STK in the Collection Management Mission Applications
STK in the Collection Management Mission Applications
The Use of STK within the Collection Management Mission Applications G. Scott Kirkpatrick DIA DTF-1 Collection Capabilities and Integration Division Unclassified CMMA 101 • CMMA was commissioned in August 2000 by the Military Intelligence Board to provide a combined All-Source Collection and ISR Battle Management tool set for theater and component commands. – Focus on providing collections and ISR research, planning, synchronization, and 3D visualization • Functionally managed by DIA and STRATCOM ISR Division through a Collection Requirements Review Board and technically managed by the JDISS JPO, CMMA is comprised of proven COTS and GOTS components and associated data services. • Capitalizes and relies on the tremendous success of 3-D visualization capabilities provided by STK as implemented by Battlespace Visualization Initiative (BVI), Flight Control and Surveillance Reconnaissance Management Tool-Kit (SRMT). Unclassified Pg 2 of 7 CMMA Tool Set Unclassified Pg 3 of 7 CMMA-STK Architecture • CMMA fields STK on dedicated Windows NT, 2K and XP workstations (Collection Management Work-Stations (CMWS)) on JDISS and DISA COE baselines. • By the end of FY04 there will be approximately 400 fielded workstations supporting over 1500 CONUS, Afloat and Deployed users. • Fielded on hardware ranging from robust dual processor mini-towers to single processor deployable and hardened laptops. Unclassified Pg 4 of 7 CMMA use of STK for Collections and ISR Battlespace Visualization Unclassified Pg 5 of 7 CMMA Uses of STK • Determine ISR Access and Feasibility utilizing STK analysis engine. • Visualize ISR Access and Feasibility calculated by other CMMA tools. • Visualize ISR Planned, Executing, and Executed Collection on a three Dimensional Common Operational Picture incorporating disparate data and live data feeds. Unclassified Pg 6 of 7 CMMA POC’s Web Essex JDISS Technical Director Office of Naval Intelligence 301-669-2277 Jim Sigafoose JDISS Projects Director Office of Naval Intelligence 301-669-5246 G. Scott Kirkpatrick DIA DTF-1 Collection Capabilities and Integration 703-907-0330 Mr. Jeff Halvorson CMMA Lead Contractor Northrup Grumman Corp 301-669-5053 Unclassified Pg 7 of 7
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