6:00pm i. - Maquoketa Community School District
6:00pm i. - Maquoketa Community School District
MAQUOKETA COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, MAY 9, 2016 PLACE: CENTRAL OFFICE TIME: 6:00PM I. II. Ill. IV. V. VI. VII. Vlll. IX. X. ROLLCALL CONSENT AGENDA A. APPROVAL OF AGENDA B. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING(S) C. REG!STRATIONS, REIMBURSEMENTS AND SELECTED ACCOUNTS PAYABLE D. REVIEW OF FINANCIAL REPORTS E. RESIGNATIONS: I. BRIGGS MUSIC/5 m GRADE BAND INSTRUCTOR 2. MIDDLE SCHOOL PHYSICAL EDUCATION TEACHER, HEAD VARSITY BOYS TRACK COACH, 7TH GRADE FOOTBALL COACH, AND MIDDLE SCHOOL WRESTLING COACH 3. CAR/SUBUR13AN DRIVER 4. MIDDLE SCHOOL SPECIAL EDUCATION INSTRUCTOR 5. OTHER [IF ANY] F. RECOMMENDATION TO HIRE: I. HIGH SCHOOL SCIENCE INSTRUCTOR 2. HIGH SCI-lOOL MATH INSTRUCTOR 3. DECAT AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAM INSTRUCTOR 4. HEAD FRESHMAN SOFTBALL COACH 5. SPRING MUSICAL SET 6. CUSTODIAN 7. TLCDATACOACH 8. MIDDLE SCHOOL PE INSTRUCTOR 9. MIDDLE SCHOOL SPECIAL EDUCATION TEACHER 10. OTHER [IF ANY] G. SPRING MUSICAL STIPENDS I. TEACHER CONTRACT AMENDMENT J. RENEWAL OF WVENILE COURT LIAISON AGREEMEMT RECEPTION OF VISITORS AND INFORMAL COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC BOARD COMMENTS GENERAL BUSINESS OF THE BOARD A. BUSINESS AFFAIRS I. HALL OF FAME 2. MIDDLE SCHOOL CROSS COUNTRY 3. REVIEW AND POSSIBLE APPROVAL OF STORAGE SHED BIDS 4. CONSIDERATION AND BOARD APPROVAL OF AUDIT RFP 5. APPROVAL OF GRADUATING CLASS OF 2016 B. PERSONNEL I. CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION REGARDING 2016-17 & 2017-18 CONTRACT: SEIU, LOCAL 199- CUSTODIANS 2. CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION REGARDING2016-17 & 2017-18 CONTRACT: SE!U, LOCAL 199- BUS DRIVERS 3. AUTHORIZATION FOR EXTENDING PERSONNEL CONTRACTS C. POLICY AND INSTRUCTION I. HIGH SCHOOL SUMMER- CREDIT RECOVERY PROGRAM 2. CARDINAL SUMMER SCHOOL GOOD NEWS: ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS SPOTL!Gl-IT ON EDUCATION A. PRESENTATION AND DISCUSSION OF HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT ACillEVEMENT GOALS AND BUILDING INITIATIVE MAPS LEGISLATIVE UPDATE MII<E HAYWARD- LEGISLATIVE ACTION NETWORK REPRESENTATIVE I. SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT I. REGISTRATIONDATES 2. STAFF RECOGNITION -MAY 25'h -8:15 AMATTHE MIDDLE SCHOOL 3. HIGH SCHOOLAWARDSASSEMBLY -MAY l8,2016-9:00AM 4. RETIREMENT PARTY- SUE GOODALL-MAY 9TH FROM 6:30-8:00 PM 5. SPECIAL BOARD MEETING Week of MAY 16 (morning or lunch?) 6. SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT ADJOURNMENT A joint board meeting with Delwood will be held on Monday, June 13, 2016@ 5: I5 pm at the Central Office in Maquoketa. The next regular Maquoketa Board meeting will be on Monday, June 13, 2016 at 6:00pm. [AI] I. ROLLCALL II. CONSENT AGENDA A. APPROVAL OF AGENDA B. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING HELD ON APRIL 11, 2016. C. REGISTRATIONS, REIMBURSEMENTS AND SELECTED ACCOUNTS PAYABLE a. Enclosed is a list of bills being presented for approval at the May 9, 2016 meeting. D. REVIEW OF FINANCIAL REPORTS A. ACCOUNT BALANCE B. COMBINED STATEMENT & BUDGET RECAP C. REVENUEREPORT D. GENERAL FUND AND NON-BUDGETED EXPENDITURE REPORT ACTIVITY FUND REPORT E. F. NUTITION FUND REPORT E. RESIGNATIONS: 1. BRIGGS MUSIC I 5TH GRADE BAND INSTRUCTOR The district has received the resignation of Angela Ruley as the Briggs Music and grade Band Instructor effective at the end of the 2015-16 school year. 2. s•• MIDDLE SCHOOL PHYSICAL EDUCATION TEACHER, HEAD VARSITY BOYS TRACK COACH, 7TH GRADE FOOTBALL COACH, AND MIDDLE SCHOOL WRESTLING COACH The district has received the resignation of Nick Hirsch as the Middle School Physical Education Instructor, Head Varsity Track, 7 1• Grade Football and Middle School Wrestling Coach effective at the end of the 2015-16 school year. 3. CAR/SUBURBAN DRIVER The district has received the resignation of Virgil Hansen as a Car/Suburban Driver effective at the end of the 2015-16 school year. 4. MIDDLE SCHOOL SPECIAL EDUCATION INSTRUCTOR The district has received the resignation of Chelsea Tyrrel as a Middle School Special Edncation Instructor at the end of the 2015-16 school year. 5. F. OTHER [IF ANY] RECOMMENDATION TO HIRE: 1. HIGH SCHOOL SCIENCE INSTRUCTOR High School Principal, Mark Vervaecke, is recommending the hiring of Hannah Koerperich as the High School Science Instructor for the 2016-17 school year. Ms. Koerperi ch will be paid at a BA, Step 1 on the 2016-17 Master Contract Salary Schedule pending BOEE licensure. Additionally, she will be paid a stipend of $2,000 per year for the first three years. F. RECOMMENDATION TO HIRE, CONTINUED: 2. HIGH SCHOOL MATH INSTRUCTOR High School Principal, Mark Vervaecke, is recommending the hiring of Maureen Stoss as the High School Math Instructor for the 2016-17 school year. Ms. Stoss will be paid at a MA, Step 12 on the 2016-17 Master Contract Salary Schedule pending the outcome of the criminal background check. 3. DECAT AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAM INSTRUCTOR Middle School Principal, Christine Snell, is recommending the hiring of the DECAT After School Program Instructor. a. 4. Shauna Ferguson-Literacy: 10 hours of Literacy instruction x $30/hr. = $300.00 2 hours of prep time x $20/hr. = $40.00 HEAD FRESHMAN SOFTBALL COACH Activity Director, Tom Gruenwald, is recommending the hiring of Nicole Snyder as the Head Freshman Softball Coach for the 2016 season. Ms. Snyder will be paid at Level III; Year I, $2,463.21 pending BOEE licensure. 5. SPRING MUSICAL SET Activity Director, Tom Gruenwald, is recommending the hiring of Tom Yearwood for the 2016 Spring Musical Set. Mr. Yearwood will be paid $600.00 for a one-year contract. 6. CUSTODIAN Operation Supervisor, Mike Wing, is recommending the hiring of Jeremy Machael as the High School Night Custodian for 8 hours per day with no change in hourly wage effective May 9, 2016. 7. TLC DATA COACH Cardinal Principal, Sherri Walker, is recommending the hiring of Cari Klemme as a TLC Data Coach for 2016-17 at a stipend of$1,000.00. 8. MIDDLE SCHOOL PE INSTRUCTOR Middle School Principal, Christine Snell, is recommending the re-assignment of Marty Marshall as the Middle School PE Instructor for the 2016-17 school year. Mr. Marshall's salary will not change due to cbange in assignment. 9. MIDDLE SCHOOL SPECIAL EDUCATION TEACHER Middle School Principal, Christine Snell, is recommending the hiring of Megan Loes as the Middle School Special Education Teacher for the 2016-17 school year. Ms. Loes will be paid at a BA, Step I on the 2016-17 Master Contract Salary Schedule pending BOEE certification. 10. OTHER [IF ANY] G. MUSICAL STIPENDS Joel Hagen, Musical Director/Producer, has requested the following musical stipends be distributed as per Level VI of the Supplemental Salary Schedule: Kent Crawford Joel Hagen $ 600.00 (Instrumental Music Director) $600.00 (Vocal Music Director) The musical, "Annie", was performed on April 15'" and 16'" at the Ohnward Fine Arts CenterKopel Theater. I. NURSE/TEACHER CONTRACT AMENDMENT High School Principal, Mark Vervaecke, is requesting to amend the nurse I teacher contract for Sarah Pape for the 2015-16 school year as she is teaching CNA courses. This amendment will add a teaching contract at .17 FTE at BA, Step I at a salary of$5,273.03. Ms. Pape's nursing contract will in turn move to .83 FTE reducing her salary by $4,550.56. This amendment results in a net salary addition of $722.4 7. J. RENEWAL OF JUVENILE COURT LIAISON AGREEMENT The district has received the 5-year contract renewal from the Seventh Judicial District Office for the Juvenile Liaison position. The school district funds 50% of the position and the Juvenile Jusrice Grant Program funds 50%. Recommendation: Approve items in the consent agenda as presented. Motion required to approve the consent agenda. [DI] III. RECEPTION OF VISITORS AND COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC IV. BOARD COMMENTS: V. GENERAL BUSINESS OF THE BOARD A. BUSINESS AFFAIRS 1. HALL OF FAME Activity Director, Tom Gruenwald, will be at the meeting to discuss the Hall of Fame. [DI] 2. MIDDLE SCHOOL CROSS COUNTRY Activity Director, Tom Gruenwald, will be at the meeting to discuss Middle School Cross Country. V. [AI] GENERAL BUSINESS OF THE BOARD A. BUSINESS AFFAIRS 3. REVIEW AND POSSIBLE APPROVAL OF SALE OF STORAGE SHED BIDS Bids were solicited for the CardinalS x 12 storage shed and Sacred Heart 14 x 14 building. Cardinal Storage Shed Ballin Construction $50.00 $40.00 Larry Stanton Scott Hansen $105.00 Sacred Heart Building Ballin Construction Scott Hansen $150.00 $385 Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board approve both bids from Scott Hansen for the Cardinal Storage Shed and Sacred Heart Building. Motion Required. [AI] 4. CONSIDERATION AND BOARD APPROVAL OF AUDIT RFP The district received two proposals for audit services. Enclosed is the proposal for the Board's review. Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board of Directors approve the three-year audit agreement with Nolte, Cornman & Johnson, PC as submitted and presented. Motion Needed. [AI] 5. APPROVAL OF THE CLASS OF 2016 The list of seniors representing the Class of2016 is presented for approval by the Board of Directors. This list will be amended if there are any seniors who DO NOT complete the district requirements for graduation. Graduation is scheduled for May 22, 2016 at 2:00pm at the High School Gym. Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board of Directors approve the Graduating Class list of 2016 pending completion of all graduation requirements by the Maquoketa Community School District as outlined by board policy. Motion Needed. V. [AI] GENERAL BUSINESS OF THE BOARD B. PERSONNEL 1. CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION REGARDING 2016-17 & 2017-18 CONTRACT: SEIU, LOCAL 199- CUSTODIANS A two-year contract is being proposed between the School District and the Service Employees International Union, Local 199-Custodians. The contract would be in effect for the 2016-2017 and 20172018 school years. Terms of the proposal include: APPENDIX A: Wage: 2016-2017: 35-cent per hour wage increase on each step of the wage schedule Hire: After 180 Days: 2-3 Years: 4yrs & Above: $14.20/hr $14. 70/hr $15 .30/hr $15 .60/hr 2017-2018: 25-cent per hour wage increase on each step of the wage schedule Hire: After 180 Days: 2-3 Years: 4yrs & Above: $14.45/hr $14.95/hr $15.55/hr $15.85/hr Article 9- Leaves: 9.1-Sick Leave All employees will be eligible for fifteen (15) regular workdays of sick leave per year accumulative to a maximum of~ 150 days. (Remaining language unchanged ... ) 9.2 - Family Illness Leave Employees receiving family illness currently shall be granted eight (8) ten (10) days each year offarnily illness leave. Such leave shall be deducted from personal sick leave. (Remaining language unchanged ... ) Article 13- Health and Major Medical Insurance: 13.1 -Health and Major MedicalFor all personnel hired prior to July 1, 2005 working 35 hours or more per week, the Board of Education shall provide full health and major medical insurance coverage (single policy) or pay 91% of the family coverage. The employee will pay 9% of the family policy and may elect to do so on a preta'X basis under the district's Section 125 Plan. (Remaining language unchanged ... ) 13.3- Life Insurance Each employee, working 20 hours or more per week, shall be covered by a term life insurance program paid for by the Board that provides a minimum death benefit of $15,000. Selection of carrier shall be a matter of Board discretion. All other settlement conditions to remain status quo. Recommendation: lt is recommended that the Board of Directors approve the agreement with the Service Employees International Union, Local !99- Custodians for the 2016-2017 and 2017-2018 contracts as presented. Motion Required. V. [AI] GENERAL BUSINESS OF THE BOARD B. PERSONNEL 2. CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION REGARDING 2016-17 CONTRACT: SEIU, LOCAL 199- BUS DRIVERS A two-year contract is being proposed between the school district and the Service Employees International Union, Local199- Bus Drivers. If approved, the contract would be in effect for the 2016-2017 and 2017-2018 school years. Articles not addressed in this Tentative Agreement shall remain as currently written. The contract between the Maquoketa Community School District Board of Directors and the SEIU 199 Bus Drivers Union shall be modified as follows: ARTICLE V: COMPENSATION/WAGES/INSURANCE 5.1- WAGES ***Year One- 2016-2017 Mid-Day Preschool and Special Education Route increase $0.50 per hour Drivers hired prior to June 30, 2006: Regular Route increase $0.50 per hour Activity Trip increase $0.25 per hour Activity Trip, where by individual takes the trip in lieu of driving the regular route: $0.25 Drivers hired after July 1. 2006 Regular Route increase $0.50 per hour Activity Trip increase $0.25 per hour ***Year Two- 2017-2018 Mid-Day Preschool and Special Education Route increase $0.45 per hour Drivers hired prior to June 30.2006: Regular Route increase $0A5 per hour Activity Trip-no change Activity Trip, where by individual takes the trip in lieu of driving the regular route: no change Drivers hired after July 1. 2006 Regalar Route increase $0A5 per hour Activity Trip increase-no change 5.6 LONG TERM DISABILITY Bus Drivers whose regular route is~ 20 hours a week or more shall be covered by long-term disability insurance (activity trips wages are excluded). Selection of carrier shall be a matter of discretion. Board 5.10 -LIFE INSURANCE Each employee working 20 hours or more per week shall be covered by a term life insurance program paid for by the Board that provides a minimum death benefit of $15,000. Selection of carrier shall be a matter of Board discretion. 5.11- HEALTH INSURANCE The Board of Directors shall provide folly paid famll;jc single health insurance only for contracted drivers working more than 35 hours per week. The employee will be allowed to purchase family insurance at his or her own expense. [AI] 2. CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION REGARDING 2016-17 CONTRACT: SEIU, LOCAL 199- BUS DRIVERS, CONTINUED ARTICLE VI: LEAVES/ABSENCES 6.1-Sick Leave All employees will be eligible for fifteen (15) regular workdays of sick leave per year accumulative to a maximum of~ 150 days. (Remaining language unchanged ... ) 6.3 - FUNERAL LEAVE: Funeral leave offive (5) days, non-cumulative, shall be granted to personnel in case of the death of a member of one's immediate family or immediate household, and one (1) day's absence shall be granted in the case of a death of other relatives or close friends. Immediate family is defined as: spouse, child, brother or sister, step relatives, parents, son- or daughter-in-law, parent-in-law, sister- or brother-in-law, maternal and paternal grandparents, or grandchildren, and any other member of the immediate household. Ua to tltFee days will be graated fer aarent in law, sister or brother iu law, materaal aad paternal grandparents. step relath·es and ether member of the immediate household, IHIJ' ARTICLE X: COMPLIANCE AND DURATION 1"0.2 -_DurationThis Agreement shall be effective from July 1, 2016, and continue in full force and effect until June 30, 2018 provided, however, that this Agreement shall continue in effect for like periods thereafter unless either party gives the other party written notice of its desire to terminate or modify this Agreement. Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board of Directors approve the agreement with the Service Employees International Union, Local 199- Bus Drivers for the 2016-2017 and 2017-2018 contracts as presented. Motion Needed. [AI] 3. AUTHORIZATION FOR EXTENDING PERSONNEL CONTRACTS For the remainder of the 2015-16 and 2016-17 school year (May 9 through September 12) the Board Directors may want to consider extending to the Superintendent the authority to extend contracts on behalf of the Board. There me times when it may be important that the district move ahead with hiring as timing can become a critical factor. Every attempt will be made to keep directors informed and updated regarding all personnel matters. If the Board is not comfortable in extending this authorization, we will most likely need to hold special meetings to take action on personnel matters. Recommendation: This decision is at the Board's discretion. Motion Needed. V. [AI] GENERAL BUSINESS OF THE BOARD C. POLICY AND INSTRUCTION 1. HIGH SCHOOL SUMMER- CREDIT RECOVERY PROGRAM Board authorization is sought to proceed with the 2016 High School Summer School/ Credit Recovery Program. The dates will be determined at a later time. Summer School is offered through web-based courses from e2020 online services. Each session will provide 40 hours of instruction and support. The program will be able to accommodate 12 students per session. Entry into the program is determined by the School Counselor and Building Principal. The cost for the program is as follows: $20 per hour x 40 hours per week x 2 weeks $1,600 (plus IPERS I FICA I ETC) Summer school will be for 2 weeks and money is coming from remaining building funds of high school. Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board approve the High School Summer Credit Recovery Program as presented. Motion Required. 2. [AI] CARDINAL SUMMER SCHOOL Board authorization is sought to proceed with a Cardinal Summer School program. A summary is enclosed with the specific details of the program. Funding to come from the DCAT Grant (morning) and Community Foundation Grant (afternoon). Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board approve the Cardinal Summer School program as presented. Motion Required. VI. GOOD NEWS: ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS 1. 2. VII. ADMINISTRATORS REPORTS FACTS ABOUT IOWA PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARDS - May is School Board Appreciation Month - Thank you Board of Directors for your countless hours of volunteer service! SPOTLIGHT ON EDUCATION A. PRESENTATION AND DISCUSSION OF MAQUOKETA HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT GOALS AND INITIATIVE MAPS This meeting will be the final in a series of opportunities the Board will have to visit about the grade level, team, or department goals established by the staff at the High School for the 2015-2016 school year. High School Principal, Mark Vervaecke, will provide a brief overview of the work in progress. VIII. LEGISLATIVE UPDATE 1. IX. X. MIKE HAYWARD -LEGISLATIVE ACTION NETWORK REPRESENTATIVE SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT 1. REGISTRATION DATES 2016-17: - Dates for 2016-17 registration - August 8 & 9 from II :00 AM-7:00PM - Registration for all students will take place at the Maquoketa High School -District will offer a new on-line paperless registration option this year that doesn't require parents to come to the school. 2. STAFF RECOGNITION- MAY 25'h -8:15AM AT THE MIDDLE SCHOOL 3. HIGH SCHOOL AWARDS ASSEMBLY- MAY 18, 2016 The annual High School Awards Assembly will be held in the gymnasium at 9:00AM on May 18, 20!6. 4. RETIREMENT PARTY- SUE GOODALL-MAY 9TH FROM 6:30-8:00 PM 5. SPECIAL BOARD MEETING Week of MAY 16 (moming or lunch?) 6. SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT ADJOURNMENT A joint board meeting with Delwood will be held on Monday, June 13, 2016@ 5:15pm at the Central Office in Maquoketa. The next regular Maquoketa Board meeting will be on Monday, June 13,2016 at 6:00pm. MAQUOKETA COMMUNITY SCHOOLS BOARD OF EDUCATION REGULAR MEETING & BUDGET WORKSHOP MONDAY, APRIL 11,2016 President Tabor called the regular meeting to order on Monday, March 14, 2016 at 6:00p.m. at the Central Office. Directors Sybesma, Roeder, Tabor, and Hayward were present. Director Carson was absent. Supt. Hoover, Board Secretary Haxmeier were present. M. Vervaecke, K. Bowman, C. Snell, P. Bollman, S. Walker, D. Cogan, J. Schmidt, M. Wing were present. Kelly Gerlach of Maquoketa Sentinel Press and Theresa ofKMAQ represented the press. Cari Klemme of the MEA was in attendance. MOTION #085-15/16: At 6:00p.m. M/Hayward, 2"d/Roeder to open the public hearing regarding the proposed 2016-17 school budget. 4 ayes, 0 nays, motion carried. MOTION #086-15/16: Hearing no public comments at 6:04p.m. a M/Sybesma, 2"d/Hayward to close the public hearing regarding the proposed 2016-17 school budget. 4 ayes, 0 nays motion carried. MOTION #087-15116: M/Roeder, 2"d/Sybesma to approve the following consent agenda as amended to include additional invoices, and recommendations to hire: 4 ayes, 0 nays motion carried. Agenda- Approved as published. Minutes- Approved the minutes of the regular meeting held on March 21, 2016 as presented. Registrations, Reimbmsements & Selected Accounts Payable - Approved as presented, to include a page of additional invoices, totaling $442,718.15. Financial Reports- The following reports for period ending March 31, 2016 were reviewed: Account Balances, Combined Statement of Revenues and Expenditmes, Revenue Report, Activity Fund, Nutrition Fund Report and Quarterly Investment Report. Resignations/Retirements- Approved the following retirements: • Kathy Miller as Cardinal First Grade Teacher at the end of the 2015-16 school year. Recommendations to Hire (all pending outcome of criminal background check & BOEE licensme) • Andrea Boeve as Elementary School Social Worker for the 2016-17 school year at a rate of 30,000 per year plus a one-time sign on bonus of $2,000 along with a $2,000 pay incentive stipend upon completion of one year of service. • Emily Wallace as High School Spanish Teacher for the 2016-17 school year at a rate ofBA, Step 1 per the 2016-17 Master Contract plus a retention stipend of $2,000 per year for the first three years. • Emily Wallace as Spanish Club Advisor at a rate of Level 5; Year 1 per the 2016-17 Master Contract. • Mark Lippens as Briggs custodian with a start date to be determined and no change in hourly wage. • Lance Richardson as Sophomore Baseball Coach for the 2016 season at a rate ofLevel3; Year 5. Page 1 of3 RegMtg4-ll-2016 • Mackenzie Kelly as Varsity Cross Cotmtry Coach at a rate of Level 2, Year 1 per the 2016-17 Master Contract. Reguest to Attend Out of State Ftmction • Mackenzia Kelly requesting approval for Physics students to attend the Physics Day at Six Flags Great America in Gurnee, IL on April 28 1h. • Mindy Orris of Club Hope requesting approval for a grou~ of Club Hope students to attend the We Day in Chicago, IL on April 28 1 • Reception of Visitors and Informal Comments from the Public- None. Spotlight on Education Middle School Principal Snell presented to the Board on the progress of their building goals including the Math, Literacy, and Science PLC's along with behavioral expectations and grading practices. Good News Administrative Reports Good News Administrative Reports were reviewed as presented with nothing additional to add. Board Comments: None. General Business of the Board MOTION #088-15/16: M/Hayward, 2"d/Sybesma to adopt the 2016-17 school budget and levy rates as presented in the adopted cohmm below. The adopted levy rate for the 2016-17 school budget is $12.07963 resulting in a levy decrease of $1.00035. 4 ayes, motion carried. (Actual) (Adopted) VotedPPEL Board PPEL Management Fund Debt Service General Fund TOTAL $Change FY 2016 0.67 0.33 1.96849 0.00 10.11149 13.07998 FY 2017 0.67 0.33 .93764 0.00 10.14199 12.07963 [-$1.00035] MOTION #089-15/16: M/Hayward, 2nd/Roeder to approve the purchase and accept the bid for 2017 IC CE with air breaks from Hoghmd Bus Co., Marshalltown, IA in the amom1t of$81,529.00 less $1,500 trade allowance from 1999 Blue Bird for a total of $80,029.00. 4 ayes, motion carried. MOTION #090-15/16: M/Sybesma, 2"d/Roeder to ratify the 2016-17 MEA Master Contract as presented. The changes include the following: The group agreed that the Teacher Leader and Compensation Memorandtilll of Understanding (MOU) as written should be added to the contract since it was a collaborative effort by teachers and administrators and will not be put through the IBB process. futlill:y: 2016-2017 Contract: Increase Base Salary on SCHEDULE A by $425 to $28,425 and supplemental base to $27,794. Negotiations are based on Page 2 of3 Reg Mtg 4-11-2016 Regular tab only for a total package of 3.61 %. For overall MEA package cost of $289,928 representing a 3.59% total package. Work outside of contract was changed from $100/day to $20/hour. Hours and Load: The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) from previous year contract will be added to read: "Elementary classroom teachers will have a minimum of 40 consecutive minutes of preparation time per day". Add Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to allow PLC's to be held during prep time once per week, not to exceed 60 minutes. Alternative times and/or creative scheduling will be explored before the 2017-18 calendar is complete. Evaluation: Article 13, section VI, #1 delete standard 8 is excluded. Supplemental Pay/Appendix B: Head bowling coach and HOSA moved to Level III on supplemental salary schedule. Health and Major Medical: Drop the employee contribution to the drug deductible and subsequent reimbursement. Employees will contribute 9% of their family insurance premiums up from 7%. Legislative Update: It was noted there are many bills still pending, however, 2.25% SSA was signed into law. Superintendents Report: Reviewed as presented in the Board Packet. Nothing additional to add. The next regular meeting of the Board will be Monday, May 9, 2016 at 6 p.m. at Central Office. President Tabor adjourned the meeting at 7:05p.m. The Board moved into exempt session to discuss negotiation strategy. Brian Tabor, President Kristy Haxmeier, Secretary Page 3 of3 Reg Mtg4-11-2016 Maquoketa CSD Detail Check Register Posted; Check Date 10 Records Selected; Processing Month 05/2016, 04/2016 05/06/20161:07 PM Checking Account: 1 Check Number. 89633 GENERAL CHECKING ACCOUNT Check Date: 04/14/2016 Check Type: Check Invoice Number 1nvoice APR 2016 04/14/2016 Check Number: 89635 Date Check Type: Check Invoice Number Invoice Date MARCH 2016 04/19/2016 Check Number: 89636 PO Number Check Type: Check Invoice Number Invoice Date 47092648 0410212016 Check Number: 89637 PO Number PO Number Check Type: Check Vendor: EMPLOYERSM EMPLOYERS MODERN LIFE Detail Descrigtion Chart of Account Number APR LIFE INS/ V HUFFMAN 10 2009 1000 100 0000 213 Check Date: 04/19/2016 Vendor: ARAMAR ARAMARKINC Detail Descrigtion Chart of Account Number MARCH 2016 MOPS/TOWELS 10 0000 2600 000 0000 423 Check Date: 04/1912016 Vendor: BPAMOC BP/AMOCO Detail Descrigtion Chart of Account Number MARCH GAS CHARGES 10 0000 2700 000 0000 626 Check Date: 04/19/2016 Vendor. AMAZONCOM AMAZON. COM Page: 1 User ID: SRR Check Total: 2.70 Check Total: 344.10 Check Total: 247.89 Check Total: 270927235156 & 02/21/2016 SUPPLIES 10 19091000 100 0000 618 52.27 270927235156 & 02/21/2016 NURSE SUPPLIES 10 1909 2134 000 0000 618 52.84 Check Number. 89638 Check Type: Check Invoice Number Invoice Date 3-23-16 03/23/2016 Check Number: 89693 Check Type: Check Invoice Number Invoice Date MARIAPR'16 MARIAPR'16 03/31/2016 03/31/2016 Check Number: 89694 Invoice Date 86727 04115/2016 Invoice Date 12790 04/26/2016 PO Number Check Type: Check Invoice Number Invoice Date 763526 04/1212016 Check Number: 89697 PO Number Check Type: Check Invoice Number Check Number: 89696 PO Number Check Type: Check Invoice Number Check Number: 89695 PO Number PO Number Check Type: Check Invoice Number Invoice Date PO Number Check Date: 04/19/2016 Chart of Account Number Vendor: OHNWARDFIN OHNWARD FINE ARTS CENTER (COPR) Detail DescriQtion Chart of Account Number 3-23-15 ADMISSIONS/ PLAY 1019091000 100 8900 618 Check Date: 05/05/2016 Vendor: WALMAR WAL MART COMMUNITY BRC Detail DescriQtion Chart of Account Number SUPPLIES SCIENCE SUPPLIES 22317 10 19091000 100 0000 612 10 20091000 113 0000 612 Check Date: 05/06/2016 Vendor: ADVANCEDBU ADVANCED BUSINESS SYSTEMS INC Detail DescriQtion Chart of Account Number INK CARTRIDGE/POSTAGE MACHINE 10 0000 2520 000 0000 618 Check Date: 05/06/2016 Vendor: AMERICANBU AMERICAN BUS VIDEO INC Detail Descrigtion Chart of Account Number 4 DIGITAL DVR'S 25066 10 0000 2700 000 0000 739 Check Date: 05106/2016 Vendor: AMERICANTI AMERICAN TIME & SIGNAL CO Detail DescriQtion Chart of Account Number 5 CLOCKS 10 0000 2600 000 0000 680 Check Date: 05/06/2016 Vendor: BARRON Detail DescriQtion BARRON MOTOR SUPPLY (CORP) Chart of Account Number Check Total: 240.00 Check Total: 50.91 66.05 Check Total: 164.50 Check Total: 1,235.00 Check Total: 708.23 Detail Amount 708.23 Check Total: 16.46 Detail Amount BULBS 10 0000 2700 000 0000 673 5.10 10 0000 2600 000 0000 680 7.12 335850 04/27/2016 PARTS 10 0000 2600 000 0000 680 4.24 BELLEVUE COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT 1,235.00 Detail Amount PARTS BELLEV4 164.50 Detail Amount 04/15/2016 Vendor: 116.96 Detail Amount 04/04/2016 Check Date: 05/0612016 240.00 Detail Amount 334728 Check Type: Check 105.11 Detail Amount 335303 Check Number: 89698 247.89 Detail Amount Invoice Date Detail Descri[2tion 344.10 Detail Amount Invoice Number PO Number 2.70 Detail Amount Check Total: 9,549.00 I Maquoketa CSD 05/06/2016 1 :07 PM Checking Account: 1 Invoice Number Invoice Date FY16 QTR4 O.E. 04/15/2016 Check Number: 89699 lo:v:oice Number MAR/APR 2016 MAR/APR 2016 Page:2 User ID: SRR Detail Check Register Posted; Check Date 10 Records Selected; Processing Month 05/2016, 04/2016 GENERAL CHECKING ACCOUNT PO Number Detail Descrigtfon Chart of Account fiumber FY16 QTR4 OPEN ENROLLMENT Check Type: Check Check Date: 05/06/2016 Vendor: BLACKHILLS 10 0000 1000 1DO 0000 567 BLACK HillS UTILITY HOLDINGS INC Detail Amount 9,549.00 Check Total: Chart of Account Number 04/27/2016 Ds:tail DescriQtion MAR/APR 2016 SERVICE 10 0000 2600 000 0000 621 Detail Amount 41.53 04/27/2016 MAR/APR 2016 SERVICE 10 0097 2600 000 DODO 621 121.10 MAR/APR 2016 04/27/2016 MAR/APR 2016 SERVICE 10 0098 2600 000 0000 621 94.86 MAR/APR 2016 MAR/APR 2016 04/27/2016 04/27/2016 MAR/APR 2016 SERVICE MAR/APR 2016 SERVICE 10 1909 2600 000 0000 621 10 1909 2600 000 0000 621 525.39 MAR/APR 2016 04/27/2016 MAR/APR 2016 SERVICE 10 1918 2600 000 0000 621 141.42 MAR/APR 2016 04/27/2016 04/27/2016 MAR/APR 2016 SERVICE MAR/APR 2016 SERVICE 10 3201 2600 000 0000 621 10 3209 2600 000 0000 621 135.97 225.06 MAR/APR 2016 Check Number: 89700 Invoice Date PO Number Check Type: Check Check Date: 05/06/2016 Vendor: BOWMAN2 BOWMAN OIL COMPANY 100.43 Check Total: lo~o·lce Number Invoice Date 59329 04/18/2016 331 GAL GAS 10 0000 2700 000 0000 626 616.32 59330 04/18/2016 1560 GAL DIESEL 10 DODO 2700 000 DODO 627 2,416.44 Check Number: 89701 Check Type: Check Joy:oice Number Invoice Date YR END TRIP 05/03/2016 Check Number: 89702 PO Number Check Type: Check Invoice Number Invoice Date 25284 04/08/2016 Check Number: 89703 PO Number PO Number Check Type: Check Invoice Number Invoice Date 1372491578 1372491578 1372491578 Check Date: 05/06/2016 Chart of Account Number Vendor: CAMPSHAL02 CAMP SHALOM O§tail Descrigtion Chart of Account ~umber YR END CLASS TRIP/ M.S. 10 20091000 190 8900 618 Check Date: 05/06/2016 Vendor: CEDARR CEDAR RAPIDS COMMUNITY SCHOOLS Detail DescriQtion Chart of Account Number MARCH 2016 TUITION 10 DODO 1000 100 0000 561 Check Date: 05/06/2016 Vendor: CENTURYLIN CENTURY L1 NK QCC CORP Check Total: 300.00 Check Total: 141.48 Check Total: MAR/APRIL 2016 PHONE EXP 10 0000 2320 000 DODO 532 7.36 04/15/2016 04/15/2016 MAR/APRIL 2016 PHONE EXP MAR/APRIL 2016 PHONE EXP 10 0098 2600 000 0000 41 0 101918 2410 000 0000 532 29.11 3.68 1372491578 04/15/2016 MAR/APRIL 2016 PHONE EXP 10 2009 2410 000 0000 532 7.39 1372491578 04/15/2016 MAR/APRIL 2016 PHONE EXP 10 3209 2410 000 0000 532 4.91 50954 Check Number: 89705 Check Type: Check Invoice Date 04/08/2016 Check Type: Check lnlloice Number Invoice Date 201604127229 04112/2016 Check Number: 89706 ]nyoice Number PO Number PO Number Check Type: Check Invoice Date PO Number Check Date: 05/06/2016 Vendor: CHEAPJOESA CHEAP JOE'S ART STUFF Detail DescriQtion Chart of Account Number SHRINKWRAP 21205 10 32091000 102 0000 618 Check Date: 05/06/2016 Vendor: CITYOF3 CITY OF MAQUOKETA Detail Descrigtion Chart of Account Number JAN-MARCH 2016/SRO OFFICER 10 0000 2117 420 1116 320 Check Date: 05/06/2016 Detail Descrigtion Vendor. CITYOF3 CITY OF MAQUOKETA Chart of Account Number 141.48 Detail Amount 04/15/2016 Number 300.00 Detail Amount Chart of Account Number ln~oice 3,032.76 Detail Amount Detail Descrigtion Check Number: 89704 PO Number Detail DescriQtion 1,385.76 52.45 Detail Amount Check Total: 176.54 Detail Amount 176.54 Check Total: 10,137.85 Detail Amount 10,137.85 Check Total: 1,288.83 Detail Amount ~ Maquoketa CSD Detail Check Register 05/06/20161:07 PM Checking Account: Page:3 Posted; Check Date 10 Records Selected; Processing Month 05/2016, 04/2016 1 User /D: SRR GENERAL CHECKING ACCOUNT MAR/APR 2016 04/30/2016 MAR/APR 2016 SERVICE 10 0000 2600 000 0000 411 43.06 MAR/APR 2016 04/30/2016 MAR/APR 2016 SERVICE 10 0000 2600 000 0000 421 2.84 MAR/APR 2016 MAR/APR 2016 04/30/2016 04/30/2016 MAR/APR 2016 SERVICE MAR/APR 2016 SERVICE 10 0000 2600 000 0000 421 10 0000 2600 000 0000 421 2.84 2.84 MAR/APR 2016 04/30/2016 MAR/APR 2016 SERVICE 10 0000 2600 000 0000 421 2.84 MAR/APR 2016 04/30/2016 04/30/2016 MAR/APR 2016 SERVICE 10 0000 2600 000 0000 421 2.84 MAR/APR 2016 SERVICE 10 0000 2600 000 0000 421 2.84 MAR/APR 2016 04/30/2016 MAR/APR 2016 SERVICE 10 0000 2600 000 0000 421 2.84 MAR/APR 2016 04/30/2016 MAR/APR 2016 SERVICE 10 0000 2600 000 0000 421 2.84 MAR/APR 2016 MAR/APR 2016 04130/2016 04/30/2016 MAR/APR 2016 SERVICE MAR/APR 2016 SERVICE 10 0000 2600 000 0000 421 2.84 10 0097 2600 000 0000 411 43.06 MAR/APR 2016 04/30/2016 MAR/APR 2016 SERVICE 10 1909 2600 000 0000 411 233.84 MAR/APR 2016 MAR/APR 2016 04/30/2016 04/30/2016 MAR/APR 2016 SERVICE MAR/APR 2016 SERVICE 10 1918 2600 000 0000 411 10 2009 2600 000 0000 411 18533 221.72 MAR/APR 2016 04/30/2016 MAR/APR 2016 SERVICE 10 3201 2600 000 0000 411 43.06 MAR/APR 2016 MAR/APR 2016 04/30/2016 04/30/2016 MAR/APR 2016 SERVICE MAR/APR 2016 SERVICE 10 3209 2600 000 0000 411 10 3209 2600 000 0000 411 19.97 410.20 MAR/APR 2016 04/3012016 MAR/APR 2016 SERVICE 10 3209 2600 000 0000 411 43.06 MAR/APR 2016 04/30/2016 MAR/APR 2016 SERVICE 10 3209 2600 000 0000 411 19.97 MAR/APR 2016 Check Number: 89707 Check Type: Check CITYOF3 CITY OF MAQUOKETA Check Total: 04/3012016 MAR/APR 2016 SERVICE 10 0000 2600 000 0000 421 2.84 04/30/2016 MAR/APR 2016 SERVICE 10 0098 2600 000 0000 411 60.47 04130/2016 MAR/APR 2016 SERVICE 10 3209 2600 000 0000 411 46.28 MAR/APR 2016 MAR/APR 2016 MAR/APR 2016 ~0 Number Check Type: Check Invoice Number Invoice Date 8668305715 04/1212016 Check Number: 89709 Vendor: Chart of Account ~umber Invoice Date Check Number. 89708 Check Date: 05/06/2016 Detail Descrigtion Invoice Number PQ ~umber Check Type: Check Check Date: 05/0612016 Vendor: COCACO COCA COLA Detail DescriJ;;!tion Chart of Account Number POP/WATER 10 1918 2410 000 8900 619 Check Date: 05/06/2016 Vendor: CONTINUUMR CONTINUUM RETAIL ENERGY SERVICES, LLC Check Total: 311.77 Check Total: Invoice Number Invoice Date Detail Descrigtion Chart of Account Number 04/18/2016 FEB/MAR 2016 GAS SERVICE 10 2009 2600 000 0000 621 2,144.54 150-1603-5522 04/18/2016 FEB/MAR 2016 GAS SERVICE 10 3209 2600 000 0000 621 3,641.90 Check Number. 89710 Check Type: Check Invoice Number Invoice Date 91812 03/31/2016 Check Number: 89711 PO Number Check Type: Check Invoice Number Invoice Date 606616 05/0412016 PO Number Check Date: 05/06/2016 Vendor. DACINC DACINC Detail DescriQtion Chart of Account Number MARCH WORK EXP 10 3209 1000 214 3302 320 Check Date: 05/06/2016 Vendor: DAIRYQ DAIRY QUEEN Detail DescriQtion Chart of Account Number DILLY BARS/TCHR APPRECIATION 10 1918 2410 000 8900 618 311.77 Detail Amount 150-1603-5522 PO Number 109.59 Detail Amount 5,786.44 Detail Amouot Check Total: 468.16 Detail Amouot 468.16 Check Total: Detail Amouot 45.00 45.00 Maquoketa CSD 05106120161:07 PM Checking Account: Check Number: 89712 Page: 4 Detail Check Register UseriD: SRR Posted; Check Date 10 Records Selected; Processing Month 05/2016, 04/2016 1 GENERAL CHECKING ACCOUNT Check Type: Check Check Date: 0510612016 Invoice Number Invoice Date MAR/APR 2016 MAR/APR 2016 03/30/2016 03/30/2016 PO Number Vendor: ElANFINANC ElAN FINANCIAL SERVICES (CORP) Check Total: Chart of Account Number AMAZON/INSTRUCT COACH BK AMAZON/USB 5GHZ WIFI ADPTR EVAL 10 0000 1000 100 8759 612 39.04 19.00 10 0000 1000 100 3387 320 MAR/APR 2016 03130/2016 AMAZON/5 USB 5 GHZ ADPTRS 10 0000 1000 100 8759 612 11485 MAR/APR 2016 MAR/APR 2016 0313012016 AMAZON/1 0 USB 5GHZ ADPTRS 10 0000 1000 100 8759 612 189.80 0313012016 AMAZON/4 IPAD FLOOR STANDS 10 0000 1000 100 8759 612 131.96 MAR/APR 2016 03/30/2016 AMAZONNOIP HANDSET CORD & ADPTR JO 0000 1000 100 8759 612 25.78 MAR/APR 2016 03/30/2016 AMAZON/I PAD MINI PROTECT CASE 10 0000 1000100 8759 612 59.36 MAR/APR 2016 MAR/APR 2016 03/3012016 03/30/2016 BARRACUDA/FINANCIAL OFF SITE BACK UP WUFOO/DBASE SUBSCR 10 00001000 100 8759 618 10 0000 1000 100 8759 618 100.00 24.95 MAR/APR 2016 03130/2016 DOC HUB/SUBSCR-PDF SIGNING 10 0000 1000 100 8759 618 6.99 MAR/APR 2016 MAR/APR 2016 03/30/2016 03/3012016 AVANGATEIDRIVERSOFT BARNES/FOOD FOR MEETING SlAG 10 0000 1000 100 8759 652 10 0000 2211 000 0000 618 29.89 46.58 MAR/APR 2016 03/3012016 VANCE BROS/MAl NT SUPPLIES 10 0000 2600 000 0000 680 278.90 MAR/APR 2016 MAR/APR 2016 03/30/2016 10 19091000 100 0000 612 03130/2016 LOVETONERITONER CARTRIDGES LOVETONERITONER CARTRIDGES 351.70 233.55 MAR/APR 2016 03130/2016 LOVETONERITONER CARTRIDGES 10 20091000 100 0000 612 397.80 MAR/APR 2016 0313012016 LOVETONERIINCORR PRICE CREDIT 10 2009 1000 100 0000 612 (156.00) MAR/APR 2016 MAR/APR 2016 0313012016 03/30/2016 LOVETONERITONER CARTRIDGES AMAZON/2 RPLCMT CAMERAS SPLITTERS 10 3209 1000 100 0000 612 10 3209 1000 217 3303 739 444.60 551.86 Check Number: 89713 Check Type: Check Check Date: 05/0612016 Vendor: ElANFINANC 10 19181000 100 0000 612 ElAN FINANCIAL SERVICES (CORP) Check T atal: Detail Oescrigtion Chart of Account Number 03130/2016 03/30/2016 AMAZON/BOOK AMAZON/BOOKS 10 0000 1000 100 3376 618 10 0000 1000 100 3376 618 MAR/APR 2016 0313012016 AMAZON/2 VGA CABLES 10 0000 1000 100 8759 612 23.98 MAR/APR 2016 0313012016 AMAZONIPROBOOK CHRGR & 4 D LINK ADPTRS 10 0000 1000 100 8759 612 124.48 Invoice Number Invoice Date MAR/APR 2016 MAR/APR 2016 PO Number 2,890.61 Detail Amount Detail DescriQtion Detail Amount 36.95 61.61 MAR/APR 2016 03/3012016 CDW-G/2 HP 4540 BATTERIES 10 00001000 100 8759 612 99.74 MAR/APR 2016 03/30/2016 AMAZON/TONER CARTRIDGE 10 00001000 100 8759 612 122.45 MAR/APR 2016 MAR/APR 2016 03130/2016 03/30/2016 CDW-G/3 EPSON PROJ LAMPS CDW-G/RPLCMT lASERJET PRINTER 10 0000 1000 100 8759 612 10 0000 1000 100 8759 739 297.00 423.64 MAR/APR 2016 03/3012016 HOME DEPOT/GENERATOR 10 0000 2237 000 8900 619 534.47 MAR/APR 2016 MAR/APR 2016 03/30/2016 03/3012016 PIZZA HUT/LUNCH MEETING EXP HOME DEPOT/GENERATOR 10 0000 2320 000 0000 618 10 0000 2600 000 0000 680 16.26 534.46 MAR/APR 2016 03/30/2016 MONOPRICE/2 SIMULATED SEGUR CAMERAS 10 0000 2600 000 0000 680 20.10 MAR/APR 2016 03/3012016 AMAZON/3 BUS CAMERA MEM CARDS 10 0000 2700 000 0000 618 53.85 MAR/APR 2016 MAR/APR 2016 03/3012016 03/30/2016 AMAZON/TAPE, SUPPLIES PIZZA HUT/PIZZAS 10 11091000 860 3117 612 10 1109 1000 860 3117 618 54.66 36.56 MAR/APR 2016 03/30/2016 FRANKLIN/BOOKLETS 101918 2410 000 0000 618 16.46 MAR/APR 2016 0313012016 SEARS/PERKINS-ARM SAW 10 3209 1000 315 4531 739 91484 7,505.92 Checking Account: MAR/APR 2016 MAR/APR 2016 Check Number: 89714 Posted; Check Date 10 Records Selected; Processing Month 05/2016, 04/2016 1 03/30/2016 GENERAL CHECKING ACCOUNT NORTHERN TOOUPERKINS, TOOLS SIX FLAGS/ADMISS- PHYSICS DAY 03/30/2016 Check Type: Check PO Number Check Date: 05/06/2016 Vendor: ELANFINANC 10 32091000 315 4531 739 2,685.42 10 3209 2410 000 8900 618 1,448.99 ELAN FINANCIAL SERVICES (CORP) MAR/APR 2016 03/30/2016 Detail Descrigtion GRAND STAYIHAXMEIER 2 NTS MAR/APR 2016 03/30/2016 NOTARY/HAXMEIER STAMPER 10 0000 2510 000 0000 618 MAR/APR 2016 03/30/2016 SEC OF STATEIHAXMEIER NOTARY RNWL 10 0000 2510 000 0000 618 MAR/APR 2016 MAR/APR 2016 03/30/2016 03/30/2016 PARTS WAREHOUSE/VAG PARTS AMAZON/FLOOR MAT 10 0000 2600 000 0000 680 10 0000 2600 000 0000 680 lovoice Number Check Number: 89715 lolloice Number Invoice Date Check Type: Check 1nvoice Date PO Number QTRL Y DEDUCT STMT 04/01/2016 Check Number: 89716 !OllOice Number 4--28-16 Check Number: 89717 lmt:oice Number P069562801018 Check Number: 89718 Check Type: Check Invoice Date PO Number 04/28/2016 Check Type: Check Invoice Date PO Number 04/14/2016 Check Type: Check PO Number Check Date: 05/06/2016 Vendor: EMCINSURAN Chart of Account Number 10 0000 251 0 000 0000 580 EMC INSURANCE COMPANY Detail Descrigtion Chart of Account tjumber WORK COMP QTRL Y DEDUCTIBLE AMT DUE 22 0000 2510 000 0000 260 Check Date: 05/06/2016 Vendor: FAREWA Detail Descrigtion SP NEEDS SUPPLIES Check Date: 05/06/2016 FLAGHO FLAGHOUSE, INC WElGHTED BLANKET 21210 10 0000 2134 217 4634 618 Vendor: FREESTYLEP FREESTYLE PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES Invoice Date Detail DescriQtion Chart of Account Number 1180895 04/27/2016 ART SUPPLIES 21223 10 32091000 102 0000 612 Check Type: Check PO Number Check Date: 05/06/2016 Vendor: GASSER GASSER TRUE VALUE@ MAQUOKETA Check Total: 284.20 Check Total: 73.98 Check Total: Jnvoice MAINT SUPPLIES TRANSP SUPPLIES 10 0000 2600 000 0000 680 10 0000 2700 000 0000 673 797.84 29.74 APRIL 2016 04/30/2016 WELDING SUPPLIES 10 3209 1000 370 0000 618 75.05 Check Number: 89720 Check Type: Check Invoice Number Invoice Date 418226-000 04/08/2016 Check Number: 89721 lmt:oice Number PO Number Check Type: Check PO Number Invoice Date Check Date: 05/06/2016 Vendor: GREENW GREENWOOD CLEANING SYSTEMS INC D§tail Descrigtion Chart of Account Number AIR FRESHNER 10 0000 2600 000 0000 680 Check Date: 05/06/2016 Vendor: GRIGGS GRIGGS MUSIC INC Detail Descrigtion Chart of Account ~umber Check Total: 52.90 Check Total: 12/28/2015 BAND MUSIC/REEDS 10 19181000 122 8900 612 20.30 SAX REEDS 10 19181000 122 8900 612 22.00 Check Type: Check 217819 04/25/2016 PO Number Check Date: 05/06/2016 Vendor: HAANCR HAAN CRAFTS LLC D§tail Descrigtion Chart of Account ~umber HS HOME EC 21216 10 32091000 355 0000 612 42.30 Detail Amount 01/25/2016 Invoice Date 52.90 Detail Amount 4184786 Invoice Number 902.63 Detail Amount 4178689 Check Number: 89722 73.98 Detail Amount 04/30/2016 04/30/2016 Date 284.20 Detail Amount IO:~£Oice Number Chart of Account Number 34.19 34.19 APRIL 2016 APRIL2016 Detail Descrigtion 1,664.56 1,664.56 Check Total: Chart of Account ~umber Check Date: 05/06/2016 Check T eta!: Detail Amount Detail Descrigtion 648.30 Detail Amount Chart of Account Number 10 32091000 214 3302 618 Vendor: Check Total: Detail Amount 177.62 19.36 30.00 365.61 55.71 FAREWAY STORES INC lm::oice Number Check Number: 89719 Page:5 UseriD: SRR Detail Check Register Maquoketa CSD 05/06/2016 1:07 PM Check Total: 47.05 Detail Amount 47.05 5 Maquoketa CSD 05/06/20161:07 PM Checking Account: Page: 6 UseriD: SRR Detail Check Register Posted; Check Date 10 Records Selected; Processing Month 05/2016,04/2016 1 Check Number: 89723 GENERAL CHECKING ACCOUNT Check Type: Check Check Date: 05/06/2016 Vendor: HDSUPPLYFA HD SUPPLY FACILITIES MAINTENANCE LTD Check Total: Invoice Number Invoice Date 04/11/2016 Detail DescriQtion MAINT SUPPLIES Chart of Account Number 9144950737 10 0000 2600 000 0000 680 59.00 9145116607 04/18/2016 MAINT SUPPLIES 10 0000 2600 000 0000 680 379.00 Check Number: 89724 Check Type: Check Invoice Number Invoice Date 10103636 01/31/2016 Check Number: 89725 Invoice Number 10105646 Check Number: 89726 Check Number: 89728 Vendor: IADEPTOFHU PO Number lA DEPT OF HUMAN SERVICES Detail Descrigtion Chart of Account Number MEDICAID PAYMENT 10410 000 3321219 Check Date: 05/06/2016 Detail Descrigtion Vendor: IADEPTOFHU Check Date: 05/06/2016 lA DEPT OF HUMAN SERVICES Chart of Account Number 10 410 000 3321 219 Vendor: IADIVISI02 lA DIVISION OF LABOR SERVICES Detail Amount Check Total: 13,721.21 Check Total: 16,187.17 Check Total: 04/12/2016 HS/4 INSPECTIONS 10 0000 2600 000 0000 430 160.00 04/19/2016 HS/6 BOILER INSPECTIONS 10 0000 2600 000 0000 430 240.00 lnvQi~ D:ate 03/31/2016 eQ t:.~umber Check Type: Check Invoice Date 16-5507 16-5507 04/07/2016 04/07/2016 PO Number Check Type: Check PO Number Check Date: 05/06/2016 Vendor: IASCHOOLFI Detail Oescrigtion BACKGRD CHECKS Check Date: 05/06/2016 lA SCHOOL FINANCE INFORMATION SERV,INC Chart of Account Number 10 0000 2310 000 0000 320 Vendor: lATEST IOWA TESTING PROGRAMS Detail Descrigtion Chart of Account Number lA ASSESSMENTS/SCORING, REPORTS lA ASSESSMENTS/SCORING, REPORTS 10 0000 1000 100 4648 320 10 0000 1000 100 8756 320 Check Date: 05/06/2016 Detail Descrigtion Vendor. JWPEPP JW. PEPPER & SON INC Chart of Account Number Check Total: 132.00 Check Total: 1,339.00 5,778.72 Check Total: 11B75461 04/12/2016 VOCAL MUSIC 22296 10 2009 1000 112 0000 612 98.99 04/15/2016 VOCAL MUSIC 22296 10 20091000112 0000 612 120.00 4-5-16 SPECIAL ELEC Check Number: 89731 Check Type: Check Invoice Date 52992 04/27/2016 Check Date: 05/06/2016 Detail Oescri(:;ltion Vendor: JACKS09 4-5-16 SPECIAL ELECTION/ M.S. 04/21/2016 Invoice Number Check Number: 89732 PO Number PO Number Invoice Number Check Type: Check Invoice Date PO Number 3491548 03/30/2016 Check Date: 05/06/2016 Vendor. JAYMAR JACKSON CTY AUDITOR Chart of Account Number 10 0000 2310 000 0000 340 JAYMAR BUSINESS FORMS INC Detail Descrigtion Chart of Account Number 7,500 GENERAL FUND CHECKS 10 DODO 2520 DOD DODO 611 Check Date: 05/06/2016 Detail Descrigtion TUBE, FILTER Vendor. JOHNDEEREF JOHN DEERE FINANCIAL Chart of Account Number 10 0000 2600 000 0000 680 7,117.72 Detail Amount 11B76421 Check Type: Check 132.00 Detail Amount Invoice Date Invoice Date 40000 Detail Amount Invoice Number Check Number. 89730 Invoice Number 16,187.17 Detail Amount Chart of Account Number Check Type: Check 13,721.21 Detail Amount Detail Descrigtion Invoice Number Check Number. 89729 Check Date: 05/06/2016 MEDICAID PAYMENT Check Type: Check 149101 Invoice Number 7602 PO Number 04/30/2016 Invoice Date Check Number: 89727 PO Number Check Type: Check Invoice Date Invoice Number 149164 PO Number 438.00 218.99 Detail Amount Check Total: Detail Amount 1,405.20 1,40520 Check Total: 526.29 Detail Amount 526.29 Check Total: Detail Amount 11.18 11.18 Maquoketa CSD Detail Check Register 05/06/20161:07 PM Checking Account: Check Number: 89733 1 GENERAL CHECKING ACCOUNT Check Type: Check Check Date: 05/06/2016 Invoice Number Invoice Date 18661893 04/20/2016 Check Number: 89734 Invoice Date IM84992 04/27/2016 invoice Date 5982794 04118/2016 Invoice Number Invoice Date 04/30/2016 PO Number Check Type: Check Invoice Number Invoice Date 463640 04/11/2016 Check Number: 89738 PO Number Check Type: Check APR4-28, 2016 Check Number: 89737 PO Number Check Type: Check Invoice Number Check Number: 89736 PO Number Check Type: Check l nvoice Number Check Number: 89735 Page:? Posted; Check Date 10 Records Selected; Processing Month 05/2016, 04/2016 PO Number Check Type: Check PO Number Vendor: JOSTEN JOSTENS, INC Detail DescriQtion Chart of Account Number TASSELS, CORDS 10 3209 2490 000 0000 618 Check Date: 05/06/2016 KUNAU12 User ID: SRR Check Total: 831.81 KUNAU IMPLEMENT CO Check Total: Detail DescriQtion Chart of Account Number Detail Amount KUBOTA BLADES 10 0000 2600 000 0000 680 Check Dat-e: 05/06/2016 Vendor: Vendor: LAMPOGROUP LAMPO GROUP LLC Detail DescriQtion Chart of Account Number BUSINESS EDfTEXTS, TCHR PACKAGE 10 3209 1000 325 0000 612 Check Date: 05/06/2016 Vendor: LITTLESHE2 LITTLE SHEPHERD CHRISTIAN PRESCHOOL Detail DescriQtion Chart of Account Number APR 4- 28, 2016 PRESCH TUITION 10 0000 1000 860 3117 320 Check Date: 05/06/2016 Vendor: MAQSCH3 MAQ SCHOOLS/LUNCH FUND Detail DescriQtion Chart of Account Number BOARD MEETING COOKIES 10 0000 2310 000 0000 618 Check Date: 05/06/2016 Vendor: MAQUOK7 MAQUOKETA MUNICIPAL ELECTRIC UTILITY Check Total: 593.99 Check Total: 6,543.68 Check Total: 9.00 Check Total: Detail Descrigtion Chart of Account Number MAR/APR 2016 SERVICE 10 0000 2600 000 0000 622 148.94 MAR/APR 2016 04/29/2016 MAR/APR 2016 SERVICE 10 0097 2600 000 0000 622 296.76 MAR/APR 2016 MAR/APR 2016 04/29/2016 04/29/2016 MAR/APR 2016 SERVICE MAR/APR 2016 SERVICE 10 0098 2600 000 0000 622 10 1909 2600 000 0000 622 85.38 2,809.31 MAR/APR 2016 04/29/2016 MAR/APR 2016 SERVICE 10 1918 2600 000 0000 622 121.41 MAR/APR 2016 04/29/2016 MAR/APR 2016 SERVICE 10 1918 2600 000 0000 622 3,812.34 MAR/APR 2016 MAR/APR 2016 04/29/2016 04/29/2016 MAR/APR 2016 SERVICE MAR/APR 2016 SERVICE 10 1927 2600 000 0000 622 10 2009 2600 000 0000 622 16.67 2,197.12 MAR/APR 2016 04/29/2016 MAR/APR 2016 SERVICE 10 3201 2600 000 0000 622 177.13 MARIAPR2016 MAR/APR 2016 04/29/2016 04/29/2016 MAR/APR 2016 SERVICE MAR/APR 2016 SERVICE 10 3209 2600 000 0000 622 10 3209 2600 000 0000 622 1,291.66 168.19 MAR/APR 2016 04/29/2016 MAR/APR 2016 SERVICE 10 3209 2600 000 0000 622 5,735.21 04/29/2016 04/29/2016 MAR/APR 2016 SERVICE MAR/APR 2016 SERVICE 10 3209 2600 000 0000 622 10 3209 2600 000 0000 622 16.00 33.57 MARCH2016 04/01/2016 Check Number: 89740 Invoice Number Check Type: Check Invoice Date PO Number Check Date: 05/06/2016 Vendor: MAQUOK8 MAQUOKETA SENTINEL PRESS (COPR) Detail DescriQtion Chart of Account Number LEGAL ADVERTISING/MAR 2016 10 0000 2520 000 0000 540 Check Date: 05/06/2016 Detail DescriQtion Vendor: MARCEA2 BRIAN MARCEAU Chart of Account Number 16,909.69 Detail Amount MAR/APR 2016 MAR/APR 2016 PO Number 9.00 Detail Amount Invoice Date Check Type: Check 6,543.68 Detail Amount 04/29/2016 Invoice Date 593.99 Detail Amount Invoice Number Invoice Number 64.50 64.50 MAR/APR 2016 Check Number: 89739 831.81 Detail Amount Check Total: 457.31 Detail Amount 457.31 Check Total: 180.00 Detail Amount l Maquoketa CSD Detail Check Register 05/06/20161:07 PM Checking Account: 4-8-16 M.S. Check Number: 89741 1 04/08/2016 Invoice Date 116739380 04/28/2016 Invoice Date M.S. MAY 2016 04121/2016 Invoice Date HS MAY 2016 04/21/2016 Invoice Date MAY2016 04/21/2016 PO Number Check Type: Check Invoice Number Invoice Date 2388 04/28/2016 Check Number: 89746 PO Number Check Type: Check Invoice Number Check Number: 89745 PO Number Check Type: Check Invoice Number Check Number: 89744 PO Number Check Type: Check Invoice Number Check Number: 89743 GENERAL CHECKING ACCOUNT M.S. 2 TUNINGS 22308 Check Type: Check Invoice Number Check Number: 89742 Page: a Posted; Check Date 10 Records Selected; Processing Month 05/2016, 04/2016 PO Number Check Type: Check PO Number Check Date: 05/06/2016 Vendor: MASTER3 10320910001120000618 Chart of Account Number 2 RETIREMENT AWARDS 20067 10 0000 2310 000 0000 618 Vendor: MEDIACOM Chart of Account Number M.S. MAY2016 SERVICE 10 20091000 177 8900 618 Vendor: MEDIACOM Chart of Account Number HS MAY 2016 SERVICE 10 3209 2410 000 0000 618 Vendor: MEDIACOM Chart of Account Number MAY 2016 I DISTRICT DATA SERVICE 10 0000 2236 000 0000 536 Check Date: 05/06/2016 Vendor: MENARDSDU MENARDS-DUBUQUE Detail Description Chart of Account Number COUNTER TOP 10 0000 2600 000 0000 680 Check Date: 05/0612016 Detail Description Vendor: MIDWES2 Check Total: 16.30 Check Total: 23.59 Detail Amount 23.59 Check Total: 350.00 Detail Amount 350.00 (CORP) MIDWEST BUSINESS PRODUCTS CORP Chart of Account Number 16.30 Detail Amount MEDIACOM Detail Description 66.30 66.30 MEDIACOM Detail Description Check Date: 05/06/2016 Check Total: Detail Amount MEDIACOM Detail DescriPtion Check Date: 05/06/2016 180.00 MASTER TEACHER Detail Description Check Date: 05/06/2016 User ID: SRR Check Total: 40.49 Detail Amount 40.49 Check Total: Invoice Number Invoice Date Detail Amount 321299 04/04/2016 COPIES 10 32091000 100 0000 612 12.50 321819 04/1112016 COPIES 10 1909 1000 100 0000 612 51.54 321831 321933 04/1112016 04/12/2016 COPIES COPIES 10 32091000100 0000 612 10 19181000 105 0000 618 61.20 10.52 321933 04/12/2016 COPIES 10 19181000107 0000 618 16.65 321933 COPIES COPIES 10 19181000108 0000 618 10191810001110000 618 0.56 321933 04112/2016 04/12/2016 321933 04/12/2016 COPIES 10 19181000 112 0000 618 056 321933 321933 04112/2016 04/12/2016 COPIES COPIES 10 19181000113 0000 618 1019181000115 0000 618 8.33 8.33 321933 04112/2016 COPIES 101918 2120 000 0000 618 0.56 321933 04112/2016 COPIES 10 1918 2222 000 0000 618 0.56 321933 321951 04/12/2016 0411312016 COPIES STAPLES 101918 2410 000 0000 618 10 32091000127 8900 618 0.56 120.00 8.88 321953 04/13/2016 STAPLES 22314 10 20091000 100 0000 611 196.00 321955 323077 04/13/2016 04/25/2016 STAPLES COPIES 10 19091000 100 0000 612 10 0000 2320 000 0000 618 124.00 73.23 323079 04/25/2016 COPIES 10 19181000 105 0000 618 9.55 323079 04125/2016 COPIES 10 19181000 107 0000 618 15.08 718.61 Maquoketa CSD Checking Account: Check Number: 89747 Page: 9 Detail Check Register 05/06/2016 1:07 PM Posted; Check Date 10 Records Selected; Processing Month 05/2016,04/2016 1 GENERAL CHECKING ACCOUNT Check Type: Check Check Date: 05/06/2016 Invoice Number Invoice Date 323079 323079 PO Number Vendor: MIDWES2 MIDWEST BUSINESS PRODUCTS CORP UseriD: SRR Check Total: Detail Descrigtion Chart of Account Number 04/25/2016 04/25/2016 COPIES COPIES 1019181000111 0000 618 323079 04/25/2016 COPIES 10191810001120000618 0.50 323079 323079 04/25/2016 04/25/2016 COPIES COPIES 1019181000113 DODO 618 1019181000 115 DODO 618 7.55 7.55 10 19181000108 0000 618 0.50 8.05 323079 04/25/2016 COPIES 10 1918 2120 ODD 0000 618 0.50 323079 04/25/2016 COPIES 10 1918 2222 000 0000 618 0.50 323079 323080 04/25/2016 04/25/2016 COPIES 10 1918 2410 000 0000 618 COPIES 10 32091000 100 0000 612 0.50 512.23 323723 04/28/2016 COPIES 10 32091000 100 0000 612 44.08 323725 323725 04/28/2016 04/28/2016 COPIES COPIES 101918 1000 105 0000 618 1019181000 107 0000 618 3.94 6.22 323725 04/28/2016 COPIES 10 19181000 108 0000 618 0.20 323725 323725 04/28/2016 04/28/2016 COPIES COPIES 1019181000111 0000 618 10 19181000 112 0000 618 3.32 0.20 323725 04/28/2016 COPIES 1019181000113 0000 618 3.11 323725 04/28/2016 COPIES 1019181000 115 0000 618 323725 04/28/2016 04/28/2016 COPIES 10 1918 2120 000 0000 618 10 1918 2222 000 0000 618 3.11 0.21 0.21 323725 Check Number: 89748 Check Type: Check Invoice Number Invoice Date 323725 04/28/2016 Check Number: 89749 COPIES PO Number Check Type: Check Check Date: 05/06/2016 Vendor: MIDWES2 MIDWEST BUSINESS PRODUCTS CORP Detail Descrigtion Chart of Account Number COPIES 101918 2410 000 0000 618 Check Date: 05/06/2016 Vendor: MISSBE2 MISS BEND AREA EDUC AGENCY Check Total: 0.21 Check Total: Chart of Account Number 04/01/2016 LAMINATING FILM 10 19091000100 0000 612 137130 04/01/2016 2 BADGES 22299 10 20091000 100 0000 611 6.00 137131 137132 04/01/2016 04/01/2016 WIND EVAL FORMS 22298 HEALTH RECORD FOLDERS 22297 10 20091000 122 DODO 612 10 2009 2134 000 0000 611 22.00 19.50 137200 04/15/2016 ID BADGE 22316 10 20091000 100 0000 611 3.00 137201 137203 04/15/2016 04/15/2016 2 BADGES 20063 500 UNEXCUSED FORMS 21212 10 0000 2510 000 0000 618 10 3209 2410 000 0000 618 6.00 27.00 137214 04/14/2016 TEACHER JOB FAIR PARTIC FEE 10 3209 2410 000 0000 618 75.00 Invoice Date 137106 Check Number: 89750 Check Type: Check Invoice Number Invoice Date APRIL 19 & 26 04/19/2016 Check Number: 89751 Invoice Number PO Number PO Number Check Type: Check PO Number Invoice Date Check Date: 05/06/2016 Vendee OHNWARDFIN OHNWARD FINE ARTS CENTER (COPR) Detail Descrigtion Chart of Account Number APRIL 19, 26 VOCAL, ART SHOWS 101918 1000 112 8900 618 Check Date: 05/06/2016 Detail Descriotion Vendor: PACESU PACE SUPPLY Chart of Account Number 0.21 Detail Amount Detail Descrigtion Invoice Number 602.48 Detail Amount 162.70 Detail Amount 4.20 Check Total: 732.00 Detail Amount 732.00 Check Total: 1,250.00 Detail Amount q Maquoketa CSD 05/06/20161:07 PM Checking Account: Detail Check Register Page: 10 Posted; Check Date 10 Records Selected; Processing Month 05/2016, 04/2016 1 User 10: SRR GENERAL CHECKING ACCOUNT 10004677 04127/2016 DIAMOND CHALK, CLAY, QUICK DRY 10 0000 2600 000 0000 680 1,082.50 10004678 04/27/2016 FBALL PRACTICE FIELD TURF SEED 10 0000 2600 000 0000 680 167.50 Check Number: 89752 Invoice Number 69966 Check Number. 89753 I mloice Number Check Type: Check Invoice Date PO Number 04/20/2016 Check Type: Check Invoice Date PO Number Check Date: 05/06/2016 Vendor: PARCOD Detail Descrigtion 2,000 ASSET TAGS 20065 Check Date: 05/06/2016 Detail DescriQtion Vendor: PARCODE SYMBOLOGY INC Chart of Account Number 10 0000 2520 000 0000 618 PEPSIC PEPSI COLA (CORP) Chart of Account Number Check Total: 259.00 Check Total: 04/08/2016 POP 101918 2410 000 8900 619 120.00 20057218 04/13/2016 WATER 10 20091000177 8900 618 388.00 Check Type: Check Invoice Number Invoice Date REIM TOLL EXPS 05/0212016 Check Number: 89755 Check Type: Check Invoice Number Invoice Date 592277 04/15/2016 Check Number: 89756 Invoice Date 5414822 5417527 5417528 PETTY CASH/ADMINISTRATION-KRISTY WEISS Detail Descrigtion Chart of Account Number PHYSICS DAY/TOLL EXPENSES REIMB 91 499 000 0000 000 Check Date: 05/06/2016 Vendor: PIONEE PIONEER MANUFACTURING CO Detail DescriQtion Chart of Account Number FIELD PAINT 10 0000 2600 000 0000 680 Check Date: 05106/2016 Vendor: PLUNKETTSP PLUNKETTS PEST CONTROL CORP Check Total: 19.30 Check Total: 2,617.75 Check Total: 4-7-16 BRIGGS SERVICE 4-5-16 H.S. SERVICE 10 0000 2600 000 0000 425 10 0000 2600 000 0000 425 62.08 04/07/2016 4-7-16 M.S. SERVICE 10 0000 2600 000 0000 425 45.00 268482 04/01/2016 PO Number Check Type: Check Invoice Date PO Number Check Date: 05/06/2016 Vendor: PROVISION! PRO-VISION INC Detail DescriQtion Chart of Account Number BASE KIT WITH CAMERA, ANTENNA 15022 10 0000 2700 000 0000 673 Check Date: 05/06/2016 Vendor: QUILLC Detail DescriQtion QUILL CORPORATION Chart of Account Number 45.00 Check Total: 1,732.36 Check Total: 04/18/2016 RETURNED SUPPLIES 22324 10 20091000 100 0000 611 (5.19) 4656181 04/01/2016 BUSINESS CARDS 21211 WHITE BD CLEANER, RUBBERBANDS 22290 10 3209 2410 000 0000 611 10 20091000 100 0000 611 28.86 16.61 4755820 04/0612016 SUPPLIES 22294 10 2009 1000 100 0000 611 19.30 10 19181000100 0000 612 12.23 1518 89.98 04112/2016 04/12/2016 SUPPLIES 24041 SUPPLIES 22302 SUPPLIES 22302 10 20091000 100 0000 611 10 2009 1000 113 0000 612 53664 Detail Amount 03/31/2016 04/11/2016 1,732.36 Detail Amount 406048 4934898 4934898 152.08 Detail Amount 4613449 4892849 2,617.75 Detail Amount 04/07/2016 04/05/2016 Check Type: Check 19.30 Detail Amount Chart of Account Number Invoice Date ln:lloice Number PO Number Vendor: PETTYC2 Detail DescriQtion lnvQlce Number Check Number: 89758 PO Number Check Type: Check ln~oice Number Check Number: 89757 PO Number Check Date: 05/06/2016 508.00 Detail Amount 20056733 Check Number: 89754 259.00 Detail Amount 4963684 04/13/2016 TICKETS 24041 1019181000112 0000 612 23.99 4977400 4977400 04/13/2016 04/13/2016 POST ITS 22322 CARDSTOCK 22322 10 20091000 100 0000 611 10 20091000 113 0000 612 101.16 7035 5016504 04/14/2016 CONSTR PPR 23095 101909 1000 100 0000 612 53.90 5032522 04/14/2016 CONSTRUCTION PPR 23095 101909 1000100 0000 612 9.54 10 Detail Check Register Maquoketa CSD 05/06/20161:07 PM Checking Account: Page: 11 Posted; Check Date 10 Records Selected; Processing Month 05/2016, 04/2016 1 UseriD: SRR GENERAL CHECKING ACCOUNT 5091822 04/18/2016 SUPPLIES 22302 10 20091000100 DODO 611 33.93 5249107 5282082 04/22/2016 04/25/2016 PENCILS, TAPE 22318 STAPLES, TAPE 21206 10 20091000100 DODO 611 10 3209 2410 000 0000 611 46.08 5313511 04/26/2016 GLUE STICKS 21206 10 3209 2410 ODD 0000 611 3.19 Check Number: 89759 Invoice Number Check Type: Check Invoice Date PO Number Check Date: 05/06/2016 Vendor: RKDIXO Detafl OescriQtion R.K. DIXON CORP (CORP) Chart of Account Number 17.53 Check Total: 1482412 03/29/2016 RISO COPIES 12-22-3-21-16 10191810001000000618 489.46 1495760 04/21/2016 RISO MASTERS 10 19181000 100 DODO 618 119.23 Check Number: 89760 lo~oice Number ISLE ROYALE Check Number: 89761 Check Type: Check Invoice Date 04/19/2016 Check Type: Check Invoice Number lnvofce Date 897-751620 04/20/2016 Check Number: 89762 Invoice Date 33326 04/13/2016 Invoice Date 14785 04/22/2016 PO Number Check Type: Check lovQice Number Invoice Date 63329 04/12/2016 Check Number: 89765 PO Number Check Type: Check Invoice Number Check Number: 89764 PO Number Check Type: Check lo:lloice Number Check Number: 89763 PO Number PO Number Check Type: Check lo~ice Number Invoice Date 350669 5471208 5471216 Check Date: 05/06/2016 Vendor: RENEWABLE1 RENEWABLE WORLD FOUNDATION Detail DescriQtion Chart of Account Number M.S. ISLE ROYALE TRJP EXP 22315 10 20091000 190 8900 618 Check Date: 05/06/2016 Vendor: REPUBLICSE REPUBLIC SERVICES #897 INC Deta!! Descrigtion Chart of Account Number MAY 2016 GARBAGE SERVICE 10 0000 2600 000 0000 421 Check Date: 05/06/2016 Vendor: RICHSE RICH'S ELECTRIC SERVICE Detail Descrigtion Chart of Account Number MOTOR REPAIR 10 0000 2600 000 0000 680 Check Date: 05/06/2016 Vendor: RONANN RONANN'S FLORAL SHOPPE Detail Descrigtion Chart of Account Number HS/ SIEMS- FLOWERS 91 499 000 0000 000 Check Date: 05/06/2016 Vendor: ROTMAN ROTMAN MOTOR CO INC Detail DescriQtion Chart of Account Number 07 GMC YUKON/RPLC RPESSURE SENSOR 10 0000 2600 000 DODO 680 Check Date: 05/06/2016 Vendor: SJSMIT S.J. SMITH CO INC Check Total: 1,278.00 Detail Amount 1,278.00 Check Total: 1,660.95 Detail Amount 1,660.95 Check Total: 50.00 Detail Amount 50.00 Check Total: 25.00 Detail Amount 25.00 Check Total: 154.56 Detail Amount 154.56 Check Total: Detail Descrigtion Chart of Account Number 03/31/2016 CYLINDER RENT 10 3209 1000 370 DODO 618 18.60 04/13/2016 04/13/2016 ARGON, TIP WELDING/ CONTACT TIPS 10 3209 1ODD 370 DODO 618 10 3209 1ODD 370 0000 618 195.00 5471217 04/13/2016 CONTACT TIPS 10 32091000 370 0000 618 29.86 5473511 5473513 04/19/2016 04/19/2016 WELDING/ SAW BLADES WELDING NOZZLES 10 3209 1000 370 0000 618 10 3209 1ODD 370 0000 618 132.00 15.00 23.50 PO Number 608.69 Detail Amount 1,03446 Detail Amount 8.50 5473514 04/19/2016 WELDING SUPPLIES 10 3209 1DOD 370 0000 618 5474180 04/20/2016 ALUMINUM TIPS 10 3209 1000 370 DODO 618 27.00 5474181 5476931 04/20/2016 04/27/2016 WELDING SUPPLIES WELDING SUPPLIES 10 3209 1000 370 0000 618 10 3209 1000 370 0000 618 113.00 176.00 5476932 04/27/2016 WELDING SUPPLIES 10 3209 1DOD 370 DODO 618 176.00 5477052 04/27/2016 WELDING SUPPLIES 10 32091000 370 DODO 618 120.00 II Maquoketa CSD 05/06/2016 1:07 PM Checking Account: Check Number: 89766 1 GENERAL CHECKING ACCOUNT Check Type: Check Check Date: 05/06/2016 Invoice Number Invoice Date APR4-29, 2016 04/30/2016 Check Number: 89767 Invoice Date 8044472779 04/01/2016 Invoice Date 438750 04/29/2016 9410487744 Check Number: 89770 05/02/2016 411 04/26/2016 Check Number: 89772 Check Type: Check PO Number 04/30/2016 )(201041455:01 )(201041726:01 04/15/2016 04/27/2016 Invoice Date 9107 9107 04/29/2016 04/29/2016 Invoice Number Invoice Date 04/25/2016 Check Number: 89775 Invoice Number 4-14-16 Check Number: 89776 PO Number Check Type: Check 3785069 PO Number Check Type: Check Invoice Date 04/14/2016 PO Number Check Type: Check Invoice Number Invoice Date S8954519.001 04/02/2016 APR 4-29, 2016 PRESCH TUITION 10 00001000 8603117 320 Check Date: 05/06/2016 Vendor: SARGEN Detail Descrigtion SARGENT WELCH SCIENTIFIC Chart of Account Number SCIENCE ITEMS 21207 10 3209 1000 113 0000 618 Check Date: 05/06/2016 Vendor: SCHOOL4 PO Number SCHOOL MATE CORP Detail Descrigtion Chart of Account Number PLANNERS, LOSSON PLAN BKS 24042 10 1918 1000 100 0000 612 Check Date: 05/06/2016 Detail Descrigtion Vendor: SHREDIT Check Date: 05/06/2016 Vendor: SMALLENGIN SHRED-IT USA LLC Chart of Account Number 10 0000 2520 000 0000 490 SMALL ENGINE SERVICE Detail Descrigtion Chart of Account Number SUPPLIES 10 0000 2600 000 0000 680 Check Date: 05/06/2016 Detail Descrigtion Vendor: SUNS HI Check Date: 05/06/2016 Vendor: THOMPSONTR SUNSHINE CHILD DELVP Chart of Account Number 10 0000 1000 860 3117 320 THOMPSON TRUCK & TRAILER INC Detail DescriQtion Chart of Account Number WATER PUMP KIT/ BUS 2 10 0000 2700 000 0000 673 10 0000 2700 000 0000 673 PARTS Check Type: Check Invoice Number Check Number: 89774 PO Number SACRED HEART CHURCH Chart of Account Number APR 4- 29, 2016 PRESCH TUITION Check Type: Check Invoice Date Check Number: 89773 PO Number Invoice Date Invoice Number Vendor: SACRED Detail Descrigtion 4-19--16 DOCUMENT SHREDDING Check Type: Check Invoice Date APR4-29, 2016 PO Number Check Type: Check 1nvoice Date PO Number Invoice Number Check Number: 89771 Invoice Number PO Number Check Type: Check Invoice Number Check Number. 89769 Invoice Number PO Number Check Type: Check Invoice Number Check Number: 89768 Page: 12 Detail Check Register Posted; Check Date 10 Records Selected; Processing Month 05/2016,04/2016 Check Date: 05/06/2016 Vendor: TIMBERLIN2 TIMBERLINE BILLING SERVICE LLC Detail Descrigtion Chart of Account Number APR 2016/MEDICAID BILLING SERVICE APR 2016/MEDICAID BILLING SERVICE 10 0000 2510 214 3302 351 10 0000 2510 217 3303 351 Check Date: 05/06/2016 Vendor: USFOODSINC US FOODS INC Detail DescriQtion Chart of Account Number CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES 10 0000 2600 000 0000 680 Check Date: 05/06/2016 Vendor: USPOSTALSE Detail DescriQtion POSTAGE FOR METER Check Date: 05/06/2016 Vendor: VANMET US POSTAL SERVICE (HASLER) Chart of Account Number 10 0000 2510 000 0000 531 VAN METER INDUSTRIAL INC Detail Descrigtion Chart of Account Number LIGHTBULBS 10 0000 2600 000 0000 680 UseriD: SRR Check Total: 6,79536 Detail Amount 6,79536 Check Total: Detail Amount 44.31 44.31 Check Total: 1,082.00 Detail Amount 1,082.00 Check T atal: Detail Amount 63.60 63.60 Check Total: 7.84 Detail Amount 7.84 Check Total: Detail Amount 2,516.80 2,516.80 Check Total: 228.47 Detail Amount 130.73 97.74 Check Total: 1,576.99 Detail Amount 788.50 788.49 Check Total: 77.82 Detail Amount 77.82 Check Total: 3,000.00 Detail Amount 3,000.00 Check Total: 638.29 Detail Amount 638.29 Jd. Maquoketa CSD 1 Checking Account: Check Number: 89777 Posted; Check Date 10 Records Selected; Processing Month 05/2016, 04/2016 Invoice Date VOCAL ACCOMPANIEST 05/04/2016 lo~oice Number UserlD: SRR GENERAL CHECKING ACCOUNT Check Type: Check lnvQlce Number Check Number: 89778 Page:13 Detail Check Register 05/06/201B 1:07 PM PO Number Check Type: Check Invoice Date PO Number Check Date: 05/06/2016 Vendor: VAZQUEZ2 SHAWN VAZQUEZ Detail Description Chart of Account Number MS VOCAL CONCERT ACCOMPANIEST 10 2009 1000 112 0000 618 Check Date: 05/0612016 Vendor. WALMAR Detail Description WAL MART COMMUNITY BRC Chart of Account Number Check Total: 50.00 Check Total: 1475 04114/2016 SP NEEDS SUPPLIES 10 19181000 217 3303 618 96.98 0412712016 04/15/2016 WATER, SNACKS 22321 SNACKS 10 20091000 190 8900 618 10 19091000 100 0000 618 29.57 17.30 2531 04/15/2016 KINDERGARTEN ROUND UP SNACKS 10 1909 1000 100 0000 618 27.82 4480 04121/2016 0412712016 CARPENTRYSUPPLIES/BRUSHES,TAPE,TRAYS 10 32091000 315 0000 612 10 0000 2520 000 0000 618 WATER, PAPER, CERTIF HOLDERS 38.74 42.26 5223- 04/14/2016 4YR/FAMILY FUN NITE SUPPLIES 1011091000 860 3117 618 69.08 5385 6071 04/19/2016 04126/2016 RETURNED ITEMS PHYSICS TRIPI SUPPLIES 10 1109 1000 860 3117 612 91 499 000 0000 000 (19.76) 59.69 64.88 6869 04/29/2016 SUPPLIES 10 1918 1000 108 0000 618 6869 04/29/2016 SUPPLIES 10 1918 1000 112 0000 618 64.89 8158- 04/15/2016 04/19/2016 POP, SNACKS DISPLAY BOARDS, PAINT -4YR FAMILY FUN Nl 10 32091000 214 3302 618 54.56 33.60 9488 Check Number. 89779 Check Type: Check WEST MUSIC COMPANY INC Check Total: Chart of Account Number 04/1112016 04/1112016 MUSIC STAND GUITAR STRINGS 22313 1019181000112 8900 612 10 20091000 112 0000 612 9.99 19.98 04!18/201B SAX REEDS 10 19181000 112 8900 618 31.80 Invoice Date Sl1283446 Sl1283452 Sl1287430 PO Number Check Type: Check lnvQice Number Invoice Date 16710 04/25/2016 Check Number: 89781 Vendor. WESTMU Detail Description Invoice Number Check Number. 89780 Check Date: 05/06/2016 10 1109 1000 860 3117 618 PO Number Check Type: Check PO Number Check Date: 05/06/2016 Vendor. WESTER WESTERN DUBUQUE SCHOOLS Detail Description Chart of Account Number FY16 QTR4 OPEN ENROLLMENT 10 0000 1000 100 0000 567 Check Date: 0510612016 Vendor. WINDSTREAM WINDSTREAM CORP Chart of Account Number Detail Description Check Total: 32,010.77 Detail Amount 32,010.77 Check Total: 414.88 Detail Amount Invoice Date MAR/APR 2016 04115/2016 MAR/ APR PHONE EXP 10 0000 2320 000 0000 532 147.64 MAR/APR 2016 MAR/APR 2016 04115/2016 04/15/2016 MAR/ APR PHONE EXP MAR/ APR PHONE EXP 10 0098 2600 000 0000 41 0 10 1909 2410 000 0000 532 39.78 39.78 MAR/APR 2016 04/15/2016 MAR/ APR PHONE EXP 10 1918 2410 000 0000 532 38.37 MAR/APR 2016 04/15/2016 MAR/ APR PHONE EXP 10 2009 2410 000 0000 532 39.78 MAR/APR 2016 04/15/2016 MAR/ APR PHONE EXP 10 3209 2410 000 0000 532 109.53 Checking Account 10: 61.77 Detail Amount !nyoice Number *Denotes Expensed Invoice Item 579.61 Detail Amount 2528 2530 4872 50.00 Detail Amount Total without Voids: 179,608.94 13 Maquoketa CSD Detail Check Register 05106120161:07 PM Checking Account: Check Number: 23755 2 ACTIVITY CHECKING ACCOUNT Check Type: Check Check Date: 0411412016 Invoice Number Invoice Date 4-8-16 0410812016 Check Number: 23756 Invoice Date 4-8-16 04/0812016 Invoice Date 4-19-16 0411912016 Invoice Date 4-19-16 04119/2016 Invoice Date 4-19-16 04/1912016 Invoice Date 4-15-16 0411512016 Invoice Number Invoice Date 04115/2016 Invoice Date 4-15-16 04115/2016 lnvoice Date 4-8-16 0410812016 Invoice Date 2016/NEWYORK 0412812016 Invoice Date 4-26-16 0412612016 Invoice Number PO Number Check Type: Check Invoice Number Check Number: 23767 PO Number Check Type: Check Invoice Number Check Number: 23766 PO Number Check Type: Check Invoice Number Check Number: 23765 PO Number Check Type: Check Invoice Number Check Number: 23764 PO Number Check Type: Check 4-15-16 Check N-umber: 23763 PO Number Check Type: Check Invoice Number Check Number: 23762 PO Number Check Type: Check Invoice Number Check Number: 23761 PO Number Check Type: Check Invoice Number Check Number: 23760 PO Number Check Type: Check Invoice Number Check Number: 23759 PO Number Check Type: Check Invoice Number Check Number: 23758 Page: 14 UseriD: SRR Posted; Check Date 10 Records Selected; Processing Month 0512016, 04/2016 PO Number Check Type: Check Invoice Date PO Number Vendor: CROWE ROB ROB CROWE Detail Descrigtion Chart of Account Number 4-8-16 GSOCCER OFFICIAL 21 3209 1000 920 6825 345 Check Date: 0411412016 Vendor. LASSANCE PAUL LASSANCE Detail DescriQtion Chart of Account Number 4-8-16 GSOCCER OFFICIAL 21 3209 1000 920 6825 345 Check Date: 0412712016 Vendor: LASSANCE PAUL LASSANCE Detail Descrigtion Chart of Account Number 4-19-16 BSOCCER OFFICIAL 21 3209 1000 920 6725 345 Check Date: 0412712016 Vendor: NABER2 MATTHEW NABER Detail Descrigtion Chart of Account Number 4-19-16 BSOCCER OFFICIAL 21 3209 1000 920 6725 345 Check Date: 04/27/2016 Vendor: ADAMS2 DON ADAMS Detail DescriQtion Chart of Account Number 4-19-16 BSOCCER OFFICIAL 21 3209 1000 920 6725 345 Check Total: 120.00 Check Total: 120.00 Check Total: 105.00 Check Total: 95.00 4-15-16 GSOCCER OFFICIAL 21 3209 1000 920 6825 345 THOMAS HOELSCHER Detail DescriQtion Chart of Account Number 4-15-16 GSOCCER OFFICIAL 21 3209 1000 920 6825 345 Check Date: 0412712016 Check Total: 120.00 Check Total: Chart of Account Number Detail Amount 4-15-16 GSOCCER OFFICIAL 21 32091000 920 6825 345 Vendor: CONRAD1 CLIFTON CONRAD Detail DescriQtion Chart of Account Number 4-8-16 GSOCCER OFFICIAL 21 3209 1000 920 6825 345 Check Date: 0412812016 Vendor. JUNIORTOUR JUNIOR BUS TOURS INC Detail Qescri[2tion Chart of Account Number 2016 NEWYORKI CAGE TRIP 21 32091000 910 6121 580 Check Date: 05/04/2016 Vendor: CARRIKER DAN CARRIKER Detail DescriQtion Chart of Account Number 4-26-16 GSOCCER OFFICIAL 21 3209 1000 920 6825 345 Check Date: 0510412016 Detail DescriQtion Vendor: DUBUQUEARE 120.00 Detail Amount CHARLES W ISENHART Check Date: 0412712016 DUBUQUEARE 105.00 105.00 Detail DescriQtion Vendor: 95.00 Detail Amount Check Total: HOELSCHER 105.00 Detail Amount Detail Amount Vendor: 120.00 Detail Amount NICOLE OOSTENDORP Check Date: 04/27/2016 120.00 Detail Amount Cbart of Account Number Vendor: 105.00 105.00 Detail DescriQtion Check Date: 04/2712016 OOSTENDORP Check Total: Detail Amount 95.00 95.00 Check Total: 95.00 Detail Amount 95.00 Check Total: 5,300.00 Detail Amount 5,300.00 Check Total: 120.00 Detail Amount 120.00 CHARLES W ISENHART Check Total: Chart of Account Number Detail Amount 105.00 14 Maquoketa CSD Checking Account: Page: 15 UseriD: SRR Detail Check Register Posted; Check Date 10 Records Selected; Processing Month 05/2016,04/2-016 05/06/2016 1:07 PM 2 4-22-16 Check Number: 23768 04/2212016 Check Type: Check Invoice Number Invoice Date 4-22, 4-25 4-22, 4-25 04/2212016 Check Number: 23769 Check Type: Check Invoice Date 4-22-16 04/2212016 Invoice Date 4-25-16 04/25/2016 PO Number Check Type: Check Invoice Number Invoice Date 4-25-16 04/25/2016 Check Number: 23772 PO Number Check Type: Check Invoice Number Check Number: 23771 PO Number 04/22/2016 Invoice Number Check Number. 23770 ACTIVITY CHECKING ACCOUNT 4-22-16 GSOCCER OFFICIAL PO Number Check Type: Check Check Date: 05/04/2016 Vendor: 21 3209 1000 920 6825 345 MARTIN TIM MARTIN Detail Descrigtion Chart of Account Number 4-22-16 GSOCCER OFFICIAL 4-25-16 GSOCCER OFFICIAL 21 3209 1000 920 6825 345 21 3209 1000 920 6825 345 Check Date: 05/04/2016 Vendor: OOSTERDORP DAVID OOSTERDORP Detail Descrigtion Chart of Account Number 4-22-16 GSOCCER OFFICIAL 21 3209 1000 920 6825 345 Check Date: 05/04/2016 Vendor: RENNER1 TERRY RENNER Detail DescriQtion Chart of Account Number 4-25-16 GSOCCER OFFICIAL 21 3209 1000 920 6825 345 Check Date: 05/04/2016 Vendor: TSCHIGGFRI STEVE TSCHIGGFRIE Detail DescriQtion Chart of Account Number 4-25-16 GSOCCER OFFICIAL 21 3209 1000 920 6825 345 Check Date: 05/05/2016 Vendor: WALMAR WAL MART COMMUNITY BRC 105.00 Check Total: 95.00 105.00 Check Total: 120.00 Check Total: 95.00 Check Total: 120.00 Check Total: Invoice Date Detail DescriQtion 03/21/2016 MUSICAL SUPPLIES MAR-APR'16 03/21/2016 BATTERIES, DVD'S 21 3209 1000 910 6210 618 21 32091000 910 6210 618 MAR-APR'16 MAR-APR'16 03/21/2016 03/21/2016 YRBKISUPPLIES TRIM 21 3209 1000 950 7005 618 21 3209 1000 950 7024 618 114.00 MAR-APR'16 03/21/2016 SPRAY/FFA 21 32091000 950 7050 618 10.94 Check Type: Check Invoice Date 25468 04/05/2016 Check Number: 23774 Check Type: Check Invoice Number Invoice Date 626 05/03/2016 Check Number: 23775 PO Number Check Type: Check Invoice Number Invoice Date 4-18-16 BGOLF 04/18/2016 Check Number: 23776 PO Number PO Number Check Type: Check Invoice Number Invoice Date 4-18-16 COED TRACK 04/18/2016 4-19-16 BGOLF ENTRY 04/19/2016 4-25-16 GTRACK 04/25/2016 ENTRY PO Number Check Date: 05/06/2016 Vendor: AAAAWARD AAAAWARD Detail Descrigtion Chart of Account Number RIBBONS 21 3209 1000 950 7070 618 Check Date: 05/06/2016 Vendor: ACCURACETI ACCURACE TIMING SERVICES Detail DescriQtion Chart of Account Number APR 29-BOYS, MAY2-GIRLS 21 3209 1000 920 6502 618 Check Date: 05/06/2016 Vendor: BECKMA BECKMAN HIGH SCHOOL Detail Descrigtion Chart of Account Number 4-18-16 BGOLF ENTRY FEE 21 32091000 920 6760 815 Check Date: 05/06/2016 Vendor: CENTRA CENTRAL DEWITT HIGH SCHOOL 120.00 Detail Amount Invoice Number Invoice Number 95.00 Detail Amount MAR-APR'16 Check Number: 23773 120.00 Detail Amount Chart of Account Number PO Number 200.00 Detail Amount 327.38 Detail Amount 71.65 125.79 5.00 Check Total: 84.95 Detail Amount 84.95 Check Total: 1,700.00 Detail Amount 1,700.00 Check Total: 50.00 Detail Amount 50.00 Check Total: Detail Descrig:tion Chart of Account Number 4-18-16 COED TRACK ENTRY FEE 21 32091000 920 6740 815 100.00 4-19-16 BGOLF ENTRY FEE 4-25-16 GTRACK ENTRY FEE 21 32091000 920 6760 815 21 3209 1000 920 6840 815 35.00 100.00 235.00 Detail Amount J5 Maquoketa CSD Detail Check Register 05/06/20161:07 PM Checking Account: Check Number: 23777 2 ACT!VllY CHECKING ACCOUNT Check Date: 05/06/2016 Check Type: Check Invoice Number Invoice Date MARCH 2016 03/26/2016 Check Number: 23778 Invoice Number Page:1-6 Posted; Check Date 10 Records Selected; Processing Month 05/2016, 04/2016 PO Number Check Type: Check Invoice Date PO Number Vendor: COLTONFELL COLTON FELLER SPORTS PERFORMANCE LLC Detail DescriQtion Chart of Account Numl:!e[ MARCH 2016 STRENGTH/CONDITIONING 21 3209 1000 920 6910 345 Check Date: 05/06/2016 Vendor: COUNTRYHOM NANCY MILLER Detail DescriQtion Chart of Account Numbe[ User ID: SRR Check Total: Detail Amount 625.00 Check Total: 4-12-16 04/12/2016 GGOLF/2 SHIRTS, EMBOIDERED 21 32091000 920 6860 618 62.00 BGOLF/ SHIRT, EMBROIDERY B/G GOLF ITEMS 21 3209 1000 920 6760 618 21 3209 1000 920 6760 618 43.00 MARCH/GOLF !NV'S 04/12/2016 03/21/2016 305.00 MARCH/GOLF !NV'S 03/21/2016 B/G GOLF ITEMS 21 32091000 920 6761 619 1,710.00 MARCH/GOLF !NV'S 03/21/2016 B/G GOLF ITEMS 21 32091000 920 6861 619 304.00 Invoice Number Check Type: Check Invoice Date PO Number Check Date: 05/06/2016 Vendor: ELANFINANC Detail DescriQtion ELAN FINANCIAL SERVICES (CORP) Chart of Account Numbe[ Check Total: 03/30/2016 FUN SHOPNOCAL-MAKE UP 21 32091000 910 6210 618 218.26 MAR/APR 2016 MAR/APR 2016 03/30/2016 03/30/2016 DRAKE RELAYS/REGIST FEE ME TO WE/32 TIX TO EQUADOR 21 32091000 920 6840 815 21 3209 1000 950 7004 580 50.00 36,608.00 MAR/APR 2016 03/30/2016 ME TO WE/FOREIGN TRANS FEE ON TICKETS 21 3209 1000 950 7004 580 732.16 MAR/APR 2016 03/30/2016 QC RIVER BANDITS/PROM-FACIL, MEALS 21 32091000 950 7024 618 4,068.00 MAR/APR 2016 03/30/2016 AMERICAN/2 AIRFARES-SPA-ORLANDO MAR/APR 2016 03/30/2016 NASSP/16-17 NATL HONOR SOC MEMB RNWL 21 3209 1000 950 7030 580 21 32091000 950 7060 810 385.00 MAR/APR 2016 03/30/2016 AAAAWARDS/RIBBONS 21 3209 1000 950 7070 618 84.95 Check Type: Check Invoice Number Invoice Date 23207 03/23/2016 Check Number: 23781 Check Type: Check Invoice Number Invoice Date APRIL2016 04/30/2016 Check Number: 23782 Invoice Date 981943 04/06/2016 Invoice Number PO Number Check Type: Check Invoice Number Check Number: 23783 PO Number PO Number Check Type: Check Invoice Date PO Number Check Date: 05/06/2016 Vendor: ENVISIONSP ENVISION SPORTS DESIGNS Detail DescriQtion Chart of Account Numbe[ TENNIS RESALE CLOTHING 21 3209 1000 920 6651 619 Check Date: 05/06/2016 Vendor: GASSER GASSER TRUE VALUE@ MAQUOKETA Detail Descrigtion Chart of Account Number LILAC BUSH/CLUB HOPE 21731 21 3209 1000 950 7004 618 Check Date: 05/06/2016 Vendor: GRAPH I THE GRAPHIC EDGE INC Detail DescriQtion Chart of Account N11tDbe[ GSOCCER RESALE CLOTHING 21716 21 3209 1000 920 6826 619 Check Date: 05/06/2016 Vendor: GTMSPORTSW GTM SPORTSWEAR CORP Detail Descrigtion Chart of Account Numbe[ 18200 Check Total: 533.00 Check Total: 22.99 Check Total: 236.90 Check Total: GSOCCERIJACKETS 21714 21 3209 1000 920 6826 619 1,136.00 GSOCCERIJACKETS 21729 21 3209 1000 920 6826 619 220.80 4-9-16 0410912016 PO Number Check Date: 0510612016 Vendor: HOVEY MATTHEW HOVEY Detail Descrigtion Chart of Account Numbe[ 4-9-16 BAND JUDGE 21 20091000 910 6220 345 1,356.80 Detail Amount 04/0612016 Check Type: Check 236.90 Detail Amount 0412012016 Invoice Date 22.99 Detail Amount 100347797 Invoice Number 533.00 Detail Amount 100342596 Check Number: 23784 42,328.37 Detail Amount MAR/APR 2016 Check Number: 23780 2,424.00 Detail Amount 4-12-16- Check Number: 23779 625.00 Check Total: 100.00 Detail Amount 100.00 /Co Maquoketa CSD Detail Check Register 05106/2016 1:07PM Checking Account Check Number: 23785 2 ACTIVITY CHECKING ACCOUNT Check Date: 0510612016 Check Type: Check lnyoice Number Invoice Date 16-17 RNWL 0411312016 Check Number: 23786 I nvolce Date 227-WW-02800G 0411112016 Invoice Date PC 21726 04/1212016 Invoice Number Invoice Date 05/01/2016 05105/2016 Check Number. 23789 Invoice Date 52992 04/27/2016 Invoice Date 463642 04126/2016 Vendor: INTERSTAT4 INTER-STATE STUDIO & PUBLISHING CO Check Total: Detail Description Chart of Account Number YEARBOOKS 22312 21 2009 1000 950 7070 618 Check Date: 05/0612016 Vendor: IOWAFFAASS IOWA FFA ASSOCIATION Detail Description C!)art of Account Number FFAI STATE LEADERSHIP REG'S 21726 21 3209 1000 950 7050 815 Check Date: 05106/2016 Vendor: IAHIGH9 IOWA HIGH SCHOOL SPEECH ASSOCIATION Detail Description Chart of Account Number LARGE GRP AWARDS, CERTIF'S 21740 LARGE GROUP ENTRY FEES 21649 21 3209 1000 910 6121 618 21 32091000 910 6120 815 Check Date: 05/06/2016 V-endor. JAYMAR JAYMAR BUSINESS FORMS INC Detail Descrintion Chart of Account Nllmber 3,000 ACTIVITY FUND CHECKS 21 3209 1000 920 6502 618 Check Date: 0510612016 Vendoc MAQSCH3 MAQ SCHOOLS/LUNCH FUND Detail Description Chart of Account Nllmber SP NEEDS FIELD DAY LUNCHES 21 3209 1000 950 7070 580 Check Date: 05106/2016 Vendor: MAQUOK3 MAQUOKETA COUNTRY CLUB 980"00 Check Total: 225.00 Check Total: 255"00 149"00 Check Total: 278" 15 Check Total: 399"50 Check Total: 630"00 1604-635603 04/20/2016 Check Type: Check Invoice Number Invoice Date BAM WALKAOVERT 03/23/2016 PO Number Check Type: Check !nyoice Number Invoice Date 4-9-16 0410912016 PO Number Check Type: Check Invoice Number Invoice Date 4-27-16 04127/2016 PO Number Vendoc MAQUOK6 MAQUOKETA LUMBER CO Chart of Account Nymber CLUB HOPEI FELT-ROOFING MATERIAL 21 32091000 950 7004 618 Check Date: 05/0612016 Vendor: MAQUOK8 MAQUOKETA SENTINEL PRESS (COPR) Detail Descrintion Chart of Account Number BAM WALK ADVERTISING 21 3209 1000 950 7080 618 Check Date: 05/06/2016 Vendor: MAROLF MICKI MAROLF Detail Description Chart of Account Number 4-9-16 BAND JUDGE 21 2009 1000 910 6220 345 Check Date: 05/06/2016 Vendor: MCMILLEN KATHLEEN MCMILLEN Detail Description Chart of Account Number 4-27-16 MS BAND CLINICIAN 21 2009 1000 910 6220 345 399.50 Detail Amount 630"00 Detail Description 278.15 Detail Amount 21 32091000 920 6860 810 Check Date: 0510612016 404.00 Detail Amount 0312512016 PO Number 225"00 Detail Amount 21 32091000 920 6760 810 Check Type: Check 980"00 Detail Amount 2016 GOLF FEES PO Number 50"00 50"00 2016 GOLF FEES Invoice Date Check Number. 23795 PO Number Check Date: 0510612016 Check Total: Detail Amount 03125/2016 lnyoice Number Check Number: 23794 RON IMOEHL Chart of Account Number Chart of Account Nymber 2016 GOLF FEES Check Number: 23793 IMOEHL Detail Description Invoice Date Check Number: 23792 PO Number Check Type: Check lnyoice Number 2016 GOLF FEES PO Number Check Type: Check Invoice Number Check Number: 23791 PO Number Check Type: Check Invoice Number Check Number: 23790 PO Number Check Type: Check 2187 LRG GRP STATE Vendor: Detail Description 16-17 STATE DATABASE/OPEN EVENTS,GAMES 21 3209 1000 920 6502 320 Check Type: Check Invoice Number Check Number. 23788 PO Number Check Type: Check Invoice Number Check Number: 23787 Page: 17 UseriD: SRR Posted; Check Date 10 Records Selected; Processing Month 05/2016, 04/2016 1,260.00 Deta-Il Amount Check Total: 22.29 Detail Amount 2229 Check Total: 62.00 Detail Amount 62"00 Check Total: 100"00 Detail Amount 100"00 Check Total: 50"00 Detail Amount 50"00 ll Maquoketa CSD Detail Check Register 05/06/20161:07 PM Checking Account: Check Number: 23796 2 Check Type: Check Invoice Date 4-9-16 04/09/2016 Invoice Date "ANNIE" 04/12/2016 Invoice Number PO Number Check Type: Check Invoice Number Check Number: 23798 UserlD: SRR ACTIVITY CHECKING ACCOUNT Invoice Number Check Number: 23797 Page:18 Posted; Check Date 10 Recor-ds Selected; Processing Month 05/2016, 04/2016 PO Number Check Type: Check Invoice Date PO Number Check Date: 05/06/2016 Vendor: NORMAN1 DANIEL NORMAN Detail Oescrigtion Chart of Account Number 4-9-16 BAND JUDGE 21 2009 1000 910 6220 345 Check Date: 05/06/2016 Vendor: OHNWARDFIN OHNWARD FINE ARTS CENTER (COPR) Detail Descrigtion Chart of Account Nmnbe[ "ANNIE" FACILITY USE 21 32091000 910 6210 618 Check Date: 05/06/2016 Vendor: PEPSIC PEPSI COLA (CORP) Detail Descrigtion Chart of Account N!!rnbe:[ Check Total: 100.00 Check Total: 1,275.00 Check Total: 04/20/2016 POP/WATER 21 3209 1000 950 7007 619 143.44 04/20/2016 POP 21 3209 1000 950 7007 619 145.20 20059387 05/02/2016 POP 21 32091000 950 7007 619 150.68 Check Type: Check Invoice Date 2699307 4977400 4990155 Check Number: 23800 Check Total: LABELS 21646 21 32091000 950 7080 618 30.86 PENS, POST ITS 22322 21 2009 1000 950 7070 618 126.74 04/13/2016 POST ITS 22322 21 20091000 950 7070 618 53.97 Check Type: Check PO Number Check Type: Check Invoice Number Invoice Date 458013 458013 04/05/2016 PO Number 04/05/2016 Check Type: Check Invoice Number Invoice Date MAR,APR,MAY 04/21/2016 PO Number Check Type: Check Invoice Number Invoice Date 2016 MARATHON 05/09/2016 Invoice Number QUILL CORPORATION 04/13/2016 04/11/2016 Check Number: 23804 QUILLC 01/26/2016 14738 Check Number: 23803 Vendor: Chart of Account Nllmbe:[ 1nvoice Date Check Number: 23802 Check Date: 05/06/2016 Detail DescriQtion Invoice Number Check Number: 23801 PO Number PO Number Check Type: Check Invoice Date PO Number Check Date: 05/06/2016 Vendor: RONANN RONANN'S FLORAL SHOPPE Detail DescriQtion Chart of Account Numbei CORSAGE! MUSICAL 21 32091000 910 6210 618 Check Date: 05/06/2016 Vendor: SPORTD SPORT DECALS INC Detail DescriQtion Chart of Account Numbe:[ MS/TSHIRTS 22285 TRACK/FIELD MS/TSHIRTS 22285 TRACK/FIELD 21 20091000 920 6700 618 21 20091000 920 6800 618 Check Date: 05/06/2016 Vendor: TOUCHDOWNS TOUCHDOWN STORAGE Detail Descrigtion Chart of Account Numbe:[ CLUB HOPE/RENT MAR, APR, MAY 21 3209 1000 950 7004 618 Check Date: 05/06/2016 Vendor: UNIVERSI18 UNIVERSITY OF IOWA HOSPITALS & CLINICS Detail Descrigtion Chart of Account N!JDJbfi[ 2016 DANCE MARATHON/ DONATION 21 3209 1000 950 7004 618 Check Date: 05/06/2016 Vendor: WALMAR WAL MART COMMUNITY BRC Chart of Account Nymber Detail DescriQtion Check Total: 35.00 Check Total: 367.21 450.63 Check Total: 90.00 Check Total: 14,609.82 Detail Amount 14,609.82 Check Total: 271.40 Detail Amount ST COUNCIUPOP, BAGS, RIBBON 22305 21 2009 1000 950 7070 618 41.44 CLUB HOPE/WE DAY SUPPLIES 21 3209 1000 950 7004 618 212.98 7834 04/14/2016 FFNFOAM BOARDS, CONSTR PPR 21 3209 1000 950 7050 618 16.98 WOOD BARN DESIGNS 90.00 Detail Amount 04/13/2016 Vendor: WOODBARNDE 817.84 Detail Amount 04/26/2016 Check Date: 05/06/2016 35.00 Detail Amount 1878- Check Type: Check 211.57 Detail Amount 6222- Check Number: 23805 439.32 Detail Amount 20058016 Invoice Number 1,275.00 Detail Amount 20058015 Check Number: 23799 100.00 Detail Amount Check Total: 51.94 !Z Detail Check Registe-r Maquoketa CSD 05/06/2016 1:07 PM Checking Account: Invoice Number 1622 1622 Page: 19 Posted; Check Date 10 Records Selected; Processing Month 05/2016, 04/2016 User ID: SRR ACTIVITY CHECKING ACCOUNT 2 Invoice Date 04/20/2016 04/20/2016 *Denotes Expensed Invoice Item PO Number Detail Description Chart of Account Number 2 PlAQUES 21 32091000 920 6760 618 21 3209 1000 920 6860 618 2 PlAQUES Checking Account ID: 2 Detail Amount 25.97 25.97 Total without Voids: 78,777.22 Maquoketa CSD Detail Check Register 05/06/20161:07 PM Checking Account: Check Number: 3880 4 SCHOOL HOUSE CHECKING ACCOUNT Check Type: Check Check Date: 05/06/2016 Invoice Number Invoice Date 56906 03/08/2016 Check Number: 3881 Invoice Date 12728 04/14/2016 Invoice Date MAR/APR 2016 03/30/2016 Invoice Date 107300 01/2912016 PO Number Check Type: Check Invoice Number Invoice Date 85445 04/20/2016 Check Number. 3885 PO Number Check Type: Check Invoice Number Check Number: 3884 PO Number Check Type: Check Invoice Number Check Number: 3883 PO Number Check Type: Check Invoice Number Check Number: 3882 Page:20 Posted; Check Date 10 Records Selected; Processing Month 05/2016, 04/2016 PO Number Check Type: Check Invoice Number Invoice Date 102397 03/30/2016 *Denotes Expensed Invoice Item PO Number Vendor: A1STORAGEA A-1 STORAGEANDCRANESERVICE INC Check Total: Detail Description Chart of Account Number 40' STORAGE CONTAINER/TRACK EQUIP 36 0000 4700 000 0000 739 Check Date: 05/06/2016 Vendor: CONFLUENCE Chart of Account Number GOODENOW- DESIGN WORK 36 3209 4600 000 0000 343 Vendor: ELANFINANC Chart of Account Number AMA20N/CLASSRM COMP MEM UPGRADE 3319091000 100 8759 618 Check Date: 05/06/2016 Vendoc FEHASSOCIA Chart of Account Number MS REFERENDUM CAMPAIGN 33 2009 4700 000 8008 343 Vendor: MENARD MENARDS-DAVENPORT Detail Description Chart of Account Number HS/CARD CEILING TILES 36 0000 4700 000 0000 618 Check Date: 05/06/2016 Vendoc WILSONREST Chart of Account Number CONVECTION OVEN 36 0000 4700 000 0000 739 4 1,020.00 1,020.00 Check Total: 873.20 Detail Amount 87320 Check Total: 3,310.99 Detail Amount 3,310.99 (CORP) Check Total: 1,535.07 Detail Amount 1,535.07 WILSON RESTAURANT SUPPLY INC Detail Descriotion Checking Account ID: Check Total: Detail Amount FEH DESIGN Detail Description Check Date: 05/06/2016 7,391_75 ELAN FINANCIAL SERVICES (CORP) Detail Description 7,391.75 Detail Amount CONFLUENCE Detail Descriotion Check Date: 05/06/2016 User 10: SRR Check Total: 3,350.00 Detail Amount 3,350.00 Total without Voids: 17,481.01 ;20 Maquoketa CSD 05/06/2016 1:07 PM Checking Account: Check Number: 3017 Page: 21 Detail Check Register Posted; Check Date 10 Records Selected; Processing Month 05/2016, 04/2016 HEALTH CHECKING ACCOUNT Check Date: 04/14/2016 6 Check Type: Check Invoice Number Invoice Date APR2016 APR 2016 04/14/2016 04/14/2016 PO Number Detail Vendor. FIDELI Descri~tion FIDELITY SECURITY LIFE INS CO (CORP) Check Total: Chart of Account Number APRIL VISIONIJ BOLLMAN User 10: SRR Detail Amount APR VISION/J CROWLEY 71 0000 1999 000 0000 71 0000 1999 000 0000 22.73 8.10 APR2016 04/14/2016 APR VISION/L LANGE 71 0000 1999 000 0000 8.10 APR2016 APR2016 04114/2016 71 0000 1999 000 0000 04/14/2016 APR VISION/B MUELLER APR VISION/ L SPALDING 71 0000 1999 000 0000 8.10 8.10 APR2016 04/14/2016 APR VISION/ROUNDING 71 0000 1999 000 0000 0.29 Check Number: 3018 Check Type: Check Invoice Number Invoice Date 4-13-16 04/13/2016 Check Number. 3019 PO Number Invoice Number Check Type: Check PO Number Invoice Date HEALTH C.D. 04/15/2016 Check Number: 3020 Invoice Date 4-20-16 04/20/2016 Check Number: 3021 Invoice Date 4-27-16 04/27/2016 Check Number: 3022 Invoice Date APRIL 1,15,29-2016 04/28/2016 Invoice Date DEPOSIT CORR 05/02/2016 Invoice Date 5-4-16 05/04/2016 PO Number Check Type: Check Invoice Number Invoice Date 49048 04/18/2016 Check Number: 3026 PO Number Check Type: Check Invoice Number Check Number: 3025 PO Number Check Type: Check Invoice Number Check Number. 3024 PO Number Check Type: Check Invoice Number Check Number: 3023 PO Number Check Type: Check Invoice Number PO Number Check Type: Check Invoice Number Invoice Date APR2016 BAL 05/02/2016 Vendor: BLUECR PO Number WELLMARK INC Detail Descrigtion Chart of Account Number WEEKLY DRAW 71 0000 3200 000 0000 279 Check Date: 04/15/2016 Detail Descrigtion Vendor: OHNWARDBAN Check Date: 04/21/2016 OHNWARD BANK Chart of Account Number HEALTH FUND C.D. 12MO Check Type: Check Invoice Number Check Date: 04/14/2016 .795% Vendor. BLUECR 71 106 000 0000 000 WELLMARK INC Detail Descrigtion Chart of Account Number WEEKLY DRAW 71 0000 3200 000 0000 279 Check Date: 04/27/2016 Vendor: BLUECR WELLMARK INC Detail Descrigtion Chart of Account Number WEEKLY DRAW 71 0000 3200 000 0000 279 Check Date: 04/28/2016 Vendor: MAOSCH2 MAO SCHOOLS/GENERAL FUND Detail Descrigtion Chart of Account Number APRIL 1, 15, 29,2016 DENTNISION/PRESCR 71 101 000 0000 000 Check Date: 05/02/2016 Vendor: MAOSCH2 MAO SCHOOLS/GENERAL FUND Detail Descrigtion Chart of Account Number DEPOSIT CORR!PACK 71 101 000 0000 000 Check Date: 05/04/2016 Vendor: BLUECR WELLMARK INC Detail DescriQtion Chart of Account Number WEEKLY DRAW 71 0000 3200 000 0000 279 Check Date: 05/06/2016 Vendor: RJLEEA RJ LEE & ASSOCIATES-A TRUENORTH COMPANY Detail Descrigtion Chart of Account Number APR-JUN 2016 CONSULTING FEE 71 0000 3200 000 0000 340 Check Date: 05/06/2016 Vendor: BLUECR WELLMARK INC Detail Descrigtion Chart of Account Number APRIL 2016 BAL DUE 71 0000 3200 000 0000 279 55.42 Check T atal: 40,000.00 Detail Amount 40,000.00 Check Total: 700,000.00 Detail Amount 700,000.00 Check Total: 40,000.00 Detail Amount 40,000.00 Check Total: 40,000.00 Detail Amount 40,000.00 Check T eta!: 20,620.46 Detail Amount 20,620.46 Check Total: 100.00 Detail Amount 100.00 Check Total: 40,000.00 Detail Amount 40,000.00 Check Total: 2,750.00 Detail Amount 2,750.00 Check Total: 5,752.08 · Detail Amount 5,752.08 d. I Detail Check Register Posted; Check Date 10 Records Selected; Processing Month 05/2016,04/2016 Maquoketa CSD 05/0612016 1:07 PM Checking Account: 6 *Denotes Expensed Invoice Item Page:22 User!D: SRR HEALTH CHECKING ACCOUNT Checking Account ID: 6 Total without Voids: 889,277.96 Registrations, Reimbursements and Accounts Payable for Approval 5-9-16 10-1109-1000-860-3117-580 Kathy Bollman Meal Exp $11.50 10-3209-1000-102-0000-580 Barb Bowman Mileage $45.00 10-0000-2700-000-0000-626 Gary Bruns Reim Gas Exp $81.87 10-0000-2239-000-0000-618 Dustin Cogan 10-00 00-2 23 9-000-0 000-580 Phone Reim Mileage $78.70 ~54.00 $132.70 10-1109-1000-860-3117-580 Tammy Current Meal Exp $10.56 21-3209-1000-920-6725-129 April Edwards 21-2009-1000-920-6700-129 21-3209-1000-920-6825-129 4 dates-Bsoccer/Ciock 4-18-16 MS Track/Announcer 4 dates-Gsoccer/Ciock 21-3209-2410-920-6725-156 Bev Gobin 21-2009-2410-920-6800-156 4-12-16 Bsoccer Tickets 4-18-16 Gtrack Ticket Taker $25.00 j;10.00 $35.00 10-1109-1000-860-3117-580 Brandi Hass Meal Exp $11.50 $160.00 $25.00 j;130.00 $315.00 21-2009-2410-920-6800-156 Laura Kloft 4-7-16 MS Play Tickets $25.00 4-8-16 Gsoccer Tickets 21-3209-2410-920-6825-156 $30.00 21-2009-2410-920-6700-156 4-18-16 Strack Ticket Taker $25.00 r----· 21-3209-2410-920-6825-1564-15-16 Gsoccer Ticket Taker $20.00 21-3209-2410-920-6725-156 4-19-16 Bsoccer Tickets $25.00 ··-----~25.00 4-22-16 Gsoccer Tickets 21-3209-2410-920-6825-156 · ----------··-- -·----·-·---f$150.00 - - - - · - - - - - · - 1 - - · - - - -..- ~----.----·.-· 1----- ---·--.--·--·-·- - - - - - - - - - - - · - -· · · - - · - - - - - - - 21-3209-2410-920-6825-156 Carolyn Laughlit1_ _ _ _ '1\pr 25,26 Gsoccer Tickets _ --------------- --_f- _$70.00 fc,--·---·---- ------·-·---- -·--------·-- ---$11.50 Meal Exp r---·----.--.- r -------.-·--.- r----.-- 10-1109-1000-860-3117-580 Lorene McLaughlin --··------------ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ·- - - - - - - - - · - · - - - · - - - - - - - - - - - 10-1109-1000-860-3117-580 ._§rin_Noval<_ _ _ _ _ _ Meal Exp ! ' - ' = - - - - - · - - - -1---- _jl_!.!)O ------------ ---------- - ·- - - · - - - - · - _Mindy Orris_ _______ ~-17-15 MS Vball Scorebd --:- __ f-----=- $20.0_() ~ 1-2009-1 000-920-6800-12~ - - - - - - - - . - - · - -- - - - - · - - · - 4-12-Hi Bsoccer Ticket Taker- ---$20.00 21-3209-2410-920-6725-156 t Arleen Perez - - - - - - - - - - -1 - - - - - - - --. - - - - . - -... - -·-·---------·- - · - - · - · · - · - - - - - · - · · - - - - - - - - . - · - - 21-3209-l000-910-6210-129 Linda Polk HS Musical Accompaniest ---r - - - - - · - - · - - -r - - - - - . - · - - - - -t - - - $600.00 -------·--- - - --·-- ---- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - · - - - - - - · - - - - - - - - . - - ..- - - - -~gela 21-3209-1000-910-6210-129 Ruley . - - - - - - HS Musical Assistance - - - - - . - . - · - . - - · - - - · - - - - - - f - - $550.00 - - · - - - - - - - - - - - _!(J-1109-i000-860-3117-580:: ~mmi Sagers _ _ _ _ _ _ M~Exp _ _ _ _ _. ___ 1---- · · $11.50 - - - - - - - -- · - - - · - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - T0-2009-1000-100-0000-618 Christine Snell ------·---------- - - - · - - - - - - Reim Awards/Pins 1-- ----- - - - - - - - - - - · · - - ----------- -·-·--·---··----.--.----- . $146.00 - - - - 21-3209-1000-910-6210-618 · Tom Yearwood $153.77 Reim MusicaiJ>.u_ppli~----- - - ----------- -·--·--·-··-·- '----··------- - - -- - ..- - - · - · - - - - · ~_c--- TOTAL - - · - - -··-·- f--·-·.-- ------------ - - - · - · - - · - - ----------------- _ __1_2,387.40 - - - · - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ..- - - - - - - - - - - · - - - - - - · - - - - · - - . - - . - - .- - - · - - - - · · - - . - - - - . - - - - - - --·--- ---·---·--- - - - - · · - - - - - - - · - · - · - · - · - - - - -· · - - · - · - - · - · - - - - . - . - .. - - - - - · - - - - - - - - - - · . - - - - - - · · - - - - - - - · - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - · - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - AN OHNWARD BANCSHARES BANK Maquoketa Community School District Account Balance Analysis; April, 2016 Hot Lunch Fund #93971 High Balance Low Balance Average Daily Balance $109,624 $80,606 $93,483 General account #94870 High Balance Low Balance Avcrage Daily Balance $6,765,177 $4,622,087 $5,651,633 Schoolhouse Fund account #94897 High Balance Low Balance AverageDaily Balance $1,456,518 $1,304,035 $1,364,181 Activity Fund account #96326 High Balance Low Balance Average Daily Balance $171,591 $145,495 $161,410 Prepared By: Bonnie Burmeister Customer Service Representative Dated: 05/03/2016 203 North Main Street Maquoketa, Iowa 52060 Phone 563/652-2491 FAX 563/652-2495 112 McKinsey Drive Maquoketa, Iowa 52060 Phone 563/652-2491 FAX 563/652-0552 16 West Benton Street Andrew, Iowa 52030 Phone 563/672-3575 FAX 563/672-9606 www .maquoketasb.com 3 North Elliot Street Preston, Iowa 52069 Phone 563/689-3535 FAX 563/689-3537 4/30/2016 MAQUOKETA COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT 2015116 COMBINED STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES Unaudited Created 5/312016 Includes lntrafund transfers EST. 71112015 EOFY AUDITORS RECEIPTS TO DATE EXPENDITURES 4/3012016 TO DATE EST. BALANCE FUND EGINN!NG BALANC AD~UST. FD BAL (CASH & INVEST.) June-15 10 GENERAL $ 3,305,613.48 $ 13,147,088.58 $ 11,623,110.72 $ 4,829,591.34 21 ACTIVITY $ 182,495.42 $ 400,345.94 $ 306,353.20 $ 276,488.16 22 MANAGEMENT $ 769,524.31 $ 771,957.95 $ 321,sn.37 $ 1,219,904.89 33 LOCAL OPT SALES $ 1,907,463.06 $ 963,488.26 $ 956,722.81 $ 1,914,228.51 36 PPEL $ 495,456.95 $ 389,047.81 $ 445,947.02 $ 438,557.74 41 DEBT SVCE REV 80 $ 74,869.27 $ 712,575.98 $ 280,594.00 $ 506,851.25 61 NUTRITION $ $ 586,186.07 $ 539,249.43 $ 44,340.46 71 HEALTH $ 3,883,030.80 $ 1,868,410.48 $ 1,899,499.98 $ 3,851,941.30 TRUST FUNDS $ 458,710.09 $ 2,546.37 $ 9,515,.22 $ 451,741.24 AGENCY $ 18,684.92 $ 101,262.30 $ 103,808.40 $ 16,138.82 FD# 27/81 91 (3,096.18) $ 500.00 BUDGET RECAP FISCAL YEAR 2015/16 YTD INSTRUCTION (1000-1999) CATEGORIES-------- YTD YTD YTD SUPPORT SVCES ON INSTRPRO OTHERSVCES (3100-3499) (3500-5999's) (211 0-2899) TOTAL YTD OTHER FIN SVCES Transfers 2015-16 Aprvd Budget 4115 GAAP Budgeted - $855,118 Expenditures: Total General-1 0 Total Activity Fund-21 Total Mgmt Fund-22 Total Special Rev #27 {#81 not budgeted) Local OptS & S Tax-33 Total PPEL Fund-36 Total Debt Svce Fund-40 & 41 Total Nutrition Fund-61 Total FYI..A/1 Fds YTO Trsnfr Out FY'15 EXPENDITURES AS APPROVED IN Apr '15 % Spent YTD to Adopted $ 7,863,425 287,080 $ 3,169,627 $ $ 19,273 $ 41,906 $ 279,671 $ $ $ $ $ $ 3,565 129,130 $ $ $ - 8,325,108 $12,454,713 67% $ $ $ $ - - - 149,377 $ 15,081 $ 524,169 3,633,029 $ 524,169 $4,869,470 75% $723,952 72% $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 590,058 - $ $ $ - $ $ 296,570 $ 280,594 $ $ 1,282,284 $ 115,062 $2,021,048 63% $ 11,623,111 306,353 321,577 $ $ $ 16,520,661 477,000 $ - 468,951 $ - 3,565 244,193 445,947 280,594 539,249 $ $ $ $ $ 15,000 425,000 $ 712,530 13,764,590 $ $ 712,530 $ 855,118 83% 20,069,183 69% 399,254 855,118 750,652 19,160,984 FY16 REVENUE REPORT FOR BOARD 4/30/2016 Created 5/3/2016 % Of Budget 98% 97% 50% 76% 62% 99% 74% 81% 77% 79% 103% 82.3% #10 GENERAL FUND Taxes I nco me Surtaxes Tuition/Transp Received Earnings on Investments Student Activities and Sales Other Revenues from Local Soc Revenue from Intermediary Sou State Sources Chapter 1 Grants Other Federal Sources Upward/Downward & Mise Total General Approp $3,803,125 $598,689 $1,751,014 $19,500 $27,500 $76,500 $3,600 $8,963,904 $352,878 $306,176 $76,721 $15,979,607 Prior Mo YTD $2,255,749.94 $582,862.00 $818,506.26 $12,286.17 $11,202.71 $71,654.77 $2,250.00 $6,400,138.68 $270,297.00 $221,956.82 $79,216.88 $10,726,121.23 Current Month $1,452,832.85 $0.00 $49,207.97 $2,502.98 $5,850.79 $4,246.80 $400.00 $885,633.76 $0.00 $20,292.20 $0.00 $2,420,967.35 YTD Total $3,708,582.79 $582,862.00 $867,714.23 $14,789.15 $17,053.50 $75,901.58 $2,650.00 $7,285,772.44 $270,297.00 $242,249.02 $79,216.88 $13,147,088.59 #21 ACTIVITY FUND Total Activity Approp $450,000.00 $338,964.71 $61,381.23 $400,345.94 89.0% $461,619.01 $179.00 $14,936.00 $476,734.01 $282,790.68 $12,433.26 $0.00 $295,223.94 $744,409.69 $12,612.26 $14,936.00 $771,957.95 99% #DIV/0! 100% 100.9% $883,803.51 $77,579.00 $2,105.75 $0.00 $0.00 $963,488.26 421% #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 70.7% $373,110.09 $6,290.33 $2,060.39 $7,587.00 $389,047.81 96% #DIV/0! 103% 100% 98.0% #22 MGMT FUND Taxes , Misc. Income Upward/Downward Other Total Mgmt Approp $750,000.00 $0.00 $14,936.00 $764,936.00 #33 LOCAL OPT. S & S TAX Local Option Sales Tax Procee Local Sources (Andrew/Delwoo Interest State Supp Sources Donations/Microsoft Total Capital Projects Approp $1,290,362.00 $72,579.00 $500.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1 ,363,441.00 $792,935.71 $77,579.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $870,514.71 1 #36 SH PPEL FUND Taxes Levied Other Revenue Earnings on Investments Upward/Downward Other Total SH PPEL Approp $387,393.00 $0.00 $2,000.00 $7,587.00 $396,980.00 $227,038.23 $0.00 $1,949.98 $7,587.00 $236,575.21 #40 & #41 DEBT SVCE FUND Taxes Levied lnt Earned/Other Income Other Total SH Debt Service Approp #61 NUTRITION FUND Earnings on Investments Account Deposits/Nut Prog SalE Approp Mise Other Revenues from Local Sou Other Federal Sources Upward/Downward Other Total Nutrition #27 SPECIAL REVENUE FUN Earnings on Investments Donations/Gifts Total Expend. Trust $0.00 $20.00 $20.00 $0.00 $2.23 $0.00 $2.23 1 $90,867.80 $0.00 $2,105.75 $0.00 $0.00 $92,973.55 1 $146,071.86 $6,290.33 $110.41 $0.00 $152,472.60 $43.69 $43.69 1 $0.00 $45.92 $0.00 $45.92 229.6% 230% $20.00 $221,555.00 $2,500.00 $6,475.00 $498,000.00 $500.00 $728,550.00 $18.30 $190,481.72 $452.50 $4,628.46 $318,246.26 $500.00 $514,327.24 $3.88 $22,702.46 $67.50 $0.00 $49,084.99 $0.00 $71,858.83 $22.18 $213,184.18 $520.00 $4,628.46 $367,331.25 $500.00 $586,186.07 111% 96% 21% 71% 74% 100% 80.5% Approp $150.00 $2,000.00 $2,150.00 $15.73 $0.00 $15.73 $9.37 $25.10 $0.00 $25.10 17% 0% 1.2% $9.37 #81 TRUST FUNDS Earnings on Investments Donations/Gifts Total Expend. Trust TOTAL OQer. Transfers ln!F A Diseositic General10 Upward adj (pr yrfr#22 to #10) Mgmt22 Debt Service 40141 Capital Proj #34 Local Option Sales Tax 33 Total Approp $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,371.27 $600.00 $0.00 $550.00 $1,371.27 $1,150.00 $1,971.27 $550.00 $2,521.27 $19,685,683.98 $13,165,226.34 $3,095,480.56 $16,260,706.91 Amroariated $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $855,118.00 $641,302.69 $71,230.06 $855,118.00 $641,302.69 $71,230.06 YTD $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $712,532.75 $0.00 $0.00 $712,532.75 ..... NOT BUDGETED FUNDS: #71 HEALTH FUND Other Revenues from Local Sources Transfers Total Health Prior Month Current Month YTD Total $1,677,951.15 $190,459.33 $0.00 $1,868,410.48 $1,677,951.15 $190,459.33 $1,868,410.48 83% GENERAL FUND & NON BUDGETED EXPENDITURE DETAIL REPORT FOR BOARD FY2015-16 GENERAL FUND AEBQE_ PR MOEXP YTD Created CURRENT MONTH EXPENDITURE 4/30/2016 5/3/2016 CURREXP YEAR TO DATE % PrYr %Spent YTD SALARIES $5,744,790.95 $3,554,742.75 $752,593.53 $4,307,336.28 75% 68% BENEFITS $2,273,824.21 $1,380,557.50 $289,929.66 $1,670,487.16 73% 68% SPECIAL EDUCATION $2,539,269.42 $1,579,398.16 $324,209.70 $1,903,607.86 75% 56% $339,076.00 $198,869.78 $28,839.07 $227,708.85 67% 67% $2,978,222.78 $1,815,643.96 $210,422.16 $2,026,066.12 68% 55% OPERATION/MAINTENANCE $615,200.00 $350,797.82 $42,317.09 $393,114.91 64% 66% TRANSPORTATION $144,200.00 $55,349.53 $7,717.40 $63,066.93 44% 72% HIGH SCHOOL $141,650.00 $84,343.79 $7,806.26 $92,150.05 65% 86% MIDDLE SCHOOL $65,869.50 $33,354.77 $7,895.11 $41,249.88 63% 56% CARDINAL $42,650.00 $13,015.84 $1,625.28 $14,641.12 34% 36% BRIGGS $42,250.00 $14,811.91 $1,324.44 $16,136.35 38% 36% $400.00 $1,840.94 $94.76 $1,935.70 484% 39% $35,999.40 $25,015.88 $0.00 $26,745.03 $121,834.05 $221,973.92 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3,198.99 $26,998.42 $30,197.41 $35,999.40 $25,015.88 $0.00 $29,944.02 ~148 832.47 $239,791.77 22% 21% 36% 52% 67% 72% 50% 40% Salaries & Benefits (#8655) Subtotal Instruct. Support $160,000.00 $70,000.00 $0.00 $45,000.00 §206 29~.28 $481,299.28 EXTRA CURR. ACCOUNTS (8900s $103,100.00 $28,83 '1.70 $6,928.04 $35,759.74 35% 62% PASS THROUGH TO AEA $590,058.00 $590,058.00 $0.00 $590,058.00 100% 100% $16,583,159.42 $16,913,981.00 $9,923,590.37 $1,711,899.91 $11,623,110.72 70% 66% $1,647,651.22 $251,848.76 $1,899,499.98 TITLE I (Includes SINA&DINA) CENTRAL OFFICE & GRANTS SACRED HRT (Texts/Techn) INSTRUCTIONAL SUPPORT (8755): Mise lnstr (#8755 CH & SIS) Curr Support (JS #8756) Bldg Techn Needs (#8758) Dst Wide Tech Exp (DC #8759) GENERAL FUND TOTAL Adopted Apri/2014 Non Budgeted Expenditures: He~.th Fund J!lL~ \-\-et BUSINESS C ORDINATOR \...__, 5/3/2016 64% 42% Maquoketa CSD 05/04/2016 9:25AM Activity Fund Balance Report- Summary- Include Encumbrances Page: 1 UseriD: KAW 07/2015 - 05/2016 Regular; Beginning Month 07/2015; Processing Month 05/2016; Fund Number21 Fund: 21 STUDENT ACTIVITY FUND Chart of Account Number Chart of Account Description 21 729 009 6504 920 RESTRICTED DRUG TESTING-ACTIVITY 21 729 009 6910 920 RESTRICTED WEIGHT ROOM 21 729 009 7001 950 RESTRICTED DIST INTEREST-ACTIVITY 21 729 009 7002 950 RESTRICTED SPEC CKS-ACTIVITY 21 729 109 6000 919 Beginning Balance Expenses Revenues Outstanding AP Outstanding EQ Balance Change 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,471.95 5,000.00 2,562.00 625.00 0.00 0.00 (591.05) 0.00 0.00 302.26 0.00 0.00 (226.67) 75.59 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 RESTRICTED HS ACT TICKETS-ACTIVITY 5,477.08 29.75 15,930.00 0.00 0.00 220.08 21,597.41 2,704.61 50.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 25.68 2,680.29 0.00 2,099.67 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (2,099.67) 4,935.42 21 729109 6006 910 RESTRICTED ACTIVITIES CONTROL-ACT! 217291096120910 RESTRICTED HS SPEECH-ACTIVITY 21 729 109 6121 910 RESTRICTED SPEECH FUNDRAISER 217291096210910 RESTRICTED HS VOCAL MUSIC-ACTIVITY 217291096211910 RESTRICTED HARM HLPRS.ACTIVITY 21 729 109 6220 910 21 729 109 6221 910 21 729 109 6502 920 RESTRICTED ATHLETIC CONTROL 21 729 109 6503 920 21 729 109 6504 920 21 729 109 6505 920 ATHLETIC AWARDS 5,031.41 7,683.67 4,387.68 0.00 0.00 3,200.00 0.00 6,086.60 12,398.00 1,310.00 0.00 0.00 5,001.40 3,268.49 2,839.48 5,781.79 0.00 0.00 0.00 6,210.80 RESTRICTED HS BAND-ACTIVITY 0.00 2,091.20 1,050.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (1,041.20} RESTRICTED HS BAND TOUR-ACTIVITY 0.00 (10.40) 461.35 0.00 0.00 (220.08) 251.67 9,158.28 10,013.46 18,127.50 50.00 0.00 80.50 17,302.82 RESTRICTED ATHLETIC PASS 0.00 94.00 1,470.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,376.00 RESERVE DRUG TESTING 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 586.84 913.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (326.41) (1,400.19) 21 729 109 6645 920 RESTRICTED COED CROSS COUNTRY 21 729 109 6646 920 RESTRICTED HS CROSS COUNTRY FUNDRAISER 217291096651920 RESTRICTED TENNIS FUNDRAI-ACTIVITY 21 729 109 6685 920 BOWLING 21 729109 6686 920 RESTRICTED HS BOWLILNG FUNDR'R-ACTJVITY 21 729 109 6693 920 RESTRICTED CHEERLEADERS 21 729 109 6694 920 RESTRICTED DANCE TEAM 21 729 109 6695 920 RESTRICTED-CHEERLEADERS FUNDRAISER ACCT 21 729109 6696 920 RESTRICTED- DANCE TEAM FUNDRAISER ACCT 217291096710920 RESTRICTED HS B BSKTBLL-ACTIVITY 0.00 1,400.19 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 38.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 38.31 668.00 1,668.84 1,776.00 533.00 0.00 400.00 642.16 (3,502.44) 0.00 3,806.15 303.71 0.00 0.00 0.00 579.87 2,172.25 1,495.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (97.38) 0.00 960.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 {960.09) 450.47 2,094.80 888.82 0.00 0.00 0.00 (755.51} 1,001.88 7,008.18 6,954.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 948.20 421.01 3,885.51 4,415.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 950.63 0,00 9,392.24 15,148.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,755.89 4,315.45 15,132.36 12,128.49 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,311.58 0.00 9,897.05 18,189.40 0.00 0,00 0.00 8,292.35 9,519.41 21 729109 6711 920 RESTRICTED BBB FUNDRAISR-ACTIVITY 21 729 109 6720 920 RESTRICTED HS FOOTBALL-ACTIVITY 21 729 109 6721 920 RESTRICTED FTBALL FUNDRAIS-ACTIVTY 10,336.62 19,720.45 18,903.24 0.00 0.00 0.00 21 729109 6725 920 RESTRICTED HS B SOCCER 360.00 1,252.33 920.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 27.67 21 729 109 6726 920 RESTRICTED HS B SOCCER FUNDRAISER 410.45 760.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 {349.55) 21 729 109 6730 920 RESTRICTED HS BASEBALL-ACTIVITY 21 729 109 6731 920 RESTRICTED BASEBL FUNDRA-ACTJVITY 21 729109 6740 920 RESTRICTED HS B TRACK-ACTIVITY 21 729 109 6741 920 RESTRICTED B TRCK FUNDRAI-ACTIVITY 21 729109 6750 920 0.00 2,668.86 263.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 (2,405.22) 11,239.11 6,673.37 5,057.00 0.00 0.00 800.00 10,422.74 50.00 540.12 240.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 {250.12} 885.27 103.98 0.00 0.00 0.00 200.00 98129 RESTRICTED B TENNIS-ACTIVITY 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 21 729 109 6760 920 RESTRICTED HS 8 GOLF-ACTIVITY 0.00 491.88 0.00 698.97 0.00 0,00 (1,190.85) 21 729 109 6761 920 RESTRICTED B GOLF FUNDRAIS-ACTIVTY 21 729 109 6790 920 RESTRICTED HS WRESTL-ACTJVI1Y 1,220.73 216.12 398.88 0.00 0,00 0.00 1,403.49 0.00 4,489.15 3,500.27 0.00 0.00 0.00 (988.88) Maquoketa CSD Activity Fund Balance Report- Summary -Include Encumbrances 05/04/2016 9:25AM Page:2 07/2015 - 05/2016 UseriD: KAW Regular; Beginning Month 07/2015; Processing Month 05/2016; Fund Number21 Fund: 21 STUDENT ACTIVITY FUND Chart of Account Number Chart of Account Description 21 729 109 6791 920 RESTRICTED HS WR FUNORA!S-ACTIVITY 21 729 109 6810 920 RESTRICTED HS G BSKTBLL-ACTIVITY 217291096811920 RESTRICTED G 88 FUNDRAIS-ACTJVITY 21 729 109 6815 920 RESTRICTED HS VLLYBALL-ACTIVITY 21 729109 6816 920 RESTRICTED VOLLYBL FUNDR-ACTIVITY 21 729 109 6825 920 RESTRICTED HS G SOCCER 21 729109 6826 920 RESTRICTED HS G SOCCER FUNDRAJER 21 729 109 6835 920 21 729 109 6836 920 Beginning Balance Expenses 3,356.43 6,171.89 0.00 8,506.26 2,818.19 Revenues Outstanding Outstanding AP PO Balance Change 5,956.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 9,181.32 0.00 0.00 0.00 675.06 6,108.24 4,150.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 859.95 3,141.04 0.00 5,486.38 5,525.44 0.00 0.00 0.00 39.06 3,256.55 4,453.66 5,513.65 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,316.54 0.00 1,009.83 1,515.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 505.17 1,61621 0.00 910.00 236.90 0.00 0.00 2,289.31 RESTRICTED HS SOFTBALL-ACTIVITY 0.00 1,701.89 2,817.48 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,115.59 RESTRICTED SFTBL FUNDR-ACTIVITY 4,512.86 3,423.50 130.00 0.00 0.00 400.00 1,619.36 21 729 109 6840 920 RESTRICTED HS G TRACK-ACTIVITY 21 729 109 6841 920 RESTRICTED G TRCK FNDRAIS-ACTIVITY 21 729109 6850 920 0.00 395.88 80.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (315.88) 183.10 21,740.00 21,656.00 0.00 0.00 200.00 299.10 RESTRICTED G TENNIS-ACTIVITY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 21 729 109 6860 920 RESTRICTED HS G GOLF-ACTIVITY 0.00 173.44 60.00 717.97 0.00 0.00 (831.41) 21 729 109 6861 920 RESTRICTED G GOLF FUNDRAI-ACTIV!TY 158.89 200.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (41.23) 21 729 109 7001 950 NO!! 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 21 729 109 7004 950 RESTRICTED -CLUB HOPE 26,065.83 14,031.13 49,053.17 22.29 0.00 3,528.34 64,593.92 21 729 109 7005 950 RESTRICTED YEARBOOK 3,553.30 2,470.28 3,660.00 0.00 0.00 3.59 4.746.61 1,435.69 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.20 1,436.89 1,364.11 23,981.27 41,028.14 288.64 0.00 (13,494.52) 4,627.82 21 729 109 7006 950 USE 21 729 009 7001 DIVERSITY CLUB 21 729 109 7007 950 RESTRICTED WINTER CONCESSIONS 21 729 109 7023 950 RESTRICTED FOR ACTIVITY -CLASS 2014 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 21 729 109 7024 950 RESTRICTED CLASS OF 2017-ACTIVITY 714.96 1,991.36 5,927.00 5.00 0.00 1,200.60 5,846.20 21 729 109 7025 950 RESTRICTED CLASS OF 2018-ACTIVJTY 1,255.99 4.96 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.04 1,252.07 21 729 109 7026 950 RESTRICTED CLASS OF 2019-ACTIVITY 3,810.36 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.17 3,813.53 21 729109 7027 950 RESTRICTED CLASS OF 2012-ACTIVITY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 21 729 109 7028 950 RESTRICTED CLASS OF 2013-ACTIVITY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 21 729 109 7029 950 RESTRICTED HS POST GRADS-ACTIVITY 5,016.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.18 5,020.24 21 729 109 7030 950 RESTRICTED HS SPA-ACTIVITY 't,536.04 4,885.17 1,085.50 0.00 0.00 2,002.02 738.39 21 729 109 7031 950 RESTRICTED CLASS OF 2016-ACTIVITY 890.38 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.75 891.13 21 729 109 7032 950 RESTRICTED-HOSA FUND BALANCE 16,293.67 6,788.40 6,260.40 0.00 0.00 815.23 16,580.90 21 729 109 7033 950 RESTRICTED CLASS OF 2015 0.00 0.00 o.o_p 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 21 729 109 7035 950 RESERV HS MOC-ACTIVITY o.oo 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 21 729 109 7040 950 RESTRICTED HS FCCLA-ACTIVITY 21 729 109 7050 950 RESTRICTED FOR HS FFA-ACTIVITY 21 729 109 7060 950 RESTRICTED NATL HONOR SOC-ACTIVITY 369.20 1,011.16 21 729109 7070 950 RESTRICTED HS STDT SENATE-ACTIVITY 1,623.18 2,576.53 8,591.10 45.63 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 240.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 21 729 109 7072 950 RESTRICTED SPANISH CLUB-ACTIVITY 21 729 109 7073 950 RESTRICTED HS FRENCH CLUB-ACTIVIlY 21 729 109 7075 950 RESTRICTED-MAQUOKETAN FUND BALANCE 21 729 109 7077 950 NOll! NOT IN USE/ACTIV'S JUICE-ACTIVITY 597.38 345.06 396.00 0.00 0.00 0.68 649.00 2,387.24 31,656.43 31,779.78 241.98 0.00 15.24 2,283.85 115.00 0.00 0.00 800.00 273.04 2,939.00 84.95 0.00 2.08 1,902.78 0.00 0.00 7.14 8,552.61 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 022 240.37 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Activity Fund Balance Report- Summary- Include Encumbrances Maquoketa CSD Page:3 UseriD: KAW 07/2015 - 05/2016 05/04/2016 9:25AM Regular; Beginning Month 07/2015; Processing Month 05/2016; Fund Number 21 Fund: 21 STUDENT ACTIVITY FUND Chart of Account Number Chart of Aq;;ount Descrigtion 21 729 109 7080 950 RESTRICTED HS SADD-ACTIVITY 217292096210910 RESTRICTED MS CHORUS-ACTIVITY 21 729 209 6220 910 RESTRICTED MS BAND-ACTIVITY Beginning Balance Exgenses Out§tanding Qutstanding PO Balance Change Balance AP :5,046.38 3,695.18 514.85 512.00 3,315.20 92.86 0.00 3.68 4,577.22 75.00 0.00 0.00 0.20 1,129.03 78.05 4,428.15 6,675.50 350.00 0.00 4.14 3,030.52 Re;venues 21 729 209 6700 920 RESTRICTED MS B ATHLTCS-ACTIVITY 8,754.54 6,182.05 7,972.35 367.21 0.00 7.84 10,185.47 21 729 209 6791 920 RESTRICTED MS MAT REFUR-ACTIVITY 2.,536.71 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 211 2,538.82 21 729 209 6800 920 RESTRICTED MS G ATHLTCS-ACTIVITY 7,465,04 3,666.80 5,119.50 450.63 0.00 7.34 8,474.45 21 729 209 7049 950 RESTRICTED MS AWARDS-ACTIVITY 1,762.94 4,458.40 3,408.40 0.00 0.00 1.30 714.24 21 729 209 7070 950 RESTRICTED MS STDT COUNCIL-ACTIVIT 1,736.04 2,342.32 5,036.82 1,202.15 0.00 2.81 3,231.20 119.15 685.23 15,951.00 000 0.00 0.01 15,384.93 0.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.35 107.79 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 107.79 182,495.42 306,353.20 400,345.94 7,277.55 0.00 0.00 269,210.61 21 729 209 7078 950 RESERV MS CONCESSIONS-ACTIVITY 21 729 209 7084 950 RESTRICTED MS CARDS CLUB 217294187082950 RESTRICTED BR ELEMENTARY CHORUS Fund Total: 21 MAQUOKETA COMMUNITY SCHOOLS 51212016 Created HOT LUNCH REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF: 4/30/2016 7/1/2015 RECEIPTS: Unaudited Secretary's Cash Balance $26,770.61 EOFY 6/30/15 GAAP entries (depreciation, OPEB, other deferred revenues) *still waiting on IPERs GASB 68 entry ($29,866. 79) Beginning Balance 7/1/2015 Audit adjustment (depreciation) ($3,096.18) $500.00 Current Month Prior Months RECEIPTS: Earnings on Invest $3.88 $18.30 $190,981.72 $22,702.46 Acct. Deposits $67.50 $452.50 Mise State & Federal Sources $49,084.99 $322,874. 72 YTD $22.18 $213,684.18 $520.00 $371,959.71 $586,186.07 DISBURSEMENTS: Salaries Payroll benefits Purch Svce Travel Supplies/Food Equipment Dues & Fees Prior Months Current Month $30,693.74 $122,070.85 $15,842.76 $70,663.35 $1,994.21 $240.44 $0.00 $0.00 $250,304.08 $43,305.24 $0.00 $4,134.76 $0.00 $0.00 YTD $152,764.59 $86,506.11 $2,234.65 $0.00 $293,609.32 $4,134.76 $0.00 ($539,249.43) 4/30/2016 Secretary's Balance (GAAP) CASH BALANCE 7/1/2015 Beginning Cash Balance Total Receipts YTD Total Disbursements YTD 4/30/2016 Ending Cash Balance $44,340.46 $26,770.61 $586,186.07 ($539,249.43) $73,707.25 April25, 2016 Dear Principal Bollman and Superintendent Hoover, This letter is to inform you that I will be resigning my position as music teacher at Briggs Elementary School effective at the end of my contract time with the school district. I was offered the elementary principal position at Midland Elementary and verbally accepted Friday, April22, 2016 pending background checks. I have enjoyed my year at Briggs and wish you and the students nothing but the best. The principal position was not something l had in my mind a year ago, but feel that is it a great opportunity for me to use my leadership skills in my alumni district. It was so fun to be able to teach in Maquoketa this year with such wonderful people. Sincerely, Angela Ruley 4/5/16 Due to relocation, I am resigning from all duties within the Maquoketa Community School district which include: Middle School Physical Education, Head Varsity Track, 71h Grade Football, and Middle School Wrestling. I would like to thank the Maquoketa Community School district for the opportunity to work within the district for the past 2 years. I've greatly enjoyed and appreciated the opportunities I've had to teach and coach within the district. I've learned a numerous amount and created several lifelong professional relationships at Maquoketa, all of which I will take with me throughout my career. Sincerely, Nicholas Hirsch Maquoketa Community Schools Attn: Administration Maquoketa, IA 52060 Re: Letter of Resignation To whom it may concern: l, Virgil Hansen, do hereby submit my resignation as Car/Suburban Special Ed Driver effective the last student day of the 2015-2016 school year. Sincerely, Virgil Hansen Chelsea Tyrrel ctyrrel@maquoketaschools.otg 5/3/16 (563)652-4956 To Whom it May Concern, I regretfully inform you that I have decided to take .another position at another district for next school year. This decision was made as a position of high interest to myself became available. I do not want to leave. with any ill will as .I am thankful for the time I have had working within the Maquoketa School District. have learned so much and am sad to say goodbye to the staff and students. Maquoketa has a unique and close knit communitythat supports both its educators and students in a variety of ways. I have:; felt tremendously supported as a new teacher, from the AEA to administrative sppport. Again, I want to thank you for the opportunity to teach in a strong school district and I wish the best for Maquoketa as it continues to transform itself in the upcoming years. Sincerely, Chelsea Tyrrel Maquoketa Community Schools Staff Selection Recommendations Date: April 13, 2016 Building: High School Vacancy: 9-12 Science Person being recommended: Hannah Koerperich Effective date: August 1, 2016 Position on salary schedule and recommended base amount for contract: BA- Step 1 Stipend $2,000 per year for the first three years Extra duties being recommended: Number of applicants being screened for position: Six Screening committee: Kevin Bowman and Mark Vervaecke Number of interviewees: Four Interviewing team and time with each interviewee: Tom Becker, Kevin Bowman, Jenny Nabb and Mark Vervaecke (1.5 hours interview+ tours and informal discussion) Procedures used for checking finalist: Phone interviews of references Reasons this person recommended over other finalists: Quality of references Strong interview Flexibility with endorsement Willingness to teach PLTW Procedures that will be used to ensure first year success: Supervision by administrative team- Mark Vervaecke (assigned) Signed: ~ 17612 River Vista Drive Dubuque, lA 52001 (563)451-8501 hkoerperich®dbq.edu OBJECTiVE Seeking teaching position within the state of Iowa to apply my strong passion for child development, utilizing my aptitudes and experiences to facilitate a safe and supportive learning environment, and creatively differentiating lessons to tend to the needs of students. EDI.ICATION University of Dubuque Projected graduation May 2016, GPA 3.51 I 4.00, Dean's List 4 semesters Anticipated Degree Bachelor of Science: Biology in Secondary, Basic Science in Secondary Endorsements: -Instructional strategies I (K-12) -Coaching (K-12) Honors/ Awards/ Activities: -Winter Estate Scholarship 2014 -Teacher Education Student Organization, Vice President 2014 -Teacher Education Student Organization, Secretary 2013 -Service Learning (150+ hours as of 2129/16) Softball -Louisville Slugger/National Fast pitch Coaches Association (NFCA) Division-Ill -All-Midwest Region Third Team 2014 -Second Team All- Iowa Conference DH 2014 Iowa Central Community College: Fort Dodge, lA Graduated in May 2013, GPA 3.56/ 4.00, Dean's List 4 semesters Associates of Arts: Athletic Training Honors/ Awards/ Activities: -2011-12 All-American Scholar- Athlete -Phi Theta Kappa Academic Honor Society -All-Region Softball Academic Team 2012 -Student Ambassador 2012 Softball 2011 ·NJCM All-Region 2'' Team !EXPERIENCE Student Teacher I Cascade Jr. Sr. High School WDSD January 2016· Apri\2016 • Develop and communicate lessons to sophomore Biology classes • Attend and actively participate in professional developments and ongoing education • Design formative and summative assessments in accordance to Next Generation Science Standards for grade level • Design and implementation of Project Based Learning; including rubrics, feedback, and student input. Assistant Manager I Maurices, Dubuque, lA July 2014- August 2015 • Facilitate and oversee associate duties • Communication and collaboration with customers, superiors, and associates • Daily problem solving and time management Sub Paraprofessional I Dubuque Community School District May 201 i - Present • Diverse student population; emotional, cognitive, and physical disorders • Completion and filing of documentation • Systematic supervision of student common areas Hannah Koerperich Dubuque Dolphins Swim Team (unpaid) I Dubuque Community YMCA October 2013- Present • Assisting head coach in communicating direction • Developing technique and mechanical skills • Large group and small group instruction PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENTS: • Transgender Speaker 2014 • Green Dot Training September 2014 • Jim Jelinski, Anti- Bullying 2014 • Cultural Competence- Tim Wise February 2015 • Western Dubuque/ Cascade- Stress and department collaboration- January 2016 • Mandatory Report Training- February 2016 SKILLS • • • • Leadership abilities- Vice President of student organization at the University of Dubuque as well as assistant manager at Maurices store in Dubuque. Flexible- Willing to try new things, improving upon weaknesses, trying new technologies, and increasing learning of all students. Hard-working- able to multitask with athletics, school, and other outside activities during high school and college, while maintaining above-average grades; creating and maintaining relationships with peers and professors. Interpersonal Skills- Able to get along well with co-workers and accept supervision. Received positive dispositions by service learning and classroom based experience teachers. CERTIFICATIONS • CPI (non-violent intervention) certified via Tara Otting, Dubuque Community School District • Mandatory Reporter: Child and Dependent Adult Abuse • Concussion in Sports Page 2 Maquoketa Community Schools Staff Selection Recommendations Date: April21, 2016 Building: High School Vacancy: Math (1.0) Person being recommended: Maureen Sloss Effective date: August 1. 2016 Position on salary schedule and recommended base amount for contract: MA; Step 12 Extra duties being recommended: None Number of applicants being screened for position: Three Screening committee: Kevin Bowman and Mark Vervaecke Number of interviewees: Two Interviewing team and time with each interviewee: Stephanie Milder, Kevin Bowman, and Mark Vervaecke Procedures used for checking finalist: Phone interviews of references CCC transcript review to confirm ability to teach concurrent courses Reasons this person recommended over other finalists: Ability to teach concurrent math offerings Quality of interview Quality of personal references Procedures that will be used to ensure first year success: Supervision by administrative team- Mark Vervaecke (assigned) Signed: Maureen Stoss Address: Cell phone: Email: 5010 Eagle Ct., Davenport, lA 52807 319·404-0599 stoss.maureen@gmail.com Objective: Dedicated teacher desires to resume full-time teaching of math and/or statistics. Dependable, organized, and a quick learner. licensure: 5-12 Mathematics endorsement from Iowa BOEE Technology Skills: Proficient with Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Powerpoint) , as well as the WebCT Learning Management Systems of elearning and Angel. Proficient in Google Apps of Docs, Calendar, Forms, Sheets, and Slides. Always open to learning more technologically. Recent Coursework: Google Sites for the Classroom (currently enrolled) lntro to Google Apps: Tools to Integrate (Jan 2016- Mar 2016) Spanish for Educators (2015) Education: Oklahoma State University M.S. - Statistics Stillwater, OK 74078 December 1983 GPA: 4.0/4.0 University of Northern Iowa B.A.- Mathematics- Teaching Cedar Falls, lA 50614 Business minor October 1979 GPA: 3.4/4.0 Work Experience Since College Graduation: Black Hawk College- Adult learning Center, Rock Island, IL 61201 May 2015- June 2015 Adjunct Instructor Facilitated the Adult Education GED summer 2015 session. University of Northern Iowa, Dept. of Mathematics, Cedar Falls, lA 50614 Jan 2007- Dec 2013 Instructor Taught undergraduate courses of Mathematics in Decision Making (Math for Liberal Arts), lntro to Statistical Methods, Statistics for Life Sciences, Analysis for Business Students, Mathematics for the Biological Sciences, Precalculus, and Trigonometry. Page 1 (of 2) Updated March 2016 Hawkeye Community College, Waterloo, lA 50701 August 2009- December 2012 Adjunct Instructor of Mathematics/Statistics For each of these seven semesters, I taught one college transfer course of Introduction to Statistics or College Algebra. This was in addition to the University of Northern Iowa teaching duties. May 1989- December 2006 Tended to my family, their needs and activities. Not in the paid workforce. Volunteered in a wide variety of children's activities. University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, lA 50614 January 1985- May 1989 School of Business, (later College of Business Administration) Instructor Taught undergraduate students courses in Business Statistics and Quantitative Methods of Decision Making. Also taught a section of Principles of Marketing. Advised undergraduate business students in their plan of study. Waterloo Community Schools, Waterloo, lA 50702 August 1980- May 1981 Mathematics Teacher Taught 9th grade algebra and geometry courses at West Jr. High School. Muscatine Community Schools, Muscatine, lA 52761 October 1979- May 1980 Mathematics Teacher Taught high school geometry and algebra courses at Muscatine High School. References: Dr. Karen D. Sabey, Asst Professor, Mathematics Education, University of Northern Iowa karen.sabey@uni.edu office phone: 319-273-2156 cell phone: 319A64-482.4 Margaret (Peggy) V. Magner, Instructor of Mathematics Education, University of Northern Iowa margaret.magner@uni.edu office phone: 319-273-7041 cell phone: 319-350-1654 Dr. Douglas Mupaslri, Department Head & Professor, Mathematics, Univ. of Northern Iowa douglas.mupasiri@uni.edu 319-273-2012 Page 2 (of 2) Updated March 2016 Maquoketa Community Schools Staff Selection Recommendations Date: April 25, 2016 Building: Middle School Vacancy: DCAT After School Program Instructor- Literacy Candidate for recommended: Shauna Ferguson Effective date: December 8, 2015 Days Working: Thursdays Pay is based upon the DCAT Grant Funding: 10 Hours x $30 for Direct Instruction = $300.00 2 Hours @ $20 for Planning=$40 Number of applicants being screened for position: 3 Screening committee: Christine Snell, Principal Signed: Christine Snell, MS Principal Maquoketa Community School District Staff Selection Recommendations Date: 4-12-16 Building: High School Party Being Recommended: Vacancy: Head freshman softball Nicole Snyder Recommended base amount for contact: Level Ill Yr. 1 2463.21 Number of applications being screened for position: 1 Screening committee: Tom Gruenwald Number of interviewees: 1 Interviewing team and time with each interviewee: Tom Gruenwald Procedures used for checking finalist: Prior playing experience. Willingness to be a a part of the program. Head Coach Sara Nelson Reasons why this person recommended over other finalists: Successful Interview Highly recommended from Sara Nelson Procedures that will be used to insure candidate's first year success: On-going support from High School Administration ;;;,, !{;rueml"afl( Supervisor's Signature Maquoketa Community Schools Staff Selection Recommendations Date: May 2, 2016 Building: High School Vacancy: Custodian 8 hpd Person being recommended: Jeremy Machael Effective date: May 9, 2016 Position on salary schedule and recommended base amount for contract: No change is hourly wage. Extra duties being recommended: None Number of applicants being screened for position: 4 Screening committee: Josh Hanken, Kevin Bowman, Tom Gruenwald, Mike Wing Number of interviewees: 4 Interviewing team and time with each interviewee: 45 minutes Josh Hanken, Kevin Bowman, Tom Gruenwald, Mike Wing Procedures used for checking finalist: interview Rasons this person recommended over other finalists: good interview and has worked as a 6 hour custodian for 2 years Procedures that will be used to ensure first year success: Train and monitor area person is assigned to. Signed: Mike Wing Maquoketa Community School District Staff Selection Recommendations Date: 5-2-16 Building: HS Vacancy: Musical Set Party Being Recommended: Tom Yearwood Recommended base amount for contact: $600.00 (1 yr contract only) Number of applications being screened for position: 1 Screening committee: Joel Hagen Number of interviewees: 1 Interviewing team and time with each interviewee: Joel Hagan Procedures used for checking finalist: Previous set building Reasons why this person recommended over other finalists: Procedures that will be used to insure candidate's first year success: _Tom Gruenwald _ _ __ Supervisor's Signature Maquoketa Community Schools Staff Recommendation Date: May 2, 2016 Building: Cardinal Elementary Vacancy: Data Coach Person being recommended: Cari Klemme Effective date: August 17, 2016 Stipend Teacher Leadership Position: $1000 Stipend extra duties being recommended: N/A Number of applicants being screened for position: 1 Screening committee: Sherri Walker and Sara Bennis Number of interviewees: 1 Interviewing team and time with each interviewee: S. Walker and S. Bennis. 25 minutes Procedures used for checking finalist: Read letter of interest Procedures that will be used to ensure first year success: Mentoring, biweekly or weekly meetings with building teacher leadership team, administrative support, weekly PLC meetings, and professional development goals. Sherri Walker May2, 2016 PRINCIPAL SIGNATURE Maquoketa Community Schools Staff Selection Recommendations Date: May 5, 2016 Building: Middle School Vacancy: Middle School PE Teacher Recommendation for a Voluntary Transfer: Marty Marshall Effective: 2016-2017 School Year Number of applicants being screened for position: 37 Screening committee: Christine Snell, Principal; Kate Cavanagh, MS PE Teacher Interviewing team and time with each interviewee: Christine Snell, Principal; Cindy Wiese, Dean of Students; Kate Cavanagh, MS PE Teacher; Tom Gruenwald, Activities Director There were a total of 4 applicants that were interviewed for the position. Each interviewee had a tour of the building along with a formal interviews (1.5 hours). Procedures used for checking finalist: Review of application materials, interview with the applicants and reference checks. Reasons this person recommended over other finalists: Mr. Marshall had a positive interview and he displayed both knowledge and a desire in working with middle level students. Mr. Marshall has demonstrated the ability to build positive relationships with students at Maquoketa Middle School during the 2015-2016 school year. Procedures that will be used to ensure success in this position: Supervision by building administration and district assigned mentor. Signed: Christine Snell, MS Principal Maquoketa Community Schools Staff Selection Recommendations Date: May 5, 2016 Building: Middle School Vacancy: Middle School Special Education Teacher Candidate for recommended: Megan Loes Effective date: August 1, 2016 Position on salary schedule and recommended base amount for contract: R>A, '5-\e. f I . Extra duties being recommended: None Number of applicants being screened for position: 5 Screening committee: Christine Snell, Principal Interviewing team and time with each interviewee: Christine Snell, Principal; Cindy Wiese, Dean of Students, Ashley Marshall, MS SE Teacher; MaryKay Schmidt, MS SE Teacher There were a total of 3 applicants that were interviewed for the position. Each interviewee had a tour of the building along with a formal interviews (1.5 hours). Procedures used for checking finalist: Review of application materials, interview with the applicants and reference checks. Reasons this person recommended over other finalists: Ms. Loes had a successful interview and had positive reference checks and expressed a strong desire in working with middle school students. Procedures that will be used to ensure success in this position: Supervision by building administration and participation in the teacher induction program through the AEA. Signed: rJ'~ :J?ne/1~ MS Principal Megan Loes 388 N Algona 8: * Dubuque, IA52001 * mloes@dbq.edu * 563.542.5854 BJUO\llCX\J cmn R0\llCX\JSand B\JDOR931A ENTS University of Dubuque, Dubuque, lA Bachelor of S:ienoe in Bementary E:lucation G'aduatlon May 2016 D 3.93/4.0 OJmulative Gf'A D Dean's USJall8 semeaers Math (K-8} R:lading (K-8} Instructional Srategies I (K-8} O:>aching (K-12} FAST Certification CPI Certification 0\FHR ffiATB) EXPERB\JCE Sudent Teaching J3nuary 2016- R-esent Galena Middle S;hool, S'h G'ade & Andrew Bementary S:;hool, Middle S;hool Farouroe D Developed and applied a A'oject Bssed learning Activity D Geated a novel unit finding oonnectionsto O:>mmon O:>re Sandards D Implemented technology on a daily basis to build student strengths in technology 01ildcareAssistant August 2012-Deoember 2015 Uttle tj:Jartans Childcare Center, Dubuque, lA D Geated lesoon plans and carried out activities which stimulated learning numbers, letters, oolors, and shapes D Worked under a oertified teacher, gathering knowledge in both aspects of curriculum and management Family caretaker Siasonal, 8Jmmer 2015 Dubuque, lA D Managed summer reading schedules, stimulating math practioe, and fun summer activitiesfor as and 7 year old D Geal:lDSJal:ilgies anDrerouroesr::ID assiaparen[l; anDcOIO'en wiDDIJ!ll cOID'en'sOsabiliJ:les 01ildcare Assistant Aquin UttleAngelsChildcare, 03scade, lA J.me2010- May2012 D Developed a summer curriculum for the school age children, planning activities, learning opportunities, and included summer reading program 1RAVB_ EXPER ENCE KIPP.burney Academy O:>lumbus, Olio, Kindergarten 40 hours, 1 week A charter school where low inoome, underprivledged students sign a oontract to receive an education unlike any other. The goal for each and every student is that they go to and through oollege. Wesoott Bementary S;hool in Downtown 01icago, 3'd G'ade 3 days This diverse school offered a different experienoe with a unique student dynamic and a vast amount of learning opportunities for a teacher in training. PFQF!'ffiCX\lAL DEVB.DFM 13\JT EXPER ENCE IEPWorkshop, including writing of IEPsession Internet and the frain Een Genn ADHDWorkshop Teaching and O:>aching: Developing and Adapting CPI Training and Ulrtification March 9, 2013 March 20, 2014 August 29, 2014 October28,2015 March 29, 2016 UNIVER91Y & CDMM UNITYINVOLVBVl ENT Mentor Dubuque November 2012-May2014 D Designed both educational and fun activities for mentee, and give a different environment than what said child is typically used to D A'ovided good fortune, and skill set to boost ment:OO'sself-esteem, created a safe environment, and helped to better the mentee'slife through friendship and guidanoe 3 Year 8:tlolar, Wendt Character S:;holars August 2012- May 2014 D FOoused on developing good character bycreating a positive and supportive environment D Ehhanoed faith, morals, and service in the community through the program captain, University of Dubuque S:lftball Team August 2012- May 2015 D Worked with a large group of peers, created a fun and relaxed environment, and addressed individual problems andissuesthroughouttheteam D Developed an effective work ethic, enhanoed time management, and acquired a sense of teamwork Family Sf8V1 (8:ience, Technology, Engineering, and Mathamatics) Night March 10,2015 D Worked with Kennedy Bementaryto develop a math activity for children and parents to interact with D Encouraged and disoussed with parents the importance of S;ience, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics and how Sf8V1 is becoming a large piece in the education setting AttendeeDowa D omen's leaDersDp Cbnference (IWI..q O::tober 8'h, 2015 D 831acted by UD profes:orsto attend this renowned leadership conference Assistant, Dubuque Cbmmunity S:;hools Professional Development Workshop O::tober 9'\ 2015 00 D Trained 2 grade teachers how to utilize science FOS3Kits In the classroom D Prepared and demonstrated multiple les:onswith a peer on Ufe 8:iencetopicsincluding Habitats and Rant life cycles DebraSork Profes:or and Advisor dstork@dbq.edu 563.663.1079 Amy Haase Cboperating Teacher at Sudent Teaching Racement haaseamy@gus:f120.k12.il.us 608.723.8149 NiooleKimm Profes:or nkimm@dbq.edu 319.721.1122 JUV-17-SB-7-001 CONTRACT DECLARATIONS AND EXECUTION Intergovernmental Contract: Non-State Agency This Contract must be signed by all parties before the Contractor provides any Deliverables. The Agency is not obligated to make payment for any Deliverables provided by or on behalf of the Contractor before the Contract is signed by all parties. This Contract is entered into by the following parties: N arne/Principal Address of Agency: Iowa Department of Human Services 1305 E. Walnut Des Moines, IA 50319-0114 Iowa Department of Human Services 1305 E. Walnut Street Des Moines, IA 50319-0114 Agency Billing Contact N arne I Address: Douglas D. Wolfe Program Planner Iowa Department of Human Services 1305 E. Walnut Street Des Moines, IA 50319-0114 Phone: 242-5452 Agency Contract Owner (hereafter "Contract Owner") I Address: Wendy A. Rickman, Administrator Division ofBDPSFAC Iowa Department of Human Services 1305 E. Walnut Des Moines, Iowa 50319-0114 Chief Juvenile Court Officer I Address: 7th Judicial District ofiowa Scott Hobart, Chief Juvenile Court Officer 400 W 4th Street Davenport, Iowa 52801-1104 JCS Project Manager Name I Address: Connie Murphy 400 W 4thSt Davenport, IA 52801 Phone: 563-326-8224 Agency Contract Manager (hereafter "Contract Manager" ) /Address ("Notice Address"): Douglas D. Wolfe Program Planner Contractor's 612 South Vermont Address: !A Tax ID #: 426037701 Page 1 of26 Form Date 1/21/16 Organized under the laws of: N/A J\N-17-SB-7-001 Contractor's Contract Manager Name/Address ("Notice Address"): Kristy Haxmeier 612 South Vermont St Maquoketa, IA 52060-3429 Phone: (563) 652-4984 Contractor's Billing Contact Name/Address: Kristy Haxmeier 612 South Vermont St Maquoketa, IA 52060-3429 Phone: (563) 652-4984 E-Mail: khaxmeier@maquoketaschools.org Contract: 06/30/19 !-year Contract Warranty Period (hereafter The term of this Contract, including any extensions. ~l)lJ'fDI~J<;c~l!~iftl3111~~~~~~~~lirfti~0'~:;;;;~~j This Contract consists of this Contract Declarations and Execution Section, the attached General Terms for Services Contracts, Special Terms, and all Special Contract Attachments. In consideration of the mutual covenants in this Contract and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt, adequacy and legal sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties have entered into this Contract and have caused their duly authodzed representatives to execute this Contract. Juvenile Court Services, 7th Judicial District of Iowa Date: Signature of Authorized Representative: Iowa Department of Human Services Signature of Authodzed Representative: Pdnted Name: Scott Hobart, Chief Juvenile Court Officer Printed Name: Wendy Rickman, IoiSW, Division Administrator Approved as to legal form and content: Maquoketa Community School District Signature of Authodzed Representative: Date: Pdnted Name: Jeff Peterzalek, Assistant Attorney General Page2 of26 Form Date 1/21/16 Signature of Authodzed Representative: Pdnted Name: Date: Date: To: Board of Education Supt. Hoover FR: Kristy Haxmeier, SBO/Business Manager RE: Request for Proposal for Audit Services On April 1, 2016 a Request for Proposal for audit services was sent out to the following entities: Eide Bailly, LLP, Dubuque Nolte, Cormuan & Johnson, PC, Newton O'Connor, Brooks & Co., Dubuque Miner Gilroy & Mead, CPA PC, Maquoketa Bohnsack & Frommelt, LLP, Moline The request included a proposal for a proposal for a three-year agreement for FY16, FY17, FY18. Return date was April29, 2016. Two firms submitted a proposal. The proposals include the following costs: A. Nolte, Cornman & Johnson, PC One-Year Proposal for $8,650 Three Years Proposal of: FY16 $8,650 FY17 $9,050 FY18 $9,450 B. Bohnsack & Frommelt, LLP Three Years Proposal of: FY16 $9,600 FY17 $9,700 FY18 $9,800 Nolte, Cornman & Johnson, PC has conducted the audit for the district for many years and we will stay status quo for this time. Both proposals are available for board member's review. It is my recommendation the board approves the three-year audit agreement with Nolte, Cormuan & Johnson, PC as submitted and presented above. MCSD Class of 2016 Alexis Jo Adler Andy Lee Ahrens Sultana Ajroja Danya Alisha Albert Lynette Angelicca Allen Brandon Michael Ambrosy Matthew Travis Ambrosy Mikayla Marie Andersen Chiara Kohl Atienza Lincoln Christopher Aunan Matthew Allen Bowling Keeley Jo Branham Jacob Cole Brennan Skyler Michael Bronson Erik James Brunett Jensen Keeney Campbell Preona Capelle Lexus Ann Marie Carr Shae Allen Caven Aiesha Chaynel Charley Matthew Todd Clark Elizabeth Katherine Coleman Emily Marie-Leilani Connolly Logan James Connolly Genevieve Louise Cowan Bradly Michael Crist John Patrick Crowley Ryan Bruce Current Benjamin Joel Davison William Richard Davison Nathan Peter Delire Jeremy Daniel DeMoss Julia Brooke Diltz Kadee Mae Dull Lane David Dundee Taylan Michael Dunlavey-Howell Pamela Jo Eggers Reece Jordan Elkins Jonathan Michael Ernst Shelby Sue Feller Taylor Nicole Fishwild Elly Marie Flenker Samuel Richardson Fowler Adrian Lee Friedrich Hayley Rose Fultner Sarah Elise Genaw Tyler James Gomez Zoe Arielle Lee Greer-Osterhaus Hannah Rose Bentley Haiar Skye Alieen Hankemeier Aisha Katrina Hannah Drew Daniel Hare Tressa Marie Hayes Kailie Kimberly Hazer Jyme Grace Hicks Charles James Horst Alexandra Kay Hosch Charles Grant Hovey Cassie Lynn Huebbe Chad lsiah Hunt Gregory Allen Jones Mercedes Sue Jones Brandon Michael Karr Jacob Matthew Kloft Zachary Joseph Koppes Alexandra Grey Lane Jarod Michael Lanhart Brooke Helen Lapke MCSD Class of 2016 Devon Michael Robert Lee Bailey Ann Lenz Joseph Alexander Lyon Sarah Michaela Lyon Hailey Marie Manning Layton Michael Manning Briana Lee Martin Sandra Lee Maxwell Austin Patrick Mclaughlin Spencer William Meyer Fannie A. Miller April Lorraine Mohr Kara Mary Mueller Brett Robert Muller Ryan Brendan Murphy Alyssa Maxine Najarian Mackenzie Ann Neumann Mark Joseph Nienkark Preston Davis Ohnesorge Rinvert Donovan Layman Ohry Kaleigh Elizabeth Pauls Hannah Marie Pearcy Peter Gregory Perez-Weirup Alexa Marie Petersen Dillon Lee Pieper Brittany Ann Rabineau Kyle James Reuter Alexis Lynn Richard Blais Henry Richards Tyler Joseph Riordan Logan Tyler Rockwell Jackson Dennis Rolling Emily Rae Rubel Reese Jared Ruppert Jamie Michael Samples Gaysen Samson Kyle James Schiffer lan William Shea Kachina Laura Slater Bryan Pete Solomon Sierra Nicole Sonstegard Casey Ross Starr Tyler Ray Stowe Carli Marie Strathman Sarah Mae Tabor . Cameron Holden Thede Danielle Rose Till Isaiah Christian Traman Carley Renee Traverse Tyler Kaine Usher Kaden Robert Waack Anna Maria Wagner Robert James Warren Brooke Nicole Whitney Dustin Lee Wiese Randal Christopher Dean Wilmot Amy Elizabeth Wirth Gabrielle Leann Wisco 1. Cardinal Club Summer Academic Learning Program (morning program through DCAT grant) o o 2. 3 Elementary Certified Teachers, 4hrs/day for 12 days in June for a total of 48 instructional hours paid® $20.00 per/hour • 6 hours of planning/prep® $20.00 per hour. 3 Teacher Associates, 4.5hrs/day for 12 days in June for a total of 54 hours paid® $12.00 per/hour Cardinal Club Summer Extension Learning Program (afternoon program paid through the Community Foundation grant) o o 1 Certified Teacher, 2.75hrs/day for 12 days in June paid® $20.00 per/hour 4 Teacher Associates, 2.75 hrs/day for 12 days in June paid® $12.00 per/hour Dustin Cogan Maquol<eta Community Schools Information Technology Board Report 5-9-16 Technology Update: Cardinal • • • Annual staff machine updates are now complete Associate laptops are now updated to include the transition to Google Drive storage In the process of performing hardware/software upgrades on student classroom machines including the computer lab Monitored and maintained camera security server and storage In the process of deploying software updates on all machines for the 2016-2017 school year. Added toner cartridges and maintained building printers Annual staff machine updates are now complete Associate laptops are now updated to include the transition to Google Drive storage In the process of performing hardwarejsoftware upgrades on student classroom machines including the computer lab Setup user codes for staff members for new office copier that was recently installed Monitored and maintained camera security server and storage In the process of deploying software updates on all machines for the 2016-2017 school year. Added toner cartridges and maintained building printers Middle School • • Annual staff machine updates are now complete Associate laptops are now updated to include the transition to Google Drive storage In the process of deploying software updates on all machines for the 2016-2017 school year. Monitored and maintained camera security server and storage Preparing for delivery regarding new student machines. (asset tags/labels) Maintenance and repair for one to one program Added toner cartridges and maintained building printers High School Annual staff machine updates are now complete Associate laptops are now updated to include the transition to Google Drive storage Maintenance and repair for one to one program Preparing for delivery regarding new student machines. (asset tags/labels) Added toner cartridges and maintained building printers Completed teacher laptop software updates In the process of deploying software updates on all machines for the 2016-2017 school year. District Wide Student Machines We are scheduled to receive our shipment of student machines on May 3 2016. This delivery will be for machines at the Middle School and also the High School. The cases are anticipated to be delivered on approximately May 15 1h. Staff Email Maquoketa Staff email accounts are now transitioned to the new domain name of maquoketaschools.org. This domain is hosted with Google and will allow staff members to use the same email interface as our students. Microsoft Office Products Microsoft Word Software available at no cost for students and staff for the upcoming 16-17 school year. (Up to 5 licenses per person). This is a great benefit offered by Microsoft with a realized savings of approximately $300.00/license (if you were to purchase as Best Buy). This is offered through aggressive negotiating with Microsoft at no additional cost to our district. New Hires/Retirements/Resignations The Central Office along with the buildings do a great job of informing IT regarding new staff members coming or leaving. This time of year we see a lot of movement in this area. We recently released an electronic form to assist in the new staff process. Please see attachment. Erate No news to report regarding category I or category 2 funding commitment dollars Respectfully Submitted; Dustin Cogan Middle School Netbooli Computer Participation Information 711! Grade 6% - Check In/Out 94%- 24/7 Pru1icipation 8th Grade 12% - Check In/Out 88%- 24/7 Participation High School Laptop Computer Participation Information 9th Grade 90%- 24/7 Participation 8%- Check In/Out 89% - 24/7 Participation 7% - Check In/Out lOth Grade 1% - Missing Papers 3%- Missing Papers 1%- Not Participating 1% -Not Participating 11th Grade 94% - 24/7 Participation 4% - Check In/Out 2% - Missing Papers 0%- Not Pmticipating 12th Grade 94%-2417 Participation 2% - Check In/Out 2% - Missing Papers 2% -Not Participating Cl Maquoketa Community Schools Staff Technology Request (New & Existing Users) (Creation date 4-20-16 version 1.0) New staff members are assigned a school-issued laptop, a telephone with voicemail, Infinite Campus account, Google account, and key fob upon starting their position. Please select from the following options on this form which items the new staff member should be setup for: Natne______________________________________________________ Building/Department.__________________ What date would you like all services/equipment________________________ Fugtime ParCitime (C~e) School-issued Laptop No.c-c----:-----:,--------:-- (IT Only) Asset (includes laptop, charger, and projector adapter (if applicable)) • • A login account will be created for the user that can also be accessed on any school computer This login will be first-initial first name, and last name (i.e. jsmith for John Smith) with temporary password maquoketa! School-issued iPad No.c-c----:-----:,--------:-(includes laptop, charger~ (IT Only) Asset and projector adapter (if applicable)) • A login account will be created for the user that can also be accessed on any school computer • This login will be first-initial first name, and last name (i.e. jsmith for John Smith) and the user may be prompted to change their password upon logging in for the first time TelephoneNoicemaii Account (IT Only) Ext No. _ _ _ _ _ __ • Full-time staff will be given a phone with an extension number and a voicemail account • Part-time staff will be given an extension number and a voicemail account Email Account/Google Services • • • When created, login will be first-initial first name, and last name (i.e. jsmith for John Smith) with temporary password maquoketal User will be prompted to change their password upon logging in for the first time Based on user's indicated building, they will be enrolled in a building distribution mailing list, as well as a district wide list Infinite Campus Account • When created, login will be first-initial first name, and last name (i.e. jsmith for John Smith) with password maquoketal • User will be prompted to change their password upon logging in for the first time Building Key Fob Access No._ _ _ _ _ _ __ (IT Only) Ext • Main building entrances are outfitted with Key Fob Access Readers • To gain access to building, tap fob on reader and open entrance door after reader indicator light turns green Staff members will be given access to buildings as assigned by the Building Principal(s) • Once the building principal completes this form, an electronic request will be sent to each person responsible for the following areas. Once all is complete a confirmation will be automatically sent to the building principal. A building information technician will fulfill all given requests with the exception of Infinite Campus, this will be completed by the registrar. The technician will bring the new staff member their equipment and ensure all selected items are running properly (If this request is during the summer for a new employee the equipment will be delivered to the building office prior to July 1st. A copy of this form will be given to the staff member for instructions on how to properly use all selected items. Principal Signature_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Date,________________________ Technician Signature___________________ Date Fulfilled~------ Infinite Campus Act Setupc______________________________ Fulfilled_ _ _ _ _ __ Tech Coordinator Signature ___________________ Fulfilled_ _ _ _ _ __ New Equipment Needed Y or N _ _ Quote Attached _ _ Date Date Briggs Elementary School Board Report Monday, May 9, 2016 Submitted by Patrick R. Bollman 1. We had our annual spelling bee at Briggs on Tuesday, May 3. The event was very successful and the students did a great job. A special congratulation to fourth grader, Quinn Schnoor, for winning the contest. 2. The Briggs staff worked on literacy and numeracy during the last inservce day. We also had day two of PBIS training at Central Office. It was a good day of learning, 3. PBIS: We have concluded day two of this training. Our next training day is Thursday, May 19. The Briggs PBIS Team will also be working two days in the summer to continue to put together a plan for implementation for the 2016-2017 school year. 4. Music Interviews: I will be interviewing candidates for our music position on Wednesday, May 11. 5. Grad Field Trip: Third graders had a good field trip to Augustana College and the Putnam Museum on Thursday, May 5. Thank you to the transportation department for assisting with the trip. 6. Music-Art programs: Congratulations to Mrs. Ruley and Mrs. Shearer for a great third and fourth grade art and music program. I heard many positive comments from families after the event. 7. The fifth grade students will have their annual talent show at 9:00 on the final day of school. Presidential award winners will be handed out following the talent show. 8. EduCare finished the second session on Thursday, May 5. We will have an eight-day summer school session for Educare 12-13 students. 3rct IOWA ASSESSMENT DATA: 2015-16 Below is the data for this year's Iowa Assessments. The key: All- all students in that grade; Non-FRL and FRL- data related to students receiving Free and Reduced Lunch' Non-IEP and IEP- data related to students who are on Individual Education Plans ' 2"d Grade ALL_(B3) NON-FRL (29) FRL (54) NON-IEP (73) IEP (10) READING 80.7% 89.7% 75.9% 87.7% 30% MATH 75.9% 96.6% 64.8% 79.5% 50% SCIENCE 68.7% 89.7% 57.4% 74% 30% 3rd Grade ALL (98) NON-FRL (33) FRL (65) READING 72.4% 84.8% 66.2% MATH 73.7% 84.8% 68.2% SCIENCE 82.8% 87.9% 80.3% NON-IEP (82) 85.4% 81.9% 85.5% IEP (16) 6.3% 31.3% 68.8% 4'11 Grade ALL (78) NON-FRL (33) FRL (45) NON-IEP (57) IEP (21) READING 69.2% 87.9% 55.6% 87.7% 19% MATH 74.7% 85.3% 66.7% 87.9% 38.1% SCIENCE 81% 88.2% 75. 6% 89.7% 57.1% 5'11 Grade ALL (86) NON-FRL (28) FRL (58) NON-IEP (68) IEP (18) READING 7 4.4% 82.1 o/o 70.7% 86.8% 27.8% MATH 70.9% 78.6% 67.2% 82.4% 27.8% SCIENCE 68.6% 78.6% 63.8% 75% 44.4% 6'11 Grade ALL (BO) NON-FRL (44) FRL (36) NON-IEP (67) IEP (13) READING 70% 81.8% 55.6% 79.1 o/o 23.1% MATH 77.8% 86.4% 67.6% 89.6% 21.4% SCIENCE 75.3% 88.6% 59.5% 85.1% 28.6% 7'11 Grade ALL (108) NON-FRL (54) FRL (54) NON-IEP (84) IEP (24) READING 68.4% 87% 51.9% 82.1% 25% MATH 83.3% 92.6% 74.1% 94% 45.8% SCIENCE 77.8% 90.7% 64.8% 86.9% 45.8% Prepared by jane Schmidt, Director of Professional Growth & Student Learning May4, 2016 IOWA ASSESSMENT DATA: 2015-16 8th Grade ALL (122) NON-FRL(54} FRL (68} READING MATH SCIENCE 68.9% 88.9% 52.9% 73.8% 88.9% 61.8% 78.7% 90.7% 69.1 o/o NON-IEP (107) IEP (15} 7 4.8% 26.7% 80.4% 26.7% 83.2% 46.7% 9th Grade READING MATH SCIENCE ALL (132} NON-FRL [69) FRL (63) NON-IEP (112) If:_P (20) 83.3% 88.4% 77.8% 88.4% 55% 77.3% 88.4% 65.1 o/oo/o 81.3% 55% 78% 85.5% 69.8% 84.8% 40% 10th Grade ALL (111} NON-FRL (64} FRL (47) NON-IEP (86} IEP (25} READING MATH SCIENCE 85.6% 90.6% 78.7% 95.3% 52% 82.9% 90.6% 72.3% 95.3% 40% 82.9% 90.6% 72.3% 93% 48% 11th Grade ALL (132} NON-FRL (77} FRL (55) NON-IEP (109} IEP (23} READING MATH SCIENCE 72% 81.8% 58.2% 78.9% 39.1 o/o 78.8% 87% 67.3% 86.2% 43.5% 75.8% 83.1 o/o 65.5% 84.4% 34.8% GOALS for 2016-17: • • Narrow the gap between Free & Reduced Lunch and Non-Free & Reduced Lunch- focus on research-based strategies that are effective for students living in poverty; make connections with families to emphasize their partnership in student achievement Narrow the gap between IEP and Non-IEP students- focus on researchbased strategies that are effective for students with special needs; make connections with families to emphasize their partnership in student achievement Prepared by jane Schmidt, Director of Professional Growth & Student Learning May 4, 2016 Maquoketa High School- Board Report May 9, 2016 1. Counseling News: We have a 52% FAFSA completion rate, up from our previous best of 1 35%. Mrs. DeWulf is planning on returning to work the week of May 9 h. She and the babies are home and have been doing well. We look forward to having her back. 2. Jeanie Bowman's and Joyce lansing's classes were received the Group Governor's Volunteer Award for their work delivering Meals on Wheels. They will receive their award on Tuesday, June 28 at Prairie High School in Cedar Rapids. Congratulations to Jeanie, Joyce, students, and associates! 3. Joyce lansing was a runner-up for the ISEA Educator of the Year this year. Joyce was recognized in Des Moines on Tuesday. This is well deserved recognition for Joyce's 40 years of service to Maquoketa Community School District. 4. Senior Awards Ceremony is on May 18, 9:00am. Hope to see you there. Activities Director Report · 5. Spring musical was a success, sold out crowd both nights. Joel Hagen should be commended for doing an outstanding job with the Musical again this year 6. looking at Prom venues for next year. Strongly considering Tycoga as a venue for next year. They hosted Central Clinton's prom this year successfully. 7. Spring seasons are going well, participation numbers are very good. Maquoketa High School Grading Policy Version 1.0 Policy Extra Credit will not be given Feedback I Rationale From small group discussions and tbe grading fixes survey we found that many staff members do not currently factor extra credit into grades. (30/32 people sometimes or never give extra credit). Attendance & Behavior will not be included in the grade Grades should reflect what the student knows. We believe there is a direct correlation between effort and success. The reward for effmt will be additional opportunities to learn material and to be reassessed. There may be some departments (Performing Arts, Visual Arts, Physical Education, etc ... ) that need to grade on attendance/participation. Departments who feel they need an exception to this part of the policy can create a departmental plan with administration. (20/32 people sometimes or never include one or more of the following in grades: effort, participation, tardiness, attendance, and or adherence to class rules.) Grading Scale A: 100-93 A-: 92-90 B+: 89-87 B: 86-83 B-: 82-80 C+: 79-77 C: 76-73 C-: 72-70 D+: 69-67 D: 66-63 D-: 62-60 F: 59-0 A consistent grading scale will improve communication and decrease confusion. Setting the grade book to show in progress grades for the semester will allow guidance to pull the failing list for intervention data. *will be set to round in Infinite Campus *will be shown as "In Progress" in Infinite Campus for the semester Assessments • Will be weighted at 90% • Retakes will be offered with the following stipulations: o Must be done within two weeks from the date the original is given o Student must prove learning has taken place • Coming in for GST • Doing /redoing learning activities • All learning activities must be completed (NO missing work) o Anyone may take advantage of this Assessments are defined as something that proves learning has taken place including: tests, quizzes, presentations, papers, projects, etc ... Learning activities are defined as anything that helps the student master the standard. We believe ... Grades should reflect what the student knows. Not all students learn at the same time. Some productive learning can occur through failure. Our goal is to de-emphasize learning activities for the sake 0 oppmtunity Full credit will be given for any retake Learning Activities (Homework, Daily Work, Assignments) • Will be weighted at 10% • Must be turned in within two weeks from the date the original assessment was given of points and emphasize the activities as a tool for learning to prepare the students for the assessment. The two-week time frame for retakes and missing work completion is a minimum and can be increased by the teacher as they see fit. (22 out of 32 people almost always or frequently allow new evidence to replace, not simply be added to old evidence.) Zeros • • Will be shown as "Missing" up to deadline After two-week deadline (described above) they will be changed to a "0" in the gradebook Composite Grading The semester grade will be calculated by quarters of equal weight with a semester exam optional. Deducting points discourages the students from completing the learning activities. Examples: • 50/50 if no exam given • 45/45 for quarters and 10 for exam • Etc ... Maquoketa Middle School May 2016 School Board Update 8th Grade Graduation The graduation will be held at 8:30 on Tuesday, May 24,2016. Please let Ms. Snell know if you are planning on attending the ceremony. MS Vocal Concert Thursday, May 12, 2016, at 7:00pm at Ohnward. Isle Royale The Isle Royale students will be leaving at 8:00 am on May 13. We had one student who is unable to attend so an alternate will be attending instead. The students are looking forward to the trip. Professional Learning ·The MS Team is continuing their work on studying grading practices. The staff will be finishing up this work during our end-of-the-year staff development with new policies for the 2016-2017 school year. The CARDinval The year end CARDinval will be held on Monday, May 23, at 2:00pm. Transitions The process of transitioning new students into the middle school is underway. The 5th graders from Briggs will be visiting us on Friday, May 20, to tour the building and participate in some MS activities. Cardinal Elementary Maquoketa Community School District May 2016 MCSD Board Report Cardinal Volunteers! • We cannot thank you enough for encouraging your love for reading to our students. Thank you for working consistently with our beginning readers and being reliable volunteers at Cardinal. o Thank you to Bob Gavin for organizing the Kiwanis Reader program and donation of a classroom book. o Jeff Dadisman, Sarah Hogan, and Cari Klemme for assiting with the Methodist Readers program. This group has been a wonderful addition this year. o Also a thank you to our regular volunteers who came in each week to help during small group reading time. Mara Nissen and Joyce Bennis. Jackson County Campaign for Grade Level Reading • Mrs. Schmidt and II attended the 1st Annual Jackson County Campaign for Grade Level Reading at the Maquoketa Art Experience. A lot of information was presented and there were many reasons to celebrate. Thank you to Linda Nudd, Corrine Kroger, and Katie Pertersen for all they are doing to increase literacy in Jackson County. This video was shared at the event. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4_Y J44hpAMQ&feature=share 3 and 4-Year Old Preschool Programming • The Maquoketa Community 4-year old Preschool Programm held Family Fun Night on April 28th. The theme was "Space: It's Out of this World!" o 132 people attend the event with representation from all four attendance centers. o The teachers and parents did an amazing job preparing and operating the centers. o The event had very positive review from both parents, and teachers. • DCAT has awarded an additional $50.00 for the three year old preschool tuition scholarships in May 2016. We want to extend a thank you for the support and resources the DCAT Team provide for early childhood education. Thank-You! Professional Development • Teachers continued their work in math with our AEA supports. We expanded our knowledge of number talks and dug further into Engage New York curriculum. • Literacy teachers continued to dig into using both Wonders data and FAST data for classwide interventions. • PBIS Training We have completed two days of PSIS Training and have two more in May. Additional work days are needed in order to successfully implement PSIS for the 2016-2017 school year. So far this year our PSIS team has been working hard identifying essential • writing building and district wide expectations for ali locations and situations • devleoping an acknowledgement system • writing lesson plans on how we are going to teach our behavioral expectations Chris Hoover Superintendent Sherri Walker PK-2 Principal Beth Hillebrand Counselor Cardinal Elementary Maquoketa Community School District Shout-outs. Field Trips. and Activities • K-2 Students and Staff attended the Annie matinee. Thank you for inviting us! Everyone did a fabulous job! • Mrs. Bennis' class wants to thank Joyce Bennis for volunteering to read with students twice a week this year! • YMCA came to give a Swim Safe presentation to K-2 on April 28th. • • • • 2nd Grade Five A Day Live- news reported from 2nd grade Team This was the end of their Healthy Living Unit, and they expressed their learning in words, songs, raps, and dances. The students worked hard to publically speak and present to a live audience. Maquoketa State Bank has been a business partner for Second Grade for over 15 years. They came to celebrate "Teach Kids to Save Day" with us on April 27. They taught us about needs and wants, and the importance of a safe place to keep our money. The students made piggy banks with the help of the bank staff. Thank-you: Amber, Kathy, Brittany, Paige, Laura, and Tanya! Kindergarten Lunch and Sing- news reported from Mrs. Polk's Room The spring Kindergarten music programs were held the last two weeks of April. The students enjoyed showing off their skills of singing, playing instruments, dancing to the music and doing a dramatic reading. Family and friends enjoyed dancing the "Get Funky" dance with us. The show concluded with students viewing their art projects, that they had created with Mrs. Shearer during their art classes. All four programs were very well attended! Camp Courageous- news reported from Mr. Hardin's Room On April 11th we were able to spend time in the snooze room (sensory activities), climb a tree with adaptive equipment and supports, do the Burma Bridge (cross a ravine on a tight wire with adaptive equipment), go swimming, and experience life on a farm with farm animals. Track and Field Day On April 26th students participated in the 50 m dash, 4 x 100 relay, wheel chair race, soft ball throw, frisbee throw, long jump, and obstacle course. Even though the weather was chilly, we had a great time. Everyone went home with several ribbons. Kindergarten traveled to The Hurstville Interpretive Center On April 19th students were able to hike on the trail, looking and listening for signs of nature in the Spring. We were able to see the beautiful Trumpeter Swans as well as other wildlife. Inside, students made a fun craft and watched live bees in the large hive. The Bee presentation was very informative. Students even learned how to do the "waggle" dance! Chris Hoover Superintendent Sherri Walker PK-2 Principal Beth Hillebrand Counselor Cardinal Elementary Maquoketa Community School District shout-outs, field trips, and activities, continued ... • • • • Children's Museum- news reported from the 1st Grade Team On May 4th the first garde students went to the Children's Museum The trip culminates our year of science and social studies units, including the Five Senses, Kidtown, and our history units. At the children's museum, students did activities such as creating waterways for transportation, running a grocery store and pizza restaurant, creating their own sculpture out of recycled and donated materials, broadcasting the news, using a telegraph, using machines and pulleys, and so much more!! At the Walnut Grove Pioneer Village, students saw first hand some of the things we discussed during our history units. They participated in a scavenger hunt to find items in the homes, school, bank, train depot, fire station, post office, barber shop, dentist and doctor's office, and blacksmith shop. Students had a lot of fun seeing actual places and artifacts from long ago! Kidtown unit, students learned about the history of Maquoketa. They looked at pictures of Maquoketa's downtown buildings from long ago and tried to match them with the buildings as they are today. First Grade Authors- Students researched animals and wrote their very own class books! They are currently being published and students are anxiously awaiting their arrival! Copies could be purchased by families, and one copy of each will be available for checkout in the Cardinal library! How exciting to be authors! Upcoming Dates ~ May 12th Kindergarten trip to McDonald's to learn see robots working. ~ May 12th 2nd Grade to YMCA for winning the Box Top Challenge ~ May 17th we will be celebrating our volunteer readers and thanking them and our teachers for hosting. Please join us at 3:30 in the library. ~ May 18th 1st Grade to Maquoketa Caves State Park ~ May 20th Preschool and Pre-K Graduation Ceremonies ~ May 20th Cardinal Field Day ~ May 23rd Cardinal Dance Party Chris Hoover Superintendent Sherri Walker PK-2 Principal Beth Hillebrand Counselor May 2016 Board Report • Summer Projects Been lining up the contractors for are summer projects. We will be doing most of the major projects at the High School with having the asbestos tile removed in the hallways and a few classrooms. Having the asbestos removed in the tunnels at the High School so we can start replacing water line. Also having the hallway walls repainted and the hallway floors will have the epoxy flooring put down instead of tile. Mark Vervaecke,Dan Yarloum and myself went to Dyersville Beckman to look at there epoxy floor. Pat Meade the principal gave us a tour and told us that the floor had been installed 2 years ago and that he was very happy with it. The floor has a little texture to it and it just needs to be scrubbed and no wax needs to be applied and the custodians like that. We all thought that it would be a good fit for the high school here. We are also planning on replacing cement at the east side of Cardinal, adding a new sidewalk out the east side of the High School Band room upto the south doors of the new gym. Also replacing a section of sidewalk on Eliza St at the pool property. We also received a 40 gal paint grant from True Value and will use that to repaint the exterior wall of the wood shop at the High School. We are also planning on replacing the wheel chair lift at the east side steps at the High School. There will also be carpet replacing in Briggs and the High School along with ceiling tile in all the buildings. Kristy Haxmeier Maquoketa Community School District May 2016 Board Report Business Office Update: Affordable Health Care Update As we near the end of the year, health insurance open enrollment for Maquoketa CSD is quickly approaching and it is going to look much different this year! One of the MANY provisions from affordable health care act is the requirement for employers with 100 or more full-time equivalent employees (FTE) need to offer insurance to at least 70% of their full-time workers by 2015 and 95% by 2016. We made the 70% threshold for the 2015 plan year without any changes. However, in order to meet the 95% insurance offer threshold for plan year 2016, any employee contracted for 20 hours per week or more will be offered coverage. The two largest groups affected are the teacher associates and the bus drivers as they have never had the opportunity to purchase our plan in the past. OPEN MEETINGS LAW UPDATE On March 18, 2016, the Iowa Supreme Court majority opinion inHutchison et. al v. Warren County adopted a new standard for determining when a "meeting" occurs under Iowa's Open Meetings law. Prior to this ruling, a bright line rule existed for determining when a "meeting" was subject to the Open Meetings law: for a meeting to occur, there had to be a gathering (in person or by electronic means) of a majority of the members of the public body and deliberation or action had to occur on a matter within the scope of the body's policy-making duties. Now, the Supreme Court has determined that a meeting of a public body can occur even if a majority of the board or council members are not physically or electronically present at the gathering. The Court applied agency principles in determining whether a gathering constitutes a meeting. It concluded that the legal equivalent of an in-person gathering occurs when a majority of members of a public body meet, whether each member attends personally or through an agent. The application of agency principles to gatherings of a board (or council members) raises a host of still-unresolved issues. In the Hutchison case, the Court concluded that an absent member of the board may nonetheless be deemed to be present if one of the participants at the gathering has authority to act on the absent member's behalf. Therefore, if a majority of the board or council members gather to deliberate on a matter within their policy-making duties, either in-person, electronically, or through agents, the Court said that the requirements of the Open Meetings law must be followed. The Open Meetings law does not prohibit discussions between members of a governmental body and its staff to exchange ideas and gather information in order for the body to act upon an issue during an open meeting. The Court noted, however, that "the open meetings law does prohibit the majority of a governmental body gathering in person through the use of agents or proxies to deliberate any matter within the scope of its policy-making duties outside the public view."
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