MIUUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL HELD IN JOINT SESSION WITH THE ZONING AND PLANNING BOARD IN THE CITY HALL OF NAPLES, FLORIDA, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 21, 1967, AT 9:00 A.M. ROLL CALL: Present: Archie Turner, Mayor M. J. Casey Miller, Councilwoman Wesley G. Downing Joel Kuperberg Philip C. Morse, Jr. S. Meredi4 Strong, Jr., Councilmun C4 1••••1 Also Present: Vincent P. Wood, Jr., City Manager Thomas T. Trettis, Jr., City Attorney Bert L. Pinkston, Building-Tax Official D. L. Bass, Chief of Police G. P. Rifler, Fire Chief William F. Savidge, Public works Director Pat Park, Maintenance Superintendent Ray Miller, Engineer Sam England, Collier County News Sam Lieberman, Collier County News Jane Hamlin, Fort Myers News Press Fred Winter, Fort Myers News Press Nancy Buchanan, Naples Star Robert Moss, W.N.O.G. Quane Fletcher, Gulf Coast TV Dr. Harland D. Fague Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Easterling Goodloe McDowell John Zate David C. Spingler Dr. Louis Moore Robert J. Pearman Paul Frank Bob Hill Robert Arick Ricky Winter John Winter Ad Miller Mr. & Mrs. Chas. McCulley Gudrun Hoffman Russell Stahlman Harold A. Kernell Richard Cox Thomas S. Campen C. F. Gale John Luse and many other interested citizens and visitors 2 Following invocation delivered by Dr. Harland D. Fague, Mayor Turner called for a motion to interrupt the agenda to accept the resignation of Carl 0. Hoffmann, Councilman and Vice Mayor, and to make the appointment to fill this vacancy until the next general election in February, 1968. Motion was made by Councilman Strong, that the agenda be interrupted to take up item 7. Old Business (a) Acceptance of Resignation of Carl O. Hoffmann and appointment of replacement; election of Vice Mayor; motion was seconded by Mr. Downing and so carried. Motion was made by Councilwoman Miller, seconded by Mr. Morse, that the resignation of Carl O. Hoffmann be accepted with deep regret and that a Resolution and Certificate of Appreciation be sent to him. Mr. Strong exclaimed that the resignation of Mr. Hoffmann is a loss not only to the City Council but to the City of Naples as well; motion carried unanimously. Motion was made by Mrs. Miller for the appointment of Lloyd Easterling to fill the vacancy created on the Council by the resignation of Mr. Hoffmann;, motion was seconded by Mr. Morse and so carried. City Attorney Thomas T. Trettis, Jr., swore in Lloyd Easterling as Councilman. Mr. Easterling expressed to each, individually and collectively, his sincere appreciation for the trust and confidence extended to him by being appointed to fill this vacancy; he. offered that he will do his very best for the City. After it was pointed out that there was still the election of a Vice Mayor, motion was made by Mrs. Miller, seconded by Mr. Morse, that the latter part of item 7 (a), election of Vice Mayor, be tabled for discussion at the next Council Conference; _motion so carried. It was requested that a date be set at this time. In an effort to establish regularity, Mr. Strong moved that the first Tuesday before the first Niednesday in each month b2. set aside for Council Conference; motion was seconded by Mr. Downing and so carried. Mr. Wood requested that for purpose of expediting discussion re subdivision regulations, that a conference be set up next week with the Zoning and Planning Board; he also stated that the Humane Society has requosted a meeting with the Council. It was decided to await the arrival of the Zoning and Planning Board to set the day and time for meetinj with them. Mayor Turner interjected that he had just arrived back from a hurried trip to Tallahassee and he was glad to be able to report that all Bills presented to the Legislature have gone to the Senate without the signature of the Governor, with the exception of the Bill requesting annexation. 3 3 Returning to Agenda Item 2. Reading of Minutes. Motion was made by Mr. Downing, seconded by Mrs. Miller, that the minutes of the Regular Meeting of May 17, 1967, Special Meeting of May 19, 1967, Special Meeting of June 3, 1967, and Regular Meeting of Ju,. 7, 1967, be approved as presented, and the • reading thereof dispensed with; motion so carried. C4 1-1 Agenda Item 3. Presentation of Certificate of Appreciation to Virgil Ritter. Mayor Turner expressed Mr. Ritter's regret in not being able to be present today. Mr. Ritter's Certificate will be mailed to him. Agenda Item 4. BID 0:ENING: 1000 A.M., deferred until later in the meeting at time specified. Agenda Item 5. PUBLIC HEARING: 11:00 A.M., deferred until later in the meeting at time specified. Agenda Item 6. REPORTS: (a) Zoning and Planning Board. 1. Secretary briefs Council on pending petitions for speciaX exception and date for public hearing. The Secretary noted that two joint public hearings have been set by the Zoning 1) First and Planning Board for July 5, 1967 at 11:00 A.M Presbyterian Church of Naples, parking lot for church, Lots 14, 15 & 16, Block 17, Tier 7, and 2) 1st Church of Christ, Scientist, erlargement of church, Lots 20, 21 and 22, less East 10 feet of Lot 22, Block 21, Tier 7. Motion was made by Mr. Downing, seconded by Mr. Morse, that Council confirm the date of July 5, 1967, 11:00 A.M., for joint public hearings re requests for special exceptions. Motion so carried. Agenda Item 6 (a) (2) Permisslon to erect chain link fence at 130 - 9th Street North (Russell Stahlman). City Attorney Thomas T. Trettis, Jr., read action taken by Zoning and Planning Board.. ."Motion was made by Mr. Bauchspies, seconded by Mr. Big;, that this Board recommend to Council that approval be granted Mr. Stahlman to erect 6' chain link fence at 130 - 9th Street North." Motion was made by Mrs. Miller, seconded by Mr. Morse, that Council confirm the Zoning and Planning Board decision. Several questions were put forth re fence after which motion was made by Mr. Kuperberg that this item be tabled until the arrival of the applicant, who had been instructed to present to Council drawing of fence. Motion was seconded by Mr. Strong and so carried Mrs. Miller requested her motion, and second, be taW.ed; Mr. Morse concurred. 4 Confirm date of July 5, 1967, 10:00 A.M. for Item 6 (a) 3. joint public hearing re adoption of proposed zoning ordinance. Motion was made by Mr. Easterling, seconded by Mrs. Miller that Council confirm the date of July 5, 1967, 1000 A.M. for the adoption of proposed zoning ordinance; motion carried unanimously. by Mr. Morse, seconded b Mrs. Miller, that the Chamber of Commerce report be acknowledged; so carried. Item 6 (b) Chamber of Commerce. Motion was made Item 6 (c) Traffic Safety and Parking Committee. City Manager V. P. Wood, Jr., read report, copy of which is attached hereto and made a part of the minutes. Mayor Turner stated that he was of the opinion item 1. is a Police and Traffic problem. Police Chief Bass observed that in anticipation of the installation of traffic signal at 3rd Avenue South and the trail, in order to decrease congestion by eliminating traffic on 3rd Avenue South, it was his opinion that both of the north-south alleys adjacent to the Post Office be made one way south with egress into Fourth Avenue South. He stated that the Post Office has no objection to this change. Councilman Kuperberg pointed out that in his opinion, neither the Council nor the Traffic Safety and Parking Committee are qualified to make traffic decisions. He further stated that a Traffic Planner, such as Mr. Woody Hiller, is available to the City on an hourly basis, and he was again recommending that any and all recommendations be reviewed by an expert before coming before the Council; Mr. Goodloe McDowell, Chr. of the Traffic Safety Committee, observed that he hopes Mr. Kuperberg feels this way about the E. A. Barton and Associates survey. Second item, Mr. Wood noted that this item has been completed. Third itemCity Manager Rood pointed out that in order to meet obligations imposed by parking meters, revenue has to be derived either from $10,000 held in reserve, submitted as a budget item in 1967-63 budget or, from the parking meters themselves, and a recent survey has shown that after 6:00 P.M. the area is widely used. Mr. Kuperberg took exception to this recommendation stating that in his t9inion it is discriminatory....if you do it in one area you do it in all areas. Motion was made by Mr. Downing, seconded by Mr. Easterling, that ordinance be drafted to lengthen parking hours at Pier area from 9;00 a.m. to 900 p.m.; motion carried with two negative votes, those of Mrs. Miller and Mr. Kupeberg. City Attorney Trettis was instructed to draft ordinance for next regular Council meeting. Item Four, S C4 c-T-4 Mr. Strong stated that he was not in favor of having these surveys made unless the Council is either prepared to appoint a parking authority or the Council is prepared to sit as a parking authority and go ahead and do something. Mr. Kuperborg agaiti urged that Council use the services al Mr. Hiller or Mr. Barton especially if they are contemplating getting into the parking business on a self-supporting basis. The City Manager was instructed to get somebne to mdet with the Council for the purpose of being 'educated on the subject of parkinj authority. Item Five, Mr. olood was instructed to write letters to all property owners on both sides of affected potential alley (from Park Street to Third Street South) requesting that they dedicate property to the City. Item 6 (d) Recreation Department. Motion was made by Mr. Strong, seconded by Mr. Morse, that Recreation Department report for month of May, 1967, be acknowledged. Motion so carried. Mayor Turner declared a four minute recess. Agenda Item 4. BID OPENING: 1000 A.M. All bids called for, Mayor Turner announced the bidding closed. Ahile bids were being opened by Mr. Savidge and Mr. Parke, motion was made by Mr. Downing, seconded by Mr. Strong, that because of the number of interested people present, the agenda be interrupted to take up item 8 New Business (f) Review of Airport regulations regarding use of gliders. Motion so carried. Mr. Wood noted receipt of letters from Naples Airlines and people interested in glider operations, copies of which, he •noted, were mailed to members of Council. Mr. John E. Zate, Manager, Naples Airlines, stated that he was present objecting only to the safety aspect because of the increasing traffic on a daily basis, that there is nothing personal involved. He pointed out that Page Field in Fort Myers had discontinued the operation and from his own investigations, it seems to be the general consensus of all operators. As attorney representing a group of people interested in gliders, as well as pilots, Mr. David C. Spingler presented to Council three petitions signed by 35 persons who are certified and licensed pilots and who are familiar with the City's airport and use its facilities. Mr. Spingler also had in his possession, which he turned over to the secretary, letters from people who know a great deal about the subject matter at hand and who pointed out that glider operations help increase knowledge of piloting planes; he also pointed out that the National Geographic Magazine 6 recently devoted 3 40 page spread to glider operations. Mr. Strong stressed that he was not in favor or going ahead until three things are accomplished; 1) Agreements must be prepared holding the City harmless so that the City is protected; 2) City must be furnished with proper insurance to the satisfaction of the City, and 3) Understanding that Commercial planes have the right-of-way. He concluded by stating that in talking with many places, especially the FAA. FAA stated they would be most happy to work with the City in setting up procedures for this operation, therefore, stated Mr. Strong, I suggest that representatives-of the various groups, Airport, FAA and Sailing or Glider Group get together; and after talking with the Manager of Elmira, New York, Mr. Strong was of the opinion he shouldalso be invited to Naples with copies of what they are doing. Mr. Spingler interjected that he had a copy of Chemung County Airport which encompasses Elmira, and the secretary was requested to make copies of it for members of Council. Mr. Strong suggested that Mr. Wood be appointed to sit in with the group representing City Council; Council members concurred. Dr. Louis Moore, Robert J. Pearman, Paul Frank, Bob Hill, speaking in behalf of glider operations, were in agreement with Mr. Strong that the roprc3scntativos-shQtAd have a meeting of the minds, but felt it could be worked out on a local level. Mayor Turner concurred stating that each airport has its own local set-up with its own general rules. Motion was made by Mr. Strong, seconded by Mr. Kuperberg, that the Manager of the Elmira, New York (Chemung County Adrport) be invited to come to Naples and review the schedule of operation with this group, and to bring with him the agreements that various groups have with his airport. Mr. Zate was asked if he would be willing to 'listen'. Mr. Zate replied he would be most happy to work with the Council and the soaring group, and added that be had never been approached by the group. Mr. Pearman took exception to this stating that when he approached Mr. Zate on the day of the arrival of the first glider, the contact was made and when he left Mr. Zate, his impression was that they could have a working agreement. After due discussion, Mr. Strong amended his motion to read, that the Manager of the Elmira, New York Airport be requested to send a written report and copy of agreements to the City Manager for review with the groups. Mr. Kuperberg accepted amendment, adding, that the City Manager contact the FAA in Washington and the Manager of the Elmira Airport as quickly as possible, so that these groups may meet. .n the very near future. Motion carried unanimously. Motion was 7 made b Mr. Stron , seconded b Mr. Morse, that the local group, after reviewing and discussing all facets, submit a written report to Council at least a week before scheduled Council meeting,ibr Council to review; motion so carried. In reply to questions posed by Bob Arick and Bob Pearman, re ordering of glider, they were told by Council that the understanding would have to be that if acceptable rules are set-up, i.e. protective insurance plus agreements, that glider operations would be permissable. Returning to Agenda Item 4. BID OPENING: 10:00 A.M. Bids, Cqas opened, were read by Mr. Savidge, Public Works Director. Copy of tabulation is attached hereto and made a part of the LT-4 minutes. Motion was made by Mrs. Miller, seconded by Mr. Downing, that the bids be referred to City Manager Wood and Mr. Savidge for tabulation and recommrndation for awarding at the next regular meeting on July 5, 1967; motion so carried. At 11:00 L.M., Mayor Turner proceeded to Item 5 PUBLIC HEARING; 11;00 A.M. Pursuant to noticed purpose of meeting and in accordanc with Legal Notice re joint public hearing, City Attorney Trettis read Legal Notice for Agenda Item 5, which is attached hereto and made a part of the minutes. Mayor Turner recessed meeting until such time as the Zoning and Plannin4 Board was seated. Mr. Kuperberg requested that while waiting he be permitted to road letter from Waste Control, Jacksonville, Florida, a firm that specializes in service re trash and garbage collection. He urgently requested City Council to consider the possibilities of contractiug this service before considering the purchase of new trucks. Motion was made by Mr. Kuperberg, seconded by Mr. Downing, that the Council call upon Mr. Fletcher to give them a propoGal for trash and garbage collection in the City; motion so carried. Mr. Wood was directed to contact Mr. Fletcher immediately. Returning to Agenda Item 5 Rezoning of Lots 17 and 18, PUBLIC HEARING 11:00 A.M. Coquina Sands, Unit No. 1 from . "C" Residence District to "F" Multi p le Family District (Yucca Road and Oleander Drive). Councilwoman Miller diaqualified herself because of economic interest. Motion was made by Mr. Morse, seconded by Mr. Strong, that the resignation of Lloyd Easterling from the Zoning and Planning Board be accepted; motion unanimously carried. Mayor Turner declared the recessed public hearing from June 7, 1967, open and acknowledged the presence of the Zoning aud 8 Board. Mr. H. B. Watkins, Jr., Chairman of the Planning Board asked for Roll Call: Zoning Roll Call: ZONING AND PLANNING BOARD Present: H. B. Watkins, Jr., Chairman C. M. Bauchspics Clayton E. Bigg Goodloe McDowell Nicholas L. Wallingford Absent: R. Goodiette Mr. Bauchspies disqualified himself as having a personal interest. Mayor Turner asked if there was anyone present who wished to speak in favor of or in opposition to this petition. David C. Spingler, attorney present representing the Naples Company, Inc., after exhibiting a land use plan for benefit of Council and Board, explained as follows 1. There is no definitive zoning pattern in this area; property is surrounded by G-a on the west, F to the north, C to the east and G to the south; Property is directly across from three lots in "C" zoning upon which Council permitted parking lots be constructed for 2. use by the Del Mar Club; 3. Contemplated are two two-story apartment buildings, 30 feet in height, with 20 foot buffer strip; 4. It is considered good zoning to go from higher density (G and G-a) down to medium density ( g ) and then into a residential zone (C); 5. In reply to question by Mr. Downing that at present the alley is being used for zoning boundary, Mr. Spingler took umbrage pointing out that the alley running adjacent to Lots 19, 20 and 21, has been vacated and abandoned, and Lot 32 has been dedicated for purpose of road or alleyway, all of which does not show on present 'zoning map. The Mayor requested secretary of Zoning and Planning Board read all correspondence received on this petition. The secretary stated 24 letters were mailed to property owners within 500 feet. She read letters as follows from: Naomi McCul4, 1170 Oleander Dr., Paul M. Beich and Ruth Beich, 266 Yucca 9 Road, Franklin H. Bush, 1161 Crayton Road, C. H. Phillips, 306 Yucca Road, Harold R. Kernell, 376 Yucca Road, George T. Dunlap, Jr., 430 Yucca Road, Jean Easterly, 1320 Crayton Road; telegram was received from L. 4. ad G. B. Cadwallader, and letters received from interested persons without the 500 foot were Mrs. Henry Hoffman and Naples Civic Assn., Benjamin G. Parks, President; returned letter from Paul Dayton, at ux, 300 Central Park West, New York, LIE N.4 York. These letters have been made a part of this record and are filed. Speaking in opposition of petition were Charles McCully and Gudrun Hoffman who spoke in behalf of Paul Beich. CqIn rebuttal, Mr. Spingler again pointed out that the property in question, are two isolated lots surrounded on three sides cz.-4 by Multiple Family zoning which permits a height of 60 and 75 feet, and possibly an additional 12 feet, while F permits 30 feet, and the lots immediately across Yucca Road are zoned "C" Residence but are parking areas for Del Mar Club, and in conclusion he reminded all, that zoni:ag'is not static and changes occur. Mr. Bigg stated that the map has been drawn and all facets of desirability and equities should be considered, and it is his personal opinion once rezoning begins it gains speed, and he therefore moved that this Board recommend to Council that petition for rezoning as filed, be denied; motion was seconded by Mr. McDowell ;7- and unanimously carried. Motion was made by Councilman Kuperberg, seconded by Councilman Strong, that the recommen- dation of the Zoning and Planning Board be accepted. Motion carried with no dissenting vote. In view. of up-coming public hearings and vacations of members, Mr. Watkins requested that the vacancy created by Mr. Easterling's resignation be filled as soon as possible. Mr. Wood requested the Mayor set day and time of Council Conference with Zoning and Planning Board re subdivision regulations... .Wednesday, June 28th, 900 A.M. in Council Chambers, was set for conference. Mr. Russell Stahlman having arrived, motion was made by Mr. Kuperberg, seconded by Mr. Easterling, that agenda Item 6 (a) (2) Permission to erect chain link fence at 130 - 9th Street North be removed from the table and considered at this time; so carried. After looking at diagram of fence and establishing that it conforms with requ+rements, motion was made by Mr. Strong, seconded b . Mr. Dowriing, that permit be issued to Mr. Stahlman for erection of fence and, that the diagram be made a part of t1 z. minutes, as apart of permit record. Motion so carried. The time being Noon, Mayor Turner recessed meeting until 1:30 P.M. 10 10 Meeting reconvened at 135 P.M. with all members present. Returning to Agenda Item 7 Old Business (b) Subdivision Regulations, Mr. .g ood said this will be taken care of next Wednesday at conference. Item 7 (c) Resolution authorizing payment of bill from David C. Spingler, Special Legal Counsel, re $2,200,000 Water-Sewer Revenue Bond Issue. Mr. Kuperberg stated he was not present when this item was discussed in last Council conference. In order to give the newest member, an opportunity to Imow what this item is all about and to bring Mr. Kuperberg up to date, Mayor Turner recommended this item be stricken. Motion was made by Mrs. Miller, seconded by Mr. Kuperberg, that item 7 (c) be stricken and _placed on agenda for July 5, 1967 meeting. Motion carried with Councilman Strong voting nay. Item 7 (d) Resolution for feasibility study of Turnpike down West Coast of Florida, City Attorney Trettis read Resolution No. 1313. Motion was made by Mr. Downing, seconded by Mrs. Miller, that Resolution No. 1313 be adopted as road. Motion so carried. Item 7 (e) Appointment of Council representative to replace Carl 0. Hoffmann as Chairman of the Low Rent Housing Committee and Telephone Committee. Motion was made by Councilman Strong, seconded by Councilman Morse, that Mayor Turner be appointed as Chairman' of both committees; motion so carried. Agenda Item 8 New Business (a) Appointment to vacancy on Zoning and Planning Board. Motion was made by Mr. Strong, seconded by Mrs. Miller, that George Reardon be appointed to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Mr. Easterling; term to expire May, 1968. Motion so carried. Item 8 (b) Removal of structures on Bayfront Park property; authorize plans for street construction. After inspection by Council, Mr. good observed that it was their opinion. that the present structures and•house on this property be demolished because the general condition is poor and delapidated. Procedure, he explained, is first, give notice to the tenant and second, obtain prices or proposals on the removing of the structures and house. Motion was made by Mr. Strong that the City Manager be instructed to serve notice on the tenant and also to receive prices for the demolishing of all buildings 11 within the City property that the City has now obtained. Motion was seconded by Mr. Downing nnd so carried. Working from an aerial photograph, City Manager Wood pointed out area under discussion for extension of 9th Street. South across canal to join with Broad Avenue South. After due discussion, motion was made by Mr. Strong that the City Cq Manager be authorized to secure plans and prices for the extension of 9th Street South beyond its present 10th Avenue South dead end to Broad Avenue South from the west, including the filling of the existing canal from the east boundaries of 9th Street South to Oth Street South. Motion was seconded by Mr. Downina and carried unanimously. Mr. .Vicod was instructed to base the figures and plans on a 22 foot street (centered). Item 8 (c) Ordinance increasing tapping charges for water service. City Manager Wood explained that this request is due to the increase to the city for installing various size meter. Motion was made by Mr. Downing, seconded by Mr. Easterlinj that the City Attorney be instructed to draft Ordinance amending qtv-pter 26. Water, Section 26-17, as set forth in request by Mr. Bender, which is attached hereto; so carried. Item 8 (d) Directional signs for points of interest. Motion was made by Mr. Strong that the City Manager be directed to brig to Council, a suggested sign that would include the plF;ces of interest within the City of Naples; motion was seconded by Mrs. Miller and carried. Mr. Rood also requested to offer suggestions for placement of signs. Item 8 (c) Attorney Walter R. Condon request to set date for public hearing in re bulkhead line - August 2, 1967, at 1100 A.M. Mr. Wood observed that this refers to the exten- sion of Bulkhead line at Naples Yacht Club. Motion was made b Mr. Downing, seconded b Mrs. Miller, that the date of August 2, 1967, 11:00 A.M. be confirmed for public hearing re bulkhead line; motion so carried. Quit Claim Deeds with Julius Fleischmann for re-shaped traffic island, 17th Avenue North and Tamiami Trail. Mr. 'Rood explained the purpose of this so-called 'swap' of property is for the new Caribbean: Garden sign, and referred members of Council to drawings submitted to them. Motion was made b Mr. Strong, seconded by Mr. Morse, that City Manager be instructed to proceed Item 8 (g) Exchange of 1212 with exchange of Quit Claim Deeds with Mr. Fleischmann; motion so carried. Report on deepening of upper Gordon River. Item 8 (h) Mr. Rood refreshed Council's memory stating that this matter came up back in November of last year. The problem was that Gulf American Land Corp. had a permit with the Army Engineers to deepen the river to carry the Golden Gate run-off, and they deepened it down to the hard rock. At this point the City expressed concern as to what effect blasting of the rock would have not only on the city water system but also on the newly constructed sewerage treatment plant. He wrote a letter to'the Army Engineers requesting them to hold off on the blasting until the city looked into the matter further. The city subsequently did gut into it with their engineers, county engineers and with the engineer for Gulf American Land; they proceeded as far as they could without blasting. The latest on it is a letter, he stated from the Army Engineers to Gulf American Land Corp.'s engineers stating that it was agreeable with them to terminate the work. That, Mr. 'Rood stated, is the status at the present time and my recommendation to you is to leave it rest there at this point. Mr. Strong questioned if the debris barriers were ever constructed and if so, could the City find out whether they are satisfactory or not; Mr. Wood stated he did not know. Mr. Strong moved that this item be put over until the next meeting until Council gets a report from the engineer to determine whether or not the work that was requested by the Water Board and also by others, has been completed and if so, if it is satisfactory to our engineer. Motion was seconded by Mr. Downing and so carried. Item 8 (i) Appoint Deputy City Judge. City Attorney Trettis offered that he would like permission to contact two attorneys in town for submission of their names to Council for selection of an alternate City Judge. It was established that Mr. Kenneth Hadcock would remain Deputy City Judge, but because of conflict of interest, i.e. member of same law firm, there have been a few times in the past when Defendant has been a client of the law firm and neither Judge Brown or Mr. Hadcock would sit as Judge. Motion was made by Mr. Easterling, that the City Attorney be instructed to present two names to the Council for consideration for appointment as alternate Deputy City Judge; motion was seconded by Mrs. Miller and so carried. 3 13 Agenda Item 9. Correspondence. 1. Mayor Turner read letter C4 c=-4 of resignation from Boo Lewi, as member of the Recreation Board. Motion was made by Mrs. Miller, seconded by Mr. Easterling, that the resignation of Dec Lewi be accepted; 2. Mayor Turner read motion unanimou.ly carried. letter from Robert L. Devogt, Chairman, Softball Game, Jaycees, requesting that the City and County officials participate in the scheduled 4th of July Softball game. It was established that the City will man a team and accepts the challenge. Wesley G. Downing was appointed. Captain of the team. There being no further business, Meeting adjourned at 230 P.M. upon motion made by Mr. Strong, seconded by Mr. Morse; so carried. Dorothy Gregg, Deputy City Clerk Archie Turner, Mayor CI Y OF NAPLES 111 735 Eighth Street, South State o ..f Floridu 33940 11 June 16, 1967 Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council City of Naples Naples, Florida Mrs, Miller and Gentlemen: The Agenda for the Regular Meeting of June 21, comments on the Agenda are as follows: 1967, is enclosed. My BD OPENING Two meetings ago we cook bids on rear-end loading garbage trucks. This time we will be taking bids on front-end loading trucks in order to make a comparison. REPORTS Zoning and Planning Board, Chamber of Commerce, a, b, c, d. Traffic Safety and Parking Committee, Recreation Department. Reports attached. OLD BUSINESS The subdivision regulations are on b. Subdivision regulations. the Agenda again in order to set a time to meet with the Planning Board and the developers. NEW BUSINESS Removal of structures on Bayfront Park property; authorize b, plans for street construction. At the Council Conference on Thursday, the four members present agreed that the best solutibn to the use of the decrepit house and docks on the Wyllys property was to remove them completely. It was felt that any income to be derived from the leasing of these facilities in their present condition would be out-balanced by maintenance costs and problems of supervision. c. . Ordinance increasing tapping charges for water service. The copy of the proposal to increase the tapping charges and the justification are enclosed. e. Attorney Walter R. Condon request to set date for public at 11:00 ,. M. hee:ring in re bulkheaj ic - August 2, 1967 I understand this involves the bulkhead line for the Naples Yacht Club. f. Review of Airport regulations regarding use of gliders. I am enclosing another piece of correspondence on this item favoring the glider operation. Page Two Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council g. h. i. June 16, 1967 Exchange of Quit Claim Deeds with Julius Fleischmann for reshaped traffic island, 17th Avenue North and Tamiami Trail. I am enclosing drawings showing the new shape of the Caribbean Gardens sign island at 17th Avenue North. Report on deepening of upper Gordon River. Gulf American Land Corporation has dredged the Gordon River down to the hard rock. Our engineers feel that it is not necessary to deepen the channel further by blasting. This will be satisfactory to the Army Corps of Engineers if it is satisfactory to the City Council. Appoint Deputy City Judge. We have a need for a Deputy Judge not associated with Judge Brown's law firm so that the court can hear cases pleaded by Judge Brown's associates. The case of the City of Naples vs. Nelson Faarber for paving at the Port au Villa without a permit and contrary to City specifications is being held open because Judge Brown refuses to hear a case defended by Clarke Nichols of his own office. At the Council Conference on Thursday, the full week of August 21 through August 26 was set for Council study of the 1967-68 budget. We hope that you will all set aside that week. All other items on the Agenda are either self-explanatory or have already been discussed. Respectly submitted, 001 V .L2P. City Manager VPW/esm Enclosures State of Fioricia 33940 MINUTES OF THE TRAFFIC SAFETY AND PARKING COMMITTEE MEETING HELD ON TUESDAY, JUNE 13, 1967, iN THE CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE AT 10:00 A.M. PRESENT: Goodloe McDowell, Chairman William D. Hixon Frank Kerrigan ABSENT: Walter Rogers William Kepp Robert L. Combs ALSO PRESENT: V. P. Wood, jr., City Manager D. L. Bass, Chief of Police The Committee makes the following recommendations to the City Council: 1. That both of the north-south alleys adjacent to the Post Office be made one way south to empty onto Fourth Avenue South. This recommendation is based upon the forthcoming traffic signal installation It was felt that there would be less conat Third Avenue South. gestion if the alley traffic was directed away from the Third Avenue South intersection. 2. That parallel parking striping be painted on the north side of Fourth Avenue North between the Trail and Eighth Street. 3. That the ordinance be changed to permit enforcement of the meters at the fishing pier between 9 a.m. and 9 p.m. 4. That the Council authorize Barton and Assoc --tes to proceed with Phase 1 of the Off-Street Parking Survey. 5. That the Council indicate its intent to condemn the right-of-way of the alley on the south side of Fifth Avenue South between Park Street and Third Street in order to improve the negotiating power of the City Administration. Respectfully submitted, ( (S/6' Goodloe McDowell Chairman esm RE6ULAR MEETING OF THE ZONING AND PLANNING BOARD HELD IN CITY HALL ON WEDNESDAY, JUNE 14, 1967, AT 10:00 A.M. ROLL CALL: Present: H. B. Watkins, Jr., Chairman C. M. Bauchspies Clayton E. Bigg Richard H. Goodlette Goodloe McDowell Nicholas L. Wallingford Absent: Lloyd Easterling Also Present: V. P. Wood, Jr., City Manager Thomas T. Trettis, Jr., City Attorney Bert L. Pinkston, Zoning Administrator William R. Vines, Planning Consultant Frank Kerrigan Charles P. Holton Russell Stahlman Petition No. 8 - Special Exception Mr. H. B. Watkins read first item on agenda from First Presbyterian Church of Naples, for parking lot, Block 17, Tier 7, Lots 14, 15 and 16 (3rd Avenue South); Zone: "F" Multiple Family District. Mr. Charles P. Holton was present representing the First Presbyterian Church. After looking over parking plan as presented, it was the consensus of the Board that inasmuch as property measures 66 X 150, that diagonal parking would be more adaptable than parallel parking, with egress through alley, pointing out to Mr. Holton, that cars are not permitted to back out onto 3rd Avenue Motion was made by Mr. Bigg, seconded by Mr. McDowell, that a joint public hearing South. be held by the City Council and the Zoning and Planning Board for the purpose of granting Special Exception and, that it be advertised for July 5, 1967 at 11:00 A.M. Motion carried with no dissenting vote. Mr. Holton was advised to revise the parking plan submitted today, so that it shows traffic flow, plantings, at cetera, for submission at public hearing. Although not an agenda item, Mr. Bert L. Pinkston, Zoning Administrator, requested that the Board consider an application to permit erection of a fence at 130 - 9th Street, North; he stated that this is being requested so that Mr. Russell Stahlman may proceed with the work at quiddy as possible. Mr. Russell Stahlman was recognized and he explained he is in the process of getting ready to move to the property now occupied by Ingram Chevrolet, and he wishes to enclose entire area with 6' chain link Fence. Motion was made by Mr. Bigg, seconded by Mr. McDowell, that this item be placed on the agenda; motion so carried. A discussion ensued during which it was established that 1) Mr. Stahlman would turn the barbed wire flange to the inside; 2) that fence would be p1aced on 10 foot setback on 2nd Avenue North; and 3) Mr. Stahlman will have ingress and egress off of 2nd Avenue North. Motion was made by Mr. Bauchspies, seconded by Mr. Bigg, that this Board recommend to Council that approval be granted Mr. Stahlman to erect 6' chain link fence at 130 - 9th Street North. Motion unanimously carried. r- Supplementary District Regulation, Land Development Innovations, which had been discussed previously, was again brought up for discussion. After due discussion, the Chairman asked the pleasure of the Board eliminate this item from the Zoning Ordinance in view of the fact that it should not be handled by special exception but rather by the establishment of a new zone, i.e. spe lled out in subdivision regulations. Mr. Bauchspies questioned Mr. Vines as to why he inserted it in the zoning ordinance. Mr. Vines explained that land development innovations are on the rise in the country, new things are happening all of the time and if the language is in the subdivision regulations, it should be echoed in the zoning ordinance because, probably, if you have a unique land development, very logically some adjustment would have to be made in the zoning regulations; it also seems logical, he pointed out, that the plans for the subdivision and compliance to zoning ordinance, would have to be considered simultaneously For joint approval; whey, he said, should a new zone be created for a so-called 'one of a kind'. If the City, he added, wishes to invite new methods and/or techniques in developments, it has all the protection it needs, for special exceptions are contingent upon maximum standards while a new zone is contingent upon minimum standards. .r Motion was made by Mr. Bauchspies, seconded by Mr. Bigg, that item 13. Land Development Innovations, be eliminated from the zoning ordinance. Motion so carried. Mr. Watkins noted receipt or two letters, both addressed to City Council and turned I) From Moorings of over to the Zoning and Planning Board for consideration Naples Property Owners Association. Mr. Watkins observed that in memorandum presented to members today, dated June 13, 1967, Mr. Vines has attempted to amend Ordinance re fences and walls; 2) letter from Aqualane Shore Association, Inc. After reading of same, it was established by the Board that the items so mentioned in letter, be discussed re insertion into the Building Code; Mr. Pinkston stated he would take these under advisement. Agenda Item 3 - Returning to Mr. Vines memorandnm dated June 1, 1967, Section 6 under Supplementary District Regulations, 8. Fences and Walls, after a lengthy discussion and upon finding out that there was unanimous approval that 1) there should be a restriction on fences and walls in front yards of dwelling districts; 2) there were no objections to five foot fences in side and rear yards, and 3) to add prohibition of barbed wire unless approved by the Board, 8. was amended to read as follows: 8. FENCES AND WALLS: Structural fences and walls not exceeding 5 feet in height, other than barbed wire fences, are permitted in required side and rear yards of all districts. Higher fences and walls in required side and rear yards, all barbed wire Fences, and fences and walls in all required front yards, may be authorized by the Planning Board, who shall first determine that they will be visually compatible in the area where they are to be located. After looking at proposed zoning map, legend, and synopsis of district regulations, motion was made by Mr. Bigg, seconded by Mr. McDowell, that this Board recommend to Council that a joint public hearing be held by the City Council and the Zoning and Planning Board for the purpose of acquainting all Naples residents with the entire proposed revision of City of Naples zoning ordinance, and, that it be advertised for July 5, 1967 at 10:00 A.M. Motion carried with no dissenting vote. Returning again to Mr. Vines memorandum of June 1, 1967, after due discussion, item 23. Sidewalks Required, was accepted as written. Another matter brought before the Board by Mr. Pinkston, not on the agenda, for interpretation, was a request from 1st Church of Christ Scientist for addition to church, Sunday School rooms. Under the new ordinance, explained Mr. Pinkston, would this addition come under special exception. It was the consensus of the Board that this would have to be considered under special exception. Motion was made by Mr. Bigg, seconded by Mr. McDowell, that this item be placed on the agenda; motion so carried. It was established that the church would have to file a petition for special exception for addition to church on Lots 20, 21 and 22, less E 10 of Lot 22, Block 21, Tier 7; Zone: "E" Single Family Residence District (Corner lots on the north side of Central Avenue and 7th Street South. Motion was made by Mr. Bauchspies, seconded by Mr. Wallingford, that this Board recommend that a joint public hearing be held by the City Council and the Zoning and Planning Board for the purpose of granting a special exception and, that it be advertised for July 5, 1967 at 11:00 A.M. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 12:30 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Dorothy M. Gregg Secretary ZONING AND PLANNING BOARD