PAGE 1 Welcome to UNIFORCE Staffing Solutions. By making


PAGE 1 Welcome to UNIFORCE Staffing Solutions. By making
Welcome to UNIFORCE Staffing Solutions. By making UNIFORCE your career choice,
you have joined one of the most progressive and dynamic leaders in the growing industry
of professional consulting and outsourcing services. If you are employed on a contract
assignment, remember that UNIFORCE is your legal employer of record. Our corporate
responsibilities are to act as your:
1. Human Resources Department: UNIFORCE is responsible for you as our employee.
Please contact UNIFORCE if you encounter any on-the-job employee relations issues
specific to your assignment.
2. Payroll Department: UNIFORCE is the only company that pays you. UNIFORCE pays weekly
and paychecks are processed every Friday. Please call the company if there are any issues
with your paycheck such as address changes, payroll deductions, and W2 tax forms.
In order to on board you as an employee, please complete the enclosed documents in this
on boarding packet and fax to 201-599-1947 or scan/email to your UNIFORCE recruiter
before your assignment start date.
1) The Confidential Professional Profile / W-4 Form (Pages 3 - 4). Complete the form.
Fill out sections 1 thru 8 of the W-4, and sign/date twice on the 2nd page.
2) I-9 Form (Page 5)*
• Complete ONLY Section 1 the I-9 Form. You must provide 2 copies of official identification
documents. Refer to the LIST OF ACCEPTABLE DOCUMENTS.
3) UNIFORCE Company Policies Acknowledgement Form (Page 8)
4) Full Service Direct Deposit Form. Include a copy of a VOIDED personal check (write VOID
on a check) or provide an official bank account confirmation letter from your bank. (Page 10)
5) Contract / Supplemental Staffer Handbook Acknowledgement Form (page 25)
If you are offered employment by UNIFORCE Staffing Solutions, we will send you information
on the company’s employee benefits programs.
*Page not numbered
17 Arcadian Avenue, Suite 106 • Paramus, NJ 07652 • Phone: 201-599-9100 • Fax: 201-599-1947 •
Welcome Letter (1 page)......................................................................................................................................................... 1
On Boarding Package Table of Contents (1 page)..............................................................................................................2
Confidential Professional Profile (2 pages)........................................................................................................................3
I-9 Form (3 pages)..................................................................................................................................................................5 *
Company Policies Acknowledgement Form (1 page)........................................................................................................8
Full Service Direct Deposit Form (2 pages).......................................................................................................................9
Contract/Supplemental Staffer Employee Handbook (17 pages)...................................................................................11
Code of Business Conduct and Ethics (5 pages)............................................................................................................ 28
Social Media Policy (5 pages).............................................................................................................................................33
Substance Abuse and Drug Free Work Policy (4 pages)...............................................................................................38
*Page not numbered
17 Arcadian Avenue, Suite 106 • Paramus, NJ 07652 • Phone: 201-599-9100 • Fax: 201-599-1947 •
Today’s Date
Name (last)
Home Phone
Mobile Phone
Business Phone
Present Street Address
Zip Code
Permanent Address if different
Zip Code
Name and number of closest relative not living with you
How did you hear about UNIFORCE?
Current or most recent pay rate $
Reason for leaving last/current job
Date available for employment
Time available for interview
Do you wish to be considered for contract assignments that require pre-employment
testing for the use of illegal drugs or alcohol? m YES m NO
Checking yes does not automatically disqualify job applicants.
If you checked, please complete supplemental questionaire.
Other than minor traffic offenses, have you ever been convicted of a crime?
m YES m NO If yes, please explain (Each case is individually considered.)
Are you willing to accept out of town assignments?
m YES m NO
Will you relocate? m YES m NO
If yes, where?
m YES m NO
m YES m NO
m YES m NO
UNIFORCE is an Equal Opportunity Employer
17 Arcadian Avenue, Suite 106 • Paramus, NJ 07652 • Phone: 201-599-9100 • Fax: 201-599-1947 •
17 Arcadian Avenue, Suite 106 • Paramus, NJ 07652 • Phone: 201-599-9100 • Fax: 201-599-1947 •
17 Arcadian Avenue, Suite 106 • Paramus, NJ 07652 • Phone: 201-599-9100 • Fax: 201-599-1947 •
According to the policies of UNIFORCE Staffing Solutions and its subsidiaries, an employee must, upon completion
of an assignment, contact UNIFORCE and request placement in a new assignment. If such contact is not made,
UNIFORCE will consider the employee to have voluntarily quit employment and no further assignments will be
offered. In addition, if a claim for unemployment benefits is filed, failure to contact UNIFORCE may affect the
employee’s eligibility.
It is the policy of UNIFORCE Staffing Solutions and its client companies to forbid personal telephone and/or
computer usage while at work. This includes: use of the client’s telephone for personal calls as well as your
own cellular phones along with personal email, web browsing and social networking. All personal calls are to be
made outside of the work environment. Anyone found using the company’s equipment for personal use will be
liable for all costs incurred, plus the risk of losing their job.
It is the policy of UNIFORCE Staffing Solutions to accept only ORIGINAL, SIGNED timecards or UNIFORCE
Electronic Timecards for payroll processing. As a reminder, any falsification or alteration to your timecard,
which results in receiving pay for hours you did not work, is considered to be gross misconduct. This is theft
in the State of New Jersey, which is punishable by penalties, fines, possible incarceration and loss of your job.
Some clients of UNIFORCE Staffing Solutions may request a criminal background check or require a drug test
before employment can begin. If selected for an assignment and the drug test is required, you will be advised
which facility to attend. A criminal background check may also be performed. Again, not all clients require such
a check.
By reading and signing this document I have been advised of these procedures, fully understand the above, and
accept these policies as set forth by UNIFORCE and agree to their terms and conditions.
By: Signature:
Print Name:
17 Arcadian Avenue, Suite 106 • Paramus, NJ 07652 • Phone: 201-599-9100 • Fax: 201-599-1947 •
17 Arcadian Avenue, Suite 106 • Paramus, NJ 07652 • Phone: 201-599-9100 • Fax: 201-599-1947 •
Meeting Tomorrow’s Staffing Needs Today
17 Arcadian Avenue, Suite 106 • Paramus, NJ 07652 • Phone: 201-599-9100 • Fax: 201-599-1947 •
PAGE 11 (H-1)
Welcome Letter........................................................................................................................................................ H-3
About This Handbook............................................................................................................................................. H-4
About UNIFORCE.................................................................................................................................................... H-4
Equal Employment Opportunity Policy................................................................................................................ H-5
Harassment and Sexual Harassment Policy...................................................................................................... H-5
Alcohol and Drug Policy ....................................................................................................................................... H-6
Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”).............................................................................................................H-7
Safe Work Environment Policy..............................................................................................................................H-7
Workplace Safety.................................................................................................................................................... H-8
Safety Rules............................................................................................................................................................. H-8
Workers’ Compensation......................................................................................................................................... H-8
Hours of Work......................................................................................................................................................... H-9
Attendance and Punctuality.................................................................................................................................. H-9
Timecard/E-Timecard Reporting.......................................................................................................................... H-9
Payroll....................................................................................................................................................................... H-9
Direct Deposit.......................................................................................................................................................... H-9
Deductions Required By Law...............................................................................................................................H-10
Voluntary Deduction For Benefits.......................................................................................................................H-10
Deduction for Debt................................................................................................................................................H-10
Expense Reports....................................................................................................................................................H-10
Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act (“HIPAA Privacy Policy”)...............................................H-11
Personal Appearance............................................................................................................................................H-12
Smoking Policy.......................................................................................................................................................H-12
Personal Property..................................................................................................................................................H-12
Personal Telephone Calls and Personal Mail....................................................................................................H-12
E-mail and Internet Usage....................................................................................................................................H-12
CLOSING WORDS......................................................................................................................................H-14
RECEIPT..................................................... Addendum 1
HOW TO GET PAID WITH UNIFORCE.................................................... Addendum 2
17 Arcadian Avenue, Suite 106 • Paramus, NJ 07652 • Phone: 201-599-9100 • Fax: 201-599-1947 •
PAGE 12 (H-2)
Dear Valued Contract/Supplemental Staffer,
are very pleased that you have joined the UNIFORCE family. By making UNIFORCE your
career choice, you have joined one of the most progressive and dynamic leaders in the growing
industry of professional consulting and outsourcing services.
Contained within this Handbook is a summary of the benefits applicable to you and the
personnel policies and standards necessary for UNIFORCE to maintain its unified commitment
to excellence.
Please read your Handbook carefully and maintain it for future reference. If you should have
any questions regarding the policies or information contained herein, please do not hesitate
to discuss it with our corporate headquarters.
Thank you for choosing UNIFORCE!
17 Arcadian Avenue, Suite 106 • Paramus, NJ 07652 • Phone: 201-599-9100 • Fax: 201-599-1947 •
PAGE 13 (H-3)
The purpose of this Handbook is to acquaint you with the policies and benefits offered to you as a contract/
supplemental staffer of UNIFORCE (hereinafter collectively referred to as “the Company”).
You should not construe this Handbook as a binding contract. The information contained in this Handbook and
the policies and benefits described are subject to change without notice and UNIFORCE retains the right to
amend or revise the Handbook from time to time and may also enforce other rules, policies, and procedures in
addition to, or different from, those contained herein.
No document can encompass every situation nor apply to every type or matter. Legal compliance and common
sense are the basic tenets used in developing the policies and practices contained in this Handbook and these
should also be used when interpreting the Handbook and/or when dealing with unforeseen circumstances that
may arise. Any questions pertaining to the interpretation of the contents of this Handbook should be referred
to a representative in the office for determination and clarification by UNIFORCE. After the Handbook is read,
please sign the Acknowledgement and Receipt page (Addendum #1) and immediately return it to the office.
UNIFORCE established contract/supplemental staffer relation’s policies are designed to encourage a working
environment based on mutual trust and confidence, which will provide opportunities for individual effort and reward.
Every contract/supplemental staffer is considered a member of the UNIFORCE team. Our success is built on the
recognition of the skills and efforts made by each contract/supplemental staffer and our policy is to work with
all members of this team in a fair and friendly manner and treat each team member with dignity and respect.
In keeping with this design, UNIFORCE:
• Employs people who help us to conduct a successful business operation.
• Recognizes individual rights, and treats all contract/supplemental staffers with courtesy and consideration.
• Maintains mutual respect in our working relationships.
• Provides work environments that are pleasant, orderly and safe.
Your employment is “at will”. This means that either you or UNIFORCE have the right to terminate the employment
relationship at any time, with or without cause.
17 Arcadian Avenue, Suite 106 • Paramus, NJ 07652 • Phone: 201-599-9100 • Fax: 201-599-1947 •
PAGE 14 (H-4)
UNIFORCE is firmly committed to its policy of providing equal employment opportunity based on individual merit,
regardless of race, color, religion, national origin, gender, age, disability or other legally protected status.
This policy extends to all contract/supplemental staffers for employment and applies to all terms, conditions and
privileges of employment.
This policy is to ensure that no individual shall be subjected to harassment or discrimination. Personnel at all
levels of UNIFORCE have the responsibility to avoid any act or action, implied or explicit that may suggest harassment.
Management will investigate grievances or allegations of harassment, discrimination, or improper verbal or
physical conduct. Pursuant to this policy, no employee shall:
• Use their authority to harass another employee;
• Take personal action, or fail to take personal action as a reprisal against a contract/supplemental staffer for
resisting or reporting any act of harassment or discrimination;
• Condone any harassment, either verbal or physical, or discrimination of any contract/supplemental staffer
toward another.
If you believe you have been the subject of illegal discrimination or harassment, you are encouraged to notify
the office.*
It is illegal and against UNIFORCE’s policy for any employee, contract/supplemental staffer, male or female, to
harass or sexually harass another employee, contract/supplemental staffer, a client employee or anyone else in
their work environment by:
• Making unwelcome sexual advances, or other verbal harassment or physical conduct of a sexual nature, a
condition of any employee’s employment;
• Using a contract/supplemental staffer’s submission to or rejection of such conduct as the basis for, or as a
factor in, any employment decision affecting the individual;
• Otherwise creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment by such conduct.
1. UNIFORCE does not tolerate any harassment or sexual harassment of its employees, contract/supplemental
staffers or those of its clients. All contract/supplemental staffers, UNIFORCE employees, including supervisors,
managers, executives and officers will be subject to severe discipline, up to and including termination, for any
act of harassment or sexual harassment they commit. Each supervisor, manager and officer has the responsibility
to maintain the work environment free of any form of hostility, harassment and sexual harassment, and to
respond to any grievances of sexual harassment.
*If you believe someone in UNIFORCE’s office is responsible for or aware of such discrimination, harassment
or sexual harassment, you should speak with that person’s supervisor.
17 Arcadian Avenue, Suite 106 • Paramus, NJ 07652 • Phone: 201-599-9100 • Fax: 201-599-1947 •
PAGE 15 (H-5)
2. Any employee who believes that the actions or words of a supervisor, manager, officer, fellow contract/
supplemental staffer or client employee constitute unwelcome harassment or sexual harassment has a responsibility
to report or complain as soon as possible to the office at 201-599-9100,
UNIFORCE will investigate all grievances of harassment promptly and in an impartial manner.
All contract/supplemental staffers are expected to comply with the UNIFORCE Alcohol and Drug Policy.
UNIFORCE is committed to providing a safe and productive work environment for all contract/supplemental
staffers and in ensuring that the contract/supplemental staffers of UNIFORCE represent the Company in the most
positive manner. I have read and signed a copy of the UNIFORCE Substance Abuse and Drug Free Workplace
Policy and I agree to abide by this policy.
Prohibition Against Alcohol
Alcohol use is highly detrimental to the work place and to the efficiency and productivity the employer desires to
promote. The use, possession, distribution or sale of alcohol, or being under the influence of alcohol, is strictly
prohibited at work, on the client’s premises, while on UNIFORCE’s premises, or while operating a vehicle owned
or leased by the Company. Violation of this policy may result in disciplinary action, up to and including the
immediate termination of employment.
Drug-Free Workplace
UNIFORCE promotes a drug-free workplace. In order to fulfill our responsibility to provide reliable and safe
service to our clients and a safe work environment, our contract/supplemental staffers must be physically and
mentally fit to perform their duties safely and efficiently. Clients may require testing as a condition of accepting
a contract/supplemental staffer for assignment or continued assignment. Such client required testing will be
conducted either by the client in accordance with its policies and procedures, or, in the absence of client policies
and procedures, in accordance with procedures then in effect, to the extent consistent with applicable federal,
state and local statutes and ordinances.
No prescription drugs including those containing alcohol will be used on UNIFORCE or client premises by any
person other than the one for whom it is prescribed and then only in the manner, combination and quantity
prescribed. A contract/supplemental staffer taking a prescription medication that may inhibit his/her ability
to function normally in his/her job, should notify his/her manager and present a release form from the physician
indicating that he/she is able to safely and efficiently perform his/her job in a routine manner. Due to the
safety issues that might be involved in such circumstances; failure to adhere to this policy may result in
disciplinary action.
17 Arcadian Avenue, Suite 106 • Paramus, NJ 07652 • Phone: 201-599-9100 • Fax: 201-599-1947 •
PAGE 16 (H-6)
The Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”) has been established to ensure that all qualified individuals with
a disability are given equal employment opportunities and are supplied with a reasonable accommodation to
discharge the essential functions of the position applied for or held. The ADA impacts upon all aspects of the
employment relationship such as recruitment selection, advancement, compensation, training, discipline, or
other terms, conditions and privileges of employment. Additionally, an individual may not be discriminated
against because he/she has a family member with a disability.
An individual who cannot be reasonably accommodated for a job will not be selected for that position.
All contract/supplemental staffers are required to comply with safety standards. If a contract/supplemental
staffer’s physical or medical condition poses a direct threat to the health or safety of themselves or other
individuals in the workplace and this threat cannot be eliminated by reasonable accommodation, the individual
will not be sent on such an assignment.
Zero Tolerance of Threats or Violence
UNIFORCE is committed to maintaining a safe and harmonious work environment. Except where the
law is contrary, it is strictly prohibited for contract/supplemental staffers to bring weapons, of any sort onto
UNIFORCE premises or the premises of its clients at any time. Violations of this Policy will result in disciplinary
action up to and including immediate termination of employment.
This Zero Tolerance of Threats or Violence policy applies to all persons involved in the UNIFORCE operation,
including, but not limited to UNIFORCE personnel, contract/supplemental staffers, and anyone else on
UNIFORCE property. Violations of this policy by any individual on UNIFORCE property, by any individual acting
as a representative of UNIFORCE while not on UNIFORCE property, or by any individual acting off of UNIFORCE
property when his or her actions affect the public interest or UNIFORCE’s business interests, may be responded
to with legal action, as appropriate. This policy and any sanctions related thereto are to be deemed supplemental
to applicable local, state, and federal laws.
Contract/Supplemental Staffer Obligations
Each contract/supplemental staffer on UNIFORCE’s and/or client’s property is encouraged to report incidents of
threats or acts of physical violence of which they become aware to the office.
Legal Enforcement
Concurrent with the initiation of any investigation leading to proposed disciplinary action, UNIFORCE shall
determine whether it will report the incident to local law enforcement agencies.
Nothing in this policy alters any other reporting obligation established in the UNIFORCE policies or in federal,
state or local law.
17 Arcadian Avenue, Suite 106 • Paramus, NJ 07652 • Phone: 201-599-9100 • Fax: 201-599-1947 •
PAGE 17 (H-7)
UNIFORCE will attempt to limit dissemination of information about any threat or grievance and any resulting
investigation, to those with a legitimate and immediate need to know such information. The Company’s Legal
Representatives will advise all individuals contacted during the investigation to keep the matter confidential but
cannot guarantee absolute confidentiality.
Establishment and maintenance of a safe work environment is the shared responsibility of UNIFORCE, the client
and contract/supplemental staffers. UNIFORCE will attempt to do everything within its control to assure a safe
environment and compliance with federal, state and local safety regulations. Contract/supplemental staffers are
expected to obey applicable safety rules and to exercise caution in all the work activities. Contract/supplemental
staffers must immediately report any unsafe conditions to their on-site supervisor or the office.
Besides the following listed safety rules, each contract/supplemental staffer should make him/herself familiar
with their workplace and check if there are any additional special safety rules in the designated work area.
• First aid supply kits may be provided in the work area.
• Know where the fire extinguishers are located and how to use them.
• All defective equipment, materials or tools must be brought to the attention of the manager and not remain in use.
• Practice good housekeeping. Keep work areas clean and free from stumbling hazards, slippery walking surfaces, etc.
• Learn to lift the correct way. Bend knees. Keep back erect. Do not lift more than 25 pounds. Get help for heavy loads.
• No scuffling or horseplay on the job and do not run in work areas.
• Do not allow materials to be in aisles or stairways.
• Contract/supplemental staffers must be sure that their actions do not endanger other employees, or damage
UNIFORCE, client, or personal property.
• Use equipment only for intended purposes.
• Do not attempt to operate special machinery or equipment without permission and instructions.
State Workers’ Compensation laws also require that you report any injury on the job, no matter how slight. All
work-related accidents that result in injury must be reported immediately to your on-site supervisor and the
office, regardless of how insignificant the injury may appear. You will be asked by your on-site supervisor to
fill out an accident report. Such reports are necessary to comply with laws and to initiate insurance and workers’
17 Arcadian Avenue, Suite 106 • Paramus, NJ 07652 • Phone: 201-599-9100 • Fax: 201-599-1947 •
PAGE 18 (H-8)
compensation reporting procedures. If you fail to report an injury, you may jeopardize your right to collect workers’
compensation payments as well as health benefits. OSHA also provides for your right to know about any health
hazards, which might be present on the job. Should you have any questions or concerns, contact the office for
more information.
Working hours will be established as required by the office and/or the client.
UNIFORCE encourages habits of good attendance and punctuality on the part of its contract/supplemental staffers.
All contract/supplemental staffers are expected to report to work whenever scheduled. If unable to do so for
any reason, you should notify your UNIFORCE recruiter in advance of the workday or as close to the beginning
of the workday as possible.
Since timecard reporting may vary; the office will instruct you as to when and how you must submit your timecard
and or e-timecard in order to receive your paycheck. Timecards are also the source documents for client invoicing.
Correct, timely submission is important and expected of every contract/supplemental staffer.
1. Filling out another employee’s time information or falsifying one’s own time record is prohibited and is grounds
for disciplinary actions, up to and including termination.
2.Timecards must be approved by the on-site manager/supervisor before being submitted to the office for processing.
3. Called in hours are not accepted nor are faxed time cards without an original as backup.
Employees are paid according to the arrangement with the office. If there is a question regarding your paycheck,
please contact the office.
You are eligible to participate in our Direct Deposit Program which provides you with convenience and quick
access to your paycheck. Following submission of the direct deposit authorization form, your check will automatically be
deposited into your bank on the first payroll cycle. Your UNIFORCE recruiter can provide you with the authorization
form and answer any additional questions you may have.
17 Arcadian Avenue, Suite 106 • Paramus, NJ 07652 • Phone: 201-599-9100 • Fax: 201-599-1947 •
PAGE 19 (H-9)
The law requires that UNIFORCE make federal, state and local income tax deductions from every employee’s
paycheck. UNIFORCE must also deduct Social Security on each employee’s earnings up to a specified limit.
Eligible employees may voluntarily authorize deductions from their paycheck to cover the costs of participation
in programs that UNIFORCE may offer to them.
Pay deductions may be made under garnishment or other legal process for application against a debt or obligation
to a third party.
UNIFORCE is authorized by the contract/supplemental staffer to take payroll deductions for debts and obligations
owed by the contract/supplemental staffer to UNIFORCE. If you have questions concerning why deductions were
made from your paycheck or how they were calculated, contact the office.
Contract/supplemental staffers authorized for reimbursement of expenses must submit all claims for
reimbursement on an Expense Report. Receipts must be provided for all expenses, except gas mileage
reimbursement. All expenses must be described accurately and precise amounts must be indicated on this form
and approved by the office for reimbursement. If your assignment requires you to travel, expenses must be authorized
in advance by your recruiter and will be reimbursed in accordance with the established approved policy. Eligible
employees may contact the UNIFORCE office for an expense report.
NIFORCE observes the following holidays:
• New Year’s Day
• Memorial Day
• Independence Day
• Labor Day
• Thanksgiving Day
• Christmas Day
These are unpaid holidays unless client agrees to pay for time off.
All contract/supplemental staffers owe an obligation of loyalty and good faith to UNIFORCE and its clients.
17 Arcadian Avenue, Suite 106 • Paramus, NJ 07652 • Phone: 201-599-9100 • Fax: 201-599-1947 •
PAGE 20 (H-10)
All contract/supplemental staffers owe an obligation of loyalty and good faith to UNIFORCE and their clients.
This means that while you are on UNIFORCE time you will devote your best efforts to the fulfillment of your
assigned tasks. There is within UNIFORCE and that of our clients, a body of information which is vital to the
continuation of the business and which could result in great harm to the business if the information was available
to UNIFORCE’s competitors. Disclosure of information to someone outside UNIFORCE is strictly prohibited.
Furthermore, discussion of confidential information within UNIFORCE or on the client’s premises is strictly
UNIFORCE has established procedures to ensure that employee files are kept accurately, legally, and in a
confidential manner.
UNIFORCE Corporation is committed to protecting the privacy and security of personal health information
concerning our employees. This policy is designed to assure compliance with all applicable Federal and state
laws and regulations that require an individual’s personal health information to be kept confidential and private.
It is the policy of UNIFORCE to comply with all Federal and state laws and regulations that require personal
health information of our employees to be kept confidential and private. Additionally, it is important that
employee files and information are kept current. A contract/supplemental staffer is required to notify the office
of any changes in the following:
• Name
• Home Address
• Telephone Number
• Email address
• Person to be Notified in Case of an Emergency
• Change of Insurance Benefits or Dependents
• Military Status
• Marital Status
• Licensure Status
17 Arcadian Avenue, Suite 106 • Paramus, NJ 07652 • Phone: 201-599-9100 • Fax: 201-599-1947 •
PAGE 21 (H-11)
You must comply with the dress standards of the client company to whom you are sent on assignment. Contract/
supplemental staffers shall maintain the highest standards of personal cleanliness and grooming and shall present a
neat, business-like appearance at all times during working hours. If you believe that exceptions should be made
for religious or other reasons, consult your UNIFORCE recruiter.
It is the policy of UNIFORCE to comply with applicable rules governing smoking at UNIFORCE and client’s workplace.
UNIFORCE and its clients do not assume responsibility for the personal belongings of its contract/supplemental
staffers. Contract/supplemental staffers should exercise care with respect to their personal effects.
UNIFORCE facilities and those of the client should not be used for personal telephone calls or personal mail
except in cases of emergency.
UNIFORCE does not allow any personal use of its clients e-mail and Internet system.
UNIFORCE clients may provide its employees with systems to send and receive electronic mail (e-mail) so
they can work more productively. Clients may also provide certain employees with Internet access. This E-mail
Policy applies to use of both the e-mail system and Internet access.
Client’s e-mail system and Internet access are valuable business assets. The messages sent and received on the
e-mail system, or other documents created by contract/supplemental staffers in the course of their workday, are
the property of the client company. This policy cannot lay down rules to cover every possible situation. Instead,
it is designed to express UNIFORCE’s philosophy and set forth general principles contract/supplemental staffers
should apply when using electronic media and services at a client’s location.
1. There is absolutely no downloading of software onto client company computers. Please be advised that if you
download UNAUTHORIZED software, you will be in violation of the client’s rules and disciplinary action may occur.
Contract/supplemental staffers should not have any expectation of privacy with respect to messages or files
sent, received, or stored on the client company’s e-mail system or with respect to any activities using the client’s
provided Internet access. E-mail messages and files, like other types of correspondence and the client company’s
documents, sent or received, can be accessed and read by authorized employees or authorized individuals outside
the client company. Internet usage may be tracked and reported as to assess both the adequacy of the service
to users as well as to monitor inappropriate use of the client company’s Internet services.
17 Arcadian Avenue, Suite 106 • Paramus, NJ 07652 • Phone: 201-599-9100 • Fax: 201-599-1947 •
PAGE 22 (H-12)
3. E-mail should not be used to communicate sensitive or confidential information. Contract/supplemental staffers
should anticipate that an e-mail message might be disclosed to or read by individuals other than the intended
recipient(s), since messages can be easily forwarded to other individuals. In addition, while the client company
endeavors to maintain the reliability of its e-mail system, contract/supplemental staffers should be aware that
a variety of human and system errors have the potential to cause inadvertent or accidental disclosures of
e-mail messages.
4. All contract/supplemental staffers are expected and required to protect the client company’s trade secrets and
other confidential information. Company trade secrets or confidential information should never be transmitted
or forwarded to outside individuals or companies not authorized to receive the information. Contract/
supplemental staffers must exercise greater care when transmitting the company trade secrets using e-mail
than with other communication means because e-mail makes it easier to redistribute or misdirect trade
secrets to unauthorized individuals. UNIFORCE also requires its employees to use the client’s e-mail and its
Internet access in a way that respects the confidential and proprietary information of others. E-mail is an
inappropriate method of communicating certain types of confidential information. Contract/supplemental
staffers are prohibited from copying or distributing highly sensitive or confidential information.
5. Encrypting e-mail messages or attached files sent, stored, or received on the client’s e-mail system is
prohibited except where explicitly authorized. Employees are prohibited from using or installing any
encryption software.
6. Users should not deliberately perform acts that waste or monopolize computer resources. These acts include,
but are not limited to; non-company related mass mailings, spamming, bulk e-mails, chain letters, subscribing to
excessive listeners and mailing lists, or creating excessive unnecessary traffic on the client’s servers.
Internet and e-mail resources should be used only in accordance with the guidelines defined in this policy and
procedure. Violation of these policies and procedures may result in termination of employment.
This Contract/Supplemental/Staffer Handbook is a summary of the principles for which UNIFORCE stands, the
benefits to which you are entitled, and the obligations you assume as a representative of UNIFORCE. We hope
that you have read this Handbook carefully and will keep it for future reference. If you have any questions
concerning the policies or benefits outlined in this Handbook or any other matter pertaining to your employment,
please contact your recruiter.
17 Arcadian Avenue, Suite 106 • Paramus, NJ 07652 • Phone: 201-599-9100 • Fax: 201-599-1947 •
PAGE 23 (H-13)
The dynamic nature of our business, our steady growth and ever changing business conditions will undoubtedly
require occasional changes in our policies and procedures. UNIFORCE always maintains the right to depart from
promulgated policies and procedures and to change wages and other working conditions. For your benefit, keep
all notifications of policy changes that come to you.
As a member of the UNIFORCE family we hope your association with us will be a long and happy one. As UNIFORCE
grows, we want you to grow with us. UNIFORCE has made considerable progress since its beginning, and the
credit goes to each individual contract/supplemental staffer. By all of us working together in a spirit of cooperation
and teamwork, UNIFORCE will be unsurpassed for its quality, integrity and service excellence.
17 Arcadian Avenue, Suite 106 • Paramus, NJ 07652 • Phone: 201-599-9100 • Fax: 201-599-1947 •
PAGE 24 (H-14)
Read and Sign Immediately
I understand and agree that:
The statements contained in the Contract/Supplemental Staffer Handbook are intended to serve as general
information concerning UNIFORCE and its subsidiaries with respect to its existing policies, procedures, and
practices of employment and employee benefits.
No policy or provision in this Handbook is intended to create a contract binding the employee or employer to any
agreement of employment for a specific period of time. Employment can be terminated by either the employee
or the employer at any time, for any reason.
From time to time UNIFORCE may need to clarify, amend and/or supplement the information contained in
the Contract/Supplemental Staffer Handbook and UNIFORCE will inform me as soon as practicable when
changes occur.
I have received a copy of the UNIFORCE Contract/Supplemental Staffer Handbook*, have read and understand
the information outlined in the Handbook, have asked any questions I may have concerning its contents and will
comply with all policies and procedures to the best of my ability.
I understand I may retain this copy of the booklet in my possession while UNIFORCE employs me, or until
requested to return it.
I will not reveal the contents of this booklet to anybody outside UNIFORCE without express permission from my office.
Employee’s Signature:
(Please print name here)
*Including specifically the UNIFORCE “Equal Employment Opportunity Policy” and its “Harassment/Sexual
Harassment Policy”.
17 Arcadian Avenue, Suite 106 • Paramus, NJ 07652 • Phone: 201-599-9100 • Fax: 201-599-1947 •
PAGE 25 (H-15)
In order to pay you efficiently and on-time, please review the following payroll procedures thoroughly.
The payroll week is Monday through Sunday. All paper timecards must be filled out entirely, require a signature
by the Supervisor at the clients’ site and must be either dropped off or faxed to this office NO LATER THAN the
Monday following the payroll week.
E-timecards are encouraged for all employees to enter hours online. For Paper Timecard, our dedicated fax number
is 201-599-1947. If you fax a paper timecard, print a confirmation from your fax machine for proof of delivery or call
immediately afterward to confirm its receipt. We are not responsible for your paycheck if you do not call to confirm. If
we do not receive your timecard by the designated time, you will not receive a paycheck that week and the hours
you worked will be paid with the following week’s payroll. Mailing of original paper timecard is required. NO
EXCEPTIONS WILL BE MADE. Timecards filled out incorrectly must be resubmitted upon correction immediately.
In order to insure that your paychecks will be processed in a timely fashion, it is important to fully complete your
timecard, including the following:
• Your name.
• Social Security Number (must be on timecard to be processed).
• Week ending-date (week ending-date is always Sunday).
• Fill in the hours you worked for each day of the week.
• Fill in overtime hours, if applicable.
• Authorized signature of on-site supervisor must be on timecard in order to get paid.
• Make sure you sign and date your timecard.
Paychecks are distributed every Friday. You may elect direct deposit of your check or choose to have paychecks
mailed directly to your home. You may choose the option that best suits your needs.
The company takes precaution to ensure that you are paid correctly. However, if an error does occur, notify the
office as soon as possible. We will make every attempt to adjust the error no later than the next regular pay period.
17 Arcadian Avenue, Suite 106 • Paramus, NJ 07652 • Phone: 201-599-9100 • Fax: 201-599-1947 •
PAGE 26 (H-16)
Garnishments are court orders requiring an employer to withhold specified amounts from an contract/supplemental
staffer’s wages for payment of a debt owed by the contract/supplemental staffer to a third party. State law
requires that the Company honor garnishments of contract/supplemental staffer wages (including child support)
as a court or other legal judgment may instruct. The law also provides for an administrative fee to be charged
when a garnishment occurs.
17 Arcadian Avenue, Suite 106 • Paramus, NJ 07652 • Phone: 201-599-9100 • Fax: 201-599-1947 •
PAGE 27 (H-17)
UNIFORCE Staffing Solutions and its operating subsidiaries (collectively, the “Company” or “UNIFORCE”) are
committed to conducting business in accordance with the highest ethical standards. The standards that are to
guide our directors, officers and staff employees (“Company Persons”) are set forth in this Code of Business
Conduct and Ethics (this “Code”). These standards cannot and do not cover every situation that may arise in
which ethical decisions must be made, but rather they set forth primary guiding principles.
UNIFORCE expects all Company Persons to observe high ethical standards in the performance of their duties,
and to observe all laws and regulations governing business transactions and practices. Company Persons are
encouraged to promote a culture of honesty and accountability. This includes acting in good faith, responsibly,
with due care, competence and diligence, without misrepresenting or omitting material facts or allowing your
independent judgment to be compromised or subordinated. Our policy is to prevent the occurrence of illegal or
unethical behavior, to halt any illegal or unethical behavior that may occur as soon as reasonably possible after
its discovery, and to discipline those who violate the Code, including individuals responsible for the failure to
exercise proper supervision and oversight to detect and report a violation by their subordinate employees.
Company Persons shall not commit an illegal or unethical act, or instruct others to do so when conducting business
on behalf of the Company. We are strongly committed to conducting business with honesty and integrity and in
full compliance with all applicable laws, rules and regulations.
The Company’s policies for recruitment, advancement and retention of employees forbid discrimination on the basis
of any criteria prohibited by law, including but not limited to race, sex, age, disability, sexual orientation and religion.
Our policies are designed to ensure that Company Persons are treated, and treat each other, fairly and with respect
and dignity. Any conduct involving any illegal discrimination or harassment of others will not be tolerated.
It is the Company’s intent to investigate any suspected acts of fraud, misappropriation or other similar irregularity.
An objective and impartial investigation, as deemed necessary, will be conducted regardless of the position,
title, length of service or relationship with the Company of any party who might be or becomes involved in or is
(or becomes) the subject of such investigation.
Management should be familiar with the types of improprieties that might occur within their area of responsibility
and be alert for any indications of such conduct.
In law, “fraud” generally involves an act of deception, bribery, forgery, extortion, theft, misappropriation, false
representation, conspiracy, corruption, collusion, embezzlement, or concealment of material facts. Fraud may
17 Arcadian Avenue, Suite 106 • Paramus, NJ 07652 • Phone: 201-599-9100 • Fax: 201-599-1947 •
be committed by an individual, a group of individuals, or by one or more organizations. Fraud is a violation of
trust that, in general, refers to an intentional act committed to secure personal or business advantage. While
fraud can cover many activities, the Company’s anti-fraud policy is directed primarily at financial matters that
could be legally defined as fraud. Examples of “financial fraud” generally fall into four broad categories and may
include, but are not limited to:
Misappropriation of Assets
• Forgery, alteration or misappropriation of checks, drafts, promissory notes or securities
• Unauthorized, non-business acquisition, use, or disposition of funds, inventory, furniture, fixtures, equipment,
records, or other assets
• Embezzlement
• Theft
• Falsifying time sheets or payroll records, including but not limited to reporting hours not worked or a supervisor
not allowing the reporting of all hours worked by hourly employees
• Falsifying travel and entertainment expenses and/or utilizing company funds to pay for personal expenses.
• Fictitious reporting of receipts from suppliers or shipments to customers
• Misappropriation of Company-owned computer hardware, software, data, or other records including company
intangibles (e.g. proprietary information, trade secrets, patents, etc.)
Fraudulent Financial Reporting
• Earnings management
• Improper Revenue Recognition
• Overstatement of assets
• Understatement of liabilities
Expenditures and Liabilities for Improper Purposes
• Bribery
• Kickbacks
Fraudulently Obtained Revenue and Assets
• Improper tax reporting
• Protection of Confidential Information
Confidential information generated and gathered in our business is a valuable Company asset. Protecting this
information plays a vital role in our continued growth and ability to compete and should be kept in strict confidence,
except when disclosure is required by law or is authorized by the Company.
Confidential information includes all proprietary, non-public information that might be useful to competitors or
that could be harmful to the Company or its customers if disclosed, including trade secrets and other proprietary
information respecting systems, processes, software programs, projects, proposals, objectives, strategies,
records, databases, salary and benefits data, employee medical information and other personnel files,
customer, employee and supplier lists and any unpublished financial, marketing or pricing information. Confidential
information also includes like proprietary information of our clients that has been provided to us by our clients
under an agreement (or understanding) that requires we hold the information in confidence and utilize solely for
the purpose of fulfilling contractual or other obligations to the client.
Any use or distribution of confidential information other than on behalf or for the benefit of the Company could
violate law or any separate confidentiality or non-disclosure agreement you have signed with the Company (or
17 Arcadian Avenue, Suite 106 • Paramus, NJ 07652 • Phone: 201-599-9100 • Fax: 201-599-1947 •
any of its clients) and prove detrimental to our business interests or those of our clients and, as respects misuse
of client information, could create liability to the Company.
Your obligation to protect the Company’s confidential information continues after your termination with the
Company. All confidential information in your possession must be returned to the Company upon your termination.
Company Persons should endeavor to protect the Company’s assets and ensure their efficient use. Loss, theft
and misuse of the Company’s assets impact our profitability. Any suspected loss, misuse or theft should be
reported to a supervisor.
Equipment and supplies may only be used for Company business and consistent with Company guidelines.
Company Persons are prohibited from taking for themselves business opportunities for personal gain or to compete
with the Company through the use of corporate property, information or position.
Company Persons have an obligation to act in the best interest of the Company and should endeavor to avoid
situations that present a potential or actual conflict between their interest and that of the Company.
It would be impossible to describe every situation where conflicts of interest may arise, but the following are
1. Working, in any capacity, for a competitor, customer or supplier while employed by the Company.
2. Accepting gifts of more than modest value or receiving personal discounts or other benefits as a result of
your position in the Company from a competitor, customer or supplier (as more fully described below under
“Fair Dealing, Entertainment and Gifts”).
3. Competing with the Company for the purchase of sale of property, services, or other interests.
4. Using UNIFORCE property, including but not limited to computer equipment, software, online services, telephones,
fax machines, photocopiers and UNIFORCE letterhead for other than UNIFORCE business purposes, except
for incidental personal use that does not interfere with and does not impact the Company of its business.
5. Using confidential information about UNIFORCE or its clients for financial gain for oneself or unfair advantage
for another person (as more fully described above under “Protection of Confidential Information”).
Company Persons should endeavor to deal fairly with customers, suppliers, the public and one another at all
times and in accordance with ethical business practices.
No payment in any form shall be given by a Company Person to anyone for the purpose of obtaining or retaining
17 Arcadian Avenue, Suite 106 • Paramus, NJ 07652 • Phone: 201-599-9100 • Fax: 201-599-1947 •
business or obtaining any other favorable action. Entertainment of non-government employees in connection
with business discussions or the development of business relationships and occasional business gifts are
generally deemed appropriate in the conduct of Company business. Gifts should be given infrequently and their
value should be modest. Any gift or entertainment, in any form, that would likely result in a feeling or expectation
of personal obligation should not be extended.
No payment in any form shall be accepted by a Company Person from anyone for the purpose of obtaining any
other favorable action. The Company expects employees to use their good judgment in deciding whether and
when to decline gifts. Any gift or entertainment, in any form, that would likely result in a feeling or expectation
of personal obligation should not be accepted.
Practices that are acceptable in commercial business environments may be against the law or the policies governing
federal, state or local government employees. Therefore, no gifts or business entertainment of any kind may be given
to or received from any government employee without the prior approval of our General Counsel.
The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (“FCPA”) prohibits giving anything of value directly or indirectly to any “foreign
official” for the purpose of obtaining or retaining business. When in doubt as to whether a contemplated payment
or gift may violate the FCPA, contact your supervisor.
Any person subject to the jurisdiction of a governmental agency or a self-regulatory organization that has a
policy on the giving or receipt of gifts or entertainment that is more restrictive than the policy set forth here is
required to adhere to that stricter policy.
Company Persons who receive inquiries regarding the Company or its activities, results, plans, position on public
issues or any other matters or who are otherwise contacted by any of the above entities (other than in the normal
course of an employee’s regular duties) must promptly refer such inquiries to their supervisor.
In addition, no Company employee should make any statements to any person that disparage or are otherwise
harmful to the Company, the Company’s clients or suppliers, or the Company’s employees, officers or directors.
This prohibition specifically precludes the disclosure of non-public or confidential information, including but not
limited to information regarding acquisitions, mergers, and client matters and personnel issues.
These policies are not meant to restrict Company Persons from making statements to other Company personnel
in the course of carrying out their duties with the Company. Company Persons who violate this policy or
otherwise disparage the Company will be subject to discipline, including termination of employment, in
accordance with Company policies and procedures and applicable law.
The antitrust laws prohibit agreements among competitors on such matters as prices, terms of sale to customers and
allocating markets or customers. Antitrust laws can be very complex, and violations may subject the Company
and its employees to criminal sanctions, including fines, jail time and civil liability. If you have any questions,
consult your supervisor.
17 Arcadian Avenue, Suite 106 • Paramus, NJ 07652 • Phone: 201-599-9100 • Fax: 201-599-1947 •
The Company is committed to conducting its business in compliance with all applicable environmental and
workplace health and safety laws and regulations. The Company strives to provide a safe and healthy work
environment for our employees and to avoid adverse impact and injury to the environment and communities in
which we conduct our business. Achieving this goal is the responsibility of all Company Persons.
Company Persons are expected to comply with all of the provisions of this Code. The Code will be enforced
throughout the Company and violations will be dealt with effectively. Violations of the Code that involve illegal
behavior will be reported to the appropriate authorities. Situations that may involve a violation of ethics, laws or
this Code may not always be clear.
Employees should report any concerns or questions about violations of laws, rules, regulations of this Code in
accordance with our Report of Information Policy.
Communications may be anonymous. An anonymous report should provide enough information about the incident
or situation to allow the Company to investigate properly. If concerns or complaints require confidentiality,
including keeping an identity anonymous, we will endeavor to protect this confidentiality to the extent practical
in light of the investigation we undertake.
The Company encourages all Company Persons to report any suspected violations promptly and intends to
thoroughly investigate any good faith reports of violations. An employee who knowingly makes false allegations
may be subject to discipline, including termination of employment, in accordance with Company policies and
procedures and applicable law. It is the policy of the Company not to indemnify any employee making such a
false allegation.
The Company will not tolerate any kind of retaliation for reports or complaints regarding misconduct that were
made in good faith. Open communication of issues and concerns by all employees without fear of retribution
or retaliation is vital to the successful implementation of this Code. You are required to cooperate in internal
investigations of misconduct and unethical behavior.
It shall not be a violation of this Code to take adverse personnel action against an employee that is warranted
by legitimate business reasons and does not constitute retaliation for reports or complaints regarding alleged
misconduct that were reasonably based and made in good faith.
The officers of the Company will have primary authority and responsibility for the enforcement of this Code
with respect to accounting, internal accounting controls and auditing matters. Our General Counsel will have
primary authority and responsibility for the enforcement of the remaining aspects of this Code. The Company
will continue to devote the necessary resources to enable the officers and the General Counsel to establish such
procedures as may be reasonably necessary to create a culture of accountability and facilitate compliance with
the Code. Questions concerning this Code should be directed to your supervisor.
17 Arcadian Avenue, Suite 106 • Paramus, NJ 07652 • Phone: 201-599-9100 • Fax: 201-599-1947 •
General Provisions
UNIFORCE Staffing Solutions is excited to have employees participate in social media on behalf of the company.
The goal of authorized social networking and blogging is to become a part of the industry conversation and
promote web-based sharing of ideas and exchange of information. As with all forms of employee conduct, we
expect our employees to conduct themselves professionally at all times when representing the company. While
we have outlined a policy below, as always, please rely on your best professional judgment , common sense and
decency when participating in social media or any company related activity.
In order to capitalize on the full benefit of social media and to manage our business integrity and continuity,
UNIFORCE has set up specific protocols for company-related use of social media. Our public image and reputation
are company assets and we have an obligation to ensure that they are maintained to the highest standard.
It is the right and duty of the company to protect itself and its employees from unauthorized disclosure of
information. UNIFORCE’s social networking policy includes rules and guidelines for company-authorized social
networking and personal social networking and applies to all management and staff. This policy does not apply
to billable resources, which are governed by separate policies and handbook.
Blogging or other forms of social media or technology include but are not limited to all forms of the internet, email,
video or wiki postings, sites such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, chat rooms, personal blogs or other
similar forms of online journals, diaries, profiles or personal newsletters or media not affiliated with UNFORCE.
Authorized Social Networking
These protocols are intended to evolve alongside the changes in technology and market conditions. Per the
protocols and in line with this policy, if identifying oneself as an employee of UNIFORCE when contributing to,
or participating in, any social media forums, discussion, blogs, video blogs, podcasts, etc., all comments (spoken
or written) must be prefaced or closed with: “The following (or preceding) views/opinions are my own personal
opinions, and do not represent the official position of UNIFORCE”. These protocols allow for the maximum benefit
and the least amount of disruption to the business.
Authorized social networking and blogging is used to convey information about company products and services,
promote and raise awareness of the UNIFORCE brand, search for potential new markets, communicate with
employees and customers to brainstorm, issue or respond to breaking news or negative publicity, and discuss
corporate, business-unit and department-specific activities and events.
When social networking, blogging or using other forms of web-based forums, UNIFORCE must ensure that
use of these communications maintains our brand identity, integrity and reputation while minimizing actual or
potential legal risks, whether used inside or outside the workplace.
In respect of the company’s business strategies, employees may not publicly discuss clients, products,
employees or any work-related matters, whether confidential or not, outside company-authorized communications.
Employees are expected to protect the privacy of UNIFORCE and its employees and clients and are prohibited
from disclosing personal employee and non-employee information and any other proprietary and non-public
information to which employees have access. Such information includes, but is not limited to, customer
information, trade secrets, financial information and strategic business plans.
17 Arcadian Avenue, Suite 106 • Paramus, NJ 07652 • Phone: 201-599-9100 • Fax: 201-599-1947 •
Please utilize the following points to guide your participation in social media:
Be Responsible: What does personal responsibility mean in online social media activities? Online social
media enable individuals to share their insights, express their opinions and share information within the
context of a globally distributed conversation. Each tool and medium has proper and improper uses. While
UNIFORCE encourages all of its employees to join a global conversation, it is important for those who choose to do
so to understand what is recommended, expected and required when they discuss UNIFORCE-related topics,
whether at work or on their own time.
Follow the UNIFORCE Conduct policies: If you have any question about whether you ought to publish something
online, chances are the policies will resolve it. Pay particular attention to what is said about confidential and/or
proprietary information, if, you are still unclear as to the propriety of a post, it is best to refrain and seek the
advice of management.
Be who you are: Some bloggers work anonymously, using pseudonyms or false screen names.
UNIFORCE discourages that in blogs, wikis or other forms of online participation that relate to UNIFORCE, our
business or issues with which the company is engaged. We believe in transparency and honesty. If you are
blogging about your work for UNIFORCE, we encourage you to use your real name, be clear who you are,
and identify that you work for UNIFORCE. Nothing gains you more notice in the online social media environment
than honesty—or loses you more credibility than dishonesty. If you have a vested interest in something you
are discussing, be the first to point it out. But also be smart about protecting yourself and your privacy.
What you publish will be around forever, so consider the content carefully and also be judicious in disclosing
personal details.
Be thoughtful about how you present yourself in online social networks. The lines between public and
private, personal and professional are blurred in online social networks. By virtue of identifying yourself
as a UNIFORCE employee within a social network, you are now connected to your colleagues, managers and
even UNIFORCE’s clients. You should ensure that content associated with you is consistent with your work
at UNIFORCE. If you have joined UNIFORCE recently, be sure to update your social profiles to reflect
UNIFORCE’s guidelines.
Speak in the first person. Use your own voice; bring your own personality to the forefront; say what is on
your mind. Use a disclaimer. Whether you publish to a blog or some other form of social media, make it
clear that what you say there is representative of your views and opinions and not necessarily the views
and opinions of UNIFORCE. At a minimum in your own blog, you should include the following standard
disclaimer: “The postings on this site are my own and don’t necessarily represent UNIFORCE’s positions,
strategies or opinions.”
Managers and executives take note: This standard disclaimer does not, by itself, exempt UNIFORCE managers
and executives from a special responsibility when blogging. By virtue of their position, they must consider
whether personal thoughts they publish may be misunderstood as expressing UNIFORCE positions, and a
manager should assume that his or her team as well as UNIFORCE clients and prospects will read what is
written. Respect copyright and fair use laws. For UNIFORCE’s protection and well as your own, it is critical
that you show proper respect for the laws governing copyright and fair use of copyrighted material owned
by others, including UNIFORCE’s own copyrights and brands. You should never quote more than short
excerpts of someone else’s work, and it is good general blogging practice to link to others’ work. Keep in
mind that laws will be different depending on where you live and work.
17 Arcadian Avenue, Suite 106 • Paramus, NJ 07652 • Phone: 201-599-9100 • Fax: 201-599-1947 •
Protecting confidential and proprietary information. Social networking blurs many of the traditional boundaries
between internal and external communications. Be thoughtful about what you publish—particularly on external
platforms. You must make sure you do not disclose or use UNIFORCE confidential or proprietary information or
that of any other person or company in any online social networking platform. For example, ask permission before
posting someone’s picture in a social network or publishing in a blog a conversation that was meant to be private.
UNIFORCE’s business performance. You must not comment on confidential UNIFORCE financial information such
as UNIFORCE’s current or past business performance (except what has been disclosed publicly), future
business performance, business plans, or prospects anywhere in the world. This includes statements about an
upcoming quarter or future periods or information about alliances, and applies to anyone including conversations
with Wall Street analysts, press or other third parties (including friends). UNIFORCE policy is not to comment on
rumors in any way.
Protect UNIFORCE’s clients, business partners and suppliers. Clients, partners or suppliers should not be
cited or obviously referenced without their approval. Externally, never identify a client, partner or supplier
by name without permission and never discuss confidential details of a client engagement. Internal social
networking platforms permit suppliers and business partners to participate, so be aware of and sensitive
to who will see your content. If a client hasn’t given explicit permission for their name to be used, think
carefully about the content you’re going to publish on any internal social media and get the appropriate
permission where necessary.
Respect your audience and your coworkers. Remember that UNIFORCE is a global organization whose
employees and clients reflect a diverse set of customs, values and points of view. Don’t be afraid to be yourself,
but do so respectfully. Further, blogs, wikis, virtual worlds, social networks, or other tools hosted outside
of UNIFORCE’s protected Intranet environment should not be used for internal communications among fellow
employees except as specifically approved by Marketing. It is fine for UNIFORCE employees to disagree,
but please don’t use your external blog or other online social media to air your differences in an inappropriate manner.
Add value. UNIFORCE’s brand is best represented by its people and everything you publish reflects upon it.
Blogs and social networks that are hosted on UNIFORCE-owned domains should be used in a way that adds
value to UNIFORCE’s business. If it helps you, your coworkers, our clients or our partners to do their jobs and solve
problems; if it helps to improve knowledge or skills; if it contributes directly or indirectly to the
improvement of UNIFORCE products, services, processes and policies; if it builds a sense of
community; or if it helps to promote UNIFORCE’s values, then it is adding value. Though not directly
business-related, background information you choose to share about yourself, such as information about
your family or personal interests, may be useful in helping establish a relationship between you and your
readers, but it is entirely your choice whether to share this information.
Don’t pick fights. When you see misrepresentations made about UNIFORCE by the media, analysts or by
other bloggers, you may certainly use your blog—or join someone else’s to point that out. Always do so
with respect, stick to the facts and identify your appropriate affiliation to UNIFORCE. Also, if you speak
about a competitor, you must make sure that what you say is factual and that it does not disparage the
competitor. Avoid unnecessary or unproductive arguments. Brawls may earn traffic, but nobody wins in the end.
Don’t try to settle scores or goad competitors or others into inflammatory debates. Here and in other areas
of public discussion, make sure that what you are saying is factually correct.
Be the first to respond to your own mistakes. If you make an error, be up front about your mistake and
correct it quickly. In a blog, if you choose to modify an earlier post, make it clear that you have done so.
17 Arcadian Avenue, Suite 106 • Paramus, NJ 07652 • Phone: 201-599-9100 • Fax: 201-599-1947 •
Use your best judgment. Remember that there are always consequences to what you publish. If you’re about to
publish something that makes you even the slightest bit uncomfortable, review the suggestions above and think
about why that is. If you’re still unsure, and it is related to UNIFORCE business, feel free to discuss it with your
recruiter. Ultimately, however, you have sole responsibility for what you post to your blog or publish in any
form of online social media.
Don’t forget your day job. You should make sure that your online activities do not interfere with your job or
commitments to customers.
Employer Monitoring
Employees are cautioned that they should have no expectation of privacy while using any form of business related
technology, media, company equipment or facilities for any purpose, including authorized blogging or communications.
Please assume that all your postings or communications will be reviewed by UNIFORCE, can be viewed by anyone and
conduct yourself accordingly. UNIFORCE reserves the right to monitor comments or discussions about the company, its
employees, clients and the industry, including products and competitors, posted on the Internet by anyone, including
employees and non-employees. UNIFORCE may use blog-search tools and software to monitor forums such as blogs
and other types of personal journals, diaries, personal and business discussion forums, and social networking sites.
UNIFORCE reserves the right to use content management tools to monitor, review or block content on company blogs
that violate company blogging rules and guidelines.
Reporting Violations
UNIFORCE requests and strongly urges employees to report any violations or possible or perceived violations to
supervisors. Violations include discussions of UNIFORCE and its employees and clients, any discussion of proprietary
information and any unlawful activity related to blogging or social networking.
Discipline for Violations
UNIFORCE reviews and responds to all reports of violations of the social networking policy and other related
policies. Violation of the company’s social networking policy may result in disciplinary action up to and including
immediate termination. UNIFORCE reserves the right to take legal action where necessary against employees who
engage in prohibited or unlawful conduct.
Employees are required to sign a written acknowledgement that they have received, read, understood and agreed to
comply with the company’s social networking policy and any other related policy.
Rules and Guidelines – Company Content
The following rules and guidelines apply to social networking and blogging when authorized by the employer and
done on company time. The rules and guidelines apply to all employer-related blogs and social networking entries,
including employer subsidiaries or affiliates.
Only authorized employees can prepare and modify content for UNIFORCE. Content must be relevant, add value and
meet at least one of the specified goals or purposes developed by UNIFORCE. If uncertain about any information,
17 Arcadian Avenue, Suite 106 • Paramus, NJ 07652 • Phone: 201-599-9100 • Fax: 201-599-1947 •
material or conversation, discuss the content with your manager.
Employees and managers are responsible for ensuring all blogging and social networking information complies with
UNIFORCE’s written policies. A manager will remove any content that does not meet the rules and guidelines of this
policy or that may be illegal or offensive. Removal of such content may be done without permission of the blogger or
advance warning.
UNIFORCE expects all guest bloggers to abide by all rules and guidelines of this policy. Company reserves the right
to remove, without advance notice or permission, all guest bloggers’ content considered inaccurate or offensive.
UNIFORCE also reserves the right to take legal action against guests who engage in prohibited or unlawful conduct.
17 Arcadian Avenue, Suite 106 • Paramus, NJ 07652 • Phone: 201-599-9100 • Fax: 201-599-1947 •
UNIFORCE STAFFING SOLUTIONS (collectively referred to as “UNIFORCE”) is committed to providing safe,
dependable and economic services to its clients, contributing toward a safe workplace and promoting high standards
of employee health. To achieve this, UNIFORCE must employ a work force that is free of the adverse effects of
alcoholic beverages, illegal drugs or legal drugs obtained illegally. To meet this requirement, UNIFORCE has adopted
the following policy for its applicants, supplemental and full-time staffers (collectively referred to from time to time as
“employees”). This policy applies to all UNIFORCE prospective applicants, all active employees currently working at
a client assigned through UNIFORCE and all active employees working for UNIFORCE. UNIFORCE reserves the right
to amend or alter this policy at any time:
The intent of this policy is:
1. To provide clear guidelines and consistent procedures for handling incidents of applicants and employees use
of alcohol, drugs or controlled substances that affect job performance and to make every effort to institute
and maintain a drug free and substance abuse free workplace.
2. To ensure that applicants and employees conform to all state and federal regulations regarding alcohol, drugs
or controlled substances.
3.To provide substance abuse prevention and awareness for all applicants and employees regarding the
recognition of and implementation of this policy.
All employees are considered working in an at-will environment and may be terminated at any time for any reason.
All UNIFORCE employees will be given a copy of this policy and acknowledge receipt of this policy by signing the
acknowledgment on the reverse side of the Confidential Employment Application. For those already working, all
employees shall notify UNIFORCE of any criminal drug statute conviction no later than five (5) days after such conviction.
Prohibited Conduct
Prohibited Conduct refers to:
1. The sale or distribution of drugs without regard to whether the sale or distribution takes place on or off the
client’s premises or UNIFORCE premises and regardless of whether the drug is distributed or sold to fellow
employees or non-employees.
2. The use of alcoholic beverages or the possession of an open container containing an alcoholic beverage while
on the client’s premises, UNIFORCE premises or remote site.
3.The use, possession, concealment or purchase of Illegal drugs while on the client’s premises, UNIFORCE
premises or remote site.
4.The impairment of any employee due to the use of drugs or alcoholic beverages or an impermissible level of
drugs or alcohol in the system of any employee while working.
17 Arcadian Avenue, Suite 106 • Paramus, NJ 07652 • Phone: 201-599-9100 • Fax: 201-599-1947 •
The involvement with drugs or alcohol which has or may have an adverse impact on the client, where, for
example, it has or may have an effect on any employee’s ability to perform his/her duties, may endanger the
safety of employees or the public, may damage the client’s or UNIFORCE’s reputation for providing safe and
dependable work or may undermine the public’s or government’s confidence in the client.
6. The use of prescription or over-the-counter medications while working on UNIFORCE’s or the client’s premises
where this medication may interfere with job performance.
Pre-Assignment Drug Screening/Testing
Except as otherwise provided herein, UNIFORCE will not require employees or applicants to be tested as a
prior condition to any assignment to a client. Such pre-assignment testing of employees or applicants will be
completed only after the employee or applicant has previously consented, in accordance with the policies of
the client. If employees or applicants are unwilling to consent to drug testing, they become ineligible to receive
assignments at clients that require drug testing.
Furthermore, employees or applicants will not be assigned to a client who is known to require drug testing for
contract/supplemental staffers (after a certain length of time) or as a condition of employment by the client, unless
the employee or applicant has previously consented to drug testing as a condition of employment with UNIFORCE.
Testing of Applicants
Applicants will be advised of the testing requirements in detail by an authorized UNIFORCE representative. The
Substance Abuse and Drug Free Workplace Policy will be given to all applicants. Applicants must sign and date the
Confidential Employment Application acknowledging their agreement to abide by this policy. A Confidential Employment
Application will not be processed further unless the applicant agrees to submit to the testing procedure where an
applicant has agreed to be assigned in a drug free selection pool. A drug free selection pool is a group of individuals
who have agreed to be drug tested prior to assignment at any client and/or request for such type of individual.
If a test result for any applicant is indicated to be positive for illegal drugs or alcohol, that applicant may be
disqualified as an applicant for any position with UNIFORCE.
Testing of Employees • Selection Process
1. If UNIFORCE or an authorized representative of the client believes cause exists, or has a reasonable suspicion
that an employee may be behaving in an impaired manner or using drugs or alcohol, the employee may be asked
to agree to submit to a drug test.
2. Employees may be referred to drug testing due to probable cause. Such employees may be suspended by
UNIFORCE pending the results of the test and/or investigation. Factors which could establish probable cause
include, but are not limited to
a. the inability to perform assigned work.
b.the involvement in a work related accident or near-miss.
c.the discovery or presence of controlled or illegal substances in an employee’s possession or near the
employee’s work place.
17 Arcadian Avenue, Suite 106 • Paramus, NJ 07652 • Phone: 201-599-9100 • Fax: 201-599-1947 •
d. the odor of alcohol and/or residual odor peculiar to some chemical or controlled substances.
e. a conviction for violation of a criminal drug statute.
3. All employees in high-risk areas, including individuals operating machines with moveable parts, may be drug
tested by the client and/or UNIFORCE whether or not prior consent has been given by the employee.
4. Post Accident Testing – UNIFORCE employees involved in on-the-job accidents will, at the sole discretion of
UNIFORCE, or in accordance with the client’s policies, be sent for drug testing for the use of controlled
substances as soon as possible after the reported accident. Any employee who is seriously injured and cannot
provide a specimen at the time of the accident shall provide the necessary authorization for obtaining
hospital records and other documents that would indicate whether there were any controlled substances In
the employee’s system.
Testing of Employees – Testing and Post-Testing Procedures
1. All testing will be done by a lab chosen by the client and/or UNIFORCE.
2. In some states, impairment or use of a controlled substance or alcohol abuse may result in disqualification
from Workers Compensation benefits.
3. If an initial drug test is positive, a confirmation test may be performed either at the discretion of UNIFORCE
or in accordance with the client’s policies.
4. Where drug screening is required under the client’s policy, an employee will be required to sign an authorization
and release form. In the event the client’s requirements of drug screening are unknown to UNIFORCE, or
become known to UNIFORCE, or change to require drug screening any time after the employee begins an
assignment, UNIFORCE will request the employee’s consent by signing the consent form. If the employee
refuses to sign the consent form, he or she will not be assigned to that client or will be removed from
assignment if required by the client.
5. Once an employee is assigned to a client, he/she may still be subjected to random or periodic drug testing in
accordance with the client’s policies. All of the same conditions of employment at-will still apply once an
employee is assigned to a client.
6. All results are to be kept confidential. The employee will be informed of the results by an authorized
UNIFORCE representative or in accordance with the client’s policies. A negative test result does not automatically
guarantee employment at any client.
7. Employees may be required to submit to drug testing when required by federal and state law regulation or
by contractual obligation not otherwise anticipated by the provisions of this policy. In the event that other drug
testing is required, every effort will be made to coordinate new testing requirements with the client’s other drug
testing provisions.
17 Arcadian Avenue, Suite 106 • Paramus, NJ 07652 • Phone: 201-599-9100 • Fax: 201-599-1947 •
1. All employees are subject to the jurisdiction of UNIFORCE or the client while on UNIFORCE’s or the client’s
premises. To ensure that drugs and alcohol do not enter or affect the workplace, a client may reserve the right
to search all vehicles, containers, lockers, or other items on the client’s property in furtherance of this policy.
Employees may also be required to display personal property for visual inspection upon a client’s request.
2. Failure to consent to search or display for visual inspection may result in termination.
3. Individuals may be required to empty their pockets, pocketbooks, attaché cases, or backpacks, etc., but under
no circumstances should an employee be required to remove articles of clothing or be physically searched by
another employee. However, if a request to search pockets or other carry articles is refused, the client has the
right to remove an employee from their premises and preclude them from performing any subsequent work.
4. UNIFORCE, in conjunction with the client, will turn over all confiscated alcohol, drugs, or controlled
substances to the proper authorities. UNIFORCE also reserves the right to take whatever further action it deems
appropriate such as contacting local, state or federal authorities.
Disciplinary Action
1. Any employee engaging in the use of drugs or alcohol while on UNIFORCE property or a client’s property,
client’s worksite, or while on UNIFORCE business or business for a client or who reports for duty under the
influence of drugs or alcohol may be terminated.
2. Any employee engaged in the use, possession, purchase, sale or transfer of any illegal drug while on
UNIFORCE property or client worksites may be terminated.
3. UNIFORCE may be required by federal and state law regulation or contractual obligation to take action other
than those provided herein.
Explanation of Terms – Legal Drugs/Illegal/Controlled
1. Legal Drugs
Legal drugs include alcohol, medications prescribed by a physician and over-the-counter medications.
UNIFORCE prohibits the use or abuse of such drugs to the extent that job performance or fitness for duty is
adversely affected. The legal use of over-the-counter medications and controlled substances prescribed by a
licensed physician is not prohibited, but employees of UNIFORCE are required to notify their supervisor when
taking any medication that may affect their job performance or fitness for duty.
2. Illegal Drugs
Illegal drugs include those controlled substances under federal or state law which are not authorized for sale,
possession or use and legal drugs which are obtained or distributed illegally.
3. Prescribed or Over-the-Counter Medication
UNIFORCE employees are responsible for informing their immediate UNIFORCE supervisor of the use of any
prescribed or over-the-counter medication which may interfere with their job performance before commencing
work at the client’s facility.
17 Arcadian Avenue, Suite 106 • Paramus, NJ 07652 • Phone: 201-599-9100 • Fax: 201-599-1947 •