Daily Dose of Quality Improvement – Effective quality improvement


Daily Dose of Quality Improvement – Effective quality improvement
Collaboration: Lessons Learned From
Developing an Online Public Health
Learning Network
June 15, 2016
Ilya Plotkin
Public Health Foundation
Washington, DC, USA
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The Beginning: TRAIN (TrainingFinder Real-time Affiliate Integrated Network)
► Launched in 2003
► Initial design and development involved over 40 US states and 400 health
► Built & maintained continuously by partners, funders, and sponsors:
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF)
Public Health Foundation (PHF)
Agencies & organizations part of the TRAIN Learning Network
► 5,800 accounts created
► 20 US states participating
► 1,079 course registrations
► 909 course completions (84%)
2004 – 2010: “TRAIN”
► Average: 57,048 accounts created annually
► Average about 20-22 state partners
► First federal agency joins (2006, Medical Reserve Corps)
► Average: 210,949 course registrations
► Average: 157,702 course completions (74%)
2011 – 2015: “TRAIN Learning Network”
► Average: 126,610 accounts created annually
► Increase to 25 state affiliates
► New federal agencies join (and exit) (CDC, HRSA, VHA)
► Average: 822,674 course registrations
► Average: 665,391 course completions (81%)
Our Network
How big is TRAIN?
► 28 affiliate agencies
► 25 states
► 3 federal agencies
► Over one million health professionals
► Including international learners
► 1,551 learners in Canada
► Thousands of courses from nearly 4,000 providers
What happened?
► Growth!
Major turning points
► Formal governmental participation (2011/2012)
► Utilization of technology
► Modernizing communication channels
► Information sharing
► Community development
Who else does the same job somewhere else?
Content sharing
► Capacity building
► What is eLearning?
How does the TRAIN Learning Network operate today?
► Coordinated
► Led by a national non-profit: Public Health Foundation
► Shared platform and catalog of “national” courses
► Constant communication between agencies/organizations
► Decentralized
► Agencies/organizations manage portals
► Distributed sources of training content
► Is this organization by design or inevitable?
Lessons Learned (Part I)
► Work together
► Focus on the learner (build content)
► Force communication & interaction (until it becomes
► Conduct outreach (content, partners, sectors)
Lessons Learned (Part II)
► Continuously innovate
► Integrate (systems &
► Make it easy
Numbers for Thought
► As of January 1, 2016:
► A health professional registers on TRAIN every 4 minutes
► …and registers for a course every 32 seconds
► …for a total of 5.59 million course registrations
► …and completes a course nearly every 38 seconds
► 79.3% of the time
► …for a total of 4.43 million course completions
► 49.4% of all course completions and 39.2% of all course
registrations are competency-based
► …a competency-based course completion every 63
► A credit unit is earned every minute
Thank you
Ilya Plotkin
Assistant TRAIN Director
Public Health Foundation

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