30770-4003-RBD/smrd PO #23617-0-MC /wiø 6$geeertclrt, made
30770-4003-RBD/smrd PO #23617-0-MC /wiø 6$geeertclrt, made
/wiø 6$geeertclrt, made #30770-4003-RBD/smrd P. O. #23617-0-MC this 19rh dayof AprilA.D.20 07 3ef'veen rhe COIINTY OF MONTGOMERY, Pennsylvania, Irereinaft.,r called Party of the First part, and OMEGA SYSTEMS CONSULTANTS, lNC., a Corporation, with principat place of business at 828 Penn Avenue, Wyomissing, pA .i9610 hereinalle¡ called Party ofthe Second Part. l¡iITliESsETH, that the said Parry ofthe Second pa¡t, for and in consideration ofthe payments hereiaaJler specified and agreed to be made by the Party ofthe First Part to the said Party ofthe Second Fart, hereby covenants and agrees to and with the said Parfy ofthe First Pa¡t, to furnish and deliver all labor, materials, equipment, and,/or supplies required to be fumished and delivered, being: Frovide for on-site repairs and/or cleaning of printers located at var¡ous Montgomery countt ofilces, on an "as needed" basis for the Information Technology solutions oepartment, for oné 1t¡ yeai, beginning with ihe issuance of a Purchase Order, and in strict and exact accordance with the bid, proposal and/or specìfications, which said bid, proposal and specificaticns are hereby made a part ofthis agreement by reference thereto as fully to alt intents and purpôses and fo the same extent as thoug¡ herein set out at length. It is furthe¡ agreed that in case any ofthe said labor, materials, equipment and_/or supplies fumished and deiivered under this contract are rejected by the autho¡ized or proper County Agent ai unsuitable or unfit, such labor, materials, equipment, and/or supplies so rejected shall be removed at once by the said party of -and the Second Part, and other labor, materials, equipment, and,/or supplies ofthe proper kind and quality, fully up to the requirements of this contract, fumished in place thereof, to the iatiifaction of County Agent, ât the cost and expense ofthe said Parry ofthe Second part; provided, however, that in the event Party ofthe Second Part fails, neglects, or ¡efuses to frrrnish the replacement therefor within sixty (60) days after receipts of written request so to do, County may purchase said replacements and Parfy ofthe Second Part agrees to be liable for costs thereof. The rernedies herein provided shall be in addition to and not in substitution ofthe rights and remedies which would otherwise be vested in the Parry ofthe First Part under the terms ofthii agreement, including those contained in the bid, proposal and specifrcatìons, all ofwhich rights and remedies are specifically reserved by the Party ofthe First Part. Parl-y of the Second Part shall at the time of execution ofthis contact give such security as shall be required by said County Agent or County Solicitor to insure Performance of Cont¡act, compliance with Warran¡ies and Guarantees of Party of Second Part, and Maintenance ofsaid equipment, w-here provided by specifications. It is agreed thaf fhis contract shall not be sublet as a u,hole nor shall any part thereof be assigned or transferred ând that no payment, or part payment, which may accrue hereunder shall be assþed. The said Parry cfthe Second Part avers and represents that no such assignment or transfer ofsaià contract has eve¡ been rrade and that no payment or part payment, which may accrue hereunder, has ever been assignei. It is ùnderstood that said averment and representation is a material inducement to the execution of ihis agreement by the Parfy of the First Part. Page i of2 tët'.4123102 In consideration of the premises, the said Party of the Fint Part hereby agrees to pay to the party of the Second Part for the said labor, materials, equipment, and/or supplies the sums or prices set forth in the bid, proposal and specifications incorporated herein and made a part hereofby reference thereto. The Party ofthe second Part agrees to accept the said checks in payment as cash. It is fr¡rther distinctly understood and agreed that the total amount to be paid for the said labor, materials, equipment and/or supplies to be supplied under this contract shall in no event exceed the sum of THE ESTIMATED TOTAL LUMP SUM PRICE, (PARTS AND LABOR) OF TEN THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED TWENTY NINE and 56/100...($10,729.56) DOLLARS (PER ATTACHED LIST WHICH BECOMES A PART HEREOF) The term "Party of the Second Part", as used in this agreement, shall be construed to include both singular and plural, and shall be deemed to include each and every of the individuals, co-partnerships and corporations specifically named above and there designated as "Party of the Second Part'. The masculine gender shall be deemed to include the feminine and neuter genders. All interpolations and deletions were made before the signing hereof. The parties hereto bind themselves, their heirs, executors, adminisûators and successors for the faithfr¡l performance of this agreement. I l'1-1 / --t ./î /1 i ,,/,' (sEAL) (--" Signed, Sealed and Deliverf, Montgomery County Commissioners In the presence of: OMEGA SYSTEMS CONSULTANTS, INC., a Corporation, Witness to Principal Page2 of2 GEAL) Ðst'd OJy P;;;;rPäil;;i;";;; j Fuser assembly 2 T¡ansfe¡ roller 6 Feed./separation rollers 12 Pickup rollers - - Price Total Price $_jgã,'j $__ißg_ $ zee 6 4a!õ Unit reñrbished parts Ok s19 $ szÉz $-119 s 'bs.æ s Parts for FIP 4200 series Printers $-tz¡-e $-_1å3€."' g-E.u S zs.fl 10 Fuser assembly 2 Transfer roller 10 Feed./separation rollers 15 Pickup rollers gjjrl Ðst'd Olv Parts for FIP 4100 series Printe¡s Unit 2 Fuser assembly i Transfer roller 6 Feed./sepatation roller $-.!lø- $ zgz'oo $_6? $___r_q_.s_ s z.eL $ ig.a' 4 Pickup Roilers $ 1.4 $ rã.q' s-4tÏ 4" 219 r\.úp L. Parts fo¡ - reñrbished parts OK - S-n? refrrbished parts OK IIP 4000/4050 $ aq.@ Price Total Prices series Printe¡s Transfer roller $_xg Feed/separation rollers sz.3t ò - reñrbished parts OK sreÍ Pickup rollers .....$ 50 rate $ ,-r." S 3,Lþ,8 Estimated total parts cost, ali printers Flourly labor ç--ss!'"e_ $ $ Fuser assembly /hr Estlmated total labor cost, 150 estimated hours X hourly labor rate. . -. . . .. . Ðstímated Total Lump Sum Price, parts & (*) Basis for 5% bid bond ór certified biili¡C Overtime ¡ate Mark-up on parts $ Prompt pa,vment disc. terms S Minimum $'1334. 00 Iabor......,,...,...............9 lo"-13ô.s4 check too $_____lê_____/hg lto @ g ÍFoo Yo $ L0 '7 29 ' 56 ç3,229.56 BOND #Q886170191 KNO\ry ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, Corporation, with principal place of busigçs ar 828 pgnn Avenue, wyomissing, OMEGA SYSTEMS coNsULTANTS,INC, a BA 19610 i iåilffiå.-Ëg *o ffi+k""f^/ lffik6(k'#á^*Ry, pennsyrvani4 and irs successors and OBLIGEE, iN the sum of FIVE THOUSAND TT{REE HUNDRED sIxTY FoI,R anrl78/IOO ($5,364.78) DOLLARS, lawful money of the United States of America, for which payment well and truly to be made, we and each of us, have hereunto and do hereby fïrmly bind ourselves, our heirs, perional representativãs, ASSigNS, AS successors and assigns. WHEREAS, Principal herein has entered into a contact or agreement in writing with COLJNTy OF MONTGOMERY, on-Site Repairs and/or Cl,eaning of Printers, Spec. #4003 whereby principal did obligate itself to furnish all materials, equipment, goods and labor necessary to, in a complete and workmanlike mannõ, do said worþ as in said contact or agreement in writing more frrlly set forth, the same being firlly incorporated herein by reference with the same force and effect as if ñrlly copied herein. for NOW THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH that if Principal shall well and rul:r do and perform all those things which he did by said written contract or agreement obligate himself to do, and strà[ in all råspects comply with the said recited conhact, then this obligation shall be void and of no effect. Otherwise to be anà remain in full force and virtue. IN 'ù/ITNESS wHERoF the PRINCIPAL and SURETY in their and each of their behalves, this , A.D. 1 1th day have caused this instrument to be duly executed and sealed of APRIL, Witness: 2007 OMEGA SYSTEMS CONSULT¡NTS,INC., a Corporation, (sEAL) @rincipal) (x) (Witness to Principal) @resident) ERTE INSURANCE @,TPAIVY ,-; 1^ î-â/*-, - ('Witness to Surety) Robin A. Eachr:s (Surety) $l (Attorney-in-Fact) Ronal-d M. ¡{oyer ffi EF]E ]\SUFAI!CE /-*q*j--"ë POWER OF ATTORNEY CCIvIPANY ERTE That lhc ERiF INSURAN( L ( O\,1l\ N \'. r corror liion duÌv o¡genized undcr rhe laws olthe ofPennsylvania. does heleby rnake. constitute and appolll K\Oú'.1't l- ),1ìlù.- BY THESE PRESE\TS: lio¡t C o nrr J" e:rl,-h R,ÃI-?fl BORNEHÂN, JR., BRADI,EY A. BORNEH,AN, ROBIN Ä. EACET]S.AND RONAI,D . }IOYER irdir idtallr'. i¡s true and lawful Attornev-in-Fact. ro makc- executc. seal lrld deliver lbr and o¡l irs behalf. ând as its act and EÁCE IN A PENAI-TY NOT TO EXCEED THE SlDf OF ONE rjeecl. any anJ alì bonds and undertakings of suret).shjp. ¡lrLT'rON ÐoLr,ÅRS ( $ 1, 00O, 0O0. 00) ----------- Ald to 'oiird Ìhe ERIE L\ISURANCE COMPA\-Y thereby as f'uìl-"- and to the same extent as if such bonds and undertakinss a]jd othc¡ !l,tit:ngs obligatory in the nature the¡eof rve¡e signed by' rhe appropriate otTice¡ of the ERIE INSURANCE COùPANY a¡d scaled and aitested by one othe¡ ofsuch officers. and hereby rarifies and confirms all that its said Attomey(s)-rn- nav lo rn punuance hereof'The Poue: of \ttolney ìs granted under and by authorrty of rhe lbllowing Resolulioìl adopted by the Board oí Directors Facr E I\ S UIìANCE RIE COMPANY at a meeting held on Va.v 8. 2002 at rvhich a quo¡un r.r,as ol presented and sard Resolution has nût been alnended or repealed: *Resol\èd. l¡e¡ the President, or aûy Senìor Vice Preside¡t or Vìce Presi.lenr shall have power and aurho¡it)¡ to: (a) Appoinr ArIo rrlay''{ i)'in f_¿r.j t and to au thorize them 10 execu¡e on behall ol the C o rr p irny: b onds and LrÌtde ì f¡ k ings. recognizanc es , con tracrs oi indenuitrv zLncì orirer $-ritings obligarory in the nature tllereol, ¿n(1. (bl To reiìovlj an\ slrch Àllorne\,-in-Fact at anrv time and :c.;oke rhr porver and authority given to him; and Reloi\¿d- th¿Ì AttomÈy(s)-in-Fact shâll have pou,er and âurhoriiv. subjec! ro dÌe rerms and limnarions ofthe Porvcr olÀrtomey issue¡i ro thcn:. to execute and deliver on behelfofthe Conpan], bun.l\ Jnd unde¡takings, recoi:nizances- contracts oiindemniri and oiher obligatory in the naau¡e the¡eol The corpo¡ate sea! ls not necessary fòr rhe validiry ofany bonds and undertaÉ'vritings ìi'tgs. recognizances. conûact of indem¡iry and other \\ ritjngs obhgatora in lhe natùre ihereof '' Ihis Por"er ofAÍo¡ney is signed and s€aled by facsiniles under and b), \'iftue of the fbllowing Resolution âdopred by rhe Boa¡cl olDìr'¿c¡o¡s of EzuE INSURANCE COMPANY at a meeting heìd on rhe 8th day of !lay, 2002. at wh¡ch a quorum lvas picsclit iLnd sa:d Resolüion has not been amended or repealed: '_Rriol\id. tlrâr rhe sj_gnatrìre A ofJeffrct Lud¡of- as Presidenr and (href E\c.uLjvc Ofìiccr ot" rhe Co;rpan-r,. and rhe Se¿i oflhe rccogìlìz¿l1ces. cottracts ând olher \tritings in the nanÌ¡e rheaeof, and the signanrre ofJ R. \¡an Gorder. as Secre!ârv of¡he Comp:rn-v. atci :he Seaì ofthe Company may also be affixed by the follorving facsimìles to any cerrilicate ofany such Limi¡ed Porver of .\¡rorn¡v ¡nd onlv under such circumstances, shâil said facsimiles be v¡lid ¿nd binding on the Compâny." -"ßiÑcF" CO\4- - '.1Y¿"ä;"t;;'q" \'11P-\NY h¿s c¿used these presents to be stcncd by its P¡esidenr .t i 1972 j;¡ :ndr hie I rc- uri,. c officcr and itt.o.pãråì. åii. u. f,."",ã ,:i ..Ér,. I i'r-J ri r'. h rlrr ofVay. ì00'. ..1¿ j ?, .:: i ::.' ..r' ' ,'1'"'' st.\-t otP! \NS\L\{\IA }* TOL\T\ IF FR IF ' t\ \\ I f \t 5' À LRLOÊ rhe ERIE INSURANCE da¡,cf May', A.D. 2002, bef'ore me pe¡sonally callle A. l-ucìrol, to me knorvn. who being by me duly swom, dìd ilepose ¿nil sâv: rhar he is President and Chief Executive Officer ofERIE Ì\SURANCE COMPANY, rhe corporation desc¡iberj in;rnc ivhich execu[ed the above i]ìstrument; that he knows th¿ Sèrl of said corporation; that the Seal alixed to the On this 8th Jei'lie_v salcì insrron'¡e¡r rs such corporate Seal; fhat it lvas so affixed by orCer ofthe Boa¡d of Di¡ectors of said co¡poration and thar he signeC his naúe ihereto by like order. CERTIFIC.\T' l. J. R. !'an (ìorder. ¡s Secret¿ry ofthe ERIE INSi,RANCE COM PANY. do Llercby ceñily thâ! the original POWER OF ATTORNÊY. of.rÞicir ihe lbregoing is a fuli, true and correct copy, is srill in luil l-orce and effect as ofthe date below In wir¡ess wh:¡eoi'. I have hereunto subsc¡ibed my name and ìffixed ca.por3te Se¿ìoflhe Company by fâcsimiles pursuan! !o rhe acrion ofrhe Board ofDirecrors ofthe Company, ¡his 'l 1 th sF 57 5/04 day of' APRIL, 2007 .r': aÀNcÀ'. t.-_ -.' -r-\.) .- _9 .-:ôgPOF/:... cl r,-: {"...o \'1 1 S..s".: .: :r!i 'j -: Éì. :,\t1 -1 -€,9/E PÞ _ ' iè : i=-r ,,.,,, t. ,,,, r' -' From: Rcbin Eachus Ai: Body-Borneman Associates, tnc. FaxtD: To: Rose,qnn Date:4h3/2OO7 02:44 PM Page: 2 of3 ACÐRB- CERTIFICATE OF LIABILIT Y INSURANCE I Àssociates Inc. 17 East Phi]-ade].phia Ävenue P o Box 584 Bod!.-Bo.EÃeInaII Joyer!'of.¡ll L95LZ '?A. Phorle: 61O-367-11O0 E'ax:610-367-1140 _. oBlD .Rd oMEGÀ-1 I 04/a3/O7 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. INSURERS ÂFFORÞING COVERAGE NAIC # ErJ,e fnsurance Exchange Cot¡suLtants Inc vasíl-!oÊ Kiritsis 828 Peltri Àvenue I,tvomissillg PÀ 19 610 Omeqa Svstems 26217 INSURER C _r!È irÐriC:ES OF ñSUÊ¿rcE L SrEÐ âELOW HAVÊ aEEN ISSüED -O llrE IN5URED |(AMED A!ìOVi FOR ThE PoilCY PERTOD lNDlcÀTED. NOtV/ tHSt/.r\DiNc -TERNI OF] C OND]T]ON OF ANY CCNIRÀC i OR OT¡ER DOCUMEM WL IN RESPECT TC WH CH iHIS CERT]FIc,q-IÊ I!'\Y BE ISSIED OR i/4.¡ i!R-IÂLN. ÌHÊ ]NSi]RAJì]CE ÂIFORDECT BY-IHE PoLIc Es DEscR BED HER.IN Is SIIEJECÌÌc¡rL Ìl]E ]ERMS, ExcLlisjÛNs¡cND ccNÐIÌIoNs oF sU.H PoricrÈS /AGGREGATÉ L MI IS SHollîl l\,lAY l{AVE BEEN REOL_rCED BY PA D CLA|¡,¡S ,ì.]! ?:Êì]IR'¡¡ENLÍ sRd POLICYNUMBER T\PE OF INSORÀÑiìF LIMTIS GÊNERAL LLAÞ]¡-¡ß ] x ]x l cc¡rv:rc r. f,- LrarlrrY ,*= [x] Q413O90171À 05 05/30 /01 / 30 /o6 o..u^ rrED cy fl ].II'TÂPPL 55& l ES PER l l I l I I o,. i SCi f i QO3-13O3O629 .*".- o ,r." ÊDL o3/LO/O'7 03 /ro / oa 1,OOo,Ooo laD ÅLrlos ttnto au:os l..*.,..^"-..,,,-". AI:J EXCESS/UI\IBRÉLLA EAACCID-ñI rH¡rl ON i oi¡ER :< 1, O00,00o 1/O00,00o 5,O00 1, OOo, oOO 2, OO0, O0O _$ s2,000,o00 COMBIN:C S NGLÉ LIMIi ¡trO OIILY i ]N.Jì-]R l ,o. """ "a-a i'.] Ѐ (¡.y PRODUCTS. COMP/OP AGG I X- PREM SES (ì:¿ GENÊRA! AGGRFGA-TF AGGREGA'TÉ po,- eaNaR,q PERSONAI ¿ ,1DV -.ru',,, l l---I CE¡JL EACH OCCURRÉNCE jljll LIABILIIY O:CU2 CL; M5 i\4ADE Q293O7OLO4A. 05/30/06 1 0o0 / 0o0 1 000.ooo 05/30/01 I i l[i] lo=.,. "or-=u. r s.l ]¡T,ORKERS CO¡IPENSÀNOhÑ AND .Â. ê14PLOYERS' LLô.BII.IÎf ¡i\Y þ]iO'iLE-Cfu PAP'TNÉAE\'CUILVE I)F;iCÈÓJJ/lÊVåER :ì2ÉCl,t PROV S Q89050054? 05/os/01 os/05/ oa 100 , o00 EXCLi]DED' D]SEÂSE, ÉA E¡,¡PLOYE ONS.ei.t E L D]SEASÉ, POL CY 100,o00 L]II|Ì PECTÄL PROVISIONS The Certificate llo].det j-s ãn additi-onãI insu¡ed under tb,e above Gene!ãI ¡iabj-Iity InsuÍance fo! a1l wôrk tr'erformed by the insured fo¡ t'he Certificàte floIder. ELLATIO SHOULD ÁNY OFIHÊ ABOVE ÞESCRIêÉD POLICIES BE CANCELLED AEFORETHE EXPIRATION ÞÀTE IHEREoF. THE tssu¡NG |NSTJRER wtLL ENÞÊÀvoR -ro cou¡rty öf Mo¡¡tgomery Pu¡chãstlrg DeI)aÌtment. Po Box 311 Notristowl¡ PÀ 19404 MÄL 30 Þays WRllTËN CER¡FICATE HOLOER NAMED TO-THE LEFT. BUTãAILURE IO OO SO SHALL Ê-. \'lo-eon-.,- _ Terms: Net 10 FOB: REPRINT Date:0411912007 COUNTY OF MONTGOMERY PURCHASING DEPARTMENT PO BOX 3l I NORRISTOWN, PA 19404-031 I Phone - (610) 278-3037 Vendor: 114243 Ship To: OMEGA SYSTEMS CONSULTANTS INC 828 PENN AVE WYOMISSING PA 19610-0000 INFORMATION SERV¡CES SUITE 808 SWEDE AND AIRY STREETS NORRISTOWN PA 19401 INVOICE SAME AS SHIPPING OTY UOM DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE EXTENDED PRICE Deliver on April 19,2007 unless specified by line Purchase Order Currency: Dollars lnvoice by mail 10,729.56 EA TIME/MATERIALS PC/PRINTER MAINT IME/MATERIALS 1.00 10,729.56 Vendor ltem Number: PC/PRINTER MAINTENANCE Vendor ltem Desc: Purchase Order Summary PROVIDE FOR ON-SITE REPA]RS Goods Total: Order Total: $10,729.56 $10,729.56 .oåI?!of o?iïilI88.efi Ssltåiñå-.' COUNTY OFFICES, ON AN "AS NEEDED" BASIS FOR THE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS DEPT., FOR ONE (1) YEAR BEG|NN|NG W|TH THE ISSUANCE OF THIS PURCHASE ORDER ALL IN STRICT ACCORDANCE WITH SPECIFICATION #307704003-RBD/smw CONTACT PERSON DAVE GARRETT, 61 0.278.5200. IÍONTGOIIfERY COTINT} COITIIÍISSIONERS Total Amount: Per F. Thomas Snyder - Åcting Director ofPurchasin Page: I of 1 $10,729.56 Cuunty of Montgomery coMMrssroneRs Thomas J. Elllis, Esq. Chairman James R Matthews, Vice Chariman Ruth S. Damsker F. Purchasing : P.O.Box3ll i:i Norristown, PA 19404 Phone: 610-278-3037 Thomas Snyder, Acting Director Váut;_Kw ,,i4L+3 Fax: 610-278-3086 ADDENDUM#1 On-Site Repairs and/or Cleaning of Printers Specification#: Opening Date: 30770-4003-RBD//smw March 22.2007 Bidders Please Note: Page 6-5 I SPECIFICATIONS, P aragraph 2 Service calls will be placed via e-mail Service shall be completed within seventy-two (72) hours (not counting Saturday and Sunday) of e-mail notification. This Addendum shall be attached to and made a part of the Specifications and retumed intact with the Bid Proposal and Specification. COUNTY OF MONTGOMERY Acting Director of Purchasing '4Yil1t't 1.(" .rt*rl!,íT L: [,U tl\ L-/ Ccunty of Montgomery coMMlSStO\ERS Thomas J. Ellis, Chairman James R. Mâtthews Ruth S. Damske¡ DEPÁRÌMENI D¡RECIOR Purchasing John M. Lorenzo P.O. Box 31I Norristown, PA 19404 PhoDer 610-278-3037 Far:610-278-3086 Subject: Invitation to Bid: On-site Repairs and,ior Cleaning of printers To: All From: John M. Loreruo, Director of purchasing Interested Bidders Specification No: 30770-4003-RBD/smw Bid Opening Date: March22.2007 Ge¡rtlemen: Enclosed please find specifications and proposal forms covering the above. we are pleased to extend to you an invitation to bid on these requirements. we welcome your participation and look forwa¡d to receiving your bid. Feb¡uary 20. 2007 SPECIFICATIONS FOR ON-SITE REPAIRS AND/OR CLEANING OF PRINTERS Montgomery County Commissioners Cor¡rt House Norristown, pennsylvania Thomas J. Ellis, Chainnan James R. Matthews Ruth S. Damsker Chief Operating Officer/Chief Clerk Robert W. Graf Solicitor Michael D. Marino, Esq. Contoller Eric Kretschman Director of purchasing John M. Lorenzo 6t0_278-3037 Director of Information Technology Solutions Jack pond (610)-278_s200 BIDDER: pl.,*r list here your name, address and telephone no. Bidder Address Telephone # Opening Date: March 22,2007 Specification No.: 30770-4003-RBD/smw SPECIFICATIONS FOR ON-SITE REPAIRS AND/OR CLEANING OF PRINTERS INDEX PAGE COVEIì PAGE 1 INDEX 2 COPY ÐF ADVERTISEMENT J INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 4-4-D-5-D SCOPE OF THE WORK 6-51 PROPCSAL FORM-SIGNATURE PAGES '7 NON COLLUSIVE AFFIDAVID coNTR ACT (SAMPLE) PERTORMANCE BOND (SAMPLE) (2) - 1-t 6-53 COPY OF ADVERTISEMENT SEALED BIDS will be received by the County Controlle¡ for the County of Montgomery, in his office on the 5th Floor, One Montgomery Plaza, Swede and Airy Streets, Norristo*n, PA., until 10:30 o'clock 4.M., Prevailing Time, on Thrusday, March 22,2007 for: SPÐC # 4003- Repairs andlor cleaning ofprinters Detailed specifications may be secured in the office ofthe Purchasing Agent, Suite 500, 5th Fioor, One Montgomery Plaza, Swede and Airy Streets, Norristown, PA., between the hours of 8:30 A.M. and 4:00 P.M. Each bid must be enclosed in a sealed envelope, clearly marked on the outside ,.Repairs and/or cleaning ofprinters" and delivered to the office ofthe controller, on the 5th Floor, one Montgomery Plaza, priot to the 10:30 o'clock deadline on the dats set forth above and must contain tìre required certified check o¡ bid bond. Bicls n'ill be opened publicly by the Commissioners of Montgomery County, on the 2nd Floor, One Montgomery Plaza, Swede and Airy Streets, Norristown, PA., at 1 1:00 o'clock A.M. on the sane day. The right is reserved to accept or reject any or atl bids or parts thereof and to award the contract as is determined to serve the Countv's best interest. MONTGOMERY COLTNTY COMMISSIONERS (3) TI'JSTRUCT]ONS TO BIDDERS I UnÌess otherwise slated in the specifications or àdvertisemenf, no deposit is required for specifications. OUALIFICA'I]ON OF BIDDERS 2 Unless required to complete the Questionnaire and Financiaì Statement as may be indicated elsewhere in these speciÍìcations, ail bidcle¡s must be prepared to p¡esent suitable evídence or tne;r nnanJial st-åìog, uno to tumish a list of sirniiar rvork recentl)/ completed. 3' No verbal instructions or information to bidde¡s will be binding. The specifications will be considered clear and attention is_ called to any apparent discrepanciei or incompteten"sslhe;;of; before the opening of bids. Should any"vrilien written inquiries be received by the Commissióners, these inquiries will be answe.ed in the form of builetins and issued to all bidders. These bulletins shall then be considered a pårt ofth"r" rp""ifi.ution.. complete unless 4' Bids will be considered as conclusive evidence of complete examination ofspecifications and samples. 5 A Proposal Form - Signature Page is provided in these specifications. This form must be used in submifting proposal, and all pages ofthe form must be completely frlled oui, and the whole signed by É,l!¡dd" 6 F,ach bid r¡rust be enclosed in a sealed-enverope, crearly marked cn the outside, ',BID oN......,, (see Advaiisement), and delivered to the offrce ofthe county coniro er, No..irto*n, t"n r.ytuuniu.' --l" No proposal may be withdrawn later than l0:304.M. on the day of opening of bids. No modifications of any bid -The and delivered to the controller. propoäls will beopened and read publicly by tlre Commissioners or their Representative. will ln allowed ailer the same is sealed I The Commissloners ofMontgomery Counlr reserve the right to reject any or all bids or parts thereof, t.i ire in the best inrerest ofthe County. as deemed 9 -- lt.is Dnderslood rhat parties making bids accept the terms and conditions expressed and contai¡red in the specifications attacheci to the proposal submitted. 10' No securilv ceposit is required on bids the total ofwhich is $25,000 and unde¡. I1 . A security deposit (bid bond with Powe¡ ofAttomey attached, or certified good faith check drawn upon a bank authcrized to do business in the Commonwealth, o¡ cash, oi an irrevocable standby'letter of credit issued by a bank authorized ro do business in the commonu'ealih) in an amount of5% ofthe urn""nt ulJ h-t"qui.ei when the bid price is in excess ol$25,000. Said security must be made payable to the Commissioners of Montgomer¡. County and must be depcsited with the County controller prior to the deaàline for bid submission. However, ãi¿ uoí¿r, certifred checks and lefiers of credit may be enclosed with the proposal. The security deposit shall guarunt".it ut t¡" ¡¡¿¿er will fullv and faíthfully comply'ritìr all terms of the propoial, and will enter into à foimaì co"ntract ana giu"."*r-Ç'1" ;*ff;; there\,, ith. 1? Bid Bonds m{st be covered wilh surety ofa company authorized to do business in the commonwealth of Penns.,'lvan ia. 13 1'he securiiy deposit ofthe unsuccessful bidders will be retu¡ned as soon as the arvard is made, except thar the deposit of the second lorv bidder will be retained until contract with the low bidder i. ,ignJ uná .u."ty as required is iu¡nished RÈvjied 0l ll 99 (4) \4' in the ev¿nt lhe successful bidder (rvhen security deposit is required) fails or refi¡ses to execute a formal contract and to give sure!' as required within thirly (30) days after notice of acieptance ofhis bid, his security deposit may be declared fo¡feitecl as liquidated damages, the letter ofacceptance ofhis proposal may be revoked, and ali obligatiôns of The Commissioners in connection herervith ç'ill be canceled. 1^5. A security deposit in the required amount must be fumished in all bids when total price erceeds g25,000. Nobid falling in fhis category will be considered unless the security deposit is fi;rnished jn the required amount. FOR-M OF CONTRACT 16. The successful bidder will be required to execute a written contract with the Commissioners within (30) days after nofice of acceptalce of his proposal. See specimen ofContract and Bond Documents attached to specifications or in the Pr.rrchasing Depafrnent. In the event the successful bidder fails or refuses to execute a formal contract as required within i30) days aÍÌer notice ofacceptance of his bid, the Letter ofAcceptance of his proposal may be revoked, and ìli obligations of the Commissione¡s in connection herewith will be canceled. PÄRIIES TO CCNTRACT 17 . Where the words "Commíssìoners", "Controller", "Purchasing Agent", "Representative,,, and ,.Contractor,, are used- they shall be understood to refer respectively to the Commissioners of Montgómery County, the Controller, Purchasing Agenz, Inspector or othe¡ persons designated in writing to represent thJ Commissionárs of Montgoméry Count¡r, and the individuals, frms or corporations with whom the conhacts are entered into for the execution ofthe work. PÐRfORMANCÐ I]ONDS WITH SURETY REQUTRTD ON ALL BID CONTRACTS EXCEEDING Sl O.OOOËXCEPT CONTIì'åCTS FoR PUBLIC woRKS EXCEEDTNG s5.000. íSEE PAR {cRApH 49. PAGE 5) 18. The successful bidder shall be required to furnish security (pe¡formance bond with power ofAttorney attached, o¡ cash, or an irrevocable standby letter of credìt issued by a bank authorized to do business in the Commonwealth) in the amount of 507" ofthe conlract price, the condition of which shall be the full and complete execution and performance of each a:rd all ofthe te¡ms contained in the contract, proposal, specifications and instruòtions to bidders. Såid security shall rneet all the requirements ofthe Commissioners and must be acceptable to the County Solicitor. Bonds must wttb surety ofa company authorized to do business in the commonrvealth of pennsyivania. be covered NÛTË: Securiry is automatically required when the contract price exceeds $10,000. Entire cost ofsurety shall be paid for by the Contractor. SPECiFICAI'IONS I 9. These specifications a¡e intended to cover the furnishing of all materials and the performance of all work that may be required or nicessary for the complete performance ofthe contract, and the Conf¡actoi will be required to do all thíngs thar may be necessary to ñtlly complete the work within the purvieu,ofthese specifications. \Ãlhere pians accompany certain sections ofthe specifications, these shall be considered a part ofthese specifications. trNTERPRETATION OF SPECIFICATIONS 2a Sho'¡ld a bidcler discover discrepancíes in the specifications, the mafter shall be at once brought to the aÍtention the Commissioners clMontgomery County, and the discrepancies cor¡ected before proceeding further 2,1 of AII erplanalions, ìnterpretations and rnstructions required under these specifications will be given by the . C-om¡rissioners or thei¡ designated Representatìve on writte; request Êom bidders. 2?. Equìpmelìt ¿nd.rbr material to be fumished shall be new, first-class, and shall meet with the approval of the Conimissioners, cr their designated representative. 23 AIi equipnent and/or material shall conform to the requirements ofthese specifications, and any equipment and/or mat¿rial condemnecì by the Commissioners as not meeting thése specificatìons sháll at once be removed and replaced with accepiable equipnent. R.ev 06i09/00 (4-A) ÐXTRÁWORK 24 No exhas or additional work will be allowed or paid for unless such extras or additional wo¡k are orde¡ed in writing by the Co¡nmissioners, and the price fixed and ageed upon before such work is performed. The County will nof âccept anv overruns nor rvill it pay any quantities beyond those specified. AÐDITIONS OR DEDUCTIONS 25 The Commissioners of Montgomery County shall have the right, without invalidating the conhâct, to make additjons to or deductions flom the work covered by these specifications, and in case such ãeductions or additions a¡e made, an equitable adjustment ofthe addition to or deduction in cost shall be made between the Commissioners and the Contrâctor, but must be agreed to in writing. PROTECTION BY CONTRACTOR 26. The Conlrastor agrees to índemnif' and save harmless the Commissioners and their represeltative fiom all suits ûr actions of elery nature and description brought against them or either of them, on account ofthe use of patented or copyrighted appliances, materials, products or processes, and from all legal expenses and costs ofsuits regarding the sarTIe. 2i The Contracto¡ shall not transfer or sublet any poriion ofthe wo¡k covered by these specifications without wri¡ten consenr of the Commissioners. FROPOSAL FOR}4 28. As noted under "Instructions to Bidders".... attached to these specifications is "Proposal Fom-signature page,' which must be completely filled out and signed by each bidder. 29 NONCOLLUSION AFFIDAVIT: Every bidder must complete and execute (including verification) and submit wilh (his) (her) (itsì bid the Noncollusíon AfÍidavit which is included with this invitation to-bid. Failure of anv bidder to provide this required Affrdavit to the County may be grounds for disqualification of (his) (her) (its) bid. 3Û. All bids m¡st be sealed, marked, and delivered in accordance 1,{ith instructions in Paragraphs 5 and 6, page 4 of Bidswill be opened and read publicly by the Commissioners after the túre set fo¡ deliverv to the Officc of the ConLroller, 5th Floor, One Montgomery plaza, Nonistown, pennsylvania these specificatìons, DELIVERY 31' In general, deliveries shall be F.O.B. destination at such times as may be fixed by the Commissioners, and shall nst be made ex¿ept upon definite instructions by the Commissioners. See "SCOPE OF TIIE WORK' for delivery required under thes¿ present specificâtions. ÐÌSPOSAL OF N4ATERTALS. SUPPLIES. ETC,. NOTAPPROVED 3?. Bidders shall understand that rvhen materials, supplies, etc., have been delivered to thejob, rvhich do not comply ' ra'ith specifications and have not been approved, upon notification, the contractoÍ shall immedìately remove from the premìses any such condemned material, supplies, etc., and replace them with material, supplies, etc., in full accordance v;ìth ihe specifi carions. PAYMENTS 33 Payments shallbe made to the Contractor within thirty (30) days ofreceipt ofinvoice, aÍÌer inspection and acceptânce ofthe maierial andlor work by an authorized rep¡esentative ofthe Commissioners, and approval ofthe invoice by'the Controller. Where partiaì delivery is made, invoice lor such part shall be made upon detivery, and payment made rvithin thirlv (30) days under conditions as above. Rev.04i24i02 (4-B) 34' The corinty of Montgomery is exempt fiom Federal Excise Taxes and the pennsylvania Sales Tax. Netprices as sho.r-n in the prcposal shall exclude said Federal and State iax àmounts. NorE: This provision shall not apply to. construction, repair andlor maintenance contracts whereunder bidder purchæes supplies, materials and/or equipment and includes ti,.r"oiir, .o;;;r";i;,' ;f hi.;;ã'å, "ort iö"*,. AI¡BÐ_qI!aNIRACT 35 The Counqr reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids or parts thereof, and to award a contract to the lowest responsible o:dder meeting ihe sp*cificationsi ' €,OTJryALENCY CLAUSE 36' where the use ofa manufacturer's brand name and/or model number appear in these specificatíons if is intended only to indicate that said brand name and-/or mod"l ou-u", i, tt" rinimum stanàa¡d desired by the counry of MontegT:tv: Bidders desiring to bid on items ottt.. t¡*-r}ror.-in¿i.ute¿ st uiisræJtÀà;;;;;. and./or modet number upon wirich their bid is based. It sliâll be the bidders responsibility to prov€ to the County that s¡id items are equal to or better than those indicated. specificarion Documents, Literature, eti., shall accomp*y Áia rropo.ut. Th" i;;"t;;.;;;; the right to request samples of items and,Ior requires a demonst¡ation of sarneif appropriate. FaiiÐre fo comply wìth this requirement may be cause for rejection ofbid. €,RROR IN EXTENSION il;,, *.r,Y.llt" an e¡rcr is made in computing the extension ofthe per unir price to toral price, rhe per unit price quoted COUNTYR]GHT 38 The cor"rnty reserues the right to accept or reject any or all bids or parts thereofand to award the contract as determined to serve the County,s best interest- is REJECTION OF BiÐ 39 4 bid' lvhich is incomplete, obscure, conditioned, or which contains additions not called for, or irregularities i:üj;T3;îjJ,X'i:fjüï:':;::ff:asures, may oe rejected a-uià *r,i"r, i,,ái;;""d;tä;,he of requireã securiry or '4 Bid Bond, rvhere required, which is unsigned by principal and surety sha, also be rejected. A Por',,er of Atornel.is ¡equired $,ith all Bid Bonds. OUANT]TIES 4Ù For ail speciiìcations that contain mo¡¿ o¡ less quantities, it shalr be understood and agreed that quantities listed in the specifìcations nnrl Proposal Pages are estimated onty una rnay be increased or decreased in'accordance with the actual normal requiremeRts ofihe counly and *rat the county in u"."fíing uny bid or portion ther"ài'.onou.r. onry and agrees tle;upplies. equip'enr and mareriats i" 3.0"i;n^'onl¡' Rev. Ð3/17199 '".r,, !r-u,iJrl.,;;i;;ì'il.îìräqui.*..n,, (4_C) orrr. BIÐDER.S RTSPONSIBILITY FACTOR 4" ln evaluatinq Bid P¡ooosals.or Bid Quotations. in addition ro price, rhe county may consider bidders cxpcrier.ce' pasr recoå of bidder derivery rime, i" unå o,;.;;;;;;.ïr;;;rìnu,,nu, be deemed peÍinent to ¡he best interests orthe cou¡tv. ir;õã""ty *r" .igr,i t" ,"q,î*i iiåá", iîirrprv addítionar information prior to award of contract should such acti"" U"i."."¿ in the County,s best interest. ;.;i;ü;;;.ii,üno ì".iïä -y CC\TRAC foR CIBEY LAWS 42 contractor shall obev all Federal, state. counry, Borough to the requiremenrs of rhe spåcificari"r.,;il;;"il;#;;;äåa or.Township raws or ordinances in any way penaining at p".rrt", wt ict -ay ue necessary. "tc., PRG-BID CONFERENCE ,"';,n. of,l',,åi1,."o"lilllîi;.f lîäl*i"rll}ïi;:"t": contracted ror under these specincarions. shar be schedured PATENTED ITEMS 44' The conlractor agrees ro save.the county, its agents áor use ofanv èopyrighred or uncopyrighred ï::i:J;* from liabirify of any nature or kind, ". "T-lr^"r"::parenled l"Tlessor unparenred .";ooriti;;;;;;ìiro"".., invenrion, furnished or used in the ieriormanc" áitË;;ää,jr arricres o¡ which rhe conr¡actor is nor the parentee, assignee or PERMITS 45 for Should any g(rmirs .i: -,rhese be required by any governmenlal asencv speciricar,o", ,,ui¿-p'",.i, rees shail be obtained;o,;,iiSTtfrllìT:ïå:i:..projecr or service cailed STEÐL PROCUREMENI'ACT 46 Shoulc rh- uo¡k under these.specifications require the use ofsteel or Steel products. bidde¡s shall note thar only steel products pro'lu:ed in the united itut., orern.riär¡rìì'i. in the performanclìiîä'-ä* iIca|ed contract Documents Bidders are required "*¿ with the commonwealth pennsylvania,sfor in rheie to familiarize themselves of 1978-P{-,6 - No. _1, The Steel procurement Act No. Act, as it pertains to ihis requirement. I,IOIÐR VEHICLE PROCUREMENT ACT 41' contractor siralI supply only^motor vehicles, which a¡e manufactured in No¡th America. ior ti:s pirrch.se or Ica-;e olvehiclei for.rhe wherc specifications call counry. trr.'uiå¿., rrr, in¿icate on rhe pr'opäir'päge'tt majoriry orrhe prircipar comoonenrs orrhe ut u rubstant;at pr"p"rriì. ;;;*ï#,;:ï_as assembred prorii,cis in an assr mbll plani in North ".hi.Ë;;;;;;;;n'iui¿ inro finar Am.ri.u si¿iir'.l,;ii i"äi.*. planr location. USED OIL PRODUCTS PRXF.'ERENCE 48 As provided 1'or in the act of A prí]9, 1982(PL.3 14, No.8g) known as.the pennsylvania the counry ancl persons holding used oiÌ Recycling Act, contracts with the county eïcourage and, to the extent possibre, procurement and purchase of recycred require the oir products equivalent to products maãe from new o'. ", iali ."úr,;;;ll; Rev. üill?/qq (4-D) SPECL{L CLAUSES BONDS ROJECI S 49.WherethacontractcalIs.forthedoingandp"'fo.'i''gofpu@rthecomplete performance 0fthe tontract for the consfruction, reconstructiãn, aìteration or repair or *y poui# uu ding or áther public IER¡ÛR]VÍANCE ÐONDS - LABOR AND MATERIAL work or public improvement, including highrvay work, and where said contract exceea, 6S,OOO,ò0, tn. successfi:l bidder sha]1, within i 0 days of notification thereofand, prior to award of contract, fi-trnish to the C;mmissioners of Montgomery Counfy a Performance Bond, and a Labor and Material Bond, each with surety in the amount oil00% of the contract arnount, which shall become binding upon the awarding ofsaid confract to such contracto¡. Both bonds shall be accompanied by a Pcwer ofAttorney and must be covered with surety ofa company authorized to do business in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The Perfo¡mance Bond shall be conditionea upon the faithful performance of the €€nl¡âcf in acco¡dance with the plans, specifications and condition. The Labor and Material Boni shall be conditioned fo¡ the prompt payrnent ofall mate¡ial fumished and/or labor supplied in the prosecution ofthe work Enti¡e cost ofbonds shall be paid for by the contractor. OU,{LITYOF 1VORK 50 The work shall be performed in a thoroughty workmanlike man¡er and shall be conducted in accordance with the ìnstrucfions ofthe commissioners of Montgomery county or their representatives and completeà to thei¡ satisfaction and acceptance. CO}{TRACTOR'S COMPENSATION AND LIABILITY INSURANCE 5l The cont¡aclor shall maintain such insurance as will protect him from claims unde¡ Workmen,s Compensation Acts, and from any other claims for damages for personal injury, including death, v/hich may arise ÍÌom operations under this contract, wheTher such operations be by himself or by any iubcontractor or anyone direótly or inclirectìy employed by eithe¡ of them. He shall also be liable for any and all damage caused fo persons *a p.op".ty i¡rr"ason ofany negligence upon his own pan or that of his agents or employees. Certificates of such insu¡ance shail ¡" ¡t"¿ witn m" Commissione¡s of Montgomery Co:rnty, and shall be subject to their approval for adequacy ofprotection. çSee Scope of the Work for ìnsu¡ance reqLtiremenl.) COì'ITRACTORS OBEY LAWS 52 The cont¡ac;cr shall obey all Federal, State, County, Borough or Township la.,*.s or ordinances in any way pertalning to the lïork, and shall obtain all permits thatrnuy u" n".ãrrury for its pirformance ifrequired. (a)'lhat in ihe hiring of employees for the performance of such public works, no contracto¡, subcontractor, nor any person actirrg on behalfofsuch contractor or subcontractor shall by reason ofrace, creed or color áiscriminale against any citizen of the United-states who is qualified and able to perform the work to which the employment ¡elates; (b) Nor shalì they in any rnanner discriminate against or intimidate any employees hired fo¡ the pe.formãnce ofthe work onaccount of race, creed or color; (c) That there may be^deducted ftom the amount payable to the cont¡actor under this contract a penalty of five dollars ($5.00) {br each person.for each calendar day during which such pe.son was discriminated against or ;niimidaied invioiation ofthe provisions ofl¡e contract; (d) Thé contract may be canceled or terminated by the Montgomery count-v Cornmissioners, and all money due, oi to become due hereunder may be forierted for a second or subsequent violatior of the terms or conditions of this portion of the contract. LIEAS i3. The work hiìrùin contemplated being public rvork, no mechanics liens mav be fired. SUPÉ.RI\TENDENCE 54 The coniracror shall be represented at all times on the work by a competent superintendent or foreman, exper!enced in the kind of work covered by these specifrcations. R.ev . 03 / 17 /99 (s) SLIFFICIENT FOR.CE The conhactor shall prosecute the rvork at all times with a force ofexperienced persons, sufücient to insu¡e the completion ofthe rvcrk wifhin the time stipulated in the contract. The contracior shall af all times enforce stric.t disciptlo" unJ gãoa order among 55' it's employees, and shall not employ on work any unfil person. or ânyone nor ski[ed inìhe wo¡k Lsigned to him o¡ her. MATERTALS. APPLIA},ICES. ETC. 56 unless otherwise stipulâted, contractor shall provide and pay for all materials and labor, *-' rvater, tools, equipment, transportation and othe¡ fac ities necessary for the execution *¿'""",pr.iiá, 5T unless ctherwise stinulated, all máterial anaror equ¡ment shail be new"i;;ä and offirslclass quality. contracior shaiJ. ifrequrred furnish sarisfactory evidence as ro kind and qualiry olmaterials. 58 If any materìals and'/or equþment intended for use in ihe const¡uction ofthis project has been inspected and rcjected after such items have been àelivered to the site, all such rejected items strall u" iåÃeåìutely removed ûom the property by the contractor. Ifthe contractor fails to remove such rËjected mate.t"l, ;;i;;;;;ürent promptly, the cor¡missione¡s lviii cause same to be removed by others, ut th"-expenre orthe contractor. USE OF PRÐMISES . STORAGE 59' Contractor shall confine it's apparatus, storage ofmaterials, and operation ofit,s workmen to limits indicated by law, ordinance, peroils, etc.; or directions orûr" *tñ-¿.Jr"ùsentatìve, una ,¡alt not u*àÃånably encumber the premises lvith it's mâterials. (Before any work is undertaken, contractor shall consult with the Áut¡orízed Representative and secu¡e {iom hirn the use ofsuch space as may be availabie ior the storage of materiut -øoi"quip-ent. cont¡actor will be held ¡esponsible lor any damage done in connection *itr, trr" ur" orî¡i, ro"ution iãr rììãg".¡ cont¡acror shaü nor load or permir any parr of the structure to úe i;;d"J;il;*;;;;;;;;fi'ft""ger fts safety. th-e confractor shall enforce instructions of commissioners authorized representative with regard to regulations abouf signs, adverfisements, fires, smoking, etc. PRÛTECTIÛN OF V/ORK. LIFE. PROPERTY 60 cont¡actor shall *-uintain adequate protection ofit's work f¡om damage, and shall protec¡ the "ontinuously county's property from injury or losi arising in connectioì withìhis contract. rt ,rr" ,.1[Jg'""Jan_v such damage, injury or ioss except such as may be directly due to errors in the contract documents or caused by agents or employees ofthe Coun4r' lt shall adequately protect adjac€nt property as provided by law and the contra.tä*î."r,, lt shall provide and passâgewavs, guard fences, lighl and ;theriacilities fór the p.oteciion-r"qri*ã uî'iïul" authoriry or Iocal äffi,tf,:# ACCESS TO ACCOLÌ\ITING RECORDS 60A The cont¡acior shaìl check all materials, equipment and labor entering into the wo¡k and shailkeep such full and 'nà*g"-.nt under this agreement, and the system shall be st uli u'e urro.¿e¿ u"cess tr," .ånt u"to.t ."cords, books correspondence, ins¡r¿ctions, drawings, receipts vouchers, memoranda, and similar data relating to this contracl, and the all such reco¡ds for a period orthree vears, o¡ ror such rong". p".ioää iay be requireã by raw. detailed accounts as may be necessary for propér financiut salisiactory to the o'¡¡ner' The owneio, its reiresentative t;ll :å::l;:ï:ill"i';:ïJe 60B The contractor agrees to assign and transfer to the owner all its rights to sales and use tax which may be refunded fò¡ refund for materials purchased in con¡rection witã this contrJ rhi cãntractor further agrees that it will not fìre a craim for rerund for any sares o. rr" ru¿ wtrln rs ttr" suu;e.r;¡;;i. ;.ì;;;;, 60c The contraclor agrees to include thé "Access to accárnììng necords,'"and .,Assigruneîi oln"tna nig,uparreraphs. in fult, i I any contracts u ith subcontractors. {r ¡ ¡n ân emergcncy affectíng the salery or lile ofpersons, or the wo¡k or adjoining property. conïractor, without special instrLtctions or authorization from the commisrìon..r lutiro.t."J;;Ä.íäii;: ir';5iJi', i".-,n"6 ," act, ar it,s discretion, to prel'eni such threatened loss or injury it;h-il r; act. witúout appeal ir." ìr.t.,l"Lo or aufhorized. Any compensatioa claimed by the contractor on a"coul ""d ofemergency work shall u"'å"t..Ài""J-¡v i¡å commissioners. as a ¡esult of a claim Rev. '-ri/17/gg (5-A) COÌ{TR-{CTOR RESPONSIBILITY PROVISIONS 1A Contractor certifies that it_is not currently under suspension or debarment by the Commonwealth, any other state, or the fede¡aÌ govemmenÍ, and if the.contractor caffiot so ceÍiry, then it agrees to sibmit tn. bid./proposaì a wriäen explanation of why such certification cannot be made. "r"rfr",tr] ó 6ì8. If contractôr ente¡s into subcontracts or employs under this contract any subcontractors/individuals who are currently suspended or debar¡ed by the Commonwealth or federal government ãr who become suspended or debarred by the Commonwealth or federal govemment during the term of this contract or any extension or renewals thereof, the Comnonwealth shall have the right to require the contracto¡ to terminate such sibcontracts o. employment. ql^ç The contractor agrees to reimburse the Commonwealth for the.reasonable costs of investigation incuned by fhe ofüce oflnspecto¡ General for investigation ofthe contractor's compliance \¡/ith terms ofthis oì åny ottrer agreement berw*een the conlraclor and the Commonwealth which result in the suspension or debarment of the contracto¡. such costs shall include, but arÐ rot limited to, salaries of investigators, including overtime; travel and toàgäg rvifness and docunentary fees. The_ cont¡actor shall not be responsibl-e for invesiigativ" not ¡esulf in the contracto¡ suspension or debarment. and expert "*p"n."r; .ort" io'rln,o"rtigations, which do ó1D" "Bidders shall familiarize themselves with, and shall comply with all federal and state statutes, rules and regJlafions dealing with the prevention ofenvi¡onmental pollution and the preservation ofpublic natural resources that affeet the project Tbese include, but are not iimited, to those listed in the Óommonwealth of pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, general conditions for conshuction, section 4. 10. Copies of section 4.ì cl are available fo¡ inspection in the County Purchasing Department.,, EOUAL EMPLOYN4ENT OPPORTLINITY 62. Ðxecuti.,'e Order 11246 "Du:ing the performance of this coltract, the contractor agrees as follows: (l ) The contracior will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because ofrace, color, religion, sex or national origin. The contractor wilt take affirmÁtive action to ensure tt,ut åppii"^n* are employed, and That ¿nlPloyees_are treated during employment, without regard to their race, color, religioniJex, o, national origin. Such âcîion shall include, but not be limited.to the following: employment, upgrading, demõtion, or iransfer; recruitment or ¡ecruitment adveÉising; layoffor termination: rates ofpay or other forms- ofcoirpensation; and selection for training, including apprenticeship' The contractor agrees to posì in conspicuous places, available to and applicants for employment, roiices io be provided by the contracting offrcer sètting forth the provisions of"rnftoy"., thìs nondiscrimination clause. {2) in the event ofthe contractor's noncompliance with the nondiscrimination clauses ofthis contract or with any of such rules, regulations, or orders, this contract may be cancelled, terminated o. ru.p"na"á in *iole or in part and the conlractor may be declared ineligible for further Govemment contracts in accordance with procedures authorized in Executive order No I1246 of September 24,1965, and such other sanctions may be impor"¿ urrJ remedies invoked as provided in Executive order No. I 1246 of Septemb er 24, 1965, or by rufe, regulätion, oi o.¿". oitl" secretary of Labor, or as othertvise provided by law.,' . (3) ln the hirillg ofemployees lor the performance ofwork under the contract or any subcontract, no contractor, subcontrâctor or anv person acting on behalfofthe contractor or subcontractor shall be ¡eaón ofender, race, creed or colo¡ discriminare against any citizen of this commonwealth who is qualified and available to pe.ror¡¡ the work to which lhe ell1ployment rûlates. (4) No co:rtractor or subcontractor or any person on thei¡ behalf shall in any manner discriminate against or ìntimidate any employee hired for the performance of work under the contract on account of gena"r, race, creed or color. (5) Thre ccntract may be canceled or terminâted by the Counfy and alì money due or to become due un¿er the a violation ofthe terms or conditions ofthat portion ofthe contract. contract may be fcrf¿ited fo¡ Rev. û3117i99 (5_B) LAB OR-MANAGEMENT RELATIONS : {ìl employees performing rvork under this contract shall be.paid at least the applicable prevaiìing ' A wages fcr rhe respective occupaÌion clæsifications designated, as set forth in the mriri.". *"g" l"iJi"le attached fo¡ the applicable part of the specifìcations, and shall be given at least the applicable .ott".tlu"i*gulniig agreement for the applicable craff, irade or índustry in the Philadetphia suburban area òn the date the sp".in"ítiá^ u., issued. The contractor shall post the required minimum wage rates for each craft an¿ classitcatiån ln i.åãT""t u"a accessible places at the site olthe work and at such placeJwhere workmen "rsìly are paid. 63 64 B lilondisc¡iminating Provisiql: The cont¡actor agrees that he will comply with the provisions ofthe Pelnsyivania F{uman Relations Act.in providing equal employrient opporonities in connection wìth all wo¡k performed by him at the job sit€ pursuarìt to this contract. The Contractor, therefore, agrees: l The contractor will not disc¡iminate or permit discrimination by his agents, servants or employees against any ernployee or applicant for employment with record tà hiring, tenure of empíoymeni, p.ámotion, terms, conditions or privileges of employment at the job site.covered by rhis contracT, because ofrJc",'c"r"t, r.".itg."îg" or national origin, and will take such affirmative action as ìn hereinaf¡er set fodh t; prevent same. 2 The conûactor will, in all publications or advertis€ments for employees to work at thejob site covered by this contract, placed by or on behalf of the iontractor, state that all qualified uppii"unt *lit r".åìue fo. employment without regard to race, color, religion, age or national órigin. "onsiderution 3' i-he cont¡actor will send to each labor union or representative ofthe wo¡kers with which be has a collective bargaining agreement or othet co¡tract or understanding, a notice to be provided by the pennsylvania Human R'ela:lions Commìssion, advising the said labor union or workers represenfative ofthe contractor,s commitments under this section, and shall post copies ofthe notice in conspicuous places available to hi. employmenr. 4. "-pl"t;;, ;;; Jfplicants fo, l'he contractor shall supply the County with a periodrc report, called a,,Compliance Report,,, relating to work-perfornred at thejob site unde¡ this contract as may be required by the pennsylvania Human Relations commission. The commission shail at all times have access to the employment,¡eco¡ds ofsaid conhactor for purposes of investisation with rules, regularions, and ordeis of the Pennsytvania Human Relat;ons'cómmission, relatìng to ::rir",ffi;i::ïtliance 'Ihe contractor shall insert the provisions 5 ofsub-section c-1,2, 3 and 4 ofthe above in all subcontracts which are entered into by the contractor under ihis contract requiring work to be done at the jJ site, as covenants to be binding upon such sub-contractors. compliance by the contracto¡ with sub-sections c-l,2,3,4 and 5, above shall discharge the contractor !: hereunder, - ..liabiiig from relating to non-discriminatory provisions ofthis agreemént. &ev. t4l2¿t/02 (5-c) The Liabiliry ofthe sub-contracto¡: The sub-confactor ofthe contractor under sub,section c-5 above the same responsibílities and obligatìons as the contractor to comply ¡h{l!a1e with the provisions of sub,sections cI' 2,3,4 and 5 thereof, and shall be subject io the applicable penalries ¡ruìrr., ã.o-ålï * i,î..i""n* ser forth ín iub-section c-8 he¡einafter. . ...1' 8' Fen¿lties for failure tp comply: It is hereby agreed that the failure to comply with the fbregoing 'equirements shall consrilute a substantiai breach of this óntract. 65 c In the event the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission, after investigation and hearing ;hall determine that fhe contractor or sub-contractor, as the case may be, rra" ra to any orthe >¡ovisio¡s ofsub-sections c-r,2,3,4,5 and 6 hereof, the commission "â to irrffiunyî.a"'. "o*pìfîith ín adaitro, it aeems rpprop âte pursuant 1o Section 9 oflhe Pennsylvania Human Relations Act, shall ."ttiry ru?r, ñnaogs to the county viih a recommendafion for termination ofthe ;onûact or sub-contrac¡ as the case may be, or with a recommendation hat sucl.ì contracÌor or sub-contracto¡ be declared ineligibte for any further public works contracts or sub-contracts fo¡ i period of not more fhan two yeârs from the date ofsu-ch recommendations. 66' D should the counfy adopt the recommendation to direct the contracto¡ to temínate a sub-contract rnte¡ed into by the contractor under this contract, written nofice ofthis fact shall b" À";;;hactor by egistered mail add¡¿ssed to the contuactor registered office in Pennsylvania, a¡d it slhall then be thå outigation ofthe )onhacro¡ to terminate such sub-contract pursuant to said written notice. gi";;; 67 E' Should the county adopt the recommendation to decla¡e the contractor or sub-contractor, as the ineligible for further public works conftacts or sub-contracts, written notice of this fact and ofthe luration ofsuch perìod of ineligibility shall be given to the contractor or sub-contractor by registered mail addressed o the contractor o¡ sub-contractor registered oñce in pennsylvania. ;ase rnay be, 68 F From any order ofthe Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission, the contractor or subrontrâctor, as the case may be, shall have a right ofappeal as in othe¡ cases provided by law, and the county shall not icf Èpon the recommendation ofthe commission specified in sub-section 8 above until the contactor or sublontracttr has exhausted the right-to-appeal providàd by law, or the time for such appeal siu¡'ir"u" }R.EVAIJ-ING 69' A' r'f ""pi..a. MIÀI]ÌT.{TJil,I WAGE PREDETER]VIINATION: The Prevailing Minimum wage P¡edetermìnation, ifapplicable to the project, is a separate section ihese conûact docunents, atlached hereto and ãade u pun \ev . C3 I il i99 Fg.5-D. rev. 0511i/04ì fr"."of. (5-D) SpEC#30770_4003_RBDismw SCOPE OF THE WORK INTENT OF SPECIT'ICATIONS l h shall be the intent ofthese specifications to provide for on-site repairs andlor cleaning of printers iocated at various Montgomery county ofÌ-rces on an,,as needeà,'basis lor the Info¡mation Technology Solutions Department, ail in strict accordance witr, tne rorñi"g specifications. SPECIF{C,{TIONS 2 BirJders shall contemplate providing on-site repairs and/or cleaning ofprinters located at vanous Montgomery co'nty offices on a¡ "as needeå" basis for the Infoãration r""hooiugy Solutions Department, which shall include all of but not to be limited to the following: All printers are Hewlett packard. Most moder numbers are series 4250, 4200, 4i00,4000, and 4050. County may add new machines/models during co.rtract perioå. Work will be performed during regular business hours, Monday thru Friday, 8:30 A.M. - 4:00 P.M., excluding observed holidays. Service calls w r be placed to the successfur bidders technicar services dispatcher . ,,vith the contact name, contact e-mail, telephone number, address, equipment make . model and serial number and a detailed description ofthe problem. Pa¡ts shall include all of but nor be limited to the following: Est'd Otv I 2 6 ]2 parts for Hp 4250 series printers Fuser assembly _ refurbished parts OK Transfer ¡oller peed,iseparation rollers pickup rollers Parts for HP 4200 series printers 10 Fuser assembly 2 Transfer rolle¡ 10 Feed./separation rollers ì5 Pickup rollers - reñrbished parts OK Parls for HP 4100 se¡ies printers Fuser assembly T¡ansfer roller lCË¡.SË[p.c r1000 - 4099\3p40ú3repair clean printers_doc (6-s r) - refurbished parts OK Est'd Otv 6 4 Parts for HP 4100 series Printers cont,d Feed/separation roller Pickup Rolìers Parts for HP 4000/4050 series Printers 3 1 I i0 Fuser assembly - ref,rrbished parts OK Transfer roller Feed/separation rollers Pickup rollers BID PRC}POSAL 3. Bidders are required to quote unit prices and total prices for each part, estimated total price 1-cr all parts, hourly labor rate, estimated total labor cost for 150 estimated hours labor and estimatôd tctal lump sum price for a1l parts and labor. In addition, bidders shall indicate, minimum billing, overtime rate, percentage markup for parts, and any prompt payment discount terms that may be offe¡ed. AWARD 4. An au'ard may be made tc the lowest responsible bidder, meeting all of the requirenents of the specifications on the basis of the estimated lovr'est total lump sum price. ÐET-I\,'ER.Y LOCATION 5. A1l deliveries shall be F.o.B. to county destinations. confact person is Dave Gar¡ett 61A-2i8-52A0. @ OU.A.NTXTY CLÄUSE 6. h shall be understood and agreed that quantities and or locations listed are estimates only and ma,v dec¡ease or increase according to the actual requirements of the county, and cor:nty agrees to pay only for that work and/or supplies which are actualÌy completed and/o¡ delivered. CONTR{qT IETI.IOD WITII OPTION TO EXTEND 7. The period ofthe cont'act to the successfui bidder shall be for one (1) year, beginning wiih the issuance of a Purchase Order. The contract may, by mutual written assent of the parties, be extended for two additional one (1) year periods or portions thereof, up to a cumulativé total of three (3) years. Should the Corurty desire to exe¡cise this option, notification to the successful bidder shall be given prior to the expiration ofthe contract. The successfr:l bidder must respond within 1 5 days from said notification including proposed price adjusûnents, if any. [n the event ofpricing changes due to changes in prevailing costs oflabor and materials in the area, the successful bidder may submit a request for price a justments in line with these changes for the duration ofthe contract extension. (6-S2) The county reserves the right to accept or reject said proposed adjustments. Should the County reject said proposed adjustments, or if the successful bidder does not respond within ihe prescribed 15 days, the contract will automatically expire at the end of the conüact period. ER.R.OIì rI\[ EXTENSION L Where an error is made in computing the extension ofa unit price to a quantity price, the rnit price quored shall govem. R.EJECTION OF BID 9. A bid which is incomplete, obscure, conditioned, or which contains additions not called for, or ineguiarities of any kind, inciuding alrerarions or erasures, may 'oe rejecred. A bid which is not accompanied by the required security or unsigned shall be rejected. A Bid Bond w-hich is unsigned by principle or surety shall also be rejected. CO¡{TIL,{CT AND PERFORMANCE BOND 10. Copies of Contract and Performance Bond which the successful bidder will be required to execute is appended to the Proposal Form - Signature Pages and made a part hereof. {NSURA¡{CÐ 1. i fhe successful bidder shall be required to cany liability insurance ofnot less than $1.000,000 for property damage and a certificate ofworkers compensation. PAYMÐFiT 12. Monthly payments shall be made to rhe successfirl bidder within thirry (30) days accepta ce by the County and receipt of invoice, and approval of the invoice by the County Controltrer. of TER.NÍNNATION F'OR NON OR POOR PERFORMANCE 'fhe County may terminate the Contract fo¡ non or poor performance upon written notice to the successful Bidder. In the event of such a termination by the county, the county shall be iiable lor rhe pa,vment of all work properly performed prior to the effective date of termination. 13. COT]NTV RIGIIT 14, 'lhe county reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids or parts thereof, and to award the contract as is determined to serve the County's best interest. NOTE: SEALED BIDS MUST IN THE CONTROLLER'S OFFICE, ONE MONTGOMERY PLAZA,5TII FLOOR, NORRISTOWN, PENNSYLVANIA NOT LATER THAN 10:30 A.M. ON TIIE DATE SCHEDULED FOR BID OPENING. (6-S3) SPEC#30770-4003-RBD/smw PROPOSAL FORM Submitted by ,Jr*.,=: (Contractor=s Name) Date 4 i ¡z\z¿¡< ¡ lu. Commissioners of Montgomery County Court House Noristcu,n, Pennsylvania Gentlemen: This proposal is submitted in acco¡dance with your advertisement inviting proposals to be received for the project identified as: Furnishing ofon-site repairs andlor cleaning or printers located at various Montgomery County Offices on an "as needed" basis for the Information Technology Solutions Department, One Montgomery Plaza, Suite 808, Swede and Airy Streets, Norristov,,n, PA 19404 Ha¡.'ing ca¡efully examined the "Advertisement for Bids", ,,Bidding Instructions,', ,,Scope ofthe Work", etc., hereinafter referred to as "specifications,', together with all addenda, errara, bulletìns applying thereto, and being familiar with the various conditions affecting the work, the Lrndersigned hereby agrees to fumish all materials, perform all labor, and do aÌl else necessary to comp.lete the *'ork in strict accordance with the specificarions, for prices as follows: Est'd 3 2 6 12 OI printers Fuser assembly - refurbished parts Ok Transfer ¡oller Feed/separation rollers Pickup rollers Parts for HP 4250 series price $ i'il; '',. $ l' :" $ '-, '; $41 S q'39; $ . c-.-1.) S S¿ : $ JiE !' ¡t:.':it S_g:-ç $j.-'$jj S ti!i.,.,.' $ ;aj 5Z g :ij -' $ ¿"¡: !fi': Unit Total price : Parts fo¡ HP 4200 series Printers 1û 2 10 i5 Fuser assembly - refurbished parts ¡oller Feed/separation roilers Pickup rollers Transfer (7) OK $ Est'd Price Parts for HP 4100 series Printers Unit 2 Fuser assembly 1 Transfer roller 6 Feed/separation roller $¡¡u $ ,;.'¿ g !ÈL Otv'- 4 - ref,rbished parts OK ,le S¿ Pickup Rollers Total Prices S 'l;)."' S_-.¡_:" I it "'z S ,=, .,,t. Parts fo¡ FIP 4000/4050 series Printers Fuser assembly - refurbished parts OK slqi' Transfer roller b ,i Feed/separation rollers $ji: Pickup rollers e ,... $ ,r.*' s :. 'tt i* $ ... .... . .... l¡-"+ ç'i S i.l.>:'..%' Estimated total parts cost, all printers i{ourly labor rate.. . . .. . ..... $___¿j7:' $ '.-i ihr Estimated tolal labor cost, 150 estimated hours X hourly labor rate. Estímated Total Lump Sum Price, parts & Iabor ..... .$ .$ f "i.'rc: r û- 1):: "-'rr-' (*) (*) Basis lor 5% bid bond or certifred check billing Overtime rate Mark-up on parts Minimum Prompt parvment disc. terms $ ier $ 11 iG $ t.' /h¡ Yo In case this proposal is accepted the undersigned is hereby bound to enter into contract (30) days after receipt ofnotice of acceptance of the above, in accordance with the specifications. r,viihin thiÍy (7-1) SIGNATURE PAGES In case this proposal is accepted, the undersigned is hereby bound to commence anrl complete all of the work included under this contract in such time and such manner as designated for the various items he has contracted to supply. In submitting this proposal, it is understood that the unrestricted right is reserved b)¡ the County to reject any and all proposals or parts thereof, or to waive any informalities oi technicalities in said proposals, and it is agreed that this proposal may not be withdrawn for a period of at least sixty (60) da'¡s from date of opening thereof. The undersigned hereby certifies that this proposal is genuine, and not a sham or collusive, or made in the interest or in behalf of any person, firm or corporation not herein named; that thr: undersigned has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any bidder to refrain from bidding,'and that the undersigned has not, in any manner, sought by collusion to secure for himselfan aãvantage over any other bidder FIRM NAME SIGNATURE PRINT/TYPE SIGNATURE TITLE OFFICIAL ADDRESS TAX IDENTIFICATION NUMBER Bidder will state below whether the bid is by an individual, partnership, or corporation. Bidder will state below the name of the Bonding Company to be used in case of aw¿rd, and name and address oflocal agent therefore. BONDING COMPANY NAME OF AGENT ADDRESS Accompanying this proposal is: In the amount of $--.- _ Certified Check Bid Borrd based on a total lump sum bid of $ ADDENDA: Bidder agrees that the following Addenda(s) issued during the bid period have been received and considered in preparing this Proposal; and, agrees that failure to ackìowledgå such Addenda (s) may be a basis for rejection of bid. Addenda No. Dare Addenda No Date BID MUST BE SIGNED FOR CONSIDERATION Rev. 05/04 ABSOLUTE ADHERENCE TO PROPOSAL FORM CLAUSE IS REQìJIRED (7-2) NONCOLLUSION AFFIDAVIT I hereby affirm that :. .....: (Narne of Bidder) (') been convicted or found liable for any act prohibited by Fecleral or State law in any jurisdiction involving conspiracy or collusión wiih respect to bidairrg on any public contract within the last three years. has ( ) has not NAME OF BIDDER By: (Signature) (Title) The bidder's statement on this Afñdavit that (he) (she) (it) has been convicted or found liable for any act prohibited by Federal or State law in any jurisdiction involving conspiracy or collusion with respect to bidding on any public contract within the last three years does not prohibit the County of Montgomery from accepting a bid from or awarding a conüact to that person, but it may be grounds for adminisnative suspension or debarment in the discretion of the County under the rules and regulations adoptäd by County Ordinance No. 99-1. VERIFICATION verifu that the statements made in the (Name of Affianr) foregoing Noncollusion Affidavit are true and correct to the best of my knowledge or information and belief. I understand that false statements herein are made subject to the penalties of 18 PA C.S. $4904 relating to unsworn falsification to authorities. t @ -t-' Date: 03-t7-99 ?IïIS AGREEMENT, made this between ihe coLrNTY or uoNrcoræny, pennsvrvania, herein"J"itil"o r"* SAMPLE to u.u "r*" o* ln? hereinafter called Pa¡ty ofthe Second paf. wTtNEssETH, &at the said Party of the second Par! for and in consideration of the payments hereinafter specified aad agreed ro be made bv the the First part úo rrr"ruio ru.ty or tn" seaond part, hereby covenaræ ard agrees to ard v¡irh the said pa¡ry of-Party*of rhe,Firsrpa4 anã supplies required lo be firnished and delivered, being:' t"'n*r, ¿.ri*;;lË;;äåf;,t;i;ï;; *"", i¡ sbict aoo €kact accordance with tre bid, proposal and./or specíficatiois, *,rrich said bid proposar and wecifications are herebv made a part of this agreement ty ,"r.r*.. iÁ"ràto"* .* ¡u¡¡J t iryäåiì w 4r¡ u¡rsxu ,#åo" ¿tn{¡ TJrf _o Pt¡{ to tåe same e)<tent as though herein set out ut teigrt. "io ** It is f¡r1åe¡ ¿greed that in case any of the sa.id maferials, equipment and./or supplies ñ¡mished and delive¡ed 1abir, re.¡ected úy the authorized or prop"r'cårif Agent as unsuit¿ble or unfit, such rabor, materials, equipmenq and/or supplies so rejected sha¡l b" re.oved at on"" by. t¡e said pa¡ty of úe second pa¡t, and ofte¡ tabor, mareriars, equipment, andl-or supplies of Ére proper tinJ u¡¿ q*i¡ry, fu[y'íp ,J,i""öf.,n.no o, -¿ this canEacL fi:'nished in place thereoÍl to drå satisfaction oicountv Àg.nt, at ttre cost a¡d exp"*. oiä"'àio ru.ry of the Seconi Part; provide4 however,.that in tåe event purb, of-t# ig;rd part fails, neglects, or reflrses to fi¡mish the replacement the¡efo¡ wirhin sixty (60)*rays request so to-uo, trr u¡der rhis conracr are saidreplacementsandParryoftheSèconjP'iug'"".touJliÀG¡o'ä't"tr'oLf' "ft".;Jp; "i*rin." couoty ããylur"t *" The remedies herein provided shall be in addition to arìd not in substitution ofthe ¡ights and remedies which would otherwise be vested in the Partv ofthe First Pa¡t ùnd". ür" tu.* ortrri. ugr"emenq including those contêined in the nrorosat and specificatioru, reserved by rhe parry of the Firsr "r "f f;rd, ;hi;hõil;ñ;ä;r";ä:;""ificalry Pa¡ty of úe second Parf shall al the time ofexe¡ution of tåis conract give such securiry as shall be required by said counry^Agen: or county solicitor 10 insure perrorma¡"e with warr¿nries and òuarantees or parr' Partv ofsecond and Maintenance ofsaio eaui¡rmeng"iõ".*ä.ão''pr¡"rce wh.i"-fü-riJø uy.p*ific¿tions. is agreed flat &is conhact shall not be sublet as a whole nor shalt any part thereof be assigned or transfened, and that no payment, or part Þavmenl which may u.,u" ¡"i.*¿.1 urrignø. The said party of the second Pany avers afld rePresents that no such assigrment congact has eve¡ been m;de and that no paJ,metrt or pa¡t paJ¿ment, which õay accrue "r has ever been "iìa¿assígned. It fu hereunde¡ aad representation is a materiar induðement to the executiàn orthi, ugrJm*t uy the party of tïe First paÌt trt t"*ei ,ifri. ";d;;;ä ä;;"äiu".."n ln consideraii¡n oflhe premises. the said Party,ofthe Fìrst Part hereby parry ofthe second part lor the said rabor, mareriars, equipmert. and/or supplies trt",u*.'oiagrges to pay to the pr¡ces set forth in the bid, proposat and specifications incorpo¡ated herein ald made a purt heiËofby refoen"" U,"r",o. The Parry ollhe Second part agrees to accepi the said checks in payment as cash. I¡ is fl¡nhe¡ distincdy unde¡stood and a$eed thai the total amount ro be p¿id for the said labor, materials, equipmenr, arrd,/or suppiies ro be supplied under this conhact shall in no event exceJd the sum of The le¡rn "r arry of the second Pa-rt", as used in this agreement, shall be construed plural and shatt ðe deemed ø include eagh every d;" i"¿i"jd;il; speciñcattv named above and rhere desjgnaæd as 1d to include ,411 "fsu*nJpart". "party of the tåe feminine and neuter gendãrs. Th; l.,o include boú singulæ and ""-pr*";-#; ää läå**"* .d;ih;;;;ã"ijuriîå ¿.r.ø interpolations and deletions we¡e made before tüe signing hereof The panies hereto bind themselves, their heirs, executors, a¡-inishators and successors for the faithful performance ofthis agreemenr. Àn€sr COUNTYOF,MONTGOMER.Y (sEAL) By F MontgomeryCounry Òffi Signed, Sealed and Delivêred in Íhe presence of (SEAL) By - Wintesiro ptin.¡ø Approved as to fo¡m: SoliÐitor Rev.04-23-02 President Co-Partne¡ Secret¿Ð¡ Co-Pa¡frrer PERF'ORMANCE BOND Know A{l Men By These presents, ttrat with princþal place of business at Fennsylvaai4 as pRINCIpAI, and URÈry successors and assigrrs, as OBLIGEE, in the sum oou be made, we and each ofus, h¿ve hereunto personal representatives, successo¡s a:rd *ã ¿" of _ n"r"iìi.rry assigns. bind ourselves, our heirs, principar herein has entered into a contract or agreement in writing with couNTy rytl!4s" oF MoonrcoM'Ry, princþar wherebv <rid obrigate its"riiã n a¡d labo¡ necessary to, in a comprete and workmailike,*À"r, -irn "u -"ãä"ir,äqiiîi"r, do said work, as in said contact or agreement i:r writing more fully s$ forrh, being frrli. y inc;rp".;ã hJdT; 9a:ne ¡eference with tåe same fo¡ce and effect as if^th^e fuüy copieaTerern. * l'{oIV TrÐ coNDITIoN oF TI{IS oBLIcATIoN IS sucH kuiy do and perform all those things *&ich he did by sa¿ rhar if pri¡cipal shal wefl and written con¡act or ageement obrigate himserfto do, and shat in all respects compry with ihe said recited contracg then this vur-tË obligation s'¡all be vcid and of no effecr. otnerwise tå úe uo¿."-ui'ir, fuu r".*ãä".,.ïä"uù Il.T -WITNESS WHEREOF the PRINCIpAL a¡d SURETY have caused tåis instrument to be dulv executed and sealed in thei¡ and each ofthei¡ behalves, this dav of .{.D.200_. W'itness: SAMP LE (sEAL) @rincipal) (Witness to Princípal) By: @resident) (Co-Parnrer) (Surety) By {Witness to Surety) (Attorney-in-Fact)