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 139 139 5/06/2013 2:21:55 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness TOYOTA Model Years 86 GT 2.0L COUPE 06/12 - on GT86 2.0L (EUROPE) 06/12 - on GTS (AUSTRALIA) F/R DBA No. STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X F 648 l R 2659 l F 650 l F 4650* F 5010* R 2663 l 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented ○ l l l lV 277 l l l ls 286 l lV 294 l l V 295 l V 295 l l l V 290 ○ ○ Aurion v6 3.5L V6 (GSV40R) 11/06 - 03/12 F 2709 l l ll R 2707 l l ○○ AVALON MCX10R - V6 3.0L DOHC all models rear all models rear all models USA 07/00 - 08/03 F 735 l 07/00 - 08/03 R 757 l 09/03 - on R 2707 l 1995 - 04 F 735 l AVENSIS VERSO (ACM20/21) GLX, Ultima - 7 seater 5/01 - on (MPV Australian Model) F 735 R 697 l l A D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes Dimensions (mm) B 57 63.5 57 57.5 57.5 64 C D E F 24 22 585 10 8.5 585 24 22 585 25 23 58 5 25 23 585 18 16 585 ○ V 296 49.3 28 ○ S 286 65 10 25 625 8.5 625 ○ ○V27549.528 26 625 ○ S29165.5 9 8 625 ○ ○l ○ S 286 65 10 8.5 625 ○ ○V27549.528 26 625 ○ ○V27549.528 26 625 ○S29168.512 10.5 625 CAMRY SV11 1982 - 86 F 149 l V243 45 22 21 545 SV20 Series I, II 1987 - 10/92 F 730 l V25547.522 21 545 VZV20 Series I, II 2/88 - 10/92 F 732 l V255 48 25 24 545 SDV10, SVX10 4 Cyl 11/92 -7/97 F 733 l V255 49 28 26 625 VCV10, VDV10 Vienta V6 11/92 -7/97 F 735 l V27549.528 26 625 SDV10, VDV10 All Sedans 11/92- 7/97 R 736 l S269 65 10 9 625 VDV10 V6 All Wagons 11/92 -7/97 R 734 l S288 65 10 9 625 SXV20 7/97 - 2002 F 733 l V255 49 28 26 625 MCV20 7/97 - 2002 F 735 l V27549.528 26 625 Rear disc fitsR 736 l S269 65 10 9 625 all sedans and wagons 3.0L V6 (MCV36R) 8/02 - 8/06 F 735 l V27549.528 26 625 2.4L 4cyl (ACV36R) Rear fits R 2707 l l S 286 65 10 8.5 625 all sedans & wagons 3.0L V6 (MCV30) 07/2001 - on F 2705 l V29649.328 26 625 (Europe & USA) R 2711 l S269 65 12 10.5 625 -16inch wheels 2.4L CYL (ACV40R) 06/06 - on F 2709 l l ll V296 49.3 28 25 625 R 2707 l l S286 65 10 8.5 625 acv40, GSV40 2006 - on F 2709 l l ll V296 49.3 28 25 625 euro Spec R 2713 l S281 67 10 8.5 625 HYBRID aHv40R 01/10 - 02/12 F 2709 l l ll V296 49.3 28 25 625 R 2707 l l S286 65 10 8.5 625 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○○ ○ ○○ ○ ○○ ○ ○○ 140 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ All rights reserved. © Copyright 2013 Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. Trademarks: All DBA Part References listed in this catalogue are Trademarks of Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 140 5/06/2013 2:21:56 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness TOYOTA Model Years F/R DBA No. STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented A D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes Dimensions (mm) B C D E F CELICA TA 22 1971 - 7/77 F 139 l S22817.910 9 644 RA 23, RA 28 Liftback 1976 - 7/77 F 140 l S254 1612.711.5 73 4 RA 40, RA 40 B 8/77 - 7/81 RA 60, Coupe, Liftback 8/81 - 9/83 F 146 l V258 26 20 19 76 4 SA 63, 2.0 L 10/83 - 84 RA 65, 2.4 L 10/84 - 85 ST 162 SX, GTS, 2.0 GT Coupe 8/85 - 8/89 F 739 l V25847.522 21 545 ST 162 ST 10/86 - 8/89 F 740 l V243 48 22 21 544 ST 184 2WD, 2.0 GT Coupe 10/89 - 8/91 F 742 l V255 46 22 20 545 ST 184 2WD 8/91-11/93 F 743 l V278 46 25 23 54 5 ST 185 4WD (incl. Group A) ST 185 4WD (Incl. Group A) 10/89 -11/93 R 744 l S288 60 10 9 545 8/95 - 8/99 R 764 l S269 65 9 8 555 ST 205 4WD 2/94 - on F 560 l V315 59 32 30 555 ZZT231 1.8L DOHC 11/99-06/00 F 562 l V27549.525 23 555 1.8 WTI 190 BHP 2000 - on R 563 l S269 56 9 7.555 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ COROLLA / RUNX / ALLEX KE 30#, KE50#, KE 70, AE 71 10/81-12/84 Series with Local Brakes AE 80, 82 SOHC 1985 -12/88 AE 82 D.O.H.C 1986 -12/88 AE 90, 92 S.O.H.C. 2/89 -10/94 AE 90, 92, 93 D.O.H.C. 8/89 - 6/91 AE 95 4WD 2/88 - 94 AE 92 SX 8/89 - 6/91 (Eng:4AGE) Fuel Injected AE 92 GT, GS, ULTIMA 6/91 - 10/92 (Eng:4AGE) Fuel Injected AE 93 (Eng:4AGE) Fuel Injected10/92 - 94 AE 101 2/94 - 7/99 AE 102, 7/94 - 7/99 AE 102 Sprinter 2/94 - 5/96 AE 112 Import + turbo 5/97 - 2001 ZZE 122 - all models 12/01 - on (Except Sth African model) ZZE 122 - Sth African model12/01 - on ZZE 123 - Sportivo 2003 - 7/07 Corolla Verso 2.0L (UK) ZRE 152R 1.8l 4d hatch 05/07 - 9/12 ZRE 152R 1.8l 4d SEDAN ascent zre 152R sedan RUMON zre 152 (japan) 10/07 - 11/09 F 144 l ○S218 3012.711.5 F F R F F 701 702 703 701 704 l l l l l ○S243 4813.512.5 544 ○V243 48 18 17 544 ○S242 37 9 8 544 ○S243 4813.512.5 544 ○V238 48 18 17 54 4 R 703 l ○S242 37 9 8 544 R F F 703 711 709 l l l ○S242 37 9 ○V238 48 22 ○ V255 48 22 8 544 20 554 20 554 R F R F R F 710 712 713 712 2719 759 l l l l l l ○ S266 37 9 ○V25549.525 ○S269 56 9 ○V25549.525 ○S258 56 9 ○V275 50 25 8 23 8 23 8 23 F 2742 l ○V27546.322 19 625 R 2743 l ○S25930.5 9 7.5 625 The Kangaroo Paw design is not available on all part numbers, ask your supplier for details. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 141 64 4 554 554 554 554 554 554 141 5/06/2013 2:21:56 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness TOYOTA Model Years F/R DBA No. STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented A D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes Dimensions (mm) B C D E F CORONA RT 80, RT 81 RT 104, RT 118 T 130, XT 131 RT 132, RT 133 ST 141 2.0 L, RT 142 2.4 L 2/70 - 7/73 F 139 l S22817.910 9 644 8/73 - 9/79 F 138 l S266 4212.711.5 764 10/79 - 5/83 2/82 - 5/83 6/83 - 4/87 F 705 l S250 2512.711.5 764 CORONA MKII MX 10, 13, 22, 23 1972 - 11/76 ○ ○ ○ CRESSIDA MX 32, MX 36 12/76 - 8/80 MX 73 8/84 - 8/88 MX 83 9/88 - 8/90 F 138 F F R F 138 721 722 570 l ○S266 4212.711.5 764 ○l○○V24828.518 l l l ○V248 40 22 ○V269 61 18 ○ V256 68 20 17 21 17 19 764 764 604 605 CROWN MS 65 Sedan 2/71 - 9/74 F 724 l S266 4212.711.3 76 5 MS 83 Wagon, MS 85 1974 - 78 MS 123 8/83 - 6/86 F 728 l V252 40 20 19 765 MS 123 Royal 8/83 - 6/86 R 731 l S269 65 12 11 675 ○ ○ ○ ECHO / PLATZ NCP 10, NCP 12 all models USA 10/99 - on 2001 - 04 F F 723 753 l l ○V235 43 18 ○ V25543.2520 LEXCEN VN 1, 3, VP 1, 3 6/89 - 5/92 F 015 l l V270 Except ABS VP 1, VP 3 5/92 - 7/92 F 025 l V270 VP 1, VP 3 7/92 - 5/93 F 027 l l V290 Including ABS VR, VS 6/93 - on F 035 l l ll V 289 VN 1, 3, VP 1, 3 except IRS 6/89 - 5/93 R 016 l l ll S 279 VR, VS except IRS 6/93 - on VP with IRS 9/91 - 5/93 R 026 l l S279 VR, VS with IRS 6/93 - on R 036 l l S279 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ MR2 / MR-S SPYDER turbo & non-turbo PASEO EL 44 1.5L Coupe EL54 82 22 20*hub5 82 23 20*hub 5 82 23 20*hub 5 83 23 20 705 83 10.5 8.5* 705 6710.58.5 705 8610.78.5 705 12/99 - on F 753 l ○ 4/91 - 94 8/95 - on F F 695 695 l l ○V254 43 18 ○V254 43 18 17 554 17 554 F 712 l R 713 l F 2738 l ○ V25549.525 ○S269 56 9 ○V25549.522 23 554 8 554 20 555 PRIUS HNW11R 4D Sedan 1.5L 2001 - 2/02 ALL MODELS 05/03 - ON 142 ○ 16 554 18 554 V25543.2520 18 554 All rights reserved. © Copyright 2013 Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. Trademarks: All DBA Part References listed in this catalogue are Trademarks of Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 142 5/06/2013 2:21:56 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness TOYOTA Model Years SECA AE 82 SOHC, AE 93/94 Non SX 9/85 -12/88 AE 82 DOHC 1986 -12/88 AE 93 SX D.O.H.C. 8/89 - 6/91 AE 101 2/94 - 7/99 AE 102 7/94 - 7/99 F/R F F R F F F R DBA No. 701 702 703 704 711 709 710 STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X l l l l l l l 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented A D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes Dimensions (mm) B C ○ 1996 - on F 714 l E F ○ S243 4813.512.5 544 ○V243 48 18 17 544 ○S242 37 9 8 544 ○V238 48 18 17 544 ○V238 48 22 20 554 ○V25548.522 20 554 ○S266 37 9 8 554 SOARER JZZ30 Eng: 1JZGTE 2.5L TURBO 1991 - on F 4748 l V 296 51 32 UZZ32 Eng: 1UZFE 4.0L V8 (active susp., 4 wheel steer) ( check your dimensions ) R 746 l V307 67 16 JZZ31 Eng: 2JZGE 3.0L 1994 - on F 568 l V27549.528 UZZ30 Eng: 1UZFE 4.0L V8 1991 - on (coil susp., 2 wheel steer) UZZ31 Eng: 1UZFE 4.0L V8 air susp., 2 wheel steer) ( check dimensions ) R 586 l V29167.516 STARLET EP 91 D ○ 30 625 ○ ○ ○ 15 625 26 62 5 ○ 15 605 ○V238 43 18 17 554 SUPRA (GTE = turbo : TT = Twin Turbo : GE = non turbo : NA = Standard Model) MK II MA 61 8/81 -12/85 F 146 l V258 26 20 19 764 ○ SUPRA (MK III) JZA70 MA-70, MA-71 1986 - 5/93 7M-GTE 3.0iL Turbo (TT) 7M-GE 3.0iL (NA) F 715 l ○V30053.522 21 605 R 716 l ○V29168.518 17 605 SUPRA (MK IV) JZA80 ( GZ, RZ, RZ-S, SZ, SZ-R - 3.0-litre twin-cam 24-valve) Jap 2JZ-GTE TT 2 pot caliper 5/93 - 1995 F 4748 l V 296 51 Jap 2JZ-GE (NA) 2 pot caliper 5/93 - on Export 2JZ-GE (NA) 5/93 - on14 2 pot caliper 1 pot caliper on the rear R 746 l V307 67 16 inch rim’s Export 2JZ-GTE TT 5/93 - 10/98 F 4718 l l V 323 50 4 pot caliper Export 2JZ-GE (NA) 5/93 - on 4 pot caliper Jap 2JZ-GTE TT 4 pot caliper 1995 - on 2 pot caliper on the R 719 l l V 324 67.5 rear 17 inch rim’s ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ yaris verso T-SPIRIT (UK) YARIS - all models\ 2003 - on 2003 - on F 2708 l F 2718 l 30 625 16 15 625 ○ 30 28 625 ○ 16 15 625 ○ V25543.320 ○ V25546.522 The Kangaroo Paw design is not available on all part numbers, ask your supplier for details. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 143 32 18 554 19 554 143 5/06/2013 2:21:56 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness TOYOTA - 4WD / SUV / VAN Model Years F/R DBA No. STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented A Dimensions (mm) B 4 runner 2WD 8/89 - 95 F 780 TURBO 1986 - 98 4WD - Turbo 1986 - 87 4WD - exc. Turbo 6/91 - 10/95 LN, YN 61 4 Runner 8/85 - 3/89 LN, YN, VZN 130 4 Runner 8/89 - 91 RN 61 4 Runner 1988 - 91 4WD - exc. Turbo 8/91 - 95 F 775 KUN, GGN, TGN 2005 - on F 2714 GRN21#, UZN21# LIMD 6/05 - onF 2716 SR5, UZN210 LIMD R 793 l V291 66 l l l V 297 67 l l l ll V 319 67.5 l l V312 68 BLIZZARD LD 10 4WD l 1982 - 4/84 F 292 D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes C D E F l lV28964.520 18 1006 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ 25 25 28 18 23 23 26 16 1006 1086 1086 1066 ○S277 3012.511.5 965 COASTER RB 20 5/82 -1/93 F 770 l V300 49 30 29 106.5 5 BB 20, BB 21 5/82 -1/93 HB 30, HZB BB 40, HZB 50 1/93 - on F 771 l V296 101 35 33 1265 DYNA 100, 150 SERIES LH 80R. YH 81-100 8/85 - 3/88 F 156 l V257 47 25 24 845 ○ ○ ○ DYNA 200, 300, 400 SERIES BU, YU, WU, BU 100 All except WU 90 9/84 - on F 770 l ○V300 49 30 29 106.5 5 FJ CRUISER all models 2006 - onF 2716 l l l ll V 319 67.5 28 26 1086 GSJ15 03/11 - on R 793 l l V312 68 18 16 1066 ○ FORTUNER / VIGO / PRERUNNER all models 2005 - on F 2714 l l l V 297 67 25 HI-ACE YH 5, 6, 7, LH 5, 6, 7 12/82 - 7/89 F 156 l V257 47 25 LH, RZH 103, 113, 125, 184 8/89 - onF 766 l V255 47 25 Hi-Ace, 11/94 - on F 767 l V285 46 28 LH162, LH172 15” wheels 8/00 - on SB RCH 12 6 stud holes 8/95 - on F 768 l V285 46 28 KDH, TRH 2005 - on F 2732 l V28548.728 ○ ○ 144 ○ 23 1086 ○ ○ ○ 24 845 23 845 26 845 ○ ○ 26 846 26 1056 All rights reserved. © Copyright 2013 Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. Trademarks: All DBA Part References listed in this catalogue are Trademarks of Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 144 5/06/2013 2:21:56 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness TOYOTA - 4WD / SUV / VAN Model HI-LUX 2WD RN 41, RMSQ SR5 RN 90 ( rare model ) YN56 1.8L RN 50, YN 50 Series YN85/90 1.8L LN50/51/55/56 2.2L & 2.4L RN 85 LN85/90 2.4L Diesel RZN 147, 149, 154 LN 147, 152 KUN 10#, GGN 15# LAN 15#, TGN 15#, 16r 2WD KUN10#, GGN15#, LAN 15#, TGN 15# Years 8/78 - 7/83 8/88 - 7/97 8/83 - 88 8/83 - 3/89 1989 - 97 8/83 - 88 8/88 - 8/97 8/97 - on 8/97 - on 8/97 - on 8/04 - 07 4/07 - on F/R F F F DBA No. 152 783 156 STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X l l l 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented A D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes Dimensions (mm) B C D E F ○S266 4312.711.5 795 ○V254 46 22 20 845 ○V257 47 25 24 845 ○V25558.628 ○ ○V27558.628 F 2715 l l F 2740 l 26 625 26 625 HI-LUX 4WD / 4 RUNNER / SURF / SW4 RN 36, 45, 46 8/80 - 7/83 F 154 l S302 4912.711.5 LN 36, 46 8/80 - 7/83 LN 60, 65, YN 60, 62, 65, 67 8/83 - 3/89 15mm Stud Holes RN 105, LN 106, YN 106 8/88 - 7/97 F 151 l l lV302 49 20 19 LN, YN 61 4 Runner 8/85 - 3/89 F 780 l lV28964.520 18 RN 61 4 Runner 1988 - 91 LN, YN, VZN 130 4 Runner 8/89 - 91 LN 107, 111, 125, 135, 172 8/88 - 04 RN 106, 110, 125, 135 8/88 - 04 LN 165, 167, 170, 172 8/97 - 04 RZN 154, 168, 169, 173, 174 8/97 - 04 LN 192R 3.0Lt Diesel 4WD 8/88 - 04 KZN 165 8/97 - 04 VZN 167 8/88 - 04 LN, RN, VZN, KZN 8/91 - 95 F 775 l V291 66 25 23 KUN 20#, GGN 25#, 08/04 - on F 2714 l l l V 297 67 25 23 LAN 25#, TGN 26# SR5 - GGN 25, KUN 26 2012 - onf 2716 l l l llv 319 67.5 28 26 Models fitted with VSC ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ 100 6 1006 1006 1006 1086 1086 Vehicle stability control KLUGER / HIGHLANDER CV, CVX, Grande - V6 3.3L 8/03 - 07 F 2710 l GSU40 3.5L 201kw fwd 08/07 - onf 2734 l GSU40 3.5L 201kw 4wd 08/07 - on R 2735 l LITE-ACE KM 20 RV 4 Door Van CM 30, 35, KM 36, YM 30, 35 YM 40 10/79 -10/82 9/85 - 8/88 1986 - 8/88 F F F 755 158 758 l l l ○V296 50 28 ○lv32849.528 ○lS30969.710 8.5 625 ○V230 37 18 ○V255 42 20 ○V260 45 20 The Kangaroo Paw design is not available on all part numbers, ask your supplier for details. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 145 26 625 25 625 17 744 19 744 19 955 145 5/06/2013 2:21:57 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness TOYOTA - 4WD / SUV / VAN Model Years F/R DBA No. STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented A D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes Dimensions (mm) B C D E F LANDCRUISER, BUNDERA BJ 42 8/80 -10/84 F 151 l l l ll V 302 49 20 19 100 6 BJ 60, 70, 73, 74 11/84 -1/90 HJ 47, 60, 61, 75 1980 - 99 F 151 l l l ll V 302 49 20 19 100 6 HZJ 70, 73, 75 PZJ 70, 73, 75 FJ 40, FJ 60, FJ 70 Series 1980 - 92 F 151 l l l ll V 302 49 20 19 100 6 FZJ 75, KZJ70 8/92 - on RJ 70, LJ 70 11/84 - 8/92 F 154 l S302 4912.711.5 1006 FJ HZJ 70, 73, 75, FZJ 75 1990 - on R 787 l V312 68 18 16 1066 LANDCRUISER - FJ CRUISER all models 2006 - onF 2716 l l l ll V 319 67.5 28 26 1086 R 793 l l V312 68 18 16 1066 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ LANDCRUISER - 70 SERIES 78 and 79 Series 8/99 - on all 76 series models HZJ78, HDJ78, VDJ76 V8 Turbo Diesel 2/07 - on HZJ76 6cyl Turbo Diesel 2/07 - on F 790 l l R F R 794 790 794 l lV312102.518 16 1105 l l ll V 322 65 32 30 1155 l lV312102.518 16 1105 LANDCRUISER - 80 SERIES FJ 80, HDJ 80, HZJ 80 1990 - 8/92 Early 80 Series ( Rear ) FZJ 80, HDJ 80, HZJ 80 8/92 - 1/98 Late 80 Series ( Rear ) F R F R 782 785 784 786 l lV286 58 25 l V312 103 18 l lll V 311 58 32 l lV336 103 18 ○ ○ ll V 322 65 32 ○ ○ ○ LANDCRUISER - 100 SERIES UZJ 100 R : HDJ 100 R 1998 - 2006 F 788 l l l ll V 312 71 32 LEXUS LX 470 V8 6 and 8 Cylinder R 789 l l l ll V 330 103 18 FZJ 105 R : HZJ 105 R 1998 - 2006 F 790 l l l ll V 322 65 32 6 Cylinder R 791 l l V335 103 18 ( Fixed front axle version only ) ○ ○ LANDCRUISER - 200 SERIES 4.0L, 4.5L, 4.7L - UZJ200 09/07 - on F 2722 l l l R 2723 l l l PRADO - 90 SERIES VZJ90, KZJ90, LJ90, RZJ90 7/96 - on RV4, RV6, GXL, VX, VT, GRANDE F 792 R793 146 ○ ○ ○ ○ PRADO - 120 SERIES RZJ120 10/02 - 07/04 F R TRJ120 08/04 - 08/09 f R KZJ120 3.0L diesel 03/03 - 02/07f R 2700 793 2716 793 2716 793 30 1155 l l l l l l l l l l ○ V 319 ○ V 312 70 22 68 18 l l l l V 338 68 lV312 68 l l llv 319 67.5 lV312 68 l l llv 319 67.5 lV312 68 ○ ○ 1066 1066 1056 1066 30 1155 16 1105 30 1155 16 1105 lllV 340 83.6 32 30 1125 lllV 34576.518 16 1125 l l ○ 23 16 30 16 28 18 28 18 28 18 20 1086 16 1066 26 16 26 16 26 16 1086 1066 1086 1066 1086 1066 All rights reserved. © Copyright 2013 Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. Trademarks: All DBA Part References listed in this catalogue are Trademarks of Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 146 5/06/2013 2:21:57 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness TOYOTA - 4WD / SUV / VAN Model Years PRADO - 150 SERIES All models 11/09 - on RAV 4 SXA10 4/94 - 5/00 ACA20R, ACA22R, ACA23R 5/2000 - 05 ACA33R 2.3L 125kw wagon 02/06 - 0n GSA33 3.5L 201kw wagon 10/07 - on ACA33R 2.4L 125kw 02/06 - on TARAGO / ESTIMA / PREVIA / SIENNA YR 21, 22 8/85 - 1/90 YR 31 4WD 1986 - 1/90 TCR 1, TCR 2 5/90 - 2/00 with rear drums TCR 1, TCR 2 with ABS 5/90 - 2/00 TCR 1, TCR 2 5/90 - 2/00 with rear discs - non ABS TCR 1, TCR 2 ( Rear ) ACR30 Gli, GLX, Ultima 2/00 - 4/03 ACR30 Gli, GLX, Ultima 4/03 - 1/06 ACR50 4DR WAGON 2005 - 2007 GCR50 3DR VAN 2007 - 2008 GCR50 4DR WAGON 2007 - 2008 F/R DBA No. STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X F 2736 l R 2737 l F 690 F 692 R 693 F2709 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented A Dimensions (mm) B C ○l ○ V 338 68.5 32 ○l ○ V 312 68 18 ○ ○ ○ l V302 46 l V275 49 l S303 62 l l ll V 296 49.3 R 2745 l D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes ○ 18 25 9 28 D E F 29 1086 16 1086 16 23 8 25 625 625 625 625 ○S281 55 12 10.5625 F F F 158 159 760 l l l ○V255 42 20 ○V260 45 25 ○V255 53 25 19 744 24 955 23 62 5 F F 762 761 l l ○V271 53 25 ○V279 53 22 23 625 20 62 5 R F R F R F 716 735 697 2705 697 2730 l l l l l l ○V29168.518 17 605 ○ ○V27649.528 26 625 ○S29168.512 10.5 625 ○ ○V29649.328 26 625 ○S29168.512 10.5 625 ○V29649.528 25 625 R 2731 l ○S29864.510 8.5 625 TOWNACE / SPACIA YR 2#, 39 1992 - 7/00 F 778 l ○V255 42 25 23 744 Tercel 4WD 8/82 - 9/90 F 147 l ○S24339.111 10 544 TUNDRA 4.7L V8 2WD & 4WD All models 2000 - 05 2005 - 08 F 7420 l F 2724 l ○ ○V31870.528 ○V35483.532 26 1086 29 1125 TRIUMPH TR3 late models TR4 early models TR7 1978 - 82 F 163 l ○S280.738.212.711.4 794 F 172 l ○S240 57 10 The Kangaroo Paw design is not available on all part numbers, ask your supplier for details. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 147 9 674 147 5/06/2013 2:21:57 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness VOLKSWAGEN Model AMAROK all models Years 2011 - on F/R DBA No. STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X F 2238 l 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented A D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes Dimensions (mm) B C ○V302 57 28 D 26 765 BEETLE (check production codes e.g. IJ-Y.... and ILS - these are found inside the vehicles service book) From 1C-X-400 001 1ZM 2000 - on F 801 l V28036.722 19 From 1C-X-400 001 1ZP FROM 1C-X-400 001 01/02 - on F 802 l V288 34 25 23 1ZH, 1ZE, 1ZD Rear fits all models above R 803 l S23239.5 9 7 From 1C-X-400 001 1LJ 2000 F 838 l V31234.225 23 ‘RSI’ Only (V Limited) R 800 l V25636.722 19 BORA FR. WHEEL DR (14in RIM) 1LQ1998 - on F 800 FR. WHEEL DR (15in RIM) 1998 - onF806 1KT (up to 1J-YP061677) 1998 - onF806 1KT (up to 1J-YW238680) 1998 - onR803 Fr Wheel Dr 1998 - onF833 1LN, 1LE, 1ZH, 1ZE, 1ZD V6 4MOTION 1ZQ, 1LJ 1998 - onF838 V6 4WD 16in Rim 1KU, 2EE 1998 - onR800 E F ○ 655 ○ 655 ○ ○ ○ 655 655 ○ 655 l l l l l ○V25636.722 ○V28046.222 ○V28046.222 ○S23239.5 9 ○V288 28 25 19 20 20 7 23 l l ○ ○V31234.225 ○V25636.722 23 655 19 655 Caddy 1.6 life 3dr van 2k series 08/06 - 11/10 F 2810 l V28849.725 1.9 life 3dr van 2k series 08/06 - 11/10 1.9 tdi 7 seater 2k series 08/06 - 11/10 tdi 250 4dr wagon 2k 12/10 - on check dimensions for F 2812 l V280 49 22 front and rear R 2811 l S25351.510 R 2813 l S25648.512 655 685 685 655 655 ○ 22 655 ○ ○ ○ 19 655 8 655 10 655 CRAFTER 35 MWB, LWB 2.5L 4DR caB 03/07 - 01/12 F 2270 l V 299.568.528 25 856 35 MWB, LWB 2 DR cab 03/07 - 01/12 50 MWB, LWB 2 DR CAB 03/07 - 01/12 50 MWB, LWB 4DR VAN 03/07 - 01/12 R 2269 l S29871.516 14 856 GOLF MK1 1.1L 4/74 - 7/75 F 240 l S23935.212 10 654 1.5L 8/76 - 7/83 1.6L 8/75 - 9/83 1.6L TD 3/82 - 7/83 1.8L 3/79 - 10/83 ○ ○ ○ 148 All rights reserved. © Copyright 2013 Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. Trademarks: All DBA Part References listed in this catalogue are Trademarks of Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 148 5/06/2013 2:21:57 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness VOLKSWAGEN Model Years F/R DBA No. STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented A D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes Dimensions (mm) B C D E F GOLF MK2 1.0L w/ ABS 8/83 - 10/91 F 240 lS22671.210 1.3L w/ ABS 8/83 - 7/92 1.6L (51/55kW) 8/83 - 12/92 6L D (Auto) 11/83 - 7/92 1.6L TD 8/83 - 10/91 1.8L inc. ABS (S Disc) 8/83 - 10/91 1.8L Syncro 4WD 1985 - 91 1.8L w/ ABS only (S) 8/83 - 10/91 F 240 lS22671.210 All above models 8/83 - 10/91 R 832 lS22671.210 1.8i GTI 16V (Late) 10/88 - 91 F 446 lV256 39 20 R 832 lS22671.210 GOLF MK3 VR6 MK 3 From to SW 400 001 1994 - 97 F 833 l V288 28 25 GTi - VR6 8/95 - 98 F 833 l V288 28 25 ○ ○ 23 655 23 655 GOLF MK4 MK 4 1LQ, 1ZF (14in RIM) MK 4 1LS, 1ZM (15in RIM) 1LN, 1LE, 1ZH, 1ZE, 1ZD 1ZQ, 1LJ - IV models All MK 4 models ( Rears ) l l l l l ○V25636.722 ○V28036.722 ○V288 34 25 ○ ○V31234.225 ○S23239.5 9 19 19 23 23 7 2810 l ○V28849.725 22 655 2812 2811 2813 2806 l l l l ○V280 49 22 ○ S25351.510 ○ S25648.512 ○ ○l ○ V 312 49.8 25 19 8 10 22 655 655 655 655 2807 2808 2809 2808 l l l l ○ ○l ○ ○l ○l ○ ○l 10 27 20 27 655 655 655 655 2809 l ○l ○ V 310 48.5 22 20 655 2806 2811 2813 2810 2812 2811 2813 l l l l l l l ○ ○l ○ V 312 49.8 25 ○ S25351.510 ○ S25648.512 ○V28849.725 ○V280 49 22 ○ S25351.510 ○ S25648.512 22 8 10 22 19 8 10 1998 - 04 1998 - 04 1998 - 04 1998 - 04 1998 - 04 F F F F R GOLF MK5 All Models type 5 2003 - on F (exc. GTi & R32) 1.6L 75kw 4DR hatch 2005 - 02/09 1.9L TDI 77kw 4d hatch 2006 - 07/07 gt 1.4l type 5 125kw 05/07 - 09/09 check dimensions for F front and rear R R GTi 2.0L turbo 2003 - 09/09 F GTI pirelli 169kw 10/08 - 09/09 R R32 3.2L V6 2004 - on F R R32 3.2L V6 2004 - on F GOLF R 2010 - on R GOLF MK6 gtd 06/10 - on 1kd & 1kq vin models 1ke & 1kf vin models 118tsi coMFORTLINE 03/09 - on 77 tsi type 6 1.2l 10/10 - on check dimensions for front and rear F R R F F R R 800 801 802 838 803 ○ S285.6 48.4 11.7 ○ V 345 49.8 30 ○ V 310 48.5 22 ○ V 345 49.8 30 The Kangaroo Paw design is not available on all part numbers, ask your supplier for details. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 149 8 39.84 8 39.84 8 39.84 18 654 8 39.84 655 655 655 655 655 655 655 655 655 655 655 655 149 5/06/2013 2:21:57 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness VOLKSWAGEN Model Years JETTA GTi 2.0L 4cyl TURBO 2003 - on R32 3.2L V6 2004 - on 2.0i 16V TFSI (147kW) 2005 - on 118 tsi 1.4l 1k series 02/09 - on check dimensions for front and rear F/R F R F R F R F F R R DBA No. 2806 2807 2808 2809 2806 2807 2810 2812 2811 2813 PASSAT 1.5, 1.6 1973 - 82 F 240 Variant Diesel 1.5 1979 - 82 4WD 4CYL Only 1994 - 97 F 446 R 832 VR6 AAA Engine (2WD) 1994 - 97 F 833 ADR 1.8, 4WD 1996 - 01 F 806 Prod. Codes 1LZ, 1ZJ R 810 IV 16” wheels 2001 - on F 838 gl vr6 2.8L 4dr sedan (3a) 08/95 - 12/96 F 833 ADR 1LB (up to 3B-X-124107) 1996 - 01 F 836 4WD 1LB/1ZC (up to 3B-X-124107) AEB, ACK 1LB (up to X-124107) ADR 1ZC (from 3B-X-124107) 1996 - 01 F 833 4WD 1LB/1ZC (from 3B-X-124107) AEB, ACK 1ZC (from X-124107) + all 1LB, 1ZC, 1LE from 3B-Y-000001 Rear fits all models above R 810 GP all ATE 1ZC (15in RIM) 2001 - on F 833 4MOTION 1ZC/1LE (15in RIM) GP all ATE 1LT (16in RIM) 2001 - on F 838 4MOTION 1LT (16in RIM) Rear all GP ATE models 2001 - on R 810 w8 4.0L 4DR sedan 2002 - 07/04 F 833 check front rotor F 838 R 810 Rear 4MOTION 1ZC/1LE (16in RIM) 2001 - on R 800 2.3 V5 / 4Motion, 2.8 V6 4Motion” 11/00 - 05 F 2800 Turbodiesel 2.5 V6 Tdi / 4Motion 2.8L v6, v6 4dr sedan (3b) 05/01 - 02/06 F 2800 1.6i, 1.6i 16V FSI, 2.0i 16V FSI, 4/05 - on F 2806 1.9 TDI, 2.0 16V TDI 103/125kW 4/05 - on 2.0i 16V TFSI 8/05 - on 3.2 v6 fsi (3c) 4dr sedan 03/06 - 03/11 Rear fits all models above R 2807 R36 V6 fsi highline (3c) 06/08 - on F 2808 R 2809 150 STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented A D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes Dimensions (mm) B C D E F l l l l l l l l l l ○ ○l ○ V 312 49.8 25 ○ ○l ○ S285.6 48.4 11.7 ○ ○l ○ V 345 49.8 30 ○l ○ V 310 48.5 22 ○ ○l ○ V 312 49.8 25 ○ ○l ○ S285.6 48.4 11.7 ○V28849.725 ○V280 49 22 ○ S25351.510 ○ S25648.512 22 10 27 20 22 10 22 19 8 10 655 655 655 655 655 655 655 655 655 655 l ○S23935.212 10 65 l l l l l l l l ○V256 39 20 ○S22671.210 ○V288 28 25 ○V28046.222 ○S24563.910 ○ ○V31234.225 ○V288 28 25 ○V282 46 25 18 654 8 39.84 23 655 20 685 8 685 23 655 23 655 23 685 l ○V288 28 25 23 655 l l ○S24563.910 ○V288 28 25 8 685 23 655 l ○ ○V31234.225 23 655 l l l l l l ○S24563.910 ○V288 28 25 ○ ○V31234.225 ○S24563.910 ○V25636.722 ○ ○V31246.225 8 23 23 8 19 23 l l ○ ○V31246.225 ○ ○l ○ V 312 49.8 25 23 685 22 655 l l l ○ ○l ○ S285.6 48.4 11.7 ○ ○l ○ V 345 49.8 30 ○l ○ V 310 48.5 22 10 655 27 655 20 655 4 685 655 655 685 655 685 All rights reserved. © Copyright 2013 Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. Trademarks: All DBA Part References listed in this catalogue are Trademarks of Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 150 5/06/2013 2:21:57 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness VOLKSWAGEN Model Years F/R POLO Polo 1995 - ON F 4dr hatch 1.4L, 1.6L (6N) 1995 - 2002 GTi 1.6L 4dr hatch (6N) 2000 - 2002 4DR hatch elite, match 07/02 - 07/06 S, SE 1.4L models (9N) 4dr sedan classic 1.6L (9n) 04/04 - 10/05 4dr hatch match 1.4L (9N) 09/03 - 09/08 2dr hatch club 1.4L (9n) 11/05 - 07/07 2dR hatch club. edition 07/06 - 04/10 2Dr hatch (9N) 1.4L 07/02 - 07/06 2dr hatch diesel turbo 2006 - 2008 4dr hatch pacific 1.6L 2006 - 04/10 Pacific TDI 1.9L 11/05 - 04/10 66 tDi comforline 1.6l 05/10 - on F check front rotor F R 77 tsi comforline 1.2l 05/10 - on F check front rotor F R trendline 2dr hatch 1.4L 2009 - 01/12 F check front rotor F R GTI 1.8L (9N) 17h, 1ln 11/05 - 08/10 F R GTI 1.4L (6R) 1ZD 11/10 - 07/12 F R DBA No. STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X F R F R F Dimensions (mm) B C D E F l ○V239 34 18 16 654 800 802 803 800 802 803 800 802 803 802 803 802 803 l l l l l l l l l l l l l ○V25636.722 ○V288 34 25 ○S23239.5 9 ○V25636.722 ○V288 34 25 ○S23239.5 9 ○V25636.722 ○V288 34 25 ○S23239.5 9 ○V288 34 25 ○S23239.5 9 ○V288 34 25 ○S23239.5 9 19 23 7 19 23 7 19 23 7 23 7 23 7 ○ ○l ○ V 312 49.8 25 22 655 ○ ○l ○ V 312 49.8 25 22 655 2242 2243 2244 2245 2246 l l l l l R 2245 l VOLKSWAGEN Kombi 1970 - 7/72 F 245 l Kombi 8/79 - 9/85 F 442 l ○ ○l ○ 655 655 655 655 655 655 655 655 655 655 655 655 655 S285.6 48.4 11.7 10 655 ○ ○V30855.629.525.5 765 ○ ○V314 76 22 18 765 ○l ○ V 330 69 32 30 855 ○l ○ V 330 74 28 26 855 ○ ○ ll V 350 69 34 32 855 ○ ○ ll V 330 74 28 26 855 ○S27882.513 11.5 665 ○S27882.513 11.5hub5 The Kangaroo Paw design is not available on all part numbers, ask your supplier for details. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 151 A 837 TIGUAN 103 TDI (5N) 4WD 09/10 - on F 2806 l 147 TSI (5N) 4WD 05/08 - 09/11 125 TSI (5N) 4WD 05/08 - 09/11 103 TDI (5N) AWD DIESEL 09/10 - 09/11 F 2806 l 125 TSI )5N) 4WD R 2807 l TOUAREG All models 16” wheels 10/02 - on 3.2 V6, 2.5 R5 TDI, 30 V6 All models 17” wheels 10/02 - on All models 10/02 - on 18” & 19” wheels 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes 151 5/06/2013 2:21:58 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness VOLKSWAGEN Model Years F/R DBA No. STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented A D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes Dimensions (mm) B C D E F Transporter / Caravelle T2, U.S.A Vanagon 2WD 8/85 - 92 F 443 l S258 54 16 13hub5 Floating Caliper Rear Drum Brakes for these models 15” rims (up to 70-T-199 999) ILP F 448 l S28264.518 15 685 T4 2.0L / Diesel 1.9L 9/92 - 96 Girling Rear Drum Brakes ○ ○ for these models Syncro 4WD, 9/92 - 96 Euro Van 2.4L 15” rims (up to 70-T-199 999) ILEF 449 l V28064.524 T4 2.5L / Diesel 2.4L 9/90 - 6/96 Girling Rear Drum Brakes for these models Syncro 4WD, 11/92 - 6/96 Euro Van 2.4L 15” rims (from 70-T-200001 ILP F 830 l S282 55 18 T4 Caravelle / Multivan 6/96 - 03 Lucas Rear Disc Brakes DBA-831 15” rims (from 70-T-200000) ILE, ILU F 548 l V280 54 24 T4 2.5L TDi 111kW 6/96 - 03 Lucas, ITT Rear Disc Brakes DBA-831 Transporter, Multivan, Caravelle Square or Curved Pads all rear disc brake models 6/96 - 03 R 831 l S280 40 12 ○ 20 685 ○ 15 685 ○ 20 685 ○ 10 685 (check production codes e.g.70-T-199.... and ILE - these are found inside the vehicles service book) T5 - TRANSPORTER + MULTIVAN T5 - 16” wheels 04/03 - on T5 - 17” wheels 04/03 - on T5 4motion - 16” wheels 07/04 - on T5 4motion - 17” wheels 07/04 - on T5 - Rear All Models 04/03 - on F F F F R 2242 2248 2242 2248 2247 LT (II) 28 05/96 - 01F 566 R 2267 35 05/96 - 01F 566 R 567 46 05/96 - 01F 566 R 2268 152 l l l l l ○ ○V30855.629.525.5 765 ○V33355.633 28.5 765 ○ ○V30855.629.525.5 765 ○V33355.633 28.5 765 ○ ○V29444.422 19.5 765 lV276 77 22 19.5 855 l S25896.512 10 855 lV276 77 22 19.5 855 l S272 97 16 14 855 lV276 77 22 19.5 855 l S285 93 22 19 1206 ○ ○ ○ All rights reserved. © Copyright 2013 Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. Trademarks: All DBA Part References listed in this catalogue are Trademarks of Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 152 5/06/2013 2:21:58 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness VOLVO Model Years 140 / 160 SERIES 142, 144, 145, 164, P1800 1968 - 75 ATE Brakes 164 1968 - 75 Girling Brakes F/R DBA No. STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented A D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes Dimensions (mm) B C D E F 384 l ○S272 6912.711.4 R 680 F 681 l l ○S29588.39.6 8.6 685 ○S27270.514.313.1 68 5 R 680 l ○S29588.39.6 8.6 F 68 68 5 5 240 / 260 SERIES 240, 260 Series 1974 - 93 F 380 l S263 6514.513.1 685 240, 260 Series 1975 - 93 F 382 l V26364.324 22.8 68 5 DB 62 Pads ATE Calipers 240, 260 Series 1976 - 93 F 383 l V26367.522 20.4 68 5 DB 549 Pads Girling Calipers 1974 - 93 R 381 l S28173.59.6 8.4 685 ○ ○ ○ ○ 360 SERIES GLE, GLT Hatch 1984 - 91 F 687 l ○S239 2912.711.4 684 740 SERIES GLE 14 inch Wheel 1984 - 88 F 684 l s 262.556 22 20hub5 GLE 15 inch Wheel/Turbo Non ABS GLE 14 inch Wheel 1984 - 88 F 683 l s287 56 22 20hub5 GLE 15 inch Wheel/Turbo GLE 14 inch Wheel 1988 - 92 F 685 l V 262.556 22 20 685 GLE 15 inch Wheel/Turbo 1980 - 1/92 F 686 l V287 56 22 20 685 GLE with ABS 1991 - on F 688* l V280 56 26 24 685 All Rears Not Multilink 1984 - 1/92 R 381 l S28173.59.6 8.4 685 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ 760 SERIES GLE V6 2/83 - 1/84 F 682 l V287 52 22 20hub5 Bendix Brakes Hub Seal No.1329820-3 (can use DBA 683) GLE V6 1988 - 90 F 686 l V287 56 22 20 685 GLE with ABS 1991 - on F 688* l V280 56 26 24 685 Without Multilink 1983 - 87 R 381 l S28173.59.6 8.4 685 ○ ○ ○ ○ 850 SERIES GLE / GLT 4 Stud Wheel 1993 only GLE / GLT 5 Stud Wheel 1994 - on 5 lug - USA 1993 - 97 ○V28050.526 23 684 ○S295 72 9.6 8.4 684 ○ ○V28050.526 23 685 F 880 R 881 F 882 l l l R 883 lS29572.510 8.4 685 940 SERIES 940 GL/GLE with ABS 1990 - on F 688 940 GL, GLE, SE, Turbo R 381 Not Multilink l l ○V280 56 26 24 ○S28173.59.6 8.4 The Kangaroo Paw design is not available on all part numbers, ask your supplier for details. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 153 685 68 5 153 5/06/2013 2:21:58 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness VOLVO Model Years 960 SERIES 960 1994 - 96 F/R DBA No. F 688 R 381 STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X l l c30 2.5L le, s fwd 2DR hatch 03/07 - 08/10 F 2380 l 2.5L t5, t5 r-design 2dr 11/08 - 03/12 R 2121 l C70 coupe / cabriolet C70 15” Wheels C70 Rear 2WD s40 S40 all models S40 all models S40 Rear - all models 2.4L 4dr sedan fwd t5 awd 4DR sedan turbo 15# wheels 2.4L 4dr sedan fwd t5 awd 4DR sedan turbo 16# wheels s40 II S40 II 15” wheels S40 II 16” wheels 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented A D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes Dimensions (mm) B C D E F ○V280 56 26 24 685 ○S28173.59.6 8.4 685 ○V 30048.525 23 645 ○ S280 41 11 9 645 882 883 l l ○ ○V28050.526 23 685 ○S29572.510 8.4 685 7/95 - 6/97 F 885 7/97 - 12/03 F 886 7/95 - 12/03 R 887 06/04 - 01/06 F 2118 03/07 - 10/09 l l l l ○V256 46 24 21.5 694 ○V281 46 24 21.5 694 ○S260 41 10 8.4 904 ○V27848.525 23 645 3/97 - 09/02 F 3/97 - 9/02 R 06/04 - 01/06 F 2380 l 03/07 - 10/09 ○V 30048.525 23 645 01/04 - on F 2118 l 01/04 - onF2380 l ○V27848.525 ○V 30048.525 23 645 23 645 s60 S60 15” wheels 11/00 - on F 2382 l S60 16” wheels 11/00 - onF2384 l S60 Rear 15” & 16” wheels 11/00 - onR2383 l ○V28650.326 ○V30550.328 ○S288 65 12 23 685 25 685 10 685 s70 S70 15” wheels S70 Rear 2WD ○ ○V28050.526 23 685 ○S29572.510 8.4 685 1/97 - 11/00 F 1/97 - 11/00 R s80 S80 15” wheels 5/98 - on S80 16” wheels 5/98 - on S80 Rear 15” & 16” wheels 5/98 - on 882 883 l l F 2382 l F 2384 l R 2383 l ○V28650.326 ○V30550.328 ○S288 65 12 23 685 25 685 10 685 23 685 s90 S90 All models 1/97 - 05/98 F 882 l ○ ○V28050.526 v40 V40 all models V40 all models V40 Rear - all models 7/95 - 6/97 F 7/97 - 12/03 F 7/95 - 12/03 R 885 886 887 l l l ○V256 46 24 21.5 694 ○V281 46 24 21.5 694 ○S260 41 10 8.4 904 V50 V50 15” wheels V50 16” wheels 04/04 - 04/04 - on 154 F 2118 l F 2380 l ○V27848.525 ○V 30048.525 23 645 23 645 All rights reserved. © Copyright 2013 Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. Trademarks: All DBA Part References listed in this catalogue are Trademarks of Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 154 5/06/2013 2:21:58 PM Catalogue 2013 - version 2 = = DBA Ranged Item ○’= Special order item A = Diameter B = Original Height C = Original Thickness VOLVO Model v70 V70 15” wheels V70 Rear 2WD Years F/R 1/97 - 05/00 F 1/97 - 05/00 R DBA No. 882 883 STREET STREETSTREET OED T2 X l l V70 II V70 II 15” wheels 03/00 - on F 2382 l V70 II 16” wheels 03/00 - onF2384 l V70 II Rear 15” & 16” wheels03/00 - onR2383 l Dimensions (mm) B C D E F ○ ○V28050.526 23 685 ○S29572.510 8.4 685 23 685 25 685 10 685 l ○ ○V28050.526 23 685 l l l ○V28650.326 ○V30550.328 ○S288 65 12 23 685 25 685 10 685 F 2376 l ○V31650.430 27 685 F 2378 l R 2377 l ○V31650.428 ○S308 65 20 25 685 18 685 The Kangaroo Paw design is not available on all part numbers, ask your supplier for details. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 155 A ○V28650.326 ○V30550.328 ○S288 65 12 v90 V90 All models 1/97 - 05/98 F 882 XC70 Cross Country XC70 15” wheels 03/00 - on F 2382 XC70 16” wheels 03/00 - onF2384 XC70 Rear 15” & 16” wheels03/00 - onR2383 XC90 2.5T, 4D wagon 15# wheel 2003 - 07 3.2L 4D wagon 15# wheel 2007 - on D5 4D wagon 15# wheel 2005 - 2011 for 16# wheels all above models 4000 4000 4000 5000 DS Solid HD T3 XS T3 PAD Vented D = Min. Thickness E = Centre Hole Dia. F = No. of Bolt Holes 155 5/06/2013 2:21:58 PM DRUM BRAKES catalogue - 2013 V200313 CONTENTS Vehicle Make Page # BMW157 chrysler157 DAEWOO157 Daihatsu157 Daihatsu Commercial 158 FORD158 FOrd Commercial 159 Holden 160 Holden commercial 161 Honda161 hyundai162 jeep162 Kia163 Vehicle Make Page # landrover163 MINI-COOPER163 Mazda164 mazda commercial 164 Mitsubishi 164 Mitsubishi Commercial 165 Nissan166 Nissan commercial 167 Porsche168 rOVER168 SUZUKI168 TOYOTA 169 GENERAL DISCLAIMER Important Disclaimer: Certain information in this Catalogue has been compiled from data published by original equipment manufacturers. Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd is unable to warrant the accuracy of third party data, and does not accept responsibility for loss or damage of any kind caused as a result of such data being inaccurate. We also encourage you to contact DBA if you have any concerns about the information provided. We will make every effort to correct any errors once they are brought to our attention. Trademarks DBA, T3, T3, 4000 series, 5000 series Kangaroo Paw, TSP, Thermal Stability Profiling, DBA XS, ALUMALITE logos are either registered or trademarks of Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. All rights reserved. © Copyright 2013 Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. Trademarks: All DBA Part References listed in this catalogue are Trademarks of Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. Trademarks include Part Number identification issued by DISC BRAKES AUSTRALIA PTY LTD. COPYRIGHT © DISC BRAKES AUSTRALIA This work is copyright. You may display this material in unaltered form only (retaining this notice) for your use within your organisation. All other rights are reserved. Requests and inquiries concerning reproduction and rights should be addressed to DBA - PO Box 6666, Silverwater DC, NSW, 1811, Australia; or by e-mail The Kangaroo Paw design is not available on all part numbers, ask your supplier for details. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 156 5/06/2013 2:21:58 PM DRUM BRAKES BMW Model 1502 1600, 1602 E10 1802, 1802T E10 2002 Cabrio, Ti, E10 2002 Touring, Tii 1800 E10 2000 E10 2002 Turbo E10 318, 318 i, 320 i E21 320/4, 320/6 E21 2800 CS E3 520 i E12 518, 518 i, 520/4 E12 520/6 E12 316 i, 318 i E30 316 i, 318 i E36 YearsF/R Drum No. Brake Shoe Dia. Face A Machine Face B Centre Hole C Drum Height D Max. Diam. E Stud Holes 1975 - 77 R 1800 E1462 23047 58 59231 4 1967 - 73 Shoes 1971 - 75 1969 - 75 1969 - 75 1963 - 67 R 1801 E1461 250 47 58 63.5 251 4 1966 - 69 Shoes 1973 - 75 1976 - 82 1976 - 82 1968 - 71 R 1802 E1461 250 47 75 63.5 251 5 1968 - 71 Shoes 1972 - 79 1977 - 6/81 1982 - 91 R 1803 E1354/1 228.557 62 59229.5 4 9/90 - on R 1804 E1354/1 228.547 75 59229.5 5 chrysler Valiant VH, VJ, VK, CH, 1972 - 78 R 1720 Large 228.654 71.5 73229.6 5 CJ, CK, CL Centre Hole E1264 Shoes Neon R 1721 200 39 57.5 60.5201 5 Voyager R 1722 E1756 25065 72 78251 5 DAEWOO Cielo, Lanos, Espero, Nubria 2/95 - on R 1680 E1710 20053 57 67201 4 Daihatsu Charade G100 G102 G200, G202, G203 G102 1/87 - 94 R 1690 E1658 18036Hub72.5181 4 1/90 - 93 1/89 - on 1/90 - 93 R 1691 E1682 200 41 56 56.5201 4 mira L200, L201 1990 - on R 1692 E1688 228 60 67 69230.6 5 move L601 1997 - on R 1692 228 60 67 69230.6 5 Terios 5 DR Sedan 1997 - on R 1693 E1747 228.653.5 66.5 69 230 5 157 AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 157 5/06/2013 2:21:59 PM DRUM BRAKES Daihatsu Commercial Model YearsF/R Drum No. Brake Shoe Dia. Face A Machine Face B Centre Hole C Drum Height D Max. Diam. E Stud Holes rocky Turbo & Non Turbo 1984 - on R 1694 E1607 25452 107 66255 5 ferosa F300, F301 1988 - on R 1694 E1607 25452 107 66255 5 1989 - 92 R 1700 E1656 228.654 68 FORD Corsair UA 67229.5 4 Falcon XB, XC, XD, XE, XF 10/75 - 86 R 1610 E1271 Shoes 10”223/16”23/4”211/16”10.060” 5 ororororor 254 55 70 68.5 255.5 Fairlane Fairlane ZG, ZH, ZJ 10/75 - 81 R 1610 E1271 Shoes 10”223/16”23/4”211/16”10.060” 5 ororororor 254 55 70 68.5 255.5 Laser KA, KB 1981 - 85 R 1611 E1394 18036hub 55181 4 KC, KE } Not Wagon 1985 - 91 R 1612 E1604 20032Hub65.5201 4 KF - KH} “ “ Wagon 1985 - 89 R 1613 E1637 228.632.5 Hub 66.5229.5 4 KF - KH 1991 - on R E1671 200 42 55 58 201 4 KJ, KJ Series II E1685 Meteor GA. GB 1981 - 85 R 1611 E1394 18036HUB 55181 4 GC, GE 1985 - 89 R 1612 E1604 20032HUB65.5201 4 Wagon 1985 - 89 R 1613 E1637 228.632.5 HUB 66.5229.5 4 158 All rights reserved. © Copyright 1998-2013 Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. Trademarks: All DBA Part References listed in this catalogue are Trademarks of Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd.. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 158 5/06/2013 2:21:59 PM DRUM BRAKES FOrd Commercial Model YearsF/R Drum No. Brake Shoe Bronco Bronco 1981 - 87 R 1620 E1323 Shoes Courier 1.8, 2.0 2.0, 2.2, 2.6 Dia. Face A Machine Face B Centre Hole C Drum Height D Max. Diam. E Stud Holes 11.020”23/4”27/8”35/8” 11.090” 5 ororororor 280 70 73 92 281.6 1979 - 84 R 1627 E1389 26050 93 62261 6 1984 - on Shoes Econovan / maxi / spectron 1800, 2000,2200 1/84 - on Single Rear Wheel Except 1800 SWB R 1625 260 63 93 76 261.5 6 F100 / F150 Series F100 2WD, 4WD 79 - 12/86 R 1620 E1323 11.020” 23/4”27/8”35/8”11.090” Shoes ororororor 280 70 73 92 281.6 5 F150 2WD, 4WD 1987 - on R 1630 E1323 280 70 88 92286.1 5 F250 Series F250 1974 - 85 R 1621 Not semi-floating axle 1621A 9/16” Studs 12” 3” 411/16” 43/4” 12.060” 8 (14mm holes) ororororor 1621B 5/8” Studs 304.8 76 119 120 306.3 (16mm holes) E1014 F350 Series F350 Super Cab 1974 - 79 R 1622 * Rare * 12” 35/8”53/8” 5” 12.060” 8 F350 2WD (SRW) 1980 - 85 * Model * ororororor 304.8 92 136.5 127 306.3 F350 2WD (DRW) 10/71 - 83 R 1628B1628B 5/8” Studs 12” 39/16”55/16”77/32”12.090” 8 E1018 ororororor 304.8 90 135 180 307 F350 4WD (DRW) 80 - 89 R 1628B R1018 304.890 135 180 307 8 Maverick GY, KY 1988 - 93 R 1709 E1668 Shoes 295 72 111 85 296.5 6 FOrd Commercial raider Raider 2.6L 4WD 1987 - 10/98 R 1625 E1665 260 63 93 raNGER 4X2, 4X4 - 3.0L models 2007- on R 1642 295 67 transit 80-100-115-120 100-115-120-130-150-190 8/91 - on 8/91 - on R R 1640 E1738 1641 E1737 25457.5 132 96255.5 5 280 75.5 142.5 132.5281.5 6 93 76261.5 6 80.8296.5 6 159 AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 159 5/06/2013 2:21:59 PM DRUM BRAKES Holden Model YearsF/R Drum No. Brake Shoe Dia. Face A Machine Face B Centre Hole C Drum Height D Max. Diam. E Stud Holes Apollo JM 3/93 - on R 1603 E1747 228.656 62 astra TR 9/96 - on R 1680 N1710 20053 57 67201 4 71 230 5 Barina MF, MH 1/89 - 94 R 1608 E1616 18036HUB 74181 4 SB without ABS 1994 - on R 1609 E1705 20035HUB 84201.44 commodore VB, VC, VH, 1978 - 88 R 1605 E1385 9.055”25/16”23/4”215/16” 9.115” 5 VK, VL, 6 cyl., 8 cyl. Shoesororororor 230 58 69 74.5 231.5 VC, VH, 4 cyl. 1980 - 83 R 1606 E1385 9.055”25/16”23/4”215/16” 9.115” 5 Shoesororororor 230 58 69 74.5 231.5 Early series - HQ HQ, HJ HX, HZ WB Utility, Panel Van 1971 - 76 R 1604 E1337 10” 2”213/16”23/4” 10.060” 5 1976 - 80 Shoesororororor 1980 - 84 254 50.8 71.5 69 255.5 Gemini TX, TC, TD 3/75 - 4/78 R 1600 E1174 9”21/8”21/8”25/8” 9.060” 4 Shoesororororor 228.654 54 67230.1 RB FWD 5/85 - 87 R 1601 E1601 18042HUB65.5182 4 Nova TX, TC, TD 3/75 - 4/78 R 1600 E1174 228.654 54 67230.1 4 LE, LF, LG 1989 - on R 1602 E1379 200 55 54 65.5 201.4 4 E1490 torana LC 6 cyl. LH 4, 6 cyl. LH 4, 6 cyl. 160 1969 - 72 F 1607 No Longer 9” 21/8”213/32”35/32” 9.060” 5 1974 - 76 U/A Available inororororor 1974 - 76 Australia 228.6 54 61 80 230.1 All rights reserved. © Copyright 1998-2013 Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. Trademarks: All DBA Part References listed in this catalogue are Trademarks of Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd.. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 160 5/06/2013 2:21:59 PM DRUM BRAKES Holden commercial Model YearsF/R Drum No. Brake Shoe combo SB Van 2/1996 - on R 1650 FronterA UT 2.0 Litre 3/1995 - on R 1651 E1662 E1732 jackAroo UBS 13, 52, 16, 521, 11/81 - 91 R 1652 E1595 522, 17, 55 E1662 Dia. Face A Machine Face B Centre Hole C 230 59.5 57 25461.5 95 Drum Height D Max. Diam. E Stud Holes 75.5231.2 4 75255.5 6 254 61 96.5 71255.5 6 rodeo All models 2WD 1980 - on R 1652 E1402 254 61 96.5 71 255.5 6 All models 4WD 80 - 11/96 E1595 4WD 11/96 - 02 R 1653T.B.A. 295 6197 80 296.5 6 All modelsup to 11/02 R 1654 25462.5 101 71255.5 6 EXCEPT 4WD Hi-Ride Susp. V6 4WD Hi-Ride Susp. 2002 - on R 1655 295 59 101 80.6296.5 6 shuttle WFR 1982 - 90 R 1652 E1402 E1413 254 61 96.5 71 255.5 6 Honda Accord SJ 1977 - 12/81 R 1823 E1352 18044.5hub 60.5181 4 E1397 SY, AD 1982 - 12/85 R 1824 E1613 20042.5hub 72 201 4 CA 1/86 - 89 R 1825 E1614 20042.5 61 59 201 4 Civic SB, SC, SE, SF 1973 - 79 R 1820 E1352 18043hub 72181 4 E1397 SL, WC 1980 - 83 R 1821 E1393 18034hub 51181 4 AL, ED 1984 - 91 R 1822 E1610 18037 61 62181 4 EG, EH, EK All models 1990 - 96 161 AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 161 5/06/2013 2:21:59 PM DRUM BRAKES hyundai Model YearsF/R Drum No. Brake Shoe Dia. Face A Machine Face B Centre Hole C Drum Height D Max. Diam. E Stud Holes Excel HA3 8/89 - 7/92 R 1670 E1679 18046.5hub 71.5181 4 8/92 - 5/96 R 1671 E1701 18046.5hub 71.5181 4 HA3 HA3 6/96 - on R 1672 18042hub 70182 4 Excel X3 1.5L 6/96 - on R 1677 18053.25 76 58.4182 4 lantra KF2, KF3 5/1991 - on R 1673 E1702 20347HUB71.5204 4 E1703 S / Coupe S / Coupe 5/90 - 7/92 R 1670 E1679 18046.5HUB 71.5181 4 S / Coupe 7/92 - on R 1671 E1695 18046.5HUB 71.5181 4 E1701 SANTA FE / TRAGET V6 DOHC 9/2000 - on R 1676 sonata AF2, AF3 AF2, AF3 1988 - 94 1994 - 97 R R 1674 E1675 225 55 90 1675 228.655 90 72226.5 4 63 230 4 R R R R R 1790 1791 1792 1793 1794 95 281 5 70255.5 5 84 281 6 90230 5 102 255.5 5 253.769.5 76 78.5 256 5 jeep CJ Series 1976 - 78 CJ Series 1978 - 86 Cherokee 1979 - 91 Cherokee 4WD 1994 - on Cherokee 4WD 162 E1470 279.480 E1471 254 54 112 E1529 279.465 78 E1715 22977 72 E1716 254 75 72 All rights reserved. © Copyright 1998-2013 Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. Trademarks: All DBA Part References listed in this catalogue are Trademarks of Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd.. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 162 5/06/2013 2:21:59 PM DRUM BRAKES Kia Model Mentor Sportage YearsF/R Drum No. Brake Shoe Dia. Face A Machine Face B Centre Hole C Drum Height D Max. Diam. E Stud Holes 1993 - on 1995 - on R R 1660 E1753 20042 57 58201 4 1661 E1754 250 68 43 81251.4 5 1990 - on R 1751 landrover Defender 110 Series, 130 Series 279.4 68 114 88 281 Landrover 109 Series 2.5L 1971 - 85 F & R 1751 E1420 279.4 68 114 88 281 E1092 109 Series 2.6L 1968 - 81 R 1750 279.4 68 114 88 281 – 14.5mm Stud Holes 109 Series 2.6L, 3.5 V8 1971 - 85 R 1751 279.4 68 114 88 281 110 Series 2.25, 2.5, 3.5 L 1970 - 90 5 5 5 5 MINI-COOPER Mini Van 1964 - 79 F 1810 Mini Moke R Cooper 1962 - 65 R 1810 CoOper S, Clubman GT 1965 - 71 R 1811 E1332 E1333 E1332 E1332 E1333 177.8 47.5 74 177.847.5 74 177.8 47.5 74 60 179.3 4 60 179.3 4 83 179.3 4 163 AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 163 5/06/2013 2:21:59 PM DRUM BRAKES Mazda Model YearsF/R Drum No. Brake Shoe Dia. Face A Machine Face B Centre Hole C Drum Height D Max. Diam. E Stud Holes 323 FWD 1.5, 1.3 1981 - 85 R 1611 E1394 18036hub 55181 4 BD 103, 51, EM 355 Shoes 323 FWD 1985 - 89 R 1612 E1604 20032hub65.5 201.44 323 FWD Wagon 1985 - 89 R 1613 1637 228.632.5hub 66.5229.5 4 626 RWD 1978 - 82 R 1614 E1348 228.550no 62229.6 4 929 1978 - 80 E1408hole mazda commercial E1600, E1800 1983 - 11/86 R 1625 E1587 260 63 93 76 261.5 6 Single Rear Wheel E2000, E2200 Except Wagon B2000, B2200, B2600 B1800, B2000 1982 - 84 R 1627 E1389 26050 93 62261 6 E1411 Mitsubishi Sigma GE, GH, GJ, GK, GN 1978 - 87 R 1700 E1384 228.6 54 68 67 230 4 E1384i Sigma GE, GH, GJ, GK, GN 1978 - 87 R 1700A E1384 229 51 68 62.5 230 4 With Jap Diff E1384i Lancer CA, CB 1988 - 93 R 1725 E1677 18039hub71.5181 4 E1681 Lancer CC 10/92 - on R 1726 E1699 203 42 64 64.5204.2 4 Lancer CC, CE 10/92 - on R 1727 E1681 18046 64 66181 4 Mirage CE 1500, 1800 Pajero IO Series 1999 - on R 1728 229 38.5 90 59.5230.6 5 164 All rights reserved. © Copyright 1998-2013 Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. Trademarks: All DBA Part References listed in this catalogue are Trademarks of Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd.. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 164 5/06/2013 2:21:59 PM DRUM BRAKES Mitsubishi Commercial Model YearsF/R Drum No. Brake Shoe Dia. Face A Machine Face B Centre Hole C Drum Height D Max. Diam. E Stud Holes L200 Petrol Diesel 1980 - 85 1982 - 85 L300 SB, SC, SD, SE All Models AWD SF, SG, SH WA 2.0 Litre SA WA 2.4 Litre WA 2.4 Litre V6 1982 - 9/86 R 1781 E1594 1983 - on E1593 10/86 - on R 1782 E1594 1994 - on 1980 - 82 R 1783 1994 - on R 1784 1994 - on R 1785 Pajero NA, NB, NC, ND, NE, NF, NG NH 10 Series 1/83 - 5/91 1991 - on 1999 - on R R R 1781 E1594 1786 1728 254 62 93.5 83255.4 6 254 62 83 93.5256 6 229 38.5 90 59.5230.6 5 10/86 - 12/96 R 1781 254 Triton ME, MF, MG, MH, MJ, 2wd ME, MF, MG, MH, MJ 4WD MK 4wd R R 1780 E1444 1781 E1594 E1594 241 58 93.5 80.5242.7 6 254 62 93.5 83255.4 6 254 62 93.5 254 62 75 62 93.5 83 255.4 6 70.5 255.4 5 83 255.4 6 1997 - on 165 AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 165 5/06/2013 2:21:59 PM DRUM BRAKES Nissan Model 1600 510 Sedan + Wagon 510 Sedan + Wagon With Jap Diff YearsF/R 1968 - 73 1968 - 73 R R Drum No. Brake Shoe Dia. Face A Machine Face B Centre Hole C Drum Height D Max. Diam. E Stud Holes 1700 E1339 228.654 68 67 230 4 1700A E1339 229 51 68 62.5 230 4 180b 610 Sedan + Wagon 1972 - 77 R 1700 E1339 228.654 68 67 230 4 610 Sedan + Wagon 1972 - 77 R 1700A E1339 229 51 68 62.5 230 4 With Jap Diff 200b 810 10/77 - 81 R 1700 810 With Jap Diff 10/77 - 81 R 1700A E1344 E1386 E1344 E1386 228.6 54 68 67 230 4 229 51 68 62.5 230 4 bluebird 910 Sedan + Wagon 1981 - on R 1700 E1384 228.6 54 68 67 230 4 E1384/3 910 Sedan + Wagon 1981 - on R 1700A E1384 229 51 68 62.5230 4 With Jap Diff E1384/3 Gazelle S12 1/84 - 4/85 R 1700 E1386 22954 68 67230 4 MICRA 2007 R 1718 180 Pintara U12 N14 N15 11/89 - 10/92 10/91 - 9/95 10/95 - on R R 1700 E1656 1701 E1697 229 54 68 67229.5 4 18037.5 68 57.5181 4 Skyline C120 R30 3/78 - 2/81 R 3/81 - 6/86 1700 E1386 229 54 68 67 229.5 4 E1384 E1386 E1384 E1386 228.6 54 68 67 230 4 229 51 68 62.5 230 4 203 41 68 66 239 4 Stanza A10 Coupe, Sedan 1979 - 83 R 1700 A10 Coupe, Sedan 1981 - on R 1700A With Jap Diff TIDA A10 Coupe, Sedan 166 2005 R 1717 43.2 52 71 208 4 All rights reserved. © Copyright 1998-2013 Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. Trademarks: All DBA Part References listed in this catalogue are Trademarks of Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd.. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 166 5/06/2013 2:21:59 PM DRUM BRAKES Nissan commercial Model YearsF/R Drum No. Brake Shoe Dia. Face A Machine Face B Centre Hole C Drum Height D Max. Diam. E Stud Holes 520 / 620 / 720 720 2WD 1979 - 12/82 R 1707 E1075 254 51 90 56 255.5 6 720 4WD 9/79 - 3/83 E1400 720 2WD 1983 - 8/85 R 1708 E1584 254 55 90 69 255.5 6 720 4WD Navara D21 2WD 9/85 - 8/89 R 1706 E1584 254 56 101 80.5 255.6 E1612 D21 4WD 8/89 - 97 R 1704 295 69 100.588.5297 D21 2WD 8/89 - 97 R 1716 E1584 260 63.5100.5 73 262 D22 2WD, 4WD 2/97 - on R 1704 N1726 295 69 100.588.5297 Nomad GC22 Van 1986 - 93 R 1700 Pathfinder WD21 (Z24) VG30 VG33 (R50) 8/89 - 7/92 7/92 - on 9/95 - on R 1702 R 1703 E1652 Patrol MQ Series 1/81 - 12/87 R 1705 E1404 E1597 GQ Series Wagon 1988 - on R 1709 E1668 228.654 68 260 63.5 100.5 6 6 6 5 67229.5 4 73 262 6 295 67.7 100.4 88.5296.5 6 27065.5 102 74271.5 6 295 75 111 85296.5 6 urvan E23 Diesel Some 85 - on R 1708 E23 11/80 - 86 R 1715 E24 3/87 - 93 R 1716 N1584 E1075 E1400 E1584 254 55 90 69255.5 6 254 52 90 59.5 255.5 6 ute XFN, DX, ST E1271 254 55 1989 - 91 R 1610 260 63.5100.5 73 262 6 70 68.5255.5 5 167 AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 167 5/06/2013 2:21:59 PM DRUM BRAKES Porsche Model YearsF/R Drum No. Brake Shoe Dia. Face A Machine Face B Centre Hole C Drum Height D Max. Diam. E Stud Holes 924 1977 - 82 R 1850 23050.5AXLE63.2232 4 SPLIN rOVER QUINTET All Models 1983 - on R 1821 E1393 18034HUB 51181 4 1983 - 86 R 1830 E1539, E1627 228.6 49 57 1996 - on R 1831 52 57 SUZUKI Sierra SJ40/410/413/SJ 50 Series1-5 SJ50 Series 6+7 SJ 413 Series 8+9 E1628 220 swift SA310, 413 1985 - 88 R 1832 E1616 180 43 HUB SF310 / 413 3+5 Door 1989 - 94 R 1833 180 43 HUB SF413 4 Door / SF 416 1989 - 98 R 1834 20040 64 R 1787 2005 R1840 20040 40 61 230 5 222 5 63 182 4 63 182 4 63 56202 4 47238 4 vitara 2 Door Series 1, 2, 3 4 Door Series 1, 2, 3 2 Door Series 4 4 Door Series 4 Grande 1988 - 97 1988 - 97 1991 - 98 1991 - 98 1998 - on R R R R R 1835 E1691 22042 50 1836 E1758 254 53 50 1837 E1683 220 41 100 1838 E1735 254 54 100 1839 220.653.3 100 X90 X90 1997 - on R 1837 E1683. 220 41 100 61221.5 5 168 61222 5 66255.6 5 61 221.5 5 66255.6 5 64.9 222 5 All rights reserved. © Copyright 1998-2013 Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. Trademarks: All DBA Part References listed in this catalogue are Trademarks of Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd.. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 168 5/06/2013 2:22:00 PM DRUM BRAKES TOYOTA Model camry SDV10 4 Cyl. YearsF/R 1992 - on R Drum No. Brake Shoe Dia. Face A Machine Face B Centre Hole C 1603 E1747 228.656 62 Drum Height D Max. Diam. E Stud Holes 71 230 5 Celica TA22, TA23 1971 - 85 R 1735 E1358 228.654 60 71230.6 4 RA23, RA28Shoes RA40 Coupe, Liftback RA60 Coupe, Liftback ST162 1986 - 89 R 1602 E1490 200 55 54 65.5201.4 4 Corolla KE30, KE35, KE38, KE55, 1974 - 84 R 1735 E1356 228.654 60 71230.6 4 Local Brakes Shoes KE70V Panel Van 1300 AE 80 KE20, KE25, KE26V 1970 - 84 R 1737 E1189 20046 60 63202 4 KE30, KE35, KE36, KE38, Shoes KE50, KE55 KE70 Sedan, Wagon 1981 - 84 AE71 Sedan, Wagon AE82 SOHC 1985 - 88 R 1602 E1379 200 55 54 65.5201.4 4 AE90, 92 SOHC 1989 - 94 R 1602E1490 AE95 4WD 1988 - 94 R 1665 E1591 200 59 54 70.5201.4 4 Corona RT80, RT81 with 1970 - 73 R 1735 E1062 228.654 60 71230.6 4 Drum Front/Rear E1182 RT104 SE, CS Sedan 1973 - 83 R 1735 E1358 228.659 60 71230.6 4 RT118 SE Station Wagon Shoes XT130, XT131 RT132, RT133 Liftback ST141 Sedan, Wagon 1983 - 86 Cressida MX32, MX36 1976 - 84 R 1735 E1358 228.654 60 MX62 Sedan, Wagon Shoes 71230.6 4 paseo EL54 1995 - on R 1666 18034.5HUB 80.5181.4 4 SPACIA CR27, KR2 4/92 on R 1735 228.654 60 71230.6 4 169 AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 169 5/06/2013 2:22:00 PM DRUM BRAKES TOYOTA Model YearsF/R Drum No. Brake Shoe Dia. Face A Machine Face B Centre Hole C Drum Height D Max. Diam. E Stud Holes STARLET EP91 1996 - on R 1666 18034.5HUB 80.5181.4 4 T-18 TE72 1800 Liftback 1979 - 83 R 1735 E1358 228.654 60 R 1732 E1371 25467 67 78256 5 71230.6 4 TOYOTA COMMERCIAL Dyna YH81, LH 80 100 Series 1985 - on Hi-Ace RH11 1967 - 74 F & R 1731 E1025 23058 67 70232 5 E1028 RH11 1974 - 75 F & R 1748 E1493 230 73 67 62.5 232 5 E1028 RH11 1975 - 81 R 1732 E1371 25467 67 78256 5 RH11, 20, 22, 32, 42 LH20, 30 RH11, LH 11 YH50, 60, 70 Series 1982 - 87 LH50, 60, 70 Series RH11 1975 - 81 F 1733 E1388 25464 67 70256 5 RH11, 20, 22, 32, 42 LH20, 30 YH53, 63, 73 1987 - 89 R 1733 E1405 LH51, 61, 71 YH56, 66 LH 56, 66 1986 - 87 R 1744 E1647 29566 106 83297 6 RZH103, 113, 125 1989 - on R 1747 E1678 27066 67 81272 5 LH103, 113, 125 SBV LXH12, 22 RCH12, 22 8/1995 - on R 1761 E171A 27066 69 84272 6 170 All rights reserved. © Copyright 1998-2013 Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. Trademarks: All DBA Part References listed in this catalogue are Trademarks of Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd.. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 170 5/06/2013 2:22:00 PM DRUM BRAKES TOYOTA commercial - Continued Model YearsF/R Drum No. Brake Shoe Dia. Face A Machine Face B Centre Hole C Hi-Lux 2WD # = RN31, RN34 RN10 1968 - 72 F & R 1731 E1025 23058 E1028 RN10, 20 1972 - 78 F & R 1732 E1375 25467 E1371 RN30, 31, 40, 41 LN30, 40 1978 - 83 R 1732E1371 RN5#, LN5#, YN5# 1983 - 89 LN8#, 9#, YN8#, 9# RN85 1988 - 97 RN41, RMSQ SR5 1978 - 83 R 1733 E1396 25464 YN57, SR5 1983 - 89 R 1738 E1396 25462 RN90 1988 - 91 LN14#, 15# 1997 on RZN14#, RZN154# RN30, 40 LN 30, 40 1978 - 83 F 1749 E1388 25457 KUN 10#, GGN, LAN, TG 15# 2005 - on R 1756 254 67.7 Hi-Lux 4WD / 4 Runner RN36, 46 LN 36, 46 YN60, 62, 65, 67 LN65 RN105, LN 106, YN 106 RN61, LN 61, YN 63 RN106, 110, 130, LN107, 111, 130 YN130, VZN 130 LN16#, LN17#, LN19# RZN16#, RZN17#, RZN19# KUN 20# KUN 20# GGN LAN TGN 25# Max. Diam. E Stud Holes 67 70232 5 67 78256 5 67 70256 5 67 72256 5 67 70256 5 62 73.5303.3 5 1979 - 83 R 1739 E1371 25466 91 78256 6 1983 - 89 R 1988 - 97 R 1743 E1660 29566 91 83297 6 1985 - 89 R 1744 E1647 29566 106 83297 6 1988 - 97 8/97 - 4/05 2005 - on Landcruiser BJ40 1979 - 81 BJ42 1980 - 84 BJ70, 73 1984 - 90 FJ40, 45, 55 1969 - 75 FJ40, 45, 50 1975 - 80 FJ40, 55 1975 - 80 FJ45 1975 - 84 FJ60, 62 1984 - 90 FJ70, 73, 75 1984 - 90 HJ45 1979 - 80 HJ45, 47 1980 - 84 HJ 60, 61 1980 - 90 HJ75 1984 - 90 FJ, FZJ, HDJ80, HZJ80 1990 - on FJ, FZJ70, 73, 75 1990 - 92 HJ, HZJ70, 75 KZJ, PZJ, 70 HDJ80, HZJ80, FZJ80 8/1992 - on (full floating axle) Lite-Ace KM20, CM20 KM36, YM30, 35CM, 36 Drum Height D 1979 - 85 1986 - 92 R 1757 F R R 1730 E1414 29575 106 81297 6 1740 E1083 29064 106 84292 6 1730 E1414 29575 106 81297 6 F & R F R R R R F & R R 1740 1730 1740 1730 E1083 E1414 E1083 E1414 29567 108 76345 6 29064 106 29575 106 29064 106 29575 106 84292 6 81297 6 84292 6 81297 6 1730 E1414 29575 106 81297 6 R R 1745 1746 29568 106 81297 6 29575 106 81297 6 R 1755 295102 106 109297 6 F R 1734 E1358 228.658 60 1735 E1358 228.654 60 75230.6 4 71230.6 4 171 AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 171 5/06/2013 2:22:00 PM DRUM BRAKES TOYOTA COMMERCIAL - Continued Model Prado KZJ9#, LZJ9#, RZJ9# YearsF/R Drum No. Brake Shoe Dia. Face A Machine Face B Centre Hole C Drum Height D Max. Diam. E Stud Holes 1996 on R 1744 E1647 29566 106 83297 6 4/94 4/94 - 8/95 7/2003 - on R R R 1741 E1747 25463 67 74256 5 1752 228.566.25 62 70 230.5 5 1753 228.558.75 61.75 64 230.5 5 SPACIA CR27, KR2 4/92 on R 1735 Tarago YR 20, 21, 22, CR 21 TCR10, 20 1982 - 90 1990, 96 R R 1736 E1492 25461 60 74256 4 1742 E1492 25462.5 60 72 256 5 TERCEL AL25 4WD 10/82 - 4/88 R 1665 Rav4 SXA10 SXA1# ACA20, ACA21, CLA2#, 2CA2# TOWNACE CR27, KR2 4/92 on R YR22, 39 SBV KR42, SR40 11/96 - on R 228.654 60 200 59 54 71230.6 4 70.5201.4 4 1735 228.654 60 71230.6 4 1736 N1396 25461 60 74256 4 1736 N1396 25461 60 74256 4 volkswagen SYNCHRO 4WD 2.4L Diesel 172 89 on R 1744 29567 106 83297 6 All rights reserved. © Copyright 1998-2013 Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd. Trademarks: All DBA Part References listed in this catalogue are Trademarks of Disc Brakes Australia Pty Ltd.. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 172 5/06/2013 2:22:00 PM RACE BRED TECHNOLOGY RACE BRED TECHNOLOGY MADE IN ITALY RACE BRED TECHNOLOGY RACE SPEC PADS FOR ROAD USE ULTIMATE STOPPNG POWER FADE RESISTANT RACE SPEC PADS FOR ROAD USE ULTIMATE STOPPNG POWER FADE RESISTANT 3 Track Level Friction for reduced stopping distance 3 Excellent Performance in all conditions (hot/cold/wet/dry) 3 Thermal under-layer eliminates fluid boil 3 Low compressibility and wide thermal range 3 Manufactured in Italy by Ferodo Racing Facility RACE BRED TECHNOLOGY RACE BRED TECHNOLOGY RACE BRED TECHNOLOGY AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 173 5/06/2013 2:22:01 PM Available Range FERODO PADS MAKE Mfg/model Year Cap/ident FRONT DS PERF No REAR DS PERF No Ford Falcon 2002 - 2005 BA/BAII Falcon, XR6, XR8 FDSE6004 FDSE6002 Ford FPV 2002 - 2005 BA/BAII GT/Pursuit With Blue Ford Calipers ( C5 Calipers ) and XR With Premium Brake Package (Black Calipers) FDSE1553 FDSE6002 Ford FPV 2002 - 2005 BA/BAII GT-P/Super Pursuit with Brembo Front & Rear and any FPV with Brembo upgrade (4 FDSR3028 Piston Caliper Front and Rear) FDS1348 Ford Falcon 2006 > BF - FG Falcon, XR6 FDSE6004 FDSE6002 Ford Falcon 2006 - 2007 BF XR6T, XR8 FDSE6004 FDSE6013 Ford Falcon 2007 > BFII/FG XR6T, XR8 FDSE6004 FDSE6002 Ford Falcon 2006 > BF/BFII/FG FPV Range with Brembo 4 Piston Front and PBR Rear FDSR3028 FDSE6013 Ford Focus 2006 - 2011 XR5 2.5 Turbo FDS1706 Ford Focus 2010 - 2012 RS 2.5 Turbo 224kw FDS4044 Ford FPV 2006 > BF/BFII/FG GT-P Brembo Front and Rear FDS4212 FDS1348 Ford FPV 2006 > BF/BFII/FG Super Pursuit Brembo Front and PBR Rear FDS4212 FDSE6013 Ford FPV 2009 > FG FPV GS FDSE6004 FDSE6002 Ford Territory 2004 > 4.0 SX, SY GHIA 2WD, 4WD FDSE6004 FDSE6013 Ford Territory II 2005 > 4.0 Turbo FDSE1553 FDSE6013 Holden Commodore 1999 - 2004 VT-VZ 6 & 8 cyl Sedan, Ute & Wagon with Std Calipers FDSE6001 FDSE6000 Holden Commodore 2006 > VE 3.0, 3.6 V6, 6.0 V8 FDSE6020 FDSE6021 Holden Commodore 2010 VE SS Redline Edition FDSE6006 FDSE6021 Holden Crewman 2006 - 2007 Dual Cab, S Dual Cab, SS Dual Cab, Cross 8 FDSE6001 FDSE6000 Holden HSV 1999 - 2004 VT > VY HSV Fitted with Harrop Calipers F & R FDS560 FDS451 Holden HSV 1998 - 2004 VT - VZ HSV Fitted with Red PBR Calipers FDSE1553 FDSE6000 Holden HSV 1999 - 2004 VT - VX HSV Fitted with Standard Calipers FDSE6001 FDSE6000 Holden HSV 2003 - 2005 Crewman/Avalanche FDSE1553 FDSE6000 Holden HSV 2004 > VZ HSV with AP Calipers Front 149mm x 86mm 362mm Disc Rear 130mm x 78mm FDSR3083 FDSR3085 Holden HSV 2006 > VE HSV with AP Calipers FDSR3084 FDSR3083 Mitsubishi Lancer 1997 > 2.0 EVO 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Brembo Caliper Front and Rear FDSE6006 FDS1562 Mitsubishi Lancer 2008 > 2.0 EVO 10 Brembo Caliper Front and Rear FDSE6006 FDS4168 Nissan 200SX 1994 > 2.0 FDS986 FDS1372 Nissan 300ZX 1989 - 1997 3.0 KRGZ32 Turbo FDS986 FDS1372 Nissan 350Z 2003 > With Brembo Pack FDS1561 FDS1562 Nissan Silvia 1994 > 2.0 CS14, S14, S /W FDS986 Nissan Silvia 1998 > 2.0 S15 SR20DET FDS986 Nissan Skyline 1988 > 1989 > R33 2.5T GTS, R34 GTT FDS986 FDS1372 Nissan Skyline 1989 - 1993 2.0 HCR32, HNR32 FDS986 FDS1372 AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 174 5/06/2013 2:22:01 PM MAKE Mfg/model Year Cap/ident FRONT DS PERF No REAR DS PERF No Nissan Skyline 1989 - 1993 GTR R32 non-Brembo caliper FDS986 FDS1372 Nissan Skyline 1990 - 2001 GTR R32, R33, R34 65.7mm FDS1561 FDS1562 Nissan Skyline 1990 - 1994 2.6 BNR32 FDS986 FDS1372 Nissan Skyline 1991 > 2.8 ECR33, KRCR33 FDS986 FDS1372 Nissan Skyline 1995 > 2.5 ER33.ECR33, ENR33, RB25DET FDS986 FDS1372 Nissan Skyline 1998 > 2.0, 2.5 R34 RB25DET FDS986 FDS1372 Nissan R35 2009 > GTR FDSR3106 FDS1281 Subaru BRZ 2012> 2.5 FDS1639 FDSE4187 Subaru Forester 1997 > 2.0 , 2.5 GT, GX, Limited,RX 5 Dr 4x4 Wagon FDS1327 FDS1333 Subaru Forester 1997 - 2002 2.0 16V, 2.0 S Turbo FDS1327 FDS1333 Subaru Forester 2004 >2007 2.5 STi Import FDSE6006 FDS1562 Subaru Forester 2008 > All models FDS1639 FDSE4187 Subaru Impreza 1998 - 2000 2.0 GC8, SRX, WRX, WRX-RA, WRX-STI FDS986 FDS1333 Subaru Impreza 2000 - 2007 2.0 WRX Sedan & Hatch 2.0 Lit FDS986 FDS1372 Subaru Impreza 1999 - 2001 WRX-STI FDS986 FDS1333 Subaru Impreza 2002 >2008 2.0 WRX-STi FDSE6006 FDS1562 Subaru Impreza 2007 > 2.5 WRX, Twin Piston Front FDS1639 FDSE4187 Subaru Impreza 2008 > 2.5 STi FDSE6006 FDS1562 Subaru Liberty 1999 - 2003 2.0 GX, 2.5 RX, Heritage, 2.0 B4 FDS1327 FDS1333 Subraru Outback 1999 - 2003 2.5 BG9, BH9 FDS1327 FDS1333 Subraru Outback 2000 > 3.0 FDS1327 FDSE4187 Subraru Outback 2006 > 2.5 BP9, 3.0 BPE FDS1639 FDSE4187 Toyota 86 2012 > 2.5 FDS1639 FDSE4187 Toyota Land Cruiser 200 Series Nov 2007> 4.7 V8 Wagon [UZJ200] 4.5 V8 Turbo Diesel Wagon [VDJ200] Heavy Duty Applications FDSE4229 FDSE4230 Part range and availability: Placing an order: Brembo Front 120mm x 73mm Rear 77mm x Brembo Caliper Front / Rear Brembo 131mm x 75mm Part range and stock availability as per our current landed stock. This will change and increase over time as demand and inquiries are processed. Purchase orders to be sent to DBA: Minimum orders and delivery times for current account holders ONLY: There is no minimum order quantity restriction. Chargeable satchels up to 5 kgs can delivered next day to all major Australian cities. Larger quantity orders will be shipped and charge as per DBA’s national carrier system. AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 175 5/06/2013 2:22:02 PM FLAT DISC TYPE ROTORS E&F FLAT DISC TYPE H BRAKE ROTORS DBA# Description Pattern A = Diameter D = Rotor height G = Rear face inner pad dia. B = Original thickness E = Rotor mount holes H = Pad face height C = Min. thickness F = Rotor mount P.C.D I = Centre bore AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 176 A = Diameter D = Rotor height G = Rear face inner pad dia. B = Original thickness E = Rotor mount holes H = Pad face width C = Min. thickness F = Rotor mount P.C.D I = Centre bore D G A B C E F H I 5/06/2013 2:22:04 PM FLAT DISC TYPE H DBA# 273 mm (diameter) DBA 52546.1 STOCK ITEMS E&F Description Pattern A = Diameter D = Rotor height G = Rear face inner pad dia. B = Original thickness E = Rotor mount holes H = Pad face width C = Min. thickness F = Rotor mount P.C.D I = Centre bore A B C D E F G H I Heat treated, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/ washers or hat Standard 273 9 8 10 10 160 200 36.5 144 DBA 52546.1S Heat treated, slotted, NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat T3 273 9 8 10 10 160 200 36.5 144 DBA 52546.1SL Heat treated, left-hand, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat 6 Straight Slot, Left-hand 273 9 8 10 10 160 200 36.5 144 DBA 52546.1SR Heat treated, right-hand, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat 6 Straight Slot, Right-hand 273 9 8 10 10 160 200 36.5 144 Heat treated, flat disc - no mounting hardware or hat Standard 278 15.9 14 16.5 8 176 187.5 44.5 156 Heat treated, slotted, flat disc - no mounting hardware or hat T3 278 15.9 14 16.5 8 176 187.5 44.5 156 Heat treated, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/ washers or hat Standard 280 21 19 21 10 160 172 50.9 144 DBA 52545.1SL Heat treated, left-hand, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat 6 Straight Slot, Left-hand 280 21 19 21 10 160 172 50.9 144 DBA 52545.1SR Heat treated, right-hand, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat 6 Straight Slot, Right-hand 280 21 19 21 10 160 172 50.9 144 DBA 5355.1L Heat treated, left-hand, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat Standard 280 26 24.5 26 10 162.56 177.8 50 147 DBA 5355.1R Heat treated, right-hand, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat Standard 280 26 24.5 26 10 162.56 177.8 50 147 DBA 5355.1SL Heat treated, slotted left-hand, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat T3 280 26 24.5 26 10 162.56 177.8 50 147 DBA 5355.1SR Heat treated, slotted right-hand, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat 6 Straight Slot, Right-hand 280 26 24.5 26 10 162.56 177.8 50 147 Heat treated, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/ washers or hat Standard 288 25.7 24.5 25.7 10 162 184 51.9 146 DBA 52355.1SL Heat treated, left-hand, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat 6 Straight Slot, Left-hand 288 25.7 24.5 25.7 10 162 184 51.9 146 DBA 52355.1SR Heat treated, right-hand, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat 6 Straight Slot, Right-hand 288 25.7 24.5 25.7 10 162 184 51.9 146 DBA 52355.1XS Heat treated, cross-drilled & slotted, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat XS 288 25.7 24.5 25.7 10 162 184 51.9 146 Heat treated, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/ washers or hat Standard 295 25 23 25 12 170 188 53.5 156 Heat treated, slotted, NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat T3 295 25 23 25 12 170 188 53.5 156 DBA 5000.1SL Heat treated, slotted left-hand, NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat 6 Straight Slot, Left-hand 295 25 23 25 12 170 188 53.5 156 DBA 5000.1SR Heat treated, slotted right-hand, NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat 6 Straight Slot, Right-hand 295 25 23 25 12 170 188 53.5 156 DBA 5000.1XS Heat treated, cross-drilled & slotted, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat XS 295 25 23 25 12 170 188 53.5 156 Heat treated, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/ washers or hat Standard 295 25 23 25 12 162 188 53.5 146 DBA 5010.1SL Heat treated, slotted left-hand, NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat 6 Straight Slot, Left-hand 295 25 23 25 12 162 188 53.5 146 DBA 5010.1SR Heat treated, slotted right-hand, NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat 6 Straight Slot, Right-hand 295 25 23 25 12 162 188 53.5 146 DBA 5010.1XS Heat treated, cross-drilled & slotted, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat XS 295 25 23 25 12 162 188 53.5 146 278 mm (diameter) DBA 5003.1 DBA 5003.1S 280 mm (diameter) DBA 52545.1 288 mm (diameter) DBA 52355.1 295 mm (diameter) DBA 5000.1 DBA 5000.1S DBA 5010.1 177 AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 177 5/06/2013 2:22:05 PM FLAT DISC TYPE H DBA# STOCK ITEMS E&F Description Pattern A = Diameter D = Rotor height G = Rear face inner pad dia. B = Original thickness E = Rotor mount holes H = Pad face width C = Min. thickness F = Rotor mount P.C.D I = Centre bore A B C D E F G H I 296 mm (diameter) DBA 5040.1 Heat treated, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/ washers or hat Standard 296 28 25 28 8 154 180 58 143 DBA 5040.1SL Heat treated, slotted left-hand, NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat 6 Straight Slot, Left-hand 296 28 25 28 8 154 180 58 143 DBA 5040.1SR Heat treated, slotted right-hand, NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat 6 Straight Slot, Right-hand 296 28 25 28 8 154 180 58 143 DBA 5040.1XS Heat treated, cross-drilled & slotted, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat XS 296 28 25 28 8 154 180 58 143 Heat treated, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/ washers or hat Standard 300 25 23 24 8 158 182 52 145 DBA 52500.1SL Heat treated, left-hand, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat 6 Straight Slot, Left-hand 300 25 23 24 8 158 182 52 145 DBA 52500.1SR Heat treated, right-hand, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat 6 Straight Slot, Right-hand 300 25 23 24 8 158 182 52 145 DBA 52500.1XS Heat treated, cross-drilled & slotted, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat XS 300 25 23 24 8 158 182 52 145 Heat treated, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/ washers or hat Standard 300 25 23 24 8 158 182 52 145 DBA 52508.1SL Heat treated, left-hand, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat 6 Straight Slot, Left-hand 300 25 23 24 8 158 182 52 145 DBA 52508.1SR Heat treated, right-hand, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat 6 Straight Slot, Right-hand 300 25 23 24 8 158 182 52 145 DBA 52508.1XS Heat treated, cross-drilled & slotted, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat XS 300 25 23 24 8 158 182 52 145 Heat treated, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/ washers or hat Standard 320 28 26 28 12 175 196 62 158 DBA 5468.1SL Heat treated, left-hand, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat 6 Straight Slot, Left-hand 320 28 26 28 12 175 196 62 158 DBA 5468.1SR Heat treated, right-hand, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat 6 Straight Slot, Right-hand 320 28 26 28 12 175 196 62 158 DBA 5468.1XS Heat treated, cross-drilled & slotted, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat XS 320 28 26 28 12 175 196 62 158 Heat treated, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/ washers or hat Standard 320 32 29.8 32 12 175 192 64 161 DBA 52020.1SL Heat treated, left-hand, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat 6 Straight Slot, Left-hand 320 32 29.8 32 12 175 192 64 161 DBA 52020.1SR Heat treated, right-hand, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat 6 Straight Slot, Right-hand 320 32 29.8 32 12 175 192 64 161 DBA 52020.1XS Heat treated, cross-drilled & slotted, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat XS 320 32 29.8 32 12 175 192 64 161 Heat treated, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/ washers or hat Standard 320 32 29.8 32 12 175 192 64 161 DBA 52218.1S Heat treated, slotted, NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat T3 320 32 29.8 32 12 175 192 64 161 DBA 52218.1SL Heat treated, left-hand, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat 6 Straight Slot, Left-hand 320 32 29.8 32 12 175 192 64 161 DBA 52218.1SR Heat treated, right-hand, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat 6 Straight Slot, Right-hand 320 32 29.8 32 12 175 192 64 161 DBA 52218.1XS Heat treated, cross-drilled & slotted, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat XS 320 32 29.8 32 12 175 192 64 161 300 mm (diameter) DBA 52500.1 DBA 52508.1 320 mm (diameter) DBA 5468.1 DBA 52020.1 DBA 52218.1 178 AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 178 5/06/2013 2:22:05 PM FLAT DISC TYPE H DBA# STOCK ITEMS E&F Description Pattern A = Diameter D = Rotor height G = Rear face inner pad dia. B = Original thickness E = Rotor mount holes H = Pad face width C = Min. thickness F = Rotor mount P.C.D I = Centre bore A B C D E F G H I 323 mm (diameter) DBA 5718.1 Heat treated, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/ washers or hat Standard 323 30 28 30 12 182 199.5 61 166 DBA 5718.1SL Heat treated, left-hand, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat 6 Straight Slot, Left-hand 323 30 28 30 12 182 199.5 61 166 DBA 5718.1SR Heat treated, right-hand, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat 6 Straight Slot, Right-hand 323 30 28 30 12 182 199.5 61 166 DBA 5718.1XS Heat treated, cross-drilled & slotted, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat XS 323 30 28 30 12 182 199.5 61 166 Heat treated, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/ washers or hat Standard 324 30 28 30 12 182 202 61 166 DBA 5600.1S Heat treated, slotted, NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat T3 324 30 28 30 12 182 202 61 166 DBA 5600.1SL Heat treated, left-hand, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat 6 Straight Slot, Left-hand 324 30 28 30 12 182 202 61 166 DBA 5600.1SR Heat treated, right-hand, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat 6 Straight Slot, Right-hand 324 30 28 30 12 182 202 61 166 DBA 5600.1XS Heat treated, cross-drilled & slotted, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat XS 324 30 28 30 12 182 202 61 166 Heat treated, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/ washers or hat Standard 324 30 28 30 12 182 202 61 166 DBA 5928.1SL Heat treated, left-hand, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat 6 Straight Slot, Left-hand 324 30 28 30 12 182 202 61 166 DBA 5928.1SR Heat treated, right-hand, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat 6 Straight Slot, Right-hand 324 30 28 30 12 182 202 61 166 DBA 5928.1XS Heat treated, cross-drilled & slotted, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat XS 324 30 28 30 12 182 202 61 166 Heat treated, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/ washers or hat Standard 325 28 26.4 28 12 182 202 58 162 DBA 52880.1S Heat treated, slotted, NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat T3 325 28 26.4 28 12 182 202 58 162 DBA 52880.1SL Heat treated, left-hand, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat 6 Straight Slot, Left-hand 325 28 26.4 28 12 182 202 58 162 DBA 52880.1SR Heat treated, right-hand, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat 6 Straight Slot, Right-hand 325 28 26.4 28 12 182 202 58 162 DBA 52880.1XS Heat treated, cross-drilled & slotted, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat XS 325 28 26.4 28 12 182 202 58 162 Heat treated, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/ washers or hat Standard 325 32 30 32 12 190.5 217 54 175 Heat treated, slotted, NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat T3 325 32 30 32 12 190.5 217 54 175 DBA 5067.1SL Heat treated, slotted left-hand, NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat 6 Straight Slot, Left-hand 325 32 30 32 12 190.5 217 54 175 DBA 5067.1SR Heat treated, slotted right-hand, NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat 6 Straight Slot, Right-hand 325 32 30 32 12 190.5 217 54 175 DBA 5067.1XS Heat treated, cross-drilled & slotted, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat XS 325 32 30 32 12 190.5 217 54 175 Heat treated, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/ washers or hat Standard 325 32 30 32 12 190.5 217 54 175 DBA 52104.1SL Heat treated, left-hand, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat 6 Straight Slot, Left-hand 325 32 30 32 12 190.5 217 54 175 DBA 52104.1SR Heat treated, right-hand, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat 6 Straight Slot, Right-hand 325 32 30 32 12 190.5 217 54 175 DBA 52104.1XS Heat treated, cross-drilled & slotted, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat XS 325 32 30 32 12 190.5 217 54 175 324 mm (diameter) DBA 5600.1 DBA 5928.1 325 mm (diameter) DBA 52880.1 DBA 5067.1 DBA 5067.1S DBA 52104.1 179 AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 179 5/06/2013 2:22:06 PM FLAT DISC TYPE H DBA# Description Pattern 325 mm (diameter) - Continued DBA 52994.1 STOCK ITEMS E&F A = Diameter D = Rotor height G = Rear face inner pad dia. B = Original thickness E = Rotor mount holes H = Pad face width C = Min. thickness F = Rotor mount P.C.D I = Centre bore A B C D E F G H I Heat treated, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/ washers or hat Standard 325 32 30 32 12 190.5 217 54 175 DBA 52994.1SL Heat treated, left-hand, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat 6 Straight Slot, Left-hand 325 32 30 32 12 190.5 217 54 175 DBA 52994.1SR Heat treated, right-hand, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat 6 Straight Slot, Right-hand 325 32 30 32 12 190.5 217 54 175 DBA 52994.1XS Heat treated, cross-drilled & slotted, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat XS 325 32 30 32 12 190.5 217 54 175 Heat treated, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/ washers or hat Standard 326 30 28 30 12 182 202 62 166 DBA 52654.1SL Heat treated, left-hand, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat 6 Straight Slot, Left-hand 326 30 28 30 12 182 202 62 166 DBA 52654.1SR Heat treated, right-hand, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat 6 Straight Slot, Right-hand 326 30 28 30 12 182 202 62 166 DBA 52654.1XS Heat treated, cross-drilled & slotted, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat XS 326 30 28 30 12 182 202 62 166 Heat treated, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/ washers or hat Standard 326 30 28 30 12 182 202 62 166 DBA 5654.1S Heat treated, slotted, NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat T3 326 30 28 30 12 182 202 62 166 DBA 5654.1SL Heat treated, left-hand, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat 6 Straight Slot, Left-hand 326 30 28 30 12 182 202 62 166 DBA 5654.1SR Heat treated, right-hand, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat 6 Straight Slot, Right-hand 326 30 28 30 12 182 202 62 166 DBA 5654.1XS Heat treated, cross-drilled & slotted, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat XS 326 30 28 30 12 182 202 62 166 326 mm (diameter) DBA 52654.1 DBA 5654.1 328 mm (diameter) DBA 5046.1 Heat treated, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/ washers or hat Standard 328 28 26 28 12 182 200 60 166 Heat treated, slotted, NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat T3 328 28 26 28 12 182 200 60 166 DBA 5046.1SL Heat treated, slotted left-hand, NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat 6 Straight Slot, Left-hand 328 28 26 28 12 182 200 60 166 DBA 5046.1SR Heat treated, slotted right-hand, NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat 6 Straight Slot, Right-hand 328 28 26 28 12 182 200 60 166 DBA 5046.1XS Heat treated, cross-drilled & slotted, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat XS 328 28 26 28 12 182 200 60 166 Heat treated, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/ washers or hat Standard 328 28 26 28 12 182 200 60 166 Heat treated, slotted, NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat T3 328 28 26 28 12 182 200 60 166 DBA 5069.1SL Heat treated, slotted left-hand, NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat 6 Straight Slot, Left-hand 328 28 26 28 12 182 200 60 166 DBA 5069.1SR Heat treated, slotted right-hand, NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat 6 Straight Slot, Right-hand 328 28 26 28 12 182 200 60 166 DBA 5069.1XS Heat treated, cross-drilled & slotted, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat XS 328 28 26 28 12 182 200 60 166 Heat treated, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/ washers or hat Standard 328 28 26 28 12 182 200 60 166 Heat treated, left-hand, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat 6 Straight Slot, Left-hand 328 28 26 28 12 182 200 60 166 DBA 5046.1S DBA 5069.1 DBA 5069.1S DBA 5506.1 DBA 5506.1SL 180 AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 180 5/06/2013 2:22:06 PM FLAT DISC TYPE H DBA# STOCK ITEMS E&F A = Diameter D = Rotor height G = Rear face inner pad dia. B = Original thickness E = Rotor mount holes H = Pad face width C = Min. thickness F = Rotor mount P.C.D I = Centre bore Description Pattern A B C D E F G H I DBA 5506.1SR Heat treated, right-hand, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat 6 Straight Slot, Right-hand 328 28 26 28 12 182 200 60 166 DBA 5506.1XS Heat treated, cross-drilled & slotted, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat XS 328 28 26 28 12 182 200 60 166 Heat treated, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/ washers or hat Standard 328 28 26 28 12 182 200 60 166 DBA 52110.1SL Heat treated, left-hand, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat 6 Straight Slot, Left-hand 328 28 26 28 12 182 200 60 166 DBA 52110.1SR Heat treated, right-hand, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat 6 Straight Slot, Right-hand 328 28 26 28 12 182 200 60 166 328 mm (diameter) - Continued DBA 52110.1 330 mm (diameter) DBA 5048.1L Heat treated, left-hand, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat Standard 330 32 29 28 12 182 208 61 166 DBA 5048.1R Heat treated, right-hand, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat Standard 330 32 29 28 12 182 208 61 166 DBA 5048.1SL Heat treated, slotted left-hand, NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat 6 Straight Slot, Lefthand 330 32 29 28 12 182 208 61 166 DBA 5048.1SR Heat treated, slotted right-hand, NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat 6 Straight Slot, Righthand 330 32 29 28 12 182 208 61 166 DBA 5048.1XSL Heat treated, cross-drilled & slotted left-hand, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat XS 330 32 29 28 12 182 208 61 166 DBA 5048.1XSR Heat treated, cross-drilled & slotted right-hand, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat XS 330 32 29 28 12 182 208 61 166 DBA 52430.1 Heat treated, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/ washers or hat Standard 330 32 30.1 32 12 190.5 214 58 174.88 DBA 52430.1SL Heat treated, left-hand, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat 6 Straight Slot, Lefthand 330 32 30.1 32 12 190.5 214 58 174.88 DBA 52430.1SR Heat treated, right-hand, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat 6 Straight Slot, Righthand 330 32 30.1 32 12 190.5 214 58 174.88 DBA 52430.1XS Heat treated, cross-drilled & slotted, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat XS 330 32 30.1 32 12 190.5 214 58 174.88 DBA 52386.1 Heat treated, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/ washers or hat Standard 330 34 32 34 12 182 203.5 63.25 162 DBA 52386.1CSL Heat treated, left-hand, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat 8 Curved Slot, Left-hand 330 34 32 34 12 182 203.5 63.25 162 DBA 52386.1CSR Heat treated, right-hand, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat 8 Curved Slot, Right-hand 330 34 32 34 12 182 203.5 63.25 162 DBA 52386.1CXL Heat treated, cross-drilled & slotted left-hand, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat Curved Crossdrill/Slot, Left-hand 330 34 32 34 12 182 203.5 63.25 162 DBA 52386.1CXR Heat treated, cross-drilled & slotted right-hand, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat Curved Crossdrill/Slot, Right-hand 330 34 32 34 12 182 203.5 63.25 162 340 mm (diameter) DBA 52990.1 Heat treated, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/ washers or hat Standard 340 32 30 32 12 190.5 230 55 174.88 DBA 52990.1SL Heat treated, left-hand, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat 6 Straight Slot, Lefthand 340 32 30 32 12 190.5 230 55 174.88 DBA 52990.1SR Heat treated, right-hand, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat 6 Straight Slot, Righthand 340 32 30 32 12 190.5 230 55 174.88 DBA 52990.1XS Heat treated, cross-drilled & slotted, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat XS 340 32 30 32 12 190.5 230 55 174.88 181 AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 181 5/06/2013 2:22:06 PM FLAT DISC TYPE H DBA# STOCK ITEMS E&F Description Pattern A = Diameter D = Rotor height G = Rear face inner pad dia. B = Original thickness E = Rotor mount holes H = Pad face width C = Min. thickness F = Rotor mount P.C.D I = Centre bore A B C D E F G H I 343 mm (diameter) DBA 5055.1 Heat treated, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/ washers or hat Standard 343 32 30 32 12 215.9 231 55.5 200 Heat treated, slotted, NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/ washers or hat T3 343 32 30 32 12 215.9 231 55.5 200 DBA 5055.1SL Heat treated, slotted left-hand, NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat 6 Straight Slot, Lefthand 343 32 30 32 12 215.9 231 55.5 200 DBA 5055.1SR Heat treated, slotted right-hand, NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat 6 Straight Slot, Righthand 343 32 30 32 12 215.9 231 55.5 200 DBA 5055.1XS Heat treated, cross-drilled & slotted, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat XS 343 32 30 32 12 215.9 231 55.5 200 Heat treated, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/ washers or hat Standard 348 30 28.4 30 12 185 209 66 170 DBA 52858.1S Heat treated, slotted, NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/ washers or hat T3 348 30 28.4 30 12 185 209 66 170 DBA 52858.1SL Heat treated, left-hand, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat 6 Straight Slot, Lefthand 348 30 28.4 30 12 185 209 66 170 DBA 52858.1SR Heat treated, right-hand, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat 6 Straight Slot, Righthand 348 30 28.4 30 12 185 209 66 170 DBA 52858.1XS Heat treated, cross-drilled & slotted, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat XS 348 30 28.4 30 12 185 209 66 170 Heat treated, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/ washers or hat Standard 350 32 30 32 12 215.9 237 56.5 200 DBA 52018.1S Heat treated, slotted, NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/ washers or hat T3 350 32 30 32 12 215.9 237 56.5 200 DBA 52018.1SL Heat treated, left-hand, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat 6 Straight Slot, Lefthand 350 32 30 32 12 215.9 237 56.5 200 DBA 52018.1SR Heat treated, right-hand, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat 6 Straight Slot, Righthand 350 32 30 32 12 215.9 237 56.5 200 DBA 52018.1XS Heat treated, cross-drilled & slotted, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat XS 350 32 30 32 12 215.9 237 56.5 200 Heat treated, flat disc - no mounting hardware or hat Standard 350 32 30 32 8 201 219.5 65 177 DBA 52223.1SL Heat treated, slotted left-hand, flat disc - no mounting hardware or hat 6 Straight Slot, Lefthand 350 32 30 32 8 201 219.5 65 177 DBA 52223.1SR Heat treated, slotted right-hand, flat disc - no mounting hardware or hat 6 Straight Slot, Righthand 350 32 30 32 8 201 219.5 65 177 DBA 52223.1XS Heat treated, cross-drilled & slotted, flat disc - no mounting hardware or hat XS 350 32 30 32 8 201 219.5 65 177 DBA 52224.1 Heat treated, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/ washers or hat Standard 350 32 30 32 12 188 219.5 65 170 DBA 52224.1S Heat treated, slotted, NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/ washers or hat T3 350 32 30 32 12 188 219.5 65 170 DBA 52224.1SL Heat treated, left-hand, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat 6 Straight Slot, Lefthand 350 32 30 32 12 188 219.5 65 170 DBA 52224.1SR Heat treated, right-hand, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat 6 Straight Slot, Righthand 350 32 30 32 12 188 219.5 65 170 DBA 52224.1XS Heat treated, cross-drilled & slotted, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat XS 350 32 30 32 12 188 219.5 65 170 DBA 5055.1S 348 mm (diameter) DBA 52858.1 350 mm (diameter) DBA 52018.1 DBA 52223.1 182 AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 182 5/06/2013 2:22:07 PM FLAT DISC TYPE H DBA# STOCK ITEMS E&F Description Pattern A = Diameter D = Rotor height G = Rear face inner pad dia. B = Original thickness E = Rotor mount holes H = Pad face width C = Min. thickness F = Rotor mount P.C.D I = Centre bore A B C D E F G H I 350 mm (diameter) - Continued DBA 52396.1 Heat treated, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/ washers or hat Standard 350 34 32 34 12 182 214 68 162 DBA 52396.1CSL Heat treated, left-hand, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat 12 Curved Slot, Lefthand 350 34 32 34 12 182 214 68 162 DBA 52396.1CSR Heat treated, right-hand, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat 12 Curved Slot, Righthand 350 34 32 34 12 182 214 68 162 DBA 52396.1CXL Heat treated, cross-drilled & slotted left-hand, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat Curved Crossdrill/Slot, Left-hand 350 34 32 34 12 182 214 68 162 DBA 52396.1CXR Heat treated, cross-drilled & slotted right-hand, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat Curved Crossdrill/Slot, Right-hand 350 34 32 34 12 182 214 68 162 Heat treated, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/ washers or hat Standard 355 32 30 32 12 215.9 231 62 200 DBA 52102.1S Heat treated, slotted, NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/ washers or hat T3 355 32 30 32 12 215.9 231 62 200 DBA 52102.1SL Heat treated, left-hand, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat 6 Straight Slot, Lefthand 355 32 30 32 12 215.9 231 62 200 DBA 52102.1SR Heat treated, right-hand, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat 6 Straight Slot, Righthand 355 32 30 32 12 215.9 231 62 200 DBA 52102.1XS Heat treated, cross-drilled & slotted, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat XS 355 32 30 32 12 215.9 231 62 200 DBA 52124.1 Heat treated, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/ washers or hat Standard 355 32 30 32 12 190.5 (FLT) 224 65.5 170 DBA 52124.1SL Heat treated, left-hand, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat 6 Straight Slot, Lefthand 355 32 30 32 12 190.5 (FLT) 224 65.5 170 DBA 52124.1SR Heat treated, right-hand, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat 6 Straight Slot, Righthand 355 32 30 32 12 190.5 (FLT) 224 65.5 170 DBA 52124.1XS Heat treated, cross-drilled & slotted, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat XS 355 32 30 32 12 190.5 (FLT) 224 65.5 170 DBA 52314.1 Heat treated, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/ washers or hat Standard 355 32 30 32 12 194 211 65 162 DBA 52314.1SL Heat treated, left-hand, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat 6 Straight Slot, Lefthand 355 32 30 32 12 194 211 65 162 DBA 52314.1SR Heat treated, right-hand, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat 6 Straight Slot, Righthand 355 32 30 32 12 194 211 65 162 DBA 52314.1XS Heat treated, cross-drilled & slotted, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat XS 355 32 30 32 12 194 211 65 162 DBA 52448.1 Heat treated, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/ washers or hat Standard 355 32 30 32 12 215.9 243 56 200 DBA 52448.1SL Heat treated, left-hand, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat 6 Straight Slot, Lefthand 355 32 30 32 12 215.9 243 56 200 DBA 52448.1SR Heat treated, right-hand, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat 6 Straight Slot, Righthand 355 32 30 32 12 215.9 243 56 200 DBA 52448.1XS Heat treated, cross-drilled & slotted, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat XS 355 32 30 32 12 215.9 243 56 200 Heat treated, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/ washers or hat Standard 355 32 30 32 10 196 224 65.5 175 Heat treated, slotted, NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/ washers or hat T3 355 32 30 32 10 196 224 65.5 175 355 mm (diameter) DBA 52102.1 DBA 52604.1 DBA 52604.1S 183 AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 183 5/06/2013 2:22:07 PM FLAT DISC TYPE H DBA# STOCK ITEMS E&F Description Pattern 355 mm (diameter) - Continued A = Diameter D = Rotor height G = Rear face inner pad dia. B = Original thickness E = Rotor mount holes H = Pad face width C = Min. thickness F = Rotor mount P.C.D I = Centre bore A B C D E F G H I DBA 52604.1SL Heat treated, left-hand, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat 6 Straight Slot, Lefthand 355 32 30 32 10 196 224 65.5 175 DBA 52604.1SR Heat treated, right-hand, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat 6 Straight Slot, Righthand 355 32 30 32 10 196 224 65.5 175 DBA 52604.1XS Heat treated, cross-drilled & slotted, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat XS 355 32 30 32 10 196 224 65.5 175 Heat treated, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/ washers or hat Standard 355 32 30 32 12 216 250.5 52 196 DBA 52992.1S Heat treated, slotted, NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/ washers or hat T3 355 32 30 32 12 216 250.5 52 196 DBA 52992.1SL Heat treated, left-hand, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat 9 Straight Slot, Lefthand 355 32 30 32 12 216 250.5 52 196 DBA 52992.1SR Heat treated, right-hand, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat 9 Straight Slot, Righthand 355 32 30 32 12 216 250.5 52 196 DBA 52992.1XS Heat treated, cross-drilled & slotted, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat XS 355 32 30 32 12 216 250.5 52 196 DBA 52992.1 360 mm (diameter) DBA 52804.1 Heat treated, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/ washers or hat Standard 360 32 30.4 32 12 188 220 70 173 DBA 52804.1SL Heat treated, left-hand, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat 6 Straight Slot, Lefthand 360 32 30.4 32 12 188 220 70 173 DBA 52804.1SR Heat treated, right-hand, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat 6 Straight Slot, Righthand 360 32 30.4 32 12 188 220 70 173 DBA 52804.1XS Heat treated, cross-drilled & slotted, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat XS 360 32 30.4 32 12 188 220 70 173 362 mm (diameter) DBA 52024.1 Heat treated, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/ washers or hat Standard 362 32 30 32 12 215.9 238 62 200 DBA 52024.1SL Heat treated, left-hand, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat 6 Straight Slot, Lefthand 362 32 30 32 12 215.9 238 62 200 DBA 52024.1SR Heat treated, right-hand, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat 6 Straight Slot, Righthand 362 32 30 32 12 215.9 238 62 200 DBA 52024.1XS Heat treated, cross-drilled & slotted, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat XS 362 32 30 32 12 215.9 238 62 200 365 mm (diameter) DBA 52030.1 Heat treated, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/ washers or hat Standard 365 32 30 32 12 210 (FLT) 240 62.5 194 DBA 52030.1SL Heat treated, left-hand, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat 8 Curved Slot, Left-hand 365 32 30 32 12 210 (FLT) 240 62.5 194 DBA 52030.1SR Heat treated, right-hand, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat 8 Curved Slot, Right-hand 365 32 30 32 12 210 (FLT) 240 62.5 194 DBA 52030.1XS Heat treated, cross-drilled & slotted, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat XS 365 32 30 32 12 210 (FLT) 240 62.5 194 184 AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 184 5/06/2013 2:22:07 PM FLAT DISC TYPE H DBA# 379.5 mm (diameter) DBA 52399.1 STOCK ITEMS E&F Description Pattern A = Diameter D = Rotor height G = Rear face inner pad dia. B = Original thickness E = Rotor mount holes H = Pad face width C = Min. thickness F = Rotor mount P.C.D I = Centre bore A B C D E F G H I Heat treated, flat disc - no mounting hardware or hat Standard 379.5 32 30 32 10 235 250.5 64.5 219.5 DBA 52399.1CSL Heat treated, slotted left-hand, flat disc - no mounting hardware or hat 12 Curved Slot, Lefthand 379.5 32 30 32 10 235 250.5 64.5 219.5 DBA 52399.1CSR Heat treated, slotted right-hand, flat disc - no mounting hardware or hat 12 Curved Slot, Righthand 379.5 32 30 32 10 235 250.5 64.5 219.5 DBA 52399.1CXL Heat treated, cross-drilled & slotted left-hand, flat disc - no mounting hardware or hat Curved Crossdrill/Slot, Left-hand 379.5 32 30 32 10 235 250.5 64.5 219.5 DBA 52399.1CXR Heat treated, cross-drilled & slotted right-hand, flat disc - no mounting hardware or hat Curved Crossdrill/Slot, Right-hand 379.5 32 30 32 10 235 250.5 64.5 219.5 380 mm (diameter) DBA 52321.1 Heat treated, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/ washers or hat Standard 380 30 28 30 8 246.8 271 54.5 223 DBA 52321.1S Heat treated, slotted, NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/ washers or hat T3 380 30 28 30 8 246.8 271 54.5 223 DBA 52321.1SL Heat treated, left-hand, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat 6 Straight Slot, Lefthand 380 30 28 30 8 246.8 271 54.5 223 DBA 52321.1SR Heat treated, right-hand, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat 6 Straight Slot, Righthand 380 30 28 30 8 246.8 271 54.5 223 DBA 52321.1XS Heat treated, cross-drilled & slotted, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat XS 380 30 28 30 8 246.8 271 54.5 223 DBA 52323.1 Heat treated, flat disc - no mounting hardware or hat Standard 380 30 28 30 8 246.8 271 54.5 223 DBA 52323.1S Heat treated, slotted, flat disc - no mounting hardware or hat T3 380 30 28 30 8 246.8 271 54.5 223 DBA 52323.1SL Heat treated, slotted left-hand, flat disc - no mounting hardware or hat 6 Straight Slot, Lefthand 380 30 28 30 8 246.8 271 54.5 223 DBA 52323.1SR Heat treated, slotted right-hand, flat disc - no mounting hardware or hat 6 Straight Slot, Righthand 380 30 28 30 8 246.8 271 54.5 223 DBA 52323.1XS Heat treated, cross-drilled & slotted, flat disc - no mounting hardware or hat XS 380 30 28 30 8 246.8 271 54.5 223 DBA 52320.1 Heat treated, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/ washers or hat Standard 380 34 32 34 10 223.7 240.5 70 199.8 DBA 52320.1SL Heat treated, left-hand, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat 6 Straight Slot, Lefthand 380 34 32 34 10 223.7 240.5 70 199.8 DBA 52320.1SR Heat treated, right-hand, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat 6 Straight Slot, Righthand 380 34 32 34 10 223.7 240.5 70 199.8 DBA 52320.1XS Heat treated, cross-drilled & slotted, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/washers or hat XS 380 34 32 34 10 223.7 240.5 70 199.8 Heat treated, flat disc - no mounting hardware or hat Standard 380 34 32 34 10 223.7 240.5 70 200 DBA 52322.1 DBA 52322.1S Heat treated, slotted, flat disc - no mounting hardware or hat T3 380 34 32 34 10 223.7 240.5 70 200 DBA 52322.1SL Heat treated, slotted left-hand, flat disc - no mounting hardware or hat 6 Straight Slot, Lefthand 380 34 32 34 10 223.7 240.5 70 200 DBA 52322.1SR Heat treated, slotted right-hand, flat disc - no mounting hardware or hat 6 Straight Slot, Righthand 380 34 32 34 10 223.7 240.5 70 200 DBA 52322.1XS Heat treated, cross-drilled & slotted, flat disc - no mounting hardware or hat XS 380 34 32 34 10 223.7 240.5 70 200 185 AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 185 5/06/2013 2:22:07 PM FLAT DISC TYPE MADE TO ORDER E&F FLAT DISC TYPE - MADE TO ORDER BRAKE ROTORS H A = Diameter D = Rotor height G = Rear face inner pad dia. B = Original E = Rotor mount H = Pad face NOTE: ALL PART NUMBERS LISTED ON THISthickness PAGE HAVEholes A MINIMUMwidth ORDER C = Min. thickness F = Rotor mount I = Centre bore OF 50 UNITS. P.C.D DBA# Description Pattern A B C D E F G H PLEASE CONTACT YOUR DBA DISTRIBUTOR FOR MORE INFORMATION. A = Diameter D = Rotor height G = Rear face inner pad dia. B = Original thickness E = Rotor mount holes H = Pad face height C = Min. thickness F = Rotor mount P.C.D I = Centre bore I 186 AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 186 5/06/2013 2:22:09 PM R FLAT DISC TYPE H DBA# Description MADE TO ORDER E&F Pattern A = Diameter D = Rotor height G = Rear face inner pad dia. B = Original thickness E = Rotor mount holes H = Pad face width C = Min. thickness F = Rotor mount P.C.D I = Centre bore A B C D E F G H I 330 mm (diameter) DBA 2349.1L Non heat treated, left-hand, flat disc - no mounting hardware or hat Standard 330 25.5 24 25.5 12 215.9 230 47 200 DBA 2349.1R Non heat treated, right-hand, flat disc - no mounting hardware or hat Standard 330 25.5 24 25.5 12 215.9 230 47 200 DBA 2349.1SL Non heat treated, slotted left-hand, flat disc - no mounting hardware or hat 6 Straight Slot, Lefthand 330 25.5 24 25.5 12 215.9 230 47 200 DBA 2349.1SR Non heat treated, slotted right-hand, flat disc - no mounting hardware or hat 6 Straight Slot, Righthand 330 25.5 24 25.5 12 215.9 230 47 200 DBA 2349.1XL Non heat treated, cross-drilled & slotted, left-hand, flat disc no mounting hardware or hat Cross-drill/ Slot, Lefthand 330 25.5 24 25.5 12 215.9 230 47 200 DBA 2349.1XR Non heat treated, cross-drilled & slotted, right-hand, flat disc no mounting hardware or hat Cross-drill/ Slot, Righthand 330 25.5 24 25.5 12 215.9 230 47 200 DBA 52349.1L Heat treated, left-hand, flat disc - no mounting hardware or hat Standard 330 25.5 24 25.5 12 215.9 230 47 200 DBA 52349.1R Heat treated, right-hand, flat disc - no mounting hardware or hat Standard 330 25.5 24 25.5 12 215.9 230 47 200 DBA 52349.1SL Heat treated, slotted left-hand, flat disc - no mounting hardware or hat 6 Straight Slot, Lefthand 330 25.5 24 25.5 12 215.9 230 47 200 DBA 52349.1SR Heat treated, slotted right-hand, flat disc - no mounting hardware or hat 6 Straight Slot, Righthand 330 25.5 24 25.5 12 215.9 230 47 200 DBA 52349.1XL Heat treated, cross-drilled & slotted, left-hand, flat disc - no mounting hardware or hat Cross-drill/ Slot, Lefthand 330 25.5 24 25.5 12 215.9 230 47 200 DBA 52349.1XR Heat treated, cross-drilled & slotted, right-hand, flat disc - no mounting hardware or hat Cross-drill/ Slot, Righthand 330 25.5 24 25.5 12 215.9 230 47 200 DBA 2935.1 Non heat treated, flat disc - no mounting hardware or hat Standard 330 28 26 28 12 203.2 230 50 190 DBA 2935.1SL Non heat treated, slotted left-hand, flat disc - no mounting hardware or hat 9 Straight Slot, Lefthand 330 28 26 28 12 203.2 230 50 190 DBA 2935.1SR Non heat treated, slotted right-hand, flat disc - no mounting hardware or hat 9 Straight Slot, Righthand 330 28 26 28 12 203.2 230 50 190 DBA 2935.1XS Non heat treated, cross-drilled & slotted, flat disc - no mounting hardware or hat XS 330 28 26 28 12 203.2 230 50 190 DBA 52935.1 Heat treated, flat disc - no mounting hardware or hat Standard 330 28 26 28 12 203.2 230 50 190 DBA 52935.1SL Heat treated, slotted left-hand, flat disc - no mounting hardware or hat 6 Straight Slot, Lefthand 330 28 26 28 12 203.2 230 50 190 DBA 52935.1SR Heat treated, slotted right-hand, flat disc - no mounting hardware or hat 6 Straight Slot, Righthand 330 28 26 28 12 203.2 230 50 190 DBA 52935.1XS Heat treated, cross-drilled & slotted, flat disc - no mounting hardware or hat XS 330 28 26 28 12 203.2 230 50 190 DBA 57902 Heat treated, right-hand, flat disc - no mounting hardware or hat Standard 330 28 26 28 12 203.2 220 52.5 190 Heat treated, slotted right-hand, flat disc - no mounting hardware or hat 6 Straight Slot, Righthand 330 28 26 28 12 203.2 220 52.5 190 Heat treated, left-hand, flat disc - no mounting hardware or hat Standard 330 28 26 28 12 203.2 220 52.5 190 Heat treated, slotted left-hand, flat disc - no mounting hardware or hat 6 Straight Slot, Lefthand 330 28 26 28 12 203.2 220 52.5 190 DBA 57902SR DBA 57903 DBA 57903SL NOTE: ALL PART NUMBERS LISTED ON THIS PAGE HAVE A MINIMUM ORDER OF 50 UNITS. PLEASE CONTACT YOUR DBA DISTRIBUTOR FOR MORE INFORMATION. 187 AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 187 5/06/2013 2:22:10 PM FLAT DISC TYPE H DBA# MADE TO ORDER E&F Description Pattern A = Diameter D = Rotor height G = Rear face inner pad dia. B = Original thickness E = Rotor mount holes H = Pad face width C = Min. thickness F = Rotor mount P.C.D I = Centre bore A B C D E F G H I 332 mm (diameter) DBA 57888.1L Heat treated, left-hand, flat disc - no mounting hardware or hat Standard 332 32 30 34.5 10 210 225 53.5 190 DBA 57888.1R Heat treated, right-hand, flat disc - no mounting hardware or hat Standard 332 32 30 34.5 10 210 225 53.5 190 DBA 57888.1SL Heat treated, slotted left-hand, flat disc - no mounting hardware or hat T3 332 32 30 34.5 10 210 225 53.5 190 DBA 57888.1SR Heat treated, slotted right-hand, flat disc - no mounting hardware or hat T3 332 32 30 34.5 10 210 225 53.5 190 355 mm (diameter) DBA 2750.1 Non heat treated, flat disc - no mounting hardware or hat Standard 355 32 30 32 12 215.9 244 55.5 200 DBA 2750.1SL Non heat treated, slotted left-hand, flat disc - no mounting hardware or hat 9 Straight Slot, Lefthand 355 32 30 32 12 215.9 244 55.5 200 DBA 2750.1SR Non heat treated, slotted right-hand, flat disc - no mounting hardware or hat 9 Straight Slot, Righthand 355 32 30 32 12 215.9 244 55.5 200 DBA 2750.1XS Non heat treated, cross-drilled & slotted, flat disc - no mounting hardware or hat XS 355 32 30 32 12 215.9 244 55.5 200 DBA 52750.1 Heat treated, flat disc - no mounting hardware or hat Standard 355 32 30 32 12 215.9 244 55.5 200 DBA 52750.1SL Heat treated, slotted left-hand, flat disc - no mounting hardware or hat 6 Straight Slot, Lefthand 355 32 30 32 12 215.9 244 55.5 200 DBA 52750.1SR Heat treated, slotted right-hand, flat disc - no mounting hardware or hat 6 Straight Slot, Righthand 355 32 30 32 12 215.9 244 55.5 200 DBA 52750.1XS Heat treated, cross-drilled & slotted, flat disc - no mounting hardware or hat XS 355 32 30 32 12 215.9 244 55.5 200 Non heat treated, right-hand, flat disc - no mounting hardware or hat Standard 355 32 30 34.5 10 233 248 53.5 209 Non heat treated, slotted right-hand, flat disc - no mounting hardware or hat 8 Straight Slot, Righthand 355 32 30 34.5 10 233 248 53.5 209 Non heat treated, cross-drilled right-hand, flat disc - no mounting hardware or hat Brembo Style Cross-drill ® 355 32 30 34.5 10 233 248 53.5 209 Non heat treated, left-hand, flat disc - no mounting hardware or hat Standard 355 32 30 34.5 10 233 248 53.5 209 Non heat treated, slotted left-hand, flat disc - no mounting hardware or hat 8 Straight Slot, Lefthand 355 32 30 34.5 10 233 248 53.5 209 DBA 2923.1XBL Non heat treated, cross-drilled left-hand, flat disc - no mounting hardware or hat Brembo Style Cross-drill ® 355 32 30 34.5 10 233 248 53.5 209 DBA 52922.1 Heat treated, right-hand, flat disc - no mounting hardware or hat Standard 355 32 30 34.5 10 233 248 53.5 209 Heat treated, slotted right-hand, flat disc - no mounting hardware or hat 8 Straight Slot, Lefthand 355 32 30 34.5 10 233 248 53.5 209 Heat treated, cross-drilled right-hand, flat disc - no mounting hardware or hat Brembo Style Cross-drill ® 355 32 30 34.5 10 233 248 53.5 209 DBA 2922.1 DBA 2922.1SR DBA 2922.1XBR DBA 2923.1 DBA 2923.1SL DBA 52922.1SR DBA 52922.1XBR DBA 52923.1 Heat treated, left-hand, flat disc - no mounting hardware or hat Standard 355 32 30 34.5 10 233 248 53.5 209 DBA 52923.1SL Heat treated, slotted left-hand, flat disc - no mounting hardware or hat 8 Straight Slot, Righthand 355 32 30 34.5 10 233 248 53.5 209 DBA 52923.1XBL Heat treated, cross-drilled left-hand, flat disc - no mounting hardware or hat Brembo Style Cross-drill 355 32 30 34.5 10 233 248 53.5 209 ® NOTE: ALL PART NUMBERS LISTED ON THIS PAGE HAVE A MINIMUM ORDER OF 50 UNITS. PLEASE CONTACT YOUR DBA DISTRIBUTOR FOR MORE INFORMATION. 188 AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 188 Brembo is a registered trademark of Brembo SpA 5/06/2013 2:22:11 PM FLAT DISC TYPE H DBA# MADE TO ORDER E&F Description Pattern A = Diameter D = Rotor height G = Rear face inner pad dia. B = Original thickness E = Rotor mount holes H = Pad face width C = Min. thickness F = Rotor mount P.C.D I = Centre bore A B C D E F G H I 355.6 mm (diameter) DBA 47862 Heat treated, left-hand, flat disc - no mounting hardware or hat Standard 355.6 29.2 27 29.2 12 215.9 231 62.3 200 Heat treated, cross-drilled & slotted left-hand, flat disc - no mounting hardware or hat Cross-drill/ Slot, Lefthand 355.6 29.2 27 29.2 12 215.9 231 62.3 200 DBA 47863 Heat treated, right-hand, flat disc - no mounting hardware or hat Standard 355.6 29.2 27 29.2 12 215.9 231 62.3 200 DBA 47863XR Heat treated, cross-drilled & slotted right-hand, flat disc - no mounting hardware or hat Cross-drill/ Slot, Righthand 355.6 29.2 27 29.2 12 215.9 231 62.3 200 DBA 47862XL 356 mm (diameter) DBA 47864SL Heat treated, slotted left-hand, flat disc - no mounting hardware or hat 8 Straight Slot, Lefthand 356 26 24 26 12 215.9 231 62.5 200 DBA 47865SR Heat treated, slotted right-hand, flat disc - no mounting hardware or hat 8 Straight Slot, Righthand 356 26 24 26 12 215.9 231 62.5 200 Heat treated, left-hand, flat disc - no mounting hardware or hat Standard 378 26 24 27.5 12 240 267 55.5 224 DBA 52924.1SL Heat treated, slotted left-hand, flat disc - no mounting hardware or hat 8 Straight Slot, Lefthand 378 26 24 27.5 12 240 267 55.5 224 DBA 52924.1XL Heat treated, cross-drilled & slotted left-hand, flat disc - no mounting hardware or hat Cross-drill/ Slot, Lefthand 378 26 24 27.5 12 240 267 55.5 224 DBA 52925.1SR Heat treated, slotted right-hand, flat disc - no mounting hardware or hat 8 Straight Slot, Righthand 378 26 24 27.5 12 240 267 55.5 224 DBA 52925.1XR Heat treated, cross-drilled & slotted right-hand, flat disc - no mounting hardware or hat Cross-drill/ Slot, Righthand 378 26 24 27.5 12 240 267 55.5 224 378 mm (diameter) DBA 52924.1L 380 mm (diameter) DBA 2933.1L Non heat treated, left-hand, flat disc - no mounting hardware or hat Standard 380 32 30 34.5 10 258 275 52.5 234.5 DBA 2933.1R Non heat treated, right-hand, flat disc - no mounting hardware or hat Standard 380 32 30 34.5 10 258 275 52.5 234.5 DBA 2933.1XBL Non heat treated, cross-drilled left-hand, flat disc - no mounting hardware or hat Brembo Style Cross-drill ® 380 32 30 34.5 10 258 275 52.5 234.5 DBA 2933.1XBR Non heat treated, cross-drilled right-hand, flat disc - no mounting hardware or hat Brembo Style Cross-drill ® 380 32 30 34.5 10 258 275 52.5 234.5 DBA 52933.1L Heat treated, left-hand, flat disc - no mounting hardware or hat Standard 380 32 30 34.5 10 258 275 52.5 234.5 DBA 52933.1R Heat treated, right-hand, flat disc - no mounting hardware or hat Standard 380 32 30 34.5 10 258 275 52.5 234.5 DBA 52933.1XBL Heat treated, cross-drilled left-hand, flat disc - no mounting hardware or hat Brembo Style Cross-drill ® 380 32 30 34.5 10 258 275 52.5 234.5 DBA 52933.1XBR Heat treated, cross-drilled right-hand, flat disc - no mounting hardware or hat Brembo Style Cross-drill ® 380 32 30 34.5 10 258 275 52.5 234.5 381 mm (diameter) NOTE: ALL PART NUMBERS LISTED ON THIS PAGE HAVE A MINIMUM ORDER OF 50 UNITS. PLEASE CONTACT YOUR DBA DISTRIBUTOR FOR MORE INFORMATION. Brembo is a registered trademark of Brembo SpA AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 189 189 5/06/2013 2:22:11 PM FLAT DISC TYPE H DBA# DBA 7860 DBA 7860SL DBA 7860X DBA 7861 DBA 7861SR DBA 7861X MADE TO ORDER E&F Description Pattern A = Diameter D = Rotor height G = Rear face inner pad dia. B = Original thickness E = Rotor mount holes H = Pad face width C = Min. thickness F = Rotor mount P.C.D I = Centre bore A B C D E F G H I Non heat treated, left-hand, flat disc - no mounting hardware or hat Standard 381 31.75 30 31.75 12 240 264 58.5 224 Non heat treated, slotted left-hand, flat disc - no mounting hardware or hat 8 Straight Slot, Lefthand 381 31.75 30 31.75 12 240 264 58.5 224 Non heat treated, cross-drilled & slotted left-hand, flat disc no mounting hardware or hat Cross-drill/ Slot, Lefthand 381 31.75 30 31.75 12 240 264 58.5 224 Non heat treated, right-hand, flat disc - no mounting hardware or hat Standard 381 31.75 30 31.75 12 240 264 58.5 224 Non heat treated, slotted right-hand, flat disc - no mounting hardware or hat 8 Straight Slot, Righthand 381 31.75 30 31.75 12 240 264 58.5 224 Non heat treated, cross-drilled & slotted right-hand, flat disc no mounting hardware or hat Cross-drill/ Slot, Righthand 381 31.75 30 31.75 12 240 264 58.5 224 Heat treated, flat disc - no mounting hardware or hat Standard 405 34 32 34 12 265 241 62 241 Heat treated, slotted, flat disc - no mounting hardware or hat T3 405 34 32 34 12 265 241 62 241 405 mm (diameter) DBA 57890.1 DBA 57890.1S 410 mm (diameter) DBA 52926.1 Heat treated, flat disc - NAS nuts included but no NAS bolts/ washers or hat Standard 410 34 32 37.5 12 264 282 64 245 DBA 52926.1SL Heat treated, slotted left-hand, flat disc - no mounting hardware or hat 6 Straight Slot, Lefthand 410 34 32 37.5 12 264 282 64 245 DBA 52926.1SR Heat treated, slotted right-hand, flat disc - no mounting hardware or hat 6 Straight Slot, Righthand 410 34 32 37.5 12 264 282 64 245 DBA 52926.1XS Heat treated, cross-drilled & slotted, flat disc - no mounting hardware or hat XS 410 34 32 37.5 12 264 282 64 245 NOTE: ALL PART NUMBERS LISTED ON THIS PAGE HAVE A MINIMUM ORDER OF 50 UNITS. PLEASE CONTACT YOUR DBA DISTRIBUTOR FOR MORE INFORMATION. 190 AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 190 5/06/2013 2:22:11 PM DISC ROTOR WeightS & DIMENSIONS CHART DBA001 DBA001S DBA002 DBA002S DBA003 DBA003S DBA004 DBA004S DBA006 DBA006S DBA007 DBA007S DBA008 DBA008S DBA009 DBA009S DBA010 DBA010S DBA011 DBA011S DBA012 DBA012S DBA013 DBA013S DBA014 DBA014S DBA014X DBA015 DBA015S DBA015X DBA016 DBA016S DBA016X DBA017 DBA017S DBA017X DBA018 DBA018S DBA018X DBA019 DBA019S DBA019X DBA020 DBA020S DBA020X DBA021 DBA021S DBA022 DBA022S DBA023 DBA023S DBA023X DBA024 DBA024S DBA025 DBA025S DBA026 DBA026S DBA027 DBA027S DBA030 DBA030S DBA032 DBA032S DBA033 DBA033S DBA034 DBA034S DBA035 DBA035S DBA035X DBA036 DBA036B DBA036BS DBA036BX DBA036S DBA036X HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F R R R F F F R R R F F F R R R F F F F F F F R R F F R R F F F F F F F F R R F F F R R R R R R S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S V V V V V V S S S V V V S S S V V V V V V V V V V V V V S S V V S S V V S S V V V V S S V V V S S S S S S 253 253 270 270 270 270 256 256 240 240 227 227 256 256 215 215 256 256 236 236 215 215 256 256 276 276 276 270 270 270 279 279 279 290 290 290 292 292 292 327 327 327 278 278 278 236 236 231 231 256 256 256 270 270 272 272 279 279 290 290 250 250 250 250 257 257 265 265 289 289 289 279 279 279 279 279 279 50 50 55 55 56.5 56.5 60 60 47 47 42 42 60 60 28.5 28.5 77 77 41.25 41.25 33.5 33.5 78 78 72 72 72 82 82 82 83 83 83 82 82 82 90 90 90 82 82 82 83.6 83.6 83.6 41.25 41.25 50 50 41.1 41.1 41.1 77 77 82 82 67 67 82 82 35 35 35 35 36 36 47 47 83 83 83 86 86 86 86 86 86 9.7 9.7 12.7 12.7 15.9 15.9 15.7 15.7 10 10 11 11 12.7 12.7 10 10 16 16 12.7 12.7 10 10 15.6 15.6 25.4 25.4 25.4 22 22 22 10.5 10.5 10.5 22 22 22 15.9 15.9 15.9 28 28 28 20 20 20 20 20 17 17 24 24 24 10 10 23 23 10.5 10.5 23 23 18 18 18 18 22 22 12 12 23 23 23 10.7 10.7 10.7 10.7 10.7 10.7 9 9 11.7 11.7 14.7 14.7 14.7 14.7 8.6 8.6 9.6 9.6 12 12 9 9 14.3 14.3 10.7* 10.7* 8 8 14.3 14.3 24.5 24.5 24.5 20* 20* 20* 8.5 8.5 8.5 20* 20* 20* 14.7 14.7 14.7 25 25 25 19 19 19 17 17 15 15 21 21 21 8 8 20* 20* 8.5* 8.5* 20* 20* 17 17 16.7 16.7 20.6 20.6 10.6 10.6 20* 20* 20* 8.5* 8.5* 8.5* 8.5* 8.5* 8.5* 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 68 68 57 57 72 72 61 61 Hub Hub 60 60 86 86 Hub Hub Hub Hub Hub Hub Hub Hub 70 70 70 Hub Hub Hub 72 72 72 HUB HUB HUB 70 70 70 60 60 64 64 60 60 60 57 57 Hub Hub 70 70 Hub Hub 80 80 80 80 88 88 97 97 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 5 5 4 4 5 5 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 10 10 10 5 5 3.9 3.9 5.3 5.3 5.8 5.8 6 6 3.3 3.3 2.9 2.9 4.8 4.8 2.5 2.5 8.8 8.8 3.6 3.6 2.6 2.6 9 9 10.3 10.3 10.3 10.5 10.5 10.5 5.1 5.1 5.1 10.5 10.5 10.5 8.4 8.4 8.4 13.2 13.2 13.2 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.1 4.1 3.5 3.5 5.3 5.3 5.3 4.7 4.7 10 10 5 5 11.1 11.1 5.4 5.4 4.3 4.3 5.2 5.2 5 5 7.4 7.4 7.4 5.3 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.3 5.3 191 AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 191 5/06/2013 2:22:13 PM DISC ROTOR WeightS & DIMENSIONS CHART DBA001 DBA037 DBA037S DBA037X DBA040 DBA040B DBA040BS DBA040BX DBA040S DBA040X DBA041 DBA041S DBA041X DBA045 DBA045S DBA045X DBA046 DBA046B DBA046BS DBA046BX DBA046S DBA046X DBA047 DBA047S DBA047X DBA060 DBA060S DBA061 DBA061S DBA062 DBA062S DBA067 DBA067S DBA067X DBA068 DBA068S DBA068X DBA069 DBA069S DBA069X DBA072 DBA072S DBA075 DBA075B DBA075BS DBA075S DBA076 DBA076S DBA081 DBA081S DBA086 DBA086S DBA087 DBA087S DBA087X DBA088 DBA088S DBA092 DBA092S DBA093 DBA093S DBA094B DBA094BS DBA095 DBA095S DBA096 DBA096S DBA096X DBA097 DBA097S DBA100 DBA100S DBA101 DBA101S DBA102 DBA102S DBA103 HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN MG MG MG MG MG MG CHEVROLET CHEVROLET CHEVROLET LEYLAND LEYLAND LEYLAND FORD FORD FORD JAGUAR JAGUAR JAGUAR JAGUAR JAGUAR JAGUAR JAGUAR JAGUAR MINI COOPER MINI COOPER LANDROVER LANDROVER RANGE ROVER RANGE ROVER RANGE ROVER RANGE ROVER RANGE ROVER RANGE ROVER RANGE ROVER RANGE ROVER RANGE ROVER AUSTIN AUSTIN INTERNATIONAL INTERNATIONAL JEEP JEEP JEEP JEEP JEEP FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD F R R R F F F F F F R R R R R R F F F F F F R R R F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F R R R R F F F F F F F F F R R F F R R F F F F F F F R R F F F F R R R S S S S V V V V V V S S S V V V V V V V V V V V V S S S S S S V V V V V V V V V S S S S S S V V S S V V S S S S S V V S S S S V V V V V S S S S V V V V V 253 279 279 279 296 296 296 296 296 296 286 286 286 280 280 280 328 328 328 328 328 328 280 280 280 209.8 209.8 209.8 209.8 273.4 273.4 325 325 325 273 273 273 330 330 330 280 280 262 262 262 262 285 285 190 190 298 298 298 298 298 290 290 297 297 304 304 281 281 298 298 280 280 280 285 285 228 228 260 260 296 296 287 50 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 78.6 78.6 78.6 67 67 67 82 83 83 83 82 82 86 86 86 39.5 39.5 60 60 44.5 44.5 46 46 46 62 62 62 43.5 43.5 43.5 51.5 51.5 25.5 25.5 25.5 25.5 60.5 60.5 77.5 77.5 70 70 70 70 70 61 61 64.6 64.6 62.7 62.7 38 38 56 56 81 81 81 59.5 59.5 31 31 32 32 51 51 58.5 9.7 10.7 10.7 10.7 28 28 28 28 28 28 16 16 16 20 20 20 28 28 28 28 28 28 20 20 20 7.5 7.5 7.7 7.7 8.7 8.7 32 32 32 25.4 25.4 25.4 28 28 28 9.75 9.75 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 24 24 9.5 9.5 24 24 14 14 14 12.7 12.7 25 25 12.6 12.6 12.7 12.7 30 30 24 24 24 11 11 11 11 18 18 18 18 24 9 8.5* 8.5* 8.5* 25 25 25 25 25 25 14 14 14 19 19 19 25 25 25 25 25 25 19 19 19 7 7 7 7 7.6 7.6 30.3 30.3 30.3 22.74 22.74 22.74 26.4 26.4 26.4 8.5 8.5 11.4 11.4 11.4 11.4 22.9 22.9 8.5 8.5 22 22 13 13 13 11.7 11.7 22 22 11.7 11.7 11.4 11.4 28.5 28.5 22.7 22.7 22.7 9.5 9.5 10 10 16 16 16.8 16.8 22.2 72 70 70 70 71.5 70 70 70 71.5 71.5 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 71.5 71.5 71.5 70 70 70 70 70 63.5 63.5 63 63 73 73 71 71 71 HUB HUB HUB 71 71 71 82.5 82.5 70 70 70 70 82 82 73.5 73.5 101.6 101.6 101.6 101.6 101.6 101.6 101.6 70 70 70 70 82.6 82.6 96 96 72 72 72 72 72 75 75 75 75 71 71 83 5 10 10 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 5 5 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 3.9 5.2 5.2 5.2 9.1 9.4 9.4 9.4 9.1 9.1 7 7 7 5.8 5.8 5.8 9.7 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.7 9.7 6.3 6.3 6.3 2.2 2.2 3 3 4.5 4.5 10.5 10.5 10.5 8.7 8.7 8.7 4.7 4.7 4.4 4.5 4.5 4.4 7.5 7.5 2.9 2.9 8.4 8.4 7.4 7.4 7.4 5.9 5.9 7.9 7.9 6.7 6.7 5 5 7.4 7.4 6.8 6.8 6.8 5.1 5.1 2.9 2.9 4.2 4.2 5.5 5.5 5.9 192 AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 192 5/06/2013 2:22:13 PM DISC ROTOR WeightS & DIMENSIONS CHART DBA001 DBA103S DBA105 DBA105S DBA106 DBA106H DBA106HS DBA106HX DBA106S DBA107 DBA107S DBA107X DBA108 DBA108S DBA109 DBA109S DBA109X DBA110B DBA110BS DBA110BX DBA111A DBA111AS DBA111AX DBA111B DBA111BS DBA111BX DBA116 DBA116S DBA119 DBA119S DBA120 DBA120S DBA121 DBA121S DBA130 DBA130S DBA131 DBA131S DBA132 DBA132S DBA132X DBA133 DBA133S DBA133X DBA138 DBA138S DBA139 DBA139S DBA140 DBA140S DBA144 DBA144S DBA146 DBA146S DBA147 DBA147S DBA149 DBA149S DBA151 DBA151S DBA151X DBA152 DBA152S DBA154 DBA154S DBA156 DBA156S DBA158 DBA158S DBA159 DBA159S DBA163 DBA163S DBA165 DBA165S DBA166 DBA166S HOLDEN FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TRIUMPH TRIUMPH CHRYSLER CHRYSLER CHRYSLER CHRYSLER F R F F F F F F F F F F R R R R R F F F R R R R R R F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F R R R F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F R R S V S S V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V S S S S S S V V S S V V V V V V V V V V V S S S S S S S S S S S V V S S V V V V V S S S S V V V V V V S S V V S S 253 287 280 280 287 287 287 287 287 287 287 287 287 287 287 287 287 287 287 287 287 287 287 287 287 287 237 237 250 250 297 297 298 298 287 287 287 287 287 287 287 299 299 299 266 266 228 228 254 254 218 218 258 258 243 243 243 243 302 302 302 266 266 302 302 257 257 255 255 260 260 280.7 280.7 257 257 270 270 50 58.5 50 50 58.5 115 115 115 58.5 115 115 115 70 70 71 71 71 70 70 70 62 62 62 61 61 61 63.5 63.5 35 35 82 82 69 69 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 56.5 56.5 56.5 42 42 17.9 17.9 16 16 30 30 26 26 39.1 39.1 45 45 49 49 49 43 43 49 49 47 47 42 42 45 45 38.2 38.2 38 38 53 53 9.7 24 16 16 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24.6 24.6 24 24 24 24 24 24 15 15 15 13 13 13 22.4 22.4 14 14 30 30 30 30 24 24 25 25 25 25 25 10.5 10.5 10.5 12.7 12.7 10 10 12.7 12.7 12.7 12.7 20 20 11 11 22 22 20 20 20 12.7 12.7 12.7 12.7 25 25 20 20 25 25 12.7 12.7 22 22 9 9 9 22.2 14.6 14.6 22.2 22.2 22.2 22.2 22.2 22.2 22.2 22.2 22.2 22.2 22.2 22.2 22.2 22.2 22.2 22.2 14 14 14 12 12 12 20 20 12.5 12.5 28.5 28.5 28.5 28.5 22.2 22.2 21* 21* 21* 21* 21* 8.5 8.5 8.5 11.5 11.5 9 9 11.5 11.5 11.5 11.5 19 19 10 10 21 21 19 19 19 11.5 11.5 11.5 11.5 24 24 19 19 24 24 11.4 11.4 20.4 20.4 7.25 7.25 72 83 79.5 79.5 83 Hub Hub Hub 83 Hub Hub Hub 70.5 70.5 70.5 70.5 70.5 Hub Hub Hub 70.5 70.5 70.5 70.5 70.5 70.5 78 78 75 75 Hub Hub 98.5 98.5 Hub Hub Hub Hub Hub Hub Hub 70.5 70.5 70.5 76 76 64 64 73 73 64 64 76 76 54 54 54 54 100 100 100 79 79 100 100 84 84 74 74 95 95 79 79 61 61 58 58 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 6 6 6 5 5 6 6 5 5 4 4 5 5 4 4 5 5 5 5 3.9 5.9 6.4 6.4 5.9 11 11 11 5.9 9.8 9.8 9.8 7.2 7.2 6.9 6.9 6.9 9.8 9.8 9.8 6.7 6.7 6.7 6.1 6.1 6.1 4.6 4.6 4.5 4.5 12.6 12.6 9 9 10.5 10.5 10 10 10.5 10.5 10.5 5.6 5.6 5.6 4.6 4.6 2.6 2.6 3.9 3.9 3.1 3.1 4.8 4.8 3.3 3.3 4.6 4.6 6 6 6 4.6 4.6 5.9 5.9 5.8 5.8 5.5 5.5 6.3 6.3 4.6 4.6 3.9 3.9 193 AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 193 5/06/2013 2:22:14 PM DISC ROTOR WeightS & DIMENSIONS CHART DBA001 DBA166X DBA167 DBA167S DBA167X DBA168 DBA168S DBA172 DBA172S DBA175 DBA175S DBA177 DBA177S DBA178 DBA178S DBA179 DBA179S DBA180 DBA180S DBA184 DBA184S DBA185 DBA185S DBA186 DBA186S DBA187 DBA187S DBA190 DBA190S DBA191 DBA191S DBA193 DBA193S DBA196 DBA196S DBA200 DBA200S DBA200X DBA202 DBA202S DBA202X DBA205 DBA205S DBA206 DBA206S DBA207 DBA207S DBA208 DBA208S DBA213 DBA213S DBA213X DBA214 DBA214S DBA214X DBA215 DBA215S DBA216 DBA216S DBA216X DBA217 DBA217S DBA217X DBA219 DBA219S DBA220 DBA220S DBA221 DBA221S DBA222 DBA222S DBA223 DBA223S DBA224 DBA224S DBA225 DBA225S HOLDEN CHRYSLER CHRYSLER CHRYSLER CHRYSLER FORD FORD TRIUMPH TRIUMPH CHRYSLER CHRYSLER CHRYSLER CHRYSLER HONDA HONDA HONDA HONDA JEEP JEEP HONDA HONDA HONDA HONDA HONDA HONDA HONDA HONDA HONDA HONDA HONDA HONDA HONDA HONDA HONDA HONDA HONDA HONDA HONDA CHRYSLER CHRYSLER CHRYSLER MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI F R F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F R R F F F F F R R R F F F F F R R R F F F F F F R R R R F F F F S S V V V V V S S V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V S S S S S S V V V V V V V V S S S S S S V V V V V V V V S S V V V V V V V V S S V V S S S S V V V V 253 270 280 280 280 240 240 240 240 257 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DBA234 DBA234S DBA236 DBA236S DBA237 DBA237S DBA239 DBA239S DBA240 DBA240S DBA245 DBA245S DBA250 DBA250S DBA251 DBA253 DBA253S DBA254 DBA254S DBA255 DBA260 DBA260S DBA261 DBA261S DBA262 DBA262S DBA264 DBA264S DBA265 DBA265S DBA273 DBA273S DBA274 DBA274S DBA275 DBA275S DBA276 DBA276S DBA277 DBA277S DBA278 DBA278S DBA279 DBA279S DBA284 DBA286 DBA286S DBA287 DBA287S DBA288 DBA288S DBA291 DBA291S DBA292 DBA292S DBA294 DBA294S DBA295 DBA295S DBA296 DBA296S HOLDEN MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI AUDI AUDI VOLKSWAGEN VOLKSWAGEN MERCEDES BENZ MERCEDES BENZ MERCEDES BENZ MERCEDES BENZ MERCEDES BENZ MERCEDES BENZ MERCEDES BENZ MERCEDES BENZ MERCEDES BENZ MERCEDES BENZ MERCEDES BENZ MERCEDES BENZ MERCEDES BENZ MERCEDES BENZ MERCEDES BENZ MERCEDES BENZ MERCEDES BENZ MERCEDES BENZ 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DBA374 DBA374S DBA376 DBA376S DBA377 DBA377S DBA380 DBA380S DBA381 DBA381S DBA382 DBA382S DBA383 DBA383S DBA384 DBA384S DBA385 DBA385S DBA386 DBA386S HOLDEN DAIHATSU DAIHATSU NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN MAZDA MAZDA FORD FORD MAZDA MAZDA MAZDA MAZDA SUBARU SUBARU SUBARU SUBARU RENAULT RENAULT RENAULT RENAULT RENAULT RENAULT RENAULT RENAULT RENAULT RENAULT RENAULT RENAULT ALFA ROMEO ALFA ROMEO ALFA ROMEO ALFA ROMEO ALFA ROMEO ALFA ROMEO BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW VOLVO VOLVO VOLVO VOLVO VOLVO VOLVO VOLVO VOLVO VOLVO VOLVO SAAB SAAB SAAB SAAB F F F R R F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F R R F F F F F F R R F F F F F F R R F F F F F F F F F/R F/R S V V S S S S V V S S V V V V S S S S V V S S V V V V S S S S S S V V S S V V V V S S V V V V S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S V V V V S S S S S S 253 285 285 235 235 219 219 267 267 253 253 250 250 252 252 271 271 271 271 295 295 250 250 250 250 228 228 206 206 229 229 229 229 228 228 254 254 238.5 238.5 238.5 238.5 250 250 238 238 284 284 272 272 251 251 240 240 272 272 272 272 280 280 255 255 280 280 263 263 281 281 263 263 263 263 272 272 280 280 267 267 50 61 61 36.5 36.5 32.5 32.5 40 40 48 48 43 43 27.5 27.5 52 52 44 44 30 30 31 31 36 36 59 59 54 54 52 52 46 46 45.5 45.5 40 40 46.5 46.5 46.5 46.5 45 45 41 41 44 44 68 68 50.5 50.5 58.5 58.5 59.8 59.8 59.8 59.8 61.1 61.1 75.1 75.1 78.1 78.1 65 65 73.5 73.5 64.3 64.3 67.5 67.5 69 69 47.5 47.5 51 51 9.7 24 24 10 10 9.6 9.6 22 22 12.7 12.7 18 18 20 20 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 20 20 10 10 20 20 18 18 13 13 12.5 12.5 10 10 20 20 12 12 20 20 20 20 9 9 20.1 20.1 22 22 12.6 12.6 10 10 10 10 12.7 12.7 12.7 12.7 9.5 9.5 12.5 12.5 12.7 12.7 14.5 14.5 9.6 9.6 24 24 22 22 12.7 12.7 12.7 12.7 9.7 9.7 9 23 23 9 9 8.6 8.6 20 20 10.5 10.5 16 16 18 18 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5 18 18 9 9 18.5 18.5 17 17 12 12 10 10 8.5 8.5 19 19 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DBA501X DBA502 DBA502S DBA502X DBA503 DBA503S DBA503X DBA504 DBA504S DBA504X DBA505 DBA505S DBA505X DBA506 DBA506S DBA506X DBA507 DBA507S DBA507X DBA508 DBA508S DBA509 DBA509S DBA510 DBA510S DBA511 DBA511S DBA512 DBA512S DBA513 DBA513S DBA514 DBA514S DBA515 DBA515S DBA516 DBA516S DBA519 DBA519S DBA520 DBA520S DBA523 DBA523S HOLDEN HONDA HONDA HONDA HONDA HONDA HONDA HONDA HONDA HONDA HONDA HONDA HONDA HONDA HONDA DAIHATSU DAIHATSU DAIHATSU DAIHATSU DAIHATSU DAIHATSU DAIHATSU DAIHATSU DAIHATSU DAIHATSU DAIHATSU DAIHATSU HONDA HONDA FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD SUZUKI SUZUKI SUZUKI SUZUKI SUZUKI SUZUKI SUZUKI SUZUKI SUZUKI SUZUKI SUZUKI SUZUKI SUZUKI SUZUKI SUZUKI SUZUKI SUZUKI SUZUKI SUZUKI SUZUKI F F R R F F F R R R F F F R R F F F F R R F F F F F F R R F F F R R R F F F R R R F F F R R R F F F R R R F F R R F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F S V V V V V V V V V V V V S S 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WeightS & DIMENSIONS CHART DBA001 DBA525 DBA525S DBA526 DBA526S DBA527 DBA527S DBA528 DBA528S DBA529 DBA529S DBA530 DBA530S DBA531 DBA531S DBA531X DBA532 DBA532S DBA533 DBA533S DBA533X DBA534 DBA534S DBA534X DBA535 DBA535S DBA536 DBA536S DBA537 DBA537S DBA538 DBA538S DBA538X DBA539 DBA539S DBA540 DBA540S DBA541 DBA541S DBA542 DBA542S DBA542X DBA543 DBA543S DBA543X DBA545 DBA545S DBA545X DBA546 DBA546S DBA546X DBA548 DBA548S DBA549 DBA549S DBA550 DBA550S DBA551 DBA551S DBA552 DBA552S DBA552X DBA553 DBA553S DBA553X DBA554 DBA554S DBA555 DBA555S DBA556 DBA556S DBA557 DBA557S DBA559 DBA559S DBA560 DBA560S HOLDEN MAZDA MAZDA LANDROVER LANDROVER LANDROVER LANDROVER LANDROVER LANDROVER FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD MAZDA MAZDA MAZDA MAZDA MAZDA MAZDA MAZDA MAZDA MAZDA MAZDA MAZDA JEEP JEEP JEEP JEEP MINI COOPER MINI COOPER MINI COOPER MINI COOPER MINI COOPER MINI COOPER MAZDA MAZDA MAZDA MAZDA MAZDA MAZDA VOLKSWAGEN VOLKSWAGEN LANDROVER LANDROVER 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HOLDEN TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA MERCEDES BENZ MERCEDES BENZ MERCEDES BENZ MERCEDES BENZ MERCEDES BENZ MERCEDES BENZ MERCEDES BENZ TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN FORD FORD SUZUKI SUZUKI TOYOTA TOYOTA PORSCHE PORSCHE NISSAN NISSAN HOLDEN HOLDEN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN FORD FORD NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN F F F F F R R R F F R R F R R F F F F F F R R R F F F F R R F F R R F F F F R R F F F F R R F F R R F F R R F F F F F F F F F F R R R F F F F F F F F F F S V V V V S S S V V S S V S S V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V S S V V V V S S S S S S S S V V S S V V S S V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V 253 315 275 275 275 269 269 269 276 276 280 280 276 272 272 275 275 256 256 280 280 292 292 292 258 258 310 310 291 291 298 298 258 258 240 240 240 240 234 234 250 250 284 284 280 280 250 250 257 257 250 250 260 260 257 257 260 260 232 232 250 250 266 266 315 315 315 306 306 277 277 306 306 283 283 250 250 50 59 49.5 49.5 49.5 56 56 56 60 60 63 63 77 97 97 49.5 49.5 68 68 49 49 62 62 62 47 47 29 29 67.5 67.5 80 80 47 47 45.5 45.5 45.5 45.5 481 481 43 43 44.5 44.5 77 77 22 22 45 45 48 48 60 60 49 49 37.5 37.5 22 22 37.5 37.5 39.5 39.5 80 80 80 35.5 35.5 39 39 47 47 38 38 30 30 9.7 32 25 25 25 9 9 9 22 22 10 10 22 16 16 28 28 20 20 28 28 16 16 16 24 24 22 22 16 16 28 28 10 10 18 18 18 18 10 10 12 12 10.4 10.4 10.5 10.5 18 18 10 10 22 22 10.4 10.4 22 22 26 26 18 18 22 22 22 22 18 18 18 26 26 26 26 32 32 28 28 22 22 9 30 23 23 23 7.5 7.5 7.5 19.5 19.5 8.5 8.5 19.5 14 14 26 26 19 19 26 26 14 14 14 22 22 20 20 15 15 26 26 9 9 16 16 16 16 9 9 10.5 10.5 9.4 9.4 9.5 9.5 16 16 8 8 20 20 9.4 9.4 20 20 24 24 16 16 20 20 20 20 16 16 16 24 24 24 24 30 30 26 26 20 20 72 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 67 67 67 67 85 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DBA001 DBA674 DBA674S DBA675 DBA675S DBA677 DBA677S DBA678 DBA678S DBA679 DBA679S DBA680 DBA680S DBA681 DBA681S DBA682 DBA682S DBA683 DBA683S DBA684 DBA684S DBA685 DBA685S DBA686 DBA686S DBA687 DBA687S DBA688 DBA688S DBA690 DBA690S DBA692 DBA692S DBA693 DBA693S DBA695 DBA695S DBA697 DBA697S DBA698 DBA698S DBA698X DBA699 DBA699S DBA699X DBA701 DBA701S DBA702 DBA702S DBA703 DBA703S DBA704 DBA704S DBA705 DBA705S DBA709 DBA709S DBA710 DBA710S DBA711 DBA711S DBA712 DBA712S DBA713 DBA713S DBA714 DBA714S DBA715 DBA715S DBA716 DBA716S DBA719 DBA719S DBA719X DBA721 DBA721S DBA722 HOLDEN BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW VOLVO VOLVO VOLVO VOLVO VOLVO VOLVO VOLVO VOLVO VOLVO VOLVO VOLVO VOLVO VOLVO VOLVO VOLVO VOLVO VOLVO VOLVO TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA 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5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 8 3.9 5 3.7 3.7 5 5 5.6 5.6 4.5 4.5 5.5 5.5 4.5 4.5 5.5 5.5 6 6 5 5 7 7 4.5 4.5 7 7 5 5 5.5 5.5 5 5 5 5 7 7 5 5 10 10 5.6 5.6 5.6 6 6 6 4.5 4.5 4 4 5 5 5.5 5.5 6.2 6.2 5.5 5.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 4 4 6.5 6.5 7.6 7.6 7.5 7.5 7.6 7.6 10.5 10.5 12 12 8 204 AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 204 5/06/2013 2:22:20 PM DISC ROTOR WeightS & DIMENSIONS CHART DBA001 DBA773S DBA774 DBA774S DBA775 DBA775S DBA776 DBA776S DBA777 DBA777S DBA778 DBA778S DBA779 DBA779S DBA780 DBA780S DBA782 DBA782S DBA783 DBA783S DBA784 DBA784S DBA785 DBA785S DBA786 DBA786S DBA787 DBA787S DBA788 DBA788S DBA788X DBA789 DBA789S DBA789X DBA790 DBA790S DBA790X DBA791 DBA791S DBA791X DBA792 DBA792S DBA793 DBA793S DBA794 DBA794S DBA795 DBA795S DBA796 DBA796S DBA797 DBA797S DBA798 DBA798S DBA799 DBA799S DBA800 DBA800S DBA801 DBA801S DBA802 DBA802S DBA803 DBA803S DBA804 DBA804S DBA805 DBA805S DBA806 DBA806S DBA807 DBA807S DBA808 DBA808S DBA810 DBA810S DBA811 HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN TOYOTA TOYOTA CHRYSLER CHRYSLER CHRYSLER CHRYSLER TOYOTA TOYOTA ALFA ROMEO ALFA ROMEO TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD AUDI AUDI AUDI AUDI AUDI AUDI AUDI AUDI AUDI AUDI AUDI AUDI AUDI AUDI AUDI AUDI AUDI AUDI AUDI AUDI HOLDEN F F F F F F F F R R F F R R F F F F F F F F R R R R R R F F F R R R F F F R R R F F R R R R F F R R F F F F R R R R F F F F R R F F F F F F F F R R R R F S V V V V V V V S S V V S S V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V S S S S S S V V V V S S S S V 253 325 317.5 317.5 291 291 302 302 290 290 255 255 240 240 289 289 286 286 254 254 311 311 312 312 336 336 312 312 312 312 312 330 330 330 322 322 322 335 335 335 319 319 312 312 312 312 330 330 326 326 330 330 331 331 326 326 256 256 280 280 288 288 232 232 280 280 288 288 280 280 288 288 245 245 245 245 250 50 89.5 70 70 66 66 39 39 56 56 42 42 40 40 64.5 64.5 58 58 46 46 58 58 103 103 103 103 68 68 71 71 71 103 103 103 65 65 65 103 103 103 70 70 68 68 102.5 102.5 144 144 98.5 98.5 143 143 99.5 99.5 113 113 36.5 36.5 36.7 36.7 34 34 39.5 39.5 46.2 46.2 46.2 46.2 46.2 46.2 46.2 46.2 83.6 83.6 63.9 63.9 32 9.7 38 33 33 25 25 28 28 12.5 12.5 25 25 11 11 20 20 25 25 22 22 32 32 18 18 18 18 18 18 32 32 32 18 18 18 32 32 32 18 18 18 22 22 18 18 18 18 38 38 30 30 38 38 38 38 30 30 22 22 22 22 25 25 9 9 13 13 15 15 22 22 25 25 10 10 10 10 18 9 36.5 30.8 30.8 23 23 26.5 26.5 11.25 11.25 23 23 9.2 9.2 18 18 23 23 20 20 30 30 16 16 16 16 16 16 30 30 30 16 16 16 30 30 30 16 16 16 20 20 16 16 16 16 36 36 28 28 36 36 36 36 28 28 20 20 19 19 23 23 7 7 11 11 13 13 20 20 23 23 8 8 8 8 16.6 72 118.2 137.2 137.2 100 100 73.4 73.4 72 72 74 74 59 59 100 100 106 106 84 84 105 105 106 106 106 106 106 106 115 115 115 110 110 110 115 115 115 110 110 110 108 108 106 106 110 110 HUB HUB 126.5 126.5 HUB HUB 128.7 128.7 119.5 119.5 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 HUB HUB 68 68 68 5 8 8 8 6 6 5 5 5 5 4 4 5 5 6 6 6 6 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 5 5 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 3.9 8 9.2 9.2 7 7 7.7 7.7 3.7 3.7 4.5 4.5 3.5 3.5 6.5 6.5 7.5 7.5 5 5 9 9 7.5 7.5 8.5 8.5 6.5 6.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8 8 8 8.5 8.5 8.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 6.5 6.5 6 6 7.5 7.5 20.8 20.8 11.2 11.2 20.2 20.2 13 13 11.3 11.3 6 6 6 6 7 7 2.6 2.6 5.3 5.3 6.6 6.6 6.2 6.2 7.5 7.5 5.5 5.5 3.5 3.5 4 205 AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 205 5/06/2013 2:22:21 PM DISC ROTOR WeightS & DIMENSIONS CHART DBA001 DBA811S DBA813 DBA813S DBA814 DBA814S DBA815 DBA815S DBA816 DBA816S DBA817 DBA817S DBA818 DBA818S DBA819 DBA819S DBA820 DBA820S DBA821 DBA821S DBA822 DBA822S DBA823 DBA823S DBA824 DBA824S DBA825 DBA825S DBA826 DBA826S DBA827 DBA827S DBA828 DBA828S DBA829 DBA829S DBA830 DBA830S DBA831 DBA831S DBA832 DBA832S DBA833 DBA833S DBA836 DBA836S DBA837 DBA837S DBA838 DBA838S DBA838X DBA840 DBA840S DBA841 DBA841S DBA842 DBA842S DBA845 DBA845S DBA846 DBA846S DBA847 DBA847S DBA849 DBA849S DBA850 DBA851 DBA852 DBA852S DBA853 DBA853S DBA854 DBA854S DBA855 DBA855S DBA856 DBA857 HOLDEN HOLDEN BMW BMW BMW BMW HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN BMW BMW BMW BMW HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN AUSTRALIA POST AUSTRALIA POST VOLKSWAGEN VOLKSWAGEN VOLKSWAGEN VOLKSWAGEN VOLKSWAGEN VOLKSWAGEN VOLKSWAGEN VOLKSWAGEN VOLKSWAGEN VOLKSWAGEN VOLKSWAGEN VOLKSWAGEN VOLKSWAGEN VOLKSWAGEN VOLKSWAGEN VOLKSWAGEN AUDI AUDI AUDI HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN LEXUS LEXUS LEXUS LEXUS HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD F F F F R R F F R R F F R R R R F F F F F F F F R R F F R R F F F F F F F F R R R R F F F F F F F F F F F R R F F F F R R F F R R F R F F R R F F F F R F S 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8 8 21 21 8 8 8 8 9.7 9.7 17 17 17 17 34.4 34.4 18.4 18.4 22 22 8 8 12.9 12.9 22.15 22.15 22.15 22.15 15 15 10 10 8 8 23 23 23 23 16 16 23 23 23 24.6 24.6 16.6 16.6 24.6 24.6 28 28 14.5 14.5 21 21 8 8 22.2 18 24.75 24.75 12.75 12.75 18 18 24.8 24.8 12.8 22 72 68 75 75 75 75 70 70 65 65 60 60 57 57 57 57 60 60 60 60 60 60 75 75 75 75 70 70 65.5 65.5 78 78 78 78 78 78 68 68 68 68 39.8 39.8 65 65 68 68 65 65 65 65 65 87.5 87.5 101 101 88 88 62 62 62 62 60 60 57 57 63.5 63.5 71 71 64.5 64.5 63.5 63.5 71 71 71 86 5 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 5 5 5 5 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 4 4 5 5 5 6 3.9 4 11.2 11.2 7.2 7.2 6.2 6.2 3.8 3.8 5.8 5.8 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 14 14 8.1 8.1 6.9 6.9 5 5 5 5 7 7 4 4 7 7 5 5 4.5 4.5 7 7 7.3 7.3 4 4 8 8 8 7.5 7.5 7 7 7.3 7.3 9.5 9.5 5 5 3.1 3.1 5.5 4 7 7 5 5 4 4 6.8 6.8 5 5 206 AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 206 5/06/2013 2:22:22 PM DISC ROTOR WeightS & DIMENSIONS CHART DBA001 DBA857S DBA859A DBA859AS DBA859B DBA859BS DBA860 DBA860S DBA861 DBA861S DBA862 DBA862S DBA863 DBA863S DBA867 DBA867S DBA868 DBA868S DBA871 DBA871S DBA873 DBA873S DBA874 DBA874S DBA875 DBA875S DBA876 DBA876S DBA877 DBA877S DBA878 DBA878S DBA878X DBA879 DBA879S DBA880 DBA880S DBA881 DBA881S DBA882 DBA882S DBA882X DBA883 DBA885 DBA885S DBA886 DBA886S DBA887 DBA887S DBA888 DBA888S DBA889 DBA889S DBA890 DBA890S DBA891 DBA891S DBA892 DBA892S DBA894 DBA894S DBA895 DBA895S DBA896 DBA896S DBA897 DBA897S DBA899 DBA899S DBA900 DBA900S DBA901 DBA901S DBA901X DBA902 DBA902S DBA904 HOLDEN FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD EUNOS EUNOS EUNOS EUNOS FORD FORD KIA KIA KIA KIA KIA KIA KIA KIA KIA KIA KIA KIA KIA KIA KIA VOLVO VOLVO VOLVO VOLVO VOLVO VOLVO VOLVO VOLVO VOLVO VOLVO VOLVO VOLVO VOLVO VOLVO JEEP JEEP JEEP JEEP DAEWOO DAEWOO DAEWOO DAEWOO DAEWOO DAEWOO DAEWOO DAEWOO DAEWOO DAEWOO DAEWOO DAEWOO DAEWOO DAEWOO NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN F F 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26 26 10 24 24 24 24 10 10 24.5 24.5 28 28 12 12 24 24 24 24 24 24 10 10 20 20 12.7 12.7 18 18 20 20 26 26 26 9 9 9 9 22 16 16 16 16 24.5 24.5 11 11 27.7 27.7 12 12 7.5 7.5 26 26 22.15 22.15 22 22 8 8 18 18 22.4 22.4 22 22 24 24 24 8 8 23 23 8.4 8.4 23 23 23 8.4 21.5 21.5 21.5 21.5 8.4 8.4 22.7 22.7 26 26 9.7 9.7 22 22 22 22 22 22 8 8 17 17 9.7 9.7 16 16 18 18 24 24 24 8 8 8 72 86 HUB HUB HUB HUB 72 72 71 71 HUB HUB 87 87 72 72 72 72 82 82 72 72 72 72 57 57 96 96 72 72 72 72 72 57 57 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 69 69 69 69 90 90 72 72 72 72 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 57 57 60 60 86 86 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 68 68 68 5 6 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3.9 5 7.5 7.5 5.5 5.5 12.3 12.3 4.5 4.5 7 7 7.2 7.2 6 6 4 4 4.5 4.5 5.7 5.7 6 6 6.1 6.1 6.1 3.7 3.7 5 5 5 5 6.5 6.5 6.5 5 5 5 6.4 6.4 3.5 3.5 6.9 6.9 7.5 7.5 4 4 5.5 5.5 5.1 5.1 5.2 5.2 4.6 4.6 4.5 4.5 3.7 3.7 4 4 5 5 6.5 6.5 6.5 3.5 3.5 3.7 207 AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 207 5/06/2013 2:22:22 PM DISC ROTOR WeightS & DIMENSIONS CHART DBA001 DBA904S DBA906 DBA906S DBA906X DBA907 DBA907S DBA908 DBA908S DBA908X DBA909 DBA909S DBA909X DBA910 DBA910S DBA912 DBA912S DBA914 DBA914S DBA915 DBA915S DBA917 DBA917S DBA918 DBA918S DBA919 DBA919S DBA920 DBA920S DBA921 DBA921S DBA925 DBA925S DBA929 DBA929S DBA929X DBA930 DBA930S DBA931 DBA931S DBA934 DBA934S DBA937 DBA937S DBA939 DBA939S DBA940 DBA940S DBA947 DBA947S DBA947X DBA949 DBA949S DBA950 DBA950S DBA951 DBA951S DBA954 DBA954S DBA957 DBA958 DBA958S DBA959 DBA959S DBA960 DBA960S DBA962 DBA962S DBA964 DBA964S DBA965 DBA965S DBA966 DBA966S DBA966X DBA967 DBA967S HOLDEN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN MAZDA MAZDA MAZDA MAZDA FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD MAZDA MAZDA 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51 24 24 25 25 52 52 52 59.5 59.5 9.7 9 9 9 9 26 26 18 18 18 30 30 30 22 22 10 10 26 26 9 9 7 7 18 18 22 22 12 12 7 7 9 9 22 22 22 18 18 10 10 20 20 30 30 20 20 20 20 22 22 22 28 28 24 24 9.5 9.5 24 24 24 24 24 28 28 28 28 28 28 24 24 22 22 22 22 22 19 19 9 8 8 8 8 24 24 16 16 16 28 28 28 20 20 9 9 24 24 8 8 6 6 16 16 20 20 10 10 6 6 8 8 20 20 20 16 16 8 8 18 18 28.5 28.5 19 19 18 18 20 20 20 26 26 22 22 8 8 22 22 22 22 22 26 26 26 26 26 26 22 22 20 20 20 20 20 17.4 17.4 72 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 59 59 61 61 68 68 68 68 68 75 75 Hub Hub 86 86 Hub Hub 85 85 Hub Hub 72 72 72 103 103 72 72 72 72 68 68 72 86 86 93 93 72 72 72 72 93 93 93 93 79 79 79 75 75 5 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 6 6 5 5 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 5 3.9 3.7 3.5 3.5 3.5 8.5 8.5 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 4 4 8 8 4 4 2.5 2.5 4.5 4.5 6.2 6.2 3.5 3.5 2.5 2.5 3.5 3.5 8 8 8 4 4 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 11 11 5 5 6.5 6.5 7 7 7 5 5 5 5 7.6 7.6 6.3 5.2 5.2 6.7 6.7 8 8 7 7 6 6 5.5 5.5 6.7 6.7 6.7 6.3 6.3 208 AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 208 5/06/2013 2:22:23 PM DISC ROTOR WeightS & DIMENSIONS CHART DBA001 DBA970 DBA970S DBA971 DBA971S DBA974 DBA974S DBA976 DBA976S DBA978 DBA978S DBA979 DBA979S DBA979X DBA980 DBA980S DBA983 DBA983S DBA984 DBA984S DBA984X DBA985A DBA985AS DBA985B DBA985BS DBA986 DBA986S DBA987 DBA987S DBA988 DBA988S DBA990 DBA990S DBA991 DBA991S DBA996 DBA996S DBA996X DBA997 DBA997S DBA999 DBA999S DBA2000 DBA2000S DBA2000X DBA2001 DBA2001S DBA2001X DBA2010 DBA2010S DBA2010X DBA2011 DBA2011S DBA2011X DBA2012 DBA2012S DBA2013 DBA2013S DBA2013X DBA2014 DBA2014S DBA2015 DBA2015S DBA2020 DBA2020S DBA2020X DBA2021 DBA2021S DBA2021X DBA2026 DBA2026S DBA2026X DBA2027 DBA2027S DBA2027X DBA2028 DBA2028S HOLDEN BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW CHEVROLET CHEVROLET CHEVROLET CHEVROLET CHEVROLET CHEVROLET CHEVROLET CHEVROLET CHEVROLET CHEVROLET CHEVROLET CHEVROLET CHEVROLET CHEVROLET CHEVROLET CHEVROLET CHEVROLET CHEVROLET CHEVROLET HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN F F F F F F F R R F F F F F R R R R F F F R R R R F F R R F F F F R R F F F R R F F F F F R R R F F F R R R f f r r r f f r r F F F R R R F F F R R R F F S V V V V V V S S S S V V V V V S S V V V V V V V V V S S V V V V S S V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V v v s s s V V s s V V V V V V V V V V V V V V 253 282 282 302 302 302 302 300 300 286 286 286 286 286 278 278 280 280 315 315 315 312 312 312 312 296 296 298 298 324 324 316 316 324 324 330 330 330 304.8 304.8 304.8 304.8 305 305 305 330 330 330 330 330 330 345 345 345 276 276 268 268 268 300 300 292 292 320 320 320 286 286 286 298 298 298 302 302 302 321 321 50 76.1 76.1 76.1 76.1 76.1 76.1 61.1 61.1 51.7 51.7 51.6 51.6 51.6 60 60 60.1 60.1 52.5 52.5 52.5 61 61 61 61 76 76 61 61 77.1 77.1 77 77 61 61 56 56 56 50.4 50.4 56 56 61 61 61 97 97 97 55.7 55.7 55.7 85.3 85.3 85.3 45.7 45.7 45.3 45.3 45.3 45.7 45.7 45.3 45.3 83 83 83 80 80 80 52.2 52.2 52.2 56 56 56 52.2 52.2 9.7 25 25 28 28 22 22 10 10 12 12 22 22 22 19 19 10 10 28 28 28 19.9 19.9 19.9 19.9 22 22 10 10 30 30 28 28 12 12 28 28 28 20.5 20.5 20.5 20.5 29 29 29 30 30 30 30 30 30 20 20 20 26 26 12 12 12 26 26 12 12 32 32 32 18 18 18 30 30 30 22 22 22 30 30 9 23 23 26.4 26.4 20.4 20.4 8.4 8.4 10.4 10.4 20.4 20.4 20.4 17.4 17.4 8.4 8.4 26.4 26.4 26.4 18.4 18.4 18.4 18.4 20.4 20.4 8.4 8.4 28.4 28.4 26 26 10 10 26.5 26.5 26.5 19 19 19 19 27.2 27.2 27.2 28.5 28.5 28.5 28 28 28 18.5 18.5 18.5 23 23 10 10 10 23 23 10 10 30 30 30 16 16 16 28 28 28 20 20 20 28 28 72 79 79 79 79 79 79 75 75 79 79 79 79 79 75 75 75 75 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 75 75 79 79 79 79 75 75 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 79 79 79 76 76 76 78.6 78.6 78.6 78.6 78.6 78.6 60 60 60 60 60 71 71 71 71 71.6 71.6 71.6 70 70 70 67.5 67.5 67.5 67.4 67.4 67.4 67.5 67.5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 3.9 6.5 6.5 8 8 7.5 7.5 5 5 5.2 5.2 7 7 7 5 5 4.5 4.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 7.5 7.5 5 5 10.3 10.3 8.5 8.5 6.5 6.5 12.7 12.7 12.7 6.4 6.4 6 6 8.4 8.4 8.4 10 10 10 11.6 11.6 11.6 10.2 10.2 10.2 7.3 7.3 8.8 8.8 5.7 5.7 11.4 11.4 11.4 6.7 6.7 6.7 8.2 8.2 8.2 7.2 7.2 7.2 9.2 9.2 209 AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 209 5/06/2013 2:22:23 PM DISC ROTOR WeightS & DIMENSIONS CHART DBA001 DBA2028X DBA2029 DBA2029S DBA2029X DBA2032 DBA2032S DBA2033 DBA2033S DBA2034 DBA2034S DBA2034X DBA2035 DBA2035S DBA2035X DBA2036 DBA2036S DBA2038 DBA2038S DBA2039 DBA2039S DBA2040 DBA2040S DBA2042 DBA2042S DBA2043 DBA2043S DBA2044 DBA2044S DBA2045 DBA2045S DBA2046 DBA2046S DBA2047 DBA2047S DBA2048 DBA2048S DBA2048X DBA2049 DBA2049S DBA2049X DBA2050 DBA2050S DBA2050X DBA2051 DBA2051S DBA2051X DBA2052 DBA2052S DBA2052X DBA2054 DBA2054S DBA2054X DBA2055 DBA2055S DBA2055X DBA2060 DBA2060S DBA2060X DBA2090 DBA2090S DBA2090X DBA2091 DBA2091S DBA2091X DBA2092 DBA2092S DBA2092X DBA2093 DBA2093S DBA2093X DBA2094 DBA2094S DBA2094X DBA2095 DBA2095S DBA2095X HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN VAUXHAUL VAUXHAUL VAUXHAUL HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN DAEWOO DAEWOO HOLDEN HOLDEN JAGUAR JAGUAR JAGUAR JAGUAR JAGUAR JAGUAR JAGUAR JAGUAR HUMMER HUMMER HUMMER HUMMER HUMMER HUMMER HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN CHEVROLET CHEVROLET CHEVROLET CHEVROLET CHEVROLET CHEVROLET CHEVROLET CHEVROLET CHEVROLET CHEVROLET CHEVROLET CHEVROLET HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN LANDROVER LANDROVER LANDROVER LANDROVER LANDROVER LANDROVER LANDROVER LANDROVER LANDROVER LANDROVER LANDROVER LANDROVER LANDROVER LANDROVER LANDROVER LANDROVER LANDROVER LANDROVER F F R R R F F F F F F F R R R F F F F R R F F F F R R F F R R F F R R F F F R R R F F F R R R F F F F F F R R R F F F F F 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7.7 7.7 7.7 12 12 12 9.6 9.6 9.6 11.4 11.4 11.4 8.9 8.9 8.9 210 AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 210 5/06/2013 2:22:24 PM DISC ROTOR WeightS & DIMENSIONS CHART DBA001 DBA2096 DBA2096S DBA2096X DBA2097 DBA2097S DBA2098 DBA2098S DBA2099 DBA2099S DBA2100 DBA2100S DBA2100X DBA2101 DBA2101S DBA2101X DBA2103 DBA2103S DBA2103X DBA2107 DBA2107S DBA2107X DBA2108 DBA2108S DBA2108X DBA2109 DBA2109S DBA2109X DBA2113 DBA2113S DBA2113X DBA2114 DBA2114S DBA2114X DBA2118 DBA2118S DBA2119 DBA2119S DBA2120 DBA2120S DBA2121 DBA2121S DBA2121X DBA2124 DBA2124S DBA2124X DBA2126 DBA2126S DBA2126X DBA2128 DBA2128S DBA2129 DBA2129S DBA2132 DBA2132S DBA2133 DBA2133S DBA2135 DBA2135S DBA2138 DBA2138S DBA2141 DBA2141S DBA2142 DBA2142S DBA2146 DBA2146S DBA2146X DBA2148 DBA2148S DBA2148X DBA2149 DBA2149S DBA2149X DBA2150 DBA2150S DBA2151 HOLDEN LANDROVER LANDROVER LANDROVER LANDROVER LANDROVER LANDROVER LANDROVER LANDROVER LANDROVER FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD 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25 25 68 68 68 59 59 59 33 33 33 48.5 48.5 48.5 35 35 35 48.5 48.5 41 41 48.6 48.6 41 41 41 47 47 47 48 48 48 52 52 51 51 60.7 60.7 16.3 16.3 68.8 68.8 54.4 54.4 41 41 54.4 54.4 45 45 45 66 66 66 58.5 58.5 58.5 104 104 103 9.7 30 30 30 20 20 30 30 30 30 22 22 22 24 24 24 10 10 10 28 28 28 26 26 26 10 10 10 30 30 30 19 19 19 25 25 11 11 25 25 11 11 11 32 32 32 30 30 30 28 28 11 11 32 32 16 16 16 16 28 28 12 12 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 19 19 19 26 26 30 9 27 27 27 17 17 27 27 27 27 20 20 20 22 22 22 8.9 8.9 8.9 26 26 26 24 24 24 8.9 8.9 8.9 28.4 28.4 28.4 17.4 17.4 17.4 23 23 9 9 23 23 9 9 9 30 30 30 28.4 28.4 28.4 26 26 9 9 30 30 13 13 13 13 25 25 10.4 10.4 25 25 26.35 26.35 26.35 27.75 27.75 27.75 18 18 18 24.5 24.5 27.7 72 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 63.5 63.5 63.5 63.5 63.5 63.5 63.5 63.5 63.5 71 71 71 71 71 71 63.5 63.5 63.5 71 71 71 71 71 71 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 71 71 71 71 71 71 63.5 63.5 62.5 62.5 98 98 107.5 107.5 96 96 93 93 90 90 93 93 71.8 71.8 71.8 71.7 71.7 71.7 70.7 70.7 70.7 HUB HUB HUB 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 10 10 5 5 5 5 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 3.9 12 12 12 9.2 9.2 12.2 12.2 12 12 5.5 5.5 5.5 7.1 7.1 7.1 3.9 3.9 3.9 10.3 10.3 10.3 9.2 9.2 9.2 3.3 3.3 3.3 9.3 9.3 9.3 6 6 6 6.3 6.3 4.1 4.1 9.1 9.1 4.5 4.5 4.5 11.1 11.1 11.1 9.4 9.4 9.4 9.5 9.5 5.5 5.5 10.7 10.7 4.7 4.7 9.8 9.8 9.8 9.5 9.5 9.5 6.3 6.3 6.3 8.6 211 AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 211 5/06/2013 2:22:25 PM DISC ROTOR WeightS & DIMENSIONS CHART DBA001 DBA2151S DBA2200 DBA2200S DBA2201 DBA2201S DBA2203 DBA2203S DBA2206 DBA2206S DBA2206X DBA2207 DBA2207S DBA2207X DBA2208 DBA2208S DBA2208X DBA2209 DBA2209S DBA2214 DBA2214S DBA2216 DBA2216S DBA2216X DBA2219 DBA2219S DBA2219X DBA2220 DBA2220S DBA2221 DBA2221S DBA2222 DBA2222S DBA2226 DBA2226S DBA2227 DBA2227S DBA2228 DBA2228S DBA2229 DBA2229S DBA2238 DBA2238S DBA2242 DBA2242S DBA2242X DBA2243 DBA2243S DBA2243X DBA2244 DBA2244S DBA2245 DBA2245S DBA2246 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5/06/2013 2:22:28 PM DISC ROTOR WeightS & DIMENSIONS CHART DBA001 DBA2657 DBA2657S DBA2657X DBA2659 DBA2659S DBA2659X DBA2661 DBA2661S DBA2661X DBA2663 DBA2663S DBA2670 DBA2670S DBA2671 DBA2671S DBA2700 DBA2700S DBA2700X DBA2702 DBA2702S DBA2702X DBA2703 DBA2703S DBA2703X DBA2705 DBA2705S DBA2705X DBA2707 DBA2707S DBA2707X DBA2708 DBA2708S DBA2709 DBA2709S DBA2709X DBA2710 DBA2710S DBA2711 DBA2711S DBA2712 DBA2712S DBA2713 DBA2713S DBA2714 DBA2714S DBA2714X DBA2715 DBA2715S DBA2715X DBA2716 DBA2716S DBA2716X DBA2718 DBA2718S DBA2719 DBA2719S DBA2720 DBA2720S DBA2721 DBA2721S DBA2722 DBA2722S DBA2722X DBA2723 DBA2723S DBA2723X DBA2724 DBA2724S DBA2726 DBA2726S DBA2727 DBA2727S DBA2728 DBA2728S DBA2729 DBA2729S HOLDEN SUBARU UPGRADE SUBARU UPGRADE SUBARU UPGRADE SUBARU SUBARU SUBARU SUBARU SUBARU SUBARU SCION SCION BMW BMW BMW BMW TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA LEXUS LEXUS LEXUS LEXUS LEXUS LEXUS TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA 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DBA2813S DBA2815 DBA2815S DBA2817 DBA2817S DBA2818 DBA2818S DBA2819 DBA2819S DBA2819X DBA2820 DBA2820S DBA2821 DBA2821S DBA2821X DBA2822 HOLDEN TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA PRADO TOYOTA PRADO TOYOTA PRADO TOYOTA PRADO TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD AUDI AUDI AUDI AUDI AUDI AUDI AUDI AUDI AUDI AUDI AUDI VOLKSWAGEN VOLKSWAGEN VOLKSWAGEN VOLKSWAGEN VOLKSWAGEN VOLKSWAGEN VW VW VW VW VW AUDI AUDI AUDI AUDI AUDI AUDI AUDI AUDI HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN AUDI AUDI AUDI AUDI F F F R R F F f f R R F F R R F F F F F F F R R R R F F F F R R F F F R R R R R R R R F F F R R R F F F R R F F R R F F R R F F F F R R F F F F F R R R F S V V S S V V v v S S V V V V V V V V V V V S S S S V V V V V V V V V S S S S S S S S V V V S S S V V V V V V V S S V V S S V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V 253 296 296 298 298 285 285 328 328 309 309 338 338 312 312 255 255 275 275 275 275 275 259 259 281 281 347 347 347 347 340 340 312 312 312 245 245 255 255 245 245 255 255 312 312 312 285.6 285.6 285.6 345 345 345 310 310 288 288 253 253 280 280 256 256 308 308 302 302 292 292 314 314 314 285 285 330 330 330 320 50 49.5 49.5 64.5 64.5 48.7 48.7 49.5 49.5 69.7 69.7 68.5 68.5 68 68 49.5 49.5 58.6 58.6 58.6 46.3 46.3 30.5 30.5 55 55 116 116 100 100 126 126 46.2 46.2 46.2 39.8 39.8 40 40 53.8 53.8 47.8 47.8 49.8 49.8 49.8 48.4 48.4 48.4 49.8 49.8 49.8 48.5 48.5 49.7 49.7 51.5 51.5 49 49 48.5 48.5 42.3 42.3 46 46 42 42 46 46 46 43 43 36 36 36 52 9.7 28 28 10 10 28 28 28 28 10 10 32 32 18 18 22 22 28 28 28 22 22 9 9 12 12 38 38 38 38 34 34 25 25 25 10 10 12 12 10 10 10 10 25 25 25 11.7 11.7 11.7 30 30 30 22 22 25 25 10 10 22 22 12 12 25.1 25.1 28 28 20 20 28 28 28 25 25 22 22 22 30 9 25 25 8.5 8.5 26 26 25 25 8.5 8.5 29 29 16 16 20 20 26 26 26 19 19 7.5 7.5 10.5 10.5 36.4 36.4 36.4 36.4 32.4 32.4 23 23 23 8 8 10 10 8 8 8 8 22 22 22 10 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DBA2859 DBA2859S DBA2859X DBA2860 DBA2860S DBA2861 DBA2861S DBA2862 DBA2862S DBA2864 DBA2864S DBA2865 DBA2865S DBA2866 DBA2866S DBA2867 DBA2867S DBA2868 DBA2868S DBA2869 DBA2869S DBA2870 DBA2870S DBA2870X DBA2871 DBA2871S DBA2871X DBA2872 DBA2872S DBA2873 DBA2873S DBA2874 DBA2874S DBA2875 DBA2875S DBA2876 DBA2876S DBA2879 DBA2879S DBA2881 DBA2881S DBA2882 DBA2882S DBA2893 DBA2893S DBA2894 DBA2894S DBA2895 DBA2895S DBA2896 DBA2896S DBA2897 DBA2897S DBA2898 HOLDEN AUDI AUDI AUDI AUDI AUDI HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW KIA KIA KIA KIA KIA KIA KIA KIA KIA KIA BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW KIA KIA KIA KIA KIA KIA KIA KIA KIA KIA KIA F F R R F F F F F F R R F F F F R R R R F F F R R R F F r r F F F F R R F F R R F F R R F F F F F F F F R R F F R R F F R R R R F F F F F F R R F F F F F S V S S V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V v v V V V V V V V V v v V V V V V V V V V V V V S S V V V V V V S S S S V V V V V V S S V V V V V 253 320 300 300 314 314 256 256 280 280 300 300 324 324 324 324 320 320 300 300 348 348 348 336 336 336 330 330 300 300 300 300 320 320 320 320 292 292 345 345 324 324 320 320 274 274 274 300 300 300 275 275 258 258 332 332 320 320 325 325 296 296 280 280 284 284 256 256 257 257 261 261 235 235 258 258 302 50 52 36 36 52 52 40.1 40.1 40.5 40.5 68.5 68.5 73.5 73.5 52 52 60.8 60.8 66 66 73.2 73.2 73.2 67.2 67.2 67.2 73.2 73.2 66 66 73.7 73.7 62 62 78 78 73 73 78 78 77.5 77.5 63 63 50.5 50.5 50.5 54.1 54.1 54.1 47.5 47.5 41.5 41.5 62 62 68 68 62 62 65 65 65 65 73 73 47 47 47.5 47.5 61.5 61.5 50 50 57 57 54 9.7 30 12 12 30 30 26 26 27 27 20 20 30 30 25 25 22 22 20 20 30 30 30 22 22 22 24 24 20 20 24 24 30 30 20 20 22 22 24 24 30 30 20 20 28 28 28 28 28 28 26 26 10 10 30 30 22 22 25 25 10.5 10.5 10 10 22 22 22 22 25 25 9.8 9.8 22 22 26 26 28 9 28 10 10 28 28 24.6 24.6 25.6 25.6 18.4 18.4 28.4 28.4 23.4 23.4 20.4 20.4 18.4 18.4 28.4 28.4 28.4 20.4 20.4 20.4 22.4 22.4 18.4 18.4 22.4 22.4 28.4 28.4 18.4 18.4 20.4 20.4 22.4 22.4 28.4 28.4 18.4 18.4 26 26 26 26 26 26 24 24 8 8 28.4 28.4 20.4 20.4 23.4 23.4 8.9 8.9 8.4 8.4 20.4 20.4 20 20 22.4 22.4 8.4 8.4 20 20 24 24 26 72 68 68 68 68 68 88 88 88 88 75 75 79 79 79 79 75 75 75 75 79 79 79 75 75 75 79 79 75 75 79 79 75 75 75 75 79 79 75 75 79 79 75 75 72 72 72 96.3 96.3 96.3 69 69 76 76 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 79 79 62 62 69 69 76 76 55 55 87 87 96.2 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 5 3.9 9.7 5.1 5.1 8.4 8.4 5.7 5.7 7 7 6 6 8.9 8.9 7.6 7.6 11.5 11.5 11.5 9 9 9 9.1 9.1 6.6 6.6 8 8 12.1 12.1 9.4 9.4 10.4 10.4 7.4 7.4 7 7 7 7.6 7.6 7.6 6.7 6.7 4.1 4.1 11.2 11.2 9.1 9.1 5.5 5.5 5.1 5.1 4.8 4.8 7.3 7.3 7.6 219 AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 219 5/06/2013 2:22:29 PM DISC ROTOR WeightS & DIMENSIONS CHART DBA001 DBA2898S DBA2898X DBA2899 DBA2899S DBA2948 DBA2948S DBA2950 DBA2950S DBA2951 DBA2951S DBA2952 DBA2952S DBA2954 DBA2954S DBA2955 DBA2955S DBA2956 DBA2956S DBA2956X DBA2957 DBA2957S DBA2957X DBA2958 DBA2958S DBA2959 DBA2959S DBA2959X DBA2960 DBA2960S DBA2960X DBA2961 DBA2961S DBA2961X DBA2962 DBA2962S DBA2962X DBA2963 DBA2963S DBA2990 DBA2990S DBA2990X DBA2991 DBA2991S DBA2991X DBA2992 DBA2992S DBA2992X DBA2993 DBA2993S DBA2993X DBA2994 DBA2994S DBA2994X DBA2995 DBA2995S DBA2995X DBA2996 DBA2996S DBA2996X DBA2997 DBA2997S DBA2997X HOLDEN KIA KIA KIA KIA ROLLS ROYCE ROLLS ROYCE MAZDA MAZDA MAZDA MAZDA MAZDA MAZDA MAZDA MAZDA MAZDA MAZDA MAZDA MAZDA MAZDA MAZDA MAZDA MAZDA MAZDA MAZDA MAZDA MAZDA MAZDA MAZDA MAZDA MAZDA MAZDA MAZDA MAZDA MAZDA MAZDA MAZDA MAZDA MAZDA CHEVROLET CHEVROLET CHEVROLET CHEVROLET CHEVROLET CHEVROLET CHEVROLET CHEVROLET CHEVROLET CHEVROLET CHEVROLET CHEVROLET CHEVROLET CHEVROLET CHEVROLET CHEVROLET CHEVROLET CHEVROLET CHEVROLET CHEVROLET CHEVROLET CHEVROLET CHEVROLET CHEVROLET F F F R R F F F F R R F F F F R R F F F R R R F F F F F F F F R R R F F F F F F F F R R R F F F R R R F F F R R R F F F R R R S V V V V V V V V S S V V V V S S V V V S S S V V V V V V V V S S S V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V 253 302 302 315 315 281 281 274 274 280 280 288.5 288.5 278 278 264 264 300 300 300 279.5 279.5 279.5 258 258 290 290 290 320 320 320 314 314 314 320 320 320 300 300 340 340 340 330 330 330 355 355 355 340 340 340 325 325 325 305 305 305 303 303 303 305 305 305 50 54 54 87.5 87.5 44 44 47.5 47.5 40 40 70.5 70.5 49 49 41 41 49 49 49 41.5 41.5 41.5 43.5 43.5 45.1 45.1 45.1 46.5 46.5 46.5 41 41 41 49 49 49 49 49 45 45 45 49 49 49 45.5 45.5 45.5 49.7 49.7 49.7 45 45 45 49 49 49 52.5 52.5 52.5 62 62 62 9.7 28 28 20 20 31.5 31.5 24 24 10 10 28 28 25 25 11 11 25 25 25 11 11 11 22 22 22 22 22 25 25 25 11 11 11 25 25 25 25 25 32 32 32 26 26 26 32 32 32 26 26 26 32 32 32 26 26 26 32 32 32 26 26 26 9 26 26 18.4 18.4 29.5 29.5 22 22 8 8 26 26 23 23 9 9 23 23 23 9 9 9 20 20 20 20 20 23 23 23 9 9 9 23 23 23 23 23 30 30 30 24 24 24 30 30 30 24 24 24 30 30 30 24 24 24 30.7 30.7 30.7 24.7 24.7 24.7 72 96.2 96.2 96.2 96.2 89 89 72 72 72 72 98 98 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 55 55 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 70.5 70.5 70.5 70.5 70.5 70.5 70.7 70.7 70.7 70.7 70.7 70.7 70.5 70.5 70.5 70.5 70.5 70.5 71 71 71 71 71 71 5 5 5 5 5 10 10 5 5 5 5 6 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 3.9 7.6 7.6 7.9 7.9 5.8 5.8 8.7 8.7 4 4 7.2 7.2 4 4 8 8 8 4.5 4.5 4.5 5.3 5.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 9.4 9.4 9.4 5.5 5.5 5.5 9.6 9.6 9.6 7.3 7.3 10.1 10.1 10.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 11.8 11.8 11.8 9.4 9.4 9.4 10 10 10 6.8 6.8 6.8 9.8 9.8 9.8 7.3 7.3 7.3 220 AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 220 5/06/2013 2:22:30 PM DISC ROTOR WeightS & DIMENSIONS CHART 4000 series DBA001 HOLDEN F S 253 50 9.7 9 72 5 3.9 DBA4014S DBA4014XS DBA4016S DBA4016XS DBA4018S DBA4018XS DBA4019S DBA4019XS DBA4035S DBA4035XS DBA4040 DBA4040S DBA4040XS DBA4041 DBA4041S DBA4041XS DBA4046 DBA4046B DBA4046S DBA4046XS DBA4047 DBA4047S DBA4047XS DBA4048 DBA4048S DBA4048X DBA4048XS DBA4049 DBA4049S DBA4049X DBA4049XS DBA4055 DBA4055S DBA4055XS DBA4067 DBA4069 DBA4069S DBA4069XS DBA4233S DBA4233XS DBA4240 DBA4240S DBA4240XS DBA4241 DBA4241S DBA4241XS DBA4242 DBA4242S DBA4242XS DBA4417S DBA4417XS DBA4418S DBA4418XS DBA4419S DBA4419XS DBA4428S DBA4428XS DBA4474S DBA4474XS DBA4478S DBA4478XS DBA4482S DBA4482XS DBA4502S DBA4502XS DBA4504S DBA4504XS DBA4505S DBA4505XS DBA4506 DBA4506S DBA4506XS DBA4507S DBA4507XS HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN CHEVROLET FORD FORD FORD MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI AUDI AUDI AUDI AUDI AUDI AUDI AUDI AUDI AUDI MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI 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DBA42011XS DBA42019 DBA42019S DBA42019XS DBA42020 DBA42020S DBA42020XS DBA42021 DBA42021S DBA42021XS DBA42022 DBA42022S DBA42022XS DBA42025 DBA42025S DBA42025XS DBA42026 DBA42026S DBA42026XS DBA42027 DBA42027S DBA42027XS DBA42028 DBA42028S DBA42028XS DBA42029 DBA42029S DBA42029XS DBA42030 DBA42030S DBA42030XS DBA42031 DBA42031S DBA42031XS DBA42034S DBA42048 DBA42048S DBA42048XS DBA42049 DBA42049S DBA42049XS DBA42051 DBA42051S DBA42051XS HOLDEN FORD NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN FORMULA FORD FORMULA FORD FORMULA FORD FORMULA FORD FORMULA FORD FORMULA FORD CHEVROLET CHEVROLET CHEVROLET CHEVROLET CHEVROLET CHEVROLET CHEVROLET CHEVROLET CHEVROLET HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN HOLDEN VAUXHAUL HUMMER HUMMER HUMMER HUMMER HUMMER HUMMER CHEVROLET CHEVROLET CHEVROLET F R R R R R F F F F F F F R R F F F F F/R F/R F/R F/R F/R F/R R R R F F F R R R R R R F F F R R R F F F R R R F F F R R R F F F R R R F F F R R R F F F F R R R R R R S S S S V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V S S S S S S V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V 253 267 258 258 297 297 280 280 296 296 324 324 324 300 300 296 296 296 296 248 248 248 248 248 248 330 330 330 330 330 330 345 345 345 332 332 332 320 320 320 286 286 286 336 336 336 343 343 343 298 298 298 302 302 302 321 321 321 324 324 324 365 365 365 350 350 350 321 325 325 325 330 330 330 330 330 330 50 50 47 47 63 63 54 54 54 54 53.75 53.75 53.75 63 63 49.2 49.2 53.75 53.75 7 7 7 41 41 41 97 97 97 55.7 55.7 55.7 85.3 85.3 85.3 75.2 75.2 75.2 83 83 83 80 80 80 45.2 45.2 45.2 76.3 76.3 76.3 52.2 52.2 52.2 56 56 56 52.2 52.2 52.2 56.1 56.1 56.1 54 54 54 61.5 61.5 61.5 44 89.5 89.5 89.5 85.6 85.6 85.6 91.5 91.5 91.5 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1.6 2.5 2.5 2.5 10 10 10 11.6 11.6 11.6 10.2 10.2 10.2 8.7 8.7 8.7 11.4 11.4 11.4 6.7 6.7 6.7 10.8 10.8 10.8 9.8 9.8 9.8 8.2 8.2 8.2 7.2 7.2 7.2 9.2 9.2 9.2 8.3 8.3 8.3 11 11 11 10.3 10.3 10.3 9.4 18 18 18 10.9 10.9 10.9 11.7 11.7 11.7 223 AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 223 5/06/2013 2:22:32 PM DISC ROTOR WeightS & DIMENSIONS CHART 4000 series DBA001 DBA42054S DBA42054XS DBA42055S DBA42055XS DBA42060S DBA42060XS DBA42102S DBA42102XS DBA42104 DBA42104S DBA42104XS DBA42105 DBA42105S DBA42105XS DBA42107S DBA42107XS DBA42108S DBA42108XS DBA42113 DBA42113S DBA42113XS DBA42114S DBA42114XS DBA42120S DBA42120XS DBA42121S DBA42121XS DBA42124 DBA42126 DBA42132S DBA42132XS DBA42134 DBA42134S DBA42134XS DBA42140S DBA42140XS DBA42208S DBA42208XS DBA42216S DBA42216XS DBA42219S DBA42219XS DBA42224 DBA42224S DBA42224XS DBA42225S DBA42225XS DBA42244S DBA42244XS DBA42304S DBA42304XS DBA42308S DBA42308XS DBA42309S DBA42309XS DBA42310 DBA42310S DBA42310XS DBA42312 DBA42312S DBA42312XS DBA42314 DBA42314S DBA42314XS DBA42315S DBA42315XS DBA42332 DBA42332S DBA42332XS DBA42341S DBA42341XS DBA42348S DBA42348XS DBA42355 DBA42355S DBA42355XS HOLDEN CHEVROLET CHEVROLET CHEVROLET CHEVROLET HOLDEN HOLDEN FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD MUSTANG GT500 FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD PROTON PROTON MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI VOLKSWAGEN VOLKSWAGEN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN LOTUS LOTUS LOTUS F F F R R F F F F F F F F F F F F R R F F F R R F F R R F F f f F F F F F F F F F R R F F F R R F F F F F F R R F F F F F F F F F R R f f f R R F F F/R F/R F/R S V V S S V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V S S V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V v v v V V V V V V V 253 315 315 312 312 300 300 355 355 325 325 325 340 340 340 322 322 328 328 316 316 316 300 300 320 320 280 280 355 336.5 301.5 301.5 336 336 336 266 266 295 295 332 332 332 332 350 350 350 330 330 330 330 310 310 320 320 308 308 295.6 295.6 295.6 320 320 320 354.6 354.6 354.6 350 350 295.6 295.6 295.6 330 330 350 350 288 288 288 50 70.4 70.4 67.9 67.9 40.3 40.3 50.5 50.5 45.3 45.3 45.3 45.4 45.4 45.4 68 68 59 59 48.5 48.5 48.5 35 35 48.6 48.6 41 41 47 48 60.7 60.7 52.3 52.3 52.3 44 44 46.5 46.5 56.7 56.7 74.6 74.6 44 44 44 59 59 69 69 53.75 53.75 49.7 49.7 62.5 62.5 38.3 38.3 38.3 38.5 38.5 38.5 49.5 49.5 49.5 62 62 53 53 53 43.5 43.5 43.2 43.2 44.5 44.5 44.5 9.7 28 28 12 12 27 27 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 28 28 26 26 30 30 30 19 19 25 25 11 11 32 30 32 32 28 28 28 22 22 28 28 28 28 18 18 32 32 32 22 22 32 32 30 30 28 28 16 16 28 28 28 28 28 28 32 32 32 20 20 28 28 28 22 22 30 30 26 26 26 9 26.5 26.5 10.5 10.5 25 25 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 26 26 24 24 28.4 28.4 28.4 17.4 17.4 23 23 9 9 30 28.4 30 30 26 26 26 20.4 20.4 26.4 26.4 26 26 16 16 30 30 30 20 20 30 30 28 28 26 26 14 14 26 26 26 26 26 26 30 30 30 18 18 26 26 26 20.4 20.4 28 28 24.5 24.5 24.5 72 100.7 100.7 101 101 88 88 71.8 71.8 71.5 71.5 71.5 72 72 72 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 64 64 64 64 71 71 98 98 63.5 63.5 63.5 69 69 94 94 94 94 94 94 69 69 69 80 80 85 85 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 73.4 73.4 90 90 60.1 60.1 60.1 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 5 5 5 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 4 4 4 3.9 9.6 9.6 6.4 6.4 7.8 7.8 12.6 12.6 9.5 9.5 9.5 5.7 5.7 5.7 10.3 10.3 9.2 9.2 9.3 9.3 9.3 6 6 9.1 9.1 4.5 4.5 11.1 9.4 10.7 10.7 11.3 11.3 11.3 4.7 4.7 7.1 7.1 9.2 9.2 8 8 11.8 11.8 11.8 8.8 8.8 9.5 9.5 10.5 10.5 6 6 7.9 7.9 7.9 9.1 9.1 9.1 13.2 13.2 13.2 8.8 8.8 8.1 8.1 8.1 6.1 6.1 6.1 224 AusCat_05JUN2013.indd 224 5/06/2013 2:22:32 PM DISC ROTOR WeightS & DIMENSIONS CHART 4000 series DBA001 DBA42360 DBA42360S DBA42392S DBA42392XS DBA42394S DBA42394XS DBA42397S DBA42397XS DBA42398S DBA42398XS DBA42429S DBA42429XS DBA42448 DBA42448S DBA42449 DBA42449S DBA42500 DBA42500S DBA42500XS DBA42508 DBA42510 DBA42510S DBA42510XS DBA42524S DBA42524XS DBA42536S DBA42536XS DBA42550 DBA42550S DBA42550XS DBA42575S DBA42575XS DBA42602 DBA42602S DBA42602XS DBA42603 DBA42603S DBA42603XS DBA42604 DBA42604S DBA42604XS DBA42605 DBA42605S DBA42605XS DBA42630S DBA42630XS DBA42650 DBA42650S DBA42650XS DBA42656 DBA42656S DBA42656XS DBA42657 DBA42657S DBA42657XS DBA42659 DBA42659S DBA42659XS DBA42661 DBA42661S DBA42661XS DBA42663S DBA42663XS DBA42700 DBA42700S DBA42700XS DBA42709S DBA42709XS DBA42714 DBA42714S DBA42714XS DBA42716 DBA42716S DBA42716XS DBA42722 DBA42722S HOLDEN ALFA ROMEO ALFA ROMEO PORSCHE PORSCHE PORSCHE PORSCHE PORSCHE PORSCHE PORSCHE PORSCHE MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI CHRYSLER CHRYSLER CHRYSLER CHRYSLER ACURA ACURA ACURA HONDA HONDA HONDA HONDA MINI COOPER MINI COOPER JEEP JEEP MAZDA MAZDA MAZDA AUDI AUDI CHEVROLET CHEVROLET CHEVROLET CHEVROLET CHEVROLET CHEVROLET CHEVROLET CHEVROLET CHEVROLET CHEVROLET CHEVROLET CHEVROLET JEEP JEEP SUBARU SUBARU SUBARU SUBARU SUBARU SUBARU SUBARU UPGRADE SUBARU UPGRADE SUBARU UPGRADE SUBARU SUBARU SUBARU SUBARU SUBARU SUBARU SCION SCION TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA F F F F F F F R R F F R R F F R R F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F R R R F F F R R R F F F F F R R R R R R R R R R R R R R F F F F F F F F F F F F F S V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V s s s S S S V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V 253 272 272 322 322 318 318 330 330 298 298 284 284 355 355 355 355 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 294 294 302 302 323 323 323 344.5 344.5 321 321 321 315 315 315 355 355 355 365 365 365 332 332 316 316 316 316 316 316 316 316 316 286 286 286 274 274 274 290 290 338 338 338 296 296 297 297 297 319 319 319 340 340 50 58 58 77.5 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