mlmidyr sem12 - International Municipal Lawyers Association


mlmidyr sem12 - International Municipal Lawyers Association
IMLA’s 2012 Mid-Year Seminar
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I M L A B o A r d o f d I r e c t o r s 2 0 1 1- 2 0 1 2
Sheryl King Benford
General Counsel
Greater Cleveland Regional
Transit Authority
Cleveland, OH
A René Broker
Borough Attorney
Fairbanks North Star
Borough, AK
Jay B. Doegey
City Attorney
Arlington, TX
Stephen P. Chinn
City Attorney
Fairway, KS
Steven W. Moore
City Attorney
Yuma, AZ
Wayne Esannason
Village Attorney
Scarsdale, NY
Immediate Past President
Dennis J. Herrera
City Attorney
San Francisco, CA
G. Foster Mills
Managing Attorney
New York City, NY
General Counsel and
Executive Director
Charles W. Thompson, Jr.
Bethesda, MD
Barbara A. Adams
Village Attorney
Kenilworth, IL
Patrick Baker
City Attorney
Durham, NC
Marianne Landers Banks
Assistant City Attorney
Springfield, MO
Mary Ellen Bench
City Solicitor
Mississauga, ON, Canada
2 IMLA MId-Year 2012
Thomas Grundhoefer
General Counsel
League of Minnesota Cities
St. Paul, MN
Douglas C. Haney
City Attorney
Carmel, IN
Susan Emery McGannon
City Attorney
Murfreesboro, TN
Stephen Patton
Corporation Counsel
Chicago, IL
Art Pertile
City Attorney
Stafford, TX
Herbert W.A. Thiele
County Attorney
Leon County, FL
Susan L. Segal
City Attorney
Minneapolis, MN
Andrew J. Whalen, III
City Attorney
Griffin, GA
Cover and DC Photography
Courtesy of the Washington D.C.
Convention & Visitors Bureau
Sponsors & Exhibitors
2012 Program Planning Committee
General Information
Speakers’ Biographies
Future Events
IMLA’s Local Government Fellows
Charles S.Rhyne Award Recipients
Regional Vice Presidents 2011-2012
Board of Directors
IMLA State Chairs 2011-2012
IMLA Past Presidents
IMLA acknowledges the generous support of our sponsors for their
involvement in this year’s Mid-Year Seminar
3 IMLA MId-Year 2012
American Legal Publishing
The City of Austin
Best Best & Krieger
Cycom Data Systems, Inc.
Knox and Associates
Lexis Nexis
Municipal Code Corporation
Wolters Kluwer Law & Business
Exhibitors are located in both the Diplomat and Palladian Foyers
4 IMLA MId-Year 2012
5 IMLA MId-Year 2012
General Information
Welcome to IMLA’s Mid-Year Seminar. If you have
any questions or need assistance at any time during
the Seminar, an IMLA staff member will be happy
to assist you. IMLA staff members are available at
registration desk. The IMLA registration desk will
open at 8:00 a.m. Sunday, April 22 and close at 2:00
p.m.; then reopen from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. The
registration desk hours will be from 7:30 a.m. to 5:00
p.m. on Monday, April 23 and 7:30 a.m. to 12:00
noon on Tuesday, April 24. The IMLA registration
desk is located in the Palladian Foyer of the West
Conference Center. For your convenience, a message board will be placed near the IMLA registration
desk. Messages for attendees will be posted on the
message board throughout the Seminar.
To receive CLE credits for attending this Seminar,
it is imperative that you return a completed CLE
Questionnaire and the Certification of Attendance
form (available in registration area) to the IMLA
registration desk by 12:00 Noon Tuesday, April 24,
2012. CLE credits for the Seminar have been requested from every state with mandatory continuing
legal education requirements. For more information
about certification, please contact your appropriate
state agency. For questions while you are attending
the Seminar, see Trina Shropshire-Paschal at the
IMLA registration desk.
6 IMLA MId-Year 2012
Teleconference Recording
Several sessions of this program are also being
broadcast as simultaneous teleconferences for those
attorneys who are unable to attend in person.
In Appreciation
The success of IMLA’s conferences and seminars
is due in large part to the contributions of IMLA
members and other municipal and government
practitioners who volunteer their time and energy
to prepare papers and make presentations. IMLA
is grateful to those dedicated individuals who share
their expertise with us. We are especially grateful
to those speakers who are not IMLA members, but
who contribute their time as panelists and share
with us their knowledge of issues affecting local
governments. Due to the tireless efforts of all our
volunteers, we anticipate an extremely successful
and informative
Mid-Year Seminar.
Networking at IMLA Presents: Meet to Eat!
Stop by registration desk if you need help getting
paired with other IMLA attendees for dinner.
Luncheon Speaker
Robert C. (Bob) Springer
(Colonel, USMC, Ret.)
NASA Astronaut (Former)
2012 ProGrAM PLANNING coMMIttee
Mark Hayes
General Counsel
Arkansas Municipal League
Little Rock, Arkansas
Barbara A. Adams
Samuel H. Edwards
Chief Legal Counsel
Greater Nashville Regional Council
Nashville, Tennessee
John Gotherman
Village Attorney
Kenilworth, Illinois
General Counsel
Ohio Municipal Attorneys
Columbus, Ohio
Mary Ellen Bench
Frank B. Gummey, III
City Solicitor
Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
Albert Benshoff
City Attorney
Concord, North Carolina
Karen Beyke
UT/MTAS Consultant
Franklin, Tennessee
Stephen P. Chinn
City Attorney
Fairway, Kansas
Robert S. Croom
Deputy General Counsel
Director of Legal & Legislative
South Carolina Association of
Columbia, South Carolina
City Attorney
New Smyrna Beach, Florida
Ralph Hildebrand
Corporate Counsel
Metro Vancouver, British
Columbia, Canada
Timothy S. Hollister
Town Attorney
Colchester, Connecticut
James B. Lampke
Town Counsel
Hull, Massachusetts
Gary Landers
City Attorney
Tyler, Texas
Karen M. McDonald
City Attorney
Fayetteville, North Carolina
Susan J. Moore
General Counsel
Georgia Municipal League
Atlanta, Georgia
Ken Smith
Executive Director
Alabama League of Municipalities
Montgomery, Alabama
Julia Tucker
Assembly Counsel
Anchorage, Alaska
Randall Van Vleck
General Counsel
New Mexico Municipal League
Santa Fe, New Mexico
Host Cities
Karen M. Kennard &
Lee Crawford
Austin Law Department
Austin, Texas
Elena DiPietro
Baltimore Law Department
Baltimore, Maryland
Thank You For Your Hard Work!
Duke McDonald
Assistant City Attorney
Springfield, Missouri
7 IMLA MId-Year 2012
The 2012 IMLA Mid-Year Seminar
P r o G r A M
WJA Programming
9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Diplomat Ballroom
West End
IMLA Section and Department Workshops
These small forums provide a unique opportunity
for attendees to network, ask questions, share
experiences and hear comprehensive presentations
from experts from around the country. Workshop
participants also review recent case law and the
implications for local government lawyers in each
practice area.
IMLA Board of Directors Meeting
9:00 am – Noon
Diplomat Ballroom
West End
State League Counsel and Municipal Attorneys
Association Department Meeting
3:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Diplomat Ballroom
West End
Thomas Grundhoefer
General Counsel
League of Minnesota Cities
St. Paul, Minnesota
Vice Chair: William C. Mathewson
General Counsel
Michigan Municipal League
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Recorder: Sandra Jacquot
General Counsel
League of Kansas Municipalities
Topeka, Kansas
Christopher G. Lockwood
Executive Director
Maine Municipal Association
Augusta, Maine
SUNDAY, APRIL 22, 2012
IMLA and World Jurist Association (WJA)
Registration and Exhibitors
8:00 am – 6:00 pm
(Closed 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm)
Palladian Foyer
West End
8 IMLA MId-Year 2012
Personnel Section Workshop
8:45 am – 10:15 am
Congressional A
West End
Chair: Daniel D. Crean
Executive Director
New Hampshire Municipal Association
Pembroke, New Hampshire
Part 1: Social Media & Electronic Communications
and Employee Privacy – The Beat Goes On : Public
Employer Compliance with Employee Privacy
Rights & The Stored Communications Act
Part 2: Third Annual Labor & Municipal
Employment (LAME) Awards
Part 3: Roundtable Discussion on Topics of Interest
Daniel D. Crean
Executive Director
New Hampshire Municipal Association
Pembroke, New Hampshire
Lisa Soronen
Executive Director
State and Local Legal Center
Washington, DC
Telecommunications Section Workshop
8:45 am – 10: 15 am
Congressional B
West End
D Block Legislation Status/Results
BTOP Grant Status of 700 MHz Grants
Gerard Lavery Lederer
Best Best & Krieger, LLP
Washington, DC
Daniel D. Crean
Executive Director
New Hampshire Municipal Association
Pembroke, New Hampshire
IMLA/WJA Joint Welcoming Reception
(Badge Required)
6:30 pm – 8:00 pm
Diplomat Ballroom
West End
MONDAY, APRIL 23, 2012
FCC Waiver Grants/PSST Status for 700 MHz LTE
James Hobson
Best Best & Krieger, LLP
Washington, DC
IMLA Networking—State Breakfasts
(Advance Tickets Required)
7:15 am - 8:30 am
Empire Ballroom / Lower Level
West End
USF/E-Rate/Life-Line Developments for
Local Governments
Nicholas Miller
Best Best & Krieger, LLP
Washington, DC
IMLA/WJA Registration and Exhibit Area
7:30 am – 12 Noon
(Closed 12 Noon – 1:30 pm)
1:45 pm – 5:00 pm
Palladian Foyer
West End
The Cable - Verizon Spectrum Deal: Its Impact on
Local Government
Michael Ruger
Senior Director, Government Affairs
Comcast Cable Communications, LLC
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
IMLA /WJA Joint Coffee Break
10:15 am – 10:30 am
Diplomat and Congressional Foyers
West End
IMLA/WJA Monday Speakers’ Ready Room
8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Forum Room
West End
Opening Ceremonies
8:30 am – 8:45 am
Palladian Ballroom
West End
Ethics Section Workshop
10:30 am – 11:30 am
Congressional A
West End
WJA Programming
8:45 am – 5:00 pm
Congressional A & B
West End
Online Privacy Policies’ Impact on Municipal Law
Practice; and Ethical Considerations in Metadata
Mining — Conflicting Standards
Pete Haskel
Executive Assistant City Attorney
Dallas, Texas
Work Session I – No Rest and Relaxation:
The New R&R (Responsibilities & Requirements)
of Issuing Municipal Securities
8:45 am – 10:15 am
Palladian Ballroom
West End
University Cities Working Group Meeting
10:30 am – 11:30 am
Congressional B
West End
Moderator: Robert W. Doty
General Counsel and Senior Vice-President
Government Financial Strategies Inc.
President, AGFS
Sacramento, California
Chair: Marion J. Radson
City Attorney
Gainesville, Florida
9 IMLA MId-Year 2012
The 2012 IMLA Mid-Year Seminar
P r o G r A M
Britt K. Strottman
Meyers Nave
Oakland, California
Ownership, Regulation and Takings Issues:
Beaches and Coastal Regions
Julian Grant
Assistant Attorney General
Austin Texas Office of the Attorney General
Municipal Affairs Section
Austin, Texas
Recent Securities Law Developments Affecting
Issuers (Good & Bad News)
Robert W. Doty
General Counsel and Senior Vice-President
Government Financial Strategies Inc.
President, AGFS
Sacramento, California
Lynnette Kelly
Executive Director, Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board
Alexandria, Virginia
Mary N. Simpkins
Senior Special Counsel, Office of Municipal Securities
Division of Trading and Markets
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
Washington, DC
Alexandra “Sandy” MacLennan
Squire Sanders (US) LLP
Tampa, Florida
Work Session II – Land Use ABCs: Blight, Crisis
Management, and Development
8:45 am – 10:15 am
Diplomat Ballroom
West End
Moderator: Lori Riordan
City Attorney
Bellevue, Washington
Urban Blight
Benjamin S. Goldman
Hand Arendall, LLC
Birmingham, Alabama
The San Bruno California Natural Gas Pipeline
Explosion- Response, Investigation and Regulatory
Steve Myers
Meyers Nave
Oakland, California
10 IMLA MId-Year 2012
IMLA /WJA Joint Coffee Break
10:15 am – 10:30 am
Diplomat and Palladian Ballroom Foyers
West End
Work Session III –What’s New in
Telecommunications and the FCC
10:30 am – Noon
Palladian Ballroom
West End
Moderator: Gerard Lavery Lederer
Best Best & Krieger, LLP
Washington, DC
The “New” FCC Relationship With Local Governments
and the City of Arlington Appeal
AC and FCC Outreach to Local Governments
Steve Klitzman & Gregory Vadas
Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau
Federal Communications Commission
Washington, DC
NOI, Description of the Work, Proceeding and IMLA’s
Role in the FCC
Joseph Van Eaton
Best Best & Krieger, LLP
Washington, DC
The 5th Circuit’s Cell Tower Shot-Clock Decision and
What It Means for FCC Intrusion into Local Land Use
and Other Local Government Authority
Tillman L. Lay
Spiegel & McDiarmid LLP
Washington, DC
Work Session IV—Bread and Circuses:
Financing Sport Arenas, and Proactively Managing
the Risks of Default as to Covenants to Play
10:30 am - Noon
Diplomat Ballroom
West End
Moderator: Cathy Hampton
City Attorney
Atlanta, Georgia
Moderator: Mark R. Hayes
General Counsel
Arkansas Municipal League
North Little Rock, Arkansas
Jacqueline Byers
Director of Research & Outreach
National Association of Counties
Washington, DC
William R. Baldiga
Brown Rudnick LLP
Boston, Massachusetts
Victor Matheson
Associate Professor
College of the Holy Cross
Worcester, Massachusetts
Craig Tindall
City Attorney
Glendale, Arizona
Joint Luncheon: IMLA/WJA
and Amicus Awards Ceremony
12:10 pm – 1:40 pm
Empire Ballroom
West End
Luncheon Speaker
Robert C. (Bob) Springer
(Colonel, USMC, Ret.)
NASA Astronaut (Former)
Amicus Awards
The International Municipal Lawyers Association’s
Amicus Service Award seeks to recognize lawyers who
have been actively involved in legal advocacy for and
on behalf of local governments and IMLA, and who
have done exemplary work to protect and advance local
government interests. Join us in recognizing those
honored as recipients this year during this luncheon.
IMLA Legal Advocacy Chair
Sheryl King Benford
General Counsel
Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority
Cleveland, Ohio
Work Session V – A Look at Congress: Federal
Legislative Updates
1:45 pm – 3:15 pm
Palladian Ballroom
West End
Carolyn M. Coleman
Director, Federal Relations
National League of Cities
Washington, DC
Susan Gaffney
Director, Federal Liaison Center
Government Finance Officers Association
Washington, DC
Edward A. Somers
Chief of Staff
The U.S. Conference of Mayors
Washington, DC
Work Session VI – Local Government Hot Topics
1:45 pm – 3:15 pm
Diplomat Ballroom
West End
Moderator: Ignacio Ramirez
City Attorney
Baytown, Texas
“Swimming with Cats”: Regulating and
Contracting with Towing Companies
Miles Risley
City Attorney and Urban Planner
Wichita Falls, Texas
EPA/Water Issues
Shawn D. Hagerty
Best Best & Krieger LLP
San Diego, California
Speech and Assembly Rights
Anne Marie Vassallo McKinnon
Attorney at Law
Tysons Corner, Virginia
IMLA/WJA Joint Coffee Break
3:15 pm – 3:30 pm
Diplomat and Palladian Ballroom Foyers
West End
11 IMLA MId-Year 2012
The 2012 IMLA Mid-Year Seminar
P r o G r A M
Mary Ellen Bench, Co-Chair
City Solicitor
Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
Arthur Gutekunst, Co-Chair
Sr. Assistant Corporation Counsel
White Plains, New York
International Committee Business Meeting
5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Forum Room
West End
Work Session VII—The Supreme Court in
Review, 2012
3:30 pm – 5:00 pm
Palladian Ballroom
West End
Moderator: Sheryl King Benford
General Counsel
Greater Cleveland Regional Transit
Authority, Cleveland, Ohio
Professor Jeffrey Rosen
George Washington University Law School
Washington, DC
Paul D. Clement
Bancroft, PLLC
Washington, DC
Lisa Soronen
Executive Director
State and Local Legal Center
Washington, DC
Large Population Centers Meeting
5:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Cabinet Room
West End
Tom Perkins, Co-Chair
City Attorney
Dallas, Texas
Robert Hagemann, Co-Chair
City Attorney
Charlotte, North Carolina
Membership Committee Meeting with State Chairs
and Regional Vice Presidents
5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Directors Room
West End
12 IMLA MId-Year 2012
Benjamin E. Griffith, Chair
Board Attorney
YMD Joint Water Management District
Cleveland, Mississippi
Joint IMLA/WJA Registration and Exhibit Area
7:30 am – 12 Noon
Palladian Foyer
West End
WJA Programming
8:45 am – 3:00 pm
Diplomat Ballroom
West End
Work Session VIII – “Shots Fired!”: Forensic
Reconstruction of Officer-Involved Shootings
8:15 am – 9:15 am
Palladian Ballroom
West End
Moderator: Kit Williams
City Attorney
Fayetteville, Arkansas
Michael A. Knox
Forensic Consultant
Knox & Associates, LLC
Jacksonville, Florida
Work Session IX – The Law and Mother Nature:
From Green Buildings to Natural Disasters
9:15 am – 10:15 am
Palladian Ballroom
West End
Moderator: Sam H. Edwards
Chief Legal Counsel
Greater Nashville Regional Council
Nashville, Tennessee
“Green Building: Starting to Show Us the Money”
Timothy Hollister
Town Attorney
Colchester, Connecticut
Disaster Response
Lee Hoffman
Pullman and Comley
Hartford, Connecticut
IMLA/WJA Joint Coffee Break
10:15 am – 10:30 am
Palladian Ballroom Foyer
West End
Work Session X – Ethics
10:30 am – Noon
Palladian Ballroom
West End
IMLA’s ANNUAL coNfereNce
IN AUstIN, texAs, octoBer 21-24
Moderator: Irvin B. Nathan
Attorney General
for the District of Columbia
Washington, DC
Ethics Reform
Thorn L. Pozen
Stinson Morrison Hecker LLP
Washington, DC
Andrea G. Bough
Stinson Morrison Hecker LLP
Kansas City, Missouri
William John Kearns, Jr.
General Counsel
New Jersey League of Municipalities
Willingboro, New Jersey
Adjournment - See you in Austin!
13 IMLA MId-Year 2012
The 2012 IMLA Mid-Year Seminar
Ethics Section Workshop
10:30 am – 11:30 am
Congressional A
West End
University Cities Working Group Meeting
10:30 am – 11:30 am
Congressional B
West End
IMLA Board of Directors Meeting
9:00 am – Noon
Diplomat Ballroom
West End
State League Counsel and Municipal Attorneys
Association Department Meeting
3:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Diplomat Ballroom
West End
SUNDAY, APRIL 22, 2012
IMLA and World Jurist Association (WJA)
Registration and Exhibit Area
8:00 am – 6:00 pm
(Closed 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm)
Palladian Foyer
West End
WJA Programming
9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Diplomat Ballroom
West End
Personnel Section Workshop
8:45 am – 10:15 am
Congressional A
West End
Telecommunications Section Workshop
8:45 am – 10: 15 am
Congressional B
West End
IMLA /WJA Joint Coffee Break
10:15 am – 10:30 am
Diplomat and Congressional Foyers
West End
14 IMLA MId-Year 2012
IMLA/WJA Joint Welcoming Reception
(Badge Required)
6:30 pm – 8:00 pm
Diplomat Ballroom
West End
MONDAY, APRIL 23, 2012
IMLA Networking—State Breakfasts
(Advance Tickets Required)
7:15 am - 8:30 am
Empire Ballroom / Lower Level
West End
IMLA/ WJA Registration and Exhibit Area
7:30 am – 12 Noon
(Closed 12 Noon – 1:30 pm)
1:45 pm – 5:00 pm
Palladian Foyer
West End
IMLA/WJA Monday Speakers’ Ready Room
8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Forum Room
West End
Opening Ceremonies
8:30 am – 8:45 am
Palladian Ballroom
West End
WJA Programming
8:45 am – 5:00 pm
Congressional A & B
West End
Work Session I— No Rest and Relaxation:
The New R&R (Responsibilities & Requirements)
of Issuing Municipal Securities
8:45 am – 10:15 am
Palladian Ballroom
West End
Work Session II—Land Use ABCs: Blight, Crisis
Management, and Development
8:45 am – 10:15 am
Diplomat Ballroom
West End
Large Population Centers Meeting
5:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Cabinet Room
West End
Membership Committee Meeting with State
Chairs and Regional Vice Presidents
5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Directors Room
West End
IMLA /WJA Joint Coffee Break
10:15 am – 10:30 am
Diplomat and Palladian Ballroom Foyers
West End
Work Session III—What’s New in
Telecommunications and the FCC
10:30 am – Noon
Palladian Ballroom
West End
Work Session IV— Bread and Circuses: Financing
Sport Arenas
10:30 am - Noon
Diplomat Ballroom
West End
Joint Luncheon: IMLA/WJA and Amicus
Awards Ceremony
12:10 pm – 1:40 pm
Empire Ballroom
West End
Work Session V—A Look at Congress: Federal
Legislative Updates
1:45 pm – 3:15 pm
Palladian Ballroom
West End
Work Session VI—Local Government Hot Topics
1:45 pm – 3:15 pm
Diplomat Ballroom
West End
IMLA/WJA Joint Coffee Break
3:15 pm – 3:30 pm
Diplomat and Palladian Ballroom Foyers
West End
International Committee Business Meeting
5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Forum Room
West End
Joint IMLA/WJA Registration and Exhibit Area
7:30 am – 12 Noon
Palladian Foyer
West End
WJA Programming
8:45 am – 3:00 pm
Diplomat Ballroom
West End
Work Session VIII – “Shots Fired!”: Forensic
Reconstruction of Officer-Involved Shootings
8:15 am – 9:15 am
Palladian Ballroom
West End
Work Session IX – The Law and Mother Nature:
From Green Buildings to Natural Disasters
9:15 am – 10:15 am
Palladian Ballroom
West End
IMLA/WJA Joint Coffee Break
10:15 am – 10:30 am
Palladian Ballroom Foyer
West End
Work Session X – Ethics
10:30 am – Noon
Palladian Ballroom
West End
Adjournment-See You in Austin!
Work Session VII—The Supreme Court in Review, 2012
3:30 pm – 5:00 pm
Palladian Ballroom
West End
15 IMLA MId-Year 2012
Sunday APRIL 22
7:00 am
8:00 am
9:00 am
10:00 am
11:00 am
12:00 Noon
1:00 pm
2:00 pm
3:00 pm
4:00 pm
5:00 pm
6:00 pm
7:00 pm
8:00 pm
16 IMLA MId-Year 2012
Monday APRIL 23
Tuesday APRIL 24
Education: He graduated from Ashland High
School, Ashland, Ohio, in 1960. Springer continued his education and received a Bachelor of
Science degree in naval science from the United
States Naval Academy in 1964 and a master of
science in operations research and systems analysis
from the U. S. Naval Postgraduate School in 1971.
Organizations: When not involved with his
family or pursuing a recreational activity, Springer
is an active member of the Society of Experimental Test Pilots, the Marine Corps Aviation Association, and the United States Naval Academy
Alumni Association. He was also a member of
the Operations Research Society and the Military
Operations Research Society. Springer was named
one of the Jaycee’s Outstanding Young Men in
America in 1977.
Special Honors: While serving in the United
States Marine Corps, Springer received the
Defense Distinguished Service Medal, Legion
of Merit, Navy Distinguished Flying Cross, Bronze
Star, Navy Commendation Medal (second award),
Navy Achievement Medal, NASA Space Flight
Medal, Intelligence Achievement Medal, NASA
Distinguished Service Medal, Combat
Action Ribbon, Presidential Unit Citation, Navy
Unit Citation and various Vietnam Campaign
ribbons and service awards.
Robert C. (Bob) Springer
(Colonel, USMC, Ret.)
NASA Astronaut (former)
Personal Data: Springer was born on May 21, 1942,
in St. Louis, Missouri, but considers Ashland, Ohio, to
be his hometown. He is married to the former Deborah
Lee Horchler, and they have four children. Springer
stays active by participating in long-distance running,
golf and kayaking.
Experience: Springer received a commission in
the United States Marine Corps following graduation from Annapolis in 1964. He attended the
Marine Corps Basic School at Quantico, Virginia,
before reporting to the Navy Air Training Command for flight training at Pensacola, Florida, and
Beeville, Texas. Upon receiving his aviator wings
in August 1966, he was assigned to VMFA-513 at
the Marine Corps Air Station, Cherry Point, North
Carolina, where he flew F-4 aircraft. He was subsequently assigned to VMFA-115 at Chu Lai in
the Republic of Vietnam, where he flew F-4s and
completed 300 combat missions. In June 1968,
he served as an advisor to the Republic of Korea
Military Corps in Vietnam and flew 250 combat
missions in 01 “Bird Dogs” and UH-1 “Huey” helicopters. When Springer returned to the United
States later in 1968 to attend the U. S. Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California, and in
17 IMLA MId-Year 2012
March 1971, he reported to the Third Marine Aircraft
Wing at El Toro, California and was assigned as wing
operations analysis officer. He flew UH-1E Huey helicopters in 1972 while with HML-267 at Camp Pendleton, California, and then went on to fly Huey helicopters
with HML-367, First Marine Aircraft Wing, at Okinawa,
Japan. As an Aircraft Maintenance Officer with VMFA451, Springer flew F-4 “Phantoms” and also attended the
Navy Fighter Weapons School (Top Gun) while at Beaufort, South Carolina.
A 1975 graduate of the U. S. Navy Test Pilot School
at Patuxent River, Maryland, he served as head of the
Ordnance Systems Branch and was a test pilot for more
than 20 different types of fixed- and rotary-winged aircraft. In this capacity, he performed the first flights in
the AHIT helicopter. He graduated from the Armed Forces Staff College in
Norfolk, Virginia, in 1978 and was assigned to Headquarters Fleet Marine Force, Atlantic, where he assumed
responsibility for Joint Operational Planning for Marine
Forces in NATO and the Middle East. He was serving as
aide-de-camp for the commanding general, Fleet Marine
Force, Atlantic, when advised of his selection by NASA.
To date, Springer has logged more than 4,500 hours of
flying time, including 3,500 hours in jet aircraft.
NASA Experience: Selected as an astronaut candidate
by NASA in May of 1980, Springer became an astronaut
in August 1981. His technical assignments have included support crew for STS-3, concept development studies
for the Space Operations Center and the coordination of
various aspects of the final development of the remote
manipulator system for operational use as well as working in the Mission Control Center as orbit CAPCOM for
seven flights in 1984 and 1985.
Springer was responsible for Astronaut Office coordination of the Design Requirements Reviews (DRRs) and
Design Certification Reviews (DCRs). These review efforts encompassed the total recertification and reverification of the NSTS prior to STS-26 return to flight status.
Twice flown, Springer has logged more than 237 hours
in space. He was a mission specialist on STS-29 in 1989
and STS-38 in 1990.
18 IMLA MId-Year 2012
In December 1990, Springer retired from NASA
and the U.S. Marine Corps. He is currently employed by The Boeing Company as director of
quality systems, Integrated Defense Systems.
Spaceflight Experience: STS-29 Discovery
(March 13 to March 18, 1989) was launched from
Kennedy Space Center in Florida. During 80
orbits of the Earth on this highly successful 5-day
mission, the crew deployed a tracking and data
relay satellite and performed numerous secondary
experiments, including a space station heat pipe
radiator experiment, two student experiments, a
protein crystal growth experiment and a chromosome and plant cell division experiment. In addition, the crew took more than 4,000 photographs of
the Earth using several types of cameras, including
the IMAX 70mm movie camera. Mission duration
was 119 hours and concluded with a landing at
Edwards Air Force Base in California.
STS-38 Atlantis (November 15 to November 20,
1990) was launched at night from Kennedy Space
Center. During the 5-day mission, the crew
conducted Department of Defense operations. After 80 orbits of the Earth, in the first shuttle
recovery in Florida since 1985, Space Shuttle
Atlantis and her crew landed back at Kennedy
Space Center. In completing his second mission,
Springer logged more than 237 hours in space.
William R. Baldiga is
the Managing Director of
Brown Rudnick’s Litigation &
Restructuring Department, which
includes its worldwide bankruptcy
and finance practice. He often
represents middle market public
and private companies in chapter
11 proceedings, official and ad hoc
equity and creditor committees
and strategic investors in complex
reorganization proceedings. He has
particular experience in bankruptcy
litigation, especially as trial counsel
in valuation and plan confirmation
contests. He is recognized by
Woodward/White’s The Best
Lawyers in America in the area of
Bankruptcy and Creditor-Debtor
Rights Law, and by Chambers USA:
America’s Leading Lawyers for
Business as a leading bankruptcy
lawyer. He represents the City of
Glendale, Arizona as the largest
creditor and owner of the arena in
the chapter 11 proceedings of the
NHL’s Phoenix Coyotes hockey
franchise. He also represents
Beacon Power Corporation, a
publicly traded green technology
company in its chapter 11
proceedings pending in Delaware,
including as to the resolution of its
financing and other relationships
with the U.S. Department of
Energy. He represents the City of
St. Petersburg, Florida regarding
its interests in Tropicana Field and
the Tampa Bay Rays major league
baseball team’s commitment to
play at Tropicana Field. In 2010,
Mr. Baldiga represented GSI Corp.,
a publicly traded semi-conductor
and components manufacturer,
in its chapter 11 proceedings and
companion CCAA, culminating in
its successful reorganization and
$100 million section 1145 exempt
rights offering. He represented the
official equity committee and plan
sponsor in Riverstone Networks,
a publicly traded technology
company, achieving distributions
to stockholders exceeding stock
trading value within nine months
of filing. He also represented
the senior lender syndicate in
connection with the out-ofcourt restructuring of the Buffalo
Sabres NHL hockey franchise
and arena. He is a Contributing
Editor, The Bankruptcy Strategist;
publisher of several articles in law
reviews, journals and newsletters
on issues including chapter 11
practice, asset-based leasing and
plan confirmation litigation. Mr.
Baldiga is also a regular speaker
at national and regional seminars
as to developments in bankruptcy
litigation, fiduciary duties in
insolvency matters, lender liability
and precious metals finance. He
is admitted to practice law in New
York and Massachusetts. He is a
member of the First Circuit Court
of Appeals. He is specially admitted
in federal courts in more than
twenty districts.
Andrea G. Bough is a member
of the Stinson Morrison Hecker
firm’s Real Estate Division. She
serves as special interim zoning
council for the City of Fairway,
Kansas, Board of Zoning Appeals
and Planning Commission, and
also represents the Board of
Zoning Appeals and the Planning
Commission for the City of
Mission Hills, Kansas. She currently
chairs the Mayor’s Commission
on Ethics Reform for the City of
Kansas City, Missouri, and served
on Kansas City, Missouri Mayor
Sylvester “Sly” James’s transition
team. Prior to joining Stinson
Morrison Hecker, Andrea was
an associate at Lewis, Rice and
Fingersh where she practiced in the
area of economic development and
planning and zoning, representing
national clients on complex, multimillion dollar redevelopment
projects at the local and state level.
19 IMLA MId-Year 2012
Andrea has presented at seminars
on topics including land use and
development and Missouri and
Kansas sunshine laws. Ms. Bough
graduated from the University of
Missouri-Kansas City, J.D., with
distinction, 2000 Administrative
Editor, UMKC Law Review Staff
Member, Urban Lawyer and
Missouri State University, B.S.,
Political Science, 1993. After law
school, Andrea clerked for the
Hon. Harold Lowenstein and the
Hon. Patricia Breckenridge of the
Missouri Court of Appeals for the
Western District of Missouri.
Jacqueline J. Byers has
served as the Director of the
Research Division at the National
Association of Counties since
October 1996, Jacqueline
manages the research effort
for the organization. She also
sits as a member of several
advisory boards, task forces and
commissions, including the 2010
Census Advisory Committee.
Prior to coming to NACo, she
was an Assistant Director at
the Georgia Department of
Community Affairs where she
directed the Research Center.
She was also a visiting professor
in the MPA program at the
University of Georgia and is
currently an adjunct professor
at the Carl Vinson Institute
of Government, at UGA. She
has been a guest lecturer in the
Public Administration programs
at Boise State University and
Cornell University. In June 2003,
she traveled to Africa as part
of a Michigan State University
delegation and presented
training sessions on federalism
and governance to African local
20 IMLA MId-Year 2012
officials in Ghana and Malawi.
She is also the NACo staff liaison
to the National Association of
County Civil Attorneys and the
National Association of County
Administrators. Jacqueline has
a BA from Bloomfield College,
Bloomfield, NJ and a Juris
Doctor from Catholic University,
Columbus School of Law. She is a
member of the DC Bar.
Paul D. Clement is a partner
at Bancroft PLLC. He served as
the 43rd Solicitor General of the
United States. He has argued
over 55 cases before the United
States Supreme Court, including
McConnell v. FEC, Tennessee v.
Lane, Rumsfeld v. Padilla, Credit
Suisse v. Billing, United States v.
Booker and MGM v. Grokster.
He is counsel for Indianapolis in
Armour v. City of Indianapolis,
scheduled for oral argument this
term before the Supreme Court.
Clement is a native of Cedarburg,
Wisconsin. He received his bachelor’s degree summa cum laude
from the Georgetown University
School of Foreign Service and
a master’s degree in economics
from Cambridge University. He
graduated magna cum laude from
Harvard Law School, where he
was the Supreme Court editor of
the Harvard Law Review. Following graduation, Clement clerked
for Judge Laurence H. Silberman
of the U.S. Court of Appeals for
the D.C. Circuit and for Associate Justice Antonin Scalia of the
U.S. Supreme Court. Clement has
served as an Adjunct Professor at
the Georgetown University Law
Center since 1998 and is a Senior
Fellow of the Law Center’s Supreme Court Institute.
Daniel D. Crean of Crean Law
Office, Pembroke, New Hampshire
has practiced municipal law in
New Hampshire for more than 30
years, and teaches Land Use and
Environmental Law at Franklin
Pierce Law Center in Concord, N.H.
He has chaired and is currently vicechair of the N.H. Bar Association’s
Municipal and Governmental
Law Section, and founded the
New Hampshire Municipal
Lawyers Association, where he
now serves as Executive Director/
General Counsel. He is IMLA’s
New Hampshire State Chair, and
vice-chair of its Personnel Section.
Dan has authored articles for
Awareness in Action: The Journal
of New Hampshire Public Risk
Management, IMLA’s Municipal
Lawyer magazine, and the New
Hampshire Bar Journal. He
authored a chapter, Responding to
Changes in Building and Zoning
Codes, in the 2009 Aspatore
publication, Municipal Building
and Zoning Code Enforcement
Best Practices. Dan’s law office
is an approved provider of CLE
Seminars in New Hampshire. His
governmental service has included
terms on two Planning Boards, a
Board of Selectmen, a Regional
Planning Commission and the
State Board of Manufactured
Housing, along with sundry other
committees. He graduated from
Yale University and the University
of Wisconsin Law School.
Carolyn M. Coleman is the
Director of Federal Relations for
the National League of Cities,
the nation’s oldest and largest
organization representing
municipal governments. In
this role, Carolyn oversees the
organization’s efforts to ensure that
the local government perspective
is considered in federal policy
decisions involving Congress, key
federal agencies, the White House,
and the courts. Before joining NLC,
Carolyn held a variety of positions,
including deputy mayor for the
City of Indianapolis. A graduate
of the University of Kansas and the
Indiana University School of Law,
Carolyn also has practiced law in
the private sector.
Robert Doty is General Counsel
and Senior Vice President of
Government Financial Strategies,
Inc. in Sacramento. He has been
involved in the municipal securities
market for over 35 years. Mr. Doty
has served as Chair of the Section
on Economic Development,
Taxation and Finance of the
International Municipal Lawyers
Association and a recipient of
the Association’s Most Valuable
Associate Member Award; a
former General Counsel to the
Government Finance Officers
Association; a former member
of the Board of Governors of
and a recipient of the Municipal
Industry Contribution Award
from the National Federation
of Municipal Analysts; and
Vice President of the National
Association of Independent Public
Finance Advisors. He has worked
as a financial advisor, investment
banker, bond counsel, underwriter
counsel, issuer counsel, trustee
counsel and counsel to corporate
issuers in financing transactions
benefiting a wide variety of
issuers and other clients in two
dozen states. He represented the
United States as a member of a
delegation to China to discuss
public finance concepts. Over
the past three decades, Mr. Doty
has served in principal drafting
roles for a number of recognized
market disclosure guidance
publications sponsored variously
by the Government Finance
Officers Association, the National
Federation of Municipal Analysts,
the National Association of
Bond Lawyers, the American Bar
Association’s Section of State and
Local Government Law and a
subcommittee of the ABA’s Section
of Business Law, the California
Debt and Investment Advisory
Commission, and the International
Municipal Lawyers Association.
Mr. Doty received his Ll.B. from
Harvard Law School
Susan Gaffney is the Director
of the Federal Liaison Center in
Washington DC for the Government Finance Officers Association
(GFOA). She joined the GFOA
in November, 2000. The GFOA
represents over 17,500 city, county,
state, province, special districts, and
retirement systems in the United
States and Canada. As director of
the Federal Liaison Center, Ms.
Gaffney oversees the efforts to inform GFOA members about federal
legislation, regulations, judicial actions, and policies that affect public
finance functions, and represents
the interests of GFOA in Washington, D.C. Of particular interest,
Susan coordinates the efforts of the
Public Finance Network (PFN),
which includes members from state
and local government communities.
The PFN serves as an educational
entity to inform Members of Congress, their staffs, and the administration of important public finance
issues affecting our groups. Prior
to joining the GFOA, Ms. Gaffney
was Director of Government, Marketing and Conference Affairs at
the Economic Strategy Institute, a
Washington think-tank specializing
in economic and trade policy. She
began her career in the Office of
Congressman Peter Hoagland (DNE), a member of the House Ways
and Means Committee, and worked
with him from 1991 through 1995.
Ms. Gaffney graduated from the
University of Nebraska at Omaha.
Benjamin S. Goldman is with
the firm of Hand Arendall, LLC.;
since 2001, he has practiced
in Birmingham as a litigator,
successfully defending clients
through all stages of federal
and state court litigation,
including trial and appeal. Mr.
Goldman has represented over
fifty Alabama municipalities,
utilities, development boards,
and other governmental
entities. Furthermore, Ben has
served as corporate counsel to
local, regional, and national
businesses, representing them
in such matters as contract
negotiations, employment issues,
and collections, and he has
represented and advised lenders
and large creditors in bankruptcy
proceedings. Pursuant to
appointments, he presently serves
as City Attorney and Prosecutor
for Tarrant, Alabama, and as Town
Attorney for Mulga, Alabama. Ben
graduated magna cum laude, with
a B.A. from Spring Hill College.
He obtained his J.D. from the
University of Alabama School
of Law where he was a member
of the National Trial Advocacy
Team, a member of the Bench
and Bar Legal Honor Society, a
21 IMLA MId-Year 2012
Student Bar Association Senator,
and an Honor Court Justice. In
service to his community, Ben
is currently a member of the
Birmingham Hospitality Network
Board of Directors, a member
of the Legal Aid Society of
Birmingham Board of Directors,
a volunteer for the Alabama State
Bar Volunteer Lawyers Program,
a member of the Tarrant-Pinson
Valley Chamber of Commerce, a
member of the Birmingham TipOff Club, and a member of the
Crewe of Columbus. Among his
recognitions, Ben has been named
an “Alabama Rising Star” by Super
Lawyers. He is a recipient of The
Literacy Council’s Distinguished
Partner Award and the National
MS Society Leadership Award.
He is also a graduate of the 2009
IADC Trial Academy hosted by
Stanford Law School in Palo Alto,
California, and he is a graduate of
the Alabama State Bar Leadership
Forum Class 7.
Julian Grant has been Assistant
Attorney General in charge of
the Municipal Affairs Section of
the Office of the Texas Attorney
General since 2003. His section
answers questions from city
officials and state legislators with
concerns on municipal law issues.
Julian served eight years as Deputy
City Attorney of Temple. He was
a briefing attorney for the Third
(Austin) Court of Appeals, an
administrative judge for the Texas
Workforce Commission, and an
associate in private practice in
Galveston. He graduated with
honors from the University of
Texas School of Law with honors
and obtained his undergraduate
degree with honors from Harvard
22 IMLA MId-Year 2012
University. Julian has written
papers and spoken at conferences
on issues such as economic
development, hotel/motel taxation,
open government, municipal
courts training, dual office holding
restrictions, conflicts of interest
laws, public procurement law, and
eminent domain. He is licensed
to practice in the United States
Southern and Western Districts of
Texas. He is recorder of the Land
Use Section of the International
Municipal Lawyers Association
(IMLA) and a 2010 IMLA Local
Government Fellow. He is a longtime member of the College of
the State Bar, a past-president
of Bell County Young Lawyers
Association, and a past board
member of Legal Aid of Central
Texas. Julian is past-president of
the South Austin Rotary Club,
the Rotary District Youth Chair,
and a certified lay speaker in the
Methodist Church. He is married
to Lisa Plank-Grant, a Methodist
children’s minister, and they have
a family of six children that resides
near Belton, Texas.
Shawn Hagerty is a partner in
the Municipal Law practice group
of Best Best & Krieger LLP. He is
the Chair of the firm’s NPDES/
Stormwater sub-group. Mr.
Hagerty provides both advisory and
litigation services on water quality
issues under the Clean Water Act
and California’s Porter-Cologne
Water Quality Control Act.
Pete Haskel is an Executive
Assistant City Attorney in Dallas,
Texas, where he heads the General
Litigation Section and chairs the
Technical Advisory Committee. He
is an active member of the Sedona
Conference’s Working Group on
Electronic Document Retention and
Production, and also heads IMLA’s
working group on electronic
discovery and legal holds. Pete often
speaks on litigation, bankruptcy,
ethics, and technology topics. Pete
also runs the “wildly popular”
CityAttorneyTech Yahoo discussion
group/CityAttorneyTech, for which
he is always seeking new members. He is admitted to practice in New
York and Texas, and received both
his B.A. and J.D. degrees from
James R. Hobson is of counsel
in Best Best & Krieger LLP’s
Municipal & Redevelopment
Law practice group in the firm’s
Washington, D.C. office. Prior to
joining the firm in 2011, he was
an attorney with Miller & Van
Eaton, a nationally-recognized
telecommunications law firm. Mr.
Hobson has 40 years of experience
in cable television, wire and wireless
communications as a Federal
Communications Commission
(FCC) official, corporation lawyer
and private legal practitioner. At
the FCC from 1972-78, his posts
included special assistant to the
chairman (1974) and chief, cable
television bureau, 1976-78. As
Washington counsel for GTE,
1978-91, Mr. Hobson’s assignments
included the early stages of the
video dial-tone docket and the grant
to GTE California of the first telcocable urban cross-ownership waiver
in Cerritos. Congress changed the
law in 1996 to allow telco entry
into cable television. As a private
practice attorney, Mr. Hobson
has worked on video, wire and
wireless communications matters
for a number of clients. Within the
field of wireless communications,
he has developed a specialty in
public safety communications,
including 9-1-1 emergency
calling and rebanding of the 800
MHz spectrum. Mr. Hobson
also is consulted regularly by
local governments and citizens’
groups on the siting of wireless
communications facilities under
zoning codes and ordinances. He
was a member of the statutory
panel of arbitrators which in
1992 recommended changes
in the 1993-94 fees paid for
satellite carrier delivery of superstation and network TV signals
to backyard dish receivers. Mr.
Hobson holds undergraduate and
graduate degrees from Cornell and
Georgetown Universities, and his
law degree is from the University
of San Francisco. He is admitted
to practice in California as well as
the District of Columbia. Besides
having served on the American
Arbitration Association’s National
Panel, he is a trained mediator.
Mr. Hobson is the co-author of
“Preemption of Local Regulation
of Radio Antennas,” Federal
Communications Law Journal,
Volume 46, No. 3 (1994), and the
co-editor of The Communications
Act: A Legislative History of the
Major Amendments, 1934-1996
(Pike & Fischer, 1999). His article,
“Wireless Facility Siting Under the
Communications Act,” appeared
in the March-April 2003 issue of
Municipal Lawyer, and an update,
with Matthew Schettenhelm, in
the November-December 2008
issue. Mr. Hobson has spoken at
numerous municipal association
conventions and seminars as well as
private educational forums.
Lee D. Hoffman advises clients in
the areas of energy law, utility matters and environmental law. Lee’s
work includes the siting and permitting of renewable and traditional
commercial power generation facilities, assisting with facility audits, negotiating interconnections, advising
companies on the ramifications associated with the acquisition or divestiture of assets, regulatory interpretation and the redevelopment of
contaminated sites (“brownfields”)
to productive use. Mr. Hoffman
served as one of two co-chairs of
Governor Dannel P. Malloy’s Energy Policy Working Group, and is a
member of the Connecticut General
Assembly’s Taskforce on Brownfields Strategies. Mr. Hoffman is a
graduate of Tulane University and
the George Washington University
Law School.
Timothy S. Hollister is a
partner with the firm Shipman
& Goodwin LLP in Hartford,
Connecticut. Tim practices
land use, environmental, and
municipal law, and co-chairs
Shipman & Goodwin’s 23-lawyer
Real Estate, Environmental and
Land Use Practice Group. He
is widely recognized for his
work in affordable housing
development, wetlands regulation,
and eminent domain. Tim is a
graduate of Wesleyan University
and Boston University School
of Law. He publishes a national
award-winning blog for parents
of teen drivers, found at www.
William John Kearns, Jr., a
founding partner of the Kearns,
Reale & Kearns law firm in
Willingboro, NJ, is admitted to
practice before the trial, appellate
and Supreme Courts of New
Jersey, the United States District
Court for the District of New
Jersey, the United States Court
of Appeals for the 3rd Circuit
and the United States Supreme
Court. He focuses his practice on
local government, municipal land
use, and business clients. He is
a graduate of St. Peter’s College
and the Rutgers University School
of Law [Newark]. He is General
Counsel for the New Jersey State
League of Municipalities, a Senior
Trustee of the New Jersey Institute
of Municipal Attorneys and a Past
President of the International
Municipal Lawyers Association.
He is a former Chair of the Local
Government Law and the Women's
Rights Sections of the New Jersey
State Bar Association. He has
earned the Diplomate in Local
Government Law designation
from the New Jersey Institute of
Local Government Attorneys and
was one of the original attorneys
to earn the designation as a Fellow
in Local Government Law from
the International Municipal
Lawyers Association. He is an
Instructor in the Diplomate in
Local Government Law program
and is a frequent author of articles
in legal and local government
publications. He regularly lectures
in New Jersey and nationally on
local government ethics, public
meetings, public records, e-mail and
social media and land use issues.
Mr. Kearns is a Past President
of the Burlington County Bar
Association. He is a Past President
and Director Emeritus for Life of
the Burlington County Chamber
of Commerce. Mr. Kearns serves
as attorney for and supervises the
23 IMLA MId-Year 2012
defense of claims on behalf of two
municipal joint insurance funds.
He is the Municipal Attorney for
Edgewater Park Township and
Florence Township and previously
served as the Municipal Attorney
for Beverly City, Bordentown
Township, Delanco Township and
Willingboro Township. He has
served as counsel to various other
municipalities, Planning Boards
and Zoning Boards of Adjustment.
He has held public office as a
member of the Willingboro
Township Council and as Mayor
of Willingboro. In August, 2009 he
was appointed as a member of the
NJ Governor’s Task Force on Local
Government Ethics.
Lynnette Kelly has been
the Executive Director of the
Municipal Securities Rulemaking
Board (MSRB) since June 2007. Ms. Kelly leads the day-to-day
management of the MSRB, a selfregulatory organization whose
mission is to protect investors and
municipal entities and to ensure
a fair and efficient municipal
securities market. It does so by
developing rules for securities firms,
banks and municipal advisors.
In addition, the MSRB operates
information systems, including
the Electronic Municipal Market
Access (EMMA) system, designed
to promote transparency and access
to information. The MSRB also
conducts extensive education and
outreach activities and serves as an
objective and expert resource and
repository of municipal market
information. Previously, Ms. Kelly
was a managing director and
associate general counsel of the
Securities Industry and Financial
Markets Association (SIFMA). 24 IMLA MId-Year 2012
In that role, she was responsible
at SIFMA (formerly The Bond
Market Association) for helping
to shape the development and
implementation of legal, regulatory
and best market practices in
the fixed income markets, with
a focus on municipal finance. From 1990 to 1993, she served as
general counsel for the Municipal
Assistance Corporation for the City
of New York, and has worked at
several law firms in New York City
in all areas of municipal finance. She graduated from the University
of Nebraska in 1981 and from
Tulane University School of Law in
1984. She also completed executive
education courses at the Harvard
Business School and the University
of Pennsylvania Wharton School.
Stephen (“Steve”) Klitzman
is Deputy Chief, Consumer and
Governmental Affairs Bureau,
Office of Intergovernmental
Affairs, Federal Communications
Commission. His primary
responsibility is to conduct
outreach to state and local
governments and their trade and
professional associations on major
FCC policy issues such as expanded
broadband deployment and
adoption, the transition to digital
TV, and the siting of wireless radio
towers. At the FCC, Steve has also
served as a senior attorney in the
Office of General Counsel and as
Associate Director of the Office
of Legislative Affairs. Since 1985,
Steve has also been an adjunct
professor of communications
and First Amendment law in the
Institute for Communications Law
Studies, Columbus School of Law,
the Catholic University of America,
in Washington, D.C. Prior to
the FCC, Steve worked as Chief
Counsel and Staff Director, Senate
Committee on Governmental
Affairs, Subcommittee on Oversight
of Government Management, Staff
Counsel, Senate Committee on
the Judiciary, Subcommittee on
Administrative Law and Practice,
and Staff Attorney, Administrative
Conference of the United States
(ACUS). Steve also served as a
Peace Corps Volunteer teaching an
8th grade class in Fiji on Kadavu
Island. Steve is a graduate of the
University of Pennsylvania (B.A.),
Stanford University (M.A.), and
Georgetown University (J.D.).
Steve served at ACUS as a staff
attorney when Congress enacted
the Government in the Sunshine
Act in 1976. The statute requires
multi-member federal agencies
like the FCC and the Securities &
Exchange Commission to open
their meetings to the public,
or close them under various
procedural requirements. The
statute also required agencies to
consult with ACUS when enacting
their individual Sunshine Act
rules. Based on these agency
consultations, Steve co-authored
An Interpretive Guide to the
Government in the Sunshine Act,
published in 1978. Relied on by
the courts, agencies and academics
as the “leading commentary” on
the federal open meeting law, the
Sunshine Guide was cited by the
Supreme Court in its first and only
decision to date on the federal
Sunshine Act, FCC v. ITT World
Communications, 466 U.S. 463,
471-72 (1984). In November 2005,
the American Bar Association,
Section of Administrative Law and
Regulatory Practice, published a
Second Edition of the Interpretive
Guide. In February 2007, the ABA
published a reprint of the Second
Edition. See
abapubs/ books/5010043 . Steve
has also published a number of law
review and other periodical articles
on communications law and policy
issues. These include most recently
two book review-commentaries in
the communications law journal of
Catholic Law School, CommLaw
Conspectus. The first is entitled
“More Than A Fight Between the
Very Rich and the Very Wealthy:
The Impact of the Internet
on the Media Consolidation
and Ownership Debate.” (15
CommLaw Conspectus, No. 2, 615
(2007)). The second is entitled “The
Fourteen Transformative Words of
the First Amendment: From Fear
to the ‘Courage to be Free’ ” (16
CommLaw Conspectus, No. 2, 567
(2008)). Steve is married to Justine
Lisser, a Senior Attorney at the
Equal Employment Opportunity
Commission. They have two sons,
Zachary, 24, a 2010 graduate of the
University of Pennsylvania, and
Jeremy, 19, a Second Year student
at the University of Virginia.
Michael Knox is a firearms,
ballistics, and crime scene
reconstruction expert from
Jacksonville, Florida and is owner of
Knox & Associates, LLC, a forensic
consulting firm. Mr. Knox has over
fifteen years of law enforcement
experience having served as a patrol
officer, crime scene investigator,
and traffic homicide detective. Mr.
Knox holds a Bachelor of Science
degree in mechanical engineering
from the University of North
Florida and a Master of Science
degree in forensic science from
the University of Florida. Mr.
Knox has led over 350 forensic
death scene investigations and has
investigated and reconstruction
hundreds of shooting incidents,
including dozens of policeinvolved shootings. Mr. Knox has
taught crime scene investigation
and reconstruction procedures
in the United States, the United
Arab Emirates, Peru, and the
Republic of Georgia. He has
testified as an expert in crime scene
reconstruction numerous times in
state and federal courts in Florida,
Alabama, Texas, and Illinois.
Tillman L. Lay is a partner in
the Washington, D.C., law firm
of Spiegel & McDiarmid LLP.
He has substantial experience
in litigation and counseling on
telecommunications, antitrust,
administrative and constitutional
law matters before administrative
agencies, federal courts, and
Congress. For more than 20 years,
Mr. Lay’s practice has been devoted
primarily to telecommunications,
cable television, broadband
and broadcasting matters,
representing clients on these
matters before Congress, the
FCC, the US Department of
Justice, and federal courts. He
has published articles on the
Telecommunications Act of 1996,
on the effect of telecommunications
convergence on federalism, on
the role of local governments in
telecommunications policy and
investment, and on antitrust
and regulatory issues relating to
telecommunications common
carriers and information service
providers. He has represented
municipal utility clients on
broadbandrelated matters. He also
has advised clients on Universal
Service Fund matters. Mr. Lay has
also has been directly involved in
major federal court litigation and
FCC proceedings concerning cable
television and telecommunications
issues. He represented a coalition
of local government interests in
Brand X Internet Services v. FCC,
a court appeal of an FCC decision
classifying cable Internet access
service. He also represented the
NLC in lobbying that culminated
in the Mobile Telecommunications
Sourcing Act of 2000, and he has
represented local government
interests in lobbying Congress in
connection with legislation relating
to the Internet tax moratorium.
Mr. Lay is a honors graduate of the
University of Tennessee and the
University of Michigan Law School.
After law school, he clerked for the
late Judge John C. Godbold of the
U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth
Circuit. Mr. Lay is a member of the
District of Columbia Bar and the
bars of the U.S. Supreme Court and
several U.S. Courts of Appeals.
Gerard Lavery Lederer is of
counsel in Best Best & Krieger LLP’s
Municipal and Redevelopment
Law practice group in the firm’s
Washington, D.C. office. Prior to
joining the firm in 2011, he was
an attorney with Miller & Van
Eaton, a nationally-recognized
telecommunications law firm. Mr.
Lederer serves as legislative counsel
to TeleCommUnity, a collection
of local governments dedicated to
ensuring respect for local rights in
federal legislative activity. He also
serves as counsel to the Alliance for
Community Media, the national
organization for public access
channels. Lederer is a well-known
advocate for public and private
25 IMLA MId-Year 2012
property owners regarding issues
of law and policy arising from
federal and state communications
legislation and regulation. He is
also one of the nation’s leading
experts on marketplace solutions
for the integration of technology
into commercial real estate. Mr.
Lederer is the author of Critical
Connections and Wired for
Profit, two leading guides on the
integration of telecommunications
technology into office buildings.
He developed the first model
license agreements for access to
buildings and rooftops to help
telecommunications service
providers and property owners
protect their interests. Mr.
Lederer has served as executive
director of advocacy and research
advancement for the Building
Owners and Managers Association,
International (BOMA); executive
director of government affairs
for the United States Telephone
Association; and general counsel
of the United States Conference
of Mayors and Chief Deputy
City Commissioner of the City
of Philadelphia. He is a member
of the Federal Communications
Bar Association. Mr. Lederer
is admitted to practice in the
State of New Jersey and the
District of Columbia, and is an
inactive member of the bar of the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
He received his law degree,
with honors, from Temple
University School of Law and his
undergraduate degree, also with
honors, from Haverford College.
Alexandra M. (Sandy)
MacLennan is a partner in
the Tampa, Florida office of
Squire, Sanders (US) LLP; she
26 IMLA MId-Year 2012
has focused on public finance
her entire legal career and has
extensive experience as bond
and disclosure counsel. She has
a diverse practice, representing
small and large issuers, conduit
borrowers, public hospital
districts and housing authorities,
among others. She is the chair
of her firm’s national Disclosure
Group that supports the public
finance practice group in matters
relating to federal securities
law and disclosure issues. She
speaks frequently on municipal
disclosure matters, both
nationally and locally. She has
served on the Steering Committee
for the National Association of
Bond Lawyers (NABL) Bond
Attorneys’ Workshop. She has
also served as a panelist at the
Tax & Securities Law Institute
presented by NABL and was the
chair of the 2009 Institute. Sandy
received her undergraduate
degree in journalism in 1980 and
her law degree, with honors, in
1984, both from the University
of Florida. She was elected to the
honor societies of Phi Kappa Phi
(undergraduate) and the Order of
the Coif (law school). She served
as student works editor of the
Florida Journal of International
Law in conjunction with the
publication’s inaugural issue in
1984. Sandy is a former chair
of the City, County and Local
Government Law Section of The
Florida Bar, has been named in
The Best Lawyers in America
each year since 2006 and, in 2010,
was recognized in Chambers
USA for banking and finance. In
September 2007, she was one of
the first Florida women elected as
a Fellow to the American College
of Bond Counsel. She is currently
serving a 3-year term on the
NABL Board of Directors.
Victor Matheson is an
associate professor in the
Department of Economics at
the College of the Holy Cross in
Worcester, MA. He earned his
Ph.D. in economics from the
University of Minnesota. He has
published extensively regarding
the economics of collegiate and
professional sports including
widely cited studies of the
economic impact of the Super
Bowl, the World Cup and the
Olympics. He has also worked as a
referee in the top professional and
intercollegiate soccer leagues in
the United States.
Anne Marie Vassallo
McKinnon practices land use,
administrative, alcoholic beverage
and local government law. She
represents large and small clients,
often in the Washington, DC
metro area, as they seek needed
government approvals. Anne
Marie combines her planning
degree, her legal knowledge as
well as her background as an AllAmerican gymnast to assist her
clients in jumping through the
hoops of the of the regulatory
environment. Anne Marie has
written about State takeover of a
municipality and green building
laws. When not stuck in prose,
she also likes to compose a welltargeted limerick or two. She is a
certified gymnastics official and
judges NCAA and children’s
competitions throughout the East
Steven Meyers has actively
practiced public agency law for over
35 years, serving as city attorney
and general counsel to dozens
of public agencies. His areas of
specialization are municipal and
public agency law, redevelopment,
land use and environmental work,
and extraordinary writs and appeals.
He formed the law firm Meyers Nave
in 1986. From its start-up as a threeattorney firm in one office, the firm
has grown to employ more than 85
attorneys in six offices throughout
California. Steven co-chairs the
Transportation and Infrastructure
Practice Group. Steven is recognized
statewide for his knowledge of
municipal law and his representation
of the legal interests of municipalities
in California. He has an exhaustive
knowledge of California law
and politics, and has 40 years of
cumulative experience assisting
municipalities and public agencies
toward achieving their policy
goals. As city attorney, Steven has
represented the cities of San Leandro,
Windsor, Suisun City and Rancho
Cordova. As general counsel, his
clients include or have included the
Menlo Park Fire Protection District,
West Valley Sanitation District,
East Bay Dischargers Authority,
Moraga Orinda Fire Department,
East Bay Regional Communications
Authority, Windsor Water District
and San Joaquin Area Flood Control
Agency. He also serves as special
counsel to the City of San Bruno in
the aftermath of the tragic pipeline
explosion. His work for these clients
has run the gamut from routine legal
counsel to the formation of multiagency authorities and advice on
transformative risk management
and capital improvement projects.
In addition to providing ongoing
municipal law advice and general
counsel, Steven has an active practice
in complex redevelopment and
related urban infill and housing
transactions. As counsel for these
transactions, he has negotiated and
drafted a number of agreements
and documents, from leases
and financing documents to
environmental and other regulatory
agreements. He has also handled the
negotiation and resolution of legal
issues associated with contaminated
properties, tideland disputes, coastal
zones and protected habitats, and
transportation and planning issues.
Steven is a sought-after speaker
on the topics of municipal law,
redevelopment and transit-oriented
development. He has presented
papers and provided trainings
worldwide on these topics. He
earned his JD at the University
of California, Hastings College of
the Law, 1973 and is a graduate of
the University of California Santa
Barbara, BS Political Science, 1969.
authorities across the nation in
the regulation, procurement,
deployment and operation of
modern telecommunications
systems. Mr. Miller is well-known
for the many telecommunications
transactions he has negotiated
on behalf of local governments,
including cable television franchises,
right-of-way agreements, fiber
optic and wireless partnerships, and
government owned and operated
telecommunications networks.
He has worked extensively with
the national local government
associations, as well as individual
communities, before the Federal
Communications Commission
and the Congress. Mr. Miller
has worked with international
multilateral agencies engaged in
telecommunications policy advice
to developing countries. He
represented local governments in
lobbying the Cable Act of 1984 and
1992, the AT&T divestiture and the
Telecommunications Act of 1996.
He represented the national
Nicholas P. Miller is a partner in coalition of education groups in
Best Best & Krieger LLP’s Municipal the development of the school and
and Redevelopment Law practice
library universal service discount
group in the firm’s Washington,
program established by the 1996
D.C. office. Prior to joining the firm Act. Mr. Miller received his law
in 2011, he was a named partner of degree and his undergraduate degree
Miller & Van Eaton, a nationally
in Economics from the University
recognized telecommunications
of Washington where he was a
law firm. Mr. Miller’s practice
member of the Washington Law
focuses on the law and policy
Review. Mr. Miller is a member of
governing modern wireline and
the Federal Communications Bar
wireless telecommunications
Association, and an honorary lifenetworks, and the legislative
time member and 1995 Member of
aspects of communications law.
the Year of the National Association
He previously served as the U. S.
of Telecommunications Officers
Senate Communications Counsel
and Advisors. He is also a member
and as a special consultant to
of the International Municipal
the White House on telephone
Lawyers Association which named
deregulation issues. He represents
him Associate Member of the Year
local governments and joint powers for 2008. He served in the U.S.
27 IMLA MId-Year 2012
Navy in Vietnam. Mr. Miller
was a founding partner of the
Washington, D.C. law firm of
Miller and Holbrooke.
Thorn Pozen is a partner in
the Washington, D.C. office of
Stinson Morrison Hecker. Prior
to joining Stinson, Thorn served
as Special Counsel in the District
of Columbia government, which
included the role of chief ethics
counselor. Prior to serving as
Special Counsel, Thorn has over
20 years of previous experience
working with and for the District
Miles Risley is the City Attorney of Wichita Falls, Texas. He
has practiced municipal law since
1994. Mr. Risley has dealt with
towing companies during every
year of his career as a municipal
lawyer. He has drafted municipal
towing contracts and ordinances,
successfully dealt with litigation
in state and federal court against
his towing provisions, and defended his ordinance and contract
provisions to the Texas Attorney
Jeffrey Rosen is a professor
of law at George Washington
University, the legal affairs editor
of The New Republic, and a
nonresident Senior Fellow at the
Brookings Institution. His most
recent book is The Supreme Court:
The Personalities and Rivalries that
Defined America, the bestselling
companion book to the PBS series
on the Supreme Court. He is also
the author of The Most Democratic
Branch, The Naked Crowd, and
The Unwanted Gaze, which The
New York Times called “the
28 IMLA MId-Year 2012
definitive text in privacy perils in
the digital age.” Rosen is a graduate
of Harvard College, summa cum
laude; Oxford University, where
he was a Marshall Scholar; and
Yale Law School. His essays and
commentaries have appeared in
the New York Times Magazine,
The Atlantic Monthly, on National
Public Radio, and in The New
Yorker, where he has been a staff
writer. The Chicago Tribune
named him one of the ten best
magazine journalists in America
and the L.A. Times called him
“the nation’s most widely read and
influential legal commentator.” He
lives in Washington, D.C. with his
wife Christine Rosen and two sons.
Michael Ruger is Senior
Director of Government Affairs of
Comcast Cable Communications,
LLC. Michael has held various
positions at the FCC, and was an
associate at Baker Hostetler. He
is a graduate of the Pennsylvania
State University, where he majored
in political science and psychology,
and received his law degree from
the Georgetown University Law
Center. He is a member of the
Pennsylvania and District of
Columbia bars.
Mary N. Simpkins is Senior
Special Counsel in the Office of
Municipal Securities, Division
of Trading and Markets, at the
U.S. Securities and Exchange
Commission. She joined the
Commission staff in 1997 after
practicing law for over 15 years
in the areas of municipal finance
and taxation with law firms in
Washington, D.C., New York and
Florida. Ms. Simpkins graduated
from Vanderbilt University,
where she was elected to Phi Beta
Kappa, and from the University of
Virginia School of Law. She also
received an LL.M. in Taxation
from New York University School
of Law.
Lisa Soronen is the Executive
Director of the State and Local
Legal Center (SLLC). In this role,
Lisa files amicus curiae briefs to the
United States Supreme Court on
behalf of members of the Big Seven
in cases involving federalism. Lisa
organizes moot courts for attorneys
representing state and local
government at the Supreme Court.
She also is a resource to Big Seven
members on legal issues affecting
state and local government,
particularly at the Supreme Court
level. Prior to joining the SLLC,
Lisa worked for the National
School Boards Association, the
Wisconsin Association of School
Boards, and clerked for the
Wisconsin Court of Appeals. She
earned her J.D. at the University
of Wisconsin Law School and is
a graduate of Central Michigan
Britt K. Strottman is a
member of the Meyers Nave
Litigation and Crisis Management:
Public Policy, Ethics and
Investigations practice groups, is a
skilled attorney with experience in
managing all aspects of litigation.
Her background encompasses
research, drafting complaints,
obtaining preliminary injunctive
relief, motion practice, pre-trial
discovery, drafting settlements,
jury and bench trials. She worked
in the Litigation Department at
Bingham McCutchen LLP in San
Francisco and in the White Collar
Investigations and Enforcement
group in Boston. Britt has
extensive experience regarding
white collar litigation, Public
Records Act and open meetings
laws, class action lawsuits, and
tobacco litigation from her position
as a Senior Assistant Attorney
General at the Ohio Attorney
General’s Office. While there, Britt
served on a special task force to
restore public trust after the elected
Attorney General left office due
to sexual harassment and theft of
office allegations. At the Attorney
General’s office, Britt conducted
public records and open meetings
act training presentations for State
of Ohio agencies. Britt served as the
lead Assistant Attorney General
handling subprime securities class
action litigation against E*Trade,
Merrill Lynch, Freddie Mac,
and Citigroup on behalf of the
nation’s two largest public pension
funds. Britt also served as the lead
counsel for enforcing the public
health provisions of the tobacco
Master Settlement Agreement, a
200-page contract with Fortune
100 tobacco companies. Britt was
lead counsel in a bench trial for $5
million against R.J. Reynolds for
an advertisement in Rolling Stone
magazine. Britt also worked on
investigations involving alcohol
companies and worked with
alcohol and tobacco companies to
implement responsible retailing
practices. Britt acted as legal
counsel in various litigation matters
including constitutional challenges
of federal and state law for the
Ohio Elections Commission,
the Supreme Court of Ohio, and
the Ohio Treasurer of State. She
earned her JD at the University of
San Francisco School of Law, 2000
and is a graduate of Vanderbilt
University, BA, English Literature
and Spanish, 1997.
Edward A. Somers currently
serves as Chief of Staff of The
U.S. Conference of Mayors. In
this position, he is responsible
for federal policy coordination,
as well as program management
of major annual and leadership
meetings. In his capacity as Chief
of Staff, Mr. Somers drafts and coordinates major speeches for the
Conference of Mayors President
and serves as staff liaison to the
White House, Congressional leadership, and the “Big 7” state and
local government organizations.
Mr. Somers previously staffed the
Criminal and Social Justice Committee, Urban Economic Policy
Committee, Homeland Security
Task Force, and Mayors and Police Chiefs Task Force of The
U.S. Conference of Mayors. Prior
to joining The U.S. Conference
of Mayors in January of 1994,
Mr. Somers served as Legislative
Representative for the City of
Los Angeles Washington Office
for five years. In this position, he
handled intergovernmental issues
including enterprise zone legislation, the crime bill, transportation
infrastructure projects, job training legislation, and general tax
policy. Mr. Somers also served as
Assistant Federal Liaison for the
Texas Municipal League in 1988.
Mr. Somers is a native of Cleveland Heights, Ohio and received
a Bachelor of Science degree from
The American University in 1988.
Craig Tindall is the City Attorney of Glendale, Arizona. During
his tenure, Craig has been involved
with more than $2.5 billion of public construction projects. These
projects were financed with federal,
state, and local funds and through
public-private partnerships. With
private sector developers, Craig negotiated development agreements
for over 1.5 million acres of mixed
use development. Beginning in
2001, Craig was a member of the
team that recreated Glendale into
a center for sports and entertainment. During this time, the City
completed construction of the Arena, a state-of-the-art
arena seating 17-19,000 and currently home of the NHL Phoenix
Coyotes. Additionally, in 2004 the
City began its participation with
the Arizona Sports and Tourism
Authority in the construction of
the University of Phoenix Stadium,
an 83-85,000 seat stadium that is
home of the NHL Arizona Cardinals and the NCAA Fiesta Bowl.
The City and the stadium also hosts
college football’s Bowl Championship Series every four years. In
2008, Glendale worked with Arizona Sports and Tourism Authority and the Cactus League Association, an organization of 15 Major
League Baseball teams that conduct
spring training games on the west
coast, to construct the new, 13,500
seat Spring Training home of the
Los Angeles Dodgers and Chicago
White Sox. In conjunction with
the development of these major
sporting and entertainment venues, Craig lead the legal teams that
constructed a 30,000-square foot
state-of-the-art media facility that
serves the requirements of national
and international media broadcasts
at the highest level. As part of the
intensive interesting in the area, the
City has added a 120,000-square
29 IMLA MId-Year 2012
foot conference center and exposition hall, a regional public safety
training center, and a nationallyrecognized Emergency Operations Center. In addition to this
development, Craig assisted in the
formation of Valley Metro Rail
in 2001. Valley Metro Rail is the
joint powers corporation formed
by several Valley cities that constructed and now operates the
Phoenix area light rail line, a $1.4
billion federally and locally funded
project. Since inception of this organization, Craig has served as the
City’s representative on its Board
of Directors. In December 2009,
the line opened on-time and onbudget. Since opening, ridership
on the line has far exceeded projections. In 2009, Craig directed
the City’s legal team handling the
NHL Phoenix Coyote’s bankruptcy and has been instrumental
in the negotiations searching for
a new ownership group that will
assure the team remains in Glendale. He also managed the legal,
intergovernmental, and media
affairs related to the proposed
creation of an Indian reservation
and construction of a gaming
facility within the City’s jurisdictional boundaries. Craig has an
undergraduate degree in corporate
finance from Arizona State University and earned his law degree
at Southern Methodist University
in Dallas, Texas. He has published
articles on various topics in several
legal publications and is a frequent
speaker on municipal land use and
development issues.
position, he served in several other
positions, the most recent as Special Counsel, Office of Legislative
Affairs at Federal Communications Commission; Congressional
Fellow at United States Senate, and
Legal Advisor to Wireless Telecommunications Bureau Chief at
FCC. Mr. Vadas is a graduate of
Rutgers University School of Law
- Newark and Rutgers, The State
University of New Jersey-New
Brunswick .
Joseph Van Eaton is a partner
in Best Best & Krieger LLP’s Municipal and Redevelopment Law
practice group in the firm’s Washington, D.C. office. Prior to joining
the firm in 2011, he was a named
partner of Miller & Van Eaton, a
nationally-recognized telecommunications law firm. Mr. Van
Eaton specializes in representing
municipalities on a broad range of
communications issues in federal
and state courts, before federal and
state agencies, and at the negotiating table. He has helped communities develop wireline and wireless
communications ordinances,
negotiated franchises for cable
and telecommunications service
providers, assisted communities in
developing their own communications networks, and successfully
defended local government efforts
to establish and operate municipally-owned systems. Mr. Van
Eaton has significant litigation and
appellate experience, and has successfully argued cases in most of
the U.S. Courts of Appeal and before several state Supreme Courts.
Gregory Vadas is Chief of the He has served as a special appoinOffice of Intergovernmental Aftee to the board of directors of the
fairs at Federal Communications Alliance for Community Media,
Commission. Prior to his current and is the recipient of the George
30 IMLA MId-Year 2012
Stoney Award, the International
Municipal Lawyers Association
President’s Award and the National Association of Telecommunications Officers and Advisors’
Ovation Award. Mr. Van Eaton
received his law degree, cum laude,
from the University of Pennsylvania in 1979 and his undergraduate
degree, magna cum laude, from
Syracuse University in 1975.
IMLA Extends A
Very Special
Thank You To These
Speakers Who
Have Contributed
Their Time and
Knowledge to Make
Our 2012 Mid-Year
Seminar a Success!
APRIL 14-16, 2013
OCTOBER 21-24, 2012
OCTOBER 2, 2013
If you are interested in presenting a paper at one of
these future conferences or seminars, please mail your
information to IMLA or contact IMLA at
31 IMLA MId-Year 2012
John H. Larson
Los Angeles, California
Melanie Donohue Appleby
Michael Bailey
Marianne Landers Banks
David L. Barber
Melinda H. Barlow
Mary Ellen Bench
Sheryl King Benford
Karen Beyke
Ivan Bland
Lori Grigg Bluhm
Steven J. Britzman
Charles J. Brown, Jr.
Stephen J. Burg
Phyllis Leah Carlyle
Thomas M. Carpenter
Martha J. Rupp Carter
Stephen P. Chinn
Marilyn D. Craig
Jay B. Doegey
John E. Dorman
Debra Drayovitch
William D. Geary
Julian Grant
Benjamin E. Griffith
Frank B. Gummey, III
Douglas C. Haney
Cindy Harmison
Timothy S. Hollister
Scott Howard
Rose J. Humway-Warmuth
Garry E. Hunter
Donald D. Jarrett
Douglas L. Johnson
William J. Kearns, Jr.
Stephen M. Kemp
Warren P. Kraft
James Burton Lampke
32 IMLA MId-Year 2012
William Clark Mann, III
Martin R. McCullough
Susan Emery McGannon
Jeanene C. McIntyre
Paige A. Mims
Brad Neighbor
Stephen C. Nick
Ursula Monroe Patterson
James W. Porter, III
Marion J. Radson
Gary E. Rebenstorf
Lori M. Riordan
Miles K. Risley
Jerome Y. Roaché
David Neil Robertson, Q.C.
Jennifer Smout
Teris Solis
Howard D. Swanson
Charles W. Thompson, Jr.
Pamela Thompson
Randall D. Van Vleck
Diane Callander Wetherbee
Denise V. Wilkerson
Siona D. Windsor
Nancy K. Yendes
Charles E. Zech
Daniel Curtin
McCutchen Doyle
Brown & Enersen
Walnut Creek, California
J. LaMar Shelley
Former General Counsel
League of Arizona Cities
and Towns Former City
Attorney of Mesa, Arizona
The Honorable
Benjamin L. Brown
Former Executive Director
Former City Solicitor
Baltimore, Maryland
Roy D. Bates
Former City Attorney
Columbia, South Carolina
Claude L. Mullis
Jacksonville, Florida
and William I. Thornton, Jr.
Former City Attorney
Durham, North Carolina
John E. Gotherman
General Counsel,
Ohio Municipal League
Columbus, Ohio
and William H. Steude
Former General Counsel
Michigan Municipal League
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Robert J. Mangler
Former City Attorney
Wilmette, Illinois
The Honorable
William A. McCain
Village Attorney
Lincoln Heights, Ohio
William F. Sueppel
General Counsel
Iowa League of Cities
Henry W. Underhill, Jr.
Former Executive Director
of IMLA Former City
Attorney Charlotte, North
Carolina and
Marvin J. Glink
Ancel Glink Diamond Bush
Dicianni and Rolek, P.C.
Former City Attorney
Naperville, Illinois
James H. Epps, III
Former City Attorney
Johnson City, Tennessee
Robert W. Ritchie
Massachusetts Office of the
Attorney General
Director, Municipal Law Unit
Springfield, Massachusetts
Ralph G. Hildebrand
Corporate Counsel,
Metro Vancouver,
British Columbia
Robert J. Watson (Retired)
City Attorney
Overland Park, Kansas
DeWitt F. McCarley
Former City Attorney
Charlotte, North Carolina
Jay B. Doegey
City Attorney
Arlington, Texas
Steven W. Moore
City Attorney
Yuma, Arizona
Immediate Past President
Dennis J. Herrera
City Attorney
San Francisco, California
G. Foster Mills
Managing Attorney
New York City, New York
General Counsel and
Executive Director
Charles W. Thompson, Jr.
Bethesda, Maryland
Barbara A. Adams
Village Attorney
Kenilworth, Illinois
Patrick Baker
City Attorney
Durham, North Carolina
Marianne Landers Banks
Assistant City Attorney
Springfield, Missouri
Mary Ellen Bench
City Solicitor
Mississauga, Ontario
Sheryl King Benford
General Counsel
Greater Cleveland Regional
Transit Authority
Cleveland, Ohio
A René Broker
Borough Attorney
Fairbanks North Star Borough,
Stephen P. Chinn
City Attorney
Fairway, Kansas
Wayne Esannason
Village Attorney
Scarsdale, New York
Thomas Grundhoefer
General Counsel
League of Minnesota Cities
St. Paul, Minnesota
Douglas C. Haney
City Attorney
Carmel, Indiana
Susan Emery McGannon
City Attorney
Murfreesboro, Tennessee
Stephen Patton
Corporation Counsel
Chicago, Illinois
Art Pertile
City Attorney
Stafford, Texas
Herbert W.A. Thiele
County Attorney
Leon County, Florida
Susan L. Segal
City Attorney
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Andrew J. Whalen, III
City Attorney
Griffin, Georgia
1st Circuit
(ME, MA, NH, PR, RI)
William H. Solomon
Town Counsel
Stoneham, Massachusetts
2nd Circuit
Joseph E. McNeil
City Attorney
Burlington, Vermont
3rd Circuit
(DE, NJ, PA, VI)
John C. Gillespie
Township Solicitor
Chesterfield, New Jersey
4th Circuit
(MD, NC, SC, VA, WV)
Anthony Fox
City Attorney
Weddington, North Carolina
5th Circuit
(LA, MS, TX)
Diane C. Wetherbee
City Attorney
Plano, Texas
6th Circuit
Stephen J. Smith
Law Director
Dublin, Ohio
7th Circuit
(IL, IN, WI)
David R. Wiltse
City Attorney
Des Plaines, Illinois
8th Circuit (North)
(MN, ND, SD)
Howard D. Swanson
City Attorney
Grand Forks, North Dakota
8th Circuit (South)
(AR, IA, MO, NE)
Bruce E. Bergman
General Counsel
Iowa League of Cities
Des Moines, Iwoa
9th Circuit (North)
(AK, ID, MT, OR, WA)
Edward J. Sullivan
City Attorney
Oregon City, Oregon
9th Circuit (South)
(AZ, CA, HI, NV)
Steve Kemp
City Attorney
Peoria, Arizona
10th Circuit (North)
(CO, UT, WY)
Richard P. Brady
City Attorney
Greeley, Colorado
10th Circuit (South)
(KS, NM, OK)
Neil R. Shortlidge
City Attorney
Mission Hills, Kansas
11th Circuit
(AL, FL, GA)
James E. Elliott, Jr.
City Attorney
Warner Robins, Georgia
Canadian Regional
Vice President
Neil Robertson, Q.C.
Regina Police Service
Regina, Saskatchewan
33 IMLA MId-Year 2012
2011-2012 STATE ChAIRS
Robert Spence
Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Tammy Haney
Indianapolis, Indiana
Brent Brooks
City Attorney
Billings, Montana
Joseph J. Nicholson, Jr.
City Solicitor
Newport, Rhode Island
Ms. Cheryl Brooking
City Attorney
Seward, Alaska
Gregory S. Jager
City Attorney
Bettendorf, Iowa
Paul D. Kratz
City Attorney
Omaha, Nebraska
Kenneth E. Gaines
Sr. Assistant City Attorney
Columbia, South Carolina
Bruce Washburn
City Attorney
Scottsdale, Arizona
Cindy Harmison
City Attorney
Lenexa, Kansas
Brad Jerbic
City Attorney
Las Vegas, Nevada
Steven J. Britzman
City Attorney
Brookings, South Dakota
Kit Williams
City Attorney
Fayetteville, Arkansas
Laura Ross
Counsel for Member Legal Services
Kentucky League of Cities
Lexington, Kentucky
Daniel D. Crean
Executive Director
NH Municipal Attorneys
Pembroke, New Hampshire
Karen Beyke
University of Tennesee
Franklin, Tennessee
Ronald R. Ball
City Attorney
Carlsbad, California
Martin McCullough
Attorney to District
136th Avenue General
Improvement District
Westminster, Colorado
Charles C. Grubb
Parish Attorney
Caddo Parish, Louisiana
William W. Livengood
Director of Legal Services
Maine Municipal Association
Augusta, Maine
William H. Eaton
Atlantic Highlands, New Jersey
Jay Burnham
City Attorney
Farmington, New Mexico
Timothy Bates
Town Attorney
Plainfield, Connecticut
Charles D. MacLeod
Town Attorney
St. Michaels, Maryland
Arthur Gutekunst
Sr. Asst. Corporation Counsel
White Plains, New York
If Interested, Contact IMLA
James B. Lampke
Town Counsel
Hull, Massachusetts
Bob Hagemann
City Attorney
Charlotte, North Carolina
Peter Letzmann
Attorney at Law
Lowell, Michigan
Brian D. Neugebauer
City Attorney
West Fargo, North Dakota
Corrine A. Heine
Assistant City Attorney
Brooklyn Park, Minnesota
Gary A. Ebert
Director of Law
Bay Village, Ohio
Benjamin E. Griffith
Board Attorney
Yazoo-Mississippi Delta
Joint Water Management
District (YMD)
Cleveland, Mississippi
John Dorman
City Attorney
Stillwater, Oklahoma
Marion J. Radson
City Attorney
Gainesville, Florida
Rebecca Tydings
City Attorney
Centerville, Georgia
Bob Godbey
Corporation Counsel
Honolulu, Hawaii
Dale W. Storer
City Attorney
Idaho Falls, Idaho
Joe Annunzio
Village Attorney
Niles, Illinois
34 IMLA MId-Year 2012
Lisa Robertson
City Attorney
St. Joseph, Missouri
Jeffrey G. Condit
Portland, Oregon
If Interested, Contact IMLA
Alan Bojorquez
Austin, Texas
H. Craig Hall
City Attorney
Midvale, Utah
If Interested, Contact IMLA.
Deborah Icenhour
Town Attorney
Abingdon, Virginia
Lori Riordon
City Attorney
Bellevue, Washington
Rose Humway-Warmuth
City Solicitor
Wheeling, West Virginia
Stephen C. Nick
City Attorney
Eau Claire, Wisconsin
If Interested, Contact IMLA
Henry E. Foley
Boston, MA
David M. Proctor
Kansas City, MO
Robert Reese
Detroit, MI
Henry W. Underhill, Jr.
Charlotte, NC
Robert J. Watson
Overland Park, KS
Raymond J. Kelly
Detroit, MI
A.C. Van Soelen
Seattle, WA
Thomas M. O’Connor
San Francisco, CA
Benjamin L. Brown
Baltimore, MD
Patricia A. Lynch
Reno, NV
Barnet Hodes
Chicago, IL
Henry B. Curtis
New Orleans, LA
Herbert C. Hoffman
Kansas City, MO
J. LaMar Shelley
Mesa, AZ
William J. Kearns, Jr.
Willingboro, NJ
Joe W. Anderson
Chattanooga, TN
Dion R. Holm
San Francisco, CA
J. Lee Rankin
New York, NY
John W. Witt
San Diego, CA
Iris J. Jones
Prairie View, TX
William C. Chanler
New York, NY
Barnett I. Shur
Portland, ME
A.L. Newbould
Seattle, WA
Roger E. Cutler
Salt Lake City, UT
John J. zimmermann
Park Ridge, IL
Horace H. Edwards
Richmond, VA
J. Elliot Drinard
Richmond, VA
Robert T. Anderson
Hercules, CA
Roy D. Bates
Columbia, SC
James H. Epps, III
Johnson City, TN
Ray L. Cheseboro
Los Angeles, CA
Ralph S. Locher
Cleveland, OH
Marvin J. Glink
Naperville, IL
William H. Taube
Chebanse, IL
Garry E. Hunter
Athens, OH
Fred T. Van Liew
Des Moines, IA
Roger Arnebergh
Los Angeles, CA
N. Alex Bickley
Dallas, TX
Marva Jones Brooks
Atlanta, GA
William E. Kemp
Kansas City, MO
John Melaniphy
Chicago, IL
Eugene N. Collins
Chattanooga, TN
William I. Thornton, Jr.
Durham, NC
Bruce A. Noble, Q.C.
Fredericton, New
Brunswick, Canada
Herman C. Wilson
Greensboro, NC
Henry P. Kucera
Dallas, TX
Conard B. Mattox, Jr.
Richmond, VA
Analeslie Muncy
Dallas, TX
Anne X. Alpern
Pittsburgh, PA
Leo A. Larkin
New York, NY
T. Emmet Walsh
Spartanburg, SC
Robert J. Alfton
Minneapolis, MN
Alexander G. Brown
Portland, OR
Fred W. Aley
Wichita, KS
Samuel Gorlick
Burbank, CA
Joseph I. Mulligan
Boston, MA
Robert D. Morrison
Lynchburg, VA
John H. Fleming
Milwaukee, WI
Aaron W. Wilson
Kansas City, MO
Robert J. Mangler
Wilmette, IL
William H. Emerson
Rochester, NY
George E. Murphy
Beaumont, TX
John Dekker
Wichita, KS
Thomas N. Biddison
Baltimore, MD
William M. Madison
Jacksonville, FL
James B. Brennan
Milwaukee, WI
Joseph N. deRaismes,
Boulder, CO
Frank B. Gummey, III
Daytona Beach, FL
Gary W. Rebenstorf
Wichita, KS
James L. Abshier
Sioux City, IA
Robert M. White
Albuquerque, NM
Susan C. Rocha
Cibolo, TX
DeWitt F. McCarley
Charlotte, NC
Dennis J. Herrera
San Francisco, CA
35 IMLA MId-Year 2012
The International Municipal Lawyers Association (IMLA) is a
non-profit, non-partisan organization that has been an advocate
and valuable legal resource for local government attorneys since
1935. IMLA offers its members continuing legal education
courses and events, research services, substantive legal sections,
amicus briefs, a bi-weekly e-mail newsletter, Teleconferences,
the Municipal Lawyer magazine, the IMLA Sample Document
Service; and a listserv for exchange of information. For details,
contact IMLA by phone (202) 466-5425, fax (202) 785-0152,
e-mail, or visit our Web site at
For details, contact IMLA by phone
(202) 466-5424, fax (202) 785-0152,
e-mail, or visit our
Website at
International Municipal
Lawyers Association
7910 Woodmont Avenue,
Suite 1440
Bethesda, Maryland 20814
Phone: 202-466-5424
Fax: 202-785-0152
Web site: