Mounds Janesville Location Only
Mounds Janesville Location Only
June 2 Janesville 10-2 Rock County Humane Society – With adoptable animal and information on helping out the RCHS. July 7 Janesville 10-2 Rock County Humane Society – With adoptable animal and information on helping out the RCHS. June 2 Fitchburg 11-1 Regular rescue booth from Greyhound Pets of America. Meet adoptable greyhounds, fill out an adoption application and learn about volunteering or fostering a retired racing greyhound. For more information, call 608.223.9227 or visit Greyhound Pets of America online. July 7 Fitchburg 11-1 Regular rescue booth from Greyhound Pets of America. Meet adoptable greyhounds, fill out an adoption application and learn about volunteering or fostering a retired racing greyhound. For more information, call 608.223.9227 or visit Greyhound Pets of America online. June 3 Fitchburg 11-1 Three Gaits Therapeutic Horsemanship Center – With information on donating and volunteering. July 14 Sun Prairie 11-1 Regular rescue booth from Greyhound Pets of America. Meet adoptable greyhounds, fill out an adoption application and learn about volunteering or fostering a retired racing greyhound. For more information, call 608.223.9227 or visit Greyhound Pets of America online. June 9 Sun Prairie 11-1 Regular rescue booth from Greyhound Pets of America. Meet adoptable greyhounds, fill out an adoption application and learn about volunteering or fostering a retired racing greyhound. For more information, call 608.223.9227 or visit Greyhound Pets of America online. July 14 East 11-1– Regular rescue booth from Greyhound Pets of America. Meet adoptable greyhounds, fill out an adoption application and learn about volunteering or fostering a retired racing greyhound. For more information, call 608.223.9227 or visit Greyhound Pets of America online. June 9 East 11-1 Regular rescue booth from Greyhound Pets of America. Meet adoptable greyhounds, fill out an adoption application and learn about volunteering or fostering a retired racing greyhound. For more information, call 608.223.9227 or visit Greyhound Pets of America online. July 21 Janesville 10-12 Regular rescue booth from Greyhound Pets of America. Meet adoptable greyhounds, fill out an adoption application and learn about volunteering or fostering a retired racing greyhound. For more information, call 608.223.9227 or visit Greyhound Pets of America online. June 10 Mounds Dog Fest at Angell Park in Sun Prairie. For more information go to our website June 16 Janesville 10-12 Regular rescue booth from Greyhound Pets of America. Meet adoptable greyhounds, fill out an adoption application and learn about volunteering or fostering a retired racing greyhound. For more information, call 608.223.9227 or visit Greyhound Pets of America online. June 17 Fitchburg 12-3 Volunteers from Angel’s Wish will be on hand with adoptable animals and information on how to get involved. August 18 Janesville Mounds Annual Dog Wash. Proceeds go to benefit Rock County humane Society. For more information go to our website June 23 Janesville 11-3 Good Shepherd Animal Sanctuary with information on how to donate or get involved. HWY 151 HWY 151 n t r s h o r t s t e a w y 2 Great Ways To See What’s Going On An At Mounds Wash - $10 Nail Trim - $10 Beltline HWY Beltline HWY HWY 151 HWY 151 Beltline HWY Middleton Middleton Madison Middleton East Sun Prairie Fitchburg Madison East Fitchburg Fitchburg Madison East Sun Prairie Fitchburg Madison East Sun Prairie Fitchburg Sun Prairie Madison East Janesville Janesville Janesville Janesville y50 Ave 8311 University 8311 University Ave 8311 Ave 2110 S. Stoughton RdMontana 5350 King JamesKing Way 2110 S.1725 Stoughton Rd Ave King 5350 JamesKing WayJames 2110 S. Stoughton Rd University Way 2422 2422 Ave 5350 Montana Ave James Way 2110 S. Stoughton 2422 RdMontana 53502422 King Ave Montana James Way Ave S.1725 Stoughton Rd Lodge Dr. 1725 Lodge Dr. 17252110 Lodge Dr. Lodge Dr. 00 (608) 831-3000 (608) 831-3000 (608) 831-3000 (608) 221-0210 (608) 271-1800 (608) 221-0210 (608) 271-1800 (608) 271-1800(608) 221-0210 (608) 825-9800 (608) 825-9800 (608) 271-1800 (608) 221-0210(608) 825-9800 (608) (608) 271-1800 825-9800(608) 758-9998 (608) 221-0210 (608) 758-9998 (608) 758-9998 (608) 758-9998 9 0/ Hu m 39 Watch Meet the Pets on Montana Ave es Rd nA ve HWY 19 Charter ChannelLo 18 Madison dg e Charter Channel 20Dr Janesville HWY 151 11am/pm • 12am/pm • 3am/pm Janesville Sun Prairie 2422 Montana Ave (608) 825-9800 Mounds Janesville Location Only Mi lto nA ve Lo dg Dr Pflaum Rd. e Dr 39 Thompson Rd Lo dg e 9 0/ HWY C HWY PD Rd 9 0/ 39 BuckeyeH Rd. um es Rd Mi lto Rd S. Stoughton nA ve Stoughton Rd Montana Ave es Mi lto Montana Ave Hu m Thompson Rd Lo Lo dg dg e D Pflaum Rd. HWY PD e D Pflaum Rd. r r HWY 19 Thompson Rd Verona Rd University Ave HWY 19 Kapec Rd 9 0/ 39 Buckeye Rd. K in 9 0/ 39 BuckeyeHRd. um es Rd g J a m es Way Be our “Friend”. Check out Mounds on Facebook for updates, specials and upcoming events. nA ve Rd l o o p v a c a t i o n t o HWY C HWY PD es b n l o s g l p f u n h u p Stoughton Rd Montana Ave Hu m s r e l k n i r p s f u l j S. Stoughton Rd HWY Belt lineCHW Y Montana Ave i i f f e i w f a g r r n c Mi lto HWY 19 m o u h l a i p b n mm r j r i n a i n a i i i o r m o Check out Mounds website for coupons, monthly sales, links, and information. Mi S. Stoughton lto Rd nA v Deming Way Stoughton Rde Beltline HWY s a r l i i l e j h h c b a Thompson Rd Verona Rd Beltline HWY y a e f c w n w t t c l a a Thompson RdKapec Rd Verona Rd K in g J a m es Way Pflaum Rd. n n j r y s u o c a n a i g g J a m es Way HWY 19 University Ave Pflaum Rd. a n e u c e b r a b w s e i Kapec Rd University Ave u h i c r e t n e l y e c w s k pm w l l a w t b h s b HWY Belt lineCHW S. Stoughton Rd Y Deming Way Stoughton Rd S. Stoughton Rd Buckeye Rd. Deming Way Stoughton Rd g J a m es Way K in HWY PD Buckeye Rd. Verona Rd HWY PD Kapec Rd Verona Rd g J a m es Way r b i s i f r i e n d s h s Belt lineCHWY K HWY in Summer Fun! play pool shorts sprinklers swimming vacation watermellon Proceeds Benefit Rock County Humane Society WJVL Mike Austin Broadcasting Live 10am - 1pm! July 22 Fitchburg 12-2 Great Pyrenees Rescue will be on hand to discuss adopting and how to get involved. July 28 Janesville 11-3 Good Shepherd Animal Sanctuary with information on how to donate or get involved. friends fun hot ice cream july june lawn chair August 18th 10am - 2pm July 21 Sun Prairie 10-1 Animal Rescue and Veterinary Support Services will be doing micro-chipping for $15.00 per dog or cat. June 16 Sun Prairie 10-1 Animal Rescue and Veterinary Support Services will be doing micro-chipping for $15.00 per dog or cat. barbecue bathing suit beach bicycle camp fireworks flip flops June/July 2012 July 21 Middleton 11-1 Regular rescue booth from Greyhound Pets of America. Meet adoptable greyhounds, fill out an adoption application and learn about volunteering or fostering a retired racing greyhound. For more information, call 608.223.9227 or visit Greyhound Pets of America online. June 16 Middleton 11-1 Greyhound Pets Regular rescue booth from Greyhound Pets of America. Meet adoptable greyhounds, fill out an adoption application and learn about volunteering or fostering a retired racing greyhound. For more information, call 608.223.9227 or visit Greyhound Pets of America online. Beltline HWY K i n Kapec Rd HERE’S WHAT’S GOIN’ ON AT MOUNDS 1725 Lodge Dr. (608) 758-9998 For Money Saving Coupons Go To ock County Humane Society (RCHS) is a private, charitable animal shelter that cares for approximately 3,000 lost, abandoned, and homeless companion animals annually. Whether it is to help the lost dog that just needs a safe spot to rest before going home to a worried family or the abandoned cat who just wants to find a forever home, our shelter provides the love, compassion, and care to make happy endings possible. We receive many cards, letters, emails, and photographs telling us about those happy endings. We can think of no greater reward than to hear that a former shelter resident is safe and loved and, in the process, has enriched the lives of his or her new family. The Crook Family featuring “Diesel,” an RCHS alumnus and “Brindy” --“We are so happy and lucky to have found such a great dog that fits into our lives so perfectly. Thank you so much RCHS!” Send your nominations to: Warm Fuzzy Mounds Pet Food Warehouse 2422 Montana Ave. Sun Prairie, WI 53590 E-mail: Fax: (608) 825-4800 Selected Nominees receive: • $100 Mounds gift certificate for their organization • Profile and Picture in Mounds Newsletter and Website ( • Profile featured on 105.5 MMM l o ye e Visiting room at RCHS mp M ounds would like to congratulate Tristan Hanson as our Employee of the Month. Tristan is a Lead Sales TH n associate at our Mounds Middleton location. E Mo He is described by his fellow employees as organized, efficient, adaptable, confident and friendly. Tristan is always going above and beyond to help out and is always ready to put in extra work when needed. Tristan truly takes pride in the store and the achievements of others. Recently, he helped revamp the procedure for vendor returns and his changes have resulted in a huge improvement in the efficiency of processing vendor returns. In his free time Tristan loves to go hiking with his son and spend time with his two dogs and six cats. Thank you Tristan for all Tristan of your hard work and dedication! OF We also work hard to counsel people before animals become homeless in the first place. Giving people resources like training and behavior advice, rescue alternatives, or even supplying food to help feed their pets all result in fewer animals being abandoned in the first place. We donated over 5,000lbs of pet food to the community in 2011 to keep pets in their homes. Our own shelter animals enjoy the generous donation of Mounds Pet Food Warehouse’s premium brand foods, Mounds Dog Power and Mounds Purrfect Cat. The quality and consistency of Dog Power and Purrfect Cat make all the difference in keeping our shelter pets healthy and happy! Mounds is a wonderful corporate partner: In addition to their food donations, they routinely sponsor shelter events and provide the Rock County Humane Society Satellite Adoption Center at their Janesville store location. Through our Satellite Adoption center at Mounds Janesville, over 1,100 fabulous felines have found their forever homes. A very large issue we are facing is our crumbling facility. Our current private shelter was built in 1976 and was never constructed to serve as a stray receiving and holding facility, and we lack the proper isolation, quarantine, holding, and medical areas that are imperative for proper stray animal control and care. Without suitable infrastructure, we simply h Z Z S CRATCH, SCRATCH, SCRATCH. If this is a familiar sound in your home, you know all too well that the allergy season started early this year. Record-breaking temperatures this past March meant a much more prolific blooming season this Spring. While I loved the bountiful of blooms that the weather brought, I disliked the extra allergens that they released, as I too have a dog affected by allergies. If your dog has been diagnosed with Atopy (seasonal allergies) this article is for you. If you think that all that scratching your dog is doing might be allergies too, check with your veterinarian for a proper diagnosis before you try anything at home. For those readers that do not know what Atopy is, the proper definition is specifically “an allergic reaction in the body resulting from inhaled or contact allergens such as pollen, mold or dust”? Other causes of itching could come from a food sensitivity, a skin infection, a parasitic infection (such as mites or fleas) and other less common problems. A condition like Atopy can also be complicated by a secondary skin infection, or your dog may even have multiple causes of scratching going on all together. While some causes of these allergies occur year-round (like dust), many of them are seasonal and most dogs will get a break from the symptoms for at least part of the year. Certain years can be worse than others depending on what the allergen is and how well it is blooming. Treatment for seasonal allergies will usually include a variety of modalities. My first line of itch control will usually be some sort of anti-histamine. There are a variety of types and strengths available and some of them are even available over the counter. Your veterinarian will let you know what medication and what strength is best for your dog. Medicated bathes and topical sprays are another aspect of treatment that will be used commonly to help calm the itch. You should not use any shampoos designed for humans as they will be particularly irritating to a dog with a skin condition. Unless your dog has fleas, I would also avoid the use of flea and tick shampoos. If you are bathing your pet frequently, you may want to ask your veterinarian about some of the medicated conditioners that t R RCHS cannot provide a service that we physically cannot provide, no matter how much we want to. Another huge hurdle is the fact that there is currently no county-wide solution or even consensus on what the stray animal issues are or how to best address them. We have always maintained our strong desire to continue serving the stray animals and the communities within Rock County. It has never been our desire to discontinue stray animal control service as we believe we can best serve the many complicated medical, behavioral, and legal needs of animals during their stray hold as well as give them an opportunity at a new, loving home should they not be claimed by their owners. We very much want to partner with all municipalities within Rock County to provide the public health services that people expect and the humane care and compassion that pets deserve. Fun things are afoot at RCHS as well! While our building may be old, our creativity is fresh! We have spruced up our community cat rooms as well as our visiting rooms. “Pounce House” is our community kitten room where kittens can socialize and play while “Cat Towne” provides the same benefits for our more mature feline residents! How we treat animals One fish, two fish…”Pounce House” says a lot about who we is all set for playful kittens! are and what quality of life we expect. In return for the trust animals have in us, we owe them the responsibility of caring for them. The community shares this responsibility as a local animal shelter is only as strong as the people who support it. The best shelter is truly a humane community. Kindness to animals builds a better world for all of us. If you would like to donate or get more information on volunteering, shelter news and events, and current listings of adoptable animals, please visit E F U Y W M AR are available. This will help control the drying out of the skin that happens with frequent baths and can also be used to help relieve itching in-between baths. When the basic anti-histamine medications aren’t enough, your veterinarian may prescribe some drugs that work to lessen the body’s immune system’s response to the allergens. Steroids, such as prednisone or Temaril-P, or a wonderful alternative named cyclosporine, may be used in the more advanced cases of allergies. Treating secondary skin infections that can flare up during the season may also be needed. Supplements or even diet changes to less irritating food ingredients may recommended for your itchy dog. I am always a big fan of supplementing Omega-3 fatty acids into a pet’s diet. In a few cases this supplement alone has markedly decreased the dog’s scratching and brought them great relief (and a great coat as well!). For dogs that don’t seem to respond to the basic allergy controls and medications, allergy testing and desensitization is the next step. Much like people, there are both skin and blood tests that can be performed on your dog to determine what allergens are the culprits. Once those are known, special shots that have low levels of those allergens in them will be prepared specifically for your dog and then a program of injections is set up. This is known as desensitization and can bring great relief to about two-thirds of the pets that receive them. Occasionally, a few animals are “cured” of their allergies, but in most cases these injections are carried on the rest of your pet’s life. Some owners have pursued allergy testing without taking the desensitization step, and that is fine too. It at least allows you to know what things are making your pup itch and may be things that you learn to avoid. If your dog is scratching away and you don’t know if it is allergies or not, please talk to your veterinarian and see what is going on! If it is allergies there are actually a lot of things that can be used to bring some needed relief to you canine companion. Dr. Carla Christman • Healthy Pet Veterinary Clinic 1440 E. Washington Ave. • Madison, WI 53703 • (608) 294-9494 Summer Fun! barbecue bathing suit beach bicycle camp fireworks flip flops r b i s i f r i e n d s h s u h i c r e t n e l y e c w s k pm w l l a w t b h s b a n e u c e b r a b w s e i friends fun hot ice cream july june lawn chair n n j r y s u o c a n a i g y a e f c w n w t t c l a a s a r l i i l e j h h c b a m o u h l a i p b n mm r j r i n a i n a i i i o r m o play pool shorts sprinklers swimming vacation watermellon i i f f e i w f a g r r n c s r e l k n i r p s f u l j b n l o s g l p f u n h u p l o o p v a c a t i o n t o n t r s h o r t s t e a w y
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