e 103rd Annual - shootscoreboard.com shoot scores web
e 103rd Annual - shootscoreboard.com shoot scores web
Prstd Std US Postage PAID Permit 59 Rutherfordton NC 28139 Presents The 103rd Annual North Carolina State Trapshoot June 8 - June 12, 2016 Hosted by: NCTA/NCTHOF Homegrounds Bostic, NC Featuring 13 Pat-Trap Fields ERAD Voice Release 1300 Registered Targets Bob Schultz Bob Schultz TARGET SHOTGUNS, INC. TARGET SHOTGUNS, 105 Mitchelle Drive • Hendersonville, NCINC. 28792 105 Mitchelle Drive • Hendersonville, NC 28792 800-684-6329 800-684-6329 Sponsor for Hot Dog Roast Sponsor for Hot Dog Roast on Thursday Night on Thursday Night featuring featuring Blaser, Ceasar Guerini, Blaser, Ceasar Guerini, Zoli & Fabarm Zoli & Fabarm Canterbury Voice Release, Canterbury Voice Release, Target Manager & Ez Pull Target Manager & Ez Pull Email: targetshotguns@aol.com Email: targetshotguns@aol.com Website: www.targetshotguns.com Website: www.targetshotguns.com Welcome to the 103rd annual North Carolina State Trapshoot! Billy & Susan Thigpen 28 Dear Shooters, Dear OnShooters, behalf of the NCTA BOD and the NCHOF BOD, I wish to invite you to the th The NCTANorth BOD, the NCTHOF BOD, I wish to5-9, invite you to join uswill forthe the behalf of theCarolina NCTA BOD and theand NCHOF BOD, I wish toThe invite you to 100On annual State Trap Shoot, June 2013. shoot be th th 103rd annual North Carolina State Trap Shoot. It will be held on June 8-12, 2016 100 at annual NorthCarolina CarolinaHome State grounds Trap Shoot, June 5-9, 2013. The shoot will be held the North at Bos th at theatN.C. in Bostic, N.C. at Bos held theHome North Carolina Home grounds anniversary shootGrounds and we have sever We wish shoot to thank our advertisers anniversary andallwe have sever in our State Shoot program. You are, in enjoymen no small way, important to the success of our Association. Others have given enjoymen time, money, and /or material goods to help insure the continued growth of trap To all our adv shooting on both the state and local level. You are also vital to a successful trap conTo all our adv program in N.C. We cannot thank you enough. con and succeed. grow Without you, the NCTA and NCHOF would have nothing. We will continue to offer some of the added we have offered last year. grow and succeed. Without you, the NCTA and events NCHOFthat would nothing. We cannot thank you enough. On Thursday, we will offer a free hot dog supper sponsored by Bob Schultz. WeWe cannot thank you enough. willnight employ thehave 50/50 bank system with ERAD voice releases onby all Forest fields Saturday we’ll a complimentary Shooters dinner catered We The will employ the 50/50 bank system with ERAD voice releases on all fields used. pr City Fish Camp. Both of these events will occur after the shoot offs. used. pr and all targets thrown will be orange dome White Flyers. are PatThe traps We will use 13 Pat Traps, ERAD voice releases, and orange dome White Flyer are Pat traps and all targets willwill bealso orange White Flyers. According to Bob Keever, thisthrown year havedome a new targets. A 50/50 bank system onwe adjoining fields will bevendor's utilized. row Ourlocated target According toclub Bobhouse. Keever, this year we will also have a new vendor's row located behind the setters are still the same and we will offer the best targets possible. behind the club house. There over $10,000.00 in cash and trophies available thisshould year, be With are over $10,000 dollarsdollars in cash and trophies available, there There are over $10,000.00 dollars cash andcarefully trophiesfor available year, and not coun for everyone. something Check theinprogram added this options not coun check your program the dis open, resident, andfor non-resident trophies. North Carolina sub-juniors and check your program for the dis Carolina Juniors and Sub-juniors canrequirements shoot the Championship events free if juniors who have met the target may shoot the championship Carolina Juniors and Sub-juniors can shoot the Championship events free if they have metHowever, the yearly target requirements. events FREE. they must pay the $6.00 daily fee. they have metCarolina the yearly target requirements. The North AIM Championship be held on Saturday in It will be The State AIM Championship will be will slightly different this year. Carolina AIM be heldand on doubles Saturdaychampionship in c The shot in North conjunction with theChampionship state singles, will handicap, c who is 23 a North is eligible. If you haveon any ques Handicap events. Singles willCarolina includeresident all 200 championship targets Saturday. 23 who is a North Carolina is eligible. If you any All ques contact Jeff Galloway at 919-357-6859. and doubles will include allresident championship targets on have Sunday. North Carolina contact Jeff Galloway at 919-357-6859. shooters up to age 23 are eligible. Please encourage any young shooters you As a reminder to all shooters, North Carolina has been selected as one of the As a reminder to all shooters, North Carolina has been selected as one of the know to participate. sites for the Southern Zone for 2013. It will be held on July 18-23, 2013. Please sites for the Southern Zone for It will beatheld on July 18-23, 2013. Please Questions may be addressed to2013. Jeff Galloway 919-357-6859. mark that on your calendars. mark that on your calendars. Again, we would like to invite you to our 100th Anniversary State Shoot. Again, we likeus toatinvite you to our 100th State Shoot. Hopefully youwould can join the Homegrounds andAnniversary enjo Hopefully you joinfood. us at the Homegrounds and enjo fellowship, andcan good fellowship, and good food. Looking forward to seeing you, Looking forward Roger Bynumto seeing you, Marty A. Hill Roger A. Bynum NCTA President NCTA President REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE This certifies that the North Carolina Trapshooting Association has been This certifies that the aNorth Carolina Trapshooting has been authorized to hold registered tournament at theAssociation NCTA/NCTHOF authorized to hold aatregistered tournament at theClub, NCTA/NCTHOF Homegrounds Old Hickory Rifle & Pistol Bostic Homegrounds at OldJune Hickory & Pistol Club, Bostic 8-12,Rifle 2016 The ATA rules will govern the conduct June 8-12, 2016 of this tournament. The ATA rules will govern the conductAssociation of this tournament. The Amateur Trapshooting The Amateur Trapshooting Association 1 1 North Carolina Trapshooting Association 2014/2015 EASTERN ZONE Board of Directors and Delegates CENTRAL ZONE WESTERN ZONE Marty Hill (President) 5411 Tarheel Dr. Fayetteville, NC 28314 910-964-8427 mhill76@aol.com Lane Murray 1341 Burnette Chapel Road Greensboro, NC 27406 (336) 314-6760 Lanegrnsbr@aol.com Ron Wilson 241 Wilson Rd Fairview, NC 28730 828-628-2838 (H) 828-776-2686 (Cell) cronwilson@aol.com Brad Barnett P.O. Box 1209 Clayton, NC 919-796-9564 bradbarnett@netzero.com Jeri Wilson 2406 Wilson Road Chapel Hill, NC 27516 919-604-8716 Jwilson15@nc.rr.com Dennis Taylor 1359 Wilson Road Pisgah Forest, NC 28768 828-883-3029 Dgtaylor@citcom.net Johnathan Miller 3462 Wollett Mill Rd. Battleboro, NC 27809 jkpa@juno.com Darvin Cornett 7822 Pegg Neave Road Snow Camp, NC 27349 336-376-0788 (H) 336-516-8787 (cell-work) dcornett@mindspring.com Steve Watson (Vice President) P.O. Box 162 Blowing Rock, NC 28605 828-414-9399 Watson.Steve@hotmail.com Buncombe County Wildlife Club 287 Jackson Road - P.O. Box 98 Fletcher, NC 28732 (828) 687-1734 236 Old US Hwy 74 Bostic, NC Good luck at the State Shoot! (828) 248-2525 We welcome you to come see the Beauty of the Mountains and join us in Trap and Five Stand shooting on Wednesdays, Saturdays, and Sundays from 1:00 – 6:00 PM. Contact DELEGATES Terry Roush Delegate 5006 Stonegate Court Greensboro, NC 27406 336-674-8655 (H) troush@att.net 1st Alternate Ron Wilson 2nd Alternate Dennis Taylor Secretary-Treasurer Carolyn Keever 125 Mandy Lane Rutherfordton, NC 28139 828-287-3883 (H) 828-429-1863 (Cell) rpkeever@bellsouth.net NCHOF COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Bob Keever (Pres.) 125 Mandy Lane Rutherfordton,NC 28139 828-287-3883 (H) 282-429-1863 (C) rpkeever@bellsouth.net Tom Brown 3060 Payton Dr. Rougemont, NC 27252 919-732-6789 Carolyn Keever (Secretary) 125 Mandy Lane Rutherfordton,NC 28139 828-287-3883 (H) 828-429-1863 (Cell) rpkeever@bellsouth.net Ken Duncan (Treasurer) 540 Juney Beauchamp Road Advance, NC 27006 336-998-3939 Hunter Galloway (Vice President) 1815 Nottingham Road Greensboro, NC 27408 336-273-2982 Bill Howe 5701 Mountain Point Lane Charlotte, NC 28216 704-391-8779 Brian Keever 3924 Cashew Drive Raleigh, NC 27616 919-622-7615 2 Charlie Brown 3928 Bobbitt Road Kittrell, NC 27544 252-492-4848 Tom Pitts 156 Autumn Ridge Rd. Boone, NC 28607 tom.pitts@watgov.org Jim Wilson 2406 Wilson Road Chapel Hill, NC 27519 919-933-0881 Bob Schultz - 828-693-3833 - Targetshotguns@aol.com Ron Wilson - 828-776-2686 - cronwilson@aol.com Directions to Club Buncombe County Wildlife Club I-26 east to exit 40. Left on NC Hwy 280 and proceed 2 miles to US Hwy 25. Turn right onto Hwy 25 Jackson Road - P.O. Box turn 98 south and proceed 2.2 miles to traffic signal at intersection of Hwy 287 25 and Howard Gap Rd. Left Fletcher, 287321 (cross railway crossing) and proceed .5 mi to Jackson Rd. Turn left onto Jackson Rd andNC proceed (828) 687-1734 mile to club entrance on your left. Good luck at the State Shoot! We welcome you to come see the Beauty of the Mountains and join us in Trap and Five Stand shooting on Wednesdays, Saturdays, and Sundays from 1:00 – 6:00 PM. Contact Bob Schultz - 828-693-3833 - Targetshotguns@aol.com Ron Wilson - 828-776-2686 - cronwilson@aol.com Directions to Club I-26 east to exit 40. Left on NC Hwy 280 and proceed 2 miles to US Hwy 25. Turn right onto Hwy 25 south and proceed 2.2 miles to traffic signal at intersection of Hwy 25 and Howard Gap Rd. Left turn (cross railway crossing) and proceed .5 mi to Jackson Rd. Turn left onto Jackson Rd and proceed 1 mile to club entrance on your left. 27 RULES Watauga Gun Club www.wataugagunclub.com PO Box 2316 Boone, NC 28607 Shooting Dates: Saturday, May2016 25, 2013 May 28, June 25, 2016 Saturday, July 27, 2013 Sunday, July 28, 2013 JulyAugust 23, 2016 Saturday, 24, 2013 Saturday, October 26, 2013 August 27, 2016 October 22, 2016 Wishing Everyone the Best of Luck TILDEN TROPHIES Trophies of Lasting Value GOOD LUCK to ALL SHOOTERS at the 2016 2013 North Carolina State Shoot GENERAL INFORMATION 1. ATA Rules govern all events, will be used for classication of all shooters, and will apply for special category shooters. 2. NCTA will furnish refer Resolution of problems, disputes, scoring errors, and program interpretations will be by NCTA Directors. All decisions ar 3. The NCTA Directors reserve the right to reject or disqualify any shooter that is not obeying ATA rules or is interfering with the harmony of the shoot. 4. The NCTA Directors reserve the right to alter or cancel any event of the reason. tournament for an 5. All target setting will be done by NCTA Directors. Shooters are not allowed in trap houses during events. 6. Use of alcoholic beverages will not be tolerat shooting line during the tournament. Use of illicit drugs will not be tolerated under any circumstance. 7. NCTA, ATA and Old Hickory R responsible for any accident or loss of property during the tournament. 8. ONCE THE SQUADS HAVE BEEN POSTED ON THE FIELD SQUAD BOARD, ANYONE OR SQUAD SIGNING UP MUST TAKE THE FIRST AVAILABLE SQUAD OPENING. SHOOTERS RESPONSIBILITIES 1. Shooters competing in special categories (i.e. Junior, Veteran, Lady) must declare their intent at the time of entry. 2. Shooters should check scores after every station on sub-events, check score sheets on every sub-event and check scoreboard after scores are posted. Any error should be promptly brought to the attention of a Director for resolution. 3. If a shoot squadding desk to be re-squadded and a $10.00 re-squadding fee will be charged. 4. Daily fees are as follows: ATA = $3.00; NCTA = $3.00. These fees are paid once per day per shooter. If you happen to enter two or more events on the same day at di erent times, please advise the cashier. 5. Children and pets are welcome; however, they must be adequately supervised and controlled so they do not become a safety problem or disrupt the harmony of the shoot. 6. All pets M U S T be on a leash, attended to at all times and are not allowed in or near buildings, rest rooms or trapline area. Pet owners are expected to clean up after their pets 7. LEAD SHOT ONLY will be allowed HIGH MILEAGE SHOOTERS North Carolina Handicap Championship - Event 12 First ten squads in Event 12 will be reserved for shooters who drive in excess of 200 miles. We appreciate these shooters attending our State Shoot and want to provide accommodations for their travel time. CANCELLATION OF AN EVENT 800-350-3315 Fax – 866-205-1926 trophyAA27.com Jim Beasley P. O. Box 56 Aripeka, FL 34679 tildentrophies.com 26 Should an event be canceled it shall be the responsibility of the shooter to present the receipt for that event to the cashier for a refund of all fees, target costs and option money. This request for a refund must be completed prior to noon on the last day of the shoot program. SHELLS - Only those duly authorized by the NCTA may sell shells on the club grounds. 5, 2016 PRE-SQUAD on Tuesday June 7, from 2- 4 pm. 3 OLD HICKORY CLUB OLD HICKORY RIFLE & GUN PISTOL GUN CLUB To Sunshine To Hollis Piney Mt. Road 1768 3 Miles Washburn Store WE WISH GOOD HEALTH & GOOD SCORES TO N Old Hickory Gun Club ALL OF OUR TRAPSHOOTING FRIENDS! Sammy's Forrest City JOHN & KAROLE MILLER Bostic Ellenboro Citgo 74 Business 1.6 Miles 5.6 Miles 74 BYPASS Charlie Brown Gun Club To Shelby To Alex. Mills From Asheville or Spartanburg on I-26 (Exit #35 or 36) - Take Highway 74 East Go to Exit #182 - Go north on Hwy 221A to East Main Street - Turn right Follow directions from Forest City Kittrell, NC GOOD LUCK AT THE STATE SHOOT Registered shoot date: May 7, Doug House Memorial Shoot CHARLIE BROWN BOB KEMP 252-492-4848 252-492-0028 bkemp@vanceconstruction.net 4 From Charlotte - I-85 South take Exit #10 - Go west on Hwy 74 to exit #182 Go north on Hwy 221A to East Main Street - Follow directions from Forest City Directions from Forest City Take Hwy 74 Business East approximately 1.5 miles - Turn left on Bostic-Sunshine Road (which is beside Citgo) - Go 3 miles - Turn left on Gun Club Road (just past Sammy's Texaco) - Go 1 mile to 3-way stop sign - Bear right - Gun Club on left 1000ft. From I-40 - Take Hwy 64 West (Exit #103) - Approximately 23 miles (just past Toney's Gun Shop) - Turn left on Pea Ridge Road - Go 5.5 miles - Turn left on Robinson Creek Road - Go 1.5 miles to stop sign - Bear left - Gun Club on left 1000ft. Gun Club Phone Number - 828-247-6644 www.nctrap.com during shoot week www.tarheeltrap.com 823 Gun Club Rd., Bostic, NC 28018, the coordinates 35o 23’ 18.00”N by 81o 49’ 20.50”W 25 TROPHIES & AWARDS Local Accomodations and Information All these motels are on Business 74 Near the Tri-City Mall convenient to several restaurants Comfort Inn - 828-248-3400 Baymont Inn - 828-287-8788 Holiday Inn Express - 828-755-2000 Super 8 Motel - 828-286-3681 for information on other accomodations, restaurants, places of interest Visit the Rutherford County Tourism Website www.rutherfordtourism.com or Call 1-800-849-5998 1. Trophies will not be mailed. Please pick them up the following day of the shoot (i.e. Thursday trophies available on Friday). However Saturday's and Sunday's trophies will be issued on the day of shoot as soon as winners are determined. 2. North Carolina shooters are eligible for ATA, NCTA and Open trophies. Out of state shooters are only eligible for Open and Non-Resident trophies. 3. Shooters who are entitled to receive money won during any event may be paid by the cashier through Sunday's events. If money is not picked up, a check will be mailed to the shooter's address indicated by the ATA records. NCTA and the cashier are not responsible for any check lost, stolen, undelivered or otherwise not received by the shooter. 4. NCTA will award pins for 100 and 200 straight to any shooter for their first straight, without carry over, within the state at any registered shoot. 5. Purses and options are not compulsory. If you do not understand any purse, please request an explanation from a NCTA Director or Delegate before entering. 6. FOR OPTIONS PURPOSES, SCORES ARE FINAL 30 MINUTES AFTER THEY ARE POSTED. SHOOT OFFS Ties in all handicap events will be shot off the same day, time and weather permitting. Any contestant who is not present when called, forfeits all rights to trophies and added money. Ties in singles and doubles will be carried over. NCTA ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting will be held on the club grounds after championship singles on Saturday June 11, 2016. Directors, the ATA Delegate and Alternate Delegate will be elected. All members must present their current ATA average card (paper card for recording scores) in order to vote. ATA REFUND The ATA, in its program of building strong state associations, aids each state financially. The ATA refund is $2,984.00. LODGING A list of local motels is available in this program. We suggest you make your arrangements early to take advantage of special discounts for shooters. I Would Like to Wish Everyone Good Luck and Great Fellowship at our 103rd Annual N.C. Trap Shoot. Marty Hill 10 24 CAMPING & VENDOR PARKING For camping reservations contact Joy Duncan - 336-998-3939 or jrogersduncan@gmail.com While occupying the Premises, the Tenant must abide by all rules and regulations specified in the official rules of the Amateur Trapshooting Association, all rules and regulations of the Landlord concerning the Premises, all rules and regulations governing the shoot attended, and all regulations concerning local health and safety standards. Sewer adapters are required and garbage must be put in the proper dumpsters. RV campers and motorhomes are responsible for any damage they may cause to the camping facility. KIDS TEAM CHALLENGE TROPHY The teams will be kids from North Carolina (in state) Sub-Junior to Junior Gold. The top five scores of each team in the 200 target singles event will be counted for the teams towards the challenge trophy. The Trophy will reside with the winners until the next N.C. State shoot and then will be up for grabs again. If the winning team wins the trophy 3 times in a row, they will retire the trophy. The kids only have to be ATA members. 5 2016 2016 2013 Ron Wilson 214 Wilson Rd. Fairview, NC 28730 828-776-2686 cronwilson@aol.com Low Country Preserve, Todd Dawkins 466 Indigo Flatts East Tabor City, N. C. 910-287-5327, 910-443-1000 2016 2013 ATA Registered Shoots Please check TarheelTrap.com for upcoming shoot dates. Good Shooting at the NC State Shoot! For information contact - Jim Wilson - jwilson15@nc.rr.com 6 23 North Carolina Average Leaders 2014 - 2015 Old Hickory G Rocky Mount Men's Target Requirements: Singles-2200 Handicap-1800 Doubles-100 Women, Junior, Sub-Jr, Sr-Vet, Vet Targets: Singles-1000 Handicap-500 Doubles-500 and must shoot NC State Shoot Championship Targets 2014 Schedul September 20 October 18, 20 November 15, Old Hickory Gun Club, Inc. Rocky Mount, NC Men HAA Average Women HAA Average 1Jeff JeffGalloway Galloway 1 2Tom Steve Watson 2 Brown 3Jonathan Dan Johnson 3 Miller 4 4Bob JimSchultz Wilson 5 5Steve DavidWatson Miller 93.41% 93.71% 92.83% 92.68% 92.42% 92.44% 91.36% 92.35% 90.97% 90.51% KaroleMiller Miller 11Karole 86.48% 87.57% Veteran GregHigh High 11Greg HAA Average 87.98% 91.81% or email: abcb May 15, 2016 September 20, 2014 – Trap Shoot October18, 15,2014 2016– 2nd Annual Swamp Wood Trap Shoot (*added money) October Junior 1 Noah Gouge HAA Average 91.87% 92.16% Senior Veteran 11Charlie CharlieBrown Brown HAA Average 91.47% 91.46% Contact Al Bost for more information – 252-567-0776 or email: abcbost@embarqmail.com 2016 Schedule Schedule 2014 Contact Al Bo November 15, 2014 – Trap Shoot *Added money bas *Added money based on 6000 thrown targets Sub JuniorHAA Average Junior HAA Average 11Addison Callan 86.93% Caleb Gilreath 87.31% NC STATE TEAMS FOR 2015 Men's Target Requirements: 5000 (any combina Women, Junior, Sr-Vet, Vet Target Requirements : 2000 (any combina Sub Junior Target Requirements: 1000 (any combina Captain Captain 22 33 4 4 5 5 5 Men Dan TomJohnson Brown James Wilson Steve Watson Steve Watson Johnathan Miller David Miller Walter Mabe Johnathan Miller James Wilson Chase Walker Points 460 434 392 322 324 278 274 214 216 212 216 Junior Captain Captain Noah Gouge Points 289 511 Sub Junior Captain Caleb Addison Callan Captain Gilreath 2 Graham Roten Points 303 547 149 Women Points Captain Karole Miller 313 489 Captain Captain 22 Veteran Points George Brown 328 Danny Lloyd 198 Patrick Childers 279 158 Geg High Captain Captain 22 Senior Veteran Charlie George Brown Brown Bill Howe Glenn Alford 22 Points 297 252 257 204 7 AA A B C D DOUBLES CLASS 8 93% and over 89% and under 93% 85% and under 89% 78% and under 85% under 78% AA A B C D CK SINGLES CLASS 97% and over 94% and under 97% 91% and under 94% 88% and under 91% under 88% SPECIAL TROPHIES North Carolina Average Leaders HIGHThe OVER ALL (HOA) finest craftsmanship for all of your shooting accessories... 201412) - 2015 (Based on 1300 targets - Events 1 through RO NCTA Trophy to high NC resident - $100 added money M A Non-Resident trophy to high gun - $100 added money Men's Target Requirements: Singles-2200 Handicap-1800 Doubles-100 Made High NC Resident Lady, Sub-Junior, Junior, Veteran , Senior Veteran and Wheel Chair in the *New* Women, Junior, Sub-Jr, Sr-Vet, Vet Targets: Singles-1000 Handicap-500 Doubles-500 USA High Non-Resident Lady, Sub-Junior, Junior, Veteran , Senior Veteran and Wheel Chair SH SHOOTERS CLASSIFICATION AND ENTRY 1. Shooters are required to have their 16 yd. and doubles averages computed and shown on their ATA average card prior to classification. 2. Shooters must take their average card to the classification desk prior to any other entry activities. 3. The Delegate, Alternate Delegate or any NCTA Director at the desk will review the ATA card and classify the shooter according to ATA rules. The shooter must be sure the classifications and handicap yardage are correct and clearly marked on their ATA card before leaving the desk. The shooter is subject to penalties for shooting in the wrong class or in the wrong yardage, even if it is marked incorrectly on their ATA card. 4. Classification will be done by using purified averages. 5. Shooters who do not have a total of 1000 sixteen yard targets registered in the current and previous year shall be placed in class B or higher at the discretion of the handicap committee. 6. Shooters who do not have at least 500 doubles targets registered in the current and previous year shall be placed in class B or higher at the discretion of the handicap committee. 7. Shooters who do not have a total of 1000 registered handicap targets for the current or previous year will be placed 3 yards farther back than the yardage shown on their ATA card. No shooter with insufficient targets will be placed beyond the 25 yard line. However, participants who fail to meet the handicap qualifications as described above, shall have the choice of shooting targets only from their assigned yardage provided they waive and forfeit all rights to trophies, options, purses and added money. 8. At the time of entry, shooters in special classifications (Ladies, Juniors, Sub-Juniors, Veterans and Senior Veterans) shall declare their classification and it is the SHOOTER’S RESPONSIBILITY to check their classification at cashiering. 9. At the time of entry, shooters in special classifications (Ladies, Juniors, SubJuniors, Veterans, Senior Veterans) shall declare their classification and have their entry cards so marked. 10. Entries must be paid by cash or check in US funds. No counter checks or second party checks will be accepted. 11. Refund Policy: Target and option money will be refunded prior to event starting. Only target fees will be refunded after an event starts. We encourage you to pay for all events at one time. 12. For purposes of the parent/child trophy, a child will be defined as a junior or subjunior shooter (under 18 years of age). 13. North Carolina Juniors and Sub-Juniors can shoot the Championship Singles FREE, with 1000 target requirements, plus daily fees and plays no options on the event. NC Junior and Sub-Juniors can shoot the Championship Doubles and Handicap for free if he/she has registered 500 targets in doubles or 700 handicaps. Shooter must pay daily ATA and NCTA fees. All other Juniors and Sub Juniors shoot for full price. 14. There will be no automatic class bump ups Wednesday or Thursday. Winners and ties will be looked at individually and then a decision will be made, as to whether to bump or not. Friday goes back to automatic class bump ups for winners and ties 15. Presquadding is available by going to presquad.com. Presquadding is encouraged for all shooters. and must shoot NC State Shoot Championship Targets HIGH ALL AROUND (HAA) (Based on 400 targets - Events 10, 11, 12) Double Shell Pouches Shell Bags on Belt HAA Average Men Women Over 80 CombinationsHAA Average ATA Trophy toClips high NC resident - $100 added money Non-Resident trophy to high gun - $100 added money 1 Jeff Galloway 93.71% 1 Vet Karole MillerDouglas Damron,87.57% WV NCTA Trophy to high NC resident - AA-A-B-C-D Vet Runner Up Gary Campbell, SC forfeit—Steve Williams Sheldon Hostetter, PA Sr Vet 2 Tom Brown 92.68% NCTA Trophy to high NC Resident Lady, Sub-Junior, Junior, Veteran, Senior Veteran and Wayne Franz, SC 25 s/o w/Ron Biggs 24; George Reese Sr Vet Runner Up 23 Wheel chair 3 Jonathan Miller 92.44% Veteran Average Garrett Sweeney,HAA TN Junior Tate Turner, FL 25 s/oVeteran w/Federico Ramirez 24; Andrew Junior Junior, UpVeteran, NCTA Trophy to high Non-Resident Lady, Shell Sub-Junior, Senior and Kobeck 23; Andrew Loitz 23 4 Bob Schultz 91.36% Single 1 Pouches GregRunner High 91.81% Preston Lunn, TN Junior Gold Over 30 Combinations Wheel chair Matthew Begley, OH Jr Gold RunnerUp *New* 5 Steve Watson 90.97% 2012 NC NC State State Winners NEW Winners 2015 Club-Team Program Sub Jr Sub Jr Runner Up Open Chair Junior Harrison Siders, OH Sam Blevins, KY David Weaver, VA HAA Average Senior Veteran Special pricing with minimum order 91.87% 1 Charlie Brown Sun Jun 14, 2015 Event 10 NC Accessories Singles Championship Sat June 13, 2015Call for details. 208 entries Blinders, Magnet Pads, Clips, and more! Addison Callan 74/24/24/50 s/o w/John Miller 74/24/49 NC – Champ HAA Average Mesh & Leather 91.47% Empty Pouches Event 11 – NC Doubles Championship 199 199 197 198 197 197 196 198 196 197 195 176 157 entries John Miller 199 NC-Runner Up Jeff Galloway 97 NC – Champ Sub JuniorHAA Average Jeff Galloway 198 NC – AA Brandon MatthewsTN 95 NC-Runnerup Garrett Sweeney, 95 Classpricing AA top quality for your next shoot? Special available for any size trophy order.90 Murraytrophies Lane 197 –Need A Jim NC – AA 1NC Addison Callan 86.93% NeilWilson Alexander, SC 94 Class A David Miller 194 NC – B Brad Barnett 91 NC – A forfeit—Kenny Inman NC – C NC – D NC – Lady I NC – Lady I RU NC – Lady II NC – Lady II RU NC – Sub Vet NC – Sub Vet RU NC – Vet NC – Vet RU NC – Sr Vet NC – Sr Vet RU NC – Junior NC – Junior RU NC – Jr Gold NC – Jr Gold RU NC – Sub Jr NC – Sub Jr RU NC Husband/Wife NC Parent/Child Non-Resident: Champ www.shamrockleathers.com Gary Hicks Melvin Pempsell Karole Miller Robin Dallenbach Connie Bell Roberta Pappayliou Bob Schultz Brad Barnett Patrick Childers Greg High forfeit—Mickey Bell Dennis Taylor Charlie Brown Noah Gouge 25 s/o w/Brandon Matthews 23 Brandon Matthews Ben Campbell N/A Caleb Gilreath Brin Kellner John & Karole Miller James & Addison Callan Class B NC – BC Class NC – CD Class NC – DI Lady NC – Lady Lady II I NC – Lady II Junior NC – Junior Jr Gold NC Jr Gold Sub– Junior NC Jr Sub–Sub Veteran NC –Sub Veteran Vet NC – Veteran Sr Veteran NC – SrChair Vet Open 191 180 192 186 182 180 196 193 195 190 198 196 196 196 196 198 189 172 391 377 Ph: 800.728.5184 Email: info@shamrockleathers.com NC STATE TEAMS FOR 2015 Men's Target Requirements: 5000 (any combina Women, Junior, Sr-Vet, Vet Non-Resident: Target Requirements Floyd, VA : Champ Event 12 – NCClay Handicap Championship 177 entries 2000 (any combina Champion NC RunnerUp Sub Junior Target Requirements: 1000 (any combina NC 3 Carl Chadwell, MI 24/100 s/o w/Kevin Stephens 24/99; 199 Jack Schumpert, FL Brandon Harrison, OH 25 s/o w/Elwood Whitman 24 Gregory Orr, OH Wesley Basham, SC Mikayla Dickson, TN Victoria Argenti, FL Sandra Spencer, WV 24 s/o w/Sarah Jacobs 23 Sarah Jacobs, FL Gary Olson, SC Mark Herbert, OH 199 196 195 194 188 194 193 192 192 197 195 Men Kevin Stephens, SC Doug Damron took Vet Class AA Class A Class B Class C Class D Lady I Lady I Runner Up Lady II Lady II RunnerUp Sub Vet Sub Vet RunnerUp Captain 2 3 4 5 Captain Captain 2 Jack Schumpert, FL 20 s/o w/Ralph Bechtold 18 Brian Keever Elwood Whitman, VA Dennis SandraTaylor Speencer, WV Gabriel Martinez Caroline Paxton, SC Robin TeresaDallenbach Knight, SC Roberta Pappayliou Tate Turner, FL Noah JustinGouge Osborn, TN Ben Campbell Garrett Bradford, TN Caleb FrankGilreath Ketron, SC Dan Johnson 19 s/o w/Tom Pitts 17 Russell Middleton, SC Ray Gaultney Sheldon Hostetter, PA Charlie Brown David Weaver, VA Points Tom Brown Steve Watson Johnathan Miller Walter Mabe James Wilson 434 322 278 214 212 Junior Points 289 Sub Junior Addison Callan Graham Roten Points 303 149 rd NC 4th NC 5th NC 6th NC Lady I NC Lady II NC Junior NC Jr Gold NC Sub Jr NC Sub Vet NC Veteran NC Sr Vet James Ivey, III Murray Lane Chris Powell 24 s/o w/Jeff Galloway 20; Robin Dallenbach 17 Jeff Galloway Robin Dallenbach David Miller 24 s/o w/Marty Hill 21 Karole Miller Connie Bell Addison Callan Ben Campbell Caleb Gilreath Randy Jones forfeit—Brad Barnett Mickey Bell George Ponton flip by mngt for George Brown Women Points Karole Miller 313 Captain 2 Veteran George Brown Geg High Points 328 279 Captain 2 Senior Veteran Charlie Brown Bill Howe Points 297 257 Captain 22 21 11 93 91 93 91 88 89 94 81 91 73 96 96 96 90 93 81 96 94 94 90 96 92 61 98 96 95 94 94 94 93 95 84 93 87 93 93 92 91 Event #12 North Carolina Handicap Championship 100 Handicap Targets Targets and Trophies Lewis High Gun Purse $5.00 each 25 $5.00 each 50 Jackpot Purse ATA HOF Contributor's Options 2 Classes 60/40% Divided 50% - 30% - 20% Divided 100% Divided 60% - 40% Divided 40% - 30% - 20% - 10% $5.00 to ATA - $5.00 2 classes 60% - 40% $30.00 $20.00 $20.00 $20.00 $15.00 $25.00 $10.00 ATA Trophies www.butlersguns.com Resident winners Championship thru 6th place NCTA Trophies State Lady I - State Lady II - State Junior Gold - State Junior - State Sub-Junior State Sub-Veteran, State Veteran - State Senior Veteran Non-Resident Winners Non-Res winners Champion thru 6th place Non-Res Category Lady I, Lady II, Junior Gold, Sub-Veteran, Vet, Sr Vet, Jr, Sub-Jr Open Chairshooter Coharie Shooting League Clinton, North Carolina CONGRATULATES NCTA ON 103rd ANNIVERSARY SHOOT JOIN US FOR GREAT TARGETS, FELLOWSHIP AND ANN’S LUNCH 2016 ATA REGISTERED SHOOTS MAY 14, JUNE 25, AUGUST 6, SEPTEMBER 10 & OCTOBER 8, 2016 Added Money Awarded with trophy State Champion - $150.00 State Runner-Up - $100.00 State Classes Third - State Fourth - State Fifth - State Sixth - $40.00 State Categories - Lady I - Lady II - Junior Gold - Sub-Junior Junior - Sub-Veteran - Veteran - Senior Veteran - $40.00 Non-Resident Champion- $100.00 20 Contact; Mac Herring 910-592-5412 (H) Al Williams 910-385-6525 (Cell) Shoot Well at the 103rd NC State Shoot 9 FIFTH DAY Durham County Wildlife Club BRAGG 3616 Hopson Rd. •FORT Morrisville, NC 27560 • (919) 361-‐1839 CLAY CENTER DCWC i nvites e veryone TARGET t o j oin u s for ATA r egistered s hoots t his year 2016 Sunday, June 12, 8, 2014 Daily Fees ATA $3.00 NCTA $3.00 651 E. MANCHESTER RD. SPRING LAKE, NC 28390 (910) 436-8489 Club i nformation • 4 t rap fields Good Luck to all Shooters at the • 4 s keet fields 2015 102nd ANNUAL NC State Shoot • Five s tand The Fort Bragg Trapshooters Association • Clubhouse • Limited Rwould V c apacity, c ontact s i f you i ntend a rrive i n likeplease to thank all ushooters one. who shot with us last year. 2016 Registered Saturday Shoot D ates invite everyone to join us for a shoot this year. We Starting time - 9:00 a.m. Entries close at 10:00 a.m. • • • • • March 2 6 th May 2 8 th Club Information June 2 5 th 6 Trap Fields July 3 0 th th September 1 7 12 Skeet Fields Contact i nformation: Clubhouse and Shelter Jeff Abarbanell / 9 19-‐9 69-‐36 9 019 / a barbanj@yahoo.com RV/Camp Sites Registered Shoot Dates May 30, 2015 July 25, 2015 September 19, 2015 October 31, 2015 November 21, 2015 December 12, 2015 Welcome to the Foothills of the North Carolina Mountains for Good Targets & Great Fellowship! Information Registered shoots are administered at the Ft. Bragg facility by the Fort Bragg Trapshooters Association. For more Information contact: Ft. Bragg Trapshooters Association Greg and Sue High Marty Hill / (910) 964-8427 / MHill76@aol.com OR Greg High ghigh@nc.rr.com / (910) 977-0488 (C) Event #11 North Carolina Doubles Championship 50 Pairs Starting 8 Fields Targets and Trophies Lewis 5 ea. 50 Options 2 Classes 60/40% Divided 60% - 40% $10.00 $10.00 ATA Trophies State Doubles Champion - State Runner-Up State Class AA-A-B-C-D NCTA Trophies State Lady I - State Lady II - State Junior Gold - State Sub-Veteran - State Junior State Sub-Junior - State Veteran - State Senior Veteran Non-Resident Winners Non-Res winners Champion, AA, A, B, C, D Non-Res Category Lady I, Lady II, Junior Gold, Sub-Veteran, Vet, Sr Vet, Jr, Sub-Jr Open Chairshooter Added Money Awarded with trophy State Champion - $150.00 State Runner-Up - $100.00 Classes AA-A-B-C-D - $40.00 State Categories - Lady I - Lady II - Junior Gold - Sub-Veteran - Sub-Junior Junior Veteran - Senior Veteran - $40.00 Non-Resident Champion - $100.00 Physical Address for mapping software: 651 East Manchester Rd., Spring Lake, NC 28390 10 $30.00 19 FOURTH DAY The finest craftsmanship for all of your shooting accessories... R AM O Saturday, June 7, 11,2014 2016 Daily Fees ATA $3.00 NCTA $3.00 200 16 Yard Targets Options Lewis 2 Classes 60/40% $10.00 on ea 100 2 classes - Divided 60% - 40% $5.00 ea. 50 One Money Each Class - Divided 60% - 40% ATA HOF Contributor's $5.00 to ATA - $5.00 2 classes Divided 60% - 40% Over 80 Combinations $60.00 Single Shell Pouches $10.00 $20.00 $20.00 $10.00 Over 30 Combinations NEW Club-Team Program Blinders, Magnet Pads, Clips, and more! ATA Trophies State Singles Champion - State Runner-Up State Lady I - State Lady II - State Junior Gold - State Junior - State Sub-Junior State Sub-Veteran - State Veteran - State Senior Veteran State Category Runners-up State Class AA-A-B-C-D NCTA Trophies Parent/Child Non-Resident Winners Non-Res winners Champion, AA, A, B, C, D Non-Res Category Lady I, Lady II, Junior Gold, Sub-Veteran, Vet, Sr Vet, Jr, Sub-Jr ., And Category Runners-up Open Trophies Chair Shooter Added Money Shell Bags Clips on Belt Accessories Husband/Wife Made in the USA Double Shell Pouches Event #10 North Carolina Singles Championship Targets and Trophies SH *New* CK Let Us Make Your Dreams Come True... Starting time - 9:00 a.m. Entries close at 11:00 a.m. Special pricing with minimum order Call for details. *New* Mesh & Leather Empty Pouches Need top quality trophies for your next shoot? Special pricing available for any size trophy order. www.shamrockleathers.com Ph: 800.728.5184 Email: info@shamrockleathers.com Visit Joy, Charles, or Morgan for Exceptional Customer Service! FINE JEWELRY CUSTOM DESIGN & REPAIR ANTIQUE & ESTATE JEWELRY GALLERY of LOCAL & ANTIQUE ART FREE JEWELRY CLEANING & CONDITION CHECK Old World Galleries Awarded with trophy State Champion - $150.00 State Runner-Up - $100.00 Classes AA-A-B-C-D - $40.00 State Categories: Lady I, Lady II, Junior Gold, Sub-Veteran - Sub- Junior Junior Veteran - Senior Veteran - $40.00 Non-Resident Champion- $100.00 697 West King Street | Boone, NC Tuesday - Saturday | 828-264-6559 | www.oldworldgalleries.com 18 11 THIRD DAY Friday, June 6, 10,2014 2016 Sammy’s Supermarket Home of the Great Country Ham Located at the end of Gun Club Road Starting time - 9:00 a.m. Daily Fees ATA $3.00 NCTA $3.00 Entries close one hour after the start of each event Event #7 North Carolina Singles Class Championship Targets and Trophies Lewis Purse 100 16 Yard Targets Options 2 Classes 60/40% Divided 50/30/20 $30.00 $10.00 $10.00 Resident Class Winners NCTA Trophies AA, A, B, C, D NCTA Resident Lady I, Lady II, Junior Gold, Sub-Veteran, Vet, Sr Vet, Jr, Sub-Jr Non-Resident Class Winners Non-Res winners AA, A, B, C, D Non-Res Category Lady I, Lady II, Junior Gold, Sub-Veteran, Vet, Sr Vet, Jr, Sub-Jr Open Chairshooter Event #8 Hall of Fame Handicap Targets and Trophies Lewis Purse Rockingham County Gun Club 12 $30.00 $10.00 $10.00 Event #9 North Carolina Doubles Class Championship Shootdates: www. Rockinghamcountygunclub.com Options 2 Classes 60/40% Divided 50/30/20 Resident Winners Chamionship through 6th place NCTA Resident Lady I, Lady II, Junior Gold, Sub-Veteran, Vet, Sr Vet, Jr, Sub-Jr Non-Resident Winners Champion and runnerup, 3rd, 4th, 5th & 6th Lady I, Lady II, Junior Gold, Sub-Veteran, Vet, Sr Vet, Jr, Sub-Jr Open Chairshooter 572 Longbranch Rd, Reidsville NC 27323 May 7, June 4, July 2, August 13, September 10, and October 8, 2015 100 Handicap Targets 50 Pair Targets and Trophies Lewis Purse on 50’s Options 2 Classes 60/40% Divided 60% - 40% $30.00 $10.00 $10.00 Resident Winners NCTA Trophies AA, A, B, C, D NCTA Resident Lady I, Lady II, Junior Gold, Sub-Veteran, Vet, Sr Vet, Jr, Sub-Jr Non-Resident Winners Non-Res winners AA, A, B, C, D Non-Res Category Lady I, Lady II, Junior Gold, Sub-Veteran, Vet, Sr Vet, Jr, Sub-Jr Open Chairshooter 17 SECOND DAY Plan to Attend The 25th Annual North Carolina Hall of Fame Shoot Thursday, June 9, 5, 2016 2014 Starting time - 9:00 a.m. Daily Fees ATA $3.00 NCTA $3.00 Event # 4 Charlie Brown Addison Callan Singles Singles Targets and Trophies Lewis 100- 16 Yard Targets Options 2 Classes 60/40% $30.00 $10.00 OPEN TROPHIES High Gun, Class AA-A-B-C-D Lady, Junior, Sub-Junior, Veteran, Senior Veteran September 22-25, 2016 Event # 5 James Ivey III Handicap Addison Callan Handicap 100 Handicap Targets Targets and Trophies Lewis Options 2 Classes 60/40% $30.00 $10.00 1000 Registered Targets Thursday, September 22, 2016 OPEN TROPHIES High Gun, Runner - Up, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth Lady, Junior, Sub-Junior, Veteran, Senior Veteran Event I Event II Event III Event #6 Jeff Galloway Doubles Terry Roush Doubles Targets and Trophies Lewis 50 Pair Options 2 Classes 60/40% OPEN TROPHIES High Gun, Class AA-A-B-C-D Lady, Junior, Sub-Junior, Veteran, Senior Veteran 16 $30.00 $10.00 100 Singles 100 Handicap 50 Pair of Doubles Friday, September 23, 2016 Event IV Event V Event VI 100 Singles 100 Handicap 50 Pair of Doubles 13 FIRST DAY 2016 Wednesday, June 8, 5, 2013 Saturday, September 24, 2016 North Carolina Hall of Fame Singles Championship 200 16 Yard Targets Starting time - 10:00 a.m. Daily Fees ATA $3.00 - NCTA $3.00 Event #1 Glenn Miller Singles 100 - 16 Yard Targets Targets and Trophies 2 Classes 60/40% Lewis Please Join Us For the 2016 North Carolina Hall of Fame Awards Banquet & Induction Ceremony HOMEGROUND CLUBHOUSE Sunday, September 25, 2016 $10.00 Event #2 Worth Miller Handicap Jacqueline Roush Handicap 100 Handicap Targets Targets and Trophies Lewis Options 2 Classes 60/40% $30.00 $10.00 OPEN TROPHIES High Gun, Runner - Up, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth Lady, Junior, Sub-Junior, Veteran, Senior Veteran Event #3 Pete McCall Annie OakleyDoubles Doubles 50 Pair $30.00 Targets and Trophies Options Lewis 2 Classes 60/40% OPEN TROPHIES High Gun, Class AA-A-B-C-D Lady, Junior, Sub-Junior, Veteran, Senior Veteran 14 $30.00 OPEN TROPHIES High Gun, Class AA-A-B-C-D Lady, Junior, Sub-Junior, Veteran, Senior Veteran Hall of Fame Doubles Championship 50 Pair of Doubles Hall of Fame Handicap Championship 100 Handicap Targets Options 15 $10.00
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