Kite - June 2010
Kite - June 2010
VOYAGE THE KITE June 2010 THE KITE VOYA GE June 2010 UNDERSTANDING INDIVIDUAL NEEDS Special points of interest: Langley Wildlife Project open day • Holiday safety • Art competition winners rabbits Update from George and in the same enclosure • was to see running free amongst the picnic tables • Fabulous feedback • Service users interviewing • Penpal finder • Farm walk • delightful there were two orphaned Bleu du Maine lambs, who are currently being bottlefed. The lambs were very frie ndl y a nd clearl y who lives at Douglas Quinn declaring the project Northfield House was sat with Lizzy, a open, applauded by Stephen Rees down beautiful beige and grey Health and Safety 3 Art competition results 4 T he sun, quite rightly, rabbit, on his lap. shone brightly when that he loved visiting the the Langley Wildlife Project Project as it is really relaxing was officially opened on 5th among the animals and he May by Douglas Quinn, CEO. visits it one day every week. He The project, which is the Recipe Page 14 16 I nside this is sue: Wordsearch 17 Inside Story Inside Story Artist’s Corner 18 Inside Story Inside Story particularly He said liked the Dave Williams, who works at House, spinning Alpaca wool. also for many Langley House was He more local services who are plans to pass this craft on to regularly local welcomed there. Many months of hard work by a team of dedicated 2 people service Special encourage Briefly hig hlight y ou r poi nt of inte rest her e. • Briefly hig hlight y ou r poi nt of inte rest her e. and and other projects. Dave will keep Kite to become a reality. 2 readers 2 things are progressing. • Briefly hig hlight y ou r poi nt of inte rest her e. • Briefly hig hlight y ou r poi nt of inte rest her e. Guests were invited to choose names for them and these were decided when service users from Drakes Place pulled the winning names a hat; Pepsi and suggested Barnaby Stanton, by who lives at Langley House. Next to Cherry, a them lovely was white pony who, courtesy of The Conquest Centre Disabled Riders, making a for was guest appearance. there short were attractive their stuff. walk away four very hens strutting Service users at Langley House are able to enjoy delicious free range eggs, which they points of interest: them to start tapestries • users has allowed this fledgling idea informed of how collect themselves. Surely the stars of the show have to be Wilma and Betty, the Kune Kune Over 180 people attended 3 the open day; these included In the two next enclosure Inside Story 4 service users and staff from were Inside Story 20 different services,5 parents pygmy goat kids. They were Inside Story delight. A the service users at Langley but everyone’s rabbits. brainchild of Stephen Rees, is a fantastic facility for not only Congratulations appearance, to Cola Renton rocks Inside this issue: an much Caption describing picture out orof graphic. enjoyed being petted. Jon, made and local people. They were 6 newly understandably arrived rather shy able to explore the facility and and initially hid at the back meet the array of animals, of their pen. many of them being rescue temptation of food proved animals, who live there. too much and they soon It However, the Continued overleaf Page 2 THE KITE Bungalow, who assisted with Continued from page 1 the open day, Operations pigs, who were simply adorable; Director, Selina Wall and last friendly, slightly muddy and very but greedy. Absolute darlings! Stephen Rees. At 1pm everyone gathered by no means least, Emma! Douglas summed up the day ‘It was a great pleasure to be involved in the opening of the Douglas then walked down Langley House Wildlife above the newly dug lake to to the lake where he released Project. This is a terrific initiative watch Douglas Quinn cut the red two ribbon and declare the second planted phase of the Project officially commemorate the opening. open. Muscovy a ducks and and is going to bring so much tree to enjoyment and pleasure to a great many people. I would like to repeat what I said on the day; Douglas conveyed his admiration of the Project and Guests were then treated to sincere thanks to everyone who paid special thanks to Mickey a delicious hog roast lunch, has been involved, you have Moore, Kevin Dyke, Marc Vickery, thankfully well out of sight of done a fantastic job and I felt Jennie Neale, June Lewis, all of Wilma extremely privileged to be part of the staff at Langley House for thanks to Emma Lewes from their continued support, the staff The Bungalow for baking 150 and delicious cakes. service users from The and Betty! Special Well done it – well done!’ UNDERSTANDING INDIVIDUAL NEEDS Page 3 Health and Safety Holiday safety I t’s that time of year again for everyone to go on neighbour away from life’s stresses. No time that you be acceptable. Try to take the eat out in local restaurants. with them if possible. Heat • Wherever you are going on up on the area first, as whether it be food poisoning or much for your security as crime, to name but a few. Here for tips on what to see. of but hygiene utmost care when choosing to risk, form foods, going away and leave a key holiday it’s worth reading some new are is always of year, there unfortunately standards may not necessarily relax and enjoy the sun and get what the effective order. • Tell a relative, friend or their holidays, taking time to matter where you go, or even that smoke alarms are in and combined humidity with abroad, alcohol and new foods, can cause minor stomach upsets! It is strongly recommended that you drink water regularly in order for are a few simple tips to ensure yo u that the relaxing and fun is not especially in the hot conditions Once You Are There to keep hydrated and check as soon as you get compromised. • Familiarise yourselves as best you can in the area you are Before You Leave there if the tap water is safe to drink. stopping. Make sure you keep • Make sure you have the new European a list of helpful and Health emergency numbers and ask Insurance Card (EHIC) if on arrival for the locations of you a places such as the nearest are travelling European Union to While Staying Away in Unfamiliar Buildings Walk your escape route(s) • member hospital, or consul. Always and find your final exit country - it will ensure that try to avoid risky areas (often doors. Remember having you have easy access to flagged up by guidebooks), a fire plan is even more healthcare in that country. especially important when you are • Make sure all passports or visas are up to date - take all documents incl udi ng with yo u r you, t ra v el insurance details. by yourself and alone, tell someone where you are going and when you personal belongings such as your holiday can provide handbags and cameras when you with health advice and you are out and about and any we recommend that you only vaccinations or precautions if necessary. • Try to turn off Check • position of Fire Alarm Call Points and fire will be back. • Always watch out for your • A visit to the GP prior to in an unfamiliar place. after dark. If you do go out fighting equipment. Read the fire instructions • displayed in your room and at reception. Ask where the assembly • take with you the cash you point is in case of fire, so will need for that day and people will know you are all gas leave what possible valuables safely outside. are not you won’t need in a safe running place. Remember to lock your Using this advice will help whilst you are away and door at night and when you to ensure that you have a turn go out during the day, as you thoroughly enjoyable holiday would at home. in a more safe and healthy appliances required off electrical that to and be unplug appliances all not needed. way. Food and Drink • Ensure windows all doors and are locked and HAVE FUN! We all look forward to trying Page 4 THE KITE Art Competition Winners 1. Patterns 1st Ashmore Unit, Pindar Oaks 2nd Jonathan Au, 48 Cedar Road 3rd Sally Winsper, 48 Cedar Road 2. My Garden 1st Zoe Woodcock, Redbank House 2nd Anne Marie Massey, Sanderling House 3rd Harry Williams, Chard Manor V oyage’s third annual art competition proved to be more popular than ever, with over 170 entries. The judges, Douglas Quinn, John Hall and Sue Evans had a very difficult task in choosing the winners as the standard of artwork was incredibly high. Every entry was displayed in the corridors at Group Support office for judging; the added colour to the offices was so well received that the entries are still on display for all of our visitors to enjoy. 3. Pop Stars 1st Group Entry, Garfield Grange Highly Commended Well done 2nd Anne Marie Farnaby, Saxon Lodge Stuart Mills, The Bungalow everyone 3rd Aaron Wilson, St Edmunds Group Entry, Slough Resource Centre entered 4. Summer 1st Emma Davies, Huish House Gary Norman, The Knowls Alex Crawford, East Farm Cottages 2nd Wendy Bird, 237 Coleman Street Judith Alcock, 36 West Street 3rd Group Entry, Isleworth Resource Centre Vanessa Cooper, Garfield Grange 5. Famous Buildings Richard Owusu, Ross Cottage 1st Barry Stewart, Treddinoch Phillip Archer, 48 Hafod Road 2nd Christine Chapple, Garfield Grange Douglas Marsh, 11 Lane End 3rd Goodiey Mahajan, Isleworth RC Pauline Gipson, Redbank House 6. Scenery 1st Jane Walters, 48 Cedar Road 2nd Matthew Ryan, Saxon Lodge Adam Slocombe, 48 Hafod Road Andrew Holder, 43 Hamstead Hall Road Sarah White, Chestnut Grange single one been to who every has greatly admired. Best service award jointly awarded to: Saxon Lodge and Isleworth Resource Centre UNDERSTANDING INDIVIDUAL NEEDS Page 5 Update from George W the e are delighted to latest bring news from George Rogers, the young wheelchair athlete who we continue to sponsor. Hi Voyage, you Sorry I haven’t been in touch very recently but as you know I went into surgery on the 1st of Feb I’ve had growth plates fitted in to my knees and the backs of my legs lengthen. Well, it went well but afterwards I had some unexpected nerve pain so for six weeks I was in utter agony. Then I went to Southampton hospital and they gave me a new drug called gabapapentin and that made me much better. My physio is in full flow now and I’m starting to focus on building muscle and I’m doing at least 3 hours a day. I’ve started walking again with help of my trusty Kaye – walker. Without being on my feet the surgery would be a waste, so it was brilliant. Thanks to your money we’ve managed to get a rehabilitation pedal exerciser which has really helped get the strength back into my legs which has enabled me to take my first steps for a very long time. Thank- you so much you’ve helped me a lot. I’ve been off school for 2 months and I’ve just started back now but I’ll be part time for quite a while. It will be long time before I can bend my knees into the position for my racing chair so I think I’ll be out for most of the season which is really disappointing. Also it was very hard missing the marathon but I just have to keep looking into the future. Last time I spoke to you I told you I was in 2 swimming galas. They went really well and in the first one I got 2 bronze and one gold medal and it was just before my surgery, so I got the thrill of competing one last time before the surgery. I can’t wait to get back into competing and hopefully I’ll be back with more sporty news very soon I hope! George THE KITE Page 6 Service users E-learning M materials any people have asked completed forms need to be Once logged on, the service whether the e-learning returned to the Cannock office user will be able to complete can be accessed by for processing. We aim to enter service users, as they would be an new invaluable training resource users onto the the Foundation Food Safety and system Foundation Health and Safety for within five days of receiving the courses. Once the training has form. many individuals. been completed certificates will be issued. If the certificate has Service users will not be able The Learning and Development not been received within six Department are really pleased to to access the training through weeks announce that following agreement the service’s El-Box, but can training, with Thirdforce, service users, who gain access by logging onto the may wish to do so, can access training website number below. of completing the be the Cannock contacted Office on the on Food Safety and Health and using their own or the service’s Safety through the Aims Perform computers with their username System. and password. The username will be made up of using the first wishes to four letters of the service users access the training they may need surname and first four numbers If a service support in user completing an E- of their date of birth. The Learning Registration/Deletion password is the service user’s form (which are being distributed full eight digit date of birth as to all services on 26th May, along supplied on the form. with an explanatory memo). The The first 50 service users to complete their training will receive a complimentary pen supplied by Thirdforce. Finally, queries if there regarding are the any above please contact Candida Eele or Claire Richards at the Cannock office on 01543 437354. Sarah meets a soap star H Mews ello my name is Sarah from Dixon I live at The was very nice and chatted with in who lives at Smallwood, has adopted an Orang-utan at nearby has us for a while. We were over the moon to meet her, we housemate, went on holiday to wanted everyone to see our Blackpool at The Bond recently photo with her. membership Monkey World for to the rest of the year. Monkey World. Christian’s Here is a lovely photo Orang-utan is called Joly of Christian showing off and he regularly visits her. his Christian certificate donation paid to a £30 the organisation and he now She Myself and Sarah Hart, a fellow Christian adopts an Orang-utan hristian Richards, Street. Northumberland. and met Catherine Kelly, Becky C Coronation official adoption Page 7 UNDERSTANDING INDIVIDUAL NEEDS Fabulous feedback S ervice users and staff from Redbank House recently enjoyed a holiday on the Isle of Wight where they met some lovely people. Chris Hamlyn, manager at Redbank House was delighted to receive a letter from their new friends and has asked if we will print this in the Kite. We are very pleased to do so and many thanks to George and Norma Dixon for taking the time to write a letter praising Redbank’s staff and service users. Dear Madam My wife and I have just spent a long weekend at the Seagrove Hotel I.O.W, we were with C.B Tours with a party of 49 (22nd to 25th April 2010) We always have a wonderful time at this hotel but in all sincerity our weekend shared with your carers and family was by far the most enjoyable ever. Our party are unanimous in our praise for your carers and family. The carers love and duty of care was so evident, hence the family were so happy and had a wonderful time. I know I speak for all our party when I say to experience such a joyous weekend gives us all more faith in the human race. The thought of not sharing their company again would sadden us. We pray we all meet up again sometime in the future. We sincerely hope your party enjoyed the weekend as much as we did and will cherish (as we will) the time we spent together. We were asked to keep in touch by phone, letter and a visit to your house, with your consent and to be arranged with you. We hope a visit can be arranged when all seven of the family and five carers are present. I understand that may not be possible knowing the family spend time with their families and that not all the carers will be on duty. I will close now asking you to pass on our praise, love and affection to the carers and family (the family being so happy due to the carers). With all our love and affection, God bless you all George, Norma and C.B Tours Getting to know you W olverhampton the previous Friday and so it was a good Walsall and opportunity to let Beechtree House had a their families know getting to know you day they Supported on Living Saturday 15 th May. are off to Prestatyn in North Families all met for the Wales first time and got to know th 13 on August for a week. each other. A good day was All service users had a had by all as you can great day. They have all see from the photos booked a holiday together attached. Page 8 THE KITE The Bungalow’s latest project W and ith the getting the days sunflowers and marigolds. As longer everyone snowdrops loves flowering, Spring is truly at The Bungalow strawberries, we are growing those too! on its way! About time as well after the winter we’ve We have been out and just had! Exciting news at bought lots of new tools so the Bungalow; with the everyone can join in the fun. funds we won last year Hopefully from being placed 2 nd amongst residents we have a budding in the We have lots of plans for it, most innovative home at the including growing vegetables Alan Titchmarsh Voyage such as new potatoes, beans Don. Here and Stuart, Staff Awards, we Achievement now have a raised bed for our garden. carrots, as well as i, Alison and Danny us. We both raised £14 each. here! After We would like the swim we all had to tell you about our sponsored something to eat. We enjoyed charity swim. When we got to taking part and we both were the complex we all wore our pleased we helped raise money pyjamas and got our pictures for charity. We hope to do more taken. our charity swims in the future to sponsored swim which we got help raise money for different our staff members to sponsor charities. We then did Bollywood Night T our his is 43 Hamstead fantastic night. Hall Road’s photos for Bollywood night to celebrate Vaisakhi. Here are Val, Andrew and Ray proving what a We cooked traditional foods, wore traditional clothing and listened to Bhangra, we had a great had! time we is Tanya or a Monty photo and of Donna showing our efforts so far. flowers including nasturtium, Treddinoch’s fundraisers H our Page 9 UNDERSTANDING INDIVIDUAL NEEDS Colin’s first time interviewing Report by Sheralee Davies listened to what they had to say. It was good and I enjoyed C olin Emmens chosen was by a cup of coffee afterwards. the tenants of Highlands Lodge to I liked them all, we had to represent them on the panel choose one to be the manager. to interview for a new manager . The candidates were on this occasion all internal and the inter view s were secondment to successful fo r a give the candidate the opportunity to develop in the manager’s role. The and the operations manager outgoing manager, Caroline Woodroffe, made up the rest of the panel. what We chose Kathy - she said she was going to help us try Colin said This is about the experience: new things and listen to what we had to say. I would like to interview again. I enjoyed it”. Colin had questions planned with other tenants and he asked smooth handover and is looking them forward to working with Colin to each candidate. commented presentations on and He their questions asked by other members of the panel. Colin is pleased to say that Kathleen Rackley was the successful and his fellow tenants. candidate and was “I said good morning and offered the secondment. Kathy asked them questions from my will work alongside Caroline and paper. I watched the show and the team for a week to ensure a Caroline is off to pursue other opportunities and will be missed by all the tenants, staff and everyone involved with Highlands Lodge; she has been a great friend and advocate well for the future. Just the job for Derek candidates. This was a job that Derek took to be very important and he had his own questions prepared as he took his place among the interviewers. panel of Derek greeted the prospective staff with a friendly handshake and made them Derek and Michele with a prospective candidate feel asking T his been a busy time at The W i ndbo u n d recruits has to show around. We were all thankful that we had wi th new Derek Preece on the panel interview and to interview some of the for the tenants and everyone wishes her questions. at his ease before important Page 10 THE KITE Social Care Association offer Penpal finder R egular readers may recall that in our April edition Scott Brown from Barrington House asked us to help him find a penpal. We were pleased to forward four letters to Scott from various services around the country. We have now had requests from a couple of service users to help them find penpals—please see their details opposite. If you would like to write to of these either people please contact Sue Evans at the Lichfield Darren is 23, he is tall and thin and has brown hair and brown eyes. Darren enjoys swimming and attends his local youth club. Darren says “I am looking for a pen friend someone who I could chat to and keep in touch either on the phone or by writing a letter. I live independently with three other men in a house in Cannock. In the house I live there are staff who support me and help me to live as independently as I can. I like to listen and dance to music. I like swimming and gardening and during the week I go to various clubs where I meet up with my friends and we chat, sing and dance.” office and she will pass your details on. Alternatively, if you would like us to find you a penpal, please send us a letter stating your interests and a little about yourself and we will try to match you up with a friend. Cathryn is 48 and she lives in Birmingham with three other tenants. Cathryn’s birthday is on 21st April. Cathryn describes herself as a shy and nervous person but she would dearly love to write to people in other Voyage services. Page 11 UNDERSTANDING INDIVIDUAL NEEDS Delightful day in Dundee Imrie, got on the train to Dundee. When we got there we took some pictures of me at the Discovery Boat. We then went into the shop where I bought a few postcards to send to my family. After that we went for lunch at Pizza Hut which I enjoyed very much, I ate lots of pasta. Then we had a walk around the shops and I bought a few personal goods. It was then time to go and meet my family at the H i my name is Jacks. I would like to tell you about my day out to Dundee. Me and my support worker, Karen train station and I went home for the weekend as I enjoy spending time with my family. It was a great day and I look forward to doing it again in the future. Holiday pamper fun A lex, Kirsty, Kelli and Lisa from Rhodelands enjoyed a lovely girlie holiday away together where they spent their time pampering themselves in the health spa and hitting the shops for a spot of retail therapy. An amazing time was had by all! Birds fly into Pindar Oaks Report by AM D Centre the patients were able to pet erek, Chris and Ben him. from the Birds of Prey memorable and enjoyable day. visited Pindar They all had a Oaks recently to give the patients If any services would like and staff the opportunity to fly Derek and his team to visit the birds. them and give them the chance to fly these lovely birds please They took an Eagle Owl, a Barn Owl and a Harris Hawk. Harry the rabbit went too and call him on 07887 562898. Page 12 THE KITE Evening stroll on the farm Report by Paul Barnes H ave you ever fancied visiting a real working farm and having the chance to meet the farmer and find out more about what he does? There is now an opportunity for you to do this as part of an exciting new project that has been launched by L.E.A.F. And (Linking Farming). called Environment The project is “Let Nature Feed you Senses” and is now available free with special areas left alone for nature. The ancient woodland was very interesting with wild bluebells and primroses growing everywhere. On the way back from the woods we saw the sheep and the cows and calves with Henry explaining all about them. Our visit lasted around two hours we had a lovely evening stroll and learned a lot about farming and nature. of charge to all our services . If you would like to arrange A group of service users from Bronte View and Three Sisters arranged a visit recently to a grassland farmer who keeps Aberdeen Angus cattle and a flock of cross breed sheep and had a really good arrived explained time. Henry what When the was we farmer going to happen and what we were going to see. We went to see his bulls first then had a walk to the woods and down to the river. Henry explained how he looks after the animals and also is keen to encourage wildlife on the farm a visit for your service you can contact L.E.A.F. on 02476 413911 or The Sensory Trust via the the internet p r oj e ct or email c o -o rd in a t o r J a m e s T a y l o r who will put you in touch with a host farmer near to you. There are a wide variety of farms hosting visits with all sorts of things to see and do. There are some farms with specialist facilities for people with limited mobility. I hope that you enjoy your visit as much as we enjoyed ours! A colourful farewell from The Windbound staff, residents and worked hard to Andrew Radmall, family send off who has been a resident for nearly ten years and is moving to a self contained flat to be more independent. We all celebrated his time with us T he Windbound has said with an array of photos and of farewell to one of its course his favourite film and residents by having a vibrant music. He also had a Jungle party, themed Jungle Book and Book music from Mamma Mia. The crafted by Richard Peter’s kind cake that was hand and clever wife. Though he will be missed, you can see he was sent off with us all wishing him the best for a bright future. Page 13 UNDERSTANDING INDIVIDUAL NEEDS Bridge House news 2 The garden is looking bright 010 has seen lots of new and wonderful things and cheerful with lots of happening at Bridge House; we colourful spring plants. We are have given the house and garden also a well deserved makeover. patch, in which we will be planning growing Our lounge walls are beautifully a potatoes, vegetable runner beans, beetroot and tomatoes. adorned with artwork that our own We are also running our service users have painted. See Bridge House is also now the proud owner exercise of room, our very which own has an exercise bike, a rowing machine and also a walking machine, which most service users here at Bridge House are all enjoying very much, gro wi ng and also the staff, which makes it competition with a prize for all a bit more fun for everyone to own for yourself. the winner. s u nflo we r become fit and healthier ready f o r t h e summer. Darren’s swimming success The lost glasses swimming recently and been have taking part in three swimming competitions competed I in have breast stroke, front crawl and backstroke. some of I the won breast stroke, front crawl and backstroke competed in races I and as you can see from the photo these are the medals I have won. I swim for a club called the Otters Club M been y name is Darren which Edwards I have Cheslyn Hay. living at Cannock Road for six months. I love is based in W e are pleased to publish Adrian Dunn from Rhodelands story about Marco. latest Page 14 THE KITE Congratulations to…. ...the following people for achieving their NVQ2: Paul Booth - Bramley Grange Leon Hodgkiss – 235 Rugeley Road Stacey Davies – Elliott House David Abe-Johnson – Saddlers Place Eva Keen – South Highnam Catherine Finch – 130 Station Road Dennis Lowe – Fenney Lodge Patience Fordjour – 17 Walsworth Road Kerry Salt – Derwent Cottage Samantha Thomas – 1 Church Road Sheila Barwick – Bronte View Cecelio Lappao – Derwent Cottage Emily Lansell – 37 Copsewood Yvonne Mambo – 804 Walsall Road Adrian Bray – Barley Close Lawrence Tasker – 48 Hafod Road Robert Payne – Barley Close Sarah Pickering – Marner House Sherry Peppard – Drakes Place Rojan Jacob – 804 Walsall Road Sonya Watson – Three Sisters Dennis Adams – Agricola House John Wilkinson – Hall Farm Rebecca Horton – Theoc House Lewis Collins - 93 –95 St Edmunds Church Street ...the following people for passing their NVQ3: Theresa Flynn – Bramley Grange Nathan Whorton – Elliott House Julie Hargreaves – Bramley Grange Stacey Summers – 14 Sutton Meadows Tracey Smith - 14 Sutton Meadows Susan Turner – Maltby Supported Living ...the following person for passing her NVQ4: Laura Vernon – The Lawns Election news - our service users make their choice H ere at Red Lisa, Stephen and Danielle of had a meeting with Ellie our six residents decided before they left where they that they would, for the first were time, like to vote a party information that they would into Government using the need well Liberal Democrats because she is not Great British voting process. informed and independent keen on Gordon Brown or the Labour choice. Party. House The three given to make all a the With an X marking the spot Lisa, Stephen and Lisa was so interested in Danielle were supported by what Ellie and Libby when they Government went into Ilkeston Town Hall that she decided that she and made their decisions on would write them a letter who to elect. Ellie had been explaining to them why she researching made the decision to back Democrat’s, the Liberal Conservative’s and Labour’s policies and the had Labour to them in their campaign. offer C athryn Wilkinson, who lives at Upland Road, went to the polling station to vote for the first time. Cathryn decided to vote for the Page 15 UNDERSTANDING INDIVIDUAL NEEDS Renton Rocks at St Catherines and Highfields in Report by Kim Milne Cambridge. R Court The party was held at the came Montague here in Huntingdon – runner up in enclosed are our photos. most improved service she was unable to attend the party. enton the Unfortunately Well in done Chris and staff. 2009. Staff Chris Whiteman and tenants partied the night away to celebrate on April 23rd, joining them at the party were family members; a good night was had by all. Christine Whiteman managed the service at the time, however she has now moved on to ventures new Parkbrook de stress Report by Jo Sidwell W e have h a d recently s o m e decorating done at Parkbrook, which made some of our furniture look out of place and it was looking tired as we have had it for six years. We realise we are in a recession and are always looking at ways to Anyway we went ahead and you wish to “de stress” the “de stressed” our sideboard furniture, otherwise the staff and a television cabinet which may wonder what you mean! was kindly donated by Croft House. We used the paint the painters had left and all it cost us was a few pounds for new knobs for the drawers and doors. manage our budgets and as We thought you would like we are living in a throw away to see the results, as we are society we wanted to make very use of the furniture we had. So enhance our lounge and make we thought what can we do? Parkbrook look unique from Ellen the housekeeper said we can “de stress”. Well I proud of how they homes with the original pine furniture. thought at first I was working If any of you want any tips everyone to hard, until she on how to “de stress” give us a said ring on 01889 591778. Do say it technique. was a painting Page 16 THE KITE West Farm Cottages Recipe Page PKU Orange and Pineapple Dessert from Jenny Parkinson & Neil Devine Ingredients Base: 50g Butter 1 box Juvela low protein cookies, crushed 25g Demerara sugar Topping: 100g Juvela low protein mix 75g Caster sugar 1pt Orange juice 1pt Pineapple juice Directions low protein mix, sugar and a little of 1. Melt the butter in a pour over the biscuit the orange juice to pan and stir in make a smooth cookies and sugar. paste. 2. Transfer mixture 5. Allow to cool and base and chill for two hours until well set. 4. Heat the remaining into a cake tin juice until boiling pressing down firm then add the paste, and chill well. stirring all the time. 6. Carefully remove from the cake tin and decorate however you wish. Simmer gently for 3 3. To make topping, – 4 minutes. mix together the Sudoku F ill in all the three The answer to last squares in the squares contains all of month’s puzzle is below. grid so that each row, the digits from one to column and nine. each of 5 the three by 8 7 4 9 2 6 4 5 8 9 1 7 2 9 1 3 4 2 3 2 7 5 8 3 9 7 5 8 6 2 1 4 9 3 3 9 2 7 5 4 8 6 1 1 6 8 2 4 3 1 7 6 9 5 4 9 1 3 8 3 7 4 9 8 2 6 5 2 5 7 1 5 8 2 3 7 4 9 6 4 6 7 5 8 3 9 1 2 9 5 8 2 1 3 2 4 6 1 7 9 3 6 4 7 5 8 Page 17 UNDERSTANDING INDIVIDUAL NEEDS Wordsearch E K A H S K L I M A N A N A B N E C I U J E L P P A E N I P I C H E R R Y B R A N D Y L R W I J C E E E A I R G N A S U R U A H S Z P O R T O L R E M E J C E I I N I G A N E B I R W Y K R T T O R A N G I N A E O R D R E Y T S C O G N A C E L R A Y L D M M S A E O C I B F E N A P N I N H E M A O R R R B I D P A V C E L N P L N E E N E E A R D E R S A N A B G D A L L U B D E R A O G I R N L R S B A I L E Y S E D E U I E C I U J T I U R F E P A R G APPLETISER ELDERFLOWER WINE PINEAPPLE JUICE BAILEYS GIN PORT BANANA MILKSHAKE GINGER BEER RED BULL BRANDY GRAPEFRUIT JUICE RIBENA CAMPARI GUINNESS RUM CHERRYADE IRN BRU SANGRIA CHERRY BRANDY JACK DANIELS SHERRY COGNAC LAGER SODA COLA MERLOT TIZER CRANBERRY JUICE ORANGINA VIMTO EGGNOG PEAR CIDER T he answer to last month’s cathedral cities wordsearch is Lichfield and Derby. This month’s puzzle contains the names of various drinks. The answer, which will be revealed when all the words have been found, is the name of a very popular soft drink which is often used as a mixer. The answer will be in next month’s edition. Understanding individual needs VOYAGE Garrick House 2 Queen Street Lichfield WS13 6QD Phone: 01543 442510 Fax: 01543 442511 E-mail: N ext month….. - Health and safety advice - Service user stories - Recipe page - Plus news and stories from our services The July edition of the Kite will be issued on 30th June We’re on the web Artist’s corner T beautiful his month’s Corner Artist’s entry tapestry which is a was sent in by Beverley Rankin from Athelstan Court in Sunderland. Well done Beverley; this is a lovely piece of work! If you would like to see your work featured in Artist’s Corner please send it to Sue Evans at Garrick House, 2 Queen Street, Lichfield, WS13 6QD or email