2015 Wildcatters Ball Reg Form
2015 Wildcatters Ball Reg Form
I N D E P E N D E N T P E T R O L E U M A S S O C I A T I O N O F A M E R I C A WH EN Friday, February 12, 2016 Reception • 7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Dinner Service • 8:00 p.m. WH AT The 20th Annual Wildcatters’ Ball will continue the tradition of an evening of superb cuisine, opportunities to renew old friendships and make new acquaintances, and entertainment guaranteed to entice you to the dance floor. During the very short formal program, the 2016 guest of honor will be introduced. Thanks to past support of the Wildcatters’ Ball more than $8.5 million has been raised to provide for educational outreach programs around the country. These public education programs promote a better understanding of energy issues, highlight the significant contributions of America’s oil and natural gas industry to our economy and way of life, and serve to educate, encourage, and develop our nation’s next generation of energy industry leaders. AT T I R E Black Tie WH ER E Hilton Americas – Houston 1600 Lamar Street • Houston, Texas 77010 Reservation Telephone Number | 713.739.8000 SPE CI A L G U EST GEN (Ret.) David H. Petraeus Member & Chairman of the KKR Global Institute TA BL E PR I CES $25,000, $10,000, and $5,000 Individual Seats • $1,000 and $500 BEN EF I T I N G IPAA Educational Foundation, a 501(c)(3) corporation, and its mission to support programs educating the public about the significant contributions the industry makes to the American economy and society. T IC K E T & S PO N SO R SH I P I N F O R M AT I O N Sandy Cazemier, Events Plus 713.686.4845 • Sandy@TheEventsPlus.com EARLY REGISTRATION FORM List my Company Sponsorship on all printed materials as: Contact Name: Mailing Address: City, State, Zip Code: Telephone Number: Fax Number: Email Address: ( ( ) $25,000 Table(s) preferred table placement for 12 guests · prominent listing as a Premier Underwriter on · invitation, program, signage promoting the Ball · listing in the ad promoting the Ball as a Premier Underwriter · 12 invitations to a private reception with special guests ( ) $5,000 Table(s) reserved table placement for 10 guests · listing as a Sponsor on invitation & program · · 2 invitations to a private reception with special guests ( ) $1,000 Individual Seat(s) ) $500 Individual Seat(s) ( ) $10,000 Table(s) · prominent table placement for 10 guests · listing as a Major Sponsor on invitation & program · 2 invitations to a private reception with special guests ( ) Check payable to the IPAA Educational Foundation is enclosed. ( ) Credit Card (please select card type) Amex Visa Mastercard Name as it appears on card: Card Number: Expiration Date: Total Amount: $ Signature: ( ) Please bill me for my reservation ( ) I cannot attend the Wildcatters' Ball but wish to make a contribution of $ Please return this form by either FAX: 202.857.0069 EMAIL: Ltyler@ipaa.org MAIL: IPAA EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION, WILDCATTERS’ BALL 1201 15TH STREET NW, SUITE 300 • WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005 SUBMIT FORM