Traffic Safety Research Saves Lives


Traffic Safety Research Saves Lives
Traffic Safety
Saves Lives
News from
Swedish National Road and
Transport Research Institute
VTI is an independent, internationally established
research institute which is engaged in the transport
sector. Our work covers all modes, and our core competence is in the fields of safety, economy, environment, traffic and transport analysis, public transport,
behaviour and the man-vehicle-transport system interaction, and in road design, operation and maintenance. VTI is a world leader in several areas, for instance
in simulator technology.
Danish Road Directorate (DRD)
Danish Road Institute (DRI)
The Road Directorate, which is a part of The
Ministry of Transport & Energy, Denmark, is
responsible for development and management of
the national highways and for servicing and facilitating traffic on the network. As part of this responsibility, the Directorate conducts R&D, the aim of
which is to contribute to efficient road management and to the safe use of the network. The materials research component is carried out by the
Danish Road Institute.
Technical Research Centre
of Finland (VTT)
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland is a contract research organisation with a staff of 2,800. In
this joint publication, the VTT expertise areas cover
research and development of transportation, logistics and road structures. The work is carried out in
five research groups employing a staff of 60.
Editorial notes
Nordic Road & Transport Research is a joint publication of six public road and transport research
organisations in the Nordic countries, Denmark,
Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden. The main
objective of the publication is to disseminate research results and news from the institutions, especially to researchers and decision makers. Each institution is responsible for the selection and presentation of the material from its own scope of activities.
Nordic Road & Transport Research is published
three times a year. It is regularly sent out, free of
charge, to recipients selected by the six joint
publishers. Free sample copies are also sent out on
special request.
Reproduction and quotation of the texts are allowed if reference is made to the author and source.
However, legislation regulates and restricts the right
to reproduce the illustrations. Please contact the
respective publishing institution for information.
Advertising is not accepted.
Correspondence about the contents of the publication:
2 | NORDIC NO. 2 2008
Please write to the author or to the respective
publishing organisation.
Requests for back issues, and notification of address changes:
Readers outside the Nordic countries: please write
to the Editor-in-chief at the VTI in Sweden.
Readers in the Nordic countries: please contact
the publishing institution of your country.
Addresses: see back cover.
The Editorial Board consists of the
following representatives of the
publishing institutions
Editor-in-Chief, Sweden
Magdalena Green, VTI
Helen Hasz-Singh, DRI
Icelandic Road
Administration (ICERA)
The ICERA's mission is to provide the
Icelandic society with a road system in accordance
with its needs and to provide a service with the aim
of smooth and safe traffic. The number of employees is about 340. Applied research and development
and to some extent also basic research concerning
road construction, maintenance, traffic and safety is
performed or directed by the ICERA. Development
division is responsible for road research in Iceland.
Norwegian Public Roads
Administration (NPRA)
The Norwegian Public Roads Administration is one
of the administrative agencies under the Ministry of
Transport and Communications in Norway. The
NPRA is responsible for the development and management of public roads and road traffic, as well as the
Vehicle Department. This responsibility includes
research and development of all areas related to road
transport and the implementation of R&D results.
Institute of Transport
Economics (TØI), Norway
The Institute of Transport Economics is the national institution for transport research and development in Norway. The main objectives of the
Institute are to carry out applied research and promote the application and use of results through
consultative assistance to public authorities, the
transport industry and others. The Institute is an
independent research foundation employing about
one hundred persons.
Kari Mäkelä, VTT
G. Pétur Matthiasson, ICERA
Thorbjørn Chr. Risan, NPRA
Harald Aas, TØI
Graphic Design
Johnny Dahlgren Grafisk produktion AB,
Linköping, Sweden
Issue 3,900
ISSN 1101-5179
VTI/Hejdlösa bilder
In Brief | p4
Road Safety in the Transport Agencies’
Input to the Norwegian National Transport Plan 2010–2019 I p8
Prospects for Improving Road Safety in Norway I p10
Topic Days in Iceland Address Road Safety.
Time to Treat the Road Environment I p12
Global Traffic Safety | p14
Drugs and Medicines in Traffic I p16
Increased Safety for Road Workers on Motorways | p18
The "Swedish Model" is Recommended I p19
Depth Analyses of Fatal Road Accidents in Norway | p20
Better-informed Drivers I p22
Lowering Speed Limits Reduces Speed and Saves Lives in Norway | p24
Smarter and Safer School Buses – Unique Initiative on Trips by School Transport I p26
Safety Effects by Use of ITS in Connection with the Extension of M3 in Copenhagen | p28
Fatigue in Traffic | p29
Automatic Speed Control in Norway | p30
Road Safety in Northern Cyprus I p32
Traffic Safety Campaigns in Norway | p34
Full Activity in the VTI Driving Simulator | p36
Fauna Passages in Denmark I p37
Fire-safety in the Bjørvika Tunnel | p38
What's Going Down in Oslo? I p39
Non-technical Improvements Reduce Rail Border-crossing Delays | p40
The Implementation of the Norwegian Cycling Strategy I p42
The Norwegian Network of Cycling Cities | p44
Publications I p46
NORDIC NO. 2 2008 | 3
Visiting Scientist
The Danish Road Directorate, Danish
Road Institute (DRI) was very pleased
when Dr. Douglas Wilson from University
of Auckland, New Zealand, asked Bjarne
Schmidt about the possibility to set up a
sabbatical leave at DRI. Bjarne and Douglas
have known each other for many years
through their collaboration on PIARC
Committee TC 4.2 on surface characteristics. For eight years, Bjarne was chairman
of the PIARC Committee on Road Surface
Characteristics. Douglas’ sabbatical leave at
4 | NORDIC NO. 2 2008
DRI was held in May and June of 2008.
Douglas has great experience in friction
measurements from many places in the
world and in laboratory testing, where wear
on pavement samples is compared to changes in friction measurements of pavements.
He therefore works with pavement technology and traffic safety. In New Zealand, the
ROAR friction measuring device has been
used for such measurements. In Denmark,
ROAR (Road analyzer and recorder) has
been used for ten years on acceptance and
control for new and in-service pavements.
Douglas is also interested to establish
cooperative projects in other fields with the
Danish Road Institute. He commented that
it is very good that a large part of road research takes place at the Danish Road
Institute funded by public means. In New
Zealand, road and traffic research is done
at Auckland University, where he is a senior
In New Zealand, there is a growing interest in road engineering among university
students – and in the last six to eight years
the number of undergraduates has risen
threefold and that of post-graduate students has risen seven times.
New Director
General of ICERA
On 1 May 2008 the Traffic Minister appointed Hreinn Haraldsson as the new General
Director for the Icelandic Road Administration. Hreinn has worked for ICERA
since 1981, latest as a director for the development division, with responsibility for
planning, environment, road traffic and
road safety, IT as well as research and development. Hreinn is a doctor in Engineering Geology from the University of
Uppsala in Sweden. Hreinn, who is 59
years old, has since he began to work for
the ICERA been responsible for road tunnels in Iceland.
Mobile Guide Service for Mobile Phones
Developed by VTT in Finland
Real-time public transport information delivered to passengers' mobile phones
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
has developed a mobile guide for city residents that facilitates using public transport.
The service delivers real-time information
on buses or trams to mobile phones.
Passengers waiting at a given stop can track
the approach of their chosen service stop
by stop.
The Mobile Guide for City Residents
(KAMO) is a new mobile application that
offers route finding and stop-specific timetable information. Passengers can also pay
their fare via the application and save journey details for later use. KAMO users can
track the progress of any bus, tram or
underground train included in the realtime positioning-based monitoring. The
service also enables journey planning and
tracking the planned route using a mobile
phone. Travel news concerning problems
or changes to public transport is also available via the KAMO application. Once
downloaded onto a mobile phone, KAMO
can be accessed using the phone's menu.
The mobile service developed by VTT
can also utilize Near Field Communication
(NFC), a short-range identification technology. This type of remote reading functionality, a feature of e.g. the Nokia 6131 NFC
mobile phone, can enhance the speed of
the application. Touching the NFC tag at
the bus stop shelter with a mobile phone
opens the application on the phone's display without the user having to access it
separately via the menu. Tags can be used
for mobile travel ticket purchases or accessing stop-specific timetable information.
The NFC function has been in pilot use in
the city of Oulu at about 40 stops. Helsinki
City Transport (HKL) is planning to attach
tags to stops in the downtown Helsinki
area. As NFC phones are not yet widely
used, the application also works on Nokia's
other S40 and S60 models.
The service is designed to serve both
city residents who use public transport
regularly and occasional passengers such as
tourists. For the time being, the application
is available in the Helsinki and Oulu
regions, but can be expanded to cover
other cities and towns.
The service can also be enhanced with a
range of additional services such as providing information on local events, news
reports or location-based advertisements.
In the future, users will be able to tailor the
KAMO application to offer information
only on certain routes or additional services selected by the user.
The development of the service by VTT
was funded by Helsinki City Transport and
the City of Oulu.
New Director General of Danish Road Directorate
The Danish Minister of Transport has
appointed Per Jacobsen as the new
Director General of the Danish Road
Directorate. He started in his new position
on 1 June 2008. He is a graduate in
Political Science.
The appointment is a part of an internal
change of directors in the Danish Ministry
of Transport. The previous Director of the
Danish Road Directorate, Henning Christiansen has in this connection assumed the
position as Director of the Danish Road
Safety and Transport Agency.
Per Jacobsen is 44 years old and comes
from previous positions in the Ministry of
Finance and the Ministry of Transport.
Recently he has held the position as
Director of the National Rail Authority.
During his first days at work, he attended
the Via Nordica Conference in Helsinki,
and visited the Road Directorate’s departments in all of Denmark.
NORDIC NO. 2 2008 | 5
View from the exhibition area during Via Nordica 2008.
More than 1 000 Nordic road and traffic
experts were gathered in Helsinki, June
9–11, during the congress of Nordic Road
Association (NRA), Via Nordica 2008. Via
Nordica 2008 rounded off a working cycle
of four years for the committees in the
NRA. “The Road Ahead” was the motto of
the congress this time.
Via Nordica 2008 became the jubilee
congress of the NRA as it was the 20th congress since the association was founded 73
year’s ago,
– This year’s congress is the biggest
congress ever and a proof of NRA being an
active, dynamic and sustainable organization, said Jukka Hirvelä, the Finnish
Director General of Public Roads, during
the opening ceremony. Jukka Hirvelä has
led the NRA in the last four years.
– The time when the congress was just a
venue for presentation of the summaries of
what has been done in the committees is
over. Now Via Nordica is well-established as
one of the most important meeting places
of the business sector. The Nordic countries
have many similar challenges which make
this event important for exchanging knowledge and experience – both within the professional and social aspects, Hirvelä said.
The programme of Via Nordica 2008
had a strong focus on humans and their
The Road Ahead with Via Nordica 2008
different roles in the traffic system. Three
different angels of view characterized the
programme: the people, the vehicle and
the infrastructure.
In connection with the congress, a vast
exhibition complemented the scientific
programme. Exhibitors from 14 different
countries, representing the whole sector,
exhibited their products.
The next congress will take place in
Reykjavik, Iceland, in 2012.
Director General of
Public Roads in
Finland, Jukka Hirvelä
More information:
Former General Director of the NPRA,
Olav Søfteland, and former manager of
NPRA’s international activity, Kjell Levik,
have become honorary members of the
Nordic Road Association (NRA).
The two road veterans obtained the
honorary membership during the banquet
at the association’s congress, Via Nordica
2008, held in Helsinki in June 2008. NRA
granted the honorary membership to Mr.
Søfteland and Mr. Levik in recoginition of
the work they have done for several NRA
committees throughout the years.
The two brand-new pensioners are now
members of a very exclusive club of honorees in the association.
6 | NORDIC NO. 2 2008
Honorary Members of the NRA
New honorary members of the NRA: (From right) Olav Søfteland, his wife, Gudveig, Kjell Levik and his wife, Inger
Marie. To the left, Pär Håkan Appel, ex secretary-general of the NRA.
In April 2008, the conference TRA was
held in Slovenia. VTI was there both with
a stand and a large representative in the
form of the unique VTI road simulator.
TRA, European Road Transport
Research Arena, was arranged by the
European Commission for the second time
in the Slovenian capital Ljubljana on 21–24
April. This conference for researchers and
other actors in the European transport sector, such as road planners, vehicle makers
and fuel producers, was held for the first
time in Göteborg in 2006. This year it was
attended by 200 people from 52 countries.
The next TRA will be held in Brussels on
7–10 June 2010.
Part of the Swedish stand
VTI had a place in the Swedish exhibition
stand together with the Swedish Road
Administration, Vinnova and SweRoad.
The theme for the conference this year was
greener, safer and smarter vehicles in
Europe, and many sessions dealt with technologies of different kinds to achieve this.
Several researchers from VTI were present and presented papers on ongoing projects. One the VTI researchers was
Sigurdur Erlingsson who presented the
VTI road simulator for load tests and accelerated testing at full scale. But it was not
only a talk that was given about this road
simulator, called HVS, Heavy Vehicle
Simulator, it could also be visited. Different
technical visits were arranged during the
conference, and one of these was to see a
demonstration of HVS. The demonstration
was presented as "a must-see for all who
deal with design, construction and maintenance of pavements".
Road tests and demonstrations
Using this equipment, it is possible to simulate real loads from heavy vehicles and thus
to study how various types of road pavement stand up to heavy traffic. HVS can
simulate one year's heavy traffic in only one
week. It is possible to control load, speed,
temperature, tyre pressure, lateral position
and direction of loading. Knowledge of
Large-scale Presentation in Slovenia
road design and road maintenance measures can be improved through testing and
evaluation of how traffic breaks down different materials and designs. It is also possible to chart the life of various maintenance and strengthening measures. The equipment is mobile, which means that it can be
used both in special test facilities and out
on existing roads.
It all went so well that, during the TRA
conference, VTI carried out tests which are
part of the EU project SPENS (Sustainable
Pavements for European New Member
States). The objective was to evaluate, by
accelerated tests, various strengthening
measures to upgrade roads carrying low
traffic volumes.
Mathematical Model for a Crash
Test Dummy Representing an
Average Woman
A mathematical model of a crash test
dummy that represents an average
woman can for the first time enable the
automotive industry to design road safety solutions that are suited for both men
and women.
But the creation of a mathematical
model that will answer the question of
how the female body moves in a crash
situation costs money. Astrid Linder, who
is running this research project at VTI,
has therefore, together with the Swedish
automotive industry, submitted an application to EU for MSEK 35 over four years.
The application is also backed by companies, research institutes and universities in
Germany, The Netherlands, Austria,
Switzerland, France, Spain and the UK.
– We have no data on how women
move in a crash, and this must be chan-
ged, says Astrid. We have now got Saab
and Volvo to participate in the project.
Chalmers University and Folksam have
been involved for some time. We are
now hoping to have a favourable answer
from the EU.
Women have more slender limbs
than men, and their bodily proportions
are also different. This is especially so as
regards the back, where the width across
the shoulders, the waist and hips have
quite different proportions. We also
know that women run twice the risk of
whiplash injuries compared with men.
– Put a woman's jacket on a man and
see how it hangs, it does not fit at all, says
Contact: Astrid Linder,
NORDIC NO. 2 2008 | 7
Road Safety in the Transport
Agencies’ Input to the Norwegian
National Transport Plan 2010–2019
The Norwegian Government will present the National Transport
Plan (NTP) 2010–2019 in a white paper in December 2008. In
January 2008 the transport agencies presented their joint input
to the NTP. In this report the Norwegian Public Roads
Administration (NPRA) proposed as a target to reduce the number of fatalities and seriously injured in road accidents by one
third by the year 2020, implying a reduction from a present level
of about 1,200 each year to no more than 800 in 2020. The
transport agencies input to the NTP also presents the main features in a recommended road traffic safety strategy for the next
ten years.
Sigurd Løtveit
NPRA, Norway
ll traffic safety activities in Norway are
based on “Vision Zero” – a long term
vision of no road fatalities or road accidents causing lifelong injury. This will also
be the guiding star for the period
2010–2019, and the proposed target for
2020 can be seen as a first step towards
“Vision zero”.
The transport agencies input to the
NTP 2010–2019 is based on a total financial framework that equals the 2007 budget
ten times. Within this framework the NPRA
recommend a significant increase in funds
for operation and maintenance, foot and
bicycle paths and minor traffic safety
investments (measures after road safety
inspections, road lighting, upgrading
junctions, median barriers etc.) on trunk
roads. To make up for this the funds for
large, traditional road projects (section
8 | NORDIC NO. 2 2008
based investments) are reduced.
Head-on accidents are the cause of
almost half of all road traffic fatalities in
Norway. Measures reducing head-on accidents will therefore be a main priority. The
NPRA recommend increased use of median barriers on two and three lane roads,
from building about 10 km each year at
present to a rate of about 20 km each year
in the period 2010–2019. This is yet not
enough to meet the demand. In 2020 we
will still have between 400 and 500 km
trunk roads with a speed limit of 70 km/h
or more and Annual Average Daily Traffic
(AADT) more than 8,000 without median
The NPRA recommend a more systematic approach to preventing single vehicle accidents (run-off-the-road accidents)
through traffic safety inspections. Measures
following these inspections include roadside safety treatment, guardrails, rumble
strips, horizontal curve treatments etc.
A rapid development is taking place wit-
hin Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS).
The NPRA has drawn up an ITS strategy
for the NTP period 2010–2019. The strategy recommends ambitious objectives when
it comes to development and use of devices
such as:
- Intelligent Speed Adaptation (ISA)
- Section control with speed cameras
- Alco lock
- Dynamic speed limits
- Electronic edge and centre line warning
Statistics show that young drivers, elderly drivers, motorcyclists, intoxicated drivers
and certain groups of immigrants run a
much higher risk of being involved in car
accidents than other road users. The NPRA
have therefore started a four year research
programme aiming to raise knowledge
about these groups of road users. Measures
directed especially against “high risk
groups” will have high priority in the
period of 2010–2019.
The NPRA recommends that the control
The NPRA recommend increased use of median barrier as one measure to reduce head-on accidents on two and three lane roads in Norway.
activity on the roads should be strengthened in order to monitor compliance with
rules and regulations concerning road traffic. The proposed road safety target for
2020 is built on the assumption that the
NPRA increases its recourses used for seat
belt enforcement and road side inspections
of heavy vehicles. It is also necessary with
increased contribution from the police,
strengthening speed enforcement and
drink driving enforcement. Enforcement
timing and location must be selected with
regard to when and where the risk of acci-
dents is the highest, and aimed at user
groups with the highest accident risk.
The present strategy for traffic safety
campaigns, limited to maximum 2–3 themes each year, will continue. Research
shows that the simultaneous application of
several types of measures has the best
effect. This means for example that information measures and enforcement measures should work together.
A more detailed list of traffic safety measures will be presented in the Road Safety
Action Plan for 2010–2013. This is a joint
plan elaborated by the NPRA, the Police
Directorate, the Directorate for Health,
and the Norwegian Association for Road
Safety. The action plan will be launched in
the autumn of 2009, describing the contribution that is necessary from each agency
if the road safety target in the NTP is to be
Contact: Sigurd Løtveit, NPRA.
More information at:
(Some in English)
NORDIC NO. 2 2008 | 9
Prospects for Improving Road Safety
in Norway
Road traffic in Norway is among the safest in the world, but still
the number of accidents is regarded as too high. In a scoping
study for the next National Transport Plan 2010–2019 the possibility of realising a target of halving the number of road accident
fatalities and seriously injured road users by 2020 was assessed.
Rune Elvik, Institute of
Transport Economics
t the Institute of Transport Economics
we have studied the possibility of reaching the target and what road safety measures would be needed to do so.
A total of 139 road safety measures were
surveyed. The most effective and well
documented measures, 45 in total, were
included in a formal impact assessment,
which also included a cost benefit analysis.
Use of these measures during the period
until 2020 was considered. Analyses indicate that 39 of the 45 measures are cost-effective, i.e. their benefits are greater than the
costs according to cost-benefit analyses.
The preliminary targets in the National
Transport Plan call for a reduction of fatalities from 250 (annual mean 2003–2006)
to 125 in 2020. The number of seriously
injured road users is to be reduced from
980 (mean 2003–2006) to 490.
The range of options for improving
road safety has been described in terms of
four main policy options, all of which apply
to the period from 2007 to 2020:
1. Optimal use of road safety measures:
All road safety measures are used up to
the point at which marginal benefits
equal marginal costs.
2. “National” optimal use of road safety
measures: This option is confined to
measures that can be controlled domes-
10 | NORDIC NO. 2 2008
Intelligent speed adaptation (ISA-systems) in new cars can reduce the amount of accidents significantly.
tically. Not all road safety measures are
under the control of the Norwegian
government; in particular new motor
vehicle safety standards are adopted by
international bodies.
3. Continuing present policies. This
option essentially means that road safety
measures continue to be applied as they
currently are. There will not be any
increase in police enforcement, nor will
new laws be introduced (e.g. a law
requiring bicycle helmets to be worn).
4. Strengthening present policies. In this
option, those road safety measures
which it is cost-effective to use more
extensively, are used more extensively
than today. In particular, this implies a
drastic increase in police enforcement.
The largest reduction in the number of killed or injured road users is obtained by implementing policy option 1, optimal use of road
safety measures. Full implementation of this
policy option results in a predicted number of
fatalities of 138 in 2020. The predicted number of seriously injured road users is 652.
The Public Roads Administration has,
based on its own analyses, concluded that it is
in principle possible to reduce the number of
killed or seriously injured road users by 50%
in 2020.
It is, however, not realistic to expect road
safety measures to be used optimally. In the
first place, some of the measures that may
improve road safety if used optimally are outside the power of the Norwegian government.
This applies to new motor vehicle safety standards. In the second place, for some road
safety measures, optimal use implies a drastic
increase. This applies to police enforcement.
It is, however, unlikely that the police will
increase traffic law enforcement to the optimal extent. In the third place, optimal use of
road related road safety measures requires a
maximally efficient selection of sites for treatment. This is not easily accomplished in
Norway due to resource allocation mechanisms favouring regional balancing, rather
than economic efficiency.
A more realistic policy is therefore that
road safety measures continue to be used
along roughly the same lines as they are today.
Such a policy will not bring about large
improvements in road safety in Norway. A
conservative estimate for the number of road
accident fatalities in 2020 is about 200. A corresponding estimate for seriously injured
road users is about 850. While both these
numbers are lower than the current numbers,
they are a long way from realising the targets
set for 2020 (125 road users killed, 490 seriously injured).
It should be stressed that the estimates presented in this report are highly uncertain. It
would therefore not be surprising if the actual development turns out to be different from
the one estimated.
For more information: Prospects for improving road
safety in Norway, TØI report 897/2007
Author: Rune Elvik,
Table 1:Estimated reduction of road users killed.
reduction of
road users
Road safety measure
Road-related safety measures
Bypass roads
Pedestrian bridge or tunnel
Converting T-junction to roundabout
Converting X-junction to roundabout
Roadside safety treatment
Reconstruction and rehabilitation of roads
Guardrails (along roadside)
Median guard rails on undivided roads
Median rumble strips (1 metre wide)
Horizontal curve treatments
Road lighting
Upgrading substandard road lighting
Follow up road safety inspections
Traffic signals in T-junctions
Traffic signals in X-junctions
Lowering speed limit on hazardous roads
Upgrading pedestrian crossings
Vehicle-related safety measures
E-Call (assuming mandatory from 1.1.2009)
Event recorders
Electronic stability control
Front and side air bags
Enhanced neck injury protection
Seat belt reminders
4 or 5 stars in EuroNCAP
Intelligent speed adaptation (ISA-systems)
Design of car front to protect pedestrians
Front impact attenuators on heavy vehicles
Enforcement-related safety measures
Speed enforcement
Speed cameras
Section control (co-ordinated speed cameras)
Feedback signs for speed
Drink-driving enforcement
Alcolock for drivers convicted of drink-driving
Seat belt enforcement
Technical inspections of heavy vehicles
Service- and rest hour enforcement
Bicycle helmet law
Law requiring pedestrian reflective devices
Road user-related safety measures
Accompanied driving
Elderly driver retraining
NORDIC NO. 2 2008 | 11
Topic Days in Iceland Address Road Safety
Time to Treat the Road Environment
The idea came to a group of people in a meeting in the summer
of 2007. The idea of gathering together all that remotely have
something to do with a topic in order to pick their minds. To get
all these people together to be able to connect their knowledge,
know-how and ideas to tackle a particular task. The first topic
became road safety and the road environment, i.e. road surroundings and how to make roads safer, in this case by making the
roadside safer.
Auπur fióra Árnadóttir, Erna Hreinsdóttir
fiórir Ingason, G. Pétur Matthíasson
he idea was well perceived by the board
of the Icelandic Road Administration
(ICERA) and in April 2008 two half days
were set aside for this project. The Topic
Days were on.
At the end of the day the conclusion was
that in order to make the roads forgiving
the first option should always be treating
the safety zone according to standards,
otherwise a safety barrier should be put up.
Given that assumption the most important
thing was to write down instructions on
various roadside treatments. Instructions
are needed on how to treat the safety zone
and also instructions about alternative
equipment, for example what to choose,
and how to put it up and maintain it. Even
though manufacturers give instructions it’s
not the same as getting those from the
practiced hand. When that is the case, what
really matters is highlighted and made easy
to work with. Many were also of the opinion that ICERA should own all materials
in order not to have too many different
equipment set up on and by the roads.
12 | NORDIC NO. 2 2008
That would also lower the cost of maintenance and supplies. The third conclusion
was the need to prioritize based on accidents, traffic and cost.
Many came to the board. About 320
people work at ICERA. A total of 112 were
invited to the Topic Days, 70 of them registered. Those were divided into working
Day 1 started with a light lunch, and
after that four speakers addressed the
issue. Ágúst Mogensen, director of the
Road Accident Analysis Group, started by
answering the question: “Does the road
environment matter?” And not surprisingly
the answer was: “Yes, it does”. He said, it
was clear that many didn’t know what to do
if they lost control of their car and ran off
the road. However, the road should not
punish them for their mistakes. Therefore,
the surroundings matter a lot. He pointed
out that a serious deformation of the passengers area of the car, was in 15 per cent
of the cases because of a high fall off a
road, and in 45 per cent of the cases from
a collision with a fixed object outside the
road or another obstruction off road.
Next talked Audur fóra Árnadóttir,
Head of the Traffic Department of ICERA,
about run-off-the-road accidents. She said,
that in the years 2003–2007 almost 59 percent of those who were injured or died in
rural traffic, did so because of driving off
the road. Road environment did therefore
matter, and where it’s impossible to fix the
surroundings a safety barrier is necessary.
She also mentioned that work has already
begun to appraise road surroundings in
Iceland and that in the summer of 2007,
more than half of the Ringroad was finished. Yet, it would be a big task to clean everything up and treat all the roadsides needed.
Erna Hreinsdóttir, Project Leader in the
Road Design Department of ICERA, started by reminding everybody that one of
ICERA´s main aims is that traffic safety in
Iceland should be equal to the best in the
world. Therefore, she said, when different
interests collide the safety interest should
be the deciding one. As a designer of
roads, she meant that inside the safety zone
of the road the land should be made so
that drivers should be able to prevent to
roll over, they should be able to gradually
stop and if they managed to gain control of
the car they should be able to get back
onto the road.
The last speaker, Páll Halldórsson,
ICERA South district operational manager,
talked about the experience of the first
wire rope safety fence in Iceland. He discussed what the ICERA had learned about
this road equipment and how those
responsible had changed their way of maintaining the wire rope safety fence.
After the four speakers had finished the
attendants were divided into four groups.
One talked about safety barriers, types,
design, how to put them up, about the working width and how to put together different types. Group 2 also talked about safety
barriers, different types, the buying cost,
how to put up, maintenance and winter
service. The third group focused on the
side of the road, rocks, ditches, side slopes,
light poles, signs, gutters, etc. Group 4 tackled the prioritizing of projects and synchronizing of tenders, supervision and maintenance of both the safety zone around roads
and safety barriers.
The groups went through their findings
and everybody participated in the discussions afterwards and came to the main
conclusion mentioned in the beginning of
this article. Beside that conclusion the par-
ticipants found that this type of topic work
was really fruitful and encouraged the
ICERA to do more of this, besides, of course, to keep on working on the particular
topic of road safety.
NORDIC NO. 2 2008 | 13
Global Traffic Safety
Traffic accidents kill 1.2 million people every year, while an additional 50 million are injured. 86 per cent of these accidents
occur in developing countries, where the cost of traffic accidents
equals all bilateral aid. Traffic in the developing world is becoming a disaster.
Carl Chr. Gabrielsen
NPRA, Norway
unger and disease, wild beasts and war,
these are the scourges of mankind.
Protect us against them and we make you
into a hero. Moses is a prime example,
commemorated in both the Bible and the
Koran for building granaries. His contemporary equivalent appears to be Bob
Geldolf, a pop star made lord for masterminding Live Aid in 1988. For fighting
disease we remember the good doctors
Alzheimer. As for the fight between man
and beast, the modern movie Jaws is but an
echo of the archetypical monster-saga of
Beowulf. For promoting traffic safety?
Sorry, we don't remember you for this.
The traffic accident is a recent danger.
We haven’t had time to adjust to it yet. The
human mind, conservative by nature, refuses to replace its primeval fears with this
recent phenomenon. “I’ve got no fear to
spare”, the brain mutters. “Why take the
risk?” While our danger-radar happily scans
14 | NORDIC NO. 2 2008
for wolves, snakes and spiders, traffic accidents slip through almost invisibly.
Meanwhile, traffic accidents are rapidly
becoming a leading cause of death.
accidents. While both automobile proliferation and urbanisation are world-wide
phenomena, they will change the face of
the developing world.
Traffic explosion
Until quite recently the automobile has
been a characteristic of industrialised
societies rather than the developing world.
This is about to change. The developing
world is under rapid modernisation, bringing with it unprecedented traffic growth.
The global car fleet, at 850 million vehicles
today, is expected to double by 2030. This
growth will primarily take place in the
developing economies.
Automobile proliferation coincides with
another powerful phenomenon of modernity – urbanisation. For the first time in history the majority of the world’s population
is now residing in urban areas.
Furthermore, the urbanised population is
expected to continue to grow. With an
increased percentage of the population
living in the immediate proximity of a growing car fleet, the best we can hope for is
to avoid a disproportional growth of traffic
Greenhouse gas emissions
Road traffic is estimated to be responsible
for between 15 and 20 per cent of the
world’s total greenhouse gas emissions.
Industrialised nations have the resources
to reduce these emissions. The developing
world does not.
Traffic accidents
Already today, traffic accidents kill 1,5 million people every year, injuring another 50
million. This is a Tsunami of death with
100,000 killed every month. 85 per cent of
the victims, and 96 per cent of all traffic
accidents involving children, occur in the
developing world.
The costs of traffic accidents are staggering. In 2005, traffic accidents in the developing world equalled all bilateral aid
received that same year. Even worse, this
represents only the direct costs of the accident, in terms of the value of lost labour.
Traffic safety is a modern concern and
rates low on the public awareness scale.
But as a threat to human life, it is increasing drastically.
This situation is steadily getting worse.
By 2030 the growth of the global car fleet
will push traffic fatalities up to 2.4 million.
The World Health Organisation predicts
that industrialised nations will experience
a 28 per cent decrease of traffic accidents.
In the developing world they will increase
with 48 per cent in Latin America, 80 per
cent in Sub-Saharan Africa and 144 per
cent in South Asia.
Traffic safety is a modern concern and
rates low on the public awareness scale. But
as a threat to human life, it is increasing
drastically. In the developing world, traffic
accidents will soon rival disease as a leading
cause of death. It is neither covered by the
media nor championed by prominent politicians. Global traffic safety has no champion. Global traffic safety has no voice, no
Bob Geldolf, no Dr. Salk.
This must change.
Norway is one of the most traffic safety
conscious nations in the world. We have an
impressive track record, a “zero casualties”
vision for the future, and have contributed
to the road sector in developing countries
for more than 30 years. Norway has what it
takes to fill the vacant role of champion of
global traffic safety. It might therefore
seem odd that our Minister of the
Environment and International Development, Erik Solheim, is phasing transport
and communications out of the Norwegian
development portfolio.
But then again, traffic safety never won
an election.
Contact: Carl Chr. Gabrielsen, NPRA.
NORDIC NO. 2 2008 | 15
Drugs and Medicines in Traffic
Drugs and medicines occur on our roads. But
today very little is known of the extent and the
risks involved. The EU project DRUID has become
involved in this problem by studying the prevalence
of various substances and their effects, and their relationship with risk.
Magdalena Green
VTI, Sweden
he EU project DRUID (Driving under
the influence of drugs, alcohol and
medicines) deals with the problem of alcohol and drugs in traffic as a whole, and has
the aim to describe the extent and nature
of the problem.
The objective of VTI's participation is to
chart the prevalence of drugs and medicines on our roads and to perform a simulation study on how driving performance is
affected by medicines.
A survey of drugs in traffic
Within the framework of the project, VTI is
charting the prevalence of drugs in traffic
in Sweden, both illegal drugs and medicines. With the help of the police drivers are
stopped at the side of the road and are
asked to take part in the study.
Participation is voluntary and the samples
are treated anonymously; neither the driver nor the car can be linked to a certain
sample. Experience from other countries
16 | NORDIC NO. 2 2008
shows a high degree of participation although the investigation is voluntary.
– It is a matter of getting a picture of
what drugs and medicines are found on
the roads rather than a complete scan, says
Magnus Hjälmdahl, researcher at VTI and
project leader for DRUID in Sweden.
Overall, 50,000 saliva samples are to be
collected and analyzed in Sweden and eleven European countries. Sweden's contribution is 6,000 samples.
Those taking part are asked to give a
saliva sample and answer questions on age
and sex. The samples are then sent for analysis at the National Board of Forensic
Medicine in Linköping where the saliva
samples are scanned for over 25 substances.
– Analysis of the samples will be ready by
the autumn of 2009. Collection of the samples extends over a year and will be finished in March 2009, says Magnus.
The project has two principal aims. One
is to chart what drugs occur in traffic, since
today we know very little of this. The results
will also be compared with the other participating countries. The second is to compa-
re the prevalence of drugs and other preparations in traffic in general with the prevalence of drugs and other preparations in
drivers who have been killed in road accidents. In this way we will have an idea of
the magnitude of the risk of being killed in
an accident if one drives with drugs and
other substances in one's body.
The effect of medicines on driving performance
Today there is a black market in amphetamine based substances, and it is suspected
that an increasing proportion of professional drivers take "uppers" to cope with their
long shifts on the road.
– Drug use is increasing in the society as
a whole, and it is naive to think that it does
not include drivers, says Magnus.
VTI has, through a simulator study, studied how driving behavior is affected by
medicines. The focus is to study how a central stimulant medicine, and also the combination of a central stimulant and fatigue,
affects a person's driving. The expected
effects are that some parts of the driving
task can actually be improved – for instan-
ce, the test subjects may find it easier to
keep an even speed and to swerve less on
the road. On the other hand, they probably
have greater difficulty in making the right
decisions and they take more risks, which
can have dramatic consequences.
In May 2008, 20 test subjects drove in
the VTI driving simulator for a total of
three nights each. On each occasion, they
took medicines according to one of the following conditions – low dose, somewhat
higher dose, and placebo. It was a double
blind test, i.e. neither the test subjects nor
the test personnel knew what condition was
being tested.
– Since it was a double blind test, we
have so far only been able to guess the
effects of the medicine, says Magnus.
– We know that the medicine is an
"upper" and it makes one sharper and
more focused on what one is doing. And
we definitely saw that some test subjects
were unusually alert in the middle of the
night and that sometimes, according to us,
they took unnecessary risks in driving. But
it will not be until the autumn that we will
be able to have some definite answers to
how the medicine affected their driving.
For more information:
Contact: Magnus Hjälmdahl
NORDIC NO. 2 2008 | 17
Increased Safety for Road Workers
on Motorways
One of the dangerous elements during road works is when road
markings have to be placed and removed on a motorway, where
traffic flow continues unhampered while the signs are being put
up and removed.
Helen Hasz-Singh,
ow the Danish Road Directorate has
improved this procedure so that no
road worker needs to cross the motorway
with road signs under his arm!
The entire road marking can now safely
be put in place on the fast lane since a lorry
with a Truck Mounted Attenuator (TMA)
is parked there. On the lorry, a flashing
arrow shows that the drivers should change
lane to the slow lane. The TMA consists of
an aluminium container with eight sections, each containing shock-absorbing
materials. In the emergency lane, a lorry
with similar blinking arrows is parked. In
this lorry, the road signs showing reduced
speed, etc. are stored.
The traffic now only moves in a single
file in the slow lane and the fact that drivers
from a distance have seen two big blinking
arrows has a speed reducing, psychological
effect. The road workers are protected by
the two lorries parked in the emergency
lane and the fast lane, and they are not in
contact with the traffic. The traffic is led
through a blinking gate, the speed is reduced in good time and the road works can
be carried out behind a row of traffic cones
which can easily and quickly be removed
when the work is completed.
18 | NORDIC NO. 2 2008
The "Swedish Model" Is Recommended
For a number of years, children in Sweden up to the age of four
have travelled rearward facing in the car, but in the rest of
Europe and the world this is something new. But a report from
ANEC, the European consumer voice in standardisation, now
recommends that all children in Europe, up to the age of four,
should travel rearward facing, i.e. according to the Swedish
Magdalena Green, VTI,
NEC in Brussels is one of the strongest
consumer voices in Europe, and they
have, on the basis of accident data regarding severe injuries and fatalities involving
children in the UK, Sweden and US,
concluded that it is without a doubt safest
to travel rearward facing. ANEC now hopes
that this report will put pressure on legislation and consumer recommendations until
they clearly show that it is unsafe to have
children forward facing too early.
– This is a welcome message for us here
at VTI and a fine accolade for Swedish road
safety work, says Research Engineer Jan
Wenäll at VTI. This can be the first step
towards a new EU standard for the safety of
children in cars.
Availability and development of rearward
facing child seats
Seats for rearward facing travel up to a
weight of 25 kilo are already available on
the Swedish market, but they are difficult
to find in Europe. ANEC hopes that this
recommendation will get manufacturers
and shops to make rearward facing child
seats readily available and cheaper in the
whole of Europe. It is also hoped that development and improvement of these seats
will take place at a faster pace as the market
and demand increase.
Voluntary labelling
– We will retain what has been called the
Swedish model, i.e. we will not only encourage rear facing travel in words but will also
have a test method that promotes this, says
Tommy Pettersson, who is head of the VTI
crash safety laboratory.
Up to the spring of 2008 it was possible
to approve child car seats in accordance
with two test procedures, a European code
and a Swedish one. But now child car seats
can only be approved in accordance with
the European code. Generally speaking,
the great difference between the codes is
that the European method involves comprehensive testing of various components,
while the Swedish method places a greater
focus on measurements on the dummy's
head. VTI considers that these two test procedures complement each other very well,
and we have therefore developed a voluntary labelling method for child car seats
which includes measurements on the dummy's head.
– It is important to emphasise that this
will not be an approval test but a voluntary
labelling test, says Tommy Pettersson.
Contact:Tommy Pettersson,
For more information:
NORDIC NO. 2 2008 | 19
Depth Analyses of Fatal Road
Accidents in Norway
The Norwegian Public Roads Administration has established
regional accident analysis groups. These groups started their
work with depth analyses of all fatal road traffic accidents in
Norway the 1st of January 2005. The aim of this work is to develop more knowledge about causal factors behind these accidents, both within road user behaviour, vehicle safety and road
conditions, and to propose measures in order to prevent similar
accidents from happening again.
Ivar Haldorsen, NPRA,
he depth analyses of fatal accidents
have given new knowledge about causal
• Intoxicated driving (alcohol and drugs)
is a considerable road safety problem.
The amount of intoxicated driving is larger than indicated in statistics on road
safety accidents
• Depth analyses more than accident
reports from the police have clarified
whether seat belts and other protection
equipment have been used or not in
fatal accidents
• Depth analyses more than accident
reports from the police have shown how
conditions related to vehicles and the
roads have been causal factors behind
fatal accidents.
The regional accident analysis groups
work out annual reports that summarize
the results of their work. Based on these
reports the Norwegian Road Directorate
20 | NORDIC NO. 2 2008
works out a national annual report. Two
national reports have been published, that
summarize the results of the depth analyses
in 2005 and 2006. These reports point out
casual factors, measures to prevent similar
accidents from happening again, and other
experiences from the accident analyses.
In Norway 226 fatal road traffic accidents occurred in 2006. 242 persons were
killed in these accidents. All of these accidents were analysed by the accident analysis groups. Most accidents are the result of
several causal factors. These causal factors
have been organised in the following main
• Conditions related to the drivers
• Conditions related to the vehicles
• Conditions related to the road and the
road traffic system.
Main results from the depth analyses of
accidents in 2006 are described below.
Conditions related to the drivers
• High speed (above speed limits or to
high speed compared to local conditions) were causal factors behind about
the half (49 %) of the accidents
• Lack of driver capability (lack of driving
skills, insufficient information processing, wrong decisions, lack of driving
experience, unrealistic belief in own
skills) were causal factors behind 75 %
of the accidents
• Intoxicated driving (alcohol and drugs)
were causal factors behind 18 % of the
accidents. Many of these accidents and
fatalities were the result of a combination of intoxication, high speed and lack
of use of seat belts
• Driver fatigue were causal factors
behind 18 % of the accidents
• Lack of visibility in the road traffic
(pedestrians, cyclists, persons on motorcycles and mopeds) were causal factors
behind 16 % of the accidents.
Conditions related to the roads
• Road conditions as snow, ice, wet and
slippery roads, were causal factors
behind 16 % of the accidents
• Insufficient road signing and road marking were causal factors behind 11 % of
the accidents
• Lack of visibility (obstacles) along the
roads were causal factors behind 11 %
of the accidents
Dangerous design features connected to
road geometry were causal factors
behind 11 % of the accidents
Because of dangerous design features
connected to the near vicinity of the
roads (trees, rocks, steep slopes etc), 20
% of the accidents resulted in fatalities
Because of lack of median barriers, 15
% of the accidents probably resulted in
Because of lack of or insufficient guard
rails, 9 % of the accidents probably
resulted in fatalities.
Vehicles and use of protection equipment
• 41 % of the drivers and passengers in
automobiles killed in these accidents
did not use seat belts
• 15 % of the killed drivers and passengers on motor cycles and mopeds did
not use helmets
• 80 % of killed persons on cycles did not
uses helmets
• Defect wheels and tires, defect light
equipment and defect vehicle brakes
were causal factors behind 18 % of the
• Because of large differences in weight
between colliding vehicles (passenger
cars and heavy vehicles, motor cycles
and passenger cars etc.), 30 % of the
analyzed accidents resulted in fatalities
• Because of low standard of safety of
vehicles, 13 % of the analyzed accidents
resulted in fatalities.
Road safety means
On the basis of their analyses, the accident
analysis groups have proposed several safety
means. These are means related to drivers,
means related to roads, and means related
to vehicles. The most important are:
Related to drivers
• Information and campaign activities
regarding speed and use of seat belts
and other protection equipment
• Police traffic enforcement on speed and
intoxicated driving
• Automatic traffic control
• Improved driving education.
Related to roads
• Safety audits of existing roads focussing
on dangerous design features in the
near vicinity of the roads and guard
rails, and implementation of means
• Median barriers
• Improved road signing and road marking.
Related to vehicles
• Alco lock in vehicles
• Intelligent driver support systems (ISA,
ESC etc.)
• Improved vehicle controls.
This article is based on the following publication:
Title (Norwegian): Dybdeanalyser av dødsulykker i
vegtrafikken – Nasjonal årsrapport for ulykkesanalysegruppenes arbeid i 2006
Title (English): Depth Analyses of Fatal Road
Accidents – National Annual Report of the
Accident Analysis Groups in 2006
Author: Ivar Haldorsen. E-mail:
Institution: Road Directorate, Road and Traffic
Report number: 09/2007
ISSN 1503-5743
Language: Norwegian
Available at:
NORDIC NO. 2 2008 | 21
Better-informed Drivers
Time is a scant resource in traffic. Accidents usually occur when
we see things too late or not at all. Even the most sophisticated
sensor networks currently being developed for driver support cannot totally compensate for this. For this reason, we need vehicles that ‘talk’ to the driver and other cars in order to provide us
more time to react and enhance the awareness of hazards along
the way.
Tapani Mäkinen,
Technical Research Centre
of Finland
number of pursuits are underway at
VTT to provide drivers with more time
and keep them informed of the traffic
ahead – even beyond the field of vision.
The activities deal with driver monitoring
technologies, environment perception and
cooperative driving functions, such as
information on road conditions ahead,
hazards, accidents and traffic jams by
means of aftermarket and nomadic devices. First, you need to have contents for the
messages and secondly you need to transfer
this message to the driver. Two projects,
FRICTION and TeleFOT, deal with these
two aspects.
The objective of the FRICTION project
is to create an onboard system for estimating friction and road slipperiness to
enhance the performance of integrated
and cooperative safety systems. Predictive
information yielded by the system enhances cooperative driving such as V2V and
driver information. Applications that can
benefit from precise information on friction and road slipperiness are control systems for driving safety such as slip control
systems, emergency braking systems,
electronic stability programs, adaptive cruise control and rollover avoidance.
Evidently the one-sensor-only approach has
proved unsuccessful for determining fric22 | NORDIC NO. 2 2008
tion and road slipperiness with sufficient
accuracy to improve vehicle control. The
project will not develop new sensors, but
uses existing sensors in a novel way. The
aim is a solution for real-time estimation of
tyre-road friction using a sensor cluster in a
moving vehicle. Consequently, three kinds
of sensors were used: (i) existing vehiclebased sensors for monitoring vehicle dynamics, (ii) environmental sensors, and (iii) a
tyre-based sensor. Today, the signals from
these sensors are used separately for vehicle safety systems without co-operative communication between the sensors. The project has two characteristics: vertical in developing a new system to enhance driver assistance, and horizontal in providing a system
for different applications and for ongoing
projects in preventive safety and upcoming
cooperative systems. The innovative idea is
Figure 1. Friction-sensor road tests.
to feed the signals into a FRICTIONEstimation-Observer and to estimate the
tyre-road-friction value by using online
mathematical statistics methods.
The achievements of the FRICTION
projects after two years of development are
the following:
• The architecture of an online friction
information data fusion algorithm,
together with Siemens VDO, CRF and
• The first versions of data fusion in a matlab/simulink environment and validation with real data
• A new antenna concept for the tyre sensor
• Novel use of far-infrared and polarisation cameras in measuring and classification of road surface slipperiness
• The use of 24GHz and 77GHz radar signals in the detection of dry, wet and icy
road surfaces (patent application pending).
The second project, TeleFOT, addresses
the use and impacts of nomadic and aftermarket devices in providing drivers with
information about traffic and road conditions ahead. The 15-million-euro project
will be launched in the summer of 2008.
This project also is partly EU-funded and
includes 25 partners from nine European
The objectives of TeleFOT are to assess
the impacts of functions provided by aftermarket and nomadic devices such as smart
Figure 2. Traffic sign information through a smart phone.
phones and navigators in vehicles, and
raise broader awareness of their traffic safety potential. These devices can provide different types of driver support functions,
and almost nothing is known yet about
their safety and other impacts. The market
penetration of portable navigators and
smart phones is exploding; the timing for
this project is ideal.
The functions to be tested cover three
broad areas: functions promoting (i) safe
driving, (ii) economic driving and (iii) a
novel navigator retrofitted eCall. The main
emphasis of the work is on speed information, traffic information, road weather
information and “green driving” support.
The impacts are assessed on different levels
covering (i) usability, (ii) behaviour & incidents, (iii) safety, (iv) the environment and
(v) impacts on the transport system.
Attention will also be paid to possible
negative impacts, since smart phones were
not originally designed for vehicle use and
navigation devices and may have problems
with fixing and positioning in the cockpit.
The project aims to speed up the penetration of systems able to "see" beyond drivers’
field of vision especially in critical conditions, where good situation awareness is
needed. The project provides an opportunity to test the impacts of similar functions
that future cooperative systems will provide, once their development challenges
have been solved in the coming years. In
fact, aftermarket and nomadic devices will
provide an alternative to some important
cooperative driving and ADAS functions
for many years ahead.
The concept consists of creating three
European test communities: Northern,
Central and Southern. This was deemed
necessary to ensure a realistic assessment
of the functions on the European scale due
to very different traffic behaviour patterns
and reactions to safety measures in various
countries. About 3 000 drivers are participating in the tests. The project has strong
national support and no resources are needed for building the infrastructures providing the functions and services to be tested. Business models and other issues related to the large-scale deployment of the
functions are also being studied.
Dissemination and raising awareness are a
special point of focus.
NORDIC NO. 2 2008 | 23
Lowering Speed Limits Reduces
Speed and Saves Lives in Norway
Lowering the speed limit from 80 km/h to 70 km/h on roads
with many accidents has reduced both speed (-2,1 km/h to
-4,1 km/h) and the number of injury accidents (-16%) and people
killed (-42%) in Norway. Lowering the speed limits from 90 km/h
to 80 km/h has also reduced the speed (-1,6 km/h to -2,8 km/h),
the number of injury accidents (-10%) and the number of people
killed (-40%).
Arild Ragnøy
NPRA, Norway
n the autumn of 2001, speed limits were
lowered from 80 km/h to 70 km/h and
from 90 km/h to 80 km/h on hazardous
road sections in Norway. These road sections had been identified as having a high
number of fatal or serious injury accidents
per kilometre of road.
Speed limits were lowered on 294 road
sections with a total length of 1,134 km.
247 road sections (total length 741 km)
had the speed limit lowered from 80 km/h
to 70 km/h. 47 road sections (total length
393 km) had the speed limit lowered from
90 km/h to 80 km/h.
Before-and-after study
Effects on accidents were evaluated by
means of a before-and-after study using the
Empirical Bayes design.
In addition, the study controlled for
long-term trends in accident occurrence by
applying a comparison group. Comparison
group consisted of roads that retained the
original speed limit of 80 km/h (alternativly 90 km/h).
Data on changes in speed have been
taken from 29 permanent traffic monito-
24 | NORDIC NO. 2 2008
ring stations operated by the Public Roads
Administration. A computer algorithm was
developed in order to ensure that only data
of acceptable quality was used in the study.
Comparison road sections for the speed
study were found in the same county and
with the traffic as on the treated roads. The
speed limits were unchanged on the comparison roads.
Effect on speed
Changes in mean speed are shown in Table
S1. As can be seen, mean speed was reduced in all groups. The reductions were
somewhat larger in the two treated groups
(80 km/h to 70 km/h and 90 km/h to 80
km/h) than in the two comparison groups.
This indicates that lowering the speed limit
had a net effect on speed.
The net reduction in mean speed attributable to the lowering of the speed limit
can be estimated to between 2.1 and 4.1
km/h on roads that had a speed limit of 80
km/h before treatment. The corresponding net reduction in mean speed on 90
km/h roads can be estimated to between
1.6 and 2.8 km/h.
Effect on accidents
The accident data for the treated road sections are presented in Table S2. The before-period for 80–70 km/h includes all years
from 1993 to 2000 (589,496 days), while
the after-period started at slightly different
dates in late 2001 and included the years
2002 and 2003 (148,403 days).
For 90–80 km/h the before–period includes data from 1996 to 2000 (1,825 days)
with an after period from 2002 until 2006
(1,460 days).
Table S1: Changes in the mean speed of traffic follow changes in speed limits.
Mean speed (km/h)
Treated roads 80 km/h to 70 km/h
Comparison roads retaining 80 km/h
Treated roads 90 km/h to 80 km/h
Comparison roads retaining 90 km/h
Table S2: Accident data for treated road sections.
Item of data
80 km/h to 70 km/h
Total days covered
Injury accidents
90 km/h to 80 km/h
589 496
148 403
2 307
Critically injured road users
Slightly injured road users
2 949
Total days covered
1 825
1 460
Injury accidents
Critically injured road users
Not reported
Not reported
Slightly injured road users
When regression-to-the-mean and longterm trends are controlled for by means of
comparison groups it is concluded that the
net effect of lowering the speed limit from
80 km/h to 70 km/h has reduced the number of injury accidents (-16%) and killed (42%).
Lowering the speed limits from 90
km/h to 80 km/h has as a net effect reduced the number of injury accidents (-10%)
and the number of killed persons (-40%).
Contact: Arild Ragnøy, NPRA
General information about traffic safety at:
NORDIC NO. 2 2008 | 25
Smarter and Safer School Buses – Unique
Smarter Safer School Buses is a world-unique initiative regarding
children's journeys to and from school. The aim of the project,
performed by VTI, is to enhance the safety and security of children travelling by school transport.
Magdalena Green
VTI, Sweden
chool journeys are an important part of
a child's environment, and should be
designed so that the whole journey to and
from school can be secure and safe. In 2008,
tests are made on two specially equipped
buses and bus stops in the ordinary school
transport service in a Swedish municipality.
This is a pilot project that is carried out for
the first time in the world. The project will
demonstrate a realistic driver support system which will, in a systematic and natural
way, support the driver. The project specially focuses on situations where the children
are exposed as vulnerable road users.
New technology provides routine and
Through studies of school transport accidents in which children have been injured,
VTI has shown that a departure from routine is an important factor. Safety and security are assumed to increase with a higher degree of routine. With the help of new technology, children can now be given better routines during their school journeys, regardless
of who is driving the bus. For example,
children will always be let off the bus at the
same place, and the driver has information
on whether the child needs to be seen over
the road, or whether he/she usually gets off
at the front or rear of the bus.
Since many school transport stops are
not marked, it may be difficult for a new or
substitute driver to find the right place to
stop at. Through the new system the driver
has access to information about the route
and are shown a picture of the next stop. At
the stop, the driver is automatically given
26 | NORDIC NO. 2 2008
information on which child is enterig or
exiting, information that the driver today
must remember without aid. On the screen
next to the driver, he/she can also call up
the child's name and, if the parent/guardian has given permission, a picture of the
child. The driver can also get more information about the child. Examples of this are
information on how to contact the parents
or whether the child has special needs.
Full control
The bus driver is also shown if the child is
at or near the stop. The children are namely given small radio transmitters, microchips, to hang on their coat or rucksack.
The transmitter has a range of about 100
metres, and sends signals to the driver support system in the bus. When the children
get on the bus, the driver logs them in by
clicking on their photograph. It is also possible to log in children that have forgotten
their transmitters, provided that they get
on at their usual stop. All children who are
expected to get on are displayed for the
driver, not only those who are at the stop
and have their transmitter on them.
When the children get off, they are logged off automatically. In the same way,
children are logged in automatically when
they enter the bus in the afternoon, when
many children get on at the same time at
the school. Prior to getting off, the system
also gives information to the children by playing back an audio file in the bus which gives
the name of the next stop, the names of the
children who are to get off, and any necessary safety instructions for the children.
– The system is first class, I am more and
more impressed, says Mikael Nyström who
is a bus driver and is taking part in the test.
– Thanks to the new technology, I have
better contact with both the children and
their parents.
e Initiative on Trips by School Transport
Thanks to the external loudspeaker and
cameras, the driver is able to communicate
with the children and see them both in and
outside the bus. This makes it easier for the
driver to take action in the event of danger.
With the help of a newly developed warning system at the stops, other road users
are also warned that there are children on
the road. During the test, two stops were
equipped with warning units which also
receive signals from the children's transmitters. The units warn other road users by
emitting a blinking yellow light. In independent tests, this type of warning system has
been found to have a high road safety effect,
since drivers passing the stop are made
aware that there are children near the stop
and they thus lower their speed. The aim of
the warning system is to make the stop safer
during the time that children stand there
waiting for the school bus to arrive.
Contact: Anna Anund,
Linda Renner,
Evaluation and results
The study is evaluated with reference to the
drivers' and children's experience of the
driver support system. The drivers attend
focus groups before and during the test.
They also keep a diary for some weeks
during the test period. The first diaries
have now been handed to VTI. Linda
Renner, who works on the project at VTI,
says after a first look at the diaries:
– The new system appears to be appreciated and well used.
Children are interviewed in groups.
This was done before the project started
and will be repeated at an early and late
stage of the project. The results will be
used to demonstrate the feasibility of using
the driver support system for improving
the safety and security of children who use
the school transport system.
The project also includes speed measurements, both before and during the test
Safety Effects by the Use of ITS in
Connection with the Extension of M3
in Copenhagen
In connection with the extension of M3 in Copenhagen, the
Danish Road Directorate (DRD) has established a set of traffic
management systems and information services for the users of
the road in order to achieve a satisfying level of safety, traffic
flow and service during the time of construction. The establishing
of ITS at M3 is so far the most comprehensive ITS application
the DRD has implemented.
Kasper Rosenstand
3 which runs around the western part
of greater Copenhagen is under
extension from four to six lanes in the
period 2005–2009. To achieve a satisfying
level of safety, traffic flow and service for
the road users during the time of construction, the DRD has chosen to use traffic
management systems and information to
influence the road user’s choice of speed,
travel time and route. Information on the
systems used can be found in an article in
Nordic Road & Transport Research 1/2008
and on
Effects concerning the traffic safety
Three years after the Danish Road
Directorate launched the extension of M3,
new statistics show that the traffic management system is helping the road users to
get safe and smooth through the 17 kilometres of roadwork.
The DRD has studied the number of
accidents in the years before the construction began and compared these with the
number of accidents during the construction from Easter 2005 to October 2007,
28 | NORDIC NO. 2 2008
which is the latest useable statistics. To
make a direct comparison of the two
periods possible, it has been chosen to convert the statistics into number of accident
per year before and during construction.
This shows that the overall number of
accidents barely has changed in connection with the roadwork. Before the construction began there were 75.3 accidents
per year and during construction there
were 77.2 accidents per year.
Fewer injured
When looking in more detail into these statistics, it shows that the number of accidents with injured is halved. There were
10.3 serious accidents per year before the
construction began, while the number of
serious accidents reached 5.6 accidents per
year during the time of construction.
The number of accidents with material
damage has increased slightly from 65 accidents per year before construction to 71.6
accidents per year during construction.
Experience shows that in connection
with similar roadwork where ITS is not
used the number of accidents is doubled.
Fatigue in Traffic
Every year, fatigue in traffic causes around 100,000 accidents all
over the world. In Sweden, sleepy drivers are involved in more
than 25 per cent of all road crashes. Driving when sleepy is just
as dangerous as driving under the influence of alcohol. In spite of
this, many people decide to drive when sleepy, and expose both
themselves and others to danger. VTI is engaged in several projects in order to enhance knowledge in this field and thus reduce
the number of crashes associated with driver sleepiness.
Magdalena Green
VTI, Sweden
leeping problems and stress are the
serious public health issues of our
times, and they often cause inattentiveness
on the part of drivers. In our new 24 hour
society, people tend to give priority to work
and pleasure at the expense of sleep.
About 20 per cent of the Swedish population suffers from some form of sleep disturbance or stress related disease. Because of
this, many people become part of a high
risk group that can cause serious crashes in
traffic and at work.
Since 2000, VTI has been involved in
several studies which, in different ways,
deal with the problem of driver sleepiness.
The risk groups are young drivers, professional drivers, shift workers and people
who suffer from sleep disturbance.
Warning systems
Through various research projects, VTI
aims to produce effective measures such as,
for example, warning systems in both the
car and in the road environment. Warning
systems in the car will detect if the driving
performance of the driver is impaired
because of sleepiness, and will warn the driver. The systems in the car are based either
on the way the car is steered and where on
the road it is placed, or they register eye
movements and blink rate, which are often
a reflection of the driver's level of sleepiness. In addition, account can also be taken
of the time of day and the sleepiness/wake-
fulness behaviour of the driver.
Warning systems that are coupled to this
are often based on a combination of feedback to the driver regarding his/her performance, and one or more warnings.
Warnings can be given in the form of warning sounds, spoken announcements, visual messages or via vibrations in e.g. the
wheel and seat. As regards the road environment, VTI has studied rumble strips on
the road, which have been found effective
in waking sleepy drivers.
Lack of statistics
Fatigue may be involved in as many as four
out of ten road accidents in Sweden. This is
what Anna Anund of VTI has found in a
study carried out together with the police
in Umeå. The study is based on police
interviews with drivers involved in road
crashes leading to injuries.
– We are, broadly speaking, certain that
25 per cent of all slight and severe accidents are caused by fatigue. But the proportion may be as high as 38 per cent, says
Statistics concerning sleepiness are
incomplete, something that may be due to
the fact that, in contrast to e.g. driving
under the influence, it is difficult, in fact
impossible in case of fatal accidents, to
describe and to measure just how sleepy a
driver involved in a crash was. Another
problem may be the lack of interest – Anna
believes that the problem is not taken
seriously enough.
VTI now hopes that the problem of driver sleepiness will attract attention and
awareness of the problem will grow, and
that all the research projects on new warning systems will produce good results.
Contact: Anna Anund,
Examples of research projects:
DROWSI prevents fatigue in traffic
In the research project DROWSI, Drowsiness
Intervention, authorities are in dialogue with
industry in order to develop, through research and
development, concepts and technologies for real
time prediction of driver fatigue, and also to find
effective countermeasures. The project is to result
in technical aids that can detect when the driver is
sleepy and stop him/her falling asleep. There are
system solutions for both cars and trucks.
The project extends over four years and is performed within the framework of the national research and development programme IVSS (Intelligent
Vehicle Safety Systems).
Sensation – EU project on fatigue, sleep and
SENSATION, Advanced sensor development for
attention, stress, vigilance and sleep/wakefulness
monitoring, is an EU project in which partners
from both industry and various institutes in
Europe are involved. The project focuses on the
problem area stress, fatigue and sleep in transport, industry and health care. VTI's involvement
in the project has mainly focused on problems
associated with transport.
The object of Sensation is to highlight health,
safety and quality of life and to protect the surroundings by reducing the number of fatigue-related accidents. The core issue in the work is development of a cost effective and efficacious technology that can detect fatigue symptoms and warn
the driver before an accident occurs. Several sensors have been developed in the project which
measure pulse (stress), brain activity (sleep and
wakefulness) and blink rate (sleepiness).
NORDIC NO. 2 2008 | 29
Automatic Speed Control in Norway
Automatic speed control (ASC) is an important traffic
safety measure which has gradually become widespread in Norway and we now have some 360 ASC
sites throughout the country. Evaluations of ASC indicate that it both results in a reduction of around 20%
in the average accident rate and causes motorists to
reduce their speed. It is the drivers who significantly
exceed the speed limit who reduce their speed most.
We also know that most motorists (about 75%) state
their support for this type of traffic safety measure.
Anne Beate Budalen
NPRA, Norway
n Norway the Norwegian Public Roads
Administration and the police work
together on the ASC project. The Public
Roads Administration cooperates with the
police on the development and operation
of the system, while the police are responsible for follow-up of drivers who are photographed.
Norway has had ASC since 1988, and it
was initially implemented in ten police districts. Great attention is paid in the equipment to protection of privacy, and all passengers are omitted from pictures. Radarbased equipment was abandoned at an
early stage in favour of sensors embedded
in the asphalt road pavement. Measuring
equipment and procedures are quality
assured by the Norwegian Metrology
Service, Det norske Veritas and SP
Technical Research Institute of Sweden
(SP Sveriges tekniska forskningsinstitut).
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Both technical equipment and software
have undergone steady development up to
the present day. Initially only wet film and
old-fashioned flash photography were
used. Because of the growing number of
speed checks and the desire for a simpler
way of working with the aid of digital transfer of pictures, work to develop digital
cameras commenced early. The work started in connection with the Olympic Games
at Lillehammer, where digital pictures were
used for traffic surveillance. It was timeconsuming work, and high resolution was
important. Wet-film cameras are now being
gradually replaced, and today over 90% of
all pictures are taken with digital cameras.
The old-fashioned flash has been a challenge. They are expensive to use, and cannot
be used in ASC between two fixed points,
where pictures have to be taken of all vehicles passing the points. Infra-red photography was tested instead, and today it is rapidly taking over from the old flash photos.
Automatic red light enforcement
The first tests of automatic red-light enforcement took place in 1990. The testing was
terminated in 1997–1998 after a thorough
evaluation because the resources used were
found to a great deal outweigh the benefits.
Section ASC
Another branch of ASC, section ASC, has
now been tested in an experimental stepping up of surveillance at Lillehammer.
Technically, the tests functioned well, and
the Public Roads Administration recommended to the political authorities that
section ASC should be used as a traffic safety measure. With section ASC, the average
velocity of a vehicle is measured over a
stretch of road, typically 2–3 km. The
length of the stretch will depend on how
accurately we “choose” to identify the
vehicles. The method depends on our
being able to recognise a vehicle at an arrival point A and a calculation point B.
When the distance between the points is
known, and we know the time it took for
the vehicle to drive from A to B, the average speed over the stretch can be calculated.
With ordinary spot ASC, a camera is triggered when a vehicle exceeds a pre-set speed,
the photo-triggering threshold. Section
ASC uses a similar photo threshold to that
in spot ASC, and only pictures of vehicles
that have exceeded the chosen photo
threshold are stored.
The number of photographs taken has
increased from some 6 000 in 1989 to
about 240 000 in 2007. To illustrate the
scope of ASC surveillance, 33% of those
who are fined for having driven too fast in
Norway are recorded by means of ASC
photographs (the Central Mobile Police
Service accounts for 30% and the local
police districts for the remainder). The
number of vehicles monitored has risen
from 10 million in 1992 to 120 million in
2007. This shows clearly that ASC is becoming a very important part of overall surveillance efforts in Norway, and it will continue to be used as a traffic safety measure. It
is to be hoped that it will be taken further
to section ASC in the near future.
ASC in Norway
Started in 1988
Number of sites in 2008: 360
Number of pictures taken in 2007: 240 000
Number of vehicles monitored in 2007: 120 million
Measuring method: Piezoelectric cables
Number of vehicles monitored with spot ASC in Norway 1992–2007.
Contact: Anne Beate Budalen,
NORDIC NO. 2 2008 | 31
Road Safety in Northern Cyprus
Placed under the “Belly of Turkey”, Cyprus is an island on the
outskirts of Europe. A Danish Road Institute (DRI) employee is
involved in a traffic safety programme in northern Cyprus. The
programme includes various activities that are normally included
in the strategies for improving traffic safety. In the following, a
brief outline of the initiatives of the programme is given and
some of the expected results are descried.
Helge Skovbjerg
yprus is known as a brilliant place for
holidays. It has per tradition close relations to United Kingdom, having British
road rules and left side driving. Cities
along the coast are developing rapidly due
to the construction of houses owned by
foreigners, especially British citizens. The
island entered into the EU as part of the
fifth enlargement of 1st May 2004. Due to
the division of the island into a Greek part
(south) and a Turkish part (north), Cyprus
entered into EU as a “de facto” divided
island. This means that the northern part
of the Island is outside the customs and fiscal territory of the EU. Said in EU terms:
“The acquis communautaire” is suspended
in northern Cyprus. The suspension has
territorial effect, but does not concern the
personal rights of Turkish Cypriots as EU
citizens, as they are considered as citizens
of the Member State Republic of Cyprus.
Northern Cyprus has a high rate of road
accidents. Judged by statistics, the relative
frequency of road accidents is much higher
in northern Cyprus than it is in other countries in the EU, specifically the Nordic
32 | NORDIC NO. 2 2008
Meeting at police headquarters; Nicosia.
countries. EU is presently financing a number of initiatives for various sectors on northern Cyprus, and included in these sectors
is the transport sector. Specific attention
has been drawn to the traffic safety problems and the EU has launched a large
programme to improve the present situation. To guide the local EU office in Nicosia,
Helge Skovbjerg, Regional Manager of the
Operations and Maintenance Unit in
Skanderborg has been engaged. His task is
to advise on activities, project specifications, selection of consultants etc. All
management issues related to implement
such a large 3 million EURO programme is
done under his advice.
What is being done to improve traffic
safety in northern Cyprus? The main effort
includes the implementation of six different projects to obtain the objectives of
Like in UK, the new drivers have the L on the vehicle.
improving the traffic situation. The six projects are:
Organisational Structure
• This project is aimed at outlining a new
structure for the Traffic Safety
Commission. Like most other countries
in EU, the Commission comprises
representatives from all the key stakeholders including the most important
NGOs. In this variety of a Traffic Safety
Commission, there are no representatives from parliament.
Accident Information System
• This project comprises the setting up of
an Accident Information System with
the facility of making detailed accident
analyses and identifying black spots. It
also comprises training in data collection, accident analysis and consequently
campaigning and enforcement. This
project involves mainly the Traffic
Police, who already have quite sophisticated databases for road safety information. In this project there will be an
adjustment of the present system to
cater for information to all the stakeholders, not only the Police.
Vehicle Inspection and Licensing
• This project aims at setting up a regulatory framework and new structures for
vehicle inspection and licensing. It
involves mainly the entity of Finance,
entity of Internal Affairs, Vehicle
Inspection Centres and Driving Schools.
Road Safety Education
• This project aims at developing and
implementing broader campaigns and
involves training and public relations. It
involves mainly the Mass Media, NGOs,
and Traffic Safety Commission.
Primary Road Network
• This project comprises the development
of a National Highway Plan and remediation of accident prone road sections
and black spots. It involves mainly the
entity for Public Works and Transport,
Highway Department.
Traffic Operation.
• This project comprises the development
of an Urban Traffic Management Plan
for three cities. It also comprises specific
measures for increasing traffic safety in
urban areas. It involves mainly the
Municipalities and Northern Cyprus for
Internal Affairs.
The programme will be implemented
during the coming years and hopefully
finalised by 2011. At that time, appropriate
data will create fair documentation that the
accident rate on the road of northern
Cyprus has decreased.
NORDIC NO. 2 2008 | 33
Traffic Safety Campaigns in Norway
Serious road accidents are viewed as a serious national concern.
The Government has established the Vision Zero as the basis for
traffic safety work in Norway – a vision of no one being killed or
permanently injured in traffic.
n important part of traffic safety work
is to provide information to the public,
i.e. traffic safety campaigns.
Nationwide campaigns
Knowledge from accident analysis and research is used as a basis to provide the most
efficient campaigns. Norwegian Public
Roads Administration (NPRA) aspires to
maximise the combination of information
and enforcement because this combination is efficient. Traffic safety campaigns
should express preferred behaviour in
order to change behaviour in a safer direction.
In urban areas the use of seat belts has
increased from 84% in 2004 to 89,4% in
For rural areas the usage has risen from
91,4 % to 93,7% in 2007. The increase is
higher for young people than for adults.
The Stop & Sleep Campaign
International research shows that between
15–30% percent of all road accidents are
caused by drivers falling asleep.
A Norwegian study by the Institute of
Transport Economics revealed that as
much as 80% of private drivers have either
fallen asleep or been close to falling asleep.
For professional drivers the figure was
DINAMO RRA62 Foto: Massimo Leardini
Å miste en venn er ekstra vondt – dersom det kunne vært unngått.
Husk bilbelte
34 | NORDIC NO. 2 2008
media and PR. The mail target group has
been involved in development of the campaign through a competition to write the
best script for a TV-commercial.
DINAMO RRA62 Foto: Massimo Leardini
Nationwide seat belt campaign
The use of seat belts is an efficient measure to reduce the numbers of killed and
injured in road accidents. Research tells
us that the risk of being killed can be
reduced by 50% in the front seats when
seat belt is used. Our depth analysis
Three emotional pictures 2003–2008
The three pictures are emotional and advice us to use seat belt. Through this combination, several evaluations show very good
results on attention and knowledge to the
campaign, up to 94% in the target group in
2005. The pictures are also used on nationwide special designed roads signs, and
already adopted by other countries.
Further, the campaign includes traffic
control and information through mass
DINAMO RRA62 Foto: Massimo Leardini
Ongoing campaigns
NPRA carries through two nationwide campaigns. One is to raise the use of seat belt
and the other to reduce the number of
sleep related accidents. We also carry
through a campaign called Speak out! in
major parts of Norway.
groups on fatal accidents found that 41%
of the car users killed in traffic in Norway
in 2006 did not use seat belts. 40 lives
could have been saved if the rate of usage
were 100%.
The main target set for seat belt use in
general in Norway is 90% in urban areas
and 94% outside urban areas within 2010.
The main target group for the campaign
activities is young men, 18–30 years old.
Det spiller ingen rolle om du bare skal på en kort kjøretur – hvis du ikke kommer tilbake.
Husk bilbelte
50 km/t virker ikke mye – men kolliderer du uten bilbelte, tilsvarer det et fritt fall på 10 meter.
Husk bilbelte
Cecilie Waterloo
Lindheim, NPRA, Norway
75%. 11% of the fatal accidents in 2005
and 18% in 2006 were sleep related.
Campaign message: Sleepy behind the
wheel? Stop and sleep for 15 minutes. Aim:
To reduce the number of sleep related
accidents by 50% by the end of 2008.
Research shows that drivers often use a
variety of non-effective strategies in order
to stay awake, like singing to themselves,
playing loud music etc. The Stop and Sleep
Campaign emphasises that the only effective measure is to sleep. 15 minutes sleep will
revitalise the driver sufficiently for him/her
to keep driving for a couple of hours.
Measures Towards Professional Drivers
Information from the Stop and Sleep
Campaign was combined with routine controls of hours of service regulation.
Three main messages are:
• Following the regulations is no guarantee against falling asleep
• Drivers who violate the regulations are
most likely to fall asleep
• Drink water instead of beverages containing sugar!
Speak out!
The main target group of the campaign
Speak out! are adolescents from 16–24,
with a particular focus on 16–19 year old
passengers. This is the group with highest
risk in traffic, with high numbers of fatalities and serious injuries. Their lack of experience as drivers and negative peer/group
pressure might explain the high risk.
It is found that many young people feel
fear as passengers, but remain silent. This
campaign therefore offers support through
ordinary roadside controls with information and giveaways with the Speak out!
But this strategy will not affect all the
risk takers to moderate their driving. Some
high risk takers will not change behaviour
due to information or peer pressure. The
police are involved to react on this group.
The campaign was evaluated by the
Economics in 2007. The effect is strong in
the counties with intensified police controls. The reduction of killed and seriously
injured drivers and passengers in the target
group is estimated to 25,5%, with a net
benefit estimated to about 49 million Euro.
Contact: Cecilie Waterloo Lindheim.
Bjarte Skaugset, NPRA.
NORDIC NO. 2 2008 | 35
Full Activity in the VTI Driving Simulator
VTI provides world class simulation and simulator know-how for
most research projects regarding road safety. In recent times,
the VTI simulators have been running at full steam both day and
Magdalena Green,
VTI, Sweden
TI is far ahead in the field of driving
simulation. Today, VTI has two simulators, one for passenger cars and one for
heavy vehicles. Both simulators feature a
real vehicle cabin and have a sophisticated
motion system for a realistic reproduction
of the forces exerted on the body when driving. Under the cabin there is a vibrating
table that simulates high frequency vibrations caused by road roughness, which
makes the driving experience very true to
life. When it comes to the motion system,
the most recent driving simulator represents some of the best that can be achieved
with today's technology. Together with an
advanced graphics system, this gives a simulator of world class, with a very realistic driving experience.
From driver behaviour to vehicle technology
The driving simulator has a wide field of
use, extending from driver behaviour,
through the man-machine interface,
effects of fatigue and drugs, to road design,
tunnel design, reactions of the body, drivers with functional impairment and new
component systems in the vehicle. A driving simulator is a higly effective, riskfree
and cost effective way of simulating in a
laboratory the traffic situation to be studied. The ability to perform safe tests, with
identical scenarios for each test subject is a
great advantage of the simulator.
Just now, a lot of research is in progress
regarding driver fatigue, and a simulator is
of great help in this. The simulator has
been used, for example, to study how drivers in a tired state react to various types of
warning system. The ability to monitor driver behaviour as fatigue develops is absolutely critical in designing reliable driver support systems which can predict dangerous
behaviour due to fatigue. In principle, drivers go on until they fall asleep and have an
accident. The procedure is then replayed
to see how this could have been predicted
in the best way.
Varying research projects
In the spring, a large number of projects
were carried out in the VTI simulator.
Examples are a study of rumble strips on the
road, and a warning management system
which is to handle warnings received from
active safety systems. In the VTI heavy vehicle simulator, a study was also carried out to
study the safety implication of different tires
and tire configurations for buses driving on
icy roads. The fatigue projects DROWSI and
Sensation, and the EU project Druid, also
made use of the simulator.
The activities will continue in the
autumn. The simulator facilities will then be
used in the project Heavy Route (Intelligent
Route Guidance for Heavy Vehicles), the
aim of which is to develop a route guidance
system that selects the safest and most cost
effective routes for goods transport in
Europe. The simulators will also be used in
projects where road experience and sensitivity to side wind are studied.
Contact: Jonas Jansson,
For more information:
36 | NORDIC NO. 2 2008
Fauna Passages in Denmark
Denmark has for many years taken the fauna of the countryside
into consideration, when planning major construction works. An
environmental screening always takes place in the very early
stage of planning a motorway or highway.
Steen Ogstrup,
uring recent years, many fauna passages have been constructed under
motorways and bigger roads. Most frequently they have been constructed in connection with running water, where berms
have been constructed which can create a
connection under the road alongside the
water for bigger or smaller animals. Today,
tunnels for streams are always constructed
with berms. On sites where it is necessary
for larger animals to pass, such as deer and
stags, the passage is considerably larger
than the requirements of a water passage.
Fauna passages over bigger roads
In 2000, the motorway between Ålborg and
Frederikshavn was opened and near
Jutland Ridge the first bigger fauna passage
over the motorway was inaugurated at the
same time. The motorway cut through the
ridge and the road was placed in two tunnels, which created a 25 m wide passage
over the motorway, which gives a passageway mainly for stags.
Also a number of fauna passages have
been constructed as regular bridges.
Route 9
The motorway alongside Route 9 which is
under construction at present passes north
of Svendborg through a big and cohesive
natural area with forests both east and west
of the corridor, where Route 9 and the
motorway are situated. In the forest, there
is a large number of roe deer and there are
Denmarks’ widest fauna passage, 50 metres wide.
also foxes, badgers, various martens and
common dormice.
The heavy traffic on Route 9 has for
many years created a barrier for the animals between the forests on both sides of
the corridor. In connection with environmental screening it was therefore decided
to construct a fauna passage like the one at
Jutland Ridge.
The Danish Forest and Nature Agency
however pointed out a construction abroad
which was bigger than the construction at
Jutland Ridge and experiences from there
showed that really good results were only
obtained at greater widths so that bigger
animals were prepared to cross there. The
Danish Road Directorate and Danish Forest
and Nature Agency agreed that at this place
a fauna passage should be constructed of 50
m width across the motorway.
Common dormouse
Special consideration should be taken to
the common dormouse. The forests north
of Svendborg are one of the few places in
Denmark where the common dormouse
has its natural abode. It is included in the
EU’s Habitats Directive and is included on
the list of animal species requiring protection.
The existing Route 9 has always created
a barrier for the common dormouse. It was
therefore decided also to establish a fauna
passage over the existing Route 9.
The motorway is at its deepest point, a
10 meter cut, and thus it is possible to establish good afforestation over the motorway. An afforestation with trees and bushes
and with a clearing which creates good
space for bigger animals to go through and
also bushes that make allowance for the
common dormouse.
NORDIC NO. 2 2008 | 37
Fire-safety in the Bjørvika Tunnel
The consequences of a fire in Norway’s first immersed tunnel
could be catastrophic. If the unprotected structure is exposed to
prolonged and extreme heat, the concrete could start to spall
and compromise the integrity of the construction. Two levels of
fire-protection were therefore a prerequisite in the design of the
project. In the event of a fire, if the primary fire-protection should
fail, a unique secondary system is in place.
Johanne Solheim
NPRA, Norway
he primary fire-protection is divided
into two systems. Firstly, the roof, and
the upper part of the wall will be covered
with a board or a sprayed material. This
contract is currently out to tender and will
be decided in August 2008. Secondly, prefabricated fire resistant concrete panels will
protect the wall from the road level and 3.5
metres up the wall.
In the bidding-process, the Norwegian
Public Roads Administration set their own
requirements concerning documentation
and testing of the fire-protection. One of
the requirements was a secondary fire-protection system, where a specific amount of
polypropylene fibres were mixed with the
concrete in the ceiling of the tunnel.
According to Claus K. Larsen, seniorengineer at the Directorate of Public
Roads, the Bjørvika Tunnel will get the best
fire-protection possible today.
In the late 1990’s, three fatal incidents
put tunnel fire-safety on the agenda. The
Mont Blanc tunnel fire in Italy/France in
1999 cost 39 lives, a similar fire in Tauern,
Austria, a few months later cost 12 lives,
and 11 lives were lost in the St. Gotthard
tunnel fire in Switzerland in 2001. It was
during these years that the design-process
of the Bjørvika tunnel was in full activity.
In this environment, and with no inter-
38 | NORDIC NO. 2 2008
Sprayed fire protection with different surface treatments
(test mock-up in tunnel).
Fire protection boards (test mock-up in tunnel).
national standards for testing and documenting tunnel fire-protection, the
Directorate of Public Roads started its own
Concrete-project in 2003. Its goal was to
find out how concrete structures can be
protected from losing their load carrying
capacity during intense fires.
A series of full-scale experiments in the
Directorate of Public Roads’ test-tunnel,
Runehamar in Åndalsnes, revealed weaknesses in some types of fire-protection.
Exposure to the RWS fire-curve, a temperature curve that simulates a tank-vehicle
burning freely for two hours with temperatures up to 1 350 degrees, caused up to 15
centimetres of spalling and direct exposure/melting of the reinforcement.
Through several experiments in
Rundhamar, the Directorate of Public
Roads came up with an efficient solution.
Adding two kilos of polypropylene fibres
(pp-fibres) per cubic metre of concrete
prevents spalling. The minuscule fibres,
only 18 micrometres in diameter and 6 millimetres long, can potentially be life-saving
during intense tunnel-fires.
This relatively simple and inexpensive
solution gave good results.
Although it is not entirely understood
how these fibres work, it is generally accepted that it is the melting of the pp-fibres between 360–400 degrees that alleviates the
spalling problem. This is achieved either by
creating small air pockets counteracting
pressure build-up or vents for steam to escape.
Adding pp-fibres to the concrete mixes
is a requirement in the Bjørvika-contract
and in the Skansen Tunnel in Trondheim
which will also be built with concrete.
Contact: Johanne Solheim,
What's Going Down in Oslo?
Johanne Solheim
NPRA, Norway
he transport route for the Bjørvika
concrete tunnel elements is long. It is,
in fact, the longest such transport route
known. The elements, 112.5 m long and
weighing 30,000 tonnes, were built in a dry
dock at Askøy just outside the city of
Bergen, Western Norway; their destination
is Bjørvika in Oslo, approximately 800 km
around the coast. Waves, wind and currents
put the elements through some of their
greatest challenges.
To minimise the risk, the elements were
not to be exposed to waves higher than five
metres. Therefore transport could only
occur during the summer months and only
if calm weather was forecasted.
Along the transport route safe-havens
were identified so that the elements could
seek refuge if needed. The elements, floating in the water, were in general pulled by
two tug-boats, but in congested channels a
third tug-boat was used. The elements travelled at a speed of 2–3 knots.
In ideal circumstances, transport was
estimated to take five days. Five of Bjørvika
Tunnel’s six elements arrived after exactly
five days in transit. The final element arrived on Monday 2nd June 2008, after six days
in transit. The reason for this delay was not
waves or winds, but a fairly strong counter
In conclusion, one can say that the
transport of the Bjørvika Tunnel elements,
the longest known route for such a cargo,
was a success. The immersion and installation of the tunnel elements is scheduled to
be started in August 2008.
Pulling 30 000 tons of concrete through the sound of Drøbak last autumn.
Contact: Johanne Solheim,
Map showing the transport route for the tunnel elements from Bergen to Bjørvika in Oslo.
NORDIC NO. 2 2008 | 39
Non-technical Improvements Reduce
Rail Border-crossing Delays
Rail infrastructure upgrading is often advocated in order to solve
the problem of freight train border-crossing delays. According to
new research, regulatory and administrative factors are just as
important. The agreement “Train of Trust” has reduced the stopping time from 24 hours to 2-3 hours on several border crossings
between Poland and Czech Republic.
Yu Bai, Institute of
Transport Economics,
s markets in the enlarged EU have
increasingly become cross border,
growth of the transport sector as a whole
was led by cross-border traffic. When the
international dimension of European rail
freight transport is so large, problems at
rail border crossing points are becoming
increasingly influential. Delays upon crossing borders and lack of reliability of international freight trains threaten the service
quality. Rail freight has been losing market
share to road on cross-border transport
due to its disappointing performance. The
table below gives an overview of delays suffered by international freight trains of
unaccompanied traffic.
An explanation for the delays?
Causes for the wide-spread delays of border
crossing freight trains still remain to be
debated. In existing industrial and scientific literatures, there is a lack of systematic
analysis on causes of freight train border
crossing delays. Extensive literature review
however does reveal a widely held view on
cause of border crossing delays, i.e. technological interoperability problem among different European national rail networks.
The incompatibility of national rail network lies in the difference in for example
loading gauge, electrical voltages, signalling systems, licensing schemes, as well as
different national approaches to railway
safety. It is based on this view that rail infrastructure upgrading is often advocated in
order to solve the problem of freight train
border-crossing delays.
Is the explanation satisfactory? Could
Table: Delays to the freight trains of members of International Union of Combined Road-Rail Transport
Companies. (Source: UIRR)
Number of monitored trains run by UIRR members
Late over 30 min. than scheduled arrival time
Late over 3 hours than scheduled time
Late over 24 hours than scheduled time
40 | NORDIC NO. 2 2008
there be other factors/causes except the
technological incompatibilities which actually explain a large portion of discrepancy
between the scheduled and the actual border-crossing time? More than 70 percent of
trains are delayed in the very sensitive
trans-Alpine market. In comparison, some
private rail operators operating on the
same routes and same infrastructure have
achieved a rate of delay which is less than
20 percent. Freight train border-crossing
delays are not just a matter of technical
Case study
A case study which was funded by the
REORIENT project has provided insights
concerning the above questions. REORIENT project assesses the process of transforming the European railways from nationally fragmented into internationally integrated rail operating system as a consequence of the EC interoperability legislation.
The case study was conducted at two border sections (see map) between Poland
and Czech Republic: Zebrzydowice
(Poland)—Petrovice (Czech Republic)
and Chalupki (Poland)---Bohumin (Czech
Republic). International freight trains operated jointly by CTL Logistics (the largest
private rail operator in Poland) and Czech
Railways were investigated.
The case study was conducted at two border sections between
Poland and Czech Republic: Zebrzydowice (Poland)—Petrovice
(Czech Republic) and Chalupki (Poland)---Bohumin (Czech
The case study data collection went
through three main stages. Firstly, an
exploratory questionnaire survey was conducted during July 2005–May 2006. Based
on the results from the questionnaires, two
field visits were organized. The first fieldwork happened at the above border stations
in September of 2006. Representatives of
the two rail operators, dispatchers from the
two nations’ infrastructure managers and
station masters were interviewed. The
second fieldwork was conducted at the border region and informants came from PKP
PLK (the Polish infrastructure manager),
CTL’s regional office at Katowice and
Czech Railways’ regional office at Ostrava.
Alternative explanations
Border-crossing freight trains need to go
through strict border formalities controlled by rail carriers, infrastructure managers, border police and other administrative bodies. The regulatory bodies of these
countries’ transportation sectors and rail
trade unions are not directly engaged in
the controls but may be influential on the
handling of international freight trains.
The case study shows that to uncover the
complexity of freight train border-crossing
delays, the phenomenon should be examined from not only technical but also regulatory, operational, managerial and multi-
Train of Trust has reduced freight train border stopping time to current 2—3 hours which
used to be as along as 24 hours.
national perspectives. These conditions
may differ from border to border.
Therefore, conditions on for instance
handling of data exchange among the control bodies, path allocation for border-crossing trains, legal regimes and types of consignment notes adopted in relevant nations
need to be clarified before any valid
conclusion on cause of border-crossing
delays can be drawn.
The different railway and administrative
controls freight trains go through at border stations and the layout of these controls is a key issue to take into consideration. The investigated CTL–CD freight trains are under joint border controls where
various controls by both the Polish and
Czech side are conducted jointly at a common border control zone. This has reduced the time freight trains spend at border
stations, while otherwise the same timesaving effect would have required a huge
amount of infrastructure investment.
How the cargos and responsibilities are
transferred from one railway undertaking
to the next one upon crossing the border is
another factor which might cause substantial delays. An effective measure here is the
agreement on “Train of Trust” where CTL
and CD or among others agree that rolling
stock inspections performed by one railway
undertaking shall be valid for the successi-
ve railway undertakings without double
inspection. Evidence from the two border
sections shows that operating Train of
Trust has reduced freight train border
stopping time to current 2–3 hours which
used to be as along as 24 hours.
Alternative operating models of handling international rail traffic were evaluated in the study, which also have direct
impacts on border-crossing time and transportation performance. There exist a few
key organizations, different from border to
border, which can facilitate or block the
possibilities of removing border-crossing
delays. This type of sources of delays
should not be neglected.
The case findings suggest that the attention for solving international freight train
border-crossing delays should move more to
what happened prior to trains’ arrival at the
border stations. An amplifying effect have
been revealed due to delays en route which
lengthened the idle time trains stop at border
stations when no controls are conducted.
The above examples of findings suggest
that the technical solutions by itself as mentioned in the beginning of the article for
handling widespread delays of international freight trains will only have limited
effects on actual reduction of the delays.
Contact: Yu Bai,
NORDIC NO. 2 2008 | 41
The Implementation of the Norwegian
Cycling Strategy
Norway has 4,7 million inhabitants. About 60 % lives in towns
and cities of over 5,000 inhabitants. The modal share of cycling
on a national level is 5 % out of the total number of trips. This
share has been on a stand still since 2001, after a long and
slow drop since the car rationing was abandoned in 1960.
Cycling as a mode of transport has been neglected until recently.
Some of the Norwegian cities, however, have a higher share of
cycle trips than the national average. This is for example the
case for Trondheim (population 150,000) and the Stavanger area
(population 180,000) with 8,5 and 7% respectively.
Hege Herheim Tassell
NPRA, Norway
he Norwegian Cycling Strategy: Does it
stand a chance? It certainly does. As a
result of the environmental challenges and
the recognition for the need of a greener
mode of transport, the Norwegian government adopted a National Cycling Strategy
as part of the National Transport Plan
(NTP) for 2006–2015. The overall ambitions are a more environmentally friendly
transport and a healthier population. The
main objective of the Strategy is to make it
safer and more attractive to cycle through
larger investment budgets, better maintenance of existing cycle facilities, improved
traffic regulations and competence-building.
The Cycling Strategy is based on international best practise and recommends
known measures to make cycling a safer
and more attractive mode of transport.
The strategy was drafted by the Norwegian
Public Roads Administration (NPRA) in
cooperation with the Directorate of Health
42 | NORDIC NO. 2 2008
and Social Affairs, the Norwegian
Association of Local and Regional
Authorities and the Norwegian National
Cycling Association.
The goal of the National Cycling Strategy
Increased safety for cyclists
The share of bicycle traffic in “cycling
cities” is to increase by 50%
Bicycle traffic in Norway is to comprise at least 8 % of all travels
Vision Zero for traffic safety is a vision of
no fatalities or permanent injuries in road
traffic. The national cycling strategy is
based on this vision and a prerequisite is an
infrastructure that is safe for cycling.
Measures to obtain the National Goals:
Down to business. How do we do it?
Building separate foot and cycle paths
along the national highway network began
early in the 1970s, with a total of 3,200 km
now built. The regulation pursuant to
Section 13 of the Road Act stipulates that
planning and expanding the road networks shall include facilitating foot and
cycle traffic.
The Public Roads Administration has
now been given a new role regarding cycle
traffic. NTP 2006–2015 states that The
Public Roads Administration shall "be the
initiator of increased cycle use, and spread
knowledge about cycling and cycling measures to municipalities, counties, the public
transport industry, employers, the travel
industry and others". The main focus is on
planning and building a comprehensive
and coherent cycle network in all towns
and cities, including facilities for parking
bicycles. There is also a continuous focus
on safe school routes.
Larger investment budgets
By 2010 we will have formal plans for 73
out of 102 towns and cities. The governmental investment budget is more than
doubled, and the action programme for
the period 2006–2009 has a frame budget
for cycle infrastructure of 1,5 billion NOK.
In addition cycle facilities are included in
all new road projects and there is also funding from toll roads.
Better maintenance of existing cycle
Cyclists are a type of road users that is extra
sensitive to uneven roadways, mud splashing and poor surface quality. The concept
“user-optimal standard” has been brought
in to describe conditions that are important to cyclists. To improve the existing
cycle infrastructure, cycle path inspections
and the necessary improvements are to be
carried out on 25% of the total facilities
within 2009.
Competence training
Competence training is a key measure in
order to achieve the above. In order to
increase competence the NPRA has established a National Network of Cycling
Cities. The network has its own web site.
Status: Does it really work and what
happens next?
We already see payouts. Where the NPRA,
the municipality and the county have a
genuine ambition to increase cycling, we
see results in the shape of joint funding of
cycle infrastructure both on national,
county and municipal roads. The NTP and
the Cycle Strategy is under revision and the
competitive interface between modes of
transport is addressed. Extensive use of
bicycles will only be achieved if they have
advantages over other modes of transport.
This means that all measures that make it
less attractive to drive will make it more attractive to cycle, provided that the infrastructure is available and up to standards.
Restrictive measures on car traffic, such as
road prising and parking restrictions are
now discussed.
More information at:
NORDIC NO. 2 2008 | 43
The Norwegian Network of Cycling
The Norwegian government has included a National Cycling
Strategy in the recent National Transport Plan 2006–2009
Parliamentary Bill no 2003–2004 (NTP). The strategy directs special focus on development of a Network of Cycling Cities as an
instrument to achieve increased competence and efforts concerning cycle traffic. Following this instruction the Norwegian Public
Roads Administration (NPRA) late 2004 established a Network of
Cycling Cities in co-operation with the Norwegian Cyclists’
Gyda Grendstad, NPRA,
he ambition is to motivate and inspire
regional and local roads authorities as
well as NPRA’s own staff, to improve the
conditions for cycling in Norway.
In order to achieve the objectives, it is
necessary to improve the knowledge of
cycle planning. The Norwegian planners
have a tradition for planning safe school
roads for children in the countryside, but
have little experience when it comes to
planning for cycling as an efficient transport mode in cities.
Organisation of the network
The project owner is the NPRA and the
Norwegian Cyclists' Association has been
engaged as the secretariat. The Council
consists of representatives from the municipalities, the counties, the NPRA, the
Ministry of Environment and the
Directorate of Health and Social Affairs.
44 | NORDIC NO. 2 2008
Objectives for the work with the Network
of Cycling Cities
Measures to increase the competence concerning arrangements for cycling in the
participating towns and cities:
• Provide information on and arrange for
suitable instruments for efforts at
increasing cycle traffic (cycle path
inspection, cycle accounting, the Areaand Transport Model for cycle planning, cycle facilities handbook, etc.)
• Market efforts and communicate experiences from participating towns and
• Promote the role of the NPRA as the initiator of increased use of cycles. This is
done by spreading knowledge about cycling and cycling measures to municipalities, regional public authorities, the
public transport industry, the travel
industries, employers and others
• Contribute to provide participating
cities with the necessary professional follow-up.
Target groups and players in the network
The Network of Cycling Cities is open to all
municipalities and counties. Membership
is free. The network will emphasise competence building in cities and towns with
more than 5.000 inhabitants, but will welcome all municipalities that wish to concentrate efforts on increasing cycle traffic.
Counties are also suitable participants in
the network based on their responsibility
for the county roads and county plans. Six
counties are members of the network. It is
important that participation in the network is supported both politically and
administratively by the municipality or
The regions of the NPRA will participate based on the responsibility for national
roads and our responsibility to be an initiator for increased cycle traffic.
Half of the municipalities that have
towns and cities with more than 5,000 inhabitants are members of this network (51 in
all). Six out of 19 counties are members.
Activities in the network
The Network of Cycling Cities are a professional network and resource environment
for participating towns and cities. The activity in the network is connected to three
main areas:
• Network meetings, professional meetings and courses
• Study tours
• Gather information and establish information channels (internet pages, newsletters). Municipalities with web sites on
cycling are linked up.
The network has arranged study tours to
Odense (Denmark), Groningen (the
Netherlands), Stockholm (Sweden),
Belgium (Gent) and also trips to Troisdorf,
Bremen and Münster in Germany.
The network has arranged the following
introduction courses in all regions on
the National Cycling Strategy
- courses on planning of cycle infrastructure
- courses on bicycle inspections of
existing cycle facilities.
The courses are free. The municipalities
only have to pay their own travel expenses.
The responses to the courses have been
good. The courses have also been open to
Newsletters are published regularly and
the web site is continuously updated. The
secretariat and the NPRA also take part in
local arrangements and give lectures when
invited to seminars etc.
The effects of the competence network
are being monitored through a yearly survey among the members. The questions
asked will give a good overview of their acti-
vities with respect to important measures to
increase cycle traffic.
In addition to these activities an annual
National Cycle Conference is arranged as a
co-operation between the host city, the host
county, the NPRA and the Norwegian
Cyclists’ Association as the main responsible party. The National Cycle Conference
this year is held in Kongsberg on the 20th to
the 21st of October.
More information about the network on:
Information about the National Cycle Conference
on: (only in
NORDIC NO. 2 2008 | 45
Title: Driver approach speeds on lightly trafficked
roads at unprotected railway crossings
Author: Mikko Poutanen
Series: Contractor Report VTT-R-10530-06
Language: Finnish with English abstract
Available at:
Name: Driver Approach Speeds
In Finland, some 50 accidents occur every
year at railway level crossings. Restricted
and poor lateral sight distances and high
driving speeds are considered among the
main reasons for the accidents. However,
there are no research results demonstrating that people drive at high speed at
unprotected level crossings. The main purpose of this study was to measure driver
approach speeds on lightly trafficked
roads. Other objectives were to examine
what kind of effect different sight distances
have on driving speeds and to evaluate the
proportion of drivers who would not be
able to stop before the track. The approach
speeds were measured at four unprotected
railway crossings in Southern Finland. The
measurements lasted approximately two
weeks at the same location to get enough
findings to measure mean speeds to an
accuracy of 2 km/h. The vehicles were
tracked in both approaching directions at
distances of 70 m, 40 m and 10 m from the
track. For measuring driving speeds Emfit
sensors were used, which is a type of
overflow detector.
The main results showed that people
drive relatively slowly on lightly trafficked
roads in Finland, because average speeds at
a distance of 70 m from the track were
below 50 km/h at all railway crossings.
Drivers decelerate equally, irrespective of
lateral sight distances, when they are approaching a level crossing; near the track
the average speeds were around 20 km/h.
Because the driving speeds were similar
irrespective of sight distances, presumably
46 | NORDIC NO. 2 2008
detecting the track and the railway crossing
is not a problem for drivers. Since lightly
trafficked roads are used by pretty much
the same people every day, it can be assumed that they know the location of the
level crossing.
However, despite the driving speeds
being generally fairly low, people drive far
too fast in the vicinity of the track. At a distance of 10 m from the track 20–60% of all
vehicles drove so fast that they would not
have been able to stop before the track if
needed. The percentage of those who
could not stop depends only slightly on the
sight distances of railway crossings.
Therefore, increasing lateral sight distances will not necessarily improve the safety
of level crossings.
The Road Weather Service Warns
Drivers about Poor Road Weather
Title: Determining the successfulness of the road
weather information service in the winter seasons
Authors: Niina Sihvola, Pirkko Rämä and Ilkka
Series: Finnra Reports 15/2008
Language: Finnish with English abstract
Title: Drivers’ opinions about road weather conditions and road weather information – interviews
during winter conditions.
Authors: Niina Sihvola and Pirkko Rämä
Series: Finnra Reports 16/2008
Language: Finnish with English abstract
Available at:
Name: Poor Road Weather Conditions
The road weather service is a traffic information service that provides road users
with information on predicted road weather conditions, via the Internet and as part
of weather forecasts on television and
radio. The service collects and combines
data on road weather, road maintenance
and current weather, and forecasts the
development of road and weather conditions based on this data for the next 24
Driver Approach Speeds on
Lightly Trafficked Roads at
Unprotected Railway Crossings
The aim of the first part of this study was
to determine how well the objectives of the
road weather service were met. That is to
say, how often the different road weather
classes were predicted, how the predictions
succeeded and whether the drivers were
warned about the conditions on days with a
markedly high accident rate. The study
examined more carefully the winter seasons 2004–2007 and made a summary of
the years 1997–2007 with the help of earlier studies.
In 1997–2007, poor road weather conditions were predicted about 27–35% of the
time and hazardous conditions 2–5% of
the time. Studying accidents showed that
warnings were usually successfully focused
on days with a distinctly high accident rate.
It is important to forecast poor road weather conditions already the previous evening, so that drivers can change their travel
plans and schedules if needed. During
most of the years studied, poor or hazardous road conditions on accident-prone
days were well warned of in advance.
For the second part of the study drivers
were interviewed in poor road weather
conditions. This study showed that drivers
had difficulties recognising slippery road
conditions. Those drivers, who had driven
a longer distance before the interview, had
more driving experience in general, or had
pre-information about predicted road
weather conditions assessed the road weather to be worse than other drivers. Those
who had assessed the road weather to be
worse than others drove at a slightly slower
speed. About 20% of the interviewed drivers had made or considered making changes in their travel plans because of the road
weather conditions. Based on the results of
the study, the road weather information
service is estimated to have an important
impact on traffic safety.
Modified Bitumen – Assessment
of Test Sections
Title: Modified bitumen in porous pavements Assessement of test sections
Author: Carsten B. Nielsen
Series: Technical note 53
Language: English
Available at:
Name: Modified Bitumen
type of continuous phase, homogeneity of
the dispersion and the size of the phases.
Since no information on the amount of
bitumen and modifier in the mix was
given, it is not possible to relate the morphology found to other road sections. The
volumetric properties and the mix and laying conditions may differ from the road
sections investigated.
Clogging of Porous Pavements –
Assessment of Test Sections
Title: Clogging of porous pavements - Assessment
of test sections
Author: Carsten B. Nielsen
Series: Technical note 54
Language: English
Available at:
Name: Clogging of Porous Pavements
The DRI-DWW Noise Abatement Programme is a joint cooperation between the Road
and Hydraulic Engineering Institute
(DWW) in the Netherlands and the Danish
Road Institute (DRI) for research and
development in issues related to abatement
of road traffic noise. The present report
addresses the analysis and assessment of
drilling cores from highways A28 and A17
in the Netherlands and an urban street
(Øster Søgade) in Copenhagen. The objec-
tive is to study the clogging of pavements of
different ages in both the Netherlands and
Denmark to be able to assess the effect of
modifying cleaning processes to improve
the acoustic lifetime of the pavements.
Ageing of Porous Pavements –
Acoustical Effects
Title: Ageing of Porous Pavements – Acoustical
Author: Jørgen Kragh
Series: Technical Note 56
Language: English
Available at:
Name: Acoustical Effects
The report is based on the DWW database
and deals with acoustical effects of the clogging of porous asphalt. Results from motorways A17 and A28 with two-layer porous
asphalt indicate that during eleven years,
passenger car noise levels increased 5 dB,
heavy vehicle levels by 2 dB. Passenger car
noise levels on 11 year old porous asphalt
were 1 dB lower and heavy vehicle noise
levels 2–3 dB lower than Dutch reference
values. At the new pavement on A28, levels
were 5 dB lower than the reference. The
results indicate that no severe clogging has
taken place on A28 during its first 3 years.
The older pavement on A17 was clogged,
with more clogging between the wheel
tracks than in the wheel tracks.
The DRI-DWW Noise Abatement Programme is a joint cooperation between the Road
and Hydraulic Engineering Institute
(DWW) in the Netherlands and the Danish
Road Institute (DRI) for research and
development in issues related to abatement
of road traffic noise. In the present report,
the morphology of modified bitumen in
selected and Dutch road sections are investigated. A catalogue of morphologies is
organised from visually characterising the
NORDIC NO. 2 2008 | 47
Magdalena Green
SE-581 95 Linköping
Phone +46 13 20 42 26
Fax +46 13 14 14 36
Orderphone +46 13 20 42 69
Danish Road Institute
Helen Hasz-Singh
Guldalderen 12
DK-2640 Hedehusene
Phone +45 72 44 70 00
Fax +45 72 44 71 05
VTT Technical Research Centre
of Finland
Kari Mäkelä
P.O.Box 1000
FI-02044 VTT
Phone +358 20 722 4586
Fax +358 20 722 7056
Icelandic Road Administration
G. Pétur Matthiasson
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Phone +354 522 1000
Fax +354 522 1009
Norwegian Public Roads
Thorbjørn Chr. Risan
P.O. Box 8142 Dep
NO-0033 Oslo
Phone +47 22 07 35 00
Fax +47 22 07 37 68
Institute of Transport Economics
Harald Aas
Gaustadalléen 21
NO-0349 Oslo
Phone +47 22 57 38 00
Fax +47 22 60 92 00
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