betweenbuying clothesor food,and, as a mom, of course I chose food.
betweenbuying clothesor food,and, as a mom, of course I chose food.
The Campaign for WGB There were times when I had to choose between buying clothes or food, and, as a mom, of course I chose food. A choice most of us will never have to make. These words, spoken by a single mother residing in an area shelter, illustrate the heartbreaking decisions thousands of homeless women in the greater D.C. area are making daily. Often putting the needs of her loved ones before her own, her priority is finding a safe place for her family to sleep. As a result, everyday societal norms she once took for granted— such as owning decent and clean clothing—get pushed to the wayside. This takes a toll on her self-esteem. A job interview— which could offer a way out of her current hardship—can be all that more intimidating if she doesn’t have anything suitable to wear. She needs people in her corner. Those who can build back her confidence by reminding her that while her presentday reality is tough, she still matters. That’s where Women Giving Back comes in. By providing free quality clothing items to women and children transitioning out of homelessness, we’re giving thousands a chance to look in the mirror and recognize someone they haven’t seen in a while: Themselves. Who We Are Women Giving Back (WGB) started in 2007 as a community outreach initiative under HomeAid Northern Virginia – a nonprofit that renovates and builds area homeless shelters – with the purpose of providing quality clothing, shoes and accessories to local women and children emerging from homelessness. We operate a dedicated store and warehouse facility in Sterling, Virginia where (on the second Saturday of each month) homeless women staying in local shelters, transitional housing facilities and safe‐houses can shop, free of charge, using WGB vouchers. During her visit, each guest can personally select up to 50 pieces. Today, WGB currently serves 200 ladies monthly and has distributed more than 350,000 clothing items to over 8,000 women since we began. Now, after securing our status as an independent nonprofit in Spring 2015, Women Giving Back is poised to do so much more. Who We Help The women who cross our threshold journey towards self-sufficiency. Similarly, aren’t seeking handouts. These are her children receive clothing they can determined individuals doing wear to school – with the bonus of a their best to re‐establish treasured toy to offer comfort themselves in during an uncertain time. new careers and The following items are homes of their Our Next always needed at own, while facing a Chapter daunting reality. Our Mission: Right now, an estimated Building off our successful 40,000 homeless individuals live track record, Women Giving • Clean women and children’s within Virginia – nearly 13% Back will become the most clothing in good condition reside in Northern Virginia impactful provider of free • Gently worn shoes specifically. These are people clothing to women and • Jewelry and accessories getting by one day at a time children in crisis by offerin • Purses and totes while living in cars, wooded a dignified shopping areas, on the street and in experience paired with • New toilet kits, make‐up abandoned buildings. They supportive services. items and toiletries aren’t strangers. The recent In the years ahead, we’ll economic recession coupled help more people while with skyrocketing foreclosure simultaneously deepening the and rental rates that outpaced income levels are impact of our programming. In order to achieve now impacting the American middle class. this goal, WGB is currently implementing three Many of the women staying in Northern key strategies: Virginia’s shelters are employed or attending school. Nevertheless, basic supplies are a luxury. Enlarging Our Space By providing clean and appropriate attire that can The store’s current size is inadequate for be worn during job interviews and work, Women the number of women and children requiring Giving Back aids each woman in her own personal services. To remedy this, clients shop in shifts. Nevertheless, space is still snug for those inside – while others wait in long lines before entering. Storage for donated items is also severely lacking. In order to double the outgrown space, we’ll lease an adjoining 7,064 square feet later this year. The planned expansion will enlarge the retail area, but will also add more storage capacity, a playroom for children while mothers shop and administrative offices. By increasing the store’s size, Women Giving Back will be able to enlist more volunteers to assist clients, engage more businesses for clothing drives and house more clothing items to distribute. As a result, we’ll ultimately serve 50% more people – an estimated 3,000 homeless women and 6,000 1 children annually – in a calm and respectable setting. We’ll also explore expansion of store hours and the feasibility of opening the shop on additional days each month. 2 Building Our Infastructure What began as a volunteer-run venture is now a fully operating 501(c)(3) nonprofit. This summer, we’re hiring operations and fundraising staff – including a Development Manager who will cultivate more corporate, foundational and individual support. In addition to staffing, we’re in the midst of detailing WGB’s policy procedures for best practices (such as volunteer recruitment and sorting donated items), developing a donation tracking system, as well as implementing a strategic technology plan. We’re also creating a committee structure to provide volunteers a chance to further their impact, while also leaving room to recognize initiative and develop leadership. 3 Expanding Our Reach Women Giving Back is poised to continue building robust relationships with community partners to bring about lasting change. For starters, WGB will cultivate volunteer networks for increased clothing donations, financial support and manpower. We’ll also create fresh ways individuals and companies can partner with us – whether it’s facilitating employee teambuilding through volunteering with us for a day, or providing co-sponsorship opportunities for future WGB fundraising events. In addition, According to a National Low Income Housing Coalition report, renters in Northern Virginia need to earn $27.15 per hour, or an annual salary of $56,480, to afford the area’s fair market rent of $1,412 for a two bedroom apartment. That rent translates into a 148 hour work week for a minimum wage earner ($7.25/hr.) to be able to afford food, transportation, utilities, medical and child care. we’ll work together to figure out the best means of distributing information about WGB and determine the most effective means of keeping caseworkers (a job with a frequent turnover) in the loop. And that’s just the top of our to-do-list. Once we’ve strengthened WGB’s core through systematic planning and dedicated staffing, we’ll explore the possibility of helping even more women and children in need regardless of where they live. Won’t You Join Us? Shopping at WGB was like getting to go to the mall every month, and once I was able to start dressing professionally, I started acting professionally. WGB will always live in my heart. Testimonials like these are what keeps us motivated to do the absolute most we can for more women and children. The simple act of trying on a flattering dress or hugging a stuffed animal can do so much for those who have so little. To make our bold vision a brick and mortar reality, Women Giving Back is seeking additional funding and new revenue sources. Over the next two years, Women Giving Back is seeking to secure $700,000 in funding to pay for our bricks and mortar expansion, as well as the development of our organizational infrastructure. This amount will cover our expenses for a two year period (July 1, 2015 – July 1, 2017), enabling our staff and Board to simultanesously build on our current donors to develop an even stronger development base to ensure organizational sustainability beyond the campaign period. We’ll reach this campaign target from corporate and foundation sources, individual donors, volunteers and fundraising events. Covering costs, however, is the minimum threshold we’d like to meet. With your donation today, you can provide innumerable opportunities for the continued growth of a unique program with proven results. The Women Giving Back program is not duplicated elsewhere. Based on information and feedback from shelter partners, WGB is filling a need in the local community where others aren’t. WGB offers up to 50 clothing items a month – for free. Most other clothing programs either charge a minimal fee for clothing (Goodwill, Salvation Army) or are limited in serving only those clients enrolled in their programs. WGB helps all women and children from shelters in Northern Virginia. We’re a region-wide service offered at no cost … The smiles and hugs we often receive are more than enough. Join our mission and you’ll soon see for yourself. Terri Stagi, President | Fiona Hughes, Vice President | Pat Leader, Secretary/Treasurer | 703.554.9386 | Federal Tax ID #32-0464606.
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