MemberInsider 2012 Spring.indd
MemberInsider 2012 Spring.indd
Matters! memberinsider membership springville museum of art 1 2 6 E a s t 4 0 0 S o u t h , s p r i n g v i l l e , u t a h · 8 0 1 - 4 8 9 - 2 7 2 7 · w w w. s m o f a . o r g exhibitions 20 September 2011 – December 2012 J.T. Harwood: The Ione Years (1927-1940) memberinsider Q U a rt e r ly m e m b e r n e w s l e tt e r · S p r i n g 2 0 1 2 22 February - March 23, 2012 40th Annual Utah All-State High School Art Show 22 February - March 23, 2012 Wayne Kimball, Robert Marshall, Bruce Smith: A Collective Retrospective springville museum of art 20 April - 1 July, 2012 88th Annual Spring Salon 5 May - 10 November, 2012 Exploring Animals Welcome to this edition of memberinsider! As part of your member benefits you will receive this newsletter full of SMA news each quarter – exhibition highlights, upcoming events and programs, Museum news, information about member benefits, volunteer opportunities and SMA Store offers. There is always something happening at the Museum and as a member you will be in the know! Members also receive a monthly e-newsletter update and event reminders. If you aren’t currently receiving emails please send your name, street address and email address to @ SMofA on the cover: Jared Christopher Saunders, Mania, graphite, Award of Excellence Hein Academy of Art Scholarship Museum Hours Springville Museum of Art (closed Holidays) Springville Museum of Art SUN MON 3-6pm *closed TUE 10am-5 pm WED 10am-9pm THU 10am-5pm FRI 10am-5pm SAT 10am-5pm * The Museum is open from 6-8 pm on the first Monday of most months for Community & Family Night. During Member Shopping Days (May 17-24) receive double discounts (20%) with your valid member card. Member price: $36.00 Member Shopping Days price: $32.00 Author Donna L. Poulton has dedicated years to research of Kirkham’s life and work, herself painting a magnificent picture of his art as well as his life. With a forward by SMA’s Vern Swanson, the book is a marvelous addition to any art lover’s collection. The first artist to settle and paint in Northern Utah, Reuben Kirkham is celebrated for his sweeping landscapes. His vision of the west during tumultuous and changing times is at once stunning and hopeful. Kirkham used his painting as a foundation to overcome personal trials, poverty and rejection throughout his life. His unique perspective is apparent in the beautiful use of color and light. Reuben Kirkham: Pioneer Artist sma store pick 126 East 400 South Springville, UT 84663 (801) 489-2727 upcoming events March Jessica Cannon, The Viewer, acrylic, Karl G. Maeser Preparatory School, Third Congressional District First Place Award message from the assistant director The 40th Annual Utah All-State High School Art Show is currently hanging in our galleries and it is well worth your time to visit. The quality and creativity of the artwork grows stronger each year. The Springville Museum of Art was founded on the commitment and participation of the local high school students, who worked to build the early collection and continue to support the museum as adults. We continue to rely upon local high school students as volunteers, performers and artists to support our mission. We are looking forward to what the artists of Utah submit for the 88th Annual Spring Salon this April. Every year brings impressive talent from both established and up-and-coming artists. Their creativity and artistry will be celebrated at the 46th Annual Art Ball which features this premiere exhibition of Utah art — along with fine dining, dancing, and a silent auction. The Art Ball is also the largest Museum fund-raising event held each year. The funds raised help fulfill our mission of service to the community. Thanks to all of our Museum family and friends — each of you provide support in your own individual way to make the Springville Museum of Art succeed and thrive. We appreciate your help in getting us to where we are now, and we hope you will stay with us in the future. Please consider making a tax-deductible contribution to the Annual Fund and renewing your membership to help us reach our fiscal year-end goal of raising $20,000 in member contributions. We look forward to seeing you in the galleries soon. 5 10 10 18 21 28 28 Community & Family Night, 6-8pm High School Show Awards Ceremony, 11am-1pm Exhibition Reception, 1-3pm Sunday Concert Series, 5-6pm College Night, 7-9pm unbound: a book club, 7-8:30pm Springvillle Historical Society Lecture, 7-8:30pm April 2 3-7 7 12 15 21 25 25 May 7 12 17 17 17-24 20 23 30 June 1 2-9 4 4-29 8 13 14 20 27 Community & Family Night, 6-8pm Entries for Spring Salon, open hours SMAA Art Royalty Application Deadline crafternoon, 10am-2pm Sunday Concert Series, 5-6pm Springville World Folkfest Gala, 1-3pm unbound: a book club, 7-8:30pm Springvillle Historical Society Lecture, 7-8:30pm Community & Family Night, 6-8pm Art Ball, 6:30-10:30pm Member & Volunteer Brunch, 11am-1pm SMAA Board Elections Member Shopping Days, open hours Sunday Concert Series, 5-6pm unbound: a book club, 7-8:30pm Springville Historical Society Lecture, 7-8:30pm member month ArtSlam, 10am-5 pm Art City Days ( for event calendar) Community & Family Night, 6-8pm Summer Art Classes Children’s Art Festival, 10am-2pm happening, 7-9pm crafternoon, 10am-2pm College Night, 7-9pm unbound: a book club, 7-8:30pm Dates and times subject to change. For additional information and updates please visit exhibition highlights 40 Annual Utah All-State High School Art Show th The Springville Museum of Art is the pleased to host this annual event, showcasing the talent of exceptional high school junior and senior artists throughout Utah. It is a great first opportunity for young artists to experience a competitive art show and have their artwork presented in a public setting, both of which are crucial elements of the professional art world. Hundreds of pieces are submitted each year, of which a percentage is accepted into the show. The art is selected and awarded by jurors with an understanding of high school art. The jurors this year were: Mark Stahmann, Cathy Erdmann, Morgan save the date Join us at the 46th Annual Art Ball “Through the Looking Glass” for fine dining, beautiful music, dancing, entertainment and a silent auction. The Art Ball is the Museum’s largest fund raising event, celebrating a culmination of the Spring Salon and the Museum as a whole. Your support at the Art Ball is felt throughout the year, as the Museum provides events and educational opportunities through tours, programs, concerts and symposia for nearly 90,000 visitors. If you are interested in donating an item to the auction or becoming an Art Ball Sponsor please contact Ruth White, Assistant Director of Operations at (801) 489-2727 or Donations must be received by April 13, 2012. 46th Annual Art Ball “Through the Looking Glass” May 12, 2012 Alexandra Leigh Matthews, Black Hole Picnic Number 5, mixed media, Maple Mountain High School, Master’s Award Aurora Ching-jou Chi, Mother’s Dream, digital media, Wasatch Academy, Master’s Award top: Megan Dean Maurer, Twisted Seasons, ceramic, Mountain Crest High School, Master’s Award Bottom: Lauren McKenzie Osborn, Boy with Fish, watercolor, Olympus High School, Master’s Award 6:30-10:30 pm springville city springville museum of art staff Mayor Wilford W. Clyde City Council Richard Child Chris Creer Ben Jolley Dean F. Olsen Mark Packard City Administrator Troy Fitzgerald sma association board of trustees Executive Committee Jay Knight President Pat Conover Vice President Dianne Carr Treasurer Mark Packard Dean F. Olsen City Council Representatives Board Members Glenn Bird Mike Brown Scott Filipiak Lyle Mortimer Arianne Nemelka Linda Priest Christine Tolman Kimbal Warren Administration Vern G. Swanson Museum Director Natalie Petersen Associate Director Virgil E. Jacobsen Assistant Director/ Curator of Education Support Staff Nicole Valencia Stewart Fellow Eva Cameau Financial Accountant Dawn Jensen Office Supervisor Robert Nickelson Associate Curator of Education Louise Nickelson SWAP Packet Editor Kellie Rowland Outreach Educator Rachel Stratford Outreach Coordinator Jessica Weiss Associate Curator of Education & Art Ashlee Whitaker Associate Curator & Registrar Ruth White Assistant Director of Operations For more information and exhibition highlights, please visit the “Exhibitions” page on our website: Award Winners Honored at Capital Award winners from the 40th Annual All-State High School Show were honored at the State Capitol on Wednesday. The Capitol was the perfect location to honor these young artists, as the Governor himself said there is “no better piece of art or architecture in the state than the Capitol Building.” Many of the award winners were in attendance along with family, teachers and staff of the Springville Museum of Art. The students were presented to the State Senate Chambers by Senator Mark Madsen (R-Eagle Mountain) and the State House of Representatives by Representative Francis Gibson (R-Mapleton). Six students were able to present their work to Congress. The winners were presented with certificates of commendation from the legislature by Representative Gibson, Senator Madsen and staff of the Springville Museum of Art: Vern Swanson, Director; Virgil Jacobsen, Assistant Director and Curator of Education; Jessica Weiss, Associate Curator of Art and Education; and Jay Knight, President of the SMAA Board of Trustees. The group also had the opportunity to meet with Governor Herbert in the Gold Room. Governor Herbert signed a document declaring the first week of March as Utah Youth Arts Week. The award winners were excited at the day’s events and felt honored to be recognized for their achievements. “I thought it was really cool; I felt important, and like the arts were getting to be recognized in a bigger way,” said Sommer Lynn Baisch, winner of the Utah Watercolor Society Scholarship. Spring Salon call for entries The 88th Annual Spring Salon will be on view April 20 - July 1, 2012. All Utah artists are invited to submit their work in the following media: painting, watercolor, sculpture, installation or assemblage, drawing, mixed media & fiber, printmaking, and photography and digital. Awards are determined by jurors and curators – some of which are purchase awards that expand the Museum’s collection. And as always, an exhibition catalogue will be printed with full-color reproductions of all works selected for the Spring Salon. This year’s jurors are Mark Magleby, director of BYU’s Museum of Art, and Lila Abersold, former State Fine Art Collection Curator and Visual Arts Program Manager. Artwork will be accepted at the Museum April 3-7 during open hours and results will be posted April 18. For more information and to download a 2012 Entry Form visit Zachary David Proctor, The Artist in His Studio, oil on canvas, 2009 donor spotlight Sam and Diane Stewart Sam and Diane Stewart’s love for beauty and sense of quality is evident through their ongoing involvement with the Springville Museum of Art. Their vision and generosity has raised the Museum to a heightened level; exquisitely transforming public spaces, adding priceless treasures of art to the Museum’s collection, and providing staff support through the Stewart Fellowship Program, all of which enable the Museum to better fulfill its mission of service to the community. The Stewarts, who reside in Salt Lake City, are great supporters of the arts throughout the state. They have loaned many wonderful pieces from their private collection for curated exhibitions, and have donated signature pieces to the Museum’s Utah Collection, such as early pioneer art by C.C. A. Christensen, William Keith, and Martin Lenzi, The Mares of Diomedes by Gutzon Borglum, One in a Thousand by Solon Borglum, Poppaea by Museum founder Cyrus Dallin, beautiful landscapes such as Indian Encampment in the Wasatch Range, Utah by Frederick Ferdinand Schafer, to the ever popular interactive water and steel sculpture Moon Pool by Andrew Smith. The gifts of several fine Russian paintings have also greatly Sam and Diane Stewart enhanced the Museum’s significant collection in this area. The Stewart Fellowship Program was initiated with the idea of ‘lengthening the bench’ for future Museum leadership. Their ongoing support of this very important program is effectively accomplishing its original intent and greatly assisting the Museum with day to day operations. The Stewarts co-sponsored one of the most significant exhibitions ever held at the Museum. Wayne Thiebaud: 70 Years of Painting featured thirty-eight works of art by the Utah-California Pop artist. Working closely with Gerald Peters of Santa Fe and the family of the artist, Diane used her considerable prestige to bring the exhibition to the Museum. 30,000 visitors came through the Museum from March to July, 2008 to view the work of one of the most influential artists to live in Utah. exhibition highlights Nelson, John Rees, Fletcher Booth and Jean T. Irwin. This year 966 works were submitted from 93 schools, 345 pieces were chosen for the show and 70 received awards. The award winners were invited to a special awards ceremony at the State Capitol on February 22 and the Springville Museum of Art on March 10. The 40th Annual Utah All-State High School Show will be on view at the Springville Museum of Art through March 23, 2012. This exhibition is made possible through the vision and generosity of many: Springville Museum of Art Association, Springville City, Sorenson Legacy The Museum’s Stewart Sculpture Garden is a beautiful oasis of greenery, fountains and sculpture. The Stewarts envisioned for a lovely garden space at the Museum and they led the effort in establishing funds to make their dream a reality, encouraging other donors to follow suit. Since its completion in July of 2009, it has been enjoyed for a variety of purposes including school group tours, many museum programs and events for all ages, wedding receptions, and individual meditation and enjoyment of beauty. Foundation, StateWide Art Partnership (SWAP), Utah Department of Arts & Museums, David O. McKay School of Education at Brigham Young University, Utah State Office of Education (USOE), Utah State Legislature through the POPS program, JKS Family Foundation, Utah Watercolor Society, Utah Congressional Offices, Governor Gary Herbert, Susan Swartz, Margaret Hunt, Ennis and Geri Gibbs, Hein and CAS Academies of Art and the many educators and administrators throughout the state who lend their support to the show. Through nurturing the creative process, reinforcing positive cultural values and the appreciation of beauty, the Museum fills an important niche in the art world. We are very grateful for Sam & Diane Stewart’s significant and ongoing support of the Springville Museum of Art. SMAA Board Scholarship for Artist The Springville Museum of Art Association Board of Trustees is pleased to award Allison Noel Mitchell with this year’s SMAA Board of Trustees Scholarship. Allison is a student from Park City High School and was awarded for her oil work, After Rainy Day. The SMAA Board of Trustees shows their support each year by giving a scholarship award to a student in the show. In its third year, this award was a created at the suggestion of current Board President, Jay Knight. Alison Noel Mitchell, After Rainy Day, oil, Park City High School, SMAA Board of Trustees Scholarship Award top: Lauren Mykel Nel, Secret Scarlet, watercolor, Sky View High School, Susan Swartz Scholarship Award bottom: Gretel Tam, Self-Portrait, watercolor, American Fork High School, Second Congressional District First Place mission: springville museum of art top: Dallin Christopher Orr, Trust, charcoal, Alta High School, Education Director’s Award top: Andrew Fryer, Night Over the Sahara, acrylic, North Sanpete High School, Margaret Hunt Scholarship Award bottom: Hannah Holloway, Spring in Cache Valley, watercolor, Sky View High School, First Congressional District First Place “The purpose of the Springville Museum of Art is to provide and promote quality, meaningful, spiritual, life-affirming and predominately traditionalist art, as well as positive and profound cultural and educational opportunities and to enrich our nation, state, and community of Springville (Utah’s Art City), the arts community, students, educators, patrons, and the larger public.” Exploring Animals Fans of last fall’s Exploring Utah exhibition will welcome the return of interactive art with this spring’s handson installation: Exploring Animals. Pieces from the Museum’s permanent collection that depict animals in art have been selected for exhibition in this special view-and-respond interactive experience with the works. Especially for families and younger audiences, the exhibition encourages you to think about what you are seeing, and then talk about it! The Springville Museum of Art is pleased to feature a showcase of three celebrated Springville artists in Wayne Kimball, Robert Marshall, Bruce Smith: A Collective Retrospective. The Exploring Animals exhibition will be on display May 5 – November 10, 2012. This exhibition is presented by SMA’s education department, with financial support from the Utah Division of Arts and Museums Office of Museum Services and the Utah Families Foundation. Upon arrival to the exhibition, expect to see a magnet wall with a mix and match project, and easels where young artists can let their creativity fly after being inspired by the artwork on display. There will be a space for visitors to display their own artwork, and a reading corner with books about animals, art, and museums. Carel Pieter Brest Van Kempen, Lizard Relay: Jaguarundi with Green Iguanas and Banded Basilisks, acrylic on board, 1991 art SUMMER SUMMER SUMMER CLASSES Springville Museum of Art Adventures in Art exhibition highlights Wayne Kimball, Robert L. Marshall, Bruce H. Smith: A Collective Retrospective This exhibition is your chance to be inspired, use your imagination, and show off your art skills. Come take a closer look at how animals have inspired and influenced professionals artists, and become a part of the conversation with your own contributions. This exhibition will provide a truly unique experience! All three are local favorites who have taught and influenced thousands as professors at Brigham Young University. Each of these men have been influential in the visual fine arts scene in Utah and beyond, garnering numerous exhibitions and awards for their art. Robert Marshall’s landscape paintings offer iridescent views of the natural landscape. Most of his canvases depict close-ups of colorful flora and fauna that inspire the imagination and also encourage the viewer to visit nature in a personal way. As Marshall described, “I think, at best, my paintings are intimate areas you discover when you’re involving yourself with nature in a private way -- those places you discover when you’re tromping around.” Wayne Kimball’s detailed lithography prints have a bright, dreamlike quality that invite further examination and introspection from the viewer to analyze the meanings behind the works. The precision of his prints reflects the nature of the artist himself. “The medium really looks good to me,” Kimball said. “The ink lays on the paper so well, and I love paper. The process is also interesting. I’m not a chemist, but it’s an exacting process, and I seem to have a compulsion about order and neatness. I just relate well to it.” The meticulous and masterful crafting of Bruce Smith’s oil paintings adds a further element of interest to the exhibition. Smith’s paintings are still-life depictions of eclectic groupings of found objects against colorful and interesting patterns, which also carry associations and other symbolic meanings, some commentaries on contemporary relationships. Like his colleagues, Smith invites viewers to look further and consider through his art. He believes that art should be experienced like a feast; that it is a sensuous experience that must be enjoyed slowly. The exhibition will be on display through March 23 in the Lower Clyde Gallery. top: Calvin Raymond Grondahl, Oh, Oh, I Think we’ve done it Now!, pencil, 1979 bottom: James Calvin Christensen, The Rhinoceros, acrylic on board, 1981 Session 1: Ages 7-10, Wed and Fri, Jun 4-29, 10am-12pm Session 2: Ages 14-18, Wed and Fri, Jun 4-29, 2pm-4pm In seven classes, your child will explore each element and principle of art and learn exciting new techniques with a certified art teacher. We will be discovering new artists, scavenging the museum, and creating pieces to build our portfolios. At the end of four weeks, students will have become more comfortable creating, viewing, and discussing art. Please note that there will not be class on Friday, June 8th, to accomodate SMA’s Children’s Art Festival. 2012 June exhibition highlights Focusing on Faces Session 1: Ages 7-10, Tue and Thu, Jun 5-28, 10am-12pm Session 2: Ages 11-14, Tue and Thu, Jun 5-28, 2pm-4pm Come to SMA and learn to draw portraits from professional portrait artist and art educator, Rachel Stratford! Participants will not only learn how to draw faces realistically, but learn the skills to accurately depict individuals. Each class will focus on a specific feature and the course will culminate with a finished portrait drawing. more information Session 1: Ages 7-10, Wednesdays & Fridays, June 4-29, 10am-12pm 2: Ages 14-18 , Wednesdays & Fridays, June 4-29, 2pm-4pm @Session $25 Early Registration: March 1-31 | $30 General Registration: April 1-30 FINAL REGISTRATION DEADLINE: May 1, 2012 ven classes, your child will explore each element and principle of art and learn exciting new techniques with a certified art teacher. We dventures in Art e discovering new artists, scavenging the museum, and creating pieces to build our portfolios. At the end of four weeks, students will become more comfortable creating, viewing, and discussing art. Please note that there will not be class on Friday, June 8th to modate SMA’s Children’s Art Festival. Robert L. Marshall, Evidence of Spring, oil on canvas, 2011 top: Bruce H. Smith, Teacher of the Man, oil on canvas bottom: Wayne Kimball, A SHRINE to a Very Fast Horse and Its Rider, lithograph member notes member events let your voice be heard Mark May 17 on your calendar for the Member and Volunteer Brunch from 11am–1pm. Members and volunteers will hear about plans for the upcoming year from the SMAA Board President, tour the Spring Salon with the Director, learn which artworks will be added to the Museum’s collection, and be the first to hear the results of the SMAA Board Elections. The annual SMAA Board Election will be held in May. Look for ballots and information to arrive in your mailbox in April. Please respond with your vote to help shape the future of the Museum. May 17 also starts the week-long Spring member shopping days. Receive double discounts on SMA Store purchases when presenting a current member card from May 17–24. Choose from a giclée print of your favorite artwork from the collection, art books, journals and more — all with a 20% discount! annual fund gift The Museum relies heavily on the generosity of individuals to fulfill our mission and continue to offer outstanding exhibitions and programs to the community free of charge. Please consider making a completely tax-deductible donation over and above your member dues to the Annual Fund today. We set an ambitious goal this fiscal year to raise $20,000 in member contributions. So far we have raised $10,155 and have just $9,845 to go before June 30! membership questions? Members and Volunteers will enjoy bruch and a special tour of the Spring Salon on May 17. For more information on how to renew your membership, become a member, or give additional support to SMA please email or call (801) 489-2727 and ask to speak the Ruth White, Assistant Director of Operations. Director of Operations. new painting from nationally known artist The Museum recently acquired an exceptional landscape painting by German-born artist Louis Heinzman (1905-1982). A gifted artist, Heinzman began his studies as a youth in the Munich Royal Academy and continued at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris and in Rome. Heinzman traveled worldwide to such locales as Egypt, India and the Far East. He later settled in California, where he lived in San Francisco during the 1930s and much of the 1940s. Heinzman painted urban scenes and landscapes - adeptly capturing and celebrating the distinctive landscapes of America’s desert southwest. During World War II, Heinzman painted under the name “Louis M. Hamilton” due to anti-German sentiment. Following the war, Heinzman settled in Salt Lake City and began painting the landscapes and locales of Utah. The painting, October Gold: Timpanogos Autumn was painted in 1949, after Heinzman’s arrival in Utah. The oil is a rich landscape scene dominated by a large, golden Cottonwood tree in the foreground, with lush autumn fields and foliage backed by the peak of Utah County’s Mount Timpanogos. While the painting was initially recognized as a Utah scene, no specific location had yet been attributed to it. SMA Board Member Kimbal Warren, himself a landscape painter, viewed the acquisition and recognized the peak as Timpanogos. Later, director Vern Swanson removed the backing on the painting to find a title written by the artist himself on the canvas: “ ‘October Gold,’ original by Louis Heinzman, MCMXLVIIIIX.” Louis Heinzman, October Gold: Timpanogos in Autumn, 1949, oil on canvas, 26” X 32 “, gift from Curtis Atkisson The oil painting is the second painting by Heinzman in SMA’s collection, though the Museum does own a sketchbook from Heinzman which indicates the skilled draftsmanship of the artist. Heinzman remained a Utah artist until his death in December 1982. public programs highlights At crafternoon adults can drop into the Museum and explore their “craftier” sides! Bring your tots and a picnic lunch to enjoy at the Museum. We will provide all the supplies. A children’s movie will be playing during the event so you can craft while your children are entertained. Thu, Apr 12, 2012 10am-2pm Recycling T-shirts: Take old t-shirts and transform them into a variety of crafts — including fashionable jewelry! T-shirts and supplies will be provided, but you are encouraged to bring your own to create a work of art with a more personal twist. Thu, Jun 14, 2012 10am-2pm Sun Party: Take advantage of the summer sunshine to make unique and decorative prints. Using found objects and a photographic process called cyanotyping, design and create your own work of art that can be hung in your home or used as a father’s day gift. Discover the correlation of art and literature in SMA’s book club while making great friends. Enjoy light refreshments while we have lively discussions about great literature. Wed, Mar 28, 7-8:30 pm In Gathering Blue by Lois Lowry, Kira, left orphaned and physically flawed, faces a frightening, uncertain future when she is given the task of restoring the missing images of a precious ceremonial robe. Through the help of new friends she finds the courage to both finish the task and shape the future by following her art wherever it may lead. Wed, Apr 25, 7-8:30 pm Readers will be transported to the vibrant art scene of late nineteenth-century Paris in Harriet Scott Chessman’s Lydia Cassatt Reading the Morning Paper, a richly textured portrait of the relationship between Mary Cassatt and her sister Lydia. It is a moving and revealing portrait of the free-spirited artist and the sister and model who lived—and died—with such courage, dignity, and grace. Wed, May 23, 7-8:30 pm In Chasing Vermeer by Blue Balliett, a puzzling art theft is solved by two sixth-grade sleuths. The story follows young Petra Andalee and Calder Pillay as they piece together separate, seemingly disconnected events to locate The Lady Writing, a Vermeer painting that gets stolen en route to Chicago’s Art Institute. Wed, Jun 27, 7-8:30 pm In 2005, art historians were astonished to learn from previously unknown correspondence that the exquisite stained glass lamps attributed to Louis Comfort Tiffany were most likely conceived and designed by Clara Driscoll, one of the “Tiffany girls”. Clara and Mr. Tiffany tells the story of workers like Clara who created Tiffany‘s signature styles in this book. Author Susan Vreeland will join the discussion via video-conference. Join us on the first Monday evening of most months for Community & Family Night to meet local artists and entertainers, create art projects and see the exhibitions. Community & Family Night Mon, Mar 5, 6-8 pm Featuring guest artist Laurie Lisonbee, whose art most recently focuses on yoga and eastern themes. Entertainment will be provided by the Main Street Puppet Theatre, following which will be a children’s art project. Mon, May 7, 6-8 pm Featuring guest artist Brian Jensen, who works in ceramics. Entertainment will be provided by BYU’s stand-up comedy group HumorU! A children’s art activity will follow. Mon, Apr 2, 6-8 pm Featuring guest artist Joe Flores, a self-taught airbrush illustrator. Entertainment will be provided by Mark Valencia, a vocalist from Springville, following which will be a children’s art project. Mon, June 4, 6-8 pm Featuring painter and cartoonist Kerry Soper. Entertainment will be provided by singer Paul Bodily, a former member of Vocal Point. A children’s art activity will follow. visit for a complete calendar of events and programs all events listed are free and open to the public Exploring Animals Fans of last fall’s Exploring Utah exhibition will welcome the return of interactive art with this spring’s handson installation: Exploring Animals. Pieces from the Museum’s permanent collection that depict animals in art have been selected for exhibition in this special view-and-respond interactive experience with the works. Especially for families and younger audiences, the exhibition encourages you to think about what you are seeing, and then talk about it! The Springville Museum of Art is pleased to feature a showcase of three celebrated Springville artists in Wayne Kimball, Robert Marshall, Bruce Smith: A Collective Retrospective. The Exploring Animals exhibition will be on display May 5 – November 10, 2012. This exhibition is presented by SMA’s education department, with financial support from the Utah Division of Arts and Museums Office of Museum Services and the Utah Families Foundation. Upon arrival to the exhibition, expect to see a magnet wall with a mix and match project, and easels where young artists can let their creativity fly after being inspired by the artwork on display. There will be a space for visitors to display their own artwork, and a reading corner with books about animals, art, and museums. Carel Pieter Brest Van Kempen, Lizard Relay: Jaguarundi with Green Iguanas and Banded Basilisks, acrylic on board, 1991 art SUMMER SUMMER SUMMER CLASSES Springville Museum of Art Adventures in Art exhibition highlights Wayne Kimball, Robert L. Marshall, Bruce H. Smith: A Collective Retrospective This exhibition is your chance to be inspired, use your imagination, and show off your art skills. Come take a closer look at how animals have inspired and influenced professionals artists, and become a part of the conversation with your own contributions. This exhibition will provide a truly unique experience! All three are local favorites who have taught and influenced thousands as professors at Brigham Young University. Each of these men have been influential in the visual fine arts scene in Utah and beyond, garnering numerous exhibitions and awards for their art. Robert Marshall’s landscape paintings offer iridescent views of the natural landscape. Most of his canvases depict close-ups of colorful flora and fauna that inspire the imagination and also encourage the viewer to visit nature in a personal way. As Marshall described, “I think, at best, my paintings are intimate areas you discover when you’re involving yourself with nature in a private way -- those places you discover when you’re tromping around.” Wayne Kimball’s detailed lithography prints have a bright, dreamlike quality that invite further examination and introspection from the viewer to analyze the meanings behind the works. The precision of his prints reflects the nature of the artist himself. “The medium really looks good to me,” Kimball said. “The ink lays on the paper so well, and I love paper. The process is also interesting. I’m not a chemist, but it’s an exacting process, and I seem to have a compulsion about order and neatness. I just relate well to it.” The meticulous and masterful crafting of Bruce Smith’s oil paintings adds a further element of interest to the exhibition. Smith’s paintings are still-life depictions of eclectic groupings of found objects against colorful and interesting patterns, which also carry associations and other symbolic meanings, some commentaries on contemporary relationships. Like his colleagues, Smith invites viewers to look further and consider through his art. He believes that art should be experienced like a feast; that it is a sensuous experience that must be enjoyed slowly. The exhibition will be on display through March 23 in the Lower Clyde Gallery. top: Calvin Raymond Grondahl, Oh, Oh, I Think we’ve done it Now!, pencil, 1979 bottom: James Calvin Christensen, The Rhinoceros, acrylic on board, 1981 Session 1: Ages 7-10, Wed and Fri, Jun 4-29, 10am-12pm Session 2: Ages 14-18, Wed and Fri, Jun 4-29, 2pm-4pm In seven classes, your child will explore each element and principle of art and learn exciting new techniques with a certified art teacher. We will be discovering new artists, scavenging the museum, and creating pieces to build our portfolios. At the end of four weeks, students will have become more comfortable creating, viewing, and discussing art. Please note that there will not be class on Friday, June 8th, to accomodate SMA’s Children’s Art Festival. 2012 June exhibition highlights Focusing on Faces Session 1: Ages 7-10, Tue and Thu, Jun 5-28, 10am-12pm Session 2: Ages 11-14, Tue and Thu, Jun 5-28, 2pm-4pm Come to SMA and learn to draw portraits from professional portrait artist and art educator, Rachel Stratford! Participants will not only learn how to draw faces realistically, but learn the skills to accurately depict individuals. Each class will focus on a specific feature and the course will culminate with a finished portrait drawing. more information Session 1: Ages 7-10, Wednesdays & Fridays, June 4-29, 10am-12pm 2: Ages 14-18 , Wednesdays & Fridays, June 4-29, 2pm-4pm @Session $25 Early Registration: March 1-31 | $30 General Registration: April 1-30 FINAL REGISTRATION DEADLINE: May 1, 2012 ven classes, your child will explore each element and principle of art and learn exciting new techniques with a certified art teacher. We dventures in Art e discovering new artists, scavenging the museum, and creating pieces to build our portfolios. At the end of four weeks, students will become more comfortable creating, viewing, and discussing art. Please note that there will not be class on Friday, June 8th to modate SMA’s Children’s Art Festival. Robert L. Marshall, Evidence of Spring, oil on canvas, 2011 top: Bruce H. Smith, Teacher of the Man, oil on canvas bottom: Wayne Kimball, A SHRINE to a Very Fast Horse and Its Rider, lithograph donor spotlight Sam and Diane Stewart Sam and Diane Stewart’s love for beauty and sense of quality is evident through their ongoing involvement with the Springville Museum of Art. Their vision and generosity has raised the Museum to a heightened level; exquisitely transforming public spaces, adding priceless treasures of art to the Museum’s collection, and providing staff support through the Stewart Fellowship Program, all of which enable the Museum to better fulfill its mission of service to the community. The Stewarts, who reside in Salt Lake City, are great supporters of the arts throughout the state. They have loaned many wonderful pieces from their private collection for curated exhibitions, and have donated signature pieces to the Museum’s Utah Collection, such as early pioneer art by C.C. A. Christensen, William Keith, and Martin Lenzi, The Mares of Diomedes by Gutzon Borglum, One in a Thousand by Solon Borglum, Poppaea by Museum founder Cyrus Dallin, beautiful landscapes such as Indian Encampment in the Wasatch Range, Utah by Frederick Ferdinand Schafer, to the ever popular interactive water and steel sculpture Moon Pool by Andrew Smith. The gifts of several fine Russian paintings have also greatly Sam and Diane Stewart enhanced the Museum’s significant collection in this area. The Stewart Fellowship Program was initiated with the idea of ‘lengthening the bench’ for future Museum leadership. Their ongoing support of this very important program is effectively accomplishing its original intent and greatly assisting the Museum with day to day operations. The Stewarts co-sponsored one of the most significant exhibitions ever held at the Museum. Wayne Thiebaud: 70 Years of Painting featured thirty-eight works of art by the Utah-California Pop artist. Working closely with Gerald Peters of Santa Fe and the family of the artist, Diane used her considerable prestige to bring the exhibition to the Museum. 30,000 visitors came through the Museum from March to July, 2008 to view the work of one of the most influential artists to live in Utah. exhibition highlights Nelson, John Rees, Fletcher Booth and Jean T. Irwin. This year 966 works were submitted from 93 schools, 345 pieces were chosen for the show and 70 received awards. The award winners were invited to a special awards ceremony at the State Capitol on February 22 and the Springville Museum of Art on March 10. The 40th Annual Utah All-State High School Show will be on view at the Springville Museum of Art through March 23, 2012. This exhibition is made possible through the vision and generosity of many: Springville Museum of Art Association, Springville City, Sorenson Legacy The Museum’s Stewart Sculpture Garden is a beautiful oasis of greenery, fountains and sculpture. The Stewarts envisioned for a lovely garden space at the Museum and they led the effort in establishing funds to make their dream a reality, encouraging other donors to follow suit. Since its completion in July of 2009, it has been enjoyed for a variety of purposes including school group tours, many museum programs and events for all ages, wedding receptions, and individual meditation and enjoyment of beauty. Foundation, StateWide Art Partnership (SWAP), Utah Department of Arts & Museums, David O. McKay School of Education at Brigham Young University, Utah State Office of Education (USOE), Utah State Legislature through the POPS program, JKS Family Foundation, Utah Watercolor Society, Utah Congressional Offices, Governor Gary Herbert, Susan Swartz, Margaret Hunt, Ennis and Geri Gibbs, Hein and CAS Academies of Art and the many educators and administrators throughout the state who lend their support to the show. Through nurturing the creative process, reinforcing positive cultural values and the appreciation of beauty, the Museum fills an important niche in the art world. We are very grateful for Sam & Diane Stewart’s significant and ongoing support of the Springville Museum of Art. SMAA Board Scholarship for Artist The Springville Museum of Art Association Board of Trustees is pleased to award Allison Noel Mitchell with this year’s SMAA Board of Trustees Scholarship. Allison is a student from Park City High School and was awarded for her oil work, After Rainy Day. The SMAA Board of Trustees shows their support each year by giving a scholarship award to a student in the show. In its third year, this award was a created at the suggestion of current Board President, Jay Knight. Alison Noel Mitchell, After Rainy Day, oil, Park City High School, SMAA Board of Trustees Scholarship Award top: Lauren Mykel Nel, Secret Scarlet, watercolor, Sky View High School, Susan Swartz Scholarship Award bottom: Gretel Tam, Self-Portrait, watercolor, American Fork High School, Second Congressional District First Place mission: springville museum of art top: Dallin Christopher Orr, Trust, charcoal, Alta High School, Education Director’s Award top: Andrew Fryer, Night Over the Sahara, acrylic, North Sanpete High School, Margaret Hunt Scholarship Award bottom: Hannah Holloway, Spring in Cache Valley, watercolor, Sky View High School, First Congressional District First Place “The purpose of the Springville Museum of Art is to provide and promote quality, meaningful, spiritual, life-affirming and predominately traditionalist art, as well as positive and profound cultural and educational opportunities and to enrich our nation, state, and community of Springville (Utah’s Art City), the arts community, students, educators, patrons, and the larger public.” exhibition highlights 40 Annual Utah All-State High School Art Show th The Springville Museum of Art is the pleased to host this annual event, showcasing the talent of exceptional high school junior and senior artists throughout Utah. It is a great first opportunity for young artists to experience a competitive art show and have their artwork presented in a public setting, both of which are crucial elements of the professional art world. Hundreds of pieces are submitted each year, of which a percentage is accepted into the show. The art is selected and awarded by jurors with an understanding of high school art. The jurors this year were: Mark Stahmann, Cathy Erdmann, Morgan save the date Join us at the 46th Annual Art Ball “Through the Looking Glass” for fine dining, beautiful music, dancing, entertainment and a silent auction. The Art Ball is the Museum’s largest fund raising event, celebrating a culmination of the Spring Salon and the Museum as a whole. Your support at the Art Ball is felt throughout the year, as the Museum provides events and educational opportunities through tours, programs, concerts and symposia for nearly 90,000 visitors. If you are interested in donating an item to the auction or becoming an Art Ball Sponsor please contact Ruth White, Assistant Director of Operations at (801) 489-2727 or Donations must be received by April 13, 2012. 46th Annual Art Ball “Through the Looking Glass” May 12, 2012 Alexandra Leigh Matthews, Black Hole Picnic Number 5, mixed media, Maple Mountain High School, Master’s Award Aurora Ching-jou Chi, Mother’s Dream, digital media, Wasatch Academy, Master’s Award top: Megan Dean Maurer, Twisted Seasons, ceramic, Mountain Crest High School, Master’s Award Bottom: Lauren McKenzie Osborn, Boy with Fish, watercolor, Olympus High School, Master’s Award 6:30-10:30 pm springville city springville museum of art staff Mayor Wilford W. Clyde City Council Richard Child Chris Creer Ben Jolley Dean F. Olsen Mark Packard City Administrator Troy Fitzgerald sma association board of trustees Executive Committee Jay Knight President Pat Conover Vice President Dianne Carr Treasurer Mark Packard Dean F. Olsen City Council Representatives Board Members Glenn Bird Mike Brown Scott Filipiak Lyle Mortimer Arianne Nemelka Linda Priest Christine Tolman Kimbal Warren Administration Vern G. Swanson Museum Director Natalie Petersen Associate Director Virgil E. Jacobsen Assistant Director/ Curator of Education Support Staff Nicole Valencia Stewart Fellow Eva Cameau Financial Accountant Dawn Jensen Office Supervisor Robert Nickelson Associate Curator of Education Louise Nickelson SWAP Packet Editor Kellie Rowland Outreach Educator Rachel Stratford Outreach Coordinator Jessica Weiss Associate Curator of Education & Art Ashlee Whitaker Associate Curator & Registrar Ruth White Assistant Director of Operations For more information and exhibition highlights, please visit the “Exhibitions” page on our website: Award Winners Honored at Capital Award winners from the 40th Annual All-State High School Show were honored at the State Capitol on Wednesday. The Capitol was the perfect location to honor these young artists, as the Governor himself said there is “no better piece of art or architecture in the state than the Capitol Building.” Many of the award winners were in attendance along with family, teachers and staff of the Springville Museum of Art. The students were presented to the State Senate Chambers by Senator Mark Madsen (R-Eagle Mountain) and the State House of Representatives by Representative Francis Gibson (R-Mapleton). Six students were able to present their work to Congress. The winners were presented with certificates of commendation from the legislature by Representative Gibson, Senator Madsen and staff of the Springville Museum of Art: Vern Swanson, Director; Virgil Jacobsen, Assistant Director and Curator of Education; Jessica Weiss, Associate Curator of Art and Education; and Jay Knight, President of the SMAA Board of Trustees. The group also had the opportunity to meet with Governor Herbert in the Gold Room. Governor Herbert signed a document declaring the first week of March as Utah Youth Arts Week. The award winners were excited at the day’s events and felt honored to be recognized for their achievements. “I thought it was really cool; I felt important, and like the arts were getting to be recognized in a bigger way,” said Sommer Lynn Baisch, winner of the Utah Watercolor Society Scholarship. Spring Salon call for entries The 88th Annual Spring Salon will be on view April 20 - July 1, 2012. All Utah artists are invited to submit their work in the following media: painting, watercolor, sculpture, installation or assemblage, drawing, mixed media & fiber, printmaking, and photography and digital. Awards are determined by jurors and curators – some of which are purchase awards that expand the Museum’s collection. And as always, an exhibition catalogue will be printed with full-color reproductions of all works selected for the Spring Salon. This year’s jurors are Mark Magleby, director of BYU’s Museum of Art, and Lila Abersold, former State Fine Art Collection Curator and Visual Arts Program Manager. Artwork will be accepted at the Museum April 3-7 during open hours and results will be posted April 18. For more information and to download a 2012 Entry Form visit Zachary David Proctor, The Artist in His Studio, oil on canvas, 2009 Matters! memberinsider membership springville museum of art 1 2 6 E a s t 4 0 0 S o u t h , s p r i n g v i l l e , u t a h · 8 0 1 - 4 8 9 - 2 7 2 7 · w w w. s m o f a . o r g exhibitions 20 September 2011 – December 2012 J.T. Harwood: The Ione Years (1927-1940) memberinsider Q U a rt e r ly m e m b e r n e w s l e tt e r · S p r i n g 2 0 1 2 22 February - March 23, 2012 40th Annual Utah All-State High School Art Show 22 February - March 23, 2012 Wayne Kimball, Robert Marshall, Bruce Smith: A Collective Retrospective springville museum of art 20 April - 1 July, 2012 88th Annual Spring Salon 5 May - 10 November, 2012 Exploring Animals Welcome to this edition of memberinsider! As part of your member benefits you will receive this newsletter full of SMA news each quarter – exhibition highlights, upcoming events and programs, Museum news, information about member benefits, volunteer opportunities and SMA Store offers. There is always something happening at the Museum and as a member you will be in the know! Members also receive a monthly e-newsletter update and event reminders. If you aren’t currently receiving emails please send your name, street address and email address to @ SMofA on the cover: Jared Christopher Saunders, Mania, graphite, Award of Excellence Hein Academy of Art Scholarship Museum Hours Springville Museum of Art (closed Holidays) Springville Museum of Art SUN MON 3-6pm *closed TUE 10am-5 pm WED 10am-9pm THU 10am-5pm FRI 10am-5pm SAT 10am-5pm * The Museum is open from 6-8 pm on the first Monday of most months for Community & Family Night. During Member Shopping Days (May 17-24) receive double discounts (20%) with your valid member card. Member price: $36.00 Member Shopping Days price: $32.00 Author Donna L. Poulton has dedicated years to research of Kirkham’s life and work, herself painting a magnificent picture of his art as well as his life. With a forward by SMA’s Vern Swanson, the book is a marvelous addition to any art lover’s collection. The first artist to settle and paint in Northern Utah, Reuben Kirkham is celebrated for his sweeping landscapes. His vision of the west during tumultuous and changing times is at once stunning and hopeful. Kirkham used his painting as a foundation to overcome personal trials, poverty and rejection throughout his life. His unique perspective is apparent in the beautiful use of color and light. Reuben Kirkham: Pioneer Artist sma store pick 126 East 400 South Springville, UT 84663 (801) 489-2727 upcoming events March Jessica Cannon, The Viewer, acrylic, Karl G. Maeser Preparatory School, Third Congressional District First Place Award message from the assistant director The 40th Annual Utah All-State High School Art Show is currently hanging in our galleries and it is well worth your time to visit. The quality and creativity of the artwork grows stronger each year. The Springville Museum of Art was founded on the commitment and participation of the local high school students, who worked to build the early collection and continue to support the museum as adults. We continue to rely upon local high school students as volunteers, performers and artists to support our mission. We are looking forward to what the artists of Utah submit for the 88th Annual Spring Salon this April. Every year brings impressive talent from both established and up-and-coming artists. Their creativity and artistry will be celebrated at the 46th Annual Art Ball which features this premiere exhibition of Utah art — along with fine dining, dancing, and a silent auction. The Art Ball is also the largest Museum fund-raising event held each year. The funds raised help fulfill our mission of service to the community. Thanks to all of our Museum family and friends — each of you provide support in your own individual way to make the Springville Museum of Art succeed and thrive. We appreciate your help in getting us to where we are now, and we hope you will stay with us in the future. Please consider making a tax-deductible contribution to the Annual Fund and renewing your membership to help us reach our fiscal year-end goal of raising $20,000 in member contributions. We look forward to seeing you in the galleries soon. 5 10 10 18 21 28 28 Community & Family Night, 6-8pm High School Show Awards Ceremony, 11am-1pm Exhibition Reception, 1-3pm Sunday Concert Series, 5-6pm College Night, 7-9pm unbound: a book club, 7-8:30pm Springvillle Historical Society Lecture, 7-8:30pm April 2 3-7 7 12 15 21 25 25 May 7 12 17 17 17-24 20 23 30 June 1 2-9 4 4-29 8 13 14 20 27 Community & Family Night, 6-8pm Entries for Spring Salon, open hours SMAA Art Royalty Application Deadline crafternoon, 10am-2pm Sunday Concert Series, 5-6pm Springville World Folkfest Gala, 1-3pm unbound: a book club, 7-8:30pm Springvillle Historical Society Lecture, 7-8:30pm Community & Family Night, 6-8pm Art Ball, 6:30-10:30pm Member & Volunteer Brunch, 11am-1pm SMAA Board Elections Member Shopping Days, open hours Sunday Concert Series, 5-6pm unbound: a book club, 7-8:30pm Springville Historical Society Lecture, 7-8:30pm member month ArtSlam, 10am-5 pm Art City Days ( for event calendar) Community & Family Night, 6-8pm Summer Art Classes Children’s Art Festival, 10am-2pm happening, 7-9pm crafternoon, 10am-2pm College Night, 7-9pm unbound: a book club, 7-8:30pm Dates and times subject to change. For additional information and updates please visit