AVQA News - Antelope Valley Quilt Association


AVQA News - Antelope Valley Quilt Association
Antelope Valley Quilt Association
June 2010
Volume 33 Issue 12
Quilter’s College
This month's program is called Quilter's College. Four members of our guild will teach one of their
favorite quiltmaking techniques. We'll divide up into four small groups and rotate through all of the
teachers, spending 15 to 20 minutes with each. This is a fun and much-requested program.
Our teachers and the topics they'll be teaching are:
Anne Durr: "Variations on Flying Geese"
Michele L'Heureux: "Kumihumo -- a Japanese Braiding Technique"
Mary Brewer: "Magic 9-Patch" from the 2007 Southern California Quilt Run
Ilana Joffe: "Quilted Postcards"
AVQA member Kathy Amparan will be presenting a trunk show at our July meeting, and she will
teach a workshop called "Paint Your Quilt" on Saturday, July 10. You can sign up for the
workshop at the June guild meeting.
Quilt Show Winners
Hand Appliqued
Home Décor
Machine Appliqued
Mixed Techniques
Professional, Bed
Professional, Lap
Professional, Wall
First Time Entrant
Specialty Techniques/
Innovative Art
Two Person
Best of Sue’s House
Best of Pat’s House
Best of Donna’s House
Best of Judy’s House
Judge’s Choice
Judge’s Choice
Judge’s Choice
Winter Snowmen
Jo Ann Guerrero
Floral Wreath 1930's Reproduction
Lisa Shaff
Midnight Mischief
Ginger Woltosz
Yellow Sunflowers
Lisa Shaff
Autumn Splendor
Lucille J.Bell
Friendship Baskets
Pauline Brown
Day & Night
Sue Leone
Field of Flowers
Darla Hall
Dragons for Bill
Sue Jacobsen
I like Purple
Sharon Hendricks
I like Purple
Sharon Hendricks
Home for the Holidays
Lone Star
Day & Night
Alphabet Garden
Vintage Valentine
Day & Night
Day & Night
Crazy Daisy
Betty Bundy
Darla Hall
Sue Leone
Betty Bundy
Debi Wilkins
Sue Leone
Sue Leone
Margaret Vachon
June 2010
Advertisers! Place an ad in our newsletter and
watch your business grow! The AVQA News is
delivered to members, guilds and shops throughout
the entire Southern California area during the first
week of every month which provides a broad base of
coverage for your business. Please contact Brenda
Simoni at 661 810.0180 or simoniquilts@aol.com.
2010 Advertising Fees:
Full Page Ad: $40 per month
Half Page Ad: $20 per month
Quarter Page Ad: A $10 per month
(or 6 mos for $50)
Business Card Size Ad: $7.50 per month
(or 6 months for $30)
Next Guild Meeting: Thursday, 10 June 2010
Location: Lancaster United Methodist Church
918 West Ave J, Lancaster CA
Next Board Meeting: 16 June 2010
6:30pm at TBD/Announced
Membership Dues 2009-10
Annual Dues: $25.00
Youth & Seniors: $20.00
Guild Mailing Address: Antelope Valley Quilt Association
P.O. Box 4107 Lancaster CA 93539-4107
AVQA 2009-2010 Executive Board Members
1st VP
2nd VP
Lois Rose
Kathy Judkins
Vicki Brown
Darla Hall
Pat Stauning
Cheryl Nieman
Sally Oliver
AVQA 2009-2010 Committee Chairs
Friendship Circles Jill Freer
Sandy Ray
June Brown
Sue Hartman
Bea Wheeler
Michelle Johnston
Eunice Hess
Michelle Johnston
Brenda Simoni
Opp Quilt Design Cheryl Nieman
Opp Quilt Promo Peggy Vachon &
Nimble Thimbles Friendship Circle
Lucille Bell
Eve Hall
Sylvia Darroch
Brenda Simoni
Veterans’ Quilts
Betty Putzka
Web Site
Barbara Roberts
Can you believe it is June already?
Summer is upon us! For those who brought refreshments
in May, thank you. This month, June, persons whose
names begin with the letters P thru T are asked to bring
P ~ Q ~ R ~ S ~ T
Sue, June, Bea
Hospitality Chairpersons3
Happy Birthday!
02 – Fran Bianchi
05 – Bonnie Weatherman
07 – Sandi Borowiak
07 – June Davidson
07 – Karen Stocking
15 – June Brown
18 – Ginger Woltosz
19 – Carol Mac Tarnaghan
20 – Beverly Docktor
23 – Vicki Brown
24 – Louiese Huff
30 – Sandy Jo Ellis
AVQA 2009-2010 Additional Key Positions
Holiday Party
Door Prizes
Karen Stenback
Sandy Huszar
Sandy Huszar
Vicki Brown
Patti Keene
Antelope Valley Quilt Association
June 2010
President's Message
It is Saturday evening May 22. Our 1st Home Tour Quilt Show is over. I heard nothing
but raves about the 4 homes and their beautiful quilts.
Hooray for us.
Special thanks go to Darla Hall and Sue Jacobsen for their tireless efforts to get this quilt
show home tour on the road. At the last quilt show committee meeting, it made me tired
just to listen to all the work that all the committee members were doing. Great job to all
members of the Home Tour Quilt Show committee. GREAT JOB WELL DONE.
~~Your President Lois Rose
AVQA Guild Meeting Minutes
13 May 2010
1st Vice President Kathy Judkins called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m.
She welcomed everyone and requested cell phones be put on vibrate or turned off and purses and bags be placed out of
the aisles and under seats for safety.
Kathy asked for approval of the minutes as posted in the newsletter. There were no questions, corrections, or
additions; the minutes were approved as posted.
Kathy asked for approval of the treasurer’s report as posted in the newsletter. There were no questions, corrections or
additions; the report was approved as posted.
1ST VICE PRESIDENT KATHY JUDKINS Kathy asked if there were any volunteer’s for the position of 1st Vice
President for next year. Kathy asked for volunteers to sell tickets for the Opportunity Quilt or do white glove at the
Long Beach Quilt Show in July. Next month program is Quilters College and Kathy needed one more teacher for a
total of four. Darla Hall volunteered. Thank you Darla.
Kathy had scheduled an LN2QLT workshop in June but she did not have any volunteers to teach or any names of
students submitted for the workshop. This might have to be rescheduled for another time.
2ND VICE PRESIDENT DARLA HALL Darla briefed everyone in attendance on the Home Tour Quilt Show. Quilt
check in was being done at the back of the hall. Quilt check out will be at the homes until 8:30 p.m. Saturday, May
22nd. Need more volunteers at the Kleiner Bldg and Homes.
Preview night will start at Sue Jacobsen’s home at 5:30 p.m. Friday, May 21st. From there everyone will caravan to
Pat’s, Donna’s, then Judy’s home. There will be ballots at each home on Friday night to vote for best of house.
Members will be able to receive a copy of the Mystery Quilt on the AVQA.org web site after the show. The Mystery
quilts will be hung at the Kleiner Bldg. Vendor mall is full. Yea!!!
Darla also had a quilt kit to raffle off for the evening. Pat Stauning won the kit.
Parliamentarian Sally Oliver We had elections for two more positions, Treasurer and Parliamentarian. Julie
Pivovaroff was nominated for Treasurer by Pat Stauning and seconded by Nancy Wolfsberger. Majority voted in
favor. Corinne Gurney was nominated for Parliamentarian by Sandy Ray and seconded by Cheryl Nieman. Majority
voted in favor. Sue Hartman was nominated for Secretary by Darla Hall and seconded by Lucille Ball. Majority voted
in favor. Lucy Kellerman will be Sue’s assistant. There is still a vacant position of 1st Vice President.
Opportunity Quilt Cheryl Nieman Cheryl thanked everyone who took a block for the next opportunity quilt and asked
that the completed blocks be turned in as soon as possible so the quilt can be completed in time for the Long Beach
International Quilt Show.
Membership Michelle Johnston We had 53 members in attendance and 1 new member, Karen.
Antelope Valley Quilt Association
June 2010
Scholarship Pat Stauning The quilt donated to Antelope Valley College for the auction raised $150. The Scholarship
Convocation was Tuesday, May 18th and Pat Stauning presented certificates to our two recipients Vanessa Hernandez,
high school student, and Karen Welling, continuing student. They will be attending our June meeting.
Publicity Sylvia Darroch and Pat Stauning went to Time Warner and did an eight minute segment on the Home Tour.
They also went to the Quartz Hill Ladies luncheon to talk about the home tour.
Show and Share
Completed quilt check in.
Meeting adjourned at 7:55 p.m.
Submitted by Pat Stauning, AVQA Secretary
AVQA Board
Meeting Minutes
May 2010
Meeting was cancelled, no minutes available.
April/May Election Results
Lois Rose
Sue Jacobsen
Sue Hartman
Lucy Kellerman
Juli Pivovoroff
Corinne Gurney
of the 52 members in attendance the voters elected:
2nd VP
to assist
48 approved 2 abstentions
47 approved 3 opposed
Congratulations to our new Executive Board Members
We thank you for sharing your time and talents helping to lead our guild into 2010-2011 season.
As you can tell, our 1st VP position is vacant but there is still time to get on board.
~~Sally Oliver, Parliamentarian
~:~:~:~:~:~:~ Volunteers
Needed ~:~:~:~:~:~:~
Opportunity Quilt to Long Beach Just a reminder that I need volunteers to sell tickets for
our opportunity quilt or to white-glove at the Long Beach International Quilt Festival from July 22
through July 25. If you would like to volunteer, please call or e-mail Kathy Judkins (661-266-9048,
~~Kathy Judkins, 1st VP
Antelope Valley Quilt Association
June 2010
Friendship Circle A Friendship Circle is a small group of quilters who meet to work on individual or
group projects. To join, please contact the friendship circle leader.
The existing friendship circles are:
Bring Your Own Project (BYOP) – Meets 10 am–noon every Tuesday at A-Quality Vac & Sew, 818
Palmdale Blvd. Open to all who wish to come. Leader: Lois Rose, 285.8160.
Circle of Friends – Meets 2nd Wednesday of the month at 10 am at Big City Fabrics. Open to all who wish
to come. Projects include philanthropic quilts for the Shriners Hospitals. Leader: Rosie Hall, 268.2025.
Pins & Needles – Meets first Tuesday of the month in the evening. Contact Lucille Bell at 435.5972 to
inquire about joining.
Silver Threads – Meets 1st Wednesday of the month, 9:30am – 12:30. Full and closed to new membership.
Leader: Delbra Blanton, 943.8689
Nimble Thimbles – Full and closed to new membership. Leader: Peggy Vachon, 940.8789.
One Block Short of A Full Quilt – Meets 1st Tuesdays at Al’s Vac & Sew. Projects include Opportunity
Quilts and PIGS (projects in grocery sacks). Full and closed to new membership. Leader: Cheryl Nieman,
~~From Circle chair Jill Freer
AVQA Active Members
June 1st is the deadline for getting your reservations in for Fall Retreat if you want to secure your
spot, you can make reservations later but the spots may be sold out.......going to Rancho Palos
Verdes Retreat Center 5~7 Nov, checking out on 8th.
All your meals and double Occupancy rates are as follows;
3 nights $270.00 each ; single room $350.00
2 nights $195.00 each ; single room $250.00
for all non-member guest add $25.00 each reservation.
Just keep in mind after 1 Jun non-guild members will be extended the invitation to join us and we
are limited to only forty attending this fall. Call Sylvia Darroch Chairman or mail your checks made
out to AVQA to 1528 Albret St. Lancaster, Ca 93534 or call Sylvia 661-948-6855 to reserve your
spot. Everyone is to secure your own roommate, or we will do our best to match you up with
someone else.
This will be my last notice to all of you as your retreat chairman; someone else will have this
position after the June board meeting. It has been my pleasure and enjoyment securing great
retreat locations, from Rio Bravo in Bakersfield, Ventura, Temecula, Encino, taking groups of up to
75 at one time in years past to Temecula, ongoing reservation at Saylors Sandcastle every year in
the Spring.....8 years of doing retreats for the guild twice a year has been a lot of work but I
wouldn't have done it if I hadn't enjoyed making all of you happy. So next time I'll be sitting right
with you doing my own thing and sewing my quilting projects like you have to your heart’s content.
Antelope Valley Quilt Association
June 2010
LRN2QLT Workshop
I have decided to postpone the LRN2QLT workshop to introduce young adults in our community to
sewing and quilting. This was scheduled for June 12, but I have had too much going on to plan
and advertise it as I had wanted to. I would still like to have this workshop sometime in the near
future, so here is a reminder of the things I'm asking all of you to help with.
1. We will need fabric, tools and sewing machines. Do you have an extra sewing machine and/or
tools that you can lend us?
2. We need kits of fabric for the projects. Do you have more fabric than you'll ever be able to
use? If so, please go through your stash and, by yourself or with friends, assemble one of the
following kits:
Pillowcase: colorful batiks, florals, stripes, or holiday fabrics are great.
Main Body Fabric: 7/8 yard
Trim Fabric: 1/8 yard
Contrasting Band Fabric: 1/3 yard
Star Pillow: reproduction fabrics, novelties, batiks, or contemporary prints
Fabric #1: 12" square for star
Fabric #2: 12" square for background
Fabric #3: 1/2 yard for border and backing
Batting: 15" square
Muslin: 15" square
14" Pillow form (I have already purchased 6 of these when they were on sale at JoAnn's.)
Flannel Rag Quilt: flannel fabrics, light and dark
Flannel #1: 4 yards light-colored flannel (If you don't have that much, you can donate 10-inch
Flannel #2: 4 yards dark-colored flannel (See note above.)
Batting: 63" x 72" (or 9-inch squares)
You can also save us time by pre-cutting some of the fabric. Let me know if you want to do this,
and I'll send you the measurements. Or you can find the instructions online at
Donate a little or a lot. Volunteer to teach if you can. Please get involved with this project. Thank
~~Kathy Judkins, 1st VP
Antelope Valley Quilt Association
June 2010
Antelope Valley Quilt Association
For Administrative Use
Membership Registration
Received: __________________
July 2010 - June 2011
Entered: ___________________
All guild members must complete a new registration form when renewing each year.
Name: ______________________________________________________
Check #: ___________________
Receipt #: __________________
Address: ____________________________________________________
New Member
City: ________________________ State: ________ Zip:______________
Phone (Home): ____________________ (Work): _____________________
E-mail: ___________________________ Receive Newsletter:
by email
by US Mail
Birthday: Month _______ Day _______
Friendship Circle(s) you belong to: ________________________________________________________
If you are not in a circle, are you interested in
joining or
starting a circle? (Check one)
If you are a new member, how did you hear about AVQA? _____________________________________
DUES (check one)
$30 Regular
$35 if newsletter is received by both electronic means and the United States Postal Service
Make checks payable to AVQA.
Complete your registration and pay your dues no later than the July meeting to be included in the Roster.
You may mail this form with your check to:
AVQA Membership
P.O. Box 4107
Lancaster CA 93539-4107
Please be sure to complete the following section. This information helps our guild Nominating Committee and officers fill
openings on our board and committees.
1. Would you be willing to serve as an officer of the guild? Check the positions that interest you.
VP Ways & Means
VP Programs
2. Would you be willing to
chair a committee or
Check the positions that interest you.
Door Prizes
Friendship Circles
3. Would you be willing to
A/V Equipment
Block of the Month
serve as a coordinator or
Community Service
Fabric Swap/Lotto
serve as a committee member?
Opportunity Quilt (Design)
Opportunity Quilt (Promotion)
assist a coordinator? Check the projects that interest you.
Holiday Party
Meeting set-up (tables, chairs)
New member tea
Web Site
4. On the back of this form (or a separate piece of paper) please answer the following questions, if applicable:
a. What suggestions do you have for workshops or lectures?
b. Would you be willing to teach a workshop? Describe topic(s).
c. If you have a quilting or sewing business or skill you would like to have listed in our roster, please describe it.
Revised 4/15/10
Antelope Valley Quilt Association
June 2010
AVQA Program Calendar
10 June 2010
12 June 2010
Quilters College
LRN2QLT Workshop for young adults in our
08 July 2010
10 July 2010
Kathy Amparan—Trunk show
Workshop—Paint Your Quilt
14 October 2010
16 October 2010
Terry Waldron
Workshop w/Terry Waldron, TBD
10 March 2011
Sharon Schamber—2008 Winner of $10K Houston
Int’l Quilt Show
12 March 2011
Big City Fabrics
Beading, Quilting, Crafting Supplies, Fabric, Yarn
43941 15th St. West
Lancaster CA 93534
661 942.7172
Brenda Simoni
Independent Consultant
Document the creation of your heirloom quilts in
scrapbooks with archival quality products and
services. Call or email me to find out how!
email: CreatMemories247@aol.com
2010 Newsletter Submission
Please note the following dates for
submission of newsletter articles
18 June 2010
16 July 2010
20 August 2010
17 September 2010
22 October 2010
19 November 2010
17 December 2010
Antelope Valley Quilt Association
June 2010
Membership Hello everyone! Wow what a
Affiliate Member
Bolts in the Bathtub A Bernina Sewing
great quilt show! We had 67 members, and 1
new member at the May 13th meeting. The
month of July starts AVQA's 2010/11 year, so
its time to renew your membership (if you
haven't already). Please fill out a new
Membership Registration form when you
renew. At the June meeting we will be
honoring the 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 year
anniversaries of our members!
See you at the meeting,
1965 West Avenue L
Lancaster CA 93534-8828
661 945.5541
Quilt & Gift Shop
Loyalty Cards
& Quilting Center,
Sergers, Notions
Tech On-Site
Classes, 4,500+
Bolts of fabric
Hours: Tues~Thur~Fri 10am ~ 6pm
Wed 10am ~ 8pm
Sat 10am ~ 5pm
Sun 12pm ~ 5pm
~~ Eunice Hess & Michelle Johnston,
Membership Committee
Note from the Librarian As always, if
you have any special requests from the library,
please email or call me a few days before the
meeting so I can retrieve the requested items
from storage. Happy Quilting,
~~Michelle Johnston, Librarian
Home Tour Quilt Show Mystery Quilt
Thank you to everyone who helped make the
mystery quilts and pattern the success they were.
The quilts are all beautiful and well-sewn. While
researching a pattern to use, I found the Aunt Sukie's
Choice block. It was first published in The Romance
of the Patchwork Quilt in America, p. 70, #20,
copyright 1935. My job was to find a pattern, divide
the quilt into 5 sections, and use contemporary
quilting methods. Sue Jacobsen did an excellent job
transferring the pattern to the computer with all the
changes and corrections from our proofreaders.
From the time we asked for volunteers to the time the
quilts were finished, we received nothing but
cooperation. Those making the eight quilts for
display are as follows: Fran Bianchi - Christmas
fabrics, machine quilted by Fran; Delbra Blanton African fabrics, machine quilted by Corine Cudney;
Mary Brewer - scrappy fabrics, hand quilted by Mary;
Yvonne Durkos - batiks, machine quilted by Sue
Handley; Bobbie Edwards and friends - autumn
fabrics, machine quilted by Bobbie; Michelle
Johnston and Kathy Judkins, Asian fabrics, machine
quilted by Sue Handley; Betty Putzka - scrappy
plaids with appliqué border, machine quilted by
Betty. Posters for each venue were designed and
made by Marion O'Donnell. This was a lot of work
done in a short time.
Note from the Quilt Show 2010
Chairman and Assistant Thank you so
much to everyone who attended the quilt show
and worked so hard to make it a great
Congratulations to all of the winners. We look
forward to next year's show.
~~Darla Hall and Sue Jacobsen
Antelope Valley Quilt Association
June 2010
Sunshine Ku’ulei Arredondo’s father, William
Cozby, passed away 25 April. A celebration of his
life was held on 22 May at Desert Vineyard Church
in Lancaster. Our thoughts and prayers are with
Ku’ulei and her family.
Sandy Huszar, our Sunshine chairman, has had
surgery to remove a non-cancerous tumor from her
shoulder. We send her our best wishes for a speedy
Antelope Valley Quilt Association
Treasurer's Report
Beginning Balance
Home Tour
Insurance for Home Tour
Printing forms
SCCQG Travel
Home Tour
Home Tour
wire transfer fee
home tour start up cash
Total Expenses
Opportunity quilt and
Home tour pre sales
Quilt Show Vendor
Quilt Show Vendor
Home tour pre sales
Soup Plantation
Total Income
Current Balance
DSW Investments
Antelope Valley Quilt Association
June ~ August Quilting Events
5~6 Jun FantaSea of Quilts Quilt Show, Beach
Cities Quilt Guild is proud to present their bi-annual
quilt show, FANTASEA OF QUILTS! Located at
SOKA University, 1 University Dr., Aliso Viejo.
Please join us! FMI: sandycquilts@aol.com or
8 Jun Valley of the Mist Quilt Guild. Come one
come all to our June Brown Bag Auction. We will
be raffling off fabric, quilting items, books, etc.
Guests are free! Check out the website for location
and times. FMI: rockinb.ranch@verizon.net or
11~15 Jul Camp Watch A Patcher has gathered an
incredible group of experts offering classes in a
wide spectrum of quilting arts…from appliqué,
paper piecing, machine quilting and piecing to
fabric dyeing and embellishment. Tons of fun,
laughter and friendship for all!!! FMI:
21~22 Aug Yorba Linda Quilt Daze VII honoring
Southern California Quilt Guilds & local quilters.
Yorba Linda Community Center, 4501 Casa Loma,
Yorda Linda (Imperial Hwy & Casa Loma).
Admission $7, 10~4 Sat & Sun. FMI: call Franki
$15,142.99 $18,176.54
June 2010
President’s Quilt This year's president's
Feedsack quilts in simple block patterns
• Dutch Girl, Overall Sam, or Butterfly patterns
• Flower Garden, Double Wedding Ring,
Dresden Plate patterns (1930-1950s)
• Pastel-colored Floral Applique Quilts (1920s1930s)
• Red embroidered quilts (1890-1920)
• Crazy Quilts in silks, velvets, or even wool
• Red-Green-Pink Floral Applique Quilts (1850s
and Revived in 1880s)
• Silk quilts made with hexagons and diamonds
• Large Central Star with chintz floral cut-outs in
the white background (pre-1860)
• Chintz quilts in whole cloth, Tree of Life and
center medallion (1800s-1840s)
quilt is a friendship quilt made by AVQA
members to thank Lois Rose for her service
to the guild. Mary Brewer chose the oldfashioned Spool and Bobbin pattern by Nancy
Cabot, 1936, for the quilt.
Mary Brewer, Bobbie Edwards, and Kathy
Judkins organized and planned the quilt.
Brenda Simoni machine-embroidered the
Betty Putzka helped distribute the signature
AVQA members made 70 blocks.
gratefully acknowledge those who made extra
Betty Bundy assembled the quilt and added
the border.
Sandy Jo Ellis longarm quilted and bound the
~~Mary Brewer
Caution: These "easy" quilt dating tips represent
the eras when the particular style or pattern was
popular. Quiltmakers enjoy reviving antique quilt
styles with today's reproduction fabrics. Be careful.
Don't jump to conclusions.
Prepared by Merikay Waldvogel, researcher, writer
and curator of quilt related history, 8/00.
Tips On Dating A Quilt
Quilt dating is a learned skill. Although quilts
follow a time line based on their styles, patterns,
and fabrics, a quilt historian needs to study
hundreds of quilts before she/he is proficient and
adept at placing a quilt in a particular time period.
Most quilt historians aim for a quarter century, and
some feel more confident assigning one date to the
fabrics and another to the quilt itself. Seek out a
trained quilt historian through local quilt guilds,
appraiser organizations, and American Quilt Study
Group. Watch for antique appraisal events, quilt
sharings, or quilt dating workshops.
If you are curious and eager to know more about
quilt dating, look for resources on the Internet or in
your public library. Since the early 1980s, state
quilt surveys have been conducted and their
findings published. Look for state survey books;
find a photograph of a quilt that is similar to yours
in style and fabrics. This is the first step. Look for
similar quilts in other books. Finally, contact a quilt
historian to confirm your estimate.
Here are some easy quilt dating clues and a gallery
showing examples of these types of quilts:
Everyday Quilty Tips
When you finish making a quilt, use some of the
scrap fabrics to make a "pillow case" for the quilt
to be stored in when it's not in use. I like to
make a zipper closing so that the quilt can't
escape. The zippered pillow case acts as a dust
cover, but the scrap fabrics help identify what's
inside. If the quilt should need repairs, the fabric
from the dust cover can be used.
Keep an extension cord in your traveling sewing
machine case. You never know if you'll need one
when you go to a class or a friend's house to
Use those tall storage containers with all the
plastic drawers to sort out all your different
colored fabrics-one color per drawer! Keep them
all lined up by your sewing machine.
When using plastic templates for marking quilts, I
use double stick tape on the back to secure the
template while tracing the pattern. This works
great with large templates as well as small.
Red, White, Blue Quilts with the Bicentennial
Symbol (c. 1976)
Antelope Valley Quilt Association
June 2010
Antelope Valley Quilt Assn
P.O. Box 4107
Lancaster CA 93539-4107
Dated Material
AVQA Guild Meeting
2nd Thursday of each month
Next meeting:
Thursday, 10 June 2010
Doors Open at 6:00pm
Lancaster United Methodist Church
918 West Avenue J
Lancaster CA 93534-3429
2009 - 2010 MEMBERSHIP:
Annual Dues……………...……$25.00
Seniors (62+) & Youth (17-)…..$20.00
Affiliates (Quilt/Fabric Shops)...$30.00
For changes/updates, please contact the
Newsletter Editor, Brenda Simoni,
at 661 810.0180 or e-mail
12042 Topanga Canyon Blvd
Chatsworth CA 91311
Antelope Valley Quilt Association
June 2010