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 SERVICE TYPOLOGY: A classifica6on model for product-­‐service offerings Dr. Veronica Mar-nez Senior Research Fellow Cambridge Service Alliance A classifica6on model for product-­‐service offerings Result-­‐oriented Process 1 2 3 Use-­‐oriented PS offering FOCUS 4 5 Product-­‐oriented PS Offering ORIENTATION PS Provider Product Transac5on-­‐ based Customer Rela5onship-­‐based Nature of INTERACTION between customer and PS provider 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Product-­‐oriented services Home delivery Product installa5on / start-­‐up, commissioning Spare parts and consumables delivery Updates / upgrades Remanufacturing, Refurbishing, cleaning, safe keeping Recycling and take back Financial services Inspec5on and diagnosis Repair and maintenance Extended warranty Preven5ve maintenance Full maintenance contract Documenta5on Help Desk – hot line on product Help Desk – hot line on process Help Desk – hot line on business Product-­‐oriented training Process-­‐oriented training Business-­‐oriented training Product-­‐oriented consultancy Process-­‐oriented consultancy Business-­‐oriented consultancy Use-­‐oriented services 23 24 25 26 27 Leasing Short term Ren5ng Long term Ren5ng Sharing Pooling Result-­‐oriented services 28 29 30 Pay-­‐per-­‐use Outsourcing Func5onal-­‐based Pay-­‐
per-­‐result 1.  PS Offering ORIENTATION: Ownership, Decision making power, Use 2. PS Offering FOCUS: Rela5onship Intensity, Level of customisa5on 3. Nature of INTERACTION: Risk, Price Source: Giardelli, Resta, Mar=nez, Pinto & Albores (2014) Outsourcing . Ren-ng . Sharing . Pooling . Leasing . Product-­‐based Installa=on . Spares & Home delivery . consumables . Recycling . Refurbishing, Updates/ Upgrades cleaning,… . . Customer Transac5on-­‐ Based Help Desk – Hot line . Documenta=on . Inspec=on & diagnosis . Advice and consultancy Process-­‐oriented training & consul=ng . Business-­‐oriented training & consul=ng Product-­‐oriented training . Product-­‐process jointly development Maintenance . Preven=ve Repairs
Full . maintenance maintenance . . NATURE OF INTERACTION BETWEEN CUSTOMER & PS PROVIDER . PS Offering FOCUS Pay-­‐per-­‐use Product Result-­‐oriented
Pay-­‐per result . Used-­‐oriented Product-­‐oriented
A classifica6on model for P-­‐S offerings Rela5onship-­‐based Source: Giardelli, Resta, Mar=nez, Pinto & Albores (2014) Ren-ng Pegeout Sharing ZIP Car Pooling Turbine Apache Advice and consultancy Help Desk – Hot line Process-­‐oriented training & consul=ng Cisco, A
udi, S
amsung, Duca6, Masera6, Carpigiani Product-­‐based Business-­‐oriented training & Iveco, BMW Siemens Installa=on consul=ng Documenta=on HP, MicrosoT, Cisco, Ingersol Product-­‐oriented training Trico, Komatsu, Necta, Yamaha Spares & Home delivery Xerox Product-­‐process Ikea consumables jointly development Maintenance Volvo, DAF, Bosch, Recycling Ericson Preven=ve Inspec=on & diagnosis Repairs
Full Candy, Motorola Volkswagen maintenance Philips maintenance Refurbishing, Audi, GE, Azimut Updates/ Upgrades cleaning,… Yachts MAN Truck, Toshiba, ABB Toyota CAT, Acrobat, Ap-­‐Annabella Bobst Group Mercedes MicrosoT Transac5on-­‐ Based ABB Leasing Norbain SD Customer Process
Pay-­‐per result Orica Thales Training NATURE OF INTERACTION BETWEEN CUSTOMER & PS PROVIDER PS Offering FOCUS Rolls-­‐Royce, Ricoh, Canon Outsourcing PS PROVIDER Product Pay-­‐per-­‐use Used-­‐oriented Product-­‐oriented
PS Offering ORIENTATION Result-­‐oriented
A classifica6on for P-­‐S offerings Rela5onship-­‐based Source: Giardelli, Resta, Mar=nez, Pinto & Albores (2014) Benefits The classifica5on for product-­‐service offerings is used to: •  map current service offerings -­‐I.e. wide range in a single picture •  highlight the most profitable services •  highlight the suppor5ng services to more profitable service proposi5ons-­‐ i.e. strategic service mapping •  map the future service offerings and •  as a strategic tool-­‐ to analyse and eliminate unprofitable and/or similar services. This is an easy tool to use and remember, it is generally used in service strategy and service design & innova5on. Further reading Giardelli, Resta, Mar5nez, Pinto and Albores (2014), “A classifica5on model for product-­‐service offerings”, Journal of Cleaner Produc=on, Vol. 66 (March), pp 507-­‐519 For more informa5on contact: Dr. Veronica Mar6nez Senior Research Associate | Cambridge Service Alliance | Ins5tute for Manufacturing | Department of Engineering | 17 Charles Babbage Road | Cambridge | CB3 0FS | UK | | Forthcoming webinars