View descendants of Thomas Horn - Lovett DNA


View descendants of Thomas Horn - Lovett DNA
Register Report for Thomas Horn Sr.
Generation 1
Thomas Horn Sr.-1[1] was born about 1665 in Virginia.
Notes for Thomas Horn Sr.:
General Notes:
Original data: Families of Early North Carolina. 1909.
Nash County, North Carolina Vital Records Abstracts about Horn, William
Birth Place:
Horn, William
Edgecombe co., NC
Thomas Horn, Sr.
Death Date:
Death Place:
Lost A Lawsuit Against John Knox in Northampton co., NC, and Had
Property Taken and Sold.
Nash co., NC
Source Information:
Herrin, Cynthia. Nash County, North Carolina Vital Records Abstracts [database on-line]. Provo, UT,
USA: Operations Inc, 2000.
Original data: Families of Early North Carolina. 1909.
Abstracts to vital records which appeared in a Nash County history in 1909. Learn
William Horn(e)
1690-1754 , Virginia, North Carolina
This is an attempt to document material I have assembled on the descendants of a certain
William Horn and his wife, Margaret, who appeared in Nansemond County VA in the late
1600's, shortly thereafter became numerous and well established in upper eastern North
Carolina, and then spread to the South and West in substantial numbers.
Robert Gordon Horn
#501 Doctor's Pavilion
1916 Patterson Street
Nashville, TN 37203
United States
Antecedents and Peers
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Register Report for Thomas Horn Sr.
Generation 1
To the best of my knowledge, there is no reliable information, but only speculation, as to who might
be the parents of either William Horn (1690-1754) of Nansemond County, Virginia or his
contemporaries, Richard Horne of Northampton County, NC and Henry Horn who died in 1761
in Edgecomb County North Carolina.
On the other hand, fragmentary information about a number of other Horn's, present in the
colonies prior to the time of William, Richard, and Henry Horn(e) is available, the earliest of
which I am aware having been documented in the listing of the citizens living in Jamestown
and surrounding areas in 1623. In the "Lists of the Livinge & the Dead in Virginia, February
16, 1623" both a Henry Horn and a Richard Horun (sic) are listed as living on the Surry side of
the James River. No further documentation of these two men is available. (This information,
now widely available, was first provided to me by Gwen B. Horne and discussed in interesting
detail in her contribution to the Ray Horn book.)
It is, of course, tempting to speculate that these two Horn's, Richard and Henry, known to be
and documented in the Jamestown VA area in 1623, are our progenitors, but I believe at this
remote stage, there is little likelihood of determining how these or other Horn's unknown are
related to the several other very early Horn's of which we have some documentation.
Nevertheless, it is worth noting that other Horn families are documented in Virginia in the
1600's, affording at least a potential genealogical link between Richard and Henry Horn of
Jamestown, Virginia and the three Horn families who entered North Carolina in the early
Of particular interest is the limited but intriguing data on two men, father and son, each
named Thomas Horne.
About 25 years after the Jamestown census of 1623, a Thomas Horne appeared in Norfolk
County, VA, before 1650, where he married Johanna Yates and purchased land from her
brother, Richard Yates in 1649. This Thomas Horne is apparently of the age to potentially be a
son of either Richard or Henry of 1623 Jamestown, but there is no evidence known to me to
support this hypothetical relationship.
The following information on the family of Thomas Horne of Norfolk is based on material I
have obtained indirectly from an Elizabeth Gabriel of Crested Butte, CO who sent this
information to Etheldred P. Horn, in 1995.
"Thel" also provided me with information from the book, Cavaliers and Pioneers, by Nell M.
Nugent, p540, where the following entry is recorded: "THOMAS HORNE, 300 acs. nere the head
of the W. br of Eliz.Riv., adj land of Jane Wigglesworth; 27 Sept. 1665, p 453, (548). Granted
unto Robt. Capps & Robt. Spring 30 May 1653, & by them sould to sd. Horne."
In addition Thel Horn sent me an accompanying detailed plat of the ownership of many
properties in this area of Norfolk County, VA. Elizabeth Gabriel is a 9th G-granddtr of Thomas
Horne and Johanna Yates, via their daughter, Hanna.
Ms. Gabriel's information indicates the following: 1. Thomas1 Horne was born Bef. 1628 1 , and
died Abt. 16582 . He married (1) Johanna Yates, daughter of John Yates and Joane Unknown.
She died March 1652/53. He married (2) Jane Rigglesworth.
Children of Thomas Horne and Johanna Yates are:
2 i. Hanna 2 Horne, born Bef. 1645. She married John II Herbert.
3 ii. Thomas Horne, born Bef. 1652; died Aft. 1664.
4 iii. Elizabeth Horne, born Bef. 1652.
According to Gabriel's correspondence, the following references are cited:
1) Alice Granberry Walter (comp.). Herbert in England and Virginia 1399 - 1900. 1977. Virginia
Beach, VA. Horn bought land from Richard Yates, his brother-in-law, in 1649.
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Register Report for Thomas Horn Sr.
Generation 1
2) Charles Fleming McIntosh, Brief Abstract of Lower Norfolk County, and Norfolk County
Wills 1637 - 1710. 1914, Rpt. Westminster, MD: Family Line Publications, n. d. P 23. Joane Yates
1664 will names as grandchildren the three listed children of Thomas Horne and Johanna
Gabriel recommends further examining Lower Norfolk County Court Records.
This Thomas Horne was a cooper. ***
If Elizabeth Gabriel is correct as to the time of death of the older Thomas Horne, it appears
likely that it is Thomas Horne, the son, who is the 1665 purchaser of the 300 acres on Western
branch of Elizabeth River. Note the important association that the older Thomas Horne second
married Jane Rigglesworth, who was probably the widowed owner of 200 acres just to the west
of Thomas Horne's 300 acres, shown on the available plat.
If the son, Thomas Horne, were born in, say 1640 - 1645, he would be of age to possibly be the
father of William Horn of Nansemond, Richard, Henry, and other Horns. The time and location
appears to admit of the possibility.
In the Virginia Rent Rolls of 1704 (obtained from two Horn(e)s are listed,
affording independent documentation that two men with such names lived in southeastern
Virginia at the beginning of the 1700's: ! Richard Horne, Surry County ! Wm Horne,
Nansemond County I presume these two men are the Richard Horne who soon removed to
Northampton County, NC, and the William Horn of Nansemond who then came to live in
Chowan Precinct and its derivative counties in northeastern North Carolina, early in the
William, Richard, and Henry Horn(e) enter North Carolina
The first three Horn families that moved into eastern North Carolina, presumably from adjacent
Virginia, in the early 1700's included William Horn and his wife, Margaret, Richard Horne and
his wife, Sarah, and Henry Horne and his wife, Elizabeth. These men were of similar age, and it
appears likely, but unproven, that they were brothers.
Based on the "Virginia Quit Roll Rent of 1704", mentioned above, it appears that both William
Horn and Richard Horn lived and owned property in Virginia prior to moving south to North
Carolina. The Thomas Horn who purchased 300 acres on Western Branch of the Elizabeth
River in Norfolk County in 1665 is possibly the father of one or more of these three men, but
no evidence to support that possibility is known.
Richard and Sarah appear to have entered North Carolina first, and from 1716 to 1724 they
owned property and lived on Turkey Creek, west of the Meherrin River, near the present town
of Murfreesboro. In 1723 they obtained a patent for 640 acres, a few miles to the southwest,
and they relocated to this tract north of Potecasi Creek and west of Paddy's Delight (creek),
retaining this property until 1746.
William Horn, listed as an owner of 100 acres in Nansemond County, VA in 1704, in 1718
received three Royal land grants for a total of about 1000 acres of land, also said to be in
Nansemond County, VA. It now appears that this 1000 acres, granted by the King to William,
was actually located on land that proved to be in the Chowan precinct of NC, just south of the
VA/NC border as it was established in the resurvey of 1728, land that was located near Eure,
NC, in the present day county of Gates. This issue is discussed in detail in the Notes to
William Horn. The location of the 100 acres listed to William "of Nansemond" in 1704, whether
or not it is in proximity to the 1718 grants, is unknown to me.
In 1729 Henry Horne and his wife Elizabeth purchased 290 acres at the head of the Cashie
River, north of the present town of Lewiston, where they apparently lived until Henry's death
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Register Report for Thomas Horn Sr.
Generation 1
in 1761. (The Cashie River property appears to have been in Bertie County, then and now; Henry's will
is an Edgecombe County document, and it appears that Henry may have also had Edgecomb
property, since he and his wife and children witnessed Edgecomb County deeds to property
on Fishing Creek and Sappony Swamp in the 1750's).
In about1730 or within a few years thereafter, William Horn and his wife Margaret purchased
property on Ahoskey Pocoson, just south of Rich Square, and lived there until 1743, located
between and just a few miles from the properties owned by Richard Horne and Henry Horne.
Thus, by 1730 all three of these families had relocated to North Carolina and all were living
within 10 to 20 miles of each other.
There is fragmentary evidence suggesting that other Horn men, contemporaries of the above
three were present in the area at this time, men who may well be related to the three better
known Horns listed above.
A Michael Horne is named as a witness to three Bertie County deeds dated 1729, and Henry
Horne is also named in all three. A Michael Horn also witnesses two deeds in which William
Horn and wife Margaret sell Nansemond County property at about the time they are about to
relocate into NC. William and Margaret's son named David Michael is said to have been born
about 1721, thus disqualifying this Michael as the witness to the documents cited. Perhaps this
earlier Michael was a brother or cousin to William and/or Henry. Nothing further is known
about this person.
Henry Horn's 1761 will refers to a brother, Moses, as executor of his will. This Moses Horn is
clearly not Moses Horn, the son of William, nor is he Moses Horn, the grandson of Richard
Horne. No other documentation of Henry's brother Moses is known to me.
The fact that three large Horn families, living near each other, each with several sons,
frequently used the same given names has sometimes led to great difficulty in differentiating
the lineage of various individuals. The particular frequent use of the names Thomas, Henry,
and William has been problematical.
Another well documented Horn line from that area of Virginia appears to descend from a
James Horn (1720-1793) of Sussex County VA, seemingly one generation younger than William
of Nansemond and his hypothetical brother, Richard (vide supra). James' relation to William
and Richard, if any, is unknown to me. From this James of Sussex line, his grandson,
Frederick Horn (1771-1849) appeared in the Nashville, TN area and a number of his
descendants are recorded in the middle Tennessee area. One fairly well known Tennessean
from this line was a 20th century writer of a number of historical works, Stanley F. Horn. A
nicely detailed description of this Horn line is in Broderbund World Family Tree, CD ,
pedigree !. I have made no attempt to incorporate the descendants of this James Horn into
the present treatise.
Various listings of isolated individuals in the colonies with the name of Horn(e) have been
located. For example, it has been called to my attention by Larry Horn of Fayetteville, Arkansas
that there are several other references to individuals with the surname of Horn(e) in "Cavaliers
and Pioneers", by Nugent. He mentions these citations: 1) "James Knott, 1200 acs. Eliz. City
co., 24 Mar. l635 . . . N.E. faceing upon Nanzemund Riv. . . . etc. [for] trans. of 23 pers."
including "Jno.
2) "Margarett Rogers, Widdowe, 500 acs. in the upper Co. of New Norf., 14
Aug. l637 . . . etc. [for] trans. of 10 pers" including "Jon. Horne."
As you may know, the county of Upper Norf., or upper Co. of New Norf.,
became Nansemond in l646.
3) "James Knott, 1550 acs. Up. Co. of New Norf., l8 Aug. 1637 . . . N.E.
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Register Report for Thomas Horn Sr.
Generation 1
faceing upon Nansamund Riv. . . . etc. for trans. of 28 pers." including
"John Horne."
The description of this property is virtually identical with that in
4) "Thomas David, Gent., 100 acs. Nanzemond Co., 16 Nov. 1653 . . . for
trans. of 2 pers." including "Wm. Horne."
I thought these records need our attention.
Larry Horn, June, 2001
In December, 2001, it came to my attention that the following individuals with the surname
Horn(e) are listed in a book called, Early Virginia Immigrants, 1623 - 1666. by George Cabel
Greer, Richmond VA, 1912, listed on the web site.
Some are obviously duplicative of the individuals listed above.
Wm., 1653, by Capt. Robt. Abrall, -- -- Co.
Adam, 1652, by Tho. Hallinard, -- -- Co.
Jon., 1637, by Margaret Rogers, New Norfolik Co.
Jon., 1636, by James Knott, New Norfolk Co.
John, 1636, by Edward Rogers, Warrasquinoake Co.
John, 1637, by James Knott, New Norfolk Co.
Insufficient information is available about such individuals to determine whether or not they
are related to the early Horn families described herein.
Thomas Horn Sr. and Catharine were married in Nash County, North Carolina.They had the following
William Horn Sr[3, 4] was born in 1690 in Nansemond County, Virginia, USA[5, 6]. He
married Margaret Mae Neal in 1713 in Virginia. He died in 1759 in Edgecombe County,
North Carolina[7].
Joel Horn[2].
Thomas Horn Jr.[8]. He married Anne Bunn[8].
Generation 2
William Horn Sr-2 (Thomas-1)[3, 4] was born in 1690 in Nansemond County, Virginia, USA[5, 6]. He
died in 1759 in Edgecombe County, North Carolina[7].
Notes for William Horn Sr:
General Notes:
William Horn(e)
1690-1754 , Virginia, North Carolina
This is an attempt to document material I have assembled on the descendants of a certain
William Horn and his wife, Margaret, who appeared in Nansemond County VA in the late
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Register Report for Thomas Horn Sr.
Generation 2
1600's, shortly thereafter became numerous and well established in upper eastern North Carolina, and
then spread to the South and West in substantial numbers.
Robert Gordon Horn
#501 Doctor's Pavilion
1916 Patterson Street
Nashville, TN 37203
United States
Antecedents and Peers
To the best of my knowledge, there is no reliable information, but only speculation, as to who
might be the parents of either William Horn (1690-1754) of Nansemond County, Virginia or his
contemporaries, Richard Horne of Northampton County, NC and Henry Horn who died in 1761
in Edgecomb County North Carolina.
On the other hand, fragmentary information about a number of other Horn's, present in the
colonies prior to the time of William, Richard, and Henry Horn(e) is available, the earliest of
which I am aware having been documented in the listing of the citizens living in Jamestown
and surrounding areas in 1623. In the "Lists of the Livinge & the Dead in Virginia, February
16, 1623" both a Henry Horn and a Richard Horun (sic) are listed as living on the Surry side of
the James River. No further documentation of these two men is available. (This information,
now widely available, was first provided to me by Gwen B. Horne and discussed in interesting
detail in her contribution to the Ray Horn book.)
It is, of course, tempting to speculate that these two Horn's, Richard and Henry, known to be
and documented in the Jamestown VA area in 1623, are our progenitors, but I believe at this
remote stage, there is little likelihood of determining how these or other Horn's unknown are
related to the several other very early Horn's of which we have some documentation.
Nevertheless, it is worth noting that other Horn families are documented in Virginia in the
1600's, affording at least a potential genealogical link between Richard and Henry Horn of
Jamestown, Virginia and the three Horn families who entered North Carolina in the early
Of particular interest is the limited but intriguing data on two men, father and son, each
named Thomas Horne.
About 25 years after the Jamestown census of 1623, a Thomas Horne appeared in Norfolk
County, VA, before 1650, where he married Johanna Yates and purchased land from her
brother, Richard Yates in 1649. This Thomas Horne is apparently of the age to potentially be a
son of either Richard or Henry of 1623 Jamestown, but there is no evidence known to me to
support this hypothetical relationship.
The following information on the family of Thomas Horne of Norfolk is based on material I
have obtained indirectly from an Elizabeth Gabriel of Crested Butte, CO who sent this
information to Etheldred P. Horn, in 1995.
"Thel" also provided me with information from the book, Cavaliers and Pioneers, by Nell M.
Nugent, p540, where the following entry is recorded: "THOMAS HORNE, 300 acs. nere the head
of the W. br of Eliz.Riv., adj land of Jane Wigglesworth; 27 Sept. 1665, p 453, (548). Granted
unto Robt. Capps & Robt. Spring 30 May 1653, & by them sould to sd. Horne."
In addition Thel Horn sent me an accompanying detailed plat of the ownership of many
properties in this area of Norfolk County, VA. Elizabeth Gabriel is a 9th G-granddtr of Thomas
Horne and Johanna Yates, via their daughter, Hanna.
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Register Report for Thomas Horn Sr.
Generation 2
Ms. Gabriel's information indicates the following: 1. Thomas1 Horne was born Bef. 1628 1 , and
died Abt. 16582 . He married (1) Johanna Yates, daughter of John Yates and Joane Unknown.
She died March 1652/53. He married (2) Jane Rigglesworth.
Children of Thomas Horne and Johanna Yates are:
2 i. Hanna 2 Horne, born Bef. 1645. She married John II Herbert.
3 ii. Thomas Horne, born Bef. 1652; died Aft. 1664.
4 iii. Elizabeth Horne, born Bef. 1652.
According to Gabriel's correspondence, the following references are cited:
1) Alice Granberry Walter (comp.). Herbert in England and Virginia 1399 - 1900. 1977. Virginia
Beach, VA. Horn bought land from Richard Yates, his brother-in-law, in 1649.
2) Charles Fleming McIntosh, Brief Abstract of Lower Norfolk County, and Norfolk County
Wills 1637 - 1710. 1914, Rpt. Westminster, MD: Family Line Publications, n. d. P 23. Joane Yates
1664 will names as grandchildren the three listed children of Thomas Horne and Johanna
Gabriel recommends further examining Lower Norfolk County Court Records.
This Thomas Horne was a cooper. ***
If Elizabeth Gabriel is correct as to the time of death of the older Thomas Horne, it appears
likely that it is Thomas Horne, the son, who is the 1665 purchaser of the 300 acres on Western
branch of Elizabeth River. Note the important association that the older Thomas Horne second
married Jane Rigglesworth, who was probably the widowed owner of 200 acres just to the west
of Thomas Horne's 300 acres, shown on the available plat.
If the son, Thomas Horne, were born in, say 1640 - 1645, he would be of age to possibly be the
father of William Horn of Nansemond, Richard, Henry, and other Horns. The time and location
appears to admit of the possibility.
In the Virginia Rent Rolls of 1704 (obtained from two Horn(e)s are listed,
affording independent documentation that two men with such names lived in southeastern
Virginia at the beginning of the 1700's: ! Richard Horne, Surry County ! Wm Horne,
Nansemond County I presume these two men are the Richard Horne who soon removed to
Northampton County, NC, and the William Horn of Nansemond who then came to live in
Chowan Precinct and its derivative counties in northeastern North Carolina, early in the
William, Richard, and Henry Horn(e) enter North Carolina
The first three Horn families that moved into eastern North Carolina, presumably from adjacent
Virginia, in the early 1700's included William Horn and his wife, Margaret, Richard Horne and
his wife, Sarah, and Henry Horne and his wife, Elizabeth. These men were of similar age, and it
appears likely, but unproven, that they were brothers.
Based on the "Virginia Quit Roll Rent of 1704", mentioned above, it appears that bothWilliam
Horn and Richard Horn lived and owned property in Virginia prior to moving south to North
Carolina. The Thomas Horn who purchased 300 acres on Western Branch of the Elizabeth
River in Norfolk County in 1665 is possibly the father of one or more of these three men, but
no evidence to support that possibility is known.
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Register Report for Thomas Horn Sr.
Generation 2
Richard and Sarah appear to have entered North Carolina first, and from 1716 to 1724 they
owned property and lived on Turkey Creek, west of the Meherrin River, near the present town
of Murfreesboro. In 1723 they obtained a patent for 640 acres, a few miles to the southwest,
and they relocated to this tract north of Potecasi Creek and west of Paddy's Delight (creek),
retaining this property until 1746.
William Horn, listed as an owner of 100 acres in Nansemond County, VA in 1704, in 1718
received three Royal land grants for a total of about 1000 acres of land, also said to be in
Nansemond County, VA. It now appears that this 1000 acres, granted by the King to William,
was actually located on land that proved to be in the Chowan precinct of NC, just south of the
VA/NC border as it was established in the resurvey of 1728, land that was located near Eure,
NC, in the present day county of Gates. This issue is discussed in detail in the Notes to
William Horn. The location of the 100 acres listed to William "of Nansemond" in 1704, whether
or not it is in proximity to the 1718 grants, is unknown to me.
In 1729 Henry Horne and his wife Elizabeth purchased 290 acres at the head of the Cashie
River, north of the present town of Lewiston, where they apparently lived until Henry's death
in 1761. (The Cashie River property appears to have been in Bertie County, then and now;
Henry's will is an Edgecombe County document, and it appears that Henry may have also had
Edgecomb property, since he and his wife and children witnessed Edgecomb County deeds to
property on Fishing Creek and Sappony Swamp in the 1750's).
In about 1730 or within a few years thereafter, William Horn and his wife Margaret purchased
property on Ahoskey Pocoson, just south of Rich Square, and lived there until 1743, located
between and just a few miles from the properties owned by Richard Horne and Henry Horne.
Thus, by 1730 all three of these families had relocated to North Carolina and all were living
within 10 to 20 miles of each other.
There is fragmentary evidence suggesting that other Horn men, contemporaries of the above
three were present in the area at this time, men who may well be related to the three better
known Horns listed above.
A Michael Horne is named as a witness to three Bertie County deeds dated 1729, and Henry
Horne is also named in all three. A Michael Horn also witnesses two deeds in which William
Horn and wife Margaret sell Nansemond County property at about the time they are about to
relocate into NC. William and Margaret's son named David Michael is said to have been born
about 1721, thus disqualifying this Michael as the witness to the documents cited. Perhaps this
earlier Michael was a brother or cousin to William and/or Henry. Nothing further is known
about this person.
Henry Horn's 1761 will refers to a brother, Moses, as executor of his will. This Moses Horn is
clearly not Moses Horn, the son of William, nor is he Moses Horn, the grandson of Richard
Horne. No other documentation of Henry's brother Moses is known to me.
The fact that three large Horn families, living near each other, each with several sons,
frequently used the same given names has sometimes led to great difficulty in differentiating
the lineage of various individuals. The particular frequent use of the names Thomas, Henry,
and William has been problematical.
Another well documented Horn line from that area of Virginia appears to descend from a
James Horn (1720-1793) of Sussex County VA, seemingly one generation younger than William
of Nansemond and his hypothetical brother, Richard (vide supra). James' relation to William
and Richard, if any, is unknown to me. From this James of Sussex line, his grandson,
Frederick Horn (1771-1849) appeared in the Nashville, TN area and a number of his
descendants are recorded in the middle Tennessee area. One fairly well known Tennessean
from this line was a 20th century writer of a number of historical works, Stanley F. Horn. A
nicely detailed description of this Horn line is in Broderbund World Family Tree, CD ,
pedigree !. I have made no attempt to incorporate the descendants of this James Horn into
the present treatise.
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Register Report for Thomas Horn Sr.
Generation 2
Various listings of isolated individuals in the colonies with the name of Horn(e) have been
located. For example, it has been called to my attention by Larry Horn of Fayetteville, Arkansas
that there are several other references to individuals with the surname of Horn(e) in "Cavaliers
and Pioneers", by Nugent. He mentions these citations: 1) "James Knott, 1200 acs. Eliz. City
co., 24 Mar. l635 . . . N.E. faceing upon Nanzemund Riv. . . . etc. [for] trans. of 23 pers."
including "Jno.
2) "Margarett Rogers, Widdowe, 500 acs. in the upper Co. of New Norf., 14
Aug. l637 . . . etc. [for] trans. of 10 pers" including "Jon. Horne."
As you may know, the county of Upper Norf., or upper Co. of New Norf.,
became Nansemond in l646.
3) "James Knott, 1550 acs. Up. Co. of New Norf., l8 Aug. 1637 . . . N.E.
faceing upon Nansamund Riv. . . . etc. for trans. of 28 pers." including
"John Horne."
The description of this property is virtually identical with that in
4) "Thomas David, Gent., 100 acs. Nanzemond Co., 16 Nov. 1653 . . . for
trans. of 2 pers." including "Wm. Horne."
I thought these records need our attention.
Larry Horn, June, 2001
In December, 2001, it came to my attention that the following individuals with the surname
Horn(e) are listed in a book called, Early Virginia Immigrants, 1623 - 1666. by George Cabel
Greer, Richmond VA, 1912, listed on the web site.
Some are obviously duplicative of the individuals listed above.
Wm., 1653, by Capt. Robt. Abrall, -- -- Co.
Adam, 1652, by Tho. Hallinard, -- -- Co.
Jon., 1637, by Margaret Rogers, New Norfolik Co.
Jon., 1636, by James Knott, New Norfolk Co.
John, 1636, by Edward Rogers, Warrasquinoake Co.
John, 1637, by James Knott, New Norfolk Co.
Insufficient information is available about such individuals to determine whether or not they
are related to the early Horn families described herein.
Marriage Information
Virginia, United States
to Margaret Mae Neal
No description has been added.
5. Henry Horn 1716 -1797, "the Quaker", from eastern North Carolina, represents kits N20178, 32569,
32627, and 58745, these four participants having identical or near identical yDNA markers, a common
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Register Report for Thomas Horn Sr.
Generation 2
surname Horn(e), and a paper trail to the same small area of eastern NC in the late 1700's. The first two
listed above, Bryan C. Horn and Robert G. Horn are descended from Josiah Horn of Montgomery
County, TN, a grandson of Henry the Quaker, via his son William. The third listed participant, Ethelred
Horn, was a direct descendant of Henry the Quaker, via Henry's son Joel. The fourth listed in this
group, John Long Horne, has a clear paper trail to a Henry Horn of Pitt County NC, born about 1805,
although as yet the identity of the parents of Henry Horn of Pitt, NC has not been established.
Because Henry Horn the Quaker and Richard Horn 1716 were contemporaries living in the same area
of NC, it has been regarded as likely that these two were cousins, sons of William Horn of Nansemond
County and Richard Horn of Northampton County, respectively, but the present yDNA data does not
support genetic kinship between Henry Horn 1716 and Richard Horn 1716. (Interpretation of Robert G.
Generation No. 1
1. WILLIAM H.1 HORN was born Abt. 1683 in in Nansemond County, VA, and died Abt. October
1753 in Edgecomb Co. NC. He married MARGRET UNKNOWN .
According to Dr. R.G. Horn in his book “William Horn and the Next Six Generations", William
Horn was clearly the patriarch of many Horne generations to following originating in
Nansemond County area of Virginia migrating southward to Edgecomb County North
Carolina. Succeeding Horn families continued the southward migration throughout the
Carolinas, Georgia, Florida, and westward to Arkansas and Louisiana.
William Horn a number of property transactions during the late 1600's and early 1700's in the
Nansemond Virginia and surrounding area clearly establish him as settling there for many
years before migrating south to Edgecomb County NC. William Horne appears on the tax rolls
( "Virginia Quit Rent Roll of 1704" located on the internet at
vafiles.htm) for Nansemond County. He apparently had 100 acres of property.
Dr. Horn further documents and theorizes from the land and property transactions that three
Horn families migrated south to North Carolina over the span of several years from 1716 to
1729. Richard Horne and his wife Sarah in 1716; William Horn and his wife Margaret in 1723;
and finally Henry Horne and his wife Elizabeth in 1729. Perhaps all three men were brothers
since they appeared to be around the same ages and lived in proximity of one another. This
remains unproven to date.
Dr. Horn records an undocumented source indicating that Margaret name may be Margret
(Mae) Neal, b. 1694 in Virginia. Through various email conversations I have had personally
with Beth Thurman, there seems to be a connection between an O'Neal and Horn families
connected to William H. Horn. Perhaps William's wife Margret is that connection.
i. WILLIAM HORN, b. Abt. 1713, Nansemond Co., Virginia; d. 1795, Edgecomb Co.
ii. HENRY HORN, b. November 21, 1716, Nansemond Co., Virginia; d. 1798,
Wayne, NC;
iii. CHARLES HORN, b. Abt. 1718; d. December 02, 1786, Bertie Co., NC;
iv. MOSES 2 HORN, b. Abt. 1720, Edgecomb Co. NC; d. July 27, 1782, Edgecomb
Co. NC.
v. THOMAS HORN, b. Abt. 1720; d. Abt. 1782, Nash Co., NC;
MARGARET HORN, b. Abt. 1730.
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Generation 2
DAVID MICHAEL HORN, b. 1721, Edgecomb Co. NC; d. 1790, Edgecomb Co. NC;
viii. JOHN JACOB HORN, b. Abt. 1722; d. Abt. 1744, Craven Co. NC;
Generation No. 2
2. MOSES 2 HORN was born Abt. 1720 in Edgecomb Co. NC, and died 1782 in Edgecomb Co.
NC. He married MARY ??? . She was born Abt. 1724 in Chowan, NC, and died February 07,
1785 in Edgecomb Co. NC.
Children of MOSES HORN and MARY ??? are:
ABISHA(I)3 HORN , b. Abt. 1743, Edgecomb Co. NC; d. 1795, Edgecomb Co.
MOSES HORN, b. Abt. 1745.
WILLIAM HORN, b. Abt. 1747.
JOAB HORN, b. December 20, 1753, Halifax, NC; d. July 28, 1840 Walton Co.,
JOEL HORN, b. Abt. 1751.; d Abt. 1785, Edgecomb Co., NC
MARY HORN, b. Abt. 1753.
KEZIAH HORN, b. Abt. 1755.
DRUCILLA HORN, b. Abt. 1757.
JEAN HORN, b. Abt. 1761.
SARAH HORN, b. Abt. 1763.
ELIZABETH HORN, b. Abt. 1759.
Little is known about Moses Horn. I have an email posting on the Rootsweb Genealogy
Message Board by Vicki Burgess Roach on a real property transaction Moses Horn made to
James Hodges in 1767. This is interesting because the Hodges family also turns up in Twiggs
County Georgia and again in Louisiana along with the Allen’s. Could they have known one
another for generations? Old family friends migrated from area to area together was the
custom in those days. The transaction was recorded in Deed Book 10 1767-1770 on page 80 as
Moses HORN of Halifax Co. to James HODGES of same.
Feb. 19, 1767.
37 pounds 10 shillings Virginia money.
315 acres which had been a Granville Grant to said Moses HORN May 13, 1760, joining Lot
HAROLD, Gum Swamp.
Moses HORN
Mary HORN (X)
Witnesses: James HORN
July court 1767
I have another email posting on the Rootsweb Genealogy Message Board by Vicki Burgess
Roach concerning Mary Horn. It references “Abstracts of wills of Edgecombe Co., NC
1733-1856” that contains the following:
October 5, 1783, February court 1785.
Son and executor: ABISHA, 1 negro.
Son and executor: MOSES, 1 negro for money I owe him and all my part of crop.
Son: WILLIAM, 1 negro, also 1 other negro if he pay L40 into estate.
Sons: JOAB and JOEL. Residue divided between all children.
I have not personally verified this information.
Generation No. 3
3. ABISHA(I) 3 HORNE was born Abt. 1743 in Edgecomb Co. NC, and died 1795 in Edgecomb
Co. NC. He married MARY RICKS before 1770. I suspect the marriage occurred in the Halifax
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Generation 2
District of Edgecombe County in North Carolina.
A notation written in the margin of the Horne Family Bible says "Mary was a Ricks". Not sure
about the relationship, but Jacob and Susannah Ricks were founding members of the
Richland Baptist Church in Twiggs County. Was Mary Ricks and Jacob Ricks brothers? Did
the Ricks family migrate to Twiggs County with the Horne family sometime in the early 1800’s?
These are questions whose answers could lead to the ancestry of Gideon Allen.
The first record of Abisha Horne shows up in the 1790 Federal Census. His listing documents
that his household consisted of a number of children and a few slaves.
The 1790 Census Records from Edgecombe County, NC (Halifax District pg. 540) listing
2 Free White Males >16yrs of age
2 Free White Males <16yrs of age
4 Free White Females
5 Slaves
ABISHAI HORN and MARY RICKS produced 8 known children.
i. ABISHA H ORN, b. 1767;
ii. WILLIE HORN , b. 1769
iii. J OSIAH R UTH H ORN, b. 1771, Edgecomb Co. NC; d. February 06, 1815
iv. JOEL HORN , b. 1773; d. Bef. 1804
4. v. JOAB 4 HORN , b. September 20, 1775, Edgecomb, NC; d. October 15, 1856. Marion, GA
vi. E LIZABETH HORN , b. 1777
vii. M ORNING HORN , b. 1779
viii. N ANCY HORN , b. 1781, Edgecomb Co. NC; d. March 22, 1833, Roane Co., Tennessee
Mary Ricks died around 1780, perhaps during or shortly after the birth of her 8 th child,
Nancy. Shortly after Mary’s death, Abishai married ANN RICKS , daughter of JAMES RICKS
and PHOEBE HORN . Dr. R.G. Horn cites that Mary and Ann Ricks were first cousins to one
another in his book “William Horn and the Next Six Generations". Ann Ricks was born in 1747
in Edgecomb Co. NC, and died in 1792.
After Abishai Horn's death, his estate was settled in November 1796. His property consisted
primarily of 1496 acres divided into 3 tracts on the Tar River and Buck Swamp. It is said that
each of Moses three sons received a tract of land with Abisha Jr. receiving the one containing
the dwelling. Which three sons? Abishai had five sons. Perhaps it was the first three. Or the
three sons who still lived in the vicinity. Regardless, it is unclear whether Joab Horn received
an inheritance that may have led to his decision to leave the area to migrate south to Georgia.
[Note: Abishai Horne retained the English spelling of his last name. The ‘e’ in Horne was
dropped in the spelling of his descendant’s names on many of the documents after 1800. The
spelling of Abishai. is recorded with and without the ‘i’. Abishai himself writes his name with
the ‘i’, but in many documents where the name is recorded by an Enumerator or other local
official, the ‘i’ is absent. All records of his son Abisha dropped the ‘i’ from the spelling.]
Generation No. 4
4. JOAB 4 HORN was born September 20, 1775, and died October 15, 1856. He married NANCY
DIXON December 29, 1796, daughter of JESSE DIXON and ELIZABETH BELL . She was born
December 20, 1777, and died January 26, 1843. JOAB 2 HORN married for the second time to
(2) ISABELLA DAVIDSON on April 11, 1843.
Perhaps the earliest record of the Horns being present in Twiggs County shows up in 1813.
Joab Horn is listed in the reconstructed census taken in 1813. The entry reads:
"1813 Horne, Joab Guardian of Nancy Green (orphan of John), Twiggs County deed"
Joab Horn does not show up in the 1820 Twiggs census, but does in 1830. However I find him
again on October 1st, 1819 through an article in the Georgia Journal (Milledgeville)
Newspaper. Joab Horn was listed as having a letter in the Post Office in Marion Georgia. Also
he shows up again the July 22, 1823 issue as having a letter.
Several references to Joab Horn business transactions have been discovered from newspaper
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Generation 2
accounts. On April 1, 1824 a Sheriff Sales was held at the Marion Court House. Joab Horn sold two
negro slaves to satisfy a debt to Robert Radford. In the Sat, May 30, 1829 issue of the Georgia
Journal, a Sheriff Sales at the Marion Courthouse was conducted. Joab Horn sold 202 ! acres
of land (land lot 92) and a slave named Shade to satisfy a debt to the Bank of Darien. It’s
interesting to note that 202 ! acres was the parcel size of the land lots awarded to land lottery
winners in Georgia. I have not found any references to any of the Horns being awarded land
during the lottery that was held when Twiggs County was formed.
Children of JOAB HORN and NANCY DIXON are:
WILLIAM 4 HORN, b. April 24, 1798; d. September 1798.
JOSIAH HORN, b. September 28, 1799; d. December 11, 1881.
REV. ABISHA HORN, b. November 29, 1802; d. December 02, 1840.
MORNING HORN, b. December 03, 1804; d. May 29, 1880.
JESSE DIXON HORN, b. November 20, 1807; d. January 1808.
MARY ANN HORN, b. November 20, 1807, Twiggs County, Georgia; d.
January 19, 1899, Plain Dealing, Louisana.
ARTHUR B. HORN, b. April 01, 1810; d. September 24, 1885.
ELIZABETH HORN, b. May 24, 1812; d. 1813.
JOEL HORN, b. October 11, 1813; d. October 28, 1858.
SARAH HORN, b. June 15, 1816.
ISSAC HORN, b. March 11, 1820.
Allen-Horger-Horn Connection Moses and Abisha Horn
This documentation was used for the family of Mary Ann Horn b. November 20, 1807 in Twiggs
County, Georgia, died January 19, 1899 in Plain Dealing, Louisana. She married Gideon A.
Allen 1828 in Twiggs County, Gerogia.
Allen-Horger Ancestry
Horn Family History
Margaret Mae Neal daughter of Thomas Neal and Margaret C Winn was born in 1695[9].
Notes for Margaret Mae Neal:
General Notes:
Marriage Information
Virginia, United States
to Margaret Mae Neal
No description has been added.
William Horn Sr and Margaret Mae Neal were married in 1713 in Virginia.They had the following
William Horn Jr[7] was born about 1713 in Nansemond County, Virginia, USA[10]. He
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died in 1795 in Edgecombe County, North Carolina, USA[10].
Henry Horn Sr[11, 7, 12, 13] was born on 21 Nov 1716 in Nansemond County, Virginia
[11]. He married Ann Pursel in 1737. He died in 1798.
Charles Horn[7] was born about 1718. He died on 02 Dec 1786[10].
Thomas Horn[7] was born about 1720[10]. He died on 11 Mar 1772 in Edgecombe
County, North Carolina, USA[14].
Moses Horn[7] was born about 1720 in Edgecombe County, North Carolina, USA[10]. He
died on 27 Jul 1782 in Edgecombe County, North Carolina[10].
Margaret Horn[7] was born about 1730[10].
Michael Horn[7] was born in 1721 in Edgecombe County, North Carolina, USA[10]. He
died in 1790 in Edgecombe, North Carolina, USA[10].
John Horn[7] was born about 1722 in Edgecombe County, North Carolina, USA[10]. He
died about 1744 in Craven County, North Carolina[10].
Joel Horn-2 (Thomas-1)[2].
Joel Horn and unknown spouse married.They had the following children:
Ethelred Horn[2].
Matthew Horn[2].
Harrison Horn[2].
Harris Horn[2].
Howell Horn[2].
Hardy Horn[2].
Milbrey Horn[2].
Rebecca Horn[2].
Generation 3
Henry Horn Sr-3 (William-2, Thomas-1)[11, 7, 12, 13] was born on 21 Nov 1716 in Nansemond County,
Virginia[11]. He died in 1798.
Notes for Henry Horn Sr:
General Notes:
5. Henry Horn 1716 -1797, "the Quaker", from eastern North Carolina, represents kits N20178, 32569,
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32627, and 58745, these four participants having identical or near identical yDNA markers, a common
surname Horn(e), and a paper trail to the same small area of eastern NC in the late 1700's. The first two
listed above, Bryan C. Horn and Robert G. Horn are descended from Josiah Horn of Montgomery
County, TN, a grandson of Henry the Quaker, via his son William. The third listed participant, Ethelred
Horn, was a direct descendant of Henry the Quaker, via Henry's son Joel. The fourth listed in this
group, John Long Horne, has a clear paper trail to a Henry Horn of Pitt County NC, born about 1805,
although as yet the identity of the parents of Henry Horn of Pitt, NC has not been established.
Because Henry Horn the Quaker and Richard Horn 1716 were contemporaries living in the same area
of NC, it has been regarded as likely that these two were cousins, sons of William Horn of Nansemond
County and Richard Horn of Northampton County, respectively, but the present yDNA data does not
support genetic kinship between Henry Horn 1716 and Richard Horn 1716. (Interpretation of Robert G.
Henry "The Quaker" Horn
NancyHickman added this on 23 May 2010 as a pdf document with the remark:
"pdf found at:"
I have included the document as plain text here. The "endnote references" are denoted by
numbers in parenthesis since plain text does not accommodate the notation used in the
original document.
By his own reckoning, Henry Horne, Sr., was born on November 21, 1716 (1). At least, this is
the date that he gives the Quakers to enter into their records of his family. He was one of the
youngest children of William and Margaret Horne, born when they still lived in Chowan-Bertie
Counties, probably on the place known as The Banks of Italy.
Around 1736, Henry married a young lady named Ann. Her last name is believed to have been
Purcell (2). Ann was born on April 1, 1723 (3), which would have made her around 14 when she
married Henry. Henry and Ann had slew of children: William (born on March 30, 1738), Esther
(born on April 6, 1740), Isaac (born on May 7, 1742), Henry, Jr. (born on May 10, 1744), Jacob
(born on March 10, 1748), Mourning (born on March 10, 1748), Phebe (born on September 14,
1749), Joel (born on August 14, 1751), Thomas (born on March 24, 1753), Charity (born on
November 19, 1755), Selah (born on February 13, 1758), Demarias (born on May 31, 1760), and
Jeremiah (born on November 1, 1763) (4). We can thank the Quakers and their incredibly
detailed meeting minutes for those exact birthdates, a rarity in the pre-Revolutionary South.
Henry, Sr., was a Quaker. There are no known records showing that his father, William, was a
Quaker. Unfortunately, the published Quaker records begin in 1750, which was at the end of
William's life. So, it's quite possible that William Horne was a Quaker, and we just can't tell.
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Some family researchers have said he was, and it would make sense. The area of Virginia where he
was born (Nansemond County), was a hotbed of Quaker activity, and the Quakers founded a
meeting house in Chowan County in the late 1600s. Right now, however, we have nothing
concrete to go on.
So, at the moment, it appears that either Henry was attracted by the Quaker faith and joined the
church, or else he joined as a prerequisite for marrying Ann.
A Brief History of the Quakers
The Quakers, or Society of Friends as they are formally known, is a denomination in the
Christian church, dating back to England in 1648. Founded by George Fox as a nonconformist breakaway from the more strict Puritans, Quakers had a theology that ran contrary
to both the Puritans and the established Church of England (Anglicans). Fox believed that all
people had a direct access to God, and could experience him at any time, not needing a pastor
or priest to intercede for him or her. Fox rejected the doctrine of Sola Scriptura (the Bible
alone is the Word of God) and stressed the importance of Jesus as the Word of God.
Quakers also rejected the idea of sacraments or creeds, and had no formal minister. All
people were ministers, according to Fox. When Quakers met, they sat in silence, until "moved
on by the Holy Spirit," and stood up and either said or sang whatever they felt. Whenever
someone was recognized as a minister in Quaker records, it was because that person had a
spiritual gift that the entire assembly felt it needed at every meeting.
Quakers dressed plainly, rejecting the more flamboyant style of clothing worn by both
Anglicans and Puritans. They did not, however, go to the extreme of the Amish. They also
practiced non-violence, abhorring war, although many did fight in the American Revolution,
seeing that conflict as a necessity to end the persecution of their faith.
Quakers derived their name from George Fox's statement during one of his trails that "all men
should tremble before God." The name was used at first as an insult, but the Society of
Friends actually liked it, and began calling themselves that.
They were a tight bunch. While Quakers welcomed new members from other denominations,
they frowned on members associating formally with non-Quakers. Members would be
dismissed and shunned for marrying non-Quakers.
Many Quakers came to the American colonies to get away from the persecution back home.
They were the charismatics of their time. Imagine how charismatics are looked at today by
Episcopalians and Baptists ... except the Anglicans and Puritans would just shoot the Quakers
instead of merely rolling their eyes. Many Quakers came to New York, North Carolina and
Virginia before the founding of Pennsylvania as a refuge for the denomination.
While the Quakers still exist today, they had their heyday during the early part of the 18th
Century, during that era's mass revivals (5).
On June 1, 1757, Henry, Sr., requested to come under the care of the Society of Friends
meeting in Piney Woods. Pine Woods was the Quaker meeting in Bertie County, although
Henry was listed as living in Edgecombe County in the Piney Woods Quaker records. No
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record has surfaced yet to show whether Henry belonged to the Quaker church prior to this date.
He tried to be a good Quaker, and apparently was successful to a point. Twice, he was
recommended by the assembly to be a minister, meaning he had some gift that the assembly
recognized as crucial to their worship services. The first was in February, 1759, when the
Piney Woods assembly recommended him. The second time was in Rich Square. Rich Square
met in Edgecombe County, a lot closer to Henry's home, so he transfered his membership.
On August 1, 1762, they recommended Henry to be a minister in that assembly. We can only
guess what his gift was. Perhaps he had a great oratory voice and was good at reading the
Bible aloud. Or perhaps he had a great singing voice. Or maybe he was just a very
reassuring man and put people at ease with what he said.
Even though Henry was a good Quaker, he was not doctrinaire about his religion. Certainly
not doctrinaire enough to insist that his children follow Quaker standards. His son, William,
was dismissed for marrying a non-Quaker. So was daughter Mourning. Both sons Henry, Jr.,
and Isaac were kicked out, although the records don't say why.
Finally, in 1774, a major rift occurred between the Rich Square Quaker assembly and Henry
Horne, Sr. On November 19, 1774, the meeting criticized Henry for not condemning his
daughter's marriage to a non-Quaker. The records don't say which daughter, but Phebe and
Charity were his oldest single daughters at the time. Worse, the wedding happened in Henry's
own home! Horrors! Henry apparently did not apologize, nor disown his daughter, for in
June, 1775, he and his wife Ann were kicked out of the Quaker church.
Henry and Ann tried to mend fences. On June 16, 1775, they condemned their breach of
discipline (but not their daughter's marriage), and the meeting deferred their dismissal. The
issue kept getting worse, however, and finally, on February 17, 1776, Henry and Ann were
dismissed, once and for all. The situation was severe enough that Rich Square also
dismissed Henry's sons Jacob and Joel, and his daughters Phebe and Charity. Somehow,
Henry's sons Thomas and Jeremiah remained out of the squabble. Only Jacob returned to the
Quaker church. The rest went their own separate ways.
It didn't take Henry Horne, Sr., very long to divorce himself from Quaker theology. Being free
from the Quakers also meant he was free from the doctrine of non-violence. So, he took up a
musket and the Patriot cause, and joined the North Carolina militia during the American
Revolution. At the moment, it is unclear which unit he served in, and if he saw any action.
He also divorced himself from the Quaker theology of anti-slavery. By the time he died in
1797, Henry Horne, Sr., owned seven slaves. But while he may have embraced the Southern
concept of slavery, Henry did not embrace the Southern treatment of slaves. He treated them
very well, and looked forward to being able to grant his slaves their freedom. In his will,
Henry stated that two of his slaves were to be freed upon his death. The other five were to be
freed if the laws of the land changed. Otherwise, they were to remain with the family and not
to be sold for a profit.
Henry learned how to be a good neighbor from his father, William. On February 7, 1742/43, he
witnessed the will of Owen MacDaniel. In 1751, Henry served as witness to the sale of land by
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George Stephenson to Needham Bryan. He must have been fairly close to George Stephenson,
because on June 25, 1753, he was testator to his will. Together with his brother Thomas,
Henry was testator to the will of Sarah Wall on November 2, 1754.
During the Revolution, Henry's son Thomas moved to Dobbs County. Following the
Revolution, his sons Henry, Jr., Jacob and Jeremiah also left Edgecombe County for Dobbs
County. Henry, Sr., went with them. Why not? He still had one last adventure left in him.
Again, there has been some dispute among Horne researchers as to whether the two Henry
Hornes in Dobbs County are the same as the two who did so many glorious things during the
American Revolution up in Edgecombe County. The Quakers come to our rescue here!
From the Quaker records we know that the Henry Horne, Sr., who lived in Edgecombe County,
had two sons named Thomas and Jeremiah. According to the Quakers, on April 19, 1777,
Thomas Horne and his wife Selah, request a certificate of transfer from the Rich Square
Monthly Meeting, in Edgecombe County, to the Contentnea Monthly Meeting, which was held
in Dobbs County (later Wayne County) (6). On December 21, 1782, Jeremiah also requests a
transfer from Rich Square to Contentnea, as did brother Jacob (7).
From his will, we also know that the Henry Horne who dies in Wayne County had two sons
named Thomas and Jeremiah. The Quaker records dovetail perfectly with the will, proving that
the Thomas and Jeremiah of Edgecombe are the same as the Thomas and Jeremiah in Henry
Horne's will.
We can apply some simple common sense here (also known in genealogical circles as the
preponderance of evidence rule): if the Thomas Horne of Edgecombe County is the same as
the Thomas Horne of Dobbs/Wayne County, and the Jeremiah Horne of Edgecombe County is
the same as the Jeremiah Horne of Dobbs/Wayne County, then the Henry Hornes of
Edgecombe County are the same as the Henry Hornes of Dobbs/Wayne County.
At any rate, Henry Horne, Sr., and his sons weren't in Dobbs County very long before Dobbs
was split in half. Living in the western half of Dobbs, the Hornes found themselves in the
newly formed county of Wayne, named for Revolutionary War general "Mad Anthony" Wayne.
Once again, Hornes changed counties without ever moving. The remaining part of Dobbs
County was renamed Glasgow and Lenoir Counties in 1791.
Henry, Sr., lived in Wayne County the rest of his days, dying there in 1797.
Here is the will of Henry Horne, Sr., reproduced in its entirety:
"Be it remembered that I Henry Horn of Wayne County and State of North Carolina do make
ordain this my last will Testament revoking all others heretofore made by me.
ITEM I give bequeath to my wife Patience one feather bed and furniture (to wit) that on which
we sleep, One black mare, one hunting saddle, one bridle, two young cows and calves, one
sow three pigs, one small pine chest, six earthen plates, two cups and four bowls, two basins,
2 dishes, ten pewter plates, two silver spoons, Table Tea spoons, 2 iron pots, 1 frying pan,
one cotton wheel, one pair cards, one tub, one pail, one pigen, 3 setting chairs, one small
pine table, one case of knives forks, six pewter spoons, to her her heirs forever.
ITEM I lend to my beloved wife the use of my Lands plantation I bought of Richard ??? during
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her widowhood but no longer.
ITEM I give bequeath to my sons daughters viz William, Ester, Isaac, Henry, Charity,Joel
Demaris the sum of five shillings each.
ITEM I give bequeath to my daughters (to wit) Mourning, Phebe Selah, the sum of ten pounds
current money to each of them; to them and heirs forever.
ITEM I give bequeath to my son Jeremiah all that Tract of parcel of Land called the Wiggins
place to him his heirs forever.
ITEM I give bequeath to my Grandson Josiah Horn, all my wright in the Lands on the North
side of Tarriver and above ? Kirby Creek whereon he lives to him heirs forever.
ITEM I give bequeath to my Negroes, Will Jude their freedom two cows, two sows pigs to their
only use benefit in.
ITEM my will desire respecting my other Negroes (to wit) Isaac, Shadrack, Meshack, Duck or
Patience, is that if at any time the law of our country will admit of their freedom, then they
shall be free, but until then I do hereby declare them in the care of my Executors and
Guardians over them in all cases with equal authority as if I had made an absolute legacy of
them, to them, yet not so as to sell them for gain.
ITEM I give bequeath to my sons Jacob, Thomas Jeremiah all and every part of my Estate which
is not heretofore bequeath or directed, including the land lent my wife after her marriage or
decease to be Equally divided amongst them their heirs forever.
ITEM I do constitute appoint my Sons Jacob,Thomas, Jeremiah Horn's executors of this my last
will Testament, ratifying confirming the same under my Hand Seal this 30 day of March in the
year of our Lord One thousand Seven hundred and ninety seven.
Signed and acknowledged in the presence of Us, HENRY HORN S-E-A-L
Jess Parker
John Doudan
Sara Doudan (8)"
There are some interesting things to note in this will. First, who is Henry's wife Patience?
Ann must have died at some point, and Henry remarried, but we have no record of either
Second, remember that leaving a child a small sum of money, like five shillings, is a sign of
respect and affection, not disownment. He left more to the girls he thought needed it.
Third, notice how he treats his slaves. He doesn't see them as mere chattel property. He
values them, and wants to free them.
Fourth, this is a huge estate! In his old age, Henry Horne, Sr., was becoming a plantation
Fifth, he leaves the bulk of his estate to Thomas, Jacob and Jeremiah. They had moved to
Wayne County with Henry and his son, Henry, Jr. Since Henry, Jr., is not listed as an
executor, we can deduce that he had already moved to Onslow County by the time Henry, Sr.,
The Children of Henry Horne, Sr.
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William Horne
The eldest of Henry's children, William married Celia Richardson on August 2, 1758 (9). They
had one child, a son named Nathan, born on April 9, 1759. Unfortunately, Nathan died on
January 1, 1760 (10). Celia must have died not too long after that, because on August 1, 1761,
William was dismissed from the Rich Square meeting for marrying Mary Thomas, a non-Quaker
(11). They married on July 20, 1761, in Edgecombe County (12). He was restored to
membership as a Quaker at Rich Square on June 5, 1762 (13). During that time, William and
Mary had a daughter, Priscilla, born on May 12, 1762.
William's tenure with the Quakers didn't last much longer than that. On May 16, 1767, the
Quakers booted him out again; this time, it was for joining another denomination (14).
Esther Horne
Esther married Andrew Ross, Jr., on March 7, 1759 (15).
Isaac Horne
Isaac married Elsie Richardson on July 3, 1761 (16). On July 16, 1768, he was asked to leave
the Quakers for a non-disclosed reason (17).
Henry Horne, Jr.
Henry is covered in his own chapter.
Jacob Horne
Jacob had a rocky relationship with the Quakers, but seems to have been determined to
remain with the faith. He was kicked out of the church on February 17, 1776, along with his
parents, brother Joel and sisters Phebe and Charity (18). The records do not say that he
returned, but he must have. On September 15, 1781, he condemns his marriage to a nonQuaker (19). Then, on September 21, 1782, Jacob asks for a certificate to join the Quaker
church in Contentnea, down in Wayne County, where he was about to move (20).
He remains quiet, and mostly out of the Contentnea records, until September 12, 1825, when
he joins Jeremiah in asking for a certificate to join the Quaker church in New Garden, Indiana
(21). He was 77 years old. Not too old, apparently, to make the great trek from his native
North Carolina to the unknown of the Mid-West.
Mourning Horne
On March 17, 1769, Mourning was kicked out of the Quaker church for marrying a non-Quaker
(22). We're still trying to figure out who she married.
Phebe Horne
Phebe married a man with the surname of Ricks. For this, she was expelled from the Quakers,
on February 17, 1776 (23). Her marriage could have been the one that caused the final rift
between her parents and the Quakers.
Joel Horne
Joel only appears in the Quaker records once; when he is asked to leave along with his
parents. By 1784, he is living in Johnston County, North Carolina, where he appears in the
state census for that year (24).
Thomas Horne
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Generation 3
Of all of Henry's children, Thomas seems to be the most devout Quaker.
On September 21, 1771, Thomas marries a Quaker girl named Celia Vick (25). Their children
were Ann (born on December 25, 1771), Abel (born December 27, 1773), Demaris (born April 29,
1776), Nathan (born July 8, 1778), Joel (born September 9, 1781), Mary (born November 6,
1783), Sarah (born May 26, 1786), Orpha (born December 18, 1788), Sidney (born July 7, 1790),
and Thomas (born April 27, 1793) (26). Ann, Abel and Demaris were born in Edgecombe
County. The rest were born in Wayne County. Notice how close Ann's date of birth is to her
parents' wedding date! Not even Quakers were immune from a little fooling around in the back
of Dad's wagon.
Thomas stayed with the Rich Square meeting through the fight between them and his parents.
He was so orthodox in his Quaker beliefs that he even publicly condemned having attended a
non-Quaker wedding (27).
Thomas was the first of Henry's sons to move to Wayne County. On April 19, 1777, he and his
wife requested certificates to relocate to Contentnea (28). Considering that this is early in the
American Revolution, we can surmise that being a Quaker, and a practitioner of nonviolence,
Thomas wanted to move away from the center of Carolinian rebellion.
The Contentnea records tell us what happened to a few of Thomas' children. The eldest follow
in Thomas' footsteps. The younger children ... well, they seem to take after their more nontraditional aunts and uncles.
Ann married Jesse Parker on February 9, 1794 (29).
Abel married Elizabeth Outland on November 19, 1795 (30). The Quakers are kind enough to
record the births of his children in the Contentnea meeting minutes. They are Charity (born
October 1, 1799), Rebecca (born April 11, 1802), Elizabeth (born April 2, 1804), Rix (born March
20, 1806), and Mahala (born January 3, 1809) (31). All of them were born in Wayne County.
Rebecca would go on to marry Zachariah Morris on November 19, 1817, in Wayne County (32).
Demaris married David Bundy on February 16, 1797 (33).
On February 8, 1805, Sarah was dismissed for marrying a non-Quaker named Elventon (34).
Mary followed in her sister's footsteps, married a non-Quaker named Barnes, and was told to
leave the church on July 11, 1807 (35).
Orpha was dismissed on October 8, 1808 ... for marrying "too close kin" (36). She had married
David Bundy, husband of her deceased sister, Demaris (37).
Finally, Thomas, Jr., was dismissed for marrying outside the church, on August 10, 1818 (38).
Charity Horne
Charity was kicked out of the Rich Square meeting for marrying a non-Quaker named William
Battle (39).
Jeremiah Horne
Jeremiah was as faithful to the Quakers as big brother Thomas. He moved to Wayne County
in 1782, and joined the Contentnea meeting (40). Once there, he met Pheriba Peele, whom he
married on May 11, 1783 (41). Their children were Mary (born May 28, 1784), Elizabeth (born
November 3, 1785), Henry (born September 23, 1787), Jesse (born May 17, 1790), Piety (born
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May 15, 1793, died August 22, 1793), Piety (they recycled the name; she was born November 16, 1794),
Peggy (August 27, 1797, died April 28, 1801), Christian (born July 30, 1800), Jeremiah, Jr., (born
March 30, 1803), and Phebe (born August 13, 1805) (42). On December 14, 1817, Piety Horne
married Michael Fulghum. Jesse married Michael's sister, Pinninah Fulgum, on December 12,
1818 (43).
In 1824, another great migration of Hornes began, this time to Indiana, as part of an even
larger general migration of Quakers to that state. It began on March 13, when Pheriba, Jesse
and his wife Pinninah, Jeremiah, Jr., and Piety requested certificates to attend the Quaker
church in New Garden, Indiana. Jeremiah, Sr., stayed behind to take care of business, finally
leaving on August 12, 1825, with his brother Jacob (44).
1 William Wade Henshaw, The Encyclopedia of Quaker Genealogy, Volume I, North Carolina,
Rich Square Monthly Meeting, pages 216-217.
2 Ann's last name is not mentioned in any documents that I have found. Researcher Robert G.
Horne claims her last name was Purcell. Until I find out otherwise, I will go with his theory.
3 Ibid.
4 Ibid.
5 History of the Quakers,
6 Henshaw, Rich Square, page 242.
7 Ibid.
8 Wayne County, North Carolina, Will Book A-Z, page 47.
9 Henshaw, Piney Woods, page 54.
10 Henshaw, Piney Woods, page 216-217.
11 Henshaw, Rich Square, page 242.
12 North Carolina Marriage Collection, 1741-2004 [database on-line]. Provo, UT,
USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2007. Original data: North Carolina State Archives. North
Carolina County Marriage Indexes. North Carolina State Archives, Raleigh, North Carolina.
13 Ibid.
14 Henshaw, Rich Square, page 242.
15 Henshaw, Piney Woods, page 54.
16 Henshaw, Rich Square, page 242.
17 Ibid.
18 Ibid.
19 Ibid.
20 Ibid.
21 Henshaw, Contentnea, page 309.
22 Henshaw, Rich Square, page 242.
23 Ibid.
24 Register, page 81.
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25 Ibid.
26 Henshaw, Contentnea, page 290.
27 Henshaw, Rich Square, page 242.
28 Ibid.
29 Henshaw, Contentnea, page 309.
30 Ibid.
31 Henshaw, Contentnea, page 290.
32 Henshaw, Contentnea, page 309.
33 Ibid.
34 Ibid.
35 Ibid.
36 Ibid.
37 Marriage to David Bundy reported by Robert G. Horne.
38 Ibid.
39 Henshaw, Rich Square, page 242.
40 Ibid.
41 Henshaw, Contentnea, page 309.
42 Henshaw, Contentnea, page 290.
43 Henshaw, Contentnea, page 309.
44 Ibid.
Research Notes:
Abstracts of Early Deeds of Edgecombe County, North Carolina 1759-1772, by Joseph W. Watson, 1966;
DB D-477, page 333.
HENRY HORN of Edgecombe County, to HENRY WATKINS, of same, May 25, 1772, for L10 Virginia
money a tract of 100 acres on the bank of Compass Creek adjoining Wilson Kurll. This land was part
of a tract of 650 acres taken up by Jacob Whitehead, conveyed from said Whitehead to Francis
Jenkins, else Rogers, by deed of sale bearing date Feb. 11, 1762, and the upper half of 375 acres was
conveyed by said Francis Jenkins, else Rogers, to said Henry Horn by deed of sale bearing date Aug.
4, 1768. Wit: John Moore, Joel Horne.
Family Data Collection - Individual Records about Henry Horn
Birth Place:
Birth Date:
Death Place:
Death Date:
Henry Horn
William Horn, Wife of Horn
Nansemond County, VA
21 Nov 1716
Wayne County, NC
Apr 1798
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Generation 3
Source Citation: Birth year: 1716; Birth city: Nansemond County; Birth state: VA.
Source Information:
Edmund West, comp.. Family Data Collection - Individual Records [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2000.
The Family Data Collection - Individual Records database was created while gathering
genealogical data for use in the study of human genetics and disease.
Nash County, North Carolina Vital Records Abstracts about Horn, Henry
Birth Place:
Marriage Place:
Death Place:
Horn, Henry
Nash co., NC
William Horn, Sr.
Nash co., NC
Thomas, Others
Wayne co., NC
Source Information:
Herrin, Cynthia. Nash County, North Carolina Vital Records Abstracts [database on-line]. Provo, UT,
USA: Operations Inc, 2000.
Original data: Families of Early North Carolina. 1909.
Abstracts to vital records which appeared in a Nash County history in 1909.
U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900 about Henry Horn
Birth Place:
Birth Year:
Spouse Name:
Henry Horn
Ann B. Pursell
Spouse Birth Year:
Number Pages:
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Generation 3
Source Citation: Source number: 656.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of
Pages: 1; Submitter Code: CC2.
Source Information:
Yates Publishing. U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900 [database on-line]. Provo, UT,
USA: Operations Inc, 2004.
Original data: This unique collection of records was extracted from a variety of sources including
family group sheets and electronic databases. Originally, the information was derived from an array of
materials including pedigree charts, family history articles, querie.
This database contains marriage record information for approximately 1,400,000
individuals from across all 50 United States and 32 different countries around the
world between 1560 and 1900. These records, which include information on over 500
years of marriages, were extracted from family group sheets, electronic databases,
biographies, wills, and other sources.
Abstracts of Early Deeds of Edgecombe County, North Carolina 1759-1772, by Joseph W. Watson, 1966;
DB D-477, page 333.
HENRY HORN of Edgecombe County, to HENRY WATKINS, of same, May 25, 1772, for L10 Virginia
money a tract of 100 acres on the bank of Compass Creek adjoining Wilson Kurll. This land was part
of a tract of 650 acres taken up by Jacob Whitehead, conveyed from said Whitehead to Francis
Jenkins, else Rogers, by deed of sale bearing date Feb. 11, 1762, and the upper half of 375 acres was
conveyed by said Francis Jenkins, else Rogers, to said Henry Horn by deed of sale bearing date Aug.
4, 1768. Wit: John Moore, Joel Horne.
Will of Henry Horn (1716- 1798)
1798 , Virginia, North Carolina
This will is recorded vol. p 47, Wayne Co. North Carolina Will Book A-Z
Be it remembered that I Henry Horn of Wayne County and State of North Carolina do make &
ordain this my last will & Testament revoking & all others heretofore made by me.
ITEM I give & bequeath to my wife Patience one feather bed and furniture (to wit) that on which
we sleep, One black mare, one hunting saddle, one bridle, two young cows and calves, one
sow three pigs, one small pine chest, six earthen plates, two cups and four bowls, two basins,
2 dishes, ten pewter plates, two silver spoons, Table & Tea spoons, 2 iron pots, 1 frying pan,
one cotton wheel, one pair cards, one tub, one pail, one pigen, 3 setting chairs, one small
pine table, one case of knives & forks, & six pewter spoons, to her & her heirs forever.
ITEM I lend to my beloved & wife the use of my Lands & plantation I bought of Richard ???
during her widowhood but no longer.
ITEM I give & bequeath to my sons & daughters viz William, Ester, Isaac, Henry, Charity,Joel &
Demaris the sum of five shillings each.
ITEM I give & bequeath to my daughters (to wit) Mourning, Phebe & Selah, the sum of ten
pounds current money to each of them; to them and heirs forever.
ITEM I give & bequeath to my son Jeremiah all that Tract of parcel of Land called the Wiggins
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place to him & his heirs forever.
ITEM I give & bequeath to my Grandson Josiah Horn, all my wright in the Lands on the North
side of Tarriver and above ? Kirby Creek whereon he lives to him & heirs forever.
ITEM I give & bequeath to my Negroes, Will ??? their freedom & two cows, two sows & pigs to
their only use & benefit in.
ITEM my will & desire respecting my other Negroes (to wit) Isaac, Shadrack, Meshack, Duck or
Patience, is that if at any time the law of our country will admit of their freedom, then they
shall be free, but until then I do hereby de????e them in the care of my Executors and
Guardians over them in all cases with equal authority as if I had made an absolute legacy of
them , to them, yet not so as to sell them for gain.
ITEM I give & bequeath to my sons Jacob, Thomas & Jeremiah all and every part of my Estate
which is not heretofore bequeath or directed, including the land lent my wife after her
marriage or decease to be Equally divided amongst them & their heirs forever.
ITEM I do constitute & appoint my Sons Jacob,Thomas,& Jeremiah Horn's executors of this my
last will & Testament, ratifying & confirming the same under my Hand& Seal this 30 day of
March in the year of our Lord One thousand Seven hundred and ninety seven.
Signed and acknowledged in the presence of Us, HENRY HORN S-E-A-L
Jess Parker
John Doudan
Sara Doudan
Nash County, North Carolina Vital Records Abstracts
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Horn, Henry
Nash co., NC
William Horn, Sr.
Nash co., NC
Thomas, Others
Wayne co., NC
Source Information:
Herrin, Cynthia. Nash County, North Carolina Vital Records Abstracts [database on-line]. Provo, UT,
USA: Operations Inc, 2000.
Original data: Families of Early North Carolina. 1909.
Abstracts to vital records which appeared in a Nash County history in 1909.
© 2011, The Generations Network, Inc.
<< Return to Results Screen
Sarah[4] was born in 1744.
Henry Horn Sr and Sarah were married in 1762.They had the following children:
Ann Pursel was born on 01 Apr 1723 in Virginia[11].
Henry Horn Sr and Ann Pursel were married in 1737.They had the following children:
Charity Horn was born on 19 Nov 1755[11].
Esther Horn was born on 06 Apr 1740[11]. She married Andrew Ross on 07 Mar 1750.
Jeremiah Horn was born on 01 Nov 1763[11].
Morning Horn was born on 10 Mar 1748[11].
William Horn was born on 30 Mar 1738[11]. He died in 1759.
Demarias Horn was born on 31 May 1760[11].
Thomas Horn was born on 24 Mar 1753[11].
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Generation 3
Jacob Horn was born on 10 Mar 1748[11]. He married Elizabeth in 1769.
Joel Horn was born on 14 Aug 1751[11].
Henry Horn Jr[15, 12, 16] was born on 10 Jun 1744[11]. He died in 1785.
Isaac Horn[17] was born on 07 May 1742 in Edgecombe County, North Carolina[11, 18,
18, 18, 19]. He married Edee Richardson on 03 Jul 1761 in Nash County, North Carolina,
USA. He died in 1782 in Edgecombe, NC[17].
Shelah Horn was born on 13 Feb 1758[11].
Phebe Horn was born on 14 Sep 1749[11].
Thomas Horn-3 (William-2, Thomas-1)[7] was born about 1720[10]. He died on 11 Mar 1772 in
Edgecombe County, North Carolina, USA[14].
Catharine Horn[14].
Thomas Horn and Catharine Horn married.They had the following children:
Michael Horn[14].
Generation 4
William Horn-4 (Henry-3, William-2, Thomas-1) was born on 30 Mar 1738[11]. He died in 1759.
William Horn and Mary married.They had the following children:
Priscilla Horn was born on 12 May 1762[11].
Selah. She died on 01 Dec 1760[11].
William Horn and Selah married.They had the following children:
Nathan Horn was born on 09 Apr 1759[11]. He died on 16 Jan 1760[11].
Henry Horn Jr-4 (Henry-3, William-2, Thomas-1)[15, 12, 16] was born on 10 Jun 1744[11]. He died in
Notes for Henry Horn Jr:
General Notes:
Edgecombe Court Minutes (partial) 1757-1784
1754 , Edgecombe County, North Carolina, USA
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JANUARY, 1764:Elisha BATTLE app’d Guardian to Jeremiah & Elizabeth HILLIARD, orphans of
Jacob HILLIARD - £1,000 – Joseph SUMNER & William HORN, Securities MAY, 1770:
Ordered by consent of parties that Elisha BATTLE, Guardian of Jeremiah HILLIARD,
orphan of Jacob HILLIARD on behalf of sd. orphan assign to Sarah HORN who was
formerly Sarah HILLIARD, wife of said Jacob, her dower in the land and tenements
of which the said Jacob in her lifetime was levyed or that he confound and agree
with her & her present husband, Henry HORN, Jr. for the same. NOVEMBER, 1771:
Deed from Elisha BATTLE, Guardian to Jeremiah HILLIARD, to Henry HORN, Jr. –
File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by
Selected Extracts transcribed by Francie Lane -
Court Minutes of the Pleas & Quarter Sessions – 1757 – 1784
LDS Microfilm #0370142
17 AUGUST 1757
Grand Jury: (Partial)
Richard LEWIS
Jas. BRASWELL motion by his attorney, B. BAKER land granted to build grist mill.
Warrant to survey land being the property of Thos. BRASWELL.
Petit Jurors of Supreme Court: (Partial)
Col. Joseph LANE, Sr.
Blake BAKER & Joseph LANE, Sr. ack'd deed of Wm. EASON to John WHITINGSWORTH.
Joseph MONTFORT is appointed Clerk of County Court.
Deed from Jacob WHITEHEAD to Joseph MONTFORT - Ack'd
Joseph MONTFORT appointed Guardian to Martha, orphan of John McKINNY. Posted
bond £500. Security: B. BAKER
21 FEB 1758:
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B. BAKER overseer in room of B. SHERWOOD
Lewis POPE orphan of John POPE
Acct of Guardianship of PATIENCE McKINNIE, orphan of Jno. McKINNIE, dec'd was
exhibited by Henry POPE, Guardian. Ordered that Wm. HAYWOOD, Benj. A. HARDY &
Jas (?) HARDY audit the same & report.
Montfort EELBECK, Benj. A. HARDY & Wm. RICHMOND audit the acct. of Barna.
POPE's guardianship of orphans of John McKINNY, dec'd & report
LWT of Joseph LANE, proved by oath of Benjamin MERRYMAN & Barnabas LANE and
Executors therein named refusing to take upon them the administration thereof,
is on motion granted to Wm. LANE, brother of
residuary legatees of sd. dec'd giving security of £1,000 by thereupon produced.
Mr. Barnaby McKINNY & Barna. LANE who were approved.
Mary McKINNY, orphan of Jno. McKINNY, dec'd, appeared in Court & chose Joseph
MONTFORT her Guardian - ordered that he give security - £500. B. BAKER & Thos.
HALL, Esq. , Securities.
Ordered Lucy MORGAN, a mulatto girl be bound to Wm. LANE. Indentures ack'd.
Wm. LANE, Admr. of Jos. LANE, dec'd, exhibited an Inventory. Ordered ack’d.
Petit Jurors: (Partial)
William LANE
Barnaby LANE
On motion of Wm. LANE, Admr. of Jos. LANE for a sale of perishable estate
granted & ordered. Sale on last Thurs. in April next.
Henry POPE, Guardian of Patience McKINNY, orphan, exhibited on oath an Inventory
& an acct. disbursement for his sd. ward. Ordered to be rec’d.
Henry POPE, Guardian of Jesse POPE, exhibited Inventory of his estate.
27 JUNE 1758:
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Deed from Thos. JARNIGAN to Jacob BARNES – Ack’d
Deed from Richard LEWIS to Nicolas LEWIS - Ack'd
Patience McKINNY, orphan of John McKINNY, dec'd, came into court & affor'd to
choose a guardian. The Court for better inform. & have referr'd the
consideration thereof 'til tomorrow.
Deed from Samuel HURST to William HURST - Ack'd
Petit Jurors: (Partial)
William Hill ANDREWS
Barna. McKINNY
Acct. Sales of Estate of Jos. LANE exhibited.
26 SEP 1758:
Joseph MONTFORT, Guardian of Mary & Martha McKINNY, orphans of Jno. McKINNY,
ret'd Inventory of each of their estates.
Ordered that sd. guardian cause the cattle & other perishable part of the sd.
estate to be sold at vendue on the 3rd Saturday in October next.
Barna. McKINNY, Guardian in the suit HARDY vs. Barna. POPE on < ? > appeared &
sworn says he is guardian to Barnaby, son of John McKINNY, dec.'d & that the
personal estate of sd. dec'd was sold in order to distribution, etc. & sd.
guarnashed purchased as much of sd. estate as amounted to the share of his ward
or near as he could judge & sd. Barna. POPE claim in right of his wife who was
daughter of the wife of Jno. McKINNY, dec'd, part of the personal estate <line
scribbled out> & saith nothing further. Whereupon the court are of the opinion
that he has some of the effects of the sd. Defendant in his hands
Wm. LANE, Admr. of Jos. LANE, dec'd, exhibited an acct. of distribution of the
sd. <?estate?> for use of his late ward Mary McKINNY, orphan of Jno. McKINNY,
dec'd & made oath he found the same so stated on said dec'd's books amount of
£20 .15 .5 Proved which is examined.
Ordered that the cows & calves belonging to the estate of Patience McKINNY,
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Generation 4
orphan of John McKINNY be & sold on the 3rd Sat. in October next.
Ordered John HAYWOOD, Richard WHITAKER & John HARDY, Esq. audit, state & settle
the acct. of Barnaby POPE, late guardian of orphans of Jno. McKINNY, dec'd &
Wm. LANE, Admr. of Jos. LANE, who was guardian of Martha McKINNY, exhibited an
account of distribution for sd. orphan am'd to £6.15.9 proved & made oath, etc.
26 DEC 1758:
Blake BAKER, Esq. is app'd guardian to Martha, Elizabeth, John, Mary, Temperance
& William KINCHEN, orphans of William KINCHEN, dec.'d giving security - £4,000
with George Joseph Jno. ALSTON & Joseph MONTFORT, Securities
LWT of Wm. KINCHEN exhibited by Blake BAKER one of the Executors & proved by Wm.
MOORE & Peter JONES who swore Henry CAMPBELL also witnessed.
Inventory of Wm. KINCHEN (?Jr) - Perishable estate to be sold - 31 January next
Acct. sales of p.d of the Estate of Mary McKINNY returned by Sheriff.
Same of the estate of Martha McKINNY
Same of the estate of Patience McKINNY & each of them ordered to be
Ordered on motion of Jos. Montfort, Guardian of Mary, orphan of Jno. McKINNY,
that the Sheriff sell at vendue a bed & furniture in the possession of Wm. LANE,
the property of sd. orphan on 12 January next.
Edgecombe County being now divided into Edgecombe and Halifax ~
Then the respective Courts adjourned till the Court in course to be held at
Redmons old fields on Tyancoca Creek – The second to meet at Halifax Town.
Tuesday, 27 March 1759:
William THORN in room of Wm. ROBBINS overseer.
Grand Jury (partial)
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Generation 4
25 SEPTEMBER 1759:
Grand Jury (Partial)
William TAYLOR
25 DECEMBER 1759:
Simon JOHNSON and William TAYLOR searchers from the mouth of <Cokers lined out>
Swift Creek to the Falls of Tar River.
4th Tues of Sept 1760:
Ordered that some 12 of the following persons be a jury to lay out a road out of
Howell's Road a straight course across Conato to Beaufort's Line & James MAY, to
wit: Joseph HOWELL, Thos. NEWSOME, Thos. SPELL, James WILLIAMSON, Saml.
Anthony LEWIS, Wm. WRIGHT, Thos. LITTLE, James SMITH, John WINKLES, Thos.
ROGERS, and that John SKINNER Const. summon the sd. jury.
24 MAR 1761:
Ordered that the following persons for road from Thos. NEWSOME's and the Coneto
to James May: Joseph HOWELL, Thos. NEWSOME, Thos. SPELL, James WILLIAMSON,
23 JUNE, 1761:
LWT of Jno. GAY proved by oath of Jesse GREEN subscribing witness thereto .
LWT of Thomas BARNES proved by Jacob FLOWERS & Philip THOMAS.
Deed from William OSBORN to William WHITLEY proved by Jas. SINGLETON.
James Moire & Commrs. Deed to Blake BAKER - proved by Joseph COTTON.
Leonard LANGSTON in room of Saml. Moore.
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Generation 4
SEPTEMBER Court, 1761:
Grand Jury (Partial)
Moses BAKER, Jr.
MARCH, 1762:
Ordered that the following persons lay off road leading out of the road that
crosses Swift Creek at the Bridge near RICKMAN’s store between the store and
Greens Path and then near the Plumb Tree Bottom above < > into the road: Mathew
DRAKE, Nath’l DRAKE, William DRAKE, Francis PARKER, Isaac HILLIARD, Thos MAIN
(?), Henry BECKWITH, Thos FLOYD, John WILLIAMS, William BRASWELL, Francis JONES,
Simon JOHNSON, Henry BRASWELL overseer and the following work on the same:
Isaac HILLIARD, Henry BECKWITH, Ebenezer FOLSOME, William BRASWELL, William
HUNT, Jacob Whitehead, DAWSON, William NORRIS, William HORN, Francis JENKINS,
Edmund REVELL, John SPIKES, Thos. SPIKES, William SPIKES, John WOODARD, William
Deed of Sale from Thomas LEWIS to William HILL - proved by Thomas MANN
JUNE, 1762:
Deed from BLAKE BAKER to JOSEPH COTTON - ack'd
Road hands where road begins near Lamon's Landing to Sam'l KENNADAYS on Sappony:
Barrachiah HARPER, Arthur ALLEN, Thos. BAKER, Sam'l BAKER, Sam'l EASON, Sam'l
Samuel SIZEMORE be overseer of the road from the Coneto to James MAYS as lately
laid out & that the following hands work on the same, to wit: William WRIGHT,
Solomon WRIGHT, Thomas LEWIS, Anthony LEWIS, Thos. HARRELs Negro at his
Quarters, John CLIFTON & his hands, John T_ _ _ (?) ALLEN, Jacob HENDRICKS,
ROGERS & his son, Samuel SIZEMOREs hands.
Read the petition of sundry inhabitants of Swift Creek for a road. Ordered that
the following persons be jury to lay out same beginning on south side of Creek
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near the old store house alias Col. WHITEHEADs store house in WHITTINGTONs Rode
from the new down the road that crosses said Creek at John MIALS at or near John
HATCHERs plantation; to wit: Jacob WHITEHEAD, Simon JOHNSON, Robert MANER,
William ANDERSON, John HATCHER, Robert ROSE, Hardyman POPE, John SIKES, Arthur
Grand Jury: (Partial)
Petit Jury: (Partial)
Ordered jury to lay out road near Jno HATCHERs plantation up the nearest & best
way to the road near WHITEHEADs old store house from whence by the Falls of
Arthur WHITEHEADs mill swamp a little below the mouth of the Tarr with the new
the (?nearest / inwardest?) & best way into JEFFRIES road about Francis
Robt. MAINOR, William ANDERSON, Jno. HATCHER, (?Sr), Robert ROSE, Hardyman POPE,
Francis JONES, William LANGLEY,
and that the following hands work & clear the same, to wit: William BRASWELL,
Sr., David BRASWELL, William HUNT, Ebenezer FOLSOME, William DANIEL, Isaac
HILLIARD, Francis JONES, Mary WILLIAMS & that Henry BECKWORTH be overseer of the
above hands from Jeffries Road to Whitehead's store & that the following hands
work on the same road from the old store to Hatcher's Plantation, to wit: Jacob
Jr., Robert ROSE, Wm. HICKS, Robert TREVATHAN,
Jno. SIKES, Robert MAINOR, Jesse (?Freas/ Francis?), Aaron <illegible>, Wm.
ANDERSON, Joseph PHILIPS, Sarah ROSS, Thos. Pre***? & John NAILS & that Simon
JOHNSON be o'seer of same.
William NORRIS overseer in the room of William TAYLOR. That the hands Jacob
HILLIARD, William NORRIS, William HORN, William DAWSON work on the old road they
formerly worked on.
Hands to work on road from Tyancoca Bridge to Braswell mill creek, to wit:
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Arthur WILLIAMS, Benjamin WILLIAMS, Thomas BAKER, Michael BAKER, Moses BAKER,
Jacob BRAKE, Jacob FLOWERS. (Partial list)
JANUARY, 1763:
Ordered that LEONARD LANGSTON, John THOMAS, Joshua Bently or any one of them
being duly qualified for that purpose divide estate of John SINGLETON, dec'd
among the widow & children.
Estate of William BRYANT proved by Newit LANE, Executor Jesse BRYANT
Will of Samuel ALLEN brought to court by Caleb WALLOW as sworn by Joseph HOWELL.
William and Britain BARNES, orphans of Thomas BARNES chose John FLOWERS,
Guardian, £200 – Securities: Philip THOMAS & John RICKS.
Deed from Jacob DUNN to Jacob BARNES proved by John DREW
Deed from William TAYLOR to Duncan LAMON proved by Wm. STRICKLAND
Blake BAKER brought to court & proved the Power of Attorney from Robert JONES,
Esq. to Duncan LAMON, Esq. as Deputy Receiver of Quitrents due Earl Granville.
APRIL, 1763:
Deed from James STALLIONS & ux to John STALLIONS proved by William FOUNTAINE
Deed from Thos. POLLACH to Daniel ROSS proved by William TAYLOR
Deed from Thos. POLLACH to William TAYLOR proved by Daniel ROSS
Deed from William SKINNER to Sam’l SKINNER proved by William TAYLOR
Aaron COLEMAN, Guardian for Jonathan COLEMAN, orphan of Charles COLEMAN.
Deed from William BENNET to Nathan BODDIE proved by Sam’l RUFFIN
Deed from Arthur BELL to William BENNET proved by Nathan BODDIE
JOSEPH COTTON's Ordinary License was renewed.
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OCTOBER, 1763:
Isham O NEALS in room of Aaron COLEMAN
Ordered that the following hands work on the road from Martin THORNs Path which
crosses the road to Ben RODGERS down Jacob BARNES <BARRON> Plantation; to wit:
Benj. WILLIAMSONs hands, Barnaby BARRONs hands; Jonathan THOMAS hands, Solomon
WATSONG <WALSONG?>, Martin THORN and that John THOMAS be overseer thereof.
Deed from John BAKER to Thos. BAKER proved by Duncan LAMON
Deed from Jonathan COLEMAN to John STALLIONS proved by William FOUNTAINE and
Deed from Samuel SKINNER to William WILLIS – Ack’d
Joseph STRICKLAND is continued overseer of the road. Ordered that the following
hands work on the same, to wit: Robert THOMPSON, Arthur WHITLEY, William
MATHEWS, John WOODARD, William SPIKES, Thomas SPIKES, Joshua THOMAS, Joseph
SMITH, Thomas WILLIS and William WILLIS.
Robert & Jeremiah ALLEN, orphans of John ALLEN bound out to Elisha BATTLE, Esq.
to learn the art of shoemaking & currier; sister Aidwith ALLEN to learn carding
& spinning.
John ALLEN, orphan of John ALLEN, dec’d, was bound out to Joseph SUMNER to
learn blacksmithing.
JANUARY, 1764:
Elisha BATTLE app’d Guardian to Jeremiah & Elizabeth HILLIARD, orphans of Jacob
HILLIARD - £1,000 – Joseph SUMNER & William HORN, Securities
Deed from William BENNET to William RUFFIN proved by Robert RUFFIN
APRIL, 1764:
LWT of James STALLIONS proved by subscribing witness Etheldred EXUM, Elisha
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Inventory of estate of Jacob BARNES exhibited
JULY, 1764:
James GLASGOW, Esq. qualified by Governor as practicing attorney in several
inferior courts in Province.
ANTHONY LEWIS overseer in room of Thos. LITTLE.
Joseph COTTON, JR died - widow refused to administer, Joseph COTTON, SR took
over administration of estate – (no children mentioned.)
William TAYLOR overseer of road in room of William WHITEHEAD
OCTOBER, 1764:
Edward MOORE, Henry FLOWERS & Thos. H___ to divide estate of Pilgrim WILLIAMS,
John BAKER - aged & infirm - to be excused from taxes.
JANUARY, 1765:
Anne STALLIONS app’d Guardian to Jacob, Esther & Elizabeth STALLIONS, orphans of
James STALLIONS, dec’d. She accordingly entered into bond of £500 with John
WOODARD & John STALLIONS Securities.
Sarah WILLIAMS, mother & Guardian of Jonas, Joel, Billey, Mourning, Nanny,
Nathan & Drury, Orphans of Pilgrim WILLIAMS. Securities: Samuel WILLIAMS and
Thos. E**man (?).
Jesse GREEN overseer of road in room of Daniel ROSS.
APRIL, 1765:
LWT of Elisha HORN exhibited and proved by oaths of Josiah TAYLOR & Elijah HORN
and Executors qualified.
Deed from William TAYLOR to Thos. WILLIAMS proved by Elisha BATTLE.
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Deed from William GAY & ux to Elisha BATTLE. Wife privately examined and
relinquished her right of dower.
Deed from John MIAL to Jethro MIAL proved by William NORSWORTHY
Deed from John MIAL to Jethro MIAL proved by Etheldred EXUM
Ordered that John RAWLS & John DUNN with their companies repair the Bridge over
Town Creek at Robert WRIGHTs and keep the same in repair till next July Court,
and ordered that Leonard LANGSTON with his company repair the <?covered> Bridge
on Tosneot and keep the same in repair until next July Court, and John BAILEY
and Joshua PROCTOR with their companies keep Bridge on Swift Creek near Jacob
POPEs till July Court.
JULY, 1765:
Deed from John SINGLETON to William <?> proved by Leonard LANGSTON.
Ordered John BELCHER orphan of Geo. BELCHER, age 16, bound to Joshua
JOHNSON to learn art & mystery of a carpenter.
OCTOBER, 1765:
Joshua Brantly in room of Leonard LANGSTON.
Dempsie POWELL in room of William BRASWELL
Julian BARNES app’d Guardian of Joseph, Jacob, Archelaus, Patty, Abraham &
<illegible> BARNES, orphans of Jacob BARNES, dec’d.
JANUARY, 1766:
LWT of John HATCHER proved by John MYALS and Jesse PITMAN & Executors qualified.
Hardy GRIFFIN in room of Mark MASON.
APRIL, 1766:
Deed Jacob WHITEHEAD, Jr. to Jacob WHITEHEAD, Sr. proved.
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Ordered that James HALL, Clerk of this Court be impowered to demand and remove
the records, papers and belongings to this County from Halifax, etc. and be
allowed the same.
Grand Jury (Partial)
William Hill ANDREWS
JULY, 1766:
Deed from Jno. RYALL to William Hill ANDREWS proved by John LAURENCE.
Ordered that Samuel WILLIAMS, Samuel KENNADAY & John POLAND or any two of them
divide the estate of George WHITLEY, dec’d, according to the Will and return &
that the perishable part of the estate of Britain and Nathan WHITLEY, orphans of
sd. WHITLEY be sold according to law.
The LWT of George WHITLEY, dec’d, was exhibited in open court by the Extrs and
proved by the oaths of Duncan LAMON and William EASON and at the same time the
Executors were qualified according to law & ordered &c.
Deed for Moses FIELD & Ann his wife to Hopewell ADAMS – Ack’d. Feme was
examined and relinquished her dower before Duncan LAMON, Esq.
LWT of Jacob FLOWERS exhibited and proved by Edward MOORE and Samuel WILLIAMS,
two of the subscribing witnesses thereto and Executors qualified.
Deed from Jesse BOYKIN to Exum LEWIS proved by Charles PORTER.
Deed from Abner HILL to William ANDREWS proved by Cornelius TAYLOR.
Wilson TAYLOR, orphan of Arthur TAYLOR came into Court and chose John TAYLOR,
his brother, as Guardian who was approved. He accordingly entered into Bond of
£500 with Duncan LAMON & Edward MOORE, Securities.
John TAYLOR appointed Guardian to Celia, Drury, Molly, Kit TAYOR, orphans of
Arthur TAYLOR, and entered into bond of £500 each child.
Administration of estate of Thomas HALL, dec’d, on motion granted to John
THOMPSON and James HALL jointly they accordingly entered into Bond with Blake
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BAKER, Duncan LAMON & Edward MOORE.
Administration of estate of John SPONDALOW, is granted to John THOMPSON. He
accordingly entered into Bond with Blake BAKER & James HALL.
Sherwood HAYWOOD, Elisha BATTLE and William BELLAMY or any two of them appointed
commissioners for < > building of the lower bridge on Swift Creek.
JANUARY, 1767:
The persons appointed to divide the estate of George WHITLEY dec’d returned an
acct. thereof which was ordered to be recorded.
Solomon PEPPER overseer in room of Anthony LEWIS
APRIL, 1767:
LWT of George BLACKWELL was exhibited by the executrix therein named and proved
by oaths of Thomas HORN and Cornelius JORDAN two of the subscribing witnesses
thereto and at the same time the Executrix was qualified according to
whereupon Thoroughgood BLACKWELL by Gabriel PARKER his next friend by Blake
BAKER offered a caveat against the Executrix being qualified and the court on
agreement are of opinion (continued 2 pages over) that the caveat be not
received and the executrix accordingly qualified according to Law ordered &c.
Joseph COTTON, Sr., administrator of Joseph COTTON, Jr. exhibited an acct.
current against the estate of Joseph COTTON, Jr. on oath approved & ordered to
be recorded.
JULY, 1767:
Deed from John KIRTLEY to James (?COVEY) proved by William Hill ANDREWS
Deed from William Hill ANDREWS to Benjamin Catte** - Ack’d
Deed from Solomon LAWRENCE to James LAWRENCE proved by James HODGE
James DUNLOP to Joseph MOORE proved by Blake BAKER
Read petition of William BELLAMY for leave to build a mill over Swift Creek near
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his own plantation setting forth that the land on the south side of said creek
is his own property and that the land on the opposite side belongs to Joseph
John WILLIAMS of Bertie County. Ordered that Sherwood HAYWOOD, James WILLIAMS,
Robert GRAY and John BAILEY caused to be laid of[f] an acre (continued two pages
over) Land on each side Creek and value the same and report thereof make, &c
and that Col. William HAYWOOD attend and lay off the same & also that summon
issue to the aforesaid Joseph John WILLIAMS to appear at the next Court to show
cause why the said BELLAMY may not have leave to build the said Mill agreeable
to his petition.
The following Magistrates are appointed to take List of Taxables for the present
year & the following Constables are appointed to summon Masters & Mistresses,
N. 1 Henry IRWIN, Esq.
2 Aquila SUGG, Esq.
3 John THOMAS, Esq.
4 Duncan LAMON, Esq.
5&6 Edward MOORE, Esq.
7 Micajah THOMAS, Esq.
8 Mathew DRAKE, Esq.
9 Dempsy GRIMES, Esq.
10 Elisha BATTLE, Esq.
N. 1 Benjamin RICHARDSON Capt. J. MOORE’s Company
2 John GOSNEY Capt. HALL
3 William DANIEL Capt. John THOMAS
4 Thomas DIXON, Jr. Capt. John COHOON
7 Thomas HONEY Capt. M. THOMAS
OCTOBER, 1767:
Deed from Charles SOWELL to John GARDNER proved by Thomas LEWIS
Deed from Gregory STALLIONS to Jno. STALLIONS proved by John SIKES
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JANUARY, 1768:
LWT of Elizabeth ANDREWS exhibited by Executor and proved by the oath of Samuel
TANNER, subscribing witness & at the same time the Executor was qualified
according to law – ordered &c.
George HARREL is appointed overseer in room of William TAYLOR
Ordered that William ANDREWS have leave to turn the road below his plantation
agreeable to his petition and to the overseer of same.
MAY, 1768:
Gregory STALLIONS a very aged and poor person is ordered to be recommended to
the next General Assembly as a proper object to be exempt from public taxes and
Deed from STALLINGS to JONES proved by Elias HILLIARD
Taxable District 10:
Sherwd. HAYWOOD, Esq.
Deed from Micajah ANDREWS to Aaron BAKER proved by James PALE
AUGUST, 1768:
Deed from John GARNER to Benjamin HARRISON proved by Anthony LEWIS.
The commissioners for letting MIALS Bridge on Swift Creek report that they had
let the same to William KINCHEN for £17.10 Procl. And that the same was finished
according agreement. Ordered that the Sheriff pay him the sd. £17.10
Deed from Benjamin ANDREWS to Thomas EDMONDSON proved by Joshua BENTLY.
Isaac HORN appointed Constable in room of John MURPHREE
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Moses ADKINSON a person appointed by the LWT of George WHITLEY, dec’d, as
Guardian and Trustee to his children, comes into Court and declares that he will
not accept the trust proposed by the said Will or any way concern himself
therein and therefore does resign.
Deed from Solomon NEULE to Benjamin ANDREWS proved by John (?DAVIE).
On the information of the Honorable Richard HENDERSON, Esq. that a mulatto
servant girl named MORGAN who was bound to John FORT was by him
transferred and conveyed away out of this County to the County of Granville in
order to sell her. It is therefore ordered that a summons issued to the said
John FORT to appear at the next court to be held in this County and bring her
the said MORGAN to the said Court in order that the said may be done therein as
the Law and Justices require.
On motion Joseph MOORE, Esq. late Sheriff of this County informing that sundry
deeds, which he executed during Sheriff have been misrecorded by James HILL
Assistant Register for James HALL the Publick Register of this county. Ordered
that the Register advertise the same at the most publick places in the County
requiring all persons who have had deeds registered during his continuing or
Assistant Register to produce the same at the Publick Register that the same may
be compared with the records and registered perfectly.
MAY, 1769:
Nath’l DRAKE overseer in the room of Demsey POWELL
Grand Juror (partial)
Deed Abner HILL to William ANDREWS proved by John AMOSS
Deed from William POPE & ux to Thomas LEWIS – Ack’d
On motion of William DRAKE ordered that Hardy GRIFFIN to appear at next court
to give other security for a guardianship of Mary LEWIS and Delilah GRIFFIN,
orphans of John GRIFFIN, dec’d.
Benjamin BUNN petitioned to build mill on Maple Creek on his own land – granted.
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Taxable District 10:
Elisha BATTLE, Esq.
Isaac HORN Capt. GRAY
Deed from William PRATT to William McCLELLAN proved by Edward VAIL
AUGUST, 1769:
Deed from James SINGLETON to George WHITLEY proved by Thomas WILLS
Deed from James SINGLETON to Thomas WILLS proved by George WHITLEY
Deed from John DRIVER to Blake BAKER proved by Daniel GWIN
Grand Jury: William ANDREWS
Elisha BATTLE, Guardian of Jeremiah & Elizabeth HILLIARD, orphans of Jacob
HILLIARD exhibited acct.
Thomas LEWIS overseer in room of John WOODARD over Sappony Bridge.
Arthur SELLERS in room of John WOODARD
John WOODARD and John STALLIONS who were security for Anne STALLIONS who was
Guardian for Anne STALLIONS, Orphan of James STALLIONS comes into court and
moves that Arthur O NEAL who intermarried with the said Anne STALLIONS be
summoned to appear at the next court to give other security.
Deed from Samuel KANNADAY & ux. To Duncan LAMON proved by Jacob FLOWERS.
Deed from Joseph SEALY to Thomas LEWIS proved by David PRIDGEON
MAY, 1770:
Petition of William ANDREWS for a road – referred.
Deed from John GREEN to Jesse GREEN proved by Joel HORN
Deed of Gift from William WHITLEY, Sr. to William WHITLEY proved by Jno. THOMAS,
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Ordered by consent of parties that Elisha BATTLE, Guardian of Jeremiah HILLIARD,
orphan of Jacob HILLIARD on behalf of sd. orphan assign to Sarah HORN who was
formerly Sarah HILLIARD, wife of said Jacob, her dower in the land and tenements
of which the said Jacob in her lifetime was levyed or that he confound and agree
with her & her present husband, Henry HORN, Jr. for the same.
Taxable District 10:
Jesse HARE, Esq.
Jonathan COLEMAN Capt. Simon GRAY
AUGUST, 1770:
Jesse GREEN overseer in room of William DIXON
Christopher STROTHER overseer in room of Jesse GREEN
Petition of William ANDREWS granted – jury to lay off road from Little Sappony
Bridge to Bute line between Little Turkey Creek and Little Peach Tree; to wit:
Nathan BODDIE, Thomas HERBERT, Mathias MANNING, Sr., Mathias MANNING, Jr.,
William VESTER, Thomas RICHARDSON, Richard DEANS, Derrel DAVENPORT, William
ROSS, Jr., Isaac ROSS, Cornelius TAYLOR, Stephen BATCHELOR, Samuel BRYANT, Newit
Hands: William ANDREWS, Henry BANES, William HAYNES, Derrel DAVENPORT, Burwell
Edward PURCEL, Joshua BURREL, Fredrick VAUGHN and that William VESTER be
Deed from William TUCKER to Henry PEED proved by William ANDREWS
Deed from William TAYLOR to Thomas WILLIAMS proved by Nicholas SKINNER
Grand Jury: Exum LEWIS
Deed from Arthur WHITLEY to Arthur WESTRY proved by Duncan LAMON
Leonard LANGSTON overseer in room of Abram BAGGOT
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Deed from William WHITEHEAD & wife to Reuben TAYLOR proved by West POPE.
James PITMAN, Guardian of Thomas PITMAN, Legatee of John GAY, exhibited acct.
Henry ATKINS, Guardian of Nathan WHEATLEY, orphan of George WHEATLEY, exhibited
Richard GORE & Richard BOLTON appointed in the town of Tarborough & any place
within, Searchers for distance of 3 miles from the sd. town.
MAY, 1771:
Rowland WILLIAMS overseer in room of David MANN
Deed from William BRASWELL to Rowland WILLIAMS proved by Edward MOORE, Esq.
Jury to lay off road from the road ending near William HORN into the road
leading from Duncan LAMON’s crossing the Great Branch at or near the Sapponey
Road: Daniel ROSS, John BATTLE, Josiah CRUDUP, Philip THOMAS, John FLOWERS,
James RICKS, John RICKS, David BUNN, Benjamin BUNN, William HORN, Henry HORN,
Jr., Isaac HORN, Samuel SKINNER, James JOLLEY, Jacob BARNES, Arthur VESTER,
Benjamin O NEAL, Benjamin RICKS, and that William BARNS be overseer. Hands:
William BARNES, Elijah REVELL, Micajah REVELL, Jacob BARNES, Jr., John PITMAN,
Arthur O NEAL, David BUNN, Benjamin BUNN, Samuel SKINNER.
Taxable District 10:
Elisha BATTLE, Esq.
Joseph PITMAN Capt. Simon JOHNSON
AUGUST, 1771:
Jury to lay off road near William HORNs the best and most convenient way into
the road leading from LAMONs ferry at or near Benjamin DENSONs, to wit: William
HORN, James RICKS, John RICKS, James JOLLEY, David BUNN, Arthur WHITLEY,
Benjamin RICKS, John RICKS, Lewis RICKS, Samuel SKINNER, Benjamin O NEAL, Henry
HORN, Jr., Isaac HORN, Thomas WILLIAMS, Nicholas SKINNER and John DAVENPORT, and
that the following hands work on the same: Arthur WHITLEY, Benjamin BUNN, David
BUNN, Arthur O NEAL, John PITMAN, Micajah REVELL, Jacob BARNES, Jr., Elijah
REVELL, Samuel SKINNER and William BARNES and their hands, and that William
BARNES be overseer thereof.
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Deed from Jesse GREEN to Joel HORN – ack’d
Ordered that the companies belonging to the road under the care of Benjamin
SMITH, Arthur SELLERS and Gale BRYANT build & erect a bridge over Sapponey Creek
at Thomas ATKINSONs and that Thomas LEWIS be overseer of the said bridge.
Deed from Elisha BATTLE, Guardian to Jeremiah HILLIARD, to Henry HORN, Jr. – Ack
Deed from Abner HILL to William HARRIS proved by William ANDREWS.
Deed from Miles BUSBY & ux to Lodwick ALFORD, Jr. proved by William ANDREWS.
Deed from Benjamin EVANS to Sherrod HARRIS proved by Beverly BELCHER
Deed from James MASSINGALE to John PESMORE proved by William ANDREWS
Deed from Cornelius TAYLOR to Jeremiah DEENES proved by William ANDREWS
Deed from William STRICKLAND to Edward MOORE proved by Moses STALLIONS
On motion of John WOODARD, one of the Securities of Anne STALLIONS for her
administration of estate of James STALLIONS – ordered that the Sheriff summon
sd. Anne STALLIONS to appear at next court to give other security.
Deed from Benjamin EVANS to Richard BOLTON proved by Sherrod HARRIS
Henry ATKINS, Guardian of Nathan WHITLEY, orphan of George WHITLEY, exhibited
William LEWIS overseer in room of Thomas LEWIS
To paid: £ / S / P
Nathan BODDIE, Tyekot 2.10.2
Exum LEWIS, Tychot 2.3.4
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William HILLS, Do. 2.1.4
John COHOON 2.9.7
Mathew DRAKE 2.1.10
Mathew DRAKE 1.19.10
William ANDREWS 2.4.10
Robert COTTON 2.1.7
William HORN 2.1.10
Aaron BAKER 2.6.4
Jacob SESSUMS 2.2.10
Jacob SESSUMS 2.5.10
Grand Jury: William ANDREWS
MAY, 1772:
Celia BARNS, a single woman of this county, having made information that she had
lately been delivered of a male base begotten child and that James BARNES, son
of Joseph, was the father of the same. Thereupon the said James BARNES appeared
in court and entered into a bond of £20 Procl. For saving harmless the Parish of
St. Mary and maintaining sd. child with Ephraim BARNES, Security who is
Arthur O NEAL, appointed Guardian of Esther & Elijah STALLINGS, orphans of James
STALLINGS, he accordingly entered into bond of £150 Procl. With Isham O NEAL,
Benjamin O NEAL and Nicholas SKINNER.
Ordered that the following persons be a jury to lay off a road from the road
near William HORNs, the best & most convenient way into the road leading from
LAMONs Ferry at or near Benjamin DENSONs, to wit: William HORN, James RICKS,
John RICKS, James JOLLEY, David BUNN, Arthur WHITLEY, Benjamin RICKS, John
RICKS, Lewis RICKS, Samuel SKINNER, Benjamin O NEAL, Henry HORN, Jr., Isaac
HORN, Thomas WILLIAMS, Nicholas SKINNER and John DAVENPORT, and that the
following hands work on the same; to wit: Arthur WHITLEY, Benjamin BUNN, David
BUN, Arthur O NEAL, John PITMAN, Micajah REVELL, Jacob BARNES, Elijah REVELL,
Samuel SKINNER, and William BARNES and their hands & that William BARNES be
overseer thereof.
AUGUST, 1772
Elijah PROCTOR, a base born son of Mary PROCTOR, age 13 years be bound to Elisha
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STALLIONS to learn the art & mystery of a cooper.
LWT of Jesse ANDREWS exhibited & proved by William WILLIAMS. Inventory of
estate of Jesse ANDREWS exhibited..
Deed of Sale: John STALLINGS to James STALLINGS – proved by Elisha STALLINGS.
Deed of Sale: John STALLINGS to Willis STALLINGS – proved by Elisha STALLINGS.
Deed of Sale: Gregory STALLINGS, Jr to Elisha STALLINGS – proved by John ONEAL.
Deed of Sale – Lodwick ALFORD to Edward PURCEL – proved by William ANDREWS.
Ordered Abraham EVANS to oversee the road from Falling Run to the Great Branch
near GREGORY STALLIONS Path & that the hands of Jesse HARE, Sherwood HAYWOOD &
Josiah MURPHREE work under him.
Ordered that Daniel WOODARD be overseer of the road from the Great Branch near
GREGORY STALLINGS Path to Swift Creek Bridge & all the hands who formerly worked
under WOODARD (except those ordered to work under Abraham Evans) together with
the hands of Robert DIGGER & William ELLINOR work on the same.
Arthur ONEAL, guardian of Jacob, Esther & Elizabeth STALLINGS, orphans of James
STALLINGS exhibited inventory of estate of said orphans.
On examining the several lists of Taxables returned by Majistrator, the number
appears to be 2,620. Ordered that the tax of 2 shillings be levied on every
taxable person in this county.
Rowland WILLIAMS & Hardy STRICKLAND appointed Searchers from William NELMS’ to
the Bute line.
NOV, 1772:
Shadrack RODGERS, being brought before the court on information of Sarah WHITLEY
for bastardy, accordingly entered into Bond of £200 with Tristram RODGERS &
William ROBERTS for the endemnification of the Parish of St. Marys.
John EATMAN overseer in the room of Rowland WILLIAMS.
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William LEWIS appointed Constable in the room of John SHEPPERD.
Thomas ATKINS appointed overseer in the room of William LEWIS.
Deed of Sale: Leonard LANGSTON to Richard COTTON – proved by John SINGLETON.
APRIL, 1774:
LWT of John BATTLE, dec’d, exhibited and proved by James BATTLE and Francis
THOMPSON, two of the subscribing witnesses.
LWT of Joshua COUNCIL, proved by Joseph SUMNER who saw Lewis HINES & Jacob HORN,
the two other witnesses subscribe. Henry HORN, Jr. Executor qualified.
Deed of Sale: William MAYO to David MAYO – proved by William MAYO
Etheldred EXUM, Coroner, came into court and entered his protest against the
public gaol as being insufficient.
Report – 2,571 Taxables for 1771 – 140 Insolvents.
JULY 1774:
Taxable District #10 – Sherwood HAYWOOD for Joseph PITMANs District
OCTOBER, 1774:
William ANDREWS, William ROSS, William PURSLEY appointed to lay off & value one
acre of the land of Jacob CARTER where William BRASWELL on order to build a mill
& report make to next court.
Deed of Lease: Amelia ANDREWS to John BARNS – proved by Jethro BATTLE
Theophilus THOMAS, William AMISON & Leonard LANGSTON appointed to divide lands
of James BROWN between James BROWNs orphans & widow of said James BROWN & report
to next court.
Processioners for District #10: Simon JOHNSON, William HORN, son of Henry HORN.
Report – 2,920 Taxables for 1774.
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JANUARY, 1775:
Grand Juror: Rowland WILLIAMS
Petition of William BARNES for building a mill over Stony Creek at the Great
Falls the land on both sides belonging to Jacob BARNES – granted.
Deed of Sale: William ANDREWS to Thomas TUCKER – proved by Benjamin TUCKER.
Deed of Sale: David COOPER to Thomas LEWIS – proved by Edward MOORE.
APRIL, 1775:
Orin. DAVIS produced commission from his Excellancy Josiah MARTIN, Esq. &
Governor, Etc. enpowering him to practice as an atto. at law within Province,
who took the necessary oaths for his qualification.
Administration is on motion granted to Sarah WHITLEY on the estate of Arthur
WHITLEY. She accordingly entered into Bond of £400 with Thomas WHITFIELD and
Solomon WHITFIELD, Sur.
Ordered that the perishable estate of Arthur WHITLEY, Dec’d, be sold according
to law.
Inventory of the estate of Arthur WHITLEY, dec’d, exhibited on oath by the
Deed of Sale:
William LEWIS to David PRIDGEON – proved by Duncan LAMON
William LEWIS to George JACKSON – proved by David PRIDGEON
William LEWIS to John SHEPPARD – proved by David PRIDGEON
Thomas LEWIS & wife to William LEWIS – proved by David PRIDGEON
Thomas LEWIS to Thomas NICHOLSON – proved by Isaac KIRK
William GAY overseer in room of Jesse GREEN
Petit Juror: Reuben TAYLOR
Rowland WILLIAMS & Hardy STRICKLAND appointed Searchers for ensuing year from
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Generation 4
Dews Mill on Tosneot to Johnson line.
JULY, 1775:
Deed of Sale: Thos. WILLS to Ephraim LAWRENCE – proved by Leonard LANGSTON.
OCTOBER, 1775:
Deed of Sale: William LEWIS to Thomas LEWIS – proved by Briton BRANTLEY.
APRIL, 1776:
LWT of William WILLIS by Executors, who qualified. Inventory & estate of
William WILLIS, exhibited by Executors. Ordered that the perishable estate of
William WILLIS or sufficient part be sold to pay the debts due from the estate.
JULY, 1776
~No Court Session were recorded between July, 1776 and August, 1778~
AUGUST, 1778:
Court convened on the 4th Monday in August and 24th day in the 3rd year of our
Independence in 1778.
Ordered – Tax of 1 shilling be levied on every £100 taxable property in this
2,980 Taxables for 1774; 154 Insolvents.
MAY, 1779:
Deed of Sale: Peter MAYO to Joel WHITFIELD – proved by Edmund ANDREWS
Jurors: Jacob BARNES
AUGUST, 1779:
Deed of Sale:
William TAYLOR to Henry HORN – proved Daniel ROSS
John STALLINGS, Sr. to James STALLINGS – proved by Etheldred PHILIPS
James STALLINGS to John STALLINGS - proved by Etheldred PHILIPS
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Register Report for Thomas Horn Sr.
Generation 4
Grant by Governor CASWELL to Richard BOLTON
Deed of Sale: Etheldred PHILIPS to John STALLINGS – Ack’d
Aaron LEE being brought before the court for begetting a bastard child on the
body of Elizabeth TAYLOR entered into Bond acceptable to Law.
LWT of Arthur WILLIAMS proved by Benjamin, Joseph & Henry WILLIAMS.
MAY, 1780:
Anthony LEWIS overseer in room of Jonathan GARDNER
Anthony LEWIS appointed Constable in Capt. HALLs District for ensuing year.
Captain PHILIPS District:
Elisha BATTLE, Sr. – Esquire
Etheldred PHILIPS – Assessor
Jacob BATTLE – Collector
West POPE, Jr. – Constable
AUGUST, 1780:
LWT of John STALLINGS, proved by Elisha STALLINGS, the Executor therein named,
qualified accordingly. Inventory also returned on oath of Executor.
Jurors: Richard BOLTON, Jr.
LWT of Leonard LANGSTON proved by Ephraim BARNES
Elizabeth PENNY having been delivered of a base begotten chld & deposed that
Britain DRAKE is father of the same. Ordered that said DRAKE pay said Elizabeth
PENNY £400 for expenses in lying in, &c.
MAY, 1781:
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Register Report for Thomas Horn Sr.
Generation 4
LWT of Daniel ROSS – proved by Elisha BATTLE & Michael HORN & Executors
Deed of Sale: John STALLINGS & James TEAT to Reuben JONES – proved by Etheldred
Anthony LEWIS continued as Constable in Capt. LITTLEs District.
Matthew RABUN appointed guardian to Cullen ANDREWS, orphan of Jesse ANDREWS &
Jane ANDREWS, orphan of Jesse, came into court & chose Matthew RABUN, Guardian,
who entered into bond of £800,000 with Elisha BATTLE & Redmun BUNN, Sec.
On motion granted to Jacob BATTLE on the estate of William BATTLE, dec’d, who
entered into Bond of one million pounds with John BATTLE & Elisha BATTLE, Sec.
Administration granted to Jesse BARNES on the estate of Julian BARNES, dec’d,
who qualified & entered into Bond of £1,000,000 with James BARNES & Theophilus
MAY, 1782:
David MAYO overseer in room of Anthony LEWIS.
AUGUST, 1782:
Charles COUNCIL & David TAYLOR is acquitted from paying a 4-fold tax of last
Etheldred LANE appointed Guardian to William REYNOLDS, who entered into Bond of
£200 with Jesse DRAKE, Sec.
Petit Jury: William WHEATLEY
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Register Report for Thomas Horn Sr.
Generation 4
Ordered that County Trustee pay Anthony LEWIS $3 for his service in warning the
inhabitants three years.
MAY, 1783:
Grant to Leonard LANGSTON
Grant to John STALLINGS
Deed of Sale: Aaron MAINER to Willis STALLINGS – proved by Etheldred PHILIPS.
AUGUST, 1783:
John BILLUPS overseer in room of William WIGGINS.
Morgan WILLIAMS Guardian to Elizabeth WILLIAMS, orphan of Thomas WILLIAMS.
Deed of Sale: William GAINER to Thomas LEWIS –proved Jesse DRAKE
Deed of Sale: William WALL TO William CORBETT –proved by Richard BOLTON, Jr.
MAY, 1784:
Deed of Sale: George WHITLEY to John CHESTER – proved by William WALSTON.
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Register Report for Thomas Horn Sr.
Generation 4
USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free
information on the Internet, data may be freely used by non-commercial
entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These
electronic pages cannot be reproduced in any format for profit or other
Nancy Hickmanadded this on 23 May 2010
Edgecombe Court 1754 records
Comments (1)
Aaron and Jonathan Coleman
joymcdaniel1added this on 31 Aug 2010
Although the record states that Aaron was the guardian of Jonathan after further research the fact if
that Jonathan, brother of Charles was guardian of Aaron, son of Charles.
Research Notes:
Abstracts of Early Deeds of Edgecombe County, North Carolina 1759-1772, by Joseph W. Watson, 1966;
DB D-477, page 333.
HENRY HORN of Edgecombe County, to HENRY WATKINS, of same, May 25, 1772, for L10 Virginia
money a tract of 100 acres on the bank of Compass Creek adjoining Wilson Kurll. This land was part
of a tract of 650 acres taken up by Jacob Whitehead, conveyed from said Whitehead to Francis
Jenkins, else Rogers, by deed of sale bearing date Feb. 11, 1762, and the upper half of 375 acres was
conveyed by said Francis Jenkins, else Rogers, to said Henry Horn by deed of sale bearing date Aug.
4, 1768. Wit: John Moore, Joel Horne.
U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900
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Register Report for Thomas Horn Sr.
Generation 4
Henry Horn
Sarah Battle
Source Citation: Source number: 8821.226; Source type: Family group sheet, FGSE,
listed as parents; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: .
Source Information:
Yates Publishing. U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900 [database on-line]. Provo, UT,
USA: Operations Inc, 2004.
Original data: This unique collection of records was extracted from a variety of sources including
family group sheets and electronic databases. Originally, the information was derived from an array of
materials including pedigree charts, family history articles, querie.
This database contains marriage record information for approximately 1,400,000
individuals from across all 50 United States and 32 different countries around the
world between 1560 and 1900. These records, which include information on over 500
years of marriages, were extracted from family group sheets, electronic databases,
biographies, wills, and other sources.
Historical sketches of North Carolina, from 1584 to 1851 : compiled from original records, official
documents and traditional s record for an ancestor
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Register Report for Thomas Horn Sr.
Generation 4
Sarah Battle.
Henry Horn Jr and Sarah Battle married.They had the following children:
Selah Horn was born in 1779.
Charity Horn was born in 1769.
Henry E Horn was born in 1785. He died in 1842.
Isaac Horn-4 (Henry-3, William-2, Thomas-1)[17] was born on 07 May 1742 in Edgecombe County, North
Carolina[11, 18, 18, 18, 19]. He died in 1782 in Edgecombe, NC[17].
Notes for Isaac Horn:
Research Notes:
Nash County, North Carolina Vital Records Abstracts
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Register Report for Thomas Horn Sr.
Generation 4
Horn, Isaac
Bef 1741
Edgecombe co., NC
Original Settler
Edgecombe co., NC
Source Information:
Herrin, Cynthia. Nash County, North Carolina Vital Records Abstracts [database on-line]. Provo, UT,
USA: Operations Inc, 2000.
Original data: Families of Early North Carolina. 1909.
Abstracts to vital records which appeared in a Nash County history in 1909.
Edgecombe County, NC - Edgecombe County Deed Book 3
All material contributed by:Tommy Colbert
Edge. Co. Db 3, page 86, deed date 2 Nov 1774, Daniel Ross, Edge. Co
to Benjamin Brake, place aforesaid for 35 pounds, a tract of land on
the north side of Tyan Cokey Swamp, part of a grant of 360 acres
granted to (Jesse ??) dated 1 Jun 1762 beginning at a marked white oak
on the swamp then along a line of marked trees to a pine in the back
line then along the old line east to a pine a corner then down said
line to the swamp to a white oak then up the swamp to the first
station, containing 181 acres, signed (2 Nov 1771 or 74) Daniel Ross,
wit Elisha Battle, Jno Battle, Jacob Brake. Abstracted 3-3-05, NCA film
C.037.40005, CTC.
Edge. Co Db 3, page 457, deed date Aug 19, 1779, recorded Aug Ct 1779,
William Taylor, Edge to Henry Horn Jr., Edge for 150 pds lawful money
of this state, a tract of 110 acres beginning at a black oak near the
south side of Browns Branch then running east until it comes to the
said Browns Branch then up the various courses of said branch to the
head line of the above said tract then south along the said line to the
first station, being a part of a Granville grant to said Taylor for 540
acres bearing the date Aug 10, 1762, signed William Taylor, wit. Daniel
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Register Report for Thomas Horn Sr.
Generation 4
Ross, Isaac Horn. Abstracted 4-11-05, NCA film C.037.40005, CTC.
Edee Richardson daughter of Thomas Richardson and Phobe Pursel was born in 1741 in Northampton
COunty, North Carolina, USA. She died in 1801 in Nash County, North Carolina.
Isaac Horn and Edee Richardson were married on 03 Jul 1761 in Nash County, North Carolina,
USA.They had the following children:
Rhoda Horne.
Mary Horne.
Jacob Horne[20, 21] was born about 1776 in Nash County, North Carolina[21]. He died
in Nash, NC[22].
Nathan Horne was born in 1762[23, 23, 23].
Generation 5
Jacob Horne-5 (Isaac-4, Henry-3, William-2, Thomas-1)[20, 21] was born about 1776 in Nash County,
North Carolina[21]. He died in Nash, NC[22].
Jacob Horne and Sally married.They had the following children:
Isaac Hilliard Horn.
Winfred Horne was born in 1895.
Notes for Winfred Horne:
Research Notes:
1860 United States Federal Census 1860 United States Federal Census
Name: Abner Horn
Age in 1860: 54
Birth Year: abt 1806
Birthplace: North Carolina
Home in 1860: Winn, Louisiana
Gender: Male
Post Office: Montgomery
Value of real estate: View image
Household Members: Name Age
Abner Horn 54
Winford Horn 65
Elizabeth Horn 33
Maranda Horn 11
Mary J Horn 10
Thomas Horn 8
Elizabeth Horn 7
James Horn 4
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Register Report for Thomas Horn Sr.
Generation 5
Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: , Winn, Louisiana; Roll: M653_426; Page:
913; Image: 448; Family History Library Film: 803426.
Source Information: 1860 United States Federal Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2009. Images reproduced by FamilySearch.
Original data: 1860 U.S. census, population schedule. NARA microfilm publication M653,
1,438 rolls. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.
This database is an index to individuals enumerated in the 1860 United States Federal
Census, the Eighth Census of the United States. Census takers recorded many details
including each person's name, age as of the census day, sex, color; birthplace,
occupation of males over age fifteen, and more. No relationships were shown between
members of a household. Additionally, the names of those listed on the population
schedule are linked to actual images of the 1860 Federal Census.
Henry Horn.
Abner Horne was born about 1806.
Notes for Abner Horne:
Research Notes:
1860 United States Federal Census 1860 United States Federal Census
Name: Abner Horn
Age in 1860: 54
Birth Year: abt 1806
Birthplace: North Carolina
Home in 1860: Winn, Louisiana
Gender: Male
Post Office: Montgomery
Value of real estate: View image
Household Members: Name Age
Abner Horn 54
Winford Horn 65
Elizabeth Horn 33
Maranda Horn 11
Mary J Horn 10
Thomas Horn 8
Elizabeth Horn 7
James Horn 4
Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: , Winn, Louisiana; Roll: M653_426; Page:
913; Image: 448; Family History Library Film: 803426.
Source Information: 1860 United States Federal Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2009. Images reproduced by FamilySearch.
Original data: 1860 U.S. census, population schedule. NARA microfilm publication M653,
1,438 rolls. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.
This database is an index to individuals enumerated in the 1860 United States Federal
Census, the Eighth Census of the United States. Census takers recorded many details
including each person's name, age as of the census day, sex, color; birthplace,
occupation of males over age fifteen, and more. No relationships were shown between
members of a household. Additionally, the names of those listed on the population
schedule are linked to actual images of the 1860 Federal Census.
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Register Report for Thomas Horn Sr.
Generation 5
Jacob Horne was born about 1802.
Notes for Jacob Horne:
Research Notes:
1840 United States Federal Census 1840 United States Federal Census
Name: Jacob Horn
County: Sumter
State: Alabama
Free White Persons - Males - Under 5: 1
Free White Persons - Males - 30 thru 39: 1
Free White Persons - Females - Under 5: 1
Free White Persons - Females - 5 thru 9: 2
Free White Persons - Females - 30 thru 39: 1
Slaves - Males - Under 10: 2
Slaves - Males - 10 thru 23: 1
Slaves - Males - 36 thru 54: 1
Slaves - Females - Under 10: 2
Slaves - Females - 10 thru 23: 1
Slaves - Females - 24 thru 35: 1
Total - All Persons (Free White, Free Colored, Slaves): 14
Free White Persons - Under 20: 4
Free White Persons - 20 thru 49: 2
Total Free White Persons: 6
Total Slaves: 8
Total All Persons - Free White, Free Colored, Slaves: 14
Source Citation: Year: 1840; Census Place: , Sumter, Alabama; Roll: 87; Page: 15; Image:
782; Family History Library Film: 0002335.
Source Information: 1840 United States Federal Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2010.
Images reproduced by FamilySearch.
Original data: Sixth Census of the United States, 1840. (NARA microfilm publication
M704, 580 rolls). Records of the Bureau of the Census, Record Group 29. National
Archives, Washington, D.C.
This database details those persons enumerated in the 1840 United States Federal
Census, the Sixth Census of the United States. In addition, the names of those listed on
the population schedule are linked to the actual images of the 1840 Federal Census.
Enumerators of the 1840 census were asked to include the following categories in the
census: name of head of household, number of free white males and females, number of
other free persons, names of slave owners and number of slaves, number of foreigners,
and town or district and county of residence.
1850 United States Federal Census 1850 United States Federal Census
Name: Jacob Horn
Age: 48
Estimated birth year: abt 1802
Birth Place: North Carolina
Gender: Male
Home in 1850 (City,County,State): Choctaw, Alabama
Family Number: 57
Household Members: Name Age
Jacob Horn 48
Mary Horn 43
John Horn 15
Amanda Horn 6
Robert Horn 4
Source Citation: Year: 1850; Census Place: , Choctaw, Alabama; Roll: M432_3; Page:
152B; Image: 307.
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Register Report for Thomas Horn Sr.
Generation 5
Source Information: 1850 United States Federal Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2009. Images reproduced by FamilySearch.
Original data: Seventh Census of the United States, 1850; (National Archives Microfilm
Publication M432, 1009 rolls); Records of the Bureau of the Census, Record Group 29;
National Archives, Washington, D.C.
This database is an index to individuals enumerated in the 1850 United States Federal
Census, the Seventh Census of the United States. Census takers recorded many details
including each person's name, age as of the census day, sex, color; birthplace,
occupation of males over age fifteen, and more. No relationships were shown between
members of a household. Additionally, the names of those listed on the population
schedule are linked to actual images of the 1850 Federal Census.
1860 United States Federal Census 1860 United States Federal Census
Name: Jacob Horn
Age in 1860: 53
Birth Year: abt 1807
Birthplace: North Carolina
Home in 1860: Franklin, Randolph, Indiana
Gender: Male
Post Office: Ridgeville
Value of real estate: View image
Household Members: Name Age
Henry D Horn 19
Mary Horn 18
Isaac W Horn 12
Elizabeth Wood 64
Jacob Horn 53
Sarah Horn 58
Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Randolph, Indiana; Roll: M653_292;
Page: 706; Image: 178; Family History Library Film: 803292.
Source Information: 1860 United States Federal Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2009. Images reproduced by FamilySearch.
Original data: 1860 U.S. census, population schedule. NARA microfilm publication M653,
1,438 rolls. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.
This database is an index to individuals enumerated in the 1860 United States Federal
Census, the Eighth Census of the United States. Census takers recorded many details
including each person's name, age as of the census day, sex, color; birthplace,
occupation of males over age fifteen, and more. No relationships were shown between
members of a household. Additionally, the names of those listed on the population
schedule are linked to actual images of the 1860 Federal Census.
Nathan Horn[24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30] was born in 1806 in North Carolina[31, 31, 31, 32,
33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 30]. He married Margaret Carroll about 1835 in Barbour County,
Alabama[35]. He died on 09 Jul 1862 in Barbour County, Alabama[40, 40, 40, 41, 42, 43].
Generation 6
Isaac Hilliard Horn-6 (Jacob-5, Isaac-4, Henry-3, William-2, Thomas-1).
Margaret Cole.
Isaac Hilliard Horn and Margaret Cole married.They had the following children:
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Register Report for Thomas Horn Sr.
Generation 6
Daniel Hilliard Horn was born on 07 May 1822 in Pike County, Alabama.
Nathan Horn-6 (Jacob-5, Isaac-4, Henry-3, William-2, Thomas-1)[24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30] was born in
1806 in North Carolina[31, 31, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 30]. He died on 09 Jul 1862 in Barbour
County, Alabama[40, 40, 40, 41, 42, 43].
Notes for Nathan Horn:
General Notes:
This death fact has already been linked to Bible Records, Vol. II, Barbour COunty, Alabama; Compiled
by Helen S. Foley, 240 North Randolph, Eufaula, Alabama 36027, Nathan Horn Bible, Owned by Mr.
WInfred Horne, Clayton, Ala, p 26-27. Marriages:
Elizabeth Jane Horn was Maried October 15th 1854
Mary Ann Horn was Married Sept 8 1859
Martha Horn was Married december the 21 1865
Henry Horn and Lucinda Horn his wife was Married June the 21st 1868
T.W. Horn and C.S. Thomas was married 17th 1891
D.T. Horn & M.E. Warr was Married Aug. 10th 1895
John E. Horn and L.C. Thomas was Married June 24th 1896
Elizabeth Jane Horn was Born Nov 11th 1837
Mary Ann Horn was Born Sept 1st 1839
Martha Horn was Born April 24th 1843
Edee Horn was Born November 14th 1845
Henry Horn was Born June 24th 1848
Catharine Horn was Born March 21st 1851
Christian Caroline Horn was Born October 15th 1853
Margaret Horn was Born April 3 1856
Lucinda M. (Mozelle) Horn wife of Henry Horn was Born Nov. the 20 1851
William Henry Horn son of Henry Horn and Lucinda his wife was Born May the 23 1869
Thomas Wesley Horn was Born March the 8th 1871
John Eli Horn was Born June the 12th 1872
Daniel Timothy Horn was Born June the 29th 1874
James Monroe Horn was Born January the 31st 1876
Nathan Walter Horn was Born October the 9th 1877
Ethel Leonora Horn was Born Sept. the 28th1879
Alto Horn was BornFebruary the 4th 1883
Lucinda Horn was Born May the 7th 1889
Infant son of Henry Horn & Lucinda Horn his wife was borned and died Sept. 16th 1891
Infant daughter of Henry Horn & Lucinda Horn his wife was borned and died Sept. 26 1892
Nathan Horn Died July 9 1862
Lucinda Horn Died January 14th 1914
Henry Horn Died February 8th 1932
(Note: Margaret, wife of Nathan Horn, died 1883).
Research Notes:
This death fact has already been linked to Bible Records, Vol. II, Barbour COunty, Alabama; Compiled
by Helen S. Foley, 240 North Randolph, Eufaula, Alabama 36027, Nathan Horn Bible, Owned by Mr.
WInfred Horne, Clayton, Ala, p 26-27. Marriages:
Elizabeth Jane Horn was Married October 15th 1854
Mary Ann Horn was Married Sept 8 1859
Martha Horn was Married december the 21 1865
Henry Horn and Lucinda Horn his wife was Married June the 21st 1868
T.W. Horn and C.S. Thomas was married 17th 1891
D.T. Horn & M.E. Warr was Married Aug. 10th 1895
John E. Horn and L.C. Thomas was Married June 24th 1896
Elizabeth Jane Horn was Born Nov 11th 1837
Mary Ann Horn was Born Sept 1st 1839
Martha Horn was Born April 24th 1843
Edee Horn was Born November 14th 1845
Henry Horn was Born June 24th 1848
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Register Report for Thomas Horn Sr.
Generation 6
Catharine Horn was Born March 21st 1851
Christian Caroline Horn was Born October 15th 1853
Margaret Horn was Born April 3 1856
Lucinda M. (Mozelle) Horn wife of Henry Horn was Born Nov. the 20 1851
William Henry Horn son of Henry Horn and Lucinda his wife was Born May the 23 1869
Thomas Wesley Horn was Born March the 8th 1871
John Eli Horn was Born June the 12th 1872
Daniel Timothy Horn was Born June the 29th 1874
James Monroe Horn was Born January the 31st 1876
Nathan Walter Horn was Born October the 9th 1877
Ethel Leonora Horn was Born Sept. the 28th1879
Alto Horn was BornFebruary the 4th 1883
Lucinda Horn was Born May the 7th 1889
Infant son of Henry Horn & Lucinda Horn his wife was borned and died Sept. 16th 1891
Infant daughter of Henry Horn & Lucinda Horn his wife was borned and died Sept. 26 1892
Nathan Horn Died July 9 1862
Lucinda Horn Died January 14th 1914
Henry Horn Died February 8th 1932
(Note: Margaret, wife of Nathan Horn, died 1883).This death fact has already been linked to Bible
Records, Vol. II, Barbour COunty, Alabama; Compiled by Helen S. Foley, 240 North Randolph,
Eufaula, Alabama 36027, Nathan Horn Bible, Owned by Mr. WInfred Horne, Clayton, Ala, p 26-27.
Elizabeth Jane Horn was Maried October 15th 1854
Mary Ann Horn was Married Sept 8 1859
Martha Horn was Married december the 21 1865
Henry Horn and Lucinda Horn his wife was Married June the 21st 1868
T.W. Horn and C.S. Thomas was married 17th 1891
D.T. Horn & M.E. Warr was Married Aug. 10th 1895
John E. Horn and L.C. Thomas was Married June 24th 1896
Elizabeth Jane Horn was Born Nov 11th 1837
Mary Ann Horn was Born Sept 1st 1839
Martha Horn was Born April 24th 1843
Edee Horn was Born November 14th 1845
Henry Horn was Born June 24th 1848
Catharine Horn was Born March 21st 1851
Christian Caroline Horn was Born October 15th 1853
Margaret Horn was Born April 3 1856
Lucinda M. (Mozelle) Horn wife of Henry Horn was Born Nov. the 20 1851
William Henry Horn son of Henry Horn and Lucinda his wife was Born May the 23 1869
Thomas Wesley Horn was Born March the 8th 1871
John Eli Horn was Born June the 12th 1872
Daniel Timothy Horn was Born June the 29th 1874
James Monroe Horn was Born January the 31st 1876
Nathan Walter Horn was Born October the 9th 1877
Ethel Leonora Horn was Born Sept. the 28th1879
Alto Horn was BornFebruary the 4th 1883
Lucinda Horn was Born May the 7th 1889
Infant son of Henry Horn & Lucinda Horn his wife was borned and died Sept. 16th 1891
Infant daughter of Henry Horn & Lucinda Horn his wife was borned and died Sept. 26 1892
Nathan Horn Died July 9 1862
Lucinda Horn Died January 14th 1914
Henry Horn Died February 8th 1932
(Note: Margaret, wife of Nathan Horn, died 1883).
U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900
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Register Report for Thomas Horn Sr.
Generation 6
Nathan Horn
Margret Carroll
Source Citation: Source number: 2375.025; Source type: Family group sheet, FGSE,
listed as parents; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: .
Source Information:
Yates Publishing. U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900 [database on-line]. Provo, UT,
USA: Operations Inc, 2004.
Original data: This unique collection of records was extracted from a variety of sources including
family group sheets and electronic databases. Originally, the information was derived from an array of
materials including pedigree charts, family history articles, querie.
Margaret Carroll daughter of Willis ? Carroll[24, 44] was born about 1813 in North Carolina[45, 34, 35,
38, 39]. She died in 1883 in Barbour County, Alabama.
Nathan Horn and Margaret Carroll were married about 1835 in Barbour County, Alabama[35].They had
the following children:
Elizabeth Jane Horn was born on 11 Nov 1837[46, 46, 46, 32]. She married Lemuel
Wilson Price on 15 Oct 1854 in Barbour County, Alabama[46]. She died on 10 Jun 1904.
Edee Horn was born on 14 Nov 1845 in Barbour County, Alabama[46, 46, 46, 32, 34]. She
married Henry Beaty on 27 Mar 1872. She died on 27 Aug 1913.
Henry Horn[47, 48, 48, 49, 37, 50, 51, 38, 39] was born on 24 Jun 1848 in Barbour
County, Alabama[52, 52, 52, 32, 34, 53, 54]. He married Lucinda Baker on 21 Jun 1868 in
Barbour County, Alabama[55]. He died on 08 Feb 1932 in Louisville, Alabama.
Margaret Horn was born on 03 Apr 1856 in Barbour County, Alabama[46, 46, 46, 34]. She
married William Benjamin Farmer on 17 Dec 1874. She died on 27 Jul 1938.
Martha Horn was born on 24 Apr 1843 in Barbour County, Alabama[46, 46, 46, 32]. She
married John Patterson Price on 21 Dec 1865 in Barbour County, Alabama[46]. She died
on 30 Sep 1880.
Christian Caroline Horn was born on 15 Oct 1853 in Barbour County, Alabama[46, 46,
46, 34]. She married Henry W Bess on 13 Feb 1873. She died in 1934.
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Register Report for Thomas Horn Sr.
Generation 6
Catherine Horn was born on 21 Mar 1851 in Barbour County, Alabama[46, 46, 46, 34].
Mary Ann Horn was born on 01 Sep 1839 in Barbour County, Alabama[46, 46, 46, 32]. She
married William Henry Hartzog on 08 Sep 1859 in Barbour County, Alabama (Performed
by Justice of the Peace)[46, 56]. She died on 03 Dec 1916.
Notes for Mary Ann Horn:
General Notes:
Alabama Marriage Collection, 1800-1969
about Mary Horn
Name: Mary Horn
Spouse: William Hartzog
Marriage Date: 8 Sep 1859
County: Barbour
State: Alabama
Performed By Title: Justice of the Peace
Performed by Name: E L Warr
Source information: Jordan Dodd, Liahona Research
Source Information: Alabama Marriage Collection, 1800-1969 [database on-line]. Provo, UT,
USA: Operations Inc, 2006. Original data:
Alabama Center for Health Statistics. Alabama Marriage Index, 1936-1969. Alabama Center
for Health Statistics, Montgomery, Alabama.
Dodd, Jordan R., et. al. Early American Marriages: Alabama to 1825. Bountiful, UT:
Precision Indexing Publishers, 19xx.
Hunting For Bears, comp. Alabama marriage information taken from county courthouse
records. Many of these records were extracted from copies of the original records in
microfilm, microfiche, or book format, located at the Family History Library.
Dodd, Jordan R., comp. Early American Marriages: Alabama, 1800 to 1920.
Mary Heath.
Nathan Horn and Mary Heath were married on 26 Jun 1831.They had the following children:
Infant Horn.
Generation 7
Elizabeth Jane Horn-7 (Nathan-6, Jacob-5, Isaac-4, Henry-3, William-2, Thomas-1) was born on 11 Nov
1837[46, 46, 46, 32]. She died on 10 Jun 1904.
Lemuel Wilson Price.
Lemuel Wilson Price and Elizabeth Jane Horn were married on 15 Oct 1854 in Barbour County,
Alabama[46].They had the following children:
Mary Jane Price was born on 26 Jan 1859. She died on 25 Feb 1885.
Henry Horn-7 (Nathan-6, Jacob-5, Isaac-4, Henry-3, William-2, Thomas-1)[47, 48, 48, 49, 37, 50, 51, 38,
39] was born on 24 Jun 1848 in Barbour County, Alabama[52, 52, 52, 32, 34, 53, 54]. He died on 08 Feb
1932 in Louisville, Alabama.
Notes for Henry Horn:
Research Notes:
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Generation 7
This death fact has already been linked to Bible Records, Vol. II, Barbour County, Alabama; Compiled
by Helen S. Foley, 240 North Randolph, Eufaula, Alabama 36027, Nathan Horn Bible, Owned by Mr.
WInfred Horne, Clayton, Ala, p 26-27. Marriages:
Elizabeth Jane Horn was Married October 15th 1854
Mary Ann Horn was Married Sept 8 1859
Martha Horn was Married december the 21 1865
Henry Horn and Lucinda Horn his wife was Married June the 21st 1868
T.W. Horn and C.S. Thomas was married 17th 1891
D.T. Horn & M.E. Warr was Married Aug. 10th 1895
John E. Horn and L.C. Thomas was Married June 24th 1896
Elizabeth Jane Horn was Born Nov 11th 1837
Mary Ann Horn was Born Sept 1st 1839
Martha Horn was Born April 24th 1843
Edee Horn was Born November 14th 1845
Henry Horn was Born June 24th 1848
Catharine Horn was Born March 21st 1851
Christian Caroline Horn was Born October 15th 1853
Margaret Horn was Born April 3 1856
Lucinda M. (Mozelle) Horn wife of Henry Horn was Born Nov. the 20 1851
William Henry Horn son of Henry Horn and Lucinda his wife was Born May the 23 1869
Thomas Wesley Horn was Born March the 8th 1871
John Eli Horn was Born June the 12th 1872
Daniel Timothy Horn was Born June the 29th 1874
James Monroe Horn was Born January the 31st 1876
Nathan Walter Horn was Born October the 9th 1877
Ethel Leonora Horn was Born Sept. the 28th1879
Alto Horn was BornFebruary the 4th 1883
Lucinda Horn was Born May the 7th 1889
Infant son of Henry Horn & Lucinda Horn his wife was borned and died Sept. 16th 1891
Infant daughter of Henry Horn & Lucinda Horn his wife was borned and died Sept. 26 1892
Nathan Horn Died July 9 1862
Lucinda Horn Died January 14th 1914
Henry Horn Died February 8th 1932
(Note: Margaret, wife of Nathan Horn, died 1883).
Lucinda Baker daughter of Larkin Baker and Mary Ellen McDaniel was born on 20 Nov 1851 in Barbour
County, Alabama[43, 53]. She died on 14 Jan 1914 in Barbour County, Alabama[46, 43].
Henry Horn and Lucinda Baker were married on 21 Jun 1868 in Barbour County, Alabama[55].They had
the following children:
Alto Horn was born on 04 Feb 1883 in Barbour County, Alabama. He married Sarah
Augusta Helms on 10 Jun 1906. He died in Feb 1928.
Daniel Timothy Horn was born on 29 Jun 1874 in Barbour County, Alabama. He married
Mary Emma Warr on 10 Aug 1895. He died on 29 May 1923.
Thomas Wesley Horn was born on 08 Mar 1871 in Barbour County, Alabama[57, 58, 43].
He married Carrie Signora Thomas on 17 Dec 1891[46, 43]. He died in 1933 in Barbour
County, Alabama.
Infant Daughter Horn was born on 26 Sep 1892. She died on 26 Sep 1892.
Ethel Lenora Horn was born on 28 Sep 1879 in Barbour County, Alabama. She married
Allen Sconyers on 29 May 1907. She died in Jan 1970.
Infant Son Horn was born on 16 Sep 1891. He died on 16 Sep 1891.
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Generation 7
John Eli Horn was born on 12 Jun 1872 in Barbour County, Alabama[46, 46, 46]. He
married Elizabeth Cornelia Thomas on 24 Jun 1896[46]. He died on 12 Sep 1943.
Lucinda Horn was born on 07 May 1889 in Barbour County, Alabama. She married
William E. Cox on 14 Dec 1907. She died in 1982.
Nathan Walter Horne was born on 09 Oct 1877 in Barbour County, Alabama. He married
Willie Lena Hicks on 27 Dec 1905. He died on 21 Jun 1964.
William Henry Horn was born on 23 May 1869 in Barbour County, Alabama. He married
Betty Williams on 02 Dec 1900. He died in 1952.
James Monroe Horn was born on 31 Jan 1876 in Barbour County, Alabama. He married
Addie Hicks on 15 Jan 1911. He died in Oct 1947.
Lula A Filling Adams was born in 1851 in Alabama[47].
Henry Horn and Lula A Filling Adams were married on 16 Jun 1914.They had the following children:
Generation 8
Alto Horn-8 (Henry-7, Nathan-6, Jacob-5, Isaac-4, Henry-3, William-2, Thomas-1) was born on 04 Feb
1883 in Barbour County, Alabama. He died in Feb 1928.
Notes for Alto Horn:
General Notes:
His son lived next door to Uncle Brannon & Aunt Mae in Louisville.
Sarah Augusta Helms.
Alto Horn and Sarah Augusta Helms were married on 10 Jun 1906.They had the following children:
Ralph Horn.
Alfie Casey Horn.
Howard Horn.
Alto Lee Horn.
Thomas Wesley Horn-8 (Henry-7, Nathan-6, Jacob-5, Isaac-4, Henry-3, William-2, Thomas-1) was born
on 08 Mar 1871 in Barbour County, Alabama[57, 58, 43]. He died in 1933 in Barbour County, Alabama.
Notes for Thomas Wesley Horn:
General Notes:
He was a farmer, four daughters. Also Mattie Lou was a twin and her twin died at birth. Tommie
McKee was named for him. Mae was from Ila Mae. He was one of the kindest men. He was the kindest
man of all the seven brothers. Tommie loved to stay with her grandfather. She often spent the night
with them. He died of ruptured appendix in 1932 just before Christmas. One of his brothers, Danile
Timothy, was a favorite of my grandmothers. He brought her a china cup and saucer from the World's
Fair in Chicago that she loved. They lived across from the train station in Louisville, and on the farm.
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Generation 8
Tommie used to follow him around. She remembers that he had two sons and one lived next door to
Aunt Mae and Uncle Brannon. He liked to whittle. He loved the farm. He would not let his daughters
work on the farm. Other girls would pick cotton, but he would never let his daughter do that. Tommie
remembers his gentleness. He was the warmest, totally unlike Uncle Eli, who lived just down the road.
Carrie Signora Thomas daughter of Perry Lafayette Thomas and Mary Ann Pickett was born on 02 Mar
1874 in Webb, AL ?[57, 59]. She died after 1958 in Louisville, Alabama.
Thomas Wesley Horn and Carrie Signora Thomas were married on 17 Dec 1891[46, 43].They had the
following children:
Lillie Leonora Horne was born on 09 Nov 1901 in Barbour County, Alabama. She
married James Weston in 1923 in Louisville, Alabama. She died in 1979 in Barbour
County, Alabama.
Mattie Lou Horne was born in 1898 in Barbour County, Alabama. She married Cary
Dasinger on 01 Feb 1943 in Mobile County, Alabama[60]. She died in 1968 in Barbour
County, Alabama.
Ila Mae Horne was born on 10 Feb 1894 in Barbour County, Alabama. She died in 1994.
Lola Pearl Horne[59, 61] was born on 29 Oct 1895 in Barbour County, Alabama[62, 63,
63, 63, 64]. She married William Gary McKee in 1913 in Midway, AL
?[65]. She died on
04 Feb 1958 in Atlanta, Georgia.
John Eli Horn-8 (Henry-7, Nathan-6, Jacob-5, Isaac-4, Henry-3, William-2, Thomas-1) was born on 12
Jun 1872 in Barbour County, Alabama[46, 46, 46]. He died on 12 Sep 1943.
Elizabeth Cornelia Thomas daughter of Perry Lafayette Thomas and Mary Ann Pickett was born on 30
Dec 1878 in Barbour County, Alabama. She died on 12 Sep 1943.
John Eli Horn and Elizabeth Cornelia Thomas were married on 24 Jun 1896[46].They had the following
Louise Horn[65] was born in 1911[65].
Notes for Louise Horn:
General Notes:
Louise taught school in Clayton. Winfred sent her to college. Married and had a
Robert Edward Lee Horn[65] was born about 1895[65].
Zenobia Horn[65] was born about 1897[65].
Notes for Zenobia Horn:
General Notes:
Called Nobie. Lived in Charlotte, NC. Her husband owned automobile business. That
brought Lillian to Charlotte because she lived with them while at Queen's College. No
children. She looked after her siblings.
Marvelle Horn[65] was born about 1909[65].
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Generation 8
Notes for Marvelle Horn:
General Notes:
Lived in Miami. Husband was old country boy. He never had much money, he raised
and sold plants from his little house. He was from Barbour County, Alabama. Marvellle
was very pretty.
Winfred Horn was born about 1913[65]. He died in 2007.
Notes for Winfred Horn:
General Notes:
Winfred was the family genealogist. He was never married, had no children.
Cornelia Horn[65] was born about 1899[65].
John Elmer Horn[66] was born about 1903[65].
Notes for John Elmer Horn:
General Notes:
John was a Senator Sparkman from Alabama's administrative assistant. He wrote his
speeches. He paid for Winfred and Lillian to go to college. When President Johnson
was voted out of office, Johnson called John Horn to come to his ranch in Texas and
asked him to stay on. He instead took job as administrator of home loan bank.
Estelle Watson Horn was born about 1901[65].
William Cecil Horn was born about 1905[65].
Lillian Horn was born about 1915[65].
Nathan Walter Horne-8 (Henry-7, Nathan-6, Jacob-5, Isaac-4, Henry-3, William-2, Thomas-1) was born
on 09 Oct 1877 in Barbour County, Alabama. He died on 21 Jun 1964.
Willie Lena Hicks was born in 1888.
Nathan Walter Horne and Willie Lena Hicks were married on 27 Dec 1905.They had the following
Mary Bell Horne.
Julia Horne.
Generation 9
Ralph Horn-9 (Alto-8, Henry-7, Nathan-6, Jacob-5, Isaac-4, Henry-3, William-2, Thomas-1).
Myree Brice.
Ralph Horn and Myree Brice married.They had the following children:
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Generation 9
Diane Horn.
Tommy Ralph Horn Jr..
Alfie Casey Horn-9 (Alto-8, Henry-7, Nathan-6, Jacob-5, Isaac-4, Henry-3, William-2, Thomas-1).
Alfie Casey Horn and Irene married.They had the following children:
Judith Horn.
Howard Horn-9 (Alto-8, Henry-7, Nathan-6, Jacob-5, Isaac-4, Henry-3, William-2, Thomas-1).
Mildred Green.
Howard Horn and Mildred Green married.They had the following children:
Charles Horn.
Charles Horn.
Carl Horn.
Mary Ethel Horn.
Alto Lee Horn-9 (Alto-8, Henry-7, Nathan-6, Jacob-5, Isaac-4, Henry-3, William-2, Thomas-1).
Annie Simmons.
Alto Lee Horn and Annie Simmons married.They had the following children:
Bernard Horn.
Wayne Horn.
Sarah Lee Horn.
Lillie Leonora Horne-9 (Thomas Wesley-8, Henry-7, Nathan-6, Jacob-5, Isaac-4, Henry-3, William-2,
Thomas-1) was born on 09 Nov 1901 in Barbour County, Alabama. She died in 1979 in Barbour County,
James Weston son of Miss Glover was born in Alabama
Barbour County, Alabama.
orGeorgia near Alabama. He died in 1981 in
James Weston and Lillie Leonora Horne were married in 1923 in Louisville, Alabama.They had the
following children:
Thomas Dean Weston was born on 19 Oct 1926 in Louisville, Alabama ?. He died in 1985
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Generation 9
in Columbia or Headland, Alabama.
Ila Mae Horne-9 (Thomas Wesley-8, Henry-7, Nathan-6, Jacob-5, Isaac-4, Henry-3, William-2, Thomas-1)
was born on 10 Feb 1894 in Barbour County, Alabama. She died in 1994.
Brandon Warr was born in Darlington County, South Carolina.
Brandon Warr and Ila Mae Horne married.They had the following children:
Juanita Warr was born in 1914 in Barbour County, Alabama. She died in 1963.
Lola Pearl Horne-9 (Thomas Wesley-8, Henry-7, Nathan-6, Jacob-5, Isaac-4, Henry-3, William-2,
Thomas-1)[59, 61] was born on 29 Oct 1895 in Barbour County, Alabama[62, 63, 63, 63, 64]. She died on
04 Feb 1958 in Atlanta, Georgia.
Notes for Lola Pearl Horne:
Research Notes:
Documents in My Possession:
1930 Census, Alabama, Troy City, Pike County, Ward of City, 2. Orange Street, Lines 81-84. McKee, W.
Gary, Head, property value $4000., Radio, 40, born Alabama, father born Georgia, mother born
Alabama, Farmer. Lola P, Wife, Housekeeping, 34, born Alabama, father and mother born Alabama.
Louise, Daughter, 13, born Alabama, father and mother born Alabama. Tommie M., Daughter, 10, born
Alabama, father and mother born Alabama.
William Gary McKee son of Charles William McKee and Laura Ada Gary[67, 68, 69, 61, 70] was born on
19 Nov 1889 in Clio, Alabama[68, 61, 64, 70]. He died in Dec 1965 in Troy, Alabama.
Notes for William Gary McKee:
Research Notes:
Documents in My Possession:
1-1930 Census, Alabama, Troy City, Pike County, Ward of City, 2. Orange Street, Lines 81-84. McKee,
W. Gary, Head, property value $4000., Radio, 40, born Alabama, father born Georgia, mother born
Alabama, Farmer. Lola P, Wife, Housekeeping, 34, born Alabama, father and mother born Alabama.
Louise, Daughter, 13, born Alabama, father and mother born Alabama. Tommie M., Daughter, 10, born
Alabama, father and mother born Alabama.
William Gary McKee and Lola Pearl Horne were married in 1913 in Midway, AL
following children:
?[65].They had the
Melba Louise McKee[61, 64, 71] was born on 26 May 1916 in Brundidge, Pike County,
Alabama[61, 64, 72]. She married William Edward Lovett on 05 Sep 1936 in at her home
in Atlanta, Georgia[73]. She died on 17 Feb 2001 in Pickens County, South Carolina[74].
Tommie Mae McKee[61] was born on 18 Feb 1920 in Brundidge, Alabama[61]. She
married William Edwin Puckett on 21 Mar 1950 in Alanta, GA.
Earl Hemphill.
Earl Hemphill and Lola Pearl Horne married.They had the following children:
Burnett Hall Smith son of John Morgan Smith and Lida Burnett[75] was born in 1884 in Nashville,
Tennessee[75]. He died in Atlanta, Georgia.
Notes for Burnett Hall Smith:
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Generation 9
Research Notes:
Had brother who was killed in a hunting accident. Another brother living in Texas. Eight children
born. Only ones still alive when Bernadine was child was Burnette and Lida. He played football at an
academy Ward Belmont? in Nashville.
Mother's family had tuberculosis and passed down through family.
Burnett Hall Smith and Lola Pearl Horne were married on 30 Dec 1940 in Atlanta, Georgia[76].They had
the following children:
Robert Edward Lee Horn-9 (John Eli-8, Henry-7, Nathan-6, Jacob-5, Isaac-4, Henry-3, William-2,
Thomas-1)[65] was born about 1895[65].
Notes for Robert Edward Lee Horn:
General Notes:
Robert had a garage in Eufala, AL. Norma McKee rented his house in Barbour County, AL, and her
brother and his wife lived there.
Robert Edward Lee Horn and unknown spouse married.They had the following children:
Mildred Booker Horn.
John Edward Horn.
Robert Dean Horn.
Gwendolyn Holifield Horn.
John Edward Horn.
Hattie Mae Horn.
Robert Dean Horn.
Estelle Watson Horn-9 (John Eli-8, Henry-7, Nathan-6, Jacob-5, Isaac-4, Henry-3, William-2, Thomas-1)
was born about 1901[65].
Notes for Estelle Watson Horn:
General Notes:
Married, no children. Very pretty.
Estelle Watson Horn and unknown spouse married.They had the following children:
Ruby Cornelia Butler Horn.
Dewey Linwood Horn.
William Cecil Horn-9 (John Eli-8, Henry-7, Nathan-6, Jacob-5, Isaac-4, Henry-3, William-2, Thomas-1)
was born about 1905[65].
Notes for William Cecil Horn:
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Generation 9
General Notes:
Called Cecil. Tommie knew little about him.
William Cecil Horn and unknown spouse married.They had the following children:
John Edward Horn.
Perry Horne.
John Horne.
Lillian Bailey Horne.
William Cecil Horne Jr..
William Cecil Horne Jr..
Louise Price Horne.
Lillian Horn-9 (John Eli-8, Henry-7, Nathan-6, Jacob-5, Isaac-4, Henry-3, William-2, Thomas-1) was born
about 1915[65].
Notes for Lillian Horn:
General Notes:
Lillian had a college education. Lillian's husband was an Optometrist in Charlotte, NC. She and
Tommie McKee Puckett were good friends. She and her husband had a home for a few years in
Ft.Myers, Fl., for several years. Lillian adopted her children.
James Bailey.
James Bailey and Lillian Horn married.They had the following children:
James Bailey[65] was born about 1952[65].
Notes for James Bailey:
General Notes:
Jim knows a lot about the Horn family.
Nancy Bailey[65] was born about 1950[65].
Mary Bell Horne-9 (Nathan Walter-8, Henry-7, Nathan-6, Jacob-5, Isaac-4, Henry-3, William-2, Thomas-1).
Bryan and Mary Bell Horne married.They had the following children:
Robert Dean Bryan.
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Generation 9
Webbilene Bryan.
Clinton Earl Bryan.
Julia Horne-9 (Nathan Walter-8, Henry-7, Nathan-6, Jacob-5, Isaac-4, Henry-3, William-2, Thomas-1).
Spivey and Julia Horne married.They had the following children:
Nadine Spivey.
Myrtle Spivey.
Frances Spivey.
Marie Spivey.
Generation 10
Mary Ethel Horn-10 (Howard-9, Alto-8, Henry-7, Nathan-6, Jacob-5, Isaac-4, Henry-3, William-2,
Colin Dean Woodham.
Colin Dean Woodham and Mary Ethel Horn married.They had the following children:
Barry Woodham.
Melba Louise McKee-10 (Lola Pearl-9, Thomas Wesley-8, Henry-7, Nathan-6, Jacob-5, Isaac-4, Henry-3,
William-2, Thomas-1)[61, 64, 71] was born on 26 May 1916 in Brundidge, Pike County, Alabama[61, 64,
72]. She died on 17 Feb 2001 in Pickens County, South Carolina[74].
Notes for Melba Louise McKee:
Research Notes:
1-William Edward Lovett, death certificate no. 21864 (1973), Georgia Department of Public Health, Vital
Records Service.
2-Melba Louise McKee, Certificate of Birth no. 580 (1916), Bureau of Vital Statistics, State of Alabama,
Department of Public Health, Montgomery, Alabama.
3-Melba Louise Lovett Barnum Certificate of Death no. 6 (2001), State of South Carolina Department of
Health and Environmental Control.
4-Linda Louise Lovett Certificate of Birth no. 621 (1944), Georgia Department of Public Health, Bibb
County Health Department, Macon, Georgia.
5-1930 Census, Alabama, Troy City, Pike County, Ward of City, 2. Orange Street, Lines 81-84. McKee,
W. Gary, Head, property value $4000., Radio, 40, born Alabama, father born Georgia, mother born
Alabama, Farmer. Lola P, Wife, Housekeeping, 34, born Alabama, father and mother born Alabama.
Louise, Daughter, 13, born Alabama, father and mother born Alabama. Tommie M., Daughter, 10, born
Alabama, father and mother born Alabama.
William Edward Lovett son of William Pierce Lovett and Carrie Lena Byrd[73] was born on 04 Oct 1913
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Generation 10
in Barnesville, Lamar County, Georgia[73]. He died on 21 Mar 1973 in Toccoa, Georgia[74].
Notes for William Edward Lovett:
Research Notes:
1-William Edward Lovett, death certificate no. 21864 (1973), Georgia Department of Public Health, Vital
Records Service.
2-Melba Louise McKee, Certificate of Birth no. 580 (1916), Bureau of Vital Statistics, State of Alabama,
Department of Public Health, Montgomery, Alabama.
3-Melba Louise Lovett Barnum Certificate of Death no. 6 (2001), State of South Carolina Department of
Health and Environmental Control.
4-Linda Louise Lovett Certificate of Birth no. 621 (1944), Georgia Department of Public Health, Bibb
County Health Department, Macon, Georgia.
5-1930 Georgia Census, Atlanta Borough, Fulton County, Ward 2nd, Block No. 84, Lines 95-100,
Enumeration District No. 6/22, Supervisor's District No. 4th, sheet No. 7B. Enumerated by Mrs. W.W.
Copeland, April 7th, 1930, Windsor Street. Lovett, William P, Head, Mechanic, Garage, born in
Tennessee, father born in Georgia, mother born in Georgia. Lena, Wife, Housekeeping, 36, born
South Carolina, father and mother born South Carolina. Pearl, daughter, 18, single, born Arkansas,
working as a mail order clerk. Edward, son, 16. James, son, 14. Elizabeth, daughter, 8.
William Edward Lovett and Melba Louise McKee were married on 05 Sep 1936 in at her home in Atlanta,
Georgia[73].They had the following children:
William Edward Lovett Jr.[73] was born on 21 Mar 1947 in Athens, Georgia[73]. He
married Vicki Lynn Guimond on 30 Jul 1970 in Toccoa, Georgia.
Linda Louise Lovett[74, 77, 78] was born on 12 Apr 1944 in Macon, Bibb County,
Georgia[77, 78, 73]. She married Stephen Morgan Young on 26 Jun 1964 in First Baptist
Church, Toccoa, Georgia[79, 80].
Vincent Dudley Barnum son of Wilbur Henry Barnum and Delia Reynolds was born on 11 Feb 1911 in
Sterling, Whiteside County, Illinois. He died on 11 Jun 2001 in Greenville, South Carolina.
Vincent Dudley Barnum and Melba Louise McKee were married on 25 May 1996 in Greenville, South
Carolina.They had the following children:
Tommie Mae McKee-10 (Lola Pearl-9, Thomas Wesley-8, Henry-7, Nathan-6, Jacob-5, Isaac-4, Henry-3,
William-2, Thomas-1)[61] was born on 18 Feb 1920 in Brundidge, Alabama[61].
Notes for Tommie Mae McKee:
Research Notes:
Documents in My Possession:
1930 Census, Alabama, Troy City, Pike County, Ward of City, 2. Orange Street, Lines 81-84. McKee, W.
Gary, Head, property value $4000., Radio, 40, born Alabama, father born Georgia, mother born
Alabama, Farmer. Lola P, Wife, Housekeeping, 34, born Alabama, father and mother born Alabama.
Louise, Daughter, 13, born Alabama, father and mother born Alabama. Tommie M., Daughter, 10, born
Alabama, father and mother born Alabama.
William Edwin Puckett son of William Jackson Puckett and Eddie Belle Crockett was born on 14 Jun
1917 in Carrollton, Pickens Co., GA (Carrollton, GA). He died on 18 Nov 1999 in Atlanta, Georgia.
William Edwin Puckett and Tommie Mae McKee were married on 21 Mar 1950 in Alanta, GA.They had the
following children:
Mark Thomas Puckett was born on 24 Feb 1958.
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Generation 10
John Edward Horn-10 (Robert Edward Lee-9, John Eli-8, Henry-7, Nathan-6, Jacob-5, Isaac-4, Henry-3,
William-2, Thomas-1).
John Edward Horn and unknown spouse married.They had the following children:
Deborah Horn.
Tom Horn.
Edward Horn.
Sherrill Horn.
Robert Dean Horn-10 (Robert Edward Lee-9, John Eli-8, Henry-7, Nathan-6, Jacob-5, Isaac-4, Henry-3,
William-2, Thomas-1).
Robert Dean Horn and unknown spouse married.They had the following children:
Keith Horn.
Gwendolyn Holifield Horn-10 (Robert Edward Lee-9, John Eli-8, Henry-7, Nathan-6, Jacob-5, Isaac-4,
Henry-3, William-2, Thomas-1).
Gwendolyn Holifield Horn and unknown spouse married.They had the following children:
John Edward Horn-10 (Robert Edward Lee-9, John Eli-8, Henry-7, Nathan-6, Jacob-5, Isaac-4, Henry-3,
William-2, Thomas-1).
John Edward Horn and unknown spouse married.They had the following children:
Susan Ewert Horne.
Sherrill Horn.
Linda Clark Horne.
Tom Horn.
Deborah Horn.
Edward Horn.
Hattie Mae Horn-10 (Robert Edward Lee-9, John Eli-8, Henry-7, Nathan-6, Jacob-5, Isaac-4, Henry-3,
William-2, Thomas-1).
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Generation 10
M Leroy.
M Leroy and Hattie Mae Horn married.They had the following children:
Gary Leroy.
Susan Leroy.
Robert Dean Horn-10 (Robert Edward Lee-9, John Eli-8, Henry-7, Nathan-6, Jacob-5, Isaac-4, Henry-3,
William-2, Thomas-1).
Robert Dean Horn and unknown spouse married.They had the following children:
Keith Horn.
Ruby Cornelia Butler Horn-10 (Estelle Watson-9, John Eli-8, Henry-7, Nathan-6, Jacob-5, Isaac-4,
Henry-3, William-2, Thomas-1).
Ruby Cornelia Butler Horn and unknown spouse married.They had the following children:
Alice Cornelia Horn.
Charles Watson Horn.
Charles Watson Horn.
Charles Watson Horn.
John Horne-10 (William Cecil-9, John Eli-8, Henry-7, Nathan-6, Jacob-5, Isaac-4, Henry-3, William-2,
John Horne and unknown spouse married.They had the following children:
Linda Clark Horne.
Susan Ewert Horne.
Lillian Bailey Horne-10 (William Cecil-9, John Eli-8, Henry-7, Nathan-6, Jacob-5, Isaac-4, Henry-3,
William-2, Thomas-1).
Lillian Bailey Horne and unknown spouse married.They had the following children:
Jimmy Horne.
Nancy Horne.
William Cecil Horne Jr.-10 (William Cecil-9, John Eli-8, Henry-7, Nathan-6, Jacob-5, Isaac-4, Henry-3,
William-2, Thomas-1).
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Generation 10
William Cecil Horne Jr. and unknown spouse married.They had the following children:
William Cecil Horne III.
Rebecca Horne.
Jeffrey Horne.
William Cecil Horne Jr.-10 (William Cecil-9, John Eli-8, Henry-7, Nathan-6, Jacob-5, Isaac-4, Henry-3,
William-2, Thomas-1).
William Cecil Horne Jr. and unknown spouse married.They had the following children:
Jeffrey Horne.
William Cecil Horne III.
Rebecca Horne.
Louise Price Horne-10 (William Cecil-9, John Eli-8, Henry-7, Nathan-6, Jacob-5, Isaac-4, Henry-3,
William-2, Thomas-1).
Louise Price Horne and unknown spouse married.They had the following children:
Tom Price.
Charles Horne Price.
Lenora Price.
John Curtis Price Jr..
Robert Dean Bryan-10 (Mary Bell-9, Nathan Walter-8, Henry-7, Nathan-6, Jacob-5, Isaac-4, Henry-3,
William-2, Thomas-1).
Franke Dorothea Ingeborg Polenz.
Robert Dean Bryan and Franke Dorothea Ingeborg Polenz married.They had the following children:
Eric Juergen Bryan.
Ian Dean Bryan.
Webbilene Bryan-10 (Mary Bell-9, Nathan Walter-8, Henry-7, Nathan-6, Jacob-5, Isaac-4, Henry-3,
William-2, Thomas-1).
Harold Golden.
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Register Report for Thomas Horn Sr.
Generation 10
Harold Golden and Webbilene Bryan married.They had the following children:
Donald Lester Golden.
Dennis Harold Golden.
Deborah Carol Golden.
Clinton Earl Bryan-10 (Mary Bell-9, Nathan Walter-8, Henry-7, Nathan-6, Jacob-5, Isaac-4, Henry-3,
William-2, Thomas-1).
Patricia Champion.
Clinton Earl Bryan and Patricia Champion married.They had the following children:
David Bryan.
Nadine Spivey-10 (Julia-9, Nathan Walter-8, Henry-7, Nathan-6, Jacob-5, Isaac-4, Henry-3, William-2,
Virgil Strickland.
Virgil Strickland and Nadine Spivey married.They had the following children:
Michael Strickland.
Rickey Strickland.
Myrtle Spivey-10 (Julia-9, Nathan Walter-8, Henry-7, Nathan-6, Jacob-5, Isaac-4, Henry-3, William-2,
Edgar Norman.
Edgar Norman and Myrtle Spivey married.They had the following children:
Jimmy Norman.
Corbitt Donald Norman.
Frances Spivey-10 (Julia-9, Nathan Walter-8, Henry-7, Nathan-6, Jacob-5, Isaac-4, Henry-3, William-2,
Dempsey Boyd.
Dempsey Boyd and Frances Spivey married.They had the following children:
Ginger Boyd.
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Register Report for Thomas Horn Sr.
Generation 10
Gail Boyd.
Marie Spivey-10 (Julia-9, Nathan Walter-8, Henry-7, Nathan-6, Jacob-5, Isaac-4, Henry-3, William-2,
Billy Hardy.
Billy Hardy and Marie Spivey married.They had the following children:
Zan Hardy.
Joe Hardy.
Julie Hardy.
Generation 11
William Edward Lovett Jr.-11 (Melba Louise-10, Lola Pearl-9, Thomas Wesley-8, Henry-7, Nathan-6,
Jacob-5, Isaac-4, Henry-3, William-2, Thomas-1)[73] was born on 21 Mar 1947 in Athens, Georgia[73].
Vicki Lynn Guimond daughter of Al Guimond and Bertha Connelly was born on 04 Apr 1947 in Toccoa,
William Edward Lovett Jr. and Vicki Lynn Guimond were married on 30 Jul 1970 in Toccoa,
Georgia.They had the following children:
William Preston Lovett was born on 12 Mar 1980 in Greenville, South Carolina.
William Ryan Lovett was born on 05 Nov 1978 in Greenville, South Carolina.
Linda Louise Lovett-11 (Melba Louise-10, Lola Pearl-9, Thomas Wesley-8, Henry-7, Nathan-6, Jacob-5,
Isaac-4, Henry-3, William-2, Thomas-1)[74, 77, 78] was born on 12 Apr 1944 in Macon, Bibb County,
Georgia[77, 78, 73].
Notes for Linda Louise Lovett:
Research Notes:
Stephen Morgan Young son of Roy Cleveland Young and Laura Jane Tiller[74, 81] was born on 17 Sep
1941 in Atlanta, Georgia[77, 78].
Notes for Stephen Morgan Young:
Research Notes:
1-State of Georgia, County of Stephens Marriage License, Book no. 5, page 358; Stephen Morgan
Young, birth certificate no. 6190 (1941), State Registrar of Vital Statistics, Atlanta, Georgia.
2-Stephen Morgan Young, birth certificate no. 6190 (1941), State Registrar of Vital Statistics, Atlanta,
Stephen Morgan Young and Linda Louise Lovett were married on 26 Jun 1964 in First Baptist Church,
Toccoa, Georgia[79, 80].They had the following children:
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Register Report for Thomas Horn Sr.
Generation 11
Lisa Louise Young[78] was born on 05 Jan 1970 in Greenville, South Carolina[74, 78].
She married Boyd Christopher Anderson on 04 Sep 1993 in Greenville, South Carolina.
Laura Leigh Young[78] was born on 19 Sep 1966 in Toccoa, Georgia[74, 78]. She married
Paul Gleason Lampe on 21 Mar 1998 in Plumtree, North Carolina[74].
Generation 12
Lisa Louise Young-12 (Linda Louise-11, Melba Louise-10, Lola Pearl-9, Thomas Wesley-8, Henry-7,
Nathan-6, Jacob-5, Isaac-4, Henry-3, William-2, Thomas-1)[78] was born on 05 Jan 1970 in Greenville,
South Carolina[74, 78].
Boyd Christopher Anderson son of Charles Kenneth Anderson and Emily Annette Boyd was born on
21 Jun 1969 in Huntsville, Alabama.
Boyd Christopher Anderson and Lisa Louise Young were married on 04 Sep 1993 in Greenville, South
Carolina.They had the following children:
Boyd Colt Anderson was born on 16 Mar 2009 in Greenville, South Carolina, USA.
Nash Count North Carolina Vital Records Abstracts about Horn, WIlliam, Sr,
Original data: Families of Early North Carolina. 1909.
Nash County, North Carolina Vital Records Abstracts about Horn, William
Horn, William
Birth Place:
Edgecombe co., NC
Thomas Horn, Sr.
Death Date:
Lost A Lawsuit Against John Knox in Northampton co., NC, and Had Property Taken and Sold.
Death Place:
Nash co., NC
Source Information:
Herrin, Cynthia. Nash County, North Carolina Vital Records Abstracts [database on-line]. Provo, UT,
USA: Operations Inc, 2000.
Original data: Families of Early North Carolina. 1909.
Abstracts to vital records which appeared in a Nash County history in 1909. Learn more.
Herrin, Cynthia, Nash County North Carolina Vital Record Abstracts (Provo, Utah,, 1997).
Nash Count North Carolina Vital Records Abstracts about Horn, WIlliam, Sr, Abstracts to vital records
which appeared in a Nash County history in 1909. Nash County, North Carolina Vital Records
Abstracts about Horn, Henry
Horn, Henry
Birth Place: Nash co., NC
William Horn, Sr.
Marriage Place:
Nash co., NC
Children: Thomas, Others
Death Place:
Wayne co., NC
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Register Report for Thomas Horn Sr.
Residence: Planter
Source Information:
Herrin, Cynthia. Nash County, North Carolina Vital Records Abstracts [database on-line]. Provo, UT,
USA: Operations Inc, 2000.
Original data: Families of Early North Carolina. 1909.
Abstracts to vital records which appeared in a Nash County history in 1909.
Nash County, North Carolina Vital Records Abstracts about Horn, Henry, Abstracts to vital records
which appeared in a Nash County history in 1909. Nash County, North Carolina Vital Records
Abstracts about Horn, Henry
Horn, Henry
Birth Place: Nash co., NC
William Horn, Sr.
Marriage Place:
Nash co., NC
Children: Thomas, Others
Death Place:
Wayne co., NC
Residence: Planter
Source Information:
Herrin, Cynthia. Nash County, North Carolina Vital Records Abstracts [database on-line]. Provo, UT,
USA: Operations Inc, 2000.
Original data: Families of Early North Carolina. 1909.
Abstracts to vital records which appeared in a Nash County history in 1909.
Online Database.
Herrin, Cynthia. Nash County, North Carolina Abstracts of Vital Records, Online Database. Record for
William Horn.
Will of William Horn, Sr.,
Will of William Horn(e) 1690-1754
10 Sept 1753 , Edgecombe Co., North Carolina
The Will of William Horn
Probated in Edgecombe County, North Carolina, June court, 1759.
In the name of God, Amen.
The Tenth Day of Septemb. in the year of our Lord Christ one Thousand Seven Hundred and fifty
three, I William Horn Ser. being in Good Health of Body and of perfect mind and memory, Thanks be
Given unto God; Therefore calling unto mind the Mortality of my Body; and Knowing that it is
appointed for all Men once to Die; Do Make and ordain this my last will and Testamte, That is to Say,
Principally and First of all, I give and recommend my Soul into the Hands of God that gave it, and My
Body I recommend to the Earth to be Buried in Decent Christian Buriall at the Discretion of my
Executors; Nothing Doubting but as the Generall Resurrecting, I shall Receive the Same Again by the
mighty Power of God And as Touching Such Worldy Estate wherewith it hath Pleased God to bless me
in this Life, I Give Demise and Dispose of the Same in the following Manner and Form--Imprim. I give and Bequeath unto my Wellbeloved Sons William, Henry, Charles, Thomas and Moses,
and to my wellbeloved Daughter Margaret, to Each of Them one Shilling Streling to paid unto them
after my Deceace--Item I Give and Bequeath unto the Heirs of my wellbeloved Son Michaell Horn all my stock of Cattle
and Horses and Mares them and there Increase to him and his Heirs for Ever by the freely to be
possessed and Enjoyed--- "Item I Give and Bequeath unto my Wellbeloved Son Michaell one Gun and
all my Household Goods and all Improvements whatsoever to me Belonging to him and his Heirs
Forever by them freely to be Possessed and Enjoyed--Item I Give and Bequeath unto the Heirs of my wellbeloved Son John Decd. one Shilling Sterling to be
paid them after my Decease---and I do hereby Likewise Constitute make and ordain my wellbeloved
Son Michaell Horn my Sole Executor of this my last will and Testamente, and I Do hereby Disallow,
Revoke and Disanull all and Every other former---Testaments, Wills, Legacies and Bequests, and
Executors by me in any ways before named, willed and Bequeathed Ratifying and Confirming this and
no other to be my Last will and Testamente--In Witness whereof I have Hereunto Sett my Hand and Seale the Day and year above Written.--"Signed Sealed published, Pronounces and Declared, by the Said William Horn as his Last will and
Testamt. in presence of Wm. Reynolds, Joyce (her mark) Reynolds, Ann (her mark) Hill, jurat,
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Register Report for Thomas Horn Sr.
-- The mark of William (his mark) Horn.
(The will was folded as was the custom in those days and noted as follows:)
"William Horn's Will. Letters Issued June 1759. Recorded in the Secretary's Office, Book No. 6, pag
From Edgecomb County (NC) Will Abstracts, v. 1, TN State Library, F262/.e2g38. Abstract # 197.
"William (X) Horn, Sr., 10 Sep 1753, June Court 1759: Sons: William, Henry, Charles, Thomas, and
Moses and my daughter Margaret - one shilling each. Son Michael Horn - all my stock, etc. To the heirs
of my son John dec'd - one shilling."
[Provided by Robert G. Horn, from a typescript furnished by Gwen Battle Horn.].
Nash County, North Carolina Vital Records Abstracts Horn, Thomas Jr.,
Nash County, North Carolina Vital Records Abstracts
Horn, Thomas Jr.
Birth Place:
Edgecombe co., NC
Thomas Horn, Sr.
Marriage Place:
Nash co., NC
Anne Bunn
Richard, William, Wilson, Abishai, Joshua, Henry, Others.
Death Place:
Nash co., NC
Source Information:
Herrin, Cynthia. Nash County, North Carolina Vital Records Abstracts [database on-line]. Provo, UT,
USA: Operations Inc, 2000.
Original data: Families of Early North Carolina. 1909.
Abstracts to vital records which appeared in a Nash County history in 1909.
Virginia Marriages to 1800, Database online, Provo, UT., USA: Operations Inc, 1997.
Virginia Marriages to 1800
Spouse 1:
Neal, Thomas
Spouse 2:
Winn, Margaret C
Marriage Date:
13 Oct 1794
Marriage Location:
Fauquier County
Source Information:
Dodd, Jordan. Virginia Marriages to 1800 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations
Inc, 1997.
Original data: Electronic transcription of marriage records held by the individual counties in Virginia.
Database of Virginia marriages to 1800
Allen-Horger Ancestry, website:
This documentation was used for the family of Mary Ann Horn b. November 20, 1807 in Twiggs County,
Georgia, died January 19, 1899 in Plain Dealing, Louisana. She married Gideon A. Allen 1828 in
Twiggs County, Gerogia.
Allen-Horger Ancestry.
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Register Report for Thomas Horn Sr.
11, Encyclopedia of Philadelphia (Name: The Generations Network, Inc.; Location: Provo,
UT; Date: 2005;),, Database online. Record for.
Yates Publishing, U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900 (Provo, UT, USA,
Operations Inc, 2004),, Database online. Source number: 8821.226; Source type:
Family group sheet, FGSE, listed as parents; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code:. Record for Henry
Herrin, Cynthia, Nash County, North Carolina Vital Records Abstracts (Provo, UT, USA,
Operations Inc, 2000),, Database online. Record for Henry Horn.
Will of Thomas Horn March 11, 1772,
Will of Thomas Horn
March 11, 1772
Film #0019332/419419
Page 22-23
In the name of God Amen. I Thomas Horn Sen'r. of Edgecombe County in the province of North
Carolina, planter, being sick and weak of body but of perfect mind and memory, thanks begiven unto
God for the same, and calling to mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all
men once to die, do make and ordain this my last will and testament (that is to say) principally and
first of all, I give and recommend my soul unto the hand of God that gave it and for my body I
recommend it to the earth to be buried in a christian like and decent manner at the discretion of my
executors nothing doubting but at the general resurrection I shall receive the same again by the
mighty power of God and as touching such worldly estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me
with in this life, I give and bequeath of the same in manner and form following that is to say
Item: I give and bequeath into my son Thomas Horn the sum of one shilling sterling to him and his
heirs forever.
Item: I give and bequeath into my son William Horn the sum of one shilling sterling to him and his
heirs forever.
Item: I give and bequeath into Thomas Pridgen the sum of one shilling to him and his heirs forever.
Item: I give and bequeath into William Futral the sum of one shilling sterling to him and his heirs
Item: I give and bequeath into my well beloved wife Catherine Horn two cows and calves and two sows
and piggs one feather bed and furniture. Two dishes and one bason and six spoons and six plates
also my bay mare and one chest and one trunk, one spinning wheel and one pair of cards to her only
proper use and behalf forever.
Item: I lend unto my said wife Catherine Horn my negro woman named Fontain during her natural life
and after her decease I give the said negro woman and her increase unto my son Michael Horn to him
and his heirs forever.
Item: I give and bequeath unto my son Michael Horn my land and plantation whereon I now live and
four hundred and eighty seven acres of land adjoining to the aforesaid land I give to him and his
heirs forever. I also give unto my son Michael Horn my negro fellow Harry and my negro fellow Mingo
and my negro boy Jacob and my negro woman Call Fontain after the decrease of his mother. also I
give and bequeath unto my son Michael Horn all the rest of my estate goods and chattels of
whatsoever kind they be to him and his heirs forever.
I do likewise constitute make and ordain my son Michael Horn my whole and sole executor of this my
last will and testament and I do hereby utterly disannul revoke and disallow all other former
testaments wills and legacies Executors by me in any way before this time named willed and
bequeathed confirming this and no other to be my last will and testament. In witness whereof I have
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Register Report for Thomas Horn Sr.
unto set my hand and affixed my seal this eleventh day of March in the year of our Lord God one
thousand seven hundred and seventy two. Signed, sealed, and delivered in presence of us
Henry Flowers
Thomas X Horn (Seal)
Dempsey Barnes mark
Dempsy Dawson
The within will was duly proved in open court by the oath of Henry Flowers a subscribing witness
therto and ordered to be recorded.
Attest Wm Hall, C.C. and is registered Wm. Hall, C.C.
15, Historical sketches of North Carolina, from 1584 to 1851 compiled from original
records, official documents and traditional s (Provo, UT, The Generations Network, Inc., 2005),, Database online.
North Carolina Census, 1790-1890,, Database online. Record for Henry Horn.
Herrin, Cynthia, Nash County, North Carolina Vital Records Abstracts (Provo, UT, USA,
Operations Inc, 2000),, Database online. Record for Isaac Horn.
Americans of Gentle Birth, p 12
Herrin, Cynthia, Nash County North Carolina Vital Record Abstracts (Provo, Utah,, 1997),
Online Database.
Nash County, North Carolina Vital Records Abstracts
Horn, Isaac
Birth Date:
Bef 1741
Birth Place:
Edgecombe co., NC
Death Date:
Original Settler
Death Place:
Edgecombe co., NC
Source Information:
Herrin, Cynthia. Nash County, North Carolina Vital Records Abstracts [database on-line]. Provo, UT,
USA: Operations Inc, 2000.
Original data: Families of Early North Carolina. 1909.
Abstracts to vital records which appeared in a Nash County history in 1909.
Nash Count North Carolina Vital Records Abstracts about Horn, Jacob, Online Database.
Nash County, North Carolina Vital Records Abstracts
Horn, Jacob
Birth Place:
Nash co., NC
Son of Henry Horn
Death Place:
Nash co., NC
Source Information:
Herrin, Cynthia. Nash County, North Carolina Vital Records Abstracts [database on-line]. Provo, UT,
USA: Operations Inc, 2000.
Original data: Families of Early North Carolina. 1909.
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Register Report for Thomas Horn Sr.
Abstracts to vital records which appeared in a Nash County history in 1909.
Nash County, North Carolina Vital Records Abstracts about Horn, Jacob,
Nash County, North Carolina Vital Records Abstracts
Horn, Jacob
Birth Place:
Nash co., NC
Son of Henry Horn
Death Place:
Nash co., NC
Source Information:
Herrin, Cynthia. Nash County, North Carolina Vital Records Abstracts [database on-line]. Provo, UT,
USA: Operations Inc, 2000.
Original data: Families of Early North Carolina. 1909.
Abstracts to vital records which appeared in a Nash County history in 1909.
Herrin, Cynthia, Nash County, North Carolina Vital Records Abstracts (Provo, UT, USA,
Operations Inc, 2000),, Database online. Record for Jacob Horn.
1830 Census Barbour County, AL lists Nathan Horne, unmarried
Copied by Helen S. Foley, 1833 State Census for Barbour County, Alabama (Name: 240 North
Randolph, Eufaula, Alabama 36027, 1976;), National Archives Atlanta, 12. 1 White Male Over 21
1 White Female under 21
1 White Female over 21
3 Total Slaves.
Alabama Land Records, Greenville Land Office, Document #49005, Accession/Serial #: AL2410__.361
BLM Serial #: AL NO S/N
Patent Description
Legal Land Description
Document Image
Certified Copy Patentee:
Acres: 40.05
Metes/Bounds: No
Title Transfer
Issue Date: 9/1/1858
Land Office: Elba
Cancelled: No
Mineral Reservations: No
Authority: April 24, 1820: Sale-Cash Entry (3 Stat. 566)
Document Nr.: 19189
Accession/Serial Nr.: AL2410__.361
BLM Serial Nr.: AL NO S/N.
Alabama Land Records, Greenville Land Office, Document #49005, 2-Accession/Serial #: AL2180__.284
BLM Serial #: AL NO S/N
Patent Description
Legal Land Description
Document Image
Certified Copy
Acres: 40.075
Metes/Bounds: No
Title Transfer
Issue Date: 8/21/1837
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Register Report for Thomas Horn Sr.
Land Office: Sparta
Cancelled: No
Mineral Reservations: No
Authority: April 24, 1820: Sale-Cash Entry (3 Stat. 566)
Alabama Land Records, Greenville Land Office, Document #49005, Accession/Serial #: AL2180__.285
BLM Serial #: AL NO S/N
Patent Description
Legal Land Description
Document Image
Certified Copy
Acres: 40.07
Metes/Bounds: No
Title Transfer
Issue Date: 8/21/1837
Land Office: Sparta
Cancelled: No
Mineral Reservations: No
Authority: April 24, 1820: Sale-Cash Entry (3 Stat. 566)
Alabama Land Records, Greenville Land Office, Document #49005, Accession/Serial #: AL2200__.345
BLM Serial #: AL NO S/N
Patent Description
Legal Land Description
Document Image
Certified Copy
Acres: 40
Metes/Bounds: No
Title Transfer
Issue Date: 9/20/1839
Land Office: Sparta
Cancelled: No
Mineral Reservations: No
Authority: April 24, 1820: Sale-Cash Entry (3 Stat. 566)
Yates Publishing, U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900 (Provo, UT, USA,
Operations Inc, 2004),, Database online. Source number: 2375.025; Source type:
Family group sheet, FGSE, listed as parents; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code:. Record for Nathan
30, 1850 United States Federal Census (Name: Operations, Inc.; Location:
Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2009;),, Database online. Year: 1850; Census Place: Division
23, Barbour, Alabama; Roll: M432_1; Page: 158A; Image:. Record for Nathan Horn.
Census 1830 lists Nathan, Henry, Isaac Horne in Pike Co., AL, all unmarried
Helen S. Foley, U.S. Census of 1850 for Barbour County, Alabama (240 North Randolph, Eufaula,
Alabama, Helen S. Foley, 1976), p 78
. #724 Farmer
HORN, Nathan
44 m NC
35 f "
13 f Ala
10 f ALA
7 f Ala
4 f Ala
2 m Ala
HEATH, William
5 m Ala.
Copied by Helen S. Foley, U. S. Census of 1860 for Barbour County, Alabama (Name: 240 North
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Tuesday, March 1, 2011 12:53:09 PM
Register Report for Thomas Horn Sr.
Randolph, Eufaula, Alabama 36027;), National Archives and Records Administrations Atlanta, p 98. Euf
#670 Farmer (6000-1700)
67 m Ga.
54 f "
Frances M.
17 f Ala
14 m Ala
Clay (Clayton) #1118 Farmer (400-400)
HORNE, Nathan 54 m NC
44 f NC
14 f Ala
11 m Ala
9 f Ala
6 f Ala
4 f Ala
Copied by Helen S. Foley, U. S. Census of 1860 for Barbour County, Alabama (Name: 240 North
Randolph, Eufaula, Alabama 36027;), National Archives and Records Administrations Atlanta.
U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900 Nathan Horn,
U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900
Nathan Horn
Birth Place:
Birth Year:
Spouse Name:
Margret Carroll
Spouse Birth Year:
Number Pages:
Source Citation: Source number: 2375.025; Source type: Family group sheet, FGSE, listed as
parents; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: .
Source Information:
Yates Publishing. U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900 [database on-line]. Provo, UT,
USA: Operations Inc, 2004.
Original data: This unique collection of records was extracted from a variety of sources including
family group sheets and electronic databases. Originally, the information was derived from an array of
materials including pedigree charts, family history articles, querie.
36, 1860 United States Federal Census (Name: The Generations Network, Inc.; Location:
Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2004;),, Database online. Year: 1860; Census Place: Beat 12,
Barbour, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 621; Image: 624. Record for Nathan Harne.
37 and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1880 United States Federal Census
(Name: The Generations Network, Inc.; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2005;), Database online. Year:
1880; Census Place: Coxs Mill, Barbour, Alabama; Roll: 3; Family History Film: 1254003; Page: 362A;
Enumeration District: 19; Image: 0354. Record for Henry Horn.
38, 1910 United States Federal Census (Name: Operations Inc; Location:
Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2006;),, Database online. Year: 1910; Census Place: Precinct
10, Barbour, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: ; Enumeration District: ; Image:. Record for Henry Horn.
39, 1920 United States Federal Census (Name: Operations Inc; Location:
Page 91 of 97
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Register Report for Thomas Horn Sr.
Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2009;),, Database online. Year: 1920; Census Place: Coxs Mill,
Barbour, Alabama; Roll: T625_3; Page: 13B; Enumeration District: 19; Image:. Record for Henry Horn.
Henry Horn's Family Bible Olds NC Wills, 109-319
Bible Records, Vol. II, Barbour COunty, Alabama; Compiled by Helen S. Foley, 240 North Randolph,
Eufaula, Alabama 36027, Nathan Horn Bible, Owned by Mr. WInfred Horne, Clayton, Ala, p 26-27.
Elizabeth Jane Horn was Maried October 15th 1854
Mary Ann Horn was Married Sept 8 1859
Martha Horn was Married december the 21 1865
Henry Horn and Lucinda Horn his wife was Married June the 21st 1868
T.W. Horn and C.S. Thomas was married 17th 1891
D.T. Horn & M.E. Warr was Married Aug. 10th 1895
John E. Horn and L.C. Thomas was Married June 24th 1896
Elizabeth Jane Horn was Born Nov 11th 1837
Mary Ann Horn was Born Sept 1st 1839
Martha Horn was Born April 24th 1843
Edee Horn was Born November 14th 1845
Henry Horn was Born June 24th 1848
Catharine Horn was Born March 21st 1851
Christian Caroline Horn was Born October 15th 1853
Margaret Horn was Born April 3 1856
Lucinda M. (Mozelle) Horn wife of Henry Horn was Born Nov. the 20 1851
William Henry Horn son of Henry Horn and Lucinda his wife was Born May the 23 1869
Thomas Wesley Horn was Born March the 8th 1871
John Eli Horn was Born June the 12th 1872
Daniel Timothy Horn was Born June the 29th 1874
James Monroe Horn was Born January the 31st 1876
Nathan Walter Horn was Born October the 9th 1877
Ethel Leonora Horn was Born Sept. the 28th1879
Alto Horn was BornFebruary the 4th 1883
Lucinda Horn was Born May the 7th 1889
Infant son of Henry Horn & Lucinda Horn his wife was borned and died Sept. 16th 1891
Infant daughter of Henry Horn & Lucinda Horn his wife was borned and died Sept. 26 1892
Nathan Horn Died July 9 1862
Lucinda Horn Died January 14th 1914
Henry Horn Died February 8th 1932
(Note: Margaret, wife of Nathan Horn, died 1883).
Bible Records, Vol. II, Barbour COunty, Alabama; Compiled by Helen S. Foley, 240 North Randolph,
Eufaula, Alabama 36027, Nathan Horn Bible, Owned by Mr. WInfred Horne, Clayton, Ala, p 26-27.
Elizabeth Jane Horn was Maried October 15th 1854
Mary Ann Horn was Married Sept 8 1859
Martha Horn was Married december the 21 1865
Henry Horn and Lucinda Horn his wife was Married June the 21st 1868
T.W. Horn and C.S. Thomas was married 17th 1891
D.T. Horn & M.E. Warr was Married Aug. 10th 1895
John E. Horn and L.C. Thomas was Married June 24th 1896
Elizabeth Jane Horn was Born Nov 11th 1837
Mary Ann Horn was Born Sept 1st 1839
Martha Horn was Born April 24th 1843
Edee Horn was Born November 14th 1845
Henry Horn was Born June 24th 1848
Catharine Horn was Born March 21st 1851
Christian Caroline Horn was Born October 15th 1853
Margaret Horn was Born April 3 1856
Lucinda M. (Mozelle) Horn wife of Henry Horn was Born Nov. the 20 1851
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Register Report for Thomas Horn Sr.
William Henry Horn son of Henry Horn and Lucinda his wife was Born May the 23 1869
Thomas Wesley Horn was Born March the 8th 1871
John Eli Horn was Born June the 12th 1872
Daniel Timothy Horn was Born June the 29th 1874
James Monroe Horn was Born January the 31st 1876
Nathan Walter Horn was Born October the 9th 1877
Ethel Leonora Horn was Born Sept. the 28th1879
Alto Horn was BornFebruary the 4th 1883
Lucinda Horn was Born May the 7th 1889
Infant son of Henry Horn & Lucinda Horn his wife was borned and died Sept. 16th 1891
Infant daughter of Henry Horn & Lucinda Horn his wife was borned and died Sept. 26 1892
Nathan Horn Died July 9 1862
Lucinda Horn Died January 14th 1914
Henry Horn Died February 8th 1932
(Note: Margaret, wife of Nathan Horn, died 1883).
Bible Records, Vol. II, Barbour COunty, Alabama; Compiled by Helen S. Foley, 240 North Randolph,
Eufaula, Alabama 36027, Nathan Horn Bible, Owned by Mr. WInfred Horne, Clayton, Ala, p 26-27.
Elizabeth Jane Horn was Maried October 15th 1854
Mary Ann Horn was Married Sept 8 1859
Martha Horn was Married december the 21 1865
Henry Horn and Lucinda Horn his wife was Married June the 21st 1868
T.W. Horn and C.S. Thomas was married 17th 1891
D.T. Horn & M.E. Warr was Married Aug. 10th 1895
John E. Horn and L.C. Thomas was Married June 24th 1896
Elizabeth Jane Horn was Born Nov 11th 1837
Mary Ann Horn was Born Sept 1st 1839
Martha Horn was Born April 24th 1843
Edee Horn was Born November 14th 1845
Henry Horn was Born June 24th 1848
Catharine Horn was Born March 21st 1851
Christian Caroline Horn was Born October 15th 1853
Margaret Horn was Born April 3 1856
Lucinda M. (Mozelle) Horn wife of Henry Horn was Born Nov. the 20 1851
William Henry Horn son of Henry Horn and Lucinda his wife was Born May the 23 1869
Thomas Wesley Horn was Born March the 8th 1871
John Eli Horn was Born June the 12th 1872
Daniel Timothy Horn was Born June the 29th 1874
James Monroe Horn was Born January the 31st 1876
Nathan Walter Horn was Born October the 9th 1877
Ethel Leonora Horn was Born Sept. the 28th1879
Alto Horn was BornFebruary the 4th 1883
Lucinda Horn was Born May the 7th 1889
Infant son of Henry Horn & Lucinda Horn his wife was borned and died Sept. 16th 1891
Infant daughter of Henry Horn & Lucinda Horn his wife was borned and died Sept. 26 1892
Nathan Horn Died July 9 1862
Lucinda Horn Died January 14th 1914
Henry Horn Died February 8th 1932
(Note: Margaret, wife of Nathan Horn, died 1883).
1880 Census Cox's Mill Barbour County, Alabama, Family History Centre, Birth Year <1813>
Birthplace NC
Age 67
Occupation At Home
Marital Status W <Widowed>
Race W <White>
Head of Household Edy BEATY
Relation Mother
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Register Report for Thomas Horn Sr.
Father's Birthplace NC
Mother's Birthplace NC
1880 Census Cox's Mill Barbour County, Alabama, Family History Centre, 362B,Family History Library
Film 1254003. Birth Year <1813>
Birthplace NC
Age 67
Occupation At Home
Marital Status W <Widowed>
Race W <White>
Head of Household Edy BEATY
Relation Mother
Father's Birthplace NC
Mother's Birthplace NC
Census Place Coxs Mill, Barbour, Alabama
Family History Library Film 1254003
NA Film Number T9-0003
Page Number 362B
Henry Horn's Family Bible
47 and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1880 United States Federal Census
(Name: The Generations Network, Inc.; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2005;), Database online. Coxs
Mill, Barbour, Alabama, ED 19, roll T9_3, page 362.1000, image 0354. Record for Henry Horn.
Alabama Land Records, Greenville Land Office, Document #49005, Accession/Serial #: AL2090__.115
BLM Serial #: AL NO S/N
Patent Description
Legal Land Description
Document Image
Certified Copy
Patentee: HENRY HORN
Acres: 40.015
Metes/Bounds: No
Issue Date: 4/2/1860
Land Office: Greenville
Cancelled: No
Mineral Reservations: No
Authority: April 24, 1820: Sale-Cash Entry (3 Stat. 566).
Alabama Land Records, Greenville Land Office, Document #49005, Accession/Serial #: AL2090__.115
BLM Serial #: AL NO S/N
Patent Description
Legal Land Description
Document Image
Certified Copy
Patentee: HENRY HORN
Acres: 40.015
Metes/Bounds: No
Title Transfer
Issue Date: 4/2/1860
Land Office: Greenville
Cancelled: No
Mineral Reservations: No
Authority: April 24, 1820: Sale-Cash Entry (3 Stat. 566)
Accession/Serial #: AL2090__.115 BLM Serial #: AL NO S/N
Patent Description
Legal Land Description
Document Image
Certified Copy
Patentee: HENRY HORN
Acres: 40.015
Metes/Bounds: No
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Register Report for Thomas Horn Sr.
Title Transfer
Issue Date: 4/2/1860
Land Office: Greenville
Cancelled: No
Mineral Reservations: No
Authority: April 24, 1820: Sale-Cash Entry (3 Stat. 566)
50, Alabama Marriage Collection, 1800-1969 (Name: The Generations Network, Inc.; Location:
Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2006;),, Database online. Record for Henry Horn.
51, 1850 United States Federal Census (Name: Operations, Inc.; Location:
Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2009;),, Database online. Year: 1850; Census Place: Division
23, Barbour, Alabama; Roll: M432_1; Page: 158A; Image:. Record for Henry Horn.
Henry Horn's Family Bible Henshaw's: Early Settlers of America 1600 [54-216-242-290-309]
53, 1900 United States Federal Census (Name: The Generations Network, Inc.; Location:
Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2004;),, Database online. Year: 1900; Census Place: Cox Mills,
Barbour, Alabama; Roll: T623_2; Page: 15A; Enumeration District: 18. Record for Thomas W Horn.
54 and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1880 United States Federal Census
(Name: The Generations Network, Inc.; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2005;), Database online. Year:
1880; Census Place: Coxs Mill, Barbour, Alabama; Roll: 3; Family History Film: 1254003; Page: 362A;
Enumeration District: 19; Image: 0354. Record for Thomas W Horn.
Compiled by Helen Sylvester Foley, 1860 Marriage Records Barbour County, Alabama, National
Archives Georgia, Hapeville, Georgia, 124. Horn, Henry, and Lucinda M. Baker, issued 18 June 1868,
return not recorded.
56 Alabama Marriage Collection, 1800-1969.
57, 1910 United States Federal Census (Name: Operations Inc; Location:
Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2006;),, Database online. Year: 1910; Census Place: Precinct
10, Barbour, Alabama; Roll: T624_2; Page: 16B; Enumeration District: 19; Image: 193. Record for Lola P
58, 1920 United States Federal Census (Name: Operations Inc; Location:
Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2009;),, Database online. Year: 1920; Census Place: Josie,
Pike, Alabama; Roll: T625_38; Page: 15B; Enumeration District: 156; Image: 1130. Record for Lola P Mc
59, 1900 United States Federal Census (Name: The Generations Network, Inc.; Location:
Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2004;),, Database online. Year: 1900; Census Place: Cox Mills,
Barbour, Alabama; Roll: T623_2; Page: 15A; Enumeration District: 18. Record for Pearl L Horn.
60, Alabama Marriage Collection, 1800-1969 (Name: Dodd, Jordan R., et. al.; Location:
Bountiful, UT; Date: 2006;),
1930 Census of Pike County, Alabama, 1930 Census, Alabama, Troy City, Pike County, Ward of City, 2.
Orange Street, Lines 81-84. McKee, W. Gary, Head, property value $4000., Radio, 40, born Alabama,
father born Georgia, mother born Alabama, Farmer. Lola P, Wife, Housekeeping, 34, born Alabama,
father and mother born Alabama. Louise, Daughter, 13, born Alabama, father and mother born
Alabama. Tommie M., Daughter, 10, born Alabama, father and mother born Alabama.
Tommie McKee Puckett
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Register Report for Thomas Horn Sr.
Tommie McKee Puckett
64, 1930 United States Federal Census (Name: The Generations Network, Inc.; Location:
Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2002;),, Database online. Troy, Pike, Alabama, ED 3, roll 46,
page , image 717.0. Record for W Gary McKee.
Tommie McKee Puckett.
Tommie McKee Puckett, 9/10 05.
Rogers, Alpha and Edna, Ancestors and Descendants of Rev. William S. Rogers and Mary Edna Gary
Rogers, 1642-1950 (Name: 1952; 1959;), My House, 93.
1900 Soundex Index to Census, Pike County, Alabama, 1900 Census Index, Vol. 51, Pike County, Al.,
C.D. 136, Sheet 15, Line 61., McKee, Charles W., W, May 1857, 43, Birth Place Georgia, Pike County,
Oct 12 Josie.
McKee, Ada, W, Wife, b. Dec 1860, age 34, b. Alabama
Eunice, Daughter, b. Sept 1888, age 11, b. Alabama
Gary, Son, b. Nov 1889, age 10, b. Alabama
Eugene, Son, b. Aug 1893, age 6, b. Alabama.
69, 1900 United States Federal Census (Name: The Generations Network, Inc.; Location:
Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2004;),, Database online. Josie, Pike, Alabama, ED , roll ,
page. Record for Charles W McKee.
1900 Census of Pike County, Alabama (Name: Josie Precinct (no. 12), enumerated 25th, 26th, 27th June
1900;), McKee, Charles W., W, May 1857, 43, Birth Place Georgia, Pike County, Oct 12 Josie.
McKee, Ada, W, Wife, b. Dec 1860, age 34, b. Alabama
Eunice, Daughter, b. Sept 1888, age 11, b. Alabama
Gary, Son, b. Nov 1889, age 10, b. Alabama
Eugene, Son, b. Aug 1893, age 6, b. Alabama
2-1900 Census of Pike County, Alabama. Josie Precinct (no. 12), enumerated 25th, 26th, 27th June
McKee, Charles W., Head, White, Male, b. May 1857, age 43, married 13 years, b. Georgia, father b.
Georgia, mother born Georgia, Farmer, Owned Home, Owned Farm.
Ada, wife, W, F, b. Dec 1860, 39 years, married 13 years, mother of 4 children, 3 children living, b.
Alabama, father b. Georgia, mother b. Georgia.
Eunice, Daughter, W, F, b. Sept 1888, 11 years,b. Alabama, father b. Georgia, mother b. Alabama
Gary, So, W, M, Nov 1889, 10 years, Single, b. Alabama, father b. Georgia, mother b. Alabama
Eugene, Son, W, M, Aug 1893, 6 years, Single, b. Alabama, father b. Georgia, mother b. Alabama.
Melba Louise McKee.
Louise McKee Birth Certificate, Pike County, Alabama, County Health Department, Troy, Alabama.
William Edward Lovett.
Linda Lovett Young.
Bernardine Smith Thomas, 9/10/05.
Tommie McKee Puckett, 9/10/05.
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Register Report for Thomas Horn Sr.
Birth Certificate.
Marriage Certificate, Bibb County, Alabama.
Newspaper Article.
Norman People and Their Existing Descendants in the British Dominions and the United States of
America (Name: London, 1874, Genealogical Publishing Company, Inc., 1975; 1989; 1999.;), My Library,
452. YOUNG. William Juven or Juvenis, and Robert, Normandy 1180-95 (MRS); Hubert Jouvin, 1198
(Ib.); Adam, Gilbert, &c. Juvenis, Engl. c. 1272. Hence the Baronets Young and Lords Lisgar.
Prepared By:
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