May 2009 Newsletter


May 2009 Newsletter
Volume 24, Number 3
The Hamilton Harriers Bimonthly Newsletter
May 2009
General Meeting Notice
Awards Night
Championship Series
YMCA Strong Kids Donation
Club Financials
Proactive Membership
Learn to Run
The Around the Bay Road Race (One Week Early)
Marathon Winner
General Meeting
The May General Meeting of the Hamilton Harriers is scheduled for 7 pm, May 13, 2009 at the Hamilton
Downtown YMCA.
Awards Night
The Club’s Annual Awards Night is scheduled for Saturday, June 6, 2009. Location is to be advised (probably
May, 2009
2009 Harrier Championship Race Series
DONE - Race #1--- Robbie Burns 8k, Burlington Runners. Sunday January 25th, 2009.
Burlington Central High, 1433 Baldwin. (west off Brant Street)
DONE - Race#2---Saint Catharines Roadrunners’ Valentines Day 5k, Sunday February 15th,
noon, Port Dalhousie. Watch Roadrunners’ website for details
DONE - Race #3---Michael Lamont/Slainte Saint Patrick’s Day 5k. Saturday March 14th, 2009.
Point to point, finish line at Slainte, 33 Bowen Street, downtown Hamilton finish.
DONE - Race#4—Around The Bay 30k. Hamilton. Sunday March 29thth, 2009. York Street
start/finish, Copp’s Coliseum.
DONE - Race #5—Burlington Runners Good Friday Ten Miler, Friday April 10th, 2009. Aldershot
High School, 50 Fairwood Place. Double looping course.
Race#6—Ancaster Old Mill 10k. Tuesday June 09th, 2009 (officially unconfirmed). 7:00pm
start, Morgan Firestone Arena.
Race#7—Grimsby Peachbud 10k. Tuesday June 30th, 2009. The Grimsby Peach King Center,
7:30pm start.
Race #8—Hamilton Harrier Cross Country Run. July date to be determined, Churchill
Park, approx. 3000m distance. (the 2008 technical course)
Race #9—Run For The Toad 25k Trail Run, Saturday October 3th, 2009. 9:00am start,
Pinehurst Conservation Area, Spragues Road, Paris.
Race #10--- Halloween 10k, Corktown Irish Pub, Saturday October 31st, 2009. Race
Director, Dave Harrison. Escarpment out and back course, East Hamilton rail trail.
Race #11—McMaster University Colorectal Cancer Awareness Run. Trish Murphy race
director, October/November date to be announced.
Race #12—GeorgeTown Runners Egg Nog Jog 10.8k, Terra Cotta conservation area, early
to mid December date to be announced.
Race #13—marathon of choice.
Race #14—half marathon of choice.
YMCA Strong Kids Donation
At the March meeting, the Harriers presented a cheque for $5,000 to the YMCA’s Mike Braithwaite and Bryan
Webber. This donation was made possible from monies earned by the Boxing Day Race.
For those who may be unaware, the YMCA Strong Kids Program raises financial support for children, teens and
families unable to afford the cost of participation at the YMCA.
May, 2009
This participation may include:
Helping a child attend day camp for the first time
Helping struggling teens find employment
Enabling a child to participate in a recreation or fitness activity
Helping children gain the confidence and skills to avoid addiction, violence and isolation.
Club Financials
The club’s Annual Financial Report will be available to interested parties at the May meeting.
Proactive Membership
Recently, the Harrier Executive was pleased to be in receipt of several suggestions intended for the betterment
of the Club. The Harrier Executive encourages the membership to think about ways to improve the Club and
looks forward to your assistance in turning your ideas into a reality.
The following Club members are celebrating birthdays in this month and next:
Sheila Ranalli
Russell Peters
Dan Divincenzo
Dennis Swan
Jim Lupton
Deena Sacks
Tom Kearse
Bruce Greenhalph
June Jenkins
Dave Harrison
Michael Bown
Learn To Run!!!
The Hamilton Harriers now offers those who would like to learn to run in an organized setting or those who are
just not motivated to run by themselves to come and join us.
With your membership to the Hamilton Harriers, we will offer 10 week learn to run clinics. For those who are
past the sport’s introductory stage, the clinics will attempt to assist in meeting your current needs and next
So any one who has a friend or family member who thinks you are too fast to run with, let me know and I will
try to help them get started and/or help them work towards their specific goals.
These runs will start this month. I would also look forward to hearing from any members who are interested in
assisting in this initiative.
Interested parties can call me at 905-574-3705 or send me an email: or
Safe and Healthy running
Mathilda, Membership
May, 2009
I will be volunteering/participating in a 460 km bike ride from Toronto to Ottawa in September 2009 as part of the
National Police Officers Memorial weekend. I will be collecting donations to assist the families of officers killed
in the line of duty. All proceeds will be going to this worthwhile cause. This is an inaugural ride and it is
anticipated that this will be held annually. I will be required to raise of minimum of $400 to volunteer and $1,000
if I chose to cycle to Ottawa. I will be collecting donations at the Harrier membership meeting scheduled May
13th. If you are unable to attend the meeting on May 13th and wish to donate, please contact me and I will make
alternate arrangements.
Thank you, Maria Harrison (905-529-6420)
The ways of our world are such that not all news is good. Sadly, we report that Mattie Machado's beloved dog,
the affectionate, Jackie Brown, who was known to many Harriers, is no longer with us.
The following are a few more “dark side” definitions from Ambrose Bierce, a journalist in San Francisco during
the 1880’s:
Alone: In bad company
Consult: To seek another’s approval of a course already decided upon.
Faith: Belief without evidence in what is told by one who speaks without knowledge of things without parallel.
Heaven: A place where the wicked cease from troubling you with talk of their personal affairs and the good
listen with attention while you expound on your own.
The Around the Bay Road Race (One Week Early)
At approximately 9:15 a.m. Sunday morning, the 22nd day of March 2008 the unknown anniversary of the
Hamilton Harriers bay race volunteer run set off. I was unable to personally attend the commencement as I was
coaching my future triathletes from the Phoenix Place the finer points of human water proportional at Central
Memorial pool. My better half Maria was there though in our ’04 Mazda MPV, loaded with fruit slices, water
and the usual post race beverages to assist the masses. From what I understand, Leonardo Ippolitto set an early
pace that no one else could match, and he soon found himself running alone on Main St (the old route). This
lonesomeness would deepen when Maria found the lead vehicle veering off into the recently opened Lowe’s big
box superstore on Woodward Avenue. This in turn had Lenny running all of the dreaded stretch we call the
Beach strip by himself. But Lenny being a man of simple values thought to himself “I could really use some
water right now… but what are you going to do?” Fortunately for Leonard by this time myself on my trusty
Bianchi, and fellow Harrier John Greene on fleet of foot were heading him off on the latter half of the course,
just before the dreaded North Shore hills. As John joined Leonard I could barely keep up to their 10 kph pace
as they chewed up the rollers like they were mere mole hills on their way towards the finish. Finally after her
brief encounter with the king of hardware stores, Maria re-joined the race. She then risked life and limb
running across a brisk York blvd. to hand water and fruit to the leaders one last time before the finale. As the
lead vehicle traveled towards the old finish line alongside MacDonald school, we noticed the area congested
with young revelers heading into Copps Coliseum for the Disney on Ice production. The last parking lot left
with the aforementioned “parking” had two of Hamilton’s finest perched in it having what must have been a
standard Tim Horton’s double double! This would intrude somewhat on the post-race party activities, so an
executive decision was made (by none other then yours truly, a Harrier executive) to move the activities back to
the Burlington Golf & Country Club…besides it was where John had dropped off his truck earlier in the day.
At the party everyone talked about the race, the hills, training leading up to the day, and the lack of people. You
see Lenny placed 1st, 2nd and 3rd overall, (me, myself and I) he was the lone Harrier this day! My hat goes off to
him for soldiering on without anyone to pace off of, no cheering roadside support, or even nice weather (it was
pretty cold). Also to my wife, Maria, out of bed early and down to the YMCA by 9 a.m. to simply support
May, 2009
whoever showed up. The volunteer run is still officially alive thanks to these two loyal Harriers. Stay Fit, hope
everyone had a great “Bay” experience, and remember, run like you stole something!
Dave Harrison
Maria with Leonard, the overall Bay Race Volunteer Winner at the post-race
festivities held at the Burlington Golf & Country Club
Marathon Winner
It is not often these pages are graced with a report of a Harrier winning a marathon. In fact, this is a first. We
have Kyle to thank for both the win and the report. Well done and congratulations.
Waterloo Marathon: Race Report
April 26th I ran my second Waterloo Marathon. I chose to come back to Waterloo mainly because of the family
support I have in the area. We had a great barbecue in 2007 so I planned a return in 2009. I also noticed that
2008 was won in a soft time, which also made the event lucrative. The weeks prior to the race consisted mainly
of easy running. I found myself adjusting to a somewhat busy work schedule after a competitive Around the
Bay race (1:57:45). My runs felt less peppy after being on my feet all day. I did not have high expectations. The
Monday before the race I watched the Boston Marathon and ran a fast 10k midweek. This was a bit of a pick me
up. Everything seemed to be working and I was ready to go.
I arrived at the race early on a cool and rainy day. I felt relaxed and ready to have a good time. I saw Pete and
June before the race, which was a pleasant surprise. When I warmed up, I spotted one guy I knew online who
wanted to win the race. He ran the Bay a minute behind me this year. Three other guys I didn’t recognize also
looked competitive. I kept a close eye on all of them in the first km except for a guy with a water belt who took
off at a 3:45 pace. He seemed suspicious. I let him go alone into the rainy and miserable lead on his own. The
first 5k of the race I ran in 5th place. Two masters runners were labouring to hold onto a four minute pace. I
asked them about their marathon experience. They told me they had not broken 3 hours since the nineties. They
pointed out the runner in second had already looked back a couple times.
At 10k I caught up with second place. He looked fit and was running like a winner. I drafted behind him on a
very windy side road until 13k. I took the front after we rounded a corner but he wanted to surge again, which
was fine. He kept me from getting lazy. As we passed halfway, I realized the guy would not last at this pace.
We passed halfway at 1:27 and change. At halfway the leader was still about 800 metres or more ahead. He
seemed steady and my partner thought he was untouchable, but at this point I was still convinced he would fall
apart. At 30k the first cracks began to show. My pace instantly began to climb as he became weaker. Second
place then informed me he could not continue. He urged me to go catch the leader.
After 30k the course got off gravel roads and back on to pavement. I started to really move. At 35k I thought of
all the catch-up runs I’ve done during the year. This is what I do. It was really not different than chasing down
May, 2009
the Harriers after going an extra kilometre or two on an out and back. At 38km I caught first place and he tried
to shake my hand. He asked me where I was from. I swerved away and told him Hamilton. He really looked
disoriented. The last 4k were very windy and scattered with walking half marathoners. I saw one sign that said
19k and another that said 41k. It really starts to sink in at this point I’m going to win but I had to be careful
about where the full marathon finish is. I take a look over my shoulder. Looks clear. A police car honks his horn
and flashes his siren. The volunteers point the way.
My father was waiting 400 metres from the finish. He waves me in and informs me no one is on my tail. As I
round the corner June Jenkins is in the middle of the street. I flash her a smile. I run over to Sylvie, Medora and
Pascal but Medora urges me to finish. The clock read a half marathon time and there wasn’t a tape to break,
which was disappointing. As my chip was removed, second place came in. The win paid 500 bucks and my
Kitchener Waterloo family were in great spirits. The final time was 2:55:13, which I hope to improve in the fall.
After a quick shower I watched Pete come in at 3:29 on windy day and rough course. I was impressed with my
Sunday partner as well. In the end it was a lucky day where I showed up healthy and ready run. I was pleased
with my decision making and assessment of the competition in the victory.
Cheers Harriers,
We have a tradition of forwarding to the Harrier membership “Dispatches from the Front”. The “Front” being
the distant destinations some of our numbers travel to in pursuit of adventure. Our “Explorer of the Month”
award goes to Carol Hilson, who journeyed with Club members, Val Carroll and Betty Lukey, to the town of
Sedona, Arizona en route to the Grand Canyon for some spectacular hiking. (Editor’s Note: We don’t require it
but pictures like the following are much appreciated)
May, 2009
May, 2009
Several Club members were captured by our roving camera at the Michael Lamont/Slainte Saint Patrick’s Day
5k. held on Saturday March 14th, 2009 - a fine looking group.
Published by
The Hamilton Harriers Running Club
President..................James van Dyke....(905) 971-6040
V.P. Finance.............Carlotta Bown.......(905) 383-3821
V.P. Purchasing.......Dave Harrison.......(905) 529-6420
V.P. Technical..........Russ Doyle............(905) 523-6762
V.P. CommunicationsBob Ranalli..........(905) 383-7620
V.P. Membership......Mathilda Machado.(905)574-3705
Social Director.........June Jenkins..........(905) 388-9604
Secretary..................Sheila Ranalli........(905) 383-7620
V.P.Web Master……Peter Haentjens…. (905) 388-7895
non-portfolio............Art Mitchell..........(905) 389-7229
non-portfolio............GraydonStephens.. (905) 387-0532
YMCA rep.................BryanWebber
May, 2009
May, 2009