January 2015 - Alamo Squadron
January 2015 - Alamo Squadron
J AN U ARY 2 0 1 5 REMEMBER THE ALAMO… SQUADRON MODEL FIESTA!! February 21, 2015 I P M S / U S A 1998-1999 & 2004-2005 CHAPTER OF THE YEAR The Prez Notes I hope everyone at the December meeting enjoyed the Big Feed and the White Elephant Gift Exchange, which in the end produced some spirited “exchanges.” Thanks to Dick for bringing drinks and to everyone who brought food, especially to Herb Scranton for the amazing Alamo Squadron cake. At the January meeting, we’ll have a program called “Modeling Basics: Sticky Stuff (Glues and Applicators).” Also, at the January meeting, we’ll resume the incredible Show ‘n Tell and our suspenseful Raffle. •February: Rob Booth’s Spitfire Vb •March: John Kress’s 1969 Z28 Camaro •April: Rob Booth’s 1/48 Bf-109B •May: Peter Ortensie’s 1955 Chevy Pickup •June: Mike Picard’s 1/35 “Stalin’s Revenge” •July: Jeff Alberthal’s 1/48 F-18 •August: Kent Knebel’s 1/48 Hobby Boss P-80 •September: Henry Nunez’s 54mm Gordon Highlander •October: Randy Barnes’ 1/48 Matchbox FJ-4B •November: Dana Mathes’ 1/35 Tamiya Marder IIIM I’ll bet you’ve been thinking about the The monthly contest is “Model of the many ways you can pitch in to help at Year,” for which only the previous ModelFiesta in February. It just so year’s monthly first-place models are happens we’ll have sign-up sheets at eligible. We will also have an ABC Zero the January meeting! Challenge contest. I hope to see you all at 7:15 on The challengers for Model of the Year January 8th. Until then, Happy are: Holidays to All! Alamo Squadron – January 2015 Alamo Squadron – January 2015 3 Alamo Squadron – January 2015 4 2015 Internal Contest Schedule by Mike Picard January – Model of the July – Open Year (2014 Monthly and Quarterly1st Place winners are eligible to compete) August – The 1950s (Quarterly Contest) February – The 1930s (Quarterly Contest) September – Open March – Open October – Anything American in Foreign Service. April – Open May – Design and Concept: Anything that existed only on paper, was started but never finished or was completed in prototype form only. (Quarterly Contest) June – Open November – Kitbash: Use parts from different kits to build something that never existed. (Quarterly Contest) December – Christmas Party Alamo Squadron – January 2015 5 Report on Mauradercon XIV By Rick Warring I recently had the opportunity to fly to my wife’s home turf of New Jersey on “emergency family business”. Naturally, I immediately checked the IPMS USA site to see if there were any shows in the vicinity. Happily, the Baltimore & Washington D.C. clubs were co-hosting Mauradercon 14 on Saturday the 15th of November. Awesome! Nationals aside, this was my first show outside of Region 6. I regret not snatching up a 1/700 Dragon USS San Diego for $15, but I had no room in my carry on. In hind sight I should have thrown out some dirty underwear. Anyway, the show was well worth the five hour drive, despite the additional $ 12 in tolls on the homeward leg to the journey. After a relaxing 2 ½ hour drive through a countryside where half of the beautiful autumn leaves were still on the trees, I arrived at the Hilton, White Marsh on the northern edge of Baltimore. Warning! Mid-Atlantic drivers are very aggressive and don’t seem to understand the concept of speed limits. I should also mention the $13.45 in various tolls (Delaware makes out like a bandit). I have a dumb phone, so no pics. Check out their site at mauradercon.org. The show was great. The model show space was about half the size of ours, but it was very well organized with wide aisles for the 500 or so entries by my count. The quality of entries was generally very high. The highlight for me was the armada of ship models. All together there were 45 models in four categories, and 29 were my guys, small scale powered surface vessels. Two other categories that stood out in my mind were very large 72nd scale armor and pre-WWII military aircraft categories. There was also a WWII super brothel diorama that had more types of civilian figures than I would ever have thought existed. Alamo Squadron – January 2015 6 Next meeting: 7:15 p.m. Thursday, January 8th, at Northside Ford on 12300 San Pedro. January 24, 2015 Calmex XXIX IPMS/SWAMP Recreation District 1 Complex 1221 Sampson Street Westlake, Louisiana February 21, 2015 ModelFiesta XXXIV IPMS Alamo Squadron San Antonio Event Center 8111 Meadow Leaf Dr. San Antonio, Texas March 14, 2015 Showdown 2015 25th Annual Metroplex Car Modelers Association Dr Pepper Star Center Farmers Branch 12700 N Stemmons Frwy Farmers Branch, Texas 7234 March 28, 2015 Great South Tigerfest XXII IPMS/New Orleans-Flying Tigers Scale Modelers St. Jerome Knights Of Columbus Hall 3310 Florida Ave. Kenner, Loisuana LIKE US ON FACEBOOK!!! www.facebook.com/alamosquadronipms Alamo Squadron – January 2015 7 Alamo Squadron – January 2015 8 Information 2014-2015 IPMS/USA Alamo Squadron: The Club was founded in 1977 in San Antonio, Texas, for the enjoyment of building scale models and the camaraderie of the members. Dues are normally $12.00 a year, due when the Treasurer tells you. President: Art Nicholson IPMS# 36967 president@alamosquadron.com The Alamo Squadron has been putting on ModelFiesta since 1981. Locations have included the Wonderland Mall, a Holiday Inn, the Seven Oaks Motel & Convention Center, the Live Oak Civic Center and the new location for 2013, the San Antonio Event Center. Vice-President: Henry Nunez IPMS# 49498 vp@alamosquadron.com Treasurer: Dick Montgomery IPMS #14003 sec-treas@alamosquadron.com QR Code for our Web Site Scan it with your cell phone’s QR software to get to our web site! QR Code for our Facebook Page Scan it with your cell phone’s QR software to get to our ARTICLES!! ARTICLES!! We need your writing skills for the newsletter! All submission must be turned in by the 20th of the month prior to next month’s meeting. Send your input to Gary Emery at gary@hillcountryhobby.com Alamo Squadron – January 2015 9 The Alamo Squadron Newsletter is published monthly by IPMS/USA Alamo Squadron of San Antonio, for the information and enjoyment of the members of the Alamo Squadron and its friends around the world. Articles, reviews, news items, ads to buy, sell or trade, and other contributions are very welcome. Send text file, photos and web sites to Gary Emery: gary@hillcountryhobby.com Support your Local Hobby Shops For models, paints, books, decals, tools and more! eMail: dibbleshobbies@gmail.com Web page: http://www.hobbytown.com/txsa Web page: http://www.hillcountryhobby.com/ Alamo Squadron – January 2015 10
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