F 1. LED JUL 2 4 2001 - Prop 65 News Documents
F 1. LED JUL 2 4 2001 - Prop 65 News Documents
© Prop 65 News. All Rights Reserved. ANDREW L. PACKARD (StateBar No. 168690) HEIDI P. POPPE (StateBar No. 200253) Law Offrces of Offices Andrew L. Packard 294 PageStreet SanFrancisco,CA 94102 Telephone:(415) 43I-2970 Fax: (415) 431-0410 ENDORSED San F 1.County L ESuperior D /+WU~OOO Cow-f JUL 2 4 2001 GORDON PARK-LI, Clerk Attorneys for Plaintiff AS YOU SOW BY: LILLIAN SMITH Deputy Clerk SUPERIORCOURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO AS YOU SOW, a non-profit corporation, Plaintiff, vs. CASE NO. 313637 3Bj?O~s~rpJ9 Y~DGMENT DEFENDANTS HERBA ENTERPRISE, INC. AND KWOKSHING IMPORT-EXPORT, INC. HERBA ENTERPRISE,INC., KWOK-SHING IMPORT-EXPORT, INC., andDOES 1 to 200, inclusive, Defendants. This ConsentJudgmentis enteredinto by andbetweenAS YOU SOW, a non-profit organization(“Plaintiff” ), andHERBA ENTERPRISE, INC. and KWOK-SHING IMPORT1 EXPORT, INC. (“Settling Defendants”)to resolveall claims raisedin the SecondAmended Complaint filed in the above-captionedaction. This ConsentJudgmentshall be effective upon entry, provided that it is approvkdby this Court andenteredasjudgment in this caseno Iater than July3’ , 2001. If this Court fails to approvethis ConsentJudgmentor to enter it as full Pf and final judgment by that date, this consentjudgment shallbe null and void and not binding on any Party. Plaintiff and SettlingDefendants@ollectively“the Parties”) agreeto the terms and. I ! conditionsset forth below. © Prop 65 News. All Rights Reserved. 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 AYS is a non-profit foundationdedicatedto, amongother causes,the protection of the environment,the promotion of humanhealth,the improvementof worker and consumerrights, environmentaleducation,andcorporateaccountability. AYS is basedin SanFrancisco, California and incorporatedunderthe laws of the Stateof California. 1.2 SettlingDefendantsare two Californiacorporationsthat import, manufacture, package,distributeand sell in California certainherbs,herbalproducts,traditional patent medicines(definedas “herbal andpatentmedicinesconsistingof singleor multiple herbal ingredients,inciudingbotanical,mineral andanimalproducts,formulated into tablets,pills, powdersand liquids”) bulk herbs,infusions,extractedpowders,tea pills, traditional pills, patent formulas,teas,bulk teas,liquid herbalextracts,capsules,plastersand ointmentscontaining chemicalsregulatedby the Stateof California asknown to causecancerand/orreproductive toxicity pursuantto the SafeDrinking Water andToxic EnforcementAct of 1986 (“Proposition 65’3, California Health and SafetyCode $25249.5et.; Title 22, California Code of Regtt!ations,9! 2!X%et -q. (the “Products”j; 13 The namesof eachof the Productscoveredby this Consentjudgment areset forth in Exhibit A hereto(any items not appearingon Exhibit A are not coveredby the injunctive provisionsor the releaseof liability set forth herein); 1.4 On February27, 1987,the Stateof California officially listed the chemicalleadas a chemicalknownto causereproductivetoxicity, pursuantto California Health and SafetyCode $25249.8; 1.5 On October I, 1992,the Stateof Californiaofficially listed the chemicalsleadand leadcompoundsaschemicalsknown to causecancer,pursuantto California Health and Safety Code $25249.8; 1.6 On May 1, 1997,the Stateof California offrciahy listed the chemicalarsenicasa chemicalknown to causereproductivetoxicity, pursuantto California Health and SafetyCode $25249.8; © Prop 65 News. All Rights Reserved. 1.7 On February27,1987; the Stateof California officially listed the chemicalarsenic as a chemicalknown to causecancer,pursuantto CaliforniaHealth and Safety Code $25249.8; 1.8 On July 1, 1990,the Stateof California officially listedthe chemicalmercury and mercury compoundsaschemicalsknown to causereproductivetoxicity, pursuantto California Health andSafetyCode $25249.8; 1.9 The Productshavebeenimported,manufactured,packaged,distributedand sold by. the Settling Defendantsfor usein California sinceat leastJuly 17,1996; On May 19,1999, June20,2000, andApril 12,200l AYS servedHerba and 1.10 Kwok sling andeachof the appropriatepublic enforcementagencieswith documentsentitled “60-Day Notice” that providedHerba and Kwok Shingandthe public enforcementagencieswith notice that Herbaand Kwok Shingwere in violation of California Health and SafetyCode $25249.6et seq.(“Proposition65”) for failing to warn the purchasersand individualsusingthe Productsthat the useof the Productsexposesthem to certainchemicalsknown to the Stateof California to causecancerand/orreproductivetoxicity. Copiesof thesenoticesare attached hercat YC I.V. 25 &hi?& n,. SettlingDefendantsstipuiatefor the purposeof this ConsentJudgmentthat the Notices are adequateto comply with Cal. CodeRegs.Tit. 22,$12903. 1.11 On July 17,2000, AYS filed a complaintagainstHerba andKwok Shing entitled As You Sow v. HerbaEntermise.Inc., et al, CaseNumber’313637(the “Action”), in San FranciscoSuperiorCourt, allegingviolationsof Proposition65, The ShermanFood; Drug and CosmeticLaw (“ShermanLaw”), California BusinessandProfessionsCode $17200et seq. and California BusinessandProfessionsCode 917500; 1.12 The Action was brought by AYS in the public interestat leastsixty (60) days afkr AYS providednotice of the Proposition65 violationsto Herba andKwok Shingandthe appropriatepublic enforcementagenciesandnoneof the public enforcementagencieshad commencedandbegundiligently prosecutingan actionagainstHerba or Kwok Shingfor such violations; © Prop 65 News. All Rights Reserved. 1 2 3 4 5 subjectmatterjurisdiction over the allegationscontainedin the SecondAmendedComplaint. Settling Defendantsdo not contestthe exerciseof jurisdiction by this Court to enterthis Consent Judgmentasa full and final resolutionof all causesof action pled in the SecondAmended Complaint. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1.14 16 17 The Partiesenterinto this ConsentJudgmentto settledisputedclaims between them andto avoidprolongedlitigation. By executionof this ConsentJudgment,Settling Defendantsdo not admit any vioiationsof Proposition65, the ShermanAct, or the Businessand ProfessionsCode,or any other law or standardapplicableto warning or disclosureconcerningthe manufacture,distributionand/orsaleof the Products. Nothing in this ConsentJudgmentshallbe construedasan admissionby Settling Defendantsof any fact, issueof law, or violation of law; nor shallcompliancewith this ConsentJudgmentconstituteor be construedas an admission’by SettlingDefendantsof any fact, issueof law, or violation of law. 14 15 For purposesof this ConsentJudgment,the Partiesstipulatethat this Court has 1.13 1.15 Nothing in this Consent _T1_?Cl_omPnt fhill y*rJuulr n-;*J+ b...-... Y..U.I , ’ Oi XEpati * ’ wa;ve Ciiy tight, remedyor defensethe Partiesmay havein any other or further legalproceeding. This paragraph shall not diminishor otherwiseaffect the obligations,responsibilities,and dutiesof Settling Defendantsunderthis ConsentJudgment. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2. INJUNCTIVE 2.1 PROVISIONS Provision of Clear and Reasonable Health Hazard Warnings for All Products That Are Designated As “Traditional September 1,200l. Patent Medicine” On Exhibit A Hereto On Or Before On or before September1,2001, SettlingDefendantsshallpermanently ceaseand no longership (or causeto be shipped)for saleor usein California any of the Products designatedas“Traditional PatentMedicines” on Exhibit A heretounlesseachindividualunit of suchProductbearsthe following warning statementon its individual unit labelpackagingin both Englishand Chinese: © Prop 65 News. All Rights Reserved. WARNING: The me of tl~h product will es The waming statementshall beprumincntand displayedon the unit packagingof each Product 3.2 Piw#sioa of c Warn&~ for That Are Dcsigrated As “Other Covcrcd Pmdacts” On Exhibit A Hereto Oa Or MO November 1,2081. On or beforeNovember 1,2001, SettlingDeftits shalt pcnnancntiy ceaseand no longer ship(or causeto be shipped)for saleor usein Mifomia any of the Products designatedas “Other CoveredProducts”og Exhibit A beret0unlesseachindividual unit of such Productbearsthe fbllowing warning statementon its individualunit MeI Packagingin both English and Chinese: WARNING: The useof this product will exposeyou to chemic& knowu to the State of California to cmse cancer and birth defectsor other reprodrcthe The warning statementshallbe prominentanddisplayedon the unit Packagingof eachProduct with suchconspicuousness, ascomparedwith other words, statements,or designsso as to render it likely to be d and understoodby an ordinary individual purchasingor using the Product. The parties to the ConsentJudgmentagreethat the exemplarattachedhereto as Exhibit C satisfies the requirementsof this subsection. © Prop 65 News. All Rights Reserved. 2.3 Provision of Additional Information For Products Sold To Intermediaries/Non-End Users. Within thirty (30) daysof the ExecutionDate of this Agreement(“Execution Date” is usedhereinto meanthe last dateupon which the representatives of the SettlingParties,excludingcounsel,signthis ConsentJudgment),HerbaandKwok-Shing shall senda Notification Letter to eachof their customerswho havepurchasedany of the Productsfrom Herba or Kwok-Shing in the year precedingthe ExecutionDate of this Agreement and who Herba knows or hasreasonto know repackagethe Productsin any fashion(such customersare hereafterreferredto as“Intermediaries/Non-EndUsers”). This Notification Letter shallnotify thesecustomersregardingthe warning requirementsof Proposition65 asthey apply to eachof the Products,andinstruct suchcustomersas to how they may comply with Proposition 65 as it appliesto eachof the Products. The verbatim languageof the Notification Letter is attachedhereto asExhibit D. A verbatim copy of the final Notice Letter sent in accordancewith this subsectionshall alsobe mailedto AYS simultaneouslywith the mailing to the Intermediaries/Non-EndUsers. 3. CIVIL PENALTIES 3.1 Stipulated Civil PenaltiesFor Future Violations of This Agreement. Proposition65 providesfor penaltiesof up to $2500,per violation, per day. The partiesstipulate to a civil penalty in the amountof $100 per individual unit item sold in violation of Paragraph2 of this Agreement,subjectto a satisfactoryevident&y showingby Plaintiff of suchviolation(s) upona duly noticedmotion in the SanFranciscoSuperiorCourt. AYS shall remit 75% of this amountto the Stateof California pursuantto Health & SafetyCode $25192. 3.2 Civil Penalty Assessment.Herbaand Kwok-Shing shallpay a civil penalty in the amountof $5,000to AYS, pursuantto Health & Safety Code $25249.7(b). AYS shall remit 75% of this amountto the Stateof California pursuantto Health & SafetyCode $25192. 4. RESTITUTION 4.1 Restitution. Herba andKwok-Shing shallmakea restitutionarypaymentin the amountof $60,000to AYS. AYS shallforward thesefunds to (a) California non-profit groups, © Prop 65 News. All Rights Reserved. and(b) the AYS Proposition65 EnforcementFundto reduceexposuresto toxic chemicals,andto increaseconsumer,worker and community awarenessof the healthhazardsposedby toxic chemicals. 5. REIMBURSEMENT OF FEES AND COSTS 5.1 Reimbursement of Plaintiff’s Investigative, Expert and Legal Feesand Costs. Herba andKwok Shingshallpay AYS for its reasonableinvestigative,expert, andlegal fees and costsincurredas a result of investigating,bringingthis matter to Herba and Kwok Shing’s attention,andnegotiatinga settlementin the pubiic interest. The amountof thesefees and costs is $65,000. 6. PAYMENT OBLIGATIONS 6.1 Pursuantto Paragraphs3.2,4.1 and 5.1 herein,Herba andKwok Shingshallbe jointly and severallyliable for a paymentin the amountof $130,000to AYS. This paymentshall be madein four installmentsas follows. Within five (5) daysof the ExecutionDate of this ConsentJudgment,Herba andKwok Shingshalldeliverto AYS the first installmentin the sum of $65,000;within thirty-five (35) daysof the ExecutionDate of this ConsentJudgmentHerba andKwok Shiugshall deliver to AYS the secondinstallmentin the sum of $25,000;within sixtyfive (65) daysof the ExecutionDate of this ConsentJudgmentHerba and Kwok Shingshall deliver to AYS the third installmentin the sum of$20,000; and,within ninety-five (95) daysof the ExecutionDate of this AgreementHerbaand Kwok Shingshall deliver to AYS the fourth and final installmentin the sum of $20,000. 7. RELEASE OF LIABILITY 7.1 Releaseof Liability Of Herba and Kwok Shing. AYS waives all rights to institute any form of legalaction againstHerba or Kwok Shing,their officers, directors, employees,agents,attorneys,representatives,parents,subsidiaries,affiliates, divisions, subdivisionsandcustomers,underProposition65 or the Business& ProfessionsCode basedupon Herba and/orKwok Shing’sallegedfailure to warn, within the meaningof Proposition65, about exposureto lead,mercury and/or arseniccontainedin any of the Productssold on or before the © Prop 65 News. All Rights Reserved. entry of this ConsentJudgment. 7.2 Releaseof Liability of AYS. Herba and Kwok Shingwaive all rights to institute my form of legalaction againstAYS, its officers, directors,attorneysandrepresentatives(the “AYS Releasees”)for all actionsor statementsmadeor undertakenby the AYS Releaseesin the courseof seekingenforcementof Proposition65 or Business& ProfessionCode $51’7200et seq. againstHerba andKwok Shing. 8. CONSENT 8.1 JUDGMENT Consent Judgment. Within thirty-five (35) daysof the ExecutionDate of this ConsentJudgment,the Partiesshall submit this ConsentJudgmentto be approvedby the San FranciscoSuperiorCourt pursuantto California Codeof Civil Procedure$664.6. Simultaneously with the Parties’executionof this ConsentJudgment,the Partiesshallexecutea stipulation allowing AYS to file a First AmendedComplaintto reflect the expandedscopeof this action asa result of the April 12,200l Notice of Violation and dismissingwith prejudicethe Third Causeof Action set forth in the original complaint. AYS shall file suchFirst AmendedComplaint prior to the Entry of Judgmentin this action andafter June12,2001, attachinga copy of the First AmendedComplaint heretoasExhibit E. a.2 Submission to the Attorney Generai. Within five (5) daysof the ExecutionDate of this ConsentJudgment,AYS shallservean executedcopy of this ConsentJudgmenton the California Attorney Generalon behalf of the Partiesso that the Attorney Generalmay review t&s ConsentJudgmkntprior to its submittalto the Court for approval. No soonerthan thirty (30) days after the Attorney Generalhasreceivedthe aforementionedcopy of this Agreement,and in the absenceof any written objectionby the Attorney Generalto the terms of this Agreement,the Partiesshallthen submit it to the Court for approval. Prior to submittalto the Court for approval, AYS shallattachas Exhibit F heretoa proof of serviceattestingthat this Agreementhasbeen servedon the California Attorney Generalandthe manneranddateon which that servicewas made. © Prop 65 News. All Rights Reserved. 9. SEVERABILITY 9.1 * Severability. In the eventthat any of the provisionsof this ConsentJudgmentare held by a court to be unenforceable,the validity of the enforceableprovisionsshallnot be adverselyaffected. 10. ENFORCEMENT AND MODIFICATION 10.1 .I Enforcement and Stipulated Civil Penalties. In the eventthat a disputearises with respectto any of the provisionsof this ConsentJudgment,the Partiesshallmeet andconfer within 10 daysof receivingwritten notice of an allegedviolation of Paragraph3.1. In the event the Partiescannotresolvethe dispute,this ConsentJudgmentmay be enforcedpursuantto Code of Civil Procedure&X4.6 or any other valid provision of law. The prevailingparty in any dispute regardingcompliancewith the terms of this ConsentJudgmentshallbe awardedits reasonable feesand costsincurred, in additionto any other relief otherwiseorderedby the Court, including but not limited to civil penaltiesassessed pursuantto Paragraph3.1 herein. 10.2 Modification of Judgment - Grounds. The Partiesacknowledgethat new toxicologicalinformation or exposureassessments concerninghazardoussubstancesare continuouslybecomingavailable,andthat statutory andregulatorystandardsapplicableto the Productsmay evolvein the future. Accordingly, the Partiesagreethat either Party may electto file a motion pursuantto 5664.6of the California Codeof Civil Procedure,and underthe conditionsset forth below, move the Court for modification of the warning requirementset forth in Paragraph2 on the groundsthat they conflict with the applicablelaw or scienceconcerningthe Products. 10.3 Modification of Judgment - Procedure. In the spirit of cooperationand in the interestsof minimizing the investigative,expert and attorneys’feesand costsassociatedwith sucha motion, the Partiesagreeto meet and confer in goodfaith asfollows. Prior to filing a motion pursuantto subsection10.2herein,the Party seekingto modify the judgment first provide the non-movingParty and the California Attorney General’sOffke with any legal or scientific datauponwhich the motion would rely. The non-movingparty and the California Attorney © Prop 65 News. All Rights Reserved. General’sOffice shahbe alloweda period of forty-five (45) daysto review that data andprovide the moving party with its formal written response(the Attorney General’sOf&e’s failure to respondto this submissionshahnot be construedin any mannerto reflect any particular view, on the part of the Attorney General’sOffice, of this ConsentJudgmentor of the applicablelaw or science).The Partiesshallthen meet andconfer within ten (10) daysof the non-moving.party’s written response.-If, after meetingandconferring, the moving party electsto proceedwith a motion to amendthis judgment, it may do so with propernotice to AYS andthe Attorney General’sOffice as requiredunderthe California Codeof Civil Procedure. Sucha motion may be accompaniedby scientific data, studies,written declarations,live testimony or discovery responses. 10.4 Modification of Judgment - Product Exemption As Additional Grounds. SettlingDefendantsshahalsobe entitledto seeka modification of this Consent Judgment on the additionalground that a Producthasbeenreformulatedor otherwisemodified suchthat it does not requirea warning underProposition65. In seekingsucha modification of this judgment, the burdenshahrest on SettlingDefendantsto adduceclearand convincingevidencethat the modification is warrantedasa matter of law. SettlingDefendantsshahproduce,aspart of their obligationto meet andconfer pursuantto subsection10.3herein,test resultsfrom at leastthree different manufacturingbatchesof the Product,eachbatch manufacturedat leastone month apart from any other, conductedby an EPA-accreditedlaboratoryusing inductively coupledplasmamassspectrometry. Any suchmotion underthis subsectionshallcomply with the procedural requirementsof subsection10.3herein. 11. GOVERNING LAW 11.1 Governing Law. The terms of this Agreementshall be governedby the laws of the Stateof California. 12. NOTICES 12.1 Notices. All correspondence and noticesrequiredto beprovided underthis Agreementshall be in writing andshall be sentby first classregisteredor certified mail addressed _.-, © Prop 65 News. All Rights Reserved. asfollows: All correspondence to AYS shallbe mailedto: Attn: LawrenceE. Fahn,ExecutiveDirector As You Sow 540 Pacific Avenue SanFrancisco,CA 94133 With a copy to: Andrew L. Packard The Law OffIces of Andrew L. Packard 294 PageStreet SanFrancisco,CA 94102 All correspondence to Herba or Kwok Shingshall be mailedto: Attn: David Cheung,President Kwok ShingImport-Export, Inc. 1818Harrison Street SanFrancisco,CA 94103 With a copy to: Carol Brophy, Esq. , Foley & Lardner 1 Maritime Plaza,6& Floor SanFrancisco,CA 94111 13. INTEGRATION AND MODIFICATION 13.1 Integration & Modification. This Agreement,togetherwith the Exhibits hereto which are specificallyincorporatedhereinby this reference,constitutesthe entireagreement betweenthe partiesrelating to the rights andobligationshereingrantedand assumed,and supersedes all prior agreementsandunderstandingsbetweenthe parties. This Agreementmay be modified only uponthe written agreementof the parties. 14. COUNTERPARTS 14.1 Counterparts. This Agreementmay be executedin counterparts,eachof which shallbe deemedan original, and all of which, when takentogether,shall constituteoneand the samedocument. © Prop 65 News. All Rights Reserved. i 15. AUTHORIZATION 15.1 Authorization. The undersignedare authorizedto executethis Agreementon behalf of their respectivepartiesand haveread, understood,andagreeto all of the terms and conditionsof this Agreement. i APPROVED AS TO FORM: I Kwok Sting Import-Export, Inc. DATE: By: Andrew L. Packard Counselfor Plaintiff As You Sow © Prop 65 News. All Rights Reserved. 15. AUTHORIZATION 15.1 Authorization. The undersignedare authorizedto executethis Agreementon behalfof their respectivepartiesandhaveread,understood,andagreeto all of the terms and conditionsof this Agreement. APPROVED AS TO FORM: DATE: By: Carol Brophy Counselfor DefendantsHerbaEnterprise,Inc. and I(~&-“J” ~qj~“~jpo~, 1%. © Prop 65 News. All Rights Reserved. IT IS SO STIPULATED: David Cheung President HERBA ENTEPRISE,INC. KWOK SHING IMPORT-EXPORT DATE: Lawrence.E.Fahn ExecutiveDirector AS YOU SOW © Prop 65 News. All Rights Reserved. IT IS SO STIPULATED: DATE: David cheung President HERJ#ENTEP~SE, INC. KWCK-SHING IMPORT-EXPORT Executive Director AS YOU SOW .I © Prop 65 News. All Rights Reserved. IT IS SO ORDERED: By: EXHIBIT A [Product List, formatted as follows: Products Covered By This Agreement: (a) Traditional Patent Medicines (b) Other Covered Products] EXHIBIT B [3 NO%] EXHIBIT C [exemplar warning] EXHIBIT D [verbatim language of the Notification Letter] EXHIBIT E [First Amended Complaint] EXHIBIT F [Proof Of Service on AG] Judge of the Superior Court ?rt:‘f?!“,rPA 1, I w‘;1 ,(.: I! ‘rrr,F., © Prop 65 News. All Rights Reserved. Exhibit A .._ .. . © Prop 65 News. All Rights Reserved. Exhibit A Traditional Patent Medicines GEJIE GEJIE DA BU WAN CHINA MANGNAN HUATUO FUYANJING HUATUO YANJlAN NING HUATUO JEISHITONG HUATO FUFANG BANLANGGEN HUATUO FENGSHI LINGPIAN HUATUO GYNOSTEMMA PENTAPHYLL HUATUO PE MIN KAN WAN TIEN CHI TABLETS (STEAMED) TEIN CHI TABLETS (RAW) JIAN WEI BAO GUZHI ZENGSHENG Vv’AN FANGENGTONGSHEN WAN SHUGANJIAN WEI WAN LONGDAN XIE GAN WAN XIANG SHAN YANG WEI WAN NAN BAO . KWEI LING CHI TZEPAO SANPIEN EXTRACT BAI FENG WAN ANSHENBUNAO BI YAN PIAN PIAN YUNNAN BAIYAO CAPSULES TIEN CHI TABLETS (STEAMED) TIEN CHI TABLETS (RAW) WUCHA SENG TABLET PANAX GINSENG © Prop 65 News. All Rights Reserved. SE TANG PIAN DANG GUI TABLET SUANZAOREN FARGELIN CHUAN XIN LIAN QIAN LIE TONG TABLET RUHE SANIE TABLET BISHU.SHI TABLET ZHANG YANG MING TIAO JlNG YIMU TABLET GU XIAN TABLET YIN QIAO PIAN GAN MAO LING TABLET PING WEI PIAN LIU JUN ZI TABLET FU KE AN TABLET GE TIE DABUWAN BANTU WAN YUAN HU DING CHUAN WAN HERBA SACRANDRA EXTRACT YANG XUE SHENG FA JIAONANG PING CHUAN PILL HERBA AGASTACHES PEARL POWDER LONG FENG BAO FU ZHEN DAN GAN MAO LING TABLET PAN LAN KEN ORANGE PEEL POWDER FRITILLARY POWDER HUATUO ZAIZAO PILLS SHINSHYUE DAN QS SIFANG WEI PIAN ’ CURING WAN ANCHUANG PIAN SEVEN NATURAL HERBS BEVERAGE ZHUANG YAO jlAN SHEN WAN ZHUI FENG SU HE WAN FU ZI LI ZHONG WAN © Prop 65 News. All Rights Reserved. WU JIN WAN YANG XIN NING SHEN WAN WU JI BAI FENG WAN SCHEFFLER ROOT EXTRACT MAODUNG CHING KEEP FIT REDUCE FAT CAPSULE SHU KAN WAN DA HUO LU DAN HAN BAO GAN MAO TUNG GENGNIAN AN ZHISOU DING CHUAN YiNCHiAO CHiEH TU PlEN WUCHI PAIFENG WAN HEI WUCHIPAIFENG WAN CHIEN CHIN CHIH TAI WAN YIN CHIAO CHIEH TU HERBAL EXTRACT HUANG LIAN SHANG CHING PIEN CHING FEI YI HUO SHIH SAN TAI PA0 WAN CORDYCEPS SANHUANG PIAN LIEN CHIAO PAI TU PIEN SEA HORSE BU SHEN WAN LI FEI HUA HSIANG CHENG CHI PIEN FRITILLARIA EXTRACT Other Covered A”DR,JS FRl~STliJS Products LOgJS ABUTILI ACALYPHAE ACANTHOPANACIS ACHYRNATHIS ACONITIA ACORI GRAMINEI ACRONYCHIAE ACTI NOLITU M ADENOPHORAE ADENOSMAE GLUTINOSI AGASTACHIS POGOSTEMI AGRIMONIAE © Prop 65 News. All Rights Reserved. AILANTHUS ALTISSIMA AKABIAE ALBIZZIAE ALFAZEMA ALISMATIS ALPINIAE ALUMEN AMPELOPSIS ACONITIFOLIAE ANDROGRAPHITIS ANEMARRHENAE ANEMONES ANGELICAE ANGIOPTERIDIS ARCTI I ARDISIAE GIGANTIFOLIA ARISAEMATIS REFINED ARISTOLOCHIAE ARTEMISIAE ASAFETIDA ASARI CUM RADICE ASPARAGI ASPONGOPUS ASTERIS ASTERISCUS PSEUDOSCIAENAE ASTRAGAL! ATALANTIA ATRACTYLODIS ATREMISIAE CAPILLARY ATUGAE MIPPONENSIS AURANTI I AVERRHOA CARAMOBOLA BAMBUSAE IN TAENIAM BAZIONUM BAUH1NIAE BEGONIA FIMBRISTI P BELAMCANDAE BERCHEMIA LINEATA BIDENDIS BIOTAE BLUMEAE BALSAMIFERAE BOMBYX BATRYTICATUS BORNEOLUM SYNTHETICUM BROUSSONETIAE BRUCEAE BUDDLEIAE BUPLEURI © Prop 65 News. All Rights Reserved. CACUMEN BIOTAE CALAMI NA CALAMITAS URINAE HOMINIS CALCIPTAE CALLICARPAE D. CALOMELAS CALYZX PERSIMMON CAMPHORE (PWD) CAMPSITIS CAPAPAX ANYDAE (RAW) CARPESIUM ABROTANOIDES CARTHAMI CASTANEA MOLLISSIMA CELOSIAE CRISTATAE CENTELLAE CENTIPEDAE CERCIS CHINENSIS CHAENOMELIS SAGENARIAE CHAICANTHITUM CHEBULAE CHIMONANTHI CHINESE PARASOL CHRYSANTHEMI (WHITE) CIBOTII (BUD) CICADAE CIMICIFUGAE . CINCHONAE CINNAMOMI CIRSII ET SEGETI CISTANCHES CITRI CLAUSENAE CLEISTOCALYX CLEMATiDiS CLERODENDRANTHI CLYPTOSTROBI PENSILIS CNIDII COLLACORII (SHANDONG) CONCHA ARACE (RAW) CONCHA HALIOTIDIS CONCHA MERETRICK CONCHA OSTREAE RAW CONCRETIO S BAMBUSAE COPTISIS CORDYCEPS SINENSIS CORIUM ERINACEI © Prop 65 News. All Rights Reserved. CORNI CORNU CERVI FRAGMENTA CORYDALIS CRATOXYLI LIGUSTRINI CRINIS CARBONISATUS CROTONIS CUDRANIAE CURCULIGINIS CURCUMAE CUSCUTAE (PROCESSED) CYATHULAE (SHREADED) CYMBOPOGONIS CITRATI CNYANCHI CYNOMOR!! CYPERI (PROCESSED) CYRTIOSPIRI FER SINENSIS CYRTOMII FORTUNEI DACTYLICOPNODIS DESMODII DIANTHI DICHROAE DICTAMNI RADiClS DIOSOREAE DIPSACT DRACONiS DROSERA BURMANNI VAHL DRYFAF GLUTINOSAE DRYNARIAE ECLIPTAE ELEPHANTOPI ELSHOLTZIAE ENTADAE EPHEDRAE (BUDDLED) EPIMEIDII EQUISETI HIEMALIS EREMOCHLOA CILIARIS ERIOBOTRYAE ERIOCAULI ERYTHRINAE ET CACUMEN BREYNIAE F. ET FOLIUM PAVETTAE H. ET RHIZOMA LYGODII EUCOMMIAE SHREADED EUPATORII EUPHORBIAE EUPOLYPHAGA SEU STELEOPHAGA © Prop 65 News. All Rights Reserved. a EXPCARPIUM BENINCASAE FABAE FAECES FARBARAE FIBRAURAE FlCl MICROCARPA FIRMIANAN SIMPLEX FLOURITUM* FORSYTHIAE FRAXINI FRITILLARIAE GALLA RHI CHINENSIS GANODERMA GARDENIAE GASTRODIAE GECKO GENKWA GENTIANAE GERANTI SIBIRICI GLEDITSIAE GLEHNIAE (BOX) GLYCYRHIXAE GOSSAMPINI GRANATII GUMMI OLIBANUM GYMNEMATIS SYLVESTRIS HIBISCI HIRUDO HOMALOMENAE HOUTTUYNIAE HOVENIAE HYDNOCARPI HYOSCYAMI HYPERICI JAPONlkl ILICIS IMPATIENTIS IMPERATAE INDIGO NATURALIS INULAE ISATIDIS JASMINI KOCHIAE LACCA LAMINARIAE LASIOSPHAERA LEMNAE © Prop 65 News. All Rights Reserved. LEONURI LEPIDII LIGUSTICI LIMONiTUM LINDERAE LINI LIQUIDAMBARIST LITHARGYRUM LITHOSPERMI LITSFA CUBEBA LOBELIAE RADICANTIS LONICERAE JAPONICA LOPHATHERI C L&JBRlr.ln ..WVVI.‘2 LYCII LYCOPI MAGNETITUM MAGNOLIAE MAHONIAE MALI ASIATICAE (PWD) MALI HALLIANAE MALLOTI APELTAE MARGARITA MASSA FERMENTA iviEDULLA MELICAE MELODINI MENTHAE MESONAE MICROCOTIS (BUDDLED) MILLETTIA MIMOSA PUDICA MIRABILITUM DEPUTATUM MOGHANIA PHILIPPINENSIS MOMORDICAE MORI MOSLAE CAVALERIEI MOUTAN RADICIS ’ MUME MUSCOVITUM MYRRHA NARCISSUS NATRII SULFAS EXSICCATUS NELUMBINIS NEPENTHES NIDUS VESPAE © Prop 65 News. All Rights Reserved. NOTOPTERYGll OCHERUM RUBRUM (RAW) OLDENLANDIAE OLOCUS ROTUNDAE OMPklALlA LAPIDESCENS (SLICED) OOTHECA MANTIDIS OPHICALCITUM OPHIOPOGONIS ORIGANI OROXYLI INDICUM OSBECKIAE CHINENSIS OSHA OSMATHIS FRAGRANTIS PAEONIAE PALIURI RAMOSISSIMI PANAX GENSENG PERILLAE PERIOSTRACUM SERPENTIS PERIPLOCAE RADICIS PERISTROPHIS ROXBUR PERSICAE (NO SKIN) PETIOLUS NELUMBINIS PEUCEDANI PHELLODENDRI (SLICED) PHLOGOP!TUM (P’J’v’D) PHRAGMITIS PHYLLANTHUS URINARIA PHYSALIS PERUVIANAE PHYTOLACCAE PICRORRHIZAE PINELLIAE PINI PIPERIS PLANTAGINIS PLASTRUM TESTUDINIS (RAW) PLATTYCODI PLUMERIAE RUBRA PLUMULA NELUMBINIS PODOCARPI MACROPHILLY POLLEN TYPHAE POLYGALAE POLYGONATI POLYGONI POLYPORUS POMEGRANATE PORTA COCOS (CURLED) © Prop 65 News. All Rights Reserved. PORTULACAE PRINSEPIAE PSEUDONGINSENG PSEUDOSTELLRIAE PSORALEAE PSYCHOTRIA PTERIS MULTIFIDA PTEROPODIDAE PTEROSPERMI PULSATILLAE PULVIS ‘FUMI CARBONISATI PUMEX PYCNOSTELMAE PY,RIT’UM PYROLUSITUM PYRROSIAE QUARTZ ALBUM QUERCUS INFECTORIA QUISQUALIS RANDIAE SINENSIS RANUNCULI TERNATI RAPHANI RECEPTACULUM NELUMBINIS REHMANNIAE RESiNA GARCINIAE RETINERVUS LUFFAE RHAPONTICI RHEI RHODODENDRI RHODOMYRTUS TOMENTOSA RICINI ROSAE RUGOSAE RUBI RUMICIS JAPONICA .RUNGIA PECTINATA SABIAE JAPONICAE SAL PRAEWPARATUM SALVIAE MI LT. SANGUIS DRACONISM SANGUISORBAE SANTALI ALBI SAPINDI SAPPAN SARGASSUM SEAGRASS SARGENTODOXAE CUNEATA SAUROPUS ROSTRATUS, (BD) © Prop 65 News. All Rights Reserved. SAUSSUREAE SCHEFFLERAE SCHIZANDRAE SCHIZONEPETAE SCHIZOPHRAGMATIS SCOLOPENDRA SCORPION SCROPHULARIAE SCUTELLARIAE SELAGINELLA SELENITUM SEMIAQUILEGIAE SENECIO SCANDENS SENNAE CIFC’FSRFCKIAF .., .L.-2-L--d. .SILERIS SINAPIS ALBAE SINOMENII SMILACIS SOJAE PRAEPARATUM SOLANI SOPHORAE SPARGANII SPATHOLOBI SPERANSKIA r\lYl IklTI I Ar VKUNtLLHt _ SPORA LYGODII STALACTITUM STAMEN NELUMBINIS STELLARIAE DICHOTOMAE STEMONAE STEPHANIAE STERCULIAE SCAPHIGERAE STRYCHNOS RAW SUCCINUM SULFUR TALCUM TARAXACI CUM RADICE TERMINALIAE IMMATURUS TERRA FLAVA USTA THIASPI TINESPORA SINSENSIS TOONAE SINENSIS RADICIS TOOSENDAN TORREYAE TRACHELOSPERMI © Prop 65 News. All Rights Reserved. i TRACHYCARPI (CHARCOAL) TRIBULI TRICHOSANTHIS TRIGONELLAE TRIPTERYGII WILFORDII TUBOCAPSICI ANOMALI ULMI PUMILAE UMBILICARIA ESCULENTA UNCARIAE CUM UNCIS URINAE DEPOSITUM P VACCARIAE VASCULAR AURANTII VENTILAGO LEIOCARPA VERATRI NIGRI VERBENNAE VIOLAE VISCI SEULORANTHI VITICIS XANTHII XYLOCOPA DISSIMILIS ZANTHOXYLUM NITIDUM ZEDOARIAE ZIZYPHY SPINOSAE PlhlKPn 43113l\GW Rll ARA Y,L”UA CYl-DAf’-tL,\ I ,\A” I RHODODENDRON EXTRACT WU CHA SENG EXTRACT ASTRAGALI EXTRACT DEER’S TAIL EXTRACT PANAZ GINSENG EXTRACT GINSENG ROYAL JELLY YI WANG CHANG CONCENTRATEDHERBALEXTRACT FRITILLARY & LOQUAT EXTRACT SAN SHEDAN CHUAN BEI LU PANTOCRIN GE JIE GIN KUDING TEA GUAVA TEA TWENTY-FOUR GREEN TEA GYNOSTEMMA GINKO TEA TEA PENTAPHYLLUM TEA © Prop 65 News. All Rights Reserved. EUCOMMIAE TEA ZHUKE TEA LIANG CHA WANG SHA XI LIANG CHA GINSENG TEA TAN KWE GIN YANG YIN QING FEI FU FANG EJIAO JIANG SHO WU CHIH CANE & ARROW ROOT STOCK ASTRAGAL! BEVERAGE JIANG YA LING TEA BEVERAGE JIANG DAN GU CHUN TEA BEVERAGE LUOHANGUO BEVERAGE BEVERAGEOFSHANZHA LING ZHI BEVERAGE WANG LAO JI MEDICINE TEA SEVEN NATURAL HERBS BEVERAGE SHE SHE CA0 BEVERAGE YU XING CA0 JING FIVE FLOWERS BEVERAGE \V”iATER CHESTNUT CARROT CANE 2%iMPERATAE BEVERAGE OF XIA GU CA0 BEVERAGE OF BANLANGEN HUAFEN BIMINGAN BEVERAGE INSTANT GINGER TEA SUANMEI TANG BEVERAGE GANMAO.TUIRE CHONGJI TAN KWE NATURAL MIX HERB TEA HERBA ABRI FRUTICULOSI XIA OER KECHUAN’LING CANE & IMPERATAE BEVERAGE CHING PO LIANG BEVERAGE BEVERAGE OF LO HAN KU0 ZHENZHU TUNGZHI TEA WONG LO KAT HERBAL TEA WONG LO KAT KAM WOO CHA WONG LO KAT CANE &CARROT JUICE Herb Names in Mandarin BAI CHA BING BAI GUANG KU DA HUAN HUN BEVERAGE © Prop 65 News. All Rights Reserved. DA LO SHA DI LO YE DUAN MAO E GUAI;I SHI ER XIAN DAN FAN LING GAN HAI DI PO HA\ DI QUE HAI DI YE HOU ZI JIAO HUANG DAN FEN HUANG DOU JUAN JI HONG TAI :I MENG DANG JIU HIAN QI LIAO DIAO ZHEN LOH SIN ZI MAI OU FEN QlNG TONG FEN SHI SHANG XIANG SONG MEI TIAN LOU YE WUDUONIAN GEN PIAN XIAN LAN XIAO LO SHA XIAO YAN ZHI KUI ZI ZHU MA GEN ZOU MA QIAN CHING FEI YI HUO HERBAL EXTRACT CURING PILL FAR GE LIN HIGH STRENGTH FENGSHI LING PIAN FU KE AN FUFANG BANGLANGAN PIAN FUNZHENGDAN FUYANJING GE JEI DA BU WAN HUATUAO GYNOSTEMMA PENTAPHYLLUM HUATUO FU FANG BANLANGEN PIAN HUATUO FU YAN JUNG HUATUO JIE YAN JING HUO HSIAN CHENG CHI PIEN JIANG ZHI JIAN FEI WAN JIESHITONG © Prop 65 News. All Rights Reserved. LIUJUNZI PANAX GINSENG CAPSULES PING WEI TABLET PINGWEI QX SI’FANG WEI PIAN SANSHEDAN CHUANBEI YE SANSHEDAN CHUANBEILU SE TAN PIAN SSII TENG TABLET TIAO JING BIMU WU CHI PAIFENG WAN (GOLDEN LILY BRAND) WU CHI PAIFENG WAN (HEI BRAND) . XIAN SHAN YAN WEI WAN Y.AN JI/?N. .NINC ..I .V YANGYIN QINGFEI YIN QIAO PIAN HIGH STRENGTH ZHANG YAN MING TABLET © Prop 65 News. All Rights Reserved. A. summaryoftie stawe andits implementingregulations,preparedby the B&e af .!%xbz.men~ Heti*& Hazaid.kssessment, is enclosedwith the copy of&is notice servedqoa t3e 7biolators.The3qecik detailsof*e violationswhich arethe subjectofthis nctice are -po%dedbelow. ‘Thebusinesses listed DIItie attachedCeArt2icate of Servke manufacture,dis-kibute, ad/or market traditi~naf Chinesemedicinesan&or otherpatentmedicines. Certaintraditional Cheesemedicinesandother patentmedicinescontainoneor more of the following chemicals: leadand leadcompounds,arsenic,andmercuryandmercruycompcxmds.The medicies subject to this notice letter, eachmedicine’smanufacturer&/Dr distrhof and ciPj of origh (if kmwn)., andthe specificPrc~ssition65 chemicalseachmedicinecontains,areenumeratedin .the athchedExhibit A. Eachof the businesses listedon the attachedCerti&ate of Service mmticctures, ditibuts, ancb’or marks the medicinesenumeratedin Exhibit A. _. . . . © Prop 65 News. All Rights Reserved. © Prop 65 News. All Rights Reserved. Zhenxiannpian (Shanghai Zhenjian Plan/Anti-epiiapsy Tahteta) SlNl Karl wan Teal Tm Kwan Pek YJJen Tong Shsnng Loong Kren Tin TM To Ch!Jll$ Pearl (Doubts Ren Shari Powder) ,tin Qiwn Pills Fml Powder (Yang Kei Young Fill Brand) Shueh Qiaerrpuwan Anllphtoglet6c Bunco Furag S~nb Wood N~IJ Iiimg Rorharkra Table& Liu Tung t34rcodife Lock Wan Chang tabteta) Gatt Bladder bnung Prrl Kee Nan ORKI Cough Tablets) (Venus) Brand) Expechxant Plil An United United Pharmaceutical Tienlsin Peking Drug Manufactory Tung Jen Tang Pills) Dranrd) Pill Drug People’s ih&9d Lam Hong Kong Lead Co. Lien Drug United Pharmnceutkxt Hong Kong Baijing Laad AraenSc Hong Kong L%%d Kwangctlc9w Hong Kong r&mury Kwangchow Arsenic Kwangchow LREl4t f-Charrg Laed, Kwwng Tung Laad, 5sijlen Laad Manufaclory Guangatiou AKmalc Tientsin Lsaal, Peking Kwang Arsenic Si l-fang Kong MedIcal Works Shop hfli%NJfnchNy Tradlionwi Chinese Industry Worirs Pharmnoeutlcal Co. Mkska Marcury Lead, Lead Mercury Arsenic Arsenic Jiaragsu Hong Kong Lead, Amenlo, Arsenic Canton Arsonlc H~~g~hQ!J Araelllc Kwangchow Load HnnkrJw Mannfactory Arsenic Lea46 GU~fl@Xi Factory Kwangchow krtercuryoO Lead Manufadory Piaarmnceuticel Clndrrg Mercury Manufacturer Imp. & Exp. Corp & Realth Products Lee Yusn Second Tienlsin Lead, Lead Pharmaceutical ~h,Wlll%C%t46iC%~ Arsenic, Kong Industry Chemicals Madicina Lead”, Arsanic Hong Shari Sai Hang Lam Medicine Manufactory Sushou Lei Yun Shang Chlnose Madlcine Kwnngchow Fitts (Kal Kil Yuan) Phanffaumlna? I OCI25 mg Chang Hwngrhau Chl%n Tu Pian (Anlelopa tdetional Malionat Shanghai Lanchow MFY. Manufaetmy Chlnw Chlnn 65 kistsrd Chemicals ? Kong Manufactory Fharmacautical Drug Shanghai t-M Chm Tm (pmfdw) (Yang GlisngBrand) Pcking Pharmaceutical Mg Chow Brand) Pills (KPIC] (Anshan Tablets) Fiits) Lam Sal Ma (Yang Chum Ra\a, (Anti-aging Trmg Anlidotal Itch-Removing Pills (Hang Nlu Harang Xlao Yan Wan (Bazaar Lam Lee Yuan 50 Ying Tan Chka Madtcina Fbr~p. Hong Medtcine hclory Manufactary Min-Kang C&g Sha Dan Chuan Head Ren Tang Kwungchow Pill Pill (Trlsnake Tong Tai Cfriu United Chin Koo Tiah Shang Wan Ediu th~ang Chish Tu Pien (Rezoar Tim ‘f&a6 To Chung Yuen Sit Wo Tong Brandj Chao Essence Tong FUSII~II Rrdltonic Vim Cbtng Wong Mannfactory Works Manufaclory Pak Tai Yuel Tong De6jing Ruxin Wan (MIP t&and) Thn Wang XkCslks Drug Tung Medicine Chdicinn Shen Sal Hang Lam Pak Chaong Tong Powder (Dyaentsry Cheng Kwan Palping “Mg PO Powder’ Tnrteina-Snaha Sm Phts) Pill Formula (Yang Suporiar Powder knl Zao Wan 6il Wn Tong Fargelin How Tsao Dragon Pak Choong T~ng’s tiou-Cho An Gong .tiang Ya Wan Ser t..e% Tan CUnesa Chlmnss Tienlsin Mhn Tnng Shangha6 Lanchow City Mercury © Prop 65 News. All Rights Reserved. Tsiu~an PeopVr MaQcine Wcrhs (I-bag Aing PharmFnceulical Factory) China Natlonai Chemicals imp. & Exp. Corp United Pharma~unicai Mwnnfadory Ilnng Kong Shanghai Lam Les Yuen Medical Shop Tianjin Larenteng Drug Manufaciory Chlna Notional Chemicals Imp. h Exp. Corp China t@tional fuledicines and Health Products imp 8 tip Carp China Malional blerficines and Health Products Imp & Exp CO@I Tien&ln Drug Manufaclary Bni Yarn Sia~n Pharmaceulical Facotry Yunnan lbkdldnes B H~akh Products Imp 8, EKE Carp (F!!shan United Menufadory) Yttung Ng Tong Medical Manufactory Lid. Hanyang Phi%rnacsutlcst Works United Phermacsu!ical Manufaclory Tienlsin Drug n~anufactory Betjing Tangren Tang Ma Pak Leung Co., Ltd. Lln cling Zhong Ywo Chang KwangcJaow Ph8rmaceuticst Industry Corp. Shanghai Chinese Medicine hknufactary Shanghai Chinese bdicina Works United Pharmaceutical Manufaciory Kwrnn Tung Pale Yuan Tong Main Factory (Chang On Unlbd Pharmaceulical Factory) ChIna NationaRINative Produce i31Animal By-Praducts Paidrag M@diclne M3nnufacfory Chlna National NaHve Produce Ib Animal By-products I B, E Calrp. Beijing Tung Jsn Twang (FM Shwn Pharmaceutical Factory) dlhlne NSonal M1%!4tctnseand Health Producla Imp Q Enp Carp @Iu.46agbkwl fhq Work.9 Tidntsin Drug Manufactory Tdnan Ssechuan Jilin Filshnn Hong Kong Tianjln Shantung Guangshou Guangxi Tientstn Guangxhou Yunnan Canton Hong Kong tfenywng Kwangchow Tier&in Beijing Hong Kong Shen Rang KwaFags;how Shanghai Shanghai Fushan Hong Kong Peking HopsI Branch Pekirag Fsskien Beijing Kvtfangchow IMjkag Wuhan Tl~~k3lI-l Arssnlc bad Mr9ratry Arsrmk, Mercury Lead Lead, Mnrrcury Mercury Lead Arsenic, Mercury Lead, Anemic, Msrcury Arsenic Lead Lead, Mercury Arsenic Lmd Arsenic Arsgnic Lead, Arsenic. Mercury Lead, hrsanic, Mercury Lead, Mercury Areenta; Lewd Lead, Arsenic, Mercury Lead, Mercury Lead, Arsenic Lead Mercury Arsenic Mercanry Arsenic I-cod, hrsanic! Mercury Mercury Mercarry bad Lewd, Mercury Lend Leed, M@rcruy Mer6;rlry Lead Ascenic Ars~,nlc, Marc!uy Ar%%lk h14 Mercury Ml[daKCUry 6.Rwid Rla6c?rq ened Mwcr9ry © Prop 65 News. All Rights w I L’ Chu Fai Hou-Tsaa-San Ping Clruan Fill Saa Hcrsa, G&al Tonic Pllls (Hlpocampus VirNty Resloraalive FDilla) Placenla Compound Reeloratlve Pills China Tung Shueh Pills Armadillo AnlipyreIio Pilla Hue blshg Cheng CM Pien (Ti*n Wang Pu Hrln Tan) Shihu Yeguang Wan Fargslin For Piles (High Strength) Yunnran Rkeumaitilin Kism~ C&nZeng Shang Pierr Ping Kwan Dnn Specific LumbagHn (Lungdkg Dram!) Caulia Dandmbii Myopia Pills (concentrated) Ylm Cker Powder &km thu Ceng Fen Yim Cker Pu.wder Ta.a Ckin Tirrg KaI Yaung Pill ‘Clmu Kieng” Brand Yan Shen Jai JAO Wan (Revival Fills) Ran Shari ZaI &a Wan Yen Qlir~n Kwi to Wan Shcn Hng R&hit Fien Hun Hsleng Clung Ckl Pien (Anlikbrlla Tahlats) 8erldaGl Fllla Yunnan Rheumatilin Superior 8~s~ Throat Powder Tze Ghin Tlng rsmng I ung Jen fang Kwmrgckow Reserved.Pharmaceutical Indusky Co. Fu Shan United Pharmaceutical Manwfactory Bai-Yuan+Shan Fharmacautical Factory Lanzhou Fo Ci Pharmaceutical factory Ctmng Lien Qrug W0rhs s The IJntied Phsrmaceullcel Manufactory Beijing Fharmaceulical F,actory Sing-Kyn Drug Hnue~?~ Lermrtmg Drug Manufad!ory Bai Yuen Skan Pharmaceutlcel Factory Kwangchaw Pharmarzaullcwt Induslry Co. China National MedicInea; and Health Products Imp. L Exp. Corp. Beijing Tung Jan Tang Lenahou Fo Ci Phermac8utlcal FecMry (Fushan United Manofaclory) The United Pharmaceutical Manufaclory Gorjiu Pharmaceulicai Factory Thm Uniked Pharmaceutical Manufadory Ghan Li Chai (Nqng Kang Tung Ren Tong) (Pushan United Manufactory) Ma Pak LLrmg Co., Ltd. @hen Lhu Industry Co.) Ma Pak Leung Co., Lid Beijing Tung Jen Tang (Gueng Si Wu Thou Paop~le’s Drug Manufaclory) The United Pharmaceutical Menufactory Lanzkou Fo Cl Ptrarmaceutical Factory (Pushan United Menufadory) Xlan Tadilianal Chlnese Drug Work8 nf Skasnxi Province Beijing Timg Jen Tang Lwnakau Fo Cl Phaarmwce~~ticslFac$ory Gorjlu Fharmacsullcai Faclnry Meishou Medicine Factary Reijing Tung Jwn Tang (Ctmngchow Pharm%cculical Factory) Peking Kwangchow Fu Shari Kw%mgchow Lanshau Hankmv QMangshorJ iieijing Kwengchaw Tianjin Kwmgchow Kwangckow Guangxi Deijkrg Lanrhou Kvdangchow Kwangchow Yunnen Guangdong Hong Kong (Nang Knng) Kwangchow Hang K&g Guangzkou Hang Kcng Deijing Gueng si Fushwn Lnnshou Kwangchow Xinn Bsijing Lanaehou Yunnan Kwangkmg aeqing Chnngchaw Arsenic, Mercury Leaal Arsmric Lmld Amen;; Mercury Lead Lead Lead Lead Awanic Lead Amanic, Mercury Arsenic Mercury Lead, Mercury Arsenic Lead Lead Load Mercury Lead, Mercury Lead Lead Lead Lead, Arsenic, Mercury Lead Lead, Mercury Arsenic, Mercury Lead, Mercury Awt3nlc Arssnk Mercury Lead Isad Lead, Aw@ralc Arsenic © Prop 65 News. All Rights Reserved. Exhibit B © Prop 65 News. All Rights Reserved. © Prop 65 News. All Rights Reserved. 1 am a citizenof the United 3ates, over the ageof 18 years,md not a party to the within actirn; my bl;s&ess addressis: 540 Paciic Avenue,SanFrancisco,CA. 94133. 3 Notice 3f Vio!aticn 0ZCalihnia Health & SafetyCode $25249.5et seq.,incMing ExM34tA cn the fdcwing partiesby placinga tze md correct copy thereof in a se&edenvelope,adhessedto the ~L*JT listedi=ebw, and depositingit at a Utited SStesPostalSeArvice 03ice for delivery by Ge,tied Ma& A22: Craig Thompson,Deputjj Aitcmey General CaWmia Deprtment of Justice 7300‘1Street, Suite 125 Past Office Box 944255 Sacramento,CA 94244-2550 andm eachof the partiesan the servicelist attachedher& by plachg .atrue andco=ect ccpy thereof inna se&x! emel~pe, addressedto eachof +&ep&es on *theswke list attachedhereto,and depsi&g it at United $QtesFestalSerYicemad bcx. E:weci;tedon May 19, 1999,at SanFmciscc, California. © Prop 65 News. All Rights Reserved. \ ,. ‘. i . © Prop 65 News. All Rights Reserved. ; i :. : ‘. .;? ,A, :-: . . . .x . . . .- ’ © Prop 65 News. All Rights Reserved. © Prop 65 News. All Rights Reserved. 2 © Prop 65 News. All Rights Reserved. . . . . / , . . ,. . ,.. -. -: . © Prop 65 News. All Rights Reserved. © Prop 65 News. All Rights Reserved. Dear Mi. Chemxg and Public ~Enfimement Agencies: AY3 has documentedTkolationsof California’s 3aSe&inking Water & To,xicE&xceme:ct Act 0 1936(Tropsitiion W’;, codSed at Health Jk 3aMy Code 925249.5et seq. ‘I’lis letier se~icsto provide AY3’ notirr?catiron of theseviolationsto the pubfic enbcement agenciesandto the ~%ht~r. Purma~t to $25249.7(d)of +&estatite, AYS i~ter~dsto bring an enitxcement a&ion ti~.~ (SO>daysafter efkdive senice of this mtice ides3 the public eraforcementage&cs have CCTaSnCtdWA arc diligmtly p~sz~~tiig ZI &OII tc recti@theseyi~iatio~~~..A S.~TUIDI~~ of the s+aZ~tz and its Lmpiemedingregtiations, which was prepred by the leadagerxy designatedmder the sbht=*9 is ecciosedwith the copy of&&isnotice serveduponthe violators. ne specific detailsof 2~ 7iiokdons ,&at are the subjectof this notice areprovidedbelow. Tze name of the violators coveqzdby this notice areE@XBB Z~WEW;9;1782,INC. arzd KWDX S3mG I!IiW%2RT-EPORT3 INC. Theseviolationsinvolve cadmimn,cadmium ccmpoun&, lead, lead com~ou~cls,mercury, mercury compoundsand arsenicfound in the specig6: &xs of consumergrcducts describedbelow and in Exhibit A hereto. On October 1, 1937,+&eState 5 Cdifomia oEciaQy listed cadmiumand cadmiumccmpouodsaschemicaisIUIOW to c&se cameo. On May I, 1997,the Stateof California off%klly listedcadmiumasa chemicalknown PO causerzpmducti~e toxicity. On Febrwq 2?,i937, the Stateof California officially listed leadasa ch.emic&!CIXJWD to causereproductivetoxiciF/. On October I, 1992,the Stateof California sffkially listed lead aridlead compouxis as chemicak known to cause cancer.On My 1, 1990,the Stateof California 0RiciaUy listedmercury andmercury compouodsas chemicalskacwn to cause rqrcchctive toxicity. On iMay 1, 1997,the Stateof California officially listed arsenic(inorganic cxides) as a cheticd known to causereproductivetoxicity. On Febrwy 27,19%7,the Stateof Ca!ihxia ofkially listed arsetic as a cbemicaiknowz~to causecancer. This notice coverseacfiof the ayecific tyces of prodxxts set forth below, ar,d thosepducts listed jn ExhiToit A, hereto xvi*& , r.espct ts eachof f&e above-referencedchemicals. © Prop 65 News. All Rights Reserved. 733 ccxwmer exposuresthat arethe subjectoftis noticehaveoccurre”,andcontinueto axup ptimti~y timugh the ingestionexposureroute, but ah may occur through inhalationand/or ‘. dermal~mtact, dependingon eachmedicine’spahxhr appiicat~ooo. The occupatior~ exposures that art the subjectof *&isnotice haveoccwed andcontinueto occurprimarily through inhalation ad 6emai rontact, bet c&o may occurthough ingestion.The cccupationatexpcswz~that arc the subjectof this rake have occumd and continueto occurat tix -&~&xi’ facility hated at IS!5 Harsan Street,in SanFmcisco, California. Tkis notice allegesthe vioiaxionof Proposition65 -wit$reseert to occupationalexposures gxerned by the California StateP’lanfor OccupationalSafetyazd He&h. The %tz Pian incoporatesthe provisions cf Proposition65, asapprovedKay FederalGW3.Aon hne 6, 1997. This appaovdspecificti~ placedcertain conditiorzs~6th regardto occupationalexposureson Proposition 65, imhdiag that it doesnot appIy to $e conductof manufkrurers occurringoutsidethe S*titeof Califocia. The approvalalso providesthat an employermay usethe meansof compliancein the gemxd haza~dcommunicationrequirementsto comply with Proposition65. It ak3o~rec3hsthat ~~~prclc,men~~ enhrcement is subjectto the supervisionof the C&&r& Occupational&&ety and Et&h Ads&a&rat&x. A.~ccrd~agSy, any settlemen&civil comphint, or substantivecourt ordersin tis smattermust be submitted to the Attorney General. in kqing with its public interestmissionandto expeditiouslyrectify theseongsina Violationsof California law, AY § is interestedin seekinga consmcti~e resolutionof this Gatter witho~ qpging in costly andprotractedlitigation. Pleasedirect all communication regardingthis notice to aY3’ counselin this matter: Andrew L. Packard,Esq.,Law Offices of Andrew L. Packard,294 PageStreet,SanFrancisco,CA 94102;Telephone(415) 43l-2978. © Prop 65 News. All Rights Reserved. © Prop 65 News. All Rights Reserved. F&dei Firi;g Chi tier, Chlao Faii Tu Fien EYei Liujunni hiujunzi Tablet bong Dan Xie GanWan i0t;g 53ng830 MacdungchiRg Nan3ao Pearl Pcwder Rng Churn Pitt Ping Wei Tablet Piprgwei Sian Lie Tong Tablet Qx Sifang Wei P&in Ruhe Sanie Tattet San Huang Pian Simshedan Chuanbei Ye Sanshedan Chumbeilu s&&era Root EKtra@: se Tan Flan Se Tang Pian Sea Howe 3u Shen Wan Shinahyue Daii Shu Gan Jian Wei Wan Shu Xain Wan Ssii Tsng Tat&t suPnzacr2n Tao Jicg Eimu 7700 Jing Yimu Tabiel Tienctii Tablet Tzepao Sanpien Extract Wu Chi Paifeng Wan (Golden Lily Brand) Wu Chi Faifeng Wan (liei Wand) W&JJin Wan © Prop 65 News. All Rights Reserved. I, the ~&egg&, d&ae IJ&X penalty of perjury underthe laws of&e Stateof CaEfcmia t&t tie f&wing true andcc31~ct: 1am a citkn of&e United States,over the ageof 18years,andnot a parfy to tk,etit&n act&; my business addressis: 540 Pacific Avenue, SanFrancisco,CA 94133. GAApril 12,2001, I servedthe following docuxkts: Notice of Violation of California He&t &zSafetyCode$25249.5et seq.,in&ding Etibjt A P “The SafeIIkhking Water andToxic EoforcementAct of 1986p3opotit& 65): A 5m1.1~~~~ q on the following party by placing a true andcorrect copy thereof in a sealedenvelcpe,addressedto the party Wed ‘Mow, and depositingit at a United StatesPostalServiceOffice for delivery by Certified Maik HerbaEnterprise,Inc. David 5. Cheung,fresident 6 i 7 Tenth Avexue SanFrzncisco,CA 94118 0x1April 12,200 1) I servedtie following document(s): 3 Notice of Violation of California Hedth & SafetyCode $25249.j et seq.,irschding Exh$JitA on the foibtig party by placing a true andcorrect copy thereofin a sealedenvelope,addressedto the party listed beicw, azd degxxitbg it at a United StatesPostalServiceOffice fcr de1iver-yby Certified Ma.% . Am-L. abraig Thcmpso~,Deputy Attorney General California Deparznent of Justice 1300i Street, Suite 125 Post OEce Box 944255 Sacramento,CA 94244-2550 andon eachaf the parties cn the servicelist attachedheretoby placinga true and correct copy thereof in a sealedenvelope,addressedto eachof the partieson the servicelist attachedhereto,and depositingit at United StatesPostaI Servicemail box. Executed0~ Apti 12,2001, at SanFrancisco,California is © Prop 65 News. All Rights Reserved. Exhibit C © Prop 65 News. All Rights Reserved. 06-08-01 04:llpm ,From-FOLT i!ARDNER T-235 P 02/02 i-3Rl © Prop 65 News. All Rights Reserved. Exhibit D © Prop 65 News. All Rights Reserved. EXKLBIT D [Verbatim Notice Letter] ~[I-IEREMKWOK SHING LETTERHEAD. and DATE] Dear Customer: The products you have purchased from [Kwok-Shing/Herba] contain levels of lead, arsenic and/or mercury that require a warning pursuant to California’s Proposition 65 (Health & Safety Code $25249.5, et seq.). Pursuant to a court order, we have begun the process by which English and Chinese warnings will be provided for many of the products by September 1,200 1, and by which the remaining products will be sold with such warnings on or before November 1, 2001. The purpose of this letter is to inform you that if you resell these products (either in whole or in part) you may be required to provide a clear and reasonable warning within the meaning of Proposition 65 to the purchasers of the product. Failure to provide these warning may result in your being subject to civil penalties of up to $2500 per violation and other sanctions. You may want to consult legal counsel concerning your obligations under the law. The warning must be provided unless you can establish in court that the levels of Proposition 65 listed chemicals (including, but not limited to ~M-J ar~*n;r anA AW....) L+AUYAUW LLIu merpllnj) AAI~LUCUin the products you sell are low enough that the maximum daily recommended dosage of the product will not result in exposures above the levels requiring health hazard warnings. For additional information regarding the requirements of Proposition 65, you should contact the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment at (510) 622-3 170, Fax: (510) 622-3218, or on the Internet at www.oehha.ca.gov. Sincerely, David Cheung, President © Prop 65 News. All Rights Reserved. Exhibit E © Prop 65 News. All Rights Reserved. FREDRIC A. EVENSON (State Bar No. 198059) DAVID H. WILLIAMS (State Bar No. 144479) Public Interest Lawyers Group 2070 Allston Way, Suite 300 Berkeley, California 94704 Tel. (510) 647-1900 Fax. (510) 647-1905 ANDREW L. PACKARD (State Bar No. 168690) HEIDI P. POPPE (State Bar No. 200253) Law Offices of Andrew L. Packard 294 Page Street San Francisco, CA 94102 Tel. (415) 431-2970 Fax. (415) 431-0410 Attorneys for Plaintiff ,AS YOU SOW SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO AS YOU SOW, a non-profit corporation, ) Plaintiff, VS. Case No. 3 13637 FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT FOR INJUNCTIVE RELIEF AND CIVIL > PENALTIES i HERBA ENTERPRISE, INC., KWOKSHING IMPORT-EXPORT, INC., and DOES i Health & Safety Code $25249.5, et seq.; 1 to 100, inclusive, Health & Safety Code Q109875, et seq, > Business & Professions Code 5 17200, et seq.; Defendants. > JURY TRIAL REQUESTED © Prop 65 News. All Rights Reserved. Plaintiff AS YOU SOW (“AYS”) brings this action in the interest of the general public and, on information and belief, hereby alleges: INTRODUCTION 1. This action seeks to remedy Defendants’ continuing failure to warn thousands df consumers in California that they are being exposed to chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and/or reproductive toxicity. Defendants export, import, manufacture, package, distribute, market and/or sell herbs and herbal products, traditional patent medicines, bulk herbs, infusions, extracted powders, tea pills, traditional pills, patent formulas, teas, bulk teas, liquid herbal extracts, capsules, plasters and ointments (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “PRODUCTS”) containing high levels of lead, lead compounds, mercury, mercury compounds and/or arsenic, which are chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and/or reproductive toxicity (the “LISTED CHEMICALS”). The PRODUCTS include, but are not limited to those items identified in Exhibit “A” hereto. 2. CHEMICALS The use and/or handling of the PRODUCTS causes exposures to the LISTED at levels requiring a “clear and reasonable warning” under California’s Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986, Health & Safety Code (“H&S Code”) $25249.5, et seq. (also known as “Proposition 65”)’ Defendants have failed and continue to fail, to provide and the health hazard warnings required by Proposition 65. 3. Defendants’ continued export; import, manufacture, packaging, distribution, marketing and/or sale of the PRODUCTS without the required health hazard warnings, causes individuals to be involuntarily and unwittingly exposed to dangerous levels of the LISTED CHEMICALS. Defendants’ actions violate Proposition 65, as well as the Unfair Competition Law, Business & Professions Code (“B&P Code”) 5 17200, et seq. ’ All statutory and regulatory references herein are to California law, unless otherwise specified. © Prop 65 News. All Rights Reserved. 4. Defendants’ export, import, manufacture, distribution and/or sale of PRODUCTS containing LISTED CHEMICALS constitutes the manufacture, sale, delivery, holding, offering for sale, and/or receiving in commerce of adulterated foods in violation of the Sherman Food, Drug and Cosmetic Law, H&S Code 5 109875, et seq. (“Sherman Act”) and an unlawful business practice in violation of the Unfair Competition Law, B&P Code 517200, et seq. 5. Defendants’ continued export, import, manufacture, packaging, distribution, marketing and/or sale of the PRODUCTS without the toxic health hazard warnings required by California law aiso constitute unfair business practices in violation of the Unfair Competition Law, B&P Code $17200, et seq. because the use and/or handling of the PRODUCTS results in thousands of daily exposures to the LISTED CHEMICALS, thereby increasing the risk of cancer and/or reproductive toxicity to individuals throughout California, and because Defendants’ failure to disclose significant toxic hazards makes it impossible for consumers to readily distinguish traditional patent medicines that cause exposures to the LISTED CHEMICALS from traditionai patent medicines that do not cause exposures to the LISTED CHEMICALS. 6. Defendants have also in the course of their business engaged in fraudulent business acts and practices and unfair, untrue or deceptive advertising likely to deceive the public, in violation of B&P Code Sections 17200 and 17500 by making fraudulent, unfair, deceptive, untrue or misleading representations regarding the purity, safety, healthfulness and contents of the PRODUCTS on the packaging of the PRODUCTS and/or in other promotional ‘materials. 7. By this action Plaintiff seeks appropriate relief: a. prohibiting the continued export, import, manufacture, packaging, distribution, marketing, and sale of the PRODUCTS in California by Defendants without provision of clear and reasonable warnings © Prop 65 News. All Rights Reserved. regarding the risks of cancer and/or reproductive toxicity posed by exposure to the LISTED CHEMICALS through the use and/or handling of the PRODUCTS; b. prohibiting the continued export, import, manufacture, distribution, sale ., and advertising for sale in California of the PRODUCTS that are “adulterated foods”; C. prohibiting Defendants from making fraudulent, unfair, deceptive, untrue or misleading representations regarding the purity, safety, heaithfulness and/or contents of the PRODUCTS; d. assessingcivil penalties in the amount of $2,500 per day per violation of ’ H&S Code $25249.6, et seq. to remedy Defendants’ ongoing failure to provide clear and reasonable warnings to thousands of individuals that they are being exposed and continue to be exposed to LISTED CHEMICALS G. through the use and/or handling of the PRODUCTS; restoring to any person in interest any money or property, real or personal, which may have been acquired by Defendants’ unlawful export, import, manufacture, packaging, distribution, marketing, and/or sale of the PRODUCTS without clear and reasonable warnings regarding the risks of cancer and reproductive toxicity posed by exposure to the LISTED CHEMICALS through the use and/or handling of the PRODUCTS; by Defendants’ sales of adulterated foods in violation of the Sherman Food, Drug and Cosmetic Law; and by Defendants’ unfair and fraudulent business acts and practices and unfair, deceptive, untrue and/or misleading advertising, as described more fully herein below. 3 © Prop 65 News. All Rights Reserved. JURISDICTION AND VENUE 8. This Court hasjurisdiction over this actionpursuantto California Constitution Article VI, Section10,which grantsthe SuperiorCourt “originaljurisdiction in all causes exceptthosegiven by statuteto other trial courts.” The statutesunderwhich this actionis broughtdo not specify any other basisfor jurisdiction. 9. This Court hasjurisdiction over Defendantsbecause,basedon information and belief, eachof the Defendantsis a corporationor associationorganizedunderthe laws of the Stateof California or doing sufficient businessin, andhaving sufficient minimum contacts with, California, or otherwiseintentionallyavailingitself of the California market through the export, import, manufacture,packaging,distribution,marketingand/orsaleof the PRODUCTS in the Stateof California to renderthe exerciseof jurisdiction over it by the California courts consistentwith traditional notionsof fair play andsubstantialjustice. 10. Venuein this actionis properin the SanFranciscoSuperiorCourt because Defendantshaveviolated oneor more of the California laws specifiedhereinin the City and f-n,, +xnCCr..C-P:7 ,“LLr,Lj “I LJ4111 lallCl~CO. PARTIES 11. Plaintiff AS YOU SOW (“AYS”) is a non-profit foundationorganizedunderthe Stateof California’sNon-Profit Public Benefit CorporationLaw. AYS is dedicatedto, among other causes,the protection of the environment,the promotion of humanhealth,the improvementof worker and consumersafety,environmentaleducation,and corporate accountability. AYS is basedin SanFrancisco,California. 12. AYS is bringing this enforcementaction in the public interestpursuantto H&S Code $25249.7(d)and B&P Code $17204. 13. DefendantHERBA ENTERPRISE,INC. (“HERBA”) is a personwithin the meaningof B&P Code 517201 and a persondoingbusinesswithin the meaningof H&S Code $25249.11. © Prop 65 News. All Rights Reserved. 14. HERBA exports, imports, manufactures, packages, distributes, markets and/or sells one or more of the PRODUCTS for sale or use in California. 15. Defendant KWOK SHING IMPORT-EXPORT, INC. (“KWOK SHING”) is a person within the meaning of B&P Code 5 17201 and a person doing business within the meaning of H&S Code $25249.11. 16. KWOK SHING exports, imports, manufactures, packages, distributes, markets’ and/or sells one or more of the PRODUCTS for sale or use in California. 17. DOES 1 to 100 are each a person within the meaning of B&P Code 9 1720 1 and a person doing business within the meaning of H&S Code $25249.11. 18. DOES 1 to 100 export, import, manufacture, package, distribute, market and/or sell one or more of the PRODUCTS for sale or use in California or otherwise cause or contribute to exposures within the meaning of H&S Code $25249.6, et seq. to the LISTED CHEMICALS 19. from the PRODUCTS. The true names of DOES 1 to 100 are unknown to Plaintiff at this time. When their idepAtipiesa--nIcI aJLertained, the complaint shaii be amended to reflect their true names. 20. HERBA, KWOK SHING and DOES 1 to 100 are hereinafter referred to collectively as “DEFENDANTS.” 21. Each of the DEFENDANTS STATUTORY employs more than ten persons. BACKGROUND A. Proposition 65 22. By passing a citizens’ initiative in 1986, by a 2: 1 margin, the People of the State of California have declared in Proposition 65 their right “[t]o be informed about exposures to chemicals that cause cancer, birth defects, or other reproductive harm.” (Section l(b) of Initiative Measure, Proposition 65). 23. To effectuate this goal, Proposition 65 requires that individuals be provided with a “clear and reasonable warning” before being exposed to chemicals listed by the State of © Prop 65 News. All Rights Reserved. California as causing cancer or reproductive toxicity. H&S Code $25249.6 states, in pertinent part: No person in the course of doing business shall knowingly and intentionally expose any individual to a chemical known to the state to cause cancer or reproductive toxicity without first giving clear and reasonable warning to such individual.... 24. Proposition 65 provides that any person “violating or threatening’to violate” the statute may be enjoined in a court of competent jurisdiction. (H&S Code $25249.7.) The phrase “threaten to violate” is defined to mean “to create a condition in which there is a substantial likeiinood that a violation wiil occur.” (H&S Code $25249. i l(e).) Violators are liable for civil penalties of “up to $2,500 per day for each such violation.” (H&S Code 525249.7.) B. The Sherman Food, Drug and Cosmetics Law 25. The Sherman Food, Drug and Cosmetics Law prohibits any person from manufacturing, selling, delivering, holding, offering for sale, receiving in commerce, delivering or Ivllblllls p'nffa"LM C?.-A -..l”I uell1:. \ICI~ any food that is “adulterated” within the meaning of the Act. (H&S Code ~110620,110630,) 26. Traditional patent medicines are considered dietary supplements and are regulated as food under the Sherman Food, Drug and Cosmetics Law. 27. Food is deemed “adulterated” if it “bears or contains any poisonous or deleterious substance that may render it injurious to health of man or any other animal that may consume it” or if it “bears or contains any added poisonous or deleterious substance that is unsafe. . . .” (H&S Code $110545,110550.) 28. An “added poisonous or deleterious substance” is considered “unsafe” with respect to any food, unless there is a regulation in effect that limits the quantity and use, or intended use, of the substance to the terms prescribed by the regulation. (H&S Code 9110445 .) Ill Ill © Prop 65 News. All Rights Reserved. i ,’ C. The Unfair Competition Law 29. The Unfair Competition Law, B&P Code 017200, et seq. provides that “unfair competition shall mean and include any unlawful, unfair or fraudulent business act or practice.” (B&P Code $17200.) 30. Section 17203 provides that “[a]ny person performing or proposing to perform an act of unfair competition within this state may be enjoined in a court of competent jurisdiction.” “Person” is defined to mean and include “persons, corporations, firms, partnerships, joint stock companies, associations and other organization of persons.” (B&P Code $17201.) 31. The court may “restore to any person in interest any money or property, real or personal, which may have been acquired by means of such unfair competition.” (B&P Code $17203.) 32. Actions to enforce the provisions of the Act may be brought “by any person acting for the interests of itself, its members or the general public.” (B&P Code 9 17204.) Section 17205 provides that remedies available under the Act “are cumulative to each other and to the remedies or penalties available under all other laws of this state.” FACTUAL 33. BACKGROUND On February 27, 1987, the State of California officially listed the chemical lead as a chemical known to cause reproductive toxicity. Lead became subject to the warning requirement one year later and was therefore subject to the “clear and reasonable” warning requirements of Proposition 65 beginning on February 27, 1988. (22 California Code of Regulations (“CC,,‘) 34. 912000, et seq.; H&S Code $25249.5, et seq.) On October 1, 1992, the State of California officially listed the chemicals lead and lead compounds as chemicals known to cause cancer. Lead and lead compounds became subject to the warning requirement one year later and were therefore subject to the “clear and reasonable” warning requirements of Proposition 65 beginning on October 1, 1993. (22 CCR © Prop 65 News. All Rights Reserved. $12000, et seq.; H&S Code $25249.6, et seq.) 35. On May 1, 1997, the State of California officially listed the chemical arsenic (inorganic oxides) as a chemical known to cause reproductive toxicity. Arsenic became subject to the warning requirement one year later and was therefore subject to the “clear and reasonable” warning requirements of Proposition 65 beginning on May 1, 1998. (22 CCR $12000, et seq.; H&S Code $25249.6, et seq.) 36. On February 27, 1987, the State of California officially listed the chemical arsenic as a chemical known to cause cancer. Arsenic became subject to the warning requirement one year later and was therefore subject to the “clear and reasonable” warning requirements of Proposition 65 beginning on February 27, 1988. (22 CCR $12000, et seq., H&S Code $25249.6, et seq.). 37. On July 1, 1990, the State of California officially listed the chemical mercury and mercury compounds as chemicals known to cause reproductive toxicity. Mercury and mercury compounds became subject to the warning requirement one year later and were therefore subject to the “clear and reasonable” warning requirements of Proposition 65 beginning on July 1, 1991. (22 CCR 912000, et seq.; H&S Code $25249.6, et seq.). 38. Plaintiff is informed and believes, and based on such information and belief alleges, that one or more of the PRODUCTS have been sold to, handled and/or used by, individuals in California without clear and reasonable warning since the duty arose. The PRODUCTS continue to be offered for sale in California without the requisite warning information. 39. As a proximate result of acts by DEFENDANTS, as persons in the course of doing business within the meaning of Health & Safety Code $25249.11, individuals throughout the State of California, including the County of San Francisco, have been exposed to the LISTED CHEMICALS without clear and reasonable warning. The individuals subject to the violative exposures include normal and foreseeable users of the PRODUCTS, as well as all other persons exposed to the PRODUCTS. © Prop 65 News. All Rights Reserved. 40. At all times relevantto this action,DEFENDANTS andeachof them knew or shouldhaveknown, andintendedthat the PRODUCTScontainedthe LISTED CHEMICALS. 41. At all times relevantto this action,DEFENDANTS and eachof them, knowingly and intentionallyexposedthe usersand/orhandlersof the PRODUCTSto the LISTED CHEMICALS without first giving a clear andreasonablewarning to suchindividuals. -- -7 42. Individualsusing or handlingthe PRODUCTS are exposedto the J+ISI IzD CHEMICALS in excessof the levelsdeterminedto cause“no observableeffect” or “no significantrisk”, as applicable,within the meaningof H&S Code$25249.1O(c). 43. At all times relevantto this action,DEFENDANTS and eachof them have, in the courseof doingbusiness,failed to provide individualsusingand/orhandlingthe PRODUCTS with a clear andreasonablewarning that the PRODUCTS exposesuch individualsto the LISTED CHEMICALS. 44. The PRODUCTScontinueto be offered for salein California without the requisiteclear andreasonablewarning. _I ---45. The PJwDuCTS are “foods” within the meaningof the ShermanAct. 46. The LISTED CHEMICALS are chemicalsknown to the Stateof California to causecancerand/or reproductivetoxicity and aretherefore“deleterioussubstances”and “unsafe” within the meaningof the ShermanAct. The presenceof the LISTED CHEMICALS in the PRODUCTS rendersthe PRODUCTS “adulteratedfoods” within the meaningof the ShermanAct. 47. Plaintiff is informed andbelievesthat DEFENDANTS’ failure to disclose significanttoxic hazardsasrequiredby law, makesit impossiblefor usersand handlersof the PRODUCTSto readily distinguishthe PRODUCTS which causeexposuresto the LISTED CHEMICALS from the PRODUCTS that do not causeexposuresto the LISTED CHEMICALS. 48. The PRODUCTS areaffirmatively promotedby DEFENDANTS asbeing pure, safeandbeneficialto humanhealth. ., © Prop 65 News. All Rights Reserved. 49. Plaintiff is informed andbelievesthat the following statementson the labelsof the PRODUCTS are fraudulent,unfair, deceptive,untrue and/ormisleadingin light of the fact that the PRODUCTS containthe LISTED CHEMICALS andare thereforeunsafefor men, womenandchildren: a. On the labelof “Nan Baa”: Natural Mix HerbsTea Ingredients:(eachdose)PanaxGinsenglO.6%, Cornu Vervi Parvum 10.8%, Hippocampus11.2%,GelatinaNigra 1lS%, Herba Epimedii 10.6%,Testis et PenisCanitis 13.4%,Testiset PenisEquusasinischinensis6.5%, Radix AngeiicaeSinensis8.5%,Poria 9.4%, Cortex Ciniamomi 7.5%. Caution:for man useonly. Keepthis ,productaway from children. b. On the labelof “Bi Yan Pian”: Proprietaryblend: CockleburFruit (Xanthium sibincum),Magnolia Flower (Magnoliabiondii pamp),Liquorice root (Glycyrrhiza uralensis),Polycodon Root (Platycodongrandiflorum),AngelicaRoot (Angelicadahurica), Schizonepetaherb (Schizonepetae tenuifolia). Other ingredients:starch,FD&C RedNo. 40. SuggestedUse: For Adult 3 to 4 tabletseachtime, 2 times per day asneeded. Precaution:keepthis product away from children. C. On the labelof “Fritillaria Extract”: Proprietaryblend:Fritillary Seed(Fritillaria cirrhosa),Milkwort Root (Polygala tenuifolia), PlatycodonRoot (Platycodongrandiflorum), Orangepeel,Liquorice root. Other ingredients:FD&C Yellow No. 5, starchand sugar Direction: For adults,3 to 6 tabletseachtime, 3 times a daywhen needed. Precaution:keepthis productaway from children. d. On the label of “High StrengthFar Ge Lin”: A Dietary Supplement Natural Herbs © Prop 65 News. All Rights Reserved. Ingredients:PanaxPseudoginseng (tienchi), radix scuttellariae(skullcaproot), Corydalistur (corydalis),Sophorajaponica(pagodatreeflower), FD&C Green No. 3. Directions: For adults,to be taken 3 times a day, 3 tabletseachtime when needed. Precaution:keepthis product away from children. FIRST CAUSE OF ACTION (Violations of Mealth and Safety Code 525249.5, et seq.) 50. Plaintiff reallegesand incorporatesby referenceParagraphs1 through 49, inclusive,as if specificallyset forth herein. 51. On May 19, 1999,June29,200OandApril 12,2001, AYS sent60-Day Notices of Proposition65 violationsto the requisitepublic enforcementagenciesandto DEFENDANTS. Thesenoticeswere issuedpursuantto, and in compliancewith, the requirementsof H&S Code $25249.7(d)andthe statute’simplementingregulationsregarding the notice of the violationsto be givento certainpublic enforcementagenciesandto the violator. The noticesgiven included,l’ntzr&a, the fO~~owiiig iiiformatiori: the name, address, andtelephonenumberof the noticing individual;the nameof the allegedviolator; the statute violated;the approximatetime period during which violationsoccurred;anddescriptionsof the violations,includingthe chemicalsinvolved,the routesof toxic exposure,and the specific productsor type of productscausingthe violations. The nameddefendant(s)andthe CaliforniaAttorney Generalwere providedcopiesof the 60-Day Notice by certified mail. Additionally, the nameddefendantswere provideda copy of a documententitled “The Safe Drinking Water andToxic EnforcementAct of 1986(Proposition65): A Summary,”which is alsoknown asAppendixA to Title 22 of CCR 512903. 52. The appropriatepublic enforcementagencieshavefailed to commenceand diligently prosecutea causeof actionunderH&S Code$25249.5,et seq. against _ DEFENDANTS basedon the allegationsherein. 53. By committing the acts allegedin this Complaint,DEFENDANTS and eachof © Prop 65 News. All Rights Reserved. them, at all times relevant to this action, and continuing through the present, have violated H&S Code $25249.6 by, in the course of doing business, knowingly and intentionally exposing individuals who use or handle the PRODUCTS to the LISTED CHEMICALS, without first providing a clear and reasonable warning to such individuals pursuant to H&S Code $25249.6 and 25249.11 (I). 54. By the above-described acts, DEFENDANTS and each of them are liable, pursuant to H&S Code 525249.7(b), for a civil penalty of up to $2,500 per day for each unlawful exposure to a LISTED CHEMICAL 55. from the PRODUCTS since July 17, 1997. An action for injunctive relief under Proposition 65 is specifically authorized by H&S Code $25249.7(a). 56. Continuing commission by DEFENDANTS, of the acts alleged above will irreparably harm the citizens of the State of California, for which harm they have no plain, speedy, or adequate remedy at law. Wherefore, Plaintiff prays judgment against DEFENDANTS, as set forth hereafter. SECOND CAUSE OF ACTION (Violations of the Unfair Competition Law for Unlawful Business PracticesViolations of Health and Safety Code 825249.5, et seq.) 57. Plaintiff realleges and incorporates by reference Paragraphs 1 through 56, inclusive, as if specifically set forth herein. 58. At all times relevant to this action, by committing the acts alleged in this Complaint, DEFENDANTS have, in the course of doing business, engaged in unlawful business practices constituting unfair competition within the meaning B&P Code § 17200, by violating H&S Code $25249.6 by knowingly and intentionally exposing consumers to the , LISTED CHEMICALS in the PRODUCTS without first providing a clear and reasonable warning. 59. An action for injunctive relief and restitution under the Unfair Competition Law © Prop 65 News. All Rights Reserved. 1 is specifically authorized under B&P Code 6 17203. 2 3 ,4 60. Continuing commission by DEFENDANTS of the acts alleged above will irreparably harm the’citizens of the State of California, for which harm they have no plain, speedy, or adequate remedy at law. 5 6' Wherefore, plaintiff prays judgment against DEFENDANTS, hereafter. 7 THIRD CAUSE OF ACTION (Violations of the Unfair Competition Law for Unlawful Business PracticesViolations of the Sherman Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Law) 8 9 10 61. 13 14 15 16 62. 21 manufacturing, selling, delivering, holding, offering for sale, and/or receiving in commerce the PRODUCTS in violation of the Sherman Act’s prohibition on the manufacture, sale, delivery, holding, offering for sale, and/or receiving in commerce of adulterated foods. 63. An action for injunctive relief and restitution under the Unfair Competition Law is specifically authorized under B&P Code 317203. 64. Continuing commission by DEFENDANTS of the acts alleged above will irreparably harm the citizens of the State of California, for which harm they have no plain, speedy, or adequate remedy at law. 22 23 have, in the course of doing business, engaged in unlawful business practices constituting unfair competition within the meaning of B&P Code $17200, by 19 20 At all times relevant to this action, by committing the acts alleged in this Complaint, DEFENDANTS 17 18 Plaintiff realleges and incorporates by reference Paragraphs 1 through 60, inclusive, as if specifically set forth herein. 11 12 as set forth Wherefore, plaintiff prays judgment against DEFENDANTS, as set forth hereafter. 24 FOURTH CAUSE OF ACTION (Violations of the Unfair Competition Law for Unfair Business Practices) 25 26 65. II Plaintiff realleges and incorporates by reference Paragraphs 1 through 64, AS YOU SOW’S FIRST AMENDED COMPLAIN2 DlIN A 1 TTP FOR INJUNCTIVE ‘2 RELIEF AND CIVIL I © Prop 65 News. All Rights Reserved. inclusive,asif specificallyset forth herein. 66. At all times relevantto this action,by committing the actsallegedin this Complaint,DEFENDANTS have,in the courseof doingbusiness,engagedin unfair business practicesandunfair competitionprohibitedby B&P Code 517200. DEFENDANTS’ unfair actsandpracticesviolate the public policiesof the Stateof California, areunethicaland are inimical to the rights, interest,andgeneralwelfare of the public. Theseactsandpractices include,but arenot limited, to the following: a. exporting,importing, manufacturing,distributing,packaging,marketing and/orsellingthe PRODUCTS without the toxic healthhazardwarnings requiredby California law; b. exporting,importing, manufacturing,distributing,packaging,marketing and/orsellingPRODUCTS,the useand/orhandlingof which resultsin thousandsof exposuresto the LISTED CHEMICALS, thereby increasingthe risk of cancerand/orreproductivetoxicity, to individuals throughoutCalifornia; and, C. failing to disclosesignificanttoxic hazardsas requiredby law, thereby making it impossiblefor consumersof the PRODUCTS to readily distinguishtraditionalpatentmedicinesthat causeexposuresto the LISTED CHEMICALS from traditionalpatentmedicinesthat do not causeexposuresto the LISTED CHEMICALS. 67. An action for injunctiverelief andrestitution underthe Unfair Competition Law is specificallyauthorizedunderB&P Code 817203. 68. Continuingcommissionby DEFENDANTS of the acts allegedabovewill irreparablyharm the citizensof the Stateof California, for which harm they haveno plain, speedy,or adequateremedyat law. Wherefore,Plaintiff praysfor judgment againstDEFENDANTS, as set forth hereafter. © Prop 65 News. All Rights Reserved. FIFTH CAUSE OF ACTION (Violations of the Unfair Competition Law for Fraudulent Business Practices and Unfair, Deceptive, Untrue and Misleading Advertising in Violation of Business & Professions Code @17200and $17500) 69. Plaintiff reallegesandincorporatesby referenceParagraphs1 through 68, inclusive,as if specificallyset forth herein. 70, At all times relevantto this action,by committing the actsallegedin this Complaint,DEFENDANTS have,in the courseof doingbusiness,engagedin fraudulent businessactsandpracticesandunfair, untrueor deceptiveadvertisinglikely to deceivethe public, in violation ofl3&P CodeSections17200and 17500. Tlneseactsand practicesinciude the making of fraudulent,unfair, deceptive,untrue or misleadingrepresentationsregardingthe purity, safety, healthfulnessandcontentsof the PRODUCTSto individualsthroughout California on the packagingof the PRODUCTSand/or in other promotionalmaterials. 71. An action for injunctiverelief andrestitution underthe Unfair CompetitionLaw is specificallyauthorizedunderB&P Code 517203. 72. CGntinuingcmx~ission bj DEFENDANTS of the acts alleged above wiii irreparablyharm the citizensof the Stateof California, for which harmthey haveno plain, speedy,or adequateremedy at law. Wherefore,plaintiff praysjudgment againstDEFENDANTS, as set forth hereafter. THE NEED FOR INJUNCTIVE 73. RELIEF Plaintiff reallegesandincorporatesby referenceParagraphs1 through 72, inclusive,as if specificallyset forth herein. 74. By committing the actsallegedin this Complaint, the DEFENDANTS have causedirreparableharm for which thereis no plain, speedyor adequateremedyat law. In the absenceof equitablerelief, DEFENDANTS will continueto createa substantialrisk of irreparableinjury by: a. continuingto causeconsumersto be involuntarily and unwittingly exposed © Prop 65 News. All Rights Reserved. to the LISTED CHEMICALS throughthe useand/orhandlingof the PRODUCTS; b. causingconsumersto ingestadulteratedfoods containingchemicalsknown to the Stateof Californiato causecancer,and/orbirth defectsor other reproductiveharm; c. preventingconsumersfrom distinguishingproductscontainingLISTED CHEMICALS from productsthat do not containLISTED CHEMICALS; =d 6. makingfraudulent,unfair, deceptive,untrue and/ormisleading representations regardingthe purity, safety,healthfulnessand/or contentsof the PRODUCTS. DEMAND 75. FOR JURY TRIAL Plaintiff demandsajury trial. PRAYER FOR RELIEF Wlnerefore,Plaintiff accordingiyprays for lzhefollowing relief: A. a preliminaryandpermanentinjunction, pursuantto B&P Code 817203,H&S Code $25249.7(b),andH&S Code5111910, enjoiningDEFENDANTS, their agents, employees,assignsandall personsactingin concertor participatingwith DEFENDANTS. from:. (1) exporting,importing, manufacturing,packaging,distributing or sellingthe PRODUCTSin California without first providing a clearand reasonable warningthat the userand/or handlersof the PRODUCTS are exposed, within the meaningof Proposition65, to the LISTED CHEMICALS; (2) exporting,importing, manufacturing,distributing, sellingor advertisingfor sale,PRODUCTS in California that are “adulteratedfoods”; and, (3) making fraudulent,unfair, deceptive,untrue or misleadingrepresentations © Prop 65 News. All Rights Reserved. regardingthe purity, safety,healthfulnessand/orcontentsof the PRODUCTS. B. an assessment of civil penaltiespursuantto H&S Code $25249.7(b),against DEFENDANTS in the amountof $2,500per day for eachviolation of Proposition65 alleged herein; c. restoringto anypersonin interestany lmoneyor property, real or personal, ’ which may havebeenacquiredby DEFENDANTS’ unlawfiil export, import, manufacture, packaging,distribution, marketing,and/orsaleof the PRODUCTS without clearand reasonablewarningsregardingthe risks of cancerandreproductivetoxicity posedby exposure to the LISTED CHEMICALS throughthe useand/orhandlingof the PRODUCTS; by DEFENDANTS’ salesof adulteratedfoodsin violation of the ShermanFood, Drug and CosmeticLaw; by DEFENDANTS’ unfair andfraudulentbusinessactsandpractices,as describedmore fully hereinabove; andby DEFENDANTS’ unfair, deceptive,untrueand/or misleadingadvertising,as describedmore fully hereinabove. D. an a-wardto Plaintiff of its reasonabieattorneysfeesandcostsof suit pursuantto Codeof Civil Procedure51021.5 andH&S Code 5111910, asPlaintiff shall specify in further applicationto the Court; and, E. DATED: suchother andfurther relief as may bejust andproper. RespectfullySubmitted, PUBLIC INTEREST LAWYERS GROUP LAW OFFICESOF ANDREW L. PACKARD Heidi P. Poppe Attorneys for Plaintiff AS YOU SOW © Prop 65 News. All Rights Reserved. Exhibit F © Prop 65 News. All Rights Reserved. SanFmncisco,CA 94102 Tel. (415) 431-2970 Fax. (415) 431-0410 Attorneys for PPtintiE AS YOU SOW AS YOU §OW, a non-p&t corporation, ) © Prop 65 News. All Rights Reserved. 1. I am a~ attorneyduly admittedto practicelaw beforethis Court andaz attomego-i. recordfor Plaintiff -4.5You Sow (“AYS”) in the above-described acticn. The mattersreferredto / Ihereinarebasedupcmmy wm perscnalhowledge and,if calledas a witiess, I cmld andwould 1 jcompetentlytestify therm. I On June5,2GOi, I senta letter giving notice of the ProposedComefit Judgmentiq 2. this matter to the Califotia Attorney Generalasrequiredby Health and SafetyCode $25249,7(f). A true and CT-C+ ., ib Lcopy oftis letter is attachedheretoas Exhibit A. I dechre unde:penaltyof perjury GILI:the fixegoing mattersare true andcorrect. DATED: LAW OFFICESOF ANDREW L. PACKARD By: Hei Attorneys for Plaintiff AS YOU SOW ---_ © Prop 65 News. All Rights Reserved. : I ) -. LAW OFFICES ANDREW SAN -\_ OF L. PACKARD 294 PAGE STREET FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA 94102 PACKARDAL@MINDSPRING.COM TEL: (415)431-2970 FAX:(415) 431-0410 June5,200l EdwardG. Weil, Esq. Deputy Attorney General California Attorney General’sOffice 1515 Clay Street,201hFloor Oakland,CA 94612-1413 Re: Notice To Attorney Generalof Proposition65 Settlement: As You Sow v. Herba Enterprise, et al SanFranciscoSuperiorCourt CaseNo. 313637 Dear Mr. Weil; This firm representsPlaintiff As You Sow (“AYS”) in the above-referencedProposition65 enforcementaction againsttwo retailersof traditional Chinesemedicines. AYS and defendants HerbaEnterprise,Inc. and Kwok ShingImport-Export, Inc, Inc. (collectively “Herba”) have reacheda settlementandhave agreedto the entry of a consentjudgment. Sincethe Attorney Generalhasnot yet adopteda specific form for reportingthe terms of the settlement,a copy of the settlementagreementasto Herba is enclosedherewith, in compliancewith the requirementsof Health & Safety Code$25249.7(f). Under the terms of the settlementagreement,Herbahasagreedto provide clear and reasonablehealthhazardwarningsfor all productscoveredby the agreement.Herba hasalso agreedto provide information regardingthe warning requirementsof Proposition65 to eachof their customerswho repackagethe productsin any fashion. In addition,Herba has agreedto make a restitutionarypaymentin the amountof $60,000to AYS, which AYS shall forward to (a) California non-profit groups,and(b) the AYS Proposition65 EnforcementFundto reduceexposuresto toxic chemicals,andto increaseconsumer,worker andcommunity awarenessof the healthhazardsposed by toxic chemicals. Herba hasagreedto pay $5000in civil penalties.Herba has also agreedto reimburseAYS for its reasonableinvestigative,expert, and legalfeesand costsincurred as a result of investigating,bringing this matter to Herba’ attention, andnegotiatinga settlementin the public interest. Pleasecontactthe undersignedif you haveany questionsor concernsregardingthe foregoingmatters. RezSK Heidi P. Poppe Attorney for-plaintiff As You Sow Enclosures cc: EileenRidley, Counselfor Defendants