visitor`s guide - Carrabelle Area Chamber of Commerce
visitor`s guide - Carrabelle Area Chamber of Commerce
'S R O T I S I V GUIDE G A T E W A Y T O T H E G U L F CARRAB ELLE • L A NA R K BE A C H • A L L I GA T O R P O I N T • D O G I S L A N D • S T . GE O R G E I S L A N D Whether Looking to Inve st, Live, Work or Play. There’s Never Been a Be tter Time to Come to Ca rrabelle. We Make Buying and Se lling a Breeze – Custome r Service is Our Special • Residential ty! • Commercial • Investment • Property Management • Vacation and Long Ter m Rentals Give Us a Call Today - We Do It All! 84 tallahassee St. • Carra belle, FL 32322 • 850.6 97.5300 • www.mysand ROYCE ROLSTAD PHOTOGRAPHY S WE DD ING S • EN GA GE ME NT L OC CA SIO NS FAM ILY PO RT RA ITS • SPE CIA 1-850-653-5586 • www.roycerolstad l Publication ia ic f f O e h T merce. isitor’s Guide Carrabelle V lle Area Chamber of Com be of The Carra rtunities mited oppo li n u ere es ch sand bea rants. But th llent restau offers white ce le uiet ex el q b d a ra s, an ar C shop r crowd no traffic o eat places to gr ly lorida. al g, F tu in ir in sh v s fi n for estinatio u will find d yo ed e il er o h sp n ce last u is a differen one of the nity - truly e G u lf u m m co l a te w a y to th coasta lo ri d a G C a rr a b e ll e , F C a rr a b e ll e T ra v e li n g to a rr a b e ll e H is to ry O f C la y , a t P la c e to P re G e ll e b a C a rr ! L iv e a n d W o rk a b e ll e B e a c h D is c o v e r C a rr re a C a rr a b e ll e A P a rk s in th e use iv e r L ig h th o R d e k o ro C e Th y G o lf R e s o rt ta ti o n S t. Ja m e s B a ll e s t P o li c e S a m S ’s d rl o The W ta te F o re s t T a te ’s H e ll S se rg e L ig h th o u o e G t. S e p e a C n d C a rr a b e ll u ro A o D o T T h in g s e S p ir it N o u ri s h in g th s t n e t n o C E v e n ts F is h in g B o a ti n g a n d D o g Is la n d B ir d in g t A li g a to r P o in seum Jo h n s to n M u C a m p G o rd o n la n d S t. G e o rg e Is D ir e c to ry M e m b e rs h ip Photo Credit: Front Cover: Royce Rolstad Photography: John B. Spohrer, Jr.: Debbie Hooper Aerial Photography: Rod T. Gasche,Stephanie Parker, Mark Myrick, Ron Dickey, Sheila Hauser Concept & Design: Contact Kathy Ford-Boyd Brothers Printing at 850.510.6665 Ad Sales: Sheila Hauser 5 6 7 9 11 12 17 19 21 23 25 31 32 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 Carrabelle Area Chamber of Commerce P.O. Drawer DD • Carrabelle, FL 32322 (850) 697-2585 Officers President: Sheila Hauser Secretary: Carol Zurawka Treasurer: Paul Marxsen Executive Director: Suzanne Zimmerman Directors: Paula Caruthers, Ann Wilson, David Butler, Cheree Wood, Cheryl Ann Griffin, Barney Crutchfield Sharon Thoman, Skip Frink, Carol Zurawka, Paul Marxsen, Ron Gempel and Dan Cox. Carrabelle, Florida Gateway to the Gulf er, salt water, at w h es Fr . en se ve I' r he “This area is like no ot , beach..... st re fo , sh ar m y, ba n, ea rivers, lakes, oc backyard”. ur yo in t no if u, yo om fr inutes they're all literally just m st ig e is th e la st ve ha ss ee , C ar ra be lle lla Ta of t es hw ut rs bu t nh an dl e ju st so th e co as ta l ou td oo ve lo o wh Lo ca te d in th e Pa le op pe in at in g nn ec t wi th ha ve n fo r di sc rim C ar ra be lle an d co at ge of O ld Fl or id a, a er nv co s er e riv hw at er fis hi ng ds . Th re e pr ist in ss ed sa lt an d fr es shy aw ay fro m cr ow re st un to ss ce e ic o, pr ov id in g ac st a sa m pl e of th th e G ul f of M ex Tr ou t, C ob ia ; ju r, pe ap Sn , er up , Re df ish , G ro gr ou nd s. Ta rp on bi t ou r wa te rs . sp ec ie s th at in ha te rf ro nt wi th of a wo rk in g wa ity tic en th au e th e. rf ro nt co m bi ne s is re ad ily av ai la bl C ar ra be lle ’s wa te C ha rt er fis hi ng g. in at bo d an , bi rd in g, tio na l fis hi ng r hu nt in g, hi ki ng fo st re th e fu n of re cr ea fo ic bl pu s of n, os pr ey an d ts to 75 0, 00 0 ac re , de er, bl ue he ro es C ar ra be lle co nn ec gl ea of e ag ss pa Is la nd be ck on st en jo yi ng th e Be ac h an d D og tr ai l-r id in g- or ju lle be ra ar C at s fo r te sa nd be ac he r po rt pr ov id es bl ac k be ar . W hi A fu ll– se r vi ce ai . rs le ke or sn d sw im m er s an . be ac hc om be rs , ac ce ss to th e ar ea g as we ll as ea sy in ly f l na tio ea cr re ri se ho te ls an d er e ar e no hi gh Th . a” id or Fl ld u ex pe ri en ce “O af fic co ng es tio n, In C ar ra be lle yo , no fo ur la ne tr ew vi ur yo ng ki oc an d co nd om in iu m s bl un dl es s wi ld lif e riv er m ar sh es , bo h ric s, he ac be ju st be au tif ul in g sp iri t. a ge nu in e we lc om .. .. Carrabelle invites you .. the fun! Relax, kick back and join 5 Traveling to Carrabelle f of Mex ico in Flor ida' s Pan han dle Car rabe lle is loca ted alon g the Gul and 80 miles East of Panama City. and 55 miles southwest of Tallahassee miles nty which features more than 200 Carrabelle is part of Franklin Cou nds isla ier barr r ne incl udi ng the fou of rela tive ly und evel ope d sho reli nd. Isla t St. Geo rge and St. Vin cen of St. Geo rge, Dog Isla nd, Cap e hway 98. By air, Carrabelle can be Carrabelle is accessible via US Hig in Tall aha ssee and Pan ama City reached through com mer cial airp orts lle at 850 .697.2727. and the priv ate airp ort in Car rabe CIT IES : MIL EAG E FRO M SEL ECT ED Atla nta, GA Birm ingh am, AL Chi cago , IL Col umb ia, SC Dall as, TX Det roit , MI Hou ston , TX Indi anap olis, IN Jack son, MS Litt le Roc k, AR 351 334 933 532 884 105 5 712 811 436 707 Mem phis , TN Mia mi, FL Mon tgom ery, AL Nas hvil le, TN New Orle ans, LA Orla ndo , FL Pen saco la, FL St. Lou is, MO Tall ahas see, FL Tam pa, FL 574 561 244 525 388 334 162 831 80 298 ere: H g n i t t e G Weather: Ca rra be lle we ather is gen era lly tempe rate, eve n on the hotte st su mm er da ys yo u can gen era lly cat ch a co oli ng sea bre eze . The winters are wonderf ul – brisk nights and sun ny cool days. Mo nth Ai r Te mp Wa ter Te mp Jan ua ry 54 64 Fe bru ary 56 64 Ma rch 61 72 Ap ril 68 73 Ma y 74 79 Jun e 80 82 Jul y 81 83 Au gu st 81 83 Se pte mb er 79 83 Oc tob er 71 81 No vem be r 61 73 De cem be r 56 70 Panama City-Bay County International Airport (PFN) 850/763-6751 Approximately one hour and 40 minutes, by car, from Franklin County; served by ASA Delta Connection, Chautauqua Airlines, ComAir, Freedom Airlines and Northwest Airlink. Car rental agencies include: Alamo, Avis, Budget, Enterprise, Hertz and National. Tallahassee Regional Airport (TLH) 850/891-78007800850-891-7802 Approximately one hour and thirty minutes by car to Franklin County; served by Continental Airlines, Delta Air Lines, Northwest Airlink and US Airways Express. Car rental agencies include: Alamo, Avis, Dollar Rent A Car, Enterprise, Hertz and National. Classic Limo and Sedan Service: (850/421-1933) Apalachicola Municipal Airport (AAF) 850/653-8861 Located two miles northwest of downtown Apalachicola; offers three concrete runways in excess of 5,000 feet long and 150 feet wide. FBO services include jet fuel; aircraft cleaning, rental, sales and service; hangar storage; maintenance; pilot lounge; secure ramp; tiedown and weather radar. Carrabelle-Thompson Airport 850.697.2727 Located .03 miles West of Carrabelle on Airport Road and is owned by the City of Carrabelle The concrete runway is 4,000 feet long. FBO services include jet fuel. 6 History of Carrabelle Carrabelle is located on St. James Island, although you may never realize it unless you look closely at a map of the area. The “Isle of St. James” is surrounded by bays, rivers, and an offshore barrier island known as Dog Island. The history of Dog Island and Carrabelle includes a wonderful mix of Indians, shipping, bootlegging, logging and war. Rio Carrabella was the name of the town recognized by the first post office in this area and was said to mean “beautiful river”. Early settlers in the area, both Indians and early Europeans, hunted the bountiful game for food and furs, which were then shipped out of St. Marks. Carrabelle’s boom time came after the Civil War when lumber and naval stores were the most important commodities. In 1875 the first lumber mill was established - cutting pine and cypress from up river and in the swamps, and shipping it to the north. Ships, mainly schooners, would come through the pass and drop anchor behind Dog Island in Ballast Cove, so named because the ships would drop their ballast before sailing into Carrabelle to pick up their cargo. You may to this day, find ballast rock in the cove. By 1893 there were many lumber and saw mills along the Carrabelle River and the downtown area was established around Coombs Mill, close to the mouth of the river. The town was incorporated in May, 1893 and during this time, the area flourished - docks were stacked high with lumber and turpentine. There was a railroad station from which trains carried salted down mullet and other goods to points north, as well as bringing in needed supplies for the residents. The railroad also brought tourists from Tallahassee to stay at the Lanark Springs Hotel, a luxurious resort hotel. A disastrous hurricane hit the town head on at the turn of the century and it was at this time that the downtown area was moved to its present location. The town was rebuilt, and many of today’s larger buildings were built during the early part of the 1900’s. This was a boom time for Carrabelle. Lumber and turpentine were king. During a short period, Greek sailors came and began a flourishing sponge industry. Between World War I and World War II, Carrabelle went into a severe economic slump. Fishing became the principal industry and along with the entire country, Carrabelle slipped into the depression. During the Prohibition much business was done by barter and there was a brief period in which smugglers from the Caribbean unloaded their contraband near Alligator Point and hid in the nearby woods. 7 In 1942, with the entry of the United States into WW II, Camp Gordon Johnston was built and thousands of men were trained at the camp. For many it was the last stopover for those going to the Pacific or European theaters. Carrabelle was also an important port for shipping oil. The oil was shipped from Texas, through the Intercoastal Waterway to Carrabelle and then on to Jacksonville through a pipeline, where it was loaded on ships for delivery to Europe. The pipeline began at what is now known as Three Rivers. For more information on the history of the Carrabelle area contact the Carrabelle Historical Society at 850.697.2141 or attend their monthly meeting at the Carrabelle Library on the second Tuesday of the month. 8 , y la P o t e c la P t a e r G CarrabelleLive and Work! 9 the hustle and om fr ay aw n io at in st Florida de bustle? Looking for a ldlife. Drive or and all kinds of wi ns hi lp do s, rd bi No Crowds sand beach, listen to the waves, spot sea her human being. Our county building height e ot Walk the white –maybe - not see on tional forest and na or e at st e th hike n. -density populatio limit prevents high No Traffic otLihegrhtsesacoast area we know can boast. Something no No Big City Too Close Tallahassee and its . Panama Ci airport is an hour soon will have a ty is 2 hours, and new internationa l airport. No Heavy Industry t, a consolidated ing assembly plan us ho en re l-g al munity, and ers: an A-caliber golf com ading- edge newcom PG le a e m e, so m d ho an g s, in rs se / rehab center / nu Only small busines the Gulf, a health on s pu m ca ol ho county sc t Care Center. Carrabelle Urgen coming soon: the , attend a local g, boating, hiking in rd bi go k, ya ka ints), house, Key of water access po ay over in a beach ty St en . pl ar – in t m en se m re na tu a tour red na cell phones Fish (alone or in university- sponso st” – turn off the a be e nd th te e at ar , s st re re su fo e plea le, visit a beach or arina. “Life’s simpl ke a walk or padd m festival, walk the ta or , le el st ot ca m n, nd sa sio a ild erfront man se or children. Bu sunset. West- style inn, riv connect with spou re to a line, watch the re op he dr e , m rk co pa e s us ry er ho kb ht ac lig Bl and a net, see the cultural site, cast nearby historic or of e. The 200 miles belongs to the stat s re ac 0 : es 18 iti 2, un 20 . m com ine land e up of several small 000 acres of prist ad 8, m 34 is es ty ss un pa co m e co Th en a. Franklin County e sand and the surf. t, and Apalachicol attract people to th ne eli or sh l ta as e Island, Eastpoin co rg eo G . beautiful St , ge lla Vi tor Point, Lanark Carrabelle, Alliga • 8,967 in 1990 • 10,161 in 2002 51 ,6 10 – y nt ou C e ent and nature. Population in th ect of the environm sp re d an ve lo its keep s in height. pected to grow but up to three storie ex ild is bu ea ar to r e pe Th lo th ve or de n grow ly allow a person Projected populatio strictions that on re ht ig he s se po The county im 850 n • Area Code – Time zone - Easter Do, No Limits on Things To Places To Stay DEMOGRAPHICS Information: - 850.697.2727 City of Carrabelle .com www.mycarrabelle use in Carrabelle County Courtho (850) 697-3618 arrabelle Branch Public Library C Franklin County (850) 697-2366 www.franklin.lib. e perfect th – e ll be ra ar C e se e Com invest and k, or w , ay pl , ve li to e plac overed retire, in a still-undisc ity. small Gulf coast commun ol klin County Scho Consolidated Fran 850.670.2800 10 Discover Carrabelle Beach C ar ra be lle Be ac h: Is lo ca te d 1. 5 m ile s we st of to wn . Be au tif ul un cr ow de d wh ite -sa nd be ac h, th at is pe rf ec t fo r su nb at hi ng , sn or ke lin g, sh el lin g, sw im m in g, vo lle yb al l an d su rf fis hi ng ! G re at pl ac e fo r th e fa m ily to ge t together for a picn ic, walking, bird wa tching or just rela x-get away from it all. C ar ra be lle Be ach is th e id ea l pl ac e to bu ild sa nd ca stl es wi th yo ur ch ild re n, ca tc h bl ue cr ab s, pi ck up se a sh el ls, wa tc h a be au tif ul su nr ise an d re co nn ec t wi th yo ur fa m ily. If yo u’ re lo ok in g fo r an ou t-o f-w ay sp ot to es ca pe th e cr ow ds , fa st -fo od ch ai ns , ou tle t m al ls an d am us em en t pa rk s: D isc ov er C ar ra be lle Be ac h 11 Parks in the Carrabelle Area children’s play area, Nor thwest Ave F. Amenities include Tillie Miller Park is located at 102 e to have birthday ic pavilion, and restrooms. Great Plac tennis courts, basketball courts, picn with your kids. parties or just a day of fun in the park hway 67. Amenities is located nor th of Carrabelle on Hig John David Patton Wildlife Park This park offers bird age, picnic facilities and restrooms. include nature trails, educational sign ect place to relax. watchers and nature enthusiast a perf rabelle. on Highway 98 in the center of Car Carrabelle Veterans’ Park is located Veterans of Carrabelle. Come and pay your respects to the Beach. Amenities ted west of Carrabelle at Carrabelle loca is Park se thou Ligh er Riv d Crooke 70 foot Pirate Ship, se, Children’s Playground featuring include Historical Working Lighthou n process. Great and restrooms are in the constructio picnic facilities. Lighthouse museum park for the entire family. http://cr of Carrabelle e of the art spor ts facility located East Will Kendrick Sports Complex Stat l, playground and basketball court. off Hwy 98. Ball fields, walking trai 12 Key West styl e on the Forgot • Walk to harb ten Coast or • Restaurant/b • 5 minutes to ar on site beach • Cable/WiFi • Private Key W est courtyard • Breakfast is on 201 Tallahassee us Street 850 697 9010 I oldcarrabelleho IOR CENTER FRANKLIN COUNTY SEN S SENIORS HELPING SENIOR Bible Study 50 Plus Breakfast Thursday Each weekday (except Thursday) 10am 8-9:30am 1pm 12pm 7pm Tuesday Art Club Every Thursday ch Lun y rsda Thu 1st Saturday of the month ce Dan 1st Saturday Call for time and class level Computer Classes ok. with our Senior Citizens CookBo Get a taste of Franklin County er. cent the at Pick one up et Carrabelle Florida 32322 201 NW Avenue F and 1st Stre I www.fcsc 850-697-3760 I cscc@fairpoi THE GEORGIAN MOT EL C A B L E • R E S TA U RANTS • B O AT S L I P S Located in historic downto wn Carrabelle, Marine Street and Riverw alk 109 S. E. Avenue B • Ca rrabelle, FL 32322 85 0.6 97 .34 10 • ww w.1 80 0m ote ls. co m HARBOR POINT VACATION RENTALS Harbor Point offers secluded beaches, protected boating, incredible fishing, diverse wildlife & close proximity to Tallahassee. Weekly rates starting at $450. 877-774-8671 GANDERS ’ S GULF SUP PL YH ARDWAR HARDWA E RE, PLUM BING PAINT ELE CTRICAL, HOUSEWA As always, RES. serv ing you is the Carrabe our pleasure. lle Post Off ice 850.697.3 Across from 688 NICE CARS es, Cars, pr e-owned vehicl e a little, of n io ct le se e ic N at a fair price. Driv Trucks, and Suv's save alot. 905 Highway 98 Al Cavuoto-Owner I Florida 32322 lle, Carrabe 850.697.4383 Kayak and Canoe Expeditions Sales and Rentals Land, Sea and River Tours Robin & Rama 208 St. James Ave. (Hwy 98) Carrabelle, FL 32322 850.697.2434 I 866.797.2434 I www UNTING O C C A N MARXSE ING ACCOUNT TING SU L TAX CON EPING BOOK KE $$$$ ox 629 B I POB e u n e v A 108 SE 32322 , Florida om Carrabelle n@1040.c I marxse 2 4 5 .2 7 850.69 Z-horseDACVIhD aZErtIG LEers R CA PT AI N U.S.C.G. LICENSED & INSURED ackere Trout Tarpon Redfish M l ge, Florida Light Tackle Sportfishing Lanark Villa www • m 850228.6091 • The Crooked River Lighthouse 17 The Crooked River Lighthouse saw many mariners safely home for the 100 years it was lit. It was built in 1895 to replace one on Dog Island that was destroyed in a hurricane in 1873. Authorities decided it would be better to have a lighthouse on the secure mainland rather than the exposed Dog Island. Electricity came to the lighthouse in 1933, and it became automated in1952. The original lens was built in 1894 by Henri LaPaute in Paris, France. This lens was removed in 1976 and is now located in the U.S. Coast Guard 8th District Offices in New Orleans. The lighthouse was decommissioned in 1995 and is no longer an active light. The lighthouse sat forlorn and isolated for a few years. In 1999, a group of local residents decided that Carrabelle’s hidden jewel should be restored and open to the public. Thus, the Carrabelle Lighthouse Association (CLA) was born. The Association receives encouragement and assistance from the Florida Lighthouse Association as well as from many individuals. The goal of the CLA is to preserve, restore and open the lighthouse to the public. In February 2002 the CLA reached an agreement with the city to manage the lighthouse. Lighthouse restoration began in September, 2007, and ended in December, 2007, with the lighting of the beacon which had been turned off in August, 1995. A custom-built replica of the original lighthouse bi-valve Fresnel lens was installed as part of the restoration. Additional grants were received to build a replica of the keeper’s house and to plan a recreational park. The centerpiece of the park is a 62’ long pirate ship that was built in 2007 to provide a maritime theme. A replica of the Keeper’s House will be built in 2008-2009 to house historical artifacts, a gift shop and space for educational programs. The CLA meets on the first Tuesday of the month at the Carrabelle Public Library at 5:30 pm. Carrabelle Lighthouse Association, P O Box 373, Carrabelle, Fl 32322 Email: Web: The lighthouse is located at 1975 Hwy 98 West, approximately 2 miles west of downtown Carrabelle. 18 19 B s e m St. Ja In ea an ar s u r ro un t r o s e R f l o G ay ym ded b iles o a Na hicol f , r i ve r s tiona l Fo re d s hund with re s t - of ac ove r nat bine r we t es of 90 u re a lands of p a c re s nd li he u and t re s e r e. Th fe s t y l ve d e 18-h e na to t h nspo iled nds we t l a ham ole c tural s et on th pions f th ting o e hip e wo o cou ate a ded rse th at in c re ends i fe t y to e er, bl i k wildl c l o t a S n W a n t d o r b e f fo r abun udub Ro b e e r ve , e ve r y he A d by t s e e – that r h n y t g p i t i er nd shop yw des l a l e o e t s r s e p ro p r o p l w as a lf cou ke d c es of ining B ay h r wo r h acr yle go s t t e e i s k fo r d l t w m a r a n y J o e W n s . p t e o t o r S ober harm ill is er ty. th p l ete ent. R p ro p er Gr v e m i m le wi h o n R t b c o a f r d l i n i e o i v a k t r en and C ro o l s o av al pa ient lessly n is a . The ntegr m i o s a i b t e n onven s c u a l c u s c l r r l d t l u a s n a o ble re n t olf in re s t s from nal g l and ging e d fo e o l r i n i s a a o s r p p e s ap n of ns ums. o pt i o ts. Pr mini , golf and u r n o g a e d n v i b n e g lod y co and n a ck luxur es a s rs two tings y e e d f a e f u l B o m c s y in Jame l e fo r es Ba t St. ailab . Jam a t v a S s . e o c o s l n olf Pr eside and a ew R GA G n P l t u n autif reside he be t their o t s Villa ouse h b u l c belle Carra , e n ll La com g Gu sbay. n e i h m g a au w.stj 151 L I ww 5 9 35 697850of t eauty he A palac mad t was e to c om 20 World’s Smallest Police Station In the early 1960s, Carrabelle’s police phone was located in a call box that was bolted to a building at the corner of Hwy. 98 and Tallahassee Street. During this time, the city had problems with tourists making unauthorized long distance calls on its police phone. Johnnie Mirabella, the only St. Joe Telephone Co. employee in Carrabelle at the time, moved the phone to another location, but the illegal calls continued. So, when the phone company made the decision to replace an old phone booth with a new one, Mirabella decided to put the policephone in the old booth. On March 10, 1963 Mirabella, with the help of Curly Messer, deputy sheriff at the time, moved the phone booth to its current location on Hwy 98. There were a couple of reasons for doing so - to protect police officers from the elements, as well as curtail the illegal calls. Unfortunately, the illegal phone calls continued to be a problem and eventually the dial was removed from the phone. Many hardships have been endured by the retired St. Joe Company phone booth. Vandals have ripped phones from the booth, shot holes through its glass, it has been knocked over by a pickup truck and knocked over and damaged by Hurricane Kate. Adding insult to injury, a tourist once asked a gas station attendant to help him load it into his vehicle so he could take it back to Tennessee with him. It has been featured on the television shows “Real People”, “Ripley’s Believe It or Not’, and the "Today Show”. It was also featured in the movie “Tate’s Hell” produced at Florida State University. and We invite you to stop by ont of the take your picture in fr Station World’s Smallest Police 21 22 Tate's Hell g in p m a C ly n e v a e H f o Home Laurel Newman 23 anklin County's t to love about Fr lo a d an do to t sts will find a lo s of winding d nature enthusia or even more mile , ils tra ng ki hi Outdoor s lovers an of iles r those with rest-whether it is m a hook and line. Fo Fo th e wi at g St l on el al H g 's in te ift Ta just dr of f-highway ng or kayaking, or trails set aside for ei of no s ca ile r m fo n s ze ay do rw l wate ished severa the state has establ a need for speed, den. ere they may be rid red vehicles (OHVs) wh e many sites scatte camp at one of th a up t ong the se al n d ca re s te or at eas are sc ctions, visit ar l tra na at y tio an ea m cr e re es d th city) an g shaded In order to enjoy ng sites (no electri fied names, of ferin pi tri m ca un co ve iti nt ai im qu Pr rest. ning er, and most with throughout the fo Carrabelle, all ow the cool green riv ed River north of of ok n ro io C ct e se th a of of es ew reserved in vely vi gentle curv mps, and must be s for cooking, a lo ca ue nt ec hu rb d ba te or na ts sig pi sis for a mere ps are de seclusion, fire und on a daily ba . Most of the cam -ro es ar ch ye un e la bl e la ai no av ca e ar their own boat or r, mixed use camps ason, but the othe se g in nt hu of e advanc escape a hot $5 fee per day. p, or just a way to tri e no ca ic, cn pi family them up for plan an extended the water and fr y to of n t tio ou na m sti ea de br e ct They are the perfe d dull a few pan-siz e on a riverbank an ad sh ol co e th in day - lay the forest. / a perfect lunch in visit : www.florid l ai Tr g in rd Bi a Florid rest is part of the umnavigational Tate’s Hell St ate Fo New Florida Circ e th of 5 t en gm ails in Region B, Se Florida Paddling Tr e th on d te lis is Tate's Hell w.floridapaddlingt ww l ai Tr g lin dd Saltwater Pa ing campsites, rmation on reserv fo in e or m d an s lle. e campsite or t Road, Carrabe Hell showing all th of fice at 290 Airp lle be For maps of Tate's ra _hell.html ar es C at y s/t str ate_forest on of Fore /st isi iv om D f.c l el do H fl's w. te w Ta visit the eir website at w 7.3734 or visit th Telephone: 850.69 Dwarf Cypress cumented cypress trees are do e es Th st. re fo e in th cypress". s are located with e the name "dwarf nd nc tla he , we et s fe es pr 15 cy ely of at im nds e height of approx dwalk of fers an Several unique sta only reach a matur G. Kendrick Boar t h bu lp d Ra ol e s ar Th ye s. 0 es pr to be over 15 re" or "hat-rack" cy rred to as "miniatu fe re so areas. al c e ifi ar ol ey pr t Th of the mos e on g in ok lo er ov observation tower le) observation a 30-ft tall (accessib rs fe of es k al dw ar Bo rick areas. Just minut The Ralph G. Kend the most prolific of e on g ads in ro ok st lo re er er fo ramp and tower ov 98, then 5 miles ov ay hw ig H 20-acre bowl by lle in be ra st sits quietly a re fo tle to the west of Car lit e th r), forgettable. calm weathe of this sight is un e nc rie (always passable in pe ex e Th ormal” pines. surrounded by “n 24 e g r o e G . t S Cape house Lig h t Cape St. George Light West Pass, and rebuilt was fir st built in 1833 at se ou hth Lig e org Ge The St. during a hurricane e second lighthouse fell Th . 48 18 in e org Ge on Cape St. in 1852. The Light was hthouse was completed in 1851 and the third lig ter of Historic Places ed on the national Regis list d an 49 19 in d ate autom 94. Beach erosion activated the light in 19 de ard Gu ast Co e Th . in 1974 ucture until it ually threatened the str tin con se ou hth lig the at the site of historic structure were 2005. Remnants of the collapsed on October 21, iat ion led the effort to org e Lig hth ou se As soc Ge St. the d an ed vag sal rtar off more than lunteers cleaned old mo Vo se. ou hth lig the t uc lantern room. reconstr with reconstruction of the d iste ass d an cks bri al 22,000 origin and private funding, nity support and public With extensive commu rebuilt in 2008 at the hthouse was successfully Lig e org Ge St. pe Ca the and. center of St. George Isl Park, next to in St. George Lighthouse d ate loc is ht Lig e org The Cape St. Ge se Museum. The park sitor Center & Lighthou Vi d an Isl e org Ge St. the ardwalk to the wers, restrooms, and a bo sho s, ion vil pa nic pic es includ small exhibit area information and a ers off r nte Ce or sit Vi beach. The of lighthouse artifacts. e Island lf Beach Drive St. Georg Contact Info: 2 East Gu .com www.seestgeorgeisland Email: info@seestgeorg ee 888.927.7744 850.927.7744 Toll Fr 25 LET ME HELP YOU DISCOVER TH E FORGOTTEN C OAST Charlotte Russ ell e he ar t Co nv en ien tly loc ate d in th rgotten Coast of Carrabelle. Serving the Fo chicola. from Alligator Point to Apala ® David Zeigler, REALTOR 91 I 850-228-60 Office Box 826 314 St. James Avenue I Post Carrabelle, FL 32322 TIMBER ISLA ND REALTY IN C. #103 Marine S treet Carrabelle ,Fl. 32322 E-mail; tirealty charlotte@forg ottencoastreale Office#850-69 7-3252 Cell # 850-370 -6223 www.forgotten coastrealestate .com Tiki Hut Restaurant Waterfront Dining on the Carrabelle River , serving fresh local seafood, steaks and sandwiches. Come and watch the suns on our waterfront pa ets tio and watch the do lphins swim in the ri ver. 475 Timber Island Road • Carrabelle, FL 32322 • 85 0-697-3337 GS MAOT COA RRR AIBN ELLE THE t, Ice, Pump out ai B , el u F – a in • Mar t rmanent/Transien Pe – s p li S et W • Rentals • Hotel /Condo • Trailer Storage e, We are a first-com a, in ar m e first-serv ic. open to the publ 32322 M I Carrabelle, FL ce ffi O st Po I 98 1000 US Hwy 6.821.2248 2800 I Toll Free 86 Phone www.m Yo ur M at ch m ak er on th e Fo rg ot te n Co as t tch ma ke r Yo ur Co as tal Pr op er ty Ma Pandora Schlitt Pa nd or a Sc hli tt y Pr ud en tia l Re so rt Re alt 85 0.6 53 .66 90 88 8.8 77 .31 61 Ex t.1 23 ers .co m ww w. the ret rea tat thr ee riv om tt.c hli pa nd ora @ pa nd ora -sc The area in and around Carrabelle has much to offer residents and visitors alike. For more information, click the links below. Parks and Beaches Things to Do e Around Carrabell Alligator Point: Secluded peninsula. Fifteen minute drive east of Carrabelle. Beautiful uncrowded beaches. Ft. Gadsen State Park: Is a historic battle site located approximately 20 miles north of East Point on SR65. The fort was a British base in the War of 1812, and overlooks the Apalachicola River. Exhibits and replicas of the fort are on display, public facilities available. St. George Island State Park: Is a 20 minute drive west of Carrabelle. State Park, sugar sand beaches and dunes. This park includes a series of trail boardwalks and observation platforms, allows the visitor to "see it all". Also bike trails available. Ochlockonee State Park: A 392 acre park with public facilities, picnic areas, fishing and boat ramp. Canoe rental available. Approximately 15 minutes east of Carrabelle. Museums Camp Gordon Johnston Museum: Operated by the Camp Gordon Johnston Association and located at 302 Marine Street across from City Hall. The museum houses memorabilia, photographs, records and related historical information on the WW II training facility. Information from the 4th, 28th and 38th Infantry Divisions, the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 6th Amphibious Brigades as well as all the related specialized units who trained at the camp is available for all to see. The museum is open on Saturdays from 1000 hours till 1400 hours (10 am till 2 pm). The museum is dedicated to preserving the historical accuracy of the local area's part in this crucial period of World history, as well as honoring its veterans. Admission is free to the public. Donations are accepted. 850-697-8575 Other Apalachicola National Estuarine Research Reserve: The ANERR is located in the Florida panhandle approximately equidistant from Tallahassee and Panama City. Counties: Franklin, Gulf, Calhoun and Liberty. Nearby towns or cities: Apalachicola, Eastpoint, Port St. Joe, and Wewahitchaka Adjacent roads: U.S. Hwy. 98, SR 65 FSU Coastal Marine Laboratory: Located on St. James Island in northwest Florida, the laboratory offers unique o pportunities for research, education, and outreach on the Gulf of Mexico in a biologically diverse, pristine environment. Habitats range from inshore oyster reefs to offshore patch reefs, from freshwater bogs to sea grass and salt marshes. Crooked River Lighthouse: Located west of town just past the Carrabelle Beach. The Carrabelle Lighthouse Association will be leasing it from the City and plan to open it up to the public as soon as possible. You can drive back and look at it. Dog Island: A small remote island only accessible by boat or plane. Spend a day with nature marshes and pine forests or on sugar sand beaches. Gulf Specimen Marine Laboratory: Features unique variety of Florida Marine Life, see the "See & Touch" tanks. The organization is dedicated to scientific research, education and protection of our natural resources. 20 minutes east of Carrabelle on US Hwy 98. 850-984-5297 Wakulla Springs: Has jungle boat tours, glass bottom boats, nature trails, swimming and picnic area. This is a 40 minute drive east of Carrabelle. 850-926-0600 31 Nourishing the Spirit If you are one that finds peace and serenity in a daybreak or sunset, we invite you to experience the joy found in walking on our unspoiled white-sand beaches or sitting on the banks of one of our beautiful river marshes. However, if you prefer a more conventional worship center, several are listed below and within their walls you will find the warmth and friendliness that is characteristic of our community. Area Churches Church of God 1478 Hwy 67 Carrabelle, FL. 32322 Phone: 850-697-2790 Sacred Heart Church (Catholic) 2653 Hwy 98 Lanark Village Carrabelle, FL. 32322 Carrabelle Christian Center 136 River Rd. Carrabelle, FL 32322 Phone: 850-697-3232 Fellowship Baptist 706 Ryan Dr. Carrabelle, FL 32322 Carrabelle United Methodist 102 NE Ave B Carrabelle, Fl. 32322 Phone: 850-697-3672 First Baptist Church 206 SE Ave A Carrabelle, FL 32322 Phone: 850-697-3819 Church of the Ascension (Episcopal) 110 NE 1st St. Carrabelle, FL 32322 Phone: 850-697-4555 First Assembly of God 307 W 3rd St. Carrabelle, Fl. 32322 Phone: 850-697-3595 32 s t n e Ev St. George Island Charity Chili Cookoff 1st Saturday in March SGI Fire Department 850.927.2753 Camp Gordon Johnston Days 2nd Weekend in March CGJ Museum 850.697.6575 Eastpoint Rib Cookoff 3rd Weekend in March Eastpoint Fire Department 850.670.9000 Carrabelle Riverfront Festival 4th Weekend in April Carrabelle Chamber of Commerce 850.697.2585 Apalachicola Antique Boat Show 4th Saturday in April Apalachicola Chamber of Commerce 850.653.9419 33 Big Bend Saltwater Classic Father’s Day Weekend in June Kingfish Shoot Out Fishing Tournament 3rd Weekend in September C-Quarters Marina 850.697.8400 Oyster Spat Festival 2nd Weekend in October St. George Island Merchants Association Florida Seafood Festival 1st Weekend in November Florida Seafood Festival Associatoin 850.653.8011 Forgotten Coast Black Beer Festival Third Saturday in October 850.697.2585 Boat Parade of Lights and Holiday on the Harbor 2nd Saturday in December Carrabelle Area Chamber of Commerce 850.697.2585 34 g in h is F d n a g in t a Bo rgotten Coast. Capitol of the Fo g in sh Fi d an g in Boat ulf Coast Carrabelle, The is located on the G e, lif of y wa a en be fishing in the world y years, fishing has some of the finest lage where for man d vil fin ng ll hi wi fis u ul yo ef e ac er Carrabelle, a pe t of Tallahassee. H ur’s drive southwes ho an st ju e dl an panh saltwater. rabelle has ... both fresh and visit the area. Car at th en rm he fis d at ge. Two public bo cater to boater s an 0 boat/trailer stora ed marinas, which 15 pp d ui an eq ps e. lly in sli fu l ar ck ra M e There are seve t slips, 355 dr y sta arina and Docksid as with over 225 we mps: Moorings M in ra ar m at bo ice e rv at se iv llpr fu o five reet and tw and and Four th St may wish ramps: Timber Isl y fishing. Or, you ba or e or fsh of r e fo streams feed the are readily availabl erous sloughs and and char ter boats um nd N ou n. ab s tio ac tie ili of ib plenty endless variety Angling poss tfish, as well as an ce angler can find ca vi at no a th d en fin ev o e er als ll wi to head upriver wh drop that bait. re is excellent. You waiting for you to and bass fishing he st ea ju ar e is ar th ... s nd er ou ck ar rivers and stumpkno lcrackers, bluegills choices, of pan fish ... shel are almost endless e er th , rs gle an er here. As for saltwat kled trout, redf ish fisherman’s heaven lar species are spec fly a pu e po ar e er or m m m e su th long. Redf ish me of Spring and early g with the bay, so ey do bite all year th tin t ar bu St ut e. or tro fsh ed of kl d tide and r spec both in the bay an rs at the change of best time to fish fo ba e r th ste is oy e er ar nt ts wi be rly ll, ea ed trout. Your best Ba lla st C ove of f and sharks. Late fa arks like to cr ui se me places as speckl sh sa e ip th r kt of ac e Bl m . so es sh in ar will find a numbe th e m can be found ding of fshore, you ba rs le ad in g in to r ea H ste d. oy an th d Isl wi an og ks as D ee in of ar th e m ou th of cr arks at both ends available at the m also find larger sh on char ts readily ay d m ke u ar r and yo m e d pe ar an ou s d gr ef g an re ga e Dog Isl d here are Many of th fin e. ll ad wi m s an er m gl d an an at icial ck , cobia, wahoo, lar saltwater fish th of reefs, both ar tif of the more popu u will find amberja o yo Tw e . or wn fsh to of r in he re rt bait shops he ser reefs. A little fu tless others. lly found on the clo ua us r, pe ou pompano and coun gr l, d re re ke ac m ish an per, king and Sp cal beaches dolphin, red snap ng at one of the lo hi fis rf su y jo en ll ackerel. may sti at times Spanish m e not for you, you d ar an rs te no ar pa ch m d po , an ish s a boat you ride the wave s of flounder, redf If you do not have e in the salt air as ng may yield catche th hi ea fis Br . y se ke ba di ta d ra d an pa an rf in our area. Su in our little bit of e new memories a me and participate irit and mind, mak sp co , to dy u bo yo perience. te te na vi ve in ju So, we place to re at you will ever ex a th d s et fin ns ll su wi u ul yo tif e au Her t be discover of the Gulf Coast. in some of the mos here. We’ll let you u yo g in ait aw ts of the gif These are just a few you arrive! on your own once rs he ot e th of e m so 35 Fishing Tournaments Carrabelle is home to several fish ing tournaments throughout the year: Big Bend Saltwater Classic Tournam ent is held Father’s Day weekend in June. This tournament attracts 700 and benefits OAR (Organization for anglers Artificial Reefs). The headquarters is The Carrabelle Boat Club. Visit for more information or call 850.216.227 2 C-Quarters Marina Kingfish Sho otout Tournament is held the four th weekend in September. All prof to the Leukemia Foundation. Visit its go or call 850 .697.8400. Youth Fishing Tournament is held the third Saturday in July at the C-Q uarters Marina for youth 15 and und For more information contact the er. marina at 850.697.8400. Fishing License Info Fishing Licenses are sold in the Cou nty Tax Collector’s Off ice and man y bait and tackle shops. Licenses can also be obtained over the phone bydialing 1-888-347-4356. Non-Resident Saltwater 3 - day $17.00 Freshwater 3 - day $17.00 Saltwater 7 - day $30.00 Freshwater 7 - day $30.00 Saltwater 1 - year $47.00 Freshwater 1 - year $47.00 Florida Resident Saltwater 1 - year $17.00 Freshwater 1 - year $17.00 36 Dog Island fury of the Gulf waters, d that protects Carrabelle from the Dog Island, the jewel-like barrier islan ling, crabbing and shore tine white sand beaches, good shel pris its for ors visit to wn kno best is and recreational boating base. fishing, and as a superior beach-picnic vacation homes, there are island, although most of them are There are about 100 homes on the vegetation for m practice xeriscaping(use of native who of t mos ts, den resi time full3 30-3 dences. landscaping) for their sand-swept resi gh there are no typical d beauty by boat or airplane, and thou Visitors can enjoy the barrier islan must be arranged in rooms, and limited rooming (which rest lic pub , food no es: niti ame ist tour h-lover. e is plenty for the out-doors and beac advance through a local agency) ther h and coastal hiking, and ies) opportunities are endless, beac Birdwatching (especially shore spec ch artists opportunities. less hours of photography and sket end give itats hab ral natu and life wild artist resides e year-round, and at least one famous ther visit here anyw sets sun best the Some of natural beauty for his subject matter. there and takes full advantage of the native vegetation, the sandy "hills' with all manner of ws stre itat hab e dun ida Flor ect Perf ing over the dunes, list. (No picking the sea oats; no walk the ing topp oats sea of es wav en the gold no dogs allowed) t end (at the pass) r the far points of either end, the wes favo ls loca , ping cam or ng icki picn For shif ting sand banks bing (in season). The east end (with crab and ing, fish re sho s, trip day best for , and beach-bumming. boat at your peril!) camping, shelling under the blue waters, approach by emcompassing 1,842 acres. miles long and up to ¾ mile wide, 1/2 6 ely mat roxi app is nd Isla Dog 37 38 Birding CARRABELLE about an hour southwest of Tallahassee, is in an area that is a little-known stopover for migrant birds crossing the Gulf of Mexico on their way north. Carrabelle is a quaint fishing town that overlooks an estuary with American oystercatchers and brown pelicans - and you may, driving just a short distance either east or west, find parks, reserves and birds, birds, and more birds. DOG ISLAND is a barrier island accessible only by water-taxi, boat or plane. On this island you may encounter herons, egrets, terns, shorebirds, loons, grebes, ducks, kingfishers, wrens, sparrows and warblers. It is truly worth a boat trip! TATES HELL STATE FOREST is one continuous tract of land comprising over 202,000 acres. Many species of wildlife make their home in the forest. Those with confirmed sightings on Tate's Hell State Forest that are currently listed as threatened, endangered or species of special concern are: bald eagle and red-cockaded woodpecker. Tates Hell State’s Forest is on the Great Florida Birding Trail. BALD POINT Tidal marshes along northwestern Bald Point offer unobstructed views over a flat terrain of needle rush and saw grass, and provide rich feeding grounds for land and seabirds such as bald eagles, osprey and migrating falcon and is a draw for gallinules, tricolor herons, limpkins, anhinga, nesting yellow-crowned night herons, pied-billed grebes, and great egrets ST. GEORGE ISLAND just 25 miles west of Carrabelle is a narrow barrier island containing a beautiful state park. Here you may find American oystercatchers, pine, Cape May and prothonotary warblers, green and great blue herons, orchard orioles, blue grosbeaks, and red-eyed and white-eyed vireos. Osprey, great crested flycatchers, Sandwich and Forsterís terns are also a possibility. This island is famous for the oystercatchers nesting on the causeway leading to the island. ST. MARKS NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE is 47 miles east of Carrabelle and is the largest coastal refuge. Here you will find white ibis, eastern kingbirds, wood ducks, night herons, bluebirds, pine warblers, swallow-tailed kite, wood storks (an endangered species), migrating hawks, red-cockaded woodpeckers, Bachman’s sparrows, blue winged teals, woodstocks, bald eagles, red-tailed hawks and red-shouldered hawks in season. Wintering marbled godwits, snow geese, white pelicans and red headed ducks also stop over. Purple gallinules, terns, cormorants, brown pelicans and gulls loaf here year-round. 39 OCHLOCKONEE RIVER STATE PARK is a beautiful and peaceful park situated at theconfluence of the Ochlocknee and Dead Rivers and Big Tide Creek, just 10 miles from the coast and a short distance from Carrabelle. It provides productive birding with easy walking trails - where you may see the endangered red cockaded woodpecker cavity trees, marked by white bands. APALACHICOLA NATIONAL ESTUARINE RESERVE During spring and fall migrations the wetland communities provide good birding spots. In certain areas, you may well observe a bald eagle or osprey over the water, as well as, wood duck, wading birds, red-shouldered hawk, barred owl, swallow tailed and Mississippi kites, hairy and pileated woodpeckers and Acadian flycatchers. In the pine flatwoods, look for brown-headed nuthatch, pinewarbler, red-bellied woodpecker, southeastern American Kestrel, and Bachman’s sparrows. Unrushed, uncrowded, with many parks and refuges, Florida’s Forgotten Coast is home to many species and we invite you to come and experience the wonders of nature offered by our area. 40 Alligato r Po int “Alligator Point” – the name inspires curiosity, and the landscape merits further exploration. This pristine coastal community is located just an hour from Tallahassee, but is countless worlds away. The usual trappings of strip malls, movie theaters, nightclubs and your overscheduled life are beautifully absent here, and once you step anywhere on our 8-mile stretch of unspoiled, white-powder sand beaches, we guarantee you’ll gain a new perspective. Alligator Point is surrounded by 5,000 acres of the Bald Point State Park. This well-protected land offers an unrivaled encounter with Florida's natural habitat. Sea oat-covered sand dunes, marsh and pond habitats and pine forest make this area perfect for bird watching and wildlife observation. Spring and fall migrations bring birds and butterflies alike. Buntings, tanagers, grosbeaks, bald eagles, scissor-tailed flycatchers, and swallow-tailed kites are but a few of the feathered visitors to our area. Owls, osprey, pileated woodpeckers and many others are residents here. The varied landscape also offers sanctuary for animals such as the black bear, bobcats, white-tailed deer, coyote, otters, manatees, a host of smaller animals and of course, alligators. The absence of noise and glaring lights make prime relaxation and exquisite stargazing main attractions, but if you’d rather take a more active role in your entertainment, kayaking, boating and fishing are terrific alternatives. Fly fish for tarpon, chase red fish and trout, or fish offshore for grouper, mackerel, amberjack, cobia and snapper. Alligator Point offers both protected boating in the Alligator Harbor Aquatic Preserve and deep water fishing in the Gulf of Mexico. Alligator Point Yacht Basin is a full-service marina conveniently located on Alligator Point. After a day of doing as little or as much as you like, be sure to take full advantage of our proximity to superior seafood. Whether you choose fresh fish, shrimp, oysters or crabs from our nearby seafood markets to prepare yourself or you enjoy the convenience of skillfully prepared dishes from the unlimited array of local restaurants, you’ll agree that you’ve never had fresher. Many of our visitors marvel at how such an untainted place could exist in Florida and why more people don’t know about it. Haven’t they answered their own question and wouldn’t it be great to be one of the few who wonders the same thing? Now that you know we’re here, discover for yourself what makes this place so special. 41 Bald Point State Park While visiting Alligator Point be sure to visit Bald Point State Park. The park offers a multitude of land and water activities. Coastal marshes, pine flatwoods, and oak thickets foster a diversity of biological communities that make the park a popular destination for birding and wildlife viewing. Every fall, bald eagles, other migrating raptors, and monarch butterflies are commonly sighted as they head south for the winter. Bald Point offers access to two Apalachee Bay beaches for swimming, sunbathing, and fishing. Other activities include canoeing, kayaking, windsurfing, and hiking. Facilities include a fishing dock and picnic pavilions. For more information: 850.349.9146 www. 42 Camp Go Johnsto rdon n Museu m On June 6, 1944, just hours before the start of the D-Day invasions of Europe, General Dwight D. Eisenhower spoke to the Soldiers, Sailors and Airmen of the Allied Expeditionary Force. He started his address to these brave young men by saying, "You are about to embark upon the Great Crusade, toward which we have striven these many months.” But where did this Crusade begin for these young men? What brought a mid-western farmer, West Virginia coal miner and young steel mill worker from Pennsylvania to these European and later Pacific beaches? Where did these young men train for this "Great Crusade?” For many, this crusade started on Florida's Forgotten Coast. For four years, (acres) of beaches and woods along the shores of North Florida were converted to a base with the sole purpose of training amphibious soldiers and their support groups. Originally named Camp Carrabelle after the community it took over, and later named Camp Gordon Johnston, this facility trained over a quarter million men for amphibious assaults during World War II Camp Gordon Johnston opened in 1942 and closed in June of 1946. The Camp Gordon Johnston Museum is located in downtown Carrabelle. The museum promotes not only the history of World War II, but also portrays the gigantic effort that our nation poured into this conflict. The Camp Gordon Johnston Museum has compiled an extensive history of the various units that trained here, as well as photographic displays of the area and life as it existed at the camp. Furthermore, The Camp Gordon Johnston veterans have contributed the artifacts brought back from battles overseas, along with uniforms, mess kits, and all sorts of souvenirs. It is a must see for anyone visiting this area. It is located on 302 Marine Street in downtown Carrabelle along the riverfront. 43 For more information, please contact the Camp Gordon Johnston Association, P.O. Box 1334, Carrabelle, Florida 850.697.8575 rve e s e r p o t s i e l o r s ’ ed m n i u a e r s t u o m h e w Th en m e h t f o e . g I I a t r i r a e W h d e l th or W g n i r u d p m a c e h t at 44 St. George Island On St. George Island, a tide chart is more important than an alarm clock. Who would have thought that a four-mile drive over a bridge could take you so far way? While here, camp at the State Park, rent a hotel room, or reserve a villa or spacious home on the bay, beach, or in-between. Bring your pet. St. George Island is one of the few beaches that allows pets, and many vacation homes are pet-friendly. You’re on island time on St. George. There are 20 miles of beach on the gulfside, and miles of marsh, inlets and oyster bars on the bayside. Swim in the clear gulf waters. Get a tan. Walk for hours on the beach. Kayak in bayside marshes or go for an exciting ride in the beach breakers. Rent a boat, a bike, or a scooter, or bring your own. Walk, jog or ride along quiet streets or on cleared wooded trails. Build sandcastles. See dolphins perform spontaneous aerial shows barely offshore. In October, watch clouds of migrating Monarch butterflies as they drift across the island. Enjoy glorious sunrises and sunsets. At night, gaze at more stars then you ever imagined possible. Or just sprawl out in your beach chair and relax. When you want to get out and about, shop at interesting and distinctive island stores where you can purchase beachwear or beachfare, baked goods, garden plants, spices, groceries, vegetables, jewelry, libations, and art. Have your picture taken or your hair styled. Attend a local church. Join in a holiday parade! Be sure to stop by the visitor center and see the reconstructed Cape St. George lighthouse. The fishing is great. The off-shore catch may include grouper, snapper, amberjack and cobia, to name a few favorites. From the shore, reel in redfish, sea trout, flounder and more. And don’t miss the pompano run in the spring! Whether with a guide or by yourself, hang on tight! Arrange for your charter captain to clean your catch or do it yourself. Sometimes though, you want it easy. If you’d rather that someone else caught your dinner, just-off-the-boat fish is available at the grocery and roadside stands. If you prefer to eat out, the raw bar and local restaurants specialize in serving the local catch in every style. Make sure you try some Apalachicola Bay oysters, the best in the world! And there’s always fresh wild shrimp. Subs and pizza are also available. After dinner, stop for an ice cream or visit a local nightspot for conversation and entertainment. St. George Island State Park is a gem in the Florida park system. It includes nine miles of beaches; the eastern-most five are accessible only by foot. You can camp, picnic at the pavilions, hike, fish, look for sea shells, or just relax. And bring your binoculars! In spring and fall, scarlet tanagers, indigo buntings, Baltimore orioles, cedar waxwings and dozens of other migratory species stop by. Bald eagles, owls, and osprey live here year-round, along with cardinals, towhees and many other colorful and busy species. Along the beach, there are scolding sea gulls, diving brown pelicans and scooting shore birds. From May to November, take a morning walk on the beach and look for the tracks of sea turtles that struggled ashore during the night to lay eggs. Later in the season, see the much smaller tracks of hatchlings struggling just as hard to get back to the sea. Enjoy, but keep your distance. It’s important that people and dogs stay away from the turtles, their nests, and the babies. Special events include the regional Chili Cookoff the first week of March and the Oyster Spat Festival during the long Columbus Day weekend. Lots of tasting for charity for charity at the first and family fun at the second. 45 You’re welcome here. Join us for a week or a month or forever and share that special “St. George” feeling : o f n i t c a t n o C isitor Center V d n la Is e g r o St. Ge Museum & Lighthouse h Dr. 2 E. Gulf Beac d, FL 32328 n St. George Isla sgilight@fairp t or c e r i D e v i t u c e al, Ex om h t n e s o R e n i a l E nd.c eestgeorgeisla 44 www.s 850-927-7744 888-927-77 46 MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY ACCOMMODATIONS Carrabelle Palms RV Park (850) 697-2638 Franklin Inn at Carrabelle (850) 697-4000 Georgian Motel (850) 697-3410 Moorings Marina/SeaChange (850) 697-2800 Old Carrabelle Hotel (B&B) (850) 697-9010 ACCOUNTING Marxsen Accounting (850) 697-2542 ARTISTS ART GALLERIES-ANTIQUES Penny Anderson (850) 697-3921 Carrabelle Artists Association (850) 697-4491 Miller’s Antiques (850) 697-3751 Moore Treasures (850) 697-4491 ASSOCIATIONS-ORGANIZATIONS Big Bend Hospice (850) 926-9308 Camp Gordon Johnston Assoc. (850) 697-8575 Capital Area Chapter American Red Cross (850) 878-6080 Carrabelle Lighthouse Association (850) 697-9790 FSU Coastal & Marine Laboratory (850) 697-4120 Franklin County Republican Committee (850) 927-2770 Franklin County Senior Citizens Council (850) 697-3760 Franklin’s Promise Coalition (850) 653-3930 Greater Tallahassee Chamber of Commerce (850) 224-8116 Sea Oats Garden Club (850) 697-9790 St. George Island Business Association (850) 653-6875 St. George Island Visitor’s Center (850) 927-7744 Wakulla County Chamber of Commerce (850) 926-1848 ATTORNEYS Charles Curran, PA (850) 697-5333 Daniel H. Cox, PA (850) 697-5555 Smith, Thompson, Shaw & Manausa, PA (850) 402-4100 47 BAIT-TACKLE-SEAFOOD SALES C-Quarters Marine Store (850) 697-8400 Fisherman’s Choice (850) 670-8808 CHARTER FISHING-DIVING & GUIDE SERVICES Book Me A Charter (850) 653-2622 Carrabelle Charters (850) 528-1926 Expeditions in Tate’s Hell (850) 697-2434 Last Cast Charters (850) 962-9956 Les Hassel Excursions (850) 697-5555 Natural World Charters, LLC (850) 228-9060 Z-Horse Charters (850) 228-6091 CHURCHES (see separate listing) CONSTRUCTION-CONTRACTORS BEC & Company (850) 528-2299 Gene Strickland, LLC (850) 528-4992 DEVELOPMENT COMPANIES/DEVELOPMENTS Mask Development (850) 566-6761 ELECTRICIANS-HEAT & AIR CONDITIONING Alternative Electric Company, LLC (850) 927-4610 Air Con of Wakulla, LLC (850) 926-5592 Barineau HTG &A/C Inc. (850) 580-4029 R. Gray & Assoc. Inc. (850) 653-7186 FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS Coastal Community Bank (850) 697-4500 Gulf State Community Bank (850) 697-3395 GOLF COURSES St. James Bay Golf Course (850) 697-9606 GROCERY STORES – DELI-BAKERY Cakes By Amy (850) 697-2077 The Market Place (St. George Island) (850) 927-2808 INDUSTRY-SERVICES 2K Web Group (850) 653-1122 Amy’s Promos (850) 697-5161 At Your Service Concierge (850) 591-5255 AT&T Advertising & Publishing (850) 471-5154 Daybreak Massage (850) 766-1087 Florida Business Products (850) 926-3302 Franklin Mini Storage (850) 697-3501 Garden’s Inc. (850) 653-1777 Georgia’s Notary Services (850) 697-2366 Gpik, LLC (850) 927-4747 Jackson’s Auto Parts & Ace Hardware (850) 697-3332 Les Hassel Excursions (850) 697-5555 Network Tallahassee (Internet Services) (850) 671-4007 Nice Car of Forgotten Coast, LLC (850) 697-4383 Norm’s Lawn Service (850) 320-4126 Pioneer Telephone Directories Corp. (334) 794-4129 Royce Rolstad Photography (850) 653-5586 Seminole Safe N Secure Storage (850) 670-4505 Sol Verde Renewable Energy Solutions, LLC (850) 323-0448 (850) 877-8885 Unique Nails & More (850) 670-4000 VMS Maintenance Systems (850) 379-3700 Waste Management (850) 874-1019 INSURANCE Barber Insurance Agency (850) 697-5110 Cook Insurance Agency, Inc. (850) 697-3473 Marks Insurance Agency, Inc. (850) 653-2161 MARINAS-MARINE SERVICES Allen’s Dockside Marine, Inc. (850) 697-3337 C-Quarters Marina (850) 697-8400 Carrabelle Marina (850) 697-3351 Moorings Marina/SeaChange (850) 697-2800 TowBoat U.S. Carrabelle-St. Marks (850) 697-8909 MEDICAL SERVICES-COUNSELING Big Bend Hospice (850) 926-9308 Coastal Foot & Ankle Clinic (Apalachicola) (850) 653-3338 George E. Weems Memorial Hospital (850) 653-8853 James Magee III, DDS (850) 697-2273 NHC Home Health Care (850) 697-2400 MORTGAGE COMPANIES Chollet Ramsey, Bank of America (850) 927-4812 NEWSPAPERS/MAGAZINES Apalachicola/Carrabelle Times (850) 653-2273 Forgotten Coast Magazine (850) 556-5449 The Franklin Chronicle (850) 670-4377 PRINTERS/GRAPHIC DESIGN/SIGNS Amy’s Promos (850) 697-5161 Bay Media Services (850) 653-9020 Boyd Brothers Printing (850) 763-1741 Prism Publications (850) 914-9488 REAL ESTATE Angler’s Harbor (850) 544-2504 Bayside Realty, Inc. (850) 697-3919 (800) 833-1673 Bill Miller Realty (850) 697-3751 Carrabelle Coastal Properties (850) 697-5444 Century 21 Collins Realty (850) 927-5469 Coastal Gems Real Estate (850) 926-1340 Coldwell Banker Forgotten Coast Realty (850) 899-9988 Gordon K. Adkins, Realtor (850) 927-4000 Harbor Point Realty (850) 349-9599 Ochlockonee Bay Realty, Inc. (850) 984-0001 Pandora Schlitt, Realtor (850) 927-3161 Prudential Resort Realty (850) 927-2666 Rae Roeder Realty (850) 681-3101 Realtors Assoc.of Franklin & So. Gulf Counties (850) 653-3322 Sandy Beach Properties (850) 697-5300 Sea Crest Realty, Inc. (850) 697-9604 Seaside Village (850) 697-6970 Shaun S, Donahoe (850) 653-8330 RESTAURANTS-LOUNGES COFFEE HOUSES Cakes By Amy (850) 697-2077 Carrabelle Junction (850) 697-9550 Chef Eddie’s Magnolia Grill (850) 653-8000 Fisherman’s Wife (850) 697-4533 Harry A’s Restaurant & Bar (850) 927-3400 Harry’s Bar & Package Store (850) 697-9982 Hog Wild BBQ (850) 697-2776 Home Town BP & Deli (850) 697-5111 Pirates Tiki Hut (850) 697-4331 That Place On 98 (850) 670-9898 The Funky Oyster Shack (850) 697-2324 TITLE COMPANIES Tallahassee Title Group, LLC (850) 580-2222 TRANSPORTATION At Your Service Concierge (850) 591-5255 Tow Boat U.S. Carrabelle-St. Marks (850) 697-8909 VACATION RENTALS Angler’s Harbor (850) 544-2504 Boop’s Landing (850) 899-3175 Collins Vacation Rentals (SGI) (850) 927-5469 Harbor Point Vacation Rentals (850) 349-9599 Home Away Vacation Rentals (SGI) (512) 493-0382 Jasmine-By-The-Sea (850) 697-8593 Chip Kaye (404) 266-0067 Resort Vacation Properties of St. George Island (850) 927-2322 Sandy Beach Properties (850) 697-5300 The Villas at St. James Bay (850) 697-9606 VETERINARIAN Apalachicola Bay Animal Clinic (850) 670-8306 ASSOCIATE MEMBERS Sheila Hauser (850) 251-0445 Sharon Thoman (850) 697-2220 INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS Don & Pam Ashley (850) 697- 8993 R. Bruce Barnes (850) 927-3262 Kathi Jones (850) 877-2994 Adrian & Mary Claire Lovell (850) 697-8567 William & Wanda Rose (850) 545-5852 Oryan Speed (850) 653-8156 Leon Wiesener (850) 697-9620 Suzanne Zimmerman (850) 697-8974 Jack & Carol Zurawka (850) 697-9183 RELOCATION INFORMATION EDUCATION Franklin County Board of Education (850) 653-8831 Franklin County Consolidated Schools (850) 670-2800 Franklin County Literacy Program (850) 670-4481 Franklin County Public Library-Carrabelle Branch (850) 697-2366 Gulf Coast Community College (850) 872-3800 Gulf Coast Workforce Board (850) 913-3285 EMERGENCIES Carrabelle Fire Dept. 911 Emergency Management (850) 653-8977 Lanark-St. James Fire Dept. (850) 697-3227 Police Department (850) 697-3691 Sheriff’s Department (850) 697-2113 GOVERNMENT Carrabelle Post Office (850) 697-3339 City of Carrabelle (850) 697-3618 City Commissioners (850) 697-2727 Community Development (850) 697-3307 County Commissioners (850) 653-2227 Court House Annex-Carrabelle (850) 697-3263 Florida Fish & Wildlife (850) 697-3741 Franklin County Landfill (850) 670-8167 Franklin County Health Dept. (850) 697-4121 Lanark Village Post Office (850) 697-2751 Planning & Zoning (850) 653-9783 Property Appraiser-Tax Collector (850) 697-3263 Supervisor of Elections (850) 697-3263 UTILITIES Eveready Gas Co. (850) 697-3334 FairPoint Communication-Telecommunication (850) 229-7355 Mediacom-Telecommunications (850) 934-7700 Progress Energy-Electric (850) 342-2348 48 L AW O F F I C E S O F Ch arl es A. Cu rra n, P.A . •Wills and Estates •Real Estate •Construction Insurance •Civil Litigation/Personal Injury P O Box 549 Carrabelle, Florida 3232 2 I 106 Tallahassee Street Telephone: 850.697.5333 I Fax: 850. 697.5558 Email: Fisherman’s Choice BA IT 4 TA CK LE 4 SE AF OO D Charles Pennycuff & Rex Pennycuff toint, Fl 32328 P O Box 274 • 330 Highway 98 • Easp baiti .best www • Tel: 850.670.8808 Hog Wild Bar-B-Q PO RK •C HI C KE N• B EE F• T U RK EY •R IB S Hickory smoked th e old fashion way wi th all the fixins prepar ed from our own re cipes Lunch Buffet: A boatload of mea ts & veggies. All You Can Eat. Now Serving some of the best seafood on the coast & Ice Cold Beer. H ome of Hobos’s Ic e Cream. “Worth Driving 100 Miles 1593 West Highway For” 98 • Carrabelle, Fl orida 32322 850.697.2776 • Em ail: khogwild@gtco LAST CAST CHA RT E R S Riverview Restaurant •Riverfront View •Family Atmosphere •Local Fresh Seafood an d Steaks •Pizza and Real Beef Bu rgers •Dine In and Carry Ou t •Dailey Specials •Deliver in the Carrabel le area •Shuttle Ser vice Available Light Tackle Bay and Flats Fi shing Carrabelle to O chlockonee Bay Inshore Grouper Trips Scenic Water To urs Captain Terry C aruthers 600 Marine Street (Next Door to Wicked Willie’s) 850.697.8488 Wicked Willie’s 850.697.8480 Riverview Carrabelle, Florida 850.251.5571 I www.LastCastC USCG 1119905 CARRABELLE MARINA er arrabelle Riv C e th n O Located ter of Town In The Cen vice Marin Full-serto re a • Ships S r Boats • 67 Slips fo et fe 3 5 up to on p Out Stati • Fuel - Pum d Showers an • Laundry Welcome ts en si n ra T • nt t Tourname u to o o h S tion Kingfish mia Founda e k u e L e th Supports September in d n e k e e Last W 98 ue A, Hwy n e v A W 501 N s r te r a u q .c 00 • www 850.697.84 Drawer BB 803 N. W. Ave. A, Hwy 98 I P O 22 Carrabelle, Florida 323 850.697.3351 I www.carrabellema FROM 18’ TO 36’ SALES AND SERVICE OFFERING A FULL LINE OF GRADY WHITE Y-DRY STORAGE - WET SLIPS BRUCE SHAFFER, GENERAL MANAGER get her B r ing ing Fu n a nd Fis hin g to tten Coast Covering the waters of the Forgo From 6" to 60 Fathom. e! Come Fish, Dive, Snorkel or Cruis Licensed and Master Captain Captain Kamen Miller, U. S. C. G. All charters include: • Saltwater Fishing license's bait • Quality Rods, Reels, lures,desi re) (you may bring your own Rod & Reel if you • Professional Captain/Guide nch • Cooler with ice for your drinks/lu • A day of fishing fun of our boats * Children are welcome aboard all ers fish cleaning angl two than more of ies part For ** fee l tiona addi is available for an wes Redfisher 16' • Pressure Drop 46’ • Panga 26' • He St. James Bay Health & Rehabilitation Center Services offered: • Skilled, Intermediate and Hospice Care • Personal Assistance with Activities of Dail y living • Private and Semi-Private Rooms • Physical Therapy • Occupational Therapy • Speech Therapy • Medical Nutrition Therapy • Restorative Care Program • Respite Care • Registered Dietician Services • Housekeeping and Laundry Services • Beauty and Barber Shop • Cable TV • Transportation Services • Activities Program • Planned Social Activities and Events • Medical Director of Staff • Medicaid, Medicare, Private Pay and Qua lified Insurance 239 Crooked River Rd, Carrabelle, FL 32322 8 5 0 . 6 9 7. 214 1