Dinner Menu - Royal Kona Resort
Dinner Menu - Royal Kona Resort
SOUPS CRAB & SCALLOP CHOWDER CUP 6. 95 SOUP OF THE DAY BOWL 8. 95 CUP 5. 95 BOWL 6. 95 PUPUS * SEARED PEPPERED AHI * ISLAND SASHIMI Caju n seas on ed, hi g h t e m p, sear d, ser ved on 3 b ean ric e salad & p onz u sauc e. Mark e t Price Fresh Islan d Ahi ser ve d o n julien n e cab bag e, wasabi & s oy sauc e. Ma rk e t Price SEAFOOD CAKES Lobs t er, seaf o o d, c rab m ix t u r e, her bs & s pic es, pank o en hanc e d wi t h r ed p e p p er- man g o tar t ar sauc e, le m o n w e d g e. 15.9 5 TSUNAMI PRAWNS Ju m b o p ra w ns t ossed i n a zes t y t i dal wave o f islan d f lav or. 15.9 5 COCONUT PRAWNS * ISLAND STYLE POKE Coc on u t enc r us te d p ra w ns ser ved wi t h ou r pi n eap pl em a n g o tar t ar sauc e. 16.95 Fresh Islan d Ahi, avoc ad o, se wee d, Alae sal t wi t h o t h er f lavo rs. Ma rk e t Price * S AMPLER PLATTER A c o m b i na t i on o f seaf o o d d eli g h t. Inclu d es Seaf o o d Cakes , Tsuna m i Pra w ns an d Seared Pep p e r e d Ahi. Ser ved wi t h r oasted r ed b ell p ep p erm a n g o tar t ar sauc e, man g o- papaya-lilik oi c oulis an d ou r T hai c hili sauc e an d pi n eap p l e-gi n g er-c oc on u t wasabi sauc e. 25.9 5 ENTREE SALADS SALAD TOPPERS GRILLED CHICKEN 6.9 5 * SEARED AHI * KONA SUNSET CAESAR SALAD Romai n e le t t uc e, car r o t s t ri n gs, anc h o vi es, asiag o c hees e an d c r ou t o ns ser ved wi t h ou r h o m e m a d e Caesar d r essin g. 9.95 TIKI SALAD Shred d e d le t t uc e, man dari n oran g es, sn o w p eas, t oas t ed al m o n ds, gr een o n i o ns an d c ris p y n o o d l e ser ve d wi t h ou r special sesam e seed d r essin g. 11.9 5 KAHUNA DON’S ISLAND BREEZE SALAD Mixed g r eens, f r es h papaya, man g o, pi n eap p le, av ocad o an d r oas t ed p ecans ser ved wi t h ou r lilik oi vi nai g r e t t e . 12.9 5 7.95 SHRIMP 10.5 0 SEAFOOD CAKE(1) 8.95 DON’S ICEBERG WEDGE SALAD Heal t h y p o r t i o n o f ic eb er g le t t uc e, c h o p p e d eg g, c ris p y bac on c r u m b l es, slic ed r ed o ni o ns, g rap e t o m a t o es, scalli o ns an d c h o p p e d r oas te d p ecans. Served wi t h blu e c h eese d r essin g. 10.9 5 HOUSE SALAD Mixed g r eens, c uc u m b er an d g rap e t o m a t o es ser ved wi t h yo u r c h oic e of d r essin g. 8.75 lilik oi vi nai g r e t t e, blu e c h eese, t h o usan d islan d, ras p b er r y vi nai g r e t t e, papaya seed TOMATO & FRESH MOZZARELLA SALAD Kam u ela Ro m a T o m a t o, Fres h M ozzar ella, Basil Chi f f o nad e, Balsam ic Vinaig r e t t e. 10.95 *Consu mi n g ra w o r u n d ercoo ked m ea ts, p oul t ry, sea f o o d, shell fish, o r eg gs m ay increase you r risk o f f o o d b o rn e illn ess. Prices do no t i ncl ude tax an d grat ui t y. Prices and m enu i t e ms subjec t t o c hange w i t h ou t no t ice. An 18% ser vice char ge w ill be adde d t o par t i es o f 6 or m or e. Par ti es o f 7 or 6 may ask t o have t his polic y wai ve d pr o vi de d gues t’s reques t is pri o r t o any ser vice pr o vi ded. Par ti es o f 8 or m or e will no t have t his o p t i o n. Revised 4-1-15 MAUKA * SIZZLE ME MUSHROOMS * T HE SIZZLIN’ BEACHCOMBER COMBO Grilled Pri m e Rib wi t h assor t e d Big Islan d an d Do m es tic m us h r o o ms, t o p p e d wi t h Veal De m i Glace an d ser ve d wi t h Lyo n nais e Po ta t oes. 34.95 Ne w York Steak pair ed wi t h bac on wr ap p e d sh ri m p, Hamak ua Alii Oys ter Mus h r o o m, p o r t wi n e d e m i glac e, Asparag us, Lyon naise Po ta t o es. 29.9 5 BRAISED BONELESS BEEF Shor t Ribs slo w b raised i n H on ey an d Soy sauc e, Garlic, Ginger, Sesam e Oil, gar nis he d wi t h p earl oni o ns an d scalli o ns, ser ved wi t h Stea m e d W hi t e Ric e. 21.9 5 MAKAI LINGUINE CON GAMBERETTI AGLIO * AHI FURIKAKE Grilled s hri m p, julien n e as parag us, li n g ui n e i n a garlic oli ve c rea m sauc e, shr ed d e d asiag o, t o m a t o c o ncasse, garlic f occac ia b r ead. 24.9 5 Fresh Ahi Steak c oa t e d wi t h f u r ikake, sesam e seeds, as parag us, pi n eap pl e-gi n g er-c oc on u t wasabi sauc e, sea salad & lyc h ee f r ui t . Mark e t Price SEAFOOD MIXED GRILL MACADAMIA NUT CATCH OF THE DAY Fresh Islan d Catc h of t h e Day, ju m b o s hri m p, scall o p ske we r on a b ed o f ric e pilaf, f r es h asparag us, le m o n b u t t er sauc e. 25.95 Fresh Catc h of t h e Day, b r ead e d in Mac Nu t, pank o, f r es h as parag us, papaya relish, ser ved wi t h Stea m e d W hi t e Ric e o r Lyon naise Po ta t o es. M ark e t Price DON’S LINE CAUGHT CATCH OF THE DAY * DON’S MIXED PLATE Ever y ni g h t D on p r e par es a selec t e d f r es h Ha waiian f is h f or you r p leasur e. Please ask you r ser ver f or t o n i g h t’s f ea t u r e d f is h an d p r e para ti o n . Mar ke t Price An ar ray o f Islan d f lav ors: Bon el ess Teri yaki Sh or t Ri b, M oc hik o Chicken, Mis oyaki Fish, Ahi Sashi m i wi t h Wasabi, Oshi nk o an d Stea m e d W hi t e Ric e. Serve d wi t h Islan d Greens wi t h Sesam e d r essin g. 23.9 5 LOCAL FAVORITES DON’S “ISLAND STYLE” ROTISSERIE CHICKEN * H AWAIIAN LUAU PLATE Ten d er hal f c hic ken mari na t e d wi t h le m o ns, li m es, o ran g es, sh oy u an d ac hi o t e seas oni n g t o p p e d wi t h a guava & h o n e y glaze. 23.9 5 A Hawaiian t rad i t i o n, Kalua Pork, Chic ken Luau, Lo m i Lo m i Sal m o n, Islan d Pok e, Pur p le Swee t Po ta t o, Grille d Pin eap pl e, Rice or Poi. 21.9 5 DON’S “PULEHU PUA’A” BABY BACK RIBS Pork ri bs c oat e d wi t h ou r o w n h ouse mad e r u b, f la m e b r oi led an d r oas t ed wi t h Don’s o w n h o n e y-r u m- m an g o-pi n eap p l e BBQ glaze. Ser ved wi t h f r enc h f ri es an d p i n eap pl e c oleslaw. Hal f Rack 19.95 Full Rack 28.95 THE ISLAND WOK-A-BOUT A classic islan d f avo ri t e wi t h s n o w p eas, wat er c h es t n u ts, m us h r o o ms, ba m b o o sh o o ts an d m o r e veg e t abl es s tir-f ri ed an d ser ve d wi t h Stea m e d W hi t e Ric e. Vege t a ria n wi t h t o f u & chile sauce 19.9 5 Chicke n br e as t & Oyst e r Sauce 22.9 5 * THE BIG ISLAND’S BEST PRIME RIB “NO KA OI” Hawaiian sal t-h er b an d p e p p erc o r ns t o seal i n na t u ral f lav o rs, slo w r oas te d t o en hanc e i ts t en d e r n ess. Served wi t h au jus, crea m y h orseradis h an d acc o m p an i ed w i t h D on’s Lyo n naise Po ta t o es. Aun ti e Karen 8oz 25. 95 Beachco mb e r 12oz 31.95 Big Kahu n a 16oz 36. 95 ACCOMPANIMENTS Sautée o f f r esh local veg e ta bles 5.95 Steam ed W hi t e Rice 3.95 Grilled Asparagus Spears 5.95 Side sau té ed Big Islan d Mush r o o ms 5.95 Lyo n naise Po ta t o es 5.9 5 Ling ui ne Pasta wi t h Garlic Bu t t e r 5.95 *Consu mi n g ra w o r u n d ercoo ked m ea ts, p oul t ry, sea f o o d, shell fish, o r eg gs m ay increase you r risk o f f o o d b o rn e illn ess. Prices do no t i ncl ude tax an d grat ui t y. Prices and m enu i t e ms subjec t t o c hange w i t h ou t no t ice. An 18% ser vice char ge w ill be adde d t o par t i es o f 6 or m or e. Par ti es o f 7 or 6 may ask t o have t his polic y wai ve d pr o vi de d gues t’s reques t is pri o r t o any ser vice pr o vi ded. Par ti es o f 8 or m or e will no t have t his o p t i o n. Revised 4-1-15 ONOLICIOUS SWEET THINGS Royal Kona Mud Pie 9.95 This Ice Cream Pie is a blend of layered sweet sensations: Oreo Cookie Crust, Kona Coffee Ice Cream, Whipped Cream, Chocolate Sauce, Fresh fruit garnish. Ice Cream 6.50 A Big Island scoop of Chocolate, Vanilla or Kona Coffee Ice Cream. Molten Lava Torte 7.95 A chocolate sin-sation. Served straight from the oven with a molten chocolate lava center. Allow 15 minutes to prepare. Gluten Free Flourless Chocolate Cake 8.95 Decadent flourless chocolate cake topped with whipped cream and strawberry garnish. Classic Cheesecake 9.95 New York style cheesecake topped with a mixed berry sauce. Passion Fruit Crème Brulee 9.95 A wonderful flavor of Passion Fruit and traditional custard. Complete with a caramelized crust and served with Macadamia Nut Biscotti. Revised 1-1-15 COFFEE-LIQUEUR-COGNAC Kona Sunset 10.00 Beachcomber Coffee 9.00 Cognac, Amaretto Dark Rum, Kahlua, Bailey’s, Amaretto, Coffee, Whipped Cream Tahitian Coffee 9.00 Cognac, Cointreau, Coffee, Black Pearl 9.00 Whipped Cream Bacardi 8 Gold Rum, Tia Maria, Frangelico, Coffee, Whipped Cream Burnt Almond 8.00 Amaretto, Godiva Chocolate, Kahlua Stinger 7.50 Brandy, Crème de Menthe Irish Coffee 8.00 Irish Whisky, Sugar, Coffee, Irish Irish 9.00 Whipped Cream Bailey’s Irish Whisky Kona Coffee Grog 9.00 Caribbean Coffee 8.00 Captain Morgan’s Rum, Grand Marnier, Dark Rum, Tia Maria, Coffee, Galiano, Coffee Whipped Cream White Russian 8.50 PORT Vodka, Kahlua, Cream DOW’S LBV 10.00 Late bottle vintage 1998 WARRE’S OPTIMA 12.00 10 Year Tawny Port Remy Martin VSOP Courvoisier Kahlua Godiva Drambuie 13.00 10.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 Frangelico Bailey’s Irish Cream Amaretto Grand Marnier Tuaca 9.00 9.00 9.00 10.00 8.00 Welcome to Don the Beachcomber at the Royal Kona Resort Host to Diplomat and Beachcomber, Prince and Pirate “Where good rum is immortalized and drinking is an art” Sparkling Wines & Champagne Domaine Chandon, Brut, California 42 Aromas of spice , fig with honey and floral notes Domaine St. Michelle, Brut, Columbia Valley 25 Crisp with delicate apple and citrus with a light fresh toastiness Perrier Jouet, Grand Brut, France 68 Aromas of fresh baked biscuit, nutty and complex with a rich palate Dom Perignon, France 180 Aromas of apricot and rosewater with a fine balance of peach and white floral notes Innocent Bystander, Pink Moscato, Australia 2012 (375ml) 20 Aromas of musk stick, lemon sorbet and toffee apple with flavors of cream soda Riesling & Sauvignon Blanc Guenoc, Sauvignon Blanc, Lake County 2013 26 Aromas of pineapple, guava and key lime compliment spicy flavor Chateau Ste. Michelle, Riesling, Columbia Valley 2012 26 Flavors of peach, apricot, pear & citrus with subtle slate and mineral notes Villa Maria, Sauvignon Blanc, New Zealand 2013 33 Herb, lilikoi & gooseberry highlight a balanced palate and zesty finish Ferrari Carano, Fume Blanc, Sonoma 2012 33 Flavors of earth and herb leading to a crisp finish with oak nuance Alternative Whites Woodbridge, White Zinfandel, California 2013 26 Aromas of red apple and strawberry leading to flavors of orange blossom Santa Cristina Pinot Grigio, 2012 37 Rich body with aromas of apple and peach Valley of the Moon, Pinot Blanc, Sonoma 2012 30 Pear and citrus character, with a touch of minerality to the finish All wines and vintages subject to availability 12-16-14 Chardonnay Guenoc, Lake County 2013 26 Clean, fruit forward wine with layers of tropical fruit, pear, apricot and peach Beringer, Napa Valley 2012 32 Aromas of lemon zest, apple blossom, nutmeg, vanilla bean and butterscotch lead to a long citrus finish Stag’s Leap, Napa 2013 45 Flavors of mango, papaya and golden delicious apple with smoky vanilla and clove undertones Chateau Ste. Michelle, Columbia Valley 2012 27 Subtle oak nuances highlighted by ripe pear and floral notes Murphy-Goode, Island Block, Alexander Valley 2012 36 Flavors of baked apple, honeysuckle and tropical fruits A Glass of White Mumm, Brut Prestige, Sparkling Wine Napa Split (187ml) 10 Rich and creamy with white peach, nectarine and green apple qualities, followed by a lemon-kissed finish Guenoc, Chardonnay, Lake County 7 Beringer, Chardonnay, Napa Valley 8.50 Guenoc, Sauvignon Blanc, Lake County 7 Chateau Ste. Michelle, Riesling, Columbia Valley 7 Villa Maria, Sauvignon Blanc, New Zealand 8.50 Woodbridge, White Zinfandel, California 7 Santa Cristina Pinot Grigio, 9 All wines and vintages subject to availability 12-16-14 Cabernet Sauvignon Guenoc, Lake County 2013 26 Inviting aromas of toffee, caramel, blackberry and black cherry Beaulieu Vineyards, “BV”, Napa 2012 44 Aromas of black cherry, anise, dark cocoa with a hint of vanilla Clos du Bois, Sonoma 2011 38 Flavors of blackberry, black currant, chocolate with a peppery character Franciscan “Oakville Estate”, Napa 2012 55 Aromas of chocolate, coffee, cassis, dark fruit and raspberry with flavors of cassis and toasted oak Rodney Strong, Sonoma 2011 40 Aromas of blackberry, cocoa and cedar with flavors of black cherry, vanilla and cassis Silver Oak, Alexander Valley 2007 120 Tasting of cassis, black cherry and dark chocolate with a long complex finish Ben Marco, Mendoza, Argentina 2012 45 Beautiful deep red color with perfumed aromas of ripe black cherries, strawberries and roasted cocoa beans Yellow Tail “Reserve” Australia 32 Aromas of black cherry, mint and French oak with flavors of blackberry and cassis Merlot Guenoc, California 2013 26 Rich flavors of blackberry and chocolate with a round smooth finish Clos du Bois, Sonoma 2012 30 Aromas of plum and black cherry with flavors of red and black fruit with a velvet finish Pinot Noir Mark West, Russian River 2012 40 Aromas of anise, earth, vanilla and cinnamon with flavors of raspberry and red cherry Estancia, Monterey 2011 35 Flavors of dark cherry, red berry and spicy cola Wild Horse, Central Coast 2010 38 Aromas of black cherry, rosewater and cinnamon and a silky smooth mouth feel King Estate, Oregon 2012 48 Flavors of plum, bing cherry vanilla and caramel give way to a lingering finish Smoking Loon, California 2012 26 Aromas of raspberries, strawberries & cranberries with a hint of cinnamon & spice creating a light finish All wines and vintages subject to availability 12-16-14 Alternative Red Guenoc, Petite Sirah, Lake County 2013 26 Juicy blackberry and plum opening to floral notes and softening tannins Dry Creek, “Heritage”, Zinfandel, Sonoma 2009 35 Aromas of cherry, black currant with hints of vanilla and pepper with flavors of creamy spice and dark chocolate Ravenswood “Vintners Blend”, Zinfandel, California 2012 27 Flavors of raspberry, blackberry and vanilla with light scents of cinnamon Guenoc, Meritage, Lake County 2008 26 Full bodied layers of plum, black cherry and chocolate with ripe tannins giving way to a smooth finish Guenoc, Zinfandel, Lake County 2012 26 Flavors of exotic spice & red raspberry with a long subtle finish Murphy-Goode, “Liar’s Dice”, Zinfandel, Sonoma 2011 38 Flavors of raspberry, black cherry and blackberry jam Half Bottle Selections J. Lohr, Seven Oaks, Cabernet Sauvignon 2011 18 High-toned Paso Robles Cabernet with a lovely bouquet of toasted pastry and vanilla Clos Du Val, Pinot Noir 2008 30 The palate is met with flavors of pomegranate, vanilla, and cola and is supported with soft tannins that provide structure and silkiness Coppola Merlot 2010 18 A vibrant California Merlot, displaying luscious plum and red raspberry flavors Conundrum 11, Blend 2011 27 “Aromas of lavender and honeysuckle, rich complex flavors of green apple, ripe peaches and spice, silky smooth, lightly sweet Sonoma-Cutrer Russian River Ranches, Chardonnay 2012 18 A light, creamy mid-palate flows into a crisp, citrus acidity rounding out to a long and persistent finish Hess Cabernet Sauvignon, Allomi Vineyard, Napa 2010 27 A full bodied wine rich with flavors of dark berries, cedar and vanilla Kendall-Jackson, “Vintner’s Reserve”, Chardonnay, California 2012 19 Aromas of green apple and peach balanced by flavors of tropical fruits A Glass of Red Guenoc, Cabernet Sauvignon, Lake County 7 Guenoc, Merlot, California 7 Clos du Bois, Merlot, Sonoma 8 Guenoc, Petite Sirah, Lake County 7 Guenoc, Meritage, Lake County 7 Guenoc, Zinfandel, Lake County 7 Smoking Loon, Pinot Noir, California 7 All wines and vintages subject to availability 12-16-14 Don’s Martinis Pomegranate Martini 9.50 Absolut Kurant Vodka, Pama Liqueur, Cointreau, & Rock Candy Syrup Tropitini 9.50 Pineapple Infused Rum, Malibu coconut rum, Orgeat Syrup & a Splash of Tropical Juices Chocolate Martini 9.50 Vanilla Infused Vodka, Crème de Cacao, Godiva Chocolate Liqueur, Baileys Irish Cream & a Drizzle of Chocolate Syrup Coco-Peach Martini 9.50 Malibu coconut rum, Peach Infused Vodka, Peach Schnapps & a Splash of Sprite Black Sand Martini 9.50 Vanilla infused vodka and Black Sambuca Ginger Mango Martini 9.50 Ginger Liqueur, Mango Infused Vodka & Mango Puree Cosmo’s Blues 9.50 Van Gogh Acai & Blueberry Vodka, Chambord, Triple Sec & Cranberry Juice DON’S ORIGINAL MAI TAI 9.25 Old school is in session with this original preparation of what is now often modified. Don has many claims to fame but none as bold as this fine cocktail. Bacardi 8, Orange Curacao, Potter’s West Indian Dark rum, fresh lime and a few smuggler’s secrets make this 1933 classic a must. Navy Grog 9.00 A Beachcomber classic. Naked Turtle White Rum, gold rum, dark rum and tropical juices. “A robust rum punch dedicated to all gallant men of all the navies of the world.” Pele’s Volcanic Mai Tai 10.00 Once the fire Goddess’s wrath subsides you are left with this fine tranquilizer. Bacardi 151, Amaretto, Pineapple & Orange Juice topped with Potter’s West Indian dark rum float. Sit back and let Pele work her magic. Topless Mai Tai 8.75 The most risqué of all Don’s Mai Tais this concoction of Malibu coconut rum, tropical juices covered with a shear top of mango infused rum. Mai Tai Quencher 8.75 Nothing better for a lazy Kona afternoon… light, cool & refreshing. Naked Turtle White Rum, pineapple juice, sprite and Malibu coconut rum floating lazily on the waves.. Don’s Plantation Mai Tai 10.00 Fresh Island lime, Naked Turtle White Rum, Potter’s West Indian Dark Rum and some Beachcomber magic make this the perfect after the harvest libation. Paradise Found 10.00 Don’s Mojitos Pama Mojito 9.00 A mojito with a tangy twist blending Pomegranate Liqueur, Naked Turtle White Rum, with fresh mint & fresh lime . Ginger Peach Mojito 9.25 A mojito blending exotic ginger with sweet peach flavors. Ginger liqueur, peach vodka and Naked Turtle White Rum. Don’s Royal Dream 8.75 A mojito joining the mysteries of the orient with delicious island flavors. Vanilla vodka, Malibu coconut rum, lime and pineapple. Dragonberry Mojito 8.75 Don’t let Don catch you dragon! Dragonberry rum, fresh island limes and fresh strawberries. The Don Jito 9.00 Naked Turtle White Rum, fresh island lime, fresh mint, simple syrup and a great deal of effort go into this masterpiece. Mex-jito 9.00 Juan the Beachcomber rides again! A Mexican twist on a Cuban favorite with a little Hawaiian flavor. Tequila, lime, sugar, mint and a touch of mango. Mango Mojito 8.75 A mojito mixing mango, mint and lime. Malibu Mango vodka sets the rhythm in motion. Mandarin Mojito 8.75 A sweet twist on the original. Mandarin vodka, Now that you’ve arrived taste the reason you came. Mango, Malibu coconut rum & pineapple rum bathed in pineapple juice with a topper of bubbles. Tiki Meloniki 10.00 Got melons? A blend of melon infused rum & Chambord rollin’ together in this rancher reminiscent watermelon delight. Tiki Tai 10.00 Don’s ultimate Tiki Mai Tai is a blend of Naked Turtle White Rum, Orange Curacao and tropical juices topped off with a healthy portion of Potter’s West Indian Dark Rum. Don’s Green Flash 10.00 Searching the horizon? Look no more, relax and squint with mango infused rum, pineapple and orange juices shaken and layered over a generous portion of Midori Melon Liqueur to create our own visual phenomenon. Don Rio 8.75 Rio de Janeiro’s Sangria has nothing on Donn’s. Guenoc Merlot is whisked with tropical juices, fresh lime & lemon and melon infused rum. Put The Lime In Don Coconut 8.75 Malibu coconut rum, citrus infused vodka and fresh island grown limes are showered in sparkling water to create this refreshing toe tapper. Mai Tai Rita 9.00 Don’s cousin from south of the border, Juan the Beachcomber, recommends this blend of flavors from the jungles of Mexico. Tequila, tropical juices and that voodoo that Don do so well. Scorpion 10.00 Naked Turtle Whiter Rum, Potter’s West Indian Dark Rum, brandy & fresh Big Island juices. This will put a stinger in your tail!
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