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50 American Society for Laser Medicine Purpose: The purpose of this study was to compare the results produced by laser vs. sclerotherapy both subjectively and objectively. Methods: Twenty patients with leg veins 0.7 to 3 mm in diameter with two comparable sites preferable on bilateral legs. One 7x1 I cm area was injected with sotradecol and the other site was treated with the Lyra 1064nm laser at 150- 190 J/cm2 and 50 - 100 ms, 3 -5 mm spot size using the coolspot handpiece and cool gel. Pre and post op photos were taken. The patients followed up at eight weeks for a possible retreatment of the laser site. 80% of the patients received a second treatment. Photos were taken at each visit. The final follow up was at 3 months at which the patients were asked to complete a Quality of Life survey. Three blinded physicians reviewed the pre-op and 3 month post op slides. Results: The quality of life surveys tabulated that 35% of the patients preferred the laser treatments to sclerotherapy; 45 % choose sclerotherapy and 20% were undecided. Scores tabulated by the three blinded observers showed that on a scale from 0 - 4 (0 = no clearance, 2 = I- 25% clearance, 3 = 51 - 75% clearance, and 4 = 76 - 100% clearance) the laser treatment site averaged 2.50 on the improvement scale and the sclerotherapy averaged 2.30. Conclusion: This study demonstrated that the long pulsed Nd:YAG can yield comparable results in the treatment of blue leg veins up to 3 mm in diameter. 217 TREATMENT OF BROWN FACIAL PATCHES IN ASIAN PATIENTS WITH Q-SWITCHED ALEXANDRITE AND QSWITCHED RUBY LASERS. Richard E. Fitzpatrick and Syed Amity. Dermatology Associates of San Diego County, Inc., La Jolla, CA Purpose: To evaluate response and side effects, treatment of facial brown patches (melasma, junctional nevi, lentigines, and nevus of Ota) using Q-switched lasers. Method: Fifteen patients with brown facial patches were treated with Q-switched alexandrite and Q-switched ruby lasers in l-3 treatment sessions. Results: Excellent cosmetic results were achieved in all patients even though 100% elimination of pigmentation was not possible. All patients experienced at least 75% improvement in pigmentation and were satisfied with the results. The main side effect of treatment was postinflammatory pigmentation which was successfully treated with sunscreen, Retin-A and topical vitamin C. Multiple treatment sessions were often necessary. Conclusions: Q-switched alexandrite and Q-switched ruby lasers are effective modalities for treatment of brown patches (melasma, junctional nevi, lentigines, and nevus of Ota) in Asian patients. and Surgery Abstracts Methods: Twenty skin specimens fi-om patients with basal cell carcinoma (BCC) excised using MMS technique were used in this study. After the frozen section slides stained with hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) were prepared and read by a Mohs surgeon, the remainder of the skin sample was scanned with the CLMS. The maps from CLMS and H&E outlining basal cell carcinoma in these samples were compared. Results: Maps from CLMS correlated well with maps from H&E for large masses of nodular or superficial BCC. For less well defined, smaller masses of nodular/superficial BCC and morpheaform BCC samples, the correlation between the maps was more difficult to obtain. Conclusions: The CLMS images correlate well with H&E frozen sections from MMS containing large masses of nodular/superficial BCC. With this current system, CLMS may be useful in MMS to screen out grossly positive margins in a relatively short amount of time. 219* EXTENDED THEORY OF SELECTIVE PHOTOTHERMOLYSIS G.B. Altshuler’, R.R. Anderson’, D. Manstein2, H.H. Zenzie’, M.Z. Smimov’ ‘Palomar Medical Technologies, Burlington, MA ’ Wellman Laboratories of Photomedicine, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA ‘Institute of Fine Mechanics and Optics, St. Petersburg, Russia The theory of selective photothermolysis (SP) developed by Anderson and Parrish is applicable to the case where the target has uniformly distributed chromophore and is damaged by direct heating. The laser wavelength and pulsewidth are chosen to produce selective target damage while leaving the surrounding tissue unaffected. However, in certain cases (e.g. hair follicle), part of the target may not contain chromophore and therefore must be damaged by heat diffusion from pigmented areas within the target. Three parameters of the light source must be properly chosen to achieve optimum target damage using this method. First, similar to SP, the light-source wavelength must be selectively absorbed by the pigmented areas within the target. Second. the light pulsewidth should be approximately equal to the thermal damage time (TDT), which is the time required to thermally damage the entire target (including both pigmented and unpigmented areas) while leaving the surrounding tissue unaffected. The TDT is significantly longer than the thermal relaxation time due to the requirement that the temperature at the target boundary be in the 65 70°C range required for thermal denaturation. Third, the power density must be sufficient to raise the target temperature above the thermal damage threshold; however, it must be low enough to prevent chromophore destruction and subsequent absorption loss in the pigmented area. In combination with contact cooling during light application to protect the epidermis, this new method can be used for hair removal and leg vein treatment. 218 COMPARISON BETWEEN CONFOCAL LASER SCANNING MICROSCOPE IMAGES AND FROZEN SECTION HISTOLOGY OF BASAL CELL CARCINOMA FROM MOHS MICROGRAPHIC SURGERY S. Brian Jianq, Joseph A. Lower-y, Lara Kelley Dermatologic Surgery Unit of Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA Purpose: Confocal Laser Scanning Microscope (CLMS) is a FDA approved imaging device which provides real time magnified images (4 000X) of skin up to 500 microns in depth in about 5 minutes. The purpose of this study is to compare the images of CLMS with frozen section histology from Mohs Micrographic Surgery (MMS). POSTERS 223 TREATMENT WITH THE (FLPDL) OF HYPERTROPHIC 585nm - FLUSH IN ASIAN SKIN SCARS LUMP (HS) PUMPED AND DYE KELOIDS LASER American I !.~IQ!A~;I K;IYO~O Akila’, 1 : I)q~arlmcnl. Mc(licinc, ‘li)yo;lk(?, Surp-y M;li,sun;lgi~‘, of’ I)orm;ll,ology, Clinic, Aichi IC(lc:orlsl,rrlc:l,iv(~ I Ic;ltLh for Laser Yo~Ic~:~” School 2 : Suzuki :I : I)cparf,mont, I+‘rl.jiI.;l Kci lJnivcrsit,y rJ:ll)iln. 192, cJill);ln. Surgery, Suzuki’, I~~!jit,;~ I I(!alf,h 170-l Kyob, I I;lru(? Society of’ I’lasl,ic: of’ I’lasl~ic: University and School of’ M(I(Iicino. 1i’wpwr!l ‘I%(! numt)c?r Wll,tl 1~111’1)11 hilS 14’1,l’l)l, l,rc~al,rnc~nl, l);lt,ic!nts J)ilrt,ic:il);ll,(~(l ~:orls(~Wilt,iv(? IlG:s~~ll,sI Many Lr(~;llmon& fi)r I~‘l,l’l)ll sirnl~lc~. WC I IS ;If’lcr irnl~rovc?mcnl,. SigJlih:ilJlb (Io(:roilsc show(?tI f’rom ciitln’l, laser The f,ho 2 casts I 11,shouI(I il low incitlcncc~ t)(! in(Iic:;ll,c?(l of’ l.hc ~SuI~~jc?cA,s~36 t,o any I Ictall,h LJnivcrsit.y IMcl,horlsI WC l,rcal,(d cooling GISC I)y l,hc laser irradi;lLion. of’ c!ryl.hcm;rl.ous improvcmcnt, pcrfbrm irr;ldial,ion, ot,hcr many irradi;ll,ion of’ microvcssc!ls. and c:onsctrv;lt,ivc casts achicvcd findings showed of’ t,hc signif’icant, IConclusionl of’ sick? c?f’fi!c:l,s, and fi)r I IS ;lnd kcloids c:oIor of’ height, hisl.ot);ll,holoRic:aI ;If’l,(br las(!r ol’c~xc:c~ssivc~ t~roIili~rat,ion (::IIIS(!S (Clinic. some kcloitls :IJI~~ had nol, rcspondd b’ujit,a SOCJI was f,hc imI~rovc?mcnl, (:ils(!s skin. 1hc usc of’ t,hc clynamic: no (:x;l(:(~rt);lLc?(l Ali,hough tiirr(trwss. They of’ t IS f,hc cf’ficacy in Asian visil,c?(l Surgery wil,houl, wils Mosl. (\f’li~(:t,ivc?rlr!ss Wl/:H;). f,i~s~lc!s an(I l’l:~sLi(: b’l ,l’l)l, ‘I’hcrc kdoitls in lohis sLutly. or Srlzuki wil,h OJI l,rcii!,mcnl, WC invcsl,igat.ccI I IS an(I OJI !,r(?ir1,JTIc!Jl~, I Iosl)il,al i,hc:m of’ !.hc rcporl, irlc:rc?ilsc!tl. ‘I’hc t,hc mc?t,hotl in Asian skin. is Medicine and Surgery Abstracts 225 TREATMENT OF FACIAL TELANGIECTASIA WITH MODIFIED HIGH-FLUENCE PULSED-DYE LASER: COMPARISON OF EFFICACY WITH FLUENCES IMMEDIATELY ABOVE AND BELOW THE PURPURA THRESHOLD Murad Alam, MD,’ Jeffrey S. Dover, MD, ly2Kenneth A. Amdt, MDlJ ‘SkinCare Physicians of Chestnut Hill, Chestnut Hill, MA; 2Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, MA; 3Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA Purpose: To investigate whether the high-fluence modified pulseddye laser is effective in the treatment of fine facial telangiectasia in the absence of post-treatment purpura. Methods: Symmetrical, matched areas of telangiectatic skin on the left and right sides of subjects’ faces were assigned to be control or treatment sites, respectively. A third, small area of the face with telangiectasia was used to determine the minimum fluence required to elicit nontransient purpura within 10 minutes after treatment with a modified pulsed-dye laser device (V-beam, Candela, Wayland, MA, 595 nm, 4-15 J/cm2). Designated treatment areas were then treated with the minimum purpura fluence, and the control areas, with a fluence 1 J/cm2 less than this threshold. Other parameters, including pulse duration and cooling, were equivalent. Subjects returned for evaluation of degree of purpura three days and one week after treatment. Resolution of telangiectasia at both sites was assessed after one month. Results: In selected patients, telangiectasia treated with fluences below the purpura threshold were less improved than telangiectasia treated with fluences above the purpura threshold. Conclusions: While pulsed-dye laser can effectively treat telangiectasia at both low and high fluences, high fluences that induce significant purpura may be more efficacious than low fluences resulting in minimal purpura. 224 CANDIDA COLONIZATION OF SKIN AFTER LASER RESURFACING: AN INNOCENT BYSTANDER OR A CAUSE OF PRURITUS Murad Alam, MD,’ Nayomi E. Omura, MD,’ Kenneth A. Amdt, MD,*‘* Jeffrey S. Dover, MD ly3 *Skin&e Physicians of Chestnut Hill, Chestnut Hill, MA; 2Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA; 3Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, MA Purpose: To investigate whether the facial skin of patients with post-laser resurfacing pruritus is concurrently colonized or infected with Candida species. Methods: Candida cultures were obtained from the facial skin of patients undergoing elective till-face resurfacing of the face with CO2 laser, Er:YAG laser, or combination CO2 and Er:YAG lasers. Cultures were collected immediately before resurfacing, and at post-operative days 3 and 6. All sampled areas were at least one centimeter distant from mucosal surfaces of the mouth, nose, or eyes. At each culture collection session,patients were asked about the extent to which they were experiencing various symptoms, including pain and pruritus, and the results were entered on a data collection sheet. Results: Candida colonization appears to be associated with facial pruritus and postoperative discomfort in some but not all post-laser resurfacing patients who complain of significant pruritus. Conclusions: While Candida colonization or infection may be etiologically related to post-laser resurfacing pruritus, further studies are needed to confirm such an association. Clinicians confronted with post-resurfacing patients presenting with pruritus should consider the possible role of Candida. COMMERCIAL FEASIBILITY OF AN EXCIMER LASER FOR TREATMENT OF PSORIASIS Murad Alam, MD,’ Kenneth A. Amdt, MD,ly2 Jay A. Goldstein, MD,3 Jeffrey S. Dover, MD,ly4 Michael L. Rothman, MD,’ Robin L. Travers, MD ’ ‘SkinCare Physicians of Chestnut Hill, Chestnut Hill, MA; 2Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA; 3Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, MA; 4Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, MA; ‘Innovative Clinical Solutions Limited, Providence, RI Purpose: Clinical studies have demonstrated that excimer lasers can induce regression of psoriatic plaques. The purpose of this study was to investigate the commercial feasibility of such an excimer laser for treatment of plaque-type psoriasis. Methods: A nonrandomized, prospective multicenter trial enrolled patients with plaque-type psoriasis of the trunk affecting 1- 10% of body surface area. Initial minimum erythema dose (MED) testing was followed by 4-10 treatments, administered twice weekly, with a 308 run xenon chloride excimer laser (XTRAC, PhotoMedex, Radnor, PA). Photographs of treatment sites and psoriasis area and severity index (PASI) scores were obtained before initiation of treatment and after treatment conclusion in each patient. Subjects also completed a quality of life questionnaire before and after treatment. The treatment process was managed by a non-transferable key card system, which permitted each patient 1- 10 treatments over a fixed 51 52 American Society for Laser Medicine time interval. Results: Investigator and patient assessments indicated improvement in psoriasis plaques after short-term treatment with the excimer laser key card system. Conclusions: Excimer laser is an effective treatment modality for psoriasis that can improve plaque-type lesions. Moreover, the currently available key card protocol is a commercially feasible delivery system. 227 TREATMENT OF A VARIETY OF PIGMENTED LESIONS WITH THE LIGHTSHEER DIODE LASER SYSTEM Marla L. McClaren, Vera A. Chotzen, Suzanne L. Kilmer. Laser & Skin Surgery Center of Northern California, Sacramento, CA. The purpose of this study is to determine the safety and efficacy of the Light Sheer Diode Laser System (Coherent) in removal of pigmented lesions including intradermal melanocytic nevi, epidermal nevi, nevus spilus, lentigos, seborrheic keratoses, cafk au lait macules and melasma. Patients were consented and lesions were photographed, then treated with the LightSheer at 40-60 J/cm2 with 20-30 msec pulse durations. l-3 pulses per lesion were utilized and lighter lesions (less pigment) were treated with the chill tip off. Many of the smaller pigmented lesions were wiped away with wet gauze immediately after treatment. For larger lesions, the overlying epidermis of the treated pigmented lesion was left in place. Wound care consisted of emollients until complete reepithelialization occurred. Follow up visits were 2-6 weeks later, at which time photographs were taken and lesions were retreated if portions of the lesion remained. Results showed that the more superficial pigmented lesions were ablated in a single treatment and only 25% of lesions required a second treatment (usually deeper nevi). Longer term follow up suggests the treatment is permanent for dermal nevi, lentigos, seborrheic keratosis and nevus spilus. The cafi au lait macules have had only short term follow up. Although the melasma cleared completely at the time of treatment it had returned by one month follow up. Skin types I-V were included with no evidence of post inflammatory dyspigmentation. Patient satisfaction was very high. While skin cooling is beneficial for epidermal protection, in the case of lighter lesions in lighter skin types, turning off the chill tip allows this laser system to better target the pigmented lesion with excellent cosmetic results. For darker skin types, the chill tip may need to be left on to protect any surrounding epidermis. In summary, we present an effective treatment for pigmented lesions utilizing the LightSheer Diode Laser System which has the appropriate fluence and pulse durations as well as the option of disengaging the chill tip to better target lighter lesions. Comparisons underwav with the CoolGlide (1064nm) and Apogee (Cynosure. 755nm). and Surgery Abstracts received a series of intense pulsed light treatments at three week intervals. A single pass of double pulsed light with fluences of 30 to 36 J/cm2 was used. Results: All patients showed visible improvement in wrinkling, lentigines, freckling and skin laxity of all treated areas. No scarring or serious complications were observed with the technique used. There was minimal or no patient downtime following treatments. Treatments were readily tolerated using only a topical lidocaine anesthetic cream. Conclusion: Intense pulsed light is an effective and safe modality in the visible improvement of photoaged non-facial skin. 229 PHOTOSENSITIZERS ACCUMULATION IN SPONTANEOUS MDR-1 RESISTANT CELLS (RHODAMINE 123, ROSE BENGAL ACETATE AND PHOTOFRIN) A.C. Croce, K.S. Lanza, S. Fiorani, R. Supine*, D. Locatelli, P. Baglioni”, G. Bottiroli. Center for Histochemistry, CNR, University, Pavia; *National Tumor Institute, Milano; “Chemistry Dept., University, Firenze, ITALY One of the most important causes of cross-resistance to chemotherapeutic agents is the overexpression of transporter related proteins, as in the case of MDR-1 resistance mechanism. In this work the influence of MDR-1, and of other eventual phenotype changes accompanying the rising of resistance, was studied in relation with the intracellular accumulation of: Rhodamine 123 (R123), typical substrate of MDR-1 ; Rose Bengal (RB), administered as Rose bengal acetate, a fluorogenic substrate, which accumulation depends on the balance of three processes: substrate influx, esterase hydrolysis, product efflux; which intracellular accumulation depends on the and Photofrir?, aggregated species and on the disaggregation process. Two cultured cell lines expressing MDR-1 were used: Bl6, and A2780, derived respectively from a mouse melanoma and from a human ovarian carcinoma. The study was performed by means of microspectrofluorimetric analysis on single cells and biochemical evaluation on cell extracts. Data obtained showed that, as expected, MDR-1 plays a very important role in the accumulation process of R123. Verapamil, a specific inhibitor of MDR-1, demonstrated a participation of MDR-1 on the extrusion of RB and Photofrin@, although to different extents. As to Photofrir?, different intracellular turnovers take place in the cell variants, and influence the release of the fluorescent fractions, that is favored in resistant cells than in wild type. A greater accumulation of RB in resistant cells than in the wild types was found, explained by the increased esterase activity and membrane traffic, counterbalancing the improved extrusion of the product. Work supported by CNR “Target Project Biotechnology” 228* REJUVENATION OF PHOTOAGED NONFACIAL SKIN USING INTENSE PULSED LIGHT Patrick Bitter, Jr Campbell, CA Purpose: Multiple modalities are available for rejuvenation of photoaged facial skin. Fewer options are available or effective for nonfacial skin. The use of intense pulsed light for improvement of photoaged facial skin has been recently reported. The purpose of this study was to assses the effectiveness of a series of intense pulsed light treatments in the improvement of photodamaged non- facial skin. Methods: A broad band intense pulsed light source emitting noncoherent light in the visible range was used for all treatments. Patients with photodamage of the neck, chest, dorsal hand or forearm skin Title: CAN THE TREATMENT PRETREATMENT CONGENITAL NAEVI(CMN). Authors: R Dave, Laser Treatment Aim: The aim of of a pretreatment laser for CMN. RESULT OF LASER BE PREDICTED BY A BlOPSY FOR MELANOCYTIC P Mahaffey. Centre, Bedford UK. the study was to determine the role biopsy in predicting the efficacy of American Methods: 40 patients referred with CMN were included in the study. A punch biopsy was taken at the preliminary consultation for diagnostic purposes and in the hope of assessing correlation to treatment outcome. A concomitant test patch was also carried out. The histology service was also asked to comment on the depth of pigment and if possible deepest extent of melanocytic tissue. Patients were entered into the treatment program which was continued until a useful response was obtained or otherwise. Results: The correlation between the depth of the pigment and response to laser treatment was poor. Conclusion: A simple depth assessment of the pigment cells is not a reliable indicator to responsiveness of a melanocytic lesion to laser treatment. A better indicator may be depth of naevus cells within the lesion. 231 Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery 53 Abstracts laver; 4 the SMAS and its extension into the temporal and platysmal areas.Weperform the surgical facelift with the Co2 laser. By shrinking the temporal, malar, SMAS and platysmal fat and aponeurosis,we tighten the laxed, soft tissuesand also releasethe tension of the closureline.The final stage is the facial resurfacing. These three stagescomplement and supplement each other and becauseof their additive actions, each individual procedure does not have to be pushed to a maximumThis results in lesscomplications and a shorter recovery time. The operating time is greatly reduced (lesssuturing and hemostasis)andwe obtain a stronger rejuvenation.(3 layers). 233* Title:THE ROLE OF THE ULTRAPULSE LASER IN TREATMENT OF BOWENS DISEASE OF THE LEGS. R Dave, B.Monk, P Mahaffey. Laser Treatment Centre, Bedford Hospital, Bedford, UK. Purpose: The aim of the study was to determine if the carbon-dioxide laser could be used to treat Bowens disease on the legs. Methods: This was a prospective study wherein patients were recruited after gaining informed consent. 16 patients with 25 biopsy proven lesions were included in the study. The treatment was carried out by the ultrapulse laser with the 3mm hand piece at suitable settings. Passes were made until dermal shrinkage was observed. The treated areas were left to heal by secondary intention. Results: 8 lesions took longer than 4 weeks to heal but all of them were healed by 8 weeks. No clinical recurrence was noted at the 6 month visit. The patients were able to look after the treated sites on their own without the need for bulky dressings. 2 patients developed infections which needed dressings and antibiotics. Conclusion: Ultrapulse laser is a safe modality for the treatment of Bowens Disease of the legs. It also presents significant advantages over other treatments like cryotherapy and surgical excision. THE SHRINKAGE OF THE S.M.A.S WITH THE CO2 LASER. Michel de Cordier,M.D. Kim Julian, M.D. Cosmetic Laser Clinic, Copenhagen, Denmark The superior resultsof a facelift combined with immediate laser resurfacing are well known by now.We have added to this the laser resurfacing of the third and deepest 234 ABLATIVE AND NONABLATIVE ER:YAG LASER: HISTOLOGICAL Brigita DrnovSek-Olup, Aleksander Ljubljana, Slovenia. SKIN RESURFACING AND CLINICAL ASPECTS Rotter, University Clinical Purpose: To present histological and clinical ablative and nonablative skin resurfacing. findings with Er:YAG WITH Center laser, 54 American Society for Laser Medicine Methods: A new type of Er:YAG laser (Fotona Fidelis) with variable pulselength has been used. Pulse duration varies between 100~s and 1000~s. The laser pulses were selected as VSP (very short pulse - 100~s). SP (short pulse - 3OOps), and VLP (very long pulse - 1000~s). Ablative skin resurfacing has been performed with SP (energy 25OmJ, spot diameter 5mm and repetition rate 12- 15 Hz), with 60% overlapping. Non ablative skin resurfacing has been performed with VLP (1 ms, energy 23OmJ, spot diameter 5mm and frequency lOHz).VLP laser pulses have been used for stronger thermal effects on the tissue, with less ablation. No special pretreatment therapy has been used. -411 procedures have been performed in local anesthesia. Laser irradiation has been performed to upper and lover eyelids and specimen have been taken during blepharoplasty. Specimen has been histologicaly examined. Results: Histological pictures show deeper heating effects in ablative skin resurfacing with high degree of overlapping (70~), than in nonablative (30-50~). Uncomplete ablation was observed histologicaly and clinically in cases treated with VLP. Final cosmetic results were good in both cases. but better in ablative. Conclusions: new generation of Er:YAG laser offers wide possibilities for skin resurfacing. 235 EPILATION WITH A DIODE LASER COMPARED TO FLASH LIGHT: QUICKER AND MORE PERMANENT? Sabine Stangl, Michael Drosner , Barbara Hertenberger cutaris Institute for Laser Research in Dermatology, Munich, Germany A The epilation technique using a flash lamp (intense light source = IPL) has been widely performed. To compare the efficiency of IPL to recently developed modalities, such as a diode laser, 13 volunteers (11 f, 2 m, mean age 26,8 y, 23-68 y) were treated on one side with a non-coherent filtered flash lamp (EpiLightTM) and on the opposite side with a diode laser system (LightSheerTM). Hair counts where obtained before each treatment within marked rectangles. At this time, the 3 months follow up is completed and consecutive hair counts have been performed in 8 different localizations (back, bikini, cheek, chin, hypogastrium, forearm, neck, upper lip) prior to each repeated treatment after intervals of 4 (face) or 4-6 (body) weeks. In response to the clinical reaction, the following parameters were used: 25-40 J/cm2 and up to 30 ms for the diode laser, 3 l-50 J/cm2 and 2-4 x 4-6 ms (lo-30 ms delay) for the IPL using the 645 cut off filter. A satisfying degree of epilation (flash lamp 68.9 % , diode laser 73.6 % hairloss) was achieved after an average of 6 (4- 11) consecutive treatments. After a follow up of 3 months diode laser treated areas showed an increase in hair counts by 10.0%) while IPL counted plus 26.7 % . This difference is not statistically significant (p = 0.347). Hair counts per cm2 diode laser % flash lamp % Befor treatment 12.9 100.0 13.5 100.0 After 4- 11 treatments 3.4 26.4 4.2 31.1 3 months follow up 4.7 36.4 7.8 57.8 In conclusion both systems achieved a reduction of hair growth. With longer follow up the differences in regrowth could become more evident and will be reported. 236” TREATMENT ALEXANDRITE Dermatology OF CONGENITAL NEVI WITH LONGPULSE LASER. Richard E. Fitzpatrick and Syed Amiry. Associates of San Diego County, Inc., La Jolla, CA a and Surgery Abstracts Purpose: To determine response of congenital nevi to long pulse Alexandrite laser. Method: Four patients with benign congenital nevi on hand (1 patient), on thigh (1 patient), and entire back (2 patients) underwent several treatments using long pulse Alexandrite laser (15-25 J/cm’ and 3 msec pulse duration). Treatment interval was 3 to 12 weeks. The average number of treatments was four. Results: Every congenital nevus showed complete clearing of the nevus in some areas and elimination of pigmentation and nevus cells of 500pm of superficial dermis, making deeper dermal nevus cells less visible; thus improving cosmetic appearance of nevus cells. Conclusions: Long pulse Alexandrite laser is at least partially effective for treatment of benign congenital nevi, leading to either complete clearing and/or reducing visibility of pigmentation within congenital nevi. 237 COMBINING FACIAL LASER RESURFACING WITH A NECKLIFT FACILITATES FACIAL REJUVENATION Bruce M. Freedman - McLean, Virginia A multimodality approach has been used to concurrently treat separate cosmetic facial units in different tissue planes. Extending this concept to include the neck expands the scope of the rejuvenation process. In our experience there is a distinct group of patients who are primarily concerned about excess skin on the neck in conjunction with prominent facial rhytides; they were adverse to undergoing a &ll facelift procedure. We identified those patients and offered them a course of treatment consisting of: 1. Laser facial resurfacing 2. Necklifi with platysmal modification Ten patients, ages 46 - 72, were treated under intravenous sedation on an outpatient basis. Facial laser resurfacing was performed with the Coherent UltraPulse CO1 laser at 300mJ/60W for the first two passes and 250mJ/45W for the third pass, followed immediately by the necklift procedure using submental and post-auricular incisions Platysmorraphy was performed laterally and medially as needed. Postoperative laser skin care was prescribed using the open technique and the incisions were cared for routinely. Photographs were taken prior to surgery and at regularly scheduled post-operative intervals. Photographs and clinical assessments showed significant improvement of the facial and neck irregularities. There were no observed complications post-operatively and patients were pleased with their results. The combined procedure met their specific expectations for a more youthfil appearance while minimizing the incisions and potential healing complications associated with a full facelift procedure. In summary, combining laser resurfacing of the face with incisional surgery on the neck expands the physician’s ability to treat different structural problems concurrently, providing more options in the realm of facial rejuvenation. 238” LASER RESONANCE RAMAN DETECTOR FOR ANTI-OXIDANT MOLECULES IN HUMAN TISSUE Igor V. Ermakov+, Robert W. McClane’, Theresa A. Scholz*, Paul S. Bernstein+, Nikita B. Katz’, and Werner Gellermann+; ‘University of Utah, Salt Lake City; *Gateway Aesthetic Institute and Laser Center, SLC, UT Purpose: We developed a novel, optics-based technology to measure anti-oxidant molecule levels in human tissue in vivo. Information of these levels may help in assessing risk for age-related macular degeneration and skin cancer. Methods: We used Resonance Raman American Society for Laser scattering as a linear spectroscopy technique to detect the vibrational transitions of the molecules, and constructed a compact portable instrument for use in a clinical setting. Results: Using blue-green spectral lines from an argon laser, we excite the anti-oxidant molecules resonantly in their spectrally broad absorption transitions in the visible wavelength range. The chain-like conjugated carbon backbone of the anti-oxidant molecules gives rise to characteristic carbon single- and double bond stretch vibrations at -1160 and -1530 wavenumbers, respectively. The strengths of these Raman signals scale linearly with tissue anti-oxidant molecule content, and therefore can be used to quantity the anti-oxidant concentration. The excitation laser light is routed to the tissue via fiber optics, the Raman scattered light is collected in a backscattering geometry, routed via dichroic beamsplitters and separate fiber path to a small spectrograph, and imaged onto a CCD camera. The spectral information is read out by customized software and plotted out in nearly real-time onto a computer screen. Conclusion: It is possible to non-invasively measure anti-oxidant molecule levels of tissue in a non-invasive and quantitative way at safe laser light powers. A prototype instrument will be demonstrated for in-vivo measurements of skin. 239 HY PERTROPHIC SCARS AFTER CO2 LASER SUCCESSFULLY TREATED WITH THE 585-nm PULSED DYE LASER . . no Grinblat, Iara G. Yoshinaga, Luciana Conrado, Selma Cemea Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein, Department of Dermatology, Sao Paufo, Brazil Hypertrophic scars are exuberant fibrous repair tissue difficult to treat. Treatment with the CO2 laser may lead to this type of scar, specially if used at high fluences, and depending on the anatomic location of the wound. Arm, chest and lips are reported as being at high risk. We present a case of exuberant hypertrophic scars on arms and dorsum of hands due to CO2 laser successfully treated with the 585-nm pulsed dye laser (PDL). An oriental 63-year-old woman, presented with exuberant hypertrophic scars on the dorsum of the hands and arms, after a CO2 laser treatment for actinic keratosis, performed by her ophthalmologist. Since the CO2 laser treatment was not performed by our group, we do not know what energy levels were applied. The lesions were seriously impairing the patient’s social life. We treated the whole area only with the 585-nm pulsed dye laser. The PDL was used at 6.5 J/cm2 with a 7-mm spot size, in multiple sessions with 4-6 weeks intervals. The treatment was well tolerated without anesthesia. After four sessions, the elevated scars became flatter and less eritematous. The final cosmetic result was considered excellent by the patient and the physicians. This type of complication may occur in spite of the parameters used for the CO2 laser. Nevertheless, untrained physicians should be aware of the risks of performing such procedures inadequately. In this case, the PDL was an effective and quick treatment for this type of scar. 240 COMPARISON OF DIFFERENT LASER SYSTEMS FOR TREATMENT OF SOLAR LENTIGO S. Brian Jianq, Sandy Tsao, Lara Kelley Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA Medicine and Surgery Abstracts 55 Purpose: Different laser systems have been shown to be safe and effective for the treatment of solar lentigos. The purpose of this study is to compare the difference in efficacy and treatment associated discomfort between several commonly used lasers. Methods: Ten patients with solar lentigines were treated with QS ruby (694nm), QS Alexandrite (755nm), and frequency-doubled Nd:YAG Photographic and clinical evaluations of the solar (532nm) lasers. lentigines were performed pre- and postoperatively. Patient’s subjective assessment of the results and the treatment associated pain were also obtained. Results: All laser systems showed similar effectiveness in removing solar lentigines. They were associated with minimal intra-operative pain and short recovery periods. There was no scarring or permanent pigmentary changes associated with any laser system. Conclusions: The QS ruby (694nm), QS Alexandrite (755nm), and frequency-doubled Nd:YAG (532~1) lasers are effective treatment options for removal of unwanted solar lentigines. The differences in effkacy and treatment associated discomfort will be discussed. 241 LASER HAIR REMO\‘AL Francisco Jimknez and Rube J. Pardo*. Dermatnlogia Laser Clinica San Roque, Canary Islands, Spair and Coral Gables Dermatology and Laser Center, Cor .I Gables, Florida*. We have devoloped a model to assess patient satisfaction and expectations prior to laser hair removal. All the hairs contained in a 3 cm by 3 cm square of thoracic hairy skin ti-om a volunteer patient were counted and photographed. Hairs were ramdomly eliminated by plucking and photographs were taken at 10% intervals. Sequential photographs, each showing 10 % hair loss, were shown to patients. Each patient was asked to grade the photographs under the following scale: bad, moderate, good and excellent result. ln adition, they also asked at which photographic point they would feel satisfied after one laser hair removal session and after the last session. Patients graded as a bad result photos that contained 70 to 100% of the original hair count, moderate as 40 to 60% of the original hair count, good as 20 to 30% of the original hair count and excellent as 10% of the original hair count. Most patients (~80%) responded that they would only be satisfied with over 50% hair loss, and that they would he very satistied with greater that 90% hair loss after the last laser session. In conclusion, having a photographic scale is useful for consultation prior to laser hair removal therapy, so that patients can have a more realistic expectation of the procedure. According to the literature, hair removal lasers achieve approximately 2030% permanent hair loss per treatment session. According to this model, we feel that patients will not he satistied with laser hair removal until after the 3rd or 4’ treatment session. 242* MULTIPLE COLOR CHANGES FOLLOWING LASER THERAPY OF COSMETIC TATTOOS Eduardo Weiss, Gloria Jimenez, James M. Spencer* Department of Dermatology and Cutaneous Surgery,University of Miami School of Medicine, Miami, Florida Mount Sinai Medical Center, New York, NY* PURPOSE: To emphasize the wisdom of small test area when and the need of multiple laser treating cosmetic tattoos, systems. METHODS: A 48 year old woman presented requesting removal of permanent makeup (cosmetic tattoos) of her eyebrows and around her lips. Physical examination revealed a brown tattoo of both eyebrows and dark red lip liner around both lips. A test area was performed to the red tattoo on the lips. A Nd/YAG laser (continuum Biomedical, Inc, Dublin CA) frequency doubled at 532 nm,2.0 J/cm2, 2mm spot size was utilized for the eyebrows. The patient returned for followup 1 month later, at which the test The black ink on the lip area of the lip turned black. 56 American Society for Laser Medicine was treated with the same laser at 1064 nm, 3mm spot, 4.2J/cm2, with satisfactory resolution in two treatments. The brown eyebrow were treated with the 1064nm Nd YAG One follow up one month later both eyelaser, 3mm, 3.95. brows had turned bright orange, and treated with the 532nm, 3mm, 3.0 J/cm2. One month later the eyebrows were now a mixture of yellow ink and dark green. The yellow area was treated with 532 nm, 3mm, 2.3.J/cm2 while the dark green was treated with the 1064nm laser, 3mm spot, 4.25. One month later little improvement was noted, so Q switch ruby laser at 694nm, (Lamda photometrics, London England) 6mm spot, 165 was utilized. An additional four treatments were given utilizing a combination of both the ruby and the 532 Nd/YAG lasers for green and the yellow pigment respectively. RESULTS: Significant but not complete, resolution of the tattoo ink was achieved. COtiCLUSION: Multiple laser systems are needed to remove ccsmetic tattoo, test area must be done before treatment. 243 TREATMENT OF FACIAL TELANGIECTASIA WITH A PULSED KTP LASER AND AQUEOUS GEL Arielle N.B. Kauvar’ and Kathryn E. Frew2 ’ Laser and Skin Surgery Center of New York, New York, New York and ‘Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center, Lebanon, New Hampshire Purpose: The pulsed KTP Laser provides excellent clearing of facial telangiectasia without purpura, but edema and crusting may result. The utility of an aqueous gel in reducing postoperative side effects was investigated. Methods: Nineteen patients with extensive facial telangiectasia were treated with a pulsed 532 M-I KTP laser (Versapulse, Coherent Medical, Palo Alto, CA) equipped with contact cooling at 4°C. Laser pulses were delivered with a pulse duration of 10 msec, a 4 mm spot size and a fluence of 9.5 J/cm2. A 3 mm thick coating of an aqueous gel was applied to the right or left face in a randomized fashion prior to treatment. Results: Adverse effects including pain, erythema, edema and crusting were reduced with the use of the aqueous gel. Clearance rates were equivalent with our without the aqueous gel in all patients. Use of the aqueous gel also provided easier movement of the laser handpiece across the skin. Conclusions: The use of an aqueous gel in conjunction with contact cooling during pulsed KTP laser photocoagulation of facial telangiectasia decreases treatment associated side effects. 244 COMBINED RUBY LASER (NORMAL LASER) TREATMENT MODE RUBY LASER ON CONGENITAL AND Q-SWITCHED HAIRY MELANOCYTIC NEVI Taro Kono, MD*, Motohiro Nozaki, MD*, Henry H. Chan, M.D.** * Department of Plastic and Reconstnrctive Surgery, Tokyo Women’s University, Tokyo, Japan, ** Division of Dermatology, University Medical of Hong Kong and Surgery Abstracts Background: Although melanocytic nevus is commonly seen in all ethnic groups, unlike the Caucasian, Asian rarely developed melanoma from these lesions. As a result, the use of laser for the removal of melanocytic nevus is a common practice in Asian countries. Our experience indicated that a combined ruby laser approach (normal mode ruby immediately followed by multiple passes of Q-switched ruby) is more effective than the conventional laser method in the removal of melanocytic nevus. As a result, we have performed a prospective study looking at the efficacy of our technique. Purpose: To evaluate the efficacy of the using normal mode ruby immediately followed by three passes of Q-switched ruby laser in the treatment on congenital hairy melanocytic nevi. Methods: Thirty-four Japanese patients with hairy pigmented nevi were treated with the normal mode ruby laser (16-20 J/cm2, 1 msec) at 2OJ/cm2, followed immediately by three passes of Q-switched ruby laser (7 J/cm’, 30 nsec). The degree of clearing was measured objectively by the use of chronometer before and after treatment (average number of treatment session 7, range 4 to 14). Two independent observers further evaluated the degree of clearing as well as the effect of hair removal. Results: The objective degree of improvement ranged from 34.0% to 95.2%, with an average of 77.7%. After treatment, clear hair-removal was observed in 26 patients, while the remaining 8 had little or no such effect. Conclusion: Combined ruby laser is effective in the removal of hairy melanocytic nevus both in term of degree of clearing and hair removal. Further study is necessary to look at the complication of this technique. 245 DIODE LASER-ASSISTED RETROSPECTIVE STUDY HAIR REMOVAL OF 101 JAPANESE THERAPY PATlENTS IN ASIANS: A Taro Kono, MD*, Motohiro Nozaki, MD*, Henry H.L. Chan, M.D.** * Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Tokyo Women’s Medical University, Tokyo, Japan, ** Division of Dermatology, University of Hong Kong Background: Long-pulsed Diode (800nm) laser has been successful used in the laser assisted hair removal in Caucasian race. Asian with higher epidennal melanin context is more prone to adverse effect and higher fluence may be necessary to achieve the desirable effect. Study looking at the efficacy and complication of diode laser (800nm) is therefore necessary. Purpose: To evaluate the efficacy and complication of the diode (800nm) laser system in hair removal among Japanese patients. Methods: One hundred and one Japanese patients with dark brown or black hair growth were treated with the diode laser (800 nm, IO-40 J/cm2, 5-30 msec, 9 mm 9 mm, 5OC chilled handpiece). Hair re-growth rate and complications were assessed by photographic evulation by two independent observers. Patients were assessed 1 week after their first treatment and 6 months after their last treatment. The average number of treatment session was 2.4 (range from 1 to 8). Results: Although all patients achieved temporary hair loss, only half of them had 60% hair reduction 6 months after their last treatment. lmmediate side effect was common including erythema (8%), blistering ( 1%) and folIiculitis(8%). Long-term complications (detected 6 months after last laser therapy) were rare and included hyperpigmentation (2%) and hypopigmentation (1%). Conclusion: Long-pulsed Diode 800nm laser is effective in laser assisted hair removal among Asian and although immediate complications were common, they were transient in nature. American Society for Laser 246 zJunichiro OF SKIN of Plast,ic School of Medicine, [Purpose] LJLCERS WITH and Reconstructive Tokyo, Pe rsistent resistant to skin ulcers conventional wound to treat DEFOCTJSED Diode resistant from therapeutic ulcers laser DIODE of skin ulcers. This convenient, combined of complete The use of Q-switched Alexandrite nevus of Ota-like macules(ABNOM) with defocused on the defocused patients diode laser care, this for therapy safe and side effect-free good wound healing used with applied method therapy (QS Alex) laser in the treatment of acquired Mary Background: Acquired bilateral nevus of Ota-like macules (ABNOM) or Hori’s nevus is a common Asian’s condition characterized clinically by bluish brown or slate gray hyperpigmentation in bilateral malar regions and histologically by dermal melanocytosis. Unlike nevus of Ota, ABNOM is an acquired condition that often develops after twenty years of age, involved both sides of the face and mucosal involvement is not seen. Recently, both QS Ruby 693 laser and QS Nd-YAG 1064 laser have been reported to be effective in the clearing of this condition. The role of QS Alex laser has not been looked into. Purpose: To retrospectively assess the efficacy and complication of QS Alex laser in the treatment of ABNOM Methods: 32 female Chinese patients with ABNOM (age range 28-66) were involved in the study. All underwent QS Alex laser treatment (755nm, spot size 3mm, 8J/cm2). Topical hydroquinone and tretinoin cream was given to those with hyperpigmentation post laser surgery. Clinical photographs were taken before and after laser surgery and assessed by two independent observers. The degree of clearing was scored and complications including hypopigmentation, hyperpigmentation, scarring and erythema were assessed. Result: The mean number of treatment session was 7(range 2 to 11) and the mean treatment interval was 33 days(range 14 to 42 days). Both observers identified over 80% of the patients as having more than 50% degree of clearing and complete clearance was seen in more than 28% of the patients. Although most patients had post-laser hyperpigmentation and were on depigmentary regimen, hyperpigmentation was seen only in 12.5% of the patients during photographic evaluation. A mild hypopigmentation was seen in 50% of patients and transient erythema in 4 1%. Conclusion: QS Alex appears to be effective in the treatment of ABNOM. Pigmentary changes were frequently seen post-operatively. Further study is necessary to compare the effectiveness of QS laser used together with topical depigmentary cream to that of QS laser on its own. LASER of 669 mw/cm’ in continuous wit.h contact surface of the ulcer at 6.3 J/cm? once patients skin presents and other therapy. for skin power wave defocused and factors. ulcers that had system of 1000 mw, a power laser was to 5 cm above diode the or t<wice a week the defocused diode laser therapy ulcers Purpose: To evaluate unwanted during responded very well Methods: Twenty-nine long-pulse Nd:YAG The average the period. 5 representative with a long pulse 1064 nm laser in facial hirsutism. L&y*,; Mario Trelles***, Adeline de Ratnecourt**, * Centre Laser Dermatologique, Marseille, France ** Instituto Medico Vilafortuny, Cambrils, Spain *** Centre d’kpilation spkcialisk,Paris,France in removing The diode laser mode. The method often Epilation Nd:YAG Jean-Luc the efficacy of the Long-pulse Nd:YAG laser facial hair. has been proved diode laser treatment. an output density therapy are blood flow was indicated applied etiologies patients were treated laser with Iluences hair reduction at 3, 6 and 9 months. Results : The average diameter as baseline density The hair-free reduction exclusively between was assessed interval was 439~6 at 3 months. with a 56 and 70 J/cm’. post operatively was also evaluated. in hair counts for hairs of the same 36% at 6 months to 46% at 9 months. The hair-free interval with respect to social t.he may for increased of the skin ulcers. Aaron YM Lam 1, Henry H Chan 1, David S Wong 2, LK Lam 2, WS Ho 3 1. Division of Dermatology, Department of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong. 2. Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Department of Surgery, Queen Hospital, Hong Kong. 3. Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Prince of Wales Hospital, Hong Kong. IJniversit,y met,hodologies, Laser defocused conservative of 830 nm, non- Kyorin various by enhancing with therapy to past the Surgery, and surgeons. healing skin a wavelength [Results] successfully 248 Japan for both patients t#o accelerate treatment was an addit.ional healing. the incidence Kubota Department has healing offer wound THERAPY proved The 830 nm , 1000 mw diode laser therapy laser 57 249 TREATMENT [Methods] Abstracts diode well 247 We tried and Surgery IConclusions] enhanced STONE CLEARANCE USING THE LOW POWER HOLMIUM LASER Geoffrey B Kostiner; Sean M DeLair; Michael R Crone; Matthew D DuMont; Guy Sheaf; Thomas A Lanyi; P Gary Katz; Robert H Hackler; and Timothy D Averch, Medical College of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia. Purpose. The high power Holmium laser (HoL) is a versatile and effective lithotripter in the endourological management of urinary tract calculi, yet at an added cost. Low power HoL with a maximum of 15 Watts can come at a lower cost. Therefore, the efficacy of the low power HoL was evaluated in the treatment of urolithiasis. Methods. We prospectively reviewed the data of 105 stone patients treated with the low power HoL from January 1997 through July 1999. A total of 126 renal units (RU) were evaluated. Twenty-one patients underwent multiple lithotripsies, 4 had bilateral disease and 2 had bladder calculi for a total of 141 procedures. The mean age was 46 years old (15-89yrs). A New Star 1000 (Auburn, CA, USA) with a 1OW maximum and a Domier HoL (Kennesaw, GA, USA) with a 15 W maximum were used for all procedures. Successful stone clearance was defined as no evidence of radiopaque calculi greater than 3mm on a follow-up KUB within 3 months of the first lithotripsy. Results. All major stone compositions were treated, including calcium-oxalate monohydrate and cystine. The mean stone size was 1.7cm (0.3-5.0cm). Calculus location included all renal calyces, ureter and bladder. Retrograde ureteroscopy was employed in all but 12 cases. Average power was 5.4W (3.8-9.6W). Mean pulse energy was 1 .OJ (0.7-l .3J). Mean follow-up was 21.0 months (3.4-33.8mon). Of the 100 RU (79%) that were successfully cleared, 95 (95%) required only one procedure and 7 (7%) were left with stones < 3mm in diameter. Conclusions. The low power HoL is effective in treating urinary tract calculi, however, randomized studies need to be conducted for a direct comparison. problems Medicine and American 58 comfort was multiplied Society by a factor for Laser from 2 to 6. No significant complications were observed Conclusions: The long-pulse Nd:YAG for long-lasting hair removal of hair appears to explain Medicine in different skin types. laser is effective and safe in all skin types. The delay in re-growth subject and Surgery Abstracts at 2 weeks for follow up. Photographs documented results. Repeat treatments were given if any physical evidence of the wart remained. RESULTS: Pre and post-photographs were evaluated as well as the number of laser treatments required to achieve wart clearance. CONCLUSION: Preliminary data demonstrates that the V-star laser is more efficacious for the treatment of warts. satisfaction. 252" 250 LASER TREATMENT TREATMENT OF POST lRRADlATlON SKIN CHANGES WlTH THE PULSED DYE LASER. J Friedman, M Levy, J Pielop: Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas Purpose: To investigate utility of pulsed dye laser in treatment of external beam radiation (XRT) induced telangiectasia. Methods: Four patients were treated for multiple telangectasias of the central and upper chest following mastectomy and postoperative XRT. Areas of involvement were considered by all patients to be significant cosmetic consequence. All patients were treated in a single session with the Candela@ flash lamp pulsed dye vascular laser. The energy was delivered @ 585nm with a pulse duration of 450msec. Spot size varied from 3-l Omm. Local anesthesia with EMLAB cream was used in one patient. Results: All 4 patients tolerated the procedure well and no side effects or wound healing complications were noted. Excellent resolution (80-90%) was achieved in all patients after a single session. All patients were pleased with their results. Conclusion: The flash lamp pulsed dye laser can effectively improve the telangiectasias which commonly occur following XRT. No adverse effects were noted and as such, we believe that broader application of this form of treatment in patients following XRT is warranted. 251 COMPARISON STUDY EVALUATING EFFICACY OF THE PHOTOGENICA LASER VS. THE PHOTOGENICA THE TREATMENT OF WARTS. Jenifer R. Lloyd The Lloyd Dermatology Center Youngstown, OH THE V-STAR V LASER OF STRETCH BIRTHMARKS L, Longo, MD, *O. Marangoni, MD, **M. Melato, MD General Surgery institute and Phlebology Center, Siena University (ITAL y) *Multilaser, Diagnostica lerapeutica, Trieste “Department of Pathological Anatomy, University of Trieste There is no specific treatment that will completely eliminate stretch birthmarks. Some types of laser have been used in recent years with some positive results. The role of the laser in cicatrization and its effect on tissue metabolism is still under investigation. The aim of our study was to test the efficacy of the 577 and 532 nm lasers in the treatment of stretch birthmarks, We treated stretch birthmarks of women ranging from 20 to 40 years of age, that were resistant to treatment with various topical creams, applied until two months before the laser therapy. The lesions were located on the breast, lumbar-sacraf region, lower abdomen and femoral regions. With both lasers we used: fluence 8-20 Joule/cm? duration of pulse 20 milliseconds on the breast, 40 milliseconds on the other regions, spot/size 1.6 mm. We made a cycle of 3-6 applications, at a rate of one application for 15 days. We divided the results into three groups, according to the parameters of: color, depth, length, size of the stretch birthmarks. Positive results were obtained. We tested the results with histopathological analyses. Differences were noted between recent and old stretch marks, the breast and other locations. The goal of this treatment was the removal of the fibrous tissue on the superficial dermis, while the epidermis and other superficial layers remained intact or with fewer temporary lesions that remodeled themselves. We found that the dosage of laser used could increase the active hyperemia, the local drainage of acid and collagen substances and stimulate the good repair of all layers of the skin. This theoretical mechanism still requires further scientific confirmation. In conclusion, reviewing our data, the 577 nm laser could play a positive role in the treatment of the stretch birthmarks. IN and Laser PURPOSE: The purpose of this study is to compare the efficacy of the V-Star laser (595nm) with the V laser (585nm) (Cynosure, Inc.) for the treatment of warts. METHODS: Fifteen patients with multiple warts were entered into the study. The patients warts were photographed pretreatment and then randomly assigned to a treatment laser. The laser parameters were as follows: Photogenica V laser (7 mm spot size, 9 J/cm2, 0.45 msec pulse duration and 585nm) and Photogenica V-star laser (7mm spot size, 9 J/cm2, 0.50 msec pulse duration and 595 nm). Each wart received 3 stacking laser pulses from the designated laser. Patients returned 253" POST - LASER TREATMENT OF TELANGIECTASES L. Longo, MD, S. Mancini, MD, *M. Postiglione, MD Genera/ Surgery Inst. & Phlebology Center Siena University - /ta/y *Institute for Laser Medicine, Florence Currently, laser therapy is the elective treatment for facial telangiectases, while leg telangiectases are treatable with lasers and light sources only after an accurate diagnosis. Research now focuses on improving the post-procedure course and specifically, reducing erythema, healing time, exudation and disorders of the pigmentation and above all accelerating reepithelialization and reabsorption of the edema. The purpose of our study is to review the importance of the substances used before, during and after laser beam treatment. We propose a treatment protocol using a group of natural substances (Aloe Vera, Asialene and Echinacea) in the form of American Society for Laser topical sprays and gels (Resurgil*) immediately following the operation to reduce the inflammation and to optimize the results, We treated women ranging from 20 to 50 years of age with 577 nm laser and we followed the patients for up to one year after the treatment. We treated the telangiectases of the face and legs with averages of 2 sessions in one month on the whole, and 3 sessions in three months, respectively. After each treatment, we randomly divided the patients in two groups. One group was treated with a mixture of Aloe Vera, Asialene and Echinacea in spray, immediately after the treatment and for the 5 (face) and 10 (legs) following days. Another group of patients in the same age range and with the same type of lesions was treated with cool spray (ice) immediately after the procedure and a non-steroid, anti-inflammatory spray during the ensuing days. This group represented the controLWe did follow-ups after 3, 8, 15 days (face), and 10, 15, 30 days (leg) and one year after the last treatment. The majority of the patients treated with Resurgil* spray recovered completely after 5 days(face), 10 days (legs). These results were percentually significant with respect to the controls. These patients also had a better post-procedure course, with less edema, erythema and itching, when compared with the untreated patients. In conclusion, laser therapy has a positive and specific role in the treatment of full telangiectases, but it must be used after an exact diagnosis and according to an appropriate procedure, that includes the use of the appropriate substances during and after treatment. 254* Medicine and Surgery Abstracts METHODS: 10 patients who received full-face resurfacing using CO2 ultra-pulse laser were randomly assigned to use petroleum jelly or aqua phor dressing to one half of the face and oat beta-glucan cream to the other half of the face for one week after the procedure. Physicians, who were blinded to the treatment, rated the patients at days 3 and 7 for percent re-epithiliazation, redness, swellin g. signs of irritation/allergy Patients rated the treatment for comfort and ease and signs of infection. of use. RESULTS: 100% of both treatment areas were over 95% re epithiliazed by day 7 with no complaint of severe discomfort for either treatment. Two patients had complaints and evidence of irritation/allergy in the aqua phor treated side while there was 110 irritation due to the beta-glucan cream. Redness and swelling were not significantly different in the two sides. There was no incidence of infection for either side. Eight out of ten patients rated the beta-&can cream as more soothing and easier to use. CONCLUSION: The immunomodulatory activity of oat beta-glucan has been well described. The beta-glucans bind macrophage betaglucan receptors, which induces macrophage differentiation resulting in enhanced activity of- macrophages, neutrophils. natural killer cells, T cells and B cells. This enhanced immune function has been shown to accelerate wound healing, as well as increase host resistance to neoplastic, bacterial, and fungal diseases. We have demonstrated that beta-glucan cream is safe, effective and comfortable in post resurfacing wound care. With its ability to accelerate wound healing and decrease infections it may be a superior wound care dressing for laser skin resurfacing. CLINICAL EVALUATION OF DEPILASE LONG PULSE ND:YAG LASER IN THE TREATMENT OF FACIAL TELEANGECTASLA AND LEG VEINS. Nicholas Lowe, MD, Mario Luca Russo, MD, MSc* Department of Dermatology, UCLA, Los Angeles, California. *Institute of Laser Surgery, London, UK. Purpose: To report Long Pulse Nd:YAG leg veins. on the clinical efficacy and safety of Depilase laser in the treatment of facial teleangectasia and Results: Significant cosmetic improvement was seen after each of the three treatment sessions. Side effect included mild treatment disconfort, occasional blistering and transient eritema. Conclusion: a safe and teleangectasia Depilase YagLase effective method and leg veins. 256 LASER ACTIVATED SHAPE MEMORY POLYMER MICROACTUATOR FOR TREATING ISCHEMIC STROKE Methods: A cycle of three sessions of laser treatment with Depilase Long Pulse Nd:YAG laser system (Depilase Yaglase, Depilase Group Ltd, London, UK) were delivered on a monthly basis to a series of patients presenting facial teleangectasia and/or leg veins. Patients were follow-up at 1, 2 and 3 months after the final treatment session. At each treatment and follow-up visit, photographic and clinical evaluations were documented. Long Pulse Nd:YAG Laser of non invasive treatment System is of facial 255* EVALUATION OF OPEN DRESSING TECHNIQUE USING OAT CLUCANCREAMAFTER LASERSKINRESURFACING BETA- Marla L. McClaren, Suzanne L. Kilmer Vera Chotzen,. Laser & Skin Surgery Center of Northern California, Sacramento, CA. PUPOSE: To evaluate the safety and efficacy of a novel wound dressing containing oat beta-glucan after full face resurfacing. 59 Melodie F. Metzger, Daniel Schumann and Duncan J. Maitland Lawrence L,ivermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA A novel laser-activated shape memory polymer (SMP) microactuator for treating ischemic stroke is presented. Current therapies, including thrombolytic drugs (systemic and local delivery), are not effective outside of a short three-hour window after the initial presentation of However it is currently believed that patients may stroke symptoms. benefit from reperfusion of the blocked artery up to 12-24 hours after the initial onset of stroke symptoms. The SMP device is mounted on a diffusing optical fiber and delivered through a catheter (Guidant Tracker 18, 0.018” (450 pm) ID) distal of the occlusion where it is deployed to its open shape with diameter of 1400 pm. The SMP device is deployed via optical heating by a 1.5 W, 8 10 nm diode laser. Successful deployment of the microactuator requires well-engineered coupling of the light from the diffusing fiber through the blood into the SMP. Both the microactuator and thrombus are then removed tests determined the m aximum from the vessel. These preliminary hydrostatic force and pressure against which the device could hold the clot. Results with porcine blood clots in polyvinyl tubing (1.5 mm ID) show that the SMP microactuator is able to hold the clot under hydrostatic pressures up to 1200 mmHg and forces just under one tenth of a pound. These pressure results are approximately ten times Successful deployment of the the expected physiological values. microactuator requires well-engineered coupling of the light from the diffusing fiber through the blood into the SMP. Experimental and theoretical studies show that no peripheral damage to the blood and blood vessels from either direct laser interactions or contacted with the heated SMP are anticipated in a clinical system, 60 American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery Abstracts 257* EVALUATION OF SELECTIVE OF THE SEBACEOUS GLANDS TREATMENT PHOTOTHERMOLYSIS FOR NOVEL ACNE Jenifer R. Lloyd The Lloyd Dermatology and Laser Center Youngstown, OH Mirko Mirkov Cynosure, Inc Chlemsford, MA PURPOSE: The purpose of this study is to evaluate the efficacy of the DioDerm laser (Cynosure, Inc) to target and destroy enlarged sebaceous glands which are preloaded with ICG chromophore. METHODS: Ten treatment sites were chosen on the backs of patients with active acne. Topical ICG (cardiogreen) dye was applied to a 10 x IOcm area and covered with an occlusive dressing 24 hours prior to procedure. The designated area cleansed and treated with the DioDerm laser (4mm. 8OOnm, 50msec, 4OJ/cm2). Photographs and biopsies were taken before and after laser irradiation. RESULTS: Fluorescence microscopy of biopsy samples show evidence of ICG penetration into the sebaceous glands. In addition, preliminary clinical results demonstrate a decrease in acne noted in the treatment area at 3 months follow up. CONCLUSION: ICG and DioDerm laser treatment is a novel new approach to the treatment of acne. LASER HAIR REMOVAL IN A PATIENT WITH VITILIGO Keyvan Nouri, Gloria Jimenez, Jonette Keri University of Miami School of Medicine, Dept. Dermatology & Cutaneous Surgery, Miami, Florida of PURPOSE: To assess the efficacy of the Gentlase Alexandrite 755nm laser (Candela, Wayland, MA) hair removal in areas of vitiliga vs. normal skin. METHODS: A subject with skin type IV with a biopsy proven vitiligo was chosen. Two areas in the axilla were selected (one area with vitiligo and another area of normal skin.) Initial hair counts were made prior to the treatment and prior to each subsequent treatment at both sites. Monthly treatment of the sites were done using the Gentlase 755nm Alexandrite 755nm laser using 18 mm spot size 20 Joules and 70 microsecond cooling spray time. RESULTS: There was significant reduction of hair counts in the normal skin site. However, there was an actual increase in the white vitiliginous hair at the vitiligo treated site. CONCLUSION: Laser hair removal is not effective for This treatment of whitish hair in vitiliginous skin. case confirms the theory that melanin is the actual target in laser hair removal. 260 258 TREATMENT OF PIGMENTED HYPERTROPHIC SCARS WITH THE 585 NM FLASHLAMP-PUMPED PULSED DYE LASER, THE 532NM Q-SWITCHED FREQUENCY-DOUBLED Nd:YAG LASER, AND THE 532NM VARIABLE PULSE FREQUENCY-DOUBLED Nd:YAG LASER:A COMPARATIVE STUDY. Leyda E. Bowes, Keyvan Nouri, Brian Berman, Gloria Jimenez, Rube Pardoj James M. Spencer* University of Miami School of Medicine, Department of Dermatology and Cutaneous Surgery, Miami, Florida, Mount Sinai Medical Center, New York, NY OBJECTIVE: To determine the efficacy of the 532nm frequency-doubled Nd:YAG laser in the treatment of pigmentas compared to the 585nm FLPDL. ed hypertrophic scars, METHODS: Six patients with pigmented hyperthrophic scars and skin phototypes 2 to 4, were chosen. One scar was selected for treatment in each patient, and divided into Three segments were treated with a 4 equal 2 cm segments. different laser modality each, and one was left untreated to serve as the control. The 585 nm FLPDL and the 532nm frequency-doubled Nd:YAG laser, both in the Q-switched and Variable Pulse modes, were used. An average of 3.3 treatments was performed on each scar segment, with follow-up visits every 4 weeks and a maximum duration of follow-up of 22 weeks. Treatment outcome was graded by a blind observer based on the Vancouver General Hospital (VGH) Burn Scar Assessment Scale. RESULTS: Treatment of the hypertrophic pigmented scars with the 532nm Q-switched Nd:YAG laser led to a significant improvement of 38% in the VGH scores when compared to baseline (=0.005). The 585nm FLPDL also had a favorable effect on the scars, with an average improvement of 36.1% in the VGH scores. There was no significant difference noted between the outcome of these two lasers. Treatment with the 532nm Variable Pulse Nd:YAG let to a 19% improvement in the GVH scores of scars, which did not differ significantly from the 16.1% improvement observed in control scars on the last follow-un. CONCLUSIONS: The 532 nm Q-switched&Nd:YAG laser and the 585 nm FLPDL offer comparable favorable results in the treatment of pigmented hypertrophic scars. LASER HAIR REMOVAL IN FITZPATRICK'S SKIN TYPE VI Keyvan Nouri, Gloria Jemenez, Jennifer Trent Department of Dermatology & Cutaneous Surgery, University of Miami School of Medicine, Miami, Florida PURPOSE: To determine the safety and efficacy of the Gentlelase Alexandrite 755nm (Candela, Wayland, MA)hair removal laser in the treatment of a patient with Fitzpatrick's skin type VI. METHODS: A 36 year old woman with Fitzpatrick's skin type VI was treated with the Gentlelase Alexandrite 755nm laser for the hair removal on her cheeks and chin. She received 8 treatments over 10 months with the above laser at the following settings: 12-15 mm spot size, lo-16 Joules, and 60-70 ms cooling spray time. RESULTS: There was a significant decrease in hair The hairs that did grow back were lighter growth (75%). and thinner. There were no side effects or pigmentary changes observed during this time period. CONCLUSION: Laser hair removal in darker skin types has represented a therapeutic challenge secondary to an increased risk of post-inflammatory pigmentary alterations. The Gentlelase Alexandrite 755nm laser seems to be safe and effective for hair removal in patients with skin type VI. 261 COOLING CONCEPTS IN LASERMEDICINE SOME SIMPLE BUT EFFECTIVE METHODS FOR SKIN PROTECTION AND PAIN RELIEF I’hilbp, ~_ C.M., Krankenhaus Algermisscn, Neukiilln B., Quint, , Dept. C., Poetke, Lasermedicine, M., Urban, Berlin, P., Miiller Germany; - U., Berlien, H.-P. Cooling of skin during transcutaneous laser treatment with argon-ionKTP- FPDL-, cw- or long pulsed dye-, Ruby-, Alexandrite-, Diode- and Nd:YAG-lasers enhances the depth effect of the irradiation and American Society for Laser diminishes or inhibits thermal side effects on the epidermis. With three simple methods, which represent a wide range of effectiveness, cooling for different purposes, can be achieved. During ALA-PDT the patients often suffer from strong burning, stinging and pain. An effective reduction of pain was achieved by using continuous compressed air cooling (1 bar) of the lesion during irradiation. Thermographic readings showed a temperature reduction of the exposed lesions of only 3-4 degrees Celsius with compressed air cooling. In a patient questionaire all patients reported a more then 5060% pain reduction under air cooling. The influence of this temperature reduction on pain is questionable, however. A cooling chamber provides skin protection and helps to minimize the use of anesthesia in the treatment of PWS and hypertrophic scars. A flexible membran, facing the skin of the patient, provides close contact and good thermal conduction and the possibility of compression. The temperature and flow of the cooling fluid can be varied. The same cooling chamber is used with the Nd:YAG-laser for the scarless removal of leg teleangiectasias. Continuous ice cube cooling during irradiation with a Nd:YAG-laser (1064nm) provides a safe protection of the skin in the treatment of hemangiomas with combined subcutaneous and cutaneous portions. Compression can be used to enhance the depth of the laser effect. Experimental data and computer simulations show a significant reduction of thermal stress for the epidermis for both methods. With the ice cube cooling the temperatures measured in 4mm tissue depth are more than 10 degrees Celsius higher compared to lmm tissue depth. Medicine and Surgery Abstracts 61 Purpose: To evaluate the safety and efficacy of a 1320 nm Nd:YAG laser with cryogen cooling device in the treatment of lip rhytides and to evaluate effect of number of treatments and time interval between treatments. Methods: 30 patients were treated on their upper lip with a 1320 nm Nd:YAG laser with cryogen cooling device (CoolTouch. Laser Aesthetics, Inc., Auburn, CA). Patients were divided into one of 3 treatment groups: 1) Group 1 received 4 treatments spaced every 4 weeks, 2) Group 2 received 6 treatments spaced every 4 weeks, and 3) Group 3 received 4 treatments spaced every 6 weeks. Two passes with the laser was performed at each treatment sessions. Laser settings were as follows: 28-36 J/cm’, cryogen cooling duration of 20-30ms with a laser delay of 30-40ms. Fluence was set so that epidermal temperatures (measured with an infrared thermometer in the laser head) reached 4045” C. Optical profilometry measurements were made before and after all treatments were completed. Results: Most patients had improvement of 25-40%. In patients with severe photodamage (Fitzpatrick photoaging score of 8 or 9), only mild or no improvement was noted. No adverse sequelae were observed. Improvement in nasolabial folds was observed in many patients. Conclusion: The 1320 Nd:YAG non-ablative laser is a safe treatment for lip rhytides; however, for patients with severe rhytides only mild or no improvement is observed. 264* HAND REJUVENATION: THE NEXT FRONTIER Jason N. Pozner, Cynthia Weinstein Boca Raton, Florida and Melbourne, Australia There has been a great deal of attention afforded to rejuvenation of the aging face yet the hands often show similar changes with loss of elasticity, wrinkling, pigment dyschromia and loss of subcutaneous fat. Traditional resurfacing procedures e.g. laser resurfacing are unpredictable and hazardous for the hands due to the paucity of appendageal structures. We treated 52 patients with 104 “aging” hands using a combined approach. In all patients the pigment dyschromia was treated using a frequency-doubled, Q switched Nd:YAG laser, at 532nm using fluences between 2-5.6 j/cm2. In 42 patients wrinkling was treated using a 1032 nm COOL TOUCH TM laser. A surface temperature of 39-44 “C was obtained using 2 passes, fluences between 30-35j/cm2, a cooling time of 30 msecs, and a delay between laser pulses of 40 msecs. No anesthesia was required. Fat grafting was also performed in 32 patients under local anesthesia with donor fat being obtained from the abdomen. Results were graded by the patients, 2 nurses and the treating physician. In all cases > 70% improvement was achieved with a high degree of patient satisfaction. Side effects and morbidity were minimal, with the worst effect being minor bruising. A combined approach to the aging hand with correction of pigment changes, improvement of elasticity and fat grafting appear to be able to rejuvenate the hand with minimal morbidity. Long-term data needs to be accumulated and further research needs to be performed. TREATMENT OF NECK RHYTIDES WITH A 1320 ND:YAG NON-ABLATIVE LASER. Elizabeth F. Rostan and Richard E. Fitzpatrick. Dermatology Associates of San Diego County, Inc. Purpose: To evaluate the safety and efficacy of a 1320 nm Nd:YAG laser with cryogen cooling device in the treatment of neck rhytides. Methods: 15 patients were treated on one side of their anterior neck from base of neck to jawline with a 1320 nm Nd:YAG laser with cryogen cooling device (CoolTouch, Laser Aesthetics, Inc., Auburn, CA). Two passes with the laser was performed at three week intervals for a total of 4 treatments. Laser settings were as follows: 28-36 J/cm’, cryogen cooling duration of 20-30ms with a laser delay of 30-40ms. Fluence was set so that epidermal temperatures (measured with an infrared thermometer in the laser head) reached 40-45” C. Biopsies were taken prior to treatment and at 3 months after last treatment. Optical profilometry measurements were made before and after 4 treatments. After 4 treatments to one side of the surgeries-neck, the opposite side was treated for 4 treatments at 3 week intervals, during which time observation were continued on the initial treament side. Results: All patients showed improvement. 75% of patients had 50-75% improvement and 25% had 25-49% improvement. Improvement was noted in skin tightening and in texture with the greatest improvement observed in fine textural irregularities/rhytides. One patient reported a blister following a treatment, but this did not result in a scar. Several patients reported asymptomatic firm papules on the neck occurring l-2 days after a treatment and resovling in 3-4 days with no sequelae. Conclusion: The 1320 Nd:YAG non-ablative laser is a safe treatment for neck rhytides and can result in significant improvement in fine textural changes and fine rhytides of the neck and may also induce mild tightening of the skin of the neck. 265 263” TREATMENT OF UPPER LIP RHYTIDES WITH A 1320 ND:YAG NON-ABLATIVE LASER. Elizabeth Rostan and Richard E. Fitzpatrick, Dermatology Associates of San Diego County&c., La Jolla, CA. LONG-TERM RESULT OF LASER Katharina RUSSE-WILFLINGSEDER, HAIR REMOVAL Manfred HEROLD Introduction. Laser treatment for hair reduction is efficient and well accepted but reports about long term results are still rare (1). We evaluated our experience of laser-assisted hair removal of more than two years. 62 American Society for Laser Medicine Methods: In a retrospective study we analyzed our results on 98 patients (female; 14 to 62 years of age; mean + SD = 38.2 rt 9.7 years) treated with long-pulse alexandrite laser for hair removal (face, axilla, bikini line, legs) in our office. Number and time interval of treatments are not fixed but chosen according to the intentions of the patients. Within this study all patients were seen between June and September 2000 for evaluation of long-term hair reduction. Result of hair removal was estimated by patients using a rating scale between 1 and 5 (1 = excellent), by doctors assessing the appropriate hair loss according to pretreatment pictures. Results: 29 patients had stable hair reduction for (50 to 118 weeks; mean f SD = 67.4 f 15.9 weeks) Most patients were highly content with the result 2.1 + 1.1) , only two patients rated 4 (very poor) effect). Estimated hair reduction (mean + SD = between 30% (two patients) and 95% (six patients). more than 50 weeks after last treatment. (1 to 5; mean + SD = and 1 patient 5 (no 73.2% + 22.0) was Conclusion: Long-pulse alexandrite laser is efficient only as an immediate effect but also in long-term few treatments. in hair removal not efficacy even after Literature: (1) Lloyd JR, Mirkov M. Dermatol Surg 2000;26:633-637 STANDARD 2136.3 CARE FACILITIES. ON THE SAFE USE OF David H. Sliney, U.S. Army Center for Health Promotion and Preventive Medicine Stephen Trokel, Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center, New York The sub-committee on the “Safe Use of Lasers in Health Care Facilities” has been working for the past two years to revise the current ANSI Standard Z136.3.1995. Since the ANSI standards development process requires a consensus approach, the development and updating of a standard can be a tedious process. The sub-committee met three times to debate the level of control to be exercised by the clinician and assisting staff and the Laser Safety Officer. The major change in emphasis has been away from the use of surgical lasers in the operating rooms of large institution settings to the small clinic and private office settings, where lasers are now far more widespread. In this case, perhaps only two or three persons are involved and the administrative detail is considerably less. The meaning of the term “laser operator” was debated and resolved. The duties of the Laser Safety Officer (LSO) were refined and clarified. Safety issues relating to changing technology, such as evolution of skin resurfacing and other dermatological use of lasers, were addressed. Occupational exposure limits, the Maximum Permissible Exposure limits (MPE’s) were changed in the basic standard, ANSI Z136.1-2000, and this has had some impact on the applications of sub-nanosecond lasers in ophthalmology and in determining safe viewing durations for lengthy exposure to visible lasers. The application of the Nominal Hazard Zone (NHZ) was also further clarified. Abstracts Treatment with the pulsed dye laser (PDL) improves port-wine stains (PWS), but not all patients achieve the desired degree of paling even after many sessions. We investigated the effect of the Orion KTP (532nm) or the PDL (585nm) at higher energies in PDL-resistant PWS. In PDL-resistant PWS we performed 3 test areas using the KTP: spot sizes of 1, 2 and 4mm with a pulse width of 10, 20 and 40ms. The highest fluence tolerated was used, aiming for minimal blanching. In addition, 1 area was tested with the PDL, 5mm spot, lOJ/cm* and dynamic coolin g. After 2 months, the response was assessed by the patient, the physician with the aid of photos and by spectrophotometry. We recruited 22 patients of Fitzpatrick skin type I-IV (9 male, mean age 3 1 years, range 14-54). Eighteen PWS were on the face, 2 on the arm and 1 each on the neck and leg. The fluences used with the KTP in the 3 areas were 7-14J/cm*, 7-l 6J/cm* and 6-14J/cm*. Adverse effects were more frequent with the KTP than with the PDL. This table outlines the treatment response: improved O-25% 26-50% 5 l-75% 76-90% 91-100% These results modest if any High fluence proportion of 266 REVISION OF ANSI LASERS IN HEALTH and Surgery PDL 59% 18% 14% 9% 0 KTP lmm 77% 18% 0 5% 0 KTP 2mm 69% 21% 10% 0 0 KTP Jmm 81% 11% 0 S% 0 indicate that the KTP laser generally produces additional improvement in PDL-resistant PWS. 585nm PDL is more likely to be beneficial in a small patients. 268 CARBON DIOXIDE LASER BLEPHAROPLASTY A RETROSPECTIVE STUDY Fiona Steel/David Kitchen Elite Laser Clinic Mackay Queensland Australia American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery American Board of Laser Surgery Assessment of CO2 Laser assisted Blepharoplasty using a retrospective study of 50 patients from our clinic. Study includes data such as age sex presenting condition medical or cosmetic, operation performed, technique used, complications and outcomes. Our purpose is to show, using supporting figures, that laser assisted blepharoplasty is effective with a low incidence of intraoperative and postoperative complications and a high level of patient satisfaction. Using the correct techniques and post operative care, excellent results can be achieved. Methods / techniques used for our study include Transconjunctival Lower Lid Blepharoplasty using CO2 laser +/- Erbium Resurfacing of lower lids and Transcutaneous Upper Lid Blepharoplasty using CO2 laser. Retrospectively our study showed a low incidence of intraoperative and postoperative complications, excellent medical and cosmetic outcomes and a high level of patient satisfaction. The conclusion we have reached is that CO2 laser is both safe and effective. We found that laser blepharoplasty is tolerated very well by patients of all ages both intraoperatively and postoperatively with excellent cosmetic and medical results. 269” 267 Does the Orion Laser improve Port-Wine Treatment with the Pulsed Dye Laser? S Sommer. J Ravenscroft. R Sheehan-Dare Leeds Dermatology Laser Centre. England Stains resistant to A CLINICAL AND HISTOLOGICAL STUDY OF A PULSE DIODE 940NM LASER WITH CONTACT AND REFRIGERATED AIR COOLING FOR THE TREATMENT OF ABNORMAL LEG VEINS The 940-diode laser with its longer wavelength and deeper dermal penetration, peak in oxyhemoglobin absorption should offer promise in treating abnormal leg veins. Cooling with this laser should optimize American Society for Laser results by wicking heat from melanin absorption in the epidermis thereby facilitating the use of higher fluences and multiple passes to achieve vessel destruction. Methods: 20 patients with abnormal leg veins measuring between 0.5 mm and 2.0 mm were treated with the 940 nm diode laser (Domier Medilas, Skin Pulse S) with spot sizes l.O-5mm. Pulse durations between 20-80 ms and optimized fluences were used. Cooling was accomplished in one group with a refrigerated air cooling device(Zimmer) and in another group with a contact-cooling device. Multiple passes were performed until vessel disappearance or microvascular clot was observed. An additional treatment was done at week 4 for resistant vessels. Histological studies were performed 20 minutes after treatment and 4 weeks later. Results: Patients were evaluated 4, 8, and 12 weeks after the final treatment. Efficacy was determined by investigator evaluation and by blinded photographic analysis. Incidents and types of adverse side effects were noted. Data from the two sites was then pooled for statistical evaluation. Conclusion: This study demonstrates the efficacy and histological response of this new technology. Emil A. Tanghetti, Center for Dermatology and Laser Surgery, Sacramento, Robert M. Adrian, Center for Cosmetic and Laser Surgery, Washington D.C. 270 VERRlJCOUS EPIDERMAL NEVI: COMBINED CO2 AND QSWITCHED RUBY LASER u&a, Selma Cernea, Luciana Grinblat, and Mario Grinblat Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein, Department Sao Paulo, Brazil TREATMENT WITH A. Conrado, Medicine and Surgery Abstracts 63 271 EFFICACY OF AZITHAOMYCIN PROPHYLAXIS FOE LASER VS. CEPHALEXIN BACTERIAL FACIAL SKIN RESURFACING Medical Skin Center MD, Laser Author: Paul Van Camp Bend, OR 97702 Purpose: To compare infection rates after laser resurfacing in patients given azithromycin vs. cephalexinas bacterial prophylaxis. Methods: Charts were reviewed for 65 sequential cases of full or partial facial resurfacing. All patients were treated by the same inter and postop regimens including antiviral and antibacterial p:ophylaxis. 30 patients received azithromycin for fqve uayTt, beginning one day pre-treatment (500 mg then 2ScI my X 4 days.) 35 patients then received cephalexin 500 mg. TID for 7 days beginning 1 day pre-op. Resurfacing was by dual-mode Erbium laser (Sciton Contour).Wound care included 24 hrs of occlusion with Silon TSR, then open care with bland petrolatum. Patients were examined on days lf3,5r7J. 14,and as needed. Cultures were taken for any symptoms or signs of possible infection. Rzsults: Of thirty consecutive resurfacing patients on azithromycin prophylaxis, seven (23%) had wound infections in the first 7 days. Cultures (6 of 7) showed Staph. aureus resistant to erythromycin. Of 3s patients on cephalexin prophylaxis one (3%) had a staph wound infection. This is a significant difference (p=.Ol). Conclusion: Using an open dressing technique after occlusion for 24 hours post Erbium laser resurfaccephalexin prophylaxis started one day prior ing, to resurfacing and continued until epithelialization was complete significantly reducedthe rate of wound infection when compared to azithromycin prophylaxis. Beni of Dermatology, Epidermal nevi are organoid nevi arising from the pluripotential germinative cells in the basal layer of the embryonic epidermis. Extensive segmental lesions are difficult to treat. Surgery by excision, dermabrasion or grafting can lead to unsatisfactory scar formation. We present two cases treated by a combination of CO2 and Qswitched ruby laser (QSR). The purpose was to determine the effectiveness and ease of the CO2 and the QSR laser used in combination in the treatment of extensive lesions of epidermal nevi. A 42-year-old woman (case 1) and a 38-year-old man (case 2) presented with verrucous epidermal nevi since birth. The lesions were localized on the trunk, axillae, left arm (case l), and on the neck (case 2). The CO2 laser was used in the ultrapulsed mode at 300 mJ or in a continuous wave of 5-10 watts to treat the more keratotic regions. Then, the QSR (S-10 J/cm2, Smm spot) was used to treat thinner lesions in the same session, or in subsequent sessions to treat hyperpigmented areas left after the first treatment. General anesthesia was required for treatment of large areas. Topical 2.5% lidocaine with 2.5% prilocaine or no anesthesia was required when the QSR laser was used alone. Topical bacitracin ointment and Vaseline were used until healing. The lesions healed within 2 to 4 weeks. In one area on the axillae, exposed to radiotherapy in the past, healing was delayed. No hypertrophic scars were observed. The final cosmetic result was considered excellent by the patients and the physicians. There was no recurrence after 3 years (case 1) of follow-up. Laser treatment of epidermal nevi is a valuable therapeutic alternative. With the combination of CO2 and QSR lasers, it is possible to target both the hyperpigmentation and the hyperkeratotic component of the lesion. It is a selective and less aggressive approach with encouraging results. 272 DISSEMINATED SUPERFICIAL ACTINIC POROKERATOSIS: ER:YAG LASER TREATMENT M. Vklez-Gonzilez, , M”. Nicolas-Playans, RM. Pujol, J G. Camarasa Department of Dermatology Hospital de1 Mar. IMAS, Barcelona (Spain ) INTRODUCTION Disseminated superficial actinic porokeratosis (DSAP) is the most frequent type of porokeratosis. Clinically is manifested by multiple erythematous atrophic maculopapules with a raised peripheral margin, involving almost exclusively sun-exposed areas, but sparing the face. It is often only an aesthetic problem, although the development of a cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma on long-standing lesions of DSAP is a well-known phenomenon. To date, there is no effective treatment for the DSAP. Different therapeutic options as topical retinoids, topical 5-FU, electrodisecation, CO2 laser, cryotherapy, etc. have been postulated, with variable results. Treatment of DSAP with these techniques may cause residual residual scars. The Er:YAG laser application in the treatment of DSAP was proposed in order to obtain a better control of possible side effects. Er:YAG laser has a high ablative capacity, as well as a low thermal scattering and an accurate control of the depth of the selective thermolysis. We present our experience in the treatment of DSAP with Erbium: YAG laser. REPORT OF CASES Three patients with DSAP were included in the study. One patient presented multiple disseminated lesions and in two patients the lesions involved mainly the lower extremities. Treatment with the Erbium:YAG laser (2940nm) of pulsed emission (350~s) at the rate of fluence :15 J/cm2 was administered. Local anaesthesia (EMLA) was applied one hour before. The number of sessions of treatment was variable depending to the clinical response. Pre-treatment and post-treatment biopsy specimens were obtained in order to have an evolutive histopathological control. An evident clinical improvement was observed and good aesthetic results were obtained. Minimal scarring was noted after the treatment. No recurrence of the lesions was noted after 6 months of a follow- up period. 64 American Society for Laser Medicine COMMENT Taking our results into account, we consider that Er:YAG laser can be an effective alternative treatment in DSAP, with low rates of side effects and good cosmetic results. REFERENCES Groot DW, Jhonston PA: Carbon dioxide laser treatment of poroqueratosis of Mibelli . Laser Surg Med; 1985; 5: 603-606. Merkle T. Hohenleutner U, Braun-Falco 0, Landthaler M: Reticulate porokeratosis successful treatment with CO2 laser vaporization. Clin Exp Dermatol 1992; 17: 178-181. Rabbin PE, Baldwin HE: Treatment of porokeratosis of Mibelli with CO2 laser vaporization Versus surgical excision with split-thickness skin graft. A comparis0n.J. Dermatol Surg Oncol 1993; 19:199-202. 273 XANTHELASMA: Er:YAG LASER INTRODUCTION: Xanthelasma is often an aesthetic problem, but also a therapeutic challenge. Treatment of xanthelasma may be difficult, since the lesions are located in the proximity to the eye and a high rate of recurrence after surgical removal has reported. Several therapeutic procedures have been proposed; chemical ablation (TCA...), surgical excision and electrodisecation and CO2 laser (1). The Er:YAG laser application in the treatment of xanthelasmas was proposed in order to obtain a better therapeutic result with minima1 scarring and side-effects. Er:YAG laser has a high ablative capacity, as well as a low thermal scattering and good control of the depth in the treatment of cutaneous lesions. We present our experience in the treatment of xanthelasma with Erbium:YAG laser. CLINICAL CASE Eight patients with xanthelasma were included in the study. The lesions were located on the upper eyelid (4 cases), lower eyelid (1 case) or both (3 cases). Treatment with Erbium:YAG laser (2940nm) of pulsed emission (350~s) at the rate of fluence : 15 J/cm2 was administered. Local anaesthesia was applied, making several passes until achieving the total ablation of the lesion. Each treatment consisted of one a two sessions depending on the extension. An evident clinical improvement of the lesions was observed and good aesthetic results were obtained. Minimal scarring was noted after treatment. No recurrence of the lesions was noted , after 6 months of follow-up period. COMMENTS As has been previously proposed (2,3). We considered that the application of Er:YAG laser can be an effective alternative treated in xanthelasma, with a low rate of side effects and a good cosmetic result. BIBLIOGRAPHY 2. 3. Abstracts uniform pulse duration of 900 microseconds, dynamic cooling of 20 milliseconds with a short interval of 10 milliseconds before the laser pulse. Two-three passes were made during each treatment session. Surface skin temperature was measured during the first three pulses and fluence adjusted to reach a target of 44 to 46 degrees C at the surface. Results were evaluated by an independent observer using digital images taken just prior to treatment and at one month after the last treatment. Results were graded as none, mild, moderate and excellent improvement. Results at one month post a series of 3 treatments showed that a total of 76% of patients demonstrated some improvement as judged by digital image. 20 % had excellent improvement, 33% moderate, 23 % mild and 24 % showed no improvement. Most notable improvement was seen in non-dynamic lines. Side effects included 2 patients with one site of vesicle formation, 5 patients with erythematous papules lasting for 72 hours but in the vast majority erythema lasted from 10 minutes to one hour. No pigmentation changes were observed. Dynamically cooled 1320nm laser with monitoring of surface temperature is an effective alternative for improvement of peri-orbital rhytides. This treatment is accompanied by a very low side effect pri;file even in skin types V. TREATMENT M. Wez-Gonzhlez, A.M. Gimhez-Arnau: C. Pla, D. Soler, RM. Pujol, J.G. Camarasa, Deparment of. Dermatology. Hospital de1 Mar. IMAS, Passeig Maritimo, 25-28, Barcelona (Spain). 1. and Surgery Raulin C, Schoenermark MP, Werner S, Greve B: Xantelasma palpebrarum : treatment with ultrapulsed CO2 laser. Laser Surg Med 1999; 24(2): 122- 127 Riedel F, Windberger J, Stein E, Hormann K: Treatment of peri-ocular skin lesions with the erbium:YAG laser . Ophthalmologe 1998; 95:771-775. Dmovsek-Olup B, Vedlin B: Use of Er:YAG laser for benign disorders. Laser Surg Med 1997; 21: 13-19. 275” FACIAL LASER HAIR REMOVAL USING 1064NM Nd:YAG: A COMPARISON OF TWO DIFFERENT COOLING METHODS RA Weiss, MA Weiss, Johns Hopkins, Baltimore, MD Comparison of both contact and dynamically cooled 1064nm lasers for treatment of facial hirsuitism in type V and VI skin patients was performed. Twenty female type V and VI patients with excess hair on the face were treated with two treatments two months apart and evaluated at month 3 for hair counts and side effects. Hair counts using dual polarized light were performed in a lcm* area, before and at one month following the last treatment. Parameters for the contact cooled 1064nm laser included a 6 mm spot size, 80 J/cm2, and pulse duration of 16 milliseconds. Contact cooling was placed for 3 seconds at 1 degee C prior to the laser pulse. Parameters for dynamic cooling included precooling of 20 millisec and post-cooling of 20 millisec using 80 J/cm2 with a 50 msec pulse width and 5.5 mm spot size. Hair counts revealed 34% reduction after two treatments with the contact cooling 1064nm laser. Using the contact cooled system 50% of the patients developed hypopigmented circles lasting for 4 - 6 months. Hair counts for the dynamic cooling system showed 58% reduction after 2 treatments. Cryogen spray cooled skin showed 25% of the patients developing isolated areas of hyperpigmentaton lasting for 2 - 3 months. These results indicate that the 1064nm is effective for hair removal in types V and VI skin with acceptable side effects. Dynamic cooling reduces side effects and yields improved hair reduction. 276 274” SUBSURFACE RESURFACING USING A CRYOGEN SPRAY COOLED 1320NM LASER RA Weiss, MA Weiss, Johns Hopkins, Baltimore, MD A dynamically cooled 1320nm laser has been used to treat actinic and dynamic changes of the peri-orbital region including the crow’s feet region and lax skin of the lower eyelid. A thermal effect at 150 - 200 microns below the surface is theoretically responsible for the stimulation of collagen synthesis. 40 patients with skin types I - V, with rhytides of the lower lid and peri-orbital region, Glogau types I - II, were treated on 3 occasions one month apart with a dynamically cooled 1320nm laser using parameters of 28 - 34 Jlcm2, a INFRARED V. Zharov’? IMAGING M. Warier* OF SUBCUTANEOUS S Ferguson’, J. Eidt3 VEINS STRUCTURE ***Philips Classic Laser Laboratory, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS), Little Rock, AR *Department of Otolaryngology, UAMS, Little Rock, AR 3Department Vascular and General Surgery, UAMS, Little Rock, AR The aim of this study was to test a method of infrared imaging for visualization subcutaneous veins with focus on clinical trials. The practical possibilities of near infrared (IR) imaging of skin in diffuse reflection and transillumination modes are revised. The dependence of IR image properties on wavelength, methods of illumination, polarization effects, type of sources (IR lasers, LED arrays with different American Society for Laser wavelengths and lamps with filters) and profile of surface are studied. It is shown that contrast is spectral depending on combination absorption and scattering parameters of different layers and compounds (melanin, water, lipids, cutaneous blood, collagen fiber etc,) and for visualization each individuals subcutaneous structure, preferable wavelength and methods of illumination exist. The IR images at different wavelength were obtained in vivo with monochromatic illumination from the high power xenon lamp after monochromator. A relatively simple IR device called “IRIS” was developed for imaging different subcutaneous structures. “IRIS” uses a head-mounted IR LED arrays, set of polarizers, filters and diffusers, small conventional CCD camera with virtual reality optics that are worn like glasses. The reasonably high quality of IR images shows this technique very promising in different medical applications including: vascular surgery; determination of margins of burning tissue; dermatology; phlebotomy; cosmetics; monitoring of catheter localization’s; quality control hair removal. The primary research focused mostly on visualization veins different sizes and location particular for pediatry to guide drawing a blood sample, to set up an intravenous drip for baby, diagnosis of women’s veins leg pathology, feedback control of laser vascular surgery. Medicine and Surgery Abstracts system. The new combined US-LED device was developed with three modes: contact below and above cavitation threshold and non-contact aerosol treatment. The main parameters: US frequency 26,5 kHz; PSaluminum phtalocyanine l-8 mg/l; LED array 660 nm, 5 mW); duration treatment lo-30 min. The study of several bacteria mortality (St.aureus, Streptococus, E.coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Proteus) in different modes (A,US +A, PDT, US+PDT, US+PDT+A) on models and animals show significant advantage of US+PDT and US+PDT+A modes. The clinical trials in Moscow with 41 patients with different post-operation infectious complications different origin demonstrated advantage of new technology in comparison with conventional methods in cases of extended and profound wounds. 278 LONG PULSED DYE LASER FOR TREATMNT OF FACIAL TELANGIECTASIA. m ZelicksQn Charlotte 277 COMBINATION OF PHOTODYNAMIC AND ULTRASONIC TECHNOLOGIES FOR TREATMENT OF INFECTED WOUND Vladimir P.Zharov’, Valery V. Bagdasarov*, Yulian A. Menyev3 ‘The Philips Classic Laser Laboratory, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Little Rock, AR *Moscow Clinical Hospital, Russia 3Bauman Moscow State University of Technology, Russia The aim of this study was development of new photo-ultrasonic technology for treatment of infected wound with focus on clinical trials. The feature of this technology is combination of two methods: photodynamic therapy (PDT) and ultrasonic therapy (UST) with antibiotics (A) as tools for effective killing bacteria. The principle of UST itself is based on introducing of US oscillation in solution with antibiotics (A) around wound. The principle combined methods PDTUST is based in introduction in wound solution both with photosencitizer (PS) and (A) and followed light irradiation and US low-frequency impact. As result simultaneously several phenomena appear in wound: cavitation, acoustic stream, sound pressure and photodynamic effects. It brings some new advantages: effective mix drug and PS in wound solution; enhance diffusion antibiotic in tissue; increasing penetration of PS in bacteria; US clearing of surface from necrotic adjournment; additional US-induced bactericidal effect; increasing efficacy of light irradiation in non-transparent wound; combined activation of immune 65 Coles. Center for Cosmetic Care, Edina, MN. The purpose of this study was to compare results of treating facialtelangiectasia and erythema using the Long Pulsed Dye Laser (LPDP) and a 532 nm wavelength KTP Laser. Twenty-two patients with faci&langiectasia/erythema were randomized to which side of the face the chosen therapy woulc be administered. Pre and post-op photos were taken. Patients followed up at 1 and 6 days after treatment for photos and assessment of side effects. At thethree month post-op visit photos were taken and if the patient did not have 90% or better clearance they received a second treatment using the same randomization. The same follow up schedule was followed. At three months after the final treatment each patient completed a survey. Treatment parameters for the LPDL were 595 nm, 9.5 11 J/cm*, 20-30 ms pulse width and a7 mm spot size using dynamic cooling. With the532 nm wavelength the treatment parameters ranged from 13-17 J/cm, 20-50 ms pulse width and a l-4 mm spot size. The pre and three month post-op slide: were scored by three blinded health care professionals on an improvement scale from 0 - 4 (0% = no clearance, 1 = l-25%, = 26-50%, 3 = 51-75% and 4 = 76100% clearance). On the patient survey 50% chose the LPDL, 40% chose thl KTP laser and 10% felt there was no difference from on side tc: the other. The slide review assessment revealed that the LPDL had an improvement score of 1.43 and the KTP was 1.00. Post. operatively 15% of the patients had mild purpura that laste about 10 days and 20% had moderate edema for 3-6 days on the side treated with the LPDL, whereas, 30% had modera edema for 3-6 days on the KTP treated side. This study shows that the LPDL is an effective treatment for facial telangiectasia/erythema with minimal side effects an minimal occurrence of purpura.