power reeds - Marshall Distributing
power reeds - Marshall Distributing
POWER REEDS HELMETS RIDING APPAREL EYE PROTECTION Boyesen’s advanced fiberglass dual-stage design incorporates a specially shaped top reed that is lightweight and resilient for crisp throttle response at partial throttle or low RPMs. The stiffer, bottom reed is ported to provide maximum flow and horsepower at higher RPMs. Benefits: •Quicker acceleration for that all-important holeshot. •Crisper throttle response for faster corner exits and sure jumps. •More horsepower throughout the powerband for guaranteed performance. •Fits OEM reed cage. TIRES EXHAUST CHAINS & SPROCKETS DRIVE BRAKES Order No. ENGINE 11-0361-E9462 11-0368-E9803 AIR/FUEL CHEMICALS ELECTRICAL BATTERIES CONTROLS ACCESSORIES COVERS LUGGAGE WINDSHIELDS PARTS FOR HARLEY CHINESE PARTS 11-9681-E9422 11-9681-E9422 11-9681-E9422 11-0356-E9422 11-0358-E9422 11-0386-E9422 11-0386-E9422 11-0359-E9462 11-2328-E9462 11-5331-E9462 11-6584-E9462 11-8349-E9462 12-5196-E9462 11-0360-E9462 11-0388-E9462 11-6585-E9462 11-8168-E9462 11-9150-E9803 12-4186-E9803 12-7247-E9803 12-7248-E9462 11-0360-E9462 11-0380-E9803 11-0696-E9803 11-9681-E9422 11-0361-E9462 11-0368-E9803 PWC SHOP 11-0388-E9462 11-0369-E9803 TRAILER MERCHANDISING 11-9681-E9422 11-7431-E9181 Application CAGIVA WMX125 all, WMX250 ’83 WMX250 ’84-89, WMX500 all COBRA CH2 ’03-04 Cobra 50 thru ’01 PW3 ’03-04 HONDA CR60R ’83-85, CR80R ’82-85 CR80R ’86 CR80R/B ’87-02 CR85R/RB ’03-07 CR125R ’78-92 CR125R ’93-97 CR125R ’98 CR125R ’99-00 CR125R ’01-02 CR125R ’04 CR250R ’78-87 CR250R ’88-98 CR250R ’99-00 CR250R ’01 CR250R ’02 CR250R ’03 CR250R ’04 CR250R ’05-07 CR450/480R ’81-83 CR500R ’84-88 CR500R ’89-01 HUSQVARNA CR50 ’99-02 WRK125 ’88-90,125CR/WR/WRE ‘95-01, WXE125 ‘95-96 CR250 ’89-98, WR250 ’89-98, WRK250/260 ’89-90, WXE260 ’91-93 CR250 ’99-02, WR250 ’99-02 250/500 CR/WR/XC ’82-88, 400/430 LC ’85-88, 430WR/500AE Auto ’85-88 KTM 50SX Pro Jr/Sr ’98-00 50SX Pro Jr/Sr ’01-08 Boyesen No. Retail 608 $38.95 615 45.95 678 $32.95 678 32.95 678 32.95 603 $32.95 605 32.95 631 32.95 631 32.95 606 38.95 664 38.95 682 38.95 690 38.95 695 38.95 6117 38.95 607 38.95 633 38.95 684 38.95 696 38.95 6103 45.95 6110 45.95 6118 45.95 6128 38.95 607 38.95 625 45.95 636 45.95 678 $32.95 608 615 633 616 38.95 45.95 38.95 45.95 678 $32.95 665 26.95 Order No. 11-7431-E9181 11-0355-E9241 11-7432-E9462 11-8351-E9462 11-7432-E9462 11-8351-E9462 11-7433-E9462 11-7433-E9462 11-7433-E9462 11-7433-E9462 11-0374-E9181 11-0377-E9181 11-7428-E9181 11-0358-E9422 11-0385-E9422 11-1894-E9422 12-5571-E9422 11-0361-E9462 11-0360-E9462 11-0743-E9462 11-0395-E9462 11-7429-E9462 11-8350-E9462 12-4187-E9462 12-5567-E9462 11-0361-E9462 11-0358-E9422 11-0698-E9803 11-0368-E9803 11-0698-E9803 11-0388-E9462 11-5332-E9462 11-7430-E9462 12-7249-E9462 11-0361-E9462 11-0361-E9462 11-0360-E9462 11-0368-E9803 Application KTM - cont’d. 65 ’98-08 125 thru ’83 125SX/EXC ’99-00 125SX/EXC ’01-03 200EXC ’99-06 200SX ’03-05 250SX ’99-01 250EXC ’02-03 300EXC ’99-04 380SX/EXC ’99-02 KAWASAKI AR50/80 ’82 KX60 ’83-04 KX65 ’00-13 KX80 ’79-85, KDX80 ’80-88 KX80 ’86-87 KX80 ’88-00, KX100 ’95-00 KX85/100 ’01-13 KX125 ’74-81 KX125 ’82-88, KDX200 ’83-07, KDX220 ’97-07 KX125 ’89-93 KX125 ’94-98 KX125 ’99-00 KX125 ’01-02 KX125 ’03 KX125 ’04-07 KDX175 ’80-82, KDX250 ’80-81, KX250 ’74-81 KE175 ’76-83 KDX250 ’91-94 KX250 ’83-88 KX250 ’89-96 KX250 ’97 KX250 ’98-99 KX250 ’00-02 KX250 ’05-07 KX400/420/450 ’74-76, ’80-81 KDX400/420/450 ’79-82 KX500 ’83 KX500 ’86-04 Boyesen No. Retail 665 $26.95 602 21.50 685 38.95 6101 38.95 685 38.95 6101 38.95 686 38.95 686 38.95 686 38.95 686 38.95 620 $26.95 622 26.95 693 26.95 605 32.95 630 32.95 646 32.95 6124 32.95 608 38.95 607 639 642 691 6100 6115 6120 38.95 38.95 38.95 38.95 38.95 38.95 38.95 608 605 638 615 638 633 688 692 6129 608 608 607 615 38.95 32.95 45.95 45.95 45.95 38.95 38.95 38.95 38.95 38.95 38.95 38.95 45.95 Continued 648 All numbers in BLUE are new for this year. Ultra Dealers Buy For Less - Ask Us About It POWER REEDS Order No. 11-0364-E9181 11-0363-E9241 11-0377-E9181 11-7428-E9181 11-0363-E9241 11-0364-E9181 11-0386-E9422 11-9154-E9422 *11-0355-E9241 *11-0355-E9241 11-0353-E9241 12-5571-E9422 11-0367-E9181 11-0361-E9462 11-0359-E9462 11-0395-E9462 11-6586-E9462 12-4189-E9462 12-5569-E9462 11-0353-E9241 *11-0355-E9241 *11-0355-E9241 11-0367-E9181 *11-0355-E9241 11-0354-E9181 11-0368-E9803 11-0360-E9462 11-0697-E9462 11-1399-E9462 11-1895-E9462 11-4255-E9462 11-5333-E9462 11-8353-E9462 12-5570-E9462 11-0697-E9462 11-1895-E9462 11-0354-E9181 11-0368-E9803 11-0375-E9241 11-0374-E9181 11-0358-E9422 11-0356-E9422 11-0382-E9422 11-0385-E9422 Application SUZUKI TS50 ’71-74 RM60 ’77-83 RM60 ’03-04 RM65 ’00-07 DS80 ’78-93, JR80 ’01-03 RM80 ’77-85 RM80 ’86-88 RM80 ’89-01 RM85 ’02-13 DS100/125 ’78-81, TS100/125 ’71-81 RM100 ’76-78, RM125 ’75-78 RM100/125 ’79-80 RM100 ’03-05 RM125 ’81, ’84-86 (case reeds) RM125 ’82-83, ’89 RM125 ’87-88 RM125 ’90-98 RM125 ’99-00 RM125 ’03 RM125 ’04-07 PE175 ’78-83, RS175 ’80-82 DS185/250 ’78-80, TS185 ’77-81 PE250 ’77-79, TS250 ’77-81 RG250 Gamma (2 sets req.) RM250/370/400 ’76-78 RM250/400 ’79-80, PE250/400 ’80-81 RM250 ’81-86 RM250 ’87-88 RM250 ’89-90 RM250 ’91-92 RM250 ’93-95 RM250 ’96-97 RM250 ’98-00 RM250 ’01 RM250 ’04-08 RMX250 ’89-92 RMX250 ’93-98 RS250 ’80-81 RM465 ’81-82, RM500 ’83-84 (* NOTE: Use stock metal stops.) YAMAHA PW50 Y-Zinger ’81-02 DT50 ’86, ’88-90; YSR50 ’88-92, Y750 ’80, MX80 ’80-82, TY80 ’74-75 YZ60 ’80-86, YZ80 ’74-79 YZ80 ’80-84 YZ80 ’85-86 YZ80 ’87-92 Boyesen No. Retail Order No. 611 $26.95 610 21.50 622 26.95 693 26.95 11-1896-E9422 11-9152-E9422 11-0374-E9181 11-0358-E9422 610 611 631 6104 21.50 26.95 32.95 32.95 11-0356-E9422 602 602 600 6124 21.50 21.50 21.50 32.95 614 608 606 642 687 6113 6122 600 602 602 614 602 26.95 38.95 38.95 38.95 38.95 38.95 38.95 21.50 21.50 21.50 26.95 21.50 601 615 607 637 643 647 676 681 699 6123 637 647 601 615 26.95 45.95 38.95 38.95 38.95 38.95 38.95 38.95 38.95 38.95 38.95 38.95 26.95 45.95 11-0362-E9462 11-0357-E9462 11-0362-E9462 11-0395-E9462 11-7434-E9462 11-8354-E9462 12-4191-E9462 12-5566-E9462 12-7250-E9462 11-0358-E9422 11-0356-E9422 11-0362-E9462 11-0374-E9181 11-0356-E9422 11-0358-E9422 11-0362-E9462 11-1076-E9462 11-0358-E9422 11-0356-E9422 11-0362-E9462 11-0374-E9181 11-0356-E9422 11-0358-E9422 11-0362-E9462 11-1076-E9462 11-0358-E9422 11-0356-E9422 11-1692-E9422 11-0359-E9462 11-1076-E9462 674 $21.50 11-0379-E9803 11-1076-E9462 11-1652-E9462 26.95 32.95 32.95 32.95 32.95 11-4256-E9462 11-6587-E9462 11-8272-E9462 12-7251-E9462 11-0379-E9803 620 605 603 627 630 HELMETS Application YAMAHA - cont’d. YZ80 ’93-01 YZ85 ’02-13 DT100 ’74-83, RT100 ’92 MX100 ’74-83, RT100 ’90-95, DT125 ’74-81 YZ100 ’76-83, IT125 ’80-81, YZ125 ’74-79 YZ125 ’80-87 YZ125 ’88-92 YZ125 ’93 YZ125 ’94-99 YZ125 ’00 YZ125 ’01-02 YZ125 ’03 YZ125 ’04 YZ125 ’05-13 DT175, MX175 ’74-81 IT175 ’77-79 IT175 ’80-83, IT200 ’84-86 TY175 ’75-76 YZ175 ’76 RT180 ’90-93 WR200 ’92 IT250/400/425/465/490 ’79-85 RD250/350/400 ’73-77 (2 sets req.) IT175 ’77-79 IT175 ’80-83, IT200 ’84-86 TY175 ’75-76 YZ175 ’76 RT180 ’90-93 WR200 ’92 IT250/400/425/465/490 ’79-85 RD250/350/400 ’73-77 (2 sets req.) DT250, RT360 ’71-73 RZ350 ’84-85 (2 sets req.) DT250/360/400 ’74-75, IT250/400 ’76-78, MX250/400 ’73-75, SC500 ’73-74, YZ250 ’74-77, YZ360/400 ’74-78 YZ250 ’78-82, YZ400 ’79, YZ465 ’80-81, YZ490 ’82-83 YZ250 ’84-88, YZ490 ’84-90 YZ250 ’89, YZ250WR ’89 YZ250 ’90-96, YZ250WR ’90, WR250 ’91-97 YZ250 ’97-98 YZ250 ’99-00 YZ250 ’01-02 YZ250 ’05-13 WR500 ’91-96 Boyesen No. Retail 648 $32.95 6105 32.95 620 26.95 605 32.95 603 609 604 609 642 694 697 6111 6119 6130 605 603 609 620 603 605 609 640 32.95 38.95 38.95 38.95 38.95 38.95 38.95 38.95 38.95 38.95 32.95 32.95 38.95 26.95 32.95 32.95 38.95 38.95 605 603 609 620 603 605 609 640 32.95 32.95 38.95 26.95 32.95 32.95 38.95 38.95 605 603 645 32.95 32.95 32.95 RIDING APPAREL EYE PROTECTION TIRES EXHAUST CHAINS & SPROCKETS DRIVE BRAKES ENGINE AIR/FUEL CHEMICALS ELECTRICAL BATTERIES CONTROLS ACCESSORIES COVERS LUGGAGE 606 38.95 WINDSHIELDS 640 624 640 38.95 45.95 38.95 PARTS FOR HARLEY 644 679 689 6102 6131 624 38.95 38.95 38.95 38.95 38.95 45.95 CHINESE PARTS PWC SHOP WE SHIP YOUR ORDER THE SAME DAY! TRAILER USE OUR WEBSITE www.marshalldistributing.com MERCHANDISING All numbers in BLUE are new for this year. Call Toll Free: (800) 248-0136 or fax (800) 728-7999 649 HELMETS RIDING APPAREL EYE PROTECTION TIRES EXHAUST CHAINS & SPROCKETS DRIVE BRAKES ENGINE PRO SERIES REEDS Carbon fiber top reed combined with our most durable fiberglass bottom reed. Responds more quickly to changes in engine pressure, delivering the largest horsepower and torque gains. • Crisper throttle response making challenging obstacles effortless. • More overrev so you can run a gear longer going into a corner or jump. • Increased life over traditional carbon fiber reeds. AIR/FUEL CHEMICALS ELECTRICAL Order No. 12-5572-P8912 12-5574-P8912 Application HONDA CR125R ’04 CR250R ’04 Boyesen No. Retail PRO-198 PRO-200 $44.95 44.95 Order No. 12-5580-P8912 12-4199-P8912 Application KAWASAKI KX250 ’04 SUZUKI RM125 ’03 Boyesen No. Retail PRO-206 $44.95 PRO-187 44.95 BATTERIES REED VALVE REPLACEMENT REEDS PRO SERIES CONTROLS ACCESSORIES COVERS LUGGAGE NOTE: When ordering replacement reeds be advised that Rad Valves with part number stamped on side of valve require replacement reeds listed “Pro Series” and replacement reeds for the Rad Valves without part number stamped on side of valve require replacement reeds listed “Unstamped Valves”. 3-stage reed design: • Low tension top reeds insure instant throttle response. • Intermediate reeds increase mid-range responsiveness and pull. • High tension base reed provides reed stability for improved high RPM operation. Application WINDSHIELDS PARTS FOR HARLEY CHINESE PARTS PWC CR125R ’99 CR125R ’00 CR125R ’01 CR125R ’03 CR250R ’04 50 ’01-08 65SX ’98-08 Order No. HONDA 11-7509-P8912 11-7509-P8912 11-8369-P8912 12-4205-P8912 12-5575-P8912 KTM 12-5009-P8912 12-5009-P8912 Retail Application Order No. KTM - cont’d. 12-7268-P8912 250 SX ’04-06 11-7511-P8912 250 ’98-01 11-7511-P8912 300 ’98-01 KAWASAKI 11-7513-P8912 KX125 ’98 11-7513-P8912 KX125 ’00 SUZUKI 11-9294-P8912 RM85 ’02-12 $44.95 44.95 44.95 44.95 44.95 $44.95 44.95 Retail $44.95 44.95 44.95 $44.95 44.95 $44.95 SHOP WE SHIP YOUR ORDER THE SAME DAY! TRAILER USE OUR WEBSITE www.marshalldistributing.com MERCHANDISING 650 All numbers in BLUE are new for this year. Ultra Dealers Buy For Less - Ask Us About It Application Order No. SUZUKI - cont’d. 11-6368-P8912 RM125 ’98 12-4216-P8912 RM125 ’03 12-5585-P8912 RM250 ’04-08 YAMAHA 11-7519-P8912 YZ125 ’99 11-7519-P8912 YZ125 ’00 12-7272-P8912 YZ250 ’05-13 Retail $44.95 44.95 44.95 $44.95 44.95 44.95 HELMETS RIDING APPAREL EYE PROTECTION REED VALVE ASSEMBLIES TIRES • Symmetrical petals. • Super quick petal changes (screw free). • Custom air guides for maximum air flow. • Advanced composite technology, carbon fiber lay up and resin system. • Redesigned reed stops eliminates need for retaining screws. • Airfoil technology increases velocity of fuel/air mixture for optimum fuel atomization. REED VALVE ASSEMBLIES Application Order No. CR80/85 ’93-09 CR85 ’08 CR125 ’87-00, ’02 CR125 ’03-04 CR125 ’05-08 CR250 ’86-01 CR250 ’02 CR250 ’03-04 CR250 ’05-08 --12-8765-K95611 12-6059-K95611 12-6057-K95611 12-8387-K95611 12-6064-K95611 12-6063-K95611 12-6061-K95611 12-6745-K95611 50 (except Senior) ’98-11 65 SX ’99-11 85 SX ’03-07 85/105 SX ’08 125 EXC/SX ’01-09 200 EXC/SX (all) 250/300 EXC ’98-03 250/300 EXC ’04-06 250 SX thru ’02 250 SX ’03 12-6079-K95611 12-6081-K95611 12-6083-K95611 12-8769-K95611 12-6084-K95611 12-6085-K95611 12-6085-K95611 *12-9792-K95611 12-6085-K95611 *12-9792-K95611 KX60/65 ’83-13 KX80/85/100 ’91-13 KX125 ’03-08 KDX200/220 ’89-07 KX250 ’87-04 KX250 ’05-08 12-6065-K95611 12-6068-K95611 12-6069-K95611 12-6076-K95611 12-6075-K95611 12-6746-K95611 RM65 ’03-07 RM80/85 ’89-07 RM85 ’08-12 RM100 ’03 RM125 ’89-08 RM250 ’87-88 RM250 ’89-93 RM250 ’96-97, ’03-08 RMX250 ’89-99 12-6065-K95611 --12-8767-K99131 12-6068-K95611 12-6070-K95611 12-6064-K95611 12-6072-K95611 12-6071-K95611 12-6072-K95611 YZ80/85 ’93-01 YZ85 ’02-13 YZ125 ’95-04 YZ125 ’05-13 YZ250 ’97-13 12-6077-K95611 12-8768-K99131 12-6078-K95611 12-6747-K95611 12-6071-K95611 HONDA KTM KAWASAKI SUZUKI YAMAHA Retail Order No. REPLACEMENT REEDS $151.95 151.95 151.95 151.95 151.95 151.95 151.95 151.95 $151.95 151.95 151.95 151.95 151.95 151.95 151.95 151.95 151.95 151.95 ----12-6056-K9274 12-8766-K9274 12-6058-K9274 12-6062-K9274 12-6062-K9274 12-9793-K9274 12-6062-K9274 12-9793-K9274 $61.95 61.95 61.95 61.95 61.95 61.95 61.95 61.95 $151.95 151.95 151.95 151.95 151.95 151.95 12-6066-K9274 12-6074-K9274 12-6058-K9274 12-6062-K9274 12-6062-K9274 12-6062-K9274 $61.95 61.95 61.95 61.95 61.95 61.95 $151.95 12-6066-K9274 12-6056-K9274 12-8766-K9274 12-6074-K9274 12-6060-K9274 12-6058-K9274 $61.95 61.95 61.95 61.95 61.95 61.95 $151.95 169.95 151.95 151.95 151.95 DRIVE Retail $61.95 61.95 61.95 61.95 61.95 61.95 61.95 61.95 61.95 12-6062-K9274 CHAINS & SPROCKETS BRAKES 12-6056-K9274 12-8766-K9274 12-6060-K9274 12-6058-K9274 12-6060-K9274 12-6058-K9274 12-6058-K9274 12-6062-K9274 12-6060-K9274 169.95 151.95 151.95 151.95 151.95 151.95 151.95 EXHAUST ENGINE AIR/FUEL CHEMICALS ELECTRICAL BATTERIES --- All numbers in BLUE are new for this year. COVERS LUGGAGE WINDSHIELDS PARTS FOR HARLEY CHINESE PARTS PWC SHOP $61.95 61.95 61.95 61.95 61.95 NOTE *Requires 250 SX ’04 Intake Boot. Call Toll Free: (800) 248-0136 or fax (800) 728-7999 ACCESSORIES 61.95 --12-6056-K9274 12-8766-K9274 12-6060-K9274 12-6060-K9274 12-6062-K9274 CONTROLS 651 TRAILER MERCHANDISING REED VALVE ASSEMBLIES HELMETS RIDING APPAREL EYE PROTECTION TIRES EXHAUST CHAINS & SPROCKETS DRIVE •Proprietary lay-up offers superior reed durability. •Significant HP gain throughout the entire powerband. •Sharper throttle response and explosive acceleration. •Tension adjusting reed stops. •Double cage design for additional flow at all RPMs. •Carbon fiber reed petals offer the ultimate in response and durability for maximum performance. •Allows greater flow, resulting in crisper throttle response and harder acceleration. V-FORCE DELTA 2 REED VALVE ASSEMBLIES REPLACEMENT REEDS Order No. Retail Order No. GAS GAS Application EC250/300 ’96-00 BRAKES ENGINE AIR/FUEL CHEMICALS ELECTRICAL BATTERIES CONTROLS ACCESSORIES COVERS CR250R ’02 CR250R ’03-04 CR500R ’86-01 11-7604-K95611 200/250/300/360/380 EXC/MXC/ SX ’92-03 (except 250SX ’03) PWC SHOP TRAILER MERCHANDISING $61.95 ----- 11-7178-K9954 11-7178-K9954 $151.95 11-7618-K9274 $59.95 59.95 61.95 11-7617-K9274 $61.95 KTM KAWASAKI 12-4263-K95611 RM250 ’96-97, ’03-08 RM250 ’98-00 RM250 ’01-02 RMX250 ’89-98 --$61.95 61.95 61.95 61.95 61.95 59.95 --- 11-7617-K9274 $151.95 11-7617-K9274 151.95 11-7617-K9274 11-7617-K9274 $61.95 61.95 61.95 61.95 ------- 11-7617-K9274 11-7617-K9274 11-7617-K9274 $61.95 61.95 61.95 SUZUKI --- 11-8238-K95611 11-8238-K95611 YAMAHA WR250 ’91-97 YZ250 ’89-96 YZ250 ’97-13 $151.95 11-7617-K9274 11-7617-K9274 11-7617-K9274 11-7617-K9274 11-7617-K9274 151.95 11-7178-K9954 ----------- REED GASKETS High performance reed gaskets. Manufactured from advanced micropore materials for unmatched durability. Made in USA. Sold 5/pkg., priced each. WINDSHIELDS CHINESE PARTS 11-7617-K9274 --- 11-7609-K95611 KX125 ’93-00 KX125 ’03-08 KDX200/220 ’89-07 KDX250 ’91-94 KX250 ’87-00 KX250 ’01-04 KX500 ’87-03 Retail --- HONDA LUGGAGE PARTS FOR HARLEY •Wider peak power improves overrev. •3-port Delta shaped rubber overmolded cage. •Carbon fiber reed petals for maximum performance. •Quicker acceleration for that all-important holeshot. •Crisper throttle response for better low end. •More HP throughout the entire powerband. •Wider peak power improves overrev. •Limited to available stock! Order No. 12-8276-E9700 12-8279-E9110 12-8278-E9110 12-8277-E9210 12-8281-E9110 12-8280-E9110 12-8282-E9210 12-8286-E9700 12-8287-E9800 12-8288-E9210 12-8289-E9110 652 Application HONDA CR80R ’86-02, CR85R ’03-04 CR125R ’86-02 CR125R ’03-04 CR125R ’05-07 CR250R ’88-01 CR250R ’02-07 CR500R ’89-01 KTM 50 ’02-08, 65SX ’98-08 85/105 ’03-10 200 ’03-06 250 ’03-10 All numbers in BLUE are new for this year. Ultra Dealers Buy For Less - Ask Us About It Retail/ea. $1.50 1.95 1.95 2.25 1.95 1.95 2.25 $1.50 1.75 2.25 1.95 Order No. 12-8284-E9510 12-8285-E9610 12-8293-E9010 12-8292-E9210 12-8291-E9210 12-8294-E9110 12-6815-E9500 12-8295-E9900 12-8298-E9400 12-8291-E9210 Application KAWASAKI KX125 ’85-02 KX250 ’82-04, KX500 ’86-04 SUZUKI RM250 ’89-95 RM250 ’96-02 RM250 ’06-08 YAMAHA YZ80 ’84-92 YZ125 ’89-92, YZ250 ’90-94 YZ125 ’93 YZ250 ’95-96 YZ250 ’03 Retail/ea. $2.75 2.95 $1.95 2.25 2.25 $1.95 1.00 1.75 .95 2.25 JET KIT HELMETS RIDING APPAREL Developed by Dynojet, these Jet Kits help smooth out throttle response and eliminate the cold-bloodedEYE ness common in so many new motorcycles. Each model-specific kit has been thoroughly dyno tested PROTECTION for ideal response and improved pulling power throughout the rev range. All necessary parts and special tools are included with the Jet Kits, along with crystal-clear, step-by-step instructions. TIRES Order No. 11-3071-K9106 11-7198-K9135 11-2594-K9188 11-5329-K9106 12-5298-K9135 11-8278-K9106 12-8314-K9106 11-2595-K9106 11-7530-K9106 11-7532-K9106 11-5190-K9106 11-2596-K9106 12-4048-K9135 11-7531-K9188 11-3072-K9135 11-2600-K9106 11-3600-K9135 Application HONDA VT600 VLX Shadow ’94-98 VT600 VLX Shadow ’99-07 VF750C Magna ’94-03 VT750C/D/D2 Shadow A.C.E. ’98-03 VT750C/CA Shadow Areo ’04-09 VT750DC Shadow Spirit ’01-07 VT750C2 Shadow Spirit ’07-09 VT1100C Shadow ’90-01 VT1100C3 Aero ’98-02 VT1100C2 Shadow Sabre ’00-07 VT1100C Shadow Spirit ’97-07 VT1100C2 A.C.E. ’95-99 VTX1300C/R/S ’03-09 GL1500C/CT Valkyrie/Tourer ’97-03 KAWASAKI VN800A/B Vulcan/Classic ’95-05 VN1500/L Vulcan ’91-02 VN1500D/E Vulcan Classic ’96-04 Retail $85.95 75.95 125.95 85.95 75.95 85.95 85.95 85.95 85.95 85.95 85.95 85.95 75.95 125.95 $75.95 85.95 75.95 Order No. 11-7533-K9135 11-2598-K9106 11-8279-K9106 11-4323-K9106 11-2599-K9106 11-6575-K9106 12-7767-K9106 11-3073-K9106 11-3074-K9106 12-8041-K9106 11-3601-K9188 11-7536-K9135 11-7536-K9135 12-5613-K9135 Application KAWASAKI - cont’d. VN1500G Vulcan Nomad ’98-03 SUZUKI VS750/800 Intruder ’87-04 VL800 Intruder Volusia ’01-04 VZ800 Marauder ’97-04 VS1400 Intruder ’87-04 VL1500LC Intruder ’98-04 YAMAHA XVS650 V-Star/Classic (all) ’98-11 XV750 Virago ’88-00 XV1100 Virago ’88-01 XVS1100 V-Star Classic/ Custom ’99-09 XVZ1300 Royal Star ’96-01 XV1600 Roadstar/Silverado ’99-03 XV1600AS/C Roadstar/ Midnight Star ’02-03 XV1700A/C Roadstar ’04-07 Retail $75.95 $85.95 85.95 85.95 85.95 85.95 $85.95 85.95 85.95 85.95 125.95 75.95 75.95 75.95 EXHAUST CHAINS & SPROCKETS DRIVE BRAKES ENGINE AIR/FUEL CHEMICALS ELECTRICAL BATTERIES CONTROLS POWER COMMANDER II / III Order No. 11-7707-E8989 Application HONDA VFR800FI ’00-01 Retail $267.95 ACCESSORIES Technological breakthrough for motorcycles with original equipment fuel injection. Use on stock bikes or with added performance exhaust and air filter for crisper throttle response, increased horsepower and optimal fuel consumption. COVERS • Racetrack proven technology. • Simple 5 minute installation. • No wiring modifications required. Supplied with OEM style connectors. LUGGAGE • Lightweight, compact, and sealed for durability and reliability. • Built in microprocessor. • Fully adjustable fuel and ignition curve via buttons on faceplate or IBM compatible WINDSHIELDS computer with Dynojet Control Center Software included. • No permanent changes to stock ECU. PARTS FOR • Use with stock bike or with performance exhaust and air filter. HARLEY CHINESE PARTS PWC WE SHIP YOUR ORDER THE SAME DAY! SHOP USE OUR WEBSITE www.marshalldistributing.com TRAILER MERCHANDISING All numbers in BLUE are new for this year. Call Toll Free: (800) 248-0136 or fax (800) 728-7999 653 Fi 2000 PowrPro Tuner DIGITAL FUEL PROCESSOR HELMETS RIDING APPAREL New patented technology unlike any other auto tune system on the market. PowrPro tunes to exactly what air-fuel mixture creates the maximum power 80 times per second (does not tune to a predetermined arbitrary AFR). Tunes every gear, every roll on, every environmental change, every engine mod, lugging the engine, winding it out to redline: it reacts, verifies and adjusts. No external adjustments, additional components or dyno needed. Wide band oxygen sensor not required. Provides perfect fuel settings in any condition, with any exhaust system with any engine modifications. EYE PROTECTION TIRES EXHAUST CHAINS & SPROCKETS DRIVE BRAKES Order No. 3305-E99914 3306-E99914 3307-E99914 3319-E99914 3318-E99914 ENGINE AIR/FUEL 3314-E99914 3315-E99914 3316-E99914 3317-E99914 Application HONDA VT750 Shadow Phantom ’10-13 VTX1300/CX Custom/Fury ’10-13 VTX1800 (all) ’02-08 KAWASAKI VN900 Classic/LT/Custom ’06-13 VN1700 Classic/LT/Nomad/ Voyager ’09-13 SUZUKI C50/M50 Boulevard ’05-08 C50 Boulevard ’09 C90 Boulevard ’05-09 C109R ’08-09 Retail Order No. $599.95 599.95 599.95 3317-E99914 $599.95 3470-E99914 3311-E99914 3309-E99914 3308-E99914 599.95 $599.95 599.95 599.95 599.95 3312-E99914 3310-E99914 3310-E99914 3313-E99914 Application SUZUKI - cont’d. M109R ’06-11 YAMAHA XVS950 V-Star/Tourer ’09-13 Closed Loop Stryker 1300 ’11-13 XVS1300 V-Star ’07-13 XV17PC Road Star Warrior ’02-10 XV1700A Road Star ’08-13 Closed Loop XV19 Roadliner ’06-13 XV19 Stratoliner ’06-13 XV19 Raider ’08-13 - Closed Loop Retail $599.95 $599.95 599.95 599.95 599.95 599.95 599.95 234.95 599.95 CHEMICALS ELECTRICAL BATTERIES Fi 2000R CONTROLS DIGITAL FUEL PROCESSOR ACCESSORIES Order No. COVERS LUGGAGE WINDSHIELDS PARTS FOR HARLEY CHINESE PARTS PWC 12-6264-E99081 12-6491-E99081 2761-E94461 12-6265-E99081 2450-E94461 12-7575-E94461 12-7770-E99081 12-7584-E99081 12-7585-E94461 12-6275-E99081 2043-E94461 12-7580-E94461 12-7581-E94461 12-7580-E94461 2046-E94461 SHOP 12-7582-E94461 12-7582-E94461 TRAILER 12-7768-E99081 12-6269-E99081 12-6270-E99081 • Most effective and simple digital tuning option for fuel-injected sportbikes. • No fuel map adjustments or computer downloads required. • Advanced tuning options for highly modified engines. • Improves ride-ability by eliminating lean air/fuel mixtures. • Improves throttle response. • Easy-to-follow, step-by-step instructions. • Simple installation and fool-proof set-up. • No splicing into wires, simply plug them in and go. Application HONDA CBR600RR ’03-06 CBR600 F4i ’01-07 VT750 Shadow Phantom ’10-13 CBR1000RR ’04-09 VTX1300/CX Custom/Fury ’10-13 VTX1800 (all) ’02-08 KAWASAKI ZX6R ’05-06 ZX650R Ninja ’06-08, ZX6-R ’07-08 VN900 Classic/LT/Custom ’06-13 ZX10R ’04-07 VN1500N Vulcan Classic F.I. ’05-08 VN1500P Mean Streak ’02-03 VN1600A/D Classic/Nomad ’00-08 VN1600B Mean Streak ’04-08 VN1700 Classic/LT/Nomad/ Voyager ’09-13 VN2000 Vulcan/Classic ’04-09 VN2000 Vulcan Classic LT ’06-10 SUZUKI GSXR600 ’06-07 SV650 ’03-06 GSXR750 ’04-05 MERCHANDISING 654 All numbers in BLUE are new for this year. Ultra Dealers Buy For Less - Ask Us About It Retail $249.95 249.95 234.95 249.95 234.95 234.95 $249.95 249.95 234.95 249.95 234.95 234.95 234.95 234.95 234.95 234.95 234.95 $249.95 249.95 249.95 Order No. 12-7769-E99081 12-7578-E94461 2641-E94871 12-6271-E99081 12-6765-E99081 12-6273-E99081 12-7579-E94461 2047-E94461 2042-E94461 12-7580-E94461 12-7766-E94461 12-8301-E99081 12-6267-E99081 12-6266-E99081 2044-E94461 3471-E99591 12-8300-E94461 12-7576-E94461 2040-E94461 12-7577-E94461 12-7577-E94461 2041-E94461 Application SUZUKI - cont’d. GSXR750 ’06-07 C50/M50 Boulevard ’05-08 C50 Boulevard ’09 GSXR1000 ’03-04 GSXR1000 ’05-06 GSX1300R ’01-07 C90 Boulevard ’05-09 M90 Boulevard ’09-10 C109R ’08-09 VZ1600 M95 Marauder ’04-06 VZR1800 M109 Boulevard ’06-11 YAMAHA FJR1300 ’03-05 YZF R-1 ’04-06 YZF R-6 ’04-05 XVS950 V-Star/Tourer ’09-13 Stryker 1300 ’11-13 - Closed Loop XVS1300 V-Star ’07-13 XV17PC Road Star Warrior ’02-10 XV1700 Roadstar ’08-11 XV19 Roadliner ’06-13 XV19 Stratoliner ’06-13 XV19 Raider ’08-13 Retail $249.95 234.95 254.95 249.95 249.95 249.95 234.95 234.95 234.95 234.95 234.95 $249.95 249.95 249.95 234.95 279.95 234.95 234.95 234.95 234.95 234.95 234.95 HELMETS Fi 2000 RIDING APPAREL DIGITAL FUEL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM For FUEL INJECTED MOTORCYCLES EYE PROTECTION TRI-POT Same features as before but with an additional third tuning pot for use with modified engines. Offers a full range of fuel adjustments across all rpm ranges. Order No. 12-4769-E99931 12-6259-E99931 12-4769-E99931 • Plug and go, installs in minutes. • Pre-set from the factory. • Model specific. • Advanced tuning capability. • Color coded to match OEM wiring. • Fail safe technology. Order No. 11-9956-E89911 Application KAWASAKI VN1500J1R Vulcan Drifter ’99-05 12-4900-E99931 12-4901-E99931 12-4899-E99931 12-4899-E99931 Retail 12-6277-E99931 12-6278-E99931 $169.95 12-4906-E89911 Application HONDA VTX1800C/Retro ’02-07 VTX1800F ’05-08 VTX1800T ’08-08 KAWASAKI VN1500N Vulcan Classic Fi ’96-08 VN1500J1R Vulcan Drifter ’99-05 VN2000 Vulcan/Classic ’04-09 VN2000 Vulcan Classic LT ’06-10 SUZUKI C/M50 Boulevard ’05-09 C90 Boulevard ’05-09 YAMAHA XV17PC Road Star Warrior ’02-10 Retail $199.95 199.95 199.95 $199.95 199.95 199.95 199.95 $199.95 199.95 TIRES EXHAUST CHAINS & SPROCKETS DRIVE BRAKES ENGINE $169.95 AIR/FUEL ELECTRONIC FUEL INJECTION CONTROLLERS CHEMICALS ELECTRICAL Wiseco’s Electronic Fuel Injection Controllers are simple and easy to use. With the push of a button, you can easily adjust fuel flow for modifications such as high compression pistons, cams, intake, and exhaust to fine tune your machine. No dyno or computer needed! It gives you three basic zones of operation, similar to a carburetor. One zone sets your ‘pilot jet’ for idle and cruise. Another zone sets your ‘needle jet’ for acceleration, and a third zone sets your ‘main jet’ for heavy loading and wide open throttle. This cost-effective fuel management controller is complete with built-in accelerator pump tuning capability. These units will complete your ‘One Name. One Solution.™’ Features Benefits: • Plug N’ Play installation. • Simple to use and understand. • Easy push button operation. • No computer or dyno required. • Easy air/fuel ratio adjustment. Order No. 2490-E97861 2453-E97861 2454-E97861 2455-E97861 2456-E97861 2457-E97861 2458-E97861 2459-E97861 2460-E97861 2461-E97861 2462-E97861 2511-E97861 2512-E97861 2491-E97861 2513-E97861 2514-E97861 Application BUELL All Models ’99-07 HARLEY-DAVIDSON All Big Twin Harleys ’95-05 Dyna ’06-11 Softail ’06 Softail ’07-11 Touring ’06 Touring ’07 Touring ’08-09 V-Rod ’02-07 V-Rod ’08-11 Sportster ’07-13 HONDA CBR600RR ’07-13 CBR1000RR ’08-13 VTX1800 ’02-09 KAWASAKI ZX636/ZX6R ’07-13 EX650R Ninja/Verseys ’06-13 BATTERIES CONTROLS ACCESSORIES • Easily adjusts for modifications - intake, exhaust, cams, etc. • Load based operation. • Tuning capabilities superior to Alpha N type controllers. • 3 basic zones of operation • Similar to carburetors. • Uses OEM base code • Does not scramble base code. Retail/ea. $224.95 $224.95 224.95 224.95 224.95 224.95 224.95 224.95 224.95 224.95 224.95 $224.95 224.95 224.95 $224.95 224.95 Order No. 2515-E97861 2516-E97861 2492-E97861 2493-E97861 2494-E97861 2517-E97861 2518-E97861 2495-E97861 2496-E97861 2497-E97861 2498-E97861 2519-E97861 2520-E97861 2509-E97861 2510-E97861 Application KAWASAKI - cont’d. ZX10R ’08-09 ZX14R ’06-11 VN1500/1600 ’99-08 POLARIS Victory ’00-07 Victory/Vision ’08-12 SUZUKI GSXR600/750 ’08-13 YAMAHA YZF-R6/S ’03-12 Road Star ’08-13 Road Warrior ’02-09 Roadliner/Stratoliner ’06-13 Raider ’06-13 YZF-R1 ’02-08 FJR1300 ’03-12 V-Star 950 ’09-13 V-Star 1300 ’07-13 COVERS LUGGAGE Retail/ea. WINDSHIELDS $224.95 224.95 224.95 PARTS FOR HARLEY $224.95 224.95 CHINESE PARTS $224.95 $224.95 224.95 224.95 224.95 224.95 224.95 224.95 224.95 224.95 All numbers in BLUE are new for this year. Call Toll Free: (800) 248-0136 or fax (800) 728-7999 655 PWC SHOP TRAILER MERCHANDISING QUICKSHOT 3 ACCELERATOR PUMP COVER HELMETS RIDING APPAREL Stock accelerator pump covers permit only a 60% - 70% fuel charge in the pump chamber. Turn the throttle and air trapped in the chamber is compressed, disrupting fuel delivery. All the while tuning the squirt means a complicated change of the leak jet. The Result: Hesitation, bog and a tuning headache. EYE PROTECTION TIRES CHAINS & SPROCKETS Currently available for ALL Keihin FCR carbureted MX, Offroad and ATV models. This patented 3rd generation QuickShot features an innovative triple effect that: 1 - Completely fills the pump chamber with fuel, 2 - Eliminates all trapped air from the system and 3 - Provides an adjustable leak jet circuit for quick hand tuning. Together with the Boyesen unconditional guarantee, the QS3 simply delivers unmatched results. DRIVE “The ultimate in adjustable fuel injection” EXHAUST • Tunable leak jet maximizes volume of fuel and duration of squirt for all conditions. • Investment cast and finished to precise tolerances. • 25% more fuel capacity. • High volume vertical check valve located in the QS3 for precise, consistent fuel metering. • Stops hesitation and bog. • Instant throttle response. • Improved low end performance. • Fits ALL Keihin FCR carbs. • Simple bolt-on. BRAKES ENGINE AIR/FUEL CHEMICALS ELECTRICAL Order No. BATTERIES 2432-E9938 Application KEIHIN All Keihin FCR carbs Boyesen No. APC-3 Retail $119.95 CONTROLS QUICKSHOT 2 ACCELERATOR PUMP COVER ACCESSORIES Order No. COVERS 12-3056-E9966 LUGGAGE WINDSHIELDS 12-3057-E9996 12-3057-E9996 12-3057-E9996 PARTS FOR HARLEY 12-3056-E9966 CHINESE PARTS 12-3056-E9966 PWC 12-3056-E9966 SHOP • Engineered to get maximum fuel delivery & throttle response. • Outguns all stock covers in eliminating hesitation and bogging. • Improved low-end performance & reduced hot engine stalling. 12-3056-E9966 TRAILER 12-3056-E9966 MERCHANDISING 656 All numbers in BLUE are new for this year. Ultra Dealers Buy For Less - Ask Us About It Boyesen Application No. HONDA CRF150R ’07-09, CRF250R ’04-06, CRF250X ’04-06, CRF450R ’02-06, CRF450X ’05-07 APC-2 CRF250R/450R ’07-09 APC-2CV CRF250X ’07-09 APC-2CV CRF450X ’08-09 APC-2CV KTM 250/400/450/525 Keihin FCR carb models only APC-2 KAWASAKI KX250F ’04-09, KLX450R ’08-09, KX450F ’06-08 APC-2 SUZUKI RM-Z250 ’04-09, DR-Z400E ’00-08 (Keihin FCR carb models only), RM-Z450 ’05-07 APC-2 YAMAHA YZ/WR250F ’01-09, YZ/WR400F ’98-99, YZ/WR426F ’0-02, YZ/WR450F ’03-09 APC-2 UNIVERSAL Keihin FCR-MX 37/39/41 carb models only APC-2 Retail $94.95 99.95 99.95 99.95 $94.95 $94.95 $94.95 $94.95 $94.95 KEIHIN “PJ” Made CARBURETOR PARTS by Keihin HELMETS RIDING APPAREL EYE PROTECTION TIRES EXHAUST CHAINS & SPROCKETS DRIVE BRAKES ENGINE AIR/FUEL CHEMICALS PJ OVAL VALVE ELECTRICAL The PJ Oval Valve has become the standard against which all other two-stroke carbs are measured. The oval valve design promotes superior low-end and mid-range response. This is the carburetor that started the “Keihin Supremacy”! BATTERIES CONTROLS Order No. 13-5001-E99921 Ref. No. 1 2 3 4 Size 34mm PJ Description Cap, Cable Adjuster Cable Adjuster Nut, Cable Adjuster Tops 5 Gasket, Tops 6 Throttle Spring 7 8 9 10 11 12 Cable Holder Collar Spring Clip, Jet Needle Jet Needle Throttle Valve 13 Choke Valve Retail $189.95 ACCESSORIES Ref. No. Description Application Part No. 14 Air Adjusting Screw 34, 36, 38mm * 15 Spring 34, 36, 38mm * 16 Main Jet 34, 36, 38mm * 17 Slow Jet 34, 36mm * 18 Baffle Plate 38mm 39-4042 19 Air Vent Pipe 34, 36mm * 20 Clip 38mm 39-4052 21 Float Valve 34mm * 22 Clip, Float Valve 36mm 39-4062 23 Float Pin 38mm * 24 Float 34, 36, 38mm * 25 Gasket, Float Bowl 34, 36, 38mm 39-4080 26 Float Bowl 34, 36, 38mm * 27 Anchor Plate 34, 36, 38mm * 28 Screw, Float Bowl 34, 36, 38mm * 29 Plug Screw Washer 34mm * 30 Plug Screw 36mm * 31 Overflow Pipe 38mm * 34, 36mm * 38mm * *For Order No. and Price List, see Keihin parts on pages 659-660. COVERS Application 34, 36, 38mm 34, 36, 38mm 34, 36, 38mm 34, 36, 38mm 34, 36, 38mm 34, 36, 38mm 34, 36, 38mm 34, 36, 38mm 34, 36, 38mm 34, 36, 38mm 34, 36, 38mm 34, 36, 38mm 34, 36, 38mm 34, 36, 38mm 34, 36, 38mm 34, 36, 38mm 34, 36, 38mm 34, 36, 38mm Part No. * * * * 39-4180 39-4190 39-4200 * * 39-4230 * * 39-4260 39-4270 39-4280 * * 39-4310 All numbers in BLUE are new for this year. WINDSHIELDS PARTS FOR HARLEY CHINESE PARTS PWC SHOP TRAILER MERCHANDISING Note: All Keihin part numbers with a starting prefix of 39- are special order only. Call Toll Free: (800) 248-0136 or fax (800) 728-7999 LUGGAGE 657 KEIHIN “PWK”MadeCARBURETOR PARTS by Keihin HELMETS RIDING APPAREL PWK “D” VALVE EYE PROTECTION The oval shaped throttle valve concentrates air flow over the main fuel circuit to increase low-end response. Yet, the narrow design allows minimum interruption in the venturi for maximum air flow. The new “air striker” flow channels and “quad vents” have been added to the PWK35 and PWK38 providing instant throttle response. TIRES EXHAUST CHAINS & SPROCKETS DRIVE BRAKES ENGINE AIR/FUEL CHEMICALS ELECTRICAL BATTERIES CONTROLS ACCESSORIES COVERS LUGGAGE WINDSHIELDS PARTS FOR HARLEY CHINESE PARTS PWC SHOP TRAILER Order No. 13-0124-E99461 13-0123-E99161 13-5005-E99471 13-5284-E99991 13-5006-E99881 Ref. No. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 19 19 20 21 22 22 23 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Size 28mm PWK 33mm PWK 35mm PWK Air Striker 38mm PWK Air Striker 39mm PWK Description Choke Valve Comp Float Comp Float Bowl Comp Gasket, Float Bowl Plug Screw O-Ring, Plug Screw Float Valve Comp Anchor Plate Slow Jet Jet Needle Clip, Jet Needle Throttle Valve Throttle Valve Cable Holder Top Gasket, Top Air Adjusting Screw Spring, Air Adj. Screw Spring, Throttle Valve Spring, Throttle Valve Spring, Throttle Valve Clip, Float Valve Screw, Float Bowl Airvent Pipe Airvent Pipe Overflow Pipe Overflow Pipe Float Pin Clip Main Jet Cable Adjuster Nut, Cable Adjuster Idle Adjuster Nut Collar, Throttle Spring Application 35, 39mm 35, 39mm 35, 39mm 35, 39mm 35, 39mm 35, 39mm 35, 39mm 35, 39mm 33, 35, 39mm 33, 35, 39mm 35, 39mm 35mm 38, 39mm 35, 39mm 33, 35, 39mm 33, 35, 39mm 35, 39mm 35, 39mm 35mm 38mm A/S 39mm 35, 39mm 35, 39mm 35mm 39mm 35mm 39mm 35, 39mm 35, 39mm 35, 39mm 35, 39mm 35, 39mm 35, 39mm 35, 39mm 35, 39mm Retail $240.95 235.95 253.95 289.95 273.95 Part No. * * * * * * * 39-3080 * * * 39-3100 * * * * * * 39-3160 * 39-3161 * 39-3180 39-3190 39-3191 39-3200 39-3201 39-3210 39-3220 * 39-3230 39-3240 * 39-3260 * *For Order No. and Price List, see Keihin parts on pages 659-660. MERCHANDISING Note: All Keihin part numbers with a starting prefix of 39- are special order only. 658 All numbers in BLUE are new for this year. Ultra Dealers Buy For Less - Ask Us About It KEIHIN CARBURETOR PARTS Made by Keihin PRE-JETTED CARBURETORS Order No. 13-5006-E99881 Carb Application SUZUKI 39PWK LT500R ’87-90 HELMETS RIDING APPAREL PILOT JETS EYE PROTECTION Retail $273.95 TIRES Series 21 EXHAUST CHAINS & SPROCKETS DRIVE Series 22 CARB TOP KIT BRAKES Fits Keihin PJ carbs 34 and 36mm. Contains top, cable adjuster, adjuster cap, adjuster nut and gasket. Order No. 8439-E9951 Retail $25.95 CARB TOP and GASKET Fits: PWK 33/35/38/39 mm. Order No. 13-5276-E9570 13-5278-E9250 Retail $11.95 8.50 top only gasket SERIES 21 PILOT JET ENGINE Fits: PD, PJ, PWK, PWM, 20-32mm PE carburetors. Order all pilot jets 5/pkg. Priced each. Order No. 13-5045-E9330 13-5046-E9330 13-5047-E9330 13-5048-E9330 13-5049-E9330 13-5050-E9330 13-5051-E9330 13-5052-E9330 13-5053-E9330 13-5054-E9330 13-5055-E9330 13-5056-E9330 13-5057-E9330 13-5058-E9330 13-5059-E9330 Series/Size 21-35 21-40 21-42 21-45 21-48 21-50 21-52 21-55 21-58 21-60 21-62 21-65 21-68 21-70 21-72 Retail/ea. $5.25 5.25 5.25 5.25 5.25 5.25 5.25 5.25 5.25 5.25 5.25 5.25 5.25 5.25 5.25 AIR/FUEL CHEMICALS ELECTRICAL BATTERIES CONTROLS ACCESSORIES COVERS MAIN JETS Order all main jets 5/pkg. Priced each. Order No. 13-5135-E9330 13-5138-E9330 13-5140-E9330 13-5142-E9330 13-5145-E9330 13-5148-E9330 13-5150-E9330 13-5152-E9330 13-5155-E9330 13-5158-E9330 13-5160-E9330 13-5162-E9330 13-5165-E9330 13-5168-E9330 13-5170-E9330 Size 135 138 140 142 145 148 150 152 155 158 160 162 165 168 170 LUGGAGE SERIES 22 PILOT JET Retail $5.25 ea. Order No. 13-5172-E9330 13-5175-E9330 13-5178-E9330 13-5180-E9330 13-5182-E9330 13-5185-E9330 13-5190-E9330 13-5195-E9330 13-5200-E9330 13-5271-E9330 13-5272-E9330 13-5273-E9330 13-5274-E9330 13-5275-E9330 Size 172 175 178 180 182 185 190 195 200 205 210 215 220 230 Fits: 34-38mm PE carburetors & some Honda O.E.M. carbs. Order all pilot jets 5/pkg. Priced each. Order No. 13-5044-E9330 13-5060-E9330 13-5061-E9330 13-5062-E9330 13-5063-E9330 13-5064-E9330 13-5065-E9330 13-5066-E9330 13-5067-E9330 13-5068-E9330 13-5069-E9330 13-5070-E9330 13-5071-E9330 13-5072-E9330 13-5073-E9330 Series/Size 22-35 22-40 22-42 22-45 22-48 22-50 22-52 22-55 22-58 22-60 22-62 22-65 22-68 22-70 22-72 WINDSHIELDS Retail/ea. $5.25 5.25 5.25 5.25 5.25 5.25 5.25 5.25 5.25 5.25 5.25 5.25 5.25 5.25 5.25 All numbers in BLUE are new for this year. Call Toll Free: (800) 248-0136 or fax (800) 728-7999 659 PARTS FOR HARLEY CHINESE PARTS PWC SHOP TRAILER MERCHANDISING KEIHIN CARBURETOR PARTS Made by Keihin HELMETS RIDING APPAREL EYE PROTECTION TIRES EXHAUST CHAINS & SPROCKETS DRIVE BRAKES ENGINE AIR/FUEL IDLE ADJUSTING SCREW for PWK CARBS NEEDLES 66mm needles for PJ, PWK, PWM carburetors and PD, PE 34mm and larger carburetors. Order No. Sizes 13-5201-E9240 CEG 13-5202-E9240 CGH 13-5203-E9240 CEJ 13-5204-E9240 CGK 13-5205-E9240 CEL 13-5206-E9240 CGL 13-5207-E9240 DEG 13-5208-E9240 DGH 13-5209-E9240 DEJ 13-5210-E9240 DGJ 13-5211-E9240 DGK 13-5212-E9240 DEL No. 13-5289-E9920 No. 13-5268-E9210 JET NEEDLE SPRING No. 13-5239-E9530 Retail/ea. $7.10 7.10 7.10 7.10 7.10 7.10 7.10 7.10 7.10 7.10 7.10 7.10 AIR ADJUSTING SCREW for PJ/PWK/PWM CARBS No. 13-5265-E9530 13-5286-E9942 13-5225-E9942 13-5229-E9942 COVERS 13-5279-E9964 13-5280-E9964 Application/Size Oval Slide for PJ carburetors 34mm 6.0 36mm 5.0 38mm 6.0 D Slide for PWK carburetors 38/39mm 6.0 (w/cut 6.6) 38/39 mm 7.0 (w/cut 7.6) LUGGAGE No. 13-5277-E9530 No. 13-5266-E9330 WINDSHIELDS No. 13-5285-E9930 No. 13-5288-E9330 TRAILER MERCHANDISING THROTTLE SPRING PJ 34mm PJ 38mm PWK38 Air Striker $37.95 37.95 37.95 $69.95 69.95 $5.95 5.75 6.75 PWK 35,38 & 39mm No. 13-5283-E9700 PJ 34, 36 and 38mm carbs No. 13-5231-E9590 float valve No. 13-5232-E9220 clip $15.85 3.85 PWK 35, 38, 39 and PWM 38 mm carbs No. 13-5233-E9501 float valve No. 13-5234-E9220 clip $17.50 3.85 660 All numbers in BLUE are new for this year. Ultra Dealers Buy For Less - Ask Us About It $29.95 PJ 34, 36 & 38mm, PWK 35, 38 & 39mm, PWM 38mm PLUG SCREW PE/PJ/PWK/PWM PLUG SCREW WASHER PE/PJ/PWK/PWM $5.50 $6.75 $1.35 FLOAT ASSEMBLY for PJ/ PWK CARBS No. 13-5287-E9511 PJ34, 36 & 38mm, PWK35, 38, 39mm $19.20 CHOKE VALVE $5.75 FLOAT VALVE and CLIP PWC SHOP No. 13-5282-E9930 Retail PWK 35,38 & 39mm THROTTLE SPRING COLLAR for PWK CARBS PARTS FOR HARLEY CHINESE PARTS D Slide THROTTLE VALVE ACCESSORIES $2.50 FLOAT BOWL GASKET for PJ/PWK/PWM CARBS ELECTRICAL Order No. PJ34, 36 & 38mm, PWK35, 38, 39, PWM38mm FLOAT BOWL for PWK CARBS No. 13-5235-E9130 CONTROLS $5.95 AIR ADJUSTING SPRING for PJ/PWK/PWM CARBS No. 13-5267-E9410 No. 13-5240-E9971 $2.15 ea. Order 5/pkg. CHEMICALS BATTERIES PJ34, 36 & 38mm, PWK35, 38, 39, PWM38mm $4.95 ea. JET NEEDLE CLIP Oval Slide $5.95 PWK 35, 38 & 39mm PJ CARBS No. 13-5237-E9902 No. 13-5238-E9902 34 & 36mm 38mm No. 13-5281-E9581 35, 38 & 39mm PWK CARBS $33.95 33.95 $30.95 CABLE HOLDER No. 13-5270-E9550 No. 13-5269-E9550 PJ34, 36 & 38mm PWK 35, 38 & 39mm $9.50 9.50
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