April - Central Oklahoma Quilters Guild
April - Central Oklahoma Quilters Guild
LABOR of LOVE Volume 27, No. 11 Central Oklahoma Quilters Guild April 2007 NQA Chapter # OK544 From the President’s Desk Junea Clark Board & Committees President: Junea Clark Pres. Elect: Joyce Thorp We had a great program by Bob and Debbie Cass of Homestead Quilting showing fabric embellishments using Angelina, Paintstiks, foil, dyes and inks. WOW! It definitely got our creative juices flowing. A big thank you to to Beverly Beesley and all of the volunteers that worked at the OETA fund raiser on March 17th, A check for $500 your donations was presented to OETA . I would like to focus on one of the Guild's small groups Heart Warmers. This group has made approximately 6,000 infant and children's quilts and donated them to groups such as Newborns in Need, Inc. and many others. Contact Linda Williams if you would like to participate in this true charity work for children in need love and warmth. I want to thank Jan Malone and the members of the nominating committee for their hard work. We will be voting for the nominated officers at the April meeting. If there are any nominations from the floor, the person nominated must be present or have a letter of acceptance, to be nominated. I am asking for the friendship star for my President's block in blue and white prints. I would appreciate your signature on it. I've enjoyed this year so much. Thank you. Remember the deadline for COQG Centennial Celebration of Quilts entries is May 25,2007. Don't want anyone to miss it! Attention There will be a $5.00 charge for non members to attend the April meeting. OETA: Beverly Beesley Heartwarmers: Linda Williams Jeannie Moore NQA: Myrna Douglas Day VP: Bettye Chalk 787-4556 495-8773 789-3655 745-9337 (580)622-6352 715-1730 722-3245 Greeter: Edith Moffitt Quilt Display: Brittany Chalk, Night VP: Lola Jenkins 424-2414 Greeter: Quilt Display: Secretary: Myrna Douglas Treasurer: Vita Crowe Dir. of Heritage: Carol Tucker Dir. of Library: Mary Lu Kaiser 715-1730 947-0033 787-0118 495-3690 Day Assist: Night Assist: Dir. of Membership: Jan Malone Day Assist: Linda Cobb 577-2292 Beverly Beesley Night Assist: Melida Boman Jan Teel Dir. of Newsletter: Linda Jones Circulation: Connie Heffron Dir. of Programs: Peggy Irby 376-2688 787-2833 360-7573 Block of the Month: B.J. Davis Programs-Elect: Cheryl Hoyt 401-9061 Dir. Ways and Means:(Day) Nancy Jarman 728-1261 (Night) Dora Ezzell (Night) Sharon Hardin 841-1169 842-0817 Quilt Show 2007: Linda Williams Darlene Mangum 745-9337 354-6530 COQG Website: www.centralokquilters.org Pictures of the meetings will be posted each month at: http://community.webshots.com/user/lintole COQG April 2007 Page 1 Committee Reports Day Vice President Betty Chalk (article by Brittany Chalk) Okay ladies, we still have a couple of positions open for the board, so I thought an advertisement would be in order. Have you ever seen the Mastercard commercials? Well, here is my version… Joke book: $10 Dinner with a nationally known quilt artist: $12 Fabric that the quilt artist brings to the meeting that you buy cause you just gotta have it: $20 Making lifelong friends on the board: priceless Remember, board members are needed, but for everything else, there’s Mastercard. Ways and Means Nancy, Sharon & Dora The April showers are here and it’s too wet to work in the yard but that's great. More time to work on a quilt to enter in the quilt show in July. If you need a sharp cutting blade for your rotary cutter we still have 2 sizes to offer you. One blade is only $3.50. We have found tote bags from the 25th Anniversary of the Guild and they are on sale for $7.00 (what a good buy). We also are selling some pipe that you put together for $5.00. These are used to hang your quilt on in order to baste your quilt standing up instead of on your knees on the floor. I don't know about you but, my knees are not like they used to be. We still have the book Heavenly Patchwork for only $15.00. We have had several books, material and patterns donated to ways and means so stop buy and look at what we have. Library Membership Mary Lu Kaiser Jan Malone We had 116 members and 10 guests at the morning meeting. The evening meeting had 64 members and 1 guest in attendance. I would like to thank each of the vendors who set up their "shops on the go" at COQG meetings. You are always so generous and donate wonderful door prizes. Thank you! The nominating committee presents the nominees for the 20072008 board. President President Elect Day Vice President Night Vice President Secretary Treasurer Director of Membership Director of Library Director of Newsletter Director of Heritage Director of Ways and Means Day Night Director of Programs Director of Programs Elect Joyce Thorp Vita Crowe Revonda Blanding Sandy Gard Inez Andrews Becky White Jan Malone Mary Lu Kaiser Brittany Chalk Carol Tucker Junea Clark Cheryl Hoyt The offices that are in bold are still open and need volunteers. COQG April 2007 While I am inventorying and finding all of the neat stuff we have, I thought I'd let you know some of it. I found one BIAS STRIPPER RULER from Patchwork Place There are two books in the library relating to this ruler: Stripples and Stripples Strikes Again both by Donna Lynn Thomas. I found three STARMAKER RULERS, 5, 6, and 8 from Kaye Wood. We also have books to accompany the rulers. We have several (20 or more) stencils for quilting. We have about eight books of Quilting designs. Many could be rearranged to work for machine quilting. There is a large book, Spoken Without a Word by Elly Sienkiewicz, a collection of Baltimore Beauty Designs with Quilting Patterns. Quilts Start to Finish: 20 Quilt Patterns with Quilting Designs It's Not a Quilt Until It's Quilted The Finishing Touch (3 copies) Quilting Designs from the Amish Heritage Quilting Designs Quilting Designs from Antique Quilts The Osage County Quilt Factory Big Book of Quilting Patterns I found some envelopes with Hawaiian Pillow Patterns. We have several video VHS tapes: Georgia Bonesteel, Jinny Beyer, Kaye Wood, AQS tapes of shows. Check them out. It may be fun. There is so much in the Library and much more coming. Page 2 CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION OF QUILTS 2007 July 2628, 2007/Cox Center, 1 Myriad Gardens, OKC, OK Linda Williams Darlene Mangum OKLAHOMA COUNTY QUILTS Evelyn Day These are the counties that I still need to have a quilt Adair, Atoka, Delaware, Garvin, Greer, Haskell, Hughes, Jackson, Jefferson, McClain, McCurtain, Marshall, Nowata, Okfuskee, Okmulgee, Ottawa, Pittsburg, Pushmataha, Roger Mills, Sequoyah, and Texas. Please contact me ASAP if you have any leads on a quilt from any of these counties dday10@cox.net VENDORS Lois Lyon We will have a great variety of vendors in July for our Centennial show! We will have new and exciting vendors from all parts of the United States plus our old favorites. At the present time we have a full slate of vendors and a waiting list. Start saving your spending money, as you know we all love to visit their booths! STAFFING Bev Beesley We have had six people sign up for staffing. ONLY another 94 to go! Sign up early for the areas in which you enjoy working. It will take many hands. There are jobs for sit down, standing, running from one end of the building to the other, exercise jobs (setup/take down), talking, quiet, money handling – In fact a job to suit your every need. SOUVENIRS Linda Jones Attention All Small Groups I still need to have sizes of your donation quilts that will be sold at the quilt show in July. We do need to make room to hang them. Please call Linda Jones at 3762688 or email at Lintole@aol.com. If your quilt is not finished, at least give me an estimate. RAFFLE QUILT Neoma Wilson The raffle quilt has been busy traveling Oklahoma. The raffle quilt got to go to the quilt retreat at Western Hills on March 22 thru 25, and then it is on to Patchwork Place to visit for the month of April. Many thanks to K’s Studio for her high ticket sales PLUS the color ad of the quilt and cookbook in the El Reno Tribune, El Reno Plus and Mustang News! GENTLEMEN’S QUARTERS Patricia Olgesby/Mercedes Lyon Don’t forget to sign up to work demos. Men, let us know your expertise in making those “can’t live without quilt items.” Are you up for the challenge of showing others how to make them? Patricia rpngso@sbcglobal.net Mercedes mlyon11@juno.com COOKBOOK Joyce Thorp Have you purchased your cookbook yet? Mother’s Day and June weddings are fast approaching and a group cookbook is always the best gift to receive. For a different type of dessert, try Linda Williams’ Mexican Cobbler – page 146. This is so yummy when served hot out of the oven. COQG April 2007 Page 3 Billie Lauder Programs and Workshops (Read Billie’s bio in page 5) June 28, 2007 (Thurs) Lecture Morning meeting starts at 9 am, lecture at 10 am. Evening meeting starts at 7 pm, lecture at 8 pm. Title: “Quilts You Asked For It” Do you love to look at quilts? The more the better? This a trunk show of old and new quilts. Find out what Billie is “jazzed” about and why. Billie loves to work with traditional quilt patterns and see how she can convert them in to being made using one of her various “Quick Tricks” methods of construction. You will be shown an assortment of quilts and how easily they can be made. There are multiple examples of some to the quilts that are made from different colors and or values. It is amazing to see the changes that are possible in the same quilt pattern. Get inspired by a variety of techniques and ideas. Go home “Jazzed” yourself with quilt patterns dancing in your head. Cameras welcome! June 29, 2007 (Friday) Workshop 9am to 4 pm – “Beyond the Rail Fence” Such a simple and basic quilt block unit, but what you can do with it? Seeing is believing! This workshop lets you create your own quilt pattern. No pressure, only play. Start by discovering what a basic Rail Fence Quilt looks like and how it is constructed. Once that is accomplished, students will be shown how to create their own designs or work with one of the quilt layouts that Billie has already created. Students will be working with Special Rail Fence graph paper and colored pencils. Next, you will learn how to calculate yardage and cutting requirements. The purchase of “Beyond The Rail Fence” book ($14) plus “Rail Fence Graph Paper” ($5) is required. All levels. Maximum 30 students. June 30, 2007 (Sat) Workshop 9am to 4pm – “Diamonds Can be a Quilter’s Best Friend” Billie will show you how to play with 60 and 45 degree Diamonds. You will loose the fear of working with bias edges. The “Y” seam will become just another seam to you. You will understand how to figure out your filler triangles and squares. She will show you basic steps for a four patch, nine patch, a tumbling block and a star. You will find that the basic method of construction stays the same no matter what the angle is. She will put a new “slant” on your thinking. The purchase of “Diamonds Can Be a Quilter’s Best Friend” book ($15) is required. There is a combination book plus fabric kit offered for $55. All levels. Maximum 30 students Required Books and Rail Fence Graph paper will be brought to Oklahoma by Billie Lauder Books will be ordered by Program Dir. in May, so please get your enrollment in early. Sign up form can be found on this page. COQG April 2007 Programs and Workshops for April 2007 – May 2007 April 26, 2007 Cynthia England lecture Why Did I Buy this Ugly Fabric? April 27, 2007 Workshop Small Landscape Class $30.00 May 24, 2007 Installation (party) PM only Remember: You must pay when you sign up for a workshop and your check will not be deposited until after the workshop or you may pay in cash. Workshop Registration Class Name/Date Cost Cynthia England $30.00 Name . Address . City State Zip ______ Phone Make checks payable to: COQG . Send SASE for supply lists or pick up at a meeting. Mail to: Peggy Irby 417 Prestwick St. Norman, OK 730724863 Do not use this form to sign up for any other workshops. Workshop Registration Class Name/Date Cost Name . Address . City State Phone Make checks payable to: COQG Zip ______ . Send SASE for supply lists or pick up at a meeting. Mail to: Cheryl Hoyt 12300 Buggy Lane Jones, OK 73049 This form is for workshops starting June 2007 Page 4 Billie Lauder will be our speaker on June 28. Then on June 29 and June 30 she will be doing workshops. You won’t want to miss taking a workshop with her. Marilyn’s Quilting Corner Marilyn Karper Billie Lauder Bio Billie is proud to be a third generation quiltmaker. She has been teaching quilting since 1976. When asked what quiltmaking meant to her, Billie said “It is the past, the present and the future.” The past is her learning from her grandmother and mother. The present is her current teaching of her students. And the future is the people who will pass on the knowledge of what they have learned from her to others. Billie has a knack for making quiltmaking easy for all levels of quilters. She loves to develop “Quick Trick” methods of quilt construction. She has developed her own special graph paper for the Rail Fence Quilt. Billie has written 17 books which have been made available by Easymade Publications over the last several years. Billie has a vast library to draw upon for her workshops and lectures. The HGTV show “Simply Quilts” helped Billie launch her lecture tour, which continues to take her all over the world. To sign up contact Cheryl Hoyt at the guild meetings or cherylhoyt@wildblue.net. Cell phone 405401 9061. Snail mail: 12300 Buggy Lane, Jones, OK 73049. You MUST pay when you sign up for a workshop. Your check will not be deposited until after the workshop, or you may pay in cash. Nonmembers will pay $45 for national speakers (members $30). Nonmembers will pay $40 for local speakers (members $25). Non members will pay $5 at the door for the lectures by national speakers. I’m not sure why, but fabric has a way of soothing my soul. I’m sure you’re not like this, but I will buy fabric even when I don’t have a certain project in mind and usually it sits on the table for several days (or weeks) in plain sight to ‘inspire’ me. I try to ‘see’ it in a quilt in my head. I let it ‘speak’ to me. Then I will have company coming over and I’ll have to clean up my space and this certain fabric will be put in my ‘stash’. Then the dreaded “out of sight – out of mind” hits and it’s gone being my inspiration. I haven’t totally forgotten it. I have another problem. I have replaced it with another piece or two of inspirational fabrics. Gosh, if I just had more time!! My advice to you is this: If you can’t cut and sew up that beautiful fabric before company comes, try to pull a few coordinating fabrics with it along with a pattern or your design ideas and put them away together. Then when we have one of those rainy/snowy/icy/etc days, pull it out and begin. Do it as soon as you can because the next inspirational fabric will come along to distract you! I try not to beat myself up too much about this as the fabric has already done its job when I brought it home….it inspired me and soothed my soul! President’s Block It is our custom to shower the outgoing president with a block of her choice. Junea has chosen the Friendship Star in a 9 inch size. The following is for cutting and piecing and the configuration. Cut 4 3.5” squares of blue fabric for corners. Cut 1 3.5” square of white for center. Cut 2 4” squares of white fabric and blue fabric and pair them for half square triangles. After they are sewn, trim them to 3.5”. Sew the block together as shown in example. Sign your name on an inside seam with a permanent pen. Be ready to present to President on May 24 at the joint meeting. Remember this our thank you for her year as President. (You may bring these to the April meeting if you like.) COQG April 2007 Page 5 Block of the Month COQG April 2007 Page 6 Block of the Month COQG April 2007 Page 7 Sad News We have collected and sent a total of 380 quilts for Injured Soldiers coming back from Iraq and Afghanistan. These quilts have been collected from all over central Oklahoma, including Eufaula and Woodward. All our area guilds as well as nonguild members have contributed quilts to this effort. The number of injured soldiers have numbered well over 7,000 to date. The most recent quilts I sent out were desperately needed as they were out. Thank you to our volunteer quilters who quilted so many of our soldier quilts, especially Dronda Hughes and Kathy Whelan, who quilted much more than their fair share. Also, thank you to Oklahoma Quiltworks for donating patriotic fabric for us to use in making soldier quilts with. They were the only quilt shop to do so. I had some volunteers that used that fabric along with some fabric I bought and made approximately 70 soldier quilts. They are still very much in need of more quilts. You receive a pin for the first quilt you make. Minimum size is 36" square. No polyester due to the weight. They receive them on the plane when they arrive in the U.S. regardless of the branch of service before they go to their respective service hospitals, unless they are burned and then they go to San Antonio and they get their quilts there. They love nonpatriotic quilts too reminds them of quilts their grandmothers made. We have girl soldiers too! If you have any questions, please feel free to call or email me at 3541315 or Hyouens@hotmail.com Thank you. Helen Youens P.S. Label quilts To An American Hero or leave unlabeled and pin your name to quilt and I will label it for you. OETA We had 18 ladies work answering the phones. COQG gave a check for $500.00. Virginia Mullins(one of the Charter members) presented the check on air. Janice Davis, a fellow quilt guild member, lost her daughterinlaw, Connie, in a singles car accident early last month. Connie’s son, Marshall, was in the car also. He was able to dial 911 and get EMSA and the police to the scene. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Janice and her family in this time of loss. Big On Friendship Norman Tuesday Morning Block Party 2 nd Tues. each month 10 a.m. Carrie Miller 3604189 South Moore Library PM Quilters Every other Wed. 6:30 p.m. Janie Steele 7941104 East Fat Quarters 1 st Thurs. each month Evelyn Day 9:30 a.m. 7333006 Piecemakers 2 nd Mon. each month Sherry Puffett 7 p.m. 3542797 PM Quilters 2 nd Thurs. each month Lois Lyon 7 p.m 2085939 Yukon North Second Tuesday Quilters 2 nd Tues. each month 10 a.m. Carol Plank 6212089 The Gaylor Applique Group 2 p.m. Guild Day in the Parlor Beverly Beesley 7893655 COQG April 2007 Page 8 Thank you Kaye for the ½ page ad in the Oklahoman. Events of Interest STARS OVER ABILENE QUILT SHOW JUNE 2 & JUNE 3, 2007 at Abilene Civic Center, 1100 N. 6 th Fiberworks 2007 June 3June 30. IAO Gallery, 811 N. Broadway. 7942157 Tulsa Quilt Show…June 9&10 Trade Center, Tulsa Fairgrounds Shawnee…Heart of Oklahoma Quilt Festival June 911 Road to Oklahoma Shop Hop… June 1517 Norman…A Quilter’s Safari Quilt Show July 21 & 22 Cleveland County Fair Grounds 615 E. Robinson. Do you have one of these in your purse? Homestead Classic Quilting Frame Work area is a full 93" wide with 21" between front and center pole. Top flips over completely. Only used once, like new condition. $250.00 Call Cheryl Weber 9211973 COQG April 2007 Page 9 Is there a Quilting Machine in your future? Marilyn Karper Sales Representative for: Linda’s Electric Quilters Selling Gammill Quilting Machines 4059465858 days 4056504369 evenings Call today for an appointment BERNINA of OKC Financing is now available through Gammill. COQG April 2007 North6817 N. May8408911 South2209 S.W. 746812212 & Bryant Square Edmond3301007 Page 10 Support our advertisers…They support us! Buckboard Quilts since 1976 Heavenly Patchwork Books Judy Howard 4057513885 by appt 5025 Brettshire Way OKC 73142 or shop online with 400 pictures www.BuckboardQuilts.com www.HeavenlyPatchwork.com COQG April 2007 Page 11 COQG CALENDAR All events meet at the St. John’s Methodist Church, 1755 N. Meridian, OKC Quilting Tip Guild Coming Events Connie Heffron Instead of just embellishing your crazy quilt with stitches, go the extra step and create a truly one of a kind creation. By using items that have significant meaning to you to embellish your crazy quilt, all the effort and hard work will result in a beautiful and very sentimental masterpiece. Using bits of your Grandmother's necklace, a piece from your Aunt's earrings, or some links from your Grandfather's watch chain will create a truly personal way to show off some treasured possessions that would have probably been left sitting in a box. April 26 April 27 April 30 COQG Membership Meeting 10 AM and 7 PM Our speaker will be 9 AM Workshop: 9:30 AM Heartwarmers 7 PM Board Meeting Central Oklahoma Quilters Guild, Inc. Post Office Box 23916 Oklahoma City, OK 73123 COQG April 2007 Page 12