- Sternwarte Sankt Andreasberg
- Sternwarte Sankt Andreasberg
Astrofreundliche Gastgeber Berghof Arnika Astro-friendly Accommodati ons Astro-friendly Accommodations Astro-friendly Accommodations Astro-friendly Accommodations Astro-friendly Accommodations www.berghof-arnika.harz.de Astro-friendly Accommodations Astro-friendly Accommodations Astro-friendly Accommodations Astro-friendly Accommodations Astro-friendly Accommodations Astro-friendly Accommodations Berghof Arnika Astro-friendly Accommodations dly Accommodations Astro-friendly Accommodations Berghof Arnika Berghof Arnika Berghof Arnika Astro-friendly Accommodations Berghof Arnika www.berghof-arnika.harz.de Berghof Arnika Berghof Arnika Berghof Arnika www.berghof-arnika.harz.de www.berghof-arnika.harz.de www.berghof-arnika.harz.de Berghof Arnika Berghof Arnika www.berghof-arnika.harz.de Berghof Arnika Berghof BerghofArnika Arnika ka www.berghof-arnika.harz.de Berghof Arnika www.berghof-arnika.harz.de www.berghof-arnika.harz.de Berghof Arnika www.berghof-arnika.harz.de www.berghof-arnika.harz.de Berghof Arnika www.berghof-arnika.harz.de www.berghof-arnika.harz.de www.berghof-arnika.harz.de f-arnika.harz.de www.berghof-arnika.harz.de www.berghof-arnika.harz.de www.berghof-arnika.harz.de www.berghotel-sankt-andreasberg.de Sternwarte Ferienwohnung Jordanshöhe www.berghotel-sankt-andreasberg.de www.berghotel-sankt-andreasberg.de www.berghotel-sankt-andreasberg.de www.berghotel-sankt-andreasberg.de www.berghotel-sankt-andreasberg.de Gudrun Schölzel www.berghotel-sankt-andreasberg.de www.berghotel-sankt-andreasberg.de www.berghotel-sankt-andreasberg.de www.berghotel-sankt-andreasberg.de www.berghotel-sankt-andreasberg.de Ferienwohnung Jordanshöhe www.berghotel-sankt-andreasberg.de gudrun.schoelzel@googlemail.com www.berghotel-sankt-andreasberg.de www.berghotel-sankt-andreasberg.de Ferienwohnung Jordanshöhe Ferienwohnung JordanshöheJordanshöhe Ferienwohnung tel-sankt-andreasberg.de www.berghotel-sankt-andreasberg.de www.berghotel-sankt-andreasberg.de Ferienwohnung Jordanshöhe www.berghotel-sankt-andreasberg.de Gudrun Schölzel Ferienwohnung Jordanshöhe Ferienwohnung Jordanshöhe Gudrun Schölzel Ferienwohnung Jordanshöhe Gudrun Schölzel Gudrun Schölzel Ferienwohnung Ferienwohnung Jordanshöhe Gudrun Schölzel Jordanshöhe gudrun.schoelzel@googlemail.com Ferienwohnung Jordanshöhe Ferienwohnung Jordanshöhe Ferienwohnung Jordanshöhe Ferienwohnung Tannenblick ung Gudrun Jordanshöhe Ferienwohnung Jordanshöhe Schölzel Gudrun Schölzel gudrun.schoelzel@googlemail.com Gudrun Schölzel gudrun.schoelzel@googlemail.com Ferienwohnung Jordanshöhe gudrun.schoelzel@googlemail.com Gudrun Schölzel Gudrun Schölzel Ferienwohnung Jordanshöhe gudrun.schoelzel@googlemail.com Gudrun Schölzel Gudrun Schölzel Gudrun Schölzel Tannenblick www.fewo-tannenblick-harz.de lzelgudrun.schoelzel@googlemail.com Gudrun Schölzel gudrun.schoelzel@googlemail.com gudrun.schoelzel@googlemail.com Gudrun Schölzel Ferienwohnung gudrun.schoelzel@googlemail.com gudrun.schoelzel@googlemail.com Gudrun Schölzel gudrun.schoelzel@googlemail.com gudrun.schoelzel@googlemail.com gudrun.schoelzel@googlemail.com Ferienwohnung Tannenblick Ferienwohnung Tannenblick Tannenblick Ferienwohnung elzel@googlemail.com gudrun.schoelzel@googlemail.com gudrun.schoelzel@googlemail.com www.fewo-tannenblick-harz.de Ferienwohnung Tannenblick gudrun.schoelzel@googlemail.com Hier finden Sie die Sternwarte St. Andreasberg Haus Charlotte – Ferienwohnungen Ferienwohnung Tannenblick Ferienwohnung Tannenblick Ferienwohnung Tannenblick www.fewo-tannenblick-harz.de www.fewo-tannenblick-harz.de www.fewo-tannenblick-harz.de Ferienwohnung Tannenblick Ferienwohnung Tannenblick www.fewo-tannenblick-harz.de Ferienwohnung Tannenblick Ferienwohnung Tannenblick Ferienwohnung Tannenblick www.haus.charlotte.harz.de ung www.fewo-tannenblick-harz.de Tannenblick Ferienwohnung Tannenblick Location of Sankt Andreasberg Observatory www.fewo-tannenblick-harz.de of the the Sankt Andreasberg ObservatoryObservatory www.fewo-tannenblick-harz.de Location of the SanktObservatory Andreasberg Haus CharlotteTannenblick – Ferienwohnungen Ferienwohnung www.fewo-tannenblick-harz.de www.fewo-tannenblick-harz.de Location of the Sankt Andreasberg Ferienwohnung Tannenblick www.fewo-tannenblick-harz.de www.fewo-tannenblick-harz.de www.fewo-tannenblick-harz.de Haus Charlotte Ferienwohnungen Location of the Sankt Andreasberg Observatory Location of the Sankt Andreasberg Observatory Haus Charlotte –– Ferienwohnungen Location of the Sankt Andreasberg Observatory Haus Charlotte – Ferienwohnungen annenblick-harz.de www.fewo-tannenblick-harz.de www.haus.charlott e.harz.de www.fewo-tannenblick-harz.de Location of the Sankt Andreasberg Observatory Location of the Sankt Andreasberg Observatory Haus Charlotte – Ferienwohnungen www.fewo-tannenblick-harz.de Location of the Sankt Andreasberg Observatory Sternwarte Sankt Andreasberg e.V. Haus am Kurpark Location ofthe theSankt Sankt Andreasberg Observatory Haus Charlotte –––––Ferienwohnungen Haus Charlotte Ferienwohnungen www.haus.charlotte.harz.de Location of the Location Sankt Andreasberg Observatory of Andreasberg Observatory www.haus.charlotte.harz.de Haus Charlotte Ferienwohnungen www.haus.charlotte.harz.de Haus Charlotte Ferienwohnungen Haus Charlotte Ferienwohnungen www.haus.charlotte.harz.de Location of the Sankt Andreasberg Observatory Haus Charlotte – Ferienwohnungen Sankt Andreasberg Observatory Association Andreasberg Observatory Association Haus Charlotte – Ferienwohnungen Sankt Andreasberg Observatory Haus Charlotte – Ferienwohnungen www.haus.am.kurpark.harz.de te –www.haus.charlotte.harz.de Haus Ferienwohnungen Charlotte – Ferienwohnungen Haus am Kurpark www.haus.charlotte.harz.de www.haus.charlotte.harz.de Sankt Andreasberg Observatory Association am Internationalen Haus Sonnenberg Association Haus Charlotte –– Ferienwohnungen Ferienwohnungen www.haus.charlotte.harz.de www.haus.charlotte.harz.de Haus Charlotte Sankt Andreasberg Observatory Association Sankt Andreasberg Observatory Association www.haus.charlotte.harz.de Sankt Andreasberg Observatory Association at the International House Sonnenberg www.haus.charlotte.harz.de the International House Sonnenberg Haus am Kurpark www.haus.charlotte.harz.de Haus am Kurpark at the International House Sonnenberg Sankt Andreasberg Observatory Association Sankt Andreasberg Observatory Association www.haus.am.kurpark.harz.de Haus am Kurpark harlotte.harz.de www.haus.charlotte.harz.de www.haus.charlotte.harz.de at the International House Sonnenberg Haus am Kurpark www.sternwarte-sankt-andreasberg.de Sankt Andreasberg Observatory Association www.haus.charlotte.harz.de Sankt Andreasberg Observatory Association Sankt Andreasberg Observatory Association Sankt Andreasberg Observatory Association Haus Sonneck – Ferienwohnungen at the International House Sonnenberg at the International House Sonnenberg Haus am Kurpark Haus am Kurpark at the International House Sonnenberg www.haus.am.kurpark.harz.de Haus am Kurpark www.haus.am.kurpark.harz.de www.sternwarte-sankt-andreasberg.de www.haus.am.kurpark.harz.de at the International House Sonnenberg Sankt Andreasberg Observatory Association www.sternwarte-sankt-andreasberg.de at the International House Sonnenberg Haus am Kurpark Haus am Kurpark www.sternwarte-sankt-andreasberg.de www.haus.am.kurpark.harz.de www.sternwarte-sankt-andreasberg.de at the International House Haus am Kurpark Haus am Kurpark atthe the International HouseSonnenberg Sonnenberg Haus am Kurpark Haus Sonneck – Ferienwohnungen www.haus-sonneck.com at the International House Sonnenberg at International House parkwww.haus.am.kurpark.harz.de Haus am Kurpark www.haus.am.kurpark.harz.de www.haus.am.kurpark.harz.de www.sternwarte-sankt-andreasberg.de www.sternwarte-sankt-andreasberg.de Haus am Kurpark www.sternwarte-sankt-andreasberg.de www.haus.am.kurpark.harz.de www.haus.am.kurpark.harz.de at the International House Sonnenberg Sonnenberg Haus am Kurpark www.sternwarte-sankt-andreasberg.de www.sternwarte-sankt-andreasberg.de www.haus.am.kurpark.harz.de www.haus.am.kurpark.harz.de www.haus-sonneck.com Haus Sonneck – Ferienwohnungen www.sternwarte-sankt-andreasberg.de www.haus.am.kurpark.harz.de Haus Sonneck – Ferienwohnungen www.sternwarte-sankt-andreasberg.de m.kurpark.harz.de www.haus.am.kurpark.harz.de Haus Sonneck – Ferienwohnungen www.sternwarte-sankt-andreasberg.de Ansprechpartner www.sternwarte-sankt-andreasberg.de www.haus.am.kurpark.harz.de Haus Sonneck – Ferienwohnungen www.sternwarte-sankt-andreasberg.de www.haus.am.kurpark.harz.de www.sternwarte-sankt-andreasberg.de Contact: Hotel Vier Jahreszeiten Haus Sonneck –www.haus-sonneck.com Haus Sonneck ––––Ferienwohnungen Ferienwohnungen www.haus-sonneck.com Contact: Haus Sonneck Ferienwohnungen www.haus-sonneck.com Haus Sonneck Ferienwohnungen Haus Sonneck Ferienwohnungen Contact: www.haus-sonneck.com UtzSchmidtko Schmidtko(President) (Vorsitzender) Haus Sonneck ––Ferienwohnungen Ferienwohnungen Hotel Vier Jahreszeiten Haus Sonneck – Ferienwohnungen Contact: Contact: Utz Haus Sonneck Ferienwohnungen www.vier-jahreszeiten-harz.de Contact: Schmidtko k – www.haus-sonneck.com Ferienwohnungen Haus Sonneck – www.haus-sonneck.com Utz(President) Schmidtko (President) www.haus-sonneck.com Contact: Haus Sonneck –– Ferienwohnungen Ferienwohnungen www.haus-sonneck.com www.haus-sonneck.com UtzContact: Schmidtko (President) Haus Sonneck Kleinburgwedeler Str. 20 Contact: Contact: www.vier-jahreszeiten-harz.de www.haus-sonneck.com Contact: Hotel Vier Jahreszeiten www.haus-sonneck.com Contact: Contact: Utz Schmidtko (President) Utz Schmidtko (President) Kleinburgwedeler Str. www.haus-sonneck.com Hotel Vier Jahreszeiten Utz Schmidtko (President) Kleinburgwedeler Str. 20 20 Hotel Vier Jahreszeiten onneck.com www.haus-sonneck.com Contact: Kleinburgwedeler Str. 20 Utz Schmidtko (President) www.haus-sonneck.com Utz Schmidtko (President) Contact: Hotel Vier Jahreszeiten Kleinburgwedeler Str. 20 www.haus-sonneck.com 30938 Burgwedel Utz Schmidtko (President) Utz Schmidtko (President) Internationales Haus Sonnenberg Utz Schmidtko (President) www.vier-jahreszeiten-harz.de Hotel Vier Jahreszeiten Hotel Vier Jahreszeiten 30938 Burgwedel Utz Schmidtko (President) Utz Schmidtko (President) Kleinburgwedeler Str. 20 Kleinburgwedeler Str. 20 Hotel Vier Jahreszeiten www.vier-jahreszeiten-harz.de Kleinburgwedeler Str. 20 Burgwedel www.vier-jahreszeiten-harz.de Utz Schmidtko (President) 30938 Burgwedel Hotel Vier Jahreszeiten Hotel Vier Jahreszeiten Kleinburgwedeler Str. 20 Kleinburgwedeler Str. 20 Utz Schmidtko (President) www.vier-jahreszeiten-harz.de 30938 Burgwedel Internati onales Haus Sonnenberg E-Mail: schmidtko@sternwarte-sankt-andreasberg.de Hotel Vier Jahreszeiten Kleinburgwedeler Str. 20 Hotel Vier Jahreszeiten Kleinburgwedeler Str. 20 Hotel Vier Jahreszeiten (neben der Sternwarte) Kleinburgwedeler Str. 20 hreszeiten Hotel Vier Jahreszeiten www.vier-jahreszeiten-harz.de E-Mail: schmidtko@sternwarte-sankt-andreasberg.de Kleinburgwedeler Kleinburgwedeler Str. 20 Str. 20 30938 Burgwedel 30938 Burgwedel www.vier-jahreszeiten-harz.de www.vier-jahreszeiten-harz.de 30938 Burgwedel Hotel Vier Jahreszeiten schmidtko@sternwarte-sankt-andreasberg.de Kleinburgwedeler Str. 20 E-Mail: schmidtko@sternwarte-sankt-andreasberg.de www.vier-jahreszeiten-harz.de www.vier-jahreszeiten-harz.de 30938 Burgwedel 30938 Burgwedel Hotel Vier Jahreszeiten Kleinburgwedeler Str. 20 E-Mail: schmidtko@sternwarte-sankt-andreasberg.de (neben der Sternwarte) +49 (163) 6141896 · FN 05139-893221 www.vier-jahreszeiten-harz.de 30938 Burgwedel Internationales Haus Sonnenberg www.vier-jahreszeiten-harz.de 30938 Burgwedel www.vier-jahreszeiten-harz.de Internationales Haus Sonnenberg www.sonnenberg-international.de 30938 Burgwedel Internationales Haus Sonnenberg hreszeiten-harz.de www.vier-jahreszeiten-harz.de +49 (163) 6141896 · FN 05139-893221 30938 Burgwedel 30938 Burgwedel E-Mail: schmidtko@sternwarte-sankt-andreasberg.de E-Mail: schmidtko@sternwarte-sankt-andreasberg.de E-Mail: schmidtko@sternwarte-sankt-andreasberg.de www.vier-jahreszeiten-harz.de 6141896 · FN 05139-893221 30938 Burgwedel +49· FN (163) 6141896 · FN 05139-893221 Internationales Haus Sonnenberg E-Mail: schmidtko@sternwarte-sankt-andreasberg.de E-Mail: schmidtko@sternwarte-sankt-andreasberg.de www.vier-jahreszeiten-harz.de The Milky Way above our observatory 30938 Burgwedel www.sonnenberg-internati onal.de Milky above our observatory +49 (163) 6141896 05139-893221 The Milky above our observatory (next to the Observatory) E-Mail: schmidtko@sternwarte-sankt-andreasberg.de Internationales Haus Sonnenberg Internationales Haus Sonnenberg Internationales Haus Sonnenberg E-Mail: schmidtko@sternwarte-sankt-andreasberg.de TheThe Milky WayWay above ourWay observatory (next to Observatory) the Observatory) E-Mail: schmidtko@sternwarte-sankt-andreasberg.de (next toSonnenberg the Observatory) E-Mail: schmidtko@sternwarte-sankt-andreasberg.de E-Mail: schmidtko@sternwarte-sankt-andreasberg.de +49 (163) 6141896 · ··FN 05139-893221 +49 (163) 6141896 05139-893221 Internationales Haus Internationales Haus Sonnenberg +49 (163) 6141896 ··FN FN 05139-893221 E-Mail: schmidtko@sternwarte-sankt-andreasberg.de (next to the +49 (163) 6141896 FN 05139-893221 +49 (163) 6141896 FN 05139-893221 The Milky Way above our observatory The Milky Way above our observatory E-Mail: schmidtko@sternwarte-sankt-andreasberg.de The Milky Way above our observatory Internationales Haus Sonnenberg Internationales Haus Sonnenberg Internationales Haus Sonnenberg Rolf Schölzel (zweiter Vorsitzender) Landhaus Fischer The Milky Way above our observatory The Milky Way above our observatory www.sonnenberg-international.de +49 (163) 6141896 · FN 05139-893221 es Haus Sonnenberg Internationales Haus Sonnenberg (next to the Observatory) (next to the Observatory) (next to the Observatory) +49 (163) 6141896 · FN 05139-893221 www.sonnenberg-international.de +49 (163) 6141896 · FN05139-893221 05139-893221 Internationales Haus Sonnenberg Sonnenberg www.sonnenberg-international.de Rolf Schölzel (Vice Die Milchstraße überour unserer Sternwarte +49 (163) 6141896 +49 · FN (163) 05139-893221 6141896 ···President) FN (next to the Observatory) (next to the Observatory) The Milky Way above our observatory Schölzel (Vice President) Internationales Haus +49 (163) 6141896 FN 05139-893221 Rolf Schölzel (Vice President) Landhaus Fischer www.sonnenberg-international.de The Milky Wayabove above ourobservatory observatory The Milky Way above our Way observatory The Milky (163) 6141896 FN (next to the Observatory) Rolf+49 Schölzel (Vice President) (next to the Observatory) (next tothe theObservatory) Observatory) Clausthaler Straße 9 05139-893221 www.landhaus-fischer.harz.de Observatory) (next to www.sonnenberg-international.de www.sonnenberg-international.de The Milky Way above our observatory www.sonnenberg-international.de (next to the Observatory) Clausthaler Straße 9 Rolf Schölzel (Vice President) Rolf Schölzel (Vice President) www.sonnenberg-international.de www.sonnenberg-international.de Rolf Schölzel (Vice President) Clausthaler Straße 9 www.landhaus-fi scher.harz.de (next to the Fischer Observatory) Clausthaler Straße 9 Rolf Schölzel (Vice Rolf Schölzel (Vice President) www.sonnenberg-international.de Landhaus Clausthaler Straße 9 President) www.sonnenberg-international.de www.sonnenberg-international.de 37444 St. Andreasberg Landhaus Fischer Rolf Schölzel (Vice Landhaus Fischer nberg-international.de www.sonnenberg-international.de Rolf Schölzel (Vice President) Rolf Schölzel (Vice President) www.sonnenberg-international.de 37444 St. Andreasberg Rolf Schölzel (Vice Rolf President) Schölzel (Vice Clausthaler Straße 9President) Clausthaler Straße 9President) Landhaus Fischer Clausthaler Straße 9 37444 St. Andreasberg www.sonnenberg-international.de Rolf Schölzel (Vice President) 37444 St. Andreasberg Clausthaler Straße 9 Clausthaler Straße 9 Rolf Schölzel (Vice President) Pension Fischer Alfa www.landhaus-fischer.harz.de 37444 St. Andreasberg Landhaus Landhaus Fischer rolf.schoelzel@gmail.com www.landhaus-fischer.harz.de Landhaus Clausthaler Straße 9 www.landhaus-fischer.harz.de Clausthaler Straße 9 Landhaus Fischer Landhaus Fischer PensionFischer Alfa Clausthaler Straße E-Mail: rolf.schoelzel@gmail.com Clausthaler Straße Clausthaler 9E-Mail: Straße 9 37444 St. Andreasberg 37444 St. Andreasberg www.landhaus-fischer.harz.de 37444 St. Andreasberg E-Mail: rolf.schoelzel@gmail.com Clausthaler Straße 99 rolf.schoelzel@gmail.com E-Mail: Landhaus Fischer 37444 St. Andreasberg 37444 St. Andreasberg Landhaus Fischer Clausthaler Straße 9 Landhaus Fischer www.hotel-pension.alfa.harz.de E-Mail: rolf.schoelzel@gmail.com cherwww.landhaus-fischer.harz.de Landhaus Fischer www.landhaus-fischer.harz.de www.landhaus-fischer.harz.de Landhaus Fischer 37444 St. Andreasberg www.hotel-pension.alfa.harz.de 37444 St. Andreasberg www.landhaus-fischer.harz.de www.landhaus-fischer.harz.de 37444rolf.schoelzel@gmail.com St. Andreasberg Landhaus Fischer 37444 St. Andreasberg 37444 St. Andreasberg E-Mail: E-Mail: rolf.schoelzel@gmail.com E-Mail: rolf.schoelzel@gmail.com 37444 St. Andreasberg www.landhaus-fischer.harz.de Pension Alfa AlfaPension Alfa E-Mail: rolf.schoelzel@gmail.com E-Mail: rolf.schoelzel@gmail.com www.landhaus-fischer.harz.de 37444 St. Andreasberg www.landhaus-fischer.harz.de Pension us-fischer.harz.de www.landhaus-fischer.harz.de Aktuelle Informationen www.landhaus-fischer.harz.de E-Mail: rolf.schoelzel@gmail.com www.sternwarte-sankt-andreasberg.de E-Mail: rolf.schoelzel@gmail.com Pension Alfa E-Mail: rolf.schoelzel@gmail.com www.landhaus-fischer.harz.de Current Information E-Mail: rolf.schoelzel@gmail.com E-Mail: rolf.schoelzel@gmail.com www.sternwarte-sankt-andreasberg.de www.sternwarte-sankt-andreasberg. Current Information E-Mail: rolf.schoelzel@gmail.com www.hotel-pension.alfa.harz.de Current Information Susis Ferienwohnung Ferienwohnung Pension Alfa Pension Alfa www.sternwarte-sankt-andreasberg.de E-Mail: rolf.schoelzel@gmail.com Pension Alfa www.hotel-pension.alfa.harz.de www.hotel-pension.alfa.harz.de Current Information www.sternwarte-sankt-andreasberg.de Susis Pension Alfa Pension Alfa www.sternwarte-sankt-andreasberg.de www.hotel-pension.alfa.harz.de www.sternwarte-sankt-andreasberg.de www.sternwarte-sankt-andreasberg.de www.sternwarte-sankt-andreasberg.de Current Information Current Information Pension Alfa www.sternwarte-sankt-andreasberg.de Current Information “Your Best in Harz” ––First Place ininCategory Pension Alfa www.sternwarte-sankt-andreasberg.de www.sternwarte-sankt-andreasberg.de Pension Alfa www.susis-ferienwohnung.harz.de www.sternwarte-sankt-andreasberg.de Pension Alfa www.hotel-pension.alfa.harz.de www.hotel-pension.alfa.harz.de Current Information Current Information “Your Best in Harz” First Place award Category www.sternwarte-sankt-andreasberg.de www.hotel-pension.alfa.harz.de “Your Best in Harz” –award First award in Cat www.susis-ferienwohnung.harz.de Pension Alfa www.sternwarte-sankt-andreasberg.de www.hotel-pension.alfa.harz.de www.hotel-pension.alfa.harz.de www.sternwarte-sankt-andreasberg.de Pension Alfa “Your BestBesten in Harz” First award in Place Category Current Information www.sternwarte-sankt-andreasberg.de Current Information www.sternwarte-sankt-andreasberg.de www.sternwarte-sankt-andreasberg.de „Ihre im –Harz“ –Place Platz 1award Kategorie Natur pur Current Information SusisFerienwohnung Ferienwohnung Current Information Current Information www.hotel-pension.alfa.harz.de www.hotel-pension.alfa.harz.de www.sternwarte-sankt-andreasberg.de www.sternwarte-sankt-andreasberg.de Current Information www.hotel-pension.alfa.harz.de Susis “Pure Nature” “Your Best in Harz” – First Place in Category “Your Best in Harz” – First Place award in Category www.sternwarte-sankt-andreasberg.de www.sternwarte-sankt-andreasberg.de Events Susis Ferienwohnung pension.alfa.harz.de www.hotel-pension.alfa.harz.de “Your Best in Harz” – First Place award in Category Current Information “Pure Nature” www.sternwarte-sankt-andreasberg.de www.hotel-pension.alfa.harz.de www.sternwarte-sankt-andreasberg.de Events “Pure Nature” “Your Best in Harz” – First Place award in Category “Your Best in Harz” – First Place award in Category Susis Ferienwohnung Events www.hotel-pension.alfa.harz.de “Pure Nature” www.sternwarte-sankt-andreasberg.de Events “Your Best in Harz” First Place award in Category www.susis-ferienwohnung.harz.de www.sternwarte-sankt-andreasberg.de www.sternwarte-sankt-andreasberg.de Susis Ferienwohnung Susis Ferienwohnung “Your Bestin inHarz” Harz” First Placeaward awardin inCategory Category Termine www.sternwarte-sankt-andreasberg.de Susis Ferienwohnung www.susis-ferienwohnung.harz.de “Your Best in Harz” “Your – Best First Place award ––––First in Place Category www.susis-ferienwohnung.harz.de www.sternwarte-sankt-andreasberg.de www.sternwarte-sankt-andreasberg.de “Pure Nature” “Pure Nature” Susis Ferienwohnung Susis Ferienwohnung Events “Pure Nature” Events www.sternwarte-sankt-andreasberg.de/termine Events www.sternwarte-sankt-andreasberg.de www.susis-ferienwohnung.harz.de “Pure Nature” “Your Best in Harz” First Place award in Category “Pure Nature” Events Events www.sternwarte-sankt-andreasberg.de/termine Susis Ferienwohnung www.sternwarte-sankt-andreasberg.de/termine Susis Ferienwohnung SusisFerienwohnung Ferienwohnung “Pure Nature” wohnung Susis Ferienwohnung www.susis-ferienwohnung.harz.de www.susis-ferienwohnung.harz.de Events www.mariti m.de www.sternwarte-sankt-andreasberg.de/termine www.sternwarte-sankt-andreasberg.de/termine “Pure Nature” www.susis-ferienwohnung.harz.de www.maritim.de Events “Pure Nature” Susis Events “Pure Nature” “Pure Events Events www.susis-ferienwohnung.harz.de www.susis-ferienwohnung.harz.de Susis Ferienwohnung Events www.sternwarte-sankt-andreasberg.de/termine www.sternwarte-sankt-andreasberg.de/termine “Pure Nature” Nature” www.sternwarte-sankt-andreasberg.de/termine Events www.susis-ferienwohnung.harz.de www.susis-ferienwohnung.harz.de www.sternwarte-sankt-andreasberg.de/termine www.sternwarte-sankt-andreasberg.de/termine www.susis-ferienwohnung.harz.de erienwohnung.harz.de www.susis-ferienwohnung.harz.de www.susis-ferienwohnung.harz.de Donation Account www.sternwarte-sankt-andreasberg.de/termine www.sternwarte-sankt-andreasberg.de/termine www.susis-ferienwohnung.harz.de www.sternwarte-sankt-andreasberg.de/termine Donation Account Donation Account www.sternwarte-sankt-andreasberg.de/termine www.sternwarte-sankt-andreasberg.de/termine www.sternwarte-sankt-andreasberg.de/termine Donation Account Spendenkonto: www.maritim.de www.sternwarte-sankt-andreasberg.de/termine www.maritim.de www.maritim.de IBAN: DE52 1203 0000 1005 3394 011005 3394 01 Donation Account Donation Account Donation Account www.maritim.de IBAN: DE52 1203 Donation Account Donation Account IBAN: DE52 1203 0000 Other accommodati on: Weitere Unterkünfte unter: IBAN: DE52 1203 0000 1005 3394 01 IBAN: DE52 1203 00000000 10051005 33943394 01 01 www.maritim.de Donation Account www.maritim.de www.maritim.de Donation Account Donation Account www.maritim.de www.maritim.de Donation Account Donation Account SWIFT/BIC: BYLADEM1001 IBAN: DE52 1203 0000 1005 3394 01 IBAN: DE52 1203 0000 1005 3394 01 Donation Account IBAN: DE52 1203 0000 1005 3394 01 www.oberharz.de www.maritim.de www.oberharz.de Donation Account SWIFT/BIC: BYLADEM1001 IBAN: DE52 1203 0000 1005 3394 01 IBAN: DE52 1203 0000 1005 3394 01 www.maritim.de SWIFT/BIC: BYLADEM1001 SWIFT/BIC: BYLADEM1001 www.maritim.de www.maritim.de www.maritim.de SWIFT/BIC: BYLADEM1001 www.maritim.de IBAN: DE52 1203 0000 1005 3394 01 IBAN: DE52 1203 0000 IBAN:1005 DE52 120301 00001005 10053394 339401 01 www.maritim.de Otheraccommodation: accommodation: www.oberharz.de IBAN: DE52 1203 0000 3394 IBAN: DE52 1203 0000 1005 3394 01 SWIFT/BIC: SWIFT/BIC: BYLADEM1001 IBAN: DE52 1203 0000 Other www.oberharz.de SWIFT/BIC: BYLADEM1001 Other accommodation: www.oberharz.de IBAN: DE52BYLADEM1001 1203 0000 1005 1005 3394 3394 01 01 SWIFT/BIC: BYLADEM1001 SWIFT/BIC: BYLADEM1001 Other accommodation: www.oberharz.de SWIFT/BIC: BYLADEM1001 SWIFT/BIC: BYLADEM1001 Stand Mai 2016 SWIFT/BIC:BYLADEM1001 BYLADEM1001 Other accommodation: www.oberharz.de Other accommodation: www.oberharz.de SWIFT/BIC: BYLADEM1001 SWIFT/BIC: Other accommodation: www.oberharz.de SWIFT/BIC: BYLADEM1001 Other accommodation: www.oberharz.de Other accommodation: www.oberharz.de SWIFT/BIC: BYLADEM1001 Other accommodation: www.oberharz.de Other accommodation: www.oberharz.de Other accommodation: www.oberharz.de modation: www.oberharz.de Other accommodation: www.oberharz.de Other accommodation: accommodation: www.oberharz.de www.oberharz.de Other Sankt Andreasberg Observatory Sankt Andreasberg Observatory Sankt Andreasberg Observat Sankt Andreasberg/Oberharz Sankt Andreasberg Observatory Sankt Andreasberg Observatory Sankt Andreasberg Observatory Sankt Andreasberg Observatory Sankt Andreasberg Observatory Sankt Observatory SanktAndreasberg Andreasberg Observatory Sankt Andreasberg Observatory Sankt Andreasberg Observatory „Dem Himmel soSky“ nah“ „So close to the Sky“ „So close to the „So close to the Sky“ „So close toto the Sky“ „So close the Sky“ „So close to the Sky“ „So close to the Sky“ „So close to the Sky“ close to „Sothe close tothe theSky“ Sky“ „So close „So to Sky“ „So close to the Sky“ www.druckkontor-emden.de | 05/16 Experience Nature, Culture and Experience Nature, Culture and Experience Nature, Culture Natur, Kultur und Wissenschaft Experience Nature, Culture and Experience Nature, Culture and Experience Nature, Culture and Experience Nature, Culture and Experience Nature, Culture and Science without barriers Experience Nature, Culture Experience Nature, Culture and Science without barriersand Science without barriers Experience Nature, Culture and Experience Nature, Culture and Science without barriers barrierefrei erleben Science without barriers Science without barriers Science without barriers Science without barriers Science without Sciencebarriers withoutbarriers barriers Science without Science without barriers Nice Outlook Looking Further than the Nice Outlook Looking Further than the TV Screen TV Screen Nice Outlook Looking Further than the TV Screen Nice Outlook Looking Looking Further Further than than the the TV TV Screen Screen Nice Nice Outlook Outlook Looking Looking Further Further than than the the TV TV Screen Screen Nice Outlook Looking Further than the TV Screen Nice Nice Outlook Outlook Looking Looking Further Further than than the the TV TV Screen Screen Nice Outlook Looking Further than the TV Nice Outlook Looking Further than the TVthe Screen Nice Nice Nice Outlook Outlook Outlook Looking Looking Looking Further Further Further than than than the TV theScreen Screen TV TVScreen Screen In 2014, the highest-elevation observatory in Northern Which star is the brightest What happens In the highest-elevation observatory in Northern Which star is the brightest in the in the evening? What happens on In 2014, the highest-elevation highest-elevation observatory observatory in Northern in Northern In2014, 2014, the highest-elevation observatory in Northern Which Which star star is the is the brightest brightest in the in the evening? evening? What What happens happens onon Which star is the brightest in the evening? What happens on InIn2014, 2014, 2014, the thethe highest-elevation highest-elevation observatory observatory ininNorthern Northern Northern Which Which star star isisthe the the brightest brightest ininthe the the evening? evening? What What happens happens on on In the highest-elevation observatory in Which star is brightest in evening? What happens on In Inthe 2014, 2014, the highest-elevation highest-elevation observatory observatory ininNorthern Northern Which Which star star isisthe the brightest brightest ininthe the evening? evening? What What happens happens In 2014, the highest-elevation observatory in Northern Which star is the brightest in the evening? What happens In Germany 2014, highest-elevation observatory in Northern Which star is the brightest in the evening? What happens on In 2014, In In 2014, 2014, the the highest-elevation the highest-elevation highest-elevation observatory observatory observatory in Northern in in Northern Northern Which Which Which star star star is the is is the brightest the brightest brightest in the in in the evening? the evening? evening? What What What happens happens happens was opened in Sankt Andreasberg in the Oberharz. Germany was opened in Sankt Andreasberg in the Oberharz. Germany was was opened opened in Sankt in Sankt Andreasberg Andreasberg in the in the Oberharz. Oberharz. Germany opened in Sankt Andreasberg in the Oberharz. the Sun? Who can find the Cassiopeia or the the on Sun? the Who Sun? can Who find can the find Big the Dipper, Big Dipper, Cassiopeia Cassiopeia or the or the Germany Germany was was opened opened ininSankt Sankt Sankt Andreasberg Andreasberg ininthe the the Oberharz. Oberharz. the on Sun? the Who Sun? can Who find can the find Big the Dipper, Big Dipper, Cassiopeia Cassiopeia or the or the the Sun? Who can find the Big Dipper, Cassiopeia or the the the Sun? Sun? Who Who can can find find the the Big Big Dipper, Dipper, Cassiopeia Cassiopeia or or the the Germany was opened in Andreasberg in Oberharz. Germany Germany was was opened opened in in Sankt Sankt Andreasberg Andreasberg in in the the Oberharz. Oberharz. the Sun? can find the Big Dipper, Cassiopeia or the on onWho the theWho Sun? Sun? Who Who can can find find the theDipper, Big Big Dipper, Dipper, Cassiopeia Cassiopeia or orthe the Germany was opened in Sankt Andreasberg in the Oberharz. on the Sun? Who can find the Big Cassiopeia or Germany was opened in Sankt Andreasberg in the Oberharz. the Sun? can find the Big Dipper, Cassiopeia or the Germany Germany Germany was opened opened opened in Sankt in in Sankt Sankt Andreasberg Andreasberg Andreasberg in the in inthe Oberharz. theOberharz. Oberharz. The project isis coordinated and financed by the non-profit The project isproject coordinated and financed by non-profit on the on onthe Sun? theSun? Sun? Who Who Who can can find can find find the the Big theBig Dipper, Big Dipper, Dipper, Cassiopeia Cassiopeia Cassiopeia or the the ororthe the The The project project iswas coordinated isiswas coordinated and and financed financed by the by the non-profit non-profit coordinated and financed bythe the non-profit The The project project is coordinated coordinated and and financed financed by by the the non-profit non-profit Pleiades? Pleiades? Pleiades? Pleiades? Pleiades? Pleiades? Pleiades? The project coordinated and financed by the non-profit The The project is is coordinated coordinated and and financed financed by by the the non-profit non-profit Pleiades? Pleiades? Pleiades? The project is coordinated and financed by the non-profit The project is coordinated and financed by the non-profit Pleiades? The The project The project project is coordinated is is coordinated coordinated and and financed and financed financed by the by by the non-profit the non-profit non-profit Pleiades? Sankt Andreasberg Observatory Association. Its goal is to Sankt Andreasberg Observatory Association. Its goal is to Sankt Andreasberg Andreasberg Observatory Observatory Association. Association. Its Its goal isisgoal to is to Sankt Sankt Andreasberg Andreasberg Observatory Observatory Association. Association. Its Itsgoal goal goal isisto to to Pleiades? Pleiades? Pleiades? Sankt Andreasberg Observatory Association. Itsgoal goal to Sankt Andreasberg Observatory Association. Its is Sankt Sankt Andreasberg Andreasberg Observatory Observatory Association. Association. Its Its goal isisto to Sankt Andreasberg Observatory Association. Its goal is to Sankt Andreasberg Observatory Association. Itsold, goal is to Sankt Sankt Sankt Andreasberg Andreasberg Andreasberg Observatory Observatory Observatory Association. Association. Association. Its goal Its Its goal goal isor to is is to to bring the sky closer to everyone—young and disabled or bring the sky closer to everyone—young and old, disabled bring the sky sky closer closer to everyone—young to everyone—young and and old, old, disabled disabled or or bring bring the the sky sky closer closer to to everyone—young everyone—young and and old, old, disabled disabled or or bring the closer to everyone—young and old, disabled or bring the sky closer to everyone—young old, disabled bring bring the the sky skyto closer closer to toeveryone—young everyone—young and and old, old,disabled disabled or or bring the sky closer to everyone—young and old, disabled or bring the sky closer everyone—young andand old, disabled or or bring bring bring the the sky the sky closer sky closer closer toon everyone—young to to everyone—young everyone—young and and old, and old, disabled old,disabled disabled or oror not, and give lectures astromony. not, and give lectures on astromony. not, and give give lectures lectures on on astromony. astromony. not, not, and and give give lectures lectures on on astromony. astromony. not, and lectures on astromony. not, and give lectures on astromony. not, not, and and give give lectures lectures on on astromony. astromony. not, and give lectures on astromony. not,not, and give lectures on on astromony. not, not, and and give and give give lectures lectures lectures astromony. on onastromony. astromony. The area surrounding the International House Sonnenberg The area surrounding the International House Sonnenberg TheThe The area area surrounding surrounding the the International International House House Sonnenberg Sonnenberg The The area area surrounding surrounding the thethe International International House House Sonnenberg Sonnenberg The area surrounding thethe International House Sonnenberg area surrounding International House Sonnenberg The The area area surrounding surrounding the International International House House Sonnenberg Sonnenberg The area surrounding the International House Sonnenberg The area surrounding the International House Sonnenberg The The area The area area surrounding surrounding surrounding the the International the International International House House House Sonnenberg Sonnenberg Sonnenberg offers fantastic seeing conditions: offers fantastic seeing conditions: offers offers fantastic fantastic seeing seeing conditions: conditions: offers offers fantastic fantastic seeing seeing conditions: conditions: offers fantastic seeing conditions: offers fantastic seeing conditions: offers offers fantastic fantastic seeing seeing conditions: conditions: offers fantastic seeing conditions: offers fantastic seeing conditions: offers offers offers fantastic fantastic fantastic seeing seeing seeing conditions: conditions: conditions: ----Elevation 710 m above sea level ---Elevation 710 m level Elevation 710 710 m above m above sea sea level level -Elevation Elevation Elevation 710 710 m m above above sea sea level level Elevation 710 mabove above sea level Elevation 710 m above sea level --Elevation Elevation 710 710 m msea above above sea sea level level --Transparent Elevation 710 m above sea level Elevation 710 mskies above sea level Elevation - -Elevation Elevation 710 710 m 710 above m m above above sea sea level sealevel level and ----Transparent skies and Transparent Transparent skies skies and and Transparent Transparent skies skies and and Transparent skies and Transparent skies and Transparent Transparent skies skies and and -Absolute Transparent skies and Transparent skies and Transparent - -Transparent Transparent skies skies skies and and and darkness, far from urban areas ----Absolute darkness, far from urban areas Absolute Absolute darkness, darkness, far far from from urban urban areas areas Absolute Absolute darkness, darkness, far far from from urban urban areas areas darkness, farfar from urban areas -- Absolute darkness, from urban areas --Absolute Absolute darkness, darkness, far far from from urban urban areas areas darkness, far from urban areas - Absolute Absolute darkness, far from urban areas - Absolute Absolute - -Absolute Absolute darkness, darkness, darkness, far far from far from from urban urban urban areas areas areas Barrier-free Barrier-free Barrier-free Barrier-free Barrier-free Barrier-free Barrier-free Barrier-free Barrier-free Barrier-free Barrier-free Barrier-free Barrier-free Barrier-free Barrier-free In order to offer aaaaview of the universe to people with InInorder to offer ato of the universe to order In order to offer to offer aview view view the of the universe universe topeople people to people with with In order to offer view of the universe to people with InInorder order to offer aview view view of of the the universe to people people with with In to offer of the universe to people with In In order order to offer offer aof aview view of ofthe the universe universe to towith people people with with In order to offer aathe view of the universe to people with In order to offer a view of the universe to people with In order In In order order to offer to to offer offer view a a view view of the of of the universe the universe universe to people to to people people with with with disabilities, we are in the process of transforming the Sankt disabilities, we are in process of transforming the Sankt disabilities, disabilities, we we are are in the in the process process of transforming of transforming the the Sankt disabilities, we are in the process of transforming the Sankt disabilities, disabilities, weare areare inthe the the process process oftransforming transforming transforming the the Sankt Sankt disabilities, we in process of the Sankt disabilities, disabilities, we we are in in the the process process of of transforming transforming the the disabilities, we are in the process of transforming the disabilities, we are in the process of transforming the Sankt disabilities, disabilities, disabilities, we we are we are in are the in in the process the process process of transforming of of transforming transforming the the the Andreasberg Observatory into the first completely barrierAndreasberg Sankt Andreasberg Observatory Observatory into the first into completely the first completely barrierAndreasberg Sankt Andreasberg Observatory Observatory into the first into completely the first completely barrierAndreasberg Observatory into thefirst first completely barrierAndreasberg Andreasberg Observatory Observatory into intothe the first completely completely barrierbarrierAndreasberg Observatory into completely barrierSankt Sankt Andreasberg Andreasberg Observatory Observatory into into the thefirst first completely completely Sankt Andreasberg Observatory into the first completely Andreasberg Observatory into theWe first completely barrierSankt Sankt Sankt Andreasberg Andreasberg Andreasberg Observatory Observatory Observatory into into into the the first the first first completely completely completely free observatory in Germany. have already free barrier-free observatory observatory in Germany. in Germany. We have already We have already free barrier-free observatory observatory in Germany. in Germany. We have already We have already free free observatory in in Germany. Germany. We have already already free observatory Germany. We have free observatory in Germany. have already barrier-free barrier-free observatory observatory ininWe Germany. Germany. We Wehave have already already barrier-free observatory in Germany. We have already free observatory in Germany. We have already barrier-free barrier-free barrier-free observatory observatory observatory inmedia Germany. in inGermany. Germany. We We have We have have already already already implemented specialized media that help to bring all implemented specialized media that help to bring all implemented implemented specialized specialized media that that help help tohelp bring to bring all all implemented implemented specialized specialized media media that help to to bring bring all all implemented specialized media that help bring allall implemented specialized media that help to bring all implemented implemented specialized specialized media media that that help to to bring bring all implemented specialized media that help to bring all implemented specialized media that help to bring all implemented implemented implemented specialized specialized specialized media media media that that that help help help to bring to to bring bring all all all people closer to the night sky. people closer to the night sky. people people closer closer to the to the night night sky. sky. people people closer to to the the night night sky. sky. people closer night sky. people closer to the night sky. people people closer closer to to the the night night sky. sky. people closer to the night sky. people closer tocloser the night sky. people people people closer closer to the to tothe night the night night sky.sky. sky. Meeting place for Amateur Astronomers Meeting place for Amateur Astronomers Meeting Meeting place place for for Amateur Amateur Astronomers Astronomers Meeting Meeting place for for Amateur Amateur Astronomers Astronomers Meeting place Amateur Astronomers Meeting place for Amateur Astronomers Meeting Meeting place place for for Amateur Amateur Astronomers Astronomers Meeting place for Amateur Astronomers Meeting place for Amateur Astronomers Meeting Meeting Meeting place place place for for Amateur forAmateur Amateur Astronomers Astronomers Astronomers The Telescope Meeting (STATT) organized by the Sankt The Telescope Meeting (STATT) organized by Sankt The The Telescope Telescope Meeting Meeting (STATT) (STATT) organized organized bythe the by the Sankt Sankt The The Telescope Telescope Meeting Meeting (STATT) (STATT) organized organized by by the the Sankt Sankt The Telescope Meeting (STATT) organized by the Sankt The Telescope Meeting (STATT) organized by the Sankt The The Telescope Telescope Meeting Meeting (STATT) (STATT) organized organized by by the the Sankt Sankt The Telescope Meeting (STATT) organized by the Sankt The Telescope Meeting (STATT) organized by the Sankt The The Telescope The Telescope Telescope Meeting Meeting Meeting (STATT) (STATT) (STATT) organized organized organized by the by by the Sankt the Sankt Sankt Andreasberg Observatory is a meeting point for amateur Andreasberg Observatory is a meeting point for amateur Andreasberg Andreasberg Observatory Observatory is a is meeting a meeting point point for for amateur amateur Andreasberg Andreasberg Observatory Observatory is is a a meeting meeting point point for for amateur amateur Andreasberg Observatory is a meeting point for amateur Andreasberg Observatory is a meeting point for amateur Andreasberg Andreasberg Observatory Observatory is is a a meeting meeting point point for for amateur amateur Andreasberg Observatory is a meeting point for amateur Andreasberg Observatory is a meeting point for amateur Andreasberg Andreasberg Andreasberg Observatory Observatory Observatory isGermany. aismeeting isaameeting meeting point point point for for amateur for amateur amateur astronomers from all over Germany. ItIt takes place next to astronomers from all over Germany. ItIt takes next to astronomers astronomers from from all over all over Germany. takes ItItIt takes place next next tonext astronomers astronomers from from all all over over Germany. Germany. It takes takes place place next next to to astronomers from all over Germany. takes place next to astronomers from all over Germany. takes place next to astronomers astronomers from from all all over over Germany. Germany. Itplace Itplace takes takes place place next astronomers from all over Germany. It takes place next astronomers from all over Germany. It have takes next tonext astronomers astronomers astronomers from from from all over all all over over Germany. Germany. Germany. It have takes Ithave Itplace takes takes place place place next next observatory. Amateur astronomers also been the to observatory. the observatory. Amateur Amateur astronomers astronomers also have been also been thethe to observatory. the observatory. Amateur Amateur astronomers astronomers have also have been also been the the observatory. observatory. Amateur Amateur astronomers astronomers have also also been been the observatory. Amateur astronomers have also been the observatory. Amateur astronomers have also been to to the the observatory. observatory. Amateur Amateur astronomers astronomers have have also also been been to the observatory. Amateur astronomers have also been the observatory. Amateur astronomers have also been to to the observatory. the observatory. observatory. Amateur Amateur Amateur astronomers astronomers astronomers have have have also also also been been been able to take advantage of our good seeing conditions since able to take advantage of our good seeing conditions since able able tothe take to take advantage advantage of our of our good good seeing seeing conditions conditions since able able to to take take advantage advantage of of our our good good seeing seeing conditions conditions since since able to take advantage of our good seeing conditions since able to take advantage of our good seeing conditions since able able to to take take advantage advantage of ofour our good good seeing seeing conditions conditions able to take advantage of our good seeing conditions able to take advantage of our good seeing conditions since able able able to take to totake take advantage advantage advantage of our ofofour good ourgood good seeing seeing seeing conditions conditions conditions August 2014. August since 2014. August 2014. August since 2014. August 2014. August August 2014. 2014. August 2014. since since August August 2014. 2014. August 2014. since August 2014. August 2014. since since since August August August 2014. 2014. 2014. Many people have never knowingly seen the Milky Way, and Many people have never knowingly seen the Milky Way, and Many Many people people have have never never knowingly knowingly seen seen the the Milky Milky Way, Way, and Many Many people people have have never never knowingly knowingly seen seen the the Milky Milky Way, Way, and and Many people have never knowingly seen the Milky Way, and Many Many people people have have never never knowingly knowingly seen seen the the Milky Milky Way, Way, Many people have never knowingly seen the Milky Way, and Many people have never knowingly seen the Milky Way, Many people have never knowingly seen the Milky and Many Many Many people people people have have have never never never knowingly knowingly knowingly seen seen seen the the Milky theWay, Milky Milky Way, Way, Way, only know the rings of Saturn from advertisements. In the only and know only the know rings the of rings Saturn of from Saturn advertisements. from advertisements. In the only and know only the know rings the of rings Saturn of from Saturn advertisements. from advertisements. In the only only know know the the rings rings of of Saturn Saturn from from advertisements. advertisements. In In the the only know the rings ofSaturn Saturn from advertisements. In the and and only only know know the the rings rings of of Saturn Saturn from from advertisements. advertisements. only know the rings of from advertisements. In the and only know the rings of Saturn from advertisements. only know the rings ofthe Saturn from advertisements. Inskies the and and only and only only know know know the rings the rings rings of Saturn ofof Saturn Saturn from from from advertisements. advertisements. advertisements. Sankt Andreasberg Observatory, they view the by day Sankt In the Andreasberg Sankt Andreasberg Observatory, Observatory, they can view they the can skies view by the day Sankt In the Andreasberg Sankt Andreasberg Observatory, Observatory, they cancan view they the can skies view by the day Sankt Sankt Andreasberg Andreasberg Observatory, Observatory, they they can can view view the the skies skies by by day day Sankt Andreasberg Observatory, they can view the skies by day In In the the Sankt Sankt Andreasberg Andreasberg Observatory, Observatory, they they can can view view the the Sankt Andreasberg Observatory, they can view the skies by day In the Sankt Andreasberg Observatory, they can view the Sankt Andreasberg Observatory, they can view the skies by day In the In In the Sankt the Sankt Sankt Andreasberg Andreasberg Andreasberg Observatory, Observatory, Observatory, they they they can can view can view view the the or night, with the naked eye or with telescopes. A view of the or skies by with day the or naked night, eye with or the with naked telescopes. eye or with A view telescopes. of the ornight, night, skies by with day the or naked night, eye with or the with naked telescopes. eye or with A view telescopes. of the or or night, night, with with the the naked naked eye eye or or with with telescopes. telescopes. A A view view of of the the or night, with the naked eye orthe with telescopes. Atelescopes. view of skies skies by by day day or or night, night, with with the naked naked eye eyewith or or with with telescopes. telescopes. skies by day or night, with the naked eye or or night, with the or with telescopes. A view of the the or night, with the naked eye or with Aopens view of the skies skies skies by day by day or day night, ornaked ornight, night, with with with the the naked thetelescopes. naked naked eye eye or eye with oror with with telescopes. telescopes. telescopes. universe isby an unforgettable experience, and opens up new universe A view is of an the unforgettable universe isiseye an experience, unforgettable and opens experience, up new and universe Auniverse view isview of an the unforgettable universe an experience, unforgettable and opens experience, up new and universe is is an an unforgettable unforgettable experience, experience, and and opens up up new new universe is an unforgettable experience, and opens up new A A view of of the the universe universe is is an an unforgettable unforgettable experience, experience, and and A view of the universe is an unforgettable experience, and universe is an unforgettable experience, and opens up new universe is an unforgettable experience, and opens up new A view AAview view ofnew the ofofthe universe the universe universe is anisisunforgettable an anunforgettable unforgettable experience, experience, experience, andand and horizons. horizons. opens up horizons. horizons. opens up new horizons. horizons. horizons. horizons. opens opens up up new new horizons. horizons. opens up horizons. horizons. horizons. opens opens opens up new new up upnew new horizons. horizons. horizons. offer …… We offer ……offer WeWe We offer offer ……… …… We We offer offer We offer We We offer We offer … We offer We offer … We We offer We offer offer …… columns ……columns ----five telescopic with electrical connections, onto --five telescopic with electrical connections, onto five five telescopic telescopic columns columns with with electrical electrical connections, connections, onto … five five telescopic telescopic columns columns with with electrical electrical connections, connections, onto onto We … WeWe We … … We We … … five telescopic columns with electrical connections, onto five five telescopic telescopic columns columns with with electrical electrical connections, connections, We … We We … … five telescopic columns with electrical connections, five telescopic columns with electrical connections, onto five telescopic columns with electrical connections, onto We … We … We … five five telescopic five telescopic telescopic columns columns columns with with with electrical electrical electrical connections, connections, connections, which personal telescopes can be mounted. which onto personal which personal telescopes telescopes can be mounted. can be mounted. which onto personal which personal telescopes telescopes can be mounted. can be mounted. WeWe … We…… which which personal personal telescopes telescopes can can be be mounted. mounted. which personal telescopes can be mounted. onto onto which which personal personal telescopes telescopes can canmounted. be bemounted. mounted. onto which personal telescopes can be which personal telescopes can be mounted. which personal telescopes can be mounted. onto onto onto which which which personal personal personal telescopes telescopes telescopes can can be can mounted. be be mounted. mounted. ----Workshops, instance electronic image processing, --Workshops, for instance on electronic image processing, Workshops, forfor for instance instance onon on electronic electronic image image processing, ----give lectures to teach about astronomy -Workshops, Workshops, Workshops, for for instance instance on on electronic electronic image image processing, processing, --give lectures to about astronomy give lectures lectures toteach teach to teach about about astronomy astronomy -give give give lectures lectures to to teach teach about about astronomy astronomy Because of this, on many days of the year, the Milky Way Because of on many days of the year, the Milky Way Workshops, for instance electronic image processing, Because Because ofthis, this, of this, on on many many days days ofdays the of the year, year, the the Milky Milky Way Way --Workshops, Workshops, for for instance instance on on electronic electronic image image Because Because of of this, this, on on many many days days of of the the year, year, the the Milky Milky Way Way give lectures to teach about astronomy --give give lectures lectures to to teach teach about about astronomy astronomy --sundials, Workshops, for instance on image Because of this, on many days of the year, the Milky Way Because Because of ofthis, this, on on many many days of ofthe the year, year, the the Milky Milky Way Way --offer -sundials, Workshops, for instance on on electronic image processing, --offer give lectures to teach about astronomy Workshops, forfor instance onelectronic electronic image processing, give lectures to teach about astronomy Workshops, Workshops, Workshops, for instance for instance instance on electronic on on electronic electronic image image image give lectures to teach about astronomy etc. Because of this, on many days of the year, the Milky Way processing, etc. sundials, etc. sundials, processing, etc. sundials, etc. give give give lectures lectures lectures to teach to to teach teach about about about astronomy astronomy astronomy this, on many days of the year, the Milky Way practical introductions to night sky viewing sundials, sundials, etc. etc. practical introductions to night sky viewing Because of on many days of the year, the Milky Way offer offer practical practical introductions introductions to night to night sky sky viewing viewing -offer offer practical practical introductions introductions to tonight night night sky skyviewing viewing viewing Because Because Because of this, of of this, this, on many on onGalaxy many many days days days ofare the of ofvisible the year, the year, year, the Milky the Milky Milky Way Way Way and even the Andromeda Galaxy with the naked and even the Andromeda are visible with the naked sundials, etc.sundials, processing, processing, sundials, sundials, etc. etc. and and even even the the Andromeda Andromeda Galaxy Galaxy are are visible visible with with the the naked naked and and even even the the Andromeda Andromeda Galaxy Galaxy are are visible visible with with the the naked naked ---offer practical introductions to sky --offer offer practical practical introductions introductions to to night night sky sky viewing viewing processing, etc. and even the Andromeda Galaxy are visible with the naked sundials, etc. and and even even the the Andromeda Andromeda Galaxy Galaxy are are visible visible with with the the naked naked offer practical introductions to night sky viewing sundials, etc. offer practical introductions to night sky viewing processing, processing, processing, sundials, sundials, sundials, etc.etc. etc. ----Planetarium projections - -offer practical introductions to night sky and even the Andromeda Galaxy are visible the naked --Planetarium projections Planetarium projections projections - -offer - -offer offer practical practical practical introductions introductions introductions to night to toobservatory night night skyviewing sky viewing skyviewing viewing the Andromeda Galaxy are visible with the naked telescopes for use next the -Planetarium Planetarium Planetarium projections projections telescopes for use next to the to observatory loan loan telescopes telescopes for for use use next next tonext the the observatory observatory and even Andromeda Galaxy are visible with naked loan loan telescopes telescopes for for use use next next to to the the observatory observatory and and even and even even the the Andromeda the Andromeda Andromeda Galaxy Galaxy Galaxy are are visible arevisible visible with with with the the naked the naked eye. To keep things this way, the Association isis engaged in eye. To keep things this way, the Association isiswith engaged in Planetarium projections eye. eye. To keep To keep things things this this way, way, the the Association Association engaged is engaged in naked in --Planetarium Planetarium projections projections eye. eye. To To keep keep things things this this way, way, the the Association Association isthe is engaged engaged inin inin--loan ---loan loan telescopes for use next to the observatory --loan loan telescopes telescopes for for use use next to tothe the observatory observatory --Accommodation Planetarium projections eye. To keep things this way, the Association engaged in eye. eye. To To keep keep things things this this way, way, the the Association Association isisengaged engaged --Accommodation Planetarium projections loan telescopes for use next to the observatory Planetarium projections loan telescopes for use next to the observatory Planetarium Planetarium Planetarium projections projections projections eye. To keep things this way, the Association is engaged in possibilities possibilities loan telescopes for use next to the observatory Accommodation Accommodation possibilities possibilities loan loan loan telescopes telescopes telescopes for for use for use next use next next to the to to the observatory the observatory observatory eye. To keep things this way, the Association is engaged in organize events for special astronomical occurrences, like Accommodation Accommodation possibilities possibilities organize events for special astronomical occurrences, like organize organize events events for special special astronomical astronomical occurrences, occurrences, like things this way, the Association is engaged inin inin --organize -organize organize events events for forspecial special special astronomical astronomical occurrences, occurrences, like like eye. eye. eye. To keep To To keep keep things things things this this way, this way, way, the the Association the Association Association is engaged ispollution. ispollution. engaged engaged efforts to maintain the night sky and reduce light pollution. efforts to maintain the night sky and reduce light pollution. - Accommodation possibilities efforts efforts to maintain to maintain the the night night sky sky and and reduce reduce light light pollution. --Accommodation Accommodation possibilities possibilities efforts efforts to to maintain maintain the the night night sky sky and and reduce reduce light light pollution. events for astronomical occurrences, --organize organize events events for for special special astronomical astronomical occurrences, occurrences, Accommodation possibilities efforts to maintain the night sky and reduce light pollution. efforts efforts to tomaintain maintain the the night night sky sky and and reduce reduce light light pollution. pollution. -meteor Accommodation possibilities --meteor organize events for special astronomical occurrences, organize events for special astronomical occurrences, likelike Accommodation possibilities Accommodation - -Accommodation Accommodation possibilities possibilities efforts to night sky and reduce light pollution. ------Exhibitions of models of heavenly bodies ---Exhibitions of of heavenly bodies - organize events for special astronomical occurrences, like Exhibitions Exhibitions ofmodels models of models ofpossibilities heavenly of heavenly bodies bodies organize - -organize organize events events events for for special for special special astronomical astronomical astronomical occurrences, occurrences, occurrences, efforts to maintain the night sky and reduce light pollution. shower nights, comet viewing and the Germany-wide Exhibitions Exhibitions of of models models of of heavenly heavenly bodies bodies like meteor shower shower nights, comet nights, viewing comet viewing and the and Germany-wide the like meteor shower shower nights, nights, comet viewing comet viewing and the and Germany-wide the maintain thethe night sky and reduce light pollution. meteor meteor shower shower nights, nights, comet comet viewing viewing and and the the Germany-wide Germany-wide efforts efforts efforts to maintain maintain totomaintain maintain the the night the night night sky sky and sky and reduce andreduce reduce light light light pollution. pollution. pollution. meteor Exhibitions of models of heavenly bodies Exhibitions Exhibitions of of models models of ofheavenly heavenly bodies bodies meteor shower nights, comet viewing and the Germany-wide like like meteor meteor shower shower nights, nights, comet comet viewing viewing and andthe the -- Exhibitions of models of heavenly bodies - Exhibitions of models of heavenly bodies like meteor shower nights, comet viewing and the meteor shower nights, comet viewing and the Germany-wide Exhibitions of models of heavenly bodies Exhibitions Exhibitions Exhibitions of models of of models models of heavenly of of heavenly heavenly bodies bodies bodies like like meteor like meteor meteor shower shower shower nights, nights, nights, comet comet comet viewing viewing viewing and and the and the the meteor shower nights, comet viewing and the Germany-wide Day of Astronomy Day Germany-wide of Astronomy Day of Astronomy DayDay Germany-wide of Germany-wide Astronomy Day of Astronomy Day Day of of Astronomy Astronomy The location in the middle of the Harz national park is one of The location in the middle of the Harz national park is one of The The location location in the in the middle middle of the of the Harz Harz national national park park is one is one of of The The location location in in the the middle middle of of the the Harz Harz national national park park is is one one of of of Astronomy Germany-wide Day Day of ofAstronomy Astronomy The location in the middle of the Harz national park is one of The Thelocation location ininthe themiddle middle of ofthe the Harz Harz national national park park isisone one of of Germany-wide Day of Astronomy Day of Astronomy The location in the middle of the Harz national park is one of A 1.2-meter-mirror-based telescope will be complete aaaa A 1.2-meter-mirror-based telescope will be complete ininaain A 1.2-meter-mirror-based A 1.2-meter-mirror-based telescope telescope will will be complete be complete in Germany-wide Germany-wide Germany-wide Day Day Day of Astronomy of of Astronomy Astronomy Day of Astronomy The location in the middle of the Harz national park is one of plan events for groups and school classes, on request, in A A 1.2-meter-mirror-based 1.2-meter-mirror-based telescope telescope will will be be complete complete inin plan events for groups and school classes, on request, in - plan events events for for groups groups and and school school classes, classes, on on on request, request, in ininin -plan plan plan events events for forgroups groups groups and and school school classes, classes, on onrequest, request, request, The The location The location location in the in inthe middle the middle middle of the of of the Harz the Harz Harz national national national park park park is one is is one one of ofof The location the middle of the Harz national park is one of darkest in Germany, according to the Federal Office for the darkest in Germany, according to Federal Office for A 1.2-meter-mirror-based telescope be complete thethe the darkest darkest inin Germany, in Germany, according according to the to the Federal Federal Office Office for for AA1.2-meter-mirror-based 1.2-meter-mirror-based telescope telescope will will be becomplete complete inin the the darkest darkest in in Germany, Germany, according according to to the the Federal Federal Office Office for for ----plan events for and school classes, --plan plan events events for for groups groups and and school school classes, classes, on on request, request, A 1.2-meter-mirror-based telescope will be complete in the darkest in Germany, according to the Federal Office for the the darkest darkest ininGermany, Germany, according according to tothe the Federal Federal Office Office for for -cooperation A 1.2-meter-mirror-based telescope willwill be complete in ain plan events for groups and school classes, on request, plan events for groups and school classes, on request, in A 1.2-meter-mirror-based A A 1.2-meter-mirror-based 1.2-meter-mirror-based telescope telescope telescope will will be will complete be be complete complete in inain the darkest in Germany, according to the Federal Office for A 1.2-meter-mirror-based telescope will be complete in few years. few a years. few years. few a years. few years. plan plan plan events events events for for groups for groups groups and and school and school school classes, classes, classes, on request, on on request, request, the darkest in Germany, according to the Federal Office for plan events for groups and school classes, on request, in cooperation with school retreats, schools and associations few years. in cooperation with school with school retreats, retreats, schools schools and associations and in cooperation with school with school retreats, retreats, schools schools and associations and cooperation cooperation with with school school retreats, retreats, schools schools and and associations associations the the darkest the darkest darkest in Germany, ininGermany, Germany, according according according to the to to the Federal the Federal Federal Office Office Office for for for cooperation Nature Preservation. In 2011, based on an initiative of the the darkest in Germany, according to the Federal Office for Nature Preservation. In 2011, based on an initiative of the few years. Nature Nature Preservation. Preservation. In 2011, In 2011, based based on on an initiative an initiative of the of the a a few few years. years. Nature Nature Preservation. Preservation. In In 2011, 2011, based based on on an an initiative initiative of of the the cooperation with school retreats, schools and associations inincooperation cooperation with with school school retreats, retreats, schools schools and and few years. Nature Preservation. In 2011, based on an of the Nature Nature Preservation. Preservation. InIn2011, 2011, based based on oninitiative an aninitiative initiative of ofthe the- cooperate fewaafew years. in cooperation with school retreats, schools and with school retreats, schools and associations few aayears. few years. fewyears. years. Nature Preservation. In based on an initiative of the in cooperation inincooperation cooperation with with with school school school retreats, retreats, retreats, schools schools schools and and and House Nature Preservation. In 2011, on an initiative of the -cooperation cooperate with the international educational institution House with the international educational institution with school retreats, schools and associations cooperate associations with the international educational institution House -associations -cooperate cooperate with the the international international educational educational institution institution House House Nature Nature Nature Preservation. Preservation. Preservation. In 2011, 2011, InInbased 2011, 2011, based based based on an on on initiative an an initiative initiative of the of of the the - cooperation Association, Sankt Andreasberg was added to the list “Star Association, Sankt Andreasberg was added the list of “Star of Nature Preservation. In 2011, based on anto initiative of the Association, Association, Sankt Sankt Andreasberg Andreasberg was was added added to the to the list list of “Star of “Star Association, Association, Sankt Sankt Andreasberg Andreasberg was was added added to to the the list list of of “Star “Star cooperate with the international educational institution House associations associations Association, Sankt Andreasberg was added to the list of “Star Association, Association, Sankt Sankt Andreasberg Andreasberg was was added added to to the the list list of of “Star “Star associations cooperate with the international educational institution House We are active in the network of north-German Association, Sankt Andreasberg was added to the list of “Star We are active inin the network of We We are are active active the in the network network ofnorth-German north-German of north-German associations associations associations Association, Sankt Andreasberg was added to the list of “Star Braunlage high school and the Community We WeWe are areactive active active inin the the network network of of north-German north-German Sonnenberg, cooperate Braunlage with the international high school and the Community institution - -cooperate with the educational institution House Sonnenberg, -Sonnenberg, cooperate Braunlage with theinternational international high school and educational the Community institution Sonnenberg, Sonnenberg, Braunlage Braunlage high high school school and and the the Community Community Association, Association, Association, Sankt Sankt Sankt Andreasberg Andreasberg Andreasberg was was was added added added to the to to the list the list of list “Star of of “Star Parks”. In the coming years, we will continue with efforts to Parks”. In coming years, we will continue efforts to We are in the network of north-German Association, Sankt Andreasberg was added towith the list of “Star Parks”. Parks”. Inthe the In the coming coming years, years, we we will will continue continue with with efforts efforts to to We are are active active ininthe the network network of ofnorth-German north-German Parks”. Parks”. InIn the the coming coming years, years, we we will will continue continue with with efforts efforts to to“Star Sonnenberg, Braunlage high school and the Community --cooperate cooperate with with the the international international educational educational institution institution We are active in the network of north-German Parks”. In the coming years, we will continue with efforts to Parks”. Parks”. In In the the coming coming years, years, we we will will continue continue with with efforts efforts to to We are active in the network of north-German cooperate with the international educational institution Sonnenberg, Braunlage high school and the Community We We are We are active are active active in the in in the network the network network of north-German of ofnorth-German north-German Parks”. In the coming years, we will continue with efforts to observatories (www.astronomie-nord.de). observatories (www.astronomie-nord.de). We are active in the network of north-German observatories observatories (www.astronomie-nord.de). (www.astronomie-nord.de). cooperate cooperate cooperate with with with the the international the international international educational educational educational institution institution institution Parks”. In the coming years, we will continue with efforts to College in Goslar. observatories observatories (www.astronomie-nord.de). (www.astronomie-nord.de). College House in Sonnenberg, Goslar. Braunlage high school and the College House in Sonnenberg, Goslar. Braunlage high school and the Sonnenberg, Braunlage high school and the Community College College in in Goslar. Goslar. Parks”. Parks”. Parks”. In the In In the coming the coming coming years, years, years, we we will we will continue will continue continue with with with efforts efforts efforts to to to have our region certified as a Star Park. have our region certified as a Star Park. observatories (www.astronomie-nord.de). have have our our region region certified certified as a as Star a Star Park. Park. Parks”. In the coming years, we will continue with efforts to observatories observatories (www.astronomie-nord.de). (www.astronomie-nord.de). have have our ourour region region certified certified as asaaas aStar Star Star Park. Park. College in Goslar. House House Sonnenberg, Sonnenberg, Braunlage Braunlage high high school school and andthe the observatories (www.astronomie-nord.de). have our region certified as Park. have have our region region certified certified as a a Star Star Park. Park. observatories (www.astronomie-nord.de). House Sonnenberg, Braunlage high school and the College in Goslar. observatories observatories observatories (www.astronomie-nord.de). (www.astronomie-nord.de). (www.astronomie-nord.de). have our region certified as a Star Park. House House House Sonnenberg, Sonnenberg, Sonnenberg, Braunlage Braunlage Braunlage high high high school school school and and the and the the observatories (www.astronomie-nord.de). our region certified as Park. -College received awards education in 2013/14 --received two awards College for in education Goslar. inin2013/14 received Community two awards College for infor education Goslar. 2013/14 in two Goslar. -received received two two awards awards for for education education 2013/14 2013/14 have have our our region ourregion region certified certified certified aasas Star aPark. aStar Star Park. Park. Park. . have .have .have .. . our region certified asaas aStar Star --Community received two awards for education ininin 2013/14 Community Community College College inin Goslar. Goslar. Community College Goslar. - received two awards forin education in 2013/14 Community Community Community College College College in Goslar. ineducation in Goslar. Goslar. .. ... .. .. two awards for education -received received two awards for education in 2013/14 - -received two awards for in 2013/14 --received received two two awards awards for foreducation education inin2013/14 2013/14 -- received two awards for education in received - -received received twotwo two awards awards awards for for education foreducation education in 2013/14 2013/14 inin2013/14 2013/14