Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church Volume 40 Issue #6 June 2016 THE MONARCH “SALEM CONNECTIVENESS” FEATURED IN LIVING LUTHERAN MAGAZINE Inside This Issue: 2016 Synod Assembly 4 The following article highlighting some of Salem’s outreach activities to the Delaware-Maryland Synod, Catonsville, and the world recently appeared as a Synod insert in the June issue of the Living Lutheran Salem at Oriole Park 5 Stewardship Emphasis 6 HOS Founders Day Celebration 9 At Salem Lutheran Church, connectedness with other organizations and congregations is a way of life. The Rev. David Asendorf serves as chair of our synod’s candidacy committee, serves on the Forward in Faith Campaign Action Team, and is vice president of the food pantry and resource center in Catonsville. In 2015, the congregation gave $67,400 in mission support, the fifth highest amount in the synod. Many members of the congregation are also deeply connected to ministries of their community, our synod and the wider church, including Vicky Whetstone and Melanie Gibbons, who work for Lutheran World Relief. Guy Davis serves on the Estonian-Finnish Task Force; Steve and Sally Kopp are familiar faces as volunteers; and Pat Krenzke serves as president of the Lazarus Caucus, which supports the local homeless shelter. The congregation provides significant support to global ministries, including the Tanzania Task Force and the ELCA Malaria Campaign, where they were the top contributor in our synod. Salem provides office space for the Rev. Gerry Rickel, who serves St. Dysmas, our synod’s congregation inside the Maryland Correctional System, and their building is used throughout the week by eight different 12 -step groups, eight Girl Scout troops, and other community nonprofit organizations. 1 Salem’s New Web Calendar 10 New Sanctuary Altar 11 Youth Room Painting Project 15 Points Of Interest Summer Worship Hours Church Council Highlights Youth News At-A-Glance Salem Activity Calendar Worship Schedule Special Events Attendance/Treasurer’s Report Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church June 2016 The congregation also provides support to new and renewing congregations in our synod. They have a relationship spanning more than 15 years with Amazing Grace Lutheran Church in East Baltimore, helping parish nurses who have provided healthy lunches and snacks for its summer camp in past years and with a recent potluck that raised $3,500 for its “Life Happens Here” campaign. Salem is also connected to Church on the Square, our partnership with the Episcopal Diocese of Maryland, with annual financial support. When asked about these deep and wide levels of connectedness, Asendorf said, “God has called Salem to share its abundant blessings with those in need and the wider church. We strive to answer that call, always seeing it as a holy privilege to serve.” Salem has begun its summer worship schedule. Please make a note of our new worship times. Saturday Evening—5 p.m. Sunday Morning (Early) - 8:30 a.m. Sunday Morning (Late) - 10:30 a.m. There is no Sunday School or Adult Forum during the summer. The last day for the Summer Schedule is Sunday September 11th (Catonsville Crafts and Arts Festival). The regular schedule begins again on Sunday September 18th, 8:15 a.m. and 11 a.m. Rally Day is Sunday September 18th. NEW NURSERY COMMITTEE CHAIR Lois Grempler has assumed leadership of the Nursery Committee. Lois agreed to fill the position of Chairperson, which was recently vacated by Laura Jahn. Lois is responsible for oversight and staffing of the nursery during our late service on Sunday mornings, which presently meets at 10:30 a.m. and will resume to 11 a.m. in September. Additionally, Lois is responsible for oversight of the nursery supplies and room maintenance. Lois may be reached via telephone at 410-760-9151, or email at 2 Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church June 2016 The Council Corner CHURCH COUNCIL HIGHLIGHTS The following topics were reviewed and discussed during the May 17th meeting of the Church Council: · Approved $8,500 for re-carpeting. The Council also approved $6,000 for painting the Narthex. · Christy Hensler-Davis agreed to lead the New Photo Directory project. · The Council approved a motion to allow Memorial expenditures for up to $750 for future worship life items (e.g., altar linens) without Council approval. · Reviewed the Finance Budget Committee Report. The Council will further look at historical giving trends and establish a staffing plan that addresses the decline in volunteers. The Salem church council will not meet during the months of June, July or August. The church council will resume its regular meeting schedule on September 20th. FAIR TRADE WEEKEND - JULY 2ND AND 3RD It’s the weekend we highlight the self-evident truths proclaimed in our Declaration of Independence: that all are “…created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” Imagine being able to plant a larger tract of land or buy improved farm implements. Our support of Fair Trade helps promote the economic and social independence of hard-working small scale framers in many of the countries of the developing world, such as these women in Haiti. It’s better than fireworks! Celebrate Independence Day by stopping by the Fair Trade cart in the narthex before and after worship services on Saturday, July 2nd and Sunday, July 3rd. 3 Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church June 2016 THE 2016 DELAWARE-MARYLAND SYNOD ASSEMBLY The 2016 Delaware-Maryland Synod Assembly was held in Ocean City Maryland from June 2nd through the afternoon of June 4th. Salem sent four delegates: Nancy Asendorf, Guy Davis, Christy Hensler-Davis and Jim Kempton along with Pastor Asendorf, Pastor Dentry and Pastor Emeritus Whetstone. There were over 570 delegates and visitors to the three-day assembly. The big story was the election of a new bishop. The Rev. Bill Gohl, currently pastor of Epiphany Lutheran Church in northeast Baltimore, was elected on the fifth ballot by a vote of 227 -225. There was much gratitude for Bishop Wolfgang Herz-Lane’s prophetic, forward-looking, and mission-minded voice leadership. Bishop Gohl assumes the office in September. Here are some other highlights of the Assembly: · The Noisy Change offering for ELCA World Hunger raised $22,000. Salem contributed $1,000 · The Forward in Faith Capital Campaign, which you will be hearing more about, has already raised 1.6 of its 2.5 million dollar goal · A resolution regarding Justice for the Holy Land Through Responsible Investment, which calls for the Synod to divest from companies that profit from human rights violations passed · The Assembly voted to donate $10,000 in matching funds to Mar-Lu-Ridge in both 2016 and 2017 · We heard about the new venture between the Gettysburg and Philadelphia seminaries which should result in a merger of the two historic places of learning by the fall of 2017 One of the highlights of every Synod Assembly is our wonderful worship. On the final day of the assembly the service included the Rite of Ordination for Bernard Anthony Barber. Bernard, who did a brief twomonth internship at Salem, was presented for ordination by Pastor Asendorf. It was a happy day for the newly minted Pastor Barber, his wife Marie and their family. We look forward to the future with much hope. In the words of Bishop Herz-Lane, “the very breath of God enters our lives every day, bringing new beginnings.” 4 Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church June 2016 SALEM CELEBRATES SUMMER Salem welcomes Summer with its annual reception on the lawn which will be held, Sunday, June 19th after each of the Sunday morning worship services. This time of fellowship allows worshipers that attend either the 8:30 a.m. or 10:30 a.m. worship services the opportunity to see each other and visit while enjoying old-fashioned lemonade and a variety of sweet treats provided by the Christian Fellowship Committee. The event will be held rain or shine, if permitting the event will be held outside on the lawn adjacent to the church parking lot. If inclement weather, the event will be held in the narthex vestibule. Plan to join us and celebrate summer. SALEM AT ORIOLE PARK On Sunday June 26th, Salem has planned an outing to Camden Yards to watch the Baltimore Orioles play the Tampa Rays. Game time is 1:35 p.m. Those who attend can take advantage of an Orioles T-shirt give-away, and fans (14 and under) can stay after the game to enjoy “Kids Run the Bases” activity. In early June, Billie Jo Kreps and Janet Van Sant will be distributing tickets in the narthex after the Sunday service to those who have ordered and paid for tickets. Please contact Billie Jo or Janet if you need to make other arrangements for getting the pre-paid tickets. The game isn't over til it's over. - Yogi Berra SALEM PLAYERS NEWS The May production of Roald Dahl’s Willy Wonka was a huge success. All six performances were sold out shows and the show received two, wonderful newspaper reviews. Special thanks to all who contributed, on and off stage, and as our wonderful audience! Our next production is Bully For You Teddy by Orbie Shively. Auditions will be held in August and performances will run October 21-23 and and October 28-30, 2016. 5 Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church June 2016 Stewardship Monthly Emphasis CARING FOR THE EARTH By James Icardi The goal of Stewardship Committee is to better understand what it means to be stewards of God’s gifts and to communicate with people and help them to decide the best ways that they can contribute to the church, whether that means with finances, time or talent or a combination. People make their own decisions based upon their gratitude for all that God has given them and their personal life stage and situation. Each month, from February through November, Stewardship will feature varying Committees and groups working in a specific area of the church. In June we focus on Caring For The Earth. A bulletin insert will also be provided the third Sunday of the same month that may be used to indicate your interest in making a commitment to serve in the featured area. The Guardians of Eden was established to raise awareness of and responsibility towards maintaining and improving the Earth and environment that has been granted to us by God. Past projects have included: two boat trips through the Chesapeake Bay Foundation for both 4th and 5th graders in Sunday School, a collection of used sneakers to send for recycling to Nike, and a tour of a Chesapeake Bay friendly yard and garden, as well as a book display in the Narthex on the topic of the environment. Salem Church has adopted environmentally friendly practices and we encourage the theme of recycling, reusing and reducing. The GOE has also maintained an active presence at the Delaware-Maryland synod Assembly. The committee participates in Marketplace every year. In the past several years we have donated items for a Maryland basket, which we raffeled off to make money for the Marketplace charities. One year we even had salads at Marketplace to encourage healthy eating. One of the newer projects has been to maintain a bulletin board in the hallway between the two restrooms on the first floor. Articles center around current environmental topics. Salem hopes to continue and to build interest in the important topic of the environment so that future generations will inherit a beautiful Earth. 6 Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church June 2016 SALEM MADE A GREAT DEAL OF NOISE! The Social Ministry Committee wishes to thank everyone who participated in the Noisy Change Offering Campaign during the month of May, especially the efforts of Salem’s Sunday School children who made the most noise in the collection of change. Salem collected $714 in loose change –the church will round this amount up to a total $1,000 donation—in support of the ELCA World Hunger Campaign. The campaign is aimed at targeting the root causes of hunger and poverty, and include programs that improve the health of our brothers and sisters around the world. ARTS COMMITTEE SEEKING CERAMIC DONATIONS FOR ITS MOSAIC PROJECT Save the Date GOD’S WORK OUR HANDS The Arts Committee is URGENTLY seeking ceramic items that are pink, purple or orange for the Mosaic Mural project. Please bring your items to church and place in the container in the narthex. Thank you so very much in advance for your contributions! Please mark your calendars and plan to join Salem members and friends in the ELCA’s annual day of service, God’s Work Our Hands on Saturday, September 10th , starting at 9 a.m. We will have a variety of activities for everyone to assist with that also helps our community. 7 Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church June 2016 SPACE STILL AVAILABLE FOR SALEM SUMMER DRAMA CAMP 2016 The Salem Summer Drama Camp returns for another season. This year we will combine groups and have one camp that runs from Monday, July 11th through Friday, August 5th. Space is still available for campers and no previous drama experience is necessary. This camp is open for children aged 6 through 13. (Some previous campers who have turned 13 may wish to serve as camp counselors in training in return for volunteer service hours). Campers need not commit to all 4 weeks, however the final week when we perform the show for parents and friends would most likely be important to attend. Campers are asked to note on their registration forms the dates the camper will not be able to attend due to vacations or other commitments. The following are the main details pertinent to the running of this camp: We will meet from 8:30 a.m. until 1:30 p.m. daily Just like last year, extended child care is available for $2 per child until 5 p.m. daily We will provide daily snacks and soft drinks, but you should bring your own lunch- refrigerator and microwave are still available We will learn basic theatre and singing techniques We will enjoy both inside and outside games (weather permitting) We will provide each camper with a music book and costume piece that will be used during the show We will meet in our air-conditioned hall just off of our main parking lot Weekly fees are $85 per person with family discounts available. We will perform the final musical for families and friends on the evenings of August 4th and 5th. As always, the performance is free of charge. Registration is required along with a $25.00 deposit. Registration forms are available on the literature table in the church narthex or through the church office. Payment is due in full on the first day of camp. Please contact Don Schwartz at (410) 292-1323, with questions, or if you desire more information. 8 Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church June 2016 THE HOS ANNUAL FOUNDER’S DAY CELEBRATION DEDICATES PORTRAIT Salem’s original church building was dedicated in June of 1850. In honor of this event Historical Old Salem celebrates its annual Founders Day event on the first Sunday of June. On June 5th, in lieu of a formal ceremony, Historical Old Salem members and friends presented a program entitled, “Dedication of the Portrait.” This program focused on Gustav Lurman (1809-1866), an important person who played a vital role in the early years of the congregation. Historical Old Salem member and Chairman of the Salem Archives Committee, Judy LeGath, gave a presentation about Lurman that included information on his considerable contributions to Salem in its beginning and first year as well as information about him as a successful Baltimore merchant and summer resident of Catonsville. The Lurman summer estate, called Farmlands, was located on the site of the current Catonsville High School. Additionally, an official portrait of Lurman was dedicated during this presentation. According to Judy, Salem recently discovered that a descendant of Lurman, Annie Jenkins, had a portrait of him in oil paint. She allowed Salem to photograph it and create a copy on canvas. “This was tremendously exciting, as up until this point we never had an image of Lurman” according to Judy. Following the program, a reception with refreshments was offered in which guests had an opportunity to tour the Historical Old Salem church building and get a closer look at the portrait. Sharon Stanton, President of the Board of Directors for Historical Old Salem, was thankful to all who were able to attend, “We were especially honored to have four Lurman descendants attend as well” stated Sharon. The portrait will be hung at Old Salem. Photos: (above right) Judy LeGath presents discussion entitled “Dedication of the Portrait” at Historical Old Salem in Catonsville.; (left to right) The Lurman descendents standing with the framed portrait of Gustav Lurman: Joan Hoblitzell, Cassandra Naylor, Wesley Finnerty and Annie Jenkins. 9 Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church June 2016 SALEM INTRODUCES ITS NEW WEB-BASED CALENDAR Salem has moved to a Google web-based calendar. This allows the entire calendar to be viewed directly from Salem’s web site at This is a view-only version so any new events need to be posted by Robin Schaefer, Salem’s Office Manager. The new calendar allows the schedule of future events to be available 24/7. However, this availability means that committee heads and other organizers MUST let Robin know if there are any changes from regularly scheduled meetings. For example, some committees do not meet during the summer, but if Robin is not aware of the schedule change, the calendar will continue to show the recurring meeting. This may cause someone to show up for a meeting that isn’t being held or may prevent a meeting from being scheduled for the meeting room. Your cooperation is appreciated. 10 Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church June 2016 NEW ALTAR IN CHANCEL OF THE SANCTUARY Our pastors team have long-yearned for the option of being able to celebrate the sacrament of Holy Communion while facing the congregation. Since 2010, various proposed solutions were offered regarding relocation of the existing marble altar in the chancel area of the sanctuary. However, these solutions were prohibitive due to the substantial cost and potential risk of damage to the front marble panel veneers. Since the evolution of the Saturday evening worship service in 2014, Salem’s Pastors have utilized a smaller table for communion on which the pastors prepare the sacraments while facing the congregation. This smaller table worked reasonably well as distribution of sacraments during the Saturday evening service is offered via intinction, However, Pastor David Asendorf still wondered if another solution might be viable for Sunday morning services. Surprisingly, a solution presented itself during the performance of this year’s Palm Sunday music cantata, “Once Upon A Tree,” in which the congregation participated in communion mid-way through the performance. According to Pastor Dave, “Seeing the small table used in the Palm Sunday cantata made me think we could build a similar free standing table.” Pastor Dave immediately sought the assistance of Lowell Rau to construct a prototype. The new altar is purposely designed to be solid but portable, in order to accommodate its removal during both the Christmas and Easter seasons in which chancel area accommodates the flower gardens and additional decorations. The portable altar is also intentionally designed to frame the existing altar without drawing attention away from the mosaic veneers in the existing marble altar. These in obtrusive solutions were offered by Arts Committee chair, Char Brooks, and Pastor Emeritus Ed Whetstone. “We’re now on our third iteration of the table,” states Pastor Dave. On March 25th, the final version of the movable altar was approved for use by the Worship Life Committee. The Altar Guild is in process of ordering a specially made fair linen for the new altar that will fit the top without hanging over the sides. This new linen is expected to arrive by the end of July. “To date, there have been rave reviews from the congregation and Pastor Ann and I really appreciate being able to face the congregation signifying that God is our midst,” states Pastor Dave. SUPPORT PROGRAMS AVAILABLE THROUGH BRIGHTVIEW ASSISTED LIVING Salem’s Health Resources Committee invites individuals to visit and possibly participate in some community outreach program offerings by Brightview Rolling Hills Assisted Living community. These programs are free and open to all family members and care-givers. There is a family and friends support group that meets the 4th Thursday of every month from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. for individuals with loved ones with memory-related diagnosis. For more information about this and other free program offerings please see the schedules available in the Parish Nurse office. 11 Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church June 2016 BE A WILLING WITNESS SALEM BOOK GROUP When we love someone, we want to give back – to our families or to the Lord. Most of us give during our lifetimes. However, we often don’t think about what we can give when we leave this life and go on to our true Home. Through our wills – or through beneficiary designations of our IRAs, life insurance policies, and many other ways – we can leave gifts not only to our loved ones, but also to sustain Salem and other Lutheran ministries we love. There are many ways you can continue to make a difference in the world after you are gone. How do you want to be remembered? How can you leave a legacy to help strengthen those Christian organizations that support your values? Our Synod has an ELCA Regional Gift Planner, Alice Benson, who is a free resource to help you explore ways to support family and ministries through your planning. She doesn’t sell anything, and is glad to answer any questions you have about ways to leave gifts to ministries in your will or other plans. You can email her, call her 301-9636570 (Gaithersburg), or arrange a no obligation visit to talk about these matters in complete confidence. Please don’t put this off any longer. The world needs our willing witness. The Salem Book Group met on June 13th to discuss The Wright Brothers by David McCullough. The group is now in summer hiatus until September. The next two books to be discussed will be Roots of Steel by Deborah Rudacille, a novel based on the Sparrows Point steel mills (September) and Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress by Dai Sijie (October) The Salem Book Group will next meet on Monday, September 12th. in The Upper Room at 7:30 p.m. 500TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE REFORMATION You’re invited to take a 12-day Tour of Italy and Germany for the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation. The trip will be September 25th to October 6th, 2017. We will see the ancient ruins, splendid architecture and magnificent art of Rome, Florence and Venice. Then we will cross the Alps to Germany where we will follow Luther’s steps through the storied places of our Reformation Heritage. The cost of $3,789 includes airfare from DC, first class hotels, breakfast daily and most dinners, comprehensive sightseeing, porterage and entrance fees, taxes and airline fuel surcharges. The tour is hosted by Pastor Ed and Vicky Whetstone and Pastor Dave and Nancy Asendorf. For a detailed brochure and further information, contact Pastor Ed Whetstone at (410) 788-5475 or The deadline for registration is June 15th, 2017. 12 Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church June 2016 CHRISTIAN EDUCATION 4TH MONDAY BIBLE STUDY The Bible study group meets Monday, June 27th at 1 p.m. and 7 p.m. in the Katie Luther Room. We will be discussing the Parable of the Weeds (Tares) from 13th chapter of Matthew. 2015-2016 SCHOOL YEAR COMES TO AN END The last day of Sunday School was a blast! The Guardians of Eden helped the children create watershed projects. Using spray water bottles it literally was a blast! Thank you for educating us on how we affect God’s creation and for the time you took to teach the children. Several children had near-perfect attendance this year! We also wish to thank all of our teachers: Christie Lassen, Jen McDivitt, Lisette Jones, Lisa Yerkey, Julie Kempton, Janice Ryden-Thompson, Jules and Jeff Rasmussen, and all of those who helped out with Confirmation classes. Mark your calendars for RALLY DAY, which will be Sunday, September 18th! Our theme for next year is “God is awesome!” Come and join us for an awesome beginning to a new year of learning! New stories, new songs and a fantastic time!! SALEM FAMILY PICNIC All who attended the family picnic had a great time! The children were attentive to the talks on Colonial life and the life of Benjamin Banneker. They also had a fun time doing colonial chores! 13 Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church June 2016 SIGN-UP FOR CONFIRMATION CAMP AT MAR-LU-RIDGE Mar-Lu-Ridge has a limited number of spaces available for Confirmation Camp. Be sure to go to the camp’s website and sign up for Confirmation Camp July 17th through July 22nd as soon as possible. registration-forms/ YOUTH IN SERVICE Service activities give our youth members hands-on experience serving their neighbors as well as giving them a chance to know about service organizations in their community. It also gives them an understanding of service as the heart of our mission as Jesus' disciples. We have two Service Activity dates planned for our youth members: We will be working at First Fruit's Farms on July 27th in Freeland, Maryland. First Fruits Farm, Inc. is a non-profit ministry dedicated to growing fresh vegetables and fruit to held feed hungry people in the community. Since 2004, on nearly 200 acres of beautiful farmland and with the help of thousands of volunteers, the farm has provided nearly 10 million pounds of fresh produce to various shelters and food banks. Salem has room for 10 kids and 2 adults. We will be harvesting produce and delivering produce to a local non-profit shelter. Second, we have plans to work at Paul's Place on August 18th. Paul’s Place is located in the heart of Washington Village/Pigtown, just west of downtown Baltimore. Since 1982, the organization has offered assistance to community members in need providing hot meals, an emergency food pantry, shower and laundry facilities, and a clothing bank, as well as programs relating to Education and Job Readiness and Health and Wellness. Salem has room for 10 kids and 2 adults. We will assist with various Paul's Place programs as needed. Emails have been sent to Youth Members families. Contact Miss Anita for more information at I’M WITH THE BAND! Salem is starting up a youth band this summer. If you know a musical kid, please contact Miss Anita. The Youth Committee is also looking for an inexpensive, used drum set. 14 Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church June 2016 Day 2 - Saturday, July 9th (all day) Paint, Paint, Paint Clean-up YOUTH ROOM PAINTING PROJECT My name is Eric Loewner. I am a first-class Scout with Boy Scout Troop 306 at Catonsville Presbyterian Church. I am also a confirmand and youth member here at Salem. In effort to earn my Religious Emblem for Scouts, I am responsible for managing a project at my home church. With the help of Pastor Dave and Miss Anita, we chose the project of cleaning, organizing and repainting Salem’s Youth Room. Day 3 - Sunday, July 10th (afternoon) Touch up work Continue clean up Move furniture back in Install fabric boards for “prayer wall” and “memory wall” The shelving can be constructed on a separate day during the summer if need be. First, I want to thank all the youth, along with Miss Anita and Mr. Don, for their help in cleaning up and organizing the youth room last month. We did a great job taking responsibility and care of the space. But now, it’s time to move on to the second phase of the youth room project – PAINTING. We have discussed how long it will take to accomplish the task as well as the best dates to get the job done. We feel it’s at least a 2 to 3 day job. Given Confirmation Camp commitments, the best week for accomplishing this task is the first full week in July. We are preparing to do work on Friday July 8th, Saturday July 9th and possibly Sunday July 10th. Please let Miss Anita or me know by June 25th which days you are available to help. More hands will make the job go quicker. Any drop cloths or old sheets you are willing to donate would be appreciated. They can be dropped off at any time to the youth room. We are still in need of a new/new-to-us coffee table. If you know of anyone getting rid of one, or see a decent, inexpensive coffee table that can be purchased (new or used), please let us know. Thank you in advance for helping the youth spruce up our room. ~Eric Loewner Besides painting, there are other minor projects UPCOMING EVENTS that need to be done as well. We need to remove some old speakers and equipment before the paintYouth Group Drop-Dates for Summer 2016 ing begins. Also youth group members discussed recycling wood from the large wooden crates to Wednesday, June 29th - 7 p.m. - 10 p.m. make shelving for the room. If there are any adults th with carpentry skills that can help with this project Wednesday, July 13 - 7 p.m. - 10 p.m. please contact me and let me know. Please see the (Water guns and water balloons night)! proposed work itinerary as follows: Wednesday, June 27th - 7 p.m. - 10 p.m. Wednesday, August 10th - 7 p.m. - 10 p.m. Day 1 - Friday, July 8th (afternoon and evening) Prep work Dismantle wood crates Dismantle and remove old speakers/equipment Clean up walls/patch work Move furniture and toys/games Tape off trim, etc. Lay out drop cloths and set up supplies Wednesday, August 26th - 7 p.m. - 10 p.m. Adult volunteers are needed to help supervise. If you can assist please contact a member of the Youth Committee or the Director of the Youth Committee. 15 Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church June 2016 SALEM ACTIVITY CALENDAR JUNE 2016 - JULY 2016 Sunday 19 JUNE SUMMER HOURS Monday Wednesday 22 Thursday 20 21 Yoga-4 pm Chair Yoga-5 pm Men’s Prayer Stitchcrafters-10 am Breakfast-7am Church Council7 pm LWR Quilting-1pm Youth Drop-In7 pm 27 28 Worship-8:30/10:30 am Salem Brass Rehearsal-7 pm 26 Tuesday 23 29 30 Friday 24 Saturday 25 Worship-5 pm 1 JULY 4th Monday Bible Chair Yoga-5 pm Men’s Prayer Stitchcrafters-10 am Worship-8:30/10:30 am Breakfast-7am Salem Brass Rehearsal-7 Study-1 pm & 7 pm Yoga-4 pm LWR Quilting-1pm pm 2 FAIR TRADE Art Mosaic Work Day -9 am Worship-5 pm Vacation Bible School - Mobil Mar-Lu-Ridge at Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church 3 FAIR TRADE 4 INDEPENDENCE 5 DAY Chair Yoga-5 pm Worship-8:30/10:30 am Communications Salem Brass Rehearsal-7 Yoga-4 pm Guardians of Eden- Committee-7 pm pm 6:30 p.m. Prayer Shawl Group -7 pm 6 10 13 11 12 Worship-8:30/10:30 am Yoga-4 pm Salem Brass Rehearsal-7 pm 7 8 Men’s Prayer Stitchcrafters-10 am Breakfast-7am LWR Quilting-1pm Youth Drop-In7 pm 14 9 Art Mosaic Work Day -9 am Worship-5 pm 15 Chair Yoga-5pm Men’s Prayer Stitchcrafters-10 am Breakfast-7am LWR Quilting-1pm 16 Art Mosaic Work Day -9 am Property Committee10 am Worship-5 pm Salem Summer Drama Camp - Reformation Hall - Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church 17 18 19 20 21 22 Worship-8:30/10:30 am Yoga-4 pm Chair Yoga-5 pm Men’s Prayer Stitchcrafters-10 am Breakfast-7am Salem Brass Rehearsal-7 Salem Book Grouppm 7:30 pm LWR Quilting-1pm 23 Art Mosaic Work Day -9 am Worship-5 pm Salem Summer Drama Camp - Reformation Hall - Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church Confirmation Camp - Mar-Lu-Ridge We have a number of community support groups and scout troops who use our church facilities. In order to accommodate all groups, please contact the church office at (410) 747-0720, before planning any events or meetings at the church. 16 Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church June 2016 WORSHIP SCHEDULE June - July 2016 SPECIAL EVENTS June - July 2016 Jun 18 Saturday Evening Worship 5 p.m., Holy Communion June 18 Salem Supper Club - 6:30 p.m. at the residence of Paul and Lynda Bell Jun 19 Fifth Sunday after Pentecost 8:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m., Holy Communion with Healing June 26 Salem at Orioles Park - 1:35 p.m.—Camden Yards Jun 25 Saturday Evening Worship 5 p.m., Holy Communion Jun 26 Sixth Sunday after Pentecost 8:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m., Holy Communion Jul 2 Saturday Evening Worship 5 p.m., Holy Communion Jul 3 Seventh Sunday after Pentecost 8:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m., Holy Communion Jul 9 Saturday Evening Worship 5 p.m., Holy Communion Jul 10 Eighth Sunday after Pentecost 8:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m., Holy Communion Jul 16 Saturday Evening Worship 5 p.m., Holy Communion Jul 17 Ninth Sunday after Pentecost 8:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m., Holy Communion with Healing WORSHIP SCHEDULE - CHARLESTOWN COMMUNITY - 2016 Jun Monthly Worship—Brookside Classroom 11:30 a.m., Holy Communion (Pastor Asendorf and Pastor Dentry) Jul Monthly Worship—Brookside Classroom 11:30 a.m., Holy Communion (Arch Deacon Wilson) Aug Monthly Worship—Brookside Classroom 11:30 a.m., Holy Communion (Pastor Schmitt) 17 Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church June 2016 Thank You Thrivent Members A big shout out to all of our Thrivent members who have sent their Thrivent Choice dollars to Salem. 18 Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church June 2016 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT AND APPRECIATION FROM OUR MINISTRY PARTNERS 19 Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church June 2016 ATTENDANCE REPORT FOR MAY 2016 April Saturday Evening Week of 4/25-5/1 Sunday Service Other Specify Weekly Total First Second 69 153 222 Week of 5/2-5/8 12 88 148 248 Week of 5/9-5/15 14 100 140 254 Week of 5/16-5/22 7 66 112 185 Week of 5/23-5/29 22 48 158 228 Monthly Totals 55 371 711 1137 *Week reflects Monday through Sunday TREASURER REPORT FOR MAY 2016 GENERAL FUND Budget to Date Beginning Balance Expenses to Date $225,846.67 $32,521.57 ($217,852.48) Receipts to Date $219,897.01 Ending Balance $34,566.10 SMART PHONE QR CODE AVAILABLE FOR GIVING Salem allows offerings via your smart phone. Image Salem’s QR code and you will be taken to the mobilefriendly version of Salem’s giving page where you can make your gift via your bank account or credit card. WIFI AT SALEM The Technology Committee has installed WiFi access throughout the church. This free internet access is available to members and guests. Users may access either of our two networks connections: R.S.V.P. Beginning Balance $64,687.58 Receipts to Date $19,128.16 Disbursements to Date ($2,524.96) Balance in Fund $81,290.78 SalemBethanyHall SalemReformationHall The password for both connections is SalemChurch. If you have any questions about our network please contact Technology Committee Chairperson, Amy Pflug at 20 Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church June 2016 PRAYERS SALEM PRAYER TREE I enter this day with joy knowing you are with me every step of the way, knowing there is a purpose to each breath that I take, knowing there is a hope toward which I walk. I enter this day with faith knowing you are the strength which I depend on, knowing you are the love that is all embracing, knowing it is your peace which calms my soul. ~John Birch “Intercessory prayer can penetrate the hearts of those we cannot open and shield those we cannot guard and teach where we cannot speak and comfort where our hearts have no power to soothe. Prayer with its unseen hand, can enter where we may not.” If you would like to join the Salem Prayer Tree, please contact Sue O’Connor via telephone at (410) 869-0242, or via email at I place my days in yours I place my thoughts in yours, Lord I place my thoughts in yours I place my heart in yours, Lord I place my heart in yours I place my life in yours, Lord I place my life in yours. ~David Adam I place my hands in yours, Lord I place my hands in yours I place my will in yours, Lord I place my will in yours I place my days in yours, Lord OFFICIAL ACTS AT THE FONT “We pray you...keep our children in the covenant of their baptism and enable their parents to rear them in a life of faith and godliness.” Lorelai Lynn Stevens - May 15, 2016 Charles Nash - May 29, 2016 Jack Nash - May 29, 2016 AT THE GRAVE “For the assurance and hope of our faith and for the saints whom you have received into your eternal joy, we thank you heavenly Father.” Mary Jane Reichert - June 1, 2016 *Not a member of Salem 21 Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church June 2016 PARISH LEADERS Archive Committee: Judy LeGath Arts Committee: Charlotte Brooks Child Protection Committee: Linda Fleischer Children’s Ministry Committee: Sharon Stanton Christian Fellowship Committee: Darla Sando Pam Wilsey Communications Committee: Guy Davis Amy Porter Evangelism Committee: Nick Mason Finance Committee: Paul Timmel Guardians of Eden: Norma Hensler-Davis Health Resources: Beth Rodgers Lynda Bell Historical Old Salem: Sharon Stanton Memorial and Bequests: Paul W. Krabitz Mutual Ministry (Pastor Asendorf): Julie Kempton Nursery Committee: Lois Grempler Personnel Committee: Scott Graham Property: David Rau Salem Players: Lisa Yerkey Scholarship: Ed Orser Social Ministry: Sherry Icardi Stewardship Committee: James Icardi Technology Support Committee: Amy Pflug Lisa Yerkey Youth Ministry Committee: David Paton Worship Life: Peggy Medicus Altar Guild: Amy Porter Prayer Tree Coordinator: Sue O’Connor 22 Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church June 2016 ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church Office Telephone: (410) 747-0720 Pastor: David K. Asendorf Pastor Ann E. Dentry Pastor Emeritus: G. Edward Whetstone CHURCH COUNCIL LEADERSHIP President: James Kempton Vice-President: Christy Hensler-Davis Secretary: Vicky Whetstone Financial Secretary: Beth Massey Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministry: Anita Lane Treasurer: Sally Kopp Director of Children’s Ministry: Elizabeth Rickel Congregation Connector: Guy Davis Director of Music: Mary Miller CHURCH COUNCIL Saturday Worship Musician: Alex Tragert Office Manager: Robin Schaefer Carol Davis David Douthat David Fries Judy LeGath Mary Caroll-Mason Ben Massey Thad Shepherd Carolyn Vasold Mary Kay Willing Sexton: Lirije Alaj COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE AND CONTRIBUTING STAFF Committee Co-Chairs Guy Davis Amy Porter Committee Members Karen Amy Aaron Koos Mary Carroll-Mason Sandy McNair Carolyn Moore Bethann Snyder Contributing Writers Edward Whetstone Contributing Photographers Guy Davis Sherry Icardi Larry Kohlenstein NEXT MONARCH PUBLICATION July 17, 2016 (Article submission deadline is Monday, July 11, 2016 If you are interested in participating on the Communications Committee, or contributing as a ad-hoc writer or photographer, please contact either of our committee chair-persons. Proofreading Lois Grempler Sue O’Connor Ike Porter 23 Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church June 2016 Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church strives to be a Christcentered, caring community experiencing God’s grace and sharing God’s goodness with all people. 905 Frederick Road Catonsville, MD 21228-4517 T: (410) 747-0720 We are on the Web! Evangelical Lutheran Church In America Delaware-Maryland Synod SALEM EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH 905 Frederick Rd. Catonsville, MD 21228-4517 Change Service Requested TIME VALUE [Recipient] Address Line 1 Address Line 2 Address Line 3 Address Line 4 24