Vellow lHgllase
Vellow lHgllase
YH'kBirth 0tths lHgllase Vellow S T I R IFRIDA Y NIGHT! wenc to keepraceout of this,' implores native'born scnatorialcandidateSterc BGnamatsu,a characterin Stir-FridayNghd's latestrenre WI II: Birth ofthc YclloutMctwc. But rhe reporterswont let up: 'How long did it eke pu ro pcrfectyour American accenC" IGnamusu is at fust cirormspect,asbcfits an Asian-Americanand politician. But the press corps'relendessinterrogation of his American-ness finally causcshim to snap. "All righd I m Japanae! How'sthis Myfather shotdown Bob Dole!" A viableAsian American senatorialcandidare Fom Chicagois at prescnta frrfetc}red nodon But running in a single-isue racewhen that single issu*in fris case,nc+-isnt ofpurchoosing it rernainsa feeling not just for Asian Americansbut for anyonepowerlessto resetrhe political agenda"Comedy is universal,"explairu ensemble leaderQuincy'Wong 'a mairutreamaudienc shouldbe ableto relateto humor by and about AsianAmericanrif we do it righr' And rhey are doing ir right, at la$-W{ il fi.rlfillsr}repotential only hined at during Stir-Fri&y Nightt ruru last )ar ar GeorgeStrea CafeandTurnAround Thcater The dancingand singing interludes(and fie "amatanrhour'' atrnospherethey lent) aregone. The group,composedof DaiqyCasro,'Vayne Eji, IGn Hamada,JenniferUrr Ron Mok, Secma Su.ko,JoeYau,and'Wong hastoughenedits writ- ing sharpenedits timing, and gonen darnnd funny overdl. WI II ts pepperedwith )ollo* esorcrica;reftrcnces ro Russell'Wong(actor) and the Nationd Asrcciation ofAsian American Professionals(ftppi. network), for example,might bafle non-AsianAmericans. But the showjr:st asoften foorseson easilyrccognizableicons, and scndstlcrn up wickcdly. David Carradinen l{ung Fw beomes Cricket, a white drifter in *re Chinesecountryaide,overcoming human conflict widr dre ancientwisdom of hair-aigger violence. Bruce I-een Enta thc Dragonbecomes lcgendaryfunnyman StanMoy, a masterof dre lethal Vay ofthc ntabc Intuts who is caught betweenwarring comedyacademiesin Hong IGng. In clesic Chicagoimprov tradidon, Cridat and Moy meet up wirh senaror-electIGnamatsu in thc *Ve spentour first year showt apocalypticclima:c doing nndom sketchcomedy-we neededdre challengeofwriting a realshow,with recuning characten and inrerwovensubplos,"'Wongsap. Varior:s ensemblememberstraind in improv with Sccond Ciry, ImprovOly-pi., andl BLINK [n ia looscfeclirrginaicacy Yfo{II re)k thosecompanies besr work Vong, a 42-yas-o.ld'ABc" (American-born Chincse),is the only memberof Sdr-FridayNigh. working firll-dme in showbusiness.Het alsocunently appearrngn TImc Non-Bbndcs,a scriecomic group monologueshow touring collqes around thc etr f, f F .$^ )trr.lno ay ntg nr! pta tc r s ( ln as c c ns lngor oa4 S ccmaSu cko,len nife r L iu, J ennif erBanz on,Dais y C astro ,Ken Hama da ,loe Yau, Ron l, lok , W ay nc Eii, and Qu incy Won g. in sand-up comdy Midwesc- ln between,he squcezes across the country. at nightdubs gigs 'Wong acknowledges thatAsianAmericarutacean uphill struggleto becomeagen*--rather than objeca<fcomedy. l:st year,comedienneMargact Cho s nenvork sircomAll-Ancrban Girl wascancelld after half of a season,despitefinishing in the middle of the pack, aheadevenof severalrenewedseries.But for tle very ideaofAsian Americanfunniness,it wasa high-profile flop. "Unforn-rnatelyit wasnt very good," 'Wong sa1n."But I dont think it setall of us hack I can secone of the new nerworksespeciallyFOX, UPN, \78, Eying out an AsianAmericanshowsoorL' "Pop culrure is whereAsian Americaru become politicallyconscious,'says'Wong."For me, becoming I'm a performermademe confront the stereory'pes. from Skokie,but somedmesI haveto fakea Chinese a@entto ger a parL In *ris show we useaccentsro makeour own poinrsabout srcreotypes."In 1989 V'ong and othersfrom Chicago'scompacrAsian American culrural sceneimproved the number and qualiryof rheir oppornrnitiesby forming Angel Island Theaue Company,which hassaged dassicsfrom the AsianAmericanqrnon and commissioned,original worla. 'Wong seesStir-FridayNighC asservinga similar role,asa supponivespacefor the developmentof AsianAmericantalent,and asan orpressionof a vibrantfuian Americancuhuralscenefiat's often overlookedin Chicagoand in coasal-centricAsian America. To Sdr-Fri&y Nightlt credir, W II'ts plenrypolidcal,but hardlycorrect. "Poliricalcorrecmess is the dearhof comedy,"V'ong sap, "you cant pleaseeveryone. You haveto be offensiveto attack offensiveness, lilcein the Choco-Chinks skir." Het referring to a commercialfor an "inscruably ddicious" snacktrcat "&om rhe folks who broughtyou CheeseNips,' sarring Super-CoolieGuy, a giant hat on legs. Indecd,those offendedby evensubvenedsrereoqfpes shouldsteer clearof YLI II, with its wisecradcingrickshawjockrys, bumbling ninja warriors,gameshow-playingBuddhas, moralizing Pakisuni ceh6kiys15, and white-bashi"g y=llow nadonalists.Thc laner did give'S7ongbrief pause"At first I wasa linle concerncdabout dre'round-e1'e' jokes,"he admits. "Buc in contexr,theyrefunny." 8cn Kim b lsocil! tdioro{dlclllinois lneruincr, a rmdffyrui< nngnh andb r fonding Frnerof foruncl,ar kiar lncrionart olecivrSa *t 6i bn $orasr (flmfrninl)in tlhg* ad (!t b76c ryringprodxr6. tuiu ArrE fub,n lrrt bn rd bnarn* IG, Aden, ad Sqrh brut'€