Isett Seta
Isett Seta
Isett Seta Skills Development Facilitator Training Guide for the Isett Seta On-Line Grant System 2008 Version 1.0 Skills Development Facilitator Training Guide for the Isett Seta On-Line Grant System, 2008, Version 1.0 Page 1 Table of Contents 1 Introduction 3 2 Benefits of the System 3 3 Logging on to the Isett Seta On-Line Grant System 3 4 First-Time Registration of the SDF on the System: 4 5 6 7 4.1 Entering Your Personal Details 4 4.2 Linking Yourself to an Organisation 5 4.3 Submission of Letter of Appointment 6 Accessing the Isett On-Line Grant System 6 5.1 Logging On 6 5.2 The SDF Dashboard 7 5.2.1 Explanation of the Screen Icons 7 5.2.2 Selecting the Appropriate Year 7 5.2.3 The Dashboard Graph 7 5.2.4 List of Companies to Which the SDF is Linked 8 Accessing an Organisation 8 6.1 The “Organisation Info” Tab 8 6.2 The “Org Contacts” Tab 9 6.3 The “SDF” Tab 9 6.4 The “WSP Plan and Report” Tab 10 6.4.1 Creating a New WSP 11 6.4.2 Printing an ATR/WSP Report 11 6.4.3 Accessing the Forms 11 WSP Forms 11 The Annual Training Forms 14 6.5 The “Grants and Levies” Tab 14 6.6 The “Associate SDF” Tab 16 6.7 The “EMP 201” Forms Tab 17 Submission and Approval Skills Development Facilitator Training Guide for the Isett Seta On-Line Grant System, 2008, Version 1.0 17 Page 2 1 Introduction The web-based On-Line Grant System has been designed to assist Skills Development Facilitators (SDFs) in capturing and submitting Workplace Skills Plan (WSP) and Annual Training Report (ATR) forms electronically. This manual addresses capturing the required forms on the Isett On-Line Grant System. The SDF can also approach the Isett Skills Advisors for support. Note that the ATR reflects the actual data for the period 1st April 2007 to 31st March 2008, whereas the WSP looks forward, covering the period April 2008 to 31st March 2009. 2 Benefits of the System The system eliminates the need for SDFs to fill in information manually and sending the forms to Isett. 3 Logging on to the Isett Seta On-Line Grant System Go to Isett Seta’s website:, then click on “Stakeholder Logon” which is situated on the top right hand corner. Figure 1: The Isett Seta Home Page The user will then be transferred to the On-Line Grant System home page, as presented in Figure 2. Skills Development Facilitator Training Guide for the Isett Seta On-Line Grant System, 2008, Version 1.0 Page 3 Figure 2: SDF Stakeholder Logon Page If you have already registered with Isett as an SDF, proceed to Section 5. 4 First-Time Registration of the SDF on the System: To register, the SDF must go to the “Stakeholder Logon” page, as described above. You will be required to capture your details on the system. To do this, click on the following icon require your personal details. 4.1 . This icon directs you to a form that will Entering Your Personal Details The form will require your personal details such as your name, surname, ID number, address etc. See Figure 3 below. Figure 3: Registration Form for New SDFs Skills Development Facilitator Training Guide for the Isett Seta On-Line Grant System, 2008, Version 1.0 Page 4 At the top of the page, there is a dropdown within which you must specify if you are an SDF or an ISDF. The system will direct you through the forms that you will need to complete. The second page of the form requires the user to specify which organisations will be linked to the SDF. The form also asks you to enter your username and password onto the form. Please note that this does not mean that you have access onto the system yet. This is because the Advisor at Isett Seta will have to go through your details and approve or reject your registration. Upon completion of the document, a confirmation letter is generated, as presented in Figure 4. Figure 4: Confirmation of Successful Registration The user has a choice to copy the above document or cancel registration or Register an Organisation. Figure 5: Options Available for Confirmation of Successful Registration 4.2 Linking Yourself to an Organisation Note that to link yourself to an organisation, you will be required to know the company’s SDL number. To link to a company, the user must select the “Register an Organisation” icon shown in Figure 5. This will take you to the screen presented in Figure 6. This will direct you to the following page. Skills Development Facilitator Training Guide for the Isett Seta On-Line Grant System, 2008, Version 1.0 Page 5 Figure 6: Linking to Organisations The user must enter the SDL number of the company they will be submitting WSP and ATR forms for, in the “register one or more organisations block.” Also on this screen are instructions that will assist you in adding an organisation. Once done, you must select the “Finished” button. 4.3 Submission of Letter of Appointment Once the online registration has been completed, the SDF is required to submit a letter of appointment to the SSP Advisor. The letter of appointment must contain the newly appointed SDF contact details and I.D. Number, and must confirm that he/she has been appointed by the Organisation. This letter should be signed by either/or the M.D, the Finance Director or the Human Resource Director. Once this letter has been received, the SDF registration will be approved and an automated confirmation email message will be sent to the SDF. The SDF will now be able to access the system. 5 Accessing the Isett On-Line Grant System 5.1 Logging On The SDF will go into the On-Line Grant System, as described in Section 3 above, and enter his/her username and password. Figure 7: Logon On Screen Skills Development Facilitator Training Guide for the Isett Seta On-Line Grant System, 2008, Version 1.0 Page 6 The SDF must select the “Skills - Current Year” in the “Logon To” dropdown. 5.2 The SDF Dashboard Once you access the system, you will be presented with the following screen: This screen is called the Skills Development Facilitator Dashboard. Figure 8: The SDF Dashboard 5.2.1 Explanation of the Screen Icons Home icon. The change role icon- this is for people that have more than one role on the system. It will not be a used for SDFs as they normally only have one role on the system. Log-off icon. Help icon. Reports icon- this functionality is not set-up for the SDFs to use at the moment. 5.2.2 Selecting the Appropriate Year In this portion of the screen, the SDF can select past years to view the organisations that they were linked to, using the following facility WSP year and will then select the “Change” icon. The user must select the 5.2.3 The Dashboard Graph Figure 9: The Dashboard Graph Skills Development Facilitator Training Guide for the Isett Seta On-Line Grant System, 2008, Version 1.0 Page 7 The graph displays the accepted WSPs and ATRs that are under your name as the SDF. 5.2.4 Important Information Note the “Important Info” block on the right-hand centre part of the screen. In this area, you can download all the documentation that will assist you to complete the ATR and WSP. 5.2.5 List of Companies to Which the SDF is Linked Figure 10: List of Companies to Which the SDF is Linked Here the SDF will be able to see which organisations he/she is linked to, which organisations the SDF has access to, and the status of their WSP and ATR forms on the system. Please note that as an SDF you may have more than one company that you are linked to and that you may have access to. 6 Accessing an Organisation To access an organisation, select the organisation name shown in the list. 6.1 The “Organisation Info” Tab Once the user has accessed the organisation’s database, the following screen is presented. Figure 11: The “Organisation Info” Page This is the first tab on the database. The Isett Data allows the SDF to edit and update the organisation’s information. Please note that Isett relies on the input of this information for the most recent information. This page is a mandatory page and the system will not allow the user to access the WSP and ATR forms unless this page has been completed. Skills Development Facilitator Training Guide for the Isett Seta On-Line Grant System, 2008, Version 1.0 Page 8 Once the SDF has updated the information on the organisation information tab, the SDF must indicate confirmation of details, by selecting the tick box. 6.2 The “Org Contacts” Tab Figure 12: The “Org Contacts” Page This screen is for SDFs to capture people that could be a point of contact for the Isett Advisors. Please make sure that at least two people are added to the contacts list, and must not include the SDF's contacts. Please ensure that the contact people are aware that their details have are added to the database. One of the Organisation Contacts should be from the Finance Department. You can capture as many people as you like. Note that all fields are mandatory except for the cell phone number. The system will prompt you to complete and confirm all your Company details and contact details before you can access the ATR and WSP forms. 6.3 The “SDF” Tab On The SDF screen the user will be able to see their registration form. The SDF can edit and update their information on this page. You may also view the Secondary SDF or the ISDF details by selecting the dropdown box at the top of the page. Skills Development Facilitator Training Guide for the Isett Seta On-Line Grant System, 2008, Version 1.0 Page 9 Figure 13: The “SDF” Information Page At the bottom of the page in Figure 13, please indicate whether you are an ISDF or not. 6.4 The “WSP Plan and Report” Tab Figure 14: The “WSP Plan and Report” Page Illustrated in Figure 14 is the screen that the SDF will see once you access the WSP Plan and Report screen. Skills Development Facilitator Training Guide for the Isett Seta On-Line Grant System, 2008, Version 1.0 Page 10 6.4.1 Creating a New WSP for a New Year The section in the top left-hand area of the screen, when a new form needs to be created for a new financial year. , is only active 6.4.2 Printing an ATR/WSP Report The Print Reports option, , is available on the right-hand bottom area of the screen, and allows you to print the forms that you have completed by clicking on the icon. 6.4.3 Accessing the Forms To view and complete the forms, select the icons that are displayed under the heading ”ATR . Forms” or “WSP Forms”. These are displayed by financial year. e.g: WSP Forms When the SDF selects “WSP Forms” for the financial year 08/09, the user will be shown the following screen: Figure 15: The WSP Forms to be Completed The SDF can now proceed with populating the various forms with data, in accordance with the ATR/WSP template and the instructions on each form. The ATR/WSP Template, as well as other relevant documents, is available from the SDF’s Dashboard. Please note that all forms are OFO aligned. This means that you will need to specify the Major Groups, the Sub Major Groups and the Occupations. The Provincial Profile Form You are required to complete the staff distribution per province and the number of sites. Skills Development Facilitator Training Guide for the Isett Seta On-Line Grant System, 2008, Version 1.0 Page 11 Figure 16: The Provincial Profile Form The Total number of employees on the Provincial Profile page must correspond with the Total on the Employment Profile page. If the two forms do not correspond, the system will prompt you with an error message, and you will be required to look at the totals and correct before you are able to submit the WSP and ATR forms. The Current Employment Profile Figure 17: The Current Employment Profile The SDF must select the Major Group, Sub-Major group and the Occupation and capture the “Total Payroll per Occupation”. Please note that the “Total Payroll per Occupation” field is optional, as explained in the Information Notice and ATR/WSP Template. The Training Budget Form On this form you need to complete your Organisation’s training budget for the financial year 2008-2009. Skills Development Facilitator Training Guide for the Isett Seta On-Line Grant System, 2008, Version 1.0 Page 12 Note that this training budget must be equal to or greater than the sum on the various training interventions; otherwise a pop up screen will specify a message telling the SDF that an error exists here. The Training Interventions Planned Forms These forms apply the same methodology as the Current Employment Profile. The SDF will select the Major Group, Sub-Major Group and the Occupation and capture the title of the training programme, as well as the Budget. Figure 18: An Example of a Training Interventions Planned Form The Critical Skills Form Figure 19: The Critical Skills Form Please refer to “WSP Support Document for SDFs”, available from our website at On this form we need to know when the need is for, Immediate or the upcoming years. Scarce Skills Please refer to “WSP Support Document for SDFs”. This form is similar to the “Critical Skills” form. Skills Development Facilitator Training Guide for the Isett Seta On-Line Grant System, 2008, Version 1.0 Page 13 The Annual Training Forms When the SDF selects “ATR Forms” for the financial year 08/09, the user will be shown the following screen: Figure 20: The ATR Forms to be Completed These forms are very similar to the WSP forms mentioned previously, except that actual data relating to the period 1st April 2007 to 31st March 2008 must now be specified. 6.5 The “Grants and Levies” Tab Figure 21: The “Grants and Levies” Tab Home Page This screen allows the SDF to view their Financial Statement Summary and/or their Grants and Levies. To view the financial statement summary, the SDF will select then select the respective financial year, followed by “Enter”. Skills Development Facilitator Training Guide for the Isett Seta On-Line Grant System, 2008, Version 1.0 and Page 14 Figure 22: The “Financial Statement Summary” Page Figure 22 displays what the SDF will see. The SDF also has a choice to either print the page or copy to a word document. To view the Grant and Levies, select year, followed by “Enter”. and then select the respective financial Figure 23: The “Grant and Levies” Page Figure 23 displays the grants that the Organisation has received from Isett, showing the date that the grants were received, the description and the amount. The SDF can then either Print the page, or view the Levies and Benefits by selecting the icons at the bottom of the screen. If the SDF selects the Levies, icon the system will display the following screen. Skills Development Facilitator Training Guide for the Isett Seta On-Line Grant System, 2008, Version 1.0 Page 15 Figure 24: The “Levies Received” Page Figure 24 displays the levy information and a breakdown of the funds that the Organisation contributed to SARS. This screen also has a print option. 6.6 The “Associate SDF” Tab This tab displays SDFs who have registered to be that specific organisation’s SDF on the system. This will display the previous SDF’s status on the system and also their status in terms of the access they have on the system, as well the SDF role. Figure 25: The “Associate SDF” Page Please note that only one SDF can access the system. This means that there can only one active SDF per organisation. The role contract SDF has limited view un-like the main SDF. Skills Development Facilitator Training Guide for the Isett Seta On-Line Grant System, 2008, Version 1.0 Page 16 6.7 The “EMP 201” Forms Tab Figure 26: The “EMP 201” Page As presented above, the Isett On-Line Grant System also has the feature where SDFs can upload their EMP201 forms, instead of submitting them manually. 7 Submission and Approval On completion of entering all data, the SDF must click the “Submit” button. If there are still errors in the data, the SDF will be informed of these. Once rectified, clicking the “Submit” button will result in the On-Line Grant System formally accepting all the data, and the company will be granted “Interim Approval” status. “Approved” status will be granted once the original Authorisation Form has been received by Isett. SDFs will be informed, via e-mail, when the ATR and WSP have been approved. A Grant Claim Form, also available on the Isett Seta website, will be attached to this e-mail. If you do not use the EMP201 upload facility in Isett’s On-Line Grant System, this form must be completed and attached to EMP 201 forms of the corresponding claim period. The claim form, together with the required attachments, must then be submitted directly to the Isett Seta Finance Department, as per the instructions printed on the Claim Form. If you use the EMP201 upload facility in Isett’s On-Line Grant System, there is no need to submit a Grant Claim Form. Skills Development Facilitator Training Guide for the Isett Seta On-Line Grant System, 2008, Version 1.0 Page 17
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