vogelsang ip at a glance
vogelsang ip at a glance
Schrift PANTONE 280 C : 100C/72M/0Y/18K Kreis, Landschaft PANTONE 346 C : 60C/0M/51Y/0K HIKING TIPS VOGELSANG IP The Vogelsang site opens out at the forum to give a sweeping Ranger tours from Vogelsang – Discover the wilderness panoramic view of the Eifel National park with the Urftsee and National park rangers will accompany you on circuit hikes the developing “second-hand primeval forests”. Visitors have a through near-natural woods and over the open grasslands of choice of various hikes here: dreiborner hochfläche to the deserted village of wollseifen. Circuit hike over Victor-Neels Bridge (12 to 14 km) The new Urftsee bridge has made it possible to enjoy even more hiking experiences from vogelsang ip to Gemünd, stadt schleiden supported by: i Urftsee dam or a subsequent boat trip. The boldly-designed, price: free of charge. No booking necessary 124-metre suspended structure made of steel and aluminium meeting point: “Adlerhof”, at the wild cat photo spirit of understanding and tolerance. MAP OF SITE Individually-booked group tours with National Park rangers forum Vogelsang is the starting point for individual tours vogelsang ip gemeinnützige Gmbh Vogelsang – Einruhr Trail (Eifelsteig, 8.5 km) guides (also available in English, dutch, french, italian 53937 schleiden A hike across dreiborner hochfläche to Einruhr (directly or and spanish, and in German and dutch sign language). GERmANY across the Urftsee dam). Return to Vogelsang from Einruhr Remuneration: EUR 15 per hour and group The village of wollseifen had to be cleared within three weeks in August 1946 for the British military training area. Vogelsang – Gemünd Trail (Eifelsteig, 7 km) info@vogelsang-ip.de A panoramic hike from Vogelsang to Gemünd over the “Eifel- www.vogelsang-ip.de Blick modenhübel” (485 m). Return to Vogelsang “Adlerhof” from Gemünd by Nationalparkshuttle sB 82. photos/illustrations: medienzentrum kreis Euskirchen, Luc Bruylandt, sammlung f.A. heinen, mola winkelmüller Architekten, hascher + Jehle planungsgesellschaft mbh, vogelsang ip gemeinnützige Gmbh Layout: büro G29, Aachen printing: warlich-druck, meckenheim All information and prices are subject to change issued may 2010 upward slopes and steps Visitor Centre 10 18 07 ThE NEw foRUm VoGELsANG is UNdER CoNsTRUCTioN hERE 06 17 13 05 P Visitor Guidance System 08 04 panels along the hillside and plateau tours around the Plateau Tour 1.3 km 06 “Adlerhof”: The courtyard is the central section of the former “Gemeinschaftshaus” (“Community house”), which extends along the upper edge of the slope down to the Urftsee. price: adults EUR 5/person, round trip EUR 9; Children/Young adults (under 18), half of adult price; family ticket (parents with up to 3 children), return trip EUR 25 steps with gentle upward Accompanying Booklet and downward slopes f.A. heinen/Christina Threuter “Vogelsang im herzen des Nationalparks Eifel, Ein Be- Pay machine gleitheft durch die ehemalige 09 02 Ns-‘ordensburg’”. Available P Trail “Eifelsteig” “Wildnis-Trail” in our bookshop. “Transit 59”: German Red Cross seminar centre 01 i n 07 13 View over Urftsee AreaofNationalPark Trail RangerMeetingPoint ViewingPoint “Eifel-Blicke” (www.eifel-blicke.de) Gatewayto NationalPark NationalParkInfopunkt Busroutewithnumber Normalbusroutesonly The network of trails which you are permitted to use is marked by wooden posts and signposts on dreiborner hochfläche. paths which riders are permitted to use are marked by a blue ring on the wooden posts. Carriagestoppingpoint Landingstage forRurseeferry Cycletrail/Bridlepath Carpark 2000metres A bicycle pictogram integrated into the signs indicates whether cyclists are permitted to use the path in question. 08 Former Hospital: The building was constructed to provide residential accommodation at Vogelsang for female support personnel. it was later used as an infirmary. Vogelsang site. 20 to 40 minutes without 03 Trail toGemünd “Eifelsteig” “Wildnis-Trail” Nationalpark Eifel Trail toDreiborn Nationalpark Eifel Pay machine At barrier/entrance Access road (fromB266) 09 Belgian Petrol Station INTERNATIONAL PLACE iN EifEL NATioNAL pARk 10 Forum Ost: Visitor Centre and Restaurant 11 Tower: The 48-metre side tower of the east wing dominates Vogelsang when the complex is seen from a distance and is one of the main elements in its calculated positioning as an “ordensburg”. 12 “Fackelträger”: The “fackelträger” (torch-bearer) sculpture embodies the racist ideal of a master race and can be found on the former “sonnwendplatz” (solstice place). You will find further information on numerous information ing has largely survived in its original condition; the interior originates from the Belgian military period. Times: every first and third sunday in April – october 11.30 a.m. and 2.15 p.m. (extra carriage ride at 5 p.m. for a minimum of 8 persons) operator of Carriage Rides: mark schwerdt Reitanlage Lindenhof fon +49 (0)175 1679777, +49 (0)248 6202, horst steffens, fon +49 (0)177 4478041, +49 (0)2472 5369 11 05 “Burgschänke”: The build- CARRiAGE RidEs VoGELsANG – woLLsEifEN meeting point: “Adlerhof” bus station. it is possible to leave or join the carriage ride in walberhof and wollseifen. Forum Ost 16 Nationalpark Eifel Dooren”: The Belgian military administration built the “Van dooren” barracks on the foundations of the originally planned “house of knowledge”. Carriage rides for groups i Trail toWollseifen “Eifelsteig” “Wildnis-Trail” 04 Belgian Barracks “Van Carriage rides Vogelsang – Wollseifen fax +49 (0)2444 91579-29 15 03 Cinema of Belgian army: one of the last examples of cinema architecture of the 1950s. by wildnislinie bus 63. fon +49 (0)2444 91579-0 Hillside Tour (1.2 km) 30 – 60 minutes with steep through the National park with qualified nature and landscape forum Vogelsang 12 02 View towards Wollseifen: Wollseifen Circuit Trail (6.5 km) village which was cleared in 1946. (Length 0.7 km, 16 % upward/downward gradient) 14 N entrance and guardhouse area was built during the second construction phase of the “ordensburg” from 1937 onwards. organiser of ranger tours and contact service for individual group tours with rangers; information for visitors with limited mobility: Nationalparkforstamt Eifel, Landesbetrieb wald und holz NRw, fon +49 (0)2444 9510-71, info@nationalpark-eifel.de, www.nationalpark-eifel.de A circuit hike across dreiborner hochfläche to wollseifen, the Path to the bridge across the Urftsee, bicycle route K7 01 “Malakoff”: The former Times: sundays 1 p.m. in German; additional tours in July and August in dutch and french heimbach, Rurberg und Einruhr, including a walk across the is called after the former Belgian garrison commandant Victor MAP OF SURROUNDING AREA RANGER ToURs duration: 3 hours/6.5 km; a steep climb; sound processors can be booked Neels. he was and remains a European bridge-builder in a CONTACT EIFEL NATIONAL PARK 500 m partners in vogelsang ip gemeinnützige Gmbh: iNfoRmATioN oN ThE siTE The rules and regulations of the Bundesanstalt für immobilienaufgaben and the standortentwicklungsgesellschaft Vogelsang Gmbh must be followed. Visitors accept these on entering the site. n Visitors are not permitted to leave the marked paths. n dogs must be kept on a lead. n Visitors enter the site and the buildings at their own risk; there is limited servicing of the site in winter. n Taking photographs and filming on the site and in the buildings is only permitted for private use. 14 Former Sports Facilities, Swimming Pool: The sports buildings date from 1935 onwards and were a fundamental part of Vogelsang’s function as a training institution. 15 “Thingstätte”: The open-air theatre built into the northern slope was used for staging musical and theatre performances as well as ceremonies. 16 “Kameradschaftshäuser”: Ten residential buildings for students attending training courses were built below the “roll-call area” in 1934/35. 17 “Hundertschaftshäuser”: four further residential units were built on the western slope to house the planned doubledup number of course attendees. 18 Forum West: seminar rooms, administration vogelsang ip gemeinnützige Gmbh, sEV Gmbh and National park church VOGELSANG IP AT A GLANCE wiTh mAp of siTE ANd hikiNG Tips issued may 2010 REDISCOVER VOGELSANG hisToRY iN BRiEf Vogelsang (“Birdsong”) – the name arouses expectations of ing the history of National socialism and its consequences. The Eifel plateau above the Urft valley was subjected to radical the natural world and peaceful enjoyment in the midst of the That is why we want to do more than just look at the past – we change during the last century: the cultural landscape gave Eifel National park, which was founded in 2004. This spot also wish to contribute to a cultural and political discussion. way to the National socialist “ordensburg” of Vogelsang and high above the Urftsee affords sweeping panoramic views of is designed to give you ideas for a varied and interesting visit. aims and effects of National socialist training and propaganda. You are more than welcome! The former “ordensburg” is an important place for remember- Your vogelsang ip Team (Floors +2 and +3) Construction begins at Vogelsang. The first sod is turned on 15th march in accordance with the plans of architect Clemens klotz 1936 instruction begins 1939 1940 (Floors -1 and 0) Administration Education Centre (Floors -1, 0 and +1) NS Documentation Centre “Kultraum” (Floor +1) (Floor +1) 1941 Use by Adolf hitler schools Seminar (Floors 0 and +1) Tower Seminar (Etage -1) (Floors -1 and 0) Display Window Eifel Ardennes State of planning for the new Forum Vogelsang and its future uses as shown by the result of the International Architecture Competition in 2008; Winner: Mola Winkelmüller Architekten and sinai. Faust. Schroll. Schwarz (both Berlin) NS Documentation Centre (Floors -2 and -1) (Floor 0) The conversion into an exhibition, education and information n for young adults and school classes: guided tours, project by arrangement – at Vogelsang this also means the language days, study days and talks we use for communication. opening of Vogelsang to visitors as vogelsang ip | International Place in the Eifel National Park 2008 international Architecture Competition for “forum Vogelsang” and foundation of vogelsang ip gemeinnützige Gmbh visit closed rooms which will soon change in appearance. Tours: i price: EUR 5; reduced prices EUR 4; children under 12 free Times: sundays and public holidays 2 p.m. meeting point: Visitor Centre, forum Vogelsang distance: approx. 1.5 km tems: 53937 morsbach, Einruhrer strasse. There is a parking Visits to the tower fee of EUR 3 per vehicle in the central car park. After 172 steep steps, you will have the opportunity to enjoy on planning and developments in vogelsang ip. The exhibition the unrivalled view of the Eifel National park and Vogelsang Heinsberg 44 “holidays in the Third Reich” will be presented from may 2010. Restaurant Architecture competition for international meeting place dJh /woodland Youth hostel; German Red Cross moves into “Transit 59”; completion of Victor Neels Bridge; opening of swimming pool The restaurant serves breakfast, coffee and cake, and a varying range of dishes. individual visitors and hikers as well as Köln 4 i opENiNG TimEs Vogelsang is open 365 days a year from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. open on Chrismas Eve and New Year’s Eve from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. 265 56 399 Hürtgenwald 565 Nideggen E40 258 Vogelsang groups of up to 200 people are welcome. The outside terrace is open in fine weather in the summer. Bonn Düren Aachen from the 48-metre tower. 553 Heimbach Rursee Eupen Simmerath Rurberg Obersee Einruhr Urftsee Gemünd Kall Schleiden Bütgenbach 61 Mechernich Monschau Nationalpark Eifel Euskirchen 266 Hellenthal 265 1 Blankenheim Times: April to october, mondays to fridays 1 p.m.; saturdays, sundays and public holidays, on the hour from 12 to 4 p.m.; on request in winter; maximum of up to 15 persons for each tower visit duration: 30 minutes price: EUR 3; we regret that children under 6 cannot visit the tower 1946 info@vogelsang-ip.de Prüm in simple language (for visitors with learning difficulties) EVENTS more information can be found in our “programm 2010 | Things are happening here! n for visitors with limited mobility/ wheelchair users n for visitors with visual impairments/ for accompanied blind visitors n for visitors with hearing difficulties/ accompanied deaf visitors (no sign language) kulturelle und politische Bildung“. n sky sessions n Bat excursions n spoRTissimo A bus tour around the plateau area of the site is available for n open-air cinema groups with visitors of very limited mobility. n film winter Contact us for a free copy of our programme. Basic tour – Hillside or Plateau Vogelsang guides explain the background to the development for further information on current events see of Vogelsang and to the history and buildings both on the spot www.vogelsang-ip.de and with the aid of photos and plans. Visits to two buildings Daun i BAsiC ToUR | hiLLsidE oR pLATEAU duration: 90 minutes price: EUR 100 Group size: up to 25 participants www.vogelsang-ip.de in various languages (German, English, french, dutch, spanish, swedish, polish and Russian) n are included. Dahlem fon +49 (0)2444 91579-0 Büllingen VisiTs To ThE TowER meeting point: Visitor Centre, forum Vogelsang Nettersheim 258 i n ToUR of BUiLdiNG siTE distance: approx. 1.5 km meeting point: Visitor Centre, forum Vogelsang The future exhibition in forum Vogelsang provides information for children: discovery sessions Accessibility price: EUR 5, reduced price EUR 4; children under 12 free Changing Exhibitions n on a tour around the site. There will also be an opportunity to B 266 from Einruhr and Gemünd; Address for navigation sys- Completion of forum Vogelsang of British army about the current situation regarding planning and conversion By car and coach 2013 military training area Times: daily without advance reservation 2 p.m.; extra tour on sundays and public holidays 11 p.m. timetables is also available. occupation by Us army partial destruction by Allied air raids ToUR of siTE centre will be accompanied by many changes. You can learn nature topics. free information on hikes, accommodation and 2009 2010 i duration: 90 minutes as literature on Vogelsang, the region, the National park and WE ARE THERE FOR YOU 1944 Restaurant (Floor -1) tecture, protected buildings and development of Vogelsang. (hourly at weekends and on public holidays); from simmerath Reconstruction work on Belgian army cinema; beginning of measures for forum Vogelsang and international meeting place dJh/woodland Youth hostel 1945 National Park Centre hof” at forum Vogelsang by Nationalpark-shuttle sB 82 http://rve.eurocit.com most construction work is stopped Visitor Centre tours around the site start here from 2 p.m. onwards; an ad- and the history of the period is on sale in the bookshop as well 1934 instruction ends; Beginning of second world war NS Documentation Centre “Burgschänke” can therefore tailor our programmes individually to your needs 2006 realised by 2013. further exhibitions will provide information we view our work as a contribution towards education on the for adults: guided tours, lectures, seminars, excursions 2010. more information: www.vrsinfo.de, www.avv.de, a documentation centre on National socialist history, to be their rightful place and can complement each other: this flyer we want to make your stay at Vogelsang a pleasant one. You n trip bus connection from Aachen to Vogelsang from Easter the training of their future political leadership. in the 1940s, look at the site’s history as unbridgeable opposites. Both have Activities especially for groups forum Vogelsang will develop rapidly over the coming years. be happy to advise you. further reading on National socialism constructed from 1934 onwards by the National socialists for open to the public since 1st January 2006. The future has begun. Planning and Building at Vogelsang Vogelsang guides will give you insights into the history, archi- questions on the location or region, the vogelsang ip team will new forum Vogelsang. we are planning a visitor centre with site and the ensemble of protected buildings have only been Tour of Site daily regional bus connection from kall station to the “Adler- from Gemünd on sundays and public holidays. daily round Land and the regional government for the development of the At vogelsang ip, we do not regard leisure activity and a critical By Public Transport in the international place in the Eifel National park. The daily at weekends and on public holidays by wildnislinie 63, also selves to visitors through a look at history. The complex was Association. The visitor centre in forum Vogelsang is your meeting point park or use the visitor centre as a starting point. if you have Vogelsang is not just a natural idyll. its buildings reveal them- area, first under British, then under Belgian command. The VOGELSANG WITH EASE 11 a.m. hikers stop off here on their way through the National Place in the Eifel National Park. from 1946 to 2005, it was the centre of a military training VOGELSANG FOR GROUPS foundation of standortentwicklungsgesellschaft Vogelsang Gmbh Today, part of the area belongs to vogelsang ip | International years from the EU, federal government, government of the on the Eifel National park and the region, and there will also TOUR OF BUILDING SITE 2005 Around 40 million euro will become available over the coming be a modern youth hostel run by the German Youth hostel DAILY TOURS ditional tour is offered on sundays and public holidays at Eifel countryside. boarding school pupils from the “Adolf hitler schools” here. Transfer to Belgian army HOW TO GET THERE later to the military training area known as “Camp Vogelsang” the Eifel National park’s natural world and the hilly northern teachers who had been selected by the party instructed 1950 VISITOR CENTRE i AdViCE ANd BookiNG fon +49 (0)2444 91579-0, info@vogelsang-ip.de www.vogelsang-ip.de Bus tour i BUs ToUR duration: 90 minutes price: EUR 100 for groups of up to 25 persons; EUR 2 for every additional person REDISCOVER VOGELSANG hisToRY iN BRiEf Vogelsang (“Birdsong”) – the name arouses expectations of ing the history of National socialism and its consequences. The Eifel plateau above the Urft valley was subjected to radical the natural world and peaceful enjoyment in the midst of the That is why we want to do more than just look at the past – we change during the last century: the cultural landscape gave Eifel National park, which was founded in 2004. This spot also wish to contribute to a cultural and political discussion. way to the National socialist “ordensburg” of Vogelsang and high above the Urftsee affords sweeping panoramic views of is designed to give you ideas for a varied and interesting visit. aims and effects of National socialist training and propaganda. You are more than welcome! The former “ordensburg” is an important place for remember- Your vogelsang ip Team (Floors +2 and +3) Construction begins at Vogelsang. The first sod is turned on 15th march in accordance with the plans of architect Clemens klotz 1936 instruction begins 1939 1940 (Floors -1 and 0) Administration Education Centre (Floors -1, 0 and +1) NS Documentation Centre “Kultraum” (Floor +1) (Floor +1) 1941 Use by Adolf hitler schools Seminar (Floors 0 and +1) Tower Seminar (Etage -1) 1944 partial destruction by Allied air raids 1945 National Park Centre (Floors -1 and 0) occupation by Us army Display Window Eifel Ardennes Restaurant (Floor -1) State of planning for the new Forum Vogelsang and its future uses as shown by the result of the International Architecture Competition in 2008; Winner: Mola Winkelmüller Architekten and sinai. Faust. Schroll. Schwarz (both Berlin) NS Documentation Centre (Floors -2 and -1) (Floor 0) hof” at forum Vogelsang by Nationalpark-shuttle sB 82 tecture, protected buildings and development of Vogelsang. The conversion into an exhibition, education and information for young adults and school classes: guided tours, project by arrangement – at Vogelsang this also means the language (hourly at weekends and on public holidays); from simmerath days, study days and talks we use for communication. http://rve.eurocit.com most construction work is stopped Visitor Centre tours around the site start here from 2 p.m. onwards; an ad- and the history of the period is on sale in the bookshop as well 1934 instruction ends; Beginning of second world war NS Documentation Centre “Burgschänke” can therefore tailor our programmes individually to your needs n 2006 realised by 2013. further exhibitions will provide information we view our work as a contribution towards education on the for adults: guided tours, lectures, seminars, excursions 2010. more information: www.vrsinfo.de, www.avv.de, a documentation centre on National socialist history, to be their rightful place and can complement each other: this flyer we want to make your stay at Vogelsang a pleasant one. You n trip bus connection from Aachen to Vogelsang from Easter the training of their future political leadership. in the 1940s, look at the site’s history as unbridgeable opposites. Both have Activities especially for groups forum Vogelsang will develop rapidly over the coming years. be happy to advise you. further reading on National socialism constructed from 1934 onwards by the National socialists for open to the public since 1st January 2006. The future has begun. Planning and Building at Vogelsang Vogelsang guides will give you insights into the history, archi- questions on the location or region, the vogelsang ip team will new forum Vogelsang. we are planning a visitor centre with site and the ensemble of protected buildings have only been Tour of Site daily regional bus connection from kall station to the “Adler- from Gemünd on sundays and public holidays. daily round Land and the regional government for the development of the At vogelsang ip, we do not regard leisure activity and a critical By Public Transport in the international place in the Eifel National park. The daily at weekends and on public holidays by wildnislinie 63, also selves to visitors through a look at history. The complex was Association. The visitor centre in forum Vogelsang is your meeting point park or use the visitor centre as a starting point. if you have Vogelsang is not just a natural idyll. its buildings reveal them- area, first under British, then under Belgian command. The VOGELSANG WITH EASE 11 a.m. hikers stop off here on their way through the National Place in the Eifel National Park. from 1946 to 2005, it was the centre of a military training VOGELSANG FOR GROUPS foundation of standortentwicklungsgesellschaft Vogelsang Gmbh Today, part of the area belongs to vogelsang ip | International years from the EU, federal government, government of the be a modern youth hostel run by the German Youth hostel TOUR OF BUILDING SITE 2005 Around 40 million euro will become available over the coming on the Eifel National park and the region, and there will also DAILY TOURS ditional tour is offered on sundays and public holidays at Eifel countryside. boarding school pupils from the “Adolf hitler schools” here. Transfer to Belgian army HOW TO GET THERE later to the military training area known as “Camp Vogelsang” the Eifel National park’s natural world and the hilly northern teachers who had been selected by the party instructed 1950 VISITOR CENTRE 1946 military training area of British army opening of Vogelsang to visitors as vogelsang ip | International Place in the Eifel National Park 2008 international Architecture Competition for “forum Vogelsang” and foundation of vogelsang ip gemeinnützige Gmbh nature topics. free information on hikes, accommodation and By car and coach timetables is also available. B 266 from Einruhr and Gemünd; Address for navigation sys- Restaurant Architecture competition for international meeting place dJh /woodland Youth hostel; German Red Cross moves into “Transit 59”; completion of Victor Neels Bridge; opening of swimming pool The restaurant serves breakfast, coffee and cake, and a vary- 2010 44 ing range of dishes. individual visitors and hikers as well as 4 Aachen i opENiNG TimEs Vogelsang is open 365 days a year from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. open on Chrismas Eve and New Year’s Eve from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. 56 399 Hürtgenwald 565 Nideggen E40 258 Vogelsang groups of up to 200 people are welcome. The outside terrace is open in fine weather in the summer. 265 Heimbach Rursee Eupen Simmerath Rurberg Obersee Einruhr Urftsee Gemünd Kall Schleiden Bütgenbach 61 Mechernich Monschau Nationalpark Eifel Euskirchen 266 Hellenthal 265 1 258 Blankenheim WE ARE THERE FOR YOU 2013 fon +49 (0)2444 91579-0 Completion of forum Vogelsang info@vogelsang-ip.de Büllingen Prüm in simple language (for visitors with learning difficulties) price: EUR 5, reduced price EUR 4; children under 12 free i VisiTs To ThE TowER Times: April to october, mondays to fridays 1 p.m.; saturdays, sundays and public holidays, on the hour from 12 to 4 p.m.; on request in winter; maximum of up to 15 persons for each tower visit duration: 30 minutes price: EUR 3; we regret that children under 6 cannot visit the tower n for visitors with limited mobility/ wheelchair users n for visitors with visual impairments/ for accompanied blind visitors n for visitors with hearing difficulties/ accompanied deaf visitors (no sign language) meeting point: Visitor Centre, forum Vogelsang EVENTS more information can be found in our “programm 2010 | Things are happening here! kulturelle und politische Bildung“. n sky sessions n Bat excursions n spoRTissimo A bus tour around the plateau area of the site is available for n open-air cinema groups with visitors of very limited mobility. n film winter Contact us for a free copy of our programme. Basic tour – Hillside or Plateau Vogelsang guides explain the background to the development Bus tour i BUs ToUR for further information on current events see of Vogelsang and to the history and buildings both on the spot duration: 90 minutes www.vogelsang-ip.de and with the aid of photos and plans. Visits to two buildings price: EUR 100 for groups of up to 25 persons; EUR 2 for every additional person Daun i BAsiC ToUR | hiLLsidE oR pLATEAU duration: 90 minutes price: EUR 100 Group size: up to 25 participants www.vogelsang-ip.de in various languages (German, English, french, dutch, spanish, swedish, polish and Russian) n are included. Dahlem Reconstruction work on Belgian army cinema; beginning of measures for forum Vogelsang and international meeting place dJh/woodland Youth hostel n ToUR of BUiLdiNG siTE distance: approx. 1.5 km meeting point: Visitor Centre, forum Vogelsang Nettersheim Tours: meeting point: Visitor Centre, forum Vogelsang from the 48-metre tower. Bonn Düren visit closed rooms which will soon change in appearance. Times: sundays and public holidays 2 p.m. the unrivalled view of the Eifel National park and Vogelsang 553 for children: discovery sessions Accessibility price: EUR 5; reduced prices EUR 4; children under 12 free After 172 steep steps, you will have the opportunity to enjoy Köln n on a tour around the site. There will also be an opportunity to i Visits to the tower Heinsberg about the current situation regarding planning and conversion distance: approx. 1.5 km fee of EUR 3 per vehicle in the central car park. “holidays in the Third Reich” will be presented from may 2010. 2009 Times: daily without advance reservation 2 p.m.; extra tour on sundays and public holidays 11 p.m. tems: 53937 morsbach, Einruhrer strasse. There is a parking The future exhibition in forum Vogelsang provides information on planning and developments in vogelsang ip. The exhibition ToUR of siTE duration: 90 minutes as literature on Vogelsang, the region, the National park and Changing Exhibitions i centre will be accompanied by many changes. You can learn i AdViCE ANd BookiNG fon +49 (0)2444 91579-0, info@vogelsang-ip.de www.vogelsang-ip.de REDISCOVER VOGELSANG hisToRY iN BRiEf Vogelsang (“Birdsong”) – the name arouses expectations of ing the history of National socialism and its consequences. The Eifel plateau above the Urft valley was subjected to radical the natural world and peaceful enjoyment in the midst of the That is why we want to do more than just look at the past – we change during the last century: the cultural landscape gave Eifel National park, which was founded in 2004. This spot also wish to contribute to a cultural and political discussion. way to the National socialist “ordensburg” of Vogelsang and high above the Urftsee affords sweeping panoramic views of is designed to give you ideas for a varied and interesting visit. aims and effects of National socialist training and propaganda. You are more than welcome! The former “ordensburg” is an important place for remember- Your vogelsang ip Team (Floors +2 and +3) Construction begins at Vogelsang. The first sod is turned on 15th march in accordance with the plans of architect Clemens klotz 1936 instruction begins 1939 1940 (Floors -1 and 0) Administration Education Centre (Floors -1, 0 and +1) NS Documentation Centre “Kultraum” (Floor +1) (Floor +1) 1941 Use by Adolf hitler schools Seminar (Floors 0 and +1) Tower Seminar (Etage -1) 1944 partial destruction by Allied air raids 1945 National Park Centre (Floors -1 and 0) occupation by Us army Display Window Eifel Ardennes Restaurant (Floor -1) State of planning for the new Forum Vogelsang and its future uses as shown by the result of the International Architecture Competition in 2008; Winner: Mola Winkelmüller Architekten and sinai. Faust. Schroll. Schwarz (both Berlin) NS Documentation Centre (Floors -2 and -1) (Floor 0) hof” at forum Vogelsang by Nationalpark-shuttle sB 82 tecture, protected buildings and development of Vogelsang. The conversion into an exhibition, education and information for young adults and school classes: guided tours, project by arrangement – at Vogelsang this also means the language (hourly at weekends and on public holidays); from simmerath days, study days and talks we use for communication. http://rve.eurocit.com most construction work is stopped Visitor Centre tours around the site start here from 2 p.m. onwards; an ad- and the history of the period is on sale in the bookshop as well 1934 instruction ends; Beginning of second world war NS Documentation Centre “Burgschänke” can therefore tailor our programmes individually to your needs n 2006 realised by 2013. further exhibitions will provide information we view our work as a contribution towards education on the for adults: guided tours, lectures, seminars, excursions 2010. more information: www.vrsinfo.de, www.avv.de, a documentation centre on National socialist history, to be their rightful place and can complement each other: this flyer we want to make your stay at Vogelsang a pleasant one. You n trip bus connection from Aachen to Vogelsang from Easter the training of their future political leadership. in the 1940s, look at the site’s history as unbridgeable opposites. Both have Activities especially for groups forum Vogelsang will develop rapidly over the coming years. be happy to advise you. further reading on National socialism constructed from 1934 onwards by the National socialists for open to the public since 1st January 2006. The future has begun. Planning and Building at Vogelsang Vogelsang guides will give you insights into the history, archi- questions on the location or region, the vogelsang ip team will new forum Vogelsang. we are planning a visitor centre with site and the ensemble of protected buildings have only been Tour of Site daily regional bus connection from kall station to the “Adler- from Gemünd on sundays and public holidays. daily round Land and the regional government for the development of the At vogelsang ip, we do not regard leisure activity and a critical By Public Transport in the international place in the Eifel National park. The daily at weekends and on public holidays by wildnislinie 63, also selves to visitors through a look at history. The complex was Association. The visitor centre in forum Vogelsang is your meeting point park or use the visitor centre as a starting point. if you have Vogelsang is not just a natural idyll. its buildings reveal them- area, first under British, then under Belgian command. The VOGELSANG WITH EASE 11 a.m. hikers stop off here on their way through the National Place in the Eifel National Park. from 1946 to 2005, it was the centre of a military training VOGELSANG FOR GROUPS foundation of standortentwicklungsgesellschaft Vogelsang Gmbh Today, part of the area belongs to vogelsang ip | International years from the EU, federal government, government of the on the Eifel National park and the region, and there will also TOUR OF BUILDING SITE 2005 Around 40 million euro will become available over the coming be a modern youth hostel run by the German Youth hostel DAILY TOURS ditional tour is offered on sundays and public holidays at Eifel countryside. boarding school pupils from the “Adolf hitler schools” here. Transfer to Belgian army HOW TO GET THERE later to the military training area known as “Camp Vogelsang” the Eifel National park’s natural world and the hilly northern teachers who had been selected by the party instructed 1950 VISITOR CENTRE 1946 military training area of British army opening of Vogelsang to visitors as vogelsang ip | International Place in the Eifel National Park 2008 international Architecture Competition for “forum Vogelsang” and foundation of vogelsang ip gemeinnützige Gmbh nature topics. free information on hikes, accommodation and By car and coach timetables is also available. B 266 from Einruhr and Gemünd; Address for navigation sys- Restaurant Architecture competition for international meeting place dJh /woodland Youth hostel; German Red Cross moves into “Transit 59”; completion of Victor Neels Bridge; opening of swimming pool The restaurant serves breakfast, coffee and cake, and a vary- 2010 44 ing range of dishes. individual visitors and hikers as well as 4 Aachen i opENiNG TimEs Vogelsang is open 365 days a year from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. open on Chrismas Eve and New Year’s Eve from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. 56 399 Hürtgenwald 565 Nideggen E40 258 Vogelsang groups of up to 200 people are welcome. The outside terrace is open in fine weather in the summer. 265 Heimbach Rursee Eupen Simmerath Rurberg Obersee Einruhr Urftsee Gemünd Kall Schleiden Bütgenbach 61 Mechernich Monschau Nationalpark Eifel Euskirchen 266 Hellenthal 265 1 258 Blankenheim WE ARE THERE FOR YOU 2013 fon +49 (0)2444 91579-0 Completion of forum Vogelsang info@vogelsang-ip.de Büllingen Prüm in simple language (for visitors with learning difficulties) price: EUR 5, reduced price EUR 4; children under 12 free i VisiTs To ThE TowER Times: April to october, mondays to fridays 1 p.m.; saturdays, sundays and public holidays, on the hour from 12 to 4 p.m.; on request in winter; maximum of up to 15 persons for each tower visit duration: 30 minutes price: EUR 3; we regret that children under 6 cannot visit the tower n for visitors with limited mobility/ wheelchair users n for visitors with visual impairments/ for accompanied blind visitors n for visitors with hearing difficulties/ accompanied deaf visitors (no sign language) meeting point: Visitor Centre, forum Vogelsang EVENTS more information can be found in our “programm 2010 | Things are happening here! kulturelle und politische Bildung“. n sky sessions n Bat excursions n spoRTissimo A bus tour around the plateau area of the site is available for n open-air cinema groups with visitors of very limited mobility. n film winter Contact us for a free copy of our programme. Basic tour – Hillside or Plateau Vogelsang guides explain the background to the development Bus tour i BUs ToUR for further information on current events see of Vogelsang and to the history and buildings both on the spot duration: 90 minutes www.vogelsang-ip.de and with the aid of photos and plans. Visits to two buildings price: EUR 100 for groups of up to 25 persons; EUR 2 for every additional person Daun i BAsiC ToUR | hiLLsidE oR pLATEAU duration: 90 minutes price: EUR 100 Group size: up to 25 participants www.vogelsang-ip.de in various languages (German, English, french, dutch, spanish, swedish, polish and Russian) n are included. Dahlem Reconstruction work on Belgian army cinema; beginning of measures for forum Vogelsang and international meeting place dJh/woodland Youth hostel n ToUR of BUiLdiNG siTE distance: approx. 1.5 km meeting point: Visitor Centre, forum Vogelsang Nettersheim Tours: meeting point: Visitor Centre, forum Vogelsang from the 48-metre tower. Bonn Düren visit closed rooms which will soon change in appearance. Times: sundays and public holidays 2 p.m. the unrivalled view of the Eifel National park and Vogelsang 553 for children: discovery sessions Accessibility price: EUR 5; reduced prices EUR 4; children under 12 free After 172 steep steps, you will have the opportunity to enjoy Köln n on a tour around the site. There will also be an opportunity to i Visits to the tower Heinsberg about the current situation regarding planning and conversion distance: approx. 1.5 km fee of EUR 3 per vehicle in the central car park. “holidays in the Third Reich” will be presented from may 2010. 2009 Times: daily without advance reservation 2 p.m.; extra tour on sundays and public holidays 11 p.m. tems: 53937 morsbach, Einruhrer strasse. There is a parking The future exhibition in forum Vogelsang provides information on planning and developments in vogelsang ip. The exhibition ToUR of siTE duration: 90 minutes as literature on Vogelsang, the region, the National park and Changing Exhibitions i centre will be accompanied by many changes. You can learn i AdViCE ANd BookiNG fon +49 (0)2444 91579-0, info@vogelsang-ip.de www.vogelsang-ip.de REDISCOVER VOGELSANG hisToRY iN BRiEf Vogelsang (“Birdsong”) – the name arouses expectations of ing the history of National socialism and its consequences. The Eifel plateau above the Urft valley was subjected to radical the natural world and peaceful enjoyment in the midst of the That is why we want to do more than just look at the past – we change during the last century: the cultural landscape gave Eifel National park, which was founded in 2004. This spot also wish to contribute to a cultural and political discussion. way to the National socialist “ordensburg” of Vogelsang and high above the Urftsee affords sweeping panoramic views of is designed to give you ideas for a varied and interesting visit. aims and effects of National socialist training and propaganda. You are more than welcome! The former “ordensburg” is an important place for remember- Your vogelsang ip Team (Floors +2 and +3) Construction begins at Vogelsang. The first sod is turned on 15th march in accordance with the plans of architect Clemens klotz 1936 instruction begins 1939 1940 (Floors -1 and 0) Administration Education Centre (Floors -1, 0 and +1) NS Documentation Centre “Kultraum” (Floor +1) (Floor +1) 1941 Use by Adolf hitler schools Seminar (Floors 0 and +1) Tower Seminar (Etage -1) 1944 partial destruction by Allied air raids 1945 National Park Centre (Floors -1 and 0) occupation by Us army Display Window Eifel Ardennes Restaurant (Floor -1) State of planning for the new Forum Vogelsang and its future uses as shown by the result of the International Architecture Competition in 2008; Winner: Mola Winkelmüller Architekten and sinai. Faust. Schroll. Schwarz (both Berlin) NS Documentation Centre (Floors -2 and -1) (Floor 0) hof” at forum Vogelsang by Nationalpark-shuttle sB 82 tecture, protected buildings and development of Vogelsang. The conversion into an exhibition, education and information for young adults and school classes: guided tours, project by arrangement – at Vogelsang this also means the language (hourly at weekends and on public holidays); from simmerath days, study days and talks we use for communication. http://rve.eurocit.com most construction work is stopped Visitor Centre tours around the site start here from 2 p.m. onwards; an ad- and the history of the period is on sale in the bookshop as well 1934 instruction ends; Beginning of second world war NS Documentation Centre “Burgschänke” can therefore tailor our programmes individually to your needs n 2006 realised by 2013. further exhibitions will provide information we view our work as a contribution towards education on the for adults: guided tours, lectures, seminars, excursions 2010. more information: www.vrsinfo.de, www.avv.de, a documentation centre on National socialist history, to be their rightful place and can complement each other: this flyer we want to make your stay at Vogelsang a pleasant one. You n trip bus connection from Aachen to Vogelsang from Easter the training of their future political leadership. in the 1940s, look at the site’s history as unbridgeable opposites. Both have Activities especially for groups forum Vogelsang will develop rapidly over the coming years. be happy to advise you. further reading on National socialism constructed from 1934 onwards by the National socialists for open to the public since 1st January 2006. The future has begun. Planning and Building at Vogelsang Vogelsang guides will give you insights into the history, archi- questions on the location or region, the vogelsang ip team will new forum Vogelsang. we are planning a visitor centre with site and the ensemble of protected buildings have only been Tour of Site daily regional bus connection from kall station to the “Adler- from Gemünd on sundays and public holidays. daily round Land and the regional government for the development of the At vogelsang ip, we do not regard leisure activity and a critical By Public Transport in the international place in the Eifel National park. The daily at weekends and on public holidays by wildnislinie 63, also selves to visitors through a look at history. The complex was Association. The visitor centre in forum Vogelsang is your meeting point park or use the visitor centre as a starting point. if you have Vogelsang is not just a natural idyll. its buildings reveal them- area, first under British, then under Belgian command. The VOGELSANG WITH EASE 11 a.m. hikers stop off here on their way through the National Place in the Eifel National Park. from 1946 to 2005, it was the centre of a military training VOGELSANG FOR GROUPS foundation of standortentwicklungsgesellschaft Vogelsang Gmbh Today, part of the area belongs to vogelsang ip | International years from the EU, federal government, government of the be a modern youth hostel run by the German Youth hostel TOUR OF BUILDING SITE 2005 Around 40 million euro will become available over the coming on the Eifel National park and the region, and there will also DAILY TOURS ditional tour is offered on sundays and public holidays at Eifel countryside. boarding school pupils from the “Adolf hitler schools” here. Transfer to Belgian army HOW TO GET THERE later to the military training area known as “Camp Vogelsang” the Eifel National park’s natural world and the hilly northern teachers who had been selected by the party instructed 1950 VISITOR CENTRE 1946 military training area of British army opening of Vogelsang to visitors as vogelsang ip | International Place in the Eifel National Park 2008 international Architecture Competition for “forum Vogelsang” and foundation of vogelsang ip gemeinnützige Gmbh nature topics. free information on hikes, accommodation and By car and coach timetables is also available. B 266 from Einruhr and Gemünd; Address for navigation sys- Restaurant Architecture competition for international meeting place dJh /woodland Youth hostel; German Red Cross moves into “Transit 59”; completion of Victor Neels Bridge; opening of swimming pool The restaurant serves breakfast, coffee and cake, and a vary- 2010 44 ing range of dishes. individual visitors and hikers as well as 4 Aachen i opENiNG TimEs Vogelsang is open 365 days a year from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. open on Chrismas Eve and New Year’s Eve from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. 56 399 Hürtgenwald 565 Nideggen E40 258 Vogelsang groups of up to 200 people are welcome. The outside terrace is open in fine weather in the summer. 265 Heimbach Rursee Eupen Simmerath Rurberg Obersee Einruhr Urftsee Gemünd Kall Schleiden Bütgenbach 61 Mechernich Monschau Nationalpark Eifel Euskirchen 266 Hellenthal 265 1 258 Blankenheim WE ARE THERE FOR YOU 2013 fon +49 (0)2444 91579-0 Completion of forum Vogelsang info@vogelsang-ip.de Büllingen Prüm in simple language (for visitors with learning difficulties) price: EUR 5, reduced price EUR 4; children under 12 free i VisiTs To ThE TowER Times: April to october, mondays to fridays 1 p.m.; saturdays, sundays and public holidays, on the hour from 12 to 4 p.m.; on request in winter; maximum of up to 15 persons for each tower visit duration: 30 minutes price: EUR 3; we regret that children under 6 cannot visit the tower n for visitors with limited mobility/ wheelchair users n for visitors with visual impairments/ for accompanied blind visitors n for visitors with hearing difficulties/ accompanied deaf visitors (no sign language) meeting point: Visitor Centre, forum Vogelsang EVENTS more information can be found in our “programm 2010 | Things are happening here! kulturelle und politische Bildung“. n sky sessions n Bat excursions n spoRTissimo A bus tour around the plateau area of the site is available for n open-air cinema groups with visitors of very limited mobility. n film winter Contact us for a free copy of our programme. Basic tour – Hillside or Plateau Vogelsang guides explain the background to the development Bus tour i BUs ToUR for further information on current events see of Vogelsang and to the history and buildings both on the spot duration: 90 minutes www.vogelsang-ip.de and with the aid of photos and plans. Visits to two buildings price: EUR 100 for groups of up to 25 persons; EUR 2 for every additional person Daun i BAsiC ToUR | hiLLsidE oR pLATEAU duration: 90 minutes price: EUR 100 Group size: up to 25 participants www.vogelsang-ip.de in various languages (German, English, french, dutch, spanish, swedish, polish and Russian) n are included. Dahlem Reconstruction work on Belgian army cinema; beginning of measures for forum Vogelsang and international meeting place dJh/woodland Youth hostel n ToUR of BUiLdiNG siTE distance: approx. 1.5 km meeting point: Visitor Centre, forum Vogelsang Nettersheim Tours: meeting point: Visitor Centre, forum Vogelsang from the 48-metre tower. Bonn Düren visit closed rooms which will soon change in appearance. Times: sundays and public holidays 2 p.m. the unrivalled view of the Eifel National park and Vogelsang 553 for children: discovery sessions Accessibility price: EUR 5; reduced prices EUR 4; children under 12 free After 172 steep steps, you will have the opportunity to enjoy Köln n on a tour around the site. There will also be an opportunity to i Visits to the tower Heinsberg about the current situation regarding planning and conversion distance: approx. 1.5 km fee of EUR 3 per vehicle in the central car park. “holidays in the Third Reich” will be presented from may 2010. 2009 Times: daily without advance reservation 2 p.m.; extra tour on sundays and public holidays 11 p.m. tems: 53937 morsbach, Einruhrer strasse. There is a parking The future exhibition in forum Vogelsang provides information on planning and developments in vogelsang ip. The exhibition ToUR of siTE duration: 90 minutes as literature on Vogelsang, the region, the National park and Changing Exhibitions i centre will be accompanied by many changes. You can learn i AdViCE ANd BookiNG fon +49 (0)2444 91579-0, info@vogelsang-ip.de www.vogelsang-ip.de REDISCOVER VOGELSANG hisToRY iN BRiEf Vogelsang (“Birdsong”) – the name arouses expectations of ing the history of National socialism and its consequences. The Eifel plateau above the Urft valley was subjected to radical the natural world and peaceful enjoyment in the midst of the That is why we want to do more than just look at the past – we change during the last century: the cultural landscape gave Eifel National park, which was founded in 2004. This spot also wish to contribute to a cultural and political discussion. way to the National socialist “ordensburg” of Vogelsang and high above the Urftsee affords sweeping panoramic views of is designed to give you ideas for a varied and interesting visit. aims and effects of National socialist training and propaganda. You are more than welcome! The former “ordensburg” is an important place for remember- Your vogelsang ip Team (Floors +2 and +3) Construction begins at Vogelsang. The first sod is turned on 15th march in accordance with the plans of architect Clemens klotz 1936 instruction begins 1939 1940 (Floors -1 and 0) Administration Education Centre (Floors -1, 0 and +1) NS Documentation Centre “Kultraum” (Floor +1) (Floor +1) 1941 Use by Adolf hitler schools Seminar (Floors 0 and +1) Tower Seminar (Etage -1) 1944 partial destruction by Allied air raids 1945 National Park Centre (Floors -1 and 0) occupation by Us army Display Window Eifel Ardennes Restaurant (Floor -1) State of planning for the new Forum Vogelsang and its future uses as shown by the result of the International Architecture Competition in 2008; Winner: Mola Winkelmüller Architekten and sinai. Faust. Schroll. Schwarz (both Berlin) NS Documentation Centre (Floors -2 and -1) (Floor 0) hof” at forum Vogelsang by Nationalpark-shuttle sB 82 tecture, protected buildings and development of Vogelsang. The conversion into an exhibition, education and information for young adults and school classes: guided tours, project by arrangement – at Vogelsang this also means the language (hourly at weekends and on public holidays); from simmerath days, study days and talks we use for communication. http://rve.eurocit.com most construction work is stopped Visitor Centre tours around the site start here from 2 p.m. onwards; an ad- and the history of the period is on sale in the bookshop as well 1934 instruction ends; Beginning of second world war NS Documentation Centre “Burgschänke” can therefore tailor our programmes individually to your needs n 2006 realised by 2013. further exhibitions will provide information we view our work as a contribution towards education on the for adults: guided tours, lectures, seminars, excursions 2010. more information: www.vrsinfo.de, www.avv.de, a documentation centre on National socialist history, to be their rightful place and can complement each other: this flyer we want to make your stay at Vogelsang a pleasant one. You n trip bus connection from Aachen to Vogelsang from Easter the training of their future political leadership. in the 1940s, look at the site’s history as unbridgeable opposites. Both have Activities especially for groups forum Vogelsang will develop rapidly over the coming years. be happy to advise you. further reading on National socialism constructed from 1934 onwards by the National socialists for open to the public since 1st January 2006. The future has begun. Planning and Building at Vogelsang Vogelsang guides will give you insights into the history, archi- questions on the location or region, the vogelsang ip team will new forum Vogelsang. we are planning a visitor centre with site and the ensemble of protected buildings have only been Tour of Site daily regional bus connection from kall station to the “Adler- from Gemünd on sundays and public holidays. daily round Land and the regional government for the development of the At vogelsang ip, we do not regard leisure activity and a critical By Public Transport in the international place in the Eifel National park. The daily at weekends and on public holidays by wildnislinie 63, also selves to visitors through a look at history. The complex was Association. The visitor centre in forum Vogelsang is your meeting point park or use the visitor centre as a starting point. if you have Vogelsang is not just a natural idyll. its buildings reveal them- area, first under British, then under Belgian command. The VOGELSANG WITH EASE 11 a.m. hikers stop off here on their way through the National Place in the Eifel National Park. from 1946 to 2005, it was the centre of a military training VOGELSANG FOR GROUPS foundation of standortentwicklungsgesellschaft Vogelsang Gmbh Today, part of the area belongs to vogelsang ip | International years from the EU, federal government, government of the be a modern youth hostel run by the German Youth hostel TOUR OF BUILDING SITE 2005 Around 40 million euro will become available over the coming on the Eifel National park and the region, and there will also DAILY TOURS ditional tour is offered on sundays and public holidays at Eifel countryside. boarding school pupils from the “Adolf hitler schools” here. Transfer to Belgian army HOW TO GET THERE later to the military training area known as “Camp Vogelsang” the Eifel National park’s natural world and the hilly northern teachers who had been selected by the party instructed 1950 VISITOR CENTRE 1946 military training area of British army opening of Vogelsang to visitors as vogelsang ip | International Place in the Eifel National Park 2008 international Architecture Competition for “forum Vogelsang” and foundation of vogelsang ip gemeinnützige Gmbh nature topics. free information on hikes, accommodation and By car and coach timetables is also available. B 266 from Einruhr and Gemünd; Address for navigation sys- Restaurant Architecture competition for international meeting place dJh /woodland Youth hostel; German Red Cross moves into “Transit 59”; completion of Victor Neels Bridge; opening of swimming pool The restaurant serves breakfast, coffee and cake, and a vary- 2010 44 ing range of dishes. individual visitors and hikers as well as 4 Aachen i opENiNG TimEs Vogelsang is open 365 days a year from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. open on Chrismas Eve and New Year’s Eve from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. 56 399 Hürtgenwald 565 Nideggen E40 258 Vogelsang groups of up to 200 people are welcome. The outside terrace is open in fine weather in the summer. 265 Heimbach Rursee Eupen Simmerath Rurberg Obersee Einruhr Urftsee Gemünd Kall Schleiden Bütgenbach 61 Mechernich Monschau Nationalpark Eifel Euskirchen 266 Hellenthal 265 1 258 Blankenheim WE ARE THERE FOR YOU 2013 fon +49 (0)2444 91579-0 Completion of forum Vogelsang info@vogelsang-ip.de Büllingen Prüm in simple language (for visitors with learning difficulties) price: EUR 5, reduced price EUR 4; children under 12 free i VisiTs To ThE TowER Times: April to october, mondays to fridays 1 p.m.; saturdays, sundays and public holidays, on the hour from 12 to 4 p.m.; on request in winter; maximum of up to 15 persons for each tower visit duration: 30 minutes price: EUR 3; we regret that children under 6 cannot visit the tower n for visitors with limited mobility/ wheelchair users n for visitors with visual impairments/ for accompanied blind visitors n for visitors with hearing difficulties/ accompanied deaf visitors (no sign language) meeting point: Visitor Centre, forum Vogelsang EVENTS more information can be found in our “programm 2010 | Things are happening here! kulturelle und politische Bildung“. n sky sessions n Bat excursions n spoRTissimo A bus tour around the plateau area of the site is available for n open-air cinema groups with visitors of very limited mobility. n film winter Contact us for a free copy of our programme. Basic tour – Hillside or Plateau Vogelsang guides explain the background to the development Bus tour i BUs ToUR for further information on current events see of Vogelsang and to the history and buildings both on the spot duration: 90 minutes www.vogelsang-ip.de and with the aid of photos and plans. Visits to two buildings price: EUR 100 for groups of up to 25 persons; EUR 2 for every additional person Daun i BAsiC ToUR | hiLLsidE oR pLATEAU duration: 90 minutes price: EUR 100 Group size: up to 25 participants www.vogelsang-ip.de in various languages (German, English, french, dutch, spanish, swedish, polish and Russian) n are included. Dahlem Reconstruction work on Belgian army cinema; beginning of measures for forum Vogelsang and international meeting place dJh/woodland Youth hostel n ToUR of BUiLdiNG siTE distance: approx. 1.5 km meeting point: Visitor Centre, forum Vogelsang Nettersheim Tours: meeting point: Visitor Centre, forum Vogelsang from the 48-metre tower. Bonn Düren visit closed rooms which will soon change in appearance. Times: sundays and public holidays 2 p.m. the unrivalled view of the Eifel National park and Vogelsang 553 for children: discovery sessions Accessibility price: EUR 5; reduced prices EUR 4; children under 12 free After 172 steep steps, you will have the opportunity to enjoy Köln n on a tour around the site. There will also be an opportunity to i Visits to the tower Heinsberg about the current situation regarding planning and conversion distance: approx. 1.5 km fee of EUR 3 per vehicle in the central car park. “holidays in the Third Reich” will be presented from may 2010. 2009 Times: daily without advance reservation 2 p.m.; extra tour on sundays and public holidays 11 p.m. tems: 53937 morsbach, Einruhrer strasse. There is a parking The future exhibition in forum Vogelsang provides information on planning and developments in vogelsang ip. The exhibition ToUR of siTE duration: 90 minutes as literature on Vogelsang, the region, the National park and Changing Exhibitions i centre will be accompanied by many changes. You can learn i AdViCE ANd BookiNG fon +49 (0)2444 91579-0, info@vogelsang-ip.de www.vogelsang-ip.de Schrift PANTONE 280 C : 100C/72M/0Y/18K Kreis, Landschaft PANTONE 346 C : 60C/0M/51Y/0K HIKING TIPS VOGELSANG IP The Vogelsang site opens out at the forum to give a sweeping Ranger tours from Vogelsang – Discover the wilderness panoramic view of the Eifel National park with the Urftsee and National park rangers will accompany you on circuit hikes the developing “second-hand primeval forests”. Visitors have a through near-natural woods and over the open grasslands of choice of various hikes here: dreiborner hochfläche to the deserted village of wollseifen. Circuit hike over Victor-Neels Bridge (12 to 14 km) The new Urftsee bridge has made it possible to enjoy even more hiking experiences from vogelsang ip to Gemünd, stadt schleiden supported by: i Urftsee dam or a subsequent boat trip. The boldly-designed, price: free of charge. No booking necessary 124-metre suspended structure made of steel and aluminium meeting point: “Adlerhof”, at the wild cat photo spirit of understanding and tolerance. MAP OF SITE Individually-booked group tours with National Park rangers forum Vogelsang is the starting point for individual tours vogelsang ip gemeinnützige Gmbh Vogelsang – Einruhr Trail (Eifelsteig, 8.5 km) guides (also available in English, dutch, french, italian 53937 schleiden A hike across dreiborner hochfläche to Einruhr (directly or and spanish, and in German and dutch sign language). GERmANY across the Urftsee dam). Return to Vogelsang from Einruhr Remuneration: EUR 15 per hour and group The village of wollseifen had to be cleared within three weeks in August 1946 for the British military training area. Vogelsang – Gemünd Trail (Eifelsteig, 7 km) info@vogelsang-ip.de A panoramic hike from Vogelsang to Gemünd over the “Eifel- www.vogelsang-ip.de Blick modenhübel” (485 m). Return to Vogelsang “Adlerhof” from Gemünd by Nationalparkshuttle sB 82. photos/illustrations: medienzentrum kreis Euskirchen, Luc Bruylandt, sammlung f.A. heinen, mola winkelmüller Architekten, hascher + Jehle planungsgesellschaft mbh, vogelsang ip gemeinnützige Gmbh Layout: büro G29, Aachen printing: warlich-druck, meckenheim All information and prices are subject to change issued may 2010 upward slopes and steps Visitor Centre 10 18 07 ThE NEw foRUm VoGELsANG is UNdER CoNsTRUCTioN hERE 06 17 13 05 P Visitor Guidance System 08 04 panels along the hillside and plateau tours around the Plateau Tour 1.3 km 06 “Adlerhof”: The courtyard is the central section of the former “Gemeinschaftshaus” (“Community house”), which extends along the upper edge of the slope down to the Urftsee. price: adults EUR 5/person, round trip EUR 9; Children/Young adults (under 18), half of adult price; family ticket (parents with up to 3 children), return trip EUR 25 steps with gentle upward Accompanying Booklet and downward slopes f.A. heinen/Christina Threuter “Vogelsang im herzen des Nationalparks Eifel, Ein Be- Pay machine gleitheft durch die ehemalige 09 02 Ns-‘ordensburg’”. Available P Trail “Eifelsteig” “Wildnis-Trail” in our bookshop. “Transit 59”: German Red Cross seminar centre 01 i n 07 13 View over Urftsee AreaofNationalPark Trail RangerMeetingPoint ViewingPoint “Eifel-Blicke” (www.eifel-blicke.de) Gatewayto NationalPark NationalParkInfopunkt Busroutewithnumber Normalbusroutesonly The network of trails which you are permitted to use is marked by wooden posts and signposts on dreiborner hochfläche. paths which riders are permitted to use are marked by a blue ring on the wooden posts. Carriagestoppingpoint Landingstage forRurseeferry Cycletrail/Bridlepath Carpark 2000metres A bicycle pictogram integrated into the signs indicates whether cyclists are permitted to use the path in question. 08 Former Hospital: The building was constructed to provide residential accommodation at Vogelsang for female support personnel. it was later used as an infirmary. Vogelsang site. 20 to 40 minutes without 03 Trail toGemünd “Eifelsteig” “Wildnis-Trail” Nationalpark Eifel Trail toDreiborn Nationalpark Eifel Pay machine At barrier/entrance Access road (fromB266) 09 Belgian Petrol Station INTERNATIONAL PLACE iN EifEL NATioNAL pARk 10 Forum Ost: Visitor Centre and Restaurant 11 Tower: The 48-metre side tower of the east wing dominates Vogelsang when the complex is seen from a distance and is one of the main elements in its calculated positioning as an “ordensburg”. 12 “Fackelträger”: The “fackelträger” (torch-bearer) sculpture embodies the racist ideal of a master race and can be found on the former “sonnwendplatz” (solstice place). You will find further information on numerous information ing has largely survived in its original condition; the interior originates from the Belgian military period. Times: every first and third sunday in April – october 11.30 a.m. and 2.15 p.m. (extra carriage ride at 5 p.m. for a minimum of 8 persons) operator of Carriage Rides: mark schwerdt Reitanlage Lindenhof fon +49 (0)175 1679777, +49 (0)248 6202, horst steffens, fon +49 (0)177 4478041, +49 (0)2472 5369 11 05 “Burgschänke”: The build- CARRiAGE RidEs VoGELsANG – woLLsEifEN meeting point: “Adlerhof” bus station. it is possible to leave or join the carriage ride in walberhof and wollseifen. Forum Ost 16 Nationalpark Eifel Dooren”: The Belgian military administration built the “Van dooren” barracks on the foundations of the originally planned “house of knowledge”. Carriage rides for groups i Trail toWollseifen “Eifelsteig” “Wildnis-Trail” 04 Belgian Barracks “Van Carriage rides Vogelsang – Wollseifen fax +49 (0)2444 91579-29 15 03 Cinema of Belgian army: one of the last examples of cinema architecture of the 1950s. by wildnislinie bus 63. fon +49 (0)2444 91579-0 Hillside Tour (1.2 km) 30 – 60 minutes with steep through the National park with qualified nature and landscape forum Vogelsang 12 02 View towards Wollseifen: Wollseifen Circuit Trail (6.5 km) A circuit hike across dreiborner hochfläche to wollseifen, the (Length 0.7 km, 16 % upward/downward gradient) 14 N entrance and guardhouse area was built during the second construction phase of the “ordensburg” from 1937 onwards. organiser of ranger tours and contact service for individual group tours with rangers; information for visitors with limited mobility: Nationalparkforstamt Eifel, Landesbetrieb wald und holz NRw, fon +49 (0)2444 9510-71, info@nationalpark-eifel.de, www.nationalpark-eifel.de village which was cleared in 1946. Path to the bridge across the Urftsee, bicycle route K7 01 “Malakoff”: The former Times: sundays 1 p.m. in German; additional tours in July and August in dutch and french heimbach, Rurberg und Einruhr, including a walk across the is called after the former Belgian garrison commandant Victor MAP OF SURROUNDING AREA RANGER ToURs duration: 3 hours/6.5 km; a steep climb; sound processors can be booked Neels. he was and remains a European bridge-builder in a CONTACT EIFEL NATIONAL PARK 500 m partners in vogelsang ip gemeinnützige Gmbh: iNfoRmATioN oN ThE siTE The rules and regulations of the Bundesanstalt für immobilienaufgaben and the standortentwicklungsgesellschaft Vogelsang Gmbh must be followed. Visitors accept these on entering the site. n Visitors are not permitted to leave the marked paths. n dogs must be kept on a lead. n Visitors enter the site and the buildings at their own risk; there is limited servicing of the site in winter. n Taking photographs and filming on the site and in the buildings is only permitted for private use. 14 Former Sports Facilities, Swimming Pool: The sports buildings date from 1935 onwards and were a fundamental part of Vogelsang’s function as a training institution. 15 “Thingstätte”: The open-air theatre built into the northern slope was used for staging musical and theatre performances as well as ceremonies. 16 “Kameradschaftshäuser”: Ten residential buildings for students attending training courses were built below the “roll-call area” in 1934/35. 17 “Hundertschaftshäuser”: four further residential units were built on the western slope to house the planned doubledup number of course attendees. 18 Forum West: seminar rooms, administration vogelsang ip gemeinnützige Gmbh, sEV Gmbh and National park church VOGELSANG IP AT A GLANCE wiTh mAp of siTE ANd hikiNG Tips issued may 2010 Schrift PANTONE 280 C : 100C/72M/0Y/18K Kreis, Landschaft PANTONE 346 C : 60C/0M/51Y/0K HIKING TIPS VOGELSANG IP The Vogelsang site opens out at the forum to give a sweeping Ranger tours from Vogelsang – Discover the wilderness panoramic view of the Eifel National park with the Urftsee and National park rangers will accompany you on circuit hikes the developing “second-hand primeval forests”. Visitors have a through near-natural woods and over the open grasslands of choice of various hikes here: dreiborner hochfläche to the deserted village of wollseifen. Circuit hike over Victor-Neels Bridge (12 to 14 km) The new Urftsee bridge has made it possible to enjoy even more hiking experiences from vogelsang ip to Gemünd, stadt schleiden supported by: i Urftsee dam or a subsequent boat trip. The boldly-designed, price: free of charge. No booking necessary 124-metre suspended structure made of steel and aluminium meeting point: “Adlerhof”, at the wild cat photo spirit of understanding and tolerance. MAP OF SITE Individually-booked group tours with National Park rangers forum Vogelsang is the starting point for individual tours vogelsang ip gemeinnützige Gmbh Vogelsang – Einruhr Trail (Eifelsteig, 8.5 km) guides (also available in English, dutch, french, italian 53937 schleiden A hike across dreiborner hochfläche to Einruhr (directly or and spanish, and in German and dutch sign language). GERmANY across the Urftsee dam). Return to Vogelsang from Einruhr Remuneration: EUR 15 per hour and group The village of wollseifen had to be cleared within three weeks in August 1946 for the British military training area. Vogelsang – Gemünd Trail (Eifelsteig, 7 km) info@vogelsang-ip.de A panoramic hike from Vogelsang to Gemünd over the “Eifel- www.vogelsang-ip.de Blick modenhübel” (485 m). Return to Vogelsang “Adlerhof” from Gemünd by Nationalparkshuttle sB 82. photos/illustrations: medienzentrum kreis Euskirchen, Luc Bruylandt, sammlung f.A. heinen, mola winkelmüller Architekten, hascher + Jehle planungsgesellschaft mbh, vogelsang ip gemeinnützige Gmbh Layout: büro G29, Aachen printing: warlich-druck, meckenheim All information and prices are subject to change issued may 2010 upward slopes and steps Visitor Centre 10 18 07 ThE NEw foRUm VoGELsANG is UNdER CoNsTRUCTioN hERE 06 17 13 05 P Visitor Guidance System 08 04 panels along the hillside and plateau tours around the Plateau Tour 1.3 km 06 “Adlerhof”: The courtyard is the central section of the former “Gemeinschaftshaus” (“Community house”), which extends along the upper edge of the slope down to the Urftsee. price: adults EUR 5/person, round trip EUR 9; Children/Young adults (under 18), half of adult price; family ticket (parents with up to 3 children), return trip EUR 25 steps with gentle upward Accompanying Booklet and downward slopes f.A. heinen/Christina Threuter “Vogelsang im herzen des Nationalparks Eifel, Ein Be- Pay machine gleitheft durch die ehemalige 09 02 Ns-‘ordensburg’”. Available P Trail “Eifelsteig” “Wildnis-Trail” in our bookshop. “Transit 59”: German Red Cross seminar centre 01 i n 07 13 View over Urftsee AreaofNationalPark Trail RangerMeetingPoint ViewingPoint “Eifel-Blicke” (www.eifel-blicke.de) Gatewayto NationalPark NationalParkInfopunkt Busroutewithnumber Normalbusroutesonly The network of trails which you are permitted to use is marked by wooden posts and signposts on dreiborner hochfläche. paths which riders are permitted to use are marked by a blue ring on the wooden posts. Carriagestoppingpoint Landingstage forRurseeferry Cycletrail/Bridlepath Carpark 2000metres A bicycle pictogram integrated into the signs indicates whether cyclists are permitted to use the path in question. 08 Former Hospital: The building was constructed to provide residential accommodation at Vogelsang for female support personnel. it was later used as an infirmary. Vogelsang site. 20 to 40 minutes without 03 Trail toGemünd “Eifelsteig” “Wildnis-Trail” Nationalpark Eifel Trail toDreiborn Nationalpark Eifel Pay machine At barrier/entrance Access road (fromB266) 09 Belgian Petrol Station INTERNATIONAL PLACE iN EifEL NATioNAL pARk 10 Forum Ost: Visitor Centre and Restaurant 11 Tower: The 48-metre side tower of the east wing dominates Vogelsang when the complex is seen from a distance and is one of the main elements in its calculated positioning as an “ordensburg”. 12 “Fackelträger”: The “fackelträger” (torch-bearer) sculpture embodies the racist ideal of a master race and can be found on the former “sonnwendplatz” (solstice place). You will find further information on numerous information ing has largely survived in its original condition; the interior originates from the Belgian military period. Times: every first and third sunday in April – october 11.30 a.m. and 2.15 p.m. (extra carriage ride at 5 p.m. for a minimum of 8 persons) operator of Carriage Rides: mark schwerdt Reitanlage Lindenhof fon +49 (0)175 1679777, +49 (0)248 6202, horst steffens, fon +49 (0)177 4478041, +49 (0)2472 5369 11 05 “Burgschänke”: The build- CARRiAGE RidEs VoGELsANG – woLLsEifEN meeting point: “Adlerhof” bus station. it is possible to leave or join the carriage ride in walberhof and wollseifen. Forum Ost 16 Nationalpark Eifel Dooren”: The Belgian military administration built the “Van dooren” barracks on the foundations of the originally planned “house of knowledge”. Carriage rides for groups i Trail toWollseifen “Eifelsteig” “Wildnis-Trail” 04 Belgian Barracks “Van Carriage rides Vogelsang – Wollseifen fax +49 (0)2444 91579-29 15 03 Cinema of Belgian army: one of the last examples of cinema architecture of the 1950s. by wildnislinie bus 63. fon +49 (0)2444 91579-0 Hillside Tour (1.2 km) 30 – 60 minutes with steep through the National park with qualified nature and landscape forum Vogelsang 12 02 View towards Wollseifen: Wollseifen Circuit Trail (6.5 km) village which was cleared in 1946. (Length 0.7 km, 16 % upward/downward gradient) 14 N entrance and guardhouse area was built during the second construction phase of the “ordensburg” from 1937 onwards. organiser of ranger tours and contact service for individual group tours with rangers; information for visitors with limited mobility: Nationalparkforstamt Eifel, Landesbetrieb wald und holz NRw, fon +49 (0)2444 9510-71, info@nationalpark-eifel.de, www.nationalpark-eifel.de A circuit hike across dreiborner hochfläche to wollseifen, the Path to the bridge across the Urftsee, bicycle route K7 01 “Malakoff”: The former Times: sundays 1 p.m. in German; additional tours in July and August in dutch and french heimbach, Rurberg und Einruhr, including a walk across the is called after the former Belgian garrison commandant Victor MAP OF SURROUNDING AREA RANGER ToURs duration: 3 hours/6.5 km; a steep climb; sound processors can be booked Neels. he was and remains a European bridge-builder in a CONTACT EIFEL NATIONAL PARK 500 m partners in vogelsang ip gemeinnützige Gmbh: iNfoRmATioN oN ThE siTE The rules and regulations of the Bundesanstalt für immobilienaufgaben and the standortentwicklungsgesellschaft Vogelsang Gmbh must be followed. Visitors accept these on entering the site. n Visitors are not permitted to leave the marked paths. n dogs must be kept on a lead. n Visitors enter the site and the buildings at their own risk; there is limited servicing of the site in winter. n Taking photographs and filming on the site and in the buildings is only permitted for private use. 14 Former Sports Facilities, Swimming Pool: The sports buildings date from 1935 onwards and were a fundamental part of Vogelsang’s function as a training institution. 15 “Thingstätte”: The open-air theatre built into the northern slope was used for staging musical and theatre performances as well as ceremonies. 16 “Kameradschaftshäuser”: Ten residential buildings for students attending training courses were built below the “roll-call area” in 1934/35. 17 “Hundertschaftshäuser”: four further residential units were built on the western slope to house the planned doubledup number of course attendees. 18 Forum West: seminar rooms, administration vogelsang ip gemeinnützige Gmbh, sEV Gmbh and National park church VOGELSANG IP AT A GLANCE wiTh mAp of siTE ANd hikiNG Tips issued may 2010 Schrift PANTONE 280 C : 100C/72M/0Y/18K Kreis, Landschaft PANTONE 346 C : 60C/0M/51Y/0K HIKING TIPS VOGELSANG IP The Vogelsang site opens out at the forum to give a sweeping Ranger tours from Vogelsang – Discover the wilderness panoramic view of the Eifel National park with the Urftsee and National park rangers will accompany you on circuit hikes the developing “second-hand primeval forests”. Visitors have a through near-natural woods and over the open grasslands of choice of various hikes here: dreiborner hochfläche to the deserted village of wollseifen. Circuit hike over Victor-Neels Bridge (12 to 14 km) The new Urftsee bridge has made it possible to enjoy even more hiking experiences from vogelsang ip to Gemünd, stadt schleiden supported by: i Urftsee dam or a subsequent boat trip. The boldly-designed, price: free of charge. No booking necessary 124-metre suspended structure made of steel and aluminium meeting point: “Adlerhof”, at the wild cat photo spirit of understanding and tolerance. MAP OF SITE Individually-booked group tours with National Park rangers forum Vogelsang is the starting point for individual tours vogelsang ip gemeinnützige Gmbh Vogelsang – Einruhr Trail (Eifelsteig, 8.5 km) guides (also available in English, dutch, french, italian 53937 schleiden A hike across dreiborner hochfläche to Einruhr (directly or and spanish, and in German and dutch sign language). GERmANY across the Urftsee dam). Return to Vogelsang from Einruhr Remuneration: EUR 15 per hour and group The village of wollseifen had to be cleared within three weeks in August 1946 for the British military training area. Vogelsang – Gemünd Trail (Eifelsteig, 7 km) info@vogelsang-ip.de A panoramic hike from Vogelsang to Gemünd over the “Eifel- www.vogelsang-ip.de Blick modenhübel” (485 m). Return to Vogelsang “Adlerhof” from Gemünd by Nationalparkshuttle sB 82. photos/illustrations: medienzentrum kreis Euskirchen, Luc Bruylandt, sammlung f.A. heinen, mola winkelmüller Architekten, hascher + Jehle planungsgesellschaft mbh, vogelsang ip gemeinnützige Gmbh Layout: büro G29, Aachen printing: warlich-druck, meckenheim All information and prices are subject to change issued may 2010 upward slopes and steps Visitor Centre 10 18 07 ThE NEw foRUm VoGELsANG is UNdER CoNsTRUCTioN hERE 06 17 13 05 P Visitor Guidance System 08 04 panels along the hillside and plateau tours around the Plateau Tour 1.3 km 06 “Adlerhof”: The courtyard is the central section of the former “Gemeinschaftshaus” (“Community house”), which extends along the upper edge of the slope down to the Urftsee. price: adults EUR 5/person, round trip EUR 9; Children/Young adults (under 18), half of adult price; family ticket (parents with up to 3 children), return trip EUR 25 steps with gentle upward Accompanying Booklet and downward slopes f.A. heinen/Christina Threuter “Vogelsang im herzen des Nationalparks Eifel, Ein Be- Pay machine gleitheft durch die ehemalige 09 02 Ns-‘ordensburg’”. Available P Trail “Eifelsteig” “Wildnis-Trail” in our bookshop. “Transit 59”: German Red Cross seminar centre 01 i n 07 13 View over Urftsee AreaofNationalPark Trail RangerMeetingPoint ViewingPoint “Eifel-Blicke” (www.eifel-blicke.de) Gatewayto NationalPark NationalParkInfopunkt Busroutewithnumber Normalbusroutesonly The network of trails which you are permitted to use is marked by wooden posts and signposts on dreiborner hochfläche. paths which riders are permitted to use are marked by a blue ring on the wooden posts. Carriagestoppingpoint Landingstage forRurseeferry Cycletrail/Bridlepath Carpark 2000metres A bicycle pictogram integrated into the signs indicates whether cyclists are permitted to use the path in question. 08 Former Hospital: The building was constructed to provide residential accommodation at Vogelsang for female support personnel. it was later used as an infirmary. Vogelsang site. 20 to 40 minutes without 03 Trail toGemünd “Eifelsteig” “Wildnis-Trail” Nationalpark Eifel Trail toDreiborn Nationalpark Eifel Pay machine At barrier/entrance Access road (fromB266) 09 Belgian Petrol Station INTERNATIONAL PLACE iN EifEL NATioNAL pARk 10 Forum Ost: Visitor Centre and Restaurant 11 Tower: The 48-metre side tower of the east wing dominates Vogelsang when the complex is seen from a distance and is one of the main elements in its calculated positioning as an “ordensburg”. 12 “Fackelträger”: The “fackelträger” (torch-bearer) sculpture embodies the racist ideal of a master race and can be found on the former “sonnwendplatz” (solstice place). You will find further information on numerous information ing has largely survived in its original condition; the interior originates from the Belgian military period. Times: every first and third sunday in April – october 11.30 a.m. and 2.15 p.m. (extra carriage ride at 5 p.m. for a minimum of 8 persons) operator of Carriage Rides: mark schwerdt Reitanlage Lindenhof fon +49 (0)175 1679777, +49 (0)248 6202, horst steffens, fon +49 (0)177 4478041, +49 (0)2472 5369 11 05 “Burgschänke”: The build- CARRiAGE RidEs VoGELsANG – woLLsEifEN meeting point: “Adlerhof” bus station. it is possible to leave or join the carriage ride in walberhof and wollseifen. Forum Ost 16 Nationalpark Eifel Dooren”: The Belgian military administration built the “Van dooren” barracks on the foundations of the originally planned “house of knowledge”. Carriage rides for groups i Trail toWollseifen “Eifelsteig” “Wildnis-Trail” 04 Belgian Barracks “Van Carriage rides Vogelsang – Wollseifen fax +49 (0)2444 91579-29 15 03 Cinema of Belgian army: one of the last examples of cinema architecture of the 1950s. by wildnislinie bus 63. fon +49 (0)2444 91579-0 Hillside Tour (1.2 km) 30 – 60 minutes with steep through the National park with qualified nature and landscape forum Vogelsang 12 02 View towards Wollseifen: Wollseifen Circuit Trail (6.5 km) A circuit hike across dreiborner hochfläche to wollseifen, the (Length 0.7 km, 16 % upward/downward gradient) 14 N entrance and guardhouse area was built during the second construction phase of the “ordensburg” from 1937 onwards. organiser of ranger tours and contact service for individual group tours with rangers; information for visitors with limited mobility: Nationalparkforstamt Eifel, Landesbetrieb wald und holz NRw, fon +49 (0)2444 9510-71, info@nationalpark-eifel.de, www.nationalpark-eifel.de village which was cleared in 1946. Path to the bridge across the Urftsee, bicycle route K7 01 “Malakoff”: The former Times: sundays 1 p.m. in German; additional tours in July and August in dutch and french heimbach, Rurberg und Einruhr, including a walk across the is called after the former Belgian garrison commandant Victor MAP OF SURROUNDING AREA RANGER ToURs duration: 3 hours/6.5 km; a steep climb; sound processors can be booked Neels. he was and remains a European bridge-builder in a CONTACT EIFEL NATIONAL PARK 500 m partners in vogelsang ip gemeinnützige Gmbh: iNfoRmATioN oN ThE siTE The rules and regulations of the Bundesanstalt für immobilienaufgaben and the standortentwicklungsgesellschaft Vogelsang Gmbh must be followed. Visitors accept these on entering the site. n Visitors are not permitted to leave the marked paths. n dogs must be kept on a lead. n Visitors enter the site and the buildings at their own risk; there is limited servicing of the site in winter. n Taking photographs and filming on the site and in the buildings is only permitted for private use. 14 Former Sports Facilities, Swimming Pool: The sports buildings date from 1935 onwards and were a fundamental part of Vogelsang’s function as a training institution. 15 “Thingstätte”: The open-air theatre built into the northern slope was used for staging musical and theatre performances as well as ceremonies. 16 “Kameradschaftshäuser”: Ten residential buildings for students attending training courses were built below the “roll-call area” in 1934/35. 17 “Hundertschaftshäuser”: four further residential units were built on the western slope to house the planned doubledup number of course attendees. 18 Forum West: seminar rooms, administration vogelsang ip gemeinnützige Gmbh, sEV Gmbh and National park church VOGELSANG IP AT A GLANCE wiTh mAp of siTE ANd hikiNG Tips issued may 2010 Schrift PANTONE 280 C : 100C/72M/0Y/18K Kreis, Landschaft PANTONE 346 C : 60C/0M/51Y/0K HIKING TIPS VOGELSANG IP The Vogelsang site opens out at the forum to give a sweeping Ranger tours from Vogelsang – Discover the wilderness panoramic view of the Eifel National park with the Urftsee and National park rangers will accompany you on circuit hikes the developing “second-hand primeval forests”. Visitors have a through near-natural woods and over the open grasslands of choice of various hikes here: dreiborner hochfläche to the deserted village of wollseifen. Circuit hike over Victor-Neels Bridge (12 to 14 km) The new Urftsee bridge has made it possible to enjoy even more hiking experiences from vogelsang ip to Gemünd, stadt schleiden supported by: i Urftsee dam or a subsequent boat trip. The boldly-designed, price: free of charge. No booking necessary 124-metre suspended structure made of steel and aluminium meeting point: “Adlerhof”, at the wild cat photo spirit of understanding and tolerance. MAP OF SITE Individually-booked group tours with National Park rangers forum Vogelsang is the starting point for individual tours vogelsang ip gemeinnützige Gmbh Vogelsang – Einruhr Trail (Eifelsteig, 8.5 km) guides (also available in English, dutch, french, italian 53937 schleiden A hike across dreiborner hochfläche to Einruhr (directly or and spanish, and in German and dutch sign language). GERmANY across the Urftsee dam). Return to Vogelsang from Einruhr Remuneration: EUR 15 per hour and group The village of wollseifen had to be cleared within three weeks in August 1946 for the British military training area. Vogelsang – Gemünd Trail (Eifelsteig, 7 km) info@vogelsang-ip.de A panoramic hike from Vogelsang to Gemünd over the “Eifel- www.vogelsang-ip.de Blick modenhübel” (485 m). Return to Vogelsang “Adlerhof” from Gemünd by Nationalparkshuttle sB 82. photos/illustrations: medienzentrum kreis Euskirchen, Luc Bruylandt, sammlung f.A. heinen, mola winkelmüller Architekten, hascher + Jehle planungsgesellschaft mbh, vogelsang ip gemeinnützige Gmbh Layout: büro G29, Aachen printing: warlich-druck, meckenheim All information and prices are subject to change issued may 2010 upward slopes and steps Visitor Centre 10 18 07 ThE NEw foRUm VoGELsANG is UNdER CoNsTRUCTioN hERE 06 17 13 05 P Visitor Guidance System 08 04 panels along the hillside and plateau tours around the Plateau Tour 1.3 km 06 “Adlerhof”: The courtyard is the central section of the former “Gemeinschaftshaus” (“Community house”), which extends along the upper edge of the slope down to the Urftsee. price: adults EUR 5/person, round trip EUR 9; Children/Young adults (under 18), half of adult price; family ticket (parents with up to 3 children), return trip EUR 25 steps with gentle upward Accompanying Booklet and downward slopes f.A. heinen/Christina Threuter “Vogelsang im herzen des Nationalparks Eifel, Ein Be- Pay machine gleitheft durch die ehemalige 09 02 Ns-‘ordensburg’”. Available P Trail “Eifelsteig” “Wildnis-Trail” in our bookshop. “Transit 59”: German Red Cross seminar centre 01 i n 07 13 View over Urftsee AreaofNationalPark Trail RangerMeetingPoint ViewingPoint “Eifel-Blicke” (www.eifel-blicke.de) Gatewayto NationalPark NationalParkInfopunkt Busroutewithnumber Normalbusroutesonly The network of trails which you are permitted to use is marked by wooden posts and signposts on dreiborner hochfläche. paths which riders are permitted to use are marked by a blue ring on the wooden posts. Carriagestoppingpoint Landingstage forRurseeferry Cycletrail/Bridlepath Carpark 2000metres A bicycle pictogram integrated into the signs indicates whether cyclists are permitted to use the path in question. 08 Former Hospital: The building was constructed to provide residential accommodation at Vogelsang for female support personnel. it was later used as an infirmary. Vogelsang site. 20 to 40 minutes without 03 Trail toGemünd “Eifelsteig” “Wildnis-Trail” Nationalpark Eifel Trail toDreiborn Nationalpark Eifel Pay machine At barrier/entrance Access road (fromB266) 09 Belgian Petrol Station INTERNATIONAL PLACE iN EifEL NATioNAL pARk 10 Forum Ost: Visitor Centre and Restaurant 11 Tower: The 48-metre side tower of the east wing dominates Vogelsang when the complex is seen from a distance and is one of the main elements in its calculated positioning as an “ordensburg”. 12 “Fackelträger”: The “fackelträger” (torch-bearer) sculpture embodies the racist ideal of a master race and can be found on the former “sonnwendplatz” (solstice place). You will find further information on numerous information ing has largely survived in its original condition; the interior originates from the Belgian military period. Times: every first and third sunday in April – october 11.30 a.m. and 2.15 p.m. (extra carriage ride at 5 p.m. for a minimum of 8 persons) operator of Carriage Rides: mark schwerdt Reitanlage Lindenhof fon +49 (0)175 1679777, +49 (0)248 6202, horst steffens, fon +49 (0)177 4478041, +49 (0)2472 5369 11 05 “Burgschänke”: The build- CARRiAGE RidEs VoGELsANG – woLLsEifEN meeting point: “Adlerhof” bus station. it is possible to leave or join the carriage ride in walberhof and wollseifen. Forum Ost 16 Nationalpark Eifel Dooren”: The Belgian military administration built the “Van dooren” barracks on the foundations of the originally planned “house of knowledge”. Carriage rides for groups i Trail toWollseifen “Eifelsteig” “Wildnis-Trail” 04 Belgian Barracks “Van Carriage rides Vogelsang – Wollseifen fax +49 (0)2444 91579-29 15 03 Cinema of Belgian army: one of the last examples of cinema architecture of the 1950s. by wildnislinie bus 63. fon +49 (0)2444 91579-0 Hillside Tour (1.2 km) 30 – 60 minutes with steep through the National park with qualified nature and landscape forum Vogelsang 12 02 View towards Wollseifen: Wollseifen Circuit Trail (6.5 km) A circuit hike across dreiborner hochfläche to wollseifen, the (Length 0.7 km, 16 % upward/downward gradient) 14 N entrance and guardhouse area was built during the second construction phase of the “ordensburg” from 1937 onwards. organiser of ranger tours and contact service for individual group tours with rangers; information for visitors with limited mobility: Nationalparkforstamt Eifel, Landesbetrieb wald und holz NRw, fon +49 (0)2444 9510-71, info@nationalpark-eifel.de, www.nationalpark-eifel.de village which was cleared in 1946. Path to the bridge across the Urftsee, bicycle route K7 01 “Malakoff”: The former Times: sundays 1 p.m. in German; additional tours in July and August in dutch and french heimbach, Rurberg und Einruhr, including a walk across the is called after the former Belgian garrison commandant Victor MAP OF SURROUNDING AREA RANGER ToURs duration: 3 hours/6.5 km; a steep climb; sound processors can be booked Neels. he was and remains a European bridge-builder in a CONTACT EIFEL NATIONAL PARK 500 m partners in vogelsang ip gemeinnützige Gmbh: iNfoRmATioN oN ThE siTE The rules and regulations of the Bundesanstalt für immobilienaufgaben and the standortentwicklungsgesellschaft Vogelsang Gmbh must be followed. Visitors accept these on entering the site. n Visitors are not permitted to leave the marked paths. n dogs must be kept on a lead. n Visitors enter the site and the buildings at their own risk; there is limited servicing of the site in winter. n Taking photographs and filming on the site and in the buildings is only permitted for private use. 14 Former Sports Facilities, Swimming Pool: The sports buildings date from 1935 onwards and were a fundamental part of Vogelsang’s function as a training institution. 15 “Thingstätte”: The open-air theatre built into the northern slope was used for staging musical and theatre performances as well as ceremonies. 16 “Kameradschaftshäuser”: Ten residential buildings for students attending training courses were built below the “roll-call area” in 1934/35. 17 “Hundertschaftshäuser”: four further residential units were built on the western slope to house the planned doubledup number of course attendees. 18 Forum West: seminar rooms, administration vogelsang ip gemeinnützige Gmbh, sEV Gmbh and National park church VOGELSANG IP AT A GLANCE wiTh mAp of siTE ANd hikiNG Tips issued may 2010 Schrift PANTONE 280 C : 100C/72M/0Y/18K Kreis, Landschaft PANTONE 346 C : 60C/0M/51Y/0K HIKING TIPS VOGELSANG IP The Vogelsang site opens out at the forum to give a sweeping Ranger tours from Vogelsang – Discover the wilderness panoramic view of the Eifel National park with the Urftsee and National park rangers will accompany you on circuit hikes the developing “second-hand primeval forests”. Visitors have a through near-natural woods and over the open grasslands of choice of various hikes here: dreiborner hochfläche to the deserted village of wollseifen. Circuit hike over Victor-Neels Bridge (12 to 14 km) The new Urftsee bridge has made it possible to enjoy even more hiking experiences from vogelsang ip to Gemünd, stadt schleiden supported by: i Urftsee dam or a subsequent boat trip. The boldly-designed, price: free of charge. No booking necessary 124-metre suspended structure made of steel and aluminium meeting point: “Adlerhof”, at the wild cat photo spirit of understanding and tolerance. MAP OF SITE Individually-booked group tours with National Park rangers forum Vogelsang is the starting point for individual tours vogelsang ip gemeinnützige Gmbh Vogelsang – Einruhr Trail (Eifelsteig, 8.5 km) guides (also available in English, dutch, french, italian 53937 schleiden A hike across dreiborner hochfläche to Einruhr (directly or and spanish, and in German and dutch sign language). GERmANY across the Urftsee dam). Return to Vogelsang from Einruhr Remuneration: EUR 15 per hour and group The village of wollseifen had to be cleared within three weeks in August 1946 for the British military training area. Vogelsang – Gemünd Trail (Eifelsteig, 7 km) info@vogelsang-ip.de A panoramic hike from Vogelsang to Gemünd over the “Eifel- www.vogelsang-ip.de Blick modenhübel” (485 m). Return to Vogelsang “Adlerhof” from Gemünd by Nationalparkshuttle sB 82. photos/illustrations: medienzentrum kreis Euskirchen, Luc Bruylandt, sammlung f.A. heinen, mola winkelmüller Architekten, hascher + Jehle planungsgesellschaft mbh, vogelsang ip gemeinnützige Gmbh Layout: büro G29, Aachen printing: warlich-druck, meckenheim All information and prices are subject to change issued may 2010 upward slopes and steps Visitor Centre 10 18 07 ThE NEw foRUm VoGELsANG is UNdER CoNsTRUCTioN hERE 06 17 13 05 P Visitor Guidance System 08 04 panels along the hillside and plateau tours around the Plateau Tour 1.3 km 06 “Adlerhof”: The courtyard is the central section of the former “Gemeinschaftshaus” (“Community house”), which extends along the upper edge of the slope down to the Urftsee. price: adults EUR 5/person, round trip EUR 9; Children/Young adults (under 18), half of adult price; family ticket (parents with up to 3 children), return trip EUR 25 steps with gentle upward Accompanying Booklet and downward slopes f.A. heinen/Christina Threuter “Vogelsang im herzen des Nationalparks Eifel, Ein Be- Pay machine gleitheft durch die ehemalige 09 02 Ns-‘ordensburg’”. Available P Trail “Eifelsteig” “Wildnis-Trail” in our bookshop. “Transit 59”: German Red Cross seminar centre 01 i n 07 13 View over Urftsee AreaofNationalPark Trail RangerMeetingPoint ViewingPoint “Eifel-Blicke” (www.eifel-blicke.de) Gatewayto NationalPark NationalParkInfopunkt Busroutewithnumber Normalbusroutesonly The network of trails which you are permitted to use is marked by wooden posts and signposts on dreiborner hochfläche. paths which riders are permitted to use are marked by a blue ring on the wooden posts. Carriagestoppingpoint Landingstage forRurseeferry Cycletrail/Bridlepath Carpark 2000metres A bicycle pictogram integrated into the signs indicates whether cyclists are permitted to use the path in question. 08 Former Hospital: The building was constructed to provide residential accommodation at Vogelsang for female support personnel. it was later used as an infirmary. Vogelsang site. 20 to 40 minutes without 03 Trail toGemünd “Eifelsteig” “Wildnis-Trail” Nationalpark Eifel Trail toDreiborn Nationalpark Eifel Pay machine At barrier/entrance Access road (fromB266) 09 Belgian Petrol Station INTERNATIONAL PLACE iN EifEL NATioNAL pARk 10 Forum Ost: Visitor Centre and Restaurant 11 Tower: The 48-metre side tower of the east wing dominates Vogelsang when the complex is seen from a distance and is one of the main elements in its calculated positioning as an “ordensburg”. 12 “Fackelträger”: The “fackelträger” (torch-bearer) sculpture embodies the racist ideal of a master race and can be found on the former “sonnwendplatz” (solstice place). You will find further information on numerous information ing has largely survived in its original condition; the interior originates from the Belgian military period. Times: every first and third sunday in April – october 11.30 a.m. and 2.15 p.m. (extra carriage ride at 5 p.m. for a minimum of 8 persons) operator of Carriage Rides: mark schwerdt Reitanlage Lindenhof fon +49 (0)175 1679777, +49 (0)248 6202, horst steffens, fon +49 (0)177 4478041, +49 (0)2472 5369 11 05 “Burgschänke”: The build- CARRiAGE RidEs VoGELsANG – woLLsEifEN meeting point: “Adlerhof” bus station. it is possible to leave or join the carriage ride in walberhof and wollseifen. Forum Ost 16 Nationalpark Eifel Dooren”: The Belgian military administration built the “Van dooren” barracks on the foundations of the originally planned “house of knowledge”. Carriage rides for groups i Trail toWollseifen “Eifelsteig” “Wildnis-Trail” 04 Belgian Barracks “Van Carriage rides Vogelsang – Wollseifen fax +49 (0)2444 91579-29 15 03 Cinema of Belgian army: one of the last examples of cinema architecture of the 1950s. by wildnislinie bus 63. fon +49 (0)2444 91579-0 Hillside Tour (1.2 km) 30 – 60 minutes with steep through the National park with qualified nature and landscape forum Vogelsang 12 02 View towards Wollseifen: Wollseifen Circuit Trail (6.5 km) village which was cleared in 1946. (Length 0.7 km, 16 % upward/downward gradient) 14 N entrance and guardhouse area was built during the second construction phase of the “ordensburg” from 1937 onwards. organiser of ranger tours and contact service for individual group tours with rangers; information for visitors with limited mobility: Nationalparkforstamt Eifel, Landesbetrieb wald und holz NRw, fon +49 (0)2444 9510-71, info@nationalpark-eifel.de, www.nationalpark-eifel.de A circuit hike across dreiborner hochfläche to wollseifen, the Path to the bridge across the Urftsee, bicycle route K7 01 “Malakoff”: The former Times: sundays 1 p.m. in German; additional tours in July and August in dutch and french heimbach, Rurberg und Einruhr, including a walk across the is called after the former Belgian garrison commandant Victor MAP OF SURROUNDING AREA RANGER ToURs duration: 3 hours/6.5 km; a steep climb; sound processors can be booked Neels. he was and remains a European bridge-builder in a CONTACT EIFEL NATIONAL PARK 500 m partners in vogelsang ip gemeinnützige Gmbh: iNfoRmATioN oN ThE siTE The rules and regulations of the Bundesanstalt für immobilienaufgaben and the standortentwicklungsgesellschaft Vogelsang Gmbh must be followed. Visitors accept these on entering the site. n Visitors are not permitted to leave the marked paths. n dogs must be kept on a lead. n Visitors enter the site and the buildings at their own risk; there is limited servicing of the site in winter. n Taking photographs and filming on the site and in the buildings is only permitted for private use. 14 Former Sports Facilities, Swimming Pool: The sports buildings date from 1935 onwards and were a fundamental part of Vogelsang’s function as a training institution. 15 “Thingstätte”: The open-air theatre built into the northern slope was used for staging musical and theatre performances as well as ceremonies. 16 “Kameradschaftshäuser”: Ten residential buildings for students attending training courses were built below the “roll-call area” in 1934/35. 17 “Hundertschaftshäuser”: four further residential units were built on the western slope to house the planned doubledup number of course attendees. 18 Forum West: seminar rooms, administration vogelsang ip gemeinnützige Gmbh, sEV Gmbh and National park church VOGELSANG IP AT A GLANCE wiTh mAp of siTE ANd hikiNG Tips issued may 2010
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