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YOUR PRODUCTS, THEIR TRANSFORM PASSION INTO SALES. 2017 EXHIBITOR OVERVIEW EAT.SLEEP.BREATHE. HEARTHPATIOBARBECUE EXHIBITION: MARCH 2-4, 2017 | EDUCATION: MARCH 1-3, 2017 GEORGIA WORLD CONGRESS CENTER | ATLANTA, GA MEET THOUSANDS OF BUYERS WHO WANT TO EXPERIENCE YOUR PRODUCTS ON A FULL-SENSORY LEVEL. EAT.SLEEP.BREATHE. HEARTHPATIOBARBECUE EXHIBITION: MARCH 2-4, 2017 | EDUCATION: MARCH 1-3, 2017 GEORGIA WORLD CONGRESS CENTER | ATLANTA, GA | Presented by “ These are very much legitimate hot leads of people who are serious. That’s why they traveled to the show. They’re serious about learning about your product. They’re serious about show specials. So, they’re just really great qualified leads.” 91% of attendees come to meet with potential new suppliers 93% of attendees come to see new products –Carol Rocha, Vin de Flame In 2017, HPBExpo will take place in Atlanta, land of the peach and the home of the Braves. We’re excited to come back to one of America’s hotspots for Southern hospitality, and HPBExpo 2017 is already looking like another great show. HPBA does such a wonderful job of bringing the industry together and the entire Weber-Stephen Products team is thrilled to be part of an organization that has just as much passion for indoor-outdoor living as its vendors. And, as one of those very same vendors for many years, we’ve found HPBExpo to be one of the most critical events on our calendar. It gives us a great opportunity to meet with current and potential customers as well as touch base with suppliers, partners and the media. With so many ways to connect, HPBExpo 2017 is an event that truly can’t be missed for anyone who eats, sleeps and breathes the indoor-outdoor lifestyle. HPBExpo 2017 offers the biggest impact for your marketing dollars. To learn more, contact Anita Derouin at (703) 522-0086, ext. 117 or at … but do it quickly because prime exhibit space is going fast. We look forward to seeing you in Atlanta! Cherie Feely Trade Show Manager, Americas Sales Weber-Stephen Products LLC Only at HPBExpo 2017 will you find so many customers with real purchasing power eager to check out your latest products and make deals. North America’s largest indoor-outdoor industry showcase is the biggest for a reason—more buyers know that HPBExpo offers one-stop shopping for everything their customers want. Here’s where you’ll get invaluable face time with your audience, rekindle existing partnerships and check out what your competition is up to. Add in the easy travel destination of Atlanta and you’re set for success. Hurry! The best spots are being snapped up! Reserve your exhibit space now at THE ANTICIPATION FOR YOUR PRODUCTS BUILDS UP TO THIS MOMENT. No other show delivers such a powerful return on investment quite like HPBExpo. We draw thousands of professionals from every corner of indoor-outdoor living, including retailers, service contractors, builders and remodelers, propane retailers, interior decorators and landscape designers—and for many, HPBExpo is the only event they’ll attend all year. They all know they can count on HPBExpo to be the most comprehensive, most respected resource committed to keeping them on top of the hottest trends, innovations, business strategies and more so that their sales can go through the roof. AN IMMERSIVE EXPER EXHIBITION: MARCH 2-4, 2017 | EDUCATION: MARCH 1-3, 2017 | GEORGIA WORLD CONGRESS CENTER | ATLANTA, GA | “ This is a chance for manufacturers like ourselves to really get one-on-one with the best and brightest in the industry.” –Kurt Rumens, Travis Industries RIENCE IMMERSE YOURSELF IN OPPORTUNITIES. HPBExpo 2017 provides plenty of chances for you to meet and mix with customers on and off the show floor: •T he Outdoor Burn Area is an HPBExpo hallmark, drawing attendees in with the sights, smells and tastes of outdoor products in action. It’s the spot for one of HPBExpo’s most exciting events: The Big Green Egg Cook-Off Competition. HPBA members grill their greatest recipes to thrill a panel of celebrity judges. The Outdoor Burn Area is also home to the Tailgate Monthly Varsity Motor Coach which broadcasts live sports events in the middle of the action. •A ttendees flock to the New Product Pavilion to scope out the newest innovations, and you can showcase yours right here in front of an eager audience. •S hare your knowledge and build your reputation through HPBExpo’s Education Program and Manufacturer-Specific Training. Attendees love being able to learn and earn continuing education credits and certifications while they’re at the show. •T he Vesta Awards are a great way to enhance your presence at HPBExpo, while the Attendees’ Choice Awards allow attendees to recognize their favorite new products from the New Product Pavilion. •G et business done and have fun in a relaxed atmosphere with receptions, tailgating, parties and more! Over 2/3 of attendees are more likely to do business with an HPBExpo exhibitor because of what they saw at the show BRINGING THE H E AT TO Take advantage of America’s most accessible city — Atlanta, Georgia. Atlanta is, by far, the most convenient of all of HPBExpo’s locales for both attendees and exhibitors. More than 80% of the U.S. population lives within a two-hour flight of the Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport—the busiest and most efficient travel hub in the world—and it provides direct, non-stop access from over 150 U.S. cities and 75 countries on six continents. World class and down home. For the second year running, Atlanta ranks among the top five leading meeting destinations in the U.S., and just one reason why is the state-of-the-art 3.9-million-square-foot Georgia World Congress Center. Located in the heart of downtown and 72% boasting 1.4 million square feet of prime exhibit space, the GWCC is only 15 minutes from the airport and is served of attendees are more likely to purchase from a company they’ve never done business with because they exhibited at HPBExpo by two MARTA stations. The GWCC and its neighbors the Georgia Dome and Centennial Olympic Park comprise one of the finest convention, sports and entertainment complexes in the world—making Atlanta tremendously appealing for attendees. “ Atlanta is an exciting market. It draws a lot of people. We always have very good attendance when the shows have been there in the past.” –Kevin Gardiner, Napoleon EAT SLEEP BREATHE A T L A N T A Hartsfield–Jackson Airport 260,000 Passengers Daily Sleep Airline Hub p Delta p American p Southwest p Frontier p Spirit Eat $179/night 8,270 Avg. Hotel Rate Restaurants EXHIBITION: MARCH 2-4, 2017 | EDUCATION: MARCH 1-3, 2017 | GEORGIA WORLD CONGRESS CENTER | ATLANTA, GA | Y O U R C O M P E T I T I O N I S M O S T L I K E LY H E R E . C A N Y O U A F F O R D N O T T O B E ? 2016 exhibitors listed below A.J. Manufacturing LLC A.W. Perkins Co. Acoustic Research AgMotion Forest Products Alexander Mfg. Co. Alfresco Home - Fervor - Fornetto All Weather Billiards Allen Home Allied Powers LLC Almo Corp. Amantii A-MAZE-N Products American Fireglass American Gas Log American Panel / Hearth Classics American Specialty Glass American Wood Fibers Anderson & Forrester Applied Ceramics Aquaforno Ltd. Arada Stoves Arbors Direct ARK Industries Aspen Industries, Inc. Atech Elektronika d.o.o. Aupa Plancha LLC AVW, Inc. dba Max Pro Ayla Networks AZ Patio Heaters Backwoods Smoker Backyard Hibachi BakerStone Bar-B-Clean Franchising Barbeques Galore Basques Hardwood Charcoal Bayou Classic BBQube Beacon Hearth Products / HWAM N.A. Bernard Dalsin Mfg. Big Green Egg Big Woods & Stellar Hearth Products Biotech Energy Black Earth Blackstone Products Blaze King Industries, Inc. Blaze Outdoor Products Blue Rhino Bluworld Homelements BNR Technology Development Bobe Water and Fire Features Boneless Grills Bradley Smoker USA Inc. Broil Chef Buck Stove Bull Outdoor Products Caframo Limited Caliber Range Corporation Camerons Products LLC Camp Chef Canada Grill BBQ Company Candelazo Eco - Casa del Fuego Canterbury Enterprises Capital Cooking Equipment, Inc. CardConnect Cascade Coil Casual Living Central Boiler Century Brass Plumbing Challenger Designs LLC Changzhou Red Sun Garden Equipment Manufacturing Co. Changzhou Wellife Furnace Co., Ltd. Channel Products Chaoyi Craftwork Manufactory Limited Chef Works Chien Sheng Machine Ind. Co., Ltd. Chimney Safety Institute of America Cixi Xingcheng Gas Tackles Co., Ltd. Cixi XinLun Electrical Appliance Co., Ltd. Clariant Corp. Clifrock The Companion Group Controls Inc. The CopperSmith Copreci S. Coop. Cornerstone Architectural Products Coyote Outdoor Living Crown Verity Inc. CSA Group Dampney Co. Inc. Dante Products by Hearth Components DCS by Fisher & Paykel Dexen Industries Diamond Hearths Dimplex North America Limited Diversified Transportation Services Drip EZ Elevate Grill Empire Comfort Systems Inc. ENERVEX England’s Stove Works Enovative Technologies Escalera Inc. EuroKera North America European Home Everburn Manufacturing Evosus EZGO Fiber Resources / BBQr’s Delight Field Controls Fire Glass Plus Fire Pit Art FireDisc Grills Firegear Outdoors Flame Boss Flare Fireplaces Focus Group Focus Metal Products Fontana Forni USA FORREST Technical Coatings Forshaw Foshan Daide Bags Co., Ltd. Foshan Gypsophila Hardware Co., Ltd. Foshan Yizhong Hardware And Plastic, Ltd. Fram Renewable Fuels L.L.C. Galaxy Outdoor / Premier Designs Gameroom Concepts Unlimited, Inc. Gateway Drum Smokers Geny Insurance Group LLC Globaltec Fireplaces Inc. Golden Blount Goldens’ Cast Iron Cooker Good-One Mfg. Grand Canyon Gas Logs Great Scrape Green Mountain Grills The Grill Daddy Brush Co., Inc. Grill Dome Grill Greats / Div. Du-Co Ceramics Grillbot, LLC Grillfloss Barbecue Cleaning Tool GrillGrate LLC GuangLong Development Electronic Co. Ltd. Hangzhou Fuyang Zhenda Gas Appliance Co., Ltd. Hargrove Healthmate International, LLC Hearth & Home Hearth Products Controls Hearthstone Heatmasterss/Steeltech Inc. Heatmor Hebei Hanlong Industrial Trading Co., Ltd. Hefei Xinda Electronic Co., Ltd. Hessaire Hestan Commercial Corp. HG Distributing Hi Flame America, Inc. HomeAdvisor HomeRight Hong Kong Jinyida Co., Limited HY-C Company ICC - RSF IGS Industries - Mill Pac Black Imperial International Imperial Manufacturing Group Ind. San Felipe Infinite Creative Enterprises Infora, LLC Infratech Innovative Hearth Products Intertek Ironhaus Inc. J.A. Roby Jiangmen Dehe Gas Appliance Co., Ltd. Jiangsu Gardensun Furnace Co., Ltd. Jiangsu NUMBERONE Metal Products Co., LTD John Henry’s Food Products, Inc. Jøtul North America KA Fyre, LLC Kamado Joe KBQ Technologies LLC Ketla Kick Ash Basket KidCo, Inc. The King of BBQ’s Kingsman Fireplaces Kokomo Grills / Backyard Accents Kowa-Foundry Co., ltd. KOZI Stoves - APR Industries Ltd. Kozy Heat La Plancha by Eurodib Landmann - USA Lectro Truck/ IMS Lightning Nuggets Inc. Log Style Mantels Longview Products Looft Industries Louisiana Grills/Dansons Love-Less Ash Company Lumina Products Inc Lynn Manufacturing Inc. M&G DuraVent, Inc. MAK Grills Man Law BBQ MantelMount Mason-Lite Fireplaces Maverick Industries Inc. Maxitrol Company Meadowcraft / SSMG Meeco Mfg. Co. Inc. Memphis Wood Fire Grills Mendota Hearth Products MERCATUS Germany Metal Fab Metal Fusion, Inc./ King Kooker Millner-Haufen Tool Company Minuteman International Modern Flames, LLC Modern Home Products Monmet Technologies Morso Jernstoberi Mount Vernon Mantel Company myGRILL Napoleon National Chimney Nature’s Renewable Products Need2Grill, Inc. NEUEX Ningbo Agsun Products, Inc. Ningbo City Gengxin Appliance Industry Co., Ltd. Ningbo Laite Gas Stoves Co., Ltd. Ningbo Wanan Co. Ltd. Northeast Wood Products Ocean Rock USA LLC Ohio Flame Olympia Chimney Supply OMNI-Test Laboratories Inc. ON HOLD : 32 Onward Manufacturing Company Ltd. Operation BBQ Relief Ornamental Designs, Inc. Ortal USA The Outdoor GreatRoom Co. Pacific Energy Fireplace Products Patio & Hearth Products Report Peak Season Inc. Pearl Mantels Corporation Pelican Products Phoenix Manufacturing, Inc. Pilgrim Home And Hearth Alliance Pit Barrel Cooker Co. Plancha Grills Pool & Spa News Portable Kitchens, Inc. Portland Willamette Power Source Industries Co., Ltd. PowerMate / L P International Inc. Premier Mantels & Millwork Company Primagrills BBQ Briquettes Primo Ceramic Grills Professional Chrome Pro-Iroda Industries, Inc. Promat Inc. Protective Covers by ADCO Products Qingdao Genjoy Home Fashion Co., Ltd. Quanex Building Products Rais Rasmussen Gas Logs & Grills Ravelli USA Inc. Revcor, Inc. RLH Industries Inc. Robert H. Peterson Company Royal Gourmet Corp. Royal Teak Collection Rutland Products S.I.T. Controls USA, Inc. Saber Grills, LLC Salt Rox Sand Hill Wholesale & Mfg., Inc. SaverSystems, Inc. SBI - Stove Builder International Inc. SCHOTT North America, Inc. Selkirk Corporation Seraph Industries LLC Service Proz Shangyu Jinlong Knitting Co., Ltd. Shasta Vent, Inc. Shop-Vac Sierra Outdoor Designs Siobhan’s Irish Fire Logs SirVent Chimney and Venting Sisteria Skamol Skytech Products Group Smart BBQ’s + Sirius Hoods Smokeware Solas Southern Specialties Outdoor Living Spartherm GMBH Specialty Gaskets Inc. Starfire Designs Stealth Mfg. Steam King LLC STOK Grills Stoll Fireplace Inc. Stump Chunks LLC Stuv America Style Asia Inc. Summerset Professional Grills Sunheat International Sunny Outdoor Inc. Sunset Bay Outdoor Supreme Supreme Products Sure Heat Suzhou Rainbow Environmental Equipment Mfg. Co. Swiss Grills Tailgater Magazine/ TEC Infrared Grills Technical Glass Products Tegpro a Division of LEDdynamics Telescope Casual Furniture The Outdoor Plus Thermo-Rite Mfg. Total Hearth Touchstone Home Products Traeger Wood Fired Grills Travis Industries Twin Eagles, Inc. Twin-Star International Tyler Net, Inc. UL, LLC Uncle Roast US Stove Company USD Products Uuni Valor/Miles Industries Varsity Motor Coach Venture Products Vermont Cedar Chair Vin de Flame Vision Grills Vitrifrigo America, LLC Warming Trends Waterstone Fire Tables Weber Cleaners by Bryson Industries Weber-Stephen Products Weilburger Coatings GmbH Wells Fargo Outdoor Solutions Visa Credit Card Program West End Brick N’ Fire Wilkening Fireplace Co. Windham Enterprises WoodMaster/Northwest Manufacturing, Inc. World Marketing of America Inc. WT International Trading Ltd. Wuxi Sinyooutdoors Co., Ltd. Yangzhou Fine Electron Technology Co., Ltd. YETI Coolers Yongkang Simple Outdoor Products Co., Ltd. Yuhuan Jinzhan (MYADI) Gas Valve Co., Ltd. Z-Flex U.S. Inc. Zhejiang Futeng Electric Appliance Co., Ltd. Zhejiang Shenwei Electric Co., Ltd. Zhong Shan SANY Electrical Appliance Co., Ltd. Zhongshan KSUN Hardware Production Co., ltd. Zippo Manufacturing Zonzini Stair Climbers IMAGINE THE POSSIBILITIES. HPBExpo is your best chance to connect with your current and potential customers—the people for whom hearth, patio and barbecue is a way of life. Reserve your exhibit space now for HPBExpo 2017. It just takes a few steps: • Visit •V iew the interactive or PDF floorplans •S end the contract and deposit to Anita Derouin, Exhibit Sales Associate – E-mail: •P rint the indoor or outdoor exhibit contract – Phone: (703) 522-0086, ext. 117 •R eview the deadlines and Rules & Regulations – M ail: HPBExpo 2017, Dept. 4014, Washington, D.C. 20042-4014 – Fax: (703) 522-0548
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