RO2 March 2016 - Ulysses Club Inc.
RO2 March 2016 - Ulysses Club Inc.
RIDING ON TOO NEWSLETTER OF THE ULYSSES CLUB CANBERRA BRANCH PO Box 387 Curtin ACT 2605 March 2016 Volume 31 Number 3 Newsletter 268 PRESIDENT’S REPORT Hi Everyone Our Branch was well represented by the members who travelled to Launceston for the 2016 Ulysses Club AGM and it was great to see so many familiar faces all over Tasmania. The AGM is a great chance to catch up with our larger group of family members and to find out what has been happening to everyone else. Launceston hosted over 2200 Ulysses members and everyone had an enjoyable time. I would like to thank Andrea for finding such a fantastic restaurant for our Branch Friday night meal - my steak melted in my mouth. Facebook posts have let the cat out of the bag, indicating that everyone enjoyed themselves and had a great time riding around Tasmania. Tracey and I experienced fine weather on our expedition around the Apple Isle finding those little gems like MONA in Hobart and the sun kissed beaches on the east coast. While we stayed in Launceston we had the great fortune to stay in an 1850s workman’s cottage furnished in Scottish period decor. We had a continental breakfast and complimentary port while we enjoyed the use of a claw footed cast iron bath and a four poster bed. I can see camping has its advantages but some of us are not allowed to experience these benefits. NatCom is coming to Canberra – NatCom is holding a meeting at the Diplomat Motel, 2 Hely Street, Griffith on Saturday 30th April and they have invited the Canberra branch to join them for dinner at the Motel at 7pm. Those attending will do so at their own cost. It will be a wonderful opportunity to meet members of the National Committee. Please RSVP to me at by Friday 18th March 2016 if you would like to attend. The Ulysses Canberra Branch AGM - will be held at the end of our April meeting. Nominations must be received by the Branch Secretary by 22 March 2016. Please consider nominating if you would like to contribute to the Branch. All positions are open and any financial member can be nominated. Thank you to all our members who have nominated to be on our branch committee – we will be posting photos and a short profile of these members prior to next month’s meeting. Please refer to the attached flier for more detail. Whilst all positions are open, Chris Dietzel, our Branch Secretary for the last four years, is standing down. I would like to thank Chris for his dedication and service while in this position. I look forward to seeing everyone at the Deakin Football Club on Tuesday 16 February for our monthly Social Meeting starting at 7.30pm. Come early - we will be there from 6.00pm to enjoy a meal or a drink in a great atmosphere before the meeting. Keep safe until we meet. Mick 2 Our current committee is: Position Name Contact e-mail President Michael Winters 0412 134 376 Secretary Chris Dietzel 0432 632 667 Treasurer Peter Thomas 0431 698 130 Social Secretary Kim Moorey 0409 039 480 Committee Member Phil Nolan 0405 716852 Committee Member Andrea Lanagan 0421 901 960 Ride Coordinator Peter Arday 0411 529 151 Quartermaster Ron Tito Safety & Web Gary McDonald 0408 434 549 Welfare Officer Chas & Jen Towie 0422 970 556 (C) 0407 586 439 (J) Historian Jen Woods 0448 336 111 RO2 Editor Lyn Munday 0419 213 944 Canberra motorcycle centre fyshwick OPENING HOURS MON-FRI 8:30AM - 5:30PM SATURDAY 8:30AM - 3:00PM NOT OPEN PUBLIC HOLIDAYS STORE ADDRESS 30 Ipswich St, Fyshwick ACT 2609 MON-FRI 8:30AM - 5:30PM SATURDAY 8:30AM - 3:00PM NOT OPEN PUBLIC HOLIDAYS Showroom (02) 6280 4491 Workshop (02) 6175 4402 Canberra branch general meeting Ulysses Canberra Branch Social Meeting Tuesday 16 February 2016 The President opened the meeting at 7.40pm. In Attendance: 46 members and visitors were in attendance. Apologies: Peter Arday, Andrew Campbell, Mal Garner, Mick & Kyla Harvey, Gillian Nolen, Julie Hyland, Chas & Jen Towie, and ‘TE Lawrence’ – Ian, is this one of those Arabian Nights? Visitors and new members: Welcome to the following Visitors and New Members: Peter Koch: A classic (38 year old) BMW R100RS, with 392,000km on the clock! Carol Solley: Green & black Can-Am Spyder. Barry Solley: Honda ST1300. Secretary’s report – Inwards correspondence: Australia Post – Branch PO Box (Curtin) renewal notice – handed to Branch Treasurer for payment. VVCMCC ‘Bike Torque’ Newsletter January 2016. MIA Branch, February 2016 newsletter. MIA Branch ‘Trailer Talk’ – towing a trailer behind a bike – Neville Gray, Ulysses Road Safety Committee was recently published in the Riding On. It’s a good read, and if you tow a trailer, is worth looking at. NATCOMM ‘Intercom’ February 2016 (e-newsletter to members). NATCOMM ‘Branch Comms’ February 2016. Ulysses Club Road Safety Committee Newsletter February 2016. NATCOMM – Committee Members Reports; needed to be release prior to the AGM else it would not make the Riding On until the autumn edition. Bundanoon Motel – email. Describing what they have in the region that could be a nice diversion – hand to the Ride Coordinator for consideration. ‘Contact Us’ email – from a Ulysses member from Darwin, here in Canberra for approximately two years – Chris has forwarded him details of where we meet and how to access our ride calendar (provided link to Blog). Canberra Motorcycle Parking (Kate Armstrong) – the web site is now ‘mobile responsive’. Treasurer’s Report 12 Jan- 9 Feb 2016 – See the RO2. Outwards correspondence: January 2015: Mailed two copies of the January RO2 to the standard mailing list recipients. One was returned with the message ‘please remove from the mailing list. Barry (Taylor) passed away in December’. Rest in peace Barry. Treasurer’s report: Treasurer’s Report is as posted in the February RO2. $4200 roughly in the operating account and $2200 roughly in the BBQ account (before the donation of $1000 to Snowy Hydro Southcare, as passed at January’s Committee Meeting. Rider Development/Webmaster: Development: Read Gary’s February submission to the RO2. This month is dedicated to travelling Tasmania. Quick tip: “Roads are scenic, but going can be slow compared to what you may be accustomed to. Give yourself plenty of time to get from A to B”, and ride safely on route. Web/Blogmaster: ‘Blog is going well. Ride Coordinator: Peter Arday not present. New ride planning meeting was held last Saturday, and the new ride calendar is out in draft form. 3 Canberra branch general meeting (cont) Social Secretary: Kim Moorey advised that the 30th Anniversary BBQ/function on 13th Feb was a great success. Some 76 of the 90 ‘registered attendees’ were there. Kim thanked all that assisted on the day for the success it was, and to Jen Woods who turned out the historical memorabilia (photographs etc). RO2 Editor: Thanks Lyn for another great addition of the RO2; Lyn says ‘Good ride reports’ – keep them coming! BBQ Report: Leo reports “No BBQ’s had, so nothing to report”. The next will be at the Snowy Hydro Southcare base for their Open Day on Sunday 20 March. Looking for volunteers to man the BBQ (please note, it’s the same day as the National Black Dog 1-Day ride). Chris to forward the ‘applying for a temporary food business’ paperwork to Peter Thomas to kick off our 2016 BBQ fundraiser registration process with the ACT Government. A suggestion was raised by Peter Thomas that we will use this opportunity to present the $1000 cheque from the Branch to the Snowy Hydro Southcare organisation. Welfare Officer’s Report: Nothing to report – Chas and Jen not present Quartermaster Report: Ron Tito advised he is slowly getting some products in, and he has Branch cloth badges for sale at $5 each. NATCOM/MRA Report (Jen Woods): MRA ACT / NATCOM: Jen Woods advised that this years’ format of receiving the Committee Members’ reports by email is because with the timing of the AGM at Launceston, if left to then, it wouldn’t be until the production of the Autumn 2016 edition of the Riding On that the reports would be available to members. General Business: Alan Munday advises that the Vintage Japanese Motorcycle Club display is on again from 4-6 March at the National Museum. Tracey Winters announced that it is Mick’s birthday, and with it, he is retiring from the workforce. A cake was cut for Mick’s birthday. Andrea Lanagan announced that Ron and Kim have announced their engagement. Some wine and port was thoughtfully produced by Andrea, which we promptly agreed to toast Ron & Kim. Mick Winters announced to all attending the AGM to ride safely. Mick Winters announced that the Branch AGM is fast approaching, and would members please consider joining the committee, as some (eg, Secretary) is stepping down. To date, we have four nominations received and would appreciate a few more. Closure: The meeting was closed at 8:30PM. The next social meeting will be held on Tuesday 15th March at 7.30pm, Deakin Soccer Club. For sale. Two 2005 Kawasaki ZZR600's. One has 25000km and the other has 15000km. Both have been garaged and regularly serviced and both had new tyres fitted in October 2015. Both bikes have Venture racks and Givi pannier racks and Givi E360 panniers. Both bikes have NSW rego till September 2016. Asking $4000 and $4500. Contact Rod Horne on 0412 228 764. 4 5 Treasurer’s report Apologies - there is no Treasurer’s Report this month. Treasurer, Peter is busy sightseeing around Tasmania. At Cataract Gorge Launceston Catching up with correspondence with Leo & Jen at Bicheno CANBERRA BRANCH BLOG "Would you like to receive an email when a new article has been put on the Branch Blog?" ☺ If you would like to receive an email whenever the blog is updated, click on the above link and look for this email submission box on the bottom of the info strip - it’s on right hand side of the blog, ☺Submit your email address, ☺You will receive an email to confirm your address is real, ☺Once you reply, following the emailed instructions, you will be included in an email broadcast, ☺This will give an extract of the update and a link to it, ☺Click on the link if you want to know more about the update. We have 36 in the list so far - why not join us? Canberra branch 30th anniversary More Photos from the Canberra Branch 30th Anniversary BBQ 6 Canberra branch agm The Ulysses Club Canberra Branch NEEDS YOU! 2016 IS HERE AND THE BRANCH IS REQUESTING YOUR HELP TO SERVE ON THE COMMITTEE If you would like to help guide our Branch please nominate for a Committee position this year. There will be a few vacancies to fill so as they say “Many hands make less work” The nomination form must reach the Secretary by Tuesday 22nd March 2016 which is 28 days before the AGM on the 19th April 2016. SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL ULYSSES CLUB BRANCH BECOME A VALUABLE PART OF THIS GREAT FAMILY Just get in touch and join in – the best way to feel part of the group is to just get involved!! Be there for us as so many of our members have given their time for our Canberra Branch! A Committee nomination form will be in the RO2 7 Ulysses Club Canberra Branch AGM 2016 Committee Nomination Form All nominees must be proposed and seconded by current financial members of the Club. Nomination forms must be complete with all information provided and accompanied by the signatures of all three parties involved. Nominations must reach the Branch Secretary at PO Box 387, Curtin ACT 2605 no later than 28 days before the election is to be held. Office Bearers positions to be filled: President, Secretary, Treasurer and three ordinary Committee members I,………………………………………..Ulysses Club Member No……………….do hereby nominate……………………………………..Ulysses Club Member No……………….for the position of…………………………………on the Ulysses Club Inc Canberra Branch Committee for the forthcoming elections. Signed…………………………………… Dated……………………………………… I,………………………………………..Ulysses Club Member No……………….do hereby second the nomination of……………………………………...for the position of…………………………………on the Ulysses Club Inc Canberra Branch Committee for the forthcoming elections. Signed…………………………………… Dated……………………………………… I,………………………………………..Ulysses Club Member No……………….accept the nomination for the position of…………………………………on the Ulysses Club Inc Canberra Branch Committee for the forthcoming elections. Signed………………………………… Dated……………………………………… RIDER DEVELOPMENT 9 Space issues Well the 2016 AGM is over and while some of the travellers are home I can see via emails and Facebook that there are still some stragglers out enjoying themselves in Tassie and perhaps taking a long and winding route back. I'm looking forward to the tales when the wanderers return. As you might have guessed, I wasn't one of the AGM travellers, and from the ride reports the stay at homers have been very active too. I'm afraid I was only able to get just one decent ride through some flat country in Victoria. A bit too many long straight roads with sneaky last minute turns and offset crossroads. Not bad riding, but I'd have to say I prefer a few more curves. The straight roads can lull you into too much of a relaxed state. You can see why the crossroads are offset as the temptation for road users is to pay minimal attention to giving way or stopping. Long grass and a few shrubs is all it takes to hide a rider or even small cars. Even in flat country it doesn’t take much of a dip to do the same. Unfortunately, most of my February travels have been by car. Back to back Melbourne and Sydney trips meant that I've spent a bit of time on the roads and I have to confess to keenly and greedily observing every bit of motorcycling I saw. Its second hand motorcycling by any means. I was pleased to see well laden travellers, often towing trailers and hopefully AGM bound. There also appeared to be a Triumph rally on, judging by the make up of some of the groups I saw, and at Cann River more CX500's and their bigger sibling than I had seen in some years. (Some trailered and pleasingly, more ridden). On the open road riders were well behaved and performing tidy well thought out overtaking manoeuvres. Only one late timed and double line crossing heart in mouth moment was seen in all those kilometres. Intriguing was one motorcycling practice I saw more of than years past was lane filtering and splitting (in both Melbourne and Sydney). Recent changes to laws (or trials at least) in many states mean that filtering is now legal but splitting remains illegal although I saw both in practice. I have some difficulty with both as even lane filtering has a poor fit with Roadcraft to my way of thinking. A core element of Roadcraft is the creation of "space" around rider and bike, and the dynamic ongoing control of that space. Filtering is essentially the close passing between stationary queues of vehicles and by its nature narrows the recommended roadcraft space to a bare minimum, measured in centimetres rather than the preferred metre/s. Further, as with any queuing system , while there is some perceived benefit to the first filtering rider, there is a diminishing return to riders following, especially when the traffic queue starts to move. It’s a dynamic which is best left to experienced riders to manage, and the trials explicitly exclude novices. That said, my observation of P platers, suggests that requirement has fallen on deaf ears. Splitting is essentially performing the same manoeuvre at speed. Regrettably I observed much more of that. The risks and consequences of an error by rider or driver in that narrow canyon between vehicles becomes quickly magnified as soon as the queue begins moving, let alone at higher traffic speeds. It’s a rider decision and responsibility no matter which of the manoeuvres is chosen, and a difficult thing to adjudicate when the dust settles. I'd imagine the insurance companies will have a system.... Cyclist and motorcyclists are both familiar with another risk of passing close to cars; the dreaded "dooring". While drivers tend to open doors when parked, a stopped car can "spill" passengers at any time, especially in congested and stationary traffic close to the car's destination. Much chatter is made in the media about "dooring" for cyclists. Lives have been lost and cyclists injured. While this sort of collision is mainly reported for cyclists, 10 motorcyclists aren't immune. We at least have a some exhaust and engine noise to give some warning, but the location of the source is not as apparent to the enclosed and soundproofed motorist as we might hope. Couple that with a poor understanding of blind spot size and extent means that it can be easy for a rider to assume the driver knows exactly where they are - "they" often don't. A simple demonstration can be made with any car (in a secure area) and a group of volunteer pedestrians. Having the driver call each pedestrian to stand just inside of the "blindspot" can "map" the location, size and shape of the hidden zone. It’s sobering to all the participants when a visibility "hole" the size of a bus is mapped out. Due to differences in vehicle design there is a range of "blindspot" sizes and locations, and when you further factor in the varieties in driver attention, distraction, skillset and attitude we can see what a minefield it is to pass close under any circumstance. There are many riding practices and behaviours out there. Hopefully road users are giving them consideration with respect to Roadcraft - even momentarily, and hopefully evaluating the outcomes, even if it is only a "that was good" , or "I won't do that again". Its all "experience", although "experience" is a bit inconsistent as it;’ relative to exposure and practice, and assumes each individual is evaluating and learning in the same way as everyone else. Its one of the good reasons that novices are taught Roadcraft - it’s a consistent methodology to safely evaluate unknowns, and a practice which can positively and safely accelerate experience. No matter what we choose to do or not do as riders, if we are using Roadcraft we are tipping the risk balance in our favour - food for thought. Please consider. Ride safe Gary Mac What’s on 11 Monthly meetings are held on the third Tuesday of the month at 7.30pm at the Arrive EARLY FOR Dinner with other members, before the meeting, from 6.00pm Next meeting Tuesday 15th March, 2016 - AT DEAKIN 2016 anzac day long weekend ride Details for the accommodation for the Anzac day long weekend ride in 2016. Look forward to this ride as Peter organises great escapes away. Book your accommodation early. Saturday 23rd April 2016 ...... Mid City Motor lodge Orange. ph. (02) 63621600 Mid City Motor Lodge Sunday 24th April 2016...........Country Mile Motor Inn Forbes. ph. (02)68524099 Country Mile Motor Inn Monday 25th April 2016. We will be attending the ANZAC parade commemorative services at Temora on Anzac Day More about the ride as soon as it is finalised. Any questions please call Peter Arday on 0411 529 151. For supply of the BBQ gas. 12 Your kids are becoming you......but your grandchildren are perfect! Going out is good.. Coming home is better! You forget names.... But it's OK because other people forgot they even knew you!!! You realize you're never going to be really good at anything.... especially golf. The things you used to care to do, you no longer care to do, but you really do care that you don't care to do them anymore. You sleep better on a lounge chair with the TV blaring than in bed. It's called "pre-sleep". You miss the days when everything worked with just an "ON" and "OFF" Switch.. You tend to use more 4 letter words ... "what?"..."when?"... ??? Now that you can afford expensive jewellery, it's not safe to wear it anywhere. You notice everything they sell in stores is "sleeveless"?!!! What used to be freckles are now liver spots. Everybody whispers. You have 3 sizes of clothes in your closet.... 2 of which you will never wear. But Old is good in some things: Old songs, Old movies, and best of all, OLD FRIENDS!! Stay well, "OLD FRIEND!" Share this with other "Old Friends!" and let them laugh in AGREEMENT!!! It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived. 13 Ride reports Club ride to Tathra/Pambula 21 Feb 2016 I had a call from my daughter on Saturday ‘Hey dad, are you going for a ride tomorrow – I want to come’. This is the first time for Cherita since last Feb (when we rode to Moruya to take a tandem skydive jump). After a quick check of the weather forecast – ‘Yes! Let me get the bike back together first’. Arrived at Caltex Hume a little late (8.25, should have been there at 8.15) to the sight of quite a number of riders (19 including myself). So 20 of us for lunch at Tathra. Andrew explained the route we will take, and also that it’s not Tathra we are going to, it’s the Commercial Hotel at Pambula for lunch. Morning coffee stop at Nimmitabel (via Polo Flat road), with the only disappointment for the day being that boring run along the Monaro Highway. No tail end Charlie necessary until departing from the coffee stop, and that role was played by Ian on the ‘Wing. Andrew made up for the Monaro bit though: “On leaving Nimmitabel, we’ll continue on the Monaro Hwy through Bombala, and then we’ll swing off through Cathcart and Wyndham, coming into Pambula from the south. After lunch, we’ll head north and turn off for Candelo at Wolumla, through Bemboka and up the Brown”. Yes! – what a lovely stretch of road (Neil G advised us that there are only a few potholes on the Cathcart road, but - note - they are there!). The price that we do have to pay for that run is... the Monaro again later in the day – but the rest of the ride made it worthwhile. Awesome road, with some very spirited riding happening when the circumstances would allow it (lucky I saw the Highway Patrol car coming our way just outside of Nimmitabel – hard on the brakes to wash off some speed and still he gave me a second glance!). A few of us had morning tea at the Cafe on the left (not to the usual Bakery on the right). That was a win – no long queue to wait for coffee, and yes Ian, they do have pies! I had a ‘Cowboy Pie’ full of bacon, baked beans, steak and egg, and it was really good. Lunch at the Commercial in Pambula was pleasant, although Cherita and I thought they’d forgotten us, as everybody had pretty much finished theirs before our lunch arrived. Must say the disappointment at Pambula was the service station (should have filled up before the big rush after lunch). The Shell (I think it was before – or was it a Caltex?) is now a United, and only one pump with 98 (the 95 is Ethanol mix). I ended up filling up with 91 ‘just as a one-time affair’. Tip – it didn’t do a lot for my fuel economy – by the time we got back to Canberra I was on reserve again – Only 300km therefore on a tank. Had a rest stop at the Caltex in Polo Flat, where some gave their bikes a bit of a drink “Quick, let’s get a photo for the ride report”. Cherita and I said our farewells and left the group, arriving home at about 4PM. A great ride Andrew, thank you, with a group of like-minded, on a very pleasant Sunday. Chris List of Riders: Andrew Campbell FJR1300 (Ride leader) Chris (and Cherita) Dietzel GTR1400 Garry McCurley VFR1200 Ian Paterson GL1800 Mark Dunn XL1100 Gary Thomas VStrom Darryl Harrington ST1100 Neil Goldfinch CBR1100XX Darryl Cullen 1250 Bandit Graham Williams VT750 Steve Alford Trevor McLeod John Storn Steve Hayes Manfred Halton Sandy Fisk Suzy Arnold Les Robinson Kris Jirasek Motoguzzi V7 FJR1300 FJR1300 DL650 R1200R Triumph Speedmaster F700GS 1150GS GSXR1300 Ride reports (cont) 14 Decide and Ride 28th February 2016 I arrived some 15 minutes early to meet up with those few not going to Tassie. With blue skies and a forecast max of 34 degrees most of the day would be very pleasant. It took some convincing but eventually all in attendance agreed that a run out to Crookwell would be the cooler and more interesting option. After a quick briefing and an explanation of corner markers and tail end charlie, we set off down the Federal Highway until Shingle Hill Way, Sutton Road and into Gunning for a morning tea stop at the Merino cafe. It appeared as though everyone there had also gone on holidays as there was no one sitting inside and service was prompt and the stop enjoyable. We then headed out for Crookwell via the Range Road and Kialla Roads and into another very quiet town with few people. After quick refreshments, loo break and a quick discussion it was agreed to by all that we try out the Gurrundah Road on the way back to Gunning. On the return trip, and as to whether it was the heat I do not know, but all discipline went out the window and I guess that was my fault. As tail end charlie I got impatient with the pace thinking the numpty up front was spoiling the day and I decided to round up everyone. I realised as I was overtaking those who were going to be corner markers that this would cause a world of confusion and I found I was quite beside myself as I kept rounding up each one. Then after going past the ride leader .... well what can I say ..... you guessed it... I got ahead of myself ... ah well so be it and I just enjoyed the ride, leaving the others to fathom things out for themselves. The run down the Gurrundah Road was a mix of very wide freshly sealed road where wind farm construction trucks needed more width to access the sites and the rest were the old country lane style in various quality and width. It was good to find a fresh road and we enjoyed the run into Breadalbane. From there it was another good run into Gunning for a final Coffee and chat before leaving. I am not sure why other customers were so intrigued at our table. Yes, we were having an interesting and somewhat heated discussion about the ride and my behaviour, but in the end we got it all sorted and I, myself and me made up. We all returned home somewhat weary and hot but with smiles on our faces, and no ill feelings about the behaviour on the day. Cheers from all of us (aka Trevor McLeod) «Some of the bikes at the end of the Launceston AGM Grand Parade. Jen, Chas, Alan & Lyn waiting for speeches at end of the Grand Parade » Ride reports 15 (cont) CLUB RIDE TO COOTAMUNDRA 6th MARCH 2016 We left Caltex Nichols in warm sunny weather for a direct, incident free run to Harden Murrumburrah for morning tea. As everyone knew how to get to Harden Murrumburrah, corner markers were not required for this part of the ride. It was agreed everyone ride at their own pace and we regroup at the Terracotta cafe for morning tea. After morning tea we set out for Cootamundra and as there would be a lot of turns it was necessary to use corner markers and a tail end Charlie. David Dawson very kindly under took tail end Charlie duties - a big thank you to David. The trip to Cootamundra was to be via Harden Jugiong Road, Cullinga Mines Road, Beggan Beggan Road, Rosehill Road, Old Gundagai Road and Olympic Hwy. I thought I missed the Cullinga Mines Road and needed to turn the group back, only to find I had not missed the turn and another U turn was needed to get us back on track. While I turned right, back onto Harden Jugiong Road, the group turned left so I did another U turn, caught up to the group, and stopped the group from going the wrong way. Some then went back to Harden Murrumburrah and onto Cootamundra while the rest of us did another U turn to go the planned route to Cootamundra. After everyone had a chance to practice their U turn skills, it was onto Cootamundra via the roads listed above. The country side around the Cootamundra area was very different since the last time we road through this area, as it has changed from green countryside to very brown and dry countryside, with lots of stock huddled under trees to escape the sun. After an enjoyable ride to Cootamundra we all met at the Globe Hotel for a delicious lunch. The Globe's staff took very good care of us and had ice cold water waiting on our booked table. The water was greatly appreciated as the temperature was getting very warm by lunch time. With lunch completed some rode over to the nearest servo to refuel their bikes, while others headed directly home. After refuelling we rode directly to Harden Murrumburrah and stopped at the Harden Honey House for a few kilos of delicious honey. The next part of our ride took those that remained in the group to Bowning for a refreshing afternoon tea at the Mayfield Mews. After a cold drink and a look around the Mews we said our good byes and headed home. The ride group was: Garry McCurley and Natalie Tebay David Dawson Mick and Kipper Mark Morey Trevor Mcleod Garry. Honda VFR1200 BMW 1200 GS Victory XC Triumph Bonneville Yamaha FJR1300 Lorraine Dawson Terry Mills Steve Alford Andrew Campbell Kawasaki Vulcan S Honda Shadow 750 Moto Guzzi V7, Yamaha FJR1300. WEEKEND RIDE Calendar 2016 16 This Ride Calendar covers weekend club rides only. For ride details, see the Canberra Branch Ride Calendar on the branch website: or Club Rides have a ride leader and may be longer rides on challenging roads suited to more experienced riders. Chomp & Chats are shorter rides suitable for most riders with the added aim of having a relaxed lunch together. Decide & Rides are informal rides in which the route and destination are decided by the riders on the day. Chomp & Chats and Decide & Rides may not have an official ride leader. Most rides start from either the BP on Federal Hwy, Watson; the Caltex Servo, cnr Monaro Hwy & Sheppard St, Hume; or the Caltex Servo, cnr Curran Drive & O'Hanlon Place, Nicholls. Please Note: Please Check the Ride Calendar on the Canberra Branch Website for the most current information. Please be fuelled up and ready to leave at scheduled departure times. IMPORTANT: Be at the departure point at least 15 minutes before departure time - refuelled and ready for the briefing from the ride leader. Rides will have approx. kms as a guide to the difficulty of ride. Please assess your own skill level and choose your rides accordingly. Sun 20th – Club Ride to Taralga Leave: BP Watson, 8:45am ride briefing for 9:00am departure Lunch: Melinda’s Café Taralga Leader: Michael Winters 0412 134 376 Approx 280 km Sun 27th – Easter Sunday No Ride Today!!! (if your memory is not the best, you can hide your own Easter Eggs) Sun 3rd –Club ride to Young Leave: Caltex Nicholls, 8:45am for 9:00am departure Leader: Peter Arday 0411529151 Lunch: Bakery or any place of your choosing Approx distance: 400km Daylight Savings Ends 2am Sunday 3rd April Sun 10th – Decide & Ride Leave: Caltex Hume 8.45am for 9.00am departure Leader and destination: To be decided on the day 17 Sun 17th- Chomp & Chat to Barney’s of Bookham Leave: Caltex Nicholls 10.45am for 11.00am departure Lunch: Barney’s Café Approx 200 km Sat 23rd/ Sun 24th/ Monday 25th- Anzac Day) Approx 800+ kms 3 day trip staying first night at Orange Second night at Forbes after a stop at Radio Telescope Parkes. Third day at Temora for Anzac Day Celebrations. Lunch and ride home with day trippers on day only ride. More details re accommodation is on page 10. Monday 25th – Club ride to Temora (Anzac Day) Leave: Caltex Nicholls 7.45am for 8.00am departure. Leader: tba Lunch: Temora Servicemens Club Approx 400km Date: Destination: Leave: Lunch: Leader: Approx kms: 1st May 2016 Club ride to Taralga Nicholls 9.30am Tangled Vine Trevor McLeod 0459599262 300km Date: Destination: Leave: Lunch: Leader: Approx kms: 15th May 2016 Chomp and Chat to Four Winds Vineyard BP Watson Four Winds (Murrumbateman) Darryl Palin 0412213764 100km Date: Destination: Leave: Lunch: Leader: Approx kms: 22nd May 2016 Club ride to Grenfell Nicholls 9.30am Albion Hotel Trevor McLeod 0459599262 420km 18 Date: Destination: Leave: Lunch: Leader: Approx kms: 29th May 2016 Decide and Ride BP Watson 9.30am tba tba tba Date: Destination: Leave: Lunch: Leader: Approx kms: 5th June 2016 Club Ride to Canowindra Nicholls 9.30am Green Shed Ian Paterson 0427 291 728 420km Date: Destination: Leave: Lunch: Leader: Approx kms: 12th June 2016 Decide and ride BP Watson 10am tba tba tba Date: Destination: Leave: Lunch: Leader: Approx kms: 19th June 2016 Chomp and Chat to Tidbinbilla Caltex Hume 11am Moon Rock Cafe Mike Kelly 0416 291 996 160km Date: Destination: Leave: Lunch: Leader: Approx kms: 26th June 2016 Young Caltex Nicholls 9.30am Wilder’s Bakery Chris Dietzel 0432 632 667 300km