F Newsletter August-September - Vernon County
F Newsletter August-September - Vernon County
THE VOICE OF 4-H Vernon Vol. 2016 Issue 314 August/September VERNON COUNTY UW-EXTENSION STAFF Colleen B Pulvermacher Karen Ehle-Traastad 4-H Youth Development Educator Family Living Agent, Department Head colleen.pulvermacher@ces.uwex.edu karen.ehle-traastad @ces.uwex.edu Sonya Lenzendorf Sheena Cook-Fuglsang WNEP Coordinator WNEP Educator sonya.lenzendorf@ces.uwex.edu sheena.cook-fuglsang@vernoncounty.org Linda Morrison Cindy Daniels Ag & Family Living Administrative Assistant 4-H Administrative Assistant linda.morrison@vernoncounty.org cynthia.daniels@ces.uwex.edu Website Address: http://vernon.uwex.edu/ Requests for reasonable accommodations for disabilities or limitations should be made prior to the date of the program or activity for which it is needed. Please do so 10 days before the program activity so that proper arrangements can be made. An EEO/Affirmative Action Employer, University of WisconsinExtension provides equal opportunities in employment and programming, including Title IX and DA. Extending the resources and knowledge of the University of Wisconsin system to the people of Vernon County. 4-H Focuses on….. Decision Making TABLE OF CONTENTS Problem Solving Relating to Others Masthead Note From Lindsey/Window Display/ 2016-2017 Enrollment Club News/Calendar Raffle September Calendar October Calendar 4-H Leader/Parent Federation Note 4-H Trip Awards/Space Camp Food Stand Schedule Fair Entry Day/Dog Project/H &P Project Dairy Project News Shooting Sports/Vegetable Entry Info Project Activity Report pg 1 Project Activity Report pg 2 Advanced Space Camp Fall Forum/Volunteer Info WNEP/Recipe What’s Going On Planning and Organizing Learning to Learn Communicating with Others Leading Self and Others Relating to Change Applying Science & Technology Developing Self Mental and Physical Health Vernon County 1 Pg 1 Pg 2 Pg 3 Pg 4 Pg 5 Pg 6 Pg 7 Pg 8 Pg 9 Pg 10 Pg 11 Pg 12 Pg 13 Pg 14 Pg 15 Pg 16 Pg 17 A Note from Lindsey: Wow, what a great summer it has been! I can’t believe it is almost over! Coming into this summer, I was very excited for this new opportunity in Vernon County. Believe me when I say Vernon County definitely did not disappoint! Vernon County has given me a new perspective on 4-H Youth Development and knowledge that I know will help me become a stronger educator. One of the many highlights of my summer has been working with Colleen and Mary Mulvaney-Kemp from Viroqua McIntosh Memorial Library on a program called Food, Fun, and Fitness where our CHAT (Choose Health Action Teens) members taught six lessons about healthy habits to youth. It has really shown me the importance and benefits of collaboration within the community. Without Mary’s enthusiasm and willingness to work with our program, we wouldn’t be able to offer experiences such as Food, Fun, and Fitness to the youth of Vernon County. Another highlight of this summer was being able to see the whole process of planning 4-H Camp. From planning meetings, to training our counselors, to actually going to camp it was an adventure the whole way. It was a learning experience to see the entire process that goes into planning a three-day camp. I am very thankful that Colleen allowed me to be part of the whole process, since that is pre-professional experience at its best! I would like to thank all of the members, volunteers and parents that have made my time here in Vernon County so wonderful! It’s truly been a pleasure to work with all of you. I would also like to thank everyone at the UWExtension Office for their support and for being so welcoming. Last but not least I want to extend a big thanks to the Leader/Parent Federation and the Ag & Extension Committee for their support. Thanks so much for a wonderful summer! Lindsey Jerdee 2016 National 4-H Window/Business Display Challenge October 23rd – 29th, 2016 This is a voluntary Club Level Challenge To better promote National 4-H Week, each club is challenged by the Vernon County 4-H Leader/Parent Federation to create a window or promotional display in a business within their area of Vernon County. Entry Deadline: Monday, October 17, 2016 Complete information can be found on our website: http://vernon.uwex.edu 2016-2017 4-H Calendar Year Re-Enrollment Online open enrollment available September 1st! It is time to start thinking about the re- enrollment and new enrollment process for the upcoming 4-H calendar year of 2016-2017! Registration for all 4-H enrollments are done online at https://wi.4honline.com. Reminder! All fees will be collected at the club level . Please check with your club leader for your clubs rules regarding enrollment. Please Note! A 4-H member will not show “actively” enrolled until all fees have been paid to and “confirmed” by your club leader and subsequently turned into the Extension Office to be “accepted”. Check with your club leader for club deadline. A $5.00 late fee applies to all re-enrollments received by the Extension Office after November 15th deadline. 2 Enterprise Eagles—Morgan Sagler August: Our last meeting was held on August 7, 2016 at 1:00pm at the Chaseburg Village Hall. Twenty-one members were present and Vice President Austin Klum called the meeting to order. Gretchen Gettelman and Ryssa Hoff lead pledges and I did roll call. Katie Mislivecek read the Treasurer's report and I read the Secretary's report. Both were approved as read. We discussed old business which was 4-H camp, trout fest, and shooting sports. Then we discussed new business which included the fair. Jeremiah Wieczorek made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Pearl Sikora seconded it. The meeting ended at 1:55pm. After the meeting some members showed projects that they are taking to the fair. Mapledale Motivators/Rt. 56 4-H—Christian Nelson May, June, and July 2016: The Mapledale Motivators/ Rt. 56 4-H club had meetings on May 16th, June 12th, and July 24th at the Vernon Memorial Hospital meeting rooms. At the May meeting, 18 club members were present. The club did ceramics as a project for the fair in September, had a pizza party, and talked about upcoming 4-H events in the area. At the June meeting, 22 club members were present. A potluck lunch was shared, club members stuffed and sewed pillows for their community service project for Gunderson Lutheran Hospital Children's Surgery in Lacrosse, and talked about upcoming 4-H events in the area. At the July meeting, 17 club members were present. A potluck lunch was shared, enrollment for fair projects was done, and planning was discussed for activities, community service, and education for the upcoming 4-H year. The next club meeting will be held on August 14th, 2016 at the Vernon County Fair Grounds. Club members will help clean the 4-H Food Stand. Mapledale Motivators/Rt. 56 4-H—Christian Nelson August: The Mapledale Motivators/ Rt. 56 4-H club met at the Vernon County Fair Grounds 4-H Food Stand on August 14th, 2016. Twenty one club members were present. A potluck lunch was shared, parts of the 4-H food stand was cleaned by members, and club members talked about the upcoming 4-H fair. Also rockets that were made by club members at an early meeting were launched in the fairgrounds field. The next club meeting will be held on September 11th, 2016 at the Vernon County Fair Grounds 4-H Food Stand. Rainbow Reachers—Abigail Wileman August: The Rainbow Reachers 4-H Club had a meeting on July 31 at the Fortney's house. Asher Fortney led the Pledge of Allegiance. Ella Fortney led the 4-H Pledge, and did roll call and the secretary's report. Everyone who went to 4-H Camp told us what they did there. We talked about Stuff the Bus and what it would involve. We discussed the upcoming Wild West Days. Abi Wileman made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Ella Fortney seconded the motion. The motion was passed. 4-H Calendar Raffle Ticket Reminder! Each 4-H member should have received 3 calendar raffle tickets to sell. Two thousand tickets are expected to be sold this year. As each winning ticket is drawn, the 4-H member who signed the back of the ticket will also win a $5 gift card. Gift cards will be distributed to club leaders at the conclusion of the raffle. All sold and unsold tickets, along with the payment, is to be turned into your club treasurer by September 23rd. Any checks you receive for payment of tickets should be made out to your 4-H Club. One check from the club is then turned into the Extension office. 3 September 2016 Sun 4 Mon 5 Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 4-H online 2 opens for 20162017 reenrollment Advanced Space Camp Registration Deadline! 3 6 7 8 9 10 13 14 15 16 17 22 23 24 Office Closed 11 12 4-H State Horse Expo Vernon Co. Fair! 18 4-H State Horse Expo and Vernon Co. Fair Ends 19 25 26 20 21 Calendar Raffle Tickets Deadline 27 28 29 4 30 October 2016 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 4-H Calendar Year Begins! 2 3 National 4 10 16 23 9 5 Week Carcass Evaluation Night 6 7 8 11 12 13 14 15 17 Window Display Challenge Entry Deadline 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 4—H Federation Meeting Window Display Challenge 30 31 5 Notes from the 4-H Leader Parent Federation: Adult volunteers serve our 4-H youth in many ways. Please consider the following opportunities. Recognition Committee new member needed – 3 year term, starts this fall Focus: Assist in the annual selection process for 4-H youth award trips and Key award recipients The Recognition Committee is a subcommittee of the Vernon County Leader/Parent Federation. Any 4-H volunteer in good standing may serve as a recognition committee member. There are three representatives serving staggered three year terms so that a new member is joining the committee each year. The committee typically meets 2-3 times each year- after the application deadline to score paperwork and set up interview times, to conduct interviews and then to wrap up the year if needed. Scholarship Committee new member needed – 3 year term, starts spring of 2017 Focus: Assist in the annual selection process for 4-H Scholarship recipients The Scholarship Committee shall consist of three members serving a term of three years. Thus, a new member will be selected each year by the Federation. The person with the most seniority shall serve as chairperson of the committee. Their responsibilities will include public relations, making scholarship forms available to applicants, naming the Selection Committee, and revising the form when deemed necessary. Please note: The Scholarship Committee may not be the same as the Scholarship Selection Committee. It is possible that an individual may be on both, but no parent of an applicant or anyone with close ties to an applicant shall be on the Selection Committee. The committee typically meets 1-2 times per year. Leader Parent Federation Officers Needed – 2 year terms --4-H Adult Volunteers with knowledge and experience in our county 4-H program, along with a willingness to learn, are well positioned to enjoy serving on the Federation. --An interest in serving all aspects of the county 4-H program, as opposed to a specific project, best serves our 4-H youth. --Consistent attendance is needed at the monthly 4-H Leader Parent Federation Meetings. (Held on the 2nd Sunday evening of the month, 6 p.m. at the UW-Extension Office. Meetings generally last about an hour). --Computer access and proficiency with Microsoft word and e-mail is essential. Vice President The role is a two year term, the first year being a support to the President of the federation and the second year to moving into the President role. Duties include: Filling in for executive officers that may not be able to attend a meeting, including leading the Federation meeting if the President is not able to attend. Serve as chairman of the promotion committee. Assist in providing 4-H officer training. Secretary This position is a two year term. Duties include: Shall keep minutes of the meeting of the General Membership and Federation Board meetings. The secretary shall work with the Extension Office in getting out special correspondence and communications as necessary. For further information or if you have questions regarding these volunteer opportunities, contact: UW-Extension Office, 637-5276, Hassan Fortney, 790-0476 or Cheryl Rebhahn, 637-2209. 6 Vernon County 4-H Trip Awards Interested in applying for a Vernon County 4-H 2017 Trip Award? Complete trip award packets will be available at the Extension Office and on our website http://vernon.uwex.edu. The Vernon County 4-H Leader Parent Federation generously funds a portion of the cost of award trips and Space Camp for 4-H members in good standing. Additional funding may be available if there is financial hardship. Contact Colleen for a confidential discussion, 637-5276 or colleen.pulvermacher@ces.uwex.edu. Youth are highly encouraged to talk to 2016 award trip delegates to hear first hand about their experiences! National 4-H Conference Where: Washington D.C. When: March 24-30, 2017 Program Costs Registration fees include transportation from central locations (except Wisconsin 4-H & Youth Conference), lodging, most meals; orientation and program support materials. Qualified and trained Wisconsin 4-H Adult Advisors accompany youth groups. Wisconsin 4-H Foundation sponsors a portion of the fees to decrease costs for county 4-H participants. The Vernon County 4-H Leader Parent Federation generously funds a portion of the cost of these trips for 4-H members in good standing. The remaining amount is the responsibility of the delegate and his/her family. Estimated total registration fees: Citizenship Washington Focus (CWF) $1200 National 4-H Conference $1200 National 4-H Congress $1200 Wisconsin 4-H & Youth Conference $240 Wisconsin 4-H & Youth Conference Where: UW Wisconsin- Madison When: June 26-29, 2017 2016 Participant-Joseph Roethel Citizenship Washington Focus Where: Washington D.C. When: June 17-25; June 24-July 2; or July 8-16 2016 Participant– Josh Rebhahn National 4-H Dairy Conference Where: UW-Madison Campus When: TBD National 4-H Congress Where: Atlanta, Georgia When: Nov. 24-28, 2017 2016 Participants –Austin Klum, Rachel Nigh and Sabrina Servais Other 4-H Trip Opportunity! Space Camp Where: Huntsville, Alabama When: April 20-24, 2017 See page 14 of this newsletter with exciting information regarding advanced Space Camp! Delegates participate in hands-on mock space missions and other activities in this NASA program while exchanging ideas with youth from across Wisconsin. Qualifications: Be in 6th-8th grade at time of trip. Maximum age 15 at time of trip; carry county approval through time of trip; delegate selection process varies by county. Estimated total registration fee: Space Camp $550 - This trip is funded by Vernon County 4-H L/P Federation, $200 towards cost for up to the six first time trip participants. 2016 Space Camp Participants: Evan Bakkum, Drake Kumlin and Tanner Pedretti! 7 2016 4-H FOOD STAND SCHEDULE Time Date 9:30 a.m.1:30 p.m. 1:00 p.m.4:30 p.m. 4:00 p.m.7:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m.Close Wed. Sept. 14 Seas Branch Smithies—8 Enterprise Eagles—6 Springville Superstars—11 Hillsboro Hotshots—10 Thurs. Sept. 15 Mississippi Steamers—13 Liberty Pole Boosters—8 Mapledale Motivators/ Rt. 56—13 Lucky Clovers – 4 Nerison – 6 Springville Superstars - 4 Fri. Sept. 16 Retreat Ramblers—13 Enterprise Eagles—6 Tewalt Toilers—3 Davis Diggers—10 Liberty Pole Boosters – 10 3Chimney Rockies—3 Sat. Sept. 17 Sun. Sept. 18 Lucky Clovers—13 Kickapoo Rustlers—8 Seas Branch Smithies – 5 Nerison—12 East Ridge Beavers – 3 Retreat Ramblers—12 Rainbow Reachers—13 Mapledale Motivators/Rt. 56—8 Each 4-H family is to contribute at least one two-crusted HOMEMADE pie no smaller than nine inches on the day your club is scheduled to work. It is important that each family bring a pie so we don’t run out. PLEASE LABEL YOUR PIES AS TO WHAT KIND THEY ARE. Health regulations prohibit us from serving cream or single-crust pies. Remember that members must be 12 years old to work in the 4-H Food Stand. One half of the 4-H club workers need to be adults, as younger youth cannot work in the kitchen. Contact Deb Primmer (625-4484) if you have a question . 8 Vernon County Fair Reminders All animals must come in the east gate of the fairgrounds where they will be checked by a vet before entering the grounds. You must have the Vernon County Fair Animal ID and Vet Check-In information and forms along with Health papers relating to the animal. Check in time frame for Junior Fair animals are from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Wednesday of the fair. This means that all Junior Fair entries for Cattle, Sheep, Goats, Swine, Horses, Poultry, and Rabbit exhibits must be in place by 6 p.m. Wednesday, September 14th. Exhibit buildings will be open to receive exhibits on Tuesday evening week of fair, from 5:00 to 7:30 p.m. in all classes except livestock, poultry and rabbits. As with animals, all Junior Fair exhibits must be in the exhibit building by 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday, September 14th. EXHIBIT RELEASE TIME - SUNDAY : Release time for exhibits on Sunday week of fair shall be as follows: Animal exhibits 4:00 p.m. All other exhibits 5:00 p.m. Please see the Vernon Co. Fair Premium Book or website, http://www.vernoncountyfair.com, for complete requirements! Dog Project News Dog Obedience Training: Not just for showing at the Fair! Why train your dog? Dog obedience training makes a dog a better pet and people enjoy being around a well behaved dog. Dog training is also way to improve the relationship with your dog and work as a team. Training in a group with other dogs and strange surroundings help the dog to learn to obey in any situation. Dog obedience classes are held every summer at the at the Vernon County Fairgrounds June through August. We start out with basic obedience and then participants also get to take part in Agility starting in mid July if they wish to. Agility is an extra fun way to work with your dog that includes jumps, tunnels, and other obstacles for the dog to maneuver over! Jenni Miller, Vernon County 4-H Dog Project Leader Horse & Pony Project News The Vernon County Fair is almost here! With the horse barn finally completed, a big thank you to those that came and helped finish and a special thank you to Al and Pam Seelow, and Jeff Roth for completing the last touches to the barn. We have a couple more events left before fair. If anyone is interested, we will be participating in the Wild West Days parade on Friday, August 19th. Parade starts at 6:00 p.m. If you are wanting to participate, please be at the fairgrounds infield by 5:005:30 p.m. We will meet by my trailer, which will be located by the entryway of the Croell Cement Company. Barn decorating for fair will be September 10th & 11th. The stalls will be pre-assigned according to club, so please note that you are not able to pick and choose where you want to be. Feel free to come and decorate at any time that works for you those two days. Another reminder is to please keep nails to a minimum on our stalls. We want to keep them as nice as possible for years to come! Each exhibitor will have a stall on the opposite side as a changing room and for storage. As for entry day of fair (Wednesday), BIG reminder, you must have a current negative Coggins paper for your horse & or pony. Bring at least one copy as well as the original for check-in at the gate. You will also need to give a copy of the Coggins paper to Martin Kjelland, Barn Supervisor. If Martin is not available, feel free to give his copy to me. Please Note: Your horse and or pony must be IN the barn on or before 6:00 p.m., NOT entering the gate at 6:00 p.m. That is it for now. Looking forward to seeing you all at the fair and in the horse barn! If you have any questions, or concerns, please feel free to contact me! Happy Trails! Sally Brose, Vernon County 4-H Horse & Pony Project Leader 9 CONGRATULATIONS To Our Vernon County Dairy Youth at 2016 Wisconsin State Fair! Vernon County dairy youth attended and participated at the Wisconsin State Fair in West Allis from August 2– 7. Vernon County was represented with 17 youth and 20 registered Holsteins, Ayrshires, Guernseys, Jerseys and Brown Swiss, plus five chaperones. The dairy show is the largest State Fair Jr. Dairy Show in the nation with 800 cattle represented from across the State of Wisconsin! The youth participated in Showmanship on Thursday and class competitions on Friday and Saturday. Photo: Vernon County Dairy Youth exhibiting at the 2016 Wisconsin State Fair Jr. Dairy Show include, from left: Gary Ole Thompson (chaperone), Cary Moser (chaperone), Yanicka Lunde (chaperone), Ty Harbaugh, Karly Anderson, Katherine Larson, Lexi Wagemaster, Samuel Krause, Grant Fremstad, Austin Hall, Gabe Engh, Dalton Hardy, Mikayla Lepke, Hope Petersheim, Courtney Moser, Tamhara Hendrickson, Arlisa Landis (chaperone) and Gail Klinkner (chaperone). Missing from the photo were: Lucas Anderson, Brianna Hall, Libby Hauser and David Petersheim. Photo: Best Bred & Owned: Vernon County Dairy Youth receiving first place bred and owned awards in their respective class at the Wisconsin State Fair Jr. Dairy Show include from left: Courtney Moser, Westby with “Dream Prairie Doorman Piper”, David Petersheim, Viroqua “Welsh Edge Gonna B Great-ET” and Tahmara Hendrickson, Viroqua with “Kontur-Meal Sid Pitstop”. Bred and owned means the exhibitor owned the dam (cow) and now her calf at the time of the show. 10 Shooting Sports News 4-H Shooting Sports Project Save The Dates Last 2016 Practice Shoot: 6:00 p.m., Aug. 21st Vernon Co. Fair Premium Shoot Sun., Aug. 28th—12 Noon Coon Valley Conservation Club Air Rifle, Muzzleloader, Shotgun, Archery & .22 Reminder! The premium shoot is your “Vernon County Fair” entry for this project. You must have entered the discipline you wish to compete in, at the shoot on August 28th, on your Vernon County Fair Entry, which had an entry deadline of Wednesday, August 3rd. Bring your own firearm, ammunition, eye and ear protection Suggested Exhibit Criteria for Vernon County Fair Vegetables Joanne Hornby, Vernon County 4-H Leader & Vernon Co. Fair Superintendent Do you plan on exhibiting vegetables at the Vernon Co. Fair? 1. Make sure you follow directions in the Fair premium List, especially the number required in the exhibit. For example: Class D Lot 1 3-Ripe Tomatoes 2. Always make sure your exhibits are cleaned, insect-free and blemish-free. 3. In some summers, the weather is not cooperative in helping you to produce ideal exhibits, but bring the best that you have. 4. If you know the certain variety, you may write it on your entry tag. 5. The term diameter, abbreviated as dia in the fairbook, is important. Make sure you know what it means. 6. Follow the instructions regarding the total number of entries allowed. For example: Under class D: grades 3-5 limited to 6 entries. Additional Vegetable exhibit guidelines are available at the Extension office. 11 VERNON COUNTY 4-H PROJECT-ACTIVITY REPORT (Print Clearly) Name of 4-H Member ___________________________________________________Boy____ Girl ____ Address_______________________________________________________________________ Telephone # ( ) Name of Parent/Guardian_______________________________ ____ Years Member of the _______________________________________________________4-H Club School Name _____________________________________Grade as of January 1 this year____________ VERNON COUNTY MEMBER RECOGNITION PROGRAM All 4-H members are encouraged to apply for project-activity awards in any project they are currently enrolled in or an activity they participated in this year. The project-activity report is also used to note 4-H activities you have participated in during the 4-H calendar year, which is October-October. a. b. c. d. FULLY COMPLETE the Project-Activity Report. Have your project leader or club leader make comments and sign form. Club leader must turn reports in by 4:30 p.m., November 1, 2016 Project awards approved will be handed out at either a club recognition ceremony or the Leader/Parent Federation Banquet. PROJECT LISTING List the project in which you wish to be recognized for. Please indicate the years have been enrolled and if presently enrolled. Project Unit Years in Project Check ([) if presently enrolled SECTION 1: List reasons why you wish to be recognized for your participation in this project. ~Continued on page 13~ 12 SECTION 11: 4-H LEADERSHIP & 4-H ACTIVITIES (4-H activities you have participated in during the 4-H calendar year. Examples: Space Camp, Clothing Revue, Dairy Judging Team, Youth Ambassador Member, Tractor Safety, Summer Camp, Camp Counselor, Award Trip Recipient.) These activities may be entered on your membership 4-H history SECTION 111: Year NON 4-H ACTIVITIES Activities SECTION IV: OTHER 4-H ACTIVITIES SUMMARY (not reported elsewhere in this report) Year Activities Leader Comments:___________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ / / Date __________________________________________ Leader’s Signature 1st year plaque requested Additional plaque requested _________ YES _________NO _________ YES _________NO 13 _____________________ Club Advanced Space Camp Depart Saturday, January 21st return Saturday, January 28th, 2017 WHAT: A fun-filled educational week at the U.S. Space & Rocket Center in Huntsville, AL. Participants will complete an in depth science experience. They will be part of a 6 hour simulated Space Shuttle/Space Station mission, experience-training simulators, train as a pilot simulator or in a Micro-Gravity environment. They will tour the U.S. Space & Rocket Center and learn about becoming an astronaut. WHO: Enrolled 4-H members in good standing in their counties who are in 10th-12th grades may apply. This trip has a limited enrollment with a maximum of 32 students selected from the state. Up to two male and two female Adult Advisors will accompany the group of 32 youth on the trip. Applications are due September 1st,2016. WHEN: Youth and Adults will Travel to Huntsville, Alabama on Saturday, January 21st 2017. They will travel home on Saturday, January 28th. A mandatory teleconference orientation is scheduled for 7:00-8:15 pm., Thursday, November, 3rd, 2016 to discuss and transmit travel details. Details will also be provided in a confirmation letter sent out by September 30th. WHERE: U.S. Space and Rocket Center in Huntsville, Alabama. Local travel points will be identified for members when enrollment is closed. The goal being to locate areas as near as possible to the students. Return sites will be the same. COST: We will be taking a Euro-Coach Bus. Tentative registration fees are approximately $1,300 depending on other transportation costs. Final fees will be confirmed and announced by September 30th. Only written cancellations will be accepted. No cancellations can be accepted and no refunds will be issued after November 1. Medical emergencies will be considered for partial refund on a case by case basis. Same-gender substitutions may be made until December 15. In the case of substitutions, applicant will be responsible for reassignment fees unless other arrangements are made. A payment plan has been set up. $500 is due upon acceptance by October 10th. A second payment of $400 will be due November 10th. The third payment will be due December 10th for the balance of travel costs estimated to be $400. Please make all checks payable to “Monroe County 4-H Leaders’ Association”, and send to Monroe County 4-H at 14345 County Hwy B, Room 1, Sparta, WI 54656. HOW: Call your county UW Extension 4-H/Youth Development office or go on-line http://monroe.uwex.edu/4-h-youth-development/advanced-space-camp/ at the Monroe County UWEX page to obtain an Advanced Space Camp application. The completed application must be postmarked to Monroe County 4-H, 14345 County Hwy B Room 1, Sparta, WI 54656 by September 1st. Applications may also be scanned and emailed up to 4:30pm on September 1st to joshua.goede@ces.uwex.edu. ALL applicants will be notified of their status (confirmed or on waiting list) shortly thereafter. Be sure to complete your 4-H Online health form before January 1. 14 Fall Forum Adult and Youth Leaders - Mark Your Calendars for Fall Forum and Hall of Fame Celebration Don’t miss out on a great statewide workshop for youth and adult leaders!!! What: Fall Forum and Hall of Fame Celebration When: November 4-6, 2016 (starting with registration at 6:00 p.m. Friday, November 4 and ending 10:30 a.m. November 6) Where: Green Lake Conference Center, Green Lake Who: Each county is encouraged to send a delegation of youth and adults 7th – 13th grade youth Adult volunteer leaders Staff are invited and encouraged to attend as your schedule permits Ask your county Extension Staff about registering today. Registration through 4HOnline will begin early September. Registration will end September 30. This program is partially funded by the WI 4-H Foundation. Adult and Youth Leaders - Mark Your Calendars for Fall Forum and Hall of Fame. Considering Volunteering? Great! Here is how to get started. Go to https://wi.4honline.com to set up your account. Once your account is set up go to: The Training Steps section, click on the title of the course to begin. A new window will open with the training. Click on the Blue button to go to the Mandated Reporter training website. After viewing the information on the Mandated Reporter Online Training website, go back to the “4HOnline Scorm Player” window where you clicked on the blue button. (It might be hidden behind your current window.) It will now be a red button labeled “Begin Certification Assessment”. Complete the assessment. If you have to stop before answering all the questions, you can return later and it will pick up where you left off. When you have completed the assessment, close the “4HOnline Scorm Player” window and return to the 4HOnline Training Information screen. Your training status should now show as Completed. Make sure and click on Print Certificate button to print your proof of completion! SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS There are no special software requirements except to use an updated browser (Google’s Chrome and Apple’s Safari work the best for this training). Once the online account is set up and the mandated reporter training completed, call the office to register for the face to face training. Trainings will be held at UW– Extension office on: November 28th, 2016, 6:30 p.m. and January 9th, 2017, 6:30 p.m. Additional trainings arranged upon request. Please note: There is no September meeting of the 4-H Leader/Parent Federation. All 4-H clubs are encouraged to have representation at the next meeting, which will be held October 9th, 2016, 6 P.M., 1st floor conference room. 15 Zesty Whole Grain Salad Cool down your summer with this refreshing salad. Ingredients: 2 cups cooked whole grain (brown rice or quinoa) 2 tablespoons oil (canola or vegetable) 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar 1 tablespoon honey Salt and pepper to taste 2 apples, chopped 1/2 cup chopped nuts (pecans, walnuts) 1/2 cup dried fruit (cranberries, cherries, raisins) 1 bunch kale or 10-ounce package spinach (about 6 cups), torn into bite-sized pieces Directions: 1. Cook whole grain according to package directions. Cool. 2. In a large bowl, whisk together oil, vinegar, honey, salt, and pepper. 3. Stir apples, nuts, dried fruit, and whole grain into dressing. 4. Toss greens with other ingredients. TIP: Substitute 2 cups of chopped fruit (strawberries, grapes, oranges) for the apples. Source: Iowa State University Extension Summer Food Safety Summer holidays give us a break, but providing safe food should never take a vacation. Keep these food safety practices in mind this summer. Clean: Even if you are not eating the outside of a fruit or vegetable rinse the outside before cutting to prevent the spread of bacteria to the inside. Separate: Place meats and vegetables in separate, sealed bags inside coolers to avoid cross contamination. Keep raw meats separate from cooked meat or vegetables. Cook: Use a meat thermometer to determine if meat is cooked to the safe temperature, do not trust what it looks like. Chill: Keeping food cool on hot days can be challenging. Place cold food items in a bowl inside another bowl of ice to keep chilled. Source: Summer Food Safety, University of Delaware Cooperative Extension http://fyi.uwex.edu/foodsense/ What’s Cookin’ - August-September Recipe From :Lindsey Jerdee, Vernon County UW-Extension Summer Intern Hummus with Veggies and Pita Ingredients Directions 1 15-ounce can chickpeas or garbanzo beans, drained and rinsed 1 clove garlic, peeled and crushed (or 1/8 tsp garlic powder) 1/2 tsp. salt (less if using salted peanut butter) 6 Tbsp. water 3 Tbsp. tahini (ground sesame seeds)* 1-2 Tbsp. olive or other vegetable oil Put garlic, lemon juice, salt, and 1 cup of chick peas in blender or food processor, add 3 Tbsp. water, and blend until smooth. Or put in bowl and mash by hand (using garlic powder). Add second cup of chick peas and 3 Tbsp. water. Blend or mash until smooth. Add tahini or peanut butter and oil and blend again until smooth. If too thick or you want creamier hummus, add additional water. Scoop hummus into a bowl and sprinkle e with paprika (optional). Serve with raw vegetables and or pita bread. * Can substitute peanut butter for tahini 16 DAY DATE ACTIVITY TIME LOCATION Friday—Sunday Aug. 1921 Wild West Days! 925 Nelson Parkway Viroqua, WI 54665 Sunday Aug. 21 Last Practice Shoot 6:00 p.m. Coon Valley Conservation Club Sunday Aug. 28 Vernon County Fair Premium Shoot Noon Coon Valley Conservation Club Thursday Sept. 1st 4-H Online Opens for re-enrollment Monday Sept. 5 Labor Day! Office Closed Sunday Sept. 11 Leader Parent Federation Wednesday— Sunday Sept. 1418 Vernon Co. Fair (Ext. Office staff at fairgrounds) Vernon County Fairgrounds Wednesday— Sunday Sept. 1418 State 4-H Horse Expo State Fairgrounds, West Allis Wednesday Sept. 21 Carcass Judging Friday Sept. 23 Raffle Tickets Due to 4-H Club Friday Sept. 30 4-H Leaders Turn in Raffle Tickets & $$ Sunday— Wednesday Oct. 2-6 National Dairy Conference Wednesday Oct. 5th Carcass Evaluation Night No Meeting 9:00 a.m. Steve’s Country Meats, Premier Meats, Drift less Meats & Von Ruden Meats Madison, Wi 7:30 p.m. Viroqua High School 6 p.m. 1st Floor Conference Room Extension Office Sunday-Saturday Oct. 2—8 National 4-H Week Sunday Oct. 9 Leader Parent Federation 17 18 UW-Extension Office Vernon County 318 Fairlane Dr., Suite 392 Viroqua WI 54665 Tel (608) 637-5276 Fax (608) 637-5504 Web Page: http://Vernon.uwex.edu PERMIT NO. 70 VIROQUA WI PAID U.S. POSTAGE NON PROFIT