No. 6 · 2013 © vogelsang ip News from the International Place in the Eifel National Park CONTENTS SURPRISING FINDS DURING THE CONSTRUCTION WORK Because the snow kept melting in one spot on the “Adlerhof” this winter, although the area around it was still always covered with snow, dr. helmut Luley, department head Preservation of historical Monuments at the Rhineland Regional Office for the Preservation and care of Field Monuments, and Vogelsang historian, Klaus Ring, were convinced that “there must be a cavity here.” ......................................... . THE BUILDING SITE AND ITS PROSPECTS Not only can the visitors enjoy an impressive panorama of the National Park from the “Burgschänke” viewpoint; they can also experience the “the redevelopment of the listed monument” first-hand. Information boards give a preview of what the future Exhibition & Learning Centre will look like. Presentation of the “Forum Vogelsang” building site in the form of photos showing today and tomorrow. Which challenges have been overcome and what still has to be accomplished up until the opening? .................................... NEW FORUM VOGELSANG: BEhINd thE ScENES the conversion of the “Forum Vogelsang“ is in full swing, the goal is within arm’s reach: A tour of the historical site or a hike through the National Park will give you a foretaste of the future of the International Place. In the scope of an “Architectural dialogue” in June 2013, the responsible architects informed interested technical planners how they are pursuing the same goal despite having slightly different perspectives, namely to transform the International Place vogelsang ip into a future-oriented learning place. A “unique task at a fascinating place“ is how the architect from Berlin, henner Winkelmüller, describes in his own words the conversion of the Forum Vogelsang into a Visitor centre comprising of two large exhibitions, a restaurant with a panoramic view and the adjacent conference hall. For him the redevelopment of existing buildings means integrating new functions into the existing building (sections). his solution: “Inlays”; new spaces with their own logic and function are incorporated, these inlays will make it possible to experience the transitions in the historical building structure. Furthermore, penetrations between the floors and in the facades will make it easy for the visitors to find their way round. the planned external escalator will also be able to carry people with physical disabilities to the tower, so that they too can enjoy the view of the surrounding area. A great deal has already been accomplished, but many visions still have to be turned into reality (k Page 3). “how does a material change, if we continue to work with it?” A.W. Faust, the commissioned landscape architect from sinai, Berlin, asked himself, also regarding the stone slabs in the “Adlerhof”. Which temporal stratum should we take as the standard? Unfortunately, the possibility of reusing the existing damaged slabs for the new Forum was ultimately ruled out for several reasons. An optimal solution is currently being worked out together with the Office for the Preservation of Monuments, whereby sticking to the available budget also plays an essential role in the matter. dr. Jürgen Krause of the Aachen-based engineering company, Kempen Krause Ingenieurgesellschaft, was also amazed what challenges and surprises the redevelopment of the existing building at Vogelsang involves. As the structural engineer of the project, his tasks involve among other things the statistics. What the National Socialists considered to have been “built for eternity”, often didn’t comply with modern safety standards. the height offset between different individual parts of the buildings was too large, the existing floors were in some cases too thin; ceilings and foundations had to be renovated, etc., etc… All of these aspects had to be resolved to ensure the safety of the visitors. What are the ideas behind the National Park centre exhibition? Nationalpark Eifel .......................................... N Page 6 VIEWPOINT AND TRAIL Sport facilities, swimming pool „Fackelträger“ „Thingstätte“ „Kameradschaftshäuser“ Turm CIRCULAR TRAIL Nationalpark Eifel „Hundertschaftshäuser“ Shell constructions, initial fire protection measures, geothermal drilling, roof renovations (k Pages 4 and 5) – overall, approximately half of the work has been completed. this site, where the architecture once served the purpose of indoctrination and where even nature bowed down to the gestures of leadership, will in future accommodate a Visitor Information centre, an NS documentation Exhibition and the National Park centre – in the new “Forum Vogelsang” as a symbol for openness, dialogue and encounters. Whether you want to join a tour of the site, set off on a hike around the Eifel National Park or take part in a wilderness trail – come and pay us a visit and at the same time you can experience the final stages of the building measures, and see how all of the involved parties overcome the last hurdles! Pages 4 + 5 ROOM FOR THE WILDERNESS „Adlerhof“ „Burgschänke“ VIEWPOINT „Krankenhaus“ CIRCULAR TRAIL Belgian barracks “Van Dooren” VISITOR CENTRE Belgian army’s P cinema See the essential sights! On the approx. 2 km long trail around the building site, you can gain a complete H impression of the historic “Ordensburg“ Belgian petrol station estate. P public bus 500 m Visits to the former NS Ordensburg Vogelsang with its Visitor centre and Restaurant in the Kulturkino (culturecinema), both of which are open daily, tour sites and diverse events will be a welcome source of entertainment for culture enthusiasts and National Park hikers. In the midst of it all, financed by the EU, the Federal Government, the State of NRW and the shareholders of the vogelsang ip gemeinnützige Gmbh, the Exhibition & Learning centre of the International Place vogelsang ip is currently under development: the new Forum Vogelsang. the conversion is half finished. In the course of the conversion work some unexpected findings were discovered. For example, exciting historical findings were made during the so-called excavation of the “Adlerhof” (k Page 2). Page 2 Visitor Ce until 201 CAR and BUS pay machine Wollseifen view TRANSIT 59 Map: „Malakoff“ Where are things located? .......... Page 7 VOGELSANG IP Nationalpark Eifel Nationalpark Eifel “In the scope of its commitment to the new ‘Forum Vogelsang‘, ACCESS B 266 the State is making a huge contribution towards the preservation of this significant contemporary witness, which documents the National Socialists’ absurd image of mankind and their criminal regime. It is right to preserve places such as the former Ordensburg Vogelsang as far as possible and make them accessible to and experienceable for the following generations.” Michael Groschek, Minister of construction of the State of NRW Status as building history 1 EDITORIAL FINDINGS TELL STORIES The Vogelsang historian, Klaus Ring, and the archaeologists of the Rhineland Regional Office for the Preservation and Care of Field Monuments experienced a number of surprises during the conversion of the historical buildings located around the “Adlerhof”. DEAR READERS, as Mayor of the City of Schleiden, I am very happy about the developments that have already taken place on-site before the opening of vogelsang ip’s new Information, Learning and Exhibition Centre and its emerging prospects. Please join me in reading the following pages, which take a look behind the scenes of the building site that is located in the central building complex surrounding the historical “Adlerhof”, which you can visit and experience close-up – in addition to the impressive monument and the fascinating landscape of the National Park. As one of the largest architectural examples for “redevelopment of an existing monument”, Vogelsang is at this present point of time unique throughout Germany and it is definitely worth visiting, for instance taking part in a tour of the grounds or building site. In the scope of a “Building Site Open Day”, I gained a surprising insight into which renovation and conversion measures are necessary to upgrade the structural requirements of the centre of the location so that they satisfy the future demands. The renovation work is exposing the history of the building; we are finally discovering what is located behind the seemingly solid facades and walls and in the cellars and hidden rooms of the “Ordensburg”. After over 60 years the missing plastic eagles were rediscovered in the excavation pit – just a few metres below the natural stone slabs of the “Adlerhof“, which is named after them (Eagles’ Courtyard). A cultural-historical, architectural and future-oriented project, which continues to provide surprising, new cognitions that we have to learn to deal with! of the allied troops was completely knocked down. Now, remains of the elegant marble floor were found amongst the rubble as well as further material from the ceilings and doors, which means we now have materialistic proof of the furnishing details of the “Commander’s Wing” that were hitherto only recorded on photos. “We found piles of tin pots. Today, one would say from a catering kitchen.” Basalt lava blocks artistically hung up on metal brackets were also among the findings, which evidently formed part of the ceiling panels of a new entrance portal, as Klaus Ring is convinced after comparing the details with the historical photos. However, according to the historian, the discovery of old kitchen utensils was for him a much greater surprise: “Piles of tin pots, cheap standard canteen material that quite obviously belonged to the fittings of a kitchen, or today one would tend to say of a “catering kitchen” underneath the conference room.” This find has contributed towards a better functional understanding of the Commander’s Wing in Vogelsang, which little was known about until now. Furthermore, a battered safe surprisingly came to light, which most probably originated from the offices of the Castle’s Commander. Plastic eagles: Symbolic documents of the failure The two eagle torsos, base plates and further fragments that were found in July 2012 The first surprise had already announced itself in advance: Because the snow kept melting in one spot on the “Adlerhof” this winter, although the area around it was still always covered with snow, Dr. Helmut Luley, Department Head Preservation of Historical Monuments at the Rhineland Regional Office for the Preservation and Care of Field Monuments, and Vogelsang historian, Klaus Ring, were convinced that “there must be a cavity here.” Their assumption was confirmed in the course of the excavation work at the “Adlerhof” – and their expectations were exceeded by far. The cavity turned out to be “practically a complete basement,” commented Ring, which was full of debris and ruins. This tangle of battered rein- forced concrete beams, old roof supports and material from the ground floor provided the historians with new cognitions about Vogelsang during the NS era and especially about the “Commander’s Wing”, which hardly anything was known about until now. “In 1938 extensive renovation work was carried out,” reported Klaus Ring, “the aim was to add a stately reception area comprising of a large conference room and lobby area in front of the Commander’s offices. Until now this construction phase is exclusively documented by photos from the archive of the photographer, Hugo Schmölz, who at the time supervised the building work on behalf of the “German Labour Front“. After 1945, this area that was completely destroyed by bombs Piles of enamelled tin ware from the catering kitchen were found on the floor in the basement. The specialists from an excavation firm in Düren assisted with the excavation work for several weeks on behalf of the Rhineland Regional Office for the Preservation and Care of Field Monuments. The most important finding was nevertheless the eagles: In former days, they conspicuously dominated the image of the “Adlerhof” and they can be seen on the heaps of rubbish from the destroyed Commander’s Wing on photos dating from the British era during the initial clean up period in 1946 or 1947. The two plastic sculptures were rediscovered during the construction work, however they were no longer in one piece, they were in bits and the heads were missing. Klaus Ring quickly realised the high symbolic power of this find for the future permanent exhibition “Mission: Master Race” After all, what could personify the failure of the Ordensburg project and of the entire NS system more adequately and more tangibly than the headless eagles of the “Adlerhof”? “The decapitation of the majestic animal of National Socialism by the vanquishers will be a coherent final comment in the Vogelsang NS Documentation Exhibition,” stated Klaus Ring. I am of course delighted to see what effects the measures are having for the region. Many companies from the area have been able to assert themselves in the European tendering process and as such are contributing significantly towards this project. I am also pleased that in spite of the undisputable restrictions caused by the building site, the visitors’ interest in vogelsang ip has continued to be overwhelming – approx. 170,000 visitors a year, including visits from over 300 school and youth groups annually. This demonstrates how attractive this exceptional location is for our region. It also proves that the programme of the International Place – with its values openness, dialogue and encounters and its objective of occupying itself with past history – has been wisely chosen. Dear readers, Please visit vogelsang ip, enjoy the landscape around the future National Park Centre, discover this historical place, occupy yourself with its history and form your own impression about the reconstruction work. Yours sincerely, Udo Meister Mayor of the City of Schleiden 2 IP.NEWS No. 6 · 2013 The battered steel safe of the Castle Commander also emerged in the rubble. VOGELSANG IP “The ‘headless eagle‘ will be an expressive item in the future permanent exhibition and is a symbol for the leadership and educational ideals of National Socialism. The aim of the former NS Ordensburg Vogelsang was to shape people, nature and the political-social order and to develop the nationalsocialistic master race by means of drill, indoctrination and the conveyance of the NS ideology. The permanent exhibition will manifest the ideological mania and destructive failure of this quest for dominance.“ Professor Dr. Hans-Ulrich Thamer, Chairman of the Scientific Project Advisory Board of the NS Documentation Exhibition Vogelsang Perspectives The conversion involves a great deal of work, but the result will be a remarkable piece of architecture: A transparent glass building on the “Adlerhof” will mark the entrance to the Visitor Centre. A stairway and an elevator will lead down from the entrance floor to the central reception floor (-1), which houses an information desk for the visitors. Here they will be provided with all information on the grounds and the exhibitions in several languages and barrier-free, they can purchase entrance tickets, have a look round in the vogelsang ip-shop and from here they can make their way into the other parts of the building and to the exhibitions. A diagonal passageway initially leads from the Visitor Information Desk to a landscape window in the National Park, from here the socalled “Eifel Panorama” is located to the right at the entrance of the National Park Centre exhibition and the NS Documentation is on the left – all in all, there is a conscious architectural contrast to the historical architecture. VISITOR CENTRE Dates and Facts © Clausen + Reitsma GmbH 7 © Mola + Winkelmüller Architekten GmbH BDA © Mola + Winkelmüller Architekten GmbH BDA 4 Together the Forum and Kulturkino are spread over a net surface of approx. 15,000 m², the Forum Vogelsang covers 11,500 m² of the space, whereby the Visitor Centre including the shop and the “Eifel Panorama” span 1,500 m², whilst the exhibition areas of the NS Documentation Exhibition (incl. the “Cult Room“ and the “Burgschänke“) occupy the same amount of floor space. The National Park Centre will span approx. 1,900 m² of exhibition space. A further 900 m² are planned for the conference rooms. Last, but not least 1,300 m² are dedicated to the Vogelsang Restaurant including the Panorama Terrace. Lakeside view, outdoor terrace Also an attractive destination for hungry hikers or National Park visitors: The future Vogelsang Restaurant with its “lakeside view” facing the North in the direction of the “Kermeter”. Its outdoor terrace facing the West offers spectacular panoramic views over the Urft Dam, but also of the deserted village called Wollseifen. 2 Seminar extension, new rooms, entrances with inviting architecture From the opening onwards the visitors will be able to access the new Forum Vogelsang from the “Adlerhof“, which will accommodate all important elements: On the right the entrance to the new Visitor Centre with its glass construction is the central starting point. The entrance to the new restaurant with its Panorama Terrace that looks over the National Park is located slightly to the left, under the “Wandelhalle” (lobby). A new passageway leads through the building to the left into the future conference area, which has a central hall that holds up to 250 people. The passageway will be the same shape as the panoramic windows in the exhibition areas and at the entrance to the Vogelsang Restaurant. These windows will be special structural elements that project out of the existing facades in an inviting manner. 8 Tower, 360° view, elevator An external elevator in the tower will also be able to carry people with physical disabilities up to the tower platform. From here, they can enjoy the breathtaking 360° panoramic view over Vogelsang’s historic hillside and far into the Eifel National Park. 5 © Mola + Winkelmüller Architekten GmbH BDA 3 QUESTIONS ABOUT THE “ROOM OF SILENCE” An interview with architect Henner Winkelmüller 1. Mr. Winkelmüller, why is there going to be a “Room of Silence” at vogelsang ip? Henner Winkelmüller: “Visitors of all origins and religions react in different ways to the oppressive Nazi history, which is extremely present at this perpetrator site. Some people are shocked or overwhelmed and sometimes the actual family history of the visitors is effected. Which is why among other reasons the ‘Church in the National Park‘ and the Jewish Community asked if it would be possible to create a place of retreat.” 2. Where will the room be located and how will it be designed? Winkelmüller: “The ‘Room of Silence‘ has to be easy to find and will be located directly at the entrance of the new Visitor Centre, i.e. it will have a central location. Furthermore, the room will have a special architecture, it will namely be designed in the form of a snail’s shell, because we thought it was important that the ‘Room of Silence‘ should be designed so that people have a place to reflect in peace without outside influ- ences or stimuli. So, we would like to create a room that is introverted, without it having a deterring effect. This is why we opted for a solution without an outward side window. So that this room within a room doesn’t take on the appearance of a cellar, indirect daylight from above will provide a positive, warm light effect as well as an introverted and contemplative atmosphere, where one can spend time deep in thought. These were the most important criteria for us.” 3. What materials will be implemented there? Winkelmüller: “People will spend most of the time seated in the room, which is why we propose to implement seats made of warm woods that invite the guests to spend time there. The seating will be arranged along the walls to match the architectural snail-like movement, but there will also be seating in the interior of the room. The reason for these different seating options is to allow for individual spatial requirements. In concrete terms, it will allow people to sit opposite each other, or alternatively to sit in front of a wall on their own. The surfaces are to reinforce the atmosphere of inner reflection. We therefore found it important not to use any of the heavy and patterned materials that were frequently found in the former “Ordensburg”. Vogelsang is characterised by its strong natural stone walls made of greywacke. We want to create a relatively neutral room that is furnished with natural materials. The walls will be painted in light, friendly colours, will have smooth surfaces and will exhibit soundabsorbing properties, so that there is no echo in this closed room. The room will be barrier-free and no symbolism will be used inside, so that it is really open to everyone!” Thank you for the interview! IP.NEWS No. 6 · 2013 3 PERSPECTIVES thE BUILdING SItE ANd ItS PROSPEctS CURRENT TOURS state of co the educational and tour programme of vogelsang ip has not been affected by the building work in the centre of the estate. And indeed even the building site itself is worth visiting! In the scope of special onehour building site tours on selected dates, the visitors can make their own impression of the respective building progress. the building tours grant the visitors a firsthand insight into the building measures whether it is the excavation pit for the Visitor centre, renovated roof structures, the conference centre extension, the future exhibition rooms or even the elevator in the tower. Last, but not least, a specially constructed viewpoint at the “Burgschänke” offers an outlook over the surrounding landscape, while the tower is still closed due to the construction work (k Page 8 under Event tips). Burgschänke” viewpoint, open 365 days a year see page 2 Concrete rep ceilings and Rainwater percolation pit New building: Conference room and outdoor catering Underpinning of the existing building nailed to the rocks 1 NS Documentation Exhibition “Mission: Master Race. The NS Ordensburg Vogelsang”; image rights: Grafische Werkstätten Feldstraße + Studio Kaiser-Matthies see page 3 2 final New building: the seminar and conference area; image rights: Mola + Winkelmüller Architekten GmbH BDA see page 6 3 NS-Documentation „Burgschänke“ Eifel Panorama; image rights: Clausen + Reitsma GmbH see page 3 4 Visitor Centre; image rights: Mola + Winkelmüller Architekten GmbH BDA 4 IP.NEWS No. 6 · 2013 1 Restaurant with panoramic view NS Documentation Exhibition Seminar and conference area 1 2 The excavation pit at the “Adlerhof” Gutting work and roof repairs A building site tour Geothermal energy CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE AND STAGES – WHAT IS ON THE BUILDING PLAN UNTIL THE OPENING? onstruction Panoramic window glazing 58 geothermic drill holes (100 m deep) Underpinning and roof renewal, new supports, cellar floor lowered pairs, floors External elevator in the tower All-round repairs, roof structures and roof cladding Excavation pit for the Visitor Centre the conversion work started off with demolition and gutting work. Most of these tasks have in the meantime been completed. “At the moment,” explained vogelsang ip-Project Manager, Lothar Winkler, “we are working at full speed on the shell construction. during the course of the work, we noticed that the concrete of some of the storey ceilings is in a much worse state than we thought. Wooden roof structures had to be renewed as well.” these necessary maintenance jobs have increased the planning efforts and the time that has to be invested. concrete constructions, supports, beams, ceil-ings and wooden constructions in the roofs are currently being put back into shape; walls are still being broken through for windows and inlays. After the electric and sanitary installa-tions, the heating system, the telecommunications and multimedia technology have to be installed, then the rooms have to be fitted out with the furniture and exhibition inventory. the foundations and the ground floor ceiling for the seminar area are finished. 58 drill holes, each of which is 100 metres deep, will enable the Forum to be cooled and heated using geothermal energy and heat pumps in future. 5 see page 3 Historical findings (i.e. eagle torsos) picture taken in June 2013 Old visualisation “Room of Silence”; image rights: Mola + Winkelmüller Architekten GmbH BDA 6 see page 6 state National Park Exhibition “Wilderness (dream) rooms”; image rights: TRIAD Berlin Eifel-Panorama 6 3 National Park Exhibition 7 Visitor Centre 4 7 8360° view see page 3 1NS Documentation “Cult Room” Restaurant with panoramic view, image rights: vogelsang ip Room of Silence 8 5 see page 3 360° view from the tower, elevator, image rights: vogelsang ip © Mola + Winkelmüller Architekten GmbH BDA, Berlin IP.NEWS No. 6 · 2013 5 perspectives 6 Beech forest wilderness in the Eifel National Park. ROOM FOR THE WILDERNESS The future Eifel National Park Centre with its exhibition “Wilderness (dream) rooms” in the East Wing of the Forum will be one of the two big attractions at the International Place vogelsang ip. What are the ideas behind this? The permanent exhibition, “Wilderness (dream) rooms” sponsored by the German Environmental Foundation (DBU) has in the meantime reached a well-advanced planning stage. Most of the design drafts are already finished. Now the exhibition buildings and contents are being elaborated. “Our key themes are biodiversity, wilderness and the National Park. The challenge lies in presenting such complex themes in an appealing and comprehensible way. In this connection our agency, TRIAD Berlin, has proven to be an extremely professional and creative partner,” explained Kathrin Doil, Project Manager for the Eifel National Park Centre. The National Park Centre enhances the already existing offers of the National Park Gates. Local phenomena are presented in these five small exhibitions located around the National Park, whilst the central National Park Centre offers more of a general overview. “We don’t want to just show particulars and details about the Eifel, we actually want to draw attention beyond this to general phenomena and elucidate global connections. Whereby not only ecological, also cultural-scientific cognitions are to be conveyed. We want to attempt to address our guests individually and sensitize them for these important topics,” commented Doil. The Eifel National Park started to turn “nature into an experience for everyone” very early on. This encompasses educational facilities such as the wilderness workshop, the information points and the National Park Gates as well as the barrier-free natural experience room “Wild Kermeter”. The National Park Centre that is to be opened at vogelsang ip will also offer a comprehensive adventure and learning programme, which addresses all of the guests equally. This means that the exhibition will not only be accessible to people with physical disabilities, but in line with the 2-sense principle, all information will be easily comprehensible so that it is also suitable for people with special needs. “The aim is that all people, regardless of any limitation they might have, should be able to experience the National Park Centre to the full. This has become a matter of course for us at the National Park, even if major obstacles have to be overcome in the planning stages,” reported Henning Walter, Director of the Eifel National Park. The principle of inclusion also applies for the future educational and event programme. The diversity and beauty of nature should be conveyed and made accessible to as many people as possible. The National Park Centre at the vogelsang ip site is thus an ideal starting point. © TRIAD Berlin N ational Parks and other nature reserves make an important contribution to the preservation of the biological diversity and natural development of the environment worldwide. At the new National Park Centre the visitors will be able to learn more about the principle of the National Parks “Nature, nature, let it be” and the cause and effect mechanisms within wilderness areas. Kathrin Doil, Project Manager of the Eifel National Park Centre Henning Walter, Manager of the Eifel National Park 3 RANGER MEETING POINT, NATIONAL PARK CARRIAGE, “EIFEL PANORAMA” breaks through the historical building structure and which allows abundant daylight to flood into the basement. The window looks out over the “Roll-call area” and over the hillside, which houses the “Thingstätte“ (open-air theatre). Primarily, however, the window offers a fantastic panorama of the Urftsee and the Eifel National Park. The National Park Centre is located to the right of the landscape window, and the NS Documentation Exhibition is on the left. The entrance areas of both exhibitions not only function as recreation and waiting rooms, they are also used to present natural and cultural-touristic highlights of the Eifel. © Clausen + Reitsma GmbH The NS Documentation and the National Park Centre will be the central addresses of the new “Forum Vogelsang” in the future. However, the visitors will also be offered a wide-ranging programme beyond this. Eifel holidaymakers will also find a pool of ideas for subsequent visits in the Visitor Centre. A surprising additional service en route to the exhibitions. “Filmkoje” is the name of one of these six thematic places of retreat, where one can sit for a while and gather information on the natural and cultural landscapes of the Eifel. Young people or people who are still young at heart can look up the sights of the North, South and Volcanic Eifel at “multimedia desks“ or find information on the industrial history of the Eifel. Thus, the “Eifel Panorama” provides stimuli for the entire region, a lookout point and a small taste of further possible experiences. The entrance areas of the exhibitions grant the visitors insights and outlooks of the natural and cultural landscapes in the Eifel – in their function as an “Eifel Panorama”. R ight in front of the Visitor Centre the visitors already come across the “Ranger Meeting Point” – the assembly point for the guided tours with National Park Rangers that are held every Sunday and for the tours booked with forest guides. This, or to be 6 IP.NEWS No. 6 · 2013 more precise the “Wandelhalle” (lobby) with its fantastic landscape view, is also where the historical daily site tours of the NS Documentation start. The National Park Carriage to Wollseifen will also set off from its own stop at the “Adlerhof”. If the visitors proceed from the “Adlerhof” via the stairs or the elevator directly to the exhibitions on the basement floor, after passing through the central Visitor Information office they are automatically led to a large, landscape window of interesting architecture, which Anyone, who has enjoyed their visit to the International Place vogelsang ip, has the opportunity to make an entry in the digital guestbook: on the “Wall of Impressions”, either on-site during their visit or afterwards per Internet. Several hundred posts can be published on the metrelong screen. VISIt VOGELSANG IP Nationalpark Eifel Victor-Neels Bridge Urftsee 0,7 km up to bis zu16 % gradient N VISIt VOGELSANG IP Even during the construction phase vogelsang ip is continuing to offer its guests tours, exhibitions, a viewpoint, a circular trail and much more. Indoor swimming pool Sport facilities, swimming pool Wollseifen 3,0 km „Fackelträger“ „Thingstätte“ „Kameradschaftshäuser“ Red Cross Museum for international law and human rights Turm CIRCULAR TRAIL Nationalpark Eifel Forum construction work until 2014 „Hundertschaftshäuser“ the Visitor centre in the Kulturkino vogelsang ip is the starting point for manifold experiences. „Adlerhof“ „Burgschänke“ “Burgschänke” viewpoint View of building site, “Adlerhof”, tower, Urftsee, Eifel National Park VIEWPOINT „Krankenhaus“ CIRCULAR TRAIL Circular Trail through the central listed area, 2 km, steep inclines (not suitable for visitors with limited mobility) Belgian barracks “Van Dooren” VISITOR CENTRE the Visitor centre and the Restaurant at the Kulturkino are open 365 days a year from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Visitor Centre in the CultureCinema until 2014 public bus H Belgian petrol station 500 m Our team in the Kulturkino is glad to assist with all inquiries about vogelsang ip and the surrounding region. here you can book site tours, further programmes and much more. P Belgian army’s cinema VISITOR CENTRE AND RESTAURANT CAR and BUS pay machine Wollseifen view P TRANSIT 59 the vogelsang ip-shop is also located in the Kulturkino. In the shop, Eifel brand products are on sale, as well as hiking equipment, a comprehensive selection of maps and extensive literature, among others on the history of the NS Ordensburg Vogelsang and the exciting Eifel National Park region. „Malakoff“ No through traffic n fon 49 (0)2444 91579-0 Gemünd 7,0 km Dreiborn 6,0 km Site Tours Our Vogelsang guides will offer you insights into the history, architecture, listed buildings and the development of vogelsang ip also during the construction phase of the “Adlerhof“. Dates: daily without advance registration, 2 p.m., additionally at 11 a.m. on Sundays and public holidays Duration: 90 minutes Cost: EUR 5, reduced price EUR 4, children under 12 free Meeting point: Visitor Information centre in the Kulturkino vogelsang ip Info: Only in German, foreign language tours can be booked Bookable Tours the site tours as well as special tours or excursions can also be booked separately for groups, among others in several languages and “barrierfree”. youth educational programme Extra-curricular learning at Vogelsang offers the opportunity to understand the Nazi perpetrator site in its historical dimension as a training site and political cultural site of the NSdAP and also raises questions relevant to the present day about today’s society and one’s own existential reality. (k Page 8) Red Cross Youth, Nature and Environmental House “Transit 59” Nationalpark Eifel Nationalpark Eifel July 2013 ACCESS B 266 Status as of June 25, 2012 ADVICE AND BOOKINGS Jennifer Hilgers fon +49 (0)2444 91579-11 We recommend you to book individual tours and programmes well in advance. n certs, musicals, theatre performances and much more. the hall seats 1,000 people. Additionally, seminar and conference programmes are offered. Event Management: fon +49 (0)2444 91579-14 Red cross museum Ranger tours: Discover the wilderness the circular hike guided by National Park Rangers leads over the dreiborn plateau to the deserted village of Wollseifen and back. Dates: Sundays, 1 p.m. The Kulturkino vogelsang ip: more than a cinema With its event hall dating back to the 1950s, the Kulturkino vogelsang ip is the venue for con- the Red cross Museum vogelsang ip for international law and human rights is one of the largest Red cross museums in Europe. the guests can gain an intensive insight into the worldwide humanitarian efforts of the Red cross. Dates: May to October 31, Saturdays and Sundays as well as public holidays from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Cost: Adults EUR 3, youths EUR 2, children under 12 free, families EUR 6, groups EUR 2 per person. Organiser and info: dRK Euskirchen, fon +49 (0)2251 79110, Duration: 3 hours/6.5 kilometres, suitable for children and all-terrain prams, includes a steep incline Cost: Free with no advance registration Meeting point: Ranger hat in front of the Kulturkino Organiser and info: Eifel National Park Forestry Office, fon +49 (0)2444 9510-0, fax: -85, n Carriage rides From April to October, information is available at: fon +49 (0)2472 5369, +49 (0)177 4478041 IP.NEWS No. 6 · 2013 7 VISIt VOGELSANG IP VOGELSANG IP REcOMMENdS “You are heartily invited to learn more about the history, organisation and the worldwide efforts of the Red Cross by visiting our permanent exhibition “Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law“. EVENT TIPS Our special exhibition “Detour Prague – 1989” comprising of reports from contemporary witnesses, photos and films is also very moving. It reports about the fears and plights of the GDR refugees in the Prague Embassy of the Federal Republic. BUILDING SITE OPEN DAy technical planning representatives, architects and site managers are inviting you to take a look behind the scenes and inspect the architectural changes all around the “Adlerhof”. the tour around the building site is free of charge and open to everyone. the tours are carried out at times when the building site is safe to visit. You can also gain an insight into our search service. See how this contributes towards uniting families after catastrophes in war and crisis situations. current dates: POETRy SLAM Modern poetry at vogelsang ip, “Vogelslam 4.0 and 5.0” current dates: BAT EXCURSIONS Bats lead a secret, nocturnal life and are only rarely noticed. together with the building complex of the former NS Ordensburg Vogelsang, the Eifel National Park is a paradise for 18 different types of bats. this signalises the quality of the landscape. the lecturer dr. henrike Körber endeavours to allow the guests to experience the small nocturnal goblins while they perform their breakneck acrobatics and listen to the “language” of the bats using special microphones. She will also share plenty of exciting details about the lives of the highly interesting survival specialists with you. current dates: fledermausexkursion.htm “MENSch, hASt REcht!” (MAN, YOU ARE RIGht!) Political education for youths at Vogelsang the former NS Ordensburg Vogelsang offers manifold opportunities to understand the Nazi perpetrator site in its historical dimension as a training site of the NSdAP. On the one hand, the listed building and on the other the newly created NS documentation with its permanent exhibition “Mission: Master Race” form the fundamental cornerstones of the political education at the extra-curricular learning place vogelsang ip. In the course of the educational events, themes such as the existential reality of the youths are addressed. the youths are given the opportunity to experience history individually – regardless of their origins or level of education. In the course of Study and Project days, the youths can work through and study specific themes of the NS documentation, to a large extent independently. “What would I have done at the time?” “What has Vogelsang got to do with me today?” these are the core questions that they deal with at the learning place. Everyone finds his own answer to these questions. DIRECTIONS By bus: “Vogelsang Parkplatz” (car Park) bus stop with the National Park Shuttle SB 82 coming from the direction of Kall, SB 63 daily from the direction of Aachen/Simmerath; Information is available at, Rolf Zimmermann, director of the Red cross Museum vogelsang ip Special funding programmes make special projects possible: For example the “Erinnerung, Verantwortung & Zukunft” Foundation (Remembrance, Responsibility, Future) is supporting the “MAN, YOU ARE RIGht!” project, where youths with and without migrant backgrounds develop their own campaigns in creative project weeks, actively and independently getting involved with human rights issues. Own campaigns against discrimination help the material covered to sink in and demonstrate practical ways of fighting for human rights in one’s own environment. A further example is the project initiated together with the Youth-culture-Summer 2013 – “RESPEct 4 ALL”– a cultural initiative of the district of Euskirchen supported by the state programme, culture Rucksack NRW. vogelsang ip is the source of inspiration, the presenter and the venue location for the project. n Further information is available at: RELIGIOUS VOGELSANG the focal points of the 90-minute tour are: traces of the national-socialist image of god and humanity at Vogelsang, the role of the church in the national-socialist regime and its background, the christian relationship to Judaism and the question what is the church’s task today during and after the conversion of Vogelsang. And what we have in store for you at the end of the exhibition tour gets my collector’s heart beating fast: historical German Red Cross vehicles and equipment implemented between the 1950s and the 1990s!“ By car: B 266 coming from the direction of Einruhr or Gemünd; Address for navigation system: 50.5683, 6.4366 (Vogelsang drive) or alternatively: 53937 Morsbach, Einruhrer Straße; then follow the signs to “Vogelsang”. the central visitor’s car park is subject to charges: EUR 3 per vehicle/day. coaches are free. IMPRINT PUBLIShER vogelsang ip gemeinnützige Gmbh Represented by: Albert Moritz (Executive director) Kulturkino vogelsang ip 53937 Schleiden | GERMANY fon +49 (0)2444 91579-0 fax +49 (0)2444 91579-29, MANAGEMENt christin Wannagat EdItORS Kathrin doil, Petra Kleen, Birgit Linden, Albert Moritz, Klaus Ring, Julia Schmidt, christin Wannagat tEXtS tim hannes Schauen, wortwerkekoeln PhOtO cREdItS Alle Bilder: vogelsang ip gemeinnützige Gmbh | Roman hövel; außer: siehe Vermerke am Bildrand GRAPhIc cONcEPt g29, Aachen GRAPhIc IMPLEMENtAtION W-design, Simmerath PRINtING Sieprath druck Service Gmbh, Aachen current dates: vogelsang-religioes.htm All information is subject to alteration, status as of October 2013 Partners of vogelsang ip gemeinnützige GmbH: _________ “RESPECT 4 ALL“ The Culture Rucksack in the district of Euskirchen Up until 2015, a free youth cultural programme for children from the district of Euskirchen aged between 10 and 14 will be ongoing. Stadt Schleiden current dates: respect4all.htm MUSIC EVENTS, THEATRE AND CONCERTS Major events and lectures are staged regularly at the Kulturkino vogelsang ip. Information is available online regarding the scheduled events. ALL EVENTS can be found at 8 IP.NEWS No. 6 · 2013 Promoted by: ____________________________________________ the Federal Republic of Germany pursuant to a resolution passed by the German Parliament and with state urban development funding following a resolution passed by the North Rhine-Westphalia Landtag: CONTACT vogelsang ip gemeinnützige Gmbh Kulturkino vogelsang ip 53937 Schleiden | GERMANY fon +49 (0)2444 91579-0 fax +49 (0)2444 91579-29 OPENING HOURS Grounds: 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Visitor centre and Restaurant: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
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